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SENATOR GORDON, OF GEORGIA. BE EXPBEBSE8 HIS VIEW a OS THE P1HL030PHT or THE OBEELET MOVEMENT, THE DEMO CE-VTIC PLATFOBM JOB 187G, THE VICE PBEil IDENCT AND OXHEE MATTEB3. Senator Cordon, of Georgia, has been inter Hewed by a reporter of the Atlanta Herald, in tie Murae 01 which tie expressed himself in regard .o the following among other topics:? THE 1'UILOBOPHY OP THE UKEELKY Now, just at tula point, Mr. Greeley, cart ?cuurz. Grata mown -uu Govern, r Curtni. represenuujr this uUoruanizeu aurt > e u tic red ar my .pro pose.t a nauotui u nncinuati, on wtucii ju waitnongn? u i tue i'Kimdiv of uppvslbi'B to tue corrupt minl6ir*tio? tuigUt lI* united. .[ft??? i?.in. i iu?t liiou: nut becauae tne Itberaia ana cuii sei vaitven did uot do iheir part, but because was n<>t sutllcieat time .mowed to briuiit *?" dermic Durtv lo believe turn tue movement ww a ?mtvre ana aonest effort lor reconciliation and 'Thecsecuona ot la?t mil were ttie legitimate and tlie necessary reauusol tuat coalition. Something l ke iue Oreeiey movement wai ubso.utely neces Lrv. ltiJ Northern people Bad become lucrus ;aied witli a graiite lormatiou of passion, pieju u.i -ua iiaie. oeueatli winch their mellower and b-aer e< were nu>>. issued.. It seemed im possible to or-'nk thrown tnis hornd casoment ii,i t uad cotllnol tne kindly Nort/tem and W cSt ? in heart. No Pica could penetrate it; no out ruitecoul t shiver it; no arjruuieu. could puase it. U was it solid, uuiuehng mass, against which ull Idipulses tell impotent. Uut liorace Greeley, with >;i.' fciruKe ol in* l>eut as with a wand, shattered ;uis miserable ahull, and tnrew the woras ol trutu ma r.iilu anu justice. uke sunbeams. in upou tne ton. a d the nr.. in and the heart ol ttie people, lo hi, owii expression, "A chasm yawued be vroeu the people oi this Republic, tnat must 'be ?u?u or Ailed.'' Like another curtius, with as i'eroic a neari and as uign a purpose. 1 am sure, iLovcd the ancient Koiuau, tie tluui: himself as a sacrifice into tue ubys* lie nave his peu, in, Hueech and Ills luc to the cause ol reconcilia tion. And no did uot give tueui m vain, ibrouirti h s lacnhcu me cuasui was closed, and his people itand ov- r ms grave united and victorious. 1 oi puseu the Greaiey movement at first, bat I tm not oue or those wao insist now that it waz a Mistake. I thiuk that n was ill* wi-ksr political movement ai uur political histoy. It was toe carrying out ji tue no.icy suadowed 111 Lincoln's uiemuraeie worns ??ne ha\e conquered taem by alius; let us Mn them t)? magnanimity." 1 lieura Seuator Bayard. who. >ou will remember, opposed the ?oaliuou uuteriy and denounced it on the iloor of i"ue Bu.tioiore convention, say in the executive session ot the senate, just a lew dajs ago, that *f:er seelnir its fruits ne estimated the Greeley , woveuieut a? a wi.-e. t-olitlc aud patriotic move ment. It gave t:ie south toe ear oi tue Nortu and iVttn. lh s was all we waut. d. We did not need iruuineuw, we only lacked an aultence. TUK PLATFORM hOK 187C. KEPOBTEB?L>o you uiink that should make the next national campaign on the cincluuau j ' Gv'uerai Gobpon?I thiak that we should hazard aotuiui: on account oi prejudice or partisan jpiuion, lor I oe leve that the pcipetua.iou oi our tree institutions uepends on the issue ol the next national campaign, on its result lianas, in my opin ion, tne saieiy ot the Republic, .vnicn snould oe more estiuia le than uuy mere party inumpucou.d be. '1 uere .ire lout* leauiug ideas tnat should entei iuto tlie democratic piaiiotin .or 18TG. l'hese lour :ardimu pi luctjues suovlu oe put iu our piatiorm ;o insure succe?-, aua then aduered to by our lajty to ensure peace The lirst point is, that we '.iia.1 nave economy, purity aud fidelity lu tne auiniuistratiou oi tue ijoverumeut. All these ele ment may be included under tue one heaC or honesty, if there 1^ anything that the people of tins country?the wno,e people, without QUtinc tion ol paity?ueslre, IT IS AN UONKST PABT Y; a party that wul oppose iraua and corruption; that will tnrott.e rinua and cliques; that will de nounce aud dethioue even its own leaders wheu they become corrupt; that will command tne con fidence ol home taxpayers and retrieve our lepu tation abr ad. lhu flrat aud leading principle, tuen, in tne piatiorm saouia be a promise tnaue? not idly, but earnestly, and as a guarantee?that we win t elorm the anuses ot ihe present party and lairly aud none?tl> run tne govemmeut and uu pose of its revenues. PEACE BETWEEN THE 8BCTIONS. The second point that should be incorporated into the platform ahouid be "a restoration oi oon cord." We must nave an equuibrium restored between the sections. We must nave a thorougn U(K?d wul aud harmony. W'e mast le?rn ail meu to love tne national flag, to guard tne national honor ano to iui tner the national prosperity. We '??in goive no guestion satlaiaciorily wnile we are aivided. Wnue ?ecnonai prejudice ?nd passion rule men it is of no use to address them with ar ruii,ewts on public policy, or public polity; it Is of no us? to talk to :nem ot injustice or disnoneaty; \uu cannot penetrate their prejudices;;hey are iwept uionir ny passion almost in spite of them* ae.ves. But let them drop and lorget ail tbete questions?let them come totetuer as brothers and stunu lace to lace, and tookin* each other lairly in tue eyes seek lor the true and ihe good ano tt.e wise, and you will see wnat, in view oi our mis etaoie lude-bound past, may be eateemed a politi cal miLenntum. There must be nulty?a oneness or leeitog and oi purpose- an assertion that tne Peo ple oi this Repubuc seeking a common end, de leuding a common ngnt, uuuding up a lomuiun country, ifia,! move onward in harmony and peace. _ GIVE THI JIEOBO BI3 EIGHTS. The third point in tne putiorm shoold oe, I think, a definite and unmistakable pledge, tnat we, tue people ui me South, will protect tae nogro In ail his rights ol ireeuom and Jranchiae. btrange as it may seem to us. who year alter year have seen tlie wmte employer and un negro employ# voting against eacn otner in peace and klnaueaa, it is be.ieveu by a great man) people in tae Nortu that tue first step witu wuica we would mark tne democratic reaacendency would ne to deprive the ueirro not only of his ngnt to vote, but hia ireedom also; that at any rate we would icduce him to a :onditioii oi qu*ai slavery, iney are exceedingly ealous, and naturally ?o, about the perietuation ?i what tney can 'tue resaita oi the war." iney .ro ttiraid to trust the democratic party with puw?r again on tne sole account that tney lear reactionary legislation. Let ua convince them that we accept aa Qua. tne abolition oi s.avery and the iranchise of the negro, and will deiend them a? such, and we will nave d> oe very much to ward removluc the ohty obetacie that ataodi be tween tue democratic party and an overwhelming national triumph. LET US K ETC EN TO THK COXSTnTTION. The lourtn point oi cardinal importance that X mould put in tue pUtiorm is, a return to tne con ttituiiouai methods of gbveinmtui. boin m ine fctate and in the nation, w uue we mnetyield to me zenerai government ail tne riguta it uas, or a<l mat toe supreme Court oy decisions wul give to it, we snouid msist upon tue right oi tne btates to manage ior themselves their own inter* nai ailaiis. wituout mis ngnt were imiy pro tected and lu maintenance guaranteed 1 wouldn't give a cent ior any victory, mere is an aieiming tendeecy jost now to consolidate tma government, to gather all tee puwer at Washing ton to leaseu more aad more tne linertiea of tne and make tnem dependencies upon toe rr?at central power. 1 hia must be coecked. aud aat. too, promptly and decisively, or the Repub lic is loat. 1 hate a letter irom Mr. Wuuam II. Lvarts, of New York, one of our purest and wisest men. in which be ?ays:?"i do not there are 100 men In this country woo realize now n?ar we are to a complete cuaoge in toe lorm oi our government." We are jlriitlng toward a despotism wan a rapidity and directness tuat caniiOt tail to alarm tbe peo, le wnen it 11 maoe p ain to tnem. on this platform, then, witn its lunr cardinal pointa of honesty, concord, the ptotection oi aii citizens in all tneir legal rights and a constitutional Republic, I think we should "euter tne campaign." A SlBAIoHr DEMOCMAT CAN Bl SLlCTkS. Rkpoktkr? t(o you toina that a straugut demo erat cau be elected on tnis platform t uenerai gokx>os?1 eertaimy do. 1 believe that any man who tne confluence of tue people, standing upon this platform and pieoged to its support. Wuuid carry at least two-ihirds ol taa loyal voters of tois country. I believe that two. thirds of tne people oi America are opp sed open.y anu squareiy to the admiuistrauon. Inere la hardly a point in thu piatiorm to whlcn the radical party ta not oppoeed. it is opposed to honesty m tne government, aa witcese ua suametees support of tne carpet-oair ra?cais and ua deieadeu record oi crime aud incompetency. It ie oppoesd to reconciliation, becjUne it liven on paasion au<i prejudice; and bee* >.Mi an inquiry into Ita P?lc'' 1??"ao^.li uu'ftly ana peaceiuilf, would overwneim it. 1( ta oppo?M to Constitutional unertr; ita avowad par. post! an<i ii? mtimate ooject oeinf to centralize ail po?er and loo tne ?tate? or taeir r'?hia Any good man in the Soitn or weat can be ea-i y eiecteu on ihia piatiorm. The repubUcana are in diviueo. i ao not taink 1 exaggerate tae importance of tnis divioiou when 1 say that tuliy nan oi the present repubuean party are to uay reauy to lo.low hchuri. Fenton, liryaot, Lvarts, Irerry or whosoever ie irrevocably op t o?cd to a tuird term and to the adnjiE atra ion wing of the party, wtnen ta controlled oy, Morton, Coasting Logau and Ldmuaoa Tilfc F1VAKCIAL KEPoarkE?Tou nave sa.d aotning ?<? the floeo* eiai question m yonr lemaraa. uoyos think that lasue ku ni<i be ignored 1 OoHboN?I do. I do not think we should let eu. coi.eterai Hsue lntenere with the success oi tne lour e?s?ntiei principles 1 nave laid d wn anove. 1 ahouio tavor treatiug the financial que* nou at our National Convention jut. aa the tarif lecue was treated at cincinuatl. it be lert :o tne Congiess to eettie it. It need not be made a Presidential laeue at all. WILL NOT BUN JOB THE VICE PB*iWtNCT. JUPoKTZR?Geoerai G-rdon, 1 have seen your aau>e mentioned dally almost Jor the past sis monttia in ooonectioh with the Vtoe Presidency, w ill you allow the uae of your name m that con ?wiwril OoitDOM-I win not, under anyeetof ctr iiimsiaoces. kv#n 11 1 were nomieated 1 wit..draw my name. My ,Bl! ?tsuiiurftt to-day made public ior in# VfiTumfc are Vat 1 believe that a soutt. ?rti man oil tne tio*et would weaken it. And a? much aa peraooal ambuioo mignt zoomsm ks\tss 'txuxte that ticket on whese aneee-s depends the future peace and prosperity of my couutrv. 1 have but one object?that la the ie-establiahm>*nt of har mony. or stood win aud 01 good iroverument. To this ead all thing, also sha.i be secondary THE SCAFFOLD. ANOTHZB EiBCVTlON IN Ci-LDFOHNLi?wrr tti? DONA HiNGtD JOB MT'RDEB?QIPOBTANT DE CISION or TUT. GOVZBMOB IN BEGARD TO CAPITAL OFPJCJiCES. [Modesto (Cal.) despatches (April 2) to San Fran cisco papers.] William Dona was handed at one o'clock to-day for the uiurder of John Connolly ou tae 2ist 01 lust December. According to tue original senteuce tie was to liqve been haugea on t&c I9th of March, aud tno gallows was erected for thai purpose. But Just an hour beioro the fatal leap wusto have been takeu a respite of two weeks wa* granted by Gov ernor Pacnoco. In ttie meantime an applicatlo n lor a commutation of the sentence to lmpriaou inent lor life was presented to the Governor. No news came from him until three P. M. vesierdav when the public weie surprised at tne luliowm^ DECISION OF (JOV^K.VOK fA'-'llECU To Jo.* Rouku, Bher^^s i-cairNKH. District Attorney; tl. K. Lctuib CalitoruuV UU 01 MoJortu- --uujjUu. couuty, u"*4?'he Inost careful and conscientious ex. tile u-lal Oi^vm!11 Iu7. POWl!r ?I alt the evidence la/iun it I n??l? SLX * ? 0Ba' lor tlle '"order ot John Con tori VthliivitI* w*1*h?<1 aud considered the let awllfe petit.oua for a commutation ot his anda^vin? nf? irfe ever.r fl,,ertl"n made In his behalf, ? i ^ value mid more to each solicitation that {i.lT.'Tf.'i 1 tinu m.vscll compelled by the plain facts and circumstances oi tne crime, uuder tiie grave admluUter.uu tno .a?.\S urie^u^onul^rouni1:- ieUU'UCe M ??tlUoue<* tor u" hu* constantly borne a good character he resuMs!7' P?aCB aaa ,v,Lrlu'>' "?'*? eommunltr where *?'? V?C'>U> was commonly quarrelsome eoiy rePu'eu to t>? a bau man auu a dauaerous eu lniSmoSSSl,v:.U Dr Mlure we"t' l'*onat ?<i ?cm ??ur<A?i hat be hai been warned to avoid the man hiw m i!!. U,,N w" CotuI4nt dua?" * , iyw-'hat the uniortunate act of sliooiln* resulted to injure tTi5S?UU " UJ*U WUo UjJ tur?-'atcued Hie urst two nt these pleas fall properly wi hout tha i*'/..0' 0 ,K2ccutlve deliberation; the wanton Miilnir ot any man. however bad. cauuot Una Jusuncatiou or palliation even, in Hie character ol his slayer Ihe next plea inlitht be an effective one. in *,.mo de gree, ii iho aliened tiunditv liad louinl expression in some less violent lorui. or ii his ignorance and the harii icsauesa ol his nature had impressed the oruinary etTij. t ol such qualiiies uuou Uis action. i"?ry ene>. t lie remaining considerations are torced aside and rendered valueless by the trsuwouv given at the trial ut the co.-c. Connolly was not aruied. ha" notatUcked a wife' X" *l ti't'lpr*':!s<: moment ut the sliooting having ? laarrcl with anouier man. .Nutliing nud oc cutred .hai uiiKbt mstly aiarin a rt-asouaoie man even thoUL'h iiiind. lor uis personal satetv. ? a Ii Liona leared violence there was ample onnorlnnltw to avoid It It Is not an act of self-defence to sh jot a ?i1ea?kCi*ed! boisterousanu might be.rome violent r,r!,1'.'4t?provi'iio,n re,ccnll-v adopted in our criminal juris prudence wuiea aiiuu to til? jury the dutv of desiiruat* ^ tlie penalty lor the crime ol murder uiuKei it scarcely possible lor the dea li sentence to be utirU?ilv prououueeu aou warns the Executive to duiv couaider the Judgment of twelve men. w?o have fouuued tliel? ihL ut'ou eworu evidence aud have renjered it utnler the solemn obligations ot their oaths. < he law inuat MMCteSr M^intuTtt^h 01 *",,ou?Cia? h u decuioa inu P . hw of my oflice per mit no otbei loncluMon, and i can o::ly add thecXDre*> ?ious of my repret that sucli occa5iou? should ot* so m* servant ?lal^ Ver' respectlaU?. your ^,'eat ?ervaul' H~ J-ACUuCO, oovernor. T tb* execction. It had teen conceded tuat commutation was ceitaiu, but few people wore in town. sheniT Meauy, of Alerced, was the only outslue oOlccr present. I ne priests were with the prisoner all night. At hail-past iwcive o'clock sume thirty persons had assembled in the Jail, witn quite a crowd outside trying to saiu aumission. Two Catholic pr.ests were with the pnroner in his last moments. At one o'clock he was .aileu irom his cell, wnere he w?? seated between nis soirii ual advisers, and sheriff Kogers read tue ueath warrant. During tne reading the prisoner showed no emotion whatever, only a slight trembling observable. At three in i notes past one the prisoner asceided the scaffjid escorted by Deputy Sherid stin-on, tollowed or toe two Catnolic cieraymen, sheriffs Kogers and Meany, and Deputy aiieriff Uowell. Upon reajh uiir the scaffold the priests recited ihe Uuny and ,or tbe dfad, and Deputies Sticson and Hoteliitrappea the arms and legs of the prisoner. UraWQ OVef D,H fle:ia' ,ne adjusted, and at seven minutes past one Dona was nuried into eternity, oroppicg five leet at twenty-three mtnu es past one Drs. Jacks a nud Marks pro. ouoced me extinct. Tne remains weio cut down anu placed in tne comn wition had been ?rVtrea' i ?*ck of the condemned was orokeu ? J"**1* ?00 ?trutale alter dropping. Dona nad no remarks to make betore dying, but hauaed SiJuJ' a 1,t,er w&lc^ to os read after nis sevteb ventilation. a* rxorxmcE's bhaboxs war oub arwtBa taOCLD NOT BECO? AIB PASSAGES. New Yobk, Apnl 7. l?74. TO TBB EniTuB or TUB lilBALD. A lew weeks since Mr, j. o. Bayiis read ? paper on the subject of "Sanitary House Drainage" be lore the Public Health Association, at the School of Mines, Columbia Ooi.ege, and laid great stress on the necessity of the street sewers beiug ?en mated as a means ol ridding them o; the deieteru oos gases contained In them. be sajs:?"in well yentuated sewers analysis ?hows the presence of caihonic acid, nitrogen Ac.; but the sewers ol New York are not well ven". tiia-.ed. indeed, muca or tue time taey are with ?^Te?nt?ayoa at *"? consequently we may ex gases"' lQ l0om * rtr* cumhination of lo'ul. From these remarks it would seem Mr Ba?:u ti*?6?-1101 *no*' was uever intended to ven ani1 tb*'lt u proper that tber Should not be ventilated, mmuiy lor ine r^aanii t,re v?rT 'nucu hcSTler than at mospueric air, and if permitied to eacane wouid MnS V" suri*C9 lue a l0* PC r di eatingoarslrceis and houses alike at all times ro such a decree tha? ofinTlgoratlng ai? couid never be irot n. ft*36 ,B? Clt7 noriormiies to toe leeward wuhout. Indeed, it would be about as sensible to ventila e the putrescent oodles or a graveyard as -o vcri'i ate tne sewers ot a city. llJu, aie uuned rualoir for the reason uiat aoy escaping erases are a tiicfcir absorbed oy tne earth in wmSnWj mVe?W ?!{ w uo Po^'h.e chance tor Hiem toieacii ine atmospnersjiithis were not so, surface con. irVn ?.ou,a *?'*er every purpose lor s-werage is..* basins and house traps icaninj to ?*"e"-re property bout there can ?e no esclpe ol sewer gases by those meaus, out to ma*?? *a aurance doubly sure tue proper way to uea. with " ?? v**0 them plenty ot water which flushes mem out anu carries oodl/y awai To tns sea tlie solid matter contained in them impedes aecom^suion. so long as the -olid matter Ss un luersed, ss well as being a most powcriu' aha ri> Lns.?n??(sewer) gaser u wu 1? tn# exien' ?r tiooat one-third its weignt or in buik some 4no tim^t m measure, tne whole flowing off to tne ae? wheri Ills punned according to nature. riorn inn it wi i be observed how little is th? four ,y,teIU 01 sewer u?c, even i., tae extent of vemilaunv tbom an louti; as we can ailoru to furnisn one cuolc rJSt o? 10 ttbuut c?cn ?0 cuolc leet o"gas to be aaaoroed. Witn these conditions^ ?5aarRS d??*atia*tfmUld.ID,,,ut,k,n ltfcel1 ttr days at a time witnout experiencing anr Vfr deleterious effects; out limn tue quantity oi wIUr aud expose tne hal. immersed otganic u atier *'tlDini our sewers to a ventnatiag atmosphere , F'onJU,C? decomposition, aud animal iiu wcuid os asphyxiated in?de flvt! ef bv in! W,0Q1J l? K"es becomV 7 lDa l* tua ay*toai of veniiiattuff uur ? .u oifr diVtn1 me' fo preii,ci ltkdl Amsterdam. tTidentiy. toen. im grind ne?* ? ? lo give tht se?vers a frea run ot water sucn "?'n? oruinary waste oi our cf'y; thTs isomtS ?ufflcieat so loDjf at tne amooat is no .eta ta-ili at present, though it would oe lar bctTerTf t? amount was greatsr. outer u tLe Apropos to torn subject. Mayor Wickham in ma Message of the lit., ult. xZ tue UOmion cIubcil b!f5e ?,tD# compelling .u nouses w have water meiers, to limit, as he saYs '-inS ?nornous waate ol water, by doing so ?? maj be iso e to obviate the necessity oi proceeding mtn ?c'"*? Works oi consir jciiou to husotbd anr 11 wouW seea taat ths ian^ sioeration oi tue sewerage qneation la a sulicieut answer to the Mayor's proposition to compn tue r meters; out aside from tnis t e fciavor ougnt not Qfidertake to impose a direct tax on our citizens tor wearing a cfeau fice tor '?f *a,rty ,'"rt uu ??? ""i'' 0' neslth alouo lit him proc#eU wirci tns cou0trucfio i m IIMr tBec,lJ wtt# abiind* auca oi water, ana wnateeer necessary cos: it olar thfa>a>toa f"' Wl" superior beneOt aocas ?Uf and lancy an?n tll# 60,1 01 b>creasing onr waier "'???rTo1"'- Ac., c.iicuiste the W?IB L "iriusned m,, . ^- r *' ?1<K> ????: mis is a minimum &??JbI rKJ!Pfa,P.Vift wu# u" 'or kept tora^C tWDg '??hiei.ded to be tax i^r - ln Mait,0? there is tne pr?miutn pan i i i? i water, witn not tne least coasidata sary te wor*ihe mat'? Ci* ,u"t tla Pf9*?uro neces water ui???aL soeter Is e<inivaient to a bead of cient to ifrevent wnioa m >u*t suQl ,h# Upp,!r late TiU.?a ^?t"i "'Ktnsted with the lisarftt r. uapp. STABBING AFFRAY IN BROOKLYN. An aflray occurred hi six o'clock last evening at the corner of Meserolo and Humboldt streets* brooklyn, between a number of youusr men. In which Frank .Newman, aged twenty-two years, was stabbed and dangerously wounded. Tbe men. wno were congregated on tte corner, were slightly under tbe influence or liquor. They became In volved in a dispute of a trivial nature, but soon came from words to blows. Daring tne struggle, some unknown person plunged a knlie Iritu the rijriit slue or >ewmau's neck, inflicting a wounu that may prove ratal. Tue participants in the llgnt lied Immediately after tne slabbing, mid tbe liijmvd man was removed to ibe Eastern Dis tnct Hospital. At nine o'clocs last, night George Andres, aged twenty years, aud Syive^ier Win ning. at.'ed niieen *ears, were arrested aud locked up iir tbe Stagg street police station on suspicion oi being me parties wno inflicted Newman's in juries. BRUTAL ASSAULT. At ten A. M., yesterday, Jobn O'Reilly, alia t John Cnrran, a blacksmith, residing at 4$ liopkluistreet, Brooklyu, entered the lager beer saloon or Jonn Leonhsrdt. 032 Flushing avenue, and asked lor a glass of oe r. Mrs. Leonhardt, in the absence or her husband, relused to give it, whereupon the ruffian knocked her down with a blow in tbe eve and then jumped upon tier and kicked her in tne i abdomen. Sergeant Harwich, who was passing, j heard her screams aud when tne man emerged I hastily gave etiuse and capturen him as be was j climbing over a lence iu tne rear 01 a grocery store at tbe corner of Nostrand and Flushing avenues. Mrs. Leouhardt was lu deiicate healtn. aud the most serious results are upprehended lxom tier injuries. Cnrran is locked up to await tne resnlt. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. Or DEPARTURE FROM NEW TOHK FOR TBS MONTUS Of A 1'KIL AND MAY. Steaaur. Ic'ano Ciiwire......... China Italy . Xlaa< Krisia C?v of Richmond liMltlf fcreire ...... Mosel htliiooia 2fevaa? Russia State 01 ludiana . bui-vla 1-KV|> ... Citv 01 .Montreal. t:e(>ui>iu Kivsta Kehl er Bothnia Potunicraula W a ^ohotten.... city nt Chester... California mm Lrstllii: Mate ol Ueorrla.. Aartatlc Citv of Brooklyn. Ofice. 29 fcroaawav. 113 Broad war. i bowiiui' Uaeaa 69 nrfii'l wav SUBroauway. 'il Broa:hvav 10 Broadway. 1S> Broadway / & is road wav ?J Buwtinif Oreen 17bowline Uraiu rj Broadway 4 Bowline Ureea 7- IS roadway, bi Mroanwjv. 611 Hroaawa'. I.i broauwav. 11 7 Bownuir ureea IIS Broad wav ? Bowlinir Ureen til Broad war. iWi Hroa iwa* i li Broa'tw iv. |7 Howling Green i V> Broa'lw.iv lU'l I'roaawar. r* Bro?dwa>. 19 Hroa Jwn v. IJ6 Broadway. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. BUN AND MOON. I HIGH WATKH. Son rises S 26 | Got. Island..morn 1 19 Sun gets. e 30 S^ndy 12 at Moon sets....morn I 27 | iieli Gate....morn 3 04 PORT OF NEW YORK, APRIL U, 1875. A FiKIVALS. KgPOKTED ET THE IIKKlLP STEAM TACHTI AJfB U?BAL1> WniTGsTONH rZLKUKAPH L1SK. Steamer City of Richmond (Br). Brooks. Liverpool April 1 and Qaeeoatowu 2J.wi,h mas* anJ uM passengers to .lutiu U Dale. April t>. iut 46iM Ion 3? 2o. paused a 4-ma*ted steamer, bound west; s;imc da v. 1st 48 32. Ion 8.1 31. a Uuion steamer, bound east; 8lh." lat 42 10 lou 10 48. passed two small piece* of ice. steamer Baltic i Br). Kennel jr. Liverpool April 1 and Queenstown 2d, with indse and pas<-eni(> rs to K J Cortis. Steamer Canlma <ttr>, Aiediiieoai. Bermuda April 8, with mdsc ana '9 Paseongers to A E Ouw rnrirtife. steamer New Orleans. Dearborn, New Orleans April 4, with rndso aud pasnengeri to Clark A Seaman. April 8. lat 3.I 24, ion 79 50, passed bark Henry L Ureng, from baiiu.i tor New Voi k. Meaner Wyanose. coach. Kicnmona, Cl-y Point and Norfolk. with mJse and passengers to the Old Domi nion Steamship Co. steamer E C Knight. Chichester. Georgetown. DC with mdse and passengers to J C Kunron ! .-hip H W Wi rkwau (ot Slulburna, VP), Kennev, ' Liverpool. Dec id, via *ayal March 1, in ballast to Bora M Hincken. Bar* laikun (Oer, liailer, Amoy 109 days, witn teas to ?f0o^w''aya>n A Colgate; passed Anier Jan 8. Cape ol Wood Hope rcb 14, St Helena Feb 27. und croesed Kouaior Marcn U in ion SO 50- March ll. lat 3 14 8. Ion 24 40 W signalized a Belgian ship showing signals li l. N W from Antwerp or Valparaiso: also, name date, a British baric with letters B C V T, from Loq ion for Kefinpa'in 40 days out 14th. lat 1 12>, ion 30 54 W: bark Wl belm' Fo?s (Son. irom Montevideo tor Havre, 48 days out. I f ark -atnuel 1) Carleton (of Bos on). Freemen. Mel? bourne.. J*c^ 21 Port ''hiiiips Heads 21. with wool to B O Baker;vessel to B C I and A Co; had a strong westerly breeze to New Zealand, where we had a ;i )!ent sale irom the N E, lasting 3 days, alter which had strong westerly rales, with violent hail and enow squa Is. the entire ran to Cape Horn which was made between the parallels of 61 and 55 South lat, in 26 days; off the Cape line weather with light breeze iron' S li io lor# days no date, lat 54 8. Ion 5? W. sailed close to two larife Icebergs. and throueb large quanti ties of fit.J lea. the largest of the bares was about M leet hitra and 2 miles long was becalmed 1# days between the parallels ol SO and 20 Suuih lat. thence strong breeze from B.sR across the Koaator which was cru?sed in Ion SS tv, where had Ave dare' calm: April 5. o(t Iiatteraa had a violent gale irom N N w. wit!, heavy sea; stove boats, carried away water tanka. flooded cabin, Ac; Jan SO ut 55 19 3, Ion ill 43 \V. berk Cnarles ilurdock (Bri. Irom San Krancisco lor J'prfc: Fob I, lat 5) US. Ion 56 15, bark Albany (Br), from Hsagua lor Cork; lw. lat 41 II. ion 34 48. ship (iolden ? trom J1" Francisco lor Uueenitonn: March 1. lat 13 05 3, ion v 44 W, t.ark Hedvfg (iwedi, from lor Cape of liood Hope: 6t!i lat5 30 S ion 32 40 W. bri* ' Uk I'len (Bri. irom Cardiff tor Baiila; April \ lat 34 17 N'r'on 74 0? W, echr Rhoda B .aylor, from Martinique Bark Marv (of Aberstrwith). Davis. Probolinto Dec ' 12. una Hunjoewangie I7?h. with mdsa to master. Is anchored at esnlv Hook for orders: paused Ojpe 0f Good Hope 1'a'j 9. st Helena Ud. Ascension 26th, anil crossed the Equator March 9. in Ion 23 It: Jan 18, lat 26 29 s. Ion 6.1 1)5 K. ha l a violent hurriexne. in which split sons sails and sprung a leak: April 6. lat 36 10 lou 70, encountered another hurricane, startingfrom WMV and setting at Ms. whicii blew with terrific turr ac companied bv sect and rain and very hi?h sea which covered tbo vessel irom ste.n to starn. ? renchin* everything and breakliu evarythlnn adrift on dock: blew a?ay siorin trysail, sini-he,t m but war?s. mocked off cabin doors aud skvliKbt, started coverlnsr bojrd. tore away a nuinner or ibeeta of metal an l created havoc centrstiy on all aides: also increased the leak to as to reqmre tbe pumps to be kept continoal v foma had vessel hove to up to time of loaln* tb? stnrui trysail, when wer? compelled to pot ner before It and run several hands: the water from tne bilce comes up black and sweet, bavin* evidently got Into the carfo (sn*arc March 4 lat 4 36 9. Ion 21 ij ?. apoke ship Sea Mar (of (Slasfow), 31 davs fron Plymouth for Sydaev, NSW: i0ih. lutl'OS loni)40W * 1rl.'Uh bril( "tearlnf sW, showing signals M D J k". Bark Fri?<illel (Nor?, Morthensen, Brlst- i 28 aava. In ballast to order. Is anchored in Oravesend Bar for orders. Bark Inlsko (Oer), Ton Tholen. Ornnsby Jan it via Jrbaa March 11 and Hampton Koads April 7. with mdso to H K..or> A Co. Bark liittero (Nor). tVsage, Fowey, 90 day* with China clay to Punch, fedye A Co. ?Jtrk Luigi (Ana), Scurcb, Silgo, S7 days In ballast to order. Bark NaUle T Onest (of Tarmonth. N8x Measanaer, uavre 14 day*, ta baUasl to Boyd A Hinekon. Is an chored In ilrnvesend Hav lor orders. Baric jfindtt (Nor), In?rbr^th^en, Hor leaux Fob Tla A u?W*re Bre**w"tor 1 a*rt<iu ballast to lunch, Edya "ark W B Anderson. Brandt. Havana 14 days with sugar and raelaUo to Knowiion a Co; veaaal to Jamas K W urd A ' o. Hark Kobe (N'or). Taraldsen. Matan.-as. 14 days, with ?V41" to liajtlau k C j. vessel to C Tobias A Co. ! Bark I'rin )?esso Alcxan lra (D^nei. Davii, S?tOroU, 16 davs wiui ?n*sr Ac. to HocUe Kros A Co. Jj Brig I. F Mnnsof iot Jlachlas;, Vunson Measina 55 days, with frait to Lawrence. Uiles A Co. 1'aMeJ Ulbral tar March 10. . SL'f *calsior. Mavor, of and Irom Bermnda, 8 <laya Ti'Jf.'E?". 'plawrence ui;a? A cat veaeel to D McCali. April 10. lat ,*j u. ion >3 10, (poke brig John L Bowea. from I.egliorn for Boston. Jor(l00 'ot Saeoi. I^svitt. Pernambuco>< 'i,0 E P Mor??n * <-?: to J 11 Win .1Cr"tw'1 the Kqastor March 17 in Ion ?: i .!l ? ,?p,run* J'kbooin. main gaff and split b lat 1.I0J. Ion 70 4;i, spoke schr summorviUa (Br;. Irom Porto Kieofor B< stou W?). Sawyer. Raraooa t>arg A T Peartail vesael to B J wen ?r,? Calais), nines, Crab Island 15 days. A datable A Son; vessel /""Jl 'v"" 1 ?0' Aprils, lat U A Ion 74. rlen Vales. Irom Philadelphia for Caiba Golden City, WyUe Charleston U days, wit# naval stores to Blossom A Mama. ?thr Mary Louisa liasKill, Wsahln?t?n, MC, 4 days with naval stores to Znoh<r Mills. tehr Sh,.,i(u,n'i!U-,Bu.nn'lL?K"-llmond. Va. schr i hiugtrora Jackson, Firgmia fcclir CAN I'oeers. Cnbberly. V,rgiBi,. schr Barnet Jona i. f'ritienien, Tirfinik senr Neptun-. Hoggs Virgin la " J B Johnson, itose. Virginia. Schr H R k rk, I lose, Virginia. Lc5r ' rann??r " irgioia. Bfhr J. >'flrviand. ? I f1?04 Mee.rnau, Yirfmia J i? A A h Ueu*on, Wbartoi, 'irgiaia, o0!"" St'1;!''-1' Pharo, Virginia. Bclir P Bell, Cstes, Virginia. ^hr cordeiu Ncwsir*. iimitlay, Virginia. 5 L'r nr,ni J'hij'iart. Crauuier. Tirgitu*. ?cSr ?#nTard, Warren. Virginia. ochr ^ idkou Dotilio spo#, Virtfini* Pchr D i Miliar Kcnil, virginm I'enrr l,inch Bunnell. Virginia aJffclj Pi,v?"name. Virginia. Bchr J a Dtramner, Matnews. VlrglnlA. {' J- warren. <*<orjetown, DO. Bcnr L A Rose, craninor. Geo ksiowu, DC. jjohr a c l.yon, .leffrey, Rammore. 5 [.uveii, Wood, i'n.iadeipiiia lor fomersat Buiir Trade ^ln<. Flovd. Philadelphia i<.r Boston. PAH6KU TIIROOO.1 UHl^u (J.iCZ. cut'NO aOOTR. Steamer ftiaueus, Bearse, Boston for Saw Tor*. mdse and pasacnaers to ths MsiropoUtan ataamshia loJ'ili'*v?.k'tL.(i! 'N*w ?S'1,or'' **w B*"oM lor Naw Vork sntit muse aud ut*sen/<ira .SttSUii'Ki.'i'Si '? '??? a.A? w w Wami (Miaa* Hsauaaiea tot Jtaw r?rk ^?enr neroert ^Wanton. croweTC tSBSUmt ~rer"*e* York. Schr Mtucuai, Ileum'v Providence for New York. Schr Rhode island. Knwlty, < itv Island for Now York. Sclir Amelia AugusU, Moti, New Haven 'or New York. Sclir reacedale. Caswell. Narraansett, for Sew York, tear Bella Peck, Avery, No* Lou ton lor New Vork. Schr J una a late, i ate. Bridireprrt for New York. s'chr ? A .Mount, Mount, stomngton tor New Vork. schrC W Locke, Bunce, Providence tor New York. York Mar,h*" Urv*l1*. tcUey, Green port lor New f cbr Sunny shower,Ward. New London for Now York. Schr J A Heachaui, Woodiaud, Providence tor New York. Scnr Salue Burton. Palmer, Stanford for New York, schr Mariner, Davis, Greenwich lor New York. BOUND KA3T. Schr Orlando Smith, Ferris, New York for Port OHit*r. Schr F A Heath. Uance, Weehaukeu for Newbury pori. Schr Ida Stevenson, 1Iu!m, New York lor Port Wash III* luu, Schr l.illic A Wilson, Jarvis, New Vork for IlunU lngion. Schr S E Nash. Nasti. New York tor Westerley. sclir L Daniels. Rone, New York lor Proviso nee. Sehr Mary Aunu, Adu.ns. Philadelphia lor Mystic. tchr smith O'Brien. Burk, Ambov tor Boston. Schr L A Bennett, Adam*. Phlladolphia for Cohaa sett ; chr T s McClellau. Farr, New York for Bangor. schr J K Munuell. Bcckw)th, New York for New Lon don. Schr Anna Cnrrler (Br). Pansent, Now York for St John, NB Schr CullstJ, Wbitten, New York for Boston. Schr Tunis Depew, Baker, New York lor Uloa:ester. sclir Asher L Parker, Carpenter, New Vork for CIon Cove. tchr Oceanus, Voting, llobokeu tor Providence. Schr Belie K Howell, lloboken tor Providence. Scnr Eva H Lewis. Lewis. New York lor Nortbport. scnr Marin l, Davis, Chase, New Vork lor Boston. Schr Cornelia Smith. New York lor Norwich. Schr Philuuthrophist, Gould, Hoookeu lor Newbnry port. Schr Orlando Hmlth. Ferris. New York for Portnbester. tchr W D Mangum, Chose, New Vork lor New Bedford. MARITIME .MISCELLANY. Bans: Lkaxpxr (Br), which left New Orleans Sd lnet for Bsreelonu, returned to port lltti 'nst lcakiug badly. Bask (Nori, from Barrow for Pensacola. wrecked Ave miles cast ot 1'ciisacola. a short time ago, was to b? sold by auction Auril 7. with the material. Bntu Fokest PntKce (Br), Carroll, irom Halifax. NS? for Porto Kico. was suoken March SI, lat 25, Ion 64 30. under Jury masts making for M itioiuas. Quick Passages? lie new clipper ship St Paul, com manded by Capt Wood, urrivjd at San Francisco. April 10, irom New York, utter the splendid passage of 115 days. This ship is sister ship to the W it Grace. now ldg here for ?an iranclsco In tne Despatch line. Schr J A L Bryan, Capt Lee made the run from New Yom to Charleston in 71 hours. Launched?At Kssex April 7. Irom the shipyard of W K A D a Bum hum. a schooner of 125 tous, owned by V Wo ison, ot Gloucester. and designed tor the ashing bus iness. Aaron O Burnham at the same time launched a schooner ol Ui tons, owned by Andrew Leignton, of Gloucester. At Bath April 8. from the yard of Hagan k Thurlow, a liesu'ilul und well finished scnoouer ot about 1*6 tons, designed lor the flahiug business and will be commanded by Capt Wi;larJ. At Phipsburg April 7, from the yard of Joseph Bowker, sclir Mary It Rogers, a hue vessel oi 100 tous, to be com man led by Cupt 1'reble. Snn-nutLDiMo?Josiih Whitnev, at Jonesboro. has a crew in tnc woo Is netting the traino for a centreboard schooner oi ubout li?> tons, to be built the present month tor parties at Junesport. Tnc new schr now on the stocks at hllsworth Me. wilt be launched in about two weeks. she will be commanded by ( ant F M i.runt, of lorilaud. At Bucasport. Me, \N iilium liea/ely A Co will launch a ?cbr oi tons w hen ilie ice goes out. At Kllsworth, Me. Gram A o are buildiui n schr of 350 tous, Isaac M Grant oue of :0J tous At Brewer, McGilvurv A Co sre building a shin oi 1,41X1 tons uu.l (lake* l? Mulshing a Larkeutine ol 5J0 tons uii.l buildin/ a ton *ehr. Lamoiue. .Me, April 5?Work i- already resumed in the shipyard oi King Brothers. Tho 3-masted acbr which lay ou toe stocks during the winter, and ui be com mitndrd bv Capt Jesse Brag-Ion, is approaching com pletion, and it is hoped will be ready lor sea ihe iast of May. Messrs I'D 1 1) Hodgkins have the irame out for a scbocaor to be bdilt this season tor Uraud Bank flsuinc NOTICE TO MARINERS. Ornc* or LionTHonstc I.hsf*ctoi?, ) Foccth Disiku'T. I'hii.imi.rnia, April 1U, 1878. 1 Notice is hereby given that iniormation has been re ceived ai this olllce that the spars ol the wrecked bark Ciruf iie?'OS show nbovo water, und are dangerous ob structions to Southern bouud vessels out ot this port. '1 be following are the bearings as near mm can ba ascer tained Cape Henlonen beacon. W bv N. Cape Heoiopen ilk-bthouse. VVSW )?' W. A wreck booy will pe placed upon it as soon as poaalbla. O h WlllTe,, Commander. UaN, Lighthouse Inspector. Fourth District SPOKEN. Ship Lizzie Ross (Br). MnrrU, from Liverpool for Usmptou itoads, April 8. lat <0 i.J. Ion 8 37. ship Currier Dove. Merryman. Irom New York for San J ran clsco. Jsn It, lat 18-, iou ?7 W. ship Mar Viateiio. from San Fraacisao for LlrerBool. Jan 21. lat 33 s, ion .tf 4 W. ship City of Amoy (Br . Laing, rrom Glasgow for San Francisco, March 21 no lat, ?c. Ship B D V.etcalf (>or>. Knudsen, from Liverpool for New lork. March 2i. lat4S. Ion 18. ship Aros Bay (Br), 8 days trom Glasgow lor San Fran cisco. lat 10 08 N. Ion 14 17 W. ship Sooloo, shatswcll, from Manila for Boston, 61 aart out off Algoa Bav. * ship nan Raiaei (Br), from Ran Francisco via Valpa raiso tor Cork. J an 0. lat Vi 40 S, ion 62 Si W. hip Qnintcro lUuat'. Manning irom Boston for Valpa raiso. March IS, iat 27 N, Ion 46 W. Ship Midnight, Ballett, trom Liverpool for Uonc Kong March 24. lat 51 N. ion 10 20 \V. nark Harriet Hickman (of t John. NIli. rrom New port. K, tor Guile. jan M. 1st 12 04 8, Ion t* 16 W. Bura Dartmouth (Br), itaynion.l. from Liverpool for Valparaiso, March 4. lat 22 >, ion M W. ^ Rose njer), from Amsterdam tor New lork. March 23. lat 40, Ion 7 28. ' de^faNKhrn2l.Qr.V4n, & An,#'rP fM ,'U1" jmoU ,rom Tork for BtU^' bad^fi^i^oVieVi^ fr?m B? WHALEMEN. 'W f'oa X*w Bedford AprU 10, bark Pioneer. Tripp, Atlantic Ocean. y" sailed trom Table Bar Feb 23, schrs RosweU King. Tm ler. New l^ndon; Chas Colgate, Sisson, do. At Sam ana Bay, West lnilea i eb 28tfi. schr* Wm Mar. tin, Martin. Bo-ton 20bbn sp oil. and lost ono whale by the breaking of an Iron ? U if PhUlipa Cook, ot Province town, clein; K M Hatlleld. ICioscoruell, do. do; Quick, rtep, Uiggu.i. do, do: Chas Thompson. Leach, do, K> bbia Holena, Feb 23, bsrks Detdemoaa. Davis, i. !*B: ih, Oeorgo k Susan Heyer, do- Mailapotaett. Chase, do; March 1, Adeline Olhbs, Fornan, dot 4th James. Jenney, do- 10th. Ocenn. Prase, do; lith. Grey* bound. Weal, of Westport?all irom a cruise. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS. Merchants, shipping agents an 1 ship capUInt are Informed that by telegraphing to the ItaaaLD London Bureau. No 46 FleetiMei. the arrivala at anl depart ures irom Ear ope an ports, and other p(?rt? at-oil, i?,' American ana all forsign veajeli trali,i? with tie tDlteU States, the same will oe cablel to this country free of charge anl publish?L Peraonsdeslroui of conmunioatlnz with vessels arriv ing at New Vork can da so bv addressing to such Teasels, caro of nnaatD news yachts, pier No 1 Rast River, New Vork. Letters received trom all parte of tbs world ani promptly delivered. Duplicates are required. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Arrsraar April 10-Salled. bark Maria Frlsnrl (lui). Paollllo. New York, Coloxbo?Salied. bark Egbert (Br). Mills. New Tork. D*al, April 11?Sailed, bark Osao (Bus). Rantaia Orom Ipswl h), Philadelphia. Dcblis, April 0?Sailed, brig Mathilde Be lagamba OtkU. Storlese. New York (not sailed trom Dundalkj. Dcnaiax, April 10-fialled. bark Oarilsbarf. Howe, Cardiff. Daxrztc. April 0?ArrlveJ. bark Ea'.Ue Kahl (Oer), Ducbolts, New Tors. Faluol-tm. AprU 11-Arrived, ship Stonebonee (Br). Biey, San Francisco. Havrk, April lft? sailed, bark Robert A Chapman (Br), Rutherford, New Tork mot prevlonrly); Caroline, for do Ltzaao. April 11?Off. bark (saao W Oliver (Br). Mo Kay, from New Tork for Antwerp. IIassies?Sailed, echr Moss Qlen (Br). Wade, New Yorg. PLvaotrm April 1??Arrived, steamer Clmbrla (Gtr). Brandt New Vork for Hamburg. QuuistTown. April 12?Arrived, steamer Fennsri vsnla, Harris, Philadelphia lor Liverpool. Raxooo*?Arrived, snip Uncle Toby. Sinaett, Bora bay, to load lor England. Salted, ship Cora, Coombs, Enrope. KocTManrTo*. April 10-Salled, ship )i B Palmer (Nor). Knudaen (irom Antwerp). Philadelphia (havlnt re^ paired). ScttLT, April ll-Off, ship Lydla (Br), Perry. Savannah tor r.eval. lagxL AprU 10?Fallsi, park Bel istsart (Br). Dooglasa New Tork. FOREIGN PORTS. CaucvttA, April S?Arrived, chip Tlaow, Bobblnt. UTirpott. Bj*4C04, Vnrcb SI?In port, echre 8 A Pain*. M E ocean Pearl. Cbarlei K Bcwvly. Hiawxttia. K K<?cr, Rlcarilu barrel, Frank A i wood. John Aiwood. ltebecc i J kv?n>, At?loa A Laura. "? arrio i aiien." and hl?ri*nt all lor New York Idg: George Waaliin Jton, Carrie Bunnell, anil Kottle Hi-ll, for do. do (af.utner re* port ?uy? Philadelphia?: Hnracon. 'or Pbiiaueipln*. do. Apri. >?viiled previoua. ?tilp L'ncle Joe. tttN (from NorloU, liavu.g rapairedj, Liverpool O4iimaltj ii. March 1?-Arrived, Mtir C 8 KuibnMI, Connor. Comtantioopla for order* land tailed Ud lor Alicante and Malaga). Ucioi'B. Jan 31?To port bark Mendoia (Br), for Maw York. Ia?. LiraaKoot. April I?Arrived prevloae, tteamer It Lout* tBr , i eld New (irienni. Filrio. about April ??Bniiad, itos-nar Hellespont (Br), irom Noeeitia. do.. Ni w Y. rn. i io iaxaiMO M.iroll M?Arrived prerloua. trlfSeno* rtta, ienbera, Baltimore. [ra* 8tsakcb roiii.1 Boito* K, March *?? -aiied, Betireud, Berdinf, Mew York. Bit .ur H'ad. Maroh *7- Pat**4. Dnteh bark JCPM, i irora I'entacola lor copanhaceu. Maiarob, Marali to-Arrived, Kilsa Av*iina. Dewall, Charieiton. Hmovw *aaaAva*. Maroh -7?Arrived. Ada, Jtoaeh, i BalU-nor*. HaaaeiMMvi*. March ?S-Arr.v*d, Weaar >?). wi.ii. ?arcij, N*** Yorki <<*t*ner. ChrUioffar*. dot Qraee, Viij. dm Tapttu. PaliUKjn. Mobile. Marou o? Arm.d Titbor. Tajrlor. Cardiff. aai.ed lib, H?*???ore. #o?d, MuVre. _ bvirul Araxe. ttit if- Arrived, Nauer Kmtth, Boyd, P?n?aogfa ; Jib, 8 Clnil. Yatai, >fw Y*rk. ? _ ?a>wd ifrtb. HiMbtfC .ui. Zaratai UU. Deem Booth, Lubid. Antwerp; 19th, C B Benson. Luff. mouth. _ . Corb, March 26?Arrived, Christina, Falkenbnrg, Bal Calcutta. March 1?8slleJ. Sarah Hlgnett Bof*?''; New York; ii, tusan Gilinore, Carver, Button (both not sailed 6tln. , . c?_ Dovkk. March ?8-Off, D U WaWen, Deepen, trom ban Francisco tor ilull. .. . Qii__ Falmocth. March 29?Sailed. Romoliue, ''un,e? 8 i*9; Uii men oca. March 26?Arrived. Marlon. Edward* Bull iIlasoov, March 26?SaileJ, Sldonlan (Br), Edward*. Gasoi. March 25?Cleared. Yittorla. DeMartlni. New "uVm. March 27?Arrived. Delftne BrlgneU. New Or leans dr. quarnnttne); Heformer, Brown. MobiM. Hanbcbc, Match 26?Arrived, Edmund tttcbardaon. Brodic. Wilmington. NC. bailed 27th, Nilo, Scbwabei. New York. _ _ Arrived at i uxnaveu 2Ctb, Augusta, Wlerlchs, New 1-ivicRrooi.. March 27?Arrived. Tuba <*). Martin. New York; tth. Muldeiulaa (si. Stephens. Portland. Sailed 27th. Herbert C Hall. Davis. Campbelton, N?; 28ih, t'arroiliun. Lewis. \ew York. .. Cleared 27th, David Babcock, Erakine, Buenos Ayres. Miutord. March 27?Sailed, Hiram Abiff. TibbetU (from Newport). Matauzas , Makszillu, March 24?Sailed, Von Boon, lor Wliming too. Mussina. March 21?Arrived. Georglotia, Small, Genoa. Sailed 24th. Alaska. Perry. New York. I'ai.kkmo. March 15? Arrived. Aberdeen, Salvage, Bart. Sailed 16th, Swift. Anderson. New York ; Nuovo Men 00, Savareae. and Alice Otto, llughtou. do; oawmia, Cuaaeli. New Orleani; 20th. Samnele. Rallo, New York. Qvkk.nntown, March 2i??Sailed, Leviathan, Jorjeaen (from New Orleans;, I'eval. Kottcrdam, March 27?Cleared, Azoff. Holm. New .shiklos. March 27?Arrived. Autocrat Hibbert. Beau tort. 8(J; Karon V'on liartmanu, Jaiueielt do. .stavahubk, Marcn LV-Sailed, Vcaierllde, Larsen, New Hourabata, March IS?Arrived, OThyen, Jordan. New Tabu Bat. COH, Feb 16-Sailed, Woodstde Montgom ery. Barbados; 24th, James McCarthy, Oonld, Simon'* Bay. iFbp. Stbamfr City or Bichko*?.] ArrLCDOBB, March 30?Sailed, Lucille, William*, ?ri? tol and America. ... . _. _ _ _ i Ardrosszm, March 28?Sailed. Eldorado, Winding. San Francisco. _ . .. . . ANTtrKar, March SI?Arrived, Steiamann (s), Lechere, K ALCO?BAr, Feb 16?Arrived. Pioneer. Kennlson, Bov ton. Amcavtk. March 13?Arrived, Esmeralda, Ternstrom. New Orleans. . ? fiiLiiiT, March 29?Sailed, Ambrosia, Borrow*en, New York; L O Kiglow, Ferrl*. Baltimore. Hbkhxruavkm. March 27?Arrived. Arctnru*. Drent, New York: St Bernhard, Wegener, do. Bauckloxa, Maroh 20? Arrived, San Pietro, Laure, New York, .. . ? Bombat?Sailed, Ophlr, Custor, Portland. O. CABotrr, March 29-Arrived. Snatsmnc, Williams. Sailed 29th. John Tillotsen, Merrlman, Montevideo. Ckttk, Marcn 27?Arrived. Jeremiah Slmonson. Craw ford, New Orleans: 28.1i. htna. McKinnon New S ork. Cadiz, March 20?Arrived, Milllvan Swain, ltich, Bar celona; !2d. K H Purlnkton, Crosby, Barc-lonn. Cobuka. March 29?Arrive.l, Texas (s). Lauren*en. Liv erpool (and leit for Havana and New Orleans). CAric Coast Castlf.. March 9?In port, Lemuel, Hult man, unc ; Bolivis. Everett, do. , ? . M?, Calcdtta. March 24-Salled. Hopoet Matsen. Mar I cellle* (not United State*); 30tn, Lammermoor. lor New March 29?Oft Freinad, Bey, trom Pensa cola lor Dundee _ Falmouth, March 31?ArrlveJ, Otaao, IhorndtfeB, to* thFoocHoo, Feb 13?Sailed, Oolden State, Delano, New ^Glasgow, March SI?Arrived, Greta. Oonnoll, San ! t"ii'icd0 from Lamlash 28th. Florence Chipman, Wil liams (from lroon), Montevideo. Mkkoa, March 2a?Arrived. Dotnenico Lanau, Bosasco, ! New Orli-ans. . _ 1KWW Cleared 2Cth, Zid Caterina, Feno, Baltimore; 29th, Amicitiu. Keimer. do. ... ? ., . Gai.i.f, Feb 26? Arrived, Nancy Pendleton, Pendleton. ' ClHrLU April I?Arrived. Clari Nickels. Portland. Habtlkpool, March SO?Arrived, Brlxhton, Evan*. ?Ha*ti'i?o?. March 31?Off. Nyrophen, Haagman, trom Amsterdam for United Mate*. , Habliwobw, March 23? Arrived, Koug Oacar, Abraham 1 WHAMBo2*?March 29?Arrived Henrlette. Simpson, Bal-. I tiinore via lloli/n urnl, where she was ashore. i :-ui!e 1 28th Schiller is), Thoiuas. Now York. Hblvobt March S3? Arrived, Emma * Alice, Gibb*. i Zlerikzee anj f altl'nore. Havkk. March 28?Arrived, David McNntt, Slawerta, I New Orleans. ? .. , Cleared 3)th. Annie Burrill. Klilani. Philadelphia. Sailed 31th, Monsoon. Svendsens. Savannah. I.ivkri'oou March 29-ArriveU, Iii'lla. Mor<n, New Or.eans; Illinois (s). ShacklorJ, Philudolphia: Wyo mink (*). ITreeinan, New York; Cltv of 1 ondon (*?.. Kvnon, do; Norie. Johaunsen, Savannah: Slat, Peru vian is i. Watts, Portland. sailed 29th. Great Britain. Chllcott. Darlen ; 30th, D?n Quixote, Munroe. Havana: John KutlierloM. O Ne*i, Baltimore: Samaria (S). Billlnge, Boston; April 1. V'iu tona. Warren. Philadeipnia; Avanae, Pedersen, (in; County of Pictou. Munro, PIcioil Cleared 29tli, Caravan, Ha:flell. New York; 31st, Sun Jacinto (s). Bicker, Galveiton (2d clearance;. Off Point Lynaa Slat, Twe Zusteri. Ilrotn Liverpool to P London4 .March SJ-Arrived. Wm HYan Brunt. Hau*! i wout. New York; April 1, Forest Princess, Merriam, Port Royal. 8C. _ . , k Cleared Slst. Amal, Lnno?, New Yorx (?nd le.t Ornvesend Anril 1): Jupiter. Hayman, Baltimore: April L Ontario. Patterson. New York; Freidlg. -<nJer*eii, Wilmington. _ t .. . hntereJ out SOih, Severn (?), Campbell, Halifax; Slut. Ringleader. Thatcher, san Francisco. v. ? Lissom. March 2S?Sane J, Gsrinania, Pelliea, New Lb ihorw. March 27?Sailed. John F Krans, How is, Boston: 28ih. Armonla. CafficreDo. Baltimore. Arrived 28th. Jos *ord. Small. Naples. Malta, March 17?Sailed, ouuta Maria vecchla, ?i0g Nbwfobt, March 2#?Cleared, Almm Rowall, LofgTUt, Montevideo; 90th, Fenwtck. Tove. Jamaloa. hailed 30th, Jessie Boyle, Jones. F^n?acoia. Qcbkxstow*, March &?Arrived, Eveline, samtul, .tan Fruucitoa M fSAiled soth, MiitUnd. Wright (Trom San FrancflUo), Ball Kaxooo*. Feb 23?Arrived. Frolic, Push. Aden. st Micuails, March 6?Arrived, Oaleua. SUva, ler aatnbnco. hailed 6th. Elizabeth Moss. Tucker, Marselllea St H*tB*4. Keb 2?? Arrived sea Belie. Ooklin. Bsta via for NewTork; 28th. Lady LoulM, Scott. Shsughsil for do> sweAroM. Feb 23?Arrived. Cleopatra, Coaoe, Lrvlr pool. socnAftATA. Feb 10?Sallod, Myrtle Belle, Plumuiar, SmVba'"'?**, March 8-In port 8u?an LFlU?en?1d, Cuhlng. trom Boetoo. arr 6ih ; Tropic Bird, Haviln. for do. Troak, March 30?v'ai;ed, Caibarien, Bopklns, Hav* ia. likBL, March 28?Sailed, Nymphen. Haageoe en. Dir&ftD. IRIBSTS, March 24?Sailed, Bafaela. Savareta. 1 ew Tork. Cortsiucix March 27?The Graf Moltke. Ohlf, ll*?m New York fot Stettin, returned to the roads 26th. on ac count of tlie ice. Dublix. March 17?Ship Orient. Boyd, from *an Francisco, reports?-Maroh 13 had a terrific ?ale ?i -sm 8sW. in latsaflO N' and Ion 37 W. when the vo??el .vras struck by a heavvgea. which started cutwater. IlKLiGOLAicD. Msrch ?-The toui quantity of pel ro lenm landed from the llcnriet.e, Simpson. Ilroin rts :tl more lor llstnburk. while she was aground hi re, amounts to 6? barrels, of whVh 377 barrels were lan l < id, under the usual terms, by tho Island government, tlie rest by private salvors', who picked It up adoar. ail ier having been thrown overboard. The veseel left (or Cuxnaven lranaediately after (totting afloat; ?he ap peared to have sustained no damage. LivBRroot.. March 29?The Elizabeth Hamilton, fl jm New York, experienced very heavy weatner on the.i ns ssge: she became lesky soon alter ies?-ln? Ne* li rk. and on tbe 2d and 3<l March a quantity ot cargo 'a'as thrown overboard to lighten the veseeL Slst?The India. Moran. from New Orleans, in lat 4.^ !f. Ion 41 W', lost nnsenmast and rudder, also sustained riisin age to hull. Alter tnakl'.f rudder mister was enal' ied to bring vessel to Queenatown, and came nere with as sistance of tot. Lomdo!*, April 1?Tbe Pansv. Even*, from New Turk, arrived In the West India dock, he<l thrown overboai-1 a portion of the cargo on the passage. 1 he Ambassador, Pre'iu. trom New York, arrived In the Ml'lwail dock, report* having Jeitlaoned a portion) of tne cargo (oil cake. Ac). Ltaaatck. March 30? Bark Formosa. Brown, was towed np to dock here, after throwlnu overt oaru nearly a*) tons of maize when on B. ale bar; damage to ship oot yet ascertained. Lsitb, March *)?The Coorland (*) arrived at Leltli to day trom Copenhagen with 74 bead ot cattn. 119 uir?p. alsi a large namber of emigrants en route for J>*w York. YLotto, March 19?The William Woodbnry has nee: i In collisloa with the Bcnledl ca); damage appar? ttly sllgau AMERICAN POUTS. * BOSTON, April 11?Arrived, steamer Flag, Lock*- sod, Charleaion: D?-w? Oungadhur (Br;. Turner, blagaptire; bark Abigail (Br), Ra\-moud, London. f ailed?Meauier Ou?bcc (Hr). lSALTDIOKr. April 1J?Arrived (learner* Rlchm jnd, K*'ly. Nenr York; Martha Steven*. Cbunce, do. Cleared ? Steamer octoiora. lwynold*. Kew York; ?ohr? SVi'Phe.i M .ruan Oale, fall Klver; Clara B liinp ?on. Tall*y. forimn iulb, M; John X haw. Cot Ho boken; Mlnne*o'a. Coomb.*, Saybrook: Murgaret A uucy, Avery, New York; TUomaa 11 bwoeney. Sioetwau, not ion. Sailed?Bark* Elpl (Aa*\ Bvliaet; Olitner (Nor . and Alpha (Nor*, yueemtown ; flirando (Sor), Kldnor* 1 Har t?,ut Londonderry; brlg< Italia. St F erre : J H il llllng bam. Mayagtux; Torrent. Cardenaa ; *cbr Clara -imita, Mutancae. IlHt.N-WiCK. Oa, April ??Arrived, eebri J? nnie F WlUav, Irrfeition. .-a van nab; Carrie f Walker, Chad wict. Charleiton. Sth?Cleared, aobr* Alice B Gardner, snow, He' r Tork (not ai telegraphed . 1 U*ie Carr. Teel, do. 1'Jtb ?Arrived, ?chr Cba* 1'latt, Sharp. riarannui l. BOOTH HAY. March If?Armail, achr* i.ake. Ingort, ami *m McLoon. Koger*. hockland lorNewYt.rk; Xd, Nott Uaven. Co.Um, bed Heacb lor Philadelphia. CH * KLESTOh, April 8?.called, Kenuuskeag, tVyati, favannah. 11th?ailed, achr* Joanna, Loughty, PhilaV, tlpbia; Hand Clarkecn, Wilmington. Del. OAKII-X. >la. April f-Arrlv.d, ihlp Lulwip Hern (Oar), Hcbmeillnjr. i.reopen via "larannah: barki Manna < Nor), Zacharlaa<.n. Langotind t^orwari; LaJ .a (Br), Vance, Liverpool via Triee: td, bark* Jan* Hrandlt iNor), Klelaen Liverpool; Elln <->we), nar?trul >. I.oo ouderry rl* -a*anuab: brig Leah (Hr), bartei. Cardi ?an; gib, bark* Auroat (for). kmier Mlifnrd. r. : Forett 9uern i?r), McCalmont. I Iverponl; 6tn. M<>non|;o (fori, edereen. Hull, h; !>rlin ?ri. Junva, Port Mailo i, Maud Heieu (ar), Dunn. Liverpool via ivoee. cleared lit. bark* The Oneen (Hr), ManaflrlM I.lver pool; l>erwent (Ur>. Horgen, Oovle; ocean CI did (Br), bavia. Port Madoo; Cora i^ynn dir.'. Wunom. It.ooni la, ?ohr? Laar Collin*. iMcb. B-th. Met K A Hayoi , xnith. Baltimore: Jth bark Daeppell (Oar), KrunH floh, Ap piedorf, f. KA'TPORT, Maren SI?Arrived, ?ehr Cubi , Berty, Clanfuego* (and lailua April i lor at Joan, NM> April (?Balled. *chr* r.intaa K ?miiitr, M iFadden. Port el Prinoa; atariight, niitohtoro, Cuba. kOOARloAN Apr" 7?aaliad. eour Joton ('?dwalla der, luliine/, Pbilaueipbla FALL uIVhR Aprtl 7?Arrived, *?Ur Her] ' bblelda, Bnowuian Weekawketi. . . . . |th?Arrived, ? br7?ena, nactar, PMlndelPh i?, . Otli-Arrirea, tteumer . eading. Uolbaru Nei ' Orlean* na I'o.ton. _ ^aiied-nrit* Bella of tbe Bay, Wiil-.anw. an ) Wm Mai lory | Jr, Forerth. Naw Vorkt tobr Kate Olffurd, Pblla lUl'*LB kOO IlAHROR. April 1-Inport tcl^ri ?arly Bird, Beadi J A Cbainberlam. Jtpie ; Jo?epblt|il * Fro??. woanland; Mat* Lawaon, Laweuot " ? ?Uiroy. shoemaker; Narr A Kva, in^enoll; H main ? io :, lar \ir< npray. Uaretliracl J Merritt, Cttrtte; L Utaleit, Htnirh; Haanab Waite, Oiiletk uad ?iimii i Ma, aa drew*, tor >ew 1 ,>rkt ?< OiUuaat, lor VifplnWii ?*k XKW ORIGANS. April to-Arrived. s'eamerKntafca* booker. Kemble, New York; scar Mutlte W at woo n ^O^leared?earner* Huason. a?.r N.w To,k; ChiH? W XXr, yudlVoe^N^ r>? Pede^u? UaYftt fcrnsl I Benno tiler). Welutiyn. Bordeaux. 0em, Sailed?S?t?i ?iuer Juulaia: ship Wyoming, tiaras ue?* , "steamer11 fayilen (Mr). was palled off the Mlddl. Urouuu thU evemut, und U anchored abreait of ta mcd, bars Leandcr (Br), Lopei. lor Barce ^Arrl'ved *ti f,*barlc Umen (*we). Ander?on,; ?chrOulsept o Lanta tltai). Guainiiiio. Marseilles. Clenred 7n i. bark Gem, Cole, Hnvana. Passks, Ap rli 7?rial led, ship Kentuckian, Dunbar, Pen gacolo. ? . lltb?SalU ft, steamer Hudson. un ibo ba: t?bte timers Haytien and Chilian. for Liver. "NORFOLK. April 8?Arrived, scbr Jas A Crocker. Kos W?tbN?OleVi ?d, bllir Zetland (Br), Hick*. Berblce urn "loth-Put In. steamer Roval Minstrel (Br). Henderson ? MfN>.WHr! ^KT^Cr'll *a^Arr 1 v53 ,*aohr J a Bab CtN^Wp!)V:i'' hAp'rUIP8!U'PSI?Arrived, schr Caroltm KniRht, Rt (?iea. Kocklaud for New \ork (alter dUchar* "'{.Karri frd^chrs Arcularias. Lord: Kmpress. Ken ne'dy! and Houteeello. Morton. "ocfcland 'or Sew Yorki 9SZS& BrnUyMcoSib* Rwsfc t0"h,%Vl-"Mlea"'?chrs Joseph P Bom. Hathaway, Taunton :f.?r Now York; Herbert Mauiou. Croweil. bum err.M "i'ri'.v-d arhrs Wm M Foster. Rich; Millie Wash burn, ciotb, and Henry Nlckereeu* fcld ridge, Providence '"riai'ed- - Sob rs Joddle. chal wick. C-lalsJorNejrYork; Lucy A -Olcutt. St Ucortre. Me. lor do: ton. and Kmpress, Kennedy, Rockland for do, Geo* Drainer 1 Crockett. Vlnalhaven tor do. s Kickmore. Thomps ?n. Hath tor do; Frank k Kinii.V, Mctob, do fur IlM*?Arrived, schrs Maria^ Webster, Youn* Welltlutt )or Virginia; Amelia P Cobb, Bake*, dolor NevrVork; Mary Shields. Soman, Fail Hirer tor do. .SM'SSttfe Xf-oJh 41fW5nW (UNdfy^ONUON.9April 9-Arrlved. schrs ?arah h ita ,Mo"\^rt^'ndaA,ruoeww.Ys;v IX fc&<??>. lOtl (^Arrived?'^hr?* Wtn* Madison, Georgetown for AtfiH Philadelphia tor Pawi?c*et: W H B? wen .New i ora jo^r B li urst, do tor Wood's' Hole; K M Wells. Weenawken, C^;ra^ch?bM^na0rAB^rs?u; Norfolk; Cncas, Port, 'b'w HAVKN. April 1(>^-ArrJJc(b0!f Sriinr. New York; Jotiii Brooks. Fox. <10. uarriet aua " ' "I? > S A col '"ap rd *?2 lea re d, ship Ottawa (Br,. C'*,clea red ^barks Passarowan* <??}. s*nenl (Jir) llarvev. Galvcaton bars* Uoika (Nor), reters l;ra,r?2SLffu\'TpJuVii'JiMd. b,l, El=l,. <BO, S 'iJth'-^^rrtv*dU*teainer Ann Eliza. Richards New rl ?riir (ienrse W Muddt-ll. Deputy. Lanesvtile. '?Auouniv'd .t^.ner lt.utlesuaki. Boston; barl nohrs Anuio Krcemnn. Harris. Burucoa, Mary An ^Betow-Br!?'yuaco (dr).,ro7 ?*f,,lL'njJeW Orleans vii Wj^mSw^'re*U^'v*nusSiV ltoiiTai? 0roweli SostSn?ilunier.Sherman Providence d7lsoclenred.harks K6sctt(!tal) Nicolinl. Cork or^al ui'.uih Scl Kratellt (Itali, Kerro, do. brlg Pra'rte iwse, a,?,? a ffi-raa Lu u l.lun. liuley, itlchtncad. Aunie fc Moore, rtui Wyomiwt. ^-nt.ib; Bom.* B'ffS Hao*MV Ja^ot'-MfX). Walker. 8a"La7 J K Vllliams (Br). Vauzhan, Liverpool tU ""?w C? "tlI1 Del. April II). A M-Pasj.d down last nlirht. T.riv Atlas, for St morass, and scurs John 8trou? rannah; Hunter, tor Provident"; M HatUe Perry, and 1< O Hickman. pa*?<-.d down to dav. >>ctirs Caroline, and Oriole also parsed up. . R q I ttwis iiei Aurll id. A M?Ship Cttloe and bark K B Duval remain; all other square rigirers have satledi ,l?M0?ArriToiP'ship'Hetty "("er'^NordenhoUt Bremen via sTvaunah; barkSahra iloses <Ut). Bain. LiverpoojL l>OBT? AND April 10?Arrived, steamer traneonla. i5KU5Etr?.V^'i."-"i, LU?,K.? "SSa.u*J, IX! cm. K l?~. F"?? P slh-Arrlved, schr 0 W Andrews, Watts, Ellaabetlr P?Arrlved in lower harbor 6th, achr Porto Hlco, Went Ourney. hlliabothport; Ellen M Baxter, ?covtu. SbtSiStjf5%S,rKWn?5S: Sarah Clark. Orl'mn, ^ll"rb|'hpv"ru h MowrV do tu? ?ow?n. "olden NewpVorkr?ordo;mWO H Mowrr^do^ uaf, N,w,M?MnVu Va Aorlt ?- Arrtred. bark Phllothee i^^)Y?rk*;',K^r?a/tpn ATarv,r'^yan'," do^fiTla PrelSff. <bt>. ' 'aiao'i'rnfed. schrs Lanra T C.iester, Ba'csr. J.raaloai ?lCr%di^k'H^^r>. Bernler, United Kl.f d?AnUo clcared. echrs Lena B Htover, Seavey P. rnatv dlna - Matthew Kinney, barter, ftew \ork; a B Frank lin. Mull, brunswiok. n?aard Now York: T^^r'Ka.;" #affls?iS:n!;.? "5U?S&?. Kbr* Annlo '<"" ??? T?"' "? ?rr:',',KW&?. n.? ??" "?'?? ??r0N,IN0T.?S. Aorll 8?Sailed, sctirs Sarah L Thornp eon. Hull: Caroline. Carrie, and Utt.e DavlJ, eAL&M. April 8-Arnvea. echr Ylneyerd, Bloh, Bobo ^Hsiteit?Pchr F L Godfrey, Oodfrey, Philadelphia, ton?Arrived ?chr U?l? Vmith uorhsm. fii>up?h?n pres*. Kennedy, and F Hatch. Oreen, . ew o. jtnlei j ?r,u ra"ss?sa'.; "va.:v?-. ph.a7? 8 Hudson, Henry WlLnn.Ktou ai.d Altred W risk So for Baltimore; Henry Norw?U, do tor Mobil . Sailed?All beforo reported. e*ceptin? tne above rivals and ?cbr? Bisiiik San (refltuog) and Cayenne. %,kteinrilwis^Sp^At. Yo;. Kphraia rVri'0AM8hMr; Apr'ii ^satf'd? Khr Je^Hart, *L Cbauiberlaln, Philadelphia. ["?! I ?C til U I. K % KOU 9. 4 BXOLU'TK DIVURC4* OBTAINED. FROM DIFFZR A ent Hiatal; logai everywhere: iio?ertioo, 4c., iuI dentcau-c: no uubucity required; nu chart* until at. ?ore* granted; advice tree. M UUU4K. Attorooy, 191 BroadWtf. AMV90LUTE DIVORCES OBTAI.VLO FROM CUt'RTJ of different -tatoa; leaal c r ywher* ; uupub.icilf; do ice* in advaaca; *dvic* tree; ummmiontr ior evurT buue. Fl.KL?c.K[cK I. KINU Oouueellor-at-Law. Dog Broadway, 1'rlrata offlcea an J retiduuca sa # eSu Mark'* place. rro all. particularly invalids, smut in 1 a tr lug teuton. Indication# of ilcku*?i tliouU al once trt at ended to. Fatal dl?ea*a may be caurt'l b? allowing me bowel* to become oon?tipat*d. an I tht vr* tain to remain in i di.ionlerad condition. until tuo o,a order ba? time 10 develop iteeif. aii ounce of preveu Uou i* worth a pound of cure. U and old and truthful laying. Therefore wo auvlw all who am troubled with the oo.npiata'a now verv prevalent?headache, in dlgeitton. di.ordered liver, want of nppetit*. nautj <. of leveriah ikin, to take, without delay. bCUKNuHn'a MANLHtAKh P1LLH. We know o? uo remedy no barra< lee* and deoitlve In luactlo:i It at onoe *trik?> at tbg root of the dl*' aae and produoat a healthy tine to the ?yttein. root)* never uead ?uiTer irom any dltrata arising from a dlaoiderua condition oi the liver li thar woultf uu inli okoeiient medicine when mev ie?i uie Ant indication* of 'he malady. Famllie* leaving homo for the ?umioer niontln ?boulJ take three or lour boxvi or the** pill* with the in. tit y have nu alinoaj initamaneou* ?fleo:. I hey will relieve the patlunt of beariaoUe In ona or two nour*. and will laitl.j oiauoea the ilv?r of lurroutiding bila, ?nd will eiiee J unify prevent a biliout attaok. ihey ara told by ail iftMCtfllt* achti and paint, al*o ?noi?ra. Uymnterf. ooilo am vmft ittnt; warrnuied iJt over 17 rear* and Dtvar tailed. S* fanui.v or traveller by without tt. niawwriAMI wetget n? foul ftoU b# Undruggia*