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DEUTSCEAND H BELGIEN. &ic 3?otc t>om 15? 2lprtU ie ?5I!errc d)tltcf)en Xufgaben unferer 3cit ?crfidjcnuigctt ber JJreunbftfjaft. Jlcin ilbcrgtiff, foitbcm ?cl&flftiHfe bcflbftrfitiQt. grlebene&er&eifjungett. [2tte nadjftcljcnbe intereffante ?>epefd)e traf Ijeute fcon bem CtorreSponbenten bc? ^ew ?)orfcr 5>era'Ib" in 33crlin ein, unb totrb mit 8iiidftd)t aiif ben bcutftf)rcbenbcn Hbcit unferer Cefer in iljrer eigenen ?pradje itjicbevgcgeben.] (?peciakXcpefdje bcfi "iftero 3)orfcr ?eratb.") 23 e r I i n, ben 19. JCpril 1875. ?eutfd)Ianb'c Sttntroort. 2>ie ?$olnifdje 3eitung" bringt Ijente etnen Hufyug au? ber 9?ote 2>eutfd)Iaiib'$ an bie belgi f<$e Stegiernng com 15. Styrit. ?ie bcntfcfje SKegierttng, [jeijjt e8 barin, bebaucre bte in bet belgifdjen Stntroort torn 26. gcbruar entfjaltene Sbleljnung ifjrcv SEilnfdjc. 2? n f f o r b e r u n g gum ^anbeln. JSelgien fci allerbingS am beften im Stanbe, in feincm ^arlamente bie @ci)n)ierigleiten ju fdjfifcen, tneltfje fic^ ber S3e.r?itIIitf)ung ber an geregten notfyroenbtgcn SXDfjfllfe entgegenfteHeu; efi werbe aber ftdjrrlid) iibcrjcugt fein, bag in erfler Sinie jene SbljiUfe nBttjicj jet, toaljrenb bie ^rflfung ber Sdjiotcrigfeiten bctrcff? ber Slufl fflljrung nur in jroeiter Sinie ftefje. ?Blferredjtlidje $ f 1 i dj t e n. $ie GrSrtcrung ber grage, ob ti bie oSIIer- j recf>ttid)e Stufgabe eine? jcben ?taateS fci, bie SngeljSrigen feiner 9?ad)barftaaten ?or <St5run? ; gen bcs tnncrn griebenS ju fd)ii(jen unb jebe 33e? eintradjtigung ber nationalen 33qicf)ungcn abjit ljatten, intcreffirc nirfjt nur ?elgicn, fottbern alle Staatcn, treldje fid) bte ^Jftege be? allgemeinen griebenS unb ber nadjbarlidjen SBciicijungen jur Kufgabc ftcCen. ?em e infamfeit ber ?taat?intereffen. ?te ?egenniart fei ntcfjt tote fr?lf)ere 3?i?fIX angetfjan, burd) eine ettgere SScrwebitng ber 3n? j tertffen jtoifdjen 9Jad)barflaateit aud) eine grbfjere CmpftnbUdjfett ifjrer gegenfettigen 33e? jtefjungen I)crbei;ufii!)rcn; im ?egentfjeil fdjaffe bte Cittroicfetung ber 23er!cf)r?mittel eine geroiffe ?olibaritSt ber 3ntereffeu untcr ben @taaten. greunbfdjaftlidjefi 3ufa'nmentt>ir? !en. ?etn Staat, fagt tie 9?ote raeitev, fet eon ber Wucfraitfung berortiger ?t5rungen, tote bie in ftrage flef)enbcn, befreit, unb roenn aud) ber 3?er? mirriidnttig ber 3(braefir $inberntffe entgegen* fteljen folltcn, fo raerbe bod) cin frcunbfc^aftlidjcr Slufltaufdj ber SWcinungcit beiben 3iegierungen bie Slufgabe roefentlidj erleicf)tern. 2>eutfd)lanbf-(vrieben?befirebungen. 2>eutfd)laub babe etne ben fcelgifdjen 3"^"* ' ben analoge Siicfe tit feiner cigeiten SKedjtSpflege erfannt, tmb fcine 3ctt Drrforen, btefclbe m Gr? j magung 3U netjmen, um oljne 3eitt,crluft 23efiim mungen erlaffen ju fonnen rocldjc ben Sdjufc beS 2lnfllanbc3 foraol)l rate be8 tnnercn gnebenfl ftcf>ct5uficllcn grci?nct feten. ?ute? Gtnoerne f) men angeb afjnt. Xxt 9?ote giebt tern SBunfdje 3uCbrucf, baft SBefgien ?elegenljeit nefjntcn mSge biefent S8ei? fptele ju folgen, uttb biefe? 9?orgeI)en 2eutfd). lanba al3 einen neuen 33eroei? ber jraifdjen ben beiben Staaten obroaltenben guten 33c?tef)ungen ouffaffen moge. 2olIte aud) ber 3?erfudj mifr lingen, fo raerben bod) auf btefe 23eife bie 2tn? fdjauungen geflart unb ein guted Gtiiucrnefjnten jtttfdjcn alien <2taaten Ijcrbctgefiiljrt raerben. 25 a r n u n g cor 2)i i c 0 e r ft a n b n i ?. Xie 9Zote raarnt tier JJiigbeutungen unb Gnt? fieOungen ber tfjr jit ?rurtbe liegenben 2tbftd)t ber beutfdjeit SJegierung, ais raolle btefelbe etraa j bie Jretljeit ber belgtfdjen ^reffe beetntr8d)tigen. ( ($6 liege feinesraegs in ber ?(bfi*)t 3>eut?d)lanb#, fid) in bie initcren 3ngelcgcnt)etten SBelgtenS ein^utniidjen, ciehnefyr fci nid)t? raeiter beab? ftdjtigt, aid frrmbe Giitmitdjung in bie inncren Cerf)iiltniffe ?eutf<f)!anb? abjuraeljreti. ?elgtenfi 9ieutralitat8pflidjten. ' 3um 2d;lufj raiebrrljolt bie 9Jote bie 25er? ! pfltdjtungcn, wcldje fur S?elgicn nlcfftcfjtlicft feu | ner SKeutrahtdt ertPndjfen, unb tnod)t barauf aufmerffam, baf; ti ait ftdierfter SBcraci? ber fteunbliditn ?bftd)tcn Xeittfd)lanb? gegen SBet? gjen angeicfjen raerben miiffe, baf? jene SDl'tttfjet- ! lungen untcr SRitranfenfrfiaft unb 3ufKn'nmng ber flbrgen europciijd;en 2??*5rfnp gemad)t raorben ^en* ______ TRANSLATION. OUUiST AND HOTE OP APRIL 15? AMvnxvcxs of rmrsDanrp?the inteb NinoNiX ditties or tob ma?oibxabt vzoxb *o AGonxssio*, dct oxey Kixr-rr.o Ticnos?rnoirtSM of peace. Bebus, April 19, 1875. | The Cologne Gaz-.'tt pnblishos to-day an extract from the note of Germany to Belgium I of April 15. The German government, it ??y?. rrgTets the denial of its vishea con tained in the Belgian note of February 26. DEMAND FOR ACTIOW. The Belgian Parliament, to be anre, wa? ( best alio to re.ilizi thj dlQlcultiea it bad to en'ouuter, auJ which were opposed to nn adootion <>1 tho remtites that bad been ?ng gestcd by Geraiary as being imperative, but it moat be certainly convinced that thoaa *?inedi?9 were ccce sary area before it ar* rived it th* difficulties wbieh might beset their execution. ornouriTzoxAL duttm. The discussion ef the question whether it mi the international duty of every State to protect its neighbors lrom disturbances of their interior peace, and to prevent influ ences prejudicial to amicable international relations, is not only of interest to Belgium alone, but to all States who set themselves the task of cultivating universal poace and iriendly relations. soi.rmnm or states. The present sge did not, like the past, pro duce a greater sensitiveness in the contact of States through the closer union of their in terest On the contrary, the greater develop ment of means of communication produced a certain solidarity of the interests of all States. FRIENDLY CO-OPERATION. No State, the note goes on to say, could be j free from the reaction consequent upon such ' disturbances as were now in question, and even though the adoption of the remedies suggested was surrounded with difficulties, a friendly exchange of opinions of both gov ernments could yet materially lighten the task imposed. GERMANY'S PEACETUIi INTENTIONS. Germany had recognized a gap in its ad- , ministration of justice analogous to that 1 existing in Belgium and had lost no time in : gravely considering it, in order that provis ion might be promptly made to secure the j protection of foreign countries as well as of | its internal peace. THE BOAD TO A GOOD UNDZBSTANTINO. The note expresies the desire that Belgium j embrace this opportunity of following this 1 example, and regard this proceeding on the port of Germany as a new proof of the grati fying relations existing between the two States. Even if this effort should be frus- j trated, it would, at all events, clear their views and produce a satisfactory understand- I ing between all States. WAENING AGAINST MISINTERPRETATIONS. The note cautions Belgium against distor- i tions and misinterpretations of the in- I tentions of the German government, as though ths latter wished to assail the liberty of the Belgian press. It was by no means the intention of Germany to meddle with the affairs of Belgium; all she desired was to repel foreign interferences with the interior relations of Gsrmany. Belgium's duty as a neutral. In conclusion, the note repeats the obliga tions imposed upon Belgium by its neutrality, and points out that the best proof of Ger many's friendly intentions toward Belgium was that these communications were made with the knowledge and assent of all other European Power*. THE QUESTION IN THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. A DXSBAXXJ-DERBT interpretation OP bis MARCK'S NOTE. Losdon, April 19, 1875. In tbo House of Commons to-night, in re ply to a question put by Mr. O'Reilly, member for Longford county, Mr. Disraeli stated that Prince Bismarck, as long ago as Janu ary, 1874, mads the suggestion that England should join Prussia in a strong remonstrance which the latter was compelled to make to Belgium against what he (Biamarclc) described as "a con spiracy of tho ultramontane and Jesuit refu gees against the peace of Germany." Earl Granville, then Minister of Foreign Affair*, replied that he hoped Prince Bismarck would not press Belgium to go beyond the limits ol her constitutional institutions. IN THE HOUSE or LORDS. In the House of Lords Earl Buseell asked Lord Derby whether the Prusso-Belgian cor respondence was terminated, and whether there was any reason to foar that the peace of Europe was endangered thereby. Lord Derby replied the text of Prussia's first note folly justified Mr. Disraeli in pro nouncing it not a menace but a friendly re monstrance. He had the assurance of the German Ambassador, which a hasty examina tion had given no reason to doubt, that the second Prussian note was conceived in a very friendly spirit THE SUBJECT BATHES ticklish TO TALK OK. It would bo premature to express an opinion on the merits of the question, as England had not been formally applied to. peacetul AT PRESENT. At present he anticipated a result of the controversy without uneasiness. THE LITTLE FRIEND NOT IN IKMEDIATS DAN CES. The British government valued the inde pendence of Belgium and the peace of Eu rope, but was happy to think that neither was in dnnger. THE PIltJSSUK CONSTITUTION. THE ANCIENT GUARANTEE ALTERED SO AS TO BBACH the PAPACT. Merlin, At>rll 19, 19:5. Ti-.e lower house of the Prussian Diet has paused U10 btU abrogating those clauses of the constitu tion which allow the independent administration of ecclesiastical affairs, me unimpeded inter course of religious bodies with tneir superiors and ircc l 111 ul c:enc*l appointments, RELIGION IN ENGLAND. the MOODT-SANZET REVIVAL MOVEMENT EX TENDING IN LONDON. London, April 10, ;g:o. Tns revival movement goes oa increasing in this city. several hundrsd ministers were present st one of the maetiBsa te-dtr. THE BRITISH PRESS AND PARLIAMENT edxtobs hxokebatbd rtom a ciami or BBZi.CH OB PBITILEOE. LONDON. April It, 1175. Tbe select committee or Parliament on foreign loans baa reported to the House or Commona that tbe documents whicn appeared Id tbe Lon don Timti and News were puollsned by per mission of the Chairman of the legislative com mittee. ENGLAND. TBI KBICEALT-TICHBOBNB MOTIOH OB TUB BO webs OB TUB JTTDICIABT. London, April 19, 1875. Debate In tbe Bonse of Commons on Dr. Kenea* ly's motion impugning th? verdict oi the Jury in the Ttcbborne case is fixed for tbe 23d Inst. IRELAND. A HOME BULB TBXUMPH AT A PABLXAMENTABT ELECTION. DUBLIN, April 10, 1875. Mr. Parnell, the home rule candtdate, was re* turned to Parliament to-day for tbe county of Meath. EGYPTIAN REFORMS. A UNITED STATES COMMIE SIO NEB APPOINTED to the khedive's coubt op international JURISDICTION. Albany, N. T.. April 19,1875. The Kbedlve of Egypt has for some years past been organizing a court, something like our United States Supreme Court, under the auspices of tbe great civilized Powers, and General George I 8. Batctieller, or Saratoga, In tbls State, has been ' designated by trie Dulted states government as a ' member or It. Tbe appointment is for five years. General BatcbeUer has acoopted it. THE STEAM LINES TO ASIA. PBOSC ENGLAND TO CHINA AND JAPAN BT WAT OP SAN PBANCISCO. LONcOX, April 19. 1871. Tbe Occidental and Oriental Steamship Line have chartered tbe Wnite Star Line steamers Belgle, Celtic and Oceanic (or service between San Francisco and China and Japan. Ihe Oceanic has already sailed lor llong Kong by way of the Suez Canal. No vessel of her sue bas ever passed through tbe Canal. OUR FLAG ABROAD. UNITED STATES WAB VESSELS IN POBT AT SPEZZIA. London, April 19, 1875. Tbe American war vessels Juniata, Franilln and 'Congress have arrived at spezzia. THE AMERICAN CENTENNIAL. ITALIAN PBEPABATIONS toe A NATIONAL BEP BESENTATION. Rom, April 19, 1375. The Italian Commission for the United States Centennial Exhibition met bore to-day, under the presidency el Slgnor Finall, tbe Minister or com merce. THE WAR IN CUBA. MOBILIZED VOLUNTEXBS MABCHINO TO the PBONT. Havana, April 19. 1875. Fifteen hundred Matanzas volunteers and a second instalment of 300 Cardenas volunteers .have been mobilized and have gone to tbe iront. OENEBAL VALMASEDA8 AMXESTT BAIT?SPANISH MILITABT DESERTERS IN THE INSURGENT abmt?the alfonsist ruleb smkmjshtno with MAXIMO GOMEZ'S TROOPS. Havana, April 14, 1ST5. Captain General Valmaseda, oo the 8ta Inst., lfsncd a proclamation from his n-adquarter* at Colon, of which tne tollowtug is the text TKBMS OF AMNESTY, "A free pardon la to be given to all insurorenti woo sre willing to lay down ttielr arms, guaran teeing to the officer* now In the rebel service the ?;ime grade in the Spnnisn army wnich they held In the Cubun army and lull pay In gold rrom tbe lime they have served under tbe Cnoan flag. Tne soldiers are also included in tne general am nesty and sre promised fall pardon and a iree p iss ge to Spain." sfamsh DESXBTEBS. Reliable Inlorroation puts tbe number of Span* tali deserters in the Cuoan ranks at 7.000 and tbe abate proclamation Is issued lor tbe purpose of getting them to lay down their arms. ItKIBMlSUINU with maximo oomez's troops. V. lmaaoda la organizing bis trpopa. preparatory to an advance on Maximo Gomez, wnosa head quarters la between Clenfuegos and Villa Clark. Tne tcouts 01 the two armies are in front of each otber and a momentary action is expected. BE REQUIRES REINFORCEMENTS. G ntral Valmaseda has asked for reinforce ments. One battalion leaves Havana to-morrow for Colon. In tbe country district! of Matanzas and Cardenas ten percent of tbe volunteer forces marcbud to lUe iront on tbe 11th tnsr. Valmaseda haa impressed into aerrlce twenty per cent of all abiebodled negroes, and all burses and oxon. to assist tbe troops Is the work of for tifying Colon. uow TBE ALFON'tST LOAN IS TO BB CSXP. Tne $2,000,000 loaned the government irom the Spauish Hank is for tbe purpose of paying tbe Spanish soldiers in tbe Held, and also for paring tbe deserters from tne Spanish army who are now in the tusnrgent army, provided tney accept Vai aascda'i promises. WILLIAM J. SHARKEY. THE SPANISH AUTHORITIES UNWHXINO TO 8UR BENDCB THE AMERICAN MUBDEBEB. HAVANA, April 14, 18T5. William J. Sharkey, tbe American murderer, li expected to arrive here from Santiago ue Cuba to-day, but your correspondent now donbta whether Mr. Pavies, the detective, will be able to 1 carry bim to N?w York. Tne Spanish authorities here, after promising Mr. Davies that tney would send htm on board of 1 an American v?s?el, now say that tner are wait ing orders rrocr. tbe Spanish Minister at Washing- ' ton; that tha American papers have said too much about the affair, and tnat Sharkey cannot now be given up without the operation of an extradition treaty betweea tne railed States and Spain. MEXICAN ItAIDERS. BURNINO Of ranches AND THE FUGHT 0? FAMILIES AT HAPANA?A GENERAL ALARM BOUNDED. (Ulvxston, Texas, April 19,18"?. A special despatch from Corpna christi says:? "On Satnr lay nisht last a report came in that a company of idm. in disguise, had attacked Mr. , Ulainc's ranche, in tne neighborhood oi Ilapana. They burned and tour other ranches, and are ; tomlug in this direction. William Hall, a passcn- | ger in the stage from Brownsville to Santa Ges trudls1 ranches, reports a band of thirty-five or i lorty Mexicans approaching tnat ranche. They i are robomg and burning houses as they go j along. All cnmaunlcatioa by telegrapu with Brownsville is cut off. The wires are supposed to be destroyed. Firing was heard at Barcgaslast night, eight miles beyond Santa Gesfrudis. every body mere is ander arm* await,ng an attack. A courier reacaed here last nignt cailins? i?r help. . The aiarrn belli weie rung. Captains Heynou, ' C.ark and Cuiver nave started to meet 1 lie raid ers, and have also sent word to Banquette and Nueces. The ccuu.ry is aroused. Tula band will probably turn back when tbey find that tbeir movements are known. Many ranchers are mov las in town with tbeir Tamil, as tor nrotecuoa. 1 the STATE CAPITAL. r%orotrxx> adjoubjogctc n* ato*o* or tot cxvnsnruh axwivbbsaiit?dxpbat oj tot JMOLUTIOMS?TOT POLICE jucncxa DttI T&ore w.. a allm of 1** m the Senate aua the Assembly, t0'Dlg" " the reassembling alter recess. In eon,eq"?"C Tam. important election that wa. being held in Ta many society the New York loboy and the <out ?lde statesman element were not able P ent. Immediately after the orcanlxatlon or the House Mr. Husted offered resolutions having refe ,nce to the Concord and Lexlngtoci cele bratlons. providing lor an immediate adjonr - ment in honor of that glorious Centennlnl smnlversarr. Tne resolution required consent, and Mr. James Daly objected. This stumbltng-bloct gave rise to some debate, but the ?rentleman alterward withdrew hla oojection. re ?\rS"at he was not aware of the purport of Te resolutions when they were read from the SJrt'a desk. Thta excuse afterward appeared Oiers? _ j waa en. quite apparent, as ? Schuyler, Paired in conversation with Mr. Bcnuyier, r oent before ,b" "??sth0 ^0use muht occury tne time It appeared that tno adjournment, enure evening Inin. <"8dc.u"'0?d toe debate out of rrrr.9pC'n^r;r.3Sr?e.??. -mn?? ???. mtmts t?-mo/rn0,whf1,,,eruv? Dorman B. Baton and SSS'S'SSS.B!-"'"'???.< ?? ?? nre. _____ LOUISIANA. ACTIOS or TOT CONSEBVATTVB CAUCUB-rOUB dimocbats to taot thb or bepub LICANS? MAB3HA& PACSABD AND TOT OPPO BITI0S' New Oslxass. April 1?. I?75* j Much discussion and some excltetnentwaspro duced in political circles to-day by the report, which proved true, mat th. wwrwrttw ????J bad resolved to seat lu the Hotxae Cluriei Delhommer and Felix Voorhies, o ? tin; 0. u Collins, of St. Helena, and 0. B Burfchart, of the seventh ward of New Orleans, al ?r???"es servauves c?n"D.anr_tll?^ Boar(i were unaer the saw ssar.; rrsv.r"'1 that tnese lour men were not ?> foor I Marshal Packard sta ted to-day ??ul(, adionrn republicans were oustei the .o j tbey for three davs. ana i: at tb(,Journ 8lne were jot l'e^f"dJn?)einommer. Voorhies. Collins tjUs. The fea 1tJ8 h0h?? will give the conscrva and Burstiart in the House wm g puCuard also tlves a majority on joint .ballot. Mr.^ woul(1 QOt ?r8ee"o ?% arSement which would depr.vo them of the m^?'VT ?.DJ,0,iV imminent, as there JTio ff''iT-oSff abo'ut ltr^atlSg of these members to morrow or On Wednesday. DISSATISFIED MINERS. iot pMsxDiarr op tot juhxbi' association BUSPECTED OP DOUBLE DBAIJJtQ SUSPICIOUS ejcekdiabt PIBES. PoTrsm,tK, Pa., April 19,1ST5. Advices received fr..?n a nortaern section ot the coal realon in regard to the striking mtnera aay that much aissatisf iction exists among the men, prm.liK ?... .P. rr?Si?nt o the miners' organization had advised some o mo men to resume wo 1c without having the operator* but make ar rangementa l0e\^V tb ttut, in tne *ie u.'hab, Si, it IS known meetings have been held \t ?{.; ?jj|J J PreMden'i'wit" being in eu^^on with t^cMl and ,r?n companies.?Vn^rs'hooVeef owied oy tne Philadelphia and.?tupi oted SS"S?cSifMM'?%'<.nl?? ?"????. *>' ? . quiet throughout the country. XOT C1XABFIELD COAL BZOION. Osceola, pa., April 10, 1875. Th? Htrlte which prevails in toe Clearfield coal region originate! trorn a demand made by the SSera .or an advance m tt.e price of mining. ?ae operators, who seem determined to resist tms demand to the utmost, claim that there ls nothing in the eltnation ol affaire Which ,T*[?tlIroa5?aCompatfv h!s turned all its nS?&aS C?a, Xde^ndu.g ue continuance oi ti?e atniQ1 u,auuiacinrers r*i S'ooo?"',? ss;.aVr"""",p on toe piAMurmsalt_along me line. _ the black hills. Yanetox, D. T., April 19. 1879. The vangusrd of the om expedition irom Sioux Cliy, about nfty peraons, are reported to nave reached a polut a few miles south of here, acroas the river yearerday, bains then ten davs oni irom Si iux City. 1 tie main party, with Gordon, had not got mere. Two cotapuuies oi troops irom tort Randall have cone south to cut tUetii off. CAPTTTBE OF a MIMNG PABTT. Cbicaoo. III., April 19. 1875. Tbe following instructions were received at Lleotenant General Sheridan'a headquarters to day:? Headquarters op rai Arvt, ) BT. Louts, MO., April 19 1875. J Colonel R. C. Drum. Adjutant ueueral, deadquar ters Military Division oi Missouri, Chicago. 11. Lleotenant Colonel Bradley's report or the c <p tuie o( a mining party i>y captain Mix has oeen suonutted i?y tne Secretarv of War to the Piesl dent and the secretary oi tne Interior, an<i tne oner is to rcleaae th^m unon tuetr promise being given that they will not again enter the HU u Mills country uutll permrsion i- given them to do so by toe government authorities. WILLIAM U. wniPPLE, Assistant Adjutant General. THE TROUBLESOME ABORIGINES. LOCATION OP THE TBICES OX TBI OELA KITX*. WaSHIXOTOX, April 19, 1875. Coder date of tbe San Carlos Agency, Arizona, March 28. Indian Agent Clom reports to tne com missioner or Indian Affairs that be has incseded in dlsarmlug the Verde indlan* without using force; that he lias located the Apache, Yumis and Mo javes on tne sooth side or tne (iiia tliver. and the fonto Apa. he# ou tbe norm side: and that they nave commenced erecting houses acd seem c?u ten'ed. Tins report reiers to the 1,500 Apaches recently removed to ?an Carlos from tbe Verde Reservation. A DISTRESSING SUICIDE. A BEPtTTABLB CITIZEN TAKES WIS OVTX LIPE ? DISEASE OP THK CHAIN THX ACTTO CAUSE. Newport, R. L. April 19, mi, Charles L. Whatman, aged ihirtp-flve rears, of Uamliton village. North Kingston, committed suicide by banging himself in tbe hayloft of his barn yesterday. Deceased has always commanded (he respect ot hn feliow citizens, aetng an exem plary citizen an a member in *ood standing in tne Baptist churcb in tnar, village. For Hie past tew weeks he has suffered mucn from pain In tne ne&d. litis deprived turn of steep. His domestic aud pecuniary relation* being such as to piace 1 bun entirely at eaae, mere can be no rtonot thai | this sleeplessness caused bim to commit tbe ra-n ; aci. making five five hundred. COLLAPS* OP A caxcx "RAJSDto" EXTEEPBISX? AN ENDEAVOR TO DLPBAUD A ?T. LOTH BANE. * CIXCTXNATI, Ohio, April 19, 1878. A man named Hiram rorter. who aaya be comet from Charleston, Mo., nought a bill of machinery from Lint> A HoJiey tor $2.M0, and gave In pay ment a dralt on the Third National Bank of Cin cinnati irom the Bank of Comme ce oi At. Louis lor $5,l0u. tne Innd National hank pronounced it gooti. and Lane A Uuutey took the rail aud ga>e Porter a cneok lor |:LSM In change. Porter presented the cnet-K at tne bank, nut payment was reiused until Porter was identified. Mean while trie i nird National Bank telegraphed to St. ; Louis, and lound tbat tue arali bad been raised Irom one lor |5. Porter aid not pot In an appearance, but slipped away irom Lane k Bodley'a clerlt. who waa going to tne bank to Identity mm. RAILROAD "WASH-OUTS." nnxBBrpTioj* to travel oj? tum mnov j facitic r. ad?Tga aiarso or thx RIVERS. Omaha, Neb., April 19, 1ST5. General Superintendent Clark, of toe Union 'Psctflo Kallroad, *ay? this afternoon (bat. lrom tbe In'ormation be has tie thinks they will be able to xnn a train tbrouarh to Laramie and pick op all tbe East-bound passenger* and uialls at Rock Springs to-morrow; also tbat if tbe wasb-oute are no worse ttiaa they are reported to be ana tbe streams continue to tall, tbat they will get a train tbroueti from Ogden to Green River to-morrow. This will leave a transfer of only lour miles to be made, wblcb will be done by tbiry or forty teams ; on tbe ground. A special uespatcl, just re- ' eel veil at lour o'clock P. M., says that five miles or the track are gone entirely In j one place near Weber, Utah. Tbis is a new break and on portions of the road moat teaiea. Tbe water is also rising In tbe Echo Kiver and roanr wash-outs are already reported. It is also rising 1 In the Big Muody River, near Piedmont. It Is not possible for trains to gut tbrougb to Green River, as expected. EMIGRANT TRAINS. Ouaha, Neb., April 19, 187S. Tbe Union Padflc Railroad Company are feeding i 1,300 emigrants at tbls place, and yesterday sent two car loads of provisions for those at Cheyenne, I Laramie and beyond. There are 4,ooo Western bonnd passengers here I and west to me breat, waiting to go tnrough. A despatch received ibis evening from Superln ' tendeut siiankland, at Kock .Springs, .xavs tbe i water has lalien two leet there to dat aud is still ! lalling. If the water does nut ruse ugam tue track between Lawrence aud Green River can be re paired, so that trains can go tnrougn by the last of this week, it ib expected that trains can be got to Lawrence to-morrow, when passengers win be trausierred from there to Green River by teams. A PISTOL FATALITY. AUGUSTA, Ga., April 19,1S75. A despatch from Hawtmsville, Ga., reports an i nmortunate affray there tnts morning, resulting , in the death of John M. white, tbe seriously wounding of Nick. P. Diilard and the slightly wounding of Wlilard 0 lver. all roung men. White was killed instantly, tbree pistol *huts having en- i tered his oody. uillard was shot in the head. The affray was the result of a renewal of an alterca- 1 tlon which occurred on Saturday. A FIRE AT BALTIMORE. Balttuorb. Md., April 19,1874. George A. Appoid &, Co.'s sumac factory, at the corner of McElderry and Caroline streets, was named to-night. The estimated loss ts $10,000, in cluding $8,ooo on the stock. it was fully insured in New York companies. VOICES FROM THE GRAVE. ' [From the New Yore Evening Hall, April 10.] with every disposition to recognize ana applaud every effort or patriotic enterprise tn tbo press at this Centennial season, we mast nevertheless ac cord highest credit to onr neighbors or tbe Herald for that timely sense of the fitness of things which crops out everywhere in that paper this morning. Tnrce pages of the supplemental sheet of tuis Issue of the Herald are occupied with reproduc tions In approximate lac-slmlle of certain Hundred-year-old newspapers, freighted with matter then excltlnxly fresh, and now his torical, connected with the times that tried men's souls. Iiivlngton'a yew York Gazetteer, of May 25, 1S7j, gives ui again, after the lapse or a century, ths affidavits and depositions oi partici pants and eye-witnesses relative to "the com mencement ol tbe late hostilities In the prov ince of Massachusetts Bay." tbe same oelug ap parently a serial or timctr Intereai and "con tinued from our lair." Tbe same paper also has tbe speech of Governor Franklin, of New Jersey, to tbe General Assembly o< that province?i de live ance redolen; oi high-toned and dlgm lied loTalty to Ills Gracious Majesty, but somewhat discounted, we should suppose, In its effect by the affidavits re'erred to, which appear alongslds or the doajrtiUce docu ment. Then tbe Herald gives us a broad side "extra" Salem Gazette, with forty coffins for its startling head, each inscribed with the name of a Lexington-Concord martyr to liberty, anc con taining particulars of the then receut battles and , a luneral elegy thereancnt. Tie Masaavhvtetts spy, or American Oracle of Liberty, dated May 3, 1775, Is also uproduced in part, witn Its quain? looking heud and its account oi fie battle of Lexington. The editorial intro ducing tne account begins wltb this exhortation now so mily ooeye<l and to be oteyed throughout the country:? AMERICAN'S! forever bear In mind the DATTLE h LKaINCTON !? wnere liritlsu iroups, un molested and naprovokt-u, wantonly, and r. a most inhuman maatier fireu upon and Killed a nutnoer ( I ?>ur counti v nen. men icbbeu them o( tue.r provisions, rau?acked. plundered and burnt their hoM??: nor could tue learsoi dfiencnew women, some oi whom were tn tne pain* o> ohi d biriti. Hie cries ni Helpless battel, nor roe praters oi oiii sue. conflncd u> beds "i sickness. appease ttieir tnir.-t lor woodor diver; them lrutu their DESIGN oi MI IluLli anu ROBBERY! As an item or current news the Spy gives tbe following Last Thursday morning tbe Hon. John Hancock, E-q.; Mr. Samuel A'Ums. am Robert Treat l.sq.. escorted oy a uumber oi gentlemen oi tins towu. aM out lor i'nuadeiphia to meet tne c.rani American Congress, of riiici toey tire luemoers. And on tbe a ternoon oi tue same day, J<>.,n A<iJin", l sq.. snomer member oi tue Uraufl Congress, pas.-i-o tiirougu this town, also on nis w?v to rmiuaeiphia. ine Hon. rnomaa Cn.->bing, Esq.. we bear is gone by tne way c r >eW| ort. And finally, on tb s same pa;re tbe Uesald re prints part or tbe Easez Gazette, for the week end* ing April 25, 1775. in wbich occurs its report from , tbe recent scenes or excitement and carnage. As one looks upon these resurrected newspa* pers ol a century can be but to revive witb intenser leellng the memory or our early martyrs and to enhance the patriotic lervor wherewith tne nation ol to-day enters upon its solemn memorial service. Nor can we avoid the conviction that m no more effective man ner eouId a leading journal or tbe present time have contributed to entbuae (so far as that were needed) the latent patriotism of onr people than by the reproduction of these ancient annals. Written aud published, as they were, contemporaneously wun the events tbe country is now commemorating with every sort of cel ebration, these otd papers now come ! forib from tbelr century of borial to teacb us anew tbe lessons of pat riotism, and to Incite tbe generation now enloting tne inheritance, tbus won by suffering and blood, , to a nobler it e and a higher love of country. No speech or poetry or parade at Concord or Lexing ton to-day can at all compare. It seems to us, with tbe eflecttvenese for goo l oi the matter wnicn tbe Herald's enterprise has set beiore tbe country in so striklbg a form. AN INTERESTING NUMBER. [From tbe New Tork Commercial Advertiseit April 19.J Tne Herald exhibits characteristic enterprise In issuing a double facet, with fae-simil^s or tbe MaJwasJiiuteUs Spy ol May S. 1774; Buex Gazeuw, Apr.l 26. 1775, and U Mwjtnn * .\e>e York G let/eer oi May, 17T\ containing accounts or tno battles of Lexington aad oth?r Interesting details coo n^' teii with tbe firing of ? snot heard round the world." MAILS FOR EUROPE. The steamship Russia win leave this port cm ' Wednesday for Queenstewn and Liverpool. The malls for Europe will close at the Post Office ) at twelve o'clock M. The New Tore Herald?Edition ror Europe? | will be ready ac hatr-past nine o'clock in the j morning. Single copies, in wrappers for mailing, six cents. A.-PATENT WlltE SIliNS; ESQRATED METAL j and Brass Signs; store, otttce sniswn Pi ruu* It*. AM A CO.. 3!W Broadway. AN IRREVOCABLE VERDICT?METAL T*c*sts ars denounce.! wim nnlfc-o voi e by press una people. The KbA-sTlC IRi < uMI'A.>t,?oS Proad way. have monopolizer curing Rapture the cournrv through. ALL I SUFFERED WiTH RHEUMATISM FOR two rears laneuage would not describe. Oilbs' Lis t?at looua aaaosia effects a euro. Depot til Sixth avenue. r.oid by an drugaristj. PHILIP K0M8KY. tfDalWas street Albany, ?. T. A.-THANKS -FROM THE DEPTHS OF THJ liwl" _ Wsiaimto*. Lorratn county, OUl?. August 24. 1974 Dr. R. V. Pnaca, Buffalo. ST y. Oca* sir?Vour medicines, Golden Medieal Disooverr and Dr. Base'*Catarrh Kemedv.hav* proved of the xreat ?it s?rvice to of. Mx months a?'o no one taouglit that I could pos?lb!v live long I had a compileattoii o:' dls en?<*?, scrofula uunlti stior itself In eruptions and great blotches uit my heart tha< made ?uc 1 sores that 1 could not have my hair oomboa without causing uie much sulfering; also enuning swollen elands. ton.llsea Urged, enlarged or "thic* neck " and large aiM u.tmer ous boiia. l also suflered from a terrlule .-hro'.i ? ca tarrh. and, in tact, I wm so diseased ihatlne win I ur Jen to ine. I had tr'.od rninv doctors wuh n bene fit. 1 finally procured one-bait dnzen bottles ot your Golden Medical uls-ovcry and one U >zen Safe's I'a tarrh Reme.dv, and commenced iheir use. Ai Drst I was badly discouraged: but after taking our bottles ot the Discovery 1 began to improve, and when I lul taken the remaining 1 >v?? well. In addition to toe use of the D scovery I appiiea a solution ot iodine to th ? ?oltr<> or thick ni cn as you advise in pamphlet wrapping an i it entirely disappeared, Yonr I'i^covery is <f>rainlv the moat wonderful hood medicine ever invented I thank <io<i and von. from the depth* of in v hoa.-t. lor the great good it has done me. Very grateiully. Mr*. L. CHAFFEE. Most medicines which are advertised as blood purifi ers nnd liver medicines contain either mercury. in soinn form, or potassium and iodine variously combined. All of these nifeuis have -trniig tendency to hr ? >k down thn blond corpu-cles, and iiebintate ard otherwise perma nentiv injure the human system, am! should theielbrn be discarded. I>r IV kcf's Golokv Mkpicai. Discovkuv, on tlie other hand, being composed ol the fluid extract* or native plants, barks and roots, will in pro Mint injury, its oiTects being strengthening and curative oniy. hatsaparllla. which u-e i to en ov quit ? a reputation as a blood purifier. is a remedy of thirty years auo, tin I may .well give pUcc. as it is doing, to the more positive an<t valuah'e vegetable a teraiive< which later med eal in vestigation and discovery nas brought to light. In Scro ula or Ktnc's Evil, White welling*. Ulcers, l.rvsip eias, Swelled Ncek. Goitre, Scroiitlou.-i Inflammation*. Indolent Inflammation, Mercurial Affections, old Sores. Eruptions ot the skin and ore Evos, as m all other Mood diseases, Dr. I'lERrit's Goloi.n Mcnn *L Discovert has stiown its gre'it powers, euring th* most obstinate and intractable cases, fold by all dealers m medicines. DYEING AND CLEANSING?TAKE IT TO THB NEW YORK DYKING AND PRINTING E TABLISH MEST, SIATEX ISLAND?Offices 98 Duane street, 752 Broadway, 610 Sixth avenue. New York; 165 and 188 Plerrepont street. Brooklyn. Oldest in the country. EAO MERVE1LLEUSE (MARVELLOUS Wa ter)? An entirely new aad harmless Cosmetiqne de Toilette ; guaranteed to remove all Wrinkles, i-reckle* or Blemishes ot everv description. and impart to the skin a singularly beautliul youthtulness ot texture; frlce $.'i per bottle, or $.><> per dozen LEON DUMAS, nventor an 1 i'roprietor. No. S West Twenty-filth street (adjoining Hoffman Mouse). FRAGRANT SOZODONT.?THIS PEERLESS dentitrice nardens the gums sweetens tho breatlt, cleanses and preserves this teeth Irom youth to old ag*. FOR THE BEST ELASTIC STOCKINGS AND ScrroKTtsc Belts go to PuMKKOY'd, 714 Broadway, New York. HEALTH LIFT. 180 FIFTH AVENUE. BETWEEN Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets.?Klajsat rooms; best of care. Re tor* to Cyrus W. KitsnJ, Ac. HAVANA LOTTERY. CHANCe, IN A LIFETIME. "Tbere Is a tide in the affairs ot men which, taken it the flood, leads on to tortune." fJuO.OUu FOR >100 in the gre?t EXTRAORDIN VKY DRVVTINO. APRIL 23, 187& $1.200,10J IN PR1ZB*. Only It non Tiekeu. 1 Prize to Kvery 7 Tfeketa. 1 Prize of $5 O.OJO i Priae of 100 (XM 1 Prize of 80,000 2 Prizes of tCS.Owi each 60.OCO 4 Priz. s oi S1U.? 0 each tMW H I'rizes of $ .0 Oeach 2 Prizes ot $I.U00 each... i.000 iTi Prizes ot $.XJ0 each. 1431 SHI Prizes amounting to lol,v>> 2,097 Prizes. Amount Drawn. $ .2 0 000 All tho Prizes above stated are drawn at this drawn,-. Price in Curroncv?Wno>e tickets !0). Halves. TV); Quarters. $i.*>: Fifths. $2J: Tentns, 410; Twoutletha, $\ Prizes cashed. Circulars sent tree. Highest price pa d lor Spanish Bank Hills. Govern men s. in To prevent loss by mail, remit Registered Letter, Pott Office order, Kraft on .New Vorit or t>y i.xpres?. Address all orders to TAYLOR * CO.. Bankers. Post office box 4,443. 11 Wall stree!, Ne w York, INFLAMMATION OF ALL KINU9 13 I!* stantlv arrest-^d by the use ol Ditur's ViGlCaL Pau Eiiiuctob. 23c.-nts. MERELY Nl'RSINO A COr.JU OR COLD IS not enough. You must take iliLr's UosreorUosi. Hoc.Ni) AJioTAHto get fid ot it quickly. Piuc's luora acbk Droi-s cure in one minute. THE CARDINAL BOCQl'ET?A NEW AND KX qnisite Pennine, dedicate l to His Eminence Cardinal ?McCloskey. LIS O.N' Ul'MAS, No, 9 West l wenty-flfta street, adjoining the Hoffman House. THE BLOOD CONTAINS A LARGE AMOrNT 0? Iron. The Pbiicvi*n .Srarr supplies this vit<l clement. WIGS, TOrPEES, AC.?G. RArCHFCSS. PRAO tlcai wigmtker and importer of human hair. 44 EaM Twelfth street, nesr Br. adw.iy. WESTERFIELD'S IMPROVED RANGE.?CHEAP. est and most economical in use; set tor $55. including Water Back. 474 Mxth avenue. YOU MAY NOT PUT YOUR FAITH H* princes, but KVOX'? spring style nt g-ntlemen s Hara is sure to ln?ptre confidence. Make yonr purchase* at 21* Broadwav. or in the Hftn Avenue Hotel. ho csai? dealers can flil their orders satiiiaetorilv at 2U Broad way. kKU yuuucAi'ioinii ? will HKCCRE TiiK X HT VAl.'-iABl? i ila . oupeii.tium or > a.i tui uia'i mat iiat dim pujluhtvl lit many y ? tr<. r'. >. !>? I'.i.ui i-'< "0. 1? E>tiu ?i iiie MeDt t uoii4U;? Cu*ria? n - . u ' I'uo* !? ? I I) .? h. I. :l Vi,.-. Jk S I. iia;rty , til *>i 1 by a.I ijo _ _ BMIGHT'S dm ASK . ropst. GRATBL Citl u.u*. Gout. ?:li-umalm?, i, c ?l tUi- l.ivcr !v. '.:?e !?. Bluiil.r t*ro>.u t.! IT nit't froiiritMi. Oigiulc Dobult* miii CBroiii" Afftuuaat <tac?rabl? by ral r>r*i UI ncr.. A -.Mr P41.".' I..DO. .m.-t. ?*bl ilnlnu tin*;r * i <? ??.cm tr ibiirm ' :<*? iur?'? -i^.'ifli-, ii t??? a Uiueral -prim >v ,t r. ,iu I !>?-, A. liAWi i. i UKaiU. iho aumnr dt?l proprietor ;re? to anv .nldrn* l.c!t?r< iron' |iliy-i:??m ?n1 otuamul lioBo.'f" ??? ??? eurea-?:it. LUpoiunl reception n?'0?i. No. Juu d road way. Aew tort Tfjir J-LBLIsHKD-'the rKKlil; HOW lO PR? fj ? rTe tlicm. wtir:i I oat .i iw to re.i.acc ?ltr -ol imm ai- autuor. i?r. it. J. ttoBK iv.r?:? >n '?cntiM, ii . ouJsireei .stir \ or*. I- ree by mail tor >?tau ?|?E BALTIMOK.. BON APARTEE," ?the BALTIMORE BON At* ART R9," ?THE BALTIMOK fe. 80NAPARTEE* -THR BALTIXORK BOSAPaBTK "the BALTIMORE-ai^PAR^R,1* "THE baltimok K BOjt aPaBTEV* an autVu ic ilet.-a iwith l'ortraiO tf tbla In?rr*'OD? lamUp. whteti may )?t S\rm rnixcB itsaipsBOi, ?rarce it- extkror, prance I?FMIEROR, PRASCE IT- 'EXPEBOB. ? slAXCR ITS iixpebob. francs iW KXPEBO* wfll b? tea at ?TRtHHtR ?crTbbeb M'.RIBNEfl kOUbkeb bcrTbTeb ICRIB.nRB lor n \7. vTv. M4V x at. MAT. MAT.