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THE COURTS. Important Decision in Relation to the Er.en ftion of Eleventh Avenue. CASES SETTLED ON APPEAL. Novel Procedure in the Temple ton Child Case. Testerday afternoon, on the complaint or Thomas Brady, oi Mo. 13? East broadway, Henry Weise, of So. 8 Pen street; Vmceui Palmer, or No. 8 Pel street, and Josepn G?rbeise, 01 No. 24 Baxter street, were arraigned beiore Commissioner Shie d.?, charged ?l'h conspiring to ctrculate counterfeit money, tie charged that Weise passed * bogus $6 bill npon him on the 3d insi. The pilsoners weie discharged on their own recog nisance to await an examination beiore Commis sioner Shields ou next II inday. Generjl William G. Mancks yesterday appeared bsiure commissioner Junn A. Shields and gave $10,000 bail to answer to tue charge or dealing in counterfeit money, His sureties are Mina Weld Huiz, oi So. 117 Ludlow street, and Le-itold Leroy, joi No. 103 avenue tt. Judge Wallace, or the Northern district of New York, will call the civil calendar in the United States Circuit Court on Monday of next week. The Wochenblatt Xeic Yorker Journal published city advertisements and the biil, amounting to $12,000, the Comptroller reinsed to pay, claiming tnat the advertisements were not puoiUhed in the oPVinary advertising type of the paper, bat in brevier and charged for a* agate. An anneal was taken by the cuy from a verdict rendered against It, and .testeraar Jiul^e J. if. Daly giviun the opi nion of the General Term of the Court or Common Pleas, sustained the views taken by the Comp troller. The salary of Nathaniel Jarvis, Jr., Clerk or the Court of Common Pleas, was cut down by tne Board oi Apporti nment from $8,000 to #4,800. Claiming that this was illegal, he brought suit sgaipst the city lor the balance, naving meantime accepted the latter salary and given receipts tn full satisfaction or tne salary due him. Several demurrers were interposed, the principal one being tnat his having signed such receipts waa a bar to any action against the citv. The case was argued yesterday before Judge Loew, holding Chambers of the Court or Common Fleas, at the end of which he took the papers. In the suit brought by George W. Rlggs, the Washington banter, against. John Purssai, Wnilam Stuart and Dion Bouclcauit to foreclose a mort gage or $20,000 on tne Park Theatre, the particu lars or which nave already been published in the Hkrai.p, Judge Van Brunt, holding Supreme Court Special Term, beiore whom the case was tried, gave yesterday a decision. He grants Judgment or foreclosure, tnat Mr. Klggs was not ooand by the agreement of the other parties as to the application oi the rent to the payment or the mortgage. Henry R. Wilkinson thought to better h;a for tune by buying lottery ticxets, He claims that during six month* In 1872 he invested $3,808 03 with James Gill in the purchase of tickets Having ob tained no equivalent tor his money?or, in other words, drawn blanks each time?be sought to get eTen by bringing suit against Mr. QUI, the suit being brought under the statute again t dealing in lottery tickets, and allowing the suitor it he makes out a good case to recover twice the amount of bis losses. He accordingly brought ?ait, and the case came to trial f< sterday before fudge Van Vorst, hoUtng Supreme Court, Circuit, Part a. A motion was made to dismiss the com plaint, wmch was denied, and the case Anally went to the Jnry wvh Instructions to bring in a sealed verdict. EXTENSION OF ELEVENTH AVENUE. When the matter of toe opening of Eleventn avenue, north of 155tft street, came be ore Judge Lawreace, in Supreme court, Chambers, some time ago, be s?nt tne report bacc to toe Commis. ?toners on toe ground that certain lands, tor wnich oniy nom nai awards bad oeen made, bad sot been dedicated to tne public use, and mat for tnta reason tne Commissioners bad erred m not mating mil or substantial awards to tbe owners #f suc'i lands. Tae ieport of tne Commissioners was according)/ not continued, nor was anj ju'S'ion totended to t>e settled otber than the tnesuon 01 dedication. Having determined that question adversely to tbe view* entertained by tne Commissioners, tbe report ws| remitted to tbem to make ?nch awards as in their opinion migat oe just and ? qnitable. Tbe repor*. was ac cordingly amen led by 'be commissioners ana mo.ioa mau ? 10 iu confirmation as tnus amended. lue leading objection raised was tbat toe Commissioners nad urther erred in reducing sotue 01 rue ararda previously male. It ?ow appears that tne com.uissiuner*. in c?M* quene> ot tbe derision o i.e Court as to tb? que*, tion ol dedication, were compelled t? readjust and reduce several of ihe awards. ?>n tbe assumption toat the laud require.i lor tnar part or Leveotb avenue woicb win be embraced be ween a pro longation 01 tne lines of tne oi l avenue. was dedi cated to tbe public use, tney had vaiued tne twent?-flve leei of land on eitber aide, wbicn waa alro lequirca i?r rn- impioveme t. us actually fronting on an existing avenue. Wnen the report earn- back tor amendment eon ortn -oly to me de Melon, it w?* ir.anueat, so Judge Lawrence kolas. In a decision given yesterday, tnat to ?Uow to tbe owners of trese iwen y-Ove ieet a war'is based on toe as-umption tbat such land front <1 .n existing avaaua waa nnjust to loose t>er?ons wtio were 10 oe assessed tor tne irni rovemem aoi would be mating to ?uch owners a compensation lar beyond me actual value of meir pro, erty. In bis view me Commissioners nad a right to mage sncn reduc tion. the Commissioners having corrected a previous error as mey deemed it, wnicb error ?as tne result 01 ueting uion an eiroaeous principle. He boida lurtber that the Commis sioner- in *ncn ra?es are not called upon to adjust ? c alms ol title to property, an i ou tats gr nod cooOims xjr ous awards 10 unknown owners. tne real owt -r< having proper remedy la ?tn?r proceedings tor i aymen 01 tne awards to them. He 0' hi? n su ill .on tnat Mr. Lewis was competent to art as tommi-xioner sn-i tnat tne omission to a.-sess ir nit* Ceroeterv was eou tormable to law. inasmuch a- toe cemetery de rived no beneflt irjin tne opening ot me avenue. Be orders .?ouurna'ioo or ibe report, out at ow? the matter tn atao i over f r two da?s to enaoi tbe corporation lono el am cmose. for the ra ions objec ors m apt ear before tne court and sxpi in th>- a< - wn?toer of n > written obiecrion ftad been placed on fi*e ou oabail o? tun objecors. COMMON PLEAS?GENERAL TERM. Deciaions were given yesterday to a number of ease* irgue.1 at tbe last termor tM four*. w> give be.ow an ab-trart of the decisions in too more important c . es:? la tbe caae of Francis w. H Ibroo* again?t Matthew r. Hnnnart tne Court r?udered a (it cmou holding tnat a oepu y sheriff aa well a* a (lieriff is diBquantled ,'rom serving a proves* oi a suit or any proceeding* ag itnst mms-ii. The inert* in this raw g?<rc one of bis dfljiutnes two executions to ??*> 'jte auain^t su th dej.aty. THIS is ie< >ared to be il>rg<i. In tne suit ot Henry l;*inecke aginst tne Cen tral park. >>rtk aioi Fast Kiv<?r U?uraad i<. m |Mny the (J-iuri no ids tbat a veblc.e rnnnirig in tiont oi a stieet car u a city tra< k must turn out lor tne cars, it tbr.u^n careless a eaa in tois re aped an injury i? su^taine , tne waaon, t|e car BuVing at us ordinary s,.ee l, the company cannot s? iieio res poos. i>i? tn ti e cas of Vi llain M, ?mith vs. anmaC. Bean the ? ourt notds that where a ooaroin* bouae Keener employed a st ange col red loan sad al lowed hi in to remain stone in the looms ol a ?carder, and steal tber rom properei ngmg to tne bjarder, tn" Court ha- a runt to decide tae Snesiiou if i ether on i e part Ol tae ? oardmg ou?e keeper nee nad t>?-n sue i carsie-^uese as to render bnn liaoie ,or tt.f .??ount .>f tne atoien property. i tie juoguiem lu II I- suit was tn tator of tne boarder sun to- < nrt amrms it ]n toe < ase el? antre.l v?. Hoe^iff ooamer It waa teld, In a suit ug.nust i ,e Si.eriD ort>res ing an rater door In ine ex ennon of a process, mat witoin ihc meaning ol tne law he door ot th- room of a tenant in a ii<.nse w..ere tne lanJlord lives sod exercises control ot tne nouve is not the outer door. THE TEMPLETON CHILD CASE Pmsuant to ths adjournment on Saturday last, farther action In tkl caoea* nnrpua proceedings with a view to determine wiiatner tne cnitd Willie 0. Tempieton should remain in rbe<*asrody or bis grandtaiRer, Colone. Wiiiiam C. Temittetnn, or be tranaterred to the care of m* mother, Ida Maude Tempieton, w..a had yest-irdar morning nef>re iudgtt I) n time, .n tfapremo Court, cnamoera. roionei 0. vv. Hardie, tbe rueree was present, so waa the child, aod so tha oppoatag coateatauu ard their reapeetive eonnsel, Mr. Jo fin D. Town rend and ex-Judge Bunted, unite an extended argument wan bad as to to* admissibility or tes timony offered at tne last session be ore tbe reieiec a- to the conduct 01 Mrs. Baocock au<i Mrs Temp eion. tier aaugriuer, whiie counting wild Mrs Kenny, in West fweiitu sireet. Judge Douohue oeciaed to admit tbe testimony, but meuDtiuie Colonel Hurdle desired to be relieved irom ms po sition as referee, although no laulthad beeniouud wiui him oj either counsel, wiiioli was gianted. Judge DonJbue t..en direc'ed an adjournment uu ni next Saturday, yvneri, lie said, ne would near tue testimony in pers n. Mr. Husteed, who at tne outiti'i 01 ibe case clamored vociterojsly lor a pub > He examination oeiore one 01 (be judges 01 tbe court, baa evidently got more than h** wanted, and yesterday expressed in* olalike to having so much publicity given to tne case. M>. Town-end, on the contrary, alleges ihat tie has all alon^ been anx ious to preveui publicity, but that Ue has no lears to lace toe music. UMTED STATES COURT?CRDIINAL BRANCH. The April term of tne above court began yester day, Judge Benedict presiding. A man named George Albert Manou, who claimed to be a detec tive oi the secret service division, indicted lor selling counter/ell currency.* a* arraigned and re used to plead to the maiciment. lne Court consequently ordered a ??not guilty" plea entered, and Mr. Benjimin H. Foster was assigned a- his couu-el. Tne accus-d objected to tne Court se lec ing counsel lor mm, declared u was a "put-up job,'' .?od assei ted m> innocence most emphati cally. ine day ior tne trial waa uot set. Tne trial ol Augustus Myers ior the murder, with adau/eious weapon, 01 Isaac Henry, steward oi the American ong John Sherwood, waa set lor Thursday next. DECISIONS. SUPREME COURT?CHAMBERS. By Jaige Lawrence. In the matter oi tue opening of EleyentU are nue north ot xsotii street.?Opinion. Bail vs. Hudson Klver Railroad.?Memorandum for counsel. SUPREME COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Van Brunt. Biggs et al. vs. Purssell et au; Frost vs. Van Loon; Boyd, executor, Ac., vs. Montague.?Opin ions. SUPERIOR COURT?GENERAL TERM. By Judges Monell and Freed man. Porter, executor, Ac., vs. Parrniv.- order al armed. with coats, opinion by Judge Monell. Cuai man vs. O'Brien. Sneiitr, et ai.?Judgment and orders aClrmeu, witb c> sts. Opinion by Ji.oge Freedman. SUPERIOR COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judue Van Vorst. Cogswell vs. viaugam et al.?Order made con firming releree'a report oi sa e. Haupt vs. Farmers' Milk Company.?Motion granted and cause aei down ior, April 9. By Judge Sedgwick. Chamberlain vs. Chamberlain.?Order granted. Aifaro vs. Davidson et al.?Case and exceptions settled. COMitON PLEAS?GENERAL TERM. By Chief Justice I)aiv and Judges Loew, Larre more, Robinson and J. F. Dulv. Smith vs. Read.?Judgment reduceu to S93, and amruied lor tnat amount witri costs and ext a costs oi the court below, neitner party to nave costs on appeal to tuis court. Opinion by Judge Loew. Conroy vs. The Twenty-third Street Railroad Company. ?Judgment appealed irom affirmed, wiiu coats. Opinion by Judge Loew. Calnb, a luuatic.?order appealed irom affirmed. Opinion b. CUiei Justice l>aly. Smr n vs. Symnies.?Judgment reduced to $20 and affirmed ior tuat sum. with costs ol the court beiow, neitner party to nave costs on appeal to tais court. Opinion by Judge Loe*. Mi -rsou vs. rue Mayor. Ac.?Judgment affirmed, witn costs. Opiniou by Judge J. F. Oaly. Audes Insurance Company vs. Loelir.? On re arguuicut judgment reversed auo a new trial granted, in accordance with tne lormer decision oi tne General Term, witn costs. Opinion by Judire J. F. Dal.. Can'ren vs. Conner, Sheriff.- -Judgment affirmed, witn costs. opinion oy Judge j. F. Daly. McUuire vh. Central Pars, A'or'li and East River Railroad Company.?Judttmentreversed, new trial ordered; c?*is to aoiue tue event, opinion oy Ctitei Justice baly ?nd Judire Robinson. Leech vs. Nasn.?Judgment affirmed. Opinion by C"iei Justice L>aiy. Foster, receiver Ac., vs. Townsend et al.?De cree u.od fled and artiriued. wittiouc costa to eitner pariy. opinion by cniei Justice Daly. Super vs. Kirk?Judgment affirmed, witn costa. Opinion by Cniei Justice Da.y. Uoiurook vs. lirennaa.- Judgment reversed, new tual granted. costs to abide event. Opinion by uhiei Justice Daiy. Boflmau vs. Gallagher?Judgment reversed, new trial ordered; costs to aoiiie even;, opinion by Cbiei Justice Oalv. In re petition oi Fincke Order appealed from affirmed, ?itu costa. opim< n oy Judges Robinson and J. F. Daly. Uammersiey vs. Collins Judgment affirmed, witu costs, opinion by Chief Justice uaiy. Gilbert vs. sunp*on?Judgment reduced to $6. and affirmed ior ^nat amount, without costs to either party. MARINE COCRT?PAST L By Judge Joacbinaen. Posdlck '?. Doiao.?Motion ior ? new trUL Mo tion denied. Bono vi. sjutro.?Morton for a new trial and expenses. Tin* action was lor a maiicioua arrest, obtained or au ord?r or toia Court. The order was vacated >>? tne Court on counter affidavits, the Com t holding that It stiouid ne so vacates on defendant stii iilsung. >" stipulation was trade, and the sua re- ilteu la faror of pres. n ( lain id. On examining the a.-e I bo, i tnat tne deiermina tion oi the Juoge f t*> jumrui oeiei m.i.ation. ami the motion or * new trial men; be denied, with rosta. Milter v*. Kotler.?Motion for a new trial. AO tlon waa oagun iu me Superior Court to recover tlu.OOU damages for in jurj :o tne person. It wn removed to in.- Conrt t.y consent. tried, aud a *?rdic of t'xo T?o i?rr<i; but under tfie ruling of tne conrt oi A| pea s in the ca*e oi A'4x?ndcr vs. Bennett. 1 iu u? hold mat tfeis Cool I acquired no jurisdiction of lira action, and I must m * an oruer that a. proceedings bad In > (iih < <>urt r>e airicken rum flies, caitndara and records ,or a..nt oi jnrtadlcMon. I mi ton rt. liottman.?Motion for aettiement de nied. Kbinaon ?i. Bazard.?Motion for new trial de nied. P.erco vs. Bernarein?Motion for n?w trlaU Thia waa an ac-i >n on notes tt>e consideration ior - waa a patent right, which, it waa shown in t\ oence, *?? wortDleaa. I ho'd tber? was no cona.deiatton given lor tne n .tes and motion is deuieo. >t. \unary vs. Carey.?Motion for new trial denied. \r -diet vs. Bovisn ? Motion for a new trial. It appaareo in evidenc- tnas defendant waa <ntit!ed to a credit oi 1104 on the no e. I he Court directed jury to niTe ttiat credit, but jury rendered a ver dict lor plain ,(T lor the ml amount, Cnle-s plaintiff will stipulate to dedmt f 104 irom tne verw die- a r.ew trui * ii r?e uranted. 11 anpulaiioo is entered into a :,<t triai <?ii be reinsert and ver die. allowed to Stand for the residue. JEFFERSON* MARKET POLICE COURT. Before Judge Kssmire. fALH? SKPSKSEirTATXOim. My. David Led with, Coinptro. er ot the Emigrant Industr ai savmga nant, preferred a charge of falM pretences agalnat one < bane* Walker, alia* Ot arias R. Thompson, wbo. it la allege 1. swindled rsat institution out of |M0. ' ti t e J at ot Karen Waiter introduced bimseif to Mr. Led with as Cftarles K. Thomi son. and stated tnat be wisned to open an account in the bank, at tae same time reemng to 'n* fl m of Wliwarding, Hornet A Co.. and 1 re-en ting a card 01 tne house waa Mr. I'Oiruet Jr.'a nam* wriusn on t te nact. Tne r e 1 en ti*!-! ueum aati-iactory, Wa K?r le p. sired a dra t datoi Mar u. - :, 1 "75. or 13, Mi. dr j * to the-, der of ? t a ties K. Thompson ot. iue fourth N*!. ual Batik and indorsed ?' ai es K. Ihouns n." Mr. WaiKer, aliaa Td> mpson, received |i?*o m bank bills and ieit toe rem uti.tu |. SiO >n deDojit. i n orait w. * sent to in" f-our'b .National bank lor collect.ou, and was subsequently returned to <ne Emigrant In dus rial Ravings Bank ad worthless. Aaikerwas arresied <>r I>eiecu%es Tnompaon and *le?io yes terday morning on the r->r:.<T ol MXtft avenue and iwentief, street, and was held by Judge Kaamire .u ban to anawer. ATTIMFTTH BrilOkAST, Thomas Barton was arraigned on a marge of at tempted burglary preferred by Mr. Edward Pnller, of No. *"> Wean Tfetr y-sixtt stret. On Sunday n.ght Mr. Puller, being awakened t y a noise on tne parior floor of his wen' down staira aod foand tnat tlie wind w on the reir timi be n fuiced open. He sent to t ie. rweaty-nlntb pr? cin f ?tat,on house, and Offlrfr Kllng- w.i* at once rtftaii'd to 'he a not. Tne low. r ri^rt 01 tne boti e ? ?. aud then tn? nacn yard, ?a?te tn>- prisouer I nomas liaru<n waa found, witu.a q ladtity 01 nnrgl 11?' tools 111 ma po?seas,on. Jii ig? mis mi ' yeaterday hei I 111m lu I'i.OuO bail to au??er. FIFTY-SEVENTH 8TREET COURT. Before Jadge Murray. THE KFIkXTLI O* BO0XP8MAN WEBB. Roundsman WiMiam fl. vt'ebb. of the Nineteenth , who waa ataobed on Saturday night or Et ?n ? rrv. appeared in rourt >ea'erday and pr^ierre 1 a c m.uaint airaitier 1,1a assacan>. fne a<v-aa?d pi au- i no- gumy,' .. u 1 wa< committed lor riai in d.- ault 01 }.,in o uatl. rHiil!Ui..K MUROKB IP A MQOO* STOBC. Michael Cunnlnshatn, the bartender ot tbe liqnor More on tne ?outl?easi corner of Porty-ttnd atreel and ?six n o*eijU". waa tirraign.-d on a charge of latain wounding Mlcaaal McCartay. who lives over ttie t ore, and * ltn whom he had ? quarrel on nunday nignt. Mc< artn/ was struffc on the nee* witu a bottis in OnanlUKiiam's nand, severing on* or the mum arteries. Bit death being probable, tne accused was remanded to %walt the acuoa of the Coioner. COURT CALENDARS?THIS DAY. Supreme Cockt?Chamber?Held by Judge Barre't.?Noa. 64, 58. 69, 70. 104. Call No. loo. sri'Rtut: Court?General Hum Adjourned lor toe term. Supreme Court?Special Term? Held b? Judge Vau Brunt.?Deuiui rer?No. 3. issues oi i w and lact?Nos. 2$7. 268, 276, 231. 282. 296. 297, 302, 304, 308, 309, 310. 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 319. 321, 326, 328. 327, 246, 126. supreme Court? circuit -Pari l?Held by Judge Lawrence.?Nos. 521, 013, 2671. 2673. 778. 8i7, 1111, 1116, 1117, 1119. 1121, 1123, 1123>k. 1126, 1129, U2i4? 1131, 1135. 1137, 1139. 1143, 1145, 1145>j, 1147. 1149. Part 2? Held by Judge Douohue.?No-. 2204 ,, 452 S, 1382. 240*, 2238, 1705, 1822, 1218. '. 44, 330, , 2581, 980. 1214. 480, 1268. 1282, 14H, 1222. 1000, 1()00 1378, 1124. 1014 ^?, 840, 1178. Part 3? Held t,y Judire Van Vorar?No?. 831, 823, 02UX. 1023, 1079, 2686, 2429. 1913, 6'6. 241. 56?, t65>i, 667),, 637, 857X. S5bl, 1751X, 135. 1065, 899>i Superior Court?General Tkrm?Held by Judges Mouell. Curtis una Speir.?Nos. 3. ?, 11, 12, 13,14. 16, 18, 19, 20. Superior cou?*t?Special Term?Held by Judge Freediuau.?Demur rer?No. 2 Superior court?Trial Term?Pan l?Held oj Judge Sedgalck.?Case ou?No. 1245. No day cat- j Part 2? Adjourned lor the terra. Common Plea??KyiiTY Term.?Adjourned to j Wednesday, April 7. Common Plkas?trial Term?Part l?Held by Chief Justice l>aiy Nos. 1412. 1008, 1069, 1428. 1194, j 1410, 1248, 1249, 1312, 78.'. 364^, 562, 1154, 1418. 999. j P.irt 2?Held oy Juoge Larr<-more.?Nos. 1328, 1382, ? 2438, 1329. 1292, 1367, 1298. 1306, 1307, 1310, 1384, j 13j4. 1379, 770, 1433. Marine Counr? Trial Term?Part l?Held by 1 Judge Jo.icinuisen.?Nos. I'll, 1907, i9l0, 3844, 3204, 1828, 1791. 1934. 1935, 1938, 1937, 1988, 1941, 1944, 1946. Part 2?Heid by Judge Gio-s,-No*. 1285, j 1432, 1622, 17ol. 1839, 4208, 269, lOftl, 1381, 1908, 1822, j 1930, 3688, 1931, 1V33. Part 3?Held by Judge ! Sliea.?Nos. 8175, 3282. 3284, 4889, 5115, 3268, 2186, ! 3299, 3404, 3654, 1756, 3271, 3348, Couri or general ."E&sio.ns?Held by Recorder Hackett.?T?e People vs. George Williams, burglary; Same vs. Edward Murray, maynem; Same vs. Martin Lypuer, lelonious assau t and battery; Same vs. William H. Mitcbeii, l'el nious assauir and battery; same \a. Lewis FisUer, lelonious assault and battery; Sauie vs. James Smith, graud larceny; Same vs. Thomas Sui.trt, < grand larceny; S?iue vs. Henry Jolues, grand larceny; Same vs. Annie Valentine, grand larceny; sauie vs. Charles L. Haisted, pertt larceny; vs. Charles Miller, petit larceny; Same vs. Houry \V. anaule, petit larceny: Same vs. Mary Butler, petit larceny; same vs. Patrick Duffy, petit larceny; same vs. John Clare and Henry Dnhinan, petu larceuy; same vs. Edward Maione, petit larceny; same vs. JonnHjne and Patrick AicMaun, petit larceny; Sume vs. Daniel M. Yiueburgh, petit laroenv; Same vs. Julius Green, petit larceuy; Same vs. Dennis Meaney, concealed weapons; same vs. David Flaherty, assault and battery; Same vs. John Brogan, as sault and battery; Same vs. Martin Miller, assault and battery. COURT OF APPEALS. ALBANY. April 6, 1876. So. li. John B. schaley, executor, Ac., appei- ! lanr, vs. George Hart iMumiora et al., respond ents.?Argued by F. A. Mccomber oi counsel lor appellant, and by George F. Daniortn lor respond ents. No. 21. Henry Teneyck, appellant, vs. Oscar I C aig et aL, executors, Ac., respondenis.?Argued by j. 11. VVhitiemore and Hemy K. Selden o: coun sel tor appeilaut, and oy George F. Daniorth lor respondents. case still on. Adjourned to Tuesday, April 0, 1876. CALENDAR. I Day calendar tor Tuesday, April 6, 1875:?Noa. 58, 46, 112, 173, 179, 107, 169. TRIAL OF CAPTAIN KILLILEA. OmClB OAJTNEY LIKELY TO COMB TO GBIE7. Tne question 01 the guilt or Innocence o: Police Captam Kniliea, of ttie Eleventh precinct, charged with exacting monthly stipends irom Kuch Brothers, I rrneriy proprietors of the Central Park tiaraeiis, lor alleged police set vices, contrary to law. still reuiains 111 abeyance, although flvo weeks have elapsed since tlie charge* were first presented 10 the Board of Police Co.uiw-<s.oners. Yeste day aiteruoon, at hall-past two o'clock, the case was agaiu biought up beloie the Hoard, Counsellor Feiiows appearing lor the deience. and Chief Clerk llawiey picsecutiug lor the depart ment. Mr. Fellows stated thst he bad been away from the city or one week, aod on returning jound that bis partner, Mr. Brookes, had been called to Puiiadeipma by the duugerous illness 01 a near relative, lie old nit ask lor an adjournment, neiug willing to leave that wnh the Buaid to ?e ciue, but lie oes red the assistance of bis asso ciate. Mr. Hawiey replied that under vbe circum stances ne was * Ming thai the case be adjourned, but be lit?t wished to call some witnesses. 1 rank Kocu, cieralu uaftne> una Augustus Mil ler wure men ca lea, nut tney were uoi piesent. biiwdra C. acnaifcr. who testified at tne previous hea ing, was recalled aua sta eel thai lie nad pa d in :be months 01 Ma.v. June. Jui? aud August, loTa, me sum oi fiuj eacu uiontu, ana hi r>eptemoer of the suuie year $130. io Officer GalTney, oi ibe Twenty-seouu precinct, with tue understanding thai tne same w h t ? be handed over io Captain Kniilea. ibe witness transacted all ibe monetary uaamess 01 ibe fir in oi Koca uro hers. Mr. liu?iev tuen t>bo*ed te witness a check lor >130 drawn r>epieinbt-r u, 1673. on ibe Manu lacturcrs aud liu.lders' Bank payaoie to nearer and tudorsed "Oerai't iiaffi.ey," aud asked witness li ne identified it as one oi the checks paid to Uailne). Mr. scosiTer, o.i examination, pro nounced It io be tne check paia to CialTuey in tue month oi September, 1873, tne same to be paid ovor to Cspusiu Kililiea. Alter a cross-examination by Colonel Feiiows, in which no new evidence was elicited. Chief Cierk Uawiey anoounreu nis wuiin?;ue.->* to con sent to an adjournment, ana President uatseii set down me next bearing ior April li, a two P. M. Tbe identification o. tue cneck anove mentioned creates a be* phase in the proceedings, as it will be remembered that Offirer (iailney, w no n nil a patroiman in (be meui>-secood pr c.m t. swore at the fir->t trial tnat lie never received any money i o .1 Ko'-b Brothers, winch testimony is effect! any reoutted by toe ind?.r-emeni ol (iafinev, cor roborated by the evidenco oi hcbailer. it is not uniikely, tmreiore, that the department will prosecute him ior perjury. MUNICIPAL NOTES. Tbe Committee on Public Works, of the Board of A dermen, Messrs. Keiliy, Shandiev and Morris, yesterday gave a bearing to persons lor and against tbe building if a sewer in Eignth avenue irom Sixtynintb street to Harlem River. Aider man Morris contended that tne sewer was neces sary irom one Hundred and Thirty-second street to the river only, bat Alderman Reiliy and Alder man liie-sinu. wbo introduced the ordinance into the Board, argued tbat the sewer was necessary irom Sixrj-niutb street to tbe river. They con tended liiat there was an ordinance in existence looking to the paving of tbe avenue io this part cular portion, and that it would bs cheaper In the long run to lay toe sewer first instead of tearing up the pavement niter it should be laid and then nuiid log tne sewer. Mr. Towie. one of tne eogineers of tbe Department of Public works, who was present, submitted the piab for the sewer, and In answer to a question by Aldermm Keilljr stated mat. in his i<pinion, if the avenue was to De paved the sewer ongnt to be built first, nut that, of conr.-e, the question of when the pavement was to be laid was a matter he had noth ing t? do witn. It was finally hecided by the committee that Mr. Tow e snonid look lato toe ma ter iborougiuy and submit a re port to n<e committee in writing. It should lie stated that there isa tmrdof a n lie o> tne avenue, between nixty-niutu street snd toe river, wnicb la already sewered. Mr. James 11. Chambers, who was a clerk of the < oiiirn >n council under the ate r. Valentine as long ago as i?4tf, lias tieen appointed Wnier Ke*i?ter by <?eoeral Porter iu p>a n ol Mr. Mner woo?i, resigned. Mr. <'n..inb?r* atone iciie very well known in p> meal circles, out ;? nnd no favor id tue days of '.ne , and waa tt.ere lore not allowed to remain In office. Doling .ir. .Huei wood's term a* Water Kegist r irom lent u?ry. 1*71, to IK-cember 31, 1S74, he collects,I $4.1i'.,*ol. During tne terms oi his two pieuece-sors uorn Januarv, H9?. to December, 1871, 13,473,7AJ was coiiecteo. Mr. J bn rtloper oi tbe Twenty.ttoird ward was appointed yesterday Keeper oi the city Mail, in tn? p.ace oi me late Cnatle? MU'ton, at a .-ai.iry of 51.Ho a year. it. W is at one time tue intenuou of the authorities to abolish me office o keeper, but this sr>p >intm nt shows tbat tuey have changed tneir miQOs quite suddenly. Among tne callers ui on th? Mayor during yes terday were ex-Judge ilntoo aud Kdward J Don nelly. i tie committee which has been investigating Comptroller Oreen ior some nine is to hold ano'tier se-sion in a lew days, wnen, It is said, important witues es win t?e lorifac >ming. BRAINED WITH A BOTTLE. On tne nlgnt of the list air. Michael Met artby and Micniel canningoam engaged In a fight in the barroom at No. 744 Sixth avenue. Canning bain struck McCarthy on tn* bead with a bottle, indicting injuries that were considered serious, tint not necessarili latsl. ' iwiiini^na ii was ar rested and ite d to .tw.tii ihe re.?UII ol nls victim's wound . Its erday Coroner Woltmm was noti fle i to take McCarthy's ante-mor ern stateinenr, imi on going to his nedside f'.nnd him in an on e nscious stAte. The ontortHnwte rnsn WIN in all probability ale. CDualngaam is still under arrest. THE METHODIST MINIST fi-ttS. iworwixurr fob two weeks to a ?? to oo? FEBBNCE?THB BELATIOM OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHFBCH TO THE PTJBL1 ) 3 SCHOOLS. Yesterday was the cl-slng up of th?? c0?'e"B'.* tear with the Methodist preacher t.. At tdelr next meeting very mauy new faces will appear, tnough very many of the old ones will also be present. The officers of the meetin g will go oat of office?the secretary, Kev. E. L- o s'oorn, by the iorce 01 tue Itinerant system, wulch will probably .end him away out 01 the city, aod \ no President, Pr Me. win, by the expiration ot fro terms; and, as he declared yesterday, B; is not a believer ?n third terms. This sentiment, so in harmony with the Hekald sentiments on the Presidential question was applauded a he meeting, amid laughter at the e videut complexion o: the remark. This, being to. first nieenug In the month, as well a a the last la tue conicrease year, the Rev. Ch Dries M. Glffen. Of Nostraud avenue Methodist B piscopai church Brookb n. preached a sermon s a remarkable lor its clearness or thought and treat .raent and its sym patt.e>ic exhiott or the love or Christ to his beltev L children, that U evowe 1 ??hallelujah s and ??glory's" quite frequently ti om his miuisterial brethren. They seldom hear sermons, except their own, and hence a sermon Irom another Is a treat ?o most of them. Several ladles were also present at the meetla?. The topic was the rest or ihe soul oa Jesus. It *uii basod on a scene at .it nit snnner " where .lohn, the beloved disci ffi KKi a*'^epu ing on ?su*<- oreaat. between luen wlien on? can leau on ^uother s lblcaUSlthtn"e 8t?l(l| Hr'n?CT- ol^toe Virgin Mary, or poor humanity u its 'rials nnd btrua: E",.C.n.AmVr'S'cSRa ,ES afi encth oi u man in ftrund In Jesuit, ,?lle tbengave S'rs/uir snzsg mSip'w luTe'u ^TcanYean^n' ^m0rHonrCew toe" meeting. tm ^ '^^..^nd^ex'cenent lener' on a pfer.e of Mett.odlst history in the first deca'ia o'. i his century was rea 'A. ' relates to the 1 K'Ctor's conversion and lus first minutrv and the r.nuoduction oi Methodism into m&mma w ^sarisrtss motion ot Dr. V,' iieatiev, seconded oy Dr. Pot*. who 8poWe t?l,r CM^iscu^sion or' tne w&of tiiS ESSas sar?ii? ? J^nnhflrom hiate anl. rue petitions are prepared bv iTSS'foal AU.anoe oi this cry. A com iti turP'* was aDuointe^ to nominate officers "l'.i a meet mgTo? tie ensuing conference year Thl So.nma.uona will be presented at tue next meeting. NEWARK METHODIST CONFERENCE. In the N'twarK Methodist Coherence at Jersey City yesterday the Committee on Temperance presented a report ooudemnatorv or the liquor traffic and urged renewed prayers for Its aooli U?fbe corainittee appointed to investigate the charges oif .heresy against the Rev. Mr. 0111 pre seated their report. The committee waited upon Mr. Gill, when ne declared himself in perfect ac cord V1(U the cnurch, as well as hla Arm and continned announced belie! in taa doc trtoes oi the Cuurch. Qe also declared that the book wr.tten oy him and entit ed "Evoiutlou and Progress" w?s written mainly lor the puryose of rbfuting ?ne arguments oi those who deny the truth oi revelation and the autnority oi the Bible. If that ia Che purpose It is not apparent to the com mittee, uad in tuelr opinion that purpose haa been verv cleverly concealed. The autnor declares '",H ri tlieu inuwm* mw mreiui DttrOHAl 01 Toe cooiioit e ? 4 couvictiou that it doea woiE. duc.are tneir nrmi conv? lMi.h ?ZvTcbWH? a misleading of toe auiuur. iu-o gaw a well t^w.X' au^.r uo ds and which he frecls. T1**8 coui'iuttee r<-couuneiid*d me adoption IB&i&s&m&i vs, ?n?.ss "??'? Tne committee ou Sunday bcliools 01 tne Conierc c leeiing terms oi tne Srls;aa ?p? spot. BBOOKLYN PEESBYTEBY. THJS BOTAJtT ELDEBSHIP?COHlOSSIOjriBS TO TOT ASSaitBtT?THE TOM FK IMS AVETOE CHURCH TROCBLZ. Tne semi-annual meeting of tbe Brooklyn Pres bytery met yesterday In Clinton street church. The Rev. W. Howeil Taylor was chosen Moderator. Tti" Rev. J. Milton Greene la tna atated Cleric of tbe Pr< sbyierjr. Or. Welti seleoted the studies noon which itie ministerial candHat^s, Lloyd and Allen, -hall be examined. Mr. Bridges, a student in PrincetoD, irout tbe L'alttmore Presby tery, having received a call to Greene avenue church, Brookiyu, wui be examined this m ru ing and arrangementa made lor bta ordinal ton. Reports o( committees o' visitation to cnuicoe* were presented. Toe reports of tne Home and Foreign Mission cotnmltteea and tbe Women's Foreign Missionary Sue ety of Brooklyn were pre aented. Tney show tbat tbe Cener >1 Assemoiy au thorized the expenditure ol lor mission work ftt home an i abroad. l'be mission commit, tees, however, kept down the dtatrtontlon to $500,000. The recelpta np to this time have only been $251,000, and uniess toe board* will receive $100,000 wltiitn the next three months tbe treasury will come ont with a debt ot at least The contributions of tbe Presbytery tins year to tbe eaaae or lorelgn missions is only $5,020. For the aatne period last year the contributions for foreign missions t>y this Prest>?:ery was $7,?40. wntle for home mission* the church spends $S,C?0,000. The millions ol heathen in Asia and Africa and tbe Inlands o tne sea receive less loan $M?,000 ior mis sions. The Women's society art about io i?uitd tnrce hou es on Mount i,ebuu<?n. to bt? us*?d as mission bous-s. i ti% Brooitlfn branch of tins society nas a Kin's school in irtpoli. wmcs is in it ve. j pros perous condition, but the people now wi-h to nave it convei ted in o a hoarding school, so an to save Its papns irotu tne contamination of Moaamirted aa>sm ana beatnem-iu. 1 fee cost oi tbe school is $z,00>. Tnere is a nalance i:i .ne society's treas ury Ol $800. A rnt R< II DEKPLT IN OUST. A communication was receive* irt>m the Tomp kins avenue church, irons wiiiCn it appeared tuat there is a mortgage dent r on the prop erty. winch is neld by tne uiobe Insurance Com pany, and beside tins tnere is a fl laung deot of $60. Oi, and tbe interest ainountn to |4,.>oo. ihe officials of the cuurcb have called l>r. Nott. of Ohio, to he inelr pastor, and tney expect nun to dive tiiern sum an impulse tnat, tsgetner witn the increase of population in that neignbornood, ini-y ??ail dc atiie to get along. Their creditors ai ? will ing to extend the ttm" oi p ayenent as ion* a* tney can. Tne GiObe irisuiancu Co.upany nave done so, but there is s legal nmr beyond ?Blcn tney can not go. and un.e s sometmng is done witlun teenusTstbts property win be sold at auction. \\ uat they want juxt now is that tne l'resi>>vpry abonM tnem over ior two or three years or assuming tne interest on this great debt, and thns give tnem an to nelp tnem seives. Dr. Arthur t.r s i. did not Mlieve it was good i>olley to build cburcnes with other i eopie's m ney, and ti n Presbytery Miouid not indorse anr *11011 policy by assuming t tis ourden wabe at t e same time it is Dying to ??-r it o,i ont ol a iiebt alreati\ nressln upon it. Dr. Van Dyue oeiieved tnat it would be well t > save .his property to Piesoyiciiamsni. It is ihe best location and the b??t appointed nun ch bnuomg in the city oi Brooklyn, or, per haps, to any el'v in tne la,nd. Mr. Foois, or Tnroop avenue church, sung<**teil that it wou d be a great los-n tnat church wusietgo. Tne result wa? mat a committee was appointed to con'Ull witn ihe etiuren ana to a-ivwi it under ihe cir cumsun r?. Dr. Breed, of PoiUU -lphii, ad. dressed tne Presbytery on th?j importance of erecting a centennial monument to Ut. Witaer. ?POOD, the flrst American Prssbyterlan "MfttT ana one of me signers oi the Declaration 01 inde pe^ rec"? wus taken for tea. alter which oommUh sioneis to the Cieneral Asaemoly were el-cteM as follows:?Clerical?Revs. J a Lvana. W. McCtel lau and L. II. t'oote; aiiernate>, Drs well nnrt i rosby. Eldeis? Messrs. W. W. WiCkM, Lawrence and saxton; alternates, Messrs. tiazaru, Freem ?u and isUndluicken. Dr. CuyW thes moved tnat the Presbytery re turn an affirmative answer to the overture o. toe (ieneral AssetnnlT on tne term ?l eldership. ins overture leaves it oprlonal with each church to elect eldeni lor life or lor a limited term oi vears. After some routine business tue Presoytery aa Jourued until to-day. THE CATHOLIC UNION. Tne Catholic Colon Society field their quarterly mealing last night in College Uali, West Sixteenth street. President L. Beunise was in the chair, and Revs. Fathers Daly. Melster ana a number of other gentlemen occupied seats on the plat lorm. The secretary reau reports showing that the Union Das now over 5.600 members, and is rapidly adding to Us members. The Treasurer's report snowed that at last quarter's meeting the balance on nana was $2.445 47; tne o ul ay during the three montus just ended, Ji.ow re-, an 1 the amount now 011 hand, $2,338 85. A letter 01 I'outrrai uiiition 10 Cardinal McCloskey was read, alter which Mr. Noel addressed I he meetiug at length. An appeal to the rlouse ol Ueiuge author ities on the part 01 the Union. Had neeu made, in winch the sutiety canned tuat a priest should be admitted to *av mass ana nave access to me CathoMc children there. These rights wei e subse nuentlv allowed, una, among other things, Catho lie i-uiidav scaools rre lieiLg established at the House of Keiuie. The Rev. Fatner Meister deliv ered an address, and thus terminated too proceed lngs. . - THE "VVORKINGMEN. A TRADES T7NION CONVENTION. A number of trades union delegations, who a few weens since were engaged in getting up a worklngmen's demonstration against the adop tion of the so-called conspiracy olll by the Legis lature. held a meeting at Coburger hail, in Stan ton street, last night, ior th? purpose of taking some action toward the formation 01 a working men's central organization. A temporary organi zation was etlecie'l by the clectiou of Richard Mathews, of the Uricklayers. President pro tern.; Vice Presidents, Charles RosencratiZ, 01 the Tailors, and William Warden, of the 'Lougsfiore meu; Recording Secretary, James cox, 01 the Bricklayers; Corresponding Secretary, George Biair, 01 the lioxraakers; Treasurer. *ray*??,r''l gau, ol the Painters; 1'iuance secretary, Cornelius O'Conuor, oi tlie HriCKliiver*. A co.iiiuutee. composed ot Messrs. Bialr, Rosen crauz aud Kerrigan, w as appointed to prepare a piau ni permuueut organization and a draft of a constitution ana ovlaws. to be submitted at the DLA committee was also appointed, composed of Messrs. Missart, Clancy and Blsir. to issue an ad dress on tne subject to tns workingmcn, ca ling upon 1 he different trades unious to appoint de e gates to participate In the deliberations 01 the new organization, in order to effect a thorougn consolidation ol the vatious lanor and trades unwns 01 tnis city, so tna> I. in future grievances affectmii the labor interest stiou.d occur Mj?y might ue louud equal to the emergency. Reports irom 1 ne dliler. nt trades were received, showing that the prospects 01 a revival 01 trade in most branches are eucouraiiinu. James Cox, the oeie gate of Bricklayers Uulon No. 2, reported that a liuniiior 01 bricklayers, employed on some new buildings 111 BojoRlyn, yesterday went on a strike lor i-i per dav, in place of $3 o0. aa hereto.ore. i It is stated they we:e employed ou a large sugar house near .tamiitou lerrv. From Lodge No l 01 the I'niied Order of American Bricklayers a communication was received. asKitig that action be taken to dele tt tne ''?Nelar,ou* u! spinoivm in Oeuuey, 01 tne fcignth A-sembW dis trict. io nave the e.gut hour law repealed." A resolution wa- passea declaring that they, The Central l.abor and Trade Union, should ex tend every effort 10 consign to political deatu any member of tne Legislature wno snould vote lor tne repeal 01 the law iu question und that a primed list 01 their names ?h?il be distrmuteu and forwarded to each labor and trade or^auizaUon ill the State." A BATCH OF BURGLARIES. At an early hour on the morning of the 2d Inst, the grocery store of Raymond, Jenmo* A Co., No. 127 West Broadway, was robbed by burglars of six boxi.? of cigars and some articles of cioihlng. valued at tlOO. From appearances it is sapiosed that the thieves secreted themselves In the cellar lomt time during tne day. No arrests have been made. A little be ore nine o'clock on the morning of the 3d inst. some unknown parties walked boldlr into the boilding No. 114 Churco street, and. going upstairs to the third story, deliberately lorced the hasp from the door 01 the loft oceuoi-d Mr. fj. Coffiuan and carried awav twenty-*eve'i pairs of buck clotn pantaloons value J a? $218. ?o uoid and unconcealed was tne roubery th*t 110spic.on was entirely <?i armed and the ouralars h?d no dnilcuitv in making goou rneir e-cape. William keumen, proprietor of the liquor store and lodgmi! lions* No. 302 Sontn s'reflt. reported at tue pourtn precinct station house yes'erday tnat odc of his loogeis had ourglarlou-ly entered ma tuitmeun at an cany ?'nr in the morning iod * to en a go.d wa'th Calued at $250. ihe do.icc have taken the case in hand. %ome time nfciweeo me oours of one and six o'clock yesteroav moroiue uuralars effected an eutr .nee into the liquor store o Joseph David, x.i 197 Scu'h street, and succeeoed in ateann* and carrying away 400 cigar* and an overcoat valued ai I2i The enhance was gained by forcing open a door leading irom the hallway into the rear olthestore. 1 he police nave no clew to the roobers. MARMASES AXD DEAliS. MARRIED. Eastok-Kissaii.?Id Krooklvn, March 81. at tbe resiue ice oi the mtue's itr?uomotber, uy the Rev. Eivm K. MDlth. rector ui si. Marir'* hail. Burling ton. N. J.. NkWtoN C. i.asto.v. f'i Jersey utv, to Alice, daughter ut Edward Ki-sam. oi New York city. Moore?Ttleil?On Thursday, April 1. at Trinity chapel, Sew York, by Hie Riirnt. Rev. Aiircd Lee. D. D.. ?i ALEXANDER Moon*. United Mate- Armv, to Mart Law, uan.nter or General Daniel fyler. i'B'iMPSO*?aceer.?On Thurslay, April I. at the residence <>1 the on ie's parent*, by the Rev, John M. Heffernan, rec'or of St. Pane's church, Paterson, S.J.. UK nv I'iiompsom. o: .now ftocnetle, N. Y., to Mblissa, daughter ol i'ayid D. Acker, fesq. No card*. DIED. Barton-.?At 34 DeRaib place, Brooklyn, Mrs. Bceiv Barton, ?ue oi it. (>. Bumb. and daughter <>f Legrmii rttnrjres, of wiitoo, conn., aged 39 years and * mourns. Pnneral service* will be held at 'be residence of her la iier, YYuton. conu., on Wednesday, April T, at two p. M, (Jonnecttcut papers please c py. Boo.nk.-ou bamrday. April a. iS7S, at tbe reel* dence oi Leonard I. < Glen toTe, Mrs. scsan ioone, ieiict oi fh mas o. uo >ne. Reiailvas and Iri n?ls nrc invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, April 7. at mil-past one o'ci< ck P. AI., ironi the (.etnsemane Baptist eonrch, wiloafbby avenue. near Broadway, Brooklyn. ( Aitill.?April 4, 1875, in"MAs D. Cahill. lo be buried irom ni* late iesidecce, 7B4 Atlan ta avenue. UrooUjn, at hall-past two o'clock P. M. 00 the rtth inat. Clakek?on .->aturJar, April 8, Emilt Clams, aged 17 tears. Relatives end irl-nds are mvned to attend the, from ber residence. Tompkins avenue, lorn.-kinsville, >ta;en Island, 1 ucsdRT, April 0, at twn o'clock I*. M. tonMBK.?on -aturday night. April 3, at her mothers r-silence. .No. <5. i',.ciflc street, Brook lyn. juaht Ixm i-a, jnunge-t daughter oi ibe late TU' cooiiioe, in >he l?tn yi ar m tier ?*e. Frleuiis oi ihe iumli> ate mvi ed to attend tbe funeral, ou Tnesday, uie fitn in-t.. at three O'clock, irom tne ijmircu o: the Redeemer, fourth aveaue, Corner Pacific street. I'.roo* yn. Co.iivr.?Va Mi.uiav. April 4. of diphtheria, Katie, ei et daugntei of Jo u and Maruaret Con* roy. age,I :i vear- and U7 days. Relatives and mends of t.. e lamiiy are re?pect foily invited to attend the iniiera . from ner late reemeoce. No. olJ hast ( street, on tbis day (Tuesday), ai two o'clock r. M. Coaa.? I'lie ".Montn'a .una" or tne Rev. John J. Qorh will take place in rtu Bridget'! church on Wednesday, A >ril 7. ai ten A. M. Iikat.?on Monday. April 4, Winipbbd. the be loveu wife oi Jatnes ti. Dt.iv, aud eldest daughter oi .ronu and the hue Ann Ooian, a_ed 46year-. 'ine relatives and trends oi the lami yaiere apectltiliy mv.ieo to atieu i the .uneia . her late reaineuce. .i7o Second avenue, on Wodn sday, April i. at one o'clock p. m. i>k ? viouifar, April 5, of dlph tiiern, caklotta ULVkKA, sidest (laughter of Joae ptune Webster an t tne u.te Ambroaio ie Carda ns'* K in ro, Hifeii A years, 2 mourua and 12 days. 'fiie relanvea and iriends oi ine lamilv are re speotfuiiy invited to atinH yer inn rai, Irooi her late residence, No. ? .irk. aveuue, on Wednes day, ;tn ins... ;U e, -ven o'c oc-? A. M. Uavenia (isiand oi cuna) jrapeta please copy. UbvaKMAMN,?on Moutl.iy, April John il. G. Divi it a ann. aged 4 > years ana 7 months. I he relative* uiiu iri'Hus o. tne l. nriy. aleo tbe weini eri oi Hermaon i orige, No. 2HS. P. and A. M., tne Mount Vernoa Mannerc mt a' ' Quarts I Club, are respect.u.iy invited to atfeu me innern, irom m? i.ite residence, comer f'.ond street ana Whirs Plains road. Weot Moant \ ernou. on Wed nesday aiiernoon, at one o'clock, ihe New Baven Railroad leaves at twelve o'clock noon, | corner Forty-second s'rwt and Madlaon ar?n?a and leaves Mount Vernon at Are o'clock P. M. Duryea?At New Lots, L. L, in Monday, Anrff 6, 1876, LrcRKriA. wite 01 Michael S. Duryea, In tM 72fl year ol uer age. . . The relatives aud iriends are respecflWlv nmtet l to atteud ttie Mineral, on Wednesday. April 7, al two o'sl'ick i'. M., irom tne Reiorwea church, al ; New Lots. Elgab.?on Moodiy morning. AprU 6, attel three data' Illness. Gkobm Harkness Elqas, onlt child oi Matthew J. and Jennie H. Elgas, aged # months and 19 days. Ere nin con id bilubt or sorrow fade. Death came with friendly care, The opening bud to heaven conveyed And. Dd'ie it blossom mere. England.?on hat unlay. April 3. Edward EMO> 1 land, of portal congestion, aged 60 years, t 1 months and 9 days. Relatives and irend* of the family are respecfc ' lull* invited to attend the luneral, tins (Tuesday) aiternoon, at two o'clock, irom ins late residence, at White Pot. Newtown, Lon>i Island. Gkocas.?On Monday. A"Mi 6, Eddie Ohooav, ageo 5 year.", 3 months and 29 davs. Tne mnerai will take place on Wednesday, at one o'clock. P. M.,frotn tne r-<iaence oi his grand* lamer. Edward Burke, No. 98 Henrv srreet. Henderson.?on Sunday at ernoon, April 4 1876, Director andrkw a. Hendkbso*, ; United state-* Navy, aired 59 years and 1 month. Tne remains will be forwarded to PmlaaelpaUt Tuesday morning. <or interment. Philadelphia papers please copy. Uekder. -On Aloud,ty morning, April 5, PniLU Q. HHDER, in trie 3otn year ol his age. rne funeral will tike place on Wednesday. 7t| Inst., at one o'ciock P. M , at the residence of hli father, N. D. Herder, 51 West 130 Ui street. Hkking.? On Sunday, April 4, Sylvester Herino, in the 26th year ol his age. Relatives and triends ar* respectrnlly Invited to attend the funeral .services, at his late residency 745 Wash ngton st., tins (luesuay) evening, at t quarter to eisrht o'ciock. Hkkrick.?At Little Neck, Sunday, April 4, Ch arles Hekkick, in the tilth year o, his age. Relatives and mends of the lamily are invited to attend the luneral. at Zion Church, Little Neck, ou Wednesday, at hali-nast two o'clock. CaF? riages will be at the Douglaston denot on tt?e arrival ol the one o'clock train iroin Hunter's Point. Howe. ?In this city on Monday, April 5. Amos Gavitt Howe, in the 21st year ol uis axe. Funeral will take place lroiu th? residence of bis moriier, No. 1U3 East Eignty-lounii street, on Tuesday, April 8, at three o'clock in the aiternoon. Relatives and mends are respectfully invited to i attend. HioHES.?In Brooklyn, April 3. 1875, Kathlekw Lai'ka, wife of William D. Hughes, nzci 22 years. The relatives aud mends oi the family are re, spectiuiiy invited to attend tlie Mineral, /Tom her late residence, No. 241 Lie knlb avenue, on luea? dar, the Oth in-t., at two o'clock 1'. M. Hydk.? on suuday, April 4, Joilm h. Hyde, in bis 5^d tear. Relatives and triends are respectfully Invited to a'tend the inueral, on Tuesday morning, at ten o'clock, irom his lato residence, 2t>3 West Niuo teenth street. Jeffcott?suddenly, on April a, William M. Jei'FCOTT, aged 22 years. Relatives aud friends or the nmliy are respecu I fully invited to attend the tuueral, on Wednesday, April 7. nom his late residence. No. 5 .Madison street, at two o'clock. Kelly.?On Monday, April ft, William Kelly, ofa lingering sickness, in the 8?n year or his age. Tne relatives aud friends i>i ti.e lamuy nr* respcctiiillv invited to attend his lutieral, irom his late residence, No. 2^2 Nassau street, tirooit. lyn, on Wedue?day. the 7th mst., at two o'cloog P. >1. Remains to be taken to (iroenwood Ceme tery. lie 1 fast (Ireland) and Australian papers please copy. Lee.?On Sunday, April 4. 1876, of pneumonia, Patrick lek. aued 42 years, a native orcuuatj Cavau, Ireland. His relatives and friends, also those of his sister Mary, are respectfully invited to attend the in neral, irom nis iate residence. No. 3lo East thirty. s?veutn street, on Tuesday, April 8, at one o'ciook P. M. Marstellbr.?Suddenly, on Sunday. April 4, Kate Everett Bingham. wile of L. U. Marstellef. Funerai will rake place irom tne residence ol her steplaiuer, George D. Sweeiser, 231 West Forty-n tn sneet, on Tuesuay, tne 8ih mst., at one P. M. Meyer?April 5, 1875, Joseph Meyer, Dobb'a Ferrv. Notice of funeral hereafter. mcjafkeky.?On Sunday, April 4, acgcstinh Philip, eldest i-ou o. Micnaei J. A. and Mary H. McUaiiery, aged 2 years. o moutns and 8 day*. 1 ne relatives and fnemi.- of ibe luinny are ro> speciiuiiv invited to attend the ninerul, noiu the resilience ol nis uncle, lercuce Farley, No. 7SJt Lexington aveuu ?. tnls d'uesdav) morning, tho etu last., at ten o'clock. MCCARTHY ?On April 5, MlCHABL MCCARTHY, In the 2stn year oi ms aue. The relatives ama iriends ol the family are respect udT mvit d To attend Ms luueial, from bis late resideuce. No. 70 Wesi Forty-tuird street i aiso the members oi Company E, Ninth regiment. N.O..-.N. Y. MCOrRM IT.?On Anrll 6, Maboabet McDermois. the beiov*t> wiie ol Pi ter McOeruiott, a nutve ol Feroane, Kings county, lreianu, aged ^7 years. I'lie 'riends ot toe latrnly are r^spnetiuiiy invited to attend he on Wednesday morninic. at bai-pa-t nine o'clock, irotu Ler resi lence, fto. I2t East i?4tn street; irom thence to St. I'aui'ec .urco, H7tn street, n ar Fourth avenue; irom tbeuce to Calv. ry Lemetery. mcOill.?-in Monday, April 6,1875, Mrs. Bridqbt McOlLL. ag d 42 years. Toe relatives and iriends are respecttuiiy Invited to attenu tne tunerai. on Wednesday, at ttro o'clock, irom her late residence, 4tki Wasniugtua street. O'Brien.?On Apnl 5. after a lingering ill nees, 1)a.mel O'Briex, native oi county Clare, Lro laud. Friends c deceas>d and his alatcr-ln-law, J >hauna Hat, n and tne memo rs o Meciiau cs' Cuma CauUers and bt. Patrick'* Mntnal AUiancc sjkx Beuevoieut Associations, arn respect nil, inv. ed to attend the luneral irom his late residence, No 8 Pike sneet, .on Wsdueaday, April 7, at one o'clock P. M. Pirdy.?At Rye Neck, on Bnnday, April 4? Joshl'a k. i crdy, aged 68 years. Relatives and iriends ot the lamlly are lnvl'wd to attend tne Mineral, on Wednesday, tne Inst., at two o'ciock, irom St. l'no nas'cnniKh, Mama oneck. Train leaves Forty-second stteol 12 o'clock. Keilly?Mary Reilly. widow of the latii James, native of county Cavan, pariah or Balantami>ie, Ire auo, m tne 75th vear oi bnr aw*. | K lativea and lrlenua ol the >amily are respect fully luvited to atteud the intierai, irom 830 L v it Thirty-eignth street, on Tuesday, t>tri mst., at u.git< past one. kouskvelt.?April ft, at bis residence. 830 BrciuV WAV, James J. Roo.-evklt, in the 7'atn year oi Jala age. .None of funeral hereaiter. Si-arks.?Ou Satnruay. February 27, in Orleans, La., Jacob L. Si'abks. aged 48 years .anA 2 in out us. Richmond (Va.) papers please copy. bciTON.? Ou Suooav mornmtr, April 4, alter a Unaenug Iilues.% Cornelius K. Sctton, agwl. 67 years. Relatives and friends of the family are reiwist. mil* invited t < attend tne funeral, lroro tti? Uit? rcsltl-nce. No. Xj'j Fiftn avenue, on Wcdnettf morning, vprn 7. at t n o'clock. lEKiii NE.?Verv suddenly, oi scarier fever* at Dunelleo, N. J., on Sunday ev?nloit. April 4. U >76, Harry M*aiB,sono! Frederick and ju>ia A. Jier Dune, atreu 2 years, 4 m ntlis and 21 days. Fuuerai at the residence ol his parent^, at Dune?ieti, on Tuesday, Ap. 11 o, at bali-paa'. one O'CiOCK P. M. I stick.?On Snnday, April 4, Mart Fba.i era, only child of Franciti and Mary Cstlck, ag-t 4 13 months .ind 10 davs. . Relatives and .riends of ttie iamilv are re-? .ect fail> mviced to artend the (uuerai, irom ina resi dence ol ner parent*, 36t fc>*t lutii airee* . iota (luesd<o) aitemo u, April 6. a' one o'clock* VootiBkrs.?At Jersey City, on trida.v, A) jril a. K ate, ?ne of J. N. Voorhees, <nd daughter i >1 th? late William W. Young, aiedtt years. Relatives and trienus ure invited ro a'tPi id tu? funeral, irom the residence ot her moth* r, 17? York street, Jersey city, on Tuesday, at tnrea o'ciock P. a. Walcitt?At Mount Vernon. Westchester conn ty, Sunday, April 4. ofpiratrsis oi toe heart. Aon eh m., wiieoi William Walcntt and (tai.i2hi?r of :ne ia:?j Henry Leeds, ol Brooklyn. The relatives ?nd friends ar<Mnvued to autod the inuerai, at the residence ol her sreii lather, K?v. ?. l) Burcua d, D. D? 61 Seveuth av bi me, oa Wednesday, April 7. at a quarter oi two o'o .oca. WAi.ktK.?Suddenly, on Saturday. Aprn j i, at ma residence, 3u? state street, Brooklyn, .F. Wk. Walker. Esq., aired 65 year-. Funerai irom at. rotor's (Episcopal) cburoti. State sireei, on Wadkewiay, April 7, at tw? ? o'clr^t P. M. The Masonic Fraternity are iuvtt<tl to al> tend. WlLLfAMSON.?At NO, <m West FirII ???COB# street, on suuJav, April 4, Heriiert Wn.f .iahsoi^ aged 3 years, 7 montos and to nays. One little buo adorned onr nower And abed sweet iragrance round. It grew in beauty hour t>y hour. But, an: the spoiler rame in power Ami crusn'd It to ihe ground. Bui uot lorever in t .e dust, Tnis beauteous bud snail Me. No, in the garden oi iujust. Beneath O.d's glorious eye, we trog t, M will bioom auain on nign. Funeral troin tlie re idence of his pa rents Tuesrlat, the ?>th tnst., at one P. M. He m ttves .in# mends are respecttulty lnvlie I ro attet ?i. vvriuut.?At Ufeenwicb, Conn., on i atnrdnjr, April a, Joel Wriuht, in tnc 82<l year uf n is aire. Relatives am menus are invited io a tend th? funaraL irom the second C ngreganoiwj courcb, on Tuesday, April a. at two P. M. Wrioht.?On Monday, j* pril ft. 1875. at twentj minure-1 past tnree P. M, ol pneumonia. are* Kent vMiiuut, son ol Albert A. Wru * t, aged 14 years and 81 nay*. Funeral at tue residence oi tils fathe 374 w>st rnlriy-?ec inu street, on Wednesday, trj 7tn 111st., at toree o'ciook r, M. Friend* 01 me lamiiy are Invited to atiend. interment 111 rnc lamilv lot) Ocean Hill, Ureenwood, ou Tliursdaj morning, the nth mat. Woods?on Hunday eTrnlng. April A. 1876, Patw rick H. Wouiw, ?'U 01 Bernard Woo it1 a, lormeria 01 Pomrov, coanty Tyrone, Ireland, in tho im? year ol i>i? aae. Iheinnerai will take place irom 'it e reaidMoc of his patents, 311 Kiia. lbirty-Mccti d stiret, oa Wednesday, tne 7 b in u, ai out it clock-bars; tbenoe to Calvary Cemetery.