Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL EftTAl ^ POI! SAI^FJ.^ Ct-mru 1. 4 ?FOR HALE OR TO LET, FOf t STORY AND J\ . basement tlrst i-um brown stone . S> juse, corner of Lexlnuton avenue ami Sevuuty-tlrst sti * et: 0x51 feet; also 973 Lexintrton u venue, same block, 16x20; suitable term* Apply ou premises. a great bargain IK SOLD at O ROE.?FIRST J\ class tour storv brown stone II' N ise, 25x62x100, Forty-sixth street, near Filth avenue. II not sold noon will lease. S. EUOY, No. l Park place. A?19 K AST FTFTY-BEVENTH ST! J SET.-BROWN . atone House, iniiu doors Iroiu Hit k avenue. north nlde. elegantly ll iUli i! lu aabinet wo rt t throughout: consoles mirrors. iiifiisti 'rrate*. elect r io alarun nnil bells, nuuili wallers. extension to seco n .1 story; mm, ZTIxiiOxlUO Apply oil premises. Lfc S W, C. A THREE STORY 111(2II sTOOP B B >WV STONK House on cevcntv-ninth street, n ? ir Lexington arenuo, tor sale. JAME . K. WliKELe. B .. II Wall st A -FOR BaLK, A BEAUTIFl L 1 a RKE hTORY ? jtone House, veil ol Lexington a reuue; Mirrors In parlors; will be sold a great bargain. CRAWFORD, 953 T l? Ird aveuue. Lai'.gk. elegant brown stone i m >u?e near 1^ xlngton reduced from 322,0110 to $1 i. >x*>; must lie ?old; the muguitlceut Flat n>ar Fourth a\ s nue, t 'o 6>w. LIONEL FKoEIILICU, 8.0 Third av., neai ? Fiftieth st TWO LARGE FIVE STORY ADJOININt 1 BUILDINGS on corner near Broadway, sonlli ot Kou ri eenth street, to sell or let; sailors' Snug ll.irbor lease ( suitable lor hotel or apartments. Apply to PEaRSuN A IIHEDLoCK, ?9 Wall street 9W EST T Ilt^V IX r II JjTRI-.l.T. THIRD DOOR from Filth avenue.?High stoop brown si one. 2ft loot tton': bun juat been thoroughly put in order a nd puiuted for owner's use : Huki r A smith's steam nil Ik ice; excel Jen 11 ?* ?? u? tare. FHlh ?treat owner's use ; HulO'r ,t Minors mouiii iiu i? ice; excei ; uelghoorhood: will be sold with or wli vu >ut Fuml s. For permits apply to WM. J. FITZ? I] iRALD. 51 h avenue, or to JAMES U. SK1DMOKE, tf j. 62 Cedar I' asl >i?l#>. A DECIDED BARGAIN.-THE FOITR STOi ? BROWN stono Dwelling No. 03 East sixty first st re et. north aide, between Madi*ou and Fottrtli avenues; Just fres coed and put in pnrlect order; l'ier uiuss, Cor u ces and MUdei jro with tile house ; size, 19x50*100.5. A p p y to K. IL x ICHOLS, owner. No. 9 Pine street. House .open. A? FORSAI.E OR TO LEAS' A LARGE IR 0 N FIRK ? proof Factory, 100x100 !eet. "stories lug d. In Mott stre.t between Broome anil spring streets, con mining a 190-horre power enirine. bolter, khattiiitf, steam ? ievator, ?nd all modern Improvements tor manuluctu King nur poses. Apply ou premises to F. C. BENNu.'f I'. A GOOD CIANOE.?$0,600 WILL BUY A NIOK TWO ?tory basement and sub-cellur brown ston House, Willi high stoop, all the modern improvement* aud nine room*; brick sewer lu street; posseselo U 1st of May. inquire on premises. No. ilS East 109tb streot Harlem boats stop at loot ol'strnot- _ IjIOR BALE?THOSE ELEGANT THREE BTOR T NEW T hiirh stoop brown stone Houses NoS. 117 uud IVI 1 I'ast bixtv-seeonil .-treet, between Fourtn and l^xlnpt Mi ave nues, handsomely finished, with all modern una rove manta; will be sold tor 916,000 to au inmediat.R pur chaser. Apply to ANUEilHOx FOWL Fit. Broat't st. For sale?the elegant stone front t^vel llnif No. Iff East Flltv tilth street, near Lex ? (.'ton avenue, lot 20 feet by luO leet 5 inches; house ?0 teet deep, lour stories, basement and *ut)-cellar; first .floor ltnished in hard wood; bouse is eleKuiitly trescoert and in perfect order. Apply on the premises, irom 8 A. 31. to h>OR SALE OR LEASE AT A BARGAIN?I 131st class House, al! Improvements, terms oasv, ! M>. 74 Second avenue, !Mx4.r>xlu0; also tor sale, tour story '0 h'li ?toob l.rown stone. iDxSAllOU; splendid na er tJ!W< Owner's residence, 27 Beekman placc. s. Wi.BS'flut. ?LIOR SALE?BOCSE AND LOT NO 312 EAST 18 TH r street; 19 leet wide, brown stone front, .H sto e es, basement ana suo-clelar; price 312,0 0: t rinsto suit purchaser. Inquire of O'fTO MEYER, Ift Centre strS'JL L'OK SALE?PROPERTY IN TENTH STltRBT, UK r tween avenues B and t ; tho two lour story br U k Hon?es an I Lots No*. OAS and . 6 > East Tenth street :ei M h lot 26 teot by half the bock. Apply to owner. No. tiiS hast Nineteenth street I/OR ?.*L ?: C1IEAP?ON EASY TERMS. TIIE FRA. Ii: J1 Dwelling Home, with Lot 29x100.?, No. 240 , wt Fifty-ninth street, oetween Second uud Third aveuu< Inquire at ,^'i i.IN WaY A SONS', Stclnway Hall. N. K 2'Hi AST 'WfcLFTH S BEET ?ELEGANT FIRST ?') class four story bft euo ut and sub ccllur li Hoop brown stono House, most comu eie order, wlttl every modern iiUDroveinent. 22.6x65x103.;!, will be sold at a bantam. aodIv io RICHaRu V. HaRNKiT, ill Broadway, room F, basement 4>Q (WiA -FOR SALE. PART ON MOBTOAGE. <PO/ 'UU, lour story Tenement, with btire and Da"clnx Hull; rental Jl.'.Ol per aunurn. Anply to owner, on premises, 2'J5 avenue A. rU\(\ ?three siory high sioop brown >PC7.?Jt?U. sioue House in Fast Thirty-fifth stieet; tlliuiprovcments end in good order; ou.y S3 500 cash. F. G. & C. B. BROWN, 90 Broadway. < U k - v RARE IHANCK; FOR SALE, ? ?i7.')UW. three story English basement House, No. 103 East Fitteentb straet. 'West Side. A -THREE THREK STORY AND CELLAR BCILD ? lugs, 128, 13U and 132 Jatie street tor sa'eortoirt: soitable lor packing or stoiaae business^ '.0x7(1; term* mod-rate. E. I.. A B. T. BCR.nH aM, 'Vj9 Hudson at, AT A (1RKAT SACRIFICE AND WILL B.-. SOLD? Houae and lot 2.M V\e?t l wenty-'rst street; four itorr; all modern improvements; rent $1,300 price 314.000; mortgage to suit JollN FETTItKTCH, 1,290 Broadway. A BARGAIN.?FOCR STORY BROWN STOVE Dwelling corner Sixty-second street aud Ninth ave nse, 3-3,000, 80S West FitiV-eigbth street. S'?*>.<00. or will be rented; three .stores, shop sua stable, leate ground 385 Eiglitn avenue, terms easv, Sii.itH WM. BKhElL. 9?l Eighth avenue._ li'OR SALE.?WILL BE BOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION J1 April 12 o'clock noon, br H. N. CAMP. Auc tioneer. at the e xchange Salesroom. No. HI Broadway, the tour utory brown stone House No. 339 West Thirty fourth street, north sino; lot 2u teet fToiit by half the block; 80 per cent ot the purchase money can remain on bond aoj tnoruage. li^OR SALE AT A BARGAIN ?A DEMISABLE FOUR J? ? ory brown stone English Pusemeut Hou?e on West i hlrtv-lotirtli xtreet, coinplctelv and li.ind>ouK-ly lur DMhed- this houae with It* improvement*, cost owner. Without furniture. S-'7.0u0; necausc ot ill-liealth and a dnil market, W1U seU. completely furnished, tor 322,0"0; terms easy. 4 A M r, it. hDW aitDS. C9 West Twenty-third street. For bale-a house, with grocery, fei.d and Milk business included; price 31,830, on easy terms. 429 W est Fttty-fourth street For hale-cheap house and lot with ba. kerv in good neighborhood. Inquire at 740 Tenth avenue, between Fiftieth and Filty-nrst streets. rpo BUILDER .-NO CASH WANTfcD?LOTS REAR A Kiahth avenne. suitable tor tetetnonts, 75xlC0; price 3't.2n0;W)xlP0. price 2U(M). WALTER W. MOJflAOCK, Llghiii avenue and Twenty-first street niMclianroni. 4 ?B A HO AIMS. 1VTU ST TIIRKE STORY. $10,000; A. a til ?!.. !hr-? story ?U?0- ZUt *t., four stirv. STJaOO: Waverisy p are, ihree story. $12,500. vtAul KB W. MoNTAOUfc. Eighth aveuuc and luentv-flrst street. C^HAKuESK Will Th. J Heal L state Broker, Agent tor Eatatee, No. 4 Park p.ace. Entire charge and management taken of propartT IB >ew York eitv and Brooklvn; -peciai attention nivts to collecting rent*, paying of taiei. insurance, Ac. BHOOKLl'M PIIOFKRH roll AMD TO IiEl^ fpOR SAL -WO-. 46 AND <?> >T. MARK'- AVE.NCK, near Mxth avenue. two ne v rlr?t cia^ brown itona Hoa<*s, all improvements. complete. on easy term*. In laire oi 3. Ma&ILLIuaN, oil premises. PfOP-h T<? LET-A NICE HREB SToR* BROWN, II atone No. MA In Ion street. near Court. Brooklvn; liaa Just been pHlDted and papered in the best manner, wi.h ? 11 modern iuiorovemenn; l#w rani. Yon can ter llsuv ?lay. from l-> till 4 o'clock. It is empty; yon can move In. Uo aee It and sdurese J. r. Pa VTON, 146 Henry afreet, >e# York. TO LET-COTTAiiK, 434 I AST I14TH STRRRT. MOD* eri. improvements. rent* 0>; aim Cottage 51 Nary eueet, Brooklyn, rrut t.m. also t arts of Houses in liar* lam. A. DAVIS, 2?47 Ihlrd avenue, Harlem. rru LET?IN BROOKLYN. E. D.. VEKV ,-MALL A fcacMtome Cottage. No. 1M South First street. near fcrries: gas ant water: rent $4 0; also trame -tore sad Dwelling, ia uraml itreet, best cart; rem 980 a month. Apply to wn. 1.1AM OnCBN, l& Foarth street, near Brand. Brooklyn. mo RK.NT-HltNI8IIED OR UNFCRNISHKD?THE A handsome three story brown stone nouie No. 77 St. Mark's avenue hrst Douse cot ol F.atiidali avenue, only three blocks from the main entrance to iTo*pect fark; very desirable location; nrlee. turalshed. *1,401 Ap ply at FfcRtU'J'a, S3 Nassau street. New fork. \ATATKR FRONT IN BROOKLYN POR 8ALK-30 TO ?? 1" lots, near two terries, opposite fourteenth street. New York; 30 (eat water: docks and ground in pertec: order. Address a, box 18S Herald ottlca. TYTlLLlAll-Bt\IL>GE.?FOR SALE OR TO LET, T? valuable Hotel and store Property, with 10 lots of Orotml and stable. KIC1IAHL) V. H . ttNKri, ill Broadway, room F, basement. WHITKBTOJIK PROPPHTY FOR BALE OR TO LBT. A-roU WUVLD LIKK TO HIRE PARLOR, LI . brary, dining room. Kitchen (elevated oven range, wa?atrav?i. bathroom, three beuroons, an elegant Cot tage. all to vour<en, on *e.vered street, tor $<o a mouth. Or a whole new Cottage, (tx rooms, cellar, vegetable tardea, tor only $10 a month. Or tor $25 a nv ntn. a cosey Home, parlor, dining room, aitebaB. range, tonr bedroom* large vegstabia garden. or plaaaaat mo tern Cottage, similar to tfea last, bat larger aud handsomer, tor $ 4 a month. Have a whole house and garden to yoartaU. not part ?t a tenement. Better than up town or Harlem or Brootlya. only 3o minutes trom hunter's Point; commutation only sK cents each w? v. S7 trams daily, tr. in 8 A. M. to aiuinlgbt: comfortable, dean, safe cars. Warm la win ter. cool in ?umtu>-r, not overcrowded. Beeutliul -C 'Uery. basting, tuning. At Whl.estone, u 1. cnurches. schools; high rolling ground: an heal by a? the city and much ileaaaner; these houses Just painted and only A to 8 minutes' walk (plank, not mud) rr?m depot. or pay a lime mote each month Instead of rent, and ?Ball amount of ca?h down, and y<>u ran bay yonr Bouse and have something to show tor your money in a |f w years. Oo look at tnese houses. . t wUl nil.; take Bires hour?.n an. Thiriy-tourili street or James slip ferry to hunter a Point, ana Flushing and North Mde Railroad at?S. A Ml A. >l.. 1?, 1U, 2. 3, 4 t. >1. In ?y|re to -AMifcL DKAKi'., Agent, at W nitestone depot J yot? wiebmoie liiiorm u ion c ill at office ot owner. Ofc-O. W. VAN wlt-'LK >. M Nassau street. New York. VvEITCHEBTER COUNTY I'ltOPiOHlY for bale axl> to he\t. a* ToUKBRB, niak depot?iTol.iK. With 12 Arstaa ga? and heater; Ana sua l aa.i fiVar fit* tfuiV *0.1 duty $eiw pet sear TOUMAJia, Youksv* or WAJUIIiAM.U ?eauuaastreet ! WESTCflF.STTH COIINTV PROPERTY I FOR MALE OR TO RENT. I A T TaBBTTOWN AND ALL ALONG THE HUDSON? ;V llauil ioinely lurnisbed mi J inifui n< .he4 Cottages, HHHj and elegant Kesldcnces for sale a?>i lo let, with immediate puuiejislun, at low prices, tor season ur year. r.MBEKSON, MMjUtft avenue. mo LET?AT HIGHBRIDGKVILLE. WESTCHESTER 1 county, u modern Cottage, wilh ample grounds, with or witUout liable; near depot; rent low. Apply to A. N. SOWN*, 148 Madison arenue. TO LET?AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE TOR THE vear, to nice parties longer; containing 20 aires, carriage liouse, barns and tarrn house nun, shade, Jrape vlnei, Ac.: overlooking the Honncl: high and lealtliy ; ten lulnuies in hi Depot at New Rochelle BLADE, BttUNWAUE k CO., 31 Union square. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALK OR TO RENT. A SPLENDID NEWLY BUILT COTTAGE AT YOUR own price ; lot .511x100: situate corner of Hrst street and Union av?nue. ill Flushing, tf mile* from this city; to ue Sold Without reserve to the blithest bidder at auc tion, immediately alter tlitt sale of the 37 choice Law known as the "Leflgett Property," In toe business cen tre ot i iii.-hiiw, on Wednesday. April It. at 1 o'clock. ? The dwelling mid lot Cost the builder $1,30). but will be i sold peremptorily for what they will bring. Examine i tills chance to own a home and escape from landlords. , For map and tree pa?ttue apply to liENJ. W. UITCH ? COCK. Itenl Estate Headquarters 355 Third avenue, cor ner Twenty-sixth street. New York. ATTENTION l-KLU HINO, 26 MINUTES FROM city, complete Homes for sale or to let; beautiful I trees and shrubbery: water works, gas ami sewer*; prices moderate. Call on JAMEH L. DENTON, Bridge street depot. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSU, CORN wall, orange county: all Kinds oi fruits 2 hours' ride from city; 0 train* a day; rent $100 ptr month. Apply ut 13 W?verier piaoe. A PRIVATE FAMILY LIVING ON TUB SOUTH SIDE of Long Islaml, near the Occau, 17 mile* 1'rotn the dry. will laKe u lew boarder* Iroiu May to October; good bathing, sailiun and tlshing near thu house. Ad dress. lor particulars, COJNTiiY. box '2U4 Herald office. A beautiful RESIDENCE?BE>T LOCATION IN Flushing. to let, turnUned, or lor aula at a bursam to immediate purchaser; has 13 rooms, hot and Cold water, pleasant ground* au i every convenience Tor a delightful home. Apply to J. L. sI'EKlk, Client, Main street, Fluviilut;, or udare a A. U. II.. Uerald otlice. AT MAI ISON. N. J.--FORSALE. ELEGANTCOUNTRY Residence : large brick Mansion. 0x75; two*tory attic, uiost substantially built, complete in its appoint ments; grs and water throughout; extension, outbuild lugs, greenhouse*, conservatories, grotto*. Ac.: the grounds have 71 acres, in lawn, grove of lino old forest trees, orchards und meadows; lake ot pure spring water; location high; commanding views, or great ex tern and beauty; neighborhood first class. 8. EdDY, No. 1 Park placa. AT NEW BRIOIITON.?TO RENT. THIRTY MIN uies from Wall street, several beaatlful Villas, fur nished and unfurnished: all modern convenience*; splendid scenery. Apply to 0. K. HAMILTON, 52 Broad way. At Ni'.w briguton.-to rent, three fur niahed and unfurnished brick Villas; stable*, gar dens; modern improvement*; charming view*; !UI min utes from Wall street; reduced rent*. Or; KAY A SCftYMSi-R, 71 Broadway, room 62 A?A.?PLAIN FIELD. N. J.?RESIDENCES FOR . sale or to rent, irom May 1. 1875. furnished or un furnished, by BL&bCKKR A MUMrOKD. opposite the depot. _____ A FARM OF IOC ACRES FOR SAI E-IN ORANGE oouutj, near the village ot WaUleu ; tine buildings, lruiis, *haae, well watered, Ac.; price low. U. R. DRbW A CO., No. .1 West Twenty-third street. Fifth Avenue tiotel. /COUNTRY SEAT?PASSAIC BITER, NEW JERSKT. \J 40 minutes iroin N?w \ ork; 1 rge mansiou ; exten sive outbulidnigs; six acros; unsurpassed tor beamy; iruit and shade In abundance. R. E. o'fi .WART. 81 Cedar street. JfRUIT FARM. 00 ACRE , NEAR MORRISIOWN, goo.l buildings. $6, 0i; on Schooiey's Mountain, a Farm ot 157 acre-, with iron mine*, splendid locality, ( Jlli.OuO. J. HENRY JOHNsON, Morristown, N. J. FURNISHED HOUSE To LET?at norwalk. Conn, s brautilui house and io< atlou. For particu lar* inquire ot C. c.. YOUNGS ii4 as*aa street. For sale-.he r^sid^nce or the late uon. Hear. D. liurto, at l ruinausburg, N. Y.; price >10 000; those eiegaut premises consist ol six acres, tasteiully :aut out and ornamented with every variety ot trees: ample garuen and trull orchard a large, Uoubie Gothic house, with stable anu uU'LUi ding* coin plu.e; this property Is ollered great ly below cost, to close mi estate; l'iutnansjurir is situated on the west side ol Cayug.i Lake aui is accetsible by New lork Central, . rie or Lehigh Valley < aili uads For lull par ticulars see R. C KuUi. t>.' Libert* street, F. U. BlU [ LOW 510 Uroadwav. New Yora, or audres* CHARLES P. BAKTO, 1 ruuiansburg, N. Y. For sale?at dobbs' f.:rry, on the hudson. ihree minutes Irom depot an i splendid river view, u good House. 14 rooms, about one acre ol ground, wlih 'water front. Apply to owner. No. 13* West Forty-sixth (Street B-'O t SALE ON EASY TERMS?BUILDING SITUS and Water Fronts, lor factories, on Meiuway k Hon*' Woperty. at Asioria. opposite street. New Yore; ??also . ota ai froui #j5J to # I) . and finished frame and brick Houses from SiV A) upward. .Stcinwjy * Son*' Mawmili. iron foundry aud metal work* are on tna X rounds, In lull operation; tneir isrre piano factory will ?>e removed to the premises and other laconeiare now eiiig erected. Apply to STEIN WAY & ->oNo, Stein way Halt, New York. 1/tOR SALE?ON LINE OF CENTRAL RAILROAD OF V New Jersey, one 10-rooin ornamental style Dwelling loose, with (hade and go?xl water, convenient to deputy iltieaiJ coiiiinutaiion and uuiner^u* trains uaily. Pho. tturaphmay bs seen at tile office of CtlAS. u. WtiIT. j Jk .L, No. 7 College place. OR ."ALE OR TO LHT?A VERY DESIRABLE House, containing eight rooms, with bsrn and oua arteot gronnl; five minutes walk from depot; blgn ? r< ucd, in good locatiou. AddrcM. for particular*, owner, J. M. KRfc.NCt*. Font offlcc. We*tfleld. >. J. Ill OR SALE AND TO LET-AT CLIFTON, S. I.. J " Houses, turoisiied. from *400 to $3 000; boating, fish ing and bathing. D. Y. CORNELL A CO., Vanderbiit Landing. r r ]r OR SALE OR TO BKNT?ON LINE OF CENTRAL it. It. of N. J., one hour and forty-Are minutes froin IMt uf Liberty-sirrat, M. Y.. one lg-room hrencb-roof 1 W elling House, aearlv n*w; ai*o table on premise*, i Or particular* aoply to CHA8. u. WHIl aLL, 7. College pMice. N. Y. OR RENT?AT ORANGE. N. J.. A PLKASANTlY situated, well tarnished double House, IS rooms; r.H.nsard root; Diaxzas surroundiug bouse; gas, bath r M >ni, hot and cold water; all in complete order; lot 1 M *380; fine new; 10 inmate* from station ; entirely ax e nu>t from lever and ague The owner being desirous of i ? uporarily *ivmg u?? houiekraplng, will let tbe housa t e> a good tenant for a year or more, on moderate terma. JtdJress COUNTRY itEslDr.NCE, No. 9 Murray street, rtnui 8. kfORRISTOWN (N. J.) PLACES TO RENT AND FOR .ill -ale, ? a handsome plaue on Maple avenue. II id jma, ad modern Improvements, lor sale, price. HO.uOO. J. D CONDICT, 148 Broadway. |"|NLY ONi E IN A LIFETIME.?THE BEST PROP 'w' ertv in the suburbs of New York and the choicest ) CM adons in the thrivim young citr o< Flashing. *ix ltd ies from New York; rlgl.'t In tbe fieart and business in ltra of F.n<lriog. with Its lutxw inhabitants, excellent t H tools, churches of all denotsiaation*. street* curbed, 11* hied witn gas. water pipes laid, sewer* completed. ?U eels elegantiv shaded and the best aooletv resiuing m its nml *, enloying aU the comiort* to be had In Kew rk city; 100 trains daily; tire I0%e., Including farrl *? e ; time 10 minutes. Irobeso'il at auction, on the premise*, at 1 o'clock, 'dncsday. April 14. XI lota -ftuate on Main, Amltv and I *4 cust tireets. fogeiher with the fine old mansion, II r tsjuis, known aa the "Laggett Prop4rtv." and condd t Hid tba iuo*i deairable in t ituhlng tor bu*ine*a or red I lances. I erms 10 per cent on day of *ale, 36 par cent on April 2^ and balance in five and t?n rears. Map* an l paaaes i ks i be bad ol <<. KDW. CARLL. Auctioneer at Flashing. Kill at BENJ. W HITCIiCO K'J. Real Estaa Ilsad qii irier*. ifi6 Third avenoe, corner Twenty-slxtb street, w York. /liBANGE, ?. J.-To I.KT. FURNISHED. FOR TUB ' J' -ummer. from Mar 1. a small Houae on Main street, CBit w-st ol Grace churcn. with largeground* and abun <l m ice or fruit*; rent $S5 par month. Applv to W. P. S A NGKR, on the premise*. UUTHERFURD PAK*. N. J.?TO EXCHANGE. A Country Residence, furnished (free ot enenm bia nee), fronting on the Passaic utver and near depot, fur Citr Fropeiiy, ngntly ;encumbered. A>idrea? c.1 C.a ANGrt, box i7* tleraid Uptown Sraach ottlce T? UTHERFURD PARK. N. J.-TO EXCHaNOS FOB Aw Liqoo.s or a raying bnstnes* (dotal or Restaorant p'M'erredt 10Uchoice Building Lot* near depot urae of en Rjmbra.'icei. Address RBSfAUKANl'. box U1 Herald i , Mown Branch oftlca. a do wood. N. J.-rntr. railroad, one hour > from city, elegant House, modern ira prove me nta. IS ro< Mis; lour acre* laud good lYuit: nesr uepot. Inquire of1 ?i%OBGi pnt'UtAit, 7s# Cedar atreet, room IS. ROUF.LLE.-NEW JERSEY Ci NTRaL RaILROaD .Desirable Prop-rty to sell or rent) terms moderate; 45 n ft lutes from city; plank walk to bouaa. Apply to Bra. FERRIS, M West Eleventh street. QAU.ORS' SNUG HARBOR. STAI EN ISLAND.?TO 0 Hi, a three story House, in good order; an moderu lunr o vainent*; Ave ininuies from ferry. J i C. BAi LEV, 30 East Fourth street, near Bowery. rpo .LET-A BEAUTIFUL COUNTMT RESIDENCE, 1 lb rnlshed. at uarrlson's, oppcaite West Point; 15 tnlnu h ?*' drive from depot; 17 rooml; hot and cold wateii bathroom. *o.; ice hou*e flUed; carriage house and *fi ib e; veeeMble garden planted tor tenant , fruit, Ac. .kddreas BnOOELAW.v, Herald offlce. LET-A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, SITUATED _ nBr and overlooking Erldgeporu Coan , with 40 mile*' viewot l ong Island ouud; house contain* IS large f* Kims, with kitchen, onthoasea, Ac. garden and orcha rt attached; privilege ol stable Addraea JUDSoN BROS.. :u noWard street. New Yort. TO T?IN NEWARK, N. J., THE NEW ABD hi?a dsome tnree story and basement brick Dwelling House lo.n Centre street, containing ll rooms, with ail mouert improvement*, a verv han.Uotne private resi dence. a tuated In the mo*t desirable pari ol tna city and within (nree ininate*'wait of tna centra street rail road dif>ot; will be rented for a term of year* If da ?irwd. inquire of CHAitcE.s BOKcHtRLl.No. Jr., No. 757 Bro >1 *(reat. Newark. N. J. TO L, r ?TWO BRICK HOL ES, IN PASSAIC, ON ha Billion avenue; 5 minute*' walk irom depot; rent fJth i month Apply to JOHN B. FUDNr.Y, Agent iHowe Bailuiu^*), Paasalc. or to tbe ownar. U Hudson ttreet, ?' W w 1 ork. TO L1I1?AN ELkOAMT HOMES ThAD SUITABLE 1 fori! private residence, first claa< hotel or private boar.Hu*: nuUs?. muatad on the water at Weatport, i oun ; IN use contain* ?) rooms, lian.isomelv tarmsbed, billiard n otn and table tall modern improvement*; boat llousa ; II ? e flihing end boating; tee house tilled ; three acres ol g otin l. band*omeiy laid out; flue atabilng. Ac.: w i. be 1*? for a erai ol three year*, at Si sno per year. Aildrei* B ._B., Box A9i8 1'ost oiBce, New York. rrOLB ?-Ai Vr:Rl U>W RKNT, AT LkONIa, ON X Nori k arn Railroad, ll>4 mile* iron Jeriey city, a large, style Mansion, wun ouibuildings, an i a mod aru cotu ll a. each place *iih turee acres ,nd good ftoit Ap ly w 4 radurestU. CHRtSiItt, Leonla, Bsrgen ooun tr b. J. TO LE r AI MONiCLA R, N. J-A UaNDHOMK aotiagt llouat. iurn,*u*a, ten raoma. Apply to ub . <iJt M. UlMAMMAM. Ba, Mi Wan afreet >aw far lb T?n PROPERTY OFT OK THE C ITY FOR BALE OR TO RENT. TO LET-AT PLAINPIP.LD, N. J.. TO SMALL FAM Uy,'House, partly furnished; 12 .niuutes' walk trout depot: rent taken in board if desired. Address oox 71 niliiltild Post office. mo LKT OR LEAS8?AT NEWTOWN, U I, A KINK 1 Country Seat; carriage house. ham. garden and fruit* ol all Hindi; house contains all modern improve menu: 15 minutes trom Hunter's Point Inquire on th* premises ol Air*. W. T. SHaTTLCK or at 11J Chamber! Street, New VorK. _ fro BKNT?AT NEW ROIHll-.LLK. A PINK HOJSB, 1 fully furnished, with all modern improvements. hot and cold water and gas; nine acres in lawn, plenty of fruit; flue garden stable ami gardener's liiige; com manding view in the -otiud: locution perfectly healthy; terms reasonable. Apply at 217 Front street. 1 AAA PKFT VATMB PBONT, GLEN CLOVE; S? ltUvU acre*; large House and splendid apple orchard. C. C. WAYLaNO A ayMar. 161 i-uiton street AAA ?TO LKT OB LEASE FOR FIVE YEARS? ?Pl.l/UU. Country Resilience, 14 room* turnbhed; carriage house, b.irns. boathouse. icehouse (filled), three ucres ol lawn, with great va lety ot fruit: situated on Flushing Bay, about b minutes' drive from Grinell depot. Alio House, seven rooms, birn and eight Lota of ground, exeelleiit neighborhood, tor $900. Apply to OH A??>. .1* MONSON, Association Hall. NewloWU. L. I., or LEVEB JCH A CO., Ill Pearl street, New York IW Wt WILL BUY KEACU LAWN COTfAOK. on staten Island, live minutes' walk, from ferry, with boaliug. ashing and bathing; term* easy. CORN ELi. A CO., Vsnderbllt Landing. REAL. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. A HOTEL PROPERTY, ON SALT WATER, NEAR New York; valuaole for a person to occupy: 20 trains daily; steamboat. Mr. SMI I H, Frankfort House, 202 Wiiliatu street COUNTRY RESIDENCE WORTH PROM $10.1100 A to $12,000 wanted in exchange for two tenement Houses in Yorkville lightly encumbered. ORBtiOB A M1LLKK, 818 Third avenue, corner i'lltieth street. EXCHANGE-PROPERTY IN BROOKLYN, VALUED ut *1.601; House iiud Lot: (6U0; can have mort gages; Liquors preferred. Address A. M., oox 149 Herald Uptown Branch otllco. yOR S \LIS OR EXCHANGE?IO CLOSE UP AN F estate, one of the most valuable manufacturing and mill Properties in Ohio, well located on river and rallroud: easy ot aceew; new tour story brick; main building 120x135- ertgine honse (new engine cost (ll.OOd), packing, drying rooms. Ac.; labor cheap; now unoccu pied; tne town will subscribe liberally toward a ininu me luring com t>an v; splendid faculties to make a foriuuo; property cost over $80,Una Adoress, tor pUotograph, Ac., OWNER, box 2,i;48 Post olhce, Philadelphia, Fa. For sale or exchanoe?a nice farm, near Patcliogue. X* 1., 80 acres, new House, 2Jx2i feet, I with wing, 10x24; large, uew barn, Six30, with shed ana ! g-anery: good well of water, largo cellar; truit trees; I ten niinuies to two dopots: title perfect; $3,800, with winter crops; $2,U00 can remain for a termor ye:irs; ! $1,8jU will be tAkeu In cash or Hoots aud .shoes. Hard ware, Dry Goods, Carpets, or Clothing. Groceries; no 1 real estate taken. Address E. ED W Alt Lis, Patchogue, i L. 1. For sale or exchange?for uood first Mortgages, an elegant suburban Residence; all i modern Improvements- fine stable, Ac.; one hour from city lull; three minutes trom depot; healthy location; ! village 8.0U0 Inhabitants Piaus and Particulars wall I owner. W., 235 West street f/IOR SALE?OR WILL HXOtlANGE FOR A OOoD r frame House, In u good locality, a corner brown stone stone House andaurlck stable the property is located on the Hill hi Brooklyn, near nr. .-cudder's and Luryea's churches, a short distance from Prmpeci Park, and near Ave lines ol cars wiilcli go to all the ferries; terms very easy. Address PROSPECT PaIIK, Herald office. TO EXCHANGE-HOUSES IN NEW YORK OB Brooklyn tor tree and clear Lots on Long Island, near railroad depot Address R, R. D., Herald office. w REAL EST A. t E WANTED. EST!. RN LAND WANTED-IOWA, MISSOURI, Minnesota and Illinois Farming Land wauted. J. R. LANCAoTEE, 83 Washington St.. Chicago, 111. TITAN'THD?BY A RESPONSIBLE PARTY. TO PUR tV chase a Farm in New Jersey; onc-flifih cash, balance within Ave. years, allowing Interest; local ion one hour bv rail trom Wall street; abundance ot w ater, iruit und shade trees, some siock and implements ana rich soil; size about 3d acres; terms low. Adiirc s, wiiti full particulars and clear directions bow to reach the plaee. JOHN sMltH, box 3 M .New Yurk Post office. WANTED?A PRIVATE uOUS , WORTH ABOUT $3?> O0J tor which cash aud two brown stone Tene ment Houses wlli be given. dllEOOK A MILL R. 818 third avenue, corner Fiftieth street ~~ PVIIKITIRE. A ?<?> OUEAT BARGAINS I.N PINE PURNITUBE, also a full line of Curtains aud everything pertaining to | UPH jLsT RY f <j> at unusually low figures to close our uetalt Business. G. U KELTY A CO., 181 Firth avenue. near Twenty-third street A -WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOB ? Furniture. Carpets and Dedding at B. M. COW RTII WAIT A CO 'S 153 and 157 Chatham street. An Immense stock and low prioes. 1 A LOTION ROOM.-. 39 EASi THIRTEENTH STREET, ] J\ near University place.?Furniture, Carpets, Beds, i Bedding. Linen Sheets. Parlor -ults. Bedroom Seta, Glass. Crockery an.1 Mlverulated Ware, Pianos, Ac , at ! private sal* at suction prices. AL4.iT WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE A NEW Carpet. Parlor And Bedroom Furniture imasedi* : ately. Address L, 49 St Mark's place. A SPECIALTY?PArtLOH, SOFA AND LOUNGE Beds. No. 40 Blaecker street fsyne's patents. A?ON ACCOUN r OP BEMOYAL PI.IVaTE FAMILY . will sell, at a sacrifice. In lota to suit, 40c. on the dollar. ro<ew.>od 7% octave Pianoforte, co.i $830, for (223' magnificent astin Parlor .suit cost $ AMI, lor (2*5; one do.. (173 Marie Antoinette Suits, (.5: lurktsh Suit $100; rep Sulfs, $30. 7 pieces: Carpet. Mirrors, Centre Tables, Bookcase, Books. Chamber . nit complete, Bed ileads. Dressing case soring and hair Mattresses, buffet, Ixtenslon l.ibie, Chairs Ac. Call beiure purchasing at I residence 110 West Twenty-third street near Mxth av. ATTENTION?DESIRABLE HOUSEHOLD FURM turc for sate ; privst" family: will positively sell; I vis., Parlor hults. In brocade satin, cost $73:1, for tiM-, da ?15j; lour round uecker A Bros. Pianotorte, witti guarantee. $ 76; gilt and intakl Bedroom rets, BeJ Steads, Dressiui; Ca"es, Commodes. 4c.. $73, $13"; single Bedsteads. Bureaus, fine hair and spring Mattresses, rep, flush and haircloth suits. tJb. (50: Bookcases, xtension i b e, .sideboard, t hairs, in leather; silverware, parlor | Tables, Mirrors. Paintings Bronzes. Ac. N. 11?a posi tive cnanee. Furniture can be stored uotll Mar I. Call ; five story browu stone private mansion. 47 West l(th st ARAifE OPPORTUNITY.-A PlllVAlK FAMILY will sell their Altgsnt first class Household Fuml i ture at a great saorlfiie; rich satlu brocade, latest style parlor suit, cost ( 7X tor $-iW; one do, $150; broca el and rep suits $8 ?. *> an . (3 gil.led and lniaia chamber suits, with dressing eases, mattresses, beddina; llhrsry ! and dining lurnlture; also magnificent ro-ewnod grand square "s- ?ttve rosewood Stanley A Sons, Lucca piano I fort', brilliant tone cost (l.OtW, for (J.U, stool, cover, box lor shipping, uetldeuoe, 10? West Twentyiighth sueet, near sixth avenue. QitflTI, 0 LLC LOTUS, L.ACE CCJRTAI.NB, 4a Whoteeale Stock at Retail Lergeet AMortmaat ami LOWl.RT PRICES. la the oltv. 8BBPPARD KNAPP. 18S and >86 statu avenoe. 1 door be.ow um atraot. na?i| V/ Fnrniture. ?ed*. tfelumg, *?. Payments taken by tiie week or muuth. Termi) tair. KELLY A CO.. corner Twenty fltth (treet and Blxth avenue. CI ARPBTIXU, RIFTO.V M ILL ?>. KI DDI-. It MI V.sTK R. I For ?tyle and durability the v excel all other carpcta. New patterns |1 to 91 *4 per yard; 10j piece*. ailtrbily imparted, at 9uj. to toe. per yard. J. w. DIMICK. 2iM and i70 Canal (treat. ELKO A NT PC'RN ITI'RE?KICH PARLOR bL'lTS, Bedroom SnIU. Hota Bad*. Ao Hunt be (old tbia weak M. E KAVuK, IS ?aat Pour ice ntb (treet. near Deliuoulco'i tpLRNTTURK AND CARPETS.?tafcl.fflO WOKTII OF furniture now offered at our Immense warerooin 28 per cent cheaper than any other houae In thn ony ; Par lor suite. 7 piece a, >40, and Chamber .suite. ? piece*. $*2. A choice aetortment of > arpeta? velret. boa/ Brue*eli taueitry Bru<aei? and all wool iuarnln?at low prioea. Oilcloth* Window iMudee, lace Curtain*. 1 ambrt-quiaa, Mat*. Matting, *0. D. KKl.l.T. nc^oeor to H. o'Terrell. KO, Hi, 514 anu 516 highth avenue. FCBMTCRB. C \B"ET9 A.VD MkDDINO CHEAP forcaah. or by waekiy and monthly payment*, at Kendall'* ola atand. 209 and 211 liudeon etreat. corner Canal. u te. cannox CtEOROK A. clarke. NO. 747 BROaDWAT.-pcr J ntiure. carpet* mirror* upholaterer, on liberal termc epeoal arrangement* made tor Airnlahinc huuae* and apartment*. Parties bbrabino cp housekeeping will find a willing purchAier wuu cadi tor every de er rlpt ion of Houtehold Furniture. Carpet*, Mirror*, Ac., by addrasaina Immediately L. PEl.->KR, 411 r-eventh av. TO PaBTIKS aBOCT BRKAE1NO CP BOU8EKERP. nig-w 111 find a purchaser tor every aaecriptlon of Household Furniture. carpet*. Ao., at JaMB* gRA H^M'j. 11)0 Third avenue. <?? | ?> -*, WILL Bl Y Trial entire * UBNITUBB Of 9 I ) lour rooma complete tor liou**keeping: muit be (old in three dava. Apply at *J8 w eat Thirty flftn at. !?V*TUtXTHH. ttyiS-?M *?***- DOLBKAB, I.IMriKOsDW ,T, i N A gage to remove (tiflneM or treii.blin* from the worat band, ana to teacn an elegant bunnene aiyia in lu or M apectai ie((ou(. may alao teach bookkeeping practi cally, aa ueeu In tna ben >?* York hotteaa. Private room* tor ladiaa. Op?n day an i evening all eumtner. a -OOOD ha.NDVTRITlNii uL ARa.nTKED IN TEN A. private leaeona Apply from I to ? o'aloo* at No. 66 fs!&iatar'wm savaranssur 4NVI1MBIITI. ,-TU AVENl'K Tit K A t RE. Proprietor anl Manager .Mr. AL'GUSTIN DALY BBBBBB XI QOOau b b ii a O b b it a B B II U BBBBBB It O B B II O B BIIO GO B bug g BBBBBB II oaaoo BBS OO N.N N A NX N ZZZZZ A B B O O N S N AA NN N Z A A H BOONNN AA NN N Z AA B B O O N N N A A N N N Z A A liBB O O N N N A A N N S Z A A B BOONNN AAA N N N Z AAA H boonnn A ANNN Z A A B MOONNNA ANNN Z A A BBS O0 N NN A A N NN ZZZZZ A A NINTH WEEK. 57TH TO MIU EEREORM ANCE. H0USH3 CROWDED! II LAUaHTBA INCESSANT I EVERY MOliT AT t LADIES' MAI INK K SATURDAY. 1J0. QRAND OPERA HOUSE. CARRIAGES CAN be~OBDERED AT lQiil WE OB ALL E NO tf" THE WORLD to produce anything to cijual the gorgeous tale ot enchantment, AHMED, AHMED, AHMED, AllMBD, AHMED, AHMED, AHMED. A11MLU, AHMED. PitON6uHGKD BY THE ERES8 AND PUBLIC THE MOST MaUNIEICENT SCENERY. MUSIC. BaLLBTS, OKES8ES, mountings, GROUPINGS AND EFFECTS EVER SEEN IN AMERICA. GRAND MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY. AT 2 O'CLOi tC GRAND MATINEE EVERY SAlURDAY, AT 1 O'CLOCK. Box office open from 8 A M. to i P. M. TiOWEBY OPBRA HOU-E, 201 BOWEBY. X) Eitiaordluary Attraction. COBA f.nfliliLA'.i BALL.U.T t'ROUPS and 30 new taces appear thin week.. l-'irat time in America of Mons. Blandowskl's original sensation. Tile. BO W e. it V DUUHESd. THE BOWtBlf DLCUES . Orchestra chair*, 24c. Eamliv circle, lSe. Matiuees Tuesuay and Friday. Ladies tree Krmay night Col. SINN'S EARK THEATRE. BROOKLYN. Nightly and Wednesday and Saturday MATINEES. FIRST WEEK of novelty COMBINATION NO. 8, 30 GREAT STAR EEkEokMERS. CHANGE Ci'MEANY AND BILL THIS WEEK. AJiuKsiun only 10c., .".5c.. 80c. and 76c. Brooklyn athen um. Last auhscritilion nizhtof 1 HE NEW YO K OERUAN1A iHliATRE COMPANY. AD. N'El'E .DORFE Director Monday. April M. utR let/i e brIeF. Comedy, in three acts, by surdou. Jake be kry.-thirty-fourth street opera House, between .-?e ond an I third a vcnu'S.-The DUTCH JUoGrt- .?N every niaht. Matinees Wednes day and .Saturday at *. Reserve i opera chairs 26 cenu. PI A V OFO i iT K S ? ? ?? T^cTk M PRl^iii ^A'or ?5.? "?$? A. Piano*of -mr own raaMi aUo lor^aa 'wiuLlArt knTbEICo!^ a?enue. ?b.?w SU.e?atn ?t w'eV m5 "U ?? , ? w iTRRH 4 BON8. 431 i GREAT I'FFKB?HO'-A( t. pi??0? and Oreans of A Broadway, will di^po^o ut extreme!? low flr?t cla*8 mttker,*' l,C.t ??>?? iiioiilli or part ca*h undbal SnM*n?m?amonUily a r^r^uerK?^ me"WJ5LU?Mi;iy%-WMueX'r &??*&?/bSwerT. ?N V.LKOAS 1' cin-ed ro'^wood A ?le at bait ?<*-*tue moa? celebrated made to order ?i*tuonUi^aiiOiit7 f >r flv, yeura; rush. cttf makera, liaWnit iutl w _rB.,j Applv to ABttAUAM sp?uw?t?.. 7 A. M. till 8 P. M. _ 1 RARE on AN OK ^e?^ie;'op'rI|glUAai'>dCNUAr? An^ani orjani; on^nwalmeuU a^d SKStUth*__ Tx $1?-A. CUIOKE_RISQ RO^\aieU IrsSSffi sr-?"? ?? A ...i., ? BAROAlN ? <- A\lVnrV,erl<?,ni>dVr'n linproTeraenU,' A IMarioiorte. rouna coru ^ iucittued. M3 KM* glftSSt {n.^a?a??d-.v^ 4 T ?TEKDM^N'3 O^p hK J*?irIS,nne *0cl of 43S??|!li?S r^Si ???'" &ToS".Ki5"?" A lour ruU,ld. H6,c**r.A?rtri?lv carved rosewood caie s 0riinant toned <H ?? f7*no h/vin/ nil Improvement* l?lU*raff? .or $275: *u?U unnird guarantee, bill ol co* ^ inon tot. ?o"?'r box ?..r *'??"??* tnB,'truWnt "onia do well SEW***WOWB'.Now pnvau 41 W.* Itth ?t ? ' ? T 'bkuIun r to> kd'ts oo^urocu Ba? A round Wlnd?or I i*1jo >> ? Ha mo. co?i !Sw Parlor ^,n0",^uco*ir7oc. Va.mluf. " tsssas? sans S^Vi' .^o? m' ft) wait gd It. 7uiICKKHlSO. DOAN ?B*DBC- for" J.',,},' or W !,a?m1'Xd W.^rPc!o'm0ru0W.,t kourte.uthjKr.^v r^Okl BA'.K?ON AOi.O U XT O t <3OING e "round^Ta I1 roiewoo*1, Flano, 7H o? ifuli olack walnat Inquire at 79 *U >iar*'? place ???__ T "I , , RKAT BARGAINS c*'1 b8 G pu ln?o?l manalactory aod VfAGN.ncKNT M lorte, ?i *T?1 coipl'lad to aaor.flea. 7vT? IN UOOD 0 ?,eln o'/ilSoN' A SU.i. Sl-.m Kourw.ntb VJIANOKOKTXH, r.tKL^tUu''inNU.'orougl^1 order!'tor g, iSjSHa'! ??????' fcis? ?ro??_w.yjl?u t ilth artnua. L n? ?*7RRV CIIKAI* PXKiT ^LA8S J)< }, ? Mi'lV.ri rih.o. Call b?t?e?n I and 5 P M- ^ ? ? ? - = MK\TI)4TRY? "V~~OOKAl. KCBBKR d*tXi ia tn? A hoara?Ij?PrJ*fW'Jt,Jn .!J?gt atK, rfroai w*v anl tu?ruoun 1 it utjjer verv *trouj. oolorjjdi kuia aveuae. CofaJ uttbujr, > jt y^oJt *** riamih voUl seta, ^..una -au, . ijaBT^itori, itefoiator*; i iri. op?n ironu; Lip UiurA uip falLa gr..u eart Vmw ?v*du? cara or Broal troin ..raud ?ti*el la ,'Hirty.(giirta atreei. war ?*r*-N-KWBKOUan. UJ Wait iturty-toarta ?trt?U_ T BKACTIPUL ^"tx A ? wftrr*Dl \?w Vori OenWl HooOH. *5 ?'*!? Sw"SfcP"i?iXB^ WS1. Sunday, until ?? R??*?- | |je r ' . ' _ ^ "i'" y l" \c T\it B- J B?B B anJ o?rali? D Vora. ?Artificial Taa!h ""1^" Coul|,,ri ana ufaiua ^pKitedlna lawBour*. **rje f fpri?t, nor Inoaarai.e* guaran ??*. ???. a??r |ir?oe?* ?y vk^re*. oeitti mnnucuci L?*"}.i, ?uoii ?re permanently re ay"1' C<DU- ? t\k B. O. DUBKl> Vwo'lior''^? *tr*r' T) ton plaoaJ? *J *'*uu a !i?w priucipir ; uwd ai gx'sriiMfetikisstJR* Tt.u w AMISMEK\TS. rpilEAl KK I OMIQUE, 1 814 BROADWAY. Mr. JOSH H ABT Moit Proprietor First week oi ttiv only ,u.a original .maj LI o.\?, CHARLES ?*? tht beautiful Miss MA IF. WA.IILTON. Mr. I.AKRY TOO LB*. I Seco ut w<-ck ol Mr. WM. BARRY Mi?< KITTY O'NElL Mr. U. H. alia MS. I on t tie Lancashire CI of. IlARKlGAN AMI HARl in iwo new sketches. APRIL FOOL: OK. 1 .i K oaRUT*MNa I'ARiv aril > vr.M'K hotel; nit. Till'. MCm ( l.tRK'; 'TROUBLES. Mi** NELLIE 81'. JOHN. MU* Ai.IOE BhsNKtT, Mr. JOHN WILD, Mr. WM. CARTER, Mr. CHas. WHITE. Mr. Q. L. SToUTR, It. M. CARROLL i.VU SON and trie enilro company in A NEW OLIO. Concluding with the o nlo Drama, WHO -TOLE THE MONKEY I MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. ALLACK'H. ? . , _ . _ Proprietor and Manager Mr. Ltittr WalUck Door* open at 7:30. Commences at 8 o'clock. MONDAY. APRIL 12, and EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MATINEE will be presented a new adaptation of tne romantic French play, "Les FUles dts Marbres-*' In a prologue and tour acta, tnttuad with ENTIRELY NEW SCENERY. COSTUMES, APPOINT ME.NTS AN I) MUSIC, and the tollowlng DISTRIBUTION OK CHAUACTERSj? PROLOGUE. PliYDIAS Mr. II. J. MONTAGUE DIOGENES Mr. IIA It it Y BECKETT ALCiBlADBU Mr. J W. CARROLL liOlttiiAS Mr. h. PLY Ml' I ON STRABON Mr. W. J. LEONARD THKA, a slave Mls.s JKFFREYb-Lr. WIS A.^PASIA, j I Miss"'DA KoR ESCUE LAIS > Statues- < Miss L'.iCEWOOD PHRYNE, ) / Mis* BLaISDELL TUB DRAMA. RAFAEL Mr. H.J. MONTAGUE M. DESOKNAIS Mr. HARRY BECKETT M. BolsDORE Mr. J. B. POLK CHATEAU-MARGEAUZ Mr. E. FLY MPION FREDERICK Dc. COURCKY Mr. J. W. CARROLL LORD MEKTON Mr. C. B. EDWIN MARCO Mis* ADA DYaS MARIE Mia* JBFFREYs-LBWIS Mine. DUCUATLET Mme. PONISl CLEMENTINE Miss LOBA GOLDI'HWAITE FEDORA Miss Ft.OKA MaCDONaLD MARIETTA Mia* KATE BARTLKTT Seats can be secured two weeks In advance. LYCEUM THEATRE? RI TORI?TO-NIGHT. MME. ADELAIDE RISTORI Murchiouoss del Nrlllo), TWO NIGHTS. ONLY ami Wr.UN.'.8DAY MATlNEK. TO-NIGHT, only lime of (ilacouiotti's historical drama, ELIZABETH, yUEi.N OF ENGLA.Nl>. RIsToRI in her gre it role of ELIZABETH. TUESDAY EVENING. April IS, LAS. RISTORI NIGHT. LA-t NIGHT OF KI.vroRI In ENGLIsH TRAGEDY. LUCRETiA BORGIA. RISTORI in her famous role. LUCRETIA BORGIA Alter which Mine. ItlsroKl will enact lor the last time IN ENGLISH ttio celebrated SL El* WALKING SCl.NK, trom MACBETH. RI810RI (last time In Englislii AS LADY MACBETH. Wednesday afternoon, April 14, KI TORI MaTX.SBE. l.akt and only pcriormancu ot MARIE ANTOINETTE. Grand >.alu RlnTjRI Wh.DNr.SUAY MA.INEK. RI^ToRI (lu?t appearauce in N. Y.) as Marie Antoinette. Ristorl Matinee Prices.?Admission $i seat* ii extra. Weduesilay ev'g., April 14. Tnursiiar ev'g., April 15. Friday ev'g.. April 16. Saiurdav ev'g., April 17. Reapnearanee ot Aimee in "Jolie Parluiueute," and REAPPEAuANCE of Mile. (iASDONand M. LIE BEKB lor the last night* ol LA JOLIE PAnFUMi'.t'SE. Wednesday, 'lhursuav. Friday and SaiurJay evenings, WHEN AlMEc. W III PO -ITIV I' LY Ri-.APPEAR. THURSDAY. April 16. Riiiori's Farowell to Newark. FRIDAY. Aui 11 16. ONLY NIGHT IN BROOKLYN Of RISTORI IN ENGLISH 1RA.EDV, RI.-.TORI MATINEE WEDNr.SDAY APIT.RNOON. ONLY Wi-.DNESDAY MAIINEE OF UlSlORL' ONLY MARIE ANTOINETTE MAiINEE, LYCEUM THEATRE. Wednesday Afternoon, at 1:3ft ON. Y RIsTOKI WlDNlSDAY MAIINEE AND Only .Matinee oi Clacomettl's grand historical drama, MAlllE AN'IOIN TIE. MARIE ANTOlNETlE, expressly written lor His tori's Am cricau Tour. KISio 1 tu her famous role. Marie Antoinette. Adinl&slon $1; scat >1 extra, can now be secured. J^YChUM THEATRE. AIMEE OPf.RA BOUFFE bPEClAL NOTICE.?REAPPEARANCE OF AIM EE Wednesday, POSITIVELY REAPPEARANCE of AIMEE. The public i* respeciiully informed that MLLE. "TlMEE ha* recovered trom her Illness, and will positively apoear on Wednesday. Thursday, friday, Saturday evenings, when Mile. GANDON and Mou<. DE BEER will make ibelr Reappearance for thi : Last Night* ol AIMEE in LA JOLIE PARK I'MEUSE, the sprlghtlicst ol French Operas Boutfe. ; AIMEE, in her original creation RO?K. MICHON unanimously declared her best character. GREAT 1111 OF LA JOLIE P AKFUM E USB, which enjoved a run of 300 nights in Pans. LA JOLIE PaRFUMeUSE, THE JOLLIES! OF FF.ENl H OPERAS BOUFFE, produced with new scenery, costumes, properties, ap pointments. perfect raise en scene, tbu cast including. AIM.-.E, in her orieinai creation.........KOSk. MICHON AIMr E MA i INEE in Brooklyn next Saturday. Only partorinance ot LA JoLIE I'ARFUMeUsB. B A1 ROOKLYN AC ADEM Y?RISTORI IN ENGLISH TRAGEDY. FRI 'AY EV'G.. AprU 16. Gal* Night. Positively RtstoM's last night in Brooklyn, and her only anuearince in English Tragedy. First production ot Victor Hugo'* LUCREZlA BORGIA, after which Mine ulstorl will enact in English THE SLEc.P-WaLKI.VO eCENE f BOM MACBETH. AdmUsl< n $1. stats fl extra: ?t Brooklyn Academy and 114 Broadway. imee matinf.b in Brooklyn, satcrday. Brooklyn Academy. Saturday afteruoon, | GRAND GALA AIMEE MAIINEE Only appearance and Tare well to Brooklyn, of Mile MAKIE AlMrE and the complete French Opera Boufl> Company, from ? tht Eyceuui Theatre. N. V. F.rst productlou ot OfftQ bach's tamou* LA JOLIE PARFUMEUSE. Admission $L Rtservtl aeats 50c. extra. T)akk thbatrb. Last mohts last mghts or Mr. FRANK MAYO and DAVY CROCKETT, ? romanct of tht fortst. In which thcrtirt no Indian* or murders Miss ROSA BAND as~ELKANOR VaCGHN. LAST N1GHTB. LAbT nights. Las. NiuHrs. MATINEE SATURDAY. MATINEE SATURDAY. ClEItMANIA TfTEATRK, FOURTEENTH STREET. r Au. nel t NDnKrr Director BTliKY HVBNINO, 9A ' CROAT M A 1 I N ut. Immense success of Straus*' brilliant Opera, ini 100. LIN A MAYR as...... ....FUMKI Box oilice open dally firorn S-&J tiU 4 o'clock. STBINWaY HALL ... THKO. THOMAK FRIDAY KVfNINO, APRIL lti AT 8, AND ON SATURDAY AFTkRNOON AT* THEODORE THOMAS' LAST OUMCKKTA OP TUB SEASON. SOLOIST. MI ANNIE LOOl-h CA K V, The distinguished Prima Donna Contralto will make, on tl.ese occasions, lirr I?>t appearance In Mew York. MR. H. A. JOfr', TK OR. fymphcnv >o. i, In 1>. Op. S6 r Beethoven Aria. "Che Farosenm i urktlce Orpheus"... Qlnck MISS ANNIE kUl'lliv CARY. Milder an* Osttn (11 ret time) Bcniitnan Mrmundu love ?on<. Walkuere (flrst time)... ....Wavner Scberao. "La Keino Mali, ou la fee .-ongee. Ferilos Arietta, "In Ouesta I oniba'...... Beethoven ^ Ml Mi ANNIE LOtlisK CARY. .'elections from "Die Metsterslnger Ton Nuernberg." Introduction, ) . . ...... _ Walter' Prize r>ong, > Third act (tint tine Wagner ?%<VOCAL PARTS BY MR. H. A. BISCHOFP. ON 8ATCBDAV AFTKRNoON. ATRIL IT. AT K I.AST ORAND MATIN KB. Addmlssion tickets. *1: reserved seat?. SOc. extra, can bow be bail at Stelnwav Hail, at Noa. 701 and 114 Broad way, and at No. 33 t'nion square. M RS. P. B. CON WAY'S BROOKLYN T11KATBB. fcvery Evening an 1 Saturday Matinee. tlie great play, a.isuteu by .v Hart Jackson, Eeq., ea t it led THE (WO ORPHANS, with new Scenery. Costume* Properties Decora tlons. Be.. Be. Seat* aecured one week in advance. iWPaiCAju. A TKNOIl IS OPK?' FOB ENGAGEMENT IN A first class iiuariot. trorn May L Addreaa MOSBN I HAL, box 17u lli-raid office. \ ThWOIt. OOOO VOICE AND QtJALIPICaTIONS, \ *e, n. en engagement In quartette trom Mar 1; fulljr lamlliar with .ill Protestant services. Addreaa S. O , box ISO llerald office. AMKRI AN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 144 FIFTH a venn*-. ?Classes lor vocal culture, reading musio. piano, violin and harmony are constantly forming; alao private letsoas on liberal lerms. M N MY SCHROEDER. Director. MUSIC-A SOPRANO or EXPERT NCE. OOOD votco and nlgtil reader, i* open to a new church en gaaement. Adtireaa ailJCA. Herald office TIIK LKCTUitK MRAgOW. A lec i rk btkri nighi, at 7 o'clock, on "Manhool. and the Cau?e ot Its Premature De cline." at ilie New tork Maseuui of Atiatuiny.iU Broad way. between Houston and bleacher it recta. Al.KOTt. ite. hVKKV BfENDtO >11 O'CLOCK ? on nervous debt lty. ea?eclai diseases. at Dr. MaHN'S Muse inn i remember tiie aodrees, .No. ?<8 Broad way near Fourth atreat; Use largest and hk?i magiiA eent Muaeum to the w^rid Admission, W cents. OAXCIXO ACAD1C.UIK*. A'-j. ?aVBB'4 DANCING ACADEMIES-CLASHES . at M isoalo nail. 114 Kaat 13th street; Brevoort Hall, 1M i-.antMili street PitlVAiK LbSsONS at any lioor. CIKCH-aBo at private academy. 2U hast lltn streev \ ?CART1 r K's DANOlNO ACADBMY. PL1MPTON .V. UuiidiiU. Stuyve<?nt and Mnth sir. eis.? C asaes Mi.ndays and iliursliys : new cUaaaa now lorni inf. ot>eti all summer . private les>onsln glide wal r a ?peciauy. us'-?puon iiaiWMnte every Monduy evening. BAI.I.ETMAS 11 . DCMAK'S DaNCINO aCAD?.MY, a West fourth street.?Classes oveu:ali dances tiiagb: perieetiy tu one quarter; <ix lashlonabls dauca* tau-tnt panecti) mux private lesaotu. MAwPrtKRaoN'-l AC AD.. MY OF DANClNO. 100 Wen Forty-eighth street, near Broadway.?Classes now torming for tne suuinvr so <?on U K school Will remain open nun July L I'rlvatt iismus at iti kuura keeepUM *?aae e vary WsacstAay iisimi at li B AWIHRMFATI. GOTH'S THEATRE. TENTH Wi-.KIC JAuR_n k PALMER Lessees and Manager* HENRY V.. the pi-itmlest ShaKesneariun spectacle f??r Dro'lncea. mul which hud already been witnessed by 16J,?Wde huhled people. now outers u>.on the TENTH WEEK ol itsretuarkaole run. .Mr. GEORGE RIGNOLD, the distinguished player, in tils (treat part of THB YOUNG MONARCH, lor the sixiy-sixth to the seventy, second times. HENRY V. EVERY NIGHT ana the SATURDAY MATINEE. 'I'lli SCENERY is unsurpassed fur beauty unii grandeur, ami include! KlMi HENRY'-. I.u.NiJON RECEPTION. This is the im-sl animate I scene ol the great otecs The won lerlul orocession ot tho returning victorious army and the populace ot London throng ng the streets near old Temple Har are represented by au auxiliary foree.ol nearly FOUR HUNDRED MKX, WdMKS AND CUIL DKKN. During this exciting act the tamed fUU CUIMri OK CHURCH U rung. ?.?NEXT SATURDAY. April 17, LAST MATWBS bol one of HENRY V. SPECIAL.?On MONDAY KVENINO. April K, NEILSON is her great imperionatiou of AMY ROBS ART. Due notice will be given of the readlneie of the re eerved neat lists for subscriptions. BOOTH'S THEATRE. SPECIAU BIGNOLD BENEFIT PERFORMANCE ON THURSDAY BEGIN-! AT ON.-. O'CLOCK. ??? Doori will be opened at 12?30. BOOTH'S THEATRE. MATIN Eli NEXT SATURDAY. APRIL 17. will be uiven the LAST MATINEE hut one of UKNRY V., and it will al-o be the LA>i MATlNKc. appearance but one of Mr. RIGNOLD as the YOUNG MON ARCH. SEA IS CAN Now BE SECURED. BOOTH'S THEATRE PISTOL and FLl'BLLEN. THE DAILY graphic. of litis MONDAY, April 12 (price live cents), will have ? capital illustration of the great comic Leek-Eatiuir Sccne between PISTOL ttiisiiopi aud kLUELeeN (Thornej in tho Shakespearian pageant. HENRY V. B OOTH'3 THEATRE. THURSDAY AFTERNOON next, April 15, FIRST HEN K KIT ol Mr. rignold, upon which special occasiiii be will appear In two characters contrasting greatly with that of llonry V. CLAUDE MELNOTTE In THE LADY OF LYONS WILLIAM in BLACK-KYED SUSAN. To give additional interest to the event the charming comedienne. Miss FANNY DaVENPORT. of the Fifth Avenue Theitre, who h*s kindlv volniv leered, bv the courteous consent of Mr. Augustln Dalr, will appear tor the flrst time as PAULINE DESl HAPELLES. Miss M A l*DK~G RANGER, the popular comedienne, whose Kind volunteering promptly met with the poilte indorsement ot her maul gera, will appear tor ine time as BLACK-KYED SU&AN. ??? The great entertainment begins at ONE O'CLOCK. Seats can now be secured. Box otHou open dally trora I A. M. to 10 P. M. OLYMPIC THEATRE, 621 BROADWAY. Mr. JOHN F. POOLE Manager the family iukaikl ok the MiTropolls. THE HYNES, ERNEST and uei'.AkD. Mr. J. L. DaVIS and his School ol TOB KUUCAI' D DOGS. Mr ALEX. DA Vis1 Mr. HUB HART. Mr. JOHN HART. Mr. Sol SMITH RUSSELL. Herr CAttL EINu. Mr. EBW1N THOMAS. BBST Mr. JOHN Ol'r.bN. Mr. WILLIAM WEST. Mr. G. W. H. GttlKKlN. Mr. WM. COU.vTrtiGHL Mr. C AS. WollLEY. Mr. PAI' ROONEY. Mr. W. B. CAilILL COMPANY Mr. I-. D. OOoDINQ. Mr. JA.->. VINCENT. Mr. G. W. HEED. Mr 8. HOLDSWORIH. Mr. J NO. GIL It IIT. Mile. LEoNA DAKE. IN Miss ANNIE MOK.aN. Mln ALICE HA It HI ON. Miss EL L.IE WK-r. Miss SAIDtE O'NEIL AMERICA Mi*s ADDIE FARWkLL. Miks MARIE CONNEL V. Miss i'EAKL THORNTON. MATINF.K8 ^EDNESLIAY AND SATURDAY AT ft w JOOD'8 MUSEUM. WOOD'S THIS EVENING AT 8. OLIVER DOLD BYRON. Mrs. RAlE BYRON, in tbe Sensation, ben McCUL LOUGH. Connor, Eetchum. Wood, Stewart, bauuiord. AFTERNOON AT * LOt l-i ALDR1 II. LOl'iSK bYI.VESTEB T. L. CONNOR, GEOitGr. EEICHUM, In the romanitc Play, tht COBSICAN BROTHER^ Bowery t^satre, THIRD WEEK AROUND the WORLD IN 80 DAYS. RECONSTRUCTED AMAZONIAN MARCHK4, BY 2 JO BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADIES. MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY. Seats may be secured six dars in advance. Academy of music. Italian opera, Musical Director MAX MARE1ZEB wednesday E V KG 1N G. April 14. at & La.;t time. Flotow's new opera, in three aoti. L'OMMRA. Admiaaion II. Reserved seats $1 extra -. Boxes. IS aM 910: Family Circle 5J cents. .-eats at Academy. 7ol and 114 Broadway. TO-NIGHT, BROOKLYN ACaDAMY, L'OMBRA. SAN tRANCISCO MIN3TBEL4. | BIRCH. AM FRANCISCO MlNsTltELS. WAMHOLD * I hA.V FrfA> CIsCO MI^srRi-.Ls.J BACKUi New Opera House, Broadway And Twenty-ninth street Ini me imp success of the Burlesque I SPrLLINO MATCH. I The Young Actors. I Every Night I 8r'i.LL1NO MAH II. j I Thought Vou Was. Every Night BPELLINU MATCH. I SOHGO. . I Every Night Juitl'eir WaMHJI.U ting "LITTLE KOBIN, if.LL E111Y l-.vrcOMi.NO." EVi.KYTU ISO Nl.W, FltESll AND SPARKLlNO. People buvinif Udder* to peek in the window*. Placet secured. Maiinee SATURDAY, at 1 CiOLOSSIXM. COLO SL.UM. t AFTERNOON AT L P SThNI^O All I TRAINED UlKDi A AKBLAL HUNPBNslo.i'. Paris Enchanted Cabinet. 1 Midnight Storm. ?? 8 Illuminated LKp. BY MOHT. I'anorauia, ! ADMIS-ION. OOo. OHTLDBbN, tto. | a COMPLETE ROAD TURNOUT.-BAY MaRE, IS* . i\ hauls, 8 yean i trota better than S minutes soand. gentle. kind: lop side i>ar Wagoa and Harness, in good order, will i e sold very low. Inquire In store T7> W*?| Twemy-flfih street THE COM INO MUSICAL KVENT OK THE SEASON. QKAND TESTIMONIAL CONCERT TO L1EDA U1LBEItT, AT BAttNLM'-l II11'fOD ROME, ILEsDaY EVEN INO, APRIL 30. lor the benefit of THE GILBERT LlBBAItY AND PRISONERS' AID FIND. The following well mown artists ud voeal soclstiesf? Mrs. PHILIP OULaOER. Bias ANNA DKASDIL, Mr. A. H. HlsCHOFF, Mr. P. hEMMEkTZ, Mr. h. U Mil L?. the Pianist, with THK NEW TORE ORATORIO SOCIETY, THE BKOuELl'N MANUEL ANO ilATDN SOOIETT AND TIIE ARluN HOC IE I Y will form the most brilliant and numerous bodr of roloea which bas ever appeared together in ibla city, supported by an orcnestra of one bnnJred. CONDIC iOR Dr. LEOPOLD DAMRO90H REs KVED HRAlii. SI. ADMlSslwN. 50 CENI-t Purchased at the box office or the ilippobrome Madi son avenue: Ivwin's, Windsor Hotel; DiUoat, rond's aud MUlett's music stores, aud at tfulituan's. 114 Broad* way. SThlNWAY HALL. TO-NIUHT. Lecture by JAMl'.S 1. FIELDS, the eminent author ami publisher. Subject. "A rlea tor Cheerfulness." Admission, 75 ceutai with w at. $L For sale at steinway iiail. sehirmer'a, 7w Proadwart Dntton't, 7l? Broadway: t'utnam's, 1u6 Fourth avenuet and Mltctteil A .-eixas.MM Broadway. TIVOI.I THEATRE. Eighth street, between Second and Third aTaaaei r | Be?t Family Varieties iu New Vorfc. hverv F.vrnltw, 8 to 1* o'clock. ? I Last week of the iUirie?<iU" Pantomime, 5 I ROBINSON CRUSOE. ? *? ladle* in Ballet. schrotter sisters, Carrie j I Buerhei. Lottie urant, Mllea Kvenae aud L*lt i man aud 4u artists in Varietv Olio. 4| All tor M centa. I All lor AJcenta. Robinson hall hibernioon sixteenth street, near Fifth avenue. Ererr evening this week, at ? o'clock. CHARLES M vChVoY's umous original HIBERNIOON. 1 h? be witching scent ry oi Ireland illnetratrd. and the gams el lnsb iikmitra'sv rendered by competent artlns who will appear In a proirjinme replete with National bongs, Duets, Instrumental solos, < bora**. Character Delineations, Ac. a melange ol mirn music, psthoa and mimicry. Admission, Wc.; reserved seata, 740. | aallerv, Mc ; c lldren. Me. _ MATINEE WkD.Nh.-DAT AND SATURDAY. EYBNINOS WITH THE OREAT MUSICIANS. J. N. PA I TltON'S Lecture, with pianoforte recitals, WKDN ksDAt hVnNlNti. April 1A at E Da Qartno Hail Fllih avenne and Fourteenth euhject?"tJOTT OilALIL" Tickets $1, at M7 and 711 Mroadway. N AVION A L ACADEMY Of DKSMN, Twenty tnird street and fourth avenna, THE FIFTH-. Ill tf RAN o ANNUAL KZHIBITIOX ur PAIB1I.N04, now open. DAT ANk KVr.NINO. H. FOSTER. MEDIUM, 21 Wast Tweuty-second street. LNBNCINO AND SPARKlN'O TOURNAMENT AT r Co onei MONSTKitY'S New York salla D'Armas and oparriug Academe, Uv Sixth avenue near Thlriy sixth street, Mordat. April U, Ij?.\ at * f. M. To oonstst ot Fencing, with loll, broad sword, rapier, bayonet, knife. Ac. aud sparring by nroieaeional aud a mate or gentlemen. Ml ETROPOl.ITAN MC.4F.UM OP ART. 13s West Fouruentu street. New York. Open dahy. I<> A M to 6 P. M. Mondays (tee. Recherche veil and shadow dan<ante of toe Martha Washington Social CUj will be held at the Argyle Rootna, Mtit avenue aud Thirtieth street, on Monday evening. Apru it 1S7& Ticket* at hot oittee oa nigbt oi ban. uaVIl? t omaN, i>ecretry. ? RT SALE. ART SALE. AMI' BAuft. A BKMEHV1LLR OaLLEkY. *3 FIFTH AVhUUE, Monday and iUe?day at i p. m., PARIS SALOON PICll'KES?Oertrand's "opneUa,'1 Oertei't Ro k of Age*," Do Neuviiie'* "Soldier of the Line." Chaplin'* " ha Babe," Cre*ema?'s "In Full Lresa." fabst'* Alsac*, Present and Mitare/' Bonue* "Morning in Normaud/." Pabst's "Preparing! trowu* and flowers to Weiooms the French ounrs," De F. utlii's "Envlrous ot Napiea" Also examples by the following dlstiugnisbea artists:?Arnberg DieiTeu bach. Moiifail. Cutyr. Ueliow* namrnou, Compotosta, Broau. I'ecou. Thorn. Whitiridge, cuauipney, crops* y. "*iwK