Newspaper Page Text
TO LET FOR Bt'SIVEBS PrRPOSEI. AR HITKi Tj. PUBLISH' Rv ARTISTS? OR ANY business rcqmrinc l-pper Floor. wuh best north lulit; will separate : test iocati n In rltv; west Union ? iU.r?; r?-ii? low Inquire <?( s O. doty, Attorney, cor ?or -is eauiti street and liuou square 'west not'. % -$20 r n MONTH?Rl'll.DING, PHONTING BO A. teet, opporite where llarlem Railroad train* slop, ^rniinuii ol >troei i ur?, I- >r<tUam .suitable u r anr Mini ?aa?. POTTER BROTHER- No. 4 Warren atr?et A?To let. thi: pour story hi oh nToop ? Houm- No. 4 St. Mark *ylAt.- suitable fur nuy busi ness: si*;->.-.xW. j. v. BAltiLY, !0 East Fourtii street, no ?r Bowery. \ -TO LET OR LEASE. NO IS2 SOUTH STREET. u*\. corner bin din.: desirably locsted tor ship ?hnnd'ory business. Apply to HORACE 8. ELY, 2.' Pun ,-trt >? t ?TO LET. .VO. 9 BREVOORT PLACE (TENTH ? street, ju't west or Broadway), very desirable flrn floor store and lolt ill second storv. with dwelling over the second floor ; can oc r ?tiled at moderate price. Kor particulars apply to HORACE S. ? LY. No. 22 Pine it. _ A -To LET?THK HANDSOME STORK. NO. 3<iS ? Third avenu? near Twenty seventh street, west utle. Apply In ofllce on premiss*. A -SPACIUUB LOPTS ru LET. AflVASTiUKOI'SI.V J\. situated FOR WK-TERN TRADE, OPPOSITE K vKLI-/- HOTEL, THAT WELL KNOWN BKSORT OK MEROHAN fS also SMALLER 1.0FT8. APPLY ON 1 .i !?; PR M1SE TO PHILIP M. OAKLEY. iiflUCAiUL FTREKT. A hTOtJt TO LET-FOR A TAILOR. WATCH .1 rauker. shoemuker or any kiod of business; rent re duced . udloiultu' i litrauce Franciort llouse, .02 William ??reet; also corner Store. t I.AROt-. WELL LIUHTSV STORE. WITH SHOW i> window, to let, at Si Bleecker street, near Broad wav. Inquir- on the premltts. * .STORE, UA KM EX I AND IPPER PART. TO -V pettier or separately, on the west side ot Eighth IV' tine I M\C"II r.irn '.Mini at. I I <>rt> tou::ii street-; elesjnt i/late. slass irout. sue of store, 25x86; rent low, Mures included, luquire at :ilj Eighth avenue. AN Mourn AVENU CORNER ol'OKE AND Jx Bas'.-tucnt to r;'nt?West side ; tii teetdeep. inouorn piatepia^s ront; suitable tor any business; po?scs?un uow;io responsible parties the ront will be mod-rate. Appiy to JOfl N BRANIOAN. 8i>7 Eighth avenue. A?TO LET. 23 UNION SQUARE. BROADWAY . side, between fifteenth and Sixteenth strec s. First. Second anu Fourth Floors, tor sewlna machines, merchant tailors costumers milliners, photographers or arctiitcctj-. Rlntf bell lor janitor. A FIXE LOF1-SOX1CO, WITH STEAM POWER, TO let; good light, suitable for lisht tnanulnct'irin.' purpose-; nlso title -lure an I Basement to letch, an. Sj an 1 S7 Wooster street. A -TORE AND DWELLING 1'.i LET-66S THL 1!D IX avenue, noar l'orty-second s;reet. Apply at 21 ur irj D ace. \ VERT DESIRABLE 2J-FOOT STORE. SITUATED - \ on west side of Third H\euue, wi'n Dlate mass windows and basement. In thorough order; po*>e?-iou M.iv 1 Apply to MaTTHeW liVrt.Sr.S. Ul' East Thirty third st. 4 N EIGHTH AVENUE CORNER TO LET?NORTH A west corner ot i weuty seventh street within a lew ioor>i ot heves'ilry poods eruporuim ; will lea?eiorHor ? v.- irs a; moderate rent, or will improve buildinit lor a ??. ponslble party at i lair rate o rent. 'AVE- K. HnWARDS. rt? We-1 Twenty-third street. BVSEMENT AND PARLOR STORE NEAR BRO\D way. .'Axil; French plate windows; desirable lor Irs* class l;usm?is; rent #*) >. Apply on the premises, 38 -.a-t Ninth ^t^eet. opposite Mewart's. DAUXm |? ? PARLOR STOKE. 24X8J. FBEXCH D plati- windows, near Broadway, desirable location, suitable tor billiarn. turmture; cheap rent. Apply on premises. AO. 7S MSI Nmtli s'rert Harlem third avenue stores to let?MB. i,2'0 aud 2,27s, with plaio slaas tronts, with or with nui Uwellinss. Apply to owner. RobukT L BROWN, i<) Nassau street. LOKiS lO tiET?CORNER WEST HOUSTON AND Mercer street*. Inquire of JOHN D. DICKER, 144 West Fonrth sn-eet. LI.FTSTO Ll.'T?N08. 2S. 27. 29. SI ROSE STREET with steam power runnlnz nisht and day: good lis;)? t wat-T auu v.a?r cloaets on earn floor and h.sate.l toy-team. Apply t.i X T. PBltjTQIs. No S7 Rns- strict. *000118. WtTB TE AM POWER-TWO FLOORS, 4(XR>. 14. In marble mill. ~4l st.. near :id av.; also Second Storv, !2a sr.. .2xiio also Booms, wim ste?m power, anil a loom wiih machinists' tools, corner Kr tit and Pearl su.. UrO'Slyn. #M. BUKOON. 2team power, rooms and FLOORS to lkt i!j With or without Puwer; rent low to woodwerkers or others. J8 l ell street. STE \M POWER. WITH CORNER STORES LIGHTED all around; rooms, basemunts and vaults, tor uatin lacturln,; anu tuechanical pntpotw-s; steam heated. .4p pl;. to GeoicoL WaLKER, 180 ientre street. cte\m p.<wer wirrr light rooms to lei ? 0 Broadway, corner Thirty-te\enth street. Inquire of U. Bea KDSLEY, on the premises. Ste am power to let?well lighted rooms and Lolls; also Factory, SO feet lront, lour storv, heatc t bv sieam; elevaior, fas, *c. 418 and ?20 West Twcnty-*eventn street. QTEAM POWER.?THREE ROOMS. S0X6J; FIVE, r? 2 x45. and smaller ones-, good n j? er splendid liaht ?n.; low rent p M. WILSOn. 2'.-l Wes'. E:e*'-irh .-t. ClORK TO LET-4S9 THIRD WI NCE. WITH BASE Oiinent. elexant lartte plate e'ass show windows, with tounter and shelves; possession any time; low rent, ipplv at 2U3 Eost ihtrtietn street, r la: also, in same ion-e. second story. "STORF. AND BASEMENT TO LET OR LEA-E?114 1 t Leonard street, tour doors east of Broadway. Aa p v to GRIFFITH i BYRNE, pn premises CT0RE8 NOS. 416 AND 419 FOCRTH AVENUE, O lately altered, to let or lease, feparately or to fether, with or without Dwellings. Apply to owner, feoBERT I. BROWN, 91 Nassau street. SPLENDID LOfTS, WINDOWS ALL ROUND. WITH an abundance of steam power and eleTstora, to let, ?n reasonable terms. Inquire on premues. First areuue. fwentv-ninL'i ?nd Thirtieth street*. UERRMAN XOEHLER. JO L&T Loft* at 175 Grand ?r*et torts Hi 129 Grand street. House and Store 176 Bowery House and Store 2?^ Carmine (treat Store 179 Grand street. witn or without (team Al?.o other?tore?, Dwellings and Lofts. Apply to s. v. k. c!'.I'i.Ert, 1*2 ilrana street To i.kt-a large stoke, ox the corner of Ki?t\ .seventh street and Eleventh htphuc : an ax cal'ent location tar liquor or grocer* and ll>|Uor; riant ay tii" new niu market ami public s'aucUter house rem moJeeate. inquire on ttie premises or of M. A. O'Nr ILL. .321 I anal street. TO I ET-ffllU POWERFUL ENGINE AND ELEVA t'.r. Km illrv. 190 avenue ? : six stories. 8rt feet trout n iili u-itltoat tnli and patl machinery. Apply to II. I< Kin>.KWi?RTH. 4A Wall sffcef. TO I.EI ?WITH O:i WITHOUT STEAM POWER, !-*??? - at 117. I Band 12i hint Thirteenth ?tre -t he l???n ih rd and Hoiirfh avenues. Inquire ot F GKOBE 4 i o.. 114 Kast Totirte-nlh street ro LET FOR Bl'HI NESS PURPOSES?NOS. MB AND 79 Grand street. IU and 123 c'ro?bv street and t!:e Store in* Dwcdinz in. 57 *?it < igMreaih street. Applv to A. .SOUMlHol g .successor to i. Ulauchct 294 Mxtli ar. ?pO I FT?ON THE Wt-Sl ,-;de of thiud avenue, 1 a More. ?*>xe!i. with ttx.urcs: a splendid location for urygocids FRa.M Is ' KaWFORU, IS3 third avenue. 'po LEI?WITH STEAM POWER. TWO FLOOR"5 1 ?iixvj each; well lighted. Applv at office .?f Mr. f.'LAVK'K I timber Yard. i wenty aeconil street and Elav. mil av.i building Eleventh av. ami I weniy-aecouu st. TO LET-A LARUE Bl'iLDING. SO BY 100. ON We?t I wenty second street, n*ar tenth avenue, for ;arriage laetorv or express company. or any manutaL luring purpose. H. U. WErtB. 4.14 Broome street TO LET?A CAKE AND I Or FEE STALL IN MAR ket frontiug on walk Address, lor two days. M E.. box 114 Herald Cptown Branch oftlee. 1.265 Broadway. TO LET?A STORE AT U E4FT FIFTEENTH STREET, tour doors trom Tiffanv'a: rrould suit any acmes! bu ines" Apply as above, rtrst floor, dressmaker's. rro let?east tw enty-third street. n::ar I avenue A. one Ave storv Factory Buildluu. SOxIQli; Usht trotn all sides, rard. engine Ac.; immediate pos ?e*si?a ol three floor term, most rea^mhle Apply mi Sin Broadway, corner seventeenth afreet. rp<> i.Kr-THRi f i.on *i cherry STREET, anx i P'laach- also Ave story Hitildmg .?> Charry street, xvllh >?r witlii lit steam power. Applv on premises, or to JOlf S T. WILSON * ro., 73 Fulton >tmt rpo i.iT-wtrii or. wniiori power, three 1 Fluora> 13x2W. Apply :o J. M sit ART, 371 Pearl street. .New Toft city. rpo LET OP. LEA-E-THE FTTR LOFTS OF BCILD I mi No. 41 Bee*man street: will be put in cotnnlele repair.ind rented low Apply to J M RIDLEY. 36 BeeKman ?tre?t. TO RENT?THE -lORE NO. 775 SEVENTH AVENUE, ill the brown atone biacx between Plltvflrft and PWYy-s*er?lld -.treffs. n-ar the Broadway and seventh A vennc Kail road dNIh Apply to L GAlTMAN. t'.H We?t fhirry Attn st , i?etwreii -eventh and Elf nth avs. 2 LOTS TO LET?ADJOINING SofTHKA-T ( DR. ner ol Hroirtwiv and Fortv-tblrd street. JAXU H. SKIiiMORK. 62 cedar street p>et water front for har.F. "p. ro let?Ground MxMM. splendid oopertonity for inanuiaeturers; (wo new boilers on the place. J. M. JIOKHLEK. IRK hatham s<|tiare. Bank Bntldinc 7 ?tii M'.r FOR Bl*"IN"ESS ANDMANC sT?tii tnritu pnrpo?es. :he flne (lv? arory l.riek it'iiidini: rttnateri ,n Kivmfton street, near Bowtrr. ??pH at the ?lice, 19"> <'hrystie street DWBUnu HOI *K>* T?? IiET. Knrnitilied. A -THIRTIETH ITRKRT, Jl sl WF.?T OF FIFi H JV. avenue; txceptionallv de?iranle medium ?l*e, nigh stoop lurnisneil Oweliing; rent low. V. K Pi KVENeOH, Jr., II I'me street, or 33 East -eventeenth Street A PERFECT GEM OP A HOUSE?FCLLT FUR. Dished. 14i West Forti lourth strict, e'eganf. TieiBbborrtood; v?ry low rem; nbtiU'. I7x(iixli>'. Permits from v K. sD-.VENsOM, Jr., II Fine Hre.-i or .U East ^even^e?nth street. a ?Idtno I I I RNI-IIKII AND rNFI RNIsllED. , \ . in ?H parts ot the city call lor permits m the offlieot rHil.ll'SF.N A SAii.FR I ZX> Broadway corner Twenty-sloth street. AN KLKOKNT Pol R sTORY BROWN STON-" Hon <? on *Ves? Twenty Hum street to renl. partly furnish d; h.snd-oui" gas ;ixtnre< marine hi. s; three j arlor* ire-roeij in oil; house 22 iect wide, w lilt every ronve lirnce and n Cue yard: rent, low to aj. ?l tenant. Fermils from JAMES K. EDWakDH. No. tiOWesi Twen ty-tlilr?l street a A NI.WLY. F.I.EGANTI.Y Fl R N HI i !?; I? HOI -F. A. irescoeil and decorated. Fori.* -<ixth >tr>ct. near t lit avenua; fll?4ily lurni hed Houses on l-.ivhtei nili an i fneotieth street*; tn it desirable houses offered. PlH WALLACE A i O . I.IjO Broa lway, near I wenty fixfb itrett DWELLING HOt'SBM TO LET. Furniehett. ? FOUR STORY HOUSE, CONTAINING 18 ROOMS. Jx on Fifth uv.nue below Twenty-third street, to let, furnis'ied ; also one, extra la rge. on Twenty third s'reet, niar lifth aveuue. 1'. .-. IVCK .t i O.. 181 Fifth av. ? FURNISHED THREE STORY HIGH HI OOP -V House, in aood order Went Forty ninth street near Seventh avenue , rent low to a good tenant il.MPbON A I'hhr, L45h Broadway, near Porty tourtti strccL 4 FULLY FURNISHED FOl'R slORY BEOW.N A atone Residence on Kif'tletn street. near Fifth ave nue, at a very reasonable rent; otlie.'*. r. H. Bl,ER-->. No. 6 Pine at reel, room 4. i COMPLETELY AND BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED A medium ?l?:e Hou?e. on We?t Thlri* fourth street, near eventh avenue; rent $A50J to u responsible party oniv. lhts house Is very desirable ana cheap, a wentle man. wne aud two daughters will board with occupant it'agreeable, the house will not be rented tor nor can | it accommodate other boarders. JAMES K. EDWARDrt, tij Wert Twenty-third street. I^OR BOARDING HOUSES. FURNISHED? MADISON j ' av? Vii initv o! 5th av. all lour storlea-.HUti at, ?a>; sStii St.. $25J; 4M at.. $3?s 28th St.. #?7?; 2?:h ' it tW: iM st $?? others. 44th st.. *lt?; 29:h st, $150; 31st St.. S-2i. 23d st. , $#W: 28:tl St.. *3Xi. liEORUE HsNKlNS. 1,209 Brondwav. between 29th and 34th sts. Murray hill.?handsome four story high stoop I rown stone (Id rooms) House, furnished; choice neighborhood; uerfect order; reasonable rent; private family prelerred Apply to HOLMES BROTH ERS, 4! East iwentv-third street. TO LET "H LKAttB?1 USNISBSD, THE FIVE STORY I nclish ba-cment House 361 Hl'th avenue, on Mur rav I ? 111 ? possession May Apply to CH \ KLEj (J. aMITn, Cartage office, Custom Uuumj. New York. TO KENT?FURNISHED, THE DESIRABLE DWELL 1 ins .329 \Ve?t Twenty -third street, on favorable terms to a good tenant vpylv oa the premises to Dr. M At.CE 1.I.N. or to 11. M. FUaNi IS tjs Broadway. rpo RENT?A COTTAOR HOUSE, FURNISHED OR . 1 unfiirntahej; desirable location, muderu improve- I tn*m?; name'> p >s*?;i">u Apply on premises. 40 | West/Iftv-iourth st. i>r a '.J VAtE-.BSS Sixth avenue. rpUE THREE STORY 111UH STOOP BROWN' STONE ' 1 llotis- No. 52 West Forty fifth "ireet to let fur- i visheu. Tor one year or longer. Apply to owner, S. J. I STRONG, 155 West thirty-sixth street I'muruiaited. t -127 CHARLTON, 3 ST. BRIC K, M ROOMS... .91.000 A. J9t Washington. 3 story brick. # rooms. MOU ; lid W, st ICtli. 4 story, ?J rooms. Improvements.. ... 1700 607 Hudson. Cottage, improvements 7C0 ra Bank, 3 storv, improvements, reduced rent 110) - lit Horatio. 3 story, improvements, teduced rent.... 1,3U) M Methane, 3 story, improvements S o 1)5 West lilt. 3 story. Improvements, reduced rent.. l,(?*l 57 Horatio. 3 storv impioveineuts. reduced rent.... 1.KJ0 4ftl W??t :Vt|i, 4? orv. Improvement*, reduced rent . I.00J 7 l Jane. 3etorv, improvements, reduced rent l.luu i E. I .v b. T. BURNHa.M. tBt Hudson street. 4 -THREE STORY AND BASEMENT BROWN ?A. stone House. lSti Vast Flrty-eighth street; also ! Houm- No. 418 fourth aveuue. tinner. ROBERT 1. I BKOWN.2J Nassau street. 4 LARGE BROWN STONE FRONT, 70 FEET DEEP, j /V la We* Eleventh street, between Fltth avenue and I University place. 14 bedrooms, especially adapted tor ; l oaning hoUM-?. rent moderate. Address OWNER, box 2.43: New York Post office. 4 PP.IL LIST.?UNFl'rnisued HOUSES, REDUCED A rents, on and adiotmng ntth. Manison and Park j avenne.-. offices 11 Pme street and 33 East-eventcenth I street Mailed tree. V. K. ?Tr.VEJfBON. Jr. A-rniRTIETH STREET. JUST WEST OF FIFTH . avenue exceptionally desirable medium sized : hitfh stoop uaturnisbed Dwclliug; low reut V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., 11 Pine street or 33 East Seventeenth street. A GENTEEL THREE STORY HIOH STOOP AND basement House. 10 room-, subcellar; all improve* mSnts; rent $1,100: 131 West Tenth street. Apply at 282 Canal street, bookstore. A PL MS PRIVATE RESIDENCE. WITHIN THRKK ^.'V ticks of I'mon square; perfect order; lilted up tor use of owner: occupied by htm; furnished or uii- i furni?ued; would sell Furniture inearlv new) cheap. 1 Apclv \o owner, lo0 Fourth avsuue. t centrally l.Of ATED FOUR STORY BROWN* A stone House. $).4WJ; a House, two story and basement, $1.00; modern tmprovemfnts. and in (rood order. POTf'ER bR'?THt,RS. No. 4 Warron street. . -THE WHOLE OR ONR-IIaL? OF THE ELF. J\ ? g4DtStor-- 1.133 Broadway, opposite the -tevons Hous-> also thn Second and Third Floors to let Inquire of J. hopkins, 13 West Twentieth street. A ?OL'R STrtRY. BROVTW .TONE HIGH STOOP r, i in Thirty-fifth strept. between Httn o'c^o'ck'x! jf*130*1 APPlv 111 ?" Pl'to avenue, before 10 Affi aw^ia .ms?? C. s. J-.:CK A CO.. 181 Fifth ? venae. \ ~S5IERAL.v.3i?y desirable first cla-s ?A. bi*h?.oop brick una brown atone irunt Homes n?aiwf,itlfArou,"l40t tfle KP'scona' Coll??e7cont?Tn: in* l . una lb room* ati'i complete in ercry resoect. An plr to t>. A. CWHMIA, in Xintb avemie between ! IWMUaUi and Twnty-flm tr?ti w?' A -*M"0-rnt:i Mnr.v man stoop~br"ick House street, near Eitthth avenue i LA ROti I OUR 'TOBY HIGH 8T00P BROWN -A ?t no Hou-e, No. 21 i Went Korty-flith street near Broadway; rent ?2.3U0: thiaU a cheap hou??- a'wVthr I ??%. ? * wide, nine block. 3..0JX). Ti>?V\^ n > Pfchr l.*v troj.lway. near l-'ortr-l?nr?h atree't. yeir In?a'M " <OTiSSWr. A roca r?BY BROWN STO*E KSOLISH basi". J\ mentHouaeto rent. No. 4?1 We*t i *fr'v w??< 25ES#J a?B5* ^ "" modern improvements and in (food orJer. excellent locatlou: ?i.400. anu ?n jAM ' ?" ,J- " IM'~ *ltl,s- <w We?t I'wenty-third etreet A -A FINE SEW FOCR 8TOBY BROWX sTO\F . lloa-.., amine room exten?lon onlv $: 7on- rhir'tv. inird. Thirty-!fourth. Eighteenth, j-tfticrh and Futv n'?t street*, near Fit;li avenue. 12 ?W and ?\?jo , u,T nr* ro<jLEt' W+LLack A t o.. I.S.K) Broadway. A* EXCVEDINGUY DK.-INABLE MRST CLAM A brown atone Motive to rent unturnNherl nn wv.t 1 wenty-thir i street, in elegant order; the lot l? 142 feet &??? with alieyn.y to Twen:y.,?UMh "treeV and rfn rear ot lot i? on k lanndryand serranta-hou.e th? dinritf r-oin ia lar.-e and cahinct rtnuhed: it i? ^ iulent - ?: }.i.? \ Klii). 69 We?t Twenty-third ?treet ("?HKAPbST ForR story BROWX gtoxe high jag.-aan,.-"^ ? ??????>? "SKsMt ST(,R* 22-foot 8TOXE RWFLI Xj in.- I iftv-flr<t at.. n.*ar Filth av.. for sale or i#T I'*' ;?>?: until niaiied. V. k. 81KVp.' \.,ds ?I ,? 1 ' ??t -oenteetn n'reet. *" t'OB $?*> Pi II ANN I'M?A XTCE, COMFORTABIF DAlLl.Y. ,m Mxth ittnut. v*y c" ?*? T'? LET-OS moderate TERNS. THK DWKLLIVa *"mo /rn '?> prove me nu. ?lane. h '' "e*r8t" ?v - 'uur atorjr brown ?N'' J1 12th *t. between 5th and 8th ava. iM> ?torr hf)*ii*b bttnemrnt brown ?t/ine No tl'.- -If" ,2lh ll>ree "torJr ht?,> Hoop brick. pe*r,ert ord?^ ?,l,ree M"r' h,?" ?">?P brick; in tatiM U ,t0ry b,"h "rtck; eon " ? ,hr"e ,lory hl*h ?,0?? brick. Apply to 'tK*',<Or '? y BU?ichetA;j4 > ?fh1 a ve nue. T'!>JfF'T~ZTnL' ,TnRKK -TORV HIGH STOOP <?t~lT Ajkt. ,bav,:r10 r"? ?ai '' F.ast Fourth nreer. Dear Bowerr. rPO LI T?I' N ! CRN'ISR KD HOISKS IS TiBmi^ /^'ba'iI i-V'LVf''1"; ?- ,,nn " ' ^ toorth 'treet, near Bowery. rpo LET?OX THE I'PPER END OF TBI! mi hon*: heautinil (round* and rirer Jlew?U,eai?n !>0*t* MltT-MeoBd -tre-t, between Follr<h mmA 1 ",nd 123 Iiue?. tiauo ,iuclv finished, wtthall ?noiSJn ^"!!/T< s?ona"{?r?,?,A* A'""y -*??mWRIWTJSTfi TWO OR THREE YEAR." THAT VFRr ?td;'Kt ou0r vVnT'i^T';^' "-r>HouiRa I'll- II ili'l Park avenuei wfrh m iXm'h"!n tot "W?. 4;, i>EH.m,> k.wLkh. 7J b"m Jfri? *Bt Al>r,lv AV 'P') I?KT?A FIR.Si CLASH HOlf,* ly .e^v.^Tn;^. Trrz'n'r^r ? ??? -^aUIn*5;-l.r,h,,r.i,v:^,?r T?vLKI~J:,K Fot'R htory high -i , , >| ,,-7? /. v^>r,rwR!f ? r*A>". A otiarl itreet. ff'o LET?W RITIXOTOX 8TRRF.T ONF ?r orr J- from Bawcfv three itop* i? . _f , ^ Of UWnliWa HI KK, IV Kn-t Hroai'way ' """Ure T' browi? Mono^fron't' H oa'^e Ew^tF^h^S??! T". T/"V ELEGANT THREE srilRT?7ur I from hl^n atoon brown atone Ifonae in llr.i ,-i.. order. ireacMd. Ac., .(.tiatert in l.exlnjno!i "avenne iJ to a ?ie?irHb e pftrrv on fa^mut #* , *PMiv. for two da,,, to itie oX iS , Thirty fourth >tr rt. between ? A. M. and I I'll F ? LKT-BKOWX MTOX* HOI SE~ KA^EVIKNT L..? t Floors Xo. ti Proipec p,aee Ite'. 7e.n??er r""" K"rtr',hlri1 ??""" '*? 'nijulre on r"' three ?ToRr raskmexr axd liplv to ft rt -.'\|'| r h"" t "r,"',h ?'reer. 1 '? " ""l 1 ? ?? w e?t street, ri-ar Mnrray. r, 1 rjKT r,",':,rr1OKV HASKWENf , ' , .,7 JJV'ty liinttr ,-re,.t: Hli ? K-m'l; or,l'sr: r"" tl ??' Apply on I " I I ? ?. !, V. I r MM <, Sfl't'i I I'All < 111" I l>a<eroei|| uni | j IWO S OR\ ? < It Weat KroaiTwa' ' Avp,y feet DWELMSO HOt NIC* TO LET. I n furnished, TO LET-A COMPLETE AND CONVENIENT THREE story brown stone House. with all mo.era Improve ments and with pxtra grounds: healthy 10 alien, on I l-cv nfion avenue. betwoeu Ninety ar t and Ninety ?sc | ond stiuets: rent low fpo LET-THE CONVENIENT THREE hTORY HOUSE 1 ny I nft Eighty-sixth street, near Malison avenue modern Conveniences; will be painted anil put In com plete order: rent 8:2). NKAEIE A t'D., Third avenue, near Eightv-glxih st mo I KT-TH' THREE STORY AND ATTIC HIGH I stoop House 14ti Waverley place, near Sixth avenue, in fine order: all th- molern Improvements; rent low. Apply t<> JAMES sL'VDAM. 158 Waverley place. TO LET-A VRKY LAROK NUMBER OF DE'IRABLE three ant tour story private Houses, at greatly re duced rents; Just call and aek ot. F. CRAWFORD, dm Third avenue. Tf) RENT? HOUSE NO. 3.110 THIRD ATUtfll THE house is in oertect order an i has all requirements Cor a bakery: the xtore can be rented alone. For particu lars apply to the proprietor. No. SDelaucey street, in the store. rpo RENT-$?00: THREE STORY HIGH STOOP 1 brown stone, 19x45. all improvements, good order, 134th street, First and Second avenues. JOHN L. TRAVIS. 29 Nassau street room 2S. TU O RENT?CHEAPEST HOl'SK IN" NEW YORE: $1,400; tour storv brown stone dwelling, SSd East Fifty seventh street. Owner. 334 same street rpo RENT ?UNFURNISHED, TI1K LARGE FIRST 1 class House 23 W e?t Twenty-fourth street: four story high stoop brown stone. 25 feet wide, in fine order: to secure a private, responsible tenant this house will be rented at considerably less than the ? arket rate. JAMES K. HOWARDS, ti9 West Twcnt.v-third ?t TO REST?THE VERY DESIRABLE IIOU-E 345 West Thirty.second street, in splendid order trom top to bottom all the modern conveniences. Ac.: rent re I need to $l,4fti to a good tenant: seen by permit from 11 to 1: very cheap. J A .V1*. > if. Et. WARDS West Twenty-third street TWO STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK HOUSE NO. 27 East 13?d street, to let or lease: also House No. 418 Fourth avenus. Apply to owner, ROBERT I. BROWN, 20 N'asaau ?treat. UNFURNISHED AND FURNISHED HOUSES, three and four stories, centrally located, at re duced rent*, rail and examine our list*. TIMPSON ft i'Eh r, 1 44* Broadway n?sr Forty-fourth street. -Ill AVENI !? NEAR I HE BliUNSWICE.?A VERY comlortnble five storv English basement House In perfect order. Can be seen fro n 4 to S 1'. M. by calling St No 2li7 Fifth avenue. ?m COTTAGE PLACE. BETWEEN HOUSTON AND Itleeckoj- street".?a most desirable Cottage with all modern improvement*: large garden in tront: price il.iWi per year. Inquire ol W S. CAiiR, No. t Cottage place. no EAST SEVENTY-tHIRD STREET, NEAR FIFTH jju avenue.?To lot elegant flint class tour storv brown stun* Dwelling. KIC>IAKL? V. HARNETT, 111 Broad way. room F. basement. Cfl EAST SEVENTY-FOURTH STREET.?FINE FOUR ?J\f story high stoop House to let cheap, to a good tenant: one tnree storv. No. 204 East Seventy-ninth street FKANKFlKI D. owner. 323 Eigmh avenue. IIOTH HTREEI-. NEAR But LEVARD.-TO LET, .IJ.O handsome three story basement and sub-cellar tra ma House, containing n'l the modern lmpro> ements and trescued. four lots of Ground, carriage house and stable ; rent io a tlrst cla-s tenant $1.IMU per annu r. RICHARD V. HARNETT, 111 Broadway, room F. basement. 97ft EAST BROADWAY, NEAR MONTGOMERY I ') street.?To let tlie above three story attic nnd hasement ? otise. with all the modern improvements. Apply at 127 Madison street corner Jefferson. <fc7nn A YEAR.?NEAR EIGHTH AVENUI IND ?? i yv Central Park, three story high sloop brick, 20x60, to rent: ail improvements: a very cheap dwelling. Apply at H97 . iglttu avenue. JOHN BRANIGAN'. <11 *,>^0 ?T,) ltKXr- 433 WEST FORTY-FOURTH ?M. ? 'MJ. street: three storv and basement. I'hila delphia brick tront 10 rooms: all the modern improve ment- 111 l crtect order. Apply to D. W. Dy.VIS, 347 West Fourteenth street. <2>1 Qfift -LARGE BROWN STONE HOUSE FOR 1 .0' Ml, ty-nirth street, near broadwav: two smalt select families could lane it: tine tor physician. HULl., Owner. 240 Broadway. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. A YOUNG WIDOW. HAVING A SUIT OF MAG niflcent Apartment*, desires to rent same to gentle men of culturc ami refinement who will lurnish them eiegantiy urd ta\e pavment In rent; reterences ex changed. Address box 3.791 Post office. A PRIVATE FAMILY OF TWO, OCCUPYING THEIK own residence, desire to rent elegant, comfortably turn!?h~d fpartments to r-spectabie gentlemen: the hou?e has all the requirements of a refined home. 23d East Twentv thlrd street A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO A SINGLE GEN tie man: rent $3. 387M Bloecker street; ring top bell. * SUIT OF ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE J\ keeping: private house: gas. bath, hot and co'.d water ?. $ !'i month : piano It required. Inquire at Iteal Estal? office, 17 Abingdon >quare Eighth avenue). t NICE, LARGE FRONT FURNISHED ROOM TO JA. let?to a genilstnaB and wife or two gentietnea at 7'j Division street, room IS. A HAND OME I'VRLOR AND llEDROOM. FUR nlshed. also a thirl story front Room, to let. to gentlemen onlv, without board ; small private family; location IIS East Nineteenth street AT NO. 52 WI ST FOURTEENTH STREET?TO LET. hnndsumely turnished Rooms, to gentlemen, without board. * VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED SECOND Jr Floor, parlor and two chambers, with adiolning bath: also other Rooms, si rule and double, to lei: gen tlemen only. 59 We?t Ninth stre-t. Be ir Filth avenue t COMFORTABLE. NEATLY FURNISHES BOOH J\ to letatt? weekly, to lady or gentleman, with privilege ol light hou^-keeptng: gas. bath. 4c. Private residence. 311 Ka?t Thirteenth street Furnished rooms?complete for house keening to resrectaole man and wife, at 190 Vartck street; one small family In the house. HANr>OMFLY rram-iHF.D ROOM-. WITHOUT I board, for gen-lem n only: fobVentfM access to all city railroad*. No. U F.n*t Twenty-third street. HANDSOMELY Ft'RXISHKO ROOMS TO I.ET? ! Without board, to gentlemen only; location and \ house t!rst class: term* low to permanent partie*- alio iront Ritxrmont. 98 Wert Tenth street. near Filth a*. OXK OR TWO GENTLEMEN I AN BK ACCOMMO- ! dated with .1 neatly furnished Bedroom utTl Poplar *tr fi Brooklyn (within live minutesof ration terry). Rare chance? fix*, fcrxisreo three > .lory lirnwn -nn? llouw. near lower eaitcrn en- j trance to Cetitral Par*. to a respectable tamllv ot ndult*. ' m exchange tor Board torown'-r. witc *n i ?erTani: no other lwarden allowed.*-.* I^NDUIIU, stj tion H. TO LET?FITri PARLORS AXD BR M ROOMS, NICK ly turnUhed; hot and cold water term* moderate. ! 4Sf Sixth avenue, between Twenty-tevcnth and Iwentv- : eighth street* - I TO I/T-l* EAST rWEI.FTM STREP.1, BETWEEN j 'third and Fourth avenue*?A large, *pl< ndidiy tur niched 'oom. tor me .r two ir.ntlcmen, with aU , the latest improvement*; {msaeMlon at once. mo LET-A LARGE. SQUARE ROOM AND LARGE 1 r|o?et, suitable tor gentleman aud wife or two single gentl men. M B< nfl ttraet. | To LET?FfRNWHin. AT SIS WEST FIFTEENTH street inrgc pleasant H;ic* Parlor: r.otand eold water; four closet*; rent $7 per wee* reference. T~~cTlET?a FTRNISHED FRONT ROOM AXI) BKD room, flrat floor, tor tentlemen onlv No. IIS Weat Eleventh street. oeiween Vittn and Sixth avenue*. TO LET-FI RW1MIE0 HALL AND .-Of A RE ROOMS on tecmd floor r>ath hot and cold wat?r. Apply to dreattneker. id Ka?t Filteantb ? reet, tourth hou*? trotn fiffiany s To LET-NICELY FDEXISHED. sriTABI.K FOR housekeeping. to maall faaiilv of adult*, entire s?c ond floor. P;rt of Third and front Ba<einent in private house .?.? We?t Eleventh street or to party of gentle- i men : location central; 935 per month 1 large parlor ox kir<t floor axd two I new lv painted and furr.uhed < fi*mbers to rent, to a partv OI gentlemen. without board. 22 West Twenty sevent'i ?trce-. ; 1 PARI OR FLOOR?THRKE LWQF. ROOMS. HAND 1 autnelv furnished; private bathroom clone is. Ac., with private ta*>le. or to gentlemen, without board; reference*. ?S F.ast Twen'i?th ?traet. 1 BLOCK FROM BBOADWAY.-A XICELV FCR J nmlied second H'?or, with hot and coll water and every convenience; imnily private ISj Wert Tnirty ? econd *tre ?u Arr A WFI K ) OR A NICELY FURXIHTIBB ROOM ?T' I on secon 1 floor nt .VI Ea? T? Ifih street. kj>.> H XD TRKF.T -A LARGI IP.ONT FABLOB __ to let to gentleman and wife or twoyoungmen; also otner Boom* tor light hou-ei.eerung. mil WK?r i lOHTEKNTH STRK F,T.?A COMFORT A tile tiirni-hcrl I'ooni at .Viper wee*. OOfl FAST FORTY N1XTII M1 RKET.?A I.AltOE. i??)' ' fine tnrn shed front Room on second floor to let. and hall Koom if required, to one or two single gentle men wi |) Breakfast. in private Jewish tsmily; term* mo ic 41e ? )l I N'NTH STREET, NKAR NECONH AYF.Nt F^ ? ? ?I L Fnrnlshe I front f!<rf)m to one or two gentlenr n or a r-sp-ctable married couple lor light hoaaekecping; private house. J(|* BROOME hT. THREE BLOCKS WEST OF ? ' Bro idwav.?Nieelv turnishe.l Room* to r?n< for ?Intre men ?r man a:id "lie i >r light hMlsekeeplaji; terms in o.lerate I'IPtRlltllHEl) ROOMS AMD APART > KIT* TO LET. t -tOIORBEXWIt'll si. ^T) !'M>OR. 8 KOOMS.ISD 00 j'\? ~I7 Wetl 12th frt. SI Flour, ? rooms 2^ St We?t lltlt ?t l <t i loor and Ha*ement A rooms.. ?.'> i<9 1* Pi in st . <i Floor, t rooms, fffl; Stti Moor 20 <*> M Beti.une ?t . it Floor i ? ? o ? . i\> i*l s i; iin-e \ oort st In (? (.or uii't daeement. .mill liA ?e?l 1t*i ?t. Ith I ! >or ilronn I rooms 17 <W W Horatio -t. ;d Floor. It rooms . II lit .11 Horatio -t l?t Floor and Bus'Went, ? roo'tis .. UliO :t7TI Rleeeker M Floor, 1 r?>olB.- 1* tm I. I. .V II r. Bl UN II A M. < I :i I III I.oti ;r.o t * M'tsi FL ioft, o\nil; ioiik no. J\ Fourth avenue, to let; ?v to Ill Improve nienx ' 4 1 and ?i>e tin- owner an.l iiremlvc- irotn II to I o t I'RIV.AfK FI.M, Til); I I'l'I'It PAi T "F V .V brown -tone lion sc. Xo. i.U W> ?t Fidv -"cond street, rtrooms. ail .iirtr.- ever* convent.' owimr oceapie* lower p;iri J l:i lamil V): $1' D per innnih TO LET. THE I.OWF.i: P.VRr of IIOUSK 32# . Lcxibg on avenue ; $,ii per month. t'UPl'nVISHKD ROOM* A..1D APA1T. _ URWT8 TO LET. \ NICK PARLOR FLOOR. WITH BASEMENT. ALL J\. modern Imprnwment*. to let ?t lid# Bast Fifteenth street. near Third avenue. Can be aeeu from t to 4 P? M. t ?TO LET, SECOND AND MART OK T111HI? yl. Floor In orlvatu house 373 West Tlitrlv second street; first class neighborhood. Apply on preumes. 4 -TO LET, SEVERAL FLOORS Or FOl'R. SIX j\, an J seven rontn?. on Ninth avenue, between Nine teenth and Tweuttoth streets. ami on West Fifteenth street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues: these floors arc in uooa crier, with separate ga. meters. stationary tubs. Crotou wa'er, gas fixtures and other conTcntexees. Applr to O. A. <'C8II.\I aN. 17* Ninth avenue, between Twentieth and Tirentv-first streets. AT REDrCED KENT?10 TO 12 ROOMS, STRICTLY private first class rooms; private bouse: other oc cupants two adults. alio Kloor and Sulta ot Rooms, with every convenience. Owner. No. tt West Tenth street. A THIRD SUIT OK apartments TO RENT UN J\. furnished, on West twenty third street, between filth and Sixth aventiea; Ave rooms: 970 per month. JAMES H. EDWARDS, 69 Weat 1 wentv-ti.lrd street Apartments?in surra of seven large room;-. In the Kensington House. Fifty-seventh street, cor ner Fonrtli avenue ? every room perfectly lighted and ventilated ; tne best now offered In the city: rents. $100 to *140. 11MPSON A PKET, 1,488 Broadway, near Forty fourth street A PARLOR, 12X33, FIRST floor, ENGLISH J\ bnsement, suitable for physician or stodio. on Twentv-thlrrt street near Seventh avenue. For Rey apply at coalyard i wenty fourth street near Sixth a v. A SUIT OF apartments (SHCOND floor) TO rent on West Twentv third street, between Fltth and Sixth avenue*; splendid situation lor modiate or milliner or lor other light business. JAMES M. ED WAKLis, (>9 Weat Twenty-third atrcet. A LOWER PART OF A HOUSE TO LF.T?CONSlbT lntr of eight or nine rooms, with improvements near the Elevated Railroad ; can be aeen between 13 and 3 o'clocK: neighborhood private. Also an Upper J'nrt, consisting of eight rooms: rent moderato: can bo seen between 2 and 5 o'clock; neighborhood private. In.julre at 3<M West Thirty-first street Back parlor to rent-on west twenty third street between Fifth and Sixth avenues, suitable for a professional or light business; rent $30per mouth; untarnished except mirrors and gas fixtures. J AM Kb K. HOWARDS. 69 West Twenty third street. Desirable floors?$2 . $30, #3s, #35, ?4o, $45; also first Floors and Basements. #10. $45, $50. $70. WALTER W. MONTAOt'E. Real Estate Agent, Eighth avenue and Twenty-flrat street Flats to let-in house m Lexington ave nne, #40 to $5) per month, wltn all conveniences; also a small brick House, 27 East 153d street Owner ROBERT j. HKOWN 20 Nassau street. TTtLATS. FROM SIX TO NINE ROOMS. AT 313 WEST r Twenty first street; all improvements: fine, large yard. Ac.; within hull' a block ot Klevated Railroad sta tion : other Apartments at .115. Inquire at ice office. FRENCH FLATS SIX ROOMS BESIDE BATn r Room. Prices $55 to #HW a month Apply to the Janitor, 74 Weat Flltvthird street Flats of ten rooms?eleoant and spacious: cabloet fi il-h; mirrors: steam heated: appenrance cqaal to Fifth avenue, inaide and oni; rent $9 ). f, CRAWFORD, coiner Kilty-seventh street. Floors of 4, # and 7 rooms, each with gas fixtures, water closets, Ac. ? ail in thorough order: possession Immediately. Apply to MA1THEW BYRNES, 142 Hast 1 hirty-third street. LowEft part of room story private house to let?Six rooms and basement with all mo lern improvements; good for a first olasa family ; two blocks from Broadway. 233 Hast Thirteenth street NO. 56 WE-T fourteenth STREET, NEAR SIXTH avenue.?To let. two nice and largo Floors, with garret rooms; separate or together. Inquire in the store. ONLY *23 A MONTH FOB SEVEN ROOMS. RANGE and cellar: whole ot a cose v. new house and gar den see "Property out of the City to Let." Quick transit.?to let, second flat. 372 West 'Iwenty-tnird street, corner Ninth avenue; nine linht rooms and alt Improvement*. For further pariicuiars Inquire in grocery store, or at 162 (itand St., NELSON SAMMia Rents cheap.?rhnts in those new four story first class brown stone front Hoases. SOO. 592 and 304 West Fiftieth street; six rooms on each floor: rent i-lrst Floor, #2U; Second. $22; third. #21. Apply on the premises. OECOND OR 1HIRD FLOOR, FINE private house: three large rooms, plenty closets, ail im provements and conveniences; rent $4! and #17. 210 Eftst Twentieth street near Third avenue. TO LKT?FIRST CI.AS.' FRENCH FLATS, FLOORS 7rooins;al<o Parlor* and Basements. Inquire at J47 ?a>t Fiftieth street, second floor, on the premises. TO LpT-TtlK FINELY LOCATED FLOORS ON northern corner of Mxth avenue and fourteenth streeti lately put in flrst class order ana well adapted lor tailors, milliners, dressmaker*. Ac.; will be divided to t>uit applicant. Apply to A. bOUBlBOUS, succcssor to F. BUachet,r-ixtii avnDue. rro LET?A. FEW FIRST CLASS FLATS IN THK 1 new buildings on rourth avenue, corner ot Thirty second street Apply at office, 47i Fourth avenue. TO LTT?BY A GEBMAtf FAMILY, FOLB ROOM3. with gas an J water, on third floor ol private house i'M West Tlurty-jlxth street, to a sma.l family ol aduita; rant moderate. Apply trom 11 A. M. to 4 K M. TO LKT?SKCONO FLOOB OF HOCSE 33 BROOME ?treet. with hot and cold water an.1 bath. No chll drent rtent i30 n in. nth. Applr on premises. TO LET-A .SECOND FLOOR; FOCB NICK LAROE rooms, with closets, Iront basement gas and water; use ot the washroom. 114 hast fcleventh s rtet, near >onrth avenue. TO LET. UNFl'BNISHED?FIBST FLOOB. NEWLY papered and painted ; also a secon 1 Floor for bust ne?a or lignt housekeeping. 86 East Twelfth street. TO LET-TO A RESPONSIBLE. SMALL, GBNTBSL (Jinny or ndults. First Floor and Ha>enicnt ol an Enpllsh basement house, rctlnod location; rent $600. 313 East Nineteenth street TO LET-TO A QUIET FAMILY OF* ADULTS, THE Second Floor in the private House ?0? East Twenty first street, near Secon 1 avenue;all Improvements; first class order: ample closets: water in front and rear part. Applv to owner. trom 11 to .V rpo LET?THIRD FLOOB IN HIGH ST'?OF BROWN 1 stone hou?e. near central Far It: partially turnlshed; carpels, gas. stove. West Flfty-eUntb street. rro Lf.T-AT 408 WEST FOBTY-FOURTR STREET, I six One Rooms. second flo>r, in go d order, trota May I. ess. water. Ac ; rent $40 per month. O LET-AT 144 FIFTH AYBNCB. ONB OB HOBS Rooms, tor stu lio or gymnasium or *nv similar pur pose; potx'ssioti May 1; liberal rent rpo LET.-l I'PEK PART OF A PRIVATE HOl'SI-.; 1 moderate rent ana good location. 12- Kast Eighty thirl street, between Second nnil ihird avenue*. T- o LBT?8ECO.>if FLOOB. OB PABt. AT It STOY vesnnt s'reef, near Cooper Institute. Inquire be tween 1 an.I 2 o'clock. mi) LET? HBAUT1FUL FLATS. IN EAST SKVBNTY I ninth street, ut re.iu. ed rent*. Apply In the office SH East Seventy-ninth street. rro LET-TWO FLOoRH (THIRD AND FOURTH), 10 I rooms, to a small American tamily. in lirown stone front Ikiuw >o. M Last Kitty-second street Rent $30 permonih TTIO LET?SECOND FLOOR, FIVE BOOM--; ALL I ami In good repair; gaa, water and water closet, rent moderate. 6)1 Sixth avenue, corner Thir tieth street The lower part of a brown stone housf, with all the improvements. rent 9&>; two other Floors, lour ana six rooms, each $33: line location, in quire at 4lil West h nty filth street t'PPER PABT OK lOUSe To LET-TO A -MAI.I, fatniiv of adnlta in Ihirty-flrat street, near Lex ington avenue. Inquire ol owner, 109 East Twenty-alxth atreet. between 2 and 5 i'. M. 9TH WABD.?TO LKT, IHIBL) FLOOR, SIX LARGE rooms; all conveniences; eeonrate gas meter. Ac.; best reierence* required rent $33 per montn. Inquire on premise-.. H3 Jane street WEST TWENTY EIGHTH STRHKT, CORNER Mxth avenue ? First French Flat; every im provement: seven rooms ; halls and stairs carp- tea. In quire of S. Rl. H, 74 Murray street 100 8TORAOK. A?ORAND CENTRAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE, . 232 and 134 West rortv seventh street, corner Hroad way.? spacious and well venlilatfd hoouis; extra in ducements offered: inspection invited. MO ROAN A B KO i II ICR. Proprietors. A?STORAGE. WEST SIDE STORAGE WAREHOUSE . tor furniture haggag". pianos Ac.; separate rooms; accessible during business hours; mottextensive and re spoi,iiibl< establi>nm"nt In the hus'.ness. rt. TAGGART, owner an I Manage,-, office W. Had*OU street. HAEOF.RM WAREHOUSE?. EIGHTH AVENUE, Thirty-third to thirty fourth street, 2*e Nintti av?nii" office ?*) West Thirty fourth street.?The oldest lowest in rat*, moat extensive and thoroughly equipped establishments ot the line in the business-, storage lor furniture, barrage, goods an I ware* or every iieserip tloa, in separate eiowd compartments. Night patrol receive good* at aU hours, Inspection invited? MOBBBLL'S FIR-.T ( LASS STORAGE WABK botlses lor furniture, minks, cases, Ac . with son deposit \^ult- l'i# valuables; -?ai.-?. oi ai, si>>p*. in vaults, Ift rent by month or \ "*r, ailordlne absolute security, fourth avenue and llurtt second street. QTOBAQB?FOB FUBRITURB, PIANOS. BAGGAGE 0 and other goods, in separate rooms, buildings nave ail conveniences ; watchman at night MICHaLB* A SON. :ft. itland 4^ < omroeree ?treet. near Bleeeker. PKGPHS t L.B. Proposals for ca-t ikon. The New York Bridge t ympany will receive eeaied proposals until April IS. H7.'> at noon, for four i ?<t Iron Anchor I'iutes tor the ,<e* Vorn anchorage: total wfigiit, atifiut Hi ton*. ~pm ifli .itions will be ??t't by mall upon apuhcation. Blue to lie o I reeled to their ot flee, vi Water street, Brooklvn. where ihe plans can he seen T>BOPOSALS FOR HTONK -fHB N -W YORK 1 ilri.lflre i ompanv will receive sealed proposals until noon. \i rli 17. IHfl. for ahou: 3.001 m# \arM? tai " Mine stone, about ti WW cubic yard* Limestone or t.ranite H.h kintt and ???out 901 cntiic yards Granite rornersaml IHtnension Harking, speciflcatlolis will Iw sent b* mall upon application bids to be directed to this office, il Water street, HrooUvn. where the plans can !?? >'?it. pp.nriiiAI.S FOP. WROUGHT ikon \N('H'lR BARS.? I The New Vork Brl.ige f'ompany will receive ?ealnl proposals until *pril 19. IS)ft. at noon, lor u mit l ntf.'Ui His W iought Iron Eye Bars lor Anchor < hams tor the N? w Vork nuehoragc, nnil about .Vrl.O'i lbs. oi c.\, , trs f tr the HrookUh nuehoraze ami .ilmut 40 i>IO l.s ,,t Cms lor the aine; so-eiflrations trill be sent by mail up.,11 application; injsiobe dlreetci to their office, 31 Witer street, Brooklyn, tvhere the plans ran oe seen MII.K i v li ( Nil. woolilll LL A CO., .'ti IO n NORTH . Moore street.? Pure < ream delivered In any mm of .New York. Brooklyn or .ler?e\ city, and shipped packed In ice to any town betivten Boston aim Wa?n Incton. CUROPEA* JTBAMNHIP3. HAXBURQ-AMEBICaN PACKKT IOUMl'AN'VM LINK lor PLYMOUTH, CHi RBOI'RG an t HAMBL'KU. FMI8IA April 15 | lwMMl-.RA.NIA April? Hl'KVIA \pril 75 I SII.K.-IA Wav ? .^AK's of pa-sage to Plymouth London, Chiroo"ff, 1 I' ii m t? r,' uiid all point it in Knglani. Scot laud anil W u es: - First Cabin, upper saloon, gold 8?0) i First Cabin, lower saloon, gold M I Steerage, currency 24 a Co . C. a RiCHauD A BOAS, General Agents, General Puirnter A?euts. fll Broad street New \ork. til uromtway. New York. J Nil AN UNE-UXSD SOUTHERLY COURSE. Royal Wall ^teamcrs ure appointed to sail a< follows:? Ki'K QlhENSi'OWS AM)'ODL. cm OF Saturday. April 17, at 3 P. M. CI TV OF Mh.N . IU.AL... . s-alurdsy, April 24, a. 8 A. M. CIlY OF Ctl i..->Ti?R Sa urduy, M-iv I, ati P. M. CITY UF BROOKLYN Saturday, Mav 8. at 8 A. M. CITY OF Ki'.RLI N Saturday. May IS, at 3 F. M. CABIN 1'AS -AGE?$8) H11U #1U0 KOi'l. b'l K!'.KA(ii ?loand from all point*, at reduced rates. Cabin und general office. No. Id Broadway. Steerage olMoes, Broadway and Pier 43 North River. __ JOHN G. DAlK. A?'tifc__ The state line. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVI Rl'OOL, B .Li-'A.-T AND LONDONDERRY. Falling from Pier 36 North River, us loliows;? STATE OK INDIANA Wednesday. April 31 bTATh OF uEORGiA wiednes iuy. Mav ft 81 ATE OF f. N.N STL V Ail A Wednesday. May 19 and every Wednesday thereafter, taking |,a*scnger* at through rates to all parts ot Great Britain and Ireland, Norway. Sweden, Denmark and Germauv. Steerage as low as bv any other line Drafts tor ?1 anil ucw.ird. "or treight or passage ap ply to AUollN, BALDWIN A CO.. Agents No, 7'-' Broadway, Steerage office. No. 49Broadwnv. OST DIRECT AND ECONOMICAL ROUTE TO tlolland, Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, Ac., via ROTTERDAM. steamer MAA8 April 15 Steamer SCHoLTiiN April '.'9 These beau.lful steamers, carrying the United states mail to the Netherlands are welt known tor the regular ity ot their trips. Kates ot passage ,ow. FUNCtl, EuYE & CO.. L. W. MORRIS. Oenernl Agents. Si Broadway. Eagle line. UN1TKD STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS TO PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG AND HAMBURG. I he elegant Clyde built iron steamships will sail from New York as follows ?? GOETHE, Captain Wilson April 13 fcCHTi LKIt. captain Thomas. April 37 trom Eagle Line pier, tootot Kirst street, Hoboken. KATES i)F PAhSAOfc. TO PLYMOUTH, LONDON. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG; Cabin-Hirst .saloon. $100, gold ; second saloon. $6J, gold steerage, $i4. currency. Prepaid steerage ilckets trom Hamburg. $21. currency. For frcicth' apply to 1TNCU, KDYEA CO., 27 south William street. For passage apply to KNAUTII, NACHOD A KUHNE, Genets! Agents, 113 Broadway. CROOK'S TOL'RS AND EXCURSIONS.?NEXT 8PE ) cial oerbonilly conducted tour to'south ot Krauce, Italy, Switzerland, the Khlne, Ac., ssils May 1: 100 days' tour; firstchisi steamer, rails and hotels; all expends. $0.v>. gold. Coon's hxcursicnist (price lo rents) lins programm-a lares and particulars ot over 1,000 tonrs tor iuilepi-ndent traveller*. cooK, OSJ JEXKINS, 261 Broadway. Great western STI'.AMhU'P LINK. NEW YORK Tj BRISTOL (h.N'GLAN'Di DIRECT, satlln? trom pier 18 Eaut River as follows:? ARaOO.V Captain Svmons Saturday, April 10 CORNWALL, Stamper Saturday. Muy I Cubin pissage, $7ii; Intermediate. $43; cteeraare. $*>, currency: excursion tickets, SI'JUL Apply to W. I). MORGAN, Agent, 70 Sonth street. M White star line, (?Oft QUKKNSTOWN OR LIVERPOOL, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL, BALTIC April 17, at 3 P. M. REPUBLIC April 24. at 8 A. M. ADKIA TIC Mav 8. at 7:3) A. M. CELTIC May 19, at I ;3:) P. M. BALTIC tou.v ;!i, at 3 P. M. BRITANNIC Mav 29 noon. OEKMANIO June 8th, at 3 P. M. From the White Star doeks. pier i>2 North Rtver, Rates?-aloon, $S i ana $100 In gold; return tickcts, $176 gold, strersje at low rates. Saloon, statoronms, smoking and bathrooms are placed amidships, where the noise and motion are lea?t. aftoniinz a dezree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. For Inspection ot plans and other Information apply at the company's office, 19 Broadway, Now \ ork. K. J. CORTIS, Agent XTOKTU GERMAN ILOrD. JN STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW TORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND Biw.MKN Company's pier, loot ot Second street, Hohoken. MOSKL April 171 UONAU May 1 WKaEH April i4 | MAIN May 8 ltat"s ot pa-^iue from New York to Southampton, Havre or Bremen: First ratlin Si'JO, gold. | Second Cabin. $60, gold. Steierage. $24. currency. l'reonld ?teerag<- certificates. $24, currency. Renirn tickets at reduced ratea. Kor Sreiahtor Pas-age apply to ohi.KlCtib, No. 2 Bowling Green, SPECIAL NOTICE.?THE SPLENDID MAIL 8TF.AM slup IDAHO, sailing for Queenstown nnd Liverpool, 'Tuesdav. Anril 13. wl;l carry a limited number ot second class passengers at $4 ) cacti. The rooms contain tour persons; everv requisite Is provided. J-uperior accom modation for steerage pas>engers at low rates. Apply to WILLIAMS lillON. 2J i rialway. CUNAHD LINK.? B. AND N. A. K. M. S. P. CO. NOTICE. With a view to diminishing: the chances of collision the steamers of tilts line take a specific course tor all seasons ot the year. on the outward passage from Queenstown to New York or Boston, crossing In the meridian A3 at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north ot 43. on the lio.newarii passage croesing the meridian ot 10 at 41 lamu 'e or nothing to the north of 43. From NEW YORK tor LIVERBOoL and OUKENSTOWN ' CHIN V Wed., April 14 I ?flOTHAN A..Wed., April 1$ ?RU.-SIA We I.. April 21 I ABYS'INI A..sat.. M.iy 1 ; Me?iiiers marked * do notcurry steeraL'u passengers. (,'aoin pssswe JlsO, eluo, $130 cold, according to ac commodation. Return tickets on tavontde terms steerage tickets to and trom nil parts ot Europe at lowest rates. Freight and cabin oflt.-e, No. 4 Bow ing Green Steerage otllc'. Ill Broadway iTnultv Building). t'HARt.K > O. KitANCKLYN, Agent 0 SLY DIRECT LINK TO FRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S M A11. SThA.MSHiPS BKTWEEN NKW TUSK ANU HAVR The aplendid vessels on thin tavoriU rou;? for the Con tinent ibcin,' more foutherly than itnr other) wtl* aall lro-n pier No. fu North Blftr, us follows:? P KKI-. I KB (UaurtM Saturday, April 17 FP.ANCh (Trudeile). ~aturdav. Htr I L'ami Klyt k i'i n/.ci/. Saturday. May U PKit'K OF PAHsAUK IN Goi i> (including win#). Flrot Cabin, $10 >; Seco.idL$<15 iiiird,$Sn Retnrn 'licke ? at reduced rate". Steerage, tit with operlor lUTninno Utlona and In cluding al ncce?<?rie? without extra charge. OKi'Ki.h MACKhNZiK, Agent. 5-j Broadway. National lin . 1- rum pier* 44 and 47 North Hirer j TO yi . ENSIOW.N AND LIV l.KPOOL. EGYPT April -I. 4 I'. >1. I FOE LONDON OIRi Cr. GRT5'? CE April Jl. S P. M. Cabin passage, $7u an I $8i, currency, steerage at ? greatly reduced price. Ketura t ckets ?t reduced rate*. Prepaid fteerace tieket* tri>m Liverpool at the Invest , rate?. Applv at the company1* oiflce. Nu 80 Broadway. I Y. W. J. HCKSr. Manager. UNITED STATKS MAIL t.INE?STKAM TO Q0EEN3 TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. sailing every i ursuv from i i ? ? r 16 North hivec. f IDAHO, Captain I'.eddoe April IS, at noon j RJ-.Vaim. captain Guard May 4, atS P. M. Cabin. interim ii i"'' and "fcriixe at loweatratu*. Prepaid tickets at lo? rate*. I Paotenger* tiooke j to au>l trom Pari*. ""mburg. Nor way and sweden 4c. Drafts on Ireland, KnglanI, ! France and <icrm nn a> iowc?! r ites. Apply t? WlLUAMs t <iL.'ION, 29 Broadway. Anchor line. CARRYING r IE CNITF.D STATES MAIL. AhW YORK AND OLASOOW. ETHIOPIA. ??aaila... . Saturday. April 17. at noon. F.LYMA *ai s Saturday, April H, at 9 A. M. CALIFORNIA sails aiurdav, Mav I, at noon. VICTORIA ?ali* Saiurda v. May ?. at 9 A.M. TO GLASGOW, LIVr.KPOOL, LONDONDKKRY, QtjKKNSiOWN (>R Br.LFAST. Cabin, $M to $:.(. aold, according to uccommodatlona. INTKltMI.ui A I h ANOtrrKLRitOK at low as anv other flr?t claaa line. Drafts is-ue,| tor anv amount at loweat ratea. HENDERSON BRos., ARontt. No. 7 Bowling Green. TAPSCOTPS foreign KXCHANOE AND EMIORA tlon office, 88 Ronth ?trcc!. New Tort Drafts for ?1 and upward an I passage ticket* to and from Qncenatown aod i.iverpool issued at the lowest rates. 0> DOHOT AN ROS.^ A.?CHEAPEST PASSAGE OF. flee In New \ork. Open evening>. Steamers every dOF.COrk, Liverpool, Glasgow, Derrv. Drafts, payable everywhere: lowest rat"s. Northern Hotel, corner and MVsi -treets. ? OA I W I -i. STEAMSHIPS. PACIFH- MAIL .>Ti,AM.sflIP LINE?FOB CALIFoR* nia. .Iap.?n and ' .ilna, trutn pier U N'orh Hirer. row AHi'iNwall via COLON, T(inner Al'RIL 15 1J M. connecting fur an central American and Pacific ports FROM SAN KK NI'IHCO FOR JAPAN AND CHINA. flRKAT REPUBLIC. May I For freight or pa?-.ige apph at pier 41 Nor li River. II J. HI LI.AY, Superintendent. PORT ROYAL AND KBCNANDIN A STEAMSHIP line. only rhronch line to Florila without change. The st?am?htp LEO. Daniels. master. having superior a"coinniiwlaftons tor pa??cniers, will be despatched for Fernandina, via Port K,.ral, on Tbtiriulay, April 14. at 4 O'clock i'. Jl., trom Pier N't. North River. Rate# nt passage. New >ork lo Fernandpia, fir-1 ,-u*< $30 New > onto Jacksonville, ttr?t class AM New York to Angin a, first class- 3f> These rates inclulc stat< rooms an.l meala on ihe iteamer. Tliroagh ticketato nil points In Florida. i he steamship NtiKTil POINT will lollow on the J2d of April For ireight or pas?age appiMto He km. gki.I'CKK, Ko. li William atreet Bermuda stk.?m<iiip-'-wbbkly line. Th' yn'ter .mil tiulf Ports steamship Company will deapn ch the elegant stcamfhlp CiNlMA for Her tnada April IS: s,eam?lilp ( IT\ of IIOI'STON. April 2S. Ronnil trip, ten .lai? pmrilav* at the IslaBils rorin lorniatlon, ph?tn raphs. *c., apply to I. K. Ol'ter IKIDtU, Agent, .0 Broadway. (lOMlNrCAN STKWSIUP LINK. If Th" stenm'hji I \ it I. Captain W. H. Gardiner, tor lurk'* Isiand P<>-r.. Plata Samannand -t DomiiiKo Citv. will .ill on Motiilnv. April 1J, at S o'clock P. M., from pier I"' , ast River >o ireight reeeived a'ter Satnrday, April 10. i>r with out sfilpplng or !<>r trom ng -tits For IreiglH and pas?n ? (pat able In gold at New York) Ipply to L. i?:-;l montr no E*change place. N EW YORK AND HAVANA DIRK! T MAIL LINE.? ? he"" flr-r <?:<i-~ ?ti'iimsliitH will sail at I' M from pi.-r li North[''iv r. Unit ?. i .'elar <tre?i for liavant direct, a- "i lo* ?<:? citK -c, i m Tliiirslar. April 1.1 00LI'MHI A Iti'slav. April It For ireight or paasoge having unnovpRMcd nceoinmo dations. applJ lo WM. P. t.l.YDB * CO., No. 6 Howling Green. McKellar. Lalinc a < o.. AjcuIi in Haven l COASTWISE BTlsAMSHIM. \T~Y.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL S.<. LlNE. J.1 ? Steamer* leave pli'r 3 Nortii River at 3 r. M. *OR Havana DIUEOT. CMY or MKXiC'i rn-'*l>iy. April "0 CITY OF VKRA OKI L Thursday, April ? CITY til' M;u YORK Tiiur.luv. \pril 4 Foil VBK\ C'HUZ ANI> NhW OrtLEANS, c.Hlin at II tvuin, Projfruso. Osmpeacliy, Tuxpan .m i T'ampi?o. CITY OF MjfXiOti. Arrtl ? CUV OF HAVANA '! urs Jay, May 11 For freight i?r pillage apjilv to F.ALEYaYdRK ft SO.V8, .13 Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orleans April M and Ma> 13 tor vara Cl*Ol and all the above port*. rilEXAS LINE OF GALVESTON STEAM KB*. TOUCH J. ing at Key Wist, carrying ilie t'nited -Mates MalL tsteanier GEO. \V. CLY.UI-. Captain Pennington. ?il.' leave ptor J? East Klver on Saturday, April 17, at 3 I'. M. 1 nrough lull- oi lading firon tu all points on the U. ami T. C.. I. and G. N.. G. U and H. and tJ. H. a d A. B. R, No charge tor lorwardlng in New York. For freight ot passage, having superior accommodations, anpiv to C. II. MALLOHY A CO.. 153 Maiden lane. \V. I-. QLYOB <* CO., 119 Wall street. IPOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. The Cromwell steamship Line. The steamshin NEW ORLEANS, Captain ucarbom, will lea no pier No. 9 North River on Saturday, April 17. at * P M. I'relght received dallv. through rates given to Galveston. Indianola. Kocicport or Araasas Whart. Br izofl santlafro, ,-t. Louis and Mobile. CaMn passage, t'O; steerage. $23. For freight or passage apoly to CLARK ft -EAMA.v 83 West s.reat UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIf Company.?For bt. Iltomii and Brazil?Tne ole.-anl screw ?teatner Merrimack, -,iKX> toils burthen. Captain vv. Weir, will sail for St. Tboina.*, P.ira. 1'ernanihupo, Hulnaund Rio Janeiro on Friday. April S3. at .1 o'clock P. M.. trom pi-'r 43 North Klver. For freight or pa*sag? apply to WILLIAM R. GARRISON, Agcnt.No. I Bowling Green. ________ OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Sailing from pier 37 North River. For Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, Tuesday* Thursdays and Saturdays, at 3 P. M., connecting with the Virginia and lcnnecsee Air Line. Atlantic Coast Line, 1'leilm..nt Air Line, t hesapeake and Ohio Rail road, anil wiili the Company's steam lines to interior points m North Carolina and Virginia. Baltimore Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 4 P. M. Con necting with Bait.more and ohio Kaiiroad. Lowes. Iiel.. Mondays and Thursdays, at 4 P. M. Con necting with Delaware and Maryland Railroads. Neivbcrn and Washington, N. C. (via Norlolk), every Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday. Passenger accou:mridaMon< unsurpassed. Through passuze tickets andbills of lading to all points at lowest rates. Insurance to Norlolk. 4c.. if per cent. Freight* received daily at pier 37 North Kiver. General olllees, 19/ Greenwich stree.. New York. N. L. McCREADY. President TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. ^ ? A. 1 A. * NORTH SHORE STATKN ISLAND FBRR*. Winter Arrangement For New Brighton, Snug Harbor. West Brighton an! Fort Richmond, boats leave WMteh ill street, at loot of Broadway, dally, at6:0,~ 8il5, 9:3), lU:43 A. M.; U'A 2:15.3:10, *iK), 6j3J and 6:45~R~M. Sundays, at 8:30, 10:30 aTM-T^S), 2:3)- 4'". P- M. Fare lOoonts. Aator House cars leave Vassy street for ferry Fars Scents. C1IIIZKN6' STEAMBOAT COMPANY H)K TROY AND J points North itiid bast ? Ihe l>ou:.s of tins line will resume their regular trips tor the season on Monda>, April 12; leaving pier 41) North River, toot ol Lerov street, daiiv, except Saturday, at ti I'. >1. Freight re ceived on and after Monday. Tj'ALIj RIVKIl I.IN" TO BOSTON, VIA NEWPORT r and (?all River.?The steamers .>KWPoRT and OLf) COLONY leave pier 21 .North nicer, foot?t Murray street, daily (Sundays excepted! at 5 I*. M. Throu ;h' tickou hold'at all principal hotels Iti the city. l^AST TRAIN TO PHILADELPHIA.?AN A' Dl r tiuriel morning express trnl.i will, on anil attoi- Mon day. April 12, bo run over the Pennsylvati a Kailroad from New York to i ni'aoclplit:., leaving this city at 7 A. M. and arriving at destination at 10:10 .v. M.. mukint the run. with no unnecessary stoppages, in 2 hour* and 45 minute-. I lie train is dcsisne I to a^couimoda e N. w York Business in?ii. giving them a mil dav In Phliiidel phia. trom whence ample lactllties are provided tor re turning In the evening. FRANK i HOMSON, Uen-ial Manager. D. M. BOYU, Jr . General Passenger agent Navigation open-opposition.-alb>.ny and Troy, landing at Catsknl. Deck, 75 ccnts; cabin, <1 24. Steamer J. It .-OH U1 Ll-.H, from pier 35, Franklin street. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 6 I*. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The great trunk Line and United States Mall Route. Trams leave New York, from loot of liesbrosses and Cortland! streets. as follows:? Express tor Harrisburg. Pittsburg, the West and South, with I'uilmnn Palace Cars attached, 9:3J A. M., 5 and 8:30 P. M. Sunday Sand C:3i P. M For William sport and Lock Haven (via Philadelphia and trie Railroad Division, connecting ai Philadelphia). 8:3) A M. For WlMam^port. Lock Haven. Corry and Erie 8:30 P. M.. connectiug at Corry tor Tllusvilla, Petroloum Centre and the oil Kegions. For balilniore. Washington and the sowh. "Limited Washington Exprest" of Pullman Parlor Cars dally, except f-undav. 9:3> A. M.; arrtva at Washington 4ui, P. M. Regular at 8:40 A. M , 3 and V P. M. snnday. 9 P. M. Express for Philadelphia. 7, 7:30, 8:10. 9:10 A. M., 13*3A 3, 4. 4:19, 4:50, 6. 7, 8:30, 9 P. M. and 12 night Sunday, 4:50, A 7, c:c0and 9 P. M. Emigrant antfsecond clasa, 7 P- M. For Newark at#. 6:30. 7. 7:40. A 9. 10, 11 A M.. li ?..1 2. 2 :i). 3:10. J :40, 4:10, 4 JO. 5. 4.0. : :4J, 6. 8:10. ?:??, 7. 7 iU. 8:10, 10, 11 JO P. M. aud 12 night Sunday, 5:2ft 7 and 8:1J 1'. M. For Elizabeth. 0. 6:30. 7. 7:40, 8. 9, 10 A. M , 12 M.. L. 2. 2:30. 3:10. 3:10. 4:10. ?:?ft 6:2U, 5:4^.6. 6:10, 6:30. 7, 7 :>>. 0:10. In. 11 :.?, P. M. and 12 night sunday, 520. 7 and 8:10 P. M. For Hallway, ?>. 63>. 7. 8, 10 A. M.. 11 M.. 1. 2. J:?, 3:10. 3:10. 4:10. 4:3ll. 4:50. 5:20. 5:4X0, u:10, 6:30.7.8:10,10 P. M. aud 12 night Sunday. :>*J0 ard 7 P. M. For Moodbridce. Perth Aino-iy and . outh Am boy. 6 and lu A. M? 2:30. 4:40 <ind 6 I* M. For New Brun>wiek. 7 and 8 A. M . 12 M.,2, 3:J0, 4:1ft 5:3). 6:10. 7 P. M. an I 12 nisht Sunday. 7 P. M. For .Millstone. 12 noon, 3 and 5 :M P. M. For Kingston and Ro-ky Hill, 8:#8 A M. and 4:10 P. M. For friuceton. 7, 8;40 A. M., 12:3.. A 4 :lo and 7 P. M. tor Lambcrtvtlle and Fleinlngton. 9. 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Pnilliptliurg and llelvidcre, ?:T0A. M. and 2 P. M. For Trenton, nordentown, Burlington and Camden, 7 and 0:20 A. M., 12:10 2. 4. 5 and 7 P. M. For Krceh.ud. 7 A. M., 2and4:iOP. M. For Farmluiidale and fequan. 7 A. M and 2 P. M. For Iltght>towii. Pcinberton and Camdan. via Perth At? bo v. 2'3'J I*. M. For llighlstown and l'einberton. 6 A. M. Train* arrive as follow*-?Frooi Plttat.urg, 6:36 and HtX A. M. a lid 10 :'o P. M. dally; 10:15 A. M. and 7:4U P. M dally, except Monday. From Washington and Baltl more, 6-21' A. M? 4:15, 5:15 and 1?:.7 P. M. undav 6:t A.M. and 10 :.'7 P. M. From Philadelphia, 5:lU, . 20 6:5V. 10:1\ It :2U, 11:54 A. M.. 7:15, 4:.5. .">.74, 7?U Ttf), 8:14. 10:27. P. M. -unnay S:iu, #:a?. 6:5ft. li:..4 A. M , 7:40 and to:27 P. *1. Ticket ofllces. 526 and 911 Broadway. No. 1 Astor House an I loot ol nesbrosscs and Lortiumtt street*: ,*o 4 Courl street. Brooklyn: >u 114. ll i and 118 Hudson ?tree! llolfikcn. ticket ofllee, .No. 8 Ratterv place. t ItANK THOMPSON, U. M. MO YD, Jr.. ? ieneral Manager. Oeueral Paa?enger Agent RliliCLAU ( AT-Kll.L LINK I P Till ( RI-.EK, Steainers NLW CHAMPION and WALTER BRKT1 leave ( anal street, south side, every night except:'ntnr day. rt P. .M. EXCIRSIOXM. IIOR EXCURSIONS?II1K LARGE. FIRST CLASA ' lavoritc sfamooats SLKKPt' HoLL'HVnow called the LONO BRANCH) and MhTAMOKA: llmlley's, At derney, sprint Ilill. Myors' Alpine an I lona Island Orovoa, wltn Margot and Boat" of all kinds. J. x E. MYiiRS, corner Morton and West streets STEAMBOATS AND BAUOK8 FOR EXCUR-ION'-S TO Raritan rteach, :k*a View, lona Island and Willow Haven Grove. MaRTIN k KASKbLL. Ill .-outh street YACHT* MTEA.MBOATS. AC. UOR SALE?YACHT VKS A. 200 TONS: YACHT r Jessl ?. 31 tons both yachts tnllv equipped and war ranted sound. Apply to o. A R. POILLON. 231 .-outh st IIILLi.tltDS * FINE STOCK OF STANDARD BILLIARD VV tables, new and liecoad hau l, popular (tvles and low prices. Fine urnaim-ntal Cues and the largest and best stock of Billiard Articles in me country. M. W. CULLENDER, 73i Broadway. A FINK ASSORTMENT OK MlbU (BETEL) XI. quite equal to new. by the best city makers, every thing complete, for sale low; nil *i*"?. C. JACKSON, 121 Liberty street 4 MhRIOAN STANDARD BEVEL TABLES?WITH J\ Oelanev's wire ciHluons. solely used in all thntn* pionsliip ant match game*, second hand I able* at great bargains Call and examine. W. H. O It IF ll'H A CO., 40 Vesey street SE'ONH HAND NEW BETEL BILLIARD I'ab'c for sale choap. at piano store 219 East Twe nty tlilrd street. CLHTI1INH. AT EIlWsRI) MILLKR'8 WELL KNOWN EsTAB lUhment. ffl sirth avenue, near Waverlev place' the utmost value p?nl lor cast oN Clothing. Carpen, Ac. by calling on or aiidrciHlng Mr. or 31 rs. Mli.LKtl. AT BOHUBTZ. 1.7.11 BROADWAY. WILL PAY THE V very huliest prices tor ladies' and gentleman's t'ast od Cloihinif. ? all on or a Idress bCHI'KTZ, 1251 Hroad way. corner Thirty-flr.t streel. _____ 4 T B. MINTZ'S. 348 THIRD ATEBUIt, BETWEEN -fV Twr-nt'eth and Twenty-first streets?The utmost. \alnf paul in rasti lor cait-otT Clothlao. Carpet*. Jew elry. A note by post punctually ait-nded to by Mr. or Mrs. MIN iZ. 4 1 CLOTHING.?H. HERE. BROADWAY. NEAR I Thirtecnfti street, nays flic highest prices tor la dies' an t gentlemen'* Wearing Apparel; note by mail wl Ik- promptiv attended lo. A| GREAT DKMANI' FROM THE WEST FOR LA dies' and Kcntlcinen'* Wearing Apparel, rurnitnrei also Ibices, Diamond* mid Jew.'lrv; will par for I ants S3 to (6; < oat- futo(2il: Ores?e?. *.% to Call on ol addres* Mr. or Mr<. A ?II ALT. 17s Seventh as-etiu*. ITM, MARKS' WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHM t.NT JY III! Sixth avenue, opposlie Eighth street, and at am branch. 71 Mtxth a venue, ladie* and gentleman can re et-lve ill" ntmost value in cn*h for tneir ea^t-od clothing, Carpets. Jewelrv, Laces, Ac. P.ease call at or'st tne number us aliove. I n.lies waited on fiv Mrs. Marks I'lease try and Mitsfy yonrselvea Order* to Brooklyn promptly attended lo. \T THE WESTERN AGENT STORE? REt'EIVIVO iV 'arge orders to purchase Wearing Apparel. I.ndies and gentlemen will please take parttcnlar notice thereof to receive the lollowing prices: l-or ?ttk t-ri ??e? jt.'i iU $7'i; woollen. t:t lo tlft; t oats >3 to 92:': Pant-, tl to ?? i aruets, *c.. In calling on or uddrcsMng Mr. or Mrs R?isr.,NBKl?i. SiK 7ili iiv.. t*vi doors above \Ve?tii4;h 4 AT B. HARRIS' N!W KS r A HI.I-II V KNT I 171 J\ Broadway, near Twentv eigmti ~tre.-t I t.ltes and gentlemen receive the Inglie.t value tor e,i?i ,,|| Ue irina Apparel. Call or address. Broadway prices paid. I MASl'R. no. M SEVEN Til At I.N l E?PATH ?I ? the highest cash prices lor ladles' and gentlemen'* ca-l off clothing and tarpcit. titvt him a cali aud con vince vouraaU.