Newspaper Page Text
HTTtTATTOW* WAIfTKl)?FEHiutu, (bamkermaldj, &c. R5 BAST ?TH KT.-A IIK8PECTABLE YOUNO ?lri m chambermaid and washer or naitresa in a torlnte family; elty ur country; too jtw1 reference rroui pre.seut employer. Call Monday. SB91 g-| BROAD WAT.?A YOUNO WOMAN IS CHAM , bermaia aud *eani?tress: In a good upera tor: rwerencaglveu. Can be *eeu unlit engaged. Dreumakcn and BeanutKiSH. WEST J7TH 8T.,OrrOfiITB STKVEN8 BUILDING (ring second bell). ?A competent dressmaker de tn? work ?ti few first Gift** families; good lit ?1 ? OfI aaranteed; terms reasonable. 1)09. *?ST MTH 8T., BETWEEN LEXINGTON AND 3^ ^ *l? A competent dressmaker would like a ^!TJS?-f"_5a?lo?e/Is ?* &or own n?pH>s should it not be 10 com? .'o my bouse. X will go to (theirs to do toe cutting, fitting and biutUntr; also gives ^!?oni in cutting and luwf. Call on or address Mrs. A. A COMPETENT SBAM8TBKtfS, WHO FULLY UNDER Stands (lrcMmaktng want* a lew more customer* by "?>? *1 M- Adaress hAM i iu. box 100 aerala Uptown Branch office. I rANTBD-BY A PIB8T CLASH DRESSMAKER, A v* mw engaeBments to go out by tbe day. Address U. *. M, Herald Uptown Branch oftice. General Housework, 6ie. **^4. WEST ?D ST.?A YOUNO GIBL TO AS + ?-> r slot In general housework; reference* produced <ou personal interview. Address. Hoasekeeperi, Jtc. Ei OCSEKEEPER'S SITUATION WANTED-BY AN energetic Kailishwouiao, iu hotel or large board house; city or country; or would travel with a fam 'y or Jaily; speaks French ana Italian. Address IN JUbTKY, box 101 Herald office. LaunAreuci, Ac. ,*l OO WEST 40TH ST.?A PIBST CLASS LAUNDRESS -L40 wishes to take washing to her own house, or Vould go out by the day; bust oity references. ?Ol 9 WEST J9TB 8T.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ? *-> wishes monthly, weekly or hotel washing at bor l>wn home. Apply to or address Mrs. NECMUI?. /MQ BAST 18TH 8T.?A RESPECTABLE W< MAN "Tit/ to take gentlemen's aud Camillas' waahiujr In the house. toQI SD AV.. THIRD PLOOK.-LADIES' AND QEN vXJA tlemen's washing done up superbly; One "wearing apparel a specialty; children'* fancy dresses ?lone elegantly ; terms very low. Call on or address Mrs. IVuraea, Ate. 14-7 WKvr 8JDST.. REAB HOUSE.?A RESPECT A ?III bio colored girl as nurse to travel with a tam 1 ly. Call or aUilrtss for tour days, M. E. HUNTKR. 1 CvQ WEST JUST ST. (RING SECOND BELL).? X*JV Wanted, br a respectable American widow fady, a child to brln* np on the bottle, where It will liave the best of care and a comfortable home. Call all the week. ,8T AV., ONE PLIGHT OP STAIRS, BACK.?A OlFtJ respectable married woman as wet nnrse; has JS ftill breuttof milk; is willing to go to tbe country. *> 1 ?iQ 2*> A v.?A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE u6. IU <7 ol children and sew; none but first class fam ilies need apply; best city reference; no ob lection to ?ne country. Call or address. M lacelianeon*. ?)A EAST 19Tn ST., SECOND FLOOR.-A RESPECT Zt able colored woman wishes to go out by the day Bousecleaning. QA ?T? AV ROOM 7. ?TO HOUSEKEEPERS.?A ww person who understands altering and laving of carpets wishes employment Mrs. PARK hit. TO/1 WEST 49TK ST.-A KE8PBCTABLE WOMAN JiT wishes toko out house cleaning by tbe day JMeaae Inquire for Mrs. Callaghan. you WKST I8TH ST.?A YOUNO LADY A3 COM ijOtJ panion to n ImIt or elderly person; salary no object. Call on or address A. R EAST 1HTH ST.-A COLORED WOMAN 10 go oat by the day to clean houses. Mrs. WEBSTER. 348 PBOPE88IONAL NITI ATIOSS WASTED? FEMALES. A FRENCH LADY, JUST ARRIVED PROM PARIS, of refined education and of the highest respecta bility, wishes to eater an American family as governess. Address V. L., box 103 Herald office. An exferiknced teacher would take a few more pupils on the Piano at very moderate terms; practice ii desired. No. 3b7 West Twenty-fifth st. A FRENCH YOUNG LADY OP REFINEMENT, teacKerof her own language, would like to make arrangements wltn a fsmtlv going to Europe in .tune; highest references exchanged. Address Mile. T_ 1M West 24tb st. A. IlKLiP WAWTKD-FKMALES. T. STEWART A CU, want first cbn dressmakers, flrit clan waislmakers. first class operators on Wheeler A Wilson's machine (pro pelled by sieam). Pteady employment and literal par- Applyat9.bat. untrance before 9 A. M., Broadway and luili at. N EXPERIENCED CLOAKMAKKB WANTED?AT l BEULCHAMUEBiT, 317 Khar. A Aoompetbnt hand wanted to trim straw good! for the city trade at D. MaYBR'S, 136 Or and street i PRK-iflMAKKR? ONB ACCUSTOMED TO RKBT Work, and a girl to learn. Apply ui 167 West Md st , TOIB3T clash DRF^SMAKKRS WANTKD-WATST ' r and skirt hand*; blvhixt wages palil: do uot ap; ly i ?olese competent Wo. 178 Mb sr. nine twice. ? LOWER BRAKCHEKS.-W ANTED. FIRST CLASS flower branohera. Apply to K. A. QIKSRN, It hast hjA. ; Saleswoman WANTED?EXPERIENCED. IN THE 1 imlltnerv and fancy goodsdepartnent. Inquire for 1 two days at 287 Uran J street. I "II.rANTED?TEN FIRST CLASH OPERATORS ON *' Wilcox A Oibb's machine* tor ladles' units; extra salary will be paid to thoroughly expr*rlcnccd hands. Apply on Monday before 9 u clock. BUIUCU A CU., ?87 and 289 8th sr. "1X/TANTED?AN OBLIGING OUtL TO MIND A BABY *' and do liirht house wor* Apply, with references, ,tt Mine. Di. l.OKDori A, lul Kast -Mill st. WANTEK?28 FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKER:*: GOOD salary to goo I Inn J* Apply Monday, before t A. '? hi.RICH A CO.. :87 and 2*Kit) If, \Y fANTKD?TtfO ftR TIIRKE P1RST CLAMS DRKSS makers, at 163 West 44th st VlrANTED?SOME FIRST CI ASS DRESS TRIMMER8 T1 and a few improver*. Appl> at .No. 73 West elev enth street A X. fUBMM. WANTKD-FHR LADIF>' A NO CHILDREN'S suits end cloak*, an experienced .lesi^ner and flrter, competent Inr born wholesale and r.'tml trade. Addr>-s*. staling experienta end salary expeetod, J. D? llcraii uptown Branch office. WAKTED-RXPERIE.VCED DRESSMAKERS; ( OMR prepared lo work. Mine. llAAMotil, 71 3d sr.. be tween 11th and IStii ste. SIT CATION 8 WANTEU-MAUEN, ABAKKF.' PER HAVING TWELVE. Y*AR"'RXPERf? ence In first claes places, want* a position; talsry moderate; run refer to preheat and former employe re* Address RELIABLE. Meraid Uptown Mraitch office. WELL KNOWN" OKN1LEMAN, FOR THK PART twenty veers In hotel an>) lestaurani badness in tbi* city. (ie*frr? a ptdtion a? manager or steward city or country. Addrese uuHtiMf, box 114 Itoruld office. ATOUNO MAN. PR TIS ANT. DKsIR' 8 A SITt'A- I tlon an porter: tuMer?ta?tf? carpenter work; Bine year'*' reference trom lust place. Address, tor two days, >R*CR BAM FOR 440 West ?t _ _ TOt'NO MAN OF BU?INBM TACT, CLASSICAL ana commercial education kuowioz French. Run penman, good coayiet, solicits employment; testimo- i fetal*. Add res* FRANCIS, box If Herald office. I ARRSPECTABLft. YOCHO man WBO UNDKB- i stands his builne-s thoroughly In erery branch, wants a situation a* steward or head "alter la a hotel or club hou?e: beat city reference* from pres?ni em ployer. Al lreeeM. 8., Herald Cptowu Branch office, lor three daya ABESPKCTABLK COLORED BOY WIHBSS A MTC atlon as waiter: two years best city reference. Addrees J. L H.. Herald Uptown Branch office. C7 WEST 18TH ST., REAR -A RESPECTABLE *)| young boy, en American, wishes a situation lo the city or country; would make himself useful; i* oblig ing; good clfy reference. CLERKS AID KALKSMKH. Am amrrican gbntlfmam, a?eds2 desikrh employment: I* capable of fllline anv pneltton in the busings* wor 4, mercantile, shipping, travelling or plain* , AI references. Adarese KNICKERBOCKER, box 144 Herald uffice. DRUG CLERK -0>FN FOR AR ENOAORMhNT AS aeMetaat or to tske charge of a store; ha* ten veer*'experience and a licentiate oi the Apothccarlee' XIall of Ireland: liestelty reference. Address a. P. W? neralit Uptown Hrancn office "KIRN'S furnishing GOODS SALESMAN WANT! D; Jvl must thoroughly under?tanit the business and be ?well hcijuaiiitcd n uh Qrst class retail traoe; no other* ?eed aprly at C. W. FRENCH'S. W9 Broadway. Salesman wanteT'-for"dress C.oods and ^ domestic ilepartmenfa H. R. CITRRT. No 391 8th a v. WANTFD-AhMART YOIINO MAN. who THOK enghiy nnderstsnMs hookkeepinir. to aetaaas*t<t ?nt booskeeper: salary 9lu per week, with a good clianc? for advancement^ Addreae r. B., lleraid office. _ "\]LTANTED?A "TRAVELLINO BB.RRMAN IN A TT wholesale hat house : must be acquainted WKh liat ?r gentlemeit'* (tirnishing businese. Addre*. wlib lull particulars. W HOLES A hat HOUHb. Herald office. TXT ANTED?AN AFOTHKCART. T'l Ta K r. CHAROK of the pharmecf In s puoiic Institution * thor tnghly analilled epothecary of lrrrproacbat>le char*< cer Is reijolred. Applicatl ns to be addressed ?e LNKTliU* TloH. iierald Optown Br?nch efflce. COACHHEM A VI) 44 A It IJK V KliS, AORNTLRMAN WISHED TO PROCtBK A PLA< R far his coechmen, whom he can highly reroni anend. Apply, for three days, at present eiuployer'a, it West flOth st. A Tonsa COLOBRD MAR, JCfit FROM thr J\ Houth. wishes a situation as coachman; tully u i deretsnds the csre of horsea Address t). M. hex 111 Uereid Ueiowa Branch office COACIIMKIf AWD OARDEJTBRfc. _ A MAN OK IS YKAKH' EXPERIENCE IN FARMING ?nil who under.tauds the oare of *11 such work pertaining iheret'K wishes a situation In tt?e vicinity; umlerstsuas Freuch, English aud German; einTrSdoce the beat of reference. Call at or address, lor three days, Wast <l?i ?t Actuation is wanted-by a ooachhan t years 1b present situation; ctux <*'??/'?*?, f??"l going to fc urope. Call on or address COACHMAN, 20 West 13th st, in harness store. QENTLEMAK WISHES A SITUATION FOR HIS coachman, an American, whom he can highly re commend !? everr respect. Cslt ou or address S. M. LOEM, office *6 Cliff at. or 21 West Bad st SITUATION WANTED? A8 COACHMAN AND GROOM, by an Knflishman; references unexceptionable; employers giviu* up carriage aud horses, services no longer reuuired; wr twenty years lu last place. Call on or address J. C. K., 15 East &2d st HELP WAWTKD?MAL.KS. C1HKCK BOV WANTED.? j Apply ta LORIi A TAYLOR, comer Grand and Chris tie streets. LMNE 8HIRT8, RETAIL TRADE.?TWO 0ANVAB8 F or* wanted. Apply, belore 9 A. M., after 6 F. M., at HIBSCUFELDhR A CO., Mi Broadway. Newspaper advertising canvasser, mtsT class, ta epen to an engagement Address MbKll, box 178 Herald office. ANTED-A BOT FOR THE OFFICE; must BE A good writer and have relcrences: wagea per week. (Jail at No. 6 Howard street. Monday morning, at 9 o'clock. _____ WANTED?A BOY, TO LEARN TUB WOOLLEN baslnew; must lire with paronts and come well recommended ; salary first year $10U. 34 Mercer st TI1K TRADES, A GOOD BRASS DIE ENGRAVER WANTED BY A. the year: aiao a designer; at 77Ureenett (printer). Shirts ?WANTED BY A FIR8T class CUT HL*?WluuA.U? >k a good can cut custom it destred; tlrsl class reference. Aadreaa CUIIER, Herald I'ptown Branch office. VVANTED?AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO ACT AS W tore man in a carriage and light wagoa lactory; enly tlio.-e who can give satujfactory evidence of charac tcr and ability need apply. Address M-? box 3 staliou C. stating particulars. For Other Want AdTertliementi See Directory. FOR SAIiB.. A WELL PAYING, LONG ESTABLISHED MIL, Uuery and Fancy Goods BuslneW tor sa^cheap, on accouut of Ill-health ol the proprietor. Address W. w . box 150 Herald olttuu. - TTfIRST CLASS LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE OR A. exchange?For a small House or Lot*. Apply to 11. K. THURBER ? CO., Reade and Hudsoe streets. i WHEELER k WILSON HALF CABINET FAMILY A Sewing Machine, all in complete order; ?osi $<6. will be sold lor *-5. si>7 Bleecker street, between West lentil and Charles streets A WHEELER A WILSON FIRST CLA.SS FAMILY A Hewlnn Machine, encased in black walnut, attacn menu complete; great sacrifice; only $-*>? Caua street, corner Broadway, uuder Baldwin a ~a NEW BTYliK WILLCOX A G1BB8' SEWING i\ Machine, extension table and side drawer*, co^t a tew months ago $70, will he sold lor $3&. Call at .>3 I Bond street __ ??? rHAL^ PASB BLACK WALNUT WIIKELER A Wilson ?ewing Machine, cost six months ago $76, will be sold for $Z5. 47 Blecckeratreet, between broad way and Bowery, A FIRST CLASS BAR AND BILLIARD ROOM FOR sale in Yonkera; handsomest and best J'1**}''11 town: controls hay scales also. Particulars atalivlCK LANli'a, 38 Beeitman street A A WILKON FIRST CLASS FAMILY A Sewing Machine, encased tn black walnut, wltli at tachments complete, ouly $!JS. W8 Canal street, between Broadway and Onurch street, basement A LARGE K1ZK HERRING'S HAKE FOR SAliE A cheap, in perfect oriler. wlUi burglar proofvault In side. > au be seen at lzi West Twenty-flltii street, be tween 10 A. M. and ? M? in stable. A GOOD FAMILY LAUNDRY FOR SALE. N. j, SEAMAN, 10J West Fourteenthstreet FIRST CLASS BARROOM FOR SALE?NEAR s;rrisw"r Vesey street ?? A N OLD established ALE AND CHOP HOUSE A for sale-Long lease and low rent ; a splendid loca tion lor a cla? liquor trade For particulars inquire ou tno premises. 101 West Fourteenth street RARE CHANCE TO BUY A FIRST CLASS RETAIL Millinery?Doing a profitable business; In one of the best localities; rent low; stock treuli; sture lilted up ; must sold onaoconnt ot sickne ?? , the closest investigation allowed. AJdreas MIl.L1NEUY, Herald Uptown Branch otllce. IkERY~KOR KALE. CHEAP-RENT LOW; ALL improvements. luquirc In the bakery. No. JO'Kear ney avenue, twtween Ocean and Jackson avenues, Jer sey city Heights. _____ /MGAR^TORE. 83 NASSAU STREET FOR SALK \ j Through unioerscen circumstances, ca^*? $700; go'.d pay in? buslnew; average return *3o o ally. /lAItl'r.Nr -R -il')P FOR SAI.K t:iIK AH?W ELL v esiatiiiihed and doing good bustne,*'tw ??niT,eru,* thing complete and in working order. w 1HijMA.-> uaFFNMY, Auctioneer, 17 Centre street Drug store for sale-a fink pharmacy, on HrnxdwAv low tor cash; possession given immedi ately. TolTvli V FOUUhka A Cu.. 90 North William street, New York, ? r\Rui stoki, korsalb-in Brooklyn ; prick J ) Sl CTO- rent $37; stock and fixtures -worth more than amount asked; established M J'?ars. Apply at b'f RIOKLan D'.-> Agency^30Jle^kjman street. Drug store for salk-trice $??;IxARoe and doing good paying business: n? opuoaltion rent $i# per month. Apply at once to owner, Dr. AYERa, Fair view. N. J.; Northern Railroad. RUG nTORb FOR SALE. ?A l'ARTX HAVING 1WO first r:a>s store* of established1 repntstlon will dla pose oJ one ol them on ressonab e terms. 8TRICK LAND Avent. Beekman. corner William *rtet D ?naniirrrt* glass labeli.p shelf bottles fl i ?s,?. - Four sets; prlcos. $;U $JS $'>fl, $74; also mo fount, r "cites, Troeinness1 make, best quality; dTm*s$I H an J S3 ; Show Bottles $1 aad upwar.l; Pre errfutiou rhials. flint, 5t>c- and 1J percent, ail styles. The above ru ds were tasnn in exchange lor our patent ra ces* waru. VALT0>i ^ wniTKMAN, S3 Warren street ^ 1>10> HAt.E?FANCY STORE: IN A GOOD LOCA V Hon with a welt selected stock of Fancy Goods, Fmall Wares and Confectionery; good roasons lor selling. Apjlv lo" N KWKLL. No. 73/ Washington street 7 'ok SALE A FANCT STORE AND AGENCY FOR 1^ HutterirkN PrtUftrus; at a bargain. Third areuue b?tw?eu liAl ana **tr?U. flOR SAIK--A FIRST CLASS BUTCHER'S SIIOF, ? >n one of the brm avenues la toe city. In ulre st ?m - mil * venue. WUP sauk?AN IRON PAPE AM GOODAS NKf; X) also in" ?i"cr'< Sewlrg Machine. Apply at wt Math avenue. between iliirtieUi and Ihlrty-Um slieeu. "L"10R SALE? BAKBHY, OONPEOTIONlKT AND ICR r Oreutu alexin, with jodtFuinwin; one oftbe old est established mid finest locations iu the oltT Cor pur tl nUri nature ou the premises, 8<s Fulton street, Brooklyn, L I. CIOR HALE?>mali. hotel, restaurant AND r >npper Rooms; central; fortune lor any man or wornan. part o.?sh ; a *xi le*?e; sold to cloau an estate. All irrm H>Ji Sr.. *> Weat Forth street. FIOR SAI K-A SECOND HAND i?X9 CAROM BIL 11 a r?l tsbte for $1M. Bsitstelles, lYIpolltes and Kus sian b wIhl- i abiei At great bargains. W. U. GlUK KITH A 1:0. 4.) V*?y street LMJK BALK? \ riKST 'CLAKJ MILR BOUTETWITH T ev?rrtti n,- complete. Inquire at 107 Be.*rum street Month Brook'vn. UOR SaLK-A WEI* STOCK I. D AND WELL E8 r tahlislied lluusa furnishing Goods and <'rockery Store, on on? orthe beat avsnues of Brooklyn: wilt e* c ha 11*13 tor fund Property. Address F. WXL.iBT. i?i Lie. kslb avenue, Brooklyn. UOR HALM LHJUOB SALOON IN UOOD RC.4l.VKn9 r neighborhood} sold only on account of the sickness of the ow ner. Anpiy on i>remise*, corncr of fcouth Klr?t ,\nd Tenth street. Brooklyn, H. D. Tire years lease, and license paid lor one year. F[M>R SAlLE CHNaP FOR OASH-ONR SMALL size new Herring Baft. Addreaa box 6.1UJ .\ew Vmrk Poet office. BIO* HAl.1?ONE HANDSOME BLACK WALNUT punched I'esk lor $9U; eost $180 a few months ago; also oue upright l?esk, Partitions, shelving, stoves, Ac,, for $au, 4? Vuaey sweet, second story, front TjIOR SALK?HERRING'S IRON SAFE. FAIRBANKS' F Piattorm and Counter Scales, Office furniture,SO fcet shelving: also beautiful ft I aae Sample notiles, Eoe. 1 to tin, in bl?<-k on whits oval (ilt banded labels. 34 Flstt street, up stairs. F~ H>R SALE?A WKLL KNOWN OYSTER AND ? ICE cream Saloon, on best business part of Third are nas ! will be sold ciiea* lor ossb. Apply at No. W4 Third avenue. LX>R SALE?AT A VERT KKAHONBAl.K PRICE. P Stock <n 1 HT'nresof a Drat class i-erner Liquor More ; s*tl??ac ory reasons given Tor selling. Address or csll at corner of < liarles and Greenwich streeta. T/?OR SALE?A CORNER OROCBRT. OR WILL LET F ths store; Is aaitable for any business. Apply to ownar. His Kirst aveuua, corner forty seventh street t^OB S ?l.K ERASE, STOCK* A vD~Pf XTURES OF " lsger beer, billiard (four tables) ball or meeting room, wiiU piot of grotind adjoining; splendid location for -unimer garden, at s sacrifice; fertns ea?r. M < X BAYUKSUOBIhR, li Centre street, or at lork villa Uali, llilrd avanne and r.ighty-eixth street U?OR SALE?A LAUNDRY, DOING A FIRST CLAB.1 P bn?iness with or without horse and wagon. lmjuire at i.Kti I bird avenue, near H?tn ?treei. FIOR'SALK?OKOCKRT 8TORE AND CIQAR STORE adiolning on Mvrtle avenue, Brooklyn; low rent; mast be sold ifcn w?ek. Call on or address JoHB M. WN DKRHILU , i -feci New Yora. c'or Sale?fiWf store, with htock-" and T Flainres in Blghta street, nwr Third avenue; stcre sad three nice Rooms attached: rent $.10 can be bought niui 11 lea< bv callia|lniiu?iiisuijr; on account 01 skikneso. Cull at Mrs. smith's, ao m, Mark*i place, second tl .or. room 1. Cas be seen lor one week. FiOR SALK PL'FFKB FOCKTAIN, THE "DRI'O gists' Pri le." flpes and tea bo* attached; cost $l,00u: sell tor less than half spply to W. B. BYRNM, *.1 New Cliuri h street, basement BflOR PALI ?A CANDY PTOBR and IC!R CBEAM 1 alo .n Incomplete ranting Ard?r; near a laata school; t" 1 nis tery reasonable. Apply at 3s< West *ifv> second street. pOR BALE-two LARGE STILLS; COLUMNS, J worms, boilers, tanks, steam ptttnpi, pipes. Be.. In parcels or t nitre lot . or tile wbola will be renuid. *??1* m its h road way F FOR R&LB.. FIOR SALE?ICEHOUSES, FOR LAOKR BIKR. RES. taurants and butchers; a lot or Butcher*' Fixtures, Fish aud Oyster Stands. MATH KHON A CO.. Ml We?t Tbirty-lonr ill street DOS 8ALB?TOY, STATIONERY AND CONFECTION 1 ery store; now doing a good trade: the owner hav ing other business to attend to. Apply on the premises, 1 977 Third aveuue, between iUSth and lU9th streets. No agents. ijioR sa lr?a iofoot monuse range wrrn F 11 roller: also a Lunch Counter, at No Xt Wall street; will be sold cheap. S^OR SALE?ONK OF THE BB8T CORNER L1QUOB Stores on Secoud avenue, corner of Twenty-ninth street : only Store on the lour corners; present owner retiring from business. Apply In the store, or U> BTAIRS McCaLL, 38 Broadway. . FOR 8AI.E? ALLEGRETTR refrigerator; suit able for chop house or restaurant; used but a lew months. Apply at 84 spring street FOR sale-A OOOD TELESCOPE OI.AS8; fivk Inch focus; six feet; * sacrifice. H. J. sEaMAN, M Stanton street For salb-a kink paying restaurant, in the best part of South street; 111 health the cause of selling; price $000. I). F. CUKLEY, II Centre street. Fob salr?a clean retail business down town. 20 years established, yield lug clear $S,lXW to M,000 per year; SIO.OUU required; half rash and good first mortgage on New York or Brooklyn real estate will he taken. Address NabUaU, lie mid Brooklyn Branch office. For SALE-A NICE LITTLE BAKERY; BEST loca tion ; good trade; southern part of Brooklyn Heights. Apply to L. P. DEI,ISLE, 18 Rose street, between Du&ue and Pearl. New York. For sale cheap?stock and fixtures of a Liquor Store, on Grand street, Williamsburg: mnst bo sold, owner having other business. Apply to F. MOlt TON. 1b7 Pearl street. New York. For hale ciieap-a first class News stand aud a large route; established IS vears Apply at the newsstand In Thlrty-fllth street, on Eiguth av. For sale?on account of departure, a first class private Millinery Eatablishuieut, located between Fifth aventte and Broadway; terms cash; no agents. Address MAISON DK MODES, station D. CGROCERY STORE FOR SALE?OR WOULD TAKE A T 0'>mpclent partner; one of the finest stores In the Seventh ward ; rent paid till the 1st of June. Inquire. Immediately, at i8 iiutger street, one door west oi Mou roe. Hat basement, stock and fixtures for sale; host location down town: has been doing a good business; must be sold on aceount of owner'shoalth; price J300. worili $HU. Cull at once ut 116 Nassau street. House safes.?call and see two elegant plate Hates, for sale nt a bargain, at salesroom ol AMERICAN SAKE COMPANY. 300 Broadway. Large safe for sale chbap-kteei, vault and combination locks. J. D. SMITH, comer Leroy and West streets. ONE SECOND HAND SILVER SHOWCASE; ALSO A large assortment of circular tront Showcases, l^oii don st\lo, ?i FRajsER'S, corner of West llroadway and Keade street. STOCK. FIXTURES AND GOOD WILL Or STA flonery nnil toy Store, with lar^e 1'aper Rome, cheap. Inquire at the office ol the CUD ECU uAZ^l iE, 1&8 East lb rtymntli stn t QAFE8.?NEW AND SECOND HAND SAFr.S, LARGE O and small *>zes, are selling at reduced prices to close out stocijL at salesroom. AMERICAN SAFE COMPANY, .'>00 Broadway. OAFF.P.-BUYERS ^ISIIINO TO SECCRE BARGAINS O in either new or sedolld hand Safes fbould call atid examine our stock b'fore ptircha.?lnir elsewhere ltIO Maiden lane, near I'earl strict. I K lav 11.1 I .i u A Cu. TO PRINTERS.?SEVERAL GORDON AND DEGNER Job Printing Presses for sale, by FARMER, JUII l'LE k CO., Type Founders, New York. TO druggists AND CONFECTKINERS.? A FIRST class Mineral Water Apparatus, made by Matthews toorJer, for sale cheap. ApolyioJoHN KaVANaUH, norfheuiit corner Koriy-secmd street und .sixth av?nn?t {OAA ?FOR SALE, LIQUOR STQRg, NICELY wOl/Ui tltted up, with fonr-pull pump; good rea sons for selling. Apply at southeast corner of Seven teenth street and Seventh avenue. HfWl WILL BUY A FIRST CLASS CHINA. Glass aud House Furnishing Goods store In Elizabeth; best location and low rents; a chance to j double your inouey every year. Address B., box 180 j Herald office. MACHINERY. A LARGE LOT OP NEW AND SECOND HAND bteaiu Knutnes aril Holler*, Steam Pump* and i umKh. Fivjjbv A HuKFMa.n, wauuiacturcrs, 'M to Tit Water -troi-t Brooklyn. A NEW THSF.E IIOKSE LAUNCH ENGINE FOR A sale?4J? inches bore. 5 Inches stroke. Apply to J. K. JliUiiK, liUV Kut Iwelfth street. A MX-HORSE HOISTING ENGINE, BOILKR AND fixture* tor s.ile?second haim. *40j; also 8-horao horizontal, u?w, all in cuiupletc order. LaFFAN 3t CO., S9 Ann street AXTRR STEAM ENGINES?FROM 2 TO M HORSE power, constantly on hand. \s M. it. RUSSELL, l? Park pi nee. New York. B Bush patent centeifucal fumps.-pass Hand. gravel, tc ; capacity, UO to 41V-*k> gallons per inlnute. Senj iwr ctremar. R. BUSH. IMS Nineteenth street, South Brooklyn, N. T. EV)R SALE?THREE SO-HORSE HORIZONTAL TUBU r lar boilers, li lout loug. 4 leet diameter; 633-uicli tubes: one Engine. 1? .neb bore. 30 inch stroke, aU in Complete onlcr. Apply to P. LOEil.LAKD A CO., 16 Chamber* street T710R SALE?ALLEN K.NGINK, 10X24. IN GOOD OON r (lit ion. (.'an he Men runs ntr at hmptre Laundry, ;a? I'.aat Kitty third atreeL Can oo delivered, if duairtj, witbln 10 days. FOR SALE-TWO BOILERS, 4 f'KET BT V>. ."3 4-INCH tubes, fronts, grates. bars, nxtnres: WO feet shaftin?, wheels, bankers nnd pulleys; three pair Hurr fcioues; elovators, belting complete, an ! all nearly new. liniulre of HKNRY L. KLbliii, AUoruev, No. to Mall struct. New York. LIOB SALE?A NO. L A ROLL SOUENCK PLAINING M" tongue and grooving Machine, nearly new, to be ?ola cbean tor cash, or exchanged lor good box Lum ber. Call ou or address J. i". CART, 47 Ann street. TjlOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE.-A NSW NO. 8 I1 Blower, "Hoot's Patent" Address BLOWER, lier ?la office. IfOR BALE CHEAP.?ONE >0 AND ONE 10 IIORSR 1 horizontal Kngnie, also a No. 1 Hardick Pump To be seen at (he (Ilube Iron Works, West ihlrt>-lliud imet, near Eleventh avenue. I/IOR SALE OHM A P-ONB MIX-H OR si; UPRIGHT P Engine, with 10 horse Boiler oomplete, at No ?U West Ninoleonth street TOO* BALE OR TO LET?MAflHVVRRY IN COM r plete rnnninc order lor raannfaotaro of Lndles* Paper f 'oilars and ('nils Boom M, corner Prankliu and Elm streets and New Haven Katlroau Depot l^OR SALE AT A BARGAIN-FORTY HORSE K*. r cine, almost new; run onlv ?ix months; 14x30. Can be seen at 410 Bleccker street, in the b.tsctneiit 1)ORTABLR HOISTING FNGINRS. WITH RECENT improvements; slide valve and cut-off Enniriea Ir.-m 3 to :wi?ch: Hollers ot atl auuls, Ames' Portable En glnea. Saw Muls, Oram Mills, Duui.or Engines Ac. I1AMPSON, WM1 TMI! 1,1, A CO.. WCofttsntt street. SHAFTING AND PULLIhS POP. THE MIT,I,TON Famoii* Rushworth IMster Knglnes, Boimr* and Pumps of ever* description . prices so low as would as tonish a purcbaaer. CKUFWt, JH8 Water street near Peck slip. New York. rpo MACHINISTS.?ONE 16-FoOI KNtilN E LATHE, 1 one 12-toot and o?0 8-foot .*c.rew Cutting Lathe, ,.>i? Compound I'laner, Banu Saw?, Driller* and oilier V* eiiinery tor sale cheap at MIU and .04 Last Twenty-uinth street __ \ViNIIO<4lll SECOND HAND ENGINE 13 IN( II '? cylinder. 24 inch stroke. In Rood cunJiUuu, all complete. Address N. n.. Herald office. in 50, 10, 25. IS AND 19 HO MB BUILKRS, 00. .16. s"", So. 2J. 1.1, 12. 10 horse Engine*, direct acung Mtarn Pumps aoi other sec,,ml baud Machinery. JOB. EDWARD^ 414 Water IMH i) enn LBS. OF RUBBER PAOEINC FOR SALR. ?i,>)UU very cheap heavy and light; also a uuaunty ?( Kubber Belting Call on oraddress UEIOY 4 KIi.M, U Frankfort street, New York. (J? !-j\ WORTH OF SECOND HAND KNOtNES, ^iOv.UUv BoilTa, Lai he \ Planers, Shapars. Drills xcrew Macblues, Cupola, I'ranc. Emery i.rlulen, A,-, great vanety at low prices: some heavy Tool* B K KuBKHT.x. hogineer and C?nUactor. lit Liberty street, near Greenwich. IIOt'SK", ROOMS, AC., WANTED. In tltla City and Brooklyn. A FURNISHED FLAT OR HOUSE WA.NTKD-POB season or longer, for gentleman, wile, nlree and child ot three: uuaxcepuouable references. AdSreaa. witb lowest terms, kEOULaR, Herald olfli e. BMAI T AMKRMAN FAMILY DK-> 1 RB~n.NFUt nlahed Rooms for boosekeeplng with a private fam ily, the rent not to exceed t-*J. Aduress t'EBMANENT, box ISA Uerald office. A FURNISHED MOUnR ON GKAMI-RCT PARK, Iroiii 1st .'line to 1st October: rent reasonable. Ad dreas box Post ofltaa. AGENTKPM4N AM> W'V. Wl If Tilt!' four nnfurni?hed Reoma, In a quiet, respe talor house and neighborluMHl. Twentieth ward preferred. Ad.lrma QUInl, txix Uk> llarakl I ptown Branch office. A SMALL FAMILY OF ADULTS fiRs.'RF, A FLOOR ?r six Rouma. furiuaiied. for light honsekeepmg; tno?e who hare such Itooms or any approximating thereto will secare a destral le fairliv : references. A<i dresa, with particulars. R. box Ml l ost offire A PRIVATE FAMILY WANT A SMALL HOVmr! containing from ?to If rooms: must !>e In good cr der. have the modern traoro'vemema and not he at>ove Oentral Park. ea<. ol Ma lison avenue or westot Seventh avenue, rent SI.U Address HDD.-ON, box 184 Uerald Uptown Braneh offioa, it'HE SHAKEBPLAitE BOtTE TT OF THE CITY OF ! L New > ork, eom;>o?e'l of l-vtles and gantleT.en, wish to secure a moderaie alaed Hall or a donide Pariar in a private dwellln* below Fifty ainib atr??e?. Adoress bllAXBSPKARn doUiKTY. box tit Herald office. TTNFURNI8IIED HOCBR WaNTETi?BRTW KEN U Lexington and Sixth avennea. Thirtieth ana Fortt eighth street' ; moderaf ?i*e. in good order, rfot fl.ifr) ? 1,000; to a responsible party. Addre** T. B., Uerald 1 L ptown Branch office VITANTED?FURNiS'IKD HOUSE WH1-.RK OWNER i Yf woikt board in lieu or on a'-coant of rent: city or ? country, with privilege of few oilier boaraera. Addrtsa H. E. M , 4o4 west Forty- *? venth street. 11TANTK.D-TO ItlitK OR LKASE BY A GOOD. RKS '* ponsihle tenant, two or uiore vacant iota or old bnildlng* bol.iw Canal street baud (all particulars to D., Uerald offloe. WANTED?TO RENT OR BUT A HOUSE ON PA. Torabla terms ralUbta for a hoarding honse; agents pleaae take notice. A. M., 43 First street Giro fun particular* to itwura attontion. t>r letter onlr. waitob. Ill this City mn,| Brooklyn? ?sruoklyn. WA^^"tL J^orVh^3 WI ,n GOOD re. be? oi the m,ul|y or oWlar.T ;.*'{uW "tto"(1 ?>m Aadre*. box i^.^"fflVe11 "v,uu*' wlJU ?>? pretend! W fiZr.fnrt H'^eon^Tin^M* TW'i PERSONS. A ??Woreme?u. ,or bou*ieeBiiL 155 room?. with power, under ten Iiorw nn't in ^f?bted, with steady tewstfr ??wjMfnsK.nx-^ tenant, unfur. j Thirty-fourth iitreot,' betnoLi? Th?JRro?v'?>en?',i below i moderau, rent *a?r!u iuiiJ iU11,?111i ?Te" [ tptuwrn Brunch office. uur"? bUfcl'UABD. Bera.d Branch*'office. *?"?&? WAJ2^beI^*?j"J0 1noo?B, centralZy board owner* iamilvin n?., i? would like 10 UeraJd Uptown Branch office ^ddre? OSBUliya, ItaUngjter.u,,, Ac., j?Oa8^.^erJ{deom'.'?'jr- Addru^ WA^{;\7^nK^T(rBY A ,.K, VATK FAMILY, A between Fourteenth ami TwJntiJ>U,i?; "?"** ** dtuared and Hixth a veun#$. Addreju urktK rtTn.!l ?tf?eW, KutU box 1.728 Poat office. AaareiJ? mt? ?*U particulars, K. Tt, ! cation U b?ti3i?ciorv will Ji? #5 M?'.?' " """"' anJ lo SHwiya" ??*?. ...a. 5MSSS Wsm avsr^j "?=E;HS;siF $8() J!KR MnNT" WOULD HK r.JVFS nv a n ,,T M. W., i8 Wetf" ?5-3ihA^tt!JS^ rCyU,r,a' *?<?'??? In tile Country. C0TrA(1R pO? SUMMER within an hour's rife ot New?YoVk? ^2Vr/0r u'" -r'ttr' l,?tH tiro?dway, Aflvertislng AgcnJy A<Wr** "? "? B-. w*5S.MSRiA ssia agfct."; "'"^tigya'gai ! W*iSZSS^Sfi^ij^SS! ?&"'*? '?* one hour from the cU* ??id wiier. ?pU V lurther than bo obtained; aUo l oHrrt nrT. ^fr. ,re*u cow ? lu'"t can children and nurse with thraa ra^lmV' lw" ?U?il I W^1T5D ni?KDlATRLy_A FUR\ls7l)Ti , va . ? v ~ ?ud owner? i'" b? ht'ttU"y lor-*"on Purred. a Jare^ VJ? t^.Zrl YACHT#, STIAHKOATS. Art. A hun 'it*1/'1 V0 8Lt|0P r0Ii SAl'E CHi:\P~RRQ. Al.l.;i?We??re?t 10 V&odAti A A Ofjhe owner??Ponf ant ^Baiu^1 RR South Brooklyn, near Fourth dveuu?? u?ltlu ?truet, Kr ?!? I'ont office. ?roo*ljn. Addreai box fj^OR SALK?A hCHOO.HER YACHT Tz VTpt 77^^77 very w?>ttn>!rly an t w?n /.^T.., , Ti .' I^>NO; leraldXe^'''* "reer bu?? ?ire? i F WATKK7.1 LVfi?,^k?RA.D''"T STEAMBOATS, tain Bullock, M.itt ffaven 9t?#l 1W?J board to Cap Jonr.h avenue bridges, Wee?ohe?er'?ld? hI". "ud To con^iiaiuiute ? mi it addrajL* hv ilf# 'r ein Wv?r, .. .,r,f: Mrri':Sl;r?; ZVk',,',, L^OU BU.R-OMS 81 DEWII KKI. FKFIOiit . v > 1 l???iij(er nirnner. leiiirth luuito.i. i .. 0 enrlne. a? inch br S reet ?tro?r ? ?u ! J?' I one 12x11 inoli- Tig, l*nk-th 'm feet*^i ?,J1 roneiK-r^ | Jreliht Propeller, i;*j touj' all i 0,; OI,# ' 'ffl tu ?tf ^ aa j S' U,?ilif one V?.,r o^d/u^l^a ord?rNf>f Li" ,IVCIi KS ' New Yor*. ?.biXuuo, No. 3 Broadway, SCHOONER YACHT LBATHA, NOW Hid Dt> AT i Baltimore, tiofaet loug. M leet water line. SO feot beam. 4*{ laa*.draught: three state rooms; six barths io ! miin; Uon< lied June. 1874;complete in outfit; good *a , l)0!?t *ale, la?t til l KU?r?ote?>l sound; prion $?,'??, lio Aii?ti-m?n?;mni<Tfoinf to Europe. AJiliru TOuU.vs Ma <NIKli, -J3 Broa-1 way. W ANTED?A SMALL ROWBO.AT, CHKAP. ADDKE.S9 ft K. A. HIBBEL.L, 81 Weil fourth street IVORKINO BOAT FOB SAI.K-1S EXCELLENT ?? order, now at Harlem. Addrem P. 11. M.. Herald . o(tl e. _ I \i*anted a sailboat, is to u rut long-, > l iriv? (all description, size, how ringed Ac. Ait dfM. with lowest cash price. cUAKL&d A. bCtfgELL, Coriath, It. Y "U* AN TED-A SLOOP YACHT. A?OL'T M PERT, i ft Will exPhnnre an op?n 18 foot Catboat anil a brown roupe Hot ??'. 1? bauds. aud autue money. Address u., Po .1 ,T1 e but 2 570. W'ANTE'*?A PLOOP OR SCHOONER YACHT IN V? exchange for a brie* II .u- in Brooklyn Ad Or' ?? YACIl i. box 829 Pott office, .N t? York. 1\'aSTR1>-A KCHOONRR OP KBOSI '? TO 110 TO KB, V? lipht ilra't Apply to 11. C. SNSBLV, No. IS , Chambers nraet. 1I7ANTRD?A LK1IIT ROW BO ? r, SCIT ABLE POR M oleSMirs ro?viug on llarl-ui Hirer. Addrasa tor (?n? wp? V. ? i h *i*p and prue and where tu Ui ?. ?ii. I>. v W . box L?! Herald ?-tH ? 11'ANTfH-Ktl oPP.N KHT.I BOAT. NOT I.R.-S >? than ui fr. t lonit; nuts*. b? In good order aod thrai>. Ad iress Port offi<la.* i,??5. \\-ANTED~A SMALL BTKAM LAUNCH; Mt'XT RB if in e' rondiitoa: price not to excevd 13UU. A~ 6rr?sZ.. Mil Watta street, New Tork. \t'ANThD-A CABIN Y\Cnr Or ABOI'T S3 TO 40 \y feet, ov*r all i???t be atronr'v huilt, perfrrtlv Pound, in good order aod chaap Address OKI lat.K, station D. VACHT'S SLIT OF RMLs PuR ftALlv-TOo IIKaVi ; I unittUle tor an ovnier sloonp. Apply to l. UESIKK, spinnaker, Hudion utreet Jersev Cliv. v At'H T Want BD-CtB NTRK BO AR D. MC H t >0? EB I rigged. about M feet long, mutt not draw over three teat of water, and a< much lea* aa p<walbl*. n^arlr nr w and complete la every respect. Addreis bos ?ti Herald , ufflce. ' 1 fin BOATH. ALL BtBDtt. BEADT TO KHIP; ?,'?? j It)'/ feet Ce !?r Koar.W . new and eecond hand meul Up ljiB> Boat* cheap. M to 37) ^.mth ?trept and 114th ?t>, 1 liar.em Birer. STEPHEN K<>iti i.. WAatlm TW WCHAnii | ' TBON BAILIKO-WABTBD TO WCBCrURB, JO PERT I 1 of Iron or Wooden Hailing, with late, for front of dwelling houae. Addreaah. L. P.. Herald office. rPURCHAHK-OKROFMANN S PATENT HEALTH ' i.iiter?: 10 Wall atraet reom U. AUv. an office t>?y i wantedi^ialary $l?ia r??r. UriKTBD?A PLA1R OLASS MIRROR. WITH OR ?T without irane. about'tgiit fert eqaare. R. sTot r- I ENBCEUli A t o., lit Hroad street hewarfc. B. J. IITANTBD-A BKt,-OND HAND PRINTIICO PREs?. I ff liH.t pf.wpr with bi d 11x14 of 10x11 Send price to H L f.NDr.BHILL. "roto* l.aDdlng, N, T. ?WrA!?TRD-A GOOD TRUCEINO BC-INK8S ANT >? having (0*4 pa.vinc work win find a ca^li cue i inter AildreM. staling ant >unt ot work and prut. J. a. H.. ha* 1.0 lter.iJd Pptowr Brsncii ortlcp U'jufTERTK P? R?'H tBB?A KROOftP H*W?-II.Vi R Tea *'td f'nff s Hsrfire, tn rood o"1er; Kticuah , i r-crr?.i ?tate eArOealars and pries. Addrew h, box ' 7m Cost office. rt'A.STBD-A HKiOVD HANK PO WE R PR?S.HS y\ fithf r r irtasr's, Verriuiatt - or stiles'. Addre**. ' ataffng price. Hi-.RBANn BoEI.R M cO., )U1 Duane ( -tre-u U^ANTI l> TO PI Ri'HAfR ?A OfWlD Si CORD hartd idfe, about four (ret high, also a criindtr ! I>esk. Art' with fall pariioaUrt, 1. U, Hi raid ; rptown Branch offica. U'ANTED TO PI RrRASK-CAMPl.-i H ATR SHAWt, seal ?kin --<ack and i*re? and Ia*ji^* atv< clitl dren's clothing 0' any dek ristioti. i-ash d..wo ' illatrly AddreiA 'or tenda>s, L. X. AN 11?I>h. Herald I I >, own 1 raach El I'RKHSKS, UAtTI RSON a CO . PORN1TCKB EXPRESS. I0\ |0'> If and H>7We?t Thirtr-thlrd sweet, .ate ot Mxti. *\e rna.?fnm.ture removea in city or eoanuy by load ar lu'np, or uacked for shipping. RKHOYAL*. Dr. lfo?wulp H4B remoybd to m wi st Porir ^eva'H streak IW?TRirCTTOU. ACADEMY MOUNT BY. TINCKNT, ON TRK HUD* sou. New York, IS miles from the metropolis. 17 trains to and 15 from Mount dally on Hudson River Rail road; this institution. conducted by the -bier* of Cuar ltr ia the largest auu best appointed m the country; terms, including everything but uiualu, par auutnii, $2Vsl General patronage solicited. A MEDICAL 8TUDBNT, WHO WILL GRADUATE In sep tern tier, wishes to act us tutor In a private family dn the city or country); be will teach German, French and the English branches, good reference given Address 0. JB., Herald office. Aoomd handwriting ar-aiianti km vi ail It: ten private Icsmmih. Anplv, trom threw to eight o'clock, at Parlor*, No. m West fourth street; Brotdway earn OLIVuit K. UUI,D>.V1I I'll Apply at paine** I0SMI4I OuiiiOl, Bowary.? Bookkeeping. Arithmetic, iirammar, bp-illiug, at hours suiting, Writing. 5 ? monthly. Back ward persona uiugnt privately. Ladies qua'lfled as bookkeepers and cashier*. A young frenchman, who lately ARRIVED from t'aria, wher- lie was educated, wishes to givo lessons In his own languuk'u for hi* buard. Address FRA.NCh, box 11)4 Herald office. All summer.-dolbear's commercial col lege, 1,1*3 Broidway, remains open day and even ing. Ladles, gentlemen and boys can have private les ions In Business Writing, Bookkeemngor other branches, and learn more in pne mouth than in year* at school. Boy* prepared practically tor busiues*. l wo denAs va cant. AT THOMPSON'S COLLEGE, 20 FOURTH AVENUE, opposite Cooper Institute?Bookkeeping, Writing. Arithmetic. Instruction day and evening, i.adies' de partment. Telegraphy taught practically, Willi instru ment*. Open all vuiumor. A GENTLEMAN, LIVING IN HARL' M. WOULD liko lessons in boxuw and athletic exercises: must be skilful. Address. with terms and retereuees, J., box UWPost offlce. AGB(iTLBMAN, LIVING IN HARLEM, WOULD like to take, of an e\pert, one lesson per week in billiard*. Address, with term.-, Ac., W.. box l.Ml 1'oat office. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR MISSES AND CBIL drou?Short distance from ntv; healthful location; home comfort* and care: Instruction In i.nglish branches, music and needlework; terms moderate. Mr*. HARRIETT!. K. SEYMOPlt New Canaan, Conn IilRKNOH. GERMAN AND SPANISH THOROl/UULlf' r tuuglit Terms $12 per quarter. Prol. WUN LU'.ltMAN, 1,21a Broad way, second floor. IfBKIfCH conversation?Bf A PARISIAN GEN tlemau; city references; 10 weeks, three lessons weekly, $.?; at uupll'i residence. $36. in classes. $I0? Ail it res* KK4.MJH, box 1211 Uerakl Uptown .Brunch office. MISS EDMONDS IS PREPARING candidates for examination lor public school teachera; she has one vacancy; those of neglected cdoeatlou confi dentially uught. 110 r.ast Seventeenth street. Nl-.W YORK TELKGRAPn COLLEGE, NO. 40 KAST Fourteenth street (Union square).?A specialty in teaching gentleuicu and ladies, boys aud girls, aud diuug them for positions IJITMAN'S 8Y8TEM OF PHONOORAPHY TAUGHT at own or pupil's residence; terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed ; also Lesson* by mail. Address TEAOtifcR, Herald office. PROFESSOR R. KUTTNER, TEACHER OF OEI'.MAN Language and Literature; Knpllsh to foreitrners; terms moderate. Call at or address aJi Second avenue, or OOLBhA it'S College, 1,193 Broadway, Corner Twenty eighth street Reading and oratoky-96east tenth street. Ten IwiRons, $10. "My voioe has improved womlar Inllr in volume, melody and power." li. C. Pc.iti.1, M. D., o Bund *lreet. SPANISH LANGUAGE.?PROFESSOR D? TORNOS O will continue giving Private Lessons during the sum mer at 7S# Sixth avenue. Spanish and erench languages and liter. afnre thoroughly taught by a very oasv and practi cal method. In-truetion to foreigner*. Apply to AN TONIO RAMOS, SJ University pluee. CCHOOLS Olt FAMILIES DESIRINO COMPETENT 0 teachers for the languages, Music and English branches, can secure them by applying to Mrs. ALMA E. MITCHELL'S Teaelmrs' Bureau, t>7 West Thirty fifth street. Fronch, German, Italian .and English spoken. Correspondent* In Paris. Londou aud Berlin. Reler* to leading school* aud families. WANTED?A GENTLEMAN TO GO A SHORT Dis tance In tho country, to ta'ae charge of education of Ave children in English branches; age*4 to 15;yonug man; au Episcopalian preferred. Address, with refer- [ ences aud expectation*, tuDUCATlO.t, 1'ost oltlce box i 7ifc ___ __ I r.|l CKNiS A LBSSON.?conversational j ?)'? French bv a Parisian younr lady dlplomee; I books and uamphleIs translated Address or call oa M. Vr.KEL, l.afo Broadway, Irom 3 to 9 P. M. CENTS PER LESSON.-CONVRRSATIO.NAL German hv a North German lady. Address I GERMAN, box 170 Herald Upown Branch office 1 OA KA"<T TWK.NTY.THIRD STREET.?TEACHER 1 1 V 'U oi German, a young ladv from North of Ger many. gives leiHoa* ito laJiesj for 30 cent* per les*on. | 50 TUB 1.KCTPKK WHAMON. A LECTURE EVERY EVENING. A*8 O'CLOCK, t?B nnrrous dcbili v and speclsl diseases, at Dr. KAHN'.s Mnsenui. Iteme.'nber tlie address. No. ti<i Broadway, uear fourth street. The largest and most iiia.<iiiticeut museum in thu World. Admission. Me. A LEOTOBE BTRBY NIOHT AT 8 O'CLOCK otf _V "Manhood, au 1 the Cause 01 It* Premature De cline." at the New tork Museum of Anatomy, olii broad war, be.ween Houston and Rleeokers treeta DANCING ACAUKM1RS. A?CARTIBR'S DANCING ACADKMY. PLIMPTOVS . Building, Stuyve*ant aud Ninth streeta? New c'asses now tormtng. Open all suiutucr. Keception Dansautc Tne-wlay eveniug. Private lossins in glide wslu a specialty. BAI.LHTM ASTBR DITMAR'S DANCING ACADEMY 14 West Fourth street?Classes open. All ilaricet tnnirht perfectly in one quarter. Mx fashionable dance* taugtst perfectly iu six private lessons. CAUSE'S DANCING ACADEMIES. f? PKIVA1K Lbs.Mi.Ns at any hour, dey or erenlnit. CIRCULAR* at Private Academy, Ull i-ast Elevcntii st MATRIMONIAL. AN EDUCATED GENTLEMAN OF MATURE AGE desires to enter Into correspondence wiin a refined, cultivated lady of not over .?#, with a view U> mairimuny. Address u. L., bo* IS9 lleraid offlce. "A toonoman, AU)NK~AND DlhCoNhoLATK, JY wishes corresponlence with some young Udies; don'l seek to know them unless desirable to bath par ties .itter due letter erunatuiance; object mauimouy. Addrej* A KID IK. hot_ I4f ller?l.l_offlce i GKNTLBMAV. AHOl/r 4(\ WITH A HONS, JY manv acquaintances, bat no intimates just now, adopts this questionable method to obtain tlie coitgenlal ucqyaintance his heart craves. lis claims a refined na ture, Kuod e lacs I ion llbersl senthmmti; giving and ex acting confidence, pradenre ami hdelitv; he tnov. s In tue "be<t society." aocalleit but lias learned thelitis r -lit, polite ami decidedly unsatisfactory; he has ample means. Is liberal, buidoes not desire to purchase Menda; loves art munc. Ac.; has travelled lartely. Ac.. ins ob ject is bonorab'r: no sin -ere lady need I ear to answer, for ill communication* wtll be held ss sacredly < mt< ilenMai: none but ladles of *ood Stan line tn society need answer; this is no sptrn ot frivolity or Improprie tv Address CAN I'OR. box H0$ Herald office. A YOt'NO AMERICAN GENTLEMAN, WITil J\ means, age M, solicits the aei|nalntancp of a lady or a >?klow , oi ,ect mauriiiioiiy. Audres* box 102 Lleraid uftkiL RICHASgK. 4 .NEW Pur* BED WILL BF. EX< HAMJKU TOR J\ about *1 to Myard* ol h*ndtoBM i arpet JOliMtO.t. I'll liaiu ?tr?"U op utaira WLKQAftT 8ILYKR TlilPLB PLATE TEA AND COF. J!j tee m t In e*ch?nfe tor b'aek or ellrctiikUMi Pattern. equal vain*. Addre*? O. X* Iternll orflra. 1/\UK HAI.K <>a BICBANUB rOR REAL K8TATE?A i r new Patent oC a Krtneh breech loading hnu ilng i rifle. for parurolara apply W MUO&Nfc Cb fc V ALLlait, tl Lil?rtr atreet, baneroent __ ] Ttik ki.KoaN r FURNTrCRB.CAKPETS, ilKROML PNn<v tc., of a prlTata rendaiiOe will be ex. hunmsl f?r Bnurtioii WMikry, on ? caah Unv will add ?oiue caali. iii'lrna 1>A> 1> it# Ka*t sutv fir-t turret. WANTED TO RZCHANOR?A NELODcO* FOR TT a I'Tlindar l>eak. Ad?tre<* with full dfArrlpuon, h? let ei only. WM. (A FlTZOEKALD. room i, sixth ?lory Fl.niK'.t Building. FISR ART*. T^OR iALB?A FINE OIL P AiNTINo OF &J>WI\ r Booth; aUo a rarr Urn* Painting of tM Interim at th? Cathedral at Vienna. Apply a; A. J. TUUJIAV, OCL Broadway. MSONhRWI.LK, 81 FIFTH AVKir... WILL HF.LL . AT Pi BLlf AUO I (U.N. rRtUAT. LUU I.NbT, Ttth PRIVATE OALLKKY t.F I-Aimiv.rt OF A. SnIDER PKTTIORKW. K">Q. AMONG TtlKAKClh.NT PAINTKRS ARK TITIAN. PACL YKBoNKBR AND HIM HON, CARLKfTO CAI.TAKT BAsHANO, RisM BKANOT, VAN LOO. ALIHKRII. A? . AND r IK , MODERN SCHOOL 1* RhrRKsAMtBu II V A ( BOICB 1 OF OlBLNBj ORES. I EXHIBITION FRKK MONDAY. TIKSDAV AM) WRDS K8I'A V Ct HOPL. rj'HR lambs- inbtitctB, ??edbn,-' ib Larikon. on tha Lake of Znrtrti Ooethe't placa ot noioum In switaarlanri), ti?r mnn? ladie* of th* better I c ?-?''!?, tavorabh known and recoanint mien i > I r. u au Oioniiaa. li? h in nwrr ConrM of May tf, a e. Superior In*.rurtion in trw> KnflUh. Vr> a oh, Italian anil Ot ant, lanjuairev .nu?tr, the luirher an i. ?in*i?, li e arleari v i'tiiii .vxUca. Ac., ?oar?nte#,l Pupil- r* I c. I ved al any I.iik Kor parti ( ular? ami rro?[?cia? apply ta tha adminla tration ol the Inatltuta. 1IKSTAIHAM>. HOLVK OF L"Rt>?, OORNBR OF HOUSTON AND rronl'v >tr?at*. near B-oadwajr, Naw Tori eitf.? - steak*. shop*, rattria, po?< h?,i eg**. W?i?h rarebifi, Kngltan ban.n, haia ttna in Maaan. tnpa w< fliwa d?; ana .^atur.Ujr Mminn bat ioint? daliy ?; IJ * and ?P M . ale* win??. It<|in r? *nd r?-<r? of ill- cholc^jt flection lorniciod Kuuiua. I?r ((iiliaman oiiIt. LaR WKROn B. LYNCH. _ ___ j T IVR A ND LET I IT! I. ADlES" ANP (iR>TAM : N~ ; li oy?t*r and Dliiltig Ko.,m. Hroadrav ?n i ? ilt.m Mr??i ?.( eat r?.o l for nn* om*r< arid all ma datii;ac:r* that a >cw v, rk mare! < an lurnl*!i. BANDY UPKNCfeK. I'aMrtr. COALA.1P WOOD. UBSl Ta*ILY i;OAL FROM pi TO t; PKR TOM or 7,ntioiti?.. wr?*?ad nnd da I IT# red; wood, $4 tj par I load. Tarda rortia* Twwtj aatnili aircetand Ninth av 1 anua and 114 Mailiann atr^at. THoh. THKDFoRO. BATTBRKON A OO.'S LONfJ BRANCH FURNITURE and Hagcaga i-ipraaa. !??? Wen Thlrtr-tblrd ? raet. | una door wr*t of *i*th avenoa. rnrniture t*ken in 1 - ?act? witiioat ( hitiga pet iwan?r ->?a Bird. BALKS AT AUCTION. J AT AUCTION, AT 80MEBVILLR OALI.' K?, S3 FIFTH AV3BH^ AT 8 O'CLOCK. ON WrDNKSDAY EVLNtVl. OTfTinsT THURSDAY, 131 a. AmTfUIDAY, HTH INST.. A LABOR COLLECTION tJV PAINTINGS AND WA TBB COLOR DBAW1NO~VVORKS FliOM TilE COL LECTION OK THE LATE JAMBS HOWELL; ALSO OTHKBS FliOM VARIOUS ( ONTB1BUTORS, ROBERT XiMKRVTLLK. AUOTTONRKd A UCTION SALE or RICH AND BLEOaNT HOO>B JTV b?lu Furniture, Pianoforte, Ac., to-morrow (Mon day), ?t 10W o'clock. at private residence .'I Eaat fcxli street. comprising rich Parlor Suin, covered in muo. rep-and haircloth. two Pianoforu-s. 7* octave; soiia walnut uitii in,aid chamber sets, Hedstesds, Uresstu* Case, Hurcaus W.tsli stands, spring and hair Mattressea, f re neb put* Mirrors, Clocks, Bronzes, Oil Paimitica. Bookca-e Wardrobes. Sideboard. Kxfeuaion Tibia, Contra Table*, Our tain A Carpi's. Cutlery. Clin**, China. Silver and I'luti- I Ware, Ac . all made to order and la excellent condition. HENRY ZINN, Auctioneer BT VAN TA88BLL A KEARNEY, A0CTIONKKIUL Office and llorse ana Carriage Auction Mart. lia aud 112 hast Ihirteenth street, uear Fourth sveiiue, WILL SKLL ON MONDAY, MAY ID. at 10X o'clock, at No. 118 Eaat Twenty-ninth street, near FourtM avenue. Household Furniture, comprising rosewood Parlor tfutfa in brncatal; black walnut Bedroom suits; black walnut Hat Stand; blacc walnut Mullet. Centre Tab.e, ni irhla top; hair and straw Mattresses black walnut Htrlor CaLiinet; 1)1 a ok walnut Dining Boon Chairs: velvet and Brussels Carpets; black, walnut Centre Tattle, Egypilaa marble, Crockery, 4c., Ao. By j. w campbkll, jr., AUOTiONKEK-OAMr KELL A CO., Nells on Monday, lo puy storage. <U Tuggart's storage ware rooms, til Hudson street. Abing don w|uare, general assortment Household Furniture, Parlor uith, be I room Vurniture. Ac. Full particular* in Monday's Herald. Campbell 4 Co. ulve special at tention to sales lureiture aud other uicicUandua. Ofllen ttt 9th st., near 4th av. OSEP1I HEOEMAN A CO., AUCTIONEER*. CENTRAL .SALESROOMS,.OORNBB WILLOW IU BY SIRKKT AND. PFARL, UmiuKUN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AM) MONDAY, May 14, 16 and 17. at !):.#) A. M. each day. Thirty-fourth annual sale ot new and second hand Axminster. Moquette velvet, t.UKlish and Ameri-An Brussels, three-piv ingrain Carpet*. Oilcloth*, Huge, Stair Carpets, Matting. Ac, Many ot the carpels are as good as new. from p.irties uioviug, who avail themselves 01 this opportunity to nell tnelr carpets aud select, from rho l-'rge assortment, others to fit their new rooms without waste. Contribu tors will please vend their goods as early iu Uae week aa possible. J P. BATTKKSON, AUCTIONEER?WILL MEI.L OW . Monday No. 101 West Thirty-third street. House hold Kuruitiire, Pianoforte. Carp.;*, Crockery, Buffev Book Csse. Bedsteads, Mattresses. Lounge*. Chairs, Ea teii-lon Table, Ac., at II o'clock. JBAVKN, ACCTIONKER. WILL SKLL LAKOE LOT ? of Furniture on Tuesday, May 11. at ltf>4 A. M., al 6a University place. _____ J IIAVES, AUCTIONEER?OFFICE. 89 KA/S 1STB . si., will sell, on Monday, May l.>. nt ltt?a o'clock, the fine lot of Furniture 111 s.oro :i8l 4th uv,. removed from storage for convenience 01 salt". I'arlor -ulta, lled rooin rets. Bulfci, Extension Table-, Pter Mirror, Car pel-, Hons. Bedding, Glass aud Ctimaware, Curtain# Cornices, Stoves, Ac, T COOKE. ACOTK)NERR?NF,LLS MONDAY, MAT el. III. al lu'a o'clot, entire C'ontnntaof Liquor Star* No. J.UI2 Third avenue, corner lluili MrMt) Counters, Ale Pump, Chairs, Tables, Ac.. Sale pojiti .c. PAWN B '.{OK KR8' SALKS-r.Y JAMBS AOA?. Auctioneer, at salesroom jJ New Bowery auu I Oliver street. Mondav. Mar 1". at U o'clock, 230 lots of OoM and sil ver Watches, Cold Ouard. \ ost Mint l ob Chains; Opera Glasses, Revolvers; and at 2 o'clocn. 3iW lotaoi un u'e and women's Clothing. By order ot J. BAitNiiTi', .via Canal street. Tuesday, Msy 11, S(10 lots <1 Ik and other Dresses, 1 rape an 1 tace shaivis, Under u.tUuu. >h *. -pri ads, futile Linen. By order ot B. lc* ??. tili 11 mis >n atreeL Wednesday, 12. 4"<i lo s ot m n's and women's Clothing ami other >easouabie UuoUa. By order 01 U. Auisei, ^tanion street. Thursday, May 13. d.0 lots ot silk and o'h -r Pres^-a, erap* ana lace Shawls remnants or SUk aud other tioi?ls. Underclothing, sheets .iprearts. wild l ie-?* also Coats, Pantaloons and Vesta isy order 01 sun. Somen A Co.. 27 Chatham street, 'ihe mle will c ineuce with tlie men's clothing at U o'clock slMtrp Friday, May 14, 500 lots of men's an 1 women's ???asotv abie ciotlntig. By order ol sulotnoua A ' o.,) :?hUk avenue. "IJAWNBHOKKR'S SALE WATCHES AND JEV, KU I rv. ?B. FIELD, Ocneral Auctioneer, salesroom "?at >?9 Bowery, will sell on Tuesday, May II, at li o'e.'^k 650 lots gold and silver Watches, diamond and gold Jaw. elrv Pins, Kiuks. Ear rings, sjold guard, fob and veal Chains, Ac., Ac.. .1U0 Oi:n?, Plst4>la and Musical liistru uieuiA By order A. Goodman. No. :>1 Centre atreeL })AW.NBUOKEKS" SALES?BY ItlCilARD KILLL), General Auctioneer; Salesr oom No Sit Bowery. Monday May 10, by order Henr> McAleenan, 6 <i lots men's and women's Clothing. lueadio . May ll. by order A. tiooduian, UW lots watches Htid .lew-lrv WclncaJay. May 12. by or>?r Henry McAleenan, 11XI lota Watches un 1 Jewe ry. Thursday, May 13, by oraer Patrick. Kre.-l, C10 lots men's and wmiien's C'othin*. Friday. May H. hy order Hu?:i Freol, 63u lots Watches and Jewelry. n. rain 1?i< hard Walters, acotiok rich,-teas and l Groceries?A'ill sell on Monday. at lulj o'olock, at salesroom 2< Kast Broad way, s'.ock ul lean and Grocor MS, vis.Chants and packages ol grecu and black leas, rolTeei, Spicea, Canned Frii.ts, S'tarcX hole* of Soap, Klour, candles, boxes 01 Kaisln*. ea?k? ot bottled K< otcB Al?. bottled Liquor*. Cigars. Willow Ware. Matting ma barrels ul Paint. Ac.; al?o an as<m t.ncnt of liuuwboia and Saloon furniture. dale positive. OAMCSL KRKIZER. AUCTIONEER. OFrtCK NO. ) Cooper Institute, will sell on Tuesday. Mav II, ?t II o'clock M . st Hie Exchange Salesroom. No. Ill lir a*, wny, the live story and l>a?ement double tcua.nens House No. 1*0 Attorney street; rent* lor $t?U?per an uuaii size Jf>*iuxlOU. bale absolute. Maps at auv tioneer's office. OHERIFP'3 8 A LB Of OROCESlBg-0* TCKB O day. May 11. at I0,V? o'clock, at No I Koerntn plae% oppoeile the Court llouw. Brooklyn, a largo lotol soap^ Canned Good*. Teas, spices, Ac. CHKRirr* BALE UK MACHISEKT. IRON, si KKL, O <Furniture. Ac. H. iikkmaN, shoriif-. Auctioneer, sell* Monday, May 10. at HIo clock sharp, at the oletrant na< and Gaswork Manufacturing Coinpanv, No. U Dey - eau a large lot Machinery, cotuLsung of HuMr1* i.ufluaa. Oil an.1 Gas work 1'anks. was..meters, Rolling Machines. Or,lis. Pines, Air I'umpa, Grates, Korgen, Lathes. Punching ant Drilling Machines; also w,.rc Benches. Anvil* Vi-es. Shafting, I'nllles and Hrltiiijfs Tool Chests, Puri fying taps .team Pipes. Ac.; also a large lot of Sheet Iron, btei'l. Ac.: also Office Kornltnre. aonusttng ot l?et.*?, Tanlea, chairs, I'srtitlins. Iron Sains Can etA Ollcloili, Ac Ua.e positive, iu Iota, dealers Invited. WILLIAM C. CONN nit. Sheriff. Birr* rior.r.i, Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE OP TEAS, FLOUR, MoLASSKS AO. ?. HEKMaN, ,-heritrs Auctioneer, sella Monday, Mav IU. al o'clock 1*. M., chests of gr ?u and ; lack Tea. MwLasset, Hour, A \ WILLIAM C. CONNER. hkerllL Jaxts Maiwslu, Deputy. Fur Other Advrrtlarmrnts Under This lleaillng He? Ulrfrtorjr. TTORTO.H'S 1CK CREAM?<O, IlOW GOOD; IT i L renliy splendid | try it; it i* made Irota pure crra 3uj Fourth av? nue. 1,264 Broad war, 7? Chatham stree mSCEULAN KOLS, fw^rTici. okeam?o. bow oooi>; it r* e cr am i street 1 ADIKBCAN FIED A NICK QClhl MOMK I'LitlNU J J conllnemcnt. near the city ; good medical aioud anee and str.ct privacy obacr ? cd . bv addrelaiug. lor out week. W. L. i ., Ilrraid Brooklyn Branch office. TO OWNERS AND BlILDf.R*.? AN AKCII11 KO nirat draughtsman. who* time i? not fully oc iihi< will prepare plans and specifications at a reaaoualM* fltar*. address Kr.Y. 1"M-'.. lie raid ortlce. \%'ONDKRFL*L Ct'RK EOlt Rill- CM ATISM.-RllhO *T ni.i.:sin immediately curel bv the lnd.> Wesicaa young ladf. EMANtKI.A Alrl 111. ih? remedy Is A atuipie one and for extamal uta; iry Its marvellous ef fects. Apply at the Pension Krancaiae, No. U W .?>*ter street, near Canal, from t) A. M. lo 12 M. and iroia u? S I' M. Taesda) and Saturday bu?A irae tvrbraentoi laa poor. DKXTHTR). A KKAOTtrrL ?RT IH.CC* TEETH. ?l?; SINGLE, JV $1; solid (old (llliaga 13, warranted; ?t?mma stcclmetit New fork Dental Ko?in?, .Vt 282 SmtM avenue. Estal>li>hed Mil. sunduyt uutlltwo. He in - m bt r No K2 ___ A CORAL RI'BBF.R SKT or TKRTH IN THRRR hourt?Itnprexsioii In the ior?iwun, tenth in Hm aitern?K)n. Thinv-murtn sirrct. near Broadwsr *?d Kl?tnavenn?. t oral rubber, v.-rr ?tron? flesh olored; gold ser*. pisuna ?eta whaiehone ranber ?*ls. PinranerA op-n ftwil*. Lip Lllter*. Up IVprjessra, Kecilators; nitrous oxide; me. hamcal rt'austry. ra5e green an Iron <iraud <treei icrrv. or Sitth avenue car*, or Broad war car* lietolt at fhim-lourt* wf -el Nkw Bitottiii. lw w,-n Thiry 'oorth ?re?t_ I\P. R.J. ROBKRT*. S BONO 8 KEPT, BRW TORE ? ' Artinriai Teeth on gold riattua and eoralit* ' i.leten ta a few ii >nrs. perfect -.imrori and lifelike ap I pearanre guaranteed, rrnniring l ei.her springs nor wire*, bring manula tared under a new proceea, by w ul, h fna?lic?tl?n snd arttctilatien are pertnvnently re.tored, ter:u 0 :e-l with adamantine or gold, a? the 1 esse r'e?olt??. I'r Boherts' pamphlet on the teeth la h> sith ami dt<ca?e <en? frea by mall . tnree rents ( MlTlllM. * T TUP, WKSrERB AOENT FTORE.?RECEIVING j\ large orders to pnrt!ha?c Wearing Apparel, Ladieg and gentlemen wld ptease takl iiartu ular notll-e there'll t< re. eive the lollowiug prices.?r or Mid I'reases, So to Woollen. ?'t to IIN; Coats. $,t to t'i . rants. 11 u> ; ' <trpet?, Ac. by railing en or addressing Mr. or Mr*. EO.'KNBERG, 2if> 7ihav.. two d<?. rs_abo?e West Mth tL IT EDWARD MII.LRB'S WELL KNOWN RATAB. J\ lishment. ?ig;h avenue near Waveney plaja. 1 the utmost value paM lor eaet-o# Clothing. Carpets, kc., . by i ailing ou or ad<lresst;vg Mr. or Mra MlLLhR. . AT B HARRIS1 wrw WtA>U?IIIH 1 r7l -'V Bread way, near Twsnty-eighth street, ia<Uea aal gentlemen receive the high?"t value for csat 0(7. Wearing I Apparel, call ?r ad 1 reaa. Broadway prioet paid. ATMBIXTf? Atwltrti. NEAR WAVERVEV PLACE, 1 A ladles and gantlrm''n can receive tha utmost value . f-r ca-t off Clolliiiig, Ac. Call ou or address Mr. or Mts. I UARRIR CirHWARTE, I,l'l BROA0WAT. WILL PAT TH* 1 O very highast pneea for la ltes' genrlemen'e es*t off Clothing, t all ?n ui adtlM*) ??JUWaETS, 1,'jI i Br^aWs,. ^