Newspaper Page Text
MARRIAGES AKD DEATHS. MARRIED. Affm?Field.?On Thursday, Mar ?, *1 the re*. I<1cdm of ttie Pride's parents, by toe Rev T. s. Eltcuer, Charles W. ACT UN, of Sew Brunswick, J., to Lacua W., daughter of John K. Field, Kl., of Bound Brook, N. J. Chicago and st. Louis paper a please copy. Beeemaj*?CAarKK.?on Wednesday. May 5, ?? tkt residence or tue bride's mother, by the '"''?.y J. Browner, chaklks N. Bbejcmam to klua 3L Ca?tkk. f oiiadeiphla papors please eonv. Uoonky?MiBibron. ?On Wednesday. April 2H, 1*76, at the residence of the ortde'a par?j la, by tue Rer. Dr. Mctii vnn, Rich a a t> M. Coo**T to Mary, daugnterof James W. MeBarron. Fribl? Wednesday evening, April 18, at the residence of toe Bride, by tae Eey. Puher Malone, assisted by the Rev. Father Cam Hie. jobs J. FnutL. of New York city, to Ekua A. A BLi r, of Brooklyn, E. 0. No cards. Laylor?Bowman.?on Wednesday, April 21, H74, at the Church ef the strangers, by me Rev. cnaries F. Deems, D. D., tluun M. Lay lor, of New Yore, to Anna M. Bowman, of Brooklyn. Western papers please copy. Lynch?Connolly?On Wednesday, May 8, 1878, at the residence of the brtde'a parents. Brooklyn, K. I)., by the Rev. John R, McDonald, t'HABLBS K. LYNCH tO GnSSI* CONNOLLY. peters? shannon.?on Wednesday, May 6, at the residence of C. 0. Buddin<ftop. Jio. 241 Euet fciKbty-flrst street, by the ltev. A>^x. Shaw, of Brook.yu. Peteb Peters. Orst offleer of the ship Mary Whiuldge, to Miss oajiah Shannon, of New York. Pin abi>-Smith.?On Monday, April 2fl, 1875, at the Church of ht. Francis Xavier, by the Rev. P. F. Hmith. John it. Pis mid to ELiza SC. daughter of the late David Smith- No carua. VKsaY?Nkaub.?Ou Thursday, May ?, 1*78. at St. Warj's cUurch, by Rev. ?. J. O'Reilly, assisted by Revs. j. Gheaaon and K. Baxter, Joh? Vesky to Jdi.ia A. Nkadb. both oi thia city. Wolkson?Wolpenstein.?On Wednesday, May ?, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Kev. Dr. u. Einhoru, Lkopold Wdlkson, of Nan Antonio. Texas, to khbkoca, daughter of Philip Wolieusteln. of thla city. ban Autozuo i'le:tae) papers please copy. DIED. Bent.?At Portchester, N. T., May 8, 1875, I Irving, sou or Samuel S. and saran li. Beat, in the j 12th year of his age. Funeral at the Episcopal cnurch, on Monday, j Mav io. 1875, at half-past ten o'clock. Carriages ; will be in waiting lor tue 9:04 train from Grand Central depot, forty-second street. Best.?on Saturday. 8th lust., at his residence in this city (47 wail streeg, William Bur, la the T2d year oi ma age. The relatives and friends of tbe family are re- | ?pectlolly invited to attend the funeral servleea, j on Monday, lota last., at one F. M., irom uie Mac- * Ouiigai street Baptist churce. Blake.?On Thursday, May 6, Mrs. Johanna Pi ikb. or th* parish oi Butte van t. eonnty Cork, Ireland, widow ol the law Wiuiaaa Biake, In the i;th year oi ner age. i tie relatives ana friends are respeetfnlly invited to attend the funeral, irom tne residence of her son-in-law, Luke Eiiard corner of Porty-fourtn ?;reet and Eigutn avenue, on snnday, May li, at two o'<-1ock, without further notice. Boston and San t-rancnco papers please ropy. Bo lei. by.?on Friday evening, May 7. oi typhoid lev-.r, W. Beulkv, in the 37tu year oi his age. Relatrves and friends are respectfully invited to ar'-end tne tuneral services, at the residence of I Bis lather-in-iaw. D. H. Turner. Esq.. ja6 Fifth av?nu>\ on Mon iay eveniug, XOtli mat., at ten #'cioc&. Blhei:.?snddeniy. on Friday. May 7, Johanna Bl'Bkx. aged 75 y^nrs. The Atncral will take p!ac? on Sunday, May 9, : from ner line residence, im Elrfhtcentu street, boutu Brooklyn, at one o'clock. B*bvk?. ? in Brooklyn, on Saturday, the St'i 1 Inst., of d.sease of tnc heart, William Bybnbs, in the .9th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are m wited to U:teud the funera,, from the Fleet street Methodist Episcopal church, on mesday. ths litn liist., at two o'clock P. 51. o.are.?On Friday, May T. of consotnptlon, Wiii.iAii Ci.abk, aied 3# years. Hie r?utives and fri> ndi of the family are re ?peciiniiv invited to a''.end hn funeral, Sunday, May 8, at tw., o'clocn P. M.. irom tin lata re^i crpre. No. 1 Second stre?t. corner of Bowery. oofkky.?On PrioaT, May 7, ibammlla, wife of Mo: ert c. ffe.v, aged 38 years. T: e relatives and friends of tt:e lamlly are re ?pectlulij mnred to attend the funera.. from tie* late restaepi-e. No. 251 vt>st Thirteenth street, on hunday 9th Ii su. at two o'clock P. il. < o<iSWfLu?ou Friday, 7th inst., of apoplexy of tbe ?r?.n. E. B. COUd? klu aged 3: years. sdenR')?rs of T< posruplncai Inion, No. e. are re tn^sted ;o meet at the Union rooms, 73 Chathaia i ?feet, at one P. M. to-day, lor Uie par pom of a. tendiug the funeral, from his late residence. 57a I hr (i ,me s.reet, at two P. M. CoaB*rr.?On Wednesday, hay 5. of pneumonia, Jamks ( . Coubctt. a native of Doi.era:ie, oonuty Core Ireland, in tae 4M year of ht? ac?-. The relatives and inenda ?f the family, also of hi- ftrotner mcaael and brothers-tn-taw j .hi; and Humpnrev Shea and Michael Foi?y are respecttmly tbvited o attend the funeral, on SkiD^ay. May t*. fioru Melrose ilou*e. MslPose, N. Y , to St. Jerome s Koman Catholic cnurch at twelve ?'clock noon. Hr pi e to ('4ilvar.T cemeret-y for latorment. ItrsNK? on Saturday icoining. alter a short liiueaa. marv dksxib, In the ??tn year o; her aire. he atives and friends of > lie family sre respect fu y iDVlted to .itien-l tier funeral, it is (Sunday* a.' eino ii at two o'clock. ir?ia the r sldence of her ? U;s. Mlleck, >o. U8 East Forty-eightn ?treet. Dcit.?In Brooklyn Friday, May T. n:s. Marcr Ann, ?:rc ? r >a-..aa aged .8 yeara, Uiaoatfca kt'i isaa**. Rrutiv?? and frten<*a of rue family are reaper t Miy invited to BtfBd toe faneral, from her late r> aiaeace, ::ve Adeipkl etrftt, on Sunday, Ottt mat., atjr.ree o'clock w'ft wa. alr? i.Vmland) paper* p>aa? Gop*. I1! rn aiju-At Provuleuce. K. L. tae etn mat., fj. Hk*:t Fi VTCHBS, in tae 41ft year of ma age. * rourr ?Ou KKiaT, Mar Hbnry P. tour, tne young*i soi ?: Michael and Eilea *oiey, aged 3 #eai?, I infitltb an-: 'JO data. ft lailvesand ruendamrtf retpectfni;y mmed to attend tft.; funeral, on sunla*. May m, at one eclocV. from tw lata reatd.nce, No. ")S2S West Puty-i'coQd atreet without inrthf n itlce. Uavktt.??Ou ft tday morn I of. Mar 1, of eon u m-?tion. *aa*u f. wicow oi c orge n. i.aveit, Jr. aid daughter of Mary and tae lata Hubert L. fitter, ini ^y-ara. f,,?rr.i (r ,r?i ?>.e reddenre of ker mother. JCo. tti lea h a;r et, Jir?-y City, :ui (Sunday arteroo^u, at two o'ctocfc. tteiaUrea ana rnenua arelnviXed. _ HtHi h -At White Plaint. on BatnMay. May a. Jorjrin-.a. o. r and t<ek>ved rtai?gnter of 1'etea h and . , e,.twna Hattm, aged 3 learn, i moaiaa aad r.' <i ya. n?r frleu ?* and tho?e of tlie 'itnlly are reapeet raiij invite ! to ati^nd the fwa ral, ou Monday, Mi.. io, at m., at tue t.u opai c&urca in Wmte Plains. Bibbarp?on the ?th infant, at hia reeldenro ta toia o?y, NaTUamki. 1. IUbbarp, in tae vutb year of h:a ate. Kuu-ra. tfi :a Dr. Boofh'* etiureh, corner Tentk etr?ct and University pta< e, 1 ue?Uay, ike lit* W'U. at hatf-pam three o'clor* P. M. H nt.?Ob 8 at hi* lata remder.c?, So. 159 Lewie street, Biarnoionnr nr*r awe :x Nouc? of fnneral la Monday's payer. K, M<V Mr? Jim K?,!*?. widow ?r the U'e Jatn*e Kane, of Brookeboru, county Fermanagh. ire,ana. aged 7oyeare. In- relative" a'id friends ol Die fkmry aie re o|iert;'i> v invite i in attend tbe lunerai fiom the f#?nl*nce .r her io i. jii Raa-, 0.1 ^o.cott ?treat, .-out;; arooal^n, tn>a 0aoday) aiterauou, at ( ?'j o'clock. kkh.t? la Bei'e^ne no?nitai, on ti" Btrt Inat., ?ni.uaM f. Kaixr, in tb? 40IB ??ar or t.< age. H:h'bhiih am im taken to iairary CWitltry ?n Monday, rre lot* mat., at one J*. M. Ina rta ?4?? - and frleada of oxa broteer. i.owara V. Kany, mj* r?!?|iectiui;f inv ted to attoud. timr? iu Urookiru. ?o Saturday, fctb mat., lamra A. Krm , aa?-168 year*. H'i remtiTea ?ad fne^aa, and of Hi* ?on. Jamea A Kemp, are resptrifaliy invited to attaad , na ior.fra., frona tli. re?lo?:n ? of Mia -inn, So. .r, ? a n tndp' place, on lueaaar afteraooa, at tare* ?'Cioc*. lunrmeBt at ureenwooa. K BitBiea.N.?JoB.i ?. anddaaiy. w ill be Dnri^rt irom ttie rr^ideace oi ;na ?on ? law. rh:irle* Toy, .No. 33 suliivan air*<;'.. llie reia t?te- ami frianda are re?pectl?tiy inritad to attead ?(. Monday at two r. M. ta . orma pape i ^.eaae rop" ?n,N.s-.u llrookirn, or. Saturday. May t, Caa Oi.i.-a HitnM a?ed *1 yeart. BeiaitfcaaM irieade ?ie invited to attead tha fa- ?rai, Iron. t*r lata raatdaace. i. ?tat? atrket, i d uon<!a?. at tare* a'cux-i P. M. v. ? . * .. un t nday. May *, u:i, at boapual, Mr MoR ?*n. I be ,i .enox of the familf, alao the naflibflra Of Mai I a *v a?ainj{t"B Coanci , .vo. 43, O. U. A. M., an i ri < mber?? <?i Aiaiar c un ?1? are respe tfn If lavMed to a'fend tae funeral Barrie?a, at their conn. h cnanibf r. 13ftt'ar>a airect. on Sunday. May k 1 M. at one u'c.oca V. M. Vy oriW ot > oubciI Jor?. J. B. WBMtRT^ It. 8. >i arot.??? Tfnr?d if, M if n, ait<?r a aaort an 1 pun ui Uiko?rt, riaxaar Lawu Nqbto*, aged M fBJrn. ri.e remair.? win lofrred In Evergreen Om en r? on Mood*? lO h io?t.. at. o'akx-k *f. Ine Ifwedeoi tue famu* a& i aiftiiKeri* oi c mton l ?- ?? No. 4i>3 P. aad A. M., are reapeotlaiiy in ?iteu to attend. wiimgaa ^ai?er? p'eaaa eow*. Custom la.iM.a, No. 4iS, K A. ?trawo^s? fbbiHas*-->ou are neraoy kummonrd to rne<si nt t ie lod*? room, ?w itroaeway. Brooklyn, B. i>., on Moaday, May io. at eleven oVi< ck enarp. :or fae jiurp ee of a.f adiB* tne funarai or our late ? roiber. Kalaey I. *ortoe. Brrihrou of aiater loogea are (ra;ern.iny loviod to alidad. W il.'.I AM C, 1UCK aKUS, W. M. C. B. XkL9fri>K sec.retar /. (i'miaw la Krooaiyn. oa Taoniday e*enin?, May 0, wuxiam d'Hiuks. native of Moytouga, coun'y Oaiway, ireiand, a^ed l, yearn. i i.e r ? e? and irleoda of tlie ramily are re ?peetiatiy lamed to attend the fanerai, from the ? tidem e of Fraaeia Hnrke, 214 Court atreet, tun t..? 0audayl, at two o'clock P. M. aaarp; tae i *mVera oi tke cuo !*a tiaei AaaoeiatiOB. Be eiii M Mafu tw waivaij tut iBtcmeut. HO'Cai i abin ??)n Prid^y, Mar 7, Daniel O'Cal i.ahan, of tbe county Limerick, Ireland, aired 73 rear*. Relatives and mend* of tha family are respect fully invited to attend the fuueral, fiom tlie resi lience of bis son-in-law, Frederick Scnenk, 12 Rose street, this day (Sunday), at two O'clock P. M. (/'Unxta?on Thursday evening, Msy a, Pat kick O'Connbll, aou of ;h? lale Jonu aud tlieu O'Connell, a native of parish of Doneraile, couuty cork, Ireland, in lite 4Mb rear of bis age. Relative* 4iid friend* or the family a o respect fully invited to attend tbe funeral, on Sunday, , May 8. at one o'clock I'. M.. trom ma late reai dence. 216 East Forty-seventh street. O'Toolb.?on Friday, May 7, John J., son or 1 r?trl( k and Ann O'Tools, aged 21 years, 0 mootna and 19 days. Relative* and Irlends oi tke family and the graduates ol St. Gaoriel'a achool are respectfully requested to attend tne iunerai, on Sunday, from bis late residence, Zli Ka;>t Tnirty-aeeond street, 1 to ttt. Gaurlet'scburch, East Tnlrty-seveiitb street, at one o'clock ; thence to Calvary Cemeteiy. i Nonce.?Memners of St. Gabriel's Musical Ab*o ; cut ion are requested to meet at tbeir roomu, at i one o'clock, to attend tne funeral of our late member, Joan J. O'Tooie. CHARLES J. SULUVAS, President. Pnrur, secretary. Pakkeb.? on Saturday. May 8. Cathbbihb R. TARKkH, a native of tlte county Long lord, Ireland, aged 56 years. The relatives and ftienrta of the family are re spectfully invited to attend ner lunerak from ber late residence, 00 suiavan street, ou ltonduy, lOtn, at two o'clock p. M. Koabscb.?In Brooklyn, May 8, 1875, Gkacik l Boausch, aged 5 months and 2 days. Tbe r> lativea and friends of the family are re i epectfuily invited to attend tne iunerai, on Mon ! day. May 10, at one o'clock P. M., from tbe res idence of ber parents, 7so Pulton street, Brooklyn. ' Interment at Ureenwood. Ryan.?In Brooklyn, on Friday, 7th, Catua ; bine Rya.n, in tbe 75tb year oi ber age. The funeral will take place Irom tne residence of ber son-in-law, Jobs Osborne, 100 sands street, Brooklyn, Sunday, at two o'clock P. M. Sammond.?On Friday, -Vlav 7, at So. 0 Colonnade I row, Humboldt street, Brooklyn, E. D., Jous .sah mond, in tbe notli year of hw age. Ine relatives and friends of tbe larnlly are re ipectiully invited to attend tbe funeral, on Mon day, May 10, at half-past one P. W., irom Grace church, Cousiljea sueet, near Lorluc-r, Brooklyn, I E. D. ScoriBLD. ?On Friday, May 7, of heart disease, Olive aigusta. only child oi Armenia aud the late James E. bcofleld (stepdaimniu.- hi ibarles L. smith), ased 12years, 8 umoiiis and 7 days. Tbe relatives and friend* oi the uuiily aie re spectfully invited to attend tbe funeral, on Sunday, ?tu inst., at two o'clock, irom tne residence et bar parents, No. J41 West Tsirieentb street. Tbe re mains will b? taken Monday morulng to Stamford, Conn., for interment. Smith.?On Saturday, May 8. Ross, widow or the late Patrick Smith, aued 75 years. Tbe relatives and friends of tbe family are re spectfully invited to attend tne iunerai. irom h?r late residence. No. xi-C Second avenne. on Mon day, the 10th Insu, at one o'clock. Interment in Calvary cemetery. Sxdkn.?On Saturday, May S, 137?, James So den. 1 ne mends o> tbe family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, irom bis late residence, an East Twenty-nin;h street, on Monday, May 10, at one o'clock P. M., witnout fmtber notice. Trkmlett. ?On satorday, May 8, 1873, after a loujt ana painiul Illness, Elizabbtb, beloved wile ol George w. lremiett, aged 47 years. The mends oi the inmily; also the brethren of Oarcy Lodge, No. 187, F. and A. M., are respect fully invited to attend tbe iunerai, on Tnesdar, the llth mat., at one o'clock P. M., irom her lata residence, 2,069 Third avenue, Harlem. WAL.--ii.-4in Saturday. May 8, Maktiia. tbe be loved daughter ol James and Elian Walsh, aged 3 montns aud US days. Tne relatives aud friends of her parents are re spectfully invited to attend tbe iunerai. from 45 West street, on Sunday, May 9, at one o'clock. Dublin and Kllkenuy papers please copy. White.?lu tnis city, on Friday, May 7, William White, formerly of Warrenpasat, county Down, Ireland, aged Oi years. The relatives aud frieuss of tbe family, alio members of St, John s Guikl a e respeotiully id- , vited to attend tbe iunerai, from bis late resi dence, No. 04 Charies street, tuis day Sunday;, j May 9, ut two O'dOCk P. M. Wim.s.?In Harlem, on Friday afternoon. May 7, 1875. Ella H.. daughter or Martin and Mary a. Htnis, aired 6 years, I month and 11 days. The funeral will take place lroui the residence of berparenta. first avenue, between LiOtn and 121st streets, Harlem, on Sunday, at one p. M. The relatives aud menus are invited to attend; also tbe members of Hope Louge, No. 244, F. and A. M. Win row.?On satniday, April 8, 1875, Mary, widow of tbe late George Wiurow, in tbe with year of ber age. Tne relatives am mends of tbe family are re spcctluiiy luvited to attend tbe funeral, on Tues day. May ii. 1*75, atone o'clock, irom her resi dence, 122 Cannon s.ree:. rUTOFORTWL oaaug, &r. A -FOB KK.vr OFKIQBT, MUA&A AMD GRABD ? Piano* ol our own make. ai*o fur *ale. a number ot Sue aeconj bAiiil I'Iaiio-i, iu perlect orJtr M 1 L.Ol KNAlih B CO., Su lli titXa avvsuc, alx>v? SljLiecnU) ?'.. larok stock or rbw and hpcovd hand Ptinof too Orgaa* at ureatlv re<tu> ed price* for c*?h. or on montbl; paymc-Bts; also lor rent Pieate call aud examine HOBACE WATKBS A SO.N8. 4*1 Broadwar. 4 bark oppoBremTY.?beai?tifol 7H go J\ Urt , round corner* ricbly carved ro-* ?o??l Piano, reiebrmie l maker, at niorwaire ??le. on Monday next, 12 ti'ilorfc, In3 Weal thirty third ?treeL H or*(a. A MACNIUCKNT BRILLIANT TONR, rOIR BOCND -? corn*ra uraid srjuare rosewood 7*< octave Piano fort?, u.etl 9 month*, cost ?!MI, lor omy J27J; stool, lover ih,i t>* nrpping, al*o one do . $150 parlor, i'i?n.t>er. <iMiinir Kurniture at any rraaonaole att.-r. c??h. Men i?i?ce lui Kant Tkirteentliftr-et. near Fourth avenoe. t all tft!?d?jr ^Sonfla^i or Monday. A -WKBfvR, 6TKIN WaT, CMlClfinil.SO J\ . forte* anl Orjan?; bargain* tar ram; $100 to g'vfl; ? ' to llomoo txyri /ent applied. J. BIDOLb, 13 Waver ley place. a<ar uroaoiray A ?CLOMSO <M'T SAl.R LAROK AMD KI.KOANT J\ . toe a* Piauos, half pries, order auinlnlairatrlx <>. * ettate. 3iS? tr ?(re-u ?ecouU naud Piano* cheap ; o ,e ITT TTiiea?riq?, $IV* A /V OiTAVE PIANO, WITH ALL MODERN I*. J\ prcvein*-nts very little nied. for ><90 f. CONNOR, 1 <il rt* ?*??uih ?treo|, corDT I bird av . over Miner'*. WKBiK PUNO, A 7M OCTAVE. CARTkD LROS, ?verotrnnj. all imr>rov?rrent*. (Mi. loaulmenu tacen ' r.elorf?-' Piano* to re?L S3 nioutfi. R. ? ABLE, liff W ltd av, cor. tib av. A?A.-PIANOS, PIANOS. PIANOS, PoR hALK ? chear<. (or a*n. or inntalmenti anu lor hire. H 4re,ro<.m? 144 Pliili aveoue, near Nineteentb street. A LAI'Y WILL IIISP03E OF SRAI TIPOL 7 OC A t*>e Pianoforte . carved le**, over*trunii !> ?**. r iond roroei*; rfMl SOU, lor ic** than ball co*L *8 third Mini sear bowery VBAON'lFit HT OCTAVB patent aoraffr nw?'?>d Piaiwlatte, r ebrated ukfr; ma our * tumitti? ?T C?*r itiW-ed \y bijI?; cott S*'i". <ur |. " etool. ?AjV?r Nunc ? ?IM> Plflot sun >04 i ha:nb?' proper*.) of lainily '? avloff tv. N. It. PuiMli.rv m<i tar anippint < mil ?l rcMdenca, XI Itaat I viruU?iti ?ir et, ut?r uroJlway. <-'*H 'Or one ? t?k. A* EL' 'MM 6TBtB*>t A -6NB' PIANOFORTE f'.r M'K<1 ?A brilliant totted TM Bfttw. richly c at '.J fomt muni riMVMli?m- Tfir agraffe. #???? i:rtu nln.i. bar in/ nil impro>-frieii "? prime.1 ru.?r*y Jot, ntiio/ ??I*, eqei $*p lor J.ii: ?to<", c<r??r Rni tor ' IDtppvH IIJK'1 o?ljr (One month". ?7S, ?eiav? UDritflit 1j ki-r A Kro*. l'iin??rt| Si3 ? iatlo eoirUme I'-iror foil, rirrt ?7.%>, tor fiSu brrw uUt and rep -uite: Horary. cbaiubar mid dtlnu* Furnluri;, in lot* to ?uiv at on* tonr'h coat S M.?Buat b? MM. Call lo-Ay or ? ?ndar. five ?? rv rrnwu irtotie private re-side no .*?. *1 *cii letbfi . Iciwmii itu and 8th A8TMXWAT A OK., <? 0< T AtV. BUIKUO >U i iaa>i<>>rte.?Pr'.Tata (saiVF wtlt -alt at a -acriflca brilliant onid four larire round cornered 7'? octava P -?<?bury rtonniorM. uaed ?ix inomlta. original i oat SS7.eaan, f>r t-'~\ with Htooi, Corer, Mui.i Cabinet, ?<>r'ti |1 '). al?o laror -nit*, in *atiti. < <?t $ t?\ r..r $174; rep tor * u: H Iro. m Halt*. w.j-tb Sim. r-ivet ' arpet*. 50 . per fSrrt Rattreaae* Pe-ta he Mm*. lew! than tiali co*: fcxtt-aaioa laole ml Buffv-t. China and Mi?cr War* >oih* - Muat be. ?o>d . tto reawMolc tier r?'u?e4 t r n?h : rvl an' examine tbeae goo.i? before iou bur elwwhere at flvt at >rv and French root brown ?t '.? pmate man-ion U we?t cwi at, near 6u> av. K. B.?CiUi to-day iS?BtoT) or W?day. k -liarv-BEALTIFCL ROhKWOOO PUNOVORtB; A. I'iio v r?nt SS P?r ro ath; inatalmenu received , sew tna ruui?ntne*' oediairiy iow. UOI.ij.-M1111 s, -6 ?i??< *'-r itr??t, naar Bowrry. 4 D07.RM OK FIR-T CI.A.-W .V W flaNOi FOB J\ rvotor i<>id br inatalineBU, a trr* ? ? -a-? iu?r n uq 1 corticj* I i*iio t u?. F. Mliilil.KR. tc haft Kour '?ath ctreet, near (.'Dion aqaM*. ? B Wti,Al*.-7 OCTAVR BOBRWOOD P'AVO .\ |i,r-p. 'our round ? ','ii?r?, tarred < *?e anj leira, c<- t t'? mad? by i. :tiut * itradbury, for fit;, at pri vate ratklence i*3 Kaa- -trf-u APRIVATrt FAMILY LKAVINO THK CITT ffll.l, aril at a aaeriSca th<-ir ci?sant llftuaenold Kurm Hi e A' ? i:o ?? ? vd Fian-?!????, Co-t Iti ? lor S-Par lor t4u> a in -a ta. rodyS-WlOr SIM. r-p acta, S^1 Sin; i iiinmr -?t?. inlaid ?- L?i'i4?. Buraau*, VTaah, atiriM mid hair Mattraaaea. Liiirary and Dining ^orm iur?. < an ?t?, Tanie?, *c ( ah a . private rawdeuce fca?t TwfotiMh ur<-at. Call lor oca wee)i. ANFW DKFARTCBF.?CALL AMI) SBB; L'PRIOHT, ?ja?r>-1 t and Fiau&i ->rainn ?-. . 'Tii?!k-rink' *. * fb<'i < and --tiiwr? lit" uiftni, bari,a na lor caa&. uu in"ialtn"nta and >>r rent. h X. ?A..L A III, .No 1) Baat ruu. teenth atrMt 1/UB f ALU?A TkRT FIBS Ml Sl^ B'H, M A BaR f (tain. a.a<i a ' an ;-oo." rreili'b Ct?Ck. App.y at A. J. TH<>MaV. S?1 Broadway. PIAXOS TO BR.VT OR SKLL-LaROK l.< I . FHICH an.1 *i-rm? -n aiiit the iiin?? < a'l at MLRRR;.L .1, ha - t aloa *i|iiar? liiS Foartli .v?nu >. I LKf?OftR OF jARDISh'S B'i?T FAHL0R OR _ gan*; al-o ??!! tha "raan. Mar in ? rarior Bate and -o;a l*ed. Adurnai A. B. C. i.eraid Iptonu Branca 1 0(15' ? _____ flBR BKHI : PI'.li.HT A>? ?yiJARi PlA.V'H TO 1 rent at BRa.V1I'*aVH, a ("nl u ?<)>iare a uumi.?r of ??cond bat d Piaaoa, in excellent order, Bir (ale ai trmueiy low '.,r cast?. ITPRIQUT A N i i <yt ARF. PIA^'U ?\|) OROAVI vJ for r??h. inttalDienu or rant, S>apv ar1. aprffM Pi-iaof a ip*< aity B I l a wan rooin*. 718 Br.iaJ way, cornar iamb (trert V- BRT CHf.AP BRW IIMT (Lass Vi OCTAVB .7!iicf> w*' ' ' f? ?",?? ' an li? >?-u at i ii KNR < Hi*. 11R* nine dealer. Ml Pearl street, Bear ? ul ; ton < all betw-i-n 1 and s p. M T qfeQ" -A flANDWAB CARVF.O LF.ii-i ROUND CO R ?r r>er< I'tano. In partert otder , Pian.,? on Sa to IM n.. u \,j lit Ulut*jl?, b r< i. ?r in ?'? up A RA A At AR. Bgwar*. AlMl'SKMKNTft. A~ TTTT H H EKEE A TTTT RRRR EKEB TUUh AA IS55 T H II B AA T R JJ ?* T II H K AA TU B H T IIHU11 KEE A A T RRRR EKE T II UK * T H H K A T H II K A T H U EBKB A CCC OOO C CO C CO O O C O c o c o 0 CO CCCC OOO 441444144 44 44 BROADWAY. Mr. JOSH HART............... Proprietor Maritd success of Harrlgan's new Sketcu, vLfc ?? DOWN uROADWAK | OR, THE MIMaTURB M6M 999991 TTTT H H BRBR EEEE Ot)G?0 66 M 09 99 T H HH R K " ? 6fi II 99 T 11HH11 R KB G tig 99 99 T H H R R R O M66* WHW T U H RRRR KEE O 66 M 99 S 5 u ? ur? 66 68 93 5 5 fj o <l *>; tfi oo ejy R R h O 99999 * B EKEE GGGG " Mini KITTY O'NBIL as COLONEL The above stetch will be presented <t>y request; at U>? Matinees auU each night of the coming seaaou. UARR1GAN AND 11A ill' in 3 new Sketchea. LOOK AT THI9I THE GREATEST TREAT EVKR OFFERED for the week, commencing May 10, this bet of THE LAST WkfcK UK HARRIDAN AND H >HT prior to their appearance at Wallack's, where the/ ap pear May SI, 1874. To make thi* the grand "gala" week THE OLIO WILL Br; CHANGED EVBRY NIGHT. Hret appearance of the celebrated FAUST FAMILY (three Ui number). First appearance of the DKVEKB BROTHERrt (three in nuinberi. in thetr Statue Clog Lance Reappearance of the pleading vocalist, MldS ADAH RICHMOND, HARRIGAN, HART. TOOLf'v CARTER, V?HITB. MONDAY NIGHT and WEDNESDAY MATINEE. The Mulligan Guards. Who Owns the The ?lud in ores. Who Died Hrit. TU-HuAY NIOIIT and SATURDAY MATIN K it. The Terrible Example I Who Owns the Line I liie Colored Conductor! Who Died Flrstl WEDNESDAY BIGHT, London Comic Singersl Trial Dance! Alter the Warl C oal Heavers Bevenge 1 THURSDAY NliiHT. EDITOR'S TROUBLES, HUM AND OHM, concluding with the Hit ol the reason, DOWN BROADWAY : or. Tlie Miniature sixty-ninth Regiment FRIDAY NIGHT, Day We Went West, Regular Army. School, concluding with the Grout nit, DOW ? BROADWAY: or. The Miniature Sixty-ninth Regiment SATURDAY NIGHT (VERY HOT). The Tenilile Example I The Colored condnctonl Who Owns llie Line I lake It and Don't coucluUiiw for the Last Time This season with the Hit, ^ DOWN BROADWAY; or, the Miniature Sixty-ninth Regiment 5*a!acau be secured for any Night or Matinee without extra eharwe. _ . , . . MuNDAY, Mar 17. A?1 appearance ef the Greatest Artists In America. RICKEY and BARNEY, the treat OOOL BURGESS, CARROLL and HA .Kli, J. McKEE, the celebrated Duo loirue ArUslrs, Miss NEI.LIK BROOKS and UhUllull KURTZ. MISS JENNIE HUGHES end the Japanese wonder, KING SARBRO. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AND SATT'RDAY, MATINEE W hDN EmDA Y AND SATURDAY. CTH AVENUE THEATRE. TUESDAY.I AT II. A TESTIMONIAL MATINEE, to begin at 1-.30, tor Miss FANNY D-vVfcNPORrS BENEFIT. THE HUNCUBACKI and THE ROCGII DIAMOND Mr GEORGE RIGNOLD ,cf' BOOTH'S TilKA1 RE. having ktnrt'.r Tolnnteerefl, through the reciprocal courtesy of Messrs. JABRETT A FaLiT.K, will appear as Mr. H. J. MONTAGUE (of Wallace < TUKATRE. who has generously voltm teered, with tlie very kind permission ot Mr. wti.ui'li wvil appear as SIR THOMA8 CLIFFORD Mr. FRANK MAYO tlie dunnauishcd and popular artist, has most courta ouaiy volunteered. and will app^tr a,WALTg^ MISS FANNY DAYEKPORT will, opou this occaaion. make her first appearance as JULIA. MIS9 SARA JEWETT will appear as HFLEN MR. W. DAY 1DGB.a* ^.....FATHOM ME. GEORGE PARKK*. .a? . _...LORD TlXSF.L MR. B T. RINGGOLD...Tj?sT. MASTER W1LFORD MR. OWKN FAWCETT...Ti MASTER HaRTWELL MR. CHaESHAN as. 81'wPm,'2 MR. BBEKMAR as THOMArt MIL GlLBbRT..: a. MOLD WELL ^ ^ BOHGH DIAMOND. Mr. JAMES LEWIS will appear?as COUSIN JOB and Mus FANNY DAVENPORT. as... ?^.MAR0KRY an<i sing the duet of WHEN A UTILE FARK WE KBEP. Visa EMILY HltiL. u LADY F1.ATO THjfPBICE* tor Mm* cceasloi will be ? REsl.RY F.D CHAIRS. $2 dOx Dress Circle Re-ervua. Admission, $1; Boxes. I? aU,i fjo fxitiuveiv no aeau will be so d antii Satur day morning at e o'cl^k. All tickeig will be sold from the Box oaicr. licktU purchased ot speculators will not admitted. /'EaSD hacked cokcbbt. It m. Anti ? church, haat i wcifth afreet, naar Fourth ITIMf. hClsDAY EVENING. ?v? 1^5 *t 8 o'eloct VBKI'I'.-I Hi.^l U.M MASs 411 i OOUSou'.-i UaLIJ/L Mr. L. DACnA"'kk Director Adiiiins.on Ti Itti N cent* K**erv?d s?*ta $1. Kor ?a r at chuVrth'a muaio atora, at bteluway Hull, and at the church. MUSH A1,. AKIKflr i:LA*H TKNOE, WHO CAK BEAD NOTE*. ' wi?ii?? an engagement lor a cl 'ircli choir or ?ny I other. A-ldri"?< C. O.. 34m ha<t Thirtieth utrert, bciwecn >irnt and tncond avenue*, care oi A. i.othKchtid. Atocko lady wishes to oivb lks^ons on j ti??* ptano at her reatdenco, Call on or *<ldreit? Mita Si Ka>i louUi ttrcet, baiwacu Bruaj?ay md Culver aitv p.ace. A TKNOB WISHES fcMQAOEMEST IN A HUST clfUi <iuart?t, Episcopal ?ervue prcterrad. Addreaa MELODY, box IZi llerai I offlc*. AFBItFHCl PIANISI WIu7gIVK ONE MONTH'S ; lemons fee and at rary modr-ram raws tt aultcd. i Addrena uAitlTuSB, boa US U?raM tibicvn Branch , $mtn. _ ___ M Aiady wocu> lies a FEW ri gft.iu Vocal or i:i?truin?'ntal made, ha* been ring at by excel lent maatarai Iia? Mftnl J**r-r expecfen e .vtc. to 76c. 8rr If-.on AJdiri* lr. ACHI-il, box lOi lie raid Uptown rair n offlce. "-aoicT a Er.i?(7y,-mmk.~ilmia spisola. am . esperienc^d e*ach?r of piano nod aingiig; "pure IMM ? method." ?'ail at or *dim? is Irving place. Men lays and i?ur?.i*ra lro n3uQi N l.'Al.IAN "tK.NOB SIsUKH FROM ITALIA* ot*ra teache- Plana an#, -ingiag 9m Sin per quarter mil" ?iit rweuly-wventk at mat, near elxUi aveuua; papil'a residence, SIS P*r quarter "1 MSBlr N COS HERVATOBT OF MCBIC, J\ 144 Plflh avenue ne ir Nineteenth street. thorough ln?trurii<.n at liberal terui*. Erhr. edeo't .-ii?Ku,g Club me?t?every rt>ar?rtay erening. Ladle* andteniieuira are reivectiu it Invited la Join. E ABTO DEMBESA F08IT10N IN AsYriftCOPAL or jther Protectant cltoir, in the city or T.clnlty ; Moderate aaiary. < an on or addreaa ALIO, 44 ureeu AOfNll.KMAN OF OE'- AT BXFKUIENCB OIVE.-< instruction on pianoforte, harp and baroiony at pupil'* re^irt'n a. S18 per quarter . b-*t r?f*ren?-e. Ad Jrn? with rataredc?. TBA4 hi- k. box UJ Herald Up town Branch oflca, i.MS tiroadwar. A CONTRALTO DREIEfcS A POfUTI0M IB A MEW York or Brooklyn choir at a mudc ate aaiary. A a dre?, wlta particulari, k tleraid <0ce. ABAHIT 'Nk uE BAM WIHHES A* hNOAOBMENT In a quartet i? a foo<l reader an? t,l..r. oi;hir ex l-rtnicel in l-piftcopal unlet! mct>rat? aalarr ex pectcd. Addreaa a. U C., box iti Ueraid Uptown br.?n i oA<* \M KXFEBIKMOED LADY Tr.ACHBB w'ivTo taae a lew aare pup l? on ih? piano at Ihcir re?i denceaatfiU aer or by tne li-i ,n. Aalurea* U C. c , bos 139 lierald l piowa h .? . olRca. B* tKrfH't THBATEeT?TWEhTYVlTtt BOYS or pr'ponaeni.nt appearam - between tht ag-? of 14 and fayeari, ami having go-.I v?,ice?, *?ui h? inatructed m*ngins?nJ find ?mpii>vm?nt lur th- mini met on ap piyii.g J MN I.i.o.n vis. EST, utii avnn? en train* to Booth'* f'??a're, thu and Maoday n.ornlxig, batween |Oan<l VI o'clock. I" j* ahy~fi.eaS a s r."tiioeouoh as r? kafid ad j vmcmg l-iano or ?.inctn* ln?truetlt.n (conform w,th tif i^ioti* or FarU Conaervalorv given t-y a well known prom n?nt t**cii?r par r xi-eilen'-e . terms a?ay Addr**? f KOKr.-K'itt ^.11 Ka? hifty eighth (t. Ins"reu.;tion">6e"?olo aSo concebt >latimo .in tne piano, eioiin. Ttoloaoalla, ' or .et flute and lunging. preparing for m'imral >i tertain-netil* at pri vaieMrclea anil a. hoot m-utution? from t to IS per* form?ri. Kor a . arranceioenta, alao during atimmer** aon. ad.lre* OUSTAf I Ht-.VNKB, 7u3 i^xinrton arenna. iebielictios on fiakoVobte amu Bisaiso Af 1 put?ir? remdence. |10 per q'i*rtrr; pupli* taucht alnring hi Engllah, rrench and Italian languSOMl ali?.> prepared lor coucert. Adrtreaa (Sn 1 Kl (J I IO>. bus 1U Herald Uptown Branen office. I.Bm Broadway. TjISrBL'CriojrON THE PIANO?wff II PRAC I ICE, 1 Urtr month. In adTatn-e -tot w'*t TwanttaUb ?tr?*v, ?en Kigtiih ?v?nui CupiU au?nItd attBair own reai d'-nee tor per month. / \EO A MIS f~A S D M U S If ? A L 1)1 KKC TfjB DESIBEK A ' ' , oaiuon in Saw York ?r rmmty. aaiary oaodarata. Addran box 3X2 Poat office. taoohr-*r a moderate pbiob, anO good r?leran< a fivea ApolratlM Savanth atrret. il/AS1BD.-A RABirONB WITH A OOOD TOfCE, vY la dr.irooaof lolnm^ a chin b cbolr i aaiary uyjd erif a> p a m e .? n.orr an ob.eck Addfaag M. 1*. R> Ut Uarald Up'owu Mraaoti ?ffi?a. II occc TTTTT H 11 EKEB A. TTTTT RRR EKEB T U H E AA J J *E T H II K AA A T H S K . T HUH 11 EKE A A T JfRR k*-8" T H II E A AAA A T R R K T H H R A A J K K K T H 11 K A A J * J* J,,, T H H KEKEA A T K it EEEE 6"4 BUG AD WAY. Mr. JOHN P. P^OLU MaNAOER The Family Theatre of the Metropolis filled to repletiou with Ulln, children, ia.miltea and social parlies. The tk-atre to wbioh uur best r.itlxens bring their wives ana lainllles to witness a pure, wholasumc, enjoyable entertainment. Chaste. choice, refined and elegant ^ "Kara and sparkling novelties teemed on the Olympic stage during the put week, and afforded .stereotyped lar?e houses and unusual enjoyment. It would require too much space to furuisn even a brief outline ol the variety and excellence con densed by Mainour Jtiliu r. Poole into a tnree* hour entertainment lurnisbcd by a legion ot apo ciallv atari, are employed in rapid suc I ccsMon. without a moment's break, Irotn the riae I to the fail ot tbe cur.ain, and it is a notable fact I ihut tlie lower portion of the auditorium is [nightly abnorbed bv ladles and lamilles of the I uioit iMtiionabie stamp."?New York Mercury. ANOTHER GRAND A it It A Y O F STARS. In addition to the nest company in America. Firm appearance ot the empress of serio couuques. Mis* 1'. M M A DAY first appearance ot the famous fandango dancer* and acrobatic comediuus, Messrs. JO ..s.-O-N and Tnlsls the first uppenruncu in Nev York of these extra ordinary artists. First appearance of tbo ?ouderiul one-legged gymnast. Master sit WART Dark, brother to and pupil of Mile. Leon* Dare, the celebrated coidic artist, Mr. GEORGE HALL, will appear as Clown tn Master Stewart Dare's art. First apiK-arance of the celebrated CaiUornia Favorite, the dashing Character Vocalist, Ul.sU CLARA MOORR. First appearance of the popular serio Comic Song gtitllk MISS KLLA. MAYO. An entirely new series of Couuo Impersonations and Character Bongs by the Greatest Comic Artist in me Universe, MR. SOL SMITH RUSSELL. Two new Bongs and Irish -National tiaucus by the Mas ter Spirit o/lriau Comedy, MR I'AT ROONEY. The Empress of the All. the young, beautifol, griceful ani tearless Lady, MLLr.. UbUNA DARE. Id her marvellous mld-atr Performance, Including her terrific (light from the Gallery to the t lagc. i be greatest Comio, Character and Uuuo Singer on the preaeutday stage. ilARRY RICK ARD I. Reappearance of the beauutul and talented Burlesque Artiste, MISS EMM KLINE YOUNG. MISS ALICE UAKhL-ON, MR. JOHN HART, MIL WILLIAM B. OAHILL Ponrteenth consecutive week el' tlie englnal and ouly COLORED HAMTOvV.N 81 DDE.NTH, who will this week appear In some more new -ones and Meiodles. illustrative of the Plantation, the Camp Meet ing and the Homes of ttte Colore 1 Race. ALL THE POPULAR COMEDIANS RETAINED. TUB BEST COMPANY IN AMERICA. Mr. James Vincent. Mr Charles Worley, Mr. K. D. Gooding, Mr. John Gilbert, Mr. G. W. H. Griffin. Mr. R H'udswortb, Mr. 0. W. Reed, Mr. Harry Rirkards, Mr. Pat Itooney, Mr. George Hall, Mr W. B. cnbill, Mr. John Hart. Mr. A Belldinv. Mr. Sol Smith Ru-sell. Mr. Charlea Johnson. Mr William Bruno, Master Stewart Dure. Miss Emma Day, Mls? Alice Harrison, Miss Clara Moore, Miss Ella Mayo. Miss Aodte Farweil. Miss Marl* Connelly, Miss I'earl mormon. Miss .> O'Neii, Miss Jennie wame, Miss Ella '.rue, Mile. Leona Dare, lb* performance concluding with the Mew Local Ex travaganza. entitled Ki.NO I OR, TW-.NTY TO ONE. Keno. Prince ot Diamonds Mi?s Alice Harrison King Casino. King ot spades Mr. William H. i'ahill Queen -even-Up, Quaeti ol Clubs Mr. James Vincent Ko'ince Mr. O. W. eed Pitch Mr. 8. Helosworih 1'uKer Mr. John Gilbert Euchre Mr. Charles Johnsou llighlcwloo Mr. E. I'. Gooding Pennvante Mr. Charles Worley OU1 Sledge Mr. A. Bellamy Crlbbage Mr. W. Murr Hondo, the Guardian spirit. Miss Emmeline Young Faru Mivs na.lie O'Neil Roulet ? Miss Addle Farweil Wlnst Miss Marie Connelly Peaauckei -... Miss Pearl Thornton Trump cards hy many ambitious young artists, wbo must be seen to tie appreciated. Scenery. Costumes, Appointments and Effects entirely new. Prices Admission..? ..Fifty Cent* Reserved seats One Dollar Pamiiy Circle Twenty-dva Cents Private Boxes 110. $1 nud M J POSITIVELY NO FREE LIST. MATINEES WlONBSDAT AND SATURDAY" AT 1 MATINEES WHDNE-DAY ANO SATURDAT AT fc f~X LDAY M1 1ETROPOL1TAN THEATRE, MS BROADWAY. L WALLY WAKD Manager. SUCCESS A 8CRKD. HOUSES CROWDED TO 1UX D00R& THK PEOPLE'S THEATRE. Overwhelming successor the Great Sensation, THE Pi*. M A Lis BATHERS. MONDAY. May 10. every eveulng and WEDNBSDaT and 6ATUKDAY MATIN EH. Flr?t apptarance her* ot tbeChly original MLLE. SANYhAH, MLLK. SAsYEAH, the c.tnpress ol ta? Air, In her wonderful, daring and ac ith-deiying performance. Maggie and M ilium itay. the nnrivailed Sketch Ar tl-ts. Prniensor Young, the renowned >eiitriloquist; Jerry t olien. the tavorlie Irish i.omedian: John l/et'lair, the Autonenian Wonder; ueorge Denious and Walter Leou- ' ard. .'aim Carroll. John Turner, Miss Maggie Gray, Miss Maulda Marxfcttt, TUB MARTINF.TTI FAMILY , and 4U first eiass artists. OOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'S. MONDAY, Msy in. IT J, ONE WEEK ONLY Of the dashing equestrian actress. E A I K ft-II EH. and ker trained bursa, ft O.N LIEU Every evening and | MATINEES Wedneedav andsaturuay Mattnee. Monday. Tneadar, the great spectacular fiav, | Thursday ana Prt MAZ..PPA. MAZr-PPA. Ml A liMAtltlinl I Caasitner Maztppa.KAfP. FISHER Aboer Eahn T. L. Connor OlinsKa LouUe Sylvester Drouiwka Geo. Ketcbuui New Seenery, Mechanical i- fleets. Properties, t'omiiats. Choruses Marebes, kc w day. the beauttlnl tnree act play, WAITING roR THE VERDICT. Loots A Id rich, Louise Sylvester, Connor. Ketchutn. T. ? oo?l, Stewart, Mortimer, sturges. Brooklyn theatre. JSvirr evening anil Satnrday Matineo. Tun grrateit piiy ever presented. THK TWO ORrUAiis, with new and bouatifnl M-enery and a (MM<M unequalled tier J^ODWORTH'B BAND, Organized in 1SH Office at DODWORTH A CO.'S Mattcal Ageney. Band and Musical Good*. is t'oloD eqnare, New York. TKRRa< E GARDKN, 4CUhRh.NH .R0'-; OK II MAN THE ATilB. bVS a AY. May 9, H7i. at S I". N? URA.'.U BACRKD CONCERT. FAREWELL UKNKKI. I (> Hum LOUinK MCTUM\Y. Mine. LOCI K I.; c HTM AY will be a sainted by the principal arti<t? of b<? Hcaereutierg Compsav ukaNu'KA. Admission Mc. RoBIKBO* iiall MO.nwaY EVE*lNO, May 10, LAST Wbl-.E OK Mil K. hl.AMJUt'S CONTINENTAL X ROUPS OK YOPNO LADIES id tb?lr reUned and |j?'iuanng entertainment* of LA a> A i L is, IMaoINaIKIi. A u?w and brilliant programme of tahi.kacx vi vasts. KfcW VaVDKVIIXKB AV0 NkW SPECIALTY ARTIST?. The periormanr* will eo aim-nee with the laughable tarca ol MR. AND MH... fblf.R WHIiK Daring me evening will be presented TI1K I ? O Hi It.AtLiiA. with the entire ?trength of the Vaudeville Company. At i mission ,&c? iK. and $i. MATINl K nAll'KDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. 20 CK*T8. TIVOL1 THBATR8, M CRNT* , i-ightli *treet, n?tw?tn Hecond and Tliird avenue*. Ihe most popular Family R' sort in ^?w Y?rt Every evening at *o'cinra grand Variety Olio in f'anloinnne, Hallet, Mu-ica. and Acrooatlc Nov elties, al-e tne (rand Military upactacle and Ballet Paatomiine, TilK RPFUOKK. Every Pnnday ever ng. from I to 19 o'clock, Oran<1 Moolrai Kntertaiuoieut. followed bj me regular periorrnuitcc tit ? . atar art ma. Aomln/ion Sunday evening*. i%c. la aclve preuitrauou, tue superb *eno comic Ballot Pantomime, DO* JVA*. j DON J L AS. ~ Moot be ??en to be appreciated. Urn i('i "if au< a of tue celebrated Italian j A Dance A/uat, HgnorBELMOMDI. | FU VjR SALK-NhVTARK OPRRA HOU*E. THIS hS. tablighncnt, <o lone and favorably knnwn, in now offered tor sate. on eaiy term*. Cor particular* applv t? H. B KIM in 1,1., proprietor, car nor Broad and Bank ?treeta, Newark, ?. J. /"* RA ND VEIL AND ariADOW "DANHAWTE," TE It Cl'MdfcH SOCIAL CLUB. AKOTLK ROOMM.B1XTR ATi-.M0B AND IHHtllfcTH BT^ TO-MORBOW NlOHl'. A^m YOU If D LADY, POHMKhBKD OP CONSIDKRABLK talent bat imall mean*. i? deatroaa ol fitting horeeif frii the -itaga under the intfrnctien of a flrat ciM* pro fessional. None but thoae luily competent need addreaa, with roll aariicolars and tarn*. AMBITION, box I7t iiaraid office. Sm PAR.tlMil, PENriRO AND 8HOOTINO ACADKMT, 41? Histh avenno.? rparring i a tig lit In ene month; nnparior fencing Apparaio* and i'.oiing glove* lor aaia. teud lor circular. Colonel MuK.-tTi RY. Tar. national womar supfkaor association will held it* annual mertiag in MAMO.NIC Uai.i., corner iwaotjr tbtra aueet and Hlxtli avtana. Taaaday, Mar 11, is.4. at n?H A. M and I and I P. M. AMdreaae* br Kllaabetii oady Htanton, Hav. O. R. Proth Ingnam, Matilda Joelyn uage, rarrie A Bnrnbam, Kov. Olrmpia brown, Ph<ebo W. Coaiena. Aduiaaiua Iraa. By order <ti Eaeemiv* Oommiiua. .-CKAN B ANTIIORT, Chairman. Ijuii DavaaKACA Hun. mwi ju^ AMimUMlCJITS. _ :TH AVENUE THEATRE. - ) Proprtttor and Utnacr Mr. AU0U3TIK DALT thirteenth week, WTH TO WD PERFORMANCE OF TUB OBEAT COMEDY SBNBATION. THB BBBBBB II OOSaU B BIIG 0 B B II O B B 11 O BBBBBB II I) H B II O ? B II a 6U n b ii a ? BBBBBB II GGOGG WIPKKCEDENTKD OONTIN 0 A> OB Of CROWDED HOUSES I EVERT MIGHT AT 8. MATINKE8 WEDNESDAY AND Baturday at ina BOX SHEET OPEN 20 DAYS AHEAD. IJIHB BIO BONANZA! fyTH AVENUE THEATRE JUBILEE MONTH. miss Davenpoet's benefit, iubsday matinee, may u, HALK-PAST one. THB HUNCHBACK AND EOUOH DIAMOND. Mr. OEOROE RIONOLD (through the reciprocal conr tesy of Mesara. Jar re n k Palmer; a* M DUS Mr. H. J. MONTAGUE (by the very kind permission of Mr. Lester Wallack) as. 81K THOMAei CLIFFORD Mr. PRANKMAYO (who tuu also most courteous! v volun teered; as Ha.iriiK Walilu Mlaa PaNNY DaVENPOKT (on this occasion tor the first timej as J DMA mim sara jewktt ,7^s~.....-....~. hblbn Mr. W DAV1DGE as. FATHOM Mr. OEORUK PAKE SB as LORD 1'IN-EL Mr. U. T. RINGGOLD as MAtii' W1LPOED In the ROUGH DIAMOND Mr. JAMES LEWIa as COUSIN JOB ana Mm DAVENPORT at . ... M AttGEEY in which they will sin* the favorle duet, ?'When a Little Farm We hot-p.'' Miss EMtLY RKJL as i, \DY 1'LATO. Mr. OWEN PaWUETT as LOAD FLAlOt PRTCES FOR THIS OCCASION?-Orchestra Chairs, $2 SO; Halcony Chairs, S2; A.imisslon, $1. muE BIG BONANZA 1 6TH AVENUE THEATRE, TUhSDAY NIOUr. MAY LL VISIT EXTRAORDINARY. The merchants ot New York, who are entertaining as their gu?sts W or the MiperintenJenii of huhtv uuvht 1 throughout the United States, will visit tue theatre in a boJy to want-sn ttie 8dib performance of THE BIO BONANZA! IMIE BIO BONANZAi ?TH AVENUE THEATRE. WEDNESDAY MAIINEE. COMBINATION MATINEE. WEON.. DAV MAY 12. at 1 30 o'clo k. SECOND OP TDK ti. It IKS, and Joint appearance ot MLLK. MA KM-. AIM KK and the ORAL A CUIZZOLA KRr.NCH OP^KA BOUFFE COMPANY IN LA JOLIK PAHPUMKUMBI and all the ruth a veuae Company In THE BIG BONANZA! PRICES AS UHI'aL. Box Mieet now open. mua big bonanzai ^1H AVENUE THEATER. LIN A MAYE. SAtURDAY MATINBB. MAY )& THIRD COMBINATION MlTINEE. LINA M a \ H AND BIO BONANZAI 1UB BIO BONANZA! ?1H AVBNUB THEATRE MAY 20. MBB. OILBKR1 '& BENEFIT. AM EXTRAORDINARY PROGRAMME. IDE BIO BONANZAI r^TH A VEh L'K TUEATKK. KlLVfaB BiUCkai BONA.VJU ckstf.nniali MORDAY EYENIXO, May 24. 10'th performance of T H K BIO HONA.N/AI en which oecarton every Inly viaiting the theatre will receive. *? a aouvenir 01 the event, A MIM IA t Urte SIL VKK MlllCJt 01 oOLID siLVKH from the UuNAKU MINKS. i It ken for the oeca<ion now ready. Eaaervcd Seat*, $i. to be had ONLY at the BOX u/HCE. rpUK BIO BONANZA! QBAMD OrKHA UO USE. K* rival of the great legen larv Romance ot Tlili IwELvb ThMKTANONB, Til K TW JUAB TEM1TATIONS. THE TWKLVB 1 r.Mt* i A1 lo>.S, 111 It TWBLVK ThMlT Al'iO> 4 which will b? repr?loced In *11 it* original T.agnifl cence, replete with gorgeim* ?ceimrr and aflccw. both da/.zi.nt; to (be ere and p ea?in* to me miad. Tile Qret performance will b* civ n on the evening of sAlllKDAY, M*Y U, SAT IRl'AT, MAY IS, SATURDAY, MaY 13, ?AriKUAY. may is. and will be continued EVERY evening a ti(3 SATURDAY MaTINRB. Bo *xpenae 1* being itpared in the reproduction of tltls gpectacutar romance. and fall particular! of tlic power lulcaik beauufui bullet and tlArUiag uoveiliei will be given at a later data. National aOad .my or Dnsro>f. Twenty-ihir i street and Fourth avenge, tli? Fiftieth Oraud annual Exhibition oi i'aiaungl, now open dar and evening. 1RAND YE1L ANi> HA DOW "DARBANTE" Or the Tecumtoh Social Club win fee held at the Argvla MooaBy G Room*, mxih avenue and >hlr leth ?tr-ei, on ? \enini, May 10, UUX Ticket* at box office on nUht of balL Ub.vHf HAHV eY, f resident. rpHE NKWE'T MUSIC. 1 "Mother. It the old Home Lonely r* Btake. lOe. "I'm Waitins; tor a t alter Lore," Blake, ?0r. "The o^llant .';ttv ninth." Ilarrigau ami Uart lOo. "!imbalei D'Argeat," w.ilu, Baker, sue. "Pirelnht Faucies" WtiaoB, M-. . ?Roekabv Lul laby," H. 0. King, K?c.; "llf-aveaward Tonr*,', fate; "A la ftoarae," Wat. Mn.n 50c (?>piei mail. d. WM. A. PotfD A CO., M Broadway. Brunch note Si Union aquar*. ALL THE LATE r DANCES AT TECCMSKU VEIL AND SHADOW "I.ANnANTE," aroylk booms. SIXTH AVKNUK and 1UT11 T? TO-MORROW >1 OUT. A STRICTLY FIR-if 01.ASS AMATEUR DRAMATIC organization. the nbieci ot which la for mental cul ture and paaiime, a no whoa* member* are tram the heat faiutllea In the city, dealreo to flil t:>e places of two of their wiadinf lailm? at* ut leaving lor an extended trip abroad utilj p?rli'? ol thorough reapecLahllit/ and refinement will addre?? II M. JbIMSUflAll,li?l lit it era lil U?U?wa Bra.i.Q oftlr*. JOi.LY TfMK AT TEC17MSE0 VEIL AND SHADOW ? DANSANIli, ? ABOYLB BOOM-. SUTU AVi.NUB AND THIBT1 LTll TU MOBBoW B.t.HI'. _ Tub annitrrsahy kxiubitioM op tub new \ork lB?Utiiti-ii for the Blind, coti*iat!n? of >ocal and InnUitmeiital Miuic, Utrrar; Kxercieea, te., will be i hell at ntelriway Hal., on ltiui?lay evening, 20, U74, coin.aaaciug at 8 >/clock. Aainlaaiou 'A uou. \1T 11.1.1 AM IPRACilOAb IN8TB0CTIOR IN DKA >V 11. MAI I AUf, KL'KJt'lION, AO., TO LA* fOTB, I DIES OH uBNTLEXEf Wr.PAKI NU ACTOR AND Kurt the TAOB, PABL"K Rl-xl hLOCJ-TlUh- I T,TI0N OK FRITAIE TMBATBI i.vr. Ioai. . addbksbstki.iWay iialu PBUDlB COLE. DRAMATT^ RECITAL, ASHI I IaHON ualu ewJTWO ORPHANS W ALTJ5."?GREAT SUCCESS OP 1 thu charming ??!:/, played nlghtiy In 'TUB Two Orpbaaa " aim eiol? iiuih.-d with elegant and oorrect li?ene.a?t ef Miat Claxten and Mian Blanrharri Ilia aennatton et the'tar. I'M e. 7Jc. Written by IletiiT H? MngtoB. PnbhAhed by O. U. OlTdOX k Co., 711 Broad> way. METROPOLITAN TIIKaTRE, SS3 BROADWAY - Wanted, 'it prepnv??MiiiK ia<lle*. for the ballet. Ap ply *B Monday. b?iwe>-ii I j anil 4 o'clock. JOILN B, COUGH, hi* beet Lec ure, CIBCOVSTABCER, Btelnway Hall. Monday, May 10. Admlnrten ricxeui. Mi entA secuia yoar aeata at Uie box office. WBBTON'S ORBA1P.HT trial op endurance. US mile* in boar*. liO milea la U hours, SIS mile* in ? day*. ? . ? American rnttftnte Halt, May 10, 11, IE, IS. >4, IV Doors open day and night. Admiaalon 50 eean All styles op varirtt danoino tadoht pob the lUxe. new Miulc included, with privilege to perform ; iesaotnprivate. /. tL VbLLlitl U*le Fttliar B Mugbeaj, m Weat ihird ?treak ANrO AND aOITAR TaOOHT BY PROP. HENRY 0. m.-r Dotoeon, $40 Bowery, ? ?.. all trie ?' ' ' "'if for the oauisu*)*bd variti/ nag*. IK.? ? ?ugr*B B _ AMrSKMEVTB. MONTAGUiTaND RIOSOLO at KOOTlTi NKil Thursday. beata at Rullmau's, III Broadway. ^ HARRIGAN AND HAKT AT BOOTH'S 1*KX* Thursday's Matinee. Choice w?u at Tyson's, Unit Avuui Hotel. J^OOTH'S TliKA I'llK. CLARA MOltRU JARRETT a PALMES Lessees and M?n*ger?. RETURN to New York after ? series of brilliant IUC"? cesses in California and FIRST A PPE4K\ >l'K l> SOOTH'S THEATRE of the distinguished American actress, MISS CLARA MOKKIS, who will begin her engagement t0-mQlT0Wi Monday evening, may witb an Impersonation ol (be uue character o', ?chfcil? Shiel's grand tragic play ot Ova acta, aa /iUed EVADnE. The piece will be produced with uninnal *4^ wm have the following judicious ami p?tverfa'/ DISTiUHUTION UK PAHTt.*. K^adn? Vrftaa CYara *orrl?i Vicentio ;\ff George Clark*! (Especially engaged to assume tyf, character.) Colonna......... Mr. >r red erica B. WaMa> Ludovico Mr. J. R Studle/1 lbe Kiag of Naples...Mr. George MortotM Kpalatro v.....*.. .Mr. U. B. Bradlej* Ollria _* Miss Blanche Ur?T" (Especially em aged to asvumc tbla character.) Nobles, Guards, Ac., to. TUB BOX OFFICE will be open every day Irora 8 a Si. to 10 P. M. for th? / aala of reserved seal*. EVaDNEwIU he the attraction every night and at tit* SAlUUHAY MAiIMEE of th?V wttk. KKXT MONDAY, May 17? MACBETH, with an extraordinary cast and Locke's original muai# by an oporatlc organisation ot 100 MIXED VOICES. SALE OF aEATS B OlMa OS TUESDAY. On THURSDAT AFi'ERNOON NRXT. May IS, Mr./ TOOKKR'S BENEFIT. Misa NElLSONsS lareweli to< America (departing tor Europe an the 15th Inst), RlGNoLD. MONTAGUE, THE FLORENCES. DALY'* FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE COMPANY, tile grea* specialty artists HARRIGAN and HART, Ac., Ac. box! office open at 8 o'clock a. M. BALE OF SEATS NOW BEGUN. WINDSOR HOTEL, FIFTH AVENUE HOTBI.' ticket office. Choice sesU for Mr. TOOKKR'iM remarkable benetit entertaiumeat. j MR. TOOKER'H BENEFIT AT BOOTH'S.?SEATS TCI be nad ot RUi.LMaN, regular ticket office, Ufl Broad way, on early application. C^LARA MORRIS AT BOOTH'S. i heats at all the principal hotels. gOOTH'S THEATRE. SPECIAL. remarkable entertain men r. Mr. TOOKEKM BENEFIT, NEXT THURSDAY AFi'BRNOOX, May 19, for which occasion an extraordinary amy of the great est artists have generously volunteered, including Miss NELLSOM, her farewell api eaniuce In America. aM she sails for Europe on the 15th Inst. BIGNOLD, the distini;ui?bi-d player, who will give on?i 01 Ills most popular impersonation*. THE FLORENCES, in a capital lrlsn and Yankee piece,, their farewell, as they sail lor Europe) next Saturday. MONTAGUE, the popular young artist of Wallack'a Theatre, br tne courteous consent of LEVI Eft WALLAi'K, esq. TME rIPTH AVENUE TUi-AlKE OOMPAICT. by the kind permission of Mr. A UOUdlTN DALY. Miss ADA 1)YAS, Miss KOSE EYT1NGE. Miss KATR CLAXTON, Mr. UEOltGE CLARK r., Mr. OKOKUi? Fa WChTI RdVVK, the en tire great company of BOoTli'l# THEATRE aud the renowned speciany artists, ll AKKIUA.N and tfAUi', who will appear unde' the kin 1 consent of Mr. JOPI* 1JAKT, manager ot the THEAl'ttE ciMiyUE and ntiv EAUI.K THE AIRE THK BILL IN DETAIL PUBLISHED TUESDAY. *?* Sale of seal* progressing at the box office, ail prin cipal hotels and itullman's, 114 Broadway. Lyceum theatre. aimkk's farewell. POSITIVELY FIVE NlUUTi ONLY. A OIPFKKhNr OPERA AT EA.CU PI RKURMANCK^ her tfapartura for 1 urepe beiug positively tiitu for Saturday next; con.ionueiitlv these are AIMME'S KlNAE Al'I'RAKANGfEs iN AMERICA. MONDAY. May 10, by request, and POSITIVELY LAST PERFORMANCE, of Ofleubach's world fauiotu Opera, LA JULIE PAHFL'Mi.UsE. AIMER in her original creation, Ko*? Michon, lr> which she will introduce a most ooinical trench chau souuatte, entitled LES CANARDS (THR DUCKS). and in English brr immensely *uccoscful Eugllsh Souk ana nance, entitled. PK..1TY AS A PICTIIRR. PRETTY AS A PlOt UUE, TUESDAY, May 11, onlv pertormuuee 01 nerve's LE PETIT KA US r, WEDNESDAY EV K N J NO, May li, only performance f> Lecocq'scver popuUr opera iJouifo, LA KILLE be. MME. ANUuT. AIMEE in her original character Clairette. THURSDAY, May 13, last uulu but one, onlv perform ance oi otTenbacn's great wort, LA Pt'.KICtiOi.E. FRIDAY. Mav 1*. AlMEE'S FAREWELL BEVF.FI1 and POSITIVELY LA I aPPEaRaNCc IN' AMERICA^ No matinee on Saturday, in consequence of necessary preparations for the proper revival on haTUKPAY KVPNII*O, MaY 15, OF LBCOCQ'S CttOWNiNU TRIUMPH IN Oi'R. A BOL'FFE, OlKOtLE-OlROFLA, which will be prodaced with ENTIRELY VEVf SCENKRY smi on a >eate of niisurpassed splendor, anil in wtucll Miles. CuKALIE UhorVilOY. l.EuNTIN if MINELLI, KID, and Messrs. O. DE QUERCY and YaU AIRE, will make their rentree in their original rolea WALLACE'S. Proprietor and Manager.......Mr. Lester Wallarlc Doors open at 7 ;3U. To commence at S o'clock preciM.y. For the LAST WEEK BUT TWO OF 1 HE REGULAR SEASON. Mr. Wallack has the honor 10 announce A NIGHTLY AURRNAUON Of FOPULAB AND ATTRACJIVB STANDARD COME DIES, ? Involving the COMBINED TALi N f OF THB COMFArf. Monday and Ttinrsday evenings, Mav 10 and U, taolcrott's great 01 the KOAD TO RUIN. TnesJay aud Friday evenings an 1 Saturday Matine*. the petite Comedy of A HAPPY PAIR, and Sheridan's Couiedy, THK RIVALS, WEDNESDAY AN t> BATUKDAY F.VEWTNO8, BOUC1CA ULI'S flue Coinedr of the IRISH HalRE-fs Messrs. II. J. MONTAGUE, JOHN GILBERT. HAR RY BECKETT, E. ARNO1T, W. R. FLOYD, J. W. CAR ROLL, E M. HOLLAND, K. PLYMPION, O. F, B Ru WNK, C. R. ROW IN. W. J LEO ' ARK, Miss ADA hYAS, Mia* JEFFREYS-LEWIS, Mlvs KFrIE GERMON. PONISI. Miss no.tA OOi-DiUWAilK and MiaO KaTR UaRTLK i t in the cast Heats can he secured six days In advance. ACADEMY OP MUSIC. juhilf.b sinorktf, FRIDAY EVliKING. MAY 14. AT & UKAND PARK ?k'.l concert OF THE i'n KIVAM.l-.iJ JUBILEE b1nokrs OF fisk UNIVERSITY. na -llville, tk.nn.. priok TO tiih.iii del'AnTUfife. k R A SECOND TOUR in kno AND, IN A nr-.W AN Li BRliXlANf PROGRAMME. admission, FIFTY cr.N.S. k' kkrvkd SKA i S, SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. Can be obtained at the bo* office ut ilia Academy uo an?l altar Tuesday. Cioi* hikn'S PARK THEATRE, BROOKLYN. ) EVEKVriUMJ nkw thm Wr.jiu NOV Kit iy truupk no. ?, THIRTY 01 Hit) KKaT siAita ON THE staob. Nlghtfr-WKPN ksdav and bai URDa V Ma tin eta SAN FRANCISCO mtn-> trkia ? hikch, _an francisco min^trcla T wambilbl " HAN fuancisco mlmfrrus, ?> BACKUS. kkw opi.ka mitcas, Broadway and 2fth streak Houae* crowded. Keeeieed with acreama. CLOTli.dfc.; <t>rtnly iirca. or, ibe Brulf l Heart. CLOi iliir) or. the basii secured. m. h. Wamhold, Charley uarkus. Add Krman, th- Great Kionrdo, Mac km and Wiiaon. tlPKRA LA AFRICANS. OPKHA LA AFRICANS. ffAHH DAY. ^?livino Brniaed ileirt < n'arl Kulolahe. PICTURES. 'suiily Matinee Satnrday at 2. BOWKRY opev hou8b, 201 BOWbtiY. i'nprdre (tented attractions BUFFALO HiLL ANU kir CAR HON. JR., and thair new roar act Indian Drama of TH h SCOUT? op TDK plains. the Dramatic Comiiany In the cast, Cora r.stellr * new Ballet, The Parisian Uriaaettes. New <?recian >iatuary. "La YIVANWlhttR." 10 new Specialty .trusts, li). Mauneea luosdaya an? Fridays. Lad.e? Ire* aett Prlday eight. Steinway HALL,-mhs sOPIIIA FLORA HEIL HRON. tlia wonderfully fined planlMe. Last two Matinee Piano KeciiaU will take place on Weiineadar, May ii, and Wednesday May 19. at 3 o'clock, aaaisted If mlaa L. Morrison Ft*ei, Mist H. L. Franklin; i'mno MiaaHeilbron and Mr. A. u. Pease; Accompaniment? Mgoor Agraraome. i Icketa for the two recitala, fl 30 > ?ingle tickets. ?i. tx hoola and children hair price. Ticket* to b* had or Measra. -chirmer. 7t'l Broadway; Schubert, 2s Union ?<iuare; at Btelaway Halt, and a! Miss Heiibron. 357 Wen Forty lounbjtreet "i>kchkr<:hk VEIL AND SHADOW "DaNSANTE,'?' ] w tkicmsfcll SOCIAL CLUB, AT ARUYLh. ROOM* lo-MOBBOW MUtl i. Commbnc1no'AT ? o'clot k. VT"kw MUSIC.-DO not PAY SO CENTS PER COPYj in yoo can net it for 10 cents at harjjiug'-n k# Bow ery, opposite rrmce street, send tor catalogue. Banjo, homo aid dance.?jio. clog an i> Irish Jig Dancing tao.-ht lor the staue: ladiea taught; Han jo*, ail prices john BOOAN, ?a 10.) Kaat Houston street, near Bowery. C~LOWN BUI TS.?tiohts~TRU*ks, ?HIRTB. HOSE, ) all mat and co.ora, plain an 1 striped, in woraud ?ud cotton, i noloae a amp tor circular. - UNION ad A mr* a CO.. No. 913 Broadway. I ? ra mi spurt at i ErfMSEH YKIL am> >11 ado.v lj "danbanir," a rot lit rooms, hixiii avknlb AND iiiiri 1KTH S1KF.kt. TO MOKRUW nioht. Banjo instructions por thb staof oriiomw atDnseraents bv liliWARD 0? DOBSON. 48 wo*4 Third street, ronnerly Amity street. Utdlai taught pri vately. Preneot ot a h?nJo toa*ery puptL SPLENDID mvhin AT teccwseh VEIL ani> 8UADOW -UAN.HAM E," AKOVLK ROOMS, SIXTH AVBNU* AND th1riiktiI ST, TO m'lKHllW niohi. 4?t?n -FRENCH clashes 1rkkk iimes A ?pzu. week um September 15, by a graduate of tha superior Normal school. Paris. Attendance Tree for a week. Address PKOFK-hf. u R. 1?u West Ihlrtleth It. ( T tltimo" ; or, MONEY AN D BRAINS-A SPARK u Un< adap'a ion. in Ave acts, with Dill ttage oirec tlona. of the great Oerinan play i'rom which was derl?e<t * iha Big Bonanaaprlca 1s<!. "Ultimo" will be ready In a few day*, send order* to B M. Ha witt, Publisher., S3 Rose -treet. >ev? ^ork. MISS davenfort's benrfitl?fifth AYKNUK Theatre. ru?*<l/?y afternoon, May 11. Choice ie. aerred orchestra chairs, iiest location, at Theatre il?ku? offlce, Dacter' i, m Colon square. Ararr CHANCK for speculators or any one to go into the ntiovv buatne**. ? *tin he aold. one of the best laying hkhlbiUons m this country : astabilsbeo several years, wlib eopvrighteit title and everything complete. Addreas exifibi tlon, box 1<h Herald t'otawn Brancb offlce N1 EW ? If b10.?"BESSIE, THB STAR OF Tn( Vala,"naw ballad br j R. Thomaa. prica i c.j ??Within the Oatea of Oold," ballad, br Cnariei Pratt prfce 3Sc , ]a?t published by THOMAS J. HALL, Agent! \uiuiu* Hall a ttuu. bit Bivauway.