Newspaper Page Text
GERMANY AND HOLLAND. SAID TO HAT* QUESTIONED LTX EMBCTUJ. London, April at, wis. It l* rumered that Prince Bismarck has ad ire*?od a note to Luxemburg similar to those isnt to Belgium. M. THIERS. rax venerable btatesjian uxzlt to db xn PKXSIDENT 07 THE fbench SENATE. PARIS, April 21. 1878.. , Tne Noniteur ?ays tbere la no doubt tnat President Thiers will be elected io the Senate by many departments, and may possibly be chosen to preside over that body, in which event he la lure to bold the position for lire. FREE TRADE. ML XXCHXX. CrtZTALTEB ON THE GBXAT COM KXBCXAZj QUESTION OF THE DAT?WHAT THE FRENCH ECONOMIST THINKS OF THE TRADE POLICT OF" THE UNITED STATES. London, April 21,1875. The Liverpool Chamber or Commerce gave a dinner 'his evening in honor ol Its guest, M. Michel Chevalier, the celebrated French econo mist. WHAT THE FRENCH ECONOMIST H0PE3 FOR A1CERICA. M. Chevalier, in reply to a complimentary toast, made a speech, in which he dwelt on the benefits of free trade. He expressed Ms admiration at tde extraordinary progress made t>y the United States. A nation so anxious to possess all tbe im provements in public and private llic, so eminent for Its love of liberty, could not long remain bound to the protective system. Protection was repugnant to a progressive policr, checked the gr >wtb ot trade and restricted the liberties or producer and consumer. He especially pointed out "the inconsistency of toe Americans in imposing duties on lorelgn grain while they attempted to inundate tbe grain markets of Kuropo with melr products." RELIGION IN ENGLAND. LONDON, April 21, 1876. Tbe Duebess of Sutherland and the Duke ana Duchess or St. Albans were present to-<lay at tne revival services in the flayraarkei, which were conducted by Messrs. Moody and Samtey. RACING IN ENGLAND. race ros the gbeat snrrnopourAJT stakes at EPSOM?BCQLE MAECH, THE rAVOBITE, B EATEN?HA1IPTON THE WIXNEB AJTTEB A BPIBITED CONTEST. LONDON, April 21, 18T5. The Great Metropolitan Slakes was the prin cipal event of to-day's racing at tno Epsom Spring Meeting. THE FIEI-D. Ontof thlrty-stx acceptances ten horses started, wlta Bugle March favorite at 4 to 1, while 7 to I was laid against Hampton, 10 to 1 against Temple Ear anu 20 to 1 against Rosebiush. THE FAVORITE BEATEN. Hampton, one oi the lightest weights accepting, won the race; Temple Bar, wtio was similarly weighted, taking second place, and Rosebiush Ultra. The favorite. Bogle March, was fl.ltIk Ihe following Is a summary ol THE RACE. The Great Metropolitan Stakes (handicap) oi 15 to'vs. elch. 15 lorleit, and only 4 If declared by February 200 sovs. added ; the owner oi We Mwnd liorso to receive 50 sovs. out of the stakes; the winner of a handicap alter th- pnhli cation of ttie weights (Januaiy 28) to ? * of any two nandicaps. or oi the < ltv an<i ^lUJUi tian Humitran JO los. extra: cloned tvitn .>o bud ?rriocrs 14 of whom pay 5 sovs. eacn: about two miles and a quarter; to start at tfi? TDc niftiest weight accepting being 119 ids., It MrViuiies'NigutiuKuirs br. c. Hampton, 3years, by Lord Clnden, nam Lady Langoen, 82 'hs... 1 I?ord Atl^sbuiy's en. c. lernple Bar, <J years, by Iruoip^wr. dam Boundary, b2 1"S. Mr Martin's ch m. Roseolush, ap.ed, by Com motion, uaoi Greenwicn Fair, 62 v 3 Loru landlord's ci). f. Bugio March, 4 years, by Trumpeter, dam Quick March, 93 lbs... o MEXICO. iCOAB CCXTITATION AND FKOBABLE EIPOBT TO AMERICA?A HORRIBLE CRIME?THREE MEN KIDNAPPED AND MCP.DEHED. Cirr of Mexico, April 12, 1875, J Via Havana, f The planters of the Sierras cslientas, at a recent meeting, resolved to export l& arrobas or soear to tne I'nited States and Hamourg for tue purpose oi making its quality known abroad, and Increasing its value as well as that of tnelr planta tions. They nave also taken steps to induce tne j-neral government to remove the tax on native ?ugar. Trie legislature of Moreios is disposed to return the local tax paid by the planters, thus offering a premium for the production of sugar. l!ORRIB!<K orTRAHES AND Mt'BDKR. Ten natives of ixtacalco are on trial here for a fcorribie outrage. They are charge<l with burying three men alive, lenvtns only their head* above (round, and then de.-patching them with hatchets aud Enives after prolonged torture. A LAEGK STEAMER BURNED. San Francisco. April 21, W74. A despatch from Santa Barbara reports thai a large steamer Is on Are. and is firing minute gun* About ten miles off ttie shore. No particulars nave yet oeen obtained. LOUISIANA. trKHAl message itom governor otjvooo? DEMOCRAT# CTIAROFJ) WITH BAD PATCH?THE CLINTON IMPEACHMENT. j New Orleans, April 21,1874. Governor Kellogg to-day seut a special Message to both bouses of tne General Assembly, caliiti? attention to tne fact that the time for wnlch the Assembly was convened is rapidly drawing to a dote, and earnestly urging the passage of the bill lor the relief of tue city of New Orleans, and rec jmmending an amendment to itie Funding law. ( ais Message closes as lollows:? meruit n-e to that It Is expected of von. nn^er e*. an-e?. Hist tbe treat imerestsot ?h? Mai S1!i?iiv aiinil receive ttte preference in your proceen mV ,Jer th. a^vinT-ement ?I party?Wand mat our con ittioTi rlntfers it very lurfeiarahle that ina I? #f n^ion fliotiM ^ #yr CAtt II bB SmS j?^? to ?l.a taxpayer, or (to* creUitor. ol the , Tne following telegram* eEplnin themselves:? Nkw Obc^apiS. April j>, 1S7A p fmTK. M C? LewustOB. Me. s 7h"edemocrat's unseat"! tour repaMteaaweiw sinSTT?iet"?pn <*'? whether, in yonr opinion. Str hJw&iaent *?u'ned .lie demo -rats were to dlswrb ?"th;T"n.tfrs of the Hoar*. "?.?g" uoued in is-; Award to so oat. *. ? P \ a aku. LvWi?tot, Me., April -1. I!75. Hon. P. B- PiCSAap. Cnlte-i iaIos Marsbal, New or ????".? ?V.r-RSPK? , tltrmpi to change it. ' I ihK ri.tNTO* lEPBACHJiraW r.ESoLCTION. Tte impeachment reaoiMtioa against au?1:itor cunton passed toe House -v a vote oi M to a. ?i neScna .?is la exe-otive session. HOSTILE INDLlNS, WANDET.TKO CHETEKXES ONI THE WARPATH ? TItOOPS MOV1SO AGfMNHT the*. -r. Loci-f. Mo,. April 21, l?7i. \ r. oi# i.tccial from Kan^ns City ?avs t: is nn deratood tsie Indiaas .vho esoaped iron lie ? hej ,n,. Agency tneeth msu ..? ?w -J" mvcr. about. 1?0 inilcs soutn of fort D id?f, in th. neu hh-?, hi.od ta.y ren lazvoosea at tne beginning ?a Uuj war n.t. summer. It is supposed they hare ,or mod * junction with one mere of the bands that remained out during winter, and the whole force is probably about ?*>. They are evidently INTENT IPON FIGHT!NO. Ail the available troops at Fort Dodge and Fort llats hsve oeeu ori'ored Mt Bl*er rit^nni itr'ncilons to piitner tnem in n It taket all anm ncr. in ops are aiso moving np ,ro"' to engaae tneiu. Tne miluary are confldeut they e*nnot escape a collision wi'h one or the otuer of **?* loref* marfbind atrufilt liiClll THE STATE CAPITAL. BBNATOE WOODIN'S SUBSTITUTED REMOVAL 3ILL? TBI TAXATION OF DJ3CT.ANCE COMPANIES? THE BILL Or THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN FOB SAPID TRANSIT?FINAL PASSAGE OF CITY BILLS. Albany, April 21, 1878. The circle or New York political celebrities baa become very much enlarged here witbln ibe paat twenty-tour hours. Mr. John Kelly arrived this afternoon and Is a guest ai congress Hall. Among other representatives of Tarn ! many organization present are sheriff Conner, i General Sptnola. wnilam A. Boyd and John j Mornssey. The republican interests are closely watched by District Attorney Bliss, ex-surveyor Wakeman, Commissioners Starr, James Davis and others. The marsnallingof political forces at this particular juncture baa given rise to considerable speculation. Or course, ibe end of tbe session is fast approaching, and all interests and jobs are about to culminate. Legislation lor New York city baa not assumed any particular ! prominence. Whether or not we are to have a new charter seems to be at present writing one . or tbe Improbabilities. The disorganized condition | of Tammany politics in the metropolis, and tbe ! alliances, offensive and defensive, likeiy to be | made here for party purposes, havo no doubt con 1 siderabiy frightened the leaders ol that 1 organization. The result or Monday night's election in the Tammany Society has do j elded tbe interior management of tma body ; for the next year. Tammany tlall now asserts an undivided following, on the other band, this election is claimed here by outsiders as no Indica tion whatever of the luture success of Tammany. Tuey loos upon It as an omen or dcleat In the con test to come. it is also urged as a rnrther exhi bition or the centralization and despotism to which the people or late have so emphatically ob jected. POLITICAL FROFHECTES. We hare tbe news given out here that ex-SherifT Brennan bas made peaoe witb Ills enemies in Tam many Hall, and will be awarded the position of Police Commissioner, in return lor his influenca and coalition with the "powers that be.** Danger exists, however, that some ol these delightful political calculitlons will be scattered to the winas. Leaders amaag republican Senators and Assemblymen mysteriously nod their heads'and prophesy a rod in pickle for their opponents. Thoy whir,per, "The Miller charter is not dead, but sleepc'ltu" Then dissatisfied democrats irom the cit,v and country threaten to bolt tne whtuplug-iu process, and tne often used specious cry of "party meas urc." They cannot see where "partv" consid erations operate in supporting amendments to tbe New York charter when rnauy oi the prominent public positions m tuat city are at. uresum occupied by republicans. A new charter might materially change the aspect or affairs, ooah as to management and patronage. As the game stands now, democratic members of tne Legislature have .'?earcely anything to say. It is no wonder that ihov express dissatisfaction, ana thrj leaders ; are compelled to come from New Yor< as ines : sengers oi "grace, mercy and peace." GovernorTnden's two measures the R.emoval bill and the inspector's bill, were to-day iioiore the senate for discussion. The latter pleasure lias ! already passed tne Assembly ami now comes I before tne .Seiiatu for concurrence. The tone of I debate was considerably warmer to-day than on ; previous occasions. Tin: REMOVAL BILL. In what shape the K^moviii bill, will now pass 1 seems beyond conjooture. .senator Yvoodin's amendments offered io day to the original oui up i pesr to meet with more general upprovai than any propositions nitherto introduced. By these amendments a judicial tribunal is created, con sisting ol the Ciller Justice oi Vje court oi Appeals and tbe presiding Judge ot oaoh oi the General i Terms of tne lour departments or the Supremo i Court. The special duty or tins tribunal is set I down as the bearing ancl determining or anv : charges which may be preiarred b.v the Governor against ton Comptroller, Secretory of State, Treasurer, Attorney Genoi tU, state engineer. Sur 1 veyor or Canal conuriusionera. An objec I tlon lias been raised as to probable unconstitutionality in urgantzinir such a tri bunal. senater Lamps and others seem lo narbor impressions m tms direction. One tact Is clear?tne appointment of a court or the pnrposo ot trying charges against State otii. iais would re move tne en tne controversy beyond political in fluences. The peopi* aie more likely to in:rnst so lm, iir'ant. an examination in the hamts or 1 tber. highest judicial officers than wheu It was under t ie control oi those wn aiti.ougn entirely honorary- and trustworthy, may be swayed by political influence*. i'he mil will ayaln be urought beiore tne Senate to-morrow for uiscus sion. the ixppetTOR or rimuo wokks. This bin, wiuc'i gives to ttie Governor the ap pointment unit removal 01 au Inspector of Public WorKA. is also Hiceiy to c?n*e hoiuo warm discus sion bMiorc it? tlual passag.-. When m.1 measure came up in UM MBit* to-iJa\ NUIot Low try made a vigorous speech, advocating immediate action upori it one way or the other. Ho .-nml it bad been wni?percd around H at this Removal bill, intended to u|)tio d tne Goveroor 111 Urn etlorts b r relorm, to Do kined. lit ana otner senators bad been sola tneir political liic would i>c forever tinisin-ii 11 they dare vote lor those measures. 1 tus was the secret ol such opposi ion: tin it had no terror for ..itn. He believed iheoills were ti^lst, iinu au believing would support tiiciti. tiiougn trie nNTeos stiinld fall, senator Lower/ is a repub lican representative iruui 1 tica. AN IUPOKTANT 1 SUCKA.NCK KILL. A bill co.u'>8 up for tlnai ptssage 111 the Assem bly to-morrow over wnicu tne insurance com panies are cousnteraby exereiaed. it provide* that "no tax sh.ill nerealtcr be assessed upon tno capital 01 iuy Hie. lire or murine insurance cum pin;, oritaiii/ed under authority 01 tins .State, out the atocano'der.s of such insurance companies shall be assee-cd and taxed on tne valt.e o> tueir ahitres ol Riock tnerein." Ttiere is a atronc lo.'ojr here to n"leat tuu bin, ami vigorous ettorts win be made 111 that direction. KAMI) TRANSIT. Senator Moore to-uay received a copv of the T:lipid Iran?it bty. wnnti has neen sanctioned by M >jor Wicniiam and tbe Hoard ot Aliermeu of New Y> rK. TM mil was accompanied by a memorial iroui these gentlemen asking lor Its passage. The luii text 01 the mil is hut the enlargement 01 the drait submitted by tbe Committee oi tbe Hoard ol Aldermen on their re port to tne Toard on the 4tu oi March and pnb usued in toe Herald on the lollowiug dav. 1HK MPLCIAL -Kr?IOSS 1IILL. Justices Kiibretn and shcrwootl are here lobby ing snamst Senator l-ox's bin providing lor tne appointment ol two additional police Justices to hoid a conrt ot special sessions. Mrs I'eiton aud Governor Tuden gave a mauDlll cent recepilon at ttie Executive Mansion this eveniug to tbe memoers oi tne Legislature, toe Slate u.llcers, Juoicea ol the Court ot Appeals and Judges of the Supreme Court ana tneir lamides. THE PROCEEDINGS* SF.NATX. Albaxt, April 31. 1S7SL mi' mtroitrrn. Resnlatln* Coroners' Inqneit.s In the city and eonntv of New York, and providing payment for the services of scientific persons. Also, adversely to tbe act re latins to General Terms of ttie Mipreme Court \greeil to. AI*o, adversely to the bill providing for the a! ml'??Inn of councilors from otner States to practice in the courts of this staf. Agreed to. ant* tsrsonccso. By Mr. Booth?Relative to armories and drill rooms In tbe eltv ol New York, The vote on in* bill relative to State prisons and penitentiaries was re.onsloered and recommitted to she Committee on Finance. Senators lowery. Wood and Grogs were appointed a committee or conierenee on tne savings Bank bill bills rastm To prevent cruelty to children. In relation to General term* of tbe Supreme Coart. Tbe Pan-dorsT presented a resolution of the Common Council of the eltv of New York, similar to mat in the Assembly, relative to bone-boiling establishments. p-enatnr* .'-el., re * and Jacob- were appointed a eoniTence ?-?iiuuittei on the Appropriation bill. f HT' Krviivn. BUI.. , The senate th<-n went into Committee of the Whole on tli* Kenvivai bill. Mr. v.ooois moved a substitute, riving Jndges oi inn Court ol Appeal* power t ? trv officers imp ached. lie i-atii the ludcraent oi the senate had alieaOy been ex pressed njii""! tjtvtun ttie power of removal io in? ? ..ivr rimr . ?o that he would not atop to consider that branch ot tbe subject He hid aireu.i v Indicated son.e hi his objection* to the Senate beinst constituted tne trlouiial oi removal, lie f>a<I made a eareiul i <l nia Uon and lound that the Negate could not :ncet a* pr<e poscd at an eTpe!t?e oi le"- th in #j0u per day. ihcn lore tie otiieeted in lh> >snatr as the tribn.-ial on :ne .?or?- ot cconomv. wiin, the tribunal whi.-h !je pt?. po-ed would r>e le<s rqiut'ersoma, and speedy in ita oper i liniw a trial b> the Henaie, wher(. many ?p.? hf* would nece?-arllv be'made, would prolate tnarii dela?. I lie .Hill ?- |..i??es?e-t an :i; tn? ?s sn-1 Utiles- lor Ihe (III! ?? *\ tm h h? .r.rotio cd to *??!<& to tiicm. -rnawr* woni l b' lluh." Io b" e?! to by their i onslUuen'.. Mn .lAtom rai?ed ihe point as nalor 'Jro-s had ?aid Hie principles oi tb>' n< w eonttllBimn viol ib"i and on r> ferrm* to artirle C, section Itt, he tlioiiulit that a iriounal tints crcjieit coulil not m-i. an I thus tie whole ?oi!c ol the ?, .i on Wonid vo tor iianyht. I ne i*?ue l>etore the tenate innst becareinliy considerc't And nndersto'si Ii c.iimor !>e sai l > .-enalors who have .-npported the <>overijor in hisai taek ott'his citadel ol corruption have n- t unneces aarv ha?te i? th" matter ?tnl lie trii'ted the senator trom the Twentyflith would not hurry tip a vot- on his ?nti?iiiuie to .toy. !<et th? bbl be nrnilej. Mr. Woodtr said that the ; ? namr Irom the Third had made (n srnul .-t.eei li. He had ml '-d with lonie Of the Judges 01 Ihe tienerai lermandielt assor > t ha lt vioul.i t? accented hv them as a rellet front other rooun* duties No avenue of c.vapn lor wrong dotrs will be allowed by tnis, and it finally it i?ec<'ino? nec< sary to give the power of removal to the i.ocrnoi in order to preservs uia honor ol the State and tne peoole. h?i woaM row for wen a ?in. at ?iinot read <r to #o witfe the Henator 01 ihe Tblrd and present a plausible scheme, i He (Woodlfl) wanted an effrcuvn scnenue. W? uuit | dive?i ourselves ol all excitement ana ereludica nnd i vote intelligently. When the Semtoroi t.tio ihird go ? i rii oi i-xcit' iuent and cntsule uitlucnce? lie. too, will agree wlui the provisions of the substitute be (Woodin) had ontred. Mi. Jacous thanked God that the influence h" drew lnipiratio i iroui wa? public opinion Ue pose above all personal leeung iu di?cu.^lng this question. On motiou ol Mr. Jacobs the hill was i .reue4. in the seuitt; Mr Jacob* moved to print >lr. Woodln's substitute and refer til's bill to the comiaittec oil the Judiciary, tor that committee io report oii tbe consti tutionality or Mr. Woodiu's amendment. Mr. Woodi.n favored this course. sa> iug Me waa willing to abide by the decision oi that committee. The bill w? I then referred. Ihe senate wont into Committee oi the. Whale on the Inspector oi Public Work* bill, Senator X<edwith in the chair. After some time was spent In the consideration of It progress was reported auil the bill) made a special order tor ihursday morning. Adjourned. ASSEMBLY. Albaxr, April 21,1S75. The General Appropriation bill, a* amended by the Senate, wa* received. Mr. Haxboitomoved a non-concurrence and the ap pointment ot a Conference Committee. Agreed to, and the amendment* were ordered to be printed. The resolution adopted by the New York Board of Al dermen requesting tbe legislature to pass a law so as to prohibit tl-.a erection oi bone boiling and lat rendering establishments witnui tbe corporate limits of tbe city was recti.ved ana read. A communication was received from the Department ol Dockn in New York protesting against tbe provisions of the Assembly bill, No. 469, which requires It to desig* nate dumping grounds tor the use of private parties. The ? Commissioners say it deprives them ot supervision over ! the vr liari property ami water Iront ot ttie ciiy, and seriously interferes wltn its improvement ot the same. Th? Commissioners point out their objection-i to the , bill. The communication wtis ordered to be printed. hii.i,s passfo. Tc, authorize the Cour s of over and Terminer and Ses ?ions of Kings county to sentence prisoners to the | County Penitentiary. j i o provi is ior assessment for Improving Tenth avenue i ami i wenty-thira streor, New York. ! i he bill ro provide tor destitute anil pauper children, i w hu h lias been called back from the (.Jovernor lor I f.mendment. was again palest as amended, The amend | linen I was merely a verbal one. Authorizing the improvement ot the Croton Aqueduct, ! New > or k, by changing cer am gat" nouses. Amending tho act providing for keeping open certain , puhlni offices in Ktuas county by requiring rliem io close ' at three P. M. ???aumlavs. | fcxteuding tlm time tor tbe appointment of census enumerators an.: the supplying oi bia.iKs. ! Authorizing ihe Hcftr-l ol Ksiimate to fix tne salaries of Commissioners lor me erection of a Court llou-se in i the Third Judicial district ot New Vork. Authorizing the taxation of ittoenholders of life, Are and marine insurance companies. Mr II i stki) niov.-d to recommit this bill with instruc ; tious to strike out ihe enacting clause. He thought it worn I be ?n omrnge to place these stockholders on a I tobtiug different from tho>e ot any oilier corporation. | Mr. ,iAMKONfi ie;nr t< ?1 iliese stockholders the same as I sha.eholdcr?, a;i ? the shares oi all these companies are ; taxed l' v allowing the e stoe vhulder-' to bo exempt ' at least $AO.O(K),tXW of person ti property escapes taxation. It was wrong and unmet to ihe taxpayers, 'l'nese in-nr anue companies inake large dividends, and it is m well known tact that tlie.r cost the Mate more in the matter of court procceuiugs than ail the other companies com ; bmed. Mr. IIcstf.u said tbat while all the people are taxed on their personal property where they reside ihis bill i proposes to tax them where they do not reside, but he looked upon this as ono oi the most luibjna u bills before the House, and it -liouh: be thoroughly discussed. He thereioro changed his motiou to luive the onl sent to iho ? Committee of the Whole. i wotiid only delay it It could be discussed now. hvery member understood it. Mr. T. C. Cami-iifi.l sustained the motiou to send It to the Committee ot the VVhoie Mr. uxtoLN moved to add that it be made a special : order tor io-uiorrow morning, which was accepted bv i Mr. I lusted. I This motion prevailed, wills the further order moved : by Mr. Hammond the bill retain its place on the | order ol third reading of bills PAssAin: op BIX.T.S bescmp. i To provide for the payment oi s'-ivices rendered for | the openin ' and improvement of streets in New Yora. It limits the compensation oi iho Commissioners of r.s timuie and assessment to thirty ceots per loot for the lineal extent ot the street, aud in rases ol damages com pensation shall be taxed and allowed by the. courts at a ; reasonable rate To amend the Common School act of New York. It : connects the school of at. Vincent de Paul with tbe sys tem. Adjourned. tub niw removal beu Albast, AdtLI 21, 1875. Tne following la Senator Wuodm's substitute lor ' the Removal bill:? A* Act to curry into effect the command of section ., 5^o^.-Tl-oVC,?"UtA"'^ ?>? C"urt of tppea" nn l the' presiding Justice o- each ot u'tlr'Jn I a' ^?"orae.^r,:;ffi80,.nT i t he"*! o I low i ng u^Vu"?'&? irollerme Se"re ury ot .Mate. the Tiea-urer. the At If" Dr.- A? ii?riI the.-Uite i.ugtneer and surveyor and the ' an;ii < i.iuiiii-fioner.i. tor removal Irom office on ac count ot ? Place at the ? W. ria^'^Spl.^11 He &II? "rve upon the officer pelrs.-naUv ?????;?*& h i i nre'er charger. a copy ol tne taio? , ?iin <i noiico to aouear and answer and stand & trial thereupon, at the llftl . 11|! 1 ri Al'O ItXed Upon 1>J' him lOI* Said Court. L?rh ?-rvr? stioul.l beat tewt davs before the 'tinic so fixed; or lie mav at his option omit to serv e the same! nthe same way be served by him as hcrcln *'sbcPX?'ftM^saW rhletJuds ? ef the Court ot Appeals an<i inosaid ores! litiLr lodges shall convene at the .line ami place named m the aatd riotic". u-}|| *1'??????< to ttiemi-elves Into a court tor the Hearing ot the charges to henre I e r r e u hv the Governor. Ihetnief Jud*e ot the ' H ? / |'o?l'?Mll over the court, ami he court aitv appoint a clerk. a aergeunt-al-arins and stten Mt*i*mi iii'cs not mon* rhan thrwj, a*- it mat : Wr "never th" rourt >l?Ul he convened and ofgan.J-et 'Z, ^.i/rt. l,whe nour-e 7??,natter provided, the r.urt ?hal. cnu? ? a summon*. t?* nfv itiV" t?T. lit ttfl hour Hiltl pl*t.6 u? i>? nmm^u in ? *ninntons, 10 autwer tin ?ai?l Clurges. tud ! u\"r*v: ,Lrhe?!ov"nor may suspend anr of the officers named in the ?r-< tio.i ot tots act U"?J? '"V.*1*". ?1Mtl,l the i-hurte* n^ninsi said oBcer ana may ap fml t a -tr'at'le p. r- ... to ptirt.rm the duties ot the ?us United officer during such suspension. W. &_rtie *aid court shall have power to tnaae sncn rales r.-it may see tli lor me practice bcto:> it. I' *,lil prmee i to l e.raiMlto the said charges uponi the ap ?. nr . and ?u-?er ot the -mi officer or oa his ' . f. . annear or t'> answer after the personal s< r Yi."e iu eitht r manner named in the toi<g lua M"'tion< heron'. H - >uH have power w and a?i fhe ti ?. aiiendanci' of wiiiie^se* heio'e It. aim an iub : poweV 'ver the wltne? in perwins in aitendanco upon It possessed bv "OT Judicial trihtitial. ' ?; ? I In' ilov.-rrior .>hall appoint a suitable person ??nn'iti(> vacaucv caused by the removal, death or resignation of ste oftce? named in this sc: w,,e...-ver Inch vacatiev ?hnll occur aurinii the rece.?sor tbn ri ur^ n.e persnn atpolnte . to U!i ?.^h vacanoy shall hold his ( 'm e hv ' trtue of s-jch appoiutnu Ot until the ?usMloti Pt th>- Senate next suer*e<lin? mic.i appoint | until hi" ^accessor shall he notntn.iie i bv the Governor and erniflrinrd by tne Senate, or until he !>.?<nme eeinciU ot the poll.teal year next sncceedine th. tlrst autiual eieetlon ilttr the happening or the va i ,'*T'*7-Uie Coventor n.av Hirsrt the AttorneyOen ?ral or niav a|.p<.itit anv soiiable person to conduct the tr al Pelorn the s?iil e-jart on the enaf'tea made. 1 i.r - ? I tie Attorney Ucnerai or the person .greeted by the (Jovera-r to eon lio t the inqinry may issue a i rjeess Ot iubpirna u compel the atiendMM ul af.v witn.aM* '*'^T?eU?'ffieer accnsed shall hare the process of Ihc court to conn- 1 the attendan e of h?s wi "eases. v>, i?> - ui!?limits coroner*, con* antl ?n whom nro'e's -hsl> b? directed and delivered iin.ler I thtlTscL snail execute the same without unnecessary t n* pJfwn raav serve a ^ro. e? ,.t .uhpona i??ueci in pursuance o' ttie provisions ot this act. "w. 11.-. his act shall take effect immediately. T1IE HEAL) MONEY FIGHT. ? LBANT, April 21.1?73. The rollowmg i? the report or the Assembly com mittee on Commerce ?n-i Saviaatton. to wlitcn ?was raferred tuvcstlgatlon into the manage ment ol tue Affairs ol th? Hoard of Commissioners oi Ktunratlon, directed by tue resolution of tne Assembly, adopted March 3, Wie the R?;i*oBr. The resolution, dlrectln* tnis tnvestieatton t 1'roh.tthe l^d*r%ouhre?,fur?ber'that tne * 7.1 .h?V m-'itw must he held cxociiae ; ES have .Therefore, wen abte to do lH le more than examine Jh^ snswers re; "urne I bv the Hoar,, of < omm ????;??/ ,!\ S . ::kk==ss""Ssat.-a-ri ! Visvas !be year fr* vJ2JL ; 7the are!a e expense ot earing IX I them':' Put so*arge an tncrea e wwLt seem W be neither neec?sarv J?"rJiuVhe*b?Ilard have prot??ed to al?.,ltsh 2. it,?i wht.e the noaen o? ^. J,n eXrtf?tl),a, CFri?i? rne>'officers clliiploved th.retn. transferring ' Ihimi t?other bureaus, and, 5n some instances, mtruat ?; ^rVraWw service hr the ^ h trees narfbeen preierred af-ainst them. ileVta-Iitshea .Mould ha to precar.d their l? i m.rie against employe, of th? Board ?*r;l : 1n4vVr.'^;^ only ^ -re m pr?** ? nt?'ii.i?1'? y - " a" Al;iv\{ATU^ ? ? v/ho rmo\t-*l ?m* !'*? ?* ?rrf^. Wonrti oniv iltifn nive ^ !?i , #.,ioiovrs ** wrr# rrwnveu or ???? to Jh?'.1*"), reinoted or d.s.*harg< t "or -iiise cltma-d ' ir I,'..,. ntKrie.Mt t.'ie commi'dott dee -;*7 1 u, call iitt? ntiof. to tne ?nswer re 1 he I tten ? eaj jh>i tp,1(, turno l the ine-ntignl t.-rm?ti adopted """ "I i. it Tti iwoer Ins"ltute in Nev. VorWiitvtn ? iiueiH ntlil1 ? iirn<?ur,' .? the present coin ,,,4 was .filled to neiHW" >rtr ?|(J iu ie*lon. i,.| pHi-tle-in course towsrti pro i" J'' . " . p ,n.i iticir arbitrary i.erinaii oil .a s in tne s? v^^ )( ^ M? dl-riil'sat h> tn , .. , .,mini --toiler Khuiiikipii. i i.*ty, through I. l r Jh>, ^ , )v i'0n,n,t#*ioner n"d the l.r'^"'1 jn ,, ,?rt(,r.ed said ' '('per Institute seb ics, !T rn if,.ti, of thes-j qucattons the H?r,i return thie answer t?* I he Hoard hare it official knowledge ot this matter. tfceir duty to state farther that i he committee tee 1 VhIch thev consldar thev huvc jaecJJ'd in I r n M^4?, (l## tll><,n guutv of gro<i*be*'tragance ln eontmnloST>n ?rvice and undi 1 ...? ? "T>ach larger foree af empleyke than wss ?#???? aary. arid ill*' the wintor month* when fin.jij : ttiiuis miii h tmaiiat than ?> o h?r tcasoc*. u# Jecrcu>o ! In (he nu uit>er ot t luplove* ll nil!?. The ti nimitico rot'ret tt<a' tuey are <o restricted W the icsoluuon* directing this loveetigatioB as to he un* ? ?bl*ti) conduct the nine win tlic thornugUMS* which, in ihcir opinion, the nature ot the ea*o demands. i? vww of (m Importance ot two bills n>w beture itie As semol* ?i t* authorUmir the ComniMMri to mon/nse the propeiiv tiuuer their coot: >il to p.iv tae large in deoteiincsV which In* been contracted, and the ottier providing tur an InTeane in the raie ot head inotiev to meet the espenii'f!i 01 th<> Hoard? ail tha tacts should be a-ccrt \vh|eh could aid in determining whether tin h flair# ot the Board arc managed with economy aud hone?tt. '?'he questions forwarded to the Commissioners and 'lie . ana wen retui ned thereto, covering rn> sublets to which ! 'he Commute* on Commerce an i Navigation i reeled b\ the resolutions above referred to, are hereto annexed :tn i ma li u portion ot thjs report. ] Alt ?t which ureapectiuiIv submitted. Inmes M. Ca'.i lev Chairman . K. W. Vnsburgh. eolm Kream. W. 11. < firm op her. William II. Clark. II. J Daggett, Jolin W. Ktnith, Bernard Silverman, i' Hanrahau. Be*olvid the ? oimnittee on* ommerceaad Navi gation be discharged iron; the turiher consideration of the name. THE CANAL FRAUDS. I TISTERDAY's BIS8ION OF THE LEGISLATIVE JOINT COimiTTEB ON CANAL FRAUDS?F.XAM ! INATION OF KIPIKT8, Albany, April 21, 1875. The joint committee to Investigate Canal irands held a session thu afernoon. Mr. W. B. Taylor, an engineer, gave evidence. He stated that he did I not think the appointment of a paymaster would be In any way beneficial. Canal worn should be exclusively under the control of a .state Engineer. He passed judgment upou several contracts, and saia the State had neon a meat ioser by them, i Pontics was the paramount cause of appoint ments. The State Engineer aoes not know whether the accounts arc right or wrong. Had no faith in trie appointment of Slate inspector of Puollc ; Works. Van Rensselaer Richmond, ex-state Engineer, was tho next witness sworn. Be tnou*nt the 1 contract system was the most viciou* system ever adopted. Has been state Engineer I uu'#r both the contract: and superintendent system. His plan would t>e for a General superin I teudent to be uppointea by the Governor utni with ; the advice oi me Senate. He thought it : would tie a eood idea io nave un Inspector, to I overlook all work oi the State. He did not, know ! positively of any case, only what lie had heard, where there liad been any li iuds committed in l false measurements, or fal-e estimates or Change of : plans connected with any ot me works wnereby the State could tie detntudi'd in any manner. | Thought t.iat no system couia be adopted that would In any way improve on the present one, providing the engineers did their diitv. 1 Adjou. ned until three 1'. M. Thursday. WASHINGTON. Washington, April 21,18T5. RETURN OT THE PRESIDENT'S PARTY?THE RU MOR CONCERNING secretary DELANO'S RES IGNATION POSITIVELY DINTED. The President and some ol the members ot his party returned to Washington this alternoon. Secretary IJelano will not return until to-morrow. Postmaster General Jewell arrived this morning. He states positively that the report tnat th? Presi dent requested Secretary Delano to resign is not tl-ue. Tne Pesmaster General was in the railroad car wltn the President and secretary Delano wnen the published statement referred to was brought to their attention, and ills asserrlon is based npon what was then said by the parties directly concerned. THE MEXICAN RAIDERS. Galveston, April 21, 1873. The following is a special despatch to tne Xeict from San Antonio:? Hkadqijaiitkrs. Pkpartmfxt or Tbtas. i San Astomo, Texas, April 20,1S7S. t To Tit* Goverxor or Tk.xas The following is iu -t received from the General of the Armvin answer to a despatch from prominent cititsns of Corpus Christ!. setting forth the conditiou of affairs in that portion ol icxas:? i'onr despateti ot the lSth is revived and will bo sent to the . ecrotar.v ?,! War for the Information of the l'resi iJout. The nutv ot the troops on th? Kio Grande rroutier is to protect all oilie< rs "t the general government nod, as tar as possible, to uid tne Stute nnthoritiea in pro ect ? ins the people against organized bands oi marauders from vnv Quarter. But the late authorities should un 1 demand that on them rests th dutv hi the tirst instance, and that we can only assist them. Should it be a hostile measure iroin Mexico tfio President may order more troons and a more positive course ot amn. R.Dli'Jyl, Assistant Adiutant General. Please inform me how best I can eo operate with the 1 State authorities in proteetl V the frontier, i havo or | dered out troops from i:lniri?old Barrack* and rort llrown. the troops should in both cases be a< eomoa nied by civil oillccrs em powervl to mike arreits. i an you Rive directions to that etlect ? E. O. I'. ortD. EiHadier General. The following despatch was received today:? Fort Browx, April 21, Itffi. ASSISTANT AlVCTATT GRTBU At., Dr.I'ABTJIESfT or Tkias, San Astosio, la.tAs:? Win send niv disposable monntsd force in the direc tion of r.I Saux, 011 the lUo t-'ano. Ihore has been no news of the marauders to-day. (SiKued.i J. II. POTTER, Colonel ot the Twenty-fourth Infantry, commanding. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Omaha, Neb., April 21, 1ST.". The Union Pjclflc Railroad la now in a passable condition with the exception or aiiont six miles, over which transfer is being mule by teams i?e twean Lawrence and Green River, which win have to be kep: up a week or more. <>no train coming east, having on board l.Mi p.i?s?ncera transicrred yesterday aitemoon, will reach here to-morrotf aiternoun. The train delayed ai l.ara inie will reach the transfer point thia even ing. Another train, gtdnsr west, delayed at Cheyenne, left litre thu morning, ana win tranter i.o-inorrow morning. the delayed emi grant trains are oeitnr worned westward t? ,a*t ui< possible, 'flie company hope to start all the lirst mass train* to-moi row. Ibsy arc consid erably embaira-sed on aceoimt of * scarc;t> or ears, out win receive twenty-six irotn New \ork by .Saturday or Sunday, which w ill partly relieve 1MB. They hope ro act ill ihe delayed MMOB* gem nlf the road by ine middle of next week. THE STRIKING MINERS. GOVERNOR HARTT.ASIT ON THE situation? IJtWLISftHZSH ON TH* TAUT Of TUT. MTNEBS AT AN ENI> PROWABI.E LONG CONTINUANCE OP THE HTIt IK 1. Pmr.AMLrntA. Pa.. April 21, 1875. Governor Rartrauit arrived in tais city tuis af ternoon irom iiari isburir. and your correspondent has last had a Ion; c >nversaiion with hnn in ref erence to tne trounle< in tne mining conn try. He is thoroughly aimliar wiln the condition ot aiTairt Mere, and Keeps himself c distantly advised. He was very reluctant to call out the miuary, and the moment the civil anthontlea express irieir willingness lie Will order We Uoops home. TH re are no? omy 0*0 men. all toiu, in toe vu inlty of ilazieton. oeiua portior t of the First and Ninth regiments and an artillery Company* | i lie Governor's dcsi?n in grudii .If concentrating the troops at H-zletoa ?* to sec ii n would be s.?ii# , to ieavn tin* sunoianding districts to tne oare of toeoivii officers ol the peace. He nopes to send the troops nome in i lew days, hot *noaM the pftsence o. the soldiery be necessary he will prouaiiir relieve the Kirst reuitoeht oy the order oi s m-' other command irom tins my. The tiorcrnor is sanntiiu?* mat the *or^ior the trouble is over so lar as lawlessness on the p-?r. oi tiie miners is concerned, lhc strike will prooably be the i.OMfst >'f. *ojr - n nBORN" ever known tpere. Bur the Governor thinka that thure will i<u no more lawless ontbreaK- oor interference with what is called :iie - dead work" ?. the mmes?which meiins tae flnditiic ol ti e tur naoe, tbe ;iiiuiptnx oit water and other ne. ssary work wiiich must g > on eveit day :o prevent tiiis noo'ttnjf oi tne mines?the struera pledging tiifin sel?es notlo mteriere with thai l.oor. ln. Gov ernoi nas great codlloence in I.lianas, who has jnst been .'h- seti Pr??ldent of the tnlnsrt* per manent organization, and whom ne regards as an honorable mao, who ws'i oppose all violence and disorder. BALLOON FRA< i M ENTS. AT'1*. V, J., April 21, 1H75. News has be-n received here that the basket of Donaldson's balloon has i.een found some seven miles irom herewith the <i'>ad body oi a man in it, and mat trie nalloon tt-ieit wa se?n goitii- sea ward. IW?.VU>SON ? \T?. BlitUX, N. J.. April 21, 1S75. Profesior Donaldson is hero, a-, t ake's Hotel, safe and sound. Alter loavintr Philadelphia tho ba'.loon sailed in nearly a southern dire<tion. an<l landed ?!t'onrad?s lerrai t;.i? w.iik . on mio Wii liamstowu Hailroad, neai \tco. N. J., atiout half past five ,'1? wiicn tun ..iiioon b.tcaiue un? niaiia. ? aide. and. no a sistauce boing at i au<i. Donaldson was oi-'ige : t<? o t the basket i .o?e 1 insnle to ?ave It, and th" m.nn part o; the oal oou rea.eetided aid was lost, i lie. upper cori tjits of air were very cola, so coid, in iaci, tnat the ? mineral water taten along oy tna n ronaui. was irozeu. A SOUTH CAROLINA TROUBLE. COLlMttlA, April 21, 1875. Ex-Trearirer Parker was arrested to day on a oharsc ol embezzling $as,ooo or the Sinking Fnnd money ot the l-tate. Me has uoi yet procured bail. THE PAPAL ENVOYS. I auiuohi, Mi. April 31. 1874. The Papal Envoys, Count Mara osoAi, Mtrr. Ron. remand Br. I'baldi arrived in tins city this af teraooa auu are the guests or Arciiuisiiop Bayley. THE CENTENNIAL IIERALD. Philadelphia, Aprti 20. 1875. To the Editor op the uniui.i':? I would not give my copy or your Centtnnlal Herald, published la-t Monday. April 19. for |100. It should be lu the lianas of every true American. CENTENNIAL. a curiosity. New York, April 19, 1876. i To the Editor of the Herald:? To-day you bare achieved sometbtnir extraor dinary in reproducing; rsc-etmlles or tbe old colo nial papers, which 1 dare ?ay will not be equalled, not to apeak or exceeded, throughout tbe length and breadth or this country. Let me, sir. as a British subject?ana an Irishman at that?say a few wordB on the occasion of this display to-day at I Lexington and Concord. With all respect lor your great journal, jou have done a good deal to-day in j your leading article to srnootb down what might ? be caned a bitter reeling against the Euglisngoi ( eminent. Vou have recognized the bravery ol the j firitlsu soldiers of the ??sturdy KIuk." Ac., but about your assertion that It was "English blood against English blood," Jtc. Admitted; but what >*ort of "English blood''was It that was here? vviiyttie scum of England, .the jail b:rds, the thieves, rogues, roboers and murderers ot England ami tnelr immediate offspring, banishett iroui Bnir land, who naturally enough hated their jailer?, and tbe same class would oe ready to do tne same j thing to-day u accessary. A* \ou very properly remark, everything w.uatillnsttuH Eaglish tie re ut them days; me .ong distance be:ween trie two I countries; the diftl ulty iu iransjioitttig troops in sailing ships. U wan no wonder then tha; tne brave little band ot "good moo ami true" were deie?wd by the -renegade" *ctim ami tfteir immediate descendants. It was the greatest pity in ihe world the British flag was ever planted in tbls , country, out let the onus or difficulty rest ?u some other persons; lor no sooner n ail they properly civilized the country ami eataoiisned their lan- 1 guage in it than tne fidgety, recreant, mongrels consuired io ui>set cue power ilioy owed then very existence to. Lei us lor a moment, suppose teat if any oilier nation ihan tne 1 i.^.tMi ago xisted neie j the .same time the Hev?atloii occurred, and that tne language oi tnat nation ?;,< the dominant I language, would this country be a? great as it is to nay t tew s?ne men will douot it. All Donor | to Canada, wtio tiiifl stuck, to the moth r couutrv I au<i tne old aa*. and Iroui wnat iru see there is no ' intention ui abandoning mat country or flag, ana it Americans have to watt till Canada "kuocivs at. ? tne dour or tne i nited States" i leal' the bail ser I vant will be kept watting long eaoug.t. Iu con clusion, Mr. Editor, let tn^ remind thoso r.ataie celebrating tne mmdredtn anniversary of the Hat : tie oi Lexington how it would lare with them (or with their oilspring to-day) li tucy had to come to j England to 11^hi, and, as i was, they kuyt "tne greatest couutry in tae world" nine or ten years outol rue Alabama Claims, and 11 Mr. Disraeli's government was lu office at the time it was paid it never would be. rhis note, o. course, Is considered partisan, and the.eiore will never see tae iigm or day, in xact the waste paper basicet yawns tor it. KDWARU KELLY, No. 147 Hudson street, New Vorlt. The New York llERAi,D*of yesterday publishes fac-siuiiles ot newspapers puolished after the battles or Lexington and Concord. One oi them. 1 the Salem (JazHte. lssusd at tnat time an extra : tueet, the upper margin of w hich was ornamented witn a row oi coiilns, bearing the names of the men who f?li in oattie. i he name ot onelsJoun Brown.?btnohamton Tin<>?>*. The Centennial New \oric Herald, which create* such a sensation yesterday, can be had at the 1 arjter House news agcucy.?Boston Traveller. , THE FIRST FIGHT CENTENNIAL. j tTNITT OT THtf BATTLE OF LEXINGTON and CONCOKD. On the 12th or April, 1875, Mr. Samuel B. Hag gles or New York, received from Lexington the following card, marked "complimentary":? i 1775. LEXINGTON. 1876. * i APRIL MSETEENTB. \ i The citizens <>i the town ot Lexingtoa. M?ss? ; 5cordially welcome yon to the Cenienoiai exui- i Jbition of the day wtttoS made tueir town hu>-j itoneRnd our country ire-. ; i s mH1i Mt-vV'i ^ Committee on J ASSWKIt OK MC. ni'liULES. Nhw Tori:, N'o. 21 Union sv' ark. April 18, 1875. To mo lion, Dcwp.v an 1 nis Associate*, the Co mm it tee on invitations to tae centennial Celebration at Lexniaoti GliNIXtJIEN?I ililVC' .UtlOil satisfaction 10 ?C Xnowleiirin* 'no roeeipt ot your card, iNnirw^ the ??coroiai''.md very ae.eputne "welcome'' oi mo Citizens oi Lexington. in 'ttnnjr ftje tins no: or. thecommittee, as l t-ave rea-on i > Dellcvo, had in view me tact mat me Corpora lou oi tnc ciit oi .New York, la l ... ncar y loriv years .. .o, d.- lutiuted, on mv o.-t. ttou, on- ?.i the ;;? .'!? i.hi iwp'.riaui <- reei* oi ti.? jnetio|?oi? a" "Lexington avenu a.) i ? xuressly ??to commemorate ti.o .irst oat tie iu the ?t niggle tor Aaiericao Independence.?' I mivr sucU citcfi?"i4iict> i*. h ? ?ri. t i>. <????* to sav hi vr d -ejil I ; jrr -t t:i.* u . . t wtucn I have no vet ludy recovered, wi nrevm tne irom p rrMJi.a !y :n* < n mi ? <* iu terestlnir, in cciitiuung t:.s ei uaui aunivr?ar? o! in d:i. ? ? mou.taiiui.* i .i - m pliaucaliy deviarod i.v Mlwav i i,v rett, tae mull lamenteo scucia.. philj. o^rter and ora or ?i \ <r linui-nd. n. D> .< day ; > unporuut a- any in in? luxt >rj oi man.*' a < ai ?<> winch .<ge-.!?? u.ev l?s? will aott dipnuy iirid latercHi, till i m name, of Lexington and i oin ord, in the aunaiso! iree? doni, wnistiind n;. the Mile 01 tne 1110 t nuuurjuw IUUik s oi Koiunn or Or ? :iai> - or) ." Here 1 taign; wei* .-<?>? . nut th t I are conn; eiled hy some recent piioiic.iU.iii* 10 add tne expression oinn foil l??iiei .mi conviction that me corpora tioti ol Newborn. iu stainittig ??iA-xingtou itve nue" on its map ?< an 0001111114 ??1 impermiaoie recognition 01 m8> memorable 1 an o, Aorii, IT75, wincn directij o|>en"d the wa? to mo continental in.Ion 01 onr moat. Ileputriic, did nut seen or wimi to make a.iv 1 oor partition or sti ntivision 01 the chrouo.og; 01 ine hours and tne iiiiuu'es, so prog l'.nt trull 11 ? 1 y? \ coti-ec|Ucnci out tiroadl.) Kouctit i" honor me aav as a wuoi.-, ii".ii t 0 rising to me setting ?un, eauu-M.ii ? ?? arc, id the ul>-tng :.<n co urate words <u i-.veroi . to render "gr to:,, utitoir. '??<? to mo- ? who sio >o in the nreacn a' 'He breaking of that da v of Woo ? at l.extu,rton: to moso wti<> loined in battle alio di d tioDoraii.y Iucjost tlie 10" .u Con Cord. and to tnose who iril 111 tne gallant pursuit or tae flying enemy," i>a g tj me aneuer ol tnc ?in: s 01 war at i5o"ion. It is wim mis uec --ary explaittlTloa, fortified by turn autnorlt), aim m rkuu to emnrace and ^ill?ody tt:? wtio.o 01 iiiai Immortal nsy, t'mt 1 veniure furtlior 10 use, iu pm t, tint we I known lanunav ot .Ma-*acha>eits, iu oflerinit t ie follow. tin: netmmeni:? 1 bo llattie of Lextngr n and concord?Llko me majestic lni>n wmh 11 raled into be to a, "flow ?11a 1.rover, one and mdivNiaie." Kespectfuilv anu laituiuiiv. > v.vli'KL n. Kl'OOLKB. THE MITCHEL TEsn.MOKI.Ui. A meetlnu ofttie Mitchoi Testimonial Committee was held last evening at fitmlit. Hall, corner of Twenty-;r.lra street and Second av auo, to confer with delegate* ironn various IrisL ork'auusatiOBS lamed to participate in the movement to get up a testimonial to ilie family of the deceased patriot. Mr. William K. Rooinsan presided and Mr. Join Mullaiy acta 1 as ecre ary. Several gen tlemen explained tl;4t wide thoy beionued to certain organizations th, * bad no' oecn dele pat? d to represva- them, as suiilcient time han n it ei ?p.?o.| since tno call ??.>? issued to enaoio iho so cieues to take action Ui un It. \' me r-aaie time mcy cxprcis tuoir conn.ionce tnat. if a otroulai from the coin mirtea w?w sent, to tno varioio societies invitimr tlieir co-one ration a li?aii> ri on-c would no maiie. Aitor so ,.e dtacu-sion tho .^coretar* wm instructed to issue socu ?? oirooiur. ati 1 a < onaniii teo w as appointed toeuaa^c a suimuio Hail atid notify ihA noleicatof ny aoyertisomcnt. ih> storotwrj otiiiounoed mat the ioii<?winw gentietueii liau cuu^un i 10 .1 .. a. trus ees 10 take ch*rco ot tno luonoy sooscrt ??! s?c.:?ri-< (?'Conor. Kugeno Keli.y, enables i? ua Josepn .1. ?> monuo, Aitnur Leary, fticn iro o Uorman. lor New Yotk city; v.iiiiatn K. liobtnson. I'atrioit I'.ird and other fentiemon. lor Kro ? iytt; \x Mavor u'Xoni. Culonri \I \noint>.?, lua 10K far r. i.i ano others, 1 r Ji-rny . ity. an I J. if. Man runs: and Fai.her Barry 1 >r >i(Hou fsiatul. Alter .?.'cti-'ititf so\erai pr i> isutoBs and trai.saotmi: ? >tnc rontms b.nllio . no ? liumltteo adjourned sut>ject to a call by advcrusen. gut. TBK Dan hi;van i 11m Mr. Theo'iore trensuror of tun liryant fund, annoancca me receipt 01 tnc foik?vr(ing con tributions; - Miller, MorrN->n & < <?> ... ... ? 51 II .1 M.IIIlUllf ' y 1 Iinmitnek M 1? ray an 1 .InUAiinen "" tl\ A 1 'akr' Hull | ),i Uioti boncicnult Iii Total $i7n The fantliy are in uoea, and donations may be , aent to Mr. dou, WallacK a lueatre. MUSICAL AND DRAMA TIO NOTES. Miss Jana Rtve playa Llsz:? concerto to JS flat at tho last PuUbarmonlc rehearsal at (lie Acadew on Frl lay. Mi?? Clementine Lasar, tbe charming joooi pr:raa donna, amzs in concern '.u-nigut at tba Madison avenae Reiormeti enured. Mr. Robert GolabeeK's concert at Stelnway Han wi'l be sisnnii/Md bv many new compoaltlona from tne ; cu 01 mat r ccomplisued musician. j'ne si. ii.rk's Literary a >ctety glvea a compli mentary concert to one or ita members, at tba ball of tbe Historical Society, on Friday evening. The opera of "Krnani," announced to take placo last ovenlng at tbe Academy of Music, wa? unavoidably poarponed, owing to the severe ill. cess 01 tbe prima donna, Mile. Mohalbl. Alm6e'M cbarramg impersonation ul Rose Miction, In "La Joiie Parfumeuse,'' at t&9 Lyceum, bm proved to r,e one of tbe most attractive leatnrei in opCra bovSJ since tbe days of TostCe. The opera of "L'Ombra" will be (nven tbls even, lag at tbe Lexington Avenue Opera Ilonse (Ter race Garden), ?y an amateur company under tbe direction of Mguor Agramonte, ior :be benofltoi the Home lor the Blind, a very worthy and d? serving charity. Mr. Adolph NeuendorCT, tbe popular manager of German opera and drama in tbls city, baa a benefll to-night at tbe Academy of Music. "Girotia Girofla" will be given, with Miss Llua Mayr In tbe title rdle. The b n^f.ciarc. deserves the fnlleal recognition (rom the pnhlio for his valuable serv ices iu establishing a German theatre here on a permanent basis. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. Tbe following record will show tbe changes la the temperature lor the past twenty-four hours in comparison with the cot responding date or laat year, as indicated by tne thermometer at Ilnd nut's Pharmacy, Hekald Balldlnit:? 1871. 1>75. 1?74. 1874. 3 A. M 41 27 3:10 P. M.... 53 M 6 A. M 42 2(1 6 P. M 47 44 9 A. M 50 31 9 P. M 43 30 12 M 62 39 12 P. M 40 21 Average temperature yesterday 33?*' Average temperature ior corresponding date la-t year 48 PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. PaoTtnsxc*. R. I, April 21.187* Printing clethi firm ar ?>,<-'? a <*? 'or standard anl extra tUxol; spot coo is business limited by ligat stuck. ALARMING !?COLOS THAT SETTLE ON THB lungs soon become verr dangerous It not promptly trAnted with HALK'H Honky op HonnTor.sp a.\i> Tab. PiKE'.s Toothache i ?nm >s euro in one mlante. A?THANKS '-FROM THE DEPTHS OF THB heart." Willisoto*, Lorrain conntr, Ohio. August 24. 1874 Dr. n. v. Piebcs, Muti'ain. sr. Y. Okak sm_Vour medicines, Golden Medical Discover* an I Dr. Seared Catarrh,nave proved of the great est ?? rv;fi* to me. m\ months ago no one tit ought tnat I could p???ili!v live Inn/, t nad a complication of dis eiiv >s. scrofula maniiestiosr it-sell in emotions ami greii' blotches mi my lion I thai made sue i sores that I could not have my hair coralieti wirnout causing ma much suilcrini;: alsocauslng swollen glands, tonsils en larged, eulargeil or "thl-K neck " ainl large and numer ous ijoi:*. also suftered from a terrible chronl" ca? tarr.'i, and. In tan, I was sn diseased ihatllie was a burden to me. 1 had tried man* loctors with no bene, lit. 1 flnall ? procured one-hait do/.eu bottles ot your Golden Medical I'isovery and on" dozen Sase'a ii tarrh Remedy, and commence l their u-?. At Urst f was hatily discouraged; out alter taking tour bottles of the Discovery l h"gan to improve, and when l Ii id taken the remaining l was well. Inadilltior. to the use ot the l? -'orery I applied it ?-olutinn ol io line to th ? goitre or ihielt n"o? ^ .m u.lvis.. in pamphlet wrapping. and it entirely disappeared. Vonr nt-cuvery is certainly the mv-t wonderful hood medieino ever invented. I thank i...: and you, troin the depths of tin heart, tor tOT great good It has done me. v?r> gra eiuiiv Mr-. I. CHAFFEE. Most medicines which are adverti- d as blond purifl ers iind liver medicines eonttin either mercury, in soma form, or potassium and lo line variously combined. All of these H.ents have -i rong tendency to hre <k down the blood eori)i!-cles, a nd iiob Hate ana oi her wise pornia nentiv loiure the human svsl.'in. and should theiefore be iil*"r rdei!. Or. Pi. net's Mriucai. Disoovkbt, on llir o.hrr hand, belnircomp >sed '.I the lluid ex'racti of native Iimiita, 1> iriss and root*, will in unease pro tuce lniur\. its . live - heing strengthening and eura.ivc on IT. t-nrstiparlli v. winch u? i to . niov quit ? a reput ition n- a blood pitiifler. t.? a re me 1 > nt thirty years agu, anl may well give pl..ce. as it I ? loi'itf, to tne nmro positive end valuaii'e veifctivole a t rutlves whieh lau;r med eal in vesti 'ii'ion on . .h ov ry nas t.r .uibt to lignt. In ver.? ula or ICint-'s Km, Whi,e wel i:u-s, Vleers, r.rvsip. eins, swelled Xeok. ? oiir . Hcroiulous Ir.tlammatloM, Indolent luliaiumatlOTi, Mercurial Affeetiotis. Old .Sores, Krupfmnsoi ih" mKiii ai i ore !?;< a* is all other blood dis- ise?, Dr I'ikrcb's Goi i.?x Mi iuoa'. UtscovruT h*s ?^own Its gre it remedial powers, the most obs'inate und lUtraci tMe . ;ise-. sold bv all dealers in mediomes. AX INTENTION THAT TOUCHED THE POPU lar heart?The Elastic Tr.css Cokpast. GO Broadway, introducing their eUectlve remedy, superceded all iu wretched metal truces that cursed tile world. A.-FOR GENTLEMEN'S FIATS Of EXTRA qualitv po direct to the manufacturer. ISSPEXSCUlilD, 113 Nassau street. A.?PATENT WIRE SIONS, ENGRAVED METAl aud Brass-Uns. Store, offl and Sian Painting. UPII AM 1 CO., 3'."J 11 road way. A INFLAMMATORY RHkUMAT.Stf ALL OVER my budr: wrists swollen: | tin intolerable. Uiles'L:*. im*T lotupr or Akiiimi eurej ine. Mild lyr all drtijr put- I if pi it ??.">! sixtli arenu" V K'>KM( K Q.iKKX iiA Went i wenty-third iirort, Saw York fKi:VANT!-:s.? :m. BPAHISH BWWIH IN New YurK invite ta ? pui?!to t? a solemn requiem maaa. wnlch W II he slin it . iii> i '? uroh ? t St. Frmun Xavier Mstv-ntli -irtet near i ilfh aventte. on i ridav neat. .3d iant., nt ill ?. >1.. to eoniiticiiioniic tile nunirersary at the .1 .nil nf ?'kkv t vn . ill .hi nor oi lion Wu.xuie By order oi the Executive Committee. AM.; i i: n*TAS. Secretary. express package bcalb, I ?unui' 1 vri;i r* Pack* .. c ili . ' specially di'imod for tlii- < :int? of .ill m ir! m,? v.> .?vni themselv- i at the\.tv i.nor* !? r?'?'?otl>i 1 tiv tin .iiain* KxpreM i nmtatiy for tlie toi wariliiif ell y.i. >. iir** ? not exceed it.i; . ihi in weight, lor .tie by ;'a I ittfAMia A 311 hroailwav. PRAOIIANT BOZODONl1.?TlllS PEERLESS DEN tiirn e hard ma the uui i- snoetcn *iie ? -rath, cleanse* and prc?t rves the leetli iroin youth t > oil are. HEALTH LIFI. 180 FIFTH AVENl E. BETWEEN Twenty-second mil rvre'i:y-t??trd .'rets.? login! room*; best ot earn. Res -r# to t"> . i* W. r'ictd. Ac. LEO".' DUMAS' 1 \U MERVUil.LEUSE is nit if?IH;'< n- ililr toil t re'iantiif f ir la.tie and jentlft. men. LEON DC MAS' EAU MERTEILLEUSE rem >ve, all wrinkies. I.F.nN DUMAS' EAT MF.RYEILLErSE obliterate* uil freckles. LADIES', MISSES', GENTS' AND ROTS' HOOTS, Site: s and '(jural '. ? Patronise MILLfc Ii A CO., I Union Mjuarc. LEON DUMAS' EAU MERTEILLEUSE m ix''* the complexion etear, white and beautiful. LEON DUMA*' E\U MEKVEtLLEUMS ?!??? 'i- tin' ii. i' i ii to Price $3 a bottle ; 9 l'i n dozen. LEON DUMAS' CARDINAL UOUqUEr.?TUB new and exqm ito perfume, dedicated to His Emineuca Cardinal Met iOskcy. NO OTHER REMEDY HAS PROVED SC eftectual til relieving tenaer feet a- luiur't Magics! I AIX . XTRAfTOR. PHYSICIAN?* KNii'.V riUI I (?N TS A RE marknbl'- medicine. The Pimn?v nrarr Is a preparv tun oi Iron. TI1K "BEE UK RANGE," THE HEST AND cheapest apparatus for latnilie*. price reduced in $.* lor No. i. tne lai ett 'ainiu ?Ue. i Glutting water hack aDd settin*; ord?rs fur repairs s-nt b>" man prom pi It at tend* I t Made an.i n arranted t>y jam.* .t Kiiii LAN D, Nos. J. 1(? and 12 Keade street. TO SECURE HEALTH AND VITALITY TR1 ELKCTRicm at No. 7 West Kourb eniii s( e i. WE WAST f.\f;:cv LAO\ I? rffE UNITil State* t?> ?now tnat *enileni?n's ii ? urt* can ? ipadc from M''P' Patent t'artlv V.iii ? nm one tbal can liein u tiockethandk rehit I. K n r't r < ?<ir PxK.Ti.t M?i" li*--- iiiRT" to !? eoinpleto I en!- reniiirf 111* sleer>'s put in and the .,i!e - -ni-i - n it np. i hes .ir" ma le of w'ani?utta mu* tn nri b . *i av irHi II "ii iil ?i/c?; eli'uua styles, only one <iuality. the very l" -t: Hie price is oniv ?i > per down, or -I*'ior (. iil We ?l.?h ir dis iwtlv aii n r?..>od ihat we gintiauie. out -hirts i i|n ' In ever* respect to the verv be?t 'l tl?prl<*? will b" ehwetolly retnrm-i lor nnv shirts t ;iftt are not perfectiv ?au-taotnrt Centl ?men who i.a\e paid tjt perd en lot *'iirts will tie Mirprlsed ?! <>ur low prna, ai l we do not eel ist e >SL Mam i??t'< w .11 la'.e plea sure in makinz shirt* lor th< Ir hit.* .atiiia and - >n< wpen tuei know bow eaMIt it :iia> lie \\,. invite peopki. iispeoisllv the ladn-s, to call Kr.l-.p IL iiiXt CO.,VW Hroome su. corner al Soiuit ritth ar. YOU MAI >i i i PI r V >1 R KAITH IS prm o?. but k mix' : pring style ?t ttenll?ini it's Han usuro to Inspire connder.i . M,ikn vmir ptirrhsses af ?Jl'.! 11roadWa . or tn the ''ittti Ay ? llo el, u Ho , .ii vii-r- can till their orders sail-lavtorily at 2U Brood ?<?:? ??t tii<i*. v i't ?s.-i. t I! !? ? '.CUitl THE M i*i VALUABtsS ? i'"in"ihtiiiiii oi i?Mut lui liimies fiat >:? omu ill ? i. I In ,uin? i ??r i ?,< .Li i ? -'0 . -1,? IK'iti.i oi ii.; Kent loon.' il< oi r.iAruM ill . "IS." i'u(? 1|?|| ? i t?v !?.. r. it AI,|. ,t .4 , x, 17 Mil rrv ail .ill bv a.l boo csetters. BBIOIiT^UM At*B, OIABKf f.S, itBoPMY, 'IBAYSI* Calcnnis, Hon . Kbeu tiallsm. </*...?,?*: I. riisf'SWI ? tUei.ivir, Ki.iner*. H|a?.'- r. i'rn- tie . a i i. Preina.Urs Prostration, Oraattle l?eb|Uty an l t'hroiiie tifi i. out ilncuraii.c hv ubii ral praeiKiooer- a -mi v p mr tiUio. pampn i. exid nolo* iiieir *.i ' ?-iiil tn >i>tiitt it It i* lure's .*>iteiiic, iti ri '? la Mineral prinif iVater. and Or. A. II k i... > II ii A i II, the an nu hi I proprietor ire? Unill.v add) ?.- l.etWr- trom phj i l*n- isiiil oilier.* <4 hoi>eie:.? t ^ cnt'i'ii m nt. I'epoi and ri -'ptlon reow*. No. JtJtl Hro >i> >cw VorK J car ecKLish. "riiE tkktii; how 10 prb s: rte llieui, wuea I ? llow to replace them." dtr-rt Irom tlin antlior, I?r. K. J, fiHIS 'i tn. Mir*e m I'l-uuak U ttondstreet .new Vors. pr?e i mail b*r .1 sits