Newspaper Page Text
TBI HA Wreck of the Eagle Line Steamer on the Seilly Isles. TWO HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Drifting to Destruction Amid a Thick Fog. CLINGING TO THE WRECK A Night of Horror, Suspense and Death. T1IE MASTS GO BY THE BOARD The Efforts to Save?Affect ing Incidents. FULL LIST OF THE PASSENGERS. Names of the Forty-three Per sons Reported Rescued. THE NEWS IN THE CITY. Distressing Sights at the Company's Office. HOPE, FEAR AND DESPAIR What the Schiller had on Board. THE KETARRIERE LEDGE Sketches of the Passengers?Description of the Schiller. [special despatch to the herald by cable.] London, May 8, 1875. By telegram from the Scilly Isles we have the mournful intelligence that the steamship Schiller was totally lost on the Retarrier Ledges, near Bishop's Book, Scilly Islands, off the southwest coast of Cornwall, at the bour of ten o'clock last night FX AS OF A GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. Fears are entertained that a great loss of lif' ons occurred. ~ * FJtW OFT.'?, A??xj?3ERS LACKED. A few of the passengers have be"u landed by a boat at St Marie's. what thet sat. They report that 200 persons have probably been lost the sea exceedingly rough. There is a fearful Bea running and the boats can hardly live. A LIFEBOAT OFF TO THE SCENE OF THE WRECX. The Scilly lifeboat has put off for the ?ocne of the disaster. the CAUSE OF TBS CALAMITY. The cause of the calamity was the preva lence of a dense fog, which rendered the Scilly light* invisible. POSITION OF THE WKECX. Tbe steamship is lying broadside on the rocks, under four fathomB of water. The mainmast is gone. THE STEERAGE and OTKEB PASSENGERS. Of the steerage and other passengers there were saved:? L. Reiderer, Henry Stern, Carl Kuhn, Leo Weste and F. Schelleabercr. TWO DBAS BODIES LANDED. Two of the bodies which were recovered were dead when landed. THI SBABCH QUITE ACTIVE. A iteamer, the lifeboat* and pilota are searching in the neighborhood of the wreck. THE CAFTAIK AMD THIRD MATE DBOWHSD. The Captain and the third mate of the Schiller have been drowned. BATED. Among the persons saved are the first, second and fourth officers and twenty-five of the crew. Besides those whose names have already been reported by cable as saved there are: ? Silas Hester. C. Trahm. Marcns PowitEer. Charles Jones and wife. C. Dantzen. Carl Janset. Leo West It. Williams. C. H. Percy. Mas Cohn. John Rink, or Klinck. Font others, steerage passenger* whose names are at present unknown, they being in sensible when they were landed. THE MEM OF THE CBEW WHO WEBB BATED. The names of the men of the crew who were saved are:? Hellers. ??- Poloman. Heintze. Oolberg. Wallace. Wieck. Bleisener. Packendorff. Weiaer. Dan Blockhouse. Rehberg. Jensen. Adamsen. Hftnmftnn. Peck. Blohm. Jensen. Weruecke. Fahler. Hoflman. Ernst Lemke. Balling. Pierson. Piel. Hinach. Schweinske. TBS StTBVIVOES AND THE DEAD AT PENZANCE. Tbe survivors and the dead arrived to-day in Penzance as follows: ? At eight o'clock there came a boat with seven persons. At ten o'clock two boats with seven persons, two of whom were dead, and at eleven o'clock there came two other boats. AT TRESCO ISLAND. Twenty-six men and one woman rtoched Tresco Island in two boats. DEAD BODIES PICKED UP. The St. Agnes boat subsequently picked up the bodies of four men, two women and a little boy. FLO ATTNO ON A PIECE OP WRECK. One man was found at Smith's Sound float ing on a piece of the wreck. THBEE MORE CORPSES. At a late hour of the day three bodies, one a female, were found. TBE LIVING AND TBE DEAD. Forty-three persons are known to have been saved. Nineteen bodies have been recovered from the sea. TBE SEA STILL MERCILESS. A violent sea is still beating on the merci less shoal, and thus prevents the rendering of efficient aid. THE LAST MAST GONE?SCORES OP PEOPLE DROWNED. When, finally, the boats reached the neigh borhood of the Re tar ri ere Ledge the last mast of the Schiller went overboard and scores of people who were clin^ng to it were drowned atter having endure#the most agoniziug sus pense during the night SLEEPING ON TBE BRINE OP KTERNOT. Nearly all of the passenger* ha?l ^one to sleep at the time of the accident TBE PATAL LEDGE. Retarriere Ledge is one of the many dan gerous shoals lying inside of Bishop's Rock lighthouse and the island of Rosevear. DID TBEY BEAR TBE BELL? The sound of the Bishop's Rock tog bell ought to have been heard by the crew of the steamer. MAIL BAGS RECOVERED. Eighty bags of mail matter have been re covered from tbe wreck. Tbe steamer Mary, trading between Scilly and Penzance, saved many bags of the mails and several bales of the cargo. TBE DISASTER ALMOST TNPARALLELED IN ITS PATAL RESULTS. No such disaster as the present has happened on the Cornish coast since the occurrence of the wreck of tht John May, in the year 1855, when 200 lives were lost ANOTHER ACCOUNT. TBI DREADFUL DISASTER ANNOUNCED IN LONDON?TWO HUNDRED PERSONS SAID TO BATS BEEN LOST. London, May 8, 1875. Intelligence of a shocking marine disaster has just reached this city. The Eagle line steamship Schiller, Captain Thomas, which sailed from New York Apnl 28 for Hamburg, by way of Plymouth and Cherbourg, has been wrecked off the 8cilly Isles. TWO HUNDRED PERSONS SAID TO HATS BEEN DOST. It is believed that 200 persons have per ished. THE TERRIBLE NEWS CONFIRMED?THE TIKE, PLACE AND CIRCUMSTANCES. London, May 8?12:30 P. M. Additional particulars thus far received of the wreck of the steamship Schiller show that the disaster is fully as terrible as at first reported. STRIKES A ROCKY LEDGE DURING A POO. The accident occurred at ten o'clock last night, at %hich hour the steamship struck on the dangerous Retarriere Ledge, near Bishop's Rock. STATE OP THE WEATHER. A fog prerailed at the time. PtBST RELIEF SOME OP THE BUBVrVuR-i LANDED. A boat belonging to St. Agnes, the south ernmost of the Scilly Islands, has landed some of the survivors of the wreck at St Mary's Island, another of the 8cillys. These survivors were picked up while swimming with the tide. NARROW ESCAPES PBOM DEATH AFTER THE WRSCK. They had several narrow escapes from drowning, and were a numbei of times washed off a rock. WHAT THE SATED ONES SAT. They declare that the Dumber of liTes lost by the disaster is two hundred. A FEARFUL SKA RAOIHO. A fearful sea is ramus, and it is scarcely possible for boats engaged in searching for survivors to live. A LIFEBOAT OFT FOB THE wbbck. The Scilly life boat has pot ofl for the wreck. THE AGENT OF THE EAGLE LINB OFT FOB THE SCBNB OF THE D1SASTEB. Plymouth, Eng., May 8?12:30 P. M. The agent at this place of the Ea^le line has proceeded to Skilly. THB MOURNFUL reverberation OF A GUN OF DISTBE88. A gnn was heard at one o'clock this morn ing near the Bcene of the disaster. FIT* PASSENGERS AND TWO OF THB CREW LANDED? THE CAPTAIN AND SECOND MATE DROWNED. London, May 8?1 P. M. Up to this hoar five passengers and two of the crew of the steamship Schiller are known to have been saved. It is known that the Captain and second mate were drowned. CONDITION OF THB WBECB?BROADSIDE ON THB BOCKS AND UNDER WATER. The steamship is now lying broadside on the rocks. She is under water and her mainmast is gone. RELIEF VESSELS cbui8ino ABOUND. A steamer and several boats are cruising about the scene of the wreck, searching for survivors. A DENSE TOO THB CAUSE OF THB calamity. The disaster was owing to the dense tog, which* prevented either of the Scilly lights being seen. * excitement, WITH MINGLED HOPB, IN LONDON. London, May 8?2 P. M. The wreck of the steamship Schiller has cansed great excitement in this city. Extras containing all the particulars at hand of the disaster have been issued by several of the newspapers. HOPE. Later despatches hold out the hope that some persons may have escaped and reached other of the Scilly Islands. A LIST OF THE NAMES OF THB PEBSONS SAVED. London, May 8?2:30 P. M. Up to this hour it is known that the follow ing persons have been saved irom the wreck of the Schiller: ? H. Hiilers, chief officer, and a seaman. Lemke and Balling, stokers. Goldberg, "Wallis, Peterson and Peck, sailors. Louts Reiderer, cabin passenger, of New York. "Heo?" (probably Dr. F. J. Kern, cabin passenger, of Shenandoah, Pa.) "Khun" (probably Mr. E. Kuhn, cabin passenger, of New York). "Pcsth" (probably Mr. Leo Weste, cabin passenger, of Philadelphia). F. Schillenberg, a steerage passenger, of New York. LANDING OF THE DEAD. The bodies of two dead passeogers have been landed. Steamers and lifeboats are still searching for survivors or the bodies of the drowned. THE WORK OF MERCY. London, May 8?3 P. M. A despatch just received from Penzance, Cornwall, Rays a lifeboat and steamer lelt there at hall-past one o'clock this afternoon for the scene of the wreck, amid intense ex citement. DEATH-dealino obstacles. The sea is still rough, preventing small craft from going oat Retarriere Ledges, on which the Schiller struck, is barely a third of a mile inside of Bishop's Rock, and the steamship should have beard the Bishop's fogbell. TWENTY-six PEBSONS LANDED?the captain's FATE. London, May 8?5 P. M. Twenty-six of the persons who were on board the Schiller, in addition to those before reported saved, have landed at Trescow and Bryer islands, belonging to the Scilly group. Among these are the second, third and fourth officers. The captain is certainly drowned. THE SAVED OF THE crzw. London. May 8?6:30 P. M. The following members of the crew of the steamship Schiller were saved in addition to those be lore reported: ? Blessinder, Packendorff, Weiser, Dan. Blackhotue, Ilehberg, Jensen, Adamsen, Baomann, Blohm, Jargejensen, "Werneckl, ' Fabler, Hoffmann, Ernst Pierson, Piel, Ninsch, Schweinske. passznoebs SAVED. London, May 8?7 P. M. The following passengers on the Schiller are known to have been saved : ? FIRST class PABSKNOZRS. Mr. Henry Stern, of New York. Mr. Leo Weste, of Philadelphia. Mr. Carl Knsin. SECOND CLAM AND STEEEAOK PASS1NOEB& Silas Hoester. Charles Thran. Carl Dantzen. Marcos Panwitzer. Charles Jones and wife. Fonr other steerage passengers were also saved, bat their names have not yet been ascertained, as they are in a state of insensi bility. ? LATE REPORT FROM the SCENE OF THE 7ATALITT. London, May 8?9 P. M. Up to this honr bat forty-three in all of the persons who were on board the Schiller are known to be saved. Twenty-five sacks of the steamship's moil have also been saved. Several corpses have been picked op float ing near the scene of the wreck. MOTHEB and CHILD. Among them was a mother with a child in lJh?*rin% THB HIVI Of THE MORXINO?TWO NEW TOBX EBB AMONG THB BATED. London, May 9?2 A. M. A despatch just received here says that Richard William# and Charles Henry Percy, both of New York, steerage passengers on the steamship Schiller, were saved. THB DEAD AND THB CAKOO DEBRIS. Nineteen corpses and some bales of hay and various other articles of the cargo of the steamship have been recovered. PBOVIDING FOB THE BTJBVIVOBS. The survivors and a portion of the mails re covered have reached Penzance, and will be forwarded from that place to Plymouth by the first train this (Sunday) morning. Those who are going to Cherbourg aod Hamburg will be sent to their destinations by the steamship Pomerania, of the Hamburg American line, now on her way home from New York, and which is expected to reach Plymouth some time during to-day. AN OFFICIAL LIST OF PEB80BS WHO WERE SAVED. New York, May 8, 1875. The agents of the Schiller have received the following: ? "Hillers, First Officer; Polamann, Second Officer; Heintze, Fourth Officer; Jarsen and Packendorf, boatswains, and Hirsch, sail maker, are saved; also passengers Leo Weste, Henry Stera, Mr. and Mrs. Janes, Pestb, Jan Dunk, Hexter, Frohm, Carl Kuhn, Marcus Porither, Schellenberg, Jensen, Reiderer, Febr and Williams; stokers, Smike and Bullig; sailors, Gouldbcrg, Wallis and Peter Ben. "The survivors are expected at Penzance to-morrow morning, when we will obtain a detailed list STEVENS. "Penzance, May 8, 1875." Untcrgang bed ?&$iUcr?" - Die nad)ftcf)enbcn ergreifenben a^cpctcfjeit ftub un? au? bem ?ureau unfere#@peciaU<Sorrefpon? benten jngcgangcn unb wir tljeilen biefelben mit 9tiictficf)t otif ben waljrfdjeinlidjeroeife am ftfirfften intereffirten Xfyeil unfcrer i'efer in beut? fdjer ?prad)e mit. (?peciaUDepefdje be# ?eralb.) 1?on bon, 8. 3Wai 1875. (Sine Depefar Don ben @ciUt)?3nfeln, an ber ?fibmeftlfifte ?on (SorntoaH, bringt un? bie trau? rifle tfunbe, bafe ber beutfdje iDampfer ??d)iHer" am ?9tctarriere Siiff", unroeit ?ifljop'# JRotf, um 10 Ufyr fleftern ??benb total gefdjeitert ifl. 0d)merer SB e r I it ft ton 2Ji e n f dj e n. leben beffirdjtet. (S# !>crifd)en flrofje ?efilrdjtungen, bafj ein feljr fd)tt>erer ?erlufl oon 2Kenfd)enleben ju be flagen fein wirb. (S i n i g e ^ a j f a g i e r e flerettet. Ginige roenige ber ^affagiere futb burd) ein ?oot an bie jtilflc t?on ?t 2Rart)'? gerettet n?or? ben. H u 8 f a g e n ber ?eretteten. Diefelben berid)ten, bag a Her 2Ba!)rfc!)einlicI>? teit nad) nidjt meniger al? gmeiljunbert ^erfonen iljren Xob in ben SBellen gefunben fjaben. fturdjtbar tyolje See. Tie SBogen gefan ungerooijnlid) bod) unb bte ?oote fiftttten fid) nur mit 3Hfil)e fiber bem ffiaffer erfyalten. 9icttung?boot nad) ber U n g I il <f #. ftdtte abgefanbt 2)a? 5Rettung?boot ber ?cillt)?3nfeln ifi itad) bem SQracf entfanbt morben. Die Urfadje ber flatafiroplje. ?tr ?runb biefe# UngtUcfefaflrt mar ber ?or? ^errfdjenbe bic^te 9Jebel, roeldjer bie ?eu<f)tfignale ber ?ciflt)?3nfeln nnftdjtbar mad)te. J a g e be# S3 r a <f #. 3>er Dampfer liegt mit ber ?reitfeite auf bem Stiff, in ?ier gaben SSaffer; ber $>auptmafi tfl fort. 9tamen einiger ?eretteten. ?on ber 3Rannfd)aft flnb gerettet: 35er erfle Offtcier filler#. femfe. ?ailing. ?olbing. ffialHl. ^eterfon. fe& 3mifd)enbe<!#? nnb anbere i<affa. giere. Son ben ^affagieren be# 3wiWn>becf? unb anberen fmb gerettet: ?. SReiberer. $enrt) Stent. (Sari Au^n. ?eo ffiefte. 0. ?djellenberg. 3?ei 2eid)en gefunben. 3?ei eon ben ^erfonen, meldje man gerettet glaubte, roaren tobt all man fte an'# ?anb bradjte. 9tafilofe ? e m ti () u n g e n. Sin Eampfer, ba# SRettung#boot unb meljrere Jootfenboote fu^en in ber Umgebung be# JBracf#. ?er IS a pi tain unb jmeite 0 tetter' mann oerl oren. !Ter Capttfin unb ber jroeite ?teuermann be# ??d)ifler" ftnb ertruntcn. ?er ette t. Unter ben ?eretteten befinben ft$ ber erfle, jmeite unb Bierte Officier unb ffinfunbjmanijig 2Rantt ?ou bet ?efaOuttg. auger benett, meld)e fd)on al# gerettet gemetbet murben, ftnb nod) bie ftolgenben mit bem Heben baoon< gefommen: ?ila# ^ejrter. (S. Iraljm. SUtarcu# t'oroi^er. (S^arle# 3one? unb firau. (S. Dan^eiu (Sari 3anjet. I'eo ?eft SR. CQifliam#. 5. ??. iperct). ajjaf (So^n. 3o^n Win! ober Jflint. SBiet aubere iiwijd)enbe?I?paffftflute. biren 'Jiairtfit nod) nidjt feflgeflellt tterben tonuten, ba fit in brroufjtlolrm jjnftanbr an'? ?anb grbradjt tuurbrn. Women ber geretteten 2Kannfd)aft. ?on ber SDfannfdjaft rourben bit golgenben gerettet: $iller?. Coleman. $einfcr. ?olbrrg. ?JaUace. ?Sietf. ?teiftner. ?Jrtjrr. ?an. ?ladbouje. JRebberg. 3enfen. abamirn. $anman. <frrf. ?lotjut. 3enfen. ?Jarnrdr. t^a^Crr. Hoffmann. Graft. Pemfe. ?ailing. ^terfon. ?ieL ^linfdj. Sd)iuein?fe. ?ie U e b erle b enbcn unb 2obten in ^ e n j a n c e. $ie UeberJebeitben unb lobten famen beute in nadjftebmbrr 9?eU)tnfolgt in ?rnjauce aft: Urn 8 Uljr, ein ?oot mit ficbrn ?erfonen. Um 10 Uf>r, jroei ?oote nut fieben ?erionen, toon bfnen jtDei tobt roaren, unb Um 11 Ubr, no<b gmei ?oote. 9tuf ber 3nfcI Irefcoro. ?rtfje unb jroanjig SWann ;unb tint ftrau famen in jmei ?ooten auf brr 3nftl Irrtcoro an. Seit^tn aufgefifd)L ?a? Soot Don ber 3nfel @t. ?lgne? fifcbte in bcr ftolge nod) bie ?cid)en Don bier SWannern, jroei ftrauen unb einem fleincn Jfnaben auf. 21 uf einer ?(an!e treibenb. ?in 2Jiann nmrbe im ?mitlj'e Sounb, auf einem <2d)iffetritmmer treibenb, aufgefifdjt. yiod) brei ?eid)en. Spater am Stage rourben nod) brei i>eid)en, barunter eine tociblidje, aufgefunben. ?ic fe ben ben unb Job ten. 3m @anjen meifi man bif jefct con breiunb. I'iergig ^erfonrn, bie gerettet ftnb. SReunjeljn ?eid)en finb bi? jefct gefunben. 25 e r Ocean nod) n i cf} t fl ffflttig t. (Sine mfltbenbe ?ranbuug tobt nod) immer grgen bie erbarmungeiofen tfltppen, fo ba{j roirt. fame ?mlfe nod) unmoglicb tfl. ?fr lefct e 2Jtaft lib er ?orb. - entfefc lidjer ?erluft Don 2Wenfdjenleben. 31l? e? gulrfct ben ?ootrn gelang, in bie 9iabe be? ?<Rrtrrrier.9liff" fid) burcfouarbeiten, ging ber Irfcte 2Jfafi be? ??d)iaer" Ober ?orb, unb eine gro&e Snjabl Ungliidlid)er, bie fid) am laumert angeflautmert fatten, ertranfen, angrftdite bcr naljen Siettung unb na<f)bem fie bie ganje 9?ad)t btnburd) bie fflrd)ter!id)ften Sobe&jualcn anegc ftanben batten. @d)Jaf am JRanbeberCroigreit. Baft fdmmtlicbe ?affagiere batten fid)4ur 9?ube bcgeben ale bie ?ataftropl)f rant. 3> a ? DerljdnflnifjDoIle 3?iff. Da? ?9trtarriere Hiff" if* eine ber jab!rcid)rn gefdbrlidjcn Untiefen, ntldft Ianbeinmdrt* Don bem i'embttburm oon ?ifljop'e 9?od unb oon ber 3nfel 9tofeoear liegen. ?Jurbe bie ?lode gebiirt? ?te Webelglode auf ?ifbop'a Ho<f mufite Don brr 3Rannfd)aft be* $ampfer? gebort trorben fein. ^3oflfdde gerettet. adjtjtg ^oftidde finb Don bem SBrac! gerettet trorben. Xtx jmifcben ?cia?) unb ^en^ance fabrenbe 3)ampfer ^SWart)" fifdjte Diele ^oftfdde unb mebrere ?alien ber fabung auf. ?ae Unglfid fajl unerreidjt an ?rage. e? if! an ber tfiifte Don ffomman fein folder 0<biffbrud> mie biefer Dorgefommen feit bem Un. trrgange be? w3obn 2Rat)- im 3abre 1865, bei mel^em jreeibunbert 2Renfd)enleben Derloren ginflen. 2ln^ercr ?cricbt. (frfle Tepefdtc. 91 it f a ix f t b r r 0 dj r e d e n f it a d) r i d) t in Sonbon. bonbon, 8. 2Jiai. 0oeben ifl in unferer 0tabt bit 9iad)rtd)t ton einem jftjrrrflid?rn 0ee Unqliicf eingctroffcn. 3>r $ampfer ?0<bifler," (Sapitain Homaf, von bcr Abler A'inie, ber am 28. fcpril con Were V)orf via ^Ipmoutl) unb Cherbourg narfj $om. burfl abgtnfl, ifl an ben 0ciflt> 3?lanbe flffrfirt. trrt. SWan fllaubt, bajj jroetyunbert fjerjonen ilirrn lob in ben ?eflen gefunben ^aben. 3n>eite Dcpcfcbc. 9ial)eree fiber ba? Un(| 1 iicf. I'onbon, 8. iRai, 12$ Uljr flWittag#. 0pflter etngetroffene <Rad}rtd)ten fiber ben 0$iffbru<f) be? X>ampfer? ?0<f)t0er" beflatigen leiber bie erfle Irauertunbe in iljrem ganjen |<tjrr(fl>ct)fn Umfange. Xa9 Unglficf ereignete ftrf) um gebn Ifyr gcflern Slbenb, too ber Itampfer auf bie ge> ffttjrltdjen ?9ietarriere?9ttffe" nnroeit ?ifbop'? 9M aitflief; e? berrfdjte ju ber 3"' dn bN|? ter Webet. Sin Soot t>on St. 2lgne9, ber ffiblidjft gete genen ber 0ciflq 3nfeln, tjat einige roentge Ueberlebenbe ?on bent ?djiffbrud) nad) 0u Stat?# 3?lanb, iiner anberen 3nfe! bet 0ciUi)? ?ruppe, gerettet. $iefe Ueberlebenben wurben aufgefiid)t, rofiV renb fte mit ber Qhitl) jdjroammen. 6ie waren me^rere SWale nal)e baran gu ertrinfrn, unb wurben ?tr|d)tebtntUdj Don einem Seljtn, auf ben fie fid) gerettet, fjfrunterqffpult. 9? ad) itjrer ?lu?<fage futb bci brm llnglfld jroetljunbert SWenfdKnleben Dfrloren gfgangfn. :Tritte SDcpefthe. i' o n b o u, 8. iWai, I Uljr Wad)mittag?. ?i? ouf biffeit Sugmblid ftnb jootfl man rofifj fftnf ^affagiert unb jrofi 2Jiann won bfr ?f? fafcung bf? Xampffr* ??d)illfr" gfrfttft. Ge ift conftatirt bafj ber Captain unb bfr Uuttrfttufr? ntanit nrtrunfcn ftnb. Dfr Dampfcr hfgt ir^t mit bfr ?rfitifitf an' ben tflippfit, tv lirgt unttr iiSaffer unb bet ?auptmafi ift abgfbrodjfn. Ctn Hfinrr Tampfer unb meljrfvi ?ootf frru? jrn auf ber ?cfnf bf? ?d)tffbrud)iJ unb fudjcu nod) 3Jirnfd)fnlfbfn ju rftttn. Urfadjf bfr Jlataftrop^e roar bfr birfjtf 9?fbft, tofldjfr bif bfibm S?fud)tjignalf bfr ?ctflt) 3n* ffln unftdjibar raadjtf. SJicrte 2>cprfAe. bonbon, 8. 1'fai. 63 gtJjt finf furd)tbar Ijolje ?ee, unb bit mit bfnt JRtttungerofrf bffd)5ftigtfn ?ootf fonnnt flct) fauni fflbfi flbrr SBafffr Ijaltfn. Da? 9?rt? tung?boot oon bfn ?cillt) 3nfftn ift nad) ber Ungliiddflatte abgefaljren. ftunftt ?;pefd)c. "P It) m ou11), 8. UJtai, 12? llf>r Waiim. ?oebett ift ber tjifftge bcr Slblerlinie nad) ben ?ciU?)?3n tin abgefafjren. Urn 1 Uljr tjcutf SNorgen t)brte man eitten jianmenldju^ au? brr Oegenb be? ?djiffbrudja. Stcptffit. Slufregung in bonbon. J o nb o n, 8.2D?ai?2 Ul)r 9iad)mmtttag?. ?if 9?ad)rtdjt oom ?djiffbrudj be? 2)ampfer? ??d)itler" t)at fine ungeljeure 3tufregung in ber ?tabt Jjerporgfruffn. ?erfdjiebene 3f^unflfn Ijabett Grtra>9?ummern DerSffentlidjt, roeldje alle foroeit befaunten Cinjeluljeiten bee Uugludd ent? fatten. ?patfre T*pffd)en gfben $offnung, baf? einige ^erfonen bfm $obe ftttronnfn ffin unb fltty auf anbern Onfeln btr ?cillt)*?ruppe gerettet Ijaben mdgen. SJiebcnte ?epefefce. 91 amen ber Ueberlebettben. bonbon, 8. Sfliai, 2J Uljr 5Rad)m. ?i? ju biefem Slugenblide roeifj man, baf} fol? gtnbe ^erfonen au? bem ?d)iffbrud)e be? 5Dampftr? ??d)iUer" gfrettet roorben ftnb Jp. ?>itler?, erfter Officer, unb ein Sfliatrofe; fteuerleute i'emfe unb ?ailing ; SKatrofeu @olb? bfrg, bailie, ^eterfon unb ^5ccf. I'oui* JRciberer, (?ajiiten-^affagier aut 9Jero P)orf. ?.?>frrn" (Pfrmutljlid) ?enrt) ?tern, (Jajiitfn? 9?affagirr, au? SRrro ?)orf. w^l)un" (Pfrmutljlic^S. jlu^n, Cajfltrn.^affa* flier, au? 9fero ?jorf). ,/^cftc" (Dermutf)Ii(^ feo2Sefte,Gaiutfn-kPaffa? flier, au? ^3^ilabflp^ia). g. ?djillcnberg, 3,Dif$en&crfS 3>affagifr, au* 9ifro ?)orf. ?ie I'eidjen pon jtefi ^Baffagimn ftnb auf btn ?tranb gejogen roorben. 2>antpfer nnb sJJettung? ?oote judjen nod) uad) Ueberlebenbeu unb nam en. $(<f)te 3>cpcfd)c. SBeitere 9iettung?-!8erfud)f. i! o n b o n, 8. 3J?ai, 3 Ufjr 9^ad)nuttag?. 9?ac!) einer gerabe Don ^enjance, tfornroall, eingelaufenen 2>fpejd>e ftnb ein 9{ettungeboot unb ein Sumpfer unter ungeljeurer 9ufrrgung bfr Pcdoiffrung urn Uijc ftai$mittag? nad) btg ?ccne be9 Unglfld* abgegangen. Die 0ee geljt nod) fo f)od^, ba? flrine gafjr )euge ftdj ntd)t i)inau?roagrn fonnm. j)a? w9iftarriere. 3?iff," an n>fld)fm bfr??c^il. ler" f^eiterte, ift fautn eine 2>rittel SWetle lanb^ cinroiirt# Don S?iff)op'? JRod, unb man Wtte an ?orb befl Dampferf bie an letjterem ^untte befinblid)e Dicbtlglodf t)oren tnuffen. Weunte ?epefefte. 91 o d) ftd)?unbjroanjig ^perfonen gerettet, bonbon, 8. vJJiai, 5 llfjr 9?ad)mittan?. aufeer ben in friifjeren Depefdjen ale gfrettet ^enannten, l)aben Don ben an ?orb bt? ?@d)il. Ifr" bffinbli^fn nod) ff<^?unbi?anjig ffofonra auf btn jux ?ciDt)-@ruppe gt^drigfn 3nfeln Ireecoro unb ?rqrr glfldltd) ba? ?anb erreid)t. Unttr i^nfn roerben ber jrorite, ber britte unb brr virrte Cfficier gtnannt Xer Sapttam ift ol)nf 3">etfel ertrunten. ?patcre iTcpefdicn. gernfre Ttamrn Don Q e 1111111 n. S o n b o n, 8. SRai, 6$ Ut)t Wadjmittagf. ftufttr btn oorbfr alt gmttet rourbfn nod) folgtnbt ^rtfontn *>on bft SJfonn? fdjaft bf# ?@d)ifltr" gtrettet: ?luftntr, $acfrn? borff, SSfijtr, 3)an. ?la<fl)onff, 9?tt)bfrg, 3rnffn, abamftn, $anman, ?to^rn, Sflrgenjfn, ?rr? nftfl, ^at)lrr, Hoffmann, Crnft ^itrjon, ^ttl, 9Un|<$, unb <?d)rotin?!r. Qrrett ctc ^affagierf. f o n b o n, 8. 2Jiai, 7 Utjr Kbrnbl. yiadjftpljrnbf ^affagitrt bt#3)ampftr? ?&d)iU Itr" rotrbtn al? grrrttft grmtlbf t: 9lu? bft trften dajfltc: $fnrg @trrn au? 9?rt? y)orf, i!to ?tilt au? ^Jljtlabflpljia unb Jfarl Auftn. Hu? bft jrotitfn (Sajutf unb bfm 3n>tf$fnta!f: ?ila? ^>6f*rr, 5barlf? Xrau, ffart Danfcrn, 3Rar cufl ^anrotfcrr unb Scarlet 3ont? nebjl grau. iflufjfrbfm rourbfu nocfc oifr anbfrt 3?ifd)fn? brtffpaffogim gtrfttft, bftrn ftamrn jfbod) nod) nid)t gtmrlbft rotrbfn fbnntn, ba ftr nod) nidjt jum ?troufjtffin jurfldgttomnifn flnb. ?rtJ unb oitrjig Oercttrte. i? o n b o n, 8. 3TOai, 9 Ubr flbrnbt. 2o rpftt man bt? jr^t rorifj, ftnb oon attrn bcntn, tofldjf fid) an ?orb bf? w6d)inft" bffan btn, im ?anjtn brri unb otftjtg $rtfontn gmttet. grrner rourbfn fiinf unb jroanjig ftftfkte in ?id)frl)fit flfbradjt. 3n bft 9NH)f bfr llnglfldf ftatte rourbfn nod) t>frid)ifbfnf I'fidjfn aufgrftjdjt, uitttr itjnen ttnt ftrau mtt tinttn ftutbe in btn Srtntn. (Cine DoflftSnbigt ?ifU aflft ^nffagitrt be# uttglttdlidjrn Xfempftrf ??d)iflfr" finbtt ftd) in fintr anbtru (gpalrt). LIST OF THE PASSENGERS. Those or tbe passengers wbose names are re ported m among tbe sared are marked with an asterisk (?). C1BIM PAMKNOBRS. Aalig, C. F?, Colnmban, onto. Bacbmsnn, H., New York. fleeter, N., No. is West Pifiy-slxtn street, New Y ork. Becker. Mrs. L., New Tor*. Hrnmer, J. J., No. SO i<eonard street, New YOTt. Bonata, Mtee catnartne, New York. Beyer, Mrs. Joeepb, Detroit. [continued on twelfth page.]