Newspaper Page Text
TO W5T FOR JJTTflWKSS I'l'KroiICR. \ -TO l3tr, PA lit of A. LOFT ISM BROADWa^. J\. Sorttwew corn or or Broome strcot; rent low. 1 URflE bXSRMENT, CORN Ert OP BOWRRT J\ auil lileecker oti uut to lot die:. p to a responsible lirtv; bent i?<: .lion in New York ii>r a llisi cms., suioon Jr auy bu iutKi letiuluug good light. A T $U01.-SECOND LOFT. No. 7(K BHOADWAY: A hoiiuvay. luyulfo of YlOOUlioUX, 1W Fourth lveuile. ?TWO t-PLBNDJD LOFfS, WINDOWS ALL round, wltU uii abundance of steam tint elevator; ruis moderate. Inquire oji premises, First ayenmi, wegty-nlutU and Thlrtlath sts. HKRM ASX KO1 11 LBK. A STORE AND B.VCJJ ROOM JO LF.T-S80; TAII-OR. fx nfcwii depot, shoemaker; half luloe *30. Praakf-irt gouse ofllce. 20.'William street A HOTEL TO LEI NEAR NEW YORK?THIRTY fx trains (tally and steamboats; boating and flshln*; (ealtuy Marine air; no in j. .ultoes; half price, $800. franklort House office. coram- William street A Rake cflANffli por a business man.?to f\ let or lease. S7 ami 99 Greenwich uvcnuai splendid /nr, billiard and bull room; ah" theatre attached; unit ible for am busuie&s; terms moderate. Apply at 217 f eat Thirteenth street. A FINK CORNER STORE AND BASEM FNT, WITH A. Dwelling, on Sixth avenue, to rent low' suitable br any business; also a smull Store : r?nl$l.TW>. ni-NE & a It A Y, wrjByitl) avenue. A -tV) FI-ET WATFR FRONT POT: SALE OH TO ?\ . let; ground 100x109: two new boiler* on premises. ? M. KOEJlLKK. 1*5 Chatham squire, Bank liuLding. AT WMINAt R6NT TO RAIl.ROAD OR TELE Jt\. graph company or some other live buripess, Halt' Store, Broadway. earner Thirty-first street; suleudld jocatlon; large wiudow. t-IANAL HTREHT.-NEW BROWN STONE BUILDING, (J 211 and >13, 48x00; fine show windows: suitaoie for furniture, carpets, *o.; also 217 Cauul street. WILLIAM iENNELLY, No. 4 Pine street. CTHBAP OFFICES, CHEAP LOFTS (25X200), CHEAP J Storage to let?In the elegant flvo story iron Uilild aip 53 Broadway. opposite Exchange place. No lanoy prices; splendid light. SAMUEL KAY. tAESIRABI.E ROOMS TO LET-KOR LIGHT BUS! XJ ness purposes, at 422 Brootne street, near Rroad ftay. jtpLOOR TO LET.?ONE OK THE FINEST FLOORS IN A the city lor any nice business or for geutlurneu todgors: corner Broadway and FifteentB etreet. opposite riituuvVi also other Room*. Inquire on secondiloor, 17 Union square. J7i0RNlSHi'"D OR UffURJUsatiD?PARLORS, LAUN A dry, ?amplo Room. Howling Alley, oilier.*. Floors, fctures, Hasivuients, Debk Roomt below Fourteenth Itre.'t, near Broadway. Apply at No. tiil Last NUltil llreet; baaoment VfO. <8 WEST TWENTY -.SIXTH STREET, NEAR i> Broad way.?Office to 1; t; also handsomely lurn nlied itoom on first, third ani tourih Uoorst woulil suit ?arty of geiitlemeui pnuc mudorale; reiereucua ex thunsed. npnoil TO LET?S18 BROADWAY. CORNER OF V I'earl street; steam boat, gas ntnl water furninhod Without exira charge. Appiv to fc. B UU tClllNOts 38 >ohn sh eet PART OF A HTORB TO LET?LOCATED IN TUB best i art o! the city; It Is suitable for millinery or lingerie. No. 23 I uiott square, in the drossmaklon es tablishment, ______ OTOIK WANl'ED?IN A GOOD LOCALITY HY A O praotioal plumber, the fent to be taken out In work. Ad.lrena, statlri? partli ttlars, P,, box S76 t oit nffloe. S~TEAM POfWEE.-BOOMS AND FLOORS TO LET, with or wi hoat power: rent low to wood workers or others 18 ell stroet. STEAM POWEit AND La ROE OR SMALL WELL lighted Rooms io let at 'iJJ anil 201 Easl f wi my -ninth ?eet, near ihlrdflrcnqe Apj^lyuu premiiej. OTBAM POWER?FROM 1 TO 80 HORSE, WITH kj well lighted Rooms, lar^o and small, in Centro and Elm streets. tt. F. HALL, 137 Elm street. QTF.AM POWER?WITH CO NER STORKS, LIGHTED p allarotind Mavmenta ana Vaults, adapted tj> inariufuctuiiiijr uui! iue> ham* al purposes. Apply to Q. ORGS WALKElt. lSOCeuire street, corner ol llefter. 1J4E3, S0OP3 At'D LOFTS TO LET?AT APPLT Cant's prt'fs. vli. 66 Marlon. 704 Broudway. S20 ?I, IS Weat .ta, lt-l Lcouard. 7J Mulberry, t. fuaN ?8T< f fill *. mm .i vol IWI, *va wwvuutu, i* mwvwsiJt ?? . BiS uJBBO.N.ij Ajjuut, 13 Weat ith st_, pear Broadway. <JTORK AND LOKTS To LE.V3E?NORTH EAST OOFt. p nor Or and and Elm street;. Just been pamted and repaired ttmuchi.uts ault.iule for nrvjr ',ti(iui;s% 0. D. ORRKfL,_i9l Broadway._ OTORK TO LET?FiRSI RATE LOCATION FOR ANY p hmmesa; >o. i<? East Eighteenth ttre?t br. twucu Droalway end Fourth aveauo. luquiru next doar, goal otUce. Cut this out CTCDIO TO LtT UNTIL OCTOBER !L INQUIRE O ut lia 33, Youiw Mcu's Christian Association build* lag; rpo LK--FROXI PART OF FIitST !,OFT, Sl'ITABLE A for^lisf!ii goods, at Canal ;ticet T? LET?NO. 18 VFSEY . TKKKT, A KIR^T FLOORj One lmUt; aultabl to be turned Into gl^ce^. TO L'.T-A FIRST CLASS SIXTH AVENL'X Bnteher Shop ai.d Fish Stand eombifted, Wtih ?ie kind oi fixtures, eomolete. cbeap and long lMae. luqulro ol Janitor, 1PI W?;.~t Forty-?lghtQ -treot TO LET??TORK AND REAR ADDITION, SUITA?L? for auy btaincss; a good location. Apply li No. a.0 iowMy. TO LET?OR LBA3E. THIS JIAKDSOMF.fiT STORM gn; lxt;i avenue, corner uf Forty-seventh etiieti ? itlen .id opn^rtaeity fi.r a rfsponsihje party, lnuuire ot janttc r. 101 W?-st Forty eighth streot. TO T.ET-A FINE STORE ON ANN "TREET, adjoining Herald office, rne door trom Broadway. TO LET?THE >TORB, WITH THREE BOOMS ON first do r;a'?o Ba^uient No 44 Bedford, corner ?>| l^rdy street Apply to U. P. BtRRIRN, li? sonth Fifth avenue. 2V> LET-A FIRST CLASS STOH P., SOUTH WE81 COR ner of Third avenue und Forty-filth ure.-t, uts ai lrIo? tore und Ra-ement. Apply to owner, JOHN HARBIUAN, 3i."> Third avenue. TO LET?THE HOU88 NO. 1T7 BOWERY. WIM1 .iR wltho?t eornplete berro^tn fixtures Fur farther parrteolars laqutn of II. OORSCH, Na I Rlvtngtou st., Corner ot Bowery TO LET?ROOMS WITH HTVAM POWER, CORNER Pront and PeaM ?tf^ts, Brooklyn, and also at the Martin Mill I anenty-?<*.ond aud Twenty-third streets, near Third avenue Ne\r York. WILLIAM BUBOON. TO LKT VHfiT CHEAP rOB .1 TERM OK YEARS? BntMtnaa Nos. 10 and in E**t Forty-third street, 2U X?, at. I Me X i). Apply at No. US Ku( It;., tt. fro lbt-with ptkah power, buii.dino tw?n i. tY-**cood str.'ot aud Kleientlt avenue. tiro floor*. ?OxMeeeb: well llw'iUM Afcply at ofll-e ot Hci'bAVKY Lumbar Yard, Twenty aecond_*?reet and Eleventh av. TO LET OR LEASE-A SPLENDID PTRNT FLOOR, lira r?"ma. all veil lighted. Writable fir any Urfht business. Apply at II Ka? Hxteenth atre?t. TO LFT-A HTORK AND BASHRFNT: TDK BF?T stand In New Vor* for gentlemen'* turiilsiiog. hat er ?ny ladle*' wenr 4SJ Fourth avemif. west side b* twMn 1 wenu ninth him Thirtieth streets; rent low to a good, suitable l>u*lue??. plate Kiass wit.J?W? IMMVlf sainted Inquire at O'HfclLL'4, mo Fourth avenue, cor ?er of Thirtieth MfMU TO RENT OBI-4 P-A LARCR BOARDINO HOUSR. 30 room*, am] three u.oa nrw C >tta?es. furnished or nnfariiMi- d, at Brack, ovrrlooXIn? the IIn .eon In quire of J. V. FARTRIOOi. . TO BENT?4 FTVrc BTORY Ri ILDIN0.6(NC*; C.OOD liirht for maniitactiirine; rear of IW Wao^iriMM; also a three -<toij tront ?< parate or t<f Liier ITNFl RMISHRD R >OR* FOR RKHT?FOR BrtU J or n>?Menee purposes; d<-*lral;It; lo>'titlotii ?nder*|* terms Apply on tM premtfe* of BlMXo.VM t WALL. 10 rn on square. 9(lO EAWT TRIRTRKNTH STREET.-A DRMRA ZiV/*/ bl* f tar atorr basement atoO" Dwelling tlior ?nvh'v Bir?l?lio?1 to Iee*e low to a private family, of Hewn Plna street ana 33 Bus' ?'eventeetitf) street, V. K. STEVEN ON, Jr. Odd ?IYHION STREET.?HOUSR AND RTORR; AUU rant per month; al<oa llc< r in W Heat Broadway. JOHN KAVAPAOII, nbrtticaat corner Furty-aacoad atre*t aod mxhi ??. DW^LU\d HOCSKS TO LET. * Karniahed. AFURN19HHD HOUSR TO LET-SITUATED rear Brirlc Onarch station, Oranze, V j. ? i o^asslon June L For particulars addri ss J v. NICHOLS, Orange, A Hooso, all Improvement* In perfect order, parly nirnDbod, onlr Sl.fcJ1 WII May pr tally Antlktil. *" nir to owner, 107 E;i*t Forty with street R. J. A FOUR STORT BBOWN ITM( UIOII STOOP furn till A II ELEOART FOCR STORY ARD RA FKENT A hteh ?t?"P Ohio itjine I'M**, coinp'ptnly fttrnmh ? 1, rorly-tourlh ?lro?t near Broad war . fi*) per uiutuh M R PBIfcND or BAL^WIH MOWER. I,l? Proa :way, ecooni Ooor abers Portv i>niith street A~FD?TH1B REDDOTIOR.?S4TH ST., CENTRAL, S itory brown ?t<>ne *em. ?th it |790 12th at. near !\rii av , s utory hl<h atoop, ll.WW; 4Wti ?U, n nt 6tb ar., line Cottaca. two lota <round, 1*0; ? < attiera 8iRoN?ON t kOCLESTOR, SO Weat ThlrtT-flrnt nt.. between Broadway nnrt alith av A~ HANDSOME BROWN HTORB ROUSE. TWENTY id*tli atre't, hotwean Blxtla and Seventh aranaa*; flne order; rent Sl,l*>. WWejt Thirty-flrat *t, between Broai way and Sixth av. A -FORrf StXTR STRRRT. RETWFRR FIFTH and J\. Hlith evenoea-\v.ry d?*trab!e tour atory nigh etnop brown none. Iiandaomely fnrnt?ttad Reside tie*, in mrtuciordor to rent reasonaoly Offloea, II Pl?* alreet ? r^Kaa, Us.s>fl?t f^ ^ -10 LET, KL'LLV fVMUUBD OR FORTY j *eventh strict, Fifth *v*nn* lour ator> h ah *toop brown -t. no. iff) per month II R. DREW * CU.. No 3 Weat l wenty ihti I atraat tKlltb Arenoc Hotel PURNIHHKI? ROU-iK TO RE RRNIKD-TO A A Apurrihhkd nou-K ro be rrmtrd-to a iinali taunly at al>?ut lint! rata, three ktory. Apply lor peruiitj *?., to owner, HI W*? Forty-lo.irtU ttrewt^ , f/CRNIHllKD HOUSE, REWLT FURNISHED, 13 r rooms; all th* mo<l?rn Improvemnnta. tarn, S acre* I.tnd. fralt an.l (had* tri'?a, btaatifnll) lo iHJ on the *?iithcrn slope of Plernont Ronntainj one hour from N?w York, iqr the atmimer of year. AluI> t-i FLOYD BAILEY, 117 Worth street HOUSR ?) EAST THIRTY FIFTH STRERT, NEAR (IKluii AYenue, In tin* <'0n.liUou; tr<>acocd, *r.i r?.it ^00 p*r montii. Mrvant in charjo. Iu iiaro at lie fall ?tr*f t TO LET?$100 PF.R MON 'U TO A!f ACCkPTASLR party, a cliarmlnu litue three story nicely tur Dished) brown stone 11 oua? ? all tinprayamint*; splendid order. Apply on premises, S06 Ran Tliirty ninth street. fpo LET-A TBRRR STpRV AND BAflKME VT BROWN I iton* I 0'j*4, iully ?hd ha.idsoaely mrnMhen; rent fcwtp a deslrnbte psfty. lugulr* at M W**t I'lMsth DWKUINC IIOUHJSS TO IjICT. Pnrnlsh?4. rro LBT-A 0O.SEY BROWN STONE HOUSE, HAND 1 somely lurnisiie l, bedding, table liauu, stiver, cliinu. everything complete: p irtles t'kiun house would Lj lu no expense; ruin only Ji.'Jh inguih. Address M. C , Htr$ld Uptown Branch ofllce. fr7r.fl ?THREE STORY BRICK llOUriE, ti1ir ?Jr 1 O'l. tloth street; perfret order; 10 room*; t'ar pJts f"t sale cliuup; nl?<> furnished ltous.- In Eighteenth street, SUJOi line place to let turnlaheii rooms: many oihers. OE 'KlilC llANKiNS, l,20tf Broadway. ln?uriil?S?ert. A GREAT reduction in rents of the fol lowing Houses'?*80 tibd 2*2 fait iOth street, three Story r.nd basement briek, 9M4, $48lu ill# East uuti street, lhres ?'? ry OjMemeilt brown stout, only $l,SU0; 140 East 6 iih 'trcet, tout story bti-eraent brown stone, oplv 3-0 East 12<rt street, a I*rare, et?(fnnt brown gtoue, with handaouie abiblc uiid coach house attached, only $I,0<JO. THOMAS Mcot^KK.^i Third avenue. A TWO ANO A IIAi.K STORY BIOS ?TOOP BRICK House, ul! linden) improvements, bath, runtfe *1 d pas,to let, at 9#> Dtr annum; Eighth avenue and 125th girect. Uutgiie ou prsuil-i's, or 66 West Kitty-seoond nt A?TO LET, HKHT ONLY $90'J, $1,000 iind $I.$W.-IF . you are not suited in a hlprh stoop House, location Jucxiuijtou ttvonno and side streets, cull at i.iati Third avenue, bettreen .Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh streets A tew desirable Mouses lott ?7,UU0 and $b,oW) to loau on bond and mortgage. t - ONLY #000 RENT. J\. The cleanest House in this elty. suitable tor small liannly; range, heater, bath and mo1 ern improvements! uxcellunt nelghbornood. Apply on premises 262 We.->t Forty-third street, irom 9 to ll, Mon day. EOfTEh BftotnERS, No. 4 Warren street At very reduced rental-large F<>tTR story 25 leet front House; nood order \ Sixtuenth street, very near Filth avenue: first etas') looatlonifw private or boarding house. OQl>EN t CLARK, Broad Way and Seventeenth street. A -NO. 8 WEST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. FOUR . story brown stone; doctor repcrves one rooui, with breaVfust, $2,5H0; ratty turulshed; panic nrle.?. oaRBY k EsoilBACIi, l.aiaf Broadwuy, Under Grand Ho lot. FOUR STORY HfOU STOOP HOUSE TO LET UN lurnlshed, on Thirty third street, near Ml'th ave Due, $8,000 per year H. K. DHKW & CO., No. 3 WoBt Twenty-third street Fifth Avenue Hotel). A-MADI-ON AVENUE, NEAR THIRTIETH . street.?To let, un|\irnlshod, with cxceDtlou of some carpe 1 A >eu, 'urge moot four story House. HOLMES Brothers, #0 tast Twenty-third st. AJ A -67.1 SBVINTH AVENUE.?A VERY DESIRABLE . tilth -toop 21 mot brown stono Dwelling <0 let, un furnished ; exceedingly low. Ofticc.i, 11 Fine street and a.l East Seventeenth street V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. ri'BNTION I?UN US?AX OPPORTUNITY.?FOUR story nijh stoop brown stono House. West Twenty eiihth sir? ot; line order; can be Had less than >i,ft0(); possession. MOltBIS B. 15Aiiit, 72 Weal Thirty-fourth street and 9JB Sixth aveuue. A FOl'H STORY BROWN (sTONk UOr.SE ON TWEN ty.third street, niarrtixth aveuue, to let; will i>? reuovateil to snit tenant; also several torea story Uouses utureatly reduced reins. C. s. PM)K >* < 0., No. B West Ttfenty-flfih street AHE.SIRARLE nOUBK AT LOW KENT?NO. 115 West Tweuty-DtiU street; good iocatlon; rent S'.tfiO; see it r . K. QOOuaLB .1 CO., No. 5 West Twontv-thlrd street. Filth Avcnuo HotOl, A?VS FIFTH AVENUE.?TI1IS ELEOANT. LAROE . House Is beiiiK put in noaipiote repair; a low rent to responsible tenant Apply to WILLIAM TUCKKK, 220 l'lfth aveaue -ON washing ?''VST HEIGHTS' NFAU THE 8U ? pcrb e^tiibllrlimonts of Messrs. Oharles O't'oii'ir and James Gordon i.inne't, onlv <0 minotes to Wall strret? Eloaant liiodern double Mention una Grouu'ls for siic or to r?nt verv low. Offices H Pine street and 23 ha*t dt ycute., nth street. V. K. 81 aVEMSON, Jr. A THREE sroin AND BASEMENT HOUSE, 15 rooms, with all tmpnvenients, vo? West Twenty sevenGi street, hotW' en Seyenut and Eighth avenues; immediately; tent $n per mouth. Apply at 1,207 Broadway, loam B. ATH'.IEE STOKY HIGH 6TOOV HOUSE TO LICT, unfuriilsiied, ou Thirty sixtii siree.t, ucar Fifth avenr.o; $2,2J" per roar. 1'. Ii. DREW tOO.,10. 3w<H Twentjr-tliird street Utth Aveque Hotel. T A LOW RBNT?THREE 8TORT BRICK DWEL llug. xG". uontatnlTi^r 12 rooms; an the modern itxl provi m mi .brpassed view ot Hudson River; litua lel on tl.? i;rand Boulevard, between lt d and liSd st-eo,H. ih it lots oi jtround and stable attached. Appl> 10J. 'JI MAINE BROWN, I.2S) HroaJway. \ TV, . sroltY ATTIC AND BA&fcsiRNf COTTAOE iv 9 rooius, i Water, Ac.; wltlrn three minotes of boat; an 1 cars; rent $590 per year. Apply on the preml S3j East 1*5.1 street, near uvenae A. / ^O.N?ENTENT BOUaE-JiS WEST FORTY FIFTH street?to let I is being palntod throughout; has backstays. Apply to the owner, J?'UN B. MtKltAY, S3 Broadway. Dwelling houses to TpPlioant-s prices, n< 1 I<2 West .'Ai, is Fast foth. fi Wtnthros P'ace, 75 Mulberry, '?< Mott, 55 ?;ri> b)'. i. utANCla GILitfc?N8, A."nt, u West4tb>t . near Broadwuy. fpxceli.;:si~Tb:~ktion. 39'wBhT thirty third j street.?10 nut, unfurnished Hou?o. ?nt;ublc tor l>rivnte family; lias U roonii and is lu excellent order. Apply ou premUe$. HARLEXl.-5c.Nl5 !5fiftA>t? ftlDUCSD; TUrtEE s'ory Mah stocD frame Houses, all ImrroveittentJ, 8^5 p?r month; do. Dries Houses, $S# to $40; Irowa stonv, $WJ. JO lit A. LXNoCOTT. Third avenue, near 109th s'ree.t TO LET-THB VERT DESIRABLE FOUIt STORY fill' slie Hue No. B3 Clinton pUce, EUlith street Ucar Flfto aveoua; fint :ow to u prompt tenant; pomri ?i. u can tie had immediately. Apply to GEO. J. BYiCJ, Ut tirvddway. rpo JET-ON THIRD AVENCB, BETWEEN 1021? AND A IU3d streets, two u'.c* thr-.e story brick Bouses all conveniences and iu (.uutpUie order, n^wiy (utcWd; will be let lo* Ui ko-> I teuanu. Ini)ulr* opposite, of C. bENLV, or of owner, lu7 East Fllty-seventh Hr et 'HO LET, CNr UHNI ,UED?Tim DEiilRABLY 1 located thre- atery high stoop brown it.>n? House 145 >V?.t E'ortt tlitli sireot; tn.xle/n Impioto.i.eutst rent $l,fOu. or to rout turnlshed. Apply on p.-euiia-'s, TO LET-ON TH?. NORTH '-1L?E OK SITTT-SECOND 1 ?tr< et lZi test *e?t of Bou'evara, a tnr< ? at ry bi^h stoop br wn Hons' ; mo lorn tmi^roveiueuts; rent per year. Apply to owuer, utxt door. TO~LE T-CONVE.s I RBI BOI SE, UTOOOD ORDBR; in, tiern imarovemtnts; *) rcoms; No. IJ?I Twenty ninth street, between Sixth and cieventh .m uuea Ap ply on the pr< oitsas. rpo Lc-T-UOCNKS, LOWER PARTS, FRENCH 1 Flat* and Cittagcs, with all Improvements, it (isuio prlcei; above Forty-??egnd itretl we?tof Firth avenue; i?f>J mid upwards M H, FHIKND. or BALDWIN PKOWER, l.JOS Hroadwav. above Kortv-eighth s:reet. TO LET?A SMALL COTTao E HOUSE, Nu 34 ?oratio sirert Inquire ntM West Thirty-Pith st rLLT-TIP THESE STORY ENGLISH BASK ineru No. .113 Wr?t Thirtieth "'n et; clean, and in perfect orderi r?nt, to a itesir.ilde party, tljM. Aoi'l) on tiie premises, i.n two Mouses bruj*. TO LET OR LH \SK?X'7 EArfT MOJIIV-TIITRD etfe?t bt .ti atoop: court yard: good neighborhood) a whoio bouse. at * very l?w rent; po#s' ?iou tumic dlateiy. houf to commence June L <TV) RENT?A FOUR HTORT HIUH STOOP BROWN 1 none Ho'ue In i\>rt)-ee. und aieot, near Broadway; *Is j one lu Thlrtj flftb itrict, i,ut Fifth avenue, rant very low lli.NH A ?Bay. .v.? aUxth avtnue. TO BEKT-A TURK": ^-TOllY HlOn STOOP BBOWN 1 Mono llooae. U room*. opposite Central Park, with all the modern improvemenu; $7 > i.?r annum HINc. A URaY, i&7 Sixth avenue. mo RENT- VI * V: IIV LOW" RKMT, A ^OSEY 1 three story House on Irvin* clao. near Sixteenth ?treat with mtnvra. cornices %a- fixtures. Ac., in com plete order. immediate A? Jjr to E H. Ludlow A CO. .no. s r.i.o street, or ? East Seven teenth ?treat__ ; rpHR EI.Eli ANT BROWN STONB 0OUNB S? WB^T 1 Twen'y-thirl street?14 room*; parti* furnished : real reilii ed Ten) $J0U Wi 930Q a month. Apply at city Hotel, oor or Broadway and Eighth street. 4M) BA*>K 9TRIST. ?THItEK SToRY UIOU ijTOOP ? Zi Hoo?e. U rooms; modern ln.prjvcm?nt?. nlcn or dtr, possession, low rant JOlig Boss, 5" Eighth av. MC WEST FOKTY8BJENTH STREBT. NEaR i? Sixth avenae.?Cm xccptionable location: brown atone House. newly painted: part of rent tor rooms lor two adalta, with or without hoard. Apply on premises. _ ??J7K -SEW STYLE BAY WINDOW FRENCH t?)0 I ? '? mof, 10 rooina, gas, Ac.; hitch ground. vt ? ; ,r at Franklin avenue and I?Ui strait or W ti APELS TON, No. 1 BomJ street. PK* AN I* CM-to BENT, IN HARLEM, A fUUV three story high -toop House, containing 10 ro- ina. with bath room, hot and cold witter ami ail mod ern improvements; bouse nearly new ami location very demrable. Apiny to h. uILMaS. H-t East 113th utreet COnn-MaU" BAS8MP.NT, THIRTIETH ?T'"/U street, between Kigbth and Ninth avenu s; repainted ; al imi rovetnenta, H i L1FFB A BBO., 444 Eighth avenue. FVRVMHEU ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. \ FAMILY OCCDPtlWI THEIK OWN HOP- B wiih to rent Km m.?, fuml<he>1. for home kfepltn. Ittjuire, Iroui ? to II A. M ami to 5 P M., at No. H? Enat Toenty-sixth greet, near Lexla?r'on ??. a ?NO 111 BAST TWENTY FOURTH BTRBET, 1\ . ne?r Fourth av-nue. ? N'uwiy fnrnlahed Pootna en suite or ahigly. for (temleman ami wife or aingie Kantle men. k FCItNlljiEp HAM. BEDROOM?TO A LADY JY only. 230 Seventh avenue, ntar Twenty third strn t; rtngsveonti bell. A .-ONE OR 1*0 ?BNTLEMF.N r AN BE ACCOM mod a ted with eomi?rUtf>ly inroishrd Houiui .?t 71 I oplar aireet, Hroollyn, within inmates' w.ilk ot Fulton Ferry A NICELY FURMSHED ROOM TO LET-TO OEN ft. tlemen. >?* Oharlea ?troct. X LAROC NEWLV FfRNI-ilE > ROOM."T?N AKC ft oud floor; ?-iter (fasan l large rT met Al?o large, anfhrntsbed lioon and Bedroom, uiarbic baatna, Ac. 1 rent_tno<iorntc. 42 University piaiie. 1 HAM>!<oMKI.Y FLRXIMHED ROOM TO LET tO ,\ a man mil wife or two irentJoineai reierenre re qutred Inquire a^4VJ rtpring street AI'RIVAT" FAMILY WILL t.ET A NICELY FUR nishtd Floor, oenaleting of two rooms together or S' t.aratelv. private bttli, plenty cloaet room, in brown Hone lio?s?, iW Woat Twenty seenml street. 1 NEATLY Ft'KNHHEO ROOM Ttj LBT-Wlfft ft, closet, seend floor, to gentlemen only. Apply at 1,131 second avenae. AT IW WRST FOURTEENTH HTUKET-HAMDSOMB lv furnished Room* to let, to one or two gentlemen, withoot board A lady havino a handsome house near ft Broadway, would rent an e!e?ant Parlor to a g-ntleman wishing comfort and a ouiei itome, A?dreai [JkVQMS, byg i?0 H'r?l4 yitOTTS ?r?UCh Fl'RNISlIED ROOJUg ASD APARTMENTS TO LEI. APTRM I I,V PRIVATE FAMILY. RK IDINU at tfS East twenty filth street. between ?? otirfh and Lex ingtnn avenues. hit* two or three stmre ISouui- to rent, without hoard, tn gemleioan A I.Alt'J K, HANDSOMELY PUBNIMIEi) PUONT J\ Koom, will) private bathroom: also three smaller Uoomi connecting, wttU bathroom on same Hour, to gentlemen only. without board. 45 We31 lenth street, lutvvoi ii Fifth and Sixth avenues. ______ ,\ FUHMISll ED ROOM?$2. 1\ Another for two $1 75each: gentlemen only. House modern, owner's reMdunco, OT Varlck street. ?To l.l.I, IIANDSOMKLY FURNISH h.D ItooMS, . ?n suite or singly, to .'entleim-n, wllh breakfast if Ceslred; terms moderate ; first class uccowuio-lallons. 33 l ust Eighteenth street. near Broadway. ABMAIX VBIVATK FAMILY, OWNING THEIR own house, will rent two connecting Rooms. liaud tomely furnished (second floor, (rout), to two gentlemen; referenees exchuuged. Address l?i liust Tvclub street. A?NINTH STREET, M. FIVE DOORS WK8T OP . Broadway ? Two newly nulnied and furnished Parlor*, with Bedroom, hot and fold water, to geutle nu-u; summer prices,' house ueutlrkept. KB8IRABLB. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO let, at 317 r'ourth avenue, between Twenty-filth ana enty-sixth streets, ruterences giveu and required. ELliUANT FURNISHED ROOMS TO Lr'l\ wilhoul bourd, private French family at 63 West Twenty-sixth street. I ELEGANTLY furnished APARTMENTS TO LET? a for gentlemaii and wife, at 144 East 'i w?nt> -at-cond Street F^URNiBHBD Pari.OR (FRONT) TO LET-IN PHI vato house 106 We#t Twentieth street;?luioience re quirei}. T7IURNL-.HED ROOMS TO LBT?IN PRIVATE HOUSE r No. 232 East Thirty second street; hot and cold water, bath aud aa>( neighborhood excellent) references. FHUBNISHBI) rooms TO L?T-4!N SUITB OR sincly, at No. 18 East 1 wenty-elgbth street, be tween Kilta and Madison avenues, at summer prices. Apply to Mrs. R (LPIf, ou the premises. tPURNISHiiD ROOMS TO LET? 1 To gentlemen only, at No. 1 Union square, fen.-it side. FBURNISHED FRONT ROOMS AND BBDRQOMJ ON Broadwav, 1,147. near Twenty-sixth street; ample oloscts, apt and cold water. For LIOHT nOUSFK ftEPlNG?COMPLETE AND newly furnished Rooms. on second nnd (bird floors, to a small family ot adults; references required. 210 West i-:e venteenth street Handsomely furnished rooms in pkiyatr brown stone house, to let to gentlemen; Rood at tendance .iiid rellued surroundings; term* moderate. Apply at 61 West Sixteenth street. HAND80MBLV FURNISHED ROOMS?suitable for gentlemen or gentleman end wife ; also Parlor Floor lor light housekeeping : ail modern improvement*; private house. 516 West Nineteenth street, near Eighth avenue. _____ H^HANDSOMELY FURNISHED PARLOR ANH B'-'D room, together. Call ;>uuuuy at I'd East Twouty eighth street. HiBALL BEDROOM i'O LET-NEATLY furnished. No. &l? i'ixih avenue, near Thirty-ecventh street, first floor. PIIKIN. V:1 AND.4U MADISON AVENUE. OF lers fine Rooms, at moderate prices, to pi rmauent pari Us. House opposite ColuiuMa College grounds. \TKaTLY FURNIisHBD ROOMS FOR ONE AND TWO J.\ gentlemen, in a nice neighborhood, at moderate rates, no children in house. Apply on premises 46 Charlton street, near Varies. VfEATLY FUKNIhIIED FRONT ROOM, GOOD SIZE, i.\ or two, for light honsekoeping; large olo-wt, gas bat1? with hot and cold water; house new and first class; S-' 51 and (4. Southwest corner Eighty-third street and Fourth avenue Ring bell No. 3. VTEWLY furnished FRONT ROOMS TO LRT? X\ Light nousekeopinii If desired), with gas, bath, hot and coll water, also hall Booms. for nntTetnen, At 1^ Mactk)U!?al street, 4 doors trom Washington square I'ark \TICEI.Y FUKNI8HHD ROOKS?BINOLB AND DOU J.M bie. N<>. i01 hast Eighteenth ctreot. OHNE OR TWO FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent? WlthoAt board, to gentlemen; one suitable lor doo'or's ofllo-i; house modern ; location excellent terms n: ode rate. ^ West Tenth itreyt,near Filth trnw. KOOM^ NICBl.T W|IW?MI> MIL AO., AS LOW as $.1 SO per week, 75e. per days elrgant family res taurant attached, correspondingly low prices. b79 lirood wair. one dnor north Oratid CeuiraL COME VERY NICK ROOMS SUITES OR hINOLY. IN lO aprhate family, in llilrtj* seventh and Inlrtr-eighih ?treets. I.elwetn Hfth and Sixth itvennes. to rent to giatlamen. Address ii. H. B. B., Herald Upto>m Branch rpo LRT?TO A PINOLE GENTLEMAN, IN A LARGE i. imupe where there is out one lodger, a spmeiens and ?well iarnmhed RoOin, with Dressing Room connecting; rfint *4<i a month without board; references reqnired. Ai'Olv at No. M East Nlnoleeuth street, between iiroad way and Fourth avenue. TO LET, FURNISHBD?213 FIFTH AYENUE, COR. ? ner ot Twenty-sixth street, a Bedroom and Pari r, fronting on Madls<m square. Tcms ?ery low. Apply at room A, Dod worth's outiding. To let? ro a Physician, a fciinishbd par ler Floor or iront Room only, for office, if preferred, at 204 Eis* Thirty-ninth street; ha* been hsea for that purpose five year* _ _ TO LET?WITHOUT BOARD, LIBRARY AND KX ten'rfon Parlor, handsMn" Hupe of Ro^ms on secoud d or. ami large comturtablv furnished K ouis ou fourth floor, in first class private house, 2; East Twentieth 4t. TO LBT?A REC'OND FLOOR FURNIHI1ED OR UN. Iurnishe'1. separately or together, to single gentle men or a small family without children. No. 141 West Thirty seventh street TO LKT?TWO furnished ROOMS TOOK1 HER or separately, to gentlemen only. Address L. B. U., station Ii. __ TO LET (TUB NTCfsftT VIBW IN THE CITY)?A fhrntshcrt Room, with immediate potseMlon, at 13 Mouth Viushiogton square: opening of Hotel Lafayette shortly. TO LET?A NICBI.Y FURNI5HBD BOOM, TO A gentl- man desiring a au'.et inmt; all mo<Iern Im provements: small private family. 144 Loxtocton ave nue, nejr Twenty-ninth street. TO IBT-A NICELY FURNISHED H< I v private family: location pleasant and aecenim* hv three lines of oars. |>uges and elevated roadt board con veniently near. Son west Thirty-second street. TO RBNT-FoR -IX MONTHS OR LMD, IK NEW apartment house 531 Fifth avenue, e'egant corner Suit of three large rooms (or lour if desired., newly aud well furnished. ____ OR THRBK BOOM8 OS THIRD fLOOfc-^UIT. 2 __ able lor light housekeeiilnc; aUo a Hall l!> oin: In I Scotch fainliv. Call at t71 West Tivcutv-secotU street, near Elguth avenne. Q NBATLY FUIMSHSD ROOMS FOH HOUFtKEEP O Ins. or two yoang men; three minutes' walk tn m Tontb -treet and Twenty-third street ferries. 11 Union gnaee. $is. CTII ATBNUE. NO. 07, TH RISE DOORS ABoVE ?' Hotel Rruuswick.?f urnished Room* to let, to gentle men only . references. STH A7MOTE. COBNBE FORTY-FTRBT STBEKT.? ; tJ Hootn* to let Jiuuly and tu nuitf, fun:i?ho<l . r an- . InrnltheJ, to gentlemen only, without '>?'*rfl; location ?uperb: family nriv?u. Wo. I Rest Forty ftretetreet U EAST TWENTY SECOND UTRKKT -SLhOAjm/f V Ajrr.ltljed Booms to lut. wttnotit bo.ird, to grnt rmetti fine r ste.uraat second door; local lou ctutriil; refkreuovi exchatwed. nHAHT SEYBBTEKNTH STBEET, RBTWBKN t'Oioii (qniir>' in ' ? iHh uremia?A tealralde Room ta let, tartriahaa, to gentlmen only. Refenn e^ lO WB3T TWBPtTY.PTRBT RTREKT. AO WeWlr fur in-l.-*', K.>o;ni to let lor lodger*. QOD HTRPRT, BO. 116 R\ST.-TO l,ET. H ANI)? sotiiely turniidiod I'erlor Fl .or, three rooin? derp t< ^tther or separately; also other niceij furatahed Ryom, on tlurd float, without bout QO HAM NIMH 8TRRBT, NRAft ITNITRRNirY <SO plaoa iprlvnte family).-Second Moor. elegantly turnlsi.ed, together or separately. to gentlem. a only, without lo?M; tfa*. batb, ? ; rented Monthly only. ?>7 ?h 1 TWBBTT-POUBTH ?TRRBT?TO LIT, _ I handsomely furnished. looble alng e Ro>cos, , without t^oar:, at wry low raie-. 1 OQTB 8TRBET, I'D. NEAR SIXTH AN'KKUB.- 1 MO Ntcely furnished Rooms la a private Knncli f<iu?- 1 lly; moderate term*. 1 tlQ EAKT TENTH RT1BBT, NEAR PN1VERSITT tdU place. ? Fornifhed Room* to lot, for gentlemen onl*. either permanent or transient, at dimmer price*; family prtrxta references raqmred. qTcottaob pTaorYnkab bi-bkckk^r strrh ? i Ol Plirnut it, fnrfilMied trout Room, with sul* Room, i connecte 1. and sas, at ?tp*r weak, without board. Q?? WB*T IWRNTY-SKVENTH HI REET, N BAR j Ow Hroadway.? Handsomely furnished Konati to I rent, hi a private house, at a moderate price, every . thin j ft rat cUaa. plaaaant home for a party ..I g-ntfe ! men. ai-o a Parlor and recepUo* itoom, auliaole for a physician'* office; reference* ^ QQ LAFAYETTE PLACE, OFPOSITB A3TOK 1.1- j I DO hrary ? Hand*omely famished Rooms to lei. ? ?Inirly or ea suite, 111 first claa* prlvata koMi terms : I moderate 4.)C PER MONTH, FURNISHBD-BKOOND FLOOR, trO'J eompicte tor housekeeping, in an elagsnt br wn < ?toi)? Uou?o, neari'arroli Park, Nrwokiya uae of hath, laundry. Ac. Apply at Mo President street Brookly n. Qdi EAKT TWF..NTYFIR-T sTRBRT, NRaR BROAD- ' of) wny Within a tew doo-? of WMWll'i ftr?t > ;??( ra-<taiir taL?Hati laonn st turnl*he<t Ra. tu? In tlie ity, en ?alte and tirgiv. without board, to geatlaman only; 1 i.ri'.Kii?t It daalredt tertnn very mod. rata to pertr.?..? nf ! partim: alao flue hall Htt ittn j't) BAST fWKWTlKfft STREEf BEAR RROA0 tJj wnj ? Furtiiahe.t, s de? r <Me bark Parlor, wltti axtanali'ii Koom , aluo <>tlier Rooin? for (i-Bllemen. wttb breaktaitjl de?lre.lj reteram a* exohangert. ie past twemytoird strbet. - hand 'x?J aoaMly furnished and c nrenlont to all aity ear*; gentJaman only ; prire? moderate^ t R WE'-YTwKNTV POPBTII RTRKi't. NBaI Pffili 'A'' Arenue Hotel. ? A lartt" haadaome second (!? or front Room; large clo*t?, wa ar Ac.; all Improvement( also amall Booms in a prirata family; term* vers mod erata. 50 POUTH WasUINOTON 8QUARB (FOCRTH O itraet).?A ueatlv tnrnlshed front Parlor, mlt.ihle lor a gentiemaa and wife or two iiagla gentlomeui all convenience*. rr I WE.tT TKBTH 8TRRRT.-PAM/)R AND RKO I A room, handsomely furnished, with bath connect Ing, to let. without hoard, to ona ar two fentlameu t ref erence*. T1 IRTINO PliAOE, BEAR ilNETEBNTll RTRfET I A (Qramercv lark).?H?ndsT.nely furtttMad Room* to let, without hoard, to kentioman ?RJy. t?mi iuv4 KIKVISIIKO R((OMS AND AfAJHTitKNTS TO litO'f. 1|OWK?T TWELFTH STREET?SECOND STORY 11 m (runt Room, weli furnished, with every coBVMi leme, Wlt!.i?ui board. References exchiMKCI. mXJgZlXOTON AVENUE.?TO RKNT. FUH nislied, one iarae. Bleasuut uout Kooin and u bull Koui tOK< tU'T or sej aruielj lOfk S BOO N D AVENHE. 8T. MARKS FLACK. 1Bixhth street. ? Newlv furnished Room* mod ?rate pricei, bath, hot ana cold water, uua; desirable locution: w.,uil gteoinibodate goutlcniuu with Mreuk fiint If desired. 1 j<) EAST TWE NTT-FIRST STREET, OPiOSIIB ltO Oramercy Purk lino! ?An el?gantly furnish -1 Ro m on second or tlilru flow of first das* bro>\n stoue louse. 1r.:<> WEST FOURTEENTH STREET.?FOR KN? ')Zi tlemon only, a nicely lur:iiiU?d Floor, tUre? rooms and bathroom. I r n WEST TtTIRTV-aKCTM STREET,?TO LBJ, TO I im) gentlemen only, handsomely furnished Parlor Floor; also two lurge Boom* on second floor. 1 r:n west foktv.eiuhth stiuet, between !?)</ ixth uud seventh avenncs.? rwo vi-v plcarant and desirable Itoouts to lot. neatly ftfaisueu, with pri vate family, without board. OAQ SEVENTH A7KNt"B, BROWN STONE HOUBE, m\JQ near coruui Twcnty-second sireet?To let, fur nishod, two met Rooms, second floor; also Room on third floor; pleasant location. A UNFVBSISIIEi) KOOnS ARD APAll^ MEJTTS TO IiKT. HANDSOME THIRD FLOOR, five ROOMS; HOT and cold water, gas. bath and closet) private In .a**; with owner; rent *23 to it small select tatuily. 418 Kiist Fifty-eljhtn sweet. ABROOJiU FLOOR TO LET?THOROUGHLY painted nod cleaned, to a small family, tor liotiac keeptQu, consisting of a large frojit room, large back room, pantry, closet*, bedroom and bathroom; renl$i6 per month. ?ii!) included. 222 East Thirty second street, near Third avenue. Apartments to.let-of 2, 3 4, 0 or p rooms, at greatly reduced rents; rents from 17 to$3U;ali Improvements. Inquire at FOLSOM1 3 Real Estate oftlce, No. 138 i-'lrnt avenue, or No. 100 Ludlow street, near cor ner Houston street. . A GREAT MANY PARTS OK PRIVATE HOUSES TO let, to small respectable families; Floors to let in all part: of the cltv. THOMAS Meat-IBB, (544 Third avenue. Aflat in an elegant new brown stone Hon e. No. tS3 Went Fifly-secnnd street, tour .1 or< west of Broadway, the upper part oonslstlm,' of six lar?t rooms. all light; Ir lit ana back ,-talrs, dumb waiter, Ac wos+ of Broadway, the upper part yon rtstlug of six lar*e moms, all light; froi ' Apply on premises. ABEOONU FLOOR?NEWLY painted AND papered ; wator; separate gas; private home; rent low to small family 1 possession iunuedlatol.r. inquire at 88 Jane street. A?SECOND FLATS TO LET, SEVhN ROOM ; IM ? provaments; Forty -ninth ana Fit ty-fourth streets, near Thjra and Park nvuuuos, #.V and $30. GREUOft & Mii.Li.K, itaird avenue, corner Fifth street. Apartments, floors ro leu-at applicants prions, in 68 Or. shy, 66 Hester, 20 l.u '.low. ".2o Pearl, 327 ! a I 4-th. 53 Crosby. ,r.t Heeler. 324 Pearl, s? West lltli, 177 Elizabeth, 2J Mutt, 7r> Mulberry T. FRANCIS OIUBONS. Agent. 12 West 4th st., near Ur< way. A?TO LET, UPPER PART OF HOUSE 411 WEST . sttoef, (lvc rooms with separate bathroom unil metre; neWly painted una kuUointnea; rent $41. Appiv to owner, on the premises. Attention i-frsnou flats thirtv-foubth street; suits six rooms; modern improvi-menu; rents $40; possession, call and 1* suited. Mo BR IS B BAliR, 72 Wo,st ilil. ty fourth street anil KW sisth avenuo' Apbivate FAMILY WTL!. RKNT PART OF THEIB housr, second and third floor*, together or cep arately, coiislsnnf of Kve rooms e.ien; water, eras. Ac rent moderate. Apply at to West Twentr?ercoua street. ELROANT PARLOR \ND basement floors and s -rvant's Room, all e.otnr'cti for honseheeplnu, in I new brown atone house, No. 22( Bust StXLj second street; three adults occupy balance of house. Apply un prem L'ts. Elegant rooms rot a small family.-aP ply at 21 y.usi Sjx'oenth street. 1J1LATS. FIRST AN J) SECOND STORIES. IN TH ?. ' new brown stone house, to let?ci*lit rooms each, with all m 'lern jmi'rovevQeiits, stationary tubs batl^, liot a-ul cold war r, t'ah rtn? j. ib>or ? >t>'"".om. 1 as flxtBres, separate meter; balls ci rpetert. lighted an.l kept in oruer; newl* painted ; rent $40 >\nd #15. Apply on th?; premises, 324 V<vBt Forty- igj.ih street. jHATS To LET?IX BROWN STONE HOl'SK Uti East Fitty nlnth street; ail modern improvements; nine rooms each; no dar& rocins Inqntre of A. EN OLE 11 a Di\ 114 Bus' l'ltty-nlutu street, or ot A. v. "iPsWi, F THOMPSON, 497 Broa'tway. F'loWu or 'l'Offt ok M3AT to let-in flret <1 ass tenement house! ample closet room. No. 833 West ! if.% -ilrst street. HAUI.EM.-TO LET TOE LOWEK PART OF TUE One stcne hou*e 21J East U6;h street Bonlevhrd) to a --in .U family . ail moclern tail roveinenrs an J In r erfect enter. Iin;ulro 011 tLo i ttiuisea or at lli Last Thirtieth ?troet. HAWDSOME -E<"ON r> FLOOR IN PRIVATE BROWN Ktoiia aoQse tj let to gentlemeQ or small faintly; will tnrpish if a<sired -. reierences renuir.-J; t, rm? niud er iw. 81 W,.st Sixteenth street Handsome seoond floor, in fikb neioiibop. ho?Hi. gas. bath, with private lutniiy of three. 453 West Twenty iourth street QPLENHID FLAT?>ONB LBPT, ON THE CORNER OF lO Forth-elghth street anj sixth uy .uue; all the Im provements; best location up <owu. inQuire oi janitor. No 101 West Forty eighth street OPLENDID FLATg?NSW ANI' EI.KOA.xTLT LO O 1 aie l In bMM No. TV We?t Fojte^erotitlistreet. c< rr. inolloti.'. gbt, airy and cot vet i-ut; will t> fhilshed its fadeiail to suit tenant. Inoulre of janitor, No. UN west Pjrtv eighth streat QBCoND FLOOR TO LET.-PIUYATB HOUSE. KE O ftnod location, modern conreulenoea. adult* pre ferred ; r? arencej required. P.,9 Eaat iiighteenth afreet, r.e ir lhtrd avenue. Ta BOWK BR or A TIIItEK -TrOKY HtOH ST' OP brown stone coru r bona-. Lexington av- nu\ vicinity of Fifty third street. who occupies lower part, will rent two upper Mourn fo a small family, at MO per month. all improvement*; excellent condition. aouthern an.l nwi rn exioaure; in nr.exceptionabM neurhbor hood. Addr< *? E. II. Uorald oftlce. THREE ROOMS ON rARLOR tLOOR TO LET cheap?Respectable nritrtibi.i h ^><1. nli ? home, near U.evaied Railroad ruuion. S57 Wen 1 biriy flr?t *t TO LET?LOW BR CART, BBVBN ROOMS, ftf; THIRD floor, flve rooms, $&>, all Improvement*. Inquire at Na S Benwtok atreoi TO LET?IN A DKSIRAJLB NEloHRpRH )OD, Part of House, second and thjnl floora. T8i Ltziuj. too avenue, n? Sixty first street. To List-apartments in uiicThi- InTortistu Mrttt. betweun Hocoml and Third arenouet aiai No. 54 Hudson street, Hoi oken, lor uali ess or private dwell ing. apply to G. B flMii'H, K3 West street TO LET?SBCOND FLOOR, CONTAIN INO SIX rooms. with cloaetei house hleccker street In quire in the store, or at IS* Wen Foj t.v-auith <treet TO LBT?SECOND FLOOR, IV BROWN It TON R house No H9 We?t Forty eighth aireet, toa small (ami v o| adult*; rent in -derate. rpo i.t r-TTtH UPPER PAW OF HOUSE IDS WKST 1 Twenty-eighth atrcet. to a sraah American family; all in goou order i immediate posaesaiou. IK) LRT?RAND-QMK FRENCH FLATS, ON LRX. itigton avenue, with all improvem. ots Inquire &n premise*. 681 Lexington avenue. T* "o l - S?second "Floor, ooSiiimru-or pour room a, and privilege of bathroom. No. fi Charles str?<: Math ward. Apply on premise*. TO LF.T-tWti NICE FLOORS, RECORD AND 1ITIRD, la houae 49> Fi arth avenue, between twenty-Din h and Thirtieth 'lieu iron aide:, 1:1a hii.1 plenty Closet ; two parlor - and two bedroom* on ea< h floor; onfv nentiem n an.I wife on first tloor. will let japarwte floora- ran- ti.) for third floor 'or second floor- laoulra al O'RBlLL'.-s e?0 Fourth avenue TO LKT-FINB SECOND IffOOR OP THREE ROOMS, rent tit, first class neinh!>orhro<l. Apply on prem ies, 115 Best Fortieth street, between Park and Lexing ton avenues. rro LBT-P\RT OR WHOLE. TUB THREB STORY 1 courcnloot Hutiae 81 Euat (treat: all modern ltupro\o;;.eufli; now telng put in perftet rdcr, rent low. .NBAFU. A UO.. rhlrU aveono and highly slxtn afreet. T" ORKNT-vrrER OR LOWER PART Of A Ft>CR atory broWa (ton* Uouao, etc mnt condition, auita bla for a pliymcmn, rent moderate Inquire ot) the premlaea, 217 i.aat Thirteenth atrcat. near laird av#uue T'O RFNT?L'PPER PART OF BROWN STOVE FRONT hooaa on \fa*t Forty-alxth atroet; <even room* be ?ilrtes ! tu and MMdlTi owner occuplea salance, im mediate poaa?a?iot>. Apply to JAMBd I'RICh, fcxillul aou street. T<> RENT-AND FURNITURE F>?r saLB CIIlAP, i second Floor, Ave r^mi. ploiuantly iocatodt anlt able for a ire<suiaier. No. IS higkth avenue. TWO OR THRBB PLBASANT SQI aRE ROOMS?OS first or second flo >r ; singly or tot ether ; uuturnlaned or farntahad I hoi ana cold water, terma in ode rate IH weat Tenth street. rrtWO HAKD.sOMB LABOR K'X.MH ON THIRD 1 floor, with w^ter and gaa; prirtlege of kitchen on tame H.,or, $:i No. U Foarth as< nua. near Ceoper In stitute. I T^OP FLOOR, FOUR ROOMS, KVKRY MODERN 1 improvement. In brown ?r,.!ie hotwe, with own' r, rent $46 M Ka?t tlglity-fourth street, botweea -econd and ihiri avenno. _ UNFCRNISHBD ROOMS To LET?TO R-.SHoVSI bh parties. i64 Weat Forty-third stroot 4 ROOMS-OAS, water ac., prip'R $M: or s R ami. #96. Apply on the pretntses. SS Jane street. nTH STREBf. BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH fiventies ?Two flrat ciai? ? enem*cis. com.On mod el n Improvement*. let tn (lata to flr -t eia-i* tenants. Tor I aale low mid on eaay tarina. IIS Wall (treet, up stiiira. coal ??1 wic T FORTY-FOfRTTI 8TICKET.?To LBT, M I three Rooms, third floor, In ah'# otder, oniur nlshi d , rent *14 per moath. Apply ?t lIUBaat Thirty dull street. _ r 1 WE>T TWE>T| KOI RTH HTRBKT.?TRIBD ?) I H or. to !et, gaa, hot and ci.19 wator, aniarnlahed . rent ft * m. nth. ; 1 Iff WK.-tr FORTY sf YF.NTH RTKBBT NK*R I1?) sixth avenue.?Unexceptionable location. broWn atone House, m-wlv paluted part of rfnt taken for rooms for two adult*, with or without board Aoply on premise* onr4 WBRT TW ENTY FOURTH HTRBKT.-10 T.ET, ^JU?) anftirntancd Second Floor o< three rooma and bathroom to a small familyi house private. ala< modern lmprovementa. _ Per Otlxer To I^?i AdT?(Uitmenti l?e ^Ur?U9rj,*, 0 EI'ROI'EAN KTKAJWJ-IULPS. NLY DIRECT l.INfc TO FtiANUB. lit OPNE'tAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S WAIL STEAMSHIPS BhlWEEN .);W YORK AND HaVKK 1 Ut apleiulld rojMela on tills tavorite route for the Con tinent'Veins mure southerly than xriro'her will sail from pier N SO North River. n follows:? L'AMEIilOUK tl'uiuou ... Saturday, Mav 15 YILLE 1)1. PARI- (Lac lies Unit J.... aturdai MaV 23 PEHEIKK (Daurel Naturdav. June 12 rilli-E or PASSAGE IN It'll.!) (inc.-lti 1iu.- >V!U0>. First' iiOiu.KO: Second. SOS; Thir l, Return TickeiN at reduced rates. Steerage, $.2. with superior aicomiuoda.ious and in cluding nil Beoes?urie? wi h.iut extra charge. UEORUi MAi KflNZl K, Agent, 55 Hroadway. HAM BIRO-AMERICAN PACItEl COMPANY'S LINK lor PLYMOUTH. Oni.BBUl'ttO aud UAMliUUG, ClMHul A Muv IS I l-KI.->rA Mar 27 WESTPHALIA May 2d I TH I KIN .1A June 3 iiutus oi passa','o to Plymouth. London, Cherbourg. Ilamntir;,' and nil points ui England, fccotland and Wales i? First cabin, tipper saloon, gold * illXI First cabin, lower saloon, Bold ("4) bteerage, curronev 3d KUNMAHDT <t CO., C. H. RICHARD A BO AS, (leueral Agents, Uotu-ral Passenger Agents, 81 Broad street, New York. 81 Broadway. New York. /'iunaro link.?b. and n. a. b. m. a. r. ca V no huh. With u v:?w to diminishing the chance* ol collision the steamers of this line las.e a specific course lor all seasons ul the year, on the outward passage Item Queenstown to New York or Boston, crossing In the meridian SO at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north of 13. Ou the homeward passage erosslng the merldiau ofSO at 42 latitude, or nothing tti the north of 12 From NEW ? OI'.K lor LIVERPOOL and Ol'EKN'HTOWN. ?SCOTIA Wed., May 12 I * CY l UI A... .Wed. May 19 ALOERia sat., May 16 I PRUSSIA ....Wed., Mar 26 Steamer* inarkon * do not enrry steerage pasf-eugers Cabin passage. $80 *b'0, #180. gold, according to ac commodation. Return ti kelson lavorable terms. Sti-eruge tickets ti> and lrom all parts ot Europe at lowest rates. -Freight and cabin oince, No. 4 Howling Greeu. Bteerage umce. Ill Hroiulwav (Trinity Building). CUAHLKhU KRAlsCKLYN. Agent. anl I'. II. DU Vi. RNET, corner ot Clark and Randolph streets, Chicago. RED STAR LINE, u:>pointcd to carry the Belgian and Ctilted Statoj mails. The following steamers are appointed to sail .? FOR ANTWERP. From Philadelphia. VADERLAND Ma> 21 NEDEHLaND June 14 FROM A For Philadelphia. NEDEKLAND May 21 VADKRLANU lune 14 Prices ol passu First Cabin #80 From New York. STATE Ol-' NKVADA.May 8 SWITZERLAND June J HTWEHP. For New York. SWT1ZERLAND May 0 STATE OF NEVADA.Juue 2 gc in currency. second cabin 86J steerage tiuauts to and trorn all points at the lowest rates. Passenger accommodations for all classes tmsurpassad. l or passage, rates of freight and uilter iuioruiuuou, apply to (ir.olloE W. COLTON, Agent, 4'. Broad street,, New York. JOHN McDONALD, Passenger Agent, No. 8 Battery place. New Vork. PETER WUIUlIT A SON.-i, Oeneral Agent?, 307 Walnut street. Philadelphia. B. VON DEK BuCKE, Oeneral Furoiiean Agent, Ant werp. XTATIONAL LINE. Xl l-'roui piers Nos. 44 an 1 17 N* >rth Kiver. FOR LtlvDON OlttKCl. I ENMARK, Wednesday, Muv l.i, ?, p. M. TO Ql'KENSTOWN AM) LIVBt.POOL. KNOI.AN L).. Mav l\ 1 P M. | l ,IE QU EEN. June 8.S P. h. HELVETIA.Mtt\ 22.7&JAM. I SPAIN June 12. 12 M. EOYPI .Muv ?). II A. M. I Cabin passage. 870 aud enrrcnev. fteeragn at greatly reduced price*. Return tickets it reduced rato*. Prepaid ?teerage tickets lrom Liverpool at the lowest rates. Apply at the company's oPIee, no. ti9 hroa lway. F. Vi'. J. UORSi', Manager. A KBBIOAM LINE. A Weekly Mail Steamship Service between PUlLADELPIUv AN I' idVERPOOIi, calling at yueenstown, sailing every Thursday trotn Philadelphia, and tailing every Wednesday from Liverpool. The following steamers arc appointed to sail from Philadelphia PENNSYi.VANIA. ...Mnv 13 i OHIO Tune * INDIANA Xav 20 ILLINOIS .June 10 ?ABBOT3FOBD.. May 27 ! "KENILWOHTll... .Juno IT pitJCE of pass AO K in curbenoy. Cabin. $10J. Ptforage and Intermediate tickets to ami &DTn all point" ut lowest rati*. learners marked with a star do not carry Interme diate. Pasienifer aceotnmod?viio:isfor all classes unsurpassed. For passage, rates ol trc.ght and otUor luforauiUoa ap ply to GKO. W. COLTON, Agent, 4: Br.,frl s-rcet, Jew Xoi'K. JOHN McDQS.H4 i, Puv-onarer Agenf, >iO S Battery place, New York. PETIiR WRIGHT ,t SON-. AgenfA 917 Walnut street. Philadelphia. RlcUardiiou, Spencc a Co., N. i J. Curnvnlns i Bros., Li verpool. (jneeustown, 1 HEAT WESTERN T STEAMSHIP LINK. NEW YO.TK TO BRISIOL (J* NOLANP) DIRECT, galllnc lrr>m pier IS East River as follows:? QRUAT WE TMiN, V. iudham Tuesday, May 23 AKAOON, Symons Tuesday, Juue 9 Cat In pusWe, f7t); intermediate, 545; eteeru^o, 5-W, currency; rxeufsiou Hckcts, $120. Appy to w. D. MokuaN, Ag^nt, "Ofoatb itreet MOST DIRKCT AND Kco.^tJ^TIlJAL ftODTE Holland. Belgium, the Rhino, Switzi-rlan 1, *o., rU EuifERDAM. Steamer 8CH0LTRN April 29 Su-aiu-r ROlTKRDAM May 13 'Ibese beautllul "teamers, earrving the Ciitted statej mail to the Netuerlaudi. arc well known tur the regular ity ol tneir trips. Hates ot passage low Ft .NOiJ, Ml)YE A CO., L. IJ MORRIS. Ueneral Agents. SO Broadway. f^XITED . TATES MAIL LINE?.-TEAM TO QUEENS. U TOWN ANU LIVERPOOL. &>alllD4 every Tuesday from pier 40 North River. WleTu.VSl.N. Forsyth Mar 1*. at 3 P. M. \\ \ OM1NO. Freeman ..June I. at.3 P. M. Cabin, intermediate aud rtnerage at lowest rates. Prepaid ticket* at low rates. . ? . Pas enters booked lo and fr >m Tarla Mambara, Not way aud xu-eUen. Ac. Draftn on Ireland, England, Prance and Oermanv at lowest rate. Apply to WILLIAMS * Uii N. '.-j broad way. VJliRTU; lLOYD. 1\ bTBAMsHir LIKH BFTWEKN NBW YORK, BOCHIAMPTON AND C topsnv'j pier. footol S?< ond atro i, lloboken. BHblN May i.> I MKKAH.., Buy 19 CORK May U I M08BL June 9 Kite* ot l)i?m lr?u New fork to Southampton, Hint or Bremen ? Firtt Cut iu $10", gold i Second Cabin fao, golJ r'tecrage, Si1. ourrcney. Prepaid <t?(;rago certincatea, *32, carrsacy. r. turn ticketn at reduced rate*. Fir 'rngUt or pus n>n app'T j OKLBlCBS, No. 8 Bowling Or own. U'lLiSON'S USE FOfl SOL'TOA MPTON AND 11 I'LL, calling fortnightly tr< m Pier i j East Blvef. CflLoMBO May 15 j rin >.?o Jntw 1 KI.DOBAD11 To follow I OTHELLO 1o (olio* Klr>: Cabin, $?"0 turrciicrt Cabin. $4V cur rcn tv. ibri u?ti ticket# l^'ne ! to Cuntluetuai and Bultfo porl* Apply N.r lull particular* to fHABLi 8 L. WKlOHT 1c CO.. 3H South atTXt 11" Hi I K ST . It I I > K, \> ? ? R v1 hBN-IOWN OR LIVERPOOL, OABRYINO I HE UNITED tiTATES MAIL. CELTIC M,i? 15. at I :?? P. M. BAl.rii May ?. at :t P. M Hut I V V >ic Mar vx noon. . ERMASUi Itine 5, at 3 P. M. ADRIATIC I una 12, at J P. M From the White tar I re* a, pier 53 North River. Pat'-.a?Saloon. *?) ami $ Hit in go.U , re turn ttc keta, UTS k'nl't. ft i rage at l< w rare*. .-jifM'ii. itateroom*. amoltltig and both rooms are Dlaood amldilPpa. where tin' nolea and motion are leaef. atloramg ii degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at HI. i or lu.tpeeUon ot pun- and other information apply at tin company'.* office i'> Broadway, fen- Vork. JRJ._CORtts Agent STATE LINK SEW YOBK TO OLASOOW LIVRRPOOL, IM Bi.lN BELFAST \M> LONUON JhUKY. t-ai'lu* fm.ii P'er No. 36 North Hirer. ac follow -i? si .IE UP Lui IhlANA, faptain Johnawn. Wed..Uaj 10 iTATK < ?f INDIAN Captain filler. . W -d. tunc J STATE OF OKOROIA Wed .June id and erery Wedneelay thereafter Plrnt cable, 370, 990 and SW>iretarn ticket*. ?H0. .Second cal>u?. 3JO, return tiqkeiM. $Pu Mecrago at loweat ra???. Apply to A to TIN. baldwin A CO.. Amenta, No. 71 Broadwiy. Now York, st.'i-raffe oltlre, N,. Ai Broadway. JNM4N LINE?"FixKI) ROLTMIRLT COI RSE. Roral Mall Ktaamer* are appointed to sail a* follow*:?. FOR QUEBNSTOW.V AM' LIYr.HPuOL CITY or BbKLIN .Saturday. May l\ at 1 P. M. CITY OP HICJJMOND >aUri|ay. May 33, at 4 P. M. CITT or BKCSFBLS aturday. May at Noon. CITY Of OBBSTftR .Saturday June 3,at3P m. CITV Or PARIS . satur lay. June la, at Nooa. c\my PASMAOP?'" and $uo g<,id SfKERAOE?T.i and from all tiointa, at reduced rate* CaBm and *aecrai affl<<<>. No 15 Hr.>a I way ^tderage "fBcee. 33 Broadway ami pier ? N-rth River. JOUN O. I >ALK, Agent 0 .'DONOVAN ROS^A.-enRA PEST PA? ^ MIX OFFICE J in New Tork, ateftuierj every dav for Oork, Lie. r K?l, ohtaow, Oerry; Gratia |oWe<t rata*. Northern otei. corner Corttatidt and Weat at recta. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK?FOR CAL1FOR ma. Japan and ?from pter U .forth Hteer, fob XZruiWAlL COLOR May 13 C'ouo" tlug for all Cemral A i.crican and Pacini poria PROM flN fR.vKCISt 0 rOR JAPAN ANU CHINA. CITY OP PRf|INO MAT ? For freight or pasaage apply at pier U North River. u. >t BILLaT, Rape tin tendent P~ ICIFIC tAlti niASlilr COMPANY S Bxtra Steamer ror Havana, Raranllla and Aapinwa'i Tlie nldewheel itoamer HKNKY CMACNCBY aallt fr^ m pier ? North i;ivcr. fftdnwiMr, May l?, at II noen. For freight or pamage apply on pier. II ,f BL'LI.aY, Superlntendant. N"hW Y'lRK A N I) HATANA DIRKCT MAIL LIN P. ? Thc*e f|p?i claaa ream'hlpf wi'i ?:tll at 3 P. M. from pier IS North River, toot of i edar utreet. t >r Havana dir?ct as io!lo?? , C'RRfCKN r CITY Thtlr Mav. May fl COLI7MBCS fuertay. May IS Kor ireigh or pateage, having unnarpagecd accommo da na. k a CO.. N... ( Bowling Orean. Mi Keller, Luitog A Co., Agentaln Havana. VITBBKLY FLORIDA LINE. Tf !for Port Royal ". 1 ?: Fernatidlna. Fia ; Bruu* Wiek, Oa. ? Ibe tav irit" and well known ateamer MONfQOMi.BY, laircloth. Master, having unperlor aceommodatlaft* for pa<*enger^ will aait fliarMay. M?v 18, from Pi? r No. 3 KoftU Hlvcr, at 4 P. M., lor ab< ve port", makirg connection* to all potnte touth and Southweat \ im Port Royal, the Florida aud Brnuawlek railroad* Fir?t claaa paxaaee?fa Fernandina. S9', to I?ck?on Vllle. S-^ >j. t" Auiionta. S2d. I itrcufh U< keta l<>?ue.l t<. all point* Sonth and s. uth weat The III KTRviLl.E, Che?rr, masitor. will lollow Ma> it). For pa-wage and freight apply to llBKM. OEL P> KK, No. > Willlain street V?R NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. V The Cromwell Steamship Line, rhe *teim?lup KRW ORLEANS, C attain Dearborn, will leave pier No. 9 North River on Saturday. Mav 8. at l' M Freight received daily. TnroBfTi rate* given to Oalveaton. indianoia, Rockp'.rt or Aranaa* \Vh*rr. Bra r.o* san tlaa ., St. i.oui* and Mobile. Oa:>lp t.a**uge. $?); , fo. CO A ST \V IBB BTEAMSiflPS. vr y., n a van a and mi.xic.v.n mail ,?s. l.jvk? Xl . t teauierb leave pier A Nurtii tllver, at 3 1'. U. it or lu van a dibect. 0] BA ?......... l'uowiay, May 11 \ o VfchA Clil i TUursJ-vy. May 1 i cm- OF NEW YO:K Thurslav, May U FOR VERA ci: I I and EW ORLEANS, calling .it Hav ilia, Progress. CaiB|>eacli.r, Tux; au nud Tam^i.-o. CI .IA Tuf.tlay. May 11 OH . OF MEBIDA iuusday, June 1 For freight ?r passage apply to K ALEXANDER A RONS, il and S3 Hr aawar. Meainei > will lean New Orleaiu Ma li 4u I Jauo 8, ftr Vera >'ru? aud ai. the above ports qnii.XAS LINK OF GALVESTON SlEAMERS, TOUCH J In,,- at Key Woat, carrving tlie PiiiIp I States Mati.? -learner SPA E OF Tl.XAi Captain Bolger. will leave piei 20 East Kivcr, oji Saturday May 15 at 3 I* it. lliiough bill* 01 ladin* given to sli points on the H. an 1 T C., L ami U N , Q. II. and H aiid O. 11 and rt, A. ft R. No c!targe tor forwarding in Nov York. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply lo t . II. MALLOKf* C" , 148 Maiden Uu?. W. I'. CLYDB 4 CO., JI'J Wall atretrl. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY Sailing from pier 37 North It Ivor. For Norfolk. City Point nijd Richmond. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Haturdays, at 3 P. M., connecting with the Virglniu mid leimussee Air Line, At (an tie Coast Line. 0>ies?peaka and Ohio Rail Line. Piedmont Air road, and with tb>- oo'apaiiy'a steam lines to interior points in North Carolina ami Virginia. Newbe.rn and Washington, V. o. frta Norfolk), erory Tuesday, lhursday an I saturdav Baltimore Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 4 1'. U. Cou? no"tt?if with Baltimore ami 'ihio Railroad. Iiewes, ! 'el., Mondays and 'I ImnKiay*. at 4 P. M. CoO> nic in? with Delaware anJ Maryland Railroads. P assongor accommodstlous unsurpassed. Through passage tiok?ts ut)d hills of lading to all point* at lowest rates, Insurance to Norlolk, Ac., per cent. Freights received dailv at plar 37 North River. General oi#ces 187 Orceuwlch street, New York. N. 1.. MoiUtEADY, President. STRAMsSll* COMPANIES 0SINQ LABOR OTTANTt. ties ol printing will tin 1 it advantageous to di^l with til : METROPOLITAN PiUN UNO STl ABI.I-11 mkvF No. 2ts Broa twav, as Its facilities for doing ererv kind ot work are uusurnasseu. while in promptness, neatness aim choapnejis it offers spociul inducements. Bills of Lad in;?. Shipping Receipts, Tickets. Manifests, Pu^sengor Lists. oireulars, Posters, Cards, Waybills and every special inrm used In the transaction ot business ca/e? fully prepared and printed. TRAVEMEK^ OtlDB. A.- ___ a- a. " NORTH SnORE STATBN ISLAND PERRY. For New Brighton, Snug Harbor, West BrijUtoa ail Port Richmond, boats leave Whitehall straot. ?'< teat )f Broadway, daily, at?:W,"ia3, SsJO, U;U A. M. UtJJU 2:19,3 iSOi 5tW andO :<o P. J1 ???undays. at liall-past eveiy h^ur, fro^ ^: ^ A. M. Fare 10 oonta. Astor House oarslearo Veiay street for terry Kotj 3ccnts. A TfkN I ION RAILROAD COMPANIES ? PUffOti J\. siips or Trip Tickets printed cheeper and on bni ir board at the ME TROPOLITAN PBlMTlSu E -T.V13U8 1 Mii.vr, Herald BuiUlii^, New York, than auywhere clsx F^ALL RIVER LINE TO B0j> TUX via Newport iiini Kali i.lver.?ihe world-renowned steamers BRi>rOL anu PROVIDENCE leave pie: :J Nortii nlver, i 'i>tot Murray street, <;a ly. .-undnvs. Jutia 27 to Aacu^t 29 lnelunlre. at 5 p. -M. Throagb til totsI I at ml principal hotels in the city. 11 ill's eiigageJ lor the sou son. OPPOSITION ?ALBANY AND TKOY, FROM KRANJ. lln street, pier 33. Deck. 2*c. ; cabin, $1. with I ctth steamei- st'Hl'YLtlt, Mouauys, Weonen uiys and ' ri days, i! P. M. J. vs. iianuox. Pennsylvania railroad. The great trunk Line and United t'tates Mall Route. Tratns leave New York, Iroin loo! or I?esbrossoi ftai C i rtiauat a treats, as follows:? Kxpre."* 'or Ilsrrlsourg. Pitu:<ur>; i!?? West aul South, with Pullman Palace Cars aita - I'Jd, 9 :!i < A. M.. a iral 6:H0 P. M. Sunday 5and s;,. i\ M. Fur Wiiliamspor' atl; L.n-k Haven fvit Philadelphia ''id Erie Railroad Division, oomieottug at I'Uiladelpii.a), 8:3 J A M. Kor WUllamsport, Lo?:a Haven. Corry ami Eiie?:"0P. M.. connecUug at Corry ior Titu<villa. Petroleum Centre and tUj oil Region*. For Baltimore. Washington and the South, Huiltal Washington E*pres," ol Pullman Parlor ear. dally, exec tit Inudav, 9:ii a. M.; arriv.- at waehlngton P. k Regular at b .W A. M , S and# P. M. tuaday,? Expreil tot PliUadolphu, 7. 7 JO, 8iW. 9:30 A. M . 12 30, 5, i, YiJJ J:M,XT. <f:SA 8 PJLjmA U "W >und ly. i ^ 7, b al^d J P. M. EtUlr.ralll and SOCOfttl ^ UjS, For Newark atfi, 6:39. 7, 7:U. K (5, 10, 11 A. M.. 12 M.,l "* 2, i:.'!0, 3:10. 3 A), 4:10. ijSO, 5, 5:20. 8:|;, 6, Sill), 0:?. 1, 7:30. ^ :10. 10, ll 30 P. M. and 12 nl.lhL Sunday, !>.:x / tind i IJ P. M. For Elizabeth, 6, 6:V, 7, 7:fJ, 8. ?? 10 A.M. M M., u 2, 2:30, ?Mj 3-W, i:I0, * :3U, 4 :"0, S:2->, 6:li, ?, tii.J, 7, 7 130, 8:10. 1UL I! :30, t, M. an.l 12 uUHt Sunday, 5:2a, 7 and !j:10 P. M. For Rahway, 6,6&>, Y,?, 10 A.M., li M? 1, 2. 2:i0, 1:10, 8:W. 4:10. 4:311, 4;60, 5:3J, SriVrt, tf:l0, 0:30, 7. 8:10,1j P. M. and 12 night. Sunday, i>0 aud 7 P. M. For WoodbrMee. Pertn Amoay ,t;.d . oath .vr.iboy. 8 anl 10 ? ?' * ~ " For 8 For Lambfcrtv\lie and Metniuftonjl:30 .v. M. and 2 P. M. For PhlUipsburg ami BelvtderV f{30 A. M. auu ? i* >4. For Treoton, BortWntown, Burlington und CamiOB,! '] A. M,, 2i3U. 4'#V 4nq 6 P M. r New Bruhswici, ? anJ 8 A.M.12 >1.,J, 3:1 J, 4;U. _or, 6;1<j. 7 p. M. aul li tiLiht. Sunday, 7 R M. For Kaat MlllstoneJlJnoon, Jand 5:2u r. * l'or iuliffstou and Rqekj Hill, ?s:i8 A M. u?d4:UP. M. For Princeton^ 7, *.40 a. M? U J'\ Jv4:loanJ / P. M. "or or anif930 A.M., "12:30. 2, 4,~k an"i IT. iL For l"reeh ild, 7 A. M., 2 an I 4 ;10 P. M. For Farmmgaale anl ^quan. 7 A. M rn-l 2 P. M. For Higbtstowo, Peuiberton ana Camdon, via Perth Am for ffiahtrtown and Pemberton. 9 a. m. Trams arrive as follows.'?Prom Pttttturir, 8:53 and 11: J) A. M. and 10:34 P.M. daliyI 10:1 ^ A M. aud 7:4) P. M. dally, exeedt Monday. From Wash'-igtnn an l Haiti mofos 8 30 A. M., 4 ;IS, 8U9 ann 19 J? I*. M Slitilay ?: W A. M. aud 10::.-P.M. Protn PhliatielpW S-f. 9t?\ 8:34, 10 U 11 :_U ll ;M A. ?: 15. 4:Ii 7 i3 V Mi, 8:44. 10:.':, 1'. ?. Sunday 1:10, i?:-X 0:35, UI34 A. M., 7:4'' and I):t7 P. M. Tkket offices, 626 and IH Broadway, No. 1 Aetor House sn I loot ot Desiiroises an 1 Cortiandt sfreev>: No 4 0<>urt street, Brooklyn; N'os. 114. 119 and 111 Hudson street, Hoboken. Euiurant uokct office, Su. sBftt^rv placo, FH tNK THOMPSON, UM BOYD, Jr. General Mauiger. Oencril I'assawter Agctu PRO*IDENCK AND PTONINOTON STBAMSUIP CO. NEW Y<)RK AND B STO.Y SrQNlNitfON LINB Prom pier ?0 N. R. loot ot lav street, the etemnt ctesmenf Rhode Islsnd and Narragansett dally (except Hand ays), at 5 P. M PROVIDENCE LINE. From pier 27 N. ft., foot of Robin* n sfc, the atean>shlp? Electra ar.d Oaist-a daily percept mi ml ay si. at 8 f. M. PKOPLR'9 LINB W ALBANY.-DOOU-OBTH'3 promenpde concert band On hoard; flrit olais nan fa*e onlv *i. (leek. S c.; steem r? leave dally, fiundayg exceided, iroai pier 41 Ncrth Kiyer, a'.a |?. v. Regular CATpiftx us* op JIib cff . ^tean:ers NEW CHAMPIOi and WALTh K BRKTF lc ne Canal -treet, south side, ever> oifrbt except Sun day. ij P. M. EXCIHNIOVI. A -SUNDAY KXCCBSION To H Ai.LEM A8TOIUA~ . Morrisania and High BriJge. swift palace ateam ers leave Kuikin Market slip promptlv at 1<> and 11 A. M , U, I I I t ? ? ' t P. V . iandiug at Urand *tf- Nindi street an 1 119th street. I<?sve Mori Issnla (I 4, l'J, U an it 12 a M.. I. % 4. ?. i and I P. M. I be*e boat* land at llovefmnent works, at Hell Cla't, and connect wltfi High Bridge l>o.iu eacli trip. Fata, I.* C. H. LUNUSTKEET, t u? ;rintrndcat. A-REUDLAR BOH DAT MOUSING BOA1 FOR ? Newburg.?T he management ot the Newtmrg Sun day Rxcnrrioti* *nh to anivunce to tbulr.ruTsrro'tf friends an I pstr 'ti? that U??-\ will place oa Hi" root* thl* season the tnagnl9cent steamer SLKfaPY UoLl.nw uow railed the tONO BK AN?'H>. U iptatn John l.jrneli. commenc!ng May ?>. and. whtia thankiiil for parttavor*, would most retpactmlly atk lor a continuation of tit* tame. ALBANY AND TROV.-dl *DAY EVBNlNtt BOAT connecting with mornin,' train* for the North an i West. Ear* 90 cen'?, deck: cahin pasjagc. including berth, ?). The fast *Qrt elegant steamer TUOMaS rOW ELL leave* pier 49 North Mver. fo t Lerov *treef, at?P M Through ticket* Mid and baggage checked to destination. A? FOR EXCI'RSIONS, SALOON STR \MEI". ? Y ? omtng (With new boiler) and Olvpbaul; barfeg Republic. Chicago. Sarah Smith, Caledonia and Anna; Oriental, Kagleawood, Kxcelaanr, ?X>51 Spring and loria I?land ilrovos to let. Office '?? Went cppoelte , tin istophvr atreet (ferry. Open ?vcninc* _ . H b CROB^ETT. AI.B * N Y ANDTROY BV DAY LINK.-TIIB STB AM KB ARMENIA will. on an 1 alfr Monday. May 17, leav* I New York ou Sunday*. W cdneeday* and Prldajre Irom Vestrv street uier. at AM A. St.. and Twenty luurtii sir?et at 9 a. M? lauding at West Point. Newlmrjr. I Puuthkeepsie, RUlncbeck. catsklii and Hadaon. Daily I'AMu.-ei will fc- resumed on an 1 after June 9 when the steamer* C. VIBHAR0 aud DAN IK:. DKI-.W will be | placcd upon the route. 1i?xcrist?ii to roocTway b, ac?. 'j Tho snbstautiai steamer* AMKRIC17S and NfcTERSINK will make aaily trip* to ROCK AWAY bkach the cnfultnt seaactt. Societies. dab* and pionic parties can make favorably arrangelaci.u tor visiting tba^Heaol^by^appi^lD^lo lit ?'ooth ?treei L^OR KXt'CRPlOXS?TUB LaROS, EiB^T CLA4^ f Igtorite ?i.'atui) >at* 9LBRPY UOLDOVT (now callai the LOXU BRANCH) and MRTABtlRA; D.ill*/'*, Al darney. Sprtti* lltll, Mrers' Alpine and lona TtUtvl nr ,vaa. wmi Barges and Bo*ts ot all klnd% J. a B. BYBH8, corner Jlortun ani Vfestttrae'*. F""r*<>RT LfcE, PLEASANT VAKLBY A5D 8HADT SIDE? 1 Hoats lea** foot of Canal street ,laily (Sunday* In cludrd< at 10 A. M and 5 15 P M. landing on Sunday* at Twenty third street ten ai antes later. Faro, is cent* 1"i*>IS EXCCR3IONS THE FAVOBITR BTKAMRK WM. 1 i'Ook, with *to imbftata an : targes of t.II kinds to let; Sunnyi 'a. Wll'ow Haven Pleaaant Valle*, kept bt A. lay ori" Karitau Beach and lona Island grovea. Apply to Captain cU as. ai>a.Us, im Weat *u*et, coruar of Lifcfty. REOULAR r-CNDAT MOBNTSO BOAT rOR KEY? por?.~Tlie tavorltc steamb<>at ABROWsMITH. CajS tain W Hawxburst. will commeni-e her rtnlar tting Sunday, Way 9. from foot of Barclay street. at?.i5 A, M , ami landing at E liabethport. I'nlon. Rossrille anl Perth A in boy; returning, tear** Cry port at I P. M i arriving at New York 6:? P. M ^U.tDAT EXCURSION# TO IIARLVM AWD ASTORIA, O landing at Urand street. Eleventh *treet. A?iyri?, and l'Alth street each war.?'The iteamer* sYLv'AM DKLIi and SYLVAN uBOYK will run as, mencing Sunday May 2, H78:?l#ave Harlem-? So, 9 3.*, U?: ?.I, 11:?) A. M. ; I M, ?M. J ?L t:*), ?-JO and ? Ai P. M. Leave r?C(tftll?-**Ql P:*. It i) A. M fltM. -r?>, SJtl 4:W, * .-0. # .?0 and r .CO P M. N. B.?All boatt connect w ith High Brklce Boat*. Pare IS cents. J. V tallmaN, snpeiintendent. SUJ UNDAY BOAT FOR NEWARK. On aud after Sunday. April IS, the tteambrat TH08.~pT way w|t) make tl>a followlnj Suartav trip* between New YorB and Newark, stooping at Betvrn P?mt eaeh way:? J^eav* Rarofat street. Bew York, 10 JU A. M. Jieave Newark, S A. M. and S P. M. CTFAMBOATS AND BARrtBS FOB KXaUR-lOXS Tt>> u Itarlran Hcach, Se? View, lona Island ami WIIloW U4YvBUr?Y??. *ABIW 4 KA3KKLU iU ^ulU nreH