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"A LIVELY SHAKE." An Earthquake in the Upper Part of the City. UNSTEADY REAL ESTATE. The Shock in Westchester and New Jersey. ALONG THE HUDSON. Experiences of the Tremor in the City and Vioinity. PREVIOUS LOCAL. SHAKES. Od Thursday evening of tuts week, at half-past ten o'clock?an hour early lor the great bulk of busy citizens, but quite late to suburban residents j of the new wards and the neighboring villages there was felt and beard In tbe upper parts of tbe city and tbrougb all the county ol Westchester, j with tbe Jersey Palisades district, along the west ern snore of tbe Hudson in ltockland county, ' and as far north as PeeksklU and east as Greenwich, Conn., a distinct earthquake ! shock. People in bed and asleep were suddenly ; awakened?jumping up startled, confounded and i frightened. They heard, as thev told Herald re porters yesterday, sounds In the night stillness as though a long, heavy railway train bad passed under their houses, from north southwardly, shaking tbe walls, making pictures and mirrors swing frcm their hangings and rattling the tins and dishes in the pantries. For a moment after the vibration, which is variously estimated to have lasted irom three seconds to a minute, all was still as death. Then chickens clapped their wings, cocks crowed, dogs ; hareed ana horses neighed with fright at the | strange experience. The tremor was very dis- I tlnct and startling at Washington Heights. At | Harlem only lew noticed it. In Dergen j Heights it wakened light sleepers, ana through all Westchester It seems to have bad con siderable lorce, so as in some cases to have thrown down stoves and furniture, crack ceilings, and make chandeliers swing and dishes jingle on pan try shelves. People thought it duo to some local cause, guessed it was a powder, or gas or steam explosion, till, on comparing notes yesterday i morning, they found (rom its extent that they had felt what, in other parts of tbe world, is dreaded ; as a plague. THE SHOCK AT WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. A gentleman who resides in a romantic region of tbe Heights thus describes bis experiences ol 1 the shock:?1 was leaving my library about twenty-minutes past ten o'clock, having finished Bome memoirs I had been preparing for some time past,'when, just as I was turning the handle of the door?having previously extin guished tbe light?I was suddenly startled by a strange and undeilnable sound. 1 did not opeu tbe door, being almost ppelibound, lor 1 had never heard anything to resemble the peculiar and unearthly noise which grated on my ears. In a twinkling I lighted my lamp, and, drawing aside the curtains, peered through tbe window into the lawn only to see gloom and darkness, which, doubtless, seemed intensified by the awml rumbling, wiilch now souuded like a lightning train ruuuiug tbrougb a tunnel under my house, Por a lew moments I was perlectly thunderstruck, and, hastily closing the curtains, was about to rnsh I know not where, when In came rushing tue members of my lamily seemingly petrified with fright. Mind, all this happened in much less time than I have taken to tell it. And now with the intention of calming the dread ful apprehensions which bad taken possession of my relatives and iriends, 1 ventured tbe opinion, with apparent indifference, that the sound must have proceeded from tbe passing of an express train on the Hudson River Railroad, but 1 had lived too loos tn the neighborhood and had become too lamlliar with the which a locomotive and a train of cars generally make, to know that the drcadiul rambling, which, by the way, did not last longer than thirty or forty seconds, was produced by other causes. I quieted my family as best 1 could, and, after repeated assurances tlut there was uotning wrong, induced them to retire. I subsequently visited my outhouses, and in going through the stables found the horses all standing and by no means in a calm tempera ment. They had evidently been aroused, and seemed to be much disturbed. Although the sound was almost indescribable I cer tainly never heard anything so distinct. At first it resembled the sound generally produced by a team of horses trotting over frozen snow, then suddenly swelling forth, It resembled a peal or thunder, finally culminating in something like the roll of a thousand drums tn the march of the God of Battle. Nobody was hurt, however. In my im mediate vicinity, nor was any damage done to buildings in the neighboring, but oncoming to town on the morning train I lound that the pro minent topic of conversation was the shock of the night betore. 1 understand it was beard with more distinctness tn other parts of the county, but 1 have not heard that any catastrophe has oc curred In consequence. As the sound died away It resembled the passage ot a train rushing across a distant bridge. From the various statements I have heard I am inclined to believe tliut the sound heard throughout the couuty was produced by an earthquaKe. Tradition gives no account of any similar disturbance in this part,of the State; but wonders, you know, occur all the time. Much consternation was caused at Spuyten Duyvil, and in several houses lmhts were kept burning nearly all night in anticipation of a re newal of the shock. A MERCHANT TELLS THE STORY. Mr. E. L. Hyatt, a carpet dealer, in Canal street, Who lives at Fort Washington, heard what he sua p?sed to be a thunderclap, ana thought it was a natural resnlt of the storm which had been on since the night before, lie was dozing at the time, and paid no particular attention to it. When he went down stairs, however, he was sur prised at bearing from his family that the house had been considerably shaken, and they bad all expenenced a sort oi rocking sensation, which astonished them. They had run to the windows and opened them, but heard nothing lurther. Movable oojccts in the house bad rattled perceptibly and the family bad been to some extent alarmed. He quieted their fears by teiting them it was nothing more than a clap of thunder. A servant in the house had been so seared that she ruined out into the grounds adjoining and could hardly be induced to resume her work. She thought that it was some thing more than a mere thunderclap, and ?aid It was prolonged to a great extent. Mr. Hyatt could not be induced to believe that it was really an earthquake, but told a reporter or the Uirald that he still believed it was a simple thunderclap, which had been more than ordinarily strong, lie was led. to this belief Irom the fact that the night before be had noticed signs of a coming storm and thought this was the result of It. Everybody in his neighborhood, how ever, insisted that an earthquake had visited the place and were all seared, more or less. His house bad aot been damaged as reported. Everything was left in its place and nothing broken. From all be bad heard, however, he bad been visited more lightly than anyone in the neighborhood. He did not think it impossible that It might have been an earthquake, but was still disposed to think it was something else. Blastings had been going on for some time, day and night, In the new Bergen Hill Tunnel, very nearly opposite his place, and he considered that an unusual blast might possmiy have exolted the commotion described uj sviae. The blast* were ataicd to tie at an times veif strong, and be bad often beard them across the river. Aa tbe earthquake was stated to bave been mora strongly felt on tbe otber side of tbe river be thought It not at all Im possible that the real cause of the supposed earth quake was a blast of unusual strength. ANOTHER ACCOCKT nun WASHINGTON HEIGHTS* Mr. Rtgnal T. Woodward, who Uvea on Washing ton Heights and does business in Worth street, states tbat be distinctly .-card tbe earthquake and felt IV. lie was at drat duposed to believe he heard thunder in the iar distance, bnt when the shock became so prolonged be instinctively knew tbat be was experiencing an earthquake and that he was in personal danger. He, however, was im mediately conscious that no action was necessary or of use and remained passive while the rumbling sound went on aud the rocking decreased in strength and intensity. That it was an earthquake, Mr. Woodward has not the slightest particle ol doubt, aud no oue who was awake .could fall to perceive It. The noise and tbe sen sation o( rocking were both distinctly perceptible, aud no clap ol thunder ever either felt Uke it or sounded in a similar manner. A SOUTH AMERICAN TEST1FIB3. Mr. Suppartes, a resident of Washington Heights, pronounced it to be unquestionably an earth quake, though not of the severest kind. It was accompanied by rocking and rumbling, and this lu earthquake countries was always taken to oe a serious sign. He hao lived In ,-iouth America in au earthquake country (or many years aud he was perlectly lamiliar with the phenomena of earthquakes, and his opinion was,jtuerefore, en titled co more than usual weight. He became con scious ol tne fact that an earthquake had hap pened immediately upon feeling the peculiar mo tion of the earth under his feet. Tins was succeeded by tne noi*e, which was separate aud disnnct from tbe quaking, one succeeding the other, however, at almost an instant's interval. Tbe noise In this case was more perceptible than the motion, whicn was contrary to the rule In South America, where the motion was the most serious feature of tne earthquake. He believed, however, tbat a slight degree of increase In the force would have been sufficient to have damaged property. A moment before the time the air was perfectly quiet and the siorm was clearing up. It was stmuly impossible tbat a thunderclap should have happened in tbe midst of tliis peace in tue air. The noise and morion were subterranean. ALONG THE llARLEM ROAD. Along the Harlem road the excitement was In tense resterday, and the great theiue ot discus sion seemed to be the question whether it was an earthquake or au explosion which hud created such great alarm on tbe previous night. Or course, tnere were no two persons wno agreed as to the duration of the shock, while some were in clined to the opinion that it must have been au earthquake ; others felt certain that it must have been an explosion 01 nitro-glycerlne, or powder, or some otber explosive material of the kind. Painful rumors were also current all day tbat all sorts of explosions hud occurred. One man lelt sure there had beeu an explosion at Haverstraw, tbe sound 01 whicn had awakened the sleepers on Thursday night; the other felt positive that 11 was at Port chester where tne leanui calamity had oocurred. the tnird had quite a different theory to explain tins mysterious shock, aud it was very difficult to come to any definite conclusion. However, as the day wore on and there came no news of any explo sion the conviction gained ground that it must have oeeu an earthquake and nothing else. In quiries elicited the tact that the shock was heard almost au the way from Tremont to Pawllug. AT FOHDHAM there seemed to be scarcely anybody who had felt It. At almost all the other way stations between Tremont and Pawling, at Williamsbrldge, West Mount Vernon, Brownvllle, Tuckahoe, Scarsdale, Hartsdale, While Plains, Kensico, Pleasantville, Chappaquu, tne hoiu? ol Horace Greeley; Mount Kisco, Katouah, Ac., tbe shock was heard distinctly. Most violent it seems to have been at West Mount Vernon, White Plains, Keusico, Mount Kisco aud Katonah. AT WHITE PLAINS there was a marriage least going on when the dun thud was heard, aud tbe consternation which en sued cuQ easily be Imagined. At first the bridal party thought that a cannon had been discharged In their honor, but when this assumption proved to be erroneous, everybody rusled into tne street to sec What was the mat ter. "It's an explosion!" "It's thunoerl" "It's an earthquake!" These were the wild exclama tions waieh burst from the Hps of tbe frightened revellers. Subsequently, wuen tlie first excite ment had subsided, they ail laughed at this unex pected intermezzo auu returued to their enjoy uieuts. THROWN OCT OP BED. The road master, Mr. Eggleston, was awakened by the report, and thought at first that the loco motive iu the engine bouse, near by, must have exploded. It was also stated yesterday that Mr. Kggleston was thrown out of bed oy the BUock, but as lie could not be found yesterday this asser tion could not be verified. Another state ment was to the effect that the rector of the Episcopal church in White Plains was roused by tbe shock, and lound that his boh had fallen out 01 bed. Bimilar accidents must have occurred to otbers if popular report is to be credited. Mr. John L. ScbiUcman, who lives near Broad way in White Piaius, thought the shock proceeded from west to east. He was up at the time, and, as he was not easily frightened, he re trained iroin making a disturbance. It sounded to htm "like the rumbling of a very heavy wagon on rough ground, only very much stronger, 01 course. His house snook, his wiuiiows rattled, aud Mr. Schulemen fiist inclined to the belief that it was an explosion. However, subsequently he made up nls mind tbat It was not au explosiou, but au earthquake. A GOOD SHAKING IN BHD. One or tlie conductors or the Harlem Hallway, Jamieson, wno spent Thursday night At the Oiu wamiium Uotel, at White Plums, savs that be was id bed at the time, but was roused bv the shock. It shook his bed vio lently, until he made up his mind that the bed was no longer a sale resting place. He got up. and so violent was the tremor that he ex pected every moment to see tlie coimney topple over. He dressed himself In the greatest hurry, but by the time he had finished hla toilet the great cannonade from below was over. It sounded very much like the first report of an explosion and then died away slowly, "like the rumbling ot thunder." In his judgment It must nave lasted three-quarters of a minute. Mr. Stephen o. Albro. who lives In Broadway, White Plains, says that he began to appreciate the uncertainty or real estate when, at hall-past ten on Thursday night, his house began to shake to Its very foundations. His lamps rattled tre mendously and his crockery began to caper about. Ho thought the suock lasted tully one minute. A CRACKED CEIL1NM. At Patrick Farreil's house, In White Plains, the efleets ol the shock are yet visible In a tremen dous crac-k in the ceiling or a room on the second story, The house is a two story irame building, and Mr. Farrell was in mortal rear or seeing it tumble to pieces that very night. However, the crack in the ceiling is th only damage he sus tained, with the exception or the "scare," and that was probably worse than the crack. His next-door neighbor was read lug, when the lauip on the table began to manliest a remarkable inclination to dance all by ltscli. This rather alarmed him, as he is no spiritualist and did not think that u was a spook. He describes the sound as a double exolosion, the second report being lighter than the first, and as ! a continuous low rumbling like "the rolling or a heavy cart over a rough road," and he estimates its duration at hair a minute. Hudson, the watchmau at the Court Honse at White Plains, came running out or it in breathless haste, declaring that the Court House was threat ening to tumble down, it shook so fearfully. Here, in front ol the court House, the scene was one or great excitement. Eve witnesses say that the men came rushing out en adshabllte from the neighboring hotels, and that many seemed to be ; absolutely terrified by the earthquake. AT HARRISON the shock was also plainly felt. Mr. Charles N. I Booth, an intelligent gentleman, who lives on the Old Portch'ester road, was in bed and just in that sweet doze that precedes sleep, wheu he was rudely awakened by the rumbling grumble of the earth. He got up to see if his aged and leeble mother-in-law was periectly saie, and as he walked across the floor it trembled plainly under nis leet. * The windows shook violently, and the very ornaments on the mantel piece struck up a lively rattle. His wife was so frightened that she felt quite laint and 111 after the shock hud subsided. He thought the sound trav elled irom west to cast, and his first impresaluu was that it was caused by an exoloslon like the last glycerine explosion at Yonker's. Another resident of Harrison says that the shock seemed to come irom the north; that it awakened the sleepers, made the dogs baru and Irlgtitened the very chickens, so that they flapped their wutas. Mr. F. A. Abbott's house was shaken to its foundation, and the chandeliers, windows, Ac., vibrated perceptibly. Several of the lamliy were up reading and sewing and were greatly startled by the shock, which seemed 'like a bolt of low, rumbling thunaer." Strange 10 say, many of the neighbors heard nothing of it, probably because it travelled in a particular line. AT WILMAXSBRTOOK a Herman described the report as being exactly like the shocks ol earthquake which lie had ex perienced in Italy and Switzerland. Ho enter tained great iear that hia house womu topple over, aud the terror of the women and children was quite generally noticed. At Katonah several window glasses were smashed in Green's Uotel, and tlie barkeeper ionnd in the morning all his wine glasses upset. At Mount Klsco Mr. Milier, who resides on Maple avenue, said his windows began to rattle all of a sudden, his stove to atiake, and his wile was "frightened to death." The sound seemed to him to travel in a aontheaeteriy direc tion. He thought that it must nave been terrible, for the dogs?who generally did not bark at the tnleves?set up a doleful yelling. At Greenburg Mr. George R. Hopkins stated that he thought his chlmncy was coming down to pay him a little visit, and everything In the room, down to the matchbox, seemed to have a dancing fit, For hall a minute he and hl? wife were almost para lyzed with icar. >t Mr. David Verplanck's honse, in (ir?enouru, the kettle was broken and the siove upset. AT HorXT Hi SCO. Nr. 3. W. Griffith, who resides in Main street, said the vibration of the earth wu so severe that the dishes rattled in tola closet* and 1,10 Jadiea were so frightened that they jumped out oH?*; | Tne sound was like that of a "Uead. dull ttiu<l and "as though the earth had opened." He never bad heard anything like thiB terriflc shock ini his life. At West Mount \ernou a German told a rather lunny story. He said he was up s?alr* at tne time, and ran down stairs to see what was the ma tier. Bis wife, who was down stairs, rau up stairs, and they met on tne stair a | and looked at one another, and. seeing that they were both safe and souud, "tney embraced one another" affectionately and thanked God for this wonderful delivery." j ALONO THB HUDSON RIVER. I In the various towns and villages .ilong the west shore of tne Hudson Kiver the buoc* was remark ably distinct, and In addition to Pronauc'n* many instances gastric disturbance similar to that caused by the rolling ol a ship, It left unmistakable evidences of tne fact that "things under the earth are In a decidedly unsettled condition. Nearly all agree that the subterranean disturbance purred about a quarter-past ten, or from that to naif past ten o'clock. U is described by Mveral with whom the writer conversed as at first resem blng a terriflc explosion. Immediately suc ceeded by a loud rumbling noise and , a irenera! shaking of the eartn, which | caused houses to vibrate like ??i$" i atoning general consternation among the Pe?P'?; munv of whom were already in bed, while many , others were In the act of retiring ior tlie n|8ht Not a few, especially tuose 01 the 'emale sex, were so terrlfled that they sat up allj?.e belief that the world was really coming to an end. POLICE Oltl'KRED OCT. I At Tonkers the earthquake was observed about tweutv minutes punt ten, and was lelt in nearly eTery portion ol mat city. Sergeant Austin was ?n command at Police Headquarters when the ominous noise commenced, ana ne, believing that anew outiding ?0*.^?ln^nVtantiy immediately In the rear had fallen, instant y ordered the reserve platoon to be called up. By , the time the men had thrown on their coats an 1 were standtng In iront ol the desk awaiting orders however, tne Indications of 'nipend ?ng disaster had totally disappeared. One of the mounted patrol, while In the e. treme northerly portion of the citv, jelt the rocking of the earth, which appearedtoierrtfyhis horse to such an extent as to rendei the beast unmanageable for some minutes. A larsre number of people who had been witnessing a dramatic per formance at Hud ford Hall were In tne act oMeav InK the building wi.en the unaccountable shaking i took Place" and the beliei that the hall was about to tumble down caused tne crowd to make a pre- 1 cfnitate exit. A most Intelligent lady residing in Vineyard avenue, and who requested that her name might be omitted, in a conversation with the writer yesterday afternoon* saidI re re a about ten o'clock last night, and in a short time aiterward I heard what 1 at flrst thought was A DREADFUL EXPLOSION. A rumpling noise Immediately lollowed, the bed shook violently, aud the house vibrated as though a railroad train was passing near or over it. 1 could not account lor it, and now can only compare it to earthquake shocks which 1 have feU m Europe, and especially In Melbourne Australia, where we were residing In 1855. There as you will perhaps recollect, several houses at Sandridge, near Melbourne, were rocked ironi their loundations, causing loss 01 life, tne shipping in the port 01 Melbourne was also very much damaged, and captaius arriving there after ward reported that the shock had been distinctly felt at sea. I was not only dreadfully frightened last night, but I also "r.'TffZ'S... ? Vomer,. that'he "heard and felt the earthquake most per ceptibly. It seemed to be from north to south, and was so remaritably strong that tho earth shook vtsfbly lor a considerable space of time. It was like a prolonged thunderclap underneath tho earth? and rumbled off, loslrnr itseli apparently in the lar distance. It was easily tintrulshable from thunder overhead, in fact there could be no mistaking one irom the other, and ills impression that it was an earthquake was immediate aud terrifying, for the earth moved per cBotiblv under foot, so that walking was a m.itter uf difficulty and a sensation 01 uncertainty ac companied it. The impression was general that the commotion was occasioned by an earthquake. Everybody in Yonkers, he says, iclt It, ana the place was shaken very considera bly go much so that windows were heard to rattle, dishes to move, and some ol the residents of tho houses stSd that they felt the edlflces in which thev were change place very perceptibly. TUMBL1NU REAL ESTATE. . The residents of Hlverdale also lelt the shake of real estate, which one gentleman 8|V? K|"JI niiuut fifteen seconds. At flrst the sound resenibled that caused by a heavy wagon going over frozen nroumf. Another gentleman said it appeared as though the rool 01 Lis house was Sailing, tue crash belnir not unlike a nitro-glycerine explosion, ihe occupants 01 every house in the vicinity were thoroughly alarmed at tne strange ana unusual oc curence. TERROR IN HASTINGS. Tt would be iiupossioiG to iully portray tne but nrise Zl tenor of the people living at Hastings when the alarming crash was heard in that vil lage. It was at first thought that the lurge sugar reflnlnir house ol Messrs. Hopke A to. had been demolished by an explosion of some sort, and in this belief scores of the inhabitants rushed mto tne Htrcets clad in their nlgntgarments, many ol them carrying Hghted lamps to am them in ascertaining the character and extent ol the supposed disas ter The siiocfc at tins place tnreur down a part of a loose stone wall on the premises 01 a gentleman named Thomas. BELLS BrNO. At Dob^'s Ferry (or Greouburg) the subterra nean commotion was also palniully perceptible. Many of the houses were violently shaken, the force being so great as to ring the bells in tue resi dence of Mr D 0. Bradley, causing great conster nation to the startled Inmates, The people of lrvington were also startled by the shook, which rocked the houses ol both rlcu and poor, creating almost a panic in that portion of the village contiguous to the Hudson River Ka'lroad. several bricks of a chimney on the residence of Mr. Alexander caldcr were displaced and thrown down the Uuo by tne vibration of the house. TARRYTOWN TRBMBLTNO. At Tarrytown the earthquake wus, perhaps, more distinctly lelt than at any other place ou ihe Hudson IUver. A gentleman named Kendall re siding there says that the commotion seemed to run irom northeast to southwest, followed by a current ol warm air. Mr. Frank Vincent, who re sides on a beautiful plate.iu overlooking the Hud sou River, says that he had Just retired when he heard a terrific noise, which lie at first thought was a collision of trains on the railroad and a consequent explosion of boilers. The house vibrated to such an extent as to move a clock on a mantelpiece in one of the servants' rooms. John Knapp, a guard in toe employ of the Hudson River Raflrutul Company, says:?"I got to bed at a little before ten o'clock, and had just dozed off when I was awakened by the shock. 1 thought the whole house was moving bodily, as though it was rolling over something; In ^another second there was a different motion, as \ though both sides of the house were caving In. My wile wai Beared and sprung out of bed, saying, 'WHAT'S Til at V I said, 'Why, the chimney must have fallen across the house.' and the next thing i said, ?! | suppose oneof our locomotives has exploded;1 the j concussion lasted five or six seconds." In college ! avenue the shock was also experienced. One man I said it sounded at first as tnougli men were drug ging a heavy box over bare boards, una | then the plates and dishes commenced to rattle, i until he thought the whole nousp was coming down about his ears. In the oouse 01 P. H. Wal- j cott, at North Tarr.vtown, the earthquake awoke him, he at first thinking that some person was drawing tne stove across the floor. The water in j the little urn on top ol the stove was thrown out by the vibration, wnich also cansed the windows : to rattle. COMMOTION IN 8INO SING. At Sing Sing ihe people thouulit that "Wes" | Allen, a convict, had at last put hts threat ol blow ing up the prison with nltro-giycerine Into execu- ; tlon, and some of the citizens commenced to arm , themselves, preparatory to a general exodus of the Jailbirds. The shock was also felt at Peeks- | kill, wuere It was accompanied by a general shaking of houses, bat, beyond alarming the peo ple generally, no damage is reported. A WHOLE TOWN TURNING OCT. j At Mount Vernon, when the shock was felt, the | Inhabitants believed thai burglais had effected an . entrance into the bank and exploited the sale. ' Mr. John Berry, a prominent merchant of that ; place, says that the noise resembled that, made by ! a train 01 cars running over toe tops of the nouses*. He aiso says the whole town turned out, not knowing what had taken place. At one oi the hotels some of the occupants were THROWN OUT OK THEIR BBDS by the concussion, which no alarmed the pro prietor that he sounded a general police alarm, which had the effect of speedily collecting tuo whole lorce of nlirht watchmen, together with hunureds of citizens, around tne only bauking es tablishment in tne village. The shock was also perceptible at Eastehester, near tne margin or Long Island Sound. A gentlemiin living here describes the earthquake as a rumbling noise, j similar to that made by a heavy vehicle being i drawn over the piazza of his residence. The | noise, wnich at first appeared like an explosion, continued lor several seconds. The earthquake visited Kordham also, whero a general snaking of dwellings caused no little amount ol alarm among the Twenty-fourth ward ers. At the residence ol (nr. John B. Uaskin one of the inmates, a young gentleman, was thrown out of bed by tne concussion, while articles of bijouterie resting on the dressing cases were scat tered upon the floor by the shock. WOMEN FKIOnTKNRD. At OTW Rochelie the shock was, as some of the Inhabitants expressed It, very great, though many of them declared they had not felt It. In an interview with some of the townspeople tne Hbrald reporter learnod that no damage to property had occurred beyond the break ing oil a large amount of crockery and glass waro. The shock, however, pro duced a "kind of a sort or nervous feeling," as one old gentleman called it, among the women folk that they will not soon get over. In the town of Mamaroneck, distant three and a hair miles from New Hochelle, the shock was also alarming. One of the townspeople, and, by the way, qujte a character, by name Peter S. Kweli, color dot p brunette, guld< .1 tho Ukrai.d representative through lahyrtuthlan mares or mud to the end he might And so no one intelligent enough to give a definite Idea of wont ad actually occurred. Peter's story, however, is about m clear aud dm tloct m any or the frightened people coald give, ami in to the effect that he was sound asleep when he wan awakened by a great noise, and, not know tag what to make of it, he called up his wile and asked her what she supposed was t:ie matter with tue house, as lt?teeuied to have the St. Vitus dance. About the time Mrs. I'eter opened Iter eyes a second shock came, and thai food soul said it must be a heavy irelght train broke loose; but lust then a crash 01 crockery came, and Pater, aa ; lie said, knew trie Lord was in the wind. After ? Rome conversation be admitted that be was tormeriy a school teacher In the col ored school in Muiberrv street. New York, and had a great loudness lor astronomy. He said he was a great student of the Hkkald and felt mucu interest in the transit of Venus; ho much so that ne hud bought ail of the cuts and maps that would In the least give him light on the subject, and now he wanted to be en lightened on the subject of tins to aim. new phe nomena. His interlocutor could only subtest to him the ul?>a that Veuus had gotten out of the regular path of her transit and carromed ou ins house. The astronomer stood amazed lor a moment at the idea, but ' fluaily accented it, remarking as he walked off, | "That it was wonderiui what tue Almighty could do when We tried." THE SHAKE ON THE WIRES. At the railway station people wito did not un derstand the situation had conflrregrated lor in formation, and it was vouchsafed them by the rosy cheeked lass wlo offici ates in the telegraph ottlce attached to the station. Her statement was to the effect that tne battery In her office was heavily surcharged, and that it exploded during the nifeht and ex pended its force in breaking the neighbors' dishes. She found her office in contusion in the morning, and could accouut (or it in no other way. Little credence, however, was given to the story, Lut wnen an old gentleman who stared tiiat be was an old traveller, begau to relate his adventures, every ear whs opened to him; and ] when, in conclusion, be remarked that U wan his opinion that an eruption tiad taken place in South America, aud that it was so great as to disturb i that part of the dirt upon winch we tread, he was ; at once set down for a learned man and His story i believed. The shock was felt for several miles up the ! county irom Mamaroneck and the homes in some instancee were terribly shaken aud the mhabi- , tants badly frightened; but there was uo damage 1 to property done On the trains passing through the shaken county the earthquake was the sole i topic o? conversation. Many believed in Its ex- i istence aud seeuied inclined to the opinion that the end was not yet. Those, however, whd did | not leel the shock concluded that It was either a big sell or a lanciful idea in the brains of those ; who pro:essed to have been alarmed i>y it. i THK SHOCK IN HOOKLAND COUNTY. In the populous village of N.?ack, dockland county, on the west bank ot tue Hudson, the earthquake was perceptibly felt, shortly before ten o'clock, on Thursday evening. Tne earth shook aud heaved in a manner never beioro known to the oldest inhabitants, cMKiug houses to rock on their lonndauous. displacing ceilings and breaking crockery and glassware in several Instances. Tne terrified people rushed into the streets iu large numbers, many ol them dressed only in their night clothing, ail of them painfully apprehensive of some awiul impending calamity. At Kockland Lake, Plermont and other portions of the couuty the same alarming shock was expe rienced. At the latter place a wealthy gentleman was In bed at the time the shock was telt and described it as something well calculated to disturb the nervous system of the most stolid Indi vidual. He savs he has experienced earthquakes in the West Indies, and is therefore positive that the shock leit in his section on Thursday night i was nothing more nor less than a genuine earth quake. He left i-iermont at an early hour yester day morning, consequently had no opportunity of , compa ing notes with his neighbors; but he Ib confident no damage was done to buildings or ; property of any kind. j ON THE PALISADES. The night was not dark. It was cloudy all ! around; but here and there long rifts told, if not of a bright moon, at least of a goodly starlight out ! behind. The wind. If there was any, had died away. Suddenly there was a low rumble, so i gentle and steady that one hardy noticed ) it. Then it quickened a little, and, getting | louder and yet louder, startled the tired wife, ; who slept over her sewing. "What's that?" as | she rises suddenly. "What's that? Why, what is it? Why, it's au earthquake I" "Oh, no," re | sponded the husband, "it's only Kitty moving her bed across the floor." They step Into the ha;l to | t he loot of the stairs and ask. "Kitty, did you 1 move your bed then?" "No, sir; I was on my knees 8AYINO MY PRAYERS, and the house snook under me!" They were sobered, for tho wife was positive the house shook, ; and he was, too. lor that matter. What iu the 1 world was it? Lighting a lantern and catching up a revolver he went down stairs and through Irom room to room. What good was th ? revolver? To snoot an earthquake? Well, he didn't yet know, but the neighborhood had been much burglarized, lie went over the house and cellar; all was Be | cure. Still, not such a great while ago a nelgu 1 bor's house, in which three men lay Sleeping, was I entered, a heavy iron sale wheeled noiselessly oat | and down the road ;tlmost a hundred yards, I and "cracked." ^arly in the evening he had ! seen a low fire smouldering In a neighbor ing field. Was this some new concoction of I the devilish villains ? He goes out and around the house. There is nothing strange. The nlgnt is yet still and not dark. Tne brigat city lights In the southeast, and here and there in some upper window on the Palisades side, or far off In the valley a small gas Jet or smaller night glim, aud the dim outlines of the houses and lawns?these nil look natural enough. Ho guesses it isn't much, and goes In und up to bis room. The Bally heelan maid had donned her gown and was there 1 with the wife, both demanding an explanation, 1 and evidently not to be trifled with. He went at j it as well as he could. It must have been one ol ! the powder houses down uuder tue bluff. It must 1 have blown up and SHOOK THE OLD PAI.I8ADES I rock in this fashion- That's what it wast" "No, It wasn't; It was an earthquake: I'm sure of it I" ! said the wife. "Well, may be so;" he was not t much up on earthquakes, and dldu't know, "it j | isn't much of an earthquake, anyhow, for it didn't ! smash any crockery." he persisted. "Well, n shook the nouse, au.vway, for 1 could feel my bed shake I" "And so could I," chimed in Ballyheelun. At last they quieted and went off to sleep. He had palled oat bis watch within a minute after the noise , and noted the hour?twentv-thrde minutes past ten. As nearly as he could Judge the rumbling , haa lasted about three seconds, and was loudest at the last. AT TEN A FLY. ; The Inhabitants of Tenany at twenty-six mlnntes past ten, were startled by a violent vibration of 1 their dwellings, accompanied by a rumbling noise, like that ot a massive wan falling to tho ground. The windows and crockery rattled, and the occu pants ran in various directions . to 6ee what por tions had suddenly fallen. There was no oscillation or swnylng. The vibration lasted live seconds. Perfect silence succeeded the shock for a minute, when the dogs bet/an barking violently. The evening was calm and dark. PREVIOUS LOCAL EARTHQUAKES. Though far awar irom volcanoes, and In the sober temperate zone, New York and her neigh bornood Is not wholly deprived of the peculiar sensation by which an earthquake demonstrates the lack ot absolute stability even in real estate. I This locality can boast of no houses thrown down or cities destroyed by terrestrial tremor, but her I history has yet its positive record of several shakes within the period since the acquisition of California. it might be suggested that we had taken her tendency to up- i heaval when we conquered our entire Republic 01 Mexico, and that we did not entirely surrender that when the forces of General Scott lelt her ? scorching plains. More likely, however, carth quaKes have happened here beiore the era of the Shaw press and the lightning telegraph. A shock was felt In New York city on the 8th ol September, I 1348, which, though distinct, did uo lurther damage I than to crack a lew walls and nauseate some sicKly stomachs. Northern Now York felt a little | quake on the 18th of March, 1853. At buffalo and some other places a shock was felt ! October 23, 1857. New England was shaken In ] quite a lively manner October 2J, 1869. on Satur day evenlug, June 26, 1870, alter a mild day, the thermometor rose suddenly. Presently a low rumbling noise was heard, like a heavy distant blast; houses trembled and windows rattled in all the eastern part ol tho city, below Fourteenth street. People thought a gas house had blown up or some snch accident had occurred. It was a genuine eartnquake. though in very contlned space. Next morning, about seven o'clock, a similar shock wus felt In Brooklyn. The whole region from Cleveland to New York, Montreal and Itangor was quite thoroughly shaken October 20, 1870. The tremor seemed to progress from south to north, according to the majority of the reports, though some observers thought It had its motion In the opposite direction. In this city furniture was upset by the shock and solid brick buildings tottered as though they might fall. Long and Htaten islands ana New Jersey had a similar ex perience. On the 19th of June, 1871, the farmers heard the sound as of heavy trains of wagons driven rapidly over cobble pavement, and their houses were violently tmaken. in some places breaking china and glass ware. Westchester, Long Island, Connecticut and Maine had another shake, with a northward current, July 11, 1872. So late as November 25, Essex county. Massa chusetts, had Its shake, perhaps the response of Mother Earth to the late political convulsion. A Stone Mansion Trembling Liike a bkonxvillb, Westchester county, Dec. 11,1874, To the Editor of tbi Herald:? Last night, abont half-past ten o'clock, after we had jnst retired to bed, we were suddenly startled by a heavy shock of an earthquake, which'shook our substantial stone mansion to its very founda tion. The shock lasted about twenty seconds, during which time we distinctly felt the vibration. My house, perhaps one of the most substantial structures In Westchester county, and which withstood, with tho greatest ease, the tremendous shock oi a thunderbolt, I which struck its whole front during a thunder i stonn last summer, was Inst night trenibllns like ! an oak loaf, creating a general rattling of crock I cry, stoves and other w <vai>:e objects. It I ca ne liko a flash of lightning, wuUou any premonition. The noise It produced was ol a very peculiar nature and very difficult to describ*. To me it seemed as if some person above our room wan trying to play carrousel with the bedstead, table and chairs. This lasted about ten seconds. Tneu utt of a sudden U seemed to Jump below our room, and then followed the unearthly, underground ruinbdng souud pecu liar to earthquakes, gradually f.idiug away until it appeared like very distant thunder. The whole phenomenon lasted about twenty seconds. The oscillation seemed to travel lrom north to south. Everybody in onr bouse leit the same effect, some becoming greatly (lightened, particularly our cook. Marv Noonan. who thought "the last day or Jlngment had cum." Although I liuvo not yet been out of my room this morning I have learned that the eflect ol the earthquake was leit to that e.ueut all over Bronxvil.e. In one of my neighoors' houses (Mr. bterllug) the shock was so severe that the tea kettle came tumbling down the stove, to the irreat consternation ol the Inmates 01 the room, and 1 also understand that the leuce enclosing tne premises of l)r. smith and Mr. Bacon has been somewhat damaged. Await ing lurtuer developments through your valuable Journal, 1 remain, yours verv respectmllv, _____ UE0K0ti_F. MKYER. COMMEECE AND 1 MIGRATION. Report of the National Durean of Sta tistics?Our Trade with Canada?How We Supply ller with Her Export* for Europe?The Emigration Current?De fects In the Law of Customs. Washington, Dec. ll, 1874. The report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statis tics has the following table, containing a com parative statement of immigration by countries ethnologlcally grouped (or the lour fiscal years, from July 1, 1870, to Jane 30, 1874:? Countries Ethnnlogirullu Yeur tnded .Tunt SO??> GrovpslL 18/L 187.2. 1873. 1874. England, Scotland, Wales. "88,455 84.-94 8.?.4S3 81,999 Ireland 67.139 68 732 77,141 53,707 Teutonic: Oermany, Aus tria, Netherlands 88,431 147.200 159.247 97,623 Scandinavian: Sweden, Norway, Denmark 22,132 28,575 35,481 19,178 Latin: Belgium. Switzer land, Prance, Italy, Spain. Portugal 9,h:<3 18,880 28.3?1 21,"94 Sclavonic: Kussia, Poland 1.218 2,641 4,898 5.75) China 7,135 7./8S 20,292 13,776 British North American province* 47,082 40,176 37,871 32.960 Sniinlsh and Portuguese Colonies: Mexico, South America, Cuba. Porto Rico 1,218 1.500 1,760 1,5"6 All other countries 1.417 4. i40 5,067 6.111 Total immigrants 321.3)0 4t>4.soa 459,803 313,339 * 16.042 ol thin number were reported as lrom "ureat Britain, not specified." In regard to trade with Canada the report savs. al though the published statement* ol the Bureau in regard to the whole loreuni trade ol the country, and particu larly of our exports by water, are nearly accurate, vet it hM hitherto been tound impracticable, il not impossible, to obtain lull returns ol merchandise exported to the provinces o; Ontario anil Quebec. The tact, long known and deplored, Is the more to be regretted now, when our commercial relations with the Dominion oi i anada in cite much discussion, and will soon, no doubt, eugnge the serious attention ol the senate ol the United states, the. returns t'rotu several custom ho isos on tlia Canadian border are necessarily selective, owing to the want ot legislation requ.ritur persons exporting merchandise by land conveyance to tile manifests or such merchandise and produce witli the Collector ot the Customs oi that district on the border across which the articles pass Into the foreign country, as is now required in the case ot all exporis to foreign countries in vessels. ? ??????*?? From the detailed statements by provinces and ports, as well as b.v articles aud values, prepared by the Com missioner of Customs of the I'cmluion, the undersigned lias been able to add to the stated value ol articles em braced in the return- ol collcctors ot customs of the dis tricts of Vermont and Niagara, the official Ugures ob tained from Canada, which flgnres are published iu the statement of domestic exports contained in the annual report of the Kurcau on Commerce and Navigation tor the fiscal year 1874, and also In the monthly report lor August, 1874. The total value ot tne art.cles omitted as above stated amounts, in the fiscal year 1874, to $10,200,05y? Canadian or specie values, an 1 to til. 124.066 In United States currency, computed at the a* erase premium on gold In that year. The export of specie In the same period atnounra to $3,619,568. as appears by the siatements of this bureau, while the Canadian imports sh iw but $2,23\9e)7; the lormer sum is. however, believed to be correct, the flg uies having been furnished by ihe agent oi the express companv which conveyed the specio to Montreal, and verified by the undersigned. In reciting the foregoing facts the undersigned takes occasion to state that the tault does not wholly, or even chiefly, rest with the transportation companies, whose principal officers, on the contrary, proless a willingness to aid the bureau in the collection of lull and accurate data in regard to our exports to Cuiuda; but n ts due to the neglect of the shippers or consigners ol merchandise to furnisli full informal.on as to the kinds quantities and values of the articles so shipped to Canada, and upuu whom, it is hereby recommended, a peualty for such neglect should be imposed. Among other defects in existing laws which render It difficult to obtain lull and accurato statistics may bo mentioned those under which it is -ought to collect and publish inlorniauon pertaiuiug to the .ollowiug sub jects /Vrtf?The coastwise movement ot vessels or the United Suites. ?Swmirt?The product* of the fisheries, taken b? Ameri can fishermen and brought Into the United states. Third?Tne Immigration luto and the emigration from tlm United States. Fir at?Coasting trado?The published statistics or the coastwise navigation include only partial movements of vessels which may coine within tne provisions ol the act of February 18, 1793, requiring entry or to be made under certain circumstances, us. tor instance, if the vessel has foreign goods o i board above a cer tain value, and under certain conditions, or enters lroin or clears tor a port in unoth r great coasting dis trict. Since these movements comprise out u small part ol the trade tfoin port to port in the United states it will be readily seen that the statements pabl.shed by the Bureau embrace bat a small part 01 the coastwise ton nage movement Sor.uncl?Fisheries.?With respect to products of the fish eries taken by American vessels and fishermen, collectors are able to turnlsh official returns ol the catch of thuse Vessels only which, by the act ot 179), above mentioned, are required to make entry on their return trom a tl.-hing voyage; a*, for Instance, \ esse Is licensed for carrying on the fisheries returning from a voyage under a license to touch or tra le at a foreign place, it is impossible, therefore, to obtain under the present laws accurate data in regard to the products of tish taken in the waters on our coast, which form the principal part of that Important maritime industry, the statements of this industry, published by the Bureau, are malnlv collected in the lew custom districts from which returns are received, by the personal efforts ol'thc collectors, unaided by the requirements ol law. Third? Immigration and emigration.?The statistics of Immigration are derived Irotti the manifesto filed in the custom houses of the cou .try by masters of vessels, in pttrsu ince ol section la. act ol March 3. I8fl& since this provision ot law is not construed to extend to cars and other land vehicles the same difficulty is experienced In regard to the immigration iuto the united States through the Northern border ports from Canada, and from Europe through Canada, as has already been indicated with respect to exports to Canada in r.ulway cars. The importance of such legislation as will enable the Bureau to obtain with greater accuracy the details of this influx of persons of foreign birth will appear when It is stated that the immigration into the Unit*4 States, through the district ot llurou alone, exceeds that of anv port in the United States, except New York. By assidu ous and earnest effott on the part of the Bureau the officers of custom* on the northern border have been In duced to give to the subject their personal attention and have succeeded lu obtaining, with approximate ae curacy, the number of alien passengers who enter the United states, in cars, through their respective districts. ? ? ? ????? The foregoing defects ltt legls atlon are also submitted fur the consideration and action of Congress, lhe Im portance ol being able to obtain and publish accurate statements of tne above subjects induces a nope that Congress will at an early day give tliem such at tent mil as will result In providing effectual remedies lor the im portant delects above indicated. It appeurs that during the year ending Jure 3a 1871, there were exported from the United states to Belgium 17,384,tins gallons ol refined petroleum, valued at $4 296,c3.. The published trade statements oi Belgium tor the year 1(^71 ta period of six months later) give the Imports for c< nsumption into that country from all foreign countries as 13,tilH 000 kilogrammes of "oil other than for table use," vaiued at 14.9*1,uoof., or 4,289,0>>0 ga Ions, valued at 996.000 (United state*measure and va,ue>. which, from the high price per gallon, wou d appear to includo a considerable amount of oil other than pe roleura. The amount ot petroleum and com exported trom this country to Ireland is given below in the second co umn ; the amount imported into Ireland from ail other coun tries Is shown In the first column?each tor the two vears ended, June 30, 1873;? Indian corn, bushels 23.S77.788 27.10S.931 Petroleum, gallons. ..... 1,8/7,t<"4 13.Ut>4,71S ?????? ?* The following li a statement of domestic breadstuff's exported from the potts of Chicago, Detroit. Milwaukee. Port Huron and I'oledo to the provinces ot Quebec and Ontario, Dominion of Canada, during the fiscal year ending June V). 1874:? ArtieUi. j Quantity. Indian corn, push) J,641,294 Wiieut bushels.. I t,A)4,?7'i Wheat Hour, bblsi 24,U16 Other breadstuff Total value.. Indian oorn. bosh j 1S7.727I $'.9.75fll Wheat, bushels..) l,U8i,fttt| 3,848,43it Wheat flour, bbls Other breadstuffs Total value.. Articlio. Indian corn, bush W heat, bushels Wheat flour, bbls Otiicr breadstuds Total value 1,3811 Tub lo, Ohio. (Juuntity. Value ?7fi6.9Til i "? 1% I uO ( '-ItZZCml I7M.96111 3,122,H19| $2,499,974 Ml.MlMT7.ftMI 10.J4i.iU9 843161 470,S87 - 267.310 - ?1.388. .'47 ? 1*13.9/9. <190 Out ot 7.418,711 bushels of Indian corn or maize ex ported to the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Manito ba tor the fiscal year ended Juue 30, lgf't. 7.366,727 bushels were exporU'd from the ports of Chicago. Detroit. To ledo and Fort Huron, to tne provinces named. It also appears from the Canadian statistical reports that dur ing tills period there w>erc exported frou' the Dominion of Canada to foreign countries 6 24J,97ri bushels ot Indian corn, not the product of the Dominion; hcnco It is tair to presume that it was the product ol the United states. In the report of the Olilet of the Bureau made to your predecessor last year the fact was men* tioned that be had devoted much time and money when in Europe it* 1872 to the Investiga tion of the cost and condition ol labor in those branches and In those countries which compete with similar industries in Uie United states, hut that, owing to the pressure of official duties and health im paired thereby, he had made but little progress in the compilation or a special report thereon. During Uie last year, however, the data thus personally collected, supplemented by information wtiieh he has more re cently obtained, in regard to the rates of wages and the cost of living in the principal countries of Europe, have been In large part prepared for the press, and will be completed be tore the close of the ensuing session of Congress. His inquiries are now directed to the collec tion of tacts In reference to labor and the r,?st ot ?ui> sUtenee In the United Htates and the neighboring Brit ish Provinces, with a view to comi.arlsou with similar . data allcady obtained iroui the Old World. THE ERIE RA LWAY. Beport of President Jew tt o he Boar! of Di? rectori?A Decrea?3 of E r i gi?Beduc tion of the Floa- n? lebt?The Euro pean Liabilitie ? A rightar Future Annorn ed. I; At a meeting of the Board ot Directors of tne Erie Hallway Company. held at tlie ofllce Of the company, oa Thuraduy, December 10, 18"?, the President ?*nbmitted a statement substantially as loliows, wtuch the Hoard ordered to be prepared lor the use of the stockholders:? To rim Dibxotom:? A comparative sta'oment of the gross earnings for the fiscal year* tnding the :aitli of -en ember. i87:t a d 18 4, shown a decrease 01 $1,411,7 7 75, a comparative state ment of the net i-aruings lor the ?*uie periods show* deerea-e ot II, l 6.S01 75. I lie actuu. net earning* tor the ,v<>a.r. enu'"K the Still, n| -epteiuber, 1871. were Ui6,1G0 44. iw aliowu by itie iul!ov% iuc Sara in?*? l-reighi $9,714,110 <o*l e.uj&.v,i I'asscngers 3,704.574 ?Mails and express S1-M93 Miscellaneous. til 788 .. $I8,MM98 Working expenses? General expense' $9<B,R20 Transportation department Koad department. S 4S5'.oti2 Rolling stock department 2,477.42# 13,563,798 Net revenue over working expense* $5,uta, 16U The decrease in the cross earning* or the year 1874, as compared with the year 1873, Is attributable to the uen eral il'-presaion of the business of toe country whicn prevaile I during the greater part o' tbe year, and which continues to such an exteut as to reduce materially the quantity ot the traffic over the road, as well us the rates which can be maintained lor Its transportation. A comparative statement ol the wonting expenses lor tne same fiscal periods shows a decrease or $76,904. The decrease in the earnings, in view of the disorganized s ate of the business ol the country, is not exceptve. In my opinion It is less than ha" been realized by other companies, whose earnings depend so largely upon transportation ol freight. The decrease in the ex penses was not In a ratio equal ;o the decrease iu earning*. The service required of the company was not reducod In tnat ratio. >he reduction of cumin** was attributable as much to the reduciioii in the rate ot compensation as in the reduction oi quantities, without Involving or permitting a reduction in the ex penses to the sam? extent. In my judgment, there is nothing Ui these comparative results which should have the least tendency to discourage the directors or stock holders of the company; but that, ou I he contrary, there is much to give confidence in the gre ,t strength and al most inexhaustible resources ol the road. It needs simply time. Integrity and permanency iu its manage ment to develop results which '-annul be otherwise than ?atislactory to its patrons and proprietors. The entire interest and rentals pat able by the company tor Uie year ending sk'p rrnwr 3 \ l S74, exclusive ol that payable on account of the $1 >,0 0, <x> >t s ootid consoli dated mortgage bonds, the final disposition ol which was made bv Mr. Oray while iu Lon Ion, amounted to 9< iWj.s)no per annum In currency, equal to $3)8,825 per mouth. Kor the ensuing year there w.ll have to uc added to the above amount tne Interest on these $I5,UOJ,UO.) of bonds. REDUCTION OF TBE PKBT. (>ti taking charge ol the road, on tne I4th day of July last, I found the service to some extent disorganized. The depressed condition oi is busin ?s, the persistent attempts to aeprociaie and discredit ihe company and the uncertainty ot its manag-menl a.l hat their effect upon the various departments ol the service and ren dered the introduction of re.orms and econo mies more difficult than under ordinary circum stances would have been realized. But they are being introduced, and are being felt in the results ot the working of the road, up the 1st ot July the Uoating debt of the company wa.i $2 34lt2,j& On the 1st ot the present month it was $1,&1,0>5, snowing a re duction, by payments to that d-te out of the earnings, ot $-i23,283, which has since been further reduced in the sum ot $HX),Odu, leaving, as the present debt, the sum of $1,421,015 only. BUSINESS DB'-KKSSIO*. During the fall and carlv winter months of 1*73 the effects of the panic and subsequent depression of busi ness were but little teIt on the traiiic of this or ot either ot the great lines connecting the a?t and West ; indeed the traffic over the road ol this company tor the montns ol July. August. September auJ October, 18.3, was unu sually large, while during the corresponding months of the present year the depression has been more serious than experienced since the decline com menced; but by economies *y-<tematiciilly intro duced nnd persisted iu very satisfactory results have be 'ti reached. I have no doubt the same economies can be maintained; an I that witn a largely increased earnings, results satisfactory to all parties In interest will bs realized. Although the monthly purchase of material, made through the Supp y i 'cpartinent of the service does not control the moiuhlv expenses, too amount purchased must be paid for, and In tne end must be absorbed in the expense, or in -onie other account. A comparative statement ol the transactions of that department for the months of July. .\unust, September ant October tor the years 1673 and la7t, shows the tollow ing results IHf rrrnre in JInnlU 187a 1874. /oior of 1974. July $315,1112 $1111.708 $190,301 August S31.410 116.7.S2 214,647 September 8U4.287 131,127 373,160 October 213,011 15s. 187 43,823 Totals $1,3(14,641 $;?r..td6 $837,835 A comparative sUteuieiit of the earnings and expenses for the satue mouths shows the following results ? CAUIUtGS. Month*. 1S73. 1874. Dfrnnt. July $1,781,893 $1,515,379 $.'19,513 August 1,820.755 1,546, i74 274,580 September 1,879,761 l,6Uft.l38 274.82* October 1,824,621) l,677.Ji?5 ? 147.6.13 'totals $7,311,043 $6,374,6?8 $936,351 EXPANSES. MoutKf. 1873. 1874. Dfrtntr. July $1,337,907 $1.18 <09 $154,498 August 1.214.671 1,089 8>2 151,817 September 1.336,413 1,033, I a :*H,2h October 1,*J7,4W WBJfl 182,152 Totals $5.dJt>,48G $4,301,7 '4 $7*4.722 rKKCUTTAGES OE OVS,:AHHC EXPENSES TO THK EAR ?IKOS. July. A u/usL Srjtlrmhtr. Oiiootr. Prr cent Par cent J'ei nil. Per cent. 1873 75 6d 7 10 71 1-10 66 M0 1874. 76 6-10 68 5 10 6l 4-10 611-10 Increase 1 6-10 1 8-10 ? ? Decrease ? _ 6 7-10 5 ?being a decrease in earnings of 99iii 3i4, and In ex penses oi 9794.73!. and being a working expense lor the mouth of July ol 76 6-10 pur coin; (or Antrim, oi 68 M0 por cent; lor Seplember, of 64 4-10 per cent; for Octo ber, of 61 1-lliper rent. Considering the low rate at whlcb all the traffic of the country 1 now being trans ported, the reduction tuadc In the expenses, and lie comparative low rate of percentage at which the is beiag worked, the results m ust be satisfactory. A? the business or the country revives, and the movement oi its tr.ifflc becomes more active, the percentage ol expenses to the earnings can be reduced; in other words. the road is mow equal to a largely increased trade, without any corresponding in crease of expense. *'or example, the expenses are now lower than they have been at any perloil ot the service since my connection with the cotnpanv although (he transportation receipts compare lavorably with those lor the like period tor either ot the last lour years, as will appear from the following statement:? OOMyAHATIVB STATEMENT?THANSrOUTATlON RECEIPT*. Daily Amount. Average. First week, December, 1871 $518 909 974, ft) Hirst week, December, 1872....... 578,^54 82 6(17 First week. December, 187S 49S,;;7S 70,910 Hirst week, December, 1874 5:6.774 75,253 A BRIUI1TITR rCTORB. That the business of the country will revive no one can entertain a setlons iloubt It tnav be delayed by causes not now foreseen, and to remedy which no provi sion can be made; but a revival must ami will take f lace, and with that revival the traffic and earnings ot he company must largely increase. If, under the ad verse circumstances and general depression ol the oast fiscal year, it can make an earning of 918.598.898, would tt be unreasonable, even with Its pre sent facilities, when business becomes active and rates remunerative, to anticipate an earning of 9-?,<W0,0!i0 per annum? we are limited to 9?2;ooo,uo0and the expenses are not reduced below 62 per cent, a netrevenuo of $8.360.000 would be the result, an amount sufficient to discharge the entire Interest ana rental accounts and leave a oslance of 93.199.10u to be applied In such way as the directors or stockholders might direct. I believe the estimate ol the earnings is within what may reasonably be anticipated uniter or dinary clrcumstanccs. anil that the percentage of ex penses may be kept within such limits us will produce i substantially results as above indicated. TUB STVKI. I1AII.S. | Believing that there Is great economv In the use of I steel rails Instead of Iron. I have, since this Hoar I took i charge of the property ot the company, purchased 6,<nu tons thereof, using iron only so iar as necessary to ex . hnust that on hand and to keep the track in repat r but sie'il entirelv for renewals. I beltevo this to be sound policy, and hope ft will have the approval of the Hoard. The roadway and equipment is daily being improved. ?UKOFKAS LIABILITIES. Mr. Grav, a member af the Board, who was sent to London as the agent of the company, to take charge of the company's interests In that city, nnd as rar as possi ble to adlust all unsettled at counts between the com pany and ihe partlss there with whom we hud any business transactions and to receive the possession of the bonds or ol her assets of the company whicn might remain undisposed of. Is now present, and will niike his report, before which I beg 'o con fratulate the Hoard upon the tact that we now now the very worst. All outsu-iidin* liabilities in Ka , rope have been extinguished. We nave no liabilities In j tliat quarter. except those which canbe made upon usby i our bond and shareholder*. We h >ve no complications which can embarrass us IB selecting such agenw as the Interests of the cotnpanv may indicate as proper. While this Is the case abroad, we I have the same cause for cougraiulatiou I at home. We know the entire liabilities ot tlis com I pany, what they are and where thev *re. We know I the extent of our floating debt, and that. Comparatively, I it is very limited. We nave teatcJ the earning capacity ot the road under the most an favorable circumstances, the , result of all of which. In my ludgtnent, develops that | the comp?nv, bv whomsoever managed df honestly and 1 economically managed). Is entitled to the confi dence. Respectnilly submitted, ? H. J. President TENWBS3EE 8EMAT0E8BIP. Nashville, Dec. 7, 1874. Ex-Presidont Andrew Johnson has arrived here from his home In Eaat Tennessee, and lias put up at his old favorite caravansary, the Maxwell House. Mr. Johnson reached Nashville under difficulties, having to ferry Tennessee River in a remarkably rrall bark, called In these parts a "dugout." As usual tits visit is significant. He Is here to take observations of the Senatorial field. He is in excellent bealtu and in better spirits and thinks he U certain to be the successor of Browniow. He counts confidently upon tho members trom Eaat Tennessee, tinny in number, diving mm their entire strength, anil thinks tnere is no doubt out that he will get t.nrty more in Mia< die and West Tennessee. On the joint ballot, ha asserts, he will receive sixty votes, which will give him nine majority, ility-one votes being required to elect. . . ... The following are the more Prol","5n.t..?*?? dates now mentioned in connection with the sen atorshlp:?Governor Joan 0. Brown, ex-President Andrew Johnson, General W. XjCfcuMjefc I H. B. Ball, W. H. Stephens, Hon. BiWin H. Swing, ! Colonel John Havaife. Hon. James D. Porter, Gov? ernor elect, and Colonel Gustavus A. Henr\. It is hard to predict at trie p oseiit time, nnle?8 J -hn on is not deceived in regard to his strength, who Is to fin tti<3 important fcJSUUB 01 lulteil btatts Senator.