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FINANCIAL AND GOHM fhc EycbU of tbe Week?Commercial and Financiftl Incidents of the Mtaation. OUR RAILWAY EARNINGS THE GOLD A>'D M0\EY MARKETS. Wail 9t?e*t. I SCNDAT, Apnl IX. 1875. f The commercial outlook continues to be satisfao tory. The laws oi trad? are quietly working out their i-'iveu results. Tne volume oi business is in Si easing. Tne proluce and dry guod* merobauta repoit more than usual animatiou, anil >a many m iiauces higher prices. Good weather is beginning 10 stimulate movement, and tUe decline in oi-ean freights and tne advance in gold and exchange naturally tend to enlarge onr exports. A snsrp rise is notable In wheat, and the Continental markets are reported more active. The effect of this cannot be properly estimated at the present time, ior anything like "a coiner" must be iol lowed by reaction and comparative weaknesa. R.tlLltQ Ab EARNINGS. Among all the signs ot improvement these, per haps, most lucidly show the actual condition er the country, for our great Hues are the barom eters o( trade. They Illustrate the gains and losses oi business, the volume of products going to marke"; tbe decline of operating expenses en forced by the changed condi:ious of labor and the prices oi material; und wnen they do so success inily the inierence is one that should not be ignored. Wnile It I* true that all of the railroads of the country do not present encouraging leatures, ior many are rotten to the core, tiiose which are in lavor afford lessous that are well worthy of consideration. Taking, for instance, ?cme twenty-two of the leading railroads out of tne mass that are not crippled or baLkrupt, we find that the gross earnings in 1374 were $190,288,461, agaius' 1191,804,000 In 187!. wnile t'ie operatlug expenses of the same lor the ? ear 1874 were ou.y $114,233,722, as against $12',019,704 10 1873. In oioer words, the reduc tion oi expenses is nearly a* per cent. Tabula:ed, the net earniugs compare with 187J as follows: 1873. 187*. _ Gross earniugs $191,804,005 i-peratiug expenses.... I22,0i9,7>4" Net earniugs $?? 834,-5' Increase #.170,4,? The loresolog lacts avc sncursgiug to the rail road inves or, because tbey indicate what may oe done bv economy, and tnat prollt will naturally at tend good management, even in the i?or?t oi sea SOUS. the IMPORTANT IViNT8 ?r tbe week are those connected wltb tbe move ments of money, wnich hat j been unusually tree. Tne banks are in excellent condition Loans on eail are aoundant at from 3 to b per cent; prime Olacouuts are at 5* and a per cent, and there are avioencea tnat all of the surplus capital cannot be profitably employed. During the next three mou; ha large amounts will be disbursed in tbe abape oi divideuds, Interest and rents, so tnat probably Irom $80,000,000 to $100,000,000 will be let loose to seek investment in the active bonds and stock*. Influences like these are quietly pro. duclng their effect neon the mercantile and specu- ? alive classes, and constitute a part tne reasons assigned for the activity wr.icb is witnessed In tne teveral markets. THE STOCK MARKET daring tbe past week bas not oeen disturbed bj Very snarp fluctuations. In fact the uudertone in several of tbe higher priced securities wasstronr. and handsome proflts were realized ?.n early in vestments. Such weakness as exhibited lfeir was principally manliest in lanclts like Erie, Pacific Man, Ohio and Mississippi, and otber atocka of like ilk. 1 acinc Mall was the principal specu lative lootbalUanJ is likely to continue tbua. not witbataudtng ?ne efforts ol Its backers to give it larger value, because tbe uisagreement between ibis corporation and l'anama yet exists, and is sot in a lair way 01 settlement. Tee latter com pany demand $40,000 per month as their share of tbe buatneas, an exaction wblcu is regarded as exoroitant on tne part of a lino which is only lorty-nine miles long, and la a demand which the Union Pacific Company a* a copartner m tnla transaction are determined to esist. Threata are made by tbe Panama people to eatablish a competing Uue of steamers; but when it Is remembered taat the outlay for such a purpose will not be far Irom three or lour mlilions oi dollars, and that much delay must attend the eatabilsbment 01 sgennes and tbe building of docks and warehouses on 'be Atlantic ana Paaiflc coasts, It will be recognized that many difficulties stand in the way 01 a suc ceesfui oattle between these corporal ons. Tne Immediate result can only be a depreciation in tne price oi both Blocks. The forefoing '*?" liaTe borne heavily upon the price oi Pacific Mall <rur? ID* tne week, and it will no;. be surprising If lower figures are made t afore a further rise takes niace. The ieeliDg of operators is q uue unsettled, and opinion ts about equally d.vloed as to the pro priety of going long or snort of the stock. THE RANGE Of TWCRS in other aecuritiea was as follows:?Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph advanced Irom 24* to a*. re*< uog to ao?i and closing at 24*. Tnis stock Is aaid to be strongiy held in anticipation of the success o; tne new cable. The Fsradsy hss sailed irom England or the purpose 01 taking up tne un tmshed end, and tnree or four ween will roive in* problem. Delaware and Lackawanna ad vanced from ill** ton* 4. New jersey Central (r ,m no to 113, ex dividend. Laae Shore ro-e fr m 73?? 10 75*. 8f- p*nl cg"""011 in an advance from to 40*; the preferred moved Irom 47 to 59?<. r?cltlo Mail receded irom to 41*, recovered to 44 -.. and ended at A3.H Sew York central advanced irom 100?< to ? u Kock is.and irom 102* to 103*. ending at tne best price. Er'e was I ailing off from 30* to recovering to 30*, and ending Lt so Nortnweatern common continues to be a doubtful stock to dea. in. but the change, of the -ere rompai atively tnsiznifl ant, the ex Treme" '??'? 44? * 40*; tne elo~ was ata*. in- ??creo> of tie movement in tins secnr.ty in duce" much speculatiou as to Us future. Other Changes will be aiiown in loll.wn g table of HIOMEsr AND LOWE-T FIICH OK TBE W?l. hiohes> - tttghxt. Loire*. vAfV rmtral and Hudson.... 102 , 100* >ew York tentrai... lal i;w * * '"r* aoH' 74', 7:iv? Lake i j.v, Wabash m ,, 467, 44 'j| ^^e^ preWrred:::::...... ? Hoc* island y: or,<4 Fort ?" 3?^ Huwatikee and . t. r*ui.. ???_ j. ?i A. 1 . 111 I itiil preferred? 'i (. Di!*arkawann. an.. Western... X 1 iJa Tew Jersey Central, ex d.v 1W Uo^ Micoliian ? ei.tral ]M 10l? Illinois lemr ? tn.on l-acific^. r*_3 . C., t. and I. < ? Ilannl ai and St. Josenn 28* 27* Ohm slid .ni&siacippl 29* Panama 121 130 Western 1 nion 78* ;?s Atiuntic and Pacific Telegraph .. !M* M* l'a< ill' >Imii M* fli Quicksl'ver 25 2;i <^ui< k?i!ter pteterred 31 29* orr.Hiya. mi<111 est add lowest prices, sattrdat. The ioilow>ng table shows tne opening, highest and lowest prices of Saturday:? OlHTiirvj. Highest. t.o>C'H. Kew Tor* Central loi 102 iwi Ei :w 3?'i -"'5* Lake snore 75 '< 75* 74', Wai.a^h 1?>'< 11 ? 1.', Northwestern 4.> , 4i'? 40', North western prel WA ?>?', OS* Hoi k Island 1M* . lea-, lat* pittsourg M-i W* wi, Un. and St. Paul 394<> .v.i'4 AM. anti . /'aul t ref... 09 * 59* 59* Ohio and \ii?-i-*ipoi ... 2* ?? 2-> , js , Ne>* Jersey t; utrai 112 , 112?-? 112* jiei., l.acK. and western, in'i 11'. * 114'. t'niuu P ciCc 72'j 7a>i 72* ( C. an I L C <?', fl'i ?!, W estern I mot: r< ? 78?. 77* At auric an l t'aciJc Tel. 2?* v#* Pacluc Mail 44 44* 4-i tuiiaiiia ? IIP lie 11# closwo fricks?3 r. u. Saturday. raetfle Mull, 43a a 43X: Wes frn Union Teiegraph, 77 a 77Ji; Quicksilver, 23 , a23x; do. preferred, 2S? a 30; Adam* Exi res?, loi a 103; American Express, 03K a 64; United State* Express, 01!-, a a:; Weilu-Fargo Kxprosa, 87H * 88; Chicago and Alton. 103\ a 10?; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 92*< a 92)<; Chi cago and Northwestern, a 46K'? d?* preierred. 58 a 58)*; Chicago and Rock Island, 103S a 103* ; Milwaukee and St. Paul. 39\ a 38%; do. preferred, fi\ a 60; c., C. and L C.. 0 a a 6>?; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 114.1* a U5)?; Erie, so a 80*; Ilaoaitial and St. Joseph, 28 a 2S>>; Lake snore, 74J< a 74Ji; New York and Har>em. 130 a 131; Sew York Central and UuJson River, 101'f a 102; New Jersey Central, U2X a lis; Ubio and Mississippi, 28*a a 28)f; Panama, 119 a 120; Toledo and Wabasb, 10a 16%; Union Pacific, 73H a 73'3; Atiantic and Pac.Oc Telegraph, 26?, a 27. FOREIGN COMMKRCK. Tbe foreign commei ce of the port for the week was as loilows:?General merchandise Imports, including drv goods, $8,878,316; produce exports, t4.5Mi.059 and specie exports, $639,002. The total imports or general merchandise and dry goods since January 1, this year, are (106,876,291, auainst $121,670,602 In 1874, and $127,170,971 In 1873. The total exports or produce slaco Jautiarv 1, this year, are $63,601,149, ugauat $73,804,007 in 1874, and $60,308,543 In 1873. The exports ol specie since January 1, aro $16,810,273, against $9,151,146 in 1874, and $15,660,146 in 1873. The imports of specie for the week were us loilows:? Gold coin $360,400 Hullion 290,500 Silver 3.601 Total $654,501 TUB OOLD MARKET. Gold durine the week moved (mm 114 3^ to 115)*. The volume of business was comparatively small. No attempt was made to stiffen 'he market artifi cially, uol prices were le.t to ooey natora! causcs. The shipment ol specie ? us unimportant, and the amount returned to the bahks and shown in tne weekly statement u calculated to remove any doutji or tear concerning immediate stringency. Tne fluctuations of ihe week were as loliows: Open- Lou: tug. Highest, est. Closing. Monday, Aprils.... 114* 114'* 114* 114 Tuesday, April6.... 114* H47i 114* 114,^ Wed'sday, April 7.. U4* U4X 114* 114* Thursday. April 8.. 114* 115 114* 115 Friday, April 9 lli* 115* 115 115 Saturday, April 10. 115* 116* 115* 115* Tne gold receipts of the week were about $2,700,000. IHE MONEY MARKET. No unusual or important teatures attended tbls market, and we note rates as easy and the supply abundant. Currency is believed to be on the way irom in* interior, and luture banc reports are likely to show tbe increase. Toe financial situa tion Is, therefore, lull ol encouragement, and in view of the May aisoursemcni6 will doubtless be came an important feature in the situation here alter. On call loans the rates nave ranged from 3 to 6 per cent, with abundant offerings on gov ernment bonds as low as 3 per cent. Prime grades ot commercial paper are quoted at 5* a 6* per ceut. government bonds have been unnsually active and strong, and prices abow a material advance over those of last week. Banks, trustees and financial institutions con tinue to be purcnas -rs oi this class of securities, and the foreign investors are not beaindhand in ttieir demaud. The closing pi ices in London nave been as loilows:? Mch. 25. April 2. April 9. C. S. 6'S, 5-20's. 1865, Old.. 107* 107* 108* U. S. 6'S, 5-20's. 18?i7 107* 107* 107* D. S. 6'*, 10-40'S 103 103 103 New 5'S 103* 103* 103* Since Jan. l, 1875.-?. Lowest. Highest. r. S. 6's, 5-20'S, 1865, Old 107* Jan. 2 108* April 9 U. S. 6'8, 5-20'S. 1867.... 107* MCil. 19 108 4 r. s. i'S. 10-40's 102* Ken. 13 105* Feb. 6 New o's 102* Jan. 16 103* Jan. f STATE AND RAILROAD BONDS. The transactions in these were moderate, bat in Missouri*, Virginias and Tenuesjees the prices remain strong. Railroad bonds were both firm and active, especially mr tbe dividend paying issues. Union Paciflcs were prominent and ad vanced to the highest price in tbelr history. Chi cago and Northwest consolidated cou ou gold bonds toid up to $6 and bacx again to 84*. Inter est of 3* gold is due on these bonas on the 1st of June, and they now carry about 3 per cent of accrued interest in currency. COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON OS THE SPOT WEAK AND NOMINAL; FT7 tcrm again lower?fi?oub runout? wheat QUIET AND EASIER?CORN ACTIVE AND HIGHER? OATS STEADY?BAI'LEY QUIET?PORE LOWER LARD FIRMER?GROCERIES FIRM?SUGAR AC TIVE?FREIGHTS QUIET?PETROLEUM DULL? NATAL STORES QUIET?WHISEET STEADY. Satcrday, April 10-0 P. M. The trade movement continued tolerably brisk all through the week last past, and although some reactions succeeded the radical advance in prices of tbe week before, yet ?he changes in this direc tion were comparatively tew and were in most cases the result ol speculation and overtrading which must even, sooner or later, bring into being their oppusltes. But in some of the leading com modities, and notably breadstuff.*, tbe activity continued u a t actn-iliy increasing, acd'he markets lost none of tr.e baoiancy w nico characterized tl.em taring tne preceding week, wmle nrlces ext erienced a still further advance. The spilng trade may be regaroed as at last nnder lull headway, and the hopes of a large and profitable business seem in tatr wav of realization At all events the prospect is more cheering than it u?a ben ior man? months, wliilc the active sales b*>e thus <a. in many cases come rally m to tb? parly expe latlon*. and. what is most tin port?nt connected with the ?pnng traile, busine * ha* been very general. extending t > nearly all branches Dry good* have felt the Impetus. ?nl irade tn this de psrtment ha* steadily merea-ed until the daily tran* B'-unna hare b eome heavy. ihouvh there has r.een do apastnndlc movement or aetive spirit since the spring tra .e commenced. Tbe hardware ba*iness has been una*aaJly brisk tbli year and *1111 continue* active, much more so than in former years a the same time of year. Bat tbe revival of the export trade offered one ot the most gratifying indications ot tbe times. bread?tnfl* and provisions going forward with increasing taci.ily. burins last week shipping grades of flour were tolerably active, while the market gradually hardened and price* at tbe claae oi tbe week were somewnat hUher Wheal w?t in Increasing demand, but bustneaa was retarded by the extreme * ewg of tellers, who demanded higher price* wlih every sucreeditig dsy. I here was eoB.*ider abie uirposition tosell in aivan e of arrival, but. a* a ru e. prices demanded were rather rliitrh to admit of l.u?,n?4*. so mat the futare" sales have, tim* far, tin seaavn been uuiiiiinr ant notb ?< .oekartr er and , ag m.ude i nrs was In better dtnuni and tlie market Ine.reavd in strengili anil bu } ancy. prices a>ivau<:ing eouolderablv. were in ^>eculauve and trade iiemaii'. i..irley ruled nil mi I pri e, turn led down ronaldrratily. Mye was ijuiet. I u aavanced las ten tii.v in lyn.paihy wi ti ?beai. vvn|.,e> ?>at irregu lar, bnt the flactaation> were not radi al. Fruvinooe wen- activeilurliw tlie greater pari ol t ie .? r.r\ an . all Kinds ndvane. i mateiially. fora and lar l seb^aeutty rei-edeii M,m*wha? troin the hlg:ie?i point snain <1. hreigbis w>-re unsettled sud .ecllilna, and tliuiljr roliapeed. Rate* per tteamer nn I ?ail were 4ecid?dlr lower, while ve???i? n,r charier were reanl\ oit tamcd at decidedly lower rat- s. <iu -auirday tlie market* were Biore rjuiet, nut genernllv uteadv. On *l nange flour wa< ?tea^ly. Wneat wa? i|Uiet na? pnme sample* were held pret v firm t'.irn .ea< -till a< ? tlv-?. au l price* agaia. adv^nceH. <>ar- were *trmig; barley <(iiiet Pork an I lard were quiet and ea?v lie former nemg lower, bat other kind* w re firm i utU>n mi tlie ai ot. was uns>alai'le except at lower price*. , a lari? declined under literal offerings, ^uvul .fnre* were dea.t in '_y a aHxI'-rafe exieu nlv. witn *pirn< ami io*in a -hade e,i>ier. Petroleum wa*nail, witnoii es-entlui change la prices. Oroeerlea were rrry sir hi in value i. win a good baaiuess, particularly m raw sugars. i orri;?:. ?> he market for Itlo and Santos was rather better In tone, tint n? perceptible change e*n '?? noted In oriler*. No transactions were reported from ilr-t hands, and hi a diKiribtitfug way ihe bu-m ?? wa< oriiv moterate. At Haltiniore 9. ISI bags, e* La i r .sold at l*c ?*'e i?aote :-utd?*ary cargoen, ft*c. a lie.; lair da, M'ac. a Ifo ; food o., I"'* .? I7'?'.; prime do., IS', ;i Ijc ; ex rem ? range lor I >?? ?.'??* a is ,<? . .1 ivii gorer intent ha^-, 4V. n W>- ; do . ^ra*< mats, ft- a i i- ; inga or -. .1 a 2 c. Ceylon i-' .c Hi' .; Marnaibo 1-c a irae ; l.agaivra Ire a 1 W<-. .la inaiun n,;j. * |<<- . i>ou)<ng'i iti?-.: Port > Rico, i/c. a ISHe.; < tana i lea, ;?e a lie-.: M.- .n-an, "t-. a )>-. Aii-oouri li'i< ali- av mil a ITJlc. a I 'c i Curacoa, l*Hc. a H . gold do and iSldav* v,orroa.? acre w^r lii ra.iy no maraer tor soot cot on. fnteenagthe n.arKct w?? fni.yufT, with pleniy ? r' s-ller* atlil no bmcrs at .lie ?nbiolii I <|Uotaiion iv.nrli nm*t be regard a a< whuiH n . in n. h mcua*ii|?ra nie bu-itie*. in low repor.eii #?, at, I regular iu',<-e*. Kutare* closu'i unlet aim *iea?ly after i|e ifnti / ,e. Ibis decline ?a* ,iiie chiefly |,, tlie ire-.ur- r-vnt n. from an erf r; i i onload, and tr>en venturi * in Hie n i - . tioa of *lniri,selling by panic* heretofore iperstm/on Hi" nail U4.V. Kaiiiua ? s aa to tiim neei * receipt* r.,>ige all ihe way trn . >> a .i.V<'i bale- erim t.'..a? !>a,es tlie a il uiar B.*t ma La A a uu jW .?April. lt> i Itlo. a I Z 'V ^kwwihwih II uu Hau l|IU (II cla-sincatlon in torcu September i. l*7i. and on upland eoitun in store running in ijuali v nut iunre tlian naif a fiUde above or belo^- the grade auoedi-ur.linarv, "Sc.: good ordinary. t4(c. ? .-.tri cooJ ordinary. 16',c. low middling lo^c.; middling l7s?c.: good middling. l.?,sc- Vuoiation* baaed on Auieriosn staudar^ ot stdcatlon s? ? .. Upland.I. Ald'nina. A". Orletim. Tera*. Pr?linar y. 14 U UU Hi, Good ordinary isv 1?H islf \b'^ Low middling I0i4 ltJ?. * i??J Middling .. |0?, lflfc 17 17 Ootd iniad11uk 17W 1?C 17L2 11U Middling lair 17?. n\ lg JS U>? ls? "?? 1 tie ?alei were v To-day. Last Ev'g. Total. "Port IM .. 101 '.oujutnpuon ?. 30 Ss 88 Total*. 150 38 168 ?for 'inure deliver? (basl* low middling) the sale* have beeu as toiiowsj? iesfrdav a-ter two i* il ? April, IU) i,? *11 **y- -V**) at lli^c. 6J0 at 16 21-3Jc., 400 *1 1811. 6c.: June. 4,7,J?at '"C.. 1.400 ai 17 l-o2c. A I) at 1- l-.oc,; July. :t ,o at 17 5-I6--.. tiuu at I7*,c.. i,M) at 1A c- :,AQe?-'- l '**> it 1/ 7-16C , 100at 17 17 JJc. lotal, oales. Jo-day up lo 1 r. M ?April, MM at 10?*c.. I0.i at 1(1 '.c., ?tiori notice: May, 701 at l(i 2132c., I,uu at a,?,u ut id 19-J2c.,2lW at 189i6c..1?Jj at lui,'-3Jc., ' a 2Uo at lUHc.; June, l.flw at i; ?..jso.. 8uo at 17 I.Wo.. 2 ono atl7l-)2c. lOiut ,7c.. 4.U0.J at 16 31 .(2c. lOllal lulS!6c.,3M at It) 29-:ttc., l.&IO at Ifi'.c-. >?' at l6 27-32c.: July, .ttoat 17 1S-32C. 400a, 17',c . SO at 1/ 9.12c.. 300 al 17V.. 1.300 at 17 W-1-C.. 10? at .i '4c.. IWiat 17 7 32c . 200 at 17 5-..2c. Au gust, 4UO ai 17 9.16c.. 400 at 17 7-16o., i *1 at 17 U-32c., SOiat I. ll 3-c.. lu) at 17 9-iJc ; September ll)b at 17 3 3-c. Total. ;?l.0UU bales. Grand ?ota'. i7.?0' bnci The re the port* were as follow..? tiaivesUm . .S88; .Now Orleans, 4>7; ilobitu. tiii; uvannah i,0'r.'; t harieston, 9UJ; Wilmington, 14. Norfolk. 1.024; New Vor*. 273; a. s ton, I2ii lolil 5 .'IS b-iles. Tills day last week 4.96). in ? day la-u year. S.429- lotal sliice aeptemher 1. !LZU,to6 b le?. ( otlou tieighlK closeil aa follows:?lo Havr. . by ?n am 'to.; to ll.imiiurK. I.y steuin, ?,c.; to Bremen, by meaui. Jie.; by sail. ^e. ( omnres?)d; to Livcrpoo1, by ntcam ? 3Jd. a '41!. : l>v sail 7-i.d KLot it ann Ukai'*. ? Keci>i|ira-Klour, ii,Ul.i bt>U.; wheat. 2f.. *)0 bn-hcls 1 corn, I6.I6I1 do.; oats. I'. JJodo ; barley, 6. (XI do. UccelpK for the weelt wi reKlour. 61210 bill*. ; wlii al, .? .',3 ?> buihel"; corn, 82 171 do.; oats, 6.S, i83 do. ;corn .'ii'9l>bl*. and 4t.4 tiujjs; Barley, 0 bushels; rye 2/,Mi,.o. Tlie Hour market ruled Hteaily under a steady, tair demand lor sbippiint Krades. ('rices Kener ally More rather belter, particularly lor good airaiaht liuci whi' li wi re suitable lor shlpiiM nt. .?sales were re ported o; l.s 700 bbls. l orn meal was tinner, witn I.3.J0 6bla. sold. Weiiuoie:? So. 2.-rate. .. |4 01 a?l 40 J>upertiue -t to 4 2r. a S 00 l.Atra.ute S 00 a 5 31) Choice Mate 4 3U a 5 50 Superfine v?euern 4.0 a 5 03 l-.xira Western S 1 U n 5 15 Minnesota 5 2j a 6 25 Kound Hoop Ohio, snipping branila 5 oo a 5 25 Itounu hoop Ohio, trade brands 5 00 a 5 75 ^v 6 00 a 6 so Bt. 1.0tiu low extra 5 00 a 5 26 bt Loam, straiKht extra ft 2.'> a 5 50 hi l,ouis, choicc uouiile extra ft 75 a 6 5J ht. 1-ouis, choice family 7 00 a 8 00 It} c hour, nut to super tine 4 jO a 4 30 bouthern, Ko. 2 4 00 a 4 50 eouthern, superfine 4 40 a 4 73 boutbern, extra 5 1*) a 6 25 ; outnern, lauuly 6 50 a 8 25 Corn ineal. Western 3 9>i a 4 50 Corn meal, Jersey " 3 yj ? 4 jo Corn meal, brandywine.. 4 .5 a 4 80 i.iirn meal. Duncueous jl jo a ouiet. ou: nominally unchanged: prime >0. . (.hicatio'spring >'t ottered to any extent, and none w uk sold. I lie sales were about 70,0 >0 bushels, at w?r.k? *?r,',0r ul!^rajL(1. JPflnir. $1 .(i lor No. 2 Mil waukei 41 .11 lor nu. j fi a Si 2.)^ lor No. 2 1 Uicago, 1 ., r > J"r NorihWfgt < orn was tn active demand and decidedly higher; sale* were reported of ?o ,ftt #A'- a Wc. for new mtxe I in siore. Me. a 9 >c. tor do. tiloal, S>5o. lor old ailoai, 93%c. a 9c. lor in siore, Itoc. tor old white iu store, 91 sc. a 95c. lor ? ouilit rn yoilow atloat. 94)jic. a Die. lor"do. in store, oat* were quiet but tlrni, with 59.0.0 bushels sold, at 7.>c. a 7<k'. lor mixed Western ami 7Ac. a 76kc. tor wiiitc. uariyy was dull an-1 nearly nominal; atjo44i i.?.auu bush ebiaiiiornia was rfp.?ru*J .^oia at $i uu. Hye was qtaet ami nominal, ai a #! 06, as t*. quaiiiy. rUKIGHTS.--Iiif Ueinand has been cbieily tor irrAin room, winch lias l een ifuoied strung, uthcrwtse the maiket has rule.i weak, .o tdverpool, by ^il. 5'JU tierces lard at Jus. a 22*. 6d., chiefly at 2-'?. tsl ; loO tons tallow at 21s. Jd.. and by steam. 2,3)0 packages provisions, in lots, at 2<s. 6a. a 30a.; l,fiuu obis, apples at <s. I fcl.; 3.WUs. ,ves. on private terms, ana by steam, irom 1 ^huadflphia n poried thence^ 500 hhds. i..oias^e<*tt( ifts . and an American schooner, with resawed lumber Z.?.!1!? i118*'? ' an American ship with ?uu>j bales cotton* irom ualveston (tor Liverpool consi^rti* ineiu.i, at >ed., and a British ship, placcd un me berth, hence lor kcuoimI cartfo; to i^mdou, hy tail, 2,000 bbls. llour at is. J.!., and oy steam. 5i tous leather at 4.'S. lo (iiasgow. by st^am, 5fu packages provisions at ds. per tierce and . s. 3d. per bui. lo oristoi, bv steam, l.uuo lTJf,".KC,kyVn,V4t0 lerm4 *lta rosin ?! 3s, 2f^i ^ 'orkVr ordcr!i??" Italian bark, hence 1 with about J,.iUO quarters ?ralu at ; a (iritish sP am hni?>, hence with aiiout 6,000 quarU'rs main ion toreiirii ap'T^ ^. bark- with a:?out J.iKXJ quarters gr?in from 1 hi.adelphi.t. at An 6d.; a ruissiau bark, with about J quartern uo. from do . at 5s tod., an ? a Ger man Nark, With about 2,quarters do. from do. (on Ioreian cDarter). i?? li-c men, by steaiu, 8t0 bushels rjre. 111 bajjs at 7d.: 2c0 bai< s t oiton at fie : 300bbls. rosin at 4-, I,MM) packages provisions at packages starch on private |ierms, l.i?)u sides leather ai Uo. loo ions machinery at 27s ti l., and *74 paclcage* tobacco at 2U-. loi cane. . also u Hi iu~ii ship, henre with about 1..V1O b Is. reiine 1 t>clroieuui at is.; a Norwegian 1 a, k hence With aoout 4,.?) bids. do. at 4s. . wn K oatnm 01 Hanc burg), and a (lermau bark heuce wiib roam, reported on pnvate lerma. 10 llumburk. bv steam. &??cases to bacco on private terms, lo no Janeiro, a liermati l?uiK aud a HriUsn hark, with tiour. IVoni Richmond, re ported at 9>an American bark (23t tons1, iience witn general carlo at equal to *1 and a Hrill-h brig with juuiber trom i ruatwlck, at $2U. To .^autos. a britisli barit, wiijj iumlK-r 'rom reiisacola. reported at SI9 To A.>|>iuwaiL three schooucrs. -with coal, iroiu 1'hiladcl Dhia. at ?' P,,r ton. lo Cape Hayuen. an Ainencan ?chooner. with lumber, from Midnle. reported a: S9. and back w ith 1 ik woo i to a port north 01 liatti-raa ai ? To Barbados, a brig iabnut 170 ion.), with cein cargo. irom 1 hiladeiphia. reported at ?nn g?id. 1 o ttarbauos am back to Phuadciphia. a schooner vabout iooton?> with general cargo at $!.??, gold, lo Karac?a an./ back to .-(* 1 ora. .111 American scnooner 2^ ions . re ported at SI 6 u i0.>cvis and back lo I'hlladeiphia a ?ehoouer a'M.ut l< itons>, reported ai$i,t.(X). 10 Machia,. Me., a achi oniir, with tuiuiiur. irom retnandina at t9 Ja^to.:^;? sc"<K,3#,r" iu",bur Mul t-sii*. - 1 tie demand from all sources continues ac tive. wuh a jery sirong toiio to values. We no e sales of * ?."'J tihos. MiitaiiZii. boiling stock testing ^190 f' ..".CL^iUe cj"" ?! Mavacuea by the l^eua. coui?.ri? ing Li. hbd?. and la tintce*. was v.:rv choice in uuaiitr, sold at 6<c. isuppo>ed). Trade lots were sell lug irecly at lull pr ccs. We ouo*ct'uba. centri,uaal and mixed. a#t*. a .iftc.; do., c.ayad- juc. a tic. j do . intis Co v ado re an 1 iii/, 36e. a 4-c.; do., do., grocery iji* a 4.-^ ?*<?to Kiel. 4 C..a (ft*.; l-.naii-n Ul.inils.3x a SIC. xir' t'rleans. ok', a 7-e ; boilitu ^Ue k. .2\r a <Jc lor ai le-t. Nn 4l iokl>.? (here was an advance ,n the inarKet for spiritsot turpentine, wiileh wu- narti illv loot ut the close: sale, urevious v ut I si bb.s. at SI'.c. Idj at jJjc and 1 U bbi*. at37c lu* llitre wasacon tiuued lair bii'ineiis. and quotation* remain steady No aixpu'iliou tonard an advance u nunileaied. Urdinarv to good sirainej at ?2 U7)# n I: lu. the saleseuibiaccd ?b jis. kuu i at S HI ano 1 ? obis, pale at 4i :io a yi ? ?J w. In tar au.I pitch lilt e or nothing w aa done : late prices, how. ver. are mihonteli..nge. I' ? ttecelpts?fork Si,, packages: cut treats 2.2 Jo : .ard. uo. Keceipit lor the week wcie ? fork 4.3 7 packages: beef, .72 Uo.; cut me a'*, 4.9J1 do.; lard I,i"9?o. Ihe market for mess pork was i:ul> and easier, with 'aiea limited to 1IX) l.bla. in jobbing lou at J."2 ?); 251 lib is., April, at $22 Jo; 25u bbia. Viav at ?.224, aud .si obis.. June, at $.2 3t). 1'resnc.i hog* were tua tive ami droopi?*. dosing a' ldMc tor ctlr. Meet an] be-1 ham* were n glectrd ami BominaL Baeon was uuli at about I2i,r. lor !oug ciear and l2Wc. lor abort clear, but without -aies to Miosiantiate tbese quotaiiona tilt Biea s were in light nemaad and m*" teBdeney oi .value* was dceldeily dowu ivard. witn miall saleg, inrludiug 40 twae* clear h?llia< at l-He and ? tr.-sh liatns at IV. ? smo ,ed shoulders Were quoted at lO.'^c and smoked bam* at I4 ,c. a I41 r i<a.-d was th tter; h? sales (Western) c.,mpn^?J io iierees on the s|i.n at 11 9 Ifc , I on ticna* May at 1**1 r a lft>,c.. 10 tierces June at li li-lfc., IU> u. i .cs city on ibe ?pot ai and 40 tierces No 1 at i KiROLsr*-Cru.1? in balk remained stesdr at ?Vc for immediate lei: . cry. witn S?i boK sold at thu price ' 1 here ?as a steadier and uior conttdeut tone maol ff-ted in the niarnet lor 'etlned. ihougn tue busnif,, eouiiaoed on h very snisd ? *ie spot de.ivery quoted at 13'tC. and ba.anee ot th- inoi.tli at 11 ,e a l<r Sa es lite yesterday ol 7n0? bbls. uniiiediare deiivctr ?t l.-.?ic i-a-e-uact-o'?<l a I v a !.?>,?. tor cargoes. < it/naplitna , in shipping order He lined at Pi. ladeipnia .teady at l.t'ac . ao at Kabiiiiore eomparauve y nrni at lie Mils* ? Ihe Uiurkeilur raw sugars wa* veiy strong and abou: l l?c. belter in .bouitti ibedetlingsdo not Indicate an., iniprnvemeiiu Tbe.ales rep.,ried include fclnhuoagood rfinnu at 8Wc.. 198 hud*, nitmianii 7?ac : 223 hhl.. talr. :i - lie. s 7'jc.. 4 >ibiid?. eeutr.lugT?i JJ li'id. me a lo, i o.vrs old clayed s'.c * Iju box.;* mii*covauo. *'jc. Iieftn.d was tjrin. but oaiet at v'f lor *t-n aru a. ? n ^e. a lo?,c. tor hard*. We auoietuba?K. lining, mien ,r u> comiuoii. ic. a 7'ic ? do., tair to good lair ic. * n -.; uo.. g??j to kW a 8v<c.: grooerr. lair to g?.oi, i??c- a ?!,?.; prime u choice. UfeC. a nk,c.; cauirmgai. iinus. and boxes >os. . J toi.siVc. * 9\r. ? nioa se*. hhila. and l ote* 7c a ? sc* &c. a: c ayed b .ves Hatch sUn'.lar L .>o?. 7to :), <>?p. a 7 ,C. do., J.I 10 12. it'.e, a s? It 1 1" * V''i* ?V- a f()Hc : d?.. 19 to 2U 11 ,c. a io-,c. Whtta, 9^.e, a lo 4e. J'orto Kico?Hedn in^ ? omm >n to nnm? ic. a B1,.-. j do., grocery, fair to choice s'4c. ? ""V. itragll?Dutch stan lar l.'.Vos. t to II (J,<. a i',c. Java?liiiU'h stand,r i. Sua. lu to Ix s-.c. a fc .c. Haoila?fiipcrt"-and eitra .utierior. 7'ic ? 7?.c .New Orleans? He Hung grade*, ic. a 7,%c.; do. grocer* .i a its, Sc. a * lti< g met with a fair dl^rlbuling hostnesa at steady, win. n maybe quo'-u as to low*:?We quote Carolina good. 7V. a 7S" ; priro- do, 7)sc a rtiiLi ebotca do., ?e. i ; l.i alsl ini. 7',c a V'-,c tor tair to' prime ami r? nmon qnaliiics down to fe ; i.ani'o<in ?Ue a r.C eumnev; I' atna 7*c.. current ; boil I. ik. a $: IS7*4. gold.,K wa* quiet at about ISVc-. without of consequence. i allow ? as sold lo the egient o .ti.C*) Um. at 8 II He a >-V\. which -hows an easier inark't V> iii?ggv. ? j>ce |'ts~t,'iy bids Keeelpt* for tbe week Were 3.2.J7 Lbl*. The oiarket was Meady. with sa es at ?IM bb.a, at ?i UX. " j DQilF^TIC MARKETS. On.rwo.1, April 10 1*7' Co'ton dull and unchanged uii.l lA-.c Net ra ceipts, 8)8 ualet . srross. a9?. .itoc*. ,V8 225, ... i . i _ ^ <#???**?. April 10. 187S. Cotton unlet and unchsnged middling. lu?. >et re cetpts. 437 i ale?. gross. 1 7ii. Kxnort.~.o trance I 827 coastwise. H. sales. I.3J0. ^took, idtt.81>i. ' ' ' MoaiLg, April 10. 1878. Cotton quiet, middling 1%. a nuc. ,\>t receipta 44 % t ales. 1.sports coastwi-e. 1.127. .'ale, M?. ?tocg 28,7 St. * , ... April 10. l^rSi I f oiton easier: middling. I5?ie |,,w wi.fdling7l??*c.s l?> n?toe $>>,l receipts, i.0.,9 biles. ales, /? ,. ^ i, ..... . "TOg. April H). 1871 Haiei aid "Ur'iv, i?* ^ 1 l"J0 bale*. Oivtco. / pnl 10. Uffi rioar ?te,Mir sales oT2,m bbls. at for 5 *. ? mring. 7.1 for amber winter f t?r white winter $f?7*7r Uotiidt' extra Wheat unchafl&cd . ?ale< t',UUM buihels >?. I while Viieh /an (It ?? .'.? leir.No I eluh st ?i h. urn qaiet at .1 c. Mgr..', ,IU?. (Canada held at ?. I lorn meal, boiled M?| uiiiwited *n tuit. S -'/|.'.'r -.; **nrU %A' ? 8. middlings HcrraLO, April 10. Ii75 He. el,its ? I- lour, 4.9^(1 bfjh. : wh. a. ..LI.) t.ashels: corn. Sfi.It I) do. : oau, I..0 ') ?i?? : haricjr, 1.IW, uo ,-h pine nt,? t .our, I, (it), li.a.: wheat. 2J.IM) bnti .s; orn, do.; oats ./ I) do b.irl y. 2, Undo. Hoar firm oaf qui-t. )\ii. -it ii r in; s.ii'sJu*; bash s Nu <! Mnwaasee etub II 8i lit, !t;n e ears No I i'o. a >1 u ? orn wultkat i:rm? sales lour ? ars iiewmdV. an th' track an I in store, (?at- retailing at 7>ic aye offered a. $i iA ,or .-stale. f'. Ill i Itegle ? il St' "IS active :| I d -trollg. (.ale. I 4 i n.|p Is uiedm i, I Inter at \ Mn ,| Urge un. at 89 a,id i.aUdo iinoth/at $2 5") a J2 7A i?orl. and lard mm ?at in.ciiai.g--d ,. . , ? I0I.L30. Anrli I ) D!74 H oreteadr. Wheat s-e?d<-| s? i w, t -.tichirnn. ?! *?* * *' 8i'*'ri?o ?t amber Michigan ?i I'a I *1 u ilay. <l 21 a kl 2.W; No. 2 red. 81 19a Ml Iv'S. No.: am'w Ilitaolt, 81 30. Corn *t??dr; tal?b mixed, 8'J?c u 8Jx; low uitxel, 76c. a ; white, 78c.: no grade, 7*c Oit* steady; white. 6J5c. a 60>, :. Michi sail. o?Slv Ciovers i J, *6 75 a $6 90l Receipts? wiieai, 180ft) bushels corn 20.0t>) do j oata 2\0>0do. ? hiDUie't??Wheat, I.OOJ bushels: corn. I-'.O.O Co.: oata, 8,' 00 do. ' RiCAGO. April 10. 1873. Four-Demand ligUt; holder! flrn WJitat in I ilr de man I and 1 iwt-r: No 2 apri u, St for iro.ih; fl 02 tor rcgular,?pot; tl 08, .Mav SI i;7?, June: rejor.ed. 9l)<c. lie Corn buovan'and unsettled; No. 2 mixed, 70t,,c. a 70Sc..-poi; 78W'-. bt <. Man 77',c. bid. Ju>.e ; rejected, 7 ik?c. "au in tuir demand and owor. Ma 2. 8>?c., ?do' 6J>,c. bla i.ay. fcje in lair demand an" firm. Barley in lair demand and Orin: iSo. 2 Miring, Si "8, xi o . Porn in lair ileinsnd an<1 lower at S-'l 6). spot; S2i 83, >iuy . S I 76 a 82i 8J, June. Lard in tilrdemani an I lower at SIS 2'J. spot Sift J , >luv 41ft 15 June. Bulk meat* dun and declining shoulders 7?jc.; ?li"rt rib mid l ei. I'3<c.; short c ear do. U*iC. WhisSeydul ami ii"ininal. Receipts? Klotir, 11,001 i>ols.; w>>eat, 49. x*i bus i""; >? rn, 7 ? ?>u do.; o?t?, lii'OO do.; bariev. 1.00) do. Shipments? flour. HUObbls ; wheat. 37.000 bushels; corn. u.uOOtia ; oata, W.nuo du ; barley. (5,000 do. PROVIDENCE CLOTH MARKET. Pbotidenck. R. !.. April 10, 1873, The sales of printing cloths during the p ut weea loot op 77 800 pieces. Prices have ia.ien off during the we^k, closing at 6\c a 6c lor rpola and 6><c. a !>\a. lor luiurea. standard au j extra Ms. HAVANA MARKETS. H at aha. April 10,187S. sugar?Speculative demand; prloes tiiartier: loroign news regarded as fivorabie: demand good at full pricea Sua. 10 to 12, Dutch standard, \k\ a I3tj reals per arrobe Nos. >5 to 20. Dutch standard. W-a a 22 real*; uioIuhs--. sugar. 11 a Ilk reals; muscovado, interior 10 common. li>4 a lli,' real*; lair to goo i refining. U a i2>j reals: urooory grades, 16V, a 1?<4 real*, .-lock in war houacs at t av.inuand Ma la nz is, 49 500 poxos and 7n, 00 hbds. Receipts of the ?WL <0,1 W) bo.\c? Hit.i 1D.5U0 tiliUa. Lxporuyl during the ween. 17.000 boxes and 7,8*0 llhd*., including 4.70) boxes and 6.600 hods. to th<s United Mates. Mo.Bj-fs, clayed and muscovado. 6H a 6^ reals pel- keg. Bacon, $44 a $46 per cwt. Butler, superior American, #65 a #73 per quintal. Hams. American *ur?r cured, #44 a $it> per quintal, Lard,in kegs $42 50 a $i.H per quintal In tins, $47 a $4m. Potatoes, *11 a $12 per bbl. Wax, yel low. $13 a $ It per arrobe; whilo, $10 a $2 Honey, 5 a B>< reals per gitlion. Navil stores Arm. Lumber nomi nal; white pine #o4 a $t>3 p r M.; pilch pine $50 a $3). Shook* auict; l>ox, il a 9l4 reals; sugu- hods , 44 reals; molassesdo., 44 renls. Hoops, long shared.$83a $D5 per M : Freight* quiet and weiiK Loading at Havana or ports on ihe north coa?t of Cub* lor the United states, per box ol sugar. $1 a ft 26. Loading at Havana for the I'nited State*, per hhd. of sug^r. $5 a $0 26: per hhd. ot mo usses, $; a $.S 23. io Falmouth and orders, 42s. 6d. a 43s. oer ton. Loading at other ports on the norm coast of Cuoa lor the I'nited .States, per hhd. ol sugar, $6 a $6 23: per hhd. ol molasses. $.1 73 a $t. To Falmouth and or ders, fios. a Sis. lid Spaui-h gold, 218 a 219; American, 2i ? a 224. Exchange quiet and steauy; on thti United 8tates, 60 days, gold, 114 a 113 premium ? on London, 138 a 140 premium; on I'ari*. 114a 113 premium. riNAHClAL, STOCK PRIVILEGE PURCHASED TUROUGH US A SHORT TIME SINCE WAS CLOSED LAST WEEK AT A PROFIT OF~$2.20J ON AN INVESTMENT OF ONLY $106 25; GOOD INVESTMENTS CAN STILL BE MADE WITH $100 TO $300 FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. IKFORMATION AND ADVICE AR ?*> BEST MODE OF OPERATING ON APPLICATION TUMB RIDGE A CO.. BANKKRS AND BROKERS. NO. 2 WaLL STREET. August bblmont a co.. Hankers, 1.) and 21 Nassau street issue travellers' credits, available in all pa** of the world, through the Messrs. De Rothschild and their correspondents. Also omuu-ri'iai credits and telegraphic tranaffera of money on California, i urope and Havana. An investment uf $ioo ok $j0) tn stock Privileges lias realized $1,000 ?he two weeks. Parties wisuing to oierate on small sums shou d call on J. HICEL1NU A Co., uankers ami Brokers. 71 t>road way, New York, or write tor 72 pa.e pamphlet. A?LAP.^LrfY A BAZLEY, 74 BROADWAY.?SiOCK . PR. VILe.GBS ON "MtiMBi RS OK i HE Sl'OCK KXl HANOI-." OK lUOROUUULY ItEaPON iBLIi PAR HE (NAMES GIV ,N At' THE TIME OK PUR CHASE-). $11)6 26 FOR PUIS OR CALLS. $312 30 A $362 50 FOR S RADDLES ([. E , PUT AND CALL AT VAKKEr PRICE D.N SAME CONTRACT). OR 6) DAY--. ALL COMMUNICATIONS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATI ENTION. NOTHING LHS THAN .00 HaRE>. AND NO CONTRACTS MADE IN OUK NAME. PAM PHLET "HOW MO.tEV IS LOST AM) M VDE IN WALL STREET" MAILED FRBfc. IO ANY ADi'RBSS. LaP.sLi Y A BAZLEY. 74 HHOaDWaY. a ?STOCK PRIVILEGES.?STRADDLE S ORDOUBLE J\. Privileges. J i and 60 days, on ol Stock )? xchan^c or respon-ub.e partus; also Puts and Calls. Market very active and fluctuating, snowing frequent opportunities for large profits. Circulars mailed. HA/, w.b 1 MONTAGUK, No. 6 Broad street A-$J0. $10), $500, $10*), INVESTED IN STOCK . pr.vllegcs on tne present active market would hardlv tail to rraiizo extraordinary profits. aLKXAN DE>> FROfHINGHAM A CO.. Hankers. 12 Wall street A -7. 8 AND !0 PER CENT CHOICE CITY BONDS . and other A1 Investment Securities our specialty :'3 years, paving 10 to 15 per cent Interest promptly paid, lor sale below par. Al.Bi-.Rl' b, NIC L ?Y A CO., Mock Brokers and Auctioneers. No. 43 Pine street New York. =DBfAVLTBD RAILROAD BONDS A SPECIALTY > and bought bv the old e^iablished house ol aLBKHI 11 MlOLAY A CO.. . tock Brokers ana Auctioneers, No. ii Pine rireet. New York. A AT REASONABLE RATES-MONEY ON LIKE AND 1 ndowment Insurance Policies, Mortgages and otuer becur.ties. insurance ot ail kinds ef1e< ted with be.-t companies. J. J. llABrf.CU A CO.. 11/ Broadway.^ Any amount foom ji.ojo ro $s>,oo) to loan on Improved and unimprovej Real fcsta't In thU city or Brooklj n tor t*rm ol years, without bonos. WILlIaM k l.r AVIfl. I*) aroadway. A-tock PKIVILEGE, PURCHASED through us a short lime since, was closed last week at a profit of $2 .0) on an investment ol onlr $106 good invest inantt can still oe rnaiewitu *hn to $3 0 lor the next mdavs. lumrmaiion und advice as t > best mode ol operating on applir_Hun. . TUMHRIDGK A CO., Hankers and Brokera, No. 2 Wall street. New York. E~XKCUTOR'S FUND' o> $^?T,?JU0 TO L'iAN-ON New York an I Brooklyn Property; no b^nus; will loan on Htu.diugs In coarr* of ert ction. Apply to attor Dev. 42 Pine street room 16. I A WAYS HAYE~MoNBY TO LOAN ON GOOO NEW York otv Mortgages, without bonus. Principals de siring to BoRBow oB IKV 1.8. apply to U. L. GRANT, 11 Pine street MONEY TO VoTn ?fTn FIRST MORTGAO S WITH out bonus on Second and leasehold Mortgages, at ea~le?t t'-rins. Ge.o. Wl TAKE. ISO Broadway, room i. N uliO 11 ATI < IN OF MISSOURI MATE STOCKS. $1 By vtrrne and authority ol an act entitled "An act to authorize the issin- and sale of renewal funding bonds tot the purpose ot meeting and paving the maturing Stats- indeb edn ss." approved March 29. 1473 we. the undersigned, rund i ommissioners ot the state ot Mis souri, will receive sealed bids at ibe <>flleu of ihe Gover nor of the Mate ot Missouri ttne same to be opened pub licly by the O >vern.?r .n the prraence of the -t conitii??. sf< ners> on May 10. l?7S. at lo o'clock >. M . tor the pur chase of !??) bonds of the stocks ot this ftate. The bids may be for any nr nil these classes, to wit:? ABi per eeuti-old Hoods 11.000 each 8>X* 6 p-r ceui Boo (a, i avabie in lawfnl money of the United Siat?? I,0t0 each #0 3 per cent found .-terllng Bonds 1B<| each to be parable twenty )ears aft-roaU. but redeemable at the i leisure ot the state oi Missouri arer five vears from the date mil tietore the exolratiou of the twenty years said stocks to hare semi annual couponi at tached for tne proper am><unts of interest, pavahle on the 1st davs ol .fui.v and .lunnary ot > aeti vear. All the bonds to be p?va ,e at the National Bank of Commerce, in New York except the pound s erltng siocks to be pay able In London. Two hundred and sixtv of these txioJs to bear date May I. 157V and to oe delivered aud paid for at said hank on Jane 10, 1873, and 640 to lie?r date Ju v I, 1.^73, and h> be delivered aud paid tor at said bank on said last mentioned date The right to rejer-' any or ail bids reserved to ihe Governor an I >nnd Commlssloneri. The p' of tltes-i bonds to lie applied to the pavment ot the nicuring In ebledness ol ine -tate These ate first c as* -toek? an I have un>ioest'onable guarantees for their pa> menL be resources ..f the .'tale are amide to meet, prombilr. principal and interest when doe. This proceeding is done hv and with the advice and con sent of the Governor ot the -fate JOs. W. M RCP.R. 1 Mate Treasurer. I Fond THOMAS IIOLLADAY. fCom'rA ,-tnte a editor, j /?mntsog Citt, Mo_ April ^ H7i "PaMPHLET-' IIOW IoTSy l.s lo'st-and made X in Wall street," containing highest and low??t prices In ten vears; particulars of notable corners, panics. Ac.; all Information atioat stock privileges, cost an i manner oi obtaining turn. Ac. Pamphlet free to any address. LAPSt.hY A BaZlEY, 74 Broadway. (inn WANTF.D-ON FIKJsT MORTGAGE ON a iarm near New Hrunswlc. JAMKS t:. W1IE bKK li Wall street &TlW? <1(111 ro LOA "N BOND AND MORT tpl'Hl.HUU faires.?Mortjages cashed. V K BiKVBNSON, Jr., II Pine s'reet. or SI Fast seventeenth street. N. B ?lh??e t>emg estate lunda. none but prim* applications considered. t<l B1MK?B tIPFOHTOn iE*. ? LBXAND R FROTHINGIIAM A CO., BANKERS ^'\ no. 12 Wail street, have appllcailnns irom numerous parties wltn capttjl, who desire to invest hi some good business. Address ALEX. FltOI HINGilAM A CO. * uenilkman af p"ehknr our or employ :i men*, who Ls thoroughly upright, temperate and trustworthy, uot afraid of hard work, wontd like a po Mtion oi irust and responsit.iim oold inmish employer with -ome money u sati-fai torr arran/t merits could be m?da tor -a ary aud security; or would engage in bust n- ss with tetponsiole parties where not over #6 WO won d be required, provmed the business has a clesr sh<t? lug for handsome profits and no risk. Address box 223 Herald office. t -KloHTil AVKSUE, NORTHWI-ST CORNER OF J\ . Fi neili street, lo let; no hotter stand in the city lor eiothniK -hoes. dru<s or any other business. Apply at 7tfl Light 11 avenue. AFr.RsON. WITH ABOUT $2US? CAPITAL IS DK -ire t to take an ofttcial roaiti<>o in welt organized Iron w.?rks near and witn oil Ice in St. Lottis. Mo ; con cern nave ample factli.ies lor a targe au I lueraiive bust nese. Apply to GKIGG.n A i Ait. e. ON. 9^ Broad way. MILLIONS *IJ? IT.?WANTED. SOME one To FIR titslt ipeans to boil I a mo tel Flying Machine for ex h.blti ti; a ?tire forione Address I iVKMiOK. box U7 Herald odl- e. Ut'ANIED?BY A TflVRO MARRIKO MAN' OF U ' I p r.enc - an I ah I it v a position on "alary ot $l.3'lt); vervtc-i .eieretiee given an I s. > urity it required; is alsj wlt lng io invest $.,imi or $t t?w on aatlsfoetary i# duc' ineot. Address box ft 447 Post oltice. U ANTE I-A I' A i.TN It Will CAPITA L. TN S ?? first class brick \ ard on the North River. Apply to JAM r Wil li), .1)1 F.a-t 1 hint -third street I wanl feet river front. ________________ ______ Wanted?lady PaIhnkk, with ca i al, fhi Vt a patent article lor ladies'wear. Addreis B. A., box 18/ Herald office. fi!?) rtllll -PAKTNKR WAMTitD IM-A STAPLK eii-h nuainess that wilt par $1.'U) < a li per month, i ui purncttlafial Sj West fourili streot io jtii 2. alter U o'clock. 8UHDAY AT THE PARK The Park was fairly patronized yesterday. For awhile it assumed a uusy air, and hundreds or equipages rlasaed along its drives, and the walk* were far irora being destitute 01 pedestrians. Bat K will require a few days more 01 son and south wiud belore trie tree* and trailing vines will have arrayed themseives in their sprin.: glories. The grass is beginning to come up fluety. yet the dead look of winter to some oegree still clings to the brancnea and hides among the dead leaves not yet removed, and as evening approaches there la a onill in the air tiiat s?eepn across tire nmrc exposed portious. t<or ore trie birds jet numer ous bat tnev have men afed in nurnoei durin. tne past week, ?nd 10 not now look loueiy a* tney fl;t alt ng i no landscape, isoon tne scores will navo become hundred", and ant reunrous among tne le-tinereii songsters. for which <uut sprin.' is famous, wi,i maKO their musical conversation charming inoeed. Yet it uiust not lie mrerre<4 that tne Park was devoid 01 attraction yes erday. Far iroin this, and tnose who strolled alon.r its avi-nnes enjoyed the brunt sunsoine amazingly, ana w*re u'ad to , note tne attractions w.iic& tne place presented. The ureen of tue grass can be lumtln seen, the promise of 10,1 ge is iu the ;luy uuds. and where the shadows lay lightest tiiero ! was evidence oi v,gor, giving hope 01 an early re turn <ii departed glories. Tne Uke nud a lew patrons wno look 10 the bOits and were pulled about its, out mere was an ao-euce ol ] tuat crowd wuicn will cover it wnen warmer days win imve given "ver entirely trie sceptre to spring. There are evidences eveiywuere that workmen are busliy engaged in ridding the Park ot mat stillness wiucn winter gives to it, unrl beiore long the trees will have again bcco ne green, tne rocks no lonirer rook hare, tne toun tatns be unchanged aud all nature once more aujiirnir and mil m Demit v. COURT CAiiEN D AUb?TiiiS DAY. SUPREME COOHT?CHAMBERS?IJeld bT JuGg* Barret U?NOS. 0, 43. 7i 75, 85. 108, 113, 110. 117 jw, lla, 121, 122, 138. 140, 147, 158, 160, 165. 172, iiu' 1 Ca" N?" 201 Ut> to au(J lnc,U(,luff No. i ,,yiJrB"1<K Court?Special ThitM?Held by Judce Wn Bruut?Demurrer?No. 7. Issues or law aud faci?Nos. 257, 258, 281, 302, 304, 308, 300. 310 j 254! 205.3207,a2?43'55' ^ ^ ^ ai* 1U2' i supreme court?circuit-Pare 1? field by Judge f,w,nrf,U9?-~N04- ala- 1671- ^>'3, 778, U17, 1123)4, j 1129, 11W. 1121 V 805*, 1157X, 1105. 2429. 1256, 1231. 121"J' 1246' r-47> 12ia? 1137, 843, 1157, 1171. 2783, ^70a. Part 2-fleld by JUdKe Douohue?No . 4H8. 352>i, 1382, 2408, 1706. | 1210, 944, 330, 2.&04. 160, 1000, lUOOJi, 1370, 1124, 1170, 2780, 904. 1038, 1708, 2576, 672, 026, 852, 127a, 1282, 1168. fart 3?field oy Judge Nan Vorst.?Nos. 1033, 831, 823, 92!i>f, 1070, 10JP, 1013, 241, 667J?, 175?. }??i' i1"3- 1197' 65' 93> 023? M>< <*6*. 1065, I 085, 1265, 1257, i250> 1 Superior Court?General Term?Hela by Judues Monell, Curtis and Spelr.-Nos. l, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7. lleaiilar calendar?No. 3t>. Superior < oui> r? Special ieum?field by Juflue FreeUinuu.?Nos. 31, 27, 28, 29, 20. superior Court?Trial 1'erm?Part 1?field by Judne sedirwick?Case ou?No. 1245. Common Pleas?liyunv term?llelJ br Juagu J. F. Daly?Nos. 8. 2?. ,;o. 52, 55. 56, 59, 34, 10. 9, 40. Common Pleas?I rial Iehm?Part 1?Held t<r Cfnef Justice Daly.?Nos. 1656, luos, 1060, 231&, 4Ut>, 2376. 23114, 2100. 25j4, 2643, 1802, 2310, 2i2i. 10*>3, 1428, 1194, 1430. 1248, 124J, 1312. 7*2, 3o4 562. 1154. J9U, 251)*, i'urt 2?iieic! i>y Judge Larrcmore.? I Jlot i?.>V rt10' J87a- !4a;t. 13?0. 1146, 1305, 1203, 1328, 1437, 1438, 1430, 1440, 1441. Marine Cocri ?irial Iehm?Part 1?Held by Judge Joacoiuisen.? Nos. 3047. aoil, 1803. 3571. 2045, 2046, 2049, 2C50, 2067, 2053, 2056. 2000. It34. 2780, 3401. Part 2?Held by Judge Cross.?Nos. 1731, 0272, 877, 1211, 1307, 1522. 1607. 2285. 203), 2036. 2030, 2037. 2038, 2039. 2041. Part 3?Held by Judge Sbea?Nos. 3114, 3282, 3554, 3631, 3376. 2046. 1950. 1061, 3210, 3283. 281/3. 2740, 4*4. 3382, 3402. I Court of general sessions?HeU by Rec rder Hacked.? 1'lie People vs. Joseph Stoarle, robbery; Same vs. J .i n Jones, burglar* ; Same vs. Tiio.ij.ih hnimons and CeoiK" Wuson, burglary; Same vs. Mic&uel Mulroy, ourglary; Same vs. ileurv C'ha basseu. burglary; saiue vs. Jouu Soiitu aud Will Jam Clarit, burglary: Same vs. Henry c. Neir, burglary; s?me vs. Lai nam Mitchell an<j John Leonard, leloiuou* assault aud ba ierjr; Same vs. Peter Bar#, Rrand larceny; same' vs. Henry /.clierivuz, arauo larcenv; Same vs. Mary Sim mons, grand larceny; Same t-. Kmil w. BDfder, grand larceny; Sams vs. Thomas flays, grand larceuy; Same vs. Hilium Howe, grand larceny; Same vs. Hester J. iiaskins, abduction; Same vs. John Norton, pelit larceuy. ttOJUtl>KU:i WAIVTEIi. 1 2,EPxD RoiV OR 158 BLEECKER STREET ? X^Pleasant Rooms, with excellent Board. lrc.m$12te *14 lor iwo; wins'.v. S'i to $?>; location central aud con venient, also near broad wav. 1 CLINTON PL >CK?CITY HOTEL, BKOADWaY A ana Eighth street.?Pine Rooms, with excellent table foriaiuilies and single genti?-nicu; $* ti> flu per week: $?' per day. I NICELY FURNISHED SECOND FLOOR. t-UNNY 1 Room to let, with Board : amuie olo*et?. with hot aa<l cold water; also Hooins lor Ri-nriemeu i prices mo?l erate. ,\o. 42 Urove street. No iduvIiik, 1PAKL.OB FLOOR?LARUK, COOL AND WELL FUR ttlsned. en'lre or rately with superior Board, very low; tlrst claw, brown stone, central, eenteel nsiKUborhuud ; Ininn square cars pass. 43 Seventh av. 9 1TE-T THIRTV-MNT1I -TKE'.T, FIR^T HOUSE ? trora Filth avi-nue ?A hanlsnn<>lv lurnlshed Suit 01 Apartment*, with private table. c in.*:sting ot parlor, thrre iiciroom*. Uinlns: room and bathroom, will tw ca e<l the latter part ol April, also smaller tsult. without private tanle. now vacant O WE?T THIRTY-?IXTH STREET. ?A FAMILY UN 4d exDecteilly ohltge-l to give up their apartments consi?timr ot Parlor and t Bedroom*, with boant wili rent them untL July 1. or longer It desired. O OH IHR K Or NTLhME.V WILL FIND A OOOD it home tn a sma.l Now England family inat are oer. niancnt.y Mtuaud, at 44 \>e*t twenty-sixth street, near Broanw.iy an I Maaison square. CTH AVEXUE. NO. 140 CORN Kit NINETEENTH ?/ street?Elegant suits m Aparimenta with nriraie tat.Ie. bath. Ac.; rooms large, bright audsuuny: reler ences. 9' riH AVENUE, OPPOSITE MAMsON SQUARE ? 'J Mecant Suits of Roooj*. landsotnriv furnishrd. sec ond story, wiih or without Board, at summer ?rlc?* relerenct-s exchaus-ed. $n TO ?6 PER WEEI-BOARD, WITH MCE %) Room- a fr >nt Room, with hot and cold water l'?>J!b.l%.if0"rdi??0 m"T11? "> M?r. English latnily. 3 .4 West Thirty-tilth street. TO ?8 PKIt WEEK F?ll ROOMS, WlTH BOARdI *0 hot and cold water in room*; lamilte* accommo dated equally low. 41 sou 11 Washington square, tnird floor troni Macdougai street WEST FOR IY-FIFTH sTRXET, NEAR FIFTH I avenne. ?Uandsomeiv tlrnislied o'ooms hi let. with first rla*s Hoard, logrutlrmtn an t wire. 10 WlVhRI.EY PI.ACI. KIAR~BROADWAY. * \ L *?"t fro'jt Kou'ms. 114 and 921 lor two persons, with Honr<l; no ehlldren; tunsietit people taaea. 1 J.TH HTRE .f.M WKSr-WITH BOARD. A LARGE* 11 hsndsomeiy tnrnishtl Koom: a:so a large ball Itoom; term* mortfra"'; r-fcren^es: no moving. 1/1 'U sTREKT, 217 WEfT.-ELE 4ANT OOmTe V J T <uite or Mn;tlv, to let. ivith BoarJ ; liberal term) to permanent parties; li >u.<e flrttela-s aua,y de sirable; reference*. nWEsr ELEV STII SMtEET. BI TWEEN BROAD war an1 Uni?,?rsitv(?laee.?V-ry plea?ant l oom* to let. with Hoard, 10 tamlles or geatlemeu; a lew aav boarders accommodated.. 23' >D STREET. 1(S WKsT IJi BLOCK.- FROM BROAD. ' way. ? Plca-ani Sun or *ecoad floor rrtire will be vacant tue latter par o April nrstclasa Board and attendance proper relereices exchanged. ? WE -T TWE N'TIE Til S I.. THIRD STORY, BACK room; references. 23 'Mi west TWRxrY-Tiirtr) street, opposirK *>'?* Hf'h * Venn- Hots.?Desirable exten'ioti and ?reond floor Room*, abtfidant closets; lourth flo .r donb.e U.H.m, with alcove t0r two genih'men; superior Board ; trftnuicnt lamsiies jCco:nui Ki 4tr?l. OU CUttOH PLACf?A HA.XDSOMI LT FUR "on* Farloi: al*o nleclv lurnlshed Rooms mMnlrd floor, withorvAhont Board; no moving in '?''KKF.T, 151 ?EST, .NEAR BROADWAY.? ? ? r llandsotneil tumbled Room-. With unexrep tIon.1 bie oar,l, tor gerflement family sinatl and hut lew ^lert li nrilers talii; terra* $13 per week; reier en< e? exehan/ed. 4(1 ,K.V ' TJKKT. NEAlt BROAOV?AY.?TO ~f '' with Ht?,ircJ, Mom >uiiabl#? forKenticnilQ; tisiy boardarft anromtiio<<f reierf siceg ixchrnigtsil A 7 AND *9 WB r fot RTE^.XTU sT;;EKT. BE T" i tween rlltla ami (ill avenm s. ? Xewiv an I n in 1 soinelf tarnished Ki.oi*. en sa.le or separatelv with <lr*t class Board : refer*-,- ? required. 4(1 WEST SJXT'K.VH sTBEKT, BETWEKN V. FTH and dlxth svetii#.? Rooms to let, with Koard to Ismules or Keutleineu;^>*o one single itoom. >oinov itlff tn Mftv. C11 WKHT MN I E-4TH STRICT.?HaMDSOSIKLY turntshed lame lioin. third floor, front; elegant suit of lour large Rojn*. enure first floor; also single Rooms lor gentienienUtrictly first elaes Board. ,-?> MIN I'll STREE BETWEEN BROADWAY AM, ? /??i nlverslty piarwFirst etas* rreneh Bntrl; Room* en saite or sinniy lor tunllie* os single ventii'im-n ; no iimvinjr in May. Tprj" laolftrnlc ! r?(efpncf. rut WEST I III It I [til I K O STitE ET. BUTWr.EN Fifth avenue *d Hroadwav-Handsomely fur nished Rooin*, withsr without drst class board ; in, moving In Miiv ?*i/i I.EXIMiToN 4r.M>._A HANDmOMKI.Y FUR. " ir'?r ad lied room on se<'?n,i floor; also Mnvle RcHtiB*. wiiu iWwuoout board; small American family; terms m ,deite. HI f;A*T arh?TI Trt, ^f?A LaIok rRoNT ( I Loom, haii;lfurnished : sroo<J Jnifird forgen tleiiMn mi l Wit0 or to or uiurc gentlitujeu at ui<.r|*T?ite price*. U| sev ntii Afl;.vri? between fiftebnth " ? ixu'entii-ireets.? i'urntshed Rooms to l"t, with Hotrd. t.igeu ijK'ii ot aenLein.111 and wile, refer, enees. | i 1 I l ASl FIKlilN rn STREET. NEAR fOC'BTH ' ' t fvenue.? yonng ladles can be furnished with Board. 7 I 'M 1 A .--T I wil Y-SKVR NTH STREK T.-KIOKLV X? I furniihed luim to let, with Board; referencus fiveu and r*mur?!<ft BC inBDF.Ry WAITTEP. 141 WE-T I'OR'Y-FOURTH TRBtT. B".TWP.EJf . j. Broud> n iv .mi St.i h avenue?A pleasant suit ol Boom* t>> Lot . tvl'b superior Board: highest reference* given and requ a od. ()an WK sT FOURTH STREET.?NICELY FUB nish.'dl Rooms to let, wita Board ; term* |5 and and $<5 i?er wet It . nnn west twenty-fourth btrket.?to I?et, ?\f\> with first class Hoard, a largo square iront Room : all con\ v nienee*; also a:uall Roo.u?; use ol plana uul bath; uo n *<vlu?. , ?_ ____________ 4>/|Q WEST TWKNTY-KOURTH 81 REE I.?WITH ? WO or wit tnu: i'oanl or with par'ial Hoard, the en tiro *pc?nd l i a .r, two large rooms: handsomely tor uislicd; bath r e hi. cloaets. ?l. : re.erenees. TW'? NTY-FIFTU STRliET.?COMFORT It 'OinH. large and small. wit) HHIHHHHHBI Itlemen: low tor tho ?UIU' raer; closets. h 1 and cold water, tntsand hath. QA'J WEST IWKLFTH STREET, FRONTING TUB OUO Park.?looms lor two persons. $13 lo til mi . wi ll I'.iu a ; ; Kinifl" Rooms, $ii to $7. 1 1 7(1 BOO k DWAY.?ONE HANDSOMELY FUR. JL.I I U n!>hc(j Uoom lor gentleman and wile; Board for lady only. AMPI'LY F JRNISIIKD LARGE ROOM TO LET with lloarii, togeiHlcmnn; terms moderate; family private. 2U7 W tf i sixteenth street, three door* Iron Seventh avenue., _. .......... ? - ? ??- . i LlOIl L\Dli:S-JTWO ROOMS IN A PRIVATE FA* 1 iiv tor con tnemenu: attendance, Ac. Inquire la the office, 3.1 '.a | iisnih street. '>7,1 WEST rWKXTY.P ? I ~r ably f | nlrtlti It Board, lor tami H ?* or g.intl UOAItl) |\D l,OnGn<i WANTED. A\l)l'XO I.. L.OY WA.VTS BOARD IN A PRIYATB family, Ca II olio preferred. Address BOARDEB, Herald I'ptown >i ;mch office. A GENTLEM. WANTS A SINGLE OR DOUBLE /\ Room, wit ? Board; will sell $3(lU piano; liberal discount; now; Brst class; warranted ; .small part cash; balance board, 3 ddresa Imx 5.74J Post olTlce. A LADY WAf.TS A FURNISHED ROOM, WITH HrcuKfast t i partial Hoard m the neighborhood of Twenty fourth h B eet and Fourth avenuo. Address Im nie liuiei.v M. J., A., box 113 herald Uptown Branch office". ? A LADY AN 0 DAUGHTER DF8IRK TWO RO MS In a strict! P private tainily, with or without Board) koo'1 location, ? n ist side. Add re is U. A., Herald Uptown Branch office. 7>OAKI) WA WED?BT TWO GBNTLBMBNi TERMS J> not to ex a ied IS or $G per week each, which amount will belaid promptly. Address./. A. B., Herald officc. TXTANTED?I 'OR I-ADY, NURSE AND CHILD, FROM ?T April 14 U Juno 14, two rooms and board; must ba fTont second ll or room with bedroom off- prloe not more than $211 a > $25 per week' mcul.4 in room. Addresa box 35 Herald U ptown Branch office. KKOOKLTN BOAilO. Board on ijrooklyn" hekihth.-$7 per wekk ami upvu* rdH for single itonm. with Board; alio large double Kt loml, at 107 Henry street, live minute# walk Irom Full oil or Wall strcot lorries; relerences. IlOTElrS. A-25) LIRA IT WARM ROOMS, '.'S CENT-", % CKNTS . 50 cent: lund $1: gentlemen and tamillcs. Frank fort House, nrncr ol Frunktort and Wlllsam street* Open all nigt u, Belmont hotel, fulton street, near Uro^dwa f. ?Business centre ; European plan: Rooms 5tc.. upward, n"w family Rooms, iu suits and single; meals at low prices; open all huurs. -If AM1SHN AVI MK HOI EI., TWENTY-SEVENTH 1VJ sircot sad Madi?on aveniie.?American and plan: J oonis, SI to p r duy; rfourd to $U per weo >; I'm (suy Kooin-i low price. Park hot? l. corner nass it and bei kman streets.?Prices ol Rouins by the week to permaneal parlies reduce J! reduced! reduccdl UUKXIT I (iTEL, 65 BiiWERY, CDRNbR OF k ? Canal stro it-iiiidiiu, Snc., ??c. 7->c. and 91 per days from $4 upw.U d per week; on l-.uropean plan. B UitEDER, Proprietor. COUNTRY bOAliU. Board heuoen point or state* Island. ?? two voting men ; must be convenient lor boating; private laniil.v pre erred. Address, with loca tion and tcr us H , box 181 Herald office. /lOl'NTIlY ',H"AIM>?AT TIIK CI,EN FARM HOUSE, V' near Sp n n* Vallev. Roculand county, N. Y.; on* mile iroin den ot; one hour bv ru I from this c11v: the bouse basal modern improvement*: place l-t rxtrnord liea * iv and romantic: shade, boatluf and bathing; ea Jl v Irnlt and vegetables, pure milk und fresh eL-ns- i or p i.-liculars address J. A. U., box XH4J Post office, New '6irk. WANTED- HOARD IN THE COUNTRY, FOR LADY, three children und nurse near water preterred. Address, wi Hi lull narucular*. \V. E. C? box 3.U9V Post office. VTtrAHTBD*--COUNTRY BOARD. NEAR CITY. FROM ?? 1st May to Se|itember, for lady, son (15). and daughter dp vears); terms 0 per montu. Address E. 8., box 4. 8 Post office. HL9IIUKK UESORTH. Archer pi.ace, d ibb.-* ferry, opens junh 1. Arr t uTtncnw can be. made lor Hoard bv apply ing at 33 I-a (t i orty tiiuili stroeL Relercncas exchsngedj good stable n'coinmadatlnns. PAVILION.' IIii I iiL, NEW BRIGHTON, 6TATK1* J. Island.-The undersiKned (lormerly "St Mark'* Hotel";, li-4?d:ig leased this property tor a terra ol yeara. is iborougbiy rellitliig >L and intends opening early In Ma>. Fur arms call ou or address K. F. COLu, Pro prietor. KLD<iKFIiCL>D PA l> K HOTEL OPENS MAY 15-1C miles ffi>ui New York on the Mlillan.1 Railroad, foot Cortlandt ml Ue?bro->ses streets. For lerinsmpply to or address A. B^RPWNwON Proprietor, llacltepsacK. N. J. Hi-. CLAIt Ni-ON HOTKL, SAKATOOA SPRING^ will be open lor guest-t June 1, 1^75. CUAS. E. LKLand, Proprietor. '1 HOI'XISS, BOOOSIS, ?(., WASTED. I a this City and Brookly n. ASTORt. ABOUT 12X40. WKST SIDE OF BROAD, way, Mir i went.--tnird ?treet. down to Twentieth or up to i t?* n'y-?-ghlh. Address, with lull particular* C. R, Heruil office LTRM IIJ.D IIOCR WANTBD-BY AN ADUL1 F lam iv oi lour, for one ve?r. at nominal rent ol $i.3DU; con m lentious care of properly. Ad.iress llal a 146 Derail Uptown llraiicll office. II/'ANTE.??BY GENTLKMAN AND WIFE, A SUIT M oi th ??? or lour Uoouris lor luht hou* keeping in a private InA-e (Ninth or Fifteenth ?ard preferredi at a rent ol a tfjut ?-wi p. r nunuui. Address F , boxj.WJ Post office. \lrAN'TF n*-BY A PHYSICIAN. AN UNFURNISHED II Pari oi Moor, trotn I orty-second to Forty eighth Streets lie wen Ixlli an 1 Ewh.h avenue*. Address ML V.. box 1^5 lierald Uplowu Bruuch oilicc. AN I E B ?FURNISH ? D OOTTAOt, NOT MGRB than. 1?> mile< Irom New York; *?a shore pr? In (he Country RNISHi.D COTHGf nile< from New York frrred i > m n.u- be low Andre**, with lull partlctt lar-. i' % . Herald UptoW urancnoir.ce. UANTF0-% SMALL. WELL FURNISHKD COUN try lace lor the, season ; must lie on high ground well sha l it, about :vi miles irom New \ork oni irom depi'U Addri-ss stating lull particulars and line* l;r. 11. AI.J-Kltl, 143 West Ihlrtv-toui'lli street, N. Y. MlldJ'iK.SV AMI IIIIEgS WAKISO. ATXB&. MYl RS'. h A.-T F"URIE N HI STREET? . V .-peel Ut ie? Mis-es' and Children's Millinery, i^sdlas' Dre?s < apk4 n i Mourn1 tin Mnhnerr; the I r^est a-sort nieiit In t.ii* city, Between Futli avenu* and University place. * PAHIHIAM HO I'Tt LATKLT ARRIVED. WITH J\ n lar.ft aw r ni. ni oi the flnest ami tnoat tatteluliv M-irccd !? (i ver-. h ttiher*. Bonupu an I uprv article nec>"uar? for irimiaiug will open >\p.ltii?*laj. th? I4ih. a: 71 ? lxi k .hi sue. corner of Twerm third street, oral ?*l A VAJ.LIKRK." TUB HAT OP THH -K A.SOX. Ij found '.niv at MaISOR WALruN, 8?? Broadway. abOVC I Dli M MjUn. \IIS.s SI J IIIDA V DRES* AND CLOAK M AK t\Q, i?l Mi fe (J itfi mpnne.?fait* made in tar latcal style, $?; lswns. j I; flttinx a apec laity. ilSK All'i'!?. \ 11T >aik. AH i \LK, ART WALK. A sum jnrr.i.R gallery. ?: piptm avkmh, mommy .\SD II ESiiAY r.VKMNilH, AT ? V. R., Pa His s LLooK Pit:i t HI 1-MrtraM'a -Ophelia," <o?rt?t'? . k oi Ahp\" 1>p 'eunlle'* "Boldler o< tb? i.ine, ? i ii ipiiu'n -.ha i lahe " < remnM'i In run l n -< " Pilmt'.H "Xloar Pl*?e I an I Kiitiiri1 " Bonn? mslMid'a H lorum* iti Normatldy," PabM'a 'Preparing i rownaatll Kiowrri" ti> Walcotne ih - r reach soldiera," lie I'mHIliS ? liviron* ni >a|.l." Alvi px*D1i .k hf t ?? ii.llnwt up dl?tlnifui?lied arti-tx:? Ariibriv. lit* lien* bach, B.. u i/i < Heliowii Itamman. Compoto*:?, I.r uin I' t >n, Wlmtrldge, ? Dampn?v, t rotiac*. 1' i'f-riri. % cuaeleio. I'roipot, noel and other* of tqaal promilK-i ? n. K. BOM RVl I.i.r. UAKTEII TO PlHdlVW. to Pl'ltCIIA K-A BLACK WALNU1 t? M ?! .nr.! . mu<. in- tbnnt ll?t left l.nif. of tudocra make. u i tu*" lowcnt price to ii. O. M , Heraid Uptowa brmi ii ii.nee. .HAKIILR MAXTRIJ^ \J (i t, HATLT RKUUUaU P.tlOK?. A i cxtriiMw ?oc? oi .si ite an I Marble Mantel* Wa?h t* .? - and Mare f ..r* <>i errry description. I*i N IttI Y> -LAI' . COII'Alt _ I nion i?|iiar<?, Pmirili aviMine an I .->c rente? lit ti at.. X. * A T(? .ihAfl.* Ri-DfCKD IMH'l, ? AN KXTKRMTB ;\ t >"k .mi Marbleixed Mantel* and all other I iirlile Worm. MarM.- lurnliiK lor toe trade .a. Ki. i; i u. i..? i-,:i,t f.ifdtc ?nth atreot, near Third avenue. A8?E\r RKIXCTI N' I.M PR! K-t OK MARRLR a .1 Mm . I t?l Mantels; .til ot Floor ?iiing. Muni g ir,it<, lead t in -..Slatw fur pluinherH and < at> In", n . i> now offered at - Ki..?.HKitA rn.'.s st<*.>na Mjr ib Wi.r, ^ Mfti to wi ?t Kiitjr (tra^t, near hr.ii. t> n a.>. A W V'U HMS. .IKWKlilt^, .v? . - .Hi 1 I'll KoLoMilv .V ??<?., AlCllONi- hHS, IT? . - ? Hi ? ?? ? i I- *i - in i>:.ii!ioiii|<. Wat. 'ip -r in i in i ir.ii A?.; nil vmiMt tnaac on con ltfiimoitai rsn a iii-lioii . til joii oi houwboiil >urnituro at'endrvl to I ? iik|i?w. 1*9 Itulilo -h.IBci. Allr KlO kN of i If ?87 0*l.-IHAM '?!> ?, W VToH ?n, Jn .ilr,y. Valuilltn a ? Iioiuli': ? I. r bskTitMl * . ? paid. Al?n tin is-i .i nilranrnuCH oIT.r< ?! tiar.Mi i<?ij ? ng name, i mMin-a<M isai. .1. II. 11. A..Kl\0!? R, 785 BroadtrAjr. VJ ATCIIi m AM) JI.VS kLKY ROt'liUT ANii SOLD i lute*, nln'ii .ii ,i,.ii, at a vcrv ttaail air.ii>e% (. 4 >R(? . t' Al. K.N, I..ill Jtr.iailnav, m:Ar rtreutff ui m bstreet V. ittchcg aad h welrjr repaired.