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FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. A Sliarp Advance in Panama?Other Stocks Steady and Generally Firm. GOLD QUOTED AT 115. llouey Easy aiid Abundant at 3 Per Cent on Call?Government and Railroad Bonds in Moderate Request Wall Street, i Monday, April iw?e P. M.} Bat lor a sudden and large advance in Panama tbe acock market to-day would have offered little ?aterlal lor comment beyond the general state ment that the majority o: prices were a trifle Higher than those or Saturday, and that the nudertoue Is regarded as encouraging by those Who are on the bull side of speculation. Whether this reeling Is due to the exceptional rise reierrod to or grows ont of faith In ruture strength is a gnestlon difficult to determine. The burden of testimony by brokers, however, favors trie latter supposition. The cause of the movement In Panama is not yet definitely known, save to a lew, and the sales on wmch the rise occurred Amounted to the insignificant figure ol 1,305 ?bares. Tho bidding, bowever, was active, and It was THE ABSENCE OF STOCK, or rather it was becacue the few holders of the stock preierrednot to sell,that me unusual advance took place. The opening sale was made at 130, at which price two hundred shares changed bands. Fne nez; transaction wad in 5 shares, on the basis 01 135, and the others which followed were re ipectively marked at 135. 140,142, 145, 147, 148. 145 and 140. Pacific Mall was tne most lively stock on the list, the sales amounting to 97,0 0 shares, It being rnmored that arrangements had been satis factorily made between the company and the Panama directors, but the st ry lacks confirma tion. The stock opened at 44%, declined to %, ad vanced to 45%, receded to 45, and closed at 45%. The report was published that the occidental and Urientai steamship Company (which is said to be owned by tbe Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroad companies) have sent out tbe first of their steamers, chartered from the Wmto htar line, to unite witn the Pacific Mail steamers on tbe Paciac side, in bringing FREIGHT FROM CHINA AND JAPAN to San Francisc j, lrom which point the cargoes will be distributed overland, if this statement ihould prove true very Important changes tua? occur at no distant day In the v. iue ol certain itocks that are now supposed ro be in process of combination. If Pauama, with its Jorty-nlne miles, can successfully compete with the over land railroads by running lines of steamers on 00th sides ol tbe isthmus the price of Its stock will materially advance. If not, its cnlci dependence wfll be ou freights from New York, Europe and tbe South American ports. This is tbe comment or tbronghtlul observers of the street, who do not think, that a narrow isthmus can possibly bold the whiohand over the commerce of a continent. Another active stock ol the day was Erie, of wblci some 32,000 shares changed bands. Tbe Anima tions, however, wore Slight, 31% being the open, tng figure, 30% th> lowest and 31% the highest and .ast. Union J'acific was dealt iu to ttie extent ?t 3?,500shares with a range between 71% and T-%, which was the closing price. The telegrams concerning freshets exerted a depressing effect, but these were loll wei by more favorable an nouncements. utner Blocks were comparatively steady, as will be seen by tbe following table, wlitcu shows tbe OPENING, HIGHEST AND I.OWE-T PBICeS. Openiny. molest. Lo>re?t. New Yon Central Iu2', lu::, 102 Erie 31% 31% 30;', L:me Shore 7SH ":(?* 73', Wabash 15% 1. <% 15>? Sort we-?.eru 44J, 44% 441* Northwestern preferred. 50% 60 % 00% Kuck i^ian 1 lu.1% 103-i 103>? Pittsburg b2% V2'? ?2 Aliiu ankee and Sr. Paul. 3s', ::^% 0^4 Oni 1 and Mi>sissinpi.... 27% 27% 20;, New Jersey Centra 112% 112% 112% Del.. Lack, and Western. 11 j 115 115 Uniou Pacific 72% 72% 71% C, C. ana 1. C C'? 0% 6>, Western Union 77% 77% 77 S, Atlauuc auu Pacific Tel. 10 '26% V6 Pacific .'Jan 44% 45% 44% Panama 130 14 j ISO ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The contrast betweeu prices at tbe close to BttfUt and Saturday was as loliows:? Advance.?Delaware and Lackawanna. %; Erie. X; Harlem, %; Pacific Mail. 1; Panama. 17; ?liver common. >,; L'uiou Pacific, X; Atlantic aud Pacific feleirrapn. >?; goia, Decline.?Hannibal and St. Joseph, %; Ohio and Mississippi, ; Lane Mi?ie, Hock Island, s ; su Psci. % 5 Wabash, x; Western Union, %; North west preferred, >?; bile In London, >?. Tne siockb tbat remained steady were New York Central, C., 0. and 1. C., Northwest common and uanton. Tin: BALES OF THE DAY amoantei :o 230,000 shares, which Is a large in crease over tbe business of tne latter part or tue preceding week:?New York Central and Hudson River, 955; Erie, 82.200; Lake Shore, 18,500; Chi cago and Pittsburg, 330; Northwestern, 2,100; Northwestern preferred, 200; Rock Isiana, 12,oo0; Pacific Mail, #7.000; St. Paul, l.Ooo; St. Paul pre ferred, TOO; Ob to, 10,600; Wabasb, 1,400; Union Pacific. 34 803; Panama. 1,305. TUB GOLD MARKET. Gold opened and closed at 113, with sales In tbe intei im at 115. The borrowing rates were 2, 1 and 2X per cent, and tbe carrying rates 2. 2s aud finally 1 per cent. OPERATION* OP THE OOLD EXCHANGE BANK. Go I MMUMM $1,280,610 currency balances 1,4?-,715 Uioss clearances 18,040,ooo CLEARING BOCSS STATEMENT. Corrency exchanges $87,118,224 Csrrencr balances. 2,808,368 Gold exchanges lo,334,045 Go id balance , 977,371 THK MONET MARKET. Money loaned ap to 4 and 6 per ccnt, but closed ?a?y at 3 percent, with an abundant supply offer ng. Commercial paper remains as last quoted, foreign exchange was quiet, but firm; prime iter iinir nominally 4 87 and 4.eos; selling rates 4.86X a 4.88x and 4,89 a 4.89X5 relcbmarss, 94% a 05 and 95% a 96%; cables. 90)^; prime Pans, 6.16% fend 6.12%: other rates 5.toy, and 6.13%. THE UNITED STATES TRK ASt'R Y. Washington advices state tbat tbe Treasury bai ances were as follows:?Currency, $3,250,ooo; coin, $87,500,000; less coin certificates, $23,200,000. Tne customs receipts to-dty were $800,000, and re ve nae receipts. $450,000; national bank notes re* eeived lor tedemptio*. | The Assistant Treasurer paid ont to-day $11,000 ?n acconnt of interest and $7,300 in redemption of Ive-twenty bonds. GOVERNMENT BONDS rere In good request by individual and corporate nyestors, tne largest transactions being made tn registered fives end sixes of 18sl. Tbey closed firm it tbe .'oliowiog quotations:?United Ststes cur rency sixes, 12274 a 123; do. do., 1881, registered, 121% a 121%; oo. do., do., coupon, 122% a 133; do. five-twenties, 18?2, rsgiateren, ex interest, 116%; do. do., do., coupon, 118% a 119; do. do., 1804, registered, llt>% a 118% i do. do., do., coupon. 119% u 120, do. do., 1865, registered, 117% a 117% ? do. do., lo., coupon, 122 % 122% ; do. do., new, registered, MS a l20%; do. do., do., do., coupon. 120% a 120%; io. do., U?7. registered, 121X ? 1 ? do. do., do., :oupon, 121 x a 121%; do. do., 1808, registered, 121 >4 a 121X5 do. do., do., coupon, 121 % a 121%; do. icn-tonles, registered. 116% ft 11#%5 do. do., coupon, n?x a 11?%{ do. sixes, 1881, registered, ex iuteres?, usx a ll&%; do. do., do., coupon, Hex a 117, THE PORBION MARKET. Two hundred and eight thousand pounds in bn:iiou went Imo tn? Hans of fcbgland on baiaace to-day. The tate tot money on government securi ties at the Stock Excnange is 2% percent, TDe market is reported firm nnd nigner. Tne ioIiow tng are the late London quotations:? Consols tor money, sax a 93%;ao. 101 account, 93% a 93%; 1804 bonos, Old. 106 ? 105 M ; 1807 do., 108 ft 108Hi ten-forty bouds, 1 8: now avos, 102 it 10.",; trie. :;% a 27%. K-u'.es la Puns, $ ItAII.Uu.W' UI.SO,. These were moderately active iidU large Uett? ln/s took place in Northwest cotivulidaied coupon iro!<i bonds at 86% u 8fi'.; Northwest consols sold nt 93; do. firsts at U9; Unlou faciUc flrsts closed at 99%; do. Kinking ltiiids at 9a a 03; do. laud grant* at 90% a 97; Centra! I'.ciflo ko'iI o>>n<lssoid at 190% a ion; do. first-, ban Jouquiii brauch, at 88%; Milwaukee ana St. Paul 7 a-lo at 92. Now Jersey Central first consols were strong at 106 a 106% a loa%; Erto third at 99%; do. fourth at 99%; New York Central sixes, 1883, at 101% a 1W?; Ohio and Mississippi consolidated at 97% a 97%; do. sinkini? fund at 99% a 09%. Sales or Burllujf ton and Cedar Rapids firsts were made at 47 a 46. Boston, Iiartiord and Erie declined to 27%. Han nibal and St. Joseph convertible advanced to89%. DANK SHAKES. Bank shares sold at 100% lor North America, 119% lor Commerce and 94 for German-American. STATU BONDS. Among the Southern securities, Missouri sixes, Cannibal and St. Joseph, issue 1876, sold at 101%; new South Carolina sixes at 32, new do. non tundable at 6%; old Tennessee slxeu ex conpon were weak and declined to 63%, new do. to 63. New Yorx state sevens bounty sold at 103. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES MONDAT, April 19, 187S. HI:FORE CAIJ.-lU A. M. $12000 C & X W c c k b.. 8C% 700 shs Erie StR b3 31 51)00 H AM J 8'*. con fc9% loo do slO 31 4 0 shs West U Tel 77% 6K) no 31 1200 do 77% 200 do bJ 31% I 200 *3 77>i 3) do .Ml 1800 ao 77), 2 (J Uo 31% 100 Mil ? St * RR i8% 500 uo b3 31% I 1000 fac M so us 100 MfCtU II R..b3 102% 41 0 do 44% 10 do 102% 700 S3 4J% 200 Uo 102 f 22 n do 41% 3>J LsiMbRR.. 73% 19 0 do o 44% 200 ? 'o 73% 300 (to Si 41'; 1000 do 7a% 15 do 44>4 0i)J ao 73% 4'J'J ao <4% 7 O do sH 13% , 310(1 (Ip 44% 000 do ?3 73% 100 do SO 44% 20 1T0I * Wab RK.. .. 15% 10J do slli 41', 10) do s3 15*4 90 do 44% 3 0 Pac Kit nl Mo 48^ U 0 do 41*., 500 Da Pscflflc 72k 2400 do 44', 11,00 do |3 72 10l?f!hi A R IKK lt?% 500 ,10. 72% COO do 103% liiJO do 7'2% 11)00 do si I0W 50' d" 72Si 10U do 103% 1100 do S3 71% lOOCUIA.vWKR ?.% 3-*) do b3 72 100 ao b3 44% 300 do 71% 4 )0 Erie Kli. 31% 0 1 uo si 71% 5-0 31% 300 ao 71% SOU 00 e 31 % I5J* do 7'i 6 0 do 31% 10 . (, k3 71% 30 ao 31% 200 Ohio L Miss 27% KOO do 3.% 7 0 uu 27 30J do S3 3i H 30) <lu 20T-< 100 do 31% 100 do C 20% 1100 ao Si 100J (to 2*5% 700 do 30% 100 do 20% 400 uo b4 31 too do 27 10:13 AN 1? U:5W A. M. ?80000 C S 6's, r. '81... 121% $1(100 C 8 6-20,c, 'C6, n.. 123% b^Oji U i>6'j. r. 81 u8% 60)CSfc-2 c. ..&U.3111 12 % 60OJ Di 5-.U.C, 05U.. 1*0% 2000 C 6-20, c. 67.... J2i% I I IIS I l'.ll?|il??10:3U\. M. $?!0iMo6's, nAStJ.'76 101>f 200 shs )'sc Mall SS..s3 46% luuO S C O's, D, J A J .. 32 1.1 O do 1)3 45% 10 OS C6'S, n, n I.,.. 1% 12J) Oil 4.% I00OJ leuu ti's o. ox e.. 6j% x.-o ao s) 45>j 5 0.1 < UU o's. n, X C... 53 2900 Uu 46->s luo DM s7's, 0 IC.... 1 4 oOt'tev A f UK. ( 92% 20- 0 Alb A li.i.d 10) 5J v ? ( A U KK. .be '"1% llOU i>ur, C It A M 1st.. 47 5 do .10-% 1:000 'lo 4ti '.'DO do b V Il2 1000 X J e'en 1st. toil, loo loo uo s3 |i)2 1000 do 105% 110 IMn iuia RR 130 100) do 1 '>'4 luo :o be 130 louo uo 10.% 5)0 0rie KK. be 31% 5000 Mil A St 1', 7 3-10. 92 200 do 31% 2000 Chi A N W con... 93 100 * (Jo sS 31% 10001 uo be 93 HI) do ilL 30l)0Chl A N VV 1st.. 99 1*0 |!? ... b3 31% 791100 > ANWccB'ds. )-6% Wo do si 3:% .WJOla Mid 8's, 1st...'. 8j 4 0 do b3 31% 20j0 l.i'ie ad 111 19% U O do 31% 5O0U brie 4tli ill 9 ?% 600 uu C 31% t-'s, eon 89% U.H> cio 31'4 ItOO Mich Cen 7's IU5 i'i!0 0o 3H, 10' ?> > i.euo's, >3... 101% 200 do c 31% WJ do ...102 21/JLSAM.. bebt 7:% 10.10 Ohio A Miss coa.. 97% 2a 0 no 7 ,S 5 00 .'0 97% 300 ao 73*; 1 1 1 lilo A M c ? I tC 9-J, 100 do b3 73% 2001 0o 19% 100 do s3 73J, SOvO Cen Hue s bds.... 10 % 8U'ChiAU 1-.. .b e.sS 1113% 20JO <lo I0I'4 IIIJU do 101% 4i)0JCeu I'ac 1st. > J b &?!a ISO do e l.)3)? 60 .0 L I' Ui. 1>1 ill... !9 '?) (Io?,m si' 10 % M do 9f% V.Q do 18% 5"00 Vn l'ac SI' 93 a .'0i do b3 10>% imil'.KtWAC 1st... 111! M0 do 103% IOOO Clev A I' 4th 97% 10J do 13% 21 0) T, r A \V 1st W U 59 6 0 Unioti i'ui . . .b c b3 7i% 5>?oTol A W cc 40% 90l> do e 72 15000 I ck.I.iii A l'eelst 6) 100 u? e 72% NSW Del A 11 r,'84. ... 10S 7" do 52% 2 U I Kfi A II C.7V 91. 106% 20) do C 72% 10?hsB'kofN Ainer. 10 % 30U a?k. c 72% b3 B k ot' cm 119% '.00 do SI 72 4 10 tier-Am i<k '.4 300 do b3 12% lOOMsr L(1 AMin. ..bc 6% I4<J0 do 72% 50 do 0 WJ 72,s 3 0 do u-s nd 7% 200 do e 7 '% 3/0 ao be 8 101 .10 b 0 72% 100 do b3 8 KKI Uo 72% 100 d I> 0 8% 2100 do 72% lull MsrLAM.sM |.d.bc 8 10J do..........bS 7. % 65 Del A II ( anal I'7% 5I'0 do u30 72% 100<?ulel( M Co be 21% 6'jo do e 72% 1OO So 2i% 6..W uo 72% 200 Atl A I' 26 4:M bi) 72% 3.0 do b3 26 19J0 -!o si 72% 2" 20% liw Chi A X W KU.bcb3 46% 2600 West U Tel i> n <7% 21 ao 441 SOD l?> S3 77'* 1(0 44% 85 Amer Kx t4'a in v J i>? jir be 112), 90 C i- xpresn be 61 70 Morris A Ks BR ... look 8)0 fac Mail ?? be 44% l(X)Ml. A st l* n..oe.s3 3834 3200 do 45 lio do 36% 9)0 00 4.1% 10 ? hi A Alt RK pf.... los 2101 S3 45 1 48% 3410 do 45 21 4S% #0 ao bS 45% lOOTol A Wab i5% W1 <10 f3 13 16 do lii% 14 1) do 4> I'M uo 16% 20J do e 4-t% 6 0 ,0 ]5'i *?)! .U M 45 10 (lo.., bS 1;% 600 do s3 <4% 10< Chic A Alton b3 lu..'( 31.)J do -!5 40 .N J .-outli ItR 5% 37W *Vi 1% be ot* 8 00 do 45% 61 Chi. K A o KR. .I) c 113 700 c 4'% 5 0W'arren 98 24X) do 46% M do 9 H do 45 1 O St L A Irou M . ... 21% 1100 do. 4'% IOO >Y.N II A II RK... 140 IOO do... *6 46% 6 .>? 139% 2S00 do..... 4f>s 40 Dub A lonx M 6)0 <lo bS (1% 101\Kl W AC. (ft .bo 96% 80O do s;l 46% Uu .ma A hi 27 3? i0 <10 46% I0U ? 1 A l'ac Dl b n It 1100 (10 ... 45% 600 Ohio A 27 12O0 do. 46% 6M do 21% ISO* 00 46% 4?) do 17 1100 do 46% ?J (\ C A i C HR. .b C 6% rt Jfti-w MoC't, I b 1 10 500O I 11 I'n-: 7'?. i L'.b3 90V 8 ?' .MoOB.UAfc.HBUl.. 27 " W) u 20,i -h? <"hi A N W 2*A< Mar L A M.?h pd. 14.W I. - Ml ? o ?1 40' Chicaso A K I KK. 10! ?00 Km In lei 11 i'o &? Erie RR 13 :hW Co... ! f'i: . (A LI ?I l\ M. 2tXi?h?Un Pac RR...c 72?,' 7 0 27 H ?J0 ?l . 4?l ? 10) 73H ft 0 7<iU do... do .. do... <1 n... <lo... do... 1II M <1u .v?i rin Ill)) Pacific M 3"0 ieo) (M 70 601 700 .?I >*>?? -iv ao ... ,7'i 2<)Tol A v/ab k. I'D dn.. b3 ItlO Fort tV ay lit It K. *U 2>'HJbloA Mill ..C 7i?, 1'' do do <to do. MH 3:', ?U', 3' '4 8 'i SC 100 2i|?l 1 > 0 Wi ft?i 21 ' do. do. do do. do. ...b3 2ii?. ...?3 1000 Union Pacific. ?.*>? 4 0 4 f) Han A St" Jo Bit.".' loo X J -oath RR SwO Pac BR ot Ho 451* 41 In ns " P. M. 816 ? >0 C 8 5- 2",c, 'Wn he 12'V $1 *W U S 1*M0. C 1I8M 540i do.. am?H j*Jl, l wOU B 5'?, r,'8I liss ;o or s van, c. i-'isi 2500 U 8 5-2U.C, '64 ID> ill 4000 .to. 115X W't $20(10 Mo ?'a. 1 b.. 20> 0 Ilo liOd Ceti r st.-an J b li>n ilit.i NW , <? * b.. ? 4oi 0 i lii * N W i oo... ljOi'C. < . ' A I Int.. . 1.4 lOtO < unada -otnii lat. with tut cerul 5? 8Q0e U*>t J 8'* e.bc m cy'i ll/Uslii Md ? ">?aI i o ii io spring Jftt Coal, in- 7> 8>vvt??. i 7. (INI) BOAI'.lH-1 p. M. S'-'uhaL - ills RR.. riff do * do (30 ?;i ro s.) do. I ?00 3 o K6)j 3*1 91 ISO ?4 10 I0U 5 m lloO do., do.. do. d >. 300 >10. 31 0 do... .... IS >0 nu- .MaiisS.. 500 ill 100 do 4UO Ml 300 00 Tf> 6 0 il J ?XW 8i0 M 0 50 0 8 l.jti>,."? . do. 10J.? Kt;? wmi!. be i J m io do la -t 10 I Erie HR be b3 2' * do a. i Oo b3 31 , Oo W II?, do. ?????. do do. ?*) 701 6 0 3u > Eoo muj lo i 70 1 0 i?o0 do 13 Krlu kB pi . be Haj Aich Can RR.. bo t>) ilo i:?j() L ?? .* ?l ?Rltbc b3 loo oo 7 0 oo bi 40j do a3 .b3 31 >, 31 ^ ii't 7.1 7i'? [g i ?JOOO Del A nuJ, r.-W. 1 IH lou ,0 c I- ut. ao J b... WH l ij<) r, c ,* l ut a lo ?h> \l i.? M,a pil.b.i 7iW Pac M na . .. 4 % ?Jo. Ou. loO 1 i > IiO too 6 I fuo 700 4u0 I 0 I BOO 4UJ fjU?_ ? *0u Witt UB ial. do ti3 -i.V. b30 4.. do. do. .t>j do oo. do. 4.v, 46;, 46* bt 1.V; ?3 ?A ? n do. do. 7*1 73)2 i? ..aJ') 71!!? .. ?.? 73 7J;< 77'. 77^| ?V, i ' ???? 43 ?:?! | ??>' & h li? Clare * rghl.bebl uS 5 Panama u c 115 UO 142 ? DC. si 72J4 7-% < - * ...c 72* 72T? ...b.'4) 7> P"i do 111 do Mm do L"n Pao RK. 1 ' do ? o 100 11 0 1> ' do b '0 :io> loi<) Co roo ao 3') I'd 'D 4O0 do 10/ C. C, t- .? i R R..b a I??> tkl A S W It... .DC iio c mil, 7v'i 6: <|K ? bi 4i', ?4? no . ? iu 7^1 do m . 1*1 Chi# HI KK....bC 103*4 IW a.. Mi , '00 dot Uttji 5W Mil # St P RR..bC .* , 2UJ fi0 s-4 ?0T?l A Wat.RR .be 1:.', ?Miohio# MmRK bO 2?s * ? do 2tiS J*' <3" 2t'.4t do 2?j{ 2 11 bi 26), 85 p,ri W A Chiftbe w 1 JO .mo .It tie .6% do *?% i Mor-is ac , ?- tons, I 'U .nJ , otiiLi hi; .. tit 7 20 7?j foj Kanaa* Pat KK.b e lt? to -? v, > u 4 u n,.be 140 :'IH ru . 1'. M 13 Oihs KrM RR. .''lH '?<? do ?:! . 1 ?, 21 -> in b3 l^4 14 0 i.i. 3i '4 <0. do ill! -"I oo Si :'fM N Y I A II R RR... luua loo in can br i i 3 o Panuma ok ? ?.> i"' '10 1 if I'll do 144 SHIO UO I*> 10.1 do 148 :i0 Putsburg KK K2 I'W Chi A it i Hit b.t llCiJi 10' do . 10.,M Da l ae RR b3 72k do-.M ill 70U , >, iw 'o 7;'*4 SUOLsi M > I'K M S'4 :*u? ?!? It3 7.', I: i 77. ?, ?? Jo 7--T, I J ill. -1 7, , :m lol a Who r ?? -*??? Kile RK.. L.:l t ? >. It 4i >, <?>i Hi . IMI do ... U1, ?? co la .tr-, m(in a :>w ii.t m .. in .... (i.i) . ,?;j r.(i?, :n . <> ...*'} !U)i Del, Lark A \ 1 I- Ik) !,.; Ml', "UiOliloA U UR IIP.; 5l ) tlo II , 1 J <li> ??-? 1-uJ tlo M;-. Mil .1., -J.', ZUI do. ?.iu tuO Pacific RK of Mo.. .,00 do b3 31 ' LOSING PRICKS?t 1'. M. i'acilc Vai .... 41'i a 43? ><: A St I* pf... ;7 ? 68 V\e- I n IV!... 7. J . 7'. C A . ... ? ?.?< ' tr- **uver .. i 22 Del, L * W II.'. a U''1. Mar ?d 7>? a 8 ?? rir 3l'>, ?'!?? At A 1'ae IV!... J'j a - ?*? 11 u n A >tJo ... -0'4 a "7 Ailauis t-i l'l altS < , l . C 4 InJ... 63 a 6i". Amer Rx 64 4 *H L > ? hore 7. .W . T;i', U l lprefe,.... 6 ? a 63', NY* liar I3?-, a ISlC tt>ll?-?'argo Kx 8* a 89 NYC* H R..1 2 a 1U2H 1 In i Allan lu *?? a 104 N 1 i\i i I1S>,4 ?"lev A 1'IIU 92 a Ohio A Mum.. . !6\ a 17 Chi A X W . 44J, 11 44', Panama M6 a 14ri Chi INtfpt.. S?Ji a Ml ?S Tol X V?ab I8K a 16>4 Cttl * it L 11H?; a lo:t\ Union i*ac 72fc * TJH M.i * hi 1 but... x !8)J COMMERCIAL REPORT. SPOT COTTON QUIET BUT STEADY?FUTURE! CliOBKD DULL?FLOUR DULL?WHEAT AGAIN LOWER?CORN EASIER?OATS QUIET?BARLEY MORI ACTIVE AND FIRM?BYE FIRM?FORK LOWER? LARD HIGHER?PETROLEUM QUIET? NAVAL STORES QUIET?WHISKEY STEADY? GROCERIES FIRMER. Monday, April 10?? P. M. Thy merchandise matkeis continued more or lew irregular and prices of certain commodities fluctuated considerably On 'Change flour was druil and scarcely so firm. Wheat was dull and considerably lower to sell to any extent. Corn was also easier. Oats quiet. Barley firm. Whiskey quiet. Port was dull and easier. Lard was in demand and decidedly firmer, cotton was generally quiet but holders were quite Arm m their vlows at former prices. Petroleum was lirmly held without, however, activity. Naval stores were generally steady with moderate trans actions. Groceries were held hltther, but prices of the leading staples were above the views of buyers, and eousequeutly the dealings were very light. Coffee.?Nothing of importance transpired In the market lor K10 and Santos coffees, which ruled quite strong m tone, but the firmness of colliers somewhat restricted the dealings. In a dis tributing way a few lots were changing bauds but, aside from this, no transactions were reported. At Baltimore 4.O1O bags, by tlie Newught, were sold, but on terms not mnde public. The stocks to-night tre:?New YorK, 33.349 oage; Baltimore. 23,071; Mobile, 3,000; New Orleans, 450. and lialvestou, S.000. Total. 66,{L'l. Wa quote :??/ Ordinary cargoes, lti^c u ibJic.. lair do.. I7^c. a 17>?c.: do., good, 18c. a 13^c. ? prim do., i^o. a a l'J'.ju.: extreme r*n?e lor lots. 16c. a ID^c.; Java, gov ernmentoags i&c. a ::6c.; do.. grus< mats, 25c. a 27c.; ; IniruDore. 2lc. a 23c.; Ceylon, IS,4 ?? n ilc.; MMrncaioo, lhc a Jl>Jc ; i.aguayrs, 17C. a : Jamaica, lti},e. a I8e.; t-t. Uora?ngo lie.; Porto ifico. 17c. a 1!>C.: i'os;a Rica, 17c. a 2Jc. Mexican, lS^c. a 19j. ; Angostura, 17>4c. a ltfc.; Savan.lla.l7Hc. a 2Uc.; Curacoa, 17c. a 13>^c.. gold. 60 and 91 Uav-? Cotton on the spot was inactive. Liverpool advices causing exporters to withdraw iroin the uiartet uud likewise clieciting the denial! I from spinner-, anil spec ulators. the otlerines were comparatively iree. and at Hie closo the market was nther wealt, but uo pressure 10 sell was noticeable. I he m.iricet for tuture deilv ries opened ilrm. but smacauently weakened, an.I closed <luil at a decline ot 1-Sic. a l ll.c. as compared with sa ttrdav's tluai quotations. We quote:?April, 16kc.; llav, lO-S-ic. a id 13- '2c : June. 10 11 Iflc. a 18^3-S2c. ; Julv, 16 lu-i6e. a 16 313-'c.; August, 17 3-JJe.; bepteinber, 16 27-i.C. a 1674c. j October. 16 ll-3:c a 16;, c.: November 16,'^c. a 16 H-16c.: 1'ecember, 10 4-:i'c. a Iti 7-:J2o , und Januarv, lOJie. a 16 7-l6c. quotations based on stamiard ol classification In lorce t-ep.ember 1. H7J, and 1 n upland cotton in stors run ning in ijualltv not more than halt a grade above or uelow the grade quotedOri.lnarv. 14Hc.; good ordi narv, 16^,e. ; strict good ordinary. 18^0.; low middling, i6'ic.; middling. 17c.: good middling. 18>fc 1-' .M.? Quoiaiions, low middling. I6jf; iiuddnng. 7. quiet aud stead v. quotations uased on American standard of elas.ilicaUou_ Cpta;t<u. Alabama. W. OH'ant. Texat. Ordinary 1VA Wi 14 14 Ooo 1 ordinary 15)4 1^ 15^ iiOW midaliuit 16S, 1 )? 1C)< 16), Ni itld Lturf I6I4 16)? W/t W/, Uoo'l middling 17 17l|> 17.Ji 17i? Middling lair I7K 1$ 17f. if. -iiuiauuji luir.. ...... ?i a *?ra " a lt<* hair lb',' 1S<4 18,'f 18% ?12 .M-Oood ordinary, 15?4; low middling, 16?f; una dung, 16)4; quiet and steady. The sales were:? To'Xtny. Last Ee'a. Total. Kxport.. 30 250 Consumption IS ;4 39 Sueculaiion. 13 250 266 Totals 00 ?M Ml ?Fur lutare delivery tbasts iow middling) the snlcs have been as follows:?Saturday, Htn-r one 1'. m.? .May. 7 '0 a' lo 7-I0o.; June, -,'M) at 10 ii-.iic. ; Julv, M at 17c. l'dat 17 l-32c.; <U2U*t, 10U at 17'?'?it)--. itocember, 100 16 7-32c.,40oat i(i\c total, 4,.Ud bulrs. To-duv up to two 1*. M.? .pril lt?ut 1(5 7-10 ?? Mav. 2.200 at l' ';o , y.M Ht iti IS. 2c., l,10u ut it' 7-ittc-: June, i ??> .-it 10 , S'J? at i??4c.,UMJat ltia-Wc., mwati6Mc.; J my. 3'? at l ;i.Uc.. 10.) at L \,c , *W at 17 l-lbc.. *iOat 17 3-3JC., 1.7J.I at 17 1-ltjc., -V ut U 1-32^' . UM ut 17 1-ltiC., I D al i7 l-32c.; August, 1300 at 17 7-32c.. M at 17 3-lGc . 20> ut i7 7 i.e.. ID at 17 3-IOc ,-eritomber, #. > at >6 15-I6c ; uctober, . (.U at 10 7-li'f. December, 2J0 at IS 9-i2c., 4Ju at l'.'4c.. 900 at 10 l.luU at lO'^c. January, .01 rtt 10 7-iOc. Total. IfciOJ oaics. oraud toiaM, 2.'> 200 bales, 'llie receipt! at me port* wera u> lol.OWs;?Ualreston, -09 bates; .New uriCuus, 1 077: Mobile, 4.'?t; Savannah, 011. >V limitation 9S. Nut to k, 636; m ? Vork, -iTy- Uos tun, luO; Philadelphia. 28S. l itis day last week., s?,891 bales, i In* day last year. 7,dw bate*. Cotton freigut* cio?e? us tollows:? lo Havre by steam, ??e. lo Hamburg. uy rteatu. H<- Bre nen. by steam he.; bv sui,. jr,c., compraatM. lo Liverpool, 7-32d. a Hd. OF stcaut: by s ill 7-21. H.occ axd Caatx?receipts?Flour, HU?.-> bbls.; wheat. 39.5u0 bushels ; com, 21.100 do. ; oats, 17.175 do.; corn meal, 7,3jt? bJls. aud 2iU bags, i'be Boui- market ruled liull and Heavy, .-ome sales were mude at low r prite-. but, the gcm-rul market was unchanged l!-. p itud dealing inciaded IL-Oj bbls . utnbrur tig <tiipp.;i:f enr.v trade brands aiu family extras. Corn meat Wss -tea lv with a lair trade. We quote:? No. i'.-taw $100* $-150 saperflne -tate 4 i. a 501 i.itra tate 6 3Ja 5 50 Choti e Atate 5 jj a bill ? upert.uc H e-tern 4 Id a 6 0J hxtra western j .5 u it so Minnesota ... 5.'.On 0 M i.ouitd Hoop Ohio, shipping brinds 625a rj :*i I'.ouiki Uoji>oiiiu. traits brands o.'.Uu 00) Family ? 0 Co a 7 W St. Louis, low extra 5 2^a f jj st. Ljuts, stralait extra ia 60J t. 1a?u,?, i Itoice duuo.e extra (i UJ a 031 st l.i.ui?, choice family 7 <t a HW Kye Hour, Hue to superilne 4 Uu a 4 311 s. utin-rii N.J -tita 40) MIU lern. ?ii"erllue 4 i a b 0(1 Southern, extra .'i2ia 6 2s Southern, taiiu y 6Ma ?? W Corn meal. Weneni ,'iiua 4 40 Corn meal, Jersey .. :?;Ma 4 20 1 urn meal, Hraudywina 175a 4Si Corn m?a . panclieoos ... Li^ia ? ? eai w?s <lu 1 and uominaiiv lower?certain 1> lower to ?eil?the market closing tioininui. at 91 i- a <1 tor ttuea^o, and $1 2.i a 94 t- lor Milwaukee 1 lie i>ale-4 were 1 bout ;5 Ui 1 busbei- par: at $1 for No 2 >111 wankee. ?i 21 lor No. 1 Chicago, in s ore; *1 ?? SI 32 for red winter. In store and aSoat, but Itictu llnif ab?ut bushels white .Michigan, toarrive, part this met aul p rt Mr?t liull ui May. nt$l 40. Corn \ras in m der ate reijue?t ami easier 111 e ?aie< were about 5 ,00) busliets. atalta. a Sstke. tor nu\e,|, in Wc a ?le. tor do- afloat; 9ic. a 9iHc. lot veltow nat- were without decided ebantre and sold to the extern ol 43 000 bushels, at . u. a iflc. tor m:x"d, in store au l afloat; 7M. a 7fc. tnr white. Barley was steady with utore doing, .-al' sin fiujed 2,:w0 bushe.s Krcooh it $ 0, and 21.000 tushe s Cana la at $1 4fl a $1 sti. Kye wa* quiet, at Si lor Can ada. UI bond, an I $i 10 tor lite. FasiMTs.? there has been a very i^uiet market, with jate. unsettled. lo Liverpool, by sail, 51 l.tiil*. tal low at 2os.. M hbla. rosin st 2a. I Si <? and by steam 8,u00 bushels cum at *.t.. iti,. t>i buahels m am on private terms. 1,230 tierc.'j lard mostly at 27a. M.. 2 100 boxes biCi 11 at 25s. a 27?. 8d., 3 'JUl boxes cheese at 'On and .iuo bbi- ap|ik < part at 3s. (kl.; nlao ail American bark, hence, with aooutS soO i bis retlned petroleum at ta, and an American I ar*. with a general cargo, 11 oin Hos too. at market rates. i"o London, by sail, bbw at2s 13-j? 1 -, 2 nuo bbls. flour 011 pr vate terms. To <;tas go\v !n -team, l" 0bushels Corn at 6 , l in a Dor: in Bristol Channel direct, a bark, nem o, with alioUlJ.000 bbls. naphtha report, d at 4a. 7X4 To the 1 luted Kina dom direct, a bntlsli barnentlnu. with eiirake an bags), trmu Fhilail'.plna. at 2J-. t L, ainl a ilritisil bark hence, with about 4,61 1 bbls. retlned petroleum at 4s. To 1 tie I uite I klr.eloin a llrituh bark islth re-nwed lumber, trom U?bov, at 110s., or if airect at i#3? I n .Na?ii s. a Krench barkentine hfti e With about 1.701 bbls. crude petrolram. reported at M. i? liremen. a Uerman bnrk. nence wnu about <.0J) bbls. refltird petro ? inn at 4a . a .Norwegian ba'k hence with about 3 SBi bb:s. do at 4s. To Ilnmbtirg, hv steam, Irt 0 u hushets grain on private terms. i)U..;e l at 0J.; l 0 packages provisions on nrivate terms, uuoted at >i<- per lb Molsjiscs.?The market presente 1 adnlet appearance and nothmt . I s eclal importance transpired, m .? dis tribtiung way a ftw smalt 1 ;s changed hands, but uo lar.e ilealnu's were r ported Hmliiig gr i.le- are ?ell cleared up and nut one eaigo remained un-okl, but held at a pii' e equal to 44c. for #0 test. We nH.Jte ! -1 ui a, cen trltugal snd mixed .14c. a 4. ; do . cis ied. 39, a ; do., uiuscoiauo refining,Mc. a 44c.; do , da, grocery .toe. a 45c ; Forto Hico. 40C. a 6a:.: KngllSh islands. 38e a ,sv. ; New Orh alls, c. a 7Sc.; bollln.' stock, 4?c. tor 50 te-t. .SArat. STonrs.?There was a oioierit- buslnell in spirits turpentine, and holders i iuainei steady m tneir views, ifct -ales were l.sitbl-. t .sc. a 7.V- ; New iorssat 3#C In rosins there ?as a very steady teeilng. though the inqtuiy ?>as small, as expnrte.s nave snp pit rt their mo?t urgent msds Ordinary to g ol ?trained, S-' 10 .? S2 15: sal ?? 4?i bins, at the .onner price, and 5?0small bbls. at S- 22X a f: ixr quie' at $i a S2-1 :or Washington aud Wilmington, city win a. $2 2j delivered 1 grnoLBca,?Tner? was a contirued quletudo in the market lor r< fln>d but quotailoiis remained stealv uti.ier sdMff < from the Creel an 1 ? uropi 01 a si l.uar tenor spot waa i.c.e.. an 1 oalatn-e ot the month at no. anil itie flrst hait ot May at 15c. Cases quiet ut IV,c. a 2.ic. f r cargoes Cru .e. In bulk, wag more activo and steady, closing at tjfe. lor prompt de livery, with sales late aturday an t to-day 10 the > x tent of 7.0 0 bbls. at this price, and 1,000 bbls. a, 01?c. City napntlui was steady at U1,. . a loc. for shipiiinx order Kennel st Fhilfldel;>h,a wi' noniliiallv I3??e. snot and M'?c. lor the nrst hail o- M iv. nsinui re 14c. I' ? Keceli ta? Fork. 55.' Mackaues; bei-t. 15 do.: cut meats. 4*. do., lard. 1 4?j do, ihe pork market waiduil and lower, c os ng at about S2 .eW mcs.otiih: s, 0:. 1 tie sales war Kor **ay deuvi ry. loobii-. at %i. JO a Sal 25; for 5 in,. a |22 37H. and ior July delivery, 2 KM bids, a'>22 1'a #J-du. loe turaei ior dresseii hogs closed steudval lo^jc. a I c 1 < et sn t beci Uuins were du I ami nomi nal ill the iiDsence ot sales. kaco:i wa- flrtti, Willi sales ?tsuoboxc.s abort c,e .r at l2)|c. Western leug clear was quoted at I 4c. an.l CliV at 12V,c. 1 ut meats ?ere Quiet an I without noieworthy siles A small distrlluting business was done ai lormor quoiailons. L ird was out higher 1 he saies Were:? mail lot* on the spot at IShu. ; 740 tierces May at 14 l?-l?c. a HHt.: 1,751 tierce-June at 15 i.< 10c. a 10 I-10. : .50 tierces July at K^C. and ou tno spot; looii.rces ciiy at I5)<c a 15 ,c. Hicx?The general movement wai unimportant and merely contlbed ; suiad lots ?hi0h wars tiken ny the jobbing trait, lacluilng Carolina food, iSt0 a 7%c.., prime do , 7Mu. a / V 1 choice do.. M a ?Hc Loultiana, 7Ha. a ??o ior lair iu prima, and sowmaa ?MUti?s down to Haii^oou 6',e. a l'4 t in r. 11 v Patiu 7t<- . curreu.y liangooli. iu bomi <5u t. /out ? . Ibe no iiion ?.nli. uutrfcft i?r ra* ?.?* minimal, a? buv>-r? MUii ?. '|.-r- Wi re about i Ia ?,v. npart in then iii'iv. iIn- .1 -klu?' prirea ?eri-on iln-l.n u ? >t H'V- o.r g'ttid retinln?. but buyer* WiT; m.' ills I to ? tn-rale. though l.iiHittg !?'4e alnl 8 .l-IGe. ?| Iri i-ly lor grades <n t'ulii muscovado. I hr dealings were un uportunt an I included a lot ot ver\ iukiior M. Uoii.liigo mnl *UJ boxes uiolas -c.-. ugur? at i.cfiaeil wag in ire active an I 11hjjt at Mr t< r standard \ an , U -.c. a 11) iH-U'k. lor li'iriln Quotations .ir" I-1C . better than the to' rinae:?I'ubn ?Kpflniug, interior tu common, 7V a V.i- '? <l?.. lair to goo.i, N.-, a 6 4e.; Ho., Woo 1 to pr.inu, a>4c. Porto r.ii-o?Keil.i iii.'. .air i . yool >? aH!4e centri fugal boxes So,, a i , io. >,c. a - ,c 11 to i:< ? '. a *',?'?; M to 13. bjje. a Manila, 7>?r- a 7?fcc.; uiola?se<, hit da. ami noxes, a 7'?e : ni.-la-io tic. a . \; claved, boxes, Jin'ch stand ird Nos 7 ro 9 7'ii". a 77,c.; <lo., to to 12, i'je. a 8,So. do., I : to 1 8?ic. a ;? ,J : do . 16 to IS, ?V-? 1 do.. I.) to .1), in?je a n ? white. ?,V- * l"'4i I'orio itioo?Ketinlng, eoinmon to prime, 7c5. a H (r : do grocery, lair to choice. K'4c. a s ? ,<j.; Braali?Dutch standard, Not 9 to 11. 7. a 7 ??. Java Dutch standard. Not. It) to l'-\ 8>4c. aSxc. Manila? superior and ertra superior. 7He. a 7 V- New Orleans? Helluing grade*. 7c. a 7;,o. ; Uo.. grocery grades. 8c. ? 8*?C. >Ti:?niNK wan firmly held at 16c. per lb., but without noteworthy sales. Tallow was quiet with sales ol 63.0 w lb*., at 8%c. W uisxiiy.? Receipts, 654 bbls. Tte market was quiet, with teller* at 91 14V while the beat bid waa $i 14. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Oalvi-stox, Aiiril 19, 1875. Cotton dull; mIddling, 15%; r. Net receipts, 809 bales. Exports?Co.istwme, l.aSi. .-ales, 213. Stock. 52,41V. N'kw Ohlkixj, April 19, 1876. Cotton Arm; fair demand: middlni-', JS'4c. ' et re ceipts, 1,077 uales; gross. 2.170. r xporta? To 1 ireat Brit aln, 4.309; coastwise, 828. Sale* 2 600. etock, 153,431. Mont LB, April 19, 1875. Cotton quiet; middling, 15^c.: low middling. 16^c.; good ordinary, like. Net receipts. 426 bale*. Exports coastwise, 293. Sales, 500. Stock, 25,876. SavaxSAH. April 19, 1875. Cotton quiet; middling. 16V:.: low ml idling. 15kc.; (rood ordinary, 14Kc. Net receipts, 6 ;4 bales. exports? To 'he Comment, 2,487; coastwise, 261. ^ales, 616. Stock, 35,814. Charlcston. April 19, 1#75. Cotton quiet; middling, 16 V-; low middling, 16?ic.; good ordinary, 14?ic. a i..c. Net receipts, 416 bales. Ex ports?To tireat Britain, 3,863: coastwise. 541. tales, 300. Stock, 17,702. Wilihxgtox, April 19, 1875. Spirits turpentino gulet at 35c. ftosln nominally unchanged; strained, $l 7X Crude turpentine steady; hard. $105; yellow dip. (2 56; virgin. 31 31). l ar steady at Si SO. Oswego, April 19,1375. Flour unchanged; sales 1,800 bbls. at $4 5) lor No. 1 spring, 7s lor amber winter, 97 tor white winter and S>7 .'5 for double extra. Wheat quiet; No. 1 .Milwaukee club $1 :5: .No. 1 whi a Michigan. <1 .6, extra do.. Si 40. Corn quiet at '7c. Bailey in light demand; sales SOJ bushels Can a,in, to arrive, on private terms, supposed to be at a shade under SI i'>8. Corn meal? $35tor bolted and *34 for uuliolte.l, per ton. Milllrcd unchanged; shorU, ?25; shlpstuffs, $ 6; middlings, S28, per ton. BcrrALO, April 19, 1875. Receipts?Klour, 8,700 bbls.: wheat, 8S U00 bushels; corn, 22.(XX)do.; oats. 31,tt)0ilo.: barley, 4,00J do. Ship ments?Klour, 8 *50 bbis.; wheat, H8,.?i0 bushels: corn, 19.10.) do.: oils, 31,000 ilo. : barley, 9 U00 do. In store and all at?Wheat, 47t,Ht} bushels: ooru. 45 W7 do.; out*. 4 Ml do.; barley, 32.49* d* ; peas 3,2(18 do. ; malt. 'MJli do. Flour quiet ami steady; 6 >0 bbis. sold at ?5 26 a $ i 26 lor surliiit; $5 7 > a $6 50 for anitifr St> J5 a $,' lor white; $5 3i tor rve; 4S 50 a $9 0 for oatmeal. Wheat?8prln<r heavv. ans'tiled, uegiectitf. Corn quiet ana tlrm: sales of 5.U00 bushels new m ator? at Sic.; three cars on track at t>3c. uats quiet; asking iOe. tor Canada In store. Hve nominal: none here, .'.arley scarce, only Ctnala on market, nomi nally quoteo at $l 3) a $1 33. Seeds iu good den and and Arm: sales ot 1,000 bushels al $2 80 t $j lor tiuiothv; $8 lor medium eloverr 99 for large clover. Por* stead v at 9-2 75 tor heavy mew, Lard quiet at 16c. High wines nominal. Coicago, April 19, 1875. Flour qnlet and nnchangcd. Wheat lower and In fair demand, but uns3tUeJ: No. 1 spring. $1 0lj? a t.1 ? 5; >o. 2 sprlne. 9J^c.. spot; $1 01L4 May, $1 ? 3.H June, 9104J4 July: Nr.. 3 spring. 9(c. a 9})(C. Coi n dull, declining and unsettled ; No. 2 mtxe I. 70c.. spot; 73 V'. hid May or Juuo; rejected life. Oats lower and iu lair demand: No..', spot, nominal: 697,.,c. bid May. IHJ&i-. Juin\ Kye ua clianged Barley unchanged. . ork opened dull, but closed active and firmer at $2: a 5-2 It), spot; $.1 90 May, 922 16 JunP. Lard steady at 91-r> ro. spot or Mav: 915 G7)6 a 91> 70 June. HulK meats fir i! ami In fair dem in .: shoulders, 8.V.; short rib nil Idles, 12c.: short clear mlrulles. i.^c. W hi.-ki v in good oemaiKl at $1 12. At the aiternoou cao otthe Board:?Wheat tlrmer at 91 Ol1^. Mavj 9UU3V June. Corn. 74>|C., iiy or June. Oats. iiO^c.. May. Pork nn 1 lard firmer anu unchanged. Keceipis?Flour, 10.0OJ bbU- wheat. 71.0 0 bu*hels: corn. 6,000do.; oats, 35.00J no.; rye 1,000do.; barley, 3,000do Shipments Flour, 12. OODbis.: wheat, Si.000 bushels: corn, 77,uij da i oata, 13.000 ao.; b >rley, 8,000 do. PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. PBonosxcK. R. I., April 19, 1875. Printing cloths Arm at 6:?<\. so ilavs. lor <.4x64 stan dard and extra spot gooas, with moderata business. HAVANA MARKETS. Havaka, April 19. 1875 Spanish gold, 22.'f^ a 223: American, 2X) a 229 Kx* change timer; on the L'nltcd Ma es. 60 davs, currency, 91 a 9i Drcnuum: snort slgut, 9i a 95 premium; 60 days, gold. 118a 119 premium : snort sight, 1-4 a 12i premium; on Loudon, 148 a lio premium, on ParU. 129 a 123 pre mium. sugar nominal. EUROPEAN MARKET. Lovdox Proddci Makikt.?Londox, April 19? Even ing.?Sperm oil, ?U0 a ?111 per tuu. FIXAXCIAIj. August bblmoni a co.. Hankers, 1J and -1 Nassau street. Issue traveller!.' credits, uvail.ib.e in aU parts of the world, through the .Messrs. De Rothschild and their correspondents. Also > ouunercial credits and teldcraphlc transfer* of money ou Calit'oruiu. Europe aud uavaua. A? LAPSLKY k UAZLI.Y. 74 BROADWAY.?ST<tOK . Privileges on " Members ot the luck Exchange" or thoroughly re.tponsibl ? panics (names given at ibe timu ol purchases), $IiAi lor 1'uis or OU la $Ji- .. *Ml M lor Straddles (1. u., put and call a' market pr ce ou same contract).SOor tiOdays. All oo nrauulcailons have nn meilute attention. .Nothing li-si tuan iju -hares, an i no contracts made io onr name. i'auiDhlet "llow M iiiev h Lo-t und Made iu Wall trout." mailed tr t to any ?d dres*. L PBLiiY k BaZLEY, 74 Broadway A? DKFACLTl.u KaILI'.OaD BO SDs A SPECIALTY ? aud bought by the old esiabilshe l hous- ol aLuE>.1 11 MioLAY ,t CO.. .-tock Broken aul Auctioneer*. No. 4 i Pine itreet. Mew York. 4 ?7, 8 AND Id I'KR CENT CBuI K ClIY BONDS J\. and otiier A1 Investment eorurltics our specialty 13 years paving 10 to 15 per cent, imer. si promptly paid, lor sale beiow par. Ai.Ur.Ki' ti. NIC L.?Y I i n, block Brokers and Anetn neer*. Na 43 Pine street New York. A -minnesota STATU 7 PER CENT DEFLBRED ? llouds lor sale by aLBKKT H. NICOLAY k CO., No. 4.1 PIuc stieet. N' W York. Ar reasonable bates?mi?nhy on i.i; e and fc&dowment insurance Policies, Mortgage* and other secur.tiea Insurance ot .til uu !s (fleeted with best companies. J. J. HAUit.CII k CO.. 11/ Broadway. * ?STOCK PR1VILB ;ES.-STRADDLSBOK DOUBLE J\. Privileges, I'O and uo uavs, on members ot Stock Exchange or responsible parties: also r ts and Call*. Market very active anil fluctuating. showing trequuut opportunities tor large proflis. ? irculars mailed. 11 t/.AKU * MOM'.iOL>.. No. 6 Broad street. t ?arc k privileges the PASrao days cost J\. uigflot 23 have pal l {2.2 0 profit Wa can secure contracts nil aU the active stocks ut the lowest market rn e?. an 1 there will no doubt be as good opportunities the next SO days as in the past Call on or address tor particulars. i 1MBK1DOE k CO., Bankers and Brokers, No. 2, Wail street, .New York. 4 NY AMOCNT FROM BLOJO ro TO LOAN Jx on improved and unimproved Real Estate in Hits city Or Brooklyn lor term ol yeirs. without bonu*. WILLIAM li LKAVll'l, 13J Broadway. AN ELDERLY GENTLEMAN WOULD BE OLAD lO know ? lure ho can invest his services, with some money, to the best advantage tor safety, profits, and peasant position , nonest, confldena.n ? lateineats so licited. Addrass Mr. CibHMA.n, Herald office. ?A. J. k W. PKLIOMAN i CO., Hunker*. M Broad street, New York. Issue Letters of Credit tor traveller*. payable in any part ot Europe. Asm, Africa. Australia and America draw Bills of Exchange an t make telegraphic transfer* ot money on Europe and California A. -MONEY TO LOAN, on approved collateral*. W- H. WEEKS, Banker. 178 Broadway. Aunt, HAVING AN KLFQANT HOl'SK IX A tlrst class location, wishes the loan ot $.00, for the use ot which she will five a pleasant room and board and pay fW per month ; security giveB If iei|uired. Ad arcs Mrs. C. K., Herald Iptown Hrancli office. It Ok F.N SOUTH EBN BANK NuTl.S BOUGHT AT the Mgliest rates. Pjst office box F. H. SCHULIK, 69 Wall itreet B /10MM&KCIAL PAfER WANTED, Made by responsible merchants, manufacturer*. Be. tv. n wf.EK.-. Iiftril-tor. 17S Broadway. EXE' UfOR'S FL'NDS OF t2S).W)TO LOAN ON NKW York. Brooklyn, New J?r.ay and Westchester conn v Property; will loan on Buildings in course of erection. Apply ;o Attorney. 48 Fine street, room 11 ?PQCITABI.K -AVISOS INSTITUTION. ?j corn. r of Twelfth street and .-?ix;h arenne. Money 0t'poslted at any tune wilt coinmeuc to draw interest ou the Ur>td9V ot tUe lollowuiv month. Inlerest pail .lauuary I. IS 5, at the rms ol BBVhN PER Ur..\r P..B AN MM. Bank open Monday, VNednesday and Saturday syenlngn UioaoK C. Waldo, sac. JutlN E. ou WITT. Prea I ALWAYS HAVE MONKT 10 LOANoX OOOu NEW York city Mortgages without bonus. Principals de siring to BuRkow OR IN Vlis , atiplv to u. L. ORaN" f. II Ptne street Money to loan-on first mortoaof.s, with out bona*, on Second and Leasehold .Moreair'-s. at eu-icst tt rms. W. TaKB. 1.0 Broadway, routn *. PAMFHLET-"HoW MONEY IS LOsT AND M*DE J in wail Street." containing higuest ami lowest prices in 10 venrs; oartlcu a s ot uotab e corner*, panic*. Ac ; all Infortnatiou about nock privileges, cost ?ua mutiner of obtaining tnem. k\ Pamphlet free tn any addr.s*. t.AI'SL . k HAZL \ 74 Broadway. wytsT Wisconsin railway bonuk.?Parties tv wislung tj buy or sell tlie-e Bond* Please call on BaMOLBY <* MKaD. 11 Wail street. Not* Brokers and Dealer* In Bonds. <? Pi?.K CENT I'EH ANN CM?I780VJ L1 KT TO LOAN U on bond and mortgage on New tork Real j state, in ?amstOSVlt sll.-'MA.N A Mi.l'.j, RtM, M Wiiiiam street, Union Building. Q7/i Hdh 1? LOAN-tN SCM9 TO SCIT. ON N rniK lAu * i-.UU 1 IV! lU . MlSsOlRI HAfE !-TOi'KS. B> virtue and authority ol an act entitled "An net to authorize the i?Ui' and ale ol renewal Hiudinjr bonds foi ilif purpose 01 meeting an I pav.u,: t:i. maturing hlat?M;i,.cb:odii -? ?|>i? > ivt'l Ma. n S'J, l-O ?e m<* u;n:?i'-it'.n a. r and tommt lomrtut : tie biute <ii Mis aouri, wi.l ti ?ivi! N'*:iii* | bids at tlio iti< ? ol he <.ov -r nor oi Hie -l i e ?i Missouri u.i ? nn? t.i be opened pub lic.v by IIU'OoVi ru .1 in the prtaen c.i the .a comin.s si.iiier-.) on May I 1, isr.'j, lit lu o'clock v. M , lor the pur ch? cot StAlboml.ol the. stocka ol thi ;.iate. 'Hie bids may be lor anv ..r u. tli cia*Si'?, io wit.? jjuVi per cent old Hoiels $1,(MO each 81W 0 p t < ?'i? 1 ilim iti, 1 n value 111 la wiul money ol ilie United S an-- l,i>.0 ca"li 600 i p?r cent found sterling Bonds ... 12 0 eucli to be payable twenty years alternate. but redeemable at the iea-ure 01 the Stale 01 Missouri ii'er ove vmri irom the date and before tlie expiration of the twenty year-. Sain stock* to have semi-annual coupons at tached for the proper am unta ol in te re it. pavablr on tlie 1st davs oi .1 u v and .laiuiiirv 01 acn year. Ui the bonds to be pax a ,<? al the .National Mailt ol Commerce. 111 ."'i vy York, except the pound sterling sto -l t" be pay able In l-ondon. 1?? hundred nu 1 ?ix;y ol th"- b >u w to bear date May 1.1875 and to be delivered aud paid for at said bank on .'u:ie 10, 1S7,'>. and 54U to buar (laie .lu y 1. 1875, and to be delivered ami paid lor a' said bank on aai'i la>1 mentioned date rile rliiUt to reieei any or ail bid* reserve I to the Governor an.I Mm 1 Commissioners. The piocaed-oi these bonds 10 be applied to the payment Of the maturing in tebtedness ol tu? * late. These aie flrstciass ?tock? and have unquestionable guarantees lor their pa\ meat. 1 he resources of the Male are ample to meet, promptly, principal and interest when due. This proceeding is done bv an I with tne advice and con tent of the Governor of the - tat? jos. w. m. nor3, 1 >tate treasurer. 1 Fnnd THOMAS HOLLADAY. f Coui'rs. Mste Auditor. J JcrntBiox Citt, Mo.. April 0. 1 - 75. $ 300 ()0()~POR ,SVEslMKN't ,,N BOND AND mortgage on improved and desirable unimproved city Property, in large sutas, for five years. Address Cli'Y HJMi-, lli-ra d office. $700,000 12 BlEVENIsON, Jr.. 11 TO LOAN?ON BOND AND MOltT gage; Mortgages cashed. V K _ ... 11 fine afreet or is hast .-evnteenth strcec. N. II. ? t hese being uitate rands, none but prime applications considered. COPARTNERSHIPS. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT lliU fAllT XN uership latelv subsisting between August Tolks dorf 4 week rich Mohlenbrocx, of Jersey City under tne firm of loiksdori <k Mohlenbrock, is this cav dissolved by mutual consent, DECKRICU MOHLENBROCK, AlULoT TOLKaiJO.tF. Dated April 19, A. D., 1875, Ml f 1KSS OPFOHTI Ai I TIKS. A PARTY WIL.L, INVEST ?500 fO $1,000 IN A GOOD Business or Patent; only ihose mentioning particu lars taken no:ice ol. Address P. P. P.. tlcrald office. A PARTNER WANTED-IN A BUTTER. CHEESE, l-gfe' an 1 Produce Coiumisslou Store; this la a good opening for u reliable man witn SU0J. MALu.N ..'S store Agency, 121 Nassau street. A OENTLKMaN EXPEOTINO TO RESIDE pkrma XL nently 111 Europe, goinu out 111 Mn>', would like to represent an American liavimr buslnes-, relations wltn the other side, ur undertake any special cotnmis *ions; na. been ten years in business lor 1'iuueli; can give best oi references and security it required. Address h'UKEIG a. Herald otfice. A GERMAN IMPORTING IIOC8E IN MOSCOW, icussia. which deals in all kinds of articles, includ ing raw materials, wiahts the agency of a ilr-st class American house ; wilt furnish leiereuccs. Address U. P., 1 ox 187 i.eraid oitlce. F1 RSI CLASS ARI 1ST WaNTS Sl.tXM-KOK WHICH lie will paint live times that amount lu Portraits or other pictures. Address AKTiSi, box ldi Herald L'p town Brunch office. \ good Chance for a tinman a>d pi.cmblr A with ? small capital m -ecure a hoine in the coun try; new and rapidly growing place near New York; taue U o'clock or S^J train Moutclair Railroad, toot of Cortlandt street, lor Arlington. Inquire tor Mr. flu Km r. A GOOD LIVING K11R A \Y:D?VV OR PARIIES I\ having $350?Will buy the Furniture of six rooms; can accommodate elgnt boarders; rent Si'J; no agents; those meaning business only reply. 603 Eighth avenue. Call all the week. FAC ORY AND DWELLING?4D-HOB h ENGINE, 30 horse water power, shalting, Ac. ; Marlborongh. on Hudson; ually water and rail communication; soli low; terms easy. K. P. KOG..RS, ilvde Purk. N. Y. pOR SALE CHEAP?A GK.NTl.KMhN'a FURNlsHlNO P Store, eswblished many rears, In Naiwau street; owner retires on account ot illness. Inquire at 80 Nas hau street, basement. F1IR8T CLASS BUSIXK -'S OPPORTDNITY IS of 1 ered to 11 suitable young man who can command $jOJ upon good security. Address UituK. U, Pox 3.37J Post office. ANUFCI CIII sG HoL'Si. I.N METAL LINK. WITH u gcoJ business, wlilch tliey ure desirous 01 Increas luv, would like a partner with $13,iriJ, lor the ottice and flnance., busluess exclusively wholesale and to a selected trade. Apply to ORIGUS M CaKLETON, 93 Broadway. Partner wanted?wi 111 $1,500 to $2.ojo for the ofllce. to take the place ut one obliged to retire; business established ; protlts large ; almost a monopoly. Address B. C. O., Herald ofllce. PARTIES HAVING* CAPI l \L DESIRING IO INVK-T in tu.inufac tiring business in Baltimore, mav hear 01 .1 rare opportunity by addressing Post office box 767 Baltimore, Md. PAI'.TN KR WANTED iSILI NT PRE FEU RED)?WHO cau invest irom S25nl)to ?Sau'JO, m au old estab lished well payiug ni.tnuiacturtng business; Itti > se cure 1 by 11 ipie the amount 01 capital 111 ves ed. Keply by le.ter to R K., box Wi 11-raid oaiee. At nu no: noticed. qiUE OWNER OK SEYKKAL SILVER MINING J properties at Altah 1 Ity, Utah, disiant live nines liom rat.road, balance o1 distance good wagon read, will s-u one or two cheap tor cash or will exchan^o lor Ootids; good city reiereuce. Address I'iaH, ojx ii7 Heral 1 office. 'IXi C A PITA 1.1S I ? l DESIRE TO MEETAGENTLE f man Who controls some capittt or real e-t.ic to jo:n iuc ij iniriMiueing a "Machine ot great uicrit aud aeknoWe dgeil by soversl eminout "Ugincer? to be one 01 tne greatest inrentions of lie age: it Is new. simple aud penectiu orery particul <r. and a more tavorsine opponunity for .1 reiiiuneiative investment is rarely presented, l or inspection address DEMu.sSTKATlO.N, box 1M Hc-ald odlce. rnu no 1 i-.i. ""mkn and phy-u iANd ? vvTn"tT.i>7"a 1 competent llrst class hotel mtnager. ais a physi cian with espit.^. to take interest in and management ol a Urge sau.tarlum C. li. OLIVER. No. 1 Park place. 117AN I ED?A lOl'NG U V > Wil li MODERATE CAf ?l ital, as active partner in .1 well ostabiisbeldry floods and mi.imery house, in Eastern ConnecUcwt, Ad dress K. I. II.. teix A.3SH New YorVPo?t office. QTI1 W UIO?CKN n.l MAN S IIaTSIOKE; ESTAB ? 7 lished 8 years; doing a first class and good | 1 paying ll. i?r bitsiuus.; low rent: store, stock ami customers Al particulars, address CHANCE .sbLUok OFFERED, Hnrald otBce. AlAn ?PARTNER WANTED, FOR A FEW DATS. to redeem valuables in pledge; $40.) to f7(M pr.JI . with ?.nine sol'uritv. For iBlerview, address DIAMONDS AND WAl'CHE.. Uerald office. WILT. BUY HALF INTEREST IN A CASH outdoor Dullness; established since 185S: half cash balance in ins.almeata. Inquire of WILLIaM. it Great Jones street. Cll'IWi W?NTEll?FOR WHICH ? ECUR11 Y ANI> AN ?5l)UU intere-.t will be given in a pleasant, lucrative, casn buslne's. bearing close investigation; reiareuce ax changed Address GivRGE, llcrali office. A*} RiWI ? PARTNER WANTED I> A STAPLE cask business that win par tlotfi each per month. Ful. particulars at )1 Wast Four 1(1 struct, room 2. attar id o'clock. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Jennings-Sebrdto.?I* this city, on Wednesday, November 18. H74. uy trie Kev. bamuel H. \irgin, llRNltY C- JKNNINtiS to Ada, Only UailgMer Of J. V. W. Netirmtr. Ksq.. lormerly of this city, Rinusbcrt?iionaldson.-?On iues>.ay, April 11, by the Kev. J. u. Murray, D. D.. ftev. chari.k-< a. K.INOSBCRY, Of Marlon. Ma**., to MARY At ul'STA Donaldson, oi this city. I .anf.?mat.?At tiie residence of the bride'a nnc.c, Mr. Lewis May, No. 346 Firm avenue, on Tuesday eventnjr. April 18, i>y tue Kev. Dr. Adier, assisted bv trie Rev. Or. uotthell, chares A. Lanb to mart mat. Mutt?Lenox.?on Mon lar. Aprn 18, at the resi dent e oi me bride's parent, by the itev. l nomas 8. Hastings, D. i>., horrsK >?. Mott to MART H., on? \ daughter of Euwin >. Leuox, all of tuis city. lircs?Cox.?At tne residence of the bride's patents, on Ttiursn?v, A. rii li, Kt.LvrooD V. titcs, of (;ica Gove, i.. I., to u a hi a LocL.E. daughter or Daniel 1). C> *, of Lafcevuir, l~ 1. w a hi)? Loin hk?.? i imrsiiay, Aot:il 15, at Church ol the luoai uatio i, by tne Rev. C. t. Ward, Dr. O. Whitfield H ard to Addik, daughter ofCaanea Loutuer, Esq. DIED. B ahp.ett.?On Sunday, April 18, 187ft, Joh* Bar hut. a native oi BalltuMoe, count* uaiiray, Ire,and, tne so* of Michael and Bridget Barrett, ageu 40 ve.irs. Tne relative * and friends are reipectuuy in vited to attend tue inner i , irora an late rem Hence. No. a Clark place. Jersey city, on iuesday, the autn lust., at two o'c octt. Bi;.l.?Ou miu<uv. April 18, at bia residence, 142 Kant Forty.flist street, aiuhlr Bell, a^ed 41 yearn. Hi- relatives and mends yr? reapectiuiir in Ylied to attend the funeral service, at in* .me r<*MdetiCe, ou Wednesday morning at eleven O'c ock. Bk.vmtt.?in Brocklyn, on Sunday. Apri: li. l8To, Lfi t. twin naughter of tue Kev. George tf. auu Tfcoiuaaett* Beunitt, aired j months. Funeral service at Si. I'eter'a ehnrch, State street, near Bond, Xnesday afternoon at thiee o'c ock. iu awvelt.?On Hi uday. aiter a snort illness, LrcT. eldest dauirh!?roi Fred an i Hannah Blair veil, in ner 1* h year. Kuuerai services on Tuesday evening, at tiaif past seven o'clock, at the nou^e oi ner aunt, 635 West Fortvaeveuiii street. Ke;atlv< a and neuu* oi i lie laiuny and members oi hqfciord Lodge, No, 7-i, I. <>. o. o. F., and members oi sister o iges ure invited to attend. Blkbckm.?In vnis city, on annday, April is, PBo&AM, Wlie oi Rlcnard W. n.eocki r aiid dau jhter of the late Captaiu George 11. l e^rain, I'nlietl States Army. Fnnerai f?ervic.M on I'ue*uav, April 20, at two o'clock l\ M.. at Christ chap-i, fciiUaoetn. N. J. Ricnmood (Va.) and New Orleans papers pieaae copy. BofRKt? April 19, Ldward i. BoCsee, late of rtailiuiobe, contttr Mayo, Ireland, aged 81 years and 0 months, I Tne omcsr* nad mtmoors of C?afeg&7 1, *W? teeutb regiuieut. >e;v York, auj oi branch Sm. 9 St. i utru-k * .Mutual Alliance, of iviujrs county, are uios i espectfully 111v11'*j to attend iiu lU'ifial, ou li.uni .. \11r11 at his lata lesideut-e, M tie ;.??!?.lUf. Itio klyn, at nine A. M? irom thei totalled;*!, jay street. Hum thence io cemetery ol Hulv cross. Flatbush. J Brown.?oil Mouu.jf. April 19, Susan Uiiowk. witluff Oi Mutlila4 M. Brown, aged 84 Ine relatives and iriends are r< spect'ultv in. vlted to attend tins luueral iroui bis late resi dence. i.ast Fitty ihird street, ou Wednesday a one o'clock. Hki'xhauh.?Kitofsk Franklin, only son of Jamei E. mid It iri io' L. Biuuduge a?ed l year. The relatives ami iriends oi ttie family are In vited to at'eiiJ tlie lutieral. on luesdav. Aurn 2Qt at half-past one ?'clock 1* M.. irom hi* late rem deuce, No. 64 south secoud street. Wiiiiarnsiiuig Buumon.?Ou Saturday, tiie 17tu lust., Miuia ?.. wue ol James C. Burnt on. The itinera! wilt taic place from the Church of Our Saviour, Rev. J. m. Pullman, i'tity-aeventu street, west of Eighth avenue, on Tuesday, Auri 30. at nail-past twelve o'clock M. 1'ne relative and mends oi tlie laiuily are respectfully invited. Cai-lin.?On Sunday, the lttta inst., Pit an c id H.. youngest daughteroi Richard H. c..piiu, ageu 15 years. F: lends ami relatives are respectiuily Invited tc at.tenu tne luueral, iroui tlie Methodist Epiac pa cnurch, sixty-first street, near second avenue, on Wednesday, April 21. at one o'clock P. M. CREkden.?On .Sunday. April 18, 1875, Joun C'ki? den, a native oi Ireland, aged iuyears. l he relatives and irieuds of tlis latuliy are re spec fuily invited to attend the funeral, from nil lafe residence, No. 120 Greenwich avenue, tbcnci to at. Josopu's church, corner of sixth aveuue au< Washington placc. where a solemn mass or re quiem win De celebrated for the repose oi his soul ou Wednesday, April 21. at ten A. m. Dauebel,?In Brooklyn, on Saturday, April 17 Makv. widow of the hue William s. Damerei daughter ot the late George Damerei, in tne 66th year oi her age. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to atteud the iunerai. from her j&te residence 405 I'aciflc street, near Bond, on Tuesday, the Mm lust., at haii-pasi two p. M. Deckek.?on Sunday, April 18, 1875. alter ashor: Illness, at 172 East 119th eiroet, Ellen c., widow oi the late Simeon Decker. aged 61 years, it months and 16 days. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invi<ed to attend the tuneral services, at tue tiixtn street Baptist cnurch, near avenue 0 oa Tuesday, April 20, 1876, at one o'cioclt 1'. M. ' Donald.?on Monday, William Bo.nnab, luiani ?on of Peter and Anna J. E. Donald. Funeral on Wednesday, 2istiusr., at two o'eioc* P. M., irom 89 West Forty-sixth street. Downey.? addie Al. Downey, only daughter oi Robert and .ate Matilda Downey, aged 4 years and 7 mouths. Toe relatives and friends of the familT are respectfully invited to attend the luueral. troia the re-idence oi her lather, No. 426 West fiUrty fourth street, this day, Tuesday, April 20. at twe o'clock. UfN.sELL.?Oa the 19th Inst., at All Saints' Rectory. Harriet H artlano, only daughter of Rev. Win. N. aud Harriet ilartiand Dunuell, aged 16 years, 6 montus and 8 days. Funeral service at All Saints' church, corner ol Henry and Scauimel streets, on Weuneteuay, 21ai Inst., at one o'clock P. M. Fouton?uu April 18, Alice Fobtom, aged 21 years. The relatives and iriends of the family are re spectfully mviteu to attend tne funeral, iroui tier consiu's (Ju?. residence, No. 391? liast fourth street. Tuesday, 29iu lust., at two P. M. Fox.?'^udueniy, on suudar, April 18. 1876. SIaby, the oeloveu wile ol Jotm Fox. aged 21 years. The relatives aud lrieuos oi tne umi'v and ttioet ol her lather, Artiiur saerloan, are respectfully Invited to atteud lier laneral, irem her late rest deuce, No. aoj West Forty-iourrh street, on ti?ii a ay (Tuesday), April 20, at one o'clock. Uavv.?April is, 1875, Ann Makla, widow of taa late Joseph A. tiaw. '1 he luueral will take place at the residence ol her brotner-iu-Uw. J. J. ca^ey, Jefferson place. Union Hill, N. J., at ten o'clock P. M. Guthrie.?on Monday, April 19, at half-past Ave A. M., Edmund s. Guthbie, son of S. B. and Sarah A. Guthrie, agad 4 years aod io montus. Funeral iroxn 307 Bowery, on Wednesday, at tire Ualsey.?In. Brookivn, on Satnrdav, April 17, of paiaiysis, Harriet, wne of Jonn Haiaey, in the i)7th y car 01 her ape. The relatives aud friends of the lamlly are re spectfully invited to attend the luueral. on Tues day. the 2'Jtti insf., at three o'clock, from her late residence, Nto. 181 ciintou avenue. HAYEi.? Michael uayt?>, a native of Bruiea, county Corii, Ireland, aite 1 4S years. His relatives and menus are respectfullv invited to attend ttie, at his tale residence, 47 Jay street, uu Tuesday. April 2o, at two V. M. Heissenblttel.?On Monday. April lw, suddenly, at the residence of herparen a, 207 Bergen street, Brooklyn, &j?ma m., uauirhter of William and Maria C. Ueissenhuttel, In me 9th year of her age. Notice of luueral hereafter. New Brunswick iN. J.) papers please copy. Kelly?Mrs. Hqnora Kelly only sister'of Mri. Catnarm* Dempsy. aged 66 years. Her relatives nud iriends are respectfully In vited to attend the luueral, on Wednesday, 21st insi.,lr ui the re?iden,:e of ner son-in-law, James Green. 692 third aveuue. at two P. M. Kiscu.?Ou tha I9tu inst., alter a short lllnesa Charloti k, beloved wife of David Kisch. The relatives aud frleuda and the members 01 Arnou Lodge, JJo. .s. 1'. o. B. B , are re-pectfally invited to atteud tne luueral. from her late resi Ideuce. No. a Beekmm place, on WTeunesday April 21. at ten o'clock A. M. MABurrr.?on Sunday, 18th Inst., Hbnby J. Mau bett, in tne .'I2d year 01 his age. Relatives nud iriends ot the family are respeel luiiy invited to atteud the laneral, irom his late lesidence, <C2 racillc street, BiooElyn, on Wedue? day, the 21 it, ai oue o'clock P. m. His ri maiaa will be takeu to Astoria, L. L, lor interment. Ua.nni.vj.?Etta Manning, wile of D. J. Man ning, 24 West Ninth street, died suddenly yester day morning, of peritonitis, alter an i.lness of two day j. Tne luueral will take place lr m St. Joseph'* church, SiAtii aveuue and West Wasnington place, at two o'c.ock. A requiem mass will be ce.ebrated at teu A. M. Ma^ellus.?on Saturday evening, April IT, Mrs. Jane Mabsellcs, wile of Rev. N. J. Marset lus, it. D.p aged 8- years. Foiierai on luesda.v, at two o'clock P. M., irom her late rcsideuce, 21M souta Flitu street, Brooa lyu, E. D. i'li.iuan.?On Sunday, April 18, Bbidoct Mcll* OAS, aged 29 years. The re.atives .?nd frieuds of tne family are re tyuested to atieud the luueral, irom ner uie rest A?nce, No. 314 East Tnirty-elghi n street, onTues day. 2utn in-t., at hall-past one P. \l. alc^oiiMicK.?ou Suuday evening. April 18, 1875, John Mccoruiik. a native of Broadiord, county Clare, irelaui in ttie 56ta year 01 his age. Tne relatives and Iriends of the lauuly are re spectiuily invited to attend the luueral, from his late residence, 401 West Thirt. -seventh street, oa Thursday, April 20. is7o. at two r. M. Nathan.?on Monday, at luiii-past three P. M., at his late residence. No. 239 East Eunteeuia street, 01 pneumonia. >olomon Nathan. Notice 01 luueral to-morrow. Darcy Lodge, F. and a. m? No. i?7, Henry Jones Lodge. I. o. B. B.. No. 79, Meiropoilian Caapter R. A. M., No. l?o, ar? re-pectiun* invited. O Keefk.?on Monday, April 19, Mrs. Tiikrua O'Kekkk, widow01 the lace Wiiuatn O'iCeefe, in to< 341 1 year of lier age. The rela ives aud iriends of the famtlv are re spectiuily invited to attend the funeral. on'Weuaee day, at 1,all-past two o'clock P. M., from ner lati residence. 32 Madison street. Parissn.?on Mouuay morning, April 19. at tbt residence of his daug iter, Baldwin avenue, neat Newaik avenue. Jersey City, Gkorur Pa bison, 01 Suntii Auiboy, N. J., 111 the 66th year of hla age. Notice 01 tue funeral herealter. Park hi 1.1..?On sunuay, April 18. 1875, Makianna, daugater 01 Samuel and Mary Parknui, in her ltttu year. lhe relatives an.! friends of the family are re spectful. y invited to attend the funeral, from tb< residence of her pareuts. No. 176 Frout street. Brook it 11. ou luesday, 20th in?t., at two o'clock P M. Interment m Greenwood Cemetery. Pod lb.?At Harlem, on Suuday, April 18, Jouh S. Poole, ageo 47 year! Funeral on Wednesday, 2l-t mat., from ?6 East 124tu at rear, at one P. M. Baltimore pacers piease copy. Harlcm Lodge. 467, F. and A. M.? Brethrsn nft hereuy itiaioioiied to meet at the ludge room, l3Jth street and ibird avenue, on Wednesday next, A|.ru 2L at a quarter past twalve P. ts attend tne iunerai 01 our late brother. John S. Poole. F. A. PdlLlJPs. Master. Pond.?un J<undsy, April 18. Sajsuxl mitcali Pond, aged 60 years. l'he iriends 01 trie lamily are Invited to atteoo the luueral service, at 111s late residence. 327 tVcsi Twenty*third street ou (this) Tuesday, 2ota inst. at two P. M. In erm?nt private. Pryer ? At New uocaeue, on dundav, April 18, Joan pbyer. ior:ner y 01 iuw city, aged 73 years. ihe luueral services win De hel 1 at the house ot bis son, Dr. Wm. C. Pryer, at New H-tcAelle, on Thursday, A'.rii 2.' at hall-past eleven A. M. Train leaves Gra in Central d jpot at ten lniDtt-et past ten A. M. Carriages will oe in waaiat at New Hochelle statiou. Koberts.?-udd-niy, April 18. Jon* G. RORgnrt sou oi tue late Captain James Llviugstou Rooei ta in the 5ctn year 01 bis age. The relatives and ineuds are r?specttQlly invitee to attend hts iunerai on Tuesday, April 20, at four P. M.. f 1 oin tue Chut en of our Fav er (Kev. Dr. Nye), Ciermont avenue, between Fulton aud Atlantic sveuues. Brooklvn. kcsskll?ou Monday. April 19, John M. Ri -sklu in tne 43d y ^-ar of hi? age. Relatives and ir,e.u1s are respectmlly invited tc attenu hismneral, at No. 16 stuyveaant street, ot Wednesday, tue ila'. inst., at two t. M. RYUEit.?Ou Mon.iav. ApU 19, Edward J. "tdss Notice of luner.u herea.ter. Tukflkb.?auddeuly, on ^nndav. llth Inst., ai N inuei, geokuk c. iurflkk, ta me 7?tn yaarui his age. Funer il inotn the residence of his son-iu-la*. Henry Kr ?eni, l.w Elliott place, Brooknn, o? Wedues iaj, April 21, at e'.eveu o'clock A. M. Van KkKsselakr.?Van Rensselaer, ou satup day, April 17, aged 4) years. The relatives aul iriends of tne tsailv ar? Invited to attend the funeral, oa Tuesday, tue aoti ?n?t.. at tnree o'clocs, fn>m her late re-iUeuce, N? I08 East Eighty-eight!) str e . w up,d.? on Fri iav. Apru 16, Sarah Mott, widot ot John Wood, in tne 8tth rear 01 her age. Ttie relatives aod iriends of the namy are ll vUed to attend the iunerai, on Tuesday. 20th insk M ten o'clock a. M.. irom h.-r laie rtalMaoe, So wt Smi i hirty-aefsntu auras u