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400 General fiooaewo. ??, w% WESTSJD ST?A YOtTNO WOMAN TO DOOEM eral Imueewi rk. P. st city reference ?17 4 Sl? A v.. NEAR 5-'I> -r. FIEsT FLOOR.?A r i "i respectable ?"uiau to do eu.-ral homework; la l Euod plain conk washer and Ironer. good reference from her last place ; uo oje>tion to go to the country. Tell tor two ilnvs. IUTH AV.. I.OKM'.K 38 TH ST.?A YOUNO ?JU?i gir. lately lamleu, to do homework ; U willing and obligi r?>?3 3D AV.? A RESPECTABLE Yol'NO OIRL TO ?)?>?> do general housework in a small private fain tly ; will in-' and obiisiuu ; <?>l city retercnce. AAE 1ST AV.. BETWEEN SITU AND 23TH 8TS., 1)11,) ^,0Ql llcor.? A ivsp i-oible woman to do eeu ? rai housework; baa a chi ?! tlirie years old and woul.l like lo taite it with lier. w. uld a i-hori. distance i'l ilie coun.ry ciij reference, i all hi aildreas for iwo days. lirt URKbNWlCH SI'.?A SICK. T!I)T ?JlRL TO !>?)<) do housework in a small, grown private fam ily ; U a plain couk and excellent washer and ironer; QM year'* reference. ran bo aeen at her prcaentem piover '? iron; y ml 3 o'clock. flQP 3D AV.. TOP FLOOR, KICK?A YOLNO l).'-) t'irl. latclv landed. to do general houaework; Is a goo.l w-taher and ironer. Q17 0 11 aV. BEnVKKN 4STH AND 471'H STS.-A Ol I respectable girl to do general houaework In a scmli pr.vate (ami v Call or addreM lor two days 1 iKJ. 20 AV - CORN KR 61ST ST? SECOND i , 1' )"r door ?A vounz girl lak-lv landed. In a small family. to do sjuucrui housework. SEK THE EVENING TKLEOOAM. NEW DEVELOPMENTS TO-DAY IN TilR BhECllER TRIAL. Ilousekeiepera, ?fcc. 00 PIK E ST. ?A WIDOW LAJDT AS HOUSEKEEPER 0?J or cook; uooU reference. A I WKSI MT1I ST.?A IIOPSEKERPF.R, or MANY rl years' experience in hotel*, desire* a position. Call for two duys. 11K SLEIISKRE ST., BASEMENT, FRONT.?A All/ young la ly. a stranger In ihe eity. desires a posllioua.i liousekeeiHir; widower * family preferred. 1 tt A w I *T 13D ST.?A MIOfl.KAOED LADY AS J vl'T housekeeper in a private uinily or hotel; COBpetent to take < itire charge ol usuau auJ servants, lest reieruace. Call tor three ila>s 1 if 7 Wr T 21-1 sT. (JMfKSK.N r EMPLOYEIt'S>.-A ] I U I couinrtcnt penon as buiiseKeeper In ? hotel in ibe ooontry. Call on or a4Sr''*<i M. 1 B., froia 1 until A, ?Jin c:n IV., lop FLO*Ut?A V()t'\.r WIDOW. I '' a ..til 2, nou-ekeeper loian eiderlv sentleuian ?r family of means. Miss BaRR. n.4 ?? K.vT '-'Cril ST., SECOND EI.OOn.-AV ( ? r') Aitierm in l ilv, >vith u dau/h er 1.1 year- ??( we. 10 t>i i' large ot an old eenu uiau's hoasi- coun ?ry pre.erreu. IIQII KLIZAlIY1H SI.?4N AMERICAN LADV AS worklu,: hoaMkeeper; cuy or country ; reter ftace. tip A ill' 4V., NEAR 6-iTH 81. THIRD FL<?OR. 1 ?")'r Irutit. >. housekeeper and seauistreas. by a jouipe'ent uie ic?:i ivoinau; will make Uerselt gen waliy u.setul; city reference. Call lor two day?. UJAMTED?BY A YOUN : ENGLISH WIDOW, A ! '? position at honsek. ??p;;r in a widower s fami'y: audera.unda u:l uranches thoroughly; in city or country. AUdresa Mis. WV.\ ?, Herald ofilce. Uf ANT KD?BY A UADY FULLY COMPETENT. A SIT- ! uattun as housekeeper in a hotel. Long lirancii pre ferred. Adaro-s. lor three davs, M. F., box l.u lieraid Uptown Branch otUcc. I,aunur?v9ra. 21 9 CLARK?'ON ST.. THIRD KLOOR.-A P.BSPECT ? aDle woman to LUe u \> tilling at her own iiouse; Sana;; can o- i:i t life beat si v ie. A Bast hjth sr.?\ rfspeciablk yoinq 01BL T to d? tin- .u-Mri mid uMist with the chamber worn; ba.i city r.iereLCe. WE4T 47 TU ST. BAKE* ENT.-AS FIRST CLAttt laandrc*<: l > her baeineei thorjus lilv ai aU it? Lira clips; beat cut rrtertuce iroin lust fiidcx "mil or*. lrom 1 1 to o'clock. 90 EAST 47- H T., HETWEES 2D AND 3D AVS?A *wO A fir -t cm iaai.areu: couu ry preferred; b eat tity reiereuce. WESl 13:11 S .-As THOROCQH COOK: IS AS t> excellent Iuuudrew?, city or country; beat city Mfereuee from laatdmpioyer. A(j ?t- r mtu si.- \ RE.-PECTA';t:: cirl as Tv l?un<lreMauJ ion* i?t iu chum' erwurk; well re eonimc tiled. Csa La -eea at present employar'i. 1(|1 BAKBoW ST.?A HESPiCTABLE WUHAN TO i 111 go out by the i>> to work; will to ai lauiidrew In a boarUuiu hull.--. to go ..owe at uwht. "I ( .Q WEST ISTH >T? R AR FIRST H >U F. ? A X < compe ? lit \oung woman aa nrTtcIa* laundru-j; gOUd cltV I'el.'rcN !?-. IIO W EST S.'L? .-T REaR? A ltESPl-CTABLK ilu co' worn mi wluhe* laJle>' andum leuien'a fln<- waalung at bar o?u (lou-A; belt city ret~rence NANCY i.LARK. lilt MAC D< >l'UAL ST., BETWEEN BL'BCKER XI"' ai.d may flr*t ciaas laun-lre'i xolicita wauilng auJ 1" to do ?i tier <>wti itou* ill el. thei returu- ; promptly, ?! ..ct-i pain* taken with gcuuc u>eu'a cio.het. 199 WhSTv'JTII sr.. IN Tli . BaSEMKNT.-A It - J ? ? ipectiMe woman t.. 20 out by the 'ay waabiog. Ironing or tioinecle ? iiti*; ti -?i City r?iereu< -. 19A WEST MTU 8T.?A R SPEC ABLE VOL'NO ? "r to :?<> out wa'Vng and bout eleaniw mini 1 a>'?tay till Saturday . tett-reace tr^in preaeut ?mp oyar. l'J I 5T'| A v. ? 1 FIR* T I'LA-S I At NllRI ;s IN A lOi pnvatr lanii y: can be well f' mioended irotu her preaeni eituauou. can be eeeu until aimed. 1 'jc west am ?T.. riB*T floor, back room. X? >? > a girt a- t'.rat c.a?j lauudre- in a privaic tam. r; good city raicaaca 1 'JO WES. 5 fH ST., RKTWEE X 6711 a.\i 7711 lOf ?*?>.. top woor ? A respectable *otnau io gn out waahln* by tbe day or w-, k or to ilo hoa??'i*' tning. 1 CQ WEsl U ;i SC.-TWO OIliLS IIJ TAKE IN i'JO ?aabinii at tbelr own home, or go out if tiie day 1 FA~7" S3D kT-^T VuUN i '.IHlTv~(.0<D iU" aun ri-?- i? wilting and ubliguig; wutild do np Kau-i wort: beat ra .vre cea. tuut f-A T IgTH sr.. BEAU Bi ILDI.V;-TWO v/U ruuntr gir'i; one at h.M I fiamdreM. th-other aa flrtt ciata ivouar; cltv or i ountry Doien f.or year*' re*?reuc? ir >m laat p.ace ? aiiior iwodaya. 91 H W. gT 1VTH ST.. IN BEAR ?A PROTESTANT ? X" womau, a flr?t < i.?n> wi?he? U> go out by tfceday; be*t r**reac^. Call or a?dre?a. 910 e as i nil r-T.s' roND fuk?b-% bespect ? 1" atae voung woman a< mui d-fm, witu beat eitr rtt?r, a, e : no objocn >n to?o to the eotsatry. 9| - EA-T 25TH ST. ? A RK C.CTaBLB YOCNO M I ? / I r.ij <;i worn i n w-un.;* to uke in a few famine*', l?li-|'' and "?ntl?ujfn'< wa-biaz i? * flrtt rlate <ra?:i?r, iroaJr. pt,ti?li r and kvir; hr?t tlaat drrinc grona l; gao i raitreace. Mra E. I llSOBRALv. ?H|I EA^ roTH ST._r WOLLirLIB8~ a" FEW t- TV i?ii?Ui?<' or if?tii ?-men ? wanhtag at tn* own houw; pi outi aUantiou d bent reieraocea, fluting aoiic If net, ad *)A Q w e.- r ?7iu si o.v flight up. koo* a.? A >vo?i DUO oat or takf in wa.n.i g ,,n i ron In? at ?1 c?r'lozan ?ill bouae ctaau by trie ?m> or ???tn: i> a flrtt ia*? <h rt Iroaer. 9JQ wg t .rtni sr.-AS fik^t cuss LALM. ai't V dre*?in a pri* . e tamiiy- bo abjecUoa te the Bonn try ; city r>f rence ?ic?) west dm sr. between broadwat _ and pt'i a "ispeetabie vomao w? .ta wathmc by tn? da' or ??k; ?ULac to <jat by vbe day . beat citr rslerenca 6Ti' A v.. FIR-T FI.OOR. UP HTAIKS. -A tho- i?#h color#<1 lauanei* to do 1r?t . raMiite*' waahing. can ou or addren Mra A. h. WttlUUT. 9c I "th av. near ?rn st-a hr r ? lass w' ?t lann ;r"?? in ? private famiu -. nndrr-tau'i tier buaiB- n tbor..B-'?i y . ifHbea ;o go in the co jntry for tne ? um uer, beitc.tjr reference ?J| C EA'T ru SI . OMR FLIGHT CP. BACK ? A ?>!?> vonng girl a< firw a i d ?? undt. ?tan ]? Bli kinda of flae watb.iiK. tuT.n* and fluting. EA.T tl U -T. BBTWRBN 1ST A NO 2l> O?'/ ?A re?p-ct?M? Protectant woinati to f> oat by the <iaT or *'? > ta wa?b an iron or do non*ecleaii lag. city reference. r?9d WEST imi tT. THIBU FLOOR. PACK D?<7 ro<jui ?A reanectali'e yjttn* wou<a . Uuo lf??* n? rb.ecuon to th? emmtry. i^e^t city rt ferencp. ?J??l FA* r MIH ?T? SECOND FI.OOR.-A KK OOl ipeet<bi? wotiun to w<rk oat by flie day to Wa-b, Irou ^r c. eaa liouie. _ U 1U S?ST.. NEAR I T AT.? A COMPETENT 0*X?7 Inundr "*? to w t out for two or tliree day* or oy tiie week or woaid da boaaRcleantng; goad ci'r r?:er jll i sru at., in rnK buttkb nt(?be.-a p.k tvt ?(>*'-t.l,l* T,,an* woman a* liondreM .-ind chain barm ilil. or WL^.d <fo wen. rai h' uaework In a a<uali pri T?tef miiT iiMimt nlirtaeH 260 426 WIS! 11, ?l ST ? A REdPfl-TABLB Hi L AS laurdre** or would ilo general boaeeworg; a:(bt yeari laMrettca iroui uer taat p.ace. cau ba eaen Car two Ja?a AAA WKBT tl?T ST.. pib8t FLOOR-A RB-PRCT TT'r able ?Mtm? * r. a- flrr. claw la?nJraa? ; no '>&? laruoni to a abort d.iuu ta ia the coantr r: beat city raf> 491) A./LA Eat Iff'I T. roP FLOOR. BACK.-A RE i IT mee'ar.ia widow woman ror i-ntleaien'a, la Mfau.ii.aa wiahjpg ln tue houae. an AV rilIRD ? L' '<?B, BACB KOOM-A BE ?pa?ta*le woman to g oat by tbe day waabing. traaiag or boawcleaniD^ >ood reference. ft = l We*T swril ?r.-A R-.SPECTABLB WOBAN TO *J*J? go oat waahiag, ir,mng anl wuB;d lak' ? taoiil/? waehmg at aer awn Bouta; aity refer fee tor two uajra ^1?J ?TH AV-A- Kl H*T CLA <1 LA IjNDRE.~S; I* Ulu willing to a??t?t With 'he cttatkberwura; wa.iug and ab'lging' too . reteraaea Lffj'T SO AV.-A RESPIXiABLE OIK ah HR81 DO I ciaw l.iundresa; aadareiand* an tubraueba*; Bo objeciiou to toe r.r . beet reiereuoe 7 OH *,lH *v BRA It M7B ST. ? A BRSPBCTASLS I a.U TuutH woman ae lauiidreaa or waureea la a pri. ?ate lauitfy. good a.ty raferanee V&Z JD AV? 8 VPRl-N ?7rif AND MTU BTS., IN i U'l tue ?tora.-A KanJreaa would tikea iamUy'i ?i?ktnc ar tbe watinag ot a ibw gaaueaeu, at Bar awa fceme Call or aidraaa . 'rVuW'H AT.. HBIWBEB MD A^D !$? BTA-A | lO reeaaa'atj.e wofBao wieliM gqiiUeroea ? of <?j?' Ut iratfeiad ?r ?< " eat i?? taa ittt. can .at lw? li/t SITUATIONS WiNTED-PENALES. Lauudr?Me?, &c> Q"l 7 1ST AV.. TOP FLOOR. FRONT.?A RKSPK.OT Ol 1 al.le woman to go out by the dav a* lauudrtss nail to du Iiouh cleaning. three years'reference. j U'?j| HTU AV.. CORNKU OK 80TII ST . SECOND I ( i)W ilo*r.?A respeeiaole young woman a* first cia-s laundress, no objection tu Uie country; aood city reter ?nce. 0-"'? iD AV?AS niOIODU UDROUHlt NO i ?'?) ubjecthin to the country: good city relerem?s. ' <)7A AV?A FIRST CLASS LA UN DRESS TO GO ; >' ( t out by the day washing anil ironing or house | cleaning; beat retereuce. ? I "1 laOADVAT, in Tin-: stork-two his IJ .i wO tern: one as first claws laundress; ttie other as rtrnt rlas* wal'reaa; none but a private family need apply; best city reierence. ! C'TUATION WA.VTF.n-BV A FIRST CLASS LAl'N O dress, or to do laundry work ami as-ln with cham ber work, either city or country; cltv reference, Ad | d ress La I' M> It ESS. Herald I'ptown Hruiich offlce. (Jl Pl-.RlOR LAUNDRKSS WISHES A SITUATION IN k!> a g< od tuiuilv. understands French tlutluK and puftlng; prefers nil tine clothes; can be well recom mended tor country or city. Addre?< L A I NDltE-H. 3jj We*t?kl at. Ail notes will be promptly attended to. \, &c, O CL AF.KSON FT. ? A RESPECTABLE MARRIED " lady as wet nurse, has baby tu show. Call lor two days. U WEST 38TH ST. il'KEbKNT h\lPLOYKR'S.)-A KK < specuble younz German girl, ,-ueatinff trench anil English, to go to l-.urope to take charge ot jrro? mg cull drenjjr wait on a lady. good reference, fall for two days. 00 WEST 44TII ST.?A YOIMJ WOMAN OF ?.?J respectability as nurse to a bulir or vuuug chil dren; best city reference. Cull for two days. Oil WEST !*TH ST.?A RE-PECT.ABLK OIRL AS 1N ?JU lant's nurse and to do plain sewing, or take care 01 you*g children and do chain, env rfc ; best reteretice. < I WKST !>TII ST.?AS NURSE BY A YOUNU *! T woman: tiniler<u?n'fs taking lull charge of an lu iant i\r Ti UUK children; no objection to the country or Ira veiling; reierence iroui last employer. Call or ad dress. I I EAST 3'JD sr.?A YOUNG GIRL AS NURSE XT ami to-do Plain sewing and chamberworlt; is w lilmg and obliging; good city reierence. Call lor two days. MA ISDVOKl) AV , BROOKLYN. K. D?* young, I I' Intelligent Danish woman, Protestant as nurse, in a first class private ia.uily, May 1. Address (presnt em ployers ) Qt) WESTUTH ST.?A YOCNO Wi*IAN ASNLHSK; O ? highest reierence; can be aecu at her present employer's. QH sT MARK'S PLACE (RING TllF. BELL).?A RE (/U respectable married woman (Proiestunt) as wet nurse; baby Ivlir weeks o:d; reference iroin a pbysi- I cian. (J7 MERCER ST., NEWARK, N. J.?A YOUNO WOMAN i who psaks French and German, as lady's maid j or child's nurse in a lamily going tu i.urope ; good reter- 1 ence. ]]?; wist ssd sr.?by an experienced i 1 ? middsc-aged persou, who thoroughly under stands the charge ot growing well lomed to travelling. nl ALLEN ST.?A YOUNG OIRL, 1? VICARS OP 'T see. io mind children and help to do general bouse work ; is very ii nJ ol children. Inquire tor two days at las: cmnloyer's. J. KNELL. WALWOiUH ST., BROOKLYN. NFAR MYR X-.'" tie av.. x^iDil sreet above Bedford av. ?A young girl as uurse chimherm ltd. has sood city reference and Is capable oi taking care ot a cbi.d from its birth 1 .>1 VEST J8TH sr.?A FKENCi NL'BSE WISHES I ? i the care ot a small child ami to do sewing. Call between 10 and 3 o'clock. iung tlrst bell. "lOO WK.-T 33D ST.?A BESPECTaBLF. YOUNO J-??.> imrrieal woman as wet nurse In a private fam ily. Call lor two days. \ 1 i)f\ WEST 19TH ST.. BETWEEN <CH AND 7TH 1??> avs.?A respectable girl ss nurse is a private family; kmJ and obliging to caildrcn; wants a home in ?:?? than rcages; cltv references 1 "if I WEvr ^ T11 ST.?AN IXPERIENCED LADY A?/U as iinrse or nurse toan Invalid; reierence ironi , ii llrst class physician an J it lady, tall on or address Nl'KSfc. 1.57 f.K."T Mt> ST" MR,T FLOOK, PRO XT KOOM. LJrt,il\L.T?VeD<our">> U ?t?wer: would so *n wli r - k ,i' "e cfBnirJp! ?!?<> a.- c li?mf.?Tinnid ^ ??y 17,S !r"Jv,>r,K ST- K,'"Vt 11?A <;kp. man woman 1 IK wot nur~<* ill a re?i.ectablt lumi y; r. 1.i-c- ? ?;/)() WW M>TM IT . KSAR 7TII AT?A K |T uT' ? nrf K"-1 >?" tlurse or l"uly\? loald: can do ?h?V ^ ' 'auuly w*win? iind needlework: .-an sow on be-1 i ? iVv r"T?* re n'' 'c" !u ,h<? o.umrj or i? travel. 9()fl ?>T ?i 7 ?l-4 kUnoTMU vni-va ?? ffiri ft* ttarm or chMiTihf1 ''inniii * i ?>i|]in ' , ssea^rr ')() 1 WK T 34I'll ST., NF.AR 7TH AV-4V VU M LTnr;rowX^hUdr:0Tcin Srt"/Xiritl,y conB,*T i?r iimwlt 90S ?k*t S2D ht.?a yucno vM>-Ric7v uiat r?l,,^'rMl1 ' hAtnberm ixi: willing V. trav.'li 910 ,,JTI' ?t._a scotch pn .test\st ? J'/ middle-aeed w,,man to -at.- care i,f an InvViiTi :c**f ,,Cf *?<>*?? doctor* and indies. Add re si NL'K.SK.' 9*>7 ''?1 ^1 ' THIRD I LOUR, HEAR-A r-.*" - hi^&Ithy in 1 rriPfl vroriiti u- u>t nnr.?? baby < wo Moiulm oi 1. fan from 9 A. M tu 1 I*. M ' '2'AQ '4Tn "T.-A COXFRTR.vt TO UNO birtU b?b> .rorn 9*49 KaST ;,3TH T.. THIRD ploor ? TVT<? pr ?U?r a* ebamberinaU or waltre*.: city or conntry ij. 934- -VT 2I* ST.-A RRUSP CrABLK~WTl SH ?v. fc.TfoV,hQrPrrd0.rr;h"n t"rm"ld; ^ ci^"?erH 9*-i I *" Sl^t st. ?A VODNG american nrpr adilreM. " ^ b.trdr^ng A\?/* r 234 222L2.1 stta ?r?mcta?lk v<>ro ??wrr, willing and ubt.inj; be*: cltv rtf-nore*. 230 g^y.wyw-AM p^tablk aSTro . mind chu Ircn unci do ''fairntHTWori ? _ object to a good home: city reteron? ' **** no ' 2f)0 JTrt'L <l??,L8lrA RK-PBCTABLK Toe .so ">?coua?r,;-b.rt C.t? 9119 WMT ?n st.?a nmuriit ?n. a? obj^t?oB7o^^ "o H10 H.VI m" sr~*: I X PhRlnS'C D ESQ. ?S3S?? 3H/I MlfSIf sr. Rljfo THIHD ? fT.f. _ I COM. * i?ei?nt tduiic wiinan a*ctiill?a nurw md'JJ. "w"? 'iir? r-?raV.ereBfle from h "r "a^lj^ U d# 324 KJr7 *""? " umoTAiu room ene* 0Br* *nJ "???>?irea?; beat elty refer trt 41 purairrtJipu>T?aML>.A ?> drew. tft? country tireierred. chiJ I Xl'iO 'WTfl sr. ?A T??CNll OIRL ITTfAR* 2* J.gwj"jg?,^gae.'M do 331 *A"oTTe^,d7e-\I.07oo.I?' iew.n* at d op-rate on \rhe#-r A *H mlcbiil 7 380 "T, ?R3EV Cm -A Or*. h.? <elf ^r-ft'nUV^ C*M | ,!'.AV r\ f'ANCT SluRR' -A PROTPSTA\T cojntrypreiirr^dn4 cn,i<lre" ??<? ">?ke ber*if'a???|; I 40!4 * "Sl '?T.? A TOl'SO OKRMaK as ^1.(j(! ^ ^ AV., IK SrOftE ?a ^E-fpKrtmi r rr??; k>nd? <>r<ewtn( by haad- countr* ir^??.i ? *" noBeble rertreacet ?referred; uo.uep 411 womL ?MPECTABLt ToCXfl ? ad .mlt)"1?. c?lfdr?7 "can h,LV7,",n'1 in-ant. 1. al.o a nice l.m i/wamw^ J i *" drTjT *? *" inv*'u #?"1 e,t? r?iarenee Ceil or*" 4.97 Wr.ST JifB sr.-* he^fkctabl^ GIRL a ?< r?| narw: oiirftbie of lufcin/ fntir# ch^w if witSi atiVil^c,iamr,*rworic ; moOorat? - V? * '(KVl noa*t, gjijf or cov;atry , b??t rtftrenco 407 wrsTiTT.f ST., kr7r-a b7~p^7b"i7k nurte a.u ebembermaU! 5 l,p,r. recti/ willing and < <-an be *een lor day! 429 .fcA,B-T? l4? "TrA. TiiC!.0 AMERICA ?? 01HL el y mrerence. #*r* ?to,l4r?l> do etiamberwork : 43 I- ** PWTABIK marrikju nurae. wiUl ? fr,?? brea#t ?f mUlc. ai w?i 44-n *1* 4?". J.8* 14K*? Rt.-a y >usa pre.sou '?d Q'fm" ,0 "* 489 ?/.!? ?.V> i~i* "DuLl AOKO am fcRK;ax ? ootid ft Mo aVJirtb .IS^^VL'V1" * ??r* of Hvrer. Can 10- t?0 dfy?-^ 'e'erenoe fjom nar ieM eui 512 ieV^B U "au^r^IS^r^" OKRMAK HOut ref.r-oe^ *4r or '? chlldioui ??? ?"? t ?"wVt ?,rri ^?'?"'?? ??e SITUATIONS WASTKD-FKMALES. Xnrxii ?fcc. rni |18T AV, BETWEEN 30TH AND3IST STS.-A ?)JI '(mart, intelligent girl. a >hort time In the couii trv, hi nurse and seamstress. would tlo Buy kind ot litfut work. _ .. roi 3D AT. ?A YOUNO GIRL A& NCBSE; CAN VO .)#} 1 plain sewing or assiat in eliamberwrk if re quired : lour year*' city reference from last * an or address _____ eco ?TH A v.. NFAR urn RT.. SOUTH IMOI; tJt} ? lvn ?A coinpetcnt woman to take ?n**r? fJ1*1!* of an infant or invalid, to travel to hurope or Californiia. *a\en > ears' belt reference from her la*?t placa t an or addresa. - ?ta SD AV.. BHTWKEN 57TII AND MTH STS. ?)U- (ring iientlst's belli ?A respectable *? as nuine ; ia willing to assist with light chauiberwora. two years' city reference. Call tor two Myt /' 4.) sill A \ V II SPECTABLE PROTESTANT t )-4" ?. girl to tiike esrc of children, and to 1}P .11 chatnberwork and sewing; good reference. t-aii address. 7(\ | 3D AV . SI.All 411 II M.-A YOUNG i <14 as nurse and seamstress; , /^ i ' A Wilson's maehine. Is capable ot i cue hHnidreB; required; would prefer the care ot grown ciniureu, would go to the. country; city references- . m i. * ? hI> aV CORNER (5TH ST.?A RESPKOfAjJ^J i 2i") young girl to lake care ot children and housework or chsmberwork in a sma" P e no objection to go lnjhe^ country: city relereuce. ? Oil iTH AV (KIRBT BELL).?A LUIIILY RE* 782 speetaiile girl to "k? tare ?' and to assist with cliamliorwork. or waiting. first class reference from last placc. ... >kii im a v SECOND FLOOR.?A i^ I American ir'r 1 as nur?e in a private family and to assist in chamber work ; no objection to the country. -i {\JO 6T!I \v.-a youno girl. iiykaiwWjB. 1 () 1?? to take care of a baby or attend to suiall chil dren; Is Te?r kind and attentiro to onildren; smart, tidy and obliging ? . PKOTEhlAST WOMAN. IXFIMMOIO J* A nnrsing. would take the enttre care ot an invalid iiuly no objection to the country; best reference. At 'i ress lor three .lays Mrs. 9.. ladies' nurse, station h. Post otticc. New Turk. _ a BBSPECfABLK YOUNO GIRL TO TAKE C1HK A it chlutreit and do sewing; citv reference from last place Add re ? M L. box 16# HeruU Uptown Kranch oflloe. _? VI7" ANT I D?BY AN BXPERIKNCKD VBtlTKSTANT \\ worn an,-a situation as infant's nnr;-e :_b;?tjreler ence: can lake the enure charge. Can l>e seen at corner of 50th st. and Broadway, in tsncy store. Waitressi's, Ae "I wi ?r UTH ST.-A RESPFCTABLE YOUNO OIRL I .as wnitresa and chambermaid In a ^"cidl is willing and obliging; has good city reterence. for two days. FA>T 52D ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS FIRBT 29 class waitress in a private family; best city reter ence. (.'all for two days. ___ WB T 3STH sr.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO vi i Swiss girl to travel with a lamily u>J^nropN eliher to t ikr care of young children or to wait on a lady; beat citv reference, full lor two days. r>4 WK.-TT 45TH ST. ?A LADY. GIVING UP HOUSK m mm w k<*epintf, wiahoa h situation for bar waxtresa, best reference. Call or ad Iress. 127 "ICC WKST aST SI'-a YOUNG MM.. AS. WW 100 class waitress, or would work or washing best reference ; citv or country; t?f?1 ~EA9T :9TH ST-a rkspbctablk touso I >>\ r.n t8 waitre-s in ? private tamiU ; will I bj^tf usefnl and agreeabi.; three years' reference trnra last place. i 17^.> W'TsT 471U st. BETWKRN BROADWAY i llOj andHthav.-As first class waitress in a private | family thoroughly understands tier work; with a' tiinnlv in the country for the summer months, , excellent citv reference. j i !?'VST 24TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR. BACK i room.?A resnecuble yonng woman a? first class waitress; no objection to do chamberwora.; hasexcellent city reference. o-o WEST 16TU ST.-AS CHAMBERMAID AND wa tress; goo J citv reference. Gallon or ad dress L._M. A , ,, 4TII AV.. CORNER 30TH ST. (B1NO JHR 44'? hell'.?A voung plrlas waitress, or woold ?o chmuberwarx and -?ewinK; can operate on Willeox ? (.lubi ir* rhine; <ltv or country ; two years and a half reference from last place. rrn/1 3D AV.. NBAS 49TH ST.. IN THE STATION ( ) erv store.?A r spcctable girl as first cla?s wait ress : l>eat citv reference. -1 s-1 " 3D AV. OVKR TIIE SHOE STORE.-A RE. 1 .?)!?) spectnble voung girl as waltreaj or to mind children; good city reference. ^liftllaneoui. "I i rsTVBRSlTV PLACR.?A LADY AND DACQTT^R J f wish to ?ak>> cure of a honsu anting the sommer or longer; references Address J. A. r. tTT wkst aoTf st.-a gekman pbrson as 1 .1 lady's maid and seamstress good references. Can he seen for two davs at pre e nt emptor era. . M M a* COBNRR BROApWAV. HOF. STOBJt ? ?t-?) * resneetthle <.ermsn ?rirl as lady s maid and re rim stress and hairdressor; exerllent for cUi.dren; best . reierence*. ??? -ii?"? V? T "1ST S'i - V PARTY OOINO ABROAD, H Lalofon^ ?Vetr.er7^afefIi bvn .ddnaSing ''sLaSTch '?." ?Ct 'the^residence of h^r'im: ployer ^?? inrl FMZABKT1I ST., TOP FLOOR. FRONT.?AN American wilow wants work to olean offlsesor stairs in the inorniui; 4>r evening. . 0~4 1 EA T 42D ST., SECOv D FLOOR. FRONT?AN -^1 nrTic.ia vrcnan to go out by the day to do iujuaei'leanl'ig Ui the rerv bast ?rl?t ^?t reference. Imiuire for one week. 259 machine* 'K-aks some English; best reference. Ad drew F. VOSa ? OO 4 LKXIVGTON AV ?A SITUATION FOB TWO 2 r g o 1 girls Can he seen for a few days at their present place. OH " I 1 X'VGTON VV . CtlRN'ER S9TH ST.?A RE .^?^0 ?r>'ctable woman to take eire of a JfjT*'5 bouse, will privl'ege of taking a Ifir |?? ,ve",";n*en,d ladles' washing, or to go out by the day . cn> OOQ IAI WTII sr HKTW KV l*T Ago .l?io on" flight ot stairs up. back.?A reroecUble wo ? an io go ont to work by the da?. Address. 348 t vm 1TTH ST.?A MOST COMPETENT PE? son aa l*oy*s maid; very best city refsrenca. O 4 O WEST HOT t^T.-A COM P STB NT PBBSOS AS O t V) maid and seain?tress; would assist with house bo!! duties. can be well recommended by former cm p io y e r*. _____ i ?) -O WEST BD ST.-A FPKSCH PEBSOIf JL? ladv's trald; Is a g< od dressmaker and h?lr- ; dreser- no obieeuon to^raeet; fon? cl y referents^ | - i WS T StD ST.. BETWEEN ?TH AND ?TM 0,')-+ iits . third floor.?A married woman willing to d? anything w iere sne will have a home lor herselt and child; citv or country wages no ohlect 1ST AV. BETWEEN ?a ? AND 6SD STS. 1.1-tO first floor front room ? A voong. married. In du-trious woman wmi'd go oot to work at boiweclemnlpg or to do washltw and ironing by the day. Call for Mrs. O'C. I A BaSMRI* WOMAN UK-IK S TO TaKK CHARGE of a iiMi?m?n' . re?erri?ce fbrn *he I Aadreai, lor three dav? i KNrfM .N f, tiox W Ha raid oftlca. A YOCNO 0;- KM A"' LADY W<?CI I.IKE A blTC | J\ au>>n M companion :?> r ladr. or ?wnnriipttUi voting cltildn n. d??i not obien Jo go nouth or weal; baal refer"iicea Addr ?? H J.. H<rald ofllo ATI.UNO LADY OF GOOD ADDRRSi a.VD LIBR. r?l nantloi, daalrea * eitoation aa travelling com- | pitnl'.u of > sue I? ly tnt?u<Jini to vlait i uropa qnrlnc tbe | rraetit ? eir. Addre??. atnting Urate, u C., to* 739 PiMl offlce. UoifW*. Ma-? k SITUATION WAN i RD BY A CAPARLC, PKRgO.V to travel aa Iady'? mtld arid t> ta*r care of r?un| children: ta * sr od h.urdroxeer ?pi *k? trench: four year* ritv ret renc ? f-nm employer Aildreu M L.. Herald Uptown BrucltoAcc rPO TBAV kit ? *V* K A V II V WAKTt.MO A TRUft 1 wortliv. reliable person mat t or t^> wait on an ia ?alH; or won' t ail miv oth?' r*?p?,n>:t> ? place; ran i wri'e nn eiceiie ii ba>-!; ntua year*' reernca from tha tamilr ?he laattll with. Addria. tortwodaya, K. C. M? Herald Uptown Bran -h ofI*,?a. Wantkd-rt a vor.sii ladt. wbTTbam traY ? T ailed abroad, ? attaatiofl a* companion to any ladr ?boat to trave.; t.e t r.fireneea; eaty urma Addraaa BUKoPh, .lerald olflca. , TIT AJCTED?A SITUATION AS COMPANION Tf> A v? Udr (totrjvel prtferrad t v a young lady of retina mant; a good rrader ao 1 amiable dlapoaitlon. Adilreaa prrarnt employer. Mr?. K. w. C., box 7T7 Xaw Yor* Port office who can unhaaitatlngly recommend bar. Int*Hlc?nr* Offirn. truMiUFi. hot r.s ne^taubvst*, cosfkc I itinera *nd oakara prmmt r auppilad wl'.b afflciaat French coom aaalatarit coulsa ind paa.rv ba' tra confe tiu!!er< au i flakier" for city and can n try. CKItOLB DfcM CMKPB Or Cl IHI VK KrtA -C \l -, MU ?ih a*. GfcKMAN A SD I WOUHH -ERYa.STt, UAPABLB an.) traatworthy. touni t< n-t.wit f on hand at Mrai hOLZ^TKIM'S, 247 it near ?Hb (t HiUt'K4?io V Vb^I'l l ATMMa W A.AT1CLJ? glWALll. 01 i) I A*T 17TH ?T -A fouSo I.*DT, OAPaB^B ?dl id of teaehinit khsihd. rench and tha luditnan'i or mo?tc. la -laatruu ? or maatns an a:.gaaemaat aa r.>T. riien lor tne ?am>aar moutbt. Addrex Miaa u. It > KXPEBIitNCKTr ANU TALl'.BTAD OKRMaK ^ V iady wt<tie< a agnation a< dally croTarn**a or to glra private ieaaoa* in muaic, vranch, uermau aad hug.iah. ^dJraaa rir, Y *kf.Q MtB. IJ 7tb at. W'AXt' D?(IT A Xh * KS iI.ANT) WOBAJf, AM Or '? porinnit? to go abroad aa tnaliah teacher in a Amur or ooiup^a on t" au iuvalid; good r?t*rtnoa. Ad ureu M. r.. B.. ?4 Wast S4M au HELP WANTRD-rKHALKl. At li LBZiNofbir >v., - ortsHR "jiiB "rr. Wantiid. a rrencii Hwim Pr0:a?t?0t norws girl: a ao two Ama-iaan or F.agd'ii nrid^r S. ot.a lor diotog r of a. ona for iaun4tf; ?taiployaiaat >:aady. wagaa Ubaral. A PR' TKSTa W r C<>OJt. AMD A (IIMj ahuu II A for cbamparworK and pla.n aawlug, to aa in tha caantrr. Apply at *13 Waal 3tat ab A OKBXAS OIHL WAVTAD-A* CBAMBcKMAlD. ft. In a private laruijy; man t?a a Brat ataaa waa&ar aad irr.nar. ^jkaat?lat>t _ . #0000 nBbasMAtr.! WAitTK/i-otri IIKI.P WANTED?FEMALES. _ 4 FIRST CLA?S TRIMMER ON DRESSES AND A finisher; good salary to a competent person or an intere.t; also young Utiles to learn; good sswers paid. I West l?tb St. k WOMAN WANTED IN AN OYSTER AND CHOP h?use to wash dish*?and to make lierselt eenerally u.eful. Apply t*-lwe?>u 9 end 10 A. M., 2"o Eighth av. ^ A SMART YOUNu WOMAN WANTED?TO DO A ehamberwork and waiting at 35 Clinton place, Mil St. ('All ?rou> 111 lo 11 A. M. _____ /TOOK WANTED-A PROTEST A NT WOMAN. WITH \J ^i>oJ city references; also a laundress. Apply At 46 Weil 3rd st. __ Dressmakers wanted, only first class need Apply. Mrs. a. GUE>T, 10 East Fifteenth St., near Titlany's. IflXPBRIENCED OPERATOR*ON' WILLCOX A OIRBS' 'J /tew in if machines. to hem silli Bearls only com petent hands need apply to SIMMON.? A FISllfcR, 37 lloward ?t. /^IRLS WANTED? IMMEDIATELY; BIO HIST vX wages given ; uo?><l situations ready; oomu and see; at ODe.LL'S, ll<9 West 34th st CI OOD DRESSMAKKKS WANTED?AT 101 WB8T4I8T J st, corner of 6th av. H. CORRIr..^ Good dressmakers Wanted?at 231 west 430 st. Call all week. /"1ENKRAL UOUSh WORK.?WaNTED-A com "T it tent girl who can do tno work of a tanuly: wskcs no object; references required: uoue other need apply. 147 r.a?t 15th st. WANTED-A 11L>Y YOUNG GIBL TO MIND A BABY W an t make herselt useful; wages Jii. -'67 fcast 77th St., near 2a a v. AATANTK D?A COOK. APPLY BETWEEN THE *' hours of 1U and 1/ at 17 West 9tb st, between 6th aiul 4th a vs. [ WANTED?A FRENCH OR GERMAN NURSE ANE? ?? seain.-'tres'i; jtoiiil city relerence required. Apply* from 10 till 1 ut 41 Park av.. near JUth st. TATANTED-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUM5W0BSC m in a rinall private family; one who underitau is cooking. Apply ai 147 asi4Jtlist. Wanted?a young girl as child's duriost the ituv. to sleep at home. Apply at 69 dougal St.. Irom II to S. _ WANTED?A COMPETENT UUKDBRiS, TO AS ?? sist with cliauiberwork ; good reference reqf.lred. , Inquire, from 111 to 12 o'clock, at 27 West J2d st. WANTED-A COOK. APPLY BETWEEN THE W hours of 10 and 12 at 17 West 9th st, betwc en 6th and 6th avs. Wl AN I'l'.lJ?A WOMAN COOK, AT M*CLU1EE?S ?' restaurant, 2,397 :<d av. lirANTED?A TIDY YOUNO GIRL. IN A SMALL 1> fauulr. to wash, iron and do plain cook lutf. City reference required. Apply at No. 156 West 45th st.. basement door. WANTED?A good GERMAN cook and TO AS VT si-t in wuslilutc and ironing in a small 1 amlly. Ap ply at No. 117 West 48th st WANTED-A good COOK, WA-UIER A. ?'D IRONER t | one who is thorouglily competent. Call at 143 Wil son st, Williamsburg, L WANTED?two GIRLS; ONU TO < ;oOK. WASH andiron; another to am?iat and do> thamb;rwork. Apply, with references. at 314 We.st5dib ? l., near 8t.ii ?v. WASTRD-AT 107 EAST 21ST ST? Jl.X AMERICAN, ' > English or German girl as chainl* jroaald and wait rem. "WANTED-A COMPETENT NUB^E TO TAKE ?? charge of twin babies; excellent citv reference required. Call betweeu 9 A. M. aud > I M., at No. 8 West 3fith at \KTANTED?A G1KL for HOUSE WORK IN A I'RI ?T rute family; must u?a kojU plain cook, wasner | and Irouer. Apply at 320 .Madison i t, noar Gouverneur. II'ANTEI)?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL AS vt plain cook and good washer undironer. 3d West 15th st. WANTED?A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS COOK; j ?? rumt be a good baker and willing to 1:0 into the country lor tbe summer months; t lone out those with the ticst city reference* need auply. Call at >0. 12 West 48th st, between 10 a. M. and li M. vi 1 Thursday. 1 WANTED?SKVERAL ORE iSMAKKRS. 150 EAST Mtb st Ring second bell. I WANTED-A LAUNDRY WOMAN. COLORED. 1M. ?' mediately, at Libby B> otol. corner 27ib st aud 4th av. WANTED-ACOODOOOK, WASHER AND IRONER; ?* a..10 a chambermaid. J .pply at 819 West 67th st for two day*. WANTED?A OOOD, ST! IONG. WILLING GIRL TO 1 ?> do general housework tor a family ot three, living ou a flat In West ^>st st Apply at 66 Wesi I8U1 st. in milk oillce. trom 10 to 2. i IffAHUoA NURSE FO H TWO OBILOBKNs must tt be %vltling to wear cu pa an I have uood relereuce. Call immediately at >45 Eai ,1 39t:> st. WANTED-AN RZCELUENT COOK; MUST BE A i ?? goo<l bread baker an: . Irouer: rmut have, city ref erence; wages til Call, 1 letore 12 o'clock, at 119 West 17th st YV'ANTKIJ-TWO ."WK Dldli OK UEEMaM UIKLS: ? ' noe aatook and wait? re?e. the other us chambermaid and waureus Call lrum 10 to 12 A. iJ., at Nu. attest Slater. WASTED?A. VI BV (JOOU COOK; FIRST TLASS v? city referen #* rcq aired. Apply at liasumei I Uoor only. from 1U to 12 o'clot k, of So. Zt4 MnJim.u a v. WANTED?A FIRST CLASS LiCKDR(S& CALL AT ft If West 17th at. T hi iraduy, before 12, with refarence. ?\rANThl)-IMI'ROVI IR3 IN DKl-.o.HilAKINCi. AD IT tireia S27 ??>i h at. WASTED-'TWO PK UTMTANT OIRLS: OKU TOR T? cooking. wuablni *u 1 ironing; the other a* chain btrinaiu and waitreM. Apply at 2V West 4Sth it. "IIrASTED?A KUBiSE. WHO CAN COME WFILL ? ? recommended. u t take ruarae of a child 17 months old; moat uud<-r?iani plain eewiiu. Apply atil Wcat Mill at., frop 12 to a \I*AN TED?A OKI ? M \N GIRL, FOR O VNEBAL fV nouaework; got id laundreu: city reference. 136 West 64 th at. WANTED-rOOK. WA&UEB AND IRONKR, ALSO >T ctminbermai.1 ?t i.l waitren Apply at 4U East BOth at. WANTED?A OIK U FuK OK.NEBAL HOCSEWORK. for a ?mali or irate family inuat be a good plain rook, wH .tit-r and il \iuer aud have city reference Ap ply at lid) Eaat iitb I it, after i0 o'clock. WANTED?A OF/ .IMAV WOMAN, TO cook, WASH and iron. 1i?i uire At ilH Went aoth at WANTED A LT ttlk OIKL TO MIND CHILDREN f r and to tuako heraelt uielul round the house, at 243 Third ar. a?QQ WEST 4 >1 H ST.?WANTED, A UIBL TO DO OOO general t? >usework. a IT VATIC >*S AV.WTK II? ilALES A~fir*T cla? :H ENGLISH WAITER WANTS A aituMion in u p'irate famllv or boarding home: ?cod reierences. call or addree* all the week J. E.,16 Flrat place, Hrook iru. \OENTLEMA. If ABOUT LB A VINO for EUROPE wiahes to pfpenn a atiiintion fur bi< waiter ? i-rencM; An rt: oiumeud him bi.Ulv. Apply to JBttE 111 Ail CCitila it 40.se1, 216 Fulton at. __ a YOL'XG E3 OLISHMAN WISHES A ^ITtTATION J\ ?a waiter in u orivate family; knows hit bualnesi; (rood city re feres :<? Add rate ufcOKOE. box 174 Herald Uptown Branch olUce. Another * #ocld like 10 oet a i-ituation for her eone ; ia quick and active In liia movement* and itiietly boi* -ei;uged 14. Aadreis HAttKY, fl hait 2Sch at _ A "colored" man cook can it, fnoaoed fob the aarnmw >in hotel or boaruii.g h u*e: flr*t claai reference.* Cal. on or addrota CooE, for one week, IM We?t at. An HONv.oT, iNucsrHioi's youno max, who is willing anr i not airnl i of hard work. *aur* a (its ation in any c.-t pacitv, at a verv m^tciate >alary; un derarandi the i e.? an I grocery hua^nea* taoroazhljr; haa reference aeei irltr it i>-i]uired. Addrea* >. f. F., bo* 1st Herald I of / wn itranc.i office. TOCNO MaI (W WANTS A SirliAflON IK A priTite i' iml y or doctor'*; capable of takttu core of horaea. w' Jim? and oMigln* -. kn?wi tiie city; refer ence. Addrn m WILlI.vo aaO aSLE, nera'd Uptown branch office A b WAITI ?-Br A colorbd MAN OF KXPKBt J\ ence it .aprivat* tamliy or oth'-rwite, either is fia city or irooitlrn: Qrst ciaji refereuoea AddraaiJ. . bol 1M lerald "fflce _ __ _ _ _ Avouv o Man. aukd to. dksibes a position in *u office, iuiportin? or wnoicaiie houae; can wrne u: > orde a ininute in anoritoand : aaiary amaii oh j<-ct; gw?J reterence. Addreae JOHN, Herald Brooklyn Krancti ol Ice it Krt 'IsCfABLB tOCTNO MaK. AO ED 18, Di ll ret n situation aa waiter in a reataarant or hoard ing liou* i or to inaae bitn<?ir uim'ui in a private family : ifood refn re nee : no injection to the o?uutry. vddreta J. v., bii*_l 17 Herald offite. A TO CNO MAM. FRHNCH. DESlRRS A SITUATION at a aiter in a private faiailv underaiauda hit bui ineaa ti.< i.-ougiily ; beat cl y reiaraaoeA Call at 1&J We?t ?2d it A681 iTANT BCTLIB AMD footman. WITH BSST r< lerence*. between 20 and 25, Englishmen. Apply at .4 d . ,'oadway. rooin It. from II to 1 o clock. A( Ol.oBBD MAN OoOK W.Jfi-! A >"ITt7ATIOS 1 i get ulunch it! one of the downtown liouiee; oau ,ive the beat reference. Audreaa N. a. M., m Tnon, t>aon at. At tuat CLASS r*4sou Waiter wash a sirtA Aon in a private lamily; olty or counirf t Cret ?l?te rero enoe from laat employer, call on or addrete M. a., ISS;. feat l?'h_?t;__ SI fL'ATION WASHED? BY A BOT, AOED 10. IJf THE office of auy whoieial* bualneaa; u a good penman atii'i haa *jou reoom ueadatlos*. Addreaa F. w.. U4 We it 80th at U ITCaTIOK 0.< OESTi.FMaN'S TACHT FOB TftK C aumtner. by * young XBfllMMMR now liWilkr aa but If f io ? private lainl.y; threo veera re'erer.oe. AUdreae A IriBCRV, Uera.d UHWa Uranoh office. k 1ITUATION WaMTED?SY A PI MST i'LA9 FRENCH. ? 2 . wiai. aa waiter in a pnrata fa i.i y ill city or eoun* t ff eapuble In everv reaeeat; peatoity re/ereoae?. *d. I ireae for two day* K U.. Hermd iptowu BF^aoii oBJOa. Sitcaiion Wanted?as fib-t o:.ass waiter lu a private fatally uy ? Freuenmas: li competent ? nd ateailv; reierenuea. AdUfvia GAMiLL*. boK 111 ileraid I'pto > u ?r;uicn o Tloa. SI I CATION WANTED?SY AM EXOLI-H PKOTBI. ant ai bolter to a laaihy travaUiug lor Hie luwoieri a?eU rouauik Ufa; i-??t reii-reii4t. Addrea. UAHPnH, Hera d tp:owa Miaaaa fflloa. UltVAltOH WAHTBD-nY A St'W.IIIOn ENOLIxll r* oatiar ii a good prlvatf faffili/i fceit London add jt.v'**?? NII'PAWW WASTE D?MALES. CITI'A'riuV WANTED?K V A CODE (GKRIIAN); v7 und? csrviag no obieeuon to the catiutry. Call at<$<i tlreenw tii t., corner Watts. tlTANI KI?~4 SITUAIIT. BV A Vol Mi IKKNIH ?' mi 11 u* waiter m n private American family; fity ?reouui;.v; goo.: reference. Ceil :or twod*y* ou ix j.. No. J^U Crosby su XT* Atfj'f'D.?A KAKMM: (AMERICAN MAKRIRD). '? wisrie. to two the entire charge of a tnrut or oversee a gentleman'* place; ut.derntaiiU* all kinds ot lartcuig iirnl laklt.x ear* m stock and miU : Wiling an t obliging best references. < all lor tv/o itays atSI Lex ington a r. ur address faBMEB, bon 1U> Kaiouuli, West chester rouuty, N. V. U'A.NI'ED-a SITUATION AS WAITER IN * l'KI ?? vi .te family bv :i competent unm who tan be highly rtiromi uended. Aildrtti I.. U. Herald oltlce. WA <TM>?BY A BOY, 16 YEARS OK AG(?. A SITI'A tion in aoiue good business: best references iroin Dree* u I employer. Address If'., euro O. IS. Harding, U uroud'war. ^Ar aitkr.?AN englishman, Jl'sr ARRIVI J>. ?? wauls a Hitualion iu ;i private family: best ref< r ene*. Address J. 11., pox 190 Herald Uptown Branch tMb't, W'ANTED?SITUATIONS, BY ilAN ani) WIFE, AS waiter anil cook ; man in a first class w aiter ami thoroughly domesticated: wife 19 a first clam cook, good at baaing pastries uim making soups, nnd will study nconomy in private family; Protestants; NUKDCtt lAru class. Address ADVERTISERS, 533 3d av., between ?.">i?i and S6th ttl WANTED?BY A strictly TEMPERATE MA RRIE 1> man. a hasiuess wa?on to drive, or in any posi tion where he can make himself useful; long expe rictice in handling horses. Call or aJdrens D. r. MEAGHER, 619 2d av. WANTlsD-A SITUATION AH NUR-E OR ATTEND anr toati invalid by n thoroughly competent male nurse: best medical anil citv reference. Address G. B. E., 3U8 East 3uh st. "VArANTED?A WAITER; ONK WHO CAN WRITK AND Vl la steady and willing to work. Wall House, 4tu ?nd South ath sis., Brooklyn, E. D. WANTKIi?BY A.N englishman, A SITUATION as waiter in a private family; excel'??!?t city reler enoeb. Address W.. care u. W. 0. Word, 93Utith av. WANTKD-BY A SOBER YOUNG MAN. A 8ITUA *? tion us watchman or porter; best reference. Call on or address W. HAWTHORNE, 258 Weal 31st si., in the tailor store. ,0TH AV ? BETWEEN 30TH ANI> SI ST ST8.-A O" li stout boy. aged 1C vears. who is willing to work, or would goon errands; good city reference, CLEKKS A.VU NAI.ESMKV. Accounts in nine languages-arrears written up; bonks opened etuiuiucd, kept or nal anced; iuartue translations. JAMES COX, M New su A TO UNO MAN. WITH 17 YEARS' EXPERIENCE in the retail grocery business in Ibe city, wishes a siluation in a first class whoiesulo or retail house: best reference given. Address J. M., box 110 Herald ofHce._ \ YOUNG MAN. residing WITH HIS PARENTS, ^V. hss (rood reference, would like to get a situation in a business house; smart with figures; not ulraui o> work. U. WAITS, 3i4 2d uv.^ A VOL NO MAN, AGED 17. DESIRES A SITUATION in an oltlce or >s'liolosale houae. Address J. J. Campbell. 2m west icth st. A?8TEBN BROS. WANT A THOROUGHLY COM ? potent muu as floorwalker; to otie having the be*t city reference and ahllitv we offer a good situation. No other need apply, between lu and 12 A M., at No. 367 #ili av * N EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WOULD LIKE TO J\ get a line of Jewelry to .>?U on commission ; would p?r his tiwti tnvelllUK expenses, or would purchase a small stock at a liar^aiu. Address TRAVELLER, Uerald Uptown Branch office. ORE THE EVENING TELEGRAM. O NEW DEV LOPMliNTS TO-DAY IM THE BKKU ,KR TRIau SITUATION WANTED-BV A YOUNG man, 2i YEARS of age, as salesman m a boot and shoe store. Ad dres. I,. J. S., Herald Uptown Branch ofllce. Salesmen fob .-uits and shawls; also a young man as bookkeeper for the manufacturing de partment KlJDGKRS .1- ORll. liitiiiuav. Wanted?a compeie^t drug clerb, who cau loan employer from $4oj to $1 OX); secu rity given and steady employment. Inquire at drug store 466 Caoal ?f. W~ANTED?A YOUNG M \N AS GENERAL SALES ?? man in a retail ary goods store tone accinaiuled with hosiery; waies $12 per week. Address, staling reference, W. W. W., station C. 117-ANTED IMMEDIATELY?FIR-T CLASS ENTRY YV clerk. Address h. W. * cO.. 393 Broadway. WANTED?BV A MARRIED man. SS YEARS OK a;e. a position as bookkeeper. ns>lsiant or auneral Cierk. In uii.v kind ot business; quick and reliable: salary moderate. Address F, M. 11., box l'J7 lierald office. "tl.' A N I ED?AN ACTIVE Y< UNO MAN. COMPETENT ?? to net n? Kollriior lor a lithographic e?tablishmen Apply to II. \. 1 hOilA.i " CI I ., Ml Ul> ei'ti'i' tt.. .V Y ? \Y'A.NTKi)-A YOUNG MAN WHO IS A GOOD T? writer, quick and correct ut figures, and who li acquainted wuh the wtiole?uie hardware business: must have bent reiereucos. Address Y. A., box lid Herald effioe. WANTED?THREE SMART n a I. K MEN FOR DRESS li cools, domestic and gentleman's furnishing de partments; also a *inart. boy. H. H. uthM.iX, 118 Newark av., Jersey City. COAC MME.V A.YD (J A ltllK.VKRS. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A MARRIED MAN. AS ;i plain gardener; can milk and take t>re ol n horse il required . is strictly sober and obliging. Address M. C., box 11> ? Herald office. A>ij>Duua>o married gkrman. without children. Wan U a >iuiatioii . un ierxtAud.'gardening ot flowers and vegetables, also the caro ot horses and com. Address I-., .viV tiruomc it. A COACHMAN ASD OKOOM'S SITUATION ?wanted?six years' first clnss city retcience from Inst employer, wiw csn t e seen iu tiw city; age .10 yt art. Address J. 11.. box 173 Herald Cptown Branch oiBcd. A GENTLEMAN WANTS TO Pl.OCUBI A HlTUA turn for liis coachman whom he run thoroughly recommend. Cull on or nddreas tor two day* tl. L., nar lien siorc, 64i tith av. " A YOt'JiU MAS AND WiTk~~w7aNT SITU* HONS.? . V Mao as plant gardener, drtver and groom; can milk mow. Ac.; wlie a vary go .<1 cook and laundress: moderate wages. Address WILLIAM. box 141 Herald office A FIRST CLASS, RELIABLE COLORED COACHMAN VMM a situation?thoroughly understands hl? business and can give excellent city reiereuco. Call at or addrem OB We it 4/th ?t- _ A situation >S COACHMAN ANO GROOM, BY A voung mirried man: thoroughly understands his ; urn Itall reference*. Ca I . n T. at prasaut employer's. 1^3 West SStu hu. until May 1. A SINGLE MAN NOT AFRAID OF WORE?WANTS a *i aitioii as, gaidenei, Ac.: la capable and williug. Address V.. box 3b Herald ottce. Aoekuan makrikd man. without family, wania a situation a? gardener ; is a practical man In every respect anj can tato charge ot ? puce. Adores* UEOKUt. b?i 1*3 i. era Id office. __ Aoknti.kman wishes a situation for his coacbuiau: can strouglr recommend biiu lor bon* any. sobriety aud capability. Auil.ew A. A. to West lOin it. LA i>X~\\IaUES A SITUATlON KuR HE 11 5J?aC H man. who i: she can highly recommend in everv respect. >'all on or Mrs. G. C. 1.AJ1B. 147 Carroll st., outh Brooklyn Atoung man wishes a SITUATION as coach tnau and gardener; good reierouce irotu bis Jast piace. Addn-s?. lor two days, J. C., box lltt Herald Up town Brauoli oCice. A situation WANTED?tg COACHMAN. BY A il married man woo is perlectiy lamiliar wltu horses: three years' city reierouce. il. W. C., 144 Mli av,, iu . tu.lugs'. iOC.VO MA . WaNiS A sif OAi ION As COACH man Address C. H., box u* Herald office. A FlR.iT CLAS ? PROTESTANT FARMER and x\. gardener would take charge oi a gentleman's puce; ?<i years' ltrst Class testimonial*. >iduress Fa umEK, t ost office. Hustling. L. I. A MARRI D MAN WISHES A situation AS (uiacnman and groom ; thoroughly understauda tlie busin ?s; can mruisri first cla?a city reierences. call un ?<r ad ire?s i. K , tt Ferguson's boarding s.atdes. lUSauU 106 West i d st COACHMAN'S MltAIIO.S Wik'.\TED?BT A'SIN* gle your./ -nan who Las several /ears' tlrstciass city recotnuicn ta'ious lor capability, funesty ana so briety; win be lound icspecitul, willing atnl obliging; no oniejtion to the coiin.ry. cel. on or addieas J. Jr., Meet 2stu st. privato suible. ASll UAHoN WaNIED? BY A FIRST CLASS coachman; thorougaiv undarstunds bis ba<iness; six years' be?t citv leiurenco. Addreae a. H, care ut J. B. Brewster ACo.lM bast -Mb at. A scotchman (USMARRIED)*WANTS A SITCA tion as au tSDenanceu. eompetent coacnman. eltnsr In city or tiouutry ; alao la a g.>oJ veceiabie gar dener, and can ui.ic. bigbiy rscoaiMieuded. Address W., box ill tierjid oiUce. ARE.sPtCTAi'.Ln. COLORED MAN W1SIUS A sliUitinu as ooaobman; no obj^ctlao to me conn try: Can give the best Oily referenda. (Jail at or ad* dreg Ii* Wast 16ta St. a man, aobd aa. whhe~ a situation JY as flrtt class ooachnmO and plain gardener: city or ?ountry; ih? bast refeienoe. Address J. tt., b j Hi nefAid oCice. A COACHMAN'S SITUATION W vNIED-BY a KB J\ speetab.a yitt.ig man i lb .t uugbly ur.lei i.andt his buatB'-e*. willing an . o.niging; best oity reieretiee. c?U oo or audress M . Lilt SroAiway. naruees etoia. JS COACH Ma If aNU oitdoM?BY a'rkLUBLK yooug -oato.imsn married, no enemnbrance: beat reierence^cl:y_or couuir/. Aadn w_if , sd East .'M st. A mITCaTIOM Wt.NTED-.A4 FIRST CLAsfl COACH* man, tborwugliiv unjeretaad* nil l>o?!R?<4 In an lu biaSulies: best cit, reterense. Address F. iAti.UK, UO Weat ^Aih st. "a gkntlbman wi hms to tAovlt"** A Slit'A. n tio.i lor hu cuaciuuMii; is a steady, soeer aud Ut dustrinus tliorvuyhlr understand! tils hueiuesat live years' nest lefer.n.o. Address or noply to R. ?ENlojK, MMd Uroadwa). AUE.ML Ma.n UK-IKSS A SITUATION FOR HIS coauiiutaii. wbo has >e. ved hltn ?ritfi great U jolity. Veing sober, honest end pn.iectiy iritstworiby | reflriKi Fnin^Reiiogg^J and IM Broadway. A EAOY 1V1SHRS TO PftOC: RK A flTUAIIOK .1 -or her cosoiiujan whom she r'*o rsooiumen t a? l.?:Og a trus.wonhe dm goou drireri temperate and objlgiog. AddMs* J, T., tox l<2 lleraid ?. pt^wr. MfStiflO cifflce. __ __ AMTCATIOK WANTRD-At ( OACHMAf, SY A married mAn Oo.uredi, who Is stfiotiv empsrate ; wiiimg te perioral Isia uaW. kbiifing, tafdcliv t??. Aauisss W? MAie* uara d uranek fOAClIMBM AVD OABOKMKHI. ^ * 811 CATION WANT D?AS FIRST CLASS COACH* ?A man ; tliuiMaihly understand* his business In all Hi britri' iK x : be?t cuv referenc * from last employer. on or address K., Id l.a-tSlu ?t. \ SITUATION WANTED?AH COVCHMAN ANC -A gardener, by a single mmi; ciiii mllic. and tniM! himself useful: good reference irom nil employers. Ad ores* W. r.< West -f. /IOAPHMaN'S -I ri'ATION WASTI D-HV AN ENI?. V.. lull mm; thoroughly understand- the < are and man agement o horn>s; carelul dnvt-r; city references. Ad dress a. W Ut.NEK, ;'4I West JJJ -t. (H)ACHMAS AND GARDINER'S SITUATION \J iviiiiti-.i?Hv a single man; good plain gardener anil lirm?: can milk : will muse himself generally- useful; good reference. Address PUTT, P. 11., box 17-1 Herald ofll<:?. /^OACHMAN AM) GAKDKN EU'S SITUATION wanted?tlv a respectable man; temperate; can milk and make hltns.-li generally u-x-nil; best reference Adurc..s 1 :/ iJ:? rul 1 oitlce, lor two days. / lOACHM AN'S SITI' VTION' ?BV A RK8I* "y youug man: understands bis boslness; willing and obliging: no objection to the country; live years'city re.e re n e from last employer. Addreis II. L., lieiuil I'ptowu Uratio.i office. /COACHMAN'S HI II'ATION WANTED?BY A MA? V.' rid mmi; Protectant; eight years' best personal ior erancc. can >-u .-.-en at employer'.' private stable. Ij? Went 24iii t.t. tor one week. T. B. /COACHMAN <>;: COACHMAN AND 0HOOM?BT A \ J thoroughly competent y.nmx man; single; highest city re It re nee? Call on or addre<< .1. U-. 1-1 Wost Sbth at, /10ACHHAM AltO oil' OM?SITUATION VA1T80 by a respectable man; understands his business thoroughly; long experience; uejt city reference, tall on or addresa J. !>.. !.:It titli av. CIOAOBHAN AJTO u ARDfcNEH.?A SINGLE YOCNO J man want-, a situation ? chii inak - himself generally useltn on a gentleman'*) place; citv reference*. Addresa M.. box ill ncmld Urooalyn Branch office. /tOAOtf MAN'S SITUATION WANTE.)?BY A YoU.NQ \J man. thoroughly capable of I.Is business; will be higblv recounutndiHl In every respect Call uii or ad' dress .MM -.8 (pre?-cnt employer's), pr.vate staide No. i Kuril 51th "t. /1ARDSK1V8 SITUATION WANTED-BY A RH VT ipectabln Protectant middle aged man as practical pardener; understand* Hie care ol greenhouse and cr.ipi ry ; ia willing ami ooligin^; wauu a home wiih u'e lamily; >va;;cj no oblect; has lout lit* laudly lately; Is capable of tailing i are of any Keut'.emau'a plfiee; best of reierrnce. Audresa A. B., box 105 lieral# Ujitown Branch office. /^ARDF.NBB'8 SITDAilON W AMTKD?81 NO LB: UP V.T thoroughly competent in all dnpariments or the profession irom Ioiik practice; Is not alraid ol work: ci;v reference. Address UAUDKNKu, box ilti Herald office. /I AKOKNIiIt'S iilTl.' VTION W A N'TKI)?'l Y A 8INOI.B ' T Ocrninn : undermtitiilH thoroughly the m.iiiitveincnt ol hothmi>e und uraporlm; cun raise llowers. fruit and veaeiables; understand* laying out or improving place* most tn-'ei'.iiiv hna been foretnau in the larveat garden i ritr establish input in hinrlniid ail I (Jermnnv, and lia? bent leterem-es from all former places. Address W. O. ?, Portchesier, N. Y. /GARDENER' < si FCATION?BNOLI-II s TUOROCOS VT practical man: well versed in all departmentso< Ills bustuess trl sm, vexetablus. Ac.; also laving out and ornamentation of grounds; liiirbust testimonials. Ad dress W. .n.. No. 12 C'ortlandlst. /Gardener and karmer?si oich; marhiedi *.T ihorotiTh practical man; would matte it pay pro prietors m either ilepartiuent* if roquired: nas tilled first c a?s placet; good city reference. Addresj W.. box aiW Herald ollice. / 1 AltlifiNKUMTI \riON WANTED-ON A OF.* \X tleman's place; 1Ayears' experience In itardemng and farming; temperate and trustworthy man; mar ried- one child; city reference. Address GARuKNtU, 034 Wasblvuton St. ARDKNIiR'S SITUATION WANTS'*?HAS HAD IT thu maiiagemoct ol t;etitlemeu"i places for several years; understands gardening in all its various branches; is singie. .Vadre>s P. B., Thorburn A Co.'s. 15 John st. ABDENKH'S 811 CATION WANTED?BY A SINQLH 1 ni?u . uuderKtuuds tbe ruliniig of all kinds ot vege tables and the keeping of a gentleman's place in order; also the can- and treatment ot hordes: is a yoort milkeri live > cars' city reference. Address J. B , box 3/J Kerala office. "I HAVE SOLD MY ESTABLISHMENT AND WANT A 1 good situation lor my coachman, who bas sarv?4 me laiihtully lor years; strictly temperate; perfectly trustworthy. Address l. V., .'i.'6th ay., rear building. OINGUr~MAN VVANT.iT>Il'lr~D)N?Ts COACH O roan and groom: thoroughly understands DIs busi ness in all it) branches- can do gardeutng it wanted: no objection to the couuiry; flye years' best city rel renca. Coll on or address D. C. B., box 160 Herald CptoWB Branch ottice. QlrCATION WANTKD?HY. A . INOLE MAN; FIR8T )~ class farmer and cardener, and understands th* caro ol horses. Address C. D.. 47 Wooster st. C'tcation ItantT-.o?itv an aaierican mar k? tied man, as . one tun an, gardeoer or farmer; wit* as luumircas or to do general uousework; beat reference, Addr^^sJ t., No. :> 7th av. SITUATION WANTED?A8 COACHMAN and GROOM; O strictly understands the care of norses: city or country :-iood reierence. Inquire or addresj P. M.. Na> 1U3 East 28th st. SITUATION WANTF.D?BY A 5-03KR, RELlARfB voiiog man isituie). as coacbmau ; un erstatids tba busiii tss tborou<bly: Urst class reference from present employer Ad.Ire-.), for two days. C. K. L, Herald Up* town iiraucb otH.-e. SITUATION WANTBD-BY A fl B8T CLA^S COACH* . MBj no family thoroughly nnderstauds IllsbHr n-ss ia nil resuecis; hu-11 years'ol tbe best cltyrefePj ence. < ali on or address, lOr two days, THOMAa, 21 ence hast 30tb st CITt'ATlON WANlKD-BY A YOl'NO MAN oWISSj, a? tarruer and gardener; can do grafting, pruning trees ana graoos. Call, tor two days, on V- U., 47 Woos ter st. s QlTCi ITU ATION WANTKD?BY A SINfiI.E YOUNG MAX, Oermau as ilrst cla-s i-oacbinan and gnom; Is? good city driver be-t reierence Irom last employee. A tdress 8. C.. l>OX IM) Utral I ofllce. UII'I'aTIUM AS COACHMAN?BY A -INOL'I MAN, O who horou?:ilv understands bis business, with first clsss reference front last empU'ver. Address i L.. box lira Uemld rptown Uranch_orace. _________ OITCATION WANTED-BY A FIB8T CLAaS COACH O man; nndersiands his business in all Its brauonest sober, hone-t and ? areful; Dest city references IT. ?* oa-t aud pr sent employer. Address T. C., box 1A1 Herald Uptown Branch offic.: JAII' >N WANTKD-BY A YOCNO M AN A8 COACH; ^ man la t ie country: can milk; assist In the cardan U nsoasssry; ilrst class reference trom last employer; 431 2d av. _ _________ SITUATION as COACHMAN AND OARDENEBj tr* srei! recommended; cau keep horses looting well os moderate teed: sober and tru tworthy. will be found hanuy on a tlacc Address box IM Herald office. TIfA.ST'-D?A SITI"A 1 ION AS OABDi-NEK. BT A* >T hiigdsfinvin married, no family.; thorousbly an dersun is bis business in sli lis branches, inela mil fruits, tiowers snd vegetsb:e.s: also hot and cold grapsf; les. greennousi's. Ac.; six years' good reference from Isst employer. Addie-sG. so 2 Front st. tir ANTED-HY aTSINGLE MAN. A ITUaTION AS >T coachman; tborou-rniy undertaads bis business} flrst class references, rail on or address l. W.. No. as East 6)th st. tpresent smplover's;. \\T \NTi D?A 811 CATION AS FIRST CI.ASB VV coachman; is Willing and otniging; flr?t c'sss ref erence. Apply to C r., With Mr. Eamfi. llrery stab ?. is UantiAth^st. TANTEU-BY A YOUNG AMERICAN. AGED 18 A w H situation as und -r coacbmau; two year-' r?-lor. ence irom lust employer. Address M. U, tenrsaals Westchester conn y. N. V. _____________ TfANTKD?BV A GERMAN AND HH WIFE, A Tf piaco in the city, to do cooking ami garden ?orx; would go in a school; willing to make tliamseives US* Jul. Csn be seen at 1U East fonrtb street VOUNG MAKS.KD MAN WANTS A f ITCATIoN?AS J gardener or coaclunan, or to take ebar^j of a gen t'emm's best city and country1 rctereoos. Ad dress J. J BlitMIN'iHAM, SJi rast >o'.h st. ?A\ THIS TUiLUKI. A FEW OOOD QLABH SIGN WRUEAt WaMTKO JA At r. b. a-hluy's, 1m wuiiaunt A KMAKI'. RESECTABLE YOUJTO LA It, IT YEAR4 old, wmhe-t to no as an appieotice to ? iruod ngn painter: will luruiaii tfie bi?h??t rcK-rcn -i* aa to charac ter, Ac A <1J rem R. F. ? Ucraio Iptown Braocb olBce. riKsT class cl'sfoic Tcfiva on~sTukTh and i I rurinnit* piTialnin# to a flrat cla?< ccntle men'i tumuli luir liou?c wani? a aituatlon. AO J raw, nor one weak, oox 1*> Herald Cptown ttmu-u office. VITASTiiD-A OOOD mFcTiaKHFaL AND Or..RA ?? tin,; drntlat. to no to a citr in South America aitu ai?l?tant; must be well np In vulcanite and stolU wore Addrcw ? ., box I.74S i'o<t offlc<*, New York cl f. WAKlRO-A HITI*aTIO> AS VaRNIsH OR COLOR maker. Addreae ,f. X. I.ITiLE, rfrooktjn Foal office. St. lAjUii naper* pieaM cop*. WANTEIJ?A WOOLLKM ASO SATINET ri.NI.-UE& TV Apple at Phmuic I'rint Worfc?. Pttaalo, M. J. ?\1tATCHMaKKR WASTED?A FXR'T CLA49 WOKE ?V man will meet with conatatit employment Apply to K. uaVjs, 2Jt Bridge at., Brootijra. Fa CVC1I AD V *>hx A .SEJIKSIXi^ ON DEMaK CNR FSMME FRAJTOAIflE QC1 commit bleu la couture at qui pane bun aa lanca*. b'adreMtr .no. u Watt qaaranie ueuriome i-ae, la inaua da Uoaue lioBra ou le >otr. 0.V DKMAJfDB CK1? FEMMK DH CHAMMkE IRAN. Ctiee qui Mit parfnlteuteot coilTar at taUo 1?? rubea, M'adro>?er Ii>f Eaat aeitume rua. ON OKMaKDE CNK BOS.Vli IVKNFA>TS Ql7f Nl patle pa? I'Anfiala --'aflreawr. J?o4i. da midi ? fl'iux benrea, at Xo. 11 Viaat xixleuio rua nat ASTROIUOO V. AVTROLOOr8T.-MMi . MORROW, 18* KA.nT HOC* ton itraut, beiotr Hrtt avabaa ?r??. Wc. uaatla men not aamlital. A TTi'JITION !?KNOW THY DK-iTtNY COJM?Lt A tba wofiicrmuy (triad Clalrvaritati k.*?? luuk, fame* marriage, im Wait rortf-orat irraee, ueitr it rua'J way _____ | TIKMriOK!?COvaCLTATlOX ON Rt'iIMKl4> ? \ law ?ait?. lot?e?, #b?artt frKiude, Ibve, niarriaae ?c. deaib; par re U?< d U'Umi aaUalled ?Hi Mixth ? venue. Mm?-. wl.NQlli. QlolrTQ/nBt /^ALL A*D SHE THE OlFHf IIUtTolt'^ WIFK \J iv.aittlted on lure leftitea*. "harint. Ae,; aU jttalri of Uie, 'M Kixih a-.uiiiv., g-ur thirty euthtli ttreew yUROFEAN Ct.AUtV(jT v.VT-.TSLLfi MM51, aUOWl Ij Hk?n?M?4, <'KU>e? warrlaiiaAt Mo, to ?>. >0. 1M waet rweiitj-lirth utreat. M*R COLLINS A hjaiABU- AM) tRfilWOK viiy Ctairriiyaat, 374 ?*Utl> 6*jnaa, hoar t??aa taanttt ftraet. _______ ! Vl*/?. iioaA otUnvotAWf AKB artRl;