Newspaper Page Text
liWHT AND FOUND. D r OO LOW?SATURDAY AKIERSQOB. A BMALL, >- shatgv'. black Scotch Terrier with yellow breast Hid paws, pink l #w anil bull on collar. $10 reward will le paid ou return to > Kif li avenue. fpni'ND?A V ALU ABM? PACKAGE Or PAPERS. ' The owner can have ilie sauie bv describing nti<l pay. n,; for thl* advertisement. Mrs. IRliNE MACUiiADY, jio id! Bast Fourteenth street OUND?IN sr. PATRICK'* CATHEDRAL, ON April 27, a Gold Ring. Apply to Mr. HART, sexton, f i Prince street ITALIAN (.RKYHOUN'D LOST-FAWN COLORED: I blue collar. A i beral rowur.l lor Uer return to 1U H'ost Forty-fourth Ureet. r OST?HUNDAY, MAY 2, CHILD'S OOLD BUCKLE IJ ihiflil i'ln, going from Twenty-seventh street, on filth avenue, to r'ortl tli street nud Madison avenue to forty-third street. t-wider will receive u reward ou .caving it ?t il Kant Forty-third street. IOST-ON THIRSDAY AtTI.KNOON, l'ROBABLY J in a Third avenue car, u Lady'* l'ockctbook The fin lur will be rewarded by returning it to J. B. OlliBS, II i Na?s.;u street. "*j OST?A HLACK LAOl'. VEIL ON WKUNESllAY, I J about 2 I*. M., from Ninth stroet ami Second uve fno lu i w uiy sixth street and l our h avenue, on Mreot r Fourth uvenue car. Finjur wl 1 bo rewardru I y returning it to .-CU AllLEs MQ8., 1,111} Broadway. I OUT?A ' TBRU-STONE DIAMOND RING THB I j llmler will lie liberally rewarded by returning same So l.USS I'll rd avenue. J OST?ON MAY 2, A J0RGF.N8EN WATCH, NO. J 9,009. The Under will to rewardod by leaving the ?.me it o. 32'East Twentyuinlh street. I (>8r?KLAl-'K AND TAN 8l?01\ IN VICINITY IJ Twellth .street and Broadway; worn brass chain, padlock find i Inn ribbonutttcho l. Liberal reward >aid by returning her to Anthony House. ^ REWARDS. ~ Kill REWARD?WILL Up: PAU) BY MISS ANNIB jpl"" HI. A Ni) 11A Hi), No. I0S West - I hlrty-second I reel, Corn white Spit/. Do/, answers to I he name of Charley, lost on yesterday irons the above utfiiress. Jj ! n BBWARD?WILL BE PAID AND NO QL'K;-> i ?' tlona asked, by returning the Earrings taken by uUtako last week iroin 50 University place. ?? fc>rr REWARD,?LOST OR STOLEN, LA-T WED ?>??? ) nesiioy night, u gold Lookat, black enameled, in 1 Chain and two King*, one amethyst and the other >Pttl, with Mnnll diamond. l'ieasr. return to Mrs. WEED, 19 .-niroik street. JF THE I'KRSON WHO POUND A CANE-HANDLE 1 Umbrella lying on a ?liowease at I ilfany'li will reiurn lame io l"i We it Thirty-fourth street he will receivo a (uitabie roward. SPECIAL NOTICES. A -HAVANA LOTTERY, NEXT DRAWING MAY a fV . German government drawings. l'ri/.es cashed and Iniormaiioii given. WXUf'sMAN.N h CO., Bankers, 74 ?nd 77 Nassau street. * Post office box 3,318. A -KENTUCKY STATE .1NIILE NUMBER LOT A. tery, Havana plan; Simmons, Dickiusott A Co., Manaircrs. For circular of inform a lion uddiess their In: hori/.ed agent, J. CLUTE, 15.1 Fulton struct Knox Building. ? .A ? ATT1 NriON.?LSAAC Q. BOYCK, COUNSELLOR, . Notary Public. -'ti7 Broadway, practices in all Kiuris, State and United Mates; divorces obtained (iMuptly; passports obtained; law papera, accurately re pared. * FORTUNE FOR $1.?WYOMING SONTHLY /? draw* Mav HI. (Capital Ollt $8U.OOt,': second, |2:.,000; third. i'JO.OUU; fourth. $10,000: 70,751 smaller Iii'ls. the whole amounting to SAK'.UO. Never postponed, ickeu $1 each , fi for #5, ?S lor $a). Agents wanted. I lust rated Tunes mailed free, containing full pariicu ?rs. Al.Li'.N A CO., 7a Nassau street, New York. ,A ?KENTUCKY SINGLE NUMBKK LOITERY, ON J\, Havana plan, l'ri'es > a?hed and information liven. Lox S.iM i'ost otllcc, or 116 Nassau street. C. THEODOR ZSCUOCH. A?KENTTCKY-TATi' LOTTERY. DRAWS MAY 29. . f30U,tX? cash gitts. Havana plan. Cupital prise, SW.OOl. Capital priae, s50.t*H). Kentucky State Lottery. Draws Saturday. May 15. Combination seh.'tne. Cash gilts. $570,1/7. prizes, sa,:'.!#> nrizes. Oapltal prize, f U,0Ql). Tickets, $10; halves, S?; i|uaruirs, <2 50; eighths, tl "5. Circulars wltli full pariiriuars sent iree. P. C. DEVLIN, Mationer and Agent. atl Liberty street, New York. A?OFFICIAL DRAWING 1 OF TIIR KENTUCKY . Mate mil - he!b\ ? oliege Lotteries. lunitiv statk. XXTHZ li^sa 157?Mar 8. 117.1. K 43. 54. 11. 71, 53. 7. 41, 15, 63, 4?. 67, 53, St. tEBLIV. BZTUJI L'LA^S ''li?Ukf 8. 1875. is. 43, 9, S3, St, 75. 36. 47. M. 10. !W, 33, 19, 29. ?KNIL'CKT. CLZit ftj8?MAT S, IS75. b. 8, IX 46, 28, 70. 41, 27. SO, 4. ??. *0, 51, 43. 1BZLBT. CLASS .174??AT 8, 1875. 17. 49. 54, 87, 8, 65, U, 2i, 48. 29, 60, 17, 74. P. SMITH 1 CO. Managers, Covington, ay.; Post ^fflce bez J.7S1. New York A ?PARKS, EMERSON, A CO., AQENTjJ FOR ?/Kentucky Mute Lotteries, drawn daily. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 day*. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn May 29, IS75. Prizes cashed Information furnished and circulars lent bv au.treating PAicKs A CO., 180 Broadway, room i. Post ofll'-e box 5.Z72 Private office attached. Office hours 7 A. M. tilt 7 i". M. 5 UT TO-DAY. Kentucky State Single NumLer Distribution. tSOU.UUO IN GIFTS. Capital. $56,0(10; smallest, $10?all cash. Gilts Paul In lulL Drawing carta In .or money roiunded) on Tickets, $10; Halves, ?V. ijuar'ers. $3 SO. TUOUA.S B. HAYS A CO.. 00# IlroaJ wr?y, New York. Books and accounts investigated, bal euced mid cloted by an efficient accountant; terms lud by tub or day. Address 11.. bo* S.4&: fust office. C^lLTnA OAEL.-THE MEMBERS OK TUK CLAM / na uael A*? elation are !*?;>? ctlully Invited to at tend the ul our late brother, William O'Brien, from the resbleniv,- of Francis Hnrke, 21ft Court street, Brooklyn, on ?unday. Mayj>. at 2 o'clock P. IL BUR iNIC CATARKU, DKAFNBSH.?AN ASSOCIA tlon ol phVMcians at 30 Wed Twenty toorth s'reet, few York, treatlm/catarrh ami deslnev, exclusively, /raploy Dr. Kecks method and cure every case. CASH "dlPT 8 $??,0UO-KK.\TUCST SI ATE 81NQLB number drawing. May 29. Circulars of informa tion sent Iree. BAT Kb A CO.. 196 Broadway. K LEASES OF MKN AND IMPORTANT MRDICAL and Surgical case* a specialty. HENRY A. DAN L.8, M. D., 14i Lexington av., near Twenty ninth si "ir*oB J? India Robber Horse Shoes, instead it Iron ones, an old Vienna (li in wants the excln ii\r right ol ssle lor ttie Austrian I' tnpire and the vanubian Principalities; il nucury, the patent risht will be secured tor the countries above named, Please address 0. K. box J.??> i'oit office (care oI Messrs. llaas ?ns.etn A Vogler), Vienna. Austria. fjMKMAN- BKADTIrlSR FOB TDK COMPLEXION? X A great remedy tor making the i-iln clear and Dure; will remove and blotches; it u a perfectly harmless compound, being purely vegetable; return of tnoney gaarsnteed ir satisfaction Is uot Kiven; price SI per botue, seat C. (J. D. Address li. FlitHAti, 186 Filth avenue. Great exhibition or exotic plants, fd9 Broadway, by BALMfl BKOS.. Importers. Large assoritneut ol all kinds of Plants for parlors and Star lens, Fru.t Trees ol the finest varieties known at this Say. amonit which we call ntlemlon to our Pear, At pie. Peach. Plum. Apricot, Cherry. Hg and Chestnut Trees; 4loiseberry. currant and Raspberry Bushes; China Wal nut I ree. < choice of Monthly Hoses, Including the Gold Ball of China. Paul r.eyion, The uold Placon, Ac., which are all <>f an extra size. Roots and Bulbs (bloom ing iroin 0 to 8 months). Heed". Ac. Havana fbizes evert fifteen days. One prize of finomw one prise of. M'.OOO One prise of Two, f 10,000 esch.... ao.niio One prise of 5 (TO Ten. SI.(TO each I0,u00 111 prwoa.$a<s) each, SAflOO 7i.V 93 <? each 314,300 Prizes cashed. < Ircnlars of information free. Highest price paid for Spanish gold mid Governments. T. B. MAktINRZ A CO.. Rankers. 10 Wall st 'rear basement), .V Y. Post oHIce box 4/A> a TAN A. l.OTTKRT. fl i Prize of SU,<W 1 Prise of 21MM) 2 Prizes, each of ? 10,000. 30.000 1 Prize of. 9.000 10 Pi tzes, each of ?1.0110. 10, (TO fcti other I'cizes. am<>unting to 37D.UOO Circulars at lntermation furnished free. Orders filled. Prizes cashed. Spanish Bank Notes, Doubloons and gov ernments purchased. .. _ _ Taylor A CO., Bankers. 11 Wall street. New Tori. Havana LOTTBBT. f?8 .001 distributed In prises Msy 31 l Prise of $ino.N? 1 Frtze of 80,0)0 ?1 Prise of .. 2&.000 3 Prizes, each of ?I0,(J00 ' ?,uoo 1 Prize of.... #,'?W 10 Prizes, each of fl.Ofl 10 iX? 8W other Frizes, amounting to. 270,'*0 Clrcuisrs of information tarnished free, orders filled. Prizes cashed. panlsh Bank Notes, Doubloons anil governments purchased TATLOK a CO.. Bankers. 11 Wall street. New York. H DANZIOER, VERMIN DESTROYER AND manufacturer of tne Indian Insect Powder and Magnetic Paste. Office 57 Bowery. JT RNTCCRY STATE LOTTBRT. Heals Number Scheme. First Prize $50,000. en Frizes of $1,000 esch. ?.380 FrUes, amounting to f30J,000, wUl be drawn at Covington, Ky., Mar 29, 1?75> Whole Tickets, tia Baivrs, |A Quarters, tl 50. Address all orders to J. E. RfiF.Nnan. Broker, 80 Chatham street Private entrance trum ( bambers street. V WKPJIJL?TATK StNOLE NUMflRIt LOTTRRY. JV LINDAUER A C"., Cigar Dealers, 1S4 Mer er street, ihres doors above Houston street K-ornciAi. dkawina op tiir kknTucxy . > tau Uttsri?s, Sirumnns, Dickinson A t'e., Mana !?*-??*?*?r, BStU 114ISK0. Si7-?av a W-: 75, ?. 44, 01, ?, 4, 49, ? 8?, ?7 oa 06, K. _ tairtocir, am ho. :t 8? sir 4 igjl 17. 58, 30, 10. 24. 72. 70. 43. M. 4? Si* M. 4A is??t, bitba d iss no. 403?nsr H. 1*75. IS, S?, 14. ? 4. 43, 1M?. 5H, 7S, \\ SB. 3, H 8 . nsuBt, 1-i.sss no. 401?bat t, is7j. 13, 7a US ?L W. -.7. -2. 88. 10, S) 11 M, A by t-? or addressing J. 1BLUTB, 200 Bifijdway, roosi t, hrst floor, rear ottos, or Post ottce box 4.3HL J I " '" $4Mi,or*i dlstribnted In prises May & l Prise or Iioo.ono H. SPECIAL. WOTICE!^ TTENTUCk/ STATE LOTTEBY. FINGLE NUMBER SCHEME. (Authorized by special act of ttie Legislature.) fur the Beuoflloftho University of PaducaU. $300,001) to be distributed among the holders of Tickets. FIBaT 1'BiZ K, $5.),C00i The drawing to take place at Covington, Ky., May 20, IS75. ' No discount on Prizes? Every Prlzo paid In full. SIMMONS, DICKINSON <fc CO.. Managers. Fclieme. 1 Priza o($5\OOOls $50 001 1 Prize of ai. iw te. iO,t).;) I Pr.x? of lo.CO la W.tfcO is Prises of 9,000 arc 25,1*0 10 Crises of 2.5U0 are IM':j SO Prizes of I,') Oaro .... flb.t 0J 5i) Prizes of 500 are 25.0.*) 50 Prises of 25 'are 12,';00 l.'O I'rizosot luo.irc 10,000 5,WW fnzc* of I-j lire UU.0U0 Approximation Prizes. 4 ol $1.0.10 approximating to $50,000 are $12,00) 4 of l,i;25 approximating to ao.uuiure t>,.*U) 1 of 1,0.0 ai>i r ixiuiatiug to lu.uojare : l.u.O 5,280 Prizes, amounting to $300,003. Whole Tickets, $10; Halves $.v Quarters, $! 50. Kemeinber, that every Prue is drawn and payable m fall, without deduction. These drawings are uevor post poned, but take place regularly the last Sat unify of each month. Send for circular. Address all orders to SIMMONS, DICKINSON * CO., Covington Ky. -]/- ?KENTUCKY STATU SINGLE NUMUBll LOT JV. tery, on Havana plan, drawn May 29; also R U Havana of Cuba, druwn May. Kti'l information by ap plying lo or addressing J. CM Ti?, .1)0 Droadway, or box 4,969 Post office. LOltD A TAYLOR, GRAND AND CHRYSTIK STUB TS. Enu'iish body nrusscl $1 50 and $1 75 English and American . apoftry Si UO anil 1 1 !? MME. VILLANT DUBS UP L.1UK CURTAINS AT 75c. to $1 a window; also fine Laces at very low puces. 112 West fortieth street, between Broadway and Sixth aveuue. ONTHLY LOTTERY.?$50,000 FOB ii. ; IX TICKETS for $5. Kor lull particular* address J. M. 1'ATIBK, laramie City, Wyoming; or, ALLEN A CO.. 72 Nassau street. New York. FFICB or HIE NEW YORK MUTUAL GASLIGHT M O ' Company, northeast corner Fourth avenue uo l six teenth street, Union <tunarc, New York, May 8, 1875. ? The annual meetiim ol llio stockholders ol the New York Mutual Gaslight Company for t ;o election ot 16 di rectors and three inspectors of election lor the ensuing year will be hold at the ofllco of the company, in the citv ot New York, oil Tuesday. May 18. 1875. tlM polls tor which election will be opened between the hours o. 12 M. ana 1 o'clock P. M. of day.- The trans er books of tile company will bo closed for ten days tlO flays; prior lo said election. By order of the Board of ' irec tors. CHAULES PLACE, Secretary. ONE CHAP.GE.? AUVICE AND MEDIC IN K; ALL dlsaasis treated; oases taken cured; open daily and Sundays. W, K. BARRETT, M. D., 3J Greenwich ave nue, corner Charles street. QFPICK OK THE Bt'AKD OK EXCISE, 299 MUL berrv street 'Ihelioardof Excise In and for the city of New York gives public notice that it will be in session .tuily (Sun days excepted) during the month oi May for the purpose ol receiving applications for licenses for the ensuing year to -ell strong und suirituous liquors, nines, ale and beer in arcot dauc the laws of (lie -tale of New York, at the following rates of Uceu e tecs, which buvo lueu established in conformity with chapter c.19 of the Laws of 1H7.1. viz. Class 1.?Kor first diss hotels, restaurants, saloons, Ac., the suui of $250. Class 2.?Kor -wound cluss hotels, restaurants, saloons, Ac . the sum of $1IXJ. Clas-i 1 ?I or all other places where strong and spirit uous liquors are sold und drunk upon the premises, tho sum of $75. Class 4.?Kor storekeepers, druggists and all places strong and spirituous liquors are sold in quantities less than Avegatonsaia time, and not drunk upon the premises, the sum ot $?0. C,ass Kor all places where ale and beer only are sold, au-t no sirong or spirituous wines or liquors, the sum ot $30. class&?Kor all places where ale and beer onlv aro so d, not to be drunk upon the premises, the sum of $30. Class 7.?For all places where wiu- ale and beer only, and ao Intoxicating liquors, are sold, lo be drunk upon the premises, the sum or $30. The amount of the llceuse fee in each case must ac company the application. Parties receiving a license will be furnished with a copy of the law regulating the sa c of intoxicating liquors, and a strlot compliance therewith will be re quired. Attention is directed to the provisions of the law rela tive to closing on the Sabbath, and troiu 1 to 5 A. M. other da vs. No license will be granted to knjwn proprietors of. or places nsea for, houses of pros.ltution, gambling, or any immoral or uniawinl purpose. Notice is also glvan that a book for the registry of complaints for violations ol Exclsu laws Is opeu in this office. No person Is anthotizad to receive any payment on account of this Board except at its office and during of fice hours. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. JAM li.S L. STEWART. D. D. T. MARSHALL, WM. IL STINEIS, .. . Commissioners of Bxclsc. New York, May 1,1875. POCO TIEMPO COAR-r $4 PKlTlOO; PKR LOOO, $M; other Havana Clirars; also Hav i'.um. in bond or duty pad; prices reduced: Altagracia Smoking Tobacco. $1 per ponn.i. J. W. CABLE, IS Old slip. QTUTT!- B1NG.?iFnITEI) STATES KTAMMKKINO IN. O stituie (Dr. WHITE), 417 Fouith avenue Nut York; best references; no pay until perfectly cured. Call or seud for circular. SPECIAL NOTICE-MR. G OR<?K~ C. NEED HAM, tho celebrated Evangelist, has consented to give Biblo rc.idiug'. In the Church of thn Disciples, oornor of Forty flftn street anil Modlson avi ntte, on Monday, Tues day, Wednesday anil Thursday evenings ol this wee!:, beginning at s o'clock. All will bo welcomed. The ferkyboat governor's island leaves every hour from the Custom lionse pier, at the Bat tery, for Governor's Island; lnspocll >ii of me troops at 9 A.M.; music by the band at 4 P M. followed by dress parade half an hour belore sunset to-ilay. The oklf.bbated eclecticmbdidal manipu laior bas recently arrived and may oc consulted on all diseases. 258 West Twenty third street. TO UPHOLHTBRBR*.? MATMlf-EH ItFPICKKO AS good as uew In IS minutes, by st*uui. at KANTOM'd. 172 Centre street, near Canal. HENS-GIVING $500 PROFIT A TEAR; 8YR ? tem rat-nied; g .Id and silver medals and several diplomas awarded, no hnmbug: one million people ssw It working at state and couutv lairs; !?>. k. explulnuig how, 50c.; circnlar. Sc. l'rof. A. CuRBETT, Hicksviiio &'*nn -RBHTUCKT state lottery, ?OUU.Ul/U. sitiirle numbers. May 23, 1875. $100,1*10 Muuourt -tale, May 15. 1875. H. nathan, No. ?Oilaey Building, CorttanJt ?trcet. New York. RPORTINCUDOUS. Illltlis, <fcc. A ?FnR 8ALB-ALL KINDS Or FANCY 1)003. i\ ? Birds. Ac ; Medicines tor all diseases; Prepared roo.1 for mocking birds, at B. O. DOYBY'S, No. SOrceue street, near Canal. LDERXEY B Ut>L, VuLjT BLOOD: HAS TAKKrf first premium. .young and a purfeet pictori;, for sale cheap, or lu exchange tor a gooJ tarro florae or Furniture, cash basts,?Addr..-ss 8. DLLAIIAY. WestflelJ, N. J. Adirondack riflk and shot breechloader^ made to order f?r $H'?; price $75; also 9 lb. Breech loader lor MH H. C. (?(jl'lllil, Wo. 1 Cortlandt street PREMIER QUALITY 8COTT OI'N. Willi CASKS complete, lor sale; ten gau?e. ulno pounds: mane to ordi r and nearly uew. Apply to O. W. DAVIS, 79 Nassau street. BOUT PLlKb.?I HAVE ON~HAND A LIMITED number of Trout Flies, made by a first class fisher man. Any gentleman wishing a flr?i clAxt article will pleaxi addresa O. H. M., Herald Uptown Branch office. for one week. ATC rOK A FAITH rut. WATCHMAN A YEAR.-I ?P 1 ? I will sell a pure Kosslan bloodhound, excellent watchdog, lor $S0; cost to keen a rear $25 A. WHITB, No. 6 Murray street TUB TIIKK. A T FLEETWOOD PARR -FIRST SPRING MERTlNcf; JX premiums ?U,MU, May 18.19, 20. 11, IS75-First day. pnrse $1,OOJ. 2 50 class; same day. purse class; second day. purse $1,?J0 2:31 class; itrns dav, purse ? l.UOO, double teams, lor horses that never beat 2:30; third day. parse, SI..K.U 2:3? class- same dav. parse $2,900, 2 :24 class; fourth day, parsa tl.OUO, 2 JX) class; same day, purse $1.000,130 class. Entries close on Mon day, Mav lo, at $ P. M., at Johnson Bros. See psrtl. u lars In Turt, Field and Farm and Wilkes' spirit All communications to be addressed to DARIUS TAi.LM A.N, JOHBSON BBQ8 , FleetwoodParL AUCTION AND FRENCH FOOiJ HOLD BYE BY morning and evening during the week on the run ning races at Islington. By., at the New York Torf Ex change. 15 West Twenty-eighth street; entries sud re* sulu by telegraph. KELLY, BLlss A CO. Auction and frenoh pools soTd at joiin son's Fool Booms, corner ot Broadway and Twen ty eighth street, every morning ami evening on the run ning race at Lexington, Ky. Full r> turns received by Western I'uion Telegraph. Particular attention paid to all orders. Vv. ii. a r. b. Johnson. Auction and frkn<;h pools will bb (?old ou Monday and every day this week at Oeorge Shaw's pool room, northwest corner of Broome and Buwery, ou the Lexington and Deerfoot races. _______ OEQBOK BHAW. BIBFOOT DRIYI.NO PARK. First spring meeting 1879. riRST DAY-TUE.SDAY, MAY U? No. 1.?'Purse $>00 tor 3:10 cWas. closed with 15 entries. No. 2.?I'nrsc $100, for JOS elate, close,! with 7 entries. HkCOND DAY-WhDNE DAY, MAY 12. No. Purse $2iX), unde r saddle, closed with 4 entries. Noi 4.-Purse $10>, for 2:33 class, closed with 5 entries. THIRD DAY-thursday, MAY 13. No. R?Purse $200, tor 3 in In. clsss, closed with Gentries. No. R?Purs> for 2 :S8 class close I with 7 entries. kOI RTll DAY?FRIDAY, MAY 14. No. 7.-Pnr?a fli), for class, closed with 10 entries. No B.?Purse $'.00. lor 2 HQ class, closed with 4entrlis. Admission to ail p irts nt the track, $1. Members will please have their tickets along. WM. McMAHOW, Proprietor ^JRAND SI'BINO TBOTTINO CIRCUIT. Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Hartiord, Providence and Boston. Preinlams, $7.',(k 0. For programme ana particulars see ,rSplrlt ol the Times." Special notice Owners and drivers are hereby notified that no entrf Of auv horse or irom any person who u under penalty of suspension can be reeeired, not* Ithst uniting they may propose to effect their relntralmint bcion the dav ot lie rare. All persons and horses to be eligible to emry in tt.ii cix. uit iuujI b? Irae Iroiu penalty Lalors u ki iu THR TUB*. MA* S, !S7?, FLBBTWOO0 PARK.?NOTICE U hereby giveu that the rnib House la open to the public ut all time*-, also Macomb's Dam Bridge- la fixed to urivi* over. JOHN D BARKY, fteoiwood Clubllouae. 1>*OHPECT I'A UK. FAIR GROCNOS ASSOCIATION.? Spring Meeting, 1875 premiums, I12,001; June 1st, id, 3d acd uh. 1st day?Purse No. 1. ti.txki. lor 2:44 class. lit day?Purso No. 2. si,5 m. lor 2'4S olass. 2il day?Purse No. t, i' r iinleluM. 2d dny?Purse No. 4, '* tor 2:3 c ass. 3d d-y?Pur?e No. 5, Jtl.noO, lor 2:40 class. 3<t tlaj? Pur-o No. u. $:, for 2 -21 class. 4tii day?Purse No. 7 lor 2:34 class. nil 'I y?Pur.e No. K, ti.i'JO. lor 2:29 class. Entries close Mondav evening. May 10, at9o'clock. and rousi !><? addressed to the undersigned at 15 Wmt i wonty cigtith street. New York. OEOliUE W. OAKLEY, Superintendent. R..MKMBLRI REMEMBER! THE ENTRIES OLOK TO-MORKi i\V. TO-MORROW. PHILADELPHIA.-POINT BREEZE PARK ASSO CIATE .. SI'RINO TKOTTINO Meeting, Premiums *12,00'A Mat 26TH, 2?TH, 27111 AND 29IH. 1.175. FillST OA Y?Puree ?1.0UU, lor 3:46 elans. S.UIK UAV? fj.ftuo. lor 2:2# class. SECOND l>AY?Purse 81,501, lor -:Sl class. HAM IS OA Y?Purse *2.5 U, lur 2:22 cla-i. TLlluO DAY ? l'urse $I.UI?', lor '1sk) clan*. SAME DAY?Purse $1,5*1, tor 2:24 class. FOL'KTll DaY ? I'urs.j #!,5?>, !or 2 :M class. SAM: OA V?Pur.^e ftl.SOII, lor J: tfi ' ENT.ilBS CLO.sE to-morrow (Monday), May 10, at nilio o'clock 1*. M. ii:ttl mil t lie addressed lo CHARLES M. TOWN. Secretary, No. 121 r.ouUi Fourth street. Philadel phia. Pa. Horses can be shipped <1 root to tbo irao;, via Peunajlvtutia Railroad. ami any r.XT&A KllEI ill' eharged over common horse rates trom New Yoik to Point Breeze Park YYiUL HE REKliNDEU by the asso ciation. HO.HSKS, t ARKIAiilSn. <SC. ABB. STRATH HAS ARK1VK I) F. OM LEXINGTON, Ky., with io young 'lrot:ers. which lie olibra for sale at reasonable ratcj. Can be seen at 2U3 Bust 1'vven tjr-iourth street, 4 OKML' M tN SELLING OUT IIOK8EP. PlIAliTGN, _fV Wagoi s, Harness, Blankets, Ae.,?t a bargain; best city maker.-. good as now. Private slabie No. C West Ninette:: th itrcet; near K.nii aveuue. VO-MOUROW (MONDAY , .MAY 10, Ai' 11 O'OUK K PROMPT, AT ol'ABf.E NO. 3 NE1LSON PLACE, MaflCKR .sT., BETWEEN WAVERLEY A^U CLINTON PLACID, AN:) REAR OK NEW York HOTEL, OK THE ENTIRE PRIVATE KOAO AND tAMII.Y TURNOUT, ok Raphael j. nkcburoep. esq., BY CHAR I B ' C. UOFK, AUCTIONEER, including a fine and last bay (ieldlng, 15.S!i hands Ii'tf Hyearso.d: was sired bv Eureka, dam riv Kvsdu.k's Uainhlctouiun; was rulseu und bred in Dutchess cmin'v, and can aiw ?vh iro >,ut und show belter than 2 45; trotted a full mile at Newburn last tall in 2 :J2'. he is very .styli .li in huriies* ami u game and prompt driver, be is war ranted sou id ntid kind. Also a very tust and handsome bay Mare, 1A*, hands hlvl , 7 years old; was siren t>y ltd war.1 Evorott. dum by American :;tar; sh< ha> lius actio'.), *err luu . utar, with great en hirnnoe; !rotted a few cays a^o on Kloeiwoo I truck a lull tnile In 2:33. without sli?i or break: ?lic has extrv styie. limb-lieiiUed, with due action; prompt driver; no lugger or puller; fhe Is afraid of nothing; cjii be driven In any oue, and is second to no young trotter llvlntj; site is fully warr.?ntcd sound and kind. Also a handsoiuo and hloo lo I sorrel U 'Iding.lMj bands high, 6 years old ; sired by Keutu ky Clay, dam by Pilot, and is without any exception unit or the finest roml horses in the . tnte; he bus tine lictlon and great endur ance ; is a bold and tearless driver; can boat 2:30 to top wuKon and has never been trained to develop his si eed| lie can be driven by a lady; he is Snoly proportioned, an.l goes in gre.<t style, and u* a gentleman's road or family horse stands unsur; .issej; tie is warrauted sound and k;nd. Also, tine brown Geiding, 15,^1 hl^'h, six years old, and si rod by lingua Charts; nam an Ab.allali imtre, with record ot kuoiwn ?s llie Iiailev Mare, lie was raised at Kalamazoo, Mich., and trotted a utile on (rack at that place in 2:3S; he has Improved in speed.since, and can trot now In 2:3fti Is very (loci e uud gentle in stable or harness; he is vrariauted soun I and kind. Also, the very lund ome aud fast thorougnbred bay Gelding, I H hands high, six years old; was sited by Henry Clay, nam by l'ilot, Jr. lie has lull mane and tall, and was raised by R. A. Alev.inde.r: he can trot (.lu'.'le or double in 2.43; is a.i extra liii.e, easy and plea ant driver; is one oi the hanusomcstgaited lior.-es when speediu'-' lob* found; is bouesl in.d me v.hcn In company, and to pole lias no superior an l few equals; he is warranted sound and Kind, and t:oo ircui vice, trick or lau.t Also one ot the finest gentleman's road or track horses in the .state; he is 15 hands high, fi yoars old; wim sirod by Qolodust, dam by Kentucky llui.tor; he is lu co ora deep sorrel, wit!) full inane and tell: Is a str.iii?ht, prompt and level trotter: makes no mistn .es when in compuny;can pu 1 a :oal tvn;an i:i 2:J5 andcanspecd a 2:25 gait: lie Is well known on road am) Park, and is v. ry seldom benten; he has no public record, having lievar trotted lor iu(,uey; trotted at ? arrnganFett Park last fall, owner driving, a Drlvatc trial, In 2:11){, when owner re I used a large sum of money for him ; lie Is warranted soun,i und kind, atul uiustbe seen to be appreciated. Also a Brewster top. drag, pole and lead bars, one extension top Park Phaeton, one top Pony Ph' o'.on, one open Basket Phaeton, one lud spring top Wagon, one side bar Road Wagon, one open Wagon, single und double Harness. Blankets. Robes, Whips. Ac. Stock now on exhibition at stuhle as above for trial and exatnlnatloa NO POSTPONEMENT ON ACCOUNT OF WEATHER, A?AT AUCTION. . O. W. JENKINS AUCTIONEER. On Monday, May l'?, at 12 o'clock, at private stable. No. II Kiitecnth street, between union square an f Fifth avenue, being the property of 'a gentleman going abroad, a very handsome und stylish ciossed mulched Team a dapple grey and a b :y, (1 years old, IBH Hands, with flowing manes and talis; pedigree Messentrer end ulsy stock; trot in about 3 minutes or IS miles Althln the hour; they are the best pair of roadsters In the State, and are warranted sound and kind in all harness: a lady can drive thum single or double aud are both extra fine sad dle horses. Aiso citv made two seat Wagon. poId and shafts, very light and uubby. with Hue single and double Har ness. No. 4 1st the lad Trotting Mare Lady Columbus, sired by Columbus. C vea s o'.d. I'.S hands high; sound and kind, and warranted to trot tu i:4 > or lrl miles within the hour, and is one ot the best iruited mares iu the -state. No. 5 Is the fast Trotting l'av isor.e Comtuolorc, 7 ye?r? old, l.'S hands huh ; waiTUnu-d sound aud kin l, and to trot In 2:30 (Commodore was sired by Mai sliall's Patchen hor?e ol Now Jerseyt; with a ilulit side bar top rou.i Wagon ; one lop depot Wagon, to carry four persons, with set single Harties*. OenUemen i!?sln>us of purchasing fine stylish stock will do well to attend this sale. Neither of the horses have to wear a single boot and do not brush or cut a hair; ?aic poal'.lve. A ?UlDii 10 DAY OH TO-morrow, OK TUESDAY, at thu very latest, BEHIND George D. Ilaunn'.< (OK BOtl'.HiiN coun'y, Kentucky) i'BEMIlM rock of Oreen Trotier* and all suited sad tie Horse*. to UK Mold ON WEDvB-iDAY, May 12, at II o'clock, AT BaKKKB 4 SUN'S CITV AUCTION Mart and New YorK Tatieraall's, COrtNKtt OK nr?i.lwav and birty ninth street. SEVENTEEN III:A,) of the finest. and mr>*t promts!ng ever aeen or known; tho F.wrhsT Tllol'. THUS, the moat e.egant combined stDDLE and Har m-as Hi.rwt, broke o all known Kentucky saddle gaits, CATALtKillbs, WITII full pedigrees, <ieacrtiition.\ A?., can he had at the offices of me .-?pint ol tIn* ime? and 'lurl Meld an I Farm, or at BAKKElt A ON'ti, cornT ot Broadway and Thirty-ninth street M A K k a no e of the above und com* aul look the ?toe * over. AMHT BAHKKR A SON'S, CUT AUCTIONEER MART AND NEW YORK TAT. TKRH ALL'S. CORNER OF BROADWAY AND SvTll 8TREET. M \J?>lt CriAKI.k> W. BAKKf R, AUCTIONEER. RKUin.AK .SALES of Hornet Mil l urrlage* .to EYe-R* WEDNESDAY A .it liATURDAY. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. MRBSR?. BARKr.R AS >N take bride and pleasure In rt'ierrlng to the Urge number of extraordinary and unparalleled-ale* ot valuable trotting Stock that have taken place at their Mart during the pa?t tew nionUii to *av nothing of those yet to come off. UENTLEMBV "AVINU Horse* Carriage* 4c.. to die &ose or will do well to make early arrangements at thl* Bart a* it* cla? ot buyers and unequal;,>.l facilities. in eluding the large driving track, make It second to none in America. AM SIDE BAR rjp WAOON, BY K. M. STIVERS: 1 Coupe, by Lawrence; 1 Clarence, by Miner A Ste vens 1 .'aiou< he. I Landau, by Miner A ,-teven*; 2 six seat Phaeto n: top and open 1'ony Phaeton* of all ityle*- Depot Wagon*, too and no lop: 20 top and open Road Wagon*, by the licit city tn ikeri; 1 Hulkey, by Caffery : 2 Skeleton Wagon*, top and open Express Wag en* 1 C. upe, I Berlin Coach, I Fine Clarence, I Dog Cart. Kockaway* of all Kin It. flame**, Blanieta, Ac. WM. II. ORAY, 20 to W Woostar street At auction, tukhday. may it, AT 11 O'CLOCK. BY VAN TAMRMi A KEARNEY, AT THEIR MAR". 110 AND 112 KAST THIRTEENTH STREET, BUNNTNO HORSE. THE CHLEBRATRD RACE HORSK MIDNIOHT, thorouKUbred brown gelding, l.V-? hand* high, 7 rear* old, bv Donerail, be by Lexington, dam Amanda More head. bv Importe ! (iieneo, great dam by John Mcliard* (for tnrtber pedigree see Bruce'* stud Book): won a good two mile race ovar 8 hurdle* at Charleston ia*t winter, time 4.03V AM PHAETON FOR HALE CHEAP-HREWS1 KBM make: on* at the handsomest in tba city; also a Road Wagon. Call at 999 <lxtti avenue. A -BUT OK MANUFACTURERS; SAVE COM WIS . a'on; new Rorkawa.vs, $121; Depot Wagon*, f 140; top Boggle*. *140; Bualne-e Wagon*. Sin). exieu*ion too Phaeton, ltgntl.xpraaa.tl00. all Mveath avenue, near Thirty-aeventh street AKINB TEAM OK COACH HORSKR, BAYS, Iflfj' hand*: gold plated llarne** und Imported- French Coach, built to oroer bv Hinder Krear. ol Paris-, the establishment of a lady now In Europe can be sold separately Inquire at atable No, H7 West llilrty ?evcntli *tre?L A LADY'S fONY TURNOUT FOR SALE?PONY I.IK handa. let black; 6 years old; warranted sound ana kind, will ?tan I by steam cars; ha* been u-? , by an invalid lady and i* very last; also top Phaeton and Ha rues*. In good order; a irlal given. Apply at stable lfll Eaat Twenty eighth street A? FOR SALE. ONE PULL SPMNO SQL'ABE BOX . top Wagon; one three-quarter seat square box no top Trotting Wngnn: both built l.jr Brewster A Co, of Hrooine street and In good order. Inquire at LKaD BETTEB's stable, Broadway aud Forty mth street Avery sttli.-h, lioiit four-wheeled Dog cart, by Wood Brother*, In fine order, can lie bought cheap at (table, 114 West I wenty-sevenih street. Avery fine team or strawberby.i<oan car rlage Horse* lor *ale ; 15 hands, 6years old, sound and kind, t'aii before ?) A. M or attur o 1'. M. al la.' Johnson street, near (told, Brooklyn. A -STIVERS SIX SEAT phactoif, l.IOHT AND . stylish Saratoga Stables, Thirty seveuth street and Lexington avenue. A-carriaubr . EZRA MAHSfl, 18 Hast Eighteenth iireet, near Br(.adwav, All gtyle* flne Carriages at reasonable prices, our own makn and narrantail. 1 aclory, Newark, N. J. Repairing done by best worgmen. ATOF WAOOM for gnla. at Ml Market strtel A PPAN OK I. A ROE FAMILY CARKIaOE HORSES, 11 sound reliable an I kind, lor sale; also Landau, Us""" A*. ??- M Jhuuilh. 151 Wen UsUteentii *1, A HOBSgg. CARHlAQgg, ?C. A? Brewster a oo of ukoome STtttgr, inn" ? Carriage aud Road Wagons We are now asluLKina ht our v.areroome, riitu avruue and Fourteenth stroet, the production ?i our laetory during the paat winter moutiia, comprising a lance variety of Carriages m styWe now foabionable In Parte and f.ondon. tonoiUcr with the iitchier vehicles especially itfapted to our own roads. In seasonable carriages may be found thu newest designs In Landaus, I.andan'.eU, Cabriolets. Victorian <? rand .'lotorlaa, Barimchil Vis-a-Vfa, K'aru, Drw Carta, Pbae'ons, Pony ritae'on*. Spider Phaetons. These in great variety of style. exquisitely finished hi ilio softest French morocco* and In fashionable shade* Blue, Brown. Maroon, Green ant Chocolate. Wo are also cxh biting nil varieties of the BREWSIBR W A ON, including our Improved sxle bar, which ena'lesntt to produce the best riiiluu light wagon ever made. and the oi;l v side bar Wat on free trotn "later" and vibration. Our improvement add* nothing to the weight and give* additional gti wnuth and security. In aolclilitg an m> speciion oi our sloei W( leg lo assure the pubii" thai in excellence ol aeswn una workmauship it his uevsr been equalled in tins country. Our revised Price List aiay be hud on application. iJltJ.W.M'KR A CO., of Breoine si reef. OPTION HOUSE OF VAN TAB-ELL A KKAHNEY 111) AND 114 MA T THIRTEEN II STREET, NEAR FcUBTH AVENUE, RKOULAIt SALES OF IToi7.SE* AND CARRIAGES WILL Be. HELD liVKKJf rl'Es.'AV AND FRluAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK.. OENiLIMKN msHlNOTO PURCHASE. OR THOSE having Horses aud Carria re* to sell, v.-1 1 Hn 1 this house perfectly reliable, as this t>uiino*? will la conducted ou the same straightforward principled v. Inch have gov erned it !n the oast. WK OIVK T11H PDBQSA '? rt OK It VERY HORSE that is warranted soun d from at to h iiOL'll J FOR TRIaL lIor*ae, Carriage*, Hitrncsi, Blankets, Kobos, Ac., always mi liuu 1 at private sale. UttBKAI. AO V A MIES MAO'S ON CON.-lfiNM I'.MlS 1 UCTION HOUSE OK AR(||i. JOHNSTON A (late Johnsioa b Viiu Tasi? II), office 67 Liberty sireet (h'vening I'ost I nil img'. THE HORSE AUCTION BRANCH OF OUR HOUbE. IJ IO 2> THIRTEEN" II STREET, near L'nlversi y J>1. Ot SALES OF HOUSr.S AND 0ARRIAOE8 TUESDAY AM) FlilDAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. 14 io AU hours' trial on horses warranted COUU1. The business will lie conduclcd i.n precisely the same strict and honorable principle* wlnoli have al ways characterized the dealings ot our liou-e eii.l won llie respect and confidence of the business com uiuultv as well as the public in large. lllE STAMP OK OUR HOUoE IS RELIABILITY. T PRIVATE SaLI'.?AN RLKOABT FAMILY ES- j labliahiiu-ut: team dark bav Horses, all black points, I-")1^ bands, S years; kind and true In all liar- | :'re- friun Mce; An excellent i tniiv team; in | every wsy rc iublo for unv use; st\ llsli ami free drivers; warranted sourni a so t'.irk Phae ton, bv Wool llr. s . Victoria, in good order, double liariicia by Stiliings. Ac. H not dlipos?do| betoro Tuesday, Slav II. at Uto'clock, tbey will be thee si>:d at auction al ARCH. JOHN TO.s'S Mart, 111 to S Tnirteeutn street, near University place, where they are now on exhibition. , A BEAUTIFUL HALF SPUING TOP BOAD WA iON, in perfbet or.ler; built bv Waterman: will sell low, as I have no ose lor it. Apn'y to owner Letwcen 12 and S o'clock. U Charlton street. A GENTLEMAN WILL BS|,I. HIS FINE IloRSEl nearly new side bar top Wajoa and Harness, al In very lino condition, for St/i>; cost $1 'Ml. Address PARK, box 175 Herald oftice. ________ Beau iful bay mabe, s ykars old, n( hands ; fast: <oun,l; uow side bar ton W:\({on, Har ness, Ac. ? great bargain. Address HOWARD, box -17 Herald office, or call at corner Keiu avenue aud Wiisou street. Brooklj n. By C. I). FAVOR, AUCTIONEER.?ATTRACTIVE sale of llorses, fine Carr.agea, Harness, Blankets, Robes, Whips, Ac., ui the stables of tbe ? .Hincvelt Man sion. s: 8 Hroadwav, on riiursday : also Fnralture. Par ticulars lu time Catalogues at store ol M. E. tAVOR, l i East Fourteenth street Business wagons fob sale?all mzes, to curry from e.gbt lo thirty Sjndredwaljrht Mllptic and platform siirinns, suirli as Butcher's, Baker's, (!ro oer's. Plumber's, Milk ait 1 txpress. Some Ci.ntractor's Trucks. A large as-iorinicut constantly on Imnl at BaBRETTS Wauon Factory, loruer ol Navy and Joliugon streets. Biooklyn. qabbiagb?, in new designs, rich and molest colors. LANDAUS, LANDAULKT.S, COUPKy, ROCEAWAYS, BREITH, CABIUOLETS, T CARTS, PHA2TON8, DEPOT WAGONS, of flue quality. THE PL 4NDRAU WAQON. Side Bur. Elliptic Spring. Opei Front 372 and 374 Prootne street (old stand ot Brewster X Co.) n a ~ " ~ v. Th? Corning Wagon, open froar. A. S. Ff.ANDR \IT. 372 and <74 Broom* street (OM ?t>Bil of Brnwator .% i'o.) lmvb okkkn "Oshm FOE sale-all tocrol Lbs? naUSA's-iwSSttystR'li^s esskje! aasajsr.4?,Ris!? - w~4 BAKER, 616 Bedford avenue Brooklyn. W* hale-one ?EELETO* WAUON pole and .F f'fiilta, and Sulky, Ity C.tlTri'\ ; one Trick \\ ?? 'mi and Suuy, by Dubois; one single-si-at stiver*' Wagou one Landau, riy Dunn; one Phaeton. by Wood Bros. one th.vo .ioati line |.y Brewer; aiso a v .rivlv of McOl'l 1-aIu1'' [*"*'' w**on*- u KM"'' ?* Mcomi IS . , 88 U> 8* H ooatcr s reet.jnear Bpilug street. y?gi^%^sgg^ ******? UORSALR-THK KINE4T CoUPi: HOK-ih IN THE . , ?' < blood tuy ilanil.k-' horve 8 y irs us' bauds: very atyllab, tx.-auti.ul aeuo'n and aV ,? ea-y, piea-*nt drr.r ca.. train ,^orro*dt2n mite/ free horse; ??. rm?ed i? Vcrmonti am! |? in,m t'? l, ^ toMih# eit??Whaf ?! alui '?""J"" b?en brought to the city has always been u? . by a gentleman /II y.-ar* old; also a chestnut Horm, ? vears l'i hISdi iiloo style and a pU-i.saiii driver thiy're wsrr,?m.d soiind. kind an.I without a fault: il.ov -aiv. with, ui ex. ce|itloi?, two ol tile i|ii?mi nig hors. ? In tin. fHy i |' se. n at private stable, It.! sixi.-i'iub iue.-t.' Fvjr male?a pais or hor>e?. a b \y and * brown. 6 au 1 7 year* old. lfi.n hand- nigh : can trot in t inlnutes: w.irrante i in overv respect; " rvHn l'Z MffiNeT!o"kaKsri,sl;eVew-<10 IfOR 8ALK-PRICK $"k)3, GENTLEMAN'S BAY r Uorse; young, sound, mud: W. od itro* too Bn?r taaison uveuue OwV" r *w'iv T ?rktT nr,t "lr<vl and ? ttait^n uwiiut. OWN H. 57 \Vr.4t lhirt> ilitU -tn r. If 1S?l: s; atm> nunoy, t* mi it $v ??!? i?' patent axles- four Mring*. Apply at BLMsOh I urris.'c F sctorr. Twenty tliir.l save- he twecn Lexington and ihirJ avenu-a. bo FOR 8ALK?I'RL't K IIOR8K. 7 VEAHfS flOl'NIV (foiwi tilal given; also rtr.<? clas.-i Kaibllv I'ony nn I an rxrra .tvllali sorrel Horse, lor ?a Idle or habeas 7 jear-; I >Hi aound and right 1.9 Bast Thirty,nd at FOK IIALK-A HKAITTIKUL TEAM OK B; ACIC Ro vn Marcs, 15 hand* high; sound and kind: sold to < i,. eichit'stroet.'"1 ifU" " L VM /S 8t 8 4 LK*"A IK AM OF SORUF L i> ? T hifh. owni brother.. 6 ?nd T JS"'ofl? very -.tyli.h; fine roaJsten; warranted sound aii i iT?m,i H and without a blemish; a i.ariTt?nmiim.^?. !f Tearaor Uiinpe; lor want ..r use will eU at hah thm? \-aiue. Full partlrulars of owner. .6 Park place l^n be seen arWinCrle i .s,.hies. H.tliu ?rXt.T.r Ml" BaLK?a bay horsk. s ykakn old ?oi>vn r and kind; very lent I, ; can be dr. von by ' a lad y Also tup W agon, in tood order. Harness Blanket Ar eMtluh^tre#?1* *?*'* -UWca U and 'U hirt Vi^l AP..r?AIFts STABLfc ON IjKXIX(JTON avp\i?p near Twenty-'blrd .freet (1vP ,Iaj| and apnrUneMa IrViT lia^Blee.:kera.ttreeLW r"nt' M'pl> 10 11,,BfcRT A .opnT^or 'Z. been tuc litwe iihoJ ami ii in perfect or u r nn<i will 'he F??. ?Af-Alt IRON ORAY PONY. 14W IIANM i n * years old ; ha is perfectly sound ai d gentlo ot flue appearance, long tali and mane si ltaim* i ,, ? coune; has beewdriven by la<iie? and rhildren C?i? h! seen at stilde of Islanft Maw vill. K. nl and llilr i iSSTi SZ*Snr.' Ij^OR -HALIJ-A VKIEV RTYLI8H QrXy" m A k7 . ? ?tx?ut IS^ h?Qi1i? hlffb; 9jrf**rt old; ft<? rpfr irenii* In harne* or under sad.tla an.l ran be driven by a la.ii ffiAWWrsrs,? s'S' ?r,r .rrtixB astti. tevsuaTsarM w? P!? SA,'.aTA ,flL'AN ?r "AXMSOMK RKOWV T llorses. If. hands high. a?un I and kind 7 an.l s *!.. j. old : tjvether with Par* Phaeton and " t liar'ea^ kli b? bi'st eltv makers Thl? la the nronertV <*V ? ^ giving nphls establishment an.l m w..|l worfh? tbrjl' lention o? any one wIshing a stylish and n? toil . ... isniiiy team Apply,, f1tHITf<s-,uSlgi ^wrntv on.l street and Heveuth arena*. *wenty?#o pORSALK.-TEAN or Bay'iIoRSKH \*U HANDS r high. 7 and <1 rears old- can tmi i? ? m notes; team of blaelt Mares, lit hands hi3h ,?^5 ' Mare. hand* high, 8 years old aTl vorv V.?nV eji warrauted sound and kind Mint'be sold * " n- J*?" EH ILL, 44 Lafayette place. rsriR saM'._corpE rockaway city mark iv r order, with Pole and fiiiaiL. ?? . rtable ltd Kast Ihirty secuiid slreet ll*(U? 41 priV*te PWSSii Strn, mill An,, ?, 3J JT0B SALE~A OUOD SADDLE AND BRIHLB. 128 Wf** Twentieth afreet LIOR SALE?A SPLENDID YOUNU BAT HORSE 14W r hands high; perteetir sound: price tlXi. * . H YLAND. UiI Kast nineteenth street p'O* SALE?A PAIS OF BAY HAMBLETOVTAM STtifflttatehr4 - 'sraaas t-Ojl SALE CFIEAP-BAY HORSE 113- Q.itrvri ir? lai'i-'i V1?0 'i" #" ''*rno*A Ainu a CabiluleL In awi Cluidtupli?i' strc*u v??uuj?(, m IIOKMEB, CARRIAOKS. ?t*. I/IOR 8ale-A NEW LANDAU. CHEAP. APPLY AT r 136 Want Thlrty-flr?t street. tpOR 8ALE-A.N EXTENSION TOP PHAETON. F rhcap; in excellent condition. Call itU UUU t SON'S, 13 an 1 13 liSat Hity el;lull slre.L F^OR salr-A HANDSOME COVERED PARK Phaeton ; alio an opou Phaetjn i both almost new. Apply at private stable 411 i-ast Twenty third street. For sale cukap-a good work horse. caw he seen any ttuie by applying to T CONNELLY, horscshoer, &SJ Wutiitugtua street, or at auible, 80 Vaa FOR 8ALB t'HRAP-A HORSE. CART AM) 1IAR nosa. Apply it Cedar street. I?OR SALK CHEAP?A NICK PAIR OF BLACK r Horse*. 161 j hands high. 6 and 7 years old : sound and kind in tingle or double harness ani safe (or any lady to drive. Can bo neon tor three days at K4 went Eleventh street, between the hours oi 1) A. M. and lil M. I?OR SALE. CHEAP-AH THK OWNER HAS NO UHR lor it, a light Hide bur trotting Wagon, nearly new. Addio<s i?u l*?i Herald oftlee. 1/''It KALE OR EXCHANGE?POR STOCK OP MEB I ch.indive, a lot of Mires, Colts and Stallions, near Oreoli'y, Colorado: biwliv-s profitable and climate spli-mlld. Addivsi WESTERN, Herald office. |( >; AI.K l.n'V-A VI.ItY PIN"., LIGHT. SHIFT A ,1"* J?P J1.'1*1 t,ar Wagon, nearly uovr. Apply to Mr. ltoaB, stable 111 West Twenty-third street. L'LAXDKAU WAdON. ?,l!h. r ? Co.'j new attachment, THK REST itlOl.NU WAOON EVER PKODUOEDt. ? A S FLANDKAU. 3r? and ,?i4 Broome st <4U ' ind jI Brewster 4 Co.). /I RAY HORSR FOR SALE?A YE\RS OLD, NEAR 19 * J hands high: w?rranted sound and kind ; very stylish; flt'e cotipo or carriage liorse. Cuu be seen at 117 West Thirty seventh slreet. Harness, hiding saddles, linen and woollen Horse Clothing. I.ap I>nsters, A<\; largo stock, great variety and the lowest possible orices. E. H V It r I,J-: i I'. ti_' Warren it.. roniiT College l>' House wanted.-any gentleman wishing to dlspo-a of a goo : road Horse tor cash may ad dross. with full particulars a< to price, which must be low, NAl'iillTOS, Herald office. I HAVE A BAGATELLE TO DISPO-E OF. MADE BY Felthain, Aldersgate street. London, suitable for a gentleman's couutrv residence; also a lady's Saddle and Bridl'% made bv Dunseomh; both urticle* are In perfect order; will bo sold at a great sacrifice. Apply ?( 136 East Nineteenth street. IMPORTANT TO DOWNTOWN (A RU EN. ?A STABLE, 1 with 10 stalls, to let: whole or m Half: plenty of room lor trucks. Apply at ill and (113 hast Twenty eisrhtti street. ? * M'lC FiiR SAI.i; ? FOL'R YEARS OLD, AND STANDS about 9J-? hands high. T. S. SHEPHERD, 1*1 Broadway. J I OBT FROM C. L. RAILSY, MIDWAY, KY.-SEVERAL ?I very ?iu>erior road, saddle and tine harness Horses; speed from S minutes to 2;40. BAILEY. 114 West Thirty-ninth street. I A DIES ARR INVITED TO INSPECT OCR J Powell, Green. and oilier styles of Ponv Phaetons, for their driving A. fT FLAN'DR.VlT, 37i and .'174 Broome street (old stand of Crew.ster 4 Co.) s COND HAND CARRIAGES. Coach, Clarence, Laitaiui. Top Wagon. No top Wagon. Coupe. Park Phaeton. Dog C.trt, (lunninki Wagon. Six-si-at top Wagon. BRADLEY. l'RAY A CO.. rv Kr Midway. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. Landaui, glass and leather front. Lnndaulew. light aud heavy. Cabriolets and lour-eat Phaetons. Pony .ind Do-tors' I'll actons. T uu I Doe Carts. Brewster lull spring and side bar Wagons. A. ??'. FLANDRA'J, 372 and 371 Brootnc street told slaud ot Brpwster k Co.) O'-KEN IIORSKS WILL Bi. SOLD CHEAP. 13 rpwo G 1 Ooe 11ANDS.M CART WANTED?A GENTLEMAN WILL purchase, ntA fair nrire. a second hand Tandem, Whilechapel or Dug Cart of English or Brewster A Co.'* (of Broonio street) build. Address, with particulars, TANDEM CAKT, box 163 Herald Uptown Branch office. rro STABLE KEEPERS.?TO BENT, FOR IHR B0M 1 tuer, a .stable ot thirty-two stalls ccnnectcd with a first class hotel; clevcu mile* trora city. K. J?. IUCK KU, No. it Oil It street. TO LET?A BRICK STAflLK, WITH EIU1IT STALLS, at Vo. 4rs Water street, two door* from Pike ureet; wilt suit a cart man or express. Inquire at 219 Cherry street JotlN McKKNXY. ril I ART, BY RRKW TKIt A CO.; IMPORTED TWO X wheeler and Harness; both in good order. BKADLI Y, Pli.xY 4 CO., 25 I'aloft square. 110 LET?HALF OF A VI-RY I, A it OK PPIVaTR Stable to a ir-ntlcnnin ; price, tl ??>, Apply at 213 East Twenty-third *treet. nrantkd?in a private stable, room roR V? two horw and two carnages, any where I etween Thirly-tlrst ami fortieth a reels an I Vitth and Second avenues Address JON ES, uo\ 177 Hera'.d office. 117ANTED?A 1,10HT i OUR-BEAT ROCKAWAT, ? ? city built. i:i wood order, for cash. Address, stating lowest price, E., box 13station 0.> A LADY, A BLACK MARE, " Canadian built ; height about It1. hand*; w*lght about J.09Q!: mast be kin sound and good under saddle. Address bo* 3,4v> Post office. \\f ANTKD?A SHALL HORN*. CANADIAN CHUNK ; ?? dark bay or blank ; IS1? hand' high; must be cbcap and sound. Address C.. box 170 Herald .ittloe. IT'ANTED? FAST HOItSR, OUND. WITH TOP Tt Wagon in exchange tor two elegaut Oil Paintings, lately sold for$J,XW, gold, AdUreos ARJ, boa 176 Herald office \VANTKI:?A NEW OR SECOND HAND TWO ?? seated V irtoria or fHtnilv Carriage in exekufe for Merchandise. Addross bo* ."i, 108 Post office. \yAM I II-POIt THREE OR SIX MONTH)*, For IT his keep. a suitable Horse for mrK driving, the best ol car' hv a competent and raaponslnt* partr will be given. Afl.lrcss HORSEMAN, 307 Kightli avenua. TIT ANTED?A OiNTLE. SOUND AND HANDSOME ?? Horse. abntR 14 han Is, tor # lady to drive and ride; price not ,v, r $jU. Answer, wlUi particulars, UKMlY DESAIX, box 7/3 New York Pos offlto. WANTED TO PI'llCHASK?A BREWSTER A Co. ?? or .1 H. Brewster or stl van Top Wagon uitut he hi go I order and but itttic usaJ. Adstiiu L. L. o , Hernia Uptown iiranch office. llfAKTED TO Pi KCItASK?A TiU.'iJKlXO SUSI ?? ncss. oni or niuro Trucks State full.particular* and lowest ash price. Address* TRl'.., Herald office. dfc I ft MMTWO Ot.Ot? WORK HORSES; SUIT D'XUi anv hudnna* selling tor want ot tise; also mree Express Wug >ns. two Baggies, top und no top, it a sacrifice. 1.1 Seventh mvuue, northeast corner I iitrtv-second s'tvet. ?C17^ WILL Bt r A FIRST OfcABS *11 1 rflNOTOP <7 1 I ? ) gentleman's roal Waeon. l ulit to order last Ociolcr-cost $U0 a tir.e Harness. $5'. cost $1 U. Tri vste slrtble, SS East rweUtn street. ?TROTTKR 0 'RAP?BAY MARK, 15 HANDS, Jp?jUv/? cm ;rot hi 2. it- stvllsh bay 16 han-s trots in -itre. $:?i. one tip Phaeton an I two top B tutting at bargains. Hot KY'S table. \2> West Mneteentti st AOHO WILL BUT TUR FAST TROtTlNO BAT Horse Prinae: record 2ild; " years old MX namls; warranted smui I and kind; lis* been driven by a lady. Also i b -autiinl lop pony Plm^ton gold mount ings; Harness to match Sold separate and lo'.r Pri vate stable .VI Ksst I weltth treet, between Broadway and I Diversity place. KtUNiTVKE. M. E. FAVOR'S AlCriON HOUSE, IS East Kourteenth street, by C. D FaVOR. AueWoneer, on luenlay, large -ale of Fin* Furniture, A Cutlery, <;ia?sware,' loi trs, rancy UoodAc., at store. Oooia'careiuily packed. I aiso. on ihursdav, May IS, at the Roosevelt Mansion. 84 Broadway, Faniltare, Carpets. Mirror*, <ias F.xtun s un I ciiande- ' iters. Homes, Carriages, Harness, Blanket*, *c. Particu lar* in tnne. Catalo :ue? at store. A?JAMES ORaIIAM, DEALKR IN SECOND HAND ? Furniture, I9UThird a\et>ud and 12 Washington place. We offer an uiiu.>ual oprortuiuty ot buying second hand Kurniiiire, Carpets. Mirror-.. Ac., Ae. at our two stores laving purchased the entire contents of a num ber ol large hou-u s our stock contains everv arttelc In tbc household line, nliicli wi- will sell at a very small fdvanee on ' ist. t asu will buy tni-m, so give us a call. JaM..s liitAilAM, fj.i Third avenue. 12 Washington place. 4 1 -DEORAAF A COCHRANE, xlx< 162 and IM West I wenty-third street, between Sixth and seventh *v?nue?. I he lowest prices to l>? tound In the city, and the largest and most ed stock ol elsgant an I Mibstantial ha alture nt ever* grade, varietr and desisn. Parlor. Library, Chamber and inning ?'Mini. Also Ma troses, Spring Heds, ( omi'-c< Lamtire ;ttitis. Ac. H e cordially Invite you io exaiiiiue our stwa," and ConiOMTfl prices DEO.tAAF * COCIIRANR. and Waat Twenty-third street. 4 MVOMFI. ENT SATIN R ROC ADR, LATEST ;\ style. Parlor Suit nearly new. e.?st H40. lor only $1.">0' Marie Antoinette nuit, $S5 brocat>'l and ren - u11*, BAD. tS.1, Pianoforte; .1*1 lots parlor chain er. lilnrr, dining Furniture, a sacriflee; residHuin l<H East lliir te. nih street, near Fourth avenuo. Call tin* day (miu day), or Monday^ Attention, attention. A private lamllv dor* cash) will sail? vl*.. rtfhiy carvad Inlaid trau.e Parlor suit*, In crimson aud b.u'' damask sattu" and brocatei. cisit $7M). tor tftmand fl.v); magnitlcant 7,'s octuva meinway t iano. W; 7 octave upright Decker A Bros. Piano. $15). rich Parlor Utiles. Imported Bronzes, Oil l'.iiutia;s, i.ibrsry and Secretaire Bookcases. Library Tables, Wrltln* Desk. Turkuii Library suits. $liW; elaborate and plain Bed room Sets, consisting inlaid Bedsteads, Drasstng Case*. Washstand*, Ac. tlM). ti7.1: single Bi'd>t*ads. Bureaus, flue hair and spring Mattrafia*, Bedding; crunson, tan and ilrao rep suits, ?S0, ?50; Extension Talde, Bullet, Chairs, In leather; MUerware, hair cloth Suit*, Easy Chairs. Lounges, farpets, Ac. N. B ?III lots to suit, a positive chance tor those about purchasing: all the fur niture In cjt< elien' order. n??j.l only elitht month*. Call today or Monday, nvv story b-own *tone private re?t danca 47 We*t l?ih St.. between Mb *ml flth av*. AQRKAT OFFER FOR IMMI'DIATR CASH - Private family will sell their magnlticant satin Par lor Soils, made to order by broadaay maker, used six month', oost WW. lor ?1/J: r*p Turkish Suit* oost $?>?, nril?i rep ,snit, $40?, Library Suits, $75; magnlflcent steimvay A Son*' i tanoiorte, oost $81)0, tor $^.5, eiegant Bradbury lor $M8; Carpets, .V)c. per rardi 12 flue black, walnut Bedroom Suit*, cost from $1UU up, wwl sell for 8Uc. on the dollar N. ll ?Parties in want oI first class ciiy oada to order Household Furniture would do wail to call and examine betor* purchasing, as all must be soul this week. >o reasonable offer rafuaad tor cash. Call Immediately at Ave story brown stone and French root private mansion I*) West At st, near ttth avenue. Dr. V.KMO.NU UAH. M. W-i.hH to da* i and ay. or | H.?l?* ^ P1RNITURB. _ A "ai ? ~ J SPECIAL NOrifiK. ^ DEQRAAi A TAYLOR wish to inform fhe public that they have remove I all tUrir stock of Kurmture from their brauob (tore, tU Fourth aveuue, to their Urge tad elegant warersoms No*. W and S9 Bowery, 65 Chrystie street, and 13') aud 13J (letter street, hew Vork. Vfe alto wish to Inform the nubile that we now have aa immenw at >i k of Furniture of all design*. froui the Plainest to the tlnest, wiilcli we are bouni to aall If ex tremely low price* wlil do It. l*?pe?tfully Invite all lo call and examine our stock and compare prices. DEQRAAF A I'AY LOB. H7 and i9 Bowery, IS Chiystie street, and ISO and 13! Hester street. Sew York. J^ -NEW DEI* A 111 I! UK. PORTINGTO.V BROS., No. 542 Hudson street, factory 107 Charles street Having settled with our creditors In bankruptcy, we offer our splendid Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture lets than any house in K?w Vork. Eighth avenue cars pas* me door. Air Orcnt inducement* in I One Furniture of cverv description, all styles Lace Curtains. Piano and Table Covers and every tiling pertaining I Upholstery, en wo are retiring from a retail business of more Utaa thirty years' standing. li. L. KJsLTY A CO., 1st tilth avenue, near Iwenty-tbird st * ?WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOB a V . Furnitlire, Carpets nud Bud inc. at it. M. COW PKBTHWAIT A DO.'o, 1S5 una 137 CUatnam street Au inmiansu stock and low price a. A Pi.I Ml'TON BEDS IB AO FOB SALE FOB ?li? Dark woo l and In good order, owner having no further use tor It Can be seen at 148 Ninety first street An elboant new pablok suit fob salh? For <100. worth $230; upholstering first class. In quire at Ul West Fourth street, near Broadway, on Mon aay. \ T JKKK. JOHNSON'S BAZAAB. 58 LIBERTY 1\ Stre6W-Fine Office furniture of all kinds; aUo au elegant assortment of carve'! uiaok walnut Parlor. Bod room and Diuin* Boom Sulla. 4 WIDOW LAOY. ABOOr BREAKING UP IIOUSK J\ keeping, would rvitt Iter Furniture to a solvent parson on very reaaouable terms Address M. M., box 176 llarald office. A FA UN HAM'S MANUFACTORY, 8IJ HUDSON . street?Elegant .\alnut Chamber a til Dining Fur niture. Ao., maiiufncturod on promises, soiling at manu facturer's prices, saving housekeepers the profits paid to storekeepers. AT SMITH'S PAItLOB BT.I) DEPOT, 41 EA-T THIR teenth srrc?t, wil! be Iouim the cheapest and best Parlor Beds ill the city for caa'i or on Instalments. A -FURNITURE?WK ARM PBKI'A RED TO PAY . cash for every description of Household Furniture, Mirrors. Paintings, Carpets,-Ac., In rtnivil or larne quan tities. Dealing very largely in gjconi h ind goods, wa ca:i afford to pay the niglieu price?. Semi orders to JAMi'.s UK All AM, No. 19i> Third avenue or IX \\ asiiing ton place. Auction.?Ft?b balk, a first class oilt train'; French plate Mirror, O-Kiitl, at about ?ost of plate alone: fine design; nearly new; also two Una velvet Carpets, 40 yard-each. Apply la furniture store 7X1 Sixth avenue, near Fortieth street Any partv having a ui.od Payne's patent i- ofa or -eeri'tary lied to soil cheap can And a casn customer by addressing B. M. T., Hera 11 Uptown Branch olboe. A H\NDSOMK SO I*'A BED. IN C8IM30N USPS. J.\ ani uplioistere 1 Bocker to uia'eh, nearly new, at aalicost. Can t>* seen at .'n> lumn square. Auction rooms, S9 bast thirteenth street.? Kurnituro of all kinds at private sale, at auctioK prlces. Pianos; treat ticrcalns. - ? \ PICKHARDT UPRIGHT P4RLOK BK.DHIKAD /V for sale, with -pring and hair maurosa. at. IIS Wet Thirty-seventh street, west of Heventh avenue ALAROE AS-iOBTM^NT OF CABl'BTS, KIKNI lure and lteduliu, it lowest fmlt prices, at o'FaB RKLI.'ti extensive saio-mums, 410 Eighth avuaue. be tween Thirtieth and afreets. Payment* takes weekly or monthly. A I PLIMPTON IiKD&TEaD FOR SALri CllKAP, AT jT7 nix.h avtuuu. 1 ARI'ETS, Furniture, B?u1*. He :.Jiiig, Ac. Payment* taken DJ tbe ween or oionth. Terms rMj. K L\X A CO.. coiner of Twenty fifth itioet and sixdi avenue. F |H'UMrt'RK.-roB SA I.e., A I'LKBDIO LOT OF _ ti v Walnut I umber. sonu ol which has been m the vard '>ver five year*. M. U < iittia A Cv?., Twenty-fourth street. went of Eleventh avcr.uo. I/lltNlTUiiE, CARPi-TS A .ID BB ih.m;. CHEAP T !?r c;uh, and by weokly and monthly payment*. at BendaH'soll stand, ?11 UuJ.oo t.ost, eoruer 01 Caiii.l; a too storage tor good*. . C. CAB NOW. F11RNITCKK WWr'D.-PARTIS* IIAVINQ FOitNf. tun- >r Household atdsol all kinds cau act (lie l.lghest price for tneui by calling on BATfBB&OB A CO., its Wost thirty-third street. U?OR -ALE?A BANOSOMK A1 BKDROOM SET Of A Furniture : parties leaving the city; will be sold low. call tuimediately at a Wo?t Fmy->ecoad street. I^OR SALE CHKAPWTWO BLACK WALNUT MAR F ii'p ton Isbles. two singer'* sewing Machines, two imported Uuiua Vasty one French Cluck. LINUO BIMML, I.*>7 Broadway. /H'-JBUE A. CLAAIRM I'OPULAR SYSTEM OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS, the most convenient And ndvaniageous method of ob taining Iurutilf and fa*hi nable Furui.ure, varpeta. Mirrors, Mattreeses, spring and Parlor i*eus, Ac., 747 Broadway, up stairs. Good* marked at cash value in plain fl jure*. ealf of paymunu ior tight montlu. $li)i worili of good* til oil per month lii ?or:h or good* 17 50 per month 15i worth >f goods 21 <M per month 175 worth ot good- 24 SJ per inoitU 2i?i worth ot good* W oo per montn mi worth ot good 25 00 per month Slo worth oi g.-nxis 42 O) per moiiih ?'i worth of golds SO J i per moll I h Slil worth ol gooda 70 UO per month Parties returning goods liofore the full number of pay ment* h.tve been made can rwgain ,'o^esaion ol tbe *aiuo without lo-w by payiug the amount due. Hoti: 1.8 puksishc.d-k timaies givks, rr doction on last year's price*. Bond for inu-traied catalogue. :IoTa !? L'RNiTI'KB MAN I PACi I IUNO COM CAN V. 1'oarl street. Harts a co. offkk most liberal cash price* far seeoed hand Furniture. Ra iding and car pet*. Call on or address ilARfZ A CO , 274 senium ave nue, Now York. Lord a tayi.ob-ohano ai*i> chuyhtir stb.? Kuglisn Ho-iy Hrtweel*. #o and Al IX , Kuglisn and American Tapestry. *> ana $1 It U:H~CARVED AND INLAID IMPORTED FURNI . ture. Buhl. Ae-Tory low prices for c *h nn* teurs ?>< antioue Furniture will And it to their advantage to call at 'M uioecker si reel Tub AMERICAN Hocaa or antiquum. Antique Furniture. Marble >tatu*rv. Oil l'alntlngs. rare work* ol Art, Porcelain**. I resden. Revre*. Wedg?wood ml Oriental. Bronioa. of France. Italy and Japau, old sterling silverware Braneh at 1 r.H and MM ?>r <ad? ay. Ah Inspection doe* not incur the lightest obligation to purchase- sviMhR'.s a Co., s.a Brnadwav. and at MM and M*i Hioadwa.. between Forty-iourtit aad Forty flftb street*. I'BaKWOOD FUBWITURB. I hTPHKR A CO., 098 Broad?.iy. TTe have now on hand the largest an t taont eieranl ?oclt of Chinese Tea*wood Fum turn ever imported to this country. Including Tables, rhalrs, stools. ( sblneca, Etagere*. Ac . Ac ; ala a vary nne assortment of modern Furni ure. by l**t citv mater*. STFHKK A Co , Ml Broad way. and 1.4 4 and 1,4<M Broadway, between Forty fourth|and Forty llllh streets. ntARBLR MANTKUS. At oreatlt beduced phicem. An extensive (took ot slate and Marble Mantel* Wash i rays and Slate Workof every description. I'BNKhYN sLATB COMPANY. Cnlon sonnre. Ponrth avenue and Seventeenth *t., K. Y. At orkati.y rebuced pricbs-an extkvsiyr stock ot Marble and Marbleixml Minted* ind all other Marble Worka Marble Turning lor the trade. A. KUABER, 134 haat Eighteenth street, near Third avenue AOREAT BEDUCHON IB PRICES OP MAltBi.K an<i Marbletted Mantel*, all kinds of Floor Tillnc Monument*. Head stone*. : l ib* for plumber* and ? alH net maker*, now oflered at . KL.AH .it A CO 'a Hteam Marble Works. Mot. U7 to ta West Fif.y-iir* streei, ueac Broadway. MARBI.B AMD MARBt.BTSED MANTKUR-LAROB *, at very l#w prloes; Monuments, Headstones Flo.r Tiling, Ceantefa, Ac. AHINOO.III sti aM MaRBLE hLAIB WOBEs, fc4 Hudson stresu eocuur a< Bank. _____ OTEWART3 SLATK M AJfTFf.?. MABNI.B A!?? O wo.xl Men to l*. ricti aril destgaa, *t the lowest trice*, if an l MS wee! I wunty-tbifJ AU9*^ be ! u*sms> ?*s>uih Slid tiidUilt eVJOiMa.