Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,139. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, MAY V, 1875?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DIRECTORY ton ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?Tenth Pack?Third, fourth, flith and sixth columns. ASTROLOGY?Fourth Pick?Sixth column. BILLIARDS?Fourth Pack? Sixth column. BOARDERS WANTED?Second Pace?First. a?cn:id and third cnlurani, and Fourth Pack? Fourth, flith and tixtH columns. BOARD AND LODGING WANT3D?Rboowd PaCB? Third and fourth columns, ana Foubtu Paox?"Sixth Column. BROOKLYN BOARD?Fourth Pace?Sixth column. BROOKLYN REAL KSTATB FOR SALE-Fourteenth Pack?First and uocond columns, and Foubth Pack?Fir*r column. HUSINESS OPPORI UN ITIKB-Skvkntii Paob. BUSINESS NOTICES?Nintb PACE-Flfth and ?lxtll column*. CfTT RivAL. ESTATE FOR SA LE-Fourtebntu Pack Flr?t column, and Foubth Pacb?first column. CLERKS AN|) .SALESMEN?Thibii Page?Fourth and fifth column*, and Eumtxrn Paoi?Flr?t column. CLOTHINli?KuiTKimi Page?sixth column COACHMEN AND GARDENERS-TautD pAex-Fifth aud sixth co umns, and Eleventh Pace?First ana ?n-r?nr1 CClU". ?i. OoATTan" *<)"d-Elkvewth PACK-Fifth column. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?FirrKBjrrH Pack?FUtb ftna sixth columns. _ COPARTNERSHIPS?Sbvxntu Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?sbcond Pack?Fourth and flith columns und Fourth Park?sixth column. DANCING aCADEM1K:>?Klktkxtu Pack?Fifth col nun. DSNTIS' RY?Elkvbkth Pack?Sixth column. DRY 0)0''S -First Paox?(Jecouil. third, fourth, tlrth and slluh colilmns, aud Sixtkkntr Pack? Kir-f, second, third, fourth ana firth column*. DWELLING HOI) ES To LK'I', FURNISHED AND I'NFU UN IsHED?Fifteenth Pack?First and sec ond columns, and Foourn Pace?Second column. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?FirtKKWTU PACB-Fllth col umn. EUROPE?Eleventh Pack?Fifth column. EXCHANGE- Ei.kvbnth Pace? Hftli column. EXPRESSES?Elkvknth Pace?Fourth column. kXCl'itSl :NS? Fifteenth Pack?sixth column. Una NC1AI Sktextii Pack. FINE ARTS?Eleventh Pack?Fifth colnmn. ?ok S ALE?Klkvkhtu Pack?second and third col umns. FURNISII c.0 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? FirwNTH Pack?St-cond, third and fourth columns, and Fourth l'A<rtc? second und third columns. FU RNITURh?'iMtkTKKMTu 1'auk?Filth and sixth col umns, FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?Third PACK-Sixth col umn. HELP WANTED-FESIALKS?Third Pack?Third and fourth columns and Eleventh Pack?First col umn. HELP WANTED?MALES?Tninn Pace?Sixth column, and Eleventh Pack?iecond column. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.-THiiirKk.NTn Pack?Third, fourth and filth columns. MOTELS? Fourth PaiiI?Sixth column. HOUSES, ROOMS, AO., WANTED?Eleventh Pack? Third and fourth columns. ? INSTRI C tION?Eleventh Pack?Fifth column. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKEN, HUDSON CI I Y AND BER tiBN REAL ESTATE FOlt SALE?Fouuteknth Pace?-ccoml column, and Fourth Pack?First column. _ 1 iRCTUKE SEASON?Elkvkktii Pack?Fit h colnmn. I. OA I. NOTICES?Fountu Pack?First columii. l.OSV AND FOUND?Thirteenth Page?Flr*t column. Hi CUINERY?Rlkvexth Pack?Third coluinu. . 'ARbLE M *NTKLS?ThiBTkenth Pack?Sixtli column. M iTltlMONI AL-Elbvbnth Pack?I ii'li column. IuKiHOAL? Fouatn Pack?'-ixtli column. MILLINERY AND DRt.SSMAKINU ?SlXTBBNTB Pack? l iftii and aixtli co!uuiu?. llMCEl LANEO S ADVERII8EMENT8?Twelfth Pack?sixth column. MISCELLANEOUS? ELEVENTH Pack?Sixth column. M IT*?ICA I,?ThNTi^ Page? Ihird column. NI'.W PUBLICATIONS?Ninth Pack?Sixih column. PATTEIINS?sixtkknth Pack?MXth Column. P .KSONAL?Fikbt Pack?First column. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?Tenth Pack?Sccond column. PltUFE-SIGNAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FI?MA LBS? Third Pack?Third column, and Elkvkktii Pack? F|r,t roiuiuu. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT? Fourteenth Pack?second, third, fourth and fifth columns, mid Fourth Pace?Flrnt column. REAL ESTATu. TO EXCHANGE?Fourtbkntii Pace Fifth and *ixth couiuus. and Fourth Pack?First column. REAL ntO'ATE WANTED-Fochtkenih Pack?Sixth column. RELIGIOl'i NOTICES?First PACK-Fir?t and sccond columns. R> MoVaLs?Eleventh Pack?Fourth column. ItE HTAUR ANTS?Eleventh Pack?Fifth column. HOWARDS?Thirteenth Pack?Firiit column. SALES A I AUCTION?.kcond Pack?l-lfth column, ?nd Eikveniii Pack?Sixth column. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALP. -?Third PAGB-First, iecond uud thira columns, and Klkvkntu Pack? Flmt column. SITUATION* WANTED?MALES?Tuiro PlCB-FoUrth column, and Eleventh Pack?First column. SPECIAL NOTICES?Thirtbejith Pace?Fir at and second columns. SHORTINO?DOOS, BiRDd, 4^.?Tiiihtbentu Paob? Second column. STORAQK?SixTKurrn Pack?HtxUi column. si MMi.R RK OKT? Skv'ond Pack?Fltlh column, and FoPBTn Pack?Six'h column. THE -TRADES-Third Pack-Sixth column, and Eleventh Pace?second column. TUE TCRF?Tiiikteknto Paub?Sccond and third col umn?. _ _ TO LnT FOR BUSIN RF8 PPRPO-FS?FirrKtHTn Pack?First column, and Four.TB PACK-Second Column, TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?Fifteenth Pack?Sixth col ii mn. UNFURNISHED HOOMfi AND APARTMENTS TO LET?FirTKKNTn Pamb?Four'ii column and Foubth Pace.?Tlilra Slid fourtii cotumu*. WANTED TO PURCHasE?Eleventh Paob?Fourth column WATCHES. JBWKLRY, AC -SliTKA.Tn Page?Sixth WESTl llE^TTKR COUNTT PROPERTY FOR S\LE OR TO LET?Focrtkkxth Paob?Second columa, and Fourth Pa?b-First column. WRITESfONIi PROPER.Y Foil SALE OR TO LET? Foubtkentii Page?Second column. TACI1TS. sTEaMBOAi'A. Ac.?hLBTENTH Pace? Fourth column. FEKSOKAL,. AFEMALF INFtNT FOR ADOPTION. i'ALL AT Ok- private lying-in Institute, 1.0 tfcsi Twenty sixth street, near sixth avenue. A LIBERAL. REWARD WILL RE FAIP >OR IXKUR ?? to the present ednreiM ft Miss Lottie Winchester. Int?- at 491 Sixth avenue, by K KLI.Y A CO.. 4M Hixtli avenue. DEAR JULIA-FIND MT "LOTB'i ANSWER" IN la day's New York Weekly Visitor. HIMCERITY. DOC-ELLA HAMILTON WOULD LIKE TO HEAR front you. w cit side Motel, corner or Sixth avenue and Fifteenth street. . INFORMATION WAN "FD?OF EDWARD MILSS, 1 who left London. England. the Tear Iffl fall on or ? 1dm? Ills hroihT 11 EN tlY MILEH, Mi First avenue. New York Canada papersjiie'ise copy. TAtTRA-I CANNOT UNDRB8TAND YOU; RBND MB J your full address and appoint rendezvous Address F. W.. box tA4 Herald Uptown Kranoh office. MR8. W. F. D ?IF YOU WISH THAT MATTER alien led Vj send me your address. at I lenve town soon. Address PUiiOClAN, Herald Uptown Branch oTlee. _ <>WMR. COKTKMa-VOUR BFECIAL NOTICE ivl In Herald of Mh observed, flea* address, riving I S'.xce of interview," O. W. PERKY, Herald Uptown I ranch offlcc V<PRIN*0 AND SUMMER.-SHRINK FBOM MKETINO l~ as proponed. How will letter reach yon * Will you not huve confluence f Address CuNSTANCIA, bo* 137 Herald office. WILLIE?YOU ARE FOROIYEN. RETURN AT ?T once, or your mother will nut survive her loss. FATI1BB and 1IOIIIkR W HAT A COINCIDENCE THAT WE SHOULD TT meet Was disappointed Tbursdav; will be there text Tuesdav. at 5 IV M or address STEWART, Herald 'ptowa Branch office. WB CaRR-IK THRYOUNO MAN THAT CALLED ? at W. B. Can** place. J4% Ool l street Rrooklvn, In regard to propertv la Knitland will call again of ad dress lie will hear or ?ornethin;j to hi* advantage. TOOJ?ABSENT TILL WBDNB8DAY OR THUB8 J-XOtt day. none to sea yo? next Saturday lime to come out. Very linpiuentlv. RRLIGHH S NOTICES. A STOUNDING >FIRlrUAL MANIFESTATIONB DB J\ scribed at the spiritual Conference. Harvard Rooms Reservoir mB.ire. funiav at I0t?. I and 7i* ?'clock. Vuirtat suii/iug morning and evening. The public invite: AT TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH, FIFTV-FlFTn s'reet, near !?xin?ton avenue, l>r. Holme. Pmto.? Fnhject of dl?coiirs? Sunday morning?"Orpah and luith ; or Affection and Faith." Evening?"Small Trader meg." A I.BBO'g PRATF.R AND PltAI-r: MKEHNGS FBI A day eventnas. :iM Wert lhirt sixth street Class meetings Thi>r?day evenings >n Kri'e ' nhcrnacle Metho dist Knlacopa! church, Thirty lourth street, near Biehtli avenue. A11 welcome. Br NJ *Min ai.Biiii. All ion;* efiscofal chubch, corner of Fierrept.nt and Clinton streets Brooklyn. Kev. Dr. <1 R. Forteous. Rector ?tiervlcis. lu ij A. M. 7 P M Morning, "ibe Anthorlty and Infallibility ol the Indi vidual oulevening, "Agnation of licllet In Episcopal (hrlatendoin." A TEMPERANCE MEETING OF A VERY INTKB J\ eaung character Will he held by the American Tern !>' ranee I nion at l?? Oarmo Hall, enmer of Fifth avenue and Kourteeuth ttroet Sunday, May ?, at .'I P. M. sharp. J. B. GIBBS, President I*. C Cols, Hecretary. _ A Urn OR MEMORIAL CHUBCH, FORI Y BIOHTH J\ stri ef. won of Wxtli avenue.? Her?l>*< s at lt>S ?h'l !}(. Ti.e nruir. Hov R Heber Newton, ?ill preach it ismnMnc service me thlri sermon in tne course upon n" and religion." suMcet -".lie Historical Christ k- Inipiien.'d by Scientltic Criticism." I A TTHK SOUTH BAPTIST CHt'RCH, W ? KT TWENTY J\ fl'th street, Kev. a. i . Osi?;rn i> D.?PreachltMt May I at lOli A. M an l 7>, F. M. liaptMm At close ot even ing service. - A SPOLIATION HALL, TWFNTY-THIRD ffBFkT, JI corner Fourth aventte,?Rev. la*. F. KMer. ptftor of the Madison ai,<niic H:\ptist church win preach on hailay evening. >tay ?. BAf. 1ST SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACilKR.-' A^OCIA. lion.-Tne ne*t regular luecnn.viil l>c iuld on Monday evenin-. Mav It), 1F75. in tlie < ?h ,rv ihurrh Twenty thirl street nt halt-p.isiseven o'elork. AWtresaes hy Kev. W. W. i verts, .tr.. or Chicago?"Paul, a M'ldPl for the ? tttnlay School Teacher"?ami Kev. W. Ji. Msvell ot Jackson. Mia ?"The snndav ,-ch??ol as an Ayencv In >ormin* ? hrl<t(an i haracter." TlKBCIIEIt. Tli TON, MOl l.TON, AC., PilBF.NO J J logically epnsKlered t.y I'rofeasor oraham'* novel me'hod ol read in j character rvtnagora* ? ran, H6 fpnal Street, Mfiy In. t ommence at 8. Admission ?c. I ubllc t- st fBADilM'lon. / lUI'KCH OF THE ATOVFMEVT, CORNER OF \J M idisoB avenn ? ami Twentv < ightti street, Kev. < . t Tifr?ny, rector -snndav school at ? a. M ; divine trv ce nioniii g. ?! I'1 ''0 ?cr.non t.y the Itev. >r ashbarn aftcrduon at J A) it,e is.tor will officiate. RBJLIOIOTTH NOTICK8. C'ihpboh"ok the holy trinity. J Madison avenue and Forty-second street, un -urnlav, iu,f A. M., sermon by. Her. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr. Baptism of a'tQlt* (lurinir the service. 4 r M.?The first lecture in a courie to young people and children by Her. N. Tracy Tracy. 7>? P M.?Tiie BuhoP will administer the rite of con firmation. OUORCH OF THB RESURRECTION. EIOHTY-FIFTH 17 street, between Lexington and Third avenues.?Di vine services bv the rector. Rev. Or. Flagg, morning and 8?enlng. *Ond*y at !'? M. /THRIST CHURCH, FIFTH AVENUE-MORNINO (/ i,raver sermon, ??Using nod's (Hits." IOOO. Evening pruyer 1 eoture, "The Religion ot the English Hefjrme tlon," 7:30 Dr. Thompson offlcittea (1HURCH OF THE INCARN ITION, REV. ARtlrttt J Brooks, rector.?Few Ho. 128 tor sale. Apply to the aexton. . /MIUHCH OF THB MKMATOR, FIFrY FIRST STREET \j and Eleventh avenue -Rev. D. M. McCaffrey will preach at 10:'W A M. and 7:30 P. M. The Joy of the Church in the Ascension ot Christ." riHURCB or the DISCIPLES, MADISON AVENUE, \J corner Forty tilth street, itev. George H. iJep worth Morning?"Suggestionsabout Faith and Works, 7vet frig-?oii'? Kingdom not of this world. Prayer meetings every morning at?; preaching every evening by Mr. Hep worth at 8. ? EV. WILSON WILL OIVE TEST KEAOINOrfOF . Spirit at ihe Hall of the Progressive society of Spiritualists. #8 West Thirty third street, this A-M.,at 10'i o'clock. Will test and Ktve tests thta evening at 8 o'clock, children's l.vceuui meets at tjj r. M. . VIKST RF.FORMKD KPI8COPAL OHOBCH MADtj i< ?on avenue and Forty seventh ?treet.-B*v. William T Sabine, rector. Divine services at 11 JO A. M. and 7 ? P. M. l he roetor will preach in the morning and jte^ J Eastburn Brown, of Moucton, New Bruuswick, in the evening. ? TlRACE BAPTIST CHAPEL. TWENTY-NUaH IT street, west of Ninth a venae.?Rev. Robert Cameron, pastor, will preach morning and evening. All cordially invitod. JOHN B. QoUOH WILL DELIVER HIS NEW LBC turc, "Now and Then " at ?'oot*r ImaUtute, on Thursday evening. May IS, ?j78, ? ?iii?S,rnhahi'vbeSim In lends going to Europe, and this will probably be Ula Us! lecture in tnls city. Tickets. ??cents; reserreci "eaU. 7B cents. For sale at Nelson A PhlUp* . &"8 froHway, W (" Pulmer. Jr., 14 Bible House Ouriey s, Sll Ponrih avenue, und the principal bookstores. M~ tt R W HUME WILL LECTURE BEFORE TUB Cosmopolitan Conterenoe of the United Labor Van guard this evening, at L>e ijerino llall, corner of {cents street and Fifth avenue. Plattorm tree lor dis cussion after the tec tare. i R~ EV. MOSES HULL, A TALKNTkD, BOLD AND tearless debater on rellgloua subjects. will preach at Harry Hill's Variety Theatre, *6 East Houston sireet. this evening at 8 o'clock, ^e will be ai^sted by Miss Mai tie Sawer, tne popalsr Inspirational sneaker, p<*? (?it*, HUtttorcis and vocalist. Admission (to defray ex pcnies) 25 conts. ? ?? Rev. b. h. kranb preaches this evening at h. in St. Ann's church, F.isrhfeonth street. near Wtth uvenue other services at7 au:t 10:3tl a. M. aud 4 I. M., mi l tor deaf mutes at 2:4S P. M. 1 rce senta. CT. IGNATIUS' CHORCH, FORTIETH STREET, BE o tween Filth and Sixth ayenues.-Rev Dr. Ewer, rector. Services 7 A. M., 9 A. M. (choral), luX A. M. chil dren 3 P. M. (choral1. IK P. M with sern on in the course on "The Worship of the Church iu Its Internal Structure aud External Aspect." Strangers welcomed. rpABERNACLE BAPTIST CHUKOH, SECOND AVh I nue. between Tenth and El venth streets.?Rev. James Boardmsn Hawthorno. pastor. Bubiecte-lO.W a M "Hindrances to Splrttual Oevelopment; 7:45 P. M-. "dod's Record Books." Baptism alter evening ?er moa Young men and strangers cordially invited. UNION TbMFSRANCE C tNFKRl-NCR MKETINC7 at Starr Hall, Twenty-sixth street, between f-eveiith and Eighth avenues.-The Hutchins 'amlly will situ,', on.! Mis. Ainando Dcyo will deliver un address Sunday evening. May 9, 1876. ______ 1)KY GOODS. A." EEEEE H E F. E eke E M u ?* E H H R E H 11 R EEEEE H H R II RBRR II R R H R R 11 R R II II II C ccc 0 0 IIHHH RRRR C C 0 8 o coc H H BS33?'? n n s u" H II 8 H H 8 HHH 11 SSS8 H H B H H H H H 8 H H H SSSB afc7 EIGHTH AVhNUB, 2*9, BET. TWBNTY FOURTH AND TWENTY FIFTH 8T8. Real French chip Hats I ifil H warranted the jery best > ? ? 11 <in-> iity. in black. Grown. I * \\ ill ab and white, in all tbe I tttt lead in; shspa*. Including) ? $ MM tne "Derby,' at 11 11 II II KM 8888 ?? W 88 88 V9 90 88 88 rvnV ooooj 90 88 !* 9) 99 8 < 88 9969 Extra quality American Chip Uats. all colors and shapes, at *m it $9 ii tut ii t *ii litl II oooo om Ot) (? (10 uo 0J 91 00 01 ft I IV uo 00 01 00 00 00 00 flu 0) <K) 11 # 0000 cow First quality ot Milan and Dunstable Straw Hats, In black, brown, drab and white, in the rao?t fu*lilou able shape, at ? U ?m ii * ? u ***K '! i hi ?w M 9223! 66S3 n U 61 a SB'iB n 59 22 ?S Si IB 68 11 QilUU 666 Black and brown Cantnn llats In the he?i onality rnt-nutactured, Including tl"'"Derby," "Le Brun," English Walking Hat Ac., 4r at 6 "AM 00 :? no oo I'M no 01 eee #6 ot> 00 c e u 00 to t st h oo 01 c e 651 00 CCC # Immense stock of Boys' Hats, 1 ailes' and Mteaes' Pun llats, at prices to please all. Elegant selection of Demassc Silks. In the moit desirable shale*, at <1 ? and upward. The verr flnest brocaded I ? **** ?*55 Filks imported warrant?1 i *188 n Jl 8. 88 81 pore sll* and full .Winches $ * a 86 6 .15 wide, all rich patterns: a ?*?* ? 81 quality sold everywhere * % U M ? J at a yard, offered bv us ***? 2J 88 8* 88 ? I 9 2.222 ^ %OP M5? Great attrcctions In Fleutrs and Feather* Very handsome Ponpoosof three Real Ostrich Tips and Aigrettes. In everv shade, at Real Oatrlch Tip*, single | qulil and extra length, in all 685 00 M 00 00 CI 85 00 00 cc &&? 0' 90 c? 65 00 0) CC 86 58 00 00 8M 00 ce ce tec 4 77777 8 77 the eloth shadea at. 858 88 eee ? ee cc* 77 685 8 CO 77 ?? ee 77 88 85 CC CC 77 888 ccc < We offer a *>lect on of ft.? varr flno?t real Oatrkh Tip* imported e xtra Ion* mm! (till Hum. in the moit beauflfal ?prl?r "hadea, at $2 $! ?>, ?\ *3 W, $4 t* ?l Real Oxtrlch Tip* dve.1 to match a?y (ample In om day# notice, wiiin ui extra charge. Or* PLOWKR DEPARTMENT inerltalhe uperiai atten'i a of ladle*. it la lmpr.*?ible to qnotf prlc?i. ?>ur selection i? exceedtBfly rich ana prio i vary moderate. We lavltea vnit of examination < nr rtore can be reached n>ry conveniently from any part of the city by connecting with Twenty-third atreet Hallway line. | EllRICH'S, J WT F.lfhfh a?rnnr. Tff between Twenty fbtmli and Twcntr fifth atreeta CI REAT RAROAIN* If f CARPETS, CAItPhTR, 1' A K I'KTtf OILCLOTriS, LACS CCRTUR8, *c. 8IIBPPARP RNAPP. HIIKPPARO KNAPP, BIIF.PPARD KNAPP, IM and 1*5 sixth ft\enue. LS NOW orrRRINU TUB UROIW ASSORTMENT AT RhTAIf. IV THE CITY at Hie Lowkkt pricks, LOWEST PKJl'is, LOWEST PRICKS, remitting of MOQI P.T CAKI'fc IB. AX MINSTER, VKLVSllL ?OPT RHlBSBLR. TAPKSTR Y BRI'SSBL", THRF.R-PLTs iVARI) WIDB), fAPKSTRT IMlRAlNs, PUPRR I MOR A INS, ALL WOOL, INORA1N, _ OTLCI.OTHS (ALL WIDTHS. \\ III fK. KhD, CHECK KSO P%NOT M.V TTINOS. iiiCAL LACK CtRTAlRS, PRO* ?5 TO ?50 PER NOPTINOHAM ARD Ot'IPURR, PRO* *2 TO fit PTR PAIR. CIRTAIN NF.Tfl AND V^BTlBrLB UTR-t. COITAOE DRAPER? A M> WINDOW HHADBS Of KVBRY DESCRIPTION. rill:TORRES AM) Fl'KNI 11' KK, UliWMII' PlAHO AND TARLS COVERS IR KRDl.KSS VARIETY. CntJRCIIB', OFFIC 8. IIOTFLS AND RTE\* BOATS rt'RNlSIIKO AT THK t?flOHlK8T KUTIOft PARTIES wishing TO fl'i.NISH WILL FI *D IT IO Till.IK ADVANTAGE T?. I'ALL avenue km rloor below Ihlr.ctDth atrctt Ar KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK kk|k KKKK KKKK KKKKKKKK KRKK KKKK KKKK KF~ KKKK KKKK KKKK K KSK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KKKK KINZEY. KINZKY. KINZIsY. KINZKY. kinzky. ki.nzey. KINZKY. SISS5 Chip Bonnet* Chip Bonnets, i nip Bonnet*. Chip Bonneta, Kim? jsr? Chip Round Oafs. Chip Round Huts. Chip Round Hat* 'hip Round llata. ?A ^HAT PKfAHTMENT.^ Misses' Hats. Misses' Hats. Misses' Hats. Misses' lists. Bonnets and Round nata trimmed to order. <3> FlHndcomcst French Bonnets to b? founa in the city. OUR ?^'?????0"S??T>.E?TtJJ TB? ??,' French and English Chip* Leghorns, in all the new shapes Fine Fsgllsli Straws. Sun ilats. In all the shapes, the follow.n; shapes ? Imported Round Hats. Rustic and Florida Hats. Boys' Hats, new styles. Opening new straws in Cyrilla. 1'Uginor, Coquette, Belie, Yorkshire, Lebrun, Rigolette, Norma, Meadow. Uli?0* Wood lawn, Fl,?. Starlight, '?"nre variety ol School Hats. ^BLARUBsT AHSORTMEN ?? OF FINK HATH TO UK FOUND IN THE CITY. FRENCH FLOWERS. 'I ! Il l KINZKY. KINZKY. KINZKY. We fi-ive, beyond question, the jarirest as well as the finest se lection of fine French Flowers to be fotiml in this city, and Rose* and Buds, Tor^S? g??d' #Tcrr "*y >ot?, Idly or the Yslley, He llotropi s, Mtunoiiette. Daisies, Violets, Apple Blossoms, grapes, Ac.. in Trailing ?r_ v. . Clusters w<Lh*v* 0T'r ??* hundred varieties in Flowers, from tho cheapest to the flnosi made. Frmti. Ivy, Ferns. Wreaths, Bandeaux, Flowers, Monturea. and single Flowers. r hat scarfs I^arge variety in all the new styles and soarcc shades, plain plaid, brocade. daman*. shaded and flow#red, from We. to 91 All tM new shades in Millinery bilks very low. Damasse Silks. every color. 1 urquoisc silas, SJc. yard. "ILK DKl'ARTMBNT. Figured Silks, eiery color, fcoft Htiks, every color. Bonnet *llks, Sic. yard op. Lining Silks, 26c, yard up. W pieces all silk Mar t corded Silks, worlh fi. at SI 2X g{*e* {>res? silks. 7Sc yard op Black Oros Grain-, f I to 2\ Trimminsr Silks. 78c np. >aucy Silas, 40c. to si zi *> IJUBI No .1 all HIBBON DFFaRTMENT 1^*1? 'J1'*?" ,n *rcrJ co'or *nd jihade, 7ftc. to W yard. silk Ribbons, Sc yarti. No. 4 all Mlk Ribbons, 6c. ji ard. No. 4 all silk Ribbons. So. No. J all silk Ribbon*. 19c. No. 9 all silk Ribbons, iOe. No. 12 nil silk Ribbons, I2\c. 5? U ?',1 ?l'k Bibbons, ! ?, No ?^all rlik kibbons,'ife. No. *i ail ellk Ribbons Jfic ?? t! "!! *,lk B'btton*. 2Vv No SO all silk Kibbona, ?c. Four i^ch heavy ,Jl boded * " "" *"k "ibbuu? silk Itibbon* in browns, drabs C'.'^L Purtnos, greens ke.. at 2Sc a ysM, worm SJc. Brocade Ribbons. ,w* ?rUn< ,0c ?? ?c ??very color and shade In""""** 180 to ?12i gros grain Ribbons very low. Opaning two cu s French 8?'t ,wil,?d ?"* R'bbona, tiiibroMlcrcJ Kibbom, Dtw thad^n f Hash ribbons- f New wring eolora In ?ven inch Hash Hlbbon.s :.V- a yard. Rich brocade Ba?h Ribbon*, -'Ac. a y?rd. Rich uriped *?h Klbbon. Me. a yard. Very rich embro'derei and flrnred J"a?li Ribbon*. ??c. yard. Oroa grain Sa?h Ribbon*, alt eolora Black .>a?h Ribbon*, low. 900 /inch croapram ca<.liee, richly (ringed and beaded. at $2 29. 30ii ptecaa 7 Inch gro? grain f-'aah Ribbon*, t>e*t ouilltv imported, each -i<lf a dlminct color, worth $3 My ird, clo*ing at 18c. yard, oilier bargain in 8a?h Riliboat) will p?yln?pcctlon. ~I LK TIRS AND WARrs" f 5 0011 Alt .4ilk Windsor TVs. five inche* wide, lAc. earn. Silk Wind*or Tlei, fringed. J?e. While brocade *ilk Tia*. 28e Allillk Roman 1l?*,S9c 81 ik enibroidured lie*. TOc. (1*1 inch grenadine T'e*. We. (?even man grenadine lies, 2V. Rich brocade rb*. fringed SOc, Kcvch :n 'h Wlndaof Tlea, ??. Opening 12.006 imported Tlea, all new *h*dea and color*, in ?oft, fljiired hi Ik*, brocade*. *hadc<i borders very rich good*, worth Tie. and |l, all at**-. each. Hqnare ?l'* Handkerchief*. Sic. up. Hut a*> >* In I.ace Ilea. very rich Imported Ttea Silk and l ace Ties, eery rich. tkkmimj r>F.HA? Wc im- e !h* i.iracat dimming 8tocfc in the rltj m-'-ch any lh*de. Redded Silk Frin?ea, 2Sc. Beaded Hllk Kringee, 50c. B.-ade I Silk Frinie*. 7Sc. Beaded *ilk i rlnge*. M\ Bended Milk Knnecu, gi Beaded 811k Frtn.'e*, $1 24. Crimped *l'k Braid Fringe* 8ilk lira id M.-*a minmlng*. All the co'or* in Mlk Frlngea. Colored i ilk Chenille Frlngea. Worsted Tape Fringe* Wor?ted taewl Frlngea. Worated Gimpe. all eolora. Rich black 811* frlngea. ? Wonted Chenille Fringe*. I,M? rteeea Hch Pasrmenterle (iimpa. with and without Bt-ada, from lie to $t a yard. Fancy Colored Trtaraitnga. Wnite Fiqoe Trimming*. Several **rr cheap low of Dreaa Trimming* etoaing. "iM n?>-r.8 iworhtfd "chkniTTk, TA?IiT.f HN<D rif-K FRINUKS, KVKKY SlIADlf. 170. TO ZBPIITR WoRBTKDR, Il?<c. Ot'NOK. BINZBT. iVkKFOKAI F.l? BOARD MOTTOBH, 9i\ I 1.0 0 LA ROB WAX CRVINO DOI | AKMS A*D FhBT \ATUR\L, HAIR, t womtro k*bsoidbrb"d PATTBRM, ' CANVAS SILK M,08*. AC. AC. 4 kin?et. ?limit. ^wTli.iam ki>zf,y^ Jl67 AND ?H9 11 ROADWAY, ^ 4? ?? ? I COR N KB NIMH 8 RHHF dry goooi. A. nni NNNNN NNN 1IIII NNNNNN NNN NNN NNN NNN IT/rT NNN NNN NNN mil NNN NNN NNN mil NN'N NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN ITIIX RNN NNN NNN NNN NnN NNN nrn nnn nnn nnn nil! NNN NNN NNN mil NNN NNN NNN mil NNN NNN NNN mil 1?NN KNN fNI* nill NNN NNN Nnn run nnn nnn nnn IMII NNN NNNNNN 1II1I NNN NNNNJf Bargains in Thread. Point, (Julpure, Valenciennes and Yak Laces. KIN8EV. KINZKY. KINZKY KlNZBY. K 1N7.K Y. KINZEY. KINZKY. KINZKY. KINZBY. ?A ;~00 rdtces rich Spanish, double width, all silk, 79c. to $180 KtKZKV KINZKY. KINZKY. KINZKY. 5,000 yards real bund made Valenciennes mch, Inch wide, at afc. yard. 1,001 yard* wTilte #n< colored Cluny Laces, I'rlnged, at 10c. yard. KI\ZKY. KINZKY. ?? LACK DEPARTMENT. Yfck Laces, IK Inches wide, 14c. Yak I aces, 2 Inches wMe, 17c. Yak Lace*, IX Inches wide, 85c. Yak Laocs, 8 inchea wide, Ho. Y?k Laces, Inches wide, 3nc. Yak Laces, i Inches wide, 48c. Real Gulpnrc i.iccs, 15c. yard. Real Guipure Laces, 25c. yard. Real (Juipure Laces, 31c. yard. Real Guipure liacev, .Wc. yard. Real Gulpnrc Laces, 69a. yard. Real Guipure Laces, 75c. yard. All silk beaded Guipure. 33c. Beaded Yak Laces, 38c. up. Colored Ciany Laces, 5c. to 2'c. Colored Uamburg Laces, 10c. to 50c. Cluny Laces, So. to 3lc. Duchess Laces, l"c. to 31c. yard. Patent Valenciennes I aces, 2c. to lUc. yard. Italian Valenciennes Laces, 5a. to 53c. Real Valenciennes, 15c. to 50C. English i bread Edgings, 10a. to 25c. Point Lacos, 19c. to $8 40. Real Lacea very low. S.'tUj ards all silk, black, richly beaded Laces. 2 to 4 inches wide, 25c. yard. Black Bilk Laces low. Yak Insertions very low. Point Applique Laccd low. Hamburg Nets and Kdglngs. Thread spot Nats. Black and colored Brussels Lacea. Chenille dotted Laces. Rich \filings, all style* _ 9 ^LAC<1 GOODS. ^ 2,"01 black Pusher Lace Barbes, a variety of patterns, worth 91 V); the cbolco at #9c each. 3.00:* extra width and length pusher Lace Hartoet, worth $2 50; choice at s?c. each. 2,000 black La:e Coiffures, worth $3 ana $4, at fl each. 1,003 white pusher Laca Coiffuroa. choice at$leach. Llama Lace Shawls. Mama Lace Sacques. Spanish Lace Searffc Hpanlsh Lice Barbes, 50c. Real Lace Barbes. 50c. up. Rich Laca Telle low. Spanish Scarf Lacos, 75c. to 83, All silk Guipure Nets. English Thread Collars, S'e. Real Oulpuro Collars, /Sc. Heal Cluny Collars. 25c. Real Valenciennes Collars, 'He. 8,030 fine Sewing Silk Yells, Innged, all colors; worth ? I, to be sold at 25c. each. Linen Collars and Cuffs. Neck Ruffling* low. Colored Lace Ties. Yal Lace Ties, 25c. op. 1 bread Lace Barbes, 98c. to $8. Point Lace Barbss. $1 to $10. White and black Illusions. Rr si Lace Goods closing out very low " IIAMhThRCIIIEK DBPARTMhNT Special bargains In tblj department. kinery KINZE Y.' 150 dozens Ladies', >11 lined, hemstitch. 10c. I&iduseui Ladies', all liuan. hmuslitcU. U^c. ?K) ios"ns l adle*' all linen, hemstitch. 15c. 251d"?'ns Ladies', all linen, hemsticli, 18c. fcx) dosens Ladies', all linen. Iiemstich. Or. 250 dozens La ihV, all !lr?en. n.-instlcb 28o 800 dosens extra tins, all linen, heinatlch. from Me. to Uf> dosens, all tinea, hemstich Mourning Tlsmke rchiefs. 28c. to 75c. 9UU dosens linen, hemstich. with colored border*. 28c. to SVc. 35" <ioa>ns. very fine, all Ilncn, hemmed colored borders, at ii-c. 100 dosens dents', all linen, hemmed. 15c li? dosens Gents'. all linen, hemmed. 18c. l(y> dosens dents', all linen. hemmed. <0c. K# di'Beiis Gents', all linen, hemmed. 25.-. Jtsi dozens Gents', all linen, hemmed. 28c. I(J0 dosens llenu', all linen, hummed. Sic. Gents*, all linen liem?tiehed. fine Initials, .itSnc. MM do/ens dents', colore I border, all linen, hemmed. 28c. to 42c. 188 dosena, all linen, colored borders, hemmed, 15c. ?AC It. 75dosena, all linen centres, in Val and duchess la-s. BOc. to 81. 5ttdozens Ladles' and Misaes', all linen, hemmed, 9c. to lie Closing real lace Handkerchiefs KM B KG I OK RIKA. Opening teTeral caae* of Hambnnu yery low. 5.000 rarta Hamborga, Sc. yard. KOW yard* llaiDhnrtf*. #c. TArd. S.hjO yarda Hamburg* 8c. yard. A m yard* Hambarga. 1'*. yard. #,'<!) yarda Hamburg*. lJ^c yard. fcuUJ yard* Hamburga, 15c. yard. ?.'??? rani?< Hamburg*. itfr. yard 5 ,tt*> rnrda Hamburg*. 20c yard, ft,idi yard* Hamburg*. He. yard. 5,()i< yard* tlamtur.v Mc. yard. S uM yard* ?ambMrg*, fr. yard. Sum) yard- limn'M.rtf- Sle, yard, fcnoo Tarda Ham harp*. S3o 5,'WU yard* Hamburg*. Wo. Cow yar Is Haiiitiurei. tic. 5'M) yard* II amour**, Mr. ?.nao yard) Hamburg*. 3dc. 5.UW yarda lumbwrga, 62c 5 00 yar<la Hamburg.* \ard. 5,1 oe) yarda Hauii.ur*. 75c. yard. 5,?)i jrnrd* Hamourg*. -Wc. yard. 5.0M yarda flamburg*. (Me. yard. *? \lMi varrt* Hamburg*, ?l yard. S.OO't yard* Hamburg, $1 25 yard. U.onoflae Freac'i embroidered B?nrt*. each band var4% line work, entire band mr ?c. PI ml ir P?.ida, fine aaaortmcnt. Linen tap* Trimming* ^9r,. a pl?re wx'.e Ruining*, He. to *e. per yard. Wotcb Tuck Inc. I-V. n.-r yarn. Embroidery Trimming*. 19c. to Tic. a piece, rioae Trlmaalug*, 6o to too. a piece. 1'nfTlngi and RafBluga Ci.ibea Trimming*. Antique I .ace fqaare*. re. to llo. Antique Lace Tldtoa, Kc up Crochet and appllqae Ttdle*. Crochet Kightetpa, 19c. Linen Boeoms and Caff*. Homing! and Trimminga. ^ ftOILKT DRrARTMKST I ? -?i> f.NOXK BIT Ufcfft'INK UOODA.Y Labia'* IVrftime*. ?8e AtkimM'f Pertain<-m me. Uenuine Koec Water*. Mo. Cotgst 'I fertaBM. I.undlmrf'? ferfuinea i.hMu i -oapa and Fowdara. I'omadea, Coiaetlc*, Creama, Ac. All< ock'* r?rona Plaatera. Me. _ _ iaotb Powder* and Wa*hea Kadwav'x Relict, Ulyeerlne l,o*en?e*. Hr.indreth'? and other fill*, Kalley'a *ai?e, Wtaalow'a Srraa, (Jam unor Ice, Cold Cream, larrant'* xeltwr. In?e?t Fowder. Mu*tard Pla*ter*. irochr?, Oriental Cream, dlo. m ot Voutn, Toilet vinnuar, I otlai Water*. Hay Raul, Florida Water. Hurling'* Ambroala. Ac. WK HK L Til"RUB UOUO-t AT LRAST T OUB-THIHD I.KH8 THAN DRUOOIBTB' FRICKB.^ J,IIW TlNI! PI.ATKI1 AND RNAMKLLBO 1 Ft'Ft' HOXK-. worth 75c , at ttc each. I Foil amortment ot Hair, (lo*h. Tooth, Ha'h. Nail and Fle*h Bru*hca very low. U$ dor,, n fine In.-hah Tooth Brinho*. 12c _ Hpongaa and Bath Towel*. Real Hair Oood% low. _ Beat Oeraao Cologne*. Colgate'* Perfnmea, Toilet Water*, M>apa, Powder*, Ac , at popular price*. Millard I'lutera, He. per box. K*^/. Y. KtNBKT. ? WILLIAM EIMZBT, DRTJJOODS. A r ^ ? inummizzinu bbbebberbebbrbbb ZZZZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZ kHkkekKec KE RRHkk "iEF" ZZZZZZ2ZZZZZZZZZZ KKEKEL.KKKKF.KKE BE ZZZZ KHK ZZZZ EER ZZZZ EKR ZZZZ BEB Z7.1Z EEB JSZZZ ERKEBBRRB ?ZZ EFBEBEBBB ZZZZ ERR ZfcZZ BRB ZZZZ EKR ZZZZ EER ZZZZ ERR ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ BBRRRKERKEEEBRRB ZZXZZZZZZZZZZZZlZZ BF.EEfcEKRV. RREKRKR zozZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bbebbbbbbekeeeke K1NZFY. KlNZfct. BINZET. KINZKT. KINZBY. KINZKY. KINZKY. KTNZKV. KlNZEY. I OPENING 1)00 DOZENS TWO-BCTT BID OLOVBH, IT fOO. A PAJB " * ' ~ " *ii OPENING 14) DOZBN8 GBNrf KID"' * OL0VKB, SI UP: WABKANTBD. ? ? KINZF . KINZKT KINZKY. KINZK*. ? ,1)00 PAIR TWO AND THRBB BOTTON lil'JRI.lN GLOVES, AT 240. A PAIR. , " KINZR KINZ RY -| ii ' ~ | HKNTn' DOOBKlK Ol.OVRS, 60C. TO $1.^ ki~nzby KINZKY. J viLOVB DEPaRTM KNT. T Closing lot Of two button Kill*, 59c. lx>t ot ono-button Kids, 2Sc. I ot of Vienna Rid Uloves, S9c. Warranted real Kid, 5tc. Two button Dog Skin Olovo*. Wc. pair. Ladles' two-button Reguler, ?1 25. I .ail lea' Castor Gauntlet* 5tfc. . Two-button undressed Kids, Wo. pair. "ilCR BROADWAY- KID OLOVB. TWO BUTTONS, NEW SHADES, 81c. PAIR. KINZRY'S GKNUINB NILfl&oN TWO BUTTON KID GLOVES. WAR RANTED, 75o. PATH. *. Inilo0ifloTe^ne Qwluty, lie. pair. KINZEY # KInZ&Y KINZEY'S two-bntton Nilrton Klda 75o. pair. KIXZKY KINZEY'S two-bntton Cujhman Klda. 97c. P*,rKISZEY KINZEY'S twoH>utton Lottie Kl<l?. 16 P*"- KINZEY KINZEY'S two-bntton Roaal* Kill*. *1 SO pair. KIKZBV KINZEY'S two-bntton Jouvln seamless. $1 '5 p*grlj(ZKy KINZEY'S two button extta^YilVSf theP5bove Cloves warranted. Should tliey rip or' In putting on we give a new pair. Gents' Kid Gloves, 78c. lip. Mtaaeij. Kid Gloves, 50c op. Fine Lisle Olove, t to # buttons. extra flne Bnglisb Berlin Glove In white. 2 aud 3 bnttoOi. wortb ate., for 25c. pair. bobibbyT ? Ladles' three thread "o*e. ),j* Ladies'lull regular made, .5c. Mimes' Ladies' Striped, all ^ualluea^ rtrlp#fl re6ular, S#c. Indies' I'Ml? thread Hose. (jl(11en, flne Balbrlgsan nose. bee Is and tooa, white an 'w)rdollull exU, nualitrsllk Clocked BalbrtKtii?n?ai *P?" Gent's English lUtf "^''^hi^Enjllsh. Wc .Sic.. S* Gent's French striped vhre,d Halt How. Gent's Balbriggan Half Hose. ?> t~^KNrS>L't<NIHHlNCI GOOD*- ? Oent's silk Ties aud Scarfk 0e?t?? Collars and Cuffs. Oent's and boys' and gaate I nderwear. Oent's Night shirts. ,Un(1*?rehleta. Gloves. Hosiery. department n? Polled lii>en r.n*r&.fr#" ,h' lo??t*>the "??e rM lrory a SHk Paw, from ,0 ^ large linen painted Tan, 28c Po nt and thread ?ine Japanese Pans. r,le N'w r>ama?see Psn. 'lain Linen fan.. ftomjO?^?" piln,^-?'n Otc Mm.... . . f Nonnted Rubber Brare'eta *. I "lue ..ub^r Barring* ? *ir * KS asSB ?W?Si:aur.fI'r?"?" French Gill Brje?i.?. SKTmSTSS: '? """ ? w B*lt ?? *!...?? cl4U|K '">? French 0,? U+H*, toe P?ne Jet \ecklseM. ??? ?r. up ? Chains, up - J Bilk But tost, In every color, kich Beaded Button* Ivory Butloua, every lhade. White and colored Pear! Button*. M 'I and Oxidised Mutton*. Nickel and Gilt Bin ton* Pane; I>re*? Button*, Sc. to 2ftc. doien. Pine Jet Battoo* Jet Button*, prari mounting*. Uc. doaen. ^ twin* (Mnritnn. t t arred Bracket*, 19c. t? ?C Carved corner Iricktl*. Be lolv ,?tw|?? Wall Pocketh, 1*. to ?10. 8 w la* carved Rasela, ?.9c. to Swiaa Boot 81 idea, SOr to H Swiaa Rated Seta Bwlae carved Match "area. Me. np. Towel and flat Rack*. Black walnnt Frame*, all alae* 8?in Bouquet Holder* Crumb Traya and Bru >hc*. Fine Bwn* Frame*, 36c. U> |i*> Htack walnut Blackinf Caere Tooth Brnah Rarka, 0c no. Card and Bltpper Racka Carved Iwla Oroup*. ^ fanc*y <;onps "" ^ i Vaaee. I .arte Bohemian *nJ ('Inn* Vaaea, flue v decorated, at 18c. each. Pine Toilet Seta. Rich Bohemian Va?ea _ Wrltlna Dc*k? and Worn Bonee Maalc Boaeiaad Altitun* Ulova and Handkerchief Boxea. Bronaaa and Qilt Ooo I*. Btaqne and Parian Oroupe, Japanete and Bwt*s Oooda." i>re*Mn| Caact. !ar*e a*?or mot. tanarr Bird* and Ca?ea. _ Portemonnale* and Card Caaee. Travailing and shopping B*m shawl and Parcel strapa. r.var Caaea and Mat<-h Sale*. Toilet and Perfume C**a ?. f To0~UoZBMi LU>liF~KRKNfH BA^ K COMBS, | I NRW STTLBi* Buffalo Horn t'otnbe. 2Sc. Bide Comb*, full aaaortmenL Jci and Shell Back Comb*. Back Comb*, In new design*. Back Oornba, richly monnted. Carvad Back 'onit*. 21c. np Rubber Comb*, all kind*. KIN/TV. RIMZKY. [WILLIAM KIltZRY,^ i (IBM R BROADWAY AND NINTH BTHKKT,^ TtoRRKR BELOW sTFtVtHV ?*> A" par ooodi, WX tVvV VyYy tVvV YYYY YYYY ttvy yryr TfYY YYYT YYY Y YYYY YYYY YYYV ijYY YYYt YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYT YYYY YYYY YYYYYYYY YYYYYYY vyvtyy YYYt Y fY Mn,vL|7EDRi ./It^I) >VAHB.-WE ffBEP NONE BLT THK Bfc'ST and qui i ah i VKRY LOW PRICB8. BELL AT Rnive*, Fork*. SpooJ*. Pitchcir*. Castor*, wti Butter ?nd sugar t ftr.t |PKBI JBTtfLV.I'Attir"**0 ~Z ? ? " ?D. ? II Castor*. ?ets Butter and Dnha*. fruit ana Cak? Basket*. rrS> BK PTATR - ? KIXZKY ^ K l.V'ZKY t kimky T L'NDEBWEAR DEI* ArtTMKNT * Large ?tock of ladfoa', mi/rae*' " ' and infant* tfnlerwear, from the lowest price to tlie flue it goods J CBBMISK. ? Njatlv trimmed Oliemlte. We. p,_. .. Corded bahd aud tuokoj yoke. Wo. Fine rnffled boiom Chemise ?Vc Extra quality, finely made, ?jc.' Cor.od band and trimmed, #9s. t j embroidered and Corded baud* 86c. Rufftod bias tucked and puffed, $1 Embroidered and tucked back aud trout, II 2S. Richly worked and tucked, $1 SO. ?? ? . . ?. *mP?rI?d lund made lacs B jjoma, $1 89. vcrv flue cambric chemise. $1 89, richly embroidered and trimmed. T DRAW R KB. T Tuc'cad and trimmed, well made. 39c ^ 1 uckca aud ruffled Drawerl, 5?c. Embroidere i and tucked 79e. BmbroMeret and M t("' Clutter tucita and embroidered, $1 10. <v # /TOILET fcACQPES. J Corded bandA Ida* tucking* witn _ , _ . embroidery, wen male Si i)o Tucked, embroidered and ptiflei f. tS. Puffed, tucked aud rustiod, si 29. ^ ____ i<>w ""P1?* ,a ->acqne*. i Niorrr dresses. <t> ??? $ Tu ken and trimmed Xigbt l>re*<. $L . . . Ruffled, inserted and tuckeu, $l. Cluster tucks, embroidered, lined back), $. i\ p?m . w .. tO' ked tia. k an.i fVont, $1 3?. Ruffled, embroidered, lacked lull lemrtn, *1 75 Hue Might Rgbe*. 9i to M. SKIRTS. |* 9 tuoke 1 flkirt*. full *i*\ S6c. _ . , _ , I* tucnea iiklrt?. luii *:??. 75c. Cambric, flounced .to I looked #8? Bias lucked Skirt, extra quality. $l M W-rv rlne quality, 'id' bltitinga, .r .. wh?i ?i* tucka abov*; #1 \\ a.nsntta muiiin. 15 luck*. tl U. 21 tucka, extra quality $1 25 ~ . . Hi.dilv tiifr^d fronts all down, $1. Cambric, flounced and puffed, tl S# Embroidered, 71 ?) "prlng Hoop Skirt. 5V. F'"8 ii4,r'4- $I 7410 M V-aprlng, tape .ront, with UnvftL**'' "?*1 ##c' b , Adiu^t*i?ie >k irt. a ^prtuca. 85e. Bustlei of?Tery dc?crip:ioii. T CORaBTS. ^ Fine whalebone Cor<et., tfl.! A _. ? _ Use Preach woven ConetA Sik* The Oowamer Corwt at re. . , ..txTT* French wjtjb Cor*et? 87c. Very line hand made Cor?et<. 7 ?. _ . Ilan l u.a !e t'ur?et*. perfect Qunte SI ?. Preach woven, alik emltroijei-o 1. Si i' Specially, our Kin*. ?? Cor?et, ban I v v n,*le.* do?'*>!e courllle. extra Icitsih. ? ?. Pine embroidered i or?eti, ver? low. ? i. , ... Chlldrea'i Corwt W?i?ta s?. Lailiet' and Miiae*' merino an! tsauae L'oderwear, low. c?*". I MIISK8' rSDERWKAK. rtill aMort.iMOt Mi-je?' I ndcrwear, la all qual'tie*. or mad? to ->rd -r 'm "hk?'!?i .vpront, 15e. lnrASYS- DEPARTMENT, f 'ifanW 8D|h in every quality. ** Plr.e caaibrl-, tucked and . ? . . ? w- . ? embro:d?rn [>re?*. Si ij. Infanta' Kobe* aad Dre?ei >. Infanta' fine flanuel Skirta. I iaea shirt) aad Ch*miw. , , ., . . .. '-ace. lineti aad pique Bib*. Infant'* lace an I embroidered Cap*. , . . , . _ Infanta flannel Stiawia. Infaota pique Doable cloak*. S-V? ? Fine ?iubroid?red xitr no cloak*. Children^ pique Drc**?i, . _ rhi'iiriii'j (Calking tulta. Full aaaortmeat o? Rubber fioo (a t? taaen f ?r rnrantf' Oatflt*. | MX R.N ?JOf)OS * WW va-d? all linen Towelling. ?<? _ . ^ J <a* linen Tu?eil; i/*. uWe. to ->?. Bleached an I brown Table Damavk Damask .VapkinA 75c. fie. W-. do/en t . *?"? SIVI unb'eai na 1 htnk Towe A ? _ iar*e ?!'??. 2Jr. to inc. Linen Dnma*k T>>wela. 2lr f> 3te. Llucu HIhm Towel*. 19r to lurkiali Hatb T*w?la *.?, toWc .. v#nr law 11IIVII tlalh lone,a, t*r. 1MW) extra qnillty Me ached linen Towel*. l>c 10 49c S.OMverv fine bleached Damifk Towel*, a?i to ?r. (Ml. Liuen Diaper*, very low V? vari? fln*? Pimit*. lie. yard lam tucked Maeus*. 25'. rneked Xatftsnok ?Ith InnMri etubroi It* **va Wide, fcJO. y*rJ. Vina Natnsook Hnslin*. 20r v?r ! ui. I'lald au.1 umiwrt MmmIi -tte. no ftMTj ?.rt|? I Pwjaaa, J9r up s.itin striped fiquea. ?c. toMn. _ So.; 1aish t uu'iri ? JOc. up. riatd anl ??rtped Jaconeu #<? ni> Xmliiw. Uc. yard ap. Flo* carded ri iae?, Jie. ap. I tUf* - r h? I "??.????. nr. lire io'Md Sww?? ?c. French Organdie? *??. Bp. \ ic'oria U*ui. I4db up , . _ Bi?ho> < i im 2>e BP. White sad colored I?rlit?w . lnr? full assortment I ?uk velvet i-lattif Baits rieinr t?ad?<l He I Kin? silk alnstr: H?lt? t^rnlhP"! \n.-t n atn. tv I ? KIM*EV^ KInKRT. P \RAfto1.n, r full ?s?orttn',nt of ladle# Paraai ? |..r atteef or I ?rrt1? ,M ^ ^ ^ ^ u >rt-u?nt ir? tne cltr. |.>I N I UBHELLA*"^ S ?H r?rv rii !i I*II #J ?n*.*o? rrante t'mt>rei>as IJ1...1111C.1 in paarl rhony nlokal. ? t\< r. gi t. i-orue:ta>, ivory. Ac.. at popl ar pne?a. klNKKY KIN/.KV. IMn-h ?l!k snd P*r?fnn tl .'f. 2i i'lrh si'.k an I Pa^s* ?'. (I M. ?lt:rksil\ an I r.?. i,on frames. I- M English Alpaca Cmbrella*. fl to ap ?>m ?lmp?rt??t h?l '? ' i Ik 1 inbrellaa, JSlnrti rs.a?.">n >4 Aj. Fine sfort?*'!' nt laiitai ant ? ni?' laporwd *Hk L'miireila?. t urn ia" raraaol*, embroidered. Opening several rrry rhc?r> lot* of mi* t mbretlai ar. 11'ataaaw. f AM A 1.1WaTikS. f & ? loo yards Ma nine Silk. Sc. % flood f^w.rg < otton,*?. iloaen. I'm*. 14 row*. 2c paper. sewinj JHk. Ic. tpoo*. Jet Beads, sc. in.ach r.n3.i?!i Halrpioa, Jc. ! nndtp. Best la-ntng t'otton. Tc ball Twiilad :'ap?, Ic. tc. pieca. Hewing Machtna Naeilte*. I rochatC ttioii. Ic. tpftoL fursct l.a*e?, I9c doaaa. I inrn FloU, V- IPO?l. KlfflBT. j Wll.l.l M ~K IN/.f.r t I ?i 7C,- ?>D (ft# BROADWAY. ? I : corSeb" JII.NTH MTHKKT. I <f Fur Other Dry Qnodi AdreHliementi ??? ?lit ccntli Page<