Newspaper Page Text
Central. For rai.e-at a SAORirrcE-pot'R story uioh ?toi.i brown *tone House HtfxSftxlOO, hardwood fin l-ili, Uj 4tlull txilow 1'ark, price reduced lroi? B.-,lkli tO*i ?<*' TIMi'-O.S A P1-..E1. l.'.'fa Broadway, near Forty-fourth street K.ttst !->lue. CH?;l >aLB-OS SIXTY-FIFTH STREET NEAR SEC I on'! hv. i up a Lot, MxltM; cellar dug ; a deairable loealloi! ice u knyineut; easy terms. W M. AO A it, 311 sixty tlitU street. Hr?l Ntd?. . ?r.Kl \ I I ? T BARti AIM IS THE market?A ii ? l.-ur it r I.rows .tone House an<l I-ot, below fwen ty tlxijru street between filth una .-ixth avenues; t,or K> <>u? y ,?r-.nil; i-rt modern luiprevemeii .at$i8'i0o; i ut little a.ili n cl. ij. l'iuee cjii remain ott bond ? ml tii't ti.i.i i< r veers This In the cheapest houiM in the r| y. PUaLuX .v SLOAN. 31 Ka?l ceveiiteettthjrt. t IIK-I- CLAS r<?CR TORY HIGH STOOP hr. vit ?!. n Hou?e nud Lot (!'.0x60xibu). between !mil mi'! Kixtli ivtuiKM tieni- Hull Avi-title Hotel, br Aj.i.On Ibis i rn|?ert* cu t $36.(0.1, utt.i i? now wurtii lite IUOIU) ">1 vLoN A SLOAN, 31 i:ast seventeenth it. etWVKtYN PROPERIH KOH SALE ASD TO LET. BVKI iIJCk-LOOK AT THEM; Ml'ST HK SOLD; ?l tlold street handsome three story onex, 98,90'; m CnntJit sfrot \ Hi. - c s'o v brick J3.i?0; l.i ury street, (lr->t clun/ ! n <vti stoae. JlutHi; very e tny tTrm?. HENKY COOK, S3 Haithlnidt'U -treet. Brooklyn. o* 1 iWW) DO >'"N. BALANCE ON YERY EASY vl.'HiW : <? ruu will purchase an elegant two story bris k Hoti.-o ? xcellcuUy located, or will rent at M I'At 1 iut. -I.\ti. t'JB uates aeenne. Brooklyn. W KB r< HESTER t t'l Y I v PHOEEHl * FOR SALE A.\i> TO ItEIVT. ? I Lake MAHOPAC.-ELBGANILY rtRMSHBD ?l Bo'.1 ;t r. tit /reatly reduced tor lamily or hoartli -rs beautiful view; boat Ink'. bathing, rtsliiiitf ; UC tiirntsiiri! and -tiriu-he l Dwelling* at Hnsilng*. Yoiikern, Km -UiKll' i'ii I. Bridge, spuvten Ouyvil, Mount Ver non .V n i.i . utile, Latchinout. Mamaroueck, Rye, -t..iuIoiU, aiong Qe llu-isoii and Souttd. JoH.v J. OOOIH, i*> Park avenue. no llask?in west morhisania inow the 1 rwenty '".in! ward ol New York r.ty). a gentleman's Kef-ionic-. 14 itxtna 10 artes of ground ail fenced; car riage house am. liable with Ave stalls; icehouse: vege abi* garden orchard ami pasture; the property can M vi' utii iron vaeuinl) '? Dam Bridge. and Is otilv seven ,mi lite. ?a h fVoui Melrose s-ation, on the llarleui i'all ?ad rer.t $!?* *14 !} ul 116 West T weiity llith Street. nrtiffi Benit-TAltor a frbm ii roof cot TT tacc tc rent, 10 miles on Harlem Railroad, near icuot. to i, reice. table couple cheap. Address UOl'N TRV, station L. ilarleiu. JERkEY CITY, HOBOKES, I11D80R tITY A\D BERGEV REAL ESTATE. For Sale. nOUKH* LOT?. FARMf, 1C? AT JERSEY CITY. ?!! i ar;> ol Hudson county and New Jersey, lor ?'>? to let or ( xi bari??. For particulars call on or send stamp lor eirc- ?r to JOHN St. QlBSON, 31 Montgotuetr street, Jerasy CA). To Let or Lease. 'I'O LTT?AT JERSEY CITY, HANDSOME TWO and J three store brick Houses. contatnlu< Irom 6 to Id Rooms eacb wi'h all ltiipruvemeiita; good locations; netr terries. r?n'- rYoro $2^ to >40 a oiootb. JOHN M. GIBSON '1 M.xtgiimery street, Jersotr City. PROPERTY OI"T OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. a LARUE VRW RESIDENCE. WITH OCTBCILIX. T\. tfcfp- at a areai sarrlflce for particulars address T W SI FFERN Suffern, N. Y. A demrable I1K&1DENTB WITH alt. MODERN liinrovfiueiits on the lilll. at Pa^ale, N. J ; near twodepi.ti *isi a laruiol 14 acres, on line ol Northern Railroad of New Jersey. Apply to SlVfcRS, Executor, 6i Broad street. AFORTl NE-ruO ACRES OF LAND, BKTWF.EN ? New York and l'!ttarmr? containing iron coal and tlreclav in (fr?-at abundance; fTi.nimx ou river, haelnr Hood water r?'Wer three-?juart?rs of a uille fr?.m rail road depot; will entertain Brooxljn or near-by Prop erty. Alao ts?e many city Houses and Farms near br, with ea?h, to rscnangi-. M0.SJ0 worth of Clotn anj Drv floods ftr < Ity Krotertv. W. J. COLK. SM SUtt a v. I s finf Ofl'OBTl filTV -SU B PLACE O.N TUF J\ Hudaoah at >yack varied at fto.onii; over *ff> feet riser mn* Iroit. ?#riog water. Ac.; photographs, rent S<0u. \f+ < ?r.h ftrcet. second floor Bay ksdof so mimtks fro* waul street.? Ton. bhiurf modern Gothic Cottage, 14 room*: lot TM179. ??at, fruit*; Price. Slindfi. also elegant I'ldfe at FlaatolBS BneactUBMeea. Cl'RLKT, 12 Cantrc street C<OC*TRY BEATS TO U?T ?WESTCHESTER 1 epon;v?ln?? Tarry !"*n New R' Qub Bridce. ne< k Mount v, rnoa. New Jersev?B?r gea Point, P'.a ufleld. Tom R.rer, Vendhatu. and at FnlrfteUl, ?'..?! T'jHN KaVan Alii!. northeaat comer | vi Foro -WMlutltmt and jU'Ii avenue ^ J>OK HAX.& OR TO LEA-* OX E \SY TERM 4?BUILD in-- liti aif. 'Aatcrfronta tor tactorte?, on Meinwar A "oB'Tprot? rtr Ast' n?, oppoaite ISHb street, Neu York, aho. Mi at $.??? ???. and trame and 1 rlok Ui uwt from K>, ,n ward . Stalua at A sons' saw mil!, iron '? uMrr and l.-ta; woras are on tin- nr. tin.I in lull ttwir !arg plam> mu'iulHeiory will be re ui?sed t" il.c and other .uctorie* are now r>?ui. .w >e the new horae railroad ' adtti. tr-iu ) hlrty fourth ureet and James dip fenie*. through K?tsVooi.. t< >?K>rts ferry, ar? no* rjuen.tlng their track* tot!'* ?" 'enway pri-perir. Inquire ot HTEI.NWAY a Butt*, '"ou-'ecMfe street, .v ew Yora. FH>? MM -it S.'.VD- PijIST. LOSO INLAND, A* < owitrv -cat. at th.g favorle summer re port ? ni i' iai??s from ih? ? try, on the .-ound; has w*f?r troni line beach i,<>at and bathing houses, h>.aa, ?tu.'iiu .<?; *?.d - irr nii iiti ? lira claas 40<?i roortgatfe* or o'be s* !.. ?'?? tak n or will eachxng'- tor City r-.iy.-rM iind phoNr/rapb* ?>%n wen and l?r;n?r parti < Car- tita-ned at ottlte ot tDWABU Hi' M?i adway r )?f'.!.f.-r'iHKLLE v J S*IG HOU3E. KIRI r r... i ar ? i,l. i n Uox-Oi plenty unit flra tunnies' "alk iro? dep t ;>-rm? to suib Apply at M .? * f x i; a y. f rorsTRV residence to lst \ J l,u ?"m t> !fr? itian one h ur t>y long Bracch R?iir. . < > ar*. n;?r? 77 <Jr> ra* ?tr. at1 bKACUKB or i-AKRI U.lm... 0"" KA-O* -??"? k ? K* -VI J.r I'Mlf r*Lrr~AT K hi orani'e.S f. highest p eataan un tbo ?rai.?* Moui. m tr? d fit w- jure air. for photo |.?t>iisa ;., . mt mlr.'tm ' S. HXLL, * i Inu ?Jftet. Icunh ?o? r !C*w ^ ^ARATfOA -IIS. JAKES FETTRETCH, M SIXTH ^ *f*nae liai> ? 'i^sce :)? ..t Honae* for ..4le ul to ?en; a k ?? - ? ei ^r. itreet In fa at.iga a-d Ti^inny. THj'HT?AT da'bTkm. corn., a i*mall HOI-Jk! 1 with ft' -wr of Land, *?%?.!?. Ao.; rent f.M a ? *.?r , 1) t? FH >' IS L>ELaKl ?' ..!> 12 Waft I'blrty leronU aaraai re i Ri-roft ruE heahos n.v tub bani^ or I 'I,, f ?? ii ?.t Uirbtand i nis, s v , * furnlahed ctaga w-'i r<x??? o*flee of We?tiouf?* ,ru) h . . ' biou ,j re, New ?ork l/*-> . i - it.iRVi.45rj YaEiT" it'tn, 4lw (Oa pefru,. t eawh trees an 1 oth-r frui-a on farm "? ? r., >1,11 A.'jre** U. r 4 ;iAMUSBH. Ead traucar*. *a IP *1 r-^TVTK TO KJklHAXliR. F"> ? !V'!:?V '-fOR ORY 0'IODB. BOOTS A v. D ?s?. i ' 1'ii.or- a ft: e < oi ntrv *vjre Houae and ?*o aurf r ? ? ri ind ated e>n canal and rat'road. in K a (. .'.AY '.7 1 x'li asenue _ f-OK - L -4 h EXniAMU FOR A COTTAGE, with i f wore h.ts m Ilarlem or YnrkvHle. Ap ? I. HBK.KI V- ,t I'EPrEK. MO TMra arenae. F*OR Ou "l > HilViir-ii HT LOTS. t?3D sire. 'i.?i Craad Hoferard; I Lot sib ,v ne?r lAVt si i i.. .?! ?v tea llftli ** . rormincM L; a f'1"t \ ,j\ i ?.s. ? u ka?ii? n av.. near sn.i ?? J'?H> KaVaXA'.FI. _ i.e."' ast comer F?rt* second at. and Uth av. Ho^ sr;- lot parks *< i r jrk-ky citv an i-ar i f < ? .a; ? a nd >e* Jer?ev. f.?r e* flange 'or in.j i *?.. r Mmm|.rov?d city ?.r coon'rr Insert* <_?> ii ?r nd for paritealarato JOBS v |;II?)S Ii tt..r.*ro?ery street. Jei-ey city, -tai *um|. !ipf i r< ular I rtAVF A IM.OT I.', Tim \t IRWooO t*t rEBT I 'r<w i ri-s *a> to e*< ti inge or se 11 at hall *a!Be. Wi|. - me 1.1.? OM m a?ti tiler' WEBfrlB. 3I? w ?t i hir-y filth atreaL N'f.T!' <T .1 M J COLE M-- R<-*|JY?0 Ills ,Ht, . tc fjgtli av?nne > n^ 1oor sh.n-e tbirlf i..uiih s?rr ' * li? i < will t psitica .t kitentioii to r t. ai d se In,* "it v and con . ry yrop. rt? f srti?s tiaeMf *HCfc f?i t'5*f wtll find It *o t'<-ir lu' rest ?.. St? W J.COLE m >l?ih l*i-n?. T i I ^ 7b???>? O -orT MRKi lis' OISK. 1 t ii. ? ? ?IMiitr*it*IM Vs-'itmes one or more i i lilf-? :>> us t ame B*sem?l?t llou-es aj| mi rros-iients *iwl r? n'asi; nls one isr. e Oothte Brat claaa l."i?i?i t arce *rour. t? over I d 'nilt Ire^s, m Hrook l,i n. k I' :t. own. i iiMiigtsi miles miiud. desires to n i?? h Imr estl.ant.- lor good s-.mIs address X.. Herald . (Ti?? 'r.i ?i ays. _____________ rpo ex* i'a11;ft? f aHT DEkirablk lou in I * ? st H?.i . k< i. free nf eunimh' nr.a. als.. a Lot a* .- *ron *pri?i*? at Ml Kr jadway. room ?. from II a M. t ? i a. For llthrr Real Eatate Ailtrrllaemrnta Sr. Direelory. U?Jlt \4>TI4 J04. If - KO Li.!, 't " I KKRI^ "I?KI>. OR BAUM L >'?N, ?-.s, liuehand and cMldrea n any.?Wharea* I asnft,' tti? U gh ?< uri of Chancfrr in Knglsn i ?r >ia ? i ? v tier, 1.1 | artiupn ami sail- h tr? r^ai csta'a de <et| . i,, w " ?.< William Oder 'ate of Klogi t * tin Nori. la, Eufialid bone n?er< hant Hosalle i"ier, 0 tli ssut , a. ?. ff tns er ?h ,t is l?eltefed soh?< m?en?1j it My F.aa i? f?re*ford or Saraafard ?ne of t!> grandt-lmdrrn nt he teatafor. i* .merestau. >he *?ntt' 'iiiin a and <s- ia?t hear i or t>Y a le'.tar <rf hers dated *1 ot Aagasi 1??, Written Iroai America to I'-r frlei cin .1 Eiigisnd. la Which sue mention tha her ??ibund wa- carfain of n small seho jtier. aid desired to lie writ!' i t. at the fo'iowing addreta namely: ? ? Mr* K. tan. Kara-'' rd to he I'" *? ttie Post office till called f.f Vork. Catted -tates ot America " And, s? tier*a?. l> c ? n?. r,-t la th.' sal.I uli th folio? e Imiiltry >in? u?ai dir?et?d.- Wleilier K. sa .i> Osier or Hereid. r i -.t >t? a i ,rd, in the pUti.cifr - old named, la itfinv or dend ^nd taad. who hy derm, dawant or ?th-rw|*e. II iiiw r?tilled t? her real e-tai.- and wh^'her sht left any hnahand a Prltlsii mhtect. wlw. I* ? nulled to t.'r *1 ur* foi bis life a* tenant by the t .nr.eir " 1 ike oi ttea that lUe sai l Kr.saile osier ..r It'rc'ford <>r Baragford >1 .!> ioa t? t?* It dead then ? ??.*r?.?!?* < lam, ng bj davlge. ?:* nt o> o'hernlae ari Clii. a lc her rra estate are hr th ir solicitor* to eoai" |ti itid pro** H <;ir claim* *t 'he efeamaer* >( the v lee < ? *nei>Ur,r. .^ir Hnba-U Malmo, Ko 3 ,-wne BuMlngk 1 in-.m* Ins. Linn. KM) ml, on or r>et.,i? si ,nday, gfce ?'h day si lune lfl.\ vr In lafgult they * aersmpiority egriaaed iron* ttia benefit of tha *ald de #ree. Motniajr the 21st June. Iat 12 oi the :o *. *i a *? -os said chambers, 1* appotntad to adjudicate ? i; f \siro* i .ec uua^iarof Mareh, 1*75 K. w WALEfn, rhiaf Clark. IRWf.t CO' K i NASH, I Orar'l Isil S^h?M. London, ? riflaad. PiatuuCaiaU. itars. I TO LET FOR BV8IHR88 PITRPOSB8. | T STORE AND DWELLING TO LE I ?6tti THIR!> I A avenue, near Forty-seooad street. Apply at 31 I iniiM t>l*ci). . AFINg THREE STOItY HIGH stoop nova Scotia stone Dwelling. with -tore, situated on one ol' tlie b*at Cornersol F.urth aveuu.i; suitable lor drim .>r grocery rent very low SHhllrtO'JD, V\ Al. LltON A SONS, 1,114 Third aveiillo. ________ A?ONE OK Til K Hand OME TSTORES ON SIXTH . avenue, with ^welling apartments attached, to let, at a greatly re iuced rent. JAMhS FEi'lRBTOH. 999 Sixth avenue Basement or five BtoOMs, large t*?o, coul slide, used as ilie Fourth Avenue Laundry, with an eaublished i us tiess, attached to ? double boarding house and in a lovalily wliore ? laundry itf * iicooiwuty. 106un<l 110 Fourih ftveutie. _ HA.sEMliNf floob TO LET?HAH BEi tf A doctor's office for the lu-t eevon years; or to let lor ant" IU.ii lui-ino.w -67 l w ciiiy-sixth street, uear bU'b'h avenue, t'all all t!io week. DOCTORS OFFI?E Til LBT?FULLY FlJJtNISIlBO Iron* Parlor ol House No. 113 West Forty-first streel; reut reasonable, toplv on premises or to O. iHOMPSON * Sow, No. i,in ntMwtr- ____________ HIVK11 W ATE it FRONT STORKS AND VA I j . Hilt Lot" to leu?Apply to II. LObM ANN, coal yard, Ea ,i street, near Delancoy, or ado re.?a box 3,SS13 Post office. ? IiO LET OB L'.ASB?A FOUR STORY BUILDING, ..1x7>, 11 Spring street, on.' door east ol Broadway; also two Lolls at 1.17 f^oU h I' if. U av?nue. 'II > LET FoR BU -INKmS PUKPOSEn-A FINE THIRD I Fluor, 35x90; light all around; good entrance, with or without strain . rent $2i per month Apply on iho premises. MO West Twenty tnittp street. DWBI.LI9IO HOV8B8 TO l.KT. Ftirnixhetf. A FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET VRBY LOW TO J\ a dealrable tenant: three story hiirh stoop brown stone, lully and co upletelv tnrntshed; to a private f?m Uv only: a groat bargaiu to the rutin person. Apply at . las Wast Forty seventh street. j TjU'RMSHBD HOUSE TO LET?FOR THR SUMMER ' or year Inquire, from in to 8, on premises. No. 7 i West Fony tilth street, near Fifth arenue. rf'O LET?ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FOUR STOKY 1 brown ?tone high stoop House, IS rooms, befweeu Fifth and Si\tb avenues. Forty ?ix'b and Fiftieth streets: immediate possession; rent. $175 per month. Address A. F , Herald Uptown I ranch office. TO LRT-A NICELY FURNISHED FOUR g'ORY j brown ?tone House on Murray Hill; rent (300 per mouth. Address 0., box 3,479 Post office. I'nfurnished. A THREE HTORT english BASEMENT HOC8R A in Thirty fourth siree', near Seventh avonue, will be rented low to a private family, THOMAS D. ROBINSON, 80 Nassau street A?TWO THREE STORY HIGH STOOP BBOWN ? atone Dwellings, situated on Seventieth street; excellent location; inarbln tiled h ills mirrors in par lors aaa fixtures, wc will reut Cheap. 8HERWOOD, W.U.DRoN g -JONS. 1,014 Third uveuue. A THREE XTOBY BRICK HOBSB-FOR ONE FAMILY only - gas. water, hea'er and range; 114 West Fourth street; rent $700. Grocer at corner will show the ho nee. Attention:?lowe9T rent yet.?$L3bo for a tonr s'orv Dwelling, Thirtv-nluth street. adjoining Seventh aveune ; 14 rooms: now being thoroughly over hauled. Address OWNER, 457 flttu avenue. HARLEM.-TO LET, AT GREATLY KBDUCBD RBNT, a pleasantly situated House; oontains 13 rooms, wv.h Improvement*, or will Ut pari Apply on prem ises. avenue A. near 121<i street. OUi-E W7 "west foBIYSIXTH f-'TRKBT; JU.-T i been put In complete order throughout; conve nient location: rent $1,300 For permits apply to J. O. MEiCALF 1,491 Broadway, near Forty flfth street. TO LET-BROWN STONE DWELLING NO. 1SJ WEST F. rty-ninth street, three story, high stnop and , French roof, 19x30, rent $1,^01 Inquire at Ui ol K. GRIFFITHS. | TU O LET?WB?T TiII!tTY-3KCOND STREET, THREE I story English basement brick: all modern improve menu: rent $950 per aunuui. Inquire at 310 West Ihlrty secxtd sir et. TU O LET?THE THREE STOBY AND basement high stoop brick House 44* Weal Twenty-fourth street: newly painted throughout; immediate pos-e-: ?iou: can b? seen trom 1 to 4 P M. Apply at llu West Forty-seventh sreet ____________ TU O LKT CHEAP-TIIE handsome FOUB STOB1 I English ba-scm -nt t.rown stone House No. 61 Weat Twelt'Ui street, between Flltli aud Ixtri avenues, con taining 18 large rooms with every improvement, wall suited for a latntly or boarding houae; reut $l,3u0L Apply to A. SOUHIROOs, 391 sixth avenue. l)AU EAST FORTY-NINTH htbbi- t?will be in <?"xv) ?piendid ord?r and rented low; brown stoDB Houses near Lexington avenuo. fl.inn. $1.000,fltm). ww, msKntfl'-ent ketddenct;*. near Fifth ?ri'ott?, #1,0 fl: 1<?? aaeortmeat at all prt ea; make your offer*. lionel cioeHUCH, is ? Third avenue, near Fiiueth street. q/'l wmt FORTYEiOHTU STRR 8 t.-th BRE wui etory high xtoop brown stono House. nicely ires coed: fltif mantel mirrors. Ac; will ba rente 1 reason ably unfurnished. D. THOBpbon A HON. 1.454 Broadway _ ? < ?)?ji*i,i ojik mobk left or Titos* db ?t~x.??j uralile tk story bnck houaes. wlib all ini proveinents, US h and 1-tsth street. and Nth av-nue. D. kkbpjier, suo weat 4tth it. flhmliukdttouna lt>u&paatxknts TO LET. A ? 47 Ea*t rh1htrenth stbeet.-PABLOB ? Moor and other Ro>.um. furnished ai?l unfar nlaled. lor gen'leinrnt wooId let the whole Houtte. 4 NHWI.y furnished FLAT of plfk BOOHS. J\ 00 aecon I floor. at us Waat biavsntb atreat. far nw?r! completely for housekeeping. btuij second beil tt ?il To tti?thrbr. SIX Oli .te x stbictly J\ o rival* uoomi. w'tb eitra onwaimmt: also stoie and three adji mine Room*. ti) Apply on premises Ho. 4.u hudaua street A LADY, OCCUPY I mo roush I* FIRsT clash neighborhood in Twelfth *trftatlbas auperior tur n: 't -i 1 iii to partioi looking for such. ail j r -< B. m jl.. eta Hon c. An bnoi.tii !.ai>V. LI vivo ALONE wii L HKNT i elegantly fnrnuhed hioma; ha'hrooio adjoin lag ? i i aii we"* at or addreea tirsi floor, #?> Third avenue \ ?bandsomrly fcrnmhrd BOOBS ON flf.C J\. 1 il l floor fo let. niuifly or together: bat'i attached . also others, on 'bird floor: tarm* Moderate; private la:;.n< . r-u rau-'a- 71 Lexington avenue. A fr.bcu LADY, "with" wo FAMILY 57s J\ ac lend id large Kooms to le' bv tbc m or or -?pa ratal) ? hi. b*t.'n ??t anl >?*, rvthing, tar b.'fted or not llit wen treiitii street \ Labor u rnhiird rhom, with oas and clothe* eIo?*-t. convenient to the Hleecker, blith aii . rl?h:h nvenu" tart. SS Barrow .-treat. A LA bob. KLF.OA.NTLT ful'bi iik D BOOK?on parlor floor 'o rent. as. Sttttn? Room and Bed room, without ar , at art fntrtv-third street. A tfuy itxc .LL' NT HBt OND flooit?rOt'B OB J\ fln r . .ni< 1'. n -inare orivate iiouar fur 11 -b?<l or un u nisbet); ho and t >ij waier, ga-, bam. ?)i'|mt kmumo. lit 'lei /itrul Alahok, handsomelt furnishbd BOOB TO let?hi brottdwaj t?e?-r, tweltt'i an i Thirteenth itreeto; (Vearable loea'i'.n r.,-,v. ? ,.-nt t?. re< aoraut*. a' terms tto ler*!- < an :<e ?een v lay ALAROB anu habdbobkly ? ubnisv1bd BOOB t. '<?( to one or 'wo frentleaira; prirate lauiily. Ca i a4 ..V k a at il*'?entli href' AT v? m.sTIi AYBNt'p?wbll fubntkhbd front Ptr'oT rfi "n and hall Bedroom adjotmng. witii or wltlaont gvod Konrrt taram aaoderate. a pbivatf. AMEBIC AN FAMILY WILL LKT A J\ 'ari* front R<?om nleelv furaiahed trrnn ?5 per weak Bedtor 1 ttreet Abandhobrlt fl bnlsilfd f'RoNr A*d RACB Pa-i. r to >?? together or <ap?ratelT abo >n f" tul 4nd third ho<>r; term* r>>aa<>naM>' for 'he ?unj mer. utt Kaat Tbrrti^th street, near fourth it?dm. afkw hanfhhwr < i. AN AND COOL ROOM*, for the eanaier. at r? laem rr ut, aeetienseo .nlr Atpiy at in Fast nineteenth street, tew joors from * jurt'i a' ?Blie. A nice ku NIHH"t? pi?om TO TO a OEN J\ ti< man, In a r<'?ne' ahlei private lam'ly . tprm. ra?lernte. Cail at s6j Eaat nioeteeath -treat second floor A M' rly pi bluflhbd hk< "M> -TOMY KRONT J\ k.^m to let to ne >, riwu geatiemon. at fu oer m .nti. 4it 1 ast ul?t *treai^ APIRN1-hkd ROM*. WITH or without tireakiast in private fnmllf . West ?eventy nrst Btreet, hmr mi.n'evard; accesaitii'' br Kiihtb av.-niie cars or Boulevard atag'- Addresa ummkk DRNCE, ileraul ofllee AVKRY plkadant NKWLY fi bnihmed fl.OOB f five r"om? hotsse in flue order . all modern im pr pvaioeuta, i oe at ion try and healthy; lour mnues" Walk Irom Harlem t/oit landing; >.nir two oiner oecu pji' ti, r?nt f 5 per month ad ireat n B o., station F. \tt?wkt rlbybnyh NTRRKT. np.AR fifth a'eriue llandmmeiv 1 urril?ne<l ko..m< on seeoad floor ; all modern iiiiprov^iueiite, t.athrootn adjoiuiu*. pr.vaie ami v reaeonabla ternml a HAUTIFUL. ulaltmful bpot ?-ITTI voboob atid Be.lro-jm connectlnii. nea:ly (arniannd lor .ight 1 botiaelt. epnu. w; o her ivmims. private fi'.uar inouire 0' WILLIAM CRaWFOjiu, madiaou avenne '.<ruer i. 4l*th street A PARLOR AND TWO NEWLY PAINTED and m R. dialed i'liamberi to rent to geajetneo without Boar i *2 we?i i wenty-eevoath street neat door to uie j Law a>wi?iatw. /nobplbiely FURNISHED FLAT, EIOIIT BOOBS, %j for summer janit r an 1 every coavenienee. Apply ?two siath avenae third flat. c1ENTBAL location-NICELT pl'bnishbd ) apartments Parlors and btdr'otns; second and third flo< rs , at sarnmer raiaa No. 7 West Koarteeatll street. f lkoabily furnished roums TO LET? ti w.thout board > ueiitiemen, in private family. m W T^eotyflrst street lm'rmhiied BOOB TO LET-TO <>nk OB TWo r gentle me ?!; all conveniences; privao* fa mil w i ihirty-aceotid s'ree' ae?i Hroad"?y Addre? i. i.mfcr son. Herald t'ptown hr^tich ofll' e. euknhhei) FOB \7lli ht HOlf-pr bbpino. OB a witlioat?Lam, beantlfnl n'wly fnrni?hed Room#, from m 10 ffl weekly, a- iiarati-ir of prettier ; all eoa jenteticea, clo<eta; privilege j\ a trior; reffreace sis i-est k'mr e. utli (treat near Becoad avenae. keen pundav" yj"t RMMIED ro'i** FOB okntlkbej. AT 8UB i K mer prUf * at No i'*i Went Thirteenth ftreet, near Watb *ven?? coaveateat to reataaraut* aad placet of ani'iarment. l'rRM-llF,|> BOOBS to lp. r ? for LHiHT HOCSE r neaping slao r'* f ir singia gentlemen Apply ? 1 No wr bai l >ugai ttrcet. FiRMMUED ROOMS AMD APA11THE1T8 TO LET. fruRMlSlIBD ROOMS TO LET?TO QBNTLIMEV X1 only, at 44 Hast Tenth street reference* required. IilOH HOUSEKKBPlNO-hlOBLY KUBNISHED BBC ond door ?ittltiiir Room, with closetsi lignt Bedroom. Kitchen, with water. $3 per week. Private house 2tS Motiro- itreei, near Hr?t, Hoboken, ten short block* | from terry. /I BNTLEM K.N OB KAMI LI BS CAN BK ACCOM MO LT dated with pleasant Rooms, furnished, at No. V Varies street, near Bleecker : term* moderate. Hand oMhLV kurmshed parlor and bed room, to gentlemen only, without board; luru'e Closet*; hot mill co!U water mil bath; private fmnily au 1 desirable loc ition. ltu West Twenty-third strtes HANDMIUKUT FURNISHED ROOMS TO BENT?IN private li>u?e, for gentlemen ouly; terms moderate. Call at or address No. --0 west Twenty-first -.treel. IABOK Kl'ENlSUKD KHONT BOOM. DARK BED J room, lar^u Closet, containing sink, t ?' monthly. in ! advance, or $<Tweekly. 66 West tenth street, between Fitta au 1 -l?tli Mvciiuoa I A BOB SECOND PLOOS KBONT BOOM, Al JOIN J iiiK Rooui aud Hull itoom, furnished, lor liousekoep ini{. $7 10. droauway ureen c.ira ra-s the door, u-a West forty-second street, orown shine Uouso. i VTEaTLY KURNI.-illKO FLOOR TO LKT-WIT1I CON venienc,H for houst ki-ep iiij, together or separate; also back Parlor. l'a'1 at 776 Greenwich st., near Hank. TO LET?THE BACK PARLOR AND KXTKNSIOM Poom, nicelv furnished. la a pleasant location and suttnii'e tor lis'lit h? use keeping. Call at 348 West iweuty uiii > h street. rpo LBT-KUBNISIIKD, FROM HALL BEDBOOM, scond floor. 982 -econd areuue. rpo LET?IIANDSOMKLY KUBNISHED BOOMS* 1 without hoard. In a private house, with a -m ill turn ily. Twenty-second street between Stxtii and Seventh , avenues. Address O., box 160 Lloratd Uptown Branch I olllce. | 1VJ LET-IN A PKIVATK HOUSE. A HANDSOMELY tin unite I Parlor, with privilege ot dining room ana kitchen ifdestrud. No 162 Wist Kortv-i ighth street. TO LET?FUBNISHiJD. TO OBNTLBMKN, A SPLKN- j dil large Iront Koom, secoud floor. Apply at 119 ' Leroy street. rpo LET?A HaNDSoMK, LABOR ROOM, NEWLY i. tiirnishu for two gentlemen or lady und grit'to man ; hot ana cold water; baths; Urea!.last If desired, j No S:iS riast l hirty-teventh street. , rro benr?without board, a laboe and , A pleasant, furuisned Room, on tnlrd floor of prlrate house; closets, water aud gas. lib West Fort)-first st ) TWO WELL FURNISHED BOOMS, SECOND STORY; gas, twlli, io. , to single, gentlemen, without board; terms very reasonable. f>o. Sis l ast Thirty-third street. 1 LAKOE AND TWO SMALL U\NDSOMKLY KUR i. nlshed Ro .ins, ample closets, hot and rold water, bathroom; to single gentleman or light house keeping) private family. ?S West Nineteenth street. _ 1 SMALL KBONT A"D TWO LAItOIS NICEI.Y KUR nt-hed Booms, on san e floor, singly or en snlie; nricn mod'Tatu. references ex'hanged Apply at No. 2i9 West 'thirteenth street. Hous? strictly private. 5TH AVENUE, NO. let, NEAR TWKNTYEIRBT street?furnished Rooms to let, front aud back, sin gly or en suite; baths on each floor; references. 5TH AVKNUB AND Till BTY-K< iUBTH 8TREET? Kour elegantly furnished light Rooms, without board or with private table; transient or permanent accom modations. Apply at S88 Sixth avenue, near Thirty-fourth street ? 6 WEST FOURTEENTH STREET.?A HANDSOME Suit ot Rooms, newly furnished, to let, suitaole for one or two goiil.cracu ; refereucos. 8WF8T rOUBTEKNTH STREET, NEAR FIFTH avenue.?A lar^e and neatly furnished Room to let 9COMMKRCE STRKET.?FURNISHED ROOMS TO let for light housekeeping; hall Rooms for gentle men on reasonable terms; private house. 1(1 WEST THIRTIETH 8TREKT?YEBY PLEASANT 1 U an l desirable Bo ins, handsomely furnished; also. Parlors on Hrst floor; quiet, private house; superior location; permanent parties desired; accessible to hotel. I QQ BAST TWENTY SECOND BTRKET.- FURNISHED P.ootus on see on'I story, also one ou third , bath, Ac.; bait block from Broadway. j tlQ.IRVINO PLACE, NEAR WESTMINSTER HO tel ? Him tsomely furnished Second Kloor, also a back Parlor, with private bath, suitable for a gentle man ; family private. Terms moderate for summer. OQ BASI TWBNTYXIXTH BTBEET, NBA R MAPI OO son square ?a larg.-, handsomely furnished front Eoom. on secoud floor; also two communicating l ooms, en toarili floor, tor gentlemen only, withont board; ref erences. A 7 WB<T TWRNTY-XEVKNTH STBEET, BETWEEN 'tl Broadway atiJ Sixth avenue?Newlv turnished i Rooms tor gentleman and wile or single gentlemen, pri vate laiuily. ? "I OO CHARLES STRi-.ET. NEAR HUD8 'N ?TO J<i?) let hundsomely furnished Second floor; room* through ; $7 per week for light housekeeping, or separa'e to gentlemen; also handsome front basement, $1 week. lOtC KAS* KIKTIETH 8TREE r.-KU RNISHED \ L,>) Boom, to geu'leman. $S weekly ; also furnished Sitting Buoui and Kitchen, all modem iioprovi iueuts, to gei tletusu aud wife, for light housekeeping, SIS to Mu monthly. V-IQ WEST HIXTRENTH STBKET.-KURN 1>HED I ?)?" Room* to let, to geutlcmeu ; moderate price. WEST TWRNTY-MRUT MTBKBT.?HAND-OWE J.OO ly turni'lied Kooni?, single or double. aocoinino a* loc married coupla* or ainnh- ?< . ntli'ineu , i-xcel.eiit table; stationary waehKUnd*. with h <t ami cold water U) rooms; bathrooms on cach floor. Call for two day* ' nno east nrrKBirrH stiirrt nkak third ! iUO avenue.?Pleaaant furnished Rooms to kt low | to r?.-S|>eciabl?- geutkuien. 07? Wr.8T TWKNTV-HEOOND PTRP.R',.-TO LET, Z. 4 ?) (urn abed for light housekeeping, two largo ? Parlors: aim one ball Bedroom-, terms uiodarata. i 07Q SIXTH AVEM'B. NEAR NETBNTBBNU 1 ilO street- ? Handsomely furnished back l'arlr?r tor on<-or two i'entlemvii. (entc-i 1 bouw all conveniences. Call tor one **?*; _______ 1 on", WENT TWKNTJKTIt -T R E K T. ?TO LET, yUl) tliree Room* oo second floor, turnished, suitable lor housekeeptag divided If required Q|/> li i A E KV ' o.tNKR OK \r JONES?A O ID nt elv furnlnheJ room. auiia' i<? fir a lady, an ond tli* r front rent reasonable; every c> nvcu'.enea; also a dressmaker wanted. VHVTUNISiIKU R(NIM6 \.\l? AI*AIIT MKNTR TO r.FT. A FRENCH FLAT TO RENT AMI FCIINITURR fOR Kale at a ureal sacfMca '>?I1 a. e , ?e*l Kiitr tacona ntri-rt. b?twc-eu Heventh amue and Broadway, , tecond ball to the right. Ap.kt or iiochr wirii evkrv convembnce, Ui let. to grntl* man an I wile will m ike rent very low to the i?artif? I'uHNea day or evening, at H East Thirteenth utie. t. Wo bill on houaa. I A - IHREE FLATS TO LET IN HNB ORDER, AT J\, I.JJi thinl avenue, near Re venty-?eeond **ieet, Cen'ra, I'ar* ftitrniice A&ply t own r, No. 28 Past I roarte nth street. flower 1 ?ELEGANT FRENCH PLAT* TO LIT, NEAR A. fifth avenue, ad inmrovcmrlit* , mitor and )aal treas, ball* beaied aud ( arpeted r< dure I h nt? J ABES EEil RETCH. 9? UtA IWBII. AHI IVKIoR FRENCH IL\I; '.R:\TI.V BE dneed ; splenutd ligation: ?,egant h.?u* , $40 to $43; all Improvements; p i lett orler, Irraeocd; wtlh bast ram Dies Owner No 119 Kail 1 tarty-fourth street; per mits; p'Hwsaion at once. VPART*hNT< CHEAP-tIS TO || . PKH MOBTII j three roinaand kitrheu. firat fl.or periect crdari water Ac.: ft>nr story ntutr. v Ife WfrtwirlywMU tr*?t, between NiuUi and Tenth avenue>. good location genteel famUv. ________ ALAROE R'TOM tUNFCRMSIIEDl. HANDHO*BI.T and newly papared and pain tad. Mcond floor. U f harta* atreet; aix <ar Un>M. hath. tfa-; 11 per weak; ? - one Boom, lurniahed ; rafareucaa. (low for I \BLF. APARTMaNTH To LKT-OF ?OCR J and flva r ?>ui? go-ni location, ntca honae?. at Eleventh and Twelfth ?trat-ta. near second avenaa; rant ?It to 9.10. Inquire ac Kaat Twainii atraai rJLMIANT NfcW FLkTS?EMHT ROOMB; HATH U room : not and eold water ihrou^hctit i atatlnnary wardrobe* Apply to ianltor >n [ r?n>i ?? No. U7 We?t fory ninth ; tract, or to r>)X & nt AFFORD, (10 Sistb avennn 1M.BMANT FMXlRt TO LET-IN NKW MROWN RTONI 'j ii< u-o? taven room*. wHti ail impri.vementa; hath, >?<. Me r> rit? low. In intra of owner, No tOS East r ifiy a.-ro?i4 atr< ?t F^RBN' II FLAT T l LBT-CNPCKNMHBD. BIZ r'toina and batkrWM, ranr<- At , very (Ja*ir,?Ha: beat toeatloiii lowr^nt nair I'araa, ?ra atxl Elevated Railroad. IMiAoat fwenty Berim.l <ire?t F'BENCH KI-xTf TO LET-IN hI'Iih OF H VBN and nine ri-onn aarh with all imrir'.v< menta, l,ath. ?ia dunab waiter. a<- renta low Inigntra of owuar, to* aat Fl:ty wcoikI Hrwet 4 Ij'LAT?IN KIRltr CLaMH RKiWN sTc.NK FRONT; A range. <Junil. wait<-r. aepa tito laan lrv. luarMe bulls; wa !? I.aautifuliy patme I. near the I'.irli, ..wnar iii Uta boaw <>n:r |U No. Weat Futy-flflb atieot P'LAT i)f HKTi-.N PL" AN AN I Riiunw, RKWI.T furnl*hi*<1 with kitCDen io let : roroer House vl cinity <>l thirty fonrth aire ? and Hr a inay. un> xrep tionabla rafrrencea. Apply at No. 7 Wait I hirty second etraat TN THrRTf FOURTH ."TRPPT - A I.AR'IR BACE 1 Parlor, with hot and cold water, (of oRlca or bous? Keeping, also* Floor (flva rooms*. ?ith iha use of tha haih and lauO'lry, in private ln,u?e, rererencaa *1 changed call all ibe weea 4tl Wast Thlrt) tonrth at N'O. I? CLINTON PLACE N AR HKOADWaT Fif?t, >emnd and lhlrl Floors to let. xpleudld rooms tor bn<in<'<* purprnea, e-" ry imiirovement tor pritav- raaldencas; location central; reiarencea. In f|iiire within ONE I.AROB AND ONB RMALL ROOM TO LET, t'N furnislied, an i una furnished . hot and coll water, ! gas. tmtli. references mchanged *M East Flttcentb afreet lietween Hacond and Third aveouea REDC. HO Rf.RTS ?FLAT.1 TO LET IN TUB NEW building comerot First avenua and Heventy seventh i street, with all modern lmt>rovemci|ts, renta ifom $16 to $23. Inquire (<>r Mrs XrcjI'AjiK, on the prainlsa^ (JEVEKAL VERT DRSFPABLE FI.ATH, IN GOOD O loeatlons up town, 7, $ and 9r<'oms. Rents reduced. utaMikitapossesion. Ti\ii' on a rslf l.t* Broadway, naar Forty lour'h street fTtO LET?THE SECOND FLOOR OK THE BROWN I atone bou*e No. VH West Thlrtla?li jireet, betwaan j Eighth ami Ninthavennaa. : fro LBT?8IX BOOMM, BATH. AO., IN BROWN 1 st ne French flat bonne, No. tu Ninth svsbus $M i par ni inth Tl l.KT-IN A PR1VATR HOUSE, QNE OB TWO floors, rent lo?> fo ? 4r?o? tenant Apply w pftm l tea*. J/7 bast Forty sesoud street. VN FURNISHED ROOMS A? D APART MKNTS TO L.KT. TO LST?FIRST CLASS FLOORS M< 1 room*, with ail modern Improvements, isuch as "epar ?to bathroom. hoi and cold water, VJ'nd aud ehaiiueller* duuihwaiior Ac.. at ??.??? per mouth. Apoiy to the Jantter. No. I 6 East seventy eighth street, between ihlra and Lexington avenues. Can lie seen on huuiiay. - ? rnO~LIT-A FLOOR IN HOtSB N<>. 2M HUDSON I street: witter, gas und water Closets *?yLanD' ba'D kept clean hr housekeeper. Apply to UYLA. u, Si: hast Nuieteentjjl street - rpO LET?SECOND FLOOR, WITH OR 1 tront BiMOient Inquire >? o. IS Asbl?jId plsoe iPorry street;, tel. ween Greenwich avenue uml Wa\er ley pf;u'e. ? ? mo I.HI?TO A SMALL FAMILY OF ADULTS, FOU B 1 Huornn, with luu rovemonts; hall* painted, ?t?rs and entries laid with Brussels caroet; rent fj* Apply to owner on premises, 121 Last lilty-third stre<st. hill up rro LKT-NO. nr. WEST HIXTEBNTH SJRKKTi I Second Floor; six rouins. bath, gas, hot ancold water; water closet oil floor; rent near pUtn ??? mo LET-A PLEASANT SECOND 1 rooms, and two attlr Bedrooms, at " : hall aud 1001ns n?*wly painted and papered ; water . pan Orii a and Urge yard- Clinton street, near Maut.oii. IIO L'-iT? FOUR OOOD ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR A small family, imiuiro at 577 Second avenue, near Thirty-second street. ___ mo LET-IN A BROWN STONE HOUHK. fcBOOND 1 Floor ; hus all improvement*. good oration. Owner cau l>e seen on Monday at 'i.'i Lust !? itty-second str e ? near Third avenue. rno LBl-FLEUAMT SECOND KLOOH; ALL IM 1 provemenist private nou*e; fine location - rim moderate, "o. 2B4U.V. Fourteenth street, near feccjui avenue. TO LET?THE FIRST CLASS FLAT IN THE HAND some I)rown su.ije house lJi Bart Fltty' mBowneron with minors; contains ten rooms. Apply to owner on the premises. ? rm> i rt A HA4EW NT FLAT IN TH HANDSOME T brown ? mel.oiue No. 121 Eaet nitv.ninlh street suitable for a doctor or luw.ver; will rent cheap. Apply on premises to owner, , mo LET UNFURNISaBD?A DESIRABLE ^^OR 1 in prlvnte browu stone house; perlect order and good neighborhood: rent low. Apply on premises, iU) feast Fllty-flrst sireet_ Ol) FLOOR, SIX ROOMS, ALL IMPJgr* Zj new brown atone bouse; rent $^1. *u7 west ruiy fifth atg?t * j 4>*7 WBST FORTY-THIRD STREET.?CHOICE Otf 4^1 two Fists or First Floor and Ba??ment. ex cellent neighborhood; new brown stone house; every Improvement; rot low; very private. For OtHer To Let Advertisement! See Directory. BOAHDKRH WAHTBP. Tblo^b from bboadway. gmtmnetmnth Handsomely fnrnlshed Rooms, wilh ^st class Boaids ccutrul and elegant location; alfo table Moara. -j mi ncK wROM FIFTH AVENUE HOTBl#?AT HO. 1 131* West Twenty-third street one back Parlor, with Board^ - 1 VEKY r?E8IR\BLE SUIT OF BOOMS, SECOND 1 floor, to let, with first class Boiird in a family occu pying their own house. _tS West Twenty-sccond street. r, QPKNrEK PLACE (FOURTH STREEll, NEAR 2 West Tenth.?a couple of well furnlshed. sunny with ifood Board; ample closeta; location unex o^Uonable and convenient; tonus moderate ; refer encea <? PLEASANT fhont roomh to ^r-. .vv1[^1,1' Z Board, Jt moderate prices, near the Elevated Kali roaa station. ?7 West Twenly-flrst street . t7 EI,KOANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. ON PARLOR 2 door, with superior Board, "^"... j/o^es^^wentr Filth Aveuuo Hotel; prices moderate. 42 West iwen*y fourth street l) I.AKOK ROOMS, ES SUITE, TO RENT, WITH ?a Board, at 29 East .-oventeentli itreet. 7 wist TWENTY-NINTH STREET.?HARDSOME 4 Parlor and Bedroom on third floor.'r0'' *., ''"Lf.?' lavorabli' arrangements cau now be made lor the s?.a son oryuar. - A TII AVENUE, 269, BETWEEN TWENTIKTH AND 4 Twt-niv-flnt streets.? I.arne and small Booms to let. to families and single gentlemen, with Board , good ta ble, home comiurto. st moderate price*. w v a r ft 11 UTY.FI KST STU1j?I . ONK OOOIt FKOM 0 Fifth avenue.? liaalrable Hootns to let, m ith or with out Hoard: referencas. .*ii aTKNUB NO. SI4.?PLBASANT ROOM ''OR 5 gentlciiiau or gentleman and wife, with Board; reference!. i rTH AVENUE. S49.?TWO t,AROB AND OOMMO t) dlous Floors, tlrst and second, will be vacated June 1 rletrsnilv furnished; first class appointments, en ?nbr or Mtnaratelv. to lainilies or pentienien. with or without private tsble or without meals; liberal arrange ments tor summer. j - th AVhNU' jTkaR DF.t.MONICO'S. COOLEST n ?nd rntieieac location in town?Desirable Booms, w..hS?w. h." Board "also ?-ult ot elegant Parlors. In the spa"lo^ 4oubTa heuse ? Filth avenue; summer prices. a\r n\ TO ?7 PER WEEK.-TO LET. WITH ?)') Board, very nleastnt Rooms, nicely fur* nl-lied sultib.e lor persons that will room together; alM table Kuaril. 8l?l Eaat fmrty thirj Street. , MTU -TREE I. 25) WB -T.?FURNISHED ROOMS TO let with toard; suitable lor inerried or single gentlemen splendl l loca .o i : reier.-n n exchanged. i "PER WEEK-NICE FRONT KO' M. OkBTLK Sl4 man and wife or two gentlemen, with Kood Uble: single Boom t9; hot and colJ water, In IM and 146 Waveriv place. , - I ?t |1H ^TRF.KT (TFST.?TWO LaROF. CONNECT 14 in; Itoom?. furnished, to let. with Board, to a party of cent euien. or lo a MW '; WW* WW**' ; 1/. I I RY BEAR TENTH BTRi.ET AND SIXTH lO avenue.?i wo Urge hall Rooms; $5 and $7. loca tlon gooii and central; a good tab.e guaranteed; tab.e board ?'? 8" per week. EAST SKVEN rV-FIFTH STREKT. NEAR MADI IO son nvenue -City and country combined . Board Aorge^tu men and wfves or ????????V^i'i"^ "f. ff'iniiv inrinched fcooma, overloohini ^utrii tara, Sonse brown stone ? leel wide; ?mmar iHeea. ,.TH STBi- KT I!tt BA^T-HANDSOMELY FUR fl nis'ied Itoiwns to let. with every convenience, on Jo." sn? third floors, flrs class Board, in a house well located. 10 narvaf n W! .MT V-FOUUTil ^TREF.T, NEAR Hr.'?adwar ?Choice of heautHul Hoomi. with or wIUiout boaTd f bou? .trlctly flr.t class reference re quirt 1. - _ ANI1 l9 WF.?T TBNTH STBKF.r. NEAR FIFTH 1 I H v' ntie - I'nii'iiftlly desirable ^uits. second floor, with superior Boar l . I?rge Iront ball Room, with closet, and other Rooms for gentlemen. 18 ? in TIIMIt-SKCOND STREbT, NEtR FlfTH J iron* -Volet with Hoard, a large front Room; also a bat< Room, leterences. ______ W, ?T TWENTY FOURTH srBKET.?ELKOANTLY 11) furnished Rooms to let. with or wlibout Jcn'lemen and ?neir wives or single gentleman; Unsi moderate, 19 WEST WAHIIINOTON PLACE.?FURNI-H ED Bolm. to reut with Board, for single gentlemen. ioo AND $2S ?LA BOB, WEut rUBNISHBD *20 Ro<'ms goi^l location; go^l table; every eoa? venlenf tTcnvate rami y ; lor gentleman and wUe. ?? West ? llty nrst street. i??l WF T NINTH STREET.?TWO HANDSOME, 22 Urge Booms, nawlv inrntshtrt an 1 carpJ to tet with eaceiient Hosrd; also second floor Irout hall E^oni. summer prices. 0??D STREET. NO. 81 WE*T?WKLE FCRNHHED L. A front Room, with alcove, hut ?nJ cold water and flr?t clnM Hoard; term* reaaonable lor (he tuinnur, reference* given anil required. I OO WEST TWI NTY SECOND STREET. BETWEEN I Ldit ?Inn anil sixth arenui-a.?T? let. with Board. one doable Room bark, for tw*> gen'lenien or man and wife, term* >15 per week, and <<ne single Room for 2QD STREET, l? EAST -TWO HANDSOMELY ?) furntlie.l Room* on acr.inil floor, aouthern ex posure. with or wl hout Board; alio other Rovmt; ret ?re mm. C)A Til hTEEBT, NO. U WE#T.?H AN I'SOM r.LY Zt fttrni?hed Room* to let, with Board . locality ei cellent Mitli Avenur Hotel block. terms low to per manent par tie* Call on or addre** Mrs. ( AKLTUN. Q7 Wf.?T EIollTEENTIi STREET ? A S COND *L I Floor, consists* of thret roonia. en aulte or ?Ingle; also other desuitblo Booina. flmt c an table, rearencc* 07TII ffTRSKT. 191 EAST ?H ANIIMiM ELY FCR L. I nl*hed Koom* to let, with flrat clam table, (or lam fuee or nugle itaiitlrinrn; term* moderate. IX) W Mr THIRTY SEC ?ND hTREKT BKTWEEN BroiMlwaT and Hftn avenue.?Fine Mara of Room* ?an now lie arcart d by flrat ela?* laatlle*. with loard; reference) exchanged. QlTII HTREKT, J? WKST ? DE-IRABLE FRONT *>'r Room*, wltn excellent Board; term* low, refer ence s. ? I IfU sTRKET, IM WKBT NEAR H KO A l> W A Y ? O't IUnd?omely turnlahed Room* on flrat and aei ond floor*, with unexceptionable Board; alao tingle Room, family ainall. but lew erkr-t boarder* taken. ?>.-TII HT. 74 WE-iT.-DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH UU flr*tcla*< Board for famllle* or *lt?gle irentlemen; liberal arrangement* lor Ihe suuiuier, table Board for two; reference*. 3r WE.VT SIXTEENTH HTREKT, BETWkEN FIFTH ') and Htxth avenuo* ? fo let, with Board, a large, pleaaant Ki.oin, to gentleman and wife or single gentle - am; urn*Mry low. ?>7 WEST THIRTY MnYH STREET.?DEHl RA BLR O I Room* for families or *lnglc gentlemen. with Board : a private table given II preterreq; references exchanged. OOTII STREET, NO. *)?. ?HANDSOMELY Fl'R OO nlahnd Kontna. with first clan* Board ; location un exceptionable ; convenient to Broadway. Sixth aad Bevrnth aTf i.ii' line*. Tlioee in search of a home call. Ai\ Whirr SIXTEENTH STREET.?A SUIT OF J " Room*, second floor, froot; alao a hall Room, with Board; references. Mr* CHKBTHaM.s. Ai\ WEST TWENTY-SEVENTH STRKET.-H AND. TV *oin*ly farnl*hed Room*, with flr*t cla** Board ?Od appointment*, to lei. en suite or singly, to families or (Ingle gentlemen , reference* A I WEST THIRTY FIFTH 8TBKET.? TWO OR xL three handsomely fornl*hed Room* to let with Board, term* moderate; reference* exchanged. A n WEST MX1EENTH STEEKT.?HANDSOME LT 'i Id and newly turnlahed Boom* to let, wl h flrsl cl**g Board, to tamille* tod tingle gentlemen' terms renioria bi? lor tl>e tumiaar. teiare ucm BOARDERS WASTKP. /<() CLINTON PLACE.-FAMILIES AND 81XGLB rt4 rsutlrtnen In search of superior accommodations In the war of beautiful Rooms, furnished and unfur nished, and first class Table, will And Ifcllira* In IM spacious bouse at No. 4i. corner ot Clinton and I nlver aliv pla' t's. now lust opened: every room well lighted anl ventilated; tuo convenience of tlila location 1* un surpassed by any in the city; the City Hall, Broadway a nil Central Park line of cars pass the bouse, both up and down, us also u croa*-town lluo, from tlie Nortn to tliu East Uiver. A A LEXINGTON AVENUK.-TO LET, WITU it Hoard, a second story iront Uooiu, with hot and cold water suitable for gentleman and wil'o; also a few gentlemen can be accommodated with Hoard. A EAST TWENTY-SECOND STRKKT, N E AR HROAD way.?Elegantly furnished Rooms, with flrst clas* Board, for families and gentlemen; house newly fur nished and painted, with modern improvements; terms moderato. A Q WEmT FOURTEENTH STRK IT.?SOME VERY TrO desiruble Rooms, en sulie or singly, well fur nishod, or one entire 'Third Floor, with Hoard : table first class. A few tao'.e boarders can be acconimodated. A Q WEST WASHINGTON PLACE ? PLEASANT r?/ furnished Rooms 10 let, with or without Board; all modern improvements. ? Q EAST TWENTY FIRST STREET.?ROOMS ON T*' third door, together or separately, with tlrst class Board; references exchanged. f AtB STREET AND BAST RIVER. 18 BEBK i)y' man place.?Finest location in the city, river view, to let, furnished or unfurnished, with Board. a nlcc alcovo Room, on first floor; terms to suit a social young couple. fro WEST THIRTY-THIRD STREET.?A HAND tj't Komelv furni-hed second itory front Parlor and Bedroom, en suite, with flrst class tablo: uuexoeptiou able references given and required. rn WEST TWENTY-SECOND STREET.? PL! ABA NT ')<) Rooms lor gentleman and wlfo or singlo gentle uieu with first ciuss Hoard ; relureuce. ??1 WKST FUItT V-SIXTH STREET, BETWEEN UI Fifth and -ixth avenues.?'Throe very handsome Rooms to rent, with flrst class Board; summor prices. 60 WEST NINTH STREET.-A VERY DESIRABLE O second story ftont Room and hall Room 10 rent, with flrst class Hoard; the family is private, Ac.; terms moderate. L>H THIRTY-EIGHTH STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH U I and fclxth avenues.?Kleirantly turnlshed Floors. In suits or siuglv, with private table oniv, at liberal terms for the summer or by the year; references ex changed. rj 1 MADISON AVENUE.?VERY DESIRABLE CON I 1 nectlug Rooms 011 third tloar to let; first class Hoard; also single Rooms, for gentlemen; terms mode rate; retereuce exchanged. Ol V A RICK STREET.?A HACK PARLOR TO LET, O L with Board, to two ?retit!emen ; terms moderate. 1AH WEST TWKXTY-E1GHTH STREET. CORNER 11/1/ Sixth uvenno ring third bell. ? lo let Room and Bedroom nicely turnlshed, with or without Hoard, In a smalt French family. ? 1AA EAST TWBNTY-THIRI) STREET -ROOMS TO i'mF let,with Board; location very desirable; refer ences exchanged. ? 1/\?1 TWENTY-SIXTH STREET NEAR FOURTH luj avenue.? Handsomely furnuhe 1 Rooms to let, with Board: terms moderate. -|/\Q WEST FORTY-SECOND STREKT, NEAR THE It'O Park.?Handsomely furnished Rooms to rent, with or without private table; also one single Room; references excliaoged. 1/m EAST SIXTEENTH STREET, THREE DOORS from Westminster Hotel.?Rooms, handsomely furnished, to let, with or without Board ; references ex changed. HQ EAST FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN FIRST JLlt" and Second avenuoa.?A front Parlor, neatly fur nished. to let, with or without Board: also u few board ers cau havo gojd Board and Booms, on reasonable terms. 1 EAST TWENTY-SECOND STREET, NRAR 1 Fourth avenue.?Pleasant front Rooms, with Board, to gentlemen and wivos or single gentlemen; terms 86 SO to $'J per uoelt; table boarders t ikon. 1 f)Q WEST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET?A FEW l.?Ot.eiiUotwn and ladies cau be accommodated wltn very wood Board and pleasant 100ms, with gas. bath and all conveniences, terms reasonable. 1QA WEST TWENTY-NINTH STREKT ? PLEASANT ?>U Rooms, with Board, with the comforts of a home, for two or three gentlemen; references ex changed. -iqti WEST FORTY-FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN XOO Hroadwav and >lxth avenue.?Rooms, with flrst class Board, (or gentlemen or geutleinan and wife; no ch ldreti taken ?IQCr LEXINGTON AYENUK. CORNER TWFNTY 1D<) ninth street.?To let. with or without Board, double and Finale Rooms, handsomely furnished; flrst class house and table; tirins reasonable l'J? WEST FIFTEENTH BTBKRT.?TO LET, WITH lOO Hoard, to (ho gentlemen, a nieelv furnished Room, wiih larite pan trie-; hot and cold water; refer ence* exchanccd. -I A A WEST THIRTY-THIRD STBKBT, NEAR A .TTT Sixth ar.?Boaidlnu, %i\ furnuhed Room*. $2. 1 A r EAST TWENTY-FIRST -TB, KT (OBABRRCY jTrtJ I'ark).?lo let. with Board, handaomely furnish ed Suit of Rooms; also one Mn/le Room ; reference* ex changed; privilege of private park. "M 7 EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET.? IO I.ET, It I lurnMiel, First Floor, parlor and two extension roonis; also a hall Room, with or without Hoard ; r?.er en- ea "I ;r-| WEST TWENTIETH STREET ? A PARLOR i ? )1 Floor three rooms and bathroom on the same -floor, with Board; a lew more Rooms on second floor. I X/t WEST TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. B1VBRN J?)t) sixth and Seventh avenuea.?Fine, airy Rnomi, with or without Board; good utile; kind attendance and prices to suit the times Kefereuce* exchanged. lrn f AST TIIIRIIRrn STRBRT, NEAR THIRD 1?M avenue ?A few ge itlemen can be accommodated with peasant Kooijh ana good Board. n- WEST EORTY FIF H ST BERT, SECOND door ? ) east of Broadway ?Choice of Room* with Board, In a four atory hrpwn ston- hou?o. newly turulshrd. WEST TWENTY F >UKTU KTBEBT.?TO LET, ?\r[r with Honrit a large front Koom. all conret* tences; a'so larw hull Boom, containing hot and cold water and Urge cloMta: loo tatile Hoard. QAQ WKHT TWENTY-FIRST STREET.?A Nl MBES ?jUO (>r vcrv elega-it Room* to let. witn Board. ?tn^ly or en suite; aliio several small Room* for gentiemeu. WEST TWENTY FOURTH STREET.?TWO large, furnished Kooni?, and two hall Hoorni. to gether orsei.ara.e. lor gentleman and wife qf ningle gen tic men with or without Board: house private: Uble flrit claaa; all conveniences and home eoiutorte term* reasonable. QilQ EAST FORTY-NINTH STREET.?NICELY FUR. ?nlslied Room to let, with gool Board, in a Jew teh private family; table hoarders taken. OIO EAST THIRTY-FIRST STREET.?A LABOR. LO nicely tarnished front Boom; large cloeeta; hot and cold water. with Board; lamtly private ll?W WEST TWEVIY SECOND STREET.?LABOR hatideomelf furnished fr >nt Boon, hathrona floor, gooa, plentiftiHafc.e; <m->ll private lainilv ; houae flr.t cfa?. all modern .niprovemtiita; terms moderate; best references ne< esiary. WEST FOkTIFIRST STBEET.?VERY RBA >)?) sonable Rooms, with Board, tor la ilea aaJ gentlemen. (>() O WEST 40TH ST.?ELEGANT FURNISHED Z ? O Bootn< for gentleman i:id lady; Board for lady only. ___ _ __ i)QO THIBI) AVENUE -A YOUNO MAN CAN BR aceotninoiaUid witn -ingle Room and H ani; also Room tor two; ga* and bath. Term* mo<lerata. OAtl WEST I WENTY-sRCOND STREET. BETWEEN ZtU Seventh and Eighth avenues.?Rooms, with Bosrd. *yn.1 ?T" AT.?PLEASANT FURNISHED BOOMS, /j* > I with good Board ; also Uble Boarder* ; location uiuorpae*ed nr*(\ WEST TWENTY-SRCOND STREET ?TO LET, iOU with Bosrd. * lari:e, nicely lurniefced front Boom ample closet rooa. modern Improvements. Ref erences. QIU' WEST THIKTT FIRsf sIBEET.-TWO OEN 0"l> ttemrncan be a common ated with a large, pleasant Koom end Board, at ?7 each. Q/\7 RAST SIXTY FIFTH STKEET.-A OENTLE OU I man and wite or a tewsingl* gentlemen can ob tain good Board with a quiet family ; term* reasonable^ OA(i WEST THIRTY SEVENTH STREET.?TWO Ov V large Rooms, southern exposure on accond and third floors for gentlemen, with or Without Board; Ainericen lastly. 007 BAST TWENTIETH STREET. ?TWO FUB ? >?> I nlshcd Rooms in a private family with Board, If desired. Me of bath. gas. Ac ; reference* exchanged. i||C WEST THIRTY FOURTH STREET. ?SECOND OtU Floor, three Ro >ms, to fnmllle* or gentlemen; liberal tame, extra closet*; tieauiltul location for euaa mer and convenient to Elevated Rat.way elation; also a alnule Room. 077 WEST TWENTY SECOND STREET-NEWLY Oil tarnished Room 1. with Board, for gentleman and wife or single gentlemen good tab>e and picuaant home; location unsurpassed and terms moderate. /itill THIRD AVF.N1 E.-A FEW ORNTLRMEN CAM tOU be accommodated with good Board and pleas ant Booms 7HO OBRRNWICH STBEET, NRAR CIIARLES-A ( Uw married couple cau have Bonn!, larire Koom, tas. marble basin, use of parlor, piano and bath for II SB 1 lfiO BROADW AT.?AN RLKOANT SUIT OF 1 ?l'J? Apartments, newly tnrnlslied. large oloeets and private hath attached. every convenience: mo?t desirable location in the city; near all hotels; private table If deetred. AN AMERICAN LADY OF EXPRRIENOR WOULD like one or two children to board ; a good home and best care, location np town, We*t. Aildre** MATRB.N'AL, Herald Uptown branch nflVa. A SMALL PKIVATE FAMILY HAVE A FRW PLEA ?ant Koom* to let, to gentleman and wife, or MBgle gentlemen, with Board: reference* exchanged. No. 17 weet Korty-*econd (treat. ALAROE FRONT ROOM ON THE SECOND FLOOR Ut let? With Board; closet and gas; also a hall | Koom. and a large Room on the third floor, tit Weat Nineteenth atreet A small i'kiva 1 r family would let onr or two nlcelv ftirnlahed Rooms, with or without 1 breaxjast. to gentlemen, on reasonable tarnu, location first claaa. 155 West Forty fifth street Hoard $? weeklt-comportablk room, with first clat* Board, tor two fomng gentlamenj references reijuire 1. ti Vartck atreet, corner of Beach, T\EfllB A RLE BO MI, WITH FIRST CLAM BOARD, I / In private tamlly, at itot West Km> third airtet; I flue iocatiuu. BOA liDKKijyAWTKp.^ Z3& FIRST CLABS BOARD AN J * E11KG KSt tlfpTSfB' with all convenience etalM had by gouteineu a flu* residence 73 West twelfth street, between ruth anj sixth avenues; term* moderate. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM AN!) Bedroom on second tloor, to let, with Board, at fit per week, lor two person*: location Wost Thirty-fourth street. Address PLEASANT, box 142 Herald Uptowu Branch office. IN A SMALL, PRIVATE KAMI I,/, A VERY FLEA. 1 ?ant Room and Pantrv (in third floor to let, wilti Hoard to un? or two gentlemen; with all Improvements, and comfor a of a very pleasant ltoiae. Cull at Mo. lt? Wust Tenth .-tieet. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL RENT TWO OR THBEH Rooms, with or w ithout Board; S3 to $8 per woek. 44S West Twentieth street, near Elevated Railroad depot. 11 OOM;-?WITH OK WITHOUT BOARD; IIOMK COM fortg. No. 415 Wost Thirtieth street. SINGLE OR DOUBLE ROOMS TO LET- WITH BO.VRU; S6 per week; table Board, $t. lit) Macdougal street. TO LET-A FRONT AND BACK PARLOR, FURNISH ed or unfurnished, for man and wife or a party of roans men, wim or without Board,, at 203 Prtnce street TWO OENTLEMEN CAN FIND A VERY COMFORT; able house ia a small family j undoubted reierenii 28 West Thirty sixth street. i BOARD AND LODGUiO WANTED. ( "\\l ANTKD?WELL FURNISHED LARGE AND SMAH tt Room*, wnh good Board, tor two adults; oast sid? preferred; terms 8H per week- Address U. L. o.t QeraW Uptown Branch olhce. BROOKLYN BOARD. (?/?? TO #10 PER WEEK?BOB BOARD, WITH IV (tie Room ; very small ones at $5; also Rooms witii outboard, at 107 Henry street, live minutes' walk iron principal terries. 1Q SIDNEY PLACE.?NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS JO with Board; hot and cold water; billiard table l.ii use of boarders; house overlooks the bay j terms mod erate. 9QQ HICKS STREET (ON THE HEIGHTS., ZiO'J Nicely furnished hall and large Rooms to let suitable for gentleman and wife or single gentlemen within II vo minutes' walk of South or Wall street ferries excellent table terms moderate for summer tuarders. A^m PRIVATE I-AMILY, OCCUPYINO THEIR OWN house oil the hill between DeKalb av. and Fultoi street, will let a handsomely luruished Room to gentl* mail and wife <>r two gentlemen, with or without Boarl Address E. K? Herald Brooklyn Branch office. PARTIES DESIRING A CHOICE TABLE A Mi LARGE well furnished uiry Rooms lor the summer, in Fira plaee, Brooklyn, upon moderate terms, may address ii W. H., Herald office, New York. HOTELS. A -SMI HI'S HOTEL, 68 CHATHAM STRBBT, NBA* ? City Hail and new Post Office.? Neat single Room* W) colit* nor day ; $3 per week; always open; near Broad way and business centre. A?260 LIGHT. WARM ROOMS, 25 CENTS, 35 CENTS . 50cents and ?1; gentlemen and families. Frank fort House, corner ot Frankfort and William street# Open all night Belmont hotel, fulton street, nbaii Broadway bnaiuesa centre.? European plan; Rooms 50c. upward; new lamily r.oouis; fine dining rooms. Meals at low prices; hotel open at all hours. Hotel st. okbmain, fifth avenue, twenty second street.?Splendid Rooms; summer rates American plan; reduced %i per day ; finest, coolest, most elegant situation in the ci v; rooms front, facing tin street; elevator Ac. WILLIAM Q. TOMPKINS. Madison avenue hotel, corner twenty seventh street and Mudiaon avenue ?America^ and European plan: Rooms. $1 to $3 per day ; Board, from $9 to $12 per week; family Rooms at low prices. Madison square house, corner broadwai and Twenty first street.?Fine Suits of Rooms t? let (one on parlor floor), with excelleut Board at res. souablc rates. PAKE HOTEL. CORNER BEEKMAN AND NASSAU streets.?New curled hair beds. In clcan Rooms, *? reduced prices: Rooms bv the week from $3 to >14; by the day, from 5t)c. to $1 00. WINCHESTER HOUSE, EUROPEAN PLAN, COR ner or Broadway and Thirty-first street?Tint hotel Is newly fitted in elegant stylo, embracing all tin modern improvements;hot an 1 cold water, baths, Ac.; pleasant ana comlorial le single and family Rooms. COUNTRY BOARD. A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY OWNING A NICH place, five minutes from depot, can accommodate a lew Boarders. Address BOARD, Tremont. A WIDOW OWNING A PRETTY PLACE IN TUB country. Ave minutes from depot, would like tw? or three children to Board. Addresa A. B.. Tremont. AT MORRI8TOWN, N. J., 2U MINUTES' DRIVE FROM depot, location unsurpassed for purity of atmo* phere, picturesque drives and all the attractions oi country living, excellent stabling. Rooms ran be secured In the i.rand View House; also furnished Cottage, with Board, on moderate terms lor soasou, by applying at i! Fifth avenue. CIOUNTRY BOARD-AT THE OLEN FARM HOUSE ) near Spring Valley. Rockland county. N. Y.; on* mile from depot; one hour by rail from this city: th? house baa all modern improvements; place is extraurdl partly healthy and romantic; shade, boating and bath ing ; early fruit and vegetable*; pure milk and rre.Ii eggs For particulars address J. A. U., box 3,si9 Posi office. New York. (COUNTRY BOARD?AT AN ELEGANT PRIVATE J residence at tlreenport on I'econlc Bay, flvs minutes' walk from depot and steamoost landing, with fine boating and Ashing, one or two families or a nuui ber oi single gentlemen can lie accommodated for M14 summer stabling lur horses convenient Apply at or address 1!M South Fourth street, between Fifth ani sixth avenue* Mrs. P. MOUNT CIOUNTRY BOARD?ELIZABETH. A GENTLEMAN / and wife or two single gentlemen can be arcoimiiir 1 dau-d. * Ith Board, In a strictly private family; comfort ab e rooms, hcua? 10minutea' walk from depot; refer | ences exchanged. Address B. M. M , Elixabeth (N. J.) j Post'' fflce. Good accommodaiion-healthy location. one mile from Pelhum bridge, one hour Horn Fulton ferrr. Addreas W. C., Herald Brooklyn Branch ofllc: Ladies can bf. accommodated with board ourimr their confinement a short distance In tha i couuiry, Woodbridge. L, 1. Address B. Z., box 137 Herald office. H'mjier itEsoim. /lOOPER HOUSE, CO<JPER.->TOWN. N. T., V/ will open June 24. Ouesta of last year wi?hiug to reserve their rooms for the coining season ?ill pR-ase notifly the undersigned j.i or before the 15th Inst W. B. COLEMAN. __ New York llotel. 17OOD8BDRGH PAVILION, WOODSBURdH, L. I - * This inagnifleout hotel will be opened early In May ; families desirous to leave the city in May will b-i UiMTallv dealt with . this hotel is delightfully situated, overlooks the ocaan and receives its cooling breezes. Is prnectly healthy, free from all malarious diseases, elc gautlv equipped, and Is Kept first class. For terms, ad dress N. p. se well. w For Other Boarding Advertisements See Dlrerlory. I UITil.IA HUH. ? FINE STOCK OF STANDARD BILLIARD TABLE1', j\ new and s?'Cond htnd. popular -tylessn i low prices. , Fine ornameutal 1 ues and the largest and beat Stock of Billiard Articles in the country. R W. CuLLBNDER, 738 Broadway. American standard bevel billiard tables with Dflanev's wire cushions, solelv uaed in ail championship anil match games, second Hand Tables at great bargains. W. H. GRIFFITH A CO.. m Veaey at F^or -ale cheap?a sbt or POOL balls, with Rack. Ac., complete Apply to or address i. M MASH. ? I'roepect piace, BroofclyA. PIIBLAN'S MILLIARD TABLBS FOR SALE ONLY r>y GEORoh K. PUELaN, 36 Bast Fourteenth street New York. USCHB .TNUf STRe.ET, 1'HIl.ADKLPHIA ASTKOLOOT. ASrBOLOOKB.?PROrBSSOR LISTER, 329 81X1II avenue. Send tor circular*. Addreas all letters to I bo* 4,8?rost office, Nsw fork A?BBB. LA BLANCH. TBK GREAT UNRIVALLED ? business ?n 1 medical olairvorant, No. 103 Wen I Thirty Ural street, thiril door wait i f SLxtli avenue. ATTENTION.-ENOW THY DKSTINY. AFTER TOt/ hevc tieon deceived ami lo*t taith conmlt tha ureat ' est rialrvorant ol the jives luck. causes marriage, tel s ever,) iluug, 1JW Wait Furt) tint street near Ureal w?r Attention.-consult atio* ok rubines-", nolta. enemies, losses. absent trien is, love, marriage, sickness ?nd leutli. Pay rutu?ed unless satisfied. MI Math avsn?. Bmc. SlNOBL IJCROPRA* clairvoyant - TKLLS NaMKI. j shows likenesses, tauaes marriages; Wc. to ft N?, ISO West 1 wsnty tltih stretu T Ai)T BLOOD HORN. rtlMRlfFAL CLAIRVOYANT MJ Consulted upon bu-lnes*. patboloffy, matrimony and immateriality. 3* Eighth avenue. Lsdles only ad mitted. ________ MBR. collins, A RELIABLE AND TRUST, worthy Clairvoyant 279 Blitli avenue, near .-even tseuth streeL MBR. ROSS?THE ORBATE8T LIVING QLAIRVOT ant, gives advice in Lovs, Marring, Sickness, 1 Loaae*. *c.; tells everything. No. 7SI Mxth avenue. True fortune telling.?4.17 west thirtt seventh street, third floor, hack room. Inquire lor Mrsj'OBA_L_(oTer_th? liquor tors.) TESTS Of LIFE BRTOND THE ORAVE.-B. V Wilson, the Seer and reader or tinman nature. wil| test at Qallatln 11*11, ?U Fulton avenue, Brooklyn, tau day, st S o'clock r. B. MKIIKAL. _PB. ASD~B*K TAN BUSSlRKL NO~13l EAdf ? Twenty-eighth street. near Thlr 1 avenue. A?DR AND BBS. ORINDLB < URR ALL COB . plaint*; a year*' practice. I*) West Twenty sutlut AUTICB PRES.?DR. AND BME. BoTT can BB consulted confidentially at No. 47 West 19th street ?M M E. MAXWELL, BIDWF1E. RESIDENCE III ? Ka t fenth street, uear Third avenue. A?BBE. REST ELL, BID WIPE StxcB 1*40. Na 1 ? Easit Flfty-eecoiU jtieoi, flnt door iroiu fifth a v. Attention 1-hr JAcoby <late op pkussiai. Consultation free. Private office 1C1 Blecckcrst. A ?DR. AND MBE. ORIBDLB CURE AbL OOB JtX? plalnti; years' practice. 12u West 26tli street ClONSt'LT DR. OR MMH. WEST.-ALL COBPLAINTB J etirsd; advice free. 4fi Bleecker it, neir Broadway TjB. KINO'8 OFFICE 42 UltkUhMl AV. AND H MJ West *1 it itnruerlr Amity ?u. uc-ar iiroaj***.