Newspaper Page Text
fDUIGUL in chime The Stock Market Irregular and Er ratic?Prices Unsettled. GOLD ADVANCED TO 115 3-4. Wall street, 1 Satcrday, May 8?<J P. M. ( Tbe stock market to-ilay was more than usnally animated, by a material advance In New York Central and Lake Shore. The former opened at 10fl% and qulokly advanced to 107%, closing at 107% and allowing a gain over the pi Ices yester 4ay or % per cent. The latter started at 70% and gradually moved up to 71%, and then became active on a rapid rise to 72% a 72^ a 72%, closing at 72%. Tbe remainder of tbe market presented few leatures that require more tban passing com ment. The majority of stocks showed a gain, and yet lb* situation la feverish and judgment la un settled. TUB MARKET. Western Union opened at 79% and was firm 'on an advance to 70%; Pacific Mall sold at 44 a 43% a 44% a 44; Northwestern common advanced Irom 41% to 42%, ending at 42; the preferred closed at 64%; Erie waa again a bone of contention, and. ander aarolt manipulation, moved up to 8o%, from which point It was pressed down to 29%; tbe close was made at 29%. Bulls and bears In this stock are about evenly matched. Eacn side baa lta theory and faltb, and it la impossible to outline tbe reapective plans and purposes. Rock Island waa steady at 106% a 104% a 106% a 106%; Cntoa Paciflo sold at 76% a 70% a 7e% a 77 a 77%; Pana ma waa steady at 164 a 169; Wabaab opened at 18% and receded to 12% a 19%; Ohio and Mississippi opened at 27, but feu off, and closed at 26%; St. Paul Improved, moving from 3#% to 37%; Pacific and Missouri sold at 63% a 64; St. Louis and Kan sas City common at 9% a 9%; Kansas Pacific ad. tanced from 22% to 26, with the last sale (seller 10) at 22; United States Express ended at 61 and was Heavy. ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The changes of the last twenty-lour hours are aa follows:? Advanol?Atlantio and Pacific, %; New Tork Central, %; Harlem. 1%; Lake 8bore, 1%; North, western, %; Quicksilver, 1; Rock Island, %; St. Paul, %l Union Pacitto, %; Western Union, %; Kansas Pacific, %; New Jersey southern, %; Mis souri Paciflo, %; gold, X. Declined.?Erie, %; Wabaab, %; Erie in Lon don, %. The stocks that remained stationary were C., C. and 1. C., Delaware and Laokawanna, Hannibal and St. Joseph, Ohio and Mississippi, Pacific Mall, Panama, and St. Louis and Kansas Northern pre ferred. THE SALES TO-DAY amonnted to 193,460 shares, In which the follow ing securities were most actively represented:? New York Central ana Hudson, 3,no: Erie, 47,000; Lake Shore, 67,800; Cleveland and Pitts burg, 1,200; Northwestern, 7,600; Norm western prefeneo, ?00; Rock Island, 6,200; Pacific Msll, ?,000; St. Paul, 6,600; St. Paul prcierred, 2,200; Ohioa, 3,000; Western Union, 11,000; Wabash, 6,60o; Union Pacific, 13,000; Panama, 800. orENINQ, HIGHEST AND LOWEST TRICE?. The loliowlng table shows tbe opening, highest tad lowest prices of the day:? Opening. Highest* Lowest, New York Central 109% 107% 106% Barlein.? ........ 137 137 137 Erie 30% 80% 2U% Lake Snore 7.''% 72% 70% Wabash 18V 13% 12% Northwestern 41% 42% 41% Northwestern preferred 66 60 54% Rock island 106% 106% lo>% Pittsburg 93% 93% 98^ Milwaukee and 8*. Paul. 86% 37% 86% Mil. and St. Paul pref... 66% 67% 66% Ohio ana Mississippi.... 27 27 % 26% New Jersey Central loo 109% 109 BeL, Lack, auu Western 119% 119% 119% ni?.n Pacific 76% 76% 76% <3., C. and L C 6 6 6 Westorn Union 79% 79% 79% Atlantic arid Pacific Tel. 26 26 26 Pacific Mall 44 44% 43% Panama 164 166 162% THK MOMMY MARKKT. Money was la Iree as*, as low as 1 per c?at on ?all loana, and closed at it and 3 per cent. bterling exchange quiet aod firm. Prime nomi nal rates 4.88 and 4.91; selling rates, 4.87 a 4.87* and 4.90 a 4.90#. Continentals Arm. RcIcUmarks, U4H a 9J>? and 95*? a 9.">M. Cables, 96*. Prime Paris, 6.14H a 6.11*. other rates. 6.16 a 6.1l?. THK GOLD MABKIT. Gold was conspicuously strong and the market more than usually active, the opening figure being 116# and the clone 116V. with the balk of the transactions on the latter basis. On gold loana the rates were l per cent fur carrying and l1-64 for borrow lag. CLEAKINO HOC5R STATBMBKT. Currency exchanges $76,107,136 Currency balances 8,968,420 tttiid exchanges 6,129,401 Gold balances 1,227,018 WEEKLY CLRARIN0 HOLMS STATEMENT. Currency excnsnges $418,841,091 Currency balances 25,887,040 Go.a exchanges 87,832,984 Gold balances 6,330,034 OPERATIONS or Till COLD EXCHANOI BANK. Oold oaianeea $1,212,410 Currency balances l,512,497 Gross clearances &4,J06,mm The apecle anipment to-day, according to tke official report, waa $890,000. or wklch $100,000 was in sliver. Messrs. Belmoat k Co. witkdrew $260,000 wklcb waa announced as engaged for export. Tke ateamer Schiller, wrecked on the English coast, kad $300,000 gold coin on board, which was In sured. TBI BANK STATKMKNT. The bank statement of the wees shows a large gain in loana, deposits and apecle. Tke compara tive statement tor the past two weeks is as follows JKrtf 1. Men/ 8. Diftrmctt. Loans $378,263,900 $28?,4w:0,800 Ine. $6,166.9<M specie 9.511,800 10,104.0 o inc. 6M,2C? Legal tcnd'a 67,132,200 68.017,500 Ino. 886,300 Deposits.... 221,062,100 $27,878,808 Inc. 1,811.200 Circulation.. 20.784,800 20,488.400 Dec. The following akowa tke relations between the total reserve and the total liabilities:? May l. May 8. Digerrncm. Specie f!',611,800 $10,100,00? inc. $5H??200 Legal tend's 57,132,209 68,017,600 Inc. ?8.\300 Tot. reserve $66,044,004 $68,117,600 lna $1,478,600 Keserve re quired ag't depoalts... 66,286.526 t8.088.326 _ Ixc's of re serve ab'v Itfisi re quirements $11,378,476 $11,149,176 Dee. $229,300 THK PORIIUN MARKKT. Reports from London indicate that money is hardening there, wlta prospects that It will be ?till dearer in consequence of aa uneasy feeling with reference to Coatiiental political complica tions. The rate ol dlscoant In open market for three months' bills la ts per cent, or only % be low the Banx of England rat*. Tke bullion with* drawn from the Bank of England on balance to day amonntad to ?13,000. In Pana rentes are firmer and advanced to 83f. 860. RAILROAD BONDS These, to-day, were In fhlr request. New Jtrtey central, convertible, aold at 11 ox a 110; do. first, consolidated, at 108; New York Central first, coupon, at U$M; Milwaukee and St. Paul first, consolidated, at 74Jf; Chicago and Northwest, coq aolldated, at 98H; do. consolidated coupon (old bonds at 87 a 87X; Morris and Essex first, conso l ?ated, io4\; Banmeal aad St. Joseph eights at 86* a 8*"i; Ohio aad Mississippi second at 79; Lske Shore dividend bonds, 96) Delaware aad Lackawanna, convertible, 121; Great Weetera first, 79; C. r. aad L a first, 48x a 49; Chieago and Reek island aevena, 109*; Erie foorth, 99*; Union Pacific making mad, 93* a nv; do. first mortgage, ioe* a 100h a loov; Central Pacific first, California and Oregon branch, 94*; Western Pacifie, 97a 97Jf. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Saturday, May 8, 1876. MffOftS CALL?to A. M. aiMo rift Col .vsft'a... T4K ioo ?h? Bn Pae lit...e Jhcd do 7?JJ 1(X? do - . sum >*? 4vV tie 74M UODihl Wc?tC ts tec do 791 800 oo bS 79 900 P*o M 88 US *4 203 do <3% 2<iO M i:?0 do ?% 20uCh? A N W RK...I3 <1$ SOI do 4i% ?w HNIi IIIRKK... IUI^ /JO do 107 #K? 106% 6oo ioe% 200 107 107% Mi% do 30% do...........hS 30% do SOU ?ni" 1W 200 (J do 460 do 000 do atK) Erl? RR ?I liioo 2 00 luo 500 100 do IS 77 200 Ml] 4 KIP RR. 100JH do do. soi; do U3 10', do. I0oTot A Wall Hit.. 10 ' L S A M 8 KK 100 500 200 MX) M 3500 70O 76 NO MO 100 Cbicuzo A K ICO do SOU do do. Jo. tin. do. do. do. 4u 7. ^ 8(i0 800 100 100 H I'M no (3 100 do bit 100 s3 40D do 3UJ iooj mu a st r pf SO.) 200 do 1(>0 Panama KK 154 100 llau A at Jo KR.sS 24% 100 do o 24*2 300 Ohio A Miss KR . 100 Kansas k Texas.. loo au k Pac pf.. 37 37*4 aJ 8" 3/% 37 U 6O'Z 67 56% >1 71>. Kit. I0S*, 105% u?2 'O.... ,b3 100 Pacific KK of Mo.. 100 do 110 bit l> A K 0 UK.... 27 8% lt.% Sg "i $200011 U S 6's, C. ?8l... 1?4 100U) U ? 5-2u, r.'64 lid 60000 U S 6-20,C,'66,0.. S3 122 $2500 nist Col S-65'i 74 100U Mu b'.t, i b be 101k 12000 N J Can con 110% 5000 do 110 10000 NJu lit. 106 louo is Y ten 1st, o Uu'? lOuO M * Ht P 1st, cou 74% 13000 Chi A N W coil .. 93% 1000 Mil* StiW's. g... 80% l400oCANW cog b.... 6000 00 13000 Mor k Es 1st, con 1000 H A St J S's, COD 20.0 do 6000 O A Miss 2d m 10:1.1 AND 11:30 A. M. fSOOO UB.'-SO.o, *7bCC 123% 27?;00 USft's. 10-40, r.... 116% 100009 (J 8 t>'?,cur...b t 123% Kin ST HOAHD?10:30 A. M. 3000 iHiLtlillAKR.. 71% 200 do b3 71S ItH) do *3 7i)< Sod do 7 IS 5i 0 do *60 7'?? 1900 do S3 71*4 S00 in Cen KK...bc.bS 1(6% 6<0CUv? k I'gul 9 % 3o be 93% 100 Panama NK....bc 164 300 do 163 100 do 15 iH 100 00 154 100 do 164% soo Do Pac e 76k 8& 79 uo do do do do 1000 U Pac lst.O 40b MW suo West Pac bds... . 97'2 10*0 do bo 97% 1700 West L'u Tel 7'a. loo Sooo Un Pac 1st. 1.0! H?0 do Ii4? 10 >0 no 1004 10(100 do 100J 1000 Un Pac suikt.. 93) 10000 do.... 8*? looo Brie 4th 99* 0010 CAR) 4P7 i... 1WV loOO O, 0 A I C 1st 4S'' 12000 do 49 1600 Gi West lit, 'W.... 79 }00 < 21000Del, L A W 121 < 100 OhlA NW RRpf.b o *W Long IRRIstm. 96 11 t*) L 8 dir bds lolU 37shs UAH ('anal... 130 loo Mar I< A M, a p. .oo iH I'D M LAMpf, as 7* 100 do b3 7W SOOO West Cn 79% 900 do 79% 600 do S3 79V 200 do b3 79V 4UJ Pac M 88 be 44-2 600 do b3 44^ 0)0 do 44'. 100 no S3 ?4>? 20) U S Ex Co bo 61 Hi do 60 iao do tax 100 100 100 3 0 600 300 JAW w luO Chi AS W Kit.' .'bo i*" ioo do 42% 1900 do 42% 100 no 0 42% 600 uo 42% 1600 do 42 300 do 0 42 - - H ION J Cen KR bo 109% ? do Uo* 10 do 110 100 CW A R I RK.b c.b3 105V do. do. 17 Adamx Hi bo los); 18 Amtr Ex be 44% 57 do M)2 100 N V'UUK c 10JS ?>0 uo 107? 200 do 107% 300 do 107% 400 do b3 107% 20J do 107% 2 I) Erie KR be loo do e 2(H) uo 8600 do 10 II uo 2610 do S3 900 d* s5 2300 do 60 Mich Cen 22/0 L <- * lis KR.bO 300 do s3 103 do H 'UM do ... 9o0 no >..s3 3200 do 106; .. U)?% 18 106% loo do. 106% 800 uo b3 105% 100 do *3 105% 209 MU A St I*Hit. bo 37% 200 do S3 37 4oo oo se% soo no 86% 100 do S3 3<J% 600 do b3 S7 100 MAS11 RK 67 2uo uo 8(1% 300 do. b3 67 luO TolAWab kK. bo 13% Oo bc.l>8 13? do 1S% 600shl Pacific M ^S.sS 44% 400 ?> V t; A H R R It... 107% 19 do , 22)1 L S AM 8 KK... si 900 1600 do S.fti Krle KK b30 3600 500 If. 00 160.) 1200 I7u0 300 1700 1W> 1000 1*0 J 100 do. 'to loo 60 loo do 100 do 100 Del. LAW ttJ do 60 Alt A T I! pf 25% 20 Morris A K^ 102 luO Mo, knn A T KK.b o 8 100 do 20 StL.IL OA N... .b a IK) uo luO do h3 100 Kan Pao l?t do 100 uo bc.s3 l'O oo 103 oo 200 Oo 700 Ohio A Ml*) RR bo 100 do b3 Mr.K)R<aU/? W:S?? P. il M .Us N J Can Kit 10 uo 91 do ?M Mil thi P ?R. . 20 Del, LAW lilt. 100 do 100 Toll Wab KK...0 m $& so rT!^ 107 Oft 23 30 Wi 80 63 2JM 100 do do. ... 1:1% .s3 13s ... 119% ? bo 119% & 22Ji 22% V*. i.) 24% 27,'J M. 109% 1(19% 109% 36% 119*1 119% 1?% do sS i9% 200 oo *>% 1? 29% <^0 29% J00 29% IM 2mI? do. no. do. uo. 2.% <lo...... do do ?3 . 100 Thl A K 1 Kit. ..b3 10j) too I,u rac KK 76% 100 do c 76-4 SUO do s3 7H% 2J0< hi * >w KK 41% 100 G A ?W RR pi...US 64% 1000 yoo 200 ::::: 153 ::::: \i> i*s _ ,...0 12% (too Ohio A Mm >T 10i do rS 2K% to Alt A Ter H pf 251, 200 At A Pac of |#% 1(4) ht 1. A K C Hit ... 9% 17 Morris A Es KK.... lo2 do. do. do. a?K?X)Nl> B0\KD-1 P. M. $5000 8CC'?.n.A M 10I.UC, CAH. 49 10UU Krle 3d m ... .b c KB 20 ahs Arner Ex.. .be 6 Wails-Fargo 6 U ? Kxpresa?b o 100 <To b3 10) West l*n Itl bo 4>V <lo..... b.l 800 do ?3 J9% ?00 uo U3 79% & 61 79% 79% 40011 sha U* A VIS RR ,g3 ? 100 do 3200 do. 16 >0 do S3 hoo do 6v? do 300 Union Pac b o 200 do ?00 do.. 4oo do loo 71% 72% 72% 2% JKc If?? do 79% aoo Del. L A W....U 119% Ml) lnv A f * bo 93% 6 111 Cen RR be 109 1001acMall?8 be 44 AO oo 44% 13m Kris RK sJ 1IM do MX 9. 0 do j?S 1? CUi A K I RR...L e W?% 6UI do. U>5% 400 do b3 K?% 400 L 8 A M 8 9>? do 3M) 1100 do l&At do AoO do 700 io...,_ 201 Chi A N W #>?- oo 190 MU A 8t PKR bC 6)0 do. 200 ??'? 37 17% b3 S7% 100 Mi'ASt PKHnf.bc 6? ! 103 loi A Wab i-2'J 71U 300 71% 109 7i% *? do a3 71% 100 do 72 200 do 7-'% ''S ? 26% H. do. do. $7000 O 8 J's, r, 'W MMDTenn t's,o. ex c.. AUKi lenn 6'a, o * ?t?? Die Col a 66'? *<* 0 Co ??u Brie lit MM Krie 4(1* m 1UUI < n Pac .... bAK lu Pac skg Id.... 51OW 1. < A IV Int.... iuocanw c ccb ... b ?hs Hanover Bnk.. 10 Coo Coal 60 AW A fee T?l ? u Weet U11 1*1 KM do ?3 73 C S Express Wo rac M hb IflU .... S3 5:0 Harlem RH ? 0 hrie *K 940# do I*? do *19 MM do 3100 o* 1900 t?au 1U) ? Mw Union PactMc?.bS 1?U *? .1 IN M I UN L ? A M H KB . .14 mm 1JW do si Paeflc MX a Wet t.n Tel.... Wi a At A Pac TT.... a but. kM.ver? 17** ? S49'i nil of Col 73H a Mar l.'d A Mia. ft* a Hot W.t^swer. Us a Adams Li.. ...HI1, a I imer Ex ft4}J a U e Kiprrm.... H a WelUrargo hi ?J a C hi A Alton ...1W a I 1 tor A Pitta...., a Chi A N W ... ?l'? a Chi 111* pi.. 54?; a cm A RL 1U)\ ? I ll% 61 ss w; !;* a to j p. 1800 alia 1.8 A M 3 BB. IO liMO 19UJ ftuO sua no ft* low *im rH 40J M MM do....... do bS do a.1 do >4 do aft <lo on aft dn do...... do bS Mo. .. 100 Panama KR....b3 6V. **M> k N ? BR.... ... Itw Chi BMW KRpr. "d\ 900 CU4 k HI Kit U ?j do I ah wo do ; 14 MM Pittsburg RR 17 190 Mti m btP RK ? SV <10 ?** ?X> do -..hi ** WM do ?S !?*Z I Ml do ,...sl0 :9S ,w) Tol k A'ab BB W* Tvt do 19'i ftftJ ao It* MOhio k Miaa BB.... W, mm rao RR ol Mo...., 100 do bJ i.v, lUOStUECAM '??; MM do ?3 iOj At A Pae pf bS ri% 6 -0 Kansas Pao KRslO CLOSING PRICES?3 P. ] IBS Mil * St Pan'. 17S a 'V'? Mil tlir if... |*,w a ?V C, C, C k Ind... ?>. a 0. ?- A1 . ft a Del, L k W....ll?i? a 7 fcrie ?,*, * 7*< Baa A M Jo.... A\ a S Li? litre.... 72>a a ll? Mich Central... 71 >2 I R T A Ma'.. ..lift ? >1 N Y C A H B..l?7 a >7 N Jar Com. a ?H * 4 Ohio A Mia..., a it Panama 1941, a Mi Tol a Wat I2?Z 4 ft* Luiou fM> ... 7b>? a FHAUIAL. A. !n ow km tt II DO 00 M it iw on 6? ft I no 00 6666ft ? 11 ft) Ol 6* ?ft tfttS U UO 00 | U MM 22333 55UA a a U UU( a u 71 U 32 Ml %4 zaea ssj will bay ? Pat or Call on 10ft tharaa of an? stock, and control tha same SO dnya. MtraddlM ftl?i each, control 700 shares of stock for ?) davs without farther risk. Advice and information far* nlshed. Pamphlets showing how WaU atreetonerauons are conduoted sent tree to an; addre?. orders solicited by mail or wire and promptly executed. Addraaa TUMBRlliUR A CO., Hankers and Broken, No. % Wall atraet, New York. AMU. SPBCCI.ATITK STOCKS HATS FLUCT0ATRD largely durtiif 60 days; persons fortunate enough to bold privileges hare rcallx?<l sitrsor llnury prottts It l? probahia that the present excitement w|i| U?t for Tt days longer; thcretare thooe wbo avail uiemnelTas 01 tha present opportunity wlti secure tha fluctuationa All Pnrllaraa sold by u? are guarantee !. ALMS. VBUTII INOiiAM A CO.. Bankers. U Walt street AM ?30 CENTS O.N THB DOLLAR, OA8H. WILL BP. ? . paid tor 9,000 and upward of Now Jerser MldlanJ Flrat MortffHae Kallroad Honds. AI.KX. KRO Ml INOIIAM A CO., 13 Wall street August brlmont a co.. Hankera, 1? and 11 Nassau street laotie travellers' credits, available In all parti of the world, Miroagh the Messrs. Do Rothschild and their correapondenta. Also commercial credits and tolofraphle translVrs of nsom j on calitornia. Kuropa and Havana. . A -railroad AKD OTIIKR BONDS op ALL . kinds not quoted at the stock Exchange, bought and aoid bv E. E. POX^JO Broad straot, room il. ATTKNTION. C API T AI.InTS I?WA NTKI) FROM $1 l<*> tofio.noa to maunfactnra an article in graai de mand; ?0 per cent profit guaranteed and seenrttv for nionay Invested; the most rigid Investigation granted; those having a knowledge of msaulacturlng preferred ; brokers need not answer. Addreas .sfcCUKlTV, box 179 Herald office. ALL PERSONS NOT PEIMRINO to DISPOHB OP thalr HO* insurance policies by absolute sale, may borrow ibe cash surrender value t< inporartly, at fine suesb ?ikAL9lXkjLlk A 0u riNAHFIAl.. MORTGAGE (?37.0M? ON souriiRRN Property. w,>rtli $K<0,000, tor sate, Of IVkMfl ?>' cash and part rent estate. Address MORTGAGE, AFIK.vr Cl.ASS FIRST MORTGAGE roll fl ou city property, fur sale, to principal* only. JOHN H. MURRAY, 51 Broad w E*rt _ _ ox 12# Herald office. FIRST 01. Ah.4 FIRST MORTGAGE ?OIl $15,00*, la only, i Broadway. A -DEFAULTED FIRST MOR'IOaGE RAILROAD ? Bond* will be tn*en In exchange for a line Team of Horse* and a Trotting Mara. together with Harness, Wagons, Ac., belonging to a gentleman leaving the city. Address Ho.iUB, 174 Herald office. A-DEK UTLTBD RAILBOAD BONDS A ^SPECIALTY ? uua bought by the old e*t*i>ll?lieu iiou e ot' Al.Hi.K'r H. Wi. OuAY A CO., Stock Broker* and Auctioneer*, No. ?3 Pine street. New York._ At reasonable rates?monby os life and Endowment lusuruneo Policies, Mortesues and other Securities. Insurance of all kinds effected with best companies. J. J. HABB1CH k Co., 117 Broadway. ^ A?LAPSLKY k BAZLKY. 74 BROADWAY.?STOCK . PR1VILEGKH ON MKMHKR8 OK THB &T0CK EXCHANGE (N A MBS UiVHN AT TIMB OF PL'R CHA Ei; NO PRIVILEGE FOR LESS than 100 SHARES: OUR PRINCIPALS HO NOT ADVKRTI K; Mi CONTRACTS IN OUR NAME; PAMPHLET "HOW MONEY IS LOST AND MADE IN WALL. 8XRBE?,? MAILBD FREE TO ANY ADDRKSS. " A -STRADDLES (PUT AND CALL AT SAME PRICE . on same paper) (JtiJ M to $i7>. HO to 60 days per lUOsbars. l.Al'SLBY k BARLEY. 74 Broadway. A GREAT CHANCE FOR'A CAPITALIST TO MAKE ?1,000 monthly: full security Riven; no risk what ever. Address Mr. JAMES, care of Broker'* Agcucy, 452 Broadway. A LARGE TRUST FUND-JUBT PAID IN. TO LOAN and buy Mortgage* on city real estate, in lumi to suit, without bonus. Adores* EXECUTOR, box 2,W)1 Poet officii, New York. A -MONEY TO LOAN ON LIFE AND ENDOWMENT . Insurance Pollcie*; also to buy same at full value, and other police* given and diflereuue paid in cash. Paul p. TODD, flft liberty sireet. STRADDLES (PUT AND CALL AT SAME PRICE) ON Union Pacittr, I aka Shore, Western Union, North west and I'aclfle Mail for sale on "Board Members," by LAPSLEY k BAZLEY, 74 Broadway. CIOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, J securities, including Town ot Lak? 7 per cent water bond*. Hyde Park 7 per cent water bond*. South Park 7 per cent bonds. Lincoln Park 7 per cent bunds. A limited amount ot the above choice Investments for ?ale by H. A SOU REIN KB, 60 Wall street. (CONFIDENTIAL AND COMPETBNT AID OFFBRBD ) to honest embarrassed debtors to adjust and procure settlement with creditors. Money advanced to aid an honorable discharge. Address CAPITALIST, box 3,370 Post office. CAPITAL WANTED?IN A MANUFACTURING COR poration that will take the read of the market (In Its line); tfio proper party offering cau secure a desirable poV.tlon ; $i5,u00 to $30,1100 required. Address, confiden tially. UAPIi A.L, box 5,682 Poat office. New York. c DIAMOND8.-POR BALE, AN ELEGANT PAIR Of Cluster Diamond Earrings, Brooch, Cro** and two Rings, by a party who ha* pledged tliem and utiuble to redeem them. Address oWNfc.R, box 111 Herald Uptown 1 Branch office. YTHJUITABLR SAVINGS IN TITUTION, Jh cornor Sixth avenue and TweUtb street, Sew York. IN 1 KltKST commence* the 1st of the month following the deposit. INTEREST computed and compounded January and July. IN i Kilns r paid January 1 at the rate ot SEVEN Phil CKN1 PER aNnTM Bank open Monday, Weduejaay and Saturday evenings. Ucomoi C. WiLuo. Sec. JOHN E. DE Will, Pros. UL. GRANT HAS REMOVED TO 143 BROADWAY, ? corner Liberty street.?Money always rea ly to loan, wlibout bonus, on goed New York city Mortgagee. Address box 2,5i'6 Poet otnoo. Having removed to ib abingdon square (Eighth avenue) advances liberally made on con signments ot Furniture. Pianos, Dlamon is and General Merchandise: $3,UOO on Morigage. JAMES CAGNEY. Important to siock operatoes.-partik's having accounts with anr huikim,' or stock Arm represented at the New Yerfc Stock Exchange can have their orders executed by us tor account ot their broker*, through our Branch office in the Flith Avenue Hotel, bv means of our private telegraph Hum to Wall street No additional commission or oharge for telegraphing. HOTCH K ISrt k BURN RAM, ''oinmission Stock Brokers, 3ti urnad street. Branch office in Hie Filth Avenue Ho. tel connected by private telegraph line. JOHN S. PIERCE, NO. 5 PINB STREET, LOANS Money, without bonus, on approved Real i's ate, lu New York. Brooklyn and AestcUester; also purchase* Mortgages at lowest rates. Money loaned on life and endowment policies and other weuries; also will purchase, at fnll value; new policies issued ami difference paid In cash. H. A. JONES k COi, 212 Broadway. Money to loan?on first Monro ages, with. out bonus; on Sec.ind and Leasehold Mortgages at easiest term*. GEO. W. STAKE. 150 Broad w^y, room 8. NEW YORK CITY 8BVENB, Rochester City Sevens, Brooklyn Seven*, Klixabeth City Sevan*, : State of Maine and New Hampshire Sixes. For *ale by DANIEL A. MORAN, 40 Wall street VJ-O BONUa?SEVERAL AMOUNTS 0* MONEY TO i> loan, on bond and montage, on e.tty property) money obtained til fifteen day a W J. COLK. No. M Sixth avenue. PERSONS IIA VINO CLAIMS PAST DUB OAN H AVK them collected at reaaonahle rate*-. money ad vanced. M. A. JON KM A CO., 211 Broad way. PAMPHT.KT "HOW MONEY IB LOST AND MADH in Wall atreet;" (tally ?ADiaui* privilege'. Mailed free to an/ addresi, by L.APSLISY A UA/.i.c. Y, 71 Broad way. Trust punds to loan-in (i;m? or to S2S,0USi en flrtt elate Hro?"klvnproperty: Institution fUn?M 10 loan to the amount ol *|i>0.i?U. in jutn* to an it, oil city improved real r?a'?. Principal! sctia full par ticular* or call on MARCUS il. LAINU. 86 Liberty at. TAILORS OR CLOTHIERS WHO ARK DESIROUS ot injuring Uimr Uvea, can avail the opportunity by exchanging clothing tor the amount of premium In A reliable company. Addreaa SUblNktlA, Hera.d office. w RANTED TO BORROW-$150, ON HOUSEHOLD furniture A'alrene fc, II. O , Herald offloa. 7 8 AND 10 PEK CENT CHOICE CIT* BONDS AND I . other Al Inveatnvni Becoritlee oar tpeclaltv Z3 ye era, baying 10 to 14 bar cant; interest promptly paid, for aale below par, ALIiEKT H. MCoLA V A CO.. atockbroken and Auctioneer. No. 43 l*lne street. New York. SHARES or SlOa EACH PULL PAID STOCK af the American Lite Saving ; ult Company, of New Tor* (stoiier'ajwt-DU. for aala low. Addraaa w. 0. K.. boa 3,4<2 l'oet office. New York. 100 ?rtnn 8KCO.NO MORTOAOB Ok BRICK HOOSB ?UUl/ "'ar Oily Hall, due November, 1S78, at larva diacount. K'UhKT KARKMiXir, No. i Will ought)/ near Ci ROBi atreet. Brooklyn. Cnn -THIS AMOUNT REQUIRED IMME ip^.oUU. diataly, tor which aavertieor will give ae collateral aecurtty aoma baml-ome diamonds and pa/ liberally far uaa ol the mouey. Addraaa EDWAUOtl, box ill Herald office. (fi i Z(\C\ Wilt"! or MI8CBLLANBOU8 NBW 4IT.UWU Oonda. nf almont every deecrpti n will be exchanged for aaal Kauie. Mortgage or good clock. Addreaa NOW, box 12S Herald nffloa d||n nnr^ TO LOAN-IN ONE OR MORE SUM* V Iv.W ' on improved city property. Addraaa box 110 H?rald Unfc.wn Branch office. nnn TBXA9 id *BR CENT BONDa POR iP'JU.UWU aale. alio 38.800 acrca af choice i.and* in eettied countlea. Apply to FOKSTKH, LAlbLAW A CO., bankera No. 7 Rail (treat. .i??n nnn permanent INVESTMENT IN Jt<{jU.UUU Plrat Sart^agee 80 per cent ou flr?t clan improved city Property, or 83 per o?rt?t on unim proved. Addreaa, with tall partlcalsra, K. W , box U? Herald office. d?cn nnn to loan-on bond and mort. J'IUivUu face ; Second and leasehold Mortgages caahed Ht.NK A OEaT, btu b^tli avenue. *170 nnn to loan?on bond and mort ? I I U.wUU (ace, in various lunn. without any delay. RICHARD v7 HAKNLTT, 111 Broadway, room onn nnn 10 loa* on mortcuor. in varloua turn*, on New Tark and Brooklyn property, GKO. JI. hILLYBR, 187 Broadway, nnn ?"TATB munky to loan-in 'UVJ auma to (nit, on long time, at f per rent, on in^t-edge bond and mortgage in tbia city; alao Second Mortgageepuroaaaed _ H.A. JuNHS A CO..811 Breadwa $250 000 TUVHr ,0HDS *? -AXON BOND and mortgage an Naw York city un proved Property, In aumito eaif. CALLENDKR A LAURENCE, M Pine ?tr?et $500,000 In ?atna to mit; no bonux reqalrad. John SIllKLfcT, ?1 Cedar (trcet & \(\{\ nrui TO LOAN ON OR BUT STOCKS, ?5'MMf.UVW ltonda, Nortfaga*. Lararanca Pali.-tea, any of the defaulted Kailroad Bond* anj other valiiaola 8ecurliie.?. PAUL P. TODD S6 Ubcrty atreet. d>7nn nnn to loan-on bond and mor? i I'U.UUU gage; Mortgages ca?b*d. T K BTKYENHON, Jr., Il Pine street or 33 F.a*t feventeentu atreet. N. B. ? ftieaa betna aauite ftinda. bom bat prime appllcatlona eonddered. f COPAHTHEHNIIIPR. Notice.?n yoniiaus and theo. m. douoh erty, lata of Brooka Broa. Cttnarlne atreet, hava formed a eopartnerahin (or the merchant tailoring bud neai undar tne firm name al Tonhaun A Dougherty, i:0 Plttb avenue, New Tora. N. VoNHAl'H, Mat 1. la?& TI1BO. M. DOUOHERTY. ? MMNKNS OrPORTUIUTIES. ANY KlRhT CLASS COMMISSION HOCMB, WITH A No. 1 tone) connection* needing additional capital and partner, flan communicate with BURT, tlerald offlc*. AORNTLKMAN (PROM MEXICO) who has FIRST claae and exteaaiva buaineae reiatlona In the city or and Ol rough the interior al that coantry. dealrea to can uect hlinaelf with aom? drat ola(? coinml(?l..n home, The advertteer la a good accountant and correapoudent, npeaka panlaii fluently. Addreaa NEOOCIO.->t Conti nental HjteL Philadelphia. APARTNBR, WITH fiO,?X) TO 810.000 CAPITAL' to engage In a ehoo manufacturing buainnea, now in tall operation and paying 20 per cam profita on aalee to a epecial and aaie trade, on wnloh ih.?re are no riaki; to a f rartl'-al man. capable of (uperltitending Uie manul'aj urlng department, a rare chauoa offered. Addraea ifc B., box 117 He rata oflV e. AOBNTEEL. PROFIT* 81.K BUSINK8S, SUITABLE for gantletnan or laay; beit bunue - atreet; will be ?old at aWgain or an i?tereat ?> * a. VANUYIR al Uoioa aqoare. BITSIITKSH OPPORTtTITIKS. A ?TO 'LOKISTB-IHHKK (ITT LOTB TW^ A. Greenhouses. one Kos? , k0.u*;? *ri^entv tourlli all tn complete order, at West *?"??;,? *nt at a bar ward. Uus cit^or f^gSSTKM^^X... A MMtJlt'preferred*?WUB zsna- ifflAMK. box 197 Herald office. i PAHTNKIt WITH M.OOP wA^^"^..ion^lravef A manager and cashier lor a food ?P?C"'? bug wast aua uuriu. ^ y AmuL,?tee1^.w *o^_ A LADY OR OBNTLEHAN WITH SOMR CAI?AL? A aud competent a* uesUn.r uud niter for and children's suits and cloaks. <?? r#J.e'7* aomcetnit n a wholesale and retail Business. Co y cnmpy>j>t ! nernoiis o/experience need tnnwer. by letter_ouiy, ? ? S.r^MrUw*M. ? R?it Kourteenlh street An j, f ktOBK LONG ESTABLISHED, OS BK8T tx-st onrt ol a 'leading avenue, for sale very cheap I for cash; beet reasons tor selling; no agents nte<l app jr. Address A. F, Herald office. R1RK CHANOB.-A GOOD FATING COUNTRY ^??S8-3)i BHlfeljfcY, 81 Odar street. _ ~l iiRNTl KM AN WITH BUSINESS ABILITY, WILL A "m^t P^-,dencv o.^a man bs'la'rgelv IwsntasSd by "5.VAdditional capital. A?l I SelTOKRf ABy! Six M Herald ogee. Ad drew DA VII*. bo* ?M Harahl office.? i 4 FARTY IN THB CONTRACTING i ? w ?tppripncRD BUBINESS MAN WILL. IjTtBST I t A3, box lli Herald Uptown Branch office. nr,N| a lull investigation eolrtited. Applj^^p^? L blMONri, 176 Broadway, room !?? A ?S'"L.? ?"h!5 iDuS5o.^.."?*;f^5-? SSSffiS pre(erred [tKustg?" re(ere,c# ^ reply. Address K. BARTON, Herald office. 4 8PI.BNDID BU8IMBM OPPORTU A unJer^u^. havlu?.a new and eieg.nt ?twk of ' Gentlemen's Furnishing ooods, including a jery nauu IstsSSwa of Laundry Future* mcluded. A ?ADDITIONAL CAPITAL .PB000ll,??,*?J? A ? mercl-anw, manufacturers and others; Miulngjn urestsTAo. negotiated; Real hstate exchanged tor Bu,i Bet* Ferons with capital waking business advised i:^1^ ChB:geiew,.;,l,1'i!?.e. vTSt forth America Life insurance Company; Ft t?jfj^S8 *"/ a RLeI A COTTON BROKER. MEMBER OF THH BX - aaasrxs&'i'11 "? A kn?ow"eS? of??tl? AbioWeep?ng?Ac^.m, It be can show a good record. Address At Buointna, Herald uptown Branch offlce. _ FIRST CLASS MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, l!t A one of ttie beit location* on Broadway,u i*68*roliJ of adiiintc dressroakiujc to their bunineas; a fow ?^n* k ?&t office. __ T^nuPKA ?tsno WILL SECURE HALF IKTEBB8T IN Hippodrome, kourth avenue. from 9 to 8o oloc*. *on ?VJ;Pk> ?10. ter ALEXANDER. "ljlOFtflALE AT A sacrifice?A VALUABLB r onsmall articles, with VBcblnerv complete for man ufacturlug, or tvoula pat under royalty U* a party in po .iUou W latrodog n.. 7 Howard street^ ,pru,,?; goou uw?uau# Marlboro-on-Hudson, N. Y. good reasoas lor Broadway, room SS^ rtn, ?>riC-AH INTBBKSf IN THE OLDEST ASD th 1st (Tors ? lire opportunity Terms eaay. Audxes. V. K. CHURCH, Wln?lior Hotel, New Yorfc. ? SA. iKSaVSiu. CUgl./KJsu'2lfcS'SJi4Jl Uie Clit Hall; capttU required, *?,?*>. Address mujc.^, box 1M Herajd offlceL_ ? Hunt a haynrs' month lt Rkoister of bum. t-'u l<'J iWn?tl?l?i_and BB5lne?sJlreaVs, 187 Broadway._ ?-?? arfliwsfl FOR SALB-ON RBA8('NABLR I ?erms; on* $10.'W cash reeulred; exoellent cbauee ftjrtwo entert'rising men. Full parUculare el WM. H. II aYkB A BOX. 8i oedar street i febi* "SuSft * vammts&m.?? I toa, nasa NKW AND VALUABLE PATENT ON BAWMILLHJ United States and Canada Eights for sale. FTS. towN. 181 Broadway, room ?? NOT 10B TO MBRCHANTS?^MERCHANTS Jttsai'n (h^^Si^ie}^.h )* Ffc&wv art, box 176 lleraid office. PARTNER WANTttD. ?MUST BE COMPETENT TO manage floanoea la an eatabllahed au-lot commit ?lnn boaloeaa. have aome meaey tad gtroag backerai a rare opportunity for a gentleman wlalilug to eetab lib ? ?<>o In a profitable, resectable and djily ipareaaing bualneea. Addreaa DAlftT PBOliPOTH, Herald effioo. PARTE BR WANTS D-WlTrf ta.?WOASB. IK A CASST tata, do Mailt hMlnnaa secured by eepyrlgbti par* lookuu lor a g.>od inveeunent will do wall to inveatV ? ? Addreea si ButaNTIa era oflo*. PARTNER WAVTBD-If TAKE* IMMBDIATRLT, ?30 will aeoure a Half Interest in an elegant ea?y buslneaa (oat of town J, paying 9*. <00 yearly. Call lor ItlCHARO .ON. II Ureat Jones street "PARTNER WANTED?WfTH FROM ? 1,000 TO ?1,M0 J cash,in an old agtabllahed and weii-paylm* retail boot ao.i abo? buaineea: splendid opportunity tor a re liable man; a tti roiwh Inveaugetlon solicited. Apply at M aJjoNK'H atore Agency, 111 Maaaau street. P? A OKNTLRMAM ALONR IN A THOROUUBLT ? established metal manufacturing buuneai aiul doing wall, weald like an energetic partner with JlO.Otn, competent to look after the finances and help extern! the Liikineaa. Appl/ to OUUtia A OARLfc.TO.Jt, to Uroad WfY. PARTNER WANTED?WITH FROM $1,000 TO $1,000 X cash, In an established manufacturing business in 1 hew York, that will payirem ?S.O'* to t">,0eu per annum t no rl<k: capital all aimer the exclusive control of party ftirBHIung same icioaest Investigatioa aollctted. Call at ; r.tom 4. eB Bread way. Rot"* contractor" wanted?to rXcatatk a lota oa Fifty-seventh and Kitty-eighth atxeeta, be- I tween -lxtli and eeventh avennea. Responsible oarUae ! apply to M. LIT I'M A.V, 240 Weat Fifty fifth Street. TO CAPITALIST".?#J0 000 MADE east.?the AD vertlaar owna tree and clear the mo it sightly and , beautifully located piece of real estate en "range Moun tain. New Jertey ; lor pure water and perfect healt.ilul ae?a It eanaot be excelled; can bears a cried from New lark city In ft minutes. baa a large (rentage on broad aveauea; to a capltaliat that will hul!d Immediately from 13 to 16 cottaaei a ehoice ef aite* will be deeded lor a ! nominal consideration; ballding materials and akilled ? laoor are uapreced?nit1y low. wnile anburr>an liomaa la ' thla locality are In (real demand. In tiirae nmea uo In- i vestment ran be more tare and substantial than lui- i proved namcombered real eataia; the margin between 1 Improvement# already made and tfeoae than ran a?w be ruade will afford a profit that cannot tail to aatiaCy the moet careiul Investor; Ihli property caa be thor oughly examined la a few hour*, ami can be made one< J or the aieaaariteit excnralone. Address. for detail*. > oRAMIK MOUNTAIN, box 127 Herald office. fl'HR RTOCE AND PTXTCRKH Of THE CHINA, i J Oleaaand Hnaaeftarnlatiing store TM ftlrhth avenue > lor tale, dotag a good bualaeas and In a splendid I oca- I lion 44EOROI DUNCAN. T~* AII/OR. ? A OOOD WORKMAN, WITH fJflOO TO $S.tOO. toleta the advertiser in a thrlvlnf town In I New Jeroey . neat reftirencea given ana required. Ad. dreae MKKit ILL. box 7M Toat office. TO MANCfATTURERi.?I WANT A BPECIALIT thai I nan work on commivdoa with my regular iood?, lobtilng trade. North. Mouth, r.aat aud weii Aa- 1 drew JO U.N J. fMI Tu, Jr.. lieraM office. TO PARTY ONDERhTANDlJlO RKTaIL OROCRRT bn^ineaa.?Advertlaer will fnrnlata two Ullrda canltal and other Inducetoentg; locailen excellent and rent nominal. Addreee P. A., box 114 Herald offioe. TO IROKKR3.-A OENTLEM A N OP RKAPECTaI bllity and ?>ed addreea, witn large gbneral and btialnesa acquaintance, wlahea te join a broker in gold | and atoek, real aetata, tnaaraace or notea, on equitable jer ma, contemplating ne outlay ol capital. Addreaa AS SOCIATE, box 11* Herald offioe. T~ O NILLINIRR AND OREMRMAKRTtiT-WANTiF~A working partner in a atyliah house. Juat opening; one with gome eapltal or good conneoUoo preterred. Addrean Mme. M., box IM Herald office. WANfKD-TO KNtFr iv ro PA RTNRlflBfP WTTB an Aaaertoan in the ooal bu?ine*g. rtoine capital and my aerrloei are ready for a fair bualneaa now eautk. ll?hed and paying wall Am a good accoantant and can manage all office affaire) flral cleat reierenceg. Au A nanioan wlahing a partner may addreaa COaL, box 108 Herald office, dating how mnoh oaeh wit be required, ktoauen ol yard, Ac. TV-ANTED-A PART*ER IN A DOWNTOWN HOTEL, tt ahortlr e?tai)ll9hed, with a oaplul ol i?,0iKi. Ad draaaJMOTKL pak r.s kr, Herald Uptown Rraech office. WANTKD-410.000 rOR PART INTRRB<IT IN A well ealablliiied aa.l lucrative bBaiueaa. Addregg box J. I'JO Mew York root office. . . H'MWBIg OPPORTUNITIES. WA$2Toeo orAi? nrviRVINO BUl*IKK?8 man, with bo* 13>Le rata Upj<l WM'r *,?h . AU(irw uauc-KH. reaioni lor tolling will begive! toboai M, ",'1*l,,Cl"r1y aildreagng BiiUUKlTY, boi Hi Herald offi, e gj^MaS4BU8Mt Mao tune. Addre?? < ? iSI .iV? of Jfutmakin* Veney utreet. Now York. ' Pluce, i,a<j., M ? a firm at abla bu?ino*i for gome yearn naif* in?l35* ?teady proflt cliautre brokerage and'YJLn? ?J?K*0,**n<M?r?Urn e*. ? am cl.? linJ*o, UM.*'Sutlc.U 1?8 r.,i'ck0f lor VVA1TED.-A 000n BUHINBSA MAM IV A 1 A ?n? ??t w 1 Ui the Mni'1 l,.u*,r"'M. to take the one half inter' UenJn wmp?OT2 SJmV1.* 'i00" ar'a ?n.nce. of ?ge?? food* (tap e ; mtre^narkii "nnl}CiCi0UJl't ? brolten health ; r?Ktas??HS! as 7?? MOW* II AN KIN 8,1,209 Broadway. yAUkhPrft..|PeAnR.TrNMEIl0V t OAPaBLkTf Mowor. bear and dlnln/ xaloon ! lh '??tourant, jWr thi* City Hall, N,w Y*rl^on^?rt?f.r?'T^f* roo""< doing good bniinesn or win m'i? tS? i?k ???*?*? now drcL.M. W? Herald office. whole, cheap. Ad XSR&^SrS? Mi rA; Mar "?a $250 ??wW,VmJfL*.??iSl,,,'> "OTI?"s? $300 ?f81* WIL*? PURCHASE POUR first ^^?s5&3K?w?? $300 T,o ?u^t~builn"?RJr^M WrOOW, WISHING (fentlaman of wealth to aiiit h?r?i k #. *n honorable A <1.1 re si bODTUfcHN 1 ?nv u with the a bore sum. office. UtKW LaDY, Herald Uptown Branch $300 ?o\?or?hK?iICKl4' CAN remain with ih?hpi AddreaLJ Knifr1^* "n* ropollun Theatre Broadway JKKUY Co"A.\ Met |l-m SSina be aO'e to olear tha imlmni 1?. !0? to buaineaa will two month* 1 only tho*e tnee?tnI*Mi W|thln the next the required amount nerd annlU?ti.fjS!ne,e *nrt t>,vll>? Addr*?aOw. ^Co.. gox 176 fc^aid offlc"?*?*c'u??m?? $1.000r^uYa?h.VfnRJrY.W,ITfl THI8 8UH ?pecialtr well worthy nf ? ")? "*'? of a Add re *4 ME* $1,500 fit^r."?tplVke"andDhan1 CO,RNKR ?A complete, with (Jood wtu o, Sit Itted "P, nor J, ^000 p.f annuj." ?A $3,000 u?rbwJfJlF'SSh* THKkKA^^ wnt low, and with Tffffe. JEfi* m?"ner ?? ?o pro. ?X" vEvtsra $3,000 "? * Cm. manently eatabluhe.l office bJi? ?''' ,B * Ber* ssss K.r.? a??r' ssa,,""'" MartTs'srK.'na ?J-OOrt*. Addre? XCBB^l'U^^VSifKri $5,000 22L&u2d Zt^hD~T0 ?bove amount ean hear of a ilSd'ch?nJP*^,0f wl,h ,h* ??me tafeiy and to ?o?!a advance c?"ce t0 *"??? <h? ylcea. AJotbm mHiraMa^Ut *** $5,000 ?u?r.i,0''W) Tk?. INVBHT IN MANU^Io f"""- Addreaa ^B. P.7bo?x l?7'u/r?M?^?r * $5,000 T.?u,J.00r)0^WANTKD-TO WORK A IT A. S^,^ ar^t'thT^t'vr.r niahinir the money will hare lnli^????S^f' # P*rtT lur. tory re%ran^? given ana reou^rid i^ ot "tl.lac Interrlew, box 4 pust office Addr#*, ?pPotnUuj $10,000 IS. I**-000?A PARTY HAVING 1HK jfk? V raaka*ranVm?U?#w hare the aiencr fbr the mu^I lii.f? ? Manufacturer to ? U motuaUy aatltfM tory or ^?k?0li!h*n>1 c*,h financial branch of ?o?eT^i,? W of ,h# ?J.?n. _Addreaa ll. H. b?S^JM7e<?5riVe ?P" $10,000 TA"55S.4f cfiz^ !?,7^T $1(),000 ZxmfrJK S;T.L.HJ"'"' "?? Intely fate DroUJo? thai^T*^!^:i 1 ,*?*** ?D<1 ???" drert UhMKrKKY jleraid 'fflwp* U U Ad $10,000 ?la?a fTMOTLT f7r^7 ?niaaloft Houm toii^ cm S^'S11 "M C#m thalr bualnra? with lam imrn ^ J ^ ' aniMitiii t>? DMdIn controlling con?i/nmVnu^S^,*k' """"y ?o nectad man with iioo<i rm-or? ^V0t *ood<' ? *? ! con aqaitabla baaU A^rm^SfftutS ?? IraMPLAIKTIFiTbo, 17? H.riM ofl^^ A<? $20,000 A42S0:aAL?ct.ArpnlLiL ?^T?D-TO great magnitude u, wnicb a foriLn.'S? J? ,hii cl57 coailng ???. ^XSSSi ia'^Lff* *?, ??"*/tbo and legltlioata. and th# ?t>n>liiu SIei?a^t^Jl,Bfc r wbi* Oiorott?!hly eatabliahed. The whlch u flmred lp proMcau Oil* enterr?rilr?KT """chlnery ra relly protected by JT"broad^0U m^V'?, Slv*ru>?r baa there can bono poeelbie ocmMifii . coaa^nuently cacltal deilrlna to Inreai win nhV^Si. f ** "?vln* dtnary oppertumty. UDeIoaDUoi^b?2 * ?/' changed. Addr^a BHOA^effi'VT'rar^ a;inn nnn -wamted-onb or morr capi. f IUU.UUU. ta list# to Invest troai $I0,iW) npward In s proprietory Medicine i established lii years; now on l nro bull sud in |ood demand; properly extended tod develop## a permanent end blinly lucrative busi ness wltl remit: patent medicine men preferred ; this It unusual opportunity tor investment In ? relleMe and snceessful enterprise. Address CAPfTAL, Heraid Up town Braucb office. 1.M6 Broadwav. etty. SUICIDE IN BBOOKLTN. A KXW TOU MBBCHAlfT BHOOTa HIM8ELF 15 TBB HI AD. Coroner Slmms tu notified yesterday to bold inquest over the holy of Mr/ Asa Parker, re siding at No. 1M Putnam avenue, who com mitted auicide by ahooting himself In tbe bead. For aeveral years tbe deceased, who la aald to have been a man of cheerful disposi tion, carried on tbe mahogany baaineaa at Nos, 1M .md let Centre street.. New Tort, Recently be met wltb fluaacial emoarrasameuta which c.iused hitu to exhibit a>n#toms 01 menial depree aton at times, though no particular alarm was feit lor him by hla family, who never dreamed of hia taking bla lire. Yester oar morning be rose from Bis coach about si* n'< lack, and telling nta wise he was going Uowa inatrs for a few minute* he went oat <>i the mom. ? few moments later abe was startled by the re pert 01 a pistol, and, Hastening te tae baaensent, waa horrified upon beholding biin lying on the floor bleeding from a bullet wound in bis right tempi*. Death must have been ln?taatane oua. He was aUty years of ago and leave* a widow and Ave daugfeieia. Mr. Parker was an active member of Dr. Scndder'a ckureu. THE JERSEY FERRY RIOTS. Another conflict between paaaengera and em ployee at the Jersey City# ferry was transferred yesterday to Juatice Davie' Court In Jeraey City. He leaued a warrant for the arreat of a gate tender named Samuel Ramblln, who waa charged with an assault on a passenger named John Den ver. The aocused claimed that he was acting in obedience to orders and waajuatifled In drivlag the paasenger ont. Justice Davis interrnnted him by aaying tnat he bad no right to lay violent nan<ie on any citizen, and that ooedlence to an order directing mm to perform an Illegal act constituted no defence. He aaned that trie city had an efficient police foroe capable of preserving order at the ferries and elsewhere. When a passenger had paid his fare ne must be allowed to pass un moleated. In order to make an example, there lore, he would remit the Oise to the Grand Jury. Hamblln was thereupon committed iur trial. A citizens1 organization, te tie known as tbe "Com 2utee of Baret;," was organized lu Waahlngtun au jeaterdai. TH B COURTS. THE CONVICTED COCNTERFEITEB MASON. Oeorge Alfred Mason, who wm lately tried and convicted in tne criminal branch of the United .states Court, heiore Judge Benedict, on a charge of Having in his possession and nttering counterfeit money, was yesterday sentenced to twelve years' Imprisonment in the Albany Penitentiary anil fined $1. The prisoner rose In an excited manner to address tbe Court, but Judge Benedict said bo had already been heard tbroagb counsel, ami Mason wa? at once removed. Mason, Immediately after sentence, was placed In a close carriage with tbree deputy United States mar-bais and taken to Albany. His criminal record is remark able. It I* alleged that be was tbe Dead conspira tor In tbe plot to kidnap President Lincoln, for which be was to receive 9100,000 in gold. Bat two days b?fore the plot was to culminate bo was arrested in Washington, charged a* a Confederate spy, and was conrt-martialled and sentenced to Imprisonment for life. tier was subsequently pardoned Dy President Johnson on promise of leaving the oonntry. Then h? turned up In Canada, ana the police records ot Toronto show him to have been arresteo flfty-ono tlmea lor varloua offences, in wblch tne punish* meat was by fine aua imprisonment from four to thirty days. Ue was also convieted in that city of perlury In iWi# and served one year in the com mon jail. In 1871 be waa again arrested on is charge of stealing police ooart records, and wad sentenced te two years' hard labor in the Kings ton (Canada) Penitentiary. He aerved one year, and ttien was released for exposing a plot amoi.* otaer convicts to break Jail. It was snb equeutir ascertained that be coaoooted the plot himself in order to effect his release by exposing it. H* first negotiated with tbe secret .service officers in the early part ef i?74, stating that he could rid tbe United States of counterfeiters, but demanded that he should be appointed an officer of the ser vice. He was told this was Impossiule. but thai; he would be palu for any Information be might give, and then went to work, and ftom tbe timo he began until the present day be wan never with out a "shadow" on hia track irom the rreasu.y Department. IMPORTANT SHERIFFS SUIT. The case of Bnasmann Dornberg and others vs. James O'Brien, late Mieriff, has been on trial for the paat three days before Judge l.oew, of tho Court of Common Pleas, and presents features of unusual Interest to the mercantile community. Tbe case was tried in February last, resulting in a verdlot lor tbe plaintiff; but on question of law the General Term of the Co At ordered a new trial. In i860 Henry Cans was tbe owner of a dry good* store at Mo. 56 avenue A, and on the Bib of Auguie be sold bis stock to the plaintiff, Dornberg. The sale was negotiated by tbe wife of Mr. Cans, ami plaintiff testified that he paid $2,000 for the stock and fixtures, handing the money to Mr. Cans and he transferring it to bis wife, and taat oe then went into tne store snd "took possession." Four days alter the sale of the property an attachment was Issued out of the Supreme tours against Uaaa' property, at the instance 01 Messrs. Uasberle, Kmer; A Co., ary goods merchants, lor the sum of $3ft0, and tbe goods In the storo together with a portion 01 the stocK which had been removed to a butcher's store in First avenue, were seized ana subsequently soid by the Sheriff's auctioneer, the sale realising only %ibt bi. pUlntlffs claiming mat the stock was wortn over $2,Quo. Mr. A. Oakey Hall, with Mr. Aimon Goodwin ap peared for the defence; and, alter a searching cross-examination ef the witnesses, developed tbe lact that Uuns and wile wero In debt to Claflin, Melleu it Oo. and other dry goods mer chants, aud Mr. Uall in a masterly summing up. la wsich, as usual, he cited the early hnglish la V oomuientators, and amused tbe Jury with refer ences to ail tne recent novels, asfced the jury t?? "Put Yourself in His i'lace" (meaning tbe Sheriff), and contended that tbe sale was merely a Oran I to hinder and delay the Just demands ot the creditors. Judge Loew onarged the Jury that If they oeileved irotn the evidence #nat tn?* sale and transfer of the stock of goons from Qatid to the plaintiff was made In good rultn, and with^ out any intent to binder, delay or defraud me creditors, they would find a verdict in favor ot tbe plaintiff for such a sum as they oellcved from the evidence the geods were fairly and reasonably* worth, if, on tbe other band, tney believed tbe sale was not a bond JKle transaction, but wm. made for tbe purpose of defrauding toe creditor*' of Cans, they would find in favor of the de icndant; tuat If the plaintiff bougnt the goods 111 good rairn. witnout any *nowle<igo of irand to be' perpetrated on any creditor, no matter wnat tho intention of tne arantor was, he conld not tie hetd liable, and waa entitled to recover unless tho oircutustances known to nun were such as, in the exercise of common prudence, ought to have awakened his suspicion and led blm to inquire. A seaiOd verdict waa ordered for Monday morning. DECISIONS. St'PUUt COUBT ? CHAlfBXJia. By Judge Donohue. Hotlfster vs. Kugieuart.? Costa la the inquests are costs in the cause. Br Jmlge Lawrence. Mimonldes Library association.?I think that tbis certificate is detective, because it does not show that all tne persons naiuen are citizens of tbe United states, (See Laws, 1805, page fl-ia, sec tion L) Lorenzo vs. Ca*ssn.?Orders as granted in previ ous decision. In tne matter of Donnelly.?Tbere snouid be a reference in this case. hpratt vs. Crawford.?Tbe order submitted in not in conformity with my decision, and a ne at one muat be preaented. Hueoner vs. RooseveiL?Under the circumstan ces I tb Ink tbe motion fer a refeience should 00 denied, without costs. People vs. Standard Union Manufacturing Com pany.? Memorandum on seitlement of oraer. Uecker vs. Hecker?order granted. Davis vs. Wright.?uranted. Jams vs. Ka*ar.?In tois case the consent to refer Is not signed by tbe H.train Bank or its at torney, snd rule 73 precludes me from appointing tbe gentleman suggested; the re.eree appointed to compute is therefore continued as reiereo to sell. lioffhung vs. Carlisle.?Upon the plaintiff's exe cuting sn undertaking with two surettea to bo approved by the Courtia tue sum et 114,00a, belt* doable value or tbe property attached, that resti tutio! will be made and Judgment will be signed. Phillips vk shed don.?Titer* must be a reference la tbis caae to ascertain tacts. Keierence or dered. stTPitzm cotnrr?cntcurr?part 2. Miller and Another vs. Brenhsm Impleaded, Ac. Case settled. summon court--apr.cnal tehsc. By Judge Van Vorst. In re Application or Welsb. Receiver, Ac., fov Leave to f-ue.?Under rnie *3 the Receiver has general power to sue; he needs no special author* Ity. Motion denlea. Chamberlain va Chamberlain.?Tbis Judgment is Irregular and saeuld be vacated, up. n a trial by the Court, the decision ef tbe Judge upon wbic.a tae Judgment is to be entered should contain a statement ef facts found and concisions of law* separately. Sucn decision has not been made. bf vine va Deviae.?Reference to Charles Prlcg to tate evidence sad report. Von An vs. seenaid.?hndisgs of faot and con elusions 01 laws aettled ami signed. Well va stead et ai.?Order settled. My Judge Curtis. The Windsor Hotel Company ai si. vs. Hawk et ai.-Decision upon construction of leaae, Ac., 111 defendants' favor. Opinion. By Judge Sedgwick. Lavertey va kejes et at? Mouoa denied with ont costs. Dnryee v?. Lester.?Default opened wltbont coats, and principal motlen denied without costs, Patterson et ai. vs. Benrlmo, trustee, Ac. ~i Motion denied witnout costo and wltnoni preju dice to a rsnrwal of motion upon iurther facta. Memoranaum. COKMOW P1.XAS?CHAMBERS. By Jndge Daly. Astor ts Palacbe?Kxira allowance of one and a quarter per cent, opinion. ILU'ID T RANBIT. A nnm*ronsiy attended meeting or the Nine teenth Ward Rapid Traaalt Association waa held yesterday at Mo. #54 Fifth avenue, eorner Fifty, second atreet. Hon. Thomaa Pearson, Chairman, presiding, Wiuwm Hl'tcbman acting aa aecietary. Tbe reporia af toe committees were received, an* conraglng subscription* wera made aa well aa eeveral apeechea reiarring to tba fact that ainc* me laat meeting tba clttzeaa of Maw York bav? neen encouraged In the ballef that rapid tranait, the much-needed want, will soon be brought to ? suocesainl conclusion. The Senate has already pasaed taa but and tba aame wiu, do doat>t. b? concurred In by the Assetnbij and approve.! by taa Governor. Alderman McCafferty then of fered tba roiiawing resolution Resolved. That we acknowledge with pleasnre tba action of tne Mmata In the passage of tne act providing for rapid transit and recoaaiae taeia aa public spirit*! an4 Intelligent officials. Which waa nnammonsiy adopted. Mr. Jacob token offered taa lollowlng resolu tion Re solve a. That a committee often be appointed 1>7 tha, Chair tc solicit sabsrr.ptlon) and ibat ten per cent in?re of M paid id upon the pas<ag? ot the law to b? applie 1 to ths process of construction of tba road and mat we will bid for tha franchise. Rcao vfcj, i hat the *amc committee communicate wltti all onrafll*ations rstnt>llsbi><l for promoting rapid trau alL tor the purpose ol advancing the same. Resolv?t, i hat <>acn icnoer to the tuo j do now pa f $UA toward deiraytiirf the expenses. Which wen severally adopted. several hnndre 1 dollars were th?n pud over t<j tba Treasurer. *tid the uieeuug adjourned sulgect to tae can or the iumib