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TEE JTKENNA MURDER. [C0HTI5UED FKOM EIGHTH PAGE.) lively that Croker had no pistol in his hand, and some of them swearinjr positively that neuner Croker nor O'Brien had pistols. . ... Ttie Court adjourned ai six o'cloot UU ten this morning. FINANCIAL AM) COMMERCIAL The Stock Market Without Feature. GOLD FIRM AT 111 1-2 A 111 5-8. Government and Investment Bonds Generally Steady. MOJNEY 3 1-a A 4 PER CENT. . vj Wall Strsbt, 1 Friday, Dec. u?8P. at.) A strong effort la being made to depress the prices olstocks, and at the (.lose they were lower. The Influence was chieflr lelt in Western Union, Erie, Lake Shore, Northwest,Ohio and Mississippi, Wabash and Union Pacific. There is no reason, I however, why opinion should be expressed lavor able to lower figures. The question to be answered | by speculators is whether the market in which ' they deal has not already telt its bot- j torn Influences, and whether there is not something in what they have learned at home and abroad calculated to elicit confidence. If it I be true that the West is tin proving; that the ! South is making a remunerative crop; that manu facturers, notwithstanding their contest with the laboring classes, can still present profitable re- | suits; that grain, Iron, coal and cotton continue '? to be successiul lactors in tue financial sum upon ! which speculation is basing its work, then we may i look for higher commercial values in all depart ments of trade, and encouragement for every ' business man to periorin to the utmost the pur poses upon which he has entered. There are some offsets to this encouraaintr view, in the main, however, there is enough that may be compre hended in the Idea of tne nation's growth to warrant the assertion that as a people we are not commercially retrograd ing. We are losing nothing In the way ?of foreign purchase, but, like the people of F.ance, are beginning to learn the lesson that true na tional wealth consists in personal economy. Look ing the country over, u seems as If we had "turned a corner." Speculators may here and there fly off at a tangent, but there is nothing in the prospects of the New Year that forbid mod erate ventures or the making of contracts that will amply repay patient waiting. The people are getting on their feet. The course of prices during the day will be found In tables wnich follow. ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The changes at the close of the day compared with those of yesterday are snown as follows:? Advance.?Atlantic and Pactflc preferred, M; Quicksilver, y*; Union Pacific, %; Northwest pre ferred, #. Decline Erie, X; Lake Shore, X; Northwest, K; Ohio and Mississippi, y,; Pacific Mall, Rock Island, y,; St. Paul, yA\ Wabash, yx; Western Union, X. Harlem, Hannibal and St. Joseph, Delaware and Lackawanna, C., C. and L C. and New York Central were about steady. THB SiLES to-day amounted to less than 125,000 shares, and the market showed what may be described as a tired appearance, 'lhe principal transactions were divided as follows:?New York Central and Hudson, 600; Erie, 19,1C0; Lake Shore, 19,800; Northwestern, 19,100; Northwestern preferred, 500; Bock Island, 1,200; Pacific Mall, 19,100; St. Paul, 8,200; Ohlos, 1,400; Western Union, 20.700; Wabash, 6,900; Union Pacific, 9,ioo; C., C. and I. C., 100; Panama, 300. OPINING, HIGHEST AND LOWEST PRICES. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day Opening. Highest. Lowest. New York Central 102 102 102 Harlem 131 131 131 Erie 28 28 2" * Lake Shore 80 X 80% 80* Wabash 30* 30* 30* Northwestern 47 * 47* 46% Northwestern, preferred 62 62 62 Rock Island 101* 101* 101* St. Paul 38}i 38* 38* oblo and Mi88iFSlppl 31* 31* 31 Del., Lack, and Western. 10 ?* ? 10s* los^ j Union Pacific 35* 35* 35* C., C. ana L 0 9* 9* a* Western Union 83 83 82 * Pacific Mail 40 40* 39* Panama lie* lie* 110 THS MONEY MARKET. Money loaned on call at 3 and 4 per cent with ontespeclal interest attaching to its movement. Commercial paper Is rated at recent figures. Foreign Exchange was stronger, actual business being done at 4.85 a 4.85* for prlmo 60 aay sterling, and 4.90 for demand. THE QOLD MARKET. It was estimated that not less than $1,700,000 would be shipped to-day or to-morrow by the steamers leaving this port. Toe opening figure was 111*, from which there was an advance 10 111*. a reaction to 111* and a close at HI*. Tlie rates paid for carrying were 1, 2 and 3 per cent and for borrowing, fiat. operations of tub gold exchange bank. Cold balances $1,644,694 Currency balances l,82x,ooo Cross clearances 15,765,000 DRY GOODS IMPOKTED. The total imports or foreign dry goods at this port for the week ending to-day were $931,353, and the amount marketed $1,017,671. The imports for the corresponding week ol last year were $016,461, and for 1872 $1,725,690. TUB UNITED STATES TREASURY. The following are the balances officially reported from Washington:? Currency $15,000,000 Com 79,000,0110 Less coin certificates 22,800,000 The Customs receipts to-uay were $181,000. The Assistant Treasurer to-day paid out $67,000 on ac count of interest and $188,000 in redemption of fire-twenty bonds. TBI FOREIGN MARKET. London advices report the rate of discount In the open market at 5*, or * per cent below the bank rate. It is generally believed on the other side that the financial condition In England Is im proving. The outflow of gold irom this country, however, is producing a natural effect, and we therefore note the prices recorded elsewhere. The bullion gone into the Bank of England on balanoe to-day is ?31,000. Consols for money, 91 * a 91*; for the account, 92. Erie Railway share*, 24#. BANK SHARES. These sold at 08* a 99 for Fourth National. No other sales were recorded. The latest bids were as followsAmerica, 151; American Exchange, 112; Central National, 103; Chatham, 137; Chem ical, 1,500; City, 800;Citizens', 130;Commerce, 118; Corn Exchange, 120; First National. 200; Fourth National, 00; Fulton, 145; Guliattn National, 12s; German American, 87*; Importers and Traders', 190; Irylng, 130; Manhattan, 149; Mechanics', 139; Nassau, 105*; New York, 1J6*; New York County, 205; Ninth National, 100; North America, ?7; Oriental, 150; Pacific, 150; Park, 142; People's, 143; Phoenix, 103; St. Nicholas, 107*; State of New York, 110; Union, 130. RAILROAD BONDS were in good demand at lortner prices. Capital ists and those who have money to spare arc seek ing this class of investments, and it Is not neces sary to go far to discover the reasons why these securities exhibit such consistent strength. Union firsts brought 92*, land grants 89 a 89*, sinking funds 77* a 77*. Chicago and Northwestern sinking fund (a small loti aoid av 102*, do. interest bonds M T4%, consolidated piara a( 89% and consolidated coupon gold bond* at 81% a 81%. New Yt>rk Central firsts brought 112%, Michigan Central Bevens 101% a 101%, New Torn and New Haven sixes, 100%, and Harlem firsts, sevens, at 107% a 107x. c., C. A 1. C. firsts declined from 69 t068%. SOITHKRN BONDS. These were attended by little Interest, the only operations being In Alabama eights, of 1880, which sold at 50*; new South Carolina sixes, January and July, at 25; o d Tennessee sizes, ex coapon, at 67; Missouri sixes, long bonds, at 97%. The remainder of the Southern stocks stand aa recently quoted. OOVKRNMBNT BON" 1)8 were in moderate request and in price somewhat sympathized witn the changes in gold. Registered fives or 1881 sold at 112?^. The following arc late quotations:?United States currency sixes, 116% a 116X; do. do., 1881, registered, lio a 116%; do. do., do., 119% a 120%; do. five-twenties, 1862, regis tered, 112% a 113; do. do., do., coapon, 112% a 113; do. do., 1864, registered, 114% a 114%; do. do., do., 114% a 114%; do. do., 1865, registered. 116 a 110%; do. do., do., connon, 110% a 110%; do. do., do., new, registered, 116% a 115%; do. do., do., coupon, 118ft a 118%; do. do., 1S67, registered, 110 a 116%; do. do., do., coupon, 119,* * 119%: do. do., 1868, registered, lie a 116%; do. do., do., coupon, 119% a 120; do. ten-forties, registered, 113 a 113%; do. do., coupon. 114 a 114%; do. fives, 1881, registered* 112% a 112%; do. do., do., coupon, U2% a 112% SALES AT THE HEW YORK 8TOOX EXCHAHGE Friday, Dec. 11?10 A. M.,) Before Call. I 800 sbs West Cn TeL. .c 700 31 Hi 800 lot) 1300 510 do. do. do. tit), do. do. 63 83 ?2% 8ifc 82% 82% 82'/* 15 N Y C A U R UK.... 10.* 10 do 500 Pac Mall SS. 500 400 1U00 100 .'iuo 400 2 0 800 400 do...... do.. do...?.. do....... b3 do do..... do c do do 102 | 40 39% 3 !>* 39% 39% 39% 40 40% 40* 41/*-* do. uo. do. do. too Erie UK 28 310 100 700 700 600 900 1400 2.0 200 300 2 0 10) 200 4U) do. do. 27% .1)3 ,s3 1.000 lwtO 200 1000 300 10) 10 15X) do. do. do. do. do. do. 47* do. .b3 do... do... do... do... do... do... do... do... .10 b3 27% do ?10 27% do t.3l) 27% do.... s3 27% 1UI13 and Ill30 A. M. $1600 US5>s, r,'81 112% $1000 U S 5-20, r,'67.b e 116 First Hoard?10*30 A. 91> 200 Chi A NW pf D3 100 uo 400 At) * i'ac Dl bS 100 Ohio* Miss Kit. s3 loo do $1000 Alabama 8's, '86. lOooo S C t>'?, n, J A./.... 3000 lennb's, o, *c... 500 Chi INWi 1 20WChi A N W hit b. 1000 v hi iSW con... 5000 CiNWccgb Zi'CO do 5"U0 do be 1000 la Mid 8's, 1st? 100U1), LA W 2d in... Uouo ii a Jos's, con 57 102* 97% 89 * 81* 81* 81% 86 105 89 7000 Mich Cen7's..bc 101% 3000 do 101)2 2000 C F A M 1st 85 HMO Micb 8 2d in 100 1000 Clev A Tolsf 108 7'W 700 100 6j0 100 10 1300 800 100 100 200 100 do. do. 6000 do be looo Cn Pac sink td. .. 2000 do 3 00 C, C A I C 1st.... 2U00 no 30i 0T, P A W 1st KD. 1000 Quin A Tol 1st.... 1000 HI West 1st '88.... 8500Tol A Will) 2d..bc 210 sha h * n IKK.. 101% i.oOUnPacRR b3 35% 900 (to 35S 100 Ltitk M ft UK..., . 8"% 90U ao 80% ao b3 8o% do 83 SO* do 8 % do s3 8i'% do b3 80S ll.O 700 900 400 500 300 1500 6i? 1700 600 Mil A 1st P KR. MM io. A Wab KR.. b3 30% 700 do 30% 6)0 do 30% 100 do sJ 30% 20) Del. Lack A W 1UH* 80) Chi Aa W Kl{ 47* 50% lOOshs firlr Kit s3 27% 25 100 trie RR prci..bcs3 43 ?i00 Pac M ss be 40* ?)'.? do s3 4o* do..... c 40 do 40* do 4' % do 40 do 83 40 uo 39% do C 39% do b3 40 ao 83 4o iOO Harlem KR..bc 1.3 131 100 do 131 1U0U OhioAMlss con sf 97% 200 Mich Cen RR. 83 6000 N V 1st ni, c..bc 112)4 27 do be 82% 1000 Cen Pac g ba 95% 300 do 83* lUOUO do 96 2t0 do 83% 300.00 P 1st, s J br... 81 100 Panama s3 116}^ 15000 Un P KR 1st 92* 10.1 ao "... I16'.? 1000 Un Pac 7'? is.... 89* 60O L8 A M 8RlUbc s3 80% 89 400 do 83 80", 77% 60 ao 80* 77)2 900 do b3 69 1600 68% 600 803? UO 3000 Kens A Sar lat... 105 400J N \ A N h 6's.... 10 % 2000 liarlem 1st. 7's. c 107* 5000 do 107* ? 20 80s rourtn N Bx... 98% St?>> So no 99 400 100 Mariposa M Co..... 3* 10) 15 N Y Qua Co ISO 1600 10 Spring M Coal Co.. 70 400 200 1 anton Co be 59% 100 800 400 100 100 Quick Min... .b e b3 33 100 At A P Tel be 18: 95 do ....b3 80?| do b30 80% 200 Union Pao R.bc s3 36% 3-JU do 1)30 36* 10 uo 36* 20) do b3 3ft* II 0 do 35* 11 be 88% 300 CbiANW RR... .bo 47?J do 83 47* do 47 '2 do 83 47% do 47*2 do b3 47* do b i 47'. do 47% do 47., do aS 47% 10 W West U Tel... be 81) 82% 2 0 Cb 62 6u0 do 1)3 82% 25 N J Cen KR bo 107 200 ao..... 83 82) 600 do 82% 2300 do f2% 300 do 13 82* 21W uo b3 h2% 900 <10 82% 800 do 8.* 10) Erie KR. be 27% 2o0 do 27* 300 300 210 300 200 100 uo xiji do 27* ao bio 27% do 27* do 27* do 87% lot) CbiAR 1 RR.bc Sio 101% S00 do s3 101% 25 do 101% 300 Mil ASiPKR. 8N'J 100 do 887i 2i)0 do 38% lt? Tol A W RK.. .b c 83 80% 300 do 30* 400 Del, LAW RR.... 108* 7? do be ION* 200 do 108% 2J Atl A P?c of. 17% 200 Han ASt Jo RR.bc 2t>* 2)4) Obio A Miss., .be c 31* 100 L, C A I C KR..bC 9% isii30 P. IVl^?Before Call. $20000 USS's. r.'31.... 7UU?hs WesiL'n Tel.... 200 no si 1U) do bS 50 Nassau Batik lu) l'?c Mall as bit 200 do 100 <io s3 ?01 Erie RB ft i j uo b3 ?>0 do 600 do 7U0 do b3 400 do 100 L8 A M 8 KB....S3 13 W do b3 do c 500 Union Pac BR fiuO do c 112* 200shs Un Pacific...b3 S.?* { 82* 1 00 no 35* I 82* 200 do 1)3 35* 82* 200 do s3 85-! 100 Mich CenRB 8.l>' i 2> do 83 I 200 Ohio A M RR ?3 31* : 200 Uhi 4 N W KK...S3 *7'? 1 Co s5 47* i do sS 478 do 47* | do b3 47* do s4 47V : <1 n J7)' 8OH 900 8l* 100 8 * 40 J5* 100 35* 47'2 UU *< 4 100 Tol A Vl'ab RB...S3 30* do 30* do 3u* 4 p. in. $10000US5-20,C,'C5,n. 118* Second Board?1 P. 91. $5000 Mo 6% lb 10000 NY Cen 6's, '83... 2000 L 8 con 1st, c ? 10000 Cen Pac? bd?.... 7000 Chi A NW con.... ttXiO Un Pac skK fd.... 6011 shs West L'n do. do. do. uo. do. do. .b3 100 100 200 2300 1100 6J0 li/O L 8 A M S b3 700 do S3 1300 do 160 do li'O Pac Mail 8S..bc b3 97* 400 shs trie RR b3 27K 98 10j 00 c 27 . KB 200 do 27 96 10(1 UO *3 27J! 89 300 do 27* 77* 200 do 03 27* ?2* 10 Mich Cen KR...b c 83?? 82* 1000Lin Pac RR be 35*2 82* 800 do 35.3 UOSZ K/Ml /I, .4 w.f .b3 600 do S3 35', lOOChlANW B..bcbS 47 2 * 200 do 47 , * 100 do bS 47,4 % 1200 do 47^5 * 2? do.. 47* * 100 do s3 47'5 H2 siL 82* 20O 82* 100 80T ? s?! 100 80* 5"0 100 300 100 4ii0 3 0 100 200 M0 100 1000 UK) do. no. do. do. do. ? s3 39T-i do b3 do 00 s3 do t>3 do Uo a 200 NY C A HBR. .be b3 200 trie RR be l>3 100 do *? li 0 do 100 do 300 do s3 47* 20 ('lev A PRR 88 S'>o Mil * st P bcs3 88^ 100 do 38* ? 100 do s3 38* 39* 100 Tol A Wulj c 30', 39* 100 do s3 30* 39* 300 ao 30* 39* 3>0 do s3 30* 39* 100 <10 30* 39* 1100 do 3o* 39* 900 uo 30* 3'J* 100 Chl AR 1 RR...bee 101)4 1(0 Chic A Alton.bc bS 10:{ I US 27* 100 75 2100 100 300 3*1 600 shs West U Tel.. .bS 1400 do do..... do do b3 do sS do b3 200 Pac Mall SS Co.... 200 do 201 CO 50U do S3 1300 do 210 N Y C All R BR..b3 25 do It*) Brie KR b3 18U0 00 200 do slo 1000 do 1U> Mich Cen KR 100 Pauuma KK 3lKt La A M H UK Oil) do S3 UmiO do b3 300 do S3 200 Un Pacific RR...b3 500 do s3 103* 27* 100Ohio A c 31* 27* 3')0 110 S3 31 * 27* 100 St L, I M A 8 R..b c 26* 27* 60 do 25* ?iizo to 3 p. m, 82* 800 shs Union Pac RR. 35* 82* 100 Chi A NW b3 47 '2 82* liM do 47'J 82* 300 do si 47* wyv. Qi u) j jy 300 400 300 100 400 do .do. do. S3 47 47 46* do .....83 46* do bS 47 5 N J Cen RR 107* 100 Chi A K I BB 1011? 400 do b3 101* 100 Mil A 8t P BB 38* 500 do 38* 27* 400 do 38* 27* 6ODT0IA Wab BB 30* 27* 200 do. b3 81.* 27* 8i? do s3 30* 82* 1000 do 30* 116 2C" llan A Ht .Id B 26 s0* 345 Chi A Alt BR IDS* 80* 10U uo 103* 80* 25 do 103* 80!, 100 Ohio A Miss BB.b3 31* Si* 200 uo 31* 36* 600 do 31 CLOSING PRICES?3 O'CLOCK P. X. Pacific Mall.... 39* * West Un Tel.... 82* a VjutckMlrer ? 33 a guicknlverpl.. 43 a Mich Cen Si* a AdaniK kx. 1U'4 a Amor Kx 65 a li s hi press. ...64 a Wells-Kargo Ex 82 a 4'lii A Alton... .103 a l'lttsbura * t hi A N W ??* a Chi A N W pi.. 61* a chi A K 1 101* a Mil A st Paul... j8* a Mil A St P pt... c, 0 410 Pel. Lack 4 W. Erie llan ASt Jo.... llan A St Jo pf. 1 nkc shore.... N Y A Bar. .. N Y 04 H BB. N .lerOen_,... Ohio 4 Miss ... Panama... Tol A Wat). Union Pac. 57. a 9* a 108 * a 27* a 26 a 34 ? 80* a ISO* a lul* a l(?* a 31 a 116 a 30* a 35* a 35* ri V'i 108* 27*' 26 ? 36 80* 131 102 107 31* 116* 30* Lr COMMERCIAL REF0ET. Cottoa Lower-Flour Steady?Wheat Dull and Unchanged?Corn Firmer? Oata Lower-Barley Firm?Pork Dull and Easier?Lard Firmer?Groceries Steady ? Frelghta Firm ? Petroleum Nominally Easier-Naval Stores Dull and Weak?East India Goods Dall? Wool Actlrc and Firm?Whiskey Un changed. Friday, Deo. 11?8 P. M. The lactnatlooa of euia ?iUl teuded to the un settling or mercantile Tames, and merchandise ' was general]/ dull and nearly nominal. On ' 'Change the movement in breadstuff* was almost at a standstill, and la wheat particularly tnere was not enough done to establish a market price. Corn was firmer, thoush in limited request. Oats \ were again lower. Barley was quiet, but strong. Whlskej was quiet. Pork dull, easier and noml> < nai. Lard was firmer and in good request, j Groceries were quiet, with the exception of sugar, ' which was in demand and steady. Cotton was sparingly dealt In and easier, both for "root" and "future." Freights were quiet but firm. i'etroleum was dull and nominally easier. Naval (tores were neglected and values tendel In iho buyer's favor. Meta>, generally speak nw. were quiet Wool was active and firm for all description*. isnss.?Receipts for the past three days. 73 packaeea. The demand since our last has been very low. hut values remulned without clrangr. I'ots at 6>ic. per lb., ' unJ pearls nominally at Uoiluimu Mathrmlji.?The market for brlcs was not essentially changed. The demand continued lair, and ! arrivals moderate. I.lme met with u moderate trade ? and was quoted steady at $1 10 a <1 M lor Kockland common and tl GO a $1 8.) for do. lump. Cement was firm and in fair request, quoted at tl 30 for Rosendale; $4 ib a $4 50 lor, anil Si 50 a $4 t)5 for 1'orilaud. Laths were in light demand and steady at >1 GO lor Ka<<tern. Mkicswax.?Trade eontlrned slow and mainly for small lots, which realized steady prices; quoted at30c. a31c. I lor yellow Western and Southern. Beans and l**Aa.?The market lor medinm continued dull and heavy. Marrows were steadily held, but the i demand was very light. Other kinds were not materially i chan'-'cd. We quoteMedium, new, choice. $1 no a $1 86; | medium, fair to good, tl 50 a tl 7ft; marrows, new, choice, $2 40 a t2 4ft; marrows, old, choice, fi W a S2 30: pea, new, $225 a $236; red kidney. prime, new. S3 25 a $3 50: green peas, new, $195 a $2 ; white kidney, choice $2 50 a $2 GO; white kidney, lair to good, ii i $j {ft; black eye HifnBH.?Receipts to-day, \514 packages. there vKig apparently UMLjtfrr to-Sif, principally from the grocery trades, and the market ruled steadier ana closed at tn? following quotations-?.state Onirics. tirkjju and tubs. fine. 38c. a 40c. per lb. ;do., do., ? good to prime. 36c. a 37c.; do., da, fair to good, 34c. a I 36c.; state firkins, choice, selected, S9e. a 4 ?.; da, good to prime, 36a a 3To.; do., common to lair, 30c. a 35c.; do., ball firkin tubs, choice, selected, 42c. a 43c., do., da,good to prime, 38c. a4'c.; do., do., common to (air, 30c. a 36c. : do. Welsh tubs, choice. raU made, 38c. a 4>c.; do., prime. 36c. a 37c..- ao.. good, 34c. ? 56c.: da, common to fair. 26c. a 32c.. palls, creamery, fine, 43c. a 45c.; da dairy, fine, 42c. a 43c.; do., da. tair to good. 38c. a 40c.; ao., ao,, common to fair. 30c. a 37c.; Western Reserve and Michigan, tubs, choice dairy packed, 34c. a 35c ; da, do., gooa to prime, 30c. a 33c.; da. do., fair to good, 27c. a 29c.: da, flrkUis, cnoice, 30c. a 32c.: do., do., lair to good. 27c. a 29c.; Northern Illinois. Wisconsin and Iowa. tubs, choice, 31c. a 35c. ; da. da, lair to good. 2*c. a 32c.; do., do-, common to fair, 24c. a 27c.; do , firkins, good to prime, 29c. a 31c.; da, do., tair to good, 26c. a 28c.i do., <k>., common to fair. 23c. a 25c.; Central Ohio and Indiana, firkins, choice, 28c. a 30c.; do., do., fair to good, 2,' c. a 27c.; da, do., common to lair, 23c. a 24c.; do., tuoe, choice, 30c.; do., da, lair togood, 25c. a 27c.-, various stylos, very Door, 19c. a 21c.; rolls, Wes'ern Re serve and Michigan, fine, 3Uc. a 32c. ;do., tair to good, 27a a 29c. . da, common to lair. 22c. a 24c. Chei rk.?We have no change to note. The home trade has been moderately good, while exporters are operating slowly. Shippers will pay for flue cheese IS^c. a l">?,c., and occasionally 16c. lor something very fine. The home trade pay from 15%C. a 16c. Current nrioes are as fol lows:?State factory, flue to tancy. I5?*c. a lfic. good to lino, Iftc. a)5kc.; state factory, fair to i.ood. 13Vc. a 15c.: da dairies, fine, 14c. a L5He.: Orange cotintv gkiois, So. a 12c.: Ohio factory, Cheddar snape. choice, lor ex port 14c. a 15V,c.; do. da, flat do., do., lor domestic trade. 14c. a ift%c.; do. do., fair to good. lUc. a lie.; da do? poor to fair, 6c. a 10c.; Michigan and Wisconsin factory, fine, 14c. a l?Kc. Cotton on the spot sold to a fair extent a further con cession on the part of holders bringing pricos more 1 within the scope ol exporters'litmus. I he-ofterlngs and \ sales generally showed ttie market to be virtually Wc. ] per lb. lower than yesterday, with short notices avails- i hie at 14c. per lb. The demand irom the mills continued , light The sales below reported tor speculative purposes include one lot of 500 bales to arrive within a few days. 1 Future deliveries were again weak, with Liverpool heavy, and receipts at the ports for the week reaching , the maximum ilgure estimated at the beginning of the week. Gold was rather Higher, which served, however. ' very little purpose in checking the downward tendency I ot the mar et, which declined l-16c. and closed quiet at i the lollowing prices;?December, 14 3-32c. a 14U;c.; Janu ary, 14'jC. a 14 9-32c. ; February, 14 11-ltie.; ?Urch, 15 3-32c.; April, Ifl lft-32c.; May, 153iC. a 1ft 13-lGc.: June, 163-32C. a lt>l?c.; July, 1G7-IGC.; August. lU?(,c. a 1? ll-16c. Wc quote (quotations based on American standard of classification) Upland*. Alabama. Nev Orltaru. Texan. Ordinary 12 12 12^ I2'i i Good ordinary 13% 13V 13% 13% Low middling 14 14% 14% 14% Middling .... 14% 14% 14 % 14% (rood middling 14% 14 % 15 IS Middling lair 15 Ift'-J 16% 15% Fair 15% 1J>? U 1? The sales were? i To day. Lafi Ev,q. Total. ' Export 662 ? 6(12 Consumption 143 320 463 | Speculation 636 76 611 : Total 1,341 395 1.736 ?Included in the above are 500 bales to arrive. For future delivery (basis low middling) the sales have been as follows:?Yesterdav, alter two o'clock I*. M.?Decem ber, 400 bales at 14 l-16e., 800, short notice, at 14c.; January, luOat 14 13-32c., 800 at 14%c.: February, 100 at 14 25-32c., 1,900 at 14 1316c. ; March."?J0 at 16 3-llic. ; April. 21*) at 15 17-32c.; May. 200 at 15 37-32c., 101 at 15 29-32c? 400 at 15%c.; June, 9U0 at 16 5-32c.; July. 1,000 at 16 15 32c. Total, 7,20o bales. Yesterday's closing nrtces:?Decem ber, 14 332c. a l4Kc.; January, M^c.; Februnrv, 14 lJ-lfic.: March, 15 3-lbc. a 15 7-32c. ; April, 15;l7-32c.; May, 157?c.; June, 16 3-16c.; July, 16 15-32c. Market quiet. To (lay up to two P. M.:?January. 400 at 14 ll-32c., 2.100 at 14Hc., 200 at 14 11 -32c., TOO at like., 900at 14 Il-;i2c., WO at 14Jic., 200 at 14 ll-32c., 2,000 at 14 5 16c.; February. 2,Hj at 14 23-32c., 1,000 at 14*?c., 2.>0 at 14 23-320.. 700atl4Vc.. 200 at 14 25-32C., 200 at 14?<c.. ICO at 14 25 32c.. 100 at 14 13-16c., 1.5U) at 14 25-32c., 300 at UKc., 1,000 at 14 23 32c., 1*00 at l4!?c., 301) at 14 23.32c.; March, 100 at 15 3-l6o? 300 at 15Kc., 100 at 15 5-32C., 6 t) at 15 3-16c., 2IH) at 15 7-S2&, 1.500 at 15 3-16c. 400 at 15 5-32c., 1.500 at 15?c. ; April. 400 at 15 15 32c., 1,000 at 15?c., 400 at IS 17-32c.. 2O0 at I5)*c., 1.0U0 at 15 17-32C.. 100 at 15 9-16c.. 600 at 15 17 32c., 2,0 JO at 15Wc.. 300 at 16 15-32C., 100 at 15?c.; Mav, 100 at li%c., 200 at 1527-3-C., 200 at I5j,'c . 500 at 15 27 32c-. 200 at 15 13-lfic,, 100 at 15 27-.'Sc.; June, 301) at 16 6-32c.. 600 at loWc.. 100 at 15 5-32c,, 300 at ; July, 100 at 16 15-32C., 200 at 16He. Total. 26,800 bales. Ornml total. 38,500 bales. Exchange? I liic. paid to exchange 500 bales December tor April. The receipts at the various porta were as followsOal veston, Z2S9 bales; New Orleans, 9,831 j Mobile, 3,820; sa vannah, 4,302; Charleston, 3,319; Wilmington. 70H; Nor folk, 2,787: Baltimore, 687; New York, 549; Boston, 151; Philadelphia. 352. Total. 2H.545 bales; this day last i week, 33.795; this day last year, 34,004 Rates on cotton were quoted thus:?To Havre, by steam. Jfc-: by sail, I \o. I d Hamburg, by steam, %u,; by sail, ?,c. To Bre men. bv steam, lc.; by sail. %c. compressed. To Liver pool. li 32d. by steam; by sail, Ud. a 9-3Id. Corrxx.?The market tor Rio was quiet bnt Arm. There was no business reported from first hands here, and from the outporls we have only to note a sale ol 1.346 bags of Klo, ex sea Oom. at 17%c. Mild coffee was quiet but quoted firm. We quote:?Rio, ordinary cargoes, 175ic. a 17Hc.; fair do.. 18c. a 18)$c.; good do,. 18c. u 18Vc.; prime da, 19^c. a 20^c.; extreme range for lots, 17?c. a 2uSc.; Java, government bags. 25c. a 27c.; da, grass nuts, 26c. a 28c.; Ceylon, 17c. al9c.; Maracaibo, 16Uc. a l'JC.; Laguayra, 18c. a 19c.; Jamaica, 17c. a 18><c.: St. Domingo, 16c a 17c.: Porto Rico. 17){c. a 19c.: Costu Rica, 17>?c. a 19Hc.; Mexican, 18c. a 19c.: Angostura, 17c. a 19c ; Sa vanilla, 16c. a 19c, Curacoa, 16c. a 18c., gold, tOand 90days. Corrbb.-The market was quiet, but firm. The sales for the past three days toot up about 350.000 lbs. of lake at 23>ic. a23<k[c. oash, and 24c. for January delivery. Candles.?The market was quiet and unchanged, ex cepting ror adamantine, which were a shade easier. We quoteSperm. 28c.; patent do., 38c. a 89c.; stearic, 28c. a 29c.; parafflne, 4's, 6'.m and 12's, 26c. a 27c.; adamantine, 12,14 and 16 oz., 13c. a 16c. and 17c. per ll>. Coopkkagk Stock ?The demand since our last has been light, and to All small orders. Market tlrm at the ap pended quotations, as follows^?Molasses shooks, 32-incn, 1 with heads.$2 a <225; sugar shooks. with heads. &>-inch. 1 $2 M) a $2 65; sugar shooks, with heads, 36-inch, S2 lo a $2 30; box shooks, 75c. a 80c.; rum shooks, $4 50: Sipe shooks. $6 5n a 97; empty hogsheads, $2 25 a $2 Si; I oops, 14 teet. ordinary to prune, 38c. a 40c.; hooos. 12 i feet, ordinary to prime 35c. a 36c. CORuiuit.? The demand has been of nn unim portant character and values quoted nominally unchanged. We append former ti^urex, as fol lows :?Manila cordage, sizes above 12- thread, 15c.: do., 6-thread and 9-throad. inch and 5-16 inch diame ter, 16c.; do., 12-thrcad, H i,lch diameter, I5>ac.; da, hav rope, 15Wc.; do., cordage, bolt roi e yarns, 16i?c.; do., 6-thread and 9-thread, l7>?'c.; tarred Manila, 14>jc.; tine tarred Manila lath yarn, 16c.; Sisal rope, size-; above 12-thread, llKc.; do.. 6-thread and 9-thread, 12^c.; do.. 12-thread and hay rope. 12c.; New Zealand cordage, sizes above 12-thread, ll>ic.; da, 6-thread and 9-thread, hi and 5-16 incn, 12>?r.; do., 12-ihread, \ inch, and hay rone. 12c.. and Russia bolt rone. 17c.. cash. Duikd Froits.?There was less demand lov quarter ap ples, exporters witndrawlng owing to unfavorable ad vices from Germary. Sliced were dull. Peeled peaches ruled steady. Unpeeled were freely ol fered at rather easier prices. Raspberries were slow oi sale. We quote:?8tate apples, sliced, 8c. a 8Hc.; do., quarters, 7c. a 7ke.; Southern anbte*, quarters, ti'tfe. a 6>4c.: da do., sliced, 7c. a 8c.; do. do., do., fancy. 9c. a 124c.; Western apples, quarters, 7c. a 754c.; peeled peaches. North Carolina, prime, .Hoc. a 32c.; do. do. do., fair to good, 2bc. a 28c.; da do., new. Georgia, 25c. a 28c.; peeled da, State, 24c. a 2flo.; unpeeled do halves, new, 8>ia9c.; do. do,, quarters, do., 7>4 a 8c.; blackberries, 9>ic. a 10c.; cherries. State, 28c. u 28,Sic.; do.. Southern, new, 27c a 28c.; raspberries, new, 30c. a 31c.; plums. Southern. 16c. a He.; do., state. 19c. a 20c. Kecs.?Ttiero was a moderate demand for fresh eggs, which realized about steady prices. Limed was dull and weak. We quoteLong Island, New Jersey and near-hv. 31c. a 32c.: State and Pennsylvania. 30c. "a 31c.; Canada, choice brands, 28Sc. a 29c.; Western, choice brands. 285ic. * 29c.; other Western, 28c. a 28fc|e.: limed, choice brands. 22c. a 23c.: do. fair to good. 20c. a 21c. Flour anii Grain.?Receipts? Flour, 20,032 bhls.; wheat 8,500 bushels; corn. 17.400do.; corn meal,50 tibht. and 46o bags; oats, 5,600 bushels; rye, 2,800 do. The flour mar ket was dull and heavy, and some sales were made at a decline of loc. The transactions. Including all kinds, foot up about 14,500 hbls., generally at figures within the range of the appended quotations. ?^orn meat was about steady and sold to the extent of 800 bbls., at $4 9ft a $5 for Hrandywine, *4 20 a $4 75 for Western yellow, $4 30 lor do. white and (4 a $4 50lor Jersey and Pennsyl vania yellow. We quote:? No. 2 State 13 50 a $4 00 Superfine state 4 15 a 4 75 Extra state 6 00 a 5 25 Choice btate 5 50 a 5 75 Superfine Western 4 15 a 4 75 Extra Western 5 uO a 5 2.1 Minnesota 6 26 a 6 25 Round hoou Ohio, shipping brands 5 00 a 5 25 Round hoop Ohio, trade brands. 5 25 a 5 75 Family .....6 00 a 7 00 St. Louis, low extra 5 25 a 5 50 St. Lov.i?, straight extra 5 50 a 6 00 1 St. Louis, choice double extra 6 00 a 7 0)! St. I.ouls, choice family 7 50 a 8 50 Kye tlour, tine to supertlne 4 00 a 5 35 Southern, No. 2 Nominal. Southern, supertlne Nominal. southern, extra 5 25 a 6 25 Southern, family 6 25 a Hi Corn meal, Western 4 15 a 4 71 Corn meal, Jersey 4 00 a 4 51 Corn meal, Brandvwlne 5 00 a 5 10 Corn meal, puncheons ' .22 00 a ? ?Wheat was dull and entirely nominal at $110 a $111 1 for No. 2 Chicago, and $1 14 u $1 15 for >o. 2 Milwaukee. The sales (nearly all last evening) were about 39,00) bushels, at $1 15 tor No. 2 Milwaukee, $1 18 tor ordinary red winter, $1 12 for Chicago spring. Other grades held nominally at previously quoted (Is ures. Corn was firmer and attracted more attention. The sales loot up 13,000 tiushels at W3c. a 93>ic. lor oM mixed in store. 95kc. a 96c. foi do. afloat, 89c. a 93Hc. for new mixed and yellow. Oats were easier and the mar ket quiet The sales were only about 35,000 hushcUs at m\o. a for state mixed on the track. e8c. a 68Hc. lor Western mixed, closing generally held at 69c. Bar ley strong but parties apart, and no business consum mated, except WO husheis two-rowed State at$l ?'?0. Can ada held at $1 60. Rye Inactive. Stale held at 9,'>c. Krkiumt* ?There has been less doing in berth treighti to-day, liut the uiarxet ruled strong uuo bids at MM. lOf grain accommodations te Liverpool bv steam were rt tuned. Tonnage for charter was In demand trom ih t petroleum trade snd held at Dill rates. Vessels for otlici' ourocaoa were not muob sought after. The engagement* wereTo Liverpool, tty strain, 700 bain* cotton *i H '?; lit tuns ?i'?rm on at 60*.. and by s*il 32.UU0 bu.'?.s of fnln at nv,d.; I ,2m ii#U;, I'oiiun at , 5 O oar* ui 4d. o Loudon, by steam, 60 ton? tallow greax s at 44*., unti by tall, >1,000 bushels of grain at ad. 1o Gibraltar, by sail. 500 canes oi petroleum at 20a The Charters com priseA German bark hence to Bremen or Hambur* witn 4,800 bills, ol rerlned petroleum at 4s. tkl., or 4s. 9d., according to port: a bark, irons Baltimore to Cork lor orders to the United Kingdom, with 4,000 quar ters grain at 7s ; an American bark, troin Philadelphia to Havre or Dunkirk, with :i,si) > bbis. crude petroleum at Vl 3d. ?? a British bark, iroin da to lire men, with 6.0UU bbl*. crude do at is. 6.1 ; a British bark. Iruui do. to Lon don or Antwerp, with 6,0u0 bbls. retlne l no. at s.; a Britoin ship, 1,41)0 tons register. from New Orleans to a Con incn'al port, with a lull cargo oi cotton, on private terms. The Brltl-h bri|< reoorte I yesterilay lor ol. cake to Loudon should have read bone dual. Gc.nniks.? The demand sin e our last nun been lignt, . and the tew transactions reported of a lobbing charac ter Values were quoted steady us followsDomestic cloth, ll^c. on the Si>ot; Calcutta, 9,Sc; Borneo, I2>?c. ? lake.; bags, llkic. a 12c. II mr amu Jut?.?For hemp we have yet to report a dull and nominal market, with quotations as lot- 1 lows:?iire-seil American. $2 75 a <2 8U for double. $2 20 a $2 30 lor single and nominal lor undretard; Manila, 7,14c. a H*?c.. gold, the latter price i> r choice; Kussia, I clear, i- -U u $2 SO. gold; Italian, $2 70 a $2 SO. gold; Hsul. 51 jc., gold. Jute was quiet, but quoted steady, within the ramie ol 4c a 5^<.? gold. Jute butts were steady, arid since , ur last sold to the extent of 2.000 hales at 2^ic.| curreucy time. Closing quoted at ttiat price. Hay ixd Hnuw.?Prime hay met with a continued good demand, but shipping trades sold slowly. Prices unchanged. Straw was dull. but steady In value. We quote Shipping hav, bOc.: retail qualities, (50c. a 90c. ; clover, 50c. a tfOc.; salt hay, 4f?. a s?.s straw, 60c. lor long rye. 45c. a :8c. for short do.; 18c. a Wc. lor oat aud , 4Jc for wheat. i Hides. ?Business has been moderately active since out i last and Importer* demanded lull pries. Wo ap- I pend current quotations as tollows :-Dry?Buenos Ayres, 21 IDS. a 24 .bs? 24c. a Hoc.-. Monte video. *) lbs. a 23 lbs.. 21Kc. a 25c.: Corrientes, 21 lbs. a 23 lbs.. 23V.; Rio Grande, 20 lbs. a 22 lbs., ?4?c.; Orlnocci, -l\ lbs. a 28c.; Oall lornla, 20 lbs. a 2s Ida. 24c.; Central American. 18 lbs. a 21 iris.. 20*c. a 2l^o.; San Juan. 22 lbs. a 24 lbs., iilS' 2 *$4 Sioxlcan, 22 lbs. a 25 lbs., 2U a 21 Xc.; WrA Ofilz, 18 Jbs. a 19 lbs., 20c. and Tamplco, 22 lbs. a 24 lbs.. 20<\, gold, selected,; Campeachy ami Tobasco (dry and pickled). 17 lbs. a 22 lbs., inc. a 2lc.; sisal, 10 lbs. a 21 lbs., 18c.; Bogota, is lbs. a U lbs., 23c. Maracaibo 20 lbs., a 23 lbs., lsc. a lite.; Bahia, 17 lbs. a 2t> lbs., 17c.: I'orto Cabello and Latuayra. l'J lbs. a 22 lbs., auc. a 21c.; Curacoa anil Klo H iche (dry and Dlckled), 17 lbs. a 21 Iba.. 13c. a 14c.. and I'orte au-Platte, It) lbs. a 19 ibs.. 17c. a 18c., gold, as thev run; iruxillo. 15 lbs. a 17 lbs.. 2l>,'c. | und Zunzibar, 10 Ibs. a 12 lbs., 19c., gold, selected; Corpus ! Chrlstl. 22 lbs. a 25 lbs., 22>?c.; Indianoia aim San An tonio. 21 lbs a 24 lbs., 22.Sc.: Galveston, 20 lbs. a 25 Ids., 22"., and Western, 20 lbs. a 25 lbs.,'iuc., currency, se lected; Southern, 12 Ibs. a 18 lbs.. 17c. a lite., currency, as they run. Dry upper leather?Buenos Ayres and Kio Grande kips. 10 lbs. a 13 lbs., 24c. a 25c., gold, selected; Sierra Leone, 9 lbs. a 10 lbs., 26c., currency, selected; Gambia and Bissau, 8 lbs. a 9 lbs.. 200. u 22c., currency, : selected; Minas, 15 Its. a lt> lbs., 20c., gold as they run; Mexican, Ac.. Kips, 10 ? lbs. a 12 lbs., 23>a'o.. currencv. selected. Drv salted? I'hili, 28 ibs. a 30 lbs., lac.; Marituham, 26 lbs. a 30 lbs., 15c.; Pernauibuco, 28 lbs. a 3ij lbs., 15c.; Bahia, 281b. a 29 lbs., 15c.; fuyta. 25 lbs. a 30lbs.. 18c. ; Marucaioo, 30 lbs. a 33 lbs., 15c.; s-uvanilia, 28 lbs. a 28lbs., 15c., gold, as they run; Matainoros, 28 lbs. a 32 lbs., 20c.; .southern and Western. '.8 lbs. a 34 lbs.. 15%c. a li'jC., currency, as they run. Wet salted?Buenos Ayres, 45 lbs. a 50 lbs-., 12;!^c.; Kio Grande, 44 lbs. a 48 lbs., 13c.; California, 45 lbs. a 5J lbs., 11c. a ll>,c.; I'ara, 35 lbs. a 4U lbs., lie., gold, selected; Matauioros. 4 > lbs. a 55 lbs., 12c. a 12.Sc.; i'exas, pulled, 45 lbs. a 70 lbs., 12,Sc. a 13Wc.; do. kips, lti Ihs. a 22 lbs. 13c. a 14c.: do , puckers, hb lbs. u 65lbs., ll>4c. a 13c.: do., knife. M) lbs. avOlbs., lie.; New Orleans, 45lbs. a 7u lbs., U^c. a 12>^c.; country and West ern, 5J lbs. a 78 lbs., lite.; southern, 2U lbs. a 60 lbs., 9Hc-; city slaughter, ox, CO lbs. a 75 lbs-, ll^c.; do., cow, 45 lbs. a 60 lbs., Inc., curreucy, selected. East India? ' Calcutta slaughter, cow. 9 Ibs. a 10 lbs., 16)^c.; do., do., 12 ins. a la Ins.. lac.; do. Mead green, cow, 9 lbs. a 12*, lbs.. ! 13c. ; do., buffalo. 18 Ihs. a 22 lbs., 12c.; Singapore do., 25 lbs. a 30 lbs., 10c.; Manua do.. 2o lbs. a 2a lbs., 9c., Colo. Hops.?Receipts for the week V,2^ bales, making a total since September 1, 1874, of 30,871 bales, against 10,917 tor the same period In 1873. The export clear ! ances last week were 1,939 bales. Market uctlve and j strong. Mr. Emmet Wells, In his circular of this date, . writes as follows:?"Our revised quotations this week 1 show an advance of from two to tlve cents per lb. on the new growth, Californlans sharing the larger ad vance. Trade during the week hus been quite active, both for exixirt and lor consumption. The dealings have been chiefly In New York state hops, and ou a cash basis ot 40c. to 48c.; strictly choice lota have ; changed hands at our outside quotation of 47c. The market is gradually strengthening, and everybody 1 seems coatlueut in still higher vulucs. The prices we quote, it should be remembereu, are such us arc realized on cash transactions between dealers and shippers; brewers buying on time have to pay an ad vance ubove our figures. Shippers say there Is nothing to warrant prices going up at tills time, and predict that it there be much more of an advance here without a corresponding improvement in London the tendency 1 will be to stop exportation. Our London correspon- I deuce Indicates that that market is gaining streugtn, and, as s.ocks arc becoming much reduced, an advance ! in prices is pretty sure to take place there before many i days. While the foreign markets keep up there is no ! probability ol our markets declining." We quote:?New ' Yorks, good to choice, new, 42c. a 47c.; do., low to (air, 1 new, 35c. a 40c.; Kastern, new, 38a a 45c.; Western, new, I 38c. a 48c.; yearlings, 15c a 2.'s-.; olds, all growths, 8c. a 15c.; Californlans, 48:. a 50e. per lb. . iron.?The market for American pig was dull and easier. The effort made ycsierday in Philadelphia to curtail production so as to advance prices, appeared to meet with little or no tavor. We heard of sales of 1.00O tons of forge, at works, at $19 and 6,000 tons of No. 1 Thomas, at prices current time of delivery, .scotch Dig ruled dull, and notwithstanding stocks are light lower prices are anticipated. We quote:?American No. 1, $25 a $26: No. 2, $24 a $26; do. No. 3. $20 a $27. I according to brand. Scotch?Egljnton, No. 1, $36: Gien carnock, No. L $36 a $38; Coltncss, $40 a $41; summer lee. none. Lbathkr.?Receipts for the week M.031 sides and 2,912 I bales. Exports for the same period, lti.OOO sides. The j market tor hemlock sale ruled dull, early In the week, ! but subsequently there was a good demand from both ? exporters and manufacturers, and the market ruled firm. The stock on hand Is moderate, but lairly assorted with the exception of good heavv damaged. We quote :? Ewnot Ayr ft. Cali/ornia. Common HuU. Light... 26Uc. a 27c. -5!>4c. a 26c. 26c. a2i>>?c. Middle. 28>jc. tt 30c. 28c. a 285^0. 27c. a 28c. Heavy 29c. a 30c. 28c. ?29c. 27>^C. a 2?c. Viood damaged 2&s>c. a26c. 24^c. a25c. 24c. a 25c. Poor damaged- ? q ? ? a? 16c a 20c. ?crop.?Slaughter?L.lght backs, 36c. a 37c.: middle bad:*, 37c. a 40u. -, llghi crop, 33c. a 3lc.; middle crop. 34c. a 36c.; heavy crop, 36c. a 3C>4c. Texas?Light crop. 32c. a 34c.; middle and over crop, 33c. a 36c. Hough? Hemlock, 27c. a 28c.; oak. 28a a 31c.; bellies 14c. a 18c. Molassks.? Domestic continued in good demand, while foreign grades were neglected. We note sales of 80J bbls. New Orleans at from 6uc. a 6tlc. per gallon. Wo quote :? Cuba, centrifugal and mixed. 33c. a 38c,; da clayed, 37c. a 42a ; da muscovado, refining, Sac. a 43c.; do. do. frocery. 42c. a 50c.; Porto Kico, 40c. a CSc.: English slands, 40c. a 60a; New Orleans, 58e. a o6a for new K.aval Storks.?The market for spirit! of tnrpentine remained dull and nominal. We have only Co note a bale ol 50 bbls. merchantable at 33>?c. The market Cor strained rosin was also dull and nominally unchanged in value; quoted at 9- IS a 9- 20 for common to good. We heard ol a sale of 130 bbls. of No. 2 at 92 Si. Tar was inactive, but quoted steady at 92 lor Washing ton and Wilmington, Pitch sold in a small way at $2 37>4 for city. uiiji.?Linseed met with a moderate trade at tin changed Dricess quoted at 79c. in casts and 80c. in bbla. from crushers'hands. Lard oil met with a better de mand in a jobbing way. and the market ruled steady at from 91 05 a 9110 tor present uiake. Menhaden remained firm at 40c. a 45c. as to quality. Sperm and whale oil were in moderate demand and steady in value. Sperm quoted at $16* lor crude, 91 90 lor natural winter, $1 95 for bleached; whale quoted at 6fic. lor Northern, 02>4c. lor SoutUcra. 68c. a 7jc. for natural winter and 70c. a 75c. tor bleached. cod quoted firmer at 68c. a 70c. and domestic do. at 82c. ft O'c. Cottonseed oil was firm at 46c. d 48c. ior small lots of crude, 55e. a 57>ic. for re fined summer yellow, fcfe. for do. winter yellow and 6i%c. a 65c. for do. winter white. Neatsioot quoted at from 80c. a 91 10. t'KTaoLKUM.?The market for refined was dull at a fur ther recession in values-^qnotcd at lie. a ll.Wc. for spot or delivery remainder of month. Crude In bulk was also easier, but nominal In the absence of business?quoted at 5'4c. a ViC. and *Kc. in shipping order. Cases were quiet and quoted at 16kc. Naphtha was firmly held at lu>?c. lorcitv. The Philadelphia market was dull and easy? re lined quoted at lie. lor delivery balance of month. Ad vices I roui the Creek were of a generally quiet mar ket, with quotations as follows:?Uil City, 8jc. ; Rouse ville, 75c.? Titusvillo, 8IJ4C. a 82Wc.; Petroleum centre, 75c. a 77Jic.: Tidioute, 50c. bid ; Parser's, United, 60c. a 6H4'c.: immediate shipment, 80c. a 82>Jc. Provisions.?Receipts, pork, 2,023 bbla. beef, 27 pack ones: cut meats. 2.7S2do.; lard, 2.349 bbls. am' tierces and 2Du kegs. For mess pork the market was quiet and easier. We have only to note sales of 300 bbls. of new uninspected mess at 921 and 20 bbls. of old mess at $2.1 62>4. Hiicon.?The market was more active and about steady. We note sales of 400 boxes long clear at 10^c. for Western and 10&?c. a 11c. tor city: 250 boxes of long and short clear together oc private terms. Short clear quoted nt lo\c. a lJj?c- per lb. Dressed hogs wera steadily held at SVc. a fijfe. per lb. for the ran;;e. Beet.?Therr was abetter inquiry noticeable to-dav, but without resulting In reported transactions other' than jobbing parcel-, which footuplOo packages at steady lltiures within tho range of oar quotations. We quote 910 u 911 lor plain mess. bbls. ; 911 50 a 912 for extra do., do.: 919 50 a 920 tor prime mess, tierces; 922 a 923 tor India do., do., and 924 a 925 for extra city, da Beef hams were quiet, but quoted steady within the range of t'.'l a 9-3 for Western. Cut meats were quiet, but re mained steady in value. We heard of sales ol L.000 loose fresh nams at 101?c, 1,000 do. shoulders at ti^c. a 63fc., 700 pickled shoulders at 7)*c..( a 71iC1 and 20,000 lbs. of loose pickled bellies at lO^O. per lb. We quote:? Plckleo shoulders. 73tfc. a 7T?,c.; smoked do., a 9c.; pickled hams, li^c.; smoked da, 12c. a ls^c.j, pickled bellies, 10c. ? lOftc. Lard?The market for Western steam was higher but closed weak. The sales luclade 550 tierces, on tho spot, at l3J?c. a 13 13-I6c., the latter price tor choice, closing at 13 U-16c.; 750 lierces, lor December, at 13 ll-ltk-. a ljj^c.; ' 2,250 tierces, for January, at 13MC. a ISJ4C.: 1,000 tierces, for February, at 13^c. a 1315-I6c.; t,J80 tierces, lor March, at 14c. a 14 l-lwj., and 1,250 tierces, seller's option six months, at IS^c. a 13Vc. per lb. City lard was firmer and sold to the extent of 500 tierces at 13>^c. a I3s.c, Poiatoks met with a fair demand, and were quoted as | followsEarly rose, new double-head bbls.. 9'-' a 92 62 j ' do.. In bulk, per bbl., 92 12 a 92 37; peuchblo?, new double head bbl., 92 a 92 50; do.. In bulk, per bbl., 91 75 a 92 28; peerless, new double-bead bt>ls., 92 n $2.5-, | do . in bulk, per blil., 91 75 a 92; sweet Virginia, 1 ?r bbl., 92 50 a 93; da. Virginia, per sack. 92 50; sweets, win ter, Delaware, 94 a $4 M) per Dbl. 1 Kict?The demand was luir in a distributing way and 1 the market ruled firm. The sales foot up 3u tierces of 1 Carolina and 175 bags of Rangoon at figures within our qnoted range. We quote:?Carolina, 7Uc. a 7?fc. for fair, 7ho. a 7Vc. for good, 7Jic. a 8c. for prime, and HSic. a 8>?c. tor choice; Louisiana, 7fco. a 8c. per lb.; Patna, 7c. a "Sc and Kangoon, 6A?c. a 6)ge- per lb. tsuoAB.?For raw the marketi was active and steady on the baslsof ?Ho. a lor talr to good refining Cuba. We heard 01 sales 01 1,500 hlids., Including 113 nhils. of Muscovado at 8 31-lOOc , 300 hhds of centrifugal at M<c., 200 hhds. of do. on private terms. 78 hhds. ol molasses sugar at 7 9-lfic. and 159 boxes of low clayod at 8c.; the balance mainly centrifugal on private terms. Later yesterday 1,500 boxes sold 011 private terms. Refined was quiet and easier, quoted at loc. a 10)00, tor standard "A's'fand 10*?o. ior ' hards." We qoote Cuba?Refin ing, interior to common. 7c. a 7%c.: da, fair to good tair, ?,?$c. a 8Xc. i do., good te prune. 8??c. a 8)$c.: grocery, lair to good. 8V. a *hc.; prime to choice, MXc. a 9e. ; centrifugal, hnds. and hoxe*, Nns. 8 to 13, H^c. a ; molasses hhds. and boxes 7c. a 8c.; melado, 5c. a 6?c.; clayed, boxes. Dutch standard, Nos. 7 to 9, 7\c. a 5c ; do.. 10 to 12, 8>?c. a 8?ic.; da, 13 to 15. 9c. a 9>sc.; da, 16 to 18, 9%C. a I0I4C.: do., 19 to 20, lO^c. * lo?c-; white, 10c. a lie. Porto Rico?Retlning, common to prime, 7)$c. a SHc- s grocery, fair 10 choice, S,\c. a 9c. Uracil?Dutch standard, No* 9 to II, 7Si<-'- a #)tc. .lava?Dutch stand ard, Nos. 10 to 12, 8??'c. a SJ4c. Manila?Superior aud ex tra superior. 7Kc. a 8c. Sr.ins.?The market for linseed was quiet. We note sales since our last of 3,000 bags, ex Ganges, at 92 S7H, gold, U0 days, aod 0,20o bags, ex Ne arch us. on private terms. Clover was quiet, but quoted steady at 10c. Timothy quoted at 92 75 a 92 80, and rough flax at 92 15 a 92 2ft. tMKAniRR.?1 he market was quiet, but firmer; quoted at 15>iiC. a 15.Sc. per lb. Tin. ?W# note sales of 10,000 boxes of coke tin on pri vate terms. Toiucoo.?Seed leafs have met with a moderate de mand during the past three davs and realized steady prices. The sales include 209 cases of sundry kinds at trom 10c. a 50c. per lb.; 514 do., of Connecticut, crop'70, oa private terms; ta da. of Pen rum vault, crop 73, at 13c. ; SO do. of Wi?c<>n<in. crop 73, at 9*?c., arvl %)da of btate. crop '73_ ou private terms. Keuwckr leaf <*?* nrm ana la moderate :emmd. l he sales aggrenate wo nnaa at Irom Ho. u 2.V. per II* Foreign wa* in better ai nianj an I ateady in ralue. bales 6J0 bales of Havana at bsc a $l 15 p,jr lb. ?.r?,'h'hT. wa* b?tt,'r demand and nrm. We note sales ? . Prtf;e city at *V . atul iw.ioi lot. of out w.?n. S 11 V*?-. according u> quality. flrin ?i'i h" 2K ? ?iui u uur lust ban t>< en active and nrm lor al descriptions. 'I transitions include III 000 Ji mt hivr VnmKt n*ttce 111 #4c-? &MU iU< xx Ohio ? '^.5" c"?rs<' fleece at ?9r.. S.i?J0do x *, *V,' " iV:" S'U,M 'lo ' super pulled at aoc., 20,000 tlo. mixed Wool at 27'4c . 0 bftgs 'ow sc ured ES.K'J?*?*#0?'" ??.?- ? ??.?*' do. following rales on private term*:?ln.uuo lbs. ui mer chantable fleece, 8,0(0 do. domestic n nit, aI *ju do. gray nmyrna, 17,U o do. Oregon 0 bales spring ('aliiorul i, 15.0J0 lbs. do., 30,000 lbs. lall do., 25 bags super pulled, IS do. ol No. I, do. of black, ^fiilo. ol extra pulled, 10.0Jo lb*, ot medium lexas and i.UUU ins. of coarse Mexican. W'hiikkr. ? Heceijits 410 bbn. Th? market was dull and unchanged. sales hm '.bis. at 91 01, and 50 bbls. ol alco hol at iW>fcg. per gailou. DOMESTIC MARKETS, Galvwton, Deo. 1L 1871 Cotton woak; middling, lt^c.. low middlinii, 13T,c. i good ordinary. IjJ.c. Net receipts, 2,289 bales; gross, 2 289. Export* coastwise, 1,310. bales, 2.41.'!. Mock, 85,093, New Ont.iavs, Dec. 11, 1874. Cotton?Domand fair; middling. 14^0. Net receipt*, 9,*11 bales; groiB, 10,581. Export*? I'o Great Britain, 8,605; coastwise, 1.746. -ales, B.uuo. Stock. 165,>06. Weekly Net receipts, (4,650 bales, grosa, 63,823. Export*?To Great Britain, 18.600; to France, 5,156, to the Continent, 15,452; to the Channel, 2.568; coastwise, 4,980, tale*, 41,000. Mo tut.*. Dec, 11, 1874. Cotton easier; middling, 13J?c.; low middling. 13>^c. a 13&0.; good ordinary, iJ!?c. Net receipts. 3.820 bales; gross, 8,824. Kxports?to Great Britain, 2,157; coastwise, 2.9S6. bales, 1,500. Stock. 51,3.'l. Weekly?Net receipts, 23.587 bales; gross, 23.59.1. Kxports?Io Great Britain, 3,432; to France, 1,825,, 1U.517. Sales, 11,500. Savannah, Dec. II, 1874. Cotton?Buyers and sellers apart; middling, 13 151.6c.; low middling, l3%c.; good ordinary, 13c. Net receipts, 4,302 bales; gross, 4,102. Exports? To the Continent, 2.150; coastwise, 1,-1 J. Saiea, 1.755. Stock, 102,814. Weeklv?Net receipts, 28,518 bales; gross, 21,'>28. Kx ports?To Great Britain, 7.785; to the Continent, 9,470; coastwise, 9,330. sales, 10,641. Charleston, Dec. 11, 1874. Cotton dell; mldiling, 13J^c.; low middling, 13?tc. a I3J<c.; good ordinary, l$c Net receipts. 3,319 bale*. Ex* porta?To Orcai Britain, 1,945; to Krance, 1,995. Sales, 6 0. Stock, 56,638. Weekly?Met receipts, 19,760 bales; Bros*, 19,860. Exports?To Great Britain, 6,861; to France, 2.933; to the Continent, 828; coustwise. 7,948. Sales, 5, MM. Wilminotow, Dec. 11.1874. Spirits turpentine Arm ftt 31U- Kosin tlrtn at $1 80 tor strained. Crule itirpentine steady; <1 40 lor hard; $2 40 yellow dip ; $2 40 tor virgin. Tar steady at $1 85. Oiwkgo, Dec. 11. 1874. Flour steady and unchanged ; sales 1,4 O bbls. Wheat quiet; sales 1,600 bushels No. 1 white Michigan at Si 3d. > orn steady at 92c. lor new hu-h mixed, liar ley nn change l; sules 1,00J bushels Canada at 91 5.i. Corn meal?938 lor bolted, 937 tor unbolted, per ton. Mill feed higher; snorts, <22; shipstufls, 925; middlings, 928, iter ton. liailroad freights? Hour, to Boston, 50c.; to New York, 38c,; to Albany, 34c. BtrrrALO, Dec. 11,1874. Imports for the last twenty-four hours?Flour, S.OuO bbl*.; wheat. 14,000 bushels; corn, 16,6o0 do.; out*, 9.100 do.; barley. 2,000 da ; rye, 400 do. Kxports?Wheat. 14.UOO bushels; corn. 14.400 do.; oats, 9,lo0 do.; rye, 400 do. Flour oulet western spring, 95 Z.> a 95 75; bakers', 95 75 a $6 25: amber, 9"> 75 a 96 25; white, 9" a 97. Wheat neglected; Milwaukee No. 1 spring held at 91 14 a $1 15; do. No. 2 do., 91 05 a 91 Oil; Chicago No. 2 do., 91 "1 a 91 02; red winter, 91 14 a 91 16; white winter, 91 24 a XI 26, Corn entirely neg ccted, no sales reported; new high mixed (juoted at 79c.a80c ; old No. 2 western at H5c. Oat* dull; sales of western on the track at 56c. a 57c. Kvo nominal at 96c. Barley quiet; Canada, 91 45 a 91 5>; western. SI 34 a 91 38; state, 91 30 a 91 35. Barley mult? Canada, 9l 55 a 9' 60; western, 91 45 a 91 nil Drewed hogs active at 9c. a 9)?c. Provisions unchanged. Tolbdo, Dec. 11, 1874. Flour steady. Wheat opened Arm. but closed dull; amber Michigan, 91 09; January, 91 10%; Kebruarv 91 13>a; No, 2 red, 91 U7??. cash and December. Corn openud firm, but closed dull; high mixed, 7iUc.; .Id, 77c.; low mixed, 70J^c.; old, 75c.: yellow, 72c. Oats dull and unchanged. Clover seed. 95 70 a 95 75. Dressed hoes, (8 a 98 &); choice. S8 25 a 98 75. Receipts? Wheat, 8,<KiO bushels; corn, 22,000 do.; oats, 4,000 do. shipment*? Wheat, 1,000 bu&hels; corn, 24,000 do.; oats. 6,000 do. Chu'Aoo, Dec. 11, 1874. Flour dull and unchanged Wheat steady; No. 1 spring. 92kjc. a ?9>4c.; No. 2 spring, .W.c., cash; 89%e. ?lauuary; 91^0. Keoruary; No. 3 spring, 84o. ; rejected, 7?c. Corn dull and drooping , No. 2 mixed, nominal at 74,Sc. a 74'ic., cash or December; new, 67c., cash; 67V'. a 67)*a January; now rejected. 63c. a 63Vc. Oats in fair demand and lower; 53)^c., cash or January; rejected. 49c. Barley dull and unchanged. Dressed hogs scarce at 97 50 i 98. Pork opened Arm, but closed dull at a decline of 20c. to 3oc. from best price*; sales at 919 60, casn; 920 15, Feb ruary; 920 50, March. Lard steady at 13%c., cash; 13'ic., February. Bulk meats steady and unchanged. Whiskey steady at 97c. At the caJ ot tho H ard lu the afternoon grain remained steady and unchanged. Pork weak at 920 10 a 920 IS, February. Lard weak at 9i:i 40. February. Receipts?Flour, 10,000 libls.; wheat, 68.000 bushels; com, 46.000 da; oats, 22,000 do.; barley, ll.tHK) do. shipments?Flour?9,000 bbls. ; wheat, 24,in)0 bush els; corn, 22,000uo.; oat*, 4,000 do.; ryo, 1,000 da; barley. S.odOda COTTON BE0EIPT8. The following are the total net receipt* of cotton ftt ail the ports since September 1. 1874 :? Port*. Hals*. I'ort*. Bales. Galveston 169 307 Philadelphia 13,090 New Orleans. - 385.695 New York 49,183 Mobile 154,271 Boston Id,4.'7 Savannah 348,032 Port Koyal 17,^93 Charleston 231,075 Itullanola 5,8.0 Wilmington 36.760 Providence 2,209 Nortolk 190,363 City Point.. 5,224 Baltimore 6.085 - Total 1,624,943 EUROPE AH MARKETS. LivG&rooL Produce Maiikkt. ? Liverpool, Dec. 11? Evening.?Fine rosin. 17*. per cwt Spirits turpentine, 24s. 6d. per cwt. lokdo.i Produon Mabkxt.? Lojtdos, Dec. 11?Even lng.?spirit* turpentine, 25*. per cwt FINANCIAL.. -STOCK PRIVILEOKS. For tome time past effort* have been made by the lend ing Privilege Brokers, to effect a reduction In the dis tance from ihe market at which con'ractt are drawn, and alio to establish a uniform rato tor all active stocks. Tnese efforts have at last been successful, and arrange ments are now completed, which will enable us to se cure Privileges on all active stocks at the following dis tance from the market price :? PUTS 1 PEB CENT BELOW MARKET. CALLS PER CENT ABOVE MARKET. SPREADS 1 PER CENT FROM MABKET. Tbe market price of the stock is now favorable for the Durchuse of Calls on Wabash, Erie and St Paul, or Spreads on Pacific Mail. Northwest and Lake Shore, and at these close rates are almost certain to pay large profits within tne next 30 days Cull particulars regarding the best method of operating successfully, mulled Irec to anf address. L. W. HAMILTON A 00., Stock Brokers, 48 BROAD SThEET, NEW YORK. A -NOTICE-CLAIMS OK ALL DESCRIPTION ? speedily and thoroughly prosecuted by an ex perienced attorney, without any charge whatever, unless successful; excellent references troin clients. Address LAW YEW, box 2.433 Post office. Any person desirino to speculate in Stock Privileges on active stock* dealt in at the Exchange, should apply to the undersigned tor their comprehensive explanatory statements and prlco ALKXA>i)KK FROTHINOllAM, 4k Co.. Bankers and Brokers, li Wall street. A?STOCK PRIVILEGES?PUTS. CALLS AND ? Spreads. $50 to fa*); Double Privileges, or Strad dles, at market price of stock, S100 to f.'tfu Persons of small capital should always have these insurances against loss. Seud for Circular. HAZARD A MONTAGUE, No. 6 Broad street. ALL STOCK PRIVILEUES CAN BE USED AS MAR gln In place of cash lor the purchase or sale of any stock; there Is little risk in this method of operating. We are negotiating contracts on members of the Stock Exchange and responsible parties at very close rates; SAO tor SO shares, $HJ0 for 10U shares, Quotations and ex planatory pamphlet sent tree. v TUMBRIDOE A CO. Bankers and Brokers, No. 2 Wall street. New York. Stock 1 bought and sold ugainst moderate deposits. AT REASONABLE RATES?MO.VEY ON LIFE AND Endowmeut Insurance Policies. Mortgages and other Securities. Insurance of all kinds effected with best companies. J. J. HaBRICH A CO., 117 Broadway. All persons not dksirino to' surrender their Life Insurance Policies by absolute sale, can borrow the cash surrender value at No. 43 Pine street. SHELDRAKE A CO. A -ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER CITY RAILROAD, . Northern Pacific. Indianapolis. Bloomington and Western and other deta ultc<X railroad Bonds bought by the old established house of ALBERT H. NIOCLAY k CO.. Stock Brokers and Auctioneers, No. 43 Pine street, New York. N. B.?7. S and 10 per cent choice municipal Bonds and other A! Investment Securities, paying 10 to ill per cent, la --ale below par, A-LAPSLEY k BAZLEY, BHOKKRS 74 BROAD ? way.?Privileges, $100; double privileges (at mar ket , $15Mo $Vi0. spreads, $.rs> to per loO simp s on members Stock Exchange. Pamphlet "How Money is Lost and Made In Wall street" iroc to any address. BONDS. STOCKS. OOLD. AC., HO" IIP AND SOLD for cash or on margin . operntors are ffered the ad vantages ot large experience anil unsurpassed faculties: Privileges negotiated when desired and received in lieu of cash deposit, WIL1.IAM WARD. V) Drcxel KuiuV.iiB IrfOR SALE-A PHIME SECOND MORTGAGE, $70,000; I arst mortgage light, on valuable first class city Property; liberal discount. Address, by letter, GEu. SAND, 263 West fourteenth street. ''"ITOW MONEY IS LOST AND MADE IN WALL II street."?A comprehensive pampnlet. explaining Privilege*, Ac i highest and lowest prices In ten years. Pamphlet mailed tree. LAI'S LEY A BAZLEY, Brokers 74 Broadway. 1 ALWAYS HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON OoODNI.W York clfy Mortgages without bonus. Principals de siring to BORROW OK INVEST appU to II. L. GRANT. 11 Pine street OFFICE OF The New York Mntual Oasllght Compauv, northeast corner Union square, Fourth avenue and sixteenth street Nkw Yors. Dec. 8, IS74. At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors held Uils day a dividend o( 2H percent, on the capital stock of this Company, was declared, payable 'miliary 4, IS7.\ The transfer books will be closed on the lvth Inst and reopened January ft, IS7& _ ? , _ CHARLES PLACE, Secretary and Treasurer. TO WHOM IT MAY CiNCKRN -ALL PERSONS holding dishonored checks drawn br W 0. Potter, 71 Broadway, and indorsed by A. W. Lad.I. Nos. ft and 7 Dey street, on the National Siate Dank of Elisabeth. N. J , are advised to oouter with B. b. AEROWfMlTU, US Maitian Utne, New Y^rfc. c riKAIICIAL. It* AND COUNT* TUfcAdURY, hA? Km> cuico. Dee. 1, 1974. PARK IMfRoVhMKNT BONDS ot tae City and County of ? 411 Francwo. Sealed proposals will b* received at the offle e ol '-be Citv *ud County Treasurer of san Fran c??co until Tl.l'KSUvV, ut.Ch MSBSU, lS.i at i2 o'clock noon, for the purchase or ii25> one hundred and twenty rtv? bou ts, the nauie being th,'balance of *Wu hundred and filly bolus auiimrueJ to t>e Issued by #11 a* t of the Leg islature 01 toe State oft alifornia, e:ititled "Ai: Act cou crriun,' certain reservations of tne CltJ? ana County ot sau Franc'sco," approved .March 11, l(J7l, and upon the written requisition of u Sullivan, ft. F. Butterworth and William Alvord, 1'ark Commissioners, dated Octo ber 1, ls7i .-aid Moods will be of the denomination of On? Thou sand Dollars each, payable in thirty years from the 1st day 01 Ai.r.l, 187-C with interest at the rate of si* per cent per annum iroui the 1st day of January. 1875; in terest payable teml-anniiatly 011 the 1st of 1 'ctober and the 1st of April of each year. Principal and interest psvubic in I,mud nates gold coin, uud 111 this city an<l county. I'he faitti and credit of the citv and count* uf san Francisco ie pledged lor the payment oi principal aim interest in United tales gold coin. Buuert * ill state ttie rate per cent at whtch they will purchase -aid Bond*, payable in 1'nlted states goid coin. Each bid must be accompanied by 10 per cent ol th? amount bid lor, either by certified check or in gold coin. No bul will be couaiaered If at less than 90 per cent of the par value. 1 he Commissioners reserve the right to reject any ui all old*. a? the pub lc good mav require. Proposals to be mdursed, "Proposals for Park Im provement Bull is.'' Olt! Hl'llElil', Treasurer. Q in (If If) TO ?50-000 WANTED?ON GOOI> TKM ?j? i?.uv" etnettt properly, iess than 50per cent on valuation. Principals address J. I). M., Herald L'pujwn Branch office. (fcfrn nnn TBUST FUNDS TO LOAN-ON FIB8T ipt^U.UUU Mortgage on New Yorx City Property; 110 bonus; other funds tor Brooklyn first and aecouc Mortgages. KENO A GoLuMARK, 23 Park ruw COPARTXKIiSlllfS. rPUK C'OPARTN KRSHIP HEBETOPORE KXISHNO J. oetwecn itnon Levy and Edward Decli&ux, Jr., under me firm name and style of 8. Levy A Co., bavin* been dissolved by the death ol Edward Decliaux, Jr., the undersigned will sign m liquidation at No. 581 Broad way, New lork. SlMuN LEV*. EUGENE POTTIES, Administrator of Edward Dechfux, Jr.. deceused. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A RAKE CHANCE FOR A PARTY TO BUTT AM established well paying pro vision Business. Addreaj BsuaU, i>o* in) Herald omce. A -MKIiCIIANTS. M AN I 1FAC I UltEKS AN D OTHERS J\., reuuiriug more capital or persons desiring to in vest In active liuiness, will meet with responsible par tie* and approved opportunities at our ofllce; investors are invited to all. OltllrWS A CARLETON, Financial and Bnsiness Brokers. W Broadway. A PARTNER W ANTKD-WITII (8.000 10 *5,000. ISC an established smoked meat and cutting up busi ness. Those having cash addressing PROv lalONll, Herald office, will receive prompt attention. ADVERTMKR HAS FROM $5.01)0 TO $10,000 CAPI tal and many years' practical exuerieuce in busU fleas; would tike to connect himself with tome busiuesa where the Investment would lie saie and the return reasonably satisfactory. Only those having honest propositions to make uiay address INVEsTMKJi i, bo* 1,153 Post olHce. A MANUFACTURER OF FINE CUSTOM SHIRTS, located on Broadway, needs the services ot an active, pushing young mau as citv salesman; one ac quainted with the business preferred; an equal interest will be glveu; small capital required. Address S. ML, Herald oftice. ClAPiTAL SECURED FOR MERCHANTS, MANITFAC ) turers, Ac.: undersigned have applications from numerous persons who desire to Invest capital. ALhX F u OTH IN GII AM A CO., Bankers a ad Brokers, 12 Wall street. For sai.e-a splendid and valuable cor. ner Store, doing a large dry goods business, in Jer sey City; $7,000; hall cash. Apply to J. MYERS, corner of Grand street and Corntnunipaw avenue. Jersey City. IN A SUCCESSFUL CIGAR MANUFACTORY, WITB. an established trade and highly accredited, th? place of a retiring partner is open, wanted $10,000, winch are perfectly secured and controlled by the in vestor. Audress Sc.CUKH'V, bo* 120 Herald ofllce. PARTNER WANTED, WITH ?2,000 TO $5,0(10.?A rapidly growing business requires the assistance of a thorough business man. capable of managing tlia agency business tor the United states; none other need Bi uiy ; references required. Address E. G. B., 70 Court street. Brooklyn. Partner with $25,000.?established business money used to extend it; part cash, part out or business, strict investigation; staple goods, state ad dress and particulars to L., box 174 Ilerald office. Partner-active orspecial-$ will buy half interest in stock, Ac., of a very profitable EX PRESS BUSINESS; city, Broonlyn and connections; es tablished about twenty years; business reasons for sell ing. Address, a. W. o., box 173. Herald office. SJACRED BULL, FROM INDIA, WITH A HUMAS 3 arm growing from bis shoulder, for sale; pric* $5,0oU. For terms apply to S. COCKCKOKT, 90 Ann st. The interest of retiring member op ax old established and leadiug house in its line Is of fered lor $25.000; to an energetic business man witlk financial ability the opportunity Is a desirable one. Ap ply to GRIGGS A I'AWLETON. 93 Broadway. TATANTED-A GOOD PERSON, WITH AT LEAST 11 $20,000 cash, to Join me in building in a town on railroad near New York , I will guarantee 10 per cent oil the investment, builder prelerred; lam a builder and have the lots clear; within X mile of 2 depots and li churches. Address RUlLDe.R. bo* 109 Herald office. WJ ANTED? PARTNER, ACTIVE OR SILENT, WTTH TV $5,000, cash; money can be doubled in ninety days; tor this amount 1 offer a chance seldom met wuh; article patented; comes 111 the hardware line; Is novel and useful; every travelling man and family will bur it; never introduced la this city. Address BUSINESS, Herald office. $475 CASH WILL SECURE A GENTLEMAN AM Interest In a pleasant, easy, re<pectatile busi ness with responsible party; csn make $3,Oou per year. Mr. LAURENS, 64 East Ninth street. nnn wanted-special ob othes. wise, in the banking and brokerage business, already established; reference undoubted. Address J. M. BUSK1KK, box iM lierald office. ANCIENT OBDER OF F0BE8TER8. Court Little John, of Newark, N. J., Held their regular meeting on Wednesday evening, Decern* bcr 9, T. Smith, 0. R., preslulng. The meeting was attended by a large nnmber of visiting breth ren, representing Courts Little John, ot Jersey City; Newark City, Faith, Hope and Charity, and Kobm Hood, of New York. At the last meeting ol Court Mala Marian, of New York, it was resolved that the invitation from Court Lutle John, of New* ark, be accepted, and the secretary notify each member. In accordance with this a large number of brethren assembled at the root of Liberty street, and proceeded on the half-past eight o'clock train bound for Newark. Upon arrival they were met by a committee, who escorted them to the coart room and announced Court Maid Marias, in a body waiting for admission, all or whom re ceived a cordial welcome in lengttiy and eloquent remarks from the Chief Kanger or Court Little John, whlcli was responded to in appropriate re marks by ueorge W. i'ease, C. R. 01 Court M. M. Addresses were made by Brothers J. Young, D. C. K. ot tne L. O. N. D; James R. Smith, D. 8. C. R. of the N. V. and B. U. D.; Henry Levi. Secretary ot Court Maid Marian, ana a host of oth ers. There were ten names added to the roll of membership, and alter the usual lormuia ol closing, the members of Court Maid Marian ana the visitors were escorted to ? hotel, where they found a sumptuous least in waiting. Toasts, slngiug. dancing, Ac., were in dulged In until the late hours m the morning. The Ancient Order of Foresters Is one of the most ex tensive orders on record, having Courts spread over the United States, Canada, Bermuda, Gibral tar. New south Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, St. Helena, South Airlca, South Austrnlla, Tasma nia, Victoria, West Indies, Wales, Scotland, Ire land and England. Its objects are to support itn members in time of sickness and provide medical attendance; also to provide an allowance for de ceased members and their wives and to support Its members when compelled to travel in search ol employment. DARING NOON-DAY BURGLARY. A bold and daring burglary was committed at noon yesterday at the residence of Mr. C. K~ Ilawkes, No. 22 East Sixty-ninth street, and prop erty to the amount ot 92,00* stolen. The circum stances were as follows. At aboct half-past twelve o'clock Miss Hawkes, the danghter of the occupant of the house, went to her room on the second story, where she found the bureau drawer* extendeJ and their oontents Mattered around. Calling to her mother, who was In the parlor, tne >onng ladv alinded to the strange appearance or the room, but the latter could give no explana tion. Miss Hawkes then remembered that she had heard somo s;range noises in the house a lew minutes beiore, and the ladiei at otico came to the conclusion that a burglar was in the house. Hastily summoning aid from the nelchbors they made nn investigation and found that their fears were realized. The burglar bad effected an entrance through the scuttle on the roor and had broken open the aittc door, which was locked, aud descended thence to the scene of his operations. The adjoining house nas been vacant lor some time, and, undoubtedly, the burglar took advan tage of it in getting up on the root. It was round that in all some t'AOuv worth of property, consist ing mainly ol costly jewelry, was taken. Tha mat* ter is in tne hands of the police. THE Y0NKER3 SHOOTING AFFRAY. The trial of AnguBt Lachaume tor assan'.fc with Intent to kill James P. Sanders, was con eluded yesterday In the Court of Oyer and Ter? miner at White Plains. Westchester eounty. Tn.? I Jury found tue prisoner guilty on the count* averred in the indictment, and n? wss sentenced I by Judge Pratt to six years, at hard lalMix. m I bine sung Prison#