Newspaper Page Text
TOE DISAFFECTED MINERS. rHI rMPKKDrN'O TROUBLE in th* coal DIS TRICT*?SUPERINTENDENT ?>?ENCEB's REPORT or TH* STlOATtON?A very oi.oomy NARRA TIVE?SHARP AND ACTIVE AOaBtSSIVE MOVE utm WlI.EESRAitRE. Pa., April S, 1875. Trier* seems to be a lull in use exeiti meat ao*a in Hit Letugti region io-dav, out it cannot be Mid .iiu: iiilairs nave bee >rtie moro hopeful or > uistac tory. Adv.ces from that quarter represent tbe SoB'litloa 01 rliin^si quite as deplorable as at any time since the commencement of the oature.iks. 'l'Ue disaiTcied miners are said to Uave matters ihelr own way for Hie present, being unrestrained even t>y tUe presence ofih-' hberlfTs small pos?e, which tins been on * fitiui kind of duty lor some days pas:. Deputy Saerid W. T. Kuoa is leturued 11 oiu u:e s eue of trouble last evening, and tlie region is no? only p/oiected by ilie small oody of coai and iron police employed by the coal cpcrator? ana (stationed at tbe diffeient col?enes. It is reported to-night that several at tn mines are filling wun water, ana an im. sense amount or damage to the works must ensue 11 suctt Is the fact. superintendent spencer, or the liuck Mountain Colliery, was in toe city on Saturday evening to secure a force suf ficient to protect the engineer* or the works, who are now engaged in irving to keep t e mines tree lroui water. Be succeeded in drumming up fliteen recruits and leu by tbe tram yesterday morning. US. SPENCER'S REPORT. Mr. Spencer gives a very gloomy account or the ?ltuauou in his locality, i he miners have induced tbe men to leave the works at different places, ?lid ne ieared that tbe mines at Buck Mourn ain wouid be drowned out beiure be could return. Other repoits affirm that the reitrn 01 ter ror contemplated uy tbe recent demonstration m supreme, and men dare nut no near the mines to do any kind ot work. Humps are already drowned out ana the mines flooded in several instances. Tbe Chiei of the coat and iron police at Hazel ion telegrapoed to tbis city this morning lor fliteeu men to keep fires under boilers at a pay or $luo a rnon'.b. on tue other hand, autuoruies ot the miners assert that at the meeting on Satur a ay it was resoivea that all trouble should cease and that everything is quiet. These con tradictor; representations give aflairs a UiJteu appearance, and one itardiy knows Wuat to ci edit and wuat to reject. ROUE AUUaKStUVK MOVEMENTS. it Is lair to assume, however, taut the present quietude is delu.-ive; ihai it indicates a rest lor mure aggiesstve movements rattier man a re stored and assured peace, ine miners are peace able simpiy because tney have about accoiuoiisbed tne objects they Had in view, and it may be ex acted mat tliey vvin resume tueir raidiujis when edorts are made to keep tne mining property in order. I ne truce must not be taken as a guaran tee ;nat good oruei is to be iong continued, and tnose wuo accept tne present appearances as tea ing to that end will oe greatly dis- < appointed. A? an indication of tne bitter ness and vm Jicliveuess .vhicii have i been engendered in the middle coal-Held, It may oe n eutiooed that me persons Mho were | pr*ssed u;x>u the sheriff's posse jt last Thursday una Friday have lound it necessary to publish cards in the ila/elton papers uefluiui; their posi tion. Every man wbo aiued tbe sheriff is maiked, ana u a ouaiuess man. it is aileired committees nave been siatiuneu at tue corners or tbestieets to warn miners uot to trade at their stores. lbe?e reports come well authenticated, ami show tbat the apparent peace wbicn now prevails is Hot calculated to last long. A MEETING OF MINERS. An lmportaut meeting 01 tue turners employed by tbe Oe>aware ana Uuosou Canal Company in tma di.-trict will ne held ou Wednesday evening. Tne object of tbe meeting will be to bear cue de termination or tueir brother workmen m the Lacsawauna region who are now at work, and li iiiey deciue not to .-uspend there toe men uere Will go to ?ork witn a will. Tbe resuit of this meeting must oe looked lor witn considerable interest, since it will exert a most uoweriui inriuence upui tins part or tue anthracite coai Geid. lu view of tbe momentous events wmcn seem to be near at hand u is nrged taai operators anu timers snouid eiuibit a spirit 01 >01 oearance anu coucinatiou. but it does not ?eem tnat either pai t,v win be willing to adopt tue 1 eas est ana oest way to rrmove existing cuiupdca- j tions. deputy sueriff Rnoaus, *uu a posse or j ?e^e .iy-bve men collected m this city, wm leave > ior the scene oi disturbance early to-morrow, a ? Uovenuut which snows tnat peace baa not yet beau secured in tne disaflected districts. MINERS AT MACCH CHVNK_ Macch Culm, Pa.. April 6, 1175. The coal region in Carbon county remains in tbe same tranquil state. In no osrt or '.be aninra eite coa< Ueids is tbere sucb quiet leeliags as m tbis cour.ty. Tne miners remain firm, ana u tne operators will nive mem tne 1S.4 basis wor* will M resumed at once. ALL QUIET AT POTTSTTLLi. POTTSVLLLA, Pa., April 6, 1I7& j Inquiries made as to tu train of ibe rumor la ?trcaiation mat iba coU.ery at Gilbertou, wuere ta? demands oi ibe miners were acceded to by pa Ting tne .1*4 tasim, and tne ontj mine wbicb our tfcrnacea here are defending on tor suppUea, bad teased wo King, shows tae rum .n lo be ua lounded. ?uo tnere is no immeaute uauger of me inmates oeiug compelled to mow oat ana euapend *or?. Telegrams Irom tbe oat regions report aU as guiet, t iuugi iruuuie 1* appreueoded to-morrow WtirL tte coal trains btgiu About 40u w.ners paraded tue ? reeta to-day at Tari.a.ju*. iney went :o tne raiuea loca.ea near tn< tuWL ,n . louud tue ueii bad ail quit work. Tuey diKbargtd tneir rsTolveia in the air, ar.d lniorm?-'i me proprietors mat tbey ii? : uu oi> Je:i.tu to coal being mined tor tne towu'a own consumption, out uoae auould ue snipped abroad, vaicfe ?ai> tirieed to. loej tuaue no disturbance auu eoaouctea themselves quieuj. HO XAOCBLA AT BAZU.TOK. Eazilto.n. Pa.. April 5, 1876. Affairs oars been t^utut stno- Saturday, and oar Kreets agam present t&eir uaaal tranquil appeal snce. Tue de egate meeting beld on Saturday paaaec resoluiloua demanding tbat all dead work sbo'jid oe suspended, uat tne pumps scoad Sot be inter ere^i w|tb. a resolution was also pn*eed requesting Mr. latrgart to cea*e working, la ca?e ma mu quiet * a <??.u?ce tue e win oe no lartnrr truucne, nut rnoaid tney teiuse we mjy eec another raid to eni?. ce tne demand of tne tniou. lue aereral repie^emed bare rep"r ed rtcm-elva w<i. suppiian with iinda, and an.c- <o lio .i ? u-. mr ai east ?ix inouti a. n.e o.- tue merchants Who aaanceu me ther a on w en:;c-u tv ??-rj i aced on rue minutes and ti a?e men are n ,w ma. k?rd. a meu.w ?.i u se ? bu rt usu .*? atance to : e -*nenfl is to ue ne <i to-morru? e?. ung, wbut tye luppone s oi iaw anu order ueuunj taai tue? ana. pa. tue penalty lac re.iMuiti aaaa^ance in tue Hue o. pea. A KXTOB ? HtCDUL teumro*, p<l, April &, i?7i. ? shocking tragedy was enacted last nigtn at, a smaii town a boat etgfct miles iroa tbls cay ou *.ne uae o' tae IMIMVe aau flaoson Rftiirosd, ir. tne coarse of wfclca a miaer named Patricn Mann wa- sbot t .roaga tne heart. Tne tietim of tn.s trjgic affraj was (.nnaibg at tne aaiocu oi J 'bn .?U. in, in c muan' w, r loii.e Ct? otoer minara among w note were Jona to w^iasaud Inomat Mo, gau. Alter .<> o.ciug aomewua;freeiy * d ? is?t..a ?roee ou ue ia .or r,u'?- ot. am tne beuen; oi trades Batons, iu tie tourae o1 ^ai.a ; aorua r*n utg:i beiweea .^laatn a_u Kuwardt. i hubseque'.t.y tae eatlre party ,?it li? ss.oon and tic d.apu'.e w.s mu.ui." kdwartfa was uu .<*d gowa, oeateu and uaUiy abas d. II?s eoiapsaion, A.. . .n r . u i wa,. w nen iearink tiai . e 9oaid bt Kii.ea, huwards drew a reenter sol flrcd it in tue air to -rianten a.* aaoa.i atits. lue/ did not de*<ai, aowever. and ne Br-u a a t u<i a .d ir.ia nine a fatal ssst, la* ball sirlkiug I' Sis >n a lui.e auoye tbe rignt Dip, pi-- ??/ upward . i a .Ua dir .t ij u pcuetra ed bis n?jrt ?nd ea< aped nrougn tne Isit b> ?aa , ib*ut.'.? k.iilbK a.oi. IMflrus wa# ar fSMtrd. asd, aiter a preliminary bearing ?>ero-e Beqaire Mace, ??* < oMuimed o Wnn-. >srre ft,-*)!, to s*iii trial Jt 'ne uex yua'-er ?S?S ou-. itotu a . * *m- au.i - ??iit uave beeu ea.pu.jred It tae vviaiou iji n-M or so an une past. THE FALL KXYEB SPIN NEBS. Fall Kivkr, Maas., April &. lfts. A deapatch receitred nere uem Warren, R. 1., ?aye tae mu e spiuucrs tbere bave tarnad oatoa atr k- o*ipg to ine manaisctursrs decuniag to fife moi tae ten pet cenu WBCEFTI01i~0F THE TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT. me men.bers a: toe Tirenty secaad regiment laid a reception at ti.etr urmory, in Fourteen!a street. t*?l ereamg. Ine aaudiag wsa crowded to its utm .st capacity ojr a lasmouab a company, eo .pistil;* lor tue most pa t oi ladi-a. Alter tne re*, mema ad been tu ed a i romeaad* receotion SSoIie aad i?ta danciag became tneord^r ^ ta-siaaina and a as a apt ap to a tat. r out of tne u u, l unsnore's Hand laea. wiuie aiaeeuraiug . anewu*at uiosit. Oenerai Ward was praaeut %%%?*s?MfKS. SIM co.08.1 aartieii, ai tue ItoretaM'e alas* AMUSEMENTS. BROOKLYN THEATRE?ENQLIBH OPEBA. Tne prestige of tne name of tbe Kellogg English Opera Company proved an irresistible attraction at Mrs. Conway's coney little House, last nlghr. and tlr**- an imnie.i?e nou?e, a* enthusiastic lu coint as iar^e in tiumt?, rs. Tap opera was the ever iresii ami never tiresome "Bohemian Girl," and it was 1 resented with tne fair Clara Louise as Ar.iue, luiss Oriswoxi as the >iypsy queen, Mr. aas a- i iiadaeus, Mr. lluiuKnu as Count Arnheim and vir. Peakes a* Devil-noof. Miss Kellogg ?u.s in splenaui voice, and tne sweet music of Balie <Miue uom tier lip* witu all us charm* uuin paired. She has evidently made t e role an especai smdv and midis evtrv require mentofit. Tne season has opeuea auspiclous.y iu me city ol scandals and regrets were expressed by come of the audience last evening tnai it is limited to a week. Miss Kellogg appears tins t vening as Editli ilant genet, in Halle's "Talis man." OLYMPIC THEATRE. Tbe pnnlic are offered at tuts house a varied and well s.-lected eirtertaiumeut, irom which what, ever mm lit he calculated to offend sensitive minds has been careiuily exclude 1. Almost every c ass oi i erlorm nee that ordiuarlly goes to make up a variety entertainment Is w<>veu luto tne Olympic hill, and tbe result is a aaiigtitfui medley, oipable oi uukiu.: tne guuitsi v.sror lauab in spite of htmseli. Among tne artists deserving special men tion llr. sol Smith Kussell deserves a trout place. li s character del neations are as artistic and subtle as they are amusing, and thev have the charm oi oeuig always fresh and welcome, in the departmeu' of lri'h comic song the company is liappv id the possession of an excellent ar 1st in Mr. l'at B >one.v. woo is uestiued totnake a uiutk lu Ms tuttiua 'specialty. He possesses an aouiir abie voice, aud throw, into his souns ihe peculiar plaintive tones quite characteristic o ln*n t-casant sou*rs. With ju>t enough eiement oi tne burlesque 10 oe funny, he does not make the mistake oi oeiug co.use. ills jig dancing is oi a quality rarelv met among ? uauoiis. The most strik ing and attractive "eaiure ol the per ormauce, however, aie the ^yuinauic leats oi Mias Leona Hare, wQich cuarm ti.v .. quality of case aud gracefulness not oueu seen iu simnar displays. 11 it were uot lor its caugerous tnaiacter Miss Dure'* perioruuince wouid oe tjnroughl* enjoya ble. beauciiui in 101m aud grac lui in action, this daring gymnast seems to revel lu tne danger to whlcii her leats momentarily expose her, aud once or twice, wnen some nervous wumau uttered an exclamation as sue swept through tne air, the luce oi the gy mnast lighted up wan a -mile ol conscious triumph. In view oi the very daugetouv uaiui" oi this periormance, the precautious against accident appeared scarce ly suditient. ihou?n uo count tne very danger of these air-teats added to the lascination with woica the audience watched tnem. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. Kistori visits Chicago on May IX Barnum will shortly move to pastures new, Mrs. Kousby appears to-mgnt at the Boston Globe, in " 'i wixt Axe aud crown." Mme. Nilsson is creating quite a sensation in the French provinces under Unmaun's management. Miss Cary sang Beethoven's "lu questa tomb*" at a Thomas' concert in Boston on Saturday after noon. Davy Crockett Is drawing large houses at the Fark. Ue has proved a better success than Colonel Sellers. Lotta succeeded Lawrence Barrett at Mc Yieker'a, Chicago. 'Twa* but a step from the sublime. The Grand Central, a Brooklyn variety theatre, is doing good business this week with a large company. Gye promises to bring out Heroid's "Le Pre aux Clares" at the Hoyal Italian Opera, Covent Gar den, London, this summer. Edwin Booth's engagement at the Boston Theatre closed on Saturday nlaht, and proved to be a remarkably successful one. Mile. Aimie's rare talents Jdr opera bouffe shine particularly in "La jolie Parlumeuse," whioa crowd the Lyceum every night. There was a semi-centennial celebration at tne Filth Avenue Theatre last evening "Toe Big Bonanza'1 having reached its fiftieth performance. Madame Van /.and' is highly praised lor her anare ol the work in ??The Creation," which waa given by the Boston Handel and Haydn Society last week. Bryant'a continues tbe house or refined inn and jollity. Whoever wauts to laugh had better can on Dan, at hu littia Opera House. He U a perfect cure lor tne blues. Tbe main detect of the present season at the Grand Opera, Paris, la the extreme smailnesa of the repertoire. Meyerbeer, being a German, geia no favor irom M. Uaiauzier. balvini'a opening character at Drnry Lane last montn was o hello. He wUi be an excellent anb stituie lor Mapie.soD* off nights, wnen Italian opera la laid on the shell to cool. Mr. N< nendorif c a made a more decided ana brilliant aaccess with -GlroflS-GlroflA" than wita any piece that naa been produced on tot board! of (be GeraanU Tneaue. It u still on. A London paper sara that trie great success of tne American revi?aliata, Me??r?. Moody and sank-y, lies principally in tbe musical capabilities 01 the utter gentleman. wno u an excellent hymn singer. The new musical college, toward wfclck ex Mayor Kmgaland uai made such a munificent donation?ou clit, $4,000,000?baa not yet assumed definite shape, as titvre Is a bill penaiL* beiore tbe Legislature in regard to its charter. Mmc. P.iatori will appear at tfie Lyceum on Monday evening as Qoeen El g ibetb and oa Tue-day as Lucrezia Borgia, an i la tbe a eep waiking scene irorn "Macoetb." 7nose will be ner final lareweii perormauces in New York. Mr. Max Maretzea. win produce Flotow's opera "L'Ombra," lor tne first time, at tbe Academy of Mnsic on Friday evening with tne lollowing cast:?Glna. Mias Annie Randall: Vespina, Mm Hoffmann; Fabrigio, S?gnor Ben rate.U; Mironet, signor lagliapetra. Mr. J. N. i am son lectures on Wednesday evening at De Oaimo Hall, on tbe Dianist Li.-it, illustrating an lectur.- with tae lollowing trau scriptions from th<? composer's works:?"Bene diction et serment" (tierlioz;; "Le Campanelia" (1'ananini); "Cojua Amman" (Rossini); "Aar den Wasser'' (Schubert); "Melodic'' (Schubert). Tbe popu.arity oi tne "Big Bonanza" coorlnues to Increase, and toe Pi tn Avenue la nightly crowded by audiences whose boisterous enjoy, ment of tne piay snows bow thoroughly toejr ap. prectate it. several changes nave oe?n made in the dialogue, and Mus cawaliadar baa *oatid tbe missing love poem, whicb promises to become as lemous as some of dundreary's eputies. From present appearanoex 'Big Bonanza" wi,l fill op tbe aeaaoa at the rilth Avenue. Laat atgbt it reached its flity-first performance. A BBOOKXYN MY3TEBY. TBF. HANOIKO Of MATTHEW TOUT. Yesterday Colonel J. Alien gave tbe Coroner of Brooklyn a point o> information touching tea mysterious suicide o: Matthew looy, toe unfortu nate individual ?hna liie>e?s body was ftund dangling by tbe neck from a r pe, the end of wbica was made last to' he nmo or a tr?e, In a vacant lot on ibe Hoe ot beKatb avenue, near Bedford, about daybreak on Sunday morning last, i be Colonel's coachman. It appears, wns one oi tbe first to (lis. cover the body and ue nave it as his opinion that it would have been impossible <or a man to nave so hung nimaelt. judgmv rom tne pecunai posnkcu in wiitcn It hi)'./, coroner > nas taaen c ar^e or tbe ca?e ai.n ntn a id ihe inquest to-duv. Mat thew roov quariened with nis wne at their niuoe ot buoititioti, a tenement bouse, on steuuen street, near Park avenu ?, at nine o'cioca on Saturday ni<rut, and ?*< overneard by Ins landlady. Mrs. Fitz/eratd. Mrs. louy drove her spuuae on. oi tne home wi n a outcuer kniie. luo>, w io eto a laoor-f, arid worneo lor P. yuinn. Hi* CuBwac or. iorty-flve year* oi age, aud leaves a widow ,>u I two gr -?n ctuidren. He w?a pre uspme.i to intoxication, and uoon on? 0(i'a<iiut> diu tureaien to drown ncuaeif. not little cr???>nc'i l< given to tne tneorv oi loui play, a* it Would appear io be an impossiwuty tor a man to t.e u.i.. u.i in tn<> i uimh: street lu Die heart of Hr"o?ijn without at r ntmg attention uy his re sistaace to nis astatlan.a. Tne uorouer says nt will oiaas a uioio..^ . investigation oi ;ne case. A'iTL^tFFED SUICIDE. ? Yesterday arternnon, a man, namu FrederirK Biumeniaai. Was arretted in 'loooten lor being ais? orutriy. Shortly airer being put in a cell he took ont a strap and hanged iilm**ii to a beam. He was at tne verae oi uuau wnon tie Was utsc-jvered dao^liug and inuneitiaioiy cut down. Ha had to be matia< >t>> nd removed to tne County a at to i/ffnmt an >tieumt at a r*|.?'i?i?n vi tae auu f ae 1 tusooet .a lotty yaara oi age. NEW YORK CITY. pnillp Rider was round dead In the yard of No. 560 West ihirtv-flrsi street yes'.erday morutnz_ At seven o'clock ikst evening Offlcer Co*, of tue Thirty-second, shot and Killed a rabid doir at tue c rner o. ueih street and Klugsbridge | road. A pleasant iraniorlnir at Turn Hall, No. 66 East Fourth street, last evening. participated iu the commemoration exercises of in# Irving Literary Union. ? The annual meeting ot the Amateur itifle Club lor tue election oi officer* and transaction of other business, will 'uke place at tlie First Di I vision rendezvous tins evening at ei>cht o'clock. William Thompson was hi rested last Saturday my tit, and taken to the'looms tne following morn ing. He was committed on a charge of drunken I uchs. In tne aitemoou lie died In tlie prison, it is supposed, irorn tlie etlects ol liquor. Early yesterday morning the sloop Thomas B. | Causey, lying at bulkhead No. 281 south street, spruntr aleak, and. despite trie elToris of all on board, tlie water gained rapidly, until tliey were compelled to abandon her, ana sne soon alter ward sunu. The regular meeting of the New York Rapid 1 Transit Association will be held at two o'clock mis i altcrnoon, at the room3 ol the New York Hoard oi Fife lusuran-e brokers. No. 102 Broadway, at which it is proposed lo proceed with the election oi oiticers and directors. All persons having sub scription papers are requested to nand them In. The committee appointed by the Preaidentor the Produce Exchange to present the resolutions I adopted by ihe meeting oi merchants on the 1st I Inst., will proceed to Albauy lor that purpose to rn trow inoruiutf. li consist* ot n.e loliowing:? Isaac ii. Heed, a. A. orr, A. U. Hanson, oeor^e W. smith, Cailos Cobb, Jesse Hoyt, H. u. Armour. A lair and lesiiva! will be opened tins aiteinooa in tne Sunaay school room ot the Church of the Holy sepuiciire, Seventy-fourth street, east of Fourth avenue, and will be continued afternoons and evenings till Saturday. Tne ladies or tne cont'retfarion have takeu great oaius to provide tor their tiuesrs au entortainment which shall be eminently enjoyable. BROOKLYN. Michael MullaJy, one of the owners of the dis tillery which was seized at the loot of Bridge street in December last, was arrested by a United states maraual yesterday ana ncid to ball in (10,000. The Rev. Mr. Woodward, pastor of the Ever green avenue Methodist Episcopal church, ap peared in Justice Seinisr's Court yesterday and pi uierreu a cnariio oi sluuder against Mr. W. H. i Young, one ol his parishioners. lu the supreme Court yesterday, before Justice Tapuun, a motion was made to change the venue lu tlie suit ol ElwardJ. uor.iu against Tammany Hall tor, irom New York county to Kings county. Decision was reserved. Senator Coo and Assemblymen O'Keele and Tal- j mage had a conference with Mayor Hunter yester day in regard to pending legislation at Albauy. which if enacted win increase tlie deot of tne citv several m>ll'0ti dollars. Tne legislators promised to oppose the bills. At the meeting of the Common Council yester- , day complaints were received lrom the trustees of the second Methodist church and the Principal i of Public school No. 13, against the sixth D'strlct Court, at Grand and Even streets, wmcn is linme- ! uiawiy opposite lie institutions. Alter some dis cussion it was resolved to remove the Court to the Stugg street ponce station. WESTCHESTER. The Episcopal clergy of Westchester county will I meet in convocation at Trinity church, Mount Vernon, on the Tth Inst. Bishop Potter will be present. Services at nine and eleven A. M , and naifrpast seven P. M. lu tue evening addresses on i the subject ol missions win be delivered. THE BILLIARD TOURNAMENT. The Brooklyn billiard tuuruamen: was resomjd last night at tbe City Assembly Rooms, and the apectators were entertained by two well contested games. 1 tie first game or tbo evening and seventh of the series wsa between Albert Gamier and Joseph Dion. The latter broke the balls and rn 3s. At the close of the sixteenth Innings the game stood?Dion 160 and Uarmer 103. Tbe latter then b.-gau to play a little better, and, putting a run of 53 and one of 34, took the lead, and at the close of the twenty-flith innings the gam* stood? Gamier 224 and Dion 214. Garnler continued in good p ay and won by 76 potnta. After the intermission Kuooiphe and Ubasty went to work, ihe latter broke the baits and after three innings, in which neitner man did mach good, Uba^y conn ted 21 and then &udoip:ie followed witu 31. Both men were maying pretty well and Kudolpbe was In extra good form, ex hibiting some really Hue blllurua. At the clo*a of the teiitii innings the iraiue *tood, Kudolpbe 138 dint Ubassj 69. Tne latter then b'iran to piav a pretty livetv game and on nls twenty-secund tunings made a brilliant run ol ill, giving uitn a good lead. Rudnlphe did not give up without a ngnt, as on the twenty-flan innings he counted 46. Alter a hard stroagl* Uneasy won by 13 poiota. Cbas?y?2. 1, 1, 21. 7, 13. o, *3, 1, 0 0, 13. 14. 0. 1. 9. 14, 21. 10. 0. 0. Ill, 1, 0, 0, 16. 4,1. 0, 1, 0, 10. 4?300, KuJo'pI.e?0, 0. 0, 31, 20, 46. 4. 33, 8. 0, 0. S, 11. 0, 0, 0, W, 6, 0, 7. 1. 13. 0. <\ *!>. 4. 1. 18, 22. 0, 0, 3?28T. Highest runs? l'oaasy, 21,23, 21,111. Kudolpbe, 31. 20. 46, 16, 46. 2? Average?t'ba?*y, 9 1-11; Rudolph*, 8 31-32. Time of e .me, 2u. ;om. Mr. William H. Harwer, Jr.. kindly officiated aa reieree, ano periorined bis unthannul duties witn a prompt decision that gave general -attraction. Tbla evening the (tames will be between Cynile ition and Munrice Dai., and Gsrmer and hudotpne. tcsaiir. Beveota game or toe Brooklyn tournament, be tween Aloert Garmer and Jospa Dion, ko-j pointa. three baits. on a sxio coileoder table, flited with a combination cushion:? Gji 0 X 2, 0, 20. 0, 14. 0, 4. 0. 13. 0, 0. A 19, 2. 8, o. 63. 20. 0. 34, 2. A 10, 40. 0, 4. 0. Jl-300. Dion?31, 7. 0. 10. 0, 20. 7. 6, 4. ?. 2. 24, 10, 0, 10, %, \ 0, 2, 0, 30. 1. 6, #, 0, 8. 0, 7. 0, 4, 0, 0?225. Uignest runs?Gamier? 28, 23. 63, 20, 84, 40, 21. Dion?81, 20, 24, 8o. Average?Caruier. 0 21-31; Dion, 7 8-81. Time ol game?lb. 64m. THE TAMMANY SOCIETY. The Tammsny Society beld a meeting last even ing at tbe Wigwam and transacted considerable routine business. Bat on* mem er was initiated, Mr. Joseph Bnannon, once somewhat known in circles. The case oi Nelson J. Wateroury, lor offending against tue rules o< tne society, in nsvmg (Kvulned tbe "troe inwardne??"o tbe pri vi e dolugi of tbe ?ssoci?iion some time ago wsa oecided. He is, or tne decision, to be summoned b-iore tbe society and ceusured. At oae time there was a strong desire inautested by acme ot tae members to bave bin exptiled. THE PALISADE INSURANCE FRAUDS. Tbe trial of Louts t. French, Secretary of tbe so called Palisade Insurance ?otnpany, was com menced in tne Court ot Quarter (sessions, at Jer sey city, yesterday, Judge Hoirtnan presiding. The indictment caarged that French entered into a conspiracy with Henry sacia, the* so-called president of the company, to derraud the public. Bacia waa arretted and lojged injati in Mew York on charges arising out oi tbe name transaction, but he became insane and Is now id *n a*>ium. The flrsi witness caiied by District Attorney Oarretson was Joan M. Wilson, woo test Bed tbat he was interested in the tate Firemen's Krteod lu-nrsnce Company o. >>w fork;tuat ii Juiy, 1873, Fiencb w*? introduced to tarn aod negotia tions were oyened.ior tne ?a e of tbe charter: wit ness sold tbe charter to French; the atier paid |6oo (or It id casn; the reas< n witness did not proceed coder tne cnarter, ??? ma: ne could not obtain tne required i'u.OOw In sj scrip-lo.ia. Jtfiie vv niar.i les-tflcl tbat ?bs resides at No. 148 Waverley place, New fork; uc upted trie wtiole bouse; never Knew oi any person named Mary Hamilton res.ding there; never knew or uearn of eimer Sacia or French. Henrietta i>ow?r, of Twenty-eigntn a reet, New Yors, esttBe i tbat no woman txutei Thump-on resided in n<-r bouse; ibst sbe dl>i not kn?w French, out wou.d snow >acia by -igt:t. Henrietta s^. r and several otner wi'neeaes tesuUsi that t;(ev did not know any persons in their houses be .ring tne names ?et down iu tae books oi tbe nacta I renca con cern. wiiiinm Carman te-tifled:?I was emplorbd laat summer m t.<? I'ansade insurance Company went tner- about tne 1st o< Juty; was nw<H oy bbcm and French; waa paid once %ib and at another time a small amount, ? receiving both sums from Fren< o; iue hrst sum was paid by a cbeck of George v\. James, drawn to tbe order of ttacia; acteo us bookkeeper; did not receive any cash nor did be see anybody receive any; made entries in the casn book irom a ?m*li memorandum book tarnished ny Freucti; the>u?rn?i w?? made op trom tbe policy register, ana 'he ledger ami stock induer uom tne memo randum boon i several policies were issued. Toe wi;t<e?a w*s asamiued minutely on the different entries. femeiary or Rtato Keisey was present daring tbe ?ey. tie is ons ef tne wuneasaa iu tne enao. WASHINGTON. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Washington, April 5,1876. NEGOTIATION OF THE NEW BONDS. information received at the Treasury Depart ment la to ttie eflect that ttie projpecis lor ne(T> tiatlng ttie new United States bonds in the han? is of the ajut'tcate have considerably improved. INTEBV1EW WITH UIH EXCELLENCY THE PBES ? DENT ON THK MEXICAN INVASIONS- NO STEP B OF IMPORTANCE YET TAKEN?THE POUfllBU-r rfS OF A WAIh. President Grunt to-day. in conversation wit: I the writer hereof. remarked, In reply to a ques tion, that be wan somewhat atnused latetv a t newspaper statements of what he would do in re ? lation to the recent outrages by armed bands o r Mexicans Invading the Texas frontier. Such statements were mere inventions, as he had not, since these events, expressed his views u ? any person, not even to the Secretary of State, who, like himself, had been absent irom the city. It was already known to the public that orders nait been issued to tna military lor the protection oi. our ciilzens on tho frontier, but In addition to tblw nothing has been done. The government was noi yet lull? advised of the extent 01 the outrage^. all hough It has been officially informed of thi1 arrest of a mall carrier and the burning 01 a post offlce by the invaders. The Mexican government had repeatedly been reminded of outrages bere toiore committed by Mexicans on citizens of tho United Stares, both in Mexico and 011 Cftued states soil, and would hear from this uovernmout in a short time concerning those more recently com muted turough the Department of State. There would oe a consultation with the secretary of State on this subject, and probably it would be brought to the attention of tne Cabinet. But, meantime, all newspaper statements us to the action of the government would be mere specula tion. "We must,'' he remarked, "determine here after what Is proper to be done iu tne premises." He could see no reason lor apprehension of a war between tne two countries; but, 01 course, no one could tell wn.?t might take pisee in the future. JSotuing, however, would be done by this govern ment 10 provoke such a result. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES OF DIFAKTUItE tHOM NKW TOE* FOB THE MONTH OF AfKlL. SUamer Sa ilt. \D*stination.\ Klonstoek Algeria Mute or ouUiana W esu nail* Neesar eiUc April li. Aurii 7. April 7. . April K. . lAnrll 10. \r>ril III. lianiMir*.. 1113 brnaawav Liverpool ' (Bowlnw liroen OlaMtoW... ia Broadway. Humourx.. jt>l brosdwuv. Bremen.... 1- Bowiinn oreon CHv ?t NevrVora.Kpril 10. Bolivia. I April I''. Ida no *i,ri i;5 I April l.t. < lnua IApril H. Oreece ... IApriI 14 Mil#. Krisia Italy 1 it. ot Richmond Baltic rereu* Ethiopia Nevada Ku-.-lu Stale of Nevada. Koevia Egypt.... ? ?? Citv 01 Montreal hern. Ml;. * vomina r schilier.. LivtriooU I.V 1UOUL Glasgow .. Liverpool. Haiabunr.. Liverpool.. IV Broadway i? Broadwav 1 liiiwuutf iire*a m iirqaitwav. Il:i Broadway. 1 Howliutr Greeo 11.011(1011,. ..n* Broadway. Kottenlaiii SUHroaaway. II amour?. Liverpool. Liverpool. LiverDoou. Havre Hilaspow... Liverpool. Livcrnooi I i lamrow... II 11111.11 r Liverpool.. LiverDool LiveroooU. Liverpool llamnura di Broadway oil lir.>ail way Id Broadway. IS Broadwav I&5 Broadwav iHowiiiik (ireaa at Broadway 4 Buwltnvr (Jreea n Broadwav bi Mroaawa"/. tiy Broaawav. !."> iiroad wav. li Broaawav. W broadwav. 113 Broadwav. W a scnolien....l April 2J.1 Kotieruaui :Ui Broadway. almanac for new york-this day. STTK AND MOON. Son rises 8 36 Sua sets. ? 3? Moon seta av? ? ? HIGH WATKH Gov. Island....eve 8 44 Sandv Hook...eve 7 69 Hell Gate ?ve 10 20 PORT OF NEW YORK, APRIL 5, 1875. CLEABED. Snip Liverpool, Lambert, i^adon?Grtniwll, Miatori Hornco &faaw, Havre?C W Bertaux. Bars. Waland iUer). Vogeiaang, Uambarg?W LP ling A C<Bark Carlb, Townsend, St crotx?P Hanlord A Co. Bark Mary Mctvce. Sharp. CaraenAi?Jaa E v,ard A ??lirlg Blitz (QW). Meble, Exeter, K-Konch. Edye A ??Brlf Harry A Aubrey iBr. Brlggs, Barbed os-Dwight * * Jones (Br), damage. Port au Pnnce-L ? Bhfit*Lydl? H Cole. Rose. St Jago-Waydell A Co. Bn? Clara Jeaklms. Coombs, lardtnas? MtUar * Hb"u Caacatelle, Jackson, Matanaa?-Js? Henry. senr tmrna aeatber, Ueaibar, iiesaersra?Leayersfl *??hr T ?ma F Hart, Hart. Carde?a?-J W ElweU A Rnh?rtT Clark Bellows, Baracoa?B J Wenberi. Mr F?.d?le C tbb.a U?D. Clark, ?t Jolin, S?-Ma. My * Paxur. arrivals. RBPOBTtD BT TDK IIKK4LP STEAM YACBrS AXD UERAI.D WBITI3TOXI TSLBGBAPH MM ft. Strainer Maas Dutch). Ctierallsr, BotterJum March 2", aai Flustairiii lid. with mdN and 41 passengers to Funcb. Kd>* A C*s in lat 42 SO, Ion 6'. paaaad a large fl*id of lea about 40 miles long, and several large ice bergs Irani 4tU io "<*? icet hub. suaincr Goethe Orr>. WHaon. Hamburg Uarcn 26 and Cherbourg 27th, with w-ise and 24u passenger* to Knauth, Nacbcxi A Kuhne. *t*ainer Henclactor. ?*<od. Wilmington, NC, 72 hours, with indse to Wm P Clyde A Co. s-teanier John Gibaon, Winter*, Georgetown, DC, wita nilv ami passengers to J C Kenyon. U?rt Lima i?wn, Hrnmaa, Bombay 100 day*, wilb linseed to order, Paseed Cap* ot Good Hope freb 1J. Rt Helena 234. and croascd tna Equator March !?>, in lou 17 IS W March ?. lat 3D S. Inn 23 40 W\ spoke bark Mary iBr . irom Java 'or .-andv Hook: l.'tn. lat 4 30 N. ion 1 13 w. hark Andrea Antonio (Ital.. iron Callae lor Gibraltar. bark Kawf> (Rn?). I'otnclln. Gloucester 41 days, In bal last to hunch. Kdye * Co. Brig A a r>:t rt n Reich, Porto < aballo 16days, with coffe- and tildes to I'allett. HliSJ A Co. March 20. lat 2f 13 N lun 72 W. rpoke brig Mlnuie Scott, hence lor Sagua: April 2. lat 37. Ion J4 b8 brig t L Margaret (Mr), irom i'a errno lor rhtiadclpbia. Urig Maniiii* oi Nassau*, Todd. Las Tunas 17 days, wltli sugar to oraarj re<sel to Wa/dgll 6 Co. iiri* JBiia Lingier of *tJohn. MM*, Jones, r ardenas U dav?, with sugar and utiado to Henay A Parker. bebr -korm Petrel <ot rlisworth. Ma, Haaceli. Cedar Keys f;*. 14 days, with cedar to hppiogvr, IttuaeUA la OV.-teamer Idaho, which arrived 4th from Liverpool, report*:?Marcn 22. lat 44 17. ion 3d N, t.nna led ship I dltn Warren Br, hence lor Liverpool: April 4. ?30 AM. I7n miles east of tiaady liooa. met xteamers Adri atic. City ?t Brookij n. apatn. ana I topia, all bouni I'AASKD THROCOH UKLl, GAM. BOt'VD SOOTH. Steamer George Cromwell. Bacon. Portland for Naw York, with mJ?e in I paswiueri to Clark A eaman. sehr winalow Morse. Oliver. Bridgeport for New fork. Bchr Artut, Krresi. lor New Vork. Betir l.ucv * rlgti', Adams. Providence tor New York, hchr Wm ?ic<*. uca, hall hirer lor .\ew Yora. sen' W > Gessuer. Egbert. Proridericj lor New York. ?chr Jonn Miliar. < astoer. l'oca--et tor New York. schr ?d*laue, Uavnor, itlverbcad lor ,v<w T,rk. ?chr Cornelius. Pratt, sorwicn lor New York. chr A f Ames. Trascher. I'roviaenca lor New Vork. Fctir i en.amin English, i has*, New Bediord for New York. senr U r Brawn. Oadney, Providone* tor K*w York, fcchr parti*. Bnropahlr*. New London tor Ainboy. Hcnr &Uen Morrison, uodgs, Providence for Naw Tork. ?chr Clara Rankin Rogers. Portland for New York, With lumbar to HambUn A Co. Scbr randv Hoot. Adams, Provideoc* for Naw York. Kcnr Decatur uakes Baker, Providence lor Naw York. Mkr B % D?aa, M*Co?r>*r, >omara*t tor n*w Yors. ?Ot"K 0 Kchr HarrUt Lowla, Kyan. Roooken (or Provldaaoa. ?chr Bla^aa*, H*au*y. Uobokan ior Provi4*a?*. BELOW. Bar* Harbinger 'Br). SO days Irom Troon. Bark KlrgdoTa iBr>. Bruoa, irom Peoaug. Bark Lau/a CALLED. Steamer Great Western (ari. for Bristol: ship John Manu (Rr). Bremen; baras Carlb, m<roit: l rue IMi , Gibralur: kiiwer Nor), London; Kiua Bjr?s Br;, lumllton 'Bermuda): itoatna iiaD. Triest* . brigs Erie, Mayigusx; -vqn<iia (Itall. Gibraltar; Auguite lleiinera tlsmbars Klaanur Miller (Br.i Ko?ario; ctuoa taiie. ; senr Joseph W Wl.sou. Cleniuegoa. aUo sailed, scbr Barguarlta (tr), St Pi*rra MARITIME MISCELLANY. $dr See r?t?e newt. ice still conttnu** to com* down with the ireihet la tha North Rlv*r. Heveral vegsais which sDcoored in tb* vicinity of tb* Battarv on r naday last were caugbt by it and carried down th* bay naarly to #tat*n Island. Araoug them w*r? th* German bark I olus ana brig An. Bi* Wharton, causing them to ooi>i4*, by whiob th* bark lo*t her miiaen topmast and th* brig her iibboom. nhlp fftoch Train was at*o carried down tb* bar. Tba steamboat Thomas K llul?e, lying at th*tootor Vesey street was cut through yesterday morning and ?una. Tns l-rig wuioo was sunk on eunday inornuivr. lies in the sains uo? tion in which sba was left. Prepara tions are oeing made to raise her. Ami' Hi Lbcir, Humpbrov. at Baa KranclMO March 27 ITom flaw York, bad n*ary galea from e.?K m tba Nor^h Atlaniic: lost sjiii <o:|i salts an i carried away lortyard; sprang lower lAre and main topsoU yards, H?*? Ltdia (Br., from Uarien lor Liverpool, which pat into Norrt.'k >s*ky, w*ut on th* dry do?k at ui? asvv Yard M last. A taresr Wat h?id on her ai.d -he was/ound to he In t*i*rahtr food . ccrtidllion Uakl ware lound to bar 'To?d sad* and garuoarU soau watah win M rasa we A Bjrk Pawsskici, -)?? tarn built In Prince Edward In ISM. has been sold at Uimu on private term i Bahk Mornirq Light (Br), at Matanzas 8d inst from Nesr York. waa ay.ounl at the euurance of the harbor on the tih inst. No particular*. Scub Conway, wh cli went a-nore at Mnosepecca 29th ult, was towed Into astoort, Me, Saturday evening. bv tin* revenue cutter Woodbury I he Conway was bound lo lioatoii with a lull cargo ol boxed herring. The cargo Is a total lots; insured in a Unaware olttce lur l.'.iXJJ. The vusaet wan not damaged. Boston. April h? Steamer Dominion (Br), Clements, from \uruioutu. X i, white coming up the harbor lust niglit in thick weather, run ashore on Gallaup's Island, but was pulled off MiU loreuooil by steam lugs witnout sustaining any serious uainugc. tJuot'CKSTKii, Mass. April 6? Schr II B Stan wood, of this port, ?ix wtens overdue on it trip lo Georges Isluui, is uuJoubiedlv lust She tin I a crew of 1- men; waa owned by Pettingold A ' uiininghatn. -she vas valued at $1.9 0 and Insured lor 84 3<>U. The season ihus lar litis proved vety disastrous. Six vessels anil Bi lives have been lost, being 47 more than uurlng the same period lust year. Nbwfort, April 5? During a gale last niglit schr Her bert kiuiiton. Ornwell. from Somerse: lor New Vora, parted chain* and left both anchors, ami It she h id not had lair wind lmo this port would have, gone ashore. KpBiNcritLD Mass. A|>ril 5?The Connecticut River I* now clear ol ice irom ilolyoke to the oun I, and the water is rapidly subsiding. Wood's Hon, April 6?The two sloops which were off Yarmouthport. Muss, assisting the schr Arrow, were driven ashore to-day. SHiravn.niNC is much depressed on the Merriuiae I iver Seven vcSfCts are on the s ocks, most of them approaching compieilon. with only one contract upon whicii k beginning hub not been made. The pro pect la exceedingly dull. Launch kd?At Seaford, Del, Apr!1 1, schr Lena Cotting ham. The lollowing are her dimensions115 feet keel, 31 feet beam. 8 f el ho!d. 140 teei over all and 301 tons burden she Is owned bv Capt M Colbourii, Thomas Cottingham. N a Out toil and o'hers of Sealord, and will be commanded by Capt N A ?Kitten. SPOKEN. I Steamer Oriental, from Savannah for Boston, April 8 I ESli. of Hurncfat. Hark Wm Cobb, Brad.v, <3 day* fTotn Rlchmoad. Va. j for Kio .lauel.o. l''eb 34, 12 8. lou 32 10. Bark Planet, trom New Orleans tor Havre, 1# days out. i no date, lat .12 Ion til 28 i BrU Dirigo, front Philadelphia tor Cardenas, March 1 23 lat 31 2<L Ion 74 10. 1 schr Pride ol the Kast. of Calais, 10 days from New | York for Oreytowu, Nlc, March U, lat 23 40, Ion 70 30. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS, Merchants, shipping agents and ship captains are I ttatomied that by telegraphing to the IIkkalo London I loreuu. No 46 Fleet street, the arrivals at and depart i res from European ports, and other porta abroai, of i nierlcan ana all toreitr i vessels trading with the 1 luited States, the same wilt oe cabled to this country li i-e ot charge and publishel. Persons desirous of communicating with veawls arriv il IK at New York can do so bv addressing to such vossels, n ire of Hbbald news yachts. pier No 1 bast River, New Y- ?rk_ Letters received trom all parts of the world and pi bmptly delivered. Duplicates are required. OUR CABLE SEILPPINGr NEWS. Iictweef, April 5?Arrived, steamer State ot Nevada (J: ri, Braes New York. I UTAH?Arrived, bark Nereid, Nickerson. Antwerp. Bristol, April 4?Arrived, brig Sir Robert Hodgson (1' r), liradden, Charleston, slightly damaged. llso arrival 4th. bark Loin (Nor). Rostrup. New Or le ins; fttn, brigs tleetwiLg (Br), Manley, Philadelphia; U Igo (?wt|, Marin, do. P.KAKK. April 3?Arrived, bark fctatsmlnister Stang (N r.r), Kalkenberg. Pascagoula. ., bark J M B (Sp), Camproamor, U sited States Bari (Sicily)?Sailed, bark Aberdeen, Salvage, Now Yl irk (or Philadelphia). Ulasoow, April 4?balled, bark C'liarlotta (Ger), Wal 111 te, United States. Uiskaltab?Sailed, bark Amicizia (Ital), Bottaro (from Gi inoa), Baltimore (or Philadelphia). Havbb, April 4?Arrived, achr Anne S Conant, Hat fa rd. Mobile. I tailed -d, ship Themis (Br), Rossiter, United States; bs rka Helen Angler, Staples, do; Galatbea (Nor), Steau sn a, do: X j (Nor), Pettersen, New York. I Iambdrg, April J?Arrived, barks Stanbo (Nor). Gun de rsen, Wilmington. NO; Wega tGen, Uerths, do; Su ml tra (Gen, Usumaun, Dsrien. t ailed 2d, bark DrFalk (Ger), Haupt, New York 1 tTEurvoL, April 4?Arrived, steamer Lord Cilve (Dn Ur luhart, Boston; bark Udjoa (Nor). Jansen. New York.*' .% iso arrived 4'h. ships Dovenby (Br), Penny, Astoria. O;. ilrltish India (Br), Sexton. San Francisco; Landseer, Km wles, Boston: barks Ueigium (Br , Mosher, Charles ton; sth. T J southard, Woodward, Galveston. Lo Knox, April ft?Arrived, snip L?ander (Br), Knight, New York; Dover Castle (Bri, Culbert, do. Lit sac. April 4?Off. bars Resolve (Nor), Hansson. froru hew York tor Copenhagen. Las kb. April 4?Sailed, steamer State of Ialiana (Br), badlei ' (from Uiaacow;, Jew York. Man l(.lllks?saned, Ann. for New York. Mast iiKA?sailed, bark Templar. Bartleit. New York. New. tr. April4?Arrived, bri* Wanderer (Oerj. Briuck manB. Baltimore. Pi.Tie tm. April ft?Arrived, steamer Holsatla (Oer), Bare nit I. New York lor Hamburg. (jCKBi btowk. April 4?Arrived, steamer Blfroat Owe), We iter j ten. New York; ship Dexter, Gannett. San Francie* ?; barks Vice Ammiragllo Tegethoff (Ans), To mlch, B.j lion, Ub. sins Sattara (Br), Harrtsou, Portland. 0; bark 1 'rlnce Alt re J (Br), Mortoa, Philadelphia, Also art Wed Ath. steamer Cltr of Cheetar (Br>, Leltch. New York for Liverpool. Koman va, April ft?Salioi, steamer W A Scholtcn (Dntch). Hi la New York. SMTB5A? - ailed, bark tfvanen (Nor), tor Boaton. Triisti? Sailed, bark Toianteer (Aas, Zambello. United stsi a. Taslb Bai , CGH?sailed, bark J A Brown, Greenish. Unltei sua s. Lobdob, A prll ft?ship Dacca (Br). Tosh, irom Hew York for Lou loa. Is ashore on the Isle of WlKht. aad lies in a dangerc us position The craw left the ship and nave not sir.o i been heard of. A later account eays the D Is a total wt eck crew saved and landed at Cowes to day. ( the d* cca registered HOi tons, built at Sunder land, E. in lA .4. and hailed from London. Her cargo consisted of M uO bbla flour, 3J 7S8 bushels wheat and 17U) staves, j Bark De Marl hi (Ital>, Marl, from Leghorn Feb 17 for New York, hes | 'at back to L to repair damages. Bark Lincoln. Thora, has been chartered to take fter cargo to destination. 1 "OBEIGN PORTS. Area.a. MCA, n ? date-Arrived, bark Unwl, Tufta. Buucat. March I?In portibip Carondelot, Sutton, lor i f aiuiuutn. fc, id*. loeuaao, Fab I! ? Arrived. bark Gen FelrBeld, Kelly. Liverpool. UAkciYTA. Feo to -In port ahlp Latnmermonr (Br>. for | N*iv Yor?, ldg; A genor, UouU, alio Winged Hauler, Panno. nnc. suited trora >amri <r Feb 27 (Dot 2itB). ahip Qua*a of the Merepy. Fe t. >e?* ' fork. tiHDtM*. April I '?Arrived. bnrk L T rtocker, Tyler, Portland : achr i>aV lit Amu. Ames .-a*ua : Sd. t>ark i-.o deivor. Mouuttort. Hoeion bri A?W rutnaiu Kogera, >?* mrt itoi nam tl lor MaiaDtaa. and arrived at m I ?eiue day ?th. ?c> U > imua litley, Coffin. Philadel phia; sueedwell. bko, Boston. sailed lat. bark tot ilique (riri. Nickernon. north of teraa. briit* Jeremla. k, rord do: Cliar'otte. Wntttemo-e, do: hil?u P icwtrl . Miliar, do: achr* rtuth larnnj, lira* do; 2d. Gerti Vie t. >mitb. Jamieeou, do; 3d, oe..r<e r Young, > at *ueli. do. i.if n ro>"io?. April A???rrived. brltn Atalara. Cola, Now vork. Alice Lei . Kuaiif. ibiiadaipbia ?chr Peiro A ilrau, Lake. do: tli Jtti i l arlnle. Miiltb, New Vork; Binope (.Bri. Foot*, , 'inytt; ocean I.Uy : Br), BJneak.ii. J a. Ueaarea, P'1. March J?In port achra Margie McPad den, and ureclan Kan l Kr in. tor New York, ldg. Havana. April S? At rived, brig l/.a w ?i.?. i ortland: 5tb ateaDier < ity or Ma floa, Peynolda. Now tor*. ?aiieU .'id. ateamera JI D ata, l alumina ,xrom Philadel phia), >ew or.eana in W PM, I'roicent ilty. Ctirue S?f I York. / Halifax April #? Ar, lived, ?'eameri Columbia (Br). Ulaakow; W O . hatuicx. ?i Pl.rre, Mqueloo. CoCaroai, NMarch 39-Arnved. brig lycuoo ^Br), i Cnauaev, Boemn. i.kriiKat i. March 29?i .leered, aobr t hampion ,?r>. uranviile. >ew York. . MakAua, March 14? In port brig A J Petteoglll. Mall, i for >ew York, tug. Mat**!**, April 2? in ivad, btrka New York Qlbba, New Yum. Nineveh, Wvo an Roxu.ii; brig C'onatance. Maraeiliee; 3d uarka A I a Marion (Br), MeUratfe. and i keatiel Br), ramaner. >? w*ork; Morning I-Iff In (?r), ' iravia do (a" Miaeehany) : aoa i Uxaortu. do; I rlga H P Dewrar. L? rinir a n I i alle Waiter* Bri. Kyffn, do: ?oiirLitxie Wilson, wit. -on. Ujaior. -aiiad Jd. our** J iwi.hiri? <Br>. iiapburn, Now York; OUvt-r i.oieri Br) UU1, do. M iMtAXiLio ? ubA . .Haiti t 30?Arrived, aour Abbta Piinaii. t.hax*. Uixton. .utmria, >SW Fob 11?A tiled, ablp Camilla, llsta ; pl.rev, an iranciaro. In port Feb U, ahlpt R?ya| ll (Br), Ueara; Htrtfort ablra Br), i.riham. and Kan I ta>h <lr>. Keuay. for an 1 FrauoUcu, I U narm i.ocu Ul t (Mr), Ma ori Montana, .and .-terra Jiuvada. i?oi t..r do. do; Kiia^orib, I Wa?a, Iroi i M?ibuUid?. arrivrl Jan It, tor Hong Kong; i bm lov: -tavaua ???over fot I 'in r'ranetaco, do. Pj*ro CaBilui. March !?? in pori brig Anna oardnar. f Uaveuar. ir..m New Yi.rk. Bt Makc. March a?In )>or? bi Ig Loniaa Prlo?. Brown, for Ne'.v Y'ork iu 7 daya; aahr A U Lennuk, '.ray, from do, MtiVM 20;b. ? RAoca. April ??Arrirc.l, achr Armida C Kali, Uan, Providence. failed w. bark Hanry L tiragg, Hardy, aortbei liat taraa. m J oh*, XB, April 3?Claarad. a Jhr J B Marahail. Mar abail. Havana Arnva i 3d sarlc rannv II Loriia t. Loring Boaton. Sailed Jth. tienmcr Auatraiia J r), .yckay, aiaagowt trig Mina BF), C^ra. I'airauoka. March 15-in port ad hr kocbako, Jaapar, I for Buauoa Ayren. ids. AMERICAN pa R rs. AI.RXANDkIa, April s-Sailed, whr B C Tbomaa, BoMon. p,#?r> ? ? 5chr? haodora D*an, m '4 WilUam Maaoa, | irr.n orgatown for ? . <. April i?Cleared, brig Ma 'T C Baakall, nail, it* Arrived, aobra Melona M Ka?rWl:fe?. I>ow, Havana: I Terota i) BaUsr. LVub. Virginiai k W Furuar. AUim, Ma ii.iiore. ?tli?Arrival, iMxnari t>otnlnioo 1.1 Cleinenta, Yar* mouth. Nit i?u4 XUuiiliii Wu Wtit: 1 My? Haliatt, Vera, avhri Aii?<< liarnurj. >ai 1? laatnlM, Brow a, puiadeipbla; wan Mbariuaii klawarv Kiita* batliport. ? , ^ Ai?o arrived 5Ui. ?vamar? l.aneaat?A WWUIg. ?<ob?ken| Win Uraae. iiawaa, liaiiiaiafei aonre ul % U Beak ami'.k. I Pbuadei?M*. Below at anchor in the channel-Sehr XolMe C "l?w from Culia lor Portland. v k , . .rw * i leareu?Steamer Neptune, Bevry. -Ne w York . A Allen Tarr, Uawna; *>:lir* I arrie S II urtDa via"? vain : Stephen Murria. Leauinn, I ft shore, Wliythnwro. Machtaaiiort. to oa 1 ?or' ajtu*. HaLIIMoHK. Ai)fil Cleared (uol arrived), Katie Collins, Mat'uiaa, Charleston. Sailed? 'riir hiutui A Otto (oer), Rotterdam. 41ti? Arrived, sebr .Nellie Bowers, awckoole. cat ^Below?Bark. Mtisrgi" V. Ilmca, Steed, suntou; Klu* County (Br), McClelland, Antwerp.. Mh-?Arrived, * > anieri Johns ilopklns, Parker Bot toil- <'i v Ol San .uumio. renmngtoq. ??* Kiinnv Cadwalladc r. i outer, do; hark Ln'Rl , .HWuJ? iltjl). Kut!i:iero. Liverpool; brig O.vster Bed Lass (dri, w-"i'.tJrk"Mccolltto (ItulV C.axrolo, Irom Uenoa < leared?st< tmers v. in Lawrence. Howe*- Boston 1 Haitera* swi't .1,1 ?. F W Briine, l*o?ter, do; bmM C2e^rikhtKi^r a'c"lmieVDolail 'cwdenTiB^li'ri rf?eu Bodana^peijrtti, IWQiJ^^F^a^vnB SFisfi' ?s reiius tBn. Ualllax; a^-hr J H stickney, Foons, wti '"bhITNSWICK. Oa. Marob2J?Arrived. Schr Mart Pea dleton, Hilton llcml. oi?i.,rH?nn Savon 3uth?Arrived, schr Maggie 1 odd, Kiclt rdson, savan Cteared ? Scbr K A O W Hintls. llill. Calais. B'Modob (Br), om'bclow"'?urmK * cb? tingliatr, smith, Phllnd Ipliia. K?.fc m.niir (Br). IIHAKLe.-. of?, .vijril 2?Cleared, bark Atlantic (BP, Mckenzie, Bremen; sclir llenry Means smith, Jackson Viftth?Arrived, ateamer Calvert, Foby. Baltimore. Sailed?Ship C i.cutto, Tatitou, Liverpool. ? I>\ ? VEIt . April 2--Arrlvod, achr sarah R smith A LL^fIVL?' April 3-Arrived. schr George H Milla T1OALVKfloWper'll 8?Cleared, hrls J O F.chte (Her) Pjukeuiim'k. Lamina aclira Allco Hodge?, Skiunor, N ' Mh-Arnvi'"1"irteauie'/city or Waco, tlreenman KeW YorK; bark Ade inn c Adams, Cnllum, do, schr J Mia d^KOB^rKT"rWNn^d?Marcb 31-Cleared. a-br( E T Olov.r Iir'ter??oil. New York; AprUl, Haute Mcti Buck, Wartwltun5j\VN,Plie, April 2?Arrived, schr Tenor, NC|ACk'uNv ILLE Marcli 27-Anivcd, ichra M W Drt* Vrwn,?ii J G Drew. W&dliQ. .New iorK, ajru^ K B OarliDtf! lluiison! Baltimore; 31,t. S V W suntooua WlllirtiuH, Charleston. . , v.?iun. o?tia. Cleureti irtu selir* Kate S Cook. HalK. ?asaa?. ? "? ^"'k??y W K vi*5'ApSl^?Arrfvej, * i *aioer Qeo W Clyde, Penningiou. C..a -ton or MOl'ILii, Apr.rj-Clearea, scar vv u uewui, OK LEANS. March 31-01earcd. ship Reynard, Cldssoiii Pfilisiiculii, . ? .i ,n.\ prill Bruzoi ADril X?Arrived, steamers Ariel <nr). rai?, Samia^o; Oboron (Br , Hanny, hlverpoot. . Cleared?Ban: Albert (Nori. Aiitieraen. 1 aaoagoula. 6ih? .rrived, atcamor'* \V O Uewes, inpp. and W C1X?;o'.PrXtS^:.^%nraCarondelet. McCreery. No* Y? wareu-ShlD Wyoming. Baiter. Havre; barks Pe?as? (Fr'f B?*ghout, do? Au?uito Ourlu a^n lafflen, Bor dlSlotminw1|r'l"-s!a Apnl' f>?Arrived, bark' Kleetwing, S^JiiVled?t- teumer Despatch ?? j-liips Hnmpjon Coart (Br) ^dfsteamera New Orleani inin',1 t; older v. Ilivre; i.llv ot the Valle.v. ttilla. NUkVoLK. April 1?Sailed.acbr vltce Bull, Hathaway, Uo-.iait.i inlet. Klt?. to oad t-r Aur o l.. li?Arrived, scbr Samuel l i ti, Kookport. Ni4WbI'BV1''?KT. April3?Arrived, schr Lrnest 1 Le* HhU?uBO,^April 5?Arrived, schr Ha.tinga N?vEW0fL6MDON. April S?Arrived, wlirs Rambler. Vlr> irluiu" Of l^ne, ii?iiti?n<>re; I eriuc, N e W H W - \prli3?Arriveu. aeWf ilorence Oean? I*Fi/iVLVD*lrffi April 3?Arrived, scbr Babel U Iroua (not a* before* Hubbard, New Bedlord (and "HihiVrflved'^earner. Ohio, Morriaon. Liverpool 34th, via Oneeti Jtown; * I arrisbur*. Worth. Mo<ton Kornan, cniweil do lluuter, Sherman. 2S hours trom 1 rovL ilavliower Knit/.. New York ; A C stlimtra, War. lUuce.Ma^it c(,iiHi?aoo Br). Low, 1 lverpool; schrf w.Ju'rJaarl Quec'noiowa via lJark-n; Oceai ^'w^X'Lr:'.or Providence; ?'atharlne Wail, lni for do; Itattlesuake for B<?ton ana \i'*Lile, tor ?whr* A C J'aWe. for Matamat; Ltd a BaD and, Young leaser, lor -New Bed ^Bark'cve^ "a "tl* fo^Cork or Falmouth for order^ aoW* Alexander Niekeia lor Calbanen. pawai do?? ? VriaU/an c!r?o2.1for 'cilnfucgos. pamd down on Sat "rNoon-"chr? Oliver Amos, from Tannton: SaUte W paA^h.pUfn tuntAoa ?Xy Point, coming nP In tow. and '"pjf-^Brlg ??L Margaret (Br), Irem Palermo. paw<I ol at 1 ? fl P'd in tow; (icbr Jennie K Dlveriy. '?? York oawil 110 tb.-s I'M: ?hlp Lennxe (or), tor Ainwerp, pa<?ed d<v<?n tht* PM In tow; acbr T t Ruoell, tor ?*? r?-.^nved yesterday,bark m ,ti'& S5 daTi troin LirerpooL m baliaat a?n/? i^th^aWSen Bennett. Ue'iu^KsoVnia Ban. &T&%n. un Ki;;, ?t fX ? p1)/?"Arrived, bark Chas Bal l-Nor), Faick, HamSorg. VoiTLASD. April 3-Arrlytd. Khr Freddie WalWi, V'cfear?<i?Sehr? Porto Rico. New York; Jamei A Brow* P5t'h-e'rPrl!ved. brig Krnest. sinnett Polnva-Pitre. I'leare" Sieauier Franconia, Hraa*. Saw lors; oar Pn 3^?m^; V-lfe H ?llul.^ 't alker, and Win U HUt^ -Nowten. Baltimore . H U Div^rir. Mckert?>o. fWllMlpnli for rmww Wartoni. Scrape. LUi.b;-tl.po. t .or do: D ?* MUfc l?.tnr/*?tra<mtr llnnter. Phermar, Philadelphia, K3w: MCtlon .? Um D.T..-...V Xirh-ArrVred ..earner Wm Cme, Howe., Baltimore V ?e"ow?l.n *ha Wert ulyf^''loaded Khooner* one? tbKlaeJ1?"chr Llirte W Hannum. Cobb, VlruihlA rtsa Trssr?r-'T?i?at'#aK Lortie Amea. and other*. g-irnal L Crocker. ?sr? 2^us&tvsn csi&'wsa * 'kVcHM^>10 April S?Arrived, uteamer laaao Bell. -S^S245Klt?&."sa. - ^ %Ss&. asf-ja&russffi ^"i'e^ow?Sa'p Great Admiral, lhotnpeon. from Ufef "ueared-Shtp Washington Libby. Haneon. *analtno. U.'a- Bara Van mm' J.umU. April S?c .eared. anit>? -evereign or toe seaa, ?-uearfd."thr Moodle Hand, Jac.;?>uvli?e to loai toi i-nlUdeipbia tnot m ,0" iled-Bark tore it not Wavei Queen (Br), M?Ca)mot Baltlmor?? Lewis (Br), i re try, do; Khr S ? wnentun * G^l?"omTybe, 4th, bark.^Aim.rta.nJ BarM on." ?^ri?n t.B). uajorc.); ?w, ?l?? ""^'ma^oI S'.rcVo^rr.TeJ. Khr. WmrUe I an rlo. ?>pa*rt. Khilido - ?v* I4111'"*' a ^LW,%^mr?nMd. B Freeman, Whorl T?UtlfiifcIls' 1. April8?Arrived, eetir Allen Green. M? #r^?ow-iShr0rk.U. ii O.fford new . from Pblied.l Pbvf>RYABD HAVKS, April roldn->. .ui'imore for o?ton; Acnea Wyei wver, or yulncv Marv A Drury. itoston tor ?????; ??* ' ror do tor Beitltaof* 1 '<a' 1 ?innec*?fn, ?lu tjr jiavan nan - K f I "tin?..a ... Buverir tor t'Uiiad.,eu.a. .^liT^eib^ tTricr^'L r p. ,M,r?forno?o. achr Marr B fower. Atw.K^, Virginia for do "ailed-schr Jo?h#a ?? Brat lon^Ja^e -kindlw. WW ! Anna JtyriCiti i* Haa?-. v-* i li*la. & <) cur ii, J H tforion, and **tv ? now. . -,.n M?-ln POT. brlK Ura Lo hrop: Klu. l?ln< ^ reVairl- gr< om Kearn.y. uavid Colilo. A*aa?. aaa MwiLMl'suTOX. April 3?Arrived, itcamer On.f treanu JVtt?-scnM Uwl. A Fdw.rd. Card?a. vU Man tort J H lockweod. i?ardci>?tie, ioMW^olniet, ew> RTliion, at aj labens. lua.rnon. Portal ''Vih?Arrived, oark Loai?e (?er). Btawe. Llvef PC,!th?Arrived, neamer Bebeo^ Clyd*. Mnder.on, H? on via i:?w ?<: acttr Mtcriam flearod?i<r.- i'*r romaaer t ier, fljh?n. bw raa?, achr Ch irtcy liue^l. orcjtt, Boeton. . ? WOnj'hnOhK, April J?r?a?ed ov.hrlg I.uale * rill, Minot, iroiu Oieniue?os tor Bo?ton. Edw.rJe Wakk > April S? vrriv.d. ?ciir .mmaJ Kaw.rje. Chamberlain, raiiadeHief. VIIHCKI.LA.NINltf*. Absolute divorce oritAiNK:* f*.>m c >crtj 0! UMnVlK Statu*; left! erorrwher#: no pub loltvi no laaa 10 *.iv?uc? a-iMuairrr: comm-tiooor for tvarf MUlia. i KKDniJUX 1. K.I.NU, CoWmUof-at-Uw. Wt Hriaawraj. Vbsolctk OIVORCorti'.vrxiii>, f.ium DUTfta. tut lt?? arerj-Wlitfra: U?a?rtiua. k0.. <u citntcau-*; no publicity rttquireti; n> bhiu^c uiuu J* ?oro? <r?m?a i *n vte? ire*. ________ Attorney. 19l llro.vtwaf. A~ ?U Kit ALU BKANtM nf/OJi, H.itj kLxM. J7T ? u?r or > Ji o i ivi.iu > *.?1 tjn'i a ?.???; Upeft t i a ? ?. n. i , i 4, Oil < in Ur it i n . t > i ' " ?V"KKV0i;8 UiiHlLII V, 40.?A Oli.tTAIv CCRt /Of Nervou* Dtblllty nr.a Watkn?*t l?r?u?!it on by m Ui*ar*(tou*. ?*<.???. ? or ivarwork. of H>? i . jin a*.' vou? ayataui. WiKCii11 yi-.i ifl l'.i.L, li<r <jt? r ?>i yef with pofiajt niif* It a prwini'V MiU tot oft w y*?'a with poflait in t prwiopk Miii oai *u.l bcrmaiuiDl ou ?. m.Mii tun A ?;!(? Fnaes ?> par I.'*; ?>* tioxa* t. i.y ,n?il, tacitcM ?MM*. Willi Ik 1 airauiuul l f?, ?r? t milr uy ? * ou., U J&tiu amah kaw Turk.