Newspaper Page Text
WALL STREET NOTES. ELECTION or PANAMA RAJHLBOAD DIBECTOB3?A UNION PACIFIC JUHION?THE GOLD OBABBEBS' OAMES?AN EBEE EXPLANATION. An electiou for directors of the Panama Railroad Company root place .yesterday at their office in Wall street. The following gentlemen wore chosen:?Messr*.Jo'in M. Burke, Char esO. Krunck lyn, ot the Cunard steamship line; Senator John P. Jon"s, of Nevada; William Hurler Duncan, Trenor W. Park. John O. MoOullomr ?, General II. H. Ha.xter, 8. C. Thompson, H. C. Krumelt, Corne lius K. Garrison, frank Work, ol Scott, Strong A Co., and George J. Forrest. A glance at these name* Immediately suggest * a predominance of the Buton Pacific Interest, and it is only reusonaolo to suppose thar the ticket was made in accordance with a preorganlzeel pro gramme. Adroit stock ?pecularniH tnrew out hints that there was hoiii" nitcft in the nrrange lnents ny vrluch I'acifle Mail itnorc-iH would bo slaughtered ; but tlie coarse ol iho hitter .stock at the clone 01 tae monet inmcaied otherwise. 1HK IIlO BONANZA com in ued to excito the cupidity ol the operators, Wild 11 still per?tsre(l m the puollc are warned now, us Heretofore in tins column, lo lei the reckless uumolcra stock thuir cards without aiding ttictu. and especially ol trie* uaietv 01 non-intervention. in order not to bec<>tno tho victims 01 a cheat and oonspirocj almost un equalled in ttio i Istory oi Amer.rati speculation, THE uni.i) qrabbkbs piously | rotcst against movements in the precious metal, but enorugn was seen In tho market to Indt cate that .the i<o <1 recently reported to Iihvo sola out is manipulating the inurket aeainst the neat Interests ol trade. Gold whs Arm nearly ml day at 1X4\, and, although the members of t ie recent pool, when waited on by tho ilKB.tLD representa tive. expressly denied any partiuip niou in tue advance, ? r;?n points io exactly the same bouses hs leaden oi the upward movement. Mer chants will do weil to buy tt.e precious ui tal as they need it tor duties and not aid the specula tion by short sales. THK COMMISSION OF )IB. .(Oils' C. VKW to br the Treasurer ot the United stwes was signed to.ilay by rresldent Grant and .oi warded to Mr. New, at Indianapolis, [mi. TUB IIAIt.ROAP AOCIPBNT on the Chicago. liuilihiUoti and tjtiincv Railroad, reporteu yesterday, will entali a loss ol pethap< f uo,o(;ii on the compauy, us bullion to tne amount oi nearly $500,000 ?.i* in ttie c xt?ress car arm was scattered in every direction by tho terrtole snock. The r.ivenue receipts yesterday were $iOO.000; tho customs receipts, $100,000; national tiank notes received lor redemption, $>oo,000. There was uo particular demand tor money yesterday, although one or two efforts were made to pro luee an artificial stringency. It is believed la regard io the railroad war, about wnicn so luiieu ha been written of late, that negotiations are pending lor a com.nete and barmoDi us settlement oi all difficulties. Intact, at alar.- hour yesterday tao term* even ol the compromise were made known. iPakMir a com mon sense view ol the situation, nils seems reasona >le, beeauss tae canals will take a large , portion o tlie business iroui the railroads upon tho opening oi navigation, II tnc lattor do not Invite trade by favorable rates. K ill; I.N I.ONUIIN ha1 a blow yesterday on account ot rumors o.' nn <sr/w: of Irauds by a recently discharged Clerk, which were Dot considered ot any importance by the director^ ol tho company here. Air. William II. Duncan, when in London recently, te><>k meas ures to abunaoo the rranster agency for stock and to close tne offices tlie.e, aiscnargmg itll the clerks. One ol them declared i lm.,oll' to be en tlt.ed to a continuance ol salary, wuich was dis allowed. POST OKKIi K, M> t U K. I)OKI OK. K K NOriCli-TllK MAILS KOIt la'UOPE tor Ihe ?oik eujinu s.uini.iy, Arrii li IST.'i, will oIoh ?l thiiifflcc a-i fot 'i\va:?t -n I m lav ut U :3u A. M , on Wcilui sduv si 12 ?l. ; ?.? Thursday at it :io A. M , ami on Saturday at S. 7 ami II: o a m i', L. J A M K S. Po?tma?tcr. THK IjKCTI'ltK HKAN'IN. A LKC t'EK I.VI!lt\ M<HI r. AT 8 ?. CLOCK. ON _r\ "Manhood, and the Cuuk' ol Its Premature De alias," in tho New Mui.ain at Anatomy, fllj Broail- I way. between Houston an I >:leecker street*. j A LUOfURK LVKKY KVI.NINO ?IS 0'e!L0CK? J\ on nervons dehi:ity. es.i?eUl ile.-"?s*?. at D,-. K aHN'.~ .VitMBm . remeirdier the aadros-, J o. '? i liio.ul wnv. near P.airth ?tri : tl it_'i -t nn i nm t taajn.fl. cem Museum in lie wnrid. Admin ion. 5" cents. C1IBCDLARH, TI' !i:i -, PttO.l 1AMMK <, PtMTKRS J Pamsihlets an t all ?t lor rrnri'i; i n-t ?3tur r.< am rcsfl'TH done nt I >\v rat's, tiy i t- >1 :r:t >1.11 vs liMTABLl 4 < I >* r, iU H.-m I way. N. Y. I Tilt BKKCHfcR TBIAL GItAI'HICALLV UH8<"i'.|BKD IN THE KVK.ViKO ri-XKUi:\M. A LADY, U.S DK RsT AN HI NO, Ml I NOT sl'LAKIMO Italian, v*Ishe* to loin ti cl;?-?s private I'.-tnu itoii not rtrsirc I. Address *tai ng t?riiis ami particulars, CLAH.->, l,..* 4 121 1'iMt ( fit*. HOArnivn school at wii.ton, conn.-hobr ecmforts: lienlt.liv location; thorough Instruction; kind treatment; terms mode rate. Addr :s* At i? l 3 l'Us Willi Mi K. THE metropolitan I'MNTIm; i:sr > ni isnvikm 2is Hr >adwav, hsve un.urp isse 1 t icilitlc* lor d< ln^ alt kind*ct rrnuliig with umi'ual pro.uptuoM and at moderate prico*. Air ?KOOKK EIMXO, ARITIIMK IIP. PK.NMAN ?p I?). -fnp. <|imliOing fur busnies*. $1.1 Quarterly: writiiu lessons, $3 inu:i nil ; foreigners and backward Eerwin-1 luslu priMl y. I'AI >K' t' .liege, fii Bowery; (tons, Broadwey, tnrnr Ibirti fourtli airtoL foil TO $70 I'KK TK.N WEEK-. TM!M->-BOARD OU In* i-chonl li.ii' standing: "n?ll h branches, rrench. Herman. l.atin. Visle Drawing; healthy, ex cc lfin l:< inc. ABi.ii wHIfLOCK, Nurwala. Ouuti. YACHTS HTI'.A >1 IU)\TS. dfcf. L'OR SALE- TI1K SlDE-B H".! I. xTUAMKiB POPE r i iitl'ii 110 Tre t long. <?, teat draught wh n loaded: pa-sot..- r and freight acc< muiodations; in cotnptete i r ler, rr>olv tor Immediate bii lness. r r nu flier parttcu ar* apply oTtlfcO. -Mi ni .1 uro. i - >t <>i Kwxitteet, Jt r*ey i ny. __ IH)P. S A LP.?YACII r OKIKV . IF. KT. TWO SETS ' sails, t?o teis spgrs: everything n mplala. Apply at green cottage iS3 aveiinc D. >ew York. 1?OR MLB?SCIIOOJIhlt U III l STRl I.E. r laanchetj J?m: 18,1H74. 7# teat keel, 9t feet overall. 22 tret e inches beam, draught o' ??t?r (Meet-. centrc b< ard. i- rerv taut and thoroughly lound and flr*t class 4n cv.-rv rc-pect. for farther psrt.culais apply to W. C. MIKT1KO, sotitu Nor walk, Conn. a?t hm;OP yacht- * feet oykr am,, ix _ f?et; ro .il ca'dn arcorainodatlon; w ill ex change lor a pair of carriage ltor?es J. ROM AIM c. BituWN. 1 !<?> Proadway. F fPIIK M X 14 at A UK METROPOLITAN PRIBTtNO RSTAHLtaHMEXf ill Hro i I'vn, in tIM llcr.ild Building. " KXI?RK?MB?, BATTBK80R k Co.-t El RMTt'Ui; EXPRESS, larg- covered irtn-ki tor removing turnit-ir'. piano forte-, mant. I and pier glaaaus, it rltv or (toantry. >0. fiK Mkii avenue, corner nf Thlrtj ftfth street. ?" * fLOTniMl. At H. MINTX'S, TtliKD A YEN UK, BKTWI. ::S iwcut'Cth mid Twenty tir?' street*?The value paid in Ciith lor cast-off ? lotiiln.-. t'ar|/et? .lew elry v i.ote l.y post attended to by Mr. or Mrs. MiXISt _____ AT ?! SIXTH AVKNl K, NKAn WAVKItl.KY PI.ACK, latiles and gentb-mea ( in rc^ clve the nininst vslue for cast-off Clothtntf, Ac. Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. HAKUIH. AT KI)W\ltn MILf.KR'M WKM, KXOWX EfTAB li^limoiit ?8 Hi*th avrn c. no ir Waveiley placc tbe nliiio*t vnluc paid tor casi off nothing, t arpets, Ac." by oalllng ou ur Mdlt'ssing Mr. or Mrs. m AI.-CMiTIITNr, -ii 1IF.RTX, m BMADWAT, near Thirteenth sucat pars the lii/he<i prices tnr ladii-v and gentle tien's H>?riii* Apparel. Orders by in*l will I.- pr'.irnpti) atten-tad to. ATM MARKS' WELL kkown KHTAKI.ISHMKNT, i I tMstb avepue opposite Ki?'hth ?tn et and *t our branch. 71 Msth n%cmie, ladle-1 and gciitli no-n ean re 1 ceirc the atmo-t u.m In i ash tor t In ir i aat-off Clothing, I l srpet? Jewelry. iJices, Ac. Fit-ase rail at or aildrc.-<a the nam ner as a bore. Indies waited on by Mr* >ii>tks. i Please tr? and satisfy yoursalvea. Orders to Brooklyn proasptl) attended tc. At NATinx'ft, M. sixth avi-.m'k, sear , Fourtli street?I die* am! gentlemen rec-lve t?? ?> ! hiffhr -t \alii" for ' s-t fl ? loilun/ Ac. l.'k l on or ad dress Mr. or ffrst KATIIA!!. AT I HE WFSTKRV AOEXT PTflRK-RE?'EITIXO I large orders to purchax-B earing Apparel. I.adles < and gctitlctncn will pl.-s-a take particular notice thereof t., rec<-ne the follownif prtccs*?for siis Dresses, to to ; ?r5; woollen, to V< |IS: < oal*. $:t In $2n. I'ant* ?l 'o to. t srpet*. Ai-., by cs'iing on or addressing Mr. or Mr<. I KMtKH I- in. MA hevanln aveaue. two d? >r? abo>u We.l Twenty lourth -treet. i At iw third aybbhr, nk^r twf.xtv third "?trect lillUt|M}i hlfhcst prl<-e? t?r Ladle.' and (Irntli men's Wearing Apparel, carpets. *0. Ladlssiire waited on t>r Mrs. Laon. TJ. A f II ALT'I", 17H SEVKM III ATEXtTB. T.AKIIX _ _ and renllenien will re.-i ive th' blal.cst prirte 'or Ihelr rant off t'lothing Carpets, Purnltare. Ulamoiids Jjares rstnel'-hair Sim wis, old Hold and (diver La-lies aitriided b) Urc. Anhall. AT B. RARBlA* NEW ESTABLISH dRST, l,m Hi-oadwav. nesr Twentveijihfh t>? -Ladles ?entl? met) recnira ti e hlglitsf vslne fur casi off Wearing Apparel. Call or ?*. Hroadwav i ri es paid. T MASI'R, m dCrRMTH AYfcBrB, 1TILI. PAT ?I. the highest cas?l prices for WearWK tppari i, t'ar pets, Ac. Ail orders by mall promptly attendM to. MrtillX, 4:? RRVKHTII AHNIK, BP.TWEF* . Tfiirif.ttiirii and Thtrtyfonrm strcats, pat s the lull value lor ladl< ?' and gentiomen'a Went n % Appat 11, Carpets A. . hy calling at i ur auJn s*. l<adi? s aiu iki. d ly Mr* i:tilllt. TPHE UPTOWN KSTABLIPHMKNT. fll? KTXTH AVf I nne. corner forty-sixth street?Be nre now paying tintfiiallv high prl('s for laiiic^ ainl genth men's f.i't off d< ititng. Address >ir or ?ir* fL v ITO, siti -nth ar. ?U'Uftl.rSALK AND RETAIL DEALLH4 IN CI/ITH T? inn ara mvitel to coll at the METROPOLITAN PR IN 11 v. KtlTABLlKIIXEVr, in ttu lleral l Building, t? obtain estimates an their prlntimr. wnleR can l? ?aretulH done teare a* <-vc< ? low urioo^ oOiKDKBB WASTED. FRICKH FOR LA ROE. PLEASANT, ? woll furnished Room*. wtth good. literal Board; lire mid ????: brown ?tonu; central. genteel ue|ghbor lioud: crosniown ears pan. 43 Seventh avenue. ILaROF SUNNV ROOM. FOCBTH FLOOR, WITI1 first 'li'- I>nitr1. tor IHWNUI and wife, or two iienticmcn: terms moderate, 44 We?t Tenth street. Mo mcivinK- - ?) OR 3 OBNTLEMB5MUN HAVE BOOM*. BREAK w fist and tea, at 137 \Vu?tiiiut?ii <:rw', Jprwv fin, two blocks trom terry: prlvuto lumilv ; umnor Sunday; price $'?. i) UKNTLEM ? N CAN HE ACCOMMODATED WITH Si good Board ami uico Room*, nun >iinrlo Room >'? per week: English I'auili.v 35 West Thlrtv-ttlUi >lrcel. Q HANDSOME THIRD STORY FRONT ROOMS, _ with Hoard, <>n Madison square, 3J Kant I'wi it* third stri ct; liberal arrangement* made with permanent purlieu; tunle Hoard tor four ffintletUCU; rcti n nets ex changed. () ROOMS, EN SI'ITE, IIANHSOMM.V Ft fllR IIKO, S on thlni floor, pantries, Ac. with Aral class Board. In sin.II laniilv; iclciwtieoj. It East Thirty second St re:' t. between Fifth .in i M it I tson htidui'. Q NORTH WASHING VON fiQDARB -fXUi FI'B .) nishe:l front ;md hack llnom*, with good Hoard. f?>" tami'lox; also ?.mill Roonis l-.r KCIII It'mil II ; excellent lo cation, with tine view tm I'ark. f WASHINGTON PLACE (4T. JOUKK).?BIiKOANT 'r suit of Apnrlin"iitv .. i s-roud iln.rtolei also one Boom tor single gcntlemni: bouse onflrelt rtM'sttd Ait i enlarged; Is especially adapt -.1 toi families; French table rut Avnvrii, ai>.?muh. kbavkb will rent ? ) li.indsoncly tarnished Apartment* e.i suite, with prlva'c t ilth, .Vi. I'n phvslcian* or a party .it acntle men ivWhlni l i make an arrangement tor the year a very liberal loncess < n In price will lie made. ,-r-rii AVBNi'i; no. so'.?a dpsirablk fi.oor, ?) newly furnUhud, with piano. Ac. en tUfle or sepa rate! v, with Bond; simle Rimms. without board; also OltlCv) for physician. Call or address. $" TO $r PBI? WKKK.?VK'ty PLEASANT FRONT ?' Hoorni, liin lsnjnelv furnl-tie i, to let, with excel lent Boird. to f'umtlte?. gentlemen or ladies: gas, butli, Ac, r-ttil ha ,t Thirty-third si reef. rill AVKNl'K. iW. ?ONE ,s|t||' HANDSOMELY KITII ? ' r.'shed Apartments, every convenience, with l!o;iril; also front Rooms lor .single gentlemen; term.s til'iderute; ret.'renees, (??(? AND $i! W PKR HTKKK FOIt GOOD BoaKD AND y 1' nice Room*, t utu, hot mil cold wat r, at W We?t Thirty sixth street; no moving In May. TO $10 PER W il K FOR FINK ROOMS Wli'H ?pi > excellent Board f'.r lam I cs or slng!e iiersotis. at 15S HieecKer street, near I roadway; two lines of can pass tli h< mho. ~ \vi-:st FoitTV rii'T.t strkf.t. nmais fifth ? nvehtte. ? Handsomely tarnished RitofM to let, with first cla^s Hoard. So moviii-' in .May. (t WFST TWr NTV FiRST s>TBl.Bf, NKAB FIFTH ?/ nven:i?.? Han ls..iii?h' t'urnisiicn firont Room trn'ono or two genttetnc:!. with tirsi I'lus* Hoard; roloreueea. Hi WAVKRI.IiY FLACK. N K A It BROADWAY.? II' pieis II' front Booms #H, $l8ainl Sl.Tort^o p.'i' sons. with Board; no children ; iraualcni people tni.cti; lll> 0 t.lldc Hull I II. $.*>. nTil STIJXF.T. IflO '.VKST, KKAK SIXI1I AVRNCK. IIand>omol.y Htrni'licd trout Room-, >'coml tlimr. Witt: first cl;iss Huaril to u gentleman ant ^ Ife or single genlluiusn ; permanent parties only; reteivnoa, NTH 8TBFBI'. COKNKR BKOON'D AVKNl'K, 300 and 30/.?Ilaiulsomclv furnisiic I larse and small Rooms, with closet* Hot and cold w.ilcr, \. itli Hoard, Tabic boarders accommodated. MTH STltUBT, 317 EAST.-TO I.R t*. WITH BOARD, Urt'i'front Kc in. iri third floor we'.l funiltlMd; al?o froiit Boom on lourth fl >or ; terms moileriitc. lr B4BI'SIXTKtiNTII sTBEiCI", 1ETW1.EN 1'SIOX I ?? siuareand Fifth avc: no. ? i'wu extra lar^'- l!o>ins on aecoud and third floors to ' it. to gentlcincn, with or without Bo.trd: alio table Board: no moving. If EAST fclXiKENTll KTREKT, BETWEEN rNlON I ? ) square and Filth ?venue, t .vo osira large rooms on second and third'tloors to let to eetitlcaien, with or wilhoat board; also. tablc lioardi no moving. 1 CTH STRKr.T, 21S K \ S I'.?TO RKNT, WITH FIRST I') c!a:?s Board, very i'i-Irable Rooms; house Just taken rn h tea -i; mil in pc tect oiil r; arrai.gtnicnts made by the year Ifiieslrea; t ??> reterencee. in KAST FORTY-FIRST ST. -BMAROj A SECOND .10 story hack Room now ready for the summer. -|Q CMNTON Pf.ACK. NEAR BRO.xDWAY.?ELE 1 f g.inth furnielud la rue and sin ill lliionis; Parlor and t an large lledroo.ns conncc'lnit; bathroom on sec ond llrst ilasi French Hoard; ceferonce* cs cbatiLcd. 1 Q AND tf BAST MTH BTB1KT, BETWKEN KADT |0 son and Fil.h a venues ? A- .tin i l>- and hi-'le Rooms, v.i li B*?rd; ?m lltat.l. sj nlilo d'liot<*. U. I.h.'LKB. OlkTIl S l'B ?: KT, i i RAM K RCV I'ARK.-V VERY OB siraMe Suit ot Rooms to let, to ventluinan and wire or two gentlemen, with Board; reference No. 3U li ving pin e. <>??!> STBI5KT. NO. 1:!0 BAST.?TWO HANDSOMELY furnished Hi ,111- n second ill nr. with foutMra exposure; also other Kooms, Willi superior Board; uo moving in Ma) : ictereuco. ()f fin 1 WKNTV-TIIIltD BTBBET, OrrOSlTB sit) Filth Areuti' I lor. I.? Very han1-n lie -e-ond floor larije 1:00111 r.l.nndant closets; al?o extension Hoom, e|p><antl\ nirni-li<' 1. imuth Hour double ami bull Huotu, wiih superior Board. QQ RA-T PWKXTIETII STBEET.?TWO OR T IBKIi JdCj Vrr< plea?aut Booms In rent, w ith ttoar.l, to per sona daalrlng a k. ruiancnt home in a -mall tumlly. *>/?TII S i'RF.KT.?A VERY DESIRABLE H.OOR, OU han 1^ furuistod. three In rue Room* and Imttiroom to rent with Board. to a smalt family; yearly arran/cment preferred. 211 .UadLtou avuuuo. cornur Tliirty-iixtli street. QQ <1. 42 AND 41 \\ K-T FIM'KTI I NTH BTREF.T. - OO, ijirif and -m ill Kooms to l>'t. with board; suit able lor families auil wlmtle Lonthmen ; term* moderaic.. WKST TrIIItTY-FIFTII BTItlihT.?TO l.KT, WITH T-I Hoard, tw ) handsomely furnished Rooms; terras rea-onsbe lor summer; references excli mged. 41\ wkst sixrKK.srii strkf.t, i?krwKKv riem an t sixtn avenues.--<eeoiiU ?t-.ry Uoom to !???, witli Board. t<> gentleman ant wile; also two hall Booms; no moving iu Hay. ra WKST NINETEENTH STREET.?HAXDsOM ELY t)v Inrnulfd largo Boom, third floor, front: al?u ele taut Suit of l ur Kojuii, entire lint floor; ilrat clan* ltoard. |TO WF.ST TW-NTY EIGHTS MTBKRr.?TO RI.ST. ?)?? with Boar I. la-tro third story front l.all tovn, with closet. handsome l\ furnished; no moving. 1H7 WKST THIR1 Y-KIGlI III STBRKT.?'TO l.KT. J.U I with Hoard, handsome Second floor, connecting room*, Mirni?hed or unpunished: nio<l?r?le | r:ce 10 per ?ami partios. No moving in May. 1AQ FAST TWIirril STRKF.T. ?PI.EASAXT, l*"i/ well Inrriinli <1 Routn-i to let, with Board; ,i liberal arrangement would he made Willi a family for the ?aaoa or year; rclerences, nA KAST MGHTEENTH HTBEF.T, NEaB CI. AR 'r eituen llote!.?To let. with Hoar<1. hfind?oircIy tornUhed Il<-oinr to families or Miigle gentlemen ; relir encrs. 1() I HAST TWKNTY-ar.VXXTI? STRKET.-NH ELY I ? I lurnlstied Itoonis to let, wiih Hoard; reference* given and required. I Oil FAST SIXTEENTH HTRCET. BF.VB IRVING lOO pinre ?llaii Nomel* Furnished Hoon?, on sec ond floor, with Hoard. to gentlemen Hint wives or gen llenien : reference*. ___ 1 en WI ST THIRTEENTH HTRKBI. ?Pl.F A8ANT J.?)0 furnishe d Kootos t-> let. with Hoar I iti a |.rl ?ut? family, to fentlemau aod wire or single gentlemen ; rolcrence* exchanged. <>11 EAST Si: VrtNTEENrtf HTRF.I'.T, XEAB STl'Y _ I I rant Fark.?Tw,> Irandsomcly (nrulshed BooMM, with Boar.!, tor gcniletnan and wile or two ?lngie gentle men: alto one hall Kogw: ffcrencaseaclianxed. illiil WKST TWRWrif STHF.KT, fBO.VTISO TIIK iTUi) Park.?Booms tor t?n per.oii- tli to (14. with Boird: sitMfle Rihuii", |6tof7; houie kepi wiih orler and peatn?i WK?T TIIIBTT-FlRilT HTRt^T.-A I.ABOK, ???"}?" eonitoriah v lurnlshe.l Uimidi o" second floor to let to one or' >-o*entletnen. with br -ahla>:t. In prr. aie French :amlly; terms moderate. AQCIKT PAItTV?0!CNTI.FM AN A.NO Wl FK, (' A V have a Suitot Rooms, second storv, front, t.>treth.-r or separatelv. with Board tor ladv . or would let t., ?.?!?? Hemen without hosril; tamtly pr!*at"; n.> oilier botrders: ihlrty-fcurth street one block Ironi Broad way. Address COTTAOhl, tleral I I otown Bratirh oflCfc AORNTIiEMAN OCCUPTINO A SKAT. ( OsKY secon.i door room, with evcr\ convenience, In a pleasant tanilv. wl?he-> a young inan a< roommate; to a desirable i er?.n, price per week, intituling ex cellent board, tire and *s? Applicant' plcai- g|v < dill ntmesnd business addrcs*. Address CJ.HaMmMBBs, bos 14!) Herald oflli e. \FKW riR^OXS CAN BR AC< OMMODATFO WITH H.ianl at a larm hou?c thf> mlies Ijvin Cr?>i n; term- t". Address M. r. oic.-i it. t roion Landing, Westchester county, N. T. A ORNTI.KMAN OCCCPVIMO OXK OPTIIKIIAXD n'lldfuccstn New York will lei two elegant Mills of Rooms w i tn Hoard ; flue tic w ot i lie Park, r p plv at 67S M*di?on avenue. OARD Bll. !?, WAStf Hit I.-i AND PRINTING saltsble for hotels and hoarding huases <nsy lie ob tained at low prlc>s rrom the MKTk'I|M?LI r.AN I'KIM INU KNTABLIIH M K> T Mo. 719 Broad wan \\ /miim) wam d.-a yoiixo makkifh woman, \J having no child, wishes to take one to lioard. Ad dress ?. s., box 14* Herald oftice. Fmstirk pi.oor-tonsistixo or p arlor. bh? t room, btlthrooin ami ample closets; private fatii'h ; nelgnDorhood *nd appointments rir-tila?< private ta ble. Address CRBlBAL, Herald t'ptown Branch nffl.'e. T ATEP. BE I I'BNS lj V rom CON.NEC Tit IT IX TUB KVENINO Ti IiEGRAM TONIGHT. VKRf' ?ESIBABIjE ROOMS, WITH BOARD. M WI'ST V Nlnet.-entb street. BOARD AND I.OINHM> WA\TR?. a XFATLT Furnished bio* ani? boabo J\ wonted -By a lady who remains lu the city during Mtmmer; ttrms $? per week. Address 11. B., box ISO Iierala Uptov. n Branch otllee. \ TOtXO I. AOT who IH A COMF1-: tex T DRI ss. 7V in.-.,.11 will aire T>?rt of her time m etchai se t r Hi jrd. Address C., box 110 Herald i ptown Branch of flcc. T>OARI? WANTED?IN A RRBPECTARTiB ,ir:WI^H l> famllv, bv a widow with t?.. children, and Id years old; terms must t?? r^a.'onalii.. A.ldrcis A K., Herald 1,'ptown Branch ofllie. Board wantkd-by a yoi ng c<u pi,f bk tween Fortieth snd Sixty flun and Second an I Fourth aTSnueij Jewish famllv preferred, Atiifesa, with lull parttculara, and tiatue, YOtNti Cul Herald oftioa. BOARD ADD WASTED. Board wanted-by okntlemak and wifk; uNo single Room for Inly terms must be moderate. Address C. 1' K., Herald Uptown Branch office. Board wantbd-in a pi.ain private family, hv a farailv of fours will furnish their room* if de sirable terms must be very moderate. Address A. R. IK box 111 raid office. Board and lodojng w antic d-a permanent home, by a single geutleman |? a small priv.ue family (widow or adult), in New York or Jetty 0 'ty. ; Address, Wl.h lowest terms, ANCHOR, Herald office. "I ADY, ENUAtlED DURINU THE DAV. WISHES I j viiod Room. with Hoard hoi ant cold water; good neighborhood. Fourth to Sixtir-nth sir e>; nor exceed ing $?> oer week. Addrew fEllXAKENT, Uerald l'i> lown nr.iuch office. 1)1. UN country HOARD WAKTBD-ABOUT ONB < hour from Now York, 'or lady and ovo small chil ilren: in the latiiilv ot a widow lady having a rtuug'ter .< ho will a-slst In the care ot children attunes preferred. Address, stating tortus, HOME WaNTED. Herald office. VV'ANVKD-A ROOM. WITH B:i\KD. FOB A LADf it and in ild. in a Jewish fa.nlly. Address F. L>., Herald cfll \.\rANIKD-A KURNMT1ED ROOM FOR A I.ADV, it with or without H mrd; no questions asked. Ad dress M. Iicrald Uptown Branch office. \\r A S T li D - PO SS E X ?> IO M 1MMKIUATKI.Y, TWO *V lionm* anil Rnar.l . on:' large and small. connect ing', not iii ionnti hi ry. in respectable and healthy ntixnhorbood. tor lad\ and three children, aged 14. 7 ! and years: price not to exceed fl3 w elly. Address J. H. I.,. Herald Uptown Branch oltlce. I TIT ANTED?ON OR BEFORE THE 1ST OK MAY, UN \i furnished room* In a private tunilly who are not Inquisitive mid "hero there arc no oilier hoarders, lor a Rcntien. ?n, >vll? and rounst child, with Board for lady and child naly. Addruiia, stating full particulars. with It tin- DESIRABLE 1'ARIY. Hera d Uptown Urauch cfllee. HOTELS. ? ?MAMO.f PAHISIKNNH, M A N't) 10 K AisT J\. twelfth sireei. between Broad va> uiid Univer sity place. ? Elegant Apartment* ' >r families and nnjie g,' nllenien. Taidc d'hote at H I'. M. * <iooD, ci.kan bi'.d. J5c.. s.c,: riticss rk JV duoed; lainilv Room. <l: nouso open all night. Franktort House corner of Franxfort an t Willi mi sis. BELMONT HOTEL. KCI.TON SlREhi-, NEAR Broad w a v. iiusiiie-s centre: Kuropoau plan; Rooms MIc.. upwards: new family Rooms. In suits and single; meals at l.w pri es; open all hours. ROVE ROUSE, 171. 176 AND 178 BLBECKER ' 1 street, near Hroadwav.?Fine Rooms. with excel lent tabic, lor nimllles nnd single gentlemen, f<i to 912; 91 ru to $'J per day. Cronuct grounds. TTAIiillT liOC-r.. CORNER OF FIFTH AVENUE I I and Fltteenth street?Elegant suit of Apartments on nc o d lloor; 11 v furnished ; to let for six months; possession immediately. ])1UNIIM1 OF EVERY description promptly done at verv moderate prices by tl>e M KTKOPOijl TAN I'liiMiMi ti.-TAd Lid IIMKNT, Herald Building, Z1S Broadway, Ne.v York. COUNTRY BOARD. ^ ^ "i" ?WANTED. DURING THE SUMMER. IN A PRI- I J\ . rate family and at a. thoroughly country place, about one hour's travel iron) Wall street, Hoard lor gen l!iman. wite, three babies and two waiting maids: loea tin i must be i.eiilihv : accommodation tlisi class: Jersey { prclcrred. Addre.s, statin? particulars, MERCHANT. , box 1.0^7 New York PostoHioe. A PARTY OF ABOUT FOUR OR 8IX ADUI.TS, I .'\ with several ciiildren. wish comfortable nuarters for the suniiner. at either a nice hotel or farm house, in a healtbv location, nd over Oltv tulles irom tlie city; price not so much an object as good board and rooms. Address, with lull particulars. S. W. M , l'ost oftlec box 3,173 New York. Board ^an he had at a private country sett. In the middle ol grand mountain scenery; the most he air i ml ground*, with shiido and fruit in atiiin dance; one hour hy rail troin New York and ten minutes from t!ni depot; first ulass stable an i oarrtagc accumnio dattoiis anil the best trroom in the State to care tor horses; no children or nursa*. Apply to Mrs. RAVbN IIIM., lilooinfl- ld, N. J. IJiiARD WANTED?IV THE COUNT RY. WII BIN 25 ^ miles ol New York, t>,v a gentleman and wile; locu tion inn-! be healthy and tree from chilis and fever. Address U., box I4U Herald olllco. /10OD country BOVRO ON A I. A bos FARM IN I.T Westclie-ter county; running water, forests, lake, boats Flench and Ainorlean coo'clng; all accommoda tions moderate priios. For lull particulars address J. H. ii., Hit/ William street. Now York, MI MMKR UUSOUTS. 4 ?tiiorbukn house, sunswick terrace, J\? Astoria, I.. L, open* lor the senton, thoroughly renovated; minute* irom reck slip; laiitin? on pre in iy hourly boat*. ?'. A. CHILTON, proprietor. PROPOSALS. (JKU-KO PROPOSAL- WILL BE RECEIVED AT MY |i office to 9 P. SI., Il'th April, tor furnishing "gooa. hurd burned North River Brick, of uniform An and color," to be delivered on lot between Fifty-ninth and sixtieth street*, North lti\cr. an lollops:?SUU.UOO in A, I'll, WH.OOO in May and 230,000 between June 1 and 10. ,v ii. DeicEER, No. 101 Went sixtieth street, between Tenih ana Eleventh avenues. KIM.I VltUS. A FINE STOCK OF STANDARD BILLIARD il 'iaou-s new and Mtcoiid hum. popular itvlet ana low priced, flit' ornamental Cue* anil the largest ant bcrt *:o< k of Biliiar-1 Articles m the country. H. vs., 73i ilroadway. A MI RK AN STANDARD BEVEL TAHI.ES-WirH 2\ iielaiiey'* wire cushions, solely used in all cham pionship ana match game*; second hand 'tablet at great Diu^anis. Cell and examine. \\. ti. GRIP ? 1TO A CO.. 40 Vetoy street Dealers in and manu/actureks of bil Hard tahlc^ wilt fln.l, by exaininaiion. that fir cheap and smith Printinr of anv description tin METROPOLITAN PRINTING EST A BLISll.H li.M I, Hi Broadway, cannot he suraatse L VJHELAN'S BILLIARD TABLES WITH THE NEW X uprluKcif hion*. more elatilc and durah'c tnan any other cushions, are now u^eil in the Wind-or. tit, Nicho las, (i rand Central ami harie's Hotel Owners of till' Hard i.ii'.es. who?e cushions nave lost tbelr elasitcity, w ill Audit to th. ir interest to rrr the?e su| erior cushion*, GEO. E. I'llKLA.v "6 East Fourteenth street. WATCHES, JEWKLKY, *C. _ AT 77 BLKEl'KER STRKET?THR 11IOHEst PRICE paid for Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, nisi Fawn! roke .t'Ticket* bought lor the sumo at 77i Ice ?er Mreet upstairs. U'ATi IIEB AND JEWELRY BOUGHT AND SOLD ft hack wuen ile*lred at a very .-mall advance. GEOKtii. C ALLEN, Jeweller. 1 19> Broadway, near Twenty ninth street. Watches and Jewelry repaired. f I' 11E METROPOLITAN PRINTINO KSTABL18IIMEN r X lit' 21* Broadway, in the Herald Building 1 ')(i7 BKOADWAY. OVER HERA ID UPTOWN J. ? *) I branch offlce, room n (parlor lor ladle-); branch I tu7 Broadway.?* Diamond*. Watches Jewelry, Ac., boutrht aud told. LINi'O BROS. COAL AMD WOOD." /H>KK, S3 30 P. K CHALDRON?DELIVERED IM \ ' mi diaieir to any part of the city; orders by mail revne proiuui attention C It A Ps E R A BiKNS. 46.' West Eighteenth street. J'lOAL RECEIPTS, CIBCUl.ARS, BILL HEADS, RE ceipt Book* ami every kind of Prlntlnir used in this coal and ?o<>d bnsines* can be had at the REfrtOPOLl TA $ I'ttl N if NO ESTABLISHMENT, lilt broaaway, at very moderate prices. MAUBIjK maxtkia 4 T GREATLY REDUCED PRICE*. J\ An extensive stock ot Slate anl Marble Mantel i, Wash irajs and slate Wortt of every description. FuNRIlfl sLArCOMi'ANV, Union square, Fonrih avonue and seventeenth st. N. Y atOKEATLY RI-.nt'CKD PRICES?AN EXTENSIVE J\ stock of Marble an.l Marblei/.ed Man'eli and all 1'liier Marble Works. Msible lurnlmr tor the trade. A. KLaIIc.k, IM hast t-.tghtienth street, near Third avenue. A GREAT REDUCTION 1* PltK'F.S OF MARHLE and Marbteised Mantels; all kinds of Floor filing. Monument- Head S ones, labs for plumbers and cabi tiet makers, now offered at S. El.AHEK A CO.'S Steam MarUe No*. 217 to Hi West l itty-flrst street, near Broadway. rpiIK Ml TROPOLltAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT i Is at :l - Broadway, in the Herald Building. STOUAUK. A?STORAOB.?WKflT SIDE BTORAOE WABK . bouses. M, 634, CM Hnd <on street, 779 Greenwich ? treet and 10 Abingdon nitre, tor Fnrnltiire. Pianos, Bagi>;ixr. Mirrors and other familv Property, in sepa rate, closed rooms of any n/.e, I ?west ot rates accssi tde dti'iiig ? utlness hours. nv>.t exten^vc and responsl hie establishment in the l>u-iue*?. goods reee.ved either da< or night. K i \Oil \ KT. owner an I Manager. office .VO IIii :-o i ?treet (Abingdon sijuare). /SET TOUR PRIN TI Ml FROM THE MRTROPOLI \F TAN FRINTINU BsTABUBIIMBNT, 214 Broadway lJAIi!ER-? WAREHOUSES, EIGHTH AVF.NIF, II Thin v-third to miriy fonrth Mreet. m Ninth ave ntie. omcc'.KU West Ihirtr-ionrtb street.?Oldest, lowest In rate, most extenshe and tno-t thorjughl> ? implied establishments of the line in the busincv; storug'-lor Farnitnre, Magifs>c, Oo. ds and Wares ol exery descrip tion in sepa-' ite closed compartments. Night patrol re ceive goods at all hours, inspection Invited. MORBRLL'8 FIlt-T CI.AHS STORAGE W ARK. houses lor furnltnre, trunks, cases, Ac , wtthsa'e ' deposit vaults h r valnaoles; sates, oi ail sixes, in vaults, to n-tit hv month or year, affording absolute tecuro. Fonrih avenue and Thirty.second street STORAGE.?PARTIES STORING FURNITURE, WUL j rtnd it to thetr advantage to examine tlm ware house ot Moboan A hko., ?l and ?4 West Forty s > fiith street, corner of Broadway. i>?cwti?try7 I '('Oltil. HI BHI It SET OF TEETH IN THREE J\ hours.?Impresxlotl In the forenoon, t-eth in tn? nth moon, tliiriy-fourth street, near Broad war anl sixui iivenoe Coral i?ntiber, very strong, fleah colored; ! goi'l ~ets. plstlna .->?sts, wnalebone rubber .-ets Pinmu ti . op.-n irou;-; l.iu Litter^. Lip Depressors, Regulators; \ nitrons oxide; mechanical dentietry. Tak<? ?raen e trj ; irum liraml stiect terry, or sitth nvenun car*, or Broa I- I ?ay oars, not off ii I lilrty-iourth street. WKWBBOUGil. l*< West^rhirtv rourih rtreet. ABEAUTiri'L SET. H: OUM TEETH |Wj SIN* gle, VI; warranted , gas, flu cents; silver filling*. M cents, hew York i entsl Koome, M sixth avenue; established ii; examine specimens; retnemocr W2, rPEETH AND PAIM.E. S DENTISTRY. 1 Dr. R. J. ROBERTS, 35 Hond street. Artificial reeth Ilxed in a lew, without the | ?lightest pain >?' inconvenience, with com.ort, bring sell adhesive; life-like appearance; without springs or wire?; I tor superiority ot material and wort- mmiship c .winot t>e I eriuaileii; warrtnted, with tne certainty of giving per- t teat satisfaction, restoring mastication and articulation permanently; lasting a llretime . teeth filled with peart atopplng or gold. A pntnphlct -n $m no#t fre>, th corn* w AM18BNBIITR. OOU'H Ml/SBUM. EVKNINO, at II. TUB MIKICaL MOKK, FKANK .JONf.8. In the Mtixatlon Plnr, THE BLACK HAND, performing Ml 1 ? Different Mu i Iiulrumenti. THIS WOOD'S AFTERNOON. at I LOUISE SYLVBsTKB LOUIS ALDKK II. TUB FKKNCH SPY au<1 a BULL IN A CHINA SHOP. T. L. Coonor, Ketchum, Stewart, Baudloril. B ARNl'M'S NKW YORK! CONGRESS OK NATIONS AND Til* DAZZLING VISION 09 THE BOURI8I DAT AND NIQIIT. GRAND TROTTINO RACKS EVERY EVENING! OPEN IN PHILADKLl'UIA APRIL 12. Seo adverluomoat In Turf Pepartment. IYCEiM TUEATllE. AIMKE'S FAREWBLL J AIM BE IN LA J( if.IE PARFUMEISE. tlic spii'llitiiost of French operas BoulTea. AIMIII! iii her original creation, RObE MKlIO.l, unanimously declared bur Oih: character. GREAT 111! Of l.\ JOLIK 1' A it KL'MEUSB, whle.i eniuvca a run ot 20.) nitfiil* in Part*. LA JOL1K PAKKUMEI SB, THE JOLLIIiSI' OK FRENCH OFERAS HOL'KFE. EVERY EVi1 NINO AN u SATURDAY MAI I NEE, produced wnii naw Moeuarjr, eoitunui, properties, ap poluiments. perfect miss tn acene, the cast inciuJIna a 1.ME it, iu her ormnul creation ROSE MICUOtf RISTORI'8 RETURN. LYCEUM TH LATHS. rWO MGHTS ONIjY and WKDN HOAY MA I IN EE. MoNi'AY, .April 13, Elizabeth, iJueen ot England. KISIURI, LAST IIMh AS cLIZaBETH. TUESDAY, April IS. I.AST RL-TORI NI'lHT. Ki-tori's iait appearance In English Tragedy, when will be performed Victor Hucro'arenowned tragedy, LUCKt-ZlA H'IROIA. after whloli Hrae R1VTORI will onset for Hie lait time In Mtglwh the celebrated sleep walkliw scene trom Shake.speave'a aubHrne tragedy, MACBETH. RISTORI (nist tine in l.ngllah) AS LaUV MACBETH. WEDNhftD.lY April It, ONLY RISToRI MATINEE, MARIE ANT INKTTK. nisioni (LAST TIME* as MARIS ANTOINETTE. Price* us before. ~ ale commences to morrow. THURSDAY, April Is, ltlotori'* Farewell to Newark. FRIDAY, ItS, ONLY NIGHT IN BROOKLYN OF HIS I OKI IN ENGLISH TRAOi'.DY. BOWERY OI'ERA BOOBS, 201 BOWERY. 25 ACI'S anil a PANTOMIME for 2.1 cent* at the MaTINKK to-lny. PIANOPOUTKM, OHGA1R, A?FOR RKNT, UPRIGHT. SO IT A H K AND Oll*SD ? Pianos of our own mako: also tor sa'e, a number oi line second baud I'luno*. In p^rtect order. WILLIAM ! KNAliK it cm.. No. lis t ilth nvonue, above Sixteenth at I A LARGE A"-SORTME.VT OF SECOND HAND j XX ? tel tinay grand. sijuaro and upright Plan..*, lor , sale c*>i<'tt|>; also Pianos ol other makers. SIi-.ISWaY A sons, stoinway Hali, New York A CHANCE SELDOM OKl'EItED. ?UK Wil,I, SKI.!, a urine this month our lar?;c stock; ol Oraud. Square ! and I'i>ri?h? Pianos, below cosl. to reduce stock prior U removal to now factory. Dl.CKKit A U.vKNKS, 1.; Ihlrd avenue, corner F< urteentli street. * ?VVr.HER, STEIN WAV, CHIOKKRIKO PIANO ? fortes mi I Ori<ans, bargains for cash; J UKI to $J00; $3 to 910 ; monthly rent applied. J HllilII.K, 13 Waverley placc, near 4 CLOSING OUT SALK OK LARCH AND EI.KGANT 1\ s:ock ol Pianos: lull price: order of administratrix OtG. Harmore'sestate; :'GS Klec :kcr sliest, tully war ranted: all the latest improvements. IT .SOU M Kit A CO.'S, 119 lin FOURTEENTH . J\ street, corner Third avenue?A very flue upright 1 Piano lor Jl2i also a square Piano for $nt); tlr*t eu-vi ' n>>\v Planus at very liberal terms and price* also Pianos ! fur rent. A?$l!V-BEAUTIFl'L ROB K WOOD PIANOFORTK ? and -tool; Pianos to rent. $3 ier mouth; Instal uicuM received ; neiv liMruraentscxeecdlugly low. Ooi.D*M I i ll's, 20 Kleei ki r street, near Bowery. A -BE WISE, AVOID BOOTS AUCTIONS AND ' . dealers who put diff/rent name* on Piano*. Call ; at the manufacturer's; wo are Felling at whole-ale i rice* 7*? octave* from $i.*> upward; some second lian I at 91 0; lustalmenta taken, $10 monthly. C AllL.E A SONS, corner .>ixth a vtuuc and Twenty-tlurd strcob I A PIANO, MJ-SIX OOTATE; A ti' M FOR A LIT tie parlor; sweet toned ; perieet order ; sold account oi laially moving out ot city, 911 ?ixtU avenue, first 1 bell. ? a -great bargains on accOCHT of rk. J\ ? nio\al.?Elegant now Pianos and Organs cash or Insiaiinent*. $30 to fiiW; two bank Organs, $*?>; sti iu wa., Piano, cheap. PE K A SOB, li Clinton place (Eighth street), near Hroadway. 4 CHANCE SKI,DOM NET WITH?PRIVATI FAM. JV ttv will s'-ll their maraiflcent 7S octave rosewood Piauot -rtc. e\(|iii?i:eiy carved case, tour round corncra, patent agrafe and all other improvements i stool. Cover. Music t ablnet: co<t $1.0011, tor $M). with lull raarsBtee and hill ot sale frera th* msker. Call before purchasliiv elsc\> h"re an I you wilt not regret it. At pii vaie residence, I'JO West Twenty Hi ird si., near >ixili av. 4 T LESS $100?LADY WILL SELL BEAUTIFUL i\. i bickering rose wool Pianoforte, iron frame, in perfect order: modern Improvements; powerful tone; Including Stool anl Mn?ic. st.. near Bowery. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL BELL THEIR ELE A eaut lour round Decker A liris. Pianoiorte at a sacrifice: a brilliant tooed 7Ji oetsve riclily carved rosewood ca?e lull agrafle overstrung plana baring all Im provements, prime 1 guarantee, bill ot sa:e: cost $97.i. for $274: Mool, Cover. Box tor shipping: used only ?? months by private family. Parties in se.irch of llrst cla<? instrument woniil do well to call, >. B.?Also lun Iwiiie Household turnlture. In lots to suit Call. fl\<- story hrowu stone prlvaia residence U West 16th St., be:ween 5tn and Mb avenuea 4 STEIN WAY jrBON8PiA!N OF() RIE FOR SALK? A i\ 7K octave, lour round, carved ro?ewood case Piano, h iring all Improvements, co-t $l.Ht?, tor $2>l; Stool cover, box; also 7 octave upright Piano, $190. Call, prh ate residence *10 VVe?t 21st -t 4 BARGAIN-FIRST CLASS 7'? OCTAVE ROSE J\ Pianofortes; all modern Improvements; niiiy warranted; will be soli very low fjr cash. n aRVK .?KN A si.N., v.TS East Twenty-first sheet, between Second suil bird avenaes. 4 FEW SKCOND HAND WKBER PIANOS TO /\ be sold verv low; they haie been lett With tlie msnutaciurer lot.'that purpose, on account ot death and reverse of circumstances, bave tbe maker's gutranb e, and can be seen at the WKBhR Wareiuoms, Filtb ave nue and sixteenth street. 4 T $175?ELEGANTLY CARVElf ROSEWOOD ScTT A of crimson satin Garniture, cost $!4J; al-o haul some cabinet sewing Machine. Ellas Howe maker, ai a sacrifice 2-1 Third street, near Bowery. \B VRGAIN. -CARVED BO-sRWOOD 7 OCTAVE I'lauoforM, round corners, modern improvements; celebrated cltv maker: $1??, stool, cover Included. .?l Kast :W:h st . between Jd and Sd a? s. HARmlNS.-ROSF.WOOD PIANO PERFECT ORDER, ?100: tent $3; Stein way. j; I' pricht. $4; Prince Orgi'i,$'i Me lode on. $2 : Pedal < Mgan $.i?i GOKDON A son, is Kast Fourteenth street. I~7'Olt SAI.h? ON' ACCOf.NTin colNO ABROAD A 1 7'j octave rose* ood Plsno. double toanu; a B heeler A Wtlson Sewing *lnctilne tuil blsck wsinut cs*ei, Cai ? pet-ami lloufiioid 1 urniturc. Imiuire at 79 St. Mark's pla< e. ? li^Olt SALE? \ TKN.STOP oRtlAN. WITH PIPE TOP, JT nearly new. No. 7M flilrd avenu*. f?0R SALE VERY ( IIKAP-A NKW FIRST CLASffU 1' <*ta\e "iat'o whlcli bad to be taken in settleiitent ofadei t rho pianor*of* ??fi at MKNRT B ilH'.., glue dealer, iail Pearl sueet, uoar Kulton, New York, call lietween 1 and .V MANrFACTBRRRS OF PIANOFORTES WILL FIND , it to their Interest to obtain estimates irom the METROPOLITAN PiMM INO ICS I AB 1,1*11 SIKN T. 211 Broadway, before having their priutiug done elsewhere. PIANOFORTES. SECOND IIA N D-COM PRISINO I grnndf. s.|u?r*s md uprinli's of various niskeis. in thorough order, lor sale allow priccs; also Pianoforte* to rent, of our own manufacture chickkkino SONS. II East fourteenth street, between Broadway and Fifth av< nua. TTpRIonT AND SQl'ARR PlASOS FOR RENT l. From $'I; Stelnwav and others, ne-v and sci on l hand, for cash or on time. WALKRR BROTHERS, 17 Knst Twelfth street, four doors nest of Broadway. PANC'INU ii un 'tli - 4 -J. SAUSK'S IiaN< INO ACADKMIK-V-CLASSE4 ^'V. at Masonic Hall, lit Kail Ugh street: Brevoort Hall, 15? Kast Mth street. PRlVAiK LESSONS at an* hour. CIRCULARS at private academy, IK I ast litis street. MACpAeRSON'S DANCING APADUMY. BUI WEST Forty-eighth street. n?ar Broadway.? ( ia-se?ntw forming: thlsschoid remains open until July i. private lessons at all houis. WAITED TO PCHfllASK, U'ANTI D-HVI) OR 3IX SEtOND HAND ROOT " Beer Fountains, copper; must l>e in go<Ml condi tion Appiy at drug store coruer FtiUcia street and Thin! avenue. Al/ANII D-Sl < OND HAND KXHAUST SfF.AM v" Piping. 1W feet Un'h: also (B feet ol t lttcU. AU dreisCUlKr K.^UIRPRR. tlerali ?n.o% AMrSHNKIfT*. 0LYMP1G THEATRE, 834 BROADWAY. Mr. JOHN P. POOLS Mauagar THK BKMT COMPANY IN THK WORLD TUB BEAUTIFUL, GKACBKITL AND FBABLB6S LADY GYMNAST, MLLE. I,HON A DAKK. IN HER MARVELLOUS MID-AIR PERFORMANCE BBAPPKABANCK OP THK GREATEST COMIC ARTIST LIYIXO, MR. SOI. SMI i II RUBsBLL. KIltST APPEA It A.NCK 0? THK NATIONAL <? TilE MASTER MINSTREL, Mr. G. rt\V vIN BUCKLEY. Ill 111* (Iri'at Sketches. MU8IO ON I'liE It It VIM nnil th? OCTOGENARIAN. W A LT lilts AND MORTON. WAl.TK.li8 IMi MORION. WALTER* INDMOKUlN. T II! NELSONS. Prof. NELSON. KOHEItl .IBI^'ON. Aid M U It NP.L3JN. Minx ALIOS IIARTVIHON. MI .h NUIII.I I'l .? ICIS. Wis* KMMEl.l.NE YOl XG. M|S? SAIDE O'N.-.IL. MR. BOL SMI III BUSSELI* ORKAT lltlSd VOCALIST. K'llOM TUB dibTTix theatres. Till N. V. PAVOBITB WriKRM.I. SI8TBR9, In the new trnvestie FKlooLIN. Mr. .1011 S HART. Mr. .1 ? >11 N IIaIIT. Mr JOHN UAItr. Mr. WM. COritTRIQUT. Mr. W. H. CAHILL. Mr. JOHN (>lLlli'.ltT. Mr. JAM KS \ INCrNT. | .Mr. B. 0. GOODING. | Mr. (I W . I(. BO | Mr. 8. Hoi.DSWOBTH. I Mr. WM. on nr. Miss ADl)lK FAItWELL. | Mini MaHIL CONNELLY. Mis* PKAltL TMOI'.XlON. Miss NETTIE WILSON. | THK OOLOBBO HAMTOWN STUDENTS, to new .-onus au<t Melodies of the colored raee. Glorlona success of the new Musical Traveatic on LB KOI CAKOriK. luiroJucing all tUa muse of UlltOKLE GIROFLA. I entitled PBIDOLIN, PBIDOLIN. PRIDOLIN, | OR THE ISLAND OK MONKEYS. AilmMslrin 50 cont? Reserved Se,tu jl 1 I'.niiiiv Circle is rents ' Private Hoses $10. IS and fl i beats may be secured fix uuvj in advuncc. POSITIVELY NO FBEE LI>T. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND 8ATURDAY AT 2. MATINEK9 WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2. MaTINi E?S WEDNESDAY AM) SATURDAY AT 2. BOOTH'S THEATRE. TI1IKD MONTH. JAliK IT A PALMER Lessees and Managers NINTH WEEK OP HENRY \.. toe grandest Shakespearian spectacle ever pro I need, Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD, the distinguished player, lor trie ility-eipluh to the sixtv fourth times in his reuowncd part of die Yonnir Monarch, lhe other iharucters of ihe suMime play assigned to ihe GREAT COMPANY Oh KORTY-THREB excellent dramatic urtlits. THK SCENE*Y is unsurprised (or beauty und frranileur. and includes KIMI HENRY'.I LONDON RECEPTION. This Ih the most animated scene ol lhe great piece. The wonderful pr ce?ion ol the returning victorious army and thi) pop ii I arc ol London tlirouxing the streets near old Temple Harare represented by au auxiliary t'oree of nearly FOUR HlNDKhD MEN, WOMEN AND CHIL. DitEN. During ihi? exciting act tho lamed I-L LL CHIME OK CHURCH BELLS is rung. REGULAR MATINKB 8ATCRDAY, IX O'CLOCK. MR. GEORGE RIGNOLD'S BENEFIT AT BOOTH'S Theatre, on THURSDAY A I' r E I! NOON. April 15. when lie will appear as CLAl'DE MELNOTTK to ilie l'ACLI-NE oi tlie distinguished and popular actress, Ml<s Daly's Kllth Avenue i'ncalre, and ns 1,1.1 AM. in ULACK-EYED SUSAN, will crmto an unusual dcminid lor places. Subscriptions for re. served >cat* will now h? received at Tyson's ticket offices Filth Avenue Hotel ami Windsor Hotel. Coupons will lie delivered six days before (lie event. / < It AND OPERA HOUSE. U OI.D TIMt S AT TDK GRAND OPERA HOU>E. KPtCIAL NOTICE. Cl'RTAIN DOWN AT 10:44 P. M. 1 UK OREAT 8PBOTACPLAR SENSATION. A II H MM MM KEKB DDDDD A A 11 II MM MM B l> D AA II H MM MM K D I) A A II II M M M M K D It AAA A millHIIII MM MM UfcE l> I) A A II H M M M M S D I> A A It II M M M M E D I) A A II II M MM M K It D A A II U M M M BEEB DDDDD EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Box offlc ? open front 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. fOLOSSEUM. COLOS-lil'M. 00 LOW ELM. Mutiiier nt I. Evening at * MIDNIOIir STORM. r TKAIM D H1RDS. Eachaatod Cabinet. PARIS. Lightning Calculator. Master LEO s Illuminated Panorama. BY NIGHT. FRIDAY AriRUodN aud EVRNIBG, April!". Joint Ben. rtt ol JOHN CORNISH ami S W Tli.Loim> Paris hY Moll I and VOLl'NTnER si'FCi Al.riES. Ad m lifion uk\ C u t id re n 35c. CAN IRANCI.-CO MINSTRELS. I BIRCH, PAN PMA.MISCO min-ikkls. WAMBoLD bAN PRAXIS. o MlNSTKr.Ls. I ANU UACKl'3. N i W OPERA Hol'SK, BROADWAY, CORNKit I Wh.N I'Y-MNTH CTRFRT. The Micllliig Match. | ih" HlacWMriU. I Every ntaht. II.o Spcl ing M .ti ll HoME IN A 111 i Every mwor. file Spelling Match. I You Mint Laugh. I Every nuiit, Watnboki sings, "Little Robin. Tell Bitty I'm Coming." KYERYTHlBO NEW, fRr.SH AND nl'AKELIN'O. Mreet care may be ordered at 10. Place* tecared Matinee Saturday at 1 BOWKRY TilE \TRE, WM. it. FRKLIUIt Manager. SECOND WEI- K?MONDAY. APRILS, and until lur^ier notice. Glorious mmn ol the spectacular Drama, in fix acta an.l ten tableaux, entitled A ROUND Tin: WOBI.D IN 80 DAYS, too beautiful muim ladies magniilrrut and gorgeon* ?ceiicri, elaborate properties, new music an I grand lurrhantca! effect*. The orand Tableaux ol the Pagoda of Pillaryl. 1 lirillintr Sensation? llie Sh-iimship Henrietta In gulled in the Bosom oi the Atlantio. H< atii111nl scene on the rlain? (winter*. on the Rocky Monntaina?Tha United Stataa Dragoon*. MAI INKE EVERY BATIkDAY. Seats may he secured em day* In a lvance. oWKBY OPERA HOUSE, *01 BOWERY. GRAND MATINEE I Kail lea to-J ay, atadmitted frea Star Arthta. I Fr,day evening!. QTKI.VW.VY IIALU TIIKO. THOMAS. O THURSDAY AFTERNOON. April 1 at 1 LAST AFTERNOON I I ?UC It, II I. Ait-AL. Adniusion, 7Si.; Reserved Scat*, $1. RATI'RDHY EVENING. Af.rU 10 at ?. SIXTH ANI> LAST ?VMPHONY CONCBRT. ' SOLOIST. MMU. MaDKLINF. SCHILLKR, PIANO Admission, fl an I tl thi Reserve i neats, KV. extra. Cnn be fi:i.l on and after Mon.lav at Stein way llali, 701 ami ill Broadway, and at :s? Union square. No111'F,. ? i H? iiuiiiic is respectfully informed that Mr. Thro. I human will cive his Last two CONCERT* TIIK IsBASOM on FRIDAY EVENING. April 10, at -, an t on SATURDAY AFrr. RNOON, April 17, at ?. ACADBMY OP Ml'ffti: AND 114 HKOtDWAY. L'OMBRA. the only authentic and < op \ righted edition of the OF L'OMBliA arc fur Hale at the ACADEMY OF Mt'Mi' AND III BROADWAY. BKUIIK It. IIH DBPF.NCII IN TH B EVENING TELEGRAM _ TO NltlllT. OWFBY oPRRA HOUSK. ?H BOWERY. Tli" best VARIETY EjfTF.RtAlNME.MT ever given on ?It* ra.?t side at the MATINEE to-day. B Ii B M Etr.oroi.rr an Mtrsfiu* np Anr. I> West Fourteenth street, New York. OpeL: dilly, 11 A M. to 5 P. M. Monday* free nrsK.ti,. A TKNoR OF OOOD QUALIFICATIONS IS OP' S lor ? n^.tt,"ment in food quartet; )? fanilllar witll the Kpi?;opal ?ervice. Addrea* S. S., boa 1W Herald 0,"c* \ TENOR. WITH PIBMT CLASS AND CULTIVATED \"ire Mini KtMul rcjtlftf. Is "i?'ii tor ? no Itton In a tood choir from the 1st of May. Addra;* 0. tl., Herald Uptown Branch office. Edward, richaro and cha#. mollemiailr give lr,<soii? eai lntively at tli^ Ni W YOKE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Bp. > l'est 14MI ?t, to ar Mh av , next fo I>c;,u.>nI? ? PUPILS NOW El.i I.I\ r.D FOR THE SPUINti ml IJ.sE. INSTRUCTI 'N ON PIANOFORTE AND SINtlINO AT 1 pupil s resilience, $11 per quarter; pupil* tauuiit MMint in Encliat., French ami Italian languages; aUo prepared for concert. Addreaa IN.JTRIJCTTob, box 113 Herald Uptown Branch otTlce, I .MS Broadway. T ADIt-S Wl Tli OUT MEANS TO 81 CDY SINUINO J j will ho niven tb'ne.'t saary lnstruMlon for opera, cimcerinr cliurch, and rapidly assiated to cmplovmcnt, Aildrea?, box 137 Herald I ptown Hranch office. ISS BORIR. SOPRANO, CHURCH OF THE INCAB natlon. daalroa a position ui a ?:^r alter lit May. PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, PAMPHLETS. TICKETS, i. I'retp Opinions and all k'.nih ui I Tin tin? lor m:i meal conaervaturies and aBterialnronnts hi-p lurnlMisi in the mosteleK'tiu siyle attlie M r. TR. H'OLil'AN FIUJB& IMP ESTABLISH MEN!. ?M Broalway WANTBD-LKSSONS ON CONCERTINA. FltrrB A competent tearlmr. Addrvtf, ftatuij tarmi, 4c., CL. boa ao ucraid offlcai M AnnrncMBNTs. WAI.I.AOK'H. > 1'roprietor and Mintinr .Mr. LF.8TBR WALbAOK Id consequence of IU pronounced success the great Drama or Ut* . Humanok OK A POOH YOUNQ MAN will be presented EVERY EVKNIN'O ANlf 8ATUR0AT MATIXEM TNTIL FURTIIKR NOTICE. with elegant ana appropriate Scenerr and Appoint, menu, and characters bv Mr. li. J. Montagu* Mr Jonn Gilbert, Mr. J. B. P..Ik, Mr. J. W.Carroll ifr. k" M. Holland. Mr. O. F.Brown, Mr. O. H. Kdwin tamo. Ponisl. Misses Ada Dvns, Lflle (iermon, lone Burin. Mr?. John Mcltou and Mabut Leonard. In active preparation lor early proiltti Hon a powerful romantic Irama, adapted from the ureai French play. "Let Fllleg des Marbres," ar..1 entitled RAFAEL, with cntirelv new .Scenery, Costume* an:! Appointments. CTH AVKNL'B THEATRE. THP, BIG BONANZA. '> The Mercury says:?"l.\orr Mr. A("GI'SrTN DtLY. ;ri tt muii iioh uei>:u* it wiw Proprietor an I Manager. ti> seek tor a b K IJonanza ,?t his own. Thus Tilden is work mg his canal Bonanza: Beecher finds a paroxysmal Ron.!tin; .lav Uoulit sirtkc * the Atlantic and Pacific Tele graph Hoiimui ; Grant culti vates the third-term Bonanza: tmt the richest Bonanza of all?'I lie His lloiiMU/a? I* still that of I'alv. at Hie Fifth Avenue Theatre." THE Kill BONANZA. The Graphic says:?"Wi' con tinue our illustration* of Mr. AiiKUstin Oily's latest anil Mrea test comedy success, 'The ItiK Honanxa.' lion running ai tho Flftn A voiitin Theatre, hv irivinx two more picture* of Miss Fanny Davenport and a sketch 01 the celebrated can delabra scene t'om Mr. Matt. Morgan"* graohia pencil, ot Miss rati 11 v Davenport's ge? nlm, which was never de prived to better advantage than in 'Tne Bis Bonanza.' we hav already written, our lornier portrait ol her has been praised by our contem poraries as 'exquisite,1 anil tb" present picture* are not leas lovely nod a. tlstlc. But it was the candelanra arena which ttrut gave the Kobe ri ft nlan .stamp to'Tim Bis lio ntnil.' and secured tor It ait immediate and enduring sue CHS'. It IS easy to S'-e with what tact nod skill the inci dent is worked up, first by tli? author and then hy Mlstf Davenport an,I tho actors. un. til tbts single scene becomes a plav In Itself." Till'. BIO BONANZA, THE HIT OP 1875. THE BIO BONANZA. 50Tn TO Will NIGHT. EVERY NIGHT AT S. Matinee Saturday, 1:3t>. PARK THEATRE. MAY(\ Broadway ami Twentv-seeon l street, convenient t<t tho Univerauv plaeo cars, the Kelt line, the Twenty-third1 street ca-s, (?'ourtli and ctxili avenue cars, Broadway and Twenl.v-third street stacres, Filth avenue stage*, Madison avenue stages an l the Fourteenth street car*, accessible totiio Windsor. Metropolitan, Grand Central, St. Nicholas and other leading hotels. Soglns at 8. over by lu JO. Seat* sec .nod ten dav* in ad vance, to be ob tained at box otllce. Itu liuan's agency and leading hotels; a number ol choice *oats reserved tor nigltt sale to accommodute. Admission, $1; Reserved Seats, $1 5J; Balcony. 5Ue. ANOTHER HIT. Mr. PRANK MAYO in DAVY CROCKETT, Mis* ELEANOR RANK a^ ELEANOR YAL'OHN. EVEUY IOVEnING and SATURDAY MATINEE. rjHIEATRE COMiyi'E, Mr. JOSH HART 514 BROADWAY. ... Side Proprietor AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF BILL. First week of the world renowned PEAK FAMii.Y. Bell Ringers. Harp Players. Ac. 'Iho Russian Gymnasts. JiiIIaNOKF, ANTONIO and DUNBAR. Reappearance of the pleasing vocalist Miss NliLLIE fT. JOHN. IIAR RIG AN and MART in WHO OWNS THT: LINE. UkOULAR ARMY OHt Harrlgan sine* "Mul.loon Pit trick's Brothers." Mile. ALBKHTAI/.IB tn NEW VOCAL OEMS. It. M. CARROLL A SON. Mr. JOHN W1L1). Mr. WILLIAM CARTER Mr. CllARLKS WHITE. Mr. O. L STOUT*. Mis* KIITY O.NEIL in the Lancashire Clog. Miss ADAH RICHMOND, Miss ALICE BENNETT and the entire company In A NEW OLIO, concluding with the sensational Drama US, or. Till' MURDER AT THE FARM MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND.SATURDAY. April 12. the M UlLlO vS. C1oL. SINK'S PAKE THEATRE, BROOKLTSt. ) AUGMENTATION OK FOitCKB. Th<* Greatest NoHftlty i ni. l uuimrnL llir people crowding 10 witness it Rrooklvn's i>c?t and l..\? iic-t maldcua thronjrln* to roxitlc Willi ihc ricti delimits. Ntehtly and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Admission?130., 35c., 60c. ami 730. night*; ftp., Kio. and MB. tnatimes. MRS. F: H. CONWAY'S bruoklyx THEATRE. TUlt) EYENINO, KKI.I.IiOC (English* Opora), in Halle's posthumous opera, TUB TALI-MAN. BIHTH PLANTAOKNKT MISS KEI.LOOO MM Beaumont. Mr. Caritai, Mr. Maaa, Mr. I'eaket and other.' in the ca?t. BOWERY OPERA 1IOU-E. 301 BOWERY", S. 8. SAVKOBPand 50 more Star Aniil* at the M A TIN EE to-day. fy ermama Tim a r he, fourteenth ht i. b -:t. It Al>. NEI'F.NDORFK Director Tuc?day, April f?-Benefit ot t!ie Treaaurur, A Seidelbsch. Last time oi l-'rocq's iiriiliaut Opera, UIKt'fl.l.-Olltt'KI.I. LIN\ MlVB liiUOKLE-GIROFLA lto\ office open Ir.uu nil 4oYh.-k. academy or music. If ALU* ormu. MBfieal Direetor MVS MARETZEK FRIDAY KYKRINO. APKll. I', A r ?, and SA11 lll'AY MATINI-.B. VPltll. 111. Al' I :KX First tiino. Plofow'a nt'%* opera in three acta. L'OMBRA HUE BH.kDOWi. flina. ? ?? Ml* A. Band-tit Yt oplna Mis* M. KofTmann Fabritio Si*n <r Bcntrn'nlll Mirmu t -lienor Tsiriiapietra Oeneral iidnaisaion, $1: Bea?rw: t seat! (extra), $1; Family Circle Base*. $9 * ml $ III Hale of tickets comment. s ;?v. at 8 A. M., at the Academy an 1 nt 111 and 7>U iir.>a livay. _____ Bhya.s rs opera iioi si: (WE-t sid strekti. krerv ni--htat H, 8AT1 :1.?a\ MATlNe.K at? BRYANT'S MIS - I KEL - I nil-: .-KIOMOKI.S, bryastv- mi*-trees. tiik hkimmocKn. Bit VAN i 'H MIN-TltKI. ?. | III'. BRIO A X DS. BRYANT'S Ml SSTt; Kli* I III-: ItltHisXIH. BRYa.MM MlWU..-. TUB P.Ri.*Xl?s Bit TAB >'s m i n lit i. i! hie i:u irm.u ks. BRYAN I'S Ml VSTBI- l.s. j I"<? ditu with tlie wrong ttinfl. BRYAN I' MlNsTiiEEs. I t.nn'i inm'si olk-tre. Circus. family ma fix e e hah ki>\Y, Ait A CaDEMY OK MUsIO. A I.aI>Y W\ IIIMITON RIOEPrtOX. Carriages conveying to the l.i?iir #a?tilm> ton Reception on the evening ?t ii will enter Irving pi tea Irotn Hie norili an I K" out hy ? av ot Four teenth street and Fourth avenue, and take up ih<-ir eoiu? panv In the same order. Uucsia will take flr-t coach at ihe door. BY ORDER OK THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTER. OWERY ol'F.RA norxK. m iOWKRT. ?! STAR IKKKORMFRS will appear ai th? M^TlNbk mm afternoon. YEN I sua WITH Till. OB HAT MUSICIAN u N. I*Al i I -UN'S LECTURE, Willi FIaXOmiRIB RECITAL*. WEI>NE-1> \Y ETRXIRO, Anrti 7 al S. ai OE <i*RM<1 II AM. Filth avenue and Fourteenth atrcet. Huhjoct, KA.NZ I.I8ZT." TKkets 91, at 517 and 711 Broadway. BOWERT OrERA IIOC8E. 3)1 BOWRRT. TUE DIM Ell PANTOMIME T OI'l'K. AnewTrlik I'antoinimt' at the MATIX-.K to dar A CADEMY OK 10IIC AND 114 BROADWiT. A l.'uM :RA. the only anthrntl' and cop> n ?hle I edition of tin LIUitE 11 is oi? | u M u it A ar>- (or tale .u tip* ACADEMY OK Ml Sit: ASH 1M BROADWAT. ri'WENTY-KIR.-r ORAMD ORC.AN CONCERT I < hureh ol the Holy Trinity, Madlnon avenue an l lorty-?i:coM I ?tr:*rt, Wrdnesi! iv, April 7. 1S75, a- ? 1'. \l. Organist, Harauel r. Warren <d theCliurohof the M>dy Trinity. Now York: vociliMe, Aliaa Ella I* Barrtaon, couirnlio. Admie?ion. U.*>c*nu. PRIZE BrMIilXO MATCH IX RR' >' 'KLV X ACAOt MV HP MUSIC, Tt)-*iORROW (Weune*day i v -nuu April 7. S o'eloelr. Admission cenu; r-arrved teats 29 c - nts extra, Family circle 23cent*, feonre vour s>ats cariv. B flOWRRT OPERA noCSP. M BOW&BT. D si'AnIjA n nn l t'ROXIX. the IrlaB 1 e*ii, in new hkotclies at the MATINEE to-day. \WFt LLT JOLLY OAEOP?ROD AROBBOR.? . l'laved thla ev>nin_* at the l.alv Washington Ite ceptlon Acadam.T bf Mu-u*. and pronounced ky all tho r the ?fHni. I'ri ?* 4!>*. Al-o Marvh" Triom bhale, tfe. La Favorite oalop, 01'. Cot -s mulled. C. II. DIT.soX A CO.. ?ll Broadway. IVOI.F THEATRF. RfOMTfl STftE!:T BETWKKN >-e-onT r.nn third avciin#<-??cry boot Family \aii( tie( In Sew York. Tlo*re la no excrplion. i ver\ rvenla^'. Slo IS o'clock, for iO centa Th? Burleaqua mi l I Bt rotter ^istert, iiok I'antontum* oil Mile. Eveline, j Robinson t'rnsoo. I l.otta Orant. _ 1W Ik auulul uilwi ( Cai ric BuesheL ? ? a Halle:. I ?P Ariiftl In otio a Si All f'*r Twenty Centa I All lor Twenty Cent# ? "academy OF MCSIC AND 114 RROAOWAT. J\ li'oMBRA. i only antl-?ntic and copyrighted edition of tno LiBHlTI IDs it/ L OMBRA ar' lor ?;??? at the ACAI IVY OF MIMC ANl> 114 BROAl'W \ Y. B OWF.RY OPRCA HOITSE, ?t BilWRRT. I ive beautiful Rlti-COMIC VOiUWSTB arpear atlhe MATiN KE to-day. rjsuf; ?millRKVS RE (I PTIOX WILL TAKR PLRCR on sa'iiTMv* in. at 5 Y. M. (if stormy the nr*t pies?*t f .*aturXa'S). Hun. h and Judy, ? P. *1 : Ma^lc. V Ticket* Irca. I.i.wrs T1BB\L'H New Toy Kazaar, SHI Bri adway, next block abOT? t-uwart a. POBrSR-4. PROdRAMBIH MrfTRlBDflOX MILl.t, Circular*. Tickesa, r<>upona, Wool Cntt, Litn > fraphu- Portraits anj every variety of Tli?atrio|J Print tia promptly, ueaMv aal cheaply doni at the MKTrt'i PtJldTAX Plil.NTi.M, BjTA8LlSUM!iNr, tfirald lltill ill*. (1IIOICK NEW MUSIC,?"TWO ORPII4X8" WALT/. J witn IHnatrated title and portraits ni Mls? (.'laxton and Miij Rlanshard. 7<v*.; J'lie P.irhi noils ? ' Oal 'p, Al- ,Sue. each; "tiiroile iHrolta" Potpourri. 7.*c. t Walla. 75c.; (lalop, MOfi era, ?!?*? -I'll uni u?" Walt*, straosa, 79c ; "liiterpr.*tatiir>* Waluos, 71c.; Rfi'er (lalonTaOo.t vAwinlly .ioilv#\?alop aud Marche Trlom phaic." Arons >n, 4K . ?aotat "Palm Urjn< hes, Kaure. 4i)c ( oplea malic I l,v DI T^OX A CO., 711 Br-alway. Bowery opera iiou^cl R?i bowekt. Orl? W <?enfl tor thrae b??raol amusoiMutat tM MA INI',u Uj flat,