Newspaper Page Text
CITV ur. AL. ESTVl A rOE ?AIE. A N ELEGANT BROWS STONE n0C8B.M0.21 BAST J.V Hfty seventh street, s door* eaal of ri&h avenii", lti cabinet fluiati through, extenaion; three stories; ? very luniruveeient; lor ?ale cheap Apply "t1 AM BAKOA1N?KLEOANT BROWN i-lONt KI.AT House Fifty-fourth street, near lark avenue; ? ^orv iniiiruvtuiuut; rented for $3,000; prior ?*> ?,K..aoit A MILIEU. I'mrJ avenue, corner ol *'ilU"U? ?treet Arabi c h a nob to buy at pa^io fbickb? Ou< i< the most tMfiBl hooeea an' Manhattan Island," Forty-eighth aireet. between Filth "I'd elxtn uvenuen, four ?U<ey, brown stone, high Hoop, hiira "Woods; decorated fa oil* throughout: mirror*. If-'1*"*" lure*, curtain*, euro iU, Ac-; houo not large. bUka par te ct gum OCDEN A CLAitK, Broadway uiid S?\eu tceutn street _ _ _ * ?A ?A.?BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS A. uleiae notice. ?The most desirable Hroperty. suIta lic tor i roiieh Hat Improvements. tor sale: no money wanted; lloer.-il J?>au. wUI li*y ?t'/ on Co?t. d. S. PECK A CO.. No. - West l\veuty-BIU> ft A ?FOB 8ALB. THE TtlPABLI? w:-:i.'. IB J\. ranged, lull sized lour stors huh atoop brown M>nie Dwelling, ''.ai Ftltii ,'tve.tue west aidei, in the cell trt* of the "iiK-rb block bctwftcu torty-uintti tiu?l I* ii-iitti rtreet. flue, opeu. vannv, rear Lot, 25x101; a bar*aw. | Office*. U Piuu street ami U i-aat Seventeenth *tr?et._ V. K, Mr< v ?ir. t *J?L8XPID TNVESTMEKiT.?A Fnl'R H TOiiY J\ brown stone House and Lot (2?.xJ2S), irontiuK VV^h li.gtou * uure, for sale ^"^i^^cK*IilN(iT0.v, No. 1 Last Tweuty second street A \ ?A ?$21,300 TO IMMEDIATE PCRCll \SFR, J\ ? first ' 'a^- ii ur >tory brown atone Dwelling; 20x50; lot lOf.5; i7ih st, l(# feet from St ha*. ID New st XT*OR 9 A LB OB TO L*T?A OOWT STAHLE ON .r F.rtv-lourth -treat, between Huh and Sixth ave nut*. five ata'l? and rooms 'or coachman JOHN KAV A * Uiil, northeast coruer Forty-second street and -sixth avenue *J?TU .sTRESf, NEAR FIFTH AVlINUB. TWOFt'LL i I'roitt nrowu stone HoOmib; first claas; cheapest mid best li i ation in market: v. ill be sold or rented at Slice. ol.It Kit BRYAN, t-j arc ad way, opposite new i'uel otfiix- ma. I> n?t Side. \ T TIARLEM?MTST BE SOLO. A PRETTV THREE J\ .-tirv high atoop brown atone linn*-, $9,uOJ. $2.00) cash I ii.i inrt* of 1 UaKLES HILD&felU, Lawyer, 117 Broadway. thtrd tloor. __________ \ GHKAT BARGAIN?EIGHT CITY LOTS ON AVE J\ nw k, whole front betwt-en liStn ami 114th strreis. ji. iir ihe rivers . u1k.Ii ol limit; hall, H. P. Li (IBaaF, Bowurv Natifuial rfank. -FOB SALE, HOUHEH?NO. (18 WATER STREET, . ut a pr. .nent. 2i'xti0. 6 stones, $1.5 1 3ie nst fwen li aire. 1, i ur new brown stono four -tory i-'luts . ciub, each * MX-'. HYLaND, 34'J East Nlnetecntli street. If*AH?A BX-FOOT h HONT LOT, ACTUALLY THE be?t luca'e't in Harlein; searebes lii-i'ie; no cash. I iu v. I lomlstriiin reouirea: cquiiy $1,7(W. Address PAIL 1IKNBY, box lt?j Post i.file.:, ^ r-'OR SALE LliW?THE H A.Vl.SOME KOL'R STORY r hiyti <t ?or brown <trnc House, at>x*5xS0L No. 95? T,? ntli ivcnue, near Sixty-tint street. fSirtull partlen lir? itply to JoAAC UUNiU, 111 Broadway, roow* U nna H, basement. FOR -<ALE, ATA BABU \IN?TO CLOSE AN K TATE, i!ou*e aud >table. 1A2 F.ast Twenty second street. L. J. < ArtPitN tEK, BIMe Housii. ro Germany?and will sell a thihb ".f avenue Store Property atbarg',in ; rented to otic teuatu on lease for 11 )>er cent ou valq*lio<! $.i,uoi) cash will dn. I ran i e iecn during this week ut ii. II. Howell A Co.'a. ^J1 Third aTtaue. rpO Bl ILOEUS?THE PROPERTY 73 ht'FFOLK I sireet will be aokl on eaay term* if immediately; imprutred, tor siMotjMl?.9AiW leet m Ueptli. Apply to J. J. CAMPION Ju En-t Tenth street. 'iil 1 nnn ONLY for the focb stoky a>d ?C l 1luv bc-fuieiit brick Store and iJw.-lltngi No, i.l?:i Third avenne, between lurih and llioih .-tre i". trrms easy. Apply to ISAAC UONIO, 111 Broadway, ba ^uient rooms U aud 11. est Side. A Sl'FS^ANTIAL FIVE STORY DOUBLE BRICK Hi,use, perfect repair throughout, all rentt-d ; uico tvnantsi Thirty nmtn street near Ninth avenue; will be soki heap. Ht'LB.-Rf i'lck, 2de Wcat fhirty-Kurth street. A VOI R STORY AND STOBB Ft LL DXPTII bltlCh. J% House, on Eighth avenue cueap: price only $:i i,u. Ap; iy io B S. LEVY. u?M i.iKhth avenue, uoar thirty ninth >treet / 1 HE A PEST HOC-IK IS MARKET.?THREE ?'T/RY hl?h ?ti?)P. I,4.<xt5xlyj; ---oud loc ition : 3,1,003, llrst mort^uKC. $a,uua JtiSKPll >CHLO>?. it0 feat Thirty-sixth street "LX>R SALE?\T A BARGAIN. THREE LOTS. ON 1 Ninth avenue, near Mphtv-fhird street. Ceotrnl Park bhiclt HALL J. liO?', >o. z Pine atraet 'JT'OK SALE?FOTK LOTS (IN THI1 SOCTHKKLY 1 side of 1.5th street, between ElghUi an ! Su Nich i las avenues; suitable for the erection of Ave ~mall houses, whieti are wanted In that locality terms ?/> sn.t -?Wl Uitneown r J R. Mi iU. No. 79 cedar sir, ?t te*.ween I aul i o'clock. -=ALK-A OKM OF A THREE STORY HIGH woo;, brown stoua on West Ikirtv i,.ur Ji street, $l,tft); one-half rath- posaetaion at ooco.'Ii.ifulre al Mil ^ent 1 luriy-? loud sireet XfOR SALE ClI ,i Al'?A THR-R sfORY BBuWB i stone H jjw. No. m , est Forty-firth street: all un '?rovem, nis. Astor lease. feMear*. eaay terms. Apply at sis West riity-b urth street TWO ELi. .ANT FOUR STORY DWKLLINGS.-G.VR eorner -ixtT-eeeoad ?treet mul Ninth arenu ?ii..i/?: ? tie <i W, t riivy-eighth street, $ .I.UUO; also a valuable Let, $ij iX)j, ? II wiihiu a block uf rare , terma easy. rt li.l.i * M I!L1>..I.L. *?? Weat III?v .-1. , t!. Street TWO UNK i.OTS, ON HID. 8TREHT, BBlWEBN Ninth and Tenth are ones, lor sale cneap. Apply to J. If. C.. S81 ii udsou street O FOLK STOP.Y HIGH STOOP BRICK HOC8ES ? for aa e at a barnaiii; i riee each. $> >s?; t. rin? to suit B. . LEVY, ( I buclitn a*., near Ibirty-auuh at Jterth Hide, ? ' IXR PLOT Hp ? LOTS II TH- TWPNTT THIRD JV earl. I in high and commardini,-. eery fine real deitoe on et < n uite, will be ? id at one-hall their value and oa t-asy terms. II. P. LE UKAAP. Bowery Ne.tiunal Bank. I'Ha PBB LOT FOR A Kfc ?P-. I ?' tw. ntv f.nrfh ward, n. ar horae aud strain ears surrrxin i *d wi'I. fine d?. blnga: worth three time* thc^rice askeu. Apply at .3 Park row, ruom 3*. .XlKdlanooM. i ?aETEBAL brown st< me hoi ?t;-i for <.ai.f. ?1. Ijea|> ? t < *cl Itll I r Jr?t T?m.?bh ?,t Prm riv or vacant :,o?# in g .Kji LocauoBi ?Mfl FLTIktiCH, *>'J *l?fl llVt QUI TIHRR!-; ^rORV and BaHBMEKT BROWS srOKP. 1 In PI't.. tb itr li r taie Cheap on tm?j term*, to l?t at-<> H. IM-Ji.:. MJ$ Lmt ftity tluru iuhi tr>.Ui 3 to 1 o'clot k HlnHJKM". PROPfcBTt f()U HALE AND ro LEST Bkooki.vx hocbbb r<iR nalk or to ijit at ?arg<Uut ?14 llMover plB'-e; -?nt *? '? t i ti.r4 ?<r >?nt|i ?n it. i lerm>*?t i?tM rent #7ou -?tub *tt??-t CUaton avcaaa, aupernly :r?? .oc I in l taniUMd -4 t. u 7 (tAbl<- in I 10 U>t? price *7<>.0#U. rer,- *, m i?eou. ? tlmtlar Place, 1< iota price rent ? MA Wa.hlUBton avu ?: ?? i..i H?rm. ii aa l 4 price tX.Dl). rent CBmberiitnU *tr?ct. t..ur ?u>rv l.r Wu mull*. 15 r?? in* i>rt. ? .?.* >u rant CumlalMB. utifurnnh. d Jt.'Mi -erito.i i-. - ... ? ? ? u.t-.iir. e mott brown J ri-om?, graul ocaUuKj rant 4*I< Clintoa avaasit, fuur -t,,rv l rown Mona at r?.?i a. prtca $13 HOB Annli Oxtor.l ?tr?-", ihr? ry Proa i. ?t?Be, M r. - BM ? i;ra *r>???..?|h . L.ric?- reuv. tunuahe I. <1 00 unfniN nAaUe.i. ?MX?} coai waat rtaim r. near ( .i.ii. ii, Uirc? it^rr briaa. it rauox ii. <?.: prtca W.iw r?1 ?? n ?trcc : ku.,. rti 6>ur?t? < ?r wn ?v.n--, axtrm gruun grand location prtoa ?*'.?? ivir.', ..i? ? r-? t, fianaoiiy fnrntat.el r -w.i alone I welling 17 run. oxtr* *r >uiid?; | r,c? ift 000. Purf' font strut c lag an tip urn J an.I frearoed I r wb atone hmtH price > - n. Rem?en <trt?-t > ..faiiUi turm-lic firnwn ?t..n.-. 14 rooma Ir- -c.-aBt 1 ri . $f*,ouu SL Keiix treet, ab vant thraa irtory hr ?* . 'Mf I- ro .in* price $!?).*? Bunt au?t t .-ar Itp Ua > tilraa at ry brick, U r >m? prict * i ' rhci niThorn I. -lire** atory tirir^, Hrooii-; er.v* 413, l>ltt ,'I.h k n tilac? ItirVc ?u ry .u? prtua. $y i ?t, ??'oBtb f .rt ?t. I mum an ?? c lit i.rtck miM.aion IS ruoinn in.. !lir . i.t,. tr t" ,en', !?> n-hed (' W? Bnf irii.^tiwl. It ? . DiNlaan IBntiahcit or u ' irniatMxI. with r wiUwat *itra <roiiniii r.twin. wi Pre# rt* ami Ut? in a?- ' MWti'in of Hrookiya ?n?t New Vi?rk ?til I, m cuaiitrv an.I PartM i?>r *ax>. i< ?m <?r .* <"li? .-r- at rfttr-t r tin ti I?? hy f, Ii Wi- KOI V ?). ilMBr.ii! Aar tnd 15 Hbw <tr#??, n- r '? <t! ^tr-i ' Naw fork. iHaMiIWB l*"i >' B?js.'ji 'I) t?j knn ? html t>.>rto? n.."tir.nrn ar t ct',. r g*?-nri:|?^ ; ' x. tiauttca, eollaetinc ?n i invMHIcuti a -!??< i i.ty, hAROAlN.-l THkKE M')IV BRICK llol^H is B rook I r ii f. r ?*ir ?.r ?\i Imnca for Improved a i ry Pf |>?rt* 'if I'm t>Mrr>a <.r apply to JfAAPi..<.?< a < .. ivt Wa?liiiif on ?tract. >?w Vork. |)rArrf?-fr. COTTAOB HOI'BR AMD f.XTBNSIVK l),'i' ml? ?ul if :? olat?F wr ?h- .t or anftirnt?b(H j #?B f i iMiii .i-ortMvKt *ith KiunttBrf n?? all inttroveim nu AMUBBBOM A SAB. M Wall atreat. /'OkNKH BBirK MTORK PRdPBRTT rl- * PH A ' 'arfc i< > Bwm wm in Bri ?kln for irror?rt < r U u- r ttuiinex. tor ml astr?mrlv < ii^Ap: t/ rm? <? i?r. v. P. c t ftLh V. IJ < >ntra mint. |,">K W.h-TH ? JTV.W ABI> PIRifT fl-AR- IW > I ' rv. I i-pmant anil ?? .-cellar I r.jwn *ton<- loBaa of r'urti II itrtft new PBth a enu- Brn'>kHns MB1 i f . .v.ntain" t^n rootr.- batti. e--v*t?-.| r inv>> hcat< i; 'i* c prt?t 4U.& mm i tartna iittti *v? ..u. iar?tru.ii t t.u.?, ?> ,ul ai?l -ouU? torrta*. ilwtaura *) iiiinuiea. Op?n Situ.tny*. L" ft - A J B?T W < > FIR-tr ( l,t-< TI! r STOKT I tiMBtMM ?n4 a?b-4 llaf |)r"'-vri 'tot.' fr.?n Ilom.-i litftlt hy in. h work; ttwd wttlt all moilvrn laprova - '* '.'*Uir>:<. .?c., c.u .ii{.let?: need uttv ll wt-ii to ' ' ?ft?""nt#.t, t#roi? ajr Inanir . f the -Tnor. n lli? treiai?!?, I7? ?n-l in tlcwi ? ttrcet, iwar Lea a\f>nua. CH R liRKRMWOOtt rPBRrRRY TRRFI nnmu-r walk of aoMMM-. /rtilrn so* tm >?wT ork Po?t ???ce. L* ' - ' a Tft" . i'i r ro -tp \>ni inr r 2>< )\ No. 213 V'orth Mflli Btri-.-t Willi . ib;rg' ttii? ht i?? .? ">'W, wlt'i tW'i ?iore? )'l r..?.up? w ?t . * . fj;:'<!. Prt?" rUn "? t? \\T M mii?n-UurV * fourlh lrtre?! Urant, FB.HPBrr rarr n<-t af?s-po?~baTr,'"tub ut bikI hrowB ?t..n? HoBara i n t.arrart <travk. near ~l??h aTmiBB, Bfooidrn; ?!/.?? .mv mai i- } r rra-1 hard w A ma:. < 'nrtitea* ? v? i rma r-l#ite Bl?*s wtni1nw? MBit ' ? mtile'nl . flntiEi-'l-' i $11 **i; ?a.-ty term* Plftli n-.-nu- ? >rs "roin t- n'! ton. Hi I .ml .-ioutli lerrlaa, dMance f) i.nuitei Op?u .-an i a,. <? TO LKT-H tt'-hOMKL/ ?NO BBWLT PVRNHilKn, a Httl* lfi-n?< nf 'iHtit rnom? an ' H mrd 'rr n Enoi, ii :A-ly, to i rrry huiM pnratj I ami I/. Ait-l} .it u<.diori * v mm. Btovuvn. nuooicM N pkopertv for ham: A.AO TO i . . T" L:''r.-JS verandah pi.vrr:. first \ . ,?,"au* om c11,1nt"D street. couTeuiont to !i J/ ? small brick Uouj* rent $ju Mr mouth, $5j4) per,v@ir the other. TO LK f TO A SMALL FAMILY, PAKT OF THK mrkjuT11'^rke ???iVnff 7l(! L*t*ycti0 avenue, near tiftflr Ail/? J V Br^*lvn;_ alo? ve parlor on -ee >nd r??oi?? oq third door rent uuiuuallv uiice of hon?i nt"OVc"i,!UU' U?M? adults occupy tiat ai wilson street, V? ( m if av''nUe. 3'iJ; both ccntulnintr nine room* TiuL?^iiT'lten ni|lrovelU?'lti: 1 location. " ' imiiCOBB 43 Broad way, Wu iaiiMburg. 0. ?4 ()()() n,'V THREE TORY BRICK (12 modern II use 51 Wl!#on -troot; brlc* itnni'ttZ '?" "l"ry "'-11 1,1 ,u room., modern uric* Uon?e on MYS/JW'Hg' ?avii?#? bank wort?ay?. ! O. V, HOLi.O&IB, 43 Broadway, W illlamsturtf. WummiSTBB COCRTY PROPBRTT foh SALE AM) TO REST. A' TARRYTOWN ?TO LKT, with immediate JA POKK'WWOU, tv.o elegantly furntshod House* < ail modern improvements: nice around*. stable* ? riV(.r or -eur- **b?*5W*5 1 SSlm^StritfSinn '**" '""Wtimiraau. ho i very definable summer and winter hesi ? ,!?:z '{fsS gwS?MS Alan,l?^Lhl?RliSJiSJ"L1B(}!t HOCHB. GROPNl.8, fttv-uu?-1 ?'? w owner. U.j Broadway. r. on. :t. ATHou^V,i^'-TO f,ET' fOBfrSHEO, DOUBLE llw mS. },?'cnJ?: *< <><' ?'?bto; ahundnnoe /rult; nve minutes irom d. i'ot UEo s. IJANFORP, #lre?t>t or 325 W?gt Twenty-wcuod street. \ T YON KK Kit ?fK you WANT A HOINR i.<r? v rv r? lii 'il ?,'l,rni*ke<*? for the season or v??ar. at a 1 ?n "r uaar,'? fOCMANS, A L*K,'^!S. If.,L?!BEK >OP DESIRABLE COUNTRY l>uy vll ninl Tarry town! W!'"'0"? bu,,veeu bP?yt?u HOPKINS A CARRI.VC1TOS, Wa-1 Eaat Twenty second street. "I>1 AI Til'f[. WW NINE room COTTAGE- OB frM- "ve.n minute* . ' Uilivii, lor S" a heai ? oasv ternm a,< dwwJMlvruld Uptown Brunch office. " rm ' Al" \f"')L'.VT VKKNo.V, N Y.?IOOXIi# KFRT LOT TWO ohftDio^iVuv1 W* tV" lXc- "J1 ln ,":?t "r,,l!r "fie J oils c it Vs K w,?"hy immediaw att.nrion. Address N Y. "ANKiji, J.tal t-gtatc Broker, Mouat Varnon. TL|<?KRISANIA.-roR 8?LE OR RENT HEAUTIPCL Boston Roa f; eh?." mih ",rm ;i"d , V ojiji ELL, 291 Broad way. r\ ({ kl' I-'-A FltAMK HOUS1', WITH Al L MODPRV tLh2fT*';",nU wlU> s,tthtt' ?1"1 wng. n iioiw Ht =?, c. "r,"1'* '? l?U Plenty of :udel. "le. ly hinfllr r? flve !"iiiuteH' walk nom FortL ^ .iT jbllN'a T?lh^eATw4.2Nif.ER8*TH ?"'DM'MELY Kl'BXISIli D i licrt's ot tan i -ai l >i "V"1,,| rj tmi-r-vom nti, and tw<. aaSSSteaEa; jjjy^ fWRiSfui'iK'. ?i,ajt?s!a for i venr S .,M?! " ,wtll ^ ??W'? vorv rou?onaL y rpo f'EN'T?AT Til HOG'S M, R VK AR PEI BAM mi thp'sKn'.. 7e^er*' han.l?ome VilU? havo w t^r fronts boaUilg ? V??tlo'y v'erv H l'"1 fl?h,|W >-i "id will rent l..w S ll*ira/,le; I" riictjy healthy: loriMd |'"p BLF.OAKT rWO STOI! Y OOIBIC I of.,oS?l ,M or?ler nth au .i?-re .M: !LJ ""/'iiniiwr, lioati Itullv ,;id , U( wltl, truii ci.1 rvrzt lurcher par lie uiarK inquire at ij bu relay street HK\T?-?lA v 1 Ohi LY FDKNI8I1 D TTlfNTitf ^ ri1''"" tiw M minute* to n^icru conrentonceH there are iOn? re? l land 'in lv &7WL8'?4#y4at/s;~B ks?}&sksw*x!,i "*r""' j ?yoNKEKS, I.7J-A HAMOSOME NEW COITAdR j "V'o^kf.Rs._to let. a COXTERi :\ r norsr nv ,71,'h *"?' pt'-^ant ?ttoatioa. a- arerr low IAd5rtM WIIITESTO.IE^PROPEIITV KOH SALE rpo t ET?>EVfc ' IL KfRflT n.A ? irorSFS v??? *rt 1 i. Xo! e,t""r,,t low reuU H D. i L K. JKUmLY C1TV, IIOBUKBR. HL'DkOR Oil VAO BEHOES H K Ii/kNTVIk! i or *v?tte. \ >'^N. f,flS[7F: f oi' rt nor he. jer. , , ,*? n*i?nu, nt auction on tue^iay Mav 11 1^7^, at i <? eloeii i-, M , on the ftremiici. " * l/OK HaLR-Os JERSEY CITY HEHiHTs KVilv ?.C?.% YAo?r l,J MICtt^L ^ Wl?T ";' iU*1N "B'?HT*^0XK VIOKY f r^>iUS{ ; loll l<i|j pi'iff 41 ;u| f*?r? >* ,? w for oi.e JUI1.V LtE, J*" To U( or Lraw. FH7?NIsHEI?.-HFt ' SD fl.OOR "V A (iF.NTI.K 'Han't raaMenea, Jer-ey < lt> lii-igfit?; . > ? l.v ?U ??in or her- ?< .ir? frau. A' rot t ?' i.J Rataan atreet. k?ji 14, Mound floar i 1 > < i i >: 1' V Ol'T vr THK 11T1 FOB. IALK OH TO RKXT. A-v >|- W??iru> I.IKH to 'h::k i*ari/>b, ? library, aims* mom, fclu .en elevau ! ovenraiw wnliTijt batbri. m lir<-' fwdrooua, in elagaatt ut ? ?in-, nil to vuinrl:. on wared afreet. lor ??<) i ti < nth. or ? wti-n o< ? C.ttage, ?lx ro< uia, euilar v > taUU.le K?rl? n lor >aly I'M t moot* Or t- r ? mull > oa*y parlor, dialog rnon, kii. tiao ran**. ><??r i?-.|r h.?w. i*rg? eagatoble gnrd?n. ' r t)l?M>ant wM^rn Cotta tirni r M the ia?t hot larger anil ban IHMT fc.r 4'" ?? m< nth ? i.i'.? n vfcoia h< u-. ,i. 1 gai leu to yourself, not (.art of * icnemant. #*:? t**r :N*n np W.wri >.r Itnr e? nr Brooklyn. ?' ii* JO muiuie* i iin ? ate - I'oint: eotninutatlQA orJt -H ' <i?ta .? h * 4f -. 17 '.ruin, Jally h> m ?. A M i? j tdmght woifn.-ubie tan ?at" cara; warm lu win t< r. < ool in anioBM r. nut overct ? lad. Beautiful a ? n-n, b atlag. fWung. At WlUUtat ue. L I.; ll.urrben ? hoola, fchrh, roldi.g gr-? irnl; a- 1?- ?Itf . tt ti * city an I nwh plciw inter; the* Boam-ajaat Mintid an.l ..nlv ;,?> t.. -tgtu ultatei' train i in* n.t n.u l) rr?m depot (>r o.iy a i t < ni< ra eaeb . oatfe inatead ( rant, an i anMlt amount eM d >wn, and youcitl bar four houae and U?v. . thi.^ to ahow f.,r your money in a few ?e-ir?. < 'il. * it Ui ?? !n>uaea. It wi 1 only take tit rea i uinlnel! nilr . fourth ?tr. t<,r Jarnaa allp ferrr u Hui.ter < I iint and f U'bltig and >?r it Hid Railroad I 10 t M 12 K.,T ,a. .1. 4 V| loiuire for BAM M, DRaIK tctltt at rtn It ' u wkak mora .nfariMtaan ail at otn ot o? wr ? * K ? ? du H W IlX M, 99 a% ?u a mt, Hem \ . rk ARAKK ''0AH''P. ? \ CHOI. K PAKM Ol *i A' KK.\ Ui Muraa rountr th? f Nnnlra a for .Ila |t.h H?>Ck. ' r 1 ?, Ac. ;?erj n< [| ian.l ruu ni?C wftttr. tine. MiMtmtiai ttwuilua ?t i?c la..- i arn. i mri tgi . u*. pii??r; hem. rv. .%?? . nJ. - orenard, cbnk-? fruit i?c iti..n uiM.ri a wd t >r t* auiv ml l?,:MUbiiili>e<?a: on? ?nU? Iroia a Uirfc. il.nn i-n nff ????! i ih an trcm rhlMtiphta. mil' mill, .?? n f<r rain.- dady. h uri to >? *: > twauuful tn mi- ? a??; market. fia# romi]*- tula- ?ar.n w n?d Of < ne r-ntl< mai. ?' v*r?, r>r. ?? .u'lnding two fin# H?n? . "UlnW". V CM- ke- * arr*>? li?ri*aa. twr VI igm - farmtii< Ititpiomriit* and I m .nly ??>? fi it i-n. lull ? <4-jr tMf til r t Ofeflw || K' H 119 f??' fwf pfHai'tith utrr-' >< w *ork, or mdilruH ObOKOK L. V, VL.KKK i/uak-rl ?i,, Jiurk Ulltr, .M. j I -fAR?t 2D A<Rff. riWKI,r,l*?, It A it N A > f? ? ? ? <n' u>i tin.'* f< r->il? . (!*? nut tt. fhm r?tl?i?; eotl fruitful. Ii'caflb i h?altltri i>ri <? f? 1m inonaaae ? ' A AiUnaImNr<--Idim, PtdHlw, M J i w.Anmm m .*r- r ra' to hi a .\ ?<in r vmr, i-ar ;ir tarm?he i. t?. j rt?at? ami or for an miner rw.rt. t r ?? v??r? the eountrv aant .if Mtinrl Ih ?% 11 Inwn Kro?. it it* I on it" ?ft.-ra ot 'Thiteat' n? ??/, I f , < m> l.? ur 'rnm th? ? It* Mali by entral t'aljf*. A ol Loi , lalMd. 1 hH proparty e HiairitV, ^-rea. eie?.i?tly hu ti.u | uln awl iiro*??. Wltfl IMgnlflcei,; Aril. 'iarf: f MM tul IMMIjI * il)<l?m, * Ml view of i v Mm iMI d. tin- f.??t. m shlf tiliiit' t h i |? if .laloir within plais tight of the pMa* i ahm a gsMWe-iefij f e. / iMii a? . ? im ?ta iile?, <*' hoti?- a d hatl.inz ?? u?" lh?re?ref?? if iif. p a"ci tn tlta mINHf ?< Mew Y.-rk which e-:i il th!x. fmif a.i koar ind a ?martir fr. ?i w?i att, ? i -j tins <l.-i;l> al?< -iti'intoai i .unii.n r W|i, ae!l whole or part ffitll n I.I W .'A. I'!. N l"?fl M t llr..*li ? Attorney, ..J ?ii ItfNt. ' in m? u palvi to A(*n ? AVAI.I AHI.F HllfPlMl HITS AT t*'.!t will ft# dinpin-d ft ui a ?.-ritV ? ? j.?, codtoni ri iukhi rate h?? ^.luran hamIIiKjII. boa it oiler n'd <.fH<?.__ a T WKW IRK, fi 'TT MISITKR TO C1TT-NKW, .\ -1E.eiti low> f HoD?a. if rnr.tB*; |ii,i'/i on three -Mea- nnl ""-d ? tin e?? ry m<den. ity lmpr?f??nient; high gr intid ; < odld flewi faro aefe? tn lan i and rfi.-de beal gtr< et In cl ; i ?errthliia llrnt ti.,a; rent ?err low J r. Mr .a4 tweet. New*.* A DOUHI.K TWO STORY ARII RA^KMhRT tlOl'r'r.? .i ? ri-ome; *? minnfe* bf *t.fland and Nnrtiern faili- ad ti i n Hrwy ' !?>? and SM uliet from llot.oki ? ? n Mm a- a '.?( * i ma ? n< ..r t ? l.-pota; frlce ?' S <m -h f. ff.K. V .v w I'urliWk f ti. P. IftiVTH, 78 Waaaan at re at, Mew Torfc. A I.AHfiK ^Rri f.' f.OANTLY f!R^t!?HKfl VII,r,A ?* And ,ii.on far< haokt of the HttdMit ? harming vlitwt. ?'* ?.. n tin from en* aMfMched b rati i .,a ? ??r R. nlev^r t to ! ??.try ?he I> ?> littAOU. V, llil ?r ? I I * iy, rn I 'I 0 ?T . T nitlOi'tUR l.i Rf.T. "1 Vf-'f. f-K. . \ l.-.'h alt.,- t> a'atl I" .< . inroirhi I a I oatnr Ulslted ; an IMtrn 'ottfenter.- e,: ?>.? ?. ,<?*? tt'uit. ?Mrntflt e i. r. re im ? i ren'?. ? iK a i. tits n| im r?tm | ^ PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITY POR HALK OR TO H?NT. A?TO KENT, DE-IRaiILR FURNISHED AND CM . furnished Houses: high, neuithv loeatlpQ; l??n, *liado and es tended view! BO minutes fjrom W ill street; mode rale rem*. w. a llAHUINH, bt6 Broadway. 4 HOCSE AND I.OT, WITH BLACKSMITH SHOP, J\ well established fur ip. Apply on the premises, J. CLBARV, urcouvUle avenue, Ore en Title, Jereey ''ity* AT IIAsTINOS?A DESIBABl.E PLACE, CONTAIN ing eight aeret of land, having large garden* and 1 wii/i, .shade tr?es, with a commodious hi ii.-e and ?ta hlei; rent $600 a year. Address C. L. NEL-ON, lias tings on i 1 udsoii, N. Y. A -ELEOANT REsIDKNCB, 50 ACRES IN FECIT, 2\? pardon, lawn, cultivation due; view of oeean; healthy and charming place; 10 uilnutef Irom lerrv, siuteu Isiand; $16,uou, worth over $50,000, to close an estate, DARR1N, 5o Broad street A KTORIA.?RESIDENCE Of T11E LATE hi'WIN - \ Uovt to rent fitUateU within a shodTt distance of the ?teamboat landing*, tt acre* ground, rununm to tho water; splendid views; large House, nandromely rur ulshed , greenhouses and grauerie.s and everything lu complete order. splendid shade tin 1 luwus K 0. & 0. s. liRoWN, UO Broadway. A T f BANPORD, N. J.-TO LET, FI'RNISII I*'D OR ;\ unfurnished a line Country Realdenee, stable and Ave acre* i laud: lar^e lawu, plenty oi shade and fruit trees; lour minutes' walk troin tbttBatiot ol the Cantral Railroad ot New Jer-ey; time imm New Yorit SO min utes. s. CAllILL. Cranfbrd, N.J. A -AT KLCSHrNli, FINK BE8IDENCB; MoDFIiN . linDrovcnientf. * acres; elegantly (tarnished: places Tarry to wu, Irviugton, Yoakers and Larchim nt, rent low. poolky, Wallace.* < o., 1,130 UpoaBway. near Twonty-tttth street. ? t. NTLEMAN'S COUNTRY RKslbKM'i;. THOR - i -ti'dil > furnished, to lot, at Throng's Necx, West chester county; one hour ironi Wall street bv cars and boat, nil kinds of trnlt. vegetables, .tc.. cows and i oul trv; rent moderate Apply, beture 11 A. B., at No. 3*1 Filth avenue. * ?TO RENT FCKMIHHED. AT NEW BRIGHTON, J\ ? s I . shout five minutes trout boat, two Cottage*, one known as the Noble House, the other adjoining, as the teMitns Mouse, in Km d order; flne location; will rent either by the year or season to good tenants. cor particulars nprlr to J. A. V t N BCsK i UK, ?>7 East Tenth street. .4 i MONO THE CATFKILLS," MAR W1NDHAN, N, V ?For ale or rent, a good new House, 14 rooms, garden, stablo Ac Price *?,U0d. Hi nt *.0U. Apply to A. w Do i Y.715 sixth avenue. Available corntry skat, with iooormore acres, near depot, about 20 miles trom New York, for sale; improvement* flrst claw; land fertile; no waste; might exchange for good city Property and pay any required cash ditlereuec. C. S. I'hCK \ CO., No. 8 West Twenty-flfth street. 4 ORR\T CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN AT RLIZA iV hutli, N. J.?Shoriirs sale without reserve, at tim Court House, Elisabeth, Wednesday m .t. >11v 1.', at 2 o'clock; the Hestdene ? ot Oeneral J. Madison IT'Ue. on Newark avenn;-, opposite Clinton plate, running through to Pennsylvania avenoe-. 12fl feet iront 490 feet deep; one block iroin North Elizabeth uepot; witli modern double Dwelling: all improvements<n city house 4)feet squnre. with extension. Hie lots on I'liiusylvuuia avenue will be sold separatelj*. 4 HOI SK Willi MSR ROOM FOR ' ALE?BARN, 10 acre ot land, plenty of flrttit sliude. .ve., -??u-.teU i'i (iwcuvicii Conn. Address .- fBATTEN ItoWBLL, Fortehesutr, N Y. 4 VI RV DESIRABLE COt'NTR* 1'LtC". TO R NT tor thi 'limine', or longer, at Hyde park, on the lluil'un; brick mansion, woll iiirnislied ; ample gronnd, ir.n's. .v., nio"t attractive and rent reasonable. OODKN A CLARK, Hro^dwav and Seventeenth stre< t. 4 TI EN'l loN :_KNi;I.KWf:i>l) AND Ti N A KL\ V .V -pc'iahv; ?!,.? turnished and nnfnmi.hea Re^i deuces lor rent, on iinu oi Noi liern Radroud, N. J.: ai it Nyack, u the lindson. CLARK, 111 Broadway, basenient room C. IT A MEN I A. Dl*T- HEHS COCNTY, A FINE COT A tai'e. .'r ..ins, with two acres oi ground : curi i ige house. s|iieodld truit; g" >d school*; healthy location. iiiN a 11 Ua v. 57 sixth avenue. i T ENtiLEWOOD- FROM JUNE IFOR TWO OR .'V t'.iree m ntbs a compb tely (aruiahed House, with hi" se and c -irl ige, row, gain i. > ml grounds (Ave aero', well stoeiied Willi vejjet.ilde trult and shade tr* s; lilll la -d room. ?tc. : tii' tier.*to rent to a smyll jiri ate t'aii.iiy only. ARCll'D I'aYLOR, No J16 i riurch stre. t 1 DESIRABLE TWO STOItY, BA KM I:NT, DOI BI.F, .A Cotta, with veranda iront. e> mm ;ndli g use finest wat r 1"tols. t.e ? tew. on Slaten Islan 1: 1C .lores; car riage house $S,(Vj0. DARU1N. 'J) Broad sir ? t. 4 1 STATEN ISLAND?TUJU.SE8 TO LEi, $300 TO ."S.mjO lor -tiie ii.u to $''0,000: siyle, health, scenerj otnl'.rt. lour teirles: guides lurnislie I. KLCTUEN llROIHEl 8. W) I booi.s-treet. ? HART CIIANCi:-A SPLENDID FARM OF 10 J\ aces, t 11 under ??altlvattOB; neat l e?ulen< <i, six i oms .ill th n"??es?ary out building?: l eaatiiul Io-m tion; lour miles tr.on i'i unfleld, >. J ? < nly ? 9oo,tcra,a easy John N. UlUS'-.V, ii M .ntgomerv st BHIDO PORT. CONNECTICl'T.?to let. a most ileughttul Kcsldenra. elegantly Inrnishe.l and per lec( In ev,-r\ |iurricitlar: water and gas thri oghout flne -t,i ? nl out lion e*; etegart grounds couv> ulent to t i lepot; a rare chance. .V lar^ss .v. H,. Bridgeport, < OUB. "DLCEBtONK <)tARRIEH AND FARB-M0JACBE8; I "< ->rie<; $10 IXX) ea.?ll v-r eoui r? etlt. hall uilie Irotu Krlt ra I'.'ay, river and canal: 100 miles Iti in New York !>e*t ijiiait'v biuesti lie ix;en?ive it ues, ven pr<>. cjuarii silev ii,p? anil m ? per 'tf II. seven-v am- tut : ro.. |; eicellenl gro ?? land, h- u-.- two story fra.-no, eight rooms; largi oat n : nuinerou* spring-; orchards and vard n; on tru e ot trout *tr am: extr - rdinary w#-er power: ver\ 1m .il-hv :? ? itiou; title purl eel. Aii dress U. T. MAY. No. 77 Second aveuae. / 1HOICR FARMii For -ALE?SO ACUSS AT OYSTER V- l: iv. price ?i Acres near New imrf, nr. e : 2S0 \ -resin orang'- -ountv i I'j 1- K. Mi llAKO, ISA Broadw* c 'inml--I mer for every Slate. /soN-fl.T B W. IIITCHCOTK ABOCT OWN'INfi YoCR home and t^iDg ndej ndent < t la tdlor la Then -en Is 'iave dm ? ? to Ho-ir f.en- ft- $<"??? < ash and liu! an?e In tbrM years, will pa'- for a Cottage a d Lot, built to?ti. * ex..,.!,.' plans, call between 9 an J II M., nt 1v. fWW avenue, corner Twenti stxtli atreet. | lOOPERSTOWN. OTSEOO COt'NTY. NKW VoRK - I Tu rent tbe House lately oceu .'d by Mrs llenry eott. will be nt* 1 alt'sdy .un.. fted th? hunse is pi. ?nt v ill <11 : on River street tt e krounds are ajuiiii and i- i? ' i \-rj re-- eet >??n adapted lor a *.rst c! is? ? nva-e li ardinc 1 *. r t private family Apply t J A MI S itKTAS, Hotel f-mnore nOCXTRY REFIDENl'K M> LET?AT POJtTCHES \J ter: five minute*' will ft in rtej- t hon?e ill rooms, barn a I ? able; one acre an I; gn> and fixtures A Idresa I U Mo. II It, (ileuviBC, Otiil /-sOt'KTBY RESIDENCE. AT HEKk KILL. ON THE \ Hudson, for sale or to let. furnished?River view, pl?ntv fruit and sha<l'-, #ve alnntes' walk from depot price #,o, <s) rent $idiji?-r uiostb. Addriss C. li * .MJ reekskill, > v / 10I STHY sE*T.-f,AROI-: HIVKK MUST, AT \J ?0niiijaU-? iriiiu New Yi.r*.6 acre*, high, h?alihv an I ttii'tiiinl. I rge mansion . iroit and fbajc ubuiuant i-TtWjlKT.BwOf Hmt / 'KNTKAI. |: AI I.Kl > AII OF NhW JF.R-SY PROP V ertv it apecialtr.?For ?a> eicliamre or rout ? arms Building I. n and Villa Plot* on l*n railroad in Hi* country; rapid transit HUK A HTfc.vE.Nrt, 130 Broadway. f^HOIl K VIRitfXIA FARM4. WITH IMOrK, F<>R \ cili at t<. $??' per acre ArtrJrtx H. d Ul'liASO, 471 l:r<>a I way \i-w lort __________ /lOTTAOE^. LOTS-AT HAP.U TIM'* PRII'ESi V ?m;ill i>avtr?nt?; eaay term? ''all ami K( R It K h I.I i "Hi. K<> S Hromtway. mornings. oral 147 Mc?M mtrcft. Ell**, ettoport, B. J., afternoons / 'OTTA'iE JO LKT FOR THK *"MMKIt?CM PUB V Mailed at Northport l out lalmid ; pleasantly ?it? iiuhI oh tlie i.a? ; g>><Ml tmlting. fl-li nr. and p.enty of iruit l> l H<?M r-??v 4 <-s i.tM Hroailway._ nLtOAXr VILLA ITF.H ON TIIK IIC1MON, AT la Rockland Lake: act.-? t v rail < r itcatiib- u, lit* loveliest n iioerr ?ilhla thirty Biles of i.w f irl Ap j lr'd F? MAKTtXllAtil 71 ftroa 1 way, rot u, i/i. lour ill floor l runt. INSTATE OP I,AT'-' TWO*A* GALWf r, KKQ., AT Pi Roust Vi mo station li aar*-? in lawn .;U'1 garden; superior mansion iui I untoi*?es, Im nt t lately on the water. can be pn flu e<l low. or !> ?e.l a? furni-hod Ol.fvftn hhta.n Hi Bro?Jwav. n. ar new Port offle?. rMlT.MIVOOD. *. t- TO LKA*K. PaLISADB t How*. near depot; *> reomi; i?v ibli t?-r?n - to rigat r>?rtj\ Ap ly at Uiv above, , r ad<lrc?a bo.* J,ii6 Post o(Tl<e, ?f' ? * ork. v t^AK**?PAB*S?PARRB-OREAT BAROAIR3 lit r unencumbered Karma wim ?ta? k. fr< in SI.HJO lo $, offered tr. mechanics snd lab .r -ra having Iota or houeta to exitiiiiKr. 4"f<>!? M'nul radecs nev-l not>?p ply, PLATA!', ;*? (anion street basement VAR ROCK VY. u I ?TO LKT. A li (TUIC ( OT r lAge. 'Outsitting 12 rooms, well tnriii?b?u, t< RMln r with Hale. . .sen Imuao ami ?oa< liui w'i tottage tin* til arc it on.- ot the meat dej.?r able In Hockaway and* a f,n< vi. * ol Die Ocean, md U every w?y ?u.:?d to add Wi th?> comlorlof a privAt'-lainiiy ?>et *ln* ? mmbibm ????* nt witbin m-r a> c?M ol tli? eftj. Apply to il. VaI.k. wi Franklin rUect, Jiew |M. L'OR RALE?AT Rhf'.OEN POINT. A CORftRR PLOT r ol ground. 75t on avenue I' :tS n et on Nineteenth etreef Month ?'? <>i; a^ovr will I* ?o il very k'W. F..r lurtber p*rticular? adilreaa ??. t'.. box .VWl Po?t o(Tl"e. York L'OR -ALE?tiUKAT BARfi t IN-FA HNf OF ? A?:RKP, r miftoik c.unty, L. L. tm tkt ?.uinl. in a Un ivin* vll laaw, rklfthei -cliool*. ?'i re? factor oturii, clams, trunniiiK. ya< iitint and very htalUiy location ; cotmuodhMW bou?e ai d c' Minim in ?e.^1 uriler: etay Itfi. I. A- LaWBEM'K a I'm.. 12? Mr "ad way. t'UR KAI.K-A RK?iriM< P. O.N TUB ItOO-OB, W ntllM Me houri iro n V-w York, with uoe<|iiall?"t ?a ili:i?? for rft.trbirt* the cifj Well l ain lodarn hone*, in perfect order, co.nman l>n? a w w ui river anJ moun tain for twen'v mll-?. >m- illed in ?? autv; cnr leuer'a Cott.iite large b t/n and p ultry li :>< . rm of land under hiyh > alttvauon irmie ol all kind* in mil IxwIik '? l'ii:e w er in iiniiM il ? p'a'e from r tiiral drnnagc I* I ? rte ly I al.'hf; < U<- ? and l v. r iiukno."* in ih" i elKhtx rh<??! M?o* Kerwd MlKl le|ow it* value or Wii be leaaot lor i term ol >? tr*. Au<lre*t bus 21 Poet o?lt?. Nvack, ,N. Y. L'OR HALR?fJNR SHOtE PROPKRTY, 1? *ir,P.? r trow Bv. Wf*l li ?'? r ? . unty , koo lin ov? uieatNi fteocli, doc l, tfool ?!ic!- .r,?ge i w ?Tl atl ip ed for ??till itivl'ioa. Addfi *4 1. IAIB, ilera.d Iptuwii Brain li oBIC". CV>R KALP-Or.fTBT RF.-IDEMf K AT tl'RNEa'fl, i ilrang!1 count/. ?. Y large h?.'i?e new exren Ion, ilroom-. i *rn uni <ia?.le. ?i a<re. g.?ei land; oimi Italf iul>e fruin 4 ition, Erl- Railway, 019 oi tlta l>e?t loca tj ,n< in th? countv ; part f puri1 ran p main on m. fttA'" Kof mfl pariicutar* a idre > ,1 B. bo* X111 Poat iuiic. LVJR FALE?AT LARK RONKONffORA, r? 1? A I iir?i cluaa Hou*c, with lam nr l 10 a. res of land; plantv Ol fruit: KOo I foiling "Ud boawiig ami ever vtli im lie-r dr. f?r -t foiwtry r nidnn a; tm,. rroin Naw Yorfe, J hour* ilietaaca U mlte^, prioa $7,?> > Apply to A. v 1 ' o. ,22 Kaat Thirty auhtli siroet. LMiR SAJ.K-A KARK 0 AB LT *? AORfl OP t'lRHT r ratt laii'l, v ,th good building*, in tie Jthy locailoti. in the lovely valley of inera??ali . abom ft?t inmii.e* ? 1 * fr i ?|. u ' . miles irom n uni 1, ?' J #110 1110s. riti. ? rri^e I'.iwi: v?ryefifio. AuUrcM I>. B. VAL N USE, New i'ro*ldenra. a S. PROPERTY Ot'T OK THR CITY FOB IAL? OR TO RUM. FOR SALE?AT HaV KilXiK, 1* 1.. \S EI.EOAN f Plot oi Orouiid, containing H Acres; good, high, healthy location; rich ?oii; would make line niton tor country scut* or nursery; would sell in two or (lire# , plots If desired; convenient to lior.jC car*, Prospect I'm k, liar Kiilge tarty to Wall stroet, ami proposed new South side Kaliroail; title perfect; a large part of the pur- ( uliuae money can remuin on bond nnJ mortgage. In- ? gulre pi UAV1P C. BENNETT, Bay Ridge, U I. ; FOR SALE-HEAR LON'U BRANCH. SITUATED clo^e to depot of Long liranch Railroad <Ncw.Ier*oy | Centralist Hranchport, a Inm dsome I'lace of lour acre*; house Is well built. 13 rooms: stables an i out blrildlntf^; improvement* arc modern; price $17,(KM, location healthy and accemoble. 1'. 11 A C. 8. BROWN. HO Broadway. FOtl SALE OK TO IiBT?FI'RNISBED OR I'NFUR tiUhed, at Clifton, N. J. Erie Railroad, one hour trom New York. dolightiuliv located .>n I'assaic River, large House, with nil improvement#; icehouse, boat house, ubuu.lauce ot fruit and shade tree*; ittf aoros. BELLAM? UROS., no- fi>? Pl"e street. __ UH)R SALE OR LET.?AT FAR ROCKAWAY, L. I., J' Cottage, U Rooms, price, $J,0U'.i; rent, <200; lUr nlslied, }|1|. a. C. NORTON, 85 Penn st , Brooklyn, E. 0. IJIOR SALE OR TO LET?AT PlAINFIRLD. Pf. .1., furnished, a nice House. II room*, coach liomic, Ac.; one aero ul ground : rent .*<>00. 11 KNltY JACEBQW, 61 Cedar street fl^OR 8 \LK. OR BENT LOW-AT FLUSHINO. L. I., fine modern built Hou<e, 11 rooms, all improve ment*; handsomely located; ten minute*' walk Irotn depot; 100 train* aallv. Annlv to W. L. PECK, north east cornor o! Thirty-eighth street and Ural avenue. T710R MALE OR RKNT?A DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY L' Residence, on the Sound, 10 minute* Ironi depot, at South Norwalk, Conn. ; comfortable house: IA acre* good land ; abundance of fruit; healthy location. Apply to F. II. STOW, Broadway. ? _____ Jj"H>R SALE OR RENT?IX ELIZABETH, N. J., I"LB r gaiit no w House, containing l.*i room*; all modern improvements; mo*t desirable in every way; three blocks from depot; can be bought or rented on reason able term*. call on or address w. BELL, 110 Liberty street. New York. ITIOK SALB LOW OR RUNT DY THE YEAR?THE I most ebarmlng suburban Residence, elegantly itir uisbed, city conveniences; the finest art collection iu the tnto , ?<" eti acre*, exquisitely Hid out. ample car riage and Stable room . line mount ilti views: health un doubted; ?ooii society, near depot -, chtiroBes, Ac., a rare chance to secure an elegant home near New York. Air*. RA VEX II ILL. Bloouifteid, N. J. flOlt RENT CHEAP?AT FAIRYIEW, N. J., A BF.AlT tlrtU country Residence ut 18 rooiut, tivo uilvutea' walk iroin depot, ou a high elevation; l't aere* oi land, plenty ot i. nil and .*h tdu, Hue stable; suitable tor a boarding bous.;. CL.-vKE, 111 Broadway, basement, fnotn C. ? TJMiR SALE OR LBASE-.UODF.gK COTTAOE II L rooms, eity improvements, half acre or G acre*; Iruit. shade tree ? and >hruba; near ?taiiou iu New Jer sey, 16 uuutips ironi New York; perfectly healthlul lo ca'ion; price very low ami terms easj. Inquire of owner, room 34, No. til Broadway. liKIlt 1:Kit? IV ORANOK N. I., LAHliE MODERN I 11..a* nicely iurmshe?. Addie*> >lr?. L, S., box 300 Post ottlce. Orange, N. J. IfOR R NT?HOUSE (FI'RNISIlKli) AND OBOUM.S, 1" including (table, icehouse, lake nud boats and lruit garden: hot and eo'd water to se^- >nd *ton . tine llshing and - unuuig; Ridgewood, south side Long Island; -0 miles 4ro.n ac w i ,.rk. live minutes from depot; term* i or o mo-.tli*; ii - I. Apply to ti. M. td'itA'i TON. 101 It road st ITOR SAL1.-A MOST DBLIOBVFUL COUNTRY r Seat, in Searsdale \Yi><tuMi*ttr county; has cost Its i rea?iit .... ncr JlJ.Ak U. I nil i .trticuiar*and ptiotogruphs with ADAMS BAILEY, 101 Broad way, fourth lioor. U'OR SALB OR YO LEI-MORRISTOWN, N. J., A L House with n\ bedroom*, bath, Ac.; excellent Stable. -Iirdrn ; ud oreh ,rd h gn ground, near depot : tree i>oni .i.alarla and momjujioes. J. SMITH DOUCE, No. u West iwentietb street; THEu. AlfiiRS, MorrU towa. r?RI?r AND CLEAR PROPBRTY on mnx IS I land t i exchati 'e for New Vnrj or Brookiri, I'rop irt..'; cadi pat in; ill <> rtirBishf 1 Honce to let: I <?'. CORNS LI., Van lerblit Landing. LM RNlftHED HOUSE TO LET FOR THB SEASON? F in Si uthpi rt, < oiine tii ut. on the New ifaven Rail road, A min'i e* roni ?tation, 9*, large piazza*, I acre ot tround, Iruit tree nil i good order; bath ilu and tl h ;r; A pl> to OEOliU 1IU1.KL Y Ht., Houthport, Conn., or toJOIL> B. PELL, "J liroadwuv, .v Y _ L'l RN; IIi'iK HOUSE ft) LET?ON TUB SHREWS r burt ? i or. N. J . '-oBtaming eight led rooms. I at lor, kilrh< ti, .vt sihm'I.i: lor hi rs?*, iceii uic- aud car riage hi ti.i-i good boating. Luthlng 'ii l fl-hi;g. tventv mi ;ute?' ;.l from depot. For particular* ahlre* J. M. M AVON. Highlnudf Monmouth conut N.J. L1URNISIIED HOU8P.S TO LET?IX VTCIMTY OF I r Briek Chur h station; desirably located ; Iroiu 170) to tS,'*) i per annum. pm.-** -u t given imtnediatclv. For pai ticuiarj apply to s L). (UMjIi, Brit Cburcti ita- | tlii. ttrunge. New Jersey. priiNlPHED COU .TRY HOl'SE To L' T-F.iE THE L season, ti Allendale. N. >.'i the Prli Railway. I'-4 hour* from New York ; .it w hou.e . nine large loom*; one acre oi laud; Ave minuies' walk tro?n; per mct.v liva.tay. Addrew COUNTRY HOUSE, Uctald offiee. _ CIL'RMSHBD COTTAOE-N?W AND eleo ANT; I eight ro ins. bathroom gar en in th? iiue?t part of >ow Brighton, ? i ei'ii Island, St, Mark s i ltce .tiine minute* irom landing. Apply to \ Pitfci UTi there, or No. 3# out i William str. ot ''URNI 11KD HOUSE. WITH MoDKRN Co> V: N ieucu^i pleasant lo ati u . neai depot ut Plainti. ld, [' I ii| . :< . t agent tiicie, or oi i. W. MOOKB.S7V Pearl si rt ei, New Yink ?CIERNI Hrn.-TO RENT A COaKY Co.TAOE, r J!?.?*??> i itv tleigbi*, accesiibie by steam or hor?e i >rs. tnii .t? ?.; rent tiu monthly 4l? Na*suu street, room U. second tloor. tpCRNISIIBD ELEGANTLY? LA' OE MANSION, i r S'?.en lalnn.i : t'tll view .Narrow*' a! ut lant :rult. live m outer to aii boat*: to rent to private taini v tor iriaon, or r-:it ;.ar? and b. aid first ela>? lami'ics. Immediate auaress* H. H , M.u ictoii. ?. I. Greenwich RiVe.Rsiui: hamioiii? country ?eat* mi. Cottages for sale and rent, fnnuslied an i untinnisb. I. all iri -i>: nam r. < *hnre 'r .tit prop erties Ad Urea* J. W. AIVVaI'Ei; Riverside Station, Conn Homes (jn the sot ki> and huhson?for nl*h. 1 awl iinlnrnUheii |ai<e and *mah; I *?. r West, he ? r an?t n?w ward* city a pe<u< t'. liuiAN, t?) Broadway, New Peat olfics. HO IBL PhOI'ERTY FOR SALE?1IIE UNITED state* Hotel at Car forUawav. L. I. Una proper:v cannot be ?ttrpi' cdonthl ? a c *-i .isa waf ring reseri lnoulre ot Mil UAi.L MULRi i7i llenry street. HOTEl. TO BEST, PAH K(K'K<WAV 1. I ri(S t.iinn : about to room* all mraiahed and complete in a:l nrrat gjtn nU rent moderate to n r<?.| maibie party IOMN n \ Va s a i ; 11 ourilieatt corner Portv ?ec OIlll ?>!???? t Bil l "*UUt KVt-IIU*. IOWAI.AMI- ANIi M.W HOHgB ANI> TWO LOTS I in Hartford, <*>iin., to exchange for citv or country Beat Rotate r I'eraonul Pro|>?rty Apply In B.NOX. IN Broadway, room 7 I HA\ K GOOD PAI TOBY. WATRB AND PTKAM I power, cheap transportation cmI, labor; will ?ell. rent 'i? aaaotiate with <<!'? : -?i it- Imvinit ? apiul A?l dre I*. rook ft .?< Hyde Par*. *. v Ma\cI'iv p \ rt i \i,; v ki kxijou'd ro lkt? snitaide tor boardi'i.? or private: lour unl>> trom Newark; It re in-, gariiea and trult. \ppiy t< -tr IjTON ?i f.lberty ?tr , t. cr BAMBTT A KUWAitli.S, 811 Broad -treat. ?.<r* YfOHHI-TCWV V J.-POB BALI Oh TO RK.NT, i?l flu mahid. h verv.o< rtlde Home. It room* Itne garden unit. Be.jbeat l< u ten mtnnte* walk trota depot. Apply t?.P. B BhTTH. J7 Hro id^ay. ro m 20. \'IAR HYM'R.-A OP.XTLB.'JAN'S RP.-IHKN CK ifhttS. 3% ntcrv frame. -!at? root anil wtndr w -died, ?; hard ftnldied ?a!U Iteacoed, oinmg room, ImI * and bathroom ttiiU.'ted la hard wool* ?ilii il: miatcrti lm}'roviinenti, tine barn and roach lioa ?\ ??i;tl?r?t ?nd icenonte, flv< aomlawn Ac. , will m Pold < h*ap or rented ibr ane .* more ire?ra it a lo? rat*. Apply to j n mai.laBT, Bjaet. >.Y N'hW HRJOHTON. STAI UN JSLAXO -F OR HAM ant to icnt, turnl?ned an 1 unturnUhed, ?vrri, nr?t cla? llouat flue- ? ith grouadf. nr i ti\ ationaand llii? rtew: near inn ling For full partlcuiara in mire i W. V i A BB. an 1 W.NAN.m a L).V \ Its, IK Broadway, or at landing New Bright >n. ORAN'iR ?UE.N'T Ht'WMBR OR O.Nf. TO THREE v??r n .r!t is w it. u ?? furnltlicd: Urge *ri u 1, flne .arden, fj-ult, ?hate to 'r Bri< K Church depot; a , t I: a nee * li \;,!>WIN. ftr 1. ert> street, or It. BAKit. Brl< k <?< It. P.AINFIKLD. N ?!.?I.ABOK THREE 8TORY manaard r*w.? Bou?, eight minute* -valk from di p t romaialng IX r.KHiia, wurIli $i> ? will t?v ri ni< I Mr ?") n y?r. In.ji. re ol W. ?|. .->11 m, llrokaw Bro% :M rMrtk arrnnc. PLAINPIRI.O. M J Tl I Kl. I! VNJmomKLT PI It n?-h?- ' iwhH Cottage, om? ? nv arrr Iar??, it ali'ded lawn .'v?ry > iri? ? (,r trnti. vt>gciahl<> anle i p'iatf'1, *?aMe. r rrn> fcon*>. Ar ; ftr< minnf^' walk from depot, i nna-ing; would aa?? umurnWhrd Adiir? <I ovr.N r rt, box in Hera d oftoe. RorKAWAV.-TIIK OBANO CKXTRAL BOTRL To i Irt, furnlattad nn'urnlahed . atao a tlue Itftri 's went Ifcloon to M> Inju re of J .McKIX, t- ut Borka w ?y. Sr?K'i< PA'tM-l <?K Nf.r LRK4 Ttt\,v ONR .-VI VBB ?iile ..n <Je >nre' ra it < V|curia e*?at? K<in"t? for *aie on latoraMt term* to th. ?<t |.o?<?*?t"g ?niti i< nt capital to <nako a Dm at.irt; uatural gra4iun th ' - i roumt, p; oft 1.4 on M?k h frtim M to 7."< i?-r rent'per a >in.m < tniate nn*ori>aH?'d at eieiy ?nexc<?pttoniU>i* : Mr. 0rtM'?r?lnif M??r M *.|uar. mtio-i i'"> iarv?'t and n<oate?" w?tni in 'm-':iM; retera, l?r perml-^ton, lo tAe toUVWiBf 2entier.i?n, wh haee TialUd lhe?* i ? or hive ?on? au l <?*t.itiv?-- ? ttleii up n it ? John Ontiitier, No. J't Broadway . tieo. go !? r. Kc<i . Bo. ?' i i Peter Vot er r ?|.. 'Itvui ir;. Ili iel; ltioni?-)R t arn, . ?(., No ?) Kr.. 1>-..y for <ire? lar< U'Piy t. .KOB'lh OBani", Tic tor la BlUe comity. Bail- it of T K. I I.AKK t;9' Broadway. {?Tonp. nor o-i rtRxi, rn t? 01 i NPtri'11*riRI)i 10 II r?f.t,i? acre .,t eronnd. plenty trull and ruiit.lng I ring water c.mvxmcnt to depot Pi m ntl'ea trom ity via F.rl" Bailw.iy. HABt'BI. KAY, Its Broadway. evBATf>0\.-A V <V pot R 8TOBT IIR-'B BfTIf.n 0 uir to let. f<>r the aenwon or to*r for ? hoird iiiK liou?e c uta im Iwi ity five roomi. nil uo<lfr:i tniprotri in-h'?; twit iotatiin, near i.?uere?? Had. lit -i ilre of h. Mt'h !tg rfiI., 71 Br.^dway, roi tu Sit t?TA*roHT>.-POR BAI.': ')(? TO T,P. -POWrl.BTr 1 ' H ntmtahc t or not one ? f the pre-tteat placet there; fl*.- acre* in . ?n rarilea. Ac ; i.onae haa ewri m. lerti 11 iproveinent Add'e#?P o. Illlli.iil (-taiolord or t?t it road way. UTAMPoSr* i onn ?.ti? i>:r, np.abbm.i wiii:r 0 < ot'age I.! rwn?, *4 >: tlie ?em n, ilao lt .na>. il roome $#>' ' th w -ll imlatik Mt neightwrlioo I. pcrfetily leilthy. Adrlreea C w. IJli.1., tain,..rd, t oBII ct\CBtPHtK.?BRAl'TirUk I't.A* B, 17 t''Hl N All i.5 I'tainficW ; hand 'gae H?a * an btglvet ground in ' /.aoeUi, title a i?.f??ti anafT-1 wanted for tit Bar place. JAyt'KH, ia?M road way. UPLBNDJD KAIitY l-ABM, JB? Ai BB, A V f'NI A. D Iiu cheag coiid'y: dwelling uid bam* large and 1 "0.1 . ftmt abii- lint- four hotaea erdt? o?en t?w. P'.ga p ?uitry, i.u'iatag impiVBti nta; < h-*i. ? 0- e i*y teruig. *. J. BAH.nL-, 111 Biogdway. PROPHRTY OUT OP TIIK CITY POR SALE on TtJ RICMT. rpo*LET?A NBAT COTTAGE, CONTAINING EIGHT I rooms, situated on the hanks of the benutltttf Fitssalo River. plenty of IrtUt, bolting, fl hin.'; I minute* walk (run depot, 81 inTniites from New York. Apply to BbNJABIN 11ADLY, corin.r uixth uvcauc and fwclltH street. TO LET?AT RYE. N. T., NEAR NEW YOKK AND New Haven Railroad station, store aud Dwelling, suitable for grocery anil dry goods store; In ;1r*t class condition; rent gttfj; possession given immediately. For particular Inquire of DANIiiL STRANG or Mrs. GRA HAM, near premises. rpo LBT--AT BAY R1UOE. L. J., 80 HINUTKi 1 from Wall street l>v steamboat, a gentleman s man sion, 17 rooms, atl improvements, commanding situa tion, with view of the Bay; four acres ground. with shade trees, stable aid couch house; also a Honse with 10 rooms and it House with 9 rooms, nil lmprovcmeinH, on grounds hounded by the Bay; the situ "Hon unsurpas sed tor beauty in tbe vicinity of New York; tine Kl'Chen gurden, trnit nn>i shade Trees i larga stable und coacn bouse: rent low to good tenunta. Apply to JOHN -MACKAY. 14 Broadway. TO LET-A COUNTRY SKAT, WITH 30 ACRES OF laud; house, barn, Ac., all new-, good water; high ground; beautiful prospect; near Fnntvood Station.0? < entral Railroad of New Jersey; one hour from New York. For further particular* apply to saml. THOMP SON'* NKl'llliWS 4 (JO., 126 Duane street, New York^ rpo LET?AT CLIFTON, ON THE DKLaWARE. LACK X awanna and Western Railroad, near depot, Bouses, furnished or unfurnished; reiitglOJ to$l,SJ0. HENRY JAi.'KS0N,6l Cedar street. TO LET AT ROCKLAND I.AKH-IIOUSE. I'LEAS antly situated, with beautiful lawns. Inquire at3tS9 Bleecker street. rpo LET SEW LY FURNISHED, AT LOW PRICK? 1 Gothic House, 12 rooms; gas and water; carriage house; high ground; line location, near depot at itei rose. 11. K IJii GRAAF, Bowery National lia'lk. ^ rpo LET?AT DOBB'S FERRY ON THE HUDSON. 1 an elegant Country Seat: li.nmo tarnished; large barn,. greenhouse; icehouse filled; line view of the rivi r: sDlendiri lawns, garden, iStc. Inquire ot J. W. DURYfcE. 2S8 Cherry street. rpo LET? AT ROBLLB, ON CENTRAL RAILROAD, 1 a fine Muse, stable, with 17 acres of ground, shade and fruit trees; seven minutes' walk from depot. Ap ply at b'J 1 iberty street, basement, ot TO LET?THE HKAOB HOTEL, AT FA 11 RoCKA way. L. I., in complete order and tnllv furnished. Full particulars given by applying to JAMES BYRNK, 36 ( hureii street. rpo LET FURNISHKD. FOR THE SEASON OR YKAR? 1 House on Flushing Bay; relit fur board ol two per sons Apply at No. Ill ' ortlaudt street, upstairs, be twei n one and three o'clock. J. T. CKAKY. TO LE I'?'- LEQ \.NT COUNTRY SKAT?AT MAMARO neck on New Iiaven Railroad, one mile irom de pot; splendid view ol I.onit Jslan I sound; house extra large, witli every >no<!uni improveinent; gardener's house, barns. Ac. well adapted ior large boarding house or school. BIOBARD V. II UfNETT, 111 Uroadwuy. rpo LET OR LEASE?AT WEST BRIGHTON, ST \TK.V .1 Island, a large Mansion, titteen rooms (CurnlxlieJ ; comfortablu Uome; carriuge linti-c m.d stable; shade and :ruit ire s; Mvta acres; garJener on place; rent very low to u desirable tenant. Adflgress bo* lost oil lee, or oali at No. 147 West i oriy-third street. TO I1S.NT?A COUNTRY SKAT, FU KNI8BED, ON THE wesi shore ot tl?e Hudson, Hk miles south of New Im it uful the from West Point; tor l.oalili. beauty and ideation it is unsurpassed ou the river; extensive pleas ure grounds beach, Ac.. also lor suie. Apply to Vl?14 PLANCK BROS., s>i chambers street. New York. TO LEASE?'TWO BllICK YARDS, ON THE HUDSON, near Newburg. with steam power, each mamng yearly three millions ot brink; SU cents per it ; separate or together as one. Aduiees WM. w. BADGEU, 178 Broad * iy. New York. rpo FLORIST ' R OARDBNER.? A FiNR OPENING I for a or gaidener. a neat atone cottage i urn, stable, 4c , and lour acres of Hue oil, nt Crcsskllt, N. J., only u blocl from depot, ior s?:e, exchange or would give a lease. Apply to ROBBRT GA1K, il* tMaUe street. rpo KENT FOR SEASON?LA?GI? A.N!) FINE FUR J nlshc I <'t,unir\ Residence, allconveniene ??, orchar I, stabler Ac., situated near depot, at ncksvllle; no fare from citv garden... no fever: do nios'/ui.oe*. Addre-u l>o\ ilj llicisvillc rostolMce, L. I , N y. Ito It I NT A 1 1 Alt ROCK A WAV, L. I.?A LAK'il! Cottage, par tally tnrnlshed, within three nilnutes' walk .it the? ie ii I*os.s.-g?i n nay i.o had on Jutu t. Apply to Mrs. JAMBS SAUI.iliK, 2.U West Thirty eighth sir. ? t. New York. rpo IRON AND STKKL M ANFFAC TU I BBS. 1 For sale, at fHi n half in eost, a lar*o Iron Rolling Mill a1- i loai.iig a h'.ust luruaee, with steam and water poweri t e? i.ta hlnerv Of latent lidprovein nW; n new l>uild Inir. Wixlitf i?et. with all oth( r n ?? ? ?sarv buildings and a steel e< nveruttv furnace Nine acres ei Lai d on the Delaware and Hudson c.. nil, in athrning village, :mles freftn New Vfirk. Address i II ; RI'"SKL IRON v,"i>nKs. i, vv. Brown, Agent,? Liberty street, room 8, Ne? York The iryin house, \ finh fir t clari liouft, loeutfld iu the village of Cambriuge. N. Y , takes summer boarders on tho in t Masonnnle lerins; readv to receive gneats nn and afti r Inn" I. For par tindars aildr th-? proprietor IR \ Sft.OUD, Cam bi ;i"ge, Wasliiugtoa e <unly, N. Y. rpHREE VALUABLE LOTS FOR SAf.F. CHKAP-AT I Wooihaven, I- 1,40 m.nut if in i street ii rry. Address BDWAttD BROOK, FeralJ ufflce. ViltY DESIRABLE COUNTRY p. O ? RTV, FUR \ nishe . an . uut unisoed, all localities , in erai t?. ms; nls I Hotel oil the Ilutls I), Colli], e ly fllle i ui nt u hur gaia. s K. H. VANDYKE, No. .a nioii square. I; ||\|l WILL LEASE SO ACRBs UOOD GARDEN ?. I'M; Imii.i. < r 'ia. I.iam! Duvslling , near Ifoloken ; flfO, :<???acre* Ura?s farm, near B\c lake, Westell s ir; ver; small dnedine L NDEKHIlL. 2"Vi Rroa Iway, room 6. i?^W*'.?'TO Li'. 1 TWO 8TONK HUl E^ ON fOUU II rth <h re -*ten Island; one lurnishe ; 14 r< i ms. s'ati'e. tiennt-rv, t'- . sewra! acres lawn and reve; the other p-.rtially fur'iished; d-liehtful neigh borhe-i I four minutes troni Snuu Uarhor landlliK \p plv at 21*1 Rroadwav. l.veniuK Pest building ; ,n. S8, or to Mr. i ilitbl I f, Xi w Mrlghlon. s. i. s:*> w" h y elbuabi cottage at ? Vandi'iMIt Lau'lintr I fronting on the Ilav and New York ?v. niie eontaiuing seven r omsj tirnisea y good t u-ineas piaee E. UAPFNRY RKU KSTATE TO KX? HARtiE. ? M"' lull FCL, COUKTBT RSB1DFS0B IO> IB A medi.te mle or e*? haiw ??i.litani on? hour by Ilarleiu . >ad kii'l IS minute.' Jnrc from J'pot to hou?r; cotn'tiniioaa an<1 #om'i.rtnbl? houw for either aumtner or winter. bathroom and tloinb waiter In booaa; w.iu r iu kiteh-n er< 1111U (about eight aerea) lu splendid orier '.leanttfullv laid <m with eyerpreena and ahrub berv ; large Mippl.v ot fruit IrMi; aardeu Blocked with ttiuirrm ?iii'!- of (mall QraiU, a?iara*iu be.I, ,tc.. hand pmnc new earrings hoa?' and etahlc: ice and poultry houses, tbla property it tn a beautiful ant) healthy niounuln district and la a * ere dr.irable place. Address b. K , P at oltlce, Tarrytowa, Wcaiebcater county, K. Y. 4 -I7IMB.?COtSiltY RSBIOBWH, ONK HOrR A, ItiiniUiCUl. and iuipn e d City Proparty, ? * tb.mgr fur Ire* u:iU cl< ar Farm; tlila Mat# pretcrred. l.lciiTt.NbTKlM. 144 l?t Forty-foartfc itrwi. 4 FINK liri) ON KIVt.K FSTATE. ABOUT JO i\ miles up. muat be aacrilleed to tba hard Unix; pnt tor ? \ lianae mm: .)ea< rit e property oftuied. Addrra* SACKIHl L. bus ITW Herald otllce. 4 OF.NTl. MVN Rh>!l>ISii AT IIJH COU ?TRV Seat, on the llud? n .U miles troru the cltr. w..?M e\rh'i'iji ti and u.? cash lor a ui<-d|uui priced Hon -a lu J*< w York. k. DoDUUTT, *.* Broadway. up ataira. k couple or kick man ttVH amd BAKE RY went lirtck Huuxi on Ifc-th street, between Finli and Sist'i tv>nt?p> b -i part of Harlem: are 11 let for t< nan!?, two < r tbr to each to.u?e, and are in (iwllrnl order; wtll es< hanee lor?inail houe* down town in the t>elv nborhoo lot Windsor or Park a venue; willing to five ???mu ah. Addreaa f h K.. station F. IT RKIf.FVIt.LK. :? .t -OS THr IMSSVlC, A . V splendid Fa ..rr, ?-ngln mil in* !i!n-ry, free am clear, cuaurwoaM prefer NVw?rk i roperty. iUCM MIKftAV. 1st flrmwl -teei. .Newark. .4 PRIV ? T I' ' - Nf.tlt .?KrONI> AVBSIE, TO . 1 oichaafe f. r Ti ti. ncit or l>a ?' t'r? party. .IaCUH K<j.-r..x. 1 KIN, 21 Uelauoc-y ?ireeu 4 -KXCHa.NiIK f( r: r.R'ioKLTN OR JtRW TOKK Itou.-i-. a mo !? iu rp-idt-iicc. ne^r Uie liuUauii.^u ?ires. Uv incnuil iau<'< ph<.t/)frapfl" at t <> 1IM1 I * MIN, 171 HroKl*4r. A ? 4-TO I < i v-df full A*v KIVD >F MKR n? eha-ilM th" ?.,altr Iti a first r|??j rlllk ^t Brvs lau. L. 1.; beaatunl ?nrrou>i<lni?* and near depot PAikH C. MuiiPHl, l.isu Broalway. 4 R\KE I'll V?f( R.?I WTI.L RXCftAMl.K Til KEB J\ fine n.e lintn-itz.- l three ?:ory IIoumk >0 Brooklyn, tn food location and we.! rented, new .'?? dsturraand Miaiea. wtll take a uolrable pnvile K?-?l<lence. in kimh! b catl ti. in New V itt rity or oayhu HUM.wiM I'foperty, Aildr?<a OWMhn, Ik>* 30SlltiaM oince 4* EQUITY OF ?U.*H IN STORE AND TK*R /I Frop. rt* toi Ikj?. free an 1 rlear, on rity or Brooklyn, or wo'iK take < "intr> propsrty. AUdr>aeJ. R. >. SB Weat Twenty i-lfhth ?tr"ev 4 ? KX< WA^'il? PRtlEEBTY Of IK? ACRE*. bLlOBT iV. ly m< rtfafel, n?ar IrvinkUjii, on Hui:>on; Hue Ttewa (treat pro<pe, iire raltie; lor llou-i? or Tenement, or ?<iiithern or Watiarn Um*. or Flare in lerwv, ar. ?*. tiibu- 11 city. Adareia W. O., Uo* IU itarakl I ptown Branch olloe \ FIR T CLAM IIOU? WdRTIt f1%03t). FOR il which I will 4i?e 'jo<?i ienenn at Proper'v and balance in ca*n Adrtreji OWJfSH, bos U6 lieralil I. ptown Branch < Rtre rtrtOORMTX.?FOB EXCWANOR. THE BKMT 1MB ? 0'r lure on Fulton atrect, alao ?iher i tore I'rop crty liweUlnu?. 4c., I<r conu'fy Fro party, tarant l<ot? or uierchan lise i.KfROR W, BKOIVN. M Libertr ttreet. mom 8, Sew York. hBxiRABI.F. I.OTS VRRY I.HW BAT KB, OfBtn, aale inve^tni-nt In nearhy S?w Jrmy, tn oa rhan>rc lot %o>ri Harm I.and In Biaaottrl or Kan a*. Sow on tuind. xerchandiae to eschnune for Beal t'.atale, with Come ouih; other E*e!ian;'c*. KOBISxjS BROM., 71 Broadway room DM. IjtBCHANOR FOR SYAt'R, SEW TOBt OR BROOR j lyn Property.a va'nahic liiprard In Virginia; al.-o a valnabl* Frop. rty on the Babuaiuiinwk Rivrr lor Property a-ar Yurk. I. b. uaMAIti;.,T, A*?ut, 175 Br.?dw,iy. TpBrflANOE OR REST?Is RUIABETII, S J.. A I J | on lid naw H< u?c. 13 rooms, all u.<xJvrn liaproye inant*, three block* from depot. W. It I u., 110 Liberty utrert, Sew Vori. nxCUASOF.?RNOWB rtTOSB ITOHSE LBXISQ Jj t ii nvenue, near Fifty seventh ftiect, ZUJOklOft, well renN il lor rac >nt llou? In tfle nelahoorln ol, of minlli r dlmefMoDa Address OWNEP, f;9.-ou'b Winiam WNjt. TjSXf?HANGF.?TWO WTLf. PATISO Tf.SEVBM rj Mgtt'iIn a sr^od location, lor a nrlrata Houaei Talae tlft,UW) to $IU,!?i I,, S8f.f)N EB, corner Bvwerr and Boad tueel REAL ESTATE TO EXCHAITGB. PXCIIANQE.-A FOUR STORY TEN liM KNT ANO JTi cash; I trailt a I'laec In Twenty third or Twenty* fotlrth ward or small Farm near New Yortt, Wc?tche?ter pref. rrod. Address JOHN F. TWOMiilT, 11# Las? Eighty sixth street. 17IXCHANGK?A FOUR STORY MARBLE FRONT J store Property north of Canal street, for a Faru* ftultuble tors-toek raining; equity #.iO.UX); may give JS, D!l to flO.UOU cash along. L. HhLbNKK, aorner Bowery and Bon J street. Ij^XCHANG K?A KINK FtVK STORY TENKMKNT J Houso in Orchard street tor Karm value fis.000 toi $IH,000. L. SELDNKR, corner Bowery and Houd street. Ij^Xt!IIA NOE.?27 PRIVATE FRENCH FLATS AND J Tenement Houses. all subject to a first mortgage; <?<1 uity aoout ?a.*0,<*K)will take about $6'J,0OU to icJO.MM in oe*h; balance in trade. Principals apply to L. .slil.lJ NER, corner Bowery and Bond street UXCnANGE OR FOR SALE?A SPLENDID RESt j!j dence at Yorkvllle. near East River, and seven Low. handsomely laid out In garden. tree ol encumbrances, lor Tenement Property; also about 2U Lots in same loca* tion to trade. L SELDN Kit, oorner Bowery and Bond st? IjiXCHANGE?300 AORB FARM FOR PROPBRT?, OH {J as basinets and property; also Weitehejter, lflo acr4 Farm: tine buildings, Inquire at 78 Ueekman streets third floor, from 12 to 4. EXCHANGE?FARM OF 75 ACRES, AT SUCCAHDNN A Plaint, Morris county, Neve Jersev, near depoti good buildiugs; fine grove surrounds the bouse. J. o. HOYT A SON, 171 Broadway. t'OR EXCHANGE "FOR A SMALL FARM?TWO hours from tno city, the equity ot' a House and two Lots, on Jersey Heights, opposite Fourteenth street; line location: all in perfect ordor; 20 minutes Irorn tha terry; price $7,030: equity $5,000. A. van winklk. 360 West fwenty-so venth street FOR EXCHANGE-THREE BROWN STONE HOUSES and live Lots within two blocks of Prospect Park, Brooklyn, for Harlem or other Property. Address PARK, box ill lleruid oill.-o. For sale?ou will exchange fob a stock of boots aud shoes, Home in a coo 1 locality; tree and clear. Address JOUN MOOKK, Brooklyn Post oflice. For salr?or will exchange for a good Business, Brooklyn improved Property; must state business, where located aud name, or no notice will f,<i taKen of answer* to this; no liquor dealers need an swer; the property which I have is located i.n thu llilt in Brooklyn. Address, tor two days, PURVEYOR, bo* 189 Reral'1 oflice. _____ liH?R 8ALB?OB WILL EXCHANGE f'oR NEW YORK r or Brooklyn Citv Bonds, or good Store l'roporty or Bends and Mortgages on good Property in Now York or New Jersey, a corner Drown stone House ami a Phila delphia hrick stable in a nice, heal hy locality on tha Hill In Brooklyn: near all the car lines which go to tha different ferries: mirrom and gas fixtures go with the house; all improvements in liou.-e and stable: this prop erty will be cold at a bnrcuiu Address, lor three days, LYNX, box !4<> Herald oflice. ITIOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?PRIVATE OR TENE F incut Citv Property, t ity Lota, C\tv Mortgages, fur city or nearby- improved Property. <'?> 1! hetore 10, afler 4. Owner, LICHTKNSTEI.>, 144 East Forty-fourth streo t FOlt SAL'" OR EXC 'ANGE FOR AORIOtTUTORAJj Implements?Lots, lightly en umbered, at Bubytnn and Suffolk Park, islip, L. I., on south side Railroad' aud Lung Uland Railroad. Address M. H. TOMLINSON, bs Warren street, Ireuton. N. J. LHJR SALKOlfllXCll ANGE?A~UANi)SOM F OOI'BLB r two story and attic Hou -e (36x.t\ lot VfixIltS) in best locntln on .1 or soy City Heights; also a Farm of 2* acre* at Dunclleu: 10 minutes from depot; also etg'it Lot? at Richmond Hill, L. 1. AddriS:, C. 11., box lOJ Herald, office. FpOit Sale Oil EXCHANGE?IN MOUNT VEItHON, 1 N. v., a two (tor v Hone* built three yean ago; Ims floxiuo of ground nicely laid out; fruit, Ac.; five blocks from depot. Address It Alt I'LL Y, Herald office. |JH)R SALE Git EXCHANGE FOR CITY LOTS-A r new three atorv double tenement brick House; equltv, fV.uM, luqulre at 118th street, between First and avenue A, No. 417. rpoit SALE OR EXCHANGE-BEAU riFUL PLOT, r 103x110 feet, on Sixth avenue boulevard and lli'Ja street. Ajqily to the owner, 2,3-0 Fourth avenue, curlier liCth street. JjlOR SALE tlR EXCHANGE-PLANTATION OF 731 P acres, nenr Lynchburg. Va. Address C. SCHWARTZ, 3,il i ast I ifty third street. Tj^OH SAL OR EXCHANtJE?HOrSE, CONTAINI.VO L' 13 ro.ons; all modern Improvements: stable, cur risge house and about five acre* ot land, situated t a high ground , irult aud shade tree^ in abundance. In qulro on the premises, corner Protpect aud Vine stroeti, Poughke-psi,- or address C, S., :','!1 liast Kitty third St. roR SALE Oit EXCHANGK-AT FLUSHING. L. I., 1 a beaciifal Country Residence, about one mile tro a railroad depot; house large and in good order; good car rlige hoiisi , ctnble and all neer ssary balldlngs: about9 acres of ground complete, wltn fruit, shade ana orn^ ment-il fret s. For pirilculttr* address E. J. D.. box 71 Post office, noshing, L. I. tj^OR ^ALE AND EXCHANGE?HOUSES PltOH F $2,000 up to $*o,ono in New York and near by; iils<> Farms from t4,i*)d to M i. uu irom 19 to i'*? miles from New York. C. scttMirx, 2St Ea-i Houston street I,' ML!' eft '? XftlAVGE-AT CRANFORD, OJt I New Jersey Central, a first class new House; modern lmproveuieuts; garden and truit; Jo minutes !ro;n Broadway also turuwhud House to let. AuJress box 1,631 Post i fllce. SALE, EXCHANGE OR TO IE I?HOUSE ANP r Ave Acres, upper partofMiln struct, Matawan .V, J.; hou-< has s< ven rooms; goo>l cellar: burn new. C ill on or adoress It. L L i;>?K'fT, 280 Fultou street. E^IRST (LA i.-t III lUSB, WITH ()R WITH OUT FUR I iiiture. oti l'ilth sveuu'', ne ir Win lv>r Hotal, for sale or exchange. Au tre** A. B. CoK, Herdd ofTlee. H ANDsOMK MOOFBN HOCn-W ROOMS AND I 4 . provcincut*. ;;4 acrt-s and suinc cash will tick in -a for i.'.uni'in Property or other in New York Apply at 430 West .ievenli'tiith street. 1LLINOI PKA1HIU LANDS wanted in exchange: I for goid Jfw York and Brooklyn Property. 3. BLAUVELJ, No. 4 Pine street, room 8. I DMIRB lO UOHiMl POK NWW TORK IX> I proved Property o.r if cheap might buy for cash a large siry ui toe* Farm In this Mate. Address. wiUs I;.t P i. i iil.irs. JAMf.-ToWV, box ml ller ild ? f OT8?LOTh TO EXCQANOK FOB A PRIVATE OR 1J TuiKiuciit llous;; two near ErghUi avenue mil three near fniru avenue, i>,'Iow Filtiem street Adtlrosa .Y, Herald Uptown Branch offiee. Tk IBRCIIANDISK WANTED FOR t: \sll AND nTri i?l and clear Property. Parties having slo-ks .if go.i If to dispose ol can find apurehaier by audros?ios CAS1I M httCH ANDISK, HeraM oftlee. N'hW YURK city AND BROOKLYN PIttlPhRTT TO exchange?For Farias. Apply at '3 Park row r<> in 17. L. BEER A CO. TO FXC'UVciF. FOR MM AIX PI.ACR \.XO ?'aah?."AxlOi tin* loc.ith*! and hnlllinga, auhject to Inttl!MUoti iDorut-tfC' Mane an offer to owner, ou pre ui l?e?, 103 Kmi f ightv sixth (wide/ atrcet rro recharge-so acrks of i.ard iy Mir ir I igan lire and clear. jor a small li .?* ..r for ll-.r-a ?nd carriage ?r other McrcnauaUe. Address bos iJ3 Poit offico, Brooklyn. TO KECHANCF.-A NCMBKR OF COCMTRT It KM deuce* and Farms. wllh from $5.(W) to S3S,U00casli, also Rticbandlre. to ex haiue s..r i t'.v Property I1INE A '? K \ Y, S?7 iMli 4M-nue. TO RXCHANOE?A GOTHIC HOlTsK, FINEI.Y AND ne-viv furtil'hed; fight ?? i ir U?t?; modern improve* itn -it*, t arrlatri> non-ie , rice lai 'l?i, rooi tj wre4 ?lo.uo1; will take Brooklyn tlotuw o r i-arin aiiencumbere4. H. P. UK UKAAr, Bowery National hank. TO RXl'HANliK?IIOCBSB, ZSX4\ AND BXM, IMML Kurt ?(??fni) wv^ntu -ir"'t. lor llotixe in Kiglith, Ninth or ililrtet-mli ward*; ?oa. cash n icceaearv i:i'l,F. 1.3 ft rt road way. TL^A N TE!?mA~PRCIT <*?R 7;HAZIXf? FARM, WOKTtf ?1? ft .Ml ,>r IB esobatlge f >r 15 a. r>-. i with far? r* ? I< t? ??, at Uack on tlH! M?d*o?j '<n?> hoar frt>m Ihl* ct'y hy rati an1 ten train* datlyi ntifiifflcaut ! rt?-?v?. *| !< u?i.?i building Add re ?*. wiili particulars, bos t,*kt i vat Mtee. \l'A.XTRi) UKRl RAJj MKIH'IlA.N DIrtB IN FX. ?' chaage for City U)i?. on Uatitral Kailro*4 of Nt w f?r i?. 2:> minu'oa i, nr.v ?* Vork. Addrtaa Uox M'? New York Poet office. \\T ANTED?aTAPLR MERCHANDISE. SUITABLE '? for .. ti; f ? r n market la exchange for la Orange and Sullivan coantiee, near line <>l Rrl<- Km'. w?v ; ca n baste, Addrcee MERCHANT, Lo< IJB Ht... J office \\'ANTED?A MALT. PKIVATB 'lIOl'.-tK, RKTWRKN ?? Unit a ad I wenty thir l atreet* atnt I i -t anil Fourth ?venue- in cxcbaare or ? tin. *..?-* , J ci.emeat, well located nd ligutly bum paired. Adur. -t U P. K.I UoiKl*. SSI Second avenue. irAMMi-rllT PROP RTY. fkf.f ou lightly *? eneambered in es<*nan?e ft r < u .trv Re?Uen -o, ure? nn.I cash tr?-e. r 't oyer ?tft *>; a minnti-t1 / rat', t-.eai t?<.r; i. a?uo i in mad late Ijr. Fiiuf Rraatt at BL'LfeLf;V .v t>I JH>N.<O.N".>, IU Br-.a.lwa/, r->ora 1A U'AMI.i. () fl'K'tl tiK-A flOl'SK. WITII *!'. m ;d?-rn tiaprnT- taanta, l> twe?-n hiUrll and Fiflv nlntii Htrti i.?, *ca s.r.ln cxcuaimo t..r Iiouae la fl'mt i nut}--eighth at, i.iul caah. AMrci 8 R., box 3.41 Port office, Ne t York. ?J OH?:i WKRtt'HR.?TB? COUNTY FA RMS?-''I ?' a n-? a ?' Iford, I ? aerca at Nt?>'a4l? and 1.1 ?'rei at I'leaiaotrtllo, to i *ehang? lor city Frnp-rtr hgbtly mortga?-e<l. VY .1 BAKNB*. H?RToadwa> j I II .1 I WORTH CLOTHH A.IO ri.oririva ?T11 .V" " ' tj i xr.'i mgc !.i K>U or otherwtae for cry Inipro? I Prvperty. A(liir??<-i witti nm dcaeiiptlixu tiiinit?or cil ?Ua?t and amount i.i im r * ... A., fox !? ?) Uaral l office RKAL E?TATK WAffTED. I POL'R f T<iKV MPDICM -IZi.D BRovr.N STd.N'B JY lloti*, hut wren t onrtn and Piatii aveuu?-< iml IhiftA-third out ?.a'.-n.tii ?ur.*ta <P?rk avauoe ore lerre I , for -vbirh will be given la eachang.: an ? legat t ( . uiin r * at . unein iimiiere i In Naw Jernry, one hour by Erli' .' ailway. and the eoaity I n ) llouaet in II ir Ifm?either .,r both?ana H ae?eaaary loine caalk Not i u hut caab b* a wi 1 receive atientioa. Add rate, wi'h mil particular*, K. H,, atatton i A i km id i'inkmkmi itot'-i: w A N T i; 11. >o rT a f?lT J\ I a \\ ,.?t aide: >Hm prlee and full Partlcnlara A.l.lieta l?. O < ., Iiox .108 West Twenty ilm .l a>r<-. t. FMtf.K AND CLEAR FARM, WI II $43,000 r?i f'l '0 wanted, in ?-aehena* fur City Improve! Proper!* and elegant ' uu.ry Heat. Call hefoie ID. own' r. l<Ii.lli>.N?TBIN, 144 Rom Farfy-tonrth treet "ll'ANTRD?RAR<4AI!fR IR <K>ni? BRO, .Rr.TN fpt p TT {-rty for wnlch we ran obtain pnreli i wrilmioeill* at..|y; .New York II- uM ahonf r>r which we can g I re ?mailer place and haintirp in utont We ofler le ?Irithle'y, pleaaantly tocaerd, In MatHwn If f. lor $>;,aoM: at New Providence, .V ;Oacre Farm for ?:,r S'".'r/Wiir." i .S'fcfc.nj-rfc'iKj an I eel' Ponda, Mortgagai, Insurance -locks, untaii* Ac. VV ajtri>-rea?-khta I Iv MokfwToi or So yi Htoek (t r ?< IKW worth of rr.iaeellan utta new flor 1? ^ almost errryde^rnpi,..,, ?,iten for a Uertl.lag. ad dreaa N' VV. box U7 Iler^id office. WAN.RO-,KVK?a,, PKlVAm OR TERCM FBI* Hotttea m thja try. (or a Br-t ei fio?K ? f it.-. Riiht'h 4U'r* u * l,av '? m P?* other Urnl i <iate \itr?r1larii!>rnt? ik-* Directory.