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HOARDERS Wt.lTKB. i" entire parlor floor, three large boows, t bath, ample closets. Ac-., with first class private Uble referon^es exchanged. S6 Kast fwenuetn street mr Brwlwey. J BLOCK PROM FIFTH AVRMfB. L 39 i ?.?t Tcnrh <tr?el, between Broadway an<l University Jmt oyw ; ?ewiv and hjndsumely furnished Rooms, en suite or Jniilv, with Board _____ __ 7*1jAROb hall koom. front. with fine closet and full Hoard private f.trollv of adults, $# a week; ixmaton avenue, below Ftftv fitib street; reference* jqmiTiirir' v?l?e* hOMER, box 176 Herald Uptown iranch office. I front parlor and bedroom on third I floor to let. with first cta-? Board, to a gentleman and vMkortwo single gentlemen: reference! exchanged. C(R ?t Lt! Kui Twenty fourth street. 1 IV1T or THREE ROOM -. TWO LARGE AND ONE 1 medium size, with or without Board; stationary arasbstands. hot aim cold water, i aihrootn and every soirvenience. location Murray HUL Addresa box 110 Herald I'ptown Branch office. 1 REAR PARLOR AND EXTENSION, FTR8T FLOOR; I one front, on third floor; sunny side; also three single Rooms; all nicely furnished; Board first class. i38 west Kortv-flrst street. 1 VERY l'ESIRABLE HALL ROOM. NOW VACANT, ? to let, with excellent Board, on reasonable term* IB ihe first clam house 4? Seventh avenue, neur Poarteeath street. Rcfcrenceaexchanged. 1 PARLOR AND BEDROOM. FRONT, HANDSOMELY I fhrnished, ample pantries, Ac. ? private table if de itred; references. 14 hast Thirty second street. Letween Fifth and Madison avenues. I FPBNWHR? FRONT ROOM ON THIRD FLOOR JL to iet. with Board; heat and gas; private family; terms moderate. 92 Harrow street. 1LAROE AND DESIRABLE FOURTH STORY ROOM, with Board, tor one or two. No. 143 Madison avenue, corner of Thirty-second street. 2 WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET, FIRST HOUSE trom Fifth avenue ? Handsomely furnished suit of Apartments, on second floor, with Board. f) IOOMS-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, WITH & Board; house and location first class. 208 East Fourteenth atieet, near -Second avenue. i 2 OR THREE OINTI.EMEN CAN HAVE ROOMS. I Bre.iK.a-t and Tea at 157 Washington street, Jeraey j 'Ity. two blocks from lerry; private family; dinner I Sunday; price $5. _ o OB THRAB HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS ?? to iKt. with Board, to lainiliea or single gentlemen; table boarders accommodated. Ml Macaougal street, corner Fourtb, house facing Washington square. sy .-ECO.ND PLACE.?SECOND FLOOR FRONT ROOM, _ In a private tutnllv. with Board, tor lady and gentle man, hownd cold water; house newly and elegantly furnished; also a single Room tor a gentleman ; first class table, w til) home comforts; no children taken ; ret erences given and reqnired. ?')D FLOOR OF A F,RST CLASS HOUSE, Willi OR ??> without Board, to a tnmily or party of gentlemen ; excellent table anil a redned home ottered; references exchanged, i ur particulars call at 170 West i weuty third street Q ASHLAND PLACE (PERRY STKEEO.-LARGE, D handsomely lu ml shad Rooms, with hoard, tor $10. |14. (1 , lor two Dersons; single Rooms. $r; a'l moJern improvements. 3 COTTAGE PLACE, NEAR BLEECKF.R STREET, Sixth and seventh avenue lines of cars.?One large front Room snd two single Rooms, with good Board; price %" and upward : private family. 4 ROOM3 ON PARLOR FLOOR; AL.SO PARLOR and Bedroom oil second floor, with or without uri vate talde, to families or single gentlemen. Apply at 27 West i weoty-seventh afreet, near Broauway. Reference. 5TH AVENUE. 86. OPPOSITE DELMONICO'S ELE gant Suit of three Rooms on second floor, also single Room on third tloor; Board furnished If required; refer ences. ?TH AVENUE. 224.?LARGR HANDSOMELY FUR tJ nlshed Rooms, with or without Board, opposite Cate Brunswick: the same at 62 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, overlooking: th? bay. References. ?GOOD BOARD, SINGLE BEDS, BATHROOM I ?PcJ. and sitting Koom. A1m> strong girl wanted tor general housework 33 King street, near Macdoucai 7 GREENWICH AVENUE, NEAR SIXTH AVENUE ? I 1 Furnished tront Rooms, si'cond door, suitable tor I two gentlemen or ladies; Hoard it reqdlred. Ring sec- I end bell. | "lfkTH STREKT, WES'i, ISO. ?FURNISHED SECOND .11/ story front Alcove to let with Board. $15. tor de? I slrable couple; heat, gus, hot and cold water included. References. Not exhibited t-unday 1. iTH STREET. EAST, NO 45, FIVE DOORS FROM ! IV Broadway, between Broadway and Unirersitv place.?Large and small Rooms, with Board, at moder- i ate terms; table boarders accommodated. nEANK STREET.?A ROOM AND BEDROOM. TO- j gether or separate, ^as, hot and cold water, with i or without Koard private tamiiy. nTH STREET. 153 WfcoT. NEAR SIXTH AVENUE.? j Handsomely lurnlshed Rooms to let. with Board, to ' Sentleman and who or single gentlemen; a tew table oarders; reference taken. lOTU STREET, 37 EAST, BETWEEN BROADWAY ! \.Li and UniTersity p!a e ?Warm, comfortable icooms, | bathroom floor; ample closet room; good Board. I OTH STREET, 135 WEST, NEAR SIXTH AVENUE.? 1? Pleasant second storv Room, with Board, for gen tleman and wite or single gentlemen. TO LIV1NU9TON PLAOE, STUYVKSANT SQUARE.? a larg" from Rnom nx-elv furnished, to let, with Board, tor a gentleman and wile or single gentlemen. Beferences exchaiiged. 1Q WESf TWENTIETH STR"liT.?LARjE, SUNNY. IO third floor front Room, with Board. "I QTH STREET. 135 WEST.?TWO ROOMS ON THIRD i O floor; also hall I ootn. nicely furnisned ; tine loca tiun; good table: :erms reascnable. 1 OTH STREET, NO. :33 EAST.-A VERY DESIRABLE ! IO fron: Room on third floor to let, with Board, in a private family; also one on lourih floor; reierences cx- . ihsnied. MTH ITBEET, 37 WF8T.-HANDSOMELY FUR ni?hed Kooroc. second and third Koors. soatbern cxpo'ure. to let. to gemleman and wite or single gentle men. wjtn flrst class B< ara ; every convenience; refer , ences exchanged. TH STREET 227 WESt?LARGE AND ELE J."T gantlv tarnished Boom", with Board; house and U01* first cms*; reterence<<: terms moderate. "1 ATB STREET. WES T, Tt.-BLhGANTLY FUR It: ni<hed Parior Floor, five larire rooms (prhate bsitj), dressing room; kimii i storv itoom.*; table tint eUss. private if required; attendance. References. 1 JTII STREET. S(H WEST -A SECOND STORY HALI. j J x Room, with hot an'i cold w.ver, sunny exposure, to let, with Boarn, on reasenabio terms. UTH STHSEf. X2 WEST.?WITH BOARD. A HAND some'.v tarnished Koom i.n ti p floor ; suitable tor one or two per.'ion*; terms very reasonable; rei'erencos exchanged. 1 "TIT .STREET (FACING STT'YYPSANT PARK), NO. J'/ 28? East.? Two haJl l ooms, with Board; all con veniences- references. nWKiT TWENTY-fOCRTH STREET.?THE En tire cci.n l Floor; larpe. handsomely furnished Room-. al-o other Rooms !?<r Mtigle gentlemen; bOMaa and table flr.-t i iass 1(1 W[>'l TWENTY ror RTH STREET A.VD 61 MADI 1'J ?? II avenae.?Elegantly furtush'd Rooms to let. With or without Hoard, to gi-ntlemen and wives or sin^lo gentlemen; lire single Room*. 1Q I-AST FORTY-SIXTH STREET. ?SECOND STORY 1V tront alcove Koom and fourth story back Room to let, with Board , references exchanged. OA WE-T SIXTEENTH TREET.-WITH BOARD. A ZiU pleasantly fornimjed second story tront Boom. Oil MNtTTE* PBOM FOOT OF MRPRTY FTREET. ?yj via Ontrai Kuilroad?A pleasant Homo and Itood Board; termi low tor the winter. Addreas KCON DMT, Post office. Orcenvrlle. N. J ?l/\ BAST NINTH STREET ?TWO SUIT.s OF SUNNY LAj Room - with Board, tor lamilie-; also a lsrre Koo? tor gentlemen; dining room on parlor floor: rcter inces. OATH 8T? ORAMER^y PARK -ELEGANT APART ?') ments to let, en suite. with Board; alw> single Rooms for grnrlemen : refcrencns, 56 lrvmjf plare. AOA ?A PRIVATE FAMILY, OffMKii HOt'SE, ivZt'J- will let, with superior table, a large, stinnv Boom on second floor to gentleram and wne%reter ence?. it* West Ywenty-fMtfi street. <?1 WEST TWELFTH STREET.?FIRST FLOOR. Z.L handsomely furnished, with Board or private tab<e. ill EAST TWENTY SECOND STREET.?OWE LaROE jL 1 and one small Koom to let, with Board . references <11 ST STREET. 53 EAST.?LARGE. HAND-OMELY Ail lurnlshe I alcove Koom. second floor, with first Class Boaru also h*U Kootn on lourth floor; table ac commodation lor two ; reierences exchanged. 99 WK?T NINTH (STREET.?'?VE LARGE FRONT Koom. on second floor, handsomely furnished, to let. with excellent . oard. large c.oset-, hoi an<l cold water in room. 99 WAVERLEY PLACE. ?HANDSOMELY rL'R 4. w ni-lipd iront Room* on aeconl and third floors. With Board 99D STREET. 237 WEST. ?HANDSOMELY Ft'R ?mslieil iront Boom on lowar fl jor, with Board for two, $1-. 9<ID STREET, NO. ? WEST.-ONE LARGE, St'.V 1*it ny Koom. n tlilro floor, tront. to let, with Board; feest reform e Klven and required. 9?>0 sIHEET. US WEST. ? A SMALL PRIVATE family desire to let several handsomely tornished Booms, witji excellent Board, terms moderate to per manent partu s. 900 STREET, WB-T 54 ?UNEXPECTEDLY VA At Ld catM Dp. mber 17, second floor Koom and Red room. conuartian. southern exposure. with Board ; also Ball Boom on thir l llo??r; t^rm* reasonable References. CtOD STREET, ?0fl WKST.-TO LET, WITH BOARD. /<?' in ? private faintly, a b.icli Parlor, sunny an 1 rerf desirable, suitable lor tw-, Mat le men .<r gentleman Mdwiie. Referenci'H. 9??d stbMET, no. i^tt East, nba? foi rth ave nttc ?Three handsome,y tarnished connecting litumi. with soufhern exposure ; also hall Rooms, wi;it Drst class Board ; references exchanged. 4)OD STB.KKT HI WEST.?AN El.KGAN'I SKCHMD JLk) Floor, with batli ro ui fully lurnislied. t <0 la ,e, tunny irotit Room, very handsome, with or without t?r 1 rale table. Keierence*. 9 J EAsT FORI V BEVKNTH S1BKKT AN 1 j.? ^'x (tant-uitoi Booms, on jarlor and second floor*, with or wilhout private ImIiI>- also two Uoiibla Boom*, tin fourth floor; terms moderate. t)A TU STREET, NO ?.( WEST.?OVE LAKtiE AND two hall Rooms lor gentleman and wife or tingle ?eaiieatta t?bl? Urst class, terms moUcra?e. BOARDERS WAJfTKP. I <)- abingdon rqcare -two large rooms, ? with hall Koom connecting. on third floer. to let, I with Board; terms very moderate aud references ex I changed. FOR a VERT DESIRABLE ROOM. WITH 0 ? ?> first class Board tor two persons, In an elegant house, near Kewrvolr I'arKt best reference* required. Inquire at CHANDLER'S, 81(7 Sixth avenue. ? ! 97 WE^r KIGBTRI NTH >TREKT.-TWO SECOND . ?< ( floor from Rooms, southern exposure; al-o other Kooms on first and thrrd floors; first ciaaa table ; reter cncea. | OH EAST FORTY-SIXTH STREET. CORKER MADI son avenue.?A pleasant second story Koom. hand somely furnished, facing Malison ?v< nee. with Hoard, I suitable for ladv and gentleman; teruis moderate. I ')(! WEST FIFTEENTH STREET.?KINK ROOMS, \ mj>" en suite or singly, with first class Hoard; terms nioderafe; every attention paid to comfort: references. Qfl EAST NINETEENTH STREET.?TO LET. W1T1I OU Board, large I'arlor. with hot and cold water; large pan try; also single Room ?c>r gentleman; one or ! two tabic boarders taken. QQD STREET. 81 vVEST. BETWEEN FIFTH AVENUE i OO and Broadway.?sunny trout Rooms on third 1 floor with flrst 1 lass Board: two gentlemen can be ac commodate.! with table Hoard at jnoderate terms. ' Q 4 WEST FIFTEEN Til STREET.?TO I,KT. WITH 04; Board, a large Room OS fourth floor, Mutable lor 1 wo ladies; terms moderate ; also table boarders accorn modaveo. <> ( WEST TWENTY-FIRST RfREET, REAR FIFTH ?j-r avenue ?Handsomely furnished largo Room on second floor (southern exposure) to let, with Board, to gentleman aud wile or .single gentlemen. Iteierences exchanged. Q ( TH STREET, NO. Ill WEST.?LARGE, SECOND ; ? V r story bark Romn, with Board; terms reasonable; references exchanged. O I Til STREET, 146 EAST.?HANDSOMELY Fl'R ?>"T nlshed Rooms, large, with Board, to a lady ami gentleman; al>o hall Koom tor gentleman; house and location ilrstclass; references exi-hanged. o r. Lafayette place, one block east of ?>?/ Broadway, near Fourth street-?fine third story > front Room and large hall Bedroom, communicating, w ith Board: ample closet room; location goo"; terms reasonable; references^ ?>/? EAST TWENTY-FIRST STREET. NE.\R BROAD Ot) vinv.-An elegant I'arlor Floor, with private table and comforts of a refined home; two other desirable Room*. ?>/? WEST TWENTY-FIRST STREET?GENTLEMAN OO and wife can secure large, square Room, hand somely furnished; large closets; hot and coid water; small family, adults; plentiful table. Terms moderate. Reference required. QQTH STREET, 227 WEST.?TWO DESIRABLE CON" OO necting Kooms. suitable for gentloman andwlte or two gentlemen; one liaH Room: houso, table, location first class; terms reasonable-, relerences. ?)(1 WEST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET.-NICELY ij'1 furnished Rooms to let, with Board, on first, sec ond or third tloors, singly or en suite; house, table au 1 neighborhood flrst class; terms very reasonable; best reference. ,11 WEST SIXTEENTH STREET.?BOARD.?ENTIRE XL Second Floor, three rooms, well furnished, front, sunnv. moderate price, to a family; also single Roomsr; good, liberal table; reference* 49 WEST SIXTEENTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH _ avenue. ? Handsomely furnished Rooms, flrst and second floors, to let, with flr-t class Board, with or without private table; unexceptionable references re , quired. (OD STREET.?PARLOR AND BEDROOM, SEPA rately or together; third floor, front; facing Reser voir I'arK; handsomely nirnished; good Board; mode rate price, southern exposure; references. 55 West Forty-second street. /IO EAST NINTH STREET, BETWEEN UN1VER T ?J sity place and Broadway.?Furnished Rooms, with Board, for single gentlemen or gentlemen and their wives, at moderate prices; neighborhood unex.eeptiou i a ble. I - EAST TWENTY-SECOND STREET. NEAR Broadway. ?Elegantly furnished Booms, with first class Board, for families and gentlemen; alto table Board; house newly furnished and painted, with mod ern Improvements; reterences. A Q WEST FOURTEENTH STREET.?THREE VERY *i 0 desirable Rooms, on second floor, well furnished and all connected, suitable for a small family; southern exposure; a1?c hall Koom: Board flrst class; u tew table Botirderscau be accommodated. I Q ANO 51 WEST NINTH STREET ?DESIRABLE, handsomely turnislied single and double Rooms to let, with or without Board, at moderate rates. C|| NINTH STREET, BETWEEN BROADWAY AND *)'J University place?Parlor and Chamber on tho nrst floor to let, with first class Board, to a family or a party of gentlemen, southern exposure. ftO AND ? ST. MARK'S PL^CE ?ROOMS, LARGE ? /O and small, furui.shed, to let, with Board: superior accommodations tor families or s;ngle gentlemen and ladies; terms low; also table Board. ro NINTH STREET, BETWEEN BROADWAY AND ?JO University place.?First clnss French Board. Rooms, en suite or singly, for families or single gentle men. References. n FAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET.?ELEGANT ?J*X Suit of Apartments to let. taa gentleman, with hot and cold water in rooms, private bath, with or without Board, in a private family. C A CLINTON PLACE, NEAR FIFTH AVENUE.? Large, comfortable Rooms. #15, $1R, $20 for two persons, with excellent Board; grate tiro and every ac commodation : also table Board; reference. tn CLINTON PLACE, OPPOSITE THE BREVOORT t)0 House.?A comfortable Room, with first class Board, suitable for two gentlemen ; price fit per week. /?(i WH*T THIRTY-EIGHTH STRKKT.?FURNISHED OU Koom to rent, second floor, with Board, and ball Room adjoining also a single Room. I FORTIETH STREET, OPPOSITE RESERVOIR UO square.?Handsomely furnished Rooms, with Board; reierenccs exchanged. 7f* LEXINGTON AVENUE.?NICELY FURNISHED I O trout and back Parlors to let, with or witbout [ Board. 77 WKST ELEVENTH STREET.?GOOD ROOMS, 4 I with or without Boara, tor single gentlemen or married couples; terms moderate; references ex changed. CI KA>T TENTH STREET. BETWEEN THIRD AND Oi Fourth avenues.?To let, a single Room ; also a J'ar lor a ml Bedroom, to gentleman and wife, with excellent Board; house first class; terms moderate. Q9 EAST TENTH STREET.?LARGE K HO N'T IWRLOR with Board, for gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen; rent, $2uper week, with Are and gas; also a all room. 1 [)Q WEST THIRTY-EIGHTH STREET.?ELEGANT. J ' m J lv (urnWIicd Rooms, to gentlemen or gentlemen and wives, with or without Board; house newly deco rate. i and renovated. 1/11 EAST FIFTEENTH STREET. TWO DOORS 1U*t Knst ot Fourth avenue.?Hirnished Room* lor la dles and gentlemen . Board lor la<1 v only. 1|| I WEST FORTY"-SECOND STREET.?TO LET, J w"r with Board, handsomely furnished Hootns, en suite or singly; terms moderate; referent os exchanged. 1[|C WEST SIXTEENTH STREET, NEAR SIXTH tUU aveone. ?Furnished Rooms to rent, with all im provemeuts, with or without Boar;!. 1/\7 EAST FORTY-SIXTH STREET, BETWEEN" l'/l Lexington and Fourth avenue-.-. ?Furnished Rooms, with or without Board; excellent table; terms very moderate. 1H7 WEST rOETY-SECOXD STREET.?TO RENT, J " i wilh Board, a pleasant second story front Room; southern e x posure; terms reasonable; to gentleman ana wife; references. I AO EAST FOURTEENTH STREET.-000:>, WELL J.l/0 furnished Rooms, witn or without Board ; Hotise newly furnished; location central; references given and required. -I nu EAST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. NEAR J.UO Madison square.?A desirable front Room on second floor bay winriowi, with Hoard; private family; terms moderate; references exelianj/ed. IflQ EAST SIXTEENTH STREET, NEAR UNION lUu square.? Large and desirable Rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or without Board. S. FAULKNER BROWS. II - WEST THIRTY-EIGHTH STREET.?THE J 1 'J Whole or l*art ot a second floor to let, with or withoat Board; small priva;p family. "1 1 r WAVKRLF.y PLACE.?TO LET, A HANDSOME J l?J Iront Parlor: also other Rooms, en sutte or singly, with Hoard, convenient to Sixth and Seventh avenue curs; house has all modern improvements. mEAST FOURTEENTH STRLET.?TWO DE-IR. able front Rooms, connecting, second itorv, with Hoard; also One third story front hail Room, with fire. -|??-| WEST THIRTY-SECOND STREET.?A QUIET J ? 1 family have a larce tront Room on second or third floor, furnished or unfurnished, with Board ; sunny exposure, references given and required. 1 99 EAST THIRTY-EIGHTH STREET.-A PRIVATE 1 Z.? family h?? two handsomely furnished l-:oomst<> rent. on second door, singly or en suite, hath and all im provements, with or without first class Board. 1 4>r? WEST FORTY-SECOND STREET.?THIRD I I) floor, front Room, handsomely furnished, wuh g o<i Board; bouse and ap;><iintmenis first; terms to suit the tunes; reterencc exchau ,n I. 1 il/| WEST TWENTY NINTH STREET, NEAR <) Broadway and sixth avenue.?One entire sec oiiit Floor, in suits or separately, private table if pre ferred; terms very low; upper Rooms, jlo to $t. lurgo pantries. mWEST TWENTY FIRST STREET.?AN 1XTKS slon Room, witfi bureau beds ead. fo let. with Board, to gentleman and wlie or two single gentlemen. l??fj OHRYSTIE STREET.?LARGE AND SMALL lw>' mrniahed Rooms to let, with or without Boardi ? I*o ? Rw ladies and table hoarders can be accommo dated ; board from $4 to f i per wee*. I'm SECOND AVENUE, CORNER OF EIGHTH J?)U afreet.-Beautiful iront Parloi bav window), for partv ill two or more gentlemen or gentleman and wife, o; Room for two ladies #? eaeh, and lor three gentle men $ ? VI each. Fir*. Excellent tabic. 1?i?> WEST THIRTY.FIFTH ST k BET, NEAR 1 ) Broadway.?Furnished Rooms can be had. with or without Boaru; home comforts at very reasonable term*. I ?j - lexinoton avenue, cobser tw ? Jrrv. !?)?) nln h street ?Handsomely fnrmsbed Room on <-< ? nd floor, with Hoard iti a nru ciuss house, for goii. tb man and wife or single gentlemen. ] I u \VA VI*. RLI-.Y FLA( /..-TO LI T. ROOMS. WITH 1'rO Board, singly ortn suite, av lowest terms , hot snu cold water and urate lire ; pleasant homo nfui good table. "I " O EAST THIRTY-THIRD STREET.?TO LET, A J Isrgs front Room, southern exposure; grstn fire hot snd coin water in room, with oi witbout Board, en the most reasonable term* BOARDERS WAMTKft ISC* WEST Til IBTT SIXTH" 8TRHET.-LAROE lOO furnished sulis; al>o single Booms, to families or gentlemen: unexceptionable table; private family; terms very low. References. Ittft WAVEELET PLACE.?IN AN AMERICAN KaM _lOt~ iiy, with no children. two double Rooms, nicely lurniihiil. to accommodate two gentlemen ani their wives, with Board; terms $12. 1 7 WKST FORTY-FIFTH STREET.?A BACK P *R I I ?' lor and one hall Koom to let. with Board, to gen tlemen; location central; references. lft L BLEKCKMt STREEF. NEAR MACDOUOAU ? 10+ Handsomely furnished Kooms to rent, with Hoard, tor gentleman and wife or single gentlemen; also two Rooms lor light housekeeping, at moderate prices. 0(\0 WK8T TWENTY-FOURTH STREET.?NICELY ^UO furnished looms, tor gentlemen or gentlemen ami their wives, with (Ire. gas. bath, hot ami cold water, with or without Hoard ; terms moderate. S)l \ ~ WKST TWENTY SECOND 8TREET.?A VERY h) cosev back I'arlor. with gas. hot and cold water and heater, tor two gentlemen, gentleman and wile or single gentlemen, with first class Hoard, at very mod erate rata. one EAST SIXTEENTH STREET. NEAR THIRD avenue.?A few young men ean be accommoda ted with iioard ; also two young ladies; in a tlrst class lo cation. OAft EAST H ROAD WAY.?A LARfiE FRONT ROOM ?' m ) to let, with Hoard: comfortably furnished, with tire aim tight; term* moderatei also other vacancies lino WE-T fourteenth STREET?PLEASANT HD Knoms, with tirs' class Board, with all the com forts of a home, for single gentlemen or gentlemen and wives. O/JQ WF.ST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET.?TO LET. i"0 a large second storv sunny Hoom, handsomely furnished: bathroom, closets, grate Are. Ac., with or without Board (twoo'clock dinner); references; QftQ WEST FORTY-FIFTH STREET. NEAR BROAD jl'O w?,v.?A Jewish family have an elegantly tur nished. Isrue Room to let, with tlrst class Board; also a single Room. k)ln EAST FORTY-EIOHTH STREKT.?TO LET, ONE or two Rooms, handsomely furnished, with good Board, in a private family. Of Q WE>T THIRTY-EIGHTH STREET.?DESIRA hie Rooms, single or en suite, with or without Board; private family, giving home comforts; terms moderate southern exposurereference. 91Q Ea.-'T EIGHTY-SECOND STREET,?A VERY mIO pleasant and nicely furnished front alcove Room, with or without Hoard, where the comforts of a home can be enjoyed; terms reasonable. tfVI 4 WF.ST FORTY-THIRD STREET. A FEW J^X^X doors west of Broadway.?Handsomely fur nlMM Rooms, with Board; MOM nd rooms contain all modern improvements; location first class. ?>1 /? EA81J TWENTIETH STREET.?A NUMBER OF _^LI) large and small furnished Rooms to let, either together or separate, with Board, on reasonable terms. O I (k west FIFTEENTH- street.?A LARGE ?i 1 > i Room to let, to two persons, with or without Board: ample closets, h t water, Ac. 999"'east' sixty-first" street.?a small ?j-J-J private family of adnltawottld let, with Board, a coitple ot large, well furnished Rooms to a select party; referenco. 99A WEST twenty fourth street.?TO LET, *Zi?'~k with Board, a large Room on second floor, well furnished, hot and cold water; good location. Tliosc in pursuit ol a home call. 99Q west FORTIETH street.?HANDSOMELY ?0 furnished Rooms to rent; hot and cold water; Board tor lady If desired. 9<U1 W"ESTTillRTY-MNTH street.?TO LET, furnished, with Board, a bacs Parlor; has southern exposure, hot and cold water; reference re quired. 9?)? EAST 11dth street. HARLEM.?very ?0\J desirable Booms to let with or without Board; gas, bath, hot and cold water; terms moderate. 9OO WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET.?BY PRI jjOO vate C.erman family, a large, elegantly fur nished Room, with all modern conveniences and excel lent Board, at moderate price; suitable lor gentleman and wile. 9 ~(\ FOURTH AVEN UE, BETWEEN TWENTIETH ?,OX/ and Twenty-first streets.?Well furnished and heated Rooms to let to parties of gentlemen or gentle men and wives, with first cliiis Board, home comfort?, at moderate prices. ttU*3 WEST FIFTY-FOURTH STREET.?A PRIVATE ZUO family liai two single Rooms to let, with Board, one has convenience for Are. at and $7 per week; house first class. 971 WEST TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. ? FUR ? It nished Rooms to rent, with Board, to families or h party of gentlemen; hot and cold water, gat and bath; term* reasonable: southern exposure. Q1 7 WEST EIGHTEENTH STRF.BT.?A RE8PECTA 01 I ble private Jewish family will let a nice second I storv front Room to a couple of young men or a married | couple, with or without Board. Q9ft WEST THIRTY-SECOND STREET.?BACK I OiiO Parlor and large Room over front parlor to let. I wi h or without Board: terms reasonable; reference re quired; location first class. Q/JO WKST THIRTY-SECOND STREET.?A QUIET OtO family have to let, with Board, a second story back Room; gosd neighborhood; all modern improve ments. ? WEST THIRTY-FOURTH STREET.?A LaRGE alcove R>)nm, southern exposure, with Board; al?o small Room?, ample closets; liberal table and gooa attendance. I WEST THIRTY-THIRD STREET.?TWO LARGE I 0?Js' Room?. with Board, for gentlemen and wives; I al?o two f-mall Rooms, for single gentlemen; terms mod | erati ; references exchanged. qa WEST TWKNTY-THIRD STREET.?A FINE t?T large second story alcove Room to let, with I Board; all conveniences; references exchanged. ????! WEST 7 HIRTY-F'FTH STREET.?COMFORTA ?Wl blc, well furnished Rooms, with good Board; locality p easant and convenient 10 stages, cars and ele vated road ; reierences required. i??r WEHff THIRTY FOURTH STREET.?A. FRONT TrOO Koom, nicely furnished, in a first clam neigh borhood. to let to g-nlleman and wile, with Board for the ladv only. No other hoarders. MRS. WOLF. oil) FOURTH AVENUE. ONE DOOR BELOW Thirtieth street.? Oood opportunity to learn ?panifth, nicely furnished Rooms at reduccd prices; Board II required^ Inn LEXINGTON AVENUE?A GENTLEMAN AND TTt J\t wne, without children, will let, to adults, with Arstciass Board, ilieir second Story, front, with exclu sive use ot the bathroom. _____ LEXINGTON AVENUE.?A PRIVATE FAMILY, O?'J occupying their own residence, toill let. with eupurior Hoard'. their second and third story front alcove J.ooms: also a single Room. /'QQ 8KC0ND AVENUE, NEAR THIRTY-SEVENTH l)~?7 street.?A tew elegantly furnished Rooms, heated hv steam with or without Board, in the tlrst class private house; all improvements; by a first class Jewish family. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LEI', WITH THE BEST Bo ird. two handsome Rooms on the second tloor, wlt'i pnntriei and ho- and eold water in each: terms very reasonable. Address vicii.sBURO, Herald Uptown Branch office. 4 WI OW LADY. LETOXO ALONE. "HAS" TWO IX. comfortably furnisned Rooms for gentleman and wite, with Hoard for lady. Address M. C? box 1.17 Herald Uptown f.ran 'h ofllce. \L\DY. HAVING A FINE HOUSE. WOULD RENT elegantly furnished Rooms, permanently or trans iently, to llrst eln?s parties; private meals to order. Addtefl* M.. box 128 Herald Uptown Branch office. "A"LADY, 1.1 VIN(> A' ONE, Dlv-iKEs" To MEET J\ with a party who will advance her -ome money, and receive therefor furnished Apartments, with all Im provements, and Board. Address W? box 192 Herald otfice. ? SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY OFFER, VERy'MOD cratoly, with first class Board, second story front alcove ltoom, han isoniely furnished; also Third Floor; brown stone residence; eleg ant neighDorhood; con venient to Madison and Third avenue cars. 118 Last Feventy-eiflhth street. A YOUNG GFNTLEMAN DK-1RKS A ROOM MATE A to occupy a laree sunny Room, fecond floor; loca tion convenient; very superior board: best re'erence excliangcd. Address RUDOLPHE. box IWi Herald offices AT THE PRIVATE RESIDENCE. 87 MADISON AVE r.ueiwillbe vacated ubout the holidays! a hand some iront. and back Parlor, with or without first el its* private table, a Iditioual Rooms on upper floors if de sired : references. T laDY ( F POSITION. HAVING HER OWN ELEGANT JV house, wishes to take one or two children, orphans ot otherwise, to board and educate. Address TRUTH, box 1." Herald office. * PRIVATE FAMILY, ON LEXINGTON AVENUE, A near i'hlrtv eighth street, will let, with Board, their second stor.v front Room (alcove); ample closets and every convenience. Address box 4.S17 Post office. ? PRIVATE FAMILY NEAR HFTH AVENUE, ONE j\ hour from C ity Hall by horse cars, would let, with Board, two Rooms, on very reasonable terms: every home comfort. Address ANDERSON, Herald Uptown Branch office, " l GENTLEMAN A NO WIFft CAN_H A V|'. A PLRAS ..'V nut Room an 1 good Board for ladv. with a private family; terms verv reasonable. Adaress Mrs. L. HOW ARD. Herald Uptown Branch office. AN AMcRIOAN FAMILY, OCCCPVINO A FOUR il storv brown stone House within two blocks of Union s quare, have three hsndsoinelv fnrni-ticd Rooms which tltey will rent, wi h first cl?s* Board, on moderate term*; gentlemen preferred. Addri'M RI.FIN EMEN I', Herald I ptown iirrneh office. BOARD BILLS, WAsiH MILLS AND PRINTING suitable for hotels and boarding Imu^e. may lie o? tallied at low pri -es irorn the METROPOLITAN "PRINT INO E-TAHLl-HMENl. N... 211 Broadway. Jl'LKOANTLV FI RNISHBl. LA ROE Sgi'AHE ROOM, i truttt. second ib.or, first class Hoard m private re?l dence . excellent location . terms reasonable ; best refer ences required. Address, for interview, box 2,;j0 Post office. New Torn. 1/lkgantly FURNISHED SECOND FLOOR-PRI I j vate family, no other hoarders, first class house l near fifth avenue and i.eservotr l ark ; (irivnte table If desired. Apply to S. B. OOODALh ,t ?;o,, j West Twentv-third street (Fifth Avenye Motel). Harlem.?with a strictly private family, n Second Hoor. handsomely furnished witn or without I'oardi house and location first claw; best refer ences given and required. Address \i M. M . station L. Man and wife to board with a Jewish family up town, nt a very moderate price : strictly private; good accommodations warranted. Address M. F.. Ilerald oflleu. ]>rivatf. family near madihov square, west, wil' let back Parlor or large front Room, with board. References Address JULIAN, box I73 Herald Uptown Branch oiltca. rro LET?A NICr |,Y FURN1-11ED FRONT ROOM, TO 1 a genileinan and wife B iard for the lady only. Ad dress r, S., Herald Uptown Branch office. For Other Bonrdlng Advertisements See Directory. i foa bl'gllksg piktoixs. rbwneit BUILDING " WITH a vi v wat?se9S?.Tl01t V RENTS. foa nip k/w n?l?./?ijijcv.rk elkilble TENANTS atn^vr^^t^;nast9 may kav< >it * oil tpuus, ELi.'.i.ihl" okfickh ON MOST oumplftklv ?i?jtnojhli above buildino 18 two eievatom. ifp?ur,??gmid by ?te*m, inqlli'F OP a all modkkn ijipeovbments! ?>v u.fc ot HOMER morgan . ko. 'i PINK stkef.t. A ."street ttSnfcF, ?pildinos, 12h, 130, m .JANE ne..; moderate 810,886 b"'' e\l- a b. tjbah.vuam7609 hudson street Awoke r <> i.kt?ox thk < *< > i?\ ?.n np ftht? teeni^trcct and Seventh!venue. a oi^v ^j^he ox UNION 80uari5 TO lvisr for ru?nVt^re ?dlm?oforfe ?h ^v'ry co"vc"?ence, suitable moderam btgmdt?n?bt. Broadway and Seventeenth street A GOOD STORE iv harlfm TO I kt it in on (ir? rniaes, - 31b l-irst avenue, near ijim *rrect A OOOD corves STORE-lku AVPNI'F Con. story nvw ho^iflj^ekv?18''Th'r(1 F!oor: "'?? Jhree possesion. ' avenue; rent low: immediate A. QAUBEttT, 107 Broadway, Brooklvn, E D MUgp BSSWWiBBCSa a ?TWO beautiful pro nt ROOMS OVKR klftir bSm,.'io"letf-valwthriornnr N1"e'?enUl street <Hoftman houso' ^r dookir orftnttVWenty"fl,lh c- *? pfcck a Co., ltd fifth avenue. A STORE TO LET?i.V A GOOD neighborhood aNo two h.rara ?n imw'h n<!ar: ?kvens bullt " desired; 171 orchard ,s(rcet, oSSnp^?/ P ren'- lBQUire ? DOVBLE AND SINGLE LOFTS TO LET?ov VESFY Barclay and Leonard streets, Broadway block Inquire of j A j. W. meekh, no- <*> vesey street, room fi, F*0 H OR WITHOUT POWER, LOFTS i wit|i STEAM POWER TO LET? ON FIRST sisrw svssrv ? lm^ltiqinjhau^ktj^eet, corner New Bowery. ?1111 "u,r f'ne large FLOORS; ALSO STORKS ON __h'xe, c?le a GRAY, 633 Sixth avenne. t' well adapted FO* TaILORI vfl corner divlsion streei ' and ,0W T6 le7-8hops, suitable for cabinet man if t? LEJtth? BEST store and BEST locatmv T??.L?T-SLAUOHTKR HOUSES WITH ALL iw rpo let?a store, 732 SIXTH avenue HAS RFFV rpo L et?splendid chance for A FIR8T cta^fl LET?STORK NO. 4 is fourtht ivpvit STORY BOARDING HOL'mp tim-part' rpo lkt?SPACIOUS basement ON bhoadw ,v fn?rZ?",sl*!h avcn,ue- 1 one Hon Broadway and TnJr'tv mjrti?avenue! apply t0 uk a WeBes. sm rpo let?for business PURPOSF.S. havft broad0w?f.k?0ms 00 th'r<1 fl00r' inqulre ?? Boot 791 t??nj7a sple!,did new store AT VERY low gaerrt#yn,vio?f*ropn^tten*Dt APP* t0 ?>1&Y MBggg&si rpOLEASB-fok A TERM OF yeas* SIX mw co.ts?mbV?|m^r?|{c* 1 rc "front on'1mrft?>n liailiisisis h7 square.?magnificent store rk m i.k j nt0(1, 10 ^ 1b' until Ma v for 41?^ month; not one-fourth ltd value. Appiy there to dr _____ DWELLING HOUggS TO LET, famished. An exquisitely furnished, finished and built new, 23 toot high stoop stone Dwelling, Just west ol Fifth avenue and St- i homas' church, to iet low. V. K. STk VUN. ON, Jr., 31 East Seventeenth street or 11 Pine street AFUI.LT AND ELEGANTLY furnished HOUSE to let at No. 7 East Ninetieth street, first bouse Irom Fifth avenue; stable on promises; rent taken In board if desired. AT tSn A MONTH?A BROWN STONE HOUSE IN Hi th street; also several Stores on Broad wav. near Thlrty-tiith street. HINB. COLK A CRAY. 536 .Mxth av. A?FOBTY-SECOND STREET, NBAS SIXTH AVE ? nuc. four story high stoop brown stone House, elo Kantiy furnished, $4,1:01) ? Forty-sixth street, central, three storv hUlt sto>p. half rent boarded out, JUSO. sIMONSON t ECCLfcSTON, 5J West Thirty-first St. A -FURNISHI D HOUSES ON TWENTY-FOURTH ? street, Lexltitrton avenue, Thirfy-eightn street, near Park avenue; $150 to $20J; splendid large Houses I for boarding purpose?. WILLIAM TUCKER. 220 Finh avenue. A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE ON FIFTH AVENUF, BE low central Park, to rent fnlly famished with ! china glass, silver, linen, bedding, sc., at a remark I abiy low figure, to a sntnli, careful privute family. Ad. i dress BAKi LETT, box 1U Herald Lptown Branch office. 41 BLEOANTLY FURNISHED HO USB TO LET? : 1\ In Twenty-seventh street, between sixth and Sev I enth avenues; now full of boarders; will be let until May, 1/475 or longer. B. B. .MERRILL A CO., 1,281 Broadway. T REDUCED kent," FURNISHED OR CNFUi? nished. an elepaut four story brown stone House; I 75 feet deep, on West Twenty-third street Apply at j City Hotel, No. 1 Clinton place, corner Broadway. Elegant four story house?thirty-seventh street and Fifth avenue, newly furnished, $220 and I hoard tor two; also one on fortieth street (for winter), j private family only. $325. GEORGE HANKINS, 1,209 Broadway. TnoUB STOBY brown stone housiTYo let? r furnished. In Thirtv-seventh street, near Fifth ave ; nue; also other House, in ?rood central location: rent ! low. B. H. MERRILL k CO., 1.CT1 Broadway. HANDSOMELY furnished, COMPLETE IN EVERY respect, lour story high stoop freestone.?Select neighborhood; occupant (3 In family) would hoard with les-ee; very low fur the winter; Immediate occupancy. Address B., box 150 Herald office. TO LET?NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE IN TWELFTH street, few doors from Sixth avenue; rent $200 per j month. Add ret* JQ8l?r8i IW W Berala offloe, r LET?FURNISHED ON FORTY SIXTH STREET, near Fourth uvenue, an unusually desirable three ' story Hnn<e. see it. HOLMES lilt of HERS, 48 East Twentjr.fhird street T' O LET?furnished,* THREE STORY BROWN ? stone, a gem, or arrangements ran be made to board ! owner's family of three adults. Apply at 1?7 West Forty ' ninth street I'nrarnUitett. A FEW lIORg op THOSE TWO AND ONE HALF story brick Houses, with aH modern improvements, j bath, range aod gas. on Eighth avenue and 12'ith street. | to let at $45u per annum Inquire on premises or of ADOLPH i.EVY, 12 and U Walker street AFlRSr CLASS BROWN STONE HOUSE, FOUR story and ba.'cmcut, 26,'j bv fiO feet with a fine vard, j for several years It desire.1; parity furnished. 235"East ; Fourteenth street I * -SIXTEENTH STREET. NEAR FIFTH AVENUE, J\ . fine fnnr siorv high stoop, 92,400; Lexington ?ve nue. near Ihirty-tlrst street, tnree story high stoop, I1.30& SlMUNSuN A EOCLEvFON, 00 West Ihirtv-first street Brown stone, perfect gem, si.sooi BBiCEfsm, Sl.iKjO. $l,2f?) to $-.tx?); French tint, parlor floor and basement, IU room?. $?>.'): good locations. A <: i.oomis, to West 'thirtieth atreet mo LET?NO. 47 WEST -IXTEENTH STREET, A FOUR 1 story brown sione Dwelling Hons* In ported order. Inquire ut the houw' or of K. K. CASPER, No 3 I'ilie st. r?0 LET?THREE STORY AND BASEMENT HOUSE, 1 lis hast Ninety-first street between Lexington and Fourth ciities. rent low rpo LET OB LEASE?319 F.ast BIGHTT-TBIRD I street, one ol Ave handsome cottages; high stoop, balcony, eour yard, large >?r i in rear . good neighbor hood , teroM aery low. pose'fsion forthwith. rpo LET CHEAP?A THREE STOBT HIGH STOOP, 1 alt Improvements; in good order; on twenty-ninth i ttreet n?ar sixth avenue; immediate hosaesalon. Apply } to >amuEL MILL I KEN, 4M sixth avenue. OWELLOS HOI SKH TU LET. InfviMhed. THREE STORY HOUSE. PLEASANTLY LOCATED llf Cottage place; possession at oace. Address. with references, J. R. C.. boa AM Heral<l office. The whole or part ok a three ktory Houm- all Improvements: 15 room*; rent lirw till Mav and lor business. Apply to owner. Ill hast Thir tieth street. between Third an<l Islington avenues. TTKF0KKI8BBD BOUSB8 TO LET?THBBB BTQBY U brown (tone, near Lexington avenue, >72"; another, fU?0" lour story brown none, near Fliih avanuj. partly lurmsheil. *2,000; good variety ol Houses una rial* at reduced rentals. LIONEL FROKLIPU, Third avenue. corner Fiftieth street ?J STORY BRICK HOU K, 211 WjRV I23D STREET. O one door from Seventh avenue; all improvements; immediate possession: rent $S? per month till May. Key* at H. J. SfcAMANV, 63 West Fourteenth street__ d>00 ?TO LET, TWO STORY AND BASEMENT COT ?71?O. tage 242 East lllth street, near ihird avenue; 10 rooms; water and gas. JOHN A. LIN8COTT, 1,991 Third avenue. FtRlOSHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. A -THE THIRD BE8T BUILT HOUSE IN THE . city, 1017.?United States citizens, read, mark and learn?Apartments lor gentlemen or light housekeep ing. at nominal rents, $2 to $8; owner's residence; mrict relereuces; eight lines ot cars. 47 Amity street, near Broadway. A NEATLY furnished LAR0E CORNER ROOM, nL?o other Rooms, to let, without board, to gentle men or gentleman and wife, at No. 13 University place. A VERY SMALL FAMILY HAS beautifully furnished Rooms to rent, with or without Board j splendid location. Apply at 113 Last Nineteenth street, tew doors trom Fourtn avenue. ANICBLY furnished HALL BEDROOM TO LET. 43 King street. A FURNISHED HALL BEDROOM, WITH USE OF sitting room Adjoining. 23d Seventh avenue, near Twenty-third street Call tor two days. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL RENT A 8UIT OF handsomely furnished Rooms, together or singly, to gentlemen only, without board. 189 Sccond avenue, corner ofTwellin street. A ROOM AND BEDROOM (FURNISHED) TO LET? Every convenience for housekeeping; also Rooms for gentlemen; large house, with every modern improve ment tor comfort and convenience. Apply atlwMuc dougai street. A PARTY OF GENTLEMEN CAN HAVE A HAND somely furnished Parlor and Bedroom, with bath, hot and cold water, Are and gas. for $10 ocr week; also a large hall Room, heated, suitable for two, tor per week. 4(16 Eighth avenue. A NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN A PRI vate family tor a ge n tie man. 13 Wavcrley place. A THIRD floor, FOUR ROOMS AND GARRET, NO. 3Cornelia street, near Fourth; cheap rent; $26 a month. Apply at Hi) Carmine street. A FEW rooms, NEATLY furnished, TO LET lor light housekeeping; convenient to earn and siages: gas, hot and cold water; terms low. 409 West Thirty-third street. ,A FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, SUITABLE FOR J\ two gentlemen, in a private honse; also Room and Bedroom, with conveniences for housekeeping. 213 East Thirty-flfth streot A very PLEASANT SECOND floor TO LET, furnished, with all Improvements; southern expo sure ; three doors west from Broadway. 13.1 West ihirty sixth street A LADY WILL rent TO A GENTMiL PARTY handsome Rooms for light housekeeping; modem improvements. 140 West Fourth street, near Sixth av. AT 59 WEST NINTH STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH and Sixth avenues?Parlor and two Bedrooms, with bathroom attached; also Rooms on third floor to let, to gentlemen desiring superior accommodations. A LARGE, NICELY furnished ROOM, SECOND floor, with hot and cold water, to gentlemen or gentleman and wiie; private family: with or without Board. Address or call at 359 Wost Thirty-first street A very cheerful front room io let?with out board; southern exposure; newly painted and furnished; no bill up: fine block. 153 West Thirteenth street, between ^ixth ami Seventh avenues. _______ A PRIVATE FAMILY HAVE ONE OR TWO NICELY furnished Rooms, with gas, bath. (Ire; will rent reasonably to gentlemen only with references. 241 Last Eighteenth street A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET SECOND STORY hack Room, without meals; southern exposure; locality central and convenient; Ninth ward; terms reasonable. 24 Perry street A GOOD SIZED HALL BEDROOM TO A SINGLE gentleman, without board; house private; con venient to cars. 12 Perry street, near Greenwich av. A FIXE. CENTRAL LOCATION.?LARGE, WELL turuisheil front Room, above parlor, closets, bath, fire, bus and every convenience, for singlo gentlemen, without board. Call, tor three days, at !U4 East Four teen thstreet A large, handsomely furnished front Room on second floor, without board; bath, hot and cold water: to gentleman and wife or two gentloraen. 107Wcst Twenty-third etreet, corner of sixth avenue. desirable PARLOR FLOOR TO LET-FOR nlslied, to gentlemen or family, with the privilege ol kitchen: terms vorv low. JHJ East Thirty-first streot, between second and Third avenues. A -LAROE, SQUARE, FRONT ROOM. SECOND . furnished, snltnble Tor one or more persons; gas ami fire; will bo let cheap. No. 4 St Mark place (Eighth street), near Third avenue. A PR I VATE FAMILY WILL LET A NEATLY FUR ulshed Room, with tire; terms 910 per month ; ref erence. 84 Bedford street. A LAROE AND A SMALL ROOM. CONNECTING, to let furnished, to gentlemen,or for housekeeping: all conveniences', rent moderate; references. So. 6 Abingdon square (Hudson Uxoeu. A FURNISHED BEDROOM TO LET?WITH USE OF sitting room, to gentlemen. Inquire at 621 Sixth avenue, first floor. FAMILY H AVE A SECOND FLOOR, VERY nicely furnished ; hot and cold water and bathroom on floor. 163 hast 1 hirty Mtth street A private FAMILY. OCCUPYING THEIR OWN house, would lot two or three elegant Rooms, to gentlemen, without hoard : best references given and re quired. No. 61 Clinton place (fighth sireet), second house east of Huh avenue and Brevoort House. Furnished rooms to lkt-$s per month for titling Room and Bedroom, with every conven icnce for housekeeping, at 419 West Thirtieth street, near Ninth avenue. 171URNISHKD BOOM TO LET?TO GENTLEMEN OR 1 * gentleman and wife. 149 West Eleventh street, near sixth avenue. No nlll ui>. ? BURNISHED ROOMS TO LET.-1S7 WEST HOUSTON street. Furnished apartments to let in stevens' building (l.lrtti Hroadwaj"), suitable lor two gentle men ; terms very moderate. Address 0. B. C? care of It. M. Waters 56 Broad street, New York. IjUrRNISHKD ROOMS IN BROOKLYN.-A LI bob front Room and Bedroom, handsomely iurnished with every convenience lor housekeeping, to a respecta ble small tamlly, in a first class neighborhood, within a lew minutes'walk of Hamilton terry; price $5 80 per week. or $21 per month ; no extras. Call at 650 Henry s:rect. opposite lourtii place. Front parlob~to~let-furnished or un". turnnfhed, at 193 West Tenth street. Can be seen to-day. C, ENTLEMEN WISHING CLEAN AND COMKOR1A X Dly iurnished Rooms, with or without Breakfast, in a private trench family, are Invited to call at S39 West Thirty-first street; very respectable neighborhood; terms moderate. NIC ELY FURN1 - HED PABLOKS AND OTHER Rooms. Apply at 12ti West i welfth street. NrEAR fifth AVENUE AND tile BBKVOORT House.?Two large, handsomely iurnished Rooms, second floor; heat, gas. not and cold water, use of bath room ; to let to gentlemen. with or witnout Breakfast. Call this week, 23 West Ninth street. VTICELY FURNISH ED ROOM AND BEDROOM?OAS, XN water; every convenience for housekeeping; rent $ti M per week or $i5 per month; also a small Room ; re spectable parties. 182 Seventh avenuo, near iwenty. first street. ONLY $7 PER WEEK FOR FOUR ROOM8?PARLOR, two bedrooms and kitchen, furnished complete for housekeeping. 171 Central avenue, Brooklyn. E. D. Cross Grand street ferry; take South streetca'rs. PLEASANT FRONT HALL CHAMBER, WITH OAS at $2 50 per week, at 31 Cottage place, between BlMCker and Morton streets. rpwo NICELY F0BNISHED ROOMS, WITH OAS, 1 heat, bath. Ac., singly or together, on second floor cf private house 231 East eleventh street, near second avenue. TO LGT-A NICELY furnished SUIT OF ROOMS, suitable for dentist. Apply at 98 'Ihird avenue. mo LET?SPLENDID FURNISHED ROOMS, LOW 1 rent; haths every eomtort; excellent neighbor hood. 312 Ea<t Fourteenth street, next Second avenue. rpo LET?NICELY FURNISHED, ONE FLOOR, CON I taming three rooms, suitable lor gentleman and wife housekeeping, with good piano; also one single Room, suitable tyr housekeeping; terms reasonable; prettv respectable neighborhood. 131 West Fifty-third street, between ,-ixth and Seventh avenues. rro LET?A NEATLY FURNISHED THIRD FLOOR, 1 together or separately, with or without housekeep ing; gas and water on lloor; house private and first class, at 48 Barrow street; rent low. rro LET-TO GENTLEMEN. IN A FRENCH FAMILY. | a few Rooms, nicely h'rni?hed. with gai, cold and hot water. I'JS bast Tenth street, one door from Second avenue. rro LET?FURNISHED ROOMS ON PARLOR FLOOR 1 and third story, in a private family; reterences ex changed. .Ki West Thirty-tilth stroet, between t ilth and t-Ixm avenues 1 (lit l WO U iil.L Fl'RNl70i-D ROOM* on second J floor, trout, tor gentleman and wife or single gentle men. lertns moderate ; no boarders. Apply at .12 East 1 w entv cighth street. $?) A W K. KK ? FRONT BEDROOM, NEWLY FUR* O nished, on first lloor. East Thirteenth street, corner second avenue. A NKILSON PLACE, BETWEEN WAVEBLKY AND r Clinton places. ?To let, the front Room, second floor, turnulnHt, lor light house keeping! also hall Bedroom, suitable for one gentleman rent moderate. ,-TH A V EN IK, KM, N.-.AR TW E NfY-FlKlfl STREET. ') i itrtilslied Rooms, trout and back, singly or en suite baths on each floor; references required. (i I'll WARD?FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE if men only, from $2 ti> $4 per week; light and fire; house private, li Jones street, near Bl< ceker. I! Til STREET, WEST.?TO LET, A IIAND-OMEI.Y J I furnished Room, for one or two gentlemen. In quire at tlm dry goods store, 324 Blceoker street; refer ences exchanged. miUHED ROOM* AND iPARTMBSTI TO LET. UWEST SEVENTEENTH STREET. NEAR FIFTH ?venue.?Two large neatly furnished RoomL *Ha lira and gas. to gentlemen only ; price *5 ana fiO fet week; reference. 1 Z WEST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET. OFFOfllTE 8T. -l?? Jimcs Hotel. ?An elepantly furnished Parloi Hoor to let. either separately ur cn suite, suitable fot famiiv or party ot gentlemen ; rcte re nee. 1 ? east ninth stick er, between university place an.t Fifth avenue.?Handaomely tarnished suit ot Room* to let, withou- board. NWK8T TWENTV-FOUKTH STREET.? LARGE, handsomely furnished Koutm on second ioor wun all convenience* und good attendauoe; bouse flrsl claaa and terms reasonable. 1 Q WKST THIRTIETH STREET. NEAR FIFTH AT. Kiy.?i?u? "J1'1 veTy accessible to hotels).?Very daalra b'? ?"I hondaotuely turnisnod Rooms; to geutlemei only, flrit claaa hou^; conveniencesi private family, ')Q EAST NINTH 8TREET, NEAR UNIVERSITY h^i?cS'TA-J>rlvaf5 hits large front Roam, ?S? col<1 wa??'. bath and gas elegantly 1 furnished, to gentlemen only, without board ; price $4C per inontii. Or FIFTh AVKNUK?NICELY FURNISHED U\) Rooms. with or without breakfast Gentlemen I only. 1 97 EAST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET.-TO LET, A ** I nioely furnished large Room on the third floor t SN per week, for persons, or to a gentleman, without board. 90 THIRD STREET. NEAR BOWERY?A fUR ?<0 nlshed Hoom to rent, suitable lor light housekeep ing; gas, bath Are, Ac.; terms moderate 0 permanently engaged; relerences exchanged. Call for two daya. EAST TWENTIETH STREET. NEAR BROAD ?Jj. way.?To let, handsomely iurnished Room, singly or en suite to gentlemen only; have all the modern tin j) rove me nt*. Ot WEST fourteenth STREET, HALF A BLOCK ?>i) from Delmonico's.?Newly and hanaaomely fl?r nlshed Kooms and Suits of Rooms tor families or genu* men; all conveniences; good attendance: referenoea. AZ SIXTH AV KNUR.?desirable FURNIBBBD t'J Hoom. suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife for light housekeeping; hot anil cold water, bath, Ac.; terms moderate. PL A EAST TENTH 8TBBET. NEAR BROADWAY,?A 'Ix beautllully furnished Room, with extension, ])?( and cold water, fur three or tour gentlemen; 910 per month apiece; also single Rooms at fl-'. r/? WEST TWENTY-FOI'RTH STREET. NEAR FIFTH Avenue Hotel.?Two communicating upper Room*, furnished, tor gentlemen; heated frotn register: $6. Q"| MAR'ON STREET.-TO LET, FURNISnED OL Rooms, for gentlemen only; references given and required. O/' GARDEN 8TREET, HOBOKEN.?FURNISHED O'J Rooms to let, with every convenience for house keening: hot and cold water, gas and bath; convenient to the terries; rent $20 per month. 1H9 WEST fourteenth STREET.?A NIOE PAR. l'J? lor Floor to let, suitable for a doctor or dentisi'i office; also nice furnished Kooms. -IT A MACDOUOAL STREET, NEAR BLEECKER.? J.1.U Furnished Rooms, kith every convenience for housekeeping, to let to respectable small families. 1 .)*> CIIARLIN HIKEI T, NEAR HUDSON STREET.? IZiO To let, handsomely furnished Kooms, to gentle men or light housekeeping. for *2, $3 and $4 per week; gas and stove : liouse privato. "IOC EAST TWELFTH STREET.-IN A SMALL lOfJ private house, a pleasant fnrnished Room, solu ble for gentlemen, without board. TOO WEST SIXTEENTH STREET.?FURNISHED lOO Kooms to let to gentlemen in a French family. t)l\A WEST THIRTEENTH STREET.-NEATLY FUR il't nished Rooms to let lor light housekeeping; terms moderate. Apply lor three days. OQA THIRD AVENUE.?FURNISHED FRONT ?-?)' i Room for light housekeeping; also a Room for two gentlemen. , t)A H EAST THIRTEENTH STREET. NEAR SECOND .64- I avenue.?To lei, nicely furnished Rooms, third floor, to gentlemen, with American family. 9 Cfi WEST THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET.?A QUIET private family wishes one or two boarders, or would let a furubbed Room cheap, for housekeeping. Inquire tor room 3. . DRESSMAKER. ?>?il WEST SIXTEENTH STREET.?V VERT ^OL pleasant front. Room, newly furnished, to let, t* gentlemen; terms moderate. WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET?A NICELY Zt\JO furnished Parlor Floor to rent for housekeeping or with Board ; rent only $13 per week. Including gas. Q(\l EAST SIXTY-SECOND STREET, CORNER OUl second avenue, second floor, over the drug store.?A pleasant furnished tront Room, suitable for on* or two gentlemen; terms low. UNFURNISHED KOOMS AND APAET MENTS TO LET. A -THIRD FLOOR TO LET, . to a small family: rent 93& 32ft West Fifteenth street AN ELEGANT APARTMENT (ONLY ONE) TO LET? Two gentlemen or man and wife; first class; mod erate terms; every comfort. 21 West Ninth street, near Fifth avenue. Apart o* the handsome brown stone Mouse S'J7 East Twenty-flrst street to let: rent low to a nice tenant. Apply on premises or to J. McDER MOTT. 186 Prince street A real SACRIFICE.?FIRST floor AND BASE, ment. with all modern improvements and in the best neighborhood, 341 West Twenty-eighth street Look at the bargain. A -TO LET. three PLAIN UNFURNISHED . Rooms, on second floor, in private home (gas and wateri. In I'errv street beiw<*en bleecker and f'onrth; rcntfi'O, including gas; immediate possession. Address LOW Rr.NI', box 133 Herald office. Apart or whole of a three story brown stone House to rent In Harlem; convenient to cars and boat For further particulars address box 228 Herald office. A FINE FIRST floor OF SIX rooms TO RENT on sixth avenue, also one in ihlrty.fourth street, cheap, till May. Apply at 744 .-lxtb avenue. A RARE OPPOKTCNITY.-THREE FLOORS AND J\ llasement or whole lloure; all improvements; heaters: furnished or unfurnished ; location near ?road way. St Cloud Hotel; cars passing. No. s63 Seventh avenue. OWNER. CtOMFORTABLK APARTMENTS TO LET-OF FOU1 J and live rooms, at Eleventh and Twelfth streets, near Second uvenue; rent S16 to S3). Inquire of JOHN LEONARD, 309 East Twelfth street DOUBLE FLAT OF TEN ROOMS, ON BECOND STORY of new building, 1,0.53 Sixth avenue. wtth private entrance trom Uttv-seventh stroi.'t; all oouvenlonces and only flat in building. Apply on premises. IjlRENuH FLAT?ELEGANT APARTMENTS, NEW 1 t>uil<jimz-t. i- iith avenue and Carroll street Brook lyn; just completed: size Jfixrto and ?lxfiO; tome apart menu contain seven and other* eight rooms; cach floor has bath, stationary tubs, dumb waiter, chandelier*, range, hot and cold water; private hall; the stairs ana landings curpetcd; vestibule doors; rent $S0J to $450; desirable tenants; Mfih avenue car* from Fulton, Wall and South ferries pas* premise*; distance M minute*. Janitor on premises. French fi ats to let?in suit.-) op seven room* each: all Improvements: bath, gas, dumb waiter, Ac. Inquire on the premises. No*. <21 and 423 East Filty-?oond street. I FRENCH FLATS?$40. MO, $60. WITH HOT AND ' cold water, bath, Ac., on Sixth avenue; entrance on side street. Inquire of janitor, Ncv 101 West Forty. eighth street. I TRENCH FLATS TO LET?AT NO. 78 WEST FOBTT eighth street; have all modern improvements. In. quire or Janitor, TO LET-IN NEW BROWN 9TONE HOUSE, NO. 3M East Kitty-third street, Floors of six rooms; all tra> provements; rent $26 to $18 per floor. Inquire on pretn. fse*. TO LET?UNFURNISHED, THE UPPER PART OP House 249 West Forty-ninth street, between Broad way mid i-.lifhth avenue, consisting of dining room, re ception room. Kitchen ana tour bedroom*, bathroom; hot and cold water, stationary tubs and every modern convenience. Mov lie seen between tho hours ot 3 and fi f. M. Ring bell twice. fpO LET-SECOND FLOOR OF PRIVATE HOUSE 37 JL Uouvcrncur street. TO LET?-1N Q i' I RE FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. lhree large limn Rooms, No. 28 West 13th street, near uth avenue $14, $14. $16 Room and Be iroom, rear house $7 Room and two Uedioom*. 266 West 41st street $14 Room and two Bedrooms, 423 West 41st street. wll 4 Rooms, corner ol lltli av. and ;?5tli st., tront $14 Koom and bedroom, W* East II itli strer $6 fid J AM KB U1LLON A SON, No. 4 .9 Ninth uvonue. TO LET-THIRD Kl.OOR, IN private HOUSE 197 West Tenth street, consisting of six room*, with water and gas. Apply on premises. TO LET-IN 119 EAST FIFTV-THIRD STREET, BE tween Lexington and Fourth avenues, Fourth Floor, four light rooms; rent $18. TO LET-IN DESIRABLE AND convenient LO 1 cations Apartments, Floors and Lower Part* of houses, nt reduced rent* Apply to H. M. CONDIT. 131 East Tweltth street. TO LKT?A DINING ROOM AND kitchen, ALL IN good order; moilern Improvement*; immediate po*. session. Call all the week at basement ol Iu6 West Twenty-eighth street. rjlO LKT?ON FIFTIETH 8IREEfrNEAR i7kx!n<7 1 but avenue, a few Floors, Inclodlng Parlor and Basement; Hat new ; rent low. GRKGOR * MILL hit, 180 Kast Forty-ninth street. mo LET THE PARLOR AND BASEMENT OF HOL'SR 1 No. 1H8 East Sixtieth street: a Floor of Ave rooms and puntries to let at No. 4-ti West Fitly tlrst street; bath, gas and laundry lionses; healed by lurnace. rpjllRI) FLOOR, unfurnished, IN NIC ?; BROWN J *io:ie house 281 West Filty-fourth street, to small family oulv ; rent $28. mUK LOWER PART OF FIRs'f CLASS I10U8E ON I West twenty tlrst street, with one or more Room* on third floor, to let eheap; house has all improvement*. Addre-s OEORUb, Herald olhco. ' Unfurnished rooms to let?at no. 21 wi m Forty-iourth street; ?ix nice Rooms, in splendid order, on set olid floor; $.t> per month to a good uumuu Apply at 110 bast Ihit'tv tiit.i street. (Jh k?r A MoNTU for a floor of i-.ioht large ?#>?*? J rooms ill a Corner hotuu; modern Improve ments. Also Moor ol live rooms, for $iv. inquire at f.A2V l-irst avenue betwun l-.ignty-nrsi and fclsiitT. second streets * * 100 WEST TWEN1 Y-RlGHTH .STREET, corner sixth avenue.?First French Flat; every tin Mil L/.t nn <:-J If I ' . . J. *"? provomcni; seven rooms: West ivventviounh street, rirst Ana rtecond Hour*. Inquire tit 74 Murray street. For Other To Let Advertisements lit Dirtctorr