Newspaper Page Text
CITY UKAL EffTAfte C?atnli ADBcidrd bargain?flko\nt rrtr, front four story brawn atone Dwelling, No. M West Fifty Mveath street, between Ki'th and slith avnuM; first ?lass inevery respect; hardwood "abluri finish; elegant Mirrors Ac. Apply on the premises, ur to 1*. U. GRADY, Mos ftf^Slxth avenue. POR MALE AT A SACRIFICE?FOUR STORY HIGH atoou brown stone House; parlor* frescoed; good aeighb .rnood, below I'ark. price reduced trom $2&,'U0 to f .9,4*1. TIMPBON A PKHT, 1,488 Broad way, near Forty-fourth street. Kuit Side. A?MUST BP. SOLD this WEEK; A SPLENDID ? three story stone House, we-t of Lexington avenue; only #i\5(W; a decided bargain. F. CRAW FORD, No. 'J6l\ l'hlrd avenue. VCUST BK SOLl>?A NE WLY-PAl N1 ED THRKK ivl story private Dwelling. in East Hftv-tlilrd street, in ported order; a prompt purchaser ?ill net a bargain. F. ZUTi.LL, l.UJti lliird avenue. U'til hide. A HOUSE FOR SALE-west OF S1VRNTH AVE J\ uue : tour-itorj-; will l,e sold cheap for eaah; als.> luo other* Irotn jltl.OOJ ;o JIWUOU. Applv to JOUN FK1TRETCH, l.i90 Broadway. Bargain.?a four story high stoop brown atone House. In tlrat data order; newly painted and fiaperetl; in West Forty-seventh street: price, $17,5*0. J. K. LHAYCRAK'T 694 Eighth avenue. BROOKLYS PROPERTY POR SALE AXO TO LET. For sai,e?splendid opportunity?corner More Property, brown stone, on a prominent Avenue nine rooms uud store ; modern improvement*; terms eusy. o. V. Hi'1.00MB, 138 Broad way, \\ uiiunisburg. TO LET OR LKAS! -NO. 22 FIRST PLACE. BK tween Clinton and Benrv streets, at ? redaction U first class; walla panned m oil mi l in thorough repair; til roe story brown stone,. VA ov 133 k tee i: $1,500 per an num. .vpplv to Ut'.-6r;LL A MiLLs, 313 Court street; free rent to May 1. __ j rpHE PLRAJU.NTF.HT Mot SE ON BROOKLYN J. Hetchts to let Furnished, or Umurulshcd, or tor I Bale: 14 Rooms with extens on al! Improvements; rent moderate to responsible private lauidy. Apply on . premises, S3 Orange street. OTTILL SELL-MUSI SELL?TUK THRICE STORY vv 20-loot House 88 CU in-r street Brooklyn; price $8 300; see it and mate an offer; a bargain tor some- : body. FRANCIS CRAWFORD, tf.Yi Third avenue. WKSTCHESTEIl COIITT PROPERTY FOR SALE A\U TO REST, AT TARRY rows AND ALL ALONG TUK HUDSON Elegantly furnished and unfurnished Cottages, llouMes and beautiful Residences for sale and to let, im mediate possession, at low pi ices. R. i.MUi'.RsON, 069 sixth avenue. PROPERTY <?IT OP THE CITY POR SALE OR TO RENT. A FARM of 50 At BBS, AT SMITHTO WN. L. I., TO let $15u a year; two small Houses on Wye k off street; Improvements; rent tM). Apply at 136 Court jtreet. Brooklyn, marble yard. XJ'IFTEEN ACRE FARM-HOUSE. SIX ROOMS, POR J sale or to let cheap. 42 miles tr.nn New Vork; ?"oathern New Jersey. Address OWNER, station L, Harlem, New York. T'O LET. FURNISH r.I>? AT I IIVINGTON, NEAR New irk, N. J., tne Hesiilence of the late Samuel M. 4tewlett, r.sq ; low rent to responsible tenant; house and grounds very desiruble. J, C. CLl.vioN, to East Eighteenth street. _ rpO LET?AT rASSAIC. N. J., HOUSE, ON HOPE J. avenue, 10rooms, conservatory large piazza; one ?ere ofirround. shrubbery, small triuts. Inquire at 605 lignth avenue. REAL KHTA'I K TO KXCII AKUE. AFIRjsT CLASH PUhCHAHE MONEY mortgage Of $40,000 tor nalc or exchange lor dividend paying fHock or Real Estate, if at a bargain. L A. BLOOM'-J\ 1ST, 150 Nassati street. IO BARGAINS IN <'ITY LOTS, EAST SIDE FLATS and Stores, Lexington avenue corner; city Mort es, all ur part, sale or exchange. Owner, LltHTfcN Kl>, 144 East Fortj-tonrth street. B Vfi EXCHANGE-A private HOUSE, IN THE FOl R teentb ward, near Grand street, lull lot unencum bered, lor business or first class tenement I'roperty. JOHN 11 IGUI.NS G8 Warren street. X"?OR BALK OR EXCHANGE-EIGHT LOTS IN H2D X street, l?tween Orand Boulovard and Tenth avenue; coziest ."table in New York above Forty-second street, between Filth and ?<ixth ave..ues, will be cxchanaed lor boslnesaor tenant Property, not too heavily mortgaged. Brok?-r*ge paid If services are rendered. Address OWNUR. box li2 Herald Uptown Hranch ofllce. For sale or kx< iiange-a fine farm, op 70 seres, in a hijh state ol cultivation, near Stam Jord, Conn.: pcrlectly healt.'iv, line view, with trout ?(ream runnitig through the place. BAXLl'hL D. MACK, 35 Union square. SALE OR EXenAN-iE-; HREF, LOTS I', F.A'T SIX ty-Uiird street; ten Uita ,Vest rieventy-clnth street; ?three, lhird avenue: two Itrst avenue Tenements: SI .SO) city Vorigaaes. Owner, LICH'lEN ? lfclN, 144 Last F orty- too I th street. TO EXCUANGF?THE STOCK OF A RETAIL STORE, consisting of Linens, hosiery a ul o,h< r Dry '-coda, on account ot owner going cat of bu-iness; a small Place near, or good Proper, v In u,e cltv wiliix! taken: laaee ot Store and Fixtures cin be bad It desired Fu.l particulars at olOce ji M. 8. MTBU A ?ON. 4.V4 Broad Way. KK It K*TAIK WASTED. Ebbk and ri.Kut ihfroyed propcrtt want. .1?In exchange for Country Residence, <itv ta, Hat* and -tor' i. b.?iiU#>me tenement*. Mortgages ? Dc. ?!0?U cash. Owner, LlCUlENSlfclN, 144 l-MSV J"ortj-luurtb *treet TITAHIKD TO ffEC'H 4SE-A FR'.XCn FLAT ?T brown (ton* House; n it nvtr $0UIU. location in Wont lUc or central irom rweniieth t.> Mxtic h street; ftr culi Aduicas. with devcriptioa and attoa, U. D. !?., Uoraid I'ptown Br augtl oil ?>. No agt uu Wot Other Real E*talr AdvfrtiMmrnti See Directory. TO LCT FOH BIXIMCJ4H Pi RJPUtUCH. AHAMWOME rORM-.i: bTf MIDWEST SIDE OF Sixth avenue: ejr^ant ? n?do? - ' r-1 Iim location; cheap r?iiL AdJr?'?s U.MjLl i &/! sixth uveiiue, tor aer Fortieth sureeL A ?TENTH ATENl'E STORK, ??3, BETWEEN TU1R J\? ty-second aud Thirtv-third street*. ?Four Mory mora to lease low. Ai j.iy u> B LITTItAX, 240 West Fmy fltth afreet fPO LET?TnE STORE AM? BASEMENT No. 4 5; 1 rent tl 4 0 per annum. Apply tu G. LVAn S, No X'i3 fclstb avenu. fPO LKT?A LA BOB BUILDING FOB MA.MIFAC. J taring. fin by 1U0, on the ?r?t ndr of the city; ib-atu power it required ; will be let ?eoarate or tnsether. B. *. MYERS A *<?)>. 4.14 Broome ntreet DWKLLI\<; MO t XBS TO LET. Kuininheil. A?HAHDSOMKT.Y FTRHTHHRD HOTSE*. 21 ? r<v>m? ii >w tilled wiib fl'?t< *<? boarder*, to rent, en West rhir.v-oivhili street; rent triodera-c , others, #175 to $?.u ver W*. G. BI LE, It 1.BB Broadwav. A HABDSOMK FOCH STO RY B ROWN STONE llou?e frr..>oeii. in i erie< t ord<-r fully formatted ; Fortr-sixth street, between ?? it"; ana Msili svnues; Wt low. F. H. GMADY, m Mlta avenue. AUAWDSMMELT FrBWISHED HOt'sH (BIX m?ntbm tor>. lei-e tn/O; location choice; turn n?i??es, ciur aad conn try, to let a.i l t< r -.'ti?. F. 4. OA1I.EY, .'as Mithawnoe. TO LET?Ft"RMSIIED, FOR ONE OR THREE yeari, an ei<gant lleal^en. e on W??i Fill drat street near Fifth iviiu?; r<?iu reduced about one-bait from former rates. saMI EL i>, *1 VE, 3ft L'nion square. TO LET?FI"RMSIIED, ON I WENTY-EIGHTH street. oetween Broadway ati I Fifth a> enue, a four Story Eneliuli ba-*-ment brown stone House 2&xWilUU; rent $:W) p*r monib. J. t I'UHIOR, ? East RliMtMl itrMt A 7TH HTBEET. BHTWBEN SIXTH AND SEYFNTH fr I arenn-a.?. ?tory huth stoop brown mom M?n?e frewued, r*int?'l and in roost comp.ete order; flbnUMMJ or ?ntaralstesd. IIBPS?>> a FEET >o 1 4^< iiri'Od ' jv. near f oety-fourth street. rnfarniahrd. AT BOBRI# B BAEE'fl, 77 WEST THIRTY "OCRTH street anT -lith f'nir Thirty-second street trar Si*th av . 3 ? K at l> *t.,t'*? Thirty nin'h alreet. h"ur .sererilh *v 4 St. IMV k... I.Bit Macflongal strset (tear l.lrhtn sr.. Sat. h. at tin k l.2?n Bank street. n?ar Wsreriey pi . S<it. It. st. I>rick.. I FBI At. - . ttsnn, $2,100 AMD tFWAlDS, l"W ? lurni-tie i Hou.?,i, finely iui ited j ?everal due Fl.or?. t4J, |V l>er inoni al-o F!al* mii>I par:., of Uooaet W?! i. Hi LE. Jr., I.SiA Brood war, AH ELEGANT l.\K(.K rot R HTOEY HIGH KTOOP Howe on TwePty-'oorih ?tre? t near Fifth Avenu? Hotel, aoitoble fir boorUm* >>r ? lob house; ImmediMa yosetssion . rent low i OXDlT iS*?Fa-t fweiniift. A ?TO LET, FOCB BTOBT BR )WB STONE HIGH j\t st'ioo rwentv ninth street near te*ingr'.u itrenae in perfect or.:er Owner 4. MOOU, ;sj lenta ? venue, near Twentv alsth ?treet. "T~-TO LET, THREE'hToRY BII'iWN STORE HIOH 'J\ , stoop Hotiae We?t Thtrt\ third street; ali m >d?rn tmproTemants; la perfect or ler Owneri. BOOI'I THJ Tenth osenue. nesr t neiuy ?lxth nreet A FOI'R PT'iltY HIGH ST'lOl- BROWN STOM? JY ll.ione (22 room!, WestThirtj ??.ucfuli street ie. ,??. ble for flr>-t clase l>oorile(i| t-'ittj; We?t Hurt, louiih street, $1 Ttt) aud t- nt;. nanv others st low rents. ui_hbERT Ph( W ?? Weat Tnijrty-tourtn n. A' THBEE S10RT BRIPK HOI SK. WP-T TWENTY firth Street. ,$l 8<>l; KVirtv eiffctb street, II.ViO; Thirty seventh rtreet, $l,2tX?; Forty tlflli tlreet, $,>.?, Fla'leth atreet 11,i.?W; many others. J. B. l.l.Ai ciiAI'T, Eighth avrnu . A FOUR HTOEY Hti.H bTOOP BROWN ST'iN ?: HeM; hard wo?i linlsli, i-sinied and m good or* <er; rent $2.3O riWf ON 4 FE. T, L488 Broadway, near Forty fourth afreet oi*sek to rbbt-is seventh street, $I,3W, Twelfth str*' t, $11,1' 0, I wenty ninth street, $ht am, thirty fourth street, ?1.??**, Thirty-ninth S'leet, CI AH). I luriy-iiinth Str- et, #1,4 ??. Fltty third street, Si luO, Finy flftu street, tS.*1', Fifty-nintb sirset, MZt) 0, Hlxiieth alreet, ?l,? 0. an I nHy othsra Applv to JOHN FtTlKEH II l.i*) Hroa 1 *av. nio LET?UNFURNISHED a THBEB STORY IIIOH J stoop bru k lloux' on Elrhbcnth street, between Broadwal and Fourth -T^ime; r. rit $^.'? >. ?l(1 ,;lIN M?N. ?) Esst Kigtiieenth atreot. trO LBT?COTTAOE HOUSE, 70 WEST FIFIT-FIFTH J atr.e flrst riaaa looa'ion now being pal_?? g?5?P^ order; has ! ra ma, l.ouadopej, KM Mf |MRi BIMtB, DUTBLlTNG HOrSKH TO liET. tnfarnlibed. TO LET?SMALL THREE 8TOUY HOUSR. VOW BR fng put In the most complete order. I1U Kmt Tw?n ty-fourth street, near Fourth ivtuue . kcd auy time during the day withont penult r( LKT?IN WBSr SEVENTY-SECOND KTBBBT (west side), near entrance Central Park (Eighth ave nue cart near), large House and eight Lots trull, la quire orK. VAN AEKN, 81B Wert Fifteenth ?treet. rpo LET?HANDBOME NEW FOUR STORY BROWS 1 stoue Hiiuoch, also oue throe story, rent $1,600. Ap ply on premises oftne owner, No. Ii3 E??tThirty-seventh street TO LET UN FURN1 SHED. We have still a tew uesirnhle unffirnlslied Houses on the west aide, near the Elevated Kailwav station. J. DENHAM A CO., 266 West Twenty-third street 'PO LET INFrRNISHED, IMMEDIATE POSSES I hion, the ver.v desirable high stoop House 581 Seventh avenue, ueur Fortv-second street and Hroadwav cars; Hue order ; all improvement*; $1,500. Apply ou premises or to owner. 723 - ixtli avenue. TO LET?POOR STORY RNOLTSH BASEMENT HOW in Forty-third street, between Broadway utid Eighth avenue, in good order. aud contains modern im provements. O. EVAN*. No. 353 :-Ixlh avenue. ItO BBNC?TENTH STKEET. Bli'fWEEN SECOND and Htlrd aveiiues, lour story English basement brick, partlv furnished ; rent moderate to a good tenant. Apply to L. J. CAKI'KN l JiK, '2j Third avenue, llible House. TWO SMALL THBKB STORY HOUSES ON EAST l wenty-rtrth, near Lexington avenue*, have every convenience and In tlrst class order: iiiitncdtnle posses siuu; rent about $1, OiX CONDIT, 1 9 East twelfth. T | WEST THIRTY-SIXTH STREET, THREE J"i Story high stoop House; all Improvements, at low rent. Apply next door, to M. UtJLLiDAV, Builder. CVRKIIKEOROOMS \Si? vPAitl-hkms ^ TO liKT. V LA BOB, PLEASANT, FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT able tor two gentlemen and also a small Room; houso all modern improvement* 115 Clinton place. * N BLKOANTLY FUltNlsHKD PARLOR AND JX Uhtober, second floor, front; also delightful Boom ou third floor, with superior bathing iabilities, to let; gentlemen only. No. .'>U West Ninth street, near Ulth avenue. CIOMPOBTABLY FURNISHED BOOMS FOR HOUSE I keeping?.Second and third floor-, separately anl to gether; anil $60 per month. Twenty-second street, I near '-Ighth avenue. Address D., box 117 Herald Uptown Branch oOice. PABI'IALLY FURNISHBD?PABT OF HOUSE; EN tire basement parlor, second floor and two ro?nis on top floor, eight rooms: rent low. T1MP&ON A PEET, 1.48S Brosdvvuy, near Fortv-fourih street. ROOM FOR SINOLK GENTLEMAN. PABLOR FLOOR und larffe room above, vacated in a few days; priva'e family. 45 West Twenty-ninth street, tour doors west of Broadway. EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET, FIRST HOUSE from Filth avenue.?Extra large and handsomely furnished Parlor and Bedroom, llrst floor, from; also other nice Booms, to llrst class parties, without board ; references exchanged. 9 BAST TWENTY-SECOND STBEET.?TO LET, without board, an unusually elerant and newly fur nished Floor of live rooms, to a party ol gentlemen ; fine restaurant next door; private lamny; references ex changed. 1 A ST. MARK'S PLACE?TO BBNT, TO A CLUB 1" or party of gentlemen, an elegantly furnished par lor Floor (throe rooms); also single Booms. *> I GREENWICH a VEM'E -N ATI.Y FURNISHED *>'r front Boom, suitable tor man aud wife or two gentlemen. < 'all lor two days. A1 WEST THIRTY SIXTn STBEET. ?ONE LABOB rX snnuv Boom, with Bedroom, communicating, sec ond floor; hot and cold water; house and appointments first class; references exchanged. "1 /lO EAST TENTH hTB ET, NEAR THIkD AVE IUO nue.?A nicely fUrulshed Boom to let, for one or two gentlemen, at $iu per month; private family. OrtO WEST TWENTY-FOURTH STBEET.?A FBONT *.1)1) Boom on second floor, alao Front and Hall Booms on third floor, ueatly furnished, tor rent; light housekeeping If desired. <171 WEST TWENTY-SECOND STREET.?TWO FUB ? I 1 nished Booms, suitable for housekeeping, for man aud wue, where they will hare the comlurta of a home. UNFITUXISHEI) BOOMS AKU APAIIT MFATS TO LKT. * handsome fbench flat, containing 8 ?'V rooms, with all Improvements; also a very aemra ble Floor at 424 West Nineteenth street A REMODELLED PLVT TO LET-IN WEST THIBTY J\ fourth street, near Eighth avenue; is now realjr; to save trouble none with children need apply. Apply at 323, next door. T\ESIBaBLE FIRST FLOORS AND BASF.MENTS; | 1' five rooms. 945; six rooms. $40; eight rooms, $,"/?; : also Floors, $23 lofrlti. WaLTi-.R W. MON I AGUE, i-.ighth averme au.l l wenty-flrat street L'i.ATS?-IX ROOMS IN ELkOANT B BOWN HI ONE L row; marble halls, numb w liter, separate laundry; to adu'.te i n!v - $4^ to $mi . Parlor and Basement, $6J. In quire at I? West Fitty-dlth street. FjM.HTS VACANT 1ST OF MAY-142 AND 144 BAST I our ice in h street $70, $5) an I $10 per month ; fami lies wanted without children. Apply o Janitor. Tu LET?IN A BBOWN STONE HOI SI-".. WITH 111^ owner, a Fourth Floor, flve rooms; rent $24. Apply on the premises, 2i2 East Fortieth street rjno I - I IKND FLOOR or'flVE BOOMS; all 1 light and In good repair; gas. water and water clostMs; rent moderate. 501 .-ixth avenue, corner '1 hirtietb street TO LET?EI I UF.B TH. FIRST OIt 8ECOND STOIIY, X with three rpp r luxutis in 5(W una small Apart Denis in ill. Inquire at MtJ West Twenty second street. TO LET ?l PPBR PART OF IIOI sR 452 West Twen tieth street, opposite Seminary grounds; modern liiiprovemen's. r-tu moderate to a small gen eel iam:ly; posaesslon immediately. TO LET?A FIRST FLOOR AND BACK BASEMENT; flve rooms; rent $..?> Apply to the owner, on the premises, MJ r.ast Eighteenth street For Olher To l<?t AdvtrtlitmriiU 8?? Directory. VOH MALE. _ ?FOR SALE FIRST CUASS FRC1T STORKS, MEAT Jv. Market l isii an i oy*ter Stuml* orocery Store*. If* ? turn. ' ..11.Uouenea. Fancy oooda btorea. Country Stores. BiiK"-ri> s MIT. MELL'S Store Agency. 77 Cedar atreet i ?FINE LIQl'OR STORK - OPPOSITE FBRKIES, J\ ? for al< "hrap down town -amble rooin- reatau rama, route cake i?lg?M bunii\ Douw and liquor ?tore, ne*r Mattery MITCHELL'S More Ageoey, 77 Cedar ttreet GREAT CIIaSCE-I I K -1 CLASS RESTAURANT, with Liqnor saloon; eataNlahei tor years; long leaae "I batl<ll*>g upper p*rt aui table 'or club purpo??? or Mlliara" . I'-r jUoii un?urpa?.,e.i, extraordinary offer, j MCHOi.> A CAFFEKI Y, 91 Fourth avenue. CIOAK S.ORK. DOING GOOD Bl'SlNKS-; MX turea, IMoot plat- ;-howe.i*e?, two elegant upright UIam < Jfcci and on? loUaeeo an I one nq'iare ma** c?*e, one large Preach plat* Mirror t an.iaome wire Railing and nar.yotft-r mideiot value; pri>-e %:rA> an.I pnv iiege oi a* much st as may be waukd or none. 150 Fulton atrcet, Brooklyn. B~~ L'-iH A Co., ijdkt srRiir r. HATE Fort SALE A number of ffond h*"d .-iif?*. variou* *i*e?. Lock*. and M*kt?, or will exriiange lor other ^*fe?. Drug stop. : cor sale-wki.l established; ?o<1 a water will p?\ MpeMi; m'l-l lit m>M tin* week: cr.-ii bargain: aniaii aiuum of money re quired, 781 Beeoad avenue. ipOB~iALR?A~* IRST CLASS CORNER LlQIoR I Sli re ; gool location ; Vrm- reasonable. Applv to C P. .' N.-iMi A > O., wUol< aule liquor dealer*. 163 We-t atreet U*OR cAI.K ?Imi? N-TOWN SAMPLE \N:> BII.I.IARI) I; Ro j u *t a bargniu. Inquire in to. n ALLY'S ilquor (tore, B south afreet. F" V,rt SAL'. A RESTAURANT AND Liyt'OR saloon", a: a ureal tmrg uti; one of tlie be-.t in the rlty at the price- it not i at private *al? 1 >y i nuri?il*v wi 1 be *ol.i at auction by THOS. UAKKaKV, 17 Ccatrc rtreet. B'OU SALE CHMP?DlftTILLRRY LTQUOR BTORt i' i v<' I local, in, l- Hi.' > ... buaineaa; no bum bu-t. Apply to J HO*As OAFr N . V, No. I* Centre ft IIQUOR STORK FoR -aUMA TRItt AVUtt j For parti'tear* Inquire ol K. Bit ATI Y, sni We*t Twenty-tlftti at reel. _ e CJTONK YAl'.D FOR S.ALE-AT GI'.KI.NWOOD, TO t~ rlose out the e ma Ml of Robert SLan. ilei: a?<: i; <?* tal.llnheil 1 JI. Inquire of THOMAS M.aKiIIANT, Often wood Cemetery entraac" or m rwentyti.iri ?treat, Brooklyn. Mr. KOMc.Ri sHaW. For Other Advertl?e??Bfi I'nder Th" Heading *e*> IHrerfory. MAdllVEKV. "a \ I XCi ! I I NT ft: 1IORSK POWI-K ENGINE AM) ^'\ u,,!if-r ai? i .-Mrheti.-k * m.j . tier, Karrar mrlana, far ante ver| low. now running at Atat?l -i WorUi rtreet. A T BARUAINS, BEFORE REM'?V.NO-OI K ENTIRR A ?ti,i k of Engine* *n>t Roi era. ol all aizea; steaai I'noip', iauk*. Blowera. Woolworalng *iu. hiuery. Ac. Wii.SON ? ROaBK, Water Hill DO*er street". mo'R SAI.I ? lj lloRSK BNOfNK, BOILER, SHAFT. II in*. PulieyK. i Mill*; "> > ? ara' le..*- on one lot Apply to JOHN J liAVrr, ?aer K and W?treeti, Or?n fi .:nt. I/OK i-Al.t-H A.NI> I'R.->SKS, STEAM INKERS AT f taehe i; al?o h?lf ineiinirn Liberty Pieaa. Cheap PriouoK othce, *17 ration 'treet ^ i>OR SALt ?Kol tt HORoE FRI''SSON CALORIC y LiiBt'ie Shafting. Pulliea, sale, Office Fixture*, Ac.; bargain*. 217 f uTton tireat Vi BE.'.SONABLR OFFER REFt'SP.D.?RTKA M EN vine 1 an! Holler*, Portable HoUting, Vaetu.-ca tionary, Ac.; aiaft be s >id. txamiuu beiore purcliating e Hew lie re. E. fc. ROBERTS, 111 I Iberty ?'ree? ne ir (.reenwieh NR WOODRI FF A BEACH K N t IIN V.?< Vf, IN I?E It, |?* ? Inehe*. H fee! pulley SU In' h face ; ffi w ?'9 hot * power i? m'liratr.r, prife one Wowlrnff Engine?? rvttn'f'r, 2tx41 mcnea, 11 M et i.ulJey. tj-lai U tne.i!, l'<0-liori*> power u c.l ?ip? j mi price $.1,75(1; boil, ill line eond it ion. Also two rtienn Piinirn ami lot of Wa. ltlnnMt ioois ?acowl liaud. Apply to IIOFFMAB a liovr n. cliauicai Uraughtamen and EngtBccr*, MA Broadway. rr\YO FOX SCREW < I I UNO I.ATnP.H FOR SALE? I al?? Forge Anvil. Vlaea, Ben.'h"i?, Patterns, H**ga an>1 Bra^n Foundry I txnn < a. >|>(.;y to li. a. stl CLIPtR, <1 Ulee.caer atrf i:f. 2 GOOD SECOND HOD TI'BI I.AR RolLKP.R ? ln< hes by 16 teet rbeap ala?) 'i> Bolter* at loWe?t price*; aeeond hand and new for able Hoiating En gine* .md a me*' Purtable .'.nginea and siw Mill*, Port able Or*nr ?tilia; ail ?iy.e< of ,7or improved Slide Y#lv* and AnVoin.itic cm oil Engine*, ')r*? pri/y meilai ?t Am< ri. au Inatltu e l*?t extllhltlon. HABi'SOJN. wUiiEUUX A CO.. JO '^MtlAatliat/aet, >?? lark. SITUATIONS WASTBU?PEMALE8. Cooks. Ac. KQ WBST S4TH 8T. (PRESENT BBPLOYKR'SX-AB first class cook in a private ftrnily; underrtanda all kinds ol cooking; country preferred. ( C?0 CARMINK sr., ROOM II.?A TOl * J WOMAN , UO a* first claaa cook in a private family ; la a good { baker; beat city reference. j 1"1?) WKST 46TH ST.?A BBSFBCTABLB PERSON 1 1 ?> as cook and to do coarse washing lit a private ; family; la a good baker. two years' reference trotn last place. I 1 OQ WKBf 28TII ST., IN THK BAKERY.?A Rl'. !???/ Rpecutble young woman a* Fond cook, washer and Ironrr; excellent baker; tio objections to tbeeeun try; good reference. : "1 f/J WEST MTU ST.?A TOPNO GIRL AS OOOB j l"i" plain conk, washer and rouer in it private fam ily ; three years' city reference. I 1 J.A KAST S9? ST.-AS FIRST RATE COOK, BY A it" German Protestant; wages not under $SA; kitch en girl expected. To be seen from 10 till S. ' 1 A Q WEST 27T1I ST.?A BKHPF.CTARM5 SCOTCH ! J tO itirl a* plain cook or to do housework in a pri ( vatc family; be?'city references. I lf{(l WKST 22D ST., CORNER 7TH AV.?A RF. J'lfJ spec'able young girl .is cook in a private fam I ilr: thoroughly understands Iter business; willing to assist with wa-hlng ; Uest citv rcler.'noe. I oon wkst mth st.. tiiikd floor.?two i sisters; one a* good cook and to uf-ist with tlie , i washing If required; oilier us chambermaid and , waitress, in a private family would go a short distance ! j in the countrv; good reference. _ I Of| f WKST 27I'll ST.. NEAR 7TI1 AV.. PIRSTFLOOR, i 1 *jI't front.?A reliable woman us first d iss cook , is I an excellent bak'r ot thread and pastry: will go to a pri vate family or a boarding house; city or country; city ! reference. j Q"| i) WEST 41 ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN an tlrst class cook; understands all kind* of ' meats soups uud des-rts ot all kinas; French or Atncriean oooxine: u splond'd baker ol all kinds; prl j rate boarding houses prcierred; good city reference. 1 .it) t RASr itTB sr.?a OOMPBTUCT GIBL as ** ? I ciok : willing to assist WW washing and Iron ing; city relerence; al?o chambermaid anil waitress; willing "and obliging; best city reference, call lor tw o i days. ? 4>'iQ BAIT SiTH sr.-A BBSPEOTABLB TODM ' ?.?)?' girl to co k. wash und iron; city relerence. WKST SOTII ST.?A TR0BTWORTHY GIBL AS | good plain cook, or would do chauiberw orx and i line washing; is willing ami obliging; good city reier- . ence Irotu lust place. 2AH WBST Ifiril ST. ?A RB-PECTABLE YOUNG tU woman to cook, wasli and Iron in a private family; no objection to the country; best city relerence. j '-107 KAST f0rH ST - TW0 PAIRS OK STAIRS UP, ? III i front room.?a respectable young woman as j good plain cook, washer and ironer, or to do house- I work; city reference ?>1 7 EAST 24TH ST.-A NEAT, CAPABLE, TRUST ?>i i worthy seotcli woman as good cook and washer in an American iHiniiv, where her services will be re quired for the season: good reference. Ot)Q WEST 17TH ST.-A BBSPEOTABLB YOUNG ? )_>' woman as good cook, washer and ironer in a private family; good reference. 311 WEST 4->0 ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS 'i t cook: understands all kinds of soups, meats, poultry and game: li an excellent bread, rake and pastrv baker; no objection to a short distance in the country; good reference. OA *7 KAST 17TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOtNO Ot I woman as good cook in a private famny: un derstands all kinds of cooking; a first class bread and pastry batcer; no objection to washing and ironing; good city reference. <>/'A WEST 181 H ST.-A YOUNO OIRL AS COOK, OuU washer and ironer, or would do general house- i work in a small private laiiuly ; good city reference. inn WBSTMTH ST.?A BBBPBGTABLB YOUNO tU'7 woman as fir*t ciuss cook in a private iiuuih' or boarding house ; best city relerence. fail or address for two days. , ill EAST 23TH ST.-A RBSPBCTARLE OIBL AS : Til cook and lo assist with the washing, best city i.reference*; American family preferred. A 1Q WBST25TH ST.-A KBSPBOTABLB PROTB0 i li?' tant Rirl as goini plain couk, washer ntvd ironer; | no objection to the country ; good relerence. i rum :1D AV" ,|WO plights up.-a pbotcstant ? )t7l' woman as first rate, plain cook in a lar,:>- fam ily, where there is plenty of good, plain cooking; where tlM> ladv would be willing to give some instruction*; can take car.' ol milk and butter; willing and obliging. Cull ail week. f;HQ JD AV- NEAR 3JD ST.?A RBSPBCTABLE 1 UUO girl as good plain cook and to assist with the I washing; best city reference from bor last employer. I L\[ 1 4 21) AV.-A KESPKCTABLE YOl'Mi tlIRL AS i ot T cook, washer and ironer; no objection to city or country . city reference. QQII SO AY.?A RF.SPKCTABLK WOMAN AS GOOD OOU coi k, washer and tgplMtt l'?-t city reference. 1 ,D AV ? BBTWBBN ?D AiiD 0D STS.. IN . J. "??)?/ bakery.?A competent young woman as good plain cook; a good washer and ironer; goo l city reler ence. () lfitt JI) AV ? HABLBM, TOP FLOOR?A RE. -pe. latile I n^iish woman as good cook, wa?her and ironer. Call lor two days. Chambermaid*, &c. 4 WEST MTU ST (PR88BKT EMPLOYER'S).? A : Prote*tan* ir? r 1 as chambermaid and plain sowing, or ti. Assist with the care ot' growing Children. Tali Ironi 9 to 2 o'clock. on WR.iT 44^n ST.?A RESPEOTABLB YOUNG t'irl a* chambermaid anil w litres* >r a* chamVr maid and to do w?tlllD( in u private lamily; city rcier ence OQ BA8T40TH >T.-A 1! E SPECT ARLE YOl'NO GIRL ?/0 as chambermaid and waives* in a private family, or atchamhrrmal I uud to taac care of children; good city re'ereaca. Can w? the lady. 4 1 KAsr 3-'0 ST-V U'.SI'KCi AKI.I. rifl.lK.-VANT "T I WMMMChMltrMM and to do |.laiu sewing nr flue wa?liiug good cHj' reference 1 C EAST MTH ST.?A YOUKO GIRL AS CIIAII T:U tjermaid and waitre**; beat city relerence. j iii vnrai ar. (La*t ian<onR<%-A re. I I I ape c table young woman at chambermaid ami iv?itre*? .it a jirhate lamiiy; it willing and obliging; gO'<d reftreme. | ?i no w st inrn sr. rkar-a young girj, as J ? O cliamtennald ami to usiist in th ? fine washing ; I private board I iik houae prenned; be>teity reference. "I ll BROADWAY. ROOM 10.-A RESPECTABLE ' i r 1 young girl a' cbamtiermai.l or to a?snt in house work'. good reference. Call on or addre*? JANITOR. 1 V-t W"ST 27T" sT-. ROHM |? _A Rl-SPECTABMI J?)0 youug woman at chambermaid and waitrcaa or chambermaid and assistant nurae; two year*' city ret ! trence trom last p ace Call lor two day* I e < WEST 17TH MT -A RE-Pm TARI.E TOUNO , I') r girl an i liambermaid and waitress; good city ! reference trotu last place. 1 fUH WK8T WH ST.?A MkPF-CTABLB YOUNG I ? JU irtrl at chambermaid ami ?aitrev< m a small privite family : willing t" aasist with Uie wa-bing and Ironing b'?t city reference. 1~ 7 V0f SD NT.. PIBsT H.oor, FRONT BOOM.? J ? M A young "oinaB a* ehainhcrmaid and nurse: ?* willing and obliging; beat city reference iroin < i place. mWEST f<TII ST -AS I IIAMBRRMAID. WAIT rem, or to do general housework or fine washing. kin A WKST MTII ST.?A YOUNG GIltL AS CIIAM ^'I'l bermald and waitress; willing to m - -1 ->t ?itfc washing and ironing ii required; goo 1 city reference. Call or addresa. t?1/| WE^T MTH ST.?AB f'H AhBF.kMAII) OR TO ?, I U take car<* ol growing children , Art: i ias* refer ence. Call or add ret*. it] O BAST '?TI1 ST., riKST FLOOR.?A RESPECT. 1 Ziltt all!.' gill as rhatiih-rmaid and waitre** or would do plsln sewing and either ol the above first clas'city reference. ' ail tor two day*. 017 EAST S5TH ST ?A YOUNG OIRI, As M RSE _l I and chainhermul I; cit> or country : reference. t?<>7 WEST SITU sr.. IN THE SI ORE.?A RESPECT I able girl a* chamliermaid and would ay?tat with waiting in a flrtt claa* hoardiug hoa?e , beat city refar en e. t) lit EA?T S7rn ST. - t RES r E< TABi.E GIRL AS I " chambermaid or waltresa or Would do both in a small faimfy . i? willing and oh iiirig. haa no objection to g.i to the coontrv with a family t'.r the rummer month*; hat nine years' city r?t?renrc :?tt cm- ! ploycr. Can he b?mi f.?r two nay* if not er.ka/cd. i) I 7 BAST ?TII ST., CORMP.P. in At.?A BE- ' ? i 4 ?p*ctabic voting girl at chambermaid or waitrest ia a privat<? family; goo.1 city reierencc. EAST 2SI> ST., NK VR *1) AV . FIRST FLOOR.- I OVA A yonng W'ur.iti n? <hn mucins id and wattrwe i or to take are <d growing children; b? ?t city reference. *117 KAsT *<r" *T.?A RCSPItfARLK SCOTCH I ?> 1 4 girl aa chamber.naH and wuitreas; no o^jectiuu to the country; gco<l city reiercn.e. Ot>7 RA T SAril ST.?A RESPK? TABI,B YOl'NO ! Oa- I iiirl at rtiamherinairl and wai'i s or to a? in w.-hing and airoUug; good city rereicnce iroir last place. ?Ii C WEST 3?TB ST.-A YOl'.Vfl OIRL TO DO CP- I O l.i) St ilrt w .rK and tnke care of children, or 10 do plain sewing . he?t cl y reterracea 1 110 WEST OlTIl ST.?A YOl .Nil lilRI, . M THE 'i ' FO coun.ry to do ehanibern-ork and \v?iuug, 01 to rake car'' 01 children and <10 plain .< wing. 1/1(1 WR-T 26TII Rf.-A OOOD, sIRHNO MMk Wu aged lSy ars, lately lati tud, aa cJuirbrrinaid in a private raroflv ; I* a nlK fewer and is willing to make h'rseii generally tueml. illE Hl.'-r 44> 11 ST. ?A RKSPKCTVRI.F. PBOlES r*-?' taut girl as chsmbarinaid amlwaitrea* l dJ ret< rence. U't) 7TII AV, CORKER V.TH RT.-A RESPfit'TA )_^ ble j girl as abam'x rmaid nau \< aitre-i; best city re aretice. Call of |il.ll< t. ? 1 f j SD AV., BETWEEN ?l il AMI -.111 STS.. ? )\'J tlrtt flour.? * >o;ing tjirl a* > damlierniiid and waiiri'*.. be*t ctiy PBleretice. . r~- If) AV. TWO PAHS OF STAIRR IP.?A ? )?)?) roapeetnhle yo?n; girl as chambcrinaia anl ?nrM ; (001 city relerenca. 8|U 211 A v.? \ VOIJ NO AHKKIi A.1 OIRL AS I <> chnmnermatd ant n-aitrei"*, or to >t*Mtt w it Ii the earn ol children ; 110 object on to the country Call or add rest. A YOl'NO Glitl, AS Ci: AMBKllVAII) ANO TO DO T'sln ewu.g or wait upon lady it required; best c.ty ratercnee a pidy comer ol 2isi stand lib av, ia i laaci iiare. lor two oay*. MTCJATIOYS WAHlJKU-FKWAliBS. r Diruu?ker? and Seamatrcaae*. Oft WEST 2JD ST.?A TOCNO GIRL AS BBA* Zt\J stress and understands dressmaking and all kind* of Istnilv sewiun; uo objection tu assist ?Hh children. Call at present employer s, from ? a. M. till 3 P. M. 11Q MTH ST.?Aft COMPETENT BBAM8THRBS; i L can cut and tit chtlaren's dresse?; operates 011 Wheeler it Wilson's machine ; would assist iu tha care of children; h obliging; no objection to leave the citjr. Call on or address SE\M?TRK.-a _ 1 Iff WEST 1#TH BT., NEAR 0TU AV.?AN KXI'E J 1' > rlenced seamstress; thoroughly understands all kinds of fancy tu-\vlnu and (treaamaklng; can operate on the different Hewing lnadUUftlwould wait on a lady; best city reference ffom Taut employer __ 1 O ? WEST 19TH ST.?A CO.MPETE.Vf DRBttfr 1?> r maker and seamstress (operates on Wheeler A W;|s.hi'.- machine) would Ilk'- u tew more engagements i excellent city reference. Address. 1'J7 EAST 45TM ST. (FBRSBNT EMPLOYER'S).? j .1 ?J I Am seamstress: understands dres?Bt?kings can i cut and flt and do all kinds oi faintly sewing on Wheeler . A Wilson's ui.iehlnc; would ussl-t with cliamb< rwork; j no objection to the country. OAl EAST S9TH ST.?AS 8RAMSTBBSS IN A PR I- | UI. vate family: has her own machine: call cat and tit; w illing to wait on ladies or growing children; city refer*uce. j OQQ 30 AV., IN Tl'E FANCY STORE ?AH FIRST j ,?00 class seamstress in first class private families i by the in on vli; understands all kinds ot dressmaking in the latest style; reference given, or work can he s>en. 971 WEST 22D ST.-AN AMERICAN OIRL AS I ? i I seamitress and to tuke rare of one child; uo objection to the country; best references O [ I 1 ITU AT.?A \OUSQ LADT, HAVING WORKKD ?' 1 1 at dressmaking, wishes to sew in a prn utc family ] by the day. j CCA 7i H AV.. CORNER39TH ST.?A BWIOTABIA rrotestant young woman as permanent seam stress; understands dre.-sinaKlng, is iully competent; j best city reiere iro Call or address. ftftl P** a v.?a raw* ci. as ?( oruAToa. hy ' 'M)J_ the day or week; understands droinakiug. Call or address lor two days. General Housework, Ac. OQ CHRISTOPHER ST.. 8E00ND FLOOR, FRONT ? t/O A respectable girl, lately landed, to no general housework in a small private family; will go to a short distance in the country. 1 1 ft EAST 39TII ST.?A YOlNO OIRL TO PO I'l l) general housework in a small private lainil.v ; best city reierence. Call or address. 1 WEST usrn ST.. BETWEEN 6TH AND7TH ATS., J ?/O rooms, one flight up?A respectable American girl, Protestant, to do general housework tor growti persons; no children; a short distance in the country; two years' reierence. Qi\ I WEST 32D ST.?A BBMPBCTABLB OIBL TO ??"71 do general housework in a small private fam ily; a good washer and lroner. Call for two days WE T isrn ST., SECOND FLOOR, front.? A respectable girl to do housework ; good refer 220 ?>'>C WEST 2GT1I ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN TO DO 1 ?)?>?) general housework In a small private family; ] best city rclerenee. | A HW WEST 2SD ST. ? A COMPETKNT OIBL TO DO t"w general housework, ch luioerwork, waiting or cooking; references. Call lor two days onlj. ; yt ()J BAST MTH ST.?A TOCNO WOMAN TO no i general housework; no objection to the country; beat relercnces. 4on WEST 17TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR, BACK.?A ?if'' re?pectal>'e girl to do general housework in a private family; no objections to the country; best city reference WE.-T 331) ST.?A GIKL TO DO GENERAL housework iu a private family; good city refcr n I 9 3D AV.. FOURTH FLOOR.?A PROTESTANT *7'T& young woman to do general housework in a private family; long experience and is competent; is 11 first cla<s cook; prefers general housework in a good lamliy; city reference. fXQfl 0TI1 AV., FOURTH FLAT.?A B SPBCTABLB J/i/U girl to do general housework in a private lam ily; is willing and obliging; city reference. Call at her present employer's. Eaundrrsirt, iVf. 7K DIVISION 8T.?A YOITNG WOMAN AS LACK 1 <) (iress; good city reference. Can be seen for two days at room 13. 1 f)7 WEST S3D ST.. NEAR 6TH AV.-AN EXPERT 1'' I eneed laundress; best city reference from last place; no objection to the country. WEST :9TH ST. ? A RESPECTABLE GIKL AS laundress 111 a private family ; best city reference from last place. ff WI ST ST.?A YOCNQ GIRL LATELY >) landed, to take care of children and lew; be?t city reference. 14 9117 WEST 26TH ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN A3 | ? "M first class laundress; city or country; good references. ill') BAST 3.VTU ST?A COXFBTBBT OBBHAB ulO girl to do laundry work ill a private family; good ret ere 11 ce. I11Q WEST 18III ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ? IO wi-lie? ladies' and gentlemen's and tanuly wash ing, or to uo out liv tin- oa v waslunu or lioust (leanlflk. O'J - WEST 211H sT.?A RE PECTABLE MIDDLE ft a-'ed woman to go out 10 work by the day, or wouid take gentlemen's washing home. WB8V ?0 st-A BKBPRCTABLB tor OH AH To 1 _ g .outhy the dav. or wouli take iu Masliitig at her own home; good re f' re nee. 2(1 EAST 421) ST.-A COUP. TENT LACRO IBBS rl wiah^ to take in washing at her own hoiue, or I to go out hoascclcaning by the day; low prn e-. 2 \ a EA>T BIB ST., BBTWSRH id ARDSO a vs., ! *1?t top floor, room 14.?A llrst class laundre.-s wish"* families' washing, chllireu's and ladies' suits done up in nrst class style ; best city relcren ?C'l. ilfiA ?".'H AT.-A OOLOBBD LACBOBBM, Who i ^'lo thoroughly understands her business in all its branches, desires the washing of first cla^.s families, lsdljH and gentlemen; fluting, puftln^, lace work at short notice. Mrs, .v. E WRIC.IIT. Oil EAST SsTH ST.?A KESPKCTA".LE WIDOW j OI I woman wl?hes washing In the house, or to go out by the day, best city reierence givcu. Call or address Mrs. JORSON. BAST MTH ST.-A BEsFECfABLB WOMAN wis'^e< lamilies' vr genileoieu's washing; pull ing and flu ing done in the neatest style; terms reason able: H jear-'reierence. Call or address lor two day*. Uift BABTIITB ST.?TWO R ?PBCTABLB VuVBtt | girls together; one as laundress, the other as dUMltnilU an 1 wailresi. no objection to the couutry . best city references. OC*i) JD AV.? A BE8PECTABLB WOMAN WISHES ? )Uw to go out by the day or week to do washing and Iron uT an l ?leaning, has her own home. 4tl/\ WEST SSD ST.-A WOMAN WI-lll sTO Oj ?' 1 out tiy the day washing or boimei leaning. EAST I8TH ST.. THIRD FLOOR.-A Ri:sP.;cT I ?> able widow woman wants some gentlemen's and 1 la lies' washing, at 76c. or SI a dozen. Call on or address Mia. iiLAKfc. I Q/\(V 7TH AV.?A YOCNlJ tilRL AS FIRST CLASS Os t?J laiimlrcss and ehainbermald; no objection to go a short dlstnice in the country; city reference. PBHVCTAIU woman TO OO OCT BT TIB DAT ; JV to ?a?h an I Iron or to do lionsework: Is not afraid to work; b. st reierence. Addr ss IH't'.~E?\o;:Klii:, box 128 Herald I pton u Branch ofdee. 324 > uraea, iS>r. "I Q WEST .1STII HT.-A LADY WISHER TO PROCIRR JO i i?oo?l place as competent, reliable intants' nurse; can lake entire chit run of an munt trom its birth . or would wait 011 a lauy; no objection to trarai. Call or address. a 7 WltST 47TI1 HT. (PRESENT KM PLOVER'S).?A t I respectable young girl (Protestant) a? nurse to growing children ; is willing ami obliging; cau make Herselfgenerally useful in a tauilly. 1 I/' KAST 18TH ST., I IRSTF1.OOR._A RESPECT. I'lU able woman as nurse ? is callable of br I living a child up Iroui iUi inianry on the bottle; good city reler ence. QH7 WtUt SBTH ST.?4 RESPICCfABLR MARRIES 4LVj I woman a* wet nurse. Call or address for two day*. OQO ?rn AV Till' Kl.oon-A YOI.NO WOMAN ?HO an wet nurse iher first baby); has a go?.; breast of fresh milk. 111\1 WKsT 4ISTHT.-AN hXPRKIENCRU MONTHLY ? >' '1 nurse, af Bresenl dlsongaxed. would like to rnakf a tew more engagements; beat reference iroiu ladles and doctors. mil WEST MTH H r., NKAR 8TH AV.?A COM PR. i) I ?) ten; girl toti?lie euro of children or lo do iham ber-r rk and waiting; cltv reference. QIU EAST 47Mf l!T.. TOP FLOOR, FRONT.?A sJIO jounggirl as tlr-t class nur?u. thoroughly un derstand* the rare ol children from tin ir liirth an I bringing ap on the bottlt; best refercn from la?t an I preceding places; country tor ihc summer preferred. Of JO l-A<T 54H NT.-A VOPNfl AMKRIl AN ifZtV girl as child-' muse: voml ctlv references ??Q.? WHST 41SI1 ST.?A TOCNO OIRIs, It Vf.AHH ? >???) of age. to inind chudreu and to tnake beueif generally u-eiul; la willing and ot.lining ? ? | 4 WEST it.) ST.-A COMPETENT OIf:L AS Ott nurse and seamstressj Mo obirctlon t0.? short distance In tlio country ; bestciiy reference. A *>(' WKHT SI?T hT ?A Vol NO OIKIi As RCRM and to do plain sewing, or as companion lo a lj<ly. ?'ail on or ad Ir-ss ADVtSETlHKR. f i [i <)T!I AV., TOP FI.OOR, FRONT ROOM.?A ?) lu young, ram* table OTtnaii girl to lake cure of one or two children and malto herself U?cfttl; is wi.liug and obliginggo'?l city reference. I?r | -ni ,\v rino seco.nii iiF.r.r, (PRESENT l)?) I employer ni. ? A sob r, iiom it \ itng woman as nurse and seanistre?*; willlug and obliging; country prelerr" I. r*u lur tso'lji _____ U(17 8TH AV?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS I nurse, ran take charge ol an Infant ifs birth: wouid like to trarel wimi a family; nine years' reteren 1 4 14 t) it) AV., NKAR MTH HT-A RK-'PKCTA l.u I >j ble young girl ni nurse and to do sewing; woil11 lik# to go to the rountry for (he ?uuiuier^noutlis; tight vtars' uf v reference from >ast place. AREHPEI TABI-E M ARRI ' D WOMAN WOULD . like to take a Inibv lo wet nurse at her own Iioumi; best city refertact. Call atWtlt ji. an f lull av. "'ft hMirUWICK. SlTlATIONg WA1VTBD?VrtMAl'Kfl. WaltKiHn, die. "ir.'r WE?T 91ST ST.?A GIRL A<? FIRST CLASS J?JtJ waitress: no objection to assist witi chauiber won; city or country; heat city roierenea. ___> Q1Q WEST 4IST 8T.-A REBFBCTAELB YOTNO ?jIj girl as first class waitress; thoroughly under stands all kind of >1 iimiu room work.; boarding house preferred; good city reference. __ O ll> HAST 2vrn ST., IN THE STORE.?A YOUNO I *t dirt as coinin1 tent waitress; Milling to asalst ultii chumberwort if required; city or country; good rslercncc. .IT I ?>???11 a 11 eo n QQQ WE? 17TH ST., BETWEEN 71'H AND STB nv? ? A rounu girl ot refinement (American) aa lady's mitld; would take charge ot growing children or travel with an Invalid; oau operate on sewing machines', Kood city reference. 0,T:(? WEST 41ST ST.. TIBET FLOOR, HACK BOOM.? ?.?)i) a young French Parisienne girlasMdy'smaid and seaaistrc-s, or nurse tor grown children ;can sew on machine, fail tor two days. PROFESSION AX. SITI ATIOWS WAWTKIV FEMALES. ii(\ 1 WEST .I D ST., TOP FLOOB.? A YOUNO ?"' x lady wishes stead v employment M copyist or di rector of envelopes or wrappers; latter proferred. Call at or address liOs West '13d si., top floor. HRI.P \VA VI'ICI*-FUIIIA l,HS. A OIBL FOR GENLRAL HOUSE WORK?ONE - V- billing to make herself useful ; ^..od plain cook, washer and ironer; reference required. Apply at 114 West i5th Ht, from 10 to 12. B ALTAIAN A CO., SSI AND 8SS UI'H AV , WANT ? several salesladies for the mee. nai' isol and suit departments: competent hands ot extomlvs experience liberally dealt with. Apply personally or address by letter. B AMMAN A CO., 331 AND S3S CTB AV.. WANT . several samsmcn for the luce and uaraol dep.irt niente: compeiem hands of ex tonal vi' experience llbcr ally dealt with. Address by liter only. / 11I AM UKKM \ 11? AM) WAlTRl'.SS WANTI'.D.?WILL yj have a steady placc and a good home; will speud a part of the hummer in th* country; intisf have wood reference. Apply at MS second av., before 12 o'clock. TXTABIED?A PBBSON AS BURSE AND SEAM " stress; must be a good dressmaker and operator o'i Wheeler A Wilson machine Appiy ai Madison Square House, room <4. after ID A. M. *17ANTED?A PROTB8TANT OIBL as ni ksh and tt seamstress, mid to do liglu chamberwork; city reference required. Call at 21 West 33d sireut, after 1') A. M. German preferred. TirANfKD?AN AMERICAN OR GERMAN PKOTE8. * t tant woman as Infant's nurse and to do light cliam berwork: best rcforcnees Call at -H?J Lexington av. WANTED?A STRONG AND TIDY OIBL TO TAKE charge of a baby; mint sleet) at home. Apply at U3 West 33d st., between 10 and 12 o'clock. "WANTED?A GOOD dressmaker, Who is AC ?? customed to work on <Srov r A Halter s machine; also a few improvers, at 65 West 37t!i st. WANTKD-A PCBEWOSIAN, TO 8UPERIVI END tt and take charge ot the waist department (not re quired to cut) in a private dressmaking establishment. need apply who liave not held a simi ar position, ate. DONOVAN'S, No. 8 East lath ?u, basement door, before 9 o'clock, IV'ANTED?A FOREWOMAN TO SUP: RINTEND tt nud tal.e charge ot the skirt department in a pri- , x-ate dressmaking establishment. None need apply who J have not neld a similar position in a private dressmak ing establishment- Apply at C. DONOVAN'S, No. S Kast IBtll sL T17"ANTBD?A LAUNDRESS; ONE WHO UNDRR tt stands her business and can wive the best city ref erences. Apply, between 9aud 11 to-morrow, at lu' la?l 4Jd tt. TA^ANTED?FIRST CLASS WAiSTMAKERS; Af,S# M young girls who understand making triuimlnga Apply at M Kast 10th st,at biMtmeiit door. J. 11. KUAa. VA'A.N I I.D-HY A PRIVATE AMERICA* FAMILY, A it Herman or American girl to do general housework ; none but expcr.euccd need appiy. Call ui 270 Wont 23th sL WANTKD-IMMKDIATELY, at MRH. J. E. IIOL. TT DEN'S, 619 6th av., a competent person to prensrs work lor finishers on ladles' an I children's under#ir ?uents. and liaviug some knowledge of dressmaking. "IArANTED?IN a UlALti FAMILY, A PIBST CLASS TT laundress and ctiainbermuid ; must be wlllini; to assiit xvitli walling. Apply at 132 Wusl2Uisu until 11 o'clock; cltv reference required. 2 STYLISH SALEHI.A f'lES IN OUR KU1T8 AND cloaks; must understand fitting ready made var ments; goodeity reference required. RODOt-ltS t ORR, 1S3 Stk av. MITI'ATIOWS WAMTKO? DIALES. A COLORED BOY, 18 YEARS OLD. WIHHK8 A j V situation as waiter in a private family or la arding house. Address A. 1)., box 185 Herald l|>town branch office, WANTED-A SITUATION A9 JANITOB, BY A UK it *' man and hie wHe ; yood reference ^ivel. Apply at 176 Hester st., room It. \l' AN'TED? BY A PIBST CLASS FRt-NUIf CDOK, TT in a private American family; with i.ood reier e;u-e. Call or aillress at 701 ijtii av., stor U.K lKs AMD ?ALE?S1E)I. AN ACTIVE SALESMAN IN SUITS ANl> OLOAEH . V and to take cbargi < t books m mnnutai tiiriiig de partment BoDUErttf A OUR. 18 J 8th a v. \ N F.XPERIJ'.NCEU OROCKRY CLERK WANTS u\ a fitu.itioe or in anv eapaeity where he can make him-elf useful, at a very mo t< ra >? sala.-y ; not afraid to w..ra ; lias relereiu'e. Address F. i\, t.o? M) Herald Cptow llran h ofllce. BAI.TMAN A CO., 381 AND 33.HJT11 AV? WANT A ? young mini ijutek an t corrcct at ligures. who can furnish firs: ?iat>* Nlcronccs an I security; permanent situa'ioii m oiler- <1. Ad ires*-by letter only. BAI.TMAN A CO., S31 ANl> Xfl 0TII AV? WANT ? Mveral yoiinff men 01 experience at o.'roel desk, ai'<> Ik deliver pan els, also a coinpe.ent de'ivcry ea rn to take charge <>i that departaisnt Ad i:. .. .. ub ?, D" r1\MjY.hTs?.-WANTku7TIjoMPlTiSf" oerman graduate In phurmney, with cl > experience, as senior clerk In a first classdrug euwe uu town: um*t be abie to lake enttre charge ol bu .ute.-s. AdOfess, lor teu daj?, I* M., t.o* U9 He aid Ipto.wi Branch c.ffi. ?. COACHMEN AMI ?.U(UK?KKN. Actuation wanted-am fir t class coach* mm, goo l ren rence Irom last employer. Call uu or cddMM, lor two days. ?. T., U . .astsutu *1. A RE>PE<TABI,E COLORED CotCUMAN WISHKK JY a sltuntiM; no objection to country ; thirty years' experience in caretm driving. tuuri'?? C. P.. at Mr. Bfiuitts'a, harness o.ttker. Mo. 144 5th ar., near iw.ii it. a YOl'NO HKOLK MAN WISHES A SITUATION . V hh coaenman or footman; understands both dimes thoroughly. Apply At present employer's, 5H West <y.u at YOl'NO MAN WANT8 A MliUATION AH COaCH inan or irrooni; can milk and work in garden and luake himself generally un-.-lul; good rcierence. A COACHMAN* AND OAKOKNKK'8 SI rUATION ? JV l?y stlrt <? ass middle aged man. not afrnid to work; undoubted city reference as to honesty. sobriety mid competency. Address M. E . box llJ Herald oAice A COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED? HY A. married man without lacu nbran< e, wl.o thorough* Iv understand* bis business. first cla*s euy reference. ? all oi ad lle-<* tt. It. 10 Wen St. private stable. "7 Sl tUATIOM WAN I ht??AH CN.IACHMAA ~AND J\ uro.,m. by a single m:in: thoroughly understands i!i ? hu?iness; tic.<l ol rtlcrcnces. Call on or auaresa M. <>.. M4 rilh ?v . harnes* *t >rc. ? RF>P*CTARLK YOl'NO MAN WANT- A SIT , V nation .14 flrtt eUs? groom or coachman. nas no ultjt crioti to tlie eonutry. Address T. .vl. II . Herald tp town Branch office. It'ANII.D?A HII'aTIoN AH COACHMAN, nY AN ? ? t- n .'I Hunan. ?? nolBot ougbtjr understands nis bus iness . II:-<t <:a*s relercaces. Ca.t at or aduress >o. U4 W??t 18th ft. For Other Want A<tvertl*emriita See Directory. HKl.P WAWa.MII?i A NOKf.I/.s HOT AI It ROMAN iJArftd, <1 I.EX1NO 2\ ton av.. want agreeable horn-it. intelligent, nidus lrloti? strictly temperate Americans. un icr 25, for batb* and office, also colored buy ol 15 to bluet boots and run errands AKKLlAHLK 8IVOL.K NAN. WHITE OR COLOR e t with good ? ity retercncc. can flu<l a <lc Irable place with small lamilv as waiter and bouse serianc, wage? $31. Address bo* S.llS i'ost oiiirc. AN KNI.KHKIH . hDlCtTlill REI.IABI.R UKUTl-B. man v. anted, tor our buslne -s: must coma well rteommeiHtcd. Apply, alter 9 o clock, to win A Co.. No. 6 l>ey at. ACOMPrTBNT MAN WANTED IN A LliillT HI (U nejts. for inure hours or whole time. NfcW Viiik l>OOK t'o.N' .Hn, No. 7 Warren St., It) A. M. a T HES-i A Mi DAVITT'S, 7? BROADWAY. A j\ centl',inan of education, will II,-to Work at a mod erat *nlaM to commence witli, wanted, as order clerk ; one ol innnc business expcrieu< u preferredi punuiutlity a great object Agent*?kirst canyamskim kor a spk ? ?laity; money made rapidly bv selling our ehroiniM ?ml novelties, greatest \arieiy in the cny t largest com missions alio'red. AMf.HH AN NOVF.MY COMPANY, 3D Broadway. t liKNTS WANTED?riTY AND COl'NTR*. TO MhlX J\ teas to lainiliet and lnrg> consnmers; greatest in an-emcats. iANio.s TfcA iomkaNY, IWOadtbcrs st TJOY rO OPEN oVfTF.II-t AND WAIT O.N' fill 1.1. .1) Cell, afw?3 o'clock, at M fca-t Win st. Do YOU WANT TO "IOIN MUNEYt" THAT'S our men arc doni ! with tlic t.imoiis HblA <!<? signs. Apply fo; partlyiiar.t to J. u. loltu A Co., l'ark placa. ]? AW.-WAKI"KD. A M K.-H AO;-; HOV IN A I AW j o1!?-e. not under It vars oi age.; wagi s $! per wti. k. Addre? |H>x I "Hi I'os- ofliee. W'AM'M'-I n:w FIR -T r. AM- CAM'AH-KKH tT tor i n'ii>;*^ine nnd re Igiotis paper; i very ilh<--r-?l ci mnii?sion paid ; ?>. to one. " lio will guarantee a r? b-ohs bit liti'.iiic's u salnry. 4'ail at WUBKINU ClJt'KCil I'l Hl l -ltlNti t'OMl'ANl b, MMlbie nous-, Astor ptitce. New Yotk. U'ANI'hD- AN At'TlYE, HONEST Or. NT I. EM AN. TO Mk> charge lit tbe sdvertis nf depsrtinent oi the Cerms'i .-se.leti lflo Aiioti an. Cail at ifs i.aroay st, llo<ir, between hi a >l. and 1 P.M., or bv letter, box i ?)!-* I'ost office, New Vork. ' ANT D A \ AOENT Oft PAKTNKB, NEAP New V? York in a lucrative hti*ine*a. Address H., (id* 1?6 llerald offiae w- n ci.j refereucu. for a pvrsoual lutur view. >od? oUttrs autweredi r HELP WATTED?MALES. TITANTED-IN A BROKER'S OFFICE A RKiPKOT. " able boy, 16 year* old. at $2 per week to coininenc* with. Address II. A K., Herald office^ WANTliD?A GOOD TRAVELLER FOR city ASD country trade. Address, statin# salary expected, H. J., box 151 Herald pace. ' WANTED?AN ACTIVE AGENT TO CANVASS FOlt advertisements. a tfoo*l salary wllI be paid. A<t? drew NEW VuHK ,-CMOoL journal. Hi) Liberty ?t WANTBD?A OKOCERV CLERK WHO THOR* oii'flily tiuderstan In the business; salary $12; 00 others uee.f apply at CLERKS' KEOISTER BUREAU, 189 lire.a J? ay; also two American boya. Answer by let. ter only. W'ANTED?ONK OR TWO AOTIVR M ION, WITH no.'.I buiiiueit exporleuoe, for u lleht and paying occupation; the rtulit men will be liberally treated. Apply at M Murray at., room 3. UrANlKD? immediately, A FIuST CLASS waiter man nccuatomad to waiting on pnrata tables: must be strnntf. active and willimi; references required. Apply, betweeu ilie hours ol 10 and 11. at 61 Went SKlli ?t WANTED?A MAX WITH A KM ALL CAPITAL: CAM have an lutur. st or $16 per week and goo.I secu riiy. C. COOMBd, basement, 371 Fulton St., Brooklyn. 7"ANTEl?-TWO WAITERS THAT understand their business, at 1170 "t. Call at Id o'clock. w THE T1UOES. _ AlTP.NTION.-THK CUBAN AND SI'AVI<H~C liilX makers offer their services to anv ciear innnutao turor in the city fexoept being Cuban or Hpantall). Ad* dress to heudiiuart rs, 72 Maiden iano and I'J- Pearl nt. AH IXPEBIENt I D (M'ST.'M CI TTrR ON MEN'S uiiil boys' clothinn Is open lor an engagement, or Mould accept a p< anion us foreman in a first clan* hou e; No. 1 reiorence. Address j. L., box 143 Herald otRce. 4 SM ART AMERICAN BOV. 17 YEARS OP AOB, J\ wishes to learn the alga painting or ?acrnrlng busi ness; can luriush the best reference. Address J J. .swan, 3i nth st, Williamsburg. A8MAKT american BOY. WHO RESIDES WITH his parents, wishes to learn a trade of any kind: can produ e best city reference#. Address WILLIAM HARRIS 6:0 West 3 :d at TABEL COTTERS.?MUST UK FIR^T CLASS WORK* J men ; also laLvl primers. 01 Chatham St.. up stairs from 8 till to. ___________ Situation WANTED? BY A YOU NO MAN, 18 YEARS ot age, to learn a trade or in some wholes*lo busi ness: can furnish good rel'ereuco. Address B. PERRY, 100 East o7th st. rnj INDEPENDENT hatter8-A YOUNG man. J aged iwishes to finish the trade: understands body, making: can wait in a store if' required. Address 11 AT. 1'KK, box 111, Herald Uptown Mrauch otlice. rpHE METROPOLITAN PRINTING establishment J. is at 218 Broad wii v, in the ilcrall Building. TITAN TED?A FIRST CLASS NEGATIVE RETOUCH TT cr. Address 712 Arch street, Philadelphia .Pa. _ 1ITANTED?THREE FIRST CLASS PIANO polish* if ers, to so to Albnny. 122 East 13th st. FliKIVCH ADVERTISEMENTS. UNE JEI NE PERSO.NNE DE LA Sl'I-HE PEAK* calsa desire >e placer colonic bonne (ou nursery governess); elle peut Courpir Its muiileures rccjtnuian* dutions. 'ndresser, mardl. de ID a 2 n> urea, cliez M. It L. Urandlienard, l'asieur, 46 Greenwich av. NALKS AT AVOTIOK, RT SALE THIS EVENING. important 8AI.K OP WATER COLOR DRAWINGS. THIS (tuesday) EVENING, AT ? O'CLOCK, AT SOMERVILLE'8 old GALLERY, MS BROADWAY. ROBERT somervillb, AUCTIONEER. EVENING. Books at auction.?this aPtbrnoon, at < o'clock, by haN'uh. Mtuwi * A CO., at the auction room* i."ii Knadway, u very extensive collection of ?carce uu4 valuable Books By j. w. Campbell, jp.. aco Ionjeh.-win. coll. "ti Tlmradav. in lot*, entire line fixtures, Bar. Ac., cix tine liilliar.l Table*. other Goods. Ac , of Hrnt ciass'l Miloononwert Kuurtetutn street. hull particular* onTkurcday. BV J W. OAMPBILL, jit.. AUCTIONEER.?CAM* BELL A Oo. Mill on to-morrovr cnire elegant Kur? future of live ctorv rwiduncc hi Wo at Twenty-third street, In luJinr An- Piano, walnut Boilroom Furniture, I"nr i.r Furniture, exec lent ilruva;lc Carpet,*; other de? ?iranlc croods worthv attention buyers. dealer* and ho.iieki epcra. Pull particular* In Wednesday's Herald. O.ituloi.u earlv Mav of calf. Office CAMPdbLL A CO., Auctioneers, St Kant Ninth street. TCDWABD dCOBNCK. APOTIONL! R, ASSIOKtK'i SAi.E OF ELBOANT CABINkT FURNITURE, BY EDWARD StMIK'CE. THIS HAT. at 11 o'clock, an elegant auortment of the flneit Purnl> ture. of the moot modern an.i uui ioe at) let of parlor, chamber, dining and ball, in elegant carved walnut, rosewood, oovcred in damask and reps: superb Centra an1 Card Table*, an! every variety ol uylo of Kurrltur*. The above Is now on einibnion. and will repay thoaa in want of furniture. To bo aold at auction at MK t?> LIBERTY SIK KT. MR. aOVE.NCK WluL OIVK Ills PERSONAL ATt VENTION t'? 8ALK8 OF Hot .SI HOLD FUBNITUHH AT PKIVATI. RESIDENCES. _ 1/ dward PBTTlXOsft, UvnoNEEK-wiLL 8RLL Pj this day (April 61. at 1 o'clock, at 109 Nt?aa street, one supr r.ivai lloe Cylinder Pre*>, In complete running order; al*o lot shafting, Pulley*, Hanger* and Delt ng. sale peremptory. JAMfc.8 M. PORD. AUCTIONEER, WILL *EI,L THIS day. at J o'clock, at 7# Third avenue, the handsome Purnl'ure of a dmolo dwelling tiou-n. containing \) room*, including -cveral Parior, Chamber. Boudoir. Limn* and t'ediooin suits; One t'arpeta, secretary and Library i uutu a?ea. Wardrobe*; tnarble top ? entre, Side mi l I ancv 1 aide*; excellent nurlcd hair Mattresses, Una floddinr, Mirror*. China an t ilver Ware. Oltterr. sofa Hod*. Kxtens'on Table*, black wa nut and otner unair* Oilcloth* l?>nng**, A.<. : tog-thei ?itli everything unlul for hoaet keeper*. too uumroe* to particularize, and must lie *o>d regardtetf ot cost, a* oivutr leaves town. fimUHTEhVI HALE OK DWELLING 1 So :? Wert Eighteenth street. E. II. LUDLOW A CO. will kcII at auction, on TIM.*DAY, AI'KII.S, U7?, at 12 o'c.ock, at the Exchange salesroom, 111 Broadway (Trinity BjiUIiiil'), New Tork? Dy or or ?.t' the 11 unices of the FreabytMfian churek, corner o< Piitb avenue an 1 Nineteenth street, * We?t huliteenm *ire?t-the valuable tour atory hlgk ctoop brick (brown cione trimnun.'Ci Dwelling and Lot, No. sifffit r.iittueenth street, between Filth and Sixth avenue*; hnun\ 24 ??x". 1 tcet. in excellen orJer, and contain* mtxtern conveniences; lo.. H.txSt leet. Ilouce ran t,e seen t>v permit; 50 per cen tin remain on bund and mortgage. Permits and full particular* at the Auctioneer*, No. 3 Pine street. w 'ILI.IAM EKNNKLLY WILL S :i.I, AT AUCTION, I on rui'':ay. 'toll 6, at 11 o'clock, at Kxchanva Salewomi. Hi llroadwa.v the two House* and valuatda l.ot >n. 2.9W?*t sixteenth afreet between .-eveuth and Klghth avenue*; 6) per cent r*ii remain. Map* at auc tioneer * ofltue, No. ? Fine street. v\ ILI.IAM ABBOIT, AIICTIONERR, office Nr>. SCIihiii >er* *tr'?t, will irll on Wedm--day, at loH o'clo. k, the entire Purnlu ture 'it .< genteel Hoarding Mout 1 at No. 13 Market nreet, c.irved walnut Beii"te?ii*. French plato Mirrora. Mot**, fine t'arpeta, i.xteiirtou Table*, t uticry aud crockery, M., Ac. For Other Ad rertlecment* Uixler Tbla ileailing Hee Directory. ASlUOIiUUY. A TTEMTION !?KXOW THY DBSI'INY?OONHDLF the WiM.derlui1/ gifted t'lairvojant: stive* luck, inini m?rria^c. 1&9 W?a( 1 ..riy-rtrg: itreet, near A TTKMTION. -iMN'stlLrATION ON BUttlNENB, LAW. ^'\ ?uit? encml'-c, Ux-ea, nlMnnt filends, love, marriage, ?it kne*t aud death , pay refused niileat aa.lctled. >1 inc. MNtJIII, ail Si nil avenu*t Tj<UROFEAN t'LAIRVOYANT TELLS KAM84, SUOW8 I . Hi. norms, . nttsrt inarriagoj; fOc. to $1. No. It) WortTWeut.) tilth *.i- ct. MM K. ROSA CHAUiSNaKA THE WORLD?BR veal? the dartt iiiy^terier of your life; cure* all diiMtaac* t". i'*n:il .street, i.'oiixiiltatiou $1. A f MR. COLLIN-*, A RELlAMLB AND TRIT-TW tRTIIT 1*1 ''iairv yant, i7 1 Sixth av nue, near Hnventeenlhst MMB. WHITE, MIOWIPR. MEDICAL CLAIRVOtl tint aii't chlropolijt. No. tl Bleccker ktrcst, be tween HroaJw*y nnd bowery. MKDICAU A? MMR, MAXWELL. MIDWIFK, RKSIDENOK lit ? l as'. Tenth rtrojt, near Tlur i nveituc. \ ?DR. AND M VI>AM BOTT IIAVINO RhTUitNRD y\ , I an be coiautti d collll le.itiftlly at 47 West l;sth Dt A ?DR. AND MMR. OKINDL4 CUBE ALL COK> J\ ? plaint/; 24years' practice. lltlWertTwenty sixthrt, A-MMK. BKSTELL, WDWIPK MNCK 1M). noTi ? ha?t Fifty aecond street, tlratiloor from Kitth nr. A -l?K. AM) MMK. VAN HI'MKIBK. KKHIDKKOB ? IM Kaat Will ?t.. Iietween Ikl nnd l.exinuton an ADR. E'N" CAN CONSULTBD AL j HOURS, , Frivau- otBce, W Islington avenue CIONHULT DR. Oil MMR. \M?sT.-ALL i.'O.MI'LAInIh] / cured; advice tree. 46 Mine a. r at. near iiroadwaig