Newspaper Page Text
Seventy-tkird Day of the Wonder ful Scandal Suit. MR. BEECHER'S LAST DAY The Witness Rejoiced at His Release. A QUESTION OF LIFE INSURANCE. "A Strong Spiritual Presentiment that I Was Near the Borders." FLUSHING A PARTRIDGE. Following Up Bowen's Check to Tilt on for $7,000. "Spoils from New Friends for the Enrich ment of Old." The cross-examination of Mr. Beecher termi nated yearetday at half-past twelve o'clock, to the e? dent great Joy of Mr. Beecher hlniseil and the Court and jury. In rather a pleasant n ame or miud Mr. Kuilerton sat down after his long and exhausting effort, l^uite a atlr toos: place in the court room ami several persons .stood np and lett as if the main attraction ol the performance was at an end. Fuiiertun did not exert hnuseli with anytt lng like his accustomed energy. He seemed to ieel that ue had accomplished his task and tiiat the few rema ning questions necessary to be put to the witness were or a purely ioruial character. Mr. beeuhsr had evidently no Idea the cross examination was to termlnato so abruptly. He w..s red and unnappy, and his answers had at times a tone of anger that snowed he was r?stive unJ embarrassed. Ue left the stand hushed and iree, and la bis every motion indicated that do telt redcved from some terrible pressure. The old quotation from the Irian orator?"Redeemed, re generated and disenthralled"?wus something that Beecner's friends considered applied to his escape ir m Fulerton's hands. Beeoher was under hall an boar's Bsniucr kxamin atiov, and then prior to ta&tng a recess descended from the stand and received the congrataiatlons of nia lrlands and relations. foor Mrs. Beecucr'* eves Ugnted up with a gladness tna: has long been a stranger to taem. Her daughter, Mrs. Scovillo, was equally influenced to comiort aui napplness, and Mr. Scovi'.i? was so far impressed as to cry, "Hip, hii>, nnrrah!" Beecher Himself was glad that the agony was over and wat uncommonly communicative. He left the court room at recess and did not return during the day. 5or old Foi lertoo pat in an appearance in the aitemooo. ?trer the cross-examination ceased be sat steadily ?tartag at the witness. Beecher has made a negative impression. The jeopie who have sat day after day under his shadow in the com t room and listened to hia an sweri have come away witu the impression that he must be a deeply injured nan or e:se he is a ueepiy injuring witnees. There were times in ais testimony when trie latter impression wus very strong on the minds of m^st people, and lieecaer appeared more the sinner than the saint. The common sense of the public who read nis answers and statements will determine as luliy and em 1'hatlcailjr as any verdict or a jury the trne meas ure of the man's culpability. He tias uot been a great success as a witness lor himself, and as against biruseif eveiybody will determine by the record of bis lestiuionv. THB BVIUBNCE. To Mr. Fuilerton?I Ut at ?aw Victoru W. odtinll bt>out tbe 1st or Juue; ?a<r Her at i'lltonN; uad an interview vita ber fl>Te; tb.u vrjs diicr 1 be pud dcerioa . f ber caff; ? might have i.eeu imwe diateiv attar: tn? interview wax brought about in roasBqucnoe of ma. publication, but n itbou iujt knowledge; next taw her in me auumu ?r 1ST1; . bout tee joib <>i october, 1671. y. Uerweeu tuoae interview* did yon receive snr .r <rn ner ? A. I s.iy: I bare n letters of tiers to me in my poe>eaSiou; my couusei may bave. y. l?,u you receive that Irorn Mrs. Woodhullf (Paper namied to w tuesa.) A ter a rare ul perusai or tbe paper tbe witness rep led:?l think 'tis is it: I am not umiiiar ? uouirn witb ner writing to be positive; it looks Ue tbe ten r oi its content*. lue tetter read in evidence, w as follows:? IS East laiarr ?io?tu -raiarr, 19tn, llth. M71 tie V. II. W, blLKLMLBl? hmK >ia?for tuoo* la which y<>u sre dee sly in terextrd a* well as wyeelf and tbe cmv ultra, a i de IS !? lu ii if .amii rvit* wlilijou *i.t.out ran. at tome I ur to morrow Two of your aieters have *ou.' oui or tiieir way to aaaall iuv ciiaraoter ,iu?l pu/ppacs. r>otb !>y Uie n..-en? or the pubi s pre-s and by nu neruu? priva.u ;e r? ? rltteu to various person* witb whom ih y <eek to iu are me. and Uiiu to deleat the Dont cal end. at art: h i am i-i i doutuea* know that it is In wr cower to strike Lick an I It - Burt oiaaatrou* than anvtbiug that can C?M ro uie but l do Bot le?ire to io 0i?. 1 -tin, .y oaairr jtwUea from cuwae irom ?>bow I ha*e a riiibt ro expect it. and a r s*>:iabie course ou your part will ? tat we in it. 1 up'? guardedly but 1 thins you wi,l understand me 1 repeat tbat I must bave an ia:e, vie x to-iii..rrow aiuce 1 .>m to sp?-aa tomorrow evening at stelnwsv Hail and what I thai! or ?hal! not iav win de pend argeiy npoa tua re?u-: o! tbs interview. l -iuri very truly. ViciijRIa < *ootui'Li. f *>. ? r'.me r eturo <tu??r by bearer. fFlmesi?l diu out an?wer tbat cote; aentlt to Moo:.on. 1 proposed to write an answer, a i i con ? UiteO,wuft i,ibb about it; tie dissuaded iu - irom re plying. najiDK mat he coal i manage t.<e in. tier uireseii; ne die not ?xpiaia bow: ne di i nor de tail to m? bow ne anouid oo it; be said ue tboagat I bed better write no answer. <4 w kr aid you consult niui about ur a. Icon suited bun ao ut every 14, Wueu bud ron mat m erv.ew wiib ber' A. Tbe next morning; tbe interview was about by Mouitoa : I called to see bim the next morula i. to learu bow aCU.r-. ?toou ; he was tben la a differeut mood from tne flat Uelor*r; on the previous day ae wait or tbe mood tnat I saonid not write au answer, uut ou tbe aecou<t occaai<>a ue said ne tbougbt 1 bad better ?ee ber; it s was tue jccaetou ot toe interviaw reierree to: my m, res. nou is tnat it was B- id at Mooiiou'a; it old not occupy more toaa rrom a aaU to tbree-quai t?r< ot au lour. Q. Did yoa go wltfe ber to aoy otlwr part or Mr. Mouiton'e bouse ea tbat occa-iob T A. Wot that I reoiMi. y. Do vou recollect what, you stated ?a yoor direct examiastiou la that re?a/d t a. on, res; I wen' bacx from tbe obamber and saw Mr. Mouk> toa down stairs, tnat waa alter tbe termination si tbe interview wuu ber. q, Did you relate t&e circoastsocee of the in terview you aad witb Mrs. Woodooil to Mr. Mooi wu aid Mr. liiiou f A. Tee; I gave tbem some accoout oi tbe interview. y, Wbsn and wnsre wae tbat f A. Immediately subsequent, I tbibX. y. wuere r a. My impreaaion la rbat it waa beiew m tae parlor; il may aave been in the otuer room, op stairs th ? woitajre strmtadi littkr. Mr. Pnuertoa?i wui read auetber letter:? M UHijAD sTSSST. Dsaa Ma. Bwscarre? Mrs. Stanton and 1 nave jus; had a conrsrsnce tbat yoa be procured to -peak, at oar * asb mgtou i or.Taction Vou are swsr : we m'end to o?a evsry effert to permed* aad loroe <,<irig'#s* o pa?* the Declaratory act just introduced t.y tiensral Butler So single psrson wnoia ws tso* would bs>s aucn so iuiIu ence upon consrset. aad ws Uapa you luay Jaatn tbe ocoaaloa weru>> a# your aUtnuou. lours, TICTuKla v,. WOODHCLU k- Did yon answer tnat letter! a. i bave an impreeeion 1 diu, sir. <4. Aba ue.ore answering did yoa commanicbte tun Mr. M alton? a. i tu.nk, sir. 1 wroie an an swer and showed it to bim. y. 1 DOwo.u your attention to Exhibit 4'i: is that tbe tetter you wro;e te douiton alter receiv. Hit tuat letter rrom Mrs. vfooeauuf a. 1 pres ,ine tb>s is mioe, sir; but, or course, witn reserv^rion, aet Having tue dooument la mr eand; 1 presome It M UIH. TH? LITTIB TO ?OCbTON. Mr. FoUerton?4 wui read it to you. Ttrssaav ?vicwim j?n 2. i??j Mr Dsaa Faasa?I send you victorie *i.?dUiiii ? latter to m? and rxiv reply, wiuaii i submit to your judginr n Sell me what you tblng ofit is it too 1od? wta?iieusa U ier subiisiilng r 1 wouldn't wish t ' n?v? it no u<ed. I a? Bot no-en to itiasb upon tbe ulat'orm upon *1,tier lBea?tou. Wbat Influenoe 1 po^sena 1 liiteno U. im oii ay ??u book I do not mean to train witu e tuer party, SM it ts not lair to pre-* me wnen i am nit wu ntM i0 *... lieavs 11 to yon. end you iudgs tor me i buve >e US 1 ?Boa yoa hi.lie. n and i Uuv* never been sorry lor it. X 1 waa uiis.aken Si out tna cAe<?( *n eomi; # ou? saea'.v .aat 1 aoaia mat eaa a m.uaa m tba uouu.. a<* ' in It. It Wa? |u? tb? oilier In l?e (W:hJc.I. and 1 send i 'i i.til .'T i o [in ,tr? ? tin- f it Hi ?r <? ?? In iln ?ip?i iu-utorrow .1 .in. or ->> will j? iiiMrtt l t? ?Oil.'II ? litli.- Oie toUC Q all "tl! I He rhrt li.i I v Dull i hi .iiii 'Vila '.|iv i n lett'i- ia V i) ; i)? y i tltiit?: ii ? >uJ.1 'hi )">? i? to ivnit i Utfiiitl mill n . !??' luiwlir Will v.'U Uio letter to me ?ui s. .i ih oih r i) vtiu u l{>? it wise? t Will vi u si'lid it mi' i > my house In the morning s.i. iiiu wm you ruin u.leT | I .mi ?ull lit company. \ nr.-, iruly an 1 atfectliuitcly, ti. \V. B. y. l?id you coDfedtt with Mouiton on anv mat fui -i peilalillllif I i tins ex.ip thorn- wuich related to tin) -caudal? A. Yes, 1 consulted him .toout tne Cltritiluta I nion affairs; 1 wauled luiu to luke stock in it, ami io.d him l should ho glad o nave hmi .ib one oi i hi- stoi ..holders; 1 t: ought his bus iness niibita would oe or oousldertDle a* p i n It. y. V u wroie Ui at letter to Mouiton dated J an li ar >. 187'-t A. Ves, s:r; l don't think 1 had :he arand.a matter in mv mi ni at the time. ij. Were you not apprehensive that Woodhu'l would pubiisn touie f .eta iu tier possession In rela tion to the sc..tidal ? A. 1 did not know but that she would: but I was uuder Influences that dts artneii those. y. \Va? the letter it ni Wooditill, asking vou to attend a convention at Wasuingtou, a matter of ?o touch importance that vou uad to call iu some one to consult wtin as to ilie nature oi your reinyf A. A lett-r iroiu Mrs. Wo .unuil, accompanied by one irom my sister, urging me to attend a conven tion at Wuanington?not as regarded the geni-riti woman question, but witn KKurd to a special theory got. up uy (iencral Uutier?that was a mat ter oi considerable con ultatwn; 1 considered it important eui ugb to consult anotuer party (.Ur. Mouiton) wnh regard to it. if W*a ii your idea to placate that woman with out oivnm oiTcuce at th>' same time? A. itisiiUito po.-Hibl", but i don't recollect tuat it entered into my i houg&ts at the tiui?; Mr. Moulion regretted tue reasons lot my not going: lie ihuugut it would he a uood tiling lor nie to ^o, but I had other ar rangements which 1 couid not lorego, and under those circumstances lie thought the lener was g od enough; 1 cannot r coileci the precise nine that I 8poke to Mis. Mouiton with regaid to tue propriety of tier assouia mg wrh Wooduull. y. Had yi ? th ? luiiest confidence in Mrs. Wood holt at tiio tun. t A. No; I think 1 stated to Mrs. Moul on thai my ilrat leeilngs about Mrs. Wood hull ha 1 not been lavorabie. Q. Hid you not preside a' tho Stein way M ill tn"eiiiigr A. \o. s,r; 1 iluin't oeueve In her doc trmea, so lar as 1 knew tueui: 1 did not proiesa to know Diem; 1 -aid to Mrs. Hoodhuli tnat it wasn't mv habit to preside at i nblic meeting- at all aim 1 saw no reason in ner case why I should cnauge my hanit, and as to speaking abou her views?I be lieve she made a statement that I nelieved m her views?and as it was a sort oi lorlorn hope, and it. would be in accordance with iu> habit to be lound ou tne weak side?on tnis point, 1 said lo her, that that wouid be no argument io me, oecause i was not previously aci;ua:n ed with ner views; but so tar l K/ ew her so lai relations were concerned I wasn't in accord them. UK KCII Kit TO VM ODHI LL. Q. I will uowread >our reply to Mrs. Woodhuil: ? Hbooklyn. .I&ii. 1, lr<7-. Mv in vi: M v vai*-Vmr e'ter ut uc eiub. r 3d. in which, niter* ?-?uii:eren e wl n <lr?. -taiitoa. you uivlie mu to take part in the WashingtoQ convention in brlittll ot Woiu.iu -uiha^e, is duly received. I am engaged during ttie who>0 wee* ut tue cullv iitmn with lectures In Ma.-nachu- tn ami Maine. I ramfoi < iv I um in^tn giinie oi tlie iui urinate or near admission ut ?unieiito the rights ot^^ >utt. ag?* But of iU u litnaie eeeomolisli iiioiU 1 have nol i Uoiibl. ain - lusilct- uinl eipeiliuscy cuinUine in raqu.rliig It. ihut manhood is. on the w Hole, ui nil- 0 l.-r aud airon -;er by a dfect purticiaa tiou in Hi.- 'Itiliei and respoa iiulitii'i ol aciive eitizun ship, iioiwithiiuiidin.' evils, is hecouuiif ilie seniiuivut of !iu civilizi-u wurid. nor is theie any rea?ou to douht that, in spite of temporary and incidental ewli. tue same advantage woull ucerue to womanhuo I. In every wl?u an 1 eovcniuent tor the a tlon and e.ilranchUoiuent oi women 1 hopo always to be ?n ?vmpathv. Tne \\ irn-fss? Movemenr." ?p* {'ulidt'ton?wridt did I caij it? iuC W 1LU0?S8?' "OOVCrilOlCDt.'' ingjrf-Ful'ert0u~U 1* "?or?riment." (Head I am respcctfulljr ycnrt, Mrs. V1Cio?ia ?-ooDBfu.,;E'SRY WARD BE*CH*R. ?rtiat u tne letter as you wrote it ? A Ye?* m? imitre!mUli.W,4a injt u ,VlW i dun\ t'rimj !'f?l !oa eliminated any of it; m?t waa after tne stem war Hail meeting. ' * JmSi.??r ln%^U^UverSLurrw1faeTrt1 cxpect'wbcaJSTaVr LVto ^ *? that statement stands connected .run i-.eri^s or symptom* wjiicii I urst experienced in laJt i weut taroutfit trie Ftemout campus sneakim* in the opeu air tnree boors it , .X 'to nays ia tne wee,*; on renew* a Tr , *r? aiy lat) rs i ,eu i must tiave jjivcu war* I vt rv seriouso toou^i.t X was a.,mK & haVe aoinie.7 s.s, or someiniug of t-iat kind; n rwo ,,r three occasions, wau? pre,cum* I Jlioni i me pau>,. ? i liau no" ue"d "u to?u2; rny otUM 1 came n,-nr lainnJ m. strueui; miring tu j ii?t duetm veari i nave gone into tne puipir, | 1 0 time-., wim a ve?r strong impression mat 1 .-mould never come 1873 rVei ' . V,J rtn^ ?>?P^uWDc!rtmuTmrou?h i_ ?-A 1'''' Dor recollect tne mere ia<"r :7,?V tney did; tue hlate o; uuod continued inrouan t.iat period: 1 suo-etjuent.y wka reiiev d oi m a? apprehensions; i don't mink l ?ut fortu ttLSZ frt tticm itive lor my writ\uu that jitter Mr. Fallerton read .lie ,.pp i ati"i to the \v?r Jersey Mutual uie Assumuce <ouapaar lor K h' ?.' -no me oT& Beeper and naviug pa: a lew unmipo. *on; ntiestious ri regard to u, ti,e direct examination LrJ? Ueecner cloaed about uaii-pant twelve o'clock " afc-DlKE T KXAH.NA.10N OK M*. MlCMfc' Re-uirect by Mr. fcvarts_\ir. i;viru r, ,,i' ?*i report regarding Mr. Beecinr's iieafin ? ;t ap,ear d on tne app ication uf il , i VI u. re ul>' " 'rrel to. Mr. Beecber ' ^ not trie Hhfftiteit interest m ?hm i i-i'V. Ul CDri#u 7 .Not lor Vf^r* hava i entertained an i-iea mat ib re were,!!?. 'Hat might lead to , ,nTB'2? in.nai ?f m> ,.e; .>,u ?,.,oe i o,d ? tnli aQ Ui4f tiiere i^mpcoQii t iiit ii n <W<4fM prCCtArloQi Oiigat oine lo a ^a?; ?? a tud; mat i iea -row m p r 0 .^ o'" Ib.tve "eu cautioned br mv irien is t.? be r 1' tioa?; 1 lav a ..ort sect, tud wifi I nreaeh I ation*'! "'i !ne i*00' 1 0,4 '* uow M-"le an xamm i'loruia in i-r i w"*uJ)r*- Beecaar *?* iQ it!i I natJ no ad<Jir|oQal suuf-ri'it#?rid ^ Mr? 8eecn?"''"reeled it oy rsSSSsS deSpe,.t, sute i w ,U'a cau,? lltd f w ir, in n >* d ??.? iiim i-Aiuk ii jira. rnV''h'-' *r W 4? queailoned wnetber Vrs Til. ^s:sw?'i5S3.nwr^avS retraetiofl. wmcn was in evi Jeuce ?'4^?,.r.e. "i's ??? ?????- ?r?2 ton's aflfcuou" toward h,a; ,ii i8r, * % ,{t l*Vtir? a'aa*/* r*Ce"*? ?* m-"?> ? twenty nre ?.at oeV~.j^t7.1 i"1"* 1 "aTe 'ec'iTed a* many M pr*gr?*a of^ttia jaai* auriu ayiVeM?eV;^rn;P#'^" 0 ??? written anonymms u m ew ntm er'< Were .'t"1 i?r reVto^we^i*,^^r^ft"" sss-w vr3^ to pubiicaUonx CutwrniM li, I. ' i^aaie to iirooKirn ? ??'?,, f ?hfh" wu^a 116 ur'* Oi iticisrns oi ;h- j r'ess resar^i i/ if rc*'1 ne came to totMuclu^Ln 'g 5m,J '*ter ou reao .a^oraole or uoiav i-.??. "? wou,u "t'lber srirSH'ir^ 2z.iZr-? ourn an tne letter r^'tiad i h!!fn t!l#t "* Wouid tieve and, as b' wae infoimfi P"?-?-sioq; Air. connected wiu J. u. Foj.i A u* TlJUV't 'n '?74, one snare in tue cnns n>n i-rV except owning ?!"? '/.r.rr ,????\i pressi -n f.e did riot t?u to iV<,Cr?<ir^.<, * i? h"',m' nutter tw.ore toe . mm.nee w^'?.^'"'1 on lr"* WIS questioned as ?? wult Ua w.m Airs, li.lon alter H,i I* ?is Mr objected. Mr. i.vart* read aaain Vr ?t ZV,V M,,ru, iDflQeD"- woSid art b'er t?'"int'..r',ou7.*r' gTArU "" for ,t# oi a-^*? *lZ 'Dt*rcoarse sfter tb?t was loflusnce*to ^be?*' upon "^.^unon-? 10 t'r,n" fee.In its mat #orud beip t0 make ail t.'nm'm naJ noose,oid pleasant and oaim. W 10 n#r #HSS?Si^ s>r*a tub ikm, ,ff.rP "" '*a,n* 0|T 10 "?? interest was parcaired w" fea.sembling of toe court at baw-pas; Zrir 'Tl A t<l,i aU?' n'me(J ??"' vrmte n\? !'M t>e"n * casn,er ,n t?" ??Ploy. E ?.T;.?r,co" ,r ;.;;r :t"v" "? M^oe ana lo J ag Jit a J ii is i -o. Finally tne paper was received. It was a sip attached to he check, muling, "Spoil* u' ou,- new irtends or tin- enrichment of old." u wa> i? h -?? ??! over to ihe jury and made qniie a sen sation. TE riMONY OF S. W. l'AKTlllnOK. S imuel .Wine Fartridire sworuI reside in New jo !?? ; I have rented t lie re .or twe ve yearn; i. ,v t ? ecu emploved in in.- lirin oMV.jOdruil i Ronmson; led there lust December; wan mere ir<>iu 184'J, Willi the exception of <>ue; I was (?.miiier lor 11..? whole nine, vviti. me exception ol about a year ami a mm: checks ami deposit# passed iliriutih my nands; in 18T2 a ctie k oi it iwenV imii ? int.) my hands ior $7,ooo: that is Hie cheat (ideu.ities it) ; with that cheek there w as also attached a slip of paper (identities the sup 01 paper) ; this -11 p of paper passed out <>i my l.auds last Friday : 1 delivered it to Mr. shearman; tne eneck wan dep< sued; i tutus i put both papers In tne drawer, aud the sup of paper to one side, betore I put it in my pocket. Mr. Evarts said he now offered to read the slip ot paper. i us court?What is tne object of this f Mr. Evans?1 us memorandum is in the hand writing ui Mr. Tiliou; 1 waut to show the char acter in tiie transaction. Tue court? 1'nat an iniaht nave been handed in by so ne subordinate cier^. who appended it to tne check. Sir. Ev?rts?'.Ve propose to show that they both cauie '.oirettier. A;tor Hume iurther discussion between counsel tne witness saidI he cneck and the slip weie hamled to me oy t'ie snine person; l have an in distinct re -ollectioii tlia tney were handed to me bv Mr. FiauKlin Wood run; 1 cannot sav irom whom I received them, bur I think it was irom a member oi me firm ; the slip ot paper is not lu the luudwriuug oi ativ meiiioer oi tU'flrm. i ouuwei ior th ? plaintiff arsruen airainst the ad mi^-ioUity oi the alip ol paper wmcu Mr. Evaris nad proposed to read. Mr. Ueftcn -aui mat lie w;is free to admit that the paper was in the iiMdwntiaf of Mr. Tiitou but ue ii.d n ii admit tiiat luat paper Was trans lerred bv vlf. Tliton to this firm in company with inn ch< ck, or m it Tins memorandum related to this checo. or she transaction indicated ov this check, lie meant'to lasiat, oveu ii u should ap pear ins p per was delivered by Mr. lilton, in company with mis check, it nevercheleaa was immatei ia. and incompeteut evidence. Wnat Mr. Tilton cnose to do with thj* check, or however he might cho se hi fharaetenze mat instrument or to Indicate the suuice or object ol the money wmcu was represented bv that caeck, was totally Immaterial t<> tins controversy. Alter some further argument the Judge allowed the uapfr to be read. Mr. Evarts (showing the uaper to the jury) ? Now, gentlemen oi the jury, you wtli see mat me pinholes on those two papers completely corre spond. Mr. ICvarta (to witness)?-Before yoti received ttiih ciieck and memoi unburn, Mr. Partridge, uad you .mown o: hfttu>: aiy mug oi wnac Mr. niton was uoititt t j ilo a Mi', li.iweu did not pay huuf Mr. Ueaoh?From wnom? Mr. Kvartf?1 ask bun n ne did iu any way. jud.'e Neil-on - say yes or no, Mr. Partridge. i tie \V itnesfc? Yes, sir. t/. Now, Mr. Fanriatee. you did'nt connect these papers together in any way tour.-iill, did you?pin thein or otherwise connect mem together. A. No, sir. y. And <io yon remember whether, when they came to you, "whether mey we e connected by a piu, in a common envelope, or in a common fold? A. 1 Do not remember. q. Do y u rememoer the lact oi the publication ol Mrs. A oodhUll'a me by Mr l'litoa. A. Yes, air. il. And do y>u remetnbei a conversation with Mr. Meulton on that subject/ A. 1 remember his .-peaking to me about it, out 1 believe 1 spoke to htm iu tne place. Mr. tvarts?Did Mr. Mon ton say anything to you on tue snoject oi Mr. niton's objects and motives iu writing that Ute? A. ue did; ne said he wrote? Mr. Morris?What Moulton said In Tllton's ab sence ? Judne Xelison?Yes. Mr. U.sach?lieiore they can show declarations of Mr. Moulton? judge Neiikon?It ao:s not come in as an lm peaenmenf. Mr. Be-cn? it can't come in at all tnen as dec la. atiuiis oi Mr. Moulton against Tilton. 1 beg Your Houor to consider n. A lengthy argument ensued, and Mr. Evuts said he ptoposed to prove wi.Mt one oi the^c mm said oitneotner man's object an t motive in writing i hat me, and mat it nail uo connection with liu monng this woman, oat was :or '1'iltou's own oo ject. Mr. Evaris warn uuable to under-tand tn&t tins was a WlUttrai I act. it mit;lit oe buoordinate. It miiftit not be me head aud iroui oi the evideuce to pr ve Mr. iieeclier guiit? ; nut its sole p ace Here, as lu'ro luced by neni, uad been to prove u p.ii- . a make ^ ay, an mnuence irom which guilt was to b imputej to Mr. Beectter on the principal lact by iiis authorizing?ratiii nig tholr couuucu Mr. Beacn said tiiat. ad.nittinir ior too moment tha Mr. ii.ton aud Mr. Moulton had awieed in tue declaration ui me pur. o*e for wnicn tneir m tituacv wi n jus. tVoOdhull was instituted aud pi"?<:<:uted, he men suO:nilted that the aeclara tiouk ot Mr. MoQlton, ue not nem^ a party to mis uli.on. or iu any degree interested in its resmt, except collaterally, as a witness, his declarations, as ugaiusi lue .u erected party (Mr. liitouj were n"t receivaoie, upjn snv principle of LAW, OB LOdlU UK j USTICK. tVliere dir. me coun- I le.uu tuat .Mr. Moulton even couusened tne writing >f the life ot Mrs. w ooduuil by Mr. lUton, was privy to it In any neitree, ana le ts; ol all advivd or concurred m any auch pro -eeding. lor tne purpose o: conclliat timr and pi iea;ii x tnatiany. vvny. me evidence was tha. Moulton na<i uo (.ounecuou or knowledge oi tuat life;>. wnea ii was w.itten and nearly compiet' I, aud then aud uit>approved it, protested agaum it, ano a ivised Mr. Tilton not to write it and i.ot to pii'ji.Sii it. Mi. i.farts o m, iy ou?red to prove i.y tnla wit ness mat Mr. M ..i ton tola th>: wita?ss when the inatt -r was fresu and tne ' Llie oi Mrs. w oodnali" wa? just pu'tiisncd that Mr. liiton's motives aud objects were to fir HIM M.I A! TUB iIE4I> OK TOE SPIRITUALISTS ot tuia couutn . aud that they were mo. e numer ous thaU tU9 OQflfcregOtiOlUMl.'US. Judge .Nea.-oa iu . n? wouid uKe to have specific i lnioimatiou .1^ to tne evidence of Mr. M.niton, be- j cause li tie lad given eviuence of mat character iiit' deiencc migi.t contradict it by this witness. Mr. Kv? said mat .Mr. Tlitou assigned a reason w ic.i :?.r, Mouiton asseverated and de liveied as the true reason. Indeed, Mr. Kvarim did not ku ? >* even a rested neoi saaruy ua rue lormal words or statement of Mouiton; but Mr. Mou.ton deltv?r<)d it a* ttie motive 01 Mr. niton lu nls step? Is, carried to the .ico>uutot Mr. lleeeher aud uis Intere-ts, under me tiuai state nient ? r Mr. intou on ins redneot exaininati'iu, iuai 'before 0 *u Mr. ii-echei was an responsible for ?v r unn.r done wito tbe Wouflnuil as he waa." Judge Nellson?I you can show me anything Mr. Muuln.u and upoti tin* exauuuutiou on Una subject you are dt nony to contradict it by this witness. 1 ae re to rule by ctrUiu settled rules o> e?.dence. Mi. i.v.ii ? i don' call film f ,r tue purpose o( coiitradicung Mr. Moult n J idge Nen.-ou?1 neu 1 will ru e it out. Mr. bvarw?I call Uim to deafer ttie troth as ata ed by Mr. Mouitou am i.lrou tbat tne per mo ai oojects or litton were the source and tue lautiveri ui tue writing oi uat me. Mr. Kvurts re id irotn tne testimony of Mouiton to tbe affect :uat 111 ton's worn oa the "Liie of Mra. >vo?#luil" was airapiy a revision oi tne manuscript oi uer I iton "tuougnt tne wouio detect nis uandiwork in it, and ne mere ore put in* name n It ; and 1 told nun that J didn't loin* that was a very iro 1 reason; lie ttaid he wou.a ta&e iu<> rexp <n loiuty ; mat waa the sum and aaostanco ?f it, with the excep tion ne said it was a fuendiy act. and rlgnt In tD* m erest oi the fpresfliou o( tne scan dal again t Mr. i.eeciur, 1.101. ? 11 ..ud his wife. It waa m the interest 01 hs -?mii> an 1 Mr. ueecher tunt tie nad .one 1;. .<nd 11 lie m>i made a mis ake, wny, that was all bere was or it. ' Mr. Evtits vai i it was uo' iu tbe sense ,,i impeaching, it w.iB wa it tu<y c .11 collateral irnpe.ietimeut on inde pendent matter. Me pioposed to show, not oy nenr?ar or a stranger, but tbe statements of Mr. Mouiton. l'lentitltu oy bis own evidence and by Mr. Til ton's. FINAL REPLY OP MR. BIACH. Mr. Beach replied ibat tne argument of bis learned irieud rested upon tne assumption that , Mr. idtou. Mr. Mouiton aud Mr. Be-cner sntereu upon a common op. ration ior a certain assigned motive tbat they w re in lejgn.,: n i associatl <n ior a common object and br eemmou and inter ested means; that in other words tne> were m a coniederacy, whica, appu?d 10 aa un awfal trans action migut be termed a conspiiacy; and tse C' ausei sougut to assimuate tne ru.ea 01 evidence which appne I to a league oi tnat enaractsr in this association between 1 aese tbree gentlemen. Mow 11 veal was a-sun.ed ne migm with great propuety admit that tbe declaration* of the parties eugagea in tills com non transaction with a common purpose might be adiu.ssibie. though he diun t nelleve they wouid be. Me did noi thinK taat an arrsngemeut ot this character, with lei-r- n 0 to a lawiui and private purpose, under any circumstaucui ma ie the declarations 01 he parties in that transaction aduiissioie aa against tse other, there w n uo adcgatlon in ms >-videiice that Mr. Beeeuer ever approved of tne set or wan ever consulted in regaro to i , or tbat Mr. Mouiton ever appi^vedoi it as one of the me<ns whicn were to ne taken ior tne pur pose oi a< com^iisiiiDa tne common Ooject 01 tneso t .ree parties?to wit, the conu.iailou ol Mra. Woodbui.. Ju ige jfellaoa -I hsvs already intimated tnat ;t is very ci-?r to me in^t ins exMnaanon o 1 t. la Wltnen* mast o? cot.lined to tne couiredictlon or any statement w icu It appears Mr. Mo ilton made in his examination. Tuat is tne extent to wuicu you can ko. Mr. f.var s excepted to thl? rnltn* and eon tinned the examination 01 .Mr. i'amidge. y. Bo fou rernem> sr the pavmeut in u ill* firm's acuouut ui the |3,uoo that usuie .rum Mr. ueecner? a. ido,j?ir. <4, lou anew at trie time it came from Mr. Be rber ? A. Ho, sir, 1 did nor. know who it came irom. I'ou a a. Yes, sir; It waa lu May, 1 turn*; tri" (.?* y part of Ma., isia. (4. T.iere is ? 0 d.spu'e, the moib ire ail provsn; n <v, Ml. fat tri ve, cid you uiage an au.ry in t >e 0 oks ol th<- Arm under Mr. Meuiton's direction re?pftctnig tnat a.ooor A. l must i.ave ntade it uuoer 111s mrei:i.on, becauae? ? Mr. Menuii?Wait. wa>t i movo to atnte that out. J.i ige Xeilson? V*a. 1 he v\'i 111^d-?l .re ltcd it tO Mr. Mouiton: 1 dou't ismsmuei the oreelse .antrm.** he ? ?d. q. on ertiterol It to hH orediif A. To his credit. g. l,y Mr. Moiilton'a direction? A Tnere wei-p f5,:ii"0 mat 1 euM;ri'ft; tin-? (? w as a 1 Had made lor W'u a good w .11?? beiore; lie didti'' want to u.-? it i iv-i. ami ! had fee -t the <? leci;, anil I de stroyed tlw check at that time una put it to inei creillt. 11. riuit is, ynu carried to his credit that $;\uoo ami tins ;C uo w ucti liu<I been ciia'tfod to mm?the, check Wutrli Mm I t a. Yea, sir. g !!'? ?|i|>roved til u A. Ye*, sir. g. NVh' t1. the iuone\ winch thus <e?t into Mr. Moiilton's account, tli:s $.'i,000. was paid out (lid ? you recei ve instructions in will ui it s!i< uid be , chaiired 1 A. lie tola uie the next aay to make a check lor $1,000 and ctiurge It to ni.u as paid to ?T. T." g. A ii (7i so aite ward ? A. Alter ward "T. T." iheCiiUrt adjourned until eleven O'clock this forenoon. Mr. Cleveland will be the first witness to-day. KISSING IN CHINA. New York, April 21, 1876. To tub Editor of the Hikald:? In yotu- laaue of to-day, under head of "Kissing lncnln*" jou (tare as an authority an extract lrum tlPhiladelphia Press, whicii Is really a con deusai ton of the story entitled "Mi?s l?dQr" writ ten by me lor "l.otos Leaves." Aa the tact or kuaing being unknown anions the Chinese first brought to uotlce by myselr and has be en denied by some of my coautrynien, who only the Chinese of Hons; Kong Harbor, 1 win give vou the reasons wtiy this nation tias re pudla'o.l tne osculaiory art. In ivinote ilines it wan known and practised, but v.- (win Ooniucius remaugurated and retauuht the doctrine ol of ancestors ine Chi nese gradually abandoned kissing as vulgar and tendlDv to pro note lamiilarltv. As a proot ol this we c. -nuoi And the act delineated upon any piece of clnna or In any modern Chinese riaiiitnisr, Oiiildrtsu venerate tneii purpiit ?worship in many cases.?and veneration forbids familiarity. For tills rvason, una aiming at a nigh de. ree ol purity, theuntuese have abandoned Kissing as a means of cxrpresslng regard auu loo* with something morn than *ucuriae npOB It*practice by ourselves. As ; his tact is excMn* considerable comment. I think' n as w ell to place 11 upon a more certain oasis than the story of "Miss isen." Remaining yourifvery truly, EDWAltD OltAY. THE RING SUITS. A PIECE OF SO-CALLED 1 WEED PROPERTY THAT wara ATTACHED, RELEASED AND A HALE OF ulUER PROPERTY ORDERED FnR THE llEN'E FEi' OF THE HOLDER OF A MORTGAGE. Among the property attaolied by the Attorney (?oneral ol the Mate, hi Uie new suit agulnst William M. Tweed, it w.n be remembered tnat in tbe list already pubiis ,ed iu tne Ueiiali) men tion was made of certain lots and tue buildings theruon m Slxty-elubth street (tiie total dimen sions of tne lois being 25 by 105 ieet), 150 leet east or Atadison avenue. This property m Septem ber. 1871. was conveyed by Peter B. Sweeny and ins wife &ara A.; William M. Tweed ana Mary Jane his wite; 1 Uomas Murpliy and Mary u? nis wile; Hugu Snmu (unmarried), and Richard B. Connolly and Maria s? his wi e, to John a Thompson for The conveyance was recorded October 7, 1671. Mr. Thompson ana his wne mortgaged it back for $32,000, and seven days aiter a second moriKajfe was taken upon the property by John Van urden lor $10,000. The first mortgage fail int i the hands of Russell Sage, who foreclosed it. Ue sold to Ai red S. Barnes and Barnes sold the property to Nathan A. Boymori, a moitgaare lor $20,000 having mean while been secured to the Mutaai Lne insurance Company. Tue considera tion was $55,000. Mr. Iioynion on the lsth iust. petitioned trie supreme Courr. to release him lro.n the us pendens wuicn was died auaiust tue prop erty. and presented ittcts to stiow that the trans actions relating to the acquiring ol Til LE TO 111K 1-ROt'EUTY were mercantile matters done in good talth lor vaiue, without collusion, interne.v with, and without ever seeing or liaviug auy thing to do. in any way whatever, with any oi the cut Bintr so called, or auy member ihoreot." jujKp lUVv. Itle, streu*tn o' these proots. issued an County cleric to cancel the lis p< miens !? n !i?,CHSe 80i r ils iJl< lJu*ntun's property nas s Prf #* tUls 0l tler yesterda* evening fiied in the County C'lerK's oitlce. * v , A B1U LOAN. V, a.n? r Plec? ?? property is to be the sub tooer' ih-igttwn"i' mVt"?'"* lUgt 00 ,be ^5ttl ul Oo. 'eeo, in consideration of a payment to mm maue oi $i50,0t>o by the Kast Chester National Bank oi Mouct Vernon, executed to the bans, ou the penalty oi $300. uoo. a bond und lSta Inh ?h. /ollowln? property Ail those bulla,V*<1 hereon, in tue Tweiith ward boutiueu us lollow*:?Commencing at the wlth'JJlur,,,eiJ by l"e junction ol Fou. tn avenue *.outlieriv ??de oi 128th street, thence S l lf'e weit H,(le or Fourth avenue oi tnl , It eleven inches to the centre Jihe cen-fn thence westerly along smd inn. 'i""01 northerly and ou \t!J'.w *'un" eet to s'?e oi i.-jh, -i reef, and taeuce b?uiunin U .k *1n,p 140 ,eet to the piace uf i.-iit i J ^?i,u December, 1&72, the it l??L'rftoma* *"? M&""? I'll "le interest J.i?.. , e l 01"1 and mortgage, and it is AU80" th" tH*re is cue mm iniJ^ 55 . u uu Ule bo,id and mortgage, witn RicVmp,! tI0?! th0 - ,tn day October. 1*71. nicaard 1 weed claimed that he was tne owner of with Pot lB l'i? proois when seived ^uh tue summons on air. Maaon'a compiaint. but tn ? r,IK ''ACT" FRMBNTBD .n . Mrui'1, 01 supreme Court, by ,J5 Oukiu, the referee, the Juoge decided ?5* lust that wu.iam M. lweed owes , ' ' WUD interest irom tne 2atn of Oct'^ oei, is7i, debars tne upfenaatits irom all claim or inierest in tue property and orders it to be sold ?cc"raing to law; mat tne money of the ?ale be oroagot into court; t .at tue plaintrtf-oe P?ia the amount doe on the bond and mortgage $5l,tKi-i 81, with interest from April la. 1875, until payment is made, and tuai Tweed be adjudges to pay auy deficiency that may retnaiu aiter the application ol the moneys ars made according to tue decnioc. The oeienoants m the ca-e are Kicbara M. lweed William M. I weed, Ldarlcs B. Hart, David h. Mills, Samuel W. Davenport, James c. GuIick, Archibald W. Allertou and John B. Sherman. Aii the l.apers were filed in the County Clerk's office yesterday Mternoou. THE PAPAL ENVOYS. The Papal envoys, Mgr. Roncettl, Dr. Ubaiai aiid Count Uaroioscoi, started lor Baltimore early yesterday morning. They Mere accompanied by Father Qumn. the Vicar General of this arcdlepis capal diocese, who is to preaeut them to Arch bishop Uayley. The purpose of the visit to Balti more is to hand to the prelate of that diocese let ters irom the secretary of ?tate or tbe Ho r see, Cardinal Antoneiil, informing him that Archbishop MeCloikey had been preconized to tne College ol Caraiuals, and directing him to impose the scarlat berretta upon the aew Cardinal. The en voys will remain in Baltimore until Monday next, and when they return they wi l be acco m panied b? Aicnbishop Bayiey. Vicar Uenersl (^uinn will come back to New York wlthiu a day or two, as it is hia outy to supervise all trie ar rangemenw lor ihe graud ceremonies ol Tuesday nexu in his absence Father Kearney acts as the director or these preparations, lie is also to act as master of ceremonies on Tuesday morning. Tue uumoer oi applicauU lor tickets of admis sion to the cathedral at the time of (he Ceremony of investiture is almost unlimueu. The priests of the Catnedrai are continually importuned bv ap piicants. It is enouiri! to say that no tickets will be diairibated indiscriminately until alter Satur day next, and it lsliaeiy mat all thai then remain in toe hands ol tue priests at the Cathedral will be given to their pariahioueri. ALLEGED FOKOEB3 AKBEdXED. At twelve o'clock yesterday a man, apparently about iorty years of ags, waikea into the bauking office oi Paracr Handy, No. 24 Nassau street, and stated to one of tpe clerks that ne to pur chase $4,800 in gold. The appearance of the man was such as to arouse the clerk's suspicions, and he replied that It was always customary for strangeie doing oasinoss with his nonse to give rsierences. ihe man then drew from his pocket a card oi the firm oi Coiga e A Co., Joun street, snd laid it on the counter, but this oniy served to ?irengtheu the suspicion entertained against him, and ne was told mat i hey did not care to sen turn the go>d, after wblcu ue ieit. Detec, ive Keair oi the t en'ral offlce had been on the oi tne man, wno Las been lorsome time known io the as an old oueuuer, and was Oioseiy watouing sitn Alien tea tbe place. As ne caui" oui e wasjuined uy another man, and tne pail pruceedod to waia toward the t'ost iiihce, When tne officer concluded to arrest ibein. Ob their persons were mund five bi.nn checks witn tne s.giiature oi (.ojgate A co. Mr. Colgate was com i uuicat-d with and on examining tne siitus'ura* on the ciiccksstonce proneusoed tuem ferneries aitnougn i.e adini ted timt ttiey were wt-li siecutsd, i ne v, isouers ?s v? their names a* Thomas Betts, residence It.ui Way, N. J,, and occupation a upecu iaioi, and Joun K. loman. rnl.road Oonductor. liv ing in Wave .y, N. y. The foimsrl- tne one who entered tne >>aukiog hou?e. and ne is known anuer seveiai ailtsss, among whicn are C. J. .?spraaue and Charies Inotnpson. ihe prisoners were taken to tne ioiuua and remanded by tue Court to tbe BOARD OF EDUCATION. BEPOKT8 OK THE CITY SUPERINTENDENT AND TUB SUPERINTENDENT OY TBUANCV?FBO TKST8 AGAINST THE AMALGAMATION OF THE SCHOOLS APPORTIONMENT OF THE SCHOOL MONEYS?GKKMAN IN THE SCHOOLS. Tnc Board or Education held a stated meeting yesterday airernoon at the Hall, Elm aud Grand streets. I'resideur Neilsou in tne chair. The Superintendent ol Tru.iucy reported that the total number of cases investigated irom April 7 to April 20 was 621. Of tnese 334 were kept at houie by sickness, povertr and other causes. leav ing 187 truants and non attendants, or which num ber 139 have been returned and 12 withdrawn Irom school. City Superintendent Riddle's report for Marco, showed that Grammar schools Nos. 1, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, -J, 28. 36, 38 and 61, and Primary schools Nos. 2, 3, 6, 12. 14, 23, 2). 26. 81, 9, 40 and 41. and the Model school connected with the Female Normal College, had been visited. In these schools ot 393 clashes examined, the instruction In 184 was found to be excelleut; in 172 good, and 35 fair, and in 2 In different.' The discipline in all th^ classes was commendable, except in 19. >>f which 18 were re ported as lair, and 3 indifferent. The general management oi tae schools was lonnd to oe com mendable in most respects; in 29 excellent. Grammar school No. 17 had been neglected oy the JaiiHor. The health of tne puplis of Grammar school No. 51 lu West Fortji-fonrth street and rimary school No. 27, In West Thirty-seventh street, w is imperilled by tne tlltny condllou of the streets, ine number oi pupils enrolled in a'l tiie schools on March 31 was luT.aau. oelug 1,110 irfore titan last- vear. ihe average attendance tor March was 94.940, being 1,281 less than ior March, 1871. Tho total number of days ol absence of teachers during tiie mouth w.is2,l3i, au increase oi 518 days over last year; however, 29 teachers were absent duriug tue month owing to severe Illness, their places being now lllled by substi tutes. A communication (rotn the Presbytery of New York, in protest ugalust the merging of the parochial aud public schools (already published), was read, and reieired, without debate, to the members oi the joint committee of Couterence. A communication <>n the same suoject was re ceived tr iu Messrs. Eu ward A. Kin rsiaud, Wiiiiatu iJ. Heusel, and Henry Dayton, a committee oi the Ninth Assembly District Council ol > optical It - torin, protesting against tne proposed merging as injurious to the taxpayers and tne city. mere tfas xoine discussion in reference to the report ol the Committee on Sites, win h had beeu lnsiructeil to select ground ior a new schoolhouso lu the Twenty-second ward. The lots that had been under consideration are located lu Kiuy seventli st eot and in Filty-six'h street, au 1 tne report was adverse to ooth. A remark 11*0111 Commissioner Baker that "tlu-re was$i,6oo somewhere lu tne niatier," resulted in the ap poiutmeiit oi a committee consisting of Commis sioners Baker, lo<vnsoiid, lialstead, Man and Glamro li to investitive tue allegation. Commis sioner Baker stated tie had been credibly lrilot med that the ground ior wnicu $28,00j lia i oeen asked cou d oe tsot- really ior $o.8uo. The Committee on Sites demanded tne investigation. I'he bylaws were amended so as to allow the transfer oi principals and vice-princ;pais irom one school to am? her wituout any change of salary. Hie Committee on liylaws recommended tiiat the school ol tlie Hebrew Benevolent Society should be permitted to participate in the distribu tion oi the common school tuud. The Finance Committee sent in their report, makiug tae annual apportionment ior the scuooU oi $1 12J 420 72. Tue report ot the Committee on Course of Studies, touching immediately on the subject of German being taught in tae puollc schoois, was presented, when, on motion of Commissioner Man, it was not read, but made the special order for next meeting. Tne loilowitig are the principal changes wnicu tue committee suggested, rnougu a', tne same time, out oi a committee oi Ave, there were two ui-sentl -nt Votes:? Teachers oi vocal music, drawing, French or Gertnau snail be classified as special teacueis. No salary paid to a teacher ol vocal music in a gram mar or primary school shall exceed |120 a year for an> school, or at the r.ue ol $90 a vear or eacu hour per week that the teaoher may be emploteu; and tne s nary paid to a teacher oi orawiug siuil not exceed a rate ol $90 a year ior each hour per week mat tne teacher may be so employe i, nor an aggregate sum oi $3U0 per year lor any'school. \\ heuever the parents or guar ilans oi thirty puplis at'ending a grammar depuitment shad de sire tue introduction of Freucn or German tne trustees snail introduce the study of such language, but no child shall be compelled to stndy Ger man or French contrary to Ue wishes ol its parents or guardians, and whenever the average attendance oi pupils euuaged in the stuuy of French or German in any department snaii laii below lliteen lor the period oi tmee months such a>itidy snmi be dscontiuue J. Wnenever French or German shall be intro duced luto any grammar schod the teachers tnereol may receive a caiarv not to exceed the average allowed lor assistants, ma.e or leuiaie, in tne grammar schools, out no teac ier shall receive such salary un ess nis or her whole time shall be employed; and where a less tiino is so employed the amouut oi saiary tu be paid shall be propor tionate. ihe City Superintendent, under the direction of the Committee on feacners, snail be authorized to license teachers specially to give instruction in trench or German. Tne number ol recitations in trench or German iu eacu cla>s pursuing the study ot either oi tnese languages shall oe lour, oi twenty Uve uiiuutcs each per week, aud no pupil shall be permitted to pursue tne study of more tnau oue of these languages at the same time. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Black?With erhke.?On April 20. at the Brick chinch, Finn avenue and '1hirty-aeven'ti street, by Kcv. Lewi a Francis, assisted by Rev. J. O, juurruy, D. D., Kookri C. Black and Mailt urace, dauKht< r ol >. 11. Witueroee. hsq. C AMKHu.V? llui-KINS ? Uli the 20th 111 St.. at tllO Alansi.u M. 1.. Cimrca. Ne.v \<irx. bir Rev. Charles K. Harris, assisted by Rev. William Hstus, Donald Locuiki., eidesr. sou of Captain Charles Cameron, laie oi it. B. M. 1 wenty-sixth (Cameronian) regi meat, to Kaciikl ink lit, second daughter of M. A. llopKUH, Kaq. Livemuol an i New York papers please copy. Cecii?UexiiR Tuesday, April 20, at Trinity Cnurch, Newark, by tne Hev. Wllliaai W. Newton, Hi am F. CECIL, oi New York, to A.. 'JauKter oi or K. M Hunter, Ksq. 1>E Von?w ii.sin.?On Weun?miayt April 21. at the Church oi tne Ascension, by tne Hev. John Cotton smith, a?sisteci by tne Hev. W. T. Egbert, B. De \ok, or %ew York. to Marion M.. youngest daughter oi the late Oeorge ft'ukiu, of Liverpool, England. EiKii-h paj era please copy. Ocklt? Monday. April 10, bv the Hev. James Milieu, Waltkk J. Guhlt. M. D., to Emily Walton, both ol this city. Mo cards. Ooeli.?Famr ? On Wednesday, April 21, im Brooklyn, at tne residence oi ihe bride's lather, by the Hev. Richard Parker, Mr. Oeokuk Frinelin Odell, son ol Isaac Odell, Esq., oi New'York. to Mrs. maria l. Pkitit, vouugest daughter of L. W. Farkes. Ksq., ol Brooklyn. Nocaids. Robinson?Firth, -Ob Tuesday evening. 13th lust., at the residence oi the bride's parents. 4so Mtate street, Brooklyn. N. Y., oy the Hev. tk s. Hughson, pastur oi the Congregational cturch ol I'stcnouue, L. L, Mr. HgwLBTr A. hobinson to Misa Aj>i>iE J. Fiiitu, omy daughter of William II. Finn, all of liroosiyn tiPKAR?Frui herd.?On April 10, at the resi dence of tne onde's parents, Oy Her. Samuel r. bpear, Calvin F. Speak to Nkllus 11. 1'aoTiUtBO, all ot Brooklyn. DIED. Aitkin.?On Tuesday. April 20, Scsie, wife of Samuel a. Aitkin, aud daughter or the late William Harrison. The relatives and irlerids of the family are in* vUed to attend the luneral, uom her late reai deuce. No. ai:i West I wemy-aeooud street, on Thursday, April 22, at eleven A. M. ANGLtss.? on Tuesday, April 20, Ann, widow of Thomas Angina, aired 81 yeara. The reiat ves and memuera of Martha Washing ton I'nion, No. 1, auil E. L. snow social Union, No. 1, uuu Keystone Lodge, No. 235, F. ana A. M.. are invited to attend me mueml, irom tne sevoutn | Preaoytenan churoh, coruer oi Broome and Kinge atrettts. on, April 22, st one o'clock P. M. California, Eugasn ana Montreal papera pieaae copv. Ahnold?On April 20, Paclinb. wife of Richard Arnold, and Daughter of the late Noel J. Becor, of Brooklyn. ihe funeral will take place from Trinity chapel, on Friday, the 23d inst., at ten o'clock A. M. Tue relatives and iriends <>i ins family are invited to attend without imtner notice. Avlifpk.?on Keonesdav morning. the 21st insL. oi near disease, Richard W. aylippu, late el Faislt?p mny, N. J. ihe relstivea and friends are respectlnUy in vited to at;end tue luni ral, Irom Trinity ehurcn, New Vork. without inrther invitation, ou satur day, the 24th inst., at one o'clock P. m. MAiiRr.? ou iu?sday, April 20, 1876, rnoMAS Francis, youngest c iud 01 John v\. and Catharine Barry, a?ed 3 years and 21 days. Relatives aud mend* 01 tue family are respect luii> inviu-u to atteud tne inueral. 110m the resi dence ol ma patent*, fins Eighth avenue, corner of luii ty-nlnth stieat, on Thursday, April 28, at one o'clock. Hahkt.-Maria IUrrt, beloved wire of Garret Barry, aud daughter 01 the >aie Jonn O'Conneh, of Fern.or, county Cork. ire.and. aired 31 >eara Fmierai wil. take disco 1 om ner late residence, 18j severity ninth etreer, on Thursday, tne 2id mat., at one o'clock P. M. irienua are lu> viied to attend without lurthemoiioe, Cork (Ireiand) pspera pioase cupy. Mei.i. ?on i'uesflay, April J". Oeuersl Joux H. Bell, aged .0 veurs, ol consumption. his leittiive- anu ineiMa ar ? re spectfully in vited 11> aiteud the >uueral services, at the New Jerusale ii cuuruh, rmrty-Alth atreet, oacween PaiK and Foui in avenues, tuis (Thursday) nioru ing, at tea o'uio^k, KKLi..? in Wesi Ottrien, conn., April 10, 1875, Jakks uell, nged 01 years and e mourns. 1 Kuuaral will t.tka msee at t<?" Preshvf^nan I chorea, this'lav (Thursday). at two o'clock P. H i lie rei.invert and irleiK'* aio respec ullv invited. ! Carriages wlil be at, the Norotun depot on arrival 01 th'i fwr. ivH o'clock train irom No.v York. Wi.i kckkk.?ou Wednesday morning. April 21, at lus lesiUruce, No. 1 ,u second av ?uno. I'.ichakd W. Bleeckkk iii the 641 n year ol tiis age Relatives auil irictids of me iiunlly are invited to attend his funeral at Trinity enured. on Friday, at eleven o'clock a. M. IfiJincN.?lu lirooKnn, April 10. FREDERICK Will iam Bodkn. uifca H2 years. Kela lives an i iribudh are respectfully invited to attend inn lunerai, iron his late residence, No. 1W l.oeruui place, on Sunday, tne 25th Inst., at two ! o'clock 1'. M. lioiuur.?On Wednesday, April 21, Ann, relict of Daviu s. Mozart, atea 67 jiears. The relatives and irlonas at the iumllv are re spectiuiiy invited to attend tue lunerai, irora 2)1 West TnrtMnia sneet. on Mditl, W IBU>i M two o'clock P. M., without lurtner invitatl n. Browning.?On Weduesaav. April 21. Eliza 9., wile at Jonu 11. Brownicttand daugn er ot JoUn 1 W. Hull, oi stomnirton, conn. Tne relatives and irienda of the t.imily are In vited toattena tne funeral, irorn tier late residence, No. 7 Ea?t Fori,-elf ntu street, on Saturday, April 24, at one o'clock. Boylan.?At two o'clock, on Tuesday morning, &C3AN, beloved who ol Felix lioylau, aged 60 years. Ine relatives ana lrlends ol tuo lauiiiy, and tnos< of her son, Kev. M. 8. iiovian, are mviteu to attend tne lunerai, irom her late residence No. 614 third ! avenue. A solemn requiem luith mans will be of. iered lor the repose oi her soul ?u rrliay, A|?ril 23, at haii-past >en o'clock, In St. Gabriel's church. ; East Tinrty seventn street, fler reniains will ! thence be removed to calvary Cemetery. Butler.? On Tuesday, April 20, owkn Butler, in tlie year ol'tma.e. l he relative* ana lrieuds are respectfully in vited to attend the itinera!, from his late residenos, I 177 Wyckoll street, Soutn Liroukiyn, on Thursday, I 22d lust., at naif-past two B. M. Cook.?On me-uav, April 2U, Elizabeth cook. aged 61 years au i t> mouths. Relatives and irieiiUH oi the family are re9peot< iullv invited to alteua tue, irom neriate residence, -1 Dry Dock street, this day fi'nura. day), at one o'clock B. M. Leeds (Vorksuire. Eualand) papers please copy. Crawford.?On Tuesday, tne 2oth mat., John si. Crawford, In tne 78tli year oi Ills age. Tne relatives and mends or rue lamilv are in* vited to attend his lunerul, on Thursday, tue 22d, at one o'clock, nom his late residence, No. 264 East Fourth street, his remains to be taken to Cypress aiils lor interment. Cross.?suddenly, in Brooklyn, E. D., on Tue* day, April 20, Ann Eliza Cross, in the esih year ol her age. The relatives and inends of the (atmly ars respectiuiiy invited to attend the lunerai, on Frl day, tne 23d inst., at tsvo o'clock p. M., from iiis residence ot ner sister, idar/arot Greene, No. 292 .souili I'nird street, Brooklyn, E. D. jjknton.?In Brooklyn, Wednesday, April 21,1S75, Sarah, wne oi Samuel Denton, in the 61st ye jr of her ugo. The relatives and friends lire invited to attend the inueral. irom her late residence, C5 Warren street, on Saturday, April 24, at lour B. M. liemaius will lie takeu to Hempstead, L. l., lor lutermeat. Uinna.?On Monday, April U. at liulievae Hospital, irom injuries received irom ueiug thrown irom a Second avenue cat, John Uinna, ajjeJ IS years and 2 months. Fuueral irorn his lather's residence, No. 3<M Eajt l mrty-third street, at two o'c.ock P. fla., ihursda.v, 22d lnst. tnends will piease accept I tin.-* notice. . Heisskvbuttel ? On Monday, Apili 19. 1873. Emma A., dauahter oi William and Maria C. 11 u seimutiei, used 9 years. Relft ives and iriends of the family are respect iuiiy invited to attend tue ruueral, irom tue rest aenc? oi tne parents, No. 207 iierjreu street, liruolc* lyu, on Friday, April 23. at two o'clock B. M. llKLLii'Mt.?On Tuesday, April 20, Albert 3bl lems aired 34 years. Tne relatives and mends of the faiiliy are ro spectlully Invited to attend the lunerai services Una (Tuursday) evening, at seven o'clock, at tils late residence, No. 7 Ouriatopuer street. Hetkeroer.?suddenly, on Wednesday, April 21. at tue resideuce oi nis lather-in-iaw, John & cammeyer, William 11. Ukyberuer, in tne 36ta year of his age. Noticsoi inneral nerearter. Hodges ?Ai Was .ingtou, O. O., on the20thlo3tn Hon. S. li., tlODiiEs. i lODd man .?On Tuesday, April 20, aR mi Eliza tu rn, eldest dauirnter oi Or. Aboott and Marths E. Hodiiman, in her lutn year. Funeral ir ?in the residence of her parents, No, 141 East Tnirty-eijfi.tii street, on Friday, the 23d inst., at one 1'. M. Tne remains will be talteu to Woodiawn by tne 2:30 B. M. train. liostou papers piease copy. at'doe.?In Brooklyn, Wednesday, April 21< Elizabeth Judge, in the 4*th vear or her a^e. The luuerai will lake place Friday, at twa o'clock, irom her late residen e, 93 Fourth s reel, south Hi ooklyn. Ine relatives and inends are t? spectmily invited to attend. Kavanahh.? On Wednesday, April 21, Mart, d*ui{fuer ol and Ellen Kavanagu, aned 1 year, 11 months and 15 days. Tne relatives and inends are requested to at tend the funeral, on Friday, April 23, at oa< o'clock, irom l,ul4 1 turd avenue. Mapks.?April 21, Mrs. Louisa Mapks. Funeral services wia oe neld at her late resl< deuce, No. 333 We-t Forty-tslrd Street, on mur* day eveuintr, at oik tit o'clock. most.?adolph Most. Tue lunerai will take place fr^m No. 26S EaM Houston street. Friends are tuvlted to attend. mcoekmott.?On April 21, 1876. John McDeb Morr. son oi Robert and Jane McDermott, aged 43 lhe relatives and iriends of the lamily are re spectiuliy luvitel 10 attend the itinera), from ins late rest tenet. ae.) Van Brunt street, South llroju l>u, ou Friuay, 2ad inst., at l*u o'clock P. M. McKwan.?Oil Monday, April l?, J an et Hot, widow ui the late J a in tit McEwaii, of Glasgow, Scotland, in .he 7:scj year of her age. i tic iui.erul will take place noin her late resi dence, No. 86 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn, on Thura ua., 22d mat., at nali-past three 1'. M. McIntvisk.?on Tuesday, Anril 20, 1875, Cecelia McImyke. aged no ar.?. I ne relatives and iriends or the famliy, also of her brother, Jamee Casey, aud ol tier Maters, Mrs. nlil, Mrs. Flood aud Mis. Levy, are re&pectiUliy invited to attend tne funeral, 'rom e: late resl deuce, So Jauies street, to fit. James churct), .lames street, mis (Thursday) morning, at nan past uiu? o'clock, where a ?oiemn mass oi requiem win oa offered up lor the r cose oi ner soui. and iron theuce to Calvary Cemetery, at one o'clock, 101 interment. OLWhi.1..?On Tuesday, April 20, Mart VicroRU, youngest daughter of Marceila and the lata Matthew oiweli, aged - years and 7 months. Fuuerai will take place iroin the residence of her raotuei, No. 261 East llurty-tlltli street, oa Thnisday, tue 22d last,, at one o'clock P. M. Friends are invited. O'Connor.?ou Wednes lay, April 21, 1876. John O'Con.noh, a native oi Bally baer, county Keiry, irei .ii',. l be relatives and iriends are respeciinlly invited to atteuct tne fu era), iro n fus residence. *47 Penri street, corner ot William, on Friday, the 2:** lust., at one o'clock P. M. o'Donnkll.?Ou Wednesday, April 21, at hla residence, 48 Madison street, I)r. William o'DoV nkll. ex Coroner, in the S2d year of his age. Notice 01 funeral neraaiter. Palmkb.?On Aionuay. April 19, Robert O.. sofc oi William Palmer, aged 8 years The relatives and irlenus or tne family are re spectfully invitoa to attend his funeral, thia <ihut'iia.v) ino.niug, at eleven o'clock, irom ma resilience of ma tamer. No. 13 East i'wenty-elghta street. Patebsos.?In Parla. on April 20. l?:.% Lillian widow ol the late William Pateraon, of Newark. N. J. Pbykb.?At New Kocneile, on Similar, April IS, Jou* Prybb, lormeriy 01 this city, aired 78 years. 1 he luneral services will bs Held at the house of his ?ou, Dr. Wm. C. Pryer, at New Ricnelle, oa liinrsdar, April 22 at liall-past eleven A. M. Tram leaves Grand Central depot at ten minatea past ten A. M. Carriages will oe in waiting as New ttochella station. 1 YntK. ?On Mouuay evening, 10th Inst., Ko* waki> J. Kyueu, iu toe 3tfth year of his age. lieiatives and iriends 01 the iauiny are lnrltetf to attend the fanerai, from his late residence, 464 higbtti avenua, ou Thursday, April 22, at on? o'ciock. Mi.jiuEiis op Mosaic Lodge. No. 418, P* and A. M.?Bbetuben?You are hereoy aunrw moued to meet at your lodge room. Urand and Centre street, ou Ihursaay, April 22, 1876, at ona o'ciock tharp, tor the purpose of paying the last triuutc of re- spect to our late worth, orotner, Ldward J. Rvder. J. H. OaLEV, Master. hiiEi-fAHD.?on Tuesday, April 20, aiter a aoon but pAiniui illness. hatiie M., only daughtero< William L. and Caroline c. Sneppard and granch daugater o. tne late William Sneppara. Notice 01 luneral bereaner. MiPiw.?Oi Brunt's disease, on Tuesday,'April 2^ 1876. in toe 34th ye ir 01 ber age, tlEMiiETTA, t>* lo?ed wiie 01 John B. f*lpes am daughter of UeW trude and the late Ourrett Braisted. at her reaX deuce, 1.0 lentn streei. Brooklyn, E. I). funeral services on Friday, April 28, at twf o'clock P. M. slbvin,?On Tuesday, April 20, at her residence*, No. 131 Molt street, Mary, wiaow of tne lata ua Henry Sleviu, afted 112 years. Notice 01 luuerai uereaiter. bYBES.?Middenly, on the 17th Inst., John Stu% Jr., a native of Yorkshire. England. Heianves aud irieuds are invited to attend tbf fuutr.ii, irom 111s late reatuence, comer C'nioi and Henry streets, Brooklyn, on Friday, 23d insu, at tw<> o'clock i'. M. Tobbebt.?In Brooklyn, April 21, 1876, Hans-ah a, iouuKHi, naughter 01 the late Joiin Toroert, of Wiloiingtou, I'eL 1 ne relatives and friends of tlie family are ln? vite 1 to ue present at tne luneral. wmcu will oa neld at the lesideoceoi ner orotuer-in iaw, Jona O. jctTeries, No, 297 Clinton aireot, Brooalyn, oa Friday, 1 tie 28u IBsr., at ih.eo o'clock P. M. tookeii.?on the 2otn in?t., Kmwa, on y uaughtat of tne late Nna 1 M. und Cornelia Touitar, aged II years, mouths and 0 nays. rue relatives and irieude of the lami y are re. apectiUil; invited to attend her iuuerai. irom 'n? sixteenth street Baptist ciiurcli, between .leveuti, and Kigiita avenues, tbls (luur-dayj aiteruoon, at two o'cioe*. luoMPKiNs.?Ou Wednesday, April 21. at 6:30 A? M., Nit Hot.A8 1 uovi'KtNs, a native ot Askamora, county Wexiord, Ireland, iu tne <">8tu year of tiii age. lieiatives and fr.end* of tlio lamily, also those ot his urotlier-m-law, 1 nomas Boiger, are invited t4 attend tne iuuerai. iroiu nia late rasiueuce, 2,1-4 1 turd avenue, oh Inuxaiiav. April 22, at oua n'nno.k. to the Ceiaeterv 01 tue Uoif Oruaa.