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A* t DRV OOOIKf. 8Tr,RN BROTHERS, -4 SIX 1 H AVEM'B AND TWBNTV-THIRD stbbrt. fclXTH ATBSUB AND TWENTY-THIRD street. ?will oflhr thii ??<k lm thsir ^ bocbk ruHMiwm.NO OOOPH department ^ as utrtMly large saeortiDeni of wry KdnbM Goods at EXTRAOBDINARY LOW PR 1 CBS. Bpeelal btriiln in fill lacr CCRTAlNS, NOTTINGHAM lack CURTAINS riANO COVERS AND MARSEILLES QUILTS. Bplaadid UlM Of BLBACBKD aSD BBOWN TOWPT.B PROM lac UPWARD. )0U DOZEN BROWN Hl'CE towels, RBDLCED FROM SBC. TO tbC. LA ROB ASSORTMENT OF NAPKINS Irom f i 13 ? dOMB upward bleached and bbownda-asks. re t y>rt np B4 M, 10-4 ?EJ?*.0?K)PCLaB BRANDS. BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLIMS cheaper than the lowest caMt price* down town. A targe Una of WHITB^OOODB, Fiona bishop and victoria lawns, swiss ML'SLINH ORGANDIES. JACONET*. NAINSOOKS AND LI ?t,NS, HUN I'MBELLLAS AND PARASOLS. THE MOBT COMPLKTE AND EXTE>81VK AMSOR!MENT IN THE CITY. OBBATLY RLolcED PRICES. Wc Inrite attention to oar larijo linos ot PLAIN AM) IWlLLhU SILK SI'S umbrellas, to the mo*t Ueairabie shades of i>ark blue, Plum. Brown and Black. elegantly mounted with MEAL PE PEARL, IVORY. CORN!HAN OXIDIZED, and fancy wood handles, CARRIAOK SHADES AND PARASOL*. nn unequalled assortment. PARAHOLs AND DMBBELLAs, with fcrcu Net Covera, In all dengna. LADIES WILL FIND IT IO THK1R IBTEKBBT TO INSPECT OL E hTOCK BE FORK PURCHASING. | HTRItN BROTHERS, j ? * Sixth avenue an'. Twenty third (tree!. ?GREAT HALE OF MILLINERY GOODS. JOHNSON BROTHERS A CO., Union square. wtU offer oo Monday. Mai lu. tin largest a*sortinent of FRENCH CHIP BONNETS AND R'tCVD HATS ever before offered 113? any retail honnu in thii city. Theee goods bare been re< an Uie latest Paris shapes. english AND domestic STRAW GOODS. Will own on Monday SS'i ca-''S of Ladles'. Misses' and rtul reu. Kouuu Huts, many of them new shape*, jast eat fur May. 500 eases of ladies' fine MILAN and HAIR Hat* anil Bonnets at $1. t' 2.'. $1 3S and 4 3J each. _ ISO eases of Misacs' and Children's Round Hats, ill and Leghorn, lrom 74c. to each. A large a ssortment of Boys' Hats, 75c., SSc., $1. $1 ii ft Bi and $2 ea-h. pbbmcH trimm i:d BokNErs AND ROUND I! ATS. Will open on Wedne? lay and Tnursday 5 case* of the latest Paris styies. We have made special arrangements to have new My let aent to us every two week* irom the leading luilll sary bluets of Paris. MILLINE u V materials. l adies can select their own materials and have their BONNh i s au l H?T > up or trimmed fToU. the latest Kreuc'i pai.ero-i br the best artists at less than Bftll the cost of imported bonnets. The M'lowlng dcparUmint* are replote with All the ?test novelties:? Prenrh Flower*, 1 Hosiery, Btot.oaa, I Gloves, l*kceg | J Jid ic i' and Children'* Bmbroderiea, I Onlerwear. Areas 1 rimming*. Ladies' Mlk Tie* and fancy Oeods | Stik Hcari*. ?real bargains in Blaca Silk* Waving made lanr< pur base* ol black and plain Kred alias at the late auction* sales we will offer on day Sae biark dress : l.k* at |1 U f I W, |1 75, |3. I II JO. $2 7A *ud (S per yard The** good* are S3 per cent lesa than regular price* Sample* sent on application tor eo npanson. Parasols and Sun 1'iubret'aa. We lavite *p?*i 1 a 1 attentun to nur laconinarable Stock la tni* uepertment The styles ot many are entirely new and emetaatveljr onr own The Silks are the very ft nest and th? handles nev ami unique. Tbev are moiitited in ?old silver i?ory pearl, ebony, horn, bone, natural ?ad fancy carved stick*. W* beg to state that we shall offer all the above good* at oar usual low prices. JOHNSON BROTHERS A CO., Stand VI tart Fourteenth street. I'nion <u*Uitr*. M MA RRR DOO MM Mtl AA K 111 U MM MM AA II ID D M M V M A A R II) D M M V? M A A kkr D D mmmmaaar kd d mmmxa a k kd i> _ _ M ?!? M A A U K LI U 0U4* lit II 1.1. LI- v M MA A K H UVL) l.L I AA. I.U.LL AXD IVORY goods, cosnietinc of r?n?. >ffll?iii nr. ;;-tpin? Karrinn Chatelaine*. Hai k t'onb all ?m<l? , Hrudi< ? PorteaoM* rate* Pn'iure Kraal*-* Toilet took nf <ila?.?>-?. I. < U-rrt Million* Bru riot*. te At All 16 ? atore ;?rii tli * ara made tlw bru otiell and n< w pattern* ~ Dtuui?.-tared to order and r< p iiriutf done. HUMAN it A I It.. A largf avortmrnt oi iiiv.?|.o?? or Top fleer*, vi>rr ?lylish for tonne i?.li?-? Tli?- r l?el?if?le? arc maun wilii the real Patent liait l.a< e, afcl nataral water ware *i?l curl and ia*tantlr nut' Dm lad/ Umfc fceaatlfaL \ Fantade ( blcnr?. M igic I on-.- Hair "wUehea, all lb? Mtru roMtrn, anil re.l natural > irt* L*.r%t ?t. i-x of I'trlumcry ami lulltt Article*. i? 9 a Ml Ml Hr.uiiwar, aad r.l aim! SO IjmI ThlrirctiUj ?tre f A UI-CaSI?ET< All new good* nn l n?? <t> ?:rn*. In 'arp**, OlleJoiii*, r' ?4?* Taper lUn. mt-v Cartainaanl Cornier* Bad; Brnaerla, from CI J" i r yard up. Fachati Tapeatry Bra*-ci?. ir irn ft 10 par yard up. Kncltati Kiddernirxtcr ?'erjwt*, from $i p?r y.ird up, Katra *oper i m 71c per yard up. Twop!*, alt wool, ?? ix-r iar<1 up teffrain ? arpet*. from MY per i?r i np. Click Hi . from 24c per yard up. Cheeked ac?l white Maului;. fr.ui Sr. ;.rr yard up. Faper Ha??Jo?a tc. r>rr pn-ct. AT TUf rori'LAft < 4 RI'KT STORE, m F.ighth areiin \ between Twenty-loarth an.iTwentr fltth ?trreu. _ RORTT1. SMITH IIA" HAII.T A OR4iNf) II U 'LAT.' theLATKM IMP.., CKO rAflHtUM* 1? K * K H. < IS B a * A A K bl I h K. >.A tfff A V Mw. en firenuetu ami i"? n. flr?. in-t*. ai thr I a i k i Mi it I.- ? arUate> ?* (MKim. rrHB ?~- .B . STOKI.8, ? ^ EstaUUbcd over 39 yearn, on tne ou? prlea *y*t?m. J oooo J 0 * 8 J o 8 J J 3 JO jjjj 167, 169. 171, 173 EIGHTH AVENUE. 12SO.OOU worth ol Drr Good*, Carpet*. Oilcloth*. kt . at Twenty per cant l?iow market priccs, to make room for REBUILDING. RKBIILI.ING. KP.BljlLLil.NU. W? offer great Bargains In DRESS GOODS, SILKS, 8IIAWL8. l)Rf8s GOODS, BILKS, 8UAWL8. DKK88 GOODS, SILKS, S11 AWLS. SUITS. BCIT&. 8U1TB. 9UIT8. ?una kuibhl suits. iciT* Bllt'tk SCIT8. SUITS. SUITS. OUR MOUHNINO DEPARTMENT is .now uOkAlm 4 ? t LINENj, DOMESTICS, WOOLLENS, at price* that will astonlan the closest buycra Special bargains in KID GLOVES, SUN UMBRELLAS, KID GLOV KS, PI N 1 .MB BULL AS, KIU GLOVES, SUN I'M BKELLAS, HO.-IE RY, RIBMON8, FLOTFPR8, HO IERY, RIBBONS, FLOWKKS, EMBROIDKRfH. UMDBBGA It.M KN IS. 23 pet <&bt Uvea in CARPETS, OIL CLOTB8. MATTINGS, ClKPKTS, OIL CLOIlIS, MATTINGS, CARI'JSTB, OIL CLOTHS, MAT I1NGS, Bedding*. Window Shade* Ladies will do well to examine oar goods bslore pur cbaaing, a* we offer greater inducement* to buyers than any other store in the city. JONES, Eiyhth av;nue, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. A." w w WW w w w www WW w w WW WW W W wv? VV TV w w MM MM cc SSS OOO KRR L .MM MMccs SO OR R L MM M M c H O (> R K L M M M M C C S O OK R L M VMM CC ?SS O O RRl: L l it Y V MMMM SO OK R L ? Y M M M R O OR U L E Y MMM S SO OR R L E Y? M M M ?8< OOO R R LLL KEE V , iMS Grand atrect. near Bowlry. Attractive and special sale of Dnm- Good A Imnense bsrgains this week. 6 caws corded Poplins, n-w shades, 80c. fc cases gray Vigour Millings. KOc. lOcnses )ilain and plaid silk, .lap.-tnes" at S raaes Lyons siik Poplins new shades. al Tor. ft cafes Mlk Pon.'eei,, st> el* and brown?, lit SOr. n?r vard. The above are a1! tills Moon's ?-'<*-d< and one-bait the'r valo<1 A call ana txa tulnaUon of tUc stock wilt cou "We the moat sceptical Monrning Good*. Thi* dcparmicnt i< complete witn every nnke of good* for mourning IIanils1 due t>ape Cloth, 44 inches si ide. 37),. worth 62JJC. Ntt pieces black Alpaca. liftc., worth S6c. Extra quality, 1,'i >ards wi le, black Cashmere. at 75c., worth Si "5. Al' the b-tter qualities In Can lard good* at eoually low prlci-a. Silk- Silks. Black s.iia.* at $1 Extra quality pro-, grain. Si 2ft. fl 90 Black 9U*. Cushmere finish, irom SI 7i to SO. Plain an t striped 7S?--, "Be. and Wic. We keep none bat the best mikes In Bilks. The stock is Mirer and -elected with great care, and the prire* we gaaraniee to U- as low as an* hou-? in the trade. Baits and -arquca Great bargains in ladles' ready-made nits. 16 i>;o dvits at loss wan cost et instenai. beautiful Soils al S* $10 and $12. Mu.'h fitter Suit* at $15. $IS an I $*> Black Sua. plain Silk and striped silk Salt* from $40 to S12^ Caahmcre Bacon's and JackeU f*oin (7 to $20 WAL1.ER A Mr ?OKl.E>, ?ft Grand street. ^loves. velvets, i HOSIERY, EA S n K, ALEXANDER brothfrs J87 ORA.viTirrRERT 397 HAT BCARK*. HAM Bl'RUfl ifl.EWDID A."ORTMEBT IOWK8T "FrICES. ROTIOKS. HI l"rON% 7 hi M M I N'0??, IT IIIIIIII11 !1 li H 1 fi II U H II AA A A A A A A A A AAA A A A A A i KRRKRrt R R R R R R RRRRRR R K K R R R R R GOOD* I? HIIAW. TM Bowery, corner ol Conrlh street. Tli'' larv lit ?:<* K of Human ll?ir Uooia in lhe < liy. Thi >>n.\ houia ia tbi* <11/ win-re uil g o )* are po*l II*. IV retail. 11 ai *li. . -a,.- price*, r uiai.>< iimii guuriin teed in eeeri nw? or food* returnable Ail tfie latent ??tiler <>i < ..iffurf* on hanJ in large variety Am elerant wwurtnh-nt ot rn?*tble*, *erj itrHkiM rcc?ln4 Hum lUrn m l coin! ? !l? male h artier. PKK h l.l I rhort HAIR ."witch ?* 80e anil apward. Kine?i iji.?iily Hair rw>tclie?, fcOLIU. .NOT TiVKD. ltinrHe* lou* I <*t. w. |<ht (5 .1 in'-nei lonu. 4 on. wei*tit 6 M lncbe? obj i n* weubt. ... * w iim.!i?4 ;?ni, * ?<> '*? uiis in t<ii \Wr? patent hair mwit< hi.,.. t<y LO><> LI i i KL-, n*tur?l rurlv. IfrltKb, ?l Mi. SU-ilich, |2 M-inrli $2 ?0; STwlX-a, ft trucnet. i.v and $? varJ OKAY If AIH A hl'Kl IALTY. BRAXCIi BlOll.i, ;? >IXTll AV.Nf '. en flfj am rwcniy-ee onj mreeia, np iia. ra. I *<1if?' own Hair mad* over in ,?;?.?( *lyl*?. ('ombni2? made u|>, aa and s c v-t oum i.iitiUf k?ti to all the .-.Uilfe^ *hen t>r. r??4?l. free rf all i l.*ive?. of <- V Li. Wltb privilege ofexamtnatioo. -< all at EEEEE E K 1kkb K * E KEEKS ii twn MB H H H BBSS:' a ii go am ii <. i ii u ii o ii ii ii n ii <i oa ii BBBS8 II <?0i. I'i s a ? B K8SHS s 1 * s, 88-SB 21* ?i?ti avrr.ue. and *?* tM Miiiin?:y. RIM on?. I are* 7 nmmingfc H hi ' ii, I- in. r.ill? r .hi. v r-t-i'n Evliom. Hi Bantam* Ureal Bargain* ' 'ml H : rst*in* Ureal li.-iriiililH Bargain* Uu rniln* Karvxli* Hnraf II* Bnrsmi.* <?rf .t Ort at i,r.'*t <tr' It i.reat 2i ? Mith *venae, Kan. v fciick Cimii*. ' or?et? ii- >p -klrt*. Bu-tim. MarMHltM ^ait*. I no^rw. ?r. W rnt.p?r? 1'arluiO' ile. thay arc offering tl?i* ??ek. B r.l-Kl ,t 1-0, taue. bitiveen to-i ? - tn4 i :ite. nth $ta> ;;^y uoodI> omt "fobubt to" Ttm'T d HBBBB B B L OOO OOO MM MM B8B8 B 1L O 00 OMM M M 8 B B fl L O O O OMM M M B BBBBB L O OO OMM MM S U ML O OO QMMMM BSB8 B B h O OO OM MM M | fi B L OOOOMMMM B B I. OOOOM M M 8I S BBBUB LLLL OOO OOO M M M BBSS Popular Ka?t Side EuUVUhment, 338 n?wery. MO Baigaiiu never knowu before will bs offered I MONDAY MORNING, ^ the loth ln*t, vli? REAL OUlPlRtS, VAhL AND THgBAD LACB3. The finest arsnrtment Imported , were puroha?ea?t an lmuKMuu sicrlilce, and will be ofleied at a small aa Mince. LACS SACQCES, , MLUlVKLESa JACIET8, 1'OLONAISK, OVIillDBBSSEB. ridhus, Scarfs, Luce .Sliawls, Ac., Ac Comorliiotj, without ei<-?r>tlon, the largest *n<l ">oat rliuicr assortment in this line, which we are se""f1* inily 38 per cent lower than any other city retail Booses. We would call the attontton of onr patrons and friends to ouj stock t*-lore purchasing elsewhere, and thereby ?ave time and money. We have .lost opened two cases of choice J DRKSS TKIMM InJTJ Crepe, Twist, "silk and Jet Fringes, Uoxs Trimming*, Pas?emmiterics. Ac. All the new shapes in La.lies'. MUsas' aud Children's ( HIP AND BTrtAW HATS AND BONN STB, FKKNOtl FLOWERS, OSTRICH AND FANCY FKATllr.ftS. Onr assortment of Irenih Flowers Is perleetly exquisite. Coronet* and Mon-ures. in ail tbc delicate tints at "hito. crenin. blush. Ac., as well a- all (lie darker shades, with (iamaskC and gro* grain Ulbboi and Trimming Silks to match. Parasol- and fun Umbrellas. No e mlcss variety, all prices allsisesan l all quall'ica. our assortment of T K1U OLOVES is unexcelle I. fcveo our low*#t priced Moves arc war ranted. A n-'w p <ir given for those that may rip or WM when first tried uu. T M*) dozen T 1 500 dozen I ? ?^ C<>R?i.TB! CORSETS 1 COKSETR! our own French imported. eUgmtlr embroidered, $1 75. finest liandmn.e Froncn Coutil, heavily uou d silk stin-.hed, perfect fitting, only fl 'J7, compare most favo.ably v itli similar Corsats telling all over at $3 UO. T7TUIKa' ready"MADE LNDKROARMfcNT.-t,^ Je?1 By long experience we nre enaid- d to imtnuinctnro and offer to the oui In a most excellent Mtsruuiit ?!' Ludu-.-', Misstf1 uu l children's r ady made f I N Ei.OAKMIilhfB, I superior to homemade and much lower Ml price. Mti? lins. Linens. Percales, i.n broiuerle.i and Laces tor these garments arc invariably oi the best quality. Wc use principally iouk stitch machines. Mourning W rappers, N?gil?e Jitckets, in plain and elab orate designs. TCOMPLK IK A*SORiME>.77>? INFANTS' WllAll.f Hamburg Embroideries, Large lots trom auction, very cheap. in new mid varied styles. Merino Underwear for ladier, gentl.'ineu and children. f BLOOM'S, f f BLOOM'S~" f V <i> 9 BS3 Po-vcry, 340 between Bond and Urcat Jones streets. one block tun lit liroiul way. JJARU1S B HO'l HERS. Kid Glove ) a specialty, ? Harris' leamles-i and Harris1 Victoria Rid Gloves, ersat vsrltty, newest colors and noveliies in 1, J, 3,4 and C buttons. Prices crcatlv reduced. I a.l c*' one biittim. anpe.-lor qualitjr, 45r. pair Ladlits' two biitt' i.H, suiterior iaalit.v, 7Bc. pair. Ladies' two billions, real fcid. |l p ar. Ladies' tUr?e outioas. real kid. (I ; air. Mites' and Children's Kid Oloves. One button, SOi Two buttons, TjC. Oentiemen's Kid Qlore* from 91 to Si SOiair. Above prices for a lew wetki only to reduce stock. Positive bargains Prices lower than ever offered belore at U A Kill- BROTKKRB, 877 Broadway, between rightecnth and Ntoeteenlh streets. Fot the original and genuine Harris' Sitmleu Kid Oloves go to above place. Pric** and quality an-urpassed. CCC A RRR PPPP EBKB TTUT BHr CCAABKPPB TB8 C A A E R P P E T 8 C A A KHK PPPP KE T 88.1 C A A A B R P E T 8 CCAAKKP E T 88 CCC A A R K P KFER T KSS CBOMLBY'A cioaiui'i CBOWilJiTV CBotSLM'' i wb'/tMla Mo< K k retail. wholesale ? at retail. Knrllvh ^elTeta, fl 75 per v?rd. Engiifh bodj Bru?-el*. $ 1 51 per yard. Eafilab tapedry Brunei*. 9: per yard. F.nguMi tapestre Bru wl*. $1 Hi yard. Lowell hxtras. *1 per yard Ingraln\ Iroin 40c. per yard. fcugliib Oil' loth,, all width*. S,<*u roll* C hina Battta*. all styles. CHEAP. A?rnt< for Euziiah Linoleum. A;cnt? lor En-rllsh I.inol-urn. T A .1. W. CRO-sLKY. Silt and 33 Broadway J^T WHOLl.KAClt AND RBfAlU r tOJ* A CCN< ).V, Hie bankrupt-toek ot a lar.*>-wnole->a.le hoti-e, and will t?e will at greatly reduced pru-e*. J'apar Haoffias-. Window Miadea Carpetiaz". <?ileloth, Ac. W.?? roll* Prrnch gold paper 80c. per roll Pine Puper. la per r?IL Kin 1 Bold Wind."' -aadee, $7 pi-r pair. JO,if' yards of thick Ollrl- lb. <t)c per yard. Ala* a lar.-e aaaartm- at of Kngluk ( arpetin;,-s at very low jrtcei-at J A.u *,V. ( HATES'. Xs! I!ailtor) stri ct, below np in* strcei ~T CaED. "* Removed, OAT* OB'S Ppeoinlilea. Corset* Tnuriionrj, Ar.. iri in Bri a?!? IV. firii. r of Twciitli ?trei'f, to ?u ?T?nae. between lliirty sevenili and Thirty ti.-Vfi streata. A m t elc*ant awortmeBI o: iatisl styles, specially lui. ur'i d for oui* new ?l.,re. t'rl -e# moat rca*on*l <? AT M KA8T Kiwril STREET, OPPO8ITB STEW art's?Great bartf-ilnt Is ladles' C ad emartaenu. AUDT WII.L riELI. AT A A RlUCB, A HAM> aoiue lars'i- ?Iiii< ?? Camel'* llntr -11 .?v 1. Tieiiti i'iiI pattern, and piiir idam-md tarr.n'* 1 iea^? address, Immediately, HALK VaLI'K, llrrald ofllty*. r. ACflKl'L CHfcVlftK* S6 ' AN0 6-h .-H2 BAST Ninth freot, opposite -??wari??. U (1ARPETA. ) OKKAT RP.Dl'CTIO* IV PRICE 8. flow VARI a IMl'fWN I AHPUT, Al *<?. iS hi varum 81 PEKPIVR IKORaIN I AKPET, AT S#8. an uno \ A ItfM I K t I PfcKi l>h < ARPET, AT 78e. ta*I>8 biuj?erminhikii CAitPK/r. at Me. SI?? VAKI>rt IN i > IA BKC88EI>8 lARPKT. AT 400. I.i 'DO YABOrt TAPBfTHT t AKI'K r. A I ?l H) WllOLKflALB AND RfTAII. MMt CASH. I hare order* from manufaetJirer* to clone out th*lT earpeta at tlie ahoee named prices 1 h'' 1 arpeu are ? httifted in n /ht iaiv? room*, and the pricei pat oa taeiu at wltlcii they will be ?old. . _ ? J W. OiMl'.K, V* and JTn ('anal *lrfet. )a?t of h tw?v. S. Wp* A t". Ss ?s ssi ii { Si; I , RBI? M ft MM KBB A A RRB BBS ""S R H M M M M K AAA A R R B RR M MM M K A A R R ? *> dm II M if B A A 8 1 H R ]| II MfcBbEA AR B 1K?B H8S SIXTH AV1WCE AND MNhTEENTH STREET, will ou Monday [make a large exhibition 3 Herge and camel's hair i ostuuies. trimmed with tllk tu matcli <jj> All mad" from original designs, and In rtyta and finish suuerlor to th* uiutT ready made suite. Very handsome atrlped silk >uu* In variety of colors. $4-1 $ 0 $54. $W. Hyltsh p!aid illk nutts. in new and elsjant aeeJWU, mixed with heavy black gros grain silks. fflO. M# $71 Very elegant silk Oo<tumes made ot two shades ol Plain ?roigrain Kill, vary haudnome and effective. JfA $63 V?, $H0. such al usually sold at$100to #125. Blabofate hlack siik CotfDiaeJ. mi rictilv trimmed in latest stvlcs, very effective and novel in appear ance. and Mulched in first claw style, at f 9 $<JV $76, $? , < anuel'4 hair. d'bege and all wool serge suits, elaborately trimihed with Ml*, $w, ana ?.?. In the above assortment ladle* will Hnd a large variety ol nines from which, with slight alteration*, cxact fits can he made, or will make to order at the same price. ?m <$><$> ; ? I.uwa, I | Suit*. linen, Travelling Batiste, I I Drcssee, Jfci ru. I House sviiss Dreaies, n id I Morning Percale [I Robea TO FIT AL!.iu6K8. ? AT VKRY DOW PH1(!B\ I | in . ^ We will also open on M?n. ay f~SOME ItKAt> BAKOUMs"fN ^ lilies' reaiv niade Underclothing. Tcrv line Chemises, elaborately trimmed with embroid ery, SI. Also bargains in Nightgown! and Drawers. Wii AtTiT S'llW OFFKrTmTT i m ?-?'?> ^A 8LTKHB t.ToCK OK MILLIWKRY.^ and otv,' trimmed Round Hats and Bonnets, for nyle and in .deration of price, arc not equated by any huuw in tlie city _4> T W.'. DIRECT SPECIAL ATTENTION f TO OUR LAUOE AN1> COMPLETE ABSORTM EN I'OF^ Dress and rrliuniiris Silk? tn all the new nn1 desirable shades, including brown* nsw blue;*, drabs and other scarco colors, atlo?es: prices in the city. sple did lino "l black silks at 9jc., * . #1 id, $1 IS, $1 2fi, *1 38. Poino very choice lots ut block Siiks *1 40, $1 75, $1 85, A lot of striped silks, CJc. and 7Se., such as have been sold ut II a vard. Hl( IIAK1) MKAHLH, comer Sixth avenue and Nineteenth street. /jj it'OO, H ASKEL.L A CO , Popular Dry Ooida Ilouse, f?i;9 Broadway, have increased their bustnes* double. Way f - First?Because they are selling diy goods cheaper tnuii any other house. Sccond- Because they have ouly new anil desirable goods. 1 bird?Bccausc customers are not importuned to uu'thaac. Fourth?Because they hive ^.trletlv one price; ii chil i can purehase as well as an experienced buyer. every cu-tomer is Ireate I wi ll tlic turnout poiiteucst and Attention. Fixtli?Becju*c yoovH are chourtully eiciun^d. Bt'Vciitri?itoCAUse ti?c; puolic a?w*y* Una tf?Odt adtert&?e(l. Our special InducemcaU to purcYitferi fo.- U?e we?k commencing MONDAY, MAT 10, win be in the following Uep^-nt.^ Black iSilk Milts. waeijiW *7?'lwiP?90 puMrautCi* l to wenr, $-0. $CJ, 185, */?), f>75, Jo'A * Hl.teK Alpaca Suits, 5'1, $9 50 $10 $11. $12. $U, $16, * Su*?\ii ea^iH-U' hair, de bege and everv variety of f.ishiosi?bie m.kterial, $l'J. $>i, $14, $15, $10, $20, $^5 to #7.1 i.inen and Ballale suits, $4 to VA HevHiit embrvMlereJ cainels* h^ir Ovcraklrts ana Bisque*. _ . _ , Knibroldereil Cashmere Cloa is and Sacks. Most Kb gant Uarnient* Imported. Cftshnier? SicltK, u'lnunod. $5. $10, $12 to $40. Ulib.v.MAKi.NU. In first class style Periect flt gniranteed. Dresses uiuda in the most elegant manner. at shortest no,ice. Indies out of town, bv sendm ; proper measurements, can lw iiifured u t>ertect lit. superior work at lowest charges. HILKS. Rlack Oroi Grain Dress Silks. $1, $1 I2J<, $1 25, $1 35, $1 50. $1 75. Hand spuu Black Cschmire, sublime, our own impor tation. l;vcrv laly should weur it. $;, $2 r> %i 51 75. # i, $3 ft0. $4. A special line ol Fancr Silks, all new dcstuns, in striixs and checks, 95c., worth $1.5. Plain Press Silks, newest shades. $1 25, $1 50. $1 7i, $1, $2?, $2 , , ... Attractive and special sale. DRESS UOODS. ?0 pieces Camels' Hair De Bege, lfc., 20c., Mc.. 30c., 36c x)c 175 pieces all silk and wjol Pongee. 6)C., 80o., 7A 75c. 5 0 pieces i'lai I De tcges, 25c . U)c., 37,'i".. 4.^c., M . 100 pieces 5 -inch Camel's llair Plaid. 9 c., $1. $lili Colored Greuailines. Kcru Hamburg Nets. Katlstcs, ai all pricea MOi'ltMNO DBPARTMKNT. 900 pieces Blsck Orena lines, 25c., SO'., S5c., 40t . 4ftc., ""jitlb Mexican entire 75c., ?c., $1, $125 $135, * W pieces Lutiia's all wool Cashmere. 60c., <M;.,75o., lAic. Ut> tO 11 400 pieces Alpaca, HOc., He., 2Sc , !TOc , 34c , 40c.,I Jc. LACKS AN.* KMHK01DBRIK8. $75 pieces real Oulpure I .ace. 15c. to $5 yard. 110 puces real Yak hdginr aud Inserting gn ranteed to be 25 per cent lelo* price. ?00u yards Kdglng and linertta^, Cc to ftne"t l!"'0H?{a,f.RY AND 1NUI KWKAH. La lies'and children's plain and laney strti ed Hose, real Balbri.'fan and Disle thread lar bel*/ regular rates. pARASoL; XNl) nCN UMHRKI.Dd I. in the greatest variety of colors an 1 handl?>, selling at ni iuuiacttirera' prices. Jaaaa U. Onioo. OKIOO. HaSKRI.L A CO.. C llAsfctxi- 8>W ? oadwsy, C. A. Pci-t-ra. between Eleventh anarVcUth Johi* IH7"!?. (?liiiW it 0 OH O ll ?? M 0 u 11 u Gi 'I <1 i? li OMM II EEF.EB y. i K I.EKR E K K IS.Kk.EE KEEKS K K E KKKf.54 A AA A A A A.. A " KBKRK KM r. \ n K N N K S .1 HKS * E > K N R * ilBhBB N >1 ? If i i n . > > !*K." I jj>S?v: ^r oi t ren.*'i MM MM ll L S U >. M II l< M V M ? li Li M MM M II I. M M ?l >l II I' M II ?t > > II .? .\ N II N S > I, II N N > KJiK II N N N i. UN h S K N r LKK HHIt \ y it v y k k y y khi? vy u i: y BUY l II II II LLh IAA. II :i s s v ki;b r k y lini ju?l rtPtivt 1 at ???f? of tin# KKKM'U ('HI r. in bl*n<<. nrowu, <frt?l> mul ecru. AMf KII.'All t till'. III all Uie leitdlliu fllipp*. KMIMSM HIKiW 11A I ; .ll.. ? .ami' n-.iriinint of < liilori n's .-AILOil HA I , MKA cllJ.'.rt, Ac In KIjOWKII.s un have the tm<?i dlaplay m Knurieei.ih *tr*et. VIMi'.s, WRBATII8, MOKTUKKH Ac PEaTHKM * w in All tliv n<?ahadea. BAsllr.ll, nCAi.r.S, MILE-', RIMKO>8, Ac. Bir TfUMMhII BOV>KIX ?NI> BOUND II VnTwiT ibtifldrnt are nut equalled lutvleoi 'lentil al i Broadway prices. ' can a ooo ii no o (1 ooo ooo o 000 o i)i>i>D D D ooo V D ? D X) P UDDD 11 Mf?" FREE II WE 11 B K II 11 M li w'ntfrttt eGE 11 V> ME li w r? B II Mi WS K ii em HHHX 0 8 8 8 SSHH I 8 II M BSSM 4> H H8Sa TTTT H H 8 T 111111H 8 B T H H 8 T H 8:..-8 T 8 8 8 8 8 8*88 * Kear UnI re rally tia^e. 41 TTTT 11 4 14 T M II FttlRKAI.E ATA MACKIKIt K-A IlKAI. HI, AT* LACB shawl, nl*n a roper* Point Appll<|iie I'araioL Ap ply at So. It: 1 went)-fifth "trcet, aeeond floor. GREAT flABOAIM* IN LAHIKK' UN DK BOA KM E NTH at hj i'.a4t NIntit s;rcct. r.ppoalfo ht?wart'?. 10L'VIT/ BID OIjOVKS, MaIBON VIOLET PKR ?l fiim-irjr.?An as-oi tin nt irl the tannine Articles always cm hand at II tlltoOBB A 00*8 (late E. Brue), U Kim; Tw elli u a.reet. wc?t ul BroftUwojr, DRY GOODS. A." a i g nuun ff fl H H b 11$ 000 ??? *N O O " N N 0 O ? 1? N 0 OWM O ONI 8 8 EE KB II & 000 fi N I N ( M * N N N NN k I I EBB K ? B Ji EEF.E II L . L I U.LI. It I E i i. LLI.L 827 and S29 Hixtb avenil*. , Will opeu MONDAY. 10, Immense stock of BUtW Gooda mip ruts In all shi ?nd the Ecru tinta. ! sortmcnt of fine Milan llau and Bonbctai llatatn large variety at very low pricea OCR TRIMMED HATS, fbr eioganea of shape and richness of trimming, can not be surpassed. The great increase ol onr bniineaa over all other houses In the milliner? trale attests oor luperlorlty. straw Umial ill shapes, in bin< k, white, gray, brown ants, from $1 28 to $4 84 each: large as Mllan llau and Bonbctai Mlaaea' School BBBB BBBB 1) B B B BBBB BBBB HBBB BBBB B B B B B B B 1< B B BBBB BBBB 888 OOO Fine black Oroa Orain Ribbons, Noa 11 and 16, at JSc All the nqw spring ahadea. Noa. 9, 12, 10 and 23, at equally loW pricea bush Ribbons, 7, 8 and 0 Inchea. In all ahadea. Ladies' Tics. The largest retail assortment In the city. Flowers, Feathers, Wreaths, Monturea, ? , Oar land a, in endleaa variety. I<ace Leoartmeiit. Large assortment of new and exquisite designs In made up Lace articles, siecve.leas Jackets, Ac., Ac. Ruffling-i at all price* Embroideries. Great variety of patterns at Very low prloes. Kiu oi.oVna KID GLOVK& KID OLOVBS. KID GL0V8* KID GLOVES. KID GM>VKSL KTD 0L0VK8. KID GI.OVE8. KID 0 LOVES. KID OLOVE8. KID GLOVES. KID GI.OVE8. KID OLOVBS. KID OI-OVUR. KID GLOVES. Km QLOVJiB, Choice assortment <>l Kid Olorca, In all the new spring shades; also opera colors, two, three and Ave buttona Misses', Children's and InfantC Dresses in all the latest designs. O'NEILL'S. 327 and 329 Sixth avenue, and IDS West Kith st 8888 HANDKERCHIEFS German Oosiery. Our Spring I'.MRKOIDKKIES Goo Is just received by the steamer Maiuu. Kull lines ot styles which h.tve been very scarce all the season. LI.-iLE AND TAFFETA OLOVE8 by the same steamer. FRKNUII FANCY GOODS by the Fcotia. De-irable novelties which will well repay an inspection. CONFECTIONERY h'lRAW GOODS LISLli GLOVES MLK GLOVES Wli.rt Oi.ODS UMBRELLAS I'ARAoOLS KL'Fr'LlN.iS TRIMMINGS STATIONERY MAGAZINES riiurt mes FLOW AH RIBBONS JEWELRY Everything new and des rable In Millinery Goods. >ew Ribbons. New Flowera New Hliks. LACK til AWLS and LACK BACKS, 11AM111'KG NETS and EDGINGS, fcuuimer -uits and Suitings M MM >1 M M M M MM M M M M M M M M M MM M M M M A A A A A AAA A A A A A A ccc c c c c c c ccc Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y BBSS 8 S 8 bsss a S b 8->8S CROCKERY. Unsurpassed assortment. Everybody suited. LOOK AT OUR FltlCKS. Cut Bohemian Goblets, $1 7J per doaeii. English slouo cbiua Dinner Sets. 116 pieces $14 71. ? French china Dinner Sets. 1S6 piece*. $21 *7. 040) decorated So * Irom $11 21 o $.'i33 06. ?? iiiciv decorated Toilet net*, I. pieces. $< 31 Full line Million. Copeland and NNedgewood Warea China aud Glass Decorated to order. Funcy and ornamental Glas, and China Goods, gl t mounte i Goods, Toilet and Perfumery Seta The largeat assortment in I he city. A" _ MM MM A CC Y Y '? B8S8 M M .V M AA C C Y Y ?' 8 B MM MM AA C YY '8 M M M M A A C YY 88S8 M M M M AAAA C Y 8 MMMMA A. C C Y 8 8 M M M A A CC V B8SS MACY'8 Housekeeping and Furnishing Departments MACY'3 sto ked with complete ass.rtnents of ail M ACY'S goods wanted bv the householder MACY'3 Fittings for Parlor, Library, Bedroom, M ACY'S Kitcnen, i.auudry. Dining Room and Hall. M Ai l'S Silver plated Ware. pressed linware. Iron aud M A< Y'S Kicrl Ware, Wooden ware, Wlllowware and M ACY'S everything usctul. MAC Y'S Also Broiizus, Clocka, Chairs and such goods M ACY'S tor ornament as wci! as us-". MACYM Counterpanes. Table i.incns, Napkina. Sheets, M AC Y'S Ac., leqmred to complete the department. bHOgs Ladies'. Mls?-s' and Children's Kboes, tha SHOES great success of the season. BIIOKH La Forge Kid G'oves. ?*? pair; warranted stioE^ Good* packed and delivered tree in Now Vork, SiloES Hrooku n aud Jersey City. H. H M AC V A CO., Kourteenth street and ixth ar. T> IRI.SIAN X AHIBIAN PARI (ifAN PARISIAN PARISI vn PARISIAN I'A 1SIAN PARISIAN P1X)WKR COM PART FLOWKit COMI'ANY PLOWHR COMPANY company fLOWfcK COMPANY Arc continually receiving and u|>cn on MonJav the latest the talent the the latest th? latest Novcltle*. fcuveltie-. KoVCltie*. Novel tie*. Koveltlca 9 rue de Una, to r.n*t lourlecnth *treet, I'arUk lour d<K>ra we?t or Vniversity place. New York. I LOkWENBTEIW^ Proprietor. / 1ARPKTB, CARPrCTR V' tlre*t spring oMtiM of Carpet*, Oilcloths, Window ttliades, Lambrequins, Rati. Matting. Ac., at very low price*. English Velvet, a( II 7Bpery*r.l. Tamstry Brusae s. it $1 per yard. Tnree-piy, at si ta per y\rd. Ingr'.ln, at M>c.. ?e an I 90c. per yard. All other goods at equally low price*. a lar^e stock of I'umimre, 1U per cent cbeapar Ulan ?nv o;tier hoo*e in th ? citv , _ All *ok!s shipped Ire*. I". KKLI.T, tsucceaaor to II. O' FarreiD. ?12 and 511 Eighth avenue. beiw>eu Thirty.fifth and Thtrty-slxth street*^ ]ORD A TAYLOR-GRAND AND OHBYSTIB 88B.? J Ktiallali Molv Brus-e! \ (l 5J and $1 71 Kiii2 iah and Amir.cin Tapestry, ?? and $1 II MIMK MO !-EE THE BAROAIN8 IN LADtBft' t'nderwear. 8i East Nlnih street, opposite Stewart'* \r VIOOCUOt'K, 13 FOURTH AVENUE.?LI ?? > ? tie lie, I mbrold'-ry, Ladle*' an<l Babies' Tron*. seau?; -penalty of initials, M?noirrnmn lor handker chien. table and tied cloths. the lar|(> >: tlm:k of Kin brot lcred ilwds. Wholesale department 7<M Broadway, r.itoratcd Pattern \ Machine* and acc***orie* lor ?tuiiil Inir. >W ' HEAP Til BY ShLL LA DIBS' UNDERWEAR at !Cl i ait Mnth, opposite Ktewart'*. [? r?T OP LORN P. KXTRNDKR, J.I ft. ??<!,.ItY I'AT K s IKK AND M < Nt'FACTl'RER WUOLKSAU! AND KKTAII^ R< .aov. il to HI Pour.h nv , one block abov c H a bo re Stewart'*. U'A.NTiSD-A D K H PAITRR1 OK BLACK Bit.K or Kinpress c!ol'i. or pawn ticket for same. Ad drasi HATTIii, Her.ilil office.. Fot Other Ory Good* A<Ivertiaements Sea Firat Page. MIUINKRII A WO UltESIMAKINO, A?A.?A. . MIX". DKNNIN, Mi Hroadway. |l4tte designer for Porter and Doana.) will allow tlie coming wee* Novd'le* recherche and ele gant, leceiv.-d Mine openlRi 'lay Dom th* leading Don*. ? ni i- urope, comprising an elegant *?*orimetil of Mourning. ^N UPKMMI. " ' ??????????? Mmen. PORTRR A DOANE, importer*, 949 Br* id way and 179 Fifth nvenna, hare just received, per the steamship L'Ameri'ine, one ea*e of French Bonnnt* and lla's of new and elegant designs. which they will esbiblt on Tucs 1*3, May 11, 1875. ^RfMflC MODES. H'l'F.RfOB WORKMANSHIP. ECONOMY IV MATKRIAU NO BXORBITANT CHAROEM. Mtr.e MARIk Favrk (lata with Lord A Taylor). 307 and *J9 Hlitl) avenue, up stulra. AT MME. DK LOItD'rt DRKBBMAK1NO AND MIL Itnery ?MablUhment. "tfl Broadway, Halt* mad* In lat**t ?tyle. perfect fit and moderate i>rlce?. AT MM'{. COLLINS', 28 WKST KLRVBNTH BTBKBT, Dre**maiOttf eatabllshment, ladle* can rtly on net ting perfect fit unit i>re-?e* made, tritinaea r P^riiuaa ttv<a< i o u, .^a. WtLttlERT AND nUKS^IAKrvO. _ A-BUKDKTTK SMITH HAS DAILY A GRAND 1)18 ? p?AJ <tf ??? LATEST III FOB'ED FASHIONS at his pattern Bazaar, 914 bkoadwav, between and Twenty first streets. All the LaiKHT PATTERNS constantly 011 haud. CLOTH MODP.Lrf wiih every pattern. UUT11NG AND FUTINO bye* partencxl artists. A?A.?MRS. MYERS, ? __ ? Baat Fourteenth street. BpecUlUu# of misses' und children's Milliner v. Pre? Caps and Mourning Millinery. _____ A LADY WHO HAS HAD CHARGE OP TUB dressmaking department for many years of one of the largeat houses in New York, la now prepared to make tne raoet elegant. stylUh nulla ever produced, front $8 to $10; cambric wrappers from S3 8J to $5. At tier new rooma, *U8 Broadway, one flight of stairs. A -MM& LlfMLBY. 110 WB8T TWBNTYTHIRU il. street. Handaoma spring Suits made In a lew dart: small quantities of material and moat original and elegant styles in trliflrnlngt; perfect fitting guaranteed. AT BROWN'S?LONDON RQUJ^D HAT*. IMPORTED for seven freara, by EMM A BROWN, sltUf of W. r. Brown, hew Bond street London; haa now elegant ami varied styles for spring. 1J61 Broadway, between Thirty-first and Thirty-second strectf __?? (1 M. OtNKf, IMPOBTBR OF FRENCH MILM J, nery, will oseu the present week novelties in Bum mer Bats, new and elegaot designs, French Chips ami 1 eghorns; also a choice aaaorUnent of Mourning Data. 30 Baat Fourteenth atreet CM,ARK A M'LAUGHAN HAVE JUST RECEIVED TUB ) latest Parisian atylea in Bonnets and Hats; also a full line of Untrimmed Chips, which they will exhibit nt latest Parisian atylea in Bonnets and Hats; also a full ? s of Untrimmed Chips, which they will exhibit at tbelr new rooma. <W Broadway, corner of Nineteenth at. Latest styl::s of walking, costumes, din. ner, carriage and evening dresses, trousseaus and mourning, by a first claas artiste, at moderate prices. 498 LADIBB ATTBNTTON.-MMB. D'ooeron, latr forewoman at Worth 'a, iiiftkcs Ladies' walking stilt#, carriage, b*{| dresses; also cnla tnj fits ladles' dresses, originating atylea, 14'. Fourth avenue, near Four teenth street: dressmaker wanted. MMK8. OAILLARD A LU.BN ROBES AND MAN. teaux: superior fits, moderate pricea 36, Hue 4, Beptcmbre. over Lherbette, Kane Co.; entrance 24, Rua Louis-leGran d- PartJL M MB. LEP8BVRB, Robes, Jit Weat Fortieth street M A1SON WALTON, 862 Broalway, above* Union square, importer! of Faahiona In Bonneu and Round Hats. "La Valltere" the llntcf the season. M ME. HEPPARD, ARTISTIC MODI-T. 101 WEST Fourteenth stroet, opposite Macy'a.? specialty in cutting and fitting dresses and over garments: dealing for trimming; over drearies looped wn?t> tin I shed. MISS H. J. EDWARDS (LATE OF BROADWAY) ? fashionable Drecamaker. haa removed to 69 liust Ninth street, five doora from Broad way; walking Buita from S8; the latest spring Style*. , MMB. ANTOINBTTK BKKNHK1M HAS MOVED TO her new and elegant Show ltoomt at 27 Union gqu ire, where she nil display a caac ot French Wrapi and ictted Capes, Bonnet* tind Hats; also other French Novaltlea. sole agents of the Le Grain Corse is. AISON HARRIS?MIX*. PRINCE. SUCCESSOR. No. 0 I'nioh square (Broadway), next door to Tif fany's, lias just received tw.i nasej ot unirWiiined Cliui.o, lu all the newest tinta and shui<es; also novelties in Mil linery. ______________________ VfMii. M J. BONGRAND, I.SSJ BROADWAY. HAW1 iVl an elegant assortment of London Round and Biding. M Hats and real Imported English Riding Habits. Madame Dallas has received new pat terns from Paris, and tells iter customers that sb? has removed lo 16 Weat Twenty -fourth street. MLLK. F. M'KINLKY, FORMERLY WITH MAISO.v! Wall on and Mine Hartley, has reopened at i.lCs Broadwav. opposite Coieinan House, where she will ha h ippy to see her old and friends lu want of ciioico Bonnets and Round Hats OPENING OF THK LATEST SPRING AND RI'MMEr! styles. Finest novel tie* ever Imported, selected from tli'' best houses in Paris. Patterns cnt Irom measure warranted. Also new and auperior Panier, iadtea have no style without Real French Corjeta. l adles'own material! cut und hasted in a superior manner l'resi and cloak making In all its branches. Mme. A. DUVaL. Importer, Bfs Broadway. ; 1-11E NEW YORK MILLINER AND DRBflSMAKEB. the Lest illustrated magazine In the world for the money. ' en I Lx-. tor three month's trial. SHARP'S Publiahing Company, 107 Meroar street I PATTERNS. A? HL'RnKTTB SMITH HAS DAIl.Y A GRAND DI<t . PLAY of ma LATEST IMPORTKD FASHIONS all his PATTERN BaZAAR. DU broadway, batwei-n Twentieth and Twenty-first atreet-t; a I the LATENT PaTIEKNB conatantlv ou hand: Ci.oril MODELS with every pattern| CUIXING and FITTING by axparlencca artista. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC. AT 114 NASSAU HTREBT, ROOM 5, watches DIA. inonda. Jewelry and otuer goods bought, and soli hack when require < ibu uieaa entirely confidential; private office W. RBIMAN. J. A. NATDAN. A LADT, HAVING SOME VERY FINR DIAMONDS anu needing $2,000 for the summer, will nay in terest on the money and would let a responsible party advancing same have the uae of them lor the aeeommo* flatioii. Address ACHUYLKK, box 161 Herald office. A LADY BECOMING suddenly llEDt'CED AND having valuable diamonda, will dlspoae of a t"'rtion lmmedlatclv, at mueh less than their valua. Add mi NBCBoSlTV, box 140 Herald office. A DVKBTISF.K HAS TWO VERY FINE DIAMOND JX studs snd gold Watch in pawn which, Dclng un able to redeem, will aa!l lickeu vary cheap. Addreaa B A It ST. box 200 Herald office. A LADY. SEING ORUCBD TO PAWN HER VAL0 able D!a.nonJa, which ahe canoot now redeem, wl 1 aeil the ticke'a for very little money. AJdreaa FA1< TBRSOK, boa W Herald office. Diamonds, watciirs, jkwklry. silvrr wakb. Clocks, Bror.xea. Ac., Ac., bought and aold back when destreJ at a vary amall atvanca. GKOBGE C. A1.1.EN. jeweller. 1.190 Broauway. near Twenty ninth at FilOR S A LB?A PINS PAIR OF LARGE SOLITAIRB 1 Diamond Earrings and Diamond Ring at a great sacrifice. Address Mra Ul'RROUGbS, box UU Herald office. Tub gknuine lake oeorgs diamonds only obtained At No. 4 Aator House ; ail others are bane limitations, pricea within reach, of all; aend for prica 1st L JACOBS. ANTED-PURF WHITE, FRhPEOT SHAPED ANtt brilliant Diamond, weighing about two carats. Ad dress, stating particulars and taweat prica for casta, JEWEL bOT 17a Herald office. w; WANTRD?A FINE solitairb DIAMOND, ABOUT IS karats. Address, with particulars, FRANK HURON, box 17b Herald offioc BRoj. STOIIAUK. " A -GRIND CBNTRAL 8T0RA<iK WARRHOl'-<R, ? for lurtiitare. 4c , ?! and ?? WtA CMtT HnnUl Rtreet, rorufr H ro ?<1 w *y. ?*P?< >o?n ?D1 "611 ventilated rouiDR, extra Inducement* offered: lnsp^?(io'i lnvitad. MU HO AN * MKOr H e. It, Proprietor*. A-sTOBAGR BATTER^ON A CO.. OkAND CKN . ir,4 - ..rnn ? WnrrhouM 'or furniture. iitan mirror*, trunk*. *<? , *i that ucw wareb' u* tun, 1<? and liff West i hirty.third atreet, corner o( .*l*lh avenue. The In went and l>?st In the city. A-FTOAAOK?WiSST HlflK 810R40K WARR. ? Iiom?i. &M. <31 and fi# llud->n ftreet, 79 (Irfen wl'h *treet nrnl 10 AbtaiOon ?iuare. for rarmtore, Piano*, ll?Ki<nge Ac., in separate r'*>m?. oldest lowest In rata. nmM exU'tiflve and resectable establishment In tlie buMneas. R TAOOAK1, Owner ana Manager, office 193 lludaou *trc?t (Ablnifdoii vjuatc . KO. CARRlNOTnN'd STORAOK WaRBHOUSRB ? lor Pianos. furniture and Baggage. in mparare compartment* of *11 ilses, building* are all MWml first' laa*. Principal office, S*4 Third aventie. Hrsnti office*. Wo. 1 Bait Twenty aecood atreet and 1,*4 Broai way. l/M PlitB STORAOB WARRHOMRS-fOR Kl'RNI. Pj lure I'la os. Mirror*. Bagiiag? and Merchandise at low rate.* In separate ri>omi. The tiulldtfta* are tpecialij constructed with regard to satety from flra. and insure* lower than any ?imllar establishment: expressing, bo*. Ing, parainL'and shlpmnv promptly attended to ?L <>'KKHiL>T A < <), owners and Manager*, 3*8, 3?J an I 393 11 uu ?on stree t UAKORR'j WARHIIOUBKrt, BIOliTR AVKHVK, Thirty third to Thirty fourth ?trect, at Ninth are. nue; office :?o Weat Thlrtv fourth *treeL?The oldest, lowest in rate, mo*t catena! ve and thoroughly etjiiipjed ( ?tahii?hnionti of the line In the buslnegj, Htoratre lor Furniture, Ba?ga?e, Uoods andWureaof every de*cr)p tion in eeparate clased compartment*. Night patrol ic celve rood* at all hour*. In*p?cUon InTltao LADIBB, BEWARR ?MOTHS.-fCRS TAR 'N ON ?toragehnd guarantee to Improve them 2s per cent. M maiii.T.K, 849 Broadway, Domes:lc sewing Mat hint building. CTORAOE-KOR PURNITURK, PIANOS BAnOAOR. n Ac., in separate room*; hniMinq* hive all Con venience*. JWMM at Itlght, low rstej. Ml< IIALK8 A son, w. 40 and 42 < omtnercp atreet. uear Blrecker. gTORAOR. Blgbth avenue, corner of Korfv *i*t|. ?tretr . *MiSb A HIMA QTOJUOR FOR PLRKITL RE, "ir.-AT IS! AND l? t 1'drty wconti Ktrcet ti"teoen Hrotdw.iv and amini^uVr^i."* *b"m "re ,nT4,< d ,0 '? MaBTIN A RON. Owner* and Manager* ?til AO fKR L?AD.-CK\TRAf4 SfORAtiK WARS. Pl*no.i. Mirrr.rr h.g '? ?pparate iin.t ventlla ed utpartmauu. a.LV A TrkDB, 160 and 11U HlMMter MreeV