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glTPATlOaiW WAWrBD-rHWALftgr L?aadf?Mi, Ac. a A? BAST ITTH ST.. ONE PAIR STAIRS, FRONT. 'rUfJ A woman to do washing or hougacleanmg by the day or wee*. a 17 west mtii nr., in thr stork.-a re III electable woman would like some washing aud Ironing at her own liouie . understands tlntiriK. putting ? nd getting up gentlemen's shirt*; would go out by the day bouse cleaning; best r, icrences. EAST 6STII ST.?A YOUNO FRF.NC11 GIRL AS Una washer au<l chambermaid; city references^ a1a WEST 32ND ST.. FECONIi FLOOR FRONT i'Jt room.?A re*pectnblo woman would like to tnkr in a lamily's wash at ber residence; best city reference. I'-AST 17TII sr., FIRST FLOOR, HACK.?A respectable woman wishes to do pentlemen's 417 435 or families' washing and ironing at her owu houno. <jall on or address Mrs. M. HART. afta WEST 4IMV ST.?A FIRST CLASH LAITM Tt' ?t" dregsj can do all kinds of family washing; best city reference. Rift SP AV., ONE DOOR FROM WTH PT., TOP ?JI.U door, front.?As first class luondrcss; country preffcrre I, best reference. Can he seen lor two days. rQl rD AV., TOP FLOOR.-A EESPEOTABLE WO ? )OL mnn wishes somo lumilie.s' washing at borne; terms75c. per down; fttitin',' neatly done clothes sent home promptly; U years'reference. Mrs. UL'KNfcS. '608 SD AV. ?A YOUNO 8WUDH AS FIRST CLASS lauuaress; city reference. f?17 1ST AV., TOP FLOOR, B(CK ROOM.?A fill first class washer and ironer will go out or take to ber own home. A7Q 20 AV> THIRD FLOOR.?A PROTESTANT "'I ? * young woman as fir-it cIhss laundress in a pri vate family; city preferred; best reference. _ GTI1 AV., STORE.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL as laundress: city reference. mEAST I2TH ST.. THIRD FLOOR.?A EERPHCT ahln woman will go out to work by the day or t?Ke washing home; good reference. 7TH AT., SECOND FLOOR.-A YOUNO woman to do washing or cleaning by the day. 703 719 QQA 8TII AV., 00 It NEE BOTH ST.. SECOND DO 1/ floor.?A respect utile young girl as llrst class laundress; three years' reference. Q/-J7 9TII AV., TOP FLOOR.?A RRSPKCTABLE OU I woiuaii will fto out hy the dav a* laundress, or to do^ioaavcleaning ; is Also ft very nice cook. Address Qftfi 81,1 AV., BETWEEN B31> AND MTU STS.-A wUO respectable Ktrl us first clang laundress or would do chamberwortt anil tine washing: also a tlrst class chambermaid and waitress; best city reference. 11 9A 30 AV.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO DO . 1 zi\j families'or ?entlemeii's washing; or would so oat bT the day housecleanlng. 11 <17 2D AV.?A RRSl'KOTAHLK WOMAN TO ? 1^1 do gentlemen's or families' washing ; can do Muting and putting; best city reference. IOQO 3D AV.. NEAR 78TII ST., FIRST FLOOR, ? OO'' hack?A smart woman to do washing and Imnseclcanln? on reasonable terms. (CORNER ?1ST ST.. BOULEVARD. ?A RESPEOTABlE j woman to do gentleman's or famines' washing, or would go out by the day; Is u first rate laundress; best eily reference*. WAN1'ED.?FAMILY OR FAMILIES WISHING TO be relieved of the responsibility of housekeeping can hear of an hnelisbinan and wile, who Is a superior housekeeper and rook wbo woulil pay all rnniiitiK ex tends 'or a stated sum thai could he agreed upoti; rery Jfewt city relcrencc. Address T. S., box 111 iierald ofllce. ,\ urses, tfec. Q CARMINE FT.. FIRST FLOOR. FRONT.?A RE ?/ speciality eldeflv Protestant woman to take solo charge of a i.ahv ; references given if reuuired. Ask lor Mrs. WEIGH f. on EAST 45TH ST., FIItsT FLOOR BACK.-A RE ? J" spe' tab'.e younir woman wishes a baby to wet nurse at her own house, or would take a child from one to ilYc yvarg old. EAST 3STH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYKU'S).? A girl as nurse, and to do plain sewing. 34 a Q WEST 14TI1 ST., PRESENT EM PLOY KR'S.?A 1 ?' ProtcsUiut woman as nurse; can take charge of an infant trnin its birih. at) BUTLER BT.. NEAR SMITH, BEOOKLYJt.-A ij Protestant woman as nurse; is capable of taking full charge of baby long experience; satisfactory refer ence. Q?? 6I'll AV., RINO FIRST B8I L.?A YOUNG Of) Protedant woman as children's nttrse; hai *iway? been a lady's tnald and h?s travelled a good deal, would like to accompany a family to Luropo. Ad dress M. P. QK 0TI1 AV.?A PROTESTANT OIRL AS NURSE ? and to make herself useful; good refercuce if re quired. 1HA "AVEKLRY PLACE.-A FRENCH PERSON J U r to take care of one ehild; no objection to travel. Call for two Ours, Iroiu <i to 4 F. M. "1H7 WKKT WTO ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS KURSK I" I and team?treus: is competent of taking entire charee of an iniant; good city reference. 1H7 WK8T 2CTH ST.?A RR-PKOTABLE YOUNO I" I elrl. laiely landed, as nur*t and plain sewer; good reference. 11 f| WEST 171II HT.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO 1 1V/ take care of growing children and as sea lustres; ?peak* Krench fluently ; good city refercnceo. 1|0 WE8T 18TH IT., REAR.?A RERPECTABU? I IZi woman as nurse: l* com],"tent to lake full rharge or' a baby or yonng children: wmtlu like to bo to thy country or hnrope ; good city reference. mWK8T 46TH ST.?A COM PETENT YOUNO girl ?- nurao and seamstress: can lake full charge of a bat<y from lis liirtli: liL.-hf .st city reference. mAliMN ST.?A OIRL 15 VUAR8 OM> TO HIND ?b|Mren and belli to do general hemicwurk. In quire ot i E>KIX. mWEST J4TII ST. (III NO BKI,[,1?.-A COMPE tent youug worn in as nur?e and -Msauistrcsg; Is lolly competent to take entire c barge of a baby; can rvmr well recommended. m RIVING TON ST.. ROOM 9?A YOUNO QKR man girl as nurav and p'aln < ? n. t'aiU IOC WRST 23III ST. ? A YOl-SO CIKI. AS XL'RHE; l?l?l nnd'T'l?nds taking i ar ? ot children ? Is willing and obligingcity ref- retire. Call for two da) ?. 1*JC WKRf 6211 ST.?A COI.ORED WCM\N AR lOtJ mon'hly nurf; thoroughly oifd'Tsuutl* her buaincsa; beat city reference. Call or address. WO PART 18TH HT.-A C0HP8TBNT YOUNO ?> woman as flrst clase nurse; best city reference. 1CI BA*T 2SD ST. ?A RE-PECTABLR YOtTNO i?Jl girl M nurse and to do plain sewing; lour years' best f it* reliTcnce (rem lu r lust place. 1^1 KAsr flD ST., FIRST KLO.'lt, PRONT.-A X?*I ronng wiman to care forgr n n children or toao ehamherworK ami sewing; no ob,ictiou lo the couutry. Call ur Hili! r< ?* 1 WRST MHT ST.. KE Alt 7TII AV.. RJ, AR, SBC J *)?) oi"l lloor.?A rerpcctalilc rpi? opal woman wltll ?uperlor ciiy re er-nee, to take care ol a sick lady or do general huasc worn for an o.d couple. Call lor two day*. 1 rr/? WK.ST writ ST., PROMT ROU4R, ROOM l't'l A* nnrw and seamstrons: competent to ta*e ?niir* rhane ot growing children; utra uicely; beat city ruterenca. Call or address. If'A EAST 531 > HT.. TOT rf.OOR._A YOUNG ENG. JIHI li?:? woman as child's nurse; Is a fcood plain Hwer; willlpg to assist In IHrht housework. > IfM K HT mn ST-A COMPETENT PERSON, IUt with tin* b?st rc<-ointrcnUal!"ti. as nailery maid to children ?'Ver two cars old; a family having their own country home preferred, call or adaross. Oftl *TH ST.. CORNER TTI1 AT?A YOUNG 01RL AiVJ L to lake care ot children; best c Ity r-r. rcnee. <mO EAR! 44TH --T.-A RESPECTABLE PERRON JO a< imam* nurses can take chargo ol an luiant from Its birth; best refarem e. niu wbst som sr. third fi,oor.-a rr. Ziyf t tBeelaMe rrotestant girl. ac*d 14 y?ar*. totaie ?arc of children or would run ol and wait on a door; no ob:< ( u<>n to go in the coumrr wliii * lady tor the fuinmer. Call oti or addrea* liOUlSA .\l 1 i,I,s. oAn RA'T wrii st., bbtweeb id and~3d \J>y ?t* ?* ri'-spcctiible young *lrl, 15 rear* oNI, W tnlnd a haby and %? ti rseh generally usciul good ?ity ref?n uc? trom h-r ia?t pla<?. OOQ KAMI 431 II sT.-A RKhPKCTABUI TOVN0 ***?*' BUUTled woman, with h tr?su t.rca?t ol mi k no obiectlvn to the < out,try; bestdiy ret renre. ?>'m kart nrrn bt., top floor.?a ki m-pcta bl? woman wnuUI like tn get a child to mind, where It would have a good Innuc. IJOil WET I'lTH ST?AS Kit KMC II NPRBB IN A ~t1? laiui.y that is going to Kur?p?. Aihire>a Mrs. ANTOIMt.. (MO WEST 32NP Rl.-A RKSPKCTARI.R Tof VO Zi?'& girl to mind children and do fimn sewing; itllng to as*Ut e-ith thl clieinberwork; Will go a sho? 1 nisUM.ce In Um country, good ulty raierence rrnm last place. ?1QQ R*RT ?Jiff HT.?A RPSPECTARliB YOUNG ZiOO girl to t?M tare of chll lren an t *s*i*f la gen eral hon-rwor* ; 1m ?t re errnce. Call lor two day*. 2 4 l WESI' 26TU ST.-A RKRPKi fARLB YOUNO 'II girl as nurse and to assist Willi die chapilier work. or to do chHiiii.erw.irlt and waiting; uo objection to the country; best city retcri nee. ?> <1 WE T MO ST.?A PROTESTANT YOUhO Z't 1 woman as nursii. _____ 21 | HAST 420 HT., CORNBR Of 2D AV ?A RK '1.1 specthble married woiimn Wishes a balij to wet nnr , her own bciug fire rnootlu olu, acomtortabla home. *)A A WB#f SBTH ST., BKPWKEN 7TII AND KTII /u'x "I" a^?.A respectable womsn io do w?-lilag In .>r tut ol the homo; il* flrsi ulaai iauadra??; test city r?f- ? ?react. _ ? r?Tn --t.-a respbctabi.k woman jj'tl) t" go out by the day or lake in washing; good ; ci:y rcterence. list) htm ay.-a competent and THI -TV girl as nurse and aeamatrMs; can cu', tit and ! operate on U?c macUmc , xiver^l years' best iity iei? r ?nce. *)t\7 WD RT.-A fOUNO (Ilrtr, AGED u, io i ) I lai.n care <.i children or do light ehamhe w.,r< 4>/tQ WI ST <1ST 81., TIllKIl EI,(HIE, BACK.-V 4*tKj rc?.pi<ctablc young Prolewtunt glii an nnroe: is Willing and oliiigitw; good reference, i all or addicts. 07 ft WKST SBD ST.. IN Til R REAB ?TWO RE III spectahie Mraona; oie. mMdie-it<t?d, as nttr?e to an invalid lad / or em d; enpanl* ot MKnig eare ot a baby iroin it* inrtn; the othi r a? teamstrees or to do eliamhtifworBl good raioreu<.a, uo vbi?vuon to Hie couui,v. 434 435 449 ^SITUATIONS WAffTKD-PKMAI.EH. Nurses, die, (inO BLEKCKRR ST.-AN IHTKLLTOR1T CTRL OX/ JLt a* nurse, or would wail imui mvalid; refer ence. Call or address for two dn> s. QAP KAST UTO BT.?A YOUNO AMERICA N GIRL fj'f') as children's nurtH and to assist with chamber work ; goo i eitjr reference. mKAHT 34TH &T. NEAR JND AV.-AN Ex perienced monthly nurse; will go out by the month or week; best reference from tauiilies and physicians. Call oa or address, NORSK. *4/1 I KAMT MT" HT - BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D AVS., ?Tt I thiol floor, front room.?A respectable girl to take care of children and do plain sewing; good city reference. Can be scon tor two days. ^ni WEST 34TB ST.?A YOUNO OIltL TO TAKE t"I care of children and do luhthonsework: is willing and obliging; no objection to the couutry ; good reference. A 07 w)isT "TH ST., IN THE STORK.?A YOUNO "" I woman oa nurse and seamstress; in a goud op erator on Wheeler A Wilson's machine mid docs all kinds ot family sewing; Rood city reference. ^11 WKST HTM ST.?A PROTECTANT OIBI. AS 4 I I nurse ; can take llic entire charge ot an ailsnt; no objection to travel; best city reference. A 1 n 5TII ST., ROOM 9.-A YOUNO GIRL (AOED IK) n-l'f as nurse to one or two children in a private family; kpeaM Englimi and Trench. ^17 east isni sr.?a yocno American qirl 111 as nurse to u young inlaut; no objection to travel. 497 w::sr 82d sr.-A young giri,. in a pri Jj I vate family to inind a buby and wait on tUo table; pood recommendation. EA8T9TH 8T.?AN EXPERIENCED MONTHLT nurse; first el?e rel'erencc; call or address. K WEST 45rn ST.?A RESPECTABLE PIlOTEiJT antirlrl a* nnrse; good reference. WEST S2D RT.-A YODNO GIRL AS NORSE and plain sewer; roferenco. EAST 17Til ST.-A HEALTHY YOUNO WO OUw tnau as wet uurso Inuuirc at Mrs. Marks'. KIO EAST 11TB ST.?A YOUNO OKRMAN WOMAN > '1U to take care of an infant from its birth; well recommended. K'J.j BAST 14TB .vr? THIRD FLOOR. FRONT.?A f E ?/?) I' ?pectuhie married woman wl lies a child or two to lake in charge, from tine to four years old; a sound nunc and a good home. Address or apply for one week, P.*JC* ftTII AV.?A I.ADY WISHES TO PROCURE A t;OU situation as nurse or lady 's maid for a French woman from Geueva, who Is desirous or returning to Europe. CC I WKST 4STI1 ST.. TOP FLOOR, BACK ROOM.?A *)')1 respectable wo nan wishes to take in washing; is a first class iroiier und Isgood at tinting. ni)?) 3D AV., SECOND FLOOR, HACK ROOM.?A UJiO sober, steady middle awl woman as infant's nurse, or woul \ ucf In the same capacity for an invalid; is willing and obllglm.; uo obiection to go to the country: good city rcrercnce. ? 3D AV., SECOND FLOOR. BACK.-A YOUNO married woman as wot nurse. /'QA GREENWICH ST., BETWEEN WEriT 10TII AND Uf 'U Christopher sta.? A respei table woman hs wet nnrse (good ficsh breast of milk) in u respectable family. nr 6TH AV., BETWBBB 40TH AMD 41ST STS., IN ') millinery store.?A Protestant worn m as nurse for au invalid lady, or would tune the care of an infant baby; good recommendations from last place. 7AA. ,D AV?? BBTWBBW 39TII AND *mi STS? I t: X top finor, back rospecuibie girl as nurse and to do plain sewing and cliambcrwork ; bill ing and obliging; good city reference. Call for two days. 771 2D AV., BETWEEN 41ST AND 420 ST8.?A 4 1"+ rcspcctablo ml,Idle-aged woman ns nnrse and seamstress; bust reference from lust place; wages not so much an object as a comfortable home. Q07 sn AV.-A RESPECTABLE OTRL TO MIND ?7?7 I children or to do plain sewiug, or willing to make herself useful. 1 m Q ?Tl! A v.?A YOONO GIRL, 13 YEARS OLD, I.t'lO smart and tidy, to take care of a child and make herself useful. In ft* 3D AV.,- BETWEEN .121) AND tort 8TS., TN bakery.?A trustworthy young woman as nurso and to make herself generally useful; no obiection to the couutry; or would travel with a lady; good reter dices. IACp 3D AV.. BETWEEN ?SD AND AID 8T8.-A ? U'JU healthy, respectable young married woman as wet : fresh breast of milk. Call on or address WET NORSK all week. 1 /19Q BROADWAY, IN THE FANCY STORE.?A I .t^iO TOung woman as infant's nnrse; understHnds the care of children from their birth: can bring It up on the bottle if rotiulred; best city reference; ten years in lost place. 1 2n AV., SECOND FLOOR.-A RKSPEtjT J ,UUO able ? weditdi girl as nur?c or Ui do |.lsln sew lug; no objetion to the couutry; best city refereuce. Call for two day.<. A RESPECTABLE GERMAN GIRL AS NORSK TO growing children or la ly's maid ; wonhl like to go with a family I0 Europe; oan speak French. Address C. B., box 148 Herald Uptown Branch ofliue. A GERMAN PROTESTANT OIRL AS NUR-JE AND TO do *c wing ?. no objection to the country; cltv refer enee. Address A. II., box 111 Herald Uptown 1 , oiheo. 1 f 667 Waitresses, &c. i)/\ EAST 67TII ST., FIRST PLOOR.-< RESPECT. Z>0 able person as flrnt c'ag? waitress in a private family; understands her bu-lnuss; Rood reference. A 7 EAST 33D ST.?AS WAITRESS AND CHAMBER r I maid in a imall private laoiiiy. good city refer ences. lift WEST l7Tn ST.?A VOUNO OIRL AS WATT 1'rU re si. or wuuhl help with cbambcrwork lu a pri vate family; city references. IfJO WK8T 5CTII ST.. TOP PLOOE.-A8 FII18T I DO elsiis w.mresd or chambermaid; can sew or take care of children. oo \ west kd kt.?as waitrim^ in a private r family; very be*t city reference. Call Iroiu ID A. ?. till 1 P. M. ?J.4 0 EAST 21ST 8T.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS FIRST i)Ti ei*-s waitress or chambermaid la a private (hiu lly; good city reference. /(in 6 Til AT.?A YOPNO OlEL AS PIR-T CLASS rrlU waiires-s and chambermail; beta city reference. Call lor on ? day. A 'JQ WE-T ?1D ST.-A YOP.NO KNOLIMI OIRL AS rrOO waitress in a txnirdlni; house; willing to mksUI with chamlwrwork; goo.1 city reference. mCTH AY. IN T1IK MILLINERY.-A YOC.NtJ girl as waitress; would assist In Uie chamber work; guod city reference. . enn ?th ay.-a respiictaiile y.icko oirl its waitress and to new, or lalte care of children; best city reference. Cfr/r 2D AV.. WEAK S1~T 8T.-A IIK>-P ROTA BLR, ?)?)?) nmart young ulrl as"'reaa and i .'minberinaUl ta S prtvate family: no objection to a nice place in the country: wiiluit; aitd obliging, three years' best city reference. Miscellaneous. OA WKST UTIt ST-AK AMKRICAN MIDDLE ?\t otred l?<v, of ability anil refinement and c -od caretaker of bunts; mwiug; am All salary i reference. Call on or adrtrras A. J*. A Q AMITY ST., PACK BASK WERT.?A WOMAN I >7 \t' 8 lias worked in a restaurant and at house cleaning: good reference. Call orneud. nn WE T Ml) ST-A PRKNOH LADY AS LADY'S ?M) maiil; understands dressmaking and halrdreseiug, will take care of a child. Address. cn WRST ?> ST.-A FRENCTI LADY A9 LADY'S OU maid In a flr?t el:is? American ta mily ; understands (Iressmakinu arid liairdrossing, good leierence. Qi BAST 4TII BT., REAR.-A RESPKCTABI.R ?7'r woman to work by tba d?y or week; iMlereucc if required. , lift WEST ITTII ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOVNO 1 IU rtrl as Indv'o mam . spesws French lluently; 00 obiectlon 10 travel; good city reference. 1 QQ WSHT J3D ST.. * THIRD KLO??*, PKONT J ? ?/ room.?A respectable colored Vuouu wants day work in the cily. Call "r address. T.J1 EAST IVITII fT. IKINO HKI.lT I).-A OOMPC I OI tent person, speaklne French an I Oerman. as ladies' maid or nurse to growing children; be-t city ref erence. it),': wrst urn *t.. in nn store.-a oii?l to du ho:i?eei?antng or washing tiy the day, or would g<> as kiu-hcn girl good ciiy retcrriice. "I ( /? WriST ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYERS)? It') A well ciliuatcd Carman as lady's u.iid; ean do any kind of ?ewln<* on in-ichmc ; can cut and make dreseee, suits and under clothing. 1/'?J BA-T 3I8T ST.-AN AMERICAN WOMAN AS 1 ' )?> lanttrevn; be-t reicre-nce. Call on or adJrcss Mra A. W , for ilirri'da>a mo WEST s2d ST.-A CAPABLE PRRSt?M \H LA iuO dy's mala an.1 iicamstr<'.?s; would assist ?iili the honsekeeplng and is excellent lu cu-e of sIckiki-, an elderly laay preferred; b rtclty reference. ,001 E '.ST 35TII ST, BACK ROOM.-A 0TeTT~U ZtidY yeara; willing to mans herself generally usstuL 000 WEST ."ID ST.. PRESENT EMPLOYER'S.? A Protestant (lermait girl as maij or chihuen'g maid; wlslies to go with a ady orainlly to Parla. 2i?7 RAST aisr ?T., RING HELL TIIREK TIMr.S i A swl.?s ylrl, who n>e?ks P'eneh and uermail. as lailv'a maid with some launly irolng to Europe is a flr?t cut I lialrdrr-ser and dre?s>iiAKor. Addrcet, by letter only. MAMfUA, eare ot Mra Elng.iley. 211 EAR! 42D ST-AN AMKRICAN WOMAN TO t 1 go out as thoretwh houseclennrr ot old or new h.? uses; beat reference. Inquire for two day*. ?>-/|WR8V 1?TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE TOTNfl Zit)\l Oerman woman aa lady's maid or bomekeener In a flr-?t< 1 ..?* family, hua liftii long sxuerience in 11 ;iise kei ping, dressiiiaklug and hairdressing; best city refer ence. Address. 0(J0EAKT Mm ST., CORNER ID A V., TOP FLOOR JO A reap-'ctable young woman to see to grown children nmlsew or do upMaira work ands-w. I test rel ere nee; country i>reifttrea, can be ?ecn at her parentk Call or ?d less. ?)?}| RAST writ ST-A RESPl CTAWTK WIDOW Out woman wl"h. s booaecleanliiff, washing 01 iiuii lng by ttie day or ncek. ?J | O WI ST Mi ll ST.?A RPSPECTA 81.8 WOMAN O J ? 10 go ou- by the day huB?t ..umnog ? r w Ashini, ?, tity reference. OOQ rrit AV,, BKTWl EN 3SD AND J4TII ST .? ? >0O Asia'lv'a mmi, by a French woman I-a first rate hair i!ri-a*er and a coed dresnnakci ; i-oo.l ren r encea. *darew lor two <i?*s-i? call at MraBiit: ma*. SITUATIONS WAVTKO-FEHALES. JViK(ll?ne*ait ACyt KAST BIST ST.-A TOPKO OKBMA Ff OTRL AS I aLi lady's inn id; fan .tress hair aud do ail kinds of tine sewing by hand or iiiae-hiiio. A 0>T EAST 14TII ST.?AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG ? i I woman In a Br?t eluss hoarding house -can lake entire charge of a diuli.g mom; four rear*' refer ence Irotu la?t place in city, au postal cards answered. A An ?Tri av.-a colored girl as ndrsh or * r l ladv's maid; willinir to travel, go to Europe or remain in the city; best reterenoe nruin last employer, t all tor three dayiron U to 4. AZQ ST 11 AV.-A young pbfmcb PERSON, PROT *?t)tJ estaiit, (peaking German end l ngllsh, In a family going to Europe. Call or address tor two days. AH\ OTH AV., BETWEEN J9TH AND 29Tn ST^., xl 1 in the hair store. ?A respeotablo lady's uiaid; can sn?nt: French and English; no objections to travel. Call tor three dovs. n(\K 8TH AV.. Fit!ST FLOOR.-A COMPETENT ?' person as lady* maid and M-aimarisa; urnler stands h ilrdre niiij ; best city relcrence. 1 1 ,D AV.?A RK.-P F.OTABLE GIRL TO TEND J ? lO r in it bakery or confectionery nior. la willing nud obliging. Call on or address M. MCCARTHY. A YOUNG WIDOW WOULD ACCEPT ANT Po sition not menial. Address E., box 106 Herald Up town Branch oillce. A GERMAN PROTESTANT WOMAN AH LADY'S uiaid mid seamstress; no objection to travel. Ad dress A. W., box 120 Herald Uptown jiraneh oltlce. AYOU.VO GIRL A3 LADY'S MAID ANt? SEAM stress in a private f.itnily. can out and tit ladle* and children's dresses; three years city reference trnm last employer. Address LADY'S MAID, Herald Uptown Branch office. A YOUNG LADY OF EDUCATION AND RBFINB. ment. desires n position In a -widower's tit mil v as coniiiHiiion. governess or noiutek.eeper. Address, ep pointinn interview. iii-ss EMMA RICHMOND, Brooklyn Post oflieo. Later returns FROM CONNECTICUT IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM TO-NIGHT. I) K3PECTA rtLE Girl, WISHES A SITUATION ? k< With a lady who Is going to travel; no objection to take care of children; flrst class dressmaker and seam stress and a Competent hairdresser; liesi re'erenee. Ad dress 11. J. L., Heruld L'ptowu Brunch oiUce, lor t%vo days. fTlUK METROPOLITAN PRINTING EST ABLISHMEN T X is at 218 Broadway, initio Herald lUiildinx 1\TANTED-BY AN ELDERLY LADY AND HE t SON, n a situation tocelher at very moderate salary, or an Interest in some nnsincss where their services will merit a small share ot the protl's; both are experienced lu business, energetic and trnstworthv; would accept anv description ol employment either In city or country ; relorence. Ac. Address W. 8.. station <). WANTED?BY A TRUSTWORTHY, RELIABLE person, position In a linen room or to take eiiaiya of tlio bouse of an aged couple or as traveling <?, niuan lon or matron in an instituiion or any kind ot office of trust; thoronshlv nnder tands Instructing yonng chil dren; also some knowl-dfre of ma>-ici wining to make herself useful; best references given and required. Can be seen at m Irving pluce, luesday auu Wednesday, from 11 to 12. Intelligence Office*. First class german servants at mrs. LOWE'S German Bureau. Removed to 131 East 13th St., between lid and 4th uvs. C1EPMAN AND ENGLISH SERVANTS, CAPABLE I and trustworthy, found constantly on h.m<l at Mrs. IlOLZijfEI\>, i'173d a v., near Aim at. PItOFESSIONAL situations WANTED? FEMALES, rt 1 fi 20 AV.-A YOUNG LADY TO DO COPYING Ol UtU any kind at home; writes a bold rouiul hand. A RESPECT IBLK YOUNG GUM,, 17 YEARS OP AGK, living l)i Brooklyn, wishes to obi i In a sltuatlO i to tend store in New York or Brooklyn. Addre-s MissJ. M., box 2S0 Herald office. A YOUNO AND REFINED LADY WISHES SOMF. thlnif to do; anything that is not menlaL W'io Will assist her? Please address IN NEED, Herald Up town Branch office. A GERMAN LADY, WHO THOROUGHLY UNDER* stands French. English and music, de-Ires a situa tion us teacher, novern.'ss or companion in a reilued family. Address B Pierre, ont St., Brooklyn. E. D. A LADY, HUCOBStSFUL TEACHER OF MDBIO AND Hinging. K re nob, i utin and the English branches, oesirei an enmutement: would accpt Board in ex chnnKC for two hours' tuition dally; lnnhe.t Mtereucc*. Address lKAv.HElt, bo\ 111 Herald Lplo.Mi Uranub otllce. A YOUNG GERMAN LADY WITH BBS i' CITY references, speaking Enirlisli well, as nur-erv governed, or full ? ivernt->s (or voting children. Address AlUs E. I'., 'Hi Monroe. St., Brooklyn. A LAUY, WITH A LI I TLB OIRI., DKSIRE8 A 1*081 J\ (|0a uiorerncilto a christian home: is an ex perienced teacher; ion l oi children; hiuhext testi monials; salary no Mijeot Ad Iresa .if. CLAIR, Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTED?A f-ITUA I ION IN' A FAMILY. BV A ladv who kai been lor many yours occupied in the Instruction of youilt is a practical ami capable teacher ol tne English an t French iuuauag<:.s. una i? thoroughly | experienced In cultivating and turinuiii the minds of children and loading thein tlirnugli all tho brawlm i I 4 complete and careiul education: would take entire charRO 01 a widower'* family - be?t reference*. AddrcMt (jl.l.N, lie raid Brooklyn branch office, tor two days. HELP WAXTKU-FKMAhKS. AT 81 LEXINGTON AV.. CORNKR KTH HT.? Wanted, u French Swiss Protestant nurse elrl: also two Amoricau or Bn?li*h girls, under 2.">; one lordimnc room: one lor Uuudry; employment steady, wanes liberal. AOiNTLKUAN WHO KNOWS HOW TO WAI.TB. wishes to practlcc with some respectable ladv at lior home ; payuicut will be given. AdJlCai DhCENT, Heruld umoe. __ __ AKRKNCn OIRI. AS MAll) AND KA MSTRKS4.? Call this day, before 1 o'clock at No. 8 West 17th at. LADY DBSTRBS TO BNOAOB A COMPETENT seamstress bv tho week to make flno nidorcloltiliit; and white morning wrappers: no dressmaking: mti-t i bring her own machine. Address, stating terns and ref erences. Mr*. COLBMah, Herald uptown Branch offlcn i A QUOD MILLINER WANTED IMMEDIATELY?AT J\ 8.7 Fulton st., Bro klva. between Adelphi at. mid | l lerinon! ar Applv be tore 10 A. M. or alter i 1*. M. C H A M BBRM A ID AND WAITitlgtl, ~Tt> ASSIST with nanhmit and Ironing lor u tamny of t!ir. e. Miniy. witn reterencoa. Tuesday, iro.n 11 to 3, at 140 Weat tad at; wages |i3. AVOVAN WASTP.D-IN am othtkr and chop house, to wash dlalics and to mnk" herseli gener ally n-ciul. Apply, between 8 and 10 o'clock, at J7o t-th avenuj. i ANFAT, TIDY (iIRt, WANTHD TO COOK. WAS'! ami iron In a private family; inttit be wiiltnii anl obllginr Apply with relteiencu at 13t Kav. 33th *t., before 12 o'clock. puol and waitress wa.vird?in a privatk | \J boa/ding house ; tfool references required. Applv. between the lioura oi 10 and 5, at 34 Vt est ?8th st., lower door. ! DRKS8MAKRRH WANT E D?O N I. Y FIRST CLASS banJsneed nnply; al?o an apprentice. at M?,< hat'M A S v's, ar., between 36'h and .".7th ?t*. THIRST CI.AS-i WAIST HANDS WANTr.D.?COME F prepared to work. Mme. a IMEE, 339 Went Mat st. I7UNB BOSOM and CUFF HAND ON WHEkLKIt * r WiHon a muchtne. Apply to W VRD, 6'( White ?t G1IRI. WANTKO-TO 1)1) LIGHT HOUSEWORK. AP r ply at Ml l a?t 10th it ClOOD DRF.S8MAKF.R WANTED AT 429 WK*V 4JD r rt Mr*. Mrtl UI V I'.SS. Mii.mnkrs wann.d?h'o ni illa CO.7 :?7 and it) Sih ar. OpfraIOrs lis WI1KELMR AND wTlHON'S ' machine, white work. Hi Charles st. OPKRAVOR.-WANTBD. ~K FIMTCLABS OPERA tor on Wheeler A Wilson machine lor diemuMkiiu,', at l?> We?t:atbat. TXTILLCOX .t OIBRS* OPHKATORS WANTEr??TO t> mukc trimming; a bo hr?t clasa bands on tirrrcr k Hnker's. Apply to I), tf. BABt. OC'K A CO., It; Church st., top floor. . KT XCRSK. WITH R KM A BI.B RBPKRIINCf.S, will hear of a koimi liome by applying at the asy. j Inm, Sft Mari<>n it, abov,- Prince, ou Tuesday, between 10 : an<1 2 o'clock. . \lrANTi I)? \ chambermaid, IV A FAMM.Y OP ?T two; aha must he thorough In washinv' uiid Ir.i i ini aud wait at uolo; b'mvi rolorenees required. Apply, ' between II anil 1 o'clock, at 133 Bait67th ?ti VI f ANTED?A BRI OI IT. Ui I iXLI 0 K N I A M K h l<' A N ?T i-lr'. abfiui I*, to lake #Ite o< s enll l an I a?s;? ?itn the lioUkCwork. Addrew KAMul'o l>ox i.4 Herald office, W'ANTKD?A FIRST CLASS MIU4JIM TO 00 A I >hort dMaaee in tho cnnniry. Apply to 8. W. Bi.KKMAN A Co, Ml Sroadway. Hp" ANTED ? A KISPf.1 TAHI.h To I No" filKI, FOR 1 ?? noneral hottaewora: o te nwd to children, and . must have good . ny reiereoco. Apply at cut hut Sid j st. Rto?f Mtddte belt j \17A*TKD?A niRL ABOUT I? TO HKLP "In A V> small fainlly; re'eronees wanted. ( ail at It West llih st , t elore 10 A, M.. or aner S P. M. j ring parlor floor boll. U'ANTP.D?A MIDDLE AOE? flOBRR WOMAN AS cook - one witho it relatives protorred. call, not belore 'J nor later than 12 o'clock, at 287 Klizabeth rt. WANTlO?A OIRI- To DO CHAMBI'.RWORK AND wmilng and to assist with the washing. Aptov, ft?r two days, with city relorenee, from lu toilo'eioi k, at 141 ' ast Ss'li st. Wanted?am enomsh, frrnch ot hkrban Protestant aseblwren's nam i reterenca reauired. Appl.v, alter 0a. M.. at 2? l ast :?th jl tl'AMKD-A THOROL'OHUT competent WOMAN fY tn?aV.e charge nf ihu infants' department; ai-o one aeiiuuinted with cutting an1 flttlng ehiiitren's ( ai men la. A. JtORRlstiN, so Broadway. WANTED?A YOUNO WOMAN A3 LACNDRIo-S Tt and chsinbormaiil; Mie must perleclly understand hor hiisino?s and bring ifo<'d eiiv reference, ^pply at I i: i an a d st., onTne.'day, between the hours of lo and 1 o'clock. \|f anted-sevkral Urst class skirt trim. tt men and wa^s: flni?hor?. Apply at Mine. i>o.vo TaN'h, No. 8 hast 14th St., basement noor, before 9. XVA"TKD?A TOCNO woman as adjutant vy po t r In a millinery house. Address, with reier encea, c. c. C., Herald office. w ANTI-: D-KKV KB AL USsT CI.ASH DRESS. it mnkera: also a couple of apprentice*, t ail at wo Weat 2tfth st. \VrANTKD-IN A PRIV ME FAVII.T, A OI1I, TO Vy e? w md n??i<d * mii iliuiBberwork. Appiy at Ji4 Waal Mill as., near Mll> As. HELP WASTED?KKMALEH. ?\ITANTED?A COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS: ONE WHO " can cut and (It children's clothes h ill is w liing to ? '??fit in thoeare ot children. Apply at 1M Kast3- th ?C., alter 10 o'clock. WANTED?A WELL RRCOMMBNDrD OERM*N cook, willing tukuiut in wiub.ujt aiul iiouLug. *S7 West KM ?t. _ WANI'BI)?A COM PET'i< NT LAUNDRY rid WITH (rood city reroniroendation*. None other need ? pply at Hi Ea-t 3w(i st., alter i<J o dock. Vt'ANTF-D-S OOOD t'OOK. WASIIEIt AM) IRONEU; ?? must have good city reference. Apply at 137 W est <fth *t. \v "\AT ANTED?A COMPETENT, GOOD NATUREDNURSR : >? one accustomed to small children. Only those well r"?oiotn"tided need applv. between 10 and 12 o'clock, at 12U, West 43th >it. ANTED-A LAUSDKK3S. TO DO A I aRGE WASH in a private lainlly ; $is. 71 Bust M st "Wf ANTEI)?A SMART. ACTIVE 'URL AS CHAMBER VV inaiil an I lo do fine washing and ironing must understand light waitlnji; In a ?mall private tamiiv: good reftrenc* wanted. \ppiv, irotu tO to 1, at *0 W est 80ih st., between 5tli ittt<l tiui a v s. WAN I'ED?A FRRNOU GOVERNESS; MUST BE A thoro u'li nmsieisn and have ?><od relercuccs. Call at 5i Stli av.. before 1U A. M. "llfAUTED-m A PRIVATE FAMILY. A COOK, TO VV ss.-ift with the washing. ant a waitress .Hid Cham bermaid. Apply at 20* W est iltll St. ANTED?V NURSE AND 8EAM-I RESH, AT 37 hast G2U St. WANTED?A FRENCH OR OEKMAN NURSE, fall st Nil. ? I-.?st 4?ith ft., between ti and 10 A. M. or 6 it ltd 91*. M. w w ANTED-GIRLS TO HO LIGHT WORK. APPLY ut ?2 Vesey st J. D. ADAMS. WANTED?KOR THE COUNTRY, A COMPETENT Vr young woman an nurso tor three-children; refer ranee required from last employer, who mum be *eeii: wage* 910a iiiuuttt. Call at 118 i ast 10th at. from 12 to 5 o'clock P. M. WANTI.P-IN A MILLINERY EST4BLISHMKNT A rV young ladv (French or Herman preferred), to at tend to p rlors an I help at sales. Call, with references, at ss East iihh st . neor Broadway. "IITANIED-AN EXPERIENCED HAI.B-WOMAN IN Vr our dre." and cloak department; noue others need spnly. T. K. HORTON A CO., 3iH mid 3Uti KulUin St., Brooklyn. . nt\ OPBRATOR8 WANTED?ON D'fMHHTIC AND tJV/ Wheeler A Wiisim machine- tor ladies' IIn<-1? suit', f* xperiencd hands on'y need apply, at MEYER JONASSUa'8, ,ibs liroailway. SITUATIONH W A \'1' K l>_ M A I.B<D< A WELL EDUCATED YOUNG MAN (SWISS!, spending ami writing Preach, OcrnHUl and luig llnh. wishes to tn*ke an engagement with * travelling party ai courier and valet. Address C. S.. Herald office. A YOU NO MARRIED OKNTLEMAN DR.-IREB some emnloymerit: can give satisfactory gtiarnn- , tec as to faithful performance ot <iutte?. Address RONALD, Herald Uptown Branch office. A YOUNG, WELL EDUCATED C!RISTIAN M\N 1 wishes u situation asageuf; talks and writes Dutch, French, English. German au.i Spanish. an I understands Portuguese and Italian. Call oy S. V.. 40 Catharine st., reading rooms. A COMPETENT MAN COOK 'SWIM) WISHES a ' situation; understands cooking in ail its branches. Address i ' it;K. box ill Herald oft!re. ARFSPKCTAIU.H CCTORED boy Wt&HRS A SIT attoti in a privat* gentleman's boarding hott.s< ; up stairs work; no ohjee ion to t'm country, Inquire ot or ?ddrcsg liOWARD KRV. HI West 17th St. ARESPECI ABLE M AN AND WIFE WANT SITUA- I tlons on a genilemsnM place or to take charge of a . sniiill place; mail to do sem-ral work; wi!? would wash a:i I iron : man is a good n.ilid to rai-e tohacco. Can he seen at No. 83 Urci n ivlcli st., at 1*? for three days. | A FIRST CLASS STEWARD OR Hl'.AD WAITi-.R , would like a position In tho city or country ; speak* ' the lan^nage: best city refcreuco. AdUriss, for this I week, M. K., Hern >1 oluce. i Are pectablk markied man wishes a sitaaiton in flu* patent butter mauuiactttrtng bn>l- i nt,?: h.m two y? ua' experience. Call, lor three days, at 3,;s West'AiJi >t. j Ar??p.:ctabli' married man wisnES a . sanation as oversi er in a woo l vard; has nine i years' experience In the business t ali on or addresSi lor three days, O. 11. MiLLEit, 3U5 Wast afltli St. I A SITUVTIOM WANTE'I?BY A YOUNG MAN AS Jv first ciaas cook in liulel or reatuarauti umler-tainis nllkltnlBof sren. h and American cooking; has had 10 yearsexperienee in (list ela?s hotels and resiaurants m I thi-. liiys first class r frr-nt*; w.iges moderate. Address i COOK, box 100, Herald I ptown Branch office. A SITUATION. BY A PROTESTANT YOUNG MAN. waiter In a small private family; wlllinir, ?olj"r I and obliging; lies ' it v r u rence iron) last place. Call ?t or address No. 48 East Si t st. i A YOUNG SWEDE WISHES A (-IHATION ON A ! iV farm earn milk and tak.- <-:iro ot horses. Call or a>;dress iu!> Grei nwiuii st. New V ork. \ RKSPKOTABLB OOi.OBBO L\D WANTS A SITU JV ation on * i*rni; ihi.rouflCy understand* His busi ness; willing and obliging. A p'y at ?ai West ?*.; st. | A SITUATION WANTED?BY A COLORED MAN AS JY eook be-t rity an-l e.onntrv referenees. Address G. I, lleraid Uptown Uratieh oitice. AYOUNO MAN WANTS A SITUATION AS FARMER or lo take tsn of Dorses ben cirjr referenc- if re qnlrod. f.'all on or address 11. CROOK-, 634 West 41st st., tluril ttoor k YOUXU MAW, AOiiD 17 YE ARft, RESIDING W11 H J\ hit purest*. ic;ires ?? altti.uiun lit a brtlvr'a office ! or niinc wholesale house ; can give Leu city reference* Addrcas B. A. R.. Herald Uptown Branch office. As IIK A D WAlTER-HY a THOROUGHLY Ml-, eient, honest ao'?r and enerseiic man in a ho'el or large boarding House Address HEAD WAITER, caro F Black well, xtriiast ttth ?t. A SITUATION WANTKI>?BY A YOUNG MAW. tiTY or country; uwtersunda the management ot horses; can be weil recommended; willing to make himself use ful. Address I*. P., l*>* Hi lleralil office. AYOI'NG MAN WANTS A SITUATION MMM IN a private lainily ; is a too.l pastrv cook : good refer. euij". Addre>*C.. box 114 iKianl Uptown Branch office. \ COLORED MAN' A.S WAITER IN A PRIVATE J\ tainily or boardlag house; thoroiMhly nnicr-tand* the has no?t: willing ami ?blt*lnn: ir.>od relterencc. Aa dretttl. W.. llcral'l I ptowu Branch otllec. ? Cofi&RKD man COOK I AS IIK KNOAU:'i) FOR 1 A thn 'uinm- r In the country. is a flrtt-elt<- At.ieri run '~ook; references; call or address lor on ? week CO'iK, 149 Went Mil -t | HOTEL O!. R: SI AI RA.M'-W ? N r. !> A SITUATION m steward. i>v a conpi tent qui. Address A. i Cleo. S' Bread street. r<> 'in ti. ! OMUAIIOX WANTID-HY A MAS OP fiOOD AI) i O dress, steixl v an'' lltdnatriOfl?. to u.irk ran sell | ir??d?. has li .'1 caperlenee In manu'ai'turuic; willin-r to do mio thing, Beat retercace* Addrust tfOsfON, Uerald ; office. S' ITU VPI'IN WANTF.D-HY A BOY AOKI> 1?, IN ANY wholesale buelnest Address K. W., 124 \\ -?t .'i/ui ?t. CIll'AIIONg W\NTi:i?-RT \ TO IN ; Bf;[.0tAN an I his wife, In a private ?.!ti*ri- in lamllv; man as valet or Would make himaelt Keuerall.v usetti1: wi>e as rtr?i . !??? ? ii' at (?-? i? operator on * vent machines; , cm d<> any Baa aewlnt: no objection to the i-ountrv or travelling . boil refcren as in the city, fall ator uuJrn?, 1 to-dar. troin ? to 4.114 7 aw. OrTDATlONS W All I K n?BY N! V N AND \Viri',"~A 0 short di-nince oat of tiwn. a? head waller in a hotel lor the sumiin r months, tin wife as housekeeper or i hamberniaP!; beet reference. Call al>o iilMtta M.. near Bieeekar. rpo IIOTKL OKPKRS.-WAKTUD. Bf AN EXPK 1 rim you in man, a aitua ion a? en.f >r in a hotel tor the summer monthti best letereuccs. Addle.>s , A. v ? ll-rald Brooklyn Bra tic It otitic. II* ANTED?A SITUATION as CARVKR oRsti-W II ard in a ho el steamboat or restaurant. Address ; 1.1.0. W. r'lM'UKil. No. 45i West 18 ti sL, In rea--. I XV ABTKU?BY A hTOI' rTAHI.iTM AN"A Mlt'ATKll on a tarni- *?<-????! retcrenoe trom lact emptier. Address ho* a? lit raid olflee. A V0f%0 HWlWt M * V A RrTIATtuV *? at waiter ill a prlrat" fimilv; spea?s an and frtneh tinderstan t? Bnctlth: ireol cits refeie?te. Ad dresaU 1', box I5t Herald I'i town Itrnneii o tu e. VI'ANIRII?HY A Tflt'MI MAN. W It* ON A i? farm. Addrci B 1.. hox liW Horal.l office. |?7 ANII O-A 8ITUATHIN BY A Vol VO MASTaH TV waib-r in a private lanul> or boarding huusu. Hi Wet? StKli st. tlrst Ky. 117ANTED?BY A YOUNO FRUNClpli, A SI1 I'A Vt tion ai waiter in a private tamllv; upeaks hn^listii ?o<hI clt v retei race tr >:n his last p ace. Adarei* L?., box 1-W Herald t'ptuwn Br.m< h office. ItfANTKD?A RITUATIOnTn T11E iTi H K It Ht'^f IT net*. t'V a thorouirhly coinMteni man. Address M. R. J., 14:1 Korth 4ih st . Brooklyn, B. 11. \lrAN TKD?IN A ilKAl.THY PART OK THE KTATE. >7 a situation as larmer th<iroo*hly nndei .-tand? the rai^nif of all kin Is ot r.iots an.I evrrvtlun r eotineeted w ill a flrs, cih?k tarni; i? ai pr< -ent in ebar/e ot a iarun plaee;rbllls the cans' ot leavna; -vjie is a food hint r tuaker. Address tor one week. PAKMEK. Heralrl office. -irOl'NO MARRIKO MiN, WITHOUT ri(ILT)IlF,N, I esrt enter, wmiM take ehai.-e af pr >pert?. rapt irs. Ac i would tak" tamtorehip of larue hoilatag; beat city reierence. AddresaJ. K.. fvi B'est 3BUi Ml CtiKRKH AND NAI,EsJIK\. A OOOUNTB m NINE LANOt'AOCi ARRKARU 2\ written np; books opfni J. exsiiliiied keut or hai an. ed, marine translations, jam'. ? i'u*, fd New st AN ACTIVE, CXPBH E.NCED MVN WANT* a pi is I rtnn as eir rk or In any capacity. Address ?.AMl lvl.. boa 11.1 Herald office. AN KNOl T.-HMAN, WITH 17 YEARS BXJ'ErtIRM'B in I^oni'on, and liaviu: a thorough know e<ue . t ti. rman. desires an engagement at ? lork. Aildrt ek J. K, f.. 4k Prospect it, Brooklyn. DENTIHT.S AND YOUNG MEN, PAIRI.T RDCCATFD ol some meant ami m< ehanical imteiiinty. vanteil aa a.? .islam, clerk*, uuuils aud iaaprovert lor oar rifficea here and Knrope. 199 Bowery. PKETERBE BBOi*. EXPERIENCED BliOKKKKPKK AND CDllRKSPoN rv dent wants a i'. sltion as hookkeeper, manaRlnx eh rk oriir.tau' tecrelary. Addres* PEi'KR, boa 124 lie aid office. /I ET YOUR PRINTING DONS AT THE METBOPOM. IT IAN PRIMIM4 1 -.TAIU-I-H MKNft .15 liroa.i way V .it iriii fin I it adTantareoas. Hair AND FANCY HOODd. \n < apr ri. need traveller, with aoo.1 Eaa em and Western irAie. ?iii maka arrangemeult jflth a gs< d hoai ; can rfnarantee^o sa:ed, tuicrence? AI. au i1ies? X. V., bit il l Herald office. fllELKURAI'H OPKKATOR.-A TOUNO MAN WIIO I lit'- ha.i several yaart'aipcrlance and miennanda sleeks ?eoiil itki a position av o; erator und ik'ri <n a In.iker't ur private gffluc. Aildreet Ml ItsI, Herald > uiii-a CI.RRKS AND RAI.RSMKH. _ __ WANTED?TRAVELLING SALESMAN fOR n.U * muting oil (must bo of highest ab.litjr) U< Introduce a 'v v- ? rt M t .- Pout ofttce. "Vtr ANTED?A COMPETENT KTRNOC.RAPHER ?i wish?s work as amanuensis <>r enrreaporoie'tt: hit* had experience. Address M. S< ui .,AL, bo a -'M Mar shall Post oHIbp Mi--11 "1,1/" A NT I' D?ASSISTAN I' BOOKKEEPER AND ENTRY ?? elerk: one who ha* been in the triiiiBiiug or mH linery business preferred. Add row. >tutiiu salary and references, Atil-In I ANT, box 21U 1 eralil ofUcr. "rt r A NTl'D?A SALESMAN W KIX POSTED IM CHEM ?? iu'r H< wko ean influence a large trade: please *t?I" particulars .ni l amount nt salarv or commission expected. Andres* CliKMU'ALH, box 201) Herald ofcl. Tt'ANTE'i- \ HOOD SALESMAN FOR IRIMMIVG* ?t and ribbon-*, we,I iii lualiii ii with ilie retail f?n<t Jobbing trade. All Iri ss, stating salary and reiereucts, SALESMAN liox'Jll Hcra.d office. _ _ ______ "llTANTED?A BOOKKEEPER IM A DKV GOODS. ?t general merchandise and crotnee hitfineas in a io?n in Indiana. Address S. * W.. Herald office. mASTMl-A YOUNG 11 VN TO APT AS CA^HIRR ?? and bookkeeper. Aprdy, in own harmwriting. lmv incr reteraaces, A. B , box 17$ Herald Cptown Brandt office. Wantrd-a mxo>iii nov is to jo tbau of aire : must be a (too l penman, quick and correct at iltrures and r .irte with tin parents; bed references required. A4i;ri^-< In iruidwrltim; of applicant, GEOKUE, box 219 Herald oitice. WAirrED-A LUBRICATING SAUSMAN Willi ?w trade; ."alary i Ou per inoutli aud upward. Ad dress, with reference.and where last employed in con tlilence, MAIDEN LAM-., llerald ottlce. "\Vr ANTED?A SALESMAN PERFECTLY FAMILIAR t> wltn and capable ot s Ming In the wholesale and retail grocery and restaurant iride one who can give first class reference* as to capacity and Integrity. Ad dress box 1, 51 l'osi otlce. TTTANTi n?TWO F.XPERI EWORD DRESS GOODS VV salesmen. Apulv to I. A C. JOHN TON, Broad way, t' iftii av and Ski it. ? COACHMEN A\D OAKDBNKRfl. A GERMAN GARDENER AN?COACHMAN'S SITCA j\ ti n wanted: thoroughly understands horse* and Carriages; is* good Main gardener; alsoucne.ul man. Call at or addresa Hi Jay st. A SITUATION WANTED-AS COACHMAN. TOOK . otuhly understands his business: can give ?ears' ciup reference irom Ins lust employer. Address M. S., private stables 47 Kasta-d sr. - A SI I C ATION WANTED?BY A FIRST CI.ASS J\ coachman, married, German, who understand* his business thoroughly; bent city rvtrreuoo. Aditress W, ti., tjjj tith av. All! SEErrABLK YOINO MAN W1MH8R A SITI A tion a^ coac hman au>l uarden^r: can do anythinv on a t'entiem:in's place; not nlraid ot wora: wlltltigt wi ll recoinm lined. Ad iress box l"ti Herald oWee. AYOU.VO MAN' WISHES A Sill ATION TO TAKE care ot' lmisea ami make himself nseiul in a private , tainlly. JOHN MORROW, 217 hasUtlist. A li A ltOKN? H'S RIT0ATION WAN I'KD?BY A ! j.\. so her, indiiitrions man- marriel; will lie wlllina | and obli'-ine; rivo year*'sfooil reference from last, em- ? plover. Address K. w., box llti Herald olllce. A COACHMAN, WITH SIX YEARS' RIRbP CLASH recommend a tioo, wants a - i tuatlon an coachman and groom; understands nnlking and gardening if re OUired; ol very respectable habits. Addretk) O., box lie rail office. A EEi.Srif G AI:D!'.\E-< WI-IIKS A SrPOATIO* IN /V a Hint class private place: sneaks no Rnglish. Ad dres* DBSIRRK 11ELLANG LK. Wi.odstde, Astoria I.. I, A COACHMAN'S Siri ATI iN IVA.MKH-AV ASIV gle young man; thoroughly understands his busi ness; best city reference. Call ou or address J., No. loB West 18 h St., private siahle. i FRENCHMAN WANTS A PL.ACB AH GENERAL iV gardener: Is Ihoroogiily conversant wiih ail branches. Ca I ou JOsKPH, No. 2 West st. AgOOTCIlMAN, UNMAKKIKI), WANTS A SITCA tloti thorouc ilv expcrieiwen; competent ctwli man; is a good vegetable gardowr: can milk and make liimseir useful| hi/lily rcvonttucuded. Addresi W. S.. box IIS llerald office. AS COACHMAN ANO GARDENER ?A MA^RT l? IV mati ,oiie <'liiId) I'rofe-tant: is a good drive uti.l tl..'rough nractual gardener. Address N. B., box 200 llerald office. A SINGLE MAN, AOE 31, WANTS A RITCAttON as coachman and groom flint claw . It.v re i era nee. Call on or address J. ll , ?81 fctli av, teed store. AN TKDORTRKK S ANI? SOIKR i.EKMAN GAK .'V diner (single) di-<.res a situation: willing to tnat.e himself generally useful; references A No. 1. Addr< -s i lU'sTWOUTHY, llerald odloe. I TOI'NG ^ullER OP.RMAN WISHES A ITUATMN j\ n? tlist class c,..icltmi?u in u lint private family : i* an experience i driver : has been in the cavalry in Ber lin and has learned t<> drive in Uie great stable tor knrxna iuKerlin; good rocouiiiion tut ion. Address C. I'. bex ISO Herald oilice. _ a MTOAlION WANTBD?BY A SINGliU MAN, AH J\ coach can and groum:N a g-e?| garlener ll re. nuiren thoroughly undersiinds l?oth branches; best city reierenee. Address i'. W., Imx 23V Herald office. A COACHMAN'S S1TCATION WANTED?BV A RK A apeetab'e young nan: tborongblv uu u r-tand his bn ines-. ?$Bing and obliging: best city rcterencc. ' all on or addre-s M . 13d \\ei?i titti st. AYOCNO GERMAN FLORIST AMI GARDENER who understands his bustuesK watilt a aituatRm. 464 43d St., tietwecnUtB and mtU ?v? ARKjI'i CrABI.K MAN AS COACHMAN AND GAR. lb ner; country preferred: three ,v.?rs" Ntereuce. Address T. H , box isj Herabl I'ptonn ttrsoek office. A SITI'ATION WAXT>D-BT A BRSPRrTABI.K single nau, as troo.l regetable srardciw-r, in a pri vate family understiinds hi* Ma)nam. aud iron, hot and eold graoene*: good reltereueM, ''alien JOHN Vicroit, 11 ^elliv?n st.. tie ir Canal. ! 4 FIRST CLA.N.4 ORBMAN OAHIIKXKR, 40 VKAKS I J\ iiin married, no .hiulren, lully comieteui iii alt branches ol hi* bii?ltif?*. having superintended larpo *arden? in this country an1 in hiirope. wania ? ?itua tion > n a gculleiuiiu'k piacu. Addrcas K L. II, 171 I Canal it. , \ YOBBO MAN WISHES A Pill" AtlOX A>t OAR dener: thorn'ish v mi-l< r?:and< the bM-in ?>.? in i I ll? bran-Mi.??; licit i lty reiereiKe. Addrca II. M. boilU | lit rild ?tk& 4 OfrXTII-MAX DKKIKK.4 A > ITf V ! ION H >K II f 4 .'V coachmaii? who ha* ?v.rrt-i him n :th ,'rcat (l.kllty, bein.' -oti-r, imni-?t mi?i rertvetlv tru-tworihy , reier? ui frink WmhIM Hroidwiy. t Sl n \TH?X as COACHMAN Ok ORuO* RV AN' 1 A l'.nril<liiuan thoroughly understand* Uk Miintr ment oi mr-? and caring, and I* a careful driver, 1 ??ii*r. a'v and I .diistriou*; Hr*c cln?< refkren ?.?*. I Appif to "r J S. I A I IN Al l). V S.. No. tj W--I 4411. M VYOI Nil MAX A* OROOM AMI COACIIMAN-NOr una .I ot work; can un.k mil do plain garden itif ; | Unit clu?* i itv and country rvtfcrenrea. Adtr.s* COACU i MAN. bin H3 Herald I'ntown Branch \' tHXCl.K voi'NO MAN WAN I'M A SITI \TT<>* A' . coai Imian anil vn-mt >? willing r.ud uli igii.*.' i I ilinc year*' ralcrcucc Iruui last pidcu. Audi* a II. At , M WM lltk at. I i YOCXO EXHI.TSIIMA.N Wl lltH A MTV ati OX | J\ a a coach iiia n and ttroo ii: t..wa . r c..ii iti *. i.i.i - i ouclilv wideraiauda hi* hu.uiear . goud city ruicren. es. Ail 11< t- it. X., h'.x 117 llrra.d t-'ptown Bran*. It ollrc. \Hlt T CLASH COACHMAN't SITUATION WANT ed -Rv .i tborBhgnly competent man; wi l be dis engaged in a. lew day* t ail mi ? r address K. C. tat H'.?ii employer'* ? a'lb H ?<* Til ?t. A Vim Nil MaV. 13 rO IA VKARM OB ADh. WitO understand* gardening ami to Itt' care ol a horae ; board and 5'i t<> t' n ug<? montnl*, Aiti lit jod way, rear nllVe. Pr*d floor. VflirCATIOjf AM COAtriM\X Axi? hardener wauiid?lly a man iu.*t landed trow fe. rainl; ban boon In Philadelphia lor some rear*: can rctrr to liia former employer* (here: he went home laU 1*11; w-.d-r atandN liui bn-incn lliorou^hlv and can iml'<; no objec tion to the coiintrr. Addrei-**'. r, >n I a (O0N IIOUUIAII DiMTRRR Astri'MloX J\ aa'couchtiian and uroum; un :er*tan.|? vardi nmu i cau milk: cny and eouuiry reivreut-c. Addro?s A. WAit Xl-:tt, 2it Wcs 1-t. AVOCXU max WlslIRJ A 8ITI ATKIX AS i'oai'H man. 4 year*' reference. .A ldrev J. li., liO Went "Oth ?t. * rorxu MAX 11 ANT- A SITI'ATION Afl rOACH. jV man: thorouBir.y iinder?tan l? hi* liii?lfu i?: naIi4> jccnou to eity or coiiutrv . witlirut to inaKi' hlmw-tt uae lul: ?ood reti reiiee. Apply at No. 10 ? am 4th ?t. \(, r msic.-'.s a hitcaiiox? iias no oblectlen to the country; ml hlle-a-id, MdaTand atientiTf. D^t elty rc'erence. Adurean I. B, b?\ lil ller.iid I I'ton n Hraiicti olBee. ? AtlOOO, RKI.IABUI COAt'UMAX (AMRBfCAR) wNhei a (Ituauou; beiKlit i l<?t 10 m lie?;eluM year*' reference, fall on or adnrcot COACHM AN, zm V vat aiih *i., room A \MaRBIKD COI7PI.R. WITH NO KN't'l'MRKANi'U, w>?h (lluallon* toi/eihcr; the nun a* .'room er coa> bman tiio wife to uo am nome?tlc work. 101111 trv preterreil. be*i i:ity r. lerenc. cau l* uivto. AiMhk I. O. <?.. 12 ? w eat Mlh at ? t YuUKO MAN iAMKRIOAM) WIRURtt A HTl'A jv 11.111 n* and srroom on a ^entl rnam lilace in in- ccualiyor in a piiva'c fainilv in the e|iy; thoroughly uiidcr*iaml< flic eare in I treatment ot hor*e* a 111 koepina waanna artd barne*4 In cool cmlcr; i> Wil.iiMt an I > au turn I.Is hand to anyih.nic can 110 plain gnrtlimn.\ mlik an 1 ?cea< tlerman ; thine ncediiiif n pool man inav apply; relt-ientii auto liuui sty. cai.ii blliiy an.I to In* belli* a good coachman. Cult un or a i (irc*a. for three days t\ M . J.i 7th nr., 111 ttora. AYOl Nil MAX WAJilH AHlirAriOX AH Ci'At'll. man and nr'om; t*a car. tui and competent dritrer. which la* reiert nee will ?how. Addresa T. 1). 1?7 Weal iliUt ABWKDIPH 0*KI>KJI> R W IMHRI4 A Sll|fATI'>X; i!.?n ta:.e tar? ot hot hoii*>* a? w-ll 11a outdoor work; tieai relertnce*. Call or ad.irca- I0nUr<? uwicli *L i okkmax MAX AND WOE WISH SITl'ATIOXH .1 m a gi'.nliman'* family; the man aa uokchutan and irardentr; ll?? wile 1* n itood cno* mid an Qxccltent bread baker; bolll l'r ife?t no eliililren: wilMro iu tke country; (rood raMrcac* itlven. Audre-M Jacob PR I. IK, itlih ar. l RKsPKCTAaliE YCt NO MAN WANT- A KITVA J\. tlon a*aai.lenor, or ia gartlcutr and waife* moderate; nood relcrenee. Addrcai J. K. >1., hti* 181 lleral i oil . /'O ACItMAX?.It'rtT l)t H'.Xt?AOI<n; M V KKIED, NO a ' family; be?t rete?e ie<?; tin t, r^lano'j hi* ? tiMite** in every wiijn lu?bir teuuinuieuaaJ. AdUr?** 1U Must fr>il st.. near 6th av. / AOACMMAX'S SITCvriON WA VThf?? BV A M 1 R rl. d man ot tempt rate, Induat' ioti^ liatn'a h. tllng excellent reier- ni a* trom lan empiover*. Addre** M. M . ?;i *?. / A'iAt'ii?AX h Kiri'AiioN wAirmn -BY ^ nRftr , ". cl*?? man; thoiim|rlily 11n.l1 ,an.l* 'ii? bu-.t.ciA ? r < r :uUh?n Ii>i t?iv uar^ uir?M n. enipioy< r'a> No> 1 a Wuit UU> at. r _ OOACHlWTCIt Aira OAfinKSF-RS. /"lOAPITMAN ?A YOUKO MAN WANT* A POSITION \J as eon< hman In the erxint'-r: will !*;?? rarr i f war den tie side# | good recommendation. Inquire for JaMEU MuMaM , , til llioina* unify'*, l/rtnth av. noAl'IIMAN AM) I'LAIN OAIDMIN SITUATION \J wanted ? V,y a single yoansf man: on lerstai.m the i nro ul lioi*?*. ?**t? milk and be Renerally u?. *ui; bctf NfcfeiMt. Address box 13) Herild otlPe. /lOACH MAN'.i SITUATION WANTED?BY A alNOLR \ J vi.mi/ man; thoiourlilv under standi liii business, i.'--; city reicreoce. a? 1 i. T. v., 32 uexiu/toti av. /^OArilMAJt'fl PLACE WANTED?BT ?. FIRST \J class 'Iriver nod gronm: undeclMnt the car-; I f hnfw? ncrfecUv: can <! > gardening: good rtf"r> nc.\ Ad ores* M. J. N.. box .im Herald nflce. /10AC1IMAN'?Mil ATIO* WANTED BY A FIR-C V-' i-mail; thiirouKiilr uiUcrHtaiids hi- bluia js* ?, he-t c'lv reference. Call "on or ad.reus J. i*, at Brewster's. 84 5ih a v. / IDM'IIMAB?BY \ SINGLE MAN; THoROl UHLY 'j understand* the care and man*Roinent of imr i-arriitui-? and liarn s* in all respects- h i-. liveJyearj in inn' i>(??->? i has thi* very best recommendation* lor -obrletv. hoticity and superior rtriviiiR duriuR the last foal t i'n M-ars. " A Idress J. IL, 0*1* Of J. B. Brewster .It Co., tU si and Otl? a*. ? lAIRSf CLASS COACHMAN, THOROUGHLY UNDER* I stands his business wants a situation: unoxeep Unliable relerenc". Addrt H'.AKb, earo 01 Mr. *<;.-? vusoii, lor ihree days, Ul West 46th l lTHRST 01.ASS rOAlUlMAjf? MARRIED; I.4WO RX. I ix-rieni'" in the i>a?lni ?*: Rood *?r tener If required , very liest refiTHU i* i.t sobriety. h ineit.v .'in I capamli.y. Address WI1.LIAU, No. 3 West i82d st.. private s able. r\ ARDKNKR** KITUA TtOJf WANTED-HY A MAR AT r:e.l no family: understand* I'Hriolntf earn <>! *to k an ! general work, on a ReutliMiian's pln.e ; *i-? would take rare of dairy and poultry: bc-st references. a : ;r. - - .1. WKBLER, Now Utrcoht. L. I. / 1 ARl?i SER'fl SITUATION WANIEO?BV A MAR I T ried mau, >^itli wile and two email children' u i? demands hi* business thoroughly: green hou-e, grsperj, vegetables: froull take cliarg?* ot'a tarin If reiimred; eluhi years' referetiee from inst emplmvr. Address./. U., at l'liorboriie h Uo.*? seed ?tur :, tlJolui at. /1ARDKN! R'S , ITUAI'ION WASTED?BY A KIR ?f aJI cluiw I.iuilah gardener (I'rotfsiant), who nud 'r ?taadfi ktardenliu In all iu branches iuclu ll'iiticntpeTtea, ifr.'enli.-iiisi -i, rt .vaK. all kluSR of toroirn tin 'or trKss and kil'.lieii uardettlnu; h i? Iiv<-? t iti s in" ut the i>o?t plai en in EnRland aim thin country; r eoinim ' dmiin* from last places. Address or call on J. at MtTed Bridf man'*. No. ?76 Uroadwav (l-illi ut.) >civ Yorjt. /I AItDKNKR'S HITUATION WANTED?HY a GER l r uian sjnule man understan Is -n umnu I v ^e table Rardeninjf tlioiourfhiy. Ap|dy at No. (i Oreen wiell Kt. /1 ARDKNEK"srn ATIOV WANTED BY A MA - vT ried i dk>Wi) man. wliu lully uu 1. rstands liiv b;iM ne-^ wife i-. a irni?l iitutldross. i.r wmild t/ik rari of pou'try, inilK. Ac. ? would iireler a place vitb eiitta-'i ; best citv re.i re .o . Call ou or address, for ilirec day-, JUIIN' K,, at Alir d HriilRoinan'H Hied store S7ii Broadway. {~* ARDENKlt'S SITUATION WANTED--DNDER. It % ands the tmnlness in u!l its hrancii's mi rrte?'. ?!.-> chililrrii; not afraid of Works beat recommendation*. AddrenH HARDENER, care of U. i<r:iuui, l'JJll: ^t., ilou- - Tard New York. ___________ /I AKDENER-K1RKT CLASS; NO FAMILY: WIKR I I would take care of dairy or laundry it rer,ulreii{ not atraid of wora ; be-t relereucet. AildO'-* GAR DEN EH 3,.? Hull av., between ;.2d and 3'M st-. /1 AKDENEICS 81TCAl'ION W NTRD? r INGL! j II ttoioiiglily tUMlerstauls Ri-O Mill .lis ? / -.ip '.'i? fruit vetfetable* and pleasur,' uroun I*, ornamental planM^ oi tne same: liest. ci v retereuce*. A.ldre-n UaR ii.NER, 2! Rector st. n ARDKNER?MARRIED, ONE CHILD, OF OYER Vt I r mars' CEjieri. iii'.! in n uits. Hover* and vegetable-, iintiuid .old u'raperie^ and conservaioru ?, lawn# on:, new piace.-and impiovl-m old on> s economically, an I the ( mr.nau iiKiit of a .'entlenian ? place; three years' ri lercuce iron last employer. Address J. M. \v., :M Barclay s'. /1AHII Ni.R?iOBEH, IMDl'STRIOl'S MAKHIIU IT man: under-t.nids manuxenieiit of cn.iihous * thorou^oly; Rrape vrowlnR a *)ieoialiT; a...el trult : vet;i la in. Uo-t tealiaiouUls. Addrena J. s , box 194 herald otllcc. /^AHDKNER'S SII'I'AIION WANTi-D? IN-.I.L. I s. U derstand* tii" business in ail dep?iruncni-. h.iviii|r h id several your- practice ,in tin* counti". . ?i. d re. urenr ?*. Auiir ??i; iko, i? .x luu l oi i ?? /GARDENER'S Siri'ATIOV WANH.I) VA II man who u n! r-iai' ? - all brui? urajeri. ?, frnlt, tlo" its and ve({etalile-; well iiccoinpii-li.' l at hid l usmess; uool t iiv rel-ri nee. AUJre** OAti box IIP lltnild office. / * ARD N.CR'S Si I I ATI ON W.VMED-BY A V ? V V i {liormi'Ti com; e nt t i talc.' li ni a rtr*t s place married, wlti,out lainily, seven years' n-leren. ? trem ln?t plat1 ail oil or ad.lies* M. II, Me.-ji*. IP u* dersun 1 o., 30 Cortina J t st. /?I ARDINr.RV- SITUATION WA.N'IE -BY A MAfU * I rie I man 11'rolestant ; ha- no ein iiuii'ran. " - *?, u tec'l vears exp' rieiiee; .'o i.| reteieuee. Address t*. Ilcruld Uptowu Branch o li. <?. ARDI'.NEIl's m I U ATI OR WANTED?BY A BINOI.C in.ui. a I roll-stunt: li i- li \ ears exp< rien< e in i u* country and ixo.vl r lereueo. Addres. M. M., Her.. 1 Uptown Itrancli oftiee. ("tARDEN! R'rf SITUATION WANTED-BT A MAIt T ried <>eriii in ut*n, without la in 1 v : le-i refer ence* ; a Mr i ell-* gardener ami I nu experience ta lIns country. Address I. II., box llii Herald ulttce. / 1 AHDl'N Kll?RY A MARRIED MAN, PR1 ITE.-T ANT J , I I ha- hud lon-4 esi? rien- e: be*i reii reni ?? treat h * i last pluci. Appl., lo.i. "... N? 170 Chatham -L.ior twi? day*. /"t ARDENER'S SITUATION WANTED? BY A MNC.I.Ri vj man. understand* the ratslnB id all kinds of ?, wc taM*- and keeping a ceiiileni(Ul,? piaoe?? erdf>r. ?i*.* the cart and treatment ot horse*; can milk. will make) ' timself generally nselnl; ?'? vi ars'l>est city reference. Ad drey* J. B., box Ui ilerall oftiee. I AM t.NXIors TO KIND A lOllD PI ACE FDR M\" I coactMian, who ban served me faithfully and bt 'irs the bifheat tettliBtmlals from his previous employer*. ,lA.*e.> MNt.vN, Urevoort lloMt. \IAN AND WirK-MAN AX V SO. 1 C A<'I1U?.N; 1 wit.- as f'n>t I'litNl eook; colored. I ail it I JXi <Ve?c lit it at, M Ml?? .lotiiiMooV , UlTDATtOl A< COACHMAN 1X0 OMOl-IUf I k5 Citr rtl'civact. Ati.troi- J B. box lot H.iall ,iU>i-? . QirVAflOK WANT I'D-AS FIIMT CLA?* COACH* ? ^ innii. hv an HnglNiuau. marfie l ? rfurmw un** rcptioa ibAe. AJilr-- < IIUIVA- I'AKInli, M. Ctfrtc>'< i arr.ii.i' wamroouia. 1UJ i.unt t >{h ?<$. QIII ATIOX Wanted?AS rim'IIMiS AMI ?JATl dcurr or uwclai uiau; ijoo<1 uriKrviK-c. JiA l>? ju ?t.t BrimUjn. I. AHKI^lM SfTtTATfox wastrd?bt a varriko m in, <;*r mm. vmH fmiilltni* plain r ah I urmr ; would take oi.arirr ol a place; good reiptvuco. AdJrr?a J. M., box 1 "?* llr rani oflS -e SITUATION VVAMRD-AftflACHXAJf. HV A Y>)I'N t ij Prote-'ant man; 'Obcr no. I tomp rata: tet.r. ??(?<?, All'lrcw .V r. H? ?1 WciM4ik -L CI CATION WAXTKD?NT * PIM1 CLAM COMII. k1 man, mii#i?; tttorontr htf miflT-.umU Ir kunum a ovrrj ro'pfi'l: llr?t clans city rataryuce. Call uti ur ad drr>* . >!., 3V We?? ttlii H. CtTt'ATIOV WaNTKII BY * M\R1MCT) H * N A1 O coachman or .' 1 rn- p ii<'?. > nit on ur ?>. HlRMl>i<?H A>i. a* i twt tfci.U *t. cm:ATio.v-? WANr?n-:?< tw ? c *ks. O oil" a* iia.ti.ii.iu ana die ot.ior a? car <o r, in ITari<*m: go >' ntcr?nc"? It re inireJ. 4ii Ka-t littti at , Mr* Mir?ti i I t CITl AllON WAR 1511?HY A il:*PM;TARttK PHOT* O pmmih yotimr man. an rnaohiann tariaor or aar-. donor; niKie? -?.*n !? tit c .rc. mini:." mailt au4 lirivmg of li..nos Uinroiihljr: will break ml ..rim oolra, <r, would taKc < ImiK" ol a trrnitp-nsira phi*; n > .'liecUoii to city or oountry; ben cltv an.l c.iuuirt' r> if r no**. Addrc*. lor I wo ?luv?, KA KM i. R. Ik.\ I" I;. ? i; i HI... 11 I <TI??N WANTKH?AS URnT CLASS C>?0?>W > aril a hman b.v a roan* man'. eight mm-, lit* ir..m Kii--i?tu>l. i??l re.a*oii< I'or laal -itu it on. ?> v iiiaMi-r 'tup -t il ot lu? hor***'. ran furin?'l flr?t rl >? rrr.. U'olti. or ai>|.ly to Mr. TU *MAt> M .IU'I ., haJJIvr -m >ixt,i av. CITI'ATTMN WAN1EO-BY A FIRST ?'!.\SS . OA?' U linn; I'.OI O'U ?. \ , i nil ii ..i- Ir> '? . .n . > n lour vrar*'oltv rot?'r?-ii. o from hi< ?tnr'l?v<>f. i-a'l n ar addr? ?n M. S.. at J. H. Hr?w*u r A C? '? oBlc?% .Hit >U UMNTKD-A Mm HOX. BY A MAKEIliU MA*~ ?t a? i.?r'lcner; lia* ' pra.'tioo in tli ra ?ln< of all k>nd* ot vr rt tra| ??, l?orftP?, and oat#"'.? cullarr : ?l* f"ar*' n-tv ixnro ir<?m la%t omulo.ver. A<l ?lr.-? t?AKDI-.NhK. l?ox 14-1 lUr.tlil I'ftjwn Bran, a lifttrA \\'antkii?a -ni Ar.ON a; inic v*n~A\n ?* u>'t'fnt min, liv a''"line Mn?l# man ? I. > t? ?tru:iiv fomp'<ratc a,nl I'M en > t rr'or ii ?? tr.) n lait 'Bplnir.T. A<t?lr? .1. t'. SMI i II, ii?.' lad Hit at. UMMKn-HV K I'ROTKSl'AXT~ YOl'NU HAN. A IT mtitati'ia * ?oaohman? i? ? itratol??- nun: - rii'iv toni|H'ra,o. with the tn-?t roforenoo. Aiitlrra* J. H . !?>x in Horal l ofllo*. U'AMMI-A MMtttt II ?\V iW( III IT rllll ft di?B); mii<t ii'iaer-un t v.-.-etablr cardoii anil h -r in krop a ifontloman't pl?o>- In oritur: tnu?t not '*> alr.n.l to work; umat hard tfr?' cla?< ro?rm<-o trom ht? la-t tmplatlf. fall trout I# to I* at No. 6HU ?t. \VANTK0- A SIIIA'IOV >- r?l ACH M kN*. HV A. T? idn.'ki man. wftn iho'.in^bly WWNfaiMJa th? tm-i. np??:will mako ltltn?< lt'*n-etii < an milk : irood rei?r? cik'. Aildr M., b * Ml II. raid nIRet. IV" ANTi:i?-BY A . IK-T ? I.ASS tlUlt-KMA;'., rim ?? ehar??- ni a < i I . I iicrwa ottO'r public or nrirato: un ler<iaiid> tbo -lira i?f r a I Hor*-ath<ir. nahiy ; i o?t r otrii'iioo aiytMt. t ?.i v.t ur aUlria* JA'IK-. V. VA II I.I AM-. t?*^lh ktr. \1' ANTED?A SITUATIOX Ah i "/CMMAX BY K. ?? voiintt innn In ? private family : t? a Krot<-<*ant; ran Bulk , uooal oity rt-f?- rnro; no ot?ti?eii?n to tnorotm try tall on or adilrca* JaXUOk, )j Li. vriy -t. t t iwu dav?. ?\VrAXTKP-A O A80r.VF.ll AXO HI* WirR; OKU. '? man , rrtorr ?l the man to mik? Mmar'.t n?iut, wiis toCi>?k. wonh an I iron. Apply a< :* IV-i-aman (L TITaKPKI'?A si I I'AIIOS As VRIVATK t'OACIIMAXt ?' objoctlon to cay or eouiltrt; ? rc* year*' roter?nor. fall or a.'rlrrM oro-. ?i* C'nptoyrrN, a.< Itey are /ointf to Kuropo No. 4 tAo?t ?#tn ?i. fVr \MTKP? ? S1TI tri'is Afl co ACH MAX, NT A *T ainjjlf young mat: wllltnji and oblttfian; MMrity rrfrnnco. Call on or addrov if. u. No. l;i? Kaat tail ??. \1' ANTKP?BY A VlM'VH M\N (CiM.OBKD). A ft Mtuatlon coachman and waror in a pi'vatn fainltr or?- attendant on a doctor. Call tor two da; ? a; I4i \Vi?t :?tli at. Uiird floor. W axtrh-iiy a sixoi.K max, a situation a* Broom: thoroughly ?n lcr?tand* the care of borw?, harno?? and fnm?? '-;?irr ?.?od ro t?rrn.'?. AJdros* T., bo>. II# llarald l pio'A n ttran Ii ottlo*. VVANTKD-A HlfCATION. BT A Toi SO 111 I ? ? year* d ajr, a< grponi or to work n i a e nilom^n a rl.irr; It willing and obl i;i'.?; w 'I in*k" himaoii joti ?railv u?etui. Addraas IIH weal ^'tb au WANTKIV-BV A R(? s PM'TA BTjIi VOCXO MAN A >> ?l nation ta i oa binart in a prtvai- tami.v; eaa t.? woll rrcoitinioadod by bit laat ?mpl Ajar. Apply at /7 Di.a.'lan ?ir?ei, Mrwklj n. For Other Want Ailyrrllifwrati piratlwf,