Newspaper Page Text
RITlTiVnONS WANTED?FEMAIiES. Caok?, dcr . f? WEST 4SD ST.-TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS; ONE t) as cook or !'i undress' thv other a.< chambermaid mil waitress: gno'i city reierenep*. Cuu bo seen ui last place Thursday. S I'ATCII EN CLACK. MTH ST.. NFAIt (ITII AT.? Two respectable German girls to go together; one as good pialn rook, washer ami ironer: tlie other as chambermaid and lo a?slMt with tin* washing and 'ron iu>?: good <~ i1 y reference. 9 WEST ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG (HitL AS cook, washer unit ironer; no objeeiiou to the coun try. _ "lit WKST 47TH sr.?AS FIKAT CLASS COOK; UN Lv7 dorstuiids all kiuds of meats, soups. games, pastry j experienced baker; beat city reference. 1 O THOMPSON ST.. NEAR CANAL.-AB COOK BY J one who thoroughly understands her business; can make guud bread. biscuit and pastry; understands the rare ot milk and butter; best city reference; no ob jection to the country, ( all or address. OQ EAST 421) ST.?A RESPECTABLE PROTECTANT f?girl as cook and to assist with the washing unit Ironing; good city reierence. Can be seen ironi 10 till 2 o'clock. OQ EAST 74TH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS PLAIN ? O cook and to assist wan the washing- Cau be seen tor two days at present employer's. *>/t 18TH ST.. BKTWKEN 4 in AV. AND BROAD tJKJ way.?A respectable, steady girl as cook.- thor oughly understands her business; ironi 1 to9years' city reference. en vestpy st.?a young woman to cook, ?JU wash and Iron In a private family; good city ref erence. rn VAN DA M ST.?A RESPECTABLE (11 EL TO t'v cjioU. wash and iron in a private faintly; or to no ?a laundress; good reference Iroiu her last place. H PRINCE ST., IN THE t?TORB.?A KESPECT able woman us plain cook lu a private tuuiily; or is washer una Ironer; Is willing lo make herself gener ally Useful , ifood lelererce. Call lor iwu .lays. CO WEST S5TH ST.?A LADY WHO IS GIVING UP *J?j housekeeping wishes to secure u situation lor u capable cook who would do the course washing. Can be ?een at her present employer's on fhurslay and Friday. F.A WEST 1 ITU ST.?A LADY ABOUT TO BI.EAK ot up housekeeping would like to llnd a place for a Brst class cook; willing to liulp with course wu?hiug. CK1 BEACH ST., ftEAB GREENWICH AV., IN Ut)2 grocery store.?A neat, competent woman us first class cook in private family; understands bread baking; con take charge of milk and butter; uo oojec tion to go as houaekeeper; country preferred; beat rei erence. f'^4 WEST WASHINGTON PLACE, FIRST FLOOR, Ut: rear ?A neutaud competent voung woman, witb ber little girl, aged Ave years, as cook and laundress. In the country; will work tor moderate wages. CQ west :d;th st.-a respectable prot UO estaut woman as first class cook iu the country; refers to present employer. n HENRY ST., SECOND FLOOR. FRONT ROOM.? As dinner or order cook ; tfood references. QQ WEST 11TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS Oi/ plain cook, washer an! Ironer. In a privato tain "r. or u> do general house wort; good reference. OQ CHARLTON ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS Of/ cook; no oblection to the country ; best reference. Can be seen for two days. QA BLDRIDGB st.-a respectable YOUNG WO V'j man as cook in a French or Spanish family: good slty reierence. Address Miss LOUISE, care of Mr. Adams. QQ CBRI.'TOPIIKR ST.. SECOND FLOOR, KOOM fJO 10.?A respectable girl us good plain cook in a pri rate fa mil v ; Is an excellent washer and Ironer; best elty reference. QQ1 EAST 8TH ST., FIRST FLOOR.?AN ENU V'J2 lishspeaking Swedish woman, with experience til l good references, ascook. Address. WEST 17TH ST., ROOM 9.-A RESPECTABLE I I f'J young girl us cook or cook, wusber and Ironer in ? private family; best city references. ine wkstaoTB sr.,second floor.?am eng L\hJ lish Protestant womm as tlrst cf*;s cook lu a private family; best city reference*. 107 ST 49111 Sl" SECOND FLOOR.?AS FIRST J"' I class cook; understands all kinds of meats, loop*, game and desserts; hotel, boarding house or res taurant; first class references. mW EST 2.IT 11 :-T . CUCNKi: O F ti TII A V.~ ! WO respectable gtrls (sisters) to go together; one as first class cook; the other as laundress; understand their business in all branches; bo li are willing and oblig-ng no obiectlou to the country; best city refer ence. King the bell. 1OQ WKST 151,1 >T- SECOND FLOOR REAR.?A 1 \J O respectable woman us good coolt ana baker and to do coarse washing; good city reference. Ill* WKIT IffTH ST.. KBAB STH AT.. P1RST J XV/ Floor.?A respec able young woman an first elass cook In a private laraily ; willing to aasut with the , washing in a small Itimliv. nO WEST 4jTH ST.?A liKSPhC'TABLK YODXO ? woman as good cook; uo objection to as.ii t with the wa.ihinn ; alao a middle-aged woman to take care of ehil dreu and sew. 11 O WEST 4CTH 81.-A* COMPETENT CUOK IN A J.-LO private family: will an ut with the washing; Mat reference ior honesty and capability. llr. WKST 11TH wl., NKAR6TH AV.-A MIDDLE 1 lu aired woman aa first class German cook in u pri vate family. I 1 Q WEbT lri l'U HT ?A VOUNQ OIRL At COOK. JIO washer and Irouer; not long in the country; is willing and obliging . k xkI retereuce. II Q WKST 49 'H hT.-A LM>Y, IlIVIKO CP HOUhE -IXO keeping. wishes to obialu situation* for her two girls; one an cook. wa?ner and ironer; the other as chambermaid ana wuiiress; would like a place together i ?r separate. Apply af er 10 A M. Thursday. lift WKIT IfTH 8T.-A RESPECTABLE PROTES llO t?nt woman as good cook; understands meats, ! loups and Is a good baker; no objection to a hoarding or private tainilv; good reference. 19e WEST I4TH ST.?A RKBPBCTAHLE OIRL AS LtjrJ cook in a_private family: best city reference. I'M Sl\, 8F.COMD FLOOB.-A RE lOU pectaMe woman as cook; U an eiceUeat baker; cltv retorcnce. 1 ?>! W. ST 10TII ST., THIRD FLOOR.?A COMPR iOl tent w.i'ii u as flr<t class cook In a private fam ily; la ft good baker, best city reference. IOl Vu rrTH ST.?TWO~K BitPELTA*LK GIRLS, i OA or > as cook, washer and Ironer. and the other is cbcraberinat'i and waitress . are willing <<nd obliging; ?est city reteiecee. 1QK WEST 28 III ST.. (j HOC I' ItV SIOHE.-A RE 1 Ot) apcctahie young u owan as good cook and t.aker; tindtr-undj ?ngli*h and American cooking is auascel- i lent washer And ironer; good city rererence. 1 or. WEST 19TH ST. (STORE .?TWO GIBL>, TO QO 1 OO together; one nsfirst classcooit: isa goo i baker; lh? other as chambermaid an i waitress: both are thor ono-hlv competent: no objection* to a first claw board- i ng hous ?; best relerecces froin last place. mWRST MTU ,?T.-A YOUNO WOMAN Afl GOOD cook In a private family; tully understands h-r business. no objection to the country tor the sum mer; good city reference. i t n wi ht i jth > r ? a kispkcta blk <iirl to i I'l"' cook. wu?h and Iron, or would be willing to do ge-ieral hou-cwork: Is wiring to go In the country; best 1 eity reference troni last place. 1/tl WKST 28TI1 ST.?TWO RKSPKCTABLB SlS III ter?; one as cook, the other as chambermaid ! am waitress; will do the washing and irouing ot a imall private family between them; S>. years' city i*t ?reiu-e from their last piace. Call or address. "I /4 O WEST 2#TH 8T.-A YOOKO PROTBSTaNT I tij woman as cook; will assist in washing; good reierenee. 1 4 O WEST ?TTH ST.?A RRSPhCTASHC "TOUNO I tO girl as cook, washer snd ironer-. best olty r. fer ine* from last employer. Call or address 1J_?J WKST 27TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOL'NO I'Ti) girl as cook, washer and ir<>ner; bast city refer anca Irom last employer. < all or address 1AA KASf 4SD 8T ?AS FIRST CLASS COOK IN 1'tt a private family; city or country . best oitr ret an do*. 1AU WEST J7TH sr.. BETWKKN 9T11 AND 7TH Itu avs.?a resectable voun.-woman as L'0 >d cook and to do plain washing; can make ; bread and bis. cult and cske and desserts: city reference No card* 1 rr< | WKST USTII ST.. TOP PLOOR.-A KESPKCTA JL?JU ble woman as first class cook; understand* all klnda of soups, meat*, pastry and jellies; best city refer snce. Call lor two davs. mEASr MJTH ST.. BF.TWE BSD AND LHXf O toil ava?A rospectablo person m a private fam ily ( la a good cook and baker snd ? uid do general housework; bast city reference. Gall Irom 10 till ?. Iff! EAST SID ST.. BB rWKBB SO BB0 LBZINO lul ton ava.. thlrr*. Itoor, front?A rsspecabie woman as tint claas cook; no objection to the country, best cuy reference. 1 r.J WEST 2srfi ST.?A UKSPBOTABM WOkAB At JO a< gcod plain cook, washer and tronar or general housework; be?l cuy refereuc - 1 c(a west arrn sr.-a respectable enuli>h L'lu Protestant woman as cook an i to aasist with washing; best city retereuce iVotu last place. I CQ WKSl' 27TH 8T.-A RKSPECTABLfc WOMAN 10?7 as first class cook, fuily com, ctent ill everv Dranfh of cookiiU' no objoctioa to private boarding Bouse; best reference WESr" mil >T.. NKaR 7TH AV.,~"piBST floor.?A re??e?tsl>le Pro esiam womsn as cook; understands cooking in all its bran ties; gu d reference. 1 na wesr 27m st? fiiusi pi.ioht op srAms. lUtl a ras?eutable i rote- ant girl us cook In a sm;ili anUy; un ierstaQd' all aln ls ot niiu.iy co> Kiutr. or sroul i do the wa>Uing and n j.uik of a small family ny ng in tlia cay; besiaity raicrmcu irom last place. 1 |(K BI,e?cTTe k~ SL."'I H li" LAwnTTrY?A BB 1UO apeciabm Pro?ast:int scotch woman m- coo.; and ?aundress in a s.i all private family; beet atty reierance. om kA^r 62D AT,?A RBsPEcrABLF. T >t'NO ju\J 1 woman as good plain cook, washir and ironer; tool city reference. om WEST Mill ST., TOP VLOCR -A .D ? '/A woman as cook or m "o general housework, whore ahe con havo hai-little girl 13y?ar?oid, city ret ?renee. *)(\A WKST 77rtl J.T.. TOP FL.OOR, BACK ROOM - X a re?peetai>.e woman a* conk, washer and roner; no objection to tne country; good city laterauce J required. t;allor address. _______ i)A* Whit 101 H 8T.-AS OOOD COOK; BUST OlTY 4t\IU reference. 9Hft WK T 27rH ST., ROOM A?A RESPECTABLE Protostant woman is ^owl cook : no obiecii ins to ihe country for the summer mouths, best city reier i nee. OHO *"*.11 H ST.^a WOMAN* larMii alSr rSwsasM*'" SITUATIONS WASTKD?FKIB1V1.ES. Cook?, die. 0/\Q WP.ST ?0TII ST.-TWO RESPECTABLE iUo young girls: one ti giod coot, washer and lr<-lwr. in.' other it* i-humhcrmuul and watties* in a re spectahle lamilv; together or would pepurale; uo objec tioi! in the country; best eity reference. OftQ KAST 6SD ST., FIRST KLOOR?A RKHPECT _jUO u'.le vouuif girl as cook, washer anil ironer; two yean' rci'erencn. i Ol I EAST 40TH ST., UP TWO PAIR tW STAIRS.? u i 1 A respectable girl us cook, washer uuc ironer. or to ili. general house work iu a small private it nilly; best reference. Ol 1 WEST 18TH ST. (Xo. 3 WHITE'S n.ACK).?A jlr middle n/eil woman as excellent cto;; under stands ull kinds of desserts . would Uo course washing in a private lumily : reference. V* ms KA.ST2.vriI sr.-A YOUNG GIRL ii? GOOD wl ?) plain cook ; wiliiim to do plain wa?-rtintr and lr.mftig; uNo a young girl as chainoermuid and waitress; best city releri-nce. k?"| 7 WKST 291 H ST.?TWO RKSfliOTABLlt OIRLS; LtX 4 one an Dlain coo*, washer anil ironer; other as chambermaid and wuitruss; no objection! to the country ; best city reference. <>17 WEST 88TH ST., THIRD KLMR, FROM I'.-A i cook who thoroughly understands her limitless; city relercnce; would go in the country lor the summer. f)1 7 EAST 2STIi >T.-A YOUNO WOMAN TO COOK, Z1 I wash and iron; no objection to the rouniry; good reference. <)1 7 EAST 2.VTII ST.. BETWEEN 3D AND 3D A VS. JL I I A respectable Protestant woman as cook'.amd assist with the washing; no objection to u short dlstiliasa iu the country; well recommended. __ oil! BAST 20TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOM kW Jjirf as first class cook In a private family; city <?r country; good reference. __ f??>7 BAST 46rH ST.. BETWEEN 2I> AND 31) AVS.-~ ? I Two respactable girls; one as cook, waiter ort chambermaid ; the other to tukc care ol .-hlldreu. 2*-\rr WBST 31ST ST, RING THIRD BELL.-'TWO _j I respectable girls, one as excellent cook, the } other us chambermaid and waitress; willing and oblig ing; would go separate; best cliy reference Irotn laat I place. ^ tlk ?7 WEST 321) ST.?A YOCNG WOMAN AS COOK, -j_ 1 washer aud ironer; is a good bread and biscuit baker; best city references. OQO WaST 2')T1I ST., BETWEEN 7TH ABO 8TH w')_; avs.?A young girl as good plain cook ami to i assist In the washing and ironing; good city reference, i Call or address. tl'Vl WEST 301'H ST., BETWEEN 7TII AND 8TH avs.?As cook In a boarding house or private family; no objection to the country. 9?? f whsr 27r11 sr., in the bakery.?a re jOt spectable woman ns crooa plain cock, washer and ironer; 3 years' references from last pluce. no 4 EAST 41ST fit., FIRST FLOOR.-A RESPECT jLrlTT able woman as ci.olt. washer and Ironer, who understands her business perfectly; best of cfty relerence lrom last place. ??or FAST 22D ST., NEAR JD AV.-A8 FIRST class cook; best city reference. Can be seen tor two days. _ OQfi EAST 71II ST., ONE FLIGHT PP.?A RE &ij\J spectable middle-aged woman to cook, wasn and Iron, in a private taniily ; good city reference. f)Ofi EAST STTH sr.?A RESPECTABLE YOl'NQ Zi'tU woman as cook, washer and ironer; best city reference <???n WEST 35TH ?T.. BETWEEN 7TII AND STH ZOt/ avs.?A respectable young girl as cook, washer and ironer in a private lamilv ; best city reference fVom last pluce; no objection to the country^ i)Q(l EAST 59TH ST.. SECOND FLOO<?.?A RE djOrf spectable girl as good cook and to assist with the washing and ironing; good cltv reference. (t?Q WEST SSD ST.?TWO RESPECTABLE OIEL9; JiOXl one as Rood plain cook, and would assist with the washing nnil ironing; the other as chambermaid and seamstress; both have the very best city reference from where they lived Ore years. O \ 1 WEST S2? ST.?A FAMILY OOINO TO BOARD ?jt1 desire situations for two girls; one as cook, the other ns chambermaid and waitress. Call, for two days, from It) till 3. k>/ll WI-ST 26TH ST.-A WELL EXPERIENCED ZitJ. woman r.s cook; is first class In every brunch; good meat cnox; excellent baker and pastrycook; city or Country; five years' reference. i) 11 WEST 26TH ST.?A respi ctablt: girl as _.'H good plain cook, excellent baker and to assist wiih wanning; bust city reference; would go to the country tor the summer. Call tor two day*. ?)* %) EAST 55T11 HT? TOP FLOOR, FRONT.?A RE -j spectable voung woman us good plain cook, washer and ironer in u small private tumlly: no objec tion to the country ; good city references. i) A () WBST 19TG ST.?AS OOOD COOK; UNDER u stands all kinds of soups, moats, game; excel, lent bread and pastry maker; no objection to the coun try; best cltv rcierence. OiQ 7TH AV.. BETWEEN 39TH AND 40TH STS.? wu U A raspeoable young girl as cook, washer ?nl ironer or laundress in a small private intnily; wall rec otnmended from lust place. Call for tis-o days. *)A I WBSf i'*?rH ST.?A RESPEl.'TABLE PhOTF.S _"i r taut woman us n?k; thoiouihly understands her basineso: no objection to the country. 4> < /? EAST iH> ST.?TWO GIRLS TO DO THE JiU work of a lamilv . one as good cook, washer and iroUer: the other as chambermaid and waitress; both understand their business thoroughly; good refereuce. ?> 1 7 WW lfiTH tit.?TWO YOUNG GIRLS; TO ? 'XI go toK-ther; one as plain cook, washer and ironer; the oth?r as first clasa waitress and chamber maid; bestcit/ reference. <1 I (\ WEST SOPH ST.-A RESP. CTABLE WOMAN _'r ?/ as cook and would be willing to assist with the washing ; u a ,'ood pastry cook: good city reference trom her last employer. t>r-t 6TH AV.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS FIRST CLA 8 Zj'J t cook in a private tninilv ; is a good baker; will dotbcf-oar?e washing ; beat city reference. OCC WE-T 30:u ST., REAR.-A RESPECTABLE -')?) voting woman as cook; understands all kinds or co .kinij : menu. soups. deaserts of all klndi. Frenoh and mericMi; is n first raw baker; no objection to a boarding house; bexlcity referauce. 9*7"WKSTMD sr.. MKrwi.HH 7TH AK1> UK m) I ava.?A respectable North of Ireland young wo man .is plain 1 ? ook. washer and ironer or general houae workeriu ihe countrj; good country reference irom last pi a' r. O KZ 10TH AV, IN PAPER fcTORE.-A FIR-iT wUi( naw? Protestant rook; thoroughly understands her business iu all iu branches-. beat city and country reference*. Apply tor two daya. <}?(! WEST S4TH sr.-A RESPECTABLE TOONO -I )i7 woman as cook In a private family: no objec tion to assist with washing; beat city reference Call for two day*. . OKI) 80 AV- BETWEEN ilST AND 22D STS.?A ?iD?/ rcspcctabie woman aa experienced cook; under stand* the care ot a dairy: no obiectlon to the country; good rctareucc. mom tor two ilaye. tyf/i TTu 1T.. I1TVIUI MrH AMD tm ISTB.-A mI v/ respectable Woman at cook and to assist with the washing; best cit.r relerencea. Q7"I ?rU AV. BETWEEN 17TH AND ISTH STfl? IN Al L the French corset ?tore.?A respectable young wuin/in aa good cook understands her business in all its tiraucbcs: la an excellent baker; no ufcjecilon to as sist with the washing; beat reference. Q7Q BtMOt sr . bear. TOP KLOOR.-A YOCNO wit) woman in a pnvato family to cook, wash and irou : three yeara' city reference. >)-?? EAT KITH >r. FIRHTTloOR, FRONT. ?A ^ I U respectable Prores:ant woman as cook; no oo jectlon to assist in tne washing or go a short distance la the country ; good city reference. Can be teen for two oayt. irQ ELISABETH ST.. BET* KEN BLEECKKR AND Z. 4 O Houston Kta.?a respectable young woman aa first c'att cook In a small private family ; under,tan la all kindt ot first class cooking: French, liorraiin. BagtMl and American; seven yeara fa laat place; beat city reier ence. ?JfI"! WEST J8TH ST.. CORNER OF S f H AT.-Afi uv i order cook in an oyater and ckop qobm. with her little girl. Ii veaisold, to aaalat her. QUO 7rU AV . BETWEEN 2TTn AND 2STH BT1S.-A OUi respectafie American woman aa an excellent rook: a good baker can give good city reference as to capability i no obiectlon to a private boarding house, can t>e rfen tor two da vs it not e?ni?d. oaa WEST S4TH C.-TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS; ??'MJ one as caok and the other at launaiess, good city reference. QAxi EAST MTII sr.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN riu'J aa food cook: would do the washing fora private lamiiv; teat city reference. Pali lor two days QAfl WEST 4I?T KT.-A REBPECTABLk fUUoM OUU ssverrgood cook lu a private family; makes good bread ot all kind*; alto toupa and pas.ry, very good retorcuce. OI\J EAST (WTtf sr.-TWO YOONG GIRLS, TO OO OU I together; one at cook, waaher and irouar; the oilier aa eniinoermaid and waitress; best ulty rsierence from last p.jca. Call for two days. oau BAdT 2?ra tT., two kuoqts up, back OVJO room.?*s first oiass cook la a private boar.'ins ho Bee : good city references. oil east urn ?r.-A respectable voUno Oil (1 i as cook, waaher and ironer la ft private family; cily or country. *11.J WL-t SttlH sr.-A RESPECTABLE Tur.NO 010 girl aa (food plain cook: Is a very good wa?hcr and ironer . no objection to tha country; beat city enc-J. ?i | c wkst ??th t. near gra av.-a ee?peit ? >I') ub e girl asflratciaas coo?; i> an excellent ba^et; underatanus the care of milk nud butter; country pre* jOrred; beat reiercnOW. Call foi tw^, days. ?1>?Q Wllf irill Br ?A XOfiirK AMD UAUUU OuA tor to couk. wash and Iron and do cbambur work; no uMactlon to tas country. Qt>2 WEST l?ru Sf.-A RESPKCTABLK OIRL AB OijO good plain took, waafu-r aa.i iron r :ls willing ana obiigiui. uu?t uityisferuuos. QOX EAST 23TH ^r.-TWO RESPECTABLE OIRI.B; ?J_ ? J one as flrsi. claae cook and the other as first class waitress: thoroughly understand their bualneis Call for two davj. Q'Jtl WEST <6TH ST.?A FIR -T CLASS UOoKt A OiJdJ good bread find biscuit baker would go in the country: wuIIiik and obliging; would do the coarse washuu and iri ning: QQ'l WEST MTII ST. BErWEEN 8TB AND 9IH OO'J avf.-t joun< woman as cook; will atelat in washing anj ironing; beat olty reterence. ?JQ7 WE31 ?i)lH ST.?A VOt'N'i OIRL AB OOOK, OO I watlior and ironer; beat references. QQ7 fflir it'H 9T.?TWO REBPiJCTABLE rocxo OO I girts; on* >? P>?" ?e?fe and to assist with waah* ing: tha othet at uhambermaiu and waitiese and tc at ?tat wo! *>sM| a? "if oaug i good any rsfsrtatas SITI ATKINS W A V I KD-KKMAiKS. Cook*, d>(, .'^44 wonian JIT.11 ^T'-A.RKfll*RCTAI?t.B YOt7.NO 344 ^h>rLmT.V mt ' Tu'' KLO<>R. KRO.VT ROOM.? wa?h^ in.icr 5, .T",1?an ?? W"<hI plain coo*, obllsrintf ?o .k '*' ; willing ami last place. Jecu?a 10 th? country; reference from ? $?)?') ?? M';1.fKKN Sl.ST AMI /?> > - IS -as tin e. cook, washer and ironer; g0rd reier ro,eS',U to ^ wit" W? anUUonlng; 401 Jft8?!N!VI. ST-~A RESPri? TAHI.K VOl Ni; v.te I'm Duly ? & in J lro ?* l" ? ?ri' 406 S2LtI TA-,ni-SPK,'TA?l''-- toumq woman. ? II w.Vi *01"' e,,v reference*, an cook ? unilcrMtind* or wlUoook t??!h 1'"} "0"c't J or Will oik, wiuli ana iron in a tnuil private family. 40f) ty ~K l<ELlAIU.,E scotch puotes kind^ ..f A .*riri> !,al,vV *ood. p'al:i c<">" can ito ull CUIt taker^fm.?,?0S0k.lB,f aild " n *U01' t,re?1 I'll ?? ? Pr*'?rr?><l; good reiereuco, 408 6Ji' ,A,)lrVtKSP,KCTABLB njtiOB womTn ?5 reference Call iatrttyT C?U"^ 427 WIf ,ST :ul" ST- IX THK KKAB.-A brspiot. ^ AV?. NKAB 2btu ST., TOP FLOOR a rr nrinr ? ft'5PMl^J* woman to work br the dav or we*k ? "Vai,lln? and J?omnS?ndr^ wriv'to a V n? WE8T 2'2D ST. (LAST BMPLOYFR'Si * u i l ii ?u0^iron*lnPg!Vate faff'i,7i Wou,d aMl<t w'">tbe 48*7 :i^T. *,TH ?T? BETWEEN 9TH AND 10TH spjyitzsz ^r'Scr' "p'^coot.m 439 sssL^srt.^s'Arts-sssi,; reteren Q.'; no objection togojnihe country y 4.4.1 WKRT 39TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR BACK ?"J * wm -a* food cook, tracer an't ironer ? undfr. stands soli ps: is an excellent pastry cook ; city or conn try; best any rolerence. tail tor two day* 44-n ,r-KST 40T" -t.?a respectable yot:\? ? k. ^ man as good plain cook, washer and ironer fo?r"woC(laiVtU ry* best clty 1"elcre?ce. Cali 447 IT1lA.V-~^ BB8PECTABLE yopng WOMAN i i - R%*od cook and to assist witn the wnahinir in a Private fatal j.-; good city reference WMhing in a 4-R4- *18T ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN j _ * M thoroughiy underftanda hor buslneu. 490 ,ROOMJ??A8 KIRhT CLASS^ cooit ;w in " private tamily; no oblection u* go In the couuti > tor the summer. oDjection to I 494- "l!!, A RKSPEOTABLE OTRL AS COOK I ??*r ff&V 555 oulq aaaUt In the'ivanhlng and Ironing; city or country.' 7th av.. OORVEII 4orn sr.-a younu wo. ?K Biun as ifo wl cook and baker; will assi<*r with pKco. mnd ? ifW; be,t city 1#,er*ncc Tom la?t i 61 f) %.,AVrA '^SPRCTABI.E VOCKu GIRL AS reterent e ? C9Jk * PriVBto <?'uUy i ?ooj citv A^'?A Y C'UXO (IIRL ascook wtitHPR 1V?r?/md lroner >" ?? mi i a IIA in (? rican fa mi l v - nri otP Jectlon to couutry; be> I city roterence. Cull two uayi! 687 ssm&jsr"'suttas! AQQ 6TH av., thi r d brll.?A BESPFOTAPF p WTH AV. NEAR ? ?rH ST.-A RBBPKOTABL!-' ??n ttoaor ,n * I 7.^1 ?Tf^ A^," ,N BCT3HKK STORK?A RESPECT I j."*? vaas "X"1"" i ironer. the other u? chaintM a tnjld a ad ??it rl. i u if to go to the country ; beSS\tm 1 0'-i7 S.d av - bbtwbi n sitii axdwh st.i Pi;'n cik. 1 1 ( )' i 1 ^ AV,, KB AH C2I> HT., AT THF UAKf-'R'. s-H ^ 1 4^7 a.??AV- BE'MTBBM 77TH AND 78Th 111 "* with the w^hm'?l,i(^T } v??* *0#k ,wI 10 "** 7 525 l.rir AV- BKTWKK I M T AND 8>D STB - }?&> av,aaarjggaSnfe 2 SHI 2.U AV - BBTWKJ a? 119TB AND iairii T^T/ 'ROrESTAMT-ABITtrAa ION AS KIRST CLASS feiSS"' Ciiambcmiairi ? , die. 4 BAST 49TH 8T. (PRESEJIT EMPLOYER'S) ? A 7000c flrl u chambermaid a nd waltrow in a trl Tute family. 6 WEST MTU ST.-A IIAl T, INDUSTRIOUS yoong flrl aa chambermaid 1 id wiltrtn: wliiing and obliging; good re .ereuoe from I ier laat place. OO WEST UTH ST. tPRESENT EMPLOYER'!*).?A Aid young woman at cba nbaruk 1 d ana laundreaa. Oi carmine st.. corner oi* broomk?a re Z'X tpec table young girl In a prl? ate tamiir to do up ?Ulra work; city reference tl re ? aired. Call for two daya. or DELANCRY ST.. SECOND FLOOR BACK.?A German girt s< chambermaid or nurte. I f)U WEST IITII ST.. R' TWEtN JT rl AXOtn AVs ? A reaper table young girl to di? chamberworfe end fine wathiug and Ironing; la will ng and obliging; no obtectian to the country; beat cltf reference. Can be teen at preaant employer'*. or EAST S3 sr.. LA^T EM M A>YEB'S.-A RE ?)?) apec table girl In a private lair J J aa chambermaid and waltreaa; hooaat, fatUUul and \*t lling; good reier 1 aace. 1 07 WIJT I3TH ST.?A Rh SP Et "TABLE VOCNO ?Ol girl at chambermaid aod wait t? m beat cit.-refer ence. Call for two daya. A(\ WEST 1JTH > T., I* THK if.*AR.-A TOCNO 1 t <' Protett&nt woman aa cbaintx ? maU or to mind . ebilaren ; city reference. a o k.A9 r 1 ir 1 i i4T.~iBTweeR "i "? soaowatTnd *zO University place.? A lady aeati ? a a situation lor her chambermaid and wallre?(; aha 1- 1 ihoruugulv coin patent and haa nveral yeara refcrat. a < front preaeut employer. W iiST JOTII ST.-A TOCNO UE R MAN GIRL A* < JO chamber.naiii and WttM > ah < n I'hnra.lay. CO uth ST., BETWEEN sth ANl? ffTH AYS.-A 00 ronng woman ai crumb rruald >r ?? >*aitreta: tally competent 0 Uil eiUier poaliion: beat OiKr reference aa to honeaiy and capability. ifd MoNltOK 9r TUP FLoOR,?A YOINO OlRt, UU a? cbamberniald In a p-trato lamll) 1 1 no STII ST.. FIR-?T FLOOR.?A Ri U PKCTaBLB 1UU young German girl ae na d . 771(1 WBU tfTH ?r.. BETWKBN lllf A*D TTH JU?7 ava. ?A reapeetatrla young girl ai c ? ambcrmatd and waltieas: beat cMy r.tieroue*. ml-ASt mlt SI'.?A TfiUTTt WOMAN "iiS t UA*. be.iuald and waltraae; no otyeauun > ? with waaliia* . city reference. mST. MARK' - PI. (OE.-A RESPECT* 1 LK OlrtL to do cbenabarwork and plain aewing 'a or to taaa cara of aft 11 j rett . city reference. I I C WEST -wrri sT.-A TOCNO GIBL Ai 1 CHAM II >) bt-rinaia and w.litre w in a private lam tj ; ua.ier atnnds ber batiBase; beat city reference. b Wfc Tmta Tr ?two "rkspkctahl.s girls ; 4 one aacbainnermal'l end nnrae. can ae r on n? chltie; the other to do general bou?e wort In ? private family; good roforauce |I(J WK<r 1?TH Si.. "?KrW:tl!.i ?IM AND TTH ll'" ava.? \ voiiui w jnan aa flrat < laaa c rab< r mnid and waitreti -. .vnl do uve waaoitia aud ir ? il&C If required: cltf refere?ca. , 11 (1 OBEK.^WiCH A V., N SAK 1ST If ST. A? STH 11'/ tr.?A Prorettant young Ctrl aa cliarat ? mala or chambermaid ana .vaitrcai in a ?maii tan>U> ?? roar yeara' city roiereuce Iro.u la?t Place. 1<m Wit st irrn st.-a rb*fsotable oir l ro 1 j-" do chainbarwork and waltli?, good olt V ref erence. 100 WIST ITU ST ^ TORE).-A. TO UNO Oil Z" AS I<iO chambermaid anil to a**l?tw!ui the wm fc'ng; no objection to a hoarding bouse; heat, city referem ?e 1?l.*r WE.'TT rrH ST.-A TOCNO Gir.L AS Oh 'J.M I ?? ) l.erma.d nud to laie cara ? I diiidren; or w nld do light hotucworlt; tour >ear*' rcferBnce.^ _ 1()/< WES 1 2<TH T.-A RF.sP CT aBLK PRO'. 1:8 li-U taut youiw vroman a# chauib?rniatd. or ch tm barmaid and 10 tak? care wt growing cHuureB Call Mr two day?. 1 OQ WKlt UTH bT.-A REaFECTABLB Tot M J Zt/ woman at olutmbemaid ana 14 ?uut I* wat urn: cetMi Cltr NMittM MTVATioH w mrriiT ruin utiW-i C liaiiiberiiiBKta. <Vc. I ')1 WEST mi! ST.. FIRST KLOOK. hack ROOM - I * ' ? A yuank ?lrl ? do chamberwork or wuiting or general housework: cil.v reference iroiu Ian TO] EAST 1ST 11 T.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG l?Ji iflr! in clismhcrmal I and waitress; bent city reference. Call from y P.'.M to li 1Q1 west in: II ST. ?A CAPABLE GlItL AS FIRST I I ?) I clan* chamlierinuld ami waitress: no objections to a private boarding bonne ; begt city reference. i 1'jr WK>T 281 H ST.. FIUAT FLOOR,BACK ROOM ? lit-) A girl to do chamberwork iu a private family; ! good cltv relerenee. mWKST ?-JTI! ST.-A GILI, AS CHAMBERMAID 4 and waitress; goo t oily n i. rem r | Hi) WEST I 11 T - V Yot'Nil PRoTEsTAN f '.tit girl as llr-t dm ehauiln>riiiald and seamstress; j enn operate on Wheeler A WHaou'a uiucUine; bust city 1 relerence. j Me WE-T 4111 ht.?A TOUM tlUH FaOTtCB ') taut girl as chamber muni and to do plaiu sew ing or to take care ol cue ? tiild. I'ull lor "?e day. "1 EAST .(Jill SI'.? A REsPBCTaULK YOUNG I I ') girl as ctiauibcrtimid and waitress in a good prl vate lanuly. guol oily relerence. 1 Ki\ W'USi' 18111 ST.. OVER i IUV atk stables. - I i)U a vounu wninaa us chjinbcrmaid and luun lre? or us chambermaid and scsmstroeii; good city reicr i enco iroiu lier last place, ('all lor two uays. ! "I fTLi WEST 'JIT 11 ST.?A YOUNG l'ROTESTAN'T 1?)') girl as chambermaid or would take care of growing children and mw s no obicction to the country. 1 til WhrfT 33D ST.?A RESPECTABLE OlRt.TH DO ID I chamberwork and line washing or as laundress in a private lauitly; three years' reference; will go to tlM country. 17/1 AV. A. IX Tin: HAliKllY.-A FROTHS I l" tant girl as chambermaid and plain seamstress lu a private family ; six years'city reference t'roui last place. 9fW| WEST 21ST ST.. SECOND PLOOR.-A SCOTCH girl as chambermaid and wu.tress; good city retcrence. onr WEST HST -T., NEAR 7ril AV'.?A YOUNG woman as chambermaid and waitress; would assist with the washing and ironing ; no objectlou to the country; city NftMDH, I 911(1 WEST 58TH ST., NEAR 7TH AV.?A YOUNG .jwlJ woman as chambermaid and waitress: would assist with ihe washing and Ironing if required, or do plain sewing- six years' city reference. i Ol O EAST ISi'II ST.-A respectable GIRL AS I ? I chuinbermal.l and waitress willing and oblig ing; uo objectlou to ihe country; city reiereucu. Call ! lor two day8. Q1 C WEST 18TU ST.. FIRST FLOOR. BACK wl') room.?A respectable young girl as chamber in a Id a n<i waitress in a private lumlly; two years'city retcrence. k/| - east 89TH ST., room 13.?A TOO.HO AMERI aIo can girl as chambermaid, laundress or plain coo*; no objection to a private boarding house; city rclcrencc. 91ft WEST 41ST ST.. BETWEEN 7TO AND 8TH ? I ' ) av?.? A re-tpeciuble girl as chambermaid and waitress; would assist 111 wasnlng' no objection to a pri vate boarding house; reference irom last place. t>17 WEST 28TH S7.-A respectable YOCNO ? 1 i girl ns chambermaid and waitress; best city ref erence. Call lor two days. 9<>A WEST 19TI1 ST.-A respectable GIRL ? \J (Protestantins chambermaid and to take care of one child and malt" herself generally useiul, or as chambermaid and waitress; no objection to the country; best city reference. Call from 10 to 3. 99Q EAST 59TH ST.. IN FANCY STORE.?A flr-t ela?s chambermaid and waitress; willing to assist with flue washing; best cit.r reference. 99 A WXST S8TH ST.?A YOCNO Q1RL TO DO chamberwork and take care of children or would do tight housework aud take care of children; good olty reierencc. Qiie WEST COTIl ST.-A VOUNG QIKL AS NURSE 1 ? ? ?/ and to assist with chamberworK; good city ret I erence. Call oil K. O. : 997 east urn st.. room u-a respectable ? ? I young girl as chambermaid; willing to assist with washing and ironing. Call lor two days. ! 99Q EAST ?1H ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?A RE j spectable girl as chambermaid and waitress 1 nnd to Assist with wu'hin..' and ironing in a private 1am I ily; two years' city reierence from last place. 909 WEST 1?TH ST-AS KIRST CLASS CHAM ? ?)?1 berinald and waitress or as chambcrmald and : flue washer and Irouer; Scotch ; best city reference. 9?>,*r WEST 2IT1I sr.-v he^fectabi.e YolWO LiOi) girl as ctiarabermald and waitress, or would take care ot children and do plain sew ing ; best city ref erence. 9QQ EAST 1-TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE (iIRL TO j ?0O do chamberwork and waiting. Call at present I euipicyor's. 9,in WEST ,1U> ST.-A RF.SPRi TABLE YOUNG I girl aa chambermaid and waitress, and would assist with the wasliiu.' and ironing iu a small private lamily 110 ohiwuun to go a short di-tanoe in ihe coun try m'r the summer mouths; very willing and obliging; go>>d city reference. Call or addresa ____ 1 s> n EAST ?TH -T. FIRST FLOOU.-A Yot'NO ! ? T L girl as cnambermald and waitress, or to do n ashing uuJ Ironuig la a private lanuly; city reierencc. | Call or adJress _ (TaT WES I n I II ST.?WAITRESS AND CHAMBER ' ^IL maid by a Fro;estaat gtrl; good reference: city 01 conntry. 940 WEST 30 I'll sT.. SECOND KLOOR.-AS | ? 1 ? cbambermMld and waltrcsg, assist with wa-li ln/ Is willlug to assist at auyihiiur; beit city reierence. ! *>19 WEST I IT 11 ST.?A " RESFECTABi.E OIRL AS ehamberrosld and wallresa: wishes to go In a German privat lamily satUtactury city reterenoo irom last employer; wining ana oblicinf. 9 | ?> WEST MTU ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S ? mtO a voung irtrl aa chambermaid and waitress In a private larri iy, or to dochsmberwork and take oare ot a growing child. 94 1 WEST SaD sr.. FIR'T FI.OOR.-A RESPECT ^'r'r able girl as chamtiermaid and waitress; has good citjr referenees irom last place. OA A WtST 30TU ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOCXO i<"t'f woman aa chamr>ermaul and waitreu lu a pri vate family; good reference. .) 1 - '.jD sr.. NEAK Li.XINOTOX AY ?TWO ?!?. ^'T') tors; one as chambermaid; the other as wait rew: no oblection to a private boaraiag house ?, long city HBwasa. <ir9 WEST 19TH >1T.?A RESPECTABLE YOCXO girl as chambermaid and waltresa-. willing and ?bUgiog; govd city rtieronce. Call lor two days. 970 nil AV.. BETWEEN tSTH AND J'.Tn ST* _ A I U A respectable young girl as chambermaid and waitress or to as?>ai wiih lbs washing: can be well rec ommended. 27 J 7TII AT? THIRD FLOOR. BACK ROU* I't Ting third bell).?A yonn^ girl as chain! f rma.d and laandrcss, or would go as plain cook, washer aad Irouer in a small private family ; good city reference. 97 ? M ADISON ST.?I RBSPKCTABLK YOUmJ ? t ?) girl as c iamberinal l ani waitress, good refer ences from presect snd iorioer plaecs OHO I \ I *-1? ST.. CORN KR 3D AV.-A ftEsFECT ? ?U< ' -bip girl i? ilr?t cliM chambermaid nti i wait rem: b ??: cliy ran-react iron* la?t place. no cards. on | WEST MTU ST.. BOOM 1A-A RESPECTABLE Oil t rroMntiiit girl a* chamber.!.aid an i waiuvia; woil'1 go a abort dleiance ill tb? country j beat city ref erenec. ?>n/> BAST 75TH .-T ? A BtsPfcCrAUL.E UlRI. A3 OUO ohMRbtrraatd and to do Una waahing or wait ing: no obtectlon to the country; two yoar* and a half rater* nc? irom la?t employer. QH7 KA>T SID 8T ? A TOtJKO QIHL ASCHaM OU I brniuiii and waltren In a prirata ramtlv; ban Cltv reference from laat employer. Call from 11 A. M. to i ? K M. Qnu EAir MH ?*??A RESPhCrABLh, TOING OUO gin aa chambermaid and to dofloa waaniug and | iranlog; V?t retereuce. i Q1H EAST ?TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR. ? V RSSFEOT. OLU able young weniau todocbamborworg and walt loj; ?ooa reier.-uce. Addreai Q1?? WKAT 2STH br.-A ItESPECTABLE TOUXO OlO girl to do ch mi erwork and flnc wa*hing;no objection to tni- country . b??: city reference. I Q1Q WE?~*M~^T?A~~6COTCB PROTESTANT OJ.?J woman a? (lr?t cia#? coot and to am at in tua wa?liiug anJ ironing, understand* ail fclndioi aooalng, eiiy reiorenca. Qtl/\ KA-ifMTH ST., T%0 FLIOHM IF. BACK OmU ro m-Aroun^ girl to do ciinmberworA and Una w**mng or cbamb?rworK and waiting; if 01 an ex cellent dupoattlou-. willing and obliging: i.meiaM ret ?ranee. ?jOI kabt ?i?t *T-i rovxa oirl. latbl* OJjI laaJod, aa chambermaid t would iaia ear* of ?Mldrcn. Oil I Ik AH. HO *T.. tSOONO FLOOR-A RE Q6~Z ?p?ciabl? girl to da cham tier wow and walt.og or plain *?wlng: boat city re:areace. _ _ _ QOl I AST ISTil ?T. ?A oibl. LAM.LT landed, O ? r at caautlMiraau ana *T*yi BASfdTTM ST.?A VofJIO GIRL A" CHaM O ? t barmaid ml wai reH. wilt inaia baraalf wiling and obliging: city reternic.-. ?JOQ EA*T IieT ST.-A WHAT. Tt;T OIKL AS OZ.O chambermaid and waliroa*; food reference t all lor two aav?. ?J-J I t AS I ft IT SrT- A VoUMO WOBA X A H CHAM t>?) r !?rm tni and ? .ntr#a? or to aaalat in taking ear* ot children ue?t otty raicrenca OQ/* WKIf .|TH ST.. ONE 1'AIK OF Si AIRS. 00 U tront room?A young flrl a* chain barmaid; wining to HAaiat with watu.itfi or would uo pantry wort, city rtFrance. >jO 7 19T \T., BETWEEN 1?H ASD 20TB 8TS.-A 001 r*rv.tea ant roang girl, wig ha* uo: Uvea oat long, wlilie* a food homu o? to do upatalr* worn: will .in tomato _uei MM ge ue r ally jiaeiu^ ^ obi'Bt OA <1 WBST HTll ST. ?A TOVXO FRi TEJTAXT OtU giri ii eliambarmnid ana plain *ower. Q A fl Wi'.HI MI'B sr.-A RftHp.iCTASl t AMEnt ?nu can girl a* cliambai-maidi la thoroughi. eota peiaat; baat cuy roierenca iroiu laat plaoe. __ Q IQ EAST MTH ST.-A RKSFEOTABLR OI L AS Ot*- cliauitx-rmald anJ wnitr. s? In a prlva'.e family; ?cotnpat-'nt. Wlilln.1 aim obliging: wouu aaoiit with waih:ng and Ironing; roar yaar* rctcrauc* from har lam empiovar. Q~l\ EAsT SlaT ?T.. CORNER ISi AV.-A VOfNO 0>JU girl, residing with her parent*. ;o do clMmlxtr work anl Waitingi can ooaiata on w naelar A Wiiaon * machine. OCA hAST JlD bT,?A REiPECTAbL VOOO Oo\J gin iu oiiAimber uaid anl waitn-fi In a prl v*tattmniri it willing, anl obit?ia?; no ubioettatt to U? ta?Btfjra OtU M Ndtagft WfPAWOW WASTED- KKMAIjES. (humiierina iitx. Ate. ?) KQ W1..-5T ?Tlt ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS ? chanitu-rmaid a ml waitress in i private family; good wfcrem-e iroiii last place. ?>U7 2I? A\ . Be. I'WKKN l-ID ASH 2SD STH.?A OOI wpicubit young ciri hh chamber* aid im waitress; ?iil help with nm* washing: ilr?i elus* Hater; willing and obliging; city referen< e iroui lait place. ? >(l I I'D AV.. nECOS I> FLOOR, FRONT ROOM.?A ? >?'T young woman ;is chambermaid nna waitress and to do tlie one washing: well recommended. ?>()/' 8rII AV., IN i IIK t AICE BAKERY. ?\ RK ?ll'U kpacttblfl itlrl ws chambermaid and to assist ui waiting in a first class boaiviug house; nest city refer ence. ? An WEST 5IST-?A tfOlT.Nt; 01 Hit TO IiO CHAM lUu Iter work or light kouwwork in a small miuily. Al\ i 8TII AV . IN nil-: STORK.?A RESPECTABLE. TrU'x trustworthy woman to tio ehara>crwork and tine wtabiug in a small family: i< willing to do plain M*wiui( ami uiako herself useful; goctl City reereneea. UtE EA T 2JIII ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS "11/') chamberitiaii and waitress , in a private lami ly: willing und obliging: best reference. A AQ W E - i ?D SI'-A NORTH GERMAN PROT iwv ? slant aa chambermaid und waitress and lo ai (?1st with the washing in u tmill | rivatc lamily. to be aeen at present employer's. /I II WEST 45TH ST?A QUIET, RK<PEOTABLK ill girl a< chambermaid ; would assist ui the wash ing and ironing, or would do chamborwork and sowing; ta a good seamstress; good city reference. Call or ad dre ta. .1 lO EAST 17TH ST.?A RKSPECTA BLE VOL'Ntl x I ?? girl as good chambermaid ami waitress, or would do housework in a suiall lamily ?. Is witling un I obliging: city or country: goo i retcrenco. A I ?) WBST 28TII ST.?A ItESPEC 1'ABLE YOUNG tIO girl to do chnmberwork and waiting: willing to assist with the wusblng au.l lronlug; goot city refer cnoes. 11 7 VTKST 40TH ST.. NEAR 9TH AV., IN THE ~r I I bakery.?A respectable Toting girl as good chambermaid and waitress; is willing mid obliging; Tour years' referenoe from her lait place A til EAS!' 1ST 11 ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO t?i 1 upstairs work and assist wltli washing and iron ing or take oare of growing children and do sewing and chamber work; two years' relereuue. Cull to-day j ao card). IQ- WEST lull ST., SECOND FLOOR, FRONT. - TO') A voting gii'l to do chutnbcrwi.rk; will with the washing and irouinir or would take care of children; city or country; two years' best city refer ence. 426 I I A r\R WWW 18; H ST.. BETWEEN 9TII AND 10TH 'r')*) avs.?A young girl us chambermaid ?nd wait 1 ress and to assm with the washing and ironing; best I city reference from last place. PEARL ST.?A RESPECTABLE GERMAN LA) girl to do upstairs work. _ _ 4 ?) I VMf SID ST.? V RESPECTABLE GIRL TO tcO't do chamberwork and waiting or to tako care ? oi growing children: beat city reference. < t 1 EAST 19TH sr.. KIR-T FLOOR.? A RESPECT iT.'+T able young girl, lately landed, to do ehamb r w .rs und waiuug or to assist with the washing in a pri vate family, tun bu seen lor two d.iys. A 1 7 WEST 4GTH ST. (RING FIIIST BELL TWXOK).? ?Jr'T I A resectable girl to do churaberwork and waiting in a private family; city reference. I WEST 421) ST.. THIKD tLOOR.-A RESPECT 4:U1" able German girl to do chatnbi>rwork and a?ist in washing nnd Ironl' g or taking charge of growing chil dren. Call lor two days. 4~7 WESTifiD ST.?..A RKSPECTABLE GIRL AS ? ) I chatnbcrmald nnd wnltresst can do sewing: no oblectlon to the couuiry lor tha summer; good city ref erence. A fin 8TiI AV., BETWEEN S3D AND 31TH STS.-A T'O U vounL' woman as chambermaid and waitress, ?r as chnmPermaid and to assist with the waahiug; good city reference. inn 6111 AV.. THIRD FLOOR, FRONT ROOM.? T-W A young woman to do chamberwork and flno wa*hing; city or country; well recomineuded lu City. Call tor two days. _ _ _ 2D AV., THIRD FI.OOR.?A RESPECTAB' E vonng girl ns chamberinnld and waitress; w.iuld assist with the washing und Ironing : city or coun try- goo J eityrMerenc^ A (]A 8TH AV . BETWEEN 29TH AND SOTH STS., room la?a capable girl ns tlrst clns< chamber maid and wuit.-es*. or as waitress alone ; best city refer cnce. 400 sni OTH A v.. IN THE STATIONER'S.?1 WO RE *T?'l spectabln girls; one to do chuinbcrwork; would be willing to inako herseli generally useful; the other to attend 011 un invtlld la lv or take charge ot children: no objection to travel; or would travel with a lady or family. Can be seen for two days. (?7uf WES l~58Tlf ST. "TrING THIRD BKI.lA?TWO i)UO resiioctable German girls; one as cliambcrmatd Hnd to Uke care of children or assist In the washing und irotr.uc. tne other as good plain eook, washer and Iron er lu private lamily; botb art willing nnd obliging: liest city reference. Mrs Bi^KKETH. tfi) S?TH sr..-A OIRL OP EXPERIENCE 1)1)0 to do chamberwork and sewing or as waitress; good relerence call for two uays. ?11A 3D AY.?A. RESPECTABLE YOUNO GIRL AS Oil? chambermaid und wnitrais: Is willing and oblig ing . b?st city reference. Call for two days. /?XO HUDSON ST., IK THE FANCY 8TORE.-A *)>)?) Welsh ulrl at chamuermn'I, no obicctl^u to children or walling; good reference. Apply lor two d ays /? r~7 LEXINGTON AV.?A LADY I.RAVINO TOW* < )? ' I wMm to procure a place for her chambfrumid sod waitress. wlio can assiat in the car* of children or in wa-hing ami ironing !( required. Uno SU AT., BETWEEN STTH AND S8TII STft?A U>'? respectable girl as chambermaid, an I would assist with plain washing and ironing; best city reier ence. 701 6TH AV.. IN SHOE BTORE.-A COMPETENT I Ol person as chambermaid and seamstress, ander itands halrdreasing; best city reference. AdJress. 61H AV., BETWEEN 420 AND ?SU RT-?.-A competent vounj woman as chambermaid and waitress; best city reference from last place. WEST 1JTH -T., CORNER OF WASHINOION an I Horatio sts.? A respectable young woman. Iat"ly Wndet. as chambermaid and waitress; has lived out tour moaihs. u/Ul 7TU AV. (RINO THIRD BILL).?A OIBL AS CUJ chambermaid and wattreas; would prefer a family going 10 the country for the summer; best city reference 703 799 atl - ID AV.-A KESP CTAHLK "yOI'MM OIP.L TO Ot) iio -hsmberwork and flue washing la a small privata lauiily; Bo objection to the country, good city I reference. 8r(\ 7TH AV.. BET WREN 86TH AND 87TH 8TB 4 U A young girl as chambermaid and waitress and assist In washing la a small private tamlly; good city r terenca. noil CTH AV.. BETWEEN <9TH AND fOTII BiB. OOw A young girl as chambermaid ana waltrcMj good references. QOU SO AV.. BETWEEN 49ril AND BOTH STA. 000 tnird floor.?A young American girl as cham bermaid and io do plain *e wing. 1 Hit) SD AV. (STATIONERY STORE)?A P.E -p*etabie young girl as chambermaid and waiire<? and to assist toe washing and ironing; excellent re'ereuce. ? 1 11^* s? AY.. bktwbhn ?i> and ?bd ktb?a i .U>)> 1 resectable young girl, 15 vears old, to do up stairs work aud make herself generally usatul; good ret* ranee. 1 1 t) - 20 AV., NEAR MTIf ST.. SECOND FLOOR. l.l??) A young girl as chambermaid and waitress or ns chambermaid and to assist with washing: would go ia couutry tor summer; best city references. 1 1QG :D AY.. BETWEEN NTH AND aOTII STS.? I.IO U A resoectabl* young girl as chambermaid ana fine w isher, also plain cooking, la a small (amity; best 1 !,i!J'*r're?cc 1 1?Q if AT., CORNER OF 813 1 ST.. IN THE 1.1'JO store. ? A respectable girl to do cfaamb?rwurk and assut with the washlug and ironing; good oity ref erence. 1 ltt'-l ?D AV.. KKAR ?1>T ST.. IN THE STORE.? isiUs) a respectable girl as ohambarmaid aud seam stress la a private Timlin understands cutting and 1 fitting. ?? DrMsmakrri aad Siamiirssssi. 1 JD AV., TOP FLOOR.?A OERMaN < P ROTES I'a NT), 1 with goo.1 retcrences. as seamstress: understand* I business. Call for three da* e on Mrs. ku.ia. 8 EAST 18Hi ST-A RRSPi:CTABI>8 UIHL AS Kcametrsss m a private family. Call at Mr*. Don j ovan's. ?)/? WE8T 15TH ST.. BETWFhN 11II AND (fll AYS _' J A Prnteitant woman as t*am*trei>; Is *11 excellent hand at all kinds of lamily sewing and operates well i:di>b sewing machines: ii willing 10 assist wlthchain bi-rwork no oolaetlun to tae country. apply at present employer's. ?IQ BI.ESCKEB RT. (PROTXCTIVN UNION) ?AS OO competent seamstress, nronstomeo toauiire man agement of Children; umleriUuds migileti aud French thoroughly; also ilrst rndttnsnis ot music , <:??*g?u*rai machine wore r*ry?reil; country tie obiection. rl CNivtii-riv iui-i tol>o >0Ba.n as ? )*t seamstress chambarmald or wattra**; b*st city raierenco troin last pia^e. _ NORI-OiK sr.? FAMILIES' 8KWINO AND dr*? ma >ing by uiu djy 7jc. only. A. KMACSi-.. 91 1H7 ?fT an sr.. iop !iEi.r..-*s srAM^rRE^s I'M and cliaiubermaid or *?smstre*> and to t iko mr* of children going in the c >un;ry for th**uroiu*r; op . r ates on M'uecler A Wiison's muLhmes anj dlfforent others; (Wo years' best city reler-iic* 11 f w P HT UTU Si., Nit A A Dili AV.-A T0U>0 i ll) w, mad as seamstreti. Is a good operator and lias some knowing* ot dressmaking; would lake car* Of growing chudrcu. country prelerrcd; b*st oitv refer m.cea 101 6T1I AV.?AN i-XPRKlENCKD Pi.RSON AS I ?J'x M)*iostre*s and lady's maid; understands al> kind* ol family s.-wlDx and ?!ressru ikin :; is an emoient operator on Wheeler A Wilson's machine: long satisfactory raters ac? givsn. tan ba seen*: h*r pre **nt situation until mite.l 1 WKBT MTH ST.-A RMPKCTABUK VOt'NO I xO Protestant w.iiuan at se unstress ; can operate on different ma< n.uc<; or would Ilk ? to travel with an Invalid lady or oliltd. Call on or addriisa S AMnTKadS. n7 WEST Mill ST.. ONE FLIOHr CP.-A* COM. I pctent se:. 111 stress in a family; atc.tsto.uel to fiulsn at or a dre-smaker: una a good kuow>rtga ot hiiidrcilug; woul.t mini ons child; undsrsutnda Whc ler a rt'liaon's majiutie; first eiass city rcf?renc*a frou; .ast i mp,over. Qjllor address. 1A7 BA-IT # Til ST.?A VOt'NO WOJUN AS II 1 satoutrefs: annerttands drasstnaklng; can do all Rsndt of family sewing wu Whi aisr k wii?un's uia shiu*; vf J?id tato ?aro ut tt wing sliUskaii ar nssut 6Haokb?f w???i tosst altv rsiatsas* MTUATIOXtf WAHTlD-riMALlfc DrMiHiktri and '?raniitrr^r*. 1 1U WKST MiTTIl sT.-AH K1H-T CLASS SKAM I I ?' stresi; underbuilds cut'in* and OHib,' fori* dies ?n-1 children; operate* . u i!;f!erent machine*: ran .?.<rk embroider. 1 ? ling t<> lake cur# of eml dren or <ln clumber >vur?. or i? willing lo travel wits a taui'lv; liii.-iitv reference. 1Q I dk kai.h a . .. nkak uarlton, Brooklyn. .1' -T over the butcher shun. ?A hlghlv respectat>'< young woman a* seaili*lr>">*; understand* dressmaking t hoi ought v; o|M>rat<"> on Wheeler & Wilton'* machine; woula like to tnivel with u lauiily going to Kurope: eity reteretice Call or address. 9(17 WKtJr MI H ST., n il A V. ? \ \ SEAMSTRESS; ?' ' I iiinlerstan :s dressmaking and all kind* ot i h 11111 v sewing, by machine or U v hand: willing and obliging; no obiection lo the country. i all or address. Off) WW MTH ST. ? A Vol NU WOMAS AS ? I ? seamstress ami would take care ot a growing child ; can cm an. I lit and also u r?n? hair very nlceiy: seven years' reterctice from her last place. 9QU EAST 46T1I. HT.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS ~iLd'> seamstress and to do come chambcrworit in a private lainily; can operate on Wheeler .4 Wilson'* and several other uiaciiines; understand* dressmaking and all kinds of tine lamily sewing; no obiection to the coun try. i* wining and obliging. good cliy reference. Call lor two day*. OA 1\ *A8? firr ST.-A DRESSMAKER WOULD w'x" like a tew morJ engagement* by (he day oi week; lie*t city reference; term* moderate. i) TUT urn st.-* capabl;-: oikl as i ? dressmaker and seamstress unders'aud* h-l MMMBMMCkllt woull vtaitouyjuug ladies; good reference. IH') EAST 2MTH ST., KIKST Fl.OOR.?A FIRS1 ?<"r?> clans seamstress lu a private lauiily. unacr man U dressmaking lu all its bruuchc*. hi* a good knowledge of hair dressing; best reteronce. 9 IO I. AST 3'<TH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS NURSE ? tO atiJ to do plain n'wlntr or would do chembcr work tu a private family ; lour year* beat city reloreuee from her last place. (tALi ?ni A v., BETWEEN 'Cril AND38TII STa, 'n'l top floor.?V German girl, cut of respectable family, as (MBtatreM and to tend clitlilren. /?(J.*: 6! H AV.. BETWEEN lUTll \Jf l> 40I'll STS.. IN vO<l the shoe store. ? \ respectable girl as seamstress; has no objection to do light chamberwork or assist with the eare of children: has no ohiccilo't to go In the coun try lor the summer ; will be lound willing and cbll,'lng; best city reference. 7 I kl LEXINGTON AV., PRESENT EMPLOYER'.?.? 4~ r _ A per-.hi us seamstress; understands all kind* of cutting and U.tun.'. 710 3D AV., ItiOOND FLOOR?A COMPETENT I T"_j voting woman as thorough seamstross and ladv's 111 aid ; can operate on Wheeler A Wilson's and vVIUcox k QlbO* maofllne; no Objection to travel: beat city rater WW troui last employer. 7 " I 61 H AV.?A COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS AND <?' 1 dressmaker; cun do all kind* of family sewing; g iod city reference. Call or addreu at butcher store, irom M til! 4 o'clock. 7 -"1 3D AV. NEAR 4.1 II Si.-A DHESSMAKRl l?)L wishes a few more engagement* by tho week; has hur own machine If required. Q/? I 8TB AV. RING THE SECOND BKLL-AS OUT seamstress tiy the day or week: underttands dressmautng and a>i -awing machine;. 19/Jl BROADWAY.?A Fill ST CUSS DRESS . ? 1)1 tuak. r. who has held Positions 16 yea: s In the leading establishments ot hurope, un efficient cattor, titter and designer, desires a similar position, or to go to iu -inil<-s or make the most fashionable dresses at homei prices Itoiu $?); cutting and basting done; city reference. Address. Seamstress wishes engagf.ment by day or waek, dretimaklnf or white work: Wheeler 4 Wil son's. Wtllcox <t Ulbus' machtt e; $1 roper day. Addreu M. t. B., box Ut! Herald Uptown Branca office. General Houwwork. ?fcc. "in E VST 41D ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL IU to do general housework for a small private family : can give city reiereticc. on CORNELIA ST., SECOND FLOOR. FRONT.?1 ?young girl to do house work fu a suall lamily 01 laundry; good city reference. mWEST 44X11 ST.?A REAP CT^BLE OlRI. Tu DO (eneral housework In a small private family; sood city reterence It required. WASHINGTON ST.-A YOI'NO WOMAN- TO DO general housework in a munll lamily. 71 (jr? 9TII AV.-A RK8PECTABLE YOUNO GIRI. TO i7l) do general housework In a smad lamily; city 01 cocntry ; two years' relereiice troin last place. mWKST 20TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO do irenernl housework In a private lamily: 1* a go id plain cook and a first class wamir and lroner, best referensc. I lift WEST I7TH s'r., REAR.?A SMAIJT YOUNO 1 Ol t etrl in a sma'l lamily to do general bou*ework| would go a *hort distance In tlie country; food city refer ence. ira WfchT i.8Til ST.. BETW.-.hN 6TH AND 7TH J?)U av*., second floor.?A reoprctablo Ainerieau fin Protestant) to do general housework where th? washing Is put out; city or country; two years'refer euco. i rrn we-t mth st.. prfsent employ r'^. 1>>U lo do general housework lu a small private lam ily; good washer an 1 ironer. 1 CI) WK?T IOTU ST.?A YOl'NG PKOTtSTANl girl to do general housework; city or countryi best citv reterencea ______ 1 / ? I E\UT 3 ,I> >T-A UKsPr.i TABI.K HOINQ IOI girl to do general homework. In a small pri. vnte tamilv: l< a splendid washer and lroner and uioe cook; good city reference. 1?{Q EAHT #ITH ST.. PRESENT EMPLOYER'A ill?/ v.>u:i?r girl to do general Homework or a* cham bermaid. t an be teen from 1U A. M. nil 3 P. M. I^lk Ml l.H EUR Y ST.-A RfcSPECTABLK (TirTTiM lOU a ?inall larni.v to do general homework; la a gooi waaber and iroaer. Apply to lira. LOOA.V. OlT E~ii r ##TH ST.. THIR dTlOO R-^A R B S PKCT. olO able voting girl to Jo general bouaewor.t In a imall orivaie lamily; beat reference. Call for two day*. OklA EAST SlSr bT.-A GERMAN GIRL TO DO GfcJf. ? ?" eral nouaeworSt In a email family. ?JOJ~ WLirtJTH T.. PB~B*ENT EMPLOYEE'S?A _?T young girl to do general houaewori in a pri vaie larauv ; two yeara' reference. Ot>7 WEST MTII bT.-A TOBWa FRENCH WOMAV ? ? I 10 do general homework m a private fauu.y. Call for two daya 00.1 ea^t ??rn st.-a r cspectable tuokq girl to do general homework . la a good waabet and lroner. Lett city refcrenco QOO KAST 8JTH ST., ROOM 1E-A RKSPECTaBL] _? )? > Proiettant girl to do reneral houtework In ? ?mall private laimly . beat city refercncc. ??Q7 WF.ST 77TH ST., TOP FLOOR ?A RESPECT _i) I able ronn? Englieti woman to do homework 01 chamber work ; li alad to children; reference; no oV?? tlon to ths country. O I O WEST JOTH ST.. BE 1 WHEN 7TH AND 8TH m ara.. room I#.? \ Te?nectable MMwonaaa to 00 general huaaework In a tinall private lamliy- ar aa cook, waaber and ironer; no o ejection to the country. t) \ A WEST JJTH ST-A RESPECTABLE U1BL Of ? rr 13 to do light homework in a amall private faro tly. It not airaid of work; beat raierenea. Call tor twa daya. tJAli WEiT 47TH ST.. FIRST FLOOR.-A TOC.\Q -lU Americau girt In a ttuall brlvat" lauitlr to do bouar work ; Orat claaa wether and lroner: beat city ref erence. WKST 47Til ST., SECOND FLOOR. FB0W1 ^(IJ r< otua?A reanccta! )e youug girl to do eeueral honaewnrk in a email private family; l? a good waafeer and ;roner: good reference from laat place. QftS 10TR AT.?A RESPECTABLE YOCNG GIRL <_">?? or 17 ^lately landed), to aaaiat in boueewurkj wiiiiac aa 1 ob igiag. QMC WE*T l#ru ST.?A YoCN'Q AMERICAN OlBL ?,U') to Jo general houaewor* la a amall faiali) ; iU ye are' reference I1D1I I'.I.IZ AB.iTli sr.-A RK.-PKCTaBLE TuCNO wOll rtil to d<> general houten-ork in a a mill faaU/t no objection to the oouutry, city reference I BAIT M K -T.?A BKSPECfABLK. WILLLNU OUU young woman to do general Uoueework: good reference ?J1?? K*S1 ??TH ST.?A RKBPROTaBLE WIDOW TO OI U da general Itouae or chamber work, or to aaetaf wttli wamliw ana iroolug well recommended. ?)i)D EAST I1?T ST. F1RVT FLOOR.-A WoMaB OLO to do rrneral homework m a amall lami.v I country piei erred ; b- at retermc a 1 01)0 Wr.-t at 11 ?t. ? a r^pkotable oiel, O-J lately landed. In a private taaily to do laMral homework. Can or aadre*a <)>)(> Ran MTH sr., BL1WEKX 1ST AND ID ATA, OOm in the rear ?A reapcctable young w man to dc tenor ai bouaenorkt good waaber and ironer; ottr refer eoce ' ___________ ___________ Q )- ID AV.-A KE-PECTaBLE GIRL TO DO OEX. OOtJ eral noueen-ork in a amall private tamilv; h 11 uo wbjacuou to a abort diat-ince la the coantry 1 go .d reieieuce. ' aa be aeea from i till 4 o'clock. tJOO KAMT 114T ST., B .7WKKV 1ST AN'D ID At*., OOO top floor 1 root room.-A reayeotaoia girl to do general houaework; it an ekoallent 000k, waabar and lroner. ?lit) E AS r 'ill H ST.. BKAR-A HbSPKC TABLE ?)t ? girl to do nenaral U. uaework *a ? amali privata family l< a ?ool pla n cook ana flrtt claea waatiar and ironcr; ciiy rei?rouca. OIO EAST Odril sr..> 1ST AND 10 inU avi.?A loau* woman t.? do buu?aw.<rk In a'l private laaii y; go >d pialo coak and flrat laa wathtir an.l troner. beit c.ty reiercuco fr ui laat plac* i<k 1 u r ^-a >K3P*7FABut~rdui<a tU 1 gtri to d.. general hoateworfe la a private rami l--. or .0 take care of cniidren and ao plain lewittg, (g willing and ouluaig. lllll EAST XX ?r.. SiiAR ill AV -A COMPETKN'T C\it7 young woiaau, lately landed, to da hooMwork In a 1 nail private tkmiiy; it wit tug and obltgiug. Rial tbirJ bell. A 0*T east urH~ir7?an aXkrioab ontLid D? i-?? genera; houiaworki ao ob)eetioa ta tbe a?u? try; bent oity reference. WEST ?tO sT.?A TOL'MO WOMAX To DO T *? 11 general bouaework lu a urivata taaily. Ad (hre?a. I'} 1 WMT 4 ?' T1 ?T.. FIRjT FLOOR, BACt room.?A retractable woman to do bouae wor* In a etntll lemlly; ta a good waanar anu troner and a goo<i oj* rool roter*nL-e. A*l\ WBsT writ ST. ?A* KNUUSH WOUAX to TaJ'i dog^.ieral hou>ew ir* In .1 gnol pr.vate laiailf, laaiirtt clu*^ wather and iruuer and plain e?o?: w,n Ing. 'leweity refereticai. Call >a the ttore lor oue d-tf AAA B a -T ?TU ST.. TOP FL00B. BACK. ?A 1 i rt yt un* itrl to 4o general aaatawarB IB a laali , Pnvati laoiu/ ; ?.oi eiur 1 uieraaaa.