Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,123. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISES H. AMCSEMF.NTS-Ntntu Paok?Fourth, fitih and sixth columns. A8TROL0GY?Ninth Pace?Third column. Hilil.IARIJj-Ninth Page?'Third column. BOARDERS WANTED?second Paoe?Fourth and fifth column*. BOARD AMI LODGING WANTED-SSCOSO Page?Filth ami vixth columus. BROOK I. VN REAL KSTATE FOB SALE-Ninth Page?First column. BUSINESS OPPOlt t'UN1TIES?Fifth Page. BUSINESS NOTICES?Setentu Pace?Sxth <*olnmn. CIIY R.UL ESTATE I OR SALE-Ninth Pa. First column. CLERK -> AND SALESMEN?Twelfth i'AGB-Hrft col uma. CLO'i HINtl?Ninth Pace?Third column. COACHMEN AND OA KDENERS?TWELFTH PAGE-Flrst an<l second columns. COAS'IWISE STEAMSHIPS?Eighth Pao??Sixth col umn. COUNtRY BOARD?Second Pack?Sixth column. DANCING ACADEMIES?Ninth Pack?Filth column. DENTISTRY?Ninth Page?Fourth column. DRY GOODS?First Pagk? filth column. DWELLINO HOUSES TO IjET, FURMKUED AND UN Ft'ltNISHED? Pagi?First and second columns. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS-EIGHTH PACK-Fllth and and sixth columns. EUROPE?Eighth Page?Sixth column. EXCHANGE?Ninth Page?Third column. EXCl'R IONS? Eighth Page?sixth column, FINANCIAL?Firru Pagk. FOR SALE?Twelith Page?Third column. FUBMssHED ROOMS AND APai.TMEM'S TO LET? Second Pagk?third column. FURNITURE?Twelfth Pauk?Sixth column. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS? iwxLrru Page?Third column. GERMAN ADVERTISEMENTS?Twklftii PAOE-Third column. HELP WANTED-FKMALES-Ei.itTE.vrH Page?Sixth column. HELP WAN I ED-MALES-Twelith paue-Sccond and third column*. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AO.?First Pack?Tliiru, fourth itnd tilth columns. HOTELS?Second I'ace?Sixth column. 1IOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WANTED?SXCOKD pagb?Sixth column. INSTRUCTION?First Pack?Fifth column. JERSEY CITY, HO BO KEN. HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN REAL EnTAl'E FOR SALE?NiMH Pack? First column. LECTURE REASON?Ninth Pace?Fifth column. LOST AM) FOUND?First Pagk?First column. MACHINERY?Twelfth Pack?Third i.nd lourth col* uinns. MARBLE MANTELS?Twelfth Pace?Sixth column. MATRIMONIAL?Ninth Pack?Third column. MEDICAL?Ninth Page?Filth column. MILK AND CREAM?Ninth Page?Third column. MILL IN ERY and DRESSMAKING?I'isst Page-Fifth column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS-Tenth Pagk Sixth co'umn. MUSICAL?Ninth Pace?Fourth column. NEW PUBLICATIONS? sevknth Pace?Sixth column. PERSONAL? F i s:> r Pack?l lrat column. PI A NoF KITES, ORGANS, 40.?Nimth Pace?Fourth column. PROFEm.-IONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES? Eleventh Pack?Sixth column. PROPERTY OUT OF TUB CilY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?Nin m Page?llrgt, rccoml and third col umns. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?Ninth I'ACE-Third column. REAL Er TATE WANTED-Niwth Pace?Third column. itELioioL'S NOTICES?First 1'agi: -First column. REWARDS? First Pack? hirst CO.Uinn. SAL EH AT AUO I ION?Twelfth Pace?Fourth, fifth ?nd sixth column*. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?Eleventh Pace? First, .second, third, fourth, iltth and sixth col umns. SITUATIONS WANTED? MALES? Eleventh Pace? Sixth column, and iweuth Pagk?Firm column. SPECIAL NOTICES?First Pack?First, second nnd third columns. SPOR'UNG?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?First PAGE-Third column. STALLIONS?First Pagr?Third column. STORAGE?Ninth Pack?Third column SUMMER RH SORTS?Skoonu Pack? Sixth column. THE TRADES?Iwklitii Pack?Third co.umn. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PUUPoSES?First sixth column, and Second Paoe?First column. TRATELLER.V GUIDE?Eighth Page?Sixth column. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?Second Pace?Third and tonrtn columns. WANTED TO PURCHASE?Nimth Page?hotirtU col umn. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC.?Ninth Pack?Fourth col umn. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?Ninth Pack?First column. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?Eighth Page?Sixth column. PERSONAL.. Blonde lady, in university place car, Wednesday evening, noticed gentleman In corner, went to Citli'ornia Minstrels, will please address CON FIDENCE, Herald offlce. TJROaDWAY CAR, THURSDAY EVENING, '? JO ? J) Lnav in brown camel's hair dress, cloth jacket, sprig ol geranium ; got out 1 hu iv-nlntli street; walked beyond .-evcuili a\enue: will confer favor tiv appoint ing interview wi:h gentleman who sat next reading newspaper. Address KELIAliLE. box ltiO llerald Up town Branch oQIcc. SBAY VEIL.?lV"j(Y CONDUCT HAS GIVEN OF fence, l trust you will a> cept 'he apology of a gen nan; still, I request an interview. Will } ou grant it, f Please address REBUFF, Herald offi e. INFORMATION WANT I D?O F Til B H El RS OF JACOB Loder, of New York, who died about 18il. nro1 the helrsof George Loder, of Nor walk, Conn. Apply to A. DIBBLE, l ive Mile_Rlv:r, Coun. IF THE Lady DP ESSE D IN BLACK CLOTH COAT, trlmme 1 with silk, who rode on a cur running frmn Christopher ?ireet terrv. Wednesday, will write J. K., Hera d office. saving where an Interview may be had, she will learn something to her advantage. ?JOSEPH T. BEATTV. LATE OF BALLYNTRR, *J ounty Antrim, Ireland, wilt please write an mix Ions mother or i orrespond with W. O. W., 50 East Ninth street. New Yort LETTERS RECEIVED?MEET ME Ni XT MONDAY morning, at lti'< o'clock; you understand. ONE. gYMS?TUESDAY AT HAME TIME." ~ "TlTILIi ANXIOUS MF.KT ON SATURDAY, AT 4 ?? o'clock. Oreenpo.ttt ferry. I will muke mat ters right this MiMon. \\r IL LI A M C. CO L E 18 REQl KSTBD TO C<?MM t'NT TT cute or call at once on .he Dirty be passed knit recognized on Wednesday last' be will hearot some thing to hi* advantage; or address M. K., Ileralil office. RE1.1G10VH NOTIfKS. CERVANTES ?THE SPANISH RESIDENTS IN NBW York invite the public to a solemn requiem masi, which will be nuiu at the Church of tit Fra.icl* Xavlar. Sixteenth (street, near rifth avenue, on Friday next, M Inst.. at ID A. M., 10 eommemorato tne anniversary of the death o? Cervantes. the author ot "Don Quixote." By order of the Executive Committee. aktiilk cil YAS, Secretary. LOST AND FOl'XU. TT'OUKD?AT THE LADY WASTIINOTON RECEPTION r party, at the Academv ot Music, a handdouie lace Hani]Kerchief, with valuable gold attachment. Apply to M. J. ilENDALL, misfit carpet store, 112 !? niton St. LOST-HAVANA- I.OTT! RY TICKETS, Nt'MHERS 9.761 to 9.770 inclusive. I> ward will be paid it re turned to HTEIOMAN, corner John ana Pearl street*. OST?ON BROADWAY. BETWEEN TWENIY-THIRD J an I FIflv-flfth atreefa, <;o Locket part of lady's chain attached. Liberal reward It returned to O'CON NOR, room W, I JO Hroadway. IOST?ON THIRTY-FIRST STREET, BETWEEN J sixth and seventh aveane*. a Focketbook, comain in. $10 ana jewelry anil two ticket*. 1 filmier will please return the jewelry and ticket*, be can keep tlio money. 140 West I hirty first street ________________ LOS ?FROM NO. Mrt FIFTH AVENI7F, ON THE alternoon of April 12. a light blue enamelled Watch. A handsome reward will be given on return of the watch to O. ADOLPll LOW A CO.. No. 42 Cedar street. IOflT-A SOLITAIRE I-1AMOND BINO. BETWEEN J East Forty-fonrth and West Thirtieth street*, re turning to thirty ninth street, rhc finder will he liber ally rewarded by returning the same to 23 Wen Thirty ninth street. Lost?on batpriiay, april it. between Twelfth and 118th streets, tour Market Book*, ol no value exeep? to the owner, fir which a liberal reward will be paid bv applying to the owner. A. 8INOEK, M University place, corner Tweltth street. REWARDS. ?C BE WARD.?SMALL CAT LOST, IN WEST i) Thirty seventh street. on Monday, April 19, a very ?mall dark grav and white cut. ark tail and whito The finder will receive the above reward on re turning It to :<8 West Thirty seven;h street AIM BEWARD?FOR THE RETURN OF A LIOIIT ?P 1U colored skye Terrier Dog (ears not cut) to iS Ea?t Thirty-llr?t street AlA BEWARD.-LOST. FRIDAY MORNING, 1?TH I' ' inst, a small I*og, entirely black, excepting a ?mall wlntc streak between the lore tegs: idiort hair, cut ears, long tail; had on a tancy leather collar, with a blue notion bow tied to it Tne above re tvard will be paid by returning him lo 20 Last .seventeenth street 0()~ ?LOST, IN OOINO FROM I.&M BROADWAY, through Fortv-sixth street to Tenth avenue, a cluster Maui' ud Earring. net in coral rose* and leaves. The reward aIII be nai l bv leaving it at the office of A AYEItS A soN. 6-'4 Tenth avenue. ?>|A REWARD. ?LO-T. BLACK AND TAN 8LI7T. ?rlU with scar oil left flank; no collar. Return to No. 106 West Twenty-seventh street and receive |IOre ward. _ *rn REWARD?FOR THE RETCRN OF HORSE sP?M" un<i Wairon, taken from In front tlie slaughter koine on Forty-third street, ihe above rewarn will ba given to the person returning same to No. U0M West Forty-seventh street, and no questions asked. NPECIAL NOTICES. Ar SATCRDAY, April 24, 1RT& Kentucky Single Number Drawing for bet r !Tt of t'nlvcr sity of Padu.-ah. ?a io.i oo In gift*; all cash. No scaling of rifts nor discount*. Capital, $60,000; smallest. $10. Drawing gn irantecd or ?soney relunded. Buy to-day. Few ticket! left Ticket*, #10; Halves, $6; Quarters, $2 ."A TllOf. H. HAYS k CO.. 609 Broadway, New York. _ All OTnqOALiFicAiioNs and defects in manhood, nnslnp irom nervous and muscular de MltT. mental despondency, Ac.. bare been the special iractiee. during 2fiyears, of Dr. w h makiTo.v, Heti ence No wn w?" rwsotv.aaoond street. tt? fp llebbs t ativ b k sew tohk houses IN tub vabioub bbanuum op tbadb. abt-wobkebb * co., Cnion ,uUarc. a*jn dlcorat10n8, art rornlturkbandr btt0tbbr8, 877 browl^w' clotqino. bbo0k3 bbothkr9. ftn(1 Dond street. scai.e6 (the bt?]jjubajlk8 a 00? sn Brolltlw*y. pianos, bteinway * street. ^k22eba* 'wa55* MANU^acturlnc^.omrany, FLAX tubeap3^rboDB bb0TUEB8^ churcll gtmt beal bronze8.ksry t 0l)x *9co.,u 606 Brottdwfty. guns anp * oraham.^^ ? ? irrhcy (65 branches), the meb^antu^ u^hl0w & oo., gjjbfoartway. safes, hbbbino * co., 2H Broadway. | silveh^s wbu?finnia company tbcnkb a^drol"air*3w^ordl?' Maiden lane. 6:0 Broadway and broadway ,???????r s^suf.% ?? ??? pomrab* - kus ? ?" . v n chubch goods, ABBV, n^sviann^bbod. ' * 7 Bond street. uobse ?mir3ilagnln. guedin A 6w li road way. obktlhbs'8 ,jg||*5kss 2?c5b:(ls br?ai?r. oas fixt'^'j'^,u, vancb a c?6^7 Broadway. hab-00^^?^ emt rlrer. 198 to 2P0 Lewis street, looiji_ "-vi-sffl.?&????-? -? ,kdu mbbb0bc|od^,f?s?ia street. masos9cn0nvolkb. hartley a 0rj9hj^enlane. cutlery.kr1dkn cutlery c^cha^ubanstreau china anoa0,. vs^jvari4.OKB 4 c<^ Broadwaj-. musical boxkstj pa1llaud a co., ^ brca(jwfty. cheney's a^2i^i?^ry. ^^i.vcnth street. batters. ?*$&??& and ^ Broadway. billiabu tables, ^ collender, ^jg Broadway real estate ?r^kf ^'s. bbo^v aud w?u ?????? corner Broadwaj ?" baxter steam eb ^ bubblll, parfcpl*6*. co., valioostreet. adyebtisrjo bagentskowell 4 co^ ^ fow. rlUSTKKf. BAKER * GODWIX, n pari row. kitc"en *'*? Bro*iiwiT" PATENT WTUE J10?W cVIHT1HO' bl? UPUAM * CO.. 8#9 Brc,B(iv?ft.v. ?,OLE?Al.B^r???s OXI.T. AMEBIC*14 BSOTHRBSj Broonlc aUMt emwitrV AhO-TOlW? SOAPS. | FINE PErFVMEC0LUATK A jg'.nd ? John itrcet STEEI. pE* ^joseFH OIL-L-O"1"1 * SON9ij0hn *trcct DIAIIOMD^^^^^OEE *MCO^tt #tre,v FI.OVR S?EBC"YaNO a ROBINSON^ ^ rrontrtrc?l. A0r.TCCLTVRAy?^?ir^0O..ifi wawr f(r?t ADV^TISINO AG' ^;rtoenth^re?t_ ?'"-"^^LOTTKK,.. KK?tf<XKY hi iV'r;,'wVT,lr?wn In ??"" '"JoSb* SHR^if^i^ro, ?. .m? i?I* &* ?. ?? ?*? ?uwk * t * * .Si&V** ?j ? &T& ^0.%^ ^1_P^ office Vox ?*~~Co7. AQKN'TS POR ?tnu hv ?ddr?Mt\\f i>nTiie office *tt?cueu 1 4; PoltnffiM|||| 7 p. M. I hour*7 A. imvr^riOATED, BAl? . r.rwr?S& ? iixe<J?>y l?bor<i?L"i ajTiTIimportantvMj'',){VA}' 1 ?o 1 "" 80,(00 * 60(100 a pr'***'<'''i*rthi6or'iMW .WW".' ^?n*? i sstf JrSrrsn.??:, ?*:? ?* K SPECIAL MOTUKW. ?$3 0,000 CASH GIFTS. Whole Tickets $10. Kentucky State Single Number Lottery, ?n Havana plan, drawn April 24, 1S75. Circular* pent PAKKS, EMERSON * CO., ? itcrts. 180 Broadway, room 1 Post office box .*>,272. K?OKFICIA'. DRAWING OP THE KENTUCKY . State Lotteries Simmons, Dickinson A Co., Mana gers. HaHTCCST. Utli CI.ABB <0. 289? APRIL 22, 187->. " 26, M, 26, ly 69, 67, 27, t?. 30. 2, 33, 18. 71. 37. IIltni'IT. CLASS .10. 2:10?APRIL 22, 187S. 4, 18. 62, 58, 69. 14. 43. 41. 27, 23, 47, 8, 49. UKNRY. EXTRA CLASS HO. 376?APRIL 22. 1478. 30, 61, 36, 3V SI. 6.', 69, 21, 23, 74. 22, 47, 10, 3& IIKNHT, CLASS NO. 376-APS1L 22, 1876. 10, 9, 66, 22. 28, 60, fiK. 33, 21), 73, 30 71. 21. Full information by apply lutr or addressing J. Clule. 200 B'dway, room 6, first tloor, rear office, or P. <>. B. 4,96i?. ?.KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY . on Havana plan, drawn April 24; also Royal Ha vana of Cuba, drawn Muv 8. Pull information by apply ing or addressing J. CLUTb, 200 Broadway. or Post ottice box 4,96a K N EW YURK LIBERAL CLUB, April 19, 1871 Yon are respectfully invited to attend its two hundred and ninetieth meeting, at its rooms, PLIMPTON HALL. 30 Stuyvcsant stroet, this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock, A paper will be read by T. S. LAMBEUT, M. D., LL.D. Subject. Brain Building and Repairing. To wit:?The special uriicies of food raud the methods ot cookinu them) adapted to the nutrition of brum?; the practical application ot the doctrines of a former pauer. Respectfully, D T. GAItONKli, Secretin y. 1 lie clnb now meet* in lis enlarired rlall. Its library if open to visitors before ami after the meeting. N' DOUBT ABOUT IT. THE EVENING TELEGRAM HAS M OR 14 NEWS AND LATEIt NEWS EVERY NIGH r THAN ALL, THE OTHER EVENING PAPERS COMBINED. R I.MEM ME ft. KM MBKR. it KM l-.MBr.H. REMEMBER. $300,1 <00, ?300,000, $300,000, $3ut;.uoo. Ai.ii cash. A><1< CASH. ALL CASH. ALL CASH. TO-MOKKOW. TO-MORI'.OW. TOMORROW. TO-MOKKOW. ?VU00 FOlt $10. $5), m FOR $10. $Ji,tXK) FOR $10. fCUOt'O FOP. $10. 1 gift of $50,000; I gilt of J20.00J; 1 iift of $10,C00: 2 gifts Of $.>,000; 1 gift ot $4,U0O; 80 gilts of fX'O .0 gifts of $iM); f.0?0?iit?ot $HiO; 6,(100 gl us of S10. Approximation uiits.? 4 gifts of $2,000; 4 gifts ot $1,023; 4 gilis ot $1,'KX). Total, 6,118gifts amounting to $>0,u0J. Tickets, $10; halves, $6; quarters, $2 SO. Kentucky single number distribu tion, lor benefit of University of Paducah. Drawings euaranteed TO-MORROW O.i MONEY REFUNDED. Buy at once, lust chance. Tickets nearly gone. No dis counts or scaling oi gifts. TFIOMAS H. IIAiS A CO.. 6C9 Broadway. New York city. Royal Havana lottrky. Extraordinary drawing April 2i. $1,200,00) in prizes; one prize to every seven tickets. Circulars of lull in!or million furnished tree. Spanish bank bills, guvcrn incuts, Ac., Ac., puicliascd. TAYLOR A CO.. Ranker*. Pout office b'>x 4,448. No. ll.Wall street r?0 THE PUBLIC the TROW CITV DIRECTORY COMPANT beg to Inform the public that they will issue the eighty ninth volume of the New York City Directory as soon after May 1 as it caa be reliably and correctly published, and no one is authorized by them to canvass for names until after May 1, the usurI time that changes In places of residence and business arc male. THE TROW CITY DIRECTORY COMPANY, No. 11 University place. OKii nnn -mraoir state ringlb num. '' '?U' *U. ber drawing. April i.'4; 0,11S cash gilts, amounting to $300,000 Public Library of Kentucky; prizes cashed or exchanged; circulars of i? formation sent lree. BATES A CO., 198 Broadway. IWHl ?KENTUCKY STATR, SINGLE OUU.UUu. numbers. Havana plan, to be drawn April 34, 1-75. B. NaTHAN, No. 4 Gilsey Huiidlng, Coft lamlt street. Ne w York. Post office oox 4.870. ftfMl -KENTUCKY binclb number ?POUU.UUv/? Lottery, on Havana plan. Simmons, Dickinson A Co., drawn April 24. For circulars address tlioir authorized agent, J. CLUTE, 10J Fulton street. HAA -KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. ipOUU.Uu". Draws Apui 24. 187\ Single number Havana plen. $3(11.000 cash rrltt*. Tickets, $10; halves, $5: quarters. $2 80; eighths, $1 2$. P. C. DEVLIN, stationer and Agen'. 30 Liberty street. New York. SPORTING?DOUS, BIRDS, *iC. A -FOR HALE. ALL, KIND.S OF FANCY DOCS, . Bird*, *o.; Medicine) lor all diseases; Prepared foot! tor mocking birds, at M. U. DOVEY'd, So. 3 (Jreeue street, near Canal. Auction and French pools sold at john ?on's Pool Boom, 1,1*7 Broadway. Saturday, *tP. M.?Athletic vs. C.-nt.-nn al, at Philadelphia; Ho*ton vs. Washington. at Washington: llartlord v*. Ai!laniu-,?t Haruord. Innings received by telegraph. Western Union telegraph ortlce iu the room. F il. -KlBi.Kl. IJIOKON SHOOTISO.-swer.PSTAKES AT PAINK'S liround. Babylon, L. I.; Saturday next fur ama teurs; only SOU first class bird*. STALLIONS. Valley PARK BRKKDfv O STUD. one mile west of MMdtetown, Orange county, N. T. Pll-.R- ON, bay stallion, l#han.l?, foaled 1H64 by Ry*dyk'? Hamble tonian, first dam Fannv, by Oa-sius M. Clay, Jr., Ac. 811 LI.SON. chestnut stall Ion. 15^ bands, foaled lS70by Messenger Dane, dam *iray, by Harris' Hambletoninn, *c. Tl.e atioye two stallions nre limited to torty mares each, at $9U the season, at the time of service. Mares kept at owner's rUk. For tabulated pedigree or photograuh ot either horse, or other particular*. Address T. I>. Nutt Ris, SI I cKalb avenue, Brooklyn, N. I., or Valley Park Breeding stud, Middletown, >. T. H4IKS1 - ( AKHIAOKN, ?C. At great bargains. Six-seat Ri'ckaways, I Lands us. Coupe Rnckaways, I Landau et?, Victoria*. | Broughams. Phaetons, I Cai.rloleta Illgh niul low wheel Pony and Park Phaetons In a gi?at variety of styles. Our stock ot Carriages Is the largest ever offered in this citv. nil ol our own manufacture, and every car riage guaranteed tor one year. A. f. demarest * CO., fi2S and M Broadway. A-M<JORC. W. BARKER'S ?? . UBlAT RFOULAR Horse and Carriage sale TAKES PLACE TO-MORROW, at U o'clock prompt AT BARKER A SON'S CTTT auction MARI" and New York Tatter?-i!t'a, CCRNKR OF Broadway nnd Thirty-ninth street. MAKE YOl'K entries early to-day. FOK DESCRIPTIONS *ee to-morrow'* Herald. A -MAJOR ( HAS. W. BARKER ANNOUNCES .MR. GEORGE I>. HA.NNA'S (ot Hourbon county, Kentucky) first great sale ol' green Trotter* aaodle anil coach Morses, believed to be as fine aeever left the Bum Grass Re/ion. to take place nt Hmker 4 Son* City Auc tion Mart nnd New York Tatter.sall's, corner of Broad way and Thlrtr ninth street, on Wednesday. April 28, at II o'clock, and comprising SEVENTEEN HEAD, including several very snecdv young Trotters, a number of combined saddle and h*r ncss llorses and several of the finest and most elegant pairs of coach ever seen In New York; all war ranted In evitv particular. STOCK now on exhibition Or John W Clark, agent for Mr. Ilanna, will be on hand to hitch and rive every body the opportunity ol riding behind and trylg any of the stock before the sale. CATALOGUES now ready. NO postponement, and sale positive. A" BEAUTIFUL TEAM HOR-F.s FOR SALE?SOU <D. gen I" nnd sty itsli; also Carriage. Call nt owner's stable, U7 West Forty first street, or at house 143 We*t Fortv second street. A?FOK BALK, A CAR LOAD OF WESTERN HORSE" t ? thev are lit for any kind of business; weigh from SHO to 1.400 Ilia. ; each young; warranted in every respect; three da> s' liial allowed. 24.' Stuition street. ALDRRNEY COWS FOR SALF.-O.sB FOUR YEARS, one two years, and Call. Addre** box I,SO* New York Post ..nice, or apply to BELCH KB, gardener. South Orange. Klfigewood road. A VERY FINE SORKEL MAKE FOR KALE-HM* hsntis; souu.l and kl'id: S years old; * last travel ler: can bo driven by a lady. &A1HL T. WfcEK.S, 31 1 hlrd street _ A FINK MtW PRIVATE 8TABLB-1JI WEST Eighteenth street, to rent at $l.i? >. u O. BRADLEY. ?> Broad street, room 41 A beautiful FINE BRRfl CARRIAOK HORSE for sale; dark bayt 1# hand*; can tint in three; sound and very itylisb. Apply at 128 West Thirty-second street AOOOD TRUCK HORSE WANTED-SOUND AND kind; 6 to 7 years old; IS hands high. Addre** B, station D. ?LANDAULFTS, LAN DA US, LADIES' PHAETONS, . Buggie*, l>ep,>t Wagons, Doctors' Phaetons, Ac. ; several second lifln.l Clarences. Phaetons Bticnies, Ac., ?old low previous to moving. HAM. 10 halt Kuurtli st Anew top express wagon for $im>-fits railroad track, turns short ?sid is worth tW) to any person who has use lor 1(. Livery stable, 124 West Nineteenth street. A splendid PAIR OF 17 HAND IRON GRAY earring" llorses lor sale, young and sound: also stylish bsv Team, I6J< hands; gold moun ad llarue**; ?legant Landau. WoodBroa .* Dog Cart and top Baggy; all or any of the above lor sale cheap. Address OWNElt, bo* i,462 New York Poet office. A HORSE WANTED. SLIGHT USE. FOR HIS keeping this maimer; good pasture an.l .are might buy M a bargain Addrt** \V. il. )>n? Nik IU. liar* '- It'cti. HORHEM, CAHAlAOKRi CC< Auction house op arch, johnhton (late Johnston A Van Tassell), office 57 Liberty street (Evening Post Building'. THE HORSE AUCTION BRANCH OP Ol'R HOUSE, IV TO 25 THIRTEMH STREET, NEAR UNIV EltHlTY PLACE. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES k ARK IIEI D EVERY " TUESDAY AMI PRIDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. 24 to 48 hours' trial on horses warranted sound. PARTIAL CATALOGUE-OP THIS DAY'S (FBI DAY'S) SALE, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT TEAM DARK RAY HOR-ES, 15)* hands, 9.years: Kind in all harness; free from vice: have I een used hy a private tamltv lor past tliree years; have no laults, vices or ricks; in every wav reliable, and arc sold hy ixccutors to close an estate; wurranted sound. VICTORIA! very light, in good order, Uy J. R. Law fence. , A BLACK COLT, raised hy present owner in West chester eountv 15*i hands, S vears, Iree from vice, well broke to saddle! a very promising colt; sold to close mi estate. COUPE, square trout, in good order, by J R. L?w rence. ELEGANT ROAN UOR?E, 15% hands. 7years, kind In ail harness and broken to every cmt known to saddle: u go ?t. fast, showy, stylish driver; j n not atrald of anviiimg; any ono can drive him; warranted sound. BIX BEAT take PHaETON, little used, hy Adams A Cone. BAY HAMBLETOVIAN MARE (I.adv Whltmoro), . 3 raised in Vermont 1.V4 hands. 7 vears. Kind In | X all harness; has trotted a mile in l'rospeet Park i W in 2:16, can trot now in 2:45; Is (roe, prompt and stylish, and warranted sound, bet Har ness, Robes, Ac. Also. TOP S. P. RoaD WAiiOX, in good order, by Benson Brothers. ISAM UAY CARRIAGE HORSES. 16 han Is. 7 years. kind in all harness, tree from vice, good, Iree. prompt, stylish drivers; an excellent family team; sola on account of owner's leaving lor Europe. QUARTER ULAi-S COACH, very light, by J. R. Law rence. ELEGAM' BLACK nOR-E, hands. 5 years kind in nil harness and under saddle; clean, souare. open gait : trots close to :1 mluutts; no vices or tricks; a very promising horse; viar rnntad found. BAROI.'C'IE, m pood order, by Miner A Slcve'ia. DARK BAY MARK, sired bv Bt. Lawrence, 15M hands high. 6 years old. kind In all harness ami under saddle; a fine, promising horse: verv handsome; rnised by present owner; has no tricks; ii good traveller; warranted sound. TWO SEAT SLhIGll, in good order, by J. R. Law rcucc. DA PPL ft GRAY COUPE IIOR8R, 16 han K 7ye.irs kind In nil harness; tree from vice; been used by present owner for past two years: In every respect u perfectly reliable tamlly ho,so; wur ranted sound. SLTDi SEAT TOP WAGON, In good order, by R. M. Stivers. TWENTY ONR OTHI'R HORSES. DESCRIPTION TIME OF SALE. A LARGE ASSORTMEN 1" of every Kind of Carriage, Wagon. Harness, Robes. Whips. Ac., ut Allt'il. JOHN Ti'N'S Mart. 19 to '2.1 Thirteenth street, near University place. SalcIO o'clock. Weather never Interteivs with our sales. AUCTION IIOU>E OP VAN TA8SELL A KEARNEY, 110 and 112 KAST TillRTKENTII Sl'ltliET, NEAR FOURTH AVENl'B. REGULAR SALE OF H IRS'CH AND CARRIAGES J VERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Twenty-four to forty-i iirht hours given to purchasers to test warrantees. Horses, Carriages. Harness, Blankets, Robes, Ac., always on hand At private sale. CATALOGUE OK THIS HAY'S iFRIDAY'Si SALE AT 11 O'CLOCK. ELEOANT PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT?splendid team b?v Horses, with extra fine manes and talis, 16 hands high, 8 and 9 vears old ; kind and true in all harness; tree Irorn vice, tre k or fault; very stylish and handsome; fast travellers: fear nothing; have been used by the present owner the past 8 years as a lamily carriage team, and tor that pur pose thev have no superiors aud are warranted sound. Also set HARNESS. NbARLY NEW. AND ELEGANT GLASS QUARTERED 6 SEAT ROCKAWAY, but little used, dark hay trotting horse. uk hand* high. 8 years old, kind and true in all narness, free Iroui vice; can trot In 2:5)and can pace in 2:1#: is a very promising young horse and wai ranted sjund: sold tor account ot whom It may concern to close an o? tate. BRv harness, nearly new, and ROAD WAGON IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY WOOD Bros. CHESTNUT COUPE HORBR, 16 HANDS HIGH. 8 years old. smd and true In all harue-*, tree from ?Ice, very stylish, free and gamv dtlver; tro's in .1:10: lias great cndurauce aud is warranted souuJ. SET HARNESS AND LIGHT CUT UNDER ROCKAWAY IS GOOD ORDER. BLACK MARE, 15 HANDS HIGH, 9 YEARS OLD; kind and true in all harness, free from vice, good under saddle, a traveller free aud pleusaut driver, ai:d warranted sound; also set Harness ami TOP PONY PHAETON, NEARLY NEW. BAY HORSE, I5S HANDS HIGH, 6 YEARS OLD, kind and true in all harness, iree irom vice, very stylish, ftars nothing, can ho driven hy an* one, and has great endurance; also set Harness and TOP WAG ?N, BUILT BY WOOD BROTH KKK. SORREL TROTTING H iKSE, 15'i HANDS HIGH, 7 years old, kind and true In all harness, tree Irom vice, verv stylish ha* trotted In J:47. and can trot in S minutes iinv day. and is a first class horse lor gentleman's road use. top koad wagon, city built. BROWN HORSK. 16 HANDS 11 Kill. 7 YEARS OLD; kind and true in all harness; tree trom vice; a good traveller: Iree and stvtish driver, and a first class hor<e for lauil.y driving. TOP WAGON. BUILT BY Blti.WSTER A CO., OK Broome street _ SEVERAL OTHER HORSES, DESCRIPTIONS TIME of sale. . Coupe Rockawar, top and no top Road Wagons, Phae tons. Barouches. Roekaways, juuip-seat Wagons, Harness, .^addles, Ac.. Ac. 8ALE COM M INCUS AT 11 O'CIjOCK. An ELEGANT FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT AT AUCTION. THIS DAY (FRIDAY), AT 12 O'CLOCK, BY VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY, at their Marl. 110 and 112 East Tuirteeuth street near Fourth avenue. TP.AM ELEGANT SI Y LISII BAY HORSES. SIX-SEAT ROCKAWAY, WITH GLASS QUARTER*. LATEST STYLE, BY MINER A STEVENS. PINE I> IVBLI'. HARNESS, RohES. AC. SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF OWNER GOINO ABROAD. 8EM CATAIOGUE UNDER THIS HEAD FOR FULL PARTICULARS. A\mf?ELEGANT _ . LANDAULETS, In the latest fashion and finest quality. A. s. FLA.NDRAU, Nos. 372 and S74 Hrooine street (old stand of Brewster A Co.) i T AUCTION, ON WB0NK8OAY, APRIL 2*. J\. AT lU'i O'CLOCK. TUB ENURE CON CENTS OF MANUFACTORY ol the MINF.R A 8TKVEN8 CARRIAGE COMPANV, 114 10 121 KVST THIRTEENTH >TKKKT. KKIWfcKN TIIIKU AND FOURTH A\ KNl'ES, to close the business. BY VAN TASSBLL A KKARNKY, AUCTIONEERS. Office ami llorse Mart 110and lit East Thirteenth street The stock Include* Lanlaulets, Coupclet?, Brots. Britzkas. Barouches, Clarence*. Mar and sis ?e*t P.vk l'haetons. Doctors' Wagons, slile Dar an I III11 ,pr.n_ Bead Wagons, Coape Eockuwavs. Ac., finished mi l in coarse ol construciien. Also Contents ot .with, Wool. Trimming an I Paint Shops. Catalogaes now ready at Auction O.Tcc ana at the Factory. _ A ?ft) It SALE, HAS I 'SO M K BAY HA M BLETt IVIAN At More 13 hand* high. 6 years old; warranted to trot a mile In 2:45 or no --ale; safe tor a lady to drive ; also bay Horse, l.'i.'i hand* high; sultalic tor n doctor or family Use or anv liusinesa purpose, six day*' trial allowed ; they arc warranto I in evcrv respect . are th? propertt of n widow: most be told. Inquire at l->2 Thompson street, near Bleecker. A SUPERIOR WAOON. -THE NEW COMBINATION sprint; side Par Wngou is univeisa'H liked, ho'h by riders an.I manufacturers. all who nee it aduilrc It. un equalled tor easy riding; and the Buckingham Is no; ex celled tor speed. All persons Interested In wagons will do w*U to examine my ?t?ck k. m ,-tiv..ks, 1 I to 153 Earn Thirty tlrst street. ABAHOAIN.-BF.AU riHCL ETHAN Al.LKS RAY Horse 1ft,1, hltb. a yen re; sound, klml; trot 1:5)- fine slde-har top full spring Wagon, light llauiei.N Blanket*. l.eciiv makers, nardly soiled; fine coupe ilor?e In quire at private stable. No. t> West Nineteenth street, near Fimi avenue. A -SBLUNG OUT STOCK ?EX CRN - ION TOP PARK ? Hiaeton*, *lde har Buggies, top and no top Express, Grocery, Baker and liihr Business Wagons; thrue quar ter Truck .'tf8 lltioson str t. ARH1VKD AT LAST.-J. C. DKYO. OK JACKSON Ciiy. Mich,. witlt SI line Horses, at A. s. chamber lln's statde*. Twenty fltth street, octwcen Third and Lexington avenues. A?FOB SAI.E LOT OF GOOD WORK HORSF.S . iroin S to * years old. suitable tot all purpose", sold cheap Apply at 176 Mercer street near Bleecker. A -FOR RALE CHEAP. CANADIAN TONY, 14% % hands 1:1(11, !? years old; found and kind; price hai Peen used In an eaures* wagon two years. k> Wooster street APHAEiON rOR 8 A LE?SU'i r \BI K FOB A DOC tor; will lie (old Ma low flvure, ae the owner baa no use fl?r It Can be seen at the United Ftates Stable*, Thirty -ccond street between turd and Lexington are nue*. J. J- SMITH, 3,'I Gran I itrcet A BAY TROTTING MARE, l\*f HANDS. 7 YKARS; sound and kind; will show z:?0: wired hv Hsmlet} also top side liar Wagon, Harness and Hielgh; would exchange lor Diamonds; also pacing llorse. brown. <(\ hands, 7 fears; shows 2:30, 154 West F?rty-:;!ntii street A -WAGONS EXPRESS, OBOOKRY, BUSINESS, . Bakers. Milk, Vender. Depot. DeBvcry and plat form spring Wagons, from $4u to tI7S: one two wheel Oi(. Hor*e and Harness. 236 Spring street A CONTRACTOR. HAYING mtSHBD HIS CON tract, has four large, fine work Horses, vonng and sound: a goo I trial allowed to responsible parties; also a bcautl.ui roin Mare, eight years < Id. 1.1 hands high, with Mowing mane and tall: abdullan stock; will show a lull inile to wagon in 2:41 or no sale ; a ladv or child can drive tier ami warranted in every respect. Inquire at SO Biee^er street, near the Bowery. A GENTLEMAN GOING TO ECBOPE WILL SELL his road llorse at a great sacrifice; 7 years old, Ifi** hands; warranto! sound and kind: can trot In 2:40; also IliiEKvand Harness and pony Phaeton. At private stab e M Kast Twelfth street A -FOR RALE, A HAMBLKTONI \ N TROT UNO . llorse, can trot In 2:?> also Ave other Horses; suit able tor any business. Inquire at 378 Bowery, opposite Filth gtreet, In the AMJ8ENBURY A VANDCSER'S side BAR TOP Wagon, in good order, for gala cbeap at YAN Dt SKR'S, 1,413 Broadway. A?FOR UlR, 5 HORSES, FIT FORGART. TRICK. ? farmer or any bit*lne*<>; warranted sound and kind. a trial allowed. Inquire at N>t 8 East lf*)"?ton street, near Hrnadwae, HORSES, CAHKI.IGKS, ??C. \ BAY CHUNKY PONY BUILT HORSE; AL-0 J\. another Horse, young an I sound, fit lor grocer, lonelier, baker, larming, Ac.; $*>, $U5. No. 0 Bayard s:reet, in the taloou. A?'VALUABLE, TO FARMERS; IRON liR*Y I'ONY . Mare; also brown Mare: Round except little tore forward: $55, *70; worth $-0J if not Sura. iij Madisuu street, rear. A NICK, LIGHT, CITY MADE TOP PONY PHAE ton, hardlv soiled, with a net of One nickel plated Harness, Lap Kobe aud Whip, oaali, at No. HJ West Thirty tilth street. A SUPERB COrPE HORSE FOB HALF.- BAY, ?*?. 18?* hands. 7 years old, arched neck. Ion* wuiio ?B tail. Apply ai No. 3 West Forty-sixth direct A T.*75 ?9R A STRONG 15? FAMILY OR WORK j\. Mare; llamas. $?); business Wagons, $HX); latest style top pony Phaeton, used few times, $160; Rockaway. ?" seventh avenue, Thirty.seventh street. A L**DAU> EQPAL TO NEW CLA UK.NCR, FROM J\ $Snoup; light Rock u ways top Buggies and Wagons atany price; new Coupe ami extension top Phaeton at cost J. '.V. PITNEY . 4fl0 Third avenue. AT PRIVATE SALE?AN ELEGANT PAIR OF PAB xj rlagc Horses; quick, sound and perfeotly matched; Harness, Carriage and Sleigh; owner leaving lor fc.ii rope, Inquire, before 3 P. AT., of J. McCLKEY, 217 West Twenty-sixth street pAKRI.AQ! S.?A LARGE STOCK OF PnAF.TONS, Bockaways, top and no top Buggies, Depot and other Wugous of my own make at manufacturers' prices. CHARLbB QBPBK, U1 We?t_Bri>adway. DCSENBURY A VAN DL'ZKR.?FULL 8PRINO AND top wagon, pole and sliaits. in splendid order, one liew set (if Double Harness, one single set. will be sold at a groat sacrifice. 2<t University place (store). ? ? IjlLBGANT BROWN HORSB, 17 HANDS HIGH, 0 \l voars old; suund and kind; stylish action; line head and neck and every way dcslriibio for a yenteel turnout; bought by present owner direct from the coun try during the past winier and hag improved by city use. Apply at private stable. 65 East Forty-first street I ELEGANT SIX-SE AT PHAETON, BY QCIXB7 k CO. V two cot'PES, by J. R, Lawrence, TWO VICTORIAS, verv light, hv J. R. Lawrence. QUARTER GLASS COACH, light, by J. R. Law renee. TOP PARK PHAETON, by Miner Jt Stevens. * B \ ROPOUE. bv Winer <t Stevens. TWO-.-)KAT SLEIGH, bv J. R. Lawrence. SLIDE SEAT TOP w AGON, by it. M. .-stivers. TWO ELEGANT BAY TEAMS HORSES. TWENTY OTHER HORSES FOR ANY USE. at ARCH. JOUNSl'ON'd Mart (thisday). 19 to?? Thir teenth street, near University place. Weather never interferes witU our sale. At 10 o'clock. IJ^OK SALE?A HANDSOME BLACK HORSE, 10 " band- htili ; can trot better than 8:4'.); best breaker; warranto I sound, kind, aentle, and a woman can drive him; lowest r.uh price. Sl.UUU Address HtuTTi-.R, box 199 Herald oltlcc. f^oit SALE?A BEAUTIFUL DARK BROWN CHEAP Horse,last Irotu tlie country, which I warrant sound nn I Kind in all harness, inquire at 128 West Thirty-first street "L^OR SALE-CLARENCE, Bl'GGY, PHAETON} r Clarence in good order; Buggy almost new, shift ing ion. with llilit Harness; Phaeton In good order and Miitablc tor park all of best citv make ; sold to close estate. Address GODWIN, Herald offlco. tlOR SALE CH.CAP-TWO SOUND HOMES, NEW uugo.i aud Harness. 42t East Ninth street. In the bakery. I NOR SALE?GOOD CANADIAN HORSE. SOUND, kind, 16 hand'1. 0 years; light Express Wngon and Harness: cheap; separately or together, expressly lor want ot uso. No. 2Xi Ninth avenue between Twenty fourth and Twenty-Hull streets. fOR SALE?A GRAY HORSE. WITH RECORD OF Mi; a bargain. Apply at Spring street. F-'OR SALE?A TAIR ok BAY HORSES. 16 HANDS high, the properly of a lady going to Europe; kind and gentle lor single or double harness. To be seen at 2t West Thirteenth street TT^Olt SALE, VICTORIA, WITH RUMBLE BEHIND, r hitllt bv Binder, oi Paris; also Landau IInmesa, silver mounted. Apply at Colonel Kips' stable 27 East fortieth street. FO.t SALE?A YOUNG MARE. ? TEARS OLD; IS A very good trotter. Call lor three davs at corner of Liberty and .New.lerscy a\euues, East New York. Mr. LIBBMANN. FlOR SAL". OR WOULD EXCHANGE FOR A FIRST class Piano?Verv stvlisli roan Mare. 15', hands high, 7 years old ; fast traveller: toiind and kind. T. OKONIN, 10 South street. New York. F VV?R SALE-A VERY STYLISH PAIR BROWN Horses, l\3 high. 7 und C vears old; sound ana gen tle Apply at private stable. n?5 East torty first street. POK SALE?UN:'. OF THE FINEST YOUNG SAI)I>I.K I Horses in the city; bav t elding; true and kind. Address OW .nKK, Herald ottlce. FH)R BALE?A SINGLE TRUCK, GOOD AP NEW; lirre $173. Inquire at. !'.?) I"elsneey street Flop. SAIiB?SPAN OF TROTTERS, 0 YEARS OLD; will show 2tin together: don't pull or lug; gt>od drivers, single o: double ; 15heads: bavs, with black point*: warranted sound and kind; fashionable bred; ?0(1 $1,00(1; will be sold at a great sacrifice. A duress MERCHANT, box. L'l.'t Herald ortTce. L'OUIt I'UUi'KS \ND I WO C ARTS FOR SALE F . liesi> by the Singer Manufacturing Company. 168 M tt street. 1 i arm^ss.?the cheapest harness stors ik it >ew York; good huggv Harness, ban i made, $17; gooJ (irwtr'a lliraw, 82&; goo i Milkman's Harness, ftl. hood double Truck Itaru ?*?>, $!0: good Stable Blau k< t. fl .vi. Pease i.all aud extmino lor yourselves. fisheit 4 0-<lrjrnls, 71 Barclay street, Now t ofk. "I 1VEKY STABLE FOR salr-inquire OF H. R, i j mil.i.Ell, Ural l.siaio Agent. wast Brighton, staten Island. A f ATC'hkd CARRIAGE horses fob sale.?the if i uti iii-r has a pair of mahogany bays, (all i6 hands, 8 years old: also pair dapple grays, 16\ hands, 4 year* old; thes? lnrn? arc directly from iim owner'* urni an.1 untralne.i an i iree Irom blemisn and tricks of anv kind ana sound and kind. Applv at BATES' sqibloa. 14.1 East Tweaty-lourth street or hy le.ter lo si We*t Thirty-ninth at rue t. A pair ol unbound Horse*. lit lor larm, might be taken hi e&cbange. ONE <iLASt4 FRONT LANDAU AND HARNESS, coot $2.4?<i>; will bo sold at half cost, as the owner it going to europe and has no further n?e lor tl:em. In quire ol T, J. coiv, Irom 12 M. to 2 V. M., at bevuve liotue. CTABIE TO LET?WITH OR withoct COTTAOE, o at low rent. in<imir<< ol hitlbekt PECK, Real en tat.' and ln?m an. u Broker, 284 West i hirty fourth str#et. OTABI.ES to RENT.?MCI BRICK STABLES, WITH o lou.i; stalls for two to etitlit horses; moderate rent. j imk? I'kii'r. ?:? Hudson street OTABI.l l<) I.Er_P\RT of PRIVATE STABLE room for iwo horaea and carriages' In East Twetftv sccoii J street. addrsne by uot? T., 2.j3 East Seventeenth ft'-?rt r|v>lk*_THt FOLLOWING PRIVATE STABLES ?i hi west 17th street, ? stalls. $fH$; 14ft Meat 17th f reel s stalls. * I .? : 142 Went ftoth strict, 4 stall a, ji.iuti; 144 We?tfelt>i street * stalls, ffina JAMES stik msn. 76 Wall street w'ANri n TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEAR8-A >> B .ardiiv Stable, with fortv or flttv stalls, or more; must tn' lo>\.ie.l between Fourth an i Seventh avenues, Twcntv-foiirth street and Central Park. Address A. h. C., for three days, at the Putnam House, 3f7 Fourth it. \\T AN rE'??a KINDLING WOOD WAGON OR LIGHT vt Truck. In go.?l i.rder. cheap for cash. Address, with lowest price. 3*2 second arenue. XV ASTKD?docrob-S phaeton WITH TOPjMl'st It be in run 'i in g order and price worthy. Address OTTO hthl.N, livery stable, Hoboken, N. J. 117 ANTED?a KTTI.18h COCPK HORSE, 16 HANDS; ?? annul and gentle, of high knee aetl.u and heavy built. Address C. u. W? Herald office. Umtalltld-a SMALL, HOUND. of.SILE HORSE, broken to ?a 1j1 ?, and tor rony phaeton. Address, with price, HENRV -nobcbosn, bo* 773 New Vork Post office. ttrAKTFD?a SADDLE TONY. NOT OVER 10 HANDS ?f high. kind and gentle. Apply to JOHN CARROLL, 307 Seventh avenue, tor two days. WANTED?a VERY SMALL PONY AND PHAETON " or n agon stvlish and perfect, lor a bov clirht vears of aire. Address. staling lowest cash price, 11. C. H., bos 3,l?i Port office. WOODS BROS. jl'MP SEAT WAGON. TOP AND >> open Pony Phaetons of all styles, extension lop and doctor a Phaetons; 20 top and open aide bars and lull apnnpa bv Brew>tur. stivers aud other food makers: Bocks wavs at all stvles, Sulkies and skeleton Wsgons, 1 coup way, 1 six seat coup* rockaway, single and doable Harness. w il GRAY, JO and 22 Woorter street. djsl,*: -HORSES KEPT ON LIVERY AT $2% PER ??_'). niotitlt; best ventilation, care an 1 feed;a'?.ia Stlrers top v agon lor rale cheap, at-AliLI-.s' stable, 341 -Ixth.street between First and Second avenues. WEST FIFTEENTH STRBKT?KXTRA LABOR lou private stable tolett barotlche. by Brewstar; Phaeton ; < tenant double llarneta for aale. 4?-4ir?the cheapest establishment IN ?t') ? ?l. the United states; black roan Horse Bunch. 1ft hands: gentle and flue driver: sound and kind , can beat 2 alao apiendld Stivers top Wagon line Har ne 4.1, Blanket. Robe, Ac., ?epatately or together, at ul West Thirty flith street DRY nitons. /CARPETS. carpets. \J Great prini oneninc of Carreta, Oilcloths, Window Shades, lainbreouins. Mats, Matting, ac , at very low price* English velrft *' 75 per yard. Tapestry Brussels, at >1 par yard. Three-plv at $l 2r per yard. Ingrain, at mc., 40e. and mo per yard. All other goods at equally low prices. A large stock of furntturo, 10 per cent cheaper lhan any other house in the city. All good* shipped tree. D. KEI.LY, (successor to H. O'Farrcll), 512 and AI4 Eighth avenue, between Thirty IMth and Thirty-sixth street*. MILLINERY avi) dhksbmakma. axd0one SLITS MADE, FROM TO fli Mrs. FERCIVAL, 12 Clinton place. h "x A VALLIERE"?THE MOST REt HERCHE AND lJ eleuant llat of the season. Imported by LB MAI BON W ALTON, m Broadway. ctton. A^m GOOD HANDWRITING TAI'OHT IN TEN PBI vate lessons. Term* reduced, this month only. Apply from :t fo 8 l\ M. at vj W' t Fourth streei. sreo'tu ao. ni.fvi.-R u tjolosmllli. TO I.KTFOH R( SIVK,* HI HPOSF.H, A.~ PROMINENT RETAIL CORNRR TO RENT CHEAP. The Store and Basement, together or separate!*, north weft corner Fourth avenue and Twelfth strr. r, suitable for druggist. stationer, cigar or laney good* dealer. Apply to WILLIAM It HaLCONER A SOJS, tO) Fourth avenue A -TO LET OB LEASE, NO. 182 SOUTH 8TRPKT, j\, corner building; desirably located fur ilnu chandlery business. Apply to HORACE 8. KLT, :'3 Fine street A -TO LET, OXE-HALF THE ELEOANT STORE A? l.lft'i Broadway. 23x86, with plate glass front . ,il? > the second and third Floors ii desired. inquire 01 J. Hi1PKIN8, 13 Went lwentleth street. A LOFT TO LET?IN NO g NORTH WILLI A* A street-, well Hunted : adapted for light mauuiaoli.r in? business; rent low. Apply to THOMAS UAFFNET, 17 Cc utre street At $1,010 a year?second loh, ?xa# feet, no. 7(11 Broadwnv, between Eighth and Ninth street-j lioUtway ; new building. Call on premise*. An excellent business location-^tore on Fourth avenue, Harlem; about opposite v!;<>re railroad trulns slop; ort< door from lSMti str-ot ; t;? per month. POTTER BROTH EKS, No. ? V arren street A STORE TO LET?08* T1IIKD AVFWUE, CORNER J\ Forty third street; lias been a grofitr? for eleven years; chance for soma one. Apply f 'I P. SMITH,210 East Tenth street, between Sand 6 l'. M A CORKER STORE?SUITABLE FOR TAILOR, watchmaker. any business, adjoining entrance; also basement Store, Frankfort HuJ-e, 20* niMiiim street, corner Frankfort street A -84 PINE STREET, OROFNIi It KLKGANT ? Office, well arranged; rent low Ol'ioe* 11 Flue street or 33 Eust seventeenth street \. K STRVENSON, lr. \ TENTH AVENUE STORE, so ?0>, BETWFEN J\. Thirty-second mid Thirty-third street*, to let low. Apply on premise*. A HTOltK, NEXT TO CORNER BROADWAY aXD iL Thirtieth street, to rent, tor any t'ioo, suanll busi ness; rent SM) per month', jtood 1.oat.on. iiiQiti.o in marble yord adjoining. A ?LOFT8.?FIVE SPLENDID LOFTB TO LEASE J%? on Bei kman street; through, H5 :?et t< .-j ruce street: excellent light; near new Fostoffice; pout , can be had; also Basement uud Cellar, about 0fi teel deep JAMr.S PRICE, iflii Hudson street. I ? STORKS NOS, 2t>0 AND 291 WEST STREET TO JVi rent or lease ; close to People's line steam hosts ?"<! Pacific Mail Steamship dccics; lerv - lb-inntial; n;>d er ii. rent JaMKS pRlCi. iOO Hudson str.'et. A ?STORES ON VARICK STREET, NF1AR CANAL JYt street, to rent low, large 'tiow viniowi; i'? '1 tli .roughtwre. James PrTCE, at' li tdton street. * RARE CHANCE.?DESIRABLE ORNRR SIORE 1V and Haseniotit; ties1 location in tiie -Ity tor u *ro eery, drtu* or hou-> (urnlstiin g husittOM; Forty el;wt ^ street and Sev? nth nvenuo, r.pp^-i o Centra! ;n i-t; pasi door to market; cheap rent. JAs. K WATHRLOVT, 881 M.Mh avenue. t -TWO FINK LOTS TO LEA8B, ON PIFrV-I < HJBTH -.L. street, near Sixth avenue, suitable t> r coal >?r!. JAMES PRICK, *00 lli'dsoil Street a ?STORE AND DWELLING NO ZbT, HI !?-.>M J\ . street to rent or leave ; ? shout 7l> ?????! deep; level with sidewaU ; capital lot atlou tor furniture busi ness. JAMES PRICK, 300 Hudson street. A ?CORNER STORE, WITH CELLAR AND PIE A ? rooms over store, to rent or !ea*e ; central location; moderate rent; sls.> several smalt h',orea oti side *tre< ts. JAMES PRICE, !'J0 Hudson street A BUILDING Sl'ITABLE FOB A NT business? J\. fronttns 30 teet; opuo-ite where t'arleai Kniiroad trains stop; lermltms of street curt, i'ordnatn; JJ0 t?<(r month. FoliEi: It ho r II Kits, No t W'erren street. BROADWAV STORE TO LET-NEAR TWrNIV nlntli street. Apply at 1,190 Broad War. /lONYENIEXT FIRST FLOO;t OPPICE?SOBTB V' Union square, near hvw*tt House Applr to W. C. JACKSON A Co., 31 Kist Seventeenth street. poll KENT?WITH or WliilOUi' I'oWER. l/.'FTS " mi l Stores, lor mannfaetin I:ig Duri.oses vnU to engineer, <>n premisei, 17fl lU-sier street, or A. T. MKVEi<, r7 Walker street. Filial LOPT To LET?AT in ORAM) sritEEr. HZ ftl. stnro to let at 179 Grand sir int, with or without steam power; llouv nnd St're t.> let at !7d Bowerv; Store to let at 2>'.. I'ariutne -ircet. Apply to 8. P. H. CKUOKR, 18J liraud street /^rEENR ANI> HOUSTON.?TO LMT, IB. lfift 1M "T Greene stree', 8") West Hon-ton strset. Store, liall 2ix40, H rooms ab.'Ve; rent/ reduced. C. C. KRA 'U' RST, ii Liberty street Half of a large balesroom-huflvino, hatehwav, te,: firstloM near Br-a t w?v, between Ves'y and Chajiibem streelstrent fiJOper mtmh. Ad dress LANDLORD, box 2Rl Ueraul rff'ii. HOl'SE to LET?191 IHVISIoN STBRRT. WITll rw.? Morea, iwo htNBrsti and I' r >om* good lor board ins bourn or liquor st.ire. I want t"> roMltallto >ue, ami I wju mi it i'ir ??*?* per year, with Are yt-arr iea>e. Go ??? aurl then come to J. rt IfTKNK, IU H> urj IAItGE PARLOR AND SViALI. ROOM, SI ITVBLB J for lifhi iiusln?M purposes, at Hit fourth >ri>gg? T OFIfl TO LKT?\T 1WCANAJ. STKUKT, RKTWKEW 1J Broadway and Em street: potsnaaion iintui 4i*tely. apply in atore on pramuat 1 OPTS TO LRT?RKDI <'EI> 8KNT GOOD LIGHT, J about 70 net deep. Applv ft, .v:i,l,l*'4 FAGI.E. corner ol V arii'k, Veatrj and Canal atrc ta. ONE or Tilth FINEST SECOND FI.^ORS is THM cite to rent for lMi4se*a :>ur;i#ae*. vj.iaM.' :>r> pUototirapurr; alao otiter Fluora. aeparatelj >rtose liter; Inquire ou aecuad tloer, i7 I'nion square. OFFICES TO Ll-T?AT so .i rARK l'LVCK So. 16 Murray atreet .tpp.y u li- ?r .ui*e? at room 12. CTkam roirEB.-WKix i.tai!rn> r.orrs \x? 0 Kooma; alao a Fac.nry. AO ic*of iraat, n?. at-.r-s; Seated b; steam: elevator, gaj Ac < -> aud CM We* Twenty ?erenth t STOBE *ND BASEMENT. .NO. MSEIOH PM A VK V TE, , to r?-nt at a groat bargain. Inquire jf J. HOMAlxiJ BROW N, No. 1,18? Hroa.iwa*. Stores with rooms, in nos. su in.i tn ^toTr street. next to r< mer of .-prltif 1 rc.-t and MA East Sixteenth street. Inquire <>f b<v.:sek'"por, or ai bank, ? Second avenuo. I STORE, FIRST FLOOR. NO. *St BAST "OETEENIH street STORE TO LET.-1# AMD 1M CHATHAM ?TRKEf^ near Ko?c*elt. 15x5.? with or * tthoui lofta; wrv ?nit? abta f.?ra la~'er beer saloon; will be rji??|(te(j 11 ?aii: a>-*> large loft, to*.7'), well lighted. Appl) on premises. ^TEAM POWER?WITH CORNER STORES l.IollTKD ail arounJ ; also Rooms. Basement* and Tao'ta tot manuiacturtng an 1 mechanical i JrPos ??. ,<trsm heated. Apply to G. Oitti h W AI.K K ' *) On ire street STEAM roWBR.?LARUK AND 811 ILL ROOM3 IB I'rinec, Greene. BlaecK r. Hank. Hudson at- ! Hov euth atreeta, wood ?til ir-n worairt; gj,*) light; I iw rant P.M. WILSON. 1H Wert ihavaatliVm* Ti> LET-MS ANIi SOft EAST FOBTT Til I RO hTltr KT. with two Rutliliitgs. Mv? and mr 2i>< . Imi i>..en o??,'iiT ?tair bulMtaa: t?? let ! >r any purpose, renl $i)X In.iuir? ai Ka-t Kortieth sUret. rpo I.ET?HO. 117 EAST M K<?A11 TA V, A BASl VIXT 1 Har and itilhHrd Pa loon; will be altered toauit* plant; 534 Water atreet. p. hut Lienor sp.ra : s> < isC lio Monroe atr. et, Ooal V?rd Appiy >v t. r -loKM.L* MoN. 6ft LeaiiiKion arattoe. To LET, X0. M5 0RAN'> SIRBKT STOBK, PTEU ling, ebop and Stable; guo.I l'"-catlor tor its but! new; rent cheap \pply to JOli.s ;? J'iRALtliON, N Lexington avenue. TO LET-THREE OR K"IR WELL IH.HTED Floor*, ?'*!?>, with ateam l? wr>t inl ittea i l>eate>i. at 154 and 156 Wcat NinateeiitQ ?trcot Apply ;U pr-nii?es. TO LET?KIB8T LOPT, WITH OOOD LIGHT. STF.AOT Kteam power, tor i iv or five eari vppl\ to DAI A JtlClloi.s, Iron \ ork?. No itw W ?i*ter atreei. TO LET?STORK ANP PREMISES HO 'Ai THIRD arena*, 1x115; tbrer it.>rnt. iolMH? for mano. forte niHnuI.iCt<>r% and wareroom. ? r -arti -ul-.-t a p. 01/ to II. M l Itl(I i f, Nn 5"* third nv?t,u? r) LET?THE SRCOXD iillRD AM' FOl KtH FU-om o? luilldliu 7?1 Broadw ay Auply to MA It UN A sMI i II. 50 Wall atreet rro Li r-A nick MTOBE suitahi.B roB a MIU J. bn?lne?a. Apply to GBO.;UP. LAVKK, M V "at Porn-Orat atreet rro LET-STORE >'>. 1W MKHi'KR STREET I rent $W?? per annnm alao fro Upper Floors, real t ? Apply at room No. 1. "??!? Br >adwar. TO LET-BTORE ANI> BAHKMKNT NO W V \?DEH lane; desirably located for ; ??nurmt <r other t>ar po*o<; newly fitted, al-o Lofta an I <!?'? ? t at low pricea. ______ K Bl.AOKM vs Ko. V* Mroa<lway. TO LET?TH K HO'SK NO WASHIN;fOJf atreet, near the Public Storea, renl low; nve ? leaae: >ui;uMo (or reatauraiit Itijmra A ? J vMfcM PRIUB. ?W Hudaon atreet TO LET?THE LIQUOB STORE BNOWN AS TUB Hallway Honae," corner lh'rt-enfh atrael and Eighth avenue. Apply t.. .1 aMK* I'fllEK. S6>) Nlnlli av. rpo LRT?WITH STEAM POWRB, Bt'lLOTNO TWEN. I tv-?*conJ atreet and Eleventh nv/iii'n, two Floor* SOiMeaoh, well lighted. Applv nt oifl'-^ of MI'LATVi lumberyard, Twenty-seconc atreet anil Elevontu av. TO LET-POR BUSINESS PUHP >SKS OB DWELL ing. the whole or Parlor F1<xt ot i.o>n ? in .-iatfc ave. nae, near Twelfth atreet; aplen lid l.i atioa ior or dre^raaker. for tn-rtnit apply to II. J sBaiCaN, Weal Fourteenth atreet rro LET-A TKRT DESIRABLE STORE, AT 719 SET 1 enth avenue, opposite Centra. Mamet. betv n Forty-eighth and rorty-ninth utreeta. has 'je-ia u*ed at a tailoring eitabllahroant, rtnt TO I.RT-TnRKE LARGE LOPTR, IX CBERRT atreet. near Jatnea ailn, mil; al?o store, aame ?t/e, suitable for any Kind of manuiaotnring t>usm*M. luuulra ol CHARL S IELLT, SM Water ?treet TO LKT-DWRLL1NG PART (? BOOMS) KOBTH* west corner of sistli av*nu* and Thirty-third ?trr??,: alao the next House (1:< rooinsi. nuiuble tor a hotel, reut low; poaaeaston. THOMAS N. LAWRKXCB, Coleman Oeuso, t to 10 A. >. rpo LKT?I UK STORK, DWELLIHO AND SITASLES 1 15 Forayth street: *7>S per annum; will pat in order. Large baaement Store HI Hudaon atraut; $ 00 p?V an num. second Floor and Atttc, at 127 Wavarlay placet l-S p<!r month. ? arpentor shop 45 Ihomas e'reet. b?lnf flrtt "W fl" I , cellar; S30 per month THORNTnN M T< 1 T>** t E?aa, k?uta Aaaat, OM Broadway, MMHr I j -.1EU lIKH *