Newspaper Page Text
srrrATiows vv vvted-fkha le?. Cooks, dtc. OA EABT2SD 8T.-AH COOK Oil H0USEK1B*ER J5t in ? private tnmlly for the summer, where she could have Iter boy, 14 vears o'.di would go at reduced vuei; t'r-t class city reference from present employ er's. 1 '.ill or add ress lor two days. 1Q() BAST 10TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A X?"^ l?'ly w Wr. s a situation for cook and waitress. IQA VOKK ST., BROOKLYN.-A RBBPECTABLB 1 r>\ I womno ?n conk In on oyster hottse: understands nil nDout oysters; good references. Call or address. 1 4>0 WEST MTH S'F. ?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG J _>) girl as good cook; BP objection to a private boarding houses city reference. WEST r.TH ST., REAR.?A COLORED WO juau a* first class cook: city or country. MADISON ST.?AN ENGLISH WOMAN A3 cook in a small family. Address. Of\Q HT AV., IN Til:: STORF. ? AH FIRST CLASS ^v'O dinner cook In hotel or restaurant; would take charge of kitchen and help: has six years'experience; best reference; no objection to ctty or country. Cull on or address lor ttirou d'l.vs. OQQ WEST MTB oT.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN' <?00 astlrsteia?s oyster and ehowder cook dinner mid order cooking. Ac , at a summer hotel; also fur a youiik' man. a tlrst class han ! at upcnina oy stern. clams, Ac.; both perfectly understand their business. Call lor two day a. 979 1ST AV.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS FIRST ? J ?j claw cook in a summer hotel; can 'uke full charge of kitchen; understands carving; is fully com petent us a man cook; will en-jagu for all summer; best refen ncc. Call on nr addre-s for tliree day s. 424 164 EAST 14in ST., FIRST FLOOR.?AB T1IOR ough plain cook. English. Call for two days. A FIRST CLASS FRENCH COOK DESIRES A MTU ation in ii private family; bo?t? ity references. Ad dress F, C., box 177 Herald I'ntowu Branch olilce. CUambermauls, Ace. nEAST 7iTH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A young woman a< chambermaid and waitress, or as chambermaid mil nurse to tirowng children. Ift9 WEST 28TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG X'JZt woman as chambermaid and waitress, or to assist in flue washing or to do pUin sewing neatly ; good city reference. 919 WAVRRLRY PLACE.-A RESPECTABLE woman an cook in a rot-ptfctabls private family, in the cltv or country will do the plain washing; can do good plain cooking; bo<.i city reference. 91 Q WEST S9TH ST., FIRST FLOOR. BACK.?-A ? JLO respectable colored uir 1 a* chambermaid or nurse: no objections to travelling; good reioreiice. Call from 10 to 4. 9'-iA EAST MTH ST. ?A RESPKCTARLE YOUNG AiOQ woman as rtr^t class chambermaid or chamber maid and seamstress; understands her business per lectly; can dress hair and wait on lady; best reierences. 2 J O WEST BIST ST.?A LADY, BREAKING I'P ttsi houee, wished to procure a situation tor a tlrst. class chatnliermald; she has no objection to the country Caill or address, A AO EAST MTH ST.?A YOUNG aMF.RICAN GIRL Tr'JO as chambermaid ?tid waitress or nurse; three years' reiereute trom last place. Call or address tor two days. A ()P LEXINGTON AV., CORNER 4.11) ST.?A YOPNu rt4U girl as chambermaid and waitress in a small private family, or totaac care of children ai d do up stairs work ; no objection to the ooBStry. Can be seen at her present employer's irom 10 A. M. till 4 I'. M. m K 9D AV., NEAR 55TH ST., TIIIR') FLOoR.-A ti L*J respectable voung woman us chambermaid and Burse; good reference. "I I ri 2D AV. ?A VOUNG GIRL AS CHAMWiR J..Tr?J 1. maid and waitress, or wonla take ^are of chil dren: willing and obliging; no objection to thQ country; be ft reference. Orc'iKmakeri and Seamstresses. *11 EAST 'J7TH ST.?A SWI-fl PROTESTANT GIRL J. J as maid 'ind -eainstress; nu objection to ko to Eu ropo ; good reference. Call for two daj". r.rc MACIiOlTOAL ST.-WANTED, FIRST CLASS ?J?.) b in 1<i to work OB dressmaking, also uood oiiera tor on Whei ler A Wilson's machines. ?'all our week. 7,1 SOUTU ST!I AV.?A KEENi II GIRL V3 EXCEL. I "X leif: seanistresa ill an American family. Address Mile. VlUAILLAli. no EAGLE ST., GRBENFOINT ?AN EXPIi'tIENTED ?J-j dressmaker, inn private family in Pliiladelplila; i? kind and obliging and willing to make liei -It us ml. nr will make a few engageiomT* wini families; terms easy; ?? ven years' reference. Address, tor three w. ek ?, y it J*. N 0U UHta^H AKLH. Philadelphia papers Please cony. ?jno WESTI4TH ST., SECOND DOOR WEsTOKCTII 1" j av. (uo sign).?A irst class modiste, with Al city reierences, would 'h> work of a iew more fanu^fe-i by the 1 iv, or would make beantluii uals ont of 15 to is yards of silk, finished In Purisi in style aL home; ont ot style ami unflttin ; dresses altered equal lo new; even in;,' an.i party dressus a special'. . Please call and sec speci liiens. 191 west jirn sr?a first class dbbss J i maker wishes more work for private families; taken home ii required. 00 | KASl'UST sr.?A FRKNLI1 LAU*, JUST AP jU'f r rived Paris, capable to design and ateliei C'? cou' iro; c in u; and rti, caimi trom tirst -i?s- house of Pari , would go Wt by the day. Address FRENCH LADY 907 WEST ->r,ril ST.?A RESPECTABLE WIDOW I In n prlvAfe family as seamstres"; nndersian Is family sowing; no objection to making h "-self useful In a-n way 11 1 men a can o aerate on When ler t Wli e,'s tnacbii -; would go m the country. Call on or address, lor two Jay-. M. M. 01 ? EAST 2STII ST.?A COMPKTENT DRRSSMAKRR Ol') wishes n iew more engagnm ntt go out by the day or take u-ork home; a first elu.a flttt r Call on or addles ' KI'.S. 41 I' WKST 121) HT.?A YOPMO OIRL IN A PPIVA TE ll) r.uiillv ns Ire -maser and seamstress, or nurte anu h- ims'ress; willing and obliging. Call i.r address. ?117 2i'i sr.?a riitsr class drk.hsmaKf.r rr 1 I v .he - a few more customers by the day. L ave your a idrras; will call in ;he evening. -Ql art' AV?V RI SPKCTABLf. YOUNG lady 'J-' I aisiies t.' eiiuiue wiih *a family going to the 1 untrv tor the summer months as seamstress or child's tnaid ?"all for two dn vs. 7nl nil AV. ? A DRESSMAKER, COMPETENT If) I'M cut and trim 111 the most fashionable style, will go out. or eutaud haste. 4 YOUNG UIltL WANTS 10 GO OCT BY THE DAY A t >ew oh Wheeler A Wilson's sewing machine in a pnvao family Address SEAMS 1 ItliSS, box lit liura d L'pti wn Branch office. ? * FRENCH PERSON, A ftOOD DRESSMAKER AND J\ bslnlress?'r, wishes an eiiuauemeiit as hidv's mai l in a private family. Address M\i; 11 1st >pring st. A FIRST CLASB CUTTER AND FITTER. BY 1 HE d>.v,nr take diosses ui 1 suits madu from $" np. Call at ti 4th av.. opposite Stowari's. 4 SEAMSTRESS WIB1IBH A SITUATION; UNDBR j\ stands Wheeler A Wilson's machine. South fide Sth av.. between 61st and 62<1 sts. ORRSSMAKING AVD I'aMII.Y SEWINO DONE IN a neat aim desirable maimer and it n 1 mMo rat'-s srii i igmb avenue, near r'Hty second i.reet, see ond Door. Dressmaking, ?a lady wisiirs hie patron age of a few families; can cut IK and trim ladies' an t children's dres 's or alter; terms St "*t j>er day , country or city. Address Mrs. V. K., Herald nrookly u I'. am li otlice. General Housework, Sic, ?)/n wk T runi st., corner op tth av.?a young (tirl, 17 yenra to do cnainberwork find waiting mil In washing, or wool.I <to the wori ?r a itii. ill family; in foml or children; willing t.> make her m il gcin-riillv u?etul gO'i l reference ; no objection to the country l ull on Monday. A l\i I AHT18TH HI"., FIRST FLOOR.?A RB TrV? x wetable young woman to do housework In a ?in nl private tainuy; fx ?t reicreuces. Call for two 4l?.' S ___________ WBST ?Til sr.. SKCOND WiOOR.?TWO *K >" spectabic jrirls to do the woik ol a house l.?> tween them; one i-. a first claaa washer and ironer and good plain c<i k; t!i? other as chambermaid and fir*-1 elans waitress: both willing and obliging; eonniry pra fei'red. Call any Umo up to i o'clock Monday evening. /?OQ ?TH AY. BF.TWF.KK SI1TII A N I > 37 T H Us IN U^O fancy store.?Two renpoc table young girl*. ?'.M> i'i to do the w rk ot a "mall private lain, v, tfuglifdi or American; beetreference. 1 flftft Sl> AT.-A Y0r.N0 WoMvN TO DO okN J.v'UU oral tiou?eworg. Call or a idrrss. 1 n/? 3D a v., corner ?rrti ?t? top fi. oh.? J. I 11/ a voung nirl to do hoaeawork >?r wall on a lady; city ur country. Call tor throe days, llotiaekeeprra, ?to. iA'i!s\-s\r sr., bRoom/?!*. ? \ Rrsrn-TAnr.F. lU'J lady a* hoiieekeeper to a wldowrr; woaM take the any light badness: can apeak French a:: i tJertuan Add rent h. O., car* of Mr. Thomae. fir I'i 21'"r sr CM.VAKY KKCroitV^ A JUO Pro'estaitt girl of the higl!??t re-i>ei t?lTTiity wiahes a .1111,i ion with a t imtly going to I urope. Can Ii3 neen until * iy 15 at present empl- yet n.TBI.BRUK RUT., PHORI BASKvtKNT ?A lOl'NO II') French lady. aducaieU mid ratine i, ai house keeper, t ail to-day. jjij Dirlttioli av7, bkiit?kLv n,~b. d.-ar )?' tniericaii lad) iinmiK eeper in a lintel or a d-n tlcman'a taml'.v; city or country . ljcatlon no objection. Call on or .nidress Mr-. LV "NH. K 7 WF. r BALTIC sr., brooklyn.?A FR h K ( H I' I l.idy, well educated, apenkmg English and an ? ?pi ric'ii-e."l Housekeeper, denres a position la a gentle, man'* lamllv to take cur.' ot home an I t nildreii's edu cation, liiglieit reference. Cell oa or address Mine. F. O'll WF.ST 30TH ST.. Br.TWBEM 7TII AND 8TII - I at*.? A young widow, just iroiu the ?ountry. na In 'keeper Mr* .1 At-fiv. i)'J|\ west aaTfi -r., hu t fi.oob.-a yocno **?><' American .i Mow of refinement as housekeeper lor a Widower: tmlcrs need not appiy Call lor two d lys. r *i , , tn, U f? *>?>1 kast uarii sr.. harlkm.-a mid. ?ol die aged Auivrii in lady, Ifoui We country. ai hotnekaeper; is well iiuailOed lor such a poutton. Call on or audreaa Mrs. I. B. 'i -) 'i KAHT 34TH ?T.?A PFR-OW wishes To ?) ? >) take ch <rge ol tenement property as liotise* >wp?r,i J?" t*U* at prea.ia aauatiea. AdUr aaiiouSii KKi'.l'hB. ?JOfl WK8T NTH fT.?AR AMBIICaN LaDY, OF prep ?? ">iog appearand ? ind r. flned nunnors. ilenren a portion na hotneHcoi or in h widower's family; w noi an aid ol work; verv fond ol ciiildren , no objec tion to the country none bat tlr?t eln^s ti <rti need .ip pl> Ad ireaa, tier three day a nfminofiKlix I'll (lllltRKWiml At.-AH AMBRIt AH LaD* t??l. ae heu?ekeeper in a flrnt clan lamlh (<kxi r*f ari acr*. Laii ur aaUii ... UuvMkKi.Li't.u i..- ??? f-** SITUATIONS WANTKO-FEMALES. | iloowk*?P?"< **? n nuOOME ST.-AN AMERICAN AS HOUSE 516 ke< pel, will .lo tl.? ?utiru worn of a siuuli mm ily? ccrtifliry pr#lcrr?*i; best rcU'f tifici 7T7s\ ?TH AV.. IN THE CORNET STORE.?A ? >-i~*) u, rB0u of long e.xporlouce us housekeeper. SliyoolUMUUlt u a good dressmaker and operator. Address1- ?? ?? -?i.? 7T I AV -A* AMERICAN WIDOW LADY AS 7 1 r1 housekeeper, to take eiiais'ii oi one or two tene ment hou?e,. good relerenee. Call or address tor two days. j nnt> 2D AV.?A RESPKOTABl-E WOMAN TO <10 8f>' > out washing and ironing by the day ; good city references^ ?? \ S?*dowtr'^'n'w '''V?t*"ia"iJch?'ahoui, tor Swte nr ?sssxsa branch ottlce. ? rs^-wsrtK itv- citv or countrr ; ti pleasant home nioro preferable I tlfan a high salary; tmex^pilonable reterencc^ Call V,. ,? TililiaJS fur olio week. Mrs. J. N., AU thony House, between 12th and Hlh sts., B r o a'Iwa3^ 1 T LADY OK SUPERIOR ABILITY, ONE HAVING 1 A mirsof experience in tlrst class hotels, decree a nationas housekeeper in a Hotel or gentleman's lam vf bt" 1.0.1 'te.UM.oniul. Call on or address Mr. I t:"itO( Ki'.i f. Grand Central Hotel ! "I COMPETENT PERSON WISHES A (situation A in a tamilv in the country: will assist In house work1 can sew on machine; Is obiintujf best relerenco. Address h. W., box 11 ii Herald I'ptown Brunch otltce. ' "t VMTW) WIDOW OP REFINEMKNT WWHII i dress Mrs LENNOX, Herald Uptown Branch ofneo. k OHVTLEMAN. GIVING UP HIS HOUSE. DESIRES A to find a situation tor his housokcepcr. to whoui ho can rive the highest recommendations. Addross M. D.. Herald Uptown Branch office. . i i i)y op refinement and gentility, aoe 04A^kVdK?%r?w^L?r^?^a Uptown Hranch office. i if rr a ruiN WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER IN A S hotel or to take char* ? of tin?n department Ad dict* IJ. M. H., box 142 Herald offlee. mo MASONS-I AM A MASON'S WIDOW A *TRAN l in this city, without money orirlond*1 do'not ??Mk necanwrv ivsnl^tfinco, but ti position, tnftt i i Siirn mv r'ailv bread: am a practical housekeeper for hotel ?r p rtvate tAm lly; of goSd executive abllty. con control ?ervants or take care of an invalid. Address Mrs. Lang 1-1.Y. llerahl Uptown branch oltloe. W ANTED?BY A YOUNG WIDOW, A POSITION A3 ,, hou?eli'jeper lor a mi Idle aged Kcntteiuan ot none but I parties ue.vl reply. Address BLANCH, Herald Uptown Branch ottlce. Laundresses. t TAVF ST ?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WWII4BA I Vow gentlcm n's or families' washing, or to worn by the day: city r-i'erenee, - ( ,?rn sr?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WI UES 04- sot-ic ladles' nr ^entlemeu's washlua, or wou d ( II o plain washing I or TV. a dozen. iifvt.i'H IV r 111 It 1? l'l.onK. n\('K ROOM. ?A GOOD Rf) latttidreM to do gentlemen's or families wa?hmg at her house ? TI .'V CIIIIYSTIE ST., REAR. ROOM NO 5.-A EE; 110 sueetable Protestant widow woman to go out by tlie day or t?Ke in lainllloa' washing; good reterenees. Call tor two days. ?? ? -ill VVKSC I8TH ST ONE FLIGHT, RKAH.?A BE 11 I kpe table woman to work by the uay at washing, ironing or any other work. TOO WK-T 2ITH ST. ? A RESPECTABLT' YOUNG J cirl as first elass laundrcs; no objection to a private boarding house; good city rclerence. TOT WK>T S3D ST., FIRST FLOOR, ROOM L?A 13 I re pectAble colored woman wishes lauiily wasli lna by the month or wee It. ? ] - Trir?f >3X11 ST., ONE Pa I It OK STAIRS UI'.?A l.)l rrspeitable woman wishes a tew genUemen s or ?whln:' at In r nome : first class clt> rcler? net. 1 i.'v-r rtn ST.. I'ORVKR OF 3D FIItST I - )?? i'"i i- Iihuiv ? V respectable woman wishes u i* w nioro r,im^ib's wiwhing, at 7?c.; u?^tmg. Call tor two days. -LL -- ? o/\(\ Sill T REAR. FIRST FLOOR ?A RE 20(.) spe' tftble woman to go out by the day, house cleaning or to ? ??h best city reierences rvi rt WKKT 2?TH ST.?A RESPKCTA RLB COLORED 212 woman to do ladies'or fatuilies'washing at her i own home. liiuulre for two days. Mrs. Junu. , oicf WFST 19TII ST.. POURTH PLOtiR.-WASIIIN? 1 o nnd ironing Hkcn in : hNo going out by Jhoday? miJerlt "mis aII kinds of ladies' ami gentlemen's w >sh l?g Han.K? done up ? .|.ul to new. ? a.l or address. (MM1 liRVTB ST., TOP FLOOR.?A RESPECT J utile woman would t;o ont by the day 'ohijtvse* clean or to wasluo-i and ironing, or would <"Jv,a^"R and trsnini at lione; t.esi city reteronce. Appiv to Mrs. GAFFS 1. Y rTt-> I WRST 27TTI ST., ROOM 12.?A RESPECTABM ' t w. man wtshe? gentlemen's anil laotes wash lng atl.?rown re-idence ou moderate terms ; pulling and fluting also done. r>t?r? ? WF'ST SOTII ST., IN THE BASEMENT.?;A 228 washerwoman wishes fatmlv or monthly wash ing bv th ? week or ftosen * 'all or adu res*. o.? I EA^T Wril ST.-A REfcPKCTABLE WOMAN 2>rt to go out by the day to wash and iron or Uousc clean^ ?? ? ITo" EAST 220 ST., BETWEEN 20 ANT> SD AYS V"). ) ?r?t I ." front?A respectable German woman to go out washing and ironing or hoosecle?nlnn by tho day . best city reference; terms. >1 P?r flay. ?1H W. MUST IT.OOIt OVKR DYER'S.-A (>'' , olon d lanodress wialics the washing ol a lew ftnlhes Snlftles a. rt pentlemen: thoroughly under siands the business In all its brsuenes.^ r WRm,JT t-'VST 24TH ST TOP FLOOIt.?A RESPKOTA woman lo go out by the day washing or lioiiso'cleanin ; would take a family's washing by the monThlbtst references, call lor two days. 327 t l\0 W1 ST S^TII ST. ?AN I- XPKRf ENCKD MIDI'LE 4()H njfen woman to do *Mhlng. honseclcaninK or MWlng iu or out of the house by the day or week. Call a',I the wt ?s*. 117 ihTM AY.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN To DO family washing at her own home; good rcicr tnces. 7ir\iD \v-\ RESPKCTABI.F coloRi D woman 4 1;? todo washinc by the vr, eX or d. zen; Jadles, ^?itlemen'- or f""llies" washing by the month at home. Call oil r.r address Mrs. HAROBN. V'.UT FiST 17TII sr.-A BEsPCCfABLE WOMAN <-J-2o wishes -ome gentlemen's or family washing. c,l\l\ 7TU AT.. BETWEEN Ml' \ s I' MT,f OU?) re-peetiible woman to take in some washing or to go out by the day wash orhou?clean. n l~- ID AT BETWEEN 45T1I AND ?#ril PTS?A SI,) resiiec table woman wishes to go out by the day I, wa-liilig or ironing, or wonl.i take washing home. nn/l in ?y THIRD PLOO*.?THE WASllIMI OF om or two isml'l' s oy an honest. Industrious woman; good re i* re nice if re 11 u I red. r /?1 ?? fO~AV., PIBST PLOOE.-A WIDOW WANTB 1.011 work #y the day or to do was.img at home. Nnrara, dit. TO FOR-iVTfT ST., ROOM n_ \ WOM IN TO WORK I _ aioarpet -evinf, altering, fitting ami laying mm tre?'n< am mid matTeover Art drew Mr?. 1'EMnROKK f'f\ HTH AY.-A OIRI , PPEAKINO FRENCH AMD I )U Italian. as ahlld'f iiur*e wltu affcimlygoliur travel ling to Ear .pe. (>!\ WI ST IIOI ?rON ST.-A KEsPF.t TABLE llv Fr nch lady, who doe* not-peak English. to take cure of children in a private family: is a very goolwam *tre??. nil WEST BOI STON ST.-A FRENCH WET NURSE OU withe* ? buoy at her own home. "WW * VV' TOF ft.MOR.-A RKRPKOTA BLE 1 ' *m* yor.n. woman a? nurse: i* a sf >o l operator "ti Wheeler .1 Wilson's midline, >pcak? Kn^lih, t'roncb an i Italian. km) NAVY ST.. BROOKLYN.?All NI'RSE, BY AN _' " ? Amorl.'.in woman, thoroughly iinalifleil, to take charge of n lovaliit ol either ?a. fall on or' aadro?s SIn. EOBINSOR (llg Wi.ST mm ST., R \R. ? K fllRL OF 14 YKARM ' t<> mmd < iiilrtren. * all for l#o days. non WAYNE *T.. rr;ii-FY CITY. N. J. -A VOUMi mUI) swedialt iiirl an iiui ? mul seamstress in a Ilr?t class family; understands tlresatiiakimr ami m an o*or at'r on the machine. Call on or address Mri. fcell-K LI Mi. _ UQIJ KASr JUT H s|,_A LADY, IIAV1NO LOST UKK 000 bal>f. wished to mre a situation lor a nimt reliable. laithlul woman *n wet nurse, the bahv wait three meuths old. can oe seen at her own bout*, troui 9 to 8 o'clork, for a week. A I - 4TH AV., IN TIIK BAKBRY.-A YOCNO OIHL X'l ?' .?? nurna; woti'.il assist m oh iml?er? ork . spenka French, Or r man and a Itlilu Eukiisb, good citj n i?r ance. _ _ SO S (TH AV., HVK FLIGHT CP KIAIRR, IIAIIl dresain* place.?A ie?pe?ialiie Pmtestaut w man .???< nursi:; i- apati o o: tak,n? die entire i hargn ot an iiitaai from it? birth , si* yems' ra fere net) iroia last place. Cull or addraaa lor two days. A ToUNU GERMAN WOMAN. W18HINO TO OO TO JY Kuri l , would like a situitlun >.< waiting Hiatal ot ehll<l ? mir-H; can ?i>eak Oerm in, Krenult and i URtlsh, ha* travelled be torn an l i>aa tin- be^t ol reference* Addre-a 0. K., No. Merer at., Newark, N. .1. ANAMKBICAX PHOTKHTANT OIRI, TO OO WITU J\ i re'i ertiible family to Kur pe aa child'* nuraa or to wan on a laov : tnml rufercnoua. AiiJriM Miaa U. P., Herald Brooklyn Branch office. WANTKO?BY A RESPKCTABLB YOtINO MAR TT ri. rt woman, a oaby lo wet nurte at her mm hoiiia. wh<> Iim Wtl Iwr own baliv. Call on or a.lort>as lor one ???r, Mra. JoilN Mi>itKif(ON, .-.In, * i.uil huu, 8umunt avenue, Jersey t'lty llciguta. tValtmeet, 4w, inn WENT tflTH ST.. RINd Ff)0RTif IIKI f., KAST JU.; _a vonni/ woman f? do waitm* ami tlai w itli thi i:hainl)crwoi k and make heraell t< ncruily n?) lui. )?; i irs' city reference irotu laet employer. 7i- ii-ri llaneon*. nEAST riTll AT.? A WW IRS PROTECTANT PRRRON ,i- lady "* mailt; drat einra i1re??makrr. halnlreaaer adfl *'?m?ireb?i or to lake t arn oi an invalid lady. CAil [?r twi> il.iy*. "I I t) M I'I>itK RRV HT.-A RRNPROTART.R I.ITTI.R 1 I ? girl 'A II, Willing ..uU obliuiug AUdrcrn Urn. HiUtjNai.O SITV.lTiO.V4 WA.VTKU-FKMAKRK. Miscellaneous. 1 OO WKST 23D ST.?AN ITALIAN LADY, ?-PEAK .LOO inK French and KuglUii, desires to mako nr ruiwuiuttuw with h family goiuit to burope for the sum mer; is it competent seamstress hdi ludy's dimIiI; or will tako charge of chiUlreu; u?st reference. Address, lor one week, L. A. 0. 9H7 west ami sr., first flour.-a respect I sble woman wishes some stores to elcan; has her own Iielp. Call lor two day*. 919 WJSnT MTM ST.?A HBSPEUTABLK WOMAN ? 1 to go out by the day: 'jest reference. 2k>7 WlihT SIST ST., HEAR. TOI* FLOOB.-A St 4 well recommended German girl would like to go to Europa wlili a uloe lamily. 9^(1 SI) AV.-A BBHPECTABIjE woman would >0 go out by the day or weeks ben reierouce. Call all the wo?k. j OQSv WEBT 11TII ST.?A YOUNG LADY AS HAI.RS. I lady in whole mile or retail house ; it n v bunnies* e.?cent millinery; highest references. Call on or address Miss CARRIE SK KLbH. qon WKBT Mill ST.? A RKLIABI.E GIRL WOULD OOlf like to travel wiih a fntnily to Portland (Mej, Montreal or (jueboc. Call or address. oqo bast sbth st.-a young, educated ger | OOJ nuin girl, speaking English, to travel to Eu rope : understand* hairdrcssina mid sowing; willing and obliging. Address .S. M. Mrs. Mella's. OQO VAN BUREN ST., CORNER MARCY AV. tJOU Brooklyn. E. D.?A young girl, IS years old, to help a lady In housework, or auv other light employ ment, attending store, Ac. Call or address L M. ftJ.0 8TH AVi IN T,n': CORSET STORE.-A LADY l)T?/ of superior ability (one having years of expar lunce in first cluss housos) as saleswoman; is lully com petent to take charge or a suit, corset or undercloiiiiug department. Address C. T. >7??rr SO AV., IN TIIR STORE,?A RESPECTABLE 4\)t) couple, having no children, wish the cure of a house lor the summer months; they cau be highly rec : ommended. Call or address. A LADY WISHES ENVELOPES TO DIRECT; XIAS twenty-five thousand first class agents' letters for sale, all of 1X74. Address I.hlTI RS. stallon A. A WIDOW OF A CLERGYMAN DKSIRKS A HOM R in a t'hriftian family foi herself and two littlo girls I ot eight and six years; will l>e n companion for nu aged or lnvadd ladv, or Housekeeper for a small family ; re muneration not considered; the object ? home ; no objec tion to going ill the country. Address Mrs. B., box 103 Herald office. I \YOUNO LADY AS COMPANION TO TRAVEL with a lady: speaks French; references srrven and required. Address, tor two days, .Miss BLANK, llarleui Post office. A YOUNG LADY OF EDUCATION, A RAPID AND J:\ correct Ooi ylst and gno.l penman desires copying trom lawyers. Add reus J. s., Ileral I office. ARESPBCTABLE WOMAN TO GO OUT HOUSE cleaning. s>w carpets, clean fine paints, bv the job i or day ; well recommended. Address Mrs. JOHNSTON, Herald Uptown Branch office. T/VMPLOYMKNT IS GRKATLY DESIRED BY A LADY Vj In adverse, either as ladv's couipan ion, housekeeper or to Instruct children in music and English brum hew, testimonials will be stlveu us to quali fication; a uood luunu the principal object. Address C. F. O., box 227 lierald office. TITANTED-A SITUATION AS LADY'S MAID, BY A it trench person, for the suimner only. Address! D. A., Hetald Uptown branch office. AK7ANTBD ? BY A BF.8PBCTABLB AMERICAN ?T ?t alow Isdv, with dauifliter, a House to take charge 1 ofdiirlug the absence ot the latnllv; tirst class references given. Addresh M, L. B., lleriid Uptown Biiiucli office. riitolllact'iico Offices, T7UMILTES, HOTELS, RKKTAl'RANTS, CONFECTION I ersatid l.itkcr promptly supplied wi U efficient French cooks, nssis!ant cooks, bread and pastry bakers, conf%etir>nersand glaciers for city and country. t'KK . CLli Dli.> CilKFS DE CI'I^INK PRANCAlsE, 344 6th av. I '?- ?' ? ? ? 1 riiOi.'KsetlOA AL SITt A TllO? W A \TEU KK HI A f.K.4, QO(l EAST 9111 ST.-LAD1KS' HAI!?DRES8I>?a OR 0?J'? hnirwork'o be done at home or go out if re quired. Call or address. 01 7 6TH AV? NEAR S8TII ST.?A LADY WHO EX- i I I eels in teaching, gives lessons by the month in En.' 'udi iir iniini r. ietter writing. A-.; tendon Indies m in if id ted education, by best methods, any branch re quired. A HOME..?A VOUNO ENGLISH WIDoW, IN RE .21 dneed circomstanoes, will teach music or French, lake charge ol a gentlemen's lions. Iiold or actascora- ? panlon or amrtmuensls in re'urn for a cowiurfaLle home. t Address (J. Q.. box 111 lleruld office. A LADY WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN WRITINO TO /\ todo; writes a plain, rapid hand. Address WRITER, Berati Uptown Branch office. LADY orOOOD ADD BBSS AND aM bliinus desires a position in a store or any respecta ble business or place of trust: compensation not so much an object as a permanent place : no objections to leaving tt.e city; liltrhe-t reieronce. .Address, with particulars, II. W\. box 131 Ill-raid Brooklyn Branch office. j T/tRHNCll VARNISHING DONE?FUBNITURB OR F any kind of woodwork, In or out ol the house, by a ladv; will work cheap and .'Its full satisfaction, ' oil on or address Mrs UKKK.M. 26 '41 av. Y*r AHTlfD?TO Of) WITH FAMILY TO - UROPB AS ?? nurse or In ly's maul, by ail American ladv; cau furnish the very be*t ni ere nee from a first class family in llrooklvn. rleassaddress, for one wetk, TRAVEL LER, Herald Uptown Branch offi.'C. IIE LP W AM TED?FK :.l A l.K .4. A-WANTKD, FTB8T CLASS WIILOOX A GIBHs' ? operators, accuilomsd (u flue lace aiul linen Work, to wc rit on pceinises. sIMoN STERNS, Vo. 5 Oreat .lones street A FI4ST CLASS DRE<V<<MAK RR WANTED?M I'ST be a perlect cutt?-r anil tl'ter. stylish tnuimer, on i l?>.?es- all the requisites to fill a first c ass position. Ad dress C Ai'A UI I.I i ?. Herald Uptown Branch office. ( HANi i:-MEN. WOMKN. BOYS AND GIRLS it learn U)l< graphy an J lake positions T'lOMPSON'S *;ollese. iiAlli av., opposiie Cooper Imtllute. Telegraphy t.iUMbi pracUcslly, with lu truinints. No vacation. AT MM". BOOER'S. Irt! EAST 17FH ST.. FIRST cltss waist aixl skirt trimmer wanted. None nut an experience i hand tie -d apply. , i;. ROtiKK. E. GAY'S, 961 f.TII AV.. NF.\R 230 ST. Three f^rst class milliners and trimmers wanted. AT D D RBS8BAKBBB wanted, at 110 WcstJOth ?t BESSMARKRS WANTED.? A KRW GOOD WAIST nmsliers wanted, at 160 Kasl 2Hih st. TvBEKSMAK' RS WANTKD?FIRST CLASS WAHT J ' mid skirt trimmers and rtni hers; girls nhochaiiKe their places need not appiv, as only steady, capable pen pie are w nted; to -ue? steniiv work Mini good wnir* Will be given. Apply, pr pared t<> work before li A. M., or after I P. M. to .VI A i ONNBLLV, No. 7 H ast 14th st. L"<LOWER HRiNCUKR WANTED,?ONK WHO L F acMuainteil with flr-t class work uiay apply p> Mr J. IIHIGI.NS. 52 West 14th St. RST CLASS DRKSSMAKERS WANTED?NONE others uued At No o<) West 3d it. MisslTllti. jllltsT CLASS DRBSSMAK1-.RS WANTED?AT 237 ' 4th av. F' 1/IK.vr I' LASH DRKfttM AKFItS WANTED?FOR r while worn; aim waltt lianOn; onlv thoee llmr oughly compvieut need apply. M. A DOPOLASH, 11 Pant 17th st. I siooi* drkhhmakkr-i wanted?at 101 west U tl?t?t, corner G h i?r, B. CoRRIF. /-tOOD DRK8HMAKKRS WANTUD? FOR WAI-rs vJT .,11 i trimming* at Mm*. DLi.LAi's, N... is West ittli itrett. (VOOD SaLKKLADIBH W K NTED?AT TUT. MILL!, T ncry ah J t*ncy woods i>azuur of J. KAvntAN.H 900 3d r.v., near Mill St. . piRI.S WAN I ED?TO rRIVOE L \DI".S' N ( KTIEP It and sa?he* None l>al gova Worker* u?od apply at Ki Broadway, room 17. ritRL WANTED-iWEDlSn PRO ? EstaNT OIRL Ur fur general holMeworkt mint be neat, superior Intridrem, ])! ?in rook, ttu.l withj>< rof?reiu?* A.a'lv ilr^t Frciirli Flat. (>? W< ,t Fifty MXtli street, Ih; iwiwu Fifth ami sixth avenues. ' |TKt.f WANTED -A OIRLTO DO GENERAL IIOt'HE J 1 win k ; mil t tie a Pood \v loiter *m! ironer and p'.nn cook. AlU'lT at No. 1.16 I..I-.; ..-.Ml St., betWoeU J ml II A. M . baiement. T ROTHSCHILD, 61 WEST 1ITII sr, WANTri M . K'Tori'l v No I sale* ladle* in millinery good*, good wi.ircs and steady cm| loj-ment gl\en to jd hands; alio milliner* and trimmer! wanted. VflLLINRR WANTED-A NRHT CLASH MILLIN! R, ItI onlv such need applr at Mrs it FLAIlHIf EIX'H, t!l Oruiul st., between Pitt anil Kidge st*. ROGERS k ORR BROS. IS1 "Til AV WvNT TIIOR. i ought? cotnps nt saleswomen for the hosiery and fancy department. WANTED? A german CURL TO t o ill AMBER tt work; murt be a good washei and Ironer; In a small family, without children; good city reterencu re quired. Call at Ml -il ay. "I IT a.NT ED? K CObORBii OlKL FOR LIGHT TT rem-ral housework to go a 'hoi-t distance in the 1 < ?ini>t r. mutt be ? good wmlierand Ironer Apply at 3M Wnit ?d (1 _ j Wanted-* colored woman ah first cla>9 TT cook; must bring city t all beiore t o cloek at N j t Vt-i nth it. i 1V*N1K1)-A FRENCH OlKL TO OO GBNERAI. TT boiisekeep n? ioi ? family of two; no washing or ironing; l>??i wage* xiven; must kaglnii Mrs. o 'MK1MN, Mx UN West Nineteenth street. |*ranted-A THOROI'OIILY t OVPKTPNT PKR ON TT to ta*i> the position ol ftr'-t assistant In a I'aihlriTiA hie rtreeemammi cstatolnhmont. also two first cinss ba*t cr?, to whom the hlklu-st taUrlc : wi!l be Addrcne, with reference*, Atfiinr, Herald office, roi twodaye. rirANTSD-A TOTTNd LADY, IN A FANCT AND VV millinery store,uear Long lirancli, wholictpaflo of trimming li it* and selling. Inquire M;; Uy aud Tnewiav, between II A. M.andJP. M., at NBWttUROBR BKOIHF.RH, No. 91 Prin 'at. ttfANTSn AV american LADY, NEXT AND TT amial'lc. under 30, ?* housekeeper, to do |l>e work of three ro'ins: m oncurobranoa elilior side. Addmaa I1U.MANITV, Herald^olflce. WaNTED-ii* a privat:: family, a (iirl to Vt iio jeneral housework ; must lio a good wmiier and Irontr and plain cook. Apply at 31 Hcjt l.lcin it., liar lem. _ _ _ TITAN ted.?23 rntsr cla i braidkrs un do it ii cstlc machines. ut 170 outli Filth nvenue I AH. L. HTKV KNM. Wanted?first clash dreh maker and trimmer; none hut the eery oc?t worker will do ?IIRODIK'H. !u !!??? HELP VV.WTKD?KKiWALiEH. WaSTED-A RBSPROTABLB, TRUSTWORTHY WO inuii. about 31) years ot age. as Infant's nurse ami to do puin sewing. one weuring a French cup and apron prolerred Call at 81 Grand st. Jersey City, N. J. ANTED?28 F.XfERIENCBD HANDS ON STUFF suits; stem- employment. george K K YEH, W9 and 351 8th av. w w "\\r AN TED?SEVERAL EXPKHIKNCED SALESI.A ?" dies for the lancy goods busiuess. RGAHUUOIH EHf. 2" tilli av between 17tu and IHtti sts. TI'-ANTED-iN V FAMILY OK three ADULTS, A TT tidy competentgirl tor general housework: mint be a good cook, washer and Irouer. Apply at ?6d West 38th ?. WANTED-SIX FIRST CLASS SALESLADIES FOR straw troods, two for flowers and two tor ludiea' underwear; none need apply except those who have a thorough knowledge of the busmen* asid good reterenco. Johnson BRos. a CO., 3* and 3l> East Utli st, (Union square.) ANTED?SEVERAL FIRST CLASS MILLINERY salesladies and milliners lor our Brooklyn estah llshmciit. goo I wages paid to experienced liuuds. Apply to J. IU)Tu.-CHILD, 5fi West 14th St., or 201 tultou ?t., Brooklyn. TIT ANTED?A COLORED WAITRESS AND CHAM. VV bcrmaid; one who understands her busiuess thoroughly and can give sattslactory reference (rout place. Apply at 20 East 32d st WANTED?IN A LAJWE RETAIL KA> C Y DRY goods house, a thoroughly competent saleslady to take charge ol ihe toilet and perfumery department Address, with references, C. L.. box 177 Herald office. 'ANTED?TWO GOOD PROTESTANT HIRES; A cook, washer and irouer, and a chambermaid and waitress. to tto a short distance la the conutry for tho (iiuimer. Apply oil Monday, between 10 and U o'clock, nt 287 4th av. w TV W 7 AfflF.D-FIKST CLASS DRESSMAKERS. APPLY at Jit Easi 33th at. AV'A.N TED?WAIST HANDS, SKIitT TRIMMERS AND ?? apprentice s : alio an operator on W heeler A Wilson murhiue. only those acoustomed to tlrst cluss worn need apply at ,1. 11 VMAR'S, M West 14th St., all this week, alter 0 F. M. ANThD?FIRST CLASS 1) RE sSM AKEilS, OPER ators and errand girls. Apply nt 471 4th av. WANTi n-Ffll FINISHER?A LADY WITH TIIOR ' ' oiigli knowledge of lining liiuil-t. boas and sac<|neB, andCHpMh * ot cutting silks: steady employment guar anteed. Addre < A. ? . BCRKllARilT A CO., Cincinnati Ohio. We yivc ip reference, J. Husxlt.s, 457 Rroadwav, and J. S. Cohen A Co.. 53 Greenwich street. New York. IVTANTRD-A WORKING H008EKEHPER; ONE V V used to ihe city and can come well recommended ; Hone ( thei nee.l Hpl ly. Mra. Iv F.LI.Ell. :.(S) West 4. t si \CA\TKP?A MIDDLE-AGF.D WOMAN, AMERICAN, VV German or Scotch Protestant, to act as working houskoeper lor a small lamlly ot three adults anil child. Address, with references, Ac., E. K.. Herald office. IT ANTED? A FIRST CLASS HEAD MILLINER, FOR VV a large Broadway dry goods home. Address, with reference*, COMPETENT, box 1.6 llevald Uptown Branch offico. WANTKD?A FIRS r CLASS MILLINERY SALES lady. Apply, with reterences, to M. DOWNEY, 2*.sySj titli av. ANTED?FIRST CLASS WAIST SKIRT TRIM me is. call, lor two d ys. at 143 West &)th st. AV AI7 ANTED?FIRST CLASS WAIST AND SKIRT VV hands; none but experienced need apply French preferred. If me. ADuLPUUS, 24 West 14th st. \1TA\TED?FIRST CLASS WAIST HANDS. ONLY VV those who Know -how to trim need apply at 113 East 26th j)., tioar 4th av., basement door. W'A.Vir.D?t Vur.MI GIRL AS WAITRESS IN A VV private bearding house; ono who understands her business and willing to do It Apply nt 167 West 31th st. W-ANTED-TAILORS, SHOEMAKERS, SK A M stresses and dressmikers to buy the Wilson sew ing Machine Company's Machine iwtst and Linen Thread; Ihe be-t m Ihe market; one ounce Machine Twist. 0) cents per spool lull -,1/0, .strong and smooth. Salesroom. s-7 an I 82'J Broadway, New York, and 113 Fourtn IttMt Brooklyn. E. D. ANTED?A N I'M HE R OE FIRST CLASS WAJST hands. No. l.lliS Broadway. w UTANTED-A PROTKS TANT GIRL AS FIRST CLASS waltres?: city relcrencc. Apply on Monday, No. 33 West lith st. "IIT'ET NURSF, WANTED?A TOVNO BBIPB< TABLE VV mirriod woinin, with u fresh breast ot inilk, not over two month* old; must have prool to tliulr mar ritttto. no others need apply. Cull, on Monday, at No. '.01 West 43ih St.. between 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 P. M. EASl I) ST.?fl'JOD DRRSSMAKERs AND IM provers wanted; also forewoman. Mr*. A. ARMSTRONG. 28 56 100 WE;T 18T1I ST.?FIRST CLASS dressmakers wanted None other? need apply. HAIR HAT BLOCK SKWBRS; EXTRA HIGH prices; payments weekly. - s' I! I * I '1"/ U II 1/ i ' I sCHULTZ h 11 ECIIT, 135 West 45th St. 163 WEST 21ST ST.?WANTED, AN improver: also nn apprentice to lenrn drcssmatinif. ? ?1|7 4TH IV.?^WANTKD, MoTllhR AND DAI I.II ill i 1 ter Protestants, to cook, wash nnd iron and do chamberwork and waiting, to go a short distance In tto country ; a good houtc. Call on Monday. sill AT?OS? U'AM'KD-MALES. A oentleman OF THREE VKARs EXPKR1KNC". J\ at the medical profession in the Trinity College aad Coliecent Surgeons. Dublin. IrcUn 1. is anxious to meet wlih an invalid travelling abroad. Address Y. L., Herald office. 4 RESPECTABLE MAN WOULD GIVE JUS FERV A ices to a goiitlcmau *s valet or would attend a fain tly to Kn. laud lor passage. Ad Iress C. W., Brooklyn Post office. * THORorOIILT COMPETENT NURSE. MEDICAL J\ , i -urglcal, ileslr.^s the care of on Invalid; best r?-1 creni e .is to ability and character. Address J. M., at St Luke's Hospital. Ayocno man amkrican) wishes a siTra tion as barkeeper; can ot<en ovs'.ers, and Is tin r ouublv cMiipetent to do the niarkotiug ot a restaurant; g< oI retarenee. Al,Iress WOi.KER. box 1*5 Uuralu Up town Branch office I BEHFKCTABLH, RE-PON 1HLK MIDDI.F. AOED . V nan irouUl take i are tit a gentleman'* h mad in N? w Verk dtirltu ahueiice of laniilv; k<>u I reference Mid r>sl a it ate urit v for properdiachurge of liiadoty; or wonki a< t as janitor iiir it building ; compensation no object Call on "I- ,1.1 ireea, for tbrte da>s it. 37# ,1th av t lOl'NO COLORED MAN WIMIIBS A DirVATION A *a !.-? ill * privat? tnmil.v or Ixianlmg house Call on or addrca< H ILLiaM BAKriNiiALE, lAIHcit 2Clh *'.. aecninl floor Iront. | 4 VO! S(i I'llY ICIVN OF LIBERAL EDUCATION, 1 A nnii one who has enjoyed an extensive practice during flit- pint lour tear would ft't (is nie deal ut tendantto party about to travel in Fur ope . nallcin reference* i an be given. Addreaa A. J -IMlvo.N, ft Li*p< naril treet. Avnt'vn FRP.N HMAN ( ITAKINO A LITTI.E l ru' nil' "> i he* a - tuati. n footman In a private family will be useiul. city or < ountry Call at ill We* llihat i- ' QI>1X. AmF.NI HMAS WANTS A SITU \TK?V AS ShH vaat to ? gentleman or family to triveli elty or conntrv; iie-t refe retice*. Andrew for three day*, a , at L. Martin'*. 7ti Naa?ai| it BARKl l PfcR.-A YOU MO MAN OF HXEERIBNCE and capaMlttv deaire* a p<--ltlon; flrat tia?-refer ence Addre** XEILL firniKt X.J. IX AN EDITOR'S OFPICB?A SITVWTIOM WaNTBI>. I t v an Vine b an (191 with European edneatlon and well Vera in Knttllah and foreign literature AUrnt A. E . Hp raid office. fl*) WAIT OS \ IIF.N rr.KM iN. TAKE CARE OK A 1 tram, Ac by an Kniftlftlfnan, a-.. I .'7 of goon ad dress and rcter*BCe. Addreaa M., box t 0 Herald rptown Branch office. TANMoRV-i MTT VTIOX WAN TED?BY A rRACTI- : ?l o il hon*e painter flakier. Jtc m.trrle I and wit to it eneiimbranee- or would w ork for an oni'ir of rropt-rly . flrnt claa* eitv retereuce and security. Addreta K, be* 1# Herald olBce. Male m rsf exp^rienc d. want a situ v Hon i? imr-o >r attendant to a ?lek or Invalid gcu tleinan; no objection to irivei benl city re/ereLi ??. Addre?? M R., boa i :9 lleraid Uptotvn Brunch office. tlTANTED-HY A,N EXPERIENCED IIOI EL MvN, tt the position of manager or clerk m a tlrtf c< hofal in tlv citv or out ol town, lieat ot security and ref erinceglven Adilre^a HoTEi, Herald oflltg. It/ANTKD-A tITCATION AH WAITER IN A PHI : >? vate l>uu.?e, town or country, by ? Frenchman; i apeak* and EnglUil. Addruai E. Z.t j KocJi Moore *t . Xen York. "\XTANTED?ll? A 8TRONO BOY, A HlTl AllON OM A m farm. Addreaa u. M., .uj We?' 19th ?u, In the st. re UTASTKO-A SITUATION. BY A ToL'NO MAN. ON f? a umall raeht or to take enr? ot one; be*t ritv ref- i erenee AMrast KXFKRIKNCK. bo* 113 Herald ofllcc. | \VANTFI?-\K INTRLI fO'- M I A?BRKA!? CCN >? tlrm.m, ane S5year*, redured to poverty by boat n"? mtit .r'un wi^hos i position either at borne or k> travel, wliaie hi* lone Im-in. ?<?< aperlence ran tv- made available A.ldre** IftTBLLIOKNCK, Herald office. 11taj?trd-bt a tocno man or rxpbbirncb ?T and enemy, po*lilon a* *teward or bookkeeper In aotne riub or hotel: no objection to lb country. Ad- | dresa H 'FE, IIeraUl I pto-.v.i Branch office. ( I.ERK!) AMD RAL.K8MRM. ^ t OKN l I?K M A X, HA VINO IIU> 1RN YE\K?' A thoro i?l? experlencn in the cloak and anlta depart* WP!it> laopen fo m enfaaement with ? wood bouse- i wLolennte or retail. I P., tw iirlnj ?t._ _ _____ A tOf.tO MAff. A THOROt'OIl AND F.XPE rleneeil boosKei per, dewre* euiployment. Addreaa II. F W . Hera hi omee. a tioon "ai.^wam Wamtro-in a m\nikac J\ turm" biisini-ia J. U PONFON.M Wo<t?ter at A tor no man wishu a situation in a . wh lesale ?tonj! run ?pe*k Kng i*h and Cerma i l>e*t otrelerenee* can be given. Addres* A. H , herald offlce. Accounts i* nine lanouaorh-arrfars written irp bvnkaopened.examined, kept or bal aneed marine ?ranslstP n". ,1 v M KH COX. IVI New at. ATOPNO man wants V SITUATION as boor keeper and fo net a* clerk too; good reference. Addreaa FfcRSi,VKKANOR, lleraid offl e. A N AMERICAN. AOKfi 2S. WISHES \ ITUATiON JY a* clerk. ? ilb > t<ir, porie.r, or any o'lier ."ilealIon in wlib h h mni tie ol aervtce , wrib's a good har.d. i? *c five and lndn?trtous and can l.irmsh good refereaeee. Addrcs* At i'lVi:, bti* its iiwiald olfli o. ? k MAN TIIOROTOHLY ACQUAINTED WITH PUT ! A roi d" notion* and men** turnistiinif goud* lubber* in ;hc West and fotiih, ia deairoiw ul making an arran.e nit in niib one o; wore Iiiauulaijtureij to in il tl.t above .rn.l. on * <ilf k It * CLKHKS AMI NAIiRSMES. ADVERTISER WBLL POVTED IS WINBS, LIQUORS, ciaars, 4c.. would be glad of employment in altlief a wholesal or retail house Audi, sa VERITAS, box M Herald ottlee ATOffO MAW. A OKU 22, UNDERSTATING bookkeeping thoroughly. and who spoalti anl write* hngiidi. German and French, desires? situation-, ?alary moderate; unexceptionable reference*. Andrew, lor two (!ay?t F r., box 167 Herald ofilco. A BOY, AGED IS, WISHE.s A SITUATION; CNDER stands bookkeeping. oan write ph nograpiiv at a moderate speed; u a good peuinaii. Address J'. KKIN HoL/.. 787 'Jtli a v. BOOKKk.EPKR.-AII ELDERLY GENTLEMAN, AN ? xpert in bookkeeping, wishes a situation nt a mod erate salary to anil tho times: i* striotlv temi .rate ami has the liielicst testimonials. Address W. F. B., box 2,Sit Post oltlce. DRV OOOU8 SAfifSMEN.?WANT! D, TWO FIRST clan Mauds for drew goods at SOLIngi-.R'S, 32-j Bleocker ?t TkBUO CLERK WANTED?A COMPETENT GERMAN, J / tamlltar with cltv reiail trade ; must bo well rei < m mended. Writ tan otter#, stating attiilnm. -nt* and sulai >?, may be directed to JOHN FAB KB, 9t?J oih av. Drug clerk wanted?in a broadway store; a competent man who understands the German prescription business prclerred. Address, with refer ence^. l?. 0., Herald uptown Branch otflce. T\RCO CLERK ? WANTED?ONE GRADUATED, J ' speaking English and French, fully capable of tak trig charge ol a tirat clasi drus store Address, v;ltli ref erences, w. K., box 12s Herald office. DltY GOODS SALESMAN?FOR DRESS GOODS DE part me nt; a competent man accustomed to city trade; situation permanent JOHN 0. ORHEN, 278 Sth i\v. Hardware.-a man ok m\ny years' experi enee in the business as traveller, salesman. book keeper and ?-?ucral manager: Is open lor an onsagement at moderate salary; 48years ot age . steady and relia ble ; best city references. Address HARDWARE MAM, H. raid ofBcn. v ? ?. ' ^ INTERESTING TO DRY OOODS JOBBERS.-AN EX. ; perienced salesman, liming a large bai-iuru Lradi1, ! desires n position mill an A1 house; salary or coinmis- I sion. Address VV. h., Herald ofllce. Mortgage broker wants a man or boy who was in a brokers ofllce, and * ho Knows parties who buv on limn on mortgage*. Address, lor 10 days box 1U9 Herald oillce. Salesman wanted.?an ai man, having a large acquaintance with distillers and wholesale liquor dealers, can make a fuvora'ule arrangement. Address, with relerencea, LlyUOKS, box ltw Herald oilieo. SITUATION WANTED?11Y A PRACTICAL MAN. 3D years old ; speaking different langua ;es; good book, keeper, correapondaot; A1 salesman; eangivo best ri f erenees; also cash security for a place ot irust and of good personal appearance. Address K. 1'., box 114 Herald office. SITUATION WANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN OP ! kl strict business hubits; tlrst class salesman hiil! good ! penman; references ot tuo highest character sal try ex i ? i-ie i jwn first year. Address ESCROW, Herald office. SITUATION WANTED?IN THE RETAIL (1R0C8RY ! O bu-i'iess, bv uu American: unexceptionable reior ence. Address W. S., Herald oftlco. QirUATION WANTED?IN A RETAIL OR WHOLE Osalo drug store, bv a Swedish apothce.iry of 2D years' 1 experience. Address E. H , ear ? dm;; stnre w2Su av.? \\TANTED?HY A YOUNG MAN I HAT HAS BEEN IN Y? business for hlmynlf and understands th wroeory ; buMnoss,a sltuauon in a first class grocery; will buy it soiled. Address A. E. C., Herald otllce. WANTEO?A YOUNG MAN ABOUT 20 YKARH OF age as salesman In a retail gents' furnishing goods store. Address, stating age, refereuccs and salary ex- ; peeled, SHIuTMAKKR, Herald otBce. rpo WINE MERCHANTS AND LIQUORS DEALERS.? X 2A yearn' experience In blondiiiM. mixi.ig. clarify ing and purifying wines and llquitrH, by s process known oniv to myself; lias been superintendent ol the most celebrated wine and llouor vaults in the country, tlio establishment having cn?sed; 1 otter mv services tor a fair remuneration. Addre-* J. s.. l?ox 162 Herald otlicc. T|rANTED?TIIRRE YOUNG MEN TO LEARN BOOK- I II kecpiu/, penmanship, arithmetic, from prsetlral bookkeeper inn thoury); Brooklyn, near City llail, S t<> l(i P M.; tonus easy. Address COLL1.NS, box I to lleraid otllce. U7"AN TED?EXPERIENCED DRY GOODS SALES. VV men lor suits, dress goods and domestics; alary no oMect; situations permanent; uoue but ar?t e.ass rncu U8?d ??^1^.(,r \ititt, V, AS and 57 Catharine st 11TANTED-AN AMEBIC AN YOUNG MAN WHO ?? can make himself ne'ieraliy ?eeful in a couutrv stor.-. Inquire Ulis uav, betwoci! 11 uud 12 A. AI , ; .11 Bast SStli st "VV'ANTED?A SITUATION IN A FIBS* CLASS TT wholcsule grocery house as travelling salesman; anv house wishing to do a Western business in Illinois, Iowa. Kansas an i Missouri wiii addr??s ill advertiser, who has a very extensive acqu Uutanoe In the-e States and can rommau I a large an t proStabie traue: salary not less than 0 an i travelling expense* paid; best New York, Chicago and Qoiuev reterences given. Ad tlreai I. k r.DvV A Klin. iHI Mouili Water St. Chicago. 111. P. S.?llav,' a large trade In syrups, teas, spices, Ac., Ac. 11TAKTKD-A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL BOOK 11 keeper, ol good address and ol lining disposition, to keep a m t ol liooks uml make iilmsnli generally useful in a prlnung otBce. A?idres.i. giving city re it rem e, A. B.. I"ix 110 li"r:iM oilir;. -UTAMTEO?a POSITION IS A MERCAN11I.P, HOI'SE, >> where a thorough knowledge of basin. -s can bo acquired, br a young man aged 1J >ears; salary uoob ject Address P. A., fleralu oillce. WANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN OF RXPERIEVCR, f? po-itio as clerk it: 'iimc hanking or importing house Address 0. P. K., lleraid Uptowu liranoti oflleo. WANT D?AN EXI'MRIENri:D >ALESMAN, FULLY if c mpetent to tax" charge of silk department Also two assistant salesmen lor silks an! two tor iacei and embroideries. jounson BROS, .t co.. Si and 3'i E ?t lftti st. Union square. WAfiTK'>?A THOROUGH AICTIONKP.B, ORB i? who Has been accustomed to ?*ll action pool-; in tercut or salary given. Address, with real name, ex perience, Ac., AtCTl<3.NELR, bo* TOO Heraid ofllce. HTANThD-A RELIAMLR COMMERCIAL TBA veller, connected with some good msrcautile bon??, who nasspsre time to drjvM'.e to an outside mat tt t ttom which a good Inc one can l>c reuti/cd. Address In confidence box ASM; !*? st nitiee. '*17'ANTED?BY V WHOLESALE FANCY i.OODrf ? i .leu e a youth to assist working Iti the stock ; only experienced nsiiils need apply. Address, \Mlh refer enees box S,*-# Post "ftlec IV VST '.D-A i LEBK IN A FIRM CLASS HOTtL li tun<t l?e who 1ms lis I experience ami can give good ri ;ereltce; -Miiarjr modern e. Ad IressJ. S G., a ailoii F. WANTKO. ?MIR E t>K POITR FIRST CLASH Ol T 11 do, r sab s ,i-'i of ,:o ? l ad Ir'ss. to sell a first class article; a go i ?linatioti for the rixlit party. Address It. A , SUO Broadway, N S WAXTKD?A T?UNO LAWVI It OF TEN YEARS' VV exprienre, desires n position In a law oflee; sal an moderate (,r will render servicc for nae of ofllce. Aiidre s II 11 II lleraid i tBce All* -1 WILL PAY riff? A*ol Nl TO ANY ONE pr.? nritK' me a situation as clerk or porter, at a tsir -a arv; > an give good rt-ierence. Address I. D., box 1X7 Herald otllce. COAtHMBN AM) UARDRMBRR. A situation WANTliD?AH COACHMAN AND grouiu. by ? yuan.' man: ta?tclt> re ereuee; n<> ob jection to tin tu anv part ol the stale*. Addrew r, R. J., box IU. Iti > .tUI offlce. AX KXPhRIRXCED SIXuLF. MAN WI.-.HRH TO haveetiarge ol a gentle .nan'* WMlniMI; thor. tun!. gardener, ^i^.l reference* 2 >7 Court *:.. Brooklyn A- Ovi'UM VN'H HI II* V I KlN waxtkd?hy a colored Man; married; can iilrc iho l.e-t citv re I ?niii'> 1 4*1 ? n r ?<lilri,? IIKoM N. No II: ->j i AHITUATTON WaXTKD AS COACHMAN BY A man that can give seven year*'rulerciice: no ob jection U> the country. Ad.lrea* M. W. C., at J. B. Brews ter* carriage ?lmp. l.??t i'ik *t. 1 A SITUATION WANTKD?BY A FIRST CLAnM 1 J\ coaclnnan. thoroughly understands tila basin***; can give six ve .r*'l>e*to'itv reference. A aire** N. No ?<; IXIII av . Ill drug ?tofe. i tl COACHMAN?BV A COMPETKNT ENOMSIIM AX; J\ good drive r. ami thoroughly under*) ami* h!* duty ID CTt'O wa\ Adilr'** I maCiIMa.Y l i VV. ?t HAlli it | \YOUNQ COLAJRKD MAN AH FtRBT CI.*HS ' coielimin; understand* hit busmen* thoroughlyj tiest CltJ r?lor.'i>ce? Call at 115 Bast 2.M *L A FIRST Cf.AHS, RBI.IA'BMi coi.ORKD COACH ?nan 'married! wl?heaa *ituallon ; >lion tig hi- un lit r*taml* hi* hu?ine<* i i^verv rest act. C?!l (oral dr< wat are sent employer'* 34? Kant 6 hi *?. I MIDDLF.-AOBD KNOLIXHM AN, MAIIRIM HQ i\ encumbrance*. want* a fttualmn a* c<ach?i*n anil groom . lire year*' reference*. Call ou or addri-M O. W. R. 132 We?t atn *t \YOUNO MAN (MARRIRD) WISHES A 91 TLA turn a* ii?rdeiier an I n-ielul man; iio eneii'nhi arc* ; ran drive ami take care >1 horse*. go...| ri lerence. Ad drcu I'. M M llcriM Uptown Branch ulltee. \ SITUATION WAXIKD?Ah COACHMAN OR gardener or to work <>n a *m ill (arm; beat cltjr rtl ertnee Addrcne A. M.. boa IM Herald ofllt (, * M\X AND WIFR WISH SIICUH \- 11 Hi K rill. K ; 1\ man I* a flr*t cla** coachman an I groom; willinit to make himself eenerallv n-eful; wile I* unm I plain < *ik un4 lanndre** be*t city reference. Adiire** J. K., box IS-! Herald Uptown Branch efllce. A COLORED MAN WAN18 A BlrPATfON AS coachman; will lie usetul at auvthing lb at I* re quired -, can (rive jro.xl reference. Addrvs* L. B., bo.\ IJJ Hera d Uptown Branch office. Am hinoi.r tounu max want* a situation as coachman and groom; four year*' flra el*u clif rtfer nee trom hut employer. Call on or addre** I'. L., No to Irving place. / 10L0RED YOL'Nrt MAX WANTS A SITUATION Afl \J coachman ; can come well recommended frwn U*t employer; city or country. Call on or adure?? J. a. M., , No. if West J4th st. ___ C10ACI1MAN AND OROOM'ii MTUATlON WANTKD? ) and r> >pectabte married man. who 1* experienced and trustworthy; hc.t city and cnuntry rtritrencc. Call oil or addr. v, hKui.M, lis i:a*t .1 u? ?i. CCOACHMAN'S SIT1TAUOX WA!OKII-BTA OB' R, 1 otrnily. single man; I* ln*t dlaengaued on acc. unt ot the i.imilT not keeping horje*. from whom he haa ihe l>e*i reSerynce; 1* an cspi-rlenred cttv ilrlrer and wtilmg nml ?iMieing ; no objection to llie country. Can Ik keen at W We?j i^iii ?t /coachman AND OROOM-BY A \0\ NO MAX, V> flngle and stylleh. Who thoroughly nn.icrslati l* in.* bu*lnc*a. t>e*t reierence* rpum last itnuK >e?. Addret* (j. V., box i;U Herald Uptown Bran, it ?niee. /IARDENBR'8 situation WANTRD-BY AN IN VT tolligtnt young Oerinan im:i (Inglci, ol uteadf, recuiar habit*i mtderetifad* the euro ni greenh- ums, l i on<ervauiry, fruit, *r?pc. ( and all kind* of \ golabKi*; Ixce'deiit ifItieucdn, AUd.ese U s., llunUi * ..enoa L. t, eO&CHXBS AtD OAPinKniCRS. ^ARDKNER WANTED?UNMARRIED; MUST UN') \T derstand 111* business thoroughly: management o* hut and roiil graperie*. conservatory, vegeiables. iruit. Ac ; take caro <d a cow ana t .tue poultry. Aaaro**, with reiereticss and salary 2,K? Poet ofdce. (1 ARDENER'S SirrATTON WANTKD-AS HEAl) " I kurleucr and foreman farmer a uew place, whei o Improvtment I* wanted. preferred; tnarrle I one child; best city rclcrcuco. AdJrca* UAttDll.N iiH, 2?i West iOtU. street. SITUATION WANTED AH COACHMAN. OR TO D(J general work about a place, by a steady, sober, hon? est iix year* in last plnoe; refera to Mr. Wat*on> !? ?*ll A banker, 02 Wail at __ Air A NTT'I)?A SITUATIOX A3 COACHMAN A Nil W ?r..MU? by * reliable young married .-cotchm uit no etufilwbraiice; will wme hlgU.y ^commanded i or country. mono W Lust *Ai st. IIK1.P XV AVTEU- MAliK*. * CENTS WANTED ? AGENTS WANTKM. THBOUOH JV out the utate, for our great Illustrated publication,, the "Lentetini il Art Journala handsome prlan given with each subscription. Address. tor particular*. CBN* Th.N.N 1AL AKT JOl.BNAL HWJJroaUway,_Ncw York. ACIlANCE.-MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND OIRIS learn telegraphy and take position*. THOMPSON'S College, 20 4th u?., opposito Cooper Institute. Telegraph# tuu-ht practically, with instrument-*. No vacation. A I. ENTS WANTED.-MEN AND WOMEN. TO SELL good low prtc>d article needed by everybody; largo profit* to ugonts. TitESTED 4 KENDAL!., 137 EJtu st tjl 4 OKNT.i W V.N TED? 'MY ANI) ? >l'N I'UV, TO fEI.Li ?tl tons to iamiUes and large consumers; greatest In* daceraeni*. CANTON TEA Co., 143 Chamber* st. AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARR CHANCE IS OFKERi l* to an active, energetic, KBOcesalul canvasser lor ad* verttsements. Addicti, with iiu.illtlcatio:ia, T. A. M., Herald olfiee. k QKNTH?PlRriT CLASS CANVASSERS POll \ J\ specialty ; money nntde rapidly selling our Chromos an I Novelties: greatest variety lu the city; largest com. minions allowed. a .ULRICA N NOVELTY COMPAQ Y? 21tl Broadway. \ ORAND NATIONAL B'>OK JU-T 8T \ RTED, IV J\ numbers ?Canvasser* wanted; fare paid. JAMEsI rtilKKHY .a Barclay street. New York; 'M Baltimore street, Baltimore; ttll) Seventh street, Washington. ?DOT WANTSD?IN A LAW OFFICE; MCST BHtflDS J) In New York Address toy tour days, In handwrlU ing of applicant, I'. A s.. Herald office. _____ DIIUO POBTKB, OR IN ANY CAPACITT-A YOCVCI man, with very best refer nee; well up in lis business; also tl) the manufacture of soda and miuc.'ul ?waters, sirups and oan give security. Address lorthrea days, SODA WATER. Herald Uptown Branch ottlce. Ylr A V I'RD?PIUST CLASH ADTERTISINO CAN.' Vf valors for an entirely new medium. Address CANVASSER, box 115 Herald ollioe. ________ \iranted?FOCB OB.NTLBMBN op OoOl) ad ?V to solicit advertisenemi for the New York. Pilot, a new weekly and new pUn ot advertising. HOilAN A CO., 17 Ann st, WANTED?CANVASSERS OP VBILI I Y, TO INTRO* it duco "Thomas' 1'utcnl System oi Indexing Keoorda an l Accottnt*;" is wanted by all bookkeeper* an I ac countants, commission liberal. Apply at 14! Congress ?t., i.n oklyn, b. iure l P. M. , WANTED?A NEAT AND TIDY CASH BOY; WAO 1.9 V? $2 per week. Apply at t o'clock on Mou lay at J03 Broadway. WANTRD?OPPICRBOYIN A WHOLESALE HOUSE i >? salurT, $3 per week. Address, in own handwriting. W. C., llerald offlce. _ VV-ANTED?.,V MAN OR WOMAN WHO CAN UK ?' readily mesmerised, for nu'dital purposes only;, liberal wages and i ermanent employment; no humbug or spirittulist required. Address for an Interview X., box 142 Herald otUce. ANTED?A HOOD SMART BOY. TO LKAKN THI3 iloriit business, ( 'ail at No. -4 Kast 4 jth st. \lrAM':.ll-AN EN I RiJKTIC MAN TO SOLICIT ?? orders for mercantile prlptin.; and stationery on com mission. Au dress, stating experience and refer, eucus, J. II., box 117 Herald otliea. TlrANTEI>? I'OI'NTRY PEDLARS, WITH WAGONS ii on regular routes; profits Urge ; al?o country an f city audits. ;ur lUo greatest novelty tn shoe brushes vep made ; fend $1 lor sample biusli to A. M'ELuAflJ, UL Duane street, .New York. TtTANTED?A MAM WAITKR FOR DINIMO ROOM Vi and upst.ilr$ work; must have good relcrenoe. Ap. ply at No. I'M East UUi st. ivanted-a rarnnu fob oovstir voul ?i to make sketches oi farm iioitscs. manutactori s, farm*, Ac. CallutJ. 11. IJL.'.its A i jo Vt*> ,u TVANTKD-EXPERIENCBD CANVASSERS EI)U ad ii verilsements in New Y'ork aid vicinity Also an active ma<i as general agent i ir PennsySrania. Call fr?uu io to 12, No. 2tJ Broadway. PUNsToN a LifETiu. W"ANTR,,-A RBBPECFABLE BOY, TO I.EAK.N Tlir-J if wholesale hardware business, salary * JO rtrst vear. Address, ill own hand writing, box ,1.11 .New York i"t>st olftce. vv W'ASTED?A M AN TO SOLICIT Al>Vl KTIa^MK^ TS ii for a wi papei njisainn >o. 5ih ay. for a weekly paper. In .tew York city ; good coin WANTi-.D?\ Buy IN A LAW OKI'C", Willi ii writes ajjood band and has experience. Add.jsj B. K. if., Heraiu office, for tliree days, with reiereuee "VVANTED?A STEADY MAI* TO TAKE CASH A r V Vi resiiectable lnnch counter and; must have $i? wage^ 414; ample security. Address A. J., box 14>; Herald otllce. tiihi th Mima. A MECHANIC OP EXPERIENCE WAVT- A K1IU ation as sewing machine odjnsicr; competent to tikecuargeof a factory. Address MECHANIC, iterant Offlca. ? BOY (Id YEARS OK Ail Ii. WANTED?TO LEARX, A the plumber's bmlneaa Addreaa W. n., aiattoa o. A !# EXPERIENCED PAINTER AND KAL.SO*lNE? J\ want" a situation by the day, wack or joU Ad. dress KAL-OUl.NElt, l,W03d ay. i ?WANTED. IN A FIRST CLASS DRR^RM AK IN(| ./V. estibliatnnent, a man cutt r who under.tmd? cutting waist*. *kirt?. mantle* ana trimmings; one wb.i has tilled a similar position preferred. M. A. DoL'ti LA-'rt. IS East I7lh at. VtXPRRIHNCED ENGINEER. DRAL'OHTXM ANIi i j mac nine salesman wants a situation. Addrcmt P. 11, box .&> Herald otllce. DlltOTIMV WANTKD?BY A ICIUOIi ME I . rhatde. oil press or other tool*, or dlea Addtasa Tool X , kkR, Hera hi ofBoa. T7\C:iNKER STEAM KIITe.R AND RKP.VItiRR-I? Fa r- .i l t "Usage lor any parts of Central ca AdaiC w I1EN44Y POX, w Oliver St., New Y< ork. li^IRdr CI. \HS FINISHI.R POlt I'l KIUIIT PIANO<* I wiintod?Also one man for glnctng. Arton Puna Factorv, :4'.< Ii St.. Haven. L'oRI MAN COAT CUTTER WA.NrED.-ONR OF T"II? r l>?>-t custom trades oil Rioa lway iloirM to new-' tiiie with a ihorxiighlt ex-mn-ffit m I (li't cla.?s mini oik cxperb need lu Enalish stvlcs preferred; lllierai auiary. A,].Ire.** V\ . S., l.ux I * 7 lleia.i ..T'.ce. ET TOUR PRINTING Kilo* TUB MBTROPOIJ. \J TAN >*BINTi.Nli E- i kHJ.l.sIIMI.NT, ll.oadvviy J OH PRINTER OF CORSIDRK VHI.E EXPERIENCE! In inanaeetrii nt of larga oillc-.. e*tiui.itinA 4c, wants employment. Addre** N. Ili.Y Herald ofllce. 1JKOOF READER?EXPH11EN- ' D ON HOOK. Jul ami newspaper. Addres. WEBSTEIt, llsrn d olttee. QtTUATloa WANTED?BY A COMP TEKT E m. , ne, r and steam Utter tn hotel or fact* ry, cltjr or country; first class reference. Address M vC. box IC1 ll. r.ld ,,|||M UITCATIO* WANTED.-A BuV, 17 TKM4 Ol.D, O wiahes tu get rk m a cari- nler ?hop; ? rktd on? year at the Call on or uddrui Juli.N t'niii.V, til Wi ll itib ?t. CniKT CUTTIRO.?TUB ART TAl'OH I IN A FBACTr. c il and ?ien title manner. and pupil*noon qaaMfleA to All flr?t Mtuauon . Attend nice en rmit? oi?ljr ;rom<t'l> < ? r.i I u i !?? I iit.Tim fiilii?h-l the ir.nle. li? Ull't'S ,C ,'r ..??!>* I ? r '!i -t, r.i in 1H rri?H*[T'?rt.?WAfflfD, A MiRI WAV IN A TT* 1 tactorv; on# who th<ir..u*hly ander?tai<>* rtm Entnt. oil and yarnUtt can t)ii,n.<s. Addrewi FO ;LM.kJC, i>x 175 Her.-IIU ofltco. YV'ANrKD-TKN pairtbbh a.v;> two rAPi:n TT bangera; ??ne 1-ttt lirat c!i? workmen need ?i, ly. W A III* A I. C.VN. ,N. >; nm, X. V. WAIITBD?A RtTtfATIOB AS BHtilNBKB Olt A TT 1 nai or in the city or country: thoruunblr tinder, utamli U?i Liui. ue.??. ill Wu?t ?0tli ?L. lAUJ ticor, iron I room. ? WrASTK?-A Cl'TTER. AHOVT 5 MILKS IS TUB TT c untrv; iino who ha ltn*1 ennsideratde expert* cnec in a cliitbuu Wore; must t>e a g<?>d ?il??iuan nn<l nmlcr.'tanit cuttimt for tl?-? atoek: otner-need uot.?p i'l .iiirt- llua day. between 11 ?ai if a. M .at Mi tn-l Mth ?t. ____ iiranrr.i>?a compbtrrt c\rpkt amd <>irt TT cloth layer. accu?tomcd to tlie aeneral ou-ineaaot a carpet Were, alao .i ?tr?n?* bor. Apply early to I*. Mrllt i.II. 744i 5 I av., between toth and ?7tU at. U; ARTKO?A HITCATIo* FOR A ROT. IS TF.ARS okt, re?ldiBif wttn parents, to learn jewelry, watch making or engraving. AJilri n il, M Herald oHtce. UfAXIKD.?A FIRST CLARS Ct'TTKB OS LAI* ?uito. Apply at c"4 Ureetit: street J L STr.VENSL UrAXTKD?A yIrt*T rati: PRINTER OF WOOL lent w!iu thoroughly tindernUnd* tlio bu?inc*s. A4dre?* LuVlLLi no* IJ7 Ilerall office () >PANISH < TO ? jobbing i (>Hnl workmen. HI Centre it, fourth tl lOf. I? CaRPKT l l UOI.t<TliKfctiS WA>TKl?.-CAWi O >t 2.2.V M AT. ufO/Uk CASH TO ANY ON'R THAT CAN t'RUCCRR f< r a kicntlonian a permanent situation ?a foreman or superintendent, salary |J>a week. Addre?? F. Z , Herald olBco, FHKMCH ADVRRTISBMRNTli ON I?F.M AROR-I NR HnNNK FRANC \|SK, SOU. ?eili m. nt arrlvee, p. ?r pr.-mlr sotn ile den* cn t?n(* da 1 at 7 an*-, bouH gaau.^, I'nn.j'.al* i >*t p t ?nire. I'ROV < t r, .3 9me riK I ?t V' R t?KMt)l-i 1,1 \Nt>A |> R. AM--- T ? an* nonvellement arri?ei>'le I'aris, de tre - pi i rer coinme <t.?;ne d ? co'npa.rni! " i (l.uii iiti.* ?'? :'a nwrictlM HtR*nT>tftier le trancati ant entant*. n ?? dreaeer n Mil.', Ktjf ?!., 14 * rue Btee?k*r. rMR PKRIONRB MCKtRR VRK fi>?lTK'> C M>fH ttouv. rnafltt et r-tur ? on.lrat ?lie | t r < ni' ill- ne< i?tei-.>nfcn, -'adr r , \r l< re ' M UKOUAT, n. 9 roe Ornaby. T*RF PRMMK ATK-' UKCN ! Rf' ? r> ' C *!rc prendre ?olii J'ttn*- en vilte t- ttr I'ets u* I'nlrtiMrtin. 117 ru (Ml Var Otkcr Want ***? I Directory.