Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAb ESTWi, FOR SAI.B. Central. 4 ?FOR SALF? OK TO LET, TWO PHIST CLASS ? j\ ? slorv and l>as< m> ni brown none Uiiutet; out' on southeast corner seventy lirst Ftrert and Lexinslon ttvenue; otuer adjoining; u-rins numerate. Apply on preuiisea A _FOR SAUL OS MURRAY Ull,I,. NKVR PAKK ? ? aveiiuf, medium illtd brow n stone House ut a freat buririln on easy terms. Address owner, OEO. W. JLLaWa v, 47 William treat A SPLENDID BROWN SI'oSK Hol'SK, 27 FEET wide, tionting W ashington square. lor sile at ruin ous sacrifice. HOPKINS 4 OaKIIi Mi I ON No. I East Twenty second street. A BA GAIN TO-DAY?Fol'R KUiL LOIS ON I32D -.V street, near Fifth avenue, at a great sacrifice, ?14,0fJU; terms reasonable. W. M. BEKKMAN, No. 1 Pine street. A ?A BAROAIN.?LAST CHANGE TO BL'Y F.LE -t\ . Kant basement House, Thirty ninth street, Fifth and Slatii avenues, $26,M)>: it not sold this week will rent. POoLfcY, WALLACE & CO., 1,130 Broadway_ For sale?on thiri y-seventii street, near fifth avenue?A desirable three story . high stoop Dwelling; possession Immediately it required, at 11 Wall street, room 1L FOR SALE?HANDSOME MEDIUM NIZRD FCTCJR story high stoop browuRtone Hou?e. seventy-eighth street, between Madison and Fifth avenues; price low. Apply to owuer. 229 Broadway, room 30. 1 fl?OR SALE?NO. 63 EAST SIXTY-FIKST STREET, north side, between Madison nnd Fourth avenues; j lour stories-, brown stone ; Jtisi painted, iruscoeil and In perfect order: Immediate possession, with Pier Glass. Cornices and Shades, size lyx.MJxlUO; n bargain : terms Mtsy E. II. ICilOL.S, owyer, No. a 1'ine street Harlem.?inokniorsi,v pi annf.d first obU? Cottage, Madison avenue and 127th street; every , improvement; rent only $500. _____ J. S. WIUHTMAN, 16 Murray street. A Q WK8T FORTY-NINTH STRKET, NEAR FIFTH | T"O avenue.? legant, small, new, superbly finished, j partially lurnished lour story high s'oop stone Dwelling, a bargain. Offices, 11 l'lne street or 33 i ast -eventeeiith street V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. East Side. A VERY DESIRABLE CORNER FOR BUILDINO Xl first class paying tenements, 5UX100, in Eleventh ward; immediate possession; tor sale cheap; good terms. WM. N. BEEKMAN. No. 1 Pine s"ect_ tpOR SALE OR RENT?T11E FIRST CLASS FOUR story brown stone House 060 Lexington avenue. Ajoply^on the premises. lI;U nnil WILL 1IUY A SMALL SIZED B OWN 'PO.UUU stone House. 65 tect deep, containing all Improvements: six bedrooms, seven closets, parlor, din ing room, reception room, kitchen, stationary tubs: easy terms. Location near Third avenue and i hirty-lourth street F. O. A C. 6. BROWN, HO Broadway. W eat Side. A PLOT OF LOTS ON EIGHTH AVENUE, BELOW Sixty-ninth street tor sale cheap lor cash by J. E. WHEELe.R, li Wall street, third floor. a ?FOR sale, ORBAT BAROAIN, BE.-T HOUSE i\ ? in Ninth ward three story hixh stoop, orown stone rrout; every improvement and convenience; ill tine order, easy terms ,1a M KM 1'itlCh, 2WI Hudson street A LARGE FIVE STORY BUILDINO, NO. M UREEN wicli-treet for sale; suitable for a bonded ware house or iree storage. Apply to owner. 68 Cortlandt street (up stairs). New York. A FOUR STORY BKOWN STONE HOUSE THREE ,'\ rooms deep, periect -order; $3!i.i/>0, cash $5,000, bul ance bv instalments, orwrlu lease for $3,440, or with the elegant Furniture, $4,50(J. Apply on premises, 141 West Forty-seventh s.reet. LpOURI EENTI1 S'IREET, BETWEEN SEVEN! H AND r Eighth avenues. ?For sale, a sulendid four story high sloop brown stujrte House 25x60 and extension lot 130: price low; terms easy. Apply to IaAAC liONlu, 111 Broadway rooms U und II, basemen!. THE CORNER OF FIFTY-FOURTH STREET AND Moth avenue tor sale; the building Is used for hotel; to he sold cheap. Inquire on premises. North Sl?lf. A CHEAP CCTY HOME.?TWO LOTS, WORTH $1,000 each; two story attic House, wortn $1,500: all in good order, Der.r Central Morrlsauia depot ? wenty-tbird ward, for only $ oo casti wanted. G. w. DiTcuiii'i, No. 3 New chambers street. .11 !*< <? .lUlll'OU 4. Fob sale or i.kase?a furnished house and louriotaot giound, north side of li-d street; all modern imp*ovemeuta Inquire at No. lia West Alurty thlra street BROOKLYN FRUPRRT) <'011 KALE AXD TO LEI _ ^ House to let-in Brooklyn, a very beai. ii lul three story brown stone. No. 315 L nlou stieet, neartoiut street Helrhts; It lias been pupered and painted iai tb< most beau.Wul manner, with ail Improve ment*. with 11 nice rooms, rent $00 60 per month tor all. Youcaasee It every day irom 10 to 5. or drop a note to J. PAi I\EN, Ij5 Henry street. New Yors. TO LET-$7-0 A Y* AH. 216 WILSON STUB T, E. D.: excellent neighborhood: near rt Uliamshurg savings Bans; all modern improvements; in good order; 25 minutes lroin City Hail, New York. Apply to JaM, s c. Eauii., 45 Broadway. E. D. TO LET?$!?n FIRST CLASS BROWN STONE House 434 Ooid street, lirooklyu; all Improvements; within wilkiug distance ol urriea owner cau be seen in premises lor two day a TO LET-A PIECE OK PROPERTY SITUATED IS A Brooklyn, near the Catherine terrv. with water (root, suit iMr for storage yard. Apply to K. O. MOl'L fOM. 7i Broadway. TO LET?ONLY $600?THRfc.E STOP.Y HIOII STOOP brick House . belt location iu Brooklyn; modern Im provement*. Apply Immediately at So. I pcuocr place, opposite iJr. M-uJder ? church, or til C. M. CA1.P1.N 1EK. 26 While street, New lork. T'O LET?4CU S VCKEIT STREET, BROOKLYN, ONE brick House. containing tune rooms. suj cellar, range. sia'lonaiy wash tubs, bath rooui, gu>. Baltimore beater; rent i a year 3 STORY HkKK HOUSE AND STOKE: BliICK ext. nsion, l.u-3 I ultuD street, next to corner of Claaaoti aveuue ; store 2ix*>; suitable tor any bus noa*. aud baa been eucceastuilf occupied by the owuer a* a ?tore aui house luni.sliing esiab isiuneal lor ten year*; ?dc nt the best localiona in Hrooktvn. ( all nn owner a? above, uo agent*. . lock and fixture* II desired. J. H. UKIKB. PER MOSIU.?HIIKTKEN ROOMS: El.EUANT brown stoue home* 341 and 346 Macon atreot. 33 minutes troui terry. U. W. HUBB tRD. Jr.. owner, 167 Broadway 150 WESTt1IESTEU COt*\TY PROPERTY KOR IALE AND TO REST. FV>? f ALE ? 1N M Ai.. UAI,E. WEST- HESTER country, heautllui Countrv Scat, 22 acrei hull land; :onunodiou* moicru, by city buliuer, adapted to all sea^ou*; localilv. site. .surrounding* am neighborhood all uuextcptiotiable Particulars aud peoiogiaph* mill Ai'AMS Ha! l.i.l, & Liberty street. roulu 13 L'Oll >ALE?A I PKLIIAM. WESTfH I si RR COLS l ty, it. Y.. Hiacrc? oi Laud, ol wftich a portion may 3? oold In plota Irom fi lo >0 actea . this land is wllb.n Id minute*' wulk of the Bartow atatlon. on the llarlem branch of the Sew \ ork and New Haven Kailroad. .tnd Wail stret cau he leuched iroui that station in 1 hour ; the property hat trial I rosvective value, but will n w be told low. Apply lu WILLIAM A DUNCAN. 187 Kill Inn street. 1/<)R RENT?A DE.-IKABLK AND REAUTIPUL r Realdeuce at Yonkera. at a reasonable rent suit ? ble lor a email tauuh ' large ground.-, with truit ot all tinda, ttib.e. grientiou e. Ac.: tue riv. r vl?w la very Ine ground high and healthy. App.i to ot address noC ii, m Maldeu lane, New York, or at real es'ate igeut'a in Von .ere. No one ueed apply who will not re |uire a coachman or a garoener. lo auch a party ? lArgalti will be given. I WILL SELL TI N* LOTS OF OKilL'SD AMI TWO fcood Dwellings on main road, in West Karma, lor |?,Aoo. halt caali. s. M. BKnw s, corner Fourth avenue and 128.b ?t e rMUIODlOM I- A W. II RADFORD, Dht'E -SKD. -iifer l<>r ru<- the following valuable lieai Mtatc, at Kye seach mid <n uetr the Harrison atatioo oi the New Haven nai road;?ist, the spacious nouae on the B ?t .n UouiCMiru. with complete au i extensive nut building*. conservatory. grapeiiea, Irutt ami ilouer gardens and ornain-utai grounJa. The huUac will be ?old with iroui 6 to 12 acres, aud on very easy terms; 2d. lour pi- l- ol grou d Allor-l tig. excellent building ane* ot train 2), to 4 acres, mini ten minute-.' walk of the station at Harrison; 3d. 3> acres ol upland and meadow, at uye u a. h whicu will l>e sold tov?! tier or inp-ou: ihe land iroius on tue new road to i'oriches:er, extends to the i>each road, and command- m.iguihcent views of the round. ? M i N oit jt u. R. JAQL.-.s, lico ?tors, Ac . 26 Chambers street. ,v-iv Vi.rk. V'OSEEi; -.-To I.ET. KOi: i II E SEASON OR YEAR, turuiihed an 1 uniui tushed ilt>Ui<es iu desirable lo oa'lona m; lavur.iole tf-rmv Apply to M MiTCiiElL, ll Pine a reei. YOSKKRS-IO LET, SPLENDID COTTAOB, SINK rooms; nio-lern nipro\emenu good repair: near lepols rner vii w: rent moderate ; come and aee IL Ap ply to JA*e.S Agent at Yonkers. JBRIEY (iri, lltlBOK K\, III UNO V CH't ASP HKHOEX REAL ESTATE. For Kale. 1,'OR SALE Olt TO LET-ON JhRSKY l.ITY A lleiahis, btoun stone iron- llonses, on i rumhull kTepue. witnln 2u urnutesot Liberty street, Sew York; ?rice flv,iX)>. Inquire ot ttlLi I..M BtMniEi^ juue Iion ot Coinmuntpaw avenue and (jraiid street. PROPERTY OIT OF THE CITY FOR RALE OR TO RENT. I -VtlT WOULD L1KK TO Hi t PaK OR, LI A ? brary, dimnc room, kitchen (elevated oven r inge. waahtr nw. bailirooin. three bedrooms an e egaui i ot tage, ail to Vv,ur?eii. on sewered straot. lor ?4o a month. ? ru whole new Cotiaue, six rooms, caiiar. ve?e?bia far-un, tor only ?>'a ni- u b. or ior ? Sa moii<h, a c->aev Home, parlor. Uimng room, ki.cben. range, to jr beorooms, large vegetable garden. Or pna*;int inn teru ?'oiug>i, similar to the last but larger au>i handsotner, lor ?3s a month. iiav? a wnolo houae una garden to yours#If, not part of a tenement. ,, , itetter than np town or llarlem or Brooklyn. only .0 '.niutiUs trout Hunter's Po.o?: cominutailon on > eH ceuis each ?.<y . Si trains d-?i.y, irotu t> a. M. to nn iiiigii , eo.iiioriiU'ie, Ciean. ?>?;? ears, vi arm in winter, ?0-v 111 tuinmer. not ovenrowued. Beau-iiu scenery, boating, dshing. , , , , _ At vv hues one, L. I.: cnurcnes. ?ohoolss high rolling (ro.-ni. u- lie hi liy ua me oitv ai.-i much pleaauuter; these i.ou ca iu>t painted ?;id only Ore to elent minuiei' waig tpiuiia. lint tiivi i , from deeot. or pav a littie more eacn month instead ot rent, and ?mall amount cash do" u. and you cau buy your house sii i have *o nethitia to show ior *our monev In a ?* y ars. ?>o iook at thesu lu-use-. It will only take t.iree hours lu ail. i hirty-tourt ? street or James slip terry to Humor s Point, aud nuahmg anil orth ide Itaiu jad AteH. #. 10 A. M? Ti M.. ija-J- 3 4 P. M. lli ouir,' tor samv.1.1. DkaKi., Aucnt. at w h'.estoue depot it you wtsn more lniormati?ii ca.i at ortice ot onu.r, OkO. W. VAN aiCLES. yWNa??aii street, New lork. ?T Mt'NrCLAiR, N, J., ON tin. IIKIOIUS, MILK ?r- m station coe-v i arm. 13H acre*, stone i -od ouibuii unit*, hoaitiir locattou; prue, J. I' tu*uic 1. ISM Mioadtvkr. PRO PR RT V OUT HP TIIK CITY FOR HAT.K OR TO RENT. A valuable farm, :? ac:: us-abundance ok all kinds of truit: good buildings: well .slut tot; i wo livtrtif sprin : *tr> nns: do.-1 t? the. depot. In a rapidly growlni; town. hours from New York; verv heauhv . price J'.(Jim). Call 011 the owucr ut tin: Inti r national Hu tel. la Purk row, room 52 4 T DOUOI.ASTON, I,. I., 1? MILLS FROM NEW J\ York.?lo let, :i largo Home, conveniently ar ranged, located on elevated ground. 9'Ki yard." of depot ; flu* view ol ound; seven aore> 01 land, more it de Hired; ice house lilled; eusv terms. Apply at 7t Broad way, room 7j, or JOHN Uc.lL), superintendent, on prcrn lmt A NICE COUNTRY Pi ACE, WITH 20 ACHE-', OYER _i\ looking New Brunswick., N. J.. lor sale.?Modern improvements; extensive outbuildings; line views, , drive*, shade : p. ailli.v; peach, pear and apple orchard*; live acres strawberries 1 wo or blackberries. one of rasp berries, cherries. nectarines, grape*, currant*, goose berries, Ac. ; 15 minutes troin good schools, churcne* of all denominations and aepnt; irequent trains. owner. 26 Lafayette avenue. Brooklyn. A HANDSOMELY raUIIHM HOU8B, LARGE ; xY Bam and about one one acre of Ground In Bergen county. New Jersey, one hour trotn New Vork, in ex change for first or second Mortgage or Brooklyn Prop erty, wuli a1 out $12,000. Apply to owner, 193 Atlantic aveuue, Brooklyn. A MAGNIFICENT KAKM. 113 ACRES, IN COXNECTI cut; choice laud; good buildings and fences; every thing in good shape; must lie s dd immediately ; price I $2,21)0; terms easv. App.y at .T'U .Monroe street. A FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LRT?AT DOUGLAS J\. ton, L. I., 12 miles lrotn New York: lino view of Sound; two acres of land : unsurpassed facilities for boat ing. bathing snd -tabling; easy terms. Apply at 71 Broadw ay, room 75. or to JNO. KEID, Superintendent, on premises. A ?TO LET OR FOR SALE, A HOUSE AT GRAN 1\, lord, N. J.; 9 rooms, modern Improvements, in tine order; lot lOUxlro iect- shade, truit, garden and barn; near the station; rent $4i?). inquire ol BKNKY PHILIP, Cruntord. or J. H. POILLUK, No 7 Pine street. AT SHARON, CONN.. TWO DESIRABLE RESI dences, with extensive grounds, mountain air, beauUiui scenery, boating and Ashing, 3l? hours troin New York, for sale or to lease, lurnisbed or uufurnlshed, on very lavorable terms, .ipply to JOHN S, PIEBlj, No. 106 Broadway. AT NEW BltlU H TON?3D MINUTES FROM WALL, street, to rent, several beautifully iocated, furnished and umurnished Houses, with all modern conveniences, stables, gardens. Ac.; reduced rents. \v. a. HARDING, 346 Broadway. ABEAUTIIFUL HOME, UNFURNISHED; RENT $500: furnished Homestead, acre, stable, $W0; each modem improvements truit; near depot; on sandiord cvenue, Flushing., 120 Broadway, Equitable Agents' room i. A COTTAGE-EIGHT ROOMS; LARGE GARDEN fruit and shade trees; delightful situation; .3 m n utes In New Jersey: live minutes lrotu depot, rent $260. MON AGli AN A 1 O., 201 Broan way. AT NEW BRIGHTON ?TO KENT, THREE FUR nishcil and unfurnished brick Villus; stables, gar. dens; modern improvements; eliarining views; 30 minutes trom Wall street; reduced rents. IjK Kay a SCK\M.-<ER. 71 Broadway. A T MOKBISTOWN. X. J?KoR SALE OB TO LET, IV nice country 'louse; six bedrooms, good stable; near my residence ; ni chills and lever nor mosquitoea; near depot. J. >.Miill I) >DGE, No. !5 West Twentieth street New York. THEODORE AYltE-i, MorrixtowiL Beautiful residence in norwai.k, conn., ten minutes from Now Haven 1 abroad lepot: lot 100*160 house :t'ix4l -, I wo stories cellar and garret; lur naoe, Ac. Apply to W. D. IIOAG, No. 4 -outh St., N. Y. BLUKSrONE OUAItRI'''IS AND F.WtM?320 ACRES, price $111,1**1. halt ca-t ; half imlo from Erie liail wav. 100 miles trom New York , exuyisive ledge ol best quality blue .tone; verv productive quarries developed; 1 70 acres improved ; excellent grass laud; two story irutno house, eight rooms, large barn, numerous soriugs: one mile of trout stream ; great water power-, orchards and garden ; very healthy locality : title perfccL Addre-s U. T. MaY, 42 at. Mark's place, city. Belmont iiall?it. rooms io let, in* the terrace. New Brighton s. I.; three minutes irom the lan ling. w. A. t oi l; . , a8 Pine *tr?et. / COTTAGES AND LAROK HoCSES-FURNISIIED V7 p.n 1 unfurnished, at Lorn.' Branch. Eatentown, En glewooa, orau^'c, Ac., to let and for bale: prices to suit UM times. h A. DaILLY, tbfl sixth avenue. L'OR SALE AT AUCTION. A On Friday, April 30. at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, Glass llou-e Property, In Pittsburg, 1'a. That valuable property known as the O'Hara Glass Work*, coin;.rising a lot containing about 2>f acre* of ground upo wbi h is erecteu the Factory, 14 'xflO lees, and other neeessarv buildings- coniaiuin/ two Inrge 'tacks, in lots eairi: si'ven lerrs each 55 feetlong; large storerooms cutting shop, mould shop, e.evators, I uilroad tiding tlretrooi r ....n tor m .ul.i>, Ac.; boilers, enginej, Ac,, and a large assortment ol moulds of the most elegant les /ns, an 1 implement* of every descrip tion tor the manuiaciur of i|la?sw-tre. rhls is |>roha> bly the m >st complete eftablisbmeii 01 the Kind in the United - tates lor innntifaciurlng giuss cheaply in largo quantities and of ? quality sarpa*i>eii 1 y none. An ex amination ot the properly und Inventory of toils, mqtilds Ac.. Is lnv t E The factory is now running. Terms of sale one-third cash, balanep In one ami two years witii interest, secured by mortgage on premises. For further particulars Inquire at m>. 1-1 Water ? net. Pittsburg, Pa. LYON, sHo iT A CO. L'oR SALE-TENNESSEE MARBI.E QUaRBY; A r first cla?s lease; well lo ce 1 ^n river; easy of access: marble extra quality; price reasonable. Bishop. Wlnt-sburg, Teun. T."1|>R SALE-FARM AT TLCKAHoE, IN CITY OF II Yonkers. Westchester county; lii miles from (iratid Central tie pot; iron mg on Central avenu an 1 known as the ihoinas I>. 1 n.ierlull 'arm; containing about 123 acres; line view; delightfully located : parties wishing (rounds lor college or punlic institution would do well to ex inline. Iioiulte 01 the Executors 011 the premises or ol H. MERItll I, 51 . bird nventie, >. Y. fjU'RKISHXD IlOUsE To RENT?IN ORANGE, r N.J ; location ver\ desirable: omr t?o minutes' walk to depot. 1 or pariiculu- mouire at MAsoN A IIaMLIN ORGAN CuMPaNY, 2J I niou square. Ij'ARM 1- OR 9AI.E?TIII. MOST DESIRABLE BELOW r the lliKhlaiids: fine meadows, urchards and coun try w*ta; view of 1 he iiud.-ou tor 41) unles. B. F tVIl I II-. Agent, larrvtown, N. Y. F'OB SAL ?OCEAN HOUSE. CAPE MAY. X. J.; AC ronimo lation lor liStfuests; all luruishud and ready foe the com ng ?? !*? n DA VIM A SIMPSON, 711 Walnut street, Philadelphia. TJK)R SALE-CHOICE, SELi CTI.D VIRGINI A LAN Oj r Iraeis of 5acres; per e- titles; well locate 1 on railroad; water. A .; tiinlier, 1 vtr 1 . iron ore. tlrst eiases some gocsl larni land : this and i, worth . 10 per acre; will sell for $2 per acre no < x< 11 age. J. H. W H 1 ill: Bristol. Va. TOOR SALE OR KES'T-AT BAYENtWOOD, L. L, r t?" v.?rv desirable Houses, ol 12 rooms each: ground 50x1 0 feet l or terms iaquire ol GLOU LIFB I M KaNCK COMPANY litr Broadway, or of J. 11. IH'PKI.Ns Itsrenswooj. Flo It SaI.i. OR r.X t IIAXGE?Al CBANFOKD (< >N the New Jersey central), a first class new House, mo'iern Improvements; lar*- lot: l'ruit and vegetable g ii den; 'J) minutes from Brosdwuv. Addrn.s box l.b3.i New \ ork Po-t offlce. I/OK RES r-FCRNMHhD UK V VKPRN'IrtHKD, A r coro.ortable r n h r<m( house, 10 room*; all con venience., Krtrtl> n Mltlt. at \\ oodside, N. J. (upper Newark) ea?y acc, *s mul verv m .titrate term*. Ail dree* or apply tnUEOttOE II. WEoSTEIt, No. U? Hroad street. Na? *ork. ION.. BRANCH.? TO LET. SWl-a COT TAGE, DK J llghtfulir ttiuated: elegantly furnished: reut moderate. HUNKU. iuJoUaKLE HR.>WN, 90 Broa I wa r N'O PO Tl'ONEMENT?8HEKIFF'.- SAI.E AT .^omerrille N.J.. Mar I: flne Irult farm of #il acr<?. near Plalnflel I, <m the New Jersey Central Kall roail. Apply III Measrs. DONINO, KuSAI.I. A HART, Aitorncs s, No 9 Nassau street, or to Mr. V. OERARD, No. 1 Hood street. V I K.-BARB OPPORTUNITY.-KLK'IAN r RESl a! denee. turnlshi ii. with siable, ior sale. rent or ex channe lor New York improved Property; gr unJ? ship* to rivt r. choicest iocailou ; room*, aaa. water, walunt stairs. bathroom; plains all around ; tower, lurnace and all improvement* tnr <? in nuteV walk irom station. Address bo* i,o4o New \ or* Post ..(flee. N'All ANT. MA S.?a nrw house, modbbn im _ provement*. I? room*. never occupied, to let tor the summer season, lurulslioil. Address h., box luu Aahant (Rasa) foatofll ? ON THE TEBRACBS. NKW RRIUIITOB? PRINTER list turnisiii d ami untarnished tottMei and eiegmt Dwellings, billiard ro<>ra?, s' grounds; rents re duced. W. A Cul.L.i V-, ? I'ine street Haiiw>y n. j.-to let. IOMI ESTABLISHED store and Dwelling atn.hed; centre ot business. I HUM AM PliEN US. Agent. CMAUiOflAOE .O l Er WITH TWt? ACRB> OF s? tr -ei SiS1 per ye ir 15 minute*' walk (rum Ira Park Ian - . i<|uire at Wi Canal street up stalra. O'! III oRANGK M. j.-ro Ler. llol'ttE, 12 ROOMS! O stAlue, grounds. *'ia|. : depot eight minutes: rent f.vo troin Marl; immediate possession. Address bo* HW7 l'o-t ..(floe. VJTdHIN'OTO*. CO*S.-to P.KNr. POSSESSION IM O in- diatcl >. l<31 ni-tae.l House, with Plot ot Ground adloining; bot anJ coid water, stationary tub*. batti and all conveniences; seven rooms. exciu?lTe oi kitchen und attic rent $5 0 (ruin May to ntcember. Address TON ING ION. i oxs.tiM New- York Pott office. cruMir, ?? ?? miles pro* city.?io let. a O nice House, containing nine roouis and cllar. with barn and it acres, (or $^si a year, *ix annntes'wait e* Providence s tat in. Apply to owner, GEO. W. LO u, *0 r uiton street Ci.MMir. f. i -ro 11:r, for tw? < y \h r om O May I. n modem built one-vtar-old House; eleven ro .au; very near station; a tenant wanted who v?lit t.av the lurui uts at a low rate, Inquire ot a. uKa> lb. Agent, oppo?ltu station; or u Mr. MtRitAY, 101 Maiden lane, rear office, troui Id to 11 A M. Ct'MMFR MOA DING HOl'SK HOTEL OB OBuTS O to let?Van erbtlt i.ainling. taten Island . tlve min tiesirom lerrT; si* aer.-s; line -ba te ueoc lli e loca tion 4*i room*; rent 9**u U.J. ORbe..> FU;L0, .V< Broad way. TO l.BT?KRoM 1 r oi- MAY. A PlR^T CLAM Dwelling, incomplete order, Iu a g..od neighborhood; house rontaiiis en room*, with aU modern improve menis; street cars pass the door, and wiliun throe min Uies* we Ik i.i Morris anu ssex uep t. rent S > tJO. in quire ot WILLIAM ALl.E.s, tJ ftut>' etreet. Newark, TO LET?AT HAMTiWii-<, O.N THE HUi.8 'N. A brlca iiou<e. < onteimuj v room* good uarden, with grapevines. Iruil. .tc luqiure at Mr. Ooolnnd'e grocery, et H i hi. - .<? .i Leon ird ?t . i.r ? uuil rpo LET?FAR RiiCKAWAY-A FLKNI Hr. l O T X lage. logutfcer w.t.i stsme. poach bojae an I 40 aerea ot su. roun nng grounds; a.l .eilgntiuli v aiiuaied anu in Ual vie>v oi tile oceau. Apply io JOtlN U utCUI, *) Franklin street, S. Y. r|'0 L r?AT FAIKVI. W, N, J.. ON NORTHERJf 1 Railroad, three inluutes' walk tr >m depot, a nicc two t ore Uouse n'lth h;i e acre* oi land, stable and carrl* ag.. h. use honto ill good order; 10 rooms, wn.ct and r*nee in; truli in abundance, rent moderate. Apply on preiin e-. io J. WitAuO, or i'LA k, 11. riroad svny, bate m mil, room C. rro LET?FOR THE SUMMER MONTH ti, IN MONT X c.air, N. J., a Ane large turnishad couse. near tht village, with garden, iruit. horse oarruge, cow. Ac. Addraaa foal eltiet U*S tu. Monioiatr. it. J, PROPERTY orr OP T1IK CIT\' Pt>ii M \ r/i; OR TO BKVT, rr.? 1-1 T -Mill ! I, IN KMTIM'SH. ? I.: \ I? '''? *? I bold it ii I tw o hit s ill l lt? I ? rent $ ;'i 'i <ii tl ? In quire ui IM Ai i l'11'. t . 7 i'l !? uiioii stri i", I> U rpo I.KT A C1HKA1 HAltU UN ?'i.Nl.Y PKB I year,-A / endiu i ? -:tti11 v ! .? i < tKv. ? Mil- w '? "> Nun' Vnrt, mi i.i 114 J -: .t i . ? : hour ir in ' in l Hi' '?> minute- irom i<tin it ? i ?int: 5 n nut.- ' w.u mat de |n it; ii U iruiKN i! nily; m unit itii.ii le s III a it ^ '' ' ? liti|/e nou v. 12 rooms .lining room, kit li"ii mi t ? * r.ii i..iifr rootm si it lii. Hi. lie it ii i iti-e, ,tc. ; plenl v ol ?Biter; tv. i ut'i't'S ol Inn... i vi'??o.l .?.H i itj1, l'?. 'i 6 cli.Trv mi.i shiiiU' ii i'?-i lar; t> u u..1 amors: all in he..ring nr.ier ; liower un.t vt-j.-uililc far leu. \p|> 0?' to J. COE.Ni.LJ* So i Eases Market. rpo LET; VERY LOW?ON UPPER TERRACE. N i AR 1. m. Mirk s 11utc 1. New Brighton. J nlre hr.ok ll??> w having all conveniences: sii cud id vit-w and near le o y. A. >IM Broadwa f _ rno LET OB FOR salk-a stone HOUSE. s?>3?: J three ttorifts, 14 rooms carriage ho urn.' and stab to 24x48; all in splendid order. inquire ol O. II SKM in Monroe. N. J., ur NATHANIEL liuK. 4.10 Varick stre ?'? rpo RENI ?*T ROSf-.VILLE. Ni;WaIIK, -V. J., i X boautiml Cottage, wiili lo room \ all the modern It ? - pro vem en to. staples. Ac : $4ju. Apply to a. f... ema. i. H4 Fuiton ?tieei, or J. I>. i aPP^n, orange atree t. Boravilic. rno RENT?FOK THE MONTHS OF JUNK, .It'LY 1 and August, to a sniull luinily only, at South Orange, N. J.. <lve minute*' walk from the depot, a desirable Cottage, wi h all modern improvement-!, completely nirnislied, and in a choice an i most healthy location. Aiijily to V iHULEY A PHYFli, 30 1'i no street, Iroui U to 8 P. M. rpo RENT?FULLY Fl'RNIsHF.I). AT ORE; NWl H, I 1 Conn,, a large Houie ; barn. Ac.: excellent water. Address, for tins week, Cut NTKY, ileruld Uptown . Branch olllee. 1 rpo RENT?THK UPPEIt FLOORS OF Mi. 110 NORTH J J. Ninth street I'hila.lelphta; billiard*. restaur nt or lodging. Apply to 1. N. USUI Ii. lU'J .North fclXtO street, j Phiia.lelpbl t. rpO REST?IN NEWARK, V J., A FIRST CLA8?< J brown stone four story liigii sloop House, situate In Hill street, tlrst house irom Brou.i ? distant but a lew minutes walk irom the Newark and n? w York Railroad depot; lius all tne moiertt tin prove me nts; will be rented tor one or inure years to a des.rabie tenant ut the rute ol $1 500 per aiinuin. Fov turtner partieulars, j apply at oftice of Riot; ? a Co., fid Wall street, or at Corner ol lirotul and Hill streets. Newark. N. J, ?)Q ACRES AND HOUSE TO LKASK?AT 1 LUSH. OQ int< arable; bcalihy: two railroads; cheap. Ap ply to ELl.loi'f r, Si EfARL), no Uroudway. dkQEA VhAR.?TO LET, OOTTAOR HOUSE, HAR- j )lr rison, N. J., 7 rooms, larite gardi'ti, iruiis of all kinds 25 minutes Morris and E??ex Railroad; S minutes' walk Irom station. Address 0, C. Rli OK, Herald office. KBAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. , tpi wiiTlt CM A NCI*' ?FOR SALR 0U EX A clmn^ioe.ul rt t.rtcllyar.l property at^UoHwan V I . Vwautv-i'iantacr. * oi brick clay; WW feet wster M-ont;t\v, mvV'hl.Vi tttl.i.-*; large Micas. camibl e oj tM. tin; will t. ado on? or b?tb l"r 'wPart or street, Jersey City. A (Jl-NTlil'M VN'S MANSK>v. NI.AR SKW V<?HK in'the centre of a cit> ; modern improvement* i Sa^SSSSr' t FXC1I aNGE. FOR BROOKLYN OR N?W YORK A. House a modern Residence near the Hudson, - lev' -; no encumbra ncc. Aoadw.v. ~~I PHARMIN-q'RESIDENCE. WITHIN 13 MILKs nF A New Yortt, to exchange tor n flrat . /'"l0 *?. IT'r co"tV. tatHc ? ..untnruenb^.d, and cash wlU bo paid lor aitlereuce in valuo. JHOd. a. sion. u j Cedar street. _ ? aa.!?.r?to'8aJS*?^ T?xciTasue. for cut Oi NTLEMAVS trorn Isrryi splendid '^ o.^OLLINS 28_Hl..e stree>._ V.,",!. - XLK?A LA BOB PRuPET-iH ,'EaI'. new FYork city snltabio for nianutsctarlM Pl?r.?.???? h?v\lu r...??to UT ,nn;LLaUro*a ",olu ie Addle n b.j* 'J New Yor*1 ost oltlce. TCTARsTi ANU COUNTRY Sl AlS W ANT'-O?*0R fShx^Jsss^arzu^^ t'"l TK fc 1C U. 1.2iW 3r.,?d.vMj . ??? York'sillf^Brooklyn! Address X., Ueral.1 uffloe. ?. M^SPan^nt? hanHi?? p/a**on M.*1?{?en?.R * i in\m,iPi? !%T DOUBLE M4NStoN, KUOMS. ^1' with all improvement*. plotol urounn *S U;ie ws er front, on Ne ? York bay. at Bergen 1;Ji> '? *? J.. ODD ??UUd; w.Uexchunuefor Tennessee or Ue?Uia ,auu. ur city fropert,'j, m,*?i&.^j?r?V Cit'y._ nr thK rlNKrtT FAR** IN mkw jwrsky O' will be exchanged lorelty ?r ir o ? ki; " 'r 40. tores first cls?s 'JJV'^'TwTa U akC&SHLA I NO, SjLiliflyi?wit''tf*N R f' I a??>ENlom'iRiver. >? inlNcbNarVV|U in t viliai/e ot 3 AW innabltant* and raiHUv irSwinf l7 mii#.iru|u New York. Principals vA'tip; plyTo i' W. ORllEbTlANK. 3* Cedar street, irom i**> ANIKO?OOOO TTtHABl.E MKBCHaNOtiO??? W suitable lor the \%. stern trade. In MCtialze Joi*'* splendid -tibm ban iff ideuce in New Jersey. Add re * W. J'., bo* 1-8I Herald otflce. 1/i/r SP en DID LOTS. WITH WATER FROXTS AiT 100 Bavoim- ' Itv. N. .1 ; uncc ?lU.uOU; to exi-lian^ lor Ne? Vork. i.rookiv u or Jci? -y t uy ' >'uUi, M OIHSO.s, 31 Montgomery street. Jersey Oll>.^ REAL BSTATK WAXTED. ll'AM I'?A 1AIIM IN OUT IIERN OHIO, \\ n?t i??. than AW acre-, with ilood linprov. menUs nV.rrSi'roVd. C. U., 1 i ark LUce._ l?*AMfc.l>-A HALF LOT I > OKhl-.NWOOD OEM - \V tlrv. Apoly to SUlil'PARD M oOH, 114 t Uitott street, A?* York. EIHOPE. >Vaxxe?. aooni ur hunci.?tu be hold, by C' private contract, the important I re.'hold Prop rty. know* ??lln ? bateau de Tbor im. a ma/nlilceiit. modern ".ne-bulit Villa. 11? -? priiv-'J 2i late .>ir Richard Atwood Gla?s. tojfether wit i tile w.toW ?i lie valuable iuo i. ru an.i lupropt iate lurulture, r ix tares. "uhiM. Ac. and about twenty a. res oi Land, i in hoUM* i!? ciiurininuiy ?uuAtr<l un an elevated Hon a. out a .nil ' troui he shores oi the Med.urj|aiiean, havinc an ext ..sue and uninierruote, l view ot the "Pen .. a, the pi. t.irer iue town ot C tuner, ihe ad leceiit islands ot Ht. >iar4Uente and **t ilouorai, tlie Unit o' N ipottle tin* r stervl hlileaud the nuirou .iim? c??uu ry. it bin the l tali >u style ot architecture, an.l wa< ttudt revardless ol expense by the late owner lor own oo; runation it i* approached trotu either to? east or wwl enintwse sates "j.srriaiie, wmli-nt oy a <entlo li-e nt thrnu jIi th ? tr.iun.i*, mid ea.uui to an I nposinit covered porch no I contains <m the ground ilo .r, which l* is i . litgl) a naoJwme entrance uatl and ""j8 whicb. together witr the sojc.ons co ridor. i*l.t, long, a e i''e.i wi u marb e; a btlltarJ room i-It. 5 In. v tiiL Vlii ? m .king roo.ii. 17 iu s# in Uy latt. Bin.. ?u . a rS::r, s re . ' . u?|/, I* llV al? lU If AM.* IIUl tss???i| larg bav Which I* U H. < H?- deep, bv lf? It .']III. wi le. sou com.?uni. atlng bv tol ling do. rs on slde "lth tne ante-drawn.* ro n . Wit. i.v t. t..-?. u.. aina ? ?.'.e other ?>1.1^ with the ?!l .1 g r.K'lll, M It. 3 III. by l? IV v lit. >''? .. ... i.. ... ri. - rA.iins on this !lo.T have hand?ome oaa whole ot the rooms on this tl.? r ha*.- ..Ik usrguet floor-, it tb. Iroat windowsopeii on_ o a s.oue , bale"/' u ived with inartile. ttieuoe by steps descen ii"* to tue iatgVterrace on whicu tke^Bouse is _uiii.-na u,i? i. .>tt* uUv arranired with ura** pl**tj*? beds and flue specimens ..t palms ^winougating wi t the .lining room is ? Mtuu-tircuiar coiwe^raiotj . in handsou.e double staircase is ot mcnumenUl mar i_ an.i most ?ubstalitlallv bul.t. ihe fl st tlw ? hK.u ?s three g?od s..uil. Ix drooins. resp' iUi 'v isi . OS n 1-tt. 9 in. i>v . if'.. 18it. by 1. it. with UresdhgUoS. i to each Kit l?in. bv S ti. ? In., an 1 two bedr.. in-, west It.ft bv Htil and I ."it Sin bv ?|t if lu ; ';?jbr.,.m t tted with hot and cold wjier uoplies. Ac., and ovtr tn^i.ii ^ti^e^ iilolVr' .l'ryJ'right unlf s^y 'ar'^mos^oii^jBiei^ 5!lnMd. ^comririt kiteben/*.l^n. ?au.d;y, r.XXeuehou", ?d is 1;?l:he,J,,er>lUn.odern "comfort SST'eonvf** ncr. " BesWe- havmexcel < nt "?'?"j' froln we". ." the prooerty. .he hoaec and ground, are tsrtstfis sirr?"" ?ss'" whi n M? an In .ereiidenl entrance irow .^L^?^;on anspouiry boine- and other ou ooi^mfs. :* ?*1 ?,d?W :T-"tv.? * ^ with U eiiVuse. Tnctoia. extent ot th. nropert i victnitv of the hooee and w?uthwan1 h -hia ta-t i . aTrT.reUiV"aPrlle"?s^,V*"""nd''ths*?^'tropic?l pleats, and tine *1 jic^?' hersr??wo Vr*eohoo*'s"?b!i a SrSKiv,,hv s?, '^frrirrS ?ifanfeino*i trees. f'i'twil"wter Vor^urT'e'1Z i^ct^VsS.Va^ Vho??>; ^A^.? i.ohdon. t mK AXP tKSAM. ~ n" wiiOUHCLL A CO-> NORTH V 2' V Vireetpore Cresiu rteilvsr.d In Mf part nacied la Me to'snr'towli' bifwa/o ^li'tou^nd w'asn inRtct). __ MKllIt AI.. ; I'VIf K I'lU r -Hi' AND MWK Hoy (? ^ ?E A cotl-uit d o. iilldetiti v J v ?t__.Vi_? ivt.. n A."KattK. a y^^^.U.d ?>'''' 'r^niV.'it:: .? J C^g\grtc.' Vrss' ** B^a^.^^r^we'/ D?B'. aoras^uarsore*^ SAL.MM AT A. I ( TiOI. A." BY RKNuWXfcD r ^ 2 v*< C i C 4 * 0.a w C I I - ^ a - sjis'l . iS!ea siiiOiiii s t:n ? .,>2 ?-T /< ^ a 5 2**52? ^ ?*?/: ? P - i*?:1 a " sk g g 2 Bl ? ?" t g !> Ii 51# ?? 01 fUilUKOlgg "ilie iiibv bo brieily and truthfully charae. terl/eu is tiy rnr the be^ttba has b en ottered In the uuc lion iimU) this season uii I Kiieui the be.t that Ua> ever been disposed oi'iu this city."?Sew York limes. SPi.'TaL. ?ro promote the convenience or buyers ,-J.Als 1- It i'UK SALE win. UK RESERVED ANJJ TICK Id ISSUED ON APPLICATION To ilie Messr*. LliAVITl'. Auctioneer!. A A KT SALE THIS liVKNINO, T1IK LARGE CGLLEC HON NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION. DAY AND EVENING AND TO BE SOLO AT THF. bOMERViLLE OALLLRY. 82 FIFTH AVENUE, THIS (THURSDAY) AND TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) EVENINGS, APRIL 22 AND 23. AT 8 O'CLOCK. ROBE KT SO M ERVILLE. AUCTIONEE R. RT SALE. To Illustrator*, Collectors of Rare Prints. Ac. Now ou exhibition at the Clinton Hall Saleroom, a flue collection ut ENU RAVED PORTRAIT aN .i OTHER ENOKAVINOS, sui;a It- lor i'lustratiuK or tor scrap books. DH ttnifulshed American-, Foreign Celebrities, Dra ma. to Historical,, Ac.. Ac., together with a uun\i i?r Ot Valuable Autograph*. ?s uisd Pamphlets. To be solii uv auction i n THURSDAY, April a 7,la o'clock P. M. The Messrs. Li.aV'ITI', Auctioneers. A N '.IMPORTANT SALE OK I1IUH CLASS il I-. n'uKav i n '. s. the v?*y best Impression-, iraim i i:i the most tasteful uinl l.i te.-t siviwf, auituble lor libraries, dining rooms, chumt>am, 4c.; also WaiF.k Ooi.ouh, in lae j tmlli', clogautly i;t<.nn*> <1; also a tVw CU .ICe, ORIGINAL PAiNTI.?Os>. The balance. cointueuclnft at lot 101, will be sold THIS i aY, at 12 o'clock. AT Till MATllliWS CALLUKY, 47 AND 49 LIBERTY STRR.ilNow ou exhibition. DANlr.L A, MATHEWS. Auctioneer. V B. WALDRON. AUCIIONEER. A. uv i>. w. ivr..s. Wa h ihes. Jewairv, solid silverware. Clocks, Ac. i!tie entire Mtock in store 415 -ixih avenue, iIII.-. i>AY. at 21., o'clock. Mr. P. i'- GosseUil ha* occupied the store 415 Sixth ave nue over'! 5 years anil is now retiring iroin business. . lie uri?.uil line jin.i will be warranted as represented, the sale w ill commence on Thursday and wtit continue till ail is * ild. .u.B will be peremptory. Catalogues at 108 Liber ty street. A. -jElU . JOHNSON, JR., AUCTIONEER, I'urnltu re. Mercnandlsc an I Kino Art* Salesroom, 37 Nassau street, Real 1 <1 tate Department, 21 Park row, New York. THIS DAY. AT 10X O'CLOCK. at our salesrooms 37 Nassau street. A CONTINUATION OF THE OKEA1 SALE OP HOCBK HOLD Fl fc&i'IJ'UKE FROM >1UK\UB AKKUoL'SE, aiivguan .ey of Brin,els and ingrain Carcuts. painted Bedtoom v.f's, Miting. itandiui? uud cynuder Desks, \\a et CooA'rts, Oilcloth. Uel'nuer itnrs, office Hailing*, .Matting*. tii*? Parior uits, bedroom ana dining rouin Furniture. itf..tir?. Exieuaiou labl-s, Budaia, to-. Crockery, C&iUaware, silverware, tleddu.K, ic. ?JKRfV. JOHNSON. JR., AUCTIONEER, i I urnis are, Merchandise und Hue Art* Salesroom, S7 .Viiuui: aircet Heal Estate Department, gt 1'urt row, New York, ou Saturday at 37-Nassau atreet, 2.5)0 YARDS MOQr.ST, HiiCcSELS AND INGRAIN Carpeta, Molting, Olxloth, .to. lly order oi ;he ansMtuce. tgMONi-K'S SAXrfS.-D. B. M'OOLLOUOH, Al'C 1 V ttuiicer, t>7 Tbirif avenue, corner Eleventh street, will hi'u. :it uulilio auction, at <3<i Duano street, ou Tliurs day, \ ri l IHi'i. at 2 o'clock, i-y order ot James Mci uliouifh. Assignee of McOBllough'a Lean Company, bankrupt, K>t ol i.cad I'ipe, lluok Shot. Drop hot. Bulla u ols. Kegs, Boxes. Suo; lia^?. 1 large Box. 2 four wheel, trucks. J r?rne -{oves, 8 Platiorm bcalos, : .ue 2 I?o-kau 1 1 I'll)"? Machine, In coaipluto order; lot ot-undue- ale po*i:lve. | TTKNTIOX IS CAlAt&O TO A SUPKl.MK OGCRT .\ mi I o oi Mnr? Property corner .-econd avenue and Hi !i ? i- et by Oho. u. s. Hit, Auctioneer, on 1 burs ting April it, at xclmuRe Salesroom, ill Broadway. M? i iti,11 parti cularsat the office oi in* auctioneer &}? I'.lie Street. \ Ci l'IOh'.?AVCTIOX.-AUCTION.?THE SALE OK .;V the season.?Over 3>n lots and worth ol elegant Household Furniture content* ot private snauslon of Herman Manners, tea, tl East ioth su, n. ur B.oadwav, commencing at 1 iV, o'clock, tins day, via..)t <'Ct a V' ? rosewood I'lanotorte. eo*t $96o; ele,'aut imlor ui;*, covered 111 plain and tlgureii satin ana slii. reps: Mirror,. Brussels Carpet*. Oil Paiuutws, Hroii.'i't i.iw ruituiiH. Clock*. Bookcase*. Ornament.*, iu ki-li i hairs Bedroom Suits, In rosewood und wal nut Die*sing Cus.'s lo in a ten, single and double Bed *,.-ads, Hunan*. War!robe? spring ami bair, I ouiiues. t li nr? Pillows Ko.slers, Sheets, ynilis; I>iu iiiK Kooiu, Basement an! Kitchen furniture: Buffet, Ex l n-l.m i ibie, riau>. t uiitt. Clilna, Olassware, Crock ?? v and other article* u-eiu'l for uouaekeepina. iih.NHY Zi.S.v Auctioneer. I ? IIIA WELL K>OWX LftJL'OR -TOR ? 6o7 JX* ? rand street, corner Madison, with Ave y ars' Ic.iae, W'll be sold at public auction lo-morrow. at 1 OJ. l.L' VI). Auctioneer. Brua.iwaj. A l.FRi.O Li.oYO. AUCTlONhKR-OFFICES 2> V Broadway will sell oy auc i-u this day, at 10:30 the r", xtures :in>i l.l'iuors ol .lie eM.iurant and dar No. 5 \i irray sirt et. co-e to new Post otllce biiverware, tVktxw.tre, l ib e.. Chairs, Hanger Ac. sale poalUve. ?l t'CTI1'N >AL . Al't rioN SAL T X\. ot eleifluit cabinet made Kti:xrri he, tills Ihtir^lav) > O t.N'iNt>, i oinmeuciuf at l!i o'clock, at fire ?iorv brown utoiie inausiot NO. *7 W SI SIMKl.Mll Ur.<K BETWEKN FIFTH AXU SIXTH AVi.NUKS. ?rvni legant lour round 7', octave I'Hnoiortet, ?TK1.V WAY A SO.Nf A -II DKCK It k BK >'f 11KRS; tin.'i ii Paintini.'i rlciilv oirnvi Parlor *ul < ill biocade, ?.i In an 1 cote laiiie*; I nrkisb Ka?y f'hair?, handsome inlaid fctagere. with III tr.rori inlaid tni ;u> ry isbtes. imp irio 1 bronze Fmures, 1 oni Mantel Sols C ocks pi itc Mirror* Jar dlni'.t- urtalna. itirkuti uit i7 pil ibrary ani hetri :al.!t >? oac.t-e> Ubrkrv isbiet. Writing l>e*k*. Ma. or ?t' lnlai 1 and wilt Bedroom suits comistmg Hp<l?ici . ?, Dresanjl 1 n*?*. tuolr^-a-'- acc Commodes, M ai.'irt.ui ill. .*<? . 7i One li nr and ?prin? Mattresw* I'ulows in 'oe top labia*. Rockcrs rep ant plush Suits, Tur tb'U LoungM hxteti se n i ?bo ?, rrench walnut and (Hit BufTet, i nan- in leather Silverware. Dinner and lea et?, mii ? in li . i? cloth; basement an I kitchen Furniture. 31 Brussels a tul ingrain Carpets and assortment usetui House11old L nicies V li ? a ?? po-itlve. Take University place or iSih avenue cars t?r 6Ht aveuue stave to ldtn street. ;"H Hi C. CASiIIX, tuctloneer. competent ilieu to remove, p ica or ship food*, city or cotintr,-. A' ITuN t? LE-AT PlUVAlE KESIDK.NCK. 120 We?t :i.i stre. I, b 'tween 6th and .tli mvenues, mm n .ii.: a I' , ? clot'*. 2 1) ^ UAH O ill 11-UaVi April 2, Stania y ,t -on- an 1 Hratlburv I'lanoiories, 4 tg it I _ ? _ . . moutUs. com ? i,i??i eacb. >!a?nir.i?? i; craning i: .OIII nits. In satin. Fine nianiur-t! ry labie*. K:a,ere?. in all Cabinets. lmponeo Briii Ms, f.rumal oil I'aln ing>, velvet and moquet Carpet i, Kasy < lutrs l.oungei Mirrors, lace ?tn i brocaiel curt mis. gilt t:.iu-ioi' Tables, liookcaso, sou volumes choice oks, Ladv's Writing . esk. - tcinn a) .1 , .ou?' and lira iburv I'ianolortet. Stools, , o\e s. Ifl isic Cabinet^ JW pi Cei .>hect Music. Library aii t Ditd ng Room Sulla covere l Hi rep? und lemtier. Kxtcnsl ?n lubes. Ilurlet, Chairs, lounges, tde Tables, hepulators, >iver Sate, inagniflcem Wheeler A Wilson abinet M wing Ma bine, fiao; Solid Mlver aim Mieffi, il I'.at'-* Ware . China. Dinner and Tea .-et*. Cut Olass and Cc; VXare; Basement and kitchsu Furniture. Ac. Bedrsacn contains namely? Superb Bedroom silts, i ret-lna Ca*e. Bedclothea Bu rt u*. Wash?t inu?. Ci >miiio'les. lable, ? Hair*, Kocaers, A) tine s*lnte curled nut - Manres?es. >nrlng Beils, Vuiiun linen sheets ani sing ia tind double B"d-leads. Ua* Fix tures ?c. >aie poiil ive in lots, be catalogue. over sou lots Hr.M.Y E. Mc JON'N r.i.L, Auciioneer. No'lce.?Coinpetrni men :n attendance to cart, pack and s.up good* lor purchasers. I UOTIOX. Al'lTIO.V AL'C I ION. .t <? At red lance IOI> Wcfll I wentv-elghth street, near sixth avenue, ihls (im?/*-dav) morning at loH o'clock, n ran opp,.riuiiity iif iit.usekeeper* iisrntshing city or country e-uoence*. Msffniiu ent ?rand snu.ire li-i ooiav? ti.ur r uu l corner ri'sew-oiHl Pianolorte. cost $) i). oeautnui late'i style Parlor ?-uit , covered wlu? satin, brocade, r>-p< and haircloth: Kedstriid*. Humus. able*. Com,nodes. OrA-isum Cases, Wardrobe*, eprlug and ii ur buttresses. H?s tdiiig. ?ota? i:Hair-*. Lounges, Et age res. Mirrors. Carta ins Paintings. i!ronze?, Vases, t. l icks 19 carpets. Kx ens on uble, Buife:. D.ul ig Chair* U,as*. China. Mil er M are. Cu:lery, Library Fur n tu.e *c . in all over :ifl lo s u*etul Household Fnrnl ture. <jnods pickeu and 4 Mivercd lor t>U' cha*crs, city or country JUlJ' K K a EM Jilt, auctioneer. li' itOlKKI IOMi. h1 II.I.E. AUCflOXKER, 7? l tuvt r?lty plate ilOCSEIluLD FCKXlrinK. , CARPETS, MIRKortg, PIAXOS, BEDDINU. Clli.NA. ULA?M, 4C? MC., IHITdaT. fttiUEHT BOMKRVIl LEi.Wiil sell hy auction ibis day Ohur-iliiy . ^urit at (0-, o'cloca. at tue privati resi leiKe i./d weet I weiiiy-trnt street. HuU*eboUi Fur iniure, con* iling ot velvet -rtt<-e.s an i lugraiu Car pat-, i lei Am'. Msntct Mirrors, parior, library and .?aanuer turmture: .eu?i?arf?. rtur-aus. itardrobea C ntrj und t xtentloa iaoi<?s, Chain, i,ouiig*i. otaa. .. a - i :iuia, hair Mac resses. teutlier osier* au l I'u (o?* i u mill-, t o nice*. Lanibitiiiulus, viuok*. Orna lii' Uls, KtlCneii UD'IISI.S, Ac.. At! 15 If Pl.TLlt BOWi., AlC I10NEER. 17 Ucntcei household Fumlturo, i ill I JAY, at i. o .-io, n. .it tm ?>e*t I vventy tottr'h sV. Parlor su * in heps, Mamei Mirrors Lambrciiu'n*. cui iain* an i t.uriiices uiajsing Bureaus, t eutre iable . m, utile i op WaalMtanls. Hiat* naiiiut t eds aati*. xt*u .i >n >abi?. Drawing uoom Chairs, u ui tvu a?. Brunei- mid iiurstn t arpets. Oilcloth. Cioon orv, Uiamwar.'. .-tove.*, Kucnen t tensils. neirigeramr. one h null bla. . waiinit and o?a Ice Hi iise. I > V C. D. FAVOR. Al'CltOXEKH? X FRIDAY, II ifinl ft, at the residence, 3)3 and 7 West Fuurtieuth street, near i lghih avenue, large a*?. ilncnt l ouxehold . ur.iiture Ootiip',ls;ug lltirenn*. Bodstf ids, cutt te mts. Budding, Carpers; f iriyr, inulng luruiture; dealers in v.le i. Vai neuiare rritlar. AT AICTIOS. I ? V ROBERT SOMi'.RVlLLI , A; CTIO \EBK, 7i UNI VI Mi Y I'l ACE. ABSOLUTE SALE. BY o7TT?KH OK THE trustees, THE KN'ilBH Sii.CK, KlXlUP.ES, AC.. OK THE rUR MTURE STORE >-0 THI AVr.M'l'.. ROBERT SOMEKVlli.K WILL SELL AY AUCTION, MUDW, APRIL AM" CUMIMS L NlIL TIL ENTIRE SftlUE ABO FIXTURES ARl DISI'O >KD 0 F. HOUSEHOLD FCRJUTl ;i . CONSISTING OK BED ROOM. DINING AN!> LIBRARY i URNI.I.'RK, BLACK WALNUT AND ROSEWooTTaEDSiEADS, Bl'REAl's WARDROBES, CENTRE an u EXTENSION tables, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, LOUNGES, SOFAS, URL'S. SELS, VELVET AND IN GRAIN" CARPET , COTT.vGE KL'RNI I URE. AC., Aw. ALSO HOR8., WAGON AND Harness. ~ By ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTIONEER, 7? University place. parlor eurnitur" made by hesteb BKO ; RICH RO-IaTTTTu KCRNirCRE, CffB* TAINS TO MvTCH. INLAID CENTRE TABLES, MANTEL AND TIER MIRRORS, AC. ROBERT SOMRRYII.I.E will <e'l bv auction, oil Saturday nt lujf o'clock, a the private r <:lonee JUirlv li urtli stivet. n ur 1 avenue. . II the e cu ant riirnltdie in .ail house, consist ti.' ui velvet. inoniie and Brussels Carpets. Pier and Mantel Mirrors, u? . ix tures, rlcli inlaid Centre Tables aud Cabmen. carve l valuta ldflboarJ, Extension Table an I i hairs. very rich row woo.! Be iro.m mi 11?, B?ds. B ddlim Blankets, spring and hair Mnitresso neu Bronzes Cullciriai liil IfarJ aule, Ollclotn. kitc.iou and culinary Utensils, Ac., Ac. FAftlcnlart ia time. BV ROBUST SOMKUVIM.E. V CTIONEER, 7i mvnrtiu* place. HO US li IIOLI > I I'll Nil'I HE, CaUPKTS. MIRB-iRS, I'l A.N OS. SEW IN . MAt 111N ES. CHINA. GLASS. PAINTINGS. AC.. Jtc. ROBERT SOMEUVILL;-. will sill by aucioti till* day unursilay), April;!-. at 1U.', o'clock. at tin- private residence 7J St. Mark's place. Household Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors. Bedsteads, Bur mis, Wardrobes Cribs, M ittresso. I'lllow*. Bolsters, Louiittes, i hma, mass, rosewood 1'iauu, Sewing MacUlncs. Paintings. Engrav ings, Ac,, 4c. BY .1 W. CAMPBELL, JR.. 410TI0MCE:!? -El.LS tills day, at lujf o'clock, Furniture, Tables. Chairs, Bedsteads, Ranges. Bedding, Carpets. Ac., in house 310 West Thirtieth -treet, coruur ilghtli avenue. Buyers aud dea ers invi.ed. CI VAM'l.EKF, AUCTIONEER, J. OH ICE l.'t Bi: t A Off AY. BO )M 1J. THIS l> .. Y .i I'J . I''!. CK. AT l'.:4 \\ ESi 68D ^ NKAR til'.t \V.. THE PRIVATE RKSll).'.NTK OF II UKKYf ESQ. An extensive aud unreserved sale id rich and c - ly Housenold Furniture, nil > vvtuei was made io?rder, and in use onl> live months, enibraclii : superb i arior Uils In Kreucll ,t Uie finest <i?aiit' ?ls<> in l'erslau tapestry ; r i 111 v in i ? 1 C.nnnet puTorT.b ?< Jardinieresanu Easel: nmi?iutl< em ins ! Pniiiidur e and Music Stand; elegant l-reneh plate Pier Mirrors, aud Cornices to nmicli roval rt'lltmi an I \eiv i nr pels, Ac.. Ac. ? superb walnut and mlaia ? haiuber S ui.s, nnest nualiiy: lie .s, Bedding aud vl.ittrewes; rich 1;? u doir ? uus. Lounges. Ac.: liu- .walnut i inlnij Suii, nutlet. Extension Table, Chairs, Mirror Ac. Catalogues now ready. DM. SEAMAN, AUCTION 8 BB. ? Genteel Furniture a', auction, Fridav, April 2S, at low o'clock, at private resnloncc L'7 Ea.i sixteenth street Black walnut 1'arlor -uu, Centre and Extension rubles. ro*jwoo>t an i blac< wiiivut Bedsteads, Bureaus, W;i*luianils. i.ounir.'s, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, h.iir Mattrtsics ne idmg, ivttclien Uteasns, Ac. Cata logues at it Pine street. DKAIjKRS, AND HoCSEKHEP US P A It TIC 1 LAciLY, invited to this dav's sale at the private hou?e 3:1 East Fourteenth street; over 510 uits. C. li. EaVuB, Auctioneer, otttce 13 East Feurtecnth s;reet. J^DWaRD 8CUK.NCK, AUCTIONEER. Assignee'* sale ot elegant ( ablnot furniture By EDW .HP ;CHENCi. ON KRitiAT, at 11 o'clock, an elegant assortment of tha finest Fnrmtare, of tlTmoat modern and unlqae ?ijrle* of parlor, cbamberjllninf and ball, m elegant carved walnut, rosea-ood, covered in damask and reps* CirJ ~e>' every T.r.e.yof s-?Er;!! zkstos K. SL^i, ^V,OVf "f-LL o.N K,tI, BiSiPilii ?D >!'ril -'*? ?' U o'clock. at ih? r,?i~ ? ? tJu 'bold furniture, ' nFUtb l'nei k V"' Nlllth ?traet OUPamtin 'n, }our"* reSTpTte '? V rP"""p?r,"lr,#l ror., HroniHt Bratuar?????. ? noeiVVn^ '"r Mir rich chamber Karulture Vu ?lIlte ,?^nl^,^J.^^5ud?!,??? IS?, WWIS Unind fia; o. li. a order; Aroon! .t .h. . - . ?ri<"?a' "?1 ''olntiitKa. i"?"20' SSS-SSS Jl't^'urda'y bv^ermU'irom'ih^auction' tr* Ca'taTigu t artl* aaiesroom. ? iltiruenth ??e.V n^r Ur^* (J.HHAHU BETTS A CO. AUCTION E Etta. ?tore Xo. 7 Old slip und 101 Pearl street. ThIJ DAY (I'liUR.SDAY). APRIL 22, "" 'uSSfiifttSim* m """? i" B. IIERTJ A SONS, AUOTlONKERS. HoLStllOLD KCH.NITtTRg. CABPBTd. MIRRORS, AC? OX TllURtiUA {, APRIL ?i, at 10^ O'CLOCK. AT NO. lit WEST THIRTY SECOND STRKE f. teuancea. Ac. ?uoin auj Knchs'n Aupur fll'tiU N. (AMI-. AL'CTIO.VK KB. LJegant M?uteh";it t urulturo. Mirror* Biih ?' " tiru,,J P'?uoiorte. ffiffi Carpets. Uia iioiiers Ar April 2 i. !{M, All lUe "urmturc of ?aid vi! ? u ' .. lor suit, fine pier nodVranlSl JhrTorV1 *r" very tine ubrarv an l alnin? if^'.? ?p Bedroom Jiujtg be*' Mai'--k . ffootn Purmturu, ?<"* a?.ortini?n, hi CliVna an I o{^? ?''l' _* ? ? taruets. an tlio tine Cliaiiaal'era*kitchen L- -n?T. I"' imtioiruc* at i). m.itdw i* 1 *nsii?, .tc. ThurtUay, ttld m*L optn tor ini^tiou HINT .1 M A i 'DuXaLD, A I'CUOJIfcKiV ?w777 I * II tliit nay. ?t 1 V M at v?> -1 Jl 1* . . ioy?. Cbin^, Hair Hiiri K?urv Uooln Thl'li* w"f ?u ? outluue l daily until the eutlr^ .toe* 1. !.?o,V?l oo IMPORTANT male* ~ Attention it called to th ?? i ? a* t:.. r. - i room Tliursd tv nvat. i) t: i,v , ? ?'. !'"i'Vr11 ? lO.. Auctioneer* un lor m-; <l"r,T V ?? vr 11 Wtemc. >.1 H; valua.ue ?;ovr<i % ??h 'V. " hIIm ?Monu ?tre? . ol,p??lt. ,?e ron,,";VeV.oi, oriy" I. r?'';', p. -.?? war-i^ssw s;.;r,'j lir'.'srt r -ad v\ood ?at Chair. h,i4,.ri pU,< v""'l<??>'??? - una >uiM. . arpct, and uilc'loth. CIo'k. tiaUrXT P ft.;, funr iron Safe, larjri tewe rv a, ? ui.' 5ha<l??. A?utfal aaaortineutjrf labM 1 ut.erj. 'W JMI'OUTANI n hi.ic s vlk IN bali7mo?^ ReceiVv-r'? sale Highland Park Hotel. v i utia.'n and Mi l uiiuiue Lot\ ' ?\C22Z |.u.)lit auction, at tIk- l.xcliani'e 8a.e,lr?fimi0m/'V"' "T ?.reft, lit Mammore cltr, ..11 WON . v ??,. -nS. April, a. 1? vstt, at I o'clock in ?>L . .. Uu -0t" <!"> "t vamat.!? Real K.iat.- :.n' Tr?,i on?'h' Vi ,i",t Hjliininre county, "bout on m, L , J Ll r.:r city limi t Kiii.wn at i.inliia i | i'?r|t ?? i!i r'! 1 '* lo.t aa I lliutdccrilwd tr, Wit ? ' u'vl l?d into IhelioBili.t front,, a butt; ?*? t?et 7 im>h >? , , po .kc'aveuu . betw. pn t i^oth a ?t un . ,?? , jam. about 1. acret 01 .and. ini "lot u .n ??.?? ? s i* lar*e ..uli.i r? known a- '.li*iil?u.l PtS^CfU!' .n !i ?;?;jr siv..?:s .rt?,r?iV:iS;.t 'tSr^X^r^VTv'^'tfi^,!^' m >? ow ot thj Bi.?t uaa til* ill :ne ne s n ur a ? . , S tesh.wnr':ut. ;5t*?n'i^ ?"-V O?sh<>u?0 nn<l 'v ti#*r w ? ki n? f? ?plf, ?rt, I; ncM-.u. Lor^e anU w?li uutu juitout i riliofi Li-il opinmf 9T*ry%tli?* in eouipitu urU#r Ju/iiM?nea,ilS and'w7u, fii'a e *lttiehr'w,h^*iiVoif 'h1 i.rj mi.e.ou u.ur...,, ?kh >r ?? ^Vo", fS! "? SW WJ ""J lot' '???i,ure and fi*lnr? CMl ,bott| rob, rt n. Moar.tiov. 1 l" -OMUli J. ' ^AMt Li. n.NuW i-,N. Mtceelv?r?, lit He: c VaND I ? wCMflftu 4jo.";Auctioneer,. J. MMKonNN. ro ch>?, ituaat, n d?t#a.N 1 arn.uiI5' i.*,UoUl * ' Book ' ? Melfuott, Watu nj on a.'. ?* I1"0"' 10 kir* ro* it ndayi at lua *?!. ""U oiliert tu m ,r. ot'iock, ???t ibtrty.tuud ?u#ui. at li 8A1.K9 AT AITTIOK. ? Jam-:-, >t i ok ? ciakkai, Al < TIONKER?SELL? ?l this mortiinir at :?> oviook at ffUlkMtl piti . r i i m ot lian turn'' IioI I Kurnitur* < t ill u' ijvk . i , ? , . .<ii buu ( being I no propei t* al *I" ' in!v iiiour r< ir i. 4 in r is i-initmeuig in Hrt ? 111 iii" limn, ul liedruom Furniture; 1'ia .oioi' ?? Fi 'it li [jI;iIf Mir.ors vclvi't, Brussels, 1 >????? nlv i. .'1 i uriut-; tnl'.-loth. lis I -null, 11 io l.mrai. llu-i Ijtti licjs, lie i-Jiii". spr tut*. lata anlo'ier uri iii< c..;iage ciiw. . ewlaa Machines. ?| lofb Rocker* toilet Crockery, Lounges, rich C?? t?'?' i ? i u l> < nia. I ades, SoiM. Lamoreqntna, ? i'il tin liililtn. Ha.| I'ha'rs. Ac.. Ac. .-ale aba<> Itre. i.'mul.njuu' at tuts hou-o morning ot sale. Per M'lutl ait ??',i i ?ivt:l lo sales ol all descriptions. R* turns prompt. 1AM r'.S CAGNEY, At'CTIONKP.R. REAL EsTATi ?) Agent hi id Loan Broker THIS DAY. Al X o'CUMi P. M., at 531 Hudson street. ne?r West Until, to pay storage, Ac.. handsome I Purauur *. consisting of cle guilt ateinwtv Piano, oue Muioieon, i rench plate Plei Mirror", Parlor an I Uedro >m sulis. Bed* una Bedding, inarb.e top Ontiv an<1 other tables. W ardrobes. Carpets, oilcloths, Move-. Kitchen L'teuills, Crockery, 4c. rial* peremptory. tjea:er? invited. Morris wilki.v.s. auctioneer. Trustees' stile ol Church Property. nortlieuit corner ot i'riiic and Marion street*. F. ii Luolow A Co. will >?n at auction, on Trtlar, April 3J, 1874. ut Hi o'ciocg. at the Exchange ..alesrooin. 1 1 Broadway (1'rinlt.v Building), N. V. sate by order ot the trustees ot he Presbytery ot Nan Vork Prince and Marlon street*.?The extra large Piotoi Ground, null Cnttrch thereon. knoun in the hilob Presbyterian chu ti Ocinz 76. 11 irout, 7S roar, or 74.110 demli ou fin sldo an I 75 ft-et on we t, together wit# pew , a i'il v percent <?( toe puroba*e money may r? iiinln ou bond and mortgage for two yearly MORRIS WILKINS, AUCTION* KHH. lliin.Uonio Household Furniture, tins* Mirror*, Carpets. Ac. J'.. II. H'HLOW A <ii. will noil al suction on Frldav, April ? 1. 1875. it eleven o'clock A. M , at tlie private real douce No its West Fortv-second street, between Seveutn and Eigh li avenues. rosewood l'arlor Suit, brocatol: t en r .nd Console lablev I'.er Mirrors, Harlan Vases, Cornices, htacK w.iiuut Dining Room Furniture, black walnu Secretary, eookrase, black walnut Beustesds. Dressing Bureaus, lackers. lamuges. <ic.; Mattresses. Bo'sters Pillows, Blankets Linen .shades, velvet and lirus,. Is i arpets. Oilcloth, together wlih the kitchen, and laundry l urulturo. Catalogues now ready at So. 3 Pine street. MARSHAL'S SALK.?s'EKBACUER A I) LMOlii, auutionoers. will s.- 1 thisdav at their salesrooms, itii i hutiiiiui stri ct, a: II o'clock, a larue lot ot Liquor*, consisting ot Claret Wines. Whlskeya tiins, Cuars. Chaiiii ,unes Ac.; also larvo lot ot Ktiine Wine and Lager Bier Ola-ses, Ac JOHN McUO mjUUU, MjmiisI. Also, on account ot whom it mav concern, 13obund:?i Pla-t?rers' Laths, soaps, Extracts, Machinery. Panther, tooniiml quirrel Skills, ItoiitluK Machines.' er>, i rockery, Chairs, Round Tublos, Lemijohni. Cm tors. Ac, NrOTlt !?: IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THREE LOGO uio ive uibolar iioil T- und two Locomotive Fiua Rollers will b* soul at puiilic auction, at Hie cornet if Rrldk'c and John streets ilrookivu. on mi ur ltv. A;.ril i- IS74. at 11 o'clock A.M. KOttEiiT KI.nU, a?s:uuee ot Charles Collins, bankrupt. PARTITION SALE?LOTH STREET.?D. M. SEAMAN, .1. Auctioneer. Wild. I.LI, TO-DA\ THI'R-DAT), APRIL K, :it IJ , a: I xrhaiitfi' .-ali'sroom. Ill Rroadwao, by ordat ol Hie supreme Court, live valuable Ruudlng Cots ol south side ot 100 li STREET, NEAR CENTRAL PARK i:nil fronting the new avenue leading to Murulugsidc Park. 71) l'l.K tK I'i AN If I M UX FOR SEVEN YEARS. M?pi and mil particulars at sale, -ale positive. PAWNBROKER'S KALE.?RICH \ KI> FIELD, OI-N? I eral auctioneer, salesroom No H'J Howery, will ?elL tlmdny, ul II o'clock, sharp, H60 lots vlou's aifd Women l ? lothiu/, l>rcs.-es, liawls Remnants Ludcclothmg, Reds, Rett.ling, guuts. lilanitcu. rio t?. Shoes Ac. Ai>c t'oats, I'ants and Vests, tiy order Mrs S, Fullati. 311 West Thirty -ntntti street. PAWN KRt 'K I'. R'S SALK T'ltS DAY ?JAM ES AI JAR auctioneer. 57 New Howery, will sell 4oU <jU Drews, .-hawls. dacqucs. Remnants labie Linea Riuukets .- |inads. Ac. Aiso Coats. l*aniaioons, sad Vests. By order. ?. uuuds I i-.IVHrooklyn, Richard v. ba?N Tr. AUCTIONttek, will seh at auction on iHL'k^DaY. April ft, at 12 M.. lit t xetiauge nal-srooui. lil riroaiwav. ausoluto sale ot valuable hrookivu Property and e egant Residence at KerKen Poiut. P74 W arrcu it.H i.aseme it and collar brisk Loose. 2M Gol i st., I s. lriuntj nouse aud tot. TiHary St. ' Lois. each Bergen l'olnt?Beautiful House, complete improve men Is. and Lots. Maps at auctioneer's offlee. Ill Broadway. tW ppr cent on mortgage. SPr.CI A I. N 0110 If T<> ART ADM 1 R - RS. ?Til li lib temational cliromo Company, ol .'id Ma den iaue. on account of removal otlor lor sjle at auction, on Frl lay and si'iturday, April :i and 11. ut li o'clock, all ot ttieir iminetise sto k ot l rame l ic ures, consisting ot in its. Engravings U'-riiun snd French Cnr.unos. C.I ta* loj^ui-s can i e 'intl on Weducsday, either ot tho AaciioD ecrs. S'I'aCKPOL A > <? . It Ve?ev street, or at our wurarooins. WHiTAKER A MEKClErt will sell. SPECIAL DESPATCHES FROM W AS iilSUTON AND ALBANY, AND ALL THE LATEST NEWS lO sIOHT, l.S nil-. I.Vr.NTINU TELEGRAM. ^11 RIFF'S SALE OF CHANDELIERS.?8> Hl RMAJf. O Slierld's auctioneer sell-, this day >ihursdav). Ai rti at 11 o'i'lti *, at Nn. :i3.l Canal street, two tine Oiln? deLers. WM. C. CON S i.U, SnerilT Jamxs Far. eputy, c II EItM \ N', SH ER1 FF'S AND GEN! R VL ACO O. tiou -Br.? sale ot hourhon and ry Whlsnev. Iirai dies. V'. mes, i i?ars, Ao Friday, \prii it, at li. o'elot k. No. IS Bowery, the sum * ot a nrst ciass ilea'.er, vu. ; ? ot bb *. ot ch nee old Uonruon. as Boon ivier'*, ? abl net, Bixby, l> u-lr.ig, Ashland' As.; slso c.isks Brandita, (.an. Rum Fort and herrv Wines, iinpor od Kummel Ac.-, n.sti .iOO case < llrsndius. Gin. Bltujr?. t'laret. >. lia n panne: also a large ..ot choice i L'?r?. sates. D^sks, Taides halia, Hu.e ius, Ac ; also one orM, Wagon and Harness. Bv or cr ot W M. C. CONNER, sheriff. Jobn Tying Kellv, Depti y. gALS BY OBDER OF THE COURT Of COMMON Pleas. Valuable Property nor.hwest corner Broadway aM Eighteenth street, under the ihroctioa of JAME> II. i.ilsBERT, Esq., Relets* Will oe so il at auction. On MONi)\X, April 2d. at It o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom, No 111 Broadway, being fart of the estate of r.iwin Host. dcceaaaJ. The very valua!' e ilv story and "xtra 4ar.'e marble front ores ? tuaied on ibe northwest corner nroadwa/ a i huititeentli street, anJ covering the entire plot .?! uroui a beIMs' ii i teal ti inchaa ironton liroaawayand 1U leet ou r lgnteeuth street ________________ T:IS PAV, AT 1 ?>, O'CLOCK. MT i* f' FATfcC uoti m ' r ?,e ?ale off nteel house .old Furni ture, f im ill too uruiiuri' lu the lou. storv brsw* ?tone Imuso *0.311 ' >?i : ourtcentl) street, consisting or h in Home v vet r?ri,.r i arpott. BrnssuU 10J ingrain Cirpeta, r #wik!, in-.tiogam- an I walnut luitiitiire, I suits .lain i-k . <1 .noe? urtains, tageres curlad air Mat i k-t. B d< il . variety of patent tied , tug*. H" M o . some in ar.v new: alio hand?>ine hall I'h. lojt ii"?; iv nt ? ; Kitchen Furui.ura and several C. , king S oves: ? dre-s pattern ot he ivv black satin, Kood >ewing Machine ami Knitting Machine. tl'fL' IA.M ABB'?Tf, tlYrioXtKa, OFFICE NO. 9 >i i h.itnt?>r? street. willaeil ..n this d i v at 2 o'clocfc r M. the i onu-nu ot the l> lar llint ? ? u-e o?<i I'earl, c?r? in r iiumt ?treat,, Matin*-?. ttasustand^ Tables, ntaiis. Osriata, Oilcloth, Trickery. *c. OAM i va At A !?: Hi tea. . _J. SlI'SKM DtNl'INO * I'A 3KMIKS. ?CL VftsEB . at M i?o:ilo I tall, lis East 13th street i lire voort H ilL i..i a-tii li -:ri--t P UN AiE l.h*-oNS at any hour. 01 i<Ci I.Ait- at private a idimy. Ill nast litti street. VOK. i _S TUB VU I si;>i% STvJR Mlri WAB4. ,\. hi u?e.- y #.4. si.; li ti?o i ?tri'ct. ,7j <>r-unwioh street au.l Aid u I ni -1 ure lor t uralture, l'ian *, ?. it*i Mirr an t o her tamuv pro.iar >. in -epa r it,-, i >-"'d room'.it an . ?; lowe-t o< rates ; aece-il I... during ijU<lue?4 ho u I.I t x.enaive and raapanste lite i ti is'un'tit in t le hiKtii s goon rec iv>i either davornlght. R. I'\ . . iHl', Otv>..?r and Managsr, ortlon is). mi )-on streilt * ? nj Ion - iu ire . ? _ ;BaM> C S l \l. I" l.t.VoE W AKKHOC'E, .1 . i "nr A"1. VI' vi t ill West Forty aavauth sireei. i ;.a- .a- nn.twlirfnttla-.e4 room.: . lira li ui ? tu ii * o.l.-re I; Inspection Inv. ed. MiiKU VN '. BK i II n, Proprietors h'MIMtK lolviie, ? lit Mil - <?|M.< Fl'KNl" tut?? . Pianos. dttr ir?. i.aggage ?nd Merchandise at |,nv ran?* ui s.'i ara < r. o ui i n ? i.o tdintrs ar specially i -.u-tu e l ?iiii ' arl > satetv ttom flr* and liiiu ea low -i than anv -miliar e-tahii'tameni e ii.ri-ns.tif b a il.- p.i King iii<l - t r v a'tenjed to. ii. ii \ .t i . iiv.ii- . and Managers. MO and : ti il udsoD str? el, UsKiiMT ' W vrtKUnl SIS. I-Kill I li " AVKN'UeC 1**1.1 I riiirlt -tllir I to hlrl.v tourih -treets. SU Ninth nv niir utile Iilrit t ou i. li -' r . ? h" olla.t, loivi -t .n r ile mo't ? \t ns tand thotonib y eqmpp .f . iiiiii?fnn< -'i? ot r to tn he msinese. tor. gj tor Furiilinre. rtaggaeo. i?oo.l- an I A ?res oi ev. r* desorip ii >a m separato eiowd > .tu > i rtr :its \ _'ht patrol re? ielTe food* a" <11 hour*. lit?p :'.lou Invite J. VKtt rnKAiiK WAfir. 'I 8M NiM."?rX!Wr?? ^> Kightb aeenu- aud *<?' and Wes Korty s itn ?treat ? i-owtut r?t'? . - ii- tv an t beat care i-'Iiih a sll.l.i Proprietors. " : .:ns-=a < !. T Ii M. II 1:11W VIII' VIII,I. I.' NS 1,1. KNOWS hSTAH .\ Ii htuo a. 38 Six. a avenue, near Waverlav idaua^ ill u i nmst t ,lne , ul tor i-t-oil I'loibnw. Carpet* ta, by cal log i n or a tar. ssing >ir '.r Mrs. Miner. I I Ti. MIN /. U < II; <:? At M'K, BKTWbh.1 ^V. ivsenueth and if n>:irsi -tre t* ? me u tin oat value said in casli t i "'oil I'tothing, t'arpeta. Jasr? e tv \ note by post pun-mall) aaeu i?d tooyMr. of Mr.. tiiN it * l' B H hiTT NKt? K.< I AdulillMI'.N I. Ll/i SMiulwat ii ar I'wanty- gnth s.r.-et, Ki tl.illieu i ivs Ilia liigho.-l v hid fo|-cnl, off weartM Aptarsi Ca ii or address, tiro tdwav prices paid. \ ?' MV.V U e It ? M t I K~ WliTTTuSTsT i - an i gantl :n n's Wearing Appaial. Kuroitara; iai.ionls an J i^wagv; wiii uav I .r P?uia .2 o *S, < v us i ?. i. Dre-i-ei $13 to gidlt tali an a.ldivss Mr. oi Hr a.v i VLl, l,S . nth avaotle. AT Tfll. W sl'thx AOI~T*%To;t 1 .?it~CbIVlX<> ^'V largo iu-dcr< to pur ;Iia? U uartng vpparel. an?| aii'l ge.ulemen wit. me .? tnKo particular notice tberf> o? to tec iv,- tins ioi ,,w itg pri>'?*t i-o -?iik uietea*. ti log s w.m. en ? to$li; Coij. as to ti). Psnis, ? to ?| I a palji. Ac., uy eaiiing mi or a id retting Mr or Mr*, HOS ADKi.M i?i,,.iav., Wo Iioors aOo .e Wtl. IBIl Sfc At o' irroAN w"'i, . k <uwn Hatviil liali.neut li^vtii arann ejrnef of l-oriv six.* street treat in t o* mil !??? uaid tor and genu* mail's a? - i Ci >.btiig ; wan a I i- ' tne sMitti a ti I Vtt'-iant uiitr v. ?; sriil pay lor Dress t rorn all t? Wl, 1 i'?K ? o ; p ii . ti to t7. Address Jar. of Mis. i i. tl'i ?J, ?., >ivh a-, nae. , aomiMc t, iiki a, wj B..oAuw-tV. nkvi V iii it - e, : ? ay, tl? htaheat, 'u?s tor iaaier aw) gentle.ii ui . it sti-ig >pjar... uo u oy .uaii wui ud Drou.iitl/ u.te'.. ? t I 'LOitliXG-gilf ixrtl AV. >Dt, NKaR FOCnTB V. a .-eet. l-??lie? and geultaa-aa reoalva the blibe? valu tot *?i ..rt u ui-i *c c?u on or adoraaa MA I oe kj-a n * '