Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. * WHOLE NO.' 14,138. ? NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1875.-TUIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR amertiserg. AMUSEMf.nts-Flevknth Pacb?Fourtn, fllth and sixth column*. AftfROLooY?'Twelfth Page?Fourth column. iti l.i I A r l?S? !? 1,1. VI ntii i'agk?'Third lOlUlDU. boarders wani ED?fmix Pack?Fifth ana sixth column". BOARD AND LODGINO WaNTBD-Fibst Pagb?Sixth column. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE?secowd Page? Firm column. BU8I.nls.lsd OPPORTUNITIES-Ninth PACE. NOTICES?hiivkktu Pack? plfth rolumB. CITY real estate FOR salh?sbcond Page?First column. ObRRK ' AND salesmkn?twblmi Faob?Third col umn. CLOTHING?1Twbi.ftu Pack?Fourth column. coachmen AND uabdbnebs?t welfth PACB? Fourth column. COASTWISE steamships?twelfth Pagb? Fifth and alxtli column*. COPARTNERSHIP -Ninth Page. COUNTRY BOARD?first 1'auk?Sixth column. dentint ky?iwblfth Paob?Sixth column. DRY goods? First Paob?Filth column. dwelling HOUSKStO LKT, furnished AND UN FURNISHED?sbcomi Page?Third column. european steamshipa?iwblfth pagb-Fllth col umn. EUROPE?Eleventh Paob?Third column. EXCURSIONs?Twelfth Paob?Sixth column. FINANCIAL- Nixth Paob. FOR SALE?skcond Pack?Fourth column. furnished rooms AND apartments TO LF.T? Second paub?Third and lourth column*. FURNITURE?ski ONii paob?Sixth column. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?Twelfth paob-Fourth column. help wanted?females?twelfth Paob?Sccond tmd third columns. help WANTED?m ALES?twelfth Paob?Fourth col umn. HOB ES, CARRIAGES, AO.?fun Pacb?Fourth and fifth columns. HOTELS? fibit Paob?Sixth column. . . HOUSES. rooms, AC., WANTED?fimt Pagb?Sixth column. INSTRUCTION?fi.evx.NTn Page?Fourth colnmn. jersey city, HOBOKBN, HUDSON CITY AND BF.R ok.n REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-SeCOND pace? First column. LECTURE sk \>0 v?eleventh Paob?Fourth column. legal NO ticks?1 lbventii Pack?third column. LOST AN0.F0UND? First Page?Third column. MACHINERY?Second Paob? Fourth and filth columns. marbi.E mantels?elbvkntii page?Fourth column. M kd1cal?Twelfth i'aok?Sixth column. MISCELLANEOUS advertisements?Tenth Pack? Sixth column. miscellaneous?sicond Paob?sixth column. MUSICAL?(Eleventh Paob?Fourth column. .NEW publications?Seventh Page?Sixth column. PER 'on A i.?first Pack?First column. pianofortes, OROans, AC.?Elkvknth Paos?Fourth column. POST OFFICE NOTICK?first PAGE-Slxth column. PROPOSALS?elkvknth I'aok?Third column. PROPS SIGNAL situations W ANTED?FEMALES? Twelfth Page?Second column. _ pbopk11ty ou1'of THE CI TY FOE SALE OR TO R8NT?second Page?First and second columns. , REAL ESTATE TO exchange?SBCOBD PAUK-Second column. RELI .IOUS NOTICES?first Page?8econd column. REMOVALS-elkvknth Pack?Third column. bb.vtaurants? Eleventh Pack?Third column. REWARDS?finsr Page?Third column. SALES at auction?Sxcoan Pagb?firth and sixth columns. _ _ SITUATIONS WANTED?* EM ALES?Twelfth Paob? First and second columns. ? SITUATIONS WAN1ED MALES?Twelfth Pacb? Third columu. SPECIAL no; ICES-fibst Pace?Third and fourth col umns. fePOR'ring?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?fibst Pace?Fourth column. storage?eleventh Pace?Fourth column. summer REPORTS?First Pace-Sixth column. THE TRADES?1twelfth Pace ?Fourth column. THE TUKF?first Pack?Fourth column. TO LKT FOR BUMNE 3 purposes?SECOND PAGB? Second and tiiird columns. travellers' GLIDE?Twelfth Pace?Sixth column. unfurnished ROOMS AND apartmknts TO LET? Sbcomd Pace?Fourth column. WATCHEs, JEWELRY, AC.?eleventh Pace?Third column _ westchester COUNTY PROPERTY FOR BALE OB to LET?sbcomd Page?First column. WINES, LIQUORS, AC?eletuwi Page?Fourth c?l yachVk',' sleamboats, AC.?first Pagb?Sixth col umu. BBlfflETT 1HJ1L.P1NO. gKNNETT BC I LI) I NO. A PLW MORIS OK KICKS TO LKT. DiniClORV. Rooms. B\sKMhJIT. I?Lawrence A Co.. Rankers. a?J. N Havre, O, nttemcn'H Furnlslmul . 5?H. D. liumont, Stationer. 0. W. Miutn, Law Books. i? Thorium M. Lyncb. Whim. I'tiwin L. Irion. cigars. 5?A. B. Davenport. Mutter. f-Hium A Friedman, Tailor*. KII1ST STORY. Unlet Very eltRiMe tor (tanking and Insurance. SECOND STORY. 1?McMahon A Morse, Lawyers. i--w. H. o'liwyer, Uwjrtr. A. Buckingham, Lawyer. T. C, Pinckney, Publisher. *?J. Herrick Henry. Lawyer. | J. E. I.udden, L?wj?r. 8? North weatern l.ifc insurance Company. L. s. Benedict. Agent f?Homer A. Nelson, Lawyer. Krastui Cooke, Lawier. I?Allien M Card, lawyer. (Part to let) .? I rhauiher of Lite Insurance, Charlton T. Lewi*, -ecretary. 12?McCarthy * Chalmers. I?awyem. 13?Cook A Nivau. lawyers. 11. H. herunaou, Lawyer. J. M. I'avanuiikh. Lawyer. M? M. W. Weld, Lawyer. International Co lection Aaaoclt.ilon to. U. Oerrickkou. Lawyer. THIttD .STOUT. I) Judge Sutherland. t J P. M Scott, l.awyer. I?Kettrit. h A Cardwell, Lawyer* J. s. hanron. lawyer. 4?E. II. Beira, Lawyer. L'udley L. .lame*. Lawyer. E. D. James. Lawyer. I?-herldan. Bonynge, Cochran A MuEiren, Stenog rapher*. 6? Hllnia Bloomer. Real Katate. (). U. Cook, ri. ,ii Katate. f?Brina* A Fellow*. Lawyer a J. B Aitken, Lawyer. 8? W. C. Iniphicun, Lawyer. C. MattlK-wn, Lawyer. W. H. Ryan, l.awyer. CI", ciariluer, lawyer. 0. Wilaoti, Lawyer. Wiikuwon A Peter*. Tnute?* of Eitate of White. !jf Barren A ntrung, Lawyer*. 31 a. E. Woodruff, Lawyer. W. H. BeijThola, Civil Knclneor. Pellmm nu t 1'orti In-iter Railroad Company. roc it hi story. I?Thornton A Karle. Lawyera, J i hilnar Ketehuin. i; eg niter In Bankruptcy. 3 * htiKiir K< ti hiini Jr.. Lawyer. I ( Henry Wehle. Lawyer. ? )& nultan, I-awyer. C. Oolil/.irr. Lawyer. H. Fuehrer, Lawyer. |?To .ct. 7?U?i<in? A Crook, lawyer*. furroy A Buuel, Lawyera. O. H. Ba it an Lawyer. 8?Crary Wcller A -chenek, Lawyer*. T. O'lricn. Lawyer. C. U. WiiiiHm.?, Lawyer. ?? Chaoncey Shaffer, Lawyer. 1?C H. Olover Lawyer. Fred. W. Kenny, Attorney and Couniellor. !.j I Lock wood A Cro*by, Lawyera Buhler, l.awyer. FIPTn 8TORT. I? L. Rklit more, Lawyer. John O. Chile. r-stuvvf-imt Hank Receiver. i Hakeinan A i.attlug, l.awrerA 4 / T. B. Wukfinan. l awyer. Jl J. B. Koe. I awyer. (?international I ubliahing Company. .1 ule* Berr 7? K11i h A Kiteh, Lawyera Q. Pallor. Lawyer. 8?Hafcall A -tetoon. Lawyera fc. <;. stcdmau, Lawyer 9? ovlety lor Reformatio!! of Juvenile Delinquents. 10?f. 11. Steele, Lawver. W. H. Kins, Lawyer. J. A. Lydecker. He 1 Batata. C. R. I yclecner. I-awyer. II?J. P. A J. a. heed, Lawyera 11?Bvrne, Kverett A Co., Lawyer*. ]?( Walsh. Ilaibert A i ckeraon, Lawyera SIXTH HTORT. 1?John Townthend, l.awyer. A. Mchoiwn. J? R I oitan, seot<!h Granite, Ac. n?a. w. ( araeater, t uwyer. 111 itli T. Hu, Lawyer. Ho. P. Wehster. Uw.rer. ?lettcrion < lark, Lawyer. ?| John L. Knight. 81M. r. Flier, Lawyer. I i r. a. Lone. Lawver. ."nittii A i>ean, CHy Purveyor*. 10 11 >. W. Vai HMD, Lawyer. 11J T. H Baldwin, Lawver. UJCtiarle*!'. Barrow. Lawyer. Knit on Kockwell, Lawyer. II ( Henry A. uildersleeve, Lawyer. 14)?. K. i arrlnKton, l.awyer. U. W. i oinpkint. Lawyer. T. H *iln<'r. Lawyer. Two pa^H'iifer elevator* running all the time. PERIORAL. TpOCRTII ATKKUB TAR-FRO* CI1Y HALL ABOUT r Ave ; our ot two ladle*; hrown drew, reading book. Addrea* NEXT. Herald Uptown Branch ofllce. IP MR-*. WILLIAMS, FORMERLY OP 124 HOI LIVAN A street, will send her present addre** to ARTHUR, bo* 190 Herald office, she will hear aomothing to her a?ivan K18SES.-PKRKIDIOUH MONSTER) HOW COULD you do ao ? I am going away and must *ee you, Write me at once. LIT!LB 1'HLCIOU*. Lawypr-i have rf.ckiveo tour lkitp.e. Send your name and addre**. W. M. VIB. JEH-E VKAL. of willeniiall, knolano, j'I i* re<)iie*le?i to nend hla addre*e lo his nephew, ABhL TEAL William B. Korreat'a, Madiaou avenue, Prenkford road, Pluladctphia. MK llt'TCH INS. OF 1IU i CHINS' PRINTING HnUSE. lUrtlord, Conn., pleft.e call at my offlreto dayal 3 P. M . important. A. W. RICHMOND. 1,193 Broadway, room 17. CJIIIJ?WHERE ARR TOO, TORTOISE? WRITP. TO ?5 me this week. You know where NRRCURY. YKSi Til IH MOUNIVO. /t >0k O'CLOCKi YOU Uh deratand. OW1A REIilfilOVM NOTICES. AMI HJ CAN SUNDAY SCHOOL I'NION.-THE tti-TY flrst anniversary meeting is translerred irom Phil adelphia and will lie held in ilie Academy ot Music, New York, I uesday evening, May IH. Uon. William E. Dodge will presliie. Addresses will 1>? delivered by Rev. Wil liam r. Paxson, upertotendent ofMissions in the South west; Rev. John Cotton SutUb, D. D., New York; Rev. henry Martvu, Scud' er, U. O., Brooklyn. :^nd Rev. Stuart Rni>in?on, I). D., Louisville, Ky. A choir ot sev eral Hundred children and atlulta, under the leadership of T. K. Perkins. will sing Ticket* given at No. 10 Bible House. Reserved scats, & centa. AMSrOUNDING sriRITCAIj MANIFESTATIONS DB scribed at the spiritual Conference, Harvard Rooms, Reservoir square, Sunday, at 10}$, 2 and 7Ji o'clock, yuirtct singing morning and evening. The public invited. ALL HA I NTS' PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Wlliiiuu N. Dunneil, rector, Henry street, cor uer of Scammel, New York.?Services every unday morning at lO'-i and every Sunday evening at 7J<. The rector will preacn. AT TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH, FIFTY-FIFTH street, near 1 exlngton avenue, l?r. Holme, Paste.? Subject ot discourse Sunday morning?"Orpah anil Ruili ; or Affection and Faith." Evening?"Small Trades, men." At the hall of thb society of proores eive Spiritualist*, S6 Went Thirty-third street, near Broad way. ?Mr. E. V. Wilson lectures at IbJi A M. and 7}* P. M. Children'* Lyceum meets at 2%. AM MERICA FOR AMERICANS I?OSCAR II COO preaches in tho taorniug in Kortv-fourth street Me tho list Episcopal church. Forty fourth street and Tenth avenue; in the evening in Eighteenth street Methodist Episcopal church, Eighteenth street, above Eighth avonue. Snbjoot, "our Bible and Our Public Schools?Touch Them Not." A T OALLATIN HALL, FULTON STREET. BROOK lyn, C. B. Lvnn will speak at 7% P. M. for tho Soci ety ot .-plritualist*. Subjoct?" I ho Practical side ot Spiritual Themes." Ten cents fee at the do*. i\ SsOCIATION HALL, TWKNTV - ? BIRD STEEET, corner Fourth avenue.?Rev. Jas. F. Elder, pastor of the Mail I son avenue Baptist church, will prench on Sunday evening. May 9. AT free tabernacle m. e. church, thirty. fourth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, Rev. J. Johns, of England, will pieocu at lo)? o'clock In the morning and at 7)i o'clock in the evening ; young people's prayer meeting at 6o'clock in the evening; seats ftroo: strangers welcome. Beecher and T1LTON PIlRENOLOOICALi.Y compared by Prolessor GRAHAM, Pythagoras Hall. I.16 Caimi street, Me.y 10,11. spiritualists phrenologicatly considered: marriage. Commence 8. Admission i5c. Public test examinations. BAP 1ST SCNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' AS8O0IA tion.?1The next regular meeting will be held on Monday evening. May 10, 187ft, in the Calvarv Baptist church. Twenty third street at liali-past seven o'clock. Addresses by Hev. W. W. Everts, Jr., of Chicago?"Paul, a Model for the ~unday School Teacher"?anil Rev. W. II. Eeavcll, of Jackson, Miss ?"The Sunday ichtol as an Agency in Forming Christian character." BLLECKKR STREET UNIVERSALIS CHURCH, corner ol Downing street. The pastor, liev. E. u. Sweetser, will preach to morn w at 10?i and o'clock. Sun ia> school al ?y a. M. Prayer and couitrence meeting every Tuesday evening at s. The public Is cordially invited. BISHOP POTTER WILL HOLD CONFIRMATION IN the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Seventy-fourth street, east of Fourth avenue, Suudny morning at lu>s o'clock. C'UUROH OF THE STRAN'UERS, MERCER STREET. 1 near Waverley place.?Rev. lir. Deems at 10:30 A. M. and 7:i6 P. M. Evening su'ulect, "The Three Crosses." Seats free. The Committee on I^spitality meets straugers at the door, f-lilDRCH OF THii HEAVENLY REST. FIFTH AVE \J uue, above Forty-tlfih street.?Morning service. Holy Cotninunlon, lu :si A. M. Evening service, 7:30 P. M 1H CltCII OF OUR SAVIOUR, J Fitly-seventh street, near lighth avenne. JAMES M, PULLMAN, Pastor. SUNDAY Morn I No, at 11. "Scntiuientallsin Ml-taken for Religion." EVENING, Al 7:4% '?The Rest Attainable in ibis Life." . /IOCPBS, LANDAUS, TOP WAGONS, ROCKAWAYS, V.' depot Wagons, top and no top pony Phaetous. Clar ences, Ac.. Ac. of every desarlption. at VAN T.VSSELL A K aRNEv's, llu, in East Thirteenth street, near Fourth avenue. Di8c1plk8 OF CHRIST. TWENTY EIGHTH STREET, near Broad wny?Rev. D. R. Vun Buskirk.? ervlces morning and evening. Morning subject?"When, Where, by Whoui and by What Autlio fty Was the Name Chris tian First Given to the Disciples ot Christ?" You are cordially Invited. I.1GLISR REFORM EE FRANCAIBB, CALVARY Hi chapel. Fourth avenue, between Twenty tlrst and Twenty second street* ?N*ai ."'unday morning, at 10:4ft, the Hev. K. Borel will preach on "La LaswtuJe de la Vie." Seats Iree. LMFTH AYENUB f PRESBYTERIAN CHURCB. The DEDICATION of the new church edifice, CORNER OK KIFlY FIFTH STREET, will tiike place SUNDAY, M AY 9. 187ft. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor Key. JoUN HALL, D. D. Afternoon service at 4 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. S. J. WIL80N, o. L>., Moderator ot the (General asAmbly. Evening service at 7:3U o'clock. Addresses by Rev. Dr*. VEUMILYK, ADAMS, PaXTON and others. Service WEDNESDAY EYRNINO, May 12. at 8 o'clock id Lecture Room, ?ntrunce, on Fifty-fltn street Firm avkmtk baptist ciii hcii, west fokty sixlh street?Dr Armitatce. Pastor, prcacliiug Sun day morning and evening. MVi and 7^ o'clock: Sunday tchooi. 9 A. a. straugers welcomed at each service. GRACR BAPTIST rllAPEL, TWENTYNINTH street, west of Nin:h avenne.? Rev. Robert Cameron, pa?tor, will preach .noruing and evening. AU cordially invited. Hanson place baptist church?rf.y. j. d. I-ilium. D. D., will preach next Sunday morning, nt 2}. Sublect, "Shall the Public School* Become I'apal or Ofirtotinn ?" hvvmng .service at 7>? P M. oubiec t, "A Oreat Man'* Mistake." JOHN B 11 WILL DELIVER 11 {ft NEW LKC ture, "Now and Ihen." at Cooner Institute. on Thursday evcuim?, May is, IS75. at H o'clock. Mr. ?>'ouqh In'ends going to Europe, mid til s will probably be 111* last lecture in this city, llckets. SO cent*; rex rved seats, 71 cent* For sale at Nel-on A Philip-', *>6 Mroic way; W. t*. Palmer. Jr.. II BiMc llou*e Hurley's, 312 Fourth avenue, and the principal book More* MADISON AV-NUR REFORMED CHURCH, COR ner riftyaeventn street.?itev. II. D. (lanae, pas tor. will pre.icli at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Morning subject, "Hod's CnrecoK nucd I're-cnce' ? Uanesls It, Id Stranger* cordially welcomed. Sabbath school at 9% New yokk prfhbyterian church west Eleventh street, between nth and Seventh ave nnea.?? ervice oti sabbith morning and evening. Ret. h. w knapp will preach in the firht Mission Baptist church, corner Lalg'it and Vartck stre t?, at 10:30 A. M. and < :46 P. M. (-eats free. All are welcome. HEY. SAMUEL M. hamilton, PASTOR OF SCOTCH ? PresbyterUn church, fourteenth street, between Hfth and .-Ixtb avenues, will preach :o oiorrcw, at 10JO A. M. an.i 4 P. M. Rl V W H. pknuleton. PASTOR. WILL PRK Ai'H morning and evening in the ruty third street Bap tiatchureh. Bible cla**e* and sand ay -?ti... i at 3 o'clock. HEY. JAMES R. I.ioiitbourn WILL PREACH IN seventeenth street Metho<ll*t Episcopal church, between First and ?? ecoad a venues, Snndny morning and evening Morning snblect?"The Communion of Saints." Kveiiiuf *ubject?"Balaaui?The Love of Money." Seat* free. KEY. I. B. MRRWIN, PASTOR, WILL PREACH IN old Korsyth street Methodist Kniscopal church at ID :UI A. M. anil 7 ;4ft I*. M. sabbath school at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M All are invited RP.V WILLIAM H. THOM \S. PASTOR OF HEMt man Illll Methodl-t Kpi* opal church, Ka*t rttiieth ?treat, between Plrv and -econd avenues, will preach sabbath at 10% A. M. and 1% P. M. seats lr*e and atrani{*rs made weIcoma^ CRYKHTH STR! ET methodist EPISCOPAL O Church ?Rev. J. 8 Willi*, pastor, will preach at low a. M , sabject. "Tha Summer and the Winter Klgs;" 7'j I*. M., The Young Man. ' The public cordially In vited. seat* fT'-a. Sr. JOHN'S MRl HOD 1ST RPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fifty third street, near B^mrtway. Rev. James M. King, pastor Preaching 10 flO A M and 7:30 P. M. Evening subject, Definition of Preteitantuin and Ro ?anlw." <OTt|IE RFLIOIOl'S A-PECTB OF THE LABOR 1 Qoestt >n" will be ditcuased before tha American Labor itatorin Leagoa. on snnday forenoon, afternoon and evening, at Masonic ilall. ihirteenth -ire. t. Tabernacle baptist church, second aye nue, between Tenth and kl venth streets. ? Rev. James Boardman Hawthorn*. pasu>r Subjects? 10::W A. M. "Hindrances ta spiritual Development ." 7 :48 P. M , "Uod's Record Books." Baptism alter evening scr moii. Young men and strangers cordially InvitaJ. rflBR Pl'LI'IT OF THK SOUTH I'RKsRYTKRI AN 1 church of Brooklyn, R?v Or. Reed's, will be occn pied by Professor Franci* L. Patton, ol Cnlcago. to-iuor row morning. _ The thirtyhrsT anniversary optheprot estant Kpi?c..pal Church Missionary society for men in the City and Port of New York will be cele Hen men ??? vn/ ? ? - "??? brated on Sunday evening. May t. In the I hutch ol the Heavenly Re*t, f lft?i aveuue and Forty Afth *treot. The annual report of the Hoard of Manager* ? I,I ba pre g*ntert Alia a sermon preached bv tha itev. D V. M. Jolmson, rector of St. M iry'* church. Brooklyn All in tarestod In tne *i)iritual welfare of seamen ar? Invited to attend. Service commence* at 7:45 o'clock. fir A-lllNOrO < SOUARE MMIIODIST EPISCUPAL Vt chorcn, Rev William Lloyd ? Morn'ng, "Behold the Larabof God " evening. 'The Pcariess Three, or, Ttue Manhood s" commun on at 3 P. M. tirKSrMl.NSTRR CHURCH. Wl ST 1WP.NTY ECOND YV *treet, be;ween M?th and seventh svenue*.?The pastor, the Rev. Ueorge D Mathews will preach to-mor row ror. noon, at 10?? o'clock, and avcnlng at 7JW o'clock. L, C. A.-REY. S. If. TYRO, JR, WILL DRLIYRR . the la*t lecture ol tha free conrsc tor young wo men, Monday, May 10, at 8 P. M., subject. Book* ana Keating." <4 Irving pi?. lUTH STRKRT METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.? lo M. H. Terry at l?i? A. M , on-The SabbatnO* car lingo, at 7 :*J P. M., on "fhe fhrvc stronnholds of american Liberty," _ L.OST AND POUND, fJlgfND-A VALUABLE PACKAGE OK PAPERS. V Tlio qwbm can have the same by detcribliutund pay Inn: fur this rt-tvertisenieht. Mrs. IRENE MACREAUY, ho. 104 Bast Fourteenth street. LOHT-ON THURSDAY NIGHT, A BLACK LEATHER Trunk, between Thirtv-spconti and Seventy-eighth streets; hour between 7 md 'J o'clock. The finder will he rewarded $5 by leaving it at 124 Eait Tlilrty-second street. LOST?A CAMKO RINO, IN A SLEEPING CAR. $? roward tor its return 'o olllco ot NOYES, WHITE A CO., corner Church und i eonard streets. Lost?a hlack lack veil on Wednesday about 2 1*. M., from Ninth street and Second ave nue to Twenty sixth street and Kourth avenue, on street or Fourth avenue corner. Kinder will be rewarded by returning it toSCUARLKS BROS., 1,140 Broadway. CT0LKN-KROM NO. SO WEST SEVENTEENTH O street, small lady's gold Watch. $15 will be paid for it* return there and no questions asked. _ REWARDS. (JjfT ItRWARD.?LOST, ON THE NIGHT OF THE 24TH ?p?i April, a Memorandum Book, The finder will re ceivo the above reward by leaving at the address on the cover. (1> C RP.WARD.-LOST. AT SEVENTH AVENUE AND <P?/ Forty-second street, a Scotch and blue Terrier Slut, named Nelly. Return to stable No 247 West Forty first street. RPECIAL NOTICES. Herald branch offices. AHVEKT1.-EMI.NTS RECEIVED AT ALL HOURS UP'IO MNE P. M., AM) NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED Willi 11 h KALI'S AT FIVE O'CLOCK EVERY MORN 1NU, AT 1.2GC BROADWAY AND 880 SIXTH AVENUE, BETWEEN THIRIT-FIRST AND THIRTY ECOND S'1REE'1'8; OIFICE OPEN ALL SIGHT. HAltLEM OFFICE 2,281 THIRD AVENUE, COKNEK OF 124T1I STREET; ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED TO 7>30 P. M., AND NEWSDEALER*. SUPPLIED AT FIVE O'CLOCK EVERY MORNING. A -HAVANA LOTTERY, NEXT DRAWINO MAY 8. . German government drawings Pri/.ea cashed and Information given. WaCmsmaNN A CO., Bankers, 74 and 77 Nassau street. Post ofllce box 3,316. A -KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMBER LOT ? terv, Havana plan; Simmons, Dickinson A Co., Managers. For circulars of Information address their authorized agent, J. CLUTE, 153 Fulton street, Knox Building. A?OFFICIAL DRAWING I OF THE kentucky . taie und licltiv < ollege l otteries kINIHI'11 STATU. F.XTRA CLASS .'68?MAT 7, 1878. 61, 14, 1&, 2. 39, 18, 16, 73. 45, 4:t, 1, 22, 84. IHBLIIY. K*T?A CLASS 371?MAY 7. 1375. 24, 6i, 36. 69, 4, 8, 43, 26. 58, 60. 84, 21, 11 KXMUCKY. Cl Afs 906?MAY 7, 1875 19, 78, 33, 88, 12, 72, 17, 48. 8, 52, 7, 42, 68. iHKLBY, CLASS 172?MAY 7, 1876. 40, 13, 32 3, 34, 21, 27, 33, 22, 26, 7, 2. 1ft J. s. hillT11 A CO. Managers, Covington, Ky,; Post office to^ 2.781. New York A?PARKS, EMERSON, k CO., AGENTS FOR ? Kentucky Stato Lotteries, drawn daily. Roval Havana Lottery, drawn every f7 days. Kentucky Single Numliflr Lottery, drawn May 29, 1875. cashed. Information furnished and circulars sent, by addressing i'Ai<K-< A CO., ISO Broadway, room 1: Post office box 8,272. Private office attached. Ofllce hours 7 A. M. till 7 P. M. A?K.OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. . Drawings every 15<1 ays. Next drawing May 8. One Prize ot $1110,000 One Prize ot 80,UW One Prize ot 25,i,<)0 Two Prim s of $10,00.! ea. 2<i IK*) One Prize of 5,001 Ten Prizes of $1,< 00 each lO.lHiO 82H other Prizes. anioun'ing to 27i|,lW0 Prizes cashed. Circulars, with tnil particulars, sent free. P. C. DEVLIN. Stationer and General Affent, 30 Liberty street. New York. Books and accounts investigated, bal auced and closed by an efficient accountant; terms fixed by job or day. Address R.. box 3,432 Post office. Cash GIFTS $300,000?KENTITKY STATE SINGLE number drawing, May 29. Circular* of Infoi'ma tfon seut tree. BATES A CO., 196 broadway. /CONFIDENTIAL AND COMPETENT AID OFFERED V/1 to honest embarrassed debtors to adjust and procure settlement with creditors. Money advanced to aid an honorable discharge. Address capitalist, box 3,370 Post ofhcc. BI.-EASEH OF MEN and IMPORTANT MEDICAL and Surgical Cases a specialty. HENRY A. DAN jS, M. D? 144 Lexington av., near Twenty-ninth st r India Rubber Horse Shoe*, Instead ot Iron ones, an old Vienna firm wants the exclu sive right ol nale tor ttie Auitrlan I'.mplre and the Danublan Principalities; II necessary, tne patent right will be secured for the countries above named. Pleas? nd<I rcss 1>. K.. bo* J.658 I' office (eare ol Messrs Haas ensiem A Vogler), Vienna, Austria. LMRMAN'S BFAUTIFIBR FOR THE COMPLEXION? r A great remedy for making the sain clear and purcj will remove pimnica ?n i olotches; it 1* a perfectly harmless compound, being purely vegetable; return of uionev guaranteed If satisfaction Is not given; price SI per bottle, scut 0. O. D. Address II. FIRMAN, 183 Filth avenue. Havana LOTrfcRY.-j48J,uoo in prizes every fifteen days. One prize of. $l00,titw One prize of $5 i.OOO One prize of. *">,0ti0 Two, >10,000 each? 'JO.OOO Otic prize ot 5.000 Ten. SLUM each 10,iW) 111 prizes, ?600 each. ? 800 7i.\$3>Oeach 214.500 Prizes cashed. Circulars ol information tree. Highest price paid for Spanish gold an I Governments. T. B. MARTINEZ A Co., Hankers, 10 Wall st (rear basement), N. Y. Post office box 4,665. Havana lottery. $4St),000 distributed in prizes May 8. 1 Prize or ?100,000 1 Prize of flU,000 1 Prize ol 26,WO 2 Prizes, each ot $10,u00 m.000 1 Prize of..., 8,000 10 Priz. s, each ot $l.0t? 10,001 82? other Prizes, amounting to 7711.000 Circulars of Information furnished free. Orders filled. Prizes cashed. Spanish Hank Notes, Doubloons and gov ern menu purchased. TAYLOR A CO., Hankers, 11 Wall street. New York. . y?HWq? STATU LOTThBY. 6INULE NUMBER SCHEME. (Authorized by special act of the Legislature.) For the Benefit of the University of Paducah. $300,00J to be distributed among the holders of Ticket*. FIRtiT prTzk, $so.ooa 1 he drawln? to take place at Covington, Ky , May 29, TotT No discount on Prizes?Every Prize paid In full. SIMMONS, DICKINhON A CO., Managers. 8c heme. 1 Prize offWOOOls $S0.flM 1 Prize ot JO, Win. .'O.ty'O i Priz- or lo.ottita lO.ouo 5 Prizes of 6,000 are 25,r*>0 10 Prizes of 2,5i*t arc no frizes of 1,00 are 90 Prizes# MX) are JS.OdO SO Prizes of nosre 12.100 100 Prizes ot 100 are 10,000 6,100 Prizes of lo arc 60,(100 Approximation Prizes. 4 of $.10)0 approximating to $50,0W are $12,001 4 of 1,02s approximating to 20,00 (are ti.'fli 4 of i.i> 0 approximating to lO.OOOare 4,w0 6,280 Prizes, amounting to $900 000. Whole Tickets. $10; Halves $5; Qaarters, $l 50. Remember, that every Prize Is drawn and payable in fkill, without deduction. These drawings are never post poned but take place regularly the last Saturday of etch month. Send for circular. Add rets all orders to SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO , Covington Ky._ Kentucky statr lottbry-havana plan Simmons. Dickinson 4 Co., Maaagers; next draw Ing May 29. For circulars and information address Oka II. BOOTH, Manager's Agent, 73 .Nassau street. Pait office box 3.W7 New York. K ?OFF1CIA DRAWING OF TIIE KENTUCKY . state Lotteries, Simmons, Dickinson A Ca., Mana Ctrs? ZZKtlCST. ZZ1BA ILAiS KO. 315? **V 7. 187.\ *?, 4S. 46, 54, 46, 67, 14, 64. 60. 75. 68. 62. zzurrfzr ri.sss so. 316? !'Av 7, 1875. f, 62, 55, 48. <#), 64, 69, 4 i, .'8, 77. 76, 1. ?X SHIRT, SSTZA class HO. 4IB? HAT 7. IS7A 81, 68, 51 14. 8, .'5. <10. Si. 37. SO ?1, 24. SKST, CI.ASS HO. 4110?MAT 6. 1876. JO M, ?, 40, 13, i7, 63. 45, M, 76, ?9. 5?. 54. Full intirmstlon by applying to or addressing J. CLL'TE. 2tw Broadway, rooss 6, nrst floor, rear o?oe. or Post office box 4,689. _ _____ K?KENTCCKY STATE SINOLB NUMBER LOT . tery on Havana plan, drawn May 29. also Roval Havana of Cuba, drawn May 8. Full Information by ap plying to or addressing J. CLOTH, ?0 Broadway, or bo* 4.969 Post office Lord a taylor. orand and chryxtir streets. Kaall-h body nruisel? $1 80 and $1 75 Kngllsb and American tapestry $l U) and I 12H 0~~fficb of ihb kkw yobb mutual oahliuut Company, northeast corner Fourth avenu,- anit slx teenih street, linon snnare, New York. May 8, I87JV ? The annual meeting ol Hie stockholders ol the New York Mutual Oasligbt Ootnpany tor the etc Umi ot 16 dl rtciors and tfiree Inspectors of election lor the ensuing year will bo hold at the offlcc ol the rmnpany. In the City of New York, on Tuesday, May 18, I?75. the polls for which election will be opened iictween the hours o, 12 M. an t I o'clock P. M. of tliat day. The transfer books of the company will be closet) for ten days 10 days) prior to ?am election. Hyorder.of the Board of Irec ,oM. chAhMW PLACE, secretary. 1)BKK8KIL!< CEMENT ORAYBL UsBD FOR FOOT X and road ways of rentral and Prosp, ot parks; also at Washington. Newport, Ac . delivered anywhere. 8 H ? iwbXlT*36 West Nineteenth street PIIOTO I ITIIOORAPHY AND LITHOOBAFH1C Prlntliif, of every de?cripilon, done at low rates by Hie M fcTfeoFOLI I AS FRINIINO COM1 ANY, 2W Broadway, New York. T SHE anniversary exrrcises of thb home jl lor til" Friendless will take place on Wednesday, Mav 12, at uie tMiurfh of the Disciples (Rev. l>r. Hepworth i\ a larce representation ftem the twelve Industrial Schools will be present and participate In the exercisea f i till 1 ?KENTl'CKY STATE LOTTERY. ioOO.OOO. single > <^ MSV 2I 1876 $l;W,m6 istoar stetn May "A, tS7fc B. naiIian, No, lOUsey lialkllaa. Cortiandt street, New York, - BPEdAL IVOT1CBS. 1300.000.-*r.vrV' ^ s,rATK- s'^'("'Lk vr?: <li*ount to clubc ? w-A Building. Cojilandt street, New York " * SPORTI!Mti?I)OtiS, BIRDS, ?fcC. EM)R 8ALE?OMR SETTER AND ONE POINTER. P thoroughly broken; wurrunted to point back ana retrieve; will l)C sold on their merit* In the field; Setter Papa, Newfoundland and 8t Bernard Puds: irom mam outh stock; Black and Tun Dogs, good Hat Dogs of all breeds, good Watch Dugs ot all breed*. H. GARDNER, 111 South Fifth avenue. 1'IIK TURK. T FLEETWOOD PARK -FIRST SPRfNG M RP.T1NQ; XI premiums $13,500, May M, 10, 20. 21, 1S73. ? First day, parte $1,00 J, 2-60 class : tame day. purse $2.i?K), 2:26 class; second day, purse ?l,8Ji 2:31 class; same Jay, ourse $1,000, double teams, lor horses tnnt never beat 2:30; third day. purse, $l,5uo, 2:34 clasa: lame day. nurse (2,300, 2:24 class: fourth day, purse $l,9>0, 2:39 class; same day. purse $3,000, 2:20 class. Entries close on Mon day, May 10, at 9 P. M., at Johnson Bros. See particu lar* In Turf, Field and Kami and Wilkes' Spirit. All communications to be addressed to DARIUS TALLMAN, JOHNSON BROS , Fleetwood 1'ark. AT FLEETWOOD PARK?BATUHDAY, MAY 8, 3 P. M. prompt?Sweepstake 1150; John Doty enters s. in. Saratoga, to wagon; II Kelly, til. g. Ingoinar, in har ness ; John g. BUI), In harness; mile heau. best 3 In 5. Same day, sweepstakes $2(1). mile heats, oest 3 111 ,1, in harness M. Myers names bl. g. J. t ase, Jr.; Thos. Leo, bl. g. Cape Jenks; T. Curry, s. g. Beppo: John Timothy, Or g. Judge lledlc. Macomb's Dam Bridge open lor travel. JO.INSON BKU '., Proprietors. Dahios i, .Superintendent. Auction and French pools will be sold at the NKW YORK TURF EXCHANGE, IS West Twenty-eighth street, between Broadway and Filth ave nue, every morning and evening during the week on tin running races at Nashville, Tenn. Entries and results by telegraph. KKLLY, BLISS A CO. A UCT10N AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD THIS DaY il and every day and evenlugtliis week on the running rac. s at Nashville, Tenn., at JOHNSON'S Pool Room, corner of Broadway an I Twenty-eighth street. Full re turns received each day by telegraph. French Pool* close at 2:4ft P. M. W. 11. A T B. JOHNSON. Auction and frencii pools sold this evening on the running races at Lexington, Ky., at the New York Tun Exchange. 16 West wenty-eUthth street. KKLLY, BLISS A CO. QRAND BPRIN 9,'tBOTTING CIRCUIT. Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Hartford, Providence and Boston. Premiums, $72,ik!0. For programme ana particulars see ,rSplrltof tho Times." Special notice. Owners and drivers arc hereby notified that no entry ol any horse or itom anT persoii who is under penally of suspension can be received, notwithstanding they may propose to effect their reinsulmtnt before the dav ot tnc race. All persons and horses to be eligible to entry In tbis circuit must be tree from penalty before May 10. POOLS SOLD AT JOHNSON'S POOL ROOM, 1,187 Broadway, this afternoon, on Nashville races; also on base ball games; Boston vs. Mutual, at Boston; St. Louis vs. Chicago, at St. Louis; Hartford vs. Washing ton, at Hartioril; Athl tlc vs. Centennial, at Philadel phia; New Haven vs. Philadelphia, at New Haven; tele grams received; Western Union oltlce In the room. F. H. BI IBKRT. PROSPECT PARK FAIR GROUNDS ASSOCIATION.? Spring Weeing, 1375 premiums, $12,000; June 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th. 1st day?Purse No. 1 $1,001 for 2:48 class. 1st day?Purse No. 2, $1,300, for 2:26 clan*. 2<l day?Purse No. 3, fl.MM, f r 2:31 class. 2d day?Purse No. 4 i'.'.SUJ, tor 2:22 class. 3<l d?y?Purse No. 5. $1,000, lor 2:40 class. 3d day?Purse No. #,$1,800, for 2-21 class. 4th day?Purse No. 7. $1,801, tor 2:34 class.' 4th d;.y?Pnr?e No. \ $1.50.1. for 2:29 class. Entries close Monday evening. May 10. at Oo'clock. and must be addressed to the undersigned at 18 West 1 wenty eigbth street, New York. GEOKGE W. OAK LEY, Superintendent HORSK*. CAK1UACBS. AC* AT BARKER A SON'S CITY AUCTION MART ANDN. Y. TATTER8ALL'S, corner of Broadway and Thirty-ninth streets MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER, auctioneer. REGULAR SALES ol Uor.-es, Carriages, Ac., EVERY WE. NESDAY AND SATURDAY, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed lor trial on every horse sold under warrantee. THIS IS the only auction mart In the State having the firoper taciliiies for showing Horses ou sale, viz: a arge driving ring, sntirely under cover, and plcuty of room Tor examination. CATALOGUE OF .-ALE THIS DAY AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. THE HIGH BRED beautiful game young brown trot ting Mare Elgin Ulrl, sired by Casslus* M. Clay, Jr., dam by Kentucky Clay; is 15>~ high, 5 years old; a finely gutted and a very promising and reliable Ally; Is ele gant in harneas;'splendld style; was never on a track hut once, and fhrn lurned it in 2:M: with tour montns' handling will trot 1'.. 2:40 or better; cost the preseut owner $l,2r0; now sold only on account ol departure lor Europe, and warranted sound mid kind; also set of single Harness bv Dunscomb, Blankets, Ac. Top SIDE bar Wagon, by Broome street Brewster. THE SPEEDY bay trotting mare Klla Mortimer, sired by Billy Hambletomau ison of Rvs lvk's), out ol Minnie Wa sh, by Clarion (sire ol Old Puti. 18?? high, 6 years old; without exception one of the richest bred, best broke mares in ilie suite; trotted last full In gentlemen's flve vear-old race, to road wagons, seeon I by a head, in it <814; in proper condition can beat 2|S8 any good day and trsck; Is no pallor nor lugger; afraid of nothing; sold lo close the estate of the late C B Adams, and is warrante l sound and kind. TOP PON V Phaeton, liv Geo. H. Close. ToP DEPOT Wagon, by Vandergaw. HaNDSOME BAY gentleman's Road Horse, got by Ethan Allen. 131* high 8 years old; a prompt, game and extra stylish driver; can trot in three minutes; afraid of nothing: can be driven by a lady wlih perfect safety; will prove a prise to auy one that gets him, and 1s war ranted ?oimd and kind. TOP FULL spring Wagon, new. PARK PHAEION, by Brew-ter A Co. gENILEMAN'S ENURE Establishment consisting of the well known sorrel trotting gelding Charlie, got by Edward Everett (Bonner's). 15^ high. 9 years o'.d; a lino and easy driver; has a record ot 2:16 over the Goshen track; is gentle lor an v one to drive, and Is warranted sound and kind. Also top full spring Wagon, by Dusen bury; Harness, Ac. No TOP side bar Road Wagon. EXTRA DESIRABLE Iron gray Geldinc, 1S?^ hr.rh, 8 years old; a handy and pleasant driver aud very sharp traveller; is sold only for want ol uac, and U warranted j souud and kind. I NeW ANt? xECOND hand Harness, Horse Clothing, I Saddles, Bridles. Wliitx. Halters. Ac. THE CELEBRATED bay Trotting Gelding Island Boy, got by Sayre's ilaniblctonlan. dam by Abdallah Chief. | I5S high, I years old this spring; has a public record of 2:34, and Is'a ?ure 2:40 horse any day to the pole or i-lnsle; I* soUl to cloee par.ncrsblp and Is warranted tound and kind ; a rare opportunity for those looking lor a great deal i f speed. 1IIIRI Y UlitrtE other top ami no top noad Wagons. Depot, Express and Business Wagons, Carriages, Ac. i IWl.LVE OTHER Horses. FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. sales NEVER postponed on account of weather. Attention. attention. Mr. GEO. D. IT ANNA'S (OP BOURBON county. Kentucky), ?lock of green Trotiers AND AlA. galled Saddle Hur*e*, IIA- AKKIVfcD AT HARKRK A SON'S CITY AUCTION Marl and New York Tattcrnall'*. CO 'NKR OK Broadway and Thirty ninth street, AND IH pronounced by competent Judge* to l>o the ft runt, handsomest and beat lot over neon together. Dr. john W. CI.AKK, agent tor Mr. Ilanna, desires everybody to come nn<i trv the *l?>ek before thedav of nalr. whlcn I* announced tor Wedneariay next. May 11 at 11 o'clock prompt. CATALOGUES NOW read v. nnj can be had at the office* of the spirit ot the 'lime* and Turf, Held and Kami, or at I'AKKKK A >O.VS, corner ot Broadway and Thirty-ninth street. saI.K fuMTIVS and no postponement, ABE STRAU9 HAH ARRIVED KROM lexington, Ky., with Ifl yonng Trotter*, which lie offer* for sale at rea?on*ble ratea. Can be teen at aw tan Twen ty fourth street, A A. *hait?, hv John It. Lawrence, in good order; top and Pony Pha^toni, basnet and panel, also Wttu canopies; several new style*, trom (US; Landau, by Miner A Steven*; Brewster side har Wagon, M other sec*, ond hand Wagon*, by city maker*, Express Wagon*, top and open; lourneat family Phaeton*, tlx-aeat Roi k away*, six scat Phaetons, Barouche*, Coup**, Ac ; liar new. sheet*. Whips. Blankets, Ac. WM II OKAY'S, 2il ami 22 Wonster utrect. k VERY STYLI>H, LIGHT FOUR-WIIRKI.ED A Dog cart, by Wood Brothers, In flue order, can l>? bought cheap at stable, 114 West 1 wenty-teventh street, ?THK windsor WAGON, by J. W. BREWSTER A CO.. Of TWENTY-KIFTH STREET. The be<t road wagon In America. LAUOE CART OR TRUCK HORSK, WEIGHT 1>0, good puller, cheap, for want of use; * so very last young Roa I Mare Apply at coal yard, Fifty Kventb ?tfeet, Highth avenue. An elkoant t cart kor HALE I.OW-ALMOST a* good a* new, made by Wood Brother*; also a set of aiixer mounted Double harness. bv a first claa* city maker. Can be seen at l?fi We*t llilrtyuiuth street. 7 D. A J. JARDlNE, 1.267 Broadway. 4 TEAM OP BAY HORSES, SOUND AND KIND: J\ flt tor flaming or any heavy work ; *oM separate or together; less than half value. No. ? Bayard street, sail On _ ?elegant A. Landaas. latest fashion an 1 finest i|iialfy, with imported Morocco and top leather. A. S. klandrau, 372 and 374 Brooine street (old ?fand ot Brewster At..' i _POR BALE, FIVE HORSES, SUITABLE FOR 71. tanner or any business purpose, at half vaiue; mint be sold. 86 South Fittu avenue, letwcen Bleecker and Houston street*. A." -FOR SALK?"IX HORSES, SITTABI.E KOR burning, grocery or truck; will be sold very cheap, a* the owner has no further me lor them Ap ply at A. STEIN'S Hotel, corner of Kifth itreet auj the Bowery. J _ ______ _ A_KOR SALE. ONE KIJLL SPRING SQUARE BOX . top Wagon; one three-<ju*r;er seat s<)ttirc box no top Trottim* wagon: both built by Brewster A Co, of Broome street and la good order, inquire at LEaD BE ITER'S stable, Broadway and Korty nttta street. ACIIANCK. SELDOM GENTLEMEN ? Selling out bay II *mbleh>nian llorse, I i>, hand* A year*, trot* in 3 minutes sound and kind ; side bar top Wasron; beautlfttl pony Phaeton; reliable black llorne, 15 bands, 7 year*, trot* In ;?k, used by ladv past year; twoneated Park Phaeton iBrew*ter>, all good a* new; llarne*s. Blankets, Ac Private (table, No. 6 \Ve?t Mnc teaDlh steal near 1' 11 th ?VCDU*. flIIKKKS, CARHUUKS, (ST. ABKAITIFUL SORREL MARE, RAISED IN K !? N? tucky, sire I oy Volenteer out o( a thoroughbred Morgan mare. IS1* hands high, Is fix year* old and no older ; the If Kind In all harness, tree from vice, and can trot ii lull utile la 2.60 jure; Is very timu Home, iree und pleasant driver, does not pull or sfiy. and can lie driven bv anv one, ami to tie sold at a luquim lor Major SMITH, No. H81 Bowery. A?ONE OK THE FINEST THREE SKAT PHAETONS ? Id the city, made by Brewster, of Broome street; good a-> new ; co'-t $1,4..0 No. 5 West Thirteenth street. ?FASH IONABLK Cabriolets, Style George IV. arid others, ol uue quality. A. 8. FLANDRAU, 872 and 371 Broorne street (old stand of Brewster & Co.) T)ABY CARRIAGE, TilK NOVELTY.-SEND HTAMP J> for circular to L. P. TIBB iI.M' Toy Store S2n Broad way, third door below T we It in street. Repairing done' D? T ARr8 ? of line quality and latest det>ii(us. A. S FLANDRAU. 572 and 374 Broome street (old stain! of Brewster A Co,) L1LANDKAU WAGON. r The driving public are solicited to inspect our standarl WaKon with Brewster <k Co''f pa-ent side bar attachment making the best HIDING WaGoN EVER PRODUCED. A. 8 FLANDRAU. 372 nnd 374 Broome street (old stand of Brewster A To.) PjlOR SALE?THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN?A 1 stylish gray Mare, lii hands, 5 years olu; is a line saddle horse as well as a good coupe or match horse; also a thoroughbred bay Saddle Mare, and a bay Gelding, 3 rears old, 15^ hands; is a good road horse. These horses will be sold at a bargain and ? arrauted in ovury respect. .Apply at -27 West Fortieth street. IfOR SALE?A DOG CART, ALMOST GOOD A8 NEW, 1 on four springs and made bv Miner A .Stevens: prlwe ? '(XX ( an btf seen at 114 West Iitliotii street. IHOR SALE?A BLACK HORSR, 17 BANDS HIGH. 1 Inquire ol J. MORRISON, 410 West Thirty-eighth ft For sale?light business wagon and har ness. in good order; suitable for plumber or light ex press, will be sold cheap. Apply at 21 Rector street, lu plumber's shop. flOR SALE-PRICE ?300, GENTLEMAN'S BAY Horse, voting, sound and kind ; Wood Bros, top Bug gy and Harness. Bradley's stables, Thirty-flrst street and Madison avenue; owner, 57 West Thirty tilth street I port SALE?A BLACK IIORSK. Kj; HANDS HIGI1; al-o a top Business Wagon and Harness, together or separate, at Armour's livery stable, No. H Seveuth ave nue, corner ol Twelfth street. fiX)B SALE-HORSE, WAGON. HARNESS?BUTCH er'srlg. 130 Broadway, Williamsburg. S J. L NORTON. Ij^OR SALE?ONE ELEGANT SADDLE HORSE; HAS I been ridden by a lady lor nearly iwoyears; per fectly gentle and easy galtcd. Can be seen nrom H to 10 A. M. or alter 3 P. M. Apply at 13b West Fourteenth st. l^OR SALE?HORSES, TRUCKS AND HARNESS, I' Ale Casks. Barrels. Half Barrels. Apply at Grand Central Brewery, 145 East Forty-second street IjlOR SAI.K-A LADY'S SADDLE A D JO'IDLE. r nearly new. KING-LAND, 2i)9 I'oarl St., Brooklyn. IflOE 8ALE-A GENTLEMAN'S TURNOUT. CONSIST. L in; ol Horse, Wagon and Harness; horse rich dark brown, 16.2. g years old; can trot in 2:45; wagon by Brewster. Broome rtreet, and harness by Coiuerioid; will be sold low; also wood double Harness, $16. Applv to gIlRRR'1 SEaMaN, Boulevard .itubles, 155 anu 157 West Fiftieth street. HAUNfe.8S.-THK CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IN New York: good Buggy Harness, hand made, ? 174 good Grocer's Harness, >25; goo I Milkman's Harness, $3U; good Double Truck Harnett, ?SO; good Stable Blan ket, $1 5). 1'lca.v? call and examine for yourselves. l-'ISHER A 0:-BuRNK. 71 Bar. lay street. New York. HARNESS, RIDING SADDLES. LIMN AND woollen Horse Clothing Lap Dusters, Ac,; large stock, great variety and the lowest possible ortees. E. BARTLETT, 62 Warren st, corncr College place. HORSE OR HORSE AND WAGON wanted to hire, by a responsible partv, residing lor the sum mer in the country, for very light work, coining and going to depot; best of care and keeping. Address U. A. O., Herald ottke. IRON STABLE FITTINGS.?ALU THE LATEST IM proveineuts, ol our own make; good, sino >th cast ings Irom No. 1 iron, fitted by skilled workmen. Call and see speciuicus or send for an Illustrated catalogue free. JANKs A KIKTLAND, Nos. 8, 10and 12 Beade su SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. s Coach. I Coune. Clarence, Park I'll acton. Lanoau, I Dog Cart, Top Wagon, Gunning Wagon, No top Wagon, I Six-seat top Wagon. BRADLEY. PRAY A CO.. Me Broadway. STABLES TO RENT.?NICE BRICK STABLES, WITH lolts; stallf for two toeizlit horses; moderate rent JAMr.S PRICE, 2>W Hudson atreet T 1'UE METROPOLITAN PR1NTINO ESTABLISHMENT 218 HriMilw.iv, have unsurpassel facilities doing nil kinds of Printing with unusual promptness ?nd at moderate priced. CAHT, BY BREWTBR A CO.; IMPORTED TWO wheeler and Harness: liotli in good order. BKADLKY, PKaY A Co., is Inion square. tlTANTED-IN A PRIVATE STABLE, ROOM FOR tt two horse* ami two carriages, anywhere letweea Tlurtj Urst and Fortieth streets an.I Fifth and Second avenues Address JONES, box 177 Herald office. VET ANTED?A LIGHT * OCR-SEAT ROCKAWAY, I' city built in good order, for cash. Address, .stating lowest price, K., box 15 station C. I IT ANT ED?A SECOND HAND PONT PHAETON, ?? with or without top; must be cheap. Call at or address stable 14 Charlton street. -HORMRS K i:I*r ON LIVERY AT $25 PER ijiitl. month well ventilated stable; best or care and feed, at .-Altl.HS' stable, 341 Sixth street, between First and second avenue*. DRY UOODA. Cumn ) GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. I'l.OUtl YAHI'8 INGRAIN CARPET, AT 40c. 13.00.) YARDS 8UPERFINB INGRAIN CARPET, ATfflc. J0.0OT YARDS MX IRA MiPERFJ?K CARPET, AT 75o. IO.OUJ YARDS KIDDEItMINSI (M CARPET, AT 90c. 6,00? YARDS INDIA BRUSSELS CARPET. AT We. 10,000 YARDS TAPESTRY CARI'ET, *T $1 10. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL K>R CASH. I have orders from manufacturers to close out their carpels at tlie above named prices. 1 he carpets are ex hibited in eijiht large rooms, and the prlccs put on them at which they ?iil be sold. J. w. DiMlvK, 208 and 27u Canal street. Just can of Broadway. Lord a taylor-orand ani? ciirystie sas.? Enclijh Body Brussels, $1 5) an l $1 7& tug ish and American Tapestry, #1 and II 12. 1X7BT G >?>Ds ?mi BALANCE OP PINE CASSf. M meres, Flannels. Blankets. ltepelUnts. Ac., to 1>? sold low; discount to tailors. WM MATHEWS, M Catharine street. KOARDKKH tt UTEIi. 1 CLINTON PLACE, CORNER BROADWAY AND I Eighth stre-t (City Hotel)?Rooms. with or without Board. *4 to $10 a week. $2 per day; also an ele^aut IP me. I weuiy-thlrd street. 1 PARLOR FLOOR THREE LARGE ROOMS), HAND. 1 somelv ftiralshed . private bathroom, c'o??U. Ac ; with private table; alao Rooms lor gentlemen, without board; reference- r>6 hssl Twentieth str?-e: 1 NICELY Fl'RNIslIED SECOND FLOOR ROOM, 1 with Board, closet*, hot and cold water; everv con venience for ueotiemau an 1 wile or t.ngla gentioman; prices very low. 42 Grove street. "1 BLOCK FROM BROADWAY. 114 EAST NINE. 1 teenth street ?Handsomely furnished Rooms, with first clasa Board; central and elegant location; satiMjc tory terms during summer. 1 ?NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FULL OR I. partial Board for families an I gentlemen at very mo lerate prices; best referencoa. 44 West leutti street, near Kifth avenue. sk BLOCKS KR.IM FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL. 129 Jj East Twi ntv third street?Handsomely furnished Room* to let with first e'.ass table, for famiUea or tingle gentlemen; terms moderate. 5TH AVENUE, $43.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED Rooms to let, with Hoard, In suit* of sjnele, for a lew months or a year, with or without private table; references exchanged. "I/t WAVRRLEY PLACE, NEAR BROADWAY.? lis Pleasant front Hooms. $14. $10 and $.'fi for two persons wl'h Board; no children; single Room, $9; transient p ople $; per day ; also table Board, $8. If) EAST TWENTY THIRD STREET, OPPOHITR J Madison s<iuare.?To let, furnished, with Board, one Suit, third story, front; alao two single and one large Room. NTU sTRfcET, NO. 217 WEST?ENTIRE SECOND Floor, en suite or simly. with private table It' de aired; also elegant Rooms lor gentlemen to let with first Board; reternncea. EAST THIRTY FIRST STREET.-HANDS4IMELY furnished Room* to rent, with or without Hour 1 HTII STREET, NO. 237. RETWF.EN SEVENTH AND Eighth avenne*. ?f'atidsome thirl tloor front Roo'n. also single Room, for a gentleman, with g..?d su:>?i mtial uble, cleanliness a specialty; reference re quired InTH STItRET, B9.-TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS, ? ) second and third HoorS; also two nsll Room* to let, with excellent Board, on moderate terms, to desir able people. _ nTH STREET, OPPOSITE STIYVESANT SyiTAKE., four doors east of Second avenue. ? Handsomely furnished Rooms on second floor, with first class Board, at a very moderate price; reference*. 14: 10 and 70 EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET, BE I O tv.een Madison and Fifth avenue*. ? Family Rooms, with Hoard, and Rooms for gentlemen, small tablet table d'hote. ?1. Lr.FI.EB. < - LAST rwi N rv SI I >ND STREET NF. A R IlltO AD 'fO wav.?Elegantly furnished Rooms, with first class Board, for families and gentlemen; house newly tnr nlshed and painted, with modern Improve menu; term* moderate r|l MORTON STREET ?10 LET. WITH OR WITH ?JU out Board, a pleasant hall Room, with closct; southern exposure; family small and strictly private; references. 71 MADISON AVENUE-VERY DESIRVRLE CON I 1 netting Hooms, on thin! floor, to let. with first class Board; also single Room* for Ke'Kieu;?n, terms mod erate; reiereiKcacxcUauged, BOAHDERM WA.fTKD. 97 A west TWBNTY-VlFTH street.?NEATLY ? I r furnished Room*, with Hoard, to ^eti' lemen r gentlemen and wtvea , ttirna <11 and tie per week, homo comforts. QOA WEST PiiUBTEF.NTH Sl'B'ET, SEfONU 0?\J b< n ?Furnished, with or without Board, for a gentleman m a Jewish laniily. A SMtLb PRIVATE FAMILY CAN ACC. 'MMOD aTB 1\ three <>r I'our gentlemen with hanflsorr.elv fur nished Rooms, with breakfast and tea. or breakfa*t and dinner; terms moderate; reference*. 0*11 at the cor iier ot Flatbush and Newklrk a\etiues, FUtbuih, Long Inland. Board bilis, wash bills and printing suitable lor hotel* and boarding houses may In* ob tained at low prices from the METROPOLITAN PRINT INO BBTABLIKhHENT. No. 218 Broad way. Hoard IN ?OBOKEN.?A FaMII.Y OR A FEW gentlemen can be acoommo late.I with nlcetv iur? ptahea Rooms and nrst* Hoard at moderate price; location first class, near the terry. 13tf Hudson street, Hoboken. HARLKM.-CITV AND COUNTRY COM BIN KD ; ONE or two Room* with goo I Hoard, at moler ne price; small family; close to all cars and boat*. 14S East l.'Slh street BOARD AND I.ODGINO WAMEU. A YOUNG GENTLEM-VN DESIRBS SINGLE ROOM iV and Board, between Twenty-third and Fortieth ?treats and Seventh and I-exiiigfoii; will pay ?6 or %1 poi week Address PiiKMANaST, box 1*5 Herald Uptown Branch office. Board wantkd.-a pleasant boom, \wtii small Boom, connecting good Board, between Kourteeiiih and Thirtieth streets. west aide, for gentle man, wile and little girl of 8 \e ?rs: will furnish overr uling. Address, with lull pnrttctt'ar* and lowest terms per month, permanent, lu>x J>5 Herald office. BO\RD WANTED?FOR TWO LAME-; A GOOD sized Room, In a central location, below Fortieth street; term* must not exceed $12 per week. Address n .I.i. Hem Id Uptown Branch office. BOARD WANTED?FOB AN INFANT; GERMAN pre erre l Call at 10 a. M. at No. 208 East Forty eighth street, up stairs. TWO LADIES AND ONE OENTLBMAN. requiring two liooDisnnd Board, paying ?'? each per wedk. Address box loO Herald Uptown brunch oftlre. TIT"ANTED?BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. A.N UN. II furnished IJoom, wl;h Hoard lor lady only; West side preferred; not above Twenty third sire.rt. Ternn moderate a ml must he stated in answer. A Idiesj, with lull particulars, A. A. B . bvx 12'i lleral I office. TI7 ANTED?BY A LADY, NICE ROOM AND BOARD t> where there are lew boarders: b.>.nc of widow preferred; west aide location. Fifteenth i" Twenty* fifth street: term* moderate. Address W. L., box lt*0, Herald Uptown linn It office. TA'ANTH)?IN A PLAIN FAMILY (WIDOWS PRE ?' iVrred), where there are no other bo ir.ters, Board for gentleman, wile and child two years ol.l Address at one . with moderate terms, STEN.NKY, Herald t'p Branch office. \I*ANTK??BOARD FOli OF.NTLKM AN AND WIFE, ?? between Twenty-third and Fiftieth streets, ami sixth and Lcxingt. n avenues private lamih preferred; front room: second or third lloor; *i"> t< Address 15., Herald Uptown Branch offi c. HUTKLS, A -an LIGHT WARM BOOMS, 25 CUNT-'. ? CENTS ? 60 cents a .id gl; gentleman and families. Frank fort House, corner ot ^ranktort and William stresla. Open all night. BBIGGS IIOOttB, COBNBB FOURTH AVENUE AND Fortv set olid street, opposite Grand Central Depot ? Rooms tiewlv furnished and painied at fl per day; horse ears convenient to all psru ot the clt< good res uurani connected; price* moderate. BRliJiiS EBOb. IIT INCHES I'EB HOUSE, EUROPEAN PLAN. COR ii ner of Broadway and Thirty fir-t street?Thia hotel Is new; r titled in elegant atyio, etnbi a. i i; all Hie modem iapro?vments;hot and cold water, baths. Ac.; pleasant an i connortalde single and iam.iv Ko mis. COUNTRY BOAKU. / UIILDBKN'S 8UMMBB BOARD?A WIDOW LADY, ot large exp rieuoe as nurse and In th> car.- >1 ebil dren, desiro* to t:<kv charge of a liniiied number during the summer, loeation In a pleasant Yi lak" near the Vermont line; rooms beds, table ana all surrounding* desirable and healthy; phvsietan In the house; refer ence* exchanged. For par.iculars address Mrs. >.RACii ATWOOD. ho\ ItS Post ortice. West Trov, N V. __ ClOUNTEY BOABD?IN A VRBY If KA LT1IV LOCA J tion. near tbe Delaware Kiver: tine scenerv; good hiiiiting and tubing; terms moderate, for purti. uiars call at H Mcl.'OID'S, ATT street, or address COB Yot'Nii, llankins. Stillivsn couuty. N". Y. /COUNTRY BOARD, EAET OBASOE. N. J?DE-1BA \J hie hooms. with first class Hoard, may now be rn? gaged, tor the season or permanently; mountain air, large ground*, shad* and fruit; three ininines fr on ?t*. tion. Apply to M. .M., corner ot Matn and Grove streets. East Orange. CCOUNTRY BO A I'D?IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, ON J south side of Ml Island, 40 miies from the ity. lof a gentleman an.i Dunlly willing to i.av uiiera'.iy tor a good home. Address sOL' I'U >IDE. box l.M-- New \ora Post office. CIOUNTBY BOARD W AN TED?'"ONVKNIKN T TO J >en York, tor a small family. In u healthy loca tion. Apply in stationery -tore, I jov Broa 1 way. fOOD COUfTEY BOARD-AT PRICES TO SUIT TH8 \T times, $ti to fill per week; health - lo alily li.itliing, llshlng, hoatlntr, swings, eroiuet ground and grove; gOO>l stabling oil tlio premises every *r?y drs: clasi;' three mlnntes from statio n 25 tuiies Iroui New York. For further particular* address Proprietor of Roeg Grove House, Pomp ton Junction, Ne? Jersey, or 0*11 (Ml Colonel WrfLLS, lit) Liberty street New York /1O0D coixtry BOARD-OX A LARUR FARM l!f U Dutchess county, 31^ liourn from Nvw York via Murium Kallroad; line brljk mansion; I ?> feet piazia; lur^e, airy room*: shaded ground*: ruunin.' water; lionh frnlt ami u de* firm, poulirv. un a, ice, Ac. Ad IrawJ. S. MORBHOCrtE. Post offlce. Amenta. N *. Good roabihno hoube-in a nFU'iirr.v country mansion In th>' town of satigertlen. Clster county; p!-nty of shade. goo I water an I tlr- cias^sc cominoilutkiiK; w Ittiln throe miles of car* or boal, flrn mile* iron Oat*klll Mountain Home, oncometer mils irom Monnr Airy, and Ave minute* from 1'oet otflcn or cliur.u.cood stable* an'l carriage h>u?e< I >r jioniei wishing to brim out bi>rs*s, Ac. Address 1'KTEK a. | HoiiMl-.L. (juat ry ville, Ulster county. s. v. Reference given if required. IVANTRD-COCMTRT ROARi), for qentlemav, *? wife an.I luiaiu; vicinity of Plainfle'l, V f.. pre ferred. Address, with term* which niu>: be .110 lerate. li. II \Y., Iiul I 4TS New >urk 1*..-.t office. n/W| BOARDERS WASTED-AT HKO )MK OEM RE. ?\JyJ Seh.iharie county. X. V niiJ vicinity. with farm er-. anion* th? Catskll: Moun;atns. >\ r.t?> t> the oar tics iinder-iune I for partlculnr*. Browne Centre l'oat oftlce:?1>. M I<ennard. M D Win. Ura'it J t Hcraer, Hotel: or inquire of K. A. ,-PENCKR. W Prospect place. Duvld lioMithtaline. Delo* Ellerson and Henrv ribhits' between Forty-second and Forty third street*. S'ew York city, or W". P. I O ? 11 AY. 38'ana^2 Broidwat, Sew York. ftl MMKK UIOKTI. /1ATSKILL MOOTAISS.-ORAXr HOl'*E, SITU V' atcd two mile* from the landing, with ace immola tion* for :>?? iruests. Partle* wishing lo engage Roouia I for the *ca?on mum apply earlv. For term*, Ac., addrasf A. J. ORAN i, Proprietor. Catskt'J. S V ClOZIKNS' Whsr POINT HOTEL WILL HF. OPENED > on or nboiit tlie l*t ot lull \ For turth-r partlcu l.iis a ldre** EOWARll t.'uZZKSS, West Point. N. Y. /-UlNUKESS HALL, ^ SARATOGA SPRINGS, WILL OPEN JURE J Fpcelai terms for June HATMuRN A SOCTHi'.ATF, Proprietor I>AVILIOX HOTEL., NEW BRMIITON. S. I . IS SOW open; early lMiarder* taken at reduced r?*e?. tall on or ad Irexs K. F. COLE. Proprietor. formerly of ft Mark's Hotel. I>XABOI>Y HOl'KE. Vonkers, on the Hndton now open. PREMM'M POINT FIOt'-E. IMMEDIATELY OV THR sound, 45 inmwles from Central depot or boat.? Beach bathing, fi-hinv, boating: no chill* and fevers no ni?*<itiltoe<. Appiv A.PLYMPTox, N Fast Forty rtxth street corner Madiaon avenoe. 1JOCND HILL HOTEL, XoRT HAMPTON. MA*".? V "Paradise ot America," .lennv Mnd oren.M*v 1; teem* reunonab e, great infincemflnt* ft (prion, fall or winter, .send utamu for "Tourists' Guide.' U'AltRKN HOU'E. W ITF.RTOWX (JOMN <;Kol?OE A VTOODKUKF, Proprietor. >end for circular. IIOIHES. K(K)>if?. At., WAMKO. Vtui?(.-^ nr-i-iini- - - In thla Clljr an<l Brooklyn. ROOM, WITH BRSAKfA^T, WAV fKD?BY A OEM. , tlemau l>efwecn Fourteenth a id Twent* tliirl stteeta Andres*, wltli term*. WOODSMAR, Ikh Vi l'o*t office. \VANTF.D-FKOSr Foil PUTSti'lAR'* TT ollce: not loo b^h up nwn tar from Broad, way: rent must bv niodera;*. Addie^sJ. M. K., Iidi 1.14 ilurald ofliee. In (he Country. ii*ANTEO TO RKNT-* rtM U.L VTKLf. KrilVtaitFIt \\ lloM-e, in Kll/alieth. -Imat. il . high rid; renl must be Itw. Addiena E. It, u , Jr., box t.-tfo Post ufflil, .New Yurk. PORT OKKII H It r>osT offh:R soritk?tiie maii.h for fi-roph _I for the weak ending Saturday. Mav 8. Isri. will close at thi* ofllce a* follows:-On TuemUv, at li-JdA. M. . on Wedrie?<tay, at IJ M : on Thnr?lay, at II :30 A. M. and on Saturday, at ?:!?J and ll ::to a m T. L. JAMES, Postmaster. YACHT*. RTKAMBOATBi IT'OR R\LE -YAt lir TESTA. 2l? ton*: FlTLI.Y r ennlpped: warranted tonnd and will oe toW low. Applyto*'. A R. poii.LoX. 224 South street. ___ li^OR 8ALR-TEN COI'PRR FASTENED ROM" BOAT*. C suitable for boat letting or fluhlni boat* can be h*a chean for oath, fan l?e seen at IIOFIMVN .* BH'i.v, Boat Builder*, foot of Jackson street. East River, Suw Y ork. . Tj*OR SALE?HLOOP RiaOKD YACHTi J3 fEF.T 9 P Inche* keel; new sail*, riggtmr. *?"J complete, ia good order. Apply to PAI KH'K i'qiiK. hi Tenth >r. Yacht for bale-'-chooxfr rigoed, lemoth *4 teet over all; 'nil* new last *ca?on ..very roomy, good sailer, stanch ami weatherlv: well founl and in coo I order. For further partlcularj ?uJre*? l?jl ?tl/? Boston Poel otbft* ^