Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,121. NW YORK. WEDNESDAY, AP1UL 21, 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS* A"Ucolu",BTn p^?-Fo?r<)., fllth and sixth r'f-K?Thir.I column. M?14 i?rJ? I *?"?"*??? column. column^ onTM ,'4<K-'l,!,t He con J BOAl(l> AN1) I,i >DOING WAN I I D-Eighth Pack co|u mkooui'vn P*GK-9acond ontumn. BROOKLYN REAL BciTAC* I OK SALE?Ni.ntu Pau? ??? ? ust column. 2P? ?^2 OPPORTUNITIES?Foinwn Pack SlTT nPir 'iJ. ' "Ti >'?? n-Sirlh cr>lnmn. column ESTA1E F0,t SALB-Nmth PAOK-Flrst ^K'jK-ND SALESMEN?Twki.fth FACK-Fllth COl ??NI-t ? Paof??lx t hcolumn OOAca.Mi N a:\D O A I! DE N E ES?'l wn.17 a I'Ao?-FifiU ami sixth CO.Utllll*. OOAS , W1.,K 8TJ-. AMsUiP8-.Fwsi l'AUM-Slxth col COPA >tTNEUSIIIPS?FOOBTII Paok. SanMm/T 'iV.ViV,'u'i lu""1 **Second colnmn. I#AN< iN(* AuADhMIKS?I'IfJHTH ?Killli mlmnn nKNn"]'?y-K,<.ur|1 Pack?Fourth cohunn ' liwVf I i .*"~7?*<"!?Thlra column. irfeVV!wvrMi'2{iH?TO U,T' FURNISH ED AVI) toSrihSi"""' third ...a 8 DROP KAN STEAMSHIPS?Fibst Pack?Fifth a;Kl ?Utli column". 1 a'lu 5^^r?wlV.I^,~>'.N^I, p^Of-Third column fivirn i ?-'? '<iuiu Pack- iith column. ?INANCIAL?Foitktu Pack. ?n5wSilVTf 7.S,toON" '*???"? -Ixth column. FURNISHED ROOMS AND a PA KTM h.vTS TO LET? ?n..??AC*-FouriH column. 1Tl- KK?Eichtii Page-TIit.I column. FEMALES?Tntslith Pack?Fourth hor^r?\^T|'/,?,!Mii'Kf ,7Fl"n Paw-sIx; co'umn. UOKoBS, C?kltIAiiES, 40.-Fib?t Pau>:?ihird, lourth wi mui columns. HOTELS?hioitT" Pack?Second column. HOUSES. ROOMS, AC., WANTED? Eighth PACi-Tliird CO'UUIll. j ? ula-vC?i?V~J,rrn J A"r:?SIxtli column. &ZJ"O'iilKhN. Hi;.?SO\ t II'VASD BPR. Si ^ RJ-AL ESTATE FuR tiALE?Nimu Pag*? t Dr.JV'r,tand E':o,>n(1 columns. KwHtH Page?Fifth column. I otcA a v.?ESW^'J'" r,"f--i*'li column, ii Amif^iP Pack-First column. "u TS JI u YuTH -Second column. vimV. , *ASTTKI^S?Fimi Pai.k -nixtn column. uimJ . v.~5l1i!IH Pack?Third column ?VrKIJAM?econd column. MlBCBLLANKoUS ADVERTISE*RNTS-Tkxtu Pauk? ??? Sixth column. MPSJ'iA.'frr'!trni.'^AcE-?'xl ?> column. ' iHALATION S?Skvkkth PAO-Sixth column. E?? IIBr Pace?First column. PIANnFoRlES, ORGANS, 4C.?Eighth Pare?Fourth c i ? i ii m n. PitrmVio r K~Kl(3nTH. Pack?Third column. ?luPSJ^A.'',1"~.T.WL,rT!1 1*?'*- Ixtb column. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEM VLEs? Tv ci rrn Pack?Fourtli column. PR OPE KI If OCT OF 1II f. CITV FOR SAT.K OR TO KENT?Nintii Pack?Second and third columns. REAL F.S1ATE TO EXCHANGE?NimTii Pauk?Third Column. 5?5fi' KS'r-vrR WANTED?Nirto Pack?ihtrd column Pi? .V'OloUS NO TICKS?Fikst Pace?First column. KEV\ AKUS?Fihbt Paok?Second coiumn. RAtiK^ AT AUCTION?Ninth Paok?Fourth, fifth and sixth columnfl. MITOaTIONS W A NTI- D?KEMA LF.S?El fvkxtti PAfiK ?nd Twi i: tii l'AUK?Kirit, t.econd, thud and fourth columns. SITUATIONS WANTED - MAEES-Twrinn Phjk fourth nni llfih column*. ?^^OHUBS-K.^ Pagi:?Second and third eol ?PORTING?D008, BIRDS, AC.-Fmst PACK-Third column. 8TO K A (I E?Nl.NTH Pi nr.?Sixth column. *?FiM>Vi/I "F'SO^-Kiohth Paoe?sccond co'umn. tiib rP""?? ixtu column. .T' ? .Xi Rl ?I-iks/ I aoe? Ihirii < ulUlllll. ill H'R lUSl.Nr. S i'CRPJOfco?SlCOHD Pace ? ?P'rMt an<l second colummi. GUIDE?Fikst Pace?fixih column UNFURNISHED ROOMS and APaRTM ESTS' TO nmi'~ C?*ND u*?^Fomth, flitli ana gjxth col J ANTE o TO PDRCHASE?Skco.xb PACK-Sixth column um ' JKWhLRY' Eh.hth Paok?fourth col WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPKRTV FOR HALE ? 1(-' I'Ei?Nimth Paok?First column TACI1T\ STEAMBOAT J, AC.?Eioutu Pick?Fourth column. """" flMOBAL. AVJSSm .SATURDAY AFTERNOON.?IF "miss win i, "1 ? vor ffontlonian with her ac^uaiuumr.e "".J? n,> <!ttusu for regret. Aildrc** piven In ."'I'!*,hrouKh other ladv not correct Addren AliMIKER, licralu Uptotvu oIKuc. fcfJLARRKOE.''?80 SORRY ON SUNDAY "FAIN1 ofllce. Bart," *i:* name as In note to' Post r,cndat- APrrr" i?,1n pi:liTam , y'. tv I,UnJ' ? J'oonst man about 22 year* old isiaiiiS R Pants. If iound can be brought to Cilv GUSSIE W. IIAS RETURNED FROM SOLTU A.MfcR lea. Haire tueet. YNFORM ITION WANThD?OFYHR HEIRS op.i It COB ir.i.. . of N,'.w v,,rl?- * '?-'??? or 01 the ninlil B n JnK!' 01 ?Norr,a!t. * 01111. Apuy to A. DIHI)I.E. live Mile Kiver, Conn. |NFORMATIl?N WANTRD?OK FI.IZA SHANNON -hinWi^."ririTS<1 " Bjl"on on 171h. CD tti'i .\uJ J? n.?,T ""PPOit-d to be in New . ou. nl sTpa*-! >5.r??a.r,k'u'ly r*':elred '?y OBRISIOPHEU UURKAN, 70 Dlvlfiion &trvu TF PttOl'ESSOK CKGNIN WlLlT f ALI, AT IW SRO to b?m?el(,TCUti* lffarn somtriiiiiig ot unpormncd T w K.-THERE WAS FOL'ND AT AN I.PIOIVK .* /uppoiiad to contain Maillnnl ? randlf r II not calle i lor by T'iur*!a> .-itn-rnonn it will be oprne 1 ini ( onlrnU of. Y. VI* RGKKhN. T Rpr IVFU. SIATK WHBM jLESfq??. rZti&Ttii Its y*-. Mom.IE Wll.soN-SEND YOUR ADDRRXI *0 your old friend, i ireot th<- wine us i*?t on,.. HMALti RO.TI.K, New llavcn. MR, A. PRILIPSON, OP KIVGsios, .MMUCt H rei)n^?t?d to call iinmeuialo y oi. s. DK CORDOVA, 36 New street. Mrs. c. e. iRm ron:~AD. Qmce 10 **' k0'* 124 U,r*141 iiptown UraucU 01 FORD.-WAITBp"~iu MINUTRS *FYKR ifn k *" *l ul'to? n h,.|el BrVti? h offlo2?CtoCk- AddrtM VH Nora, that ITti i. at pi.i?as\nt vm.lkv \ J.. Uitfommer. from July until urt. t?er latin'. Picaw tend hf^r Addren t<. fi. w c \\ 4Kit t??ee*helraTe*U*' "" l''e Parlr *''e ""'U wlUl WoulJ ak* pAiRlOr-OOJlB AND SbK Mii; FJLAK NO I H I~N<i " t. V. w'. I pAltTJFS WHO MADR HaUL OF ttOOIIS ?iN f?AT- ' W. R^'UTilCX'" ,r#" C<",n,lpat!4ll-V will, Tirill in Thi ng ladv who voticrii ao<u i ?t, ?('?r"0011 f,lon,1e rentlnoaii at Tw.-m v-riitii atrrot and iitn aieum, and alferwiiri ro-!e 111. tli* ear* I to Kortjr-third -treet wiih Inm irli r? he mi??e I her ! SJS2e1 " 'adr^ t0 ^ Cm box^jr lleralj ; WILL THE CARMAN PLBaHK RETUiTv TIIR satchel irom 105 to i? w,,t Thirtr first ??rw*IT __ _ ( I.aKA DE FORE-T. HyocLP parties wn<? madf \ ruin t<> rmit! ?? ly-eighth ?tre?t urgotlat* lor two wat> hrs tiken as one of them laa nrer.nuron a <lrce<i<eii trlenrt f \i'| SSASSUSS?- """" 1?? < i" WILL MR. EOLACIOUS. I.ATf OF CUBA. PLFASP send addresi where iniormation ol a prikate'rnd' ?'"POft*"' n?'nre will him ? Ad Iress t. A. II Herald Uptown Branch ofllce. ' W^RKtgS ? WM' 5<?fflragKS ?^a?s8wj? S'uK? aw? ?k' I NO. Jr.. ?? North street. ht- l oiiM tr'ANTED-T'l KNOW THE RF IDI | OF Ml Ilitl ?*.?r,h.^ilrn'?">.' "a!0 ,orracrlv IO?U at H-r?. n flill, N. J., DT Mr. H. 1. tiloctitn. ol Sf vt Hedlor,! ?i,A wixth'aeauoi1 "?Ul " Uo'"' Wfourth Si IS| KKMVIOI'M KOTlCKft. / 1LA5-8 wr.i riN'o?ORnrci: Tin r: i vemm.s I ' in th? k.'?l!rry ol the Free l>'?rvin |e MelhoriUt i liurch, 1 hirtv fonrtli street nciar hurlitli a?ei ue: p. wr meetings l-nday ei iilog. Nn 3.V. W< tt Thtrty-m?iti street. iu s.i wis ALHHo. 1)RAYIR ITtlDAY EVEN I NO. Willi S1MITM, OK ?pirlti'a .Sung*.Willi Mfan accort:; mlruent. hcn. JAMln Al.H"0, T3 West Thirty.sixth street M'??? i brrt i?nd Ml?s Ui ck, mn?lc MMhtri, will pr<rii<jo at ih? organ L<?W AND I OCT?OIV FIFTH AVEJIUE. NEAR FORTY-THIRD J street a par<-?l containing *rvcral small pi ? ?.t Milk paime i In water colors. Fin-lei will be rewarded by fearing it at No M Mlih avenue. Loar?a promissory i?orK,7?K\WN *r wu,. Ham o Allison to ins own order, and Indorsed; dated April I nod ilue M?v I. I87i. Ail porsom ara warned ajinin?t negotiating -aw, <t* p-iyment has he<a stopped. M. DICKIS80N, 7* Wli'iam sir eL 1 OUT?OV TilF. I8TH, A POCKETBOOK IN SIXTH J J avenue car* or gom* to St. Lake's Hospital. A r, ? ward will be pul l by reiurniaf it to -M \\ est rwentjr 8rst street. ______________ _____ IOST-ON 1 Ul-.MlAY I.VtNIMI. A f K 11. _? >. A I'?. I |" J 8o'clock l\ M . between Morrw ant fviar ?tretts a told Anic;li\?? Rini,'. Anyone rt'urnlug the same to o. 12 Ban Uj street to J. C. K., w in be literuiiy rt warded. ]0fcT AND HTOIiKN?APRIu II. IA BBOV. M i Horse, pacer lu risn<i* high wu;i bridle and wrif rolte ; wai carried away flroi.i the (own ol Newto'vn st. wart lane, in- ? man 28 or :j yars eld 6 teei li inches high. sand* hair, light i-onir>xi'>n; lllf-ral re ward I or thlii. ll. B. Willi A tu . lii Ns viiu Jtrecr. ?rpoklyn, T 08T.?93 REWARD, IN WEST TMIIirVHETKNTH J J street, on Monday, April IS, a small dark grav an i wnlte Cat. dark tail and wnlt* hresst. The tinder will fecalte the above iswaru by returning it to M West IWHUHMW street. , J' OBT?TUESDAY. A DARK ORBEN fockt'lBOOK. J containing a little money an 1 papers V rewarj for t>ook and contents si Times PuhlUh ngomc-. STOI.EN.? AI.L PERSONS AIIK HEREBY flO *5?* *1 n*?"'late a check drawn i,y Cliarles < amblea A Co., datea Philadelphia, April 20.' 1*7.'4. No. ?,?i. on the 'ai mers'and Mechanic*' Rank of Fhlladol. turerr NaUon.i Bark or bearer "Mh# ?ame havlag twjen stolen and payment bsiiig sto?m.-t *. W, wociiJwARD. Oashter. KK WARDS. i LIB RM. K WAKI) WILL BE PAID FOB IN lor.i'aMoii as'o the preseul Mi*-, Lottie " r. ia;? 4t>3 Sixth uronue, t?y KELLY A CO., 4.4 81* li a veil lie. 4;S II W AltD?W1 L Bli PAID FOR THK OPKltA *?) iToKruinnie* wlucn tli'i jtinlc muii tOoK In a mis luti li Went Fourth at rest. Apply ui Nu. .8 Wn ve ley blare. A1|i IIEWARD.-LO'T, ON - ATI KOAY F.VENl O ?PI.'/ tin Hix h avenue, ii sum 11 brown l'og: cars cl pncd; had on ft green leatherooliar: answer# to tne n.ium ot "Jim." 'he above reward will be paid lor lilt return to 202 Eaat Kliitentli street. tf>Hl KKWAI Ii.?LOST? A SMALL BOO, MHORT ?PiU hair entirely lilaclt. c*ccp lutf it small white streak between lore let;*: fhort ears, long tail The above reward will bu paid by returning liiiu to 30 East atree^t (J.1/V RK WARD?STRAY'ED?SETTER DOO I KOM ?P I'" Kpuyten DuyviL on Saturday afternoon; wh'to ati'l llrei' colored ilx yearn old, auHwern to the name Cato Ai.ply to Mmtii'i livery ntni>le-<, Twentytlrst ?irent, between Broadway and Filth avenue, or to JOSEPH STKaRKB. fpuyten Duynl. (hi n lif.WARD.-LO T, ON 8ATURDAY, A SOLI* ?pi') u. re dUiuond Eurring. Add to** bos 42 Post office. $r/Y REWARD-FOR THR UETU !N OK BORSR t?U ami Walton, tckeu from in Iront the slaughter hou-eon frugty-tuini street. .he above rcwaru will bo given to tlte hereon returning came to No. 009 We*t Forty-seventh street, and no questions asked. _____ Jir. 7 r REWARD?AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED. FOR ?p I ') r turn ofK"l<l Wateh unit Chain, Itlnu and Coat, taken BaturiMv night. Hend Diary anv way to the ad ilrc?s on tly leaf. Address I*. W. II., box 101 Herald ctllee. $A AA REWARD WILL HK PAID FOR TUB RE 'fUlr cowry ol three Ca*"S and eon em*. atolcn from corner Broadwav and Howard street*, on Satur day morning; two Casea marked II. ,1. Daniels, Nor. wn;h. N. Y., and oue Herniou A speller, Fremont. Ohio. BAR ! I.K IT, REhD A CO. Nl'UCIAL NUTK'EH. y ?'I HE AMERICAN REOISTElt, J\. tne mo<.t widely circulated of tlio American journals publish*I In Europe. A capital medium lor American advertisers addressing themselves to European patronage. Indispensable to all persons visiting llreat livltain and the European Continent. Subscriptions and advertUcineiita lor the AMERICAN REOISTElt will bo received and single copies of th*> fa per may be obtained ut the olilie ot lliu New York leraid. New Yora. A?SODA WATER, MINERAL WATBK8. OINQBR .Ales, gpnr.lln-r Wines; manufacture of complete ou IHa ol Apimrniua and Materials, with lull lnstruc tionii: all departments ot manatucture, bottling anddia pendnx; exclusive Rights n deniable territory; cata logues tree. .lOHN M A rril EWS. First avenue. Twenty anil T*\ enty-seventh streets, New York. TTarana nlan. Faiurday. April 21,1878. , Whole tickets, RIO; halves tfr, quarter*. $2 ."D. Pend all orilera to the office ot the Eastern Department addrei-i d to WRIOHT A CO., room 26, 7$ su l BU Broad way, New York. a?a--*:- :r Extraordinary Havana Drawing, April 22,' 1871 Capital Prize liOO.OUO $l.luo.iW) distributed. For information, Ac., Ac., addrca? WRIfiHT * CO., (room 25i 7S and 80 Broadway. New York. A r Saturday. April 24, IS7S. Kcntacky Single Number Drawing lor bet- -Ot .f ("River sily of I'adacah. S3UH.100 in ciTts; all cash. No scaling of gift* nor di*C0'. :it?. Capital, $50,000; smallest, $H>. Drawing muranUed or money reiunded. Buy to-day. l'ew tickets leit. Tkkels. $10; Halrei, $5; Quarter*, $2 sa Tllos II. HAYS A CO.. DOli Broadway, New Y( rk. ALL DISQUALIFICATIONS ASH DEFECTS IN manhood, amine from nerrou* and muscular do I bllitv. mental despondency, 4c.. hiv? been tlm spf.-inI | prat tioe. iluriuu 21 y?*ra, ot Dr. W. It M Wl.sTON. lic?i douc?, No. 2li7 west fwenty-' street. ?WYOMING MOWIHLT LOTTERY. . A lo-tane fur $1. ( O.tflO or SI. Ticket* $1 each: ?ix lor #5. i >ne ebnn'.'c in nine. Agent* waited. Liberal ixtv. t PotPartieuiar% -eii.t for circular. AddKM J. M. PaTiKB, Laramie ntr. Wyomtnr. I * ?fio. tM MAMS IN WALL RTIiBT OFTEN J\ ? lead* to fortune, profit* everv ;*i dan. I'artie* 1 niioniit cull on JOHN lm; a ro., Rankers Jt 1 Broadway, New York, or wrile lor 72 pa?e>_-1. UroyaTThavana lottertT . Katraordinary drtwlnir, April 22, 1375. i Only M.QU) tickets and :\0"7 prize*. amounting to $1,200,000 Oue prize to every fight tMktla. The prize* in thl* drawing will be aa lo'.lowi I iTwor fsoiono 1 Prize ol 100,000 ! 1 Prize irf ??.<*>? I : 2 Pruea oi f.'.tntiO each 0 : 4 PrUei of ?M,00J Md ?o ..i S&.OUO ??.ino I 2,071 oilier prizea amounting t> 41'? ni)o Prize* cshed. Clri nlari with full particulars sent free. P. C. DEVLIN, atationur ami urent, SH Liberty atreet. New YerE. A LI. LADIM AFFLICTED WITH Kl" PBRFLCOUll j A lull mi the llp-t, checks, chin, iron.. Ac . and who : have In vain triad tli* varioas depwtorlu* In ti-e for thl* purpose, should apply to MMK .ll'l.l.iN. with tho oer 1 talr. >? of guaranteed and perfect *uec?*s. MMK JULIAN lia>- removed this dl*#4rnremetu radically am: i.?tma ?anentir in the worat possible care*. when all pruwou* attempt* had tailed. Aimlicat'on must t.e made pr sonallV i t hi t residence, 2utf Meal I hirtv eighth street, from 9 A. ?. to 3 P. M. I A." v*n? Lottery, April 22: nernta Qavernment Lot teries Circular* ami information <V?-e. Pri?? ran tied by WACIISMAmH A Co., B*nk?r?, 7.? anrt 77 Xawau t reet. Piul office do* 3.MA A -AMI. 00a-KENTUCKY STAIR. SlNOt,* M-y. J\, 0*r; lottery Oil llav.ina plan ; $>W,Ul0 1.1 jwii in prize* on Auril 1. J. OLl IK, Aulh oriz d AgcnL ?it>b iialied .V ye ira). >00 Broad wa v. or box 4.UG9 Pou eflftca. A FEW KXTRAORHINAUY IIAYA.N A TICKETS FOR J.Y sak to the trade. Address box 3,302 Post oth e. a ORKat IPRIKO REMEDY.?8 Y&TT8 LIFE BU. J\ sam the old and reliable family medicine: in SMceatfnl u?e over a quarter ot a century. durimr wlm h per lot! It Ins made o . or 2I)U 000 kit*- and Wotiaerlul cure. In the very wors' cansol rheumatism. gout. cru ral* ia. a rotuu. Ac. Bold by <1 riiiri;i?'-. u. pot ;"t?i Uracd Rticct. !?ent everywhere by npri ?. A-f l.aW.iXXl. -EX TR AORDIS A R Y ? Uoval Havana I otlerv ?.f Cuba, to b? druwn April r.V 1875 Whole l.ckeK $100. Circular 1 ot Information ? lit free park-, EMRtSON .1 CO.. ?r 'Ker*. 1"> Fro?d waj room 4. PoM office box 5,271 A ?RX7RAORDIN ATT OltAWINCi OF Tilf. II A J\ ? Tan* Lottery April 12; Herman Ouwrnment l-et torle*. < Irciilarn rati Information 'ire. Pilz?* a-ln il bT WACHSM VMS A CO.. Banker*, 7i and i; ,'.a^u atreef. I'mt tfln box. yl& A -LXTR VORDINaRV II\V > N \ LOT f KHV UK A V. I\. tnc April tj. Circular* and Information tree. rrlM* isaahed tiy THBODOR XOCIIOCH, llfi N^skust; Fo*? oflle box AFOHTBKE FOR $1 -KX1 RACKD1VAP.Y WYO inlng I ntterjr. Drawa April !* < tfaal pr;/", f|.?i.ct?>; Cl.035 other cash p-lzea amounting to ??ISO.O-'l I tckat*. $1; alx for $4. ARenta wanted. 8end for circn lar. ALI.RN A CO., 79 Na-?.iu *ire<M. Mew York. A?Ol Fit 1AI, PRAWIKO- OF TM R KBNTUCKT . t*i? and t-belbv College l otteriea. aimtoi tTa*?. axra* uin JJ.V?*riilt 20. I?7ft. IJ, 44, 4. Sit. IS, 73. (W. iV ?. 19, .V, W, 2S. iakl.aT, aXTitA ru<* :.4I ? inn, ii, i*J\ 45. 4, Tf, M 15. 71 Su, ?, &V, jp?. vfi |?, H iimttir, ci.a*a S.6?iraiL JMfc 21, 7. 7c, *1, 41, &J. 75 4?, 4, 2i. fx 74, 21 lanar. (l*m trail 3D, HTJ. ? 4!5, 74. 7.'', 1 !'? ."A, 22, t I, CO. \ 43, *1. 9. B. KM nil A fO. Manageri, CoVngton, ky.; Po*t om.e fox .1H. New York A ? PVRKS. RMKKKON A CO., Atll NTS FOR J\ ? Kentack <? Mtata lotteries, drawl dillv. EitrtordlnarT liosal llavm.a Lottery, drawn Apri! 22, Kentucky RlugW >*mber l.otterr drawn April 24 i>74, i rrlw* caahed. Information lurnlihed ai i rir uian *<>iii, by addra.?l?fjrABKH a ( <t i?a t?r..,4.tway. ro. m 4 ; Po?t offl e bo* 5,271 Prlrsto ofllet II U i:ed. Oftice h ut' 7 A. fill 7 P. M. BOOK> ANI? ACCOI NT- INVKfflOATF.Tl IHI^ anoeil aud c oaed hv an eflti icnt accountant Term* flxe'lt y toll orrtftT. AJ?li " S II.. I,ox lt<7 III raM ofth ?. DI<F\^KS t>F MKN AN It IK PORTA KT MKOMJaL and Pnrjfleal t^aae* a apeeUitr. lll'VRV a IMN IKLH M. P., t44La?Wgto:t atenne. near Iwfn'y-iiiath?l. HAV \ NA LOTTERY. KzUaurAinary drawin?, April t:, 1?71 ciaaa 9W. On!? i?00 ticket* am 2 '97 erlr.e*. ameunlir? to $1'Aidia"'. onetriMh ftirvmiiiin neta, 'I rv prize* iu inm drawiug will be aa la.lowft^ 1 l ri*e f*tn 1 Prim or ii>"tn?i t Priae . 60,(fl<i 2 Priaea r t i?l fjlvP M)l*? 4 Priae*of 910.000 and io ot $i. ouo eprt*i 2.07" other pt.zej, amoBittln* t.1 4m., tin J. B. MABIIJIkK a lOWallaMM, rear ba-tmenL to?4,6'5 New Yol* PoitofTre. ^L'Ol MIiiW."-A!X perrons AltK I OUHIDDTN TO IV manaiacture or *eil ? K..uinij?" In the I niteil ?lite( wltliont a*pei ?l license fVom the p^'?eti '. < b. tfi'.nalile only bv audressinij AI.KX. OA M ANKI'B, 33 P:rk row, New \orii. wfrtngrr* t it pr secuted. K-officiai- drawing of rn*. kkniucky BUM Lotteries. Ultuiu.nt, I'Kkin-ou A Co., Mana gers. *tt!?Ttc?T. txtat n**? so. ?.v-*ratr *). I87\ 40. 28. 4i, ??>. V2, 7. M, ih. 81, M, 4s. 1.1, 23. ajtw-rttBv. ct.**? no. 2Sti?*rait 80, IS.A S3, 27, 71, .1-, **, 1, 21. M, 16. 40. T7, M, M, nai> r.t, *lt*i CLa*? ao. S. l-*P*|i. 20. I87S 71. 41, fiS 6? l?. ?l. ?, I A, 1 13, 15, 4. a*.***, Class no. 372-aratl?), 1?76. % 22. 13 n, fit, 27. M. 7IA 51, A, 61. 47. 41 Fnll infotmaflon by applying or addreMlng J Clil TB, 200 HrotdwaT, room 6, Oral door, rear oltlcr, or 1'oit ofllce box 4.WW. K-IF.ntockv STATE H1MOLK B0MBER LOTTKBY , on Havana plan, drawn April 24i *i*o Royal Ha vana of Cnba,_eatraordlnary drawing April a. Caal tti ariae iMnwn. ^nll Inlormatlon kyapplring or ad dr?Hl*C i. ULUTR W) ?r ?'-IT. or faat office box AMI K SPECIAL Koricun. ?$? a01)0 CASH CUTS. Whole Tickets, $10l Kcntuekr 8tnt? Pinal* Numbrr Lo tery, on Havana plan, drawn April 24, 11*73. i irculnr* wnt tree. 1*ai K.i, J.MLRSON A CO., A?onU, It i Broadway, room t. Poat office box 5,272. PKFK K 11.1 > CEMENT IIRAVKI., C *ED FOR FOOT and rn ol wav?ol Central umJ Prottfjet l'ark?, uiso at Wa&liiuucu i, 1* C., Ac-., il?>livereit reasonably any* where. H iW EI.L, 16 West Nineteenth s'.roet. l>OYAL IIAfANA I.OTTKkY. _. Extraordinary drawing Ai>rll -i. $l,200,flc0ln pri/ess one prize to every seven ticket*. Circniurs of lull Infor mation furnished lr*?e. Spanish hank bill*. govern iii"lit". Ac.. Ac., put chased. a CO.. Banker*, l'ost office b'lit 4,4.* No. II Wall street. rpAKK MOTICB?THAI THK CNDi RSKiNED, DOING 1 business at 1,243 llroielwav as u loan office. will re tin- troiu tin-. business from and alter this date. All parties having left property with me are rt-u nested to call lor the same up to uii<l iu< Hiding the iWthdavof April, 1875 and pny the ainminl ilue. K. KUAli.-E. Dated N?.w Yiiuk. April 18. IK75. rruK FIFTY-.-ElMND ANM'AL MKKTINU OF THK 1 New York Asylum lor l,yiin,'In Women will lie held at tin- asylum, K5 Marion ittreut, on Wednesday, the 21st, at i- o'clock. The oiergy, physicians and the public arc cordially invited toaiteud. (fc'WWl (WW) -kknticky htatr, sinoi.k ?>)Uu,UUU. numbers, Havana plan, to be drawn April-1. 1 7V B. NaTiIaN, No. 4 Uilsey 1-ttiiidlliK. Curt lan It street, Now York. I'u.'t offico oox 4.H7U. (bono nn/i -kemtoky sikcle number Lottery, on Havana plan. Simmon*, Dickinson A Co., drawn April 24. For circulars address their authorized aire lit, J. ULITK, 153 Kultoli street. fltl onn fWWk ?EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING ?J> L.^V/U.IMMf, ol the Royal Havana Lottery ot Cab*, conducted by the Spanish government, April iki. Public Library ol KemucM prises cashed or ex changed. circulars ot intorinitlon sent tree. BAiE.i A CO., 153 Broadway. DKV OINIOIt. AT SMITH'S PATTERN BaZAAR, 914 BROADWAY, J\ between Twentieth aud Twentr-flrst street.-,.? IIKAND DISPLAY OK IMI'llKTI'.I> FASHION*. PaT. TERNS Ni?W READY; CLuTH MODELS with every pattern: cutting uml fitting. a. llljKl'Kll'E SMITH, No. ?JI4 Broadway, between lVlMMk and Twentv-tlrst SW. nAIPITt, CARPBT8. \J (treat prinu oncning of Carpets, Oilcloths, Window shades, Lambrequins, Mats, Matting, Ac., at very low prices. English Velvet, at (1 75 per vard. Tapestry Brussels, at $1 per Vara. Three-ply, at >i H per yard. Ingrain, at35<\. Ms. and 5lc per yard. All other uoods at equally low prices. A large .stock ot Furniture, 10 per cent cheaper tiiau any other house In the city. AU goods shipped tree. D. KELLY, <suce???or to IL o'Farrell), 512 and 514 Eighth avenue, between :15th and Stitli streets. CI MAT BARGAINS IN 4 CARPETS, CAHPiifS, CARPflT.-t, UAKf. rs, OILCLOTnS, LACK CURTAINS, AC. BIIEPPARD KNAI'P, HIIEPPARD KNAPP, SU PPAItD KNAPP, Inland Ik'j -lxtti avenue, offers the largest assortment ui reiail In the city at tho LOW EST PUICES. LOWEST PRIOK". LOWEST PRICES. U-ET FLANNELS, BLANKETS, TWEEDS. *C. from ti!? late fire In Worth atreet; s .me very good goods at low price*. WE. MATHBW*. M Catharine st. " 8PORTI\U?DtMiS, MEW, AC. "Y ??OR HAUL A LI. KINDS OF FANCY DOCS A. Bird*. Ac.; Mudlclnes lor all diaeasea; Prenared Food lor mocking birds, at B. U. D01 KV'S, No. 3 (Jreene street, near Caaial. . t LOTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT OLBA /V son's Billiard Ho rn. I?l Bowery, to-day, April 21. at i o'clock Philadelphia vs. Centennial, at Philadel d!iia ? RoMou v" N. w Haven, at N?w liar, n, and on 1 Iiui'xlav, on Philadelphia vs. Athletic at Philadelphia; telegrams receded t Atlantic and I aci|Vj II.. Irijli' room. McULOUD a W rikON SHOOTING.?SWEEP8TAKE8 AT IWINK'S (iround babvton, I.. I.; :-aturduy next lor aina furs: oulv 3d) llrst clasa bird*. LMTCl VI I V.-A MACNIKH'KNT WKBSTE!! SBlTPB, n good on all name; ?;>lendi I ranger; trlaUiven ; al o black and tan Setter I'up. juatovor the dUietuuor. II. UAKUNKR. Ill o nli I .tin mum. " " '111 K I'lHU. TIm'Tion'and feench pools' HOLD AT JOHN A son* Pool H orn, 1.187 "roadway, at J ?clock thU atlernoott?PII11?AI'r. LI II1A vs. CP.NII.N M AL. at PhllvJelunla : BOSTON v?. .\KW HAVEN. at New Haven; alti> on Tnur?dav a tier noon, on ganin between Pllli.A ! DKLFtlUandAlHLhTlds, In Philadelphia. Each i toning received by telcgruuh, Weatarn ,J^kT. rUHE PEOBI'BOr 1I'iRK FAIKOKOUNl) ASSOCIATION 1 wou d respectfully riotil) the public that ihey nave redn. ed the vearly anbscriutmn lor inemlieisblu to roraraeDcloa Hay J, 18/5. wfclch give-each memUr to ffether with hia family, all the privileges of the club fi use ami grounds. Applications aoltciled. which can l.e ?rut to UEO UAKLh.1T, aiipertuteuueiit, lad Boutague street, Brooklyu. HoitlM. CAE.H1ABOT. a< ? i TVork*t baroaieb. . j\. Six **at tockriways, Landau*. Coupe Kockaways, I Lanlauets, Victoria* I Brotucname, Pbnetona. I Cabrloleta nigh and low wh*el Pony and Paik Phaeton* In a 8"our%*t. ?'k'T.t"Car ria K?>11* the largest ever offered In this city, all of our own manufacture, and every cat|?ar*ula?dWrooe^rRMAplwr k CQ 6J8 and *#' Broadway. A." BEPAlRINOnEPARTMUNT. BRSWi^TRR M ('O., OK BROOME PTRC1T. Owner* of carriages are respectfully infomiw that wa Iiay? a thor<.uiiU.y or?aoU?d department tor the repair of <arr 4*r? under the personal r?ntf\>t ot a member ?>r oar first, aaaiated br a competent foreman, tralnel m our otd liroome *trer|aaubtl;?iui*nu |H TUt* Quality ot the Labor and matertal wpreriaeiy tne Mice as that employed In the production ot new car "rhe%xt?i.t of onr premlaea and *nr Urge wwWmIom live us marked au?anta*ea In the PROMPI anu rHOIl OL'OII ex. ? utlon of the work Intru.t. d to us. Careful estimate* will be made ot the coat, an 1 no cartage, to or fro. will be chamnl. i irrt. r< mar be left at the lactorv or warero^ore*. Bit. >AI?U AV ANH FOKt *-SK\ BNTH Hf KbBr ASD | FIFTH AVBNLK AND FOUBTRBNTI1 STRKF.T. ? -MAJOR I'll 18. W. BARKKR ANNOUNCES tlKOKOB D. IIANNA'S (..l B..iirl>on conntr. K^.tnrKTl nrn great aale ol green Trotter* saudle a id rnn.-ii It rt*- t.elleied to be as One a? ever I'ft the Blue i?ro?? Region, to take nlace at Harlter a n ns ? It* A?i lion Ma.; a'id ><?'* Y..rk lattrr?*ll a. corn-rof Eroad KV ?n.I Thirty nl-th ??reet, on Wednesday. April 2?, at 'ViiV'r' s i "i'.N ii'k uV'inilndirg aeveral s-err speedy Tounc Troltera. a number t>f combined aad lle and har Be">i tlor*? s aihI wveralof U., dne-t anoI tno-t H. gant pairs of oacli Horaos ever wen in New *o. k, all war ''s'ioc'k 'vtu.'amve'at the Mart on f'jlda.v Aprli n when Dr .lolili W. Clark, agent <ot ..-?i iinnd to hitch an t give i ver; liodv the opnort^niiy or rvilng fcehi::d and trvluz any ot the stock before ttic aa.e. CATAI.OCt K8 LOW ready. KO POSIPOJit.MUST, and tale positive. a itmvi?n 4t r.Asr ?I r. i)F.\*o, of jackion A r'itv. Mich., with i* Homi, at A. d lin's stable'. Twenty tilth stieet, between Third and Lexington avenues. i -IOKI1I.K A CAR IOAD or WESTERN HORSE": A. thev are tutor ant kind of buitneiai welfhfVoM to !.??*? Ib? ; eac.ii Tonnf; warranted in exer? leaped, three da?a' trial allowed. 212 Stanton ?:reet a ?LAND\ri.ETB, I, AN HA IS, LAIHF.S'PHAKTONB, A. Bua?: S |;ep,.t Wagnns, Do tors' I haet n?. Ao.. ,r rai second hand Clerei.ees. ? " KSd low previous to moving. IIAM. 10 Fast rmirtn si. _ "a ?SELLINiHIl t ? TOCK -f.ETF.N-ION TOP PARK \ . I'h.K ' na. -icic t>ar Buggies, top and no tup I xpresa, tirocery. Baker and light Bitslneaa Wagons; tliree ijuai ter Truck. 3S5 !lu i?on street. 7 new rop nruos waooe fob ?M| mi A .Hum sire fl.s rail tr.veks. turn. ?? worth I to an? nerroB who haa uj? lor It- lii >vc?t ItlBoteenth street. i -TWO OPEN TOP WAOOMS. ONE Jl MP SBAT, A. three seij. double Harness ..tie s"r-'I<;; ',1 'T'''*' ; goo' order; wil. sell very cheap. Apply at 144 F.ast fitly seventh street.^ , vi.-\v rta HI.R hi WK>T EIOIII K t".N I IT ^1 RHI , A "?7ent ir I* V O. BRADLEY, 30 Broatt ?tnct room tt "a BANDSOMR EXTENSION TOP P1JJ**T"J.JLVJl A b'' sf id at a ?acrlfl 1: aiso sei double Harne-s ?nd a flne wugic Harney. At pfhate stable M EmI Iwclttli street. - UORSKS. Fir rOK INV hi SINESS; ALSO one flne d< tor> or gentleman's business iloise, to t c sold at a aa-rlil. e. Call t-r t w ? daft at ?<" nrsn.l s?. A RBIVF.O rill" ?ORSINI? H.oM n;l.lVI|I;, lJ A gomi work Horaea, Irom Rfc? '"''?.l* lor ail rtirp wee; aohl cheap. Appt) at Ld Merc-r ?utet, near Bleecker. ? i T it nr JOH'f'OJf, EMAMt, BS I.IBRRTT A str et-?tn" Horse Hi-nk-ta. Whlpe, Clrclrglefc stiee's, douiile at.:! ?ngl? ae.ts Harness, *?. A roRStIF TWO I'ONVBMT.T HOR?EA; AUO three otber Hcrwsa ?nitable lor farmer exrrc.sor any bnJl.e.5, a? h?lf "aloe. ho. 8 Last Houstou mreot, near Broadway. m - ? . roR Si] I POI'R IloRsKS, FROM $7"? I P. A "suitahi'for far'iipg, grocery express e-any other bi\uiVial ln(juiri at ry, oppo-lto Fifth .freer, n the rear. ~r~ nivtl fV?N IFtVINO TOWN OFFP.RS FOR 2Vm~'s Mil Ifarald i>A?*. HOKKK?, CAR.111A.OK!*. AT BARKER A SON'S CITY AUCTION MART AND h. Y. TATTKRSALL'S, corner of Broadwtiv and Iturty nlnili street. MOOR OlIAS, w. BARKER, AW TlONKKIt RI'.IM LAR SALl'S of Horses. Carriages. Ac., KVliKY WEDM-.SUAY AM) SATURDAY, A I hLRYRM O'CLOCK TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed lor trial on every Horse wild under warrantee. TH1H 1 ihe only auction mart in the State liavlncr the proper facilities for showing horses on mile?viz., a large driviug ii?K. entirely uutlor covcr ami plenty of room lor examination. CATALOGUE OF SALE THIS DAY AT ELUYRN O'CLOCK. Commencing with tlie extraordinary event. Mr. J. DUNN W ALTON'S GREAT BALK OK FAMOUS TROTiING HOUSES, COMPRiSlMi FORTY-ONE UK AD. with and without records. Including all of the Hippodrome favorites. HOItSKS WITH record* are as follows:?W. U. VVtilt mini. -:KlJr?: Carroll, 2:tOli; Yonn? Jackson. 1:3I; Billv (Irav, tt o; Red Wing, 2:Sl; II. 1?. Wallou, 2:35; Brov. n Prince, 2:38, and Huskey Roy, 2:40. all of which can bent their time. TIIE HIPPODROME favorite* are Johnny Heed, Flora, Bessie, llurrv, Mary M., Boston, lony Pastor, Slasher, Helen mid Josle, Hint can trot in from 2:<ftuowu to lietter than 2:30. TDK (IKKI'.N and imtriilned ones are Lady l.angan. Hello of Chelsea, Fannin, Detroit, s. H. Woodard. lint fain Dick, Bangor, Kansas Pet, Jim. Belle ol Maine, Hunw Uroo. Stella. Sheridan, New Y'ork, Brooklyn Boy. Young Kvcrctt. Thomas, Dutchman. Columbus, Port land, Maine mid Brooklyn, all of which can trot in front three minutes down toi:.HK ALSO THE thoroughorod saddle Gelding, Harry Bas sett, Jr. SINCE FRIDAY la-.t Hie above stock have been ridden often bv over TWO HUNDRtD GENTLEMEN, who havo one and all expressed themselves as f.elng more than satisfied that they showed even MOKK SI'Ec.D than cl 'itned br Mr. VVal'on. CATALOGUES AND other particulars at ?nle. IMMJ'ilil aTKLY AFTER the above will be offered for positive disposal, BY oki> Kot w. C. D?vine. Assignee in Bankruptcy, the very speedy, elegant, cross-matched pnir of gray ami bay Trotting lleloings, 11 irry Sweeney ana mate, better known on ttie Brooklyn road as the Sweeney team; were got by it sou of Alexander's Pilot. Jr.: are Ift'.j high. H and7 years old : nre game, prompt and extra stylish drivers- were never on a track but mice, and then turued it in 2'StH.,: are as safe, reliable and tine up pearing pair iih enii tie found ; drive fluelv In .single har ness, and are warranted sound and kind; will tie Said separately it desired. TilE fast brown Trotting Mare. Lady Palmer, gottiv The Bogus Horse (sire ol (leorge Palmer), dam by lleiiry Ciay ; is UK high, s years old; 14 u tine mid easy driver unci sure 2 jt' msre any anil every day to toad wagon: tias shown a trial ol 2:13; will beat 2:11 wltti six weeks' handling; is no puller nor lugirer, aud Is warranted sound and kind. I'HE WELL known bay Trotting Uridine. Brighton Boy, got bv Young Morril, t'am bv itnlal'ali Chiel. lo)? high, 7 years old; a game and extra pleasant driver; has a record of 2:4t; can beat sm now; Is a gentleman's perfect road Imrse in every particular, uud n warranted sound and kind. 11ANDSOMr? FINE, large chestnut Holding, 16 high. 8 Tears oil; without exception is one of the finest galled, best disposition.-d trotters in the .-Uite; can trot m is atriiid of notiilng. and U warranted sound aud kind. THK TllOi.Ol.'tjIi HUt'.D chenttlut Mare, I'nromel, bred by the Into Jobn Bliedden, ot Montreal. Canada; was foaled IMtiM and got by tensor, son of Lexington, dam Murv Uowell, by Revenue (seo Bruce's stud Book, volume pape 60): is au eleg-int saddle mare and drives finely in harness; is warranted bound and kind; a rare chauce tor bn cders. THR CELEBRATED black Trotting Oelding. Rsv HttfS. goi bv (Icncral Knox, lf>,V high, 8 tears old: a stvlish driver; hus a record of 2:t'i,'a; is sold oy order ol 0. Less ter. Mortgagee. TOP SIDE BAR Road Wagon, by Brewster, ot Broomo street. TOP FULL SPRING Wagon, cltv made. NO TOP side bar Wagon, bv Vandergaw. TO CLOSE THR eUste o! tflf late J Hopkins?One set of olegaut single llnruess, made by Balkwill;-tw > tine sets single Harness, by Reach, have uever been used and CO?t 0 per set. PARK PHAK'IOX. bv Brewster, of Broome street. TEN OTHER Wagons, Cnrriages, Ac. FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. BALKS NEW li postroursl ou account of weather. AKKEWSTER (OF BROOMF. STREET) TOP SIDE bar Wagon. Top *lile-liar Wagon by R M. Silvers. Berlin Demi-l audau, used only six times. Barouche, nearly ti"w by Wood ? to*. Victoria, pole and ylisfts. bv Wood Bros. Coupe Rockawav, pole and sliatts, by Wool Rros. Coupe, nearly new, by Armstrong A Co of Newllaven. No top Basket Phaeton Willi rumble and canopy. Kxteusiou top Phaeton, cllv build. Hlx-ieat Hockaway. in good order, by J. R. Lawrence. Clareuce, nearly new, by Mott Depot Wagons cn<l Hockaway*. top and no top Pony Fhactons, Coaches, hxpress Wagons. Harness, Ac., Ae. AT PkIVATK MALE. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY. 110 and 112 East Thirteenth street, near Fourth av. * VERY ITYLISH TEAM OK SORREL HORSES, j\ \5li hands high, six year* old: verv fine drivers: warranted sound and kind. No* 3 and 6 We.?t thir teenth street. A GENTLEMAN WANTS A TRAM OF WRLL BUILT, lilgh action l oupe Horses. IMorUk hands: uiust be Mund and gentle; a liber .I price wiiTb pald. Ad dress staling particulars, J. M. IV., Herald Uptown Branch o(B"e. ABARt.AIN.-BEAUTIFlTL ETHAN ALLEN BAY Horse. IMf. Hy-ars, sound, kind, trots in 2:"S1; fine side bar top Wagon, lull spring top Wagon, light Har ness, lilaukets, best citr maker*. Ii.irdh soiled. Inquire of owner, private stable No. 6 West Nineteenth street, near Filth avenu". AfTABLK TO LET.?13 STALLS. COACH HOUSE, auarunent* tor coachtuan, rent low. Apply at No. 150 1-aM .nth Auction sale of uorsrs. by joh* a. dur A CO., Auctioneers.?JU railroad and one car load of western llor.ies will be sold to the highest i Idder. on Wednesday at II A. M.. Anril II. at the Old Railroad stable, corner of Sixty sixth street and Third avenue. HI PSA l.l. A BI.ODOKTT. COUPES. COUPE Af?D SIX SEAT ROCKAWA>S. Landanleis. Phaetons. Victoria^ T and Dog Carta, Bond and Depot Wagons, Pugeirs nIkies Ac. J. COI.V Kit A CO., StM Broadway. /CLARENCE FOR BALK?IK PERFECT ORDER. CAN v Le seen it No. 31 Fast Thirty-ninth street, or in quire of J. KORAINE Brt'iWN, No IJN BrulttniT. /"10MPLKTE TURNOUT.?RAT MAItE. HANlvOVK V* as ? picture; irot in ^:t5or belt, r. ?>uad nn.l hum; Brcw*t.:r Wagon; Harness; $<.'>0. wo.-tii double: motive, reducing expeuses. Al atnbto ItMth street near Fourth avenue. t'OR HALS CIiF'\P?IWO i-OIND HOUSES; M-HO Wagon anil llarnjas. Apply at bakery, til l ast Ninth street. InoRSALi:- lease or the stable m com mri a street M stalls mi l r. ?im lor wagons; either can !><? in ?- im I ; soluble for Iced store. It very stable ; tie*- <tand on ttie cast side for work horse* to !et; y-n; about $ j per month. ? L'OR SAI.E?A FIRST CLAB-t UTKRT STABLE, I within at) of New York on Hudson Kiv r Railroad; a bari-niu J. K. WILLIAMS A SUN. Elglith a*enue. corner Thirty-fourth street. JfOt SALE-1 WO PONY IIORSKh, 14 TO IS HARD4: r v jtiiur. sout d I ind; one trots in three minutes; Kk preaa Wa?on, Hut her Cart and Harness cheap. Ml Wast Sixteenth street, in tin ?hop. L"0R BALE?TWO OOOD WORK HORScS, 4W0 r each . good hor?e Nr express, grocer or milk* man. J7J. ? < st "i wtnn -sixth street. L'OH SALE?A S1TLI>H UltT HORSE. l? IMKDH I huh, 7 years old; suitable lor cottjie. 119 fcast I'orty. first street. l^OH *ALE?PONY. PHAETON AND HARNESS TO A match; als.. double an 1 single Hnrne;> and Brews ter Iloail Uagou Appir at private stable ll? West HI- ' tie t*i street. r'oR >ALE-SEVERAL 8CPRRIOR YOCNU MOR*ES; are ?trl< tl??otind. e?iitle and kind: fins si/c, color, action nud >t} ic; speed to suit purchaser; also twoaad dla Horses. O. H. LRaVitt, ig. L I. SjioiT BAL*.?THE FaYoRITE L1ITLK T HOTTER, r Ntllle RcCann. wtli be sold at pub'ic auction on Friday, Mas 14. ihts ?t 11 a. >f . at the resident e oi the ; la>? John McCann, Z7u Andnrer street. i,0. . " Msm. FiOR tAI.R FOR THE WANT OP NONRT.?WILL sell very cheap, two good stroti* reliable work . Morses; snli farmer or egprcss. Call two day* at l et d Store, No. ;i70 Hudson street. llHiR -Aid'. CII RAP?Til RKK llllRiKS FROM f5~TO F Kfands; suitable for track, farmer or cipress; warranted sound an 1 kind; single Truck snJ Express Waeon. Apply at Sin Hndson street. I?t)R BAIE CHEAP-BAY RARE. LITTI.H BORR r forward, ?7j; lilac* llors? Ithawll, |H; Sorrel Hi>r-<\ 1SH hands. BltlO: I'onr, $:*i; irii'k Harness; must sell. Call at turnirure store, .IM Hadsoll street. bH>R BALE VERY ()???*?PERFECTLY HUTCIIEO central carriage team; blooded Kentn. kv stoc,,; bar color; in ;i.od condition; warranted kind and healthv i solo witli or witn. tit Harness, onlr beeeeee . owner's family l#a?o scon tor F.uroi>e. Apply at private . siatiia No. # West Forty-lourth street, dutnin tne lure- I noon. IfOI'R iRliKi AND 1WO CARTd VnR BALR r rhAap t'tf tiia Singar Mauui'a< luring t'ompanv. i^m Rott .IreeU UAK>K*~.-THE~CHEAPEST^HARNESS !?MR.: IN .New Y'ork: irood btttuv ll?rne?s, h;in l made. $17; grx>I liroccr ? llarnaas, Br.; good Rilltm in s ll*rne?s. BT1; rood double Inn-k Harn*sa, fW; good Stable Blan ket. ?i Please eail and esamine for ronrselves, y:SHERA OSBORNe., 71 KaroU* street. New ^nrk. ARJthBS-aDAPTrD TO EVERT CONCEITARl.1t ptirp isv mar always t>e fn'tml in im"ien?e nuan tities, as wail as Hors? iurtii?tnng t>ood< ami ?'amnca Equipments, In new and eli-gan, stT;e< lor spnnxand summer trade. Spring 'iooils n ?w on exhibition. 0. M. Rii.-RMAN A RRii., Mauuiacturars, lit t'haiu'iera at MORSE wantko-FOR nr.MVERT WAGON; RUST t '? ,iin i. klod. atanil ? uhbut lying and ton.ibou: Bloj. Appiv at H Cedar street. IRON STABI,r: FITTIROB?ALL TUB LATEST IM 1 rrorcmenta of our own wake; good, smooth rairt tii** tram Noi. 1 lrnn fitted by skilled workmen, can and sec specimens or sen 1 for an lllnstrated catalogue 'rc^ JASHS A E IRT1.AN I>. Noa. i. 10. li Itea.le si net IN THE LATESi" I'ASII ION and Bnc?t qnaiity, I.anJa .lots, Ro Karrayi, Cabriolets. The atli^nMon of ojr BROOKLYN PATRONS Is in. rite 1, soliciting an inspectiou. A. S. Pl.ANDRAl'. !17J and 374 Broome atraet (6ld stand oi Brewster A <'o.\ ONE RAROCCHR. 1 BERLIN COACH, 1 CLARK NCR, 1 Woods Bros. Hot Cart, 1 do. .lump Seat. I Stivers top Waeon, 1 Hrewgter do.. 1 Husenoiir/ do., 1 Water man do.: Pony Pnantons of all styles; 2 doctor's Phae ton*. extension top Phaetons, l?epot Wairons, Rock away* ot allstvles: 1 Caffery Snlkey, of all weights; 1 Skeleton; also 4M second hand Carnages of all styles at low pricea. WR. H. ORaY, ?u and W Wooster siraet otablr TO lrt-PABT OF PRIVATE BTABLE tJ (room for two horses and carriages In East Twenty second street. Addra* by note l., ?? East sareuteenth sS'asL. Holt OA.HKIAOK*, <tC. STABLE TO LET-17 WEST FnR'I'Y FOURTH street, seven stalls (onea box Mall): two floors for carriages. villi lift. ump'e accommodation tur two establishments at livery rates; rootus in budding tor CMtlaMn. QTABI.K TO LKT?OOOD ACCOM MoDaTIO* FOR 0 ten horses Iiujiiire un the ;>r>*iiii?? s, U street. STABLE TO LET-147 WEST TWEMY-NINTH k> atrtit, combtlnit of 3 utilli enrriatr room and good accommodations lor coachman and I'ttiotly For mrtbftr psrtlcultirs Inquire at lit same strect'or at a West 1 went y -111111 Mioct. 'HO UNDERTAKERS OR STABLE KEEPERS.?FOR i still :? irray matrh Horse, Hihaniv ; \ ears old; sound mill kind lu double harness; Hold on account of loo of mates priee $I!W: or Hill liny a ir.:ue lur tillii I*. II MAHTERHON, Central Park there tables, corner of Filty-ninth street mid Seventh nvenue. rpWO CANADIAN PONIES, 14 U HANDS IIIOH; I Truck and Harness for sale, at >L BA.NNERMAN'd, 14 Atlantic street, Brooklyn. fTO BKNT-THK RTiKOANT ."TABLE .NO. 4 EAST k Thirty-ninth strict. Inquire est i lie premises or at fto. hi Leonard street, corner ot Church. TO LET?STABLE, VrXTII MINI: STALLS, HAS, WA ler mnl liayioll; together or separate , che:io rem; also carriage room, at ill VWsi TweuU elyhtli street, nesr Ninth avenue. mo LET?PRIVATE stabler lit AJ(D 146 WEST I Seventeenth street un<l It.' and 144 West Fiftieth street, heiiveen Sixth and Seventh avenues J AMlis .vriKMI AN. ,<i Wall street WANTED?A GOOD FAMILY HORSE FltOM 15 TO T? 16 hand* hull mm! lie yovng. handsome, sound and kind. Hint moderately i?--t. ami drive single ?r double. Address or call at lltDNI I'to PHARMACY, 218 Broadway. \\f ANTED? SIDE BAR TOP WAGON ANI) IIAR M ness, of nest city inutiufacttire ; stale when and by whom made, how painted aid mounted, and very lowest price. Address HI'i;(!V, Herald ottlce. \\F A NT E D?O N E PAIR AND ONE KINOLB HORSE, ?? to weigh abnitt, I,Ohi pounds each; young. sound and kind; good steppers, tree und nasv drivers. single ,ir double. Addr< <ts. giving color true uge and all the had as well as the good qualities, mi l when- can bu seen and lowest casii price. J. W., box l.'l Herald ofHce. ion WEST FIFTEENTH STREET ?EXTRA LARGE I*)U private Stable to let; Barouche. by Brewster; l'liaeton; elegant double Harness tor sale. KI ltOPKAN . TEA ?1."SI I IP*. rrilE STATE LINE. L NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, I.I VfTt POOL, it LE.vM AND LONDONDERRY". Palling from Pier :W North hirer, as lollows:? STATE OK INDIANA Wedn?>-it-iy. \pril2l 4*TaI'E OF UEOBOIA Wed ue si ay. Mav 3 SI ATE OF r NNsYLVA.NIa Wcdnesdav, May 19 an.; every Wednesday tlurenttcr, taking passengers' at through rates to nil parts ot Ureal Britain mill Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and tJerntanv. Steerage as low as hv any other line Drafts lor ?1 aud iipw ird. i-or freight or passage ap ply to AUSTIN, BALDWIN .? CO., Agent* No. Ti Broadway, Steerage office. No. 43 Broadway. Ql'EClAL NOTICE.?THE STATE LINE .STEAMER Stale ol' I it Imna sails from pier Mt> North River, Wednesday, April-1, at i P. M. lor Beliast and tiinsgow, Passengers are requested to in-on board at I :S0 I'. M. Cabin Passage to Liverpool, lilasgow. Jfcc., t?i and EV?, Second Cabin til). Apjiiy to A Col'IN BALDWIN i CO., agents. 72 Broadway. WHITE ST a I! LINK, f? FOR V1 'KEN-TOWN OR LIVERPOOL, CARRYING JI1E UNI I i.D STATE." MAIL REPUBLIC April 'Jv at 7 : II A. M. ADRIATIC Msv 8. at /::UI A. M. CELTIC May IS. at l P. M. MALI IC Mae 2-' nt :t P. M. H R IT AN Vic Ma.v 29, noon. GERMANIC .June i P, M. From the White ittnr docks, incr iJ North itiver. Rates-Saloon. #K t ami 510 ' in ^'old; re" urn tickets, f 17ft gold Bteerage nt low rales. Saloon, staterooms. Mnoking and tathronmi are plseed amidships, where the hois' anil motion are least, art riliug a deiaee of eointon iti'lnito unattainable at sea. For inspection of visas and other information apply at ihe company's office, 19 Hroadwm Ne? fork it. J. OOBTl.-,. \ .,ent. VJ ATIONAL LINE. Xs From piers Nos. 44 and 47 N.irlh River. CO It LO.slHIN oiRECr. CREECE...April 21, .H P. M. I HtA.vCi ..May S,Tt?A M. HOLLAND...Slav I, 1 P. M. | TO 01 hk.NSTUWN A Nil LIVBKl'OOL EGYPT.. April 24. 7:M A. M. I I.NOLAND..Mav I II*. M. IBIN Mays, 11? A. St. I Cabin passage. $70 and #^0 eurreut jr. Steerage at greatly reduced trices. Return tickets ttreduc d rules. Prepaid steerage tickets from Liverpool at ih.- lowest rates. Apply at the company's office, 89 Broadway. KM*. JL_1?I'KH1". M?uager_ North oerman ? loyd. bTEAM-ll IP LINK BETWEEN" NEW YORK, Sol THAMPTON AND Bit EM EN. Companv's pier, loot of fleeond street, lloboken. WF.hKK April M I MAIN Mar 8 DON At" May II I: II El N .May* IS Kales oi pas?are trom New York to Southstnptou, Havre or Bremen: First Cabin $VJ0, gold. | Secon l Cablo tW, gold. ste.eruge. $24. currencv. Prepaid steerage certificates $14. enrretu v. It'duni li.-ket^ ?t reduced ral'-s. For Freight or Passage apply to Ofc'.KICHS, So. 2 Bowlins Creep. J~>AOI.E LINE ]J I'NITKU STflES MAIL STEAMSHIPS |ii PLVMM'TH. IMIEKUtH IM AND IIAMHt RO. The elegant t lyde built irou stcautihtps wth sail trom Ee w Vnrk a- IblioWst? sCHI i LEK. Oaeutn Thomas. April 27, i'antain Toosbnry May 4 trom Lsglc Line pier, (MM First stri et, nobokea! I.A IKS OF PASBAOE TO PLYMCifTH, LONDON. CHBRMOCRa and HAMBCRC; Cabin?First sai'?on. $l?). gold ; wcond saloon, $?>?, go: I. >teer*^e 524 currency. I"repald ateerjjic tickets tram Hanitii'int. $M. enrrencr. For tYeivhr apply to PUNCH, KD) E A CO., 27 u li Wll lam street. I . rpassa - npi lv to ENAUTH, NACIIOD A Kl'HNB, Geaelfcl Agents. IU itr- adway. /UNAKD LINK.?It. A.N I N. A U. M .-i. P. CU V' NOTICE. With 1 view to dinil'iishiuc the clisnres of eo'Iislon tin- ,tem.M > .d tills hue take ?> spei IU? i uur?j i^r ml ????>,<ns ol the year. On the ouinvar! pavar" tro:n Qne?n?? ,wti to New York or Boston, cri sstng m ihe meridian at at 4J latitude, or no'hing to the uortli ot 41 Off the liojieward |>a ago eri^stnr the merl Han of ; J St 42 Is'.t 1 ??* or II thin., to the tior^h ot ?2. From NEW \ iRK tor l.tVAKIloi >1. and Q1 EEESTOWN, ?ltf.-SI.\ Wed . April II I ARYSsiNlA..sat. May I ?BOTHNIA..Wed.. \>ni .sl?i ?a Wed.. May . Maimer. marked * la uotc .irry steeraee passengers, t'aliin pasaage 51'"'. $1gold, according to ac commodation. Kttnrn tick" t-oa tavoraMr terms st.-. rage tickets to and irnin all pan* of Europe at lowe-t rates. Freight and cabin offlcc, No. 4 Bow.iug tirceii Steerage offfcsL HI Broadway ,Trinltv Bimditigi. CIIARi.ES 0. FRANCKl.YN. Agent_ 1>assknokrs T*ee XTKaMHHIP Rl SSlA F.MBAKK iViiiu thf t nnard wharl, toot of orsnd street. Jer spy < ity at .IP. M., on Wodnesdav.Zlat *pril. IS7S. CHARLES O HtA.NCKI.YV, No. 4 Bonttng Orern. New York. I?l.l? Si AK I INK, . _ IV appointed to carry ft* Be Iff tan anl lulled Mild IMllli Tba following sto truer* are at polrted to Mil t 'i* aktwbbp From Plwladelphta F-om New York. BRDKKL.\NI> Aurili" PWIT/KUl. * M?. . Iprtl 1* VADERL A ,S ii May SI >1 At i.ol.Nr.NAOA.May S PR iM AXTWtr.P - For PTtllartelpf) la. IW S" York. fSDKBLAND April "7 WAT* OK N MAO n..*av ? VAl'BHLAM' Bay -I KWil/.i Kl.ANO Ju:il J Priccaot pa*?a? Incarrencp. First <"?htn . %*< ftccond Cabin t6> tttc*rage iK4it? to and irom all points at the uwut rate*. Pas "nrr H'fwtmodationa r r si: c!as? 'S unsnrpa^ed. r <>r i r?u< of ireful *;> 1 uthc: information, COI.TON. Agent, 42 Broa! street. \>tv York. JotlK HcliVXilU, ra?-"-iifcr Agect, No. 8 Battery place, New V nl k. Pr.rEB WRItilir ASONf", General Agtnu,SOI Walnut ?trcet, Philadelphia B. VON DEB HI.i'KB, General European Agent. Ant wrrn. C'REAT WEBTKItS I sflsM-illP LINK NEW YOBK TO MKl.VIOL (ENULAJff) DIRECT, sailing fr> in pier it kaat River a* loliowat? CORNwai.i. sum(>< r Saturday, May 1 GREAT WRBTEkN Windham Saturday. Mai l Cabin paasag< >*"? inierme, ntc, $?j, star rage, $*>, Currency; cxi jr-i n tickets, $121. AppIv tn W. O IORiUN, Agent. 70 Vonth atr|et HAMBI ROMMKRIOAN PM'KKt COMPANY'S LIN'B tor PLYMOl 111. nil- BHOCKO and IIABBCRU. Hl'F.viA *pmai HOI.SA1IA M iv ? POM Mr liANIA Ifiril Wl < IMHHi \ ,.V*y 13 Ra'e? of paaaag* in I'ivmouHi London. l'li?ron?r.'. Hamburg iiiiii all point* lu f u;u,..i, McotUnd and Wataa:? Klrtt I abln. upper ?a!o?n, ?roM Blf?? Plr? Cabin, lower saloon. cold Mi ?iacragc. currency . ? Kl.NHAKIM tin CB ?H H Ai.ll * miAH. ocneral Agent*. Oam ral Pa**en??r A<en:a, 61 Broad atraet New *nr*. *1 Rrml??r, New York. OBT DIRECT AND "ECONOMICAL BOLTR To Holland. Bi'lRiiini. the KitIne. Kwitadftond, ?c , v.a KoTI EBl> V M. Steamer SCIIOI.T; N April ."9 ft*am-r KOITr.RK m Mat IS flieso beauiitnl -*r im rs, carrying the IMre l stat s mall to the Netherlands, are w?li known for the regulat itv cltoeir trttw Kateaoi Pa??afe ,oW. TCNUH, Ki'\ !? k < ?.. L. W. BOBRI8. oeneral Agent*. k) Broadway. o N'l.Y niREt r LINE TO FftllCK. THE iBNERAIt TRANSAiXANl'tO COMPANY'S ? AIL SThAMSIIIPa BKfWKKN NEW >ORK AND IIA YKR. The spleiulid vessels on this ta\')Hte route f.?r fit" Ctn tinerit (iioing moreto: :li?riv than anv oiiieri wtll sail from p er Nn 50 North Bi .er, as tolloiv?; V ra M i< (lindane) fa tartar, Mav 1 AMhKlui K (Pouiol*>. Satardar, Mar U VII.I.': OK PAKIs (Laohesnexi Baturdae. May it PRICE Of PA^HAOK is OOl.H (ln<-iuitnf aet, Firai Cabin. |l(W. second, ?69; Ihli 1. $H'. Ileiu.-i Tl? ltct< .-U reduced ra^s. 'teeraee, $."i, wlthsaptiior accommodations and In chilling *n neeessarlas witnon* e*tr? rharge OKoROK ? ACIKNZIB, A^'nt. s"> Broadway. piAH LINE?riXRD iiOUTBt RLY COIBSB. Koral Wall Steamersar* appoin'r I to sitii as lollniea:? roK qiih.KN-r<?WM ami i.ivkr.'ool CITY or Mtj.Nl'R At Sattir'.iv, \ 34 at P A. M. ciiv or chkstke Saturday. May I, at 2 iv CITY OK I'ARIH atnrlay, Mav R, at H A. M. clTY or BKRi I N satnrlav. May II at 2 P. X. CIIV OP B1CHMONH tsatiirtay. *ay?J. at3P. M. CABIN PAS.sAOB?and tius. Eold. BTKBRAOE?To and trow ail points, at reduced ratea. Cabin and ?reneral otlb'e, no. It Broadway. Btcei age ofllc.ei, 33 Broadway and pier 4*> North Rlrer. .IPIIN g. DA 1.1s, Agent. /\>D0*OVAN BOBSA. ?C H B A PEST PASSAOB OP. A^iBNewVork. Open eveninga. Steamers every day, (>t.rk. Llrerpool, UUsg.iw, iK'rrv. Dratts. payable ?reryuhere: lowest rate*, Northern llatet, earner Oortlaiidt and WaatstraeU. KlllOPKAK ?TKA.H?UIP<I. Anchor link CaRRYIMI TilK UNITED STATE* MAIL. KKW YORK AND OLAnOOlV BLY^IA sail* Saturday. April 21, ni 1.1. VL CALIFORNIA....mii* .... Saturday. way I, at 2 P. M VICTORIA sails Saturday, May p. at PA, M 17101*1 A walh satuidav. Mm )j. at-' P. m. TO ULVSOoW. I IVE pool,. i.uS DON PERRY. qthK.i.vrows oit Belfast. Cabin to K" 'I. according to ai-coiiimodatlou*. INTERMEDIATE AM' STEER %OE an low a* any other flrnl ehi-s line. Drafts N?u?>d tor any a mount at lowt st rate< IIENOKBSON B'iOS., Agent*. No. 7 Bowlltnr Green. LrKITED t T A TKs M VII. LINE?vlK.lM To UL'EKNS. TOWN AND MVIiltrOOL, Sailing every Tuesday froiu pwr 40 North River. MANHATTAN Mav t WISCONSIN May IS Cabin. intertn?'!late and steerage at lowest rales. Prepaid ticKets at low rates. Pa?*eng6r* booked to and Irom Paris, Hamburg, Norway and Sweden. A''. Oralis nil Ireland. England, trance and Oertnanv at lowest rate*. Apply to WIliM AMS ,4 CI I >N, ?& Hruadway. TAPSOOTV* FOREIC.N EX. llANtiK AND EMIUUA tloti office. Sfi Sou ill street New York. Drntts for ?1 and upward nil 1 passage tickets to and, Iruni ljueeu?iowu and Liverpool lesiird ai viio lowost rates. . . ?i COASTWISE HTKKM WHIPS. 1>A0IP1I MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK-fOI OlUTUfc nla. .lapau and Ciilnu. trctn pier 12 North River. EOH ASI'I N WALL VI V SAVANILLA ACAIM'I.CO April U, 13 M Conne"tltia for all Central American an: i*aeiflc ports. EROM SAN Kit A NC1SCO EOlt .1 VI'AN' \ M > CHINA CJREaT REPl'BLIC. . Vav 1 Eor freight or passage applv ai pier 42 North River. II. ,1. BL' 1.1.AY, Superintendent. ITMTED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP J Company.?For st. Thomisatul Krazl:?Trie olezanl scruw Meauier Merrimack,'2.UUI tons t.u. i11 mi. Captain W. Wetr, will sail tor St. Thomas, Para I'ernambuco, lialua and I'.io Janeiro on Enday, April'oocfc P. M., troin pier 43 North Itivcr. Eur lr?iglit or pansaijd apply to VV ILLlA.Vl It. UABRISON, Age at. No. i Bowling Crecn. V Y.. HAVANA AND MBXICAN MAIL ID. link l\ . Steamers leave pier 3 Nortli River at .5 P. M. kok Havana direct. CI1Y OF MEXICO ....Tuesday, April CITY OK VEBA OBI'S Thursday. April 21 CITY OK NEW YORK Thursday, April ."1 1'OR VERA clll Z AND NEW ORLEANS, calling al Havana. Progress. Caiupeaciiv, Tuxpan and Taiupi'o. CiTY OP Mexico ;ue-dav. Iprilll CITY OF II WAN a T uesday, May IV Eor iretglu or passage apply to K. ALEXANDRE * SON'S, .IS Broadway. Steamer* will lea> ? New Orleans April 21 aua Ma> I* lor Vera Cruz anil all the above ports. VrK W YORK AM) HAVANA DIRECT Mill. LINK.-. !> these first class steamships will sail atS P. M. froi* pier I'l North River, tool oi Ce Ur .streot, fo?* Havana direct. ,n IDllows:? COLI MRUS...,, Tuna Jay. April 3T CRESCENT CITY Tiiui?lav, May <i t or freight or p.iwnge h ivinst umurpa<?e I uccontino* UaiioiiH, l|, c[(YDE Jk CO., Na ? Bowling Clrosa. McKellur, Luiina x Co., A<ont. in Havana. niKXAS LINE OK <;alve.-ton steamers TOariT I ittit ai Kev We-i. enir\Um the I'nlto.l mw> Mall.? Steamer CLYDE, Captain Kennedy, will leave Lier I> l"nst Kiver, on Mitnr my, vprll 24, at 3 P. M. 'I fii'ouglt bill* ot l.tdint? given to all poiut-i ou the II. and T. O.. I. and O. N.. O. II. ana H. and 0 I'. and 8. A. K. R. No eUarje lor forwardiugin New York. Eor irei lit or pan" sa?''. liaviuu superior aecomtiKKlations. apply to c. II MAI LoRY a CO.. 1U Muldenlana. W. P. CI.YDK .t CO.. lit Wall?treat |.1()I; Nl.w ORLEANS DIRECT. The crotnwoli SteaiiH&ln Line. The steani"liin tll'DSON, Captain tiag'-r. will leava Plet No. 9 North River on Saturday, April 21, at 1 P. M. KreiglU received liativ, Thronah rates given to Calveston, InUianola. Roe!vport or Aranzas Wharf, Rrisoa S.intiai-o, t. L:.uU and Mobile. Cabin passage. $'ii). steerage. *2V Eor treiaht or pawaife apoly to CLARK A SEAMAN. Hi Wet, s'rect OLD DOMINION HTEAMS'IIP COMPANY. SaiiltiK from pier 37 North River. Eor Norfolk, env Point and Ri hniotid, Ttietdaya, Tliursdav!* and s?tnrdar?. at 'I P. M.. ccnobctiux with the Virginia and tonnes*** Air Liu*. Atlantic Coaal Linn, Pioiliniint Air Line. Chesapeake and Ohio Cal^ road, and with the vo cpany's lU-ain lines to interior points In North Carolina and Mri-ini.t. m Newborn and Washington. N. c. (via Norfolk),Trery Tuvvlav. I hursdav and Saturday Baltimore We uetilavs and Saturdays, at 4 P. M. Con tiet-tint; witn Baltimore and ' 'hlo Railroad. l.?wea, l ei.. Mondays ami liuri la va, at I P. M. Con neetinu with Deinwart* and Maryland Itallruads. ? I'asseutter accuiiuii'.dalioti* utisuri anted. ihroiuu nmwi t rkets an i t>ili<ot la ling to all poinla at lnwr?t rates. Invuranee to Nortolk. Ae.. l4 per ecuU ErelglW* reoalved ttailr at pier 37 North RiV.'r. Ueneral oiBce?, 197 Ureenwlch street. New York. .v. I.. Mi CIlr.A li\. President I >? iRT ROYAL AND EE UN AN DIM STEAMSHIP JL line. only ilirouzh line t > Elori la without change. The steaiuvhlp .Mil.I ll POINT. Mnlth. ma*ter, having sup<rinr arcoMimodatloiH for patoeugrrs, wlii lie u? xi Kp liel l?r Eetnandinu > ia Port Knvil, on'I liureilay, April 22. ai4 o eliiek p. M.. from pier No. :i North Riv?r. Rates of pasvttfe. New York to Kernaiidinu, flrii claas 91 Nrw York to Jat kMitivill.'. ttr-t ( last ?2 yI New Y'ttrk ??? Au^in a, tlr?t p!a<s JU The?. ratrs itirltt le state roo-.ns and meala on tba it?aiuer. I'liroiigh tickets to all ptdiita in Ploritla. Ih - steam-hip LEO will lo'low ?n tho 2Jth of Aprlb Kor ti. i.'Ht or | ?>- ige a; pt* to HKKM. Ui i.PCKE. No. S William si reef. A.' TR \\ Kfj|<KI(si' <a i01C. A. A NORTH SHORE STAT EN ISLAND fRRRT. For New Brighton, Snug Harbor. West BrighMO an I Port Rlrhmon-.l. I??ats leave WnitehtU itrael, at footaf Broaiway. daily. al?i:t?, BilS. 2 Ji. lJ:ti A V.- U-;V S:U.3ira, 49 ami < :t' iT M. .-U'tJay* at halt-past cve<*v hour, from#: J A M. Fare 10 cent i Astor House ctrtleay,- Ya?ey sT?*ttor ferry. Ftr? Scents. A OKf.AT KH PI I IIO> IS rflnr, PKOPMtM I INK stl \MI lit rON All! A IT. riHsr < La>s PAHhAOR. *l l> CK AM'KNDt. 8IArr.KiM.M-. WARMK ' BY .-T K A *1 lolt TUB COMPORT UK FAHsKROfBS The ORBIT or sT. J OH* leave everv evemiu at ? o'clock (nmlljr furflilMi, ir>m pier 41 North Ktver. loot CarMl street. >..meeting hi v wltii All rtllwiy linen tof Itw .North and Wett, li i Diand Mater <>omi lor **l? at Podd's r a preas office. W4 Kr. adway; ?.%>. Ctriffn h.sprew l ? mpun?. I .Ml lir?a.ts*ar, an.I ?i Ptltn vx-nur Hotel. ami I a,'gage .-necked to <1 ntlnatlou ?j as on the wharf Cutizk*sp l.i v r or ftTRAMBovra roR trot, row. ! lie. ting wiih ail nllwir lines North ami Wae4; low far*. Heisnt eteamboa'* l-nvc daily. naturdav e* copied al ?? I". M , Horn pier 49 \? >rtl? River I ? l or l?r..f street Through lichen soil^.ver nil connecting Uaea. mu r.IVKIt I.IMR TO HOST.>V, TJA NF.WPORf I' ami Fad River. ?rii sioaraer* NRMTPoRT aid OUS COLON t lo.ive p.or 34 North \|vcr, font ..f Murray ?treet. da11v (Sundays evept.-d1 ar P M. Throiult ticket! ?ol i .?? ail prlacii it hot-Ms in the ci:y. r'OR ROMOOUT AND KISUSTOS, COKIIBCTtlWS With Knmlout an I H'n.'jn Itnilr ?*<!. laiiiin* at HiShu.nJf'jIH.neir' *>M Point; < -.rii?alt. Newtmrg. Mi ton, tiitl.lan i? (New r*alt* nn.l I ?leam boat THOMAS c<?K ?fcl,t, will make her rtr?< trip Ibnrsiav ? p? I! 1 an ? will rim -can'arlv cverjr .Mi liar-. Iburadi] and 4a!>irdav. leaving loot of Harrison street Her .11 North Klver. at 11*. M. OPPOSITION.?Al.RANT AND TROY FRO* PJR* M. Franklin Strfet Fare. .*?? eente DoN! < Suln, wilh Pertli. $l SI- amer Will, OB M?B:ay* Wednesdays and Friday* a;6 r. M. rjliN' N YLV ANIA Rlll.ROAtV I. The goal ii.'k Line ami Vu.?> 1 Stale* Mall Route. Train* leave New Tork from loot of Oestoroeees a*l i orUaiint -<lra t?, as l?? ? F.xpreee i?r llarriabur*. PltManr*. th* ??-( an ! South, with Pullman Palace i nx? he4. 9;V? A. M.. ? and ,?.,??! P. M. Sunday S an I P. M ,, lor * ittlameportand '.<>c.* Haven (via Philadelphia ami Krlc Railroad Division. connecting a' Philadelphia., f t. A M. For Wil la i"p r I k llave.i, t'orrv an I Krie ? :w P. v.. connecting at forrv tor Tltnstill^ Petroleum Outre and ilw oil Regions. For Hal ;more Wa?hln*tor. ami the sou'h, f-.mlte-t Waablngb.n Haprcss o Pullman Parlor ? ar* 'ialiv, ei'epi .>nn< t. v ; arrive at Waahinron ? ill P.M. Regular at A. M, S and* P. M> sai.lay,* |> M I xp.-?? fo' Phllai' Ip'na. r. 7 !?:?**. M . 1? .14 ? li ? .vi ... 7. x i I". .in-! I! ni?:ht (<iin.ia/. I:H .V 7. ?d#aa I J P. M. l i.... ? it an 1 second . la*? For Newark a??. ?:*?, 7. 7:t > \ !>. |f?. II A. *., U *.,* I I JO, 3.10. 1:11. 1:10 !:?. X *:? 3:1), fi. ?:lt. f. 7 :%?. * :!<?. 10, II JU 1". M. and 12 ntglU. llMAfi J:4?, I Slid .*11 i*. i. For Rllxabeth. ?. l-n, 7 7 W, s. ?, ID A. * . II X, t, * *), ^;I0, 3-W. 4:li), 4:?> t 0 tAV J 40, ?. ?iM>. ?:W. 7, 7 :>i, SiW I t 11 :'o. 1" M. ami U ,-unday, 5:3). 7 an 1 ' HI P. M For Rshwav, tt.flAl. 7.*. 1> A M. il 11 IflB. 3:10, S:?, 4:10. ?:???. ?-J9. ? i?. ? ??,?, 4:W. 4-II.7,S:W, F. M an I U nljht. sWmlav. jski acd 7 V. M. For Woodbridiie. i"er:J? Aimjt ?-vi -ou?h a nboy,| a*vt m A >1.. >:;$ 4 :Mui|.| ? P M. For New Itrno-wica i an I M A. M . 11 M,,J, 3:U. 4:l<k 5SU. ?:l<\ 7 P. M. an I 12 nwhu Kundav. 7 P. M. F,.r Ksst Millstone. 12 noon, :i an I tut r. *. For Kiiig-ilon and Bj kv Hill, 8:td A M. and 1:117. For Friacaton, 7, S .M A. M., Ult t, liioatad 2 r B. For Lambertvilie and Flemiogtnn, 9.WI A. M. and i P. K. l or rMlllp hnrt and Ewiv,>t?rr\ y;*) a. M an I 5 P M. For Irenion. llor.lenrown, Bu-\ us on ana Camden,F ami 9u.JA. M.. li JO. 2. 4, Saul 7 l" St For I'reeh ml,7 A. M i an I 4:11 P. M. For Fart&Inraata an t 8qnnn. 7 a M and If M. For HlKhtstown. Pcmb?rt..n ana ramdan. via Perth Am* bev, J .WP. M. For Ili4lit.?t .wn an I Pemberton. 1 A. M. Trains arrive as toltowa:?From rniaeur*. and 11:91 A. M. and I0:*o P. M dal > , 10:1? A. U and 7 ,? P. M. daily, ?Tc?pt Monday. Fr m Washlnaton and Haiti ?tore, 6% A. M? iiis, 5 1.. am 10 .7 P. M. t-unda.v ?: H A. M. and ?:27 P.M. From Philadelphia. S IU. I:H\ Em W:K II A 11:34 A.M.. lilt. plA V 7 tlA 1-?\ S 14. P .27, P.M. 6:IU. iSB, (A UtM A. M . 7:40 and 10:27 P. M. * .... TicH-t office a. .MS and ?44 Broad wav, fin. X A?Iot H<ri?a and loot oMH>sbroa*e< and t'ortun it atraeia; No 4 l'our( street. Brooklyn; No?. III. 11'. and IH llmls. ii -.trert^ Hoboken. Kmigrant ticket office. No. 8 Battery plaoa. F11 aH THOMPSON, I? M. BOTD, Jr. Onneral Manager Oenersl Pasieneer vfc'ent^ RF.I.I I.AR C ATSKl lilt 1,1 NR TP TH K CRFRK^ Htaamers NKW CHAMPMN ami * tl.TKR HRRTT leave ranai street sou.? stila. ev?rv ut/fci aareyt anae day. IF. M.