Newspaper Page Text
TTTATTOW WAyTEP?FBWAI<KI. LauailreaiCf, Ac. D?*4 JD AV.. SECOND PLIGHT, BACK BOOM.?A CUT respectabla widow woman wishes warning at ker own bouse: gentlemen a pretcrrod. Call (or two fays. QQl SD AV._LADIES OR A VEI1Y SELECT FAMILY UU I may have flue work dull* up bcautiltilly by Mr*. QALP1NE. QQQ 31? AV.. IX THE FANCY STORE.-A UK ?/Ci7 spec table woman wishes a lew ladies' or gentle Bicn'n wnshltw, or would n<> out oy thu day cleaning or mv k.ilid oi housework. 1 fkUU HT AV.. CORKlilt or 60TH ST.. FOURTH J ,\Ju'7 floor.?A tlrst class laundress desires large or ?mail iamllies' wutilag and ironing bv the week or dozen; iiiKTiBs done up in the neatest stvie, Call ou or addreaa. lor oue ween, Mrs. KENEALLij 1 1<4Q ?" AV.. NEAR 61-sr ST.. TUIttn FLOOR. l.lUO Washing done up In the neaies style; cuffa and collars done up like coming trom a store, at iSc. a 4o?u (jCall ou or addres* Mrs MU LUNGGiSN. Jinrset. ?Vc. 8 COTTAGE PLACE, NEAR BLEECKF.R ST. ipresout employer's).?A smart flrl to take care of children. " "I {) WEST 33TH ST.. BASEMENT DOOR-TWO li young colore 1 girls; ono as child's nurse or lady's maid, the other as chambermaid or pantry girl. Call for two day*. TO LEWIS ST.. THIRD FLOOR.?A RESPECTABLE J.O womai; as nurse; is fond of children, and would go ro th* country tor summer; seven years' city reier ?nce, einplovercan be arcn. "I Q EAST ?IU ST.?A LADY WI~Hli.H TO PROCURE iO a situation for a most reliable, laithlul mld'Ile-tiged Protestant woman hs nurse: t* ItiMv competent to take entire charge of an ititaut from its tnrUi. on the l otlie, da" and night; long experience in nursing; very be-t Mty reference; highly recommended, call for two day*. i)~ EAST 731) ST -A LADY GOINU AHI:<?AI * 1?K ) sires a situation lor n tlioroughlv > onipeteot Prot estant nurse forati nitunt or growing clilhlren. (in oe (aen on Monday anu Tuesday, irom 9 uuul 4o'clock. OO WEST 36TII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S* A Ot/ competan' nur*e would I ke to engage with u family going lo Europe to wait on children ..r My. 4~ P AST S4TII ST.?A MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN ?? woman ui a rcspt ctutiia family to tnVc rar> ot a ima.l child or Invalid. or to do general housework in a sin a . I family ? oim who wishes a comlortaMe Iiuwe more Hum ix heavy salary. CO MONITOR ST., NKAR THE OLD MANOR t)u House, WilllamsOorg. ? < young woman. with u fresh r.reast of milk, as wee ncrse; would go a short dis tance m the country. 0 K J'ARK AV.?AN ENGLISH PROTESTANT NURSE 0?J to travel; would like to go with a tainllv to Eu rope ; is never seasick. Can oe seen at her preseait cui player's all ibis week. 1 /\ ~ WEST 20TH ST., FIRST FLOOR A YOUNG _LU?) American Protestant girl to taae cure ot chil dren . no objection to the country. U); EAST iVIH S .-AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN Ivy as nurse ; ran take entire charge of an lufant trom birth ; willing to travel. Can be seon until suited M present em plover's. 1AJ Wfcsl 40TH > I. ? A YOCNG GIRL AS NL'RSE XvO lor :? baby or small children; would d? plain hewing; no objection to the country; good city refer ence. *11 <1 WE->T 40TU sT.-A YOUNG GIRL, LATELY landed, to take rare ot children ani do plain sewing; la willing to make herself umiuL. call tor two days. mWEaT 4JTH ST.?A COMPETENT AND EXPE rienced young woman as nurse and seamstress; 6rst class city reference. Ion EAST 21 TH ST.-A YOCNG WIDOW (AMKRI c?n> as nurse and seamstress; good disposition, and willing to inai<.e herself generally useful; good ret Miint Call for two day a Mrs. n. aLLkn. 19Q WBST Hffl IK iBELL 11 ? A CoMPl.TH ST ixO yonng wuman as nurse and seamstri'ss: is lullv coin oetent to taXe the entire charge ota baby; rancuine well recommended. 1 east <ist st.?a yocno girl as ncrse. -IT'* to take care ot one or two children. In ii private family; is willing and obliging; best cliy reference. Call for two days. *1 r A WEST 2?TH ST.. IN STORE.?A RESPECTA _L*?U ble yonng girl as nut* an 1 seamstress; ts fond ?fchildren willing to make herself iieeful and oblitlng; DO objection to the country. Address. in EA T :;2IJ ST., tnu rLOOl FRONT ROOM. Iwl Ayouncglrl as nurse or cuainbermald; good reference rrom la?t place. 1 -q WfcST OTD ST.-A RESPECTABLE MIDDLE lOO aged woman to ta*.e care of children : is willing ?n<1 obliging; good city reference. Call or address. EAST S3D ST.. NEAR 30 AV. (IIOOXD lo- floor.i?a respectable young woman ts nurse and seamstress; no objection to the country; best city reference 1QQ LEXINGTON AY. CORNER T2D ST.-A RE. J.?70 spectable woman of manv vears' experience In the care and management of childrea. w<>uu like to travel with a go'*i tamilv to Knrope or .-an Francisco; n?vcr sea?lck. Call for three days. 907 WKSl WTH ST - SECOND FLOOR, BACK I room ?A young inarnea woman as wet nurse. m)\ ("1 5?rH ST.. BETWEEN 21) AND 3D AYS.. SECOND floor front room.?A voung woman a? nurs/ ??d to do piain sewinr; can se w on Wheeler A Wliss n's Machine ; best city reference. OT O EAST .'s?rH ST.. FIRST FLOOR. IN THP. REAR iilU will not leave her n*n n< me till she has a place ?A respectable married wouian as wet nurse. Call for three davs. 7rH AV- >EAR iiD IT.?A COM PETES T ?.U nar?e in ? private family to take car; of cuii Irea : ll * n?<?: ?*?r: no otfeetiou to (o to the roantrv ?rttu a mmilv. l>r<! citv reference. Q97 F.A?T *3TH ST.. ROOM 14.-1 NEAT. RK i apaetaMe voang gtri a> nur*? and chamber maid : no ob'e'lion t<. go in the country with * laniuv who return to the city in the fall tj- s?. city reform" a from la?t plac*. Can be *>-n for tno dava. nQ7 EAST OTTH >T-K- FIRST CLA.-8 NURfcE -Ol md to do plain sewing, eight year*' city ret rnnce^ ^ OOQ 7Tn AY.-AS NCBKE; WOULD PREFER ^?JO minting an infant: 1/ ve?r?' rererer.' e from .ar Place, i an be *<;en t"f two dav*. OifJ WEST rort: ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAJJ l?*tU a babv to ir'tnari> at her own re.ideace; t>e?t tity ref<" r'n^e vat EA8T 3IST ST.. BKTWEEV JD AND SO AV>_ i?t: I A r*?p<-'-tab> American wotr.?ii *?br? to takaa ifcild to nnr?-; who will hava a tii.t.'ier'd home: reference. oro 1ST AV-A YfiCN1 H1RL TI? XIJfD CHIL ???.)?> dred j. wuiir.g and (jlo.ging. good city refer taee. ( all i ;? addren or.- WEST .WTII ST.?A VOINO GIRL AS NURHK -,')?) and ?eam?ire?; can do all kindi of latrii:y lew ;nT : good refer ? ?>-?.? WE.-T 41S i sr FIRUt FLOOR. FKOXT -A voting French girl a* auri<e ; can *ewonama !';!re: hes. i ;tv reference OQQ 3!? AV TOP FLOOR.-A YOlWfJ WOMAN. rflOO with a fresh hrraftot milk, a* wet onrte. Call ?r addraaa. D1 - EAST WT1I >1.. BETWEEN 1FT AND 2D AV , tli'i taird floofc ftont ro'.m.-A respectable tnarrifd wo in ft* wet unrw; best c.ty r-'eren . baby tlireo ?Mrtl Olft EAST 4.TH ST-* ItE-PEC TABLE YOt'NO ? girl, not long la the eoftntry, a? nur.-te and todu ?owing. wei! recommeni' 1 ?jl T EAST ft'lTH ST.. FIRST FLOOR?A TOOTH OX I ?lrl of II. to a*e <a- ..f children or tc asaift la IigM botuework < ?!> at her mother'*'evidence. 009 EAST r.TII sr.. BETWEEN HT AND SD ? ' ? iiv- . rear hon?e. first fir,nr.? \ voan* woman as ?etnnrw ;ia? a fresh breae*. of mi!*'. noobjerti .1 to the eour.-r-.. O) I WFST 421) ST.?A COMPETENT OIRL AS ?>"r'r iin.-?c in I ?,?mwem. no ubj'-c'.'-.ti to the coun try; best clttr reterencr. ?Ml east :rrii t.. onr flight, proxt.?a ?>*?* 1 respectable w r an wishes a t.r?f t , nurse or won d take ire ot or t* . ero* lug < hiidren OIQ 1.A-T ?)rii -T.-A KE"PK TABLE 0*i ?' married woman ?ith ? ires', r- i?t miik i<t ??t nttrw ? city or 1 ouutry hert city reicrrnce?. 07A TTH AV.?A RRSPECTABLR TOlJtt} WO*AI* ? J 1 ' ' -o mke are ot ? htldren and do plain ?ew ;r,j. rail 1 r t wod sv#. t||i KaRT 211) sr.. THIRD FLOOR, FRONT.? f'-f- Wanted, a fcahy to wet nurse nt home. ? ;? tl tor \wr> 'lavs. a (\z WE-r SITH ST.. NEAR 9TIf AV -A RE x" >'/ ?t>. -jl-;- ??nan? gtr! a- nnr? **. 1 to do t ?iri *iwi t. Cali lur ;?o dzi*. at liie 1 n< nc 11 !ier piren * inn ?ESr~Mr|| ST Ri/O* i ?A COM PET:-: NT *i '' ?' vi amr woman a- first ;a>s hi. 1 ?? m . over atx years'ref renee. 410 ?Tlt AV.-A MOST OEHfRABLR ffoHA.t AS 1 IO 1111 tn a first nasi family ; ??> bring ir .1 ',?? j* Ir n lt? nlftli, nr ia charge ot growm< cinhlr 11 ni l fe-v eich- < en'1 reteren- e 2TTZi ?n* av. -a ? >pm:ta*lk_ wowar'ti*? i I') lai.e ear- .t --lit .tr> n an I do light fiotis.-w.rk; eli v or eoant ry; h??teliv retefen . call or a<i r ?--. 1 (if; i-r At k< ?* 9_? - pj;i , ?nr.f. vae *i riefl UJy ?i<n?a a baity t- wet nur o at tier 0W1! noni i Wi -rami ?T. tmirh fi.oo;:.?!" rc uooit ' II.?A voui. :. healthy w na?. ua wet r.ur- ; best citr r. ic nee 'MM KA T H*T?I si.?A R'-sPECTAl'LK WullAK ?' I ?' aa wet tr. <? ; h? st re! renee. zlu'j 3D AV.. HMTW EN 171II * VO '^r:' ST?.- \ ?-/' '?' 1 ijx ctaMe voun-.; :-;ri to uk? e.i! . 1 a arowim? Ih-ld aii'l lop am 1 ?liif . > good i?ni? nn r desira " tfca' W.uv giv*l I'iiv refeKti e irwtt ,a?' I 'a /?<*.? V-i.sT (Olii -r.- * R1 I" E' A R I.K MAH f;l! I) wixiiin wi-!> s t? have -harfe ?-. i , 1 r ewii hone, n here It will rcetiro a tnoilier'a ear*. It.. #a -e of ?f? Ml ;.i.. I'M" ti ll w. * I'ROTEsrANT '.JUL, ? M .-v, for a or irrow - fhiMi n w. uM d.. '. u Iirrwork It r"fjalr-d . (too : i" ? r. n> e. ff*?C :il> AV. CORNER isril ?T.RESPECTAHLE I ?_?) von:- ? c 1 1 iiarte and ia??ii>crma 1 I, no ll'-fion t'? UlaC'itlBtr < ll ? i:'-e vta lI> AV., BK'J'W I EN 4HT A NT? 430 STS -A I I 'I r?vp< e'MIe nii id i'HC-'J woman is f?nr?e and liani-fre?; Beat reiere?'.<- trout !?.<t poiee, wii?es not .-o tritn''i an oil tee! i? a co . ' rtaol ? h< me nil crn ?v. rrtw bx :.isi and jd sk c in ; #' 1 I 1 iitr I h 11?A % onn * girl, W yarn o'i, to mind ?ntidraa; i? williag and obliginj; no uhjectioa '? gv to Wieaountry, Uvea vritU her 1110'htr. ?rrriiTxoiri wmBD-rcHALii. S arici, <iic. QOO MADISOK AV.-A RK8PBCTABLR YOUKO '' ?'' girl m nurse ; is willing to do plalu sawing. Call or address. 1 21' AV.? A YOU*G GIRL A* FIRST C1.A8S I nurse; thoroughly understands the care Of j children from tlielr birth and bringing Idem up ou the ! bottle ; Tery best u-terence irom :ast employer. Q 2D AV. NEAR 121S1' ST.-A KBsPECT. -??Wt sble aiarriad woman. who has last lost her i Infant, a bitiv to wi>i nurse *t her own book: b*st ret erencss given and required. KOSIK Mt'RPHY. i A YOUXG FRBNC1I GIRL WISHES TO TRAVEL TO ; ? V e urope with a family as nurse . good city rcierenco. AdJresi NURSE, bo* 114 Herald Uptown branch office. ? young cini, to wait ox a ladv or growing j J\ chiluron . understands halrdri'ssi/u and can speak French'. l><-si city reference. Apply at corner 21st st. anil 4th av., in line* s ore. ______ a youkg ci at, ^ peaking germ an and kno /\ .i-h. wlhes u situation as nurse and to do Dlaiu ?owing-, koo i reference Address M. H., Herald Uptown Branch office n?altross6(, Ait. 1H7 WBM .13D ST.?A TO UNO GIRL AS FIRST 11/ I class waitr?ss or chambermaid and waitross In ? private :amily; llrst cla*i elev reference. Call for two day*. 1.11 WKST 19'1'H ST-A COMPETENT WOM AN AS 1 m I "-siti-ess; verv best reference from last P'aee, i where she has lived Ore yearn. "I OX WKST I4TH ST., SECOND FLOOR, FRONT.? j I ?'' ah waitress ana chambermaid In an American lauulr; n<> objection lo the country. i 107 WKST 1.?rH ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS FIRST 1 ?. I class waitress ; understands her business thor Ottghly; best city reference. I 1 'Hi WKST 19TH ST.-A RE8PECTARLE PBOTE8 J-'JO tant girl as flrst cln? waitress; best city refer ence. 1 07 KAs'F 313T ST. A TOUNO WOMAN TO WAIT It) I on lab'e and assist in cbamberwork; recom meniUttioo. 1 Cff WEST BIST ST.?A TOUNG GIRL A3 FIRST; 1' )? > dims waitress: would assist in the ?harahcr ?wiirk: best of reference. . 1 -^C WKST 23TH ST., ONE FLIGHT IP. ROOM .1? | I * )(' a .voting woman a* tlrst class waitress or cham bermaid and waitress; city or countrv : highest city rfl- ; erence. QOQ EAST ami ST.. FIRST STONE FLIGHT OF 1 ?O staus.- As rtr?t class waiter girl; understand* J all kinds of salad; no obiections to the country or a boarding house; best city reterence. C.-e' 21> AV.. NEAR 30T1I ST.?A RESPECTABLE, 1 t)'J>? neat voting girl as waitress and chambermaid In * private latniiy, milium and obliging; city or country ; 1 thref years' best city rotcreuee. nilwellaiitous. 4 7 WKST 22D ST.-A RESPK'TABLE TOUNO WO. 'X I man as maid and seamstress in a gentleman's family; can cut fit and operate 011 Wheeler A Wilson's machine. tltU tor two days. WEST 18TIT ST.-A COMPETENT PERSON, DK ? )'.) sirous ol going to Calltornia. as lady's maid or 1 nurse. ~l\ WEST 11TH NT., SECOND PRIVATE COACH h<ni-f from the corner ot Aih av -As lady's maul ; and seamstress; can dress hair and operate on different 1 machines to travel; city reference. Call tor two days. "Hid WEST 15TH ST., IN THE REAR.?A RKSPECT MF?7 a b e Protestant clrl wishes to travel with a fam ily poing t? Europe; is never sea sic*: go<si references. 1 9'i WEST BROADWAY-TWO YOUNG LADIES IN 1 ? ?? a store; bes? references can be piven. 1 1 (' WKST 4?.I? sr. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A .l"-r<) well educated German as lady's malj; can do any kind ol sewing 011 machine; can cu; and make dressts*. suits and UM?reloning. t>/U* WKST 27 TH ST.?TWO RESPF.C'TABI.E iUl) women to so oat by the day housecleanlng. Cali o - ;nld ress. . >4 I oath ??T _i\ AMERICAN QIHIj* 2ll yeaw ot hh chlia;* mate must be II first cla-s l.imily. Can be seen u.Mrs. L. I Unncttn's. ? 7T, _ ?.8T 6rH ST. NEAR bowery. second 9] i ttoor-A Tomg American Rlrl. an orphan, to cart' ol Mrs. McM?inn. ______ f0;idP"nuh^'ftSM??eVci^^Add?*. <or one month. II A 1*1 AN LADY. ___ "~7 ' \vRST SSTH ST.. SECOND FLOOR. FRONT.? 94-S * ,n,nV woman a? lady 's maid and to talte ?reof ,rowin?children. *Peak? trench and German; test city roterences. ? TT^TT VVVST S3TH ST.?A YOUNG GIKL. NOT LONG 20() in .hi* country, wishes a aituaiion in a araall private family* the < onntry tor the ?uinmcr. i Vut SD bt.-A RF.sPECTA.BLK woman I 308 wi hes wort bv the ilav: u nderatand s boose? JjeanTn*; paint. *c.; wea recommetUed. Address Mrs. JQMNIo.V 7\r*t\ <T I aT-A REFINED tOCSO LADY DE W() I ' , . nosltion as ladv's crmpanion; would pre tfrto travel u?der?a" . dreasmaEinj; terms mod. crate; reference. . . ? I pisr COTH ST.?TWO YOUNG GIRL' TO DO 34:tiV wort of a ?raall private family; no objec Ua*tZ th- country ; b-s; city reference* ' u>st irrn st.? a keliable, trust 4') 3 ? ort I. V. h'jnest "omiinlo clcanoffl^or "tores, or take charge of tenement howe. Address an. m. cZ7,m aTH AT.. BETWEEN BffTH AND 67TH 8T?.? S( \ i a, .dies' maid and ?nm<trf* understands all P\! Vf ,.,n"fv ^w niouid ilreMmaklnit and W heeler A WuJu mWheTJ ?">???" U. ..Mist with grown chtt rtr'n cood city rcterence ironi present employers Call tor two day*. -i ?.i- BROADWAY (I'P t?TAIBSi.?A GERMAN !.-?>?) ttirlaa ladv's maid; is a zood aearas'res- anl hairdre#?er rail or addretifc "7 gITUATlON WANTED-BY A FRB>CII LAl>VS \ -Lin ? i? ?n ?ieeiient aeamntrea# and halr<ir**wr. "t, VcTe.e"ee^idSreV LADV'S MAID. Herald Uptown IruMk i "? MEBPECTABLE GERMAN GIRL as LADY'S MAID A and" am?tr?5; very f-od halrdre?er; can oper. ? on.lifl, ent machine.; go?d city references. Ad. drisaT. T.. Herald offlce. ? " v M K1, i .u,Y KF.SI RES A POSITION AK , |, . m.kii woman. I rII A KIND Si M V >.ath?'Vc d!-po.iti?n.todothe wor? ol two In tarn Hv one that would pr-<cr a oulet. bom* to tMiadr is sick, and would treat ?uch ? "T&nZnlXF AddrU;Mrs A. M. S..a,.tlon A., SpritiR -t ? ! \ yorso OIliL AS MAID AND SEAMSTRESS; 'V understand* dre?smaltu??: can operate on a ma mft. tiri'ifr* i* nil lr tra?ellinrf; terms re*>nnab.a; r^ l rM' r.- . Ad.'?e?s H. P... ho, I.S75 P"" o ?ce II'aMFD-B*" a LADY MF CfLTtRK EMPLOY men* as amanuensis; a oo.,.|on requlMnf sor? literary tal ntprM rr? i. Add.e? M. A B.. U HanH It-ANTED-BV a BtSPECTABLR YOCNO FKB90N A\ (Proi'stanti. * sltuaiion as YL hairr'rr^-^r Afirt cir^*^niakrr : woaln like laiiv ? trar??lled a t?rf,at deal: a irood ?%iior nff m-r Df^nt placr nnV-, nant <?f her lady firing Addre,, M. J. G. Herald Iptowu Branch office. Intelligence Ofllee*. T-iroar OKRMAN HF.RViNTS AT MRS I* l^tWB'a (icrman Bureau, re moved to 131 tatt 1 H.B stree . wtween W and 4thji vs. _______ I I ? AMIL1FS WIBHISO RELIABLE SERVANTS OF AIX f1 naLona can be suited at ?2> *th ar.. near ??th ? Vaeanclea lor a ure.t r.umlv.r 01 g^EAV' early. ? i TTrtMvN AND ENGLISH HI.RVANTS (UPABLF. (X at.d lru?tworthv, loiind con-tantly on band, at Mr*. lioLZ'fMVS. 2fJ ^1 a^.. near 20th at. FR0?B8?0!IAI. MITt ATIOXB WAWEIt *" rEJIALRI. . WEST MTH ST~ tor FLOOR?A YOI NO 1B2 I r-t>'h ltd' Just nrrlrad lr.,m France a-^ov. - "e^ ln aa A?l*ric?ti famMy; Protcsuot i.mi'y pre ferrert. * , j > > \rK-T anrii -t.-hy a young lady a po 228 MHonlnaitore a. ..le.udr r^i rMerence: no ot)|c-*iou to g-.ini out of the eHy. Address h. G. C. . i . i.v MF Ct'LTtJRB t'OMPF. TK.NT To INSTRUCT \ Jn lusher hnilciu Frend l.u in snd . des,r^ a 1H ?iti?>r. a? pr \erii'f or < lon tn a 'nmllr r I *nc.? ent; anexceptlo .able ref. rcn,:efc Addres# l.? lleraH < ptoww Branch offlse. Ti ? TFD-BY \ NEW ENGLAND WOMAN. AN op. \\ noriuniiv tofto n' as Ln?lish teacher m j ijm pr ./c!fii. "ni,.-n ' ? an invalid S *o-d reterence. Address s. fe. ft.. ?i West Mlk st. IIKL.P WASTBB-KBMAIiBIt VI Ml't-ft or FIRST <-LASS DREMMAKERS \ None 11>i thoroughly competent hand* ,1rV.l iud.iv. c .ue prepared for work, at No. MU West a.M ?? (Trst bell. _ .... , ,aj.T CLASH WAIST TRIMMERS FOR ' A dre(.ro;?airm . a- n y 1 LEXINOrON AV.. CORNBB TVTH ST u l aFr licit Swiss I'ron-tant nurv ir.rl also v'V V ? ut Liw 'slt Srk under ?; or.e tordlninit r" ' <>?>>' tor laundry: employment steady; wares 1 I tr \\r I'.IItL WAN I ED-IOR GKNKHAI. V he a ? .od wesner and Iroiier and ,-V , , i !tr n an American srlrl preferred. mu?t i -es Apply at liHWcMlsft. .. | . * \\ _pik^t CLASS SHIRT AND WAIST A ll 'iids waVlcT; non? buinrs. hands. Ajn.lir t'.'iw 'ii !? sr> i ll A. M i . I W l ie .1 CLASS WAlsr MAKERS AND TRIM j\ mer? wanted :.i 110 We't llth at., iwtween Sth and r.,h ?ea. .. ? I ?k'essvak. D-AFPLV KA>T niTII |/ t tan liascm?ntbe|l. , IXI'KI'.U N< ED SALKSWOMEN WaNTKD- NO trTII . . n-' d applv. LORD A TAV LOR. comer Grand and f'hrrstie >t?. ?< * pk K IF NCP D SALISLA1HES WAMTKD IN THE K ml lluerv iind i incy iroods department, steady muiauon. at D. M At??'?. m wrand st. MILLINERS W A XT E D-Ts04B AO TL&#lred- W "???? ( J 1 g!;";,\v VUN ?L'J1' s' >' ">1 ATELT-HioIIEST WAGES ODE? E.>, 109 "* X" * 0Dle ?ad teo- *' CALI" 8LADIK8 WANTED?IJf TUP MILIIN'KRV ivn \V AWTED---SALESLADIK8 AND MILLINFR& FOR ? ?<??* I mmts lier.'cii genera v u?eitil ntv mmr S'clocITt >u tral?P^-k'finii c;"? Smwmd 10 Md% " tlucl' ** ^ontr^i rmi k Garden. 7th a v. near .'9th si \V ANTED?A GIKjL# TO ATTKND IN A RAtvFRV 1! ?2??* sal,^n- Appij at SSOram it IVAN J'KD-A good COOK. WILLING jo assist inth *n l ironing, rail at >o. 1 West lotti ?*t., on Monday, April iii, iruui <i until t v'Ano '. apply without ntv r?fcrJn<:;-. ????* None need , KifSmrtri/s gauiia! CoCfVr "tl^ed",?, l>v(,rTalt" bu,tonh?:<=? flnl.h off. j IV ANTED?AN KXl'KHIENCED NURSE* OMR cn\t \\ ANTED?-A GOOD KINO GIRL FOR OENFKAI 1_J. H3ilTlh^r,^,ar^v."nd lr0niK?- A"P'y'?' No "llrAMKp?A GOOD GIRL WHO understands "II'AN'ThD?A YO0Mi I,Ai>Y", BETWEEN 20 AND 2^ Spsn^.:;^rv,ar;Ksi^?? Purred. Apply tu WaLL w,k Jk ro ' W^WBO-A VolIXt; WOMAN as C'llAMnKRMATn ?h? IV AIT,KIi8s WANTED; ONE CAPABLE OF TaKIVii hon,,!U1a|C9ottrPa ?.5 "UXUT'ou Ap,?>14t4Ka^U"',vrit bVir \\ D?A MID E? M?- A G KI) french WOMAN' TO hivo r i4 child of fifteen month* and 6cw ma*t ?M>"ly at ** \V a *iko?a oiRij for general HorsKnroRc ? es ia ntprcferred m'fufiVr.'l to ch?'1'?-n: >vich ?trc*t. APP'> at 13 Hethune, nu?r Green A\ ' A n i'r ? dll2!5*< '}'* ST *'??*??? RMAID to t U Strife! wc 0 " \\rANTKIi~A GOOD GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS v VVLa Wttiliiiijf, for the country \i>nlv at set'oud wrSeb! ttVfnUr' t0,wet'" Wrty.nrftaMir " YY'ANTED-A ?iOOD OOOK IN A PRIVATE FamT "ll'ANTKD?A VOI'.MJ GIRL TU 4 1' civ r~mt.. miwt KT" ifrTrntl'MBlr" '""v"* ?v*<her ???' IrC-uW; >?.. 48 Ka?"mh af ,r( ,i - Apply- u,t<:r 9o'clock ai ?Xl'AXTIin-AN UPSTAIRS CIRL." ONK WILI TNG mee. \V^nV'N!:/??'??V wrr" GOOD KKKKRE.NrKS at No! 45 \\Tu 4 :lh Ht "i""' P,r',""rrr'1 Appiv o'clock, o" Monday ' "' ,1"or' bt lwi'?" " ?nd l VV'?nT|K"~A r*?TBlTA?r OIRIj as lady sTiTTrn I\ AN 1 ED?A GOOD Gl"!., as i:00K Washer ivn "er- Apply aficr 9o'cIoeit, at lis) ?>..t l'e:Ji K*t$^ZSV?^%4?"i2Sff tefti'SyiV " ??.t ?i, ?..TSSSSi 'apKjSSJS WANTED-TWKN1Y MR8T i.uASS DUEMIitlu ! m", !""? It Aim ^quar.. hot^ rwm R "ll'ANTKO?A gfri< to Do roOKING \KD (!K\ ftoi 1? " r n, p?M? r?r C? fl" a t'34!'"^,, ^"./^"P'PK'udVa 'ANTED-A (iirtl. FOR (JKNERaT HOn?Efrr.?r 3?g?aa^a..^8ffliJ?J? 25 C"?J OfcAM. PliWMAHU ?ilM XP. AtMB''"P"'"1 to ?o Km. I (tiTi'ATionret h a\i ko?,valk%< j A r TI'ATION' Wanted?BY v FIRST ci A so ?? in thr n>?na?enrfi it of I rln Pvwioni ??, ?M. iwiw Head t, a ; r :k ., 7 kSv wth ?f. 4 rOPMj NOLMBIAS wishes a kiti-ation ?? waiter in ? Pri>,u fun.ilv; ban jood ritr bkmSl msik A S FIRST CLAM WMIKR IN A ?RI ' ?~? v,tr uo ohiection to ciimirrv irood cltv imjlm-t. Br oMrnr ": lrc<M- ",r 0*/^ 3! E.. ? arasw^^ftvsr >&aiTtt > A i.AD want> a >iti amon in \ boardTno ^ar^0Slf".?ri,'rS,ri" hin^clt uictuL , ? MOTHER wori.o Ms e to get a MiTr4Trnii ?w?n.-tTrruVi:- "TiV''::1,!^^, a igsn&K ?nerrai?ie f?u*in<?^^; reside^ with hi-U-V I. anr r?. , to ^uVy no ?"!?t" aK,Tm aiTMN^'!? Do* l?k> Neraitl Vp*nwn Branch offlc* " | A f?knch GKSTL^MA.v. a m. woi;ld LIKK~TO ?manrwiSgg as waiter in a fikst cea-- iamiey- is 4*oii 4 (WTATION, Br A protestant YOCJfO MAN. J\ aa waiter In * amaI! private family: willing, aotier ? ami obliging; I?e ?t > ;tv r ter? nee from Kftpiaea. Call at or ad<lre?i No * Eaa' Mist at. \ SITUATION WAVTKD-BT A R EHPBCTABEK J\ colored man; married with good citr relemooe. call or mlire*? 2?S W?at isth at. W. r. WICK*. k BKLGIAX, 2l YEARS fir AUK. WKLL ROC- i JY c.ited, ivanta a aimttton iii an* kind ot where h? could make him an If ????till; nn objection to travelling: t"-i '-it- referent e?; ap?aK< French and luh. Apftljr iy mail to > M a.n.mi/., m *<-?? llth at, k BITTJATIO* WAXTED?BY A RESPECTABLE Kngii h tad. aged I" t > tar eire i.f one or two h'>r-<>? i >r a private lauiUy. < :il! on or i?ddre-a W. Hyl'IKK. O ??,Sid ?t. a kirst f/I/APB MAX COOR (COLORED* WANTS A fitnatlon: rati make ito I t r<M i Sn i i?.??tr>-; {rood refer-nr. call fo. tu-> ila? ? at 151 w . -? mm ??. U?IRsr CLASH MfMT AND PASTRY CfK>K (MALE) ' ] wiabe? a aiutatlon in .. taurant or Hotel: moder ate was"*- atf&uv employment .|c-<ire,i. i allon<> dreaaC Mid. 77 Kldrtdf ?t, third floor, irn-.t MhTKI. BTI WAItl". OK ETiERJENCE and lull- cnniDeti i,i. de?ire.? :i filiation. n.r <apni,'y. *<?? < an refer to hia i.iat employer, wtloae hotel wax reefntlv de?trt>v l tiv the. Ki,r tanner particular* in- i nulreot A. I K<?I , 177 Hrxr.woy. (SITUATION WAMP.D-BV A VOL'Nt! MAN. IS YEARB i i! age a* bartender ; t>*? ?t ?>t retemiex n trom I ant tmpi-yer. ' <11 or add ;-r - a, 71 Hidtte at. lor ona n"k < ,i \;uii,m MtriN. CJM ATION WANrr-.D-Bl* A YOt\V<! MAN. AMED O l:?. on a !!eiH>man < pi c; ; ttnder'ian.N the care ol Hor?-?; ? in ir.ll*. ?r conti'ry j.,. (erred; .J.*..! refer en?e. ' i I on or ;i I I""" I"'' ?. .1 I l.'th rr\vo Bitorni bs, KUn.v !i i ir, vkaiis or A<;r. I wl?l? Mtnail m*. one ean write En -itnli mi i 'i.Titian. Address -.CIIOKMNO. ?-7 l.mat 17th ?t. VVanteii-hin \ !? s, in ? "an. to work on it urtn; itti !erata nd- i>m t>?i?tn?-*?? o'tjtltlr tn e\ t rv re apt t, < are ?.? In.r?e*. Ac. . beat teattntuliluK Art dre^^ No. ti M lilte ?free* \\' \ N TRD?A srrT'ATI'lN* BY A IUCIILV RRBPRCt* \\ aide yotine a* n?:??mnn'< Blirw or a< an al tendant; lit- I-' veari espei n- . lie-< reterenee . no <h;e<t, in t.1 tri.el Addrcf- M. M., II? r.?'d I'pn.nn Br.itieh offlee. j ll'ANTBD?A SITU AT ION BY A BoY, IS YE A IIN I II old in an oflie. ..r ore I a< ha ! lb?roUfrii iti airttetioti in don tile an I iine'e entr. bOok'.i j m r, iiietir arid lvritmir; 2'?id refereneei /\ ! ir-<< K f. o . Hi i.r^en * i. h at tt,'AN TEH-BY A COI-OIIKII MAN COflK AfillTA II Hon in hotel re? or boarding h' 0(e;cro nomiea' ? arvr; cttj or reentry; ^oo-i r'l'reti'.aa. Ad i dr. ? a w , No 12S Waat :>*l? at SITtATmS WA?TKU-MAL?^ TlrAX TED?BT A RESPECTABLE MAN AND WIFE. ? T the charge of a fin all hotel, liquor utore. boarding boua* or buiMmc. first ela?s references. JaMKH WKNKY, Brooklyn House, near Hamilton ferry, Brook lyn. _ ___ WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A t?yPEKIOR ENGLISH butler. In lint oliu private lamlly only. Apply , to E. K.. S71 titn av., cornei of <9th sl, In grocery store. CLERKH AND ?ALE?MaH. ACCOUNIS IN NINE LANG UAOES?arrears written up hooks opened, examined, kept or hal- ? anced; marine translations. JAMT.i COX. fil New at. A SINGLE american VOL'NO MAN, I.NTELLI- ! Brut and ot good address, desires to sell goods or a specialty on salary or commissUttl Hood retereuoes. Address l1. E.. i'cral.1 <>(11 e. AOarvkt SALESMAN wanted.?.a competent. soter men liberally dealt with. MS8tli ay. A respectable YOUNG MAM (aobd 19) J\. wishes to obtain a situation an clerk In an import ing or .lobbiuiz house. Address K.. Hera-'d office. A COMPETENT ROOKKE K PEK WANTED.?STAT* references and salary expected. Address R. A 0<J., box 19, Herald utiles. A YOUNG MAN. 16 YEARS OV AGE, WHO HAP GONE through school, writes a good bund. both English nnd German and also has a knowledge of bookkeeping, wi?he? n rtttita ion In an importer or insurance ortlee; good references. Address O. SEEBACII, 230 East 47that. A SITUATION WANTED-AS COACHMAN AND gardener by a respectable man: con milk and make himself useful; hus good reference from all cm pioyers. Address W. U., 73 Went St. Bookkeeping?wanted.?i will instruct practically (no theory) a low young men in book keeping, penmanship and arithmetic at my house, Brooklyn, 8 to 10 evenings; terms easy. Audrosi Mr. COLLINS, box 14J Herald ulllce. Drug clerk wanted (single)?a graduate ot pharmacv nnd well leconimetwed. Address, stuting nse, terms and last employer, G. '1. JAMES, box 194 Herald office. fro MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTKML?A SALES 1 man having inrgo trade in Centrol New York and large Western cities desires engagement to travel on c<> iimission or salarv ; understands thoroughly dress trimmings, suits, undergarments, Ac. Address W. M., box -HI Herald ofllce. rpo GROCERS.?AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY J clerk wants a situation or would drive a grocery wagon. or in any capacity at a moderate salary, no afraid to work; reference. Address 1*. J. -i., Herald Up town Branch office. TITANTED?A YOUNG MAN HAVING THREE YEARS' Vi experience in the straw goods businoss desires ? slt natinn in some millinery bouse; can give good rcfor ence. Address B. P. P., Herald office. XKJ ANTED?A SALESMAN, AT O'NEILL'S SHOE ?? store, Broadway, corner 28th St.; none but a first class, experienced man need apply. COACHMEN AND GAHPEiTERg. A FIRST CLASS COACHMAN CAN BE HAD BY j.'\. applying to a gentleman in whose employ he lias | been for years. A. K. MOT'ilES, Madison Square House, corner Broadway and 21st st, New York. A MTU AT ION AS COACHMAN AND GROOM BY a single man: thoroughly understands I lie busi ness; in s! relerences; strictly temperate. Call on or ad dres-, P. C.. iM4 ?th uv? liaroMs store. A YOUNG MAN WISHES A situation?AS COACH man; sober, honest and willing to make himself generahv useful; best city reference front last place. Address .I. V. box 119 Herald office. AOOOI) GARDENER. SINGLE (GERMAN), WIIO thoroughly uuderstunds his business, desires a place with it gentleman: references. Audrcas, for two days. ERNi'.S'l 11., box I2u Herald ollice. * COACHMAN DEsIHES A SlTI ATION.?KNOWS A well liis biisinewi and Is ulwavs ready and willing 10 do it: country prelerrcd; n? also iirictital .M^all things on ? gentteman's place. us gentienieiu i .e Voi k Ciiy will certify: wire. 11 required, woulddress mr coolr.lnu or chtiintierwork; no .'ulidr^'K Adilres*. three days, 11. yi'r.ALt.\. a nw?* st., Jersey uty. ? SINGLE MAN WAST8 A SITUA'IION AS FIRST A class gardener and coachman i best of reference. Address k. >' . box I-1 11??raid ..nice. 4 liARDENKK AND FIRST CLASS PA KM Ml A would t!it<- charge of a sen tlein?? ? pUcef f years nrst cla?s testimonials. Address * ami Gakhk.m-.R, Kiustuug, i- I YOU M> MARRIED MAN. W11110 U T C HI LOR F. N, ' wishes a situation as coachman; uodenuuda ih? . r^e o hor?e?ln "very lioe: is sober and lionet; is .1 ?;o'nnan! ?":??? broKn r ngilsb ; l;us ?o.?l n-rerenou from both city and country. Addren J. Mll*L.e.?, n* 2d av. ' . ? ! 4 COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED?BY A Rh V sueotabie single man ol Ion? experience In the care ,; can null; first class city refer eucc. y\ddri'-n 11.. box 141 Herald office. 4 nniatiom wasted?by a binqlk young ! A in in, a< conohmao and groom; ouy or country, thoroughly understands the business; ha, 4 year*'best reference. AddrcM J. H., 1IH MmlUoo tr. ~ I 4 GENTLEMAN WANTS A SITUATION FOR His A coachman; reliable, inlustrious. aober young man (?inslf i * ctiv or country; sale, accustomed city ilrl\er. tirit cUm* ic'room; thoroughly underiUius the Prop?*" olrl aud trea'ment of hoi?e<. liarn -as and carriages; is u good gardener. il reiinircii: is not afraid ot work. can 11,Vu I'wlil.ngto iii Ae himsell generally use uL Ad dre.?t ANDhi^SON, box 145 il?ralti offl<:e. for two (1h>?.^ A FIRST CLASS COACHMAN. WHO THOROUGHLY A understands liis business and w.11 do it; temperate and pericctly trustworthy. Address o. K., No. 24:16th av., rear build UK. , 1 VISIT CLASS COLORED COACHMAN. AGED 2fl. A just Irom the Sou A. wou'd liso to ?buin' ? ttoa. A<14re*i, for two dav? J. M. H.t 10 Macaooyai ~I floIcHMAN AND GROOM'S SITUATION ; A wuutoii br ? man who thoroughly understands IU* buslnes-1 "sober. willing ?na obliging: citv or oo.u.ry; ' bsst city refetences. Ailartul. Vf.,boxi? Heruld t.p in Branch olBce. i Of IV>H M A S'?> SITUATION WANTc-P?BY A A respectable single Young man; ? a first class groom aiKlcaicful unvcr. Address 1. K., W3 ?,h av., ?tub stable. ? 4^"situation waxted-ah i:oachman or A rr<?i'n bv a respectabi" single roin; no objection to Ibe rouutrv; best city reference. Call ou or address J. ( B.. Sli Kasi 40ih st. j "T vV 1 AbV Oil lil-V1LKM4N WISMIMi To HIRE A a firs'ct?f? conchman, will address M. W., Herald i Uptown uranch otnee. | ? mtcatiom wanted?by a ?trst ci-ash A c>a -1, iii a it; thoroughly understands Ims bo- nesi; mii ?.ve V. cliy ra.ereuce froui last employer. A*1 dr?-ss N. $.. *<?' bast Mi st | 4 OOACBMAX ax? OROOM'S SITUATION A wanted?Hr n steady Roman Catholic man. who tliorougiilv anderatanils his business.and can give? saOs faetory re '-reners; age 2u yeur?. Address IEiEn, box 110 Herald I ptov. n Rr.uieli nmce. . Actuation wanted?by a uibs r class coachman ; thoroughly understand* hU bnsiuess; can give lnur years' citv reference from liia emplover. Call on i>r aiHress N. S., at Csmpbell's fisriiess store, 4) Ml uv. - > YOCXO MAN WISHES A BtYVATIOE AB COACH A mnQ ai??1 vrun:ii; toe coumrv pi#/?rred. (all lor twodsy " A.ioressJ. V.. box 111 Herald o?ee ' A S coaciimak-by a thoroughly oompetbnt A single man: very best cltj references; understands liU busiue? well; no objection to the countrj'. Call ou or a<]<lrf?<t W. !*.? S ? 4 ? iif*t Sl^tite . i A kESPECTABLE MARRIED COUPLE WANT 8ITj A. uatioHst i?an a* coachnian aiol groom; Ujorougtiiv understands Ins biiainess; wife as Br?t class coo* . ?n rtrrstsn l" botli Huffish and French conking, boning snd ?ardin?; wYll be found willing iin-l .A.,.|.ng . cuv or country ; b?-st nt* reference. Address T. o , box ui Herald Uptown brunch ortloe. i A OOAcixAN'S BIT CATION WAXTF.D-BV A FIN A cle young man; th.-rounhiv understands his busi ness; f?est city reference, t sli on or address J. No. j#? West lf?lli ?t. private stable. . . ] T RESPECTABLE MAN AS COACH MAN; UXDKR A stands his business thoroughly \ willing ana? ?'bll? lag; best eity reterence. Ull or nddress u, I3d West fJth st A OKNTLF.MAN DE-IRtS A SITUATION for his A coachman, who ha? served him with great ndelity, being ^oer. honest am perfem.v trustworthy; b. frank Kellogg. I4tnd 4S.' Broadway. j A- mVOl K MAN WANTS A SITUATION AS COACI1 inac and groom . thornughlv undrrsiands bis buti ,.esfi ."cty temperate; oest citv re.erences call on or address M. o . harness -t ire 7iS ^th a* A SITU VTION WANTED?BY A EESPRCTABLE j A single man. s? good vegetable gardener, in a prr Ta w family; undersufnis hi. business. ,n!iI fruit, hot ami cold graperies; good references. t/Sllon JOHN \lciOE, II .-ulllvan st., near ' anal. 4 SITUATION WANTED?AS COACHMAN AND ' A g.ootn bv a marr.ed man; Ave ?>?? reference fromIsst employer. Call on or address J. L.. ttl West 40th su . __ ?: ! 4H OARDKNKR AND COACHMAN AND To BO A general work; willing and able; a single man: wsnts a "ua'.ion as above , nest citv reference A duress C. II.. Ix.x .?') Herald ??Bloc. A FIRST CI.ASS YOIJNG MAN WISHES A SIT! A fton o s ...aehmsii; understands Ills business thoroughly ' *?!. y. ar.; best cltv reference ir.mi la.t oiiiployci ? Call on or O. i.u wmiiwia. . . [; ' \Tl')N W AN r 1f>?A3 COACHMAN AJlF> A groom, bv an experienced city driver can give the best rlty r-ierciice. Call on or address G. T., No. M west IDtli st. | ? /? ?ACHM \N s SITUATION WANTKD-BY a YOT'NO \j tna'i nn.lerstaa fs Ir.s business thoroughly; Iswlh Itrt and obliging: firs' classnleTences Csl!?"'>?' ?''do ss JAMr.s, st present employer.* No. fi l-.a-'.?ftn st. / SO Vi'lIM vN ?? STEAOY, FAITHFUL fcWKDKMAN I n inn a sitiis:b>n as e senmsft. or to f?ker?re 01 linrsas and t>- generallv nsefBI; first 'lass city tetyremse. JSaraa Ju.INSON, eare of T. Molt. wiiii si. ! /IOaCHMAN'S SITUATION WANTEt>~BV A FIRST \j , ims ritv driver and groom; trustworthy find obilt me-a Frotestant; liest reiereuee us to ???nabilltv. Ad dress c o Herald Uptown Branchorth e. /IOACHMAK'S MTUATIOX WANTED?BY VMtlUIT) ( , n, iM oi tcmpersfe and industrious iiai'its; has lived nine 'ears with two .tne_ families refer, nee* ex. ?f*JI*Htt Additw M., Wmi /COACHMAN AND GROOM'S s:TI )TION IJ a siriRle man -rood groom anrt careful driver, hi rttv or country; first e|?ss elty and e.mturv refer ence. Address M. M.. bon h?J Herald I ptown Branch offler. _ . /?ou | [ \( \ N ami VKGKTABI.K ti A rde ni:ii?B V A ( ' married Engll-shnian without en.Mn,,bran;;e; wi milk mid Mkseharge .il ? ??"t^m5"'1,i,1U,Kill (?ins* testimonials Address M. ) . hox H 11eraw / ? ARDF.N F.R" ? SITUATION WA N i ED - SlNHLK; IT thoroughly "'ud -r-fan Is greenhouse,graneriBs irnlt vegetabli - and pleasure grminus ornsrm-nt.l J>'"' <]* oi ibe Vhme - f>e?t reiereuce. Address UARUtNi-tt, in Hector street. COACHBrait AND O ARPgrBnCRB. C- ARDENR R XND FTKiTEir7i?COTCHM A V, MAR X ried): thoroughly versed In *11 departments: also lavinit nut ?n<l improving placet and ornamentation of grounds; lilgliust testimonials. Address W., bo* 193 Herald .ifllce. /"* ARDENRR-SfNCLB MAN; understands HIS * r business : hot and eold irraperles, green houses. the growing of all kinds ot vegetables; firm dissplsntsman; Dest oi reterence. M. C., 12 Cortlundt at., seed storc^ ROOM.?A SINGLE MAN AS COACHM AN AND vT groom' hai best oi iderences; no objection to (hn country. Call on or address J, J., 139 We?t 3?th ?t.. private stable Oardener-by a thoroughly competent VI single youut; German us plain gardener; can take care oi a horse and milk: is honest and sober. Gallon or address kduArd MINK, No. 110 H tan ton at. CI ARDENBK?BY A SINGLE MAN: THOROUGHLY J" understands raising all kinds ot vegetables and keep io?s ? gentleman's nan In orcier; also the cure and treat ment oi horses and all *lnds ot stock ; can mlik: will wako himself generally u??'ul; five year*' best city ref erence. Address P. B., box 127 Herald olBce. tt AKDENKK'S SITUATION WANTED?BV A YOUNG T man who has long experience; best city refer3nce. Address S. it., box II1) Herald offle.\ CI ARDKN'ER'S SITUATION WAN'TKD? BY A FIRST r class practical man; understand* all parts of tho profession: married or no single or superintend farrat do all repairs about gentleman's place. Address R. M., 1W East -Mill at. _____ /I AR'>KNKR'rt SITUATION WANTED?BY A SOBRR. ' T Industrious man; can take caic of horses aiid take clinrga of gentlcm in's place; lias uood reterenco. Ad dress II. .M., M6 l ast 1Mb st, room 5. ti ARDISNEIl AND FOREMAN ON A GENTLEMAN'8 X place?By a tlrst class married man, Protestant, aged 31), who thorou-'My understands gardening and farming in all Its branches; wire Is first class laundress, or would (me charge ot dairy : lour years' best reference as to capability, sobrletv and industry. I hose desiring steady and trustworthy help call on or address Y. N., No. 3 Whitehall st I AM ANXIOUS TO KIND A GOOD PI.ACE FOR MY coachman, who lias served me faitbfullv and bears tho highest testimonials from nrevlou* employers. James ki.nqan, si west ioth at_ IANDSCAPK iOaRDENEU WANTS EMPLOYMENT? J Hetereiiees; plans an 1 estimates ttiroished. Ad dress RALPH, Leggelt's Hotel, 48 Chatham st., lor three diu S. ? CITl'ATION WANTED?AS FIRST CLASS OROOM O mid coachman- reason lor leaving last situation employer disposed of ills horses; well recommended. Address or applv to P. C.. 10.! East 41st st. SITUATION WANTSD-BY A FIRST CLASS GAR M doner (married): can take, charge ot greenhouse, truit and vegetable garden: can drive anu intlk. Ad dre? GARDENER, 137 Graham st, Brooklyn. L. I. SITUATION WANTED?BY A COLORED YOUNG O in.m a< conehinan or to take charge ot n boarding stab'e in the country. Call on or uddress W M. LOWli, 1H7 Weft24th st., third floor. SITUATION WANTED?BY A SINGLE YOUNG MAN, O eoacliiuiin and eanener; understands both branches thoroughly ; also tile draining and (arming: also hand I work in the house; always -.villim< and obliging to do am tiling; first class reference. Cull on or uddress J. ML'Li.e.N, l;.4 West 10th st. SITUATION AS FIKST CLASS COACHMAN AND O groom; thoroughly understands tils business in all its braucbes; can produce the best city reference trout his Ium employer. Call on or address J. R., No. 8 f*.asc 31st st, rear, tor two days. SITUATION WAN t'ED?AS COACHMaN OR COACH O man and proou. by a married man; tully compe tent. sober and steady; best citv reference. Call at Brewster Jt Co.'s. I4ih st. ana 5! h a v. CI IX'ATION WA.NTe.D-BV A KES PKCTABLE 00 L O ored young man as co iclnnan : willing and oblig lnu; no objection tT tne country : can irivo a first class reference, i all or nddress Hi West 1Mb st. QITUATION8 WANTED?BY MAN AND WIFK.: MAN 0 as coachman and gardener; can milk und be gen erally useiul; wile gool conk and laundress or general Iioum: servant; well recommended. Address, tor two days, 1'. !?., box 137 Herald office. 1 V J A N 11. I>-A~SITU ATI UN AJFcOAOHMAN AND H groom, by a reliable young marrie I Scotchman; no encumbrance; city or country ; best lelercnce. Ad dress ,M. 40 fcttSt 3 Id st. TirAXTED?BY a PROTESTANT YOUNG MAN, A VV situation us co'iclimau; is ? llrst class man strictly temperate lbeat iswtww. Address J. H., Herald oflice. W ANtKI ? v Sl rU A no.S AS COACHMAN, "5T AN ?V Kugllshinan, who lhoroitRtilf understands his business: first oln-s reference. Call on or a Idre.-s .M., 114 West 18th at. ?\V"ANTK1>?BY A MARRIED ENGLISH MAN. WITH t> out encumbrance, a situation as coaclunan and vegetable gard-ner; will milk und tuke charge ol u g< uiloiuaii's place; tlrst class testimonials. Address H. U., box 1.0 lleruld oOlce. \\TANl'liD?BY"a SINULE MAN, 23 YEARS OK AUK >' a situation us a coachman in the country; can milk; best country reterence. Addres.4 R. HaZI.EIT, coaclunan, 14 ) West ihiriieth street. WANTED?A COACHMAN'S SITUATION, BY A ?> young man, a Protestunt; five years' first class ret erence tioiu last place. Call on or address It. !?>., 1 -4 West fVltli st., privutc stable. "TXTANTKu~ hiruAiion aITc'oacuman and kirs r ?> class grooai; bc<t cltv reterence from his last em ployer. Call at or addrc.'s 144 ^Yest lltn st TIT ANTED?A SITUATION. BY A YOUNO MARRIED ' V man. us coae.'iman un 1 groom: has no objection to the country: understands his business; tour nnd seven years in last two placcs; out of employment on account oi parting Aitb bor.-cs. Call on or adtfress COACH MAN, Hetiriek Jt Lau.'hlln's livery stable office. 1,251 broad way, comer 3ln st \\' ANTKli?ilV a ilNOLa MAN, A ?TTHATION A< \ ? concliman nod gardener; 10 objection to city or country: good relerence from last, emplover Address f. .vi.. so. loi l ast 2Sth st \\J ANTED?A SITUATION AS COACHMAN and ?? groom in tho c luutry; best reference. C'anbese<u at 3tl3 r.asi iiii st. IIRLH WANT?U-31AliCS. A*"*OENTB WANTEO-CITY AND COUNTRY, TO BELL teas to famines ano lame consumers; greatest in due incuts. ( aSIU.N ij A COMPANY. 148 Chamber* it AO;:M\> WANTED-IN AN,> OUT OF THB OCTY. lO ?ell the great American window*polish; <julcn salesand large profits. A. E. CoL.MAN.SM Hudson *t A WAllER WANTED?ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS opening nvsterf UN) is willing to make blinselt' gctiersllv useful. Apply at tlie Herbert House, 33 3d ay.. Bear Bible House. ? is* aiutrueiiAM or aoou addum and iuiL liens ability <iritirinu cm, anil profitable emplujr ?eat, may call it nu niier department .1. H. t oRD a in. Publishers. 27 Park place. Amiddle-aokd oentlsman wanti-d?a teachcr or profcsetOMM mail pre erred, tor a per manent situation; lair remuneration. Address BUi?l hW, box l.'l Hern lu offl< e. ANOELL'S NOT AIR ROMAN BATH8, fliTKXIXU Wu av . want agreeable. honest. Intelligent. indus trious. strictly temueiata Americans. tinders, tor t.atlm end office; also colored boy cl i.'< to blacic boot* and run errands. YJOKTKR WANlKD-rO COOPER AND SHIP LIGHT X barreli: Sw a week. Address i>. 11., Herald office. rnwn men want ? d-who t'NiTTrbtXnd wait J inn on lunch counter, restaurant and earring; mutt be strictly sotier a.-live and welt re commanded. Apply at aoutliwMt corner 4-<l at. ami 4th a v. at 7 A. M. W ANTED? MK\ Wild WRITE VERY PLAINLY. TO 1? assist in the preparation of Trow'* New York city Directory. Address. in writing of the applicant. stating reference p. kuh b. ii aLLock , H University p.ace. Applications in person not attended to. il'" ANTED?A N I M>. I.i.l 1.1. N I *H<?V. K KOM~li ri I li >> veurs old. in an ..lllcc; must write a (jo>xl hand. Aidrws box 6,011 Post offiiee. UTANTl.D-V OOOD STEADY BARTENDER. ATPLY to 1. I' M LLI VAN. 1o7 10th a*., corner 2'ith st. bet-vo u 7 and 9 u'c.oc.k A. M. Must come well recotn men led. 1*rANTED? A Y'H'N(! MA.N~Td WAIT ON TABLM ll ii i><l mske him-."it useful. Apply at New England Kitchen, Hi Fulton street. New York. WASHER WANTED?IN A I.IVEBY STABLE: ONE t ? who un IcrsUnds his budness; references required. In in i at SO fcsst 3id at. ITAN r E D - AN I IB I.IoTnO, WILM Ml~ AND CLEAN ?? colored waiter In a pnvste hoarding house who can carve and under-tanjs bis business; referencaa Apply at 07 Clin ion pise*. W'ANTKD-A MAX WHO UNDERSTANDS TAKINO '? charge ot u dalrv tar-n ol SlXI acres. adapted to milk; mum understand milking and the control of help; will have honse furnished n not single; none but an ac li\ e. live m?n trenteu w itn. Appiv to H. to, A (Ml AS. r.V KRr.TT, Jr., lui Vesi-y at. THR TKADKIi AN ARCHITECTURAL DRAUO HTSMAN WOULD J\. like an engagement; five > cars'experience; well qualHtcd in all branch's ? >! the profession; ?lulca. and in nu-tri?>n>?. Address box 114 Herald office. BoV WANTED?To LEAKS' TO SET TYPE; MUST lie Intelligent and lionest. Address (to day), in own hand writing iiI'.-Ines.s lio:, 142 Herald office W ANTKD-AN h V I'ElilKNCED KOItr MAN FOR A ?? large flo >r ? ii. iotn factory; one who thoroughly andersmiiits the iot-ine?s .iduress W. v.vfls, I9jjat., Eiwabe:hp* rt, N. .1. WANTED?A SlTf'ATtON' BY A FIRST CLASS CASE ?f hardener In iron and <tMl: can do Mime forging. Adi'rrss '.I Wilson <t., Itrooklyn K. D. ?yi'ANTI'D-A OOOD PLPMBRR. APPLY AT 22 East 19'. h st. FRR.K II MiVhMiNEMKm ON DEM 4MDK?t'NR BONNE D'ENKANTS FRAN crilse trcs capable ponr prendre soin d'nn (eiine en fant; ello dolt eire rnunn .le bonnes recommendations ei purler le irane lis correcieinent. H'adreseer IMAI et m.irdl, entre 1 i iieures et tni<ll. an n. 41ftmi Av. HBOICAXm 4 TTENTIoV ??DR. .TACOBY (LATE OK PRCMIA). JY t.'oii.<ultat:oii Ifee. Private oBlee Ifil llieeclter si. ? -MMK. MAXWELL. MIDWIFE. RKSlURNCK 111 J\? l nst fentlt street., near r.nrj avenue. A -DR AND MMK. OKINDLK I't'RR ALL COM JV. (ilnints; i'.i years' praciie ? lldWest r?vnty sixth at. 4 ?MMK. |{K.HCEl I,. MIDWIFE SINCE I<4J. NO. 1 J\ ? East Mft.v second street, tlrst door trom Fifth av. ? ?DR. AND MADAM BOTT IIAVINU KETCKNED . ? nil he . <n*uited eonftdenttally at 47 West I ith't. * -in; a .ii mme. van hisKIRK. RESIDeMM J\. I .'it East iHtli ?t. '. II "I and l.'Tinutoii av. t -DR. ANI. MM" M iCRICEAl'-J'YEARS' I'RAC Ike office 129 Liberty street, near Oreenwleli. \ ?mme. wiiir;;, midwiff, no. o bleeckkk ^\ ? street between Broadway and Bowery. flONSULT Dlt OR MME. WEST.?ALL COMPLAINTS \ J cured: ml vine free 46 Bleee.ker at., near Broadway. FOR RJUUJb. AW OLD ESTABLISHED PROVISION BCSI*E*? for sale or to let, as the owner wlihes to retlie tron* btMlneta. For further information apply on tbe prea iaea, 331 First avenue. A DISTILLERY FOIl BALE. Inquire In tha store 3-9 East Twelfth street. APLDMBING, GAS FITTING AND STOVE BUSI ne?a, altuateJ 111 a leading town on tho Hudson; ee? tabllshed .'0years: rare opportunity. MALONE'S More Agency. 181 Nassau street. ALAOEIt BEER AND bowling ALLEY?BEST location on Eighth avenue: well established and aotsa a good business; also spicnuid .'ample Rooms. MALONfa'8 .-tor* .igcncv, 121 Nassau street. About and shoe store. established ten years; average business til.OOQ per month; ehcap rent; flnest opDoriuulty ever ottered. MALoNfa'S ?tore Age-icy, 121 Nassau street A BILLIARD ROOM AND BAR?EXCELLENT neighborhood ; cneap to prompt buyer; also Cigar Stores iiroadway Sample Kooms. MALONE'j Store Agency, J2l Nassau street A DOWNTOWN CORNKR LIQUOR STORE, OPPO siro best market, for sale cheap; also corner Fruit Stores, Grocery Mores. Meat Markets. Kisti Stands. mitchell'S More Agency, 77 Cedar street A PARTNER WANTED?WITH $5,000, IN THE MEAT anu provision business; also llalcrles, Confection erles, Coftee and Cake Saloons, corner Liquor Stores to l?t NI 1'CH f.LL'.s More Agency, 77 Cedar street. A splendid SAMPL'. POOM, OPPOSITE STOCK Exchange, for nale cheap, terms easy : also down town Restaurant*. Chop House.;, best business location; Couutry llotet* mitchell'S Store Agency, 77 Cedar street. A LIQUOR STORE, AND boarding HOUSB, near Battery, lor sale cheap; also to >ot, a largf Hous-, on Broidway Uoulovanl, aoo7e Mity-seventh street, lor hotel or lager beer saloon. Mlm:iii'.lL's stuia >;fcncv. 77 Cedar street, A FIRST CLASS LIQUOR STORE. ON A GOOD ?X avenue ; must be cold totlar, fetch what it will Apply to i HO*. GAFFNE\, Auctioned-, 17 Centre at. A FIRST CLA S DOWNTOWN' SAMPLE AND Billiard Room for sale at a bargain. Inquire la Mc.SALlY'm. 10 woutn street. A RARE opportunity TO SECURE AN OLD established Cigar More; owner retiring, will sell for first reasonable cash Apply Immediately at Peirl street. No agents. A GREAT SACRIFICE.?FINE CORNER HQUOB store tor sate cheap; long lease; cheap rent; good business; near Citv Hall, Brooklyn. MITCHELL'.* Store Agency, 77 Cedar street A DRUG HTORE FOR BALE?EVERYTHING COM. pleie : if not sold private it will bo sold at auctiol on Aonl 14 at 97n Slxllt iivcliil". \ KINK CORNER LIQUOR STORE FOR RaLE tx With six Years' lease, at $goj a year, now doing ? good paying business. Mli CHELL'S t-tore Agency, 77 Cedar street At a sacrifice?an old established milh nery and Fancy Goods Store, situated on the west side of Eighth avenue; clieap rent: small amount of cuah only required. SALTER A LEVY, i'JS liiglitu ar. APIIOTOli It A I* 11 (SALLI'.RY FOR 3 ALK?FIRST class in every respect; 111 healtn sole came for soil ing; galirry at Monticollo avenue and Brinkcrholf street Jersey City Heights. \ MEDICAL ELM' PRICIAN, centrally LO jV catert. doing an extensive cash business ami wish, in:; to retire, will, in connection with Lease iinu Furnl lure, ultspoce ot the Mine; cash S.1.00(1. nalance on tun* Address liLECTKICIn.N. Herald i ptown isranch otiice BAKKRf rut SALE?THE OLD i: taui.ISHED Ua'sery and Lunch saloon 187 Grand street, on no count of other business. O. F. WsNTffUH I tl. /10AL YARD.?A GOOD BUSINESS, ESTABLISHB1 vy nearly twenty years; well located ou the east snla The yard is well fitted up anu Is now doing a gool pay lug lauilly trade. Apply on ttie premise", 111 First ave. nue. near Fourteenth s.reeL DRUG STOKE FOR SALE ?ONE OF THK OLDEST and llnest I'rug r-tores In Hroadway offered for sal# In consequence o ttie Illness of ttie proprietor: posset aioti given immediately. Address U. F.. Herald olnce. J\hUG STOKE FOR SALE.? ON ACCOUNT OF TUB ' deatli of one ol the members of a llrm a Di ug Store In line order and well stocked, h ill he solu on reasonabli terms. Address EXECL"i'oRfc, Herald L'p own Mrai.cb olH^e. DRUG stoke for sale-un ONK OF 1'FIE Pitl.V. clpsl mnuf. AldreH C. .v OltlTTENTOJf, Cen tral Medtone Warehouse. .No. 7 Sixth avepuu. DOCTOR'S DKUO STORFOR SALE?OOOD I'RAC tlce: will be sold on account of duath; must tx ?Old tnl* week. 213 a\cnuu B. DRUG S TORE i'OR SALE?GOOD TliADE; CAN BK increased: soda apparatus complete; will pay all expetues tor summer; hut little money required; ureal mtrguln. 7H second urease. Drug stork for salt?doino a fixe Busi ness, a Short distance out of the city: lone lease, low rent luquire oft. it. TELLER. iXt Fourth urenua. FOR SALE?2.000 (;aLLON CoppERn^ILL.lX)U uinu hojhk and worm, in Ch:cago, III. Apply at No. J76 Broadway, room $1 I^or sale-alcohol, work-, large copper Hilly, columns, with boilers and building complete, or will be rented. Ap|.lv ut 1/6 Broa tway. room io. ^OR . A I.K?N h. WAI'.K, >. .1, MIl.LiN". KY STORK in the centre or the city (Market street", with a U year*' trade. Apoly at Market street. Newark, N. J. flOR SALE AT ONCK-WOT CLAM STORE FIX lures, Counters Sfeiok Shelving. Mirrors. Ac.; all In irood order. Apoly. aa tne week, to CLAPP & CO., U1 Orand street. lhTr sale?The cigar stand i> a"first cla.-i) r corner sample room, or a par'.njr taken Apply W SMITH k LAN a, 226 and 2X7 Canal sn ott. IpOR RALE?THE GOOD WILL. STOCK AND FIX ' lure.i or ih ? ol l estatiliahed Market 1:1 West Twenty eighth street; ftr*t (UM trade. I/OR MALE CIlEAP?T0J0 ARIIFICIAL STONE r 1 lies, in color*, suitable lor church, hull or saloon floors. Apply at :t7 ;*ar< row, room SI. IfOR SALE CH EAP?Til1 FIXTURES COMPLETB 1 ol a iiro^erv store: also on.? onc-horre Tnick, one safe, Ac. Apply at 1.0>j6 Tnlrd avenue, corner Sixty-third street. ci o r a ale?i c e TToiTs r. s for o uich k rs7~laokr r beer and restaurant*: Milk nm! Butter Hoxea. a Lot of Buichers fixtures. MATT.'lESuN, 161 Wert Thlrty-tourth street, IflOR SALE?A FIRST CLAM LIQUOR STORK. TO 1 ihoac willing to pav the nrloe. For informal ion apply io 1IIOM a.- <;.V I M > 17 i .'litre street. L10RS>LK-A ihstill-XV LiyroR stoke. DOINQ r a good business; location coo I; no humbug, and a bargain. Apply to* (iAHXhi'. 17 Centre sl I/UKST CLASS CORNER LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE J1 cheap It told to day; lon^ le.t-e, cheap rent, -ood bushies*: other bu?tno*s eau-n lor selling ipply 'a O'KKKFFK, corner fourth and Nortii t'lith streets Brooklyn. E. D. For sale?a iidVroM tailoring businkm. in a KO'xl lo<' itlou. with th.i umss. at n low rent, at f bartrain. on account ol atcr.ness; immediate po*se?-ioa Address BUSINESS, Herald Brooklyn nr.tneh o rtce. I/OR SALE?A ('.OOD PAVING LIQUOR STORK. Jl .spplv at til James street. ___________ L'OR SALE AT A HACRIFICF CiiMMISftlO* r Stand. No. .11 llevoe avenue, West Washington Mnr ket. price #V<u; rent> on' for *7 SO per week. Inquire ol MAI 1. Il Al.Pl>, live stands below it. /GROCERY FOR SALE-DOING A CASll BUSINESS, 11 in a good location: also a Mind for batter. chee*\ hams, to., in Centre Market: both eld established. Kor particulars apply to H. A. B A t o.. J3i Market street, Newark. N. J. CAFE-.?NEW AND SECOND HAND SAFES WILL 17 be sold at redneed prices to meet the May trade Call at once and sa'tsiy vcuraelv**. amekica.n . Ai>. ri)MpaNY. 3oo Broadway. Sample room for sale?rvtab; i.-hed three years : one ol the ilncst in the cry : rood loculo*; Icase spl'-ndi l opportunity for a live mat). Inquire a* B. GOODKINt>. f>2 Water street rjMIE SILVER SMELTING AND REFINING WORKS, in the city of Chicago, are now offered for ?a!e at a bargain. The wori.s have a Irontuge of 'JuS feet oa Clara street and 108 on Forty-second street, consist of four distinct trick bniidings.with engines, rererbcratory, blast and roa?tinr furnaces: tnn separating and refining department.* ar-> comp.etn anj everyttinu necessary to carry on the busin.^* is on tli 1 premises: can tie started at once: a I witch from th ? ( hlvago and Rock Island railroad runs into the rur l of the woras The pun-liasoi i? to its?umc u mortgage of $1' ?I9, oi which $4./l? 33 l? now due. Fur inlormatlo i apply to W. P. GkaY, or V, B. .IACKSON, lm Washington at. room 17. I'liieigo. Ill d>|t)E4l ll FOR NIVF, SINGKR'S NO. 2 SEWIN4 O I w Machine*; some as uool a* new; ninst be sold; at 412 Eighth avenue. WILL BUY STOCK AND FIXTURES OF Vtt'J'/ Cigar Store No. 41 Tulton rireet. comer of Pearl. II so d immediately. Mt'J (WW) ?THE Boor AND SHOE STORE. NO. n V-.""". inompson street near Spring, lor sale; reason for selling will be given; established I^Cl.oe agents wullted .MACHINERY. " \ LARfJE lor OK NI'.W \M> SKI OND HAND J\ Meain Engines an l lloilers. Steam Pumps and Tanks. hnNii a HikFMaN. mauutactnrcra, 2 2 u 2211 Water street, Brooklyn. Tj^oR SALE?A HORJ4K LOCOMOTIVE BOILER. J1 To he seen at Pierratmnt stores, loot of Monta ae "treet Hronkiyn. uls.. ,? i.i horse l^ieoniotlve, ut loot ttl Oolit street. Inquire at liquor store corner of Gold and ?lohn streets. Bi.Miklvn. F^OR SALE-HAND PHESSES, Ml.AU INKEIIS AT. taelii'i. fhi. ? $75; tour hor?p Krleaaon i-alorio Engine, fhnllltig, Pnlleys, sate. Oitee Fixtures, Ac.: bar. gams. Priiittnr oftlce, 217 Milton street. 2 GOOD SECOND HAND TUBULAR BoTLEKS. ^ Inches bv Irtteet, ciieap : also new Boilers, ut lowatt prices: second hu:td an i new Pof able Hoisting En gines and Am'1*' Portable Engines and .-aw Mills, Port able tiruiii Mills; all sues ol mir imnrove I Slide V?. va and A ut una tie etlt ??fl" Eng.lie*, llr-t prize medal it Anieri an Instlni'e 1 i?l exiilbinori HAMrsoX. WHITKiKLL X CO.. 'W t ortlan.ll street. New York. Aimoiioei. A STROMMilST.?VMK. MoKROW, 1*4 EAST HOUS toil stre.'t. Iielow First avenue.? f ee, .Vjo. Cent)* men not admitted. I/UROPRAN CLAIRYOYANTTRLI.S NANR4, SHOWS n IItenesse*, ? e?**?'.: 9"c. to $|. No. West Twenty-fifth street. MR". PRANUtM REVKALS M i, Y H i! LIFE j||L covers stolen preonriv, brin/< snrite.l infettier: aatisfacttoii or money renin I ? t. .7# Third arena ? MME. COLLINS-A RE UAH LIS AND TRUST, worthy i la rvoyant Vi sixth avenue, near serm tee nth (treat ' ' "