Newspaper Page Text
literary chit chat. ' ? "The Poem* ol Elizabeth Stuart Phelps," author ?i '<1110 Gates Ajar," are Just read; at Osgood's. ? The last story ot Jnles Verne, entitled "the Chancellor," is ot a harrowiug shipwreok and ?ouie wonderful adventures ensuing. "Tne Anatomy of the Domeatio Cat" is tue fell cuoub title or a book which Prof?89or 11. H. William* of Yale College, will pubiiah through tna Putnam*. The Illustrated Household ilagannp for April. vtoiiet le Uuc, the French architectural writer, Is said to knew everything, from astrology and geology down to cookery, and tnis knowledge Hows fr >ra his pen moBt mellifluously. MIhs Brandon's very latest, "A Strange World," Is pronounced dj tne Acan&my a quite worthless novel. Thomas Camp! ell, the poet, is to have a monu ment In Glasgow, to the erection of which over ?1,000 have already been subscribed. Lord Byron Is an inexhaustible toplo for bl o^rapners, ani we are to have a new book, Illus trating his career in Italy, filled with anecdotes end documents abont the counters Gulocioll. The forthcoming volume ot the International Hotentiflo Series will be a treatlao on fungi, by Professor Cooke. J. H. o-gooU A Co. will publish a translation of Do Brj'a "Narrative of LeMoyne," a French artist, who accompanied Laudonui&re's expedition to I'torlda in ttM, wtth heliotypes of the original cop* porplate engravings*. Ur. Farrar, wr.ose "Life of Christ" has rnn through ten editions In a year and a hall, will >*rtte a "Life of su Paul" uexc. Thtfophlle Gautier's uutograph sold lately In Paris lor 100 francs; Gibbou'a lor 51 franca, and ol Napoleon 1. tor aoo irancs. The French will this year award, for the first tsmo, the triennial prize of 3,000 irancs, founded by W. Guizoi, for the best work on one ol the great epoch* of French literature. The London Law Times says that American logal literature has attained superior excellence, and that far more American lawyers than Britiah ouch wrlto from sheer love of study. The Ltie ofHlsRo>al Highness the Prince Con sort. By Theodore jaartiu. Vol. 1. New York: l>. Appleton k Co. I A PORT OVPItB WOUCB. ?io'^T OKKICK KOTICK.?THE MAILS FOR RUROl'R ji lor tho week ending Saturday. April 24, 1875, will >|a^ at (lifts otUoo as loliomtj?un Weiluestfay *t 12 M.. 'vri'i: i" _ *?" V flMSWf1 YACHTS, WKAMBOAW. iVC. FAST .SAILING SI.OOP TOR BALK?REGISTERS 17 ton*. en"rio< Id. a bargain. Apply to DRaUAN * ALLi.N, Ui2 Park pla. c. near Wesl street. _ 4 STEAM CANAL BOAT FOB BALK CHEAP, OR J\ will charier her to any responsible parties, lur lull particulars call at 43 Downlna street, tirst lioor. ' 1.10K BALB?YACHT VEST A, 3") TONS ! T AC 111' JB9 I1 sin, 31 tuns; both vac lit* I'ullv equipped and war ranted sound. Apply io C. A B, POILLON. -.4 'ou li st. T^OR saLK-A SMALL SLOOP YAIJ11T, FITTKD UP I1 with ?ctaterooiiis anil perlecty complete in every partl|-ul >r. Addrtfsa locK box H'Jd, New liaveu, Loiiu., J'OSt uttice. Ti'OB HALF?SLOOP YACHT WHISTLER. 35 FI'.F.T JP Ion,;, 1? leet wide, copper fastened throughout, built by the day. perfect as to material and workmanship; ktiis worn one season. For partleulars Inquire ot Lap tain A, C. 1'lSII, of propeller City oi New Hertford, at pier 3i hast Hirer, or JOHN A. HAN bo, Fair haven, 11 ass. . Tllb H I100NKR YACHT JOSEPHINE FOR SALE 140 ions, well tound ; Ivtntr ?t loot of I weiiW-elghth ?atreet, Last Klver. Apply to 0. K HAsWbLL, No. li Rowiitu urcen. Yacht for bale?schooner ricioeo; length 44 leet over all; sails new last season ; very roomy; goel sailer-stanch and wenthcrly; well touud ana In ?iood order For further particulars address box 8,17.> Post oltUe, Boston, Mass. WANTED TO PlRtllASK. C10UNTERR?WANT F.t>. FOUR LAROP. COUNTERS, ) wttU drawers; must be in good order. T. KELLY, 17 Barclay street. WAMKD-A PHTFORM SCxLK FOR STliRE I SF.. Address, with price and stste where it can be *w?n, PLATFORM HIaLK, lleral l offlec. "TU/"ANTED?A SMALL SECOND HAND ORNlMKM. l? iai (Jar Jen Fountain cheap lor cash. Apply to O. p. BYRNE, Hleecker street. LII/'ANTEI>? AB'iCT M SECOND HAND Bi.TlEES. YI Addre** J. W.. 28 Water street WOOO BURNING KRANKl.IN STOVES.?I WILL give a tfood cash price for Franklin Move*. Art drees J. B. WAKUELi, 'jox New^Vora Post office. YAr AN I r.D?A LARUE SI'CONH HAND MLB Oil V* Jewelry - ale In good condition. Addreaa L. S., b >( l."A Herald office. PllOPOSALH. / I LAND TRUNK RAILWAY COMPAMY OK CANADA, tjf Tender* wanted. Trie Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada are njBiiared to receive tenders tor a large <|ii?iitit v ol old Kails on hand tor ?a'e, to be delnered duriuglhc se . ol navigation at arnia, frort fcrle. Portland. Montreal, i T ?ronto Km?<ton or other convenient point* on the i .?oinpan> 'a line ot railway. In lota ot 11XJ tons and up- , w a?so for CO Old Locomotive Engine* of the .1 feet 6 inch I BAiige, a polilon Ol which aieat Portland and the re rr ilnder at Montreal, wh-re [ermls?i-n to Inspict them vi Ihe (riven by Mr. i'erb ?t v\alli*. the mechanical ?u p-trintendem ot the company. ..... ^ Alao tur 4.0 ok) far t rucks, of the 8 ffcet ? inch cau;;r. wliioh e in be inspected at Montreal. fend* ra to be addressed to tbe undersigned, JUflhi li ll li KSOIf, KosnnsL, April 13. IWV General Manager. fllRNDER WILL BP. R CKIVKD BY T1IK UNDER 1 stgned. up to noon on the if7tt> tnst., lor the Heating of the roronut tlentral llo?nital In the mosi anproved manner, according to tnoilern rules lor combitilu? tree ventuktlou aud warmth. l-a n tender to be aicom p#nied by complete *i>*ciflcatioiis. atatinK the manner in srhioh It Is proposed to carry ont me work, jn l a guarantee to be provided lor In the contract that the sys tem la capable ot heating tne ward* to an average temperature of 75 uegrees, and the eorrid .r* to "0 <t?fr*cs. when the th-rn^ometer outside sunlsat zero. Until this ten has been app.led.a drawback ol *> per rant on the contract price will be retained. If steam is need the colls and returna must be so arranged that they wid be not'eles*. I'lsns ot the building may be seen at the office of the Hospt al Trust an f tbe bnilding ite-lf. on ao?llca ion to the Mouse Mirgeoii between the boura of y and l? A. M. ana 'i and 4 P. M dally. .... J. W. KKENT. .secretary, so street Laat Tokonio, A prll 12, U7&. ' HILI.LAKD.H. "s HUfc BTf.OK or STANDARD BTI.I.IVRD J\ 1a>ie?, new and second haul, popular stvlei an I l >* pri es. ,.r>wui<-otal Cu<" and the largest an 1 toe*tetb<.a ?! Bt .lard Articles In tne country. M. W. COLLKND1.R, TM Broadway. "a MBRK AN S7AM?ARi? MKVKI. BUI I A ? l? I AHI.KS, J\ orltti leisney'* wire cushions, solely used In ail championship and match games; kocoud hand Table* at great bargaioa W. M. GKIFrlTH i CO, 40 \#se> It I'kLALP.IIS IN AND MANUFACTURERS OP BIL 1/ Hard tables will flo i, by exaaiinaiinn, thai lor cfteau an t sryitsh Printitt; of ttnv den ;rlpti<>tt the Mp.ri?t>foLirAN pitisnio lstablmiimeah; ai Broadway cannot h,i aurptsse i. VOR ?ALfl?TRBBB BILLIARD TABLKHr BUST Bfi f sold today; a bargain seldom me. with ; lor cash. Apply, personally, on pretolsea. on l*th avenue, corner P^rtleth street. DUBLIN'S BILLIARD TABLhS FOR BALE ONLY t hy OeORtiK E. PIIKI.A!?, M Fast Fourteenth street New York; *9 CHBsTNUT BlBRhT, Plln.Al)f.Ll'llIA WATCHKB, JBWKIiBY, ?vt . A-$7V,0flI.DlAM?)BDS, WATCH KH. JfcWKLRY, ? silverwsre. Valuables, Ac., boun'it; highest value titld; also unususl advaiit<Kes offered parlies buying Diamonds, Watcaca, Ac.; est..bii?h<'d l-'BS J.4l. BaBBI IIKit, 7Broadway. DIVMONDB. WATCHK3 AND JKWKI.KY BOUGHT and sold l>ac* when desired, at a rery smalt a I TS.iee. OEti. li. ALLEN. Jeweller, l.list BToaTwsy, near T*?nty-n n'h street. Watches am Jcwehv repaired. 1> \ WN BHOB BBS' TICKF.TS BOI GHT.-1IIB HIOIL est prte? raid lor rawnbr?kera' tickets of diamond*, witches, jewelry, silks, Ac ; also old Guld and Sliver at 77 Ble'eFer -tieet, up stairs. rrHF. k.iimoroi ITAN PRINTING rstabi.isumbnt A I* at lilh Bcmdwsy. in the HerAd Building. Ill-J BROADWAY, between TWKNTIKTH and ? 'I1' Twenty llr?t (tbe old sund t?A. C. Mt'RTs, lHamonds, Wotchew,ie welry. Silverware and other valuables bought and sold. Liberal advance* nisile eti goode le.fl lor sale. h I ?/? 7 BBOADWAY, OYKB II RA i D UPTOWN 1,4*') I Branch alR e. room B (7%rlor for ladles); rsnch 1,2f'7 Broadway.-Dianionda, Watches, Jewelry, ie buught and *>diL Ll.NDO BUO -. dbstirtry. A t^ORAL EI'BBKB SBT OF TKF.Ttl IN TRRBB J\ hour*?Impression I* the foroMBo i. teeth in tne ?iwrm?>?. Ihlrty-tourtli etreet, near bros twav an I ?<tslh a veil tie. Oural isubber, very ilcsli colore 1; ???Id Seta, ulatina ? eU wnalebone rnbb^r teis, Piutno ers, opsri l>otlS; Lip Utt-jri. Lip oeprssiirs, Kegulators; jaitrous ox ide; inecna;i|i' dentistry. Tike ere?n oars ti ini i.rand street terry, or Mtth iventi- cars, or Brotl t^*y car*, (let off at rhirtv-lourta street. BBWBROIJGH. Ll1 We?! I hiriy-tourth stre?t. _ A BI At TlFU! BI T. $8; GUM T: F.TII. ?td; SINGLE, J\ tl . solid Hold Killi! ?!, salislaction guaranteed. M mine spevlmen-t at New 5'ors I ental rooms, .63 b??'.h avenae, i-stahllshed 1851. Ilemetni er, Wi. T\R. B. J. ROB*Br,4. n RtiND BTRKET, NF.W J f York.?Artificial Te.esn on g)ld, platina and ccrabte cjifiT'leted in a tew hears; perlo"t comiort ami ll<elike ? M ?araoce guaran eed. requlrln< nelth?r springs nor ei' ?% being manatv turei mi .er a aew prooese by wh'.ch maslicattonf od articulation are permanently re Cored; teeth Ailed with adamantine or gold, as the caie re'iBires. Ur. Hoaarts' painnluet on the .eetli in neaith * i.i disease sentlroeby mall; th.-ee centa. I?AMf?llLKTS OF t.VKItY ItRlCBIPrKM FIR iitshed at mmlerate br the MhTBtiPGLlTAJl Rn*- i l>U ISSi AMI.I811M I'.N r, .'is ?r.adw*y. N. K. tlOVSBS, ROOMS, dec., WAWTTCO. ] In thin City u nil liruitklyn. \ NICELY fURSl lIKIl AND CLNTltALLY L0- j cited lliioso wanN-Puinilr of adults vidlress stating terms huiI location, it. U. II., Meruit! Uptown Branch office. A PHYSICIAN ani> wifk d-sirk tiik care r\ of a gentleman's residence duririk' hi* abwncotor tbt MauMr, <>r whum take ? tuiiv fnrnissf't rffjiint snrt board tin? owner 111 wlioie or part payment of r, At. Ad dress F. J., Herald I'ptown Branch other. B* AN AMIR!" AN FAMILY (ADOLTl*-A FLAT OR two or three Floors In pr.vaie house; mvo lull par ticulars, uol to oxcoed $.'& Address U.. box l\.?t otbee HOBOKKN.?WANT D, BV A ORNTLEM \.N ANU wife, two or thrau turu sued Rooms, wnh hot and cold water, lor housekeeping. Address, stating terms anil location. < ONI IDK.NOE. Hobokcn I'oit office. rTWIR ADVERTISER WOULD LIKE To OBTAIN I an onturnlshed Kooni where th.i rout would be taken In boaru ; best relereuce. Addi'oss 11. J. j.. 57 !? ast liil street, Harlem. WANThD-IN NKW YORK OK BROOKLYN. MAY 1 lor man and wife llvi> Rooms, tor housekeeping; good location; If in Biooklru. inust be witoin lu iniu utea of the ferries', tortus, VIS to Sin. Address 2. L Herald offlce. 1VANTKD-BY TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEN, TWO TT connecting Kooins, furnished, and bathroom at tache.I. withouboard ; situate ! between l wcnty-sixth and Fourteenth streets and Fourth and t'iflli nveuue.s. Address, wnh terms, it. H., Hcra.d office. UfANrKD-A MEDIUM SIZED U N FURNISH E 0 House, by a private lamilv, west side. betwi en Thirty filth aud i Ittleth street* rent $I,-W to Jl.iua Address lor thn;o da box H.::u I'ost ollice. \\TANTEP? V FCRNI3IIBD HOiriK, WHERE TIIK tt owner will tuke full or partial puvment in Board, and with tti ? privilege oi taking a lew other boarders; h< usj must be first c!a.*i; best reference given, Address II. J').. Herald utttco. VITANTED?BY AN A NO. I TENANT, A SMALL tt House in a first ciu?.s neighborhood; rent nit to exceed Ji.auo. iddNNl., box 1,000 Post otHcc, New York. \,\ r A N T hit?BY TWO 0F.N I I,F,M EN. TWO FUB TT nished Boom*. connecting prcterrod, between Tenth mid Twentr-thlrd streets ana Klttu and eighth avcnuiu. Address, with terms, W. H. M? lie raid Up town Branca otllce. WANrKD-BY A SMALL COt OR ED FAMILY, A EC tt ond or third Floor, ntiturnisli d for II ltthou*ek?en Ing; rent not to exceed $iti per month ; location enth mil Fortieth streets. Fourth and Ei;hth avenues; references exchanged. Addiest K. L. u., box Uo iier>ud L ptown llrancli oillce. "\VANTED?A HOtTSR To PARK FOItTHK 8UMMKII, tt by a respectable married couple; Iiiifhust refeience Ifiven. Call oil or uddresa A. R. ,'U'i Kast 35ili st. UrASTKO?TWO FI-OKKS, FOB TIIK I, MIS DRV business; locntlon. Broadway and Seventh ave nue. T weiitiuth and Thlrtv-tourth streets. Address I'RI t'Ml'U L vliNliRY, 2i8 West I wentv-ei|{lith street. \\J ANTF.D?A SRCOND FLoOR. .1 TO S KOOMR, IN tt a private house, lor three adults, lor .iullt hous? kocplntf ; rent not t.> e.xee d K 0; below Korty-?eeoiid aireet. Ad lre.-is, witn particulars, 1- X*, box 1U8 Herald Uptown Branch otllce. AI/A.NT [> TO RENT?IN THK VK'IMrV (IF I'IKK tt street, bv a widow lady, a fro?n lto?>m and Bed room on secoii l floor, wi h soino private tamliy. Address A. U., box iSii Herald office. In tlio Country, II'ANTKD?A BMALL, S>,ATI/i FI7RNIflHED COT it tafte lu the oou try. for a got) Hem in and his wile ; rent must he low. Ac!flres< Z W., bux 141 Herald L p town Branch ufllco, Stating pnrtieuUrs. tlTANTBD?FURNISHED HOUtJii.a TO In ROOMS. tt not over one hour by water irom city, bathing and t'oaiing; must be healtuv local on ; suite price. Ac. Address Ua^UTa, Herald offlce. \\:anti:d?a I.AUOF. sized oompustely Fru tt nished modern Home, near New Vork, lor the sum mer, with imuuiiatc possession. Address Hith lltllest parilculars, stutltu urms, CAKEFl'lt, Herald Uptown Brant h odlce. IMMTi; trrTIOSlZ AT flli, ELEOAtir WR1TI o Foil BUSINESS.? Me srs. DOLU Alt, 1 Broadvsay, remove stifl ne?s. cramping or trembling in lu or SO special lessons, and make stylish, businesa penman, ihev also teach Bootkeepln.'piaolicallv. as uaea In Uis New York houses, caales have private rooms. Ooc'i day and evening, all summer. PAINK'3, S'i BOWRKY; UP TOWN, 1.S7S BROAD way.?Clie;ipest ari l best Instruction*; Bookkeeping, Arithmetic, all English; writing lessons, f.; inotito.r; toroerners a d t>aei? .ir4 persons privately advanced, l.adiss' department. iMAIMtliK ,>1A VI'KIjS. A OREA i REUUC 111?N IN l*ItIC'ft> OK M ARBLE V and Mnrbiei/e 1 Mantes all kinds o* Moor Tlllnn', Monuments. He id .--tone-, .-labs lor plumber, and emd net maters, now offered at s k1. iB K .v, co.'s -team >iarolc v< orks, Nos. tli to West rtlty-tlrst stiuet, near li.oadway. i T (i BE A TLY"RK DtJC fi D PKIOE-s. /V Au extensive sum* oi riit i atti Marble Maatili, Wash irays au.l >late Wora oi evfrtrde.* rtpuoiu PiiNRHY.S M.At'.. < .(Jti'sNY. Union square, Foartti aven to an I -eyeuti oica st. N. Y A TGREATl.Y RKDUCKD PBICRS?AN EXTENSIVE stock of >l?rblo an I Martrteiasd Man'eli and all other Marble Work* MarUt" lurniug tor ttie trade A. KLaBe.u, 1m huxt i.iifBteonth street, near luird aieuue. MNM IUE. A -SToRAO .?WhSf HIDE STOR VIiE WARE J\ . house-. 6>1, Sit, BJfl Hudson street, ";a Greenwich street and 10 Aiduiidnu suuare lor Furniture. IliitV'S. Baggage, Mirrors and o.her fa-nliv proprrtv, in sepa rate, c!?sed r<?om< of auv si*e ; lowest oi rate^; Msssst bie during business hours: most txtensive and re?iM>n*i tile e.-iaoiisiiiuent in t in busius-4 too is reivive t cktlier day or night. K. Ta<>.<au t. owner ami Mauag. olllco 19 < nud-on stre-1 (Abingdon sijuarei. a _ RaND CENTRAL TOR AO K WARKIfOVSKl iV . lor furniture, Be., JIJ ant *14 West I 'ortv sereatli street, corner i.roidwav ?-paclnn-s and w-ii vmiiatcd ro'.'tiu; extra in in^ -ni-nis oit?r>-1: lnspectt > i inr. ? I. ,M o t( <, \ \ A HKO.HKR. I*n>.u let <rs ^MPIRH STORAOE WAREIIOUMKB? FOR FURNI !i lure, i'lanos. Mirrors, Hagga^'e and M(roha:i li<i .i' low rate- in aeparste r. o.r?; .tie buihllng- are specially construe eJ wlm rr.'urU o satets trom fire and in;n os lower than any -iml ar e-taldlshinrr't expri 'sing b x in.' parking kikI slipping prom t r attended to. M. O KKILcY a G onu rs uud Matiagers, L^d, "J) au: :?j Hud.soa street. HABOKR'S WAR::IIOL'-!.S (MOnTn AYENT'R, Ttilne.fhlrd to fh.rty-fi urtn street Nin h asenuu. .VW West I hirty tourih street', the ol lest, lowest In rate. tnos. extrusive and thoroughly equipped esiab iishmeut ot the Cue m tue bust ess riterage f'tr Furnl lure. Ha.'gage, Uoo Uami v^an -. of ? if rv d' scriptiou m separsK closed coinpa tin .-nt*. Mght patrol receive fovds at all h iiirs. Insp- i tion invited. \TF.W sTOKAOK WAKE OUSKR Nf?S. 70) AKD.T.V In Eighth avenue und il7 and ^*9 Wes 1 orty s xtii Street.?Mtwest rates, umi ? i -ni.. ty mid best < n.-c MMl'i'H A sliiUI, Proprietors. STtiHAOir^Ft^R^TMrRNI TURK. AC. ?P a H I IKS WHO wouM liku to hare their goods stored in clean rooms, not destrove i by msShs. will do w.-ii to send h--iu to PICKIIARDl's Morehou-e, Uld West Tlurty-sevcuth Street lurtUture war ro itns. rpilE MEI ROPOLITAN P it IN11 v ?; t STAm.lSHMKN C 1 u at 214 Broadway, in the Herald Hint ling fi.uTniNii' * T EDWARD MILL U'-t W U KNOWN MTAB J\ 1 nil me u l 88 Mixta avenue, near >v ivrl?v place, ill.- utmost value pan! lor . a-l-od C othiug, Carpou, Ac , by i ililan ? n or lMrMM| <lr or.Mr?, Mitigr. At b RhIMV nkw e Lift Broadway. near Twenty-rlgnth atreet, ladle* a,id gcfitle men roc el ve the liighcM v.luc for cill ol) Wearing A|>mrel. C?ll or aiiJre**. Hro-tdw .*>- price* |>a.d. \T THE WrSTKBN AOBNT hTOK .^RFCiilVI.M j large order* to piircn.??i Wearimr *pp*rel. I a livs and gentlemen will bienec take particular notice there M to receive the ioliow>n* irleeii-ror Mlk Drc*ee?, |9 to $75 woollen. $: ?o$l"i;Coaw. ts to $?>; Pant*, *1 to tf<, * a 11 e ti*, Ac., by ctllin^ on or addre*?ln< Mr. or Mr*. KOSi MBEitO. 2*#7,h ev , two door* above We* N i ~t r rt.Af.0M miifif w! i.i. known estaS A liahmeut -U.SIxth avei.a*. corner of Korty-wxtU r reet great price* will he paid Tor lailie.v and aentl. nien'* ra?l- it Clothing. <*< ; wan ed tor me .~on;h#rn and He*tein mariieu; will pay tor l>re*?e* tront SI) to Milt CNlait to >*); Pant*. ?2 to $7. Addrc?* Mr. or ton.! U. Bio !?txi|? avenue. (CLOTHING ?H. UKR7., Bl BROADW AT. NEvR J Thirteenth street. ray? the taUheat pure* tor ladle*' and gentlemen's Wearing Ap^arei; note by mail will t>e promptly attended to. i'TiJi III IMMiir?i<tH AVKNUfc, NEAR Kol It Til a-reet. Ladle* ?nj gentlemen rereKe the hi.lie?t value for east ofl clotliltw. Ac. tall on or adJrea* Mr. or Mr*. Jf AlIIA>. nfROUMlLI AND RETAIL DKAt.KB' IB CLOTH? \? In? ar? mrtted to call at tlte MRruol'in.lrAM PkINTIN l FrfTA HL'sHMEN f. In the Uerald, to ol>Uln e*timate* on their prlnun/. wnich cau bi care tally done there at exceedingly iow* ASTROLOHl. A ?MMI". I.A BLANCH. THB ORRAT I'N RIVAl.l.I.D Htninese and Medical t'lairvuvant. No. IMU'iit Thirty-flr-t ?treet. third door w?*t ol ?d*,li a venae Attentioni-know tiiy Di ?TtN Y-coNsrt.T the wonderiutiv gifted Clairvoyant; give* luck, cniue* marriage. 159 Weet herty-limt atreet, t.ear Broadway. ASTROLOOKR-MOfF.^O* LtSTlR, ST!? PIXTfT avenue, send lor circular*. Add re at *11 letter* to '. oi 4.12. New Yoi X P?*t office / 1 Alii. AND MRS TUB GIPSY DOCTOR'.* wirR.? \J t'ouatilte I on love, business. tickneaa, loaaea. Ac. .'?attraction guaranteed. S14.1I1U1 avonue, near ibirly eighth wr*<t T?U ROPR AB CI. AI RV< iYANT-TKLLS" N AMF.H, MIOWH IJ llki-ue.?*e?, ciu-a* marriages; ;.4>e. to SI. No. 140 West Twenty-lll'th street. MMK COLLINS. A RELIABLE AND TBITSTWOB thy Clairvoyant, I7? Hlxth avenue, near Haven toentn .street. MMR. ROSA CIIALI.KNSFR TIIF. WOHI.D-RR veal* the dark niy?terie* ol vour life; curei all dU eauc* 478 Canal atreev i otisultatlun SI. AUVICR FRRF.-DR. AND M*IF. BOTT CAN HK < n-ultcd oonfloeulially it .Vi< 4; Wmi ntl> ?ira?l A? PR AND MMR ORINDLH CI'RR ALI.COM . plainta; 25 yeara^ practice. 12d Vle<t rwen;y-*i xtlisL ATTRNTIO t-DR. JACOB* (LATR O? PRUHSIA), conmil'ation tree, p, irate offlcc, 161 Hieerker street A?MME. RRSTKr.L, MIDWIFF. ?INCB IMd Ntt 1 ? ha?t Fifty second "Ireet, flr*t door Irom Firth 4 ?DR. ABD MMF. TAN BI HRIHK, No. IM BAHT J\? 1 wenty-eight!i *(rect near Third a-.enue. C1ONS0LT DB. Oil MMK. WR8T.-ALL COMPLAINTS ) ( tired; advice frea 43 Bteocaer *t . near Hromlway DR CIBft'M PBIVATi; Ot'FIOK RF.MOVRD Tt> IS Aruiiv nrtet, urar Uratid tetrrai lloteL VVHNITVKK. i TTKNriON.?PaiVATK FAMILY WIUj to si. . \ lively sell (or immediate ca>li ilieir entire House li Id H iir 11 i ure. <?? hhi-i hi of satlu damask arlor ftiill Clint 57 II. for #:?!; .Ilk. $ ISO; tuiir round lieeker A Bros. Pianotor o. !S50; elaborate rosewood and w ilnut Bedroom ot. Bedstead*. lre'??ii>K ra-es.'Is, Ac.. $7$. $15 >; simile Bureaus. line lialr una ?rr.ur M iitres-t-s; imtusti littit". Booucawili uesks, Kxten- on , able. Bullet. h?lr ? ill leather; silvrwnie; ? rep, piu.-1'i mill liain loili --nitv 4-j Pniutlnrr*. 11 r it'.rtkAn A SAeritlee. ii II rive -t<?? v brown stimn I private resident 11 No 47 West NHh st, I ct?i en i"/th awl j ?th avenue*. N H. -f urnltiir.'stored until May I. A -WEEKLY AMI MONI'HLV PAYMENT"! FO I i\. Furniture. Curnc < ant l!iddlii|{ at B. M. (>OW- i PKRTIIW vlT A t'O.'i. lift an I 157 t liat'iam street. An immense -toeanil lo.v nr. A UCTION ICO )M i, S? K A.i i THIIU'KE.NTlt STREET, J\ near University place ?Furniture, Carpets Moil*, lied luiu. Linen Sheets. Parlor -ua?, Bedroom Set* i.lass, Crockery an.1 MlverulaUjJ Ware, Pianos, 4c , at private. sale at auction prices. A LAROU ASSORI'M NT OF C \ BPETS, Fl KMTU RE ^'\ un I Bedding at lowest cash price*, at O'FaR r.KLl. (i extensive wareroom* till Eiguth avenue. be tween hlr.:?tli an! lhiriy-ilrst streets; pay me i ts toaen In wee kit* or monthly instatinflux. \ -TO PyKTI'IH ABOUT RUMA KINO CP nOfjHl J\ , Keeping ?Will nml a oarehaser lor every descrlii t'.i.ii of Household Furniture, Carpets, Ac., at JAMES (iHA II AM' 5, IU i Third avenue. A VERY II AS D80MK RICH I,V ('ARVBD MARBLE J\ top solid walnut Sideboard, with secret draw. ru. ci st $l.-i. I'nr $75; also an antique ebony in'uiu mosaic Table, very eleuant coat $224, lor J14U, At ,'S.!7 We at. Forty-eighth street. aM O'llNU To EUROl'K.?I WANT TO BUM. Mr Furniture. all hind made, solid walnut: a! .0 Coou liiK Ctetm.s and Crockery; it la a baruain. Call at lli? VVeit Forty-tilth street. AT |2i WiiST 2W> ST.. PRIVATE UKSIIH.Nl!K. ? I amllv will sell their ricli satin Suit* cost tMO, lor lirocatel -utti. iltK); rep ultn lor (iU; i u .room Miit, in walnut, tor 50cents on the .olliir; velvet Car pet. latiloi. i uflc. t hairs. Louuves, fine oil Pnlniiii/s, Mirror, Bronzes, ( hiuii anil Silver Ware; maitnillueiit Ntetnwaj A .son Plaiioturte, cost S9">(); also liriiumi toned Hradt urv I'lauoforte, $1IWO, tor 4/7 >. Htooi, Cover, M:t>ic ofnt. Itnx tor hippin.r s. H. ?It not sold at nriv ite sale will be Kisitivoly sulil at public auo (inn lo iiiulicit oi Ider. A r SMITH'S PAUl.o : BED DJiPOT, 41 F.ast TU1R it tcontli street?ClKaMat an I best r>oi1 in tlm oity, ior culi or on instalment; also I'arl. r .suit* cheap. A ?OVER SCO LOTS ELI'G * NT 110USEII(Ii D FUB j'\ ? niture. 3U cents on dellar; I nrlcr Sinn, lule?i .styles, $7'i, Hep $10; Heilrooiu Cnroets AOeen's 0'ir Viinl. i all. tieiorc puronas.ns elsewhere, at private j residence 21 East Twentieth street, near liroailwa . | A PRIVATE FAMILY LKAVINO CIIY WIl.I. s|f| I. ; mattnlfloent satin broeaile I'arior .suit, ens 4I7.'>. lor i SIT.'i; oil1'. Warle Antoinette m,vie. $'S; broi'a.c anil r p suits, foil nii'l $23; Ml lots parlor, chamber, dlnhnt Fur I rrnre, 18 Darix ti. a sa riflru. Kealdeucu 1U3 Wost 28th .street, uoitr butli avouuo, / URPBl'S, V7 Furniture, Bi lls, lie'Min : An. I'aymonis taltuii by the uei k or lauiith. lurtm easy. KBLl.V V CO.. ooruer of Twentv-flith slteet and Sisiii avenue. I^UKNITI RH FOR SALE?A II > F, INLAID Cabinet; also an elemnt inlaiil i en tie laole. In quire lor tjI.ADE, Hi Pearl street, fir^t floor. LlDBNITlTitB, ( ARPKTrt, BBfiniVfl, CHEAP FOR ? cash anil i>y weekly an 1 monthly payni 'n's. at Itnadail's old stand, iitrjnrid 211 lliiU.son street, corner ot Canal. Ooois taken on storage. i). E. CANNON. / 10ol> SKCOND IIAN'U A Nil MT ? FIT CAIil'ETS, \I l DKlwh Hruisels ilTree-ply an I nntrain ; also Mat tinKS and Oilcloths wry cheap, al the ulit p.aee, 11. Ful ton street side cn.ratue. / 1BOIU1E A. CLARK II. 747 Bi.OAi>W Af -REDtTCED ' prices lor superior Furniture, t ii.-pct*. Mirrors, ! Parlor Moils, Ac., n hi- popular system m monthly pay I mmits. Iious.'s ami apartment.-, turn shed io order. H AUGER'S W aKi IIOCSBH, EIGHTH AVIIN Un, ihii ly-thir'l to 1 nlrt.v nuirlh streets, SW Mntli avopao. offiee 390 Wen iiuriy-loiirlh street. The oldest. | lowe-,1 in ran', most extensive and ihoruuifbly etiuit'ped | 1 esiabllsiiments ot the hue lu the business; sioraiselor luruliiire, bnnitaee, no ?ils an 1 wares ct every deser.ptlon in separate oiosed euiiipRrtmeut-: night patrol re clve goods at all houra inspectlou invited. . HAItr* ,t CO. Jl ST OPKNlil) A SECOND HAND Kuril 11 lire ? tore ; will pav lull cash value tor ur niture. < .n ets, ii ildlutc Ac. Hall on oi address IIAR'IZ A Co., 271 Seventh a?euuo. corner 1'wenty'sixih street, Naw Vurs. MAUsIIK KNT PARLOR sntTS IN SATIN AN') silk; al-o fine Ho I room Furniture, see netloc in Auction euluiiiu this day. 13 East Fourteenth street, near i'e.mouicn's. OPFiOK FUR.MTUHB FOB SAI.F. A I' A BACRIFIOB, consisting nl tiii<- lila k wuluut I>es>c. ii loet long, wiihiiiavs top. muI itbl. ior n broker'#. Insurance or tad wn.v iifflw, or i<>r a coun.itw moos) also a variety nl' Ousts Chairs .uiil Olllee ? urnoure. Addross bUOK..11, box 411' I oit (illicit. New York. rpill. MhTROPOMTAN I'KINTINO KBTABLtSUMENT X is at zi^ Broadway, in the Herald Uulldmz. Tin: i.e.! ti ki. si: \si?N. A I.K< 'TURK KVKII* I'.VKNISO. A I 3 O'CLOCK Off ,\ nervous debility and ip?rltl diseases at Or. K \HN\s Mi .-enni. Reraoniber the address, *o tieirt Hr i?iiwnr. near tottrth sircet. the mrifaat and most nisgniilootit museum in ihr world. .kImi^-Ioii, .j)c. * 1,'CTl.RK l.V KV NIUI1T Aid O'CI.OUK ON' J\ Manhood, and the Cuuie ol lt^ Premature Ih? cl:ne," nt Hie >rw i orK Museum of Anatomy, t>I? Broad ? ay. between llousl >u an I Blcecter streets. / IIRCI'MIM, TICK :T-s PROO t\MMBS, POUTERi, \j Pamphlets itnd all (.thcr rrtnrln; lor Icctur^rs ant renter- doll'- It low ratiM. Iiy t'i ? MKfR >t*OI<irA.V I'himiim; j-isrABL.I.-itiMKKT,IM Hroilway, M. Y. "1)1 BldtJ T.M'TI BB FOR I.ADIR8 AND ORMTI E I men, ('ooper institute, Him ' (TuesdayI evemui, April 21 tuMTH O'OuRMAN, the escaped Nun. will (five her startliutt ami thrilling lec.uro oil "i.ouvout Lite and tlio Romish vhnol S\ stem." I in- will be o i.' of Hi ? n ,.-t Interesting and inelructitc lectures evei given Id New York, Ailitiissloti oiilv r?.i '-f tit~; rcacrv tl seats 75osnts. Tirkets tor sale a. ?*? Broadway and al iba ball on day of Me i UN. f1A!IOFORTK?, ORG&Vl, dfcC. A ? FOR RKMT, 1 FBI0111, SUIJAKK ANO tiKANO J\ . Pianos i>i our own naice; aim 'or sac, a lumvr omiih-r..l han i ri in-?. ii prior; orJer. Wll.l.lAM liNVBE AC '.. .to. Ill r Km u\ 'iu\ ibon Slstoe ua si * ?f'Un. ? IlKAL'TIFlll. BIW-WI) id PUXOFOI'.TK .\. tint S ool; piano# to rent; $? |>er tnmiili lust ,1 in-ill* ren iv.-d 1 oe>\ instruuir ul> r acred iti/ly low. liol.DSMi 111'-, -li WmllW street, near Bowery. IT SIFEDMANH OLD KKTABU8HRD WAiiK 'V rooms. .v> ttc t -i\c nIli sr.el?A line mock ul' Piano i r in u.i I oii",ipc!.t In lUe city. Cull and ?re before declitinff elsewhere ? R'?-( WO()l> PIASO, ???>( A 7*4 C'ARVKD LKOS 1\ pHl' nl nxralTe. lolly w..rr mled, almost new, aacri he?.. *-*??. Iukuii'i ? it? is >i iu r nt. B. I'ABI.i.. corner 6th sv. and 21(1 at. 4 rr.OSINO OUT : AI.K.-f, VROK AND 1 I.' OANT i\ at.-ck Plaiioi nt 11 a I f price order admin ixtrnirts; lulU v.arrantol and all the lato-i ir.iprovcniciit.t. BA U MOKI. l-..i i ATK. Bieecker street ? LADY Wri.I, KBLIj AT A SACRtflCK A I M' ;\ t,i i H rowK >o I rotan I c ,rncr l'l .nofortc, with lo?l and I'uver; con H ??? Call and ?*e at rt8 Varirk ? rcot A PRIVATK FAMII.T W!I,\ HKLL AT 110 WhST >\ lueiitv-ililril <inM, Mar Itttitnaiino an elegant M m?..j .1 Son I'laiioiorie, uaed 1 Utonihs; coit$1,<U>. ch"at>. Hri i tu' t' to-1 iiinr ronnil eorpercd Bradiiur? V1, octavo, l arred-lau1 st?d cm* co?t %') i). for 12Hi .itool. i i.vr r< l Mnric .staud: ali?i I'srior. inta in crinwit .aim, cosi 9H00, lor $-???. rrp'i^iiit. $5); tt> i room .-nit., lesa tb nt hal' con AOIt lMd< l'ari<et> lor Mkt. a Call at prl va'e residence i.')We -t iwentv-thlrj rnri-eb near 8i*tli avenue Piano i have Boxes lor shipiilng. ? pi F.ISVTAT A SONS' 1*1 ANOKOBTK?RVKRT IM .'\ provemest aresi barKtun lor caah a rcscwood t'iano. ron id c .iiwr? i ar?cd leu*, otilr IbUl. J. blDI'Lh IS Waierley pisci. near Broadway. ARKAt'Tim. I'ARIKD 110 KWOOD KKfRK O ? tare Plano!t?fte. round corncr-s oelebrated tuaker. nioilorn ImproreiDPBta, coat ? M, lot |1("> with stool. Cover. No. SO liasi J 'Hi kt. betwvrn ?Jd an<l3J am \ (lARVi.U 7 oOTAV K I'PBltilir PIANO, IN OUOil , V order, tor ?aie for also n haadr^me cabinet Or >erand rtmer >ewi ?* Macmue. new mr >70. No. 2U Wett Foity-ihird Strati. A OK^ AT BAROAIN.?T OCTAVK PI*NO. A|>L IM 1\ prow-nien K $14 '; 7 eb-p ?>ruan?. ; 7 atop, $'.?>; two ban*. S i-O: rem $:l to >7- I- v Amino i>? l< rc we re move. Pr.l'K A SON, It Uuiiton place tfclKhlli ?lroei>, Brf.i Iwuj. AI.AOY Wll.l. SKI.I. AT ?:? BKlRN OCTAVK ro-a^cod Pisnoiorte ; carv*d !? ??.< aad case; double tnouldiiiM; iron Iraroe aim It unl.otne Plimpton Bed stead, m >nird su-'-et. near Bowery. A I'ltlTATR FAM11 Y Wll.l. SKI,I. Tllhlll MAOM j\ licent ro*cwood Pla ioiori?; a ureal sacrifice brll* ita nt lone, patent airraO*. ^raml suuare ii ur round cor nera. riciilv carrcd le<s and case oc.sre; all uiod ern iinprnTetnABi*, neariv lu w; co?t fci.Jni lor >27J: toot, < ovi r Box lor enippmg; also rich I'arlor Chain l>' r, I'liuii/ ? i?r.ii?-ir. I':?iiit,t Ix. i irnei? a .aurlllvt. Baatdeuce 103 Weat BUh street, n< ii t th su nne. a PRIV ATK KaMII.Y WII I.HKU, THKIR KI.Kl.ANT Ic K. r A Brothers' Piiiiioforia at a sarnflo v?A brillianl toaeil 11, .i. tave r.cliiv carred, four rotmil roue wm|m| ca<e. iiih HitiMlTe oter.iriiiot l lano, having all im> prnvnim nbw J?ritite4l ?n r ntae bill oi *aie, c< siftTA lor f'i.VI; -lool ? Olci Ho* lor shipping. N. B ? I -ed onlv ] eiuli. moii'lis. Parue* itt saurch ot aflrstcls><i In.ira no nt w -ni l do we'l tocali nM eatniine. a|-o nr.or. l.lbrary. I'lisnilicran<t i inin^ Fiirnluire. in olsto-mt, at i ti'- i itrtIt i o.t. < .til at tl\e a:o|f broivn stone privilc reside ace ? I Meet lAta su, iHttw.>en ktb an i fit ii arenaea A BAROAIN.?7U OCTaVR ROf'wWOOn PIANO. JY lorte all modern Improremenis, iul!y warranto.1. at s eaci til -e lor catli; al o oou lor Sir.V > kVj M a -ON. ill ICS?t lwent? flrtt street nRtOKiHRfll ?TUSWAY-WF.W PIANOS; I.oW " rnnta: 7 octave mil ronn I i' .n->$i2S, rent $4; 6atop Pnaoe ursan. $'ft. Mnsic r.-tstied liUKOO.N A MN, 13 '.a?i Fourteenth street \fANI FACItRKIIS ot PIANOFOKTBS Wll.l. HMD IM It to their Interest to oftititi etliinsles iron Hie AN T INIImJ K>l iBi.l-IIW. Ml*. 2|"> Broadwsy, heioru bavin* their printing dom elsewhero. 1>l ANOFokTKj, 8CCOND II AND, COMPItlSlVO ur 11111-. sf|iiare? snd uprl?hls. In thoronxh order, lor mI" >t low pricos; al?o j'lmiofories to rent, oi out own m nil ti tact ii re. by Cll K'KKItlNO A SONS li l-nst i oartecnib street, lielwecti Br. ailway and Fifth avenue. TJKI.IABI R rPRIillIT PlAMOS. PsKD FROM ONE ll? fetmtn to < tie v?i.r. ami la every waj c.,ual to new. at^'.ii'y vriji bar??lti?, for rash. n.ioM I"IA.>0 Ft ill i u OoMrANV, No. * Isst Four tee ti Hi street ArFUY ("IF.AI' FIRST CI.A8H 7?< OC1HVK PIANO? Which was taaen lor debt dan be seen atRj-.NRY BKPB'H uin Dealer, Ml Pearl street, near Fulton. Call between I and 6 I' M. AIIOA FOR A HANIH >MK i'ARVKD -KkP NT1NK rose*oo l i or ., ve Plsnv, overstruiig, mli't n Irsine. iwset Alid powe im lone, at t.t Wee. t wenty tlghlb strret i.nar MuUi av- iiua. Aiffl/WKMKWTft. THBATItK OOMIUl/IjC 611 BHOADWA V. Mr. JOSH UAP.T ,-jc Proprietor first weak of Hip vrnndrriti! Japanese Arti.t. ElAU SA BiiO Mr ED. HAKRIfl AN's long promlnad r?iaic DratM, I'MWN Blii) \ l?W A V ; Or FROM ? EN I It A I. 1* \BK TO lit BATTERY. HARRIDAN ani> hart nnrt Company it >i>? ir in flip ii?-vr ill 1 original sk?t< lie*. In iliu Ur-'.tx* .'dr. Ilan. 'jn tnu instructed * couii-hii/ "I bo. a, TIIR MINI A 1 U KB SIXTY.NINP1I. Ml"! Kcty O'Noil U? the ...Colonel Mi ,?i In Wild. | Mr Win. < irter. Mr. I, irry Timid/, I Mr Wni. Urrrr Mr. < ha*. White, I Mi?s Nellie m. John, .Mis# ALICE BENNETT an<I the entire Couipanr In a new "oua MATINBK9 WFDNKtfUAY AND SATURDAY. r.TU AVEWUE ') THEATRE. Proprietor and M*na?or Mr. AUGUSTIN DAIjY. l.VEliY MOllTiH. Carriage* may be ordered for 10 :l). TTTTTT'I TV T T T r T T T F. KEEK 8 K E R l-.KK E V. V, HP, I'F.EE H O ttliit O II B (> it II O B II o II Bit U rrbbrb u oaauo ii b 11 a a 11 II 11 u H i: 11 Ii KBBBr.II II li H B I! O B B II it no II B II <1 li uiiBBBB ii aaaao BO O N N N O N N O N N N O N N N () N N N O N N N > N hN A A N NN ZZ/.Zi TKVTll Wl.P.K, Wh to 70i h Performance. Mr. Annrttn Datr'? Orca' Society Sensation. TUB HIT Of lijrs. HOUSES CROWDED ! I l.AUOHTKR INCESSANT I "BIO BONANZA' MATINEE SATURDAY AT I1AI.P I'AST (?K. C*H AVENUB THEATRK. BRYANT. ?) A -FECIAL MEMORIAL MATIN KB lor ttio fund m ai l ol the widow mil childrru oi thu lata world-wide favorite, w DAN BRYANT, I will lx> (jlven at the Filth Avenue Theatre amler distill ifaUliel patrniinffp. Admianlnn tlokcti. #1. reserved seal* extra / \LYM1'I0 THEATER, Mr. JOHN r. POOLE. BROADWAY. Manatror THE KA5J1M THEA1UE OF THE METROPOLIS. Mr. J AMES S. M A (? KIT I', Mr HAKKY HICK SKI)-. Mr. Sol. &MII II RU.sSEl.L, Ml A Lt' X. DAVIS, THK COMPANY. AMERICA. MATINEES WF.OJfB: Jlerr Karl link, Mr. KKNKsT IIYsK, j Mr OERAKD B V N K, I Mr. J0I1N II A KT, Mr HOB HART, Mr. t'HA> WOKL Y. | Mr. WM. i I KTRIUtl C, Mr JOHN OUBl'.N, Mr. WM vVK -T, | Mr. EiiH i n l HOMAS, Mr. (1 W. II OKlFFIN, Mr JOHN OILBEilT, Mr. 0. \Y. K III. Mr WM . ?'A III IjIj, Mr. JAMES VINCENT, Mr. E. I>. OOHDINO, Mr H. IH>LDm\> OKI II, Mi. J L. I.WIS and Iih troupe of EDUCATED 1HUJS. Mile. Ii SON A ARE, Mn? ANNIE MOH.AN, Mi.ii AI'DIE PA li WE LIS M si HI.I.IK WEST. Mlw? RaIDkP. O'NKIIi. MNn MAUIK CONNELLY. Mitt PttAKI. TH RNTON. I)A\ and SATURDAY at 'J o'clock. M BS. P. B. CONWAY' * BBOOKl.YN Til ti ATliK EVERY f.Yl.NlNO and SAt UHDaY MaHDER, tlir uri'ut idav. iiv N. liar, .'icli*on, i ItK 'I'ffil UKI'llANs. with r iwitof unequalled c;;ca!Ipnee. tniT,. HIMN'S PARK THF.ATBr BROOKLYN. ) and Wednesday nil aturday AtteruouoA. ANOMIhK Nl.'A .NOV LI.I Y TROUPE M> 7. tojrcther with the HOST <>! Bltll.l.lAMT" RRTAINFD. THK OKI:a.K>T 00 M It IS A I ION EVKB PKhHP.KTFO. 1)M!K TIlKATItlC, L BROADWAY AH0 TWKRTY flKCOHD 8TBBIT. A FEW III(IIITS MOKh tu c 'i?ei|ut-iice of increasing ?u< ? <"<?, MR. PKANK M\YO a* DAVY CKOCKRTT, in Mu.JocE'a Uaautlful i:? III i woman [L>itUM of the KOlV it. PASTORAU BI.BANOB V AUGUR, NI o 11T. N i u 11 r. SATIKDAY. SAIL .HAY. OltAND LXJKA MA I Willi. TAKE Pl.A R TO MORROW. \r-riti 21 at I o'rlock. at the Mini vVK.Nl'l 111 KA I KB. the occ i--! ii t^lnii till uaueiitof thu I'reaaurer, MB. JAMtJ W. M iiiUIS.Sl.Y. THK Bit: iiiX\S7,A, with the proaant OKEAf, together with the lan ou* .?< reeo *ceni innu the stUnOi. MIR .-OANHAI.. will b" no i*n : v ihd KNTIttE Fli'lB AVENUi. TIIKaIRE COMPANY MI. IP AIMP.P. will nppeur, tor the FIRS I TIV -. IN KNOM^H, In n nio*t EXVlUlsllK RhNDKRINO or tiONU AMI OaNOB. etititli il PP.BTTY Ad A PICTUKB. mi;s. jrlha siorr> will atvi the moat popular (election* from tha BoHiMl^N OIUL. To be followed br the charming y.mtig artiata. MISS Usa M VYK ?hu will pre^eut str*u*?' l**t opera. TtlE >'LhDfcKM.tO& MR. MAX MABRTZKIC wilt conclude with Hie fourth act ot tin- ever popular 0|"r*' Hi TRt IV A fOKK, which will b- present':! In FUI.I. tlosTCM! , ?tln PI.E UAHi MlKNOV Oil HI- OWN COMPANY ill a l(1l Hon u> ?:i.\i:A I'KBIj, Hunor UKLASDtNl and Mr. r. pru.t-.ofcu. A<l ?lieclon $1; Kenerreil ^eat*. fl Si i \\ PR ANCIoCt) Ml.NSTii L8. | BIRCH, IRxNClCO MIN3IKKI. .1 WAMBOI.Il * bAB FBANt I.SCO MI NSi i.KI.-C | B AC KIM. New opera Houm-, Brm iwat an l Twenty.ninth ? treat immanse auocaw of the Burl-aqua, hPKI.I.IN'O Ma it'll. ; I lie YoWtia Actor*, i Erary Bight. hPI I,UNO MATCH. I IbOUKlK YuU rt?s. j Hun Night. St. I.I.l.VI MATl'll. | MiIOOU | hrtTf NlfhL do t hear W \ Miioi.o ding "I.1TTI.K BO BIN, rKI.I. R1 IIV 111 COMIRQ," EVtliYTHIMO N W. Pi: KOI AMI) *PA t'.K. I NO. People Miyitiit ladders lo p<'< '< in thn window*. rinc?< M'Ciirnl, Ma Hire HA 11'It HA Y at I. SrKfNWAY IIAI.U-KRIUAT KV! SfMfl. BOII.KT lint HlIKi K's URA.S'U C iNCKKT, KBIDAT l%VBNINo, APUII. ?. AT a. The Programme will ino;nd? a ninn''?r of PART ?o o - and a f? ? W I Bit? antlgllMET (itiatrutnon t.,i iiy rob KB i om,t!i.t K. \< >CA I.ISTS ?M -<a ttentic. Mr^ w. S. Oliver, MH? Ktnch,* Hu^h, >ll*en Kuckwnok. Bt-cltett ntnl AtK n. BTKINO yl'A ". I K i ?Me*?r?. Brandt (Ttolml. mliwart* (vfc/tnl, Heruarr tnioncalHti. and Barrata (coal1***!**** itcki't-.Si Bemrvad *eata> fOcantaasura. Kor "i>l-' .it ilie l- ixoinca. Hteinway llall and Schirtner?'?, TOt Broadway. 4 CAIlBMY ok Ml SIC. A AD. NKUK.? HOi.l l \s COM 1'I.IMKNTARY BKNEI IT, TillCHHAY APHIIj X. OlllOPl.P. OIKim I.A, Comic opcr.i, tiv Lecocq. LIN A M vYK u? fltrollc Uirofla. Heati can be Mcurtd at tua ootofflci- ol tlio Oertnattia 1 iiaatra. iMirwirAi.. t SITI'ATION WAMHI-BV A P it KC KNTO P. OF i\ i nperlctiia, in a < in New \nrk itrnoKlyn or viclmtv. Add mm* illAIMMu OUUfCCil PUEOBN iok, box 2,1 3 Po? onlcc. I^ROORAMMKS, po IK?J PAMPHI.KTrt TICK' fr>-^ Oi?lni,>n* and alt anil* ol Prtntt'i? fur in t Heal conaervalorle* an I eniertalnin iiti ?re ftirniahi' l in the iii'i^t nloaant ?ivie attln- Mc.i'K 'I'UMtAN PlilNl' lBUK8rABMMllMj..<fr. Broadway mn.NOK.?A POSITION WANThH FROM M\\ I BY A 1 tenor ?i ^omi yofce and expertonoa In rarlou* Pr.>t cstaut acrrlcaa. AtMri;** HAiiBoAt, box iso Herald offlca. A( AOPiMim. . S\VHB'4 DAfCI.Vti AOABKMIRn.-CI.AMRB . V . at Mdsnnio Hall IH Ka*t l.'tth utri'Mt. Brernort Hall. i;H .Mth ilri'el rBIYArit l.i-.s-ojl.-' at ,.?? hour. CtltCiii.Alt at p;-ivAt? aaanaw* llj i>aat uui atreav. AWl'SKMRNT*. ACADEMY Of Ml/810. ITALIAN OPBR A. Musical Director MAX M ARM VVi'.ON HcUa Y KVENINO. April ll. at \ ER\*NI. diruiof Mile, u, moiiaLUI. 3lg?., TAOLIORfiKTBA. RAIN A. GRAND CHORUS AVI) ORCHESTRA. Admission. $1, Kc?-rv?d Seals, (1 extra; boxes and $i'l. family Circle, Ml i?nI-. oeats at academy, Nos. 7?1 and III P.roadway. M7 ALL tCK'A. ?? Proprietor and Vans cer. Mr. LKKTKR WALLACE TUi'.ciOAY A > .' W..DN SD.\Y tV.Ni.Nu.x APRIL .'0 A Nil i\. by general de?ire will be presented the roiuautlc drama ol the ROMANCE ol * POOR yon NO M \ N. Charactcra by Mr. II. ,i Montague. Mr John Gilbert, Mr .1. w. Carroll. Mr. J. B. folk. Mr. E M Holland, Mr. 0 I . Browne, Mr. I'. K. Edwin, Mr. J Peek, Mr. J. F. Joseph*. Miss vda Dya\ Mine. Ponlsi, Miss Lttiu (?eruion, Miss lone Burke ami Mabel Leonard. Mr. WaLLacr has ibe honor to announce A NKW A.N *> i M POUT.* NT REVIVAL, HOLCROil' ORRaI I I OITIMaTE COMEDY. Tilts KUAll TO RUIN, for _ Till RsDAY KVKNINO. APRIL 13. "lie play wilt have every advantage of east, scenery, and o.lier accessories, and will be illustrated by , MR. I!. J. MONTAOUK, wuo will make hu iir?t appearance in tlis character of II Altlil 1) )K>TON. , _ M K. JOHN lilLRHRT In hi* we!' known impersonation of OLD DORNTON. Mr II UiliY H KI' K IT. Mr. PLYMPTO.n Mr 1IOI* '*?'? *L M" "ROWNR. Miss JKKFlliJy 8 LKWI% Mine. I'OAbl, Mi? KA l'K BAR I LETT. and ot lurs. /^KaND OPERA IIOIME. last nTohts of the Quest '.pcciaelo ever produced In New Tork. ? A if M r.I). KSTIRE CHANOii Tills ffEKK. Miss AHAII RICIIM<iMi as tlie PRINCE NKW HALLRIS. LA MAN0IIA by Mile. MORLACCHI i mill mill -eencry, (iorit?oil* Costumes, New Music. C.'i'ri may cm ??r<lor(?<i at li?:id Uomntences at 8. OK AND MMl.VJ.h ATI* ill) A Y A J i O'CLOCK. I) AN URYANT'd J ESITMON1AL. A series ot entertainments un ler the rllreeMnn of the several New \or*. inaunitors will lie tfiveuannuitant! ouslv on tlin A!1' i hit NOON OF Til UR8DAV, APRIL 29, st the following i>Uc?i ol amusement Aca n my ol .Music, Walack . nentre, flitli vvciiue fiioaire, Union Square lliealro, Booth's Theatre, i.vcrutji theatre, Bryant's Minstrel Hall. hail Fr?IIClsni> M.uslrel flail. Par* Theatre, Kowerv, < 'I.) linn.i Theatre. Ttn>a re Comnitid, tliu pri/C. eds u| which are to be uevoted to ilic BENEFIT OF TUB WIDOW AND ORPHANS ol tne late I DAN i.RYaN t\ I and plaoi <1 In a tun I to in. he tl m trust by a Board ol Trustees ol wealthy, prominent cliueus. TICKETS OF ADM I SloN ONK DOLLAR. which will in. reeeiw I on ib?! occasion at any of ibe above uuir.eil pi iees. I'uesc tickets arc now on sale, ami It is to be ii oped I hat every aduilrer ami Irirua ol the l?'e sen ai iniii^tre , to wiiotn >in nppea tor .'haritv was never made in vain, will putc.iaso iheui to the extcuiot bis means. Due advertisement will be aiven ot the varied pro Bruiiniiis now ticioi; urrau^ed. I VOl I'M TIIK \TiiK?AlMe.K' I.AST NIUII IS. II To-nisht anil at a ?? |>ooial To-morrow Matinee. A-I> ALSO AI I H i-. I I'A SA I ( Kl).? Y MATiNRR COlKTll IV 111 K A NO I, AS I' Mil.IIS Of AlMi.h in -jientini li s now world tainous opera bonile, l.A JllLIK PaKFI LA JOi.lE rARrUMHUSB. I.A JOLIK P .KI'UMUU.SE, TIIK SPRIOUTI.lkSiT OF b KPINCd OPKKA BOUFFBS. AlMI'.E In her criminal rreation, R08K MICIION, AIMEK in her orisinai creation, l'.oSK ML:HON. AIMER In Iter original creation, ROSE MICIION, unanimously declared her boat character, produced wl'h ne? scitiury, i-oilum,.-. pioperties, ap POlntiu nt", perfect ni!se en scene the ca*i inoludimt .> IM'-.e, in li r original creation. i.O.sE MICtiON. Mile NAKDYaN, OANDON, CANTitHLl.K, SHUT VAN DEL.'. T, MM. KOLL' iZ. I?R UK IC vRKIOOTTI. ^ 1MKK SPECIAL MATIN KB fO-MOKUOVV. LYCbUM lUl.ATRK, to-morrow afternoon, at 1:10. SPECIAL WKDNESOA Y (and last but one) Matinee of AIM BE In LA J .LIE l'AHf IMfcUSK, produced with thr same atlentli n to cast and < onipleie tK'M) ul detail <.s at th ? eienlutf I erioriaaiin -. Admission 41; Reserved Seals, UK:, extra. TJV .1. \y. CAVfB 1,1., JR.. Al CTIONi.I.R -CAMP ii HI'.LI. A C >. sell ihisda.v. ? itnout re.^rife. at ln'i o'cIock, finite Household l urniturc. ti n, ial assortuu'ii; cont.iiiifc.t iu i*. side lie t .inn Uest I hirtiein s rect, corner Elithth vciiui'. walnut tiiiil c.olta;.e "odr.toin Kurniiuie, lturottui. Tallies, liodsteads. Chairs, Kookors, Loun r.-s. .-o: s Mirrors, i.naiavtnss .Mat treses, Red*. Pll ow.s. filsnke s . eddin/, C'Oton Sets, K inffes, Stuve % lirusseiK, other Carpel?. kitchen l urni turc. Ac Uoo Is removed ibis day. iiuyers uud deaiers specially invited. ? COLOSSAL O >NCRRTt A lllis. CKDM.Nl.NO MUSICAL EVENT Or TIIK J-KASONI B'.liNl MV UIPIM KOMK. TUK. OAY bVi..NI.n<J, April 20. grand Ti sriwuNiAi. roNCBitr to LINDA O.LBEKT. Till'. PRISON i KH FRIEND, tendered tier by a larxu upuiber of the leading cit.zcns ol New York. lhe i xecntiv* Comraittce rcsp 'c:tnlly announce that they have secured .ln'servi es ot die IoiIowiik Ol I I.MH'ISIIKD \KTI>Ts aND VOt A . OOlKil .S. Mr^ PHILIP D. Ot'l.AOKU Miss ANN A I'lt ihDII . Coiuralto: Mr. A. II HI'CiiOI'K, i.n .r Mr F. RKMMSIlTZ l<5s?, and Mr. - it. MILLS. Pianist, in conjunction with Till W V >RK I'KilU.ili) sOOIKTV THE Bi.O Kt.YN HAND I. AND UAV1? BOiTKTT an I THE ARIo.N SOCIETY. forming the Il l-T BRILLIANT AND I FFKCTIVR bo lv <?' vi?lce? wli>i-n lta? ner appeared tog< ther in tins clt. . suppoi ir 1 li. aii or lit str.i m tiff K I.UD.'.Kll MaslCIANS; while to ?i.surc t'i-? FinK ACOr TIC QUA' ITtl.8 of t?ie f!lp;>o lrnm? 'teinif propcriy available, ?B I M Ml Nse. I Oil II ,? I ItA l. AND i;i|n,4t|, Sf >OR has l.eeu erecti-d hi lull view oi the entire aadicuje, ca pable oi comaitiliiK m arly oNK l li /1 S a A D PERFORM ERS. Cl NDt'l Oil ...I r 1.1 DP..LI) DAMROSUU Among Ibe ?."nlttres ct the i i n ert a-c Beethoron's St: HI I y Clli'RAl. Fa N I A.MK, for soli I lauo So.o, Cliorus and lull Oreliestra, with a BATTLE IIVMN BY DR. DAMRO-H2H, writ'.en exprcsily lor this octaslon tit coinnicmoration ol TliE C MKNNIAL CHIEBRATION Ol TIIK Ma f TI.K OK I.KX i NO I UN, In eonnsction w.tli a proirrsmme of f. KXAMPI.hU EXC t.LKMCR RR.s RVRD SEA I II. ADMiSSloX SO CRST*. Th?v iniv be pari *is?ed at the box >illeo of the Hippo f.rome Madlscn tvenue: Tyson'. Windsor Hotel; Dit mii's. lonl'saod Milleti's music spire*, and at llulliuau's, III Mroadway. M KKK A Koi.KR*. Ai ui Ml' IT TO-M'illT, WI t H TOMf Pa.-Toit.-h TROtTPR. q'lii vKrKopui.irA.x mi,>rtN<i i.sTAHi,isiiMr.yr. 1 .'I' Broadway, liav. unMirpiMxnl lArlllile* i.<f d?nii >11 kntis of Priaiia,; with uuunu.u pronipiuc?> and it in ?te prices qillE ror .-HI KRS, 1 ACADhMt I>r MCMIC TO-NIGHT, hi iii tonv pastou1-; mnrPK. JKNMK MOKOAV. A> AO. MY OF Ml'-ll rO.KIOHT. With Iony Pa-tor'n ! n.npe. MfJIWo OKI'II A> H" VTAUT?.. ?*. Y II. TlHSINOTO*. I lhe t.'cin the ???*?*??.? I Km'., lii-hod with ?or trait* of Mwi' mu'i and Ui? uunrhirl an 1 with ?<??>m?-? trow the plat. Pri"i"'?rt'-?"1 i.v ?l? tiia iih.?i aoc c<!*?nl piccv of Hie dm I'rt .? f.*- Hoi. I br nil niuir <U-ftier?. Cupi'\> mailed. I'u.... a*d by ' ? Oll^o.f x CO 7il Broad war. B mvi ftr on ii % llot'sK. sni ituwMtV. COM, h.A i. I.V IP M I WHH foiilvl A KK AT, AI 111 mminl.R I O i) AI AI Hi u'll.inK. T>SY FABtoit, I ACaUIMY or MU.1C TO NiOHT, WITH MIS OKKaT THOIfE. rilKhlS AMI ill". Ti MPLK OF biANA. Two lerture* on the recent ili?COTerte? at K|>n*MM will bo 'Ii i" In- nri .tr hall oi the Cn.i|vr I'nl-? i on I'll L'l.AUA*. Aui il ti mil MAIi'KoiY. .pi ?! il, *t ? I'. *.. by M J litt F. Muni, i . K. 1. B v.. director oi the ci i*.hImi*. 11?? <ioOM Will t>.- open at 7:?) V M Ticket* for th ? tour*-. fl rwrve I Mll<. $t fit; CA i tip Ob' i:n?d m the i.iti e ?t the ' coper t.'ntoii an 1 mi th* ooii-'ore of f' * ?? ! letun A t ii.. tut and Ml Hroa twijr, ait I u. I', ruiuam's Ko'ii rwrtitT-lhir I 'tlrtet and fourth avenue. I he lei tine- will !><? lulljr illu? r iteU with ttic atcraop Ucon. \TKM< AN !? AOoXH, AC.vUKMV OF MrFtO TO-MUHT. Mir,i Ton* pamoh* IROUPP.. UOWKRY OPKKA H' t'HK 201 BtiWHIl. Notwitlintaii ltn? the r\irn auaction* ihe price* of i ailnnH'Hin will rem.i'.n .'V. anil |.*c ' rpw K NTV T'lllt I) OltAV ORti Vlf CONCi RT. 1 Church oi tin- llolv iriR'ir Malion atomic an.I I Fnru ?*00itd atfi-ot. t* e im ? a>. \prilSI, I *7S mil' M, OrkitiilitH- Vih .lowpliine I l., * e, "I li*n?,'n place Methoili-t church Hroklvn: hamuel r. Warren in the I crniiih oi On* Mil. irmiir. N?>w li urh. \o?aiiit, j A ill <1 till iWllli'.. Il Ail ||I<?|.IM nt*. BOWKRV OI KIM MO|T?K. .'Oi KoWKRY. en i. ii . LK'.-i Pari iiti Hlo.iil t and the \pierl can llrnnetio.4 <*i I aj'P *' in I ur hailats u.iil the Bur | les-i'if oi ih" HOtTKH* l>i 1 ii A I I II h M VIIM K I'll ? AFT .t.NOOS, t*t O'CLOCK. VJi'.'.uinMi. fkni Imt. an i hhoo;:mi> O fir.i m i a? imc ? i?i>Arrin? tau nt in on<? month; kuptrlor i r nc,i . Apparatus and Potuij < iiovct tor *tic. .^eml tor clri'iiiar* ( utfiuH MoNHfKRY. ir K It I'M,. At \UHMY OF Mt: 10 TO NTOUf wltli Ton* 1'a^tor'* fr, it re Bowkuy OPl'.RA HOt81', ?1 Bt'wery. t.'oKA KST' LMK' PAUISIAI". BAkUrftOVPt with 'heir ?tra n ni l beauty, delulitj both uld and yon n at th ' Watmaa to-dAy. at o'clmL rpit LATBslT M:w 1 KiNiunr V ALL IN T1IR KVRMlN i ThUWftAM. A.~ *niHitiKKm. ddddd O D A~A R ? A A '> D A A P 0 AAAAA D DA A OA A D D A A I BBBB UK Kit Y Y A NN >' ?? BYYAANN.. B 11 It RYY AANNN ? Bit It V Y A A N N N BBBB K Kit ft YT AAA A N N N ? ?? 8 * A ANNS B B K BY A A N N N *? BR BY A AN K N ^BBBB It kya ANNS OA AD TO TITR PUBLIC. Tiie ticket is?acd fir the ... ? , Bryant Belief Pund Benel lis* a likeness of the '.ate DVN BKYANT In th? centre sml ti the only ticket that will be receive at tlto ioilowiiw? Places o f A aul?ament:? Ac:^ >mrof Mu?lc I Park Theatre. Booth's I In utre, Olympic Theatre, Lyceum Tbcairc, ? Buvrery Opera House, g^erv Theatre. | Hail l-'raneiieo UiuslreU aafl Bryant i Minstrels, | iueatre Coinique. Wauaok's rUe^tra, I OS TUB DAT OP ink C.NITi.ll MATl.VF.R BFNEFIT. THURSDAY, APRIL 29. Wfl. the proprietor* ol the ab.ivo tinned theatre* hare r*. solved to duir jf the entire expense of tins ureal benefit. THE WIDOW A .VII ORPHANS RF.OEIVIMI TUKI'NTIKI' AMOUNT BKALi/.KD BY THE KKN <? kit. h?l"'\0 three nr w M081' PRoMI.\fcsi ANi. WKAl/rtlY CITiZiNA N?t N().\SK He. A RKAI, SIMON ITIT BKNBPIT KhMKVItPK 111K KAY. Ill v. Bh DAY Ai ThRNOON APRIL ?l L.KSTf.11 WALLACE., Esq., A. M. fALMHR, KiQ.,Uh';rma,L Thkodoks Moss. Esq., He?.?tarjr. Treasurer, lil >OWERY THEATRE. FOURTH AND I.AKT WXKK. A KOI/'K I) 1 !l K WOULD IN SO DAYS. Matineo every Saturday at IV o'clock, -ntnrday, Ben efit of-dwnij. Tliornc. Man jay. Pn! 2f., iirjt appear ance ofOeo. w. Thorn peon iw six mgutsonly, WOOD'? Mt'SSOX, WOOM EVENING, AT S, I AFTERNOON', AT J. 0L1\ hit DOl.D BY .'{ON | the Local ?"?ensatioP. DONALD0 McKay. I NV?S!'K UOoTU'S TIIKATRK. CAR?. In justice to the paying put.lie. It Is respectfully ask(4 that parties proposing to apply tor complimentary tiokets will kindly give consideration to the fact that the present is ihe Last XYKKK of HENRY V., and that tM number of opportunities to wltneas the fujeant sa limited. JAURKTT A PALMER l>ODlUd SSi^HOLSL ?*' i. k ;t wri- k LAST WKKK LAST WKI'.K I.AST WEEK OP TH ?; SH\KKS|?kaRIAN PAOHAKT. nrNRT f. B OOTir.S Till ATP.R. LAST WKKK. JaBKEPT A PaLMKB Lessees and Huuagen HENRY V. ??.Th,?.rI)n>,,"?t u t',l, "'??venth and po^ltlrely the LAST , I w 1 ' Nhskf^ariin PAKoaot, iui withJrawal at ilia height of a triumphant career bcinc ntce .-Hated 1>> an earlv n.nle (ami now iiiterveuint* CligaBomeat with Mis* NKlL;ON, whnse grand iiuoer si natiuii ol Hie iliarauU r of AMY ROBMAitJ' promisest* be oii? <il the iniitl attractive oflcrluirs of the present very suceessiu: >.cui.uu. last \vk: tc of mr. oeoroe kignold in Ills runoivued pari of TUl; YOUNO MONARCH The present en^aeeuient of Mr. RIQNOLD closes wl? luu vccok. LXIRV MATIN Kl. ON THURSDAY Iltf.UiNM AT 1:3a SATURDAY NEXT. pjSitiu ly r. \->T Mmini;I'. ?( HENRY V AND UK'iROE RIONOI.D. NF.XT MOXDAT. April 28 m:ilm>n will benln an engagement (positively comprising birt It rci'i'ewu utioiiii ? ith 11? ? r I'amntis interpretation ol tin cnaracti'i ol Sir Wall r cott'n heroin* AM* ItOBiA It I'. Trio enthralling '.lar ?ill i?e pr lure I wliti doe rezar? to detail, rbe a s viiuionl of p:irts is to tin* urn ant loweriu. (iraniuitr orgain.-jtioi o' lluntu'i Theatre, w'lilc t??c clioru4?j, *ccii?r) hii>I otlior nccoMporivi vitA bo marked t??- llaeir r*c?4 cnco and ?fTectivrncg?. . HM.h i K ( AI - NoW BEGUN. IUP M KIJX V " C%,'r?, d*V <r,"U 3 A< M" U HRNRT V. | a ? T WKt-K LAST WEEK OP MIt. HEOROE UIU.NOLD c'ho co r.i.T.i.l vale lor KHiNOi.D'o kakew'k L Ma IN fKs Till RsUa V an I SA TI'ltDAV. can he had at 1 v?on's Ticket Oliiceii. AViri<l.-or Hotel, iiitli Avouua Un ci and si. Ni -iioU'. rlotvl. Tic acts lor the fi.Ul.ilUN nioht3 can also be nr? Ciirwd. r JJ OOTII'S. extra. RIONOI.D EXTHk HEN l!Y V. MATSNKE, ?s EX I Til U HMD AY, AT 1:30. t-8fit< C!?n no* le secure I. /'E.'iM\Nlv 'i li I-. A IRK. FOURTf-RNTH rtTHERT 11 AD NKUEM oi Fp Dirtcioe iu;. II vY Anril 2.1. ?"?C106 Kirnms' I rillian; opera. I Mil .o UNA MAYR AS PA NT AT A. _ Be* omee ..pen daily Tom i M till 4 o'cIock. j^CADEMV OK MOiilU. HTII 8TR..KT. ON R NIOi T ONLY. TLESDAY. APRIL 20l TONY pastor wrrn nrs tbavri.mno OOUpanT. GRANDEST COMBINATION TFT. M- PAs OR won' ( rail particular at'enti.n to lh? fart I'mi 11. or*anl?lnt it i? Company, lie hiu 4i>t?ct?B the t>e?t Artl?t- l>olh In A in.' 11 a nn>l Kurope, anil no* of:---. the largest -ii.l lout ui-'iiejaUou ui thai e?. r ap| cm <1 tugaiiifr hi tue worldl Til K GAK.VHI.I.A BROTHERS. CU9 MILIUMS, ?FNP* \ND~ adovis. TDK KOY, THK KII I.DINtlS. .UMniU) AND Ml HOiX, MlHlS J nNY MoRGAX. HaHKY K I.liM'.I.Ii, MI- ri KM,A WK NHK, H<\NK i.IRaRI). M'KKl ami KOUKRB, I O.N V IN ?Ti>lt, wh < will i".?uvel> aoiu .ir in im latest and beat v?nfE POPULAR price*. General admUatuii. :> <?.. r .?*.?<?.I nenU. 75?; fatlary, IV, Roirs * . nM ?<: einslc -<? it* in ti >ic?, $1. sal* of ri .' i W- ' ?i iti i ' niDti'iirei MoNl'AT. 'pril II at 1 A. M at t'l" lot ufti ?<?. '.cii'lctuy ol Muslr, 111 Hroaitwar an-t .'H B: oailwav. C~Toi.nS8r.l-l / M A T IM K K AT I. K. Wariieu'a | IMS 111VI l,Y La>t wbhK I'ramattr Ri-citnl? j ni ] I ?ni- HV " ?minor uai.kttc ri Adini*?i<>ii. ; ooi.OSHhUM. KVKSIMl A I *. Kf.'hititwl I iiblnnL Illu mi ii :ita< Panorama. iM ,n imr'oqi i rr?. iiildmi, Im. \\ JtiWl.KY DPhBA IHll-'Sl SH HO.vkrt. S. A.V. \ - A AXU I'KUMS, In their l m ai. Irish ?kcf iaa? Br.* in A 11.s i' >i t \r ifi'ii^S, Ai Til. X A11N f. 1 DAY AT IK O'CLOCK. illU fTESXHR, !i ACAD I *Y or Ml'MTC T<'-JflniTT, with Tout Pastor'* rroroa. |)ORI.vftON II M L I'IIARLI'.S MAI KVO\ A 111R ^ ItXICOS. I. AST Mil T F.?. ry Klitbt Tlili 11. k. ai < MATIVKKH UMIVF DAY and ?aTL'K ? vY A.I ii.' * - ictl AV,. IV).; and TV*. THE 8CRNBKT AN* l.iit..rlcal e?i nuof Ireland lllB?(rat*.l. af .mpani'i i i the . iMiiie eitiaoili' en ii el "IlilSII III*. VRIH." ii?< rip live nfiifr, in?f ant it., u in tin: kmcrall 1-4* an i replete with national lis Ii little* ch ir?rur ?ii inaMUma, uance*. Ac. 15 t.NKOBD ' Vi' wit,.(iv I ACM - ttY Ol M1 -!'? T > VKinr, wit i Tony l'a<ir>r'a Tr^upa. OWKRt OPERA HOlTSE, ?n ROWKRY. O KA /.-I, I.I, . S 1-AUfSiA.N BVl.LKT, arc i>r notincfd ?-v c>?r. on* to he I? KKi CI Vi'HKI.* OK i.ltAi K AND BKAtiTT TDK rNIIKK TkOl I'K AIM'.OAK AT Til r. MATI.NNKt 1) M.AI? MOT All YAKllins A-.' Milh av . h. twe n I'womv ninth andTfUrtieth at*. V A RI I TY h N r It i A I > M ST. MAII.NKlS KATtlROAIA, DIoM MyiT|:tOAOl.T TO M<>HT M CONlL AI Til* r.oauii Th?atrR. Hi* rightaentli aptMntanoa Inula ceiehrateil impcraoiatton < itio sil\S*. s?o ?ii.i week oi i tiK?uom?ni- sun ling rnoia only. National acadbmt op dbaiov. twbktt _ thirl ?irwl MtJ Fourth .ivrnap. ?ilia InlMk (Irani Animal Lxi lou .?u ol I'niaUuKS, ttuw oik* tl?> and < T< nine. /1ARXKLI.A RRilTtlKR-!. It ai am *<? OK MTSTO TO. NI OUT, finm rt?njr Paator'a Troii|>e. 1 akk hkkry'8 ori n v not sk ea??t thirtt fl f.nrth alreet.-lhe :*raml wt* h < >l?can ^miiha TwotMiaila. Laiht'* iraa . Imr- U> nuiit Mh iiu e? Wi-d naviavN an i sa'ur hiya. Uetarv .1 chaira. *? otuut Miiimre a and \ at l? ij. OOWERT OPKU.V HOUSE, 3)1 B )WliRT. J> Itn. BOWKRY DUOHKM. ^ _ Tna moat alrih prurotint Biirlo-au.- prar prodBC?? In tlita tit/, I"- in/ ?' tbo Matln'H* at ii'cwbA. _ . (j1'* w,aca^ Trlkr op m arc r?WWf tfll h I*. W 9 t* ? Mlr?r#?