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The Stock Market Erratic and Irregular. GOLD LOWER?114 3-4. Money Easy at S and 4 Per Cent and Got , eminent Bonds Strong. Wall Street, I P. M. ( WEDNESDAY, April 21?6 P. The stock market to-duy was erratic, with a generally downwurd tendency. The depression in ?ertaln Becurlties was uudtsgulsed, and the eff rts made to antagonize It were fruitless. On the pther liand an advance was made In quarters where it was least expeced, and handsome profits were taken in by those who chose to realize on the same. This was particularly true of | Wabash and Union Pacific, in botu ol which the tales were large. The former rose to 16% and the latter to 74%. Kansas Pacinc, which started Kit so orllliantly yesterday, receded from 26% to 12, ending at 22%. Panama sold at 140%. Ohio ind Mississippi moved irom 20% to 27%, which was the closing figure. Northwest common apened at 43% and declined without important reaction to 42% a 42)?. The preierred ?took sold at 65% a 65%. Erie changed irom 31% to 31, ending at 31%. Atlantic and Pacific Tele graph solo at 26% a 27 a 26, without much offering ol stock. Hanninal and St. Joseph at 26% a 26% a 26. Lake Shore suffered from the statement of a large decline In earnings during the past three months, and alter opening at 72% a 72% fell oir to 71%. Pacific Mail began at 44%, advanced to 45% and ended at 45. It Is not yet announced that any settlement nas taken place between tins com pany and Panama, and the stock is tnereiore sub- j (ect to mere guess wotk on the part of those who are not In the secrets ol its management. THE SALES OF TO DAY amounted to about 210,000 shares, which were di vided among the active stocks as lollowaNew i Tork central and Hudson River, 245; Erie, 12,800; Lake Shore, 36,600; Cleveland and Pittsburg. 100; Borthwestern, 23,ooo; Nortnwestem preierred, ] 1,260; Hock Isianu, 1,210; Pacific Mall, 39,000; Bt. Paul, 2,100; St. Paul, 2,100; Ohtos. 17,600; Western Union, 11,200; Wabash, 17,600; Union Pacific. 30.too; C.. O. and 1. C., loo; Panama, 1,300; Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, 3,600; Kan sas Pacific, 70u. ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The closing prices to-day, compared with those of yesterday, show the lollowing ctanges:? Advance.?Atlantic and Pacifio preierred, %; Onto ana Mississippi, 1; ''a.c'^cr, ii* Panama, 1%; Wabash, %; Vnlon Pacific, 1%, Western Union, %; Atlantic and Pacltlc lele glDKCLiWE.?c.. C. and I. C.. %; Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, %; Erie. %; Hannibal and St. Joseph, %; Lake shore, %; Northwestern common. 1%; quicksilver, %; Kock Island. %; St. Pau'. %; Northwestern preierred, %, gold, /t, Erie'in London, %. The stocks tnat remained steady were New York Central, Harlem and caDton. OPENING, BIOHESr AND LOWEST PRICES. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest pricos of the day:? opening. Highest. Lowett. Hew York Central 102 102% 102 ?,,e 31% 31% 31 Line Shore ?2% 72% *1* Wabash.... 15% Northwestern 43;a 4.5% 4^/? Northwestern preierred. 65% 65% 65% S"ck island.... 103% 103'. 103% Pittsburg !*1% ?1% 81% Milw aukee and St. Paul. 37% 37% 37% Dtii" and Mississippi.... 26% 27% 26% Ni'W Jersey Central 113 113 113 Del.. Lack, and Western. 115% 115% 115% Dmun Pacific 73% 74% 73% C., C. and J. 0 6 6 8 Western Union 77% 77% 77% Atlantic and Pacific Tel. ?6% 27 28 Pacific Mail 44% 46% 44% Panama 189 141 139 THE MONEY MARKET. Money was uga.u In aonndant supply and the rates on call loans from 3 to 4 per ceut. T e Treasury to day began the payment of the May In terest without rebate, tne outflow irom which will tend to swell the reserves of me banks an J make eapital more lice lor commercial and speculative enterprises Foreign exchange was tlrin. Primo sterling asking rates were 4.87% and 4.90%; selling ra es, 4.87 a 4.87% and 4.90 a 4.90%; reichmarke, 96 a 1-6% and 95%; cables, 96%; prime Paris, 6.1a and 5.12%; othdr rates. 5.15% a 5.12%. THE GOLD MAKEEH Gold opened at 116 and sold up to 116%, but the majority of transactions were on the basis of 114%. wulcii was tae closing fluur*. On gold loans tne rate was 1 percent lor earn ing and borrow In*; to fiat. OPFRATIONS 01' THE OOLD EXCHANGE BANK. Ooltf baunees Currency balances O, o a clearances 22,079,000 clearing uoLSr: statb-mknt. Currency exchanges $72,399,950 Cur.encv i>al micea 8,304.272 Ooid e.NChunueR 3,C84,*20 ? Goid balance.* 658,585 l lie steamer Russia, which sailed lor Europe to Hat', took out |2>o,ooo in gold coin. THE FOREIGN MARKET. London advices report that consols are % higher than yesterday, with United states ten-iorties % lower and the other issues stronger. Ihe dis count ma kct remains at 3 a 3% per cent. The po in Is well tiiMHi that if Europe will contiune its investment in Aaneruau securities we shall be spared the necessity oi shipping gold. The ex change market will be supplied with bills, and our b.iDks. throu*l. the disbursements of coin by the Treasury, will gall* iu stiengMi and thus hecoiue a gnarauieo for an easy market In money during the summer moniDs, The last London quotations were as follows Contois for money, 94 a 94!,; do. lor account, 94%; '65 oouds. old, 105 ', a 105% ; '07 bonds, 108% a 10h%; 10-40 bonds, 103%; new tlv s, 102', a 102%; Brie. 27%. ?t),000 m bullion was withdrawn Irom Hank on balance to-day. Kernes, at Paris, 641. 7%c. THE UNITED STATES TREASURY. Washington to-day report that the customs re ceipts io-day were $370,000, and internal revenue receip s $200,0u0. Tne National Uank notes re eeived lor redemotion amounted to $600,000. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $350,000 on account of rtiterest and $2l,?j00 in redemption of 6-20 bonds. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Government bonds closed firm at tne follow ing quotations:?United states currency sixes, 124^ a 125%; do. do., 1881, registered, 121% a 122; uo. do., do., coupon, 122% a 123; do. five-twenties, 1862, registered, 116%; do. do., do., coupon, 118% a lis; do. do., 1864, regis tered, 117% ft H"%; d()- do> d0*' coupon, 120% a 120%;'do. do., 1865, registered, 118% a 118% ; do. do., do., coupon. 122% * 122'?; do. do. do., new, regis tered, 120% a 121; do. do., do., coupon, 121 a 121%; do. do., 1867. registered, 121% a 121%; do. do,, do., coupon, 121% a 122; do. do., 18fi8, registered, 121% a 122; do. do., do., coupon. 121% a 122; no. ten-iorties, registered, 116% a V 116%; do. do.. coupon, 116% a 117; do. sixes, 1881, registered, ex interest, 116 a Hi',*', do. do., do., coupon, 116% a 116%. railroad bonds. These were generally firm for the better issues. Chicago and Noitnwestern consolidated sold at 93%; do., coupon gold bonds at 86', a 16%; do. flist, 99 % ; St. Paul sevens, gold, at 86.% a 87; do. first, consols, at 74; Erie lourth at 97; Michigan Southern second at 103%; Delaware and Larka wanna second at 111 a ill % ; Delaware and Hud son coupon sevens at 106', a 106%; Michigan < en tral sevens at io.">% a 108; New.ieisey Central first, consols, 106; North Missouri first, 8#% a 87%; Wa basn consolidated, convertible, 40'.,; Wanasli sec ond, 6tt; C., c. an i I. C. first declined irom 61:o 61%; Central Pacific gold bonds at 101; do., San Joaquin hmuch.at90 a 80%; Western Paciflcs, #6%; Uuion Pacific first. 9D% a 9J%; do. land grants, 97; do. sinking lund, 93 a 93%; Hock Island s vens brought. 108 ;; Krle third, 100; lioston, llartiord and Ene, 28%. STATE BONDS. Missouri sixes, long bonds, sold at 99%; New Tort State sevens, bounty, at 107>ij North Caro lina sixes. apcclal tax, Ui rd class, 3J,; Tcnues-ee alxe.?, new -em*. 61'?5 reune^ee aixe*. n-w. 70; 0K1 North Carolina* aru 2 , bid, new offering at 14, special tax flrat serifs being 4 Mi oi l plain and new Junuar. aud July Souta Carolina* aro 32 bill, and April and Octobet 31i>i 1; o'.i suid new Virainlas eloH: at 34 Did, ann consols at 69;, MU ; at: erred i?sue.4 offering m 0 u. DANK 9BAUKS. Bank shares sold ut 122\ lor More..ants', 99>* for Republic and 108 for Nassau, The lateu bids were as lollowt:?America, 12a; American Excuauicc, ex interest, 116; Chemical, 1.6'Oj Citv, 3u0; Citizeua', 12S; Commerce, 120; Continental, 93; corn Kx change, 130; First National, 200; Fourtn National, Ob i; (Jailauu National, 128; German-American, 94; Hanover, 88; Importers and Traders', 195; Irving, IX; Market, 121; Mechanics', 145; Mer chants', 122; Merchants' Kxchauge, 100; Metro politan, 131; Nassau, 107K'.New York, 131; New York National Exchange, 100; North America, 100J*; I'ark. 150; People's, 140; Republic, 09>i; State ol New York, 115, and Union. 141. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES & WBDNXSDAY. April 21, 1876. HI KOllK CALL?10 A. M. $1?0C Kails A M 1st.. 8!J< 200 ills Chi ,1 N W RR 16jU0 Un i'ac 1st ... ?#? 400 do lOOshs All * Hac T?lb3 iSK 1700 . 4>lA 101 do 26 W0 do ?1'? 1CU West U Tel 77M I'M III) s5 43',' 100 do s3 <0>l do <3 27 0 77'a 13JO do 42?* 100 do b.'l 77100 do . e Mi 400 ao sS 77,S 300 do 42 V 200 do o 77>2 400 ao 151/0 Pac M 8a. 44J, 30 do 43 300 Jo S3 44J, 200 UO 42 K 200 Jo 44? i 101 do 4-a, 300 44;', lOOChl* NW BR pt .. L6>| 20JII do 44?i 50 do 5S 12 0 do 44', 5 11 F.rle RR M'i 200 44', 900 ilo 31V 700 do..... 14'i 1000 do 31J, 6KJ do 44>, 100 do b3 I3, tiJO do 44% 1000 do s3 31'4 3tj?l do c 44% 500 1'auanitt RR 139 JONYCIUR RK... 102 100 ao 139? 1 >1.0 I. S i M a 1(3 ,2); 50 do 119 500 do 72Ji fr3 ilo 140 501 no 72J, 200 Tol A Wab RR.. .. i5Ti 1700 do Viii 300 do 1E?< luo uo ui 72& lnO do lajg lou do b3 72?a 300 in 18 200 do S3 vili 10.) i1 o l',N 500 do 72% 101 do s3 15k 300 uu i2li loo do 1j?i 1200 In 72?, luo UK l?3 15'4 100 Mil A St I' KR 37*i 400 ilo 13*? 600 ao 37>? 400 do laH 100 37 s, 2 0 Ohio A.Miss 2614 luoo Union Pacific..... 7.I1, U'O1 ao 267,, 1300 no 73K 701 Del, 14 W 115;., looO do s3 7 ; 5i N J Central RR-.c ? I-'?** &0u do 7,ij4 20 do 1I2'U 500 ao c 73 yt 200 ?-hi A i: I It I:... b3 lU3*i loo do - 74 200 Kansas I'ac KR... 26k, 5)0 llu c 74 3ou ao 10.m) do 74V 2hi do 2ti', 1830 do 74 100 do Stffo 50O do 73'% 700 ao 2?l, 500 7i?? 40i 2ti5i Wo do 1000 do 26>S 200 do c 73>? $10000 U 8 6's, r, '81.... low) C S tbiO, C, '?4 20 10 If ? 6-iU,r, 68 2500 U S 6-20, c. ?7.... iioo<oU h ;-ao,c,'66, u.. ltOOO <10 SOU d luOuO U S 5-80, r, ' $6000 Mo 6'a, 1 b....bc 20 0 NY b 7'!", b lc.... 3000 N C 6'*, spccuil tax. third class..... 3000 'lenu o's. ii ? lOllli Trim i 'MJPW.b c 1000 i In R 1 A i'uc 7'a |'i(l Alt) A SlU 2(1 15001) Chi A N W cou... 1000 < k H W e c g Uda. 6000 uc 8000 t'lil * N W 1st.. 1000 M A St t*7'?.g .bo 1U01J do. 60U0 M A St P, 1st o be ItiOOi hric 4th ni ? rj.i tSOOO Liel, LAW 2d. .be 2C00 no 100' Mich >-oo 2<t til... 5000 Lcl A 11 c,7,s.'94. 1000 <10 60<l<> Mor <t Ee 2d. ..b c l(>00 Mich Ceil 7'a 30 0 O ... 2i*.fl N Y < en 1st. c be idoo o a Miss const'.. 1000 North Moist It M10 lio 1000 (io Iodo do 3.0 .'0 Con Pat: g bds.... loooiiueu 1'ao mt,sJ t> 31.00 do -bo Ii.O) West Pac bds.... VO'u Cu 1'ao UK ,?t... 12 >.0 do 70 n) an 6000 ?'r I a 7'a. I K. ... 2000 PacHB of Mo 1st. loOOC, C A 1 ? i?t.... 10t0 . 4000 do ... 500) r, i' a w i?t w u Ml >0 Tol A Wab 2d.... lOUX) Tol iWc con.... 4011 So Pac RR ot <0. 2t<00 L'lu A Sc. '!?.... lOooAnt lik 4 Unp7'a. I CC(I AU^tP 8'?, 1st., lu nhs Merchants' Ilk. 30 a'It ot lipiiuiltc. 20 Nassau Hank 100 Del A it ? anal. ... 20 do 6 i do be 5 do 2 'ii M?r I.A M ats ml. bo 100 uuiek M Co tic 100 Md Coal be SuO Ail A P Tel be 2 W do 8 0 do 7)0 rt do. no. 1 W ' o 1.100 W est C Tel r> e 70J 701 700 61 4r l" 1 xpraaa oo in > V ( A li R <.'.b c 7 dn 2!) i Erie kk bc?3 I3>> de a; 7 n oo b3 401 do p;k> do 40 Clev A Plus auar.. lit' do l.M rat- Mail ss be flu i0' i s < ur6"? 2o*i !?: rle 3d m lit DO vd P KK 1ft 4 Dsns ?? l ao lei... 70<i vseat i n lei bS 000 do W 2oil <in 1609 'I" io n Krle it it 2i ii do s3 100 <|<' bl 100 N V < A II 11 RR . 700 ra<. m ss 10:15 AND 11:30 A. M. J21T< I L" 8 5's. 10-40. r... ii5V 12DH MOW do 115/4 121 200J u>. be 115% ,22 1UO0 D S 6's, C, '61 116>4 121V l'OOJ do lloft 121'* lt>R>' U S 5's, r,'81...he 1157, uiij, lu. 00 no lis1, 121*, 1000 dc )is>4 i II, -i I'U A li 11?10:.'I i A. M. 96W; 70Uahs Puc Mail SS.... 44?? lo7l, 600 do C 44*i 1*00 no 44?i 3? 2.VI0 do ?>? 5l>j 100 do ~b3 ii'. 7 u ro do ... 44St 1IW? 1300 do 44.^, lm :<0U uo b3 4 Dois, 700 do MS 200 do... b3 44', ?j', 600 Uo 4iv Wfi 601 do 44?i vti'4 1200 do 44', HI 600 <i<i 03 45 71 J.'tO do 45 V7 l;10) do 45? 111 1000 no 45 111^ ILIIlll.i., be 'Mi 10S>2 100 do bt 7-?, ll*;>2 100 do ... s5 72S, 1'bV, 1200 no H 72?i 1< 6 5>t, do 72'a 105% 301 do *3 72>$ 106 Mm d<< 7.-, 100 l wi ao 77?i :-.ti, HV d<< b:i 72J, 86?! 4" Ch A it . 1...0C.S3 103s, Hf,', 100 do ..C IDu', Hi ?0 do 1"3,J, 3200Dnlou Pac be 7.>?, 101 100 i:o. cS 7 ill 3f do til n>. btfTr '"'0 u?. e 7 *i fti'4 laio Ito ',S\ !S?g -0' <lo s3 7.i'? 9'.)^ lt'.O do Till I2jI do bt 7t ?7 800 do C 74 84 19.0 71 t/l*4 I'JUChl i N w K....OO ,2% 51'? 16 u ??(> 4.:? 51*2 A' OO 42 '5 li 0 Uo l.f, bfi do 42' j 4 '<?? 2; 0 Un .....0 42', 7- 200 uo 42K 80 l'Kt 42?? 104 1W9 n. 42', 10.-'< 6f< do 4i?i 122-4 1 0 do a3 4-;, Wfc 300 do 43 lo8 5O0 Chi 4 N w Pf.... lie -Hi 1171. 100 do still 66 11,\ MMUCetiUK ..102% 1I7'| 10 ?< . ? . < 4 R <2 li7't i 0 St !. KC'l .be 4 7j4 SOI Panama KK... tic 11 ?.014 400 <:o 141 Is :.7W 17 110 do *3 37>, 2li\ 30? di' ...OS 37H 2 ?? 2 0 81 37', r.iJi <? Tol k Wau RR. be ,.v, 2'. ? un ?<? 0 15,4 V, T<0 do *.1 lM 77 It < ... b3 I5?< 77'4 211" ,1<i I Mi 77J, el. I. A W li!:. he 115 , 77l, 6 '"hie ,t Alton b ? I'l.i', , 21*' N J outh K It.... b c 7 102 in "in A >1 ,1,'RR.bc 26>? 1 <*214 .' 26^ SI', 2' 0 2t, 4 SI 4IHI no 26 81V -)t<> Oblo ' 2< ?, 31X 20.) do 2(1* ..1*4 '" "o ml 9i 3D do... bS 27 91'iJ 10 ' (', <'.t I C K It be s3 6 44 >, iH.I Oft ?!,! ? I'iiMO l> .M. 124 13V) *bs Chi k if W 42V 1"' 200 do <2i? U Ti I d? 4x9 27 o d<< 4,1 77?, 1(10 do b ( 41X 2 <t do. . 4.1V ; I'l I M ll A M p KK , 77', 15' I.SJ M a RR 72V 31 <4 I i <!u 72*, 31', M.J d 7,-f. .".I!, ll ii Kansas Pac RR.... a.1>; It 2 n o. .1 -nutii RR 6', 3?i ;<*i 6t*i I too I 0 .',0 1 15 0 b3 <lo do. 44-t t#l n A Wall .K ... 1S%2 46 ?"?' '!0 b3 1H 1911 do |rt <lu lC.Sj .. s.3 ..b.t do ? do? do io t'kteaao k RI RR 16 ?O l)n Paclfl 1400 do 12 n "o 2n.l 3 I'll 16JU 16.0 ti? << 100 Chi A N WRI! Df. 200 1 In A W m bJ 461, no 45 00 Co. do. ... 16', ... 14*i 03 It.', ... K.V si io'; .s3 IBV - It.', uo. <!?.. do.. 27 V ..-I 27 V tin0<? r * 5-20, C. '84 . Mkoo i. S6-2u,e,'i?6.n.bc $401X) MO fl. lb.. 4 mi Missouri 6'a.' rooti Missouri ('?,'i'ti.bc 3ooo i a Pac 1st c Ii I o <i<> 20' Ot 4 K A. P ?... gum orth Mo 1st m.. 500" h ii 4 <? RU lat. &A)>i Mich Sou a i 4010 Krie dm ,vi i! i'u. ? o< m :a ... 300 Del*H,c,7's.'?4. 8000 lot A W < con.... 7outi' <iii<> A Mine -<l ? IHOOOAMiascc li? 300 . akc l?t, c r. . loo i l.cnu I ock !,ou Is 6oo ah' ..i <* P 2o do - 50 - do . wWest i 2 < I (t<. aid SUO do 100 <io 83 i- Amer k* 7 \.li?in- h* bc<: I0O P?c Mali hS It' at 744.. . c 74', :.a3 4.iv| do. do. do. 200 51 2.100 100 bin ni, 400 <i(<.... *1 iim n V i * ii R R.' .be i n' Erie f.R be b3 7 0 do V Io .i<. ?3 20i Harlem RR 26 Mich i en RR.. be 18 0 I,m >i s Kit.. .1, e 2ll<lll I" .'!<) ' do ?5 io I Mnuia KK b< liKl b.t i n N .1 ( t in KK S-404.0 I 8 5's. r.'.'l 2. <10 . ( , < .* I ? is! 100, L 1' I ' ISI it, . . 2.1 slis R'k <11 Com'rce 1(10 I n,,'k Mill Io Mar 1. A M lttO (l?. ..oss |>.l 201 1 ntiton 6oi)W( i I , *1 100 do... I'l do kl 21M 1 ill l atjiflc M ....i<3 I'M an a in s3 Uo MKI IH t) 4-J'l 45V ? 0 4.'<>, 5 <> 104 l<4> 74V 'i<" 74'. 109 - 74?. 2 tOOhu A M KR 27 74V HO do 2 H 74-, H*? do Si) 27 74', I'M *3 27V 74?i 1.1 W do. 74?, KM do. 65?. I 0 uo 27'a 43 40J -.... 27X 'J P. M. 120V $1':00)V8 5.20,C.'67..... 12$ 121 SK 'OSD no\RI>?1 P. M. tMi i26 sha N J ten Rl?.b c 11?S 101 ^ 260 to H3 10IS, 17 0 I n Pac Rlt....oe <4H tfl'i 2uU 74>i W, Itrt d?... b2 74', 11BV UK) do C 74", ?Jl4 (<00 do. 24V ioo d<< 1IIS<4 III I (tit 4 NW K 10 2? do.. 43'. f-OV 7W no 43 lot4, li-) <to ?2!t 40V 4 0 1 42>4 7a 2<KI do 4 'V t?7V I0O do. 43 102k loo Chi k WW Mi. lOtl ('. C, (' k I K B..b C 62S 2t; 4 loO < hi A K T It k. 103k 26'i <0 Mil A PKK .be :iiS HI do 37?, 7; |6J, 77V 7 ' rto al It'1* 77 V 100 do I'V -,f*, ?')< in b$ I 14', 201 do S3 16 U 108 4 U fl( I'j'i 45 7"0 do I6'4 44?, 100 rto lt>V i4\ 32 P. Ft W * C. (rt t"''i 41'4 211) imi, Lae? k W .bc H6J, 44 20 1.6'. 44\ 2 1 hlo * .7'4 h4?? .">.?) do...., 27'? I'12',. On. 2 V .IIV, 400 no 27 V 31W 3UOO do 27 V 31V 3 0 00 1)3 17V 131 301 17 V 74 In) rto *1 27', 72S4 13;<) do 27?J 72S 16 0 " . b3 27', 72-, 20 Morris A Ra 10 V 14 V 100 > , at- rn b r. 14?, 14.;. 41m Kan Pac RR 2,. 113 loo 00 25 V 2':.KI ro :i P. M 115?, laOtsha l.S A M R... 71', 61 .'t) 110 71V O1) I "I do 7t '. |2o ioo tl.? 71'1 ji14 iim Il3 ll', t>'. 2 .it I (to (I 4 7h "DO Ohio A Miss 2'; , t hI i' ? do 27*4 77*, 4<-0 '7'. 17- . .00 do 03 27 j 4 i .oo lio 2, t 17'. Io I'n 11>< KK ai 7.', <4V l 0 74S? 44 V HO' do 70a 41, 00 do s3 V 4 4'4 UK. 4 1011 t ,00 uo 14 , 400 **o U% 200 ?nol * W?b *3 16* 400 do it 4". 70 do. 16 MX) do 45 .Vil (in 1?X 100 At i f?o Tei .... ?> 401 do.. Ii1* US \ ? A .. Httii .. I tun . ?). .M W* l'iu * no Bit i.a lv, i i i uso i6 1}M uo 3i', SU' do.. J' ajo r.o ji six io,ct* a w rh..,?3 4.'; ?'0 < 31', u6 - 4-'4 30) do ?.l Si', 0? do ? 4.'i? 400 uo iij ml a>j> 42 x 20U '"hi k it IKK....44 luJ.ij Mi do... 42S 10' do ltt % 3'?' uo... ti'i 20J Mil.t >t 1' K i7\ AD do.- 42., 4UU L > Jt M .-i IIK :-l\ I n> uo si 4-X 160'J do ,.03 72.4 6liJ do. 42 SMI do ?3 J-', lis) do - b3 i2X 100 uo 7iL .0 do.. <-'* 7.10 do ?'t 71000 do 4-;, a8 0 7.' 1,- *10 *-'* U0) do 7;",; 3U0.Cnt* yWRKpl. .. :?X I' O do ?3 72 SO Chi. J[ A.U Kit l"3*, iiu du s4 Tiii M Chile AwUtRRpf.. 10s 7u0 1.1, .it t J RR.... 1300 do VI 10 . ? Ii6) 2o 3 ?(.. i3 71 J. 4UJ Kan Jltc UB 2<X 200 00 72 2500 ** 23 !'?? ?< bS V2H 10) ?1 S3 SO1! do 72 100 .to. 22',' 3U0 <'o s3 7174 100 At 4 toe pi' 14,4 I0j do 72 ( LOSING PiacRS?t P. M._ Paeific Vil .... 43 * 4J>X M I o iH .ii... iitii a 3JH Wein t'n Tel... 77?rf a 7;, 'III ?? St . ~i>f.. !fi S'X luicksilvet .... :UX a 21 C. i At - .... 6 .,?i< Outclt-ilver pi. 2!) it 30>f Del, LAW ....115 ft 11->X Mar Miu.iim pd 7X a 7 * f rit ...... SIX ? SI}* C, C, < a Itid... 62 a 02>; Han A st Jo .... -i>% a -o Adnin* L? MX a 102 ilau 4c stJ-o pi. si .? ;?} Amer Kx 64 a i4X L -? ? lior?v.... 71J* a i! U .s r xpreas.... ?2X a 63)* N V A liar 130 a 132 Wellvtargo Ii:. 83 a NfCl H a 1U2.X i h a X a lt>4 s Jer c?n........ik'X i ila I lev A I'it 16 S)l? a ?2 Ohio A ?li?>... 27*, a i7,X Chi A N \V .. <2', n 42X fanaut* ,...14oX * 142 Chi A N W pf. M', a iOfi lul A Wui) a 16X Chi A K 1 103)? a luJX Lmon fac. . .. 74.X a 74;, COMMERCIAL REPORT. SPOT COTTON DULL I/)WHt xuTUMB AOAIN LOWER?FLOUB DULL?WatBAT DULL XtiD IIUIEQCI-AB?COBN EA.BIEB-?OATS AC TrVB?BARLEY MORE ACTIVE LNO F1R1IEB? B\K FIRM?PORK A SHADE PIRMERr--LAJU) EX CITED AND UIOHEB?PETBOLBU tC DULL NAVAL 8TORE8 QUIET?WHISKEY STEADY GROCERIES FIRM. Wednesday, April '.'J?o P. M. Tne merchandise markets were wltr.cut impo; taut otiiiuue. ss a uenerai tinui;, thoiigti lrreoru larlty and liuctuatious were ratner the rule than the exception. On 'Change flour wa* dull, and the low grade* were declining. Whuit was 111 moderate demand, but rather tinner. There was more export demand, out atUDpers demurred to paving any adTauce, and tbe market closed quiet, corn was dull and decltninir. and cloiwid lower. Oats were wiilioat decided cOange. Dtulej llrui. Whlstej nieady. 1'orE was Uruier. J^ard was strong, and silgntly excited under an in creased tnautry Irom tn? 'tHort" interest. Groceries were very Arm In value, but ttie move ment was Hutu, cotton was wanted eg export er. but they relu?ed to pay the price, demanded. The quotations show Xo. decline; lutures dccllnod Xc.. but recovered the loss and rloscd quiet. f<uval :*'>res were generally qniet. I'etroieum was weak and loa.cuve. CorrxK.?The movement in Rio was light, but the tone of the market was well sustained and cloaeJ up firm. 1 he samples ol the steamer south America ?#.rgo wero shown, and of which 2.000 bacs were sold at lHXc. cluetly. At the outporta trade was quiet, wi ill the ex ception ol a rumored sale at -New Orleans ol 4,?ii bates by the Ofcar, price not reported. Mild grades >*are quiet. We quote:? Ordinary cargoes, lOXc a lUXc.-fair do.. 17>io. a 17Xc.: da. Kood, 18c. a ls*c.; prime do. l(^c. a 191 c ? extreme rauire lor lot*. I60. a 18XC- '. J*va. gov ernment oags. 2ac. a 26c.; da. tiraas laaui, 26c. a 27c.; f inuapore, 21c. a 23c.; Ceyion. 1?X^- a 2lc.; JUracaibo. Mr a 21 laC ; 1 aguayra. 17c. a 18Xc-; JainaleA, lt>Xe- a to V Lom nao. W.; Porto Rico, 17c. a llac.: Coata K^ci 17c. a 20c. Mexican. l?Xc. a inc.: Augosairc 17Xc. ft l5to. ibavan.lla.i7Xc. a A-o.; 1 uracoa. 17c. a l?Xc., "I'orro?-/here was a good demand Irom exporters lor aud several large 10U were Ux 1 l?r. but Um firfcti olto'rcd tvere tn all cases below seller.'view., Una ?io trauaactlons resulted, several tr.Klas ?ere Mniiiiif aa the market olimcd ihere was u?j .ien\anu From sniiiners as.-le irom usual call lor ainall lots, so.^tilators showed uo disposition to ouy unlejs at a further wmwSSou Ihe alvended iio-.e a decUM ol Xe/per lb. tor all grades. Ihe Jiarket for miu "? opened weak under me inllueiiee 01 tne uu mvoraol4. lenor 01 Liverpool r.poru.andprloes di ii0 this iocs * as .uowqueul|> recovered. I?? ever ..wiiia to a reported reaction in i.nerjioal. and tuo fn rial closed quiet at about lust evei.Wg's closing prices. The lalest quoialious "Were as ii.dows-April. l?Xc. 14 : May. lo 5-3Jc. a.lo?-ltoc.; Iu. . WNc ? Juiy. 16 2I-J2C.; Au?u-t. .6 l.'.-fuc.; aep "! ^V'?r iti 21-.-C.; October. ill 3-ll>c. a io 7 32c. Member 16 l-3-'c. a 16 I 16c.; Dcce nber. 16 Hoc i? iS Jauuarv. 16 7-32 a loX'. QnoiaUuna 'on sundard of ctas.?ihcatioii 111 loi?.:e fep buhca up .tua coiton in utare run luuliln qualitv not uiore than ha it a grade ?oovs or biiuw tbS grade quoted:-Oruinary. MX-.; *oed ordi n .rv IjW ? strict good ordinary, lb>.; low ml.idlin?. ultfo'- intdilliU. il>'tc-i good lulddltllg. 13c. yuoui tioiis Lased ou American st,.u.lard ol Cia?;ilie?ll?l UotlS o.seu o Ui>UiriU A'a nn.i. .*. Orl-IM. TtJOM. Ordinary {?''* }?{? H?* uood ordinary ;V? J- X " a "X w,* middlitw {J X ?.? J5* },?i? ,?*? f, * ,7'* Uood w.dtlilMg |''X \\ "* ?1 he were:- Ta.Pay. Lwt r.t'g. Total. ?xnort 1W ?>J I... 1 <4% Co 11 sum lit) on. 30 *7, ^ Tn..,. 276 #17 #K ? ,r f'i'ure delivery ibaai. tow iuid' the iaUs haVe been, a? lii.ow?:-ie?terda;. auer two f 44. k.,v j0o at lo3-loc ; June, lOOat In Ii-JJc., 601 at lbX1-.. 3. i^l ai 16 i5-a2c.; July, 4tw lo^?c.. 1.6*1 ai lo 23-32c., l,atw At lti AUI(U9^ .tX'HI 16; gC-, 1.1KJ0 8t ? ir. l"* ihr * BaDleiubet, Jitl ai to He.; October, 3IW at 16 7 ^ i^cew"r luUut .ti 3-32c. total U -AI bales. Lx pi Id to exchange .<M May lor June. ^ UV uu UI two r. M.?.prd. lOOat 16 oHL.. 10 at c' Ma\ 4t>' at 16 3 . 2c.. 2.1m) at ItoX0-. ^ :.^nl;'vt'c li'tiai If','-. - "??l I"3-2C.. 5u0at 16c.. 1 .utmi'ie j-Jc . iou at 16 3-IIk'., lt*lai 16 7-3JO. . J una, 1 ..ii'tt IS 13- >2r 1 2**1 at loSc.. 2,>0at 16 13-. 2c., 21.41 ax {'?"? .? I t 0 ai 16*13-Mc , 2.4?W lit 16 .16c., IVb at 16 13 32c., iVi; 6 .-16. 2W at 16 15-3*1., at 16 7 .6c., AX) at lfi Ii!iac ? Jtdv' 310 at 1# ic.. I.t-W at l?Xe-. at If ?it^T"' U> at 16XC-, 2,luo at 16 2t,s2c , 300 at 16 IH6c.: Auauat'Vw at l"!i?. >-??J 16 J s*'- ? *' '6\c., 2<? at , f; VW ai 16 -5-3iC . vSdo at 16 13-16C.: hciiieiuber. Ml at t?ac? 2 out .u J-32c UOat 1611 16c.. October *4) at tit V42r * >ove 111 tier, 4JO at tec.; December. 300 at Uia,* lotal. jAuOO baies. t.rand toial. 512M bales, ihe receipts at the port, were a. lollows;-t.atve-ton. I.a\ew Iirieoiis. su; Mobile. lo7; .?savannah, au- I liar'lestoii UK; Wuttuugioo. 161, Norlolk. nO< ; .N. w ? Yo'k 2?w 3n?t.ii. I OH lelpbla, 1S1, total. 3 746 !>*.<-*. Thir.liu Ian ?eek..V7?. ihu day last year. 4 haiea. total since - pumber 1. ...7j,?2.. hale. Coiu.n freiV^U close.1.?? loliowsl -lo Havre. toy Mr.iu, V. Jo ireig.i?<t .. l,( Bre.n.ti. toy.-loam, ',c.; bi Hiatutourg. o> |-i| re^a lo Liverpool. Md. hi sleaat; by **i't oub " ss i* l'<lR*l*.-H?C?lpt?-Hour. 14.118 bbls.; wh >x< 4' biittiwU; corn. Uo.; 01U, .ysttri <lo.; r,rn mi.-u'i iags; b.irley, t4.4^a busheU The Sour m.rkiwMUBiia'i ihe low grade, wer. shaded a liit.n. thuuah the general ma ket c.Mlid scarcely be t a.ird !'LLir il?[i.jr.ed sal' s included ll.ft.i bbl. meal w. . in uir demand and Urm; Mlcts 950 bbla We 'C a Mate $lft?a?4S0. fupernue state 5 mm a ii 64l,a 6IM ;u?ertlii-'' Weilern.'..' 5^1 ate! Koti'i'.'d Iioop'uhio, shipping i>r,nd. 6*s)a 5au Hound hooponio, trade braudt 5^0a ?oi faintly s v 4, ht., to * extra. ?*! ?l l >ui>, 1.,1-aig.u J J'a #0.1 , U IA.UIS, ihotce douu.s extra 6ooa biO ht Louis, clMMee ' ? ? ?? Rye flour, llue to superune Jtxja jjo BoUliierit N'?.- ?_ . m , j,.jib .-ou.nern. .upetflne - - ^ Southern, extra ? f* .-outhi-rn. lami y ~ Corn meal. Western ?'J * CoTIi Illlitll, JCISC) .....Mm 4 ? 4S;I i;urn Ultiie Urrtiuirwiae f ?^w'l' !?"" wi! "hi' Uioileraio tieinand. toot with inniid ollerlhh*. the tuarkri ruled Unu and better pricea were obtained! 1 he sales were about tV).0 *) bushel, at #1 18 ? ki .u lor priuitj Ho. i i in ?i??re ami wojf t n.r .No 2 .tlilwitukee afloat. $1 .4 lor ni xed spring, ana It for 1 >lninesoia. Corn was dull am easio.. cio'lii; up tume wi.h i?5.0'O buaheia ?olJ ai "'c; * Tor mixed, closing at We. a W^c. aud 9*. yellew. ?.ais were aieady and in good demand, wiiu ?ale* oi 67, Ml bushe ? at .:ic. lor mixed, in store _ 75c. lor mil loads ailoat. ^inil <6c. a 77c. ior whiu- narify w.t? more active and flrmer. with sale, of 2.30U bushel* t*o rowed a ?l 3,iW. do. Canada Snd 2 50. do t anad,.' West a. $1 WV with ?l 52 bid t r more. w?i*qatet;6 u UitolWl? joiu *1#* ^ raatuitTS - Kites nre ea-ter. with a Inrltt ba?iiie*?. To Liverpool, hv steain. !,.*?? bale* cot,?m. within me range ot. >21. a D 3.n. ior compressed and iititonipreMjd i 4 i,..1)1 busaels grain, at #d., hox- s cheese, st .4s. 2.:t.n pa ?hgrs Itacnii and .aro, at 25* a .7s. isl.. II'. wet salted hi l<"*, niainlv al -2s. 81. ; M tons oUcakt, on priva1'- i' rnis. and ?>? bbls. apples, at .-a vi a <? ml. 'o lamdon i.y ssii, l.5*i l-oi*. hour, on privato iimuis;5) tons me.suremeni goods, at 12a. tsi. lo '^sgow by steam, Joo bins. Hour through Ireitf.iu at As. #d. , .U.)bfc* a mile*, and M box * oaeon, on private terms, lobora lor oitlers, a < ritisli hark, how at i hua lelphta. with re siw d t mlK-r and deal* irom I ase.i2ouia. at w. i.>?. 'o Bremen, a lar*. to arri*e iroui rortre* Monroe, with about *,300 bbl?. ri lined petroleum. Iron Hulaoelphta. at .'ts. ?i-. wt.u "Pu?", ,'j! llaiiibarg. lo the toBiineiit d^ect,an har* Dettce wnn uD>?ut i?bis. renuoa DMfoitnm ?tit. To iliiuitMirjj, I <r?'inmii barii, hence wun lit (ou t i <XW red net! P 'leiirn At 4r5, AoWie oiinnu ii il io. rt D;?nisi? fjrn' with l?Wt) bM<*. r?flne<i pc ir inti'm troiii iiiii i.itnre hi 4* i o liibrtltAr t?>t* oraer^ an Italian hark lie'nco witu about 15.IMI <*asea petroleum ?i flc to ilexandrla, .^nurnaor .-alonica, rite to t..n 5tam.noul. or Sa to tMessa. To t ohsutniinople. an Lali to tong lo nee with atoom rt.OtW ease, petroleuin. re imI it ? flnd ?)<) i^i*iituit>. lo YokotiAm?. J*U American Mi'ip hen ? with ?.ml cargo. incioUin* coal an?i petroleum in ra?"s on privat? tei ins. ? >i i * i.a "** k 4 ? i lie market isafinoiif bure ??t wpplNWjt^ to rem' rs. mid l.ui 011 cargo remain, unsold. ren arrived with a cargo oi i out sample* are , t on ihe niurka . In a dislribuunv nie iimna actions wer" ,nSV only, hut prices were strictly .1 ? hVred to. *>? quoteuna. ce.itrlfugal sndtniX. d. ? 4.e ; <1o . eia;.< d. .We 11 i .e . d. .. ni.iscovn .0 n In in, 4'V ii 41 * Uo lio., urocei v. sitH'.a ' l,rto i?ic.o, , 40,?/ a i*.; is.anu^ .<??; a : New Orleans ? n ?*a' ?-re!'!.*1'1'Bhe'inirket i-'r spirits tnrpeniin.' wa* .gain quie.. ami.? ;lfe .-lose art I.t'.i'a In lot. a it?e Ko- ti e iiilinne i qmei Ion steady. "X iiiular aoViees iro.o '.t ilinnui- ? ..... , , s?t ' It. , L ?? 1 ? I ! ,h;i ?e ** 1.1 ? I?DI". AO. - ?? 1 ' 1 H t'i 1? ;i V- M1 waiiirm. w.1,1 ?ale.4 of 4UU i.iii.i .vi niiiiutou at t- 26; Wasttmgttn quoted at $? I- .?; C1 Tiiiii *a?"C r ml e* in*. 'ilk. eonlinuetl dull and no ml Ml .16^, lor April and 7c. .or May delivery. In re- ! flae'i iiotiuug was done, aud. mom* qtiot itiotts do not | present any material change. vet the tone was rather weak; spot del v rv ISnlai ? . r A ril I ijgc- ami tin* H it Malt vf May 11 , ? Cases ija'.c at r.'j ? jo "??<?. for c.irgoes. i itv n ipliilia .?> m thinning order e lined at Philadelphia ? < iju.iti d ut :1V, spot 13 .'?.?? balancc of \|.ril an I l?! . i"ii* drliver\ up to May 1 '? K<-{lued ai i a :imor. iiomiliiili '3 a ISV Alter 'fhaime there was i -.?.<? Here "t 1 b'. .1. ior imuiedi a'.i delivery at 13?,,.. an at i'luiadv pin i bbls. ai 13 Pin ''i.-io.v- ?Kcc.'ipu?I'ork, b-7 packages; beef, 88 do i cut ir:? !>??. cl . arl ISju... i lie mark'': t r pork it ? ' ' !'??? ? . w;.h m ? tueas feilth in n nil 1 way on the spot hi J22 26. Kor (iwar ! delivery the com uris? 24i bbl*. May at *22 10. 1,'iCi) buls. June a; $ 4J a $: 4 S, ?nit 7-?0 bbls July nt # : 60 a 9-2 66 I or dres<e.l bogs there was a moderate demand. wi, haaiesot <? itv at id1 a ."'si. at w hich figure- themir et l.iff I Ileef wa^ in mtlit demand; 16' libla. were dispos ii ? >i on *.*ri vute leniio. iien liama were neglected and nominal. Uat 'M was Arm -r, with sales lit U.l Iniif. mi..- .-ear at !?>? ' 11 '? *c short clear was >uio<ed ut r.?, without uotewor'h.v sales. cut meats were moderately aetivv. with s,lie* nt 16,(XXI bellies ,i?. It a iI i'UJ pickled hams .u i.?,r a 12c. and. 5Jdfresb nelli-a st Uc M.iok* t alioUid rs in. i.iiia'Uy i V- ? a ? . i.. burns i V ?"c. Lar.l was easier I he -a es were 2'.' uerees wertera steam on .Ik (pot at 16tac. ; l.v O.J ticritf i: ..Apr., at lOKte. 1.24J tierces do., Ma*, a I 1 e. a i.e. ?. 7(J tierces do , June, ut ltl.'kc.; l.WJ tierces On.. July, at 16 7-1tic. a 10,'j.-., and 100 tierc .i ci.y, on Hie ?o..t, at iSjjjt ft;..Aft?Business pmitrosses s >\rly 1 jt i in raw and refined, but me raark't in tone was quite [inn. t-..rr. - fining grades Holders are quit, tirm in tlieir views. and insitt on full prices, reflm r- cousciiuentl\. operate with ranch reserve, anu meiely tun- hase tor immediate wants; melr olds generally are about i-16 under asking prices. The report'd dealing iin'hi.led u hh com mon molasses a: 7%c ; 40 lihds. ceutrilugal. .''-4 , v-iI hhds. goofl rertiini.' 8 ".-1 c. : -A) hlids strictlv good, 8 ,c.; 17l hUds. molasses aunar. 7?>, c.: 1-s boxes do., 7^c.; re titled w;.s telling at .11 -1 ?> ?. a 10c. for A. lOftc. a lu-,r. lor hard We nuote Cuba?Itetliiiii,'. inferior ' oommon, '^c. a 7.',. ; do., lair to good, SJfc. a 8J?c.; .'o., icoo i t? prime, S'ic. forto Kico? ItetlmiiK. iuir to krood, S*>e a HJ,o : c -ntril okbI, boxos. Son. 91 10, 6c. ft S'^c- : 11 to IS, sKc, a ; 10 to 13, bj?c. u 'Jjiic.i Manila, 7*k?. a 7?,e.; inc>ia?ses, hhd?. and boxes, 7c. a 7'?c : melndo, lie. ,. 1'jc. clayed, boxes, uulcll staildard. Not 7 to 9 ? S1'. a . do., 10 to 12. 8,4c. a 8>?c. do., 11 to I . v7ai' a 9*d.; do . 16 to 18, S?J,C. a i ; a..., 1:' lo -U, I J,c. u 1' >,C.; white. #14C. a lO^c. Porto Itico?Keiining. common to prime, 7c. a 8kc. : do., grocery, fair to choice. 8'?o. a 8^C.: Brazil?Dutch lUindard. Nos 9 to II. 7?c. a 71,'. Java? t?uich aiandaril. Not. 10 to 12. 8'iC ?.Manila Superior and extra superior, 7J<c. a 7:,c. New Orleans? Refining grades, 7c. a 7Jj,c.; do., grocery grades 8e. m t>Hc. Hick.?A quiet and .steady tone pervades the market, with a tair distributing- business reporied, embra. in ; about :'0 casks i arolina and 1:0 ban* Kangoou: Carolina. good. V^c. a 7,'j'c.; prime do , 750. u 7?ii'e.: choiee do.. Sc. a 8^c.: lxjHislsna, 751,c. a 7?,c for lair to prime, nnd common qual ities down to lie.; Rangoon. 8Vjc. n C\ , curren - v. I'.it na. 7ko.. currency;^uoa. in b .ud. i- 7S a $J 87>., gold. 8tbari*e closed quiet and nominal at about 16i4c., without noteworthy sales. Tallow was falrlv active and firmer with sales of WUKHl lbs., at!) I Its a i?l,c. per lb WmsKkv.?ileeeipi-s? 73<i bols. The market was steads*. Kales?260 bbis at $1 11 a $1 14>i. DOMESTIC MARKETS. GaLVESTO!?, April 21, 1876. Cotton holiday. Net receipts, 838 bales. Exports co..stwise, 710. ritock, 51.&.>4 N?w Onutiixs. April 21. 1876. Cotton quiet; middling, i5Jiu. el receipts. KW oales; gross. 857. hxports to Great Britain. i.UCO. Sales. 3,794. Mock, 148,172. Mosilu, April 21, 1?;5. Cotton quiet; middling, ISHc low 1111 idlimi, 16c.; good ordinary, it^e Met receipts. 107 bales, hxports? To Ureat Britain, 2,222; coastwlte, 68. aaies, l,U0u. htock, 2S.S73. Savanxah. April 21, 1876. Cotton quiet: middling, 15%c. Net receipts, i.i'i bales. Exports ooastwise. 220. aalaa, 1,221. Stock, 36,ftSOL Chahi.xsto.n. April 21, 1871 Cotton quiet: middling. 16c. Net receipts, l'.li bates. Exports coastwise, 411 bales, 800. .Stock, 17,823. WlLNINGTOa. April 21. 1?7>. Spirit# turpentine auiet at Stjge. Itosln (Jinrt; strulned $1 78. Crude turpentine steu.iy; hard tl 64: ymow dip $2 44; Virgin $4 30. Tar drm at $1 46. Oawr,i;o, April 21, 1S76. Flour steady and unchanged : sales l.-siWibbls. at $ii 90 for >0. i spring. 96 73 lor amber winter, $7 lor white winter atid $7 25 for double extra, wheat unehaiiged: aales ? .200bushels No. l Milwaukee club Si 6; No. 1 whit* Michigan, held at S' '-xtra do.. $1 40. Corn quiet at 7c. Harley quirt: *'ansda nominally at $l Corn meal?J3.. tor oolted-unl j> t for unoolip i per ion. Miillsed steady: sit. rts, $:55; shipstuffs, $.6; middlings $28 per ton. Hailroad irelghus?f lour to Boston, 4Uc., to Sew York, ?0c.; to Albany, 34c. BcrrALO, April 21, 1875. Receipts?Flour. 5,000 bids.: wheat, 26 1XJO bushels; com, 8,i,(W do.; oat.v 21,100 da; barley, 2.IXIU do. Ship ments?Flour, 4 730 bbia: wheat. 28,1X10 bushels r.irn, 6,01*1 do.: oais, 21,000 do. I barlev, 2,000 do. Flour ouiaft sales nt tHlJ buls. at unehaogod rates. Wheat heavy and lower: culesot i ears Nu. 1 Milwaukee club at tl 25 and ears amber winter at $1 28. Corn quiet mi I scarce; sale ot 3 cars ue w. In store, at Sle , arid .> cars new, ?u the track, at 83e. a83)%e. Oats ottered at 67c. for Csnaiian on the ir.iek, retailing at 7'V. in st re. Bye?None here. Karlay scarce: Canada otiered it $1 32 h $1 :*8 , the other grades not hare, ,-ee is ill fair demand and firm; fold at t:nc ;iiiiied rates 1'ork firm at $.2 76 for heavy mess. Lard firm ai loc. I, \i?ril 31. 1875. Flour steady, wheat advanced in tuir demand; No. J white Wabash, $1 27- No. 3 du . $1 21: No. I white Michi gan, $1 23 fl $1 24; amber Mii'higan, $1 'On 51 21: M i v. $1 -I; June, ?l 2.: No. 1 red sM 2": No.-'do, ,?12iia $1 -I: July. $1 2."'a; N.I. I lllllber Hull .is ?l No. 2 do.. #121: May, $1 2i Corn s'eady; high imxcJ, 75',e May. 76c. : June 7" ,e. low mi:;,il, 7uc. Outs In ,'alr demand and ilrm; No. l, 6.1c.; Mlchitjan, Ate. t'e eipts? Wheat, ll.iV'J bu-li is: corn, 46,u.o an. ; nuts, 7,'tWdo. Shipments?Com 173U0J bu-liels; oats, 1,000 do. CmcaOiI, April 21. 1875. Flour quiet ana nnchan/. 4 Wheat active und higher: >o. 1 spring, $1 n." a $1 u71i: No. 2 spring, fresh, $1 u.\S. spot: <1 0 ;. May, $i 05. Jane . No :i spring. Hi.1,#, a Vi'c.; reje ted. 9>le. a #lr. Corn buoyant, unsettled and hlfher: N'o. 2 mixed, 71*. n I'j'c., .-po:: 73',i bid M 7il<4e. bid June <>at* aJvntie.'i ant in lairdemuidj So. 2 I re. ah. Ui',.-., m..>; or May; ol bid J u ??. Uve firm an l In fair demand at Si n.\ iiaru % sieadv at $1 .U Fork opened firm but c i ? ? - I dull it 921 ?7?< spot or A ay: (22 12*, a 92; 1.1 .Inn . 922 50 J a I v. Lartl?An advance aal.. t ! ut none established; snl. ^at 914 85. apot or May; 915 86 a 914 87^ Juik* Bill; n < :it? Arm ail.I In tair deuiatid W naiey advanct : an 1 m Uir d. niand at 91 I2><. \i the ailei noon ail ol the board : ? Wheat iuir ier nt 91 0-i'a ? 91 t' Mav. 41 n \ a 91 0.">M June. Corn tlrm at 74','c. a 7l'4e. Mav. 74',c a 74 Jur.e. Oat<. 61c. Mav. Fork on! aid tiriu and un changed Keceipts-Flour, I2.ixii bbls. ? wheat. 58.0*) bushels; corn. l"9.0Ui dc.; oats :"2,iX>. ao : bariev. :t tsxi do 8nlpm?'nt?? Hour, li.P.*) bbls.: Wheat il.iKXi bush els* corn, 2l,.OJ da; oata. 14 UJU oo.; rye 2. *?o do. ; b ? r ley. 2,lW.lo, HAVANA MARKETS. Havaju, April |1, 1875 Spanish gold, 223 a 224; American. *3.) a iSl Ex change active ; on the Inlted -taic*. f'ft davt. currency. W?li Droiiuuiu ; 60 day*. gold. 121 a 122 premium short ?n-'ht goto, 123 a 127 pr miuin, ou London. 1.W a 162 pre mium ou Paris. 121 n I2j premium. Sugar active; No. 12 Dutch standard, lt>!j a Ira rea s per arrole; iu >e .1 7X a 7^4 reals. EUROPEAN MARKET. Loudon Pbodcc* M a ax kt. ?London, April 21?Even inf.? -.plrtls turpentine, 2iie 3d. a 27?. per cwt Calcutta linseed oil. Ms. a AS*, tid. p^>r cm. B rnTAarciAii. AUOCST BELMONT A CO.. Hunker*. 13 and 21 Nassau street lasue travellers' credit*, arailab e la ail paru of the world. through the ? . Hours. De rtoUuchild and their correspondent* Also iitnni't? la: credit* and telegraphic transfer* of money on California, Europe an I Harm. \l tmuiijllil KATES? MONET ON LIKR AND I ndonment Insurance Policies Mortgages and other hecurnea. Ituuran. e of ill kinds edetel with best companies J. J. HAIiii I'll A L'u. Ill Broadway. s ?SID'K PRIVlI.E . KS. -*TRADDI."? OK UOI'Bl.B jf\. Privileges. ;0 an I Wl davs, on mrmiicr* of .tlock Exchange or responsible parties ai*o P it* and Calls. Market very active and fluctaaiing. showing opportunities ior large pmilu. tirculari- mailed. II \/.AKD A MOMl'AOt'l . Nil. (Broad street. A?A.?$131,000 TO I.OAN-OM REAL AND PI-.R . -onai Property, Hoc**, Bond*and Lite Policies. or to buy first and HeCoUd Mor'g.iges. w. K. ndmols, #1 Liberty ?tract A?m;o<k privileges r (i k pasts* days cost . nig ?ll*i 25 lia^e pat I $2,2*1 protlt We can -ecure contracts on all the acurc stocks at the low,?* market raie*. an I there will no doubt be a? good opportu nines the next.? days as In (tie past. Cull on or ..ddrcs? lor particulars. ilMUItlDOL A CO., Bankers and Brokers, ______ ?>fn- Wa'l street New York. * NY AMOUNT PRO* fl.OM To $J?,00> TO LOAN XI on itnprored and uniinprnvaj Real E?tite In this city or Brook)) n. lor term oi year*. withont bono < WILLI a* h. i... A VI r I Uj Broadway. A?LA PALI. Y A BAZLET. 74 BKUAOW AY.?STOCK . Privileges on ' Member* oi tha Htock i x hanga" or tnorougbly responsible pa. ie? inane* given at the time ofpnrcli ises), fhM 23 lor Pu:s or c.slls. |ii2 ?i a $362 .s? lor straddles (I. c.. put and call a' market i r e? on samo contract) M) or to ila.vsi All co uiiiuiiicallons hiive un ?ne liate attention. Nothing lem tnau IJOuiares, an t no contract* made in our name, ramjet "llow Monev la Uptand Made in Wail trcet " mailed ir e (.> anv :.d dree*. L I'HI.EY A HUI ? in >adwav v iness paper tVANiED?by Samuel ku Broadway. |J KOKhM (ItTHEBN HAN K NOT S WOLUHT AT i> the highest rates. P .sr olllce box 3..HM, F. H. 8< II I L/ . C? Wall street /"S RKAT HOL'THKRN RAILWAY ROM ANY. U Ctrr or JacxaoKfiLi.K. Devi al countv, Klorlla, i March I, 1,*75. > (Consolidated.) , herehy eertiiv that tlie toiloiving I* an accurate lUt ol i. e num ier* ot the l"ir*t ?.ortfc;ige I an 1 (.rant and Premium Bonds alio led lor redemption at the ???c on I itlinim. nl tn l.I In Nctropolltin Ha l, in the > it; of Jacasonriilr. riufida. on this i.-t day ol M.ircli, i . i.y tli ? urcat outnern K.i Iway Coutp.inv (coii-oli lute I . Nos. .',77^ -oi to J.77M"J ??(>'. -.221 7o to 2,2.:i. , ;i No*. 2 '.(IS. 10 to xMN.S'ii* Not. I ttH.elOU to l.?-i.f<!i? i><i* l.iiW.H o to 1,9 * :*?* N,,?. lot. j}i to 4o:i .?* >i >11* ll i.Olo li.\.!M Nos. 67.1.20* to 1?7; w Nos. Iltw to 2,H , ilM Nos. 1.31*7. 0 to 1,307, DM Nos. l.OltiUO) to 1,016.1^1.1 No.-i t9 .'Oi to *'.< ^ No-. W 30>? to 91 . !*:? .No*. 2.0.1 ? 0 to J.IU7 > Noa. |)| to J.4^2 .'09 Nos. ,.il to 3i,i aj Nos. S31.90H to 4Kt.W? No?. to l,r*0 ,v.?9 Nos. 7i?.|s*o to 772.0W.I No-,,, to 1 na, 'ia Nos. '.130,101 to !?3".I?? Nos HI,Mi to - No. I."oA4)0 to 1,7m ?:<?> Nos. 2>Vi,IJ* lo 2.W. |9? Noa. 2.1HH.7HI to 21* .1.7!:' N I ftW ,s? I V) I * .? No. Mi7.;a*.* to HI7..W NO*. I i> 4 ? * ,0 1,7. * ? n Nos 6J7,t*H) to It'li.W] No . 2,U0rf. !,*;> to I'J.MH No*. rt'HWlo ( o-. t,4.-. IJ0 to St > vn Nos. i?2.t?0 10 192.i:n? Nos. - t) to M7 "J ?"?? ?? ?-v?m No*. iMk.wo to 2,3.>u,- 9 Nos, 2 7' i.(U0 to -,167. !l0 Nos. ti--^.40' to r>? !"?? Nos. 2,1(12,KM lo 2,2/: iW Nos. 9l,t"ii?l to :t *l!i,i)i Nos. 4i2,H>Mo 47 190 Nos. KE?. i? I to ^2'i^i No*. I.9'?.ia> to 1.W..1W No*. 211. -M to 2IV VI No*. 2,m.iv to a. 96.191 No.. 1.? asm to 1.1.4991 N,?s. 43.' .(J) to 432.Xh 2,404.701 lo 2.491 7.1U Nos. 1,014 000 10 I,U.4.'??.? No*. ..7.W, lo 2 7,.' (.11 re I F.II JoSMa, 1 P. Moti,?Y, /('ommittee. _ II. A. Pa 1 11 SON, ) Attest.?Elko* Wrkki.i-'h, , 11. OKAscki:, 1 Aecratartea. Norn V. The .vecnn l Premium Allonnctit will iak? filaco in nr. eoril nice with the pi in o redemption on Momtav Vpr.l 2:., 1-..>. at v.i tropolitan . In 1 n eiljr o! .;.i ?<o',mite Klol'i n. when the Ion going M01, xue 1 ninl raits ami fremiiim Bonds witi have j-r iniuu'" wit.i print" (Ml). alK>ue I ior p.iyntent ot I ruin I'.V'n.i j??Li.\if'. to I 1. IY lll()l A 11 1 ' LI. A I.-- on each (.,, 1 1 am iiutlng In the Aggregate 1 > i o.i'ii v- '' tluRN, l're<l(lent. ?I \N. Jul! k.v irea.-llrer. EMIL HAAS A CO.. I itcut.sVl'Bioaiiwai! OTVAWCIAl,. /NUMMKi:CI\L WANr.vD. Male by responsible merchant*, manufacturer', 4j. _ W. 11 WEElT. Banker. 17-" Broadw*y._ "L^XE L'T > IT.Ws Of iliV.L'OI ro I OAN UN MiW Ji Vork, itrookivn New juxf una Westchester ouun * Property; wul loun on Uuiidiug. In coarse of ? reel,on. a ply to itioru y I'm ? siruot r<.?i tu ifi. I ALWAYS HAVE MONEY 0 LOAN U.N' GOO i !fEW Yorkcit.v Mortgages *nh"Ut bun h Priuciphis de airing to li >H .uM uKINVKgl u. p.v to U, i? a il a Sr. 11 Pine itrMi TOHN 8. PIERCE. 106 HROADWaY, LOsNR MONKV ?J ^ itiiout l? nib on improved reul i stab in New York. lirnoL vii and oen ebesicr couniv. also purchase* Mortgage* at lowest rati?*. Money to loan?on first mortgaoks. with out bonui, ou Second and Li-.tsehn i >lori ag>-*. at easiest i?"rmOKU. H 'laEE.lSll lir oi ;wu.v, room *. N r EOOTIATION OK MISSOURI S'lATK s-TOCKa. By virtue and authority oi un act entitled "An act to authorial1 the i**Uu a.,a sau- of renewal fttadiug bonds loi tho purpose oi meeting an 1 naviu,' ilie maturin; Ktatuin ?*." approved March ii. 1 -'75. we. tne undersigned, rutid t uiniiiisstoners of tiie Mate ol Mis aouri, will receivn *ealed bid* at tlm . (flc of ihe Dover* nor oi the Mate oi Missouri itUo same to lie opened pun lloly by the Ouvern r in the presence 11 tli'e-c coiiiin s sioners) on May tu. I87S, at 10 o'clock . M . lor the imr cha-e of NO bond* ? t ilie Mocks 01 llii* - tutc. I lie bid* mu.v be tor nuv ? r ah tlies. eiana.-, lo wit.? 80' per cent i old Bonds $1,000 each 80J f> percent Bon l?, payable iu lawtul money ol the t inted Slates 1,000 each 8Wi i per cent round sterling Bonds i&o each to'be payable twenty years utt< r uate. but redeemable at (lie . leisure ot the State o: Missouri alter five v.-urs from the tfme and betore tne expiration of the twenty years, said stocks to have semi-annual coupons at tached for ttie proper amount* ol interest, payable on the 1st days oi Jtny and junmiry of ? iteii year. All the bpnds to be pava ie at the National Hautt oi Commerce, in New Yor*. \cjcpt ihe p mn I s erlitig stoeLs. to be buy able in l.ouilou Two hundred and sixty ol lbe?o Pun is to bear data May I. 1875. nn1 to ne delivered and pud for at said bank on June 10. ld7o. anil wo to bear d ue .lu v I, 1876, nnii to oc delivered and paid lor af said lunik oil sai l last mcuiiuned date. liie right to rcleci any or all bids reserved to the Governor an I Fun 1 Commissioner*. The proceeds ol these bonds lobe applied to the payitient of the maturing In ebtol'iess ol ttie late. These are first e ass .-locks. an I have unquestionable guarantees lor their pa* itient. he resources of the .-state are auiiile to meet, promptly, principal and interest when due. This proceedms is done by an 1 with the advice and con sent ol the Governor of the state. JO.v XV. M HOICK, 1 Mate Treasurer. 1 Fund THOMAS HOLLaDaY. f Coiu'rs. ? t.ite Auditor. J JcrfRBsox Ctrr, Mo.. April i, 1878. IJAMi'ilI.ET-1"HOW MONKV IS LOST ^.M> MADE In Wall Strict." containing hisjltest and lowest prices in 10 rears; partlcn a s ot notable corners, panics. 4c : all information si n* privileges, cost anil manner of obtaining ttieni, .Sc. l'ampliioi free lo any address. LiFMjBl * HAZI.r.Y, 74 ? road way. rpo eANTALISTd. A I'arties desiring to make sate Investments, paying o Rood rate of interest, in a State rapidly increasing lit population and values, are ottered Texas in per cent Bonds iexas 7 per cent Gold bonds, lexas Munic pal llond-, lexis i.ands and l.and scrip, by Wli.LI.VM H AUY, iiealerln Texas securities. 23 William St.. N. Y. 4;1 nnn n*st mortgage is offered for <01 .UUU repiiiring, <tc., nouse near Am bo v. Addre>? T. W. M.. Herald otllce. dhQ A/Wl WANTKD-ON FIRST Mi >It IOAG K OK iPO.UWU Westchester county homestead very near New York city ami two railroad* v a I u $I8.hOJ; con stant y enkanciaf i food boodsiuen. Auuress box New York Post ?i..oe. ?Q hllJk ? SMALLER amounts io l an on ?P?'.Uvmj Improved Property In Westchester county or city; also Money for pood -ctond MortKaif's. NIOBoLs i OAKKEKTY. 9S Fourth avenne. <J>1 or Ann WANTED?O.N BONO AND MOKT vl-o.UUi' tta.'e on Improved Oblcaso pro perty, now lease i for sft.ow per annum, and valued in $3200tkh one oi the heat busitics* I. call us in the eitv; bondsman first . Addreas (J 11 tu AGO AlOitTGA 'E, box l'o-t cl.lce. lllin TO LOAN?IRU' T FUNDS, IV SUMS ipuUi'.ullU to suit, on New York. Brooklyn or V\estcheiter Real I siate: no bonus required, C. h. wn^ LIs. Lancaahirc insurance t'oinp my, I >7 Hr.iailwav. i7/l|| |Ui;i TO LOAN? >N HONU AND MOUT i|) / WU.UUU i*ue: Mortgages ea?hed. V. k sikven.-o ., dr., li Pine street o ) l ast r-evcntee.ntii Mrcet. .n. it.?riiese beiMMtata itinds, i one but prnnu applications considered. t OPA KTMOKSHIPS. VTOTICE IS HER BY GIV.N THAT IHKPAUT J.1 nership lately ?ubsi*iiu?' between Auaust lolk dorf A Ueokrlch Mahlciibro it, ot Joreey t itjr under the firm oi loiksuort Jfc Mohieniirock. la thi- da\ di*-oivod by mutual consent, DKCK tlrii .MOIll.K.N HHOt K, 'I hl i 1 ILK.-- JO.IF. Dated April U, A. D.. I87S, rruK pAur .KitsiiiF KxisTiNu bktwkev the J under-i ;iu*d Is thisdftv diBsolvi d by mutual consent, Mary.), hongraod M-uiuing tlie debts and liabilities ot the Bart lersuio. M HUNG i.ND. N?w Vokk, April S3,187S. >i v,. \ M vs i fc,.,soN. m wf.KsH OPPOKTUXITIES. A PARTNBU WA.vr.'.li-Wli'll SVOOO IN an L'n A common pa> in* busine-* in nrou iway, so valuable an opportuuit ? ? ddom Heard ot; ? ill hear the cli.sest iu \.--i t.tUou. Addroas oi call ou l-.Nl.ltG\, 4J Ea-t lentn street. i UUUD LOOAilON FOR A srvlIUMSR AND lancv rood* or jeweller, at 1,18* Broadway?Half tfeo *t-ire to let w ALONG LLASfc, STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A co-ncr Shoe Store: ?ei, istablished: do.iiit a ?pit udtd trade ; low rent: locatii n first class, w.ii be silil to the rlgnt party 011 Bool terms, -lock ahout ?7.i'0 to SU'.' O') neariv can "e made ovi r all expenses, inquire ofO. W. WHITE, 234 Broadway. * PAKTMKk WAMTtD?TO TAKE HALFTNTBREST . \ 111 a well tstablished inauul 1 u: 1 ig busine**; $30i) to S400 required ; 10;> per cent profit. Mi tiudnon street. AGKNTLEMAS W1M HAS B EN FOR S! VKRaL \em * a ho;. 1 keeper 111 central >i-ir York, and hav ing *n extensive acqualntauee, de*lre? to make conn e tioii Wftn a good liqutr OT eignr loi.tnng hom to: ravel. And less ior torilavs, D. E. McllL KNEY, Wi.nln-; r House, 1.2*4 Broadway. * GENTLEMAN GOING OX A BUSlVBSS TRIP, IO J\ <'aliiorma would like to represent marfnta' tur. rs ov dealers 111 the introduction f noveities, or dt?pus?i Of tn ren.inrtiMj generally. A ldrets rHAVELLhR, box S,~M Post oflice. \ FIlt-T GLASS WATCH*ARER UK A VOCVG .l\ understanding the retail lewelrv t>uslnei? w tn trotnS-,00 to S-i. 00. will dud an opportunitv seldom oflt re 1 to take :.n interest io a we 1 stablmbed ie? irv biKim -? in the country. A ldre:* box 1 Itil 11 1 ta N. \ .i Post Olflce. A Mt IMItf* WITH $1,000 CA-H MAY PCRCHA.SR hall ul an en-v. agreeable bu-ines'? which In* ma le ?everal fortunes; flOO ilOO mav In cleared the coming -mil. nier. Addrc Fo.ti'l iierald L'^iown Branch ulduc'. t Oooo HL'slNhss WANI. D-WILI. EXCHANGE j\ co, si's. 1 arriafe* ar. l real i-.?;ate. anencumbercd, lor any kiml 01 liustnessoa rn-1 : a.i-> Apply to Hutu TUN, at fa 1.111 ?n s stable, 47 Great Joiiet sir. ? t. 1 G NIL M . - WILL sum ?'i 1 THE SENIOR _.\ Unit 01 a well estatilistie 1 Ilea. 1 't.i 1 an I In lir an. e Hu*tn*ss, af seven \ ar<' alan fint: locatien ail bu-iuew ilr-t ? -as. retirement the ?? iu?e. Addrc** sai..'. box 1.1A I if raid I ptowa Branch oflice. 4 GUUD Cll A NO.i FOR A 8<IOBM\KE.t V% 11 II ^ V *mall capital to * cn e ., He M la the conntrjr; n<-w and rapidly . r .wins p ?ce, near New York? utkc Ihe 12 o'clock ot :30 ruin Mont -. .1. 1: ail road, tuot CorUandt ?treat, ior Art n/ton. Inquire lor Mr. Fit K IT. IN LI) I I ABLtSIIKO ' Nil 11 v |; uF THE MOST .\ con plete cracker Bakeries in the city alea\? ac tively emploven and with 1 ? .1 ot trade. Is offered ->r iwle. owner bavin.' oilier l imness, priee Saooo , l-avin; propem enter alna .. Aj ply to GRIt>Us t l.Aio. 11).\ . .? Bro.1 I A i?\. AS EXPEItl ' I 1) SOLICITOR WaNTED-IN THE rea estate bnsinew; ?l*< a partner, with |>mu SI. " (.-4,n can real 1/.e a good lneowe. Address MLAL E -1 a 1 r.. llera.d otliee. 4 rll;-T CLASS C1GARMAKER, WITH TEN FIU-T A ola hands, want* to work at iin ne on ft stc'aal cigar*: he h * license and is we,I recommended, .p. pi> to T. D.iERl.NG. in! iiopsiiis si.. Brooklyn. BIslN, -s Wan IK U.?A c|J(c|NN ATIAN, WISH 1.1 g experience and small cupu a, w* an agency tor an astern m.inhf tciory o:- Pusines.; will tnrni-ti s.iti-ta tory reltr n- e?. d ires* A. A 1 L\<wE. box hi Ponoitlee, in i(iiiat 1, ufio. Doctors? i ? \.vr attend 10 all mt int. ues ? Apevinx Practice gives tor $i hio. ne>-d net apply withou s.)tue tnuii y. Addree* <>r. ..INfuN, >?x l-W i.eraei "Itl ?. liHii! f All. < III.AI'-A l.i N II KM'..N' FCitNI KING F boslness, e>tsb:i*hed man . years In Nassau *treet owner retire* on ae> uut ol Utiles* Inotuie at Nw 80 Nais.ui street, baaem nu Hi NT A 11 ayne.-' m onthly it: oister of bisi ne** Opiiortunities, I'ariuer-hlps. Ac ? ree on *|> pii-au- n or l.v ma for sta up; pTtlculars t..r May Register *lu 11 Id l?t received now no char e 111.1 ? ne.-o tint oil couc.iided. llf'.Ni A IIAY.^KS. rtBaiiclai and busiiies- d' . .era. I1"! ImhIwiv. 1 >AK . I HAVING CAlMi Vl. I'E-<IRING ii) STAB I ush a manuln tori g tnisl k- s hi Baltimore mnv hear of a r .re opportu 1 v by ..ridreadng Lox No. .?. Poat oiMee, Halt in >re. Mil. JJ.VKIN i. WAN ri D?111| FitOM $6.11) ru?7J'il, In t profltalile commission business; adveftiier lias W year*'ex!?rience , periy larnichiug tie capital will co'itro, It entirely In hls own 1, ntiic. an I an 111 to the tin mcial pari ot h ? loi-iiies-, lir-t cl i-? reic ences lnr 10 ? iad. -dress 1', ih-raid Opt wn iiran- !t office. UPfeKNPiP OPPGRTI M iY In J* A K >. M > ? N E V. 4N kl intereat can te secured a< cashier In a legitimate tr-i * elltMl bus in pa v, 114 v^.u 0 wecklj . bj app nas .it !0 Br iesl <tr t iv in 7, fPO II' 11 Eli Mc.N AND I'll V ?lt"I VN'S-?W VNTr I), A I competent rt st class hotel manager, a ? a physi cian, with oiptti.. tn ta*e interest iu an 1 mttiagenicnt 01 a ltrge *auitarluiu C. H. OLI\ER, No. 1 Park place. UTAH fED?A Vol'NO MAN WITH Ml I)R \ T K CAP IT nul, as active p?rth"rin a well est ib.nded try go rt* and millinery nous H'OonWORK^'.Its .ND TiN MI ? UK I VKE NO? Tr tiee.?$60) will bnv a inn lie?s iroin which $t,09S c.'ir be in ol, t all on tltst lott 1 tt.lohn *treet. BOUGH ?t INK S MAN, WITH '.1 iittsJii 'i 1.1, as 1 at titer in iniituot-li'ing businc s, wfi.vh hi* on in the wlioi'< 1 ntte I < k es. i be under signet, ha- ma tie .1 v-'rv imp riant invention lately, and II ;lie Same iitlont't IS p trileuiarlv execnt 'd the M e* tin i firoi.i s wo i >i oe inrmoii". i ho Inv u.or *<?',? tite n. surv mi a.ii to ? ab tt alone, I'riucib-Ais u l ?tr> s- a. ML ?? raid . v\ n\ ? n oi,l etrni'iiMW-1 i III til'1 \L ANr -D-IN >l.\ I FACTl HISu BU IJI.'.A A '' Pir "i ii -i alt i s: uiaM$otv Mtc.irea hv paicnt; no. a. in.tnti.a-' . ord a<1 Ulc ... llAUDVV AU , liut I ? < lie I'M hi i 'in , BfiTOBSN opronniriTiKs, UrA\T I)_A PVRTV, WITH ABOUT $1,000, TO )oi? the ml\? rtiser aftboruogli uulilM e*p**rli"tig? in thm country, to take a steam taw mill to the biacs 11 11* a sure ti rtunt l'ersons moaning bu?ineu ad dress fcN i hKP'iist, ;: oral J otiw l?; A.NTEI'.?PARTIK8 HATING *OVB .TIES, PA ?? tented articlMMir deniable uoods ol any ilticrip tion whi> ii t??<?>? *nuH iikc introduced in tlie .-outit American unirkeU, aro invite to e?0(1 descriptions and address to I* AN A Ma, Herald office. \\j antkd?a pauTNi r wiiii sin.ouo UI0A8B ro >? take alt interest in a first cLh, iuu? established lot bitirf ami manufacturing bualuei- in his citv . toll wtl. stun tne mum tii..r-,ugb investigation an I U msl the opportunit) lor a man of capi at. Apply to uiiO. K. UtKNt, lawyer, room A 167 Broadway. G-JHO ro $400 WILL PURCHASE CITV BIGHTS in Mute of New Ji-rtrv to manufacture awd ti>i, a ioinfi ic i t cic , a good chance ior wuh ? rni>ita oi $JJ > to $1, on to enpaue m a profitable busi ess. ?..j [ira. u. Register office Newark. V J. !:?> rj\r\ PARTNBB WANT.'.n-I.V A sr.M'LB ? ? M M ' o i,u ;,u.iueii that will pav gi.-HXi eacti pel in .i li mi i particular* at 3S West roorth street, room ?, ai ?r lOo'ilock. d> : (l(Wl W A N TED?TO DEVELOl' A PA I I.M EC ?p?),' l\J\J article now having demand, one wbo can rvrmsh the inonev may double hie tn.'noy in one yeai an i nave a prominen position lu a stock company. Ad dress i APi'lAL, Herald ofltce. THE AERIAL LADDER JOB. WAB COMPTROLLER GREEN ALWAT8 OPPOSED TO THE AWARD OF TWENTI-FIVE THOUSAND DOL LARS ??HIS VOTES POR IT IN THE BOARD OP APPORTIONMENT. 4 As Comptroller Green, according to the testi mony of Corporation Counsel Stnttn, given belore the Committee on Law ol the Board of Aiaeimen lufet 81 urU.iv, was always opposed :o the city's paying $2&,ooo for toe aerial Udder to Mrs. Uda or nnvboay else, it may be of Interest to the general public to kuow that the minutes of the Board of Apportionment show that at the meeting oi the Boura held on the 19th of December, 1673, the Comptroller offered lor adoption a "preamble and resolution and dual estimate lor the support of the city government for the year 1874." which vers adopted by the Hourd, the Comptroller votinK in the uiiii mattvQ, In this final estimate, which <\mi part of Mr. Green's resdution, under the neaa of "Hie Fire Department," tue loilowmt; item oc | curs:?"For improved tire escape una Ule saving apparatus, or aerial ladder, $25,000. At the meeting of the Board held on the 8tti of April, 1874. tnc Mayor (Mr. Havemeyer) offered lor adoption the following resolution:? Resolved, That the appropriation of $28,000 made by this Hoard December 19.1873, for an Improved Are escape and life saving apparatus. or aerial ladder, he and the tame I made applicable to the purchase ot the patent right lor huilditia said ladder within tn.* city and county ot .'<ew Vci k or tor the construction ot said ladder. The i .imp roller la recorded as having voted for this resolution. There was a rumor among tbe politicians at the C ty Hall yesterday tnat at the next meeting of the luvestigatlug Committee a wituess wouiu be forthcoming who would testily that Mrs. I'd* only Kit $7,600 Instead ol $15,000 for tne patent. The members ol the commit tec spokeu to about the matter stated they had no such witness, but if there was *uch a person and tnev could lay nands upon mm tlioy would see to n that he toid "the true gtory." 1 he revised estimates ior 1874 were adopted by the l!< aid oi Apportionment at their meeting, June 1874. ine Comptroller voted in tue ainr mativeon the question of tne adoptton oi the es timates, but said nothing against the following item before the vote was taken:?For purchase of patent right ior use of improved fire escipe a id ine saviusr apparatus, or act lal ladder, within the city aud county oi New York or lor the comoiua tioii oi said ladders, $25,ooo. HOUSEML ROOM*, AC., WANTED. In thti City and Brooklyn. A elHQLR OKNTLEMAN f<JE KM AN, PROFESSOR ot 111uh 1 o> will give instruction in excuange ;or an unfurnished Room. Irom May I. PKoi'KS.mmi 0# M L'SlC, 112 West Fourteenth street, piano warero m. A PARTY OF Fu U R AI > U L.TX WANT TO UliNT. from May I. a handsomely furniahed -econd Floor In a private high stoop house located ubove Ihirtietfc street, between M.uliaon and Eighth avenues, conven lent lo restaurant or nra class Duarrtlng imuw, utiiii S al to $6 jier month Addrea* 11. Si., Heraj I'ptowu Branch office. 1,2 3 11 road way. A FI UNI>HKU ROOM WANTKD-FOR A GENTLB r\ in ? it. Address, with price, JAMhd H , Herald Uj*. town i. ranch oillce. ? COMPKTK.NT PEKSOX. WKLL RBCOMMBNDBDL Jx wi-li h tn take charge ot a house during the ab M-nce m' tho la.nuy tor the tuuiuicr. Address m W est Seventeenth slreet. AN AMEKD AN FAMILY OK TIIUEE AD17LT3 jrx desire i Hat; good location; wounTtiourd a gentlo nnin in part payinent. or take a hou-e wub. and care tor, an elilyiy r> nple. Address S. P. D., Uc:al.l L'piowa lirutich 0!auc. AOEMLKMAX AND WIFE WANT SjLCOJiB story front and hall Boom, tarnished. with Kicuen privilege, gas an 1 attendance, at Sfc> per mout.i. Ad. dross i . tl W., box 127 lleral.i 1'ptown Brunch o...ce. I ADT DESIRES TO RENT A FULLY K0B.M8HBT) hou-e, in city or country, and board own.-r ot partv ut ixntlcineii, .New Brighton preferred. UoML, Herald otflce. * liB.NTLEMAN \ND WIF:1 WOULD Llfifg* XX baud-omely mrnlstie I Room, in good neiThb^ bond; home ot a wtoow preferred; rent not to exctii lluper wi ck. Addres-, lira. U? box 111 Herald l'piowa Branch office. 1 MM h i I \ . fc -WANTBD. THi EK FncCRMsKKD 1 Rooms. with home aaeping conveniences bv three gentlemen it undoubted re?nectabllii v ; rent mint be mole rate and lo atmn desirables i oi tyflfth to Sixtieth street-. secon ! lo -mil avenues. Addreaa. sta'mg terms, AtiLi V -. H raid office. A pooMs WANTED.?THREE PUMtt 1IRD oH UN It mrni-bel Rooina, connecting wasted. with car pet*. between Fourteenth and Fortieth street*. Fourth and Sixth avenue* Ad iress staiinir terms and panic Ik la ra, II. W. H.. Herald t ptown Hratieh ortlce. JIO< IM WANTED?A MEDIUM SIZED HQL" 4BE I'X. I furnished Room. ?nth hot and and cold w.-ter. gvs, Ac.: above thirty-fourth street; fork lady; rrfr r noes Adiireis M., b x 123 Herald Uptown Uraneti office. rpWO TO UNO MKN OK MODKBATE MRaN WI.-H I to procure a ocra In a private ratuilv In the Nina ward : referent , a slven and required Ad lrc?s ti , mx pentiv having* Hank. WANTED-TO RENT, B\ A MAnTKACTCRBR OB vt fine irvrelrr. Disk and Safe room with a respectable (muse ; wn'.cli or chain houae preferred, in Maiden or .loliti street; rent not to excee i $ Ot) per annum. A |. dress MAM KACfl!<tBK, box S,Ml I'oai office. W'AMEIt-TIIREK I'NFI'BNIHHED ROOM-* Fo't ?? It mac keeping In a privat- honse; central location. below 1 Aontv third utreei; $ld p?r IBOnth. \ddi*aa TWO ADl'i.T.o. Herald otOce. T|rI\rfci>-?Y a kamii.t ok four aui i.t?. v >? nice secon 1 Floor of Ave or aix rtoons In a honsa With onlv uii. ither tamllv; or a sinaJl House with tUa modern improvements locatad Mtween DookimcK an I Thirtieth ?treeti>. ?a?t atde. Address No. 361 Oreccwich atreet. givlmr lull parti ulara ^t' A NT i D t I, \ RiiK BOU.iB TO Li:T, t'SFrB >v n shed, between Fourteenth and Korty-aac nd stree s-. must Ih- In perfect order; to liave n.. lew th.n I? r o us above tha parlor floor ; W?-t side it' posail .nl re it not over "nly first cliis, h oi?ea iunl local itv noticed reapooatble and careful tenant. Adoia-a, with permit, to i . box 1,V3 Po?t office. \\'A> TKD-BY AN AMRRICAJI OBNTI.KMAN ABO T> wite. 2 nr i nnfnrnistied Rooms. i?r no?a?keeain ren: nu> ierate . neiKhborbood < ooper Institute. Addrea, wiUl lull particulars. J. H. b..x 112 Ileral 1 ftflice. W'aNIRD-HY A LADY AND UA TOUTS B. TWO >? Rooma In a quiet rengioaa family, rfnt inn?t be moderate: liest reference. Address, for three day* Aii,'.',Y Ucra:d Iptown Branch office. W'ANTKH, IMMKDUrt LY-AN lnfcbnisbko ti sin ill (or good sized ball) Room With a re-pi ciabM first i lass private lamii.v. Addreaa if. II.. station H. U aM D-BY A RESPONSIBLE p \ RTY. CP TSOWX. ?v aKIitoramall i^ottage, routai in? si* t?,'i. if rooms; modern improvemauta; family of Ave a.iult-. rent not t ? ex I |)0 per <e?r. Address, -tatlut; price an 1 location, A. ,). il . II.> * -at atreet, miner I'nrtlatldh tN If?.-OR IMMEI'IAI E POSSi H8IO.V, KOR A v? s usll faindv. a ecoud Floor ot four or iiv? rooms, with ah. rent not to exceed f.'W Adureaa A Ml*i 11SAM MClliitea place. II iNTi H-\ SMALL KCRNI8HBD ROOM WITif. m out l iinr I m the itniui llate tietglibornood of a. T Mewart's rcta:i store no ins* ts will be noticed a? |e.? i ri ??? D mentioned, which mnst lie low. A, Id re* W. II. VAN IIOKN, i.evera Houae. citv. V, AMKD-KOH IIIK I s I Of MsY, A FL'BNIBHBp ' Boom on >-i*ih avenue, t.etwe'-n rvrentv-;oird anj Thirtv-fourin aireeta. for a >oan? man; terms mu?t ba Hinder.<te without board. Address . Weat Thirtr tmrd street. Wanted?a labor boom in a piitatr >t tainilv. between Levlnplon and Sixth avenuea, Hfghf-enth an.! rwentv-eiahth streets, tor a gentleman i.'i ait twenty s.'coml atreet. t\* \NTBD?K\ \ Y' >I Ni? MAN. A fLBNIHIlBII ?? Komi, with l ath attached, and where he will h? proprietor ot the room ho occupwa. Address IL R H'lah. t ptown Hrancnotflce \v AN IKD-I N I r.MSHED, PART O' A THIRD *' i or TTinariflnn nnninnili rmu laaijfc n Thtrtv-loii th street. Kourth to ighth avenue ren' rt -onabl Addt ss, f'<r two day*. W.. fieraiit 1 atowi Urn tic h office. U AN I ' D TO RENY?JTHOniErCONTaTnTboTkN *> or twelve room*, all modern Improvement!, be fnecn lent'i and thirtieth street*. First and Merentlt ?M-nues. Adireas, stating irrms wnicn must be mode rate. H. II., 3il East Sixteenth street ?>?? I i sr 21 ^ r si.-a KESprCTABLR WELSH ? ?? I woman wants a house t? keep nsr the ranneri best citv rcter- nee. ?'an he .r?n lor two days In fit* Country, I LvRtlK FLJ:NI I1KD SUMMER HOTBL WANTKD . t I v a responsible partv ol Ion.' experience. Addrec or apply ut MKin I wentj third street. N. V U tmu TO Fl H4 MASK. 1 \P.rr. .hTOUR ? \NTfcD?A t.OOD Bl'ilN KS8, AT, i ' reas tiabla price. Addresa t)AKB i.H , Ileral. Oul \ t" AN I i>? A -! OOJtD H AND SAKK (OMHINATlOl '* lo .. ineiL.i i, -Dee . will give a g hh| M..r '? it> prop, iviite- :sum, at a great bargain. Andre* 1.1' W A ..I' ?>. i I era Id ottlce. II AM ?D-BABI'.ltY. BirsiNhtIS OR -MALL I ITT ?? H, u-r will give three tine i^jts on I tiu; ig boulevard. Ilrooaiyn valueiiatiri. su rariiouiars wiUg J, v KaMI'I.nO. 77 Cedar street.