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Clf V It \L JBilT41 < KOH IAL1. CmiIhiIi A -TOR BALE, j\. NO. lfi EAST FORTY RlUHTn BIURET, ONLY __ hK V K N UOOK FROM I II- f H AlEN' K. ?IBuT * La.-." N EliiHboRllo< id IN EVER* RK ??t, cwiwknt and ea-iy ol aeceas bv > iri and ??? ei, M;?iIuh?i Mini Hull aveim >. TliU mansion is superbly shed la cabinet. ?m Mil -illifi' work w nr?t eiu- ; three rooms d "p, with un . ki|uj?i:<] dining room u th# 4rawln? run in flour. ? lb mirrors, booki smj? In -4.nut. Cornice", butteta. icebo*. cedar , Ac. flui-bed lu ?lie uewent ami most Improved artistic s'? 1.-- seldom in hti uucad into th.? country Parties d >irou? <>' puiohaa tnx a Crat class roulerue will do w i to a I-mil i-v. ?mine tie lore buv uiu elsewhere, as It w in guide ibeui in coinpamu otlier li? .1 tk* builder ol uua property. Vatihew Byrnes Es<j.. is Well known for over a i|uan r ni a < eutury as one ol tu* turf best. inoal carelul and liiorotm li bu. a- rs .11 oe city m New Y< rk ; Punn ^ exanilnimi 1 il- hou .e ciinool 'lit admire the eare, ueamctb and in how homugl a m.-iti tur Uiis work 11 uonipleird uhich eiiri !'?? oui una ulijr Sudani* the .-Kill and al.liuv ol Ha bui der. both in the workmausnip on the interior and exterior; i lijuinu ?n aiu n.-ivc laelory, with '?1 ? an 1 niaelmn ry Complete in .1!' it? appo.utnieiit* mr pr. din liu the? v> ry best work ol .ill kind* lor build tig iin i es.I tuko pleasure 111 Btrne ui log to oBi'* ealtliy 1 1 1 ? thl- com pletely and uiaiMiiic < Uil.v tii..*!i< hon-i titupi.i. so T<i* that I ie? 1 ?tire 11 ic. considering rl:?1 vuhie 01 the 1 - ?t,vXtu,a ul cash rost to bui d .li hou tin list 11 '* ? -?y e and reasonal>b rr:< - residence now to bu JU.oia>nl 111 this city. Apply t. V. li MEVENSON Jr. 01 FloEs 11 pink st M.r and a i-.\sr seven HitNTII &1UI-, i.i 1 mm> A 1.El. a ?FOE KALE OR TO LF.T, F.)l*R STORY AND il . Law-mint Ilrst Class brown -.tone lli.ii.n-, eorner of biiniitoii avenue ami Seventy dr?t str t. Ox"'1 Pet; ? ho 878 Lexiuulon av> one, aim block, It'xSI); suitable fa 1 ui?. Apply on premise*. . a HANDSOME ForR 8T0RY BROWN STmNR J\ Houte 011 ' itty ?veiith street, nuar I our.l> avenue, built bv Hie owner for liisown um evi-rvuinii.- nmi piete: will be Id at ?b?i .iin. Anptyto theovber.ou preiniaeM No. i> 1 a?: Kitiy-M * ? ntli ?tn ? t. BALE?THIS IJAY, AT EXl llA.NOE J-ALES toouia, Na III Broadway, at 12 M , the entirely new tour l">r> high sto?p bro? n Hon* House and X-otNo. 16 Flity e.gUib street, between I'i;ih ni<l Madibon ftTcnneni New York city ; Lot tul. depth; lluuae !0x.'>9 feet, har?l *ood fl.Uah, piate plfts*, p.iri'-r siorv. rosewood ami walnut ina.iioU, Engli-u grates, eiec'ric b. lis, *c. All iu perfect ?rder and read v for occoptsucy. _ A ? ?'IKTY Kit 111 SI M KT. CT.OS! Id KfKlH v\ . entie? Sen, superb ine liuin size . u'onll. map ? 1: -i iu'ioe li>r ?ale lovv or 10 ii ;i \ . urniibed or unltirn^ln d. V K. il l. VEN. 'JN, Jr., il I'ine utrei t 01 13 Ka.-t mviu k-euth street. g/OR SALE? M MADlS'lN AVINi'E, NEAR 3STU f at,, iikiv in ! eltigiint four siorv Home, wi,u oxteh* Clin; e,e,j?ii! taiicy cabinet v\orlf. pier and coiisol# Irrwr*. coruIce* bat siands, sn'.eboar.K ; arraase hu uis entirely :u-w. CO^NELIl S u'KI'.lLL^, Builder. Vioft .-ALE?ON ? iXTY FIBsiT STREET JIlAUi-IETU J1 aveniK-. two lour-toi > liroirn tioiie 'loii-c-. Iinrd fcood and cabinet rtaisb |/.).duO an 1; easy termi. W M. li. BEf.KMAN, No. 1 Plae strict. T?6r sai K V RY ( H \P-A SMALL HUI SE, ON J Bixty fl/at street, hetweon t it'b and Madi n ave Bue!l 8AHYhY BAEKR, l"l Broadway. 1.X>R KALK (HEAP?A FulR PI'ORY BROWJ * stone House, in perfect onier; N'o. 11 1. at Seven \ ? lonrtli street, in <ir l-'tltii avenue; -J eel >Mde. Apply io #wu r, Hawaii street room in TiSOU -SALE LOW?A MEUII M SIZK FOER SIOUY J? high stoop brown sionc tlous'-. in >eveitrv-eightli Street octween Madison and r ittii avenues ne.i' < enirnl 'ark. Address OWNEH, ZU Broadway, room SO. Tj>OR SM.E OR TO LET?VIVE NEW Til HE E STmRY 1 and bamienl bigh Btoup llou- ?. touihsid- ol I! -t ?treet. Detween FUtii and ><xth avenues; price Sl '.Utf) en< 11 cosHiv.d. 0; 70 p?r e?nl ean rri.w n on o-did and 1 mortCbue Ala t ao .-ouiinr iioi. ? -u'li udo ol l-Mli street, between Fourth and Lexlni: ,11 iveniiffs. Inquire ? 11 the premises or ot JultN li Bll.K. 137 liroodwav. MAP". I lESi R1PT1V E PA MPII LETS OF PRO 1- :? It TY. ? < irvuura. 1 hUk.uu.-. at I < very k mi ol 1'riotmg j dapied In rea! ? ? promptly 1 i eiu lv an I cbeantv done at the M 1.1 ItOPOLl TAN" I'lUNTlNO E.-t TABLlbU MEM 1?. in l!n< iler.t 1 BuiUinj. (1 WE-T TH1RIT4S1XTB STREET, THIEX> DuOR </ iron Fittli .t ? en 1 p.?iiiu'li toop brovsn ato' . 25 n.ot front na? im* been tltornL'k: mv put iu order and p 1 nucd tor owner s use Bauer.? smiih'i i-ti-im tu naci ; excei lent ne sliborhood; ?i 1 ir sold st it' - - ?? itliout urnl lure For permit" * |ih to Wl FI I 'An E i. '? I l> d liiili avenue, tr to JAM i.a H. SK.D.WOUE, No. U Cedar Strei L iQIH sTR- 1.1 NT. Ut STH U N, .-SCPKRB " 1' lour st. ,v M insjm ??. . 1 1 . t p ,., J?>w. V, K. ol E v'bf.i?ON, Jr.. 11 i'.ne a; Ji Las; 17ih ?t, East A limn STOOP BROWN 8TOXR HOT'SK, ?.\4.\ A lot 100. 241 Kj i :.i!li ?rreel Ilsrbm: r -x- .on I'-iy i in- t F.,r prl.o aud terms aUdress -MITlt'd SOME, Uo iiroadwa v. ARAK., CHA.XTE. foH SALE? 1 11E THREE store trout jnd I ur ?toi'J re.'ir hiiok Hou-?-s, to ? ether with li-*.-'! r lot, it re .nid ot'alleii um rancea aud payiag *, IL Apt o ou pn tue siore IKi Ludiow stre. t. A1AROAIN-A I'll Ft EE -T , 4Y iiv~ M F. N T AND stit cellar high ?io?P 1 r..?n ne '1 l?c, in 1 rder aiM built in sbo umsl sul* antml nia- ner lor tbe trt-sent occupant. " ith c rrin .? bouse 111 r ar will be sokl lor lev ihan the cost 01 .he improveuicnts; v. a ?toatpr buver on easy terrov Ai plv o llw executor on lire in lata Its East r.lty-third street, bear Lexington avcsiuc. "a]'OH -A L7"? f'lE lM.:.;Tt\?l i Ft:. M II BA~MI NT r Rouse, No. .5 snivr, mil rf?' 17 reet r fit five sluries; al? ? s oi Ul (en by own. r. Applj Willi.:i or to C B. C"N \N I No ill uroi iway. 1i?oK -ALE-A B.UlnUV Tl R".E SToKY HlOn ?t,., p i.r. W! 'jiin Hou ?. ^.ixRJ, 1 it 1 leet. 3 rooms ?eep eloaaakiy tin sti. U and in t ue order, on one of tin te?i strri', in Harlrni, n- ir Fifth avenue. Including Mirror* UM iatur^s, Cornices and ' arrej snnuld be n ? n m ho appreciated. For p# rrntia appiv to UEu. IL st't.TT, C| I'ln< str^ t r<ar J OR Ha F-'HE Fiitsl i'EAS-i FOI'R~S:TORY III .'it stoon brown s'(im Ifoaw bmlt by iiamilion, No. u7 East aireet; 2iix.*?Sxl S; liekrlihorhood ex eeileni 1 rn-e $17 .. o. F.,r ;.cruUs apply to liuM it MOR'iAN No. 2 Pi*e street. LK>R HALF Aljl OR I- \? ,t ?RI ? ix?> R , XTIJANOK A tor rnsaller H uwnr ^?>1 1 psyini Te tein -'it I'ror e-'v tlie-leur story t r'.wfi st- -io lu-.h , tm.p cj l ast FMty-tbird sireet. Inquire on premises. T?(i nrrriRY basrment and prb-ofr. \t? nion stoop 1;. k Hon? in eieean t.rd r, - B*ekinan Hid. prk-e fid VI i;i?h i',.iirc.i $.'1,000. Ao'lreaS I fctt ? \CE, box iil Her ltd office. flop FAST 1 WPT F. IT TP! F.r.?J LFi. \\r PIRV-T jh.w* ? ciaas (oar nory ii-.-rnem ai 1 .111,-<-c ,ar h-gh mr vP pro ? n "'one Hi i.?e .11 the ? .?st >:otnj leie < rr. svtnevrrs in. eni Improvement.. 22,6? f>xirs.'i ?? ll be soli ??'? oa-rsin ?pr-iy to i> iiaro v. MaRNETT, 111 Broa iway, re 1 in r, b.-i-i nn nt. Wear sule. i ?Tnr.F^ Tnn?. ? htort ami rni t.\r. anm J\ . I'? ? 1 - l"-t and IX* Jj.iv ? t. 'or ? r tu let; emtahl' lor parkin* ?r ttora.'e hium - *<lx7U; term? IDAlTllt E. l~ A H. T. HIkMIa V, lliulMn IL A?r?R HALE. ON TWKNIT-sEOHIJ STUKLT. . rf?: utiavinue.t r etidn I .m iito"! 1 fitix no, price iirt.ww. i! i . in:, w. h?. ? ff ? fwent H'rt gtf't 'I'fm awniw ftouli. i~r?K ~ AI. -'FhKKK -I iKV K^UWlT rtr?i>T. I Uowe. in *?*xl ord? r, In Jtnnhwsri in l< rn im proTf'n^n'H. ?!? en*T t. m . A<llrt.?a (iWMKR, ii-t. laky* pi>c- l#rof?trf?l. L'OR Hal -a >m Al.l. I .-K AND e roHK AT -y? r W <t I-?.rt-. ilritt street; U le;?? 01 r rnvna from the 1 t "< it*: ? for further particulars ? ph ou tha premise*. fpi>R ?-ai r. n,i r rniiv :j< k H<t> ft i m ea.n ? r i Tit if and t *v< .. ; elm tne two art o ntng II ,nee- IKlprren r.t I .* tmr ?naati mot ?>> c?o ii in .1:1 on b..tirt > 11 m? >rttr it 1 r flv# 7>lin JAMKS I'MIKK. 3Wj Mntli iiTenue, iron WALK CIIKAf-aOlfF AND I.oT, WITH A JT bnktry. Id $.mA neifhi.orlie ?1. inijnirr at 7to lentl. ?wbm, be. wee iiit -tr, and 1 mj.flr?t rr> rtm Koith Hide. A T?.rr DRMRABLE MM' ' 1 AND WrVT*Tt J\ R*?id?n<-? In the fweoty-* d ward C ir.i< -l> %. ?? V, !??-Jti ai t.. r in : v. rv t ?< ii'-rit to t?l? <? tj : 10 111 ir n> Maewaib " I? 11. I? r/c at?l ruony: ? on taia* ill araBern inipruw menu -ml conv rtiea< ?uiiv futakihrd *|t?i ii -:*r 1 r on and gt>?nt ,i-- m< . n *?<??*?*ri throughout; laikf - lh* kr'.niMl*. eunuin ing Mhku tl> e *crv-, are well ? <>? ?<t ? 1I1 trn t f< <?*, Ac. ar Iii??urpa<-e | lor lie 1 Mr i| -? ? n<-r ?n1 it' llitolltlf Ui<l not In<. .1 re 1 h. I' . <1 Br <*?! ? ?y re >m >(' wiirrr ru< v^r 1 pi - ui p.a r.* .tjei en. H '| -if. A>r>OARjT?ti l> IT riltBD WA I? T.i !??? a ir.-.n ? of it wi'ti ?i o.| garth n, pin nle if.: ? 1 l.f nri ? ?it *>f r '.1 hor - are ai 1 Me a n boa ; ? 1 b let SI >w rent *? (" d enunr. Apply tti.i. whiX*- ttm I'r a ;*.? 1 <ir?" r 1 *' fin 15. TO LET >R LBAfB TO* A T" R* '?? *HA PK-A I (K-iTAh.a K i.le e in *??>? v irr .im*(?w?nty. tdird a ? .nit. irroOnj; ??fHt n, mi e- **?* "?< > M i"? ? I'm .(OB e ,.r e jr 1 O _ ^ ' * flo-ir tari-e <*. tit Mr' <f ? 1 iii liti >ci < i 1 ..try. el 1 ?to m ?n4 eloicle e?.eil l? inioint 11 f,ni.>m r?tid .* a -t on i?eoo4 floor; I.. 11 ornNI c l ' (>m? ;i ?ui< f<*y\t *t XT* ? w.. mri.M ?Ut:t .i.*r| w* .Inn ?. r n>|< . .? . Hi <r. ndi ire w | nid oui with frwt irerD, HtrnUbery. *1 , ? ?t M<- md a?rr.atre fettMe;i?rm* r>-a>oii?t>M. fo ii.irc ul W. I ?>. VH.UI4 Joba <trei t ?.#? fort *1 ?'A?m and ?a,nno 05 Holt,oahf.? 'T I'' 'v will f.nt n brie s Moii-p f'l roomi) nod tut-a l??s?. >? lew im ' wa k eituw li^i l :m i;rid?i' ? ?(WmI ffcwee to -tecum a .1 ? .0. tall Ml nil wUr'! inoni IM ? a?t1?eBl/uiutit n r.,cl. EI* r lia neon*. 1*0* IM r-"0"K'< AV? 1, T hi ll.r F i? M irr ? (?ci?ry: Iim Kiif.n* ml i tli?r m.v Uniery : ir v,i( | NAl"HA#ll'-fc JW VarifV -ire^ For hai.k-a hv?; T(?%y ti ^Pi^nT a?j> t,,r? ?n v l(!,rr d* e' ^P^4' annual fenMI ? >'* Apply lt? r rCtT, 0. 4 In. ?ii.*et, u'lii IA J^oE r-nTjT ? H?e O a NT 1 >1 II STO V Ifl'.lt -?:?? ' brown utoiili I'o.iM . eiifiipr on leading av ri?e >'.4 ?ear Coo-rnt Park ; ? ?.- V .ir- an 1 c< ?? hm.ii' r- -i ?|.-:ti ? on ilio t ar: HIM I-ulit. tlh'tv lr"?< ,.d iin l f)n tatie 1 ill a mpurlor im n. r. .ill tn.-?< rn mi rov-. inrnia. ?i p irticular* #ddre? m. St., hot liS llerakl e Ml .:>? "r>I.AH? AND KFRC HrPTlON o? propkrtt Pll.i a. I (Mrenlar* ?pd every Kind <M rilntinx 'nr at ? ha MKIKoFuUJA.N PJU.MI.V. 1. I Xbl?MiM,{>T, SIP hroad" ay. |.|'.v?OKi ?v H!ai?-< it * /All! EAI.K a\i> xo i.r/r Tea ui ? raj rn <11 t?-h, iiiiM ki.v.n AU\ 1 Kill 1 M. Mrot nn M-.'.v V BE UhK/U I) lit' HV K a. Ol it 1..1/M Ii OH lCK IE 'iHJ. lliNtl I J.AM> MViNU? ( AhH XL'ILUINO, fllHNKK ??! HI AV. A*D HOKKUM i-f. UI I it h nl'U Kiii' m "A. M. 11 l.i. 'i I. U. , ? H Ni'AV, ! ti'lM .111l;l. 9 I Ml < a 11.1 hi r AM> a 111 ? ? ? 11' V.*:'Nr' >0. '< ?'B?? * ' h'tHMh't, EHOOELTN. il i UltOOKLfN PROPKHTY ft.ii SALE iVD TO JUKT. ' t?lboant s story man btoop brown ptonk Ji House Qrat i'Um> mvesiuo ut; '?>r sale fit a gn at bar gain , most select part ot Brooklyn; Utile caafc ouly wanted. X. a. herald . fflce. _ ' I^OR SALE?A PHILADELPHIA HHICK AND r tiri ii a (tone first claiM Dwelling on t' rroli street, near Mnh ivmue, Brooklyn; sise'AixW; K) morns; just eouipleted; finely iiuished price tWU; greut bargain; i nil. <1 venue cum lrom Kulton, W all aii<i ftuili ferries; distance -II mluutes Apply ;it drugstore on corner. I/O It HALE?NO*. SO AND hi ^ I. MA KK'tJ AVE V JTB. I near -ixth a fuui HrooUyn: two ?"W nrst cla-* bio? n at iut Hou*c-, -v11 i *M irn! ovenu <ibi cuHiutot*'; termseasy. Inquire ou'lit' ot JOHN AlAiilL 1.1 . \ N L'OH SAt.E-4 OMIOKTABLE AND I >1 S! It A I. L E COT 1 i gi and two Mi' i jo uilntite* lrom (< rn<'S Hr.m.n, tiarvatn to pieuipt buyer. J UN EWC.N, il) Nassau street, room !<? _____ OFFER I SO OK Pout desirable MV Hnusej ill private litis, B> JAJI - HI. ill-r- SON, i.-i4 I?v, .New V' k, at an ui'K'i i which is our- a l.lile above h ui ttie pre > ut cost el production. Ouo thro, ?!orr brown stone DwelHnj;, IDS Lee ;i venue. Brookl u to *00 ( no three story mown sL.ue Dwellum, 191 Lee aveime Broot mi P.700 One three sti.ry brown stone tore an I Dwelling, ci.tncr Lee avmic and liny ward sire l 8,W)u Cm four .-lor' Store and Dwelling.'.'.Sit! First ave nue (now in.- i dsiern Boulevard. New lorlt City, betWeen'l-Mli mi I II>t .ireets) 11 1<W Terms to sum fiurehascr. \t I must sell u ponton oi my real isute. 1 offer these four now buildings ai mi ups i pilee which Ipso low us t" in tract I'Oini etl ion. and guarantee lo accept promptl> the highest Uevi .i < nly tt.e upset prue Is otfi tel. All hiiU will be acted ii nil fniriyiind opened In the bunk In tlie pr-'-etice ot In lei's ai tie' first .National Bank, ot Brooklyn, E. D.. at 1- o i ucfc ou -nturday n xt,- April l" Bills tor the New Y..rk house will t? opened in llko mannei at toe Kiitli Nauoual HuuK, ? iK> l end avmue, Nev. York i it v, at I o clock on Saturday next, \ priI 1''. leu per cent to be paid on signing contract; I alunce above the morisMge ?<- uuv b agreed on. i" mi-i pur Cbaser; eonim.*ieii .,nd l( gal < X(ie.i-e? paid i' ? H.-Iler. Kor deser.ptiou ot prcpenj and luil pai tl. ulars bend lor ctWular. ?IAMI S HESOERKON. 234 Br adwar. New Yor'.t. opposite new ifustomce. / ANK OK TUB MOST DBI-iK AHIjK THKKK KTOItY browu stone Utilise* In Brooklyn eau l<e bouvht Ininiedlately 101 a til'lc above iiior.^ngc : an inrestuieut ? loin oilered. Ad.iruMi PukZK.n, llerald ulliee. rpO lit 1?1N BROOKLYN, TIIHEK STOBT HOWSE8, 1 in good ordi r, an . vvnit ali i. oOem iiuproveuioa a, at iniiderate renin- Appiv tn Ostale ul 11. BUnee. Ii j-noth William street, oi to 0. HOWE, Afient, 37n I'eKatb avenue, utooklyu. 'fuse LeKa.b av. itm ears at Fulton u rry. mil LET?TO A CAR Fi I, TENANT, A HOUf-K IN I Uie heart ot BiOi klvu wltti eoaelilnjase, tdabka, ii lota of (>round e >vered vvuh the ehoiuesl trait troes, at Bl.llOU per aiiuuui; property worth $?U,U0U. Ap,>ly to 1' A. I'AILEI Jl i n ,1? iJinadway. C: 1 Itoop B'ticK not'SE, j.ix<o, riUUv. tut lull depiU, tier h aiite Kort> ii urtli Btree , 17U toet west ot Itri t avenue, Brooklyn, or will rem same tor 130 monthly rem, terms easy. At bililTli'is hON?, aid Broadway, Neiv York. <S?R <UW1 ? riiBEE -roitY nuia stoop hrii k (]puiuUv? lMu-e. tot mil depth. U Eldert n'r ft, Brooklyn- kov at IS Kilter; street. Jernis at bMi i ii ? feONs, Br' New Yoik WESTdlESrEll COIIIT1 PltOPEUiY FOR SALE AVD TO REST. AT YDNKER-. NI. A R l?KPO I? HOL'SF. WItH 12 J.\ rooms. (ta? .in i hea er: shade snd ri\ r ti'-w. fruit *c.; oiilyt 'W per year. Apply to JAUKS YOU iSA.N^. Ajieur. at luukcrt? IT YONKEIt.?(J UK AT BAUOAIN?liOKti: WORTH t'"J0' tor $e.U)i> terms easy la rooms; river view : Hearst ami.41 and rt i.te or c.Ui on JAMhn i or MAN 8, A 'e-it, lit u te r ,-a. A KINK PMtM-iei At'UEs, IN WEBTCUEsTBS l\ county tn jr in ; .-it.. . i?j' i , J'K.ek Cropn lann ii " r" ten ?? J - 'or-iii ?; a iin'-jaii' easy lerms to prompt purchaser; ii-oeueot 1)0 n res. I. OLiVkh OaRTKR, 38 Kaaau street, room 11. A BARGAIN.?FOR SAI K. A TWO MTOltY FRAMK J\ Oottawe i.e.) quarter ot .n acre of (>rotMfcl, at * liain-iiridvc tiv.- oi is.i <? -' wall: ii'om sta'.iou. Iti quir< of o.vni r at i-7 a-L i ..teen li strce-u . LAROL M MBhlt til' BKAL I IPCL COC'M RY ?\ beat-ol tb? t'uds n Ui let titruished. tor ilie sea s' .n. i;..PUIN: A i:A itlNGTo.N, No. 1 i iv. nty-s?c. nd street. F'.'U It All K OP. TO LET?t'OTTAO E IIOUSK AND liOt .irden. le . in I i nl- r 1 village, WestolV'ster < utitv . mi strants trea e 1 ('all at Na 6i bouih first street, W iliiani?btir^, J. /"Iakdkv 10 lki-w:iii awa l farm hoi-k, \T cli .p. tn nit" v* !i ? undor-tand* gtirdanUig: two aii:<? (TOO! II jr'?-in Bridvo. ihird tv niK.ou i d ; Kiver; purli n iijniai * rurr.inin, s-ciriei m abun ire :n i.e na -.?? the place. Ai.jir oA C tTKWAIt r, *.o. s, Franklia rtreet. rro i T?Miak w i.f-r farm4, is Tin-; town of I W. *u-h-u>!\ HV., iiumiihV walk to railroad ata linn ami null hour's li < ? in m Central I'.iiK.a larve. ? ?lb? mtial Mansion, Mi'table tor n law !ami!.v md t dimmer or wiiii. r n-wlcto' . ??Mtii modern imorove m?Mii?' a K'? > I stable, ci a.'ti h'iD*c, garni. ami ii.out 10 a.'rrjiot hh: u i i-rv ; lorm. i ly upied by me ouner; w .l pe rrii ed Ui a good tenant lor a terra ot year*at I O.I0 pel anuuin. Apply to WiL H'A IbOX, W 1 fjiik.ui atreet ri ') l,K!-AN I l.E<i A NTUV Ft HNIHHKP IKM <K, 1 rcntaiuing Ave bedroom* r repuoti room, parlor, room, comerveiirv fountain, Ac.. will* t.i.x ad di loiiai ro. .B.i in tloi uiti' ; fiai lin: lor live huraea; plenn otiniii. shade aB<1 I" acre* in luwn iirae*: every ttiti j complete ai tne nominal lent ot per year, an tlie .vvner leu m tor i.nrop'- in Mar. IIko above l>ia- ? i* within ea*> aercan' ot KOerda.'e. low at. Yin ?j nt *nd \ouk( radi o i- n tl.r ilu l on luver. Add rem H. JiI.Wm . (tturi, or at 1113 tteat 1 wenty-aeeomi ? r. ot, tow York. rro l.LT-AT RTK. ON HIV IaVW BOASl lOOHj ? J MS room*, ttiti uer.-a; p.. .J ?ha?Se, ^ard- n. roach ' h'.U-, i'H"Uirair- . m.I !??? r.-ion ii desired. 0. S'lRAS.T at Itti'A >-r?I* V ASOlilUioSi, l?ni Jtark'a a?enu- Br.- k.yn. | fTO l.PT-AT TARRVToWE. NEW HOCRF; PARI.OR, I diniaz n oro. -i > bedroom*, Lath room; every mod ern ' oim ? ni< i '-o . opien id river vi.w; ten minute* to , ?,*!? up'"<t uinre on Mndwin Kiver lot (* \i.'o. ?ith ? ?a .e rent s ") Ap: ly to WIiXIa.VJU Vf AIiLA< li, 3V t or uj mil at reel. __________ rro LF.r-is ta>. covni-hy, a ihutk. fi r 1 nl* ? l or uiluri.WI?i?d, lo ated 16mik*iu We?t< hea trrrniiuty nrardi iiot. Apply to Uf. MOT I, (3 Haoiion avniic irom t* to i and ?to rro li-.t?at m w i nci'iKi V.V misrn ;r fi:i>m J t'o'Tv -eeon I rtre-1 re*id> Tire* trrm |*o to t4uV^?r year, ippty ' ?or a.idre?!> JOM.l'U i.AMBl E.I, hew Koeliell", fi. Y. . rro i.;:t-at nkw nornfLtb. (A noon cruNOB ; I lor i ?a?h and I ir.1 in*>er> i BuiMin*. With I n FiMe : i'im iv ' i are on?nrti.ti'f v lor a live man Atl'ircgg or apply to Jo..i I'll i.AMBPfclf. Ken Rocbefle, ?? Y. rro I I Olt ! ?'R f ai.B-?t a ? vrr:t jck. ATWfiST 1 M >an; Ve nr.n ? tMnek ir on d- f.t r.n Bronx r;v .? *1.11 -; i.- r llf u*e, ilxteen rooata Inquire ot Si.iH<;i.u, 17,' Kroanwjy jrKHSfsi CITY, II(IH4)K BN, HVDnOI UlY 411) HK\I. PiSrAiS. i l or *aMi U?G* ?AI.F. ' n? *r EA?Y TFRM*. WlV Kt I fin) lot: mill a nn?, fcetw.en Lim o'.n *n I /a! * re> t- !-? ?? < itj Helshi* Anplvon prem- I i^. to III" I.' HAr.Kfc.Tl', or lu the p.?per ??oi? Aun?tr?et Sew York. _ I EH>R 'AI. . OH TO I.I. -\l n 1/ r K. KOkN, i ic-ki v ? tr on thr in ot ii.. k. ,vark and New Yor < Hai roa l ii ml iu irom >?...? ' t Mherly ?tro*i, ><?* Y< h. thr?- minute* ir n ?taii?n, two a.lio'nlna two story ?baeemen Krem h r,??t briek Hon-e? ; all imt r..v. menv term* to *ult < vuryhodK *ppiv to hi *?l? i uOi , t*J Voiiu'c . ery Mreei, Jcrwj t'Hj. To l,et or lieair. TO I ET-T* HOROEK* *T ?:Kfi ATI.Y RRMJCKD r. .?? >? rll nr*i ?ii.i " > on.l cla*l Mo?a?* m good ' lo In v Apply lo 0*eV1KR jIhohJ, M >?wnrk ttreec, | II .bo**n. >. I. I rro I.F.T-A rnRRR sroi V AVIiH* r? ktkkii k i ii u-f trt llnd*.ii *ir'"t. H'lbofce* near tHe terry, wr.s m< i-r' m i r- en?-ni.-, rent $i' <>. A^.iy at .to. ..tu BloooiOet 1 atr<-et PMOPmTl OI T OF TIIK MTV FOII all.E oil TO MKVT. A TTK- rToM-Fl.t; HIRO. Si '(MINrTRH FROM -V > tv, eon Home* fo* ?a'e ..r tolet: beyuiilai ;i ??* and a'irii i" ? W4'.< r w ri* ua an i newer#, I ti. rate. <".i i oil ilAMi rt U l?tMo>, Br|l(e ftree' di poi I *r -l?? IRA ?i, ink BR Hi 11 IO.V HOt'MB, AT j\ . I'erth Amt. v. s. .1. Ima .ir*.- man*i..n hon*e i* *itaated in i v> rv he%i iiiai lo ailoti. on hixh ground, i omiown ? OKavi w oi t-.e'i li ?1. I he grotilM* In. iude a tine uwii, wiih *had? tre'?. ?ml ?. y?ra> a. r?a tor ear a, |.H*tiir" * Ho h?u*a l? in a . i*l reign !...r'io??l, eimv. i nt to char. lie. v>:b<4>i?, More and to allroad depot and ftean>lio*t let .I nn <??, line* of tilir "I afford it* (iieni ?? inimuiuration wii'i New w.rk. i r ? ,T.-.i;j>.'i'i'?*' to uokavb h kly, >o. i. i'.ii--ti. < t. New .or*. ^ ' i I KMiMiROOD. f?. r.-MoDKRJI lior -ir VTII1I ? **.i'.,. and i ?? ganen nr. Inuri.iy located; 1 . fl r a ,'i n;...i. r it." "'.-hi only ca?h ti'ijuired, A in ' bo* I*; 'ii'M.'! . ffl.'#. Lu. ai' it,r run in>gi i: ash iieauttiui Inteal y*# to re*.da in Uie country t .* Kan.ii ir? ai\i ''d ? 4,i,,ii? ,t.y h*i oi ihi u ?*! I "Ir fii'il ?po'< hi -rftrui, ei< gantiy luraltfeeU or untui a?Ueu. ki tow rt ? ia . W. (). Rl LP- tr., I A-fl Broadway._ A Saroain-tAR'JB ho; f, HAt.f acrr or Art hi in iruit. garden andjawD; t mlnMMfrMM i.. i pgl and J ? inlini ?.? * Ir nil City ; HM >1 Hhl'.li.?IA> *0. 1 I'llF ftre?t. _ * DRHlRARI.R ' Ol'NTKY 'l -IDFN' R AND 20 ^'\ acr< ?. )'-eri .o.u i-r ( ity. Sew Brnnawiek, N. .1. ior*alettt< ip tor e?ni; moifern improvement*: nnmer . ou* nullum.iiw,: qjanii'ice Hi.l' flli? driv ?: afiade} Ihealtby; i.'> tninutr> it. m *ono . h<?ola. < I wrehe* a I oe t iniii.a'iOBi .n.i dopot. ov in r, it Lala>' ite arcane, BrooMjn, motninfi and e . nln/*. i/^ii aim- r m - ii ? M.'.trrr iMiire,. noon ho 1/ ?.iety. li *? 1 - i ?, ditireh. roi'road and iiavlga i tl'i" ? xeel t>'itm ?<ra and Fmli iarrna endlor | calaln/uo Wt.i arid ?. II. ~. S! AMiH A, I idvp, ly, Ml. | /tOlNTRV H A ?PA VIC RIVER, in Mist r,;fl I \ tr ii N?* Yet'*; ? a :re?. ftNtiirpaveA loi ha -utv ? ' i inn itouf (iw. illn* e* '-ii*n e < nt'iail im (* run ami , ?i.-. ? .it aliUli- ?!? e ?? e ; i'I?. r li ? t>?. If. H . il A Alt. .11 Cedar atreet. TtyiARM ROB RAI B?AT A HARtlAIM OR 47 AOT.KS r v 'I lain.I. v.. I. .1 nppte >r a*. !l"i rrope vli.r* ctlf i i. uli- imiiaa room I. n'.i corn < til. ' arnaua l?>. ,.e an h! a. ' * o ive , tin kr and 'en. ? i.-r. An ..-im OaORU* M A Li. UUkaffHta iju.'in .Ouiny, 1a km PROPERTY OITT OP TIIK CITY FOR SALE OR TO REST. VOH 8ALX?AT berokm POINT, a cokneb r Plot of Grouud, 7t teet frout on avenue l>, SS8 u-et ( on Nineteenth street south iMili abere will In- ?old verr low. For turtlier particulars adores* G. U.. tox 3.SM Post office, New York. ____ IjlOR SALF-A OOPNTBY SEAT OP St ACRES, 1 situated p, tulles from MountYernon New Haven Railroad; orchards; mile (rout (111 road; l.u Idinus S!uin and colli lorlabie. Address bo* ltf> rost otllce, lount Vernon. GIOK sai.k -olrvville, cnjiN., 2'i mii is r from I'orlchester depot, Blacksmith'* an.I Wheel wright's r lionj go *1 run of custom. with t>w> goti(l Dwr'llnif iou?c? l! h< ri- < f laud. ba-n, t'ruif, *4o. Fur ; particulrrs address Jolts K. i.YUN, ilanville I'oi-t office, Conn. ! 17H?R ffXLE?AN ESTABLISHBD LUMBER YARO I dealing In building materials generally. Ituated u! Far !,???'..iiv?f, I.. I . gold Mock on hand lor sprint? trade; growing ncighhorhoiMl: fuperior facilities t< r adding cull b' <l.i? as ? satisfactory reu-otis tor -e'llio;; Capll.i! required about $i nm. Also a MiliStantial Dwell ing, with an it ere of Oioiu.d ad'otnlag 'lie shove, b .intl fully ?ltuated oil Jamaica Hiv: delightful lumn of fniu* douce bathing, boating, tistainff ai the door; will be sold separately 01 toge her, ?>?? Hie i welling will lie let. -Ac cess by t-outhside Railroad to Far Cocknway .si a lion. FHm salk?on statkn island, the la bau place, ou i|. ? Little t'love road ahem two miles bar *11 cii.ii'antine Landing, < oiitannn t acres of (rood land, will ll could l:e mib-dl vide I Into several butldlng sill--; >tono 'lou-e wilU frame ex fusion tilled in \vi li bnck: in all, 17 room 3; nested with .steam; tstablcsand oilier buildings. JOHN SOW t PORTER, No. 1,?98 liroadway. I^oR fiAI.K LOW OR Be N I' BY Til E YHAR-THE I most charm n* suburban Kesideuee; olcgatitlv air ul.shed; c li con von ie noes' ibe finest art eollce'lon in tho Stale; wvi n acres, exquisitely luiil out; ample car riage and Utl lo room; line mountain views: hcalnt tin (lotibied; goo I society; near depots, churches, &c.; a rare chance to seeur ' an elegant houie nee* New York. Apply lo rilAS. V. OVKKTON, 103 Maiden lane. tfOK BALK OK RENT-ON MAIN 8TREKT, Wit T r Held, N. J., llousc; L> rooms j bat li: stahlei three rninuleg trom depot: commntatton, #. ?> yearly : 31 min utes ? n'in l.llieitv street. V* M. A. lod Broad way, rc ornj IX >V. LAMON, WeatfleKI. F'OR SA r.J'?OR A N(i K. N. J.--A BARGAIN, DW'ELL ira, '1 room-, hath and laundry, lurnace, Ac.-, car riace house; excellent garden slid Ituit; lot i'lx'ttHI leet; three nil' ire, from depot. WINANb A DA Vie. a, til Liberty street LttliNHUKI' Kl S11)KNCB TO BENT-IS NEWARK, I N. ,!.; handsome tlr-i class RaUdenue. with all the improvement* in excellent order, on the line ol liurso cars and i i.nvenlent to the railroad depots; situated on the principal rckldeiice tlioroDKlitare, In tut attractive nei(fht'orhoo'l. uud Willi iin;;e urounds: c*U IC rented, Inrnished or utitnrnialied, by a respon-ihle private nnu i y. v.nh priulegc o! purchase; rent from $1,5 0 to $1,800 per >eir: poises-Pin given May I, or lieton If needed. Address ItH'-iDKM'et drawer It., I'ost oftlee, ^ewark, N. J., n.vinname, residence and reference, HjU'RNISMBD HOUSE IN MONTREAL TO RKNT FOR F twelve m iiiths?A flrat class furnlahed bouse, with staldea, a large garden. 1 If tatnlly must be small. Kent $10a month, American currency. Montreal is the most economical oil.' to live in on ihft conuneut. Apply to "E," drawer 74, l'oat Ollluo, Montreal. TIOI'SKS IN THE cot NTUY PURMWHED ANDUN J I turni<aod, to rent. Parlies looking for same thould call, or write, s'utiiig rent and requirements luiiv. JOHN 8. hWK.N, tsl) .Nassau street, room 17. LUMBER YARD ANl> DOCK, at Newark, N. J., lor nale or to let, recently uccupicd by Waisou, L'witcbei A Dodge. $.'7ii,Of*1 per anitutu has been sold by the above Arm on this in k. Apply to M. D. WILBUR, 61 Hamilton >traet, Newark, N. J. MOKIU8T0WN, N. JU?t uTTAOEM and be?!. deuces to rent, furnished or untarnished, or for saie, a tiotlilc House. II r< oin , centrally located, #3,0X1. rurij<uUrs of J. It. t'uN Ult,' i, li'J trou lwav. VTKW HKl<;iITON, S I ?PRINTED LIsT OK Fl:R i\ Dished and umiirtiislied Hou> s and Cottages; also elegant Placcs, ilil.ianl Keonis, tables anil Oroundato let. VV. A. ' ?'! i.l yi Pine street. I>ATKRHl?N, N. J.-io LRT, Ar A LOW PRICE, A spiendl l House, containing U rooms; all modern tmpr .vetueut"- stable and c icringe house: large garden; plenty ot iruit uud .iha iu trees, and oulv ton mlnuies' walK Irotn 1.rle Kailionu decot: the itrenilses were for meriy occupied i>v D. B. tirunt, i;?q , i'reaident Urant I.ocoiuotive WurKa, an l are in flnMLcla^s condition. For luriher pariicularo apply to J. A. MOKi'.ls ?!?, 27i Main street PLBAS tM VILi.K, N. Y.-TO LET, A FINK COl.'N .try li. side nee. ? iili ;? n acres ol i and ; line trnit and garden ; ons hour Irom Forty > e n i si reel depot. For lull particulars call ou BRA '?DON di OOhLli, .ii iV'a?li ing.oti street, or C. H. Ut>r f, Flcasaiitvllle, N. Y. fTO HOTEL KKc,Pi:nS.-AN OI'POHTONITY BBL 1 (loin oe lin ing Is offered t > pur base a ilr't class Hotel at SeaUrove Cnpe May. N. J., on very eaiy terms, aud ?li re the i iu. t . md < i man would reo4i tho bene fit ot ti e glow .li oi ? new settlement, ? arted un lor very favorable clreuiui unees. Tue hole! has IjJ liciiroom* an I all tne at pointiuen s ol a fli -i class house. r>-a ly June KJL J. C. MDNhY, South Fifth street, i'iiiladm pbia. rpo Ll S?A HOUSE AND GARDEN; 12 Uoo.MS AND 1;eight uiinittetf Mais, toil pot; 80miiwtcs per raiiro oi u> >ew ^ora- icm ?)?!> per month. 8. fc. Dt. UBtlOf, ItldiriHeld, Heigeu county, N*. J. rPO LKT?AT I.YONM FAKMS. N.J. I WO ST"itY 1 lloiis<-. i?lth kltoheti extcusion. contplliing eight rooms: carriage liouai ; hall acre <n laud i two miles trum Kllzabeih; cirs run . w ry hill hour p!a:i)< watli to cars; five minutea' wain irom curs; all in timr ri?tj order;r n'J U per mouth, iiuiuiroot JOHN .SPAKKrf, near preiaist a. rpo LET?FtRBIBBKD. AT PL \INFIKLI>. N. J.. A 1 deltghttw House in I Orounda on Bereuth street. It minntea Irom depot; tminedtatw po?-e**toa ; rent $i.2uu per year. Apply to VV'AKJiMAM A LaT'IIiO, iKt.Sa.Hsau street. litunelt Buildiug. T'O LBT?8TATEB LSEAND HOl'sKfl, FL'RBIBBED ami un'iirntslivd; tents iroin Sami to for talo irout $1,1110 i.? boating. i>.< mi l ttiliius. ' 1' i' n . i J. A CU, YandarbUt landing. O L.1IT.?AT LEON I A, ON LINE or NOKTHEKX Railroad ol New Jer??\y.a ' ottago lloui*, tru rooms, four acr-s oi if round: live minute* walk ironn deuot; rrut $.!>*) per M'ltr. Injune ol u. NATUA.n, 4 Ui|.?/ Building, Cortandt "treet. rro LBT?BICE COTTAOK, WITH FOCB LOTS, OAR. J don, fruit anil sliraakerv beantttul location; two miles trom HolKlttn terry !>v horso ear-, rent, $374 t'HAKI.h.* W. WARU, 77 l>dar "treat TO LF.T?A nOU.-E, WITH 15 BOONS, IB GOOD n.' alii orhood; wh>?k-or part; alaotwo !l..ti<cs at Belleville n.j. ; finmnMiit tn chnrch#" tchoots, uteam it nd ,ori^ railroad*. Ac. inquire mil West Wa? ning'ou pla:e. . rro LKT UK I.I A-S-ti N WioW.V m , A KIBE 1 ('nantry t; carr't.;* hotwe, ba.n garden ami fruits o all kind*; house contain* all modern improve ment*' 15 minntaa from Hunters lasnt Irxiuiro on tha pr< mi<ei of Mr*. W. T. SilATTH it or at 11 < ? tiaiulx.r.1 atrt el, knf VnrK. mil KEN FIBST CLASS MKKCIIaBT u.ourixq J ami <!r:-i Mill- h-rge water i-oecr an<1 capacity; be.?t location on the Hunron lor grain, teed, 4c. Address the mllwriglit, M. C. Ci/'hW: l/> ,M Broanrray. f|K> RENT-IN RI-AISHKUi. V. A Ki KVT C LASH I* l? r .oki-, all I . prove men ? : Ave minutes trom curs; excellent licitrliborhood; ?> mit? mlinir ?ood \ te >*. I <>r parti' i.lar* inijnirc at ? reainv? n afreet. QQ ACRES AND IIOUSK 10 1 F.? AT KM ?IT Im: arable: to t' y; two ra-r ?id% c ^ap. Apply toBl.LIOll !? Sil ??-FA K l>, i?i Broad way. "aJVAOKK FARM FOB BALK, <11KAF ~ANDl hl(B4 jU Ea-r. to eloste a'i e-tatc in i>if.n Co., Now AMI) lamtiy located. B. B. Baaon, >1 l?rt row, ij|/| At'RI" FARM?109 IB TIMBER, Ra 1.4BCB IB ? ill" 4 field*. M) truit i.ees, ucar railroad navigation an.) villae< . ?r< it.iarjalu. 1. i i iMi !*??. i>ro<'.natooro,iroi;-?. co inly, Md. A-A/t RE?T-0?TTAOB. BI'.F. I OOM.H STABLE, ?P?/IIU Ac.; i a \ ? iwwflo i (Eaat R,v i . ne hour liy can or > oal. ? <? mtiiuil/ citi.a ('d. April/ to or BddrtH sa^IdRU, ow.,< r, iii rtroailM a/, room it. (2; I <> IWWk -3T nT,:>I 1 -''AND; a - HAKOAINt I, I j.'M'I'i lian-lon ariperv .i i.-rra; tine irult and *ha<ie. C. U WAfLAMi a v*M \r, 11; Fallon xtreet 160.000.000 Cfterrr and Hr mlock; th? litrar e?' l.nly of valnaMa ti.nh"r In i'c rxylvania; a "> market; pr^-eni worth iRbic hm pneo a?A'<1 futuro \a!ni* alui'it in -11, ulahle: o? fe't'1 to ??<?-<? a |.artner-!iln dnttr?enieni; c*p ita.lst* Invi'MidU; the ba Kim o' ,i liefiirna. aiho a I arm of 138 acres, frei *iM clear; uu^nlQcent ma i?ti,n; to acrea of choice train in oc art Oil, ttcjir in.. railro-"l?, srhooK Culieg ?nl rliitri ; <?*, Ano, an If'.n Mountatn. M Milon Ion?, W.-.I cv-, .ue I, flnrst ore Hit i railroa.l; admirably i<,cai 1. a o. tic btit and cli?.M*xt ' oai l.and* in M uylaiid (< omfierlandl and rerfimvlvan a tlArh'trln lor wl? in inv mar*"t in the wort I lo-day. ? apitauif* and bo?.ii"w men i^eklnn rate and pr.ifltfbi- inve ni t* wriil i- .m.i t ibfir tn ter- i i.v ad Ire - no.r interview, t>C tA.s iOB, be* ?,?ru New for* I'nttflct. " AEAIi MTAra TO EXlliAHSB. k fine bbsijiebcb. near t irv, fkbr am> JX e'ear an i frmn jP>'M to $.'*?,0U0 caali, lot food liMK, iidm I trt In i iih avcmiH. ? hllR, COLE A ORAV, SM firh awnw. i BKAtTIfl'/. PI.ACK, AB'il.'T Itl AUR 9; IIOHBR J\ witii all modern impron m nt*. ineh groaitit mountain eeenery . about I" niinii.e* if. m r ill wnv <-~ ? . - i Ihour* Mom sew Vort e. , ^nip-?t( viitib eouni.T, fr i.'. win %* ?*?1?"fed lor i rc] ? rIv in this rjiy tily Add re ?>? F ?BI rj{ H?rald ofllce. AIIAND-oUK BRAlliKBCR? AT I I.IZAIJKIH, B. with carriage llaaMe; <irotin<f? I?m5 0. froniing on tlir ?> uteeti, i i evebanye for Mew Vork or Brooklyn property, t. Oi.ElVEi; c.\Kfhit. ;ij Na<?au it., room II. AN EXCKLLEKT FARM, Id ATRRS BEaB J\ WorrH county, N. I -or -ale or ex clmnne, . i a Farm, acre*, in I'.. i.?lilre c..miiy, hone t?; no encumbrance; to exchange tor un ci ,yed or nnlinprovH Property. MONAOIIAB A Co., S'lBrond ? ?KX< HANOI, FOR NEW fORK OK BHOOKl.VV J\ , house.?i ? antitui r< *idtnce on the ime of the Be w llaven railroad near depot; Ore ?Tea in tmi' and jtar rten tiiriuture niciiid tl 11 <1 tied . piiotograuli at oinco. J. O. HOTT A >0.1, 171 Broadway. A -FOR HAT ?: OR EXCII AJf'lE. AN f tVT TWO J\ . gtory and Xani.ird r- of House; good o i buildings, inMidld ?location; i'latnnaid, N. I very tttte < aih if gold. l.i/OV o. W Broad way. AKPI.F.MIHO FARM Id DITCHES ? i ufN 1 V-300 acr to exchange for city or a ar' y F?i)ierty, IIOI'KlNrt * I'ArfHlMI ION. Ho. i East TwentyiM c.Kid mi 'et. BI.AirtFlTE PLACE AT |,olil'..-> FKRRT, OB ,, tlK lltida- n, to exchange for brown Mori" H uw iu i>cw >orh. IIOPKINH A CAItRINi t'.N, ft i. i Kaat lwenty-aacond rtrccf. A B RfiOK I VIS ? FOH BALH OK !? X' II A (I A It '" ,- ry all I Hv-m.-nt h gll St. .pl,rov< i sl-ne iinj'f M inurovi ni'-ntsand in ti r! ct oi i?r, n>r N? w 1 >ii en I'roperi*. ini|ulrr ol owner. No. ill East Forty ninth str it >?w >or*. BiVClt! n, ilia Dkt'f'.BCB ID TilR E V L s i > (J TEL1 CRAB n. MDIIf. KKAL ESTATE TO KXCETANCiK. TOXCflAME?A BROWN HTONE HOUSE IN THIS .1J ' ii v, llouso ill Patersou ami a Country Place; will lake New York, New Jertev and Montclalr Kn st Mort l gage Railroad Bonds. J. fc. UliMAUi.Sr, Agent. 175 Broad way. "L^\i IIAMIK-A OoOl) TENEMENT HOUSE, FOR ' I i cheap 1.oik up town mi .1*1 flilo. mi MauimttNil I Islkn I ? i <i'iiiv *ii.ui>: state pm o and location. Adtlroi It. Z.. box II# Herald otlloe. TOOK 8AI.B OR EXOllANOK?TWO FILL LOTS IX I Forty-seventh stri?>. near Madison uvenne, a i Westchester cuunty Farm or cit) luiprovnl property. JOHN Sli.O I. 711'i'dar street FJOR hale OH &XCHANOE?FOR HOUSE in new lurk ? ? 11 %, ii,'?- three story French roof Resid' nee, .wiih ?ini ls\10; heated throughout; batli. h a tionary tubs und nil conv ulences; carriage nous:' 19 acres olio! <? i'v ruioeiu. irui. trees, >11!. r.did drives, ires ami clear 01 all on. iiHilirmi ?< O. H. ."IbltMJN, N !l Pino street, New York. N'EW JERSEY <KV1U\!..-SPLKNDII> PLACE, iO U'Toi everyihhw desirable l >r comfor; and health; uiighi tuku oiiv property I'ghtly encumbered. Apply to .nkUj, owner, Ihir.l avenue, comer of 111th street CPLENI It) NKWJERSEY FAEK-a-'J ACRES MILE 0 lro.11 depot; price 41ti, 1" ?: or wilt?? x<-li:tlor desi duaes Jersey City, BrooMyu 1 r Newark, unencumbered. M. T. WOOfabEY. 8), Pine street. rpo EXrllANOi:-KOR A FIRST CL.'SS HoI'SB, J. TanrmetiU or V cane I I'ropertr, a veiv d'-liable Country hasldcilea, at Riiili.rl or J Park, N.J.; near de pot and ir mting 011 Hie Pa--ale River; suitable lor rum mer hoarders or iio:d. Ad iross KXL'H.VNiiE, box lc Herald Uptown Brunch otlloe. rpo EXCHANGE?FOR AN ASSORTMENT OF LI 1 ijnors. or a payln. Bii" n101) desirable l?d<, ireo ami clear. at a nil near UnilioiUrd I'ark and Eiucjland station, N. J., nini' miles 11010 New York. Address RES TAURANT, bo\ I3i Herald Uptown Branch office. rpo I XC1I ANG1-:, IMMEDIATELY.?WANTED. A TWO J. story brlak or frame lloiis" in exebango for a tiv , story double Tenem nt House lu lluiry stree': rent, $2,40) per annum also 10 ? on,; Island Lots, l rue a ad ! clour, to (ixoo.uii'i' lor I urnlturc and < arpets. Ui!U <k STBOUrtB, 203 ) nut 1- iitv w;v*iilh strret, near av. I rpo BXCHAN(1K?AN KLl'.QANT RESIDENCE AND 1 lOucrek. Now Jersey, mio boori Dear depot (Irult and shudu abuudani ?, no enoaiuliraiice: tor Hrooklyu property. EIjWAKO a VAlfi. 171 Broauway. BjCAlb Es'fA'l'K w \ mriw. ^ I XXI ILL trade a two story and B VHEMI.NT Vt Priefe U<<uae. 'ill Improvements, aire locali y, - Brooklyn, or lor RtralKht Whlskoy. Brandy or Wine. 1 Ad .ran W. P.. bo* 5 171 New York Post office. TXTANTRD.?A HOUSE In CITY ; WELf. LOCATED: >V aho-i'- $3^,0tMI: will (tiv? $1.'>.'0" ??ach vu.i i-mall pini-e at b"i>iiiiit, Ne.v Jer.-ev. (IHtQDB A MILLbB, 818 rnira aveuu*. corner l invth street. VITANTKD-MX) ACRE4 VIRGINIA IMPROVED I'AUM VV landk in one body, litual din neighborhood of Hie EnsUvh settlement; (food ImlldinnH detired. A.klresis with partiuuUin. W. l.YuN, SO Liberty gtroet Ann 0K LESS.?COUNTRY lluME WANTED. U.UUU Will nay easli down lor apokitlve :>ArKain; must be wlthtn ?n hour ol < U.Y IhiH una m ar depo:: an swers not noticed 1111 lu88 price and description arc satis factory. Addruxs r. A., box 017 Post olllce. For Other Heal Estate Advertisement* See Directory. FOR BAIiUm A WEI L LOC A I'EI) CORN tt MQt'oR 9TOEE FOR sale aheap?On a good avenue on the east sine, tho , only one 00 ill'' lour eorn?r?. Apply to 1 uu.% uaif- 1 NE'Y, Auctioneer, 17 Centre street A N OLD AND WEI I. ESTABLISHED FIRST OLaM 1 J\ corncr Urocery Store lor sale cheep, in the best in Biooklyn, doing irood business. Apply to i HOU tJAI'PNEY, Auctioneer, 17 CcMW street 4 CifA>.'CE IB!.DOM OFrERBD.?OLD R9TAB | ^? llslicd Manufacturing Hanlnc-4 or sale, now doln? livers profitable CA?li trade; 14 WW cash required. Ad- i dress LI)IT, Herald tine. A Si'LKNDID CORNER LIQUOR STORK FOR SALE? I J\ on I'enth avenue, with or without .->loek ; 'joo.1 rea son* itiven tor ?clilng. Address J. M., lieraid Uptown Hraie li oitlc1. 1 HANDSOME WHEELER & WH SON SEWlNO X\ Machine, all compl-'te, with new Uoodro li Tu.'ker. cost a lew months a^o $73, wUi be sold lor S 1/ Cull at , 36 Bond street. I A OOOD BAR FRY, WITH I IX TURKS, FOR BALK ? A A (lootl change for an IrisbOMU. CaU at &58 Eleventh avenue, in the slio; su re. About $:i,ijuq worth HCiLUf.Ks' hardware m>r i -ale or trade, .-itv or country Ptoperty, ILIitly e? cuoiljered. 141 f.i.,lit 11 avi line. JaMi. Fi^I.aY. | AM'l.KN HID DOWNTOWN RE.sTA L'RANT, VI RY ! best locttloa.doing an im:ncaap bns.ness, rare op portune , .'1.0 ample Roomi .111 1 cli >"" l.iquor tor.:-. MA LONE'3 Store Agency, 121 Nassau stri el. A LARGE WliOI.ESALK AND RETAIL DI-TIL- f ler\ i.itper -tore, 011 the east side Lease ami H*. j tares, with or witUout >101 ^ .1 baisainou rcasoiMblu . terms. Principals a.inress BCslJiuSS, box ill li era la Uptown Hraiich ultlce. A FINE OORNKR LIQUOR TORE. NEAR CIT. UaU in Hro'iklx n, lor sale lor half ilevaiuc, now doing a tt"'"i bii?incsH. MllCd ELL'S Store Afteney, 77 < ejar ctrfet. A r a hacrihc;-;?an old established milli ncry un i Fancv Goods store, situated on ttm west side 01 ritfliih avenue; cheap r nli mii.iiI amount of cash only required. A 1.1 lit: A l.KVY, ;tj ll.hui uv. IWMII UWDI mow FuH BALK OR To UHL. \J .Many years established, on a leading avenue, wxtii Fixture*, complete. ?f. Moottb, Mb Tenth avenus, near Twenty-sl\tu street. DRCO STORE-IN BROOKLYN, OLD ESTABLISHED, neat and coinpast: Ion? lease; extraordlmry low root; iplcn 11 1 chance. Call, ketwera 2 ni>1 i F. M , on DEX ; Eli, 73 Nassau street, mom 2, New York. 1AIIUO STORK FOB BALE-DOIBt) A FIRflT CI ARB 1J buniocss; a short di^tauce out oi the city; lung Ic.t-o; low rent. Inquire oi E. U. rc.LL.Oit, No I:i2 Fourth avenue. New York. For cheap prinhbg call on nix .hhtho. POLI1AN PUJNXLNO r.SI'AllI.I IUr.Kf, .No. 2li lJroadwav. ^ j t'OK SALK-A LA ROE NUMBER OF sKCOKD HAND hales; wlil be sold very 'ow toclise them out MAKflN'S fnft Company, 286 Broad way. FOR 8ALK?THE PI :sr CLA.-B WISH ?Ml ilir. Hard saloon TIM Retreat, between Broadway awl Fourth avenue, at a sacrifice. Foe psrth-B.ars apply In saloon 1 he Ketr at, i:.'J . > srs?rt. i LiOR SALE-IN CHICAGO, 3, (KM QJkUStS COPPK.t r til'. ' olun it, Goose and Worm. Address J*. foSU. 176 Broadway. room :n. , L'OR RALE-A KI-.W Mi'K LIQlTOti STORES IN P IT I imI localitiei lor the business. For piirtarularn ap ply at ?3 Hrou . \ay, room l.\ or 61 Front street. L'OR SALE?A FIRST Cf.ASS FFsTUTR\NT. BAR r an 1 Billiard Knows. Apiily on (he premie. 37 j El t rhirirr.Hh *tn el. near If road war. i rOR HALE??TOOK ANI> FIXTURES OF TH li ?'T. I gar store "Jo. 41 f'niioti street, corner IVarl; very .! Cheap. Inquire on premises. IfOR HALF-GAS PtXfCBF.S, OFFICE Kl KNITl BP, 1 Ac., fur ft; >. whicli Is one i'u.ii ,h it* \ alue. Call at room f, I7(i Broadway. IfOR BALK? A mTVk R'HTB OP PlTP. CAWS r rapacity ; trade an I stock No. I; rhcap il aold iw j mediately. J. II. OI.L* ITT. 31ft Fast Forty-fonnh si. T.V)R FALP.-tf >NPI'.CTIO\KMT AND ICE ?T! I Suloon, Pastry, Baleery ; good chance, cheap. For reason, apply n -torn 113 Ninth aveoM. j L'Olt 8AI.F.?ONE OP TflR BRBT Ct>R!(KR OROOIIY r hU?reton Third avenue; flue sine*, (fool location and no opposition; (ernm to suit: pood reason? givea for selling Apply at lu third avenue. L'OR 8ALP.-A OOOI) F4VINO WIIOLRflALK BL'SI r Mas, con-i' titi? oi iruilK, i>?aoCK. wn?'.< Ae.: long time eMHtvlmned ; profit) ;*? to fO |er eent; i,r will r? cbanxe lor desirable Property; e.ity preferred ; reason lor selling, jrnor health snl toing to i.uropo. Addre.-? W.. fco* Itl II' ralil ('Tire F'OR RaLE?A RB-PRfTABLB Llql'OK 8TORK; wfiuId mike a small h"tel or l>oanlm? l?on?e eheap rentiflre poalticn. .xppiv in b?r?mcnt, 41 Fulton strceu L-'OR BALK aT A BAROAIN-A FIRST CLARS C?ir. r ner Lienor More, noins a ito.Ht hnMne^c cheap rent; lontt ????; ?ne kW4 ironi Cnion Ha?e Hull I frrotirids; well adapted for boanler". Apply corner l?o and Kvtlcdip street, Brooklyn. j*OR BALE?THB LARlIR OROCKBY AN0 LIQCfiR store .? Crosby -tiTet, i.i'nr ilrimct afreet ar-d Hr-ia i F way ; five ye.iri' lease; satnlactory reason* lor set Apply at :ll <:rci?by street. fOR RALE-A COMPLETE M T"IT POR THE MA.V F ui.ic.ure of loda water, including Oenerafirs, Founlmii* rrueki, Hom??, *e.. fnr half 'heir value. Can be seen at l>. Ne.Wi.LL * BONs', loot Sim tecutii etreet. Norili Hirer. For b a lb-A ri vr i.ioitor byore, doing a (Tool huslneAS. Apply In ilie store Ui Jamee (lr??t, lj^oR ' ALU?A FIR-T ?'LA-S BABP.RT AKD CIS Mr leeiiouery, on a principal aveuiie. In iuirt at >Hi bnflolk *1 reet. L-'tlR RALB?A WKLI. BRTANLIRHRP STATION HV. 1 Bo K and *n?!c storer careinliy aeiecled suiek; flr?t .lass flxinrei: splendid On^lne?s neighborhood; wlil he sold very low; ?ati?i sc'ory rea<ona ler selling in I opportunity for thorough lnvesifc;atiun, Apply ai 41 Orand street, I, Of RfLE?TIIK ORiOINAL RHaDKR, CORRBK " Row iilinreh and l lianie* strreu. I/OR BALK- OROCKRY KSTABLI-IIKU IP WAR in JMesrs; dolnii a flue cash trade a* li e owner i? (tolnit to reiire Ironi tiiMihess: Is a font chance tor a smart man to do well. For parllcuisr , inuulre at 1.4 Sail is street. U.JW. l.oNs A I.I., STORE FIX1URKR FOR BALE At A BACRIPICF? Conslitlntf of two show Windows, silverplated flash, Mars, freti' h I'late filsss, Sheivina, Oa* Kniurei. Ac. Apply at M Fulton street. New Tork. T IIE SILVER HMKI.IIRiI AND BKK1MINO WOHKs, in tho city ol Chicagv, are now effereil for sal# it a ! barviin. lh? work# hav? a frontage of Jus leet on I Clam nrect and 103 on Porty tecoiid street, consist of j lour distinct brick btunHnir'.witb enfinc?, revert^rrtlory, blast ind rott?lini furnaces; the sepsrstln? and reflnint rti parlment 'lire comp ere I ltd everjt'ilnu neeeoearv to cil, ry on the tusine-s is on the preintsas; can' e siartfd at .inc"; i sv.ttcli froln the I hleaRo and Nor.fc Uiand 1 railroa-i rtiti Into tlN! ??r I of the worss. the inir' ha er ' Is to assume a nmrna 1 of |l'' HI. ol Wiieb (itnili it s now due. For Int'orirmtlo i aiittty lo ?V. I'. i*if AV,or A. I?. .lAt'R OS, H? vt asbiiiKtoii it-, rwta 17, mica*". 111. : (ii'Mli - ,SN Ol.I) E I AIIM IIKU C o Kf ItV I vOl'l/t ?-tore?. reason lor selling. o'?ner luia r>t'i?r i business. lin|iiirc in H.kV'e t rooaery More, b'l fctlbtil ! avenue. For llthrr AdrvrtinrmfRtl l"n?ler Thia llsadlnii S?t Directory. MLER AT AUCTION. _ ^ A? MORRIS WILKINS, AUCTIONRKR. ? Elegant Qouaahold Furuiturf made by Pottler A Htymu?) at an tlou. R. H. LUDWW .1 co. will bell ut auction. on Til"* day, April ?. at 11 o'clock A. M , at No. ?!? Filth uvenue. tltKini rarlNilMi*. Ill wiiD 8t> inwar Planolorta ilM [ mantel and Hide Mirrors, inlaid fables, Cabinets latm <* 11 rtaliij* mil Cornice*. taney Htau-taanQ Taoic*, ear\et Inlaid extciuloil Pining I able, Buffet, Ann and siao I Chairs au I Mate Cabinet*, elegant tolald Bedstead*, i Bureaus, Arinoin- Table*. hans. Cash mere curtains, l Moquctte, A animator and Brussels CartioU, Ac-; alio all Hi-1 elegant brt-iixo Chandeliers ami Unit Fixture*, curled hair V.utr sesmun.Jn and kitchen Furniture, CoM-ntf Utensils. Ac. Catalogues 't auctioneer's otlW'S, No. 1 I'ine street aim 3i East Seven.eenth a tree t A ?JIBIL JOHNSON. JR.. AUCTIONEER, JL. Furniture, Merchant4ise iin.t Fine Arts Salesroom, 57 Nassau street. Real Estate fepartraent. .'1 Park rem New York. Tliin day at In!* o'clock', at our salt -room 37 Nassau street, ORB AT SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITUIU5, toe contents ot three houses. ON Wi'.DNEBDAY, AT 87 LIBERTY STREET, runr of Nation iI ilotel, large sale of Household Furniture. Particular.-! to-uiorrow. ON THURSDAY, AT M I N l,U LA. LONU I-I.AND, <it tlif residence ol John II. Morford. Kxa . AM, Til8 Ei I <i.vNT fJ?MTURK AMI l.lVi. tsfOCK contained in ubove residence. Catalogue now ready, with lull particulars. ON FRIDAY. AT U CHARLTON STREET, GENTKbL HOUSEHOLD FUKNllt'KE. ^RT NOTICE. IMPORTANT "sAtiB AT THE SOUEBVILLB Aft T DALLE RY, 82 pirru avenue. Ti\c entire collection of PaintJet:* belonging to iieo. J. James, tnyeilier with the Work* ot I A. Oertel and other artistH of distinction, now on tree exhibition duv and ov?-ni:?ir wilt ti" bol.l on Monday uuu Tuesday evening, Api il ili Mid 111 ROBERT SOMBRVIU.B, Auc tioneer. Auction notice ?by lukf fitzokrald. Elegant Hobnebold Furniture at puiiilo auction, Till* DAY. Over 4011'ux by catalogue. 800 yards velvet. Brutscfs an-l invraln c?rpet? Till - il'uesnav MOK.M.nO, April 6. commencing at lu'a o'clock, ut private residence 12j west >3d street, near 6th avenue. Parlors consist French plate rosewood Ktauere. Mn<uiflceut rosewood 7.'4 ootuvo Pianofortes. Bradbury A W itiUsur, makatfii Udt Console Table. Satin tirocatel t'arlor Snlts. Inlaid marijuftry Centre Tables. Windows, real lace Curtain*. liroua ? s, Figures mi 1'euub als. Pieces ot Statuary. Valuable Oil Pamtiugs. CuauitMsr . (lit, complete, in rosewood anil inlaul tla.k wa'nnf' Bedsteads. Dress ing Cases, Bureaus Wardrobes, 20 curled hair and spring Mattresses, i illow-, Uou-icr*. Ac. t'iuing rimiu-Inlaid Frencu walnut nuffot, Exien>iou ra'ile to matchi dliiitm room < butrs lolid silver and plated ware,? hina, K.n neraaj ie? hete, 5if#ieeei ; Library ttud Beuroom miiih, in ret;? .Turkish i tialrs. Bookcase. Library Table. Lady's Secretary i HCO volumes ol Books: also basement and s-'rvaii!?: Furniture, v. l|. t li. iistiie laivest a:t.i rieii etiisale ol Household Fornituiv this seiuoa II. E. MrDONNKl.p, AuettOReer. N. B.?Roods jijicVHt and atored, free ot cliaigK, lor purel:a*'rs until May 1. A?JOSEPH SOLOMON A CO., AUCTIONKBM, 134 . Fulton street Ue iters la UiiiniondK. Watches *r tii ? > o; Virtu. Ae.; ad vantes inaiii oil consiKiimonu : < 1 1851, sales ol hoii ehoid turuilure al.ended to promptly, -e liublo -? soauoi. /s sar.;;. ? t'Hb i-.ntire stuck ok hta tionory, l'resscs and I'l iminif Matortal ol the lai licm of Meiionald, Oil.oat A Co., N?. I I'atk place, New York, wilt b.- so'd at htKjliou on WcduunUa^', -ipri; /, 1S75, eouiiuenelllgat U o'clock Su Ol.O. I. PATTERSON, A?.ii2uee. RT NOl'ICE. B. F. TIIH.MAt , AUCTIOKEtlt, Hieh r'a^s (ill Paint I iii; . Bv JOSJ IS I AV Llii: i CO., carts row, opposite (he new l'o-t i>t!lce. Tills oa* (iue??ay , atUo elmk. 4 B. WALDIttis", AUCTION EliB, A* By I). \v. tVi.s. r alrarooma 10R I.!l;?riy street and III C I ir street. On WEUM.-OA1. at aaie-roiun - Kui'tiilu.e Ac. Oll Ttll ...-ilJAY til 11 unlock, tnortirutfe of Conb'tns of i Imfou Place llottse. No. U Clinton plueo, Kishth s-rect. Cataluttuc) aud particulars to-morrow. AUCTION MOT1CK.?WEDNESDAY, APU1I. 7 OOM ^.\ liienclnff at 10'i o'cloek, llonseiiul i Furniture ol brown atone mansiou 1U i.usr. i i ' v-niti'.i street, be t?een LexiUnloQ an I 1'i-urill .1 eiiiie-. eiiitu'a 1114 farlor, Oiula^ Itooui, ? hamber and tia.-cment SWltl catnloguea In time. C. DIXON MO I T, Auctioneer. Auction sale. auction sai k. . (his (Tie-dav) morning. Apri' fi at n<& o'clock, at the eicgaut pn atu mansion. !.?.) West Twenty eiKtitti street, nea lath Avenue. Parlors?Jlmfintleent llrand Dnctlesae, Mnrte AutoineMt and Pnneu Arihnr Parlor Suits, richly gilded and carved coveted witn satin, br<jcudn ana raps. siein?ay & Son'* Pianoforte, lablea, Kta('i res, \\orks of Art, orouaen, Vase*, .Mirrors, t.'ur taio-, rose wood and walnut chamber Suit*, ?ly le of Louis XiV.; Matlri saes, Heddinu. I nrkisti 1 lialra. Louiiife*. rep and iMireloth Suits, hbrnrv, amliiK and servaut s Furniture. N. H.?Hi *1101. ibto ue;n in attend ance to cart or 1 aek goods for purehaaers. ia ie Broad way, .-ia m or seventh Avenue cars to Twenty alghtli street. J. 1CBBAM R Ani tioueer. A Al'CI IO.V HA UK. AI'CTION sale. Important ami ?ale b? public aui lion, I His n \Y T,u s(l?vi. eorntiH? Ine at I S o'ol.icfc, handsome Hint useful UouwIioM l-urnitiirr, twu elegant (out round 7'. octave I'lanmortet iHtein wa* A an<l Keener Bro*,;, tin.' oil I'ain insr*. Brnnar*. 4c., lit the elegant brow 11 hki in laaii^nn >"o. 17 West Sixteenth Mreei. between Flftk ami Sixth tvemm. The Parlor* obtain elaboratelr earred Car or suite III critMoA brocade, MUD u.i'l trieatel; Tiirm-li h~*v Chair*, Kr '0< It til..i? Mirror*. Inlaid ami ffl't Centre and Console lable.*, rttie on Fainting*. liii pon. .| p it I ii d rouse frlgnres and Clock*, hen < iirtaiun. ?'urnii e.? Ac. Ubiarv contain* rurkWi library Huit. Library and P<? ri 11 ii BooKi-a*e*. ? volume* choice Boo;..-, Uunrjf Ta!'>?, Chair* in leather, Ae. itoaewood awl wul iut i liarober Furniture, viz.?Hed mead*, Ur?Mni <V" ?. Buieaaa, Wardrolioa, Wai!> Stan.l*, l.i i.iu s i'J hair ai.d a unit Ma.uo- ?- rep an t pin* i Bedroom ? ult- Centre Tao!e?, Mirror* ? I.m .?*, Ac. I pin i lie I urnitare, < i> ninnr of 11 toot pillar Kx'-naw# Tain*. ?iii<* do.. in teot, ha i.iwime -IJeMaMrd with Mirror, Diuing t ! ii-, i'inncr and Tin . tquantity Mi tar and Flate.1 Ware rroi ki-ry. <;.u-* *<? ?. .<;*?> ;.?? rnu-ut. k Helton ami hall i urriimre; vain1'. i'riia<el? and ingraia Carpets, var.tty Ornament* ana useful ?loa*ei....a Arti cie*. N. H.?ho poitpnnem nt on aetoant of MMMher. Take Fiitli av. uue >tarfi * ? r mvIi av? nut**. i . i v-'IIN" Auctioneer. competent inen luuuort, paek and auip good* t itjr ?r nouutry. I CiTIOH,~AVi'TtoAiuThojf. ? V Over 4, - i,'"*) mil :nt io>* He-ant 11' unellnld Furniture, ronl.'n:* of private renal "ii e of l >r liei'linc. R*o > 21 l.i<'lv* iiitMil ?reet, n-ar Broadway, vi-?.? , e-ave I., .--a iml IVinntOne. eosi JiM): elegant Parlor s?iit Mir iV'4. Hri-srl-i t uri e'*. <?il Pa.nunc*, Heirotirl"?, Hroni'I'vms Bom w, Ktagcre*, tilt and marble Uip I nba ?. .**. P. Irooni InraeMWoo! ml irn'mit, rlople an I do'itde lb i- ? ? I-. |ire-?imr ''a?e*. Barcnws \\. nlr. '.ri. ?or u< a .d h ir M.ittri' ?c?. rtir*i?b i hair*, >*ii: <? ^ Kolntere. i.mi.if.-- l!?'lif>n#, (oriMCd, Wash f Hi- ' iiiir--. in-!, r. ?'t>ina iiia??M ?><<???? ry, iv*i-n^liin faille*, Hi.tie' * < iir?. Ac II. <11* /-IfV, AnctioMW. BV C. D. rAVOR Al'fiTlONR! R, Mr K. KAV11It's r\t? i-.m Ho me, 13 K?t.t l-.iiir teeih nn n n ar fir Inioilieo't. .?ill ? II mii day, in* .lav \pril ft, i.t l i *. M.. rich oar'or elia ntier ?nd di'ilnir room I'lirniiitfe, Brnn n* Oarprta Mlrrnr*, Cr i kery. l?re-?in* ('?<"; >!a Bed*, Kit. In n ii' ; *' o i ficaiii nn I rii !i Huhe ilan tid l? < ii*u lilami Ware, in nil and Kingly, rnl ami rnifrare.t do. lt?gt ?ale lliis upring. Ladi ? I'?ptcla!ly intltM. N H ? Klr?t elaM Wlif* a iT"e;a'tjr. Hettl^iacntt prompt. Aii"'. ?'ffl e Karnitare. BS UKRAHU, I KIT-' A < I AWtnoN!;F?S, flon * ? o 7 I lid slip alnl 104 Pear. M'ttt. IIIls OAV, April t, atlio li? k within UK *<nre, flK^CKBIl'H?Lot of aa ort. ! Uroi ericti a < i (to pur fr''l.b; an I '?harjfci) rVTLAIMF.O MKI i:ilANnl Iv of Ro .t?, Kho-*. roiton Butting Carpet*. Paper, UaKKin^, Hcpe, Hard ??.(, Ac.; a'no lOBAi '?<> ~T.t rf-? leaf H*) ae?4 TlavAna Tolmcco iimle I'ort tVardr.n'* m?i??etlon). Tol.iu ii -1 baie* Havana rutin ro. i Ai l?. BKn - / t,il? Auctioneer*, fo 7')ld ?rip. ii T J l?tPH HKGKMAN * CO. Wedne?.1.iy April/, at IU \ M.. at Ni>. MClinlon?ye* bhi. iwt* een I'lerrepont and I uil/.'i iitreet*. iarnr >?ic id furniture in noo.i order; 4 ? ?limt 1'ari n -;nw.7 n nlnnt niarblpfi'j I'limnber *'?!?; W painted ami ehenf nut il .; walnut i n uy and Sola HediteaH: HJ Howe'* -prmg Hel HotwuiM; M bret ball' Maltrciwo* leather 1'ilimv*, Bf iidniK, 1 nirllMi BraiMeU and oilier Carpel* ?H bra-* at t'ada, pier flfaxet*. Ktumlol Tabie*. Mlycrplateii Ware iind Kllcbeu C'lMKil* By i.-ioork j. mv ah/, mi pp. ain tiorbkr -wii r, neil, a' l <ilot k, al Halanrnom. "-I Avenua B,enti e Mn''ll Id tecoml IIai II deaWr removed thereto. Be ** < ? I*. Bed tin/, leetlitr ?' !*, Bnre.iu*, lable?, I'bali* Hn reatit, Mirror*, also Clutiiiiif, *?., Without IWtvt. Deuel* itivlied. f^ATALuGURl*. PfHTi-iliiC CIR?HJi.Al?s A??n AI.L \j kind' of Anerimi I rln'in? lone wlrti t|?*re?te*| Ue?r i ted by I lie M K iMI.i.,IIA> PRINTIJI.. RSTAB I IKllMR.NT, !*o. H Broad way. H R M'C'tl.l.OI'oH, AUCTIORBRM, ? THIKO I*, .ivi'ime, .our i I Fli-venlll itr-c', will sell tilt* viae, at two o'i lie k a (Oiire lot ol gen eel 11 ouai'lmtd Pnrni'urf, oou?i-tiinf of par or and bedronn Hu'i* Mtr rnrs ?*>. , removed tor eonvenlcnee ol *aie. I ?f*t>sai attention *.%? n to *al?* at private re?idence?. nANlKL MAriir vv , ai iunyivKK. i; n laliert. eirei'f, wtil ?|ve In* p< aUi ll.i, 0 al n*ital n'tife I*. ' CiIjKn Of mJRSITHIIK *1 PKl Villi .! li'KM e.- r,t Will ree. ivn the MM* M hM n hi on ruoin* wlitt ? it eau be displayed and lo.d to tae l>e*i advaaiaife. _ ______ _ fURtlUTOR'H HALF.-WM. KHNMRULT, Al'Cllov. Vj f r will -ell on i tin ? lay. April H, 1*7?. at I. o cloi k, * i i lie I-. v 11 i: IM? "a.i itool 111 H roadway, sf* '"[*? the vain it) e le.1 ehoi i l'r?ui::<f* <A?tor froiill Ii >0. I s I f v?m!i ?tr ei, I. -1?i ? n *ii>n*"i A and it, lielontMnc to Hi- e-'.i e ot John til. i d. ? u?i-?? d th imidiiu i * atr.e ? tor) 1:1k tenemmu wl ii \<m> utorea, an I toe aa." Poid" lite, lo i iotii' '.ne eelare. i Ra.\J5 itACKUFCIIVTnT, Kxrco'.or. 1~S "^, At'RTtONF.KR. ~ ? fa e r..i?m- S ha t Tbirteenlh M., rear Br..adw?f. R|e|;ant (trace in 1? t urriHin in I .ex in*; on avinne, Tilts -,y ? I ii"* lav A r . I at the privati r' -l Icice, No. riS ? Mi.itto i at ti.i' tie .r Iiirty1r*t ?t.cet at II o iioek.t'ie i'ii ii'* i n .iv, H< droo<n and Ha emenl Ooml* French | t ? , pu r and MMttitle alIr'o * . Moire Anmina Ci.rutin-i m l Uormieai teltet and l.rus *el* t:arpei*. Miv. r *n i llyerpiated Waroai MM ualr Ma tri* e* ni??wd Parlor Minn, marliietop Cell fd Table , .<r?? in/ Hureann. .-oinlcarved Fe.teicad* Fateii *l?n .nt ? il Fainnt * Ae. c'aiali ?u< ? earn thi* tnoiniu . '? u. iivuit in lurUinr unpoiiaunaJM "?? , lUuisda. . H. HALRS AT APgnot. B. HBK'i'B A SONS, AUCTIONEER > 11 ANUSOMU 1J01 SBHoLl) FURNITURE, I'UKO, MillltoKS, AC., ON TUESDAY, A Pit I!. 6. AT 10X O'CLOCK, AT NO. 43 WEST TWKNTY IOOKTB STREET, comprising venct and Brii" nl* firoet* Parlor. Cham l? r Library an I l lining Room Sum; Mirror*, Pictuiia, Beds, Bo.Ming. Kitchen Ut.-11 lis, Ac-. Ao. J j B. HERTS * SONS, AUCTIONABBS. hoi*-ehold furnitore! mirroks, cakpgtb, ac\? ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, AT 10?, O'CLOCK, AT NO. 15(1 WEST TWELH'11 STREET. comprising the Mtire Furniture or tho hoiu?\ ?ll of which i- in anleii ul order, having been only a few tii'in> hM in use. Thi* sa:e is well worth tho .attention or parties In want. Of really Kood furniture Catalogues now ready at ofllce of auctioned ? i llroadway. j | B. HERTS A SONS, AUCTIONEER-. Hot'KflllOLD Pl'RN I rUKK, CARPETS, PIANO, AO., ON WiI)M..SDiy, APRIL 7, AT I0>i O'CLOCK. AT NO. 3J7 WI T FORiY-EIOHTH STBBET, comprising f'ari.eta, Mirrors, I'iann B loicasef Bed hip ado, Bt'ddni", Ac., Ac. Caulogusii at office ol' auc, liSii Blowl>vay. J J B. liBBTS A SON'S, AUCTION (?15RS. large male op handsome household fur N1TURE, ANTIQUE CHINA, ANCIENT COINS, paintings, LAW and" other BOOK-', SILVER. WARE. DIAMONDS, MIRRORS, CAUPEI S* PIANOS, AC., AC., ON THUl.SDAV, APRIL 8, AT 10>?' O'CLOCK, AT THE RESIDENCE OF L. GOSLINQ, E-Q., NO. Ul Wf RT THIRTEENTH STREET. The particular attention ol connoisseurs i? in vlti d t<s this -all', tip' articles offered hciil" rnos ly very rure ami <d great vnlne. ihe !:ous<- will be open lor exhibition by permit only om- day be (ore iln< aale* Catalogue* an<l permits < an be ha I at tue oltioo of the auctioneer, No. W6 Broad way. JT II. BBBTB A sons, AUCTIONEERS. PEREMPfORY .SALE OK RICH PANOY GOODS, STATIONERY, OIL PAINTINGS, WATER CO LORN, At'., ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 9 AND 10, BY ORDER OF MR. A. L. CABRILLO (LATE KIRHY A CO.) AT HH STORE NO. 823 BROADWAY. BETWEEN TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH STREETS. comprising the entire utoclt. together wliii ail dm storn Fixtures. Showt Iron :-uic. Ac.. Whicii wi I (>e sol 1 positively, withoiK revervd, on account ot" theowuerio tn iug iroin UuHiiKKa. HBNRY l?. MINER, A I'CTIOH EEI% late lienr.v II. Leeds A <lmer. i s'atlBaltotl IN47. sal-'-room I '6 Duane street. Will irtve hi- per-onal audition ta^ tu-,oinary lor the past SM years) to nalc* oi Furniture at the residence i>t tauiUie* declining hou.ekcepiug. WEDNESDAY APRIL 7. at 10# oVrlocB. at tl.f private residence No. 324 East. i-niirlei-nth street, near seoomi av< nne. GBNTBE I?0('-.;H0LD tUHMTI Kf, itdl ! rcne.ti Mitrois. (cum and Krus-cls Carpet*, cvd. p. w. Parlor Soil*, Ai. 1 Ei.ijierc-, Ceil ire. r id<> and I'.nJ 1 ablet. Esro i lull's, p a Is wai j:iJ tnhg. Bed-lead-, Bnieaus ami ?> ;i-li- iiirt- d.ninrfExt. in Loui:jr. *. RooScra. Fea. Hed-. I? .tir Mat iv-*e-, Wnr.lrube-. - m.aitis Oil Painting*. I'rooltt ry, Glassware, kitchen Ci, u-il .Ac .Ac. I .h. V\ I.I.VBi-.Iti'iElt, A U1' flu.v .id- IlKUL'LMl SALS I. tin- .. (TvKltyl April rt ai I o'.-loe*. at IS^f H.,v. r\ ?11 .'<???<? r-i' AU'ioiiaiidi-e. Kurnion-e, gopl and sil ver iVatchca ihil r'li's i Arriages, Sale.;, uijuor?. Ci gars. Ac. De.iiem i>? iicd. FAMES CAONEY, AUCiTONEER, 5)1 UL'DWlH' ?l airiM-t, will mention lo ales ol Kurni tur- at |iriv.i(?: re , lc..c ?- ant h .i ?!-. Entire satisiac. tioii cuaraiitei'd having bad -;> ye iri' experiene*!, wltli ill egl'iiy and at i.i-.v. W.-in , lay, Ap ii 7, cnti.n I nru turc n ivy In i m dory ortvaf resilience 2ii Varlek (treat. Corner oi I'eac i con i-. III.; ot two I runch pl.tiat l ie. Mirror-,.. x'Jl); n/iiiiuik I'urt<l]lt, Kngliali . rusteiM and thr <? Carpi S; |i u li i arlor Suits, m irtde (up Cviltru an I otln i I' ?. n tozcii FiqiicIi i lock*, Mau tcJ OinaiiieiiU. ?PI and vulu i?u* nil I'aintlu*" ti.jetli?r wnli Hie Kunitiinc <>i aboat Iti liedrooui^. also tJlnJug ana Kitoiien i-'urmtiirc. Deal^raahoiiid ai.end. T P. T ItAVER, AI CriONEER. ?J ? Will m il on Wi-uu.' d:?y, April 7. at lO^i o'eUick, at No*. - J.'; ?n I 2 5 C< ii re struct, corner oi Howard, ail tile Too I j an i AI i 'inn' rv ..c, ?>l I ?, Slou/cnel i'niiii"tory' lur orn.i lei'.al, gronn 1 an 1 cut uln?s viz.:?lurzaatvek oi very tiii<? eul ({I .--i>ioIh Sha n->, t'rui . I'r???rve a .U Celery I'imh*<c. Chainpagu ' and ot cr Ola . * 73 vary line < n'Mug St.11ii's i upper ViI.k. lo 'Is <.r . v i v Ilcxcrip. tioii loi iuUillrfgla-<; ,-ti.ill: I.,. Pa.lev-. Ha irbiv. IH-lt lii.-' l-ailit , iron . alen. i t-sk-s Parti.ioiih. Sin .viug, Aie. ?' - now nab at auctioneer's offlc . 49 Urcat Jone- -tr. et. r p. rrayf.r, pi'riiSiv'K. ?I ? Mi.'tgage fale tula da>-. al I'rtj o'doCK, Uv virllir of a ' lint1' ! 1,1 rii;.ii'c, ,.t wi.od vii: ? I No*. 5'4 to AM Kait T v.i it ? in el reel ant P> to avenue A ? \i/.. Engina, Hal era lia'dng. Pulley- h-' tin/ -plltti r*. Pr->??" % Mit'da, Offloi Furniture, ilorv-, 1'racKa, I'uri*, Waguli? Harnesa. I-ca-c of > ream -. #<?. JOS I. I'll U. NEWBi HOi.K, Attorney tor Mortgagee. JM-: ..BACHKK Al ' TlONt Elt?sALESItOOMS lb? ? < li.ifh.iin ?tr' t a. Ii o'chieto pay Itoraae an<f ?tlvaiiec. lw., fine Seuiol Parlor Kuriii!are. one larje Mirrur, oae Hat tauU. lieaa ca I, Pi -un:- lablaa, Ac. VIORRIH WIL.KIXS, AUCTIONEER,?BALE BT 111 order Court of Coram >n Pica* of vn!u.ib?i Prop, ?rty m WoDotemrMt, urmr Prince atrcct. i-.. if. I.I'W l.uvV A CO. will null at auction on iUurxl^v, April K le.9. at twelve o't-lo k, at tbi-f.&cUanire S4!??r..oin 111 L'ruudway urinity Bttthlinz). M?w Vorit. miner tit d? rectloti at' Ulta <?. Brown, fcwj., refer o Wmutcr fitr.'C ? in* extra large Pl>t ul Orotuil *i;own ?* Nrrn. 142, >44 .ii*<| |4;? W<wim< r >lreel, ea-t aide 1-i leut i> inches north ot Priure street Plot, ??.2xti0 feet tmjettier ? .'ll the building* ttu'reou; poateiMiiin Mar I. I M. BANTA, Attorney. MORTOAUK UAI.K .Ia? ,K BKKBaCIIRR, AUt> ibMMer ?ile*ro?m M ? h4th.uu ?reet win ?ell it No. 34;s haai thirty aixfti ~tr< ? f. thit day, at li) o'clock, the fixture* o' a l.nger Beer riaioon. J. ?'. UOI. .s KIS, Attorney for Mortgagee. Vj-o. rt? FOPP.TII AVt.vrii. BROOKl.YX ?A BttOWM li /tone libU*-. 15 ro"im and modern nnprr.vt nicnta writ I iwo laiK will be sold at atl.'lon. i?y J. t at WPiutoa atreet, Brooklyn, on the 17th ot April, at ii o'clock; 4<h '1 loeiflon an l terms lller.l. M?? jm am r?a.!y ai tin- auction room. PAWNBROKERS .-Al.K.-Nh.KB vGllER A ]1FL> Mm 17 If, Pawnbroker* AuMl?iiu<tr*. wiil Mill at U'l ( haihaiu 'U el, M?nd.iy. April It. at II o <?!.??*. a larito lot of 4 tin inn l. By order ul .V will.hi Mich. St I TnirJ avenue. l or in >r iMrt.i ?ec c.v.>u,tig N?wi .-'alnr day -.piil It). auU tier 11.1 Mncday, April 12, i9ii. PiWNI.Il KKK'B SAI.K.?"KKBACIIEH * M'tl it, J'liwn.iroa ri' An. tionr r?. wl'l ?cllnil..t ? liatliain fjvet. fuialav April 11 atllo'rlo-s ? lark'n lot et Clohinr. Hv order of Joseph itin nanenr, f>4 f-eveuUi a<- nue. t r tu u.r oart.ciilar* see KntiMC N- ?i MoniUv, April 12. ant llcrwJ iucaday April IX Pjr.UBOKIR-.* PAI.-WAOriR-t ASP J..W etrr.?i IIO*. J. MclRAItt. Auctioneer. |."8 i hat ham ?tre?t corn- r Mulberry, will *-il on llu i?*lar iarffe and general anwtmeit gold ami liittr Wm l.aa, 1-immofWls atul fold Jewelry, Ac. By u. iW u. .-illn.r (UIn. Sixth nr. no.-. 1)AV.NBl,(?K R'rt >AI.K.?TUH l>AV. HMKm tUXK, AU' ttour r. New Bowery, will aell .V>i iota l>ri- e4 i.*111114111/4, haWM. Tallin i.lntn. t,u dercioihlnit Ar si .it ...i.u, f.mtaioonj Vern. By on'.er I >. Kergm >n, Hrnitu ?tri*i't. DiWRMOVMVl BALK. -RiniABI) riBMH OIK J eral Aii< rioii"'-r. tal*?i'. oiii >.?. sj B..werv will nell thj? d*y, a II oVloek. ??*? lots dcu'k nod Wgiiwn'i t lith lit? lirewi, Bhaw ?, Iteir limit <, t njcrt'loitimr, ,e, Beikllnf, Urtihs Banket* K? its HIi<k>?, Ac., *i.; niMt toali. rant< anl Vrmi l^yoriier K. >lntptnii 4< o>. In Botrrry. >. B.?The ?aIc ul ? clotlim^ wUi begin at II ?'cioi-k ahurpk IMtMIAI O V. H\RXI'.TT. AL'CIIOKl'.KR, WII.I.HKU. JV jil I III.r-iiav April fl, at 12 o'clock, a; bichji^ M tMnniti III UroA't .vm-:? :t?t i>. at roriy <isrn ?treef, near Rreaiwae, F:r>ii.ini inur story lunh ?t<;?i bruwu Mone tlouee , All li?v,roytmeiit?, Hne o .ler. ti?> Ki;hth avnae near 1 hirtletb ?treet V?ry Vkiuatili' itu-mea Property, ?ii!i InnclMhNwn ?tone three .tor* hum It- m-ul ll?u-e, covering lot. Si-'.lil ixly per > eitt can r- in J in on iimricaflo. ?a;i4 A- . at AactioBi-er'a o.hcc. 111 Bruadway. ro?m f, liAneuir t t. T HK ANI>HE\V?' CULI.K< HON, now on exhibition. Ire*, ilajr itnd eveninr, t Ultltt Art Rnoan, Nd Il)lfnt4 way, Ibe private gallary ot Mo Ictu I'aiut tllg 4 IH'lo'l^ltlg Ml OKOI'OR II. AMinr.n i, F-rq.. rompr oat i-iore th in rtl choice mi I tnr? luily ?el?i'te I rxain^lea bv potiti'ar 4i?d i civbrated ABcricAu ind leu'ign artnta. AM KK10AN. .'erom# Thorap^ni, bi4 eeicbrnted P*inf Itm- fhe til.l Oaki II PUR*?t," Home, - weeI Home " "Tht (Captive tJulH"?l.'a?i |i ar -flilv?'.Vlt Urn Mart? Mellow*? l"alt ? M f. ll. t?e hln-lwtiil Jf.nna n-W P. Kielmrii*-J. M. Ka.V?ft'. M uavia-fcd. Cay?Ac.. Ac. FO'IKM*. Bniille -Tndnoo?tl. M-ric?''xraml-B^ utHiniif-f' laufce -lle.vli?er?~!>?vid en' ? Paul We or liayer? i ohrtrhott-i hor* ? we I ?i.eray-tl.rljna?Dur-rir- r-Pccrn - Amitleln?Mo'ii.c?B,K ?en-?? <>eli ?I.' en ?t k. r :'onl?t>' Mutter J. v- Preyer - Miitul*?Teu Kate-aud more loan other 4. To he sold by anclon Al the Ar? Roon.l on the eTetnnj4 ot Ai rll T. 8 and 9. Tne LEA VITT, Anctlancer* ^ rttllOMAi tlAIFNRY. * r "I ION R K R, 1' I t entre m'e j i, ?ell? 'his's1', at l') '2i"J-!i? . Hi ick i.1*1 Fixiure* ol the Fbikst tore IVl ColaniM.i ?Weet i rookiyn, positively, in una or mor -Jlots. 'I'MOK. J. M.ORA f!t. A ' < I!11>'RI- R, 1 will tell I'll lr DAlf, II 0 clock. ?? aaienrooni If i f.athim atreet, corner Mulberry, ? mrv and P> t a- ortment ol llouoe'tolil K.irntture, ^ Frn.* < l4 ana I tjrain t' irpetf, Matire.incH. Bed.Hn?, A-., Ac, lo I ay 4tornt'9 ann advance*. w II,1,1AM ABoOri, AUCriONRKH, ,T i)fill i Mo h ii i r ?treef. By virtne of a c'lAtiet mor ti.ign I wilt 4eit thi# <tav, f!h tnat.. at 10 ocleck. the i-ixtute< an I Kj.-niture ul Itarrnoiii an I it itati ant ut >?. II* Sixth av. tiua. ctrj jer i wi'tity-flfth airre ; wainat Cotuitcra. Int ;c lot ol Table* AM t.'haira copper i rnv Ban es t'r'c.acry, t ttt? li-ry. Oi.t* ware, Ac. VVIUI.IAM ABUOlf, Jr., AlUirui f lot Mortgagee. K4?r Other Artyerlii>mfiili I'ni'n Till# j Ucailliiu (let! Dimelorr#