Newspaper Page Text
THE W 7 1% WHOLE NX). 14,122. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1K75.-TR1PLE SHEET. PRICK FOUR CM VIS. Kill d im V t'Oti ADVEftTBEBS. AMUSEMKN1S?Eighth Pack? Fifth and sixth column*. 1 AM Rui.uWY?Tw.:i.ith Pai.i-?Sixth column. UILLlAKDs?Pigvr Pagic? ixHi column. BO.VBDEKS WANTED? ElGBiu I'agi ? First and second ' miliums. BOABD AND LODUIIM WANTED?Eighth Page-Soc- , ond column. BROOhLY.s uuaitn?Eighth Page?Second column. I BROOKLYN REAL B?TATK FQ? SA LE?Ninth Page? ? First column. BlSINi-.s* OPPORTUNITIES-.Finn Pa UK. BlslNES. NOTICE-?Smi-nth Page?Sixth column. Bin REAL L.VlAi'E FOB SALE?Ninth i'WK-Hnt column. OLKith aND saIjKjMEN?Tivkhth Pace?Fifth col umn. CLOl!i 1 > O? Ninth Pack?Sixth coltimn. coachmen AND I.AKUlNLRS?IWliLfTH Pack?fifth mut Hixth columns. COAti'l'MFlNK m'I' AM ;IIPS?FinjT Pauk.?Fittli column. Co Alt.NEKSIHPS?Kir.H I'agi. COUNTRY BOARD?Eighth 1'agk?Second column. DANClNO AOaDEMI. -.?Nintii Page?:- ixth column. D;;N 118TRY?Eighth Page?Fourth columu. OKI ijuoua?Ftugr I'auk?Seuoml column. DIViiL IN'i. Iiol -Es TO Lr.T', FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?."kcdsu PAiif? Second, third and tourih columns. EUBoi'KAN si eaMSHIPS?Fibst Pag*?Fourth and fifth C'llumtH. EURuPE?Ninth fAr.r? rhir.l column. VXul'K^luMb?1' Psax?Sixui column. if IN AN CI AL?Firm I'aOk. FOR bALk?Eighth Pai.k?'I liinl columu. FUBNisHED ROOM* AND PARTMBN8 TO LET? second Pag?? Fonrili column. FURNITURE?F'irm Page?Sixth column. PB&NCU Ai>VERaISEM?NTS? Twiarra Page?Sixth coltmiu. HELP WaNTED-FBMAl.E8-Tinu.rtii Pauic?Third and fourth columns. UEi P WANTED? Page?Sixth col umn. BORs... . CARRIAGES, AO^-Pttxt Page?Third and luurth column.. HOTr.L.-i?Kiuiitu Pagk?Second column. HOUSE . BOOM*. .t'\. WA-NiEn?*iith Pack?Sixth ? column. INBTRl'd luN? PaA? Fifth column. JERahY CITY, HoBOKiiN. liUOsO.s CITY AND UKBOlN HEAli ESTATE Fo:t SALE?Ninth Pauk?Ninth column. LECTURE SEASON'? Eighth Paoe?Fourth column. LEUAL NOTK'ES?Eighth Pag*?Fourth column. LOsl AND FOUND?First Pag*?First columu. MACHINERY?Eighth Pag>.--Thiro column. MARBLE MANTEL:?Eighth Pack?Fulli column. MEdICaL?Ninth Pagk? Third column. MlLiv AND CBEaM?Ninth i'aok? I'lnrd column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVE.vTTST.iiEN IS?Tk.sih PAGE? MXtb ColUUIIl. HUSli AL? lluiuu Page-Fourth column. NEW PUBLICATIONS? iEvkntii Pagk?aiXtb column. PERSON aL?First Pack?First column. PlANdFoli La. ORGANS, aC.?Eighth Page?Fourth column. POST OFi'lOB NOTICE?sroond Page?Sixth column. PROFEs.-IU.NaL SITUATIONS WANTED?FuMaLES? Tv.n.itu Pack?Tiiird ckIuii.ii. PBOPERi Y OUT OF THE CU V FOR SALE OK TO HE NT?Ninth Pagk?Firm, second and third col umn ?. SEAL ..STATE TO EXCHANGE? Ninth Pag*?Third column. SEAL 1 StaTE WaNTB ? Ninth Pagk?Third column. iELlUlut'a NOTICBf?Fibst Page?First columu. REWARDS?First Pauk?First column. ?ALE"> A 1 Al JC110.n? Nintu Pauk?Fourth, tilth and sixth ' MlumiiH. SITL'ailoNs Wanted?FEMALES?Elete.ntu Page and 1 wrxrru Page?First, nccoad ?ud third col umn*. ?nUA.Hi.NS WANTRD-MALES?TVURS Pagb? Fourth and tilth column*. sPECIal NOTICES?Fmur Page?First and saeond col nmns. BFOB1 iNtj?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.?First PAGK-Thlrd column. STOR \Ub?Nim h Page?Slxtii caiumn BUuM'.n BEHORTs? t-.tGntn Pack?Third column. THi. IR VD S?Twelitm Pai-.-c?-Ixth column. fO Ll'.T FOR BLCINESS PI'lf.l'< 1.1 Ls?iKtOSD PAOS? First and secon 1 ' olumu.s. tBAVtu.LR ? ciEIDl?fciiuT Page?Fifth and sixth columns DNFURNlndED ROOMS AN D APARTMENTS TO LET? Second Page--Fourth, fifth und sixth coinmni. WAN 1 ED Tu I'CRC.l aSK?Firru Page?Sixth column. WaTCHES, JEWelRV, AC.?Eighth Pagk? f ourth col umn. WESICHKSTEP. county PROPERTY FOB BALB OB TO LET?Ninth Page?First column. YACHT , STEAMBOATS, AC.?Eighth Page?Foarth oolumn. PERSONAL. AB. c ?COME HOME AT ONCE AND ALL WILL J ? M lorviTi-n and arrancfd. Yot'R MOl UEh. Fannie shionson will please send Drevint address to thl? olllcc.auJ she will oblige ! MI sister. . ROSALIE K1MONSON. INFORMATION WANTED?OF ELLEN KEEUAN; when Ia-<: heard from was in Ssliitatlon strt et. Ros lou. Anv infui'iiiutmu from tier wul lie tnanictuily ro- ! celved hy hcrsiMor, HaRY KhtiiAN, Fifty-sixth street and ihiid avenue, rouih ilruoklyn. IF LkUCXXM, WHO LKPr TIK BOUBB KAtLY Mf A Moniay mormu<;, will return to No. 47 or seud word vt his wheroatiuuts all will Le forgiven. PaBACOTIQUTB. MISS BLLA B****8 ?THERE IS A LE1TEB KoB yon in the Pwt office. Mr. kosentual, fbom htettin, in Prussia, who was In Provi'leace on April lit, wul pleatu send his direction to 1. liAuKla. 87 North Maiu street, rrovldeaoa. TLfRS. H. R.?THERE ABE TWO LETTERS FOR YOU lTl tu ths New York city Post office. Call at the ladies' window. XVANTEO?AN S iN FORMATION lONCKRNIMJ ?f THroDuBKor CABOLIN t. N OBI OS (formirl/ Setidlnv in Laurens ?treet. Now York>, by their sister, O-hPHINK NoKt'ON.or st. LouK. Address N. &KaK INd,Jr.. <? North Main :treet, .~t._LouU W*ILL HAKKt' M. ANDREWS CALL AT OB bBN'D 11 hts auuress to tua law oOice ot U. P. ALi.lS, No. 4 W*rr> 11 sire?H New York? BELKHOCK 'VOTItES. f ALAS8 MRETINO?ORDLR TUl'RSDAY EVIXIMiH I In the nailery ot tho Free l.tbertmcle Methodist Kplscopsi rburrru 1 hlri.v foartb street near i.ighth sr. r ue ; tirav cr meetings Friday evening, No. Sit West rtirty-tixth stre-t. MENJaMIN ALBRO. CB BY AN TK s?THE SPAJI18H BE.HIDEN fs"lM K h W Yu. k inv.te the imbiir to a soicmu requiem mass, which will l? rung at the ?"hurcli nf et Francio Xavier. eixteeoth street, near Fifth avenu.', 0:1 Friday next. 23d lust., at 10 A.M., Li con.iiiemwiste uie anniversary of the death ot Cervantes, the author of "Don yuixote." By urUcr <ft ths tixecutlvc Committee. ImuLii cUYAS, Secretary. pBAYEB"FbIDaY EYbSiNO,"WIth"s.INOIN0~OF A spiritual songs, with oraan aocomuanluient. BF.N. JaU. > aLHkO, A3 VSest thirty sixth stroet. Miss Ca Derit and Misa Ha?x, muslo teaehers, wiu preside at ths orgab LOST -VXD FOIXU. 4 BIO, BLACK .NF.WI OCnDLAXD DOO, WITH A JX lull* wliiia lirea-t spot. wat lo*t In licb<>kt-u. A ' tool reward win be vlven to tbe floder at il4 Boom Be Id (MM, Hobokea. Lost-on 1 f. if. train from nbw nky Vs~oi i in lir.Miil Centra) depot, a red morocco rucketbook. .1 i.Ltl.iiiig a sum ut money. 1 Uo Under will bo suitably rtw 1 J. a ami recelvo ibo thank* 01 ibe owntr bv leav In- it at ibe Bng/h nguit, nuar ?.ran.l Central depot. LOST-FROM b7 2 C.RAN U stb ? ET. A BLAC K aad tan terrier Blot; wore a l-iti.erCollar, *iib padlock. a satiable reward will be paid fbr ha rwnwty. Lust?A LADY'4 OOLD WATCH. NO. 14,767. H. W. >?., Lit ertand R Dance. maker*. Liverpool, on re turnimj linifl. A. atC Wblte street, tbe finder will Mot. re $aj LOBI-ON MONDAT KVEMNOLlN OfilJH} Aloif ltt West T<ventvsixib itreet to iJootta'a Ibeatre, a long , it> . aw at lo*,c.. ii.iou at IBIMM., 3<Uat i? 11-itic.; ! ?oid arring. Finder w.u be suitably rewarded or 1# >v- , io< It at ?(?)*<? audr.'M. Jumt i Utj >ip->d?V LP*T?lUKSDvT EVE nino, OdiNRK>?RRT and liUdsou streets, a little, bro<?u i>uopy Don. wit.i 1 ran collar ou. Darned Hi oil. A r?? *ra wiQ be ipveu for bia re tor 11 to II ferry street. . RRWA11D9. 41 A REWARD? LOBT-A -WALL IiOO, iHOKT I" bair. entirely black, excep in* a imaM wbite 1 itreak between lore i?cte: thort ears, long tall The above reward will tie paid by returning blia to *J fcaat I aeveiitreii'D street. Swill REWAKO ? I.OBT OR 8lOLr.N OS APRIL St, vlv a blue *kye terrier iHis. The finder will receive ie above reward and no question* ?H<(ui by returaiug Ins to >0. H beat meat-'-eevei.tii street. AIM Bl W\RD-?TRAYKl>-.-KTTKil DOO rKnH **11/ >puvten Duyvii. on Batnrdav afternoon: wh'te ! an ! llTer r.ilored. six veari old. anaw?rs In the name Ce o Apply to Maeon'a livery atao.e*. 1 weaty-drs*. : Jiroft, between Broadway anil Fifth avenue, or to UfKPU Bl'KAKXS, i-puyten Liuyvn. dJIA RKWAHn.-LO'T. BLACK AND TAN lUl ' OI U with sear en lett Bank: no collar. Heturn to >o. luJWast iwcntr-cevenUi strset and receive flu re ward. A.m RnWaRD.-1,0ST, ON iATl'RDAT fVRNlNQ. V ' on >lxtu avaoue. a br Dog. with cutptd earn nad on a green leather collar; autwer* 10 toe bunae otJiiXL By returning turner UiionuaUua ?Mon Will lead 10 I.I4 recovery the :ibovo rongrd wlu be paid Lt ?u &ait 1 1 'ecu h street or at Uie oitica ? tue atateii iltud riai.w*'. Ferry, loot of * bitsiial. mreet ?05; HE WARD.?LOST ON WKDNBuOAr *OR*. lag m Broadway, corner Fortr-eiciitk atreit f?o bones, containing a?e cap* Any ucreou n-tunnna ' th? ,*mj t<> R. wliMAhR a ci?.. .i?* tissi ?tre?i, wul ieoi-lvs tUeeboTe rawiurd aud o< .jusitions sik.-d. fi'n WKWAlii' ?I-OH TUB RKTl'itN OK Hon-1. tan Wttiii, taleu (rominirnnt (be waMfbtrr ?ou*e?o fVfjy-tnirJ ib.'o!iove r??-aru wui gtvati to inf> par?-"i rtturnlnv 'tue t> Vu Ul West ?or:y<?evafUt> s;r?e(. and ne questious aesno. ?FECIAL. XOT1CKN. 4 -RODA WAT MR, MINERAL WA I lilt * "nl.VOER A x starklm* Wiu??: mnuiiTtcturc of ooap.ete lu O < ur App;rratu? ana Hjtaria < wua iuu l,.-in... 1 Uuus. ml d"i>ar;u.en!? ot mnun.Mi lura. botUimr aniun GeM-m*, e.xB.u.iyi, <11 iiesiraHe temteryi c.i.a i4ue?irc<?. .IoiJn Ma. iHi.WB. tost av^auo, T*eat>-. SU(b and fw>nty^?vet>th ?ii?i tk .Nhiv \orit. , 4 -HoyA iiavrna Lorfiav. ??*?, KXtrMvdiuary dra->liig, .Ap:ii3J, 1J 4. Unit i ,i>ij i<< en) /..?VT BrUes. amoMDliaj to p.WK'W uno >irno to every ".<nt I lb* p. u*? u. fill* AraM.iu w|,l be !u;.uw?!" I'riHe 01 ?!<?'>>' /.f^ei m?,.yu J*""* "I . ! I I': '?iii ; > >? f?>, u .... Jui*U I <4*1 ViO aud lUol ww> j ? Sotlior pr.i??? iinouiituiy < <M I ntv* oo?ii#!t. ^ CirtaUr. with iu,i panicwinr* aeiu trn*. ! '? *? ? OR* MR, itsimu#' an I ?ener?i a."-a?. _ .. _?? i..tPofty street. New Vprg, A yiVl* **??? AXlI'l'l.AI Oil, LA IS or 1 11K i fcjti"". !????? n'?Mf H?miit itPKCUI^ \t>TIt'E*. A.~ HaTI'RDAY, April 21, l$7* Koutncky Single Number Drawing tor benefit of Cnlver ?ity of I'auucali. $.?*l, 100 in gifts; *11 cash. No scaling of gifts nor dUoouuts. Capital, $30,003: smallest, $K'. Drawing guaranteed or money reiunded. Buy to day. Few tickets lelt. Tickets, $10; Halves, $?; yiurtors, $2 SO. TIIO-. H. IIAYS A CO.. WW Broadway, New York. A. -KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. Havana plan. Next drawing Saturday. April 24,1874. Capital prise. $50,001. 8.118 Frizes distributed, amounting to $C99,CG0. Whole Tickets, $10. Halves, $5. Quarters, $2 SO Send all orders to the ofllce oi the Eastern Departmont, addressed to WEIOUT A CO.. room 25. 78 and 811 Broadway, New York. SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO.. Managers. A- $1,200,01*1. - E X T R A G K DIX A K Y ? noyal Duvana Lottery ot Cuba, to uc drawn April 22, 1874. Whole tickets $100. Circulars ol information -cut free. PAUKS, EMERSON A CO.. Brokers. ISO Broadway, room * Post ofllce box 5,272. A LL DISQUALIFICATIONS AND DEFECTS IV A inanliixKi, urising trom nervous and muscular do bllitv. mental despondency, Ac., have been the special practice, during a) years, ol Dr. W. B MVKsTON. Kcst deuce, .No. 207 west Twenty-second street. A?$300.000.-KKNTCCKY STATU, SINGLE RDM* ? ber; lottery on Havana plan; $3110,0,10 drawn ia prizes on Autll 24. ,1. CLl'TE. Authorized Agent, iestab iisbvd v, ;u: Oil lir-udwav or I...* 4.'".'J I'ost oliice. A-VTOWNQ MOM BU Lottery. . A to'tune for $1. $ O.IjOO lor $1. Tickets $1 each: six (or $5. cine chance in nine. Agents wanted. Liberal pay. For particulsrs send tor circular. Address J. M. PATfER, Laramie city. Wyoming. A -$10, $100 SHARES IX WALL STREET OFTEN ? leads to fortune, profits every 30 days. Parties should rail on .fOHN HICELI.NO i CO., Bankers, 72 Broadway. New York, or write tor 72 paeo pamphlet. 4 ?EXTBAORDIK AT Y DRAWING OF THE HA a\? vann letter*. April 22; Oertnsn Government Lot teries. circulars 'and lnformnliou Iree. i'rwa cashed by WachsMANN A CO., Bankers, 75 and 77 Nassau iireeu Post office box, 3,:ild. A -EXTRAORDINARY HAVxNA LOTTKBY. DBAW. . Ida April St? Circulars and Inloruiation tree. Prizes rashe ! by TIIEODOR zoc llOCH, ltd Nassau st; Foit office box 5,i?4. a ronroM for $l?extraobdinary wto J\ mint; Lottery. Draws April 2U. C pitai Drize, tl.lO.COO; 61.02.', oilier cash prize*, amounting u> $i50,0tt>. Tickets, $1: six lor $5. Agents wanted. Send lor circu lar. ALLEN a CO., 79 Nassau street, Now York. A?OFUl 1>X. DRAWINGS OK THE KENTUCKY , Stale it ml Sheib College Lotteries. axjnccxt STiii, UTfi cUli ,VJ7 ?ai-bii. 21, 1<7a 27, L 81. 77. AS, 43. 4.5. Jd. <6, l?4. 3?. 12, 13, 1L ?BSLBT. KXTUS CLASS 343?AI'RIl. 21, 187i. 06, to, 3, 74 23. 72. 411, .id. 42, Si. 3*. 40, 48, 62. ? SKTncxr. ulass M*?afsil 21. 1?7E 64. 42, 51, X 35. OS). 60. 23, 18, 67, 8. 17, 68. 45. SIlKLSt. CLASS 344?APMI. 21, 1975. 66, 1. 3, 27 77. 20, l-', 4. 35. 31. 18, 41, 2S. 64 .1. N. SMITH A CO. Managers, Covington, Ky.: Fsst officeJ>ox 2,751. New York A -PARKS. EMERSON A CO.. AGENTS for ? Kentucky State Lotteries, drawn daily. Extraordinary Rival Uavana Lottery, drawn Aorll 22, Kentucky Sinni? Number Lottery. drawn April 24. IS75. Frizes cashed, intortoatiou furnished ana circulars sent, bv addressing PAR Km A CO.. 16) sroad way. room 4; Post office box 5,272 Private office attached. Office hours 7 A. .VI. till 7 1*. M. Books AND ACCOUNTS INVESTIGATED, bal sliced and closed oy an efficient accountant. Teruis fixed by job or dsv. Ao4re?s It., box 1U7 Herald office. Diseases ok men and important medical an I .-urcieal Cases a v. llhNilYA. DAN IELS. M. D , 1?4 Lexington avenue, near Tweuty.ninth rt. 1,11 NE OH COABSE BROKEN STOXK8, FUR ROADS, r concreting. Ac., in guantnies; also Dock Stone and anvklnd ol tilling tumlsheJ. Address CONTRaCiOE, box 151 Herald office. Havana lottery. Extraordinary drawing, April 22, 1374 C.kjj MS. Only 18,000 tickets ain iuSJ pine*. amounting to $1.2WU0a ud? priro U>e\ery eight tlcKe'f. The nriae* In tlus drawing wiliba a> follow*!? 1 Priza ot. MOO.OuO i Pmuot 1 Prir? ol . ... - SuuJO 2 PriMlt(M,'IBra(ili OO.UHt 4 Priz>? ut ?HJiU00 nnd 10 of *;..?? HIM? 2.07a other prize*, amounting to 41U.WM J. H MAiillNKZ x CO..bunker*. 10 Wall street, rear buaeroent. box 4.6->3 New York Prut offlee. xrunuda htatk Bmkt SINGLE Nl'MtSKR SCHEME. (Authorised by Special Act of the L*gi*latnr?.) For the benefit ol the Cnlveralty of Ptducah. $300,000 to be dlimbuied among the holder* of ticket*. FIRST PKlZt, $90,(001 The drawing to uke place at Covin*ton, Ky? Satur day, April 24 in No dUcoont on Prlse?-every Frit* paid In fall. SIMMONS. DICKINsON * CO., Manager*. SCHEME. 1 Prise of !>'-) O00 $'0.< W 1 Friz* ot ao,tx>'i? 2U.0QU 1 Prise o? ?,<?? li 2 Prise* oi S.uWor ..... 10,001 1 Prize of 4.0'Wto 4.'^ fiOPrisstof 300 trs..? ?J.'TO ?Pri*??ot' feu are J2*3AP t.UW Prise* of 1'Ware 10u,i?? 4C0U Prise ? of 10 are w.wjO APPROXIMATION prizes. 4 of $2.0?)upproxlmatins to $.v>.OGO utmM m.JSiM 4 oi LtliS upproxiuiailu* to thVMmtm i-w 4 of 1,iaa? approximating to luOfMare *.000 6,114 Prisea, amounting to $3ui,QO\ Whole Ticket*. $10; balrc*. $6; Quarters, $3 aa Remember thatSTcry price 1* drawn, and pa?aW* ta tail, without deduction. 1he*e drawings art n*ver poitponed, but take place regularly the last Saturday ot each month. Send ?or circular. Addret* ail order* to SIM MORN PICE1R ON A _CO..Covington. Ky. ?|7orMlSS.?-ALL persons ARE FuRBIDDRN TO IV raaiinractnr^ or tea Kiwmi.j'' iti ine t'intra Mite* nrithuut it ?pffllai ItceiiMi troiu the patentee. ob ' ,> ' onlv by audreistng ai KX. os'i i;a.\UKu, 33 Park row, New York^ _Iofrin?e r* w II pr. ? cuicd. KGlTCiE? >T?lh I.OT1ERY?lU'.BK.NEHl' of iho Cnlv*r*tiv ot Pndacah: drawn *v*rv thirty iljft. For circular* an 1 Information, addret ufto, U. BuOTH. Manser'* Aseut, 7J Santa street. or Port offlee box 3.0*7 N ?w York r tty, T ?S3 J0)0 CAH H OIFTS. Whols Ticket*. $1& ? -tnckr State ftiairio Number i?itsrv, on Havana plan, drawn Asr.l 24, l*7& t. Ircunr* ?*nt tree. PAhK?, t. ME ft SON A CO., A??nt(, ISJ RroaJw.iv. room A ToM omce box M7J. K? OFFICIAL OltAWING 0? TUS EENTVcKT . Mate Lotterle*. fcimraon*. Dlekmton A t o.. Maua ,"r*' sisuTit. sstaa class *0. :K? 4 ran 21. W . ft), f St. 17, *-'. M, If, -3 4, ??, ti, U, ss."<rrcsT. ci*m no. 2?*-krnii 21, 1S7A $1. $d. i . ;s. ?>. *t. Ill ?, .14, :* I?, ??, 14 ?bust. sxt?A ctar* so. S73?aran 31. 1875. 9\ til 78 St. o M, 9, S4. m *3. 10, ?i llS^st. <L*r* so. 374?arBlt. 11, 1J7S. 48. 74 m, M. 31. 19. <i 74. .2. SO, 21, 14, S3 44. ? u l In onniilo.i by appiytn* or addrentnv J. OLI'Tg. CU >ro*uw?v. room 8, nr?t t'oor. rear offlee. or Post ortico box K-KENTL ' It sflfc - INULE NL'MBKk L.01TKRT ? vti Havana plan, (irawii April Mi al<o Royal ><i vj?a Cuba i xtraorulnarr drawinx April ti, o*plral prist iwj Foil Itirormatlon by applvins or a>.iir*?^ 10K J. Cut 1 tk. iuj biuadway. or Po*t udlaa box i.9i? t>OtAl.~tfA*A*A IOTTEmT, Ji Kxiraor.tinerr drawinx April 2?. $l,??,ut0Ibprlreet one pr *e u. ?.*?r? ?ev?n tiC <et? Oireoiar* of lull ItU r mation iarnl*n?d in*. hp?ui*h Luni bill*, fjveiu. tn?ut>. Ac *o. oai-oi.aMd. l^YLOR ACQ.. K*Qter4. Port otBca b-<x 14.*. >u li Wan ?ir?*U fjpANnU>-O.Vft Wkl.K Or WAHM. " oi.sXAb *? wvatber. <iv R. Kl.i. the Awnung Maker. W4 Broad >vaj. i on'; ioi-<et the snmber. ? .t|l HI WI -KlNrtClCV STATE 9INOLK NCM JUU.UUU, Off Jrawing, April 74:*. j?h gilt*, amnuntia* tsw.ou Puui.u Ubraiy ot Koutucx' pnr?? c**ti*d or tscftang^d: oircaiar< or l> rorinai:..a HAIjrir Ba ih? A 1 <>.. 184 & -tfi^nciCY STAtK. K1N01.K Di:rab<r? ilsvana pian. fo teO/awn Apr: /t. 1 7> . ?. & ?TH *>. No.4 Uliury hiuidln*. Oiirt. land! 'treet. .Ve?- York. Po<t offltc oux astu. i till) (WW) ~KENTtCK* H.V(:l: mmrkr u'O'Ml.l'Ul/. Lutterr. on ttavtan piun. siuat.on*. i>lr*!iiiui> A Co., dra.Tu April it. For cir.iuiart adUi??* Ul.-n anthorlse* aireut. J. ? Lt IE. Hit Fulton *ire?t, nnn "S**11-''Kt loitrrt (Uavunu dr^wu April M lM CJih ^'ktia. TlCKC:?. $.'i; ha.vr* *0 iiuarter*. ?: W: ? i'lhth*. It 25. r,.rculai? (Veiv P. t' ))k> i.l> ? ?ni,u?r Snd Arfrnt, So Liberty (treat, Naw Yur*. nit l utum #VARPEi * " FA Itps'f 4. V. ?to?i pim* '.ueniu* oi Csftet*, oti<'ietb?, Wialow Lauiu. . Met*. M.i'uua. Ac, st eery law wpicci liuglieh Y*;?*?. ?t Si 71 per yar i, fNi ?*try RfmesU, 4t $1 p?.' tin, Itii'At'.piy. a? 4. M pe.- J lucmin. At *?:? aim & 0 &?r vanl. Ail other goti.l* it equaif i ?>? prlu#? A l*.-go *c??k ol' >'?, 40 )>er i.nt chtaser visa AUr iiauto I>1 tu* ?HIT. Ail goadi Wi'PPeJ fee. u.EwLI.Y, to U, w'fi uacetwsr to w. w'PftrreU), Mt"V*?* 4!t?/nik*nl? soi thirty tiSHt lUtttl 314 fr t*nf* MsiittSi itV ? - Sf'OttTINO? MOON, BI14IIS. ?(. 4 ?l'OK SAI,I? ALU K.1N0MK or l'AN> r DOGS, j\. Birds. Medicine-, inr a!! 41waw>; Crruri'ii i-nois lor inockina bird*, at H. G. DuVEY'S, No. M|mm 'Met, near i una!. A J JERF. JOHNSON. JR.'H, BAZA AII, M LIB J\. orly street.?Bird Cages, Bird Caues, Bird Cage?i Ann SongkWrs, line Songsters, flue songsters. A L'niDN AND FRKNCH POOL-, AT Gt.KASON'S, i"\ l$l Bowery, to-day. At>rll22, at two o'clock ; Ath lei leva. Philadelphia, at Philadelphia. Ioiiinif* received tiy tclt'irraph. MoCLOUD A i'U. Auction and fbkkch pools bold at john SO.V.-> Pool Room, 1.187 llroadwav, - o'clock this uiternoon. Athletic v?. Philadelphia, at .Philadelphia; itimiiara received by telegraph. Western Uniou tele Hiiti.h office In th< room. P. H- hhlRkB'V. PIGKON SUOOTI.NG.?SWEEPSTAKES AT PAINh'3 Ground. Babylon, L. 1.; Saturday next for ama teurs; only .'(0.) flrat ctaM bird". HURSKS, LAllltlAGKf. (SC. At auction to morrow (FRIDAY), april 23, at 11 O'CLOCK, BY VAN" TASSELL A KK.AR.Ntt, aT THKIR AUCTION MART, UU ANO 112 EAST THIR TEENTH STREET. ELEGANT TKAM DARK BaY HORSES, 1G HANDS high, 9and i) years old; kind and true in all har ness-, free from vice; very stylisn and handsome; have been med by the present owner Hie past three yoau h* 11 luiatly carriage teum, and tney nru as flue a leain us auy in toe cltv, and ure warranted sound. A l-o SET 1 X.vK HAKNR98, IX i.OOD ORDER. AND SIX SEATOl.ASs-Ql" VUTERED KOCK AW AY, XP.ARLY new, bnlit by .diner ,t >tf. ens FOUR-PAS.,i Mltiii PH.vKTON, WITH 8BIFTIN0 sear, bull. by Brewster. LIGHT CUI UNDER KucKAWAY, AC., *C. NOW OS exhibition. ARC IT. JOHNSTON, AUCTIONEER. Office 57 Liberty street (Evening Poit Building). Horse ana Carriage Mart 19 ,o 23 Thirteenth street, near University place. ?j I BY ORDER OF tXKCl'TORS OF THE ESTATE ?< oi the late ac : HENRY IJhLAFIELD, at the private stable SI 1S7 WEST TWKNTY-flOHTH STREET, * I THURSDAY. APRIL *8, 1875, ? at 10 o'clock. ^ | ARCH. JOHNSTON will sell all the Horses, Car ts riugca an.I stable appurtenances belonging to the X I above-named estate, including W Carriage Team, coupe and Family Horses, elegant | Laudau, nearly new. bv liradloy. Pray* Co.; several oilier carriages. Hurues*. 4c. A' T GREAT BARGAINS, Six-srnt Rockaways, I Land a 111, Coupe Rocka>vays, I Lnndauiets, Victorias. ? I Broughams, ? " Toli'ts. Phaetons, I Cabrf High and low wheel Pony and Park Phaeton* In \ arlety of stv les. our stock oi Carriages Is the largest ever offered Id this city, ail ol our own manufacture, aud every car riage guaranteed year. A. f. DEMAREST k CO., o? and #30 Broadway. Auction house ok arch, jounston (late .lohnston A Van Tawell), office 67 Liberty street (Evening Post Building:. THE HORSE AUCTION BRANCH OF OUR HOLSE. 1? TO :!?> THIRTEEN IH H f REST, near I nlwrsuy place. PALES OF HOHSNS AND CARRIAGE" TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. AT 10 O'CLOCK, lo 4$ hours' trial on horses warranted sound. The business will be conducted en precisely the same strict anil honorable principle? which have al wava characterized the uealin.'s of our house aud won the respect and confidence of the business com munity as well as the public at large, THE STAMP OF OOP. HOC.sE Is RELIABILITY. A- ~BKE ri',11 (l)P BEOOMK ItRERI) TOP SIDE bar NViUOti. Top side-bar Wagon by R M. Stivers. Berlin Demi-i anuaa. used ouly six ; lines. Barouche, nearly new. by Wood tiro*. victoria, po'.o and shafts, by Wood Bros. Coupe Eockaway, pole and shall*, by Wood Bros, coupe, nearly ner.\ by Arrustron* Ai'a of NhwHitis. .No top Basket Pnaeton, with rumble and oanopy. Kxtension top Phaeton, oily build. Six-neat Rockaway. in good order, by J. R, Lawrence. Clarence, nearlv new, by Matt. Depot Wagons &nd Kockawavs. ton and no top Pcnf Phaetous, Coaches, i xpress Wagons, Harness. Ac., Ac. AT PRIVATE Sai.B. VAN TABS ELL A KEARNEY. 110 and 112 East Thirteenth street, near Fourth av. A _|OK BALK. A CARLOAD OF WESTERN^HORBEH; i\.. thev are lit lor auv kind of buunesa; weigh tTom ftK) to 1.400 Iba.; each vming; ? arrunted in every respact; tliree days' trial allowed. 4? Htsntou s.rceL A ?SELLING OUT sTOCK -EX TKJf sIOX TOP PARK ? I'hHcums, aide bar Buggie<. top and no top Expruas. Grocery, liaker ?nd light Rnaiueas Wagons; tnree quar ter Truct. 83S Hudson sir t 4 FftiE, LAKGK IRgN-ORaY HOR8K, SOUND AND JX true.B vears oi.l. for saie or exchange lor Road Horse or Personal Prop^rt)'. TaLi.HAN'S stable. 47 Ureal Junes street. Aside bak top road wagon, fcll kpuinq tun Buifiry. light double and *1 ns10 Harness; all In good orrter; tanen (or debt; bargain given. TALL MA.v'f. 47 Unit Joues street. A T PRIVATE SALE?AN F.LEQANT PaIP. OP CAR. A H*kc Horsee; ijuivk, sound ami perfect!* matched; Harnvi*. CAiriaxf and Sleigh; owner leaving lor fcu rope, inquire, before 3 P. -Vf., or J. JlcCCBRY, 217 We*t Tivonty-elxth street. ^ A -ro LET, OVR-rtALF PRIVATE STAB LB, SIX J\ . tin 11*. and room for three coaches. 2w7 Wei* Nine teenth *treet. ADUShNElRY k VANDCSBR'S SIDE BAR TOP Wagon, in *ood order, for tale cbeap at YaN Ut SLKV, 1 ,.'.15 Broadway. -FOR >aLK, FIVE HORSES, -OCND AND KIND; > amur * ine-a; a Broadway. 4 RRIYKD AT LAST.?J. C. DEYO. OP JACKSON > V City. X ct).. with S3 fine Hr.rjes, at A. 9. Chamber llu'l stables. Twenty fifth street, oetweea Third ????' l*xioffton avenuei. a ?FOR SALE, PI YE HORSES. ?? OCND ANU KIND; J\ . suitable for ear, truck, (artner, express or any time-* ; at half ruiue. No. 8 Kail iiotiaton street, near A -FOR B4LE, A HAM BI.KTONI AN TROTIXNO . Horse, can trot in 2 :fiO. ait., five other HorsesI intt 1 at le lor any*-. Inquire at #78 Bowery, opposite I Knth street. in the rear. I 4 BARUA1M.?BEAl'TIFl'L ETHAN ALLfcN BAY ; Hor?e, U& S years, aonnd, kind, trotatn 2:W; tine ; aide bar top Macoo, tali eoriuf top Wagon. llgbr Har net*. Mtinkets, beat city maker?,fiardlr tolled inquire I of owner, private stable No. 0 W**t Nineteenth atreet, j near Tilth aveuue. A -FOP. SALB. DARK CBF.SlNUr HORSE. 14\ ? hand* hi ah. can trot In tnree minute ?, perk ot la i d.v'a Iturae to ride or unre: top Poor Phaeton. aide bar top Wagon <nd arne*?i food a> new; sold i* pa rats if ! de?ire<t; verv low on account ot sic 6 nc is. 144 Weat I Tiilny-nJ^ntfl **?*?*; 4 ?IRON oP. AY PONT. ALlO TWO OIHKR , . Hor?e*- v. um anil ioqbiI: fit for grocer, farming. Ac.; $4i, $iw. $115 Alto : ufoltare trncc, Wagon, liar I DOM. >o I Ftir?yih atreet. aaloon. AOENTLKMaN OOlNU TO El'ROPE WILL SELL h'a road Horse at a great anrriflre; 7 years old, l&H j hands; warranted -ouul and kind: ran trot la 2:4J; olio Buggr end uarnes* and pony Phaeton. At private atante 3i *:a*t Twelfth atreet. 4 YKRY STYLISH TEA* OF SORREL HORSES, UX. i?y, hands high, 4 rear* old alao a flue road Hur*e; trot* In 2:5); warranted aounl ana Wind. No. S We*t I Thirteenth street. 4 ?LANDACF. CLARENCES, LANOACLKTS, Coupet tour an J tlx aeat Park Phaetons rtoeka ?nvs, T Cerla. Dos Carta. Doctors* Phaeton*. Pony Phaeton*. fop and no top Wa*on*. Ac., at M. CL'KLKVS Factor* and wereroome, aos. iw, 111 and 113 Kate Thir teenth rtreet, near fourth avenae. A' COCfB ROCKaWAV FOR $3.V). COST ?9nO; ponT Pbiotou au1 Uimeii. ?:? aecoud hand Car riaiea for aau> ni great aacrlll.^e pr<vioai to moving. U AM,JO Eaat Fourth atreet \OF.STLKE AN'S C0MPLE1E tl'RNOL T FOR ?ale?Co? S .800: black Horac, 1J.J; too (.'arrlege. I bnllt by Krcwattir; will be sold lor KH Address a., box i Hi' Herald t ptowu Branch oitife. A KO A IN.?FOR .<>ALK. TIIRF.E LAMBS' TURN. oot?. Pouies. ?aff and found; vary handsome top oi d no mp Paacton? Harness: ail Comp e e en-l flrat i r ass. COOK'4 ktabtaa. l.lPD Hroadwav. between For tieth auJ Korty-fl^rt aireeta. /tA.iRUO t.-A liAROS SIOCK OF PHaKTo>3. I ; V t oo-ian an tnp and no ton Bu^aics Depot auti other Wagona ot ai/ o*u make at manufacturer*' price*. ( HAttLais OH IB... 141 Weat Broadway. | s AH f> I AUKS?>ECOS D U *ND, CONHISlINO OP . .J rond and top Wagona, doctor*'and park Pbaetnm. hockawavs Ac.. 4c. at K, ?t. ni lVr M Ut to IU B?at . Ihlrty-rtrat atroot t SLARK.VCR FOR HALF?IN PP.RPt- CT ORDER. CAN \J be te?a at >o, 9u ?-a?t Thlrty-nlnta street, or ut- ' qaire of J. MOMAlN A Bit>j\%N, >o 1,8*0 Brjsdway. I /^LARKNCI, RAROrCBl AND TOP FPKINO \y Wiacoi, in rood order; Mreral sew sidebar aad ?bring WacoMt bargain*. _ H u. MO if, 14 W??| Twenty Ureat. Elkoaut ? LANDACLETt, in the lacaet ta.ainn B C "aflrv;?DP.Ac. Not. S72 and S74 Urowuie ('.reel, old itand ot Brew?:?r m Co. t^LKOsXr BKOWN HOR'sE. 17 Ha*D? HIOM, $ Ed vaari aid: tuaud ana klnl; ttvu*h atnoni nne lieud and nee* and everr w* v destreln* lor a ytoiaal t ir&oot; bought bv pretont t?rnt> direct irom the ^oua try during u? pa*> winer ant b*a ltu)tt\'f?ii by oity use. Applv at private stab.*. uO haa; i crtjr-ftrtt street, ^ POP. <IALI?.?a nANDeoMh BLACE HORoE, II hands hiscb .can trot hotter than S:*j; Best breaker; warreme.i souj.t. Kind, uemia, aoa a woman onn drive Mm; io*??t ? ??ti jirme. ii. A** Addre** iHutToB. bot I A lUraiJ ?i.l'.o* FVJR ?ALh-HORi>K. *AU(JV AND ilAC.K-?! brown Horse 1.1^ nand* )>i?U ; t.mml and kin i- ran t>e ilrirro eituar *ing.e <>r double: top uuggct xi.-*r ota*? ?lugiS Harnesc wm be *wid t?g*thdr or singly cheap h* tiie owner u.i* no lor meiu, Can oe mm at(iee<> Wood stable*, '.M ??ii*: Panietb *iraeu or 0*11 ou or a t tf?js 1.2.12 Bros .mar. L'Olt ALk-OET. RAL HlPFRIOM VOI NU I10R.-0 ?| 1 are *trlttlr??iiurt, *entie and MM : hue *i?e, co o , *ctlo:i giKi sirifl; speed to ?uit purp:ia?*rj ?l*<i t*n?l die He,run. 0. H. LhATiii, tln*fctog, u f. _ L O.t tiALE?CHEAP A YO!'.v? U IIAM>s M>RREL * li rsa: elso K*!'ra*s V\ ngou an<l UarBa?*t itepara:* or lo.< tho -t ?atrante i e<.u>.il, CkU, IW two dar*. at ?1 HunttY, ioru?r il?i>?tou *irt>'it, L.H/l, *ALii-A >Hirrl>U Top P.lRK PHaKTOS, a Miner A aiereu* tuakerc cait it.uu,; win sc.i iof $d"i: ahiltlugiop H?de V,/ O?*onb.;rr ? Vj* i,u?ri ??/? *???*? Will *en lut iJ: holn Ai good a* na*. Pti- *f? n#hi? ill tout ilurtfmMltn Ureal HOBME?, C ARIlJlOKk, of . lfOB .-ALti-TAKEs JOK l?; U'l; W U.I. SKU. V I.J: V 1 cheap, two uoo i. *tr II.;. vuiuabe ?..i? Horn *: \ suit (armor or express. t'Ultor two d?.\s in leed store .170 Hudson xlrr. i. 1 L'0? S A !.K?A I'Ml! i IF HAY HORSKS, Irt KAN US 1 lilsjh, ilia property of it lady ftoint; to Europe; Klul audMntte lor atngit or Mutibl" harness. fo lie seen at West Thirteenth mreet. L^OK iiiA CHKAF?ONE OOOPK. ONB BAIOUOUR, ' r in good order, with slip lining. No. -?? West Forty first street. POB SAL1'.?THK 1'aTORITE LITTLE TROTTER. ! i 1 Nelliii McCanu, will be sold at public uuciiod on \ j Friday, Ituv H. : ^7^ at U A. M., nt the residence ot the I late Jobll McCaan, lTU Andover street. Lowell, Max*. i TjlOB SALK-A hamblktonias MASS. bay, WITH I i1 black point*. Ki' i hands high, 6 years old this spring; sotinil and tree irom Tic.- or blemish: is a Irec easy drl | vcr and can trot in a boat tlir?so lau.u i?; Kuaraune given; sold tar want oi umi oui>. Apply to Mr. 1.A1>1>, 7bt! Broadway. BIOS SALE?BAY HORSE. 10 HANDS* UIOH. EIi.HT years old: sound, kind and true in all harness; In u from vice; vcr.v <tylr.b; can irotui S:S"; one doable * t covered Harness; ^ood ??. m.". . Apply at 32 Walker street. up stair*. Fh>r salk-a rock.away, cost smh ooop as dow ; but little used; wili oa sold cheap. IT* k'ourh street, Brooklyn, t. \).. i.Prt store. BlO't SALE. VICTOKIA. WITH ROUBLE BEHIND, built by Biudi'i. ot I'nris: alto Landau i;arncs?, silver mounted. Appiy at Colonel Kips'stable ;7 East 1 ortietli slr?et. IIOR SAI.K?V ' VALUABLE Yol'NU MARK. >OR hall'valuc (in conseuuenca ofbeltnf with foal), $l*>; fast auil well bred; iarin cart for->ale. 83 New cham bers street 1X)R SALE?ONE HO.tsK, I'1TA3LK I'O" EARMKit " or Krocer t willne sold cheap; mnttetoM within three ( CVs. lit Stockholm street, near Myrtle avenue. Brooklyn. iC?US 8ALK CHKAP?A BAY MARE, LITTLE SOBB I .T forward, $73; black Hornc. ia hands, $h>; sorrel I Horse. flOOt suit limner or express. Call, lor two day.-). i at 3.M Hudson street, turinture store. nARNESS KtHt HALK?A QBEAT HAKi.AIN; PINK new Coacli llurue-s, u hund.sotne Coupe Harness, n neat liijiit hinalc Harness, by best city maker, 1-u Ea*t Kilty-ninth street, two flights up. OHKAPB8T HARNESS RTOB3 IN New York: good bu**y Harness, haul made,$17; good (Grocer s Harness. sroo.l Mlifcitmu'.-i Harness, pSO; uood double irn ;< Harness, $10; ko.hI Stable Blan ket. fi ,'t:. l*iva?.- call and examine for youraelve-'. 1'IHHKR A O.sHOit.N i , "1 Barclay street, New York. HABSI- TO EVES V t tiNOKIVABLK purpi <c, may ulwav-. be found in iiumense unuu titles, as W'.'il u* Hor-.? Kurnisi.iiig Ooods and Carrniie i?.-)uitniM-ut-. iuueivuni! elcna'i. otgrles tor nprnu and nimuier trade. Snvtna tio? is now o?t exhibliion. C. M. MOSKMA.s A Bltu.. Niauuia turers, 114-Cttamber* sr. VIPKT SBLL.-HOKS':. TSi:CK, HAKNKsSt HORSE, jtJ 10hands hiRii, S years o)i( ?arritu:ed sound and i Mn.'l. price $inO; sinitle truck. $100, in good order. .'4<5 ' Hudson ytreer. store UVabLE TO LI'.r-l'AltT UK PRIVATE STABLE r? irooni for two horses and carriages' In Eu*t Twenty second street. Addre-s by uote 1., ^19 East .Seventeenth street. QOLiTto 1> iv" MOSTiiAUE?KOlUt lloSfE~iTlBT O I'arts ar.d Haruess, one % Truck and double Har ness : no offer reliwed. Call until sold at *07 W?st Nine teuutii street mo LET?4 SNI'O BRICK STABLE IN KoETY I. I'ou. tli street, bemoea Kiltu and tlixtlt avenues; tiv? stalls and carruuie rootut/otu' r<>oiu-> lor coacbmun ; rent cheao. JOHN K i \ anauII. norttieast cornur Knrty-secuno street and Sixth avenue. f|Vj LKf?SI ABLK 222 EAST NINTH STREET. NEAlt J Third avsuue; covers the lot; 20 stalls. Inquire ot A. T. S KWART'S Agent. Broadway and Chambers street, between MjS3 ,tnd :? P. M. flio I.ET-THK FOLLOW IN U P KIV ATE ST A BIAS:? J 1S1 West 17th street. 4 stalls. SKJ0; 145 West ITih s.reet ? sialls, ?t|.<?M>: 142 West MtU street, $1,00C; 141 West fOth street, 3 stalls. $000 JAMES S1IKRMAN.7S Wall street T| lUT-THK BLBUANT ?TAlLB NO. ~4 East Thirty-ninth street iimuire on the premises or at No. (?4 Leonard strcev. corner of Church. rpo LET?STABLE, WITH NINE STALLS, OAS. WA J. teran.t inriott; together or setiarate, ehesp rent; also carriage room, a; All West i wcuty-elghih street, nesr Ninth avenue. TV ANTED?BY A RESPONSIBLE PARTY, A UoRSE, >? toujein the country .1 urine summer lor hu keep; wilt be u*eJ to drive hi and tr. in depot S. GEORGE. 4'i' W est Eighteenth street. TITANTED?A~sFCuND HMO TOP BDUQT, ItDI ?T by Stiver* or Brewater; mn*t i>e nearly now. Ad dress, stAtiDK tor ma, JaiESOX, OriDd Central Hotel. ?\VAXTKD TO LKASI;TdK A TERM OP YEARS?A ?t Btierillng ^talile. with tortv or tllty atella, or more-, iiiuat l*- located between Fourth anl Seventh nv.nuea. Twenty-fourth atreel and ivmral Park. Aildre** A. B. 0., lor throe days, at the Putnam Uou??, 3C7 fourth av. TITAJtTliD?4 BOP.SK, 16 HAM S. S CITABLE FOR 1T two w;ieel Jotr cart and lor the aaddle. Auiiro** A. Z . box 127 Her* d oitlee. WOODS BROS. JUMP 8K AT WAGON. TOP AND >> open Pour Phaeton* of nil st vies extension top J B 1 doiter * Pbaetoue; ?toD and ooen aide tiara ami lull ?prior*bv Brewater, stiver* and other tuod maiter?' Itocka*av* at nil atylea, Sulkies and akoletou Wait on?, 1 coupe R-ii'Huwar. 1 ?ix aeat coup* Rocaaway, single aud tljubk- Home**. W. n. Q HAY, SO and it Woagter street. U AOOO HoRhKS. f*!, J7j AND $1MI.? a SACRI O flee: young, aomid; Milt any btuiaea*; Conpe Rock awnv and top and no top uiiiZiry. nt quarter vaina; iop Rn*ine,a at: I Exprena Wagon, cheap. No. til Went "thirtieth street 10lt WEST FIFTEENTH STRBRT.?SXTBA I-AKGE 1UU private Stable rolet-. I'liioiirlie. by Brewater; 1'hacton; oUvant double Uarnsa.* lor *ale. KI KOPKAM . TKA.11MUIPV rpUE STATE LINE 1 NEW Yoke TO uLA^GOW, LIVrRPOOL, BhLP.\r<T AND LONDONDERRY. falling from P:er ? North uiver. a? foliow* t? STATE OK tNulANA Wenu?>MUjr, April21 sTaTK OK uHoR . lA Wedneatay. Mar r> H A'lK dp P N.NSYLYANlA ..Wedneadav. Mav IB *nu every W .?rinea.lar thereafter. takloif pa?*eo?sr? at through rate* to all part* ot Great Britain mid Ireland, ?orway, Swede u, uvumuik au.l (Mrmaur. .-tee, Aft a* low a? br any other line i>ratu for ?1 an 1 ut>wjM. *(.r freight or paa.?age ap ply to A O.J N. BALDWIN ? CO., Aiteat* No ,i Broad wgjr, stearage otfloe. No. ?i Uroonwav. AMBRICA!* LINK, WaetlT Mail Steatnahtp Service betwwin I*HILADk I Pil 1A and I IVI*.KPOOL, callttkff 'it Oneenatown. tailing every 1 huradav from Philadelphia, and *aiun( ev?rr ?'? ni?ij?v trum Uvtrpool. Tii.' following ateatneriara appointed in *ail from Philadelphia j? OHIO Apr,! 23 ! PBNX?YLTAMA...Majr IS IU.INOI - Aurll *? I I.vdi \N A May # ?KBA1LWORTH....Bay 0 ?ABBtifaP uu ....May 2T PRICE OP PA^AUe; IN CURHB.MY)? Cabin. $li>l - teartje and tntetmo liata tlcketa to and from all point* nt lowest rate*. Bu;umer* marWau with e iter do not carry Intarme 4UU. Pavtenftr accotnmoJatlon* for all ''Ian*?* nn*arpa**ed. Kor p?*aa<a, rati* ot ttaight and other lnioruiailen aptiv to vv 1 GEo. W. COLTOX, agent. ? - broail uroet. Now \orlt. JOHN* McDON Al l). Pao.*eni{;r A.'ent, No. 8 Mattery tiiaee. New York. PETBB WB10U 1 k *0N*. General ^teut*. Sj7 Walnut etreet, Philadelphia. Blohardien, eaenoe A Co.. ft. a J. cummin* A tiro*., i Irerpool. Qua<n?town CUNAUD LINE.-Tr.*N > N. A. K. U. S. P. -O. J KoTICE. With a view to dlfnlni<hmz the chance* o.' co llelon tlie ?teat.K-r* ot this lioe lake a specific couraa lor aU aeaaon*ot the yea*. , on tlie on ?ward piMaa? from Queenatowa to New York or Boftou. crowiuii In thu mendien SJ at 43 latitude, or nothing to .hu nurili of tf. .... On ine ho.nowar j i>a**tfe crontnz tho meridian ot SO at?. latnu ;e. or n.iiimw t.> Uie nor.h ot *1 Prom NEWT )HE tor LlV i.kuuul and <)L KKN8T0WN. ?BiiiiisiA..Wed..">.' ; ma Wed., Mays auy^ima..-*; . .v*y i!?^COTIa Wed.. May U hteitnerl markiid ?Uo notcarr. atoerane Caolit pa*Mti(e 5sO, el-3, Bl3t?. fold, acnrdi Kto ao* Comut'idatior.. Ke.urn ticket- '>n Uvonble tutkna ."?levrug.? ticke:* to and from aii j>art? ot fcurope at lowest rati*. Preitnt an I cati .i OBO?, Bo. 4 Bow.inii Ureen. t?*era.'e uidc*. Ill Broa l*?r rnnity Btuullti*). CHARLE4 u. PEA iCKLYN, Afent. and P. H. DU VUUiKT, ?nrner ui Clark and liauaolpH atreet*. Cbleago. nram star use, U r <R Qt'EBMaTOWft 0a UTP.ItPOOl? CARilYIN'U .Mb L'NIIhO HTATr.B MAIL. BKPCMLIC Aorll i*. at 7:? A. M. Al.': lAi'iC M:iv 8. atf-JM A. M. CEL.IC - May I#. etl*)P. M. B ?L110 ....May is, at S P. B. MKlf AN >11 May xA ooon. GERMANIC Jttna 4,at .1 r, M. i roui th? White htar rtooK*. pt?r IU Nnrth r.iver. Kate*-?aloon. and SIV m geld; return tloketi. ?176 fold >>:eer?*.' at intr rata*. .'aioon. auteream*. tmoktug ani hatiiroom* are piai-rii atuiiUtii.? wner? tno no'W and mottou are leaat, aff rding a a?jree oi eomturt bcherto nnauaiuahia at Hj), t or ln*p?etlen of ?i*n? *b1 other luMUNM ajply at *.? euiMpaity * oHee. UMfoadwal, Sew ferk. * it. j. c<)Rll% Agent. N-ftTIOKAL LIKE. t torn pier* So*. *4 *nd 47 N^rtk River. COB 4.0NUO.N ulKr.Ci. ORKEt E...Aprti It, 9 P. M. I t iU ? c. ..Mty S, 7|M A. Jt HOEI.ANU. >Ia/ i. I P. M. : TO an . blYBttfUOL. KQYPf.. Ap. II 'J*. ? w a. M ii SuLaVD .May U 1 P. K. hhl.N Ma/a 71*1 a. 'i, | ? ?? < .iut.1 [*4<A?e. *7?? an : IN currency, oc ?e at greatlv redewd wlee*. . n k? ? iredae^d rate*, mpftid <tee'aae new* irftgi Uv rpofll a' the iowe?t rate?- Aii[.ij'at t ,? r^tapgny ?.ifTloo, ?>??. ?? Ht.,jgw?y. ? . *J gptt?l'. Mauagwt. VUKIH GERMAN I Lull. A SThAM *H IP UN? KF.TWEBV JKW YORK, ?OLTHAM 1TGN A?D BnhMt'.N Company *pier. of ??>eiatreet, ilo&okan. WK> 4p?-ft kt mAiM. ?ajr 8 i?DN ai' ..May 1 I'.kmn V*vl4 k !?'? ul BMMfl ClVia No* York t?. eouthatoplotv I Mav.-? or liremtni Pir?t < atiin . ...? -A ?ot.l. | sooond Onhln. tM. gold. steerage, 9^4 (?rr?linv. Pienald % eerage gtrtirteafet 914. eirreuaw Return liok?t? at re- used rai?? 1 or Kr?i|htor Pa*-e*e ai tf.y to p. hk .is, .So. I Bowling GroeB._ rpAP900Tl>.4 fORBIGN EBi HaKGG AXu BMIGRA* \ I tien ..rft?o, ^ Id >ouik ?tre?t. >i w ^o. a. i Dratt< for R1 and apwar.t ktil paa*ai<n unket* to and ?foro goeancjwa and l.iv?r,io?l laauad a. tho iowa.t rata*, i L'KtlKO r 1ATF< pAPRPOHt BtTRiAl-.-orriCJlftl Pgaaigm at tba m^ertttent of 9i?'? u*u?d by a. u. \i ii.LaiAM4M, ktuied ?M?n*Ac?uri lieete, A cnautkert El KCMPKAM SThAltlMKH'^ MAi>LE LI Nil Fi ? Mi ll VML -II- J MS ? ?I I'i.vmoi iii i'iiIvhhoi i?. a \ i is >. ?, h i ar,. I he ??lesani I'lvdr Imllt iron <unii -tui,s \?i:; v?i iron* New Vurk an IhIiowh:? m III I f.n < uuiaiii llioran* April 27 LES-fsiji,vantaiu ioiisijur* . .' 4 iroin pltf, loo' nl Kir-i! -tr> ?-*, Hobolieu. I. \ . !?:.?. I >(' r \ -.-A ? .. Ik PLYMOrril, LOMIIIK. CIIERBOUK i ard il '.MBUK'J; t'auiu-UrM saloon, $100, jfold; ?? md muuoii, $i> i, go!)!. ?Meeriiiro, J-'*. > ui,, n.-v. Prepaid ateer-iize ucfcei i rom buiiilnir.-, 5_'( currency. For freight apply lo KUNCII, KD\E& CO., 2/ bouih Wll i in - reef. i or |itt*.<iu.' apply fr> KNAl TII. NACHOD A KUHNE, tii'iieral Amnti, lu Broadway. t>LD S I'A It LIXE, I appointed to curry the ?>-lcian am Unis-d states malls. Tup lollowiuz steamers are appointed to *ali Fur AN'lWKtd' : ? I roia l'hllaiielpiiia. I roni New Yoik. .VEfKRl.A-.Ji inriU*; HlVll7.Uii.AMi \pril 15 \ ADl.Kl.AN;. Mav .'1 sTA I l. OF N l. \ All a .Mav - Fl'.OM ANTWERP - lor Philadelphia. For Nun' Vorv. NED K ELAN U iprU27 STAT I- oi- N K VADA..Mav A VAuBhtAMl May 21 >W IfZhliLAND. Iuno 2 _ _ rriceaol p.ifsnge In currency First Cabin .... ??xj'.-oud Cshin So1 steerage tickets to and ir?iu ail potMB ui :U'* owest rates. i'as?pni:f r accommodations f r nil clf?'??4t tu> surpassed. 1'or iai>Aai:e. ?!??. or freight and oth> r information, appiy to GEO. W. COLTON. Axotu, 42 Broad street. NVw York. JOHN MrljONALl), Passenger Agem, No. >= Batlrrv place, New \ ork. PhTfrlt WillUHT A SONS, General Agents, u7 Walnut street, Philadelphia. it. \ON DEI'. BE< KE, General European Agent. Ant v. ero. /'RGAT W*OTKKN (l STEAMSHIP LINK. NEW YORK TO Will i'OL r.MJLAND) DIRECT, sailing frooi pi' i" .? ha?t River a* ioilow?t? CORNWALL, Stamper -nturday, May 1 ISKi.AT WKHTliiu.V Windham Saturday. .May .'J i alun oaaMgii. $70: iiKrrmolUte. 9ii; ateerage, $30, currency; excursion ticket*. {.iai. Apply lu W. U. MORGAN. Vtfcnt, 70 Soutli xlreet. 4 WBOI LIN 14 A carrying the united states maiu NiiW \UllK AND GLASGOW. ELYSIa sail- suiurday. April 21, at i'A. JC. rALIl'iiR.M ?? sail-* . . . Saturday, .'lay L at - 1*. M. VICTORIA halil .sjiuruay. May )?. aif .V. V UTOPIA -ails Suturdav. May Ij, at2 I*. Vt. IU GLASGOW. LIVfc >t?OUL. LONDONDERRY, OLTKENhTOvVN oh BELFAST. C-abin $:>n to S7U go'il, ai'crjrilini; to ai romiuodatlon.". intermediaie anii -ri.KR.i;;. as low as anv otlior tlrat cla*.4 I nc. Drafts Usued tor anv amount at loweat rate?. UENDKKSON Hit OS.. Agent*. No. 7 HowIIuk Green. UNITED f.T*'!^..^ MAIL LINK?'TEAM To QUEENS. foWN AND LIVERPOOL, Sailtn/ i-"tfv rneiutay from pur North River. MANHATTAN Mav 4 W l.-t'OSSI.N May lb fuhin, inu'rme^iat.- aim ^|?<J^a8,-? at lowent rat'.-". Prepaid UckPwat lo*v ra^. Pax-vn^era booked to and iiou) Pari*. HaiuOuix, Norwey and fwreden, *>-. Drults ou Ireland, England, trauce and Geruiio.\' at loweit raii^. Apply to WILLIAMS A Gt L IN, W HroaJwac. HAilBl RG-AMERIOAN PACKET COMPANY'S UNE lor I'LYMOITH. CHI RBOI RG and HAMBCKG. KUEVIA UTil 22 HOLS All A Mav 6 POMMERAKIA. .. .April 1W I 4'IMBRiA . M*V H Hates of pa^^a*'^' i'lyu outa. London. Chcrovrn. Hauiburv and ah ' nt* In Eugland. ScoMjdU and Wa.e?;? First Cabin, upper saloou, irold $110 First I'Atiin, lowt-r saloon, gold bo Steerage, currency -il Kl'MiAKDf A CO.. B. Ktril akD * Hoas, General AKent*. General l'us?cnner Aireuis. 61 Hroad Mm, New lort. Broadway, Now York. Most DIRBCT and economical route to Uolland, Belgium, the KUine, Switzerland. Ac., via Bu HERD AM. Steamer SCHOLTEN .April 29 steams;- KUiTr.KDAM May 13 lheso beauiilul yteamers, carryiaK tUe Uoited states mall to the >etherlandi>. are well known tor the regulax ity ot tholr trlDH. Kates ot paaaige ,ow. FL'NCB, EDV K A CO., L. VS MORRIS, Geueral Agentf. 60 Broadway. o NLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMSHIPS UfcTWERN NEW \ORK. AND HaVkB. The splendid vewels ou this favorite route lor the Con tinent ibeliiK uioro ?outh?rly tnau any ottierj wnl sail froui pier No. H) North Rivar, a? lollows: ? FRANCE 11rudelle) ^aiarilar. May 1 AMi ftlui h G'ousoU1 satuiMav, -Vnv lj V1LLE Da PAlti.- iLacUestifa .-.atiirdaV. May 20 PRICE Or' PASoAGt. In G>G,D uuelodiuic winaj, Firal Cabin, $100: second. $eS; ihiri$30. Return Tickets at reducud rates. ?teera?e, 3:2, witli .superior accoiuumdaiious and In cluding ail ucccuaariui, witnon' extra charge. UhoKGr: . ACKLN/.IK, Agent. Broadway. f jiMAN LINE?FIXED HOuftlKRLY COCR->e1 Royal Mail Steamers arc appointed to <.Vd as loUows FOtt QUEE.NnToWN and LIVERPOOL. CITY OF MON I Ri.Ai. Saturday, April 24, at * A. M. ! CITY Ot' OHi*.>TtR i-AMr.tav, Mar 1, ui 2 P. M. | CITY OK PARIS., -uiurdav. Mav 8, at S A. M. CITY Ui By.Klin... Saturday, iuc 13. at2 P. M CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday. May ii, at a r. U CABIN PASSAGE?$?J an I $10d. eolo. STKERAGE? to aud irom ail points, at reduced ratea CaUn snd aenerni ofllce. No. 13 Broaiway. Steerage ofSces. 'JS Broadwav auil pier A> North Rlrer. JOHN G. DALE, Ageni /VOOXOTA!) ROS ^A.?CUBA PEST PASSAGE OF. U tlcc lu New Vork. Open ercniue-i. Steamers ererv dav. Cork, Liverpool, Gla<xow. Derrv. Oralis, paratue everywhere; lowe.t rates. Nortbara Mo>U corner CorUandt and West ?treec.. p COAITW1MK STEAMSHIPS. ACIFfC MAIL sI'i.AM ? HIP LINK?FOIt CALIFOR* ui*. Japau ?ud Caiua. irom Pier 41 North River. FOK Adi'l N >V AL.L MA 3AVA.n11.LA ACAPCLCo Atr" *?> 11 * Connecting tor all l>Dtrst Amerion aitJ Pacifl port*. FROM 8AN FRaNOMOO f'OR JAPAN- ANu CHINA. OF-LaT REPUBLIC. May I For flr?lghtor patuxe applv at pier 42 Nor h Eiver. h. J. B i' llai . dnpot-inMnaeiu. 1TNIIED HTaTKs' ASD ERaZIL MAI I, fTKAM.'HIP L/ Corapau.i .?for it. Tnoui i? ?nd Br e*ii?Tn* <!e?nt ?or*w ?imui?r vJerrlm<v:k. u.vOu tone i iirih?n *a!:i <T. tvotr, will tail for ht. Thoaiae. Para. t'eraamOitr.., Haliutnua KtoJairiro on Friday. April ?;. a?.1 ??'e.iic* I*. M.. iroiu pier 43 North Hirer. For ir"tgtitor pa><ag* applv to ?II.LI A M R. HARBISON. Ait#Qt..\*a Howilog Oreea. V T.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL >M. LIES.? , Maaraer* leave pier 3 Xortli River at S P. M. FOE Havana DlUEct. Oil* OF MEXICO > ...lueoday, April JO CIVV OK Vl.RA CRUI Thur?Ur, ApritlU CITY OF NCW YORK Thuredav. April U roR TEE A URCZ ANu EE* uitLLAN* ?ailing at H tvana, Pru/re*a Catupeacny, Tuscan an.i Taiupt;o CITY OF MKXiCo . iueedar. Arrlln Cirv OF HAVANA I no* lay, May 11 For iretgbt or parage apply to K. ALEXAnDki k -ON- ss Broadway. Slaauii-ri wui lenre Now Orloana April 84 and May 19 lor Vara Cru* and oil the abow port*. _ YEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRRl'T Mill. LUTE? ihc*> flr? run ?teatn<liitvi will "all a: 5 P. H. f'om pier 13 North nlver, toot r>< Ooiar eweat. for U*v.?at direct, at n>'low?:? QOLCMHCri 'aeaJay. Aarli 17 QEESOkNT Cirt rtnirnljv. .1 .. 6 Kor tr.'igbt or pa?airc havin* uu?urpai*ed accoinmo dailon*. CLYDE * CO.. Na # Howlla* Orotk. MeKtlUr, Lauug ? Mb A*eut? In Havana. Texas use of ualtkm-un cti.amer-. touch ln?' at Key Waft, carrying the Cnlte I m* m Mall.? Meaiu r CLVDE. Ca;iuiu JCi" tied*. wJi laarc li- r 2) Xntt Kivar, on -atur.av. nrll M. at 3 P M. llir .u<h bUfiorUuiag fiVon to ail poluu oil tho u. and T. c.. i. a v.. I O. Ji,. 0. B. una II. a:ii (3 ? . ?tu S. A. il. K. No rbxraa tor furwardlnfm Ee*v vork for tr/ncU or po? nage. Daunt 4np?. .or avcotnm<iaaUon? aoolr to C. ?I. MAI LOU* Il CO.. l.V? Maiden lano. W. P. f-LVlH. t CO.. im Wall ?;r?ct. I70R NKW ORLEANS DIRECT Tua i romwall tft'-amaalp Lino. Th? ?t?amfbln Ht'DSO.>. Captain tia?er. will ic-nro pltr No. ? North Riv r oti Sat'inur, April *?, at 1 f M. Fralght roenved dailv. rnrongh rat?i gtrau to oalv??ton. lnJiano a Koctport or Ara'iia* Wharf. VriM* itantlarm t. oo i Mobue. Cabin pa??aaa. $?; ttaaratfa. gis. For traiah- or aptly to CLARK 2 *K\MA v '?> Wei: vroat OLD 0OXIXIOX STEAMSHIP <:i)MPAJ(f. r-ai.luif from i'l?r 37 North Ri>-er Kor Norfola, ir.v Point And Ktchmond. Tuetdarl, Thui*dnv< and ?aturdav?, at 3 P. M.. couucciltm with the Virginia aud .ennr?*e Air Line. At'antic Coa?t Line. Pladmon' Air l.Io*. cno?<pr?ae and tmi / ttaiN road, aod wi'.n the ."o'nvuny't ivint litie>> to interior point* In North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn and Waeuiturton. N. C ,rla Norfolk). ?Terr Tneeday. ib ir^lav ami ~n;ar>lav. Baltimore We.iuaeitave and NUurdayi. at 4 P. M. Con* nan unit witn oa.nniora and >hlo R?uroa>l. Lonea. i eu. Mondava and i h.ireinyi, at 4 P. M. Ooo necuoa -?lth Oalawarr and Marvianu tUllro?da Punienaer a comm . Ijiioni damn aiiod. throiwu paatacu ticket* an i bilie of lading to all potnie attoWf<t rate*. Ioeuranca Normik. par oonv Frnfh ? rcoeired .1??lv at pier S7 North R,r?r. Oeuarai offloef, 1W ure?!iiw?eh ?ti ?et, York. >? 1.. >1 oCRhaOT. fretidert, POET ROYAL AND FERNANDI.N'A STKAMSUIP ilno. omr !hrotuth line to Mori la without auantr* i hj vtvauiMitp xouTii roiNi. >u)itu. matter, baring ?uiiarl'jr aceoirtBodatlom for nAvrntm, nlu f.e rtv apache* tor la maud ma. via Port it.iynl. on Thurtdar, April at at 4 o'tiook f. M? from pior No. a Nortn Etrar. Rate* of na??aifis Now York lo I' Ilr??ala<i? If) >>w York to Jai'kwtnvin*, flr.f o>??? ?'! 3# N?vv York tv. Aitfuo it, fl'?l rH? fcl lno?e i?t?< >tat* ? ?un aod meAia on iha ita? j?#r. ihi-oiiwU Uakavt MPBd pointi lit Florida. ih<? (tt aiii-bip LKO will lotto# ja tftv ?tl? of AOriL For fr*itb? uf MO*aga app s- to _ Hr.RV. Ubi.P'.'KK. *0. i Wtlllom 4t/??L A. THAVgf.LE BSC^jO t IDE. A A. NORTH ItHOEK gTAI'KN* 18LAN0 FC :t For New Brighton. Mm Harbor. Weat RfUhtok au l fort Xle&Aokd, booM leareWtltettaU (trtet. 01 toot >( Eroodwor, datiy ItU, tdi, UiM a. ML- li>M >0? ttM 4t?. ?|E) and 4(4J P. M. frtn'< at UAt(-pk>t vr < ,,iur. fromlt-o A. M. Far* W o.inta. Aatur Houat u^aUan ??ur (treat tor r?rrr rar? Soonta. /IIIUhNg1 UN8 OF >rKAM?')ATi? FOH TROY, i:on V/ uawtiu* wiik an r?it\??v itian Nortk aod Wen; in# (km. ,fc:e?au, aiaantuoau kaaw jal>v. mhirda* es ?*ot?A. it ?? P. M , iraru t.'?r 4D ?.??* H,*ar. Ij>.i o. ?.*i?F lUtViMto U?a*11 4?kd e?4i *u COItttaeUMg UOO*. o TVt.t V KkhKC:*' Ci( IOI4. V4SKK VI Kr- IH 1 tins I . I'AIM I '- I.- ? ??>? ... ??:: ai.ii\\f. I'liM < im - - M.i >: UJ 1 K .?) . t \ i 1 .4 ,? j.iwV.- .. . ' V !'? . .') rin: i n if rn>!|.MM i.i' n ?; j ?? i n.V, nr ,-v. Jni?M Ifftvc ? v.-mii'J .11 4 ii' > ift ta> I - ,'pi-i . t-oin i'lfftl i i liivi-i-. (.??? I, rdiimclhi.: I. I i'jii I n. i. ;i!'. mil's .i V !'.I.. iui' ! 1 ?? '..,r'li .".'Hi tVent. i ick. ' .villi 'i(i!.'i"ni.i> tor ? at Oil ill'- i Xprrodln:. !. 11 1)1- II '.'in u.-n, I'.- I ? ?. n I i ? - - '? niiiativ, 1 .'11 M -i:iit i. Fi t ) ' v> .in ii.'tPI, , u.. \ i ..i -<inut!< i - inie a* mi th ? * hurt r,UiJ. HtVKit fix r; m Hosros : \ new POST r :. I : i i liivi-r.?I .i ? -it'.im ??? ? i WPHSf md flli ? i '"I/c.'. I v.? pii' -'?> ."<ort!i h t*r, I ml . i Murray -i .? '?j, dans iSn".t:i;. ?? ? '-ii1 11 Thr iimii" tickaw ? '. lat ull 1.1 lit "iiMM ii"i. i- i-i tin1 city.; I.'.III.1 r AN1> KINCXIMX, I il.VNKCp.1iii I >.i'ii K'tintiiii: in.I <i-tv ?ltallroat! inndi m at Hir'.iu: i I ? i tr '?-i .'. nt . t n'.v.i 1, ViMvbtir.. >tii?? Ii II'.;!' iil'1'1. 111,-!., 'il . Pally and iu. rI.-1;iti' .. .il ?'? \ - i 11it>t;I.I.. i-M-ry Tntsua. Ttiar-iav .;iitt ?.?,tnr my, Ichviii^ i.urnMn plar m North l?iv?-r. at 4 I'. M. IM".i.-iT!t N ? U.rtANY >'.IJ IKoY, FROM HKH .. ' ill'si'it I'.ir?. .10 Bk*' CalJil, th isTili. -I. inner M'Vl.r.l;. mi 4 \ ..ii. !? ; .\ - .i."! Friday* ,i..r. V. PI.n '? VI,Van ? i :: VII.KI1AH. I ii..- c;v.ti trunk i.ini' und I'uited Btata* Mat; ? . II am- k-jv N<?\f York, Irom loot<.f IK-<bi"(v??n at*i i ?ii-t!*?itit a* to'.l.ivr- ? . Exp. - ;vr li.u rlsbur,;. l'iiml.ur.'. tli ? Ww. anj -oii'ti. i \i nil l'liiliuaii !':? .<i'.? t.'nr* HlUi'liftl !):'.? A. M.. j and K-.'.t i At. MiuUHy i uii.i ? :I M. i For \\';iui'iii?pun ".n 1 Uick Hiiv.-n vtw ITtllitOelptal* an4 i> i.i' Iliutrmul DiVi-doll. on'.'... itnc Pliiladeipliuti, i?:i ? ' j- ..r ft ll .liiiit-i'.ii i, I ..j ? - .'ti, Oorry ta j I t : .'I P ?(. evil.I I'lin' ,i! Corrv tor TttllHVUW, l*?. trciio II lit IV.nifi Ii',1.1 III ? I ill li'TiOB*. For '.inn'." ft .i-.pi. .'iui'. .(ml ili' fiutli, "Liiaiti- t W.i-^i'.-.ut'.it Expre-- oi iHrtlui v.i Parlor > art daUv oxi-.'jii --ttri'ln . *?::i \. M.; n'. u .it Wn'.btuir.oit 4r! i". W iv..i:i?r .ii - t'i a. "'! , ; ant4'' H. >1. Minday.H i'. vc. Expresi tor Pbilail. '.uiitu. . i M, S: W. d:Vi A. M., ISrSft ,1, 1. 1:1 I, 4 7. '.?!*. V. UU;I I. i.i-IU. Suttuay, 4:6H, ii. i :.Wutv' n I*. M. 1'migrant an , v;0nd < !???? 7 K m. Bfif Ni-warfc Ittd, (.-.A 7. ??. la, 11 V M.,12 V..i "J, ?>:/!. . :tc. .1:4 i, 4: ill t ".i r.:'J0. i UJ. 0, fi;lt 6;W. T. ;:'lii, -:l" ; 1 :'w 1*. M. an.l I-.' nUlit. Sitodar. .':3A . ami hi i". M. : For KliuatMtli, n. H, 7. 7:11, IU A.M. 12 M,, I, J, 2:30. :li>. .1 -4i? 4;..l < :?>!. 4;'<t. ;i;Al, 4 J. ii. :1U, 7 . :I .(?' ! II 1'. M. tin t 1- ItUflU. .--aivlay. .'i ;^l, ! an I ?:U I". M I'u.'' Kjliuav. "? i>7. s ii '? 'J.. iil M., 1, 2. 2 if), 3:111, .5:111 4:10, 4 :li.i 1 :S0, i .'J. ."i :4 *, ... 15:10, 0:TJ, 7. S:1U. U P. If. mid 12 nUf'ii. ??tiiiilav,:20 and 7 P. M. For Vtuodbt'iiuc. I'crtli Am u> una .? uatH -art I.I A. V. -??HO, 4:in tl. i .5 t' M. Fur N. >? Brui'-wii.'K 7 an I - A. W., L. 31., 2, nil, 4..I* S:i'i, ti;i7 i'. .w. ..a I I-.' msrtit. -an,lay, 7 P. M. ! I'.ji ..a*, -JIUst<iin.. >?? noon, S and v. ? ... >\; -I an.I II'.' Kv lltli, "4:44 v M. and 4:U> P. It. rW l*r:ii toil. 7. -;???.% M.. I- 1:1' toJi P. M. lor i...tit.i->?;?i1'- a., 1 . Ivmi:ik! n. \. >1. and S P. M. i Kor Pbiliii.-.iiurvc ainl Hi*ivM..i. ':'?i a. M. an'12 p M. ? Fur in.'in mi oordMltuwit, 15u I'njt'tn ana C'aniaftn,i an.l ? '.i i. ii , i: :J i. 2. 4 an.! 7 " M. , l'..r I'rreti jul. 7 \. M., 2 ana 4:IU 1*. M. Kor Farmlnmlule an ; Sgua'i. 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. ! For KikIiim /wn, Ptmlirn .n tin i ( am,i?ii. rla Perth AJMi ! oov. 2-:w I-. M. , For lli^i'.ukivrtian l I'nuibortoii ? A. v. Train', arrive aaloiloi^-s ?i .'o.u I'u.jcmrir, <i:i5 anil lltJJ %. a. and l I". V. dail> ; 10:Li A. *t. au.l 7:4n P. 1 dally, t/\.'i-p, Mond f.. Protu iVavii.niitou ana Ualtii utt.iv, ii-20 \. v.. 4:tft, 5:15 .ni l I'. M. Sunday ?:<< a. M. an t in;.'". I'. M. l rmn 1'ltUadelpMa, s.ut, tiJu I 6:00, 10:1". Ii JU, It 4 A.M.. 4:,S, 6.ij. 7lit. 7M^ 8:44, 111:27. i'. M -utiau. SUV, i. ? j, 0;f.>, 11:M All. ! 7 :W and 10:27 P. M. i Ticket oftUv. an l 014 Broadway, No. 1 .Uitor Hon* and iuo; ot' n"4tiro?-i? an 5 UiriiiUtlt itreBU' xx 4 t'ourl ?stfuet, ..rooklvu; No*. 114. 115 ana IIS Uuil^jn >ir?o4 Uoboken. I.migrant ncko: ottlco. No. S Hattery place. FRA.N'li T tl tl* PSON, 1'. M. H'Jl'O, Jr. OruTnl Xlanai'.-r. tieueral Pu<ieu.'?-r AdfuL KKGVLAU l AT-KU.l. LINK CP THE CBl'.EK.? i Steamer-NKW" ( HAMt'iON and tVAETKK OKElY k-arc 4'utiHi ttreet. euutn .-tie, every night except tla>". 6 P. M. EXCURSION'S. I ? Ft IB KXl.rilSlUNS-.sAUJON >TKAMKRWiO. A . titlti.' (.ivitli UivboUtr and tlte OlypUunt: bttrgcl Kopablif. Ctil' aco. ^in-all --iii.tti. Caledonia and Annar Kxueltior. t rieoial. Kiij:lf.>nvood, foul .sprinp and l-l.tu.t. Office Wen si.e^t, opposite chrlstopber ctreei tert'y. rj. U. CBudSEiT. TiVOH KXl^URdlOSfS?THE LAl'.UK. FiRST TLV'ii r lavuriu-?l'aruboati MLji.KPi' HouLuW .now eaU?4 tlie LONil Btt v.vCUi un.l Mi.lA.aOKA; OlUley'a Al-. derney. >prtu? Hill, Mvitv \iplnc uml loaa Ulaatt oroves wtm nance-, and Uoat- ot all tunaa. ?J. a, K. JlUKs, coravr .Mortou an a wert CXEAIIBOA'IS AND BAROftJ FOB EXCL"RiXO*JI TO i 7 Hunun Jwf!i. -Ci View, lona Inland andftUloir Haven Urow. ll iKl i.V a. KASUbLL, lU . outb ?trooU A TTRSTIO* !?PKIVATii PAM1LT POSITIVKLT JY soil tor imuK-ittate < a?.li ild-ir utl.v iioa-eUyltt Furniture, connatlnit at satin damaik Parlor kuk, o?*t, tin it.i, (l it; loin round Decker & tiro'*. Planolorie, <3 >0; ii.ib'irute rosewood and walnut Bed room m?!?. Bedsteads, Dre?ing case*, Wa*ii*taad*. Ac., i $7.*,. IIUiriHle Beil<"ad\ Bureau.v flue hair and aprlni ll-ittre.s.-.- I .irkuh $60; i.xtettaion labia, Butfct, 1 Cltaira la leather, Silverware; rep, plmh and halrcioiti --iiltf* *30, t&J- i'aiuiinr*. Kronraa, Ac., a tacrlH^f. Cutt five alary br >wu atone privatu ntMetM <7 '?t Uth at, letweeu am i.ud Sib uTt-uuea. N. B.?Furnlturo aiored ; till May L A UKKAT tfAORIFlCE FOR CAMI.?FKIVATK FAH .'\ i> wlllivll their hijifmil.?ii: ?at|B br oade. laittl M.vtn rAriorhuit, c??: t<> - $113; do.. S 08; lotu ruiiuU curiMir f', itctarp l*ian.i irte. SIBU; lirneat^i ai d r. p buna, #<??. ?. J unil JiSi Uedatead*. Bureaua Wnsb. ?taudu, itvsilj Cue*, Jkwnt't ?>. u; < artieta, Turwjsfc i-lbrarjr .-*uitv laidea. Etagerra Curtain- Mirr?r?, Brona."-, balr.-LoUl -uln. Intension falj'.i". Bullet. Mllve/. ware. Be., leaa thai, liail ciMt. So rea? uaoie oU*t r*? fn*>J. i.illimm. I lately at pnMf rciidenue luj Weal Twauty-eiK ith s,reet. n.-av Sixth arena.'. "4 oi<'].! for Tmmkiuat:: cast?. .V Private fauiUy win *e.i their iua?Bti3cent <ati? I'arlor suit*. Blade to order l>v Broadway maxtr, UN ' ?i\tnoutha. eo?; B4u0, for B?.S; rep lur 1th -una. coat $?*i, tor SUA; rep .Jiilf. 9?9: Library ? uiiv $7S: tnotfiiitt. cent KWlnway x >on? i'iaitjIor;< eoat W> , lorBi/a-.el* fant Ciadbiiry for tUi-, Carpet. Oa. ?er yard; it fine tack walnut f.eurooui *uiW. eo?t trom up. will ?ail for We. on tbe dollar. >. B ? Partita lo wautui ttrM claae cite tuaie to . rder Hoiim-n il furniture woai4 Jowe!itoc?ll iind erammo h-iorr- luirrllAfiair. M all ma?t b? - Id t!il? woa.c. No r*nt?<iab!? otltr nlwi IM CAKb. t'All iraiu' '.at*:y at five .rv in ,*u nou> i reocUroo; piivate tbanaion 12) fctt 33a ?k. u?ar ikb araniw. iir. r. HoXl) itAV. ? ~J.A Rv? i ASHOK1M xr n> 0 ARPKW, FCBSlTCBt .V uu.< Hr>;U:ug a' lovMt oaeli pr1e?j, at O'fAM rkli.'i esten?iv? wartroota.* t.o >;:suth arenue. t* tweuii i blriteth and i ljiriv-U.-ft ?(re?Ui paytMuts taill in ncelclv or tsontbly iM>ta:tnmtn ?"t J.-.Bn~JOHXS(>s" j,l.'~.~BK7,kAH. S* I.LBKRT1 .1 atreer.?i-ln? parlor, bedrcom mil dtalSK room Pur nlture. oMfant a^ortad offl>.v Furniiuro; larAi-u Cbalr* Lounge?. la-' Chairj Ac. 4 lCTIOjTkO )M ? ? KAtl TRIRTBItSTH .ifUfltY. -T\ near UnirertltT p'ace ? Forntturc, >'ar??t*. Bvdilin,' l.ineti, I'ar or Bite, Beai-..oui Hat* ? ila'?. Crocker*-a-.! I -U\erbl>tiei War?. P!?r\.ji, Ac , Ai private <.nc ar auction price*. t -WKISI.Y AM) Mi?.Vi HI.V P ATM K.N? K' ??t ;l> Furniture. C*rr?n.'< an i it<- idlni{ at & M. COW PKKTHv. au a Cij s lm (ml iff Chatham ?wl Ao m.meoM ?Wox and low pr.OAg. /lARPErd, Furniture, BpAa. BeOdtn^ Ac. Paroicnte take:. by the wo?* or i^onth. t erut* aa?v. SRLf.T A CO., corncrof Tw-enry^fltth ?tieet and glxto nvgnafc For SH.K- ::\kv w.\i.n' T and marhi a T0? -aloon TaMua. witn nr wltltoat four wainutCbair t.> eac.i : *!'. new lui.ulre ot u. H OVKH, il Ka?t Twaa tieth (?t/e- L u,i >ulr.. FCRSKU!!). OF a FIR T CI, ass BOARD! SO It.>ii?o tor -.t e? At a hjrgain: m.n; he .eld laau dlately. Api-ir ?t or addrcm ;?? I'mon ? laare. BIOBXITCRC TO I.KT.? A FARTT H A a TUK CO* Fnraiture oi a laritx hoo?e to let; no obSectlot i to havuif 1* v, v??i in the country; win take Moara ia pari I nayiuent U ae-Mred. OouDAl.K, No- 5 We?t Twentv third (treel LTKMrcu . .A.R?>rs bkoUivii oii'kap ror. . M<!mnl l r we-.-kly and tnontmy p?vm.-nf?. a: Brae, a 11'a old ?t?nd, iMrf and 311 flud*. i strcii. .^ortiexoi ! ( ana . >ioo.t? i?kcu ou Wurare. i i- ? AN.\'o>. i /10U|) -SK.i' in*' HANi> AN!? Ml KfT CAKPiCTS I VT : ngtieli i;rn*>eis il?rc?.piv an.l ingrain; al?t> Mat ; tmar* and iniriotlia. very cheap, at the uld place. II- Ful | ton ?reet ?lde etjiran BOROR a. cuakkk, rr bi ua <way -Bsnwcxb IJT pric*< tor tupctier Mtrtiltur*. i a/pet* Mlrrom. Parlor B#d*, J<*.. ..n tm poauiar ?i.?:eo? oi monthly pay* mrnt*. Houiea ana npartujetili nirniahud to order. AfcOKP'< VrAKKtibCMKO, KKiHlri A VMSVk. trom i hlrtv-tliirrt to 1 hirtv-toortb ?treeta. ?rt Math a>eim?-; ottct ?>> Vklrtr-toortb (treeu Tho oioeet. I low ?<: in r*tr, !l?..>^**'en?lve a id tuor ugltlv equtppea ceutLilMliiiieni. ol In: i ' h 1 \j'j .iiiew. etorafe fur i i-urnituee, B:ig ,aje ?ol ererT deecM?> i non in >eBaiuM <lo?e i comaa;;m?nt?; ol?ht patrcl receive good4 nt ail nour<. liupjci.ou lonrod, 2FFICK FUB.MTUBB FwR MAl^-aCITAMLB FQ1 a bask. Uftiumw' or braarr'* utSc*. coatxuDit m /a:i .-Hi wa.uu'and o.i . fcrer a, with i>at? ciaaa < I.lira, laiue?au4 Bookcase .uiainod In root? >o. i Xo, kt i iue ?*.- ??: "ill eo ?t>?i Terr low, ewlo? M r<m >tai Apoi ?? on i>r*ini?ea . PAHIKS HrtKAlCI VI# CP Hot n'.KKhPlOO Wltl Hu t a w iiius purchaeur. w.rh ready caab, for tbeit varP'. tA > iirniiure. Uirroia Piano* ki,, \>f adoreutbt liumedutto.y I- PKUliK. *ii eT?nttt, corn?t i..i r-iu.ti Iirant. .Btt-l AMIi,* OIVISO I f HtH'K*. PaRLOF 1 ?, Carpela Nattretae* ihi| ollitrs May r,? ?eeb rrom 11 t>i Ao't'io.K at >o Ar haa >.i?bte?nth atreer Vi'Ajifl -.*r~V PAP f V H> B? V A MOi'* ikOBOOB '? 11 >1' 'a aii I i -.r e- Terr lita# worn, wUi ?all ch<^, it. tuln- At l.lli Br .aiiWitr. Ou tiRK T J0KK.4 rTKKe.T.?at PRIVaTF, H vLk OO ?i.i u da? >u.? weak, ir >ru it M. t > 4 P. !*., untd ?oia, Kuroltiire o rt atory houav. aw rata* wear weuuf. toi?4y taneetry nn.l ingratt. Plana, *a, ?.AH TA IiXi My.K.I. KRr-iAKLR A<0 *> b-ii*,\ 1'arnete in aborted ?ma to be toi4 auatlou on ?aiurcay, o> Ji.UK. JuUSkOK, Jr.,S7 >a<uaa t.reet. My ordir i t the Aa?Knie% 1/11,1.1 a FIRK aroCK Ot" TiXDARO BILLlARi Ji au "i, ne.v .ia.: -*:? joil Imti >. p >oular atriaa una lowpri v?. r'mi wruaaienial v u?? >?u i '>?e larfeal afta beet aieei ut BUtlaf i *r . In wouiur> li. *. .-.mi R, rtiaa-^wy.^ 4 XBIUCAS -.i a ? J)AUi> U -V. I. ail.U.i it' i *?LB< mY wiiR 4.?.au?f*< ^ir?' o?tl>iw i# iwJ li ?? cUimvt niAtUp iiw.i uiatch 9t?*?i ut h?na i'fbwi ? W. M. ij^it -kSU <i v *X% VWjijr* I)BtbA3'? B(LL,lAilO fAUi. ?H FO* Sauk UM.