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?ro let for Bimitrass pitoporii B~ "liNNKTMl^LUING GBEAI BhDUCTlON IN Rl'NTH. WITH A VifcW TO i.CUKE ELIGIBLE TENANTS rOB THE FEW OFPIOi*rt NOW hiiMAlNINQ UNLKI' N Till! BENNETT Ut ILI-INO. THE UEM8 HAVE ItJ'.iiN EEDUCBD, AND FlifT t 'LASS TENANTS MAY OBTAIN OFFICES at VERY I.OtV K-NTN. ? lO INSURANCE ANI) BAN KINO OKFIOKS 18 NOW PRESENTED AN UNUSl'ALLY 1AVO Alii.I. OPPOR 'lUNI'Y TO .-Ei;l HI'. I I I 1BLE OFFICES ON Mortr FAVORABLE TEBM . TUB AHuVE BCiUJlNU 18 COMPLETELY FIREPROOF. 1IKATHD BY 8TKAM; TWO ELEVATORS. ALL A.OD1.HN IMPROVEMENTS. INQUIRE OF HOMER MORGAN, KO. J FINE KTltKET. \ ?TO LEASE, NO.-. 40 \ ND 13 KPRINO BTBEE P, J\, a ilvo story Tenement House, containing84 seoa yule. spiirtiiicii suttd two stores; water and gas In halls: ulso a rear Building, used at u laetorv and con tuning an Engine oi to horse power. Boiler. shaltiug, 4c. Ap j>ly to F. O. BENNETT, No. Ins Mott street. A SMALL STORE, NO. 006 BROADWAY. AN'> SMALL Store, No. 007 Bron I way. to rent, together ur sepa rately; desirable location lor jeweller, tailor or other iretall buMuecs. Appiy to HORACE 8. ELY, No. ?1 Pine Utroel. A RARE CHANCE. ?TO LET, AT LOW BENT, THE elei/ant Ion.- and Basoineut corner Bowerv and Blanoker street, oeeupieJ l?v > yle excellent locution lor jfaney goods. shoesor clothing; will i>e, divided to suit. A ?TO IjfABK, EXTRA WIDE BUILDING NOs. 87 J\. and 89 Wllifam street. near Maiden lane, well lo rated for dru. s g. mlemcn's furnishing goods, offices ?r in. rchandise, at moderate price. Apply to UOBAOL S. 'J.LT, No. 2^ I'lne street. A?TO LET. 23 UNION SQUARE, BROADWAY . aide, between 1 meenth and Sixteenth streeis, First, Second an>i Fourth Floors, for ni wii.K iliaclilno-*, mer chant tailors. co-tumors, milliners, photographers or jnrchlteeta. Ring bell lor [anhor. A STORK TO I.RT?FOB A TAILOR, WATCII maker shoemaker or any kind of business; rent re duced, adjoining entrance to Frankfort llouso, ?U2 Wil liam street; corner More, h rank fort stroeL A WELL LIGHTED I .OF I' TO LET?WITH STEAM til bower, SDxilX). Inquire 011 promises, corner ttveuue )B and hlghteenih street. A ? fiO PER MO ^ Til.?BUILDING FRONTING SO \J\ t feet, opposite where Harlem Rait road trains stop mud street cars t'Ttniniit1; I'ordhaui; walls, ceilings and .floors, ash and black naluut. FOj'iEK BROTHERS, 4 Warren streot._ Ah EXCELLENT BUSINESS LOCATION-STOKF. ON Fourili avenue, Harlciii, about oppo ite where tho uallrott'l trulu< stops ienl $'i> per month; ulso, tho iheconl Floor, $16 pur month- wator mid gnu. roTi'KB BEOTUi-.Hs. 4 Warren street. A DOUBLE STORK TO LEASE, <1 CltO^HY STREICT, J\ near Grand street and Broftdway, lur tiimlly gro icery and Ihittor more; present tenant eot rich during )<ut fourteen vears; .-ix iioublc ."ix story teneioent liouacs atl}oinlug said store ; tliu owner wi ! 111 v pt-rnut 0110 groeerv store iu said six houses. Apply to owner, 31 (5 rushy street. A LARGE BUTLDtVU TO LET-'.'# OATHAKINU street, suitable tor a boaMtiiiX houv; also corner store ami Basement 74 i-.ast nro.ulwav. bo-t loc^ti(<n lor 1. 1'ior business. Apply at 450 West 1 we:ity-third streot A ?34 FINE STREET, ON THE GROUND FLOOR, j\ ? elrgtut medium sized office, well located and ur r ii'sied; will be rented to su acceptable Jiarty at a lar ?ilii, by V K 8TEVEN80N. Jr., 11 l'lue strict or 3.1 East jEevemeenth street. A FINE STORE AND BASEMENT. XH BIQHTQ arennejstore70feet deep- plato glass Ironl; good Mand lor lurnlture but-lnrss; rent low. HKNUY V. M LAt>, 4'iJ Eighth aveuue. EEC HER, HIS DEFENCE IN TUB EVENISO TELEGRAM TONIGHT. ,... Ti^OR BUSINESS PUBPOSEH?AN ELEGANT FIRST ij Moor to lei. with large office all ached; light uusur jiaftsed. Apply oti the premises. 18 Vt sey street. 15 F ltONT OFFICK AM) LOFTS TO LET.?APPLY TO Taps''o j 'i UR08. A v o., eetouth Street. hrrousTON ani> greene.?to let. ro wbst J 1 Uoiwlon street; also I.V>, l:Vi and 18U t.recuu street; iv 11I be rented ul reduced rents. 0. C. BRaDHURST, CI Liberty street IOFT3 TO LET?WITH OR WIIHOUT STEAM j power, lift. 117, 1 i!i anil 121 l ast Thirteenth street! also first I.oit 111 building 11* east Fourteenth -trcet. iu ijuiro of F. UKOIL A CO., 114 l^ast Fourteenth street. JOFTS TO LET-NO. 2"i9 CANAL BIURET, NRAR J Broadway; possession immediately. Apply iu store on premises. STEAM FO?VF.R.?ROOMS AND FLOORS TO LFT, with or without Power; reut low to woodworkers Or others. 18 Pell s'reet STBAM POWER?FROM 1 TO 5i IIORSR, WITU ltoom.s, large and small, well lighted, at No. SI3 to j&3 East Twentr-second street. Inquire within. ? QTEAM POWER, FROM 1 TO 50 HORSE, WITH 0 Rooms, large and small, well lighted in t'entre and *.ira streets. 0. F. U all, 137 Elm street. <^TEAM POWER TO I.ET-WtTII FINE I.OFT ftflslO); Wooeter street. STOKE TO LET?WITH DWELLING ABOVE. AT Piunrapo. N. J., suitsb'e for a lancv good* or country ?tore. AppiytuJ, F. KATUY&N, Fort Klcbtuond, a 1., or uu premises. STORK TO LET?439 TII1HD AVI NI'E, WITH BASK 4Bent, elegant large plate glass show windows, with counter and shelves; pome salon auy time; low rent Apply at JiXI East ihirtietu street, Flat al.v>, in sauis }iouso second story. rpo LET-THE SECOND FLOOR AND ATTIC 1X7 1 Wuverley place; possession May 1; rent >25 per month. Also Basement Store aud large Hallway at 4fa Hudson >ttreet t'?> I" r month. Also ( arpenter suop.45Tk(MMaatrrwt, $5.^0 per annum. Also 4o lied on stri et anil 4> Thom ts ? reet; teu yeaw* lease; reai S^JOu per Hiiiium and ttie tsics TUOBMON M. HOOM VN. Real Fst ite ' gent, ti'J ? Broadway, corner Fourth strset goo I ligiit; also fine Store aud Basement. 35 aud 37 rpo WOODWORKERS OR OTHEB MANITFACTCR '1 em?To If i, or for sale. the UttKAen I'lanlng i nj Moulding Hltla. three stories. #OxW. wi.h exieu-lon dr>- , iuk rooam CO-horne < n ;in;? uuil boiler; will ? x.hanue j"or ? House in New ^ ork. Jersey Oily or Kh/.juuu. worth trow 91U.UU: to 9ia.uuu. Jnlt.N CtTRTIN, 'W Wwt itirfl I'H* OBANI* CENTRAL HOTEL AND A TKBT FINK paIi'oii to let Inquire ut J. fcc&I.VY i'awuou, H ifV?*ay rpo LF.T?LOFT. WITF1 OR WITHOUT STEAM X Power; well lightud ; all* 23*51 WttlUMllTMl. TO LBT?THREB L1UUT LOFTS. UX*>. WITH OB without ? team power. Apply on prt-iuiae*, No. 14 CHgatreot.10 JOHN MKKBV A BO. TO LKT?SrORI AND LOFT*. AT NO. 41 THOMAS ! X atreet; will divide to salt; rent* nt> low; Immedi ate ikmmmiiiou. NATBAMfcL ROM, >wV?rltl WWi TO LET-WITH OR WITH OCT POWER, THREE noon, K vau Apply to J. M bTVABT, 376 Pearl atreet Mew Tort city. rpo LET?THE 81 ORB AND LOFTS HO. 17# CHAM X berastreet; an excellent location for prod m e bual pea; rent to cult tbe tiuioa- NA.11A-MLI, liuf, ?J0 Vaxlck otrret fpo LET-THREE OB FO0B WELL ttflffl FD FLOORS, 1 lOx'JO, otesin power and strain heated In tbe baikllag IM and 1M Weal Mneleeutti at Apply on the preuusek fpO LET?A SPLENDID FACTORY, POl'K STOBIi 3 i and cellar, six ? 75 teet Iroiit by over 100 deep, witli Bflhorse power ?tea in engine. elenn elevators and ? verpoonrenieiieti also three adjoining flulldinga. each four utorlei aud ba.-uuicnt. si/e <!?> hv ccinuiuulcsting liy steam power wlih factory; wonid le*^ ibe entire* to a rnsponalhle party lor a tcnu oM eara Apply at ? -1 Eaat Forty-llrat street rpo LET?EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, NEAR i avenae A, one Ere atorv Factore Holldliic SQxtW; light Iran nil maea . vsr.i. engine, ft.; Immediate po.i immoi ot tbr-ie Booth tefOH saoat reasonable. Apply atlti Broadway, corner seventeenth street ?mo LET, WITH MWER? BUILDINO. SIX STORIED 1 soxfin whole or in part, with machnir-r\ lor tm>a and IMili; elevator. Apply on nretnwe*. I?? avenue C, or to h II. BUTf'hKWoitfll, ?B Wall atreet. TO LET?SO. ffid OKAND STBEET, AN OLD BETAS* Ilahed tove. Hardware an 1 Bonae Fnr?:ehtn? hi >re; line location; rent low. Applf to J. P, JoKALE MoM, 14 i/et ingion avenue. rpo I ET ?THREE LOFTS, MO CHERRY STEBKT 8dX 1 UWeach- alao Ave story Kuild.i.g 198? herrv ilreet, with or wi'hout steam power. Apply on pr?iAi*M, or to ioH n T. WI I.HON A CO, 71 Fulton atreet. fpo LET?FIRST \ n eRCOND FLOORS, FROM 1 Vay; auiUhle lor office or l.ubt busnnaa, airink In; atreet. roruer ot Elm street. rpo LET W ITH PLOOB and X Lofta Inquire at 177 I'm.or atreet. W. WESTERFIEI.D. rpo'LhT-? EAST TW1.LPIH STREET DOORg 1 irom Broadwav. large House, .-tore and it Uu< ms; Will be reotcd very low. V. C. BRADII l' ?l l iberty etreet TO LET?BB1CK 111 11,lil Ml 11 EAST TWENTY ?eventh atreet; dvr atory anil l>?M !neti: . tPoodworken allowed. Apply at W.H. n a.i<EINmi > S ? arpt Cleaning Worn*, 14 r.aat Twenty-seventh street. TO LET-PARLOR STORE; :?X75; PINE LOCATION?, onlv two door* from Broaitway; haa teenahooK ??ore t r live year*. Apply at tu . aat Mmii struct, lia semeM. TO LBT?AN ENTIRE LIGHT BASEMENT, ftsZB. Inquire at sixth avenue. rpo LEI?WITH STEAM POWRK. TWO FLOORS J. 8Qx? each; well liuhted. Apply at office of Mc ? J.AVE'S I. u ill be r Yard, i wenty secoul airevtand l-.iev, eniti av ; buildniK. Eisventb ir aiol Iwuniy eecond >t, rpo LET?FIIt-T AND SECOND LOKTS, IN inB HE ? X alralile building No. 118 Fultoo a roet; good liiht, ^ell finished, and adapted for store or ll*ht manuiartur it'll purpoKi-a; Will rent sinirly ?r together. Apply to .JO.shPlf SHAKDi l)\>, on preinl-ea. TO LIT AND LEASE-IN riFPBRENf TaBIS OF Hie city, for huaipeM purposes. Store*. Bml linn* and Lufta. with or Without power. J t; fl.ui.fcV, 60 Beat Fourth atreet, poor Bowery. TO RBBT-THRRR SToBY DWBLLINU noL'SK, 22 Eaat Thirteenth street, with first floor an.l bajcuient ?tores; to lei together or *epirate T. J. jjJBBONS. ?i Bond street a'o BENT?FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT HTORf S Of No 17 South Fifih avenue ; now being alu-ri rt : he Pnished bxiore Mar 1st r. J. UlBBONs, 90 Bond atreet T'O 1.BT OR LRA'B-A STORE SUITABLE FO? DI tillery or liquor store ; alao. two threa story lions''* WithMaialls in tho rest, in Twenty sixth striet. lnqu.r? *t 21 Woal Seventeenth a reel, from ill to 2 o'clock. fpO LEABB?THE FOI'B STORY BOILDINO ill BAiT A Twelfth atreet, sultabl? f?r onv bu<uie?a; alie 2ftx Ba'LKY. M I-aat Fourth street, near Bowery T?- , fXTOBAHM TURKS, THB FOtTR storj Butlidlng 141 Eighth stieet. near Broalway si t * > , larv i. til on first n .nr. sultnMe ror h rturos exM< Mttons or geri?ral farerooraa; hssen-.ent and sab-oellar: j|M fixtures through ju? 1 juus ?* i iiKws, aa nmmb itr*?L room 9. TO LET FOK IS!'Mlrtl<;?3 PI)HPflSEM, TO BENT? HlOltli AND I'RKMMM NO. 1.337 Broadway. twtwe.'ii Tuirtieth and Thirty-flr?t sire :t?, nearly opposite UranU Hotel; buildiiu 2'x-10, three stories. Apply tu D. I.., :>o. ltW 1 ullun *tieet, io?r York. ___ rpo BI'.NT?8TOUK 64? SIXTH AVFNUB, BETWEEN I i iiiriy-aevcuib ih i hii i> oiuiith rtreeis; do finer location on the avenue lor any business; plate ulass ?iudowt; the wholo or bull can b?- had. W. U. KUL.-, ji:., 1.80C Broadway. rpwo KINK LOFTS. LIGHT AV|) aJKY. IN FiRST 1 class condition. lor nianulncturinit or light business purposes. Apply 1^ M.L.-11\ .ir.i Oil, loj liti.uii reel. 2I.O.S TO I HT?A DJOININO SOI T11K A S I' Cull nor of Broadway and Forty-third street. JAMi'.H II. SKIUMOIIE, &1 l.'e lar street. mvELiiisu norsKs to let. FuruUht'd. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE 10 LET-NO. iV 16J West Twenty-socond street; tresooed an 1 In Kood order; rent reasonable. for porinits call on or address OWN UK, No. 1,239 Hro.idway. ltlng door bell. ATIIKM; STORY 1110 II STOOP BROWN STONE House In West Forty-seventh street near .-ixth av enue; rent $7011 to $l,.'iUU, according to accommodation iurnuhed to two adults. JOUNoON A i' 1,29$ iiroauway. A ?TO LET, EXQUISITELY FURNISHED HOUSE; . size aixOSxlDO; titroe stories: three rooms deep; one ol the most desirable yet offered, rit e it. HOLMES lino 111 Kits, 40 East Twenty-third street Al'KIL 5, 1375, NKW PRINTED LIST, JUST ISSUED; largo and small Houses. lurniilied and unlurmshed; mailed to auy allure.-*: rutiucod rents. WILLIAM I I'tKhK, i!0Fifth aveuue._ ADJOINING Madison ATKNCB?THIRTY-THIRD stroet..? Eleuant iiicdlum sized, fully lurulslied Dwclliniz; rent reasonable. Oilieu 11 I'iue street or -13 Hast Seventeenth street. V. K. sir-VENyuN, Jr. A ?TO LET, FURNISHED, ON THIRTY-FOURTH J\. street, near Fifth avenue, lour story h,?h stoop, 2lix7i>xl'JO. $i-5 per month. 11. It. J>KEW A OO., l?o. :t Went 1 went}-:hird street, Filth Avenue HoteL A?TO LET, ON FIFTY F1RS1' ? til' It I. ET, NEAR ? filth avenue. four storv llixh stoop, lirown, $3,000, furnished, or #>,<XXi with teas llxtur, s ami uurrors. II. I< DKLW A 00., No. 3 West Twenty-third street, anil Filth Avenue Hotel. IjMjEuantey furni-iikd and frescoed four J slorv brown stone inediuni sized Residence to rent low. in Forty-seventh street, new Fifth avenue. V. K. HTKV l',N&ON, Jr., 11 1'iuo street or 3J East seventeenth street. ipURNlKIIKD ? A NKW CABINET FINISHED POUR I? story House, between Filth mid Madison avenu"s, near Central I'ark. lor sale tow. or to let at inkier t-i relit to private laiully toi oue to three years; owner fcoiiig abroad in ilay. Inquire ol I It) M E It MO ROAN, ivo. i I'me street, or of K. 11 LliDLOW A CO., No. S I'iue street or >o. 3> u-ast seventeenth street, or ol Rev. Ci.AUfcNCK Bli i.LL, ow or, ou tlio premises. No. ii& Fiasl Seventy third street. IjlUMIIBIO <>B UNFUItNlSIIED.-THK TRF.T ' tiest HumIV lour slorv high stoop brown stone cor ner dwelling in Anieric:i on Murruy llili, otlered only to IlinOS who can appreciate Rood KooOs it lo aniail bulK; perhaps the most complete lilt e entabli>tiiueut iu llie ciiy. b. Kit.PATRIOK, 300 Third avenue. Murray hill,? small brown stone housk, neatly and tully luruiihed, one or wore years, to a private latnily; $175 per mouth. CH AS. W. WAUD, V7'e.lar street LFT-A SUPl'.KB FIR-1' CI.ASS FOUR STORY House, ou Forty llttli street, ncai F ifth avenue, com pletely and maxnltlcently luruished; owner wi-hes lo retain one lloor. with Hoard lor two a.lul s, or will rent cutlie; will make most liber I and low terms with satis lactory parties. Address OWNF.R, box 170 llt-rald ortlcc. TO LET-FIRST CLASS HROWN . TOSK IlOfSE, furutshed or uulurnishc I, near Uadison square; owner to board ol not ; rent moderate. Apply ou prem ises, 114 East Twenty-Hull street rpo : ei-small hoi sn, F.MtTi.v i i:i:.M>iii;n ou i unfurnished, corner Second arenuo and Tenth street; rent $1U0 per mouth. NI? Hol.n A >. AFPERTV, 31 Fourth avenue. rpo I,KT?ON THIRTY-FIRST STBKBT, NEAR l'IFTH X avenue, four story ni?h sloop brown stone, 'UxGbx I'fl; $4,ixi0 furnished, or >3.yni with itas tlxtui es and imr rors. H. it. DREW A CO., No. 3 West Twenty-third street iFiith Avenue Hotel). rpo LET?FUuMSHKD HOUSE 43 WEfeT THIRI Y. X seventh sUeot, lour slorv brown stone, to a private fauuly ; rent #4 2tw. .lOiiNso.M A I'ORi f:r, I.&K5 liroadtvay, cora?r Ihirly-fourth street d>-i nnn bent for small, neat nut n Vl.VVV story high stuOP i ouse; Brooms; molero Improvements; lurnisbcd or unlurnished: k><?' neL'li borhood. 158 West Tenth street. Can be seen irom 10 A. M. to 3 F. M. InluniUhrd. A -THREE STURT HIOH STOOP HOUSr ?.? HOEA ? tio attest, to lei: all iuitrovumcuu; Buo order, re duced rent. poe*e*>elou May I. H. L. A B I', BU K.NH AM, 6*9 H iiilson street. A?1TBBEK ?TORY HIOH BTOOF HOUSE, IK WEST . t-.leventh street, to lei; l> rooms: uli improve 1 menu, immediate possession ; also other I louses. li. u \ u. T. Bt'i'Mi.vM, i''j Baa sou street A?TWO \ND A HALF .-TOR* UOUSK AND RKXCK ? stable 7iS Oreeiiwii h street to let; f l.SJU. fc. L. A 1J. T. HL ItN 'lAM, M? Uudaoaetroet A?FOUR STORY HIOH ,-TOOP HOUSh, 14? WEST . Sixteenth street, la let; a ro?ma| ult improve ments; po.-*ie:>sion Muy 1, ?t reduced rent. b.. l*. i it T. Hi t:Nll AM, t*? iluoaon street A ?THKHB STORY HOUSE 716 WASH1KUTOX J\ ? street to let: la rooms- very c!ioui>; >?< u, in c-od order. K. L. A B. 1. LI knii M u U 11 ud Mill street. A -TO LET?THE KOI'K STORY HIOH ("TOOK ? House n<i 4 to.. Mark's place, suiutile lor au>- busi ness : else iix-MJ. J. U J1.M v. SO Hast I'ourtti street, near Kovrery. A?LOW RENTS-SKYHRAL MODERN II >1 IK ? desirable centra! Heiglii?>r ood; rents running ft-om >1.0UU to >1.4:41 f'.ic bosses i?rj nil iu periect order. FOl'iER BUO IHI.RS, 4 Warren street AC. HOUSE?TWKXlY-rirR IE IWKNT1KTH . aireet. third from Broadway, north side. to let Open iroiu II to 1. D"Di;fci. AT >1,41)0?A FOUR STORY BROWN s i ONE HOUSE, 14 rooms mid all liniuvveoiea:*: fond neighUgr hood. Ill baot Irty-loiirtb street, from I to J 1*. M. AN DNFI'RNISHBI) TilKKK STORi HOUSE. MINE rooms; tornace, raage and bath; Twenty-aevtatb a reet. uesr rerei.tli hv-i ue ; tor siii.ill !amil\ , rent >7..u. KOBKliT T. Mf.fe.KS, M l ine street "s UNUSUAL oproitil MTV AXD winter residence Oomblned on Weafelagtoil lleltrnto; several ac<-e? iu lawn and shade, -1..1111,o the llu Ison, situated upon an ei?-v*tion ol oyer ISO fret above the, commanding magnificent yiewa rent Tbe Central park and tile Bculrvard ufforj < xce.b iit drives to the prolan/, iitu- from Dej street to ft uaii Inirton Height* tiy seam. about 4U inmates. I'oiitii BKOT1I ft Ma, No. 4 ftarrer, street ATHKKB RTOBT HIOH feTOOP V1R.-T CLASS brown stone Home will ba let fo.- >2.urv > cr annum, inrluliurf a rrors, iu tl*iurea, Ao. Inquire of Uie uwoei , 167 West forty-ninth street ATIIHEE UTOKY BROWN STONR DWKLLIN'O House. 233 iiaat lUirty filth aireet; modern improve tnenu; rent low. s? sn irooi 11 lo I without permit. Joll> rtNfe, owner, 100 Nassau -ueet AriilL tI?T.-VErURNiSi ED UOUSRH. RKDVCBA rents on and a:'i'?mlng KHih, Midison and Park av eonea OAoaa.ll P'ne street and 8! Boat fevcuteeth aireet Mailed tr-e. VJC. 8TK* kNKOM, J r ATHRRK .-TORY AM) BASKMfcNT BRIOK HOUSt:. 15 runms, with all lm| rovomenu, tM Wett I w. utv seeeotb street Between MeyeMB ami fctffbt'' areiiMa. r in BI.'jUU; i osaeeaion tuimedut. ly Apply a 1 ,W7 Broajway, rroui B. AfOl'K 8TORT HIOH STOOP UOl'HK To I.KT, nnttirnlshed, oa Tbiri.v ihird street n*ar Klftli ave IM. ifx.V *!?<., ?UidL II. ti. BREW A CO., No. i >>"st I weaty-thirt str?et ri'tlt Avoaue Hotel. A -TO LKT, ' >rt'RNIBIiai>. OS pDRTY-MBC ? on ! aireet i.'sr Kliib aventM. toer Morv, IimB doff, ax a*mo, $< duu. ii k. i<kkw *t.<> . Bo. 3 Weat wculj -third street Avenue ilu!el. A A.-A NEW l.:8T or i NFi RSrsnKD HOlrtr.fl . to refit < sn tie had at Cf.lier oltl e nr will loi-rnt Bi any address by mail. fc. H 1.1 l)L? W A CO., >tx 3 1'n.e street or ? Kast Seventeenth street, > KI.KC4N1 M M. SI/.K I'. I K SK.UV ll'OH stoop liouee on Thirty ittn street, near Kifth atr enne, to rent, unioroishe I. Appiy to h. H. I.t uIjOW A OO . No. S I'ttie i-irret, or 3.^ . uat Seventeenth <tieri AT |1.??i PI.It ANXUM. ?TO EKNT UNPI R.VtMlED, the lull SIM and room/ tour -tory lloui-J>o. 2/1 West Kleventh - re t Apply to K. II l.l IM.OVV A UO_ Ko. 1 i'lne treet, or .14 Bist -eventeenth stroct A-T1IK PRSIKABI.B 1'IRSr CLAMS HIOH fTOnp ? brt .k House, Nix 4"S \\ t >t T wenticth street, urer luokin* the uroiin.Jtoi the I |<iKopai Coile(?, containtnu 15 roi>tn<. gn iixture*. bs:h, tanite. hc.iter snd tno<le,n eonvi men. ea. Ac. ApolT to D A. < I.' OMAN. l7i Niatfe avenue, between Tweniietu aui Iw. nty first sireeta. A THERE STORT UIOII sT'iOP noUSK TO LKT - I ntui milled, on i wr ntv.tii rd street, near Kiirbth aveniie fAx3ilxlflD;rentfi.W?, H. R. DKKW A t'C*., No. 3 West iwecty third street Pmh aventie Hotel). A-2M RAHf THIRTIETH ITRKKT, OOOD HlOir . siooti, ISO; Twenty lltth s.reri, >| 40 ; Leilngto* avenue, cm n"r below iliirUeth street hull ?t ??i\ per fect order, $i,i 9. BIMO.Wn A EOCLEETOW, 90 West 1 birty-Brat it J'OB REST?NO. m t:OTTAOh fLACK; RtNT. >t. HO; first class ia every rej ect; ail ti ' dern improve ments Inquira ol W. s. unit it. No. 1 Cottage plaee. /TRACE CIOIOI TMIRITT.-AR U WRIT IJ feleventh tlreet. fO roomt; No ?? Ninth street. 24 rooms; Bo ? f iat-i f're^t A rooms; all flratcloea; ex tra eotivenieaeesi reduced !M per ceat. Owner, 64 Wast Tenth street Haklkm.-thb nkat two iitort and baskmeTt frame House No. 131 I.ast 12 d ft-eet; convenient to boat*, steam und hi.rseear*, rent l.oardi d out by owiier'a tniiiilv. Apply to or sddress .1 M Li;W b, Kidfewo ?1 In surance Company, IS4 ltroa iway. W F. TO LRT-K0. 40 BKUfORD BTRERT. COM BMnlng It rooms, with *11 modern iinprnvemrntsi rani $l.nda vesr. laqulre of Ii. o. Mi^Dlibntui-ii, no ft) i;arnune n'reet NMk CORBKB DWELLIEO "V LKIINOTOW AYR. ii ite, ronvtnlent to Ilea worth's sad o her Churrhsa, ?1,790; superb Bl leetfoar ftory hi wu (tune ou forty slxtu street, clo?e to l.exiniiioii av?tnie others. K ' Li'A i Kli K, .101) ' bird avenue. 4J0MI TKEY DESIRABLE HOUSES AT t)OW BKNTS, n m dit'erent loeailoni; PBrts of Ueaaes, Cottaeei aM VilUa tin the liUdsoh and eiewliere >'tX Act).. ** Klgbtcenih s'.roet, nearKrued way. TO LIT?NOS. 10 AND 12 IIIICD STREET. BLfOO esch; 2:n M#dison street >1,10); Loti IB and 140 Monroe mr"et, eoU vard ; i}4 \\ itrr sheet, liquor store; 327 Wsier street gr irery and liqaor sutre, saloon 117 l n?it Broailwsy, wih be altered t.? suit Apply to J. l'. .5OIT ?-.'.r.HON, 6ft I^sitixtoii a^eii'to. rro IjET-Jtl KAflT llfiTn TRI-'ET (BOCLEYABU), a J nrst ciass three ?U?rr hrown ?tone, with two story brlolt Mrrlazt house anJ stable In reart reat otodersto. Aupii at UiJUst f??atr-Btu tu?i. UWKIiLINU mil;9KM TO I'KT. I'ulninUbcd. rpo LET.-FOUR 8TORY V NO 1 TSfT BASEMENT X House, Sit East Nineteenth street. with all lin provementa aud in perlmit order l rnut *l,2ui Inquire i ol S. SCli 4 Wi-.L, 25 John street. rpo LK T-T11II !?. I ?: SIOBT AND EXTENSION FRAM K J Il..iua, Jul East Ninety-seaoita at root-, modern Im provements; IHro.mi. In fine order; rnu'$70J. ?. ru1 > .1 ion A HUN. 1,47ft Third avejine.^ '11(1 LET-THREE STOUT AND BASEMENT BROWN J stone trout Ilouae. all Improvemen's, !"??:< East I Ig'iU ?ec.riid air?cl; in ?ooJ order; ru.,t $9JO unit Broion wutur rent. 8. TUOMsQW A SON', 1.475 Third avenue. rpo LET?TnE FOUR STORY BROWN STONE HOUSE .1 po. i29 En*t Thipty-tlrst strict, m ar I bird avenue; rent, JI.SUJ twill l>e put In compbte order.) JOHN O. IlitHllNS, .No. 7 I'ine street, rpo LHT-NO. 10 BBEKMAN PLAOB, KOUK BfOltY X brown stone Ilonse ; rent, SI.DUO; flue view. JOltN O. Hlt.GlNs, No. 7 I'lue *traat rpo LET?TilE LARGE KOIIlt KfORY 1IOU8K, KS 1 Eaat Broadwav, unliable (bra boarding house will liu put tugood order; bus twenty-one mourn; rent$1.4Ul MITCHELL, 77 Oedar street TO LKT?ON FAVORABLE TERMS, IN THE TA1LER iiiuck, on llghty-sixth street, near Blttli avenue, a first elasd House. Apply to E. N. TA1LEB, No. 47 Walker street. fpO LET?SEVERAL PE.srRABLE PRIVATE DWELL i iuk Houses in food locations and in Hood orilur; rant" moderate. Inquire ot OHARLitd O. WAKELKY, W?. 1(14 i a<t icnth it'-cet, now York rpo LET?UNKURMi-BED HOUSES IN VARIOUS X parts ot the cny; rente from $t00 to $2.OOTl . J. 0. BAILEY, 50 East Kourti street, near Bowery. rpo I.ET-A FOUR STORY BROWN BTOKR HOUSE, X 2ftxoo, in kIibdM order, on rorty-fbarth (treat, be tween Broadway aud sixth avenue; llrat claas neigh borhood. Address box 873 l*Q8t otllce. rpo LET?TIIK rilRUE STORY BRICK UOUBE 228 J Kant Nineteenth street, nil Improvements and in perfect order. Apply to tno owner, 218 Eaat falglitectit i street. rpo LIT?THE TilRBR STOItY AND BASEMENT 1 lliiii.?e No. 17.1 East Seventy-eighth street; imme diate possession ; lain goM order, bavin* hot und cold water, stationery tub*. bath room, Ac-. Apply to THOMAS UoLM.vN, coruer Centre and White streets rpo LET- OMtMl HOUSK. II ROOMS, 701 GREEN 1 wich street, rent $.0.1, sin-'le laniily only; house in good order. Apply at 60J Greenwich street rpo LKT?A FOUR STORY HIGH SIOOPBReWV X stone House, In Kitty-sixth street, noui Seventh uvu iiup. nil moilerii improvement* aud In psrtcct order; elegantly frescoed. Inquire of the owner, 33- Weat Thirty-first street. TO I.KT?TWO BfORY BASEMENT CELLAR BltlCIC Houset modorn improvements: In good order; 305 Mast Eighty second street. ii'iir recona aveuuo; rent 9d5<X S. THOMnON A SON, 1,475 Intrd avenue, rpo LET?HOUSE 147 WEST THIRTEENTH STREET, 1 between sixth und heveutli aveuuea. Apply to S. INSUiB, 410 Broadway. rpo LKT?FOUB STORY BRICK HOUSK NO. 219 I West Twenty-filth streei; rent low; modern conve niences. good neighborhood, and will lie put in good or der. Apply toJAMES KI>VV ARUS, Agent, i4) Weal'twen ty-third street, or ou ureinisea rpO LBT-83 BARROW iTR'.ET, PARLOR, BASE 1 meat and two atU<? Booma witl) ull modern improvo meiitt; rent $1,100 a year. Itiquiru of li. U. UlLnEBi^U til.u, 80 (laruilae siruau rpo LET?THE THREE STORY IIIO'.I STnOP HOUSK 1 243 West Eleventh street. Apply at 2'I6 Weat Eleventh street tor pei mil trom 10 to 12 und 2 to 5. rpo Li t OR FOR SALE-NO. ft7 EAST Ftt'TV-SSC 1 oun street, price 9UU6; rent $l3,OOJaale. Apply at KO Reaver street, or llu West Forty-eighth street, or box 3,102 l'o.'it otBce. rpo LEASE-NO. 25 EAST TW I NTY-FIRS C STREET, X wtihin 20# feet of Broadway, live story (75 teet deep ou each story; brown atone basement Houm), suitable tor doctors, milliners, boardiuaf or renting looms. It WILLIAM; ON, owner. 13! Filth avenue. TO RENT, UNFURNISHED?THE HAND-OMK FOUR atory House No. 3 East Tweniy-aeventh street: In perlect order a d replete with ah modern Improve ments anil i-ouveniencea, Apply to E. II. Ll'DLOW A CO.. No. 3 Pine street, or 35 Ea?t Seventeenln street. rpo KKiST?UM FURNISH El), THE FOUR STORY X high stoop house No. 41 West Forty-ninth street. Apply to E. II. LUDL.OW A CO., No. 3 l'iue street, or 35 Eaat Seventeenth street. rpo RENT-TIIR FIRST CLAFS FOUR STOBY BROWN X stone English basement House. 22^x70x100. witii mirrors and gas tlxtuiea. . 6 West fenth -feet, near Fiith ? venue. Ajiply to owner, 314 West Thlrty-tourth street. 3 6TOUV Ill< ill MO>P HOUSE NO. 151 WEST Twentieth street, butweeu Sixth and .-evonth uve lutca; 15 rooma; good order; >.nt tixturea; $i,40U. Cau lieaeenlOtoS Apply at 117. Q STORY BRICK HOUSK (II ROOMS). BATH AND O gas to let trom May 1. No. 106 Bank street; will be put lu perfect order; rent, $id0 Apply to J. Kiiss, &e Eighth avenue, or JOHN O. 13 AC lib, 23s Eaat Forty eight i street. 4 THREE BTORY BROWN vTONK AND BRICK COT tnges, in Fitty-tourth an t Flltv-flltii rtie ts, near Broadway; beautiful yard*; rent $i.Vl !0 other-, imui $.,2U0 to $Vi00 ou west side. Send tor list. J. W. BTEV<-.,'4S, Bro?dwa> and i'ltty-llrst atreet. QTI1 WARD-TO LKT, THE FOUR bTORY BRICK ?/ Hons .No. 2 Spencer Place (corner of loorth aud West lenth street*!; flttce'; rooms and all modern eon venienue*; remSi.vuU; aim 28i Host Fourth streei, tcu Rooms, $l,2u0. -inquire el 178 West Tenth street PI;K mon ru ? M>R SMALL BRICK iiou.-k near oixlh avenue, on Ibtrtv-ninth ttrt'ct a I convenience- and in good order. Apply at sTHATIOK'b Ii.j ;ss turui-hini ware rooms tiiT Sixili avenue. TOO EAST THIRTY-EIGHTH t?TR ET?RENT I ?O $1.4)0?To let, a handsome tmali brown stone House; ncighbornooO ansurpastod; will be put In t rst cla-s order; can be seen Tuesday and IhurMsy, trom 2 to 4 1' M. Inquire at B >RCALOW'S, 76 Bowery. C;1 ?)(in PRR ANNUM.?TO RENT, THE DE <3>X.^l'l/ sirable three slorjr house. No. t? last Fiftj -second street Apply to E. 11. LUDLkW A Co., No. J Emu atrrot or S3 r.ast ScveureenUi street 41 '"UHI ?PLENOID THRER STORY HIGH vliiHMl, stoop brown stone Residence on lor:v tilth street, ne ir Lexington avenue; many others Call on M. PAKFAKt. 70J I bird avenue, near Forty tonrtb st. (Jjl Qnn ?LARGE BROWN STONE HOUSE FOR JJ* J .Ol/ll. ty ninth street and Brosdwar; two smaU, ?uleut lamiliea could take it; tine lor physician. HULL, owner. 240 Broadway. Kl'llNISHKl) KOO.US \>U Af&HiMlKM'l TO I.KT. "i^PAFuloROM FIRST FI-OUR AND TWO NBWLT J\ paintrd ami tinmM Oi:*iM?>crK lo rem, to ? |mny of R-ntleuiau, without Uoai'd. XI We*t 1 wcutjf-MVeatU ?In*!. AFRIVATR KAMI I.T WILL LIT TO OX K 0* TWO gentlemen ? large, tnrm?he.l Room; hot and cold water, bath. 4a Apply atS3M Went Htoenth aWeec A PRIVATE PAWII.T WILL LET PART OK THIRD Moor, to gentleman und wlte onlr: completely fur nished with fvrrr cotire nleaoe lor nouaekeepmg. l<4 Writ Twenty-loertb street. A STRICTLY FIRST CLASH PKITATE FAMILY. RK ?idlng In Forty allth i-treet, near Fiftli innM, wilt I let a large, hand.omely farnmlied trout Kwim tn unf it I two gentlemen, with hreaklast II raijtureil; llie b'M ret tnott*ail l required AUdres# Mr. Ml .NROK, Nts 60 Liberty street AFRKNCH FLAT TO LBT-CUMANTLT FDR ntalird. roroer Ni\tli arenne, near Thiro-elgailt ?treat; aevea rvouia; rant modera:?. M. R. PRFW A OA, Ho. S Wen Twenty-third itreet. tilth Avenue liuteL AgRCO.XD Fi.OOR Of THRKK ROOMS WILL RK rented itorniahed or Third flow of tour room* tin furataheit, in tnc booae ot a private lamlij , lenm tnoue* rate. 217 West thirteenth street. Alarup. furnished front room, ox tiik ?<?(?(.nil Boor, tor lionaeipeplng. rent H P'r wet. App.y nl ITS MM thirty-third *treet, corner ihinl av, "C?RF.Nr?I rr AT, NRWLT Fl RSISHRD, TO l.KT-IO r rooms; very desirable; In Emit Thirteenth *trc' t Addrera W.. Colon U?|M CluR. HAXD40MF.LT FI'KNI IIFH BR I > ROOM-< TO LKT? at 2tt West Fortieth street, without Ward. IATCK RETURNS J I BOM CONNECTICUT IN TUB BYRXINO TF.r.nORAM TO.XItJIIT. PLKA^ANT FURNISHED ROOMS TO LI 1 K-.ft A hi'ii-. keop!tu or single partie*. Board If rr-gn ri d. In the family ot a widow. il? Ka*t 1 birty-fourib *tr.<ct. Call all i if Week. TO LBT?FURBISHED. LA^iOR PLKASA NT FRONT Room, witnout boari. to tingle gentleman; al'nateil on IMtn stieet (hastern HoulrraM), l>rl?ateUmily; viry ri aviMblo. Aildres* bos MM I'wt offlco. TOLKT-A FORNIX II F.r> FRONT HALL R( <>M, ON second floor, very pleasant. Apply to MAK'-..i, .so. ; or eat Jonoa atteel, aeuoud Cm r, mm Broadway. TO LBT-BT OWNKR, PVP.T OF AM ELBOABTLt fturntabed fre*.'oed brown *tf<nc House, alt modern conveniences; Immediate p.HMHuu. At 7S.1 Lex.ngtun avenue, v or111 r Si*t' -ilt-ii atrei t. mo J.RT-ON FIFTH aYENIR. RETWEKB TWBNTT 1 a-cond and Tweatv-llnrd sired* a .mt of Rooms, on third floor, an I table for n gentli man an 1 w lie or bs lielor's apartinenta; no rooking allowed- AUdre*, wi h reference, bos 8B*:auon A. TWO FLKASAN'r AStl NKWl.V FITl<NMR FB TAR Iom arnl one single llooitl, on Fourteenth street, t>e tween Kttth m:?l suto aren??i, for .me or twoaentie tni n or lor a pbvu ian'a ollicc. AUdreu I'AUB, lluiaiii Uptown Urancli offlce. nti IBVINO FLACR. OPPOSITE TH . WRSTMINRTRR O'l llotel.??'Elegantly furniMKil Itoonii io lit. wltti ?.iit i oard, to gentlemen or tue lih'hest ie ,,p.tai. lite on i j. 4r BAST TWENTT-THI8D STBRBT, FACt.1V ?J Tnung Mi-n'n Ol?rl<tian Avaciation iinlldinif*.? UaadaouHsly larttlshe.l Aparuncnta, lor gentlemea only, 1A|? EAST TWENTV-SIXTH SiTtRRT, CORKER JI/U Fourth avenue.?Two iiandwrnely furni iu"i trout R..i.u<, lor iteutloman, or man and Pull left uh>9. bell. ' mFAsT TWBt.FT'l PTliRRT, BETWBBN THIRD nmi Fatirlh avenies -A -tt handaomelT lur.i lihi'd Mcottd Floor t<> let "ti ?uite or n-pii r.uely to griitieinciii alao a Hall Koom. reieronce exchange. I fir WE-r TENTH SI R RKT.?FOU R LAItaK Boon#*, han Itomtly turnnliea with ererythlng compute for iiomek eptin . term* t'5 r?r iuobik ; h >u c anil nclgiiliorhj'id uni.aceptiouabiei reieren.e* ca olianged. nrfi THIRTY-FOURTH RiRKRT.-a SVAi.LFAM. to'IU lly In uritclaaa l.i?o?" Will lot, tnrninlieo, h iii l tome Parlor ?".l nice cheerfal Room above; np?r ..(MiUwaJ uc ot, veil'.eaaoMbia to geuuv iteu. I'N If t'KN.f SIIKI! HOOMH /?HJ? Ai'AUT JIKHITS TO LKT. A Ni:.AT unm-rnishkii floor TO let win i; j\ or loin rooms. suitable lor li> u?e keeping in privutc hous . ?-:i- l.-i-n Ac. 281 I a*t iwi-ut) tlnrd ? reel. AHANl'StiMK THIRD FLOOR TO LET?C< N8IST Ing ol four rooms. gas, hath :?irl convenience, in private house 3i2 East Fourin nth street; no children id the Iioumi: .cut, iiieiuditig gus, S'l \TTENTION.?FHI.NCH FLA*. TIIIBTV- "OOWTH street, ruitsof six rooms; itiolem improvements; ronU sj." to tiu possession j call an i be MW-d. MORRIs H. HA lilt. 72 W. *: fourth ctiv ? I anil >lxth a v. Amur third floor, 130 evsi ki t-wi y-first street, near Lexington avenue, to let. from tlir 1st ol May; parlor, kitchen and three bedrooms; gas tlx turos,, 4c. ; #2.1 per inoulli. A N RLRGANT SET Of' FHKNCII FLATS, NKWLY r\ tuilt, witli nil modern Improvement*. West Twenty ninth street, between Mgh h and Ninth avenues, to lot; alto Floors at a low rate. 32* Ninth DEtSiUAHLK THIRD K LOO It TO LET-IN PRIVATE house l.r>3 West l loventli street: four Kooiuh all improvements; location first class; rent low to a ueslra tie paity. TJILATS?VACANT 1ST OK MAY, Hi AND til EAST I Fourteenth (.treei;six rooms; #70, $00, $fto, $40 per mouth; lumilio* without children wauled. Apply to the lauitor. IiWBNOH FLATS?VE'.iY OHOICK. -IX IMoMS, HE sldes bathroom. Apply to Jauitor, 71 West Fifty third street ITKKNOII FLA iS TO LB f?FIRSl\ SECOND AND 1 third 1 lata in browu stone house lit) J'.ast Fifty, ninth street: nine rooms eaeu ; all in-lit.-d Irom outside; all modern improvement*. Inquire ol janitor ou prem ises or of A. D. iUUHPHUN, W Uror.dWty. ON OR BKPOKF. THK l.-T Of MAY, THE PLOOR above parlor, with one or more Room*Ifdesired, to a mull ami wile or three adults. No 2&j We-t Fort.v lourth streett retereucos icquirou : with o? uer; Iroui IDA. M. Rooms to let?to ofntlhmkn, without board, second tloor, in nrlvato faintly. No. 2li) West I Eleventh street Call between 1 anu 'J in tieumg. No other room* wilt be rented. REASON \BLE TERMS-FIRST PLOOR, PLEASANT i basement vacant; with or without parlor and upper 1 rooms to suit- High English basement House; Rood neighborhood; would partly furnish. No. 'M >Vest Thirty-llitti street between ttighttl an l Ninth avenues. QRCOND PLOOR, PRTPATK HOOSK, OOOD NKKJH O tiorhood. 171 West Tenth street, to a small American Fuinily ol uduUs, lour roouia, closets, Ac.; rent Slfi per month. QBOOND FLOOR, RTI MOM) THIRD FLOOR, O four rooms- inolerntelinprovemonts; rent moderate to -in ill Inquire at 66 J alio street. Irom 2 to 6 p. m. . __ riio l.F.T?TO A SMALL RESPECTAHLK FAMILY. IF I 1 denim! Ittimedl .tely, n fine, large Floor, with excln five bntli anil water closet, at \M Last fourteenth streeU; j rent reasonable. rpo LKT-FRRNCH FL?T; I'UK MOST DKSIltAHI.R 1 suit In the city; tour windows and balcony on !? ll'h avenue; in perfect order ; on parlor floor; can be wen I after 2 I'. M.; roUt$2,DCU. Haighl Mausloll, No. a East I Flfteonlii street. j fpo LET?TO A SMALL FAMILY, THE THIRD AND I l'art of the lourth lloor (fresco-d), with all molern ! improvements, in t:io brown prtva n dwelling ! House No. tf.i West Sixty-llrsl street, for particulars up ; ply ou the premise*. TO LET? A FEW DKSIKABliE FLATS, Ih A VlRriT class a par tine lit Iniiltlnig tn.iuire ot Oil ARLLS 0. W/iKl'.l.liV, . ti lul I'SmI leuth street. rpO LET?LOWER PART OF HOUSE 722 fiRKKN | J wich street. Consistini; of three rooms, ami Room on j third floor. Inquire on premises. | rpO LET-IN NINTH WARt>. UVU PART Of I House, also I pper Part, 5 rooms; also Muble witn b stalls, h. M. Mason. St Park row. ' rpo LET-LOWER PART OF POUR STORY HIGH 1 X stoop lloii-o on West fwenty-fourlh street, all mod em coiiNenleiieoa; rent about $itjO. Address TEMPLB, iieruld Uptown Urancii olliee. __ ____ rpo LET-FIRST floor, four ROOMS, ANI> rase 1 ment, of a large li use; rout fciS per month. Greenwich street, opposite \ andaiu. rpo LF/r-lN CI.IN ION PLACR. 'DIRECTLY OPPtK 1 site Neitsuu place, a flue StiK of third story Rooms, $46 per month Call oil the preiuiaes. 27 Clinton pi ico. IIO LET?A FINK SUIT OF ROOMS, ON FIRST floor, in Clinton place, opposite Neiison place ; very pieasunt loeatiou. with trout oaaeuie it, $tM per uioniiu Cull on the premises. 27 Cliulon place. rpO LET?LOWER PaKT OP FIRST CLASS RROWN J stone hous ? lurnlshei. to a responsible tenant: own er's taiiii v reserving uppor portion; terms moderate. Apply ai S07 West Filtv second street. . rpo LKT?ENTIRE FIRST FLOOR OP HOUSE NO. 116 1 East Sixtieth street, comer Third avenue; modern imp:ovenirms; rent #4i. inquire ot owuer, 12J East Mxty-flrst s reef. TO LET?SKOOND AND THIRD FLOORS; IN FINK order; mudrru improvements; brown stone; rea sonable rent to a wool larlv. in<iuire at No. 2.Iii? East BcTcnty-tirst street or No. 3i First street, near nccoiiJ av. TO LKT-A FEW FIR>T OLARS FLA18 IN THE new btvldli g ?.n Fourth av<-nu?. corner of Mcond street Apply at oftice, 47ft Fourth avenue. rpo LET?AT 224 Wl ST TWENTY-SECOND J-TREKT, J a spl'?n'lid Third Floor, to a small t imily ol adults only; house nrstclass, strictly private, wlih all modern improvement*. fpO l.F.T? FLAT*. 10 ROOMS; M.EO\NT AND SPA i etnu<; steam and hot water supplied; appeai?'> e in and out equa1 to Filth avenue; Uoihing liner in eitv ; rent g-U. FRANCIS CRAWFORD, M lliird avenue fpi> LKT?TUB THIRD FLOOK (FIVK RiMIMS) AND 1. one or three Rooms on fourth floor - the rest ol the h<sui..-occupied bv toe owner. Apply at M East Fourth sire t near Howery, il a M. to Sr. ?. rp > LET.??0. a*) EAST TRUTH STKLBT. FBoM MAY JL 1st.? Frout parlor hiseinen', tfiree Beilrooms, reut ?M; aLs, two rooms aud two lie Dooms, rent 91& rpo LIT?TO A SMALL FAMILY. THE bBCOND 1 Floor in a private hou^e ; rent reasonable. He East t-eycntrentli streat. q'O LET?UPPER PART OF A BRwWN HTONF. 1 House, hnilt for two families. 8 rooms, all lighted, With modern improvement*; seiara'e tor eacli lanuly. Apply to owner. Utf Most Forty ninfh street. fpO LKT?RA9KMKNT AND PARLOR FLOORS; FIRST 1 class private house, IM orchard street. rLKT?VERY CnoiCR FRRNCH FLATS, NFW; fDv. claw lo-atiim; uil modorn i in prove men: a: ??* 1 Mutton iinitio?lt?t?*ly ; rent Irom Nay I. VAlhb. sit .Mxtli avenue, curlier Fiftieth atreet. TO LKT-TO A SMALL FAMILY OK AM'I.TS, THE mcoiiI un l third Floor* la houae No. 3IS tait Thlru-i-ntli atreeW To let?on fifth avenue, bi'.twken twhntt aecond ami Twenty-third atreet*. tklM Flo^r*. suit able lor a club or lightbusinem Ad ireiw box 80 >talion A. TO IiR r?A FRENCH FLAT (NEW* AM. I.rOHT liKimi, wltli mo irri Improve menu flnrat location In the city. No. fl Went ForUr-oif bill street. between rtnh and *0* k avennes. rn WB-T fourteenth STRFET. NEAR MXTII ?JU avrime.?Twonlce larne floor* and Uarrat, sepa rate or lo^c;bar. Inguirr in the *tor?. lflA WENT TWlNTY-MOHTH HTRKRT, CO ?NKR JUV Nstt aienuo. ?Firrt French Fiat; ever* mi 1.1iirun nt: e ?ht raMil; bait- and atmr* carpeied. ln?utr? of *. NICU, 74 Murray itml lijl WEST SIXTEENTH NTNRhT, NEAR SIXTH JO I avenue.?Second story. eon*l?tlni< of tlv? rimim; all Improvements. to adult* oul, . be?t relewncea re quired A t>pI> between 10 and f>. For Other To Let Advertisement* See III rectory. 114)1 HK?4, RtNHIMS, M .. W tNTKD. In this City auil Broo kt> n. A MAW AVO WIFE, WITHOUT ENOUMRRANCK, would line to take charge of tenement or other property ; beat retercucc. UaU at or add row 440 Weat Ktli at. _ A?Wanted. bt a\n ami him wife. . an elerant Hon*e, ('.ir^-l*. Mirrora ami ?a* Fix lure*; flr<t rim* at to condl tun and oration. below I <?r i > third *treet, lor *\ hicli tlx ut Stun per year will be paid. Addraaa T. D. P., Herald office, AtiF.NTI.RMAN AND WIFE WANT TWO WBLL liirnl.tlied Koom* In a tlr?t cla*? prh ale bouse, be ] item Fourteenth ami Forty aecond str?eia, with privil ege ot Hcht housekeeping: r'<pc tal illty and m-atiies* i' dispensable ; term a $ ti ? m.-ntU. Adtlrea* OUHFOBr, li> rala Uptown Branch ollice. ' A BKRFEOTABLB MARRIED COUFLK T> TAKK i f\ care of a Kentlemm'* lm?ae itirin* the umimer > month*; beat ci y referenced Call at itn West 47 at Apartments Wanted -in a quiet house, bt a gentleman and wife. Addrvsa U. HAYES, UO Bowery. LUKNISMKIt t>B l'N FURNISH ED HOUsHS WANT r eil ?Fltat cl.isa tenant* seecre l bf caillnt or send In? ! Tiicutara lo Ub.ttF.Llti> A SON, M Kmhi Kourtaeutu ?tr et. _ ^ KN TI.RMAN and WIFR REQUIRE I'NFFRNISHRD IT -ecoml Floor, IB private Iioiiit. uptown; five fall p ir'i' ialara, rent. Ac ; rcierencca A. bo* I4 i U raid oilier. WANTKD-ON A LRASK.?> A REHIONSIHI.K TKS ant, an anlurnlKlied Hnuw In drat rlam ?onditinn, t#tween l^aiuaton ?nd Fi?tiih inmet abvva Forty ree<>n<l sireet; rent not above ? t,7'JU a jcar. Addreaa U !?., No. tin B.oadway room IA U'ANTED?B? ifhl.Y FDRNISilRD FI.OOR F(?R light iionsenecping; no oiMeettoH to lowar part *f riiv. Ail lr*?i M., box I-A Ueruid I |,luwn Brauch ot) i % l,.'tu Breedw ty. rtranted to iiirr-a hoi-^e, om reason abi.e ?f lerinc. near Twaatv-elghth street ami Se.enih?-.? tiue, bv a first cl.taa teuanL Ad<lr< ?* a iii. -, XM Savcnth ?vauua. ?\*:anT D-TtTO OH 1HRKR BOONS. CNFUB TT ni<h'd. tyr nottirr ami son, American*; near I ..oner In? llute; no tetiemenl hoa<e; rent not to exceed $11 per monili. Aitdrea* HONF.. bos 149 Herald offlcc^ \V'ANIED-A IIAND-OMi r.Y PUKNISUED HO ?M, " for ? aenMaman. with baili eonMCtlRK. in vie.initr Of Twenty-flriit street mil fmu avenue. AiMresa, with lull particular* and prica, W. <1. F . box I4i llerau.' ofltce^ tlTANTRD-B/ T'TO SIN'il.K ?.KN I f.E M FN. SKI'. TT *r*'i Itooin*. in t quiet nriv. e fsnnly; locution li.twe.n Fifteentli atnl llurtieui * tree la. ,\<i ire-e>. #tat. lnrt?rm<, X. v z. box ins llerald Cptown urancn oilicc. Boariliini houses need not replr. WANTED?A SMALL HIOB NTOOF HOUSE, ANT where between fcij[liili *n1 Fitilcih tlreela anil Second ami Nlnnth avenuea; rent mu t be modtrat) ; tenant unexeepiinnahla Address J. T. H. Ilerala o'iice. IVANTRD-BT AN INSURANOK BROKBR. A t ? small Otliee or Desk Room on or In neighborhood ot Bromlwav, iie.twecn !? ulton and I'uine street*. Ad die**, sutung IWor and rtut, #, B., ml East Kunrtticutk ?uvtii lfOIffeKS, ROOMS, &ll\, WANTED. In till* Oily and llrookiyn. *\\T ANTED?It Y TWO ADI/IT*, THIRD KI.OOB, l? u house wi'h on u r or one family N nth wart). bo low Eleventh street; term.. low. Address KD WARDS, l)u* tU7 Uurjld uffli-o. _ llfANiK1.)-ONKI AN 1*8P.O, A KM AIX HOliSK OB ii it Fiat hi .i\t'i Seven rooms Ninth v?r 1 p i.rred. AddtM>, with emu. In \ IMS Putt office. WAN I h ?A SKI ONI) FLOOR IK PRIVATB IIOIMK. or Kl|t With IniBfovi-miMiufc in good neighborhood in Ninth wvard, or be ?? ihirly i unit street. m ir Kourtli avenue. ?' a l on' f to. )? >r self. wito an i .icrv*?t. Add re-*, with lull parti''uur?, lor ttiroc Uu.i s, Ji.vitv !.s u. (LaitK, 23 Chain ncr* streei. W'ANI'TWO OB THREK ROOMS, COMPLBJK I ii tor I toil ?*?* k?-o p i > "X. between Fourth ?ml Twel'tli street* un.l Scooud to -ixlli Hvriili; ; no children ; rent 1 must i;a inoleralo. AUUit's*. stauug priue, m. U . .,11 Amity iitrMi [PANTED TO BKNT-KURNI.-IIRn OB UNP1 R I . I nlshed, u ooruinodioun House, with about two acres of Oruund, ttliuul .o Luilui Iro.n i;ity; n\er vim pis icrred. Address J. U, 34J Wea: Thirty-Ur?t treet. w In tile Country. A FURNISHED, WlTUIN 20 Mil,US OP Net* York, near depot; Orange. Montelair or on tlio irudaon nreierred: wi.; Board owner tor rest, witu privilege ol otli< r boarder*. Addrv. 519 Cllul-a avenue. Brook :vd. WAN I ED?A COMl'ORTABLY PL' :M-IIKU IlOlSh at moderate rent, in* mountAlnous region, within tlvo hours ol New York, lor three months irmn Mine l*t. head lull description to ( . W. 1, s l e.K. out Broad'.vuy. WANTKD TO lil'Nl? F It THB .MM Ml. It MONTHS, by a family of three, a furnished Hon*#, with gn' den, shade, 4c., wl Inn an hour .t the eltv. vicinity of Orange preferred. Address A. S., box 10- Herald omoe. for Other AdvertUemeuti Under Tni* lltadiiiK See Directory. K1ROPKAS ITKAMMIIIPH. IjtAOLK I.INK. II UNITKO RTATRS MAIL STEAMSHIPS TO PLYMOUTH, CHKRBOUUli AND 11A .4 BUBO, T'ho elegant Clyde built lion .n amstilp* will suit trout , New York as follows:? KliOfn'lOCK. ( apt'iiu Fis her April C 0OKTIIB. Captain Wilson w>ril 13 Iroiu Eagle mm pier mm ol First street, lloboken. KA IKS OF PA---AO K TO PLYMOUTH, LONDON, CHKRBOlfRO anil HAMBURG. Cabin?PirM saloon. $UW, gold: snootid saloon, $H gold. Steerage, $21, currency. Prepaid Bteerage ticket* iroui Hamburg, $34, currencr. For freight apply to FUNUB, fcl(?Vi-. .t (JO., i7 .--out!i Williiiin ? treat. Kor passage apply to KNADi'H, NAOHOD ,4 KUB.VB, General Aeeais. 113 Bi luiway. / 1UNAUD LINK,?ii. ANI? N. A. H. M. -. P. < O. \J NOTIC!. ?iTitli a view to di:niiii.sliinu i!u> oti.tnee# of rollMon ti n ateaiuera oi tlii.- Una lalu u apceilied course for .ill svasona ?<t Hi" year. on tlie ouuvmil pas a;-' from O.uecmtown to No w York or Unaton, erosatnit in ihe meridian 59 al tJ laiilu le. or nolhine to tin BIX'!' <>' It. On the l)ome.?ard iia -.i4>. ern^slna the, meridian of .id at 42 latitn le, oruoiiiinu to lite uorA or49. ProBi NI'.W YORK I I 1.1 \ i.UI'OOIi and O BRNSTOWN. ALQKRIA... .vfed . April 7, "UI S .IA Wed., April 91 CHINA Wen.. April Ii ? "HO III ANA,.Wed., April IB Steamer^ in.irk ? t * iln not enrry steerage passenger.. t'abin pannage, ->li>?, fin. i old. neeordlug to ac uoniiniidxtion. Return Uckew on favorable terms. Steerage lioketa to and ISom .11 parta ot i- urope at lowest rates Freight and cabin odlce. No. I Kow ,n^ t.reeu. Bteerocooffice, ill Broa twav (I' inity Building). CHAttl.Bs u. K.;ANCK,1,YN, Ageui, PA.-S'NOKR-; PH.R M T K A M s HI P AUlKItl \ F M ? bark irom the Cuuard whart, loot of i raud .- trr. t, Jemey CHA ?rrAMBURd AMKRIt'AN PACK K I COMPANY'S I.INR I I lor PI.YMOClH, CHKltBi/li ItG ami 1I A.MBURO. WESTPHALIA April ftl sUKVlA ...April 32 PKI.nIA April 15 I PoMM KANIA .. .Aprill# Hmu-.s ot passage to Plymouth. London, I'lierhourg, IlHinliurg and all poiiita in Kngluud, Hcotlaud luu Wales:? First Cabin. upp<>rsalo n. gold $100 First Oabin. lower saloon, gold ?y) Bteiragn. curreuey 24 klmi akdt a ?;o? t . h. riciiabd a boas, General Agents, General Paojsenjer Agent'. CI Broad street. New York. 61 Broadway, New York. riUIE STATE I.INR. 1 NKW YORK TO OLAXGOW, I-1VI Rl'OOL, BKLPAsT AND LONDoNOKBRY. Falling Iroin Pier :!6 Nortb i iver. .is u llows:? state ok Louisiana wciiticmiuv, ApruT. .? I ATK OF INDIANA Wedu -day. April 91. STA l'K OK UBORii I A We llies lay, May h. an<! every V\ ednesduy thereutti r. taking passenger* at tliroiiKli rates to all pin ts oi (ireat Hntmn and ueiand, Norway, H^-'leii, Denniarkand CeriBAnv. Steerage ?s low as bv any oilier line I/ratiB lor ?1 ami u w ir-t. H eight or pass.ij# ap. ply to AUfllN, BALDWIN A tin . AgeutA No- Ii Broadway, Steerage oTlce. No. 45 Broadway. OBTII OKBMAN LLOYD STKA.'d -1 i IP COMPANY, FOR SOUTHAMPTON A M? HBKMKN. ihe steainablp NKCKAB, Captain A. de l.imon, will sat <111 .-alurilay. April 10 at 2 P M.. from Brarneu piar, loot of .-cconil street. Hobokeu, to lie iolln??.| |,\ steaui slnp MOSi-.L, Capt tin II. A. F. N> > naU-r, on Miiurday. April 17. KATIES OP PAMiAGK TO LONDON, IIAVBfc: AND BBf.MKN. l-irat Cabin $1 "i, go'd. Sei oud l a bin 8J, it old. tteeragi! 21, i unency. For riei.lit or passage apply to OKI.Kit.ll.i A CO., AgeuU, No. 2 Howiitig Green. . O r nn niraw miii .ii.tir.iu \ r ill ? bark trom thr Cuuard wliart, loo', of i.rand street, i?y ?7ity. at 3 P. M., on Weoneaday, April 7, H7ft. .RI.KS O. FK\N< KLYN, Na 4 Bowling Green, N. Y. N w am STAR MSt, V> POR UUKKN TOWN OK I.lVi RPOOL, CAUKYINU I'lli-. IMTKUlTA I KS MAIL. CBLTIC,... A?hI HI. at # A. M. HALT 10 A;?r;i IV, a. ?\ t| Ri PUBI.IO April Si, at i A. M ADIU -Tie Milt t. "it T:s< A. M. 0*1.111 Mmv is. m i \L Prom tl.e White ,?tar docks Bier 5J Biver. Rali-it?v?loo!i, m?l >ii" m n-tlJ ; n iuru tickoia, >17 ' k'oliL dlrfriie st low nit' ?. mi1<m?i. staterooms ? moklne and bathrooma ?r? placed -iiuM-lupa. vkrri llu noise <n<t mod ?? arelea-t, aflurdiBir a iiegree ol com.ort hitherto uiiaf, i.n tU at eon. Kor Inspection of plan* an-' oilier information apptr ? l lite couipau) 'eeflleea. i? Bioa twav. New York. li. J. 4 ?.iK 1 lis AtfCOt. J SMAN LINK-riXKi) BOUTUKKLT COUKOK. Loral Mail Meaner* are anpoint-d ??? salt a? follow* roK qt Mi-N?iowi and jyi-.kpoou CITY OK M VV \rti;k Satiir.inr. April III, at 9 V CITY or RICHMOND SatorUar. Apr.l 17. ui I*. M. CITY OP MONiRKAl Sniurii.iy, April J4, a < A v. C(IY or CIIKsTI R >a ordny, Mac i, nt ' i". M CITY <>K BROOKLYN atur liv May 8. at !t A. M. CABIN Pas-m> i- -$1i i?ua ?l? *>??*. i I M Kao i ? io and from nil points. at redaced rate*. <'alnn ami eeneral office. No. ft Broadway. SimtmK'- Utnc.a. a Broadway and M?r 41 North River. JOHN O. DALK, Aceut. Most direct and economical roi tb to Holland. Belgium. the Rhine, Switzerland, ?c., ria Rut 11 It11a M. Steamer M VAS April IS steamer K'lfOLTKN April w These b*au ilul Mesmer-t. earning the United states mail to the Netherlands. are welt known lor the regular ity ot their trip* Kales ot passage low. PUNCH, RDYh A i L. ?. MORBl*, Oeueral Agenta W Broadway. ANCHOR UNK. CARRY I Ml THR I'XITHl statk* mail. NKW TORS A.M> OLAMiOW. BOLIVIA sails ,...>Bturilav. April la atl? A. M. RTiilol'lA aaHa....Halani,iy. April 17. nt noon. RLYKU .. nail# aturiUf. April M. at ? ?. *. CALI Pt > UN I \ ,?nit? saturdav, May i. at noon. TOULASo<>W LIVERPOOL LOftDONDKitKY. Ql'RKNRIOW.N OK HKI KAST. Cabin, tu t7> (told, according to areommo tatiouj. INI KliM H HI A'l I A N II M KKItAOK it low as by any otbar first oi/i*? line. ltratl* i>?ue i lor a at amount at low- ?t r.tte*. ?RROBRiON HBOa . A^e.u*. No 7 H iwlitw Oreeit ARBRirvN l.INK Weekly Jiail Steamdup acrTtee l ettv -n niIL.A'11 tiPIIIA \NO I IVKKrO lL, eallinc at OooriiMowit, Miiin* everv Th rwlay iroui Philailelpbla. snl ?ailiiia evert We>ln?wlav from I iverpool Tlie loll ?? ing steamer* ar.- appotated to *atl tr >m f'lii a li i lim i? INDIANA April Rllt.MhOI*. April ? ?ABBOTtirOKD April I'i ?KK.MI,Wi?HTl? ?a> H OHIO tprtial rKNMsYI.V.V ...?at It PRICKS or ims AOb. IN ft It IKM'Y Cabin SUV steerare and interim'-.Hate ti< keta lo an.l from all point* ai the lowest ra'e?. sicam. r> mir*e't v> ith a star do not carry interim di.tle. Pa?*enirer acroinTno<1ati 'n , for all e|* ?<e? unoirn i ?"d. ror paoMKe, tab'* ol tiuigiu and other Ink i iu.iti in applt to v OK" W. I ol.TOV, A'rent, *i llroa.l Htr??et. New \ t u. JOHN' McD.>.NaI.I> Paiaenger Agent, ? No. H Battery place. New York. PKTRR WRlHli I A SUNS o. n r.l v* ni?. 307 Walllut atreet I'll ladelphlR Riebarricon. Spenee 4 < N A J Curamint A Bro? . Liverpool. Vueeii-toivn 0 Nt.Y DIRECT LINK TO PR XNCK. 1T1E GBRRRAl. TItA N ? A I'LA VTM' COMPANY'3 MAIL HTRAMSHIPS MhTWKKN ,Nh W TURK A N 11 ii *\ K . Tlte "plendtd venae la on this I ??rite roil''' for the Con lliiaat (bein< more ?imtherly than anv olker) wil< ?ail honi pier Ni>. tn .North River. aalolloM*:? I'P.RRIRB lOatire) Samrditr. April 17 PRANCK (Tradollet ...satttnlav M ?t i L'AMI Rltjlll. I'oux'ili Salurday, May IS PRlCK OP TassauK IN <iim I' itieiiiillni wlitc). >ir*ti aWM,$ini;, ihird. fW. It uirn Ticlte s ai reduced rnti--. Rteenge, tJJ. tvitli *t*perlor ueeonimo laiiona an 1 in cladiua alt nece*?ane< wiib^iit i xtra ebarfte. tJKOKOK M Ai v I > / r AgCHt. ii Mroalwav. fTNITRI) STATKS MAIL l<INK?STKAM TO QL'RKXj L TOWN AKD L1VKRPIIOU salltiif everv I uc*Uv Irom Tier 4i? Kortli i.iv.'r, Il> \ITO. Tiptain neddoe >nrti It. at ivm Hi v * in, captain onard \nril i ai S P. M. Cabin, imcrinfc.lia'e and iteerjge at io veet rate$. Prepaid ttr*et< at tow ratei. Paanngcra booked to and from i"an?. I'amburit, n >r tt ne ami swed. u Ac. Iiram on ire ao l, KnglRMtl, France and Ueim my at lowoat r?ie*. Apply to ?fl-!,IAMs a Ijfio*, m B Mad trap. (tool'l ToL'Rlal?, tiorkts-knablr onr or j more pafeenger* to travel by any train. ?t >ainer or dilluciioc to a I parta of the worlil at rrdncLons tteloW ordinary fare*, nvailai !>? In n,t lln < ol ?ti auif ra Irom any AaMrteaii port. COOK'S K*i'l'Khlo.Ni?T, contain ing lare-aiid particular.-- ot nearly I,On) Biropenn lourj, Bow raady. price In eenta COok. St??l A jknk Ms. corner Hrcva-lwai and Warren street. TVTATIONAL LIN \ JL\ Krrnn pler.-i tt ari 1 <7 .Viirlh Hirer TO yi .. I-.NS .1 A U L1Yl-.Ki'OOtt. KflfPT April it, ? P M. I rOR LONDON I'llli cr. IT VI,Y ?M11 -dae, April '? l!i i ?bin ptunage, $7U and tJ( tiieeUi^ staert^c at arentlv reduced puce KetuiB t.tkcu at reduced rate* Prepaid stcera*< ticket* ir. in Liverpool at tfia lowest rates. Apply at the company's oflice. no. HtProadway. K J IIVU.iT. Matia<> r. 0>DO*OVAM BOS >A.?Cll KAI'RAT pa.s^aob op. floe In New *or^. open ereniima* every dar, Cork, Liverpool 'llajg -w, D< u Dca4 .? pnyabie ev. , >? where, loue.t ra>s 7* , li ru rliRel, coruer iiortlaaat ?ud Weet street* KVROPKV* STK \ 'ISllll*S. V (1 UK AT W K.ST K UN 1 8TKAtahM'P iilN K. NiiW Y'lUK r ? HIIHTI 1, f MO.WD mitKOP, aaillntl trnm pier 1* Kaa Kiv r 11 .'..w- ; ? ABwjdn, Captain Hvmous.... ....t m a..v. inrd 1J (u.:nVAI.l, S, imper .-Saturday. |, t abin t? ..?>-?*.* |7>: in i-r.m-li itu 51-. liteeragi!, $U, currency; i M'urJon t!ok,?ts. j>i a Apply to W. I). wuKii.vX. Auent, 7U South rirse'. rp.%P -VOTtM rOKKlU.V KX. IIANiIK .\So EMRidAs J. lion office, HO MiUtli .street Y.irn. Dratt* fkff II anil in ward un I piti-nv.'1- 'ieUott ti> .mil Urom yuceu.>uiwa and Liverpool issued at Uic iuwoat rain* _ * NITKI? HTATt'S IWSSPUKI' BUR t U. ?<>i'VH I \It vJ Pu*?p.>r|s ot the llepartnient of State liuiued by A. t'. Wi.. I..V1 Alt'l'il,* i inl.d istalea Court Holme, *1 v (taut bom street. COAST W Is B STKAMSUIPS. ^ I> v?? 11Tr MAIL ? i'.AM 1111* Ll.Xli?FOR t U.iFOlU niu. Japan and Colua. trom i lor '?* North lliver. Flirt ASIINWAl.I. VIA ,;\ A ? l: I A. COLON, I'.iIIlit-r VI RIL 15 It H, conueetluir (or all central Vm.*ric m an l porta, I* IKiM SA Fl. -M i-ii ? Ft lit JAPAN ANi> OIIINA Oiti. v I ItlilM'BLlC, M?y 1 Form uiil or pu.ssuite appi. at pic. li Nor u it.v.*r. II j. ri i.i vv, Superintendent FilRT ROYAL AND i"K I: N A N DIN A STEAMSHIP line. Only ihronjili liii<? to Florida without chango. Tin* His au. -hip NO:i i'H l-Oi.NT finitli master. baring Superior a coinmodatlor.s lur imwJt. rs, will l?- do Hpatohed It r I'em.indina, via Port lti>yul mi Tn?r*l if, April 8. ai 1 o'clock K M.. Ironi pier So. a .Nor;a Kivcr. Hail'# or' iiuitwiiie. Nov. York to Pernamiiua, tlrsi. .** $Ji? New York to Jacksonville first clans "i 50 Novv York toAtwua'a, llrs. Those :atm include at a to room* ami uicaU ot? tlie atoamur. Through tickets to all nolMs In Florida. i h ? steamship Li- <> will lullow ou tlio 151b of April. For height or passage ?:?J* i' to III.i;,M. lihLl'OKK, No. 8 William a.rsat Domino AS AND HAVTIKN STKAUS IIP J 'INK I'lio ? toain-'ii.i WKKi'i, Captain W II. Oardlner, lor Turk s islnnil, Po: io Plata, .".uumi i mil t. ll.iintli^o Oily, wHI sail I.n Moutlay, April 1-, ai . o' lock P. W . iroui pier is Ea"t Kivar. >o freixlit ru. olvi il aft?r Satur.lay, April 10, or with> out aliippiitK order iroin .u?? 111 1 .>r trui?tnt ami pass age ip.ivitde in gold at Ne.v York), apply to L. ItKIi M'i\!'I.. &l I'.x.* plsoi* BBRMODA tfrKAWHHIPa. WK?KI.Y IJvK. riiK yt'EBKC \ N I) lil'l.v Pi M \M IMP OUMPANV will despaU'li the olouant -.ioann:i p OH Y OF HOUSTON u.r Mtr nu'la April >, -?<*.i ns'np OA NIM v April 1". Hound trip leu ?la v*. lour il ?v ? at tlm Inland*. I'.ir inform*' on, plmtDKraph". Jtc., apply to A. K. OL' I'I'. UK Kl l m F, > runt a? Iiro.. Iw#y NT Y.. HAVANA AND MKXICAN MAII- S.S. I.INK.? ? Steamers 'i u\ o pi r M Nurtli i:iv.*r at '.t 1*. M. I-1 IK lis V A.N A DIKKiVr. ,-r rv ok nkw voBK Thurslar, April * UilY OF MKXIOu "'i *day. April H CITY OK V Kit A i'H! t. Thursday. ApUl U Full VKItA OKI A* V) ? i >.. I.KA.n.s, oaiHiiij at II ivan'i. Pr i-rre ?<>. Omnpeaeliv, fuxpau ail.t rainpi?o, CITY OF Mi Xi'.'U..., Agril ? CITY OK HAVANA uual.iy, May 11 For fret lit or u issa^o nppl) to h .VI.I \ a : m * PON'S, SB Broadway. Htoaineri will tenvo Now orl ? f ? April 24 and Ms) IS lor Vera t'rua ami alt the above port*. I^EVY YOKK AND HAYAXA mr.' .T MAC. MrfK.? 1> 'Hi so flr?t clas>, atoAinsbips will sail at ;i P. M fro?? pier ?North Kiver, t .o: ot t'eUr street, far llaran* d;reet. h.- loiiow COIA'MKtM 'Iii siiar April < ClthfH' .NT i II Y . i luit < lav, vprll H For traitfbt or p i-i-a^e li ivinn unMirpasaeU accoiaiuo. Uaiioua. appiv in w VI P. CLYDE Jk CO., No. ii it.jwliii(j Oreou. McKellar, l.uliiiK A. ( o.. Aliens in liavau i. rpi-XA.i LINE OF UAI.V KSION MKAUK tS, TOUOII I li.x at Kev Wo-.t. carrying the ruito.t .Mutes M. il.? Steamer STaTK OF TI NA I'spimta .Kilaer, wui ruv.> pier Mt K a-t River on satnrtav April lA at .11' M. ThrouKh bUls ol ladiug given to u'l p iiu< on the II. ami T. 1 and Q. II. und ii. and U. H and A K It No onarire tor (towardiiiK in New York. For trri<ht ?r Mu?r haviiiv rtupoi' oi i.coiniiu>olauou-, ipply to 0. II. MAl.l.OIIY . <M . 15 J Maiden lauo W. P. OtiYDH A 00.. 119 Wall s.roeu IIOK NEW OBLKANS D1BKCT. The Cromwell StoamsiiiD Line. TUr ?teamshiu couTEs, Captain Froeman. wil leave ?lor Mo. V .North Biv r on Sai'irda.v, ipni lu it S r ;.i I re 1Kb t received daily, ffcrounh rat?-? ^tveii to OaHo? ton, inuiati oa Boekport or AranMi VVitarl Hn.-us -an Unto. t. I..nils and Moht!<>. Cnlnu p.i>snge, iteor ai-'e. $25. For Ireiurht or p itsnee apply to CI.ARK .1 K t M V N sft Weat atrent OLD DOMlN'InN STK VMSH1P COUP VNY. sailing Irotn pier 37 North i leer. For Nort ilk, it y Point an i Riehmonl, Tw^dajr#. Thnrixlay* ami 8?iurday?. at 3 P M conneettnif with Uiu vtr.'lnia and Tonne?ee Air Atlantic Coii.t l ino Pie.lnioiit Air i.if, i lioaip ake -.n.1 Ohio lf*l|. roan, aad with Hie < onipuny'i up* m mice to Inten ir point* in Mj^rth Carolina and Virginia. liiiltnm*ro Wmlmisdays aud Saliird.iv* .it 4 P M. Con nci-iuiit with Baltimore ami ??lw> Ku.lrf. i i, l,.*wi ?, Del.. Mondays and thur<J?>i, at ( P. M Con neetlnK with Delaware ami Maryland rauroa.U. s,-w I .era at i.l VV.' liinjton. N, c (via .vor'olki, every Tuo? dav, Thursday Ml Saturta* Faaoenaer aoooinni' dai'on* un?urpMe('d. 1hr.>u ;h .ifts-a-'f ii-sets and lull. ol lading to alt Polfttg ?t lttW**sl rate- Insurance to N?r:oik .vo. twr cent. Freiclit looeiyed dully at pn-r .13 North laver. Uei.eral offlces, 19.' 'iroonwi -a ir-*ot w.rk . N. ik. itmiMB eTKAMSHIi- CdMPANll.S C INC. LAKOS QfANTI. ? A in"* 'ii prliiliou will flu . it : ivaotu .'?? hi* to 6 ii with the A.N P.1NIIM1 F. i UU.Ivlt.MKHr. No. 2is Bron<i way, as Ita facilttl < for d dne ovi*r\ kiaa ol wor.; are uimurpnao i. wlille In promptaoaa neuuio * and ohfiupti "~* It offers upeeial indu omenta. It il* .>l' Lad in;. Shinpiuir Receipts ho *t*. Ma.,l!-*ifs Paaaemrer Lists, circaiars Cos o.-s Cards, w-tv' '. Ik anil ev rr spei-nil lorni iios'cl iu the transaction o. Iiusinuas care litlii prepared a.iJ priatoJ. THAVEM-KH -' ?l IOR. A. 1 ? *? * .N011TU SIlORF. STATEN ISLAND FBRRK Winter ArraMament. For New Brighton, SntM liuriior. Brulnou ut Port Richmond, boat* le.: v,- W :it ?U*'l air mi, at loit* Broadway. dally. *t?:(V i7li 9:1). l':4i .V. U'A 2 ;1 J I :T0k l:?, i :D and 6:45 ivit Sunday*. atu:;?. W:M a m j\ : H ?:? r m. Fans lOcmta. As tor Uouaa ;ar* la ay- Van-y straat lor f-rry Pari 3c<nto. _ ATrRNIIO.1 KAlLKotll t'oM I'ASIM ? I'UNOil mii>? ,m t'rtp lirkata printed rh tt>er and <>n batttr board ai tho >i i ii??? oi.i i.v.n i i:i.\ I'tNU H I a Jidda Mr.NT. Uaratd Rutldlnn, New Yoik, lliau attj urtiure civ 1/AI.L RIVKIt LINK TO B09MX, VIA XKWP.'Kf r ami ' *11 Rlr?r.? lite ateamar* >1 WMKTMiOlii CoLON V I.m >.? pu r .< Ni?rili olver, loot ? Murray dnily (Sunday* * \re'ted at S r M Through ticteia Mia ai all principal iiotnla la the eity._ f OWKST err. I i I t.-c r I irkpts at fi te? thanJ? <ff<-r? 1 br any oth"r >.ltW in the oily Obia-ago >17 iM !. uu #i ' ? Intimati ?U; i ?.m-vllio. I ? yul.-k tiuw' No eaatutai >i w Vnrft an I '?rami t-niiil Uuttl n net flio a, 7JI r. P. hAU, Afifut. J>ENN ?-TETANIA RULKOVO. I li- ureal Trunk '.in* an l Cnited -i?v,?m?i! Koala. Var Train*lean' 1 -rn, irotii font ?i Dea'iroaiM anl " >??' laud atreats. a* follow* ? Blfrtoiw Harrisoari I'UW^'ft He Wnal .ml Hou'li, with Pullman I'aiace *'ara a:ia nd, \ tana ?:? i*. M iteatlay, i w P A For wi|i'4in .in?rt in I ilavea vii riiiia i -iphta a. d km- Railroad Divtalon. wnae.-tlag at I'hiltld ulna). !>:U V. M For William tinrt, Lo k Htr>l "orrr and Erie, *5# I" M . nn-i? in* at Corry iur TiniatrR:*. Petroleum Centre ant r??C ? ??l Beal'ina fit Baltimore, W,i?nin>toa and lln< S.inlh, Waahinxion F.*Bi*?w,r?i I'ttliniaa Kar't.r t'ar?dallT f * . in Sun u\. v M.: arrive it '.Vaotnirto*. t I| r. a. KenHlar at v ' > a. N , Jwilic >?? laf,i t*'].r 'i?fc?r l*1lilad<rtp?!la. T. 8:W. 9:1) A M , l!:H I" |L 4:1 I ?:??,?. 7. 8 I'. 9 1' M .m l I; im it. .Min l?v, I ?l. ft. 7 iuU and 1 I' M Lnaijrau: aul ?et:o-ii F.!r Ntlwa.K aid ?:V 7 7 I ?. H % 10, II V. M.. II M , I. ? 2-'?. ? I, S I". I lil. l:1i .?, -JI. J;U li. All 7, ! 11 " " j*'J1"*"*' "Ai, 7 ail Foi' l1. 'i/a-i.-lli. i ??:!!. 7. 7:1), V> M \ M . ti W.. I, i. 1:11 5:lii, I". ? 1 -V.1', .?:ll d, t> :lt>. >i: 11, {. 1 IL j?:l,j IHII .11 P. M a.i I IJ nifht f in la/, 5'W. 7. m] rur'llaharaV.*, ?-M T. S i > K \f . Ij 41., I i. *??$?. J.U 4 V, 1: li ? ?'. ?:i?. 5 W 8. ': H. 6:1'. i. ! i.i'l, I) I* M ami It >nn la t", 1:i> ml 7 I". M For Wotilbruigo, rprik Ainitoy aul Soutu vmbo/. I anl lu M . -? S', I :V) and li I'. M. For V.-w Rruitawl ?'* 7 and* t liM.,1, l.ti, in, ? :i. ? ?IH 7 1* *. and li nl tnt su.idn, i i\ M IiIvk' nl i 'i ?, li ii..,iii. H an I > /' I' M I i,r Kum-toit and Korlii Hi i vi1 v M. an I 1 1) I' W For iTin e o t i *-1" ^ V , llilt l I Uivli' I* 1 I'm I. ihiIhtiviIIp a d Kl. tinngt .n .' 11 V M anllF W. For I'luiliB-diiinf and Hein letv, A M an l t r M. (or i n iir nl. K Bnrllrijlioa ail i Cautlan,! an I 9:n v ? . It: VI, I i * and 7 I" M. Far Kra 'hold, 7 \ M I and i !0 I* m . . ? Kor ?'iirmm# tele an : > ,n in, 7 A M. anl ! r M ? ,ir llinht-i nil, !? uiv-rton ml i aiudco, via IVrrt Amlxiy i V) 1'. *? ,, K..r tll?ni>'.<iwn aitJ Pem^artoB, I A. M. 1 rams arrive i< loiiow*.?rrom ? it'sburj. 8 Wan 111 II A. M. anl 1I .1M'. M daHrt ld:te A. M mi l 7:10 P *. ?ally, esc MM Moiidav. I'r.- n VTasUinjtlon anl Bali more ? ?? V 'L. 4 :1V. t:l.1 and HI :-7 I" M rt.ll A iI Hid 10:17 I". M. From f*>?iIadeipltte,*:W, ?:!), ?:vl lil:l> 11:11,11 SI t. M : l \ 4 IV 5:1., 7 ::?V 7 41, 1:44 ID:.; i; W. Hnuilay, Silo, liil), ??J?, ll :W V M? 7 Daa? Tlcxet o:ii tA 5'J< anl 'n Brwflwar i No. I As tor Ronae an.i teal o. liciifMiii a?l Cortlandt atreat*. N., (t'o?rt <trent. Hrookiyn: N i-. 114, 116, anl 111 llul iH'U sticet, UoOokon H mixrant Tteket oib^b, No. 1 llat tiTv Blacc. I>. H. imvii. Jr., flcueral i' taa .ij >r Arent, FRANK IHOR8UN, ii"iier?l M* a?ar. ill.l'ri THIS IN KMI.KOAD KUKS.-THK >fNl" IV -rlranla Hallro d annrmnr* Ilia followlna r*d?e*4 ra-. t i W s em i un a -? h.cafo, elKhtecn (I8> dollars; rnn innati, fltte?n (IS) dallarai, l.nnlss iile, eluhie-n (in 1 >ila a- lnllanapotia, alxteen (id dollars; st I??ia, twenty 2m rtoltara. Kitnaas ntr, thirty one 431) loilara, ami oniaha tU.riy-:?iir iM) .loliara. KtCI'RSmi. V?poll hX<'I HHlON!*, 8AI.OON STEAMKI S WT . ominc iwish new bolter) and oii?:.?nt, narfea Ra rii'dl*:. < Inravo, .-ala'.i Smith, < aleili nla ami Anna; ? i t-ii tat I < ad pring. I'.a? lea wood, E*cal?lor nn.l loiia !?l..n I (Irovea t > lw:. Ottlee H-4 Went ^r'-rt. o#pos<M t. lin.s.ophi r atroet icrry , open e^cnuwa an I -nn lays. H. R. ORuASiir. FIOR KXi-URmIONR?THR tsAKOK. FIRST 'It. lavorite ti auili.ian SIsKKPI Holds iW now ctil-J (lie Isoxu B ham; ii i and MEIAMORA: Dudley A ai dorncy, Spi 04 Hill, M>nr?' tipinn in I la#a talAtll Uroves. w:in I. trges and RoaHoi all kiada. J. ? K. Ml Kits, coru.r Rortoa anl vv,Mt street. OTKAMIIOMd \ND BAlt'IhS FOR KXi'lrB-ToH T'l ii Rantan doo li. Sea 1 n?, loni ''land a'id ttii . r llaven Urovo. M.itl.Mt KASKhM,, in utiHi -h rricKMB, 0!R? |'IA"S. iNFrrirlnx.-i. p-nrim I an I all nocrssari Prln'.lnj for a*c?rslona, partlt-1, ball*, Ac., lone In tli ? neat ?l <? an i > !?;?(? t . l. it MRtkoPblsI AS rUlMiiati fc.."! AUUI.s:lll. 11, . 1 ?roadwar. N?w Fork.