Newspaper Page Text
WITTATIONIS WANTD.U? FKXALEn. Cookk. ?&?-. O BA.T ?8Th IT.?AS FIRST OLAHS COOK: THOR ??? oaglity andaistandi all kinds of wct'i, soop?. vege table*; an excellent tinker; would <".o the coaria waali ?K two rears' reference from last place. CARMtNE ST.. ROOM II.?A YOUNG WOMAN at first elaas cook in a private family: In an ex aelleat baker, will do the coarse washing, the beat city ?rference. 1H7 WEBT M'ril HT., IN BUTCHER'S STORK -TWO I respeetable girls. sisters. together: one as first alas* cook , the other as laundres*. both are willing anJ obliging; do objection to tUo country; best city reler 63 1117 WEST MTU HT.-A FBOTHHT \NT WOMAN AS J" I cook, city or country; U a good washer and koncr; good reference. _ WKNT 19T11 HT.?A R'>Pf CI'A RLE YOUNG _ woman an cook; wool! be willing lo asrat with washing in a small private family; be?i city reler 110 m 200 211 r IfftftT 19TH ST BA^BMKN'T.?'TWO U1KL8. TO ,tlt) go foK<!th?'r: one a* cook; Ih willing to do the cojtrft* 'iViibiiiK the oth?/ ?nt luniiwriiwio an<! waurctia in a private fnmilv; no obie< to n to the country ; lour years' etiy reference Arou last place. li/? 1-.1SI S9TII sT.-A FIRST CLAM COOK, IN A I'M) private family golnir to ?nr conntry for the Mini ster months, iinderstw.ds her business; eity reierenee. WEST 28TH HT?A Y<>1 SO WOMAN AS Brut Ha** cook ; understands her business thor ?aghly, best city references. ?trr/t we-iT asTii st., second floor.-a re ft)'I spcctable woman (strong, active) as .ook; is *erv good coot; hssno objection to a suiall washing If ter permit*; excellent city reference. Addresa COOKs. )CQ van VTB ST.. FIRST H.OoR.?A Rhsl-Ki T X'f'7 able young girl as cook and to assist with the writing and ironing; city reference. _____ 'Mi'> WKST 27TII ST.. KIRSI FLOOR.? A RKSPKOT. ' ? ab.e v0uug H uman a? (roo 1 plain cook, wa?ln-r ana ironer In ? small private family ; good city refer ??e>-; no (injection to the country. west 2,Tii* tiT., two pair ok stairs -a respectable yoonit Ctrl to eook, wush and Iron a private family ; good cltv references from last place. EAST 401'H ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS cook, washer and ironer; best reference. Call tar two day A oio vaimc si - a m until n woman \s i ook ^l<) In a i.rivato family or boarding house where atw can have her daughter.' 13 years o.di city reference. ??11 for uvo days. OOJ WEST I6TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS good cook and to assist in the w.tilling and treiung in a small private family; best city reference. ni)7 EAST 46TH ST., ROOM 17.?A RESPECTABLE Zj? 4 voung L'irl to cook, wush and iron In a private fcunily : good city rtMrsMt. Call for two days. o?)/| WEST 1STH ST., BETWEEN 71H AND 8TII auOU avs.? A respectable Woman as fir. t class cook ; ?Dilerstands her business thoroughly. Call for two days. OOfl east 221. ST i'W I PROTESTAKT Oil 8 suOl' one as giod cook and to assist with washing; Ike other us lir*t class i haniherm.iid and seamstress; bo objection to ?he country ; best city reference. 9?)(j WB-I Jir> ST.-AS OO0D COOK IN A SMALL JJ'/t/ private family; best ciiy reference Irora last ?lace. 2r i 7th av.. to;- fi.oou. front.?a protss <11 tunt woman as cook in a private family or first ?la-? board iik hoiii-e . understand* cooking, breait hak ta? and pasiries thoroughly ; good city reference from laat employer. . 9rII AV. NF.AU 2VT1I ST.?A MIDUI.F Ai'.KD woman ?s rook a good baker; beat city reffer 2o8 21)0 firil AV.. BETWEEN 16TII AND I7TH STS.-A Pro estant woman as cook, washer an I ironer; ?Sly or couniry . is willing arid obliging , best re:ercrires. ?>1 C EAST S8TH ST.?AS f RsT CLASS COOK; ?>!?) nnd'-rsiiiiid- cooking In all its branches, meats ?Bups; can bone and lard: both Kuallsll uiid Trench ?ish*-i, creams and jellies ol all kinds: is a first i-iasi fas ry cook: is??t'.<tile of taking a man's place; eittur yablie or prhaie; beat city reference. 09(1 Sl> AV. NEAR 25TI1 ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN as goo?l cook, washer and ironer; best cllj rtf ?re nee. 90|i 1ST AV., BETWEEN I'JI II AND WTH hts.-AS flr^t <-l*nsi?ook In a I ardiug house, or would do Jpneral housework In a .-mail family. Appiy lor two ??U EAST f'r- ?* RTSPBCl 111 TOCNO ?>?'T w ioihii ?? good Ci?ok in a private famiiv n ob laviiou to Hie eouoiry lor the suuiuii r; uiid-rstands the ?are of milk a: d uut'sr. OA1 KA?1 s:i? ST.?A RUFBCTAIU OIBI is Oil cook, e asfier and iron?r 'ir to do general house, work in a sinali lamliy ; tiest city relerence. 314 34 - - iters'and* all kin isof m ntf souix gauic, ; is an experian ed baker; best reference. r. pa-t ?">ni st, first ft.mor-two ?:r 9| table girls one as flrst'"ass c<sik. the otiier ??ehambei'.rai.'and van.* s w, I do 'In- w?-;uug t? ??e?n then : <11 r - Call ir addr< M oru WES I r II sr.. beiw II v sr ii and '..rii ?/'fi' av*.?A respectable girl as cook wasusr as><l ironer. go- d ci y reference. ? 7 WKsT JOTH st PRESENT tMPLOYl R s _ )| Two Ctrl* to live to :ether: one as c k. washer ?a<l Ironer: the other a* ctiamlsrinsi l and waitress A "1 ?> 8TH AV IN THE DENTIST'S.?A SCOTCH ? I'J Protestant is good nam cook; can do ?J' kinds nf American r .oking;go?4 br art maker; will tag to as-ist with the washing and go a short distance In fee country. a 17 iam ami ,-r-A utrtcTAiu rouira ill *lrl as plain ?? her an.l Ironer in a pri vate family no objection to the Country, tall or ad ?rvis for two dai ?. 4 AH WEST 19TH ST.-A R " - PE< T A B i. J' VOt'NG r"' woniao as good cook, wa-her and irooer . good +tj rei? ranee. f*on ?TII AV. rtlIRK BELL?A RESPECTABLE \JO?/ yrting woman a? Ornt cUss rook . im.i'r?iai.ds taking; will be loniid reliable best city re 1 creacea W17 7rn AV. BETWEEN 48ril AND MTH ST8.-A I I I r?sr,ectable won,an as firs! i'las? C.e.k; under ?lands all k'ntf? of family co king tioth fren?h and English : also solids. in*' its pastry andrr>amsof ?II kinds ; is an e*. s l?-n? Psscr : willing f< take the en tire etiargs of Hi* kltcUen ifrc<tnired. ui'der-i.tnds mar #?*??. last employer can be ?e> n. 1 an fn. scan lor two Baja _ ?U(1 20 AV.. BETWEEN ?0 AND 4.11' <T- \ I Os7 flrst i-la*? Cook . under* and* all kiuds of cook ing excellent baser, vtsshei and ironer; good cllv ref erence I 3D AV BRfWEPN ?2D AND Kill fITh.. IN J.'/tJ-/ the baksry ?a tru*tw?rtnv young woman aagood plain cook; is a good wasliit auU iroucr; city Mtarence. (hamiirrm?ld>i, Am-. 8!) WEPT srri! ST (rBKSRNT P*PU)TRR'?'-A Pr..i"'4D' girl to d<> rharot>?rwork and waiting, or mt^-rwork ???<] pUin ing. > all from 9 to 1 WIMV v. ? -r-A TOriroOIBI. km CWAMBBB mat.t ml wa.trea* in * -mail family, (food refer 60 20* 229 ? ?RKFN WICH A V. ?A KFSPP.t'T * lil.fc VOl JUi girl to <1 chamtxrw rk and wai'iiw, or would m? t?ner*' V.iwa r !>?-t < in i. . c nr 3fl AV -A YOIKU WOMAN as I'HaWRKR t/'f maid and laundre.-.-: no < hi-' ti<m to cook'ng; ?m year? reference from ' ? r la-' pin ?? Hill KAST It I ST ST, > 1- AR ?rH At.-A Tdi ?rt J'mI ulrl. nnt Ions In ih> ? onatry, l<> i|? rhambrr< work and or Ktuc al bonaewur*. lu a um'ljr ; li wiling and obllgm;. Ill WK-T M ? RT ? t I.A C ||\t||!i.k. J I I mai l and waitrr.i teat <>l city reference. -|-|?? WKUT SOiH (IT.?TWO l?IRI.J TOTiKTHKR. IN II ? a privat< larding hon one a? a ilr ? . na ?hauiberoaltl, the other a* waltreaa, go M atj refer 1 i)*i ptm ftt? ski .'or d ri/toK-i nr. I ??' ?l>-' table kiiiiij zIr .aid and waif v*w. no objeciion to a?-i?t wild itic ?ualilrig; ti??t city wmw. 1??LJ VUT urn ST.. RKMl-A Pf.-I'KI TAHI.:. J *aO girl a? rhamtfrmalJ and to a--Wt in f.r;< w??li tag, prim)* hoarding hou?e preferred. 1a|| VUT I9TII ST.-A YOI SU f.lRI, AH CHAM ? > I bvrmni I ami to a -?i?t w lib llie waiting: no i*c ?o n to * orivate hoarding how l*?t < ilv fei-renee 7T?I AT., f'OKNRR l?1ll rr.-A KKSRF<T. J???) ?h'e Tunc irlrl to doeliam'ieranrk and wailing, ?r efiainbemurk in a private family; good tily reier MR. lf'l yrpni "*1 A RhSlkrTAHI.R lilRf. M J'H <To chaiul?*r work or litrtit Imuwwork ; a home ?or? an object than ivagei, be?' ?!1y rel nni-e. *)(\P WKST Z7TH HT, 7W> fllBl J-TAlRS, ?il') front.? A re?pectaN? young girl lo do chamber work aim waiting,-. a private fnnrtlv. willing iu i?>-i?i wuli wanliing and iroolnf; good < itv referem e ? P. AS r *ril HT KKAR. ROOM 6 ?A Rl SPKi T ? a We Kiri a? i liamN r-nald an I waitress in a pri vate lamlU ??Lr-lerei. ? l'a f.r twudati (>i" wk-i ihth st rrR-t ri.ooR, rvr X>l?/ roomf ?A re?{^ <? * young *irl aaehaail?i ?laid and waitrena ?.r ua cliambermaid and lo do ae w lag. be?teity reference. 9?l.4 WKST 77T1'. ST.. Ri TWr.KS 7TH \ N f> "Til ami i" third loot l>ae, \ r< <pe< ij?bie von g yirl a? cbatnliermaid auu wamcM, referenda. < all lor aat 'lay *i*>u tint MtH rr.-A mrn r?m,e rocno +-*?*' ?irl io do < tinmi? rwork an.) waillnu willing to ?aawt witb wnalnng and Iroiimu it ruy reiert li r fcA*r vrru st ?a r ^pi.ctari,k oiri, as _ ? .air,,. ?i.<- I ? > i r. ? g'.'Kl e.|?r r> i< r 'e nt ' '| '.l.'i 111' I . r 111,1| I , :1 2?lMAST MTH ST. BKTWgKN 111 AN fill) AVS ? ? * re.i.e. tab e voting itirl to do rhamWwnrli ?ltd flu# ???liinf and .rolling. be?t elty rolerence Ring Mli' Intirth l<eli. 23o ~ i; AST 'ITII -T.. THfRO I I.oor. RAt 1. ROOM I A ? rr ,. " ' ? - - > , ? i . ? | ; ?? ftue w*?ltiP'.' an I te??f|if i' ? I 1 (, i ,.r,a Mali nr.ra e 'amity; goo I < l?v reference. Mould go a Aortd ?tan''e In the coaatry It reqiiireii. <??? - Al-r 24TII Si -A RKftrMTTAMt.K TOI ?0 Xt*'') girl a? ehaintierinaid and ?eanntre<? rood ?D rator : neat band newer; no objection to taki inre ot eln! 'reii or to (be t ounury ; bratclu leleienee. O'Jwt WMUT 20TII ST. ROOM P. ? A HR.?PK.l'TARI.R . ouii'f girl as chambermaid arid wai'reea In a frivaf" lainily or a? ladv'a moid; no objection to the eouiurj i fieat eity raierenoo Qilfl WRIT SSI) KT.-A RK-rE? TABI.K Tot NO ^?)?J (fin dochamfierwork and waitmir in a prtmte hiiiiily good ' Ity rei< rence; en* or Country. WTl'ATIOHH W*WKI?- FKMAI.KS. ( hambrruialili, Ac. t)J "I EAST TSTH RT? RECOKO FMOOK. BACK mtI room.?a respectable yonug girl as chamber maid and waitress; best city retereuce. (1 \ i) WK8T 16TU ST.-a 11' SPEt'TABME PROTES ? I ? tant (rtrl <l- chambermaid anil to wait on an elderly laoy aud make herself itc tie rally usciul, uood hi iiou to lcaT? the city, best reference. *?E8T 17TH ST.-A COUP TKNT C.IUM AS ^OvF chambermaid and waitress, boat city reference. 4>ri 71 H AV -A 111> V lilliM AN t 'IIAMIIKRMAII) anil wtltreM, or to do general Housework hi a tuiall faintly; bem city reference. t|?)A MAST 2srn ST., -F.COM> I MOOR. FRONT.?A ? German Protectant uirl a? chamburui.ild ; will lug to assist In washing and iroiiinii or to tase cure of growing children: i;o ob- etton to ihe country; three years city relarenc*. Call or address _______ ?4*41 WhST 44TH ST.-A RBhMCTABI.E VOl NO ? lOx girl to do cbarrDerwoik and wailing. QOC WEST 40TM ST., FIRST FMOOR.?A VOl NO ? >???) girl, lately from the old eounlrv, who has lived in lespecablc English families, lo do chamber*ork aud watting. oil" HA?T 81 sT ST?A RMSPKCIABME VOL'NO 0*r?) jrirl a? chambermaid and nurse; willing and obliging: city or country ; city refereii-e. O 4 /? WI ST S9TH ST -A PUOTI STANT GIRM FROM O i") the north of iielaud at chambermaid and WtilWM, ?J71 IS* AT.?A RESPECTABLE VOUNG GISI as Oil ih'ttiheria ud and waitress: best city re erence in.m last place. Can b9 seen lor Uu days. 4Cff HTU A v.. SHAH ISO ST.-A B EXPECTABLE ?/?' (.irl a*chambermaid and waitress: no objection tt Mrtrl i" 1K" " - Call lor two days. gQft WEST 87TH ST.?A YOUNO OIRL as cm am. ?)_! " be r maid ; no oNeotion to light housework or to go a short dUiauce in the country. 60{ 3D AV. vl'A n O Y BTORE).?A RMKPEt TABLE 0*T l'rot> irlrl as chambermaid or waitress, or would go a* chambermaid and waitress In a small pri vate family; two years' bent reference from Inst place; would like to go up the Hudson lor the rummer. 7k;,'r so av , BETWEEN 4STB AMD 4tiTH st.-.-a I ?'J respe-uhU young sirl us chambermaid and ? altress or to take tal c ol children, beat city refer ences. I?ie??nis?J*ci"N and Seam?lieii?rii. /?Q WEST 44TH ST.-A TOI'NO OIUM AS REAM ')?" strem. understands dressmaking ; can do all kinds of family tewing on V> heeler A Wilson machine ; no ob jection to assist with the chamhc;-worfc; city relorence. ? >??< EAST SOT 11 ST.-A BBOPBO r sHMF. TOUNO Our girl as dressmaker by the week or month. Can be seen for two daya. OJQ WEST 47FH ST.?A YOUNG MADY A.S riEAM Ot?/ stress or lady's maid. Call betweon th bourn of 11 and 3. 7'J7 6TH AV.. NORTHEAST CORNKB.?A COM I Ol peunt dressmaker. wlio cuts aud trims in all the latest stales, would engage lor (I 90 per day; can uae several machines 1 *>/{1 BROADWAY?A FIXST CM ASS DRi:S-< 1 .i-U 1 maker who has IacI'1 positions 15 years in the leading establishments 01 Furope, au efficient cutter, fitter an.l designer. ue?ire? a similar position, or to go to families or in-ike the moat tashiouablu dresses at home ; prices from $s, culling and baiting done , city refer ence. Audreys. 1 (v7H 30 AV?A POSITION AS : KAMvlRESS IN I ??/I'' tamiies; will lie recommended; under stands rutting and fltt'iig children t dream t. Call on or address M. MCKl'liV. General lloutnrorli. &c. |(l TKIO.V COURT (CNI VERtlTY PMACK), BK 1" tween 12th i-ts-A young iriri to l( - n eral housework, no objections to tbe country lor the summer. Oil 4TH AV?A KUSPMCIABMM WOMAN TO DO O^l genera! hon-^'work iu a private latnily; best cily reference I Of k WEST IBTM ST.?A HRSPECTABME YOUNG LOU girl to do general houiework; l>e?t city refer ence. OflQ 3D AT NKaB ISTII ST., IN book STORE.? iUO A respectable girl to do general hoUK'' or up stairs work in 1 private tauulj : willing and obliging; nu objection to the country. 11/10 bast wn ft. bktw?bnso a?o? ate? LUu a respectable voting woman to do lit;ht house work. rooking, washing sod ironing Pest rettrenee. (1[C WEjT Z7TH ST.. TOP FMOOH.?A RMSPMCTA ?, 't> ) ble roun; pirl to do genera, house worn in a private family ; is a llrst clas- wasucrand iroto-r, best city reiereuce. W*ST?T? ST.. EEAB.-A BESPECTAELE ^ tO girl In a -mall private fatnilv to do vetu-rat lious." work : is a g id plain cook; Orst clasa naaher and ironer. city reference. <i] - east WTH ST?a COXPETBET ? ) I > 1 woman. Iat> lv lauded to do hotiw work : willing and obltgin. no obje.iion to the country lor the sum inc. Cat. tor iwodays. ring the bell. J.^7 WE.VT ISTII ST.?A RE PECTABME YOfN'O t ? I girt to do general house wort in a resjicetable private lamlly; good eliy reference ||U EA I ISTII ST-A RKSPKCTAKMF OirtM AS TlO general hou eworker in a Kmall tninity, or irottld do plain rot.vine und aasist iu wasnlng auu iron ing best reference. 4 or mast irrii st.-a t.mspk tabmm woman ??l?/ to do general housevsora iu .1 small private family, where they i an do with one servant: Is tDrst elass washer and ironer aud a ptuiu coo* , cltj refvr euccs. No letters answered. Uf ANTKU?A SITUATION. BY A *OUNG OEBlAK girl to do light hous work, brook.yn preierrcd. AdJrers B M , box iif. uerald office. Ilnotrkrrprri, Af, n," BLF.ECKKR ST., FRONT BAeRMENT.?A ?) voting lad\ mat eome to the i'liy. a* tiou.aek.?ej er; widower'* lamity preferred. ? nil tw-Jav and evening. Mia* DANFOBt H rnt) WF..-T 4-th sr.?a Tor^ii-t ady. from thk ^ I _ *m. at lioimkrmr \y a wMower * lamiiy ; uo obietiiuu to tue country. O?4ioa Mir* hl?W iiluA liBu ndirnirt. tW. I |i' MACDOCOAL BT., B' TWKKN B!,? BCBBR lit) and /mity *t? - A flr?t cia*a lanndrc** aollclt* warning and ironing to do al tier own hou?e: all clotliea returned promptly; Hcciai pain* U?k<u with gentle men* eloihea. 1 rxl) 7'It AV? CORNKR IDTfl ST.. FIRST FLOOR.? i')? A reapt i table ?oinan an ex? client lauadrea* and chambermaid; go*> I ctty reference*. *mo bant ud kt? a n::?PKcrabi.k woman ?!'?) *:-Bi*t cla*? lant drea* in a private family: no OiT<unili fiuiug, pleating and polishing, btut city ref erence. (?j\C WKsT MTII ST.. KBAB 71 II AV.?A RESPhCT ? "?I utile girl ??excellent lauodre**; cityorcouo try; two years city reference. i)t"i WE.^T S2D ST.. TOP FLOOR HA< K ROOM? ,?!(?? a young woman to do a few genticmcn* or I?i)ih>' naabmg, best eltj refarenca. Call or adar<.?* for two day* Q1 4 KAST 5!>TH sr., BBTWBBM 1ST AND 2D A VS., 01?J third pair ot ataira, front room. ?A resectable woman io do the waOung and Ironing ot ladle* and gentlemen, or would do warning by the dozen or month : nnderatanda Preu< li fluting. putting and po lah ing tn superior Plyle : chlllren'a clothe* done up in tna neatest manner, flannel* wa?bcl the name m new beat reference li r< mine.I. tail on or addreaa, all the week. Mr*. McCOBtfACK. ?)|W KA-T ??IH ST."?A It S SPM*rA BLK W OM AN ? ) I 1 want* waabing . |? a firat c'aas wa<her and Irotier and mm ler?tand< and puffing ol all kind* either hv It md or machiuc; bc*i city reference, i an titwen tor two da>?. ?JOi* FAST ?TII ST.. THIRD FLOOR, FRONT ? ? ?room -Two roing girl. jO' ** h?a<< laundrea* and on* a* flr*t elate irnner four v< ?r? relerence from laai place eiiy or country ho el. Call lor two day*. QUA BART SO BT BIOOXD PXOOR, rtOXT.-i ?>*?''reapei tabi* young woman wi?ha* family, ladic*' or gentlemen ? wa mug. or lo go o<i< by the day; ti an excellent lautnl re?*; good r< fi r> nee. ?)?>] FAST wru ST. FIRST FLOOR. RACK.?A ? >?>1 wid. ? woman de*tre? wa? ami ironing .at her own hou*e, or liotif cleaning hy the day I ?>7 P. AST I4TH BT., ROOM 12.-AM KXPLRI I ? I I enred woman wi?hr, ? tew taml'le- or gentla men ? Waabing: b?*f reference. 1 1(1 BT.?A RF^KCTAHLI? WOMAN t 'i * " wiahet f? go oat by tka Of to -Jo n aahiria and ironing or lnju'Jerleatiin? reference. -.?? wfst .writ bt. ? a riK?r class f f.rmak ? )?-.! lann4rM* wi*h?? more ladle.' (Jr geuikinrn a fine washing at tier own hotiae > an flute. t' I r 9TII AV ?AS FIRsr CLASS LAf'NDRF.KS Iff 'II') a prirat fa mil; . lour >< :ira relereace Iroiu her U?t plA. e. L'OR FAMII.T OR lifi.BM A ^ s WN>HIN(J CALL r a: f'Jt fcaM Jlih (t. !tarar>, Ae< Q WB-T IfTII ST. fPREBKNT I.Mri.OY.* K ?">.-AN t^ Ainerl<an young woman (Proteg ant) w > blld'a niir* and ?e?m'ir?? would travel; ha? lived .n the beat lain inea, good reference. Ca.l or addreaa. |u hA.1T :-4tn ST.. BKTWKBK .'.Til AND MADISON JO ?*??.?A lady wl?h*a f? procure a allnatlon for a nwe reilaijie tai'hiui Froieaiant woman a* nnraeiaba la fully comyetcnt to take the entire charge of an Iniant lioni It* birth; long ejpertanca in nuraiug, ver\ (??<? nM refereiK i a auTliiyhljr rvcouimended. < all lor two day. ___________________ I lie URTMtir,- * LA0Y fttRII TO OBf A I ? ?) place for a Swedish *ouian a* nurte an I teaiu MM -1(H) IOTH AT.. XBAR J3D BT.. THIRD FLOOR ?A |?'?l neat Oerman y.ung girl of rcapei fable parent a--', to attend one or two giotting isttiMrcui ap'Bk* f.ngii-ii fall or ?<l>)rcsa fltlil I A-T MTII BT BI.TWi F.N 10 AVDSD AVS. ? ? ?? A re..p?ctibte young fiealthv marrlc I !??< wet a.irae in a pi lv ite fnrnily; haliv four month* old. Ring the aacon I hell- Call for two day*. ?>IV"7 F AST 41TII ST.?A RBSPKCTABLh M AR I tin woman, who h<?? no Children, to take cliarfcc of a tiaiiy at her own l> <me. t;ail and lie aati< fled %\tl WF.sT Hit;I ST.?A Tot"NO orRL AX CHlIe ? I I'I dren * n u rat i> willing and obliging . good city reference, Wv'"r v',r" '?r-A BFSFF.f TABLE TOCNO *>? ) 1 marrle 1 woman aa wet tiur?e. 41 ?J *'fff AV , IN DKNTIhT'S-a F R O 1 P ? IA N T lag woman aa nnrae ar.l sniagrn can do all kind* of Mwing by hand ; w.iu^l i ke tno entire . niirge of* baby, o*ti bring it up 11.1111 it* btrili; ? vuutn i rt i nrre !, mu> r?ui?ia?. ftlTCATlOftft \%" W I'KII?rKMAI.KI. dtc. A 1J EAST 15TH FT-A TOl'NO GIRE A5 NCRSB Tin ?i>il chambermaid; willing and obliging. kind to children. A r,|| V?R"T MITH sr. IN STORK -A RKSI'KCTA T:i J't ble kirI a* nurse; In willing to >l<> ehainb r? or* i is a good plaiu sewer: can embroider; good city reler 5 "ce* eu1 3D AT.?A TOCKG OIRI. IS \ I'll B( CAM I") ?/Ol plain-. or assist In the chawberwork il required; no objection to go to the . lor tho sum ni' r lour ytiij reference iroiti her last place. l all or address. U'altroMcii, ?&?. nl wi:st v,! ? sr. ?a r p f.ct ab r e yoi so o i n l I osHi?t class waive:*, anil would asnst ill the chainberwork , l>cl city reference. Miki'cllaiirou^ O j A Hl'DsON ST.?AN AMKRH AN WOMAN" TO ?> i " do cleaning, to work m a shop or boarding hOtlt*. It. WITHERS. IADY'S MAID.?"Kltl'ECTLY I'NDiCRSTANDS HER J business in ever? respcct; would like to frav-1 to Europe wlili n lailv is a first ra e sailer noil under stand* travelling : is a Protestant Address M. <>., lady's maid. Herald t'ptowu branch office. I^KOKESHIOM Al? KIT t'ATit litis V* AMTKI1? t K *111R8. XV ANTED?BY V NKW KNiil.AXD WOMAN AN' OP ii portunltr to go abroad ?? En-'lish teacher in a family or coinp;.iron tn an luvaiid; good rolercncc Ad dress S. li. B., 44 West Will ?U A 1\. of IIEi.P W AS'i'KD?KKMAI.KH. KORHWOMAN DRESSMAKER TO T.VKK CIIAIUJK a workroom ; also several waist hands. Mrs HOELIDAY s. 100 West :il!th ft 4 GOO11 COOK. WASHER AND IKONER WANTED? A Good rit.v ivfereuctt required. Apply from ID lo 12. at 146 l.iisl hist st. * ?WANTED. A OIKli TO 1) > GENERAL MOUSE J\? work; !?ooil cook, washer und ironer; city teter ences required. Apply, lroin 1) to 12 o'clock, at Ui wwl I5HI ?t. IvRESsMAKKRS V? A NTKD?-0 Ki RST CI,AS WAIST, * makers and finisher*. alto an apprentice, at 1,237 Broadway, Come prepared to wotk R 01)0ERH A OUR, 18.1 8I'M AV., WANT saleswoman lor fancy goods TITAN TED?A GIRL TO DO GP.NERAl, HOUSE m worn ; she must bf a good washer and lroner. lu <iuire intiie millinery store, No. 345 Gth uv. \v ANTED?GOOD EMBROIDERERS BY HAND ON ii liuen stilts; also lew hands to learn; paid while learniug 270 West SStb st. TIT ANTED?A YOtTNti GIRL. TO COOK, WASH AND ii irou in a private family; wages $14; reference required. Apply at 4f WMt33taSt., from 8 to H) A. M. \1" ANTBD?A PBBMGM <?R (iE.:MAN Nl'RsE AND t? seain-tres-; good eitv references required. Apply, trom in tnl 2. at 4^ Wesi 't7ih st. TAT ANTED?A rOUNG GIltL, FROM H TO 10 TEARS ?? old, who desires lo learn the hairwork and halr dresslnn. ran apply to Mrs. O. SC11AN, No. 4C(i 4th av., near 2tkU st TITAN TED?A SEAMSTRESS KOU A FIRST CLASS Vi hotel; must be well recommended. Apply at of fice Grand I nlou Hotel, 4lh ?\ and iM st., between 10 and 12 to-day. 11/ANTED?A GERMAN Oiltl, OB PBOTkSTANT Vi Irish, for netieral housework; niitBt, have boom ref erence Aliplv atH-'J Vi'ect -'Sd st. In, J. XIrANTED?IN A FAMILT OK THREE ADTET8. A ? i mrl to do general housework : mus: he a j-ood eook and excellent laundress; city rtleriuce reoutred. 232 West 23.1 st. UTANTKD?A GIRL TO COOK, WASH ANI> IRON; good city reference required. Apply at r>6 Went 49th st. \ITANTED-A GERMAN SERVANT, TO COOK, ii wasn and iron ; competent and reliable. Call, for two days, between 10 and il A. M , at l.ii l- asr i8th st. hITI'ATIONH \\ ASCI EI/- I \ l.?C>4. ACOLORKD MAN COOK CAN' BE ENGAGED KOR the summer in hotel or boardinx house , llrst class references t all on or address Co< <k, tor one week, at 14 4 West 5.Mjit. FMR-I CI AS-: mi at ANI> J'ASl'RY Ct.OK (MAl.K; wishes a situation In a restaurant or hotel; eitv or country; city rc.ei'etioe. Call on or address COuK, 7" EMridge st.. third tloor. ir.'nt. UTAN. ED?1 lOs AS nBST CLASS WAlTl<Rs Krcneh; eotnpe'ent nn tobiiKin^; city reference. Address <1a1i-i.ij 117 West 46tb st. \I' ANTeD?A islTI AriON BY A .MAN". AS WAlTCR ?> in a private Iwisrdiiw lioust:;clO referonce. 113 West 27ih ?r., Cth ami 7th HI. TIT ANTED?A NUTATION BY A MARRIED MAN TO ii mak>-li'i.iseit usetu ; wishes a cottar- to live In; Rood references. Address J. M.. East SStli sf. CLEHKS AM) KAliEMMKK. /SLERK.V i:EOISTER SIDflvAG, 1S9 BROADWAY.? s Headi|U?rt*rs for all enterprising business n.en se>'kin? sitnatl itis <>r luts.ncss; merchants, business hou?^?. Ac. supplied ilaily trom our register book with out charge IDOABS I ORB, M ?Tli AT., WARTCOMPBTBRT dress goods salesjien. stands window dressing. HILL, Mui NASI CO., 271 to 277 tirand st J{' CUACIIMEV A \ li GAllUKMCRI. \KIRKT It. ASS COACHMAN ANI> UROOM. A , ?ober ateady rooni man want" n situation; is will- ] idu and (ilillBiuir g 00 ci.) KtintM Addre* S, 1*, oo* 22. iierafd office. AVOINO MAS WISHES A SITt'ATTOV AS COACH rran;citv or country, go'd reierenus. Addrcm P. M . lo:? i' tut Mtliat. AH COACIIMAN AND OROOM.-?1TC ATION WANT ' e>l by a reliable married nun i* well recom mtli'lt'l. dh'l wilt t* lonnd deaerving ot the game from next e;np.oyer. Addrc>t E. C li Mercer strict, in llar ne?? More, near Grand. \kA blTCATION W4 S 11.1)?A S ioaCIIMAS ' groom hy a tingle voting man (American); beat | cltv reference* Can on or <tdurei? J. W. (present ein i p oycr'a), 17 Weat 44th at. /VOACHMAN BV A PROl EVTAST MAS, WHO thoroughly nnJer-Wiid* Im l.tisuiew; good eliy ref erence*. < an be wen at So. 619 2d av., north we at cor ner 34<lt at. Kind Ihira bell. i'OACHMAV AND GROOM ?BY A SlNOI.P. MAN; an excellent groom and goo! driver; v.tilinzani obliging lirat clan- reference. A;lurem P. s. m otli ar., bnti-her'i r.ore / *OA<HMAN'S SIT CATION WA S'TKD?B1 A UOOD, \J utesdy man. of loan experience; an excellent driver, with good dlapoaitioft. references "vill benr strict investigation. Addresa M,, No. M West I7th ?t. / * ARDBs ER.-A TUOROUOHLY COMPETENT OA if IT dener and farmer wi*liea a situation married, one child; is experience 1. temperate ana trustworthy; lica; relerencea. Addrem IO^KI'11, 24k We at IU;li M_ \*OCN<l MAKP.IKP MAN WASTS A SITCATIOS ?AS 1 J gardener or coachman, or to take < birce ot a jjen tleniun* Dlaiv i.e ,t c ity an.I CoUi.rv reference. Ad drese-i. J hirminuHaH :t ti East Mtii *l IIKM' V. V\TK!J?MAI,F,-4. AOENIX WANTED?CITY AM) COl'NTRY. To UKU, teas to launilc* unJ iftr-'" ronaamera; nrratest In ducement*. CANION Tb\ CO. 14- Chamber!) atrcet UOY TO WORK. Oil Kl RNI1I KE; ONE WHO UN dera and* t!>e bt>*<ne?* ami not niraid to work; lio other* lice I apply ; wage* $7. No. SI J 3d av Wasted?a pcs'mino rusinems man or ci er \l gvman to enensre In a profitable permanent po'-i tloo. Apply, alter 10 A. M to ? AK..KLU I'E ITER A CALFI>,8M Broadway UrASTKO?A KKI.IAIIIK AMI I Hi'at I WOK I' IIV office hov : mum real-le w ith hb parent i, write a lair lian.1 ann Im willing Pi in ke imno l' na ful j -alary per wtc-ft. Address. with rcfcren- ?>. J. M O., Herald office. WANTED?IK * '??* orriCE. A VOI XO MAN tl about 1" who di -iri - to stul.v law; pi nt position tea aulti M<- party. ' all b-taeen in an 1 12. IIOD"/fc~ A M.. V> Naj-wiu hi., New Vork. Kur Other Want A il \ er? laeme >i |< her Directory. VKKWfl %r?* KKiiKKMEXTH, I'VK JKI'NK I'RRSOSNE, SE PARI.ANr (JCE LK IJ franenta, eair? *e p'a< er dam itne laniille pour -.'ii ?ner lc? eniant*. on pnnr la couture, s'a lre*>er Cfll.E, F.OI 4.1+11 Post oftlce s? ? V.,r*. CITY ItKil. KSTATK |e??n NA1.IC. Kan MMt. \ GREAT BAROAl.V.-A KOHR TmKV Pilll.ADKI. pbia brick Honae, with brown atone trlti>min?a. lor aaie. ou thirty third -ttreet. n< ai avenue; alao a nlee lionae. with nam 4i:., w| li It) acrra of ? round, on Htai n Island, for -a e or e?< lianf for cifv Property Por t^rm* appl* to owner, at No. I4? Eaat Thirty third ?tr-et. No ajteata nee.l apply. L OR SAI.R-ONE Of THOSE NEW HIRER NIORV F elegant brown a^.ne lloiiv a a'l improvement", 4AS Henry atreet; price lertn* ea-it. \pp)yiorone week. WHIFPTjK, 266 court nreet. BHIIOKL1 N PHOPKRTV KOll NAI.K A\I? TO l.KT. L'OR 8A1 E OR KXCHaSOK?HASIIHOMR HROW* r -toll. Home M&.'ant 0'. prli e (H, inn ?qu $? .a>0: fdtuated a If w hi r ka from Itrouklvn i'ity Hail W. COOK, Sb Waabin^fon street, hio klvn. I/OR l-A I. : ? IN A FlltST CI.ASS NEIGHBORHOOD, A ' lll.CM Home lor Slftniy)* eaah, bnlancc on inortita:;a. Adlrea* V. Vv., Il'mld Hrooklyu Bra icn Wm. " norjIEM TO r.ET-n7 111' V I .-ritl.l-.T, RETWEEN Prealdent and Carroll ?ireei?, two aiorv an>l iit-? inant ?toee front, new and completely flnUhe'I; allitn provenenta: alao 41 <ackeM atr-ct. i?o ht .rv and tiaae m?nt brick impro*emint? rent low; imiueiliate pru Ion. JOSEPH Kle.RN AN, ?ifd Court fftreet, Brooklyn. rpo LET- ITfd A V'KAR il? U II HON UTRKKT, E D; | 1 e*eell?lit Miebborhoofl, n>-nr Wi!tia-t)*b'irg Suvliifa Hank, all mooern iniproveinenti; in ^oo4 order; M I tninuM* from City nail N. If. Apply to JANhit U | EA 1)1 E, 4:> llroadwav. E. D. rpo I.ET OK POR SAI.K-TIIK TWO erOftV AND | I Pa-ement Home Ht|J DeKaib avenue Can be aeen ! by applylo t at Hie bouan nrxt door, No. Wl. 4 J HTORT HKH K HOC SB AND ftrORE; BRICK ? ? eiten?ion 1.1*3 Pulton atreet, ne*t ta corner o| < lan-oii avenue ; ?tor* JJxIU; suitable lor auv bua.neaa. and lia? lw?-n auceeaatu-ly occupn d by the owner ana I ?ton und bonie liirnialnng enabil'linient tor ten yeara; one ..f the f.??t location* in Rrooklrn. rail on owner aa at ovt, no agtutn. ' Wa.1 ano I inurct IIde?|r?d. J. il. oripb. ! PROPERTY OCT ??K IKK I ITY FOR SAI.E OK TO HKMT. * ?WITHIN HALF IIOI-K OK WALL HTKKBT, AT Jx.* mo Ir rate rents <1 e I i ^ It 11 u 11 v situated Honsea, litr? ni?ln' I Hint unfurnished ; all molern convenience*: re duced rent*. ? W. a. II AKDINO. "S4f5 Broadv ay, AFCRNIS1IKD llOUSK, M MILKS I I' THE 111'r> mu, ou the west hank; 12 room*; J acres; well shaded; stable, Ac.: line view ot the river, boutine aud lUliliig, li?ultny location; rent low. E. DOUOIITY. SM tiroftdwiy, thlrd floor* NrYA< K, UN TIIK 1IID-ON.-FI KNImIED 11(11 Si. lu let, oorncr ot Hilblle avenue and Willow street; I r om wnlor, trnlt, shade ; the minute* from M.uis llrl.l a \ I'll U'j station. rt I - I ON, Si Weit i-cveiitcenth street, New York. mo I K r?in tPBINOI IELD v J., ,\ ? \ r DOO| to I 1'os office, not a? van' ir in ? liu? ? ? li"?? sell oK Ac., one liour Iron) the city h.) Delaware mil 1 .u: ka lunna Railroad, a !arm I wo rtor; and attic Bouse. ? It Ji k i'ohcti nt'ai h i| ill finish d roi in s goo t ? ell ot v? a tor; garden, barn, Ac.; rent 9 Vd. lunuire ot W WAIih, 2'd I ; htli aa'enno. New York. or ol A. i. WOOI'UI IT, lost mir.tcr. Springfield. rpo LET-AT FOilDilAM, 1 IVII MINITES I- ROM I depot, Lower Part of a ttirnishi d house' parlor Willi piano. diiiinc room, kitchen, tub* nn.i wat r. li le sleepiug rooms; rent, 950 pel' luoutb, Address .VIf M, N. lordhain, N. J. REAL ESTATES TO KAdHAKOE. \ l'OL'R 81'ORV ilKjll STOOP HHOWN STONE j'V House oil Seventy lourth street, between Fifth and Madlioit avenues, IO.tSx"i3xBO: three floors finished in cabinet work, with all tlie elegantcrystal chandeliers, Brussels earpots. nine mirrors, cornice* and shades is offered in exchange aubject to one institution mortgage, t .r iiulroprovel Property (unencumbered:. within 15 uiilcs ot New York city J. C. CLINTON, 40 East Eighteenth strcet l/XCII\NCF.-A NEW I.Y BUILT RESIDENCE, (ON li talning 16 rooms; hot and cold water: rouge' hath, and all improvement*; with U acres ol land, carriage house, cistern, two wells, Ac., Ac. : located two and a halt miles from Stamford and a half mil" trotn Noroton ; is oilereo in exchange, tree and clear, for a private or tenement house in New York city lightly mortgaged; price W.OUtt J. 0. CLINTON. 4 ) r.ust Eighteenth si. HEAL EHT.VI K WANTED. TITAN TED?A OOOD FARM TN IsOUTHFRN OHIO; ?I not lex* than 2J0 acres, with r<k?i Improvements; near railroad. 0. H. OLIVKK, No. I l ark place. TO liKT FOR HtJSlNKss I'l It POKIiM. A?TO LET OR LH ASK, 1,179 BROADWAY, N '? XT ? to Coleman llou", store, 2SxR0: also large store and Baseniont, southwest corner ol Ko-tv ninth street r.n.1 Sixth avenue. T. BlirtMiAtlll AM, 2C5 West Fifty third street. "LT\8T RIVKK WATER FRONT STORES AND LOTS lu io let lor storage i>r mttnofactiinng. Address II., LOIINAMN A CO., box 2,913 Post "flics OTKAM POWER. WITH CORNER STORES i5 lighted all around, Rooms. Basements and Vaults for munutactnrltig and mechanical purposes; steam heated. Apply to OKOitGfe WALKiiR, 180 I'entre street DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. Euraishcrt. \RKAL OPPORTUNITY.?A GENTLEMAN OFFERS lo u small refined family ol adults, who do not lake boarders, his handsome!* furnish m! Ho'ise at SCti a tnontli an I board of himself' and wife: contral location. Address liKSf, Herald olflce. A ~K \ LliV Ml.. I.Y 1 I KNI>llEl> lloCSK. MAUI it ? sun avenue, near Thirty nlnlh street, lour story limit stoop brown stone. Uni per moutli: deduction lor tumnoT months. I'oOLLY WALLACE A CO., I,ISO Broadway, near Twenty -filth street. t N l XQCISITELY rCRMISHED Rl IOI KC? HEAR l\ the Windsor Hot ?! will be rented at a low tlgure to u desirable tonaut. Sec it and make an oil- r. F. H. Bl.lilt.s, '&& V> est Twaaty-second street. T.M.EHANTLY FUltNISHED liOUHEs FOR BOARD J'j iti^ purposes, Madison av , listh and ?2<l ?ts. near Stli av, ; ttrers tor piivate families 1'articulars al 64 VN est i lurtj -tnlrd street. I'ufurui<h(d. \ r RKDl'CED RENT!!?A LARCE BROWN STONE . V Hnus:a, it5 rootitA Lleveltlh slruet, uear Brondway, -oO to Jft,tlOi; also large double li' use, 80 , ootus, 84,'JOi'. owner iw West iciitti street. I THREE STORY HKib STUOf BROW N STONF. J\ lious , 134 ii?st .- eventv eivlilh street: eompb w, wlh improveint nu: luruace in cellar: initnedute i os session. Apply next house or to owner. t>> umpKtns markt t. M. T. OILLlCE. A THREE STORY 1114III STOOP MODERN 1101 SE J\ to r< nt?With mirrors an.I cornices, gcimi < cilar, line yarn; Immediate possp^.it.n. to privata tntnil) only; location 113 e;.iat 1'wcnty-fonrlh street, near fourth evenue. Can be seen Irom 10 A. M. to i I'. M. No agent*. ' * ?AN' ELEGANT FOLK STORY H1UII STOOP jV. lion?a. ?2 rooms, fl.fOj: po<ses.*loli iinuiediately; Thirty third atrrct, near Fifth avenue, 92 W0: Fol v thll'd street and Fiftieth ' tree . f.t.issj. CO Ilj Y. WaL 1.AC-; * CO., 1,110 Cr im nay ite ir I weuty II) i st. At* STORY HIOH STOOP HOI UK, VbT TENTS street, near lilfstker: 111 rooms water and gas: rent $-.n. (an b ? seen Irom 2 louo'rlo k. Apply to cil lilsTAIiLKR, 17 Abingdon square Fiulith avenue. i -T J LET?FOUR STORY IiK.H STOOP BROWN . stone House, i'tltfi street near Lev ill,'loll avenue; 20 room*, p.-rleci order throti^iout J. aO.VAiillAN, corner e'onrth avenite anif 2Sth street. A FOUR STORY HIHI1 STOOP IIOUSK FRONT I NO lite I'nra. unfit ul-hed. to let or lor s?l? ; a bargain; also turnlshed House, *15) per month. I A. I'All.l Y, ,VH .klx'h nvenoe. rpo I.Ki?14>i WAVKKLSY PLACE HOt sE CONTAIN i ing l:> rooms: rent only (i.noo. Apply at IM East Twentieth street (rin< hell No. li. or in grocery store, corner of Charles and l ourth strcels fpo Ll.r-BtH LEVARI), CORNER 100HI ST., Illll SE 1 and six L?i>. only $VI a nio.ith: 14 rooois: ail im provements. Apply on premises tthii dsyi. irom 4 to 6 o'clock P. M. 110 LET?SECOND STORY AND ATIIt BRICK ilonse 177 West Fourth street lot rent aud par ticular* apply to Jul! s HaRBmcIK, 71 So nil street. l/'t) WK.4T THIRTY-SIXTH Hf It hRT.?THREE Jl)^ ?lory high Stoop Hon.. wii; be |iut In ? ol or der) at low rent O. HaLLIDaY, Builder, too vv*?t thirty-sixth street. Flll.VlSllKD BOOM* AN U A PAH 'Of K N TS TO LET. \i,AI!i;K, HAND.tOXhl.V PUKWIS1IKII SECOND atory r.oiim, with ur without P.-irlor i muiei "ng, to let. w ithont board; large cl'*ete, hath 09m Aitio>uing; 110hiii up: One block US v\#-t 1 lur.eeuih ?treet, be tweeii -ixili an 1 Serenth nrenite*. ASEl ND I'LOOR. 1 I,Ki;aNI l.v M'RICHBE!>; lieht houaekrej ing permitted: fit per nn.ntli; more K00111* ?ii tbirJ t'O'/i "1 requiri I. | !j" llic II rc 11111 eHo Ka?t iwveinj' .ourtli sm ut * KMHIH ,H kmsiied) TO UkT?FOK HOUPE ;l a'-'-jitng 414 Eighth u\ ?ime. Ai.entuman can h%vi: a <m>nev and cheerful Room In a \pr> mail faMily ; e lo cation : cleanltiiMa a upeciu tv. apply at il.t r.axt Nine teentii street. Ai.adv livinu in a first class horaion, in a beautifully tumiiliel hon-e, will rent au el derly gentleman a ehdicp 1 oouu ABtfr?\?? QLIe.i llei H . olttre. 'I'D I.. T?A Kl KM.illKIl KKD.T MTTIMi ftOUM 1 an 1 Bcdrooui. with ever* convenience lor he two keeplng, amiable for a gentleman au I wile 01 allele I sent emeu; term- |f 5'> ucr ?e?2.V 1 hi; J . nt.e, i?- - j tw on 1 w. ntlotn and <> tlrti atrc.-t?. ! ffO LET-loCR I .A In IE KRWLT flRXISHED I Rp >1111; tivoou aecond fl i>r. tw.)onfliJ' floor. t.>r gentleman or gentleman anl; ^as, 11 ? ol l-atli; tint r M< ncl;noorhoot, with or wlihunt Rnar.l terma III "li ra" iinuicilUle po*?ci<aio!i. < ? 1 ur thrao day* at private r*<Hinee, #W e?t 1 went* .;lith miei t. I ?)Tlt ' irk r (BKTVV i-.KN second AND illIRD I ? in ?Tin-,1. No Ztl. ?A litre!* fnnii- ie?i liall I' 10m w !ti Plug-l an ! * J 1. good Lutli, 10 EARI" TllIKTr-M ?" )M? 8TKKKT. nkak lilTH IO arenue.?A i*i-p. nieatant trim, Kootu, lo. iw.i 1 flngle gentlemen of gentl. man anl wife I I ?>U WEST TWe NTT-NINTH SIR Kl\ NKAR SIXTH l??0 a% ime.?On- aceond *t<ry Iront Hi om v.el. mrnMliP'l r.xK uai'in; a t?o h i. I K?om. a nfnble tor fti , t!e.n?h and Wife or amrte gentlemen ; ttrm? lo\s , tauic niiexo'iniotiaiiie. WEST THlKTf-NINTII HTItEET, BETWEEN _ Seventh nnd KfliOt aveiuet Agnail 'r.isf" lamily ?lli i"t Half <>l their hou" ell In r u.'i>r or l.,?er, han nom'ly inriiti'icd, bonwkecnlnK, with all raodera Imnfovemtnl?; r- rer.'ii -e ex< tiani,.-<1. ? 071 Whsr TWENTY -r.f '.ND -TRBI T.? I'OI R m I I and Ave rurni-lii 1 .'immn to let. mltable lorlMht hninekpppiug to uduit> la aifc otrh latnily. (RITWIliHKI) RIHIN<i AMI APAUT ME\TH T?? l,ET. VTtlIUl> KEUUR IN PRIVAIK II It'rtR, KUl'K rooina; aniiile olonet room, hot and rold wa'er. ua. | ol hattiru .an and laun lry; rent uio lcrain. 124 watt Nineteenth utre -t. I S COND FI.OOR, Wll.l I'AKT tIF THIRII; |?RI J1 vite Imuae, wMh owner; all improvementai pleat anl neighborhood: eonvrNMtlt hi 1 art and boat; rent $ai. iiiiiiilre at iM haul Eiuhty-nlnth street, 4 - MAI.Is CHOI r. APARTMENT To l.RT BUIT VV. able tor HBUewn IM wi?; Iromn^i a li tei^ond or third 1<>or< T*lth e*er) ronveniPntr fo-pAfMe ga? metre. No IS king ttreet, lieiwseu Mardongal and Variek- iJirger aparinentt aim. a ?I WO NE'.T I Lot 1 KM, 1K1 PaHI KIFIVUKSf J\ . a reel, to let, iroin the let ot .Mav ; parlor, kit<-ii*n aifl thri " i dro' un tacu . gat tetiiret, ?e.; iioiand Mer month. ULEUANT KREN'H ri.AT?OVKR EQI'ITA BJ.K Fi faTiii?'i ln?titut.f> i, sixth .1. i-nu' rorner Tw ltth etreet; kllttlleitp; "ix room* rent t o ninnthly. In quiri' tn tb? Hank, betwe' n il an l .1. ijiI ATS?KiKHT I I,AS4 l!K'?W N STONE KRONIH; range. duai!>wiiii(Pi', repkrate launlry; narhh iiitiin, liar 1 wood trnn> dmiM: Mar the I'irl', moderate to v l?cl partial. lui|Un ? at US Went Kit v flflh atreet. 258 F J.ATS TO I I.T. TWO ri.ATS, RKVRN It(??1M ea.-h. r.<?Uti < Imtliroin < .1 ?ouihe?.t 11.r u r ?f Kurt) hin ti ?tri'<t and Aixtn areviK. 1. BBKV11NO HaM H I We-t rtit} thir<l *lre?t. 1>ARMlK f Ul'llt To l,K r-l)KNTlST <IR DOCTOR'* I'ltlcvt, at <2 1 ant 1 m nti'tli -ir< ? t,nea.- Broadway, old ifei ai <iIHp?.?. TW l.i:i ? I s A PRIVATE KTSIIIEBCB. A BIT OK I *| raeani Ko? 114: convenient l?carian<l in 111 In iitc? ol < ity Mali : ren? |U5 per 111..n h, wlnoti initt. le* kh? ?te?'nheat not and eold water, lattndn nm Bi'ti Vl^-ea* J. B. HhVBUl'B. I?a Siiiiuner avenue, Ne?varn, ri'O I.KT?UPPER PARI OP BROWN HTONR IKH SK. J four rooma, wltalii' lor gentleman ami ?,,'<? all modern improvetnenta or Pari r ami ll? lr..<,m '?< single geni'iiii'ii in jui.e at3.~ w 1? 1 iu> uiUi iti? ?t UN Flit MSII KI> A*D APART. DUSKfS TO LBT. rpo LET?A I'ARI.OR FLOOR AND BASEMENT IN 1 a private house. with mi improvement*. Iwo block* troiu Broadway. Zin Kant Thirteenth street. 1 I TI'FKR PART OR THIRD FLOOR?FOUR ROOMS; itis and water; rent $'.'0; also front or hack Parlor, null able ior doctor'* office; very low rent, ?iti East I'orty-flrat ? tree i. For OlUvr To Let Advertisements See Directory. MO A RHKH8 W4NTRO> i) KO'iMS, HANDSOMELY Fl'P.NI HEO. TO LET? ? \\ itli Hoird, at II W?si Tnli ty-flflh street one Uoom on second floor Snd one on third floor; relercuces ex ! elm lured. i i) FLEASAM' ROOMS TO LET, WITH lit>00 BOARD, I _ to t'cnuemen onir. Apply at 139 Macduuital ?treat, I one b'ock from Washington square: term* moderate. I O EAST BEVtiNTRENTH RTREKf. FIHSI noU?E ; O from Fiflh u.etine. ? Handsomely furnished Rooms . to let, with or without Board ; reference* exchanged. j r.IH AVENUE, 349 ?LAHOli AND (OMMODIOU-I ! '* Apni tmonta, en suite or singly, elegantly furnished, | tor families or gentlemen, wltn or without pri\ato table; parties desiring Rooms during the summer can : niaki? liberal arrangements. i (fer TO (6 PER WEEK.-BOARD, WITH NICE l oom*; alio table Boa-d- no moving In May; [ English latnliy. m Went Thirty-fifth ?ir?*t. I <$?(? TO S1U PEi: WEEK -FINE ROOMS, EXt'KL ] 'PU lent Board, lor (mollies or single uersotia; lady I boarders taken, two liue^ of cars pass the d'.or, lji | Bleocker slreet. 8 EAST NINTH STREET. NEAR III" III AVE M' K.? Two desirable Suits of Room* to let, with Hoard; ! Room on fourth floor, witu or without Board; refer ence*. Q WEST TWENTY-FIRST STREET, NEAR FIFTH ?' avenue.? Ilaudsowielv furnished front Rooms ou sec ond floor, with tirat clans Board; also a Room tor two ! gentlemen; reference*. 1() WAVERLEY PEACE. NEAR BROADWAY.? -1'' Pleasant front Room*, $14 and $20 for two persons, with Board ; no children transient people %i per day. 1 TH STREET, NO 217 WEST.?ENTIRE SECOND It Floor, with or without pmate table ; a No third floor front and connecting hall Room to let, together or separately, with Board. ? nTH STREET, OPPOSITE STUYVF'SANT PARK, tour doors ea*t of Second avenue.?Handsomely Itirnlfilied Second f loor with ilrst class table, perma nently tor the hummer at reduced rates; retcrence. "IQ AND ?) EAST TWR TY EIGHTH STREET, BE 10 tween Madison and Fifth avenues.?Two Rooms ou third floor, and single Rooms, with Board; table d'hote. II. Li.Fl.ER. s)/\ WEST NINTH f'TREKT. ?TWO OB THRKE ?.' ' communicating Rooms ou second floor, uiceiy furnished, to let. with cxi client Board, suitable tor a family or a partv c.T gent It i.ieu; tern..- moderate. i)-7 WEST EKIU I EENTII STREET, SECOND flojr. ?Front Rooms (southern ( xposnre); also I other desirable Rooms; first class table; references. I WEST THIRTY-iIX'IH STi.EKT.?A SMAI.b PRI- < j^Cl vate family has a handaomely furnished Room to | let. with Board, to one or two gentlemen. Undoubted references required. itQ WEST TWELFTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH | .?0 avenue.?Handsomely lurut-di'-d .Suit of Rooms ! for a family or a party of gentlemen, with Board ; also j othor Rooms; reicrence. 'J 7 SEVENTH AVENUE.-A FEW OKNTI.EMRN | Ol can have good Boar,! nud every convenience in a nrivate .-Spanish family, or would let Rooms, lurulshed, j cheap. mWElT SIXTEENTH STREET, BETWEEN liiiu and fixtli avenue*. ? Pleasant Rooms ; < let, with Board to gentleman and wire; also single Rooms; | no moving in May; i>ri<'e moderate. / ? .) WEsI FI I- TIE I II S.RF.ET.?TWO UN FUR. I l)i. nislied front Rooms, on tlio third floor, or a nicely ? furnished back I'arlor (southern exposures to rent, with Board; private family; location unexceptionable; references. 71 MAUHOS AVENUE.?ELEGANT ROOMS. ON t I second and third floor, with flrjt class Board; house refitted; no moving in May; table Board, also siuglo Rooms; reier^nces. | | 7 WE-.T TWENTY-SEt^D sTRERT.-TO LBE . \ "T I w ith Hoard, in it suintl tanulv. to gentleman anu j v ife, a second story front Room, with Aicove; every convenience; reiereoce* exchanijcd. j /? - VYE -T TWENTY-FIRST SI RE IT.-TO LKT, with Uoird, third story hack Room togentle nia'i and; modern improvements; no moving in 11 mv also hail Room, front. ______ /? 7 ?> M ADISON Avi NL E ?KEKOANT ItOOM -, I) I ?.l with i oird i moderate price.s; house one of ihe i lianlsomest In lowr. A s j country Board at residence on bank ol the Hudson. \> I.UY HANDSOME S vd.N" 1) T lOItY ItOOMij?AL O \ one on tn.rd, v.lui or without Board, at very re*- | sonablc pric? lor suinmer. Apply at :ioi West Twenty- ; third street BOARD A\l> LOBOIVU WANTED. A L VDY. H .VINO FCTRN1TCRF F..K TURKE storv h- use, woulu give use of it lor bo?rJ, or | would jolu anoiner in taking u hcuse. Mrj \LVA, 1,251 Broadway. \I'a.M l> A ROOM FOR OENII.FMAN AND Wil l:. T1 with Board for U'lY oii'y, between Tweiuv-eivhlb and Forty flitn street* an 1 1 .lib ami .-evcntii avenue* I Address L. if.. !?U We?t Twenty-dfth strent. j 11' A N T I. D- B Y <1 h i f ,K M '. %' AM) W I F K. fTR- I It nistied Room*, with nrst class Board tor lady: where tlu-re ar'>. no otner hoarders preferred ; mu?t be near Fifth Avenue Hotel. Add ess. with particulars, B. J. M . Hera'd I'ptown Brancu ortlce. HO'TEIA. /CRITTENDEN HOUSE, I,HI BROADWAY, CORNER of Twenty-six Ui s.r-et.?Family Room*, (routing ou Broadway. at$U p>T wcex. IJUMIUBfl MKe' AKI Nt; I f >IO' S?. K s.EPINO-8rf R- I . tevant House, Broidway, New. York, has eleva tor . al. modern improvement*; tnltes of door* in new i adlltion, I wentv-ninfh stre?t, troin $<u is $n?> per ! ween; transient rates Board and Rooms $.t M) to ! $4 per day. Booms without board $1 per #ay and up ward. LEWIS & OaO. s. LELAN Proprietors. rot mi UtIAKU. IIOAItniNfl POB CHILDREN IN TH,: (HI KIHY, ii Irmi i ;o 7 yriri old AddrCM ?. M, <?.. 17*th ?;ri*et. Ktng*t ridge rm(l, > r iu ,um at 'J7i Third avenue. Term- mo urate HDI.MKH RECOH'l'S. /lOZXBN ' WKNI POINT HOTEL WILL BK OPKNKIi V/ on or about the lit of Jum: For flintier i arucolart ?ddrtu f.D W Alt I) CuXUtKH, Wcit Point, N. V. For Other llsaixllng Adverllnrraenta Sfe Dlrri'torff KFROPKAA RMMIMIIim. 11' IIITr. HT ?R LINK, \? fuR v1 KKHidTOWN OR LIVERPOOL. CAKdVINH 1HB I .MILL) KTATEh MAIL %prll it at 7 :'0 a. M. ADRIATIC 'Iiir X. at 7 0 A. M. rBl.'IIC. Mnv IS. at lull P. M. It W.IIO Slav n at 3 P. M. H it I r a N ? I < May ?, noon. OKKMANll' .Jane at 4 l*. M. Kromine White .^nr dork* pier W Berth Hiver. Rate*-"-alf.on, *?> and $iun in (tol.l; return ticket*, t!7 joM Meernif.- at lot* r.v? -ali> ii. ?lat?ri,<.riit. frnokin? and Bathroom* are plar.'.i amli! Iiina v her. the notae Hint motion are lea*?, a l rdmg a dearee of i-ou.t rt m'herto unattainable at H<?*or Inapeeiion of t>lan> and tiTlier apply a' ih<- iinpany'* oltt<p 111 it road way. Maw f.jrlt K. J. OOBTl.>, Aa'-r.i. V A NON A I. LINK. _^N| I iuu pie. ? Boa. 41 an 1 47 N*.r I il Kiver. KOlt LO.vDON 1/IKkCI'. K. .April 2t, t P M | * K v <C.....May 8, 7:''1 A. M. liol.i. vsi>. .Mar l, I P. M. | TO V1 r.l'.N<TtlW,N ANi> LIVBKPOOL. VM\ 1*1 Aim il 24. . >A Ml l.Ntj LA Sl>.. May l.'>. 1 P. M. Kit IN ?? M;.? 1 ;-.W V. M. I i j ??? ? :<? t7'> aju: ?8W rurreucy. Hteeragt at /re.itly reduced i.rn i- . It.-iinn UckaMat r< duced rata*. rrepnM Wfrar?* tn'kata trom l.iv rpool at ih?* lowest rate*. Apply at l ie conoaio * oiBte, o N irwdwtr, f. VT. J. HfltHT, Manager. LjFhCfAL NOII h- i UK -TATK I .INK BTBABhR ? f A iB OF IN : I vN A, ?nil, fi >mi pi r .18 Nnrtli l:iv?r. w f , April f! at ? p. v lor Bullaat and tilaagow. P .? er'TTi" *r" r? ?:-i?? *l< i to he on board ai lilt) IT. M. Cabin parage, to lav. rp ml. (Itna^ow. Ac.. Ml and $70; n i i a! In. ft i. Applj to Al'f>flN BALDWIN A Co., Aganta. 7- r?r< nlv iv. rTMlK.i iTATlHtAt PDltl- fitOM IHKMl'AH. / ment o> -<iatf. iiidi?|.-M?*li r to Anerlean ciilr.eo* i'n'n'^ aliroa.l, i?<u ? I t>j it t Kl tt K. Mr tAKU Ntiiary at! i i;oi?inii"ioner u: i'f<"da lor etary Htate, IJ5 tlroau* wa>. A TR VVKM<EKH' Ul IOR. 'iKKAT KKI'I ( THIN IV PARK. PK'iPl K'f t.l .V l, siuAMK/tT KOI*. ALBANY. HKMI I J.AWt PAiitOI! Jll: I) OK R.CKMH. HT A f r.Ktl'l*! ?? WaBMK . fti STUA* KOlt TUB tOMPUBT or PAMsfcMiBRt The DBi-.W or .-T. J(i|IN leave t-verv cvrmu^ ?t 6 o'cl'?cit ( uml i> excepieU), irotn pier 41 Mm t'i I'lvcr. f<n>t c uial ?'veut, coiin"'ttii? a' A loan* wBl ail railway lin?-? tor tli?' Morth and Wc?t. i ii*ei? and -tat<r..nn tor ?ai<- at Hold's Kxpre?s otltri' SK4 Pi a lway; a ??>, Carti-r'a K*pr<-?? Cultlpaiiy. 1^41 itr a.lwav, aiul at Piltn ATi-ntM Hotel, and t.jggsne checked t?<l. -ilnatlon taroe a< nn the wharf Opposition, ai.bany ani> trot, pro* pikr is, i lankitn itreet. Fare. ,vj cent* l??":a Cabin, with twrth. ti. Hteamer :?? ill'Vi.K i, on Nou.ava Heilueidaya anil t ridaya atS P. M. For Oilier Shipping AdverlUrmritla Kre Dlrcrlnry, KXCt'RBIOWB. 4 -,KOf. KM I i:st()N> HAI.OII.N SI HA M Kit WVO .! ? ratng (Wttli ti?w boli?r> and tha oiypharit; barge* l<e;.ubtie, i iiiciigo, Hnrai smith, Caledonia and Anna; Kxrclwlor ortemai. Kaxieairood. C>'ld >prin^ and lona liiaii'i <.rert* to ie.t oifl<e 3?4 Wed nreei. oppotlta i iirmsopiier atreet lerrv. II. li. t ..O fai l. lif.itMl ha KXCI ?( lo.N TBI P. I> \Mi.ItIi; \N MNB. Hie Hr?l cla?- ateain^lilp Ml.TNOPOI.lM will ?i'l at noon April 24, $('> I inte.l .-.tat * currency for tli> round trip, i ii'<?n' naaaetinr ar . iiinnxiailoiii. Apply to 1,1 .>1 n ..??TMK,t , -jh .^outh utri i-t i"tOR KX<-| ItilON.H-illt.. lt 4 KOB. P. Krti' I I.VsT ' la' >rtte ?faiDimat* Nl.iiKfV HOLLOW (now Cille I the I.ONU IK A M'lli an i MbtAMORA; DulUy'a, Al derney, Sprtn< Mill, Mvcr*' Alp ne an 1 lonn I-.lanl tirovei, wnn ltarr?-<?nd Homol all kintia. J. a B> myhrs, curii-r Morton and We?t?treef<. uthmh'iam and bakoc/.m"Ptik kxoi k ion^ ro" > ' Karaon Beacfi, s-? VMw. I on a Inland and VA' iiir. w ?av<n Ofov ?. MaKII.N A KAHBKLL, III . outh street. rpicKKiH. t nn i i,Aits, invitations, pomtkih I and ail nfie*<ar> Printing lor nmcaralM?, partiri. kail*. Ae., done la U?e h.mi, ?tt i<> and at low rata* at th? MKTRtlPflfal AN rills.Iv. k-JTAHLHIIMBNl, tl| Br .ul\< i?v. New lforik F MliRS AT ArCTIOl. BY RRKOWNKD 0.1. fKjnscmia The colVetiun rnivbs briefly and truthfully char** terlied ?? l>.v far the bent thai has b en otterad ;>i the an' tlon room this season an I arc of the best lias owr been disposed oflu till* ctty.? Now York Tiniua. SPc-CiAL. I To promote lli? convenience of bntri, rtits for th? sale will bo rcsorvKo ami tickets Issued "n appllcsti" i). i lie Messrs. IjliAVl lT. Auotioueer-t 4 UCTION SAI.K. AUCriOK HAL*. j\ oi eleuant cabinet mado HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. T1IIS (Tuesday) morning, cow men''in? at-id o'clock, ut live story brown atone mansion NO. 47 WI.Hr SIXTEENTH STXKivT, BRTWfil-N FIFTH AND SIXTH AVEN1TK8. Two elecuut lour round 7'. octave Pltnoiortes. STRIJI WAY A HONS AND DECK KB A BK^TUliH*; fine oil Paintings, richly carvel Parlor Suns in brocade, satin an 1 cote laine; lurki^U K?*j Chairs, handsome inlaid JtlagU'C, with mirror: lnlaiil margueiry lables: importe I bronze Figures, bronze Mantel Sets Clocks, plat*, .1 .r diulares. Curtains. Turkish suit (7 pfeoei). I ibrarv and Becretalre Bookcases, Library Tables. Writl-.g Desks. Elaborate inlaid and Kilt Bedroom Suits, consisting Bedsteads, Dressing ('a?es, Artnolre-a-Oiace Ootii modes, WashsUnds, Ac .; 71 line hair and spring Mattress**, Pillows iuarole top tallies, Rockcrs. rep and plufb Suits, Turkisi: Lounge*. "1 Extension lubles, French walnut and L'llt Bullet, Chairs In leather, silverware. Dinner and lea setn, Huns in hair cloth; basement an i kitchen Furniture. SI Jlrus.-els and ingrain Carpets and assortment uselul Honseiiold Articles. S. li.?~aie positive. Take University p'nce or ?'m ?venue curs ur 6th avenue ?wiii> to 10th street. Kulii'.KT 0. CAslIIN, Auctioneer. Competent men to remove, pact or ship iroods, city or country. BY J. W. CAMPBELL. Jit., AlCTIONKkK ?CA M P bell A Co. sells on to morrow entire househcl'l Furniture, embracing large and general assortment, good Hoods, contained in ioOr story private resident)* "it Fourth avenue, eleitanl walnut chamber Furniture, fi;:e parlor .Mills in choice reps, oiexaiit Paintings, supcrit Piano, Mattresses, Pillows and Bedding, choice dining room Furniture, Wilton. Brussels, oilier Carpets, Ac ; catalogues contain Mm lots, to be sold without reserve; particulars In Wednesday's Herald. CAMPBELL 4 00,1 olllce, 8a Ninth street, opposite A. T. Stewart's. By c. d. favor, auctioneer.?salesroom, i; East 14th at. Large sale of u sileel ??ousehvH Furniture, Thursday, April 'U, at lU'i o'clock, l einp ait the Furniture in the four sury brown stone house s?. iui East 14th st., consisting of vol vet, bru-ucls and In grain Carpets: mabogsny aud walnut Be.isteada, vari ous patent He.lsprings, curled hair Mattreases Redding, Parlor dulls, Etagere, gilt irame Looting (Masses, dam ask and lace Curtains, bureaus. Kolas, Oil I'.ntn, nearly new: i bairs, Tables. (-'rockery, several (looking Stove*, one sell teeder; Kitchen I iirnluire . also one l)r x Pit tern of henry black satin, He win f Ma-hine, two Knit ting MmcIiIucs. All to be sold without reserve. BY ISA DOBS 3, IVAtlCOre, AllcriDM l-.R? Will sell at. IOW o'clock, entire elegant Slock ot Mas'inerade. fancy dross theatrical Costumes in great variety and rich and costly manufacture, vu . Suits of kln^s, iiuvens, princes,; also minor gradav. also Fu tures and Furniture belonging thereto, to l?e s >ld pos? itivsly. in lots to suit and without reserve, the owner retiring ironi business. Customers, dealers. Ac. invlt"d. I. J SW AltZKUPF, Slavenuu B. BY ROBERT sOUEItVILLK. AUCTIONEER, 74 University place. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD iURSIITRK, < AKPEI MlKUOltS, Pl< ANU MANTEL 14IBIU)BS, RICH OR MOLU CLOCKS, BUONZEB, A'.; CHINESE La Ml'-, AO. ROBERT SOMERV1LL". will sell by auction, Wednesday, April 21 at In', o'clock, at t e private residence 60 West Seventeenth street, entire Kurnitv* ot the snid li .use ; t ar?.-:ts. Curtains, rosewood P.ano. tjas Fixtnrs* muntel and pier Alirrors, buhl nil i m irqn'try ( ablaeL- and Tables; parlor, diniiumom. chamber and liali Furniture; rich carved teak wood i immure: rich ofiuolu <^loi-k, Chinese Lamps; rich ornnm< uts. MatirJflSes. Pillows; kitcti"!isnd riibnary Utensils. Li OOLTOV, AUCHONP.KK. r . Ibis 'lay (lues lay I, April 20. at '1 o'clock, at the auction rooms >o 63 Easi i hirteenth .itre?t, uear broad way. an eura lar,-e assortment ot everv kinl and (1c icnptiou Houaelio.o Fiirrniiire. Piano Mirrors, silk an.I brocade <'uitain< an 1 Coruiers r:ch Parlor Hints Cot. lage and Bedroom suits, Wardrobes, l.ookcases, be-t llalr Mattres es, Feather /V.1*. about 1UI) I irpeta, A< ; al?o all flu- balance of bUnk?'?. Smets, Quilts and i a~ Dets. removed ironi the si. nem* 11o el. N. B. ? i'tie car pel , wilt be so d alviut 2or 3 o'cioot, tin Wedueslny. Aprils! at the |.nva'e residence No. 24J East I or y eulith Mrent Details ill lime tm Friday. April '?1, the entire Furniture 01 tbe privit'O resideuea44 West iw nty lourtli street. < atalo^ucs in tune. V II.?Notices of other sales in doe time. JC!>OKK, Arc I Inn HER. , ELtvOANT HOtoKHOI.D FURNirUKE. M PEKIOK PIANO, UAHPeM, AC, at the private residence Sit r.ast l-ith at. (Harlem), between ljt ail 2d ars. WIlosnsiiAV, Apr.I 31, at ltrt? A H . entire Contents four story tir ,wn slotnj re ildenne?1 !#? ?ant Brussels' arpets. tine secretary Hookcaae. superior ?uriur ^ults. In br> '-sici mm plush. Library i ables, l urfc* ish i hairs, nu?'S, inasnitic "it rosewood Piano, carved leg*, tour round corn-is, rli's' class make. Piano Cover and -tool; walnut ideb<>srd. Extension Tables tdiulrs. Bedroom Suits Mattresses. Washsis!ids, KoeKrrs, Mirrors. Cunains. China. Glassware, hngra kings, child's Carriage. Eitcheu Utensils, Ac. Sate positive, rain or shine. _ Jamp.3 m. ford, auctioneer-a 2 O'CLOt R tills dsv, at 76 third avenue, by order of Alese.Fi der Langdon now in Europe, u large >anety oi Hou^e iio'.d Furniture, c insisting of Parlor suits. Be-Iroom t'namber aiol L>lnnix Kouin Furniture. Carpels, Kr nclt Plate Mirrors. Beihuug, Wardrobes, Boo cases, Aruioire a niace. Piano ^orle. I rcssiug Csses. Hat Stands, Curled Hair Mattress Hprl'i-'-. Fine Holsters and Pr lows, rlitnres, oi, t'loihs, ?'-utre Tables Mati'eiOria luents Estenaion Tables BeJsteads, Lareau's. Wa-b stands Ac. 1AMKS M. FORD, AOOTIO.VRKR.-ON Til : i!sl)A Y, ?l at S7 Lafayette place, >Kue sale ot :lie entire Furniture, f'arpeta, French p ate Mirror*. Pianoforte, Lace and other curtains, ni< Uiding ail the iurnitnro contained in the anove Urge insi Jon. Parm alars In time. Caiaiojues ready on morning ol sate. JAMfcei CAONKY. At OTIONFKK. Stl IIUI??iON Br, 1 MIS 1> % V, A I 10', O'CI.Ot K AT PRIVATE UK IDEM 111 < IAS TOW ?'I.A< 8 iFIOIITH STKKKTi, herween Fifth an-i sfgth avenues. handsome Household furniture, comoating of elegant ro?-w ?,it Piano* on* Melodcon. Parlor >uit.s. pi>r Minora. laee curtains, Brueoei* anil three ply t rpe.?. Hi It n:>?< uir, fam ily Hewing v*rh:ne hall Oilclotha and stair Carpets, (lining mil kitchen !? nriiiture, Ac. TAMK-i OAOKKT, AtTTUWBER, 531 HCDnO^ ?I street, will sell a. au 'ion on Wednesday n'tt. it lo k. al the privet- residence JM f est i'wenty. flr-u street ihj n-ire Household Furniture, consisting of Varior. Bedr. <>tn an I Mining Koom Furniture, line Br:i? Nli ai.<l In-'ritm I'arpot". Irerirb Harmonium, Mat, 0<ma,e nits, Bed* and Heddtim. Ulas-ware, Crocnery. Ac. Also, at 1 o'clock, the entire Household Kurnlture of 311 Keel Twenty -flr?t atreet, "Otiststlng of a large and handsome assortment jyjoKiilS WIEKINrl, AUCTIONEER. Import.i nt atle of Valuable Keal Estate at audi in. F m.i i n! iW A <'i. win-tell tir an u . >n Tue*. .t, Apt .i - ?. I".i- ? V?',a o'U'fk, at ibe Kxchauic s?|p. ri mi*. Nil. ill Hr. n.lwrav, by order ot ;u? trustees of th? }'re<)ivterlan church in Fiith svecoe. on iii'' "oinerot Nlnci -nnth <tre ; that -pi. n lid riot Ground wrltii tin elegant *tove Church eaiflce thereon situate ! on tii?* --'teas! foroer rltf'i' an4 Nin' t ?nlh street; tilr x ISli l net! Ml la builling. iroin n-centra. location, could f ? aditurah y adapted lor library ors-iiey pu-poses or for associa tion*: a* a pint hi ar.iiin i it is ?<?!! n'?<?<! iwr mercantile DRrpnae*. hotel ?r Krca-b He's Tfriin of sale-Ten per uent un tiay ot to be leposib<.l in toe I'niwd State* Trust Company, acmed in.en-sl to an t'i parchaser; liftv per cent . an r.:ui<M on hmul and mortgage, pay able on or t>?? live years, tw- ,?t>- pei c'm on or bo* tore tbr.-i y, ?r-, a: op ion ol , ircliascre, -aid option to be in le before rictt*' ry of the dee I; tM balance eftlM pnr< na?n o H i on deliver} of the deed, en I poaiseasipft of tlie property on or I ctore the 1st day of June. rot PAIUPlilels e.?n'<i mu full parti "lars applv to K. II l.i DliUW A CO. v.. 3 Pine street ]S1 HIM* (UEKl.Vrf, ABOilO.tBIK. r x? outer's sale of el. gant Household Viirnitnre, rose wood rUuofortc. tim f'arpeta, Rron/.es, Ac. K. H. bUULOW A I (). will sell at no. tu.ii on Tuesday. Afiil it), H7J, at ele>.-n o'eli-n A M , at tin private r-'suienee >o. v West Tent ti stre. i near kntli a\enu?. the enilre furniture, eonaiht lug of carvel W""'?roo I ' nrior Milt, gret-n velvet: aant inlaid cabinet ebony and uilt fabiea; rosawoo4 rianntorte, steinwar : blaeis wilnut sn.l gilt Kasr and Side Chairs, Ho ik use, flue mantel t'loct ami va?e?, bla' k walnut Ralensi' ll Tallies, t'halr^ HnTet and Hide Table, bla.-swaln it lir-'-ln; Hureaua, Ar tnoiree-a-Olace. imnmodei Eoi:rire?. Arm chairs, tiro lace i urtains. Lambrequins, shade*. </'oruicas Mat lre*?es. Bolsters Pillows. Blanketr Ai ; flue Carpets. Oilcloth* a large quan'it> of i Iii- a nnJ Olasewar-: also. Kif lien t ten-lls, with whieh the sale will c tamcnee. t ulal-igucs at No. .1 Pine s:. aet. M irfRH W ll.kI.M.h, Al I riOSBRR. Handsome li .nselioid Kurnlture at auetion. R. 11. LUt?tO*r A<70. wlilic lei aurtlan on We,ln,.?. (lav. Apr.I 21 at II A. M.. al No 11 Rest Tbtrty sevei th street, n tienerai a?s<?rtm nt of :iarl r, .lining Mom and ehauiber FtwnUare. eonais! uj oi upholstered Parlor Suits, in figur-d at Ik reps, wi h I'nrtalns t.i mat. h; rose wo<sl t'lanolorte. Centre T*i>ies and Runds. Meek welvit Oiniag I able, Muflet au<l lib*Ira; Mack Wulnut Bert, steads. Bureaus ami V\ ar.Ir.ilies: imported ilccnrat''.! Bedroom .-nit, bru-wel* an l Wilton < aipefs, eiirle.l bHie Matires?e*. it.: also an assortment ol kite! cn Furni ture, Utensila, Ac. MNtS-iBAtM tn ri'lff-I.It. f.! UIJJ . this der, a' 10', oelock. at l".f I lln.Det'n streeu htue* and F'xiur- s ot a B.stillery l.tqii.>r ore?Mull Ale Putno. (Har, I1j< ? Bar. Iceliox. Ban.'* lal'ie*. Chairs Efinors, A''. tl7II.MAN ABRorT, Ol r(C.K~Jlo~S >> Chambers sfr<-t -Wlf aeit on this ,:av af 104 o'eim k. at the sa e<,ootns |unct|,m i iiainlierrT Duane and William s;reets, one fine malio/miy Connter. C?lper Imeiifrenei' ?uie Mixror. lager Ner Icci h-st; Beer Pumps w*i|in' lah'e. Oh a,r*. Ac A lea e num. tity ot I'ye ttoo-i-. aohl on account . f h,r?mt ?Stf? clm'frf. F'or Other tilvrrtl'rmriils 1'nilrr Tlill lle?<itiiu t*t* llire?-tot-Vi