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DESTRUCTIVE FIRES. rwo KU5RN INJT'KIID?LOSS OH* HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. A Root three minutes before six o'c'.ock yester day eveaing, an the niirht witch ol the Futli pre cinct were about turning < ufc to relieve tne patrol men who been on duty during the aitem on, a coIqouu or smoke wax seen issuing from a small shod at No. IS Worth street, near ihe corner of Hudson, in an lacroliDlr short i! mo the fire was soiumamcated to a flvu stor? building adjoining, #ccupied by Mr. I). A. Young as a patting box 'actory. a fierce vriad w;i- Mowing tow j-d \\ cs>t Broadway at tue ti ne, aud beiore tut* aivivalof ihe sire engine* th ? nam ?? iiad named such head way that u seemed at taat moment next to an iau? possibility to s ive any portion ol the bloct. Sos. 12,14 and 18 Worth street constitute an extensive hriet shed-lilce itructure, wiil .h was used lor the storage of iron and steel rails oy Mr. Q. A. Whit ney. Ou the easterly side of Young's box iactory. 1 rid on tno corner of West liioadway, stood a four itory bricx building, the first floor 01 wiiu-h was ?ccur ted as a liquor saloon, the upper part beiag livided (jit into apartments aud rented to sereral families. mat portion or the street where the tire orig nated Is very narrow, and the llremeu, notwith standing their earnest efforts, had so many ditll caities to contend against that it was only alter a stubborn struggle with ladder aud cose that they were enaoed to sraiu the mastery ol the element. The tire attracted an Immense crowd of people, and it was with difficulty that the police, und?r Captain caarey, cleared sufficient space lor the Qtemea to wor.t in. Considerable difficulty was encountered in com ?eilim: the poor pe >pio to move out of the house an the corner ol Worth street aud West Broad Way. All 01 tlieir worl'Uy possessions were there, aud naturally enough they clung to the idea or j saving their (roods e*eu in the lace of great danger, captain taffrey finally fouad H aeces aary to seed in live of his mea, the squad being reiaiorced by Sergeant Joseph ilaggerty and three of his patrolmen. Scarcely had the last policeman ieit the tenement house,driving the hall-crazed lumates beiore them, wnea the wall fall over ou it, completely demol ishing tne western corner of the building. A Are- ' man named McUowun, a member oi Company No. 5. nsrrowly escaped with his lile. lie sustained a conemsiou ol the spine, the result ofkis having to i niup irom the roof of tne building to the root of a tenement house adjoining. Jona Nolan, fireman, also a meta'aer of No. <i lompany, had his hands and face badly burned while helping McGowan at. the plae. lie was aroutrui U> the I'.ut Hospital, where his burns *pre attendeu to ty L>r. Auiith. tue aggregate loss is e-nmated at $100,000. Ine buiiuuijiS, Nos. 2*2 and 24 Worth street, w 11 ere the lire brose oat, are own d and occupied oy Mr. 1). A. Young, as a Uox manu aciory. It is s.iid tuat ne Is miiy u--ureu. lwo ivee?s ag>> .ui. Young leased tue jrenu->es to Messrs. Heed A Co., 01 Washington itreet, be iveeu .lay aim Harrison streets, who sere to commence a lard luciory I here. About ?00 outter auo l.n a tii kins. t,e>onging to Messrs. Heed. were in ti e buiiaing at tne tiuie 01 the die. tne intense hear. Mr. Jotiu Purceli. of So. 4S2 Lirooiue street, on ned tne lour si ry urick >uiidinf? No. tlJ anu 02 West Broaiway, and his loss is i-aliiuan-d ut $14,000, toe .all.wall ol tue t>urn:ii^ buildlou huvmg thrown down at least ane-naii or No. G2. Mr. 1'orceli is Insured or $y,joo m the Cutit.neutai Insurance 1 oaipanr. lames Lowery, tiu, No. 62 West Broadway, loses $200; lusu ed lur in North Kiver Insurance company. Hie hard Kearney, liquor demer. occupied the corner ^ture aud nisi floor. s $j,ouo; m-ured ior SiOuo in the l'tter Co. per Insurance Company. Micou I King. So. 00 West bruaoway, loses Jioo not in sured. Nuane.-y a Koru, j.iuuibers. No. CO West Hroadwat. loi-e $160; insured ior jl,U0u la the Bartiord Insurance Company. Sos. 50 ?nd SS West liroadwar, owaed by a Mr. Clare, were slightly damaged Dy water. Ihe r*.ir 01 So. 18, a lour story tenement house, wa? v<-r?r aiucn injured oy tne lailina wail, ti.e loss Delng aoout it mo. D. 11 Kiuney. 1?. S. Saitnon. P. U -uiuhan. Tlmomv J. Kane, Mrs. McfKiuigie and others residing at So. 02, lose nearly an ihey pos sessed. The rear bandings ol K<>?. 40 and 42 Thomas street *cre aUo seriously Injured. Sos. 16 aud .0 Wor h street, occupied as *a 1; on aau hardware store, were sugut.y damaged. orniui rrRr.a. At a&cat five o'clock y*iterday morning a fir* broke out oa tee llrat floor o: tbe three itory brick bailditig So. 268 Mo: t atreet, occupied by Ibomaa Ryan aa a dia.iLery. TQe loss la eeiimated at |lf2CO, wblcb Li iaily corerod by lnaurauce. Jatue? Gar.and, wao wa-. ib tr o building at the tlrae, While attempting to ea^apo feu .nto tue g!er *ay. ur?ak?iiii n..? rlgbt lag. lit v;?, re* move.i to Beilevuo do^pitai. SbortiT Lie.ore iwe vi o'clock yesterday morn loir a u.-e uri-we out a tae aeoond fljor o. So. 4:* Q ana atie-t. occupied ,ia au outer sa:oon und gwaii uk oy aai- n Van Name. The damage ma u . ta estimated at and to tue r>a..?nug at $ ?<.. not .:.aur-'i. I i.- tire wa< caused oy Mra. Van Ham* acciUfutu iv<ing * ,.?..teu xa?;cb ataoug a lot o. . .ooian puud ta a bedroom. *nts n? batons*, x. 3. A ma jn. lie eat dwelling house on TUrd atraet, Bayou tie, was tnrncJ down oa Tueaday nigat. fuere la ao arc aepartn ent in that ci'y wortu tba ?ame, and tae tUrne* bad uncoutroiled sway. i'ut saildlng *j< erent 1 and formerly occupied i.y Mr. Onawoid, out a jeara aco it passed into t e du<Ih Mr. Eiostfiu. a weaimy New ^erx BercQnot. 1 ne atructure w.i? tue ino-it attractive j? tbe f.nnity 01 ber^en P?. n.. It ?aa unocoa >iea, and tae latui.y wore just pre.ina^ to r?t.. u lauiortne ?a uai?r. Tne i?*.? :s ao <at $i.6,oi>0, sa wAica luere is -a insurance 0; $u,o^o. OILCLOTH FACTOBT BCRNEI>. Kl.i ABZ rn. s. J., April 21, 1STj. The e* e mv- oilcloth fjciory oei ....(ring to rtxe Caatera Manufacturing Company, or w?ica E. O. Irowa 1a President, too:-! iiie at nal;.p*M eurut feiocft taie morning ju?j w_i* entirely desiroyoci. tbe lost i? $iou. 1 aj; insurer lor |xj,Oou ta .Newark and .New lork coiupaui--. A LADIES' SPELLING MATCH. VOXXT TOCNO LADIES OF TOT KG2L2UL COL LEGE f'.'br.H A SPELL. Tbe young lidiei 0.' taeSurmal Collage gave a ?oratatr ?atertaiomrn: ye*'erd?iy and introduced I apeil .i/ matcn aa tin* caia. i# ? ura >a tbe pro iramoie. it qui'e a boiida. :or the joaug ladies, id i eevera t.oadre gueira were a.*o , :**? eat ,.n ; :? ok 1 leisure la wnaetHiDi; the profi cicflcT iiapiayed oy tbe ntudeow in epeiliag tba vary diff ult words tnat were aelectad oy tbe teacii :r wao ez^m.ue l nt ta. Tbe exerciies coQiweaceJ at bal -pais alna A. M., aad in; forty lad, (p>;ileri arere marsuaiUd aad divided lato two ?t< >a of twea<y e^cn. Mn.e io . word* nad been wruteu oat by Mr. Fuller, be a, bat Wltti very few exceptioue tbey were ap* correctly in J aa tbe oppoalug rat *s ware toiamng very elowiy it became a .natter of luestloa waetaer to coatiuve tbe matcb autll a gbt or subject tbe .-oatesunta to tbe eery severe aitcruatlve of iroui Greek aad Laria proper uamee aad ire gra,ccai a#tue.. Asaonce Of tne elderly Dirtier pr*s?at wer* anxioan lor laoca, it w?s decided to commeace tbe a.aag?t*r 0 tbe ioiioi at onc?. Tb<? Out ro-*'?"ect d waa ??Mityieue," i>ut it u;d nit ceu 4 m lu*q<'* tbougnt, au.i was rait.ed '.a aa ?? y ?s II it bad ti eu ice .ream' or ..?> oiuer iaui. .ar ?void. '?HipBaurate?." "Poiybiaa" ? I'riociou,'' ? ^appaaoi i i ?ud ota?fS w re ail ap*lt witn >a? au er. .r. ana float.) ; e exam n*r, WaX aj despeia'*. ^<V? ' Mertbrr ydvu," a '>*n 1(1 * ale*. ni*t p jved - ?* t.-r, ai.d o.oude and Brunei:* we.,t to gra?? tou^tfier. tne vie. ri ?a*examia*r g?ve out lb r.ipid eucceui o i.?c ,y a?. a '.r.-*a; Vercin^etorlx md Yan t?l*> 01 en < Labd it <va- i*?..y . .houi. to ?e* to* eru', ba. ,? tat tau ? ;?? -r, rd? u i.i*. >? _ htoed h, .it* the.?!, ibe Urit Drue iu tne matcn ??? nonlii' awarded o Hi<* Mart F, iieribgtt.0. a \ >u~< ifrtt wtic really d(-fl*? ??.,< *r. M.asnuai* ir-vertooi ??caa bono'?, ?nu Margae:u? Manuftoo. ? ai*u*r 01 ?!,?< Mar en aw^.ded tair; Mr. Jataea fat'-, tjhitfuiau of t ati.m.iU uo ?u Nornai ?*. j?r<"i led uu.iog tae iu .fa. bad cou.iu ??!? ?!.???? fuii- , tnit'i abd lie. riugt *1 tue ho-ira oi k,uurati.>n, wen aiau picueut. Alter *tt* apei.lBrf mat?' . ?aa <.ver ?-.m: i?a<iou"r Herri g de.'.vrrc 1 a. eioqu^ii' adrtre-n, id < a. a t* coaapaoi'.'i.ted tu?> y uut udiee on the extr*t>r linary pr flcieuo/ tney na'i .iat iay*d auaef iba ?ever* !*? a tt.ey wer? ?abj*Cied to, it ?? Mtiaat*d that 011 T t?r*e per *eu; ol tue wotd* rlfn. w-r* mi*srd. Miea Kabi'ft* ieaa M'''ra (? mroUf that vaa wntteu wi ?? areat ability, ao.i Mm* Deb anion leiifereo a i i^Aamu au<l ibtei <?ai 11.' ?? mrc**. i $M* Ct*o? cotx iu.ied w.tb a *|.e> e* of u?ri**q.i* ?iarn4e. In wkiou eo.ue or tweiv yoiiug aataa teak part, la th? l..?t taaae a ^uort po?tn ?a* read, ?i????.? a deadriptioQ 0 ti e oavti* <?f ??xiagioa. ;a* pait* "1 lb* cbarnu* were uevnj r#pr?*oota?i aftd ta* fUiiora ???_*>?riir ?e ,<re oae o'cuioa P. xt-, Musi pieaaea witb tbe MaraAa?? aaMrveiaiaeab THE WAR IN CUBA. VALMASEDA'S EEADQl'AETEBS AT COLON?IN SURGENT RETALIATION Ut INCENDLAHISM? MAXIMO GOMEZ IN VOBCE -THE C ATTAIN liLMlliL UESIXAXE3 TO GIVE BATTLE. Havana, April IT. 3ST3. No forward movement toas neon ui ide by ttie Spautsn lorces since Valinaaeda ciaue Colon Uxj? Headquarters. The volunteers rrom all parte of t lie tit.a.11 are concentrating a' Colon, Las Crueea and ( c tetros. Another re<jiraem of votun teer ? cij? ei.pft^ers?leave Havana ou Monday fur tue seat oi war. INSCRC8NT ISCKNDIAKHU. ou trie 14th tne msurganrs btirued the su^ar estates called the Colmena and Anton and dc stro?ed all the building* aud machinery. These place* are in the jurisdiction of Colon and are about twenty miles from Vuluiaseda's headquar ters. Sl ANiSn MILITARY SYMPATHY WITH TH* REBELS. Tbii engineers who were employed on these estates and wdo arrived here laac night report tuat tho insurgents numbered Too und that soo Spanish soldiers and volunteers reiuaad to give them bauie. AFRAID or TOE PATRIOTS. Maximo Gomez is on the Cafetales, at the gap of the ^iguana Mountains, tne country townsinp of which ia Vagoaramas, at the head oi ,'i.uuo cavalry and l ojo tu.auiry, aud awaiting Sanguid's arrival witn anotuer sirong lorce to uive Valuiaseda battle. T1JK HEADQUARTERS OK THE ALPOSjlST COMlt ANUKK. Yalmaseda is still at Cruets, in a small nut, defended by stakes driven into me grouud aud urrounued hy tits bo > guard. He dare not ad vauce uiiou Villa Ciara, because Maeagua and Colon aud the fotreriila* are open to attacK. aud tuls explains his delay in Las cruces and the as sembling of his ;orces back oi colon, wmeh are calculated to-day 10 exceed 24,000 men, including volunteers. -SKtlilllSHINO ALONG THE LINE. Mnce n'.- reached nis present headquarters eljruteen susrar estates have been burned, aud tie has beeu powerless to suppre?s tue couiUgra ttons. In tbt- small encounter (or what Is called battle) ol tne camaroues souie ten days a^o, tne Spanish column lust-Jis killed. The insurgent toss is not given. 1 o-day two reciinenis ol voiuateers (the Second artillery aud .-i-vm lniamrv) staited lor tneiront. Tuey nurnoer l,ooo men eaeu. Til;: VALUE OF ROYALIST PLBDQKS. Tne following news is ei..racted .roui a letter, received Here irum Sau auder, spam:?"General cahjao Garcia, wao was brought nete while was in c inimand in Cuua, and was prom ised koou treatment by him, is now confined in (he Casue oi ban Autonio, ui Sautander, ana sub* jested to the most, ignominious treatment." TBI CUBAN3 IN NEW YOliK ? "LA SANTA TEA." Great excitement reigned in Cuban circles la New York yesterday afternoon upon tne arrival oi news in tne city, by steamer, lrou liavaua. Tue Cubans were delighted at tne reports of the wholesale burning of sugar plantations by tlie ".>ama ica" or Holy 1'orcn oi tue patriots. Iniormaiioa was received or tne ouruin r of ^an Kai*el plantation. belonging to an American citi zen residing tu New Yor*. worth $soo,uoo, and tuat a^l i.s, Ac,, had been destroyed. EMSaBUOED ESTATES. It was reported ou i? ?c autnority that agents of trie Havana authorities iu this city are offering to rei< aso tlie embargoed estates in tuba on the payment of a smaii sum oi money. A mo lit trie Cubans v, a.j have recently thus recovered their property is Mr. llaebeiier iloraiee, o. ilavaua. cm an nmmu i* the pxxli>. Among tae ortier iti-msoi news discussed by the Cuban* yesterday was tue lact tnat a bau.e had taken i lace between \ alaiase Ja's lorces, at Las t ruces, betwe?u Villa Clara aud ?iemueg ?, and the patriot forcea commanded by MaXiuio UuincL Alter this success ijomez proceeded io tue West. Ue met tue repelling oroea at Palmyra, in Cienlucgos di?,t Jet, near tne boundary Oi Colon. Here a sansrntuary engagement tooi place, in wa.c i tu?- tipauiai ds were routed, ait?r a twelve hours' engagement. TREASURE TROVE. ? QUANTITY OP GOLD COIN FOUND IN A CESS POOL AT rA.CTOSXVII.LE, BTATEN ISLAND. As a UntaLD reporter stepped usuore yesterday aiternoun ut factory vule, siaten Is.and, be was saluted wltn? ?Hallo ! are you come to plci up some more of our bidden treasure V' Tbe querist uttowci tae way to tbe "church wits tbi town ciocic la It," on tae corner ol Daagan stroe , op;,os.te to wbicb is situated near tbe man sion lormeriy occupied by Cbaries Windsor, once casnier 02 trie Jlercautlie Bank. m Broadway, Sew lork, and President of '.Us Staien i??and Street Railroad Company, la tae summer ol 19)4 Wind* sor became a defaulter to the amount o: Sl&O.OOD or lltiO.OOu o: tae tuna* of tee Mercantile UanK an a fled to Europe, waere it is taoagut taat He still resides, lit* beautiful villa, waicli is yet known as ae Windsor mansion, a as a well Kept lawn, aurrouuded by a small grove of syruoe firs aud ornamental trees. li is a large two story bat.ding. At its rear is a water c.oset. Wai.e tbis was being cleared out Tuesday last a considerate amount of GOLD COIN wa.1 discovered. It appears that the premises aire t>el ngea since Windsor's departure to bis sister, iorm?riy Mrs, Wtluanison, aad now mar ried to Mr. Albert Bodlae. Dunn; tae family s temporary abseace their gardener, a man named John liegan. was instructed to bave tbe Water closet c.eanerl out. wnue o Iser repairs were going ou about tbe uoaie. Lsaias Harry, an old isn German, too& tbe job or c.eaning It for $ia. To aelp aim Barry bad bia sou Joan and a youta narneU McLaugbl.n. on Monday afternoon, w.,eu tae two young men were down to a depth or fnteen ieet underxrouna in tne ceasp >ol, iuid old narry on tbe snruce, ihev iigbceu upon a certain ,-ara in gold coin, trie prcci-e awouai ol vuuu wi:i nariliy ever oe n?cei t.ined. Old Harry admits ttiat tae ii js I und money, nut su*? Be never saw any of It. lbs b'jys concealed tueir discovery irom lum, aad It ou > tney got on a spree on 1 aes uav vbat tue bndioir oeome ka jwn. 1 be oi.l man Biatestaaton Monoay eveniug taey an knocked orr wort at t;e usual aour. auu tbe place was leit u iwaicaad until l ue* iav inornluif, s > tnat taose knowing oi toe disc very of mouey cooid bave come mere aud nave lisned out whatever portion 01 tbe treasure migbt ami aave oeen CONCKAi.U> IS rua CkSdrOOL. '? r.a K> ?aii. tne gardener, sajs tbat. to bis Certain knowieage, tae water closet w^s cleaned out about. Ave year* ago. He tiearu tnat some .vers ukea flum tne boners and lodged in tne police sutiou. lie bad seen bat one piece of to? money, in vaiue i~u. Toe carpenters, painters and otber workmen around tae Dome looked complete!/ mysiiacd, ana seemed to Know not ing at ail snout tbe ma ter. A visit to the police statloo, not i?r oil, i u>.d capt*ia H.ake, Caiel oi tae .Staien Island pulice lurcu. in cou-nitation wita els local oibc rs i< iiceraina tnis nifsierioas treasure trove, ibe cit. '.ain was ola "ttu tue importance or tne c?se, and *ouid divaiae nous ol tue Ucui iu bis pos-es s.oq. aii-ging as a re.ison taat the case was i,ot "?iifflcieatly worked up to give t < tne punac." He bad Beard rumors tbat ,rom $600 to $.6000 nad b;eu i"U0d. ibrni nay wan lo .se In tr>e d.rt, an i was uicsed out at aiir-ient times. Tne boys bad not uee i ander arrest. Mci.?ugadu's lataer ir-ugnt >o Captain iiiaae tbe amo iut oi com u j-n on deposit wit i tae latter lue Captain Cv?CU> Nor UK> into saylnz now mueu me sum is, out to a ques II n as tu tae denomiuatiuu oi tne pieces rep.ied taat "taey ,ue big. sir, Mg." As a smart looking ttnQout was at ta*' d -or it was aakf d i. it required a nu?g> auu pair to move tne bullion. i*ptaia Mad aaid ves, -it l ad come iu bat oaggy.'" lie a.s i iBiorined tae r-p^rtei tnat tbe Windsor Man sioa been occupied, alter t .e fligrn ot us owner by a New York msrcBunt named (ire'-n. '1 nis tenant teit tte t^r?e or lour r6?rs ago. aad never *i. fm*n to aave bad ei'uer buaui.ial or ouines'ic iiunbies. Tne oftleer iarttier (aid tua ere was nutmng a,.par nt isr tnat coa.d c n.n-ot tae D?m? o, Htnusor *tib ne inoo-y found. No claimant on* a* yet turned up to ?s? lor t'.e lu-iuey, nor bas any clew oeen-i.>ai.d t-v Wine'i "be ri?at ui owner < an be discovered. A oi4 tramp to ? en U<a04 p"MCs n^adqaarter* at ftisp eioa elicited a > inrtuei luiorniat.ou au ut tue Jitair. Captain Hiake oeiievea mat inh slier noon ue wiii i?ru&ani? ue prepare i to gits pun naity tu tbe data m.w in me possession. THE HALLWAY \VA 11 FacxEDXrr o^ansrx naponrsd to bx rjcToai otr? ovxb tom acorr. It wa? reported yesterday tbat i resident Gar rett, ?r tne O.itlmore and Obio Railroad, bad overcome tbe impediment* n bien Tom e?coti bad tnrown in an way, and had procured means or Com iiuBtcating wita .sew Yo a city iiidepeodect oi tbe fennsyivama Central KailroaU, Tins rneai.? wa? ?* d to tie tae Jiew jersey ?oathern ' -i ?** w 'oS" nor . ru term r. is is at nandv Hook, and wno-e sou bern t?.m nus is at cam ?i n, N. o^po^^te I'liiiadeipiiia. it is ay n<i n.ea certain ??.a: t"*t?roa.> 's le, ort is tr ae; but ii it i' tine rue tnaoHge iieut of me iiaitimnre and U iO iiaiiw.kt win ;i^re procaied mean* ?i irsusit I oi- < ??'<<."?? erx add ire an <i >m Net* Yerk to tbe Weai ib oes^ite oi tae o*, o.iuoa w. ietn aeetlt THE COURTS. In the great railroad bond forcer? case, being tried before Jud^e Sedgwick, of the Superior Court, ail the testimony on bold sules was sub mitted yesterday. Counsel will sum op to-day, uud ' every effort w?ll be made 10 reacn a verdict this wet-L, a verdict that, iroiu the uature ol the ease, will be looked lor ward to with great interest. I The jury of the United .state* circuit Court, m the '-4se of Liiwrinann airainst the Cerraanta Uie Insurance Company, to recover the aiuouut of a $12, j<vi poiio.v on t:t;? u: of one Rosenthal, who in sured his liii* to cover a deot due the plaintiff, and - ;i sequ' ntly committed suicide tu ban Francisco, failed to.agtee on the point of linamtr and were discharged. The Jury, it, is understood. stood Ave lor plaintiff and seven lor the company. Thomas RadclHfe, who was arrested some tim* a;ro tor subornaiiou of perjury in inducing certain persons to personate property owners in goinj: ??straw ' bail, was committed jestoraay by Com missioner .Shields to await the action oi ti*>? brand Jury. Frederics Evers. who formerly kept a sailorhC hoarding house and who shot James Curran, tine keeper 01 a rival establishment, was, as will tie remembered, convicted of .'eionious assault, with latent to kill, beiore Kecorder liacicctt in Mio Court of General Sessions, and sentenced to Slate Prison for tnrse years, tie now applies lor bafi. on a writ of error on appeal. The case will be ttflueu up in a day or two by judge Barrett. William w. Tillotsou, treasurer of Booth's 1 l)?a tre, gave bail in the sum of $500 yesterday, t?; Joro t'nited States commissioner Davenport, to4wruit au examination on the charge of violating the Civil flights bill by refusing a parquet tidk<tt to William Davis, a colored man. Judge iilatchiord, 01 the I'm ted States Circuit Court, yesterday rendered ms decision la the habeas corpus proceedings on tne attainment issued out oi the Circuit Court 01 the Dist inct of Columbia against Ctiaries A. Dana, who Cinied to appear in answer to a subpoena on March !,t?. The derision discharges Mr. Duns, tne petltiovtr,from the custody of the Marshal ol this District.. Tne trial of Henry L. Farm against William G. Fargo, of Wells, Far.o Jc Co., and one <?r much interest to the holders of stock in Jouit stock companies, was tried yesterday in the Supreme Court, beiore Judge Lawrence. Tne Ju'ry alter a short deliberation returned wltu a verdic u in favor ol the defendant. COURT CALKSDAKS?TH1B DAY. Supreme Coukt?Guamukrs?Held by Judge Barrett.?Kos. 01, 62, 75, 81, 102. lo3, 110^, 111. lid. 113, 1.5, 127, 141. 14V, 153. 154, 160, 162. Mail No. 166 up to and including 216. Sitpkkme cocn? Special Term?Hefia by Judgo Van liruut.?issues oi law and lact?.Nos. 21, 264, 131, 354, 377, 37s, 291, 366, 370, 3*0, 347, ! 4, 3b5. 387, 388, 390, 367, 368, 316, 327, 400, 404, 40a, 4tlT, 40S, 4U9, 410. 411, 412, 41=1, 114, 415. Supuemk twin-circuit? Fart 1?Held by Juige Lawrence.?Nos. 1121V. 12.18, 1157, 2709, 07;!, 1103. 1313. 1095, 681. 1261. 1171. 2783, 1247, l269>i, 13..9, 1126, 123a1;,, 8051$. 1273, 8J3, 1235. 1341, 861, 1231, 343. Fart 2?Held by Judge Dononue.? Nos. 944, 330, 2780, 6K4. 1708, 2,".70, 8.5 2, 127"'. 1282, 1168, 100, 13s8, 1U84. 1S22, 268. 2774 98U 10641404, 14. , 1412. 1411, 1418, 14JO, 1424, 1424*;, 1426. 1428. 1430, 1430,1*, 1432}a, 1434. 1434,1436. Part 3?Held by Jndsro Van Vorst.?Nos. 241, ess, 331, 537, Iloi, 1237, 1305. US'). 1056, 1355, 786, 2a9. ?23, 983, 1323, 1371, 55, 1373, 1375, 137'J. 13S1, 1383, 13?i, 1387. 1361. St'PEKioK Coukt?general lKja>i.?Adjourned sin# die. Si perior Court?Trial Tkp.m?Fart 1?Held by Judge on?No. 1245. No day calendar. Pars 2?Adiourned or tile term. Common Fleas?Kquity Tkmm?held by Judge J. 1'. D.?iv.?Case OU?:>0. 8. Common Pleas? IriaL Term?fart 1?Held by Chief Justice Daly.?Nos. 2315, 2604, 782, 11j4, 69m, 2s6>?. 251>?, 28i li. 1650. lOflS. 106H. 963, 775, 1424, 523. 8<!3. 2J6, 450, 1215, 1297. Part 2?Held by Judge Larri-more.?Nos. 1382, 1379, l3ao, 1293, 1438, 12,"J. 2577, 1361, 437V,, 1451, 1452, 1454, 1437, 1445, 1443. MaIUM Court?Trial teiim?Part 1?Held by Judge Joaehimsen.? Nos. 2160, 3818 2218, 1819, 2677. Part 2?Hold bv Judge Gross.?Nos. 2285, 10. 155V, 2038, 1931. 199.', 203:1, 2129, 2170, 2178, 2166. 3272, 2243, 2245, 2247. Part 3?Held Or Judffo Snea.? Nos 2k4?, 27o7, 30as, 8287, 513, 3466, 3327, 3671, 3301, 3338, 3339, 3451, 2016. 2'j17, 3 .97. CoCBT of general se.-sions?Held by Recorder fiacreit.?The Feopie vs. . Jotiu Crait, grand larceny (continued); same vs. Lewis Fisner, lelo uious assault and Oattc-ry; Same vs. Samuel U. Mo Lvoy. leiontous as.-ault ana lattery; Same vs. iosepu wen, forgery : Same vs. Llien Lucy, grand iarceoy: Same vs. lie <rge F. Meiggs, grand tar ctny; sumo vs. Jane 5iarshal., cand larceny; same v*. Isaac Loeo, g.and larceny; Same va. William Wrigut, false pretences. SALE OF TROTTING STOCK. Mr. J. Duo Walton's stria/ 01 trotters ?u sold at auction yeatercuy by Major O. W. Barcgr, Broadway and Thirty-mat n street. Tiio attend* aace was very large and to* bidding spirited. The lollowing buyers and prices were an nounced Lad/ kangan. sorrel mart, 6 years old, W. n. Van Gott, >ew York $970 i Carroll. gray neiaing. 11 year* old, Dr. L. r. iluy ier. New Yorn. 960 W. B. tthituim (formerly Billy Barr). chestnut geldliur. i? years old, J. a Murray, Alexauaria, "a .... Flora, black mare, t> yeara old, J. u Douui, Sew Youn.; Jaukvja formerly . sorrel station, 12 years old, Couidock. Toronto, oat gjO Hell.' ot t/hflsea. sorrel inaru, 6 years old, Dr. t, P. Huyler. S. V ........ ... "03 Billy < gray gelding, 9 years old, W. K. Sultjr, >ewara. N.J 410 Bessie, bay man, li years old, M. Ooodin, Pmladei lilua ; ?.. 1,103 Fanuic. ?? rrel mare. 0 years old, O.J. Au J.rvjo, W tiltehous'. N.J 26J Bi'd Win/, oay stallion. 13 years old, Dr. E. 1*. Mov ] ;r, N. L3 0 Detroit. bav geimus, S year* old, John MundeU, ^bi.a letptua ;?-???? *^5 S !.. Vtooaward gray gelding. 0 years olu, M.jorge P. Kl.irulsu Khiiacul^ma..... M0 BuJtalo . uk. bay geld.oe. ? years old, ue'jifge li. Bailey. Bostou ?30 Mary *1.. sorraj mare, 8 > ears o.d, or. k. P. Muyler. New Vo K.... 1.61W Bo*ioo. hay gelding t years old, D. J. Anderson, Wimebouse. N.J 633 Tonv 1', cii? .tnut gelding, ti years old. Arthur iiilienier. New York 6>I0 ret, chestnut gelding, 6 yuan ?<li. Jjid'i irving. New York 'Mi Slasher. biowu geldlua, o years old. Albert Van bruut. Hay hid**, L0114 l.?land #10 Jim, brown gelding, s years old, Andrew Selleck, Nor walk. ? i?nu 1T3 Belle ol Maine, gray mare, 7 years olifc, Dr. L. P. lluyler. New iork J7# btelia. brown luare, 8 years old, W. L. Broods, ?siauif Td, Conn 430 bheridan. brown geldiug, 6 years on, ft. T. reuoe. Ohio .? 7d0 Kew Vork bat" stallion, t years old, 4. II. W.'iiie, HoXboru', Me 430 Brootlru. bay pouy, 6 years oil, Jottu Irench, liudaon. N. Y SO lie'en, bay mare, 7 vaars oid, J. H. Hidaoock, Stw York 1,101 Brooalyn Boy. brown gelding. 8 veurs uld, Jamas Kaui. New 203 Young t\eratt. bay gelding. 6y?a'?<*d. K. c. Wat sou. New Yorg. 57? Jo?ie. brown mare. S years old, .<!. VYmte. hoi boro.Mf . 4d0 U. D. Walton. 1 ay gelding, 7 years old. D. C. Kob Olns, Georgetown, , . ?J M0* brown gciulng. 7 year* old, ii. t ux.. Uoiuui bu<, ohlo 283 Dutchman, ches.nui geloiug, S years old, k. U. l>oolitue, New York 413 Brown Prince. brown gelding, ? years oid. k. Baa ter, New York. 1,1/4 llai ry Ba??eit. Jr.. lorrel gel ling. 7 years oid, a. walker, New Vork 225 Columbus bay gilding. 7 years old, 1.. C- Boitou, Baitlioure Md 400 Portland, Oar guiding, 7 years oid u c. Boltua, Baltimore. Mu 410 Mamie, sorrel mare. 4 years old, J. u. kidab^ek. New York tm li mey ilo/. br-iwn gelding, t years old. B. it. Korsau. Washington, D. C 3,0 Manyur the auove horses trotted in ;aa race* at ttie Uippudroaie duritiK tug winter. THE NATIONAL GAME. BOBTOy Tg. NT.W HAVEN. Notwitmtan ung tbe extreme cold weatber tbg Boatun and New H iven citob* pia/ed yesterday at New liavea in tne presence 01 a urge number of spectators, ibe Bosio i? waited ilifaiaway wub tuair weaker adveraarigg, winning iu? game oy the loliowmg score:? C IM. it. UL. UK ttK 4<A 7<A kh. MA Potion. odslsilil b?li X.;v? ijsvsii. ... I U U U 0 9 1 i 0?3 Cataiie Mr. Atary. _____ I'nrLkDELPiiiA vg. cmmtnttAt. Tt<g P&iiadelpma aad Centsomai oIum were to bava piayed tneir drst game laat M nday, bot tbg incigment Wegener preven.wl. Tegterdgy, bow. evti, tney met at the C(uaksr Cite, and tu* result wg? a sitarp. wei.-goi.t^sc-d game, macb to tug surprise u. (ue uaae oa i touimuuity. wuo imagined thf i'ui. ide.puiaa a ottnl wen.utga auuiAiiaig too Oth?r uciya. Ibe rssuit wag as igilows:? ^ n/.u lit 'id Mi. UK UK fft. TiA. ?lk UK Muladeiphta.,, ivolwtli M Ventoniiiai,. 0 1 ol 001 j ? bniptrs'-jtr. Ciapp, of tbe A hietie C,?o. NOTRi AKD OO It gTP. In tbo noston->ew Daren gang lasl Monday. Oeer, or iba .Vew tiavens, maa< turse ngsg Ulta, bis oiub geilltig out five cota . T.?day tbg Athletics piay the Pulladgipblag af Philadeipaia. |>oo.a na 'be game wni i,e sold at So. 111 Uowary. ai.a at Jwbaxon s, oornar or Broadway auu iweu y* igntu sir?e , wnete igio grapbia mport* ot eaca ?uaiSn *>a bo /eeeittd msu ?a?ts?? in sunt ui la. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN bTEAMERS. BA1SS OF PKPAHTUK* i HUM NEW YOa* FOB THB MONTH* OF APRIL AS1> MAY. Sicamir. | r'idA. nu iApril -i'. Hainburir.. |61 Broaawny. ?'-? P> ? "itv .u .M unreal Jtci.iii \ priJ 24 Uml 24. April ?;?. Ill- I irt. [April . Si'!,.; IT , Apl a 27 .ilittituc ! Vi'ril f. ? I' ii. ran;.i..... . V p: u ?2:>. \V a iii i*'(i....! ' ? rll 20. City ol ? bestir.. M(\ ? I. ?mni? " i ?? I ?mil li.nla I May I I ; lihO'S I'oliutl Nfvuai l.CSSltlli .Mnui'fittmi.. late ot Georirla.. Mi* May Mif 4. M .i r 1. ?l.iy 4. May 8. II ji-utia i >Uv fl. I llambnrir rrlaiif .. May *. :Liverpool.'. Citv runs May H. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. HO Hrnrtuv Livhi i HrnuUv.'iiy. LlverpooL I'. Br?adwa v. i,ia.-.'"V* 7 iiuwiuiti i. resn Bremen. .. I i wliiiK Urueu ilaiuriura.. tHn?mi?* ?*' LIv.ti t IHiitf lircen ll.'iiiiuiirL'.. fl ilroadwiiv Rotterdam :*? <'*i ?? Iv.-a < I.: vi-riiiiol. 1" Broa' w ty. Liverpool.. (4 Pmw in.' *ir??n (iiusutiw .IT li.-v. .i.? ilreeu . in v ni |J>5 Bro*g \> men .. I- Bowline "rtcn li llrosd w ay li i Broaawav. : i> Hr. a<i way. Ti Broadway, ni Hr.i i iwuv. m Broa Iway. lu Br u i.iwav I.lverpoo. Htmbunr. i .iveroool. Glass (iw.. Virion*. Msy 8. Glasgow. Main May 8. Bremen.... \ iniiirla 'M.iv IS. Itlamonre. ? eltUi Mar li. I Liverpool. i i'.v nl Merlin.... MaV IS Liverpool I. ineriijue May 15.'Havre l.'tonm May '!>. Glascow... Wisconsin. Mav 1?.' Liverpool* state oi Penusy'a Mav iti. IGlasg !/ i?o?ling Green Bowline 'ireen til Hfoaiiwav ii Hr.Mil war U. Mr.i nlw n% Cii itni idwav i Uowi nf Green jy Hroari "-at. Broad w?*. Westunaua Msv 2ii. liumours.. 61 Bro-idwav. Baltic ; Miy 22.1 Liverpool.. 11# Broadway lima may 27.1 Uaiuouni iGl Broadway. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. SDN AND llOO.N. I HIGH WATKH Sun rises ft H | Gov. Island..mora 8 17 sun sets. e 47 S4?(l.v llook.t&orn 8 32 Aloou rises eve u ui j Men Gate.... morn 11 02 PORT OF HEW YORK, APRIL 21, 1875. CLEARED. steamer Rtusia (Br), Cook, Liverpool via Queenstown ?O G Francklyn. Steamer Greece (Br.), Thomas, London?F W J Hurst. steamer State of Indiana iBr), Sadler, Glasgow?A Baldwin* Co. Meauier Atliland, Wliiteliarst, Savannah?Itooi Low den ___ .-te?nnr Georgia, Crowell, Charleston-J W Quln turd i Co. sveainer Gulf Stream, Jones, WilininKton, KC?\Ym 1* Clyde A Co. steamer George W klder. Kced. Baltimore?Old Do minion MtcamshlD Oa steamer Annie, steen. Wilmington. Del?A Abbott Steamer Experiment, Allen, i'liiiadeiplila?Jaiues Band. Steamer Geerge Cromwen, Bacon, Tertland. Me? Clark A seauiaa Steamer Chesapeake, Mangum. Portland?J F Ames. Bark Kellce aecoudo (ItaO, Perm, Waienord?Jolin C Seagcr. i ^ark KtpuUlili iGer;, Kortmann, Bremen?C Luling t, Co. Hark Holt?nger (Nor), Olaen, Aalborg (Uenmarkj? le tens. Bocktnatin A Co Brig ussipee, liaakc, i'ort Natal?Dowley, Corners * Co. Brig Oliver Cutts ^Br), Jones, Port au .Prince?R Mur ray. Jr. Brig Acelia Tliurlow, Gallison, Cardenas?Brett, Son A Co. Brig Manllus (Br), Todd, Pt Jatro?Waydell A Co. Brig Arctic (Br). Cogswell, UaUlax?C \V Bertaux. Selir Suratt Cobb, Cobb. 1'ara?liurdett .t J*.nid. schr s U 1'inknain, Pinkbam, Cape Gaytlen?Isaac R Stapled. fcUr Mary Lant (Br), Dixon, Aui Caves?B J Wen berg Scnr J G Houaman. Rider, Eock Sound?B j Wenberg. ScUr J f itoUluson, llarvey, llaroor Island?B J Wen berg. Sctir Virginia itulon, Kulon, Jacksonville?Warren Ray. >chr Alcora, Robinsou. Jacksonville?Simpson, Clapp & Co. >enr Adrian, Hunt. Baltimore?RacKett A Bra Schr s L rmitnunua, Hull, I'roviJeuce and Newport? H W Jackson ? Son. Scbr Cathaxuie uale, Ray, Hartford?Rackctt A Bro. ARRIVALS. REPORTED BY THE BKRtLD STSAJ4 YACHTl AND BKBALlt WHITKSIONE TKl^iiRAPH I.INH. steaiaer W A scnolten (Outcti). Iluo. Ho'ierdain April 3, via Pljoioaitti. will; mdse and passengers to Ktincli, fcdye A Co. i-elt Plymouth April 9, 2 FM : liad a luvor able trip to lat 41 u), l*>n 41# 12 oti 15.h April, when we met. at i .Sii I'M, with Koine (looting i f. wlucb Increased ho suddenly thst at *: ai we were surrounded by heavy tlelds, with bergs west us tar as Hit- ej e could reach, with an openiug at :<*V anil sluwlv steered Hint Uirectloii an uiuen as the openings in the it:c would ul ow us. At 1.1 however, the Ice increased, some cakes l.eiug 2u tcet tiil'jk, with i surface ol 6 UOJ square teet we were surrounded or icebergs, some ot them estimated at SO ftet Until and 6'JO teet long; we darea scarcely ailvanc..;, au i it was only next morning at daylnuit tnat we> ventured to go on and s ecr ssW, wlieu we ssw th- oniy opening In the tee and escaped the greater part ot the Ice fl.-lds. Wo louud propellor dsniayed. all lour toiades having a piece ofl: ill.- bov. was stove in unl tore Compartment tilled wttb water; hnding no water in the torebold. after continual toundiuus, we wetit on. but only slowly on account of u heavy log, wUish cleared uu at 1 t'M ,>nrll Id; at 3 PM we ,ai? the la/ Uberg; at 4 PM, in lot 42 3J, Ion 60 3#, exchanged tig hi.Lb with a Canard swamer i.earner bound east, and WKTuea her of '.he ice. Steamercuy ot Sew Yors, Timtm rinan. Havana April 17.with m.tae and passengers to K Alexandre A Sous. steamer Columbus Reed, navaua Aurli Id, with Udse and paaseiigrn to Wm P Clvde A Ca Steamer Aloemarl?. <;ibl>?. Lew**, net. wlta mdt? And oasMnams tn the OU1 Dominion otean?slilp t'a i.ars reai iess loi Vurmoutn, ->S), aiatcr, London, 2d days in ballast, ;o imps .n A ?huw. nark Guiili (.Ital , Paciiuilo, Belfast. I, March 6, la bal last to Lauro, Storey A *'x Bark Yumuri (or Nasstn), Carlisle, Safna 10 days. With sugar to Waydell A Co. Bark Brothers, Chase, Sagua 10 days, with sugar to J E Ward A Co. Bark J H Southerffreen (Br). ?, Alro:ate, S3, 3 days, in ballast, to onler. lirig Gloria Ital), llasille. Trieste UO dsys. with fruit to order; vessel to Lauro, Story A Co. Passed Gibraltar Feb la; came the middle passage an i had light variable winds. Brig Kodiak. Peters. Matanxos IB days, with sugar, Ac, to F Talbot A Co. schr Annie W Barker (of Castine). Snowman, Wave Kuez. P K. 22 days, with molasses to Tste, Muller x (.0. of Baltimore; vrstel to Milier A H. utrnton. Was 11 davs north of liatteras, witii strong N aud NW galea. April 13, lat 37 4>), Ion 71 rOt spoke brig Usttie Baton, lroin tor Boston. Schr Isaac Keen (ot Provejioetown). McKenzie, Maya fruez, PR, 12 davs, with sugar to 1 R staples, Wm 5 davs north of Uatteroo, with strong Nii and winds; broke msiribootn. tchi Aitoono, nutter a id Cardenss 14 days, with sugsr. Sctir James u Taloot, Crocker, Cieutucgos, witu sugar to order. schr Lacy D Hall, Sagua 10 days, witn sugar to Master. scnr I'.ublna (Br) Secord, Sagua 12 days, with sugar io P J Serin* A S.>n. schr Ri srdj B ?rros. Newton. Bsmcoa 1) dart, with fruiitoJ A i Pearsall; v??^l to B J Wenberg. Was 4 days north ol ilatter**, with strong NW winds. Sehr Lily, t'oK-, charlestou n days, with cotton to Ev ans B?l) k Co. ?-chr Nelli? Potter. Howard. Waaliinzton, NC, 4 days, with naval -tores to Doltner. Potter A On. ecnr t-lia Presscv. Pressey, Virginia. bclirL A Warlord, Bslley, Virginia. Schr Cora Csna m Virginia. bchr Lit lie FaiKenhurg, I'alkenburg, Virginia. ^cUr M s Tlbhltu. Bobbins. Virginia. Schr Annie M A.len, couslin. Virginia. Bohr J W Morris, Lonvt r^et. Virginia. Schr Sarah Mills, Milier. Virginia. Schr J L Uack. Join.son. BaiUrnore. Schr David Miller, abesre, Baltimore. Schr Restless. Burnatt. Bal'linore. Schr t-hartey Wooisey, tdlis. Baltimore. schr Harriet l'humas. Lemon, Baltimore for New Ila ??w. Schr C L f'Ava len. Beeie. Baltimore lor New Haven, hchr K U Barter, Bartor, I'hiladelpuialor Ne? IIitib. Vyitark Abby Bacon, which arrived 2Jth irotn Ali cante, It, report*: ?Kiuce { itoinu 411 bave had verv heavy ga en iron) W ami Nft ; <iollt and Ion ?ails, urtrintg loreyard and mirzeuntian: wa- lddav* north of ljiute ran: March ZS, lat 2H it. Ion 4-' Id. spu<n tlilp The weed (Br>. Mora Syduey lor I<otidon; A rn 14, lat 55 13, Ion UJ 3u, iin? i'ftr I'oinmcr (lien, trom Wilmington, NC. lor Hotter Jam: 7th. lat <7 51. Ion 71 20, bark Jo?epiiu)0 (Bo, from Mftiaoiai lor Sew V ore. I'AJ&KD TflBOOOH HSL.L. OATi BOUND SOCIK. Steamer PranconLi. Hrag/, Portland for New York, Willi tudae and uaa^eiiffera 10 J K Am<i Me?oicr Cuv 01 ,\p* Be nor I, Knit. New Beilord lor New York, with aide* and baaeeaiiert steamer Aibatru?K, Uavit, KaiiKiver w York. wi:a milw ana pas?eiiirer<. steamer Itotewara, Smith. Norwich for New York, with iud*! and i>a*-*urf*r* to tbe Norwich Stetinooat Co hc&r Orlarwo sjjiiq. turrit, Portcnetver lor Jaraey City. Scbr El a Jane, Smith, i:riile?r>ort for New York. Pchr Hamburg. Wull*. New Haven lor New York. ,-chr Juliu Dakar, Baker, Providenc.* for New VorK, Kcur Krlud?er, Howard, Coil spring lor New York, tfchr Jaila A iate, late, Mridaooirt tor Now York. .? chr Palladium Ryder, Providence lor New York. i-chr Wiu Boardm-n, fr videac lor New Yor?. Schr J U lutreliant -now .Sew I even for New Tork. rchrdouo 11 i.:iafl?e. Newell, New llaven lor vir ?lata. Kcor nanafth E Brown, Sackett, Providence for New York. t-cbr fa lice, lice. Providence for N?w York. BOL'.ND KA4T. Off etaamor Drant. Hirer, New York for Boaton. xteftiuer (.'Ueaapcftlo. Maugum, New Y .r? ur Port ia ud. Meamer George CromweU, Bacon. Nftw York for Port, land ncbr Frantla iBr-, Carter. New Tork {or tit Jotmt, NT >ct>r r.uteue (Mr<. tternara. Sew York lor lift i:aa. Xt 8chr Belle, -Inapton, New York for itridfeport. schr M L >ftrnay Itowe, lloboaea for unugor. Kctir Anigt faikeobarg, Kac*?tt, Uo'doken lot Pro? 1 de roe. eolir Jennie liftll, Odftll, Virginia for New liarao. SonrUeorge L tateftndou, Baker, Mobokeu lur fail -..tirOftorg# P Trigs. Mnne<un, New York tor QIjw Ultff, (?our Helen Mar. Ward. Qobonen for Providence. schr i niaia A k. len. t ot.. New Y?r? for llnrtord. ftehr T r a;.?ii, ^aii?r, itiiiai etlu.ort i..r I'roTidaoee. Kenr li Bio?B, uui. >ew Yor* lor r.rnta<. Kiur t>> Clair Kawarua, Ireland, New Yo * u>r lionton. Mahr Edward kverrtt. ureenlaw, Naw York (or li^t too rchr Horifton. I.wt, Pott Jolinaoa for Pro?id?n?e. r-oiirldavii ii tioyd. (liiiord, New York wr Prori* ience. ?oar I'mou t,?r. Pr>ibi?. Hoboken for Botton. r-ctir i?i.tiMi ci y, Aiien, New iu.'? ioe ii)<>uoo<ter. ^obr >iauito. Hiuitn r.Uiatietlipori lor Norwicn, ?our Moreluflit A inu. New York lor t'ortlaud. rclir A u L4*?oa. Mupfttriek. Provi. deiKie. aour u C Aokau, Taoaj. New Vork tor itaasoro. SAILED. Nteameri i'uinia (Br), tor Liverpool 1 Oroeoe rto-. Iliftte 01 Indiana 'Mr), iiiamtu*: />tnlaii(i. ftvftoualii uoorlf a c;u. ,u?lon ! tiuil ? if^ftin. W?i oiligtoO, .*C; ii w ft.der JlaitiiBor>'. ..xpftrun n'. Piiiiaduii>iiift: aiiift Mlkft'lo ixr . 'ftidoni b*r?e . urup.i .Uarj. msiiiiu 1 fi? re-* ,iir , c<?niua^o?i Amr-it '..luai, > ojobo '?e?: la ne Paae 'i(4i>. curl ?r raimo.tUi Alinft > Oft of do; nuefp>r* iJtfti . Lft'l.o, ?mt.w Mitt, KUhmoii't, Vft, br?g> PiMft uefi, tw Uiaade do *<Mt MM*? i*t 1 lores (Rp). St Johns, PB ; Manilas, ?( Jago; Mfir Alta v?ia. Cap* Uaytien. MARITIME MISCELLANY. S?e uMp newt. SGT For steamer on tire, ire general new* columns. P ur*vr Ui aid, of steamer City of New York, and Pur ser Spearing, of steamer Columbus. both from Havuua, will pi. aso uccupt our thanks tor their attentions sis?*r:i Ivrni Mr .parted her *prin?s during a ml* nt -(John, nH, April 17. by thi* giving wjr ? <1moorltiir post. 11 ixl tlien the large h?w>or? parted, thf vessel , swinging around aiiJ imUi I itii; with lio -i.-mner < tv of | Portland, lviae at the whart above Her. " tiich wtii en deavoring to get out i>t hor war. tin- Ctty Portland i wim considerably tJuimitfetl ab<ut the uteri' " iioru"iiot In r cabin root ami upper rati being mnastH-ii. nuil -? : hole niado iu the caliin below. Tbc India i-usiaiucil no 1 damage. j Sau? Ohio. o( Now Rcdiord. SiCl tons, which has been 1 iti portsiuce .May, 1871, bus boen purchased b.v Switt i; lYrcy. Bars l.ArwtMi. !V?7 tons, built at Baltimore In ISM ha* been -*>M to pariies iu this city, to go under the Norwe gian tins', at fuiUJ. Buik Mokmmo Tit out (Br), Travtss, wnich went ashoro morning of 3d on East Point while entering Matuiuas, lias in-come a total loss. Hum Koiihnt I'rino (Br), Carroll (before reported un iler mry ma-is bound to Halifax). ? sailed from Halllax i 2Mb i eu. On Saturday morning, Feb she etienuutered I u heavy pal'), which Increased in violence t<> n bur rb ane, aod wh;b Ivln" to was hove down on beam In order to save lite una property the captain was com pelled to cutaway th toreioumast. taking with it tntiiti topina?t, and broke bowiprit otl at kuiglit-bi-ads losing ml gear and -nils attached. Made all possible repair* mid proceeded on voyage to 3t John's, Pit, where the ar rived on ;.7th March. schk Mahsiial Pkkpis, Packard. from Rockport, Mo, for Philadelphia, put into >ew lledtord April 20 to re pan, having sprung head of foremast on the 19th, oil Sliiitnecock. Scbk WtLLtK G, Rand, from Soutliport, Mass. put into Yarmouth, NS, April li leaky. Scan CiBHtt Clinton, Borden, of Dartmouth, Is rc ported ashore at Tarpuului Cove, being stripped of | Mills. ?c. Seas Ct-tppKit Yacht (oyster pungie) was cspsizsd in a KHle otl Curtis Credit, below Fort Molleury, April 18. Crew saved and taken to Baltimore. An ell'ort will bo made to raise her. Kky Wkst. April 20?schr Cyrus Fossott. Pierce, from Cienfuegos tor a port north o! Matterus, with molasses, lias been assisted off the root and into this port. ?Nkw Oklhans. April 21?Ship Hagerxtow u, loauing for Havre, with S76s bale* of co ton on board. whs struct bv lightning during a thuudor storm tins morning and I the cotton set on fire. The vessel's hold wus filled with I water by the Klre Department an l the lire extinguished. The cargo. parilv auniaced by water, is being unslilp I ped. Itls insured iu Havre. WHALEMEN. i Sailed from New Bedford April 2% brig Abbott Law rence, Uussell,- Atlantic Ocean. I Arrived at Barbados April ti, schr VYm Wilson, Braley, | ol Marion, Atlantic Ocean. . .. NOTICE TO MEIMJHANTS AND CAPTAINS. Merchants, shiuping agent* and shipmasters are in. formed that by telegraphing to the Hkbald London Bureau. No 46 Fleet street, or to the Paris office. No 3 Rue Scribe, the arrivals at and departures from Eu, i ropean anil Eastern ports or American and all foreltrn ve.-sels trading with the United States, the samo will be ; cablcd to this country freo of charge and publLsliei, Captains arriving at and sailing from French and ! Mediterranean ports will ilnd the Paris office tho more j economical aud^cxpeditiou* for telesraphing news. | Persons desirous of communicating with vessels arriv | itjg at New York can do so by addressing to such vassel*, care ol Herai-d news yachts, pier No 1 East River, New i York. Letters received from all part* of tho world and 1 promptly delivered. Duplicates are required. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. AttDRoss-i.N, April 20?(sailed, brig Anita Owen, Upton, Cuba. Alicant*?Sailed, scbr C S Bushnell, Connor, United State*. BiixuEaiiArius, April 19?sailed, ship U II Land (Qer), Meiners, Unl'ed States; bark Clara ( l?r). Kruse. do. Ch-rrr. April 23?Arrived, bark Soflld (Nor), Sorensen, New York. CuutsTiANSASD. April 13?ArriTcd, bark Indiana (Nor). Kroger, Philadelphia. Dkal. April 21?Soiled, brig D L Dickie, McBride (from London), Boston. Dubmm, April JO?sailed, bark Edwin (Br), Borden Baltimore. > Arrived 21st, ship New Era, .-awyor. San FrancUco. 1*oikestoxk. ? pnl 21?Arrived, brig Amor (Ger), l'au. New Y'ork tor Bremen. Glasgow, April21?Sailed, ship Alrlle (Br), Raebnrn, San Francisco. Havrc. April 19? Sailed, barks Maggie L Carvill (Br), Bishop, United states; Homeward Bound, Marrymau, do. LirsBroot, April 3>?Called, chip Ktlga (Br), Welsh, United tates; barks Cordon (Br), Crosby, Montreal; Glen Grant (Br), Rum* 11, Halifax. Sailed 21st, sua mar Pennsylvania, Harris, Philadel phia. MoviLtc. April >1?Arrived, steamer Bolivia (Br), Small, New York for Glasgow. Alto arrived 21st. steamer scanllaanan ;Br;, Smith, Portland lor Liverpool <jc*cvjTowx, April Arrived, ship Carrtokabrook Cai? tla <Br), Freobody, San Francieco. Also arrive 1 20th 11 I'M, i.earner Hecia (Br), Mc?ay, Boston for l.irerpool. Arrivid tut, bark Windermere (Br), Hann, Portland (Orognn. tuuds, April >)-?Salled. bark Mary A Marthail (Br), Lent, New York. St Nazaum, April 19>Salle4, ahlp Abrabam Lincoln fSwe), Alten, Unltad Mates. Valencia, April 20?Sailed, steamer Acadia (Br), Hill coat, New York. Yocoiiama. April 10?Sailed, steamer City of Peking, Grlfing, sau Franciaco. Arrived at , brig Mary Lord, Lord. Brnntwlck, Oa. via Paima. Sailed from , tark Walton (Br), Thomas, United States. Londox. April 21-Bark Scotland (Br), Ilotcbkls*. from Ban Francisco, which suuk at ber dock at Liverpool, na* been raised and Is discharging cargo. Bark EJwin H Kingman (of Boston1, Hearse, from Rowland's island tor Liverpool, was abandoned at *ea, leaky and dismasted, l eb 18; crew saved anil arrived at Queenston n yesterday in siiip Carrltbrook CaaUc, from Han Francisco. [The E 11 Kingman was 1111 tons, built ?t Bath in 197?, owned ly D r. Mayo, of thei-ea; Ilinca ley Bro*. ofBiwtoa ; Capt Isaac M Hearse and Go** k Sawyer, of Bath. Valued at $7Ai0iO; partially lnaarod 1b the Delaware Mutual and Bosom MaAiua.J FOREIGN POSTi J Aurunraii* Atirii V-biM, t^awer Htnrr Cktasetr, . Ba'.bsnn, New Wk. Hanoi Arm?, Mareb 7?."ailed, ?ehr Mstlidi Kxat.*, . Blch, Antwerp. In iMjrt >l?; -u 17, bark Saru}t?nt >, Moody, for MIMMi Ida; ?chr e t r vno?. Vi.tM. ;.ir Ntvr Y..r* uf Bonton. In port Maron IX tru- tm?iu Br) Pi-il, lor New Turk: r, I * ueM in. ll.itcl'.. t. r Ih-nua. both 1 Ik! vpril 2-*rriv?J, -cur Northern lloaie ;Rr . Towkmiu.-T, IVrim.ubuco uuii sailed k?r New .ir* : SA. brtf AiexaiMria i.r . Irom mi.ul laud jailed lor bt Kill* lo load or Coiled miiih Hfort ap ii M lirU* V, ;oiu Saunl?r*. and Britan nt >, HnirbciM. tor <-w York; .. iir- Eaton, Prw ccti aud Ada Barker. Dubbin, id* t,Je?tlnatlon-i not re ported;; Annie Murcbie. i;ibb?. irom I'luU.leiptiia, arn.ed nth: i.i/rie Uaker* Mri. itreen, uno ; n!;d iiUuti, CiL.-'.rrA, Mircu l-J?m rort ?!iu? liritltti Navy (Br). Auln*?n; Litr.l r.ytuhurM i;r tin..a.;.I ivaubo* ? Br., and It* t liiiu'i .e. ? '-v . f ir sew \ r.r?, idf ; iliumji Dana, Wilbur. Unc; ti-rrlt I'. Merrvtuati Yuui.iT, do. Caiikm*. Apiii h?Arri?eu. brU hrm-etine. Kuight. Mat ituaa; 11 r l'ro< 1 like. Havun t: 13th, Ml* Cliowau, Mcl.irUud. do; Kbni ?a.Wa Wilcuttt. Barker, PUliaJfl ma; l.ucy tiaminonj, ?Uuinnon, ila Cliui. fc !? CttUA.l i. wuiu i'hi.udeiptita. .-ared i3ib. br a W hinvar tir . Ni. n.non. New York, 17th. bri/ M t. ?:? ?Und, Uauton, uorth of Hatierat; acbri peed well Dr!*ko,do; dary Noweli. Newell, do. In port i3ib. t>arM h *eavor uaboo, Galveatmi, i> tie /'?i iio. Coniineti aland Ad* 1 . owu?r, ier nortb ot Hai ti-ran la.: itauie ?? Ku*?eM. t... N?w York, doibfltf* < ?-u-iur Alice fulton. Wi.uam Ma*on> 1'onveri Mauri-c, m -.una, l?idora K:oMa. I Curtis 11 ii 'i.ijj'j t. hobu.aou. Urperiou. AntiUe* and N-liin Hmtoi, u.r noriu ot U.-: t*ia?, .Jo: .Va.-'.aU Ur/. cotton, d>, i~aona 11 ayt'??. tor New \ ;-k. do ?car* Whitney I.ou?, hpetdaway Mary h Uong '.nr Wi-tmer. liavid Auiei, j k' llr.iWL, liji.u Mill., il W i o-tcr, tannid a WllUami, KniiT?on un*e?, Miran.ia, Charlet V Hevar Kva E I'et tln|Ill.1laiii,*.i Mci.uon, A.nt? K Bacon and L icbtilrar (ii j j. lor ii or ib of U Alteram ?; l. ben rUher, fi r iio?ton, do. U.itli MIA". I jr ew J ru. lo: an i nt .ern unc. OisMrcRuuii Apru i, hr j ciarn i >r). ? ro*by. bo?:uu; ovbrJaa ii!. CroAer, N*<* Yora: lilb. brik HaUie tl .Hr . ? arJ. dk. Uavahi \i>ii it?.vrrired. ttraiuer Cr^iceat City, , Cur.u. New York. In poit 17iii. bark* ?p?f lweU(Brj. T.iw?r, for Ba'tl inure, ldgi John Uriflia Wcttber^ for New York, do; Mi??ira aenora Je lo< \n(eit>* i>p), amtret. d>,. do; brw* U F <i<*?ry, uonklin, iur I'tn. .delptna do! Maria Wbeeier, (Itover. lor uorir. ot H i tcr?*, J", >cbr? l? i'?i bot. A?e*bury do. do; < lairie Sir I Hi). Hielnitroin, d'l, do; Armona Anbrt-r. do, dot Mm-jaret ?.*oa. st?iihen?, lo, ?! ?? M Motley, S?r<ent. do. >!o: Rot-irt II ijranniu.. uiito, ;or . ii n?ra, do; and BiMri unc. liiijui. April 21 - a r. ;?< ? oawe* .'.oa.i i .1. irom Portland. x ?xi*sttiA. Ai rU 13? -ailed, Mbr N'ebamiab Hand, l fcoMi'U. Sew Yum XitiiiK. amrii 1A? ,.rn*i' 1, ? hr M K DbWuer, Thuiupdnn. itavana; i7lh, ?ii u ? iiarniik'tuii, i New urieanc hurk* h vf io nroo*. Miieketl. # >w Torn; 8'..r ;iv t'eir*. fHr Dw?or. Itoan a; *cac 0 A Coulomb. Fetiniiaaru. New York, pulled liiii, Mnryl. TaUfA Tork, north of H?t taraa; .?tti burk Manilla i r-nl. fUU. ? a"UA: U'Ui ?Ci.r i.ilt u Marw. 1^ ??k hoi ii) uf Hattei .m; irti-. b?* Wae?t< land., Cop* < oa*t< Airira. Nitiiu April j?m iiiii'i ?<? Ur A;idi(< M Obadwiok, AW kln< Iwr HaUui.o,?. to - .ii .'i'i i'*aj?aa? JtiMbitf- iai*d, ?ciir? S'orihij.-B Home (Hr), icwkabwry, f>*\r Yor* titu. >iod?nA ,?r . I*atoo. B'liii* : ?'i t, hi iR* > oiant* (Ac rfit Keoter, M* lorki ifoirdeid Htl, Uuuit-r, uauiptou <*oa >*! kMn, bar< Ur.fitd Eariton*. .Haw i irk lit port a/i.i *?ur .! H ?..,vr, liede.l, lor Portland or >r .v kork, fAjA April *nt ?ai;?d preeiod*, fjlir >Ia?* gie Abbu;.. Abuott. and ^'.oicr. Hiu .?. ?ou. iro>a *nU for ?ort. KoiafA-Fitaa, Apri 5-Arrived hna Dart <Br . Coltir, Boiii.i via Martinique .ani ?>iied th tot rt.ic-'i lerrut. ailea #.h. . u*,r r. u,.uue, New Vm*. iBporifiii b.ig* V*U nr iiaina*? lof N?w York. Id# ??ilir* itarry Wmt?. iioi<kiu?. t.o a aud lor ?!?? or* rivei M.ireh J7i Oeorg.' A i mnv, uiii. irom and iur rorumid. arrtvn i M-.r:ri u, i_ il'iuo . aoiu, trom ."-ew Y'.ra arrived Jk'.arct. 2J. ^ i 'Onur. A a it. i, - rii-tdi brtf li,i/#b"H? -lOR (Br. Kai<!, iiuataiui.a (am -ai eu i>nor to Aprl. Hi lor i'?r;* ; liurdii ft.U. afli.r w U Vii? ,*r. brAKUi i.ilUlBuM (and aai.wd prior w .Wu lu -.oraMiruji *piU A arid Thompson. Bate*, Aracibo (and sailed prior to April 1# for New Haven). Called prior to April 10. brigs Eureka (Rr). Wilson. Bostou; Mary Loul?e ^r). for New Haven : ThoaTttruU, 1 hoinuKon. do; Village itelle ? Br , Uollia. Hoston: Alpha (Br). McNeil, Portland; senr A P Linorson, Dorr, New York. Also sailed nrior to April 10, Lark Irvinutou, for Sa linas to complete Idu. In p?rt April ID, l>ri? Clara A Agnes (Br), Ganion. fTO'O Baltimore. arrived 4th, wtg; Wmi.mali, small trntn Wil. uiliitoll, NO, arrived 7tU. disc; >'?u Harris, stowes, wtiri si iiih amra (wrt. liaskins, tvom Savannah. arrived Mnrcli -7. l.lic; Oliver Dyer, Fat*', r. trotu Portland. nr. rived March 29. Idu". Lavotti Wlntniore. irom A;fua itiiirt arrived March '.'9, Id* ; L I' M.iilorv, Stetson. from l'ort bpaln. arrived March St, seetuiir; Jutin 1. Merrill, K; trow New Yurie, arrived April ti. aisx; Fnlll seavey. Lowell. seeking; Nellie Mar. Poland, id*. i. vu;i'i. -larch 14?in port hark ls:iac Jue.ksou.Walsti* tor Bit* it tin At res, to sail 15ih (woulu probanly remain one we :i at ih.- latter port). ii,i. .insin. Ft ti 2d? in port brijra Aurora (Br), lor Ni v ' >r\ id;. Henry Perkins, Harrington, (11*?; sclir ti.-rsh Hanker, Price. lor .??' York, Idu. Km.'tsMKo. March I'?Suited, bark Reindeer (Br), Wilkie ilrocn Portland, i)). Dundee; 19th, brig AI'red (Hr). George. Uampt'in Roads. >iN**ir<iin. March -V-sailed, ships Pliineas Pendleton, Nichols. Liverpool: tilli. Kelso (Br>. Dodds, Now Vork lit port March II. ships K.'iidrick Kish. Watts. from Liverpool, nrrlvod FebX>-. Cleopatra, Donne, uues burs Kspci snce (Fr. Gulllon, tor Boston. (Antigua). March it?Arrived schrs Mary Jane Lee, Hayertliv. Now York (ar.d nailed 27th tor Bar "a< oai: SOth, Lavinia Bell, Aldricli, do land sailed April 3 forBaracoa); April 1. Addle llenrv, Bums, Newbern. AC <aud sailed for SI Martins 7th), Sailed .March 111, scbr Melvln, Huberts, Hampton Roads. saui'a, April II?Arrived, ?"?hr ileortje fc Young, Mar shall. Cardenas; 12th. brigs Charles a sparks, Gladding. Havana; sclir John II Hancock, llalli-it, Havana; 13th, bark Lizzie, Carney, do; brlij George K iialu. Pierce, do; I lii tehrs feva J smith. M.unders, Ptuladeiphlii: M A Drurv, Baker, Boston; James li Cordon, Champion, New \crk. - ailed 11th, barks Wabsatch (Br), Gram, lor N of Cane Hatteras; J ante" Primrose (Br). McDonald. New Yorkj brigs Mary .1 Wilbur (Br). Tralton. do: I6tb, L M Mar-' ritt. llari linan, Boston; achr Morning Dew (llr), Mot Cape Hatteras. m Jons. N B Auril l'J-Arrlved, bark Jonnie Armstronj (Br), Falvey, Boston. Cleared l^Ui, schr J w ircott (Br), iCcmitan. N?? York. AMERICAN l'OllIS. ALEX ANDHIA, April 20?Haased down, selirs Sarah J" Briclil, ui:d Helen a A inert, iroiu (jeorifetown tor . AI'PONaCU, April ltf?Arrived, nchr Albert Plvaro, BlitKhain. Jersey City. BOSTON. April 2D?Arrived, schra Hector, ITlirmna, Jacksonville; Charley Buckl, Ba?ley, Wiluiingtou, NO. 2l?t?Arrived, lilaucuu, Bearse, Netv York.; aohr Di*? ertv. Williams. Camden, NJ. Cleared?teamers Saxon, Snow, 1'hiludelphla; (let Whitney. Ilullet, New Vork; bark Treiuont, Carlisle. Matauzas; brlits Matilda iBri. Caiiiut'on, Su lmiin: Lizzl* M Merrill. Mluot, Za/.a; liailie M Bum. Thestrup, Car dena- bbanuoti. Sawyer. Caibarien ?chr Ooldeu Kaili\ Doaue, Ca?tleton. NY. via Weyuiouib. Muss. sailed?ste.ainers Lancaster. 'Iallapootitt (US), Perkio men, und Savoo; bark Treinont; brigs Lizzie M Morrill, ann .Matilda. MALTlM'MtK, April JO?Arrived, bark Kertha (Vor). (iuarti, Newry, 1: sclir# 1'lorenco Sl:av, Van Cleaf Kio Janeiro via liauipton ^oads; W II llowe, Wiiittemore, Boston; llenrv B Cibson, New York. 21st?Arrived, steamers Nova Scotian iBr). Hiuhard anil, Liverpool via Httlliux; Lucille, Bennett, ?VUinini{ ton. NO: TuclJahoe, Brown, Newborn, NO; ranny Cadwallader. loster, New York; bark Miu dora, Barclay, Havana; sehrs Minnie O Loud, Kelt. Matun/as; CephaN, starrelt. Ualibldie, Ha vana: Krann B Cnltou, Somers, Matanzas; Win II Howe, Wiiittemore. Boston: A V Minor. '?, ew York; Oli ver ,-iolleld. DisMiiwav. New Haven; llelen A Hoyt, Cr.iue, ? oi John 11 llalliiay Vancleaf, New York; batn uei 'I harp, Wobli, Providence. below?Ship Imperial, Crosby, 1'rc-ui New Y'ork; schrs ! Thos iitcb, l-'ltzgeraia, san Blaa: t'umberland, Webbor, baifUR. Cleared?Steamers Rebecca Clyde. Childs. Wiimitt-t ton. NC; lllacksloue, llailetl. l*rovul"iice; Josephine Thomson, Moore, New York: Utility, i'ro?t, Allj n's Point; Ct; bark Maury (Nor), Christl insou, Oiieeustown, l'lymouih or I'alniouth: brlu J II Lane, Stiute, Clenfu eeos; sclirs A It Kisk. Crowell, Boston ; S J Fort, fort. .Ni w Haven -. R W Tall, Shropshire, Bridgeport; lilwoo/ Dor til, Warrintfton, Boston. alle.l?Burks speratiza (Nor), and Tonl C (Aosiv Queeustown lirig Koaiu, Alicante, Spain; achr J L Cot ter, Hi John, NB. _ hitoTHBAY, April 17?Sailed, acnr Lizzie Lane, Weat, Clifirlestou. MUi'Ksl'ORT, Me, April 17?Sailed, achr Ella Hodadon, Davies, Turks Island. BATH. April 17?Arrived, ship freeman Clark, Bo* worth. Key West. Sailed?ochr Ciiuio, Lewi.?, (lardiner lor New York. iti'.Lt-Avr, April is?Arrived, sclirs t.iait Boat, Wood, Newcastle, Dei; J W awyer Orchard, Baltimore; Win It Page, Uilliard, New Vork; T 11 Livingston. McDonald, Jacksonville. Sailed?Schra Pantile <1 Kditn. Bartlett, and Mo-m Eddy. M arren. Bulumore; Kvaline, Barley, Richnion.i; Atin'.e Bliss, Kimtiious, >avaunuh ; U 1' l'ownaend, Wil der. Wllmtnetoiu BRISTOL, April It)?Arrived, schrs Aid, Fisher. Phila delphia : Belle Seaman. CHARLK.siON, April 17?Cleared, bark UeorM (Br), Grant, a port in the United king lorn via Bull Kiver, so; FrartS Marion. Dillon, a port in the United Klofrdom. 21st?Sailed, steamer - outh Carolina, Nlcltersou, Now Ytirk: bark George (Hr1. CALAIS. April 17?Arrived, *chr* Terapin, Wooatot, New York, li .* W Hinds. Hill, Brunswick (ia. KORlRK-s MONRxK. April 21?Arrived, brig Olytia, Dow. < ardenaa tor orders. Sailed?HarKs Kinilie, Diecke (trom Oloacest?y. E), Philadelphia; Phllothea <fJer;, MuLer (irom Riofc monil). Pernaiubuco f-'Ai L RtViiR. April 2J?Arrived, achrs Jacob C Thomp son, Georxetown. Do; Sarah L sioimona, candy, Phlia Cclpbia. * . _ bailed?schr Westmoreland. Allen. Philadelphia. Oa VESl'ON. April ID? Sailed, achr Clara G Load, Fountain, Maunzas. (? aKliInER, Me, April 19?Salloa, achr Corao, Lewis, Philadelphia. MOBILE, April IS?Cleared, achr Frank Lnc-aa, ilulaa, Runtan mot as before). NfcW oaLKAN's, April 17?Cleared, ?cbr C^aitaooa, ^lor/an. Porto Cabeilo via Ruatan. *0th?Arrival, tuoiner W P Clyda, Urinjitou, Ha vano. . _ . 2i?t?Cloare J, (teaner Ariel (Br), Cralff, i.lvarpool; ?l.ip Adept (Br), Mitchell, do. steamer Cortes, i reeman, before rcportad arrived i 19th (root New Vorlt. is on tba bar. 1 Paasss, April 2J?suiied. bark XaUle M Sladt, toi Rouen. ?lint?Outside, Yazoo, Barrett, from Philadelphia rta ? Havana NORPOLK, April 1'?Arrived, aohra Ann Tdrntr, Mar ? hnil. New York; Richard Newooinb, llicjins. aad Nil Dakperandutu, Palna, Provuienoe; Aubauo. RobinauA I New York. bailed-brig Sabra (Br), for RlchmoBi), to load f?i South Amsrica. NEW BL itv PORT, April U-taiied. bark John Sbepart (new 07,1 tons). Burgess Boston, in tow. i.ith?Arrived, schra J M Fiupatrlck, Meredith. Saul mora; L T Cottmgham Smith. Philadelphia. NBW B'-Dl-'OKH April 1*?Arrive!, tohr Eliaa ROM Lewis Kllzabethnort. 2Utb?ai rived, achr Marahal Perm. Packard, Rockport Me. lor I'hilade.phi i (see MUcetlany). NEWPORT, April 19. PM?Arrived, schrChaaP Saolt ney. Mathews, Philadelphia. Also arrived, sctirs Palma. Weess, New Bedford fol New York; James H Trtpp. ot Chatham (and both sailed 2Jth'. Also arrived, achrs Walter C Hall. Coleman. Rockland for New York: Nellie nail. Banner. Port and for iloi Carrie H apofford. Haskell, Blue llill. Me, for Phitadeb ptna: Jotin Casner. Jr. B .sten lor Georgetown. OU| Helen. Searlc. Apponaug for New Yot ioth?bailed, aciir Only bo.i, Muador. Hobokeo lor So. ai*t?Arrived, brig Beaver (Br,>, Cooi, Havana tor New York. ShVT LONDOX, April 20?Arrived, actar* Cerro Oordo, flobolten to> Providence: Oeo K Hrown. Providence fol .Sew York ihas lost Jibltoouu; Jus A stetson, (Jloacestor, bound south: lieorulnie, Hotookcn. sailed?liriir hliza (Br). Cotte 'rora New York. FKNSAiul.A, April l!i?Arrived. ship La Louslane (FT roiiRct. Ww Orleans. PHIL a DfcLPHI A, >pril 21? Arrived, steamer E C Piddle. I'oarce. New Yorlt: sciiM L ij aturiavant. A Jams, lUi/ab-tli Oiu NOt.inaiP" 8 Watson, I'arkor, i.aD?? Tlllc Andrew Nobinger, smith. Kvruauditia. Cleari-d?steam ?? unto Morrlsou, Liverpool; Centt. pede, Miller. Hoboken nind sailed;; Florida, < rocker, l'rovideocti; Aries. Whelden. Host .n; hark* ..alalia Br), BersMroui, tjucenatown for ordera: Sarpfn 'N >r>, Backer. gueen-to* :i or Falmouth lor order*; Uannonio (>or), Jensen. Cork lor orders; i.dw Waeneriand (Jar).. ?'?ircriarth. Cor* ?r Falmoulli tor order* brig Ouidini Star, Mn.>re. Calbirien; sonr I L Clark. Luke, M*tanza*t La Johnton, vahluian, Cardenas: D V .-treaaer. Van Klider. Jacksonville; J C Cortinghatn, Avre<. Uoitoiii 'i*ry K JtanMU, lulier, Caibarien; Annie Preoinaa I,arris, Kara'oa: AlbertTbntma. Kose, savannah; Nel lie Brown. Ke'ly. New Bedford; Dnnlel Hrittsin. i ?p roil. loiiniieriai I'oint; W (> sliattu'.-k. Crowe.I, Boston: I' L t.oUticy, Weeks. do: fcdwln, Dacon, Niwcajtlo, Dei. April 21?Arrival mi< morning, sohr J K Anderson. lUgg*. irom fail Kirur, and lett again lot Philadelphia. Mfnia.r i:attle?nake. tor Boston. >*<id schr Poace ;a.o tor .Newport, Kl. nasa-d iowu last evening. Sofir Florence Soweil. irura ?itva:inah. and two llfht aclira, below Delaware ."itv, working up. An unknown schooner outward bound.. ran ashore last iiuut on Uoo?e island; itoaiutug Ueorge iliiokfoot alongside.'afs i up this Av ?chr? Florence Nowell, from .-a\ uonah an 1 William 0 l>earucrn. aud D S .Vernon, irom Frovideuee. Fa??ed down? -tcamer Centipede, for Botton, and bar! Urmuii. tor CarJena* I'M?I'ateed down this attention. steamer Aries, foi Boston; bark i-rataimngeu (.Nor, London; ion r Three hi mors. l.kWK*. Del. April 21. AM?Bark Alfred rem a I at tor >*?? Tors. Hark Hilton unchanged. /.u unknown bark arrived laat night. P'J? Arlived, ?chr Wb counur*, Hague for Pbllsdel phis. i'h? bark reported this morning la the "Alktra." pijKrLA.Ni>. April W-Arrr.vd, brigJonnv PMnnev. Hrown. Bonaire: sour Alpert Clarence, Hane*. Norioik, V*. ri.-low?A bark, supposed th? Norene. from Cutlenas. Cleared ? Brig I'reutlH Hobh*. Dodge, c.irden.i* ?chr Oen Hall. Creamer, Hudson, Zutn?Arrived, tirlg Surah Darrla (Br), from 'agas; echrs J U Drew, Wadlln. Jackaouvi.le; C U Uow, BalU more, I'AWTLXKF.T, April JO?Arrived, johr Margaret Jane. Kenii?dr iiav?r<traw. KiCUMDSO. April li?Arrired. steamer Old Dominion, Walker, New Yutk ; schrs -nx?n r-teuun, Lewis, I'ort land: Carrie, Jobueoti, .Sew Yore; fc :i Dajr, JtorariaaA ra'iie l?echr J W Allen, Clark, n?w York. _ ha.< FKA.NCISCO, April i??(Reared, ship Seulaola, Uo'iues. New YorX. Sm.e i? -hip i. ultivator. Cook, Liverpool. _ malum. April i#?bailed, ictir < arollnt Young, Voung. Philadelphia. , . .... ViK.-.Yabd HAftiSf, April JO?, ?chn Mat tie B Kuiou and ii a L Corderr. Haltlmore tor Hm-'iii Finbara, Virginia Jor Hosion; diaries Kugers. Kond* OUI Ifir rtoi'kiiort, tfuas; Mm Howard, B ?n lout lit Furt> land; Florence Mnvo, do 'or far siaoutfii Jfcoia Huiiter Ht), f* Vork tuf ?l Job#, ?iee V Mloaard* ;Br), do ior Mattlanl. > . -ailed, acbr Maggie odd. ^ . . Sim, arrived, three srhre nor boarded. * wii.Mi .UiO.n, NAyr?i iD-?rrivad. Mlir Ben. fletk ?ridge, .sew York. . ...... i.Hnrad-HrM Mi ding (snrL Jorgensen Hall not don)! senr Ad.lla Ku er. Henderson X nr.iu.yde. 2.itli-t;icar?d scrir Minnie, liu.uoil. uedieiari, M(ii#d-?re?.uer Itotn ?wr, i^>at?o, .sew Vor*. WiC . KOKU, April la- aued, ??Uf a!iai??ro?*, Troy, U.sverstraw. , . ? l?m?n*t ?d. schr Melon. S<?f?r!e. New To?b. ?hu?Arrived, ?ehr next'-r. Knernian, Bmabt'.hport. I I". '?'i'J-.UI. ..I'll m? sc Cuij.v iiijm. VBtOLCl'r. oaf AINKD, FitDM ulFt ilR. eui etaiMi; wga. evorywlierK1 de<9.-:ion. A a., iaH 'ienteau>e: Ro huk.,?u/ uijiiirsd; no ?uarg4 autu at voice grained; aa>'n)< irae, At. iioC.sii. Aiiarnev, i>i ilrjaiwaf. N'mivon ;i; milt it, ci iai\ cwKk ^ ? ut Nervous Dehuitf ana >Ve ? <nass i rogrnt ..u oy i? ui?oretio'.i?, #*Le?? s or orerworg of in* kmlii an i nee Vnus < \ViJIBM:C "'I'li i'.1 I'.-.-'lFi . l' LL,t '*Miil l,r ?ifur $J years Willi weriaai ?n . si. w a proiliuL r t il. CM. and |i?ruMiiuikt eis>v. "S.i Fj.V A Clit. Ci.A)< i'rlOMA, ti per boa; <it but as t\, ht uin, so lurelf iiaua. with iu.t diredttuus. i ruparel unlr of . ^VMiwttaaiuit * ctx, M Juun ?seees, 5k# f*elL