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grrTTATIOSg WAJfTEP?FEJUALEg. Cook*, die . 2 RESPECTABLE OIRLS; ONE AH 000K AND TO eaalat with washing and ironing; the other as chain Dcrmald and waitress. in it private inmilr; thoroughly understand their business; good city reieremes. Call If lwo day, at UHii .til ay., between Wth mid flOth in. 0 WEST 45TII ST.-A RESPKCIAHLK VOIMi OIRL ? Plain cook and to autet in the washing ? host ?ity reference trorn last place. * ? 6 nirN,-ou.M?;rAS (,(>"? ???*? NO OBJECTION TO 1 2 {h^??i..52? ?JrA PROTESTANT WOMAN AS m *"t?i 1 in ft small private family. adoIv Monday uud ItiAKdnv. imm n *-iii i?> ?. 72o?JSck." __ 1 f) r.?,T!<|I'NO ST- I''IRS'' KLOOR, REA* A HE g 0H ri'ty re!n?p^rln'in u"?ood c00t- waaher and ironer; y-og city relerence. la witling and obliging. 23 ,|,T?AS KIRST clash COOK jTi her hu ni'i ,'"r"y? ?? ? K"?'1 baser and understands com it :"SLl^"nclle?- "" objection ,0 the n v ?^ YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD PLAIN t nuxf' ci,y "cference irom lfi k> od 23 ^Cr ' - ?-?? ? nu urani countryj good city reference. 38 ^BfSr, 13Tfl y??A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS irnmn 1' ;'*?s cook: will as3l?' with tee wishing and ironin j ; t.ett city rclmcnce. 48 ????,MTH SJ?A RKSPECTABLE young ?ih.h.Vk 88 *oo?l cook: is a (food baiter: un ler b^t citV ?."?en?eo b"t,eri cnuntr}' Preferred 5 fi Q WEST 1STD ST.?A NEAT, ACTIVE YlinNG biterprlvn^ ?"""" f"). L WK8T WA 81X1 NO ION PLACE, FIRST FLOOR, sa,'r-~A ".eot-competent iriri u* 00k and laun ene'e housework; city or country: good refer f)8 *,T? ?TTa 0rRL' AS COOK. WaPHP.R L?;y-ncU o?0counrtryd0 gCUCr<l1 ttoasework lu * 72 ^mT,MDrtST.-~:A Respectable PROTESTANT ? *~j ?iri aj? Ur^tclass cook;: would asiut with th#? washing and ironing if required , best city relercncr. *T?*auur aiiu ironer; good last place. cJuii be seen for two day*. 100 WTH sr., FIRST FLOOR.?A YOUNG 11 cll,!ls cook; would assist in thu washing and Irouing; best cltv reference. 1 Oft 7f!f AV" CORNER OF lorii ST.?A RESPECT i"0,,?P woman n? first clnas English cook; 5i!2?^ . d oooking thorMiirnlv; no objection to a short atstanue in the country; city rcferouce. 1(17 ySOTliTH si. THIRD I I.OOR. BACK ROOM? ?rn,i V.*/,es.peCL.tuble ySun,f wom?" n"* pood cook and 5?.?h .?uP,a and jellies, and to a?siit witli washitiit and ironing; eii.v relerence. 107 #??15 :,;1) S1~A RBhPKOTABLB woman as ?, . f!r,t class cook ; understand* her business In all Ln > i *P?. r' ''r('no,1i l'Ui?iir>0 and ainarican cookuif;; KQQ-1 city reference. " ' 108 A7rA "ESPEOTABLB woman as cook. wa?ber and Ironer: bestcttv reCsronce. c an be seon for two days. 1()Q WEST 1STII f-T., SECOND FLOOR, IN T1IE ' Vf rear.?As hrst cla?s cooc; understands her bun nexs thoronghly; gO"d bukor; no objection to the conn try; reference from last place. n?J WEST MTH ST.-A STRONG. TIDV OIRL AS ? ? cook and to assist with the washing In a private mraily; good city reference. private mWES-r 2fiTH ST.-A COMPETENT PKR.?(7n~AS cook; thoroughly understands rooking In all Its or.ini'hes; is an . xeellent baker, no objection to asslat wlthjhe washing: best city reference. 117 ,W E?-T. 46 'f ST ?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG 1,1 English girl as good cook In a private fam'Ir: country aS!<1!S wi4^ plaiu washing; no objection to the 1 1 Q ^'ST i,9Tn 1T< BASEMENT.?A RESPECT ,aW? Rlrl w cook and assist with washing; no oh Wereueec 1 * dlatance in the country ; good ?JO] WEST 23TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN urst class 000k; thoroughly understands ror:n^h an11Amer'ca? cooking: no obiectlon to do the waaCMUti best city re le re nee. Call tor two days. 194. WK:iT S3D ST.?A COMPETKNT YOUNG WO K2?K l 'horougnlv understands all kinds r P??"ry andgaine: will take entire f-J u ? t1h?kl chen t no objection to first class board ing housi.'; 11 est city unci country reference. 1^)7 WEST 17fH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN A "J.1. *.a cook, washer and ironer lu s prirate family, 00 objection to the country. 1'JO MEsEROLE ST., WILLIAMSBURG, L I. Uirte daj^0' floor _A ??nnaa girl as cook. Call for 133 -E8r ffl? ^T-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG jrr\ ? i 'i f Bood cook and coarse washer, or to Mterence "" 00 lu 11 slna Privlkt" family; good city 1 3n ,8.T", ST- IN TUE GROCERY STOReZ yo"0* woman as competent cook; vlaH'er,?*n*i* r.nglish an I* American cooking: excellent pastry cook: also an American young girl to do upstairs emofover "m8 Um"T:?{K>d ?lt* "icrence? from Iwt 1M*> CEDAR ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL A8 cook in a small iamlly;city reference. Call lor two days. 14-3 Jr&,S-.r. a?rfI ST.?IN A PRIVATE FAMILY OR ,h? u o?Brolng house at plain cook and to amlst witii ?Row" ?n 0r *^^rea*- 'or two days. MaiiY 14-H ?A8T ST- T?P FLOOR-A IIESPECTA ble swedlrt cook want* a situation- U first claaa fat city reference. Call for two days. If) I WK;T 520 A RKSPEi Table OIRL AS cook. wa?: er and Ironer; best city reference. l.r)fl W,Sr a'D HT?A PI'^PECTABLE YOUNG in.Vi, ** Tl cl4M cook: thoroughly compe Srodays cfu.iches; best city relerence. CaU tor 1 /lfi ?8lH STv FIR<T FLOOR.?A RESPECT i, ' ' *?'? woman a* first olass cook: understands her fea> ne?s tnoroughly; country preferred; two years' best clrv reference ("ali tor two days. 1/)H ^?i,TJf1LH STTA PROTESTANT WOMAN Afl ? uces 0 l W4,her ?lld ironer; excellent cliy refer 1 ^7 WK',IltWr ST.. TOP FLOOR.-A YOUNO OIRL . ? at cook washer a: d Ironer; best city relarence. 1AO ?! lKT-A lOVrETENT YOfSi} faiiiily; H'tT^erence0"' W<Ut> """ ,ron 1,1 * 1H3 1VE','? nrn *[??' ?'NE FLIGHT OP STAIRS IU?) uu.-A respectabl,' Protestant girl as cook in a 8 private latnlly: thoroughly understands her husl ?> ?!??? kitchen; no objection ?BM?rrpilcoarse wash ma; beat clt.r reference. No carda 9|)1 WK?T ?TH ST., TOP FLOOR. "FRONT '' | r'^om.?A respectable woman 11 cook and to do general houaework, wnere ahe can take a lit'le girl n years old : best city references. ' 903 ' EXINOTON ay., IN the STORE.-A RE ?* V,, *P*c'able glrl aa cook in a an-\H prirate family ? fc wlllmz to as.lsi wuh tne wtahlng; best city reference,' *2(Hi V, ,;7r" ST - T,wo ,,A'R ktairs._a~re. i" V''. apoctohh voung girl to cook, wash and Iron in a private iarnili . goo 1 city reference from last placo. VOfi "T'HJ 271,1 8T - "RST FLOOR.-an ENG. SjncV. rVlI^>r'add restw0m*" ? ?^k; good city re, 20H ma 8I-A CHINA MAM WANT* A a-yii situation at cook, lta flrit claaa cook; best city reference: wile to go ont washing or cleaning by the ()l\"7 WEST 13TH HT.?A RESPECTABLE PERSON ' I aa ook, washer and ironer: Rood reterenoe. 11AQ WK8T 20TH ST.. REAR A KESPrXTABI.E pirl aacook; to a good baker. good reference. MTH ST., BE I WEEN JD AM) Jf> AVS.. SBC 4*l'r ond floor, front room?A vonmt klrl as cook or Uandrew; best cit> reference from her la*t r'*cr. ?>"l(k EAST ?TH ST., SECOND rLOOR.-A YOCNO I 1 ' roinn >? cool, washer and ironer; Hajrood baker; good city relerence. ?VM E^T ?0TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS 1 I ro..?, and Ironer: toed reference. Call Ibr two daya m - :-:a-t mth st.-a rksp"ctabi.r young a. 1 ?) -v*tnan as food cook: bast city reference from last plae*. ?1| 7 EAST 29TII UT.?A RESPECTABLE PROTE& & I ( t ait woman ai cook, washer and Ironer : best ?ttjr refereucea *>17 RA8T*rH ST. BOO* 1&-A RESPECTABLE j 1 i woman ??.? flrat class cook: thoroughly nnder rmuls her bnsme?s: no objection to a short distance in lhe coumrv, bestclty reference. Call lor two days 1117 EAST 191 II yr? KOOM 18. ?A RESPECTABLE Ml I roiinj woman, with a little girl leu yen* old. us goo-1 coo'., ?.iVher au<i ironer; no objection to the couu w >?; rcleren-e. Can lie ??en i?.r two days. ill 7 MAST 2?rtl ST.-A KESPECTaBLE TO UNO w II womtn 111 cook ; Is a good M?onlt ?n<l bread maker: i< competent to take entire charg? of a kitchen i no t.iijeciion 10 the country. i>l(l EAST '.9TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ? I >) a-> 11 r?t class cook In a private family ; best cltv reference ?. no m>ieetion to the conntry. (lOft *",T T' ST.?A NEAT. TIDT. SMART OIRT. ~ ?1- i-"o<i plain coo*, wnsber and Ironer in a fmiil pri?a<c family: good reference. OOl? WEST 1STH ST.?A PROTESTANT WOMAN Z-l ' n? c.kjk : ? an do all kinds of fkmily cooking: la ? good baker. Can be aeen lor two days. EAST 1ISTII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? A vouin woaan to do plain cooking, washing ??id ironl-.! ! or general honaevrork in a private family. f)<) ? W.->T S.KII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG -t- ? f ti'l as gootl cook and to antst In the washing ; eit-. rr country: >110 and ? halt years' reference irom In -t platM . ? I AST 4'ST ST.?1 A RKSPKCTABLE TOtTNO g rl as first class 000k - Is wllllnir to aislst with the eoufg! wa^hinx In a small private tainn.v ; beatcity rcferen, 1- from last place. *PJ7 E y NT 29.11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN I ?- first class cook; no objection to go In the fiintitrv; lies 1 cifv reference. i)oo airi at.?a middle-aged woman ? to cook. wash and iron in a private family; best etty reference. <)?) I WKHT ?t II ST.-A HF.SPECTaBL* YOUNG *f*? J /irl a:i cimk, washer nn'l Ironer in a smalt pri vale fr.mtty : hcit city reterence. Call tortwoday^ ' '' Tsrril ST.. SECOND FLOOR, BACK.-AS coot: willing to assist with washing and Iron ing : f< o l 'f?retiee. I J WEST ami 8T.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN *4 I JM ' ook ; willing to asslat with the washing >nd Ironing ; beat city reference. aiTTATIOJrg WASTliP-raMALEg. Coolca, &c. O/l Q WEST SOTfl ST. ?A BESPECTABLK WOMAN ' asgood cook; la an excellent pastrycook; best city re/crence. _ O-n WEST 28TI1 ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG i'JU girl as cook, washer ana ironer In a private family; citv references. OCO WKST 40111 ST.?AS COOK, WASHER AND Ja'tJu Ironer In a respectable tnmlly: hi* a hov A year* old; no objection to the country; city refcrouce. 2Z.O WEST 3|TH 8T.?A RESPECTABLE YOCNG tJO woman si cook ; bus ion yearn' reference tram her last place. Call or addrcsa. 47/??? WEST 3?Tn ST., TOP FLOOR, BACK BOOM. aUU A Protestant girl as cook, washer and ironert no obiection to the country; good reforencc. 070 1ST AV.. CORNER OF 16TH ST.?AS FIRST ? I ?1 ciuss head cook, In either hotel or restaurant, in city or couutry ; can carve or bake; can t*ke lull charge ot a kitchen; summer hotel pratcrrod; best ref erence. Call tor three days. t?7Q SI) A v., BETWEEN 2IST AND 22D 8TS.. Z i O in the store. ?A respectable girl as (food cook In a private luinily ; no objection to the coarse wushlnii. if required; willing logo to a place in the country; best citv reterence from her last place. S(}'^ EAST 35TH ST. first rrnm SiS. Kress; as ? QflQ EAST HIST ST.. FIRST FLOOR, BACK ROOM.? OyO A respectable person as first class cook: tlior oughlv nnde.-stand* French. hugllsh un I German cook ing; wage* expected. 830 per month, rail lor two days. onn wfst 4irn st.-two niKLs, to no to Ovw gether; one as cook, washer and ironer; the other as chambermaid and waitress and to assist with the washing and ironing Oil 7TJ1 AV., BOOM 8.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN OIL ns goo-t plain cook, washer and Ironer in a pri vate family; best eitv reference. Q1 r WEST ?TII ST.. .NEAR ATI! AV.?A RESPECT. 01t7 nble woman as first class cook, understands bak- I ini in all Its branches; willing to fro in the country; un- I derstands the care ot milk and butter; five year*1 refer enuca. FUII tor two days. ! Q1 ft EAST .S8TI1 ST?AS FIRST CLASS COOK; | ??1?/ understands cooking in all Its branches; gets up all kinds of soups, incuts, Ac,; bones. lards. Ac.; expert at All kinds of fancy flrto dishes. French and English; creams, fellies, Ac.: Isa first elaes onstry cook ; public or private; city reference. Call for two days. Q"| Q EAST 37T11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS Ol V first class cook; thoroughly understands her business; best city reference from last place. Ofl?> WEST 4-'D ST.?AN AMERICAN WOMAN AS OJjO trood plslu cook, washer and ironer; would like , to go in the country with a small family; best city refer- j ences OOQ KAST 25TH ST.. KIllST STONB FLIGHT OF 0?0 svfcirs. hack.?As first class cook: understands all faiuTty cooking. desserts. Jollies; bread and biscuit maker; also p^'rv: no objection to the country; bost city reference. Can bo seen for two days. QOQ EAST 29TH ST., FIRST FLOOR.?A RESPBCT. 0?Cj able girl asgood plain cook, washer and ironer: three years' bent city rolcreuce. QOQ 8D AV.. BETWEEN 21TH AND 23TH STS? OSit7 Two younc girls, to en together; one as good cook, washer aud ironer, and the other as chambcrmatd and waitress; best city reference. QQ7 EAST 35TH ST.. THIRD FLOOR?A WOMAN | OO I as cook in a private family; undcrstauas all kinds ot meats, toiips, poultry, game and desserts: good city reference. Call lor two days. "It A WEST 36TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIBL Otu as coed cook in a private family; will do the coarse washing; is a good baker: best city reference. fJA >) EAST 24TH -T? TOP FLOOR. BACK.-AS OtO first class cook In a private family or first class hoarding House ; is au excellent cook ; understands all kltids of soups and meat; is a good bread and pastry baker aud desserts of all kinds; no objection to go a short distance in the country; best city reference. Can be seen lor two days. '-1/1 i WEST 42D ST.?A COMPETENT GIRL AS t)T? cook ; understands cooking in alt Its branches; no objection lo tne country; good reference. QOO 3D AV, BETWEEN 27TH AND 28TH STS.-A OO ? respectable woman as cook in a private family; understand* her business thoroughly; an excellent baker of brena and biscuit; no objection to the coarse washing; best city reference. A liO WEST 40TH SI'.-A RKSPECTABLK WOMAN tUO as cook in a private family and will do coarse washing and Ironing; best city reierence. A n,- EA-l 1ST 11 ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN tUJ to cook and assist with the washing; best city references. A OA 1ST AV.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS COOK washer and ironer in a 1 expectable family; two years' city reference trotn last employer. 4A7 WEST 6SD 8T.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN tUi as first class cook; no oblections to a board ins bouse or to the country; city references. tAQ #TH AV.-A RESPECTABLE FRENCH WOMAN | tUO as cook in a private family; city or country; good reference. Call or address lor two day*. I WEST KT1I ST.?A HZSPECTABLE OIRL AS Tl<i too J cook, washer and ironer in a small private 1 family; best citv 1 eference. Call fur two days. | ^10 8TH AV.?A. YOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN AS j TlO rook; Is an excellent cook, w aaher and Ironer; no objection to the country; good city reference*. A~\*l KAST mil ST.?A RESPKCTABLB YOUNG 1 I ulrl 10 cook, wash and Iron or to do gsneral 1 housework in a small private family. Call tor two days. . A 1 n WEST SSTH Sl\-A PROTESTAXT WOMAN TO ^r.L i cook, wash and iron; good reference. I I Q EAST UTH ST., IN THE STORB.-A STEADY | trl?7 woman as cook: would wash andiron: don't 1 ob)ect to a respectable boarding house; home preferred | to wages; goo l reierence. 4 4 1 WEST imi ST.. THIRD FLOOR. FRONT rr"xl room.?A respectable woman and her daughter: one as cook and the other as nurse and seamstress or as seamstress and chambermaid. .Ml WEST MTH ST., SECOND FLOOR, BACK.- I I TT" A respectable person as very good cook: makes splendid bread and biscuit. cakes and pies; la a good I meat and vegetable cook and understands the earw and ! management of milk and batter; good reference. ? o- ? AilU WRST 2^ri1 ST' 1N' BEAR. FIRST (X 1 ?' floor. ?A respectable Bcotrh woman (Prntes lanti ** I plain cook, washer and Ironer Call for two dava A C.- 8TH AV. (RINO FKCOJTD BELL).?AB OOOD ' cook; wlllin* to do the eoarae washing; best elty refiartnee. t^ill for two days. A 71 ?TII AY.. BETWEEN WTH AND 29TH RTfC, IN , T I I book store.?As first class cook: understands all I kinds of l'.ngll*h. trench and American cooking; excel lent snnpsof all kinds, bread, bl'cult, French pastry; 1 desserts of all kinds. In a good kitchen; first class city reference. _ " j A OO ?TH AV.. BETWEKN 29TH AND 10TH STS.- ! A respectable girl as good cook. good reference. Call from v to 12. ci 4 west sarH st.. one flight or stairs ?/L*X up.?A respe. table young girl as cook, washer and ironer: to so a short distance in the country; good citv ard eountrv reference. r 4 K WEST MTH ST.?A OOOD. 8TEADY OIRL AS competent cook and to a-slst with the washing ?n>t Ironing; is willing and obliging: two years and a ball's reference trom last place. r-Q 7TH AV.. CORNER 40TH ST.?A TOCMO WO ? man a* good cook and baker; will assist with the washina anil iroulrg If required; best city reference from last place. ~ ~Q WEST *T1I 8T.-A RKBHCTaBLE YOCNQ t)t'n woman a* pinln cook, washer and lrnncr for a g:nnll family in the country, 18 month*' gocd country reference irom iast place. C70 Jt? AV., TOP FLOOR. BACK ROOM.-A. YOCNO ?) i woman aa good cook, wuher and Ironer; b*tt city reference. 6Cit) ?TII AV., BETWEEN S#TH AMD 37TH STS.-A8 cook. I* a flrat clam baker- undentandi all kinds of soups and made-ap dishes. jellies and der.erts; c'iv or country: bent city reierences /??Jn Hill AV (RTKO THIRD BRLL) A OMUIAN DO" " cirl aa good plain cook to a private tamlly. Call between 10 ami .1 o'clock. t> -1 HUDSON ST.. BOOM * (ENTRANCE OH D?/l Oanseroort ?t).?A Protestant woman aaeonkt li a goot l>ak?r; -n-lllluc to assist with washing and Irotf lug; 3001I city reference; no objectiou* to the country. Call for two day* O-T'1 ?TH AV. (Iff TflK FANCY HTORB.-TWO f > I O young women ai first class cook an 1 first class laundress; would like to *0 together. In a private taintly going to the conntry for the sammer months; best city reference. ftOI eJH AV- (SECOND BF.1,1,).- A RESPECTABLE U?J1 young girl aa first class cook : no objection to asatst with the co?ree washing and; good city references. ? QQO 7TH AV., CORNER OF 54TH ST.?TWO RE vjL.iLt apecftble young girls. >n a private family; one ascook and wonld do the coare washing; the r.ner as chambermaid and to assist wltR <va?'iing and Lronlng j goo.l city reference, 0(>0 ?rit AV.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS OUO first class cook or Innndrasa; no obteetlons to tlie country; best city reference* Uf'Q ATLANTIC AV.. BROOKLYN.?A BF.RPECTA OUO ble girl as cook ? no objection to go a short dis tance In the country; good reference, ran be ?een for two day*. (\11 *TB AV.. BETWERN 5I9T AND MD STS.-AR 'M L first class cook In a private family; understands all kinds of cooking; able fo ta.?e entire ot the kitchen; no objection to the country ; fire sears' refer ence. CWJQ WEST 54TII ST.?A BK.SPECTABlE WOMAN f/UO as cook and to assist with the washlny In a pri vate family; is a good baker and pastry coon; city ref erence. OUO 8TH AV?A RESPECT A BLE OIUL AH COOK ?JCiLi and to help with the washing; no objection to ci> a short distance in the conntry; bent city reierence from lust place. 1 111'} 1>T AV.-A RESPECTABLE VOUNO WON t.\ as cook, washer and Ironer; city preferred; h is lived with American families; good city reference. 1 1 r.7 2D A v.?A RBRPBCTA BLR YOl'NO OIRL AS 1.1 ? > 4 tlrs. t iass cook in a f.riva'a family ; no objec tloll to (10 coarse washing if desired; can give tlireo years' reference from her last place. A SITUATION W AN TED?BY A RESPECTABLE Irish woman, with a child I* months old, a? cook or chambermaid . no objection to ihe country. Apply itt MARTIN fm.KB'i, &<?*? Agent. Staple ton, H. I. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS FIRHT CLASH COOK In a private family; understands all kinds of soups, meaty and desserts: best city reference. Address COOK, boa UK) Herald t'ptown Branch office SITTATIOWS WASTBD?KKJIAIKS. Cooks, dec. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A VERY RESPECTA bie woman <!? ccok In i? restaurant. Address Mrs. JUNES, ho* Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTED-a SITUATION BY A RESPECTABLE girl to cook, wuk anil Iron in a imall privato lani ily; good city reference. Can b? >ecn cornor of Broid way and S'Jtli si., In the fancy store. ChaiJibt rnmiils. ?Sif. Ofk EAST 22D BT. (PRESENT EMPLOYERTfO -A -61/ Protectant girl aj chambermaid end to do plain sewing. A(\ SPRINO ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OTP.L j "' as chambermaid or a? chambermaid and waitress In a private famtiy; would assist In the washing una is obliging; no objection to a private boarding 1100*0; best reference. Call on or addreM, f r two days, A. B. SCL I/IVAN. Wo cards. /(Q WEST I8TH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO CHAM T'i berwork and walling in a private family; good city reference. 6T1I AY.?A RESPECTABLE- YOUNG OIRL AH U'* chambermaid and waitress, or to iio washing and housework: willing and obliging; city reference. OQ 3D AV., ONE STAIR, HACK ?A RESPECTABI K ? /O young woman as chambermaid and 10 assist with the washing, take carc of children or to ilo plain sewing: cltv reference. inn WEST MTH ST.-a I'BOTESTANT YOUNG WO. J'"f man as chambermaid and w.tltreas; can be well recommenced. Call or address A. If. "1H7 WEST !BD ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG IV I woman as chambermaid and to do plain sewing or assist with the waiting: good city reference. nC WEST ?D ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS ?' cnamDerinald and waitress in a private family; good reference. ?J OO EAST SOTn ST.?A LADY WISHES TO PRO. lJjff enre a situation for her girl n* r hambenuaid and s'ams:re?n. Call from 10 until X o'clock. mWKST 25TII ST., IN THE STORE.?A HE spectable young woman as chambermaid ami waitress In a private family; Is willing and obliging; good icreronce. 1 Ol WEST 2<?TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR.-A RESPECT IO1 able young girl as chambermaid or waitress; or would do general housework ; cood city reference from last place. 1 wr. T 28TI! ST.?A PROTESTANT GIRL TO DO JL??.I chamberwork and walitnsr; will assist with washing and lrumng; good city reference. Can be seen for two days. I or W F ST 28TIT ST.. THIRD PLOOK. BACKROOM.? .1 ?>?' A young girl as chambermaid and waitress or to assist in wnsliiugand ironing; ba? six years' best city reference. "I ?JQ WEST mil ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS J.OO chambermaid and waitress. 1 EOBSYTII sr., BEA?, ROOM 8.?A respect l*J\f able young glri as chambermaid or nurse. Call on or address D. II. 1 CI WEST S2D ST.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED I *' L girl as chambermaid and waitress. Call for two d ays. 1 C (Z EAST STTH ST., FI*ST FLOOR.-A RESPECT. lttU able girl as chambermaid or waitress In a prl vatc family; reference trow last employer 1 fJO W15ST 06TH ST.-AS FIRST CLASS WAITRESS 1UO or as chambermaid and to do sewing or to take charge of children in a private family; best city refer ence.. ?*s* r" wf^T MTH ST?AN' ENGLISH PROTESTANT 165 T^inn? voman ia chambermaid, or would take care of' children; la >villlnor to make herselt generally uselut; city or country reference. ? mm ^ FAST 4STH ST. ?AS CIIAMB&BMAX& 172 res*, to.lo general housework or nnc waihtnf. ^ _n nr prpKF.R SI'.?A YOUNG FRENCH GIRL AS 173 Chambermaid: no objection to boarding house or hotel: goon reference. ~ i i v sT BROOKLYN.?AS CHAMBERMAID 181 and seamstress; understands ^**!?r Bailor son's machine: no objections to the country. Call or address. 777.., KAST 37TH ST.?A RESPECMBLE YOUNG 201 girl, not long IB lite country, as chambermaid and to assist with the waahing. mmmm Call for iw day. Of\f WEST 27TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR. ?A RES washing and Ironing; good city reference. ,n cT p ast MTH ST., NEAR 3D AY.-A YOUNG 212 g'lrl ae first class chambermaid and waitress, host city reference from last pace. 777., WEST 18rH ST.. THIRD FLOOR.?A YOUNG 213 woman as chambermaid and A? " Pr?. vate family; thoroughly understands her business, is willing and obliging ; good city reference. n1 to WFST 27TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE 21 7 chambermaid1 and waltreaa or to s'Mst with the washing: best cltv reference. t all for two days. r?-| n WEST 27TH ST.?A YOCNO WOMAN A8 7 chambermaid and seamstress, or would assist wlU.'w,Cw^hh,?"u ^e" obll?tng: best dty reference. WKST 16TH ST.?A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE 2 2 girl as first class chambermaid or exce\\eot for children, tour years' reference from last em plnver's. < all for two days. 00J SULLIVAN ST.?A BK.SPRCT.ABLE YOCNO 2^4: girl as chambermaid or " altreaa. WVST KD ST.?AS CHAMBERMAID AND 226 waitress" Is willing to as-lst wltn the washing in a^smairpriyate family; Is capable: city or country , a short distance preferred ; good rclarence. KA0T 4'TH ST., ROOM n.?A GOOD Olftl. 2 2, i as chambermaid and waitress or to a^lit wltri the waabtag ; best city reference. Can be seen lor two diy>. -?. 7,777 FAsT 47TH ST.?A BETECTABLB TOCSft ). Ars .Irl lately landed, as chambermaid and wait rest:V. willing an?ih?.gin? and'wlll make herself gen erally uaeluL nn 4 7TH AY.. BETWEEN ?SD AND MTH ST*.-A 234 re.nrctible voun* girl aa chambermaid and waitress rgo^ and ir'.uer, city reference from last place. rvisr EAST MTU HT.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO 237 girl to do chamberwork and *f!|J w^t hcself generally useful In a amall pnyate family, beat city reference from lastplace^ . ?77~ WKST MTH ST.-A RESPECTABLE TOPIJG 241 Jiri as chaml^rmaid and wallregji or ?o ?ake eariof Children, five years reference from last placat no objection to tlie country. nm <ni ST-.V RF^PKCTArtLR GTP.L AS 2-1-1 C hambermaid and waitress In a prlyate family. . or would ?r.yelwT,h a family; best city refrrcce. C.,1 for tv-o days. r? 4 1 wr.ST 1(1 Tit ST.?A RESPECTABDE TO 24"! do chamberwork and waiting or asatat with waMilng; two years' city relercnca; no objection lo the country. _ nil WMt BSD T-A RESPECTABLE YOTNO >4 ] (*iri cbTnb<prm*ld *nd WEitrfW. would o? .tst wlthB tbe" w7ahh.7 -nd ironlnf In a mall pnyate family, good < Ity reference* ? ? \ i r\ riar S.T11 ST.. NEAR 2D AY.. FIRST 24-8 floor.?A respectable young rtrl M eh?*??r maid and waitress or fo do washing and Ironing. beat city reference.) ? 7?r/? WEST 47TH ST.. ROOM 5.?A RESPECTABLE 2?)f) young clri aa chambermaid or aa chambermaid aad waitress; eood reference* ___ WEST 21f> ST. (PEFSEN? EMPLOY EB'S).?A ^Oo yotins Itirl ?? chambermaid and waitress. XS3 WFST WD ST.. TOP FI.OOR._A YOUSO 203 girt aa chambermaid and waitreaa; best city reference*. ?>/Wl EAST 42D ST.. CORNER ID AY?A RESPBCT 300 able girl as first claas ch",1nl>*I'mS1(,_"frt. rew. best city r?frrence from last place. No cards. nnn FAST C5TII ST.?A TOOJtfi AMERICAN WO 303 man aschaml^rmaM and waltr?? in a small priyaw f?mil? ; no objection ?? the Ugtrr^ sRgl . ?.sT ?th ST?"< RESPECTABLE YOCNG 304 gill a* chambermaid and waltr*aa In a aroaJI private ?ood dfy reference. O t\A FAOI KD ST, F1KST FLOOR. FKONT Ei^-'.^ss.rrur.ranr'ffl; #r-n; fllftl > ears' < ify raiereac*. n/\ r TT1I AY ?A YOOG WOMAN AS CHAMBBK* iermaid and waltresa or to aaalat In the wish ing and malTe herself nenerally useful; wage, no object; ? city or < oniitrv; good retcftMe?. | ?Vr7/7 fcA*T mil ST.?A BBSPBCTABLE TOCfO 300 girl as chambermaid and waltre*; boat city reference Can be seen for ..?e day. HUM Jisrff r?.S5S!SWV?6?1^5t1 lor two daya. . ? ?? - \V IM FlBNITl-BE STORB.-A RKSPECT 31M ahk Protestant woman as chaml.ermaU and laundress or as lann.lresa. si-i ?" wkht aini sr.?a rrspkctabib young 31.') ctri a* chambet maid and waitress, or would do hoiiwo^ "a small fam ly; ? ?ood waaber and troitarr beat city reierene*. _ u *7r tlTll ST. BKTWK.rfN 1ST AV. AND AY. , 320 \ sec ,n l floor, front.?A young girl, laiely landed, ^o do eh.mbe'work wa^.tng or general housework in a small faniliy. 2 a* in KAgr CD sr. A YOLNO flIRL AS 0?M?' 3^f*i herinaid *n l waitress: willing and obliging; noTHectlon t"' lie country: three years' refr reuee. ?.sT 72r> ST.?A BKSPECrARLH YOU.1G 339 ?irl as chambarmalu and waitre-M>r lo do ? ' . ,.K?^Vk ?nH a "t.t with Ihc washing Itt a prlyato ftmSi";'"?? rr.V.i y VST ,-pTII ST. (RIM' THIRD BKI,L).-V? | I ,(| r?nerlenc*'d chamncriuald ind lo do plain acw IM Of as^I and to ere ot ehlfiiraa; ttye yoars' city reference. -T77. t i-Tlt ST between 1ST and ?d ats.. 340 se^oti.l rtoor: frttiit. A > <;?ng ^rUo do apatalrj work and Wiishln* r K"t"r:il h- u-ework in a amail lirivate familyi titY reference. _ __ i||. sT.-A COMPETENT GIRL AS ,144 chambermaid and waltren; Ave years city re ? erense. _ - ... .lOO OTH 4V-\ COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID; 383 Sat city reference Can be seen tor two daya^ i.o- 1ST AY-TWO RESPECT MILK PROTEST AST ,A,S; ) eirls ( tie a< ehami erniald and nurse ; the^oiher *s liiiindnv*; can eomc well .eco^.mauded. Add.eas FANNY ll> JSITtATlOtS mrmtO-mRM&LEg. ('httmt)?rn:ai<ii. ?Se. 0(lf? XTn AT.?A RESPECT* BLE WOMAN TO DO 0?7U cltambcrwork and tine washing: understands ner business tharoii^hly: wnulrUi'Mdo nlsln sewing In a #mall private laintiy : has lit ? txi ,t ot city reference. J(\Q oril AV., X.v TUK HAJKEBY.?A RKSPKCTA 1'' ''7 i.'le ynnnir girl as cliniaieruiald and waitress: no ohl'ction tu20 in the ?-oti 111or us nurst, to travel intlt ? fei|)?t.iD!8 !?milyi lour junta hull ?, cars' refer ence front last employer. Am10 WEST 2VTH ST.. Hit W FLOOR, HACK.?A J 1.0 yonne girl as chambenviata and waltro sin a prvatc i.tmiv: willing to assift iu wastUog 0T to do housework; best city reference. A I '1 8TH AV.?A YOUNG AMU? RICAH PROTESTANT rltJ firl is chambermaid and waitress orr.s cham bermaid and nnrsc; it willing .and obliging, good city rctereuco. ,4 1 S WEST 49TH ST.?A Y? >CNG OIRt, AS CHAM X I ? 1 bermatil and waitress, or would assist with washing and Ironing; no objection to the country : city reference. A] Q WEST 35TII ST., O.N 11 STAIR UP, FRONT Tit/ room?A respectable y?nng girl as chamber maid and waitress in a small priaite family; three years ami ten months' city reference; n > objection to go in the country. A in WE.3T atST ST.?A NP;E AND OBLIOING XlU girl to do chanberwork. and watting or to take care of children; no objection to do llglt housework, c?all for two days. A Li A 2D A V.?A RESPECTABLE YOU MO GIRL AS TUT chambermaid ; it willinp and ubllcins. and will make herself generally tiseiul. CfcUl for two days. (*?|02D AV.?A TO UNO GIBfc AS CHAMBEBMAID U LJj and waitress. or nurse in a private family. Ex ecllont city ret'erencca flon LEXINGTON AT.?A LADY WISHES TO Hod a situation for her dt .imbcrmald; is an ex cellent laundress. 719 3D AV., BETWEEN WIT! AND ?TH STB,, IN t I-j tancy store.?A girl to ?lo chnmberwork and waiting and to assist In washing .and ironing; is a good laundress; cltv or country; good mftreoce. 7^71 (TB AY.. BETWEEN ISO AND 43D STA. IN *T I 1 the fancy store.?A ytung girl as first c'a?s ehamb-rmnld and seamstress or as waitress: wishes to go tn the conutry for the summer; best city references. RJ_7 6? AV-< CORN&B 48nt ST.. IN DBY GOODS Ot 1 store.?A Protestant woman tis chambermaid and waitress; best citv rererens*; will go a short ils tance in lite eonntry. Can be seen from 1U till 1 on Mon day. 8,-1 1ST AV. BETWEEN 47TS AND 48I'll STB.?A ?J.L young girl to do chamberssork and waiting in a private family; best city reference, 8,-1 1ST AV., BETWEEN 47TH AND 48TH ST.-., ! t'l one stairs, front?A ,vou?{ girl to do chamber work and tine washing. QLif* 2D AV.?A RESPECTAHLE GIRL AS CHAM UUU bermaiit and to assist wj tli washing and iron Ins; good city reference given. Q07 ITI AV.. BEAR 53D ST., REAL ESTATE Ot/ I office.?An English glti as chambermaid or cock, washer and ironer; cltv i#r country; city refer ences. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG HIHL A- CHAMBER. | maiti and waitress, and v>ould a*-ist in washing and Ironing: best city reterenca. Apply at northeast , corner 66th st. an I 7th av. Dressmakers and Seamstresses. QQ BLEECKER ST.-A PIFWT CLASS OPERATOR 1 OO on Wheeler A Wilson's machine desires a perma nent situation in a private tatally; understands dress making and and all kinds of landly sewing : would assist i with light cbamberwork; two years' reterencc front 1 last place. Apply at ttie Worfctngwomen's Protective ; Union, New York. 'JQ STII AV., NEAR JANE SU-A FRENCH PERSON OO to go as seamstress in families by the day. week or month, ('all or address. C] WEST 21 ST ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND 8TII AVS ? A fashionable dressmaker wishes a few cngnse mentsbythe day, or wonld take work home; Is an ex pert and elegant designer, cu.vs by measure and truns stylishly. j 4TH AV.. OPPOSITE SrEWART'S.?A FIRST I U</ clans dressmaker; an eflfcilcnt cutter, fitter and 1 designer, to go by the day in families at $2 per day. or I make the most fashionable (tresses at home; priccs trom S; cutting and bastiug doar. Address. f'Q WEST 4SD ST., ROOM 1&-A RESPF.CTABLR DO yottng girl to do gno<i pltrtn sewing and to assWt with chamber work in an American family; city reter encc*. Call tor two days. | in?) WEST 14TH ?T.?AN ARTIST, GIVING HER attention to dressmaking, wishes the work of a few more families; inaKes beautiful suits out of 16 to is yards of silk; repairs old dresses equal to new; wedding i trosseaux a specialty. Call and sea specimens. mWBST 91H ST.-A YODNG OIRL AS SEAM- ! stress and chambermaid; Is a good operator on i Wheeler >t ?ilsou's machine; best city rclerence. "I QQ CHRVSTIE ST.-A PROTESTANT GKRMAS JL?lf7 woman as seamstre-'s Jind lady's maid; under stands cutting, fitt'ng tint machine sewing- also hair, dressing ; no objection to the ?rtMiutry. Mrs. BEIMEKS. 1 f ?> WEST 39TIJ ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG JLtO girl as seamstress; tTM. years' city rcterence. ?1 CQ EAST 32D ST.-A DfcJlSSMAKF.R WISHES A A?)0 lew more engag-menti'bv the day or week ; has a machine ot her own if retjnirod; would take work home. QOC WBST S9TU PT.-A Kl Sl'ECTABLB GIRL AS aeatn*tre*a and to do Mn? chamberwork in a private inmliy; can operate <?v Wheeler A Wli-on'* and several other machine*: nndftrstani* ilrrmin i icing and all kind* of fine lamiiy sewln*:: iu> objection to ihe coun- | try; is willing and obliging; it?o8 city reference. Call tor two darn. I (1J r EAST48TH ST.?A YUBY NKaT. COMPETENT ?TU woman us family smmatreia: can do all kind* of family sewing. Kentlemfc.-1! and ladle*' unoercloth in*. shirt*, children'* clothing. embroidery and drcs? makers' tlimfiing; ha* Iter o-ivn machine; would ace to two growing children: good n lerence. 017 WKfiT BOTH ST.?A COLORED SEAMSTRESS ? i I wishe* to go out by the day; can cat and fit. Call or add rem. ?JO?l WEST 40TH ST. ?A respectable GIKL AS first class *eamatreia* would take care of chil dren , no objection to the coantry; beat city reference. QOl EAST J!ST. ?A OKJ SSMAKER WISHES EM OOl ploynient to go out. t>v the dav; ia u good finer understand* Wheeler A Wiwon'R machine. QftU ?? AT.?A COMPl TI-*r HRESSM \ KB t ?)"/?' wwhe* to engage toy the day : eut* and trim* in the latent *tyl?-s; city reference. A or WEST .TflTM ST.?.A PROTESTANT GIRL TO 00 out by tne day; la * first clasa dreasmakcr; ex cellent city reiercnce. 4t)n WiiST ?D ST., CS THE STORK ?A YOUNG ?1 woman a* tress an I ch.imhermaU or in miml children: good opeuator -in Wheeler A Wilson* machine an l can do all kind* of family sewing, goo I city reference. ' e/tiH WB*T MTH ??' XEAR IOTII AV.-A~nF. ?p - 'Uible vounc girl, lately lauded, 10 do plain aewlng and take care oI < Jilidren /tin Il> AY.. TMIRI> FLOOR, PROMT.?A PIRST i OIU cla*s dres* and cW?a* maker would work for a few more tamilles: can out and fit In the late*t French Mvics. wonld laae work at her residence 1: required: no objection* t<J the country". Addre.** K. C. for two day*. <><,/? ?TH AV.. FIRST FLOOR.?LADIES CAN RKLT ; O'M) 011 getting perfe?? fitting dre-*e* made stvti*b; trimming, remodelling. <uituitg and baatlng a sperialtv; ?2 dav* in country at home. Call oo or addrc'aa T. B.' Utt/I ST" AT.-A SEA KSTIIE8S, BT TIIH DAT OR CUT week; iinder*tanil* dresamakiog and all tewing machine*. Kmc the necoal bell. Aoood dbessmajlbr wishes the work or a tew more first rlaw* tamilles: tasty at catting and ? trimming. Addre** CvWtmm, box 110 Herald Uptown Branch office^ Arkspectablk YOCNG oiri. WISHES A FO-I lion in a private i.smllv abnui Anrli id, a* seam- j (tress: ha* a goo.1 knowledge of dressmaking; been ae customed 10 fini?h after a (treaamaker h?ir dressing; > andrr*tand* Wheeler A Wlleon's sewing machlae : ?i>a d aaaiat with other dune*: a umily leaving the city for the aummer preferred: an Interview at present emptor. 1 er'?; beat city reference. Adilreen sEAMoTBIii>a, Herald Office _____ ' AOKKSSMAK! It WISH I S TO 00 OUT BY TUB day or week . tinder* tr.nd* cutting and fitting: can flnl*h; marblne. ternix $ .">1 per dav. Address DRRKs., box 117 Herald Uptown Branch office. General Homework, Ae. a a rr.nni st? t? tii* rbar.-a respectable ^?O glri In a private tatmily to do general hoiinewor*; la a Ural cl*.*? w asher and ironer; etgtit yean' city refer ence trorn her la*t place 1 /in SPRING ST ?A TOT'NG WOMAN TO DO HOI SB OU work: la n good wa/ther and ironer; is a good baker . can make herself generally 11-elui, countrv pre- 1 ferred; good reference*, Can oe seep i<?r twoda.t*. ?tfkff WKST ?D ST.. rtl^R ?TH AV.-A RESPECT nil able young mrl to do general hooaework In % ?matt familyj good city rr& rence MWKSr Z4TH ST.. TSlIRD FLOOR.?A COLORED woman to do ? hou-ework or aa ?eatnxtre** and to take charac of ciul.t en. rail or addrem. I 07 WEST mth ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOt:\.? \lii girl 10 do general Boaae work in a private fam ily . eity reference. 1 II K\ST no ST.. BT.TWFKX LEXINGTON AND \A av*.?A mlddle-*iged woman to do hou.seworK In a small i?r<vate grown lamll.r. boat city reierenc-. i ill or aildr-ss. I I I EAST l?TH ST. IN BASEMENT. OPPOSITE Jtr T.niiinanv Hailv?A reapcrfahle f'rote?tant iniiiig woman tu do nait hotucwork. Apply to liar pareuw. lanimra. j ?/./? wt'sr w,rti sr., yiRST fi.oor.?a respect- 1 H)U aide young girl to .10 general honaework in a am all prlr.tie laiatly: ><? objection to the country; l>e*t cliv reierenee. ii|k.) WEST ltMT ST.-<A competent TOUNG WO i'man to do general housework tn a acnnil private family; good reierenee.^ I)|l| KAST m> ST.?A RBNPECTABLE TOUNG ? t' r girl to do the lioa?ework ot a small lamiiy ;i<t good <? n?iier and ironer; i'*n do plun conkm*: goo<l re fere ace. killo fast wrii HT.-dt BESPRCTABLB woman 1 ^.lrO ui do "enerai h?ai.?ework, or work hv tho day or week. II ? C WEST VSTH *T_ FIRST FI.OOR.?A YOUNG JL' Til girl to do g*neralJlou*e work In a private lam |iv . good city reierenee*. (I 1 EAST mth ST ?A GIRL, LATBLT LANDED, j w'rO to lo jenerat how work: la a good washer iutd Ironer j <1,-1 WB-T ttth ST 1 ' FI.OOR,?A VOt'NG girl to do general nou*ework in a ?matl lamllr, 1 or t? tamdrea*. 1 ali for'two da.*a MTtATIO? WAWTEP? FEMALBI. General Honsfwork, TTR AY. TOr FLOOR. FRO!*!\-A YOUNG -.') 1 Protectant airl to do general housework *nd make herself generally useful; b?st city reierences. O-kl WEST MTU ST. ? A RMSJ'Kc TABLK (.FBI, TO rto general housework; good city reference. l)Sn WEh>r 47TH ST-A SKAT, TIDY YOUKG ? ?' ?< girl, lately landed, to do aeneral housework in a private family; in willing to learn. 0?0 kast i nn vt.-a respectable woman in a small private family ti do general house w jrk. Call tor two day*. OQQ1 DELANCET .T?A YOUNG OIRL TO DO ** '>?) > general housework In a private ffcmllv: Is an excellent washer and Ironer and good plain cook; tour years' reference from last place on 1 KAST soth ST.. TOP FLOOR.?A OIRLTO DO Ol/T housework in a small family; city retercnco. OA(7 EAST S9TH ST.?A YOUNG girl TO DO ?I'' I lisrht housework in a small private family, is willing nnd obliging; two years' reference from her laat place. O I EAST 121) ST., BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D AVS.? ??M) A respectable Protestant girl to do general housework in a private family : good reference. Call lor ! wo days. oor KAST M I'll ST.. TOP FLOOR, FRONT.?A *)?'} young girl, lately landed, as general house worker in a private family, willing and obliging. QQfl WE.vr 1STI1 ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ) to do general housework In n private family ; best city reference*. 0 I 7 EASTSSD ST -TWO GIRLS, LATELY LANDED, ut I to do general house work. OftO WEST 11TU ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?A RE ?M>?J spcctuble vounj woman to do general house work in a small private family; goou city references. 070 WEST 111 H ST.?A YOU NO GIKL TO DO *> I O housework in a small private family; good city reference. j A i\7 WRST ?TH ST.. NEAR 9TH AV.?A RESPECT TrVJ I able young woman to do general housework In a small private family; no objection to cltv or country ; good reference. AH7 WliST 12TH ST.. IN GROCERY 8TORE?A Tr" I respectable girl to do general housework; two years' good citv reference. Call for two days. N10 ?rn av.-a German to do gen TlO eral housework In a small privato faintly: would go a short distance In the country; good city ref erences. 491 WEST 44TH ST., SHOOKD FLOOR. FRONT.? ? *t A respectable woman todo general housework. J07 EAST 14TK ST.. FIRST FLOOR. BA K tfc? I room.?A respectable woman ro do general housework ; no obja^tion to the eouutry; best city refer ences. 1/.M WEST 32D ST.?A SCOTCH GIRL, NOT LONG *?vJ 1. in the eonntry, to assist with ironing, plain cooking and honsecleamng; city or country ; Is willing to learn ; ftlJ a month I (lO WEST 40TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO *?00 do general housework; is a good cook, washer and Ironer; tiest city reference. Call or nddrcsa. tiTII AV.-A YOl'NO AM' ltll AN CJ1RL TO do general housework in a small plain family. 31) AY., BETWEEN 49TH AND 80TH STS . RE AR house.?A respectable wumau to do general housework; is good plain cook, wisher aul ironer;city refcence. Call lor two dtyi, QC1 1ST AV., BETWKBR 47TB AND 48TH STS , Ot'L first floor, frontr?A young elrl for general housework In a small privato family; is a good washer and Ironer; good citv reference. Q-Q 7T1I AV.. BETWEEN 55TU AND 56TH STS.. IN 0(J0 the store.?v widow woman, lately landed, to do general housework in a small family; a gooa plain cook. 2D AV -A OIRL AT GENERAL HOUSEWORK tor a -mail privatu family ; good city reference. 3D AV., THIRD FLOOR.?A RESPECTABLE yoong girl to do housework. "1 1 07 ai> av- near 59TII ST., TOP FLOOR, 1.1.^1 back room?A voung girl to do general housework in a small private family; city reference. Apply to Mrs. CARNEY. 1 "1 QO 3D AV.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL; CAN DO J . I?)? general housework for a private family ; best city referent*. 1 1 K7 2D AY.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OIRL, l.lclf lately landed, to do general housework In a small private family; willing to make herself generally upeiul. 1 "U'A AV.. TOP FLOOR.?A YOUNG OIRL TO l.ll )U do housework in a private family; beat city reference. Call Monday on Tuesday. 1 OOO 'D AV-- KlVK DOORS FROM THE CORNER 1 Li ot 74th at.?A young girl to do general house work in a small private family; city reference. Address. Houseker tiers, Air. 1 O 4TH AY.. TWO FLIGHTS UP. FRONT ROOM lit (don't ring).?A young widow as honae keeper in a gentleman's tan lly- Call on Mrs. BAKR. 626 803 866 962 A~l FORSYTH ST., IN THE BASEMENT.-a LADT T"X of fln? talents. lately arrived trom Europe, ti housekeeper to a aentleman widower. Ifkl WK8T 4?TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GERMAN J. VIA woman, with one child, a* housekeeper; can take ftill ciarge ot house daring snmmer; reference. om WE-T 2#TH ST.. TOI* Fl.OOB.-A MIDDLE ju'JL aged woaisn to take charge of a widower's fam ily, where there are small children good reference. (TIQ EAST no ST., YORK VI I.LK.?A TOCNO ?JlO widow lady, without encumbrance. as first class housekeeper In a widower's or bachelor's family; un derstands the care of cnillren ami management of ser vants : best reference (riven nnii required, fall on or audro**, tor three day*. Mr*. W. B. Laandreuei. 6CX10N COCBT. BETWEEN UTH AND 1JTH STB., in University alace.? A respectable woman as laun dress in a private lamlly ; understand* her budnea* thoroughly; best city references. Oft KINO ST.. SECOND FLOOR. RE Alt ? A BE ?>? I spectahle woman wishes to take In tamilies'and ge- tlemen's washing; also to go out woralng by the dav. 4?? PBRRY ST.. Nt'AR WAVEBLET PLACE.?A ?) re?peetableglrl as first claaa laundress; urder stands dating i<ufnnz and crimping; wouid assist with rhamt>erworki good reference. /'/? LKHOY <T.. ROOM 19. TOP Fl.OOR, FRONT-A I )Q respeeiahle married woman want" s family's wash ta( at 40cents per dosen rough dry; it one in the best style. ijf> WEST 38TH ST.-A GOOD, SMART GIRL AS I ?) laundress or to <to chamberwor* and line wasii Ing; best city reference*. < all for two day* 8tz crn at., top floor- a oood laundbebs ') wishes gentlemen's or families' washlne; la a llrst c ase 11undress moderate; good city reference. Ad dreea Cc. OQ ?T? A* ? TWO FLIGHTS I'P, rKONT ROOM -A 0>J reipeetahle woman waati gentlemen'* and ladies' washing; bent reiereace. Call for two daya. 1111 BARROW ST.. FIRST FLOOR. BACK ROOM -A ll'i reepeetable woman to ?l? ladles' at?i gentlemen'* washing ; woul 1 g i out i'V the day or a- laundress in a boarding boas* aad sleep home ; good reference. f/vT nsmflnwrfsp-ffii or. first 1 U I floor ?A respectable colored weman wishe* a few gentlemea'aor tarailie*' washing; 40 cent* to $1 per doaen. Ifl7 WB8T ?THBT.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN JVI to lake in washing and Ironing at her own h<?use; gentlemen's or iamines' washing; nood rcler ence: moderate price*; a first claas lannoreaa. Call for two 'lav* m; MA r Do C" GAL~MPT?? IRBT t LABS LAUNDRESS ) soil-its washing an i Ironing !>v the week or mont?i; all clothe* returned prompflv special attention given to gentlemen's washing. n7 WEST .'?fH ST.-A CON PET B NT PERSON Tf? . I go ont hv the dav as nr?t class laandreas or to do honseeleaulng; best city reference U- WEST 5*I> sr. HBTWEBN6TH AMD 7TH * Vs. ? I A re?r eetsble woman to go ont by the dav to waah and iron or to do hoaeeeleamng. n7 WEPT MTU ST-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ? as tlr?t rlatw lanndres* ; Is willing to aeslit with the ehamberworfc; best city references. Can be seen for two Java. mWE-T Ran ST.-A BKSPECTA RLE MARRIED woman to go out by the day to do washing or housecleaniog. good city reference. 10H WEST *TH ST.. IN BASEMENT.?WASHtSG JL4iv atid irontna done bv a respectable colored woman; dating ana all ktad* or tine wsshinr. also gentlemen's wa?h'ng dome to order by Mr* LuMAX. VJi WEST 80TH ST.. OVER TAILOR'S.-A COL I ?> I ered laandresa wiahes lad lea' and fetiUemen s waahlni;. dgy's work. Mr*. L. WHITE. tOft WEST 19TH ST.. TOP FLOOR. RACK ROOM.? I ?>?) a re?aei tahle woman to go o?t bv the ilav or to do arentlemen's washing at her own noaee; go<M reter oac. "1'iA west irrn st.-a Totjjio oikl to wash liJU and Iron or do general ho??ework in * ?miill family, n . ohieetlna to a short dlatanrn in tiie conn try; l.em rit\ retetvn. e l'i(^ ST., THIRD FLOOR -A RF.MPEcr. able woman to .10 .a-lies' or gentlemen's wash in*; woald gocu: i.v ;hedsy w.iahing or honneeleanlng. tddro-? Nrs. KDWARDS. I IO WEST :?TII ST., IV STORE. - \ RBSfT CTA I r-i bl* woman u> go oat tw > or three dava to wash ar clea*. I I I EAST C'.n ST TOP FLOOR ?AS HR'-. r l i t clas* laun lre?* n a urivat^ tfluillv; un lerstanu* all kind* ot Kroncli tlu'ing; l?est city relerence. _ U- WKST 39rn ST-A BBsPECTjMILB WOMAN ?) to do eentlemen's or families' waahlng or woald go out l>.v the <iav; can <lo no clothee In the neatest man ncr; eight yoars' reference. 1 -1 WK.ST ?D sr.-A FIRST CLASS COLORED l*)L laumlress to lo washing and Ironing at home; terms reawn^hle; good reference. Call tor two day*. 1,-1 WEST WtH ST.?A KIRST CLAM COLORRD 1?> I laiindr"-" want* a family's or single gentlemen's washing; lluilng in ml Its hranrhe-" K. I*. A. 1 -;?? WEST sisr t!r.. IN TUB BASEMEXT. ?*S l?)*J tlr? clasa laundress, to do l*dies'. gentlemen's ami families' washing- Inrni;lire r-r*. window shade*, ?ii done In be*t*tyle; prompt anil _ Mrs. SI M M -. *? ".I WKsT 1ST 11 ST.. RF Ml, ROOM 4-A RP l ? 'I ?O'-ctahle c rl to go out l>y the ilar to do wa?l? lug, ir.?n:or hott*'cleaning; g .oil reieri-nce. 1 ft I WBhT isril ST.. BOOM A IS THE REAR -A l'J X respectable woman wishes gentlemen's or Um ili< *' washing! rlothimir done ap in the nextest manner, understands fluttnt; b*jt family reftrence*. eiTVATIOWl W*!?TE?-rBWAf a. _ liaundrcim, Ac. ? 1 *"*>t 1?TH ST.. REAR, ROOM NO. 8.-A BB 1<J'J spsctable womnn wishes washing to do in hei house or would go out bv the dav: understand* fluting t good reference. ICO WEST 28TH ST.. BETWEEN 6TH AND 7PH l'tO art., room 18, ton floor. ?A competent lsundre* wishes gentlemen's or family washing; will do plnti washing at 75 cents per dozen; Is an excellent shir inner and will taks puius to give entire satisfaction Call or adores*. "lf*| HlD-iON >T.. SECOND FLOOR.?A VOUMfl lul woman to so out bv the dav to do washing am*. Ironing or houscclcanlng; good reiercnce. Call or ad dress i! V 200 WIrs.T OTTH ST- T"f V-LOOR.-A YOUNtl housccieantn* *? ?Ut by ,he d,ly washl"C I'ontng and 201-} \7Tn "T- skcoVd floor, frobi ?itt i.. i.roo"1? A young woman an laundrew; will a* * ' hamberwork : (food citv reference. m 207 ihifT :<0TH 8T'' KBAR ?'J AV.?A RE8PK0T ^., ^..5 .woman wants a family'* washing at hei own house; city reference, , a I tor two days. V()7 WEST 2IITH ST., BhTWEBN 7TH AND UTS wiishinffinrtT,Anf8SI!". wom*n to' go on' *tr re"?re*ee V thC llay or 10 Jo "ounecleanlni Oil 7 WEST 26TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR.?A YOUNG ?' I i woman to go out by the day lo work: ia a good laundret*. 9()0 WEST 19TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE TOPN< woman to do a lew gentlemen's anil ladle* washing nt hvr own home; is a first cla?s laundrcsa good city reference, 91 Q WEST 27I7I ST., ROOM 14.?A RBSPEuTABLI ajIO woman to take in washing nt her own home or would go out bviheday; would do house cleamaff good rtkruM. <>99 EAST 29TH ST-A RE - PECTABLE WOMA? ?? wiKh"s to go oot hv the day or week to wash i.-ou or clean house. ('all oh Monday. April 12. Mrs. ELLIOTT. ono west nn st. rear.-a respectable woman to take in wa*Mng or go out by the day. oqr EAST I.'D ST.. r::ar? a respectable iO'l woman wishes soui" ladies' or gentlemen'* washintr. or would go out by the dty; can do lluting If required Call or nddre-s nil the week. KA IE BASEMENT.?A RB -itW gnectable latin ires. to take In washing and ironing of a lew more families; tlrst class city reler ences. 9 J/1 EAST 4isr ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOIIAI wtv to take in washing and ironing at ner own rest dcnce or go out by the dav; eight years' reiercnce tron one employer. Inquire lii the grocery *tore. 9 J 9 EAST MTU ST.. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D AVS,. top lloor. room It.?a first class laundress to dc families' washing: also children's and Indies' suits done up In tlrst class sivle: Itest city reference*! 9J_?J I-A ST 2STII ST. ? I RESPECTABLE WOMAS -Til to take In gentlemen's and faimlii**' washing is no?t in doing u? shirts ?n l tlm rles; good reiereticea. Call ou the second floor, back room 9 JO EAST >TH ST.. rin Kit FLOOR.?A RESPECT ?s t'J able woman to wor;? by the day, to wash or do hou*cclcuiuiig, or would tiiKe washing in her own rootaa. 911 wbst ma sr., okb stair up, front <41x1 room.?A respectable woman wishes to tnke washing at Iter *\TU residence; has no objection to go out tiouaecleaning. 9 lf? WBBr rt'lTll ST.?A OOXPBTBNT WOMAN AS -it" laundress no objection 10 go a short distance lti ttie country; best city reiercnce. t'ail on or addrea* l.Al'NoUKSS. 9WEST 47TII 8T.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAH &*)\) to do ladies' or gentlemen's washing a' her owi house or to ?'o out by tlio day; best oitv rcierence. k)'\l WEST 31 sr sr., TOP H.'IOK?A SWCDISB woman as flrst class laundress-, would tak* washing to her own home. Call ail Hie week. 9f'f\ 6TH AV.?A FIRST CLASH LAT'NDRES? ?\)\f (colored) wishes the washing of flrst class fami lies, ladies ana gentlemen, call nn or address Mrs. A. K WBIQHT. 9?Q WEST 34T1I ST.?AS FIRST CLASS LADS dress In a good private family; flrst class refar enees. O/JI EAST S1ST ST.. ONE FLIGHT OF STAIR*, III GUI the back.?A respectable woman wonid like t* get washing and ironing at her owu honse; is a drtt class washer, ironer and flr.ter; or to go out by the day to wash, Iron and scrub. Call or address. QAfl EAST SI ST ST.?A LA INDRE8S WOULD ? J'/U like a family's or u few gentlemen's washlnr at her own noine; understand* polishing and fluting: good reference; terms reusonable. call or addresa. ?)/i^ HI'SI' 4ITII s:-? Si 1 (IM> FLOOR. B\CK OlfO room.?a rc*pectable widow woman wl*h?a ladle*'or gentlemen's washing bv the month or dozen; all kinds of muslin done up; fluting by machine; term* moderate; be?t reference : a beautiful place lor bieacft lug. Mr*. MOORE. OfkQ EAST 49TII ST., IM THE STORE.-A RESPEOT. QUO table Blrl a* flratclass laundress) has the beat city roterenee from her last place. QIO ?EST 44TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR FROST Oil/ room.?A respectable woman to do fauillle*' or fentlemen's washing at her own house; would go out by be day; best city reference. 01 1 7th AT.. RO )M 6.-A RESPECTABLE WOMaI Oil. to take gentieindn'sand families' wishing to har own home: understand* nutting and pollaiiiug; best city relereneoa QI'J EAST S7rH ST.?AS FIRST CLASS LaUN OIO dress in a private family ; best city reference. X BAST 24TH ST.. RPAR HOUSE. TOP FLOOK* Ol'J A respectable wo?nan would like to go oof by the day to wash and Iron or do housecleaning; refer ence. ?rift BASTHBTST., BA^EMEBT.-A FIRST CLASS OlU laundress to do families' washing, or would go ont by the day: understands nil kinds fluting, puffing, nnd pnll-ttlni!; best ciiv r. len no. Q1 7 EAST 4JD ST.. TOP FLOOR. RACK. ?A RB o I I spertable woman wishes families' and gentle ?en.* washing; best city reierence. Call for two day% Qlfl EAST .TOD ST., ROOM 9.-A FIRST CLASS OlO laundress 10 Jo ladie*' or centlemen's washing at her own home <<r wouid go out bv tho day; can data an 1 p.i.isn : citv refcrrnoe. Can or addrew. Q1Q EAST 74' II ST . TOP FLOOR. BACK BOOK if I'' A first ola-s laundress wishes ladles anil gentle men's wsihlns ai her <>wn home; undersund* all aorta ?f clothe.- Best r< lercncea ??1(1 WBST trtu JT.?A It E< Pr.i'T V FtLK WOMAB ? > I ?' to go nut by the day to wash or houseclesa. Can lie seen for two days. ? >.1 I east jstii sr.. one stairs or, in thb ? ?^T rear ?A good laundress wishes some famlllM' or gentlemen's wa-hing to do by the week or doxen. Mr a. FARRKLL. ??<lf? EAsT writ 7 THIRD FLOOR, | ONT IOn|* ? A respectable voting irirl as flrstela.w laundress; three year*' reference from her last place. ?JO/\ WEST 44TH >T -A RE PECTABLE OIRL AS ? lanndress. good reference, can be seen for two days. ?>Qf\ RAPT M'R ST.?A RF.SPErTABI.R WOMAN ?)?>>? to *<> out bv the dav to do washing. Ironing or housecleamna; good reference. QOA KAfT HP -T-\ RhSPE' TARLE GIRL AS ?????? ftrst cia-* laundrcs* tn a private tmniijr, to (to In fhe eonntrv; heat city reference. ran be wen tor tiro day?. I)f|\ WEST S7TT1 ST., THIRD FLOOR. ROOM II ? ? )?)" Wanted, a mnall family'* washing or a lew Kel tic men's. OS I WEST S D ST ?A RF.SP OTVBLR COLORED * ?? ?'t woman to take In tamllia*' or gentlemen'* waah I mg. wonld go out by the day; (luting (tone. Call on or addreae Mr* HaKKR. OCQ WEST J5TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS *y?Kj laundress in a private family; tour years' city reference. Al\<) EA"T UTH ST., THIRD FLOOR.?A FIRST 'x"_i clam laundre** to<lo families' and gentlemen's wa?hlng; will do np cloihc* on r>'a?omibie term*: fluting neatly Jone by hand or machine ; good city reference. RAST ,STH ST.?A FIRST CuAKg LACK Tt") <tre??. understand* tinting in all it* branch**: ha* llred right >ear? with a private family. HO INT AT.. IS THE CIOAR STOHF. NEAR 24TB ? at?A rcspoctahle woman a* nr?t clan lann drew In a private familr or hoarding hm?: liaaachild one rear old : will go tor low wan * hv htiv'ng the ehtld with her: good citv reference. fail or add re a* on M?n d ay. | I 7 WI'.i-T SJD ST.. TOP VLOOB.?A REsPECTA. H I i ide woman to do waahing at her own home , l?e*t city reference, HO WKHT IWTH ST.. BEAR. OSK FLIOHT HP, II*' rich! hand door.?A lanndre** who nm<er?tandi her t u*lne*> in all it? braochrt. de?ire* a few gentle men * or tamlle*' w.i*hlng flutli g. putting and line lacei neatly done: or woald go i>nt hv the dav to wa*h iron or hoitsa clean . b*?t of mere ace. Call all the week ill- WEST ST?A RE-PECTABLE WOMAN to do wa.hlng or nouaecleanlng by the day of week: goud reference. 4 (in ?TrI xV* BBTWRB.N ?TH AND *>TH SIS, *T*"t thi d Boor, room 10, h*ek room ? A competent woman Wi*he< some ladte*" or g?ntl?men'* or families' washing In her o?n home; can do them up in tn* neaie*t manner; if required. ("ail all the week. IP AV. RFTW IN AND 31ST STS. ?)?)?.' two *talr* up ? A widow wishes to do gentle, men * or ladir-.' wa*hlng, or would go out by the flar; good reference. ?**>?1 I T AV.. BETWERN 3ATII AND SUTM 8TB,, t>?^?J *econd floor, h ick ?Hi** OAT PL K woiRd like to ?ee the lace* ot tho*e people wno wish to give otti washing and Ironing. {?oq STII AT.?A RRSPECTABLR WOMAN vau wisnea wa?hlng at her own residence; good citj reference. t'SVl ,D AT ? SBCOlfD Ft.OOR, BACK ROOM ?? respectable woman wl?he* to do ladle* and gentlemen'- wa*hing. or t>. go out hv the dav to do any re*pectable work; good reference it required. <71 ft IB AT.?A BRBPKCTARI.K LAl'XDBES? I I') wlaltea e-a*hint at her own hon*e and to go on the tl rwt two da.** of the week: unter*tand* her work thormwlilv, i.e-t city reference. ran he *ecn for twt a ays Klu* *ecund bell. 7 f?) 7TH AT,?\ RR.SPECT A RLR WOMAN TO I ru take fti v a*hlng an i ironing . flannels done at equal 10 new ; poiiditug and liming dona. 77 I 2D AT.? \ RE^PRCTABI.R OIRL AS FIB.S1 I | r elasa launrire**; beet eity reference. CJ.JH ST 11 A V., CORN KB turil ST.. 8ECOJID FLOOR* O*?"' ?A respectable ;omg woman a* S*a* .-'sat laundre*#. good city rclereno-.