Newspaper Page Text
TO LET FOR HI SIVF.^ Pil(P()SE?. A. A PLOM1SF.NT RRTUI. CORKER TO KENT CHEAP. Tin Mora a?.? <armtnt, together ur separately, northwest corner Fourth avenue and Twelfth street, suit. Mo lor druggist. statioui-r. cisrar ur unov ssoojs dealer. Apply to WILLIAM H. FALC iNER A SON. 10J i ourtli k-iiiip A -TO LK r on LEASE, 1.179 BBOADM \V. N XI ? tn Cuiumiu liuuw, store, also larne store ind mwibmi, nimhwcit corner 01 Porn ninth street anil .sixth U\enuc. T. BEKMInUHAB, -C We.t t'lftj third street. A -TO LET OR LEASE, NO, ltL' SOUTH STREET, -*1. corner building desirable located to.; ahlP elian.llury business Apply to HOii.L E S. ELY, ti Pine street. 4 ?TO LET, ONE-HALP THE I I.K8ANT STORE J\ ? I 153 Broadway, 2' XJ& with plato glass troat. a!-i> the mill titled Floors r demix-a. ul J. MOt'ElKS, 1.1 Went I'wentioili street A ?FIRST CLAM * STORK* TO UT IN THE NEW ? aparnueat block, .-ixtn avenue. between ittj ? lirst and Pifti-.t'.-oud streets; rents low for short tortus. Applv at '.'Hi. to ihe superintendent. 1 LOFT TO LE'l'?IV NO S NORTH WILLIAM .'A. street; well lighted t adapted tor light ma nula -tur in^' businea- rent low. Apply lo I HuM AS uAKl-NEY, .7 Ceo. sire. t. \ T ?1.010 A YEAR?SECOND I Of T. IMXsfl FEET, NO. .1 "6i Br.iiiJivm between Eighth aud N itifh streets; holatway; new bulldiug. Call on premises. * CORNER STORE?SUITABLE 1">R TAILOR. XX watchmaker, restaurant, am tuniuss, adioiuini.' antrum-.-, also basruieiit More. fraoUort House, ml wUUam street, corner Krankiort slreet. A -It) LK l, T111- LARtiK AM' LlfillT UASEMKNT ? ot No. Maiden lane, rorner Nassau street, suitable for reataurant. barber sli?p, truii* or aov other busiin.'-s. Inqaire In store. A?LOFTS.-FIVE SPLENDID l.OKIS In LEA'SB ? on Beekmao sireet. through. Is.'. n et. to Spruce street: exctileut Unlit, near new i'oat offl'-e; power . an be ltad , aiao Bagemun: at..! Cellar, au.'ut 96 teet deep. JAMc.S PtUCE, -(Mi Hndsou street. ? ?STORES OX \ A KICK ?Tl!I.KT, KEAli CANAL streot. to rent low . large show windows; good '.Boroughlure J AMI s PRiOE. XM Hudson street -TWO HNK LOT- TO Li. :SE. ON Kll'l N-FOURTH i street, near Sixth avenua. suitable lor o<?:tl yar !. JAMES PKICh, 20U Hudson street A?STORE AND DWELLING Mi. 256 IIl'DSOV . Street to rent or lea*< about 70 feet deep: level wllh siuewaU . < apital location lur furniture t.iisi *e?a James Price. :0o Hudson street A?CORNER STORE, WITH CELLAR AND >IX ? rooms over store, to rent ur !e.i?; central location; motiera.e rent, al*' xiveral -mull stores nil side streets. 1AMES 1*111' I? 2lA> In. I- ;i strc. t. A -STORKS' SOS 2911 AND 291 WEST STREET TO A? rent or lease ; clo?e to People's line (teamboats and Pacific Mail steauisbli. ilcc**; very i-ubstantlRl. mod erate rent. JaMKS FRICi?. con Bud?on street. 4 VPRT DESIRABLE 23X4". FEET STORE, WITH _v pia e glate windows and beeement, oti west -.Mi- of TtiirJ avenue, tn thomuuu order: will be divided n re luired. Apply to M.iTTHEW BYRNES, 1*2 Ea-' Thirt> tInrd street. 4 LAROE rrvt: STORY BUILDING, SO. 58 OKKICN- ; with street, to let . suitable lor a bo'ideil ware House or tree storatre. Apply to owner. 09 Cortlanut street up stalrsh New York. A -TENTH AVENUE STORE, tU. BETWEVs . Thirty-second and Thirty third streets ; lour storv to lease low. apply to M. LIiTMAN, :'4J West Plfty-ttith street. Bakery or orockry?best business stand. be in if heart of Tweutv t .urth ward, to let, Inc ud iMst house ;tnd stable: rroiits three streets. J- L. WKLLS. 1;6 Broadway tup one flight'. BU1CE <HUP TO LET?TOREK STORY AND BA -E metit; suitabie for cooper, barrel dealer, carpenter or anv tvuirine.-s wanting room; rent $31 a tui.ntli. Owner <30 West Sevantaanth street / VoRSER sTok K.^tlW K Ul Tn O, It) ROOMS; SHOP V. room 2)x*U; suitable tor ltgUt manut'aeturtng; nabling. tonr sails: all in the Ninth ward, mo lera'.e reuti owuur, 1UT Barrov street. CtlOAR STORE TO LKT? NO. 2.27S THIRD AVENX! ; J also store No. '.'.jTo. with or without Dwellings, in tin re ot B BROWS: . i >97 Third avenue. T?IUHTU ATEEUE. CORBEB TWENTY-SKVESTH Hi street (same block with Keyes' liry Oouds hin borium ?New i.laie gia?i front and other alterations to b* made, and lease lor a term ot vears at reasonable rent- on* ol the t*st locations lor business .n the nve till'. HENRY V. MeaD 422 Eighth aveBtie. L>0R RENT?WIIH OR WITHOUT POWER, L"KTS P and stores, tor manufacturing purposes. Apply to engineer, on i,remise-. W5 Ueaier sire.':, or A. T MhYE.-t. S7 Walter street Furnished office.?part or as offich on i roadway opposite new I'.jst o(llce) to iet; car MMl. Ao. Apply to N. W BC1TOS, So. <13 Broadway, foou: 9 02.ROCERY STORK To RENT-l,?St SECOND AYK- > T nue. >ertniv-fourth street; ?pbr.rtil chance to sate a fortune. A. WELLMa.Y on premises. Hotel to Lr ase?o> nroadwaabove Canal street; built lor 'lo bualiiess; to rcspons.ble parties fa:r arrani.'i uu nt* win i>.- made. M S. MYE".S A >ON Broome street. OCSE TO LET^lwliiYlSlOR STREKT WITH TWO st. res. two basements aud 11) room- ^..nd tor b. arJ Itia huuse or liquor stor*- 1 want to rent i uli to one, atii I will :ent it for RWI> p r year wit.i live years' Go see aud than come t>. J. PaYTEN'E. lij ilenry Lofts to let-with excellest light-, terms moderate. Inquire ot L. BaILY A Co.. comer ot William and Sprue- streeta Lopr> to let?redocexi ri >t. oood light, aboiit7Uf<-et det p Apply to W ILLIAM E.\GLE, ot Varied. Veatry and caual atre'ts. N'O. 8 UNION MQl'ARE Fin-r FLOOR OVER store, lix.VS. i-xtension tn<- fltiesi lodge room i i the cut of iu > ze; in pvrlect order, \tpiv to W. S. URl.w LD, 7*4 Broadway, corn'r Astor place. OFFK ES TO LET?S18 BROADWAY. CORNER OF Pearl street; steam heat. gs? anj water famished sv.thou*, extra charge. to 8. B. IIUTt HiNOS, 3? John street. QTEAM power. 1 10 50 HORSE POWER WELL kZ* llgM'-d rooms, large an 1 sni .11. m < entre aud Klin straau; two Kooms o4i second tloor each ? x"1- an be u?.d together or sepai aut U * HaLU 137 .-iu. --tr?t OTEAM PuWrM?ROOUS AND FLOORs TO~LKT, with or without power, rant low. to or . ther?. Is Pell street Ctkam power.?large asd small booms, with O or Kithoat Fowgr in 113 Nassau street Oiflceson second and thirl !1cor?. : K>n;i street CTORE ASD BaseMKNT. NO. SSMOHTU AYEJiCK. . i? rent at agieat liarwaln. Inquire ot J. R0MA1E BEOWn. No 1,2Sj UroaJwa*. ___ CTEAK POWER?FROM 1 To it) HORSE, WITH O Rooms, large an<1 ,mail well ligti'ed. atSlito 32t Kast lwenty-eeeoud ?ir<-et inauire within. CTEAM POWER -WELL LIOHTFD LOFT.s ASD O Rooms also a Facorr 30 re?t font, rive ?tor:e?; tested by sustii . e!n utor, gas. Ac. U and 420 West twenty seventh s;reet sJThAM POWER tWHOLE BUILDISOi Tj LET Floor SB ur U witu exwa ..ght; also rwn Rooma ? by M terms reasonable. 160 West i went/ MvaaUi sueec V^TOUS ro LET. So. A3 Chamoer? street. running Uiroach to Raade it Met 49 m I an D'i.tne (treat Mo. 6 Let or piti i. So 80 fourth * venue. Apply to A. t vruWART'8 Aeent. Broadwa* and i Sbarabere Krw; between l j jo au.i i r. M. CTOBBTO LSI?IS DF.SIRaRLE BLOCK OF FRENCH 0 flat M. um? .n I'.'jth (tract n?-tr , ightli a e< a?: Plate itlaaa Too:. I ? walnut (he.vina aud cluster*, wator in wattr ul?a?!, gaa fixtarR* A .; living Apart, ?tanta partitioned off. with iu.piuveu.en:* it deilred. ?i?u W WOOD 267 We?t USUI (treet. .1 lil Bowi ry CTOBE tO LKT-?J ?A>CU? STREET; OOOJ> LO ?j cation lor produce, iru:'. groccrr or other bu?ino?-, Will be put o order, Afipiy to ohOKOS W. VRZ.SU, -hi Orceowich (tract. rIJT-X? 1U A SI) 13 THIRD STr.P.ET, SS4 Orano atr*et. i''4 ? aier (treat. 1.7 Kwt way. a aaaaraeni Uq.u.r and nil; rd aloon; ? out Yard, 1M ?nrt 140 Monro* ft ret i. Apptj to J. T. JUUlUMuV, 85 __ r" LKT?A MCE sIOUE WITH K *.? E M F. NT AT MS Ki#>.tfc avenue . or u den/ad tne ?li la Hook TO LKT?IKON F1KE PROOF FACTORY, iJOXlOO feat, a.itt ??reat ? ? *ffn Br >orne and Sprint >vith e*g?n<- Bout (haltm*. attain i levator an 1 ai. tt.e mr/?> approved far ilium for manufartnrlnT. Apply on the prauiiaeato F. C. hk <>KD, iM Mott afreet rLBT-TBREK OK KOtR WELL LIOHTEE Floor*. rltii (team pow? r and ream beataa. It 134 and LS6 ?i?t Mueseenta (treat Apply on ?r?ail?c? SH> LET?THREE La ROE LOFT*. I* ? HERRY *r*ri. sear lame* ? lo. ?*'>!; a;(o -'ore. tout* *ue. ?1Mbla for anr Kind of irouu'actnrin: buaineaa Inquire H CtiABL .a kaLLV. 3M wafer -yaet. 10 LBT-Wil H ftTKA.M rOWER. BllLDlMI iWa.N tt-Moon i (treet and Eieveiul: avenue. two H or?, i46 each, well lighted. Applv ai o.flca ot ScCI.AVt'jj MBter vara. rwonty-eecoat vrct anJ Kleventn av IO LET-THF. LIQUOR ?10R KNOtVV AS THE Hallway Home " eorner Th rteei.lh ( riet and Apply to JAMES -HEt: MO Ninth a* To l#?^is?t l?7frfwrrn .?>oi> LiJiir, aTEADY ?team power, tor one or !W? rear* App.) to DAY S KU.aoi.i4, mm . >o iW * oater atrao'. ri'0 LET?AT I.OW RESTS. T1IK CORNER BTORK 1 l.0o4 tfr-: oranue. corner Flltr-flftlt atreot: al?o l,CM i hirJ avanao. Inqairt ot JACOii M. HfcRT/. Bkj L?*tB|toa avenuo To LKr-v r'.rr, -toky H'.'Uf.. tvr;n ?tora. on M*filh avenue, neir MJd ?roe>. ?r. per* MlacMh aritb Croton watar rent |iZpar montb Ap. ply to !>. V\nl> ?? hi l.. M liilM jrauje or at m icarf atore adjaitiin* thapremiaei. rro lei-mures ox ^ionrii avkscss a well A located and nut ?-?nd tor butier or grocery ? u?ine*a . a (o oU *ta.;d tuar ?tore. J0u N a EI.WELL.1.V. Brood-tar fPO UT ?AN ELHOA>T KLOOR, 105 FEE I OKI P. i S?* room*, ail ?<.. tighten. u,r ao_. gauta'ii bu< .ta?? or f#an:eii>:a. Apply in Ktcath dtUK (tore. No i. Ea^ iuttcatiih tiraer. rro lbt?stork a*u PBiMriES *n. sat third I ayar.:>e I \Ui; tlire?> lui'aale lor Utia Mhasaraatory ami war !ro<ii?. l^or ;>artieuiac* ap pi/ to II. MbJiK' l i, >0. S? i lur.. arenu ? fM LET-STORK AN \) UA:-I ME5T Il? OREKXWICH 1 (treat, aaar PiiMluca Excltauge, v.-.w ii pene.t <kAliKV .* aONliiOS. M LlUertf ?tro*t rpo~ LKT*-SaMEMF.N r 477 OlKEXtriOO fil H ET. 1 eortter O' > *nai tor otuinei* . a p e? immediato paaiaaataa inquire in drug (tore. r" LEf-MTORK aSO SAAE W :?T >0 93 M *IDIX laao. da(.rablr lnoa^a lorrtltaur^ot * oiuar our ?atoei aawty ut?od. 7u*J0: \ >o Loin ani nicae at Ww Irmrn Ik SLACSMAS. *? til Sraadwao. TO LET FOR BmiVK.SH l3IUI"OKESJ. I 'I'll I r I-I'WKLI.UIO PA r I'.OoMS) \oKTH 1 I ve-:c r i i ?t > vtit tr.nueatid I'hirty-iii rd street, ! also lb next Iluu>? vl.l i .hi -uii.tlde lor :i lmii-1; relit loer. i' ??-??.???? ion. 111< si v - s i mtttM I III miitl II I4.-X-, !? to ill M ?|MIM\\ KNl'h STOKK-. H) I. T C'HhAf?KoU. I j ? "tii l 2.27*. a - i St No. 'I ? Fourth aT' -u Appiv utiwuiT, KlIHfcBt I. UHUWS. 2:1 Nassau street. 'I'D I.I T?A i vUl.oi; I-[.DDK. ax?.l WELL \DAl*T I i'ii lor any :.i-'.t< el !>u- tie-.: also u first elass Restau rani; location Montagu*- stieet. bet wee u Court tatnl t'lliitoti ?:n't*tx I'lano Forte preferred). Apply No- S Mtuii strcitt, BnioUHn. ___ mi) LIT?\ I'uMPLh IK I. Vi.hi: HKER AND ALE 1 Urowery, with r-aiooll kil l 1'weUing House. in Eliza beth, > .1 rent chctip Inquire ot FRANK >*. BALi.K, 7M VcMy street. _________ rilu LI r?I ii K ?I'D UK hWKLLINO AND STABLES 1 15 Forsyth street, $700 p.-r annum : will put in order. Large baaetneut Store n) Hudson street, $-00 per an num Second Floor and Atti'. at 1-7 Waverley place; $'23 per mouth. Carpenter Shop to lliouias street. being iir?t door and cellar; $2" pc r mouth. I'IIOKMdN m. It> il)M AN. Real 1 statu Ace tit 6:6 Broudwav. corner Fourth street. rp > LET?THIILE LOFTS. 330 CHERRY STREET. I WxlOo each; a!*-. It> stury Bui dint;. :tl* Cherry ?tr- t. with .11 without steam power. Auplv oil I lie premises. or to .lollN t. Wil.sON A 75 Fulton st. mo LET-si-dRF a Mi BASEM ?* NT OF BUlLDI.Vo I So. Kt Barclav street near Broadway. Apply to B B AI ? V A >PROt LK. on second left. 'nol.l l Foil HI SIN ESS IM I? !'< I.--KS? HOl'Mi NO. I -t'J Tiiir.l avenue, between E:ghuonth and Num. teentn streets, the store ot which i. at present and ha* bet n lor i me year* occupied as a ?tore doing a good busi- ??*?; rent 91.100 per .-car Applv to JOHN O. A i TRUMiK A SONs, 24* Last Houston street, trom 9 A. M. to I P. M. TO UK NT?STORK 1.237 THIRD AVKN UE, NEAR I Se\ent\ first street; ?i/.c-tiVJU : rent to a good ten ant $"?. *' Apply to L J. CABPKN rEd. Jo Third avenue (Bible u rpo LET?EAFf 'l \V i:\TV-SI.Ct7ND ~S fREET. NEAR I avenue 3 Lota, "Ux-O, with Stables mid shads aud right ot en tranee from Kast Twenty third street; rent low liiuuir. at -s.) Broadway, corner Seventeenth ?t. 'Po LET?Sl'ojil-. AMI 1IO SK. Ill) NINTH AVENUE; I lir.:i store good cellar all convenience*: rent, $7" )? i month, vpply 'ii the premises, or to J. RU> SF.LL, 2"il Weat Fortv-nfth street. rpo LET FOR BISINKS8 PUBPOtlES?THK ("A I clous store on southeast corner ?> Avenue A aud In u?ton street; i.i present o eupied L>,v the American News Oonpany. App.y to J. <J. aiTkIOOE 4 SONS, 242 Kaat flousti.ti street. rjrCi RK NT FDR ui -1NKS-'_KJI:>I' floor "and 1 Rai. inent Stores, No. 17 south EittU avenue. T. J. GIBBONS. .VI Bond atreet. rpUE KI.KOAN1 > roR:. \ND EASEMENT, NOBTH I ?, .? comer of ud avcBBe aiid I llith atlect; de sirafoe stand tor anv l.ueii rent low to a re?pon*lb!e pi.r y, \ppl.v at ..tliae I Mri AKFElfl'V & IIIICHHaN, corner ot ruth avenue und Fifty secoud street. rpo 1U' IN 1 SS MEN.?TO RFNT. THE HI' ILiilNG NOl 1 :.i2 Broadwav. near Eighth street, for two veara. at 91QUJa \ear. or LeanehoUl il7 yean) aoi'1 on favorable termi Apply to J. LLuYD <t SoN>, Jo. 7 Warn n street. 'PO RENT FOR BUSINESS?K1BST FLOOR, STORK 1 ami-ecou: Mury ot House No.'22 East Thirteenth street. T. .) irlBHONS. 30 Bond street. TTNIO.V SQL'AKI'i?THE ri.ORf.NCK EEWINO'MA U t'.bine con)panv will let, on fnrorabie terms, the : Second Floor ot their building. No. 39 Inion suuare. i trotitliM on Orend Plaza;'' also two verv deairalile Rooms on flrst floor. Inrjaire ot Mr. BIRD, agent, on the i premises. j QH CHAMBERS STREET?TO LET, STORK AND | ?7U Bailment, '23x7s. we-i of Broudiray; also front Lo/t will separate. Apply :o J. BAVLEV. third fioor. DWELUXG HOUSES TO LET. \ ?A .?A.?A?A .?A.?A-A ? A.?A.?A.?A.?A.? A. Furt.ished Houses, greatly reduced rentals: FlitU iim nue, 3330; sp'.en lid three story brown stone Houses, $15) to IK) a in .nth I. ur .torv brown stoue Houjses, $_'0) to iti; one 20-i .iota. $173 a uiontli. Rents greattv reduced ?#400 Houses for $3i?i: $30o Homes for $2H0 Fifth avenue .elegant cabinet finish House* $ifiO and (373 a month; large 23-fuot Houses lor boarJins' purposes. New printed list, just Issued, seat by in ... gratis. Fortv ttiir t *trCi t. $1 40); Thirty eighth s rest, 2'. foot under SiOni Eighteenth street, extra size. SI k" Second ivi tiue. JiiOo. Irving place. $2.0JO: ele gant Uou-e Tweotv flrst street, near Broadway; Madi son avenue, splendid House. iurtinhed"$3,6.<'. Mantiaome three nary brown ?t> tie Houses, $1,300 to $2.ouj; largij 2.?-ii o: House- tor boar.tin? nurposes, $1,800 upward. Ne? lis't.miied to anv adarcss. WILLIAM T!'i KM:. 22- F iltn avenue. /T'?i HlBTTltH WTRKKT. J US I WEST ()F F'lFIH n. avenue; exceptionally desiraule medium size, .tojp lurnu e! Dwelling; rent low. V. K. s 11 VI .. -ON, Jr.. L l'ine street, or 33 bast Seventeenth street FOUR SfoBV BROWN ROH HOUSE, 15 rooms; Completelv 'urni-hed' verv e,.n v'nier.t lo cation; excellent nei thborhooJ rent 4173 per month. - K. h. VANDffl . SI Union square. A ?FURNISH ED AN 11 UNFURNISHED . Residences f i let i bolce locations. H w. II.i iaMS, ?:i7 Sixth avenue. * X BLEGANT HOl'SB, SS3 WEST TWENTY-THIRD ?tre--t.?Rent 9M9a month partly furnnht i Also li Lexington avenue. Applr to .iwner. City uotal, cor ; er ol Brt>ndw*v ?nd Eighth str?at. V PR1VATK FAMILi OP TWO WILL LET TllEIR A Boum cheap t.i a (mall tainilv; oik block and a half irniu Fifth A.cnui? Hotel; completely lurut4hed $175p*rrn ht.i and board tor two adult*. Address VAN, box iUj Herald oillce. * ?KTRNISH KI) AND CV Ft'RNISH ED HOL'.-ES TO let ut a *reat sacrifice to private tainille* on X4?h, ttrh. -t i t-. anil L.-xinrton avenue : no ream-nabl? oifer ratuacd; caill mine liatrlv. P. UWVKU. l.:MBr i.i. wa;. ? furnished nova to let-very low. to A a dmlrabto tauant; three tier? high bro *n it* no ' and coap ately furnished; in periect oruer; rtr'it t*.Ml to I private tamily only. Apply at 128 W e?t Forty *evcn!h t'roet. t ?VIVE YEARS*' LEASE FOB BALK, AND HOCSB ? to let. furnl?h?J r onturauued. Apply at 114 Ea?t Tenth atreet. PARTLY Ft KNISHI'.D F il'K STOBY BROWN STONE huili j'k.ji Hoa< on Madlf'in avenue. between Tw. lui-umtfi mil t hirtieth ?traat>; rent low. B.J. ?H aYI.OK ? co, No. M We?t l hirty-ihird at rpo let rrBM.-iihn?a three stOrt nioa 1 ?t.> brown itoiia h u?- ou Kwrhteenth ?trael be tween Hi >adwa> nod F ar.h avcniM own-r rwervas on* room i < CLINTON, 41 ast fclghtetnih erect. TO IbT-TTrm'sHBO. a four *toby basement Ilouae. 1J reicna i mi>-<-'*lr furnished for hoti*? hee; ".j Ii.ii.r <i u . r i.iites. No. U? Kn%\ ienth street. Pommoc Imaiedlau-lv. TO LET ? FUKNISHED?P'iCB" .TORY~ DROWN ?ton? !lo.? 18 Wei: Plftt * vei-th itreet. for one, two or three vcar? rent to suit the time*. Apply to 8. D. >l \( k a l aiou square; or to o? ner. ai the nouse. -\i I'O LBT-fCIXT rCB.M'-IIED KOI B -TORY HIGH itoop *.!?? Ut s spent'i street, ::e?r Irving pUc-.BJ.7XJ; jh-a,"- l.ouse'ofic-rcd this *?aai>n. HocMI..> BRoi nuns. No. MUD Tweiry-thlrd ft rro I.I.r. M RNIsllKD?A TMii 12K STORY AND i ?;.t hrow i ??im? Houm m good location; everything in rbf b?>?t of orrtar; immediate piMrmun, inqaire on tn* ? remiees. I 8 V4e?t <oth *t. near 6th av. rpo LET F! RMSHKD-A t'BSBE BTOKy HIGH 1 st-Kjp bricL III. I*- on i-.lfhttentii itreet. betw?-?u Hroa :*ay and Fi.arih av. ;iae to private fatnllv; rent re-iB.-eJ J. (? CLINT'iN. ?f:??t tisnte?ntti .treat. 'po LEASE FCBNIiBED-AN ELEGANT CORNEB li.juaa >n Graaar.? Part: srlvata kaya to far it, tun able for a clob or tots* iD*titatloa; uxa 29x70. with thraa atsrr prlvau *ub>?; lot 110; low rvat to responsible party. J. < . CLINTON. <0 Enst &lah;eentn ttreat T~~HB"V)\vneR #OfLD R*ENT~rvRMSliE9~ ?tTLL ?li. d U ::r t ,ry brown -t n? Hoa?c>. bawean CnloB aqoare and Fifth avaaoa. re^rving hack rarlori Ad <!re?a 'jW.XP.B. bcx 11-J ii?rald I ptjwn Branch office. TFR BONTH?KfRS'lSHKD FOB THt: 9C*. mer. Inquire at 211 West Fr.rtle'.h it re** 8135 1 lllUTii t?r?r?t. APB1L List or WE.-T nWh HOlSESNOW BBADY, rao^lna rroin B7J to BtMU. s?nd for list J >iiN W. vrBVKNS, Broadway and l iitv flr?t?t A -1? "*E?r SiXlBk.>fH ? IBEtT, NfcAB sfXTII ;\ . aventiis, vaff !e?lraul* iarg. four sto-y bjgl ?t....p bnok u*- ..m? o*ru?lly fnnilshed. only ja.Xlu. Fermlia at II Fina (tn?t or S3 ???'. saventatntii ?trc t V. K. >1 ETBN80W. Jr. A THREi. OroBY HIGH SIOOP BROWS STONE 1. ur 384 tul >M. vemT elantli strfut; compl?te. w. 1: .mprovemenw tarnece In ee.tar: :*'iiedi? e : oa aeunon. Apaly next hoaae or to owner M 'oro,-.kiu? market M t. i-illIcIl. ? ?fl.BS.?FOCR RTOBY BBOW.1 UTONK HOi jB. ?J%, H roomx ul Improvements: good iir ghbcrbootl. Apply, ffom1 to 3 F. M.. at ><>. lil EaJt_Mfty^iourTh ?. 4 THKI'.r. STOH7 BIOH TOt,P UKOWN SloSE A Houee 39t Ka?t ^e>?ntv eirhtli ?tr??t. ^ompletp w. h .i. provetnanta, llrootat- tmimdlate poMeatlon .uw rent $*?*! Apply ?? r.oat hont? cr to owner. WToaap kina Market. M. a_?ILLi' XK a FOUR 8TOaV-tL?Ai; VfLENIjID OBDEIt AND .\ location; an .ilicr ? ,\r .??.r.o, ?1 4-.0, Bi.yo, BLiu*. A 1? $1'? 0 *<*r, ?r?: fine ord#r BM luc?tton greatly raduaeJ. M. FLANA'.AN. I.2jI Broadway, co:ner Thirty f.rHat 4 I.AIvOE BBOWX ston iiuihe. klevknth A rreat n<-ar Broadway ?? rujm?. tl.'JU to M??.. ai*o large d :it? ? 5j ronuis. $4 water Ac, ca.tar to attic, liwner, f4 >? o<- I ? nth itreer. ' 4 coriA-.iTTO ~'LB l -IX ! "i I NINTH fif HEKT. near Lestngta i avenac. two eiory and iia??u.t'nt, Jo ro .m< ail 'nc Iniprov-iiientf; ?:4a UBBOUM * MlLi.EK. Third avanue. oraex rifueth ?traot 4 THREE BTOBY HIGH SfOOf tlOL'-B TO LIT? A In Fittv-tbtrd ?tr-?tt. lif-r Ihird avonue. n#K ly ciHited ; po?????inn thin week; alio a number ul a rat emu nasi. $4j to $74 jRBi> OR A, jaird avanue ccrucr Fliu th .treat. _ 4 N ? .fFCKNIiMEO H0l'g*t0 LET-FOCiUELNTU A e.rcoi batwean Mxth sr. 1 -ovanth avenue*, three a: > tad mm- t.rown tone hl*h ?toop A 0i tar. vary d*4ri!Ut? r?>. Bi-.o, ittriuaBttl ii d.'iradi oiiiert at red ded r?i.t*. OUDEM k uai.1v iroadw i an t iovonuerithit. * ?ON vi.?T l'MBMihTH 81HKET. nVfcHLUOK .V. lug lie . - il ls oi tU'j . pwc pal Coilega. the t .rea ata.'V <b : ?''? high -toop tiricc lm- ulug nil improve u. r em i lit fj.npi-? order Appl.v to o. \ CaH* y \N, Tt Ma*;. aventMt 'is'.ween i '.vunuvtb and Twenty flrtt 4truet?. ? -A 1 A Bl 'l\IN. $!,' I I' NT: FOI P. BTORT A . hull i (Hit i '? e - roomtj ihlrty-third mr'-et hi I FutU if ? i.ttj ?. , M.i ii , avciiuu J4 l*bt Irolit ll-.jte. POOLJ-lf, WAi.LAC* A Co., 1.1.u Broadway, aear i waaty-firth 4'.,c-vt A BARK OPPORTUNITY ? Iff": THP.F.K STORY A fcrQN- n 4 on ? nou?n 1 ?t> K?4t * .*ty uith <tree;, thor ough rapatrad an ! pain i, till fie ren-?ii ai rtrv to# r? ? aeeiraule te^- ai. i-?rueM*art at LB Baat htattata ttt-eah OWVU4MG HOVMI TO UT.; ... t'nlnrnliihNl. , vroKY UIOH STOOP BROWN ?T(>*K tii'lua ?venue. 4 _f>VKK no HOI SKS rtTII.I. ro LKT. AT TKE V in'eiidou? -?rrili'-f-, landlords panle stricken *nd ctierinu ?? \tr?ordtuar> in.i uocm?iit^to^e*pW^ ten huh; m-t thn..t oi it?a lour *t?ry J^roj'n ton* , r truli\ luculed. tor *1 l*<?. Cottaga on *"r'?V*ur Vrvi*? Lexington avenue. $C00: lour *tur> hou?e. near irwn* II,u. c $l *?' I' it ?t.irv brown alone, near 1 ark Ii 44K?. fi.ur storv hu!> stoop 26 room Mu?w ??n ?? ,!?? tinrt *treer, betweeu Bipaitwavand ?)i I ( ill early anil wvure a bnrvjiui?. J. U. , 1 it * f ourth avenue. corner Twcuiy?#ighili street. - , i -TO LET, ft 17 HCIISIIN. CoTTAOE. 7 ROOMS $7IW A. tS2 Man* atteet. lt? rooms, all Improvement* lst> W est sixteenth st., 4 *t. bt., aUtaiP'ovemetiM... ^ , 741 Washington street, HI rooms i jqi 6.i Moraliu street, 12 rooms, all Improvement* |)0() | ftl Hi.rutin -ireet .f I 21 Hi 7li* Oreenwlch atreet with stables , 4M West twentieth street, IS rooms ^ IS A SB'S^Sir ttSK ?SSSys^l M2ct\FfVr t Y "nTC 11 MAN,*c 0 rn e r tfVftu avenue anil Ftftv-aerouo -treet. ? ~a TH11KE STORY B?K'K DWKLL1NO HOiaB OS A TnVrt avenue. between 1^1 and l^ t.n ^rhoSin^&.orof^r. li? Kaat Arty seventh street. ? FIRST I'LASS FOUR STORY BRICK HOUSE, JLrstawwi ssss "??*?? Wooater street. ?? ? 1 oat wtST FORTY THIRD STREET, IK1? y t'o^r.or 10 T.HIMI'SO.N A SON. 1,?4 Broadway, corner Korty-Mcoud street. ? \ mirror* anJ)^ornl^^d THRSB STOBY AND BASEMENT BROWS 'tirjs imft BIluffN, a) Nassau street. ?. A ? FORTY-PF.COND STREET, NEAR , HSVHMTH A. avenue, splendid order 23.footlhn>rli.h basement House rent reduced from ?2.?? o ?l.7?i. Whers choicest locations. ~7~Z viaaiM HOUSE DELHI HTFULLY I-O A" eated rent for Hie >uninier at a numiual price; Teas*' $' 'UK'-. also unfurnished Houses and Hat* Apply to E. A- DAlLKY. M8 Mxth avenue. A liARUK M M II?It or WU* AN D KOU R STORY A House* to rent, at greatly reduced rent; also Harts House? and French Fiats. Apply to JOHnJET TRETCH, 1.29>l Broadway. . r TO HI VT Til F F I' LI. FRONT THREE STORY A.~Dwel!lntc No '-1 North Moore street- 15 rooms; every modern Improvement; excel^iUonler: ^l> * ; tptrvk ?iTOEY AND BASKMEXT BRICK IIOUJ'E, A 15 rooms with tU ^2htb# aTennel; ! seventh street, between >-eventli iiid Elgntu ajenae*, rent $1,000; uossesslon Immediately. Apply atl,267 Broa j way. room B. I * ^-TO RENT THE FOt'R STORY BROWN 9TD-'? A. Hou?o No.- ,2fi Fast Forty-seventh street, near Pltth avenne; every Improvement and convenience; In fl ; oraer. witn early P?^g|VRICR, *0 Hudson street A."Sue an J oMS | sar/is issrsss!"J ssisros?, iaes for two day*. ? j i r el am *1 251 *ND $1 XSO, THREE STORY HOUSES. A w tr In'proveuienis; in good loc^jona. ne?r Rteecker street and Sixth avenue car routea. Address 0. B. L.. box i"j Herald office. | \ ."and i.T'oVi.%tonV1Mwel!':ni7'?? a^^Sri r'fjTaTs and"VaM^wwant^"office open 'till 9 P. M. frank RKKB-R. 2.-pi Third avenue, corner iMth street. Harlem Jlera'd Braneli office. /?1HEAPF-T rtKXT IN THE CITY.-A FOUR STORY ( havintr all Improvements, to lease, with 1 ur nitur e 1 o*"safe "heap; rent $?J0. 409 West Thlrtj-Uurd Vp "~^7n f -A FOUR- STORY HICH S roop WMTMiTHOBSslS MEW TOM?two BINT; j T Fh^?? atorv high stoop brown alone. 2 >xi'.>xi0(X new, with all modern convenience, tlo^atton^w^e.^ side, near Pl,r't' 1 1M Broadway, wear Forty-toorth itwtt IM? OROWV STONE HOUSE TO LET-'URNISSKD- i F b^sf Nation in Harlem; a lar?e share of the rent mav^e paid hj\tVe board ot t^ie owner aud wife. Ad dress A., box 198 Herald office. | Foi-h rTORY BROWN STONE HOUSE TO LEI ? WM^flde finished In black walnut: mlrjors snd flxmre.! one m Twenty fourth street, **'ixlU?. In One order; other* Bro>dway. ~nl>a pfitt WHAT IT KILL BRlNO-LABOf. (t nrown ?tone House near Broaawav 10 let. fl.WO; will pay commission for accepted TtTrLfM -TO I.ET. THE WHOLE OB PART OF 1 H rtne three storr stone Hon-e -.-19 East 1 8th street j in. uk vaid) all modern couveoleacef , order throughout Inquire on the premises or at 115 j Fast Th.rtieth s.reet. . 1 H? P^V.T,^e7"w,,Uh V ^mV^.t^a.1 be,u newlv va-e house d lowered the'reu? W ?? ^r moU for that nice Iwir story Uick house so near th. Citv Hall; go see It and then p/paYTEN. V* Henry street corner Forty-^ecotti *.reet? ? ririT^TRAKSIT-- ELEVEN ROOM BOrUE, OxS. US.u, SA5.i. gg- u?w"g 5k is. -as rtr z&srjsui**" AOfcNT, bo* 1? Herald office. ^vvTiTL FINE THBFK AND FOUR 8TOBY Js ,1 u%BO, ti, it werv cheap to reiponaihie tenant?: Lv.ntv.^'arth street/ between MaalJon aad Kourth avenu'ia. t RANK FIELD, ownar. No. SM F.Uhthar. fSweMv-VrMh^TSenVr'1ftrtti nonV'rinu VS?% aw'wlW'^ppiy JouVulT, 139 East Twelfth street. TJ LET-COTTAGE HOUSB 428 WFST TWENTY t'lurih ?tre>t ?even rooma. with all improvement!: will I e r*nt?d ( b*?p 10 * r^ponaibtc tenant. Inqoire of D. E. YAWS KT1 am ffeit Fourteenth atraet, lauk Uuihiinr ar< italra. flM) LIT?FOUR STORY HIGH STOOP HEOWV 1 none Hon** 180 Weat Flfrv-fonrth etreet near Broaa?ar. Apply to JOHN 1?tl IkLEY. 81 Cedar atreet TO LET?3S7 KA3T K1G[ITV-THIRD STHRET A b\'"l?oni" Ofittw.""; b'.jli eonrt yard; large yard ,n rear: good n?i;Uborhoo4; awholahouae for a low rant. TO cET-'?N THE NORTH t-IDE OF SIXTY-HHCOND atreet. 130 te?t w??t of Boulevard. a three atory Mlb ?tnop brnnn none Mouae modern improvetnente; rent $11 (W per year apdIj next door. mo LET-40 EAST NINETEENTH STREET. NEAR 1 Broa.lnn*; large tour irtory hiith ?u>op atone front Hooac , all improvement. lavorabfe terma JOIIN MATHEWS. Nassau itreet, room 1 O LET?$40 MONTHLY. TWO 8Tf)RT ATTIC BaSE iur->t and "mention Home So. rt Suffolk 1 treat. Ap ?0 HANSON, caT'onier in rear or to CHARLES HON.- l'?7 Clynrw ?treet Brooklyn. 0~LET-NEW HOUSE, OPPOMTE PARK. IMjl*H MM at *0. vveat ltTtb at.. 237 W'?t ?1 at. 1M Weat 25:1. af. : al?> F oor*. W. K. %iOKOAN. So i Weat futyacond atreel near Eighth avenoe. TO LKf?TSRB8 STORY M>U$R lit R AST TWENTY fittli -irr?-t. n room*. $990 tour i-ory Mouae. 248 Wait TwentT-Offh street *l.a?: tour atorr Ilooee, S74 We?t Tblrtv aacond meet $1,300 For r emit* apply to C T. WEEK.*, 2iu iaat twenty-fifth aireet TO LET?THR THRKR PTORY AND BASEMENT brown atone front livrellinz Ucnaea J4S an< 383 W>at > ittleUi atreet; rent tl.fflOnm! $1,000. Appiv to EDWARD TIMPmI.n, 113 aud 117 Naaaauatreat rootu 1L O LET. ?WHY TAKE A FLAT FOR $900? TAKE A _ ciim/ llowe 0 room*, ail itnprovemeiua, flrat cla?? locati -n. Ewi ilRMraiiUMt. for $860. Apply to JOHM 0 HKtOIM No. T F-.iie atreet rro LET?A COTTAOE IIOTSE, PLEASANTLY situ 1 atad. containing In rooma ai! imur-vnmeati: ttoroe atorr and t>a??ment: "o. 417 Wed Thirty-thin ?uaat; $ii3 per mor.tb. Apply on prgtwueg. T li T T O LET-CHEAP TO OOOD TLXaNTS. T. Vo. S3 Lafayette place. Nil. c-J We?t iweuty ?ccon-i itr?tt .vo l.i> B.?auk?r wreat 4. roomu. ,\< IIS Bmc-kf r ?tr<'?t. N ? *1 wett r mrth - :n-X. vtP'/ to a I sTBWART'n Agerit, Broad war and Chati.'-er* ftrent. oatween liJOaii! if. M. LET-1* m;VESTV -HCOMi 1WIOE1 rtr-ot. near 1'irk en'rADce, pieaiant place. lar?e Hocw u .ot? ot sround rent low; Eu-mi. avenue mr? im>u re of TAN aKL.n. 211 We?t Ht tcen'ti s-rcet 7*0 I.F.r A THREE RTORt AND BASEMENT niOH 1 *t'j' P uronn ?tone Uouac In good 1 rdar. olt palutej. with n?w chandeliara and a:*e m ait, tnlrrof: ?U inoie'u improvement*; neighborhood flrat c,a?, rent $1,?0j. App y at 3i8 \*-?t For:; eiantii itreet. , --ro LET-NO. 2W I-.A^r THIRTV-KlRsT ST RE Kl. 1 four itor^ tr n >tone Houae. to be put in good order nr |i 1 0. to to d tenant JuHN O. HIOQlN*. So. 7 Pine atreaf. rrO LEASE?2S ?A8f TWF.NTT-FIHST street. 1 near inloa cltib. with in ;Mtcai o t Bi oartway. fl ve I ?tory u .aeiiifcnt Ho i?" 7 lee- <-ep on each itory , autta )/.? to: boarilu/ ?r apartment purpoaea I WlLl.LiM^^N.jDWuer. lS? Fifth tvantn. O Rfc 1?Till-; BRAC1IFCL LiiTLE BRICK cOT _ u?c Houae >o. 27 Horatio atro?t, with an modaro improvemanu. rent $7 0 per an 1.hit. J"HN ituH . 4i Elf lit 11 avan t?e. fro pnr$icrANs.-ExcELL!-NT oppokiukitt to 1 incraaat tneir practices brio* an.t marb<e itorp high ?to p Houat 2lx*ixli>, cioaa to Naw>ork iiytai; oca1.' at location ien->d lor many feara to an aj*ar T tiaing pnynciaii bow retiring ior i I haaiu,. ouiy$*lt>' per annum. niy sriucipa.a D4?'t AUdreaa V., Herald L'ptowo HraMh alM , UlltN STREBf, ntTWtEX ' LOU' u and eixtb 1 |)U avenuta?'.ngliah HiMMM three atory;ail iua OWELLIVK IIOCSKS TO LET. I' ufirmilw! ? ?\RK1T, .VKAR LKXINOTON A VI' M l' -TWO UO t-lats >" a handsome brown stone hous' will le rested ai * and $!.'> per month to small lauiiK with no . i reler-nees. PvikuMni trotn owner, IS- taut Sixtieth street. <S{1 milt -VKHy CHEAP PRIVATE IIOLNK, ? .1.1" Mr. Kuu i neighborhood, all modern Improve* menu. IJ rooms, near I'u'oin avenue. below iweutj ttitra street WAUfcR W UONTAOUi:. Eighth avenue und Twenty"-first street. III111 ?1 H K Ha-KMKNT. FAKIOR FI.OOK ?P l?v'UU. hnd Seeond Fluor of tin- tour *tor.V first class brown atone House N'o 497 W oat Kittyseventh street to let: rent $1,IJ0U. Apply on the promises or to ?{. It. CI DLIPP, ^94 Broadway. *51 FOB IFBl.ii LOCATED BROWN STONE vl.')"'/ Hour', 12 room}; perfect order; all con venience* and improvements cheapest house oflered if. - season - K. II. VANDYKE. SI Union square. 4Jl inn bent?fibst class high stoop ij) 1 ?TwO House. east side, near Central Park, flist street; West SUtll street, elonr to 5th avenue, Itnlsi/e House. T2 rooms : East 12th a tree i, ivl loin ints At li aveuue. lurge House, furnished or unfurnished: new lut Just out. .1. s. MAIHkWR,240 Broadway. FLKMSHE1) ItOd.US AND APARTMENTS TO LET. \ PARLOR FLOOB. FIVE ROOMS, TO LET FUR- ! Jx utahed. In house with owner onlv. Apply from 2 to HP. *1., No. 142 Last twenty sixth street, near Lexington avenue. 4 HWA1.L PRIVATE FAMILY WILL BENT A -A handsomely furnished Parlor nnd Redroom. with nrivate hath, on second floor, to gentlemen only; reier euces exchanged. DO Last lentn street A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LKf TWO BOOMS TO ?'V gentleman and wife, completely furnished with every convrnlence tor housekeeping. 4C8 West Tweuty tourth street A LABOR ALCOVE ROOM. HANDSOMELY FUR nished with full parlor and bedroom suits, aud con taining every convenience, to l?t. with tlrst class Board. l?6 West Twenty first sireet A NEATLY FUKMSHLD ROOM AND BBDBOOM ON | A tlrst floor, and two large Rooms, with ronveniences lor housekeeping; rent moderate; also dart Bedroom, < 91 50, house private. '.'IS West i wenty-eighth street A PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. WITHOUT ' .A Board, in private house, having modern improve- l racnts-price reasonable. Address or call at 126 Wtst [ Forty-first xtret A COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM TO LET? ? .A to one person, at $4 weekly; gas und batli; rood I neighborhood: near cars; quiet house aud tunuly. Private residence S16 East thirteenth street. _ I A LADY HAS TAKEN TBI' HOUSE NO. IV) WEST j A Twenty-sixth street, and will let the Parlor and Second Fioor very reasonable to permaneut parties, fur- i Blshed or unturnished ; references. ? NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO LET? ! A in ? private house, to gentlemen only, #4 per wees: also a I acre second story. No. 107 Last Twenty seventh street, near i-ourtb avenue. 4 SECOND FLOOR. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED, A to let to a sma.l family ot adults for light house keeping-, aii convenience*; best references required. 137 West Sixteenth street. 4 PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET A NICELY Fl B J\ nished Floor, consisting of two rooms, private bath and pientv closet room, in brown stone house 2UI West Twenty-second street. A NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, FIRST FLOOB, TO let: suitable tor housekeeping or two gentlemen. SOB West -?tit street 4 PLEASANT BECOND FLOOR OF THREE BOO.VS, J\. water and gas. will be rented in a private house to a small tauiliy of adults, luruished or unfurnished. 217 West Thirteenth street ! A SUIT OF ROOMS ELEOANTLY FURNISHED TO let without board, to gentlemen of the highest re spectability only, at 36 Irving place, opposite the West minster Hotil. j "Til ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SECOND FLOOB, A communicating rooms, en suite or singly: butn 1 room attached : n tuple closets; without board rln four storv brown stone hous* No. 2J West l-orty-thlrtl street, near Fifth avenue To be seen from I to a o'c'ock. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED CORNER PARLOR .A and Bedroom to let, together or separately : irrate and gas: terms moderate. 204 Third avenue, corner of Twenty-flrst street A LARUB SITTINO ROOM AND KITCHEN TO LET. S\ itirnished for light housekeeping, in the private house 2U7 hast Thirty.second street. F1CB.NLSHKD ROOM AND EXTENSION FOR HOl'SE keeuingor gentlemen; private hooee: tras. nutb $6 week, l'.ear I.state olllce, 17 Abingdon >quare iLighth avenue), bctwteu Biaecker and 1 weliili strie s. TpoBnTsIIfcD BOOM r"o*K ONK OB~1 WO GKNTLE. r men: house strictly private ; references exchanged. 170 Madison street. * I^CBNISHBD ROOMS AND BEDROOMS, ON BROAD 1 way, 1.147; splendid location; private Frctich family. T AROE. HANDSOMELY FL'BNIsHED ROOM ON Aj second tloor. to gentlemen: gas; hot andcold water: n'so large Room on fourth floor; rent moderate. i()4 Wt st Twentieth ?:reel. near Sixth avenue. OFFICE FOR PHYSICIAN OR DP.NTl-T.?HAND come back Parlor, with u-eof fiont Parlor. Room above, very reasonable. Thirty-fourth street betweeu Seventh and Eighth avenues, r ainily private. Address ALKX tNDER. station E. PLEASANT AND HANDSOMELY FURNISHED Booms, for gentlemen only convenient to all clty reliroaas No. 4i? rast Twentv-third street TJLKAsSA.NT CONNECTING FURNISHED ROOMS FoR A gentlemen and their wives ot 11# i wenty aeenn 1 ttreet. between turd and Lexington avenues. All mod ern impriAements. SECOND FLOOR OB 8INOLB ROOMS?PHIVATE O brown stone nou?<. Sixteenth atieet, between Fifth aud sixth a vermes, turnished or unfurnished terms moderate: surroundings reflnad. Address SOME IN FLUENCE. Here d office. TO LET?A NICELY PCRNI-iUED THIRD FLOOB, with pientv ot u'o^ets, to a small family : rent (SU. Ko. 416 West Forty-thlrn street TO LET-THBKK NICELY FURNISHED PARLORS and Bedrooms, en snite or singly: hot an I cold watar. 4.V Utu avenne, between Twenty-xevantb and Twenty-eighth sureete. TO LIT ?NE ATLV Ft"RNISHKb BACK PAKLOR, TO one or two gentlemen; also hall Room, t- '?*> per week, private feoase; gas, bath. Ac. 234 taa i'wci;:. ? third street TO LET-TO ? SMAI.L FAMILY OF ADULTS, AN elegant second Floor tunn?hedi of four roa n', bath. Ac.; all modern improvement*, ir private house ^ Fast Forty-ninth street : rent only IB TO LET-IN A PRIVATE HOCSE, A NEATLY FCB rushed Boom suitable for lurht tijustseepinf. SIO per month No 2J6 West Thlrieenth street TWO OK THBKB PARTLY FfRNISHRD ROOMS? Su table for ilgbt boueeke^rung, for man and wife, in a private family: location Mntn or FlfVenti. ward.: rent not to exceod tat per month. Address H. F? Herald office. 3LIOBT ROOMS?FHBN'lsn BO. Sin TABLE Pf/R two gentlemen. $9 per week JH East Thirty eig&tu street AO PHR * F,EK FOB NEATLY PURN IsH ED FRONT <??> ball Koom second floor: also front ball It..ore on third floor. $1: gai> t,a"h. private family. 32? East Four teenth street, near Seeond avenne. 4 WEST FiM RTe.KNTII KTRRET, KiRST DOOR trum Fifth avenue ? To dentist* and phvticlan-> ? A choice ol furni?hed Room* on parlor or second f1<v>r?. wun Bedroom on third Hour it required; well arrstmod 1 for professional purpo?e?. '*:r? water rur.Vfuiences; front door speaKin? tube communicating with (41 room- ?team heurcr: delightful location. overlooking t iltti avenue an! Delmonko's; termi low. fl>,| l*KR WKKK FOR A NEATLY Ft K.MaHfiD Room, trontwr on Broadwav also a Room, suit able for an office or ntudiat <poit tn Osliery. No. <u Broadway, between Twelfth and Thirteenth etreet*. riH AVENUE. NO. 3 6. OPPOSITE MADISON ?J enuare.? Elegant ?"Uits ol Rooms, hana*otnAly fur nltbed, aecond story -vitoont bosra ut moderate price*. Call and so* them . references exchanged. Q RA8T tWKNTT slOOKD STREET.?ELEU ANTIY ?7 furnished iartr<- an! tinalt Rooms, uu third und ' toorth floor* to let to gentlemen. without board; flu* rretMran; second door, permanent partita de?lred. UEA-T TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET.?PLU ASA NT halts of furnished Room* to let to re n tie men. with oatboan;. or with Breakfast; alio Kooia* on the first t'.ixvr: references ?1 WFST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, OEPO-SITK ST. JL?J Jatne* Hote,.?An , cranny htnllbtd parlor Kloor to let. either separately or en ?ulte; private bath, closets, Ac., also other Rooms, large and ?tnail; refer eaee* MOREENWJCil AYENL'R.?a I.AROE FRONT Room on second floor t.> let, lurn'.nh -d for light | houaakeeplng ir desired Can ail the week. 7 west ~ iHiRTY-rirri Jtbb b t. - la r g e~ I handtomely furnished Room* on second and thn t floor*, c? nuiuinu verv larae c o?et?, private bath a 10 I ball Room, containing closet and every convenience, tor S single tenuaiiiaii. Keieienee*. QU OaRDK.V ..TREF.T, HOBOKEN.?FCRNISHED OO i ootnito let. nuitatie tor housekeeping. kotMM iod watct. gas ana bath, convement to the terries; 1 *2511?; p" _ mUACDOrOAL t-TREET, NEAR BLEECRKR.? l oi iUhed Room*, with every convenience tor hotnekee;.iuk. to let, to refpeetewe. ?ioail i?m ii?* mEA*T SEVlWTY-FOCRTH SIREET-TO LET. furnished l oonn, to gsntiamen, with or without Breakfast elegsut v t-i n.>b?.' back Tailor, lultaL.o for doctor ? .nice. Applr on the premise*. 11.) F.A*T NIN'KT FEN Til STREET.?A PARLOR J JO and k#4roofi to rent to a gentleman or a partv or aentlemen. with u board;* verjr imalt HMMiT ; a tew ooori trom Fourth Hvenua ()11 EA.ST EIOflTEE.VTH ^TRF.E t.-WELI. Ft'R. ?1 L nuhed Roorr>? to ^et in a pleaijiit locality iie^r Cnioniquare, convenient to hotafi, r?.tauran ? an 1 car routar f)-Q WrBT THIRTT-lflNTM STRKET. NEAR SRT ?OC enth avenue.?A private itmur. ttaviug more room thua tUey require *1 i let Part or i loor of three room*, with privilege oi mtol eu it required, very haiij aotne.v, on r*a?onabie termi; reiarttticeeek chaugeJ. Qnn WEST TWENTY-FIFTH STREET.?HAND OUV entnely furnished Rooms to let; numtura ne? -? uoi'* for light houiakaaping; alioiitigie xooms for gentlemen H|| NINTH STREET, NEAR SECOND AVENL'K. ? Oil Furnialiad Room to one or two gemleuten or a res. e marr.od coup e ijr tiuu*eti".-iiing, also ;a iwaa Bad room to u geut>aa*u. L .VECR.MIIHK.l) HOO.nS A1U A HAR T" ; XE.VTR TO LET. _ A BKACrtlPl'L RaMOOkLtbD* FLAf To LtT-i.V A Watt Hum- tafift street, let ween i-rhili and ITe^avs^at au im Siodera OBnravsttai^t. i j OVVVRfHHKD HH09IS %SO APART- I .IIRIV'TM TO L.B5T. \ ?.'.111 rill'NK .ST., 4111 FLOOR, ft ROOMS..$21 00 v\. .'M West Twe'ith. >11 'I tloor. Iron', rooms. 00 2ti Huinlin. .second floor, " room". waier n? i >m* . ?!! ft Hora'i i, flr-t tlnnr und basement. i! room- i m 3711 Blcecker. third rooms. ? n tt-r Altd ga* *?' '*? H Gnn-evoort, first floor aim oaM-meni "<?> 1 'in 4fli, tlrtt tiuor .111(1 I .1-1 nil lit iuipnni'Ul'i?t4 0'?) 1 40 Horatio. Iphrtb Moo;', W , ?> room*. wati r iras 1" !>7 Horatio, third floor, 4 room*, uatcr and >--as . .;>) u?l V. I., A M. T. 1M J:N 11 AM, 809 l!tt 1 -Oil -arret. _ i second floor to let-containing rivi: J\ rooms. _.i>, water. water closets mid waslilloiise. <Q*l'e?|>e table family; rent, $:*> Appiv on promised 212 Ha*', i hirty-secoini street. A VKKV PLEASANTLY SITUATED THIRD FLOOR ? I t'' let?!n good order, water. Ac. ? lariic Koum?, nil liur!i? iam- vard; rent $r>. Inquire at 3.'1 \\e?i Forty-ili Ira street. i ? FLOORS OVER STOKE, NO. 420 FOURTH AVE- j ? tine. to let, ttv# rooms. imprtTCUMDl*. near Twenty inntli street. Call and owner and premises Iroiu 11 1 to 1 o'clock t ?LOWER OR I I'i'ER PAI.'TOP HRIVATP, HOI SR. Forty-fourth street, Broad wav and Sixth aveiiue, $6.'i Lower. or #S1 tor Second !? loor. live ro ms. Call on or address owner. S14 Went Nine:eentli street. troin 9to 1. A GREAT BARGAIN ? H ?LF Of IIOUS'': NO. 120 .1 Mii-iiouxal street, to a private tamilv .-nlv ; all im provements, possession once, call at lion--. A. FOSTER, CllftOlO Hons.' A TTEN'TInN" I?FRENCH I I,AT-. THIRTY FOURTH ? V street. suits si x rooms, modern Improvements; rents $40 ?, possession. Call ami bo suited. MORRIS li. MA kit, 7- West thirty-fourth street and 9D8 St*Ul avenue. \ ?MAGNIFICENT FRENCH FLATS. NEAR FIFTH -1 . avenue. to let at greatly K?<HK!ed runt* to llrst < lass families; 8 and in lt< o:u-, all light; every modern improvement; halls hcntnd and carpeted; Janitor und jaiutress in constant attendance. For comfort and elegance these llut't are unsurpassed JAMES FETTRETCH, 999 Sixth avenue. APPLHNDID FLOOR TO LKT ON BROADWAY 1 147; three rooms deep; a kitchen; can be divided. Also furnished Room*. A PARTMENTH f.V THE KENSINGTON HOUSE? Fmv seventh street, corner Fourth avenue; seven large rooms and oath: every room perfectly lighted; possession a weeK before May. TJMPSON A Ffc-ET, 1,483 Uroaitwuv, near Korty-fourtli itreeL A BASEMENT, WITn KKCOND FLOOR (CON'sIKT 1\ lug of two room*, with folding doors and clian deliers), two Leiirtioiim, ?ir pantries, ruiiRe und Uutli. Apply at 203 Monroe ItreeL \ VKRY UKSIRAULI'. THIWD PLOOK?ON SOUTH ./A west corner o' Third avenue and Thirty-eighth street, over ilrug store, entrance on Thirty-oieli111 street, cunHlatlng of seven light rooms, s*ven clo-ets. water cio.set and cat tlxtoren, all newly palnled. Apply to ?M AT'l'llKW BVKNKS. 142 Kast Thirtv-third street. APARTMKSTS-3. 4, 6 OR 10; STRICTLY I'RIVATK first cla?4 itomns. with extra eonvenlenc aSZOto , $4S; also store ana three Kooin*. $:id. Apply at C4 West tenth street, or 451 iluuson. A ?TH.. Kf.EUAMT FLOOR IN THE WHITE l\. marble Luildtug .No. 159 Ninth avenue: third tloor, over the store: six rooms. In pertect order, recently painted, containing stattonarv tut;, water cloiet. ga< tlx tnres. 4c.; ull laru-e rooms and large vara. Apulv to 1>. A. CCiSHMAN 172 Ninth avenue, between Twentieth and lweti;> llret streets. A QUIET FAMILY OK ADULTS CAN ENJOY THR possession ol a very convenient .second Flat. In owner's house, lor a very moderate rent. Apply at 234 West Hftv-tlfih street, near Broadway. A SECOND FLOOR?CONSISTING Of THREE rooms, water and gas; to udults only; reference required. Inquire at 28 Charles utreet. NikxcBlli'.m s11:ond risOOr to rint-Tri vate bouse. .Ninth ward ; elogant location; good air ; ho; and cold water, gas, bath. Apply to JAMES CAUNKY, S51 Hudson street. AHI?ST CLASS flat CB1AP?PARLOR AND Ba-ioineni Floors; both $70; nil impr<jvemcnts; chandeliers; perfect order; splendid location; high atoop brown stone house, with best ts'tiily For permits app.y at 125 i- ast Thirty-lonrtn street, o?ii;r. A VERY DESIRABLE SECOND FLOOR CONSIST J\ lng of six rooms, six closets, water closct and gas fixtures, all newiv pain;ed and in thorough order. Apply to MaTXHKW HYK.V/-:S, 142 Kast Thirty-third *!. /?1IIOICR FLATS TO LET?IN IlOt'SE . 70 LEXINGTON v.* uvenne, hav'.nvr all the modern conveniences; rent $40 to $.M |M-r montn. Apply to owuer. iiuBT. 1. UBOff.N, 2j Nassau ? reet. IjtLBOANT* THIRD FLOOR,"six ROOMS. COHNXCT. j ing, pantries and use of luithroom, in brown stone private dwelling SBftWest Fifty-fourth street; to a small mmii.v of udults rent verv low. Inquire ot H. WOOLF, 251 West Thirty-seventh street, or at lv? and 198>i Church ??_ I ELEGANT FRENCH FLAT, OVER EQUITABLE j savings institution, sixth avenue, corner iwdiih street, 80 teet deep, six rooms; rent $50 monthly. Inquire in the bank, between 11 and 3. Fir t 'floor,'""and" basrmknt to let?also Third Floor, in 13 West Washington place: nil im provements; in beautiful order; in bousa with owntr. ?Apply on premises. TjlRENCH FLAT TO R - NT?AT A GREAT RKDDC I Uon. all Improvements. In tine condition, on tecond floor. Raig first bell tor hoiuekeeper. 442 West Thirty > ni Mi street TOLATA TO LET-TWO FLATS, SRVEN ROOM^t 1 L each, besides bathroom, on soathesst corner of Fort\ ninth street and Sixth avenue. T. BtKMi.NG HaM. 241 West Fifty-third street. T7IRENCI1 FLATS TO LET?WITH ALL MODERN IM r uroveroents; a year's lesse will tie (riven to a ?<x>d tenant at reduced rent, inquire of janitor, 343 West Twenty eiglitfi street. L^UtNCll FLATS TO LET?UNFt'RNI - HKD: SIX r moms and oath room, range. Ac. , very desirab e; exeeiii-nt ni-ighboriUKXl nnd location; near cars, stages and Elevatea Railroad. West Twenty-stecond street F?LATS? PROM SIX TO NINE ROOMS AT 313 WEST Tweniv firtt street, all improvements: Uncharge yard. Ar., w.ttuu halt a Mock of hlcvated Kailronil sta tion: other apartments at SIS. Inquire at 319, Ice office. mooi THIRD?SIX ROOMS MODERN IMPROVE r meuts. No- 210 l ast Seventeenth cruet, between Third avenue and >tnyvesan: square; no olll up; aiM First "Floor over store, corner Ek'hteeuth street and Third a venae, -even rooms, bath. gas. Ac. L'KKM il PLATS FIRST SECOND A\r> TUIBB F i".a s, of nine rooms each, in desirable block, 125th street near Eighth avonue: range, hot and cold water, j stationerv tubs, bathroom .ml all improvements; *.i $30and $V>. GEO. W. WOOD, i67 West 125th street, or 212 Mow. ry. UBl.NCH FLATS TO RI.NI??ORTY-THIKU *TRt:KT I nuil right* avenue; a?-ven room* and bath: all conveniences; hall* and stair* carpeted; janitor on j premier* from $SS to $66 per montb, ana others at leee . rent*. lIMPaoN 6 PBSl, l.tsa Broadway. uear Forty ' fourth aire*'. Frknch ilath.?to let. a flat of eight room*. Id building No. .(UVSeu FIlty-tLxtb iirr"t; stenB heat and all couvt nlencea ol a bouaa. Inquire ot Janitor. Fmne hhown stwk frknch flat, seven lirtit room*, wim ail the medern Improvement*. No M Sr. M ark'a place, or tlghtli etreeL near Second a?. LARUE PARLOR FLOOR! B^BMKNTF ,AND : .???*condor Hilrd Floor: fir e private bonee. with all Improvement* and coav?nieric<*?. Apply to owner. 210 Ka.t Tweutlntfi -itreet. near Ihird a venae. I OWES FART OF PRIVATE HOC8E TO LET-IN ! Fortv roartb utre near Sixth avenue; parlor floor auil bawinpnt: ul mo<l*rn Improrome'.u; rent $50; more ro-.m it required. Inquire at ?$ Mxth nvenne. ONE <>K TWO URNTf.KMKN TAN BK At'fuM.MO datf'l with a nemlv f*rol?h?d lie.'.'oom at 71 Poplar atreet. Kro?kivn within Ave minute* ot rulton terryi. OECOND FLOOR. .NO. fi$3 EIGHTH AVENUE; SIX roort.a ail in good order: poaaeaalon May 1. Inquire ol J. I'.OMAINh lii.<;'AN n, \ 2?? Broadway. OEfOND FLOOR NO. ? WR.iT THIETT THIRD 0 ?treet tour rooms, n ; ana cold water, aaliable lor houekeaping .r fir dre??maker. Inquire of J. Ro ll aInk BROWN. So. 1,z*j Broadway OECOND FLoOB, NO. IXS BROADWAY. THRKE rooms, suitable for iiKht bu.*ineae ; urooaea. Inquire or J. ROB a InE Hlto W.N . Nu l ieu Broadway. TO LET?A PARLOR FLOOB. CON8I?TINO OF 1 three rwi?i; large cioeat: gaa, water. Ac. ? alao a furnished Kiwu. on floor above lfdeaired; rent tor flrtt tumr $4.i. 436 fourth avenue. rpO LBT-1HK SECOND. THIRD AND FVOBTH 1 Floor* or landing 701 Broadway. Apply to MAR TI N A ?MITM. 40 Wali ntrcct To LE1 ?Lower i-art of i$3 hknrt mrbet. confuting of front and back parlora. Uaneunntaand two badroomi; r.-nt moderate. App'y lo HUGH SMITH, 1*7 Kant I'roadway. _ TO I.ET.-'JO EAST FIFTEENTH HTRi.'? T.-1WO haod.v>m<' Floor?, for .,ne or twoatnaii taimliea. For particular^apny on pre.nlte.. rpO LBT-OME FLOOB OF FIVE ROOMS, ALL 1 light, at $4' per month, at .'to. 37 spring atreet. rPO LET? iCoNII *ND PART OF THIRD FLOOR*, 1 in private h uae S73 w-<t Thlrty-eecond itraat; flue neighborhood. Apply on premSee*. rpo LXT?IN BRoWX STONE HOCME. NO. ?2 WgST 1 lhirty-<lxth atreet. parlor and baaemcnt Storei, IWt moderate to_a good tenant, marble bail. Ac. rPO LIT?APARTMENTS IN A NRAT COTTAOR, CON I lifting ol p trior iad Ln?en.?nt floor, in fplenoid or der. rent low. inquire on the premises, 1U bait l.tghty aecoBd uroet. TO LET?FRENCH FLAT* IN BROWN SI ONE btuldmg >1" Greenwich stroet: arranged lor eariy downtown bttMneaa mea and tamliiea; an Improve ?ent*'. ready for oc yp.inrv Aprtl J6 HKAi.EY ,t moki ~o 34 Liberty f.reei. rP? I'KT t NFI T..VISHKD-SF.COND FLOOR AND 1 tvr? Room < n third : private rem :enca 7H Macdou.-ni ? ?re-" (a? bath: i xcellen; nei(.il>orlio<>i; to ?mall tam lly ouly ?j'aferencea re>j*ilre<i ; room* newly paln;ed. TOI.Kr-IF OE'tRED IMMEDlATULf, TO A $?ALL ie<f.e 14 i.* family, a complete lar/e (loot with pr^niu uatn ?nd ?ittr cloaet, at M' Kait t'onrteeotu atreet. rent reaeonaiae. rtHi LK i ? FLA T ON SECOND FLOOR, 10* JiAsTSEV. 1 eaty thifti ?'reet. confuting oi ?i* room> eiaelient order, n ut $eo pat munth. Apply to JaHU C.kK.t. W Howorj TO L".T ?TFTE ?F.C0.VD AND THIRD FLOORS OP 1 pnvnia houte. c< ti ainmg n na rooiiM all un prov,Mneui?, rent .mv to reaponuMe party, ut Eauthiv tcenth atraet. rear tha ?*ar*. TO LK -PvRLOK AM) BASEMEN f OP A BROWN 1 't ne liou-c with tour Rcorrn up ?talr? : Hf:y-iccond Mreet near l u'..tli avenue; at r"luc<"1 rent. M. ?. FRIhNU. 7>8 aeventa avenue, oonwr Fori>-eighitt at^^ TO LF. I?A ShCO.VD FLOOB. FOf'R NICE LAROE 1 roomt, with cio*'-t?; front Haaement: gat and water, u?e or the waahroom. ill hait Meventn Mreet, near Fourth avenue q'O r.ET-IN V0HEV1I.LE ON BIOHTT THIRD 1 ?tr< et, near Ltntral I'arlt. thf Lower I'art ol a Uai.laulixj octagc, eoiuut,!i< ol tlx rouBf, watjr nnd I'riit Appiy to J. OOH.MAN, No. 4?, cornur of fb and utTenty-nltittt ureet. TO LfcT-lFfKR llALF oV BROWN $TOKE BOCiE NO. 141 Wett Tbtriy-usu iweeti A??>r oa UN , Pfvotue*. nraVRSUiici) nooinw aiu ajpjurt >1 KITS 14> IjKT. rjlO LET?IN PRIVATE HOUSE EAST i. Hi I1TY-THIRD ! street ii. ii." I'iltli iivfniiu. 10 n-mall lini.iiy ul ? !??** (Amerieiiiis>, Second Floor. containing lour room*. ??* 1.1 ilv? riuiiii i iii S-! i ? ? ? 111111r11. Inquire oi S. THOM SON, Agem. 1.475 Third u venue. mO LEtf-PAKLOK I'l.iKJK ANH BASEMHUT II.O HI, I together. or separate in :? small luinlly: suitable l..r n dri^MiniSiT; low rent, Apply oa tlio premise*,-a Clirvstie street. rpo let-a kk'.v first class flats in tub J tour now buildings on I mirth nvunuo. eorner Thirty ?ecoud street Apply ut oflUe <75 hmirth aveuue. rpo Li.r~ b?n\i? and third floors (TFN 1 room-.; in uron n stone lYout House No. 209 East i ifty-second street; rent #5j. _ rpo LET?AT REDUCED PRICK. A DF8IBABLH I French Hat on West Thirty eighth street: eighl rooms i modern improvements; i -an be seen from 1U tot It. m. BRt'N HIUE, 9H> Broadway. rpo LET?UNFURNISHED. BASEMENT, TWO P.vR I lors on first rtoor, uml three Rooms on third floor, ut 111 tfedloru street; reut moderate. Inquire on tin premises. rpo LET?PAR LOR FLOOR AND BAIEMBNT, IN I private house, with all improvements; u'so t'econd floor, rau be seen Irom 2 to 5. jwo blocks troin Broad way. 22S i-.ast Ihirti-enih .street. rpo LET SECOND 8 "Oil Y?FOUR ROOMS, IN PIU I vute house -7 East Eighty third streett irnod neigh borhood ; rent *1< per mouth to a small tanitly. ApplJ on the premises rpo LET?IHRKE OR FOUR ELEGANT ROOMS -1 with bath, Ac., to a xmnil family only. Apply at a Ea*t .-sixteenth street In drug store. rpo LET?SECOND FLOOR, IN HIGH STOOP BROWN 1 house; all improvements. Apply at 234 East Kitty, second street; also Apartments, 6 Urge Rooms, at 1,531 Third u\onue. rpo LET?AT NO. -J3S KIKTII STREET, NEAR 8Kt> 1 ond avenue, the Parlor Floor and Basements, witb 111rooms, all complete. rpo LET?AT 408 WEST FORTY-FOURTH .-.TREET, 1 Second Floor, six good rooms; gas, wuter, Ac ; la good order; rent#4(1. TO LET?THE SECOND ASH THIRD FLOORS NO. 297 Hroorno .street, near Forsyth. rpo LET?SECOND FLOOR, FIVE BOOMS.' RENT 1 low, in bouse No. 38 Urove strct TO LET-HALF OF NO. 6ft DOWNING STREET; will let low. Can be seen between 11 and 2. rpo LET?TO A SMALL. RESPECTABLE FAMILT, A 1 complete Dwelling on one tloor. including bath, with water closet, in house 3<7 t-ast Fourteenth street; rent reasonable. rpo RENT?TO A SMALL FAMILY, UPPER PART 09 J brown stone tront house on West Forty-sixth strtetj owner occupies balance; possession May 1. Apply to JAMES PKIOE, 2U Hudson street rpo BKNT?SECOND FLOOR, WITH BACK BAS& 1 ment, 2U9 West Tenth street; rent #35. TO RENT-TO A FAMILY OK THREE ADULTS, SRC* ond Floor and Part oi third floor of moilern rest* dence in .Ninth wurd; bulance ot liouse occupied by owner. JAMEs PRICE, l(b liudsou street. rpo LET?UPPER PAKT AND BABKMENT (FIVI X rooms) of House No. 41 Renwlck street, to a small, quiet tuiuily; rent, #itf per month. Inquire on the premises. TO LET?TWO SECOND STORY FLOORS OF FOUR light rooms and kitchen; water, gas and water closets ott floor; rent i3U. HOUKKS, 2 8 tnd 240 East Twenty-eighth street. 110 RENT?TO A FAMILY OF ADULTS, PARLOR Moor and Basements; modern improvements, at# West Twenty soventi street, near Ninth avenue. TO KEVI-FIRSTCLASS" FLATS, E'lUHT ROOMS, all light, with all the conveniences, near the corner Seveutv nrst street and Third avenue; building SW teet deep. App>y to L. J. CARPENTER, No. 26 ihird avenue (Bible House). rpWO FRENCH I- HT9. WITH IMPROVEMENTS. TO 1 let. Iiath, Ac.; t rooms; low reut to first clans fami lies. 7U7 .-sixth aveuue, Detwetu rorty-third and Forty fourth streets. rpHIRD FLOOR, FIVE LARGE ROOMS, TO A FAMILY _L without children ; good m uhborhood; reut $3U per month. 5->4 West Fitteentii street. __________ TTPPER PART OF HOUSE IN THIRTY-FIRST U street to M familv of adults; six rooms; rent $50. Inquire at 109 East Twenty-sixth street, between 2 and S. Unfurnished?to lkt, skcono floou. six rooms: modern improvements; first class nelghtx>|t bood. Applv at West Thirtieth street, from II ?. M. to 4 P.M. ' 1ST FLOOR AND BASBMKNT?NEAR SIXTH AVK nue, seven rooms. $.15; also another, Tweaty-flrat street, six rnomK J4.), and othets WALTER W.tMON'lA* Wrf, Eighth avenue and Twenty-first atreeuj OD FLOOR AND TWO ROOMS ON THIRD FLOOR! ild verv desirable, in tine order. 343 West Twenty ninth street (Lnmartinc placei. t)D FLOOR TO LET?FIVE ROOMS, WITH BATtf ? and all modern improremeut*. Apply at draf store, 481 Kighth avenue. TO CLINTON PLACB. NKAR BROaDWaY.?FIRST, lO second and third Floor* to let, tor private resi dences or business purposes, possession taken immedi ately. location central; every improvement Iaqoira within. References | O KAJT NINTH STREET. WEKT OK BROADWAY ? Second anJ Third Floors, all improvements, >rparaielv or tuiiether. for li<.Os<'keeplr.g or puainesa purposes; ihird Floor, turnished. will be let cheap. inn WEST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. CORNER 1UU sixth avenue-?First French Flat, seven rooinsi e verv improvement; hall stairs carpeted. InauLre or 3. RICH, 74 Murray street IrtQ BARROW STREET.?ENTIRE DWELL1NO. JU>' in rooms; 1U7 (priv.ite ho;isei. second floor; four or five good rooms; itas and water; rents moderate; owner's family on premises. i)?7 CAST SEVENTY-SEVENTH "STREET,4 NEAR zt*) 4 Second avenue ?lo let, Third Floor private three storv brown stone House, all modern Improve ments. to adults or parties with one or no children; reut %ii per month, including gas. POST OK Kit K .MO I K E. PO;T OFFICE NOTICE.?THE MAILS FOR ECROI'B lor the week ending Saturday. Aprii 24.1S7J. will close at thM office ?? follow On Wednesday at IS M_ on Thursday at HJUi. M. and on Saturday at i, 6 and 11 :Xi A. M. i. L. JAMKS. fowmaur. HKIiP UANTKU-tlAliE*. 4 NORl.L'3 HOT AIR ROMAN BATHS, 61 l.EXINO _'\ Uiii ir want agreeable, honcMt, luteJ'inent. tonus trious.stlictiv temperat- Americans under 29, lor baths and office; also colored boy ot 11 to black boots and ran errand*. A COMPETENT MAX WANTED?!N A LIGHT Bl'SI J\ nea*. lor ?i>are (ioum or whole time. NEW Yo.-lK BOOK CONCERN, No. 7 Warren ?t.. 10 A M. AQRNT, WANTED?Til KUUQHOt'T THE STATE, r<>r the Ceriteunlal Ar* Journal: a handsome prlxa xivn with ererv subscription. For particulars add real 34 Park row, room I. ________ T"RESPECTABLE "lov WANTED?FOR A MTEAM 1\ ship oflii-e ; must wrre a *ood bana and em#e well recouimeudel. Addreij .. L ROPE, box I'.j llera J office. PERMANENT POSITION AND GOOD PBOSPBC1 __ of advancement is open to an energetic business man fn the publishing office of HE.-s a BcDAVITT, 744 Broadway; salary 9la to commence, ' all after Id QEN'RRA I. AGENT WANTED"-FOK NORTH America for th* ???.ploratlon ot a sys.< m to make ess for pr rate use wl'hoiit lieat which h?? proved to tie the most solid ami practicable: high commission given. Address F. H. No. Ti\ care ot Haaseusteiu k 1 ogier. la Berne. Switzerland <il. I33f\ T.) A A GOOD BOOK i'ANV \>>ER WANTBD?TO CAN \a?H *hn ritj :?r a tlrst claas book; ?o d in carte srtilpsv $10 per week salary and liberal commission to a responsible and competent man. HOWAKTH * t niLI.IPd. 86 Nassau ?t. OY WANTED?GOOD REFERENCE REQUIRED. Call between 9 and 10. WIi.BKL * EilQEBRF.CHT, 81 Walter SL /CANVASSERS FOR A POPULAR ADVERTISING journal. .f extensive circulation; salary and com mission a pp v atter ? o'clock A M. to Mr. OLOVEU, No 5 Oey ?t., roon 24. B DENriSI'S POSITION^ OFFEBED TO SEVERAL competent In one or both tranche*; also young nn?i(it mod address. fairly elocated, of little means, Inclined to learn. PkK'IERRK BROS.. lBDBowery. T WAITT A OOOD MAN. ONE WHO t NDER^TANDS 1 the hotel bust!:***, not to take rtiarsre but to assist in lay way: must i* soixr ana willing to work; to the right man a good chance is offered. Mpiv with reler etice. between l and 5 P. M , on ihuraday. fid, to ffHf EL'x K^Boston Hotel. No I Atlantic ar., Brooklyn. LUNl II VAN - v VOCNO Mas WHO UNDERSTAND! carving and watting and is neat and eleaa and can work, may call alter ? o'clock at ?tii av. and s#tb st, HiNfc'B restaurant. MOSIC.-WaNTED, ' XPFBIRBCED CANVASSERS to solicit orders for the finest il unrated musical work published . sold only bv ?uo* r.ptlon lugnest com missions paid. CkWiCK, ihS Broadway, room J. IV'AN Ihli-lWO (iUOD NKN WHO CNDKRHTA.ND tt onemag oysters. Apply, lor one woea. at i8S 6to a v. WANTED?A BOY. ABOUT 1? YEARS OF AO*; ON6 tt who i< familiar w?;h custom house work preferred; mnst have t.?,t references. Address, stating where sat ployed during lait '.to years, CCaiOMS BOY, box U) Herald office. \17aKTLD?BY A BOY. 16 YEARS Ut AOR, A MTU t V acton in a store. or is wtillag to leara a trade. A4 dress No. iij East .cut st. H'AXTED?FOR T1IE UNITED STATES MAP.IXEH t! 23?oldli'i'- who Imve be<m honorably dlsoliargsd from the army or marine corps. Apply at the Marine Barrack*, Kiooklvn. N. V. UTARTKD?AN ACTIVE, TRUSTWORTHY MAN TC t> deliver serui t, oks; must be or good cuaraeui aiid able to uirni?!t ca?u -eLuiity. Apply by leueronly, to .IOIINSON, nit.SON Alt. box S.l<S 1'o?t ofBce. W'A.VTED-TWiil VE EXPERIENCED AGENTS TO tt . an van* tpr advertisements ant) n?me? for a basi ne?? dire torv. to \?htpin salary nntl nfimBMNN will be paid Address H. L , hot 114 Herald ones. IV ANTM>-< ANV ASSEKI ON A SUBSCRIPTION tt Droit, in numbers, luit ont; rare paid. JAMES SHF.Eii V. S8 h.u'c.ny tre n. New Tor* ; .SJ BaiOmore itroet. Bslrlruore ;J?i3 Sucnth street, Washington. w ANTKD?A YOIXG C0LORB9 ^IAN A! FIRST tt cla?s waiter. Apply at No. H8 19u> st, be tween , and 8 o'clock tfm (Thursday) murmug. 11"AN fKD?A YOUNO MtN. WHO IWDBRSTAND1 t T :he care ol horses to work in a market Appljr, by letiar, to E. a. DIBBki.L. si West 4th 4t. tV'ANThD-* OKNTI EM AN, OF -OMK BC9INE3I tt experience acllve and o| good address, to oollact tucrcaiih!. inio; iiiaiion. Addi'eis. in owu handwriting, A. W.. Herald ___ T*'A*IED-AN ACliVK YOt'NO MAN. TO WOB* M tt kJjuttmir rooin tuoii have gooJ rff?rea4B A|?if ,,? ?i