Newspaper Page Text
WHOLE NO. 14,140. NEW YORK, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOIL ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS?Ninth Page? Fourth, filth and sixth columns. ASTROLOGY?Second Page?Third column. BILLIARDS? Ninth Page?Third column. BOAUlibKS WANTED?Twelfth Page?I'lftb end sixth oolumna. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?Twelfth Fage sixth column. BROOKLYN HoakD?Tww.rTH Page?Sixth column. BROOKLYN KKAl, ESTATE FOR BALI?Seconb Pag*?First column. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Eighth Page. MU.-INKSi NOTICES?Skvewth Page?sixth column. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SAXK?Second Pags-FIts* column. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?Twelfth Page?Third and fourth columns. CLOTHING?Ninth Pack?f ourth column. COACHMEN AND OA RDKNERs?Twelfth Page? Fourth and fllth columns. COAL A NO WOOD?Ninth Page?Third column. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?First paue-Fifth and sixth colomns. COUNTRY hoard?Twelfth Page?Sixth column. PANCINO ACADEMIES?Ninth Page?Fourth colaron. DENTISTRY?Ninth Paox?Fourth column. DRY GOODS?First Page?Sixth column. DWELLING HOUSES lu LET. FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED?Beoowd Pace?second aud Third columns. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?First PAiis-Fifth column. EXPRESSES?Ninth 1'agk?Third column. EXCURSIONS?First Page?Sixth colinun. FINANCIAL?Kighcti Page. FOR BALK?Second Page?Sixth column. FURNISHED ROOMS AM) APARTMKNTS TO LET? Second Pao??Third column. FURNIT 11 RE?Ninth Pacw?Third columD. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?Twelfth Page? Second and third columns HELP WAN l ED-.M ALES?Twelfth PAOE-Flfth col umn. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.-FinsT PAGE-Second, third and fourth columns. HOTELS?Twelfth Pagl?Sixth column. HOUSErooms, .to., WANTED?First Page?Fourth column. INSTIiUc i ION?Ninth Page? Third column. LECTURE SEASON?Ninth Page?Fourtn column. X.OmT AND FOUND?First Pact.?First column. MACHINERY?Second Page?Sixth column. Marble MAN 1'ELK? Page?Fonrtli column. MEDICAL?Second Pack--Sixth column. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING-Fisst Page?Sixth column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS-TENTH Page? Sixth column. MISOELLA sEOUS?Second Page?Sixth column. MUSICAL?Ninth Page?Fourth column. ' NEW PUBLICATIONS?Seventh Page?Sixth column. NEWSPAPERS?Ninth Page?1Third column. PERSONAL?First Page?First column. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?NiMH Page? Fifth column. POST OFFICE NOTICE?First Page?Sixth column. rROFE SIGNAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? Twelfth Pace?sccond column. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO E' NT?Second Page?First and second columns. BEAI. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?j*co*d Page?Seeond column. BEAL ESTATE WANTED?Second Page?Second col umn. BEWA RDS?Finsr Page?First column. BALES at AUCTION?Second Page?Fourth, fifth and sixth columns. SITUATION' ? WAN'TF.D?FEMALES?Eleventh Page, and Twelfth Page?First and second columns. SITCAi ION'S WANTED?MALES?'Twelfth Page?lhird column. _ ?FECIAL NOTICES?First Page?First and second cohimn.i. BFORI1NG, DOGS, BIRDS, AC?First Pacx-Second column. BTOP.aG .?Second Page?Sixth column. BUMMER P..-.SORTS?TwKLrrn Pack?Sixth crlnmn. THE TRADES?Twblftb Page?Fifth column. THE TI RF?First Page?Sitcond column. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOofcs?Second Page? Second column. TRAVELLERS' gUIDE-Fiist Page??lxth column. tINFURNISH' H ROOMS AND A i'.V Iti'M EN TS TO LET? Second Pac ?ihird column. WANTED TO PUR l1 *st?Fir..<T Page??lxtli column. WA1CIIKS, JEWELRY, AC.-Ninth Page-Third col umu WBBI CHESTER corNTY FEOPHBTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?Ski osd I'auf?First column TACiriS. STEAMBOATS, AC.?Ninth Pace?Third col umu. PERSONAL. A NY BODY ABLE TO GIVE ADDRESS OR ANY IN J\. formation atiout Mr. A. C. Van < l"ff. up to .January, 1871, residing in Keilosc. Jasper county. Iowa, in kiunly requeued to> semi particular* io L. VAN CLKPF. I'heo lot-ici Nuilent. care of Mr. t'laatler, St?reiiftracln ut Amsterdam. Holland. _________ BOOTH'S. SATURDAY EVENING: BEAUTIFUL younfr lad v. dainty foot, near lonil admirer- plf-a?n state particular*: appoint interview. Address MEI? EOMEO, llerald offlce. 1OT0XMATION WANTED?OF EDWARD MILES, ?who left London. England, the year I87X ('all on or Address his brother. HK.<HV MILES, J.Vi pirst avenue, Niw Jforis <'anada papers pIc -.F" c ipv. ~ ADORA?AMECO IS IN TOWN. CALL TUEsT day. by five P. M. CONRAD, SB This EVENING?TWENTY-SECOND STREET. 7:T0 o'clock. | Y. A. M. The ladies wno wished to buy the house near -ixth avi-nu? and Thirtv stm t can have H at their terms. fS.tX ash and si o n (lervoar.- loss Chan the same will rent lor. . ** >i> ill av., in store. Tl.Lit-YOI ARE FORGIVEN. RET OEM AT once, or vour mother will m>t virvlve her loss. FA i HER and MOTHER. M W TIT B. CARR?IF THE YOUN'J MAN THAT CALLED rr . at W. B Carr's place, _4.". (.. l.l htreet, Brooklyn, Jn resard to yiopt-rlv in En eland will call again or ad dress he will bear ol f?imettinier to hi" advantage. WOOD'S. FitlDAY EVENING.?THE i.KML MAN who sat behind laav. walking a Ion* kido when Ins ont, am! exchanging look* upon partlntc. is desirous lor an Interview. Address, describing hat worn, to Brevent mls'ake, MARGL'IREI fE l LOW:.R, lierali 'ptown Branch office CTH AVENUE MATINEE. SA i'URDAY.?TWO LA ? ) dle?. Will in'i loan vour classes? Is It a true story t Wednesday matinee, name place. m>*t a*i> For am. Found-a valuable package of papers. The owner can have th- sumc hv deM-rlblneand pav ?n* for thi? advertisement. Mr*. IRENE MACBBADx, ho. KM Ea^t Fourteenth ,?tree| I 0>r-BAJ? VIOL: LETT AT WRONO PLACE Ij ahoiit ?'4tlt- of A;-n! lutormants fit II will be re rardid by Pai.MKK. 129 Bro*d aire< t, room 17. $ ??WARDS. - KES' XK.'K EKJHTll AYENCK, t) between Thirtieth mid I ilTicth street*. 11 Hliiek Uld Tan medium aire. loli- ear*; an?wor? to the Mine of flhKe.v. My returiniiy him to owner, 3M Wert ?orty-llfib ?tr<'t, aho*e re? nrd v ill he paid. tin BEIV AK?>?l.OST ONSATt II \ . UTKKMMJN. Pi" n amall blue* Vcoti-li Terrier, with xha?'Kr hiilr, an colored l>rea?t mi l paw*: had on * collar v ith lx*It ind pinK rlhhon. The ahove reward vili t.<- paid ou hi* return t" '.'ti I i'th avenue Me UKWAKI' WII.I. HI! FORTliF RETl'RX ? I ol a Ilttl -Hlaek an l Tan 1*l;h velvet <'ollar and bell*, answering to the Dauw of Nellie: waa k>?t on Sat Ur.inv night ill ? o'clock. II retum?d with collar will tie Mid lor I-. Wert Twenty .?ev--ith street. Z." "v"" ?' T"" r v. ....' .v. .T""T"T.T ?; KPFXUIi NWIIKB. A? HAVANA LOTTKKV, .NEXT DRAWING MAT K ? Herman government drawnma. Prize* ca?hed and iDiorm.i'ion 8lwn. W a? ? '* Ban ken. 75 and 77 Nassau ?treet. Cost office liox :i,3lfl, A ?KENTl'CKT .-TATK ."IN'.LK Jfl'MBKR MIT J\, terv, Havana plan: Simmon*, "tekhison A Co . Mana.'erv For circular* of Information addre?a their anthorized agent, .1 CLITE, 153 Kiiitaa 'ireet, Knox Bailnne. ? FORT ON P. FOR $1-WYOMhNO MONTHLY A draw* Mae 31. 1 ?'iia! t.nt tvt.nno: **cond.': third. KM.!"*': fourth *IO.l?l: 70.7M smaller felfu. the whole amottmin to aaru"'. N> ver po*tpone<[ firket* $1 ea< h i> :<v fc4. :'5 tor ??' Agent* *1 anted, fllaairated 1 iiiie mailed tree, containing full particu lar AI.bhN A CO, ?j .Nassau atieei. Net* York. A? KE!?T1*CKY SINOLE Nl'MBRR LOTTERY, OK . II iv:iiia plan. Price* <a*he<t ?n l intorumiion jiven Hex 6.5'J4 Post ofti e, <>r llrt Naevail etreet. C. THRODOR J! sc HOC II. HorriciAi." OKAwistt^ or the keniccky . . taie and ? lielM ? . hue1 1 otteriea. BfcXIt car stat*, iimi 1 iji? ;-f>7 ?i*r8, 187">. ML 4.1 54, II. 71. .V\ 7 41, 44 $ , IS 47. M, M. fBKLIIT. ?**a iu??S7l-f<T S l.<7.\ at 43. 9. ct. *?4. .4. a* ?7. m, in. 20. M. 1?, ?. aiatccET C1AM U??all ?, 1C74 18. a ??. 2S 7U. 4. .'7. vi 4 . 49. 20. 61, 48. ? an *?. ci a'? ^74? *ir 9. 1*74. W. 43. 54, r,7, ;R s, H, 43, S?. 4-.. M. 17. 74. I. S. HWITII A ro.. Covirijtton, K>.. Po?t ?Orali.x .',i?l. New York A_V4RR-i. EMERSON, A CO., AiiK.NTrf FOR . Kentin Hv SMte Lotterte* drawn daily Roval Havana Lottery, drawu t?<;r> l,"davp. ReatucKV .Hintrie Number i.otterv. drawn May *\ 117.-.. frl*e? 'caahcd. In'ormaUou turnti:ied And circular* irnt. by a-litr- ??inf i'.m.k > A tOa l-f> Kroadwajf, room 4: Po?t Ofllce ho* 5.27- rrlvate oflfe attached. Ofljre hoor* 7 A. M. till 7 r. M. "a -KOVAL HAVANA I>>TTRItY. . A. r -twine* every Udar*. Next drawing Mey ? One Pri/e o! tlnvifl One Pn/" ol JW.i'D One Pn/i" ot <*' ' wo Prize* ol $l),?fi?ach ' " pn? Prt/e ot 1 fen Prizes of il.l?<> ei li l?o?t W?< other Pnaea amontittn* 27c,(w? Prue* cashed, t'ln ular*. with mil ptirtlcaUr*. sent ftee. r. C. OEYLIN, .-uti'.ner ,md Oen< ra Aeent, M I.lliertv street. New Vork. Books and Accotiirrs invkstkiatki). iiai. anced and el.i?ed by an efficient ar. . intnnt; term* bed hy )oh or .tay. Ad'dren* K.. box l'o*t offli e. DIJiRASRH nr MEN AN 1 > IMPORTANT MEIMCW, and Snrskal < ,i?f<i 1 "pen tltv. HENRY A. DAS (ELS. m. ii,. in i.exmgton iv., near Twenty-ninth at ( 1 RAN P OI'KNINft UK U A. in.TZRi//t tiermanla BeerTni:re|. corner Broome ?irrei and Hrnad ray. itIt hi extra ilne Lnnrli. 1 ne. lar mn-l Wedn- -liny, M 1 v II jti I I Domestic and Imported er? on drnnfht. on which tecarioD my irlends and tin-p itillc are pcctiud> in Tlted. T1AVANA I,"iIIRV. J 1 1 dl?tri.mte-l In prtif-i M iv M. i Prlie ?t $]i?ir(M 1 I'ri/.e ol ,, .' "Ml 1 I'ri/.e of . . 1 ,ii i| 2 Pri/.e?. each of tln iuM " I Prize ol ,n Prtnes, rieti ,.| $|.n M ?Mother Pri/e?. am 8ii'in? to ^ 2,0,11,0 rtrcui'ir* ol laloriiiMiinn iiirni<lie(i fre'V'ttfilVr' *tii< 1 ra/e* cashed. punhll Batik Note., |tnnb:ooa.< tnd govern me 11 u pnrrnaxed. TAY 1.OR A CO.. UaaKer*. 11 \v?? i mrerI, New VorK. INT DRKY ST AT K SINiil.R RDMRRR UOrTKRY. 14nOa 1 I K 41:11.. Cigar Dealer-, 104 Mef. ?r atrret, ^ doori above Hon ton ctrect. K SPECIAL. NOTICES. Havana lottery.-$430,000 in prizes "every fifteen day*. Ono prize of $lU0.t*? one prize of. $$>.000 One prise of 35,0?H) i wo. HO. O'X) each.... 20.000 One prize 'it A.000 Ten, $1,WW each l0,UOO Ill prizes, $600 each, .65.500 710. 83**1 each 214..VXJ Prizes cashed. Circulars of information tree, Highest price paid lor SpunLsh gold nud Government* T. B. MAIU'INEZ A Co., Bankers. 10 Wall st (rear basement). -V. Y. l'oat otBce box 4.805. K? OFFICIAL DRAWING OK 1HE KENTUCKY , Male Lotteries, Simmons, Dickinson A Co., Mana gers.? itMicir. kitka class xo. 317?mat 8. 187^ 78. 28, 44. til, 38. 4, 49, 9. .".9, 47, 62, 65, Ml BKMCCKT CMII MO. 318?MAT 8, 1878. 17. 88, 30, 16. 24, 72. 70, 43, 89, 48. 61, 64, 46. BZHt.'T, KXTBA OI.AKS HO. 408?MAT 8. 1878. 13, 65, 14. 4. 4S, 26, 58, 73, 63. 38. 3, T8 6. nxKRT, d.ASS NO. 404?MAT 8, 1S78. IS, 7ft 53. 36. 88. 67. 22, 63, 10, 80, 33, 26, 4. Full inlormimon by applytng to or addressing J. CLL'TE. 200 Brosdway, room 6, tlrst floor, rear othce. or Pout otllce hox 4.989. ? KKNTCCKY STATU HI N'(;I,K NUMBER LOT tery. on Havana plan, drawn .May 29; also Royal Havana of Cuba, drawn May. Full intormation by ap plvintr to or addressing J. CLL'TE, 200 Broadway, or box 4,069 Post office. I OKI) A TAYLOR, GRAND AND CHRYSTIK STREETS. J English body urus-sub $1 SO and $1 75 English and American tapestry $1 m and 1 I2>i Mmk. gerome, florist, 35 south fifth ave nue, informs Her customers that M. L. liougrelle Is no more in business with her A4 HARES' JTl ICAKr.S1 PARAGON SHIRTS. Made to order, of best materials, and warranted to fit Sent by express, C. O. U., to any part of the country, nt the following price*:? 6 Hhirts. Masonviiie muslin and fine linen $J2 00 6 .~liirtUaui-utta muslin undrery fine linen 13 6") 6 Shirts, New York Mlllyatld best linen... 15 10 Hoys' Shirt*, i*iuly made and to order. Fancy Shirting:, in great variety. Directions for measurement* sent on application. RICHARD ME ARES, Sixth avenue and Nineteenth etreet, Now York. ONTIILY LOTTERY.?$80,000 for SL six TICKETS fi.r $5. For full particulars address J. M. PATTEE, Laramie City, Wyoming; or, ALLEN A CO.. 79 Nassau street, Now York. OFFICE OF IHE NEW YORK MUTUAL GASLIGHT company, northeast comer Fourth avenue and six teenth .street, In Ion square. New York, May 8. 187.V? The annual mooting nt the stockholders ol the New York Mutual Gaslight Company lor the election ol 16 di rectors and three inspectors of election lor the enduing year will be held at Ihe otflce of the com puny, in th' "citv oi New York, on Tuesday, May 18, 1875. the polls lor which election will Ix* opened between the hours oi 12 M. and I o'clock 1'. M. ot that dav. Ihe transier books of the company will be closed for ten davs du (lavs) prior to said election. By order of the Board of ' ir'ec ttr.s. OUAHLE.-i place. Secretary. CTCTTKRING.-UNITED STATES STAMMERING IN O stltti'e (Dr. WHlTK), 417 Fourth avenue. New York; best references; no puy until perfectly cured. Call or send for circular. rpHE "KEEBE RANGE." THE REST AND CHEAP 1 est conking apparatus for families: price reduced to 865 for No 1. laintlv size, including wator hack and setting. Orders for repairs sent by mail promptly attended 10. Made and warranted by JANES A klr'l LAND, No*. 8, H?, and 12 Hemic street, Ci'JfWl (UWt -KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY, ?!P?>UU.UUU. single numbers. .May 29, 1875. SI01.'i.11 Missouri >tute, May 15, 1878. B. N A111 AN, No. 4Gilsey Building, Cortiandt street. New York. M SPORTIJICUDOGS, BIP.DS, AiC. \ ?FOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF FANCY DOGS. J\ ? Birds, Ac.: Medicines lor all diseases: Prepared Food for mock In* birds, at B. G. DOVBY'B, No. 3 Greene street, near Canal. Adirondack rifle and shot breech-loader, made to order for $12">; price 875: al*o 9 Ih. Breech loader lor 8f/0. H. C. sQl'IRES, No. 1 Cortliuidt street THIS TlttF. ~~ A T FLEETWOOD PARK.?FI'JST SPRING MEETING; JA. premiums 213,SOU, May lw, 19,21,1876.?First day, purse $1.001. 8-80 clas?: same d?J. purse 82.000. 2:26 class; secouu day, puw $1,5.W 2:31 cla.--; same day, parse 91.000. double teams, lor tolM that never MMfSWt third day. purse, SI.AtO, 2:31 class- same dav, parse 82,.'>30, - :24 class: lourth day. purse Sl.UJD, 2:39 class; same 'lav, purae 93,000, 2:20 class. Entries close on Mon day, Ma / 111, ut 9 I'. M.. at Johnson B:o*. See particu lars fn Tun, Fieifl and Kami and Wilkes' spirit All communications to I e ?ddr.'s?eo to DAK1US TaI.L.MAN, JOHNSON BROS . Fie> twtod Park. A LOTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT SHAN'S j\ Poolroom, northwest corner of Bowery and Broome street, to-dav an.i evcnlnn on the I exingion and Deer foot Pars races: French .'.ioi* on th ? Eexinaton rucr-s open until 3o'clock; full returns received t>v leleeraph. GEORGE sHA.n. AUCTION AND FRENCH POO.S HOLD EVERY raorntn* and cvenititf during the week on the run ning rser-s at Lexington. Ky.. at the New York Turf Ex change. 15 West Twenty-eighth sirt-et; entries and re sult* by telegraph. KKL.'iY, HLIss a CO. A ?AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD THIS J\ . dav on the running races at Lexington. Ky.; also ever* dav and evening flurm* the meeting at JOHN hON'S Pool Moom*. corner Broadway and Iwentv-eighth street. Full returns received each day by tclegVapn W. II . A r. ?. Jo UN .-.ON. Arrangements iiavk been made with the I'ennsviTsuia Railroad ''ompanyto send a special train Iroin .ler-ev City to Point Breexe Park, on Mindav, May '23. to ship all Horses eutcred lor the Point Brec-ae races, and to return t he uune ou the lolluwing Sunday. Philadelphia. Mav <), l?7.V YAEERFOOT PARK. 1) KIK9V SPKINO MEETING. 1175. KIBST DAY", Tl'ESDAY. Ma* 11. Purse $2'K), for 3:d)eia?*. J. b. Jaryis' it. (i. Lewi* nOTt J. U. Philip*' iir. s. ? ompeer. XV. u'Donntir1) b. in. Ediili. W. k. i horn*' ?>. g. Crnnkv .lack. J. Bucklev'a cli. g. Harry W. P. Manee ? ft. s. l.'suwvello. J a men Ucrry's *. it. Little .'oe. J. II. Goldsmith's b. in. Volunteer GlrL II. Churtra'* bu. in. KtiMbelh. S. 1.. .??mmld'ii. 0. William H. Lipplnoott, Jr. W. 11. Wilcox's b. g. .lotlQ W 'ibom<ut Conner's Dlk. g. Vulcan. J. spUn'sch. it. Brilliant J. walker'* i?Ik. g. Mrstot May. C. smith's blk. ni. Mau<n ihouk Maid. >A M K DAY, Purse STOO, for 'JiTAcUss. J. II. Philip's cli. in .Moderty. \v. s. Thorn*' g. g. Morris usler. (re try <i Iberl's *. f. uarry lillbert. .1 il <i< lilmilhN >r. ?. Kescnc. II. Pnler?oii sb. it William Walah. Thomas Cotiuer'a I). in. Caldron Maid J. .*>i>lau'? It. g. t'beaten. lUclMt " ill commence at S P. M. sharp. A'lmifKioii t<> ail parte ?! the tru'-k ?l. WILLIAM M M A HON, Proprietor. t/Lt'KTWOOP PARK .ICSE MEETING.?14. It 1?| f First Hav.?Pur?e $41); minute c:a??. $?.>> to flr*f t.'.'O to second, $IOt> to thlr'l. Pur?e tl.Mn; C* clas>, $9U0 ?<> tir't. H to second, $24W *?> third. .-? oml Day.?Puree t**?l; 2:?.'i dnse: >?.V) to flr*t:$230 In second. $1U0 to third l'ur?c $. ?? x?. Js.'t *'.??) to tir?t. $>?"' to second. $?t0 to tliir<t iMJ to toartn. Ililrd Da>.?Purse -M <las?. SMO to first: t-TM to nfr'iin i. $15J to third. Purv* $4>0, tree for all. Hoi I air.ltn M'lt'i and Nettle to ??liter- $1,MXI to tlrut. $1.^X1 to second. to third. $4.l?i to fourth. All the ?bove rare* to tie mile heat*. beet S in J. in har nesc entries to clo?e May 31. at Johnston Bros'. Twciiti "I'/hth street and Broad way. al 9 P. M. All rom nniniraUon* to he a larMvd to HAKirs I AI.I.Ha.n, Superintendent, Fleetwood Park. Morrisanla, N, Y. / 1 RAM) SPRING TROTTING CIBCITT. IT Philadelphia. Brooklyn, Hartiord, Providence and Bo ton Premium*. $7^,<i'0. For programme una particular* sec ? Spirit ol the times.'' Special notice. Owners and driver* ate herein notified that no enfrr ol auv hor?e or irom anv p< r?on who under |>etiallr ofMi*peii?ioll ran he received, iioiwitliatnmliiic lory niv |ir?|io>e Ut rffert their rein?ialint.nt heiore the (lav ?t ih. race. All i.ernon* and horfC* to be ??htrii>|e to rnirv in u.i? rin uit mu?t I e tree Irom penalty heiore M * y_lft 1)1. .-n ? I IMt'.K V VI K iil.WMl- -OC1ATION.? JL spring Mee,iiii{. l^iA, premiums 9I2,0IW; Jane l.*t, 'M. .*?>] and ill* l*t day?Pur'e >a I $1.00 l. lor 2:? elan*. 1st dnv?Pur.?e No. 2, $l..r<W. lor - :-'S elu<???. 2-1 day?Pnrae No. J. |l,Wi, t' r 2:'H elu**. 2d duv? Purne No. 4 * lor 2:tt elaa*. S,| it iy?Pur.?e No. &. fl.ft'l. lor2:40rin?v lid day?Pnr<e No. |I,#H lor 2-24 eleae. 4lli ihiv?I'urrc No. 7. $l?<, tor 2:.H ela?. 4th d. y?Pnrir No. ?. #l>>'. lor 2'It cla?*. Kntrie? eio?.- Moiidav eronini. May 10 at Po'elock ?nd mum tie tilitreocd to the under*lffneii at U Went i wen>y> eiei.lh ftreet. New Vor?. (il.o.idl, W. OAK I.KV. Mipi'nntendent. U^MKMBKR! BEMEMBEKI THK ENTRIES Cl.t)SE TOMIOHT. AT ?' P. M. PHII.ADELPHIa. point BfcEEZK PARK ASSO ? lATIoN. SPRING TROTTINI. M. ' tinR, Prrminm? flTCOO. M Y 21TM, S'.i II ;"lll AND 2xi H, 1*75. Fin.wT I)AV?Pnr.?e $1,0 'i. lor 2:48 c!?h?. Sa V h UAV ? Pur"- $l.fcM, lor 2:.'fi i-lao*. sJ CiiN'i I'AY?Pnrjc i-?r 2:31 nan*, HaMK PAT?Pnr*e fj.vit. for 2:2:t eia?? THIRD HAT?Purse #l,?*?. i??r 2:4icl??< h.VMK Day?'Parse $1,900. lor 2:24 Clas?. V'OI'RTU DAY ? Pur~' $1.6 tor 2:H rlasa. S * M ft DA ? ?I'lir^e *1 100, for 2:k9cl;i??. KNT^IEf fli't H to-night 1 Mondn vM*v 10, at nine o'rtoen I' M mid mit t tie MftreMWd 10 t'HARI.KS M. TOWN. >ecre'ar /, No. Itlflomll Fourth street. Philadel phia Pa. Mori 11 rnn 1 i ihipiierl direct to the trarK. vin Penr-virenm Hailroad, :m.i any kXTRa FRKU HT ch.trged over conimon horne rst'? Horn New York to P l it KrMae Park WILL HK UFUMDKO by the nsso Ctatlon. iiors>;?, CAitHiAaiea. ?tc. 4 TCTION llol'SM OK VAN TAHKF.LL A k K.VRNKY A IW AND 111 I A T fill JIT K ? 1 II STRKI1T, NEAR Ful RTII AV1.NI E, ItKnlTLAR SALE*: OF IIDR.*>Ki* AND CARRIAGE* WILL III. llEl.U r.VEI'.l .11 HAY AND FRIuaT, AT II O'CLOCK. OEM I LKMKN' WlfllUNO TO PlfRTHAsR. OR THOSR Iuihix llorwa and i!*rria/e? to sell, will tin 1 thi< hoiiae ptrlectly reliable, ai this hnnnem will he conducird on ilir *nirie rtmiaiiiiorward principle* which liavo gov ern oil 11 !ii the pn?t Wl. (itv?. nil I'l Kt HA- f OF EVKRY HORSB THAT IS W .\B HAM KD SOI'All FROM 24 TO 44 Horn*! for trial. Mor???. t'*rriage?. Harness, IHanketa, Holies. Ac., alw-iys on lian I at private stle. LII'K .Al< aHVANCKS M Ml 1-1 ON rOX.-HOMMRNIH i I'INK IKAM OK I'OAt'H HOKSl s, BAY'S, hi.mis; gold plated Harness and Imported French f'.iarn. mult In order by IMndcr Frear. ot Parts; flu establishment of a lady now in Knroae: ran lif sold MPurataly. InijiiirB at ??ahle No. |j7 We?t Ihirtj xvrtutU street. HOR8EN, CiVKKlACrKS, diC. A? GREAT AM) POSITIVE SALE . BY PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAV iMONDAt). MAY 10. AT U O'CLOCK PROMPT, AT STABLE NO. 9 NEILSON PLACE. MEBCER .ST., BETWEEN WAVKRLB* AM) CLINTON PL ACM, AND REAR OF NEW SfORK HOTEL, OF THE ENTIRE PRIVATE ROAD AND FAMILY TURNOUT, OF RAPHAEL NEUBURGKK. ESQ., BIT CHARl.K C. DOFF. AUCl'iONEhR, including a lino and taut bay Gelding. 15.Sk hands high, 6years old: was sired bv Eureka, tiuiii hv BysdlCE's Hambletoman; was railed and bred In Dutchess counly, and cuu always go out and show better than *5; trotted a lull mllf at Newburg last lall in 2:12: lie I* very stylish In harness and a (fame ami prompt driver; n<j livir ranted sound and Kind. Alio a very last and handsome bay Mare, 1.1% hands hlgi, 7 years old; was sireil by Edward Everett, dam hy American Star; she has nne notion, verr muscular. with great endurance; .rotted a lew days ii:ro on Fleetwood track a lull miie In 4:38, without hid or break ; she has extra style. high-headed, with lino action; prixutit driver; no luttger or puller: she Is afraid ot nothing; can be driven by any one, ami I* second to no young trotter living; she Is lully warranted sound and kind. Also a handsome mid bloo led sorrel Oelding,ISK handa high, 6years old; sired by Kentucky Clay, dum by Pilot, and Is without any exception one ot the finest road horses 111 the Ma to; he has fine action and great endur ance ; is a bold snd tearless driver; cun beat 2:.">0 to top wagon pud has never been trained to develop his speed; he can bo driven hy a lady; he is finely proportioned, and goes iij great stylo, and hs a gentleman's road or family horse stands unsurpassed; h ? is warranted sound and kind. Also, fine brown Gelding. lfl.k.- high, six years old, and sired hv Magna Charlit. duiu an Abdallah mare, with record ol 2%*}?; known as the Bailey iinre. Uc was raised at Kalamazoo, Mich., and trotted a milo on truck at that place in; he bus improved in speed since, and can trot now ih 3?5; Is verv docile and gentle in stable or harness; he is warranted sound and kind. Also, ihe very handsome and fust tborougnbred hay Gelduiff, 11,'i hands high six years old; was sired hy Henry Clay; dam by i'llot, Jr. He has fulltntuivand tail, and was raised hy It. A. Alexander: lie can trot Mugle or double in 2:46; Is an extra Vine, free, rosy and pleasant driver: is one oi the handsomest waited horses when speeding to he round; is honest and sure when in Company, and to pole has no superior and lew equals; he i- warranted sound and clad, and nee 1 runt vice, trieic or tauli. Alto one ol the finest gentleman's road or track horses in the Stale ; be is 15 hands high. S years old : was >ired hv (loludn t. dam hv Kentucky Hunter: lie is In eolor a deep sorrel, with iull mane and tali: is a straight, prompt and level trotter,' makes no mistakes when in company: can pull a load wavon in ~:'i5 snd canspeod a 3:25 gait: he Is well known on road and Pari;, and is v rv seldom beaten; lie has no public record, having nevr Irotted tor money; trotted at ?-arrn^ranr-ett Park last fall, owner driving, a private trial,in 2?3Iwhen owner refused a large sum ot money for turn; h? is warranted sound and kind, and must he seen to he appreciated. Also a Brewster top, drag, pole and lend Pars, one extension top Park Phaeton, one top Pom i hsetou, one open Basket Phaeton, one lull spring i >p Wagon, one side bar lUrait Wacon, one open Wagon. single und double Harness. Blankets. Hobos. Whips, Ac. stock now on exhibition at stable as above for trial and examination. NO POSIPOM MENT OX ACCOUNT '.F WEATHER. Anew lot, seven pairs, selebted from (liferent parts of the State, offering to buvers a choice from llrsi class horses. two Pairs OF BA\-, i&2 hands each; nnndsome and superior road horse.-; nrleji lor each pair ONE PA IR BROVVn I'ONIK.s 15 h finds: biocky Mor gan liuil!: very long necks ami handsome, and uurom moniy gentle and well broken (or ludy's driving; price $soa (IN'E PAIR BAYS, 15.S hands; iincominonly beautiful and ver ,-last rou:l<ler<: closely matt hcJ; price JtUO. ONE I'AIK It \V, It? hands; very showy: fast and desirable: no handsomer or more serviceable team; price $1.0011. ONh PaIR BATS, 16.2 hands; of high action and will trot in ?>4; cloaely matched, with long necks; price H.tiOO ONE PAIR OK HAY*. 16.S hands: thoroughbreds; flue in action an<) I eautlful In movement; '.he inost de sirablc hi/ lu the city of New York: price ib>'M> !ior;os are first alass carriage horses and prices about half tbey were two years ago, warranted and a fair trial given. ONE I SLACK llORHr, 16 hands; trols in 2:lr>; very aandsane and flue. J. O. rAYi.OR. 145 . u-t Twenty-fourth atnet> near Lexington avenue. * ?AT AUCTION. A. ?i. \V. .il-.NKINS AUCTIONEER. On Monday, Mar lit, at IJ o'clock, at private stable. No. 11 Fiiteentb street, between Union M|Dara ami Fif'.h avenue, being the pro|iert> of -a genileinan going abroad, a. vi ry handsome and stviish crossed tnaielied Team, a i^tnple grev ami a bay, ii years old. IS*-, hands, with do wing manes and tails: pedigree Messenger and clay stock; trot in aiiont .1 minuses or lfimiles within the "hour: thev are the best pair of roadsl >rs lu tno .state, and are warranted s uiiu and kind in all harness; a lad) can | nrivo them single or double and are both extra 11no sad dle hor?es. Also eiiv made two seat Wsjron. pole and shafts, j very light and nobby, with no single and double liar ne- ?. No. 4 is] the fast Trottinc Mare I.ndy Columbns. sired i hv Colnui bus. 6 rears o'd. l*,Si handa high; sotiuu and kind, and "arrant. I to irol in .':l > or 16 miles within the hour, and i? one ot the best iraited niarns in the >tato. No. r, is the last Trotting i;av i !orse Commodore, 7 wars old. I.v , hands hi li: warrauted sound and kind, i and to trot in 2tS0 (('ommodore ?:.s tired by Marshall's i Pntchen hor<e ? t Ne-.\ Jerse.i i; witii a iialit side bar top i road Waci>ii; a'so ore top depot Wagon, to esrry four j persons, with ret single Harne-. j (Gentlemen desirous ot iuireha?ing fine stylish stock will do weil to at ten t ihi< ?> i !e. Neither of Uie horses have to wear adagio boot and 1 do not brush or eut a iiair: sale positive. UCTION HOl'SE OF ARCH. JOHNSTON i late Johnston A Van Tassel I), office 57 Liberty street (Evening Post Building). THE HORSE AUCTION BRANCH OF OUR HOUSE. U To 2.i T III Iff EE', i II STREET, near University place. SALI> OK HOK8EM AXI) t IRRIAGER TUESDAY AND Kul DAY, Al 10 O'CLOCK, .4 to IS hoars' trial on horses w arrante.l roanJ. The business will be comlneted en preelselr the same strict and honorable principles w hich have al wavs characterized the dealings ot our hou-e md won the respect and confidence of the business eom munliv a-, well h< die public at lar.'e. HIE eTAMP OF OI K tlol -f. In RELIABILITY. AT PRIVATE HALE?AN ELKC.ANI FAMILY Es tablishment: team dark liav Worse*, ail blaek . I mums. IV. bands. - rears; kind and irue in all 5 ih*s?: free from vice; an excellent I iniiiy team; ia ? I itfrv nut r, lalde tor any use; *'\ii<li and ireo S Idrivers; warranted sound' a so six -e^t !" .rk Phae ? toil, bv Woo ! Br. s : Victoria m good order, double ?? ! Harness bs Stilliuga Ar. u',t ui? poseil ot beiore m | IneMlav. Mav II. at lOo'cbwk. the) ? ji he then so'd t) I at auction at ARCH. JOHN Ton's Mart, It) to .5 t l'nirteenth street near 1 nlversity place, where tlioy I ar" now on exhibition. A?BIDS TO DAY . OH TO-MORROW, TUESDAY', at ttie ?err lateat, BMHNL> Oeorge D. Hanna i (OK Bol'KBON county, Kentucky) F ft K M I r M Mock of tSr> < n Trottcri and all l???t saddle (lor***, T<? BE sold OS WEDNESDAY. May 12, at It o'clock, AT BABKRR A SOX'S CITY MTCTIOS Mart aim V-w York TatierMll'a, COkVKR or i>r*ait*iv anil I hlrty-ninth street. IKV'nKTBEN HEAP ot the finest. tnnfil and moat ?r"int*inj[ rr.-r ?fn i.r known: the ! vsTEs'f TBOT KKR, t)W amt e.eganl combined HADDLK and Har ness llorae-. broke Jll known Kentucky saddle gaits, CATALouChS WITH full pMlfrm, ilencriptlon*. can Ik.-bad at the oWcea of tb? .-nlrit ol the limes an t 'Inrf, Held and farm. ?r a; IIAKKER A .--ON'M, corncr | of Broadway and Thirty-ninth afreet MAKE a no;e of the above and com* anil look the ! Mwii over. * SlI'E BAB TOP WAfiOX, BY K. *. STIVERS; J J\ Coupe, by Lawrence; I Clarcnre. by Miner A t"* vena; I faroucne, I l.andan. i>? Miner i st-vena; 2 six Witt Phaeton*; top and epch Pony Phaetons ol all ?tyl?a: Depot, Waions. top and no top; ?.") top ami open Riii'd Wainit*. hr ihc bent city nukcrs; I '?'ulkcv, bv ? 'nfTery . 2 Skelet"n Wagon*. lop and open Exprcaa NVag ?n?. 1 tvttpe, i Berlin Coach. I Kin* Clarence. I Do? Cart. Kockawaya of all ?ntd?. Harm ??.?, HUn*ela. Ac. WM. II. ORAY. Jo to 2!tWoo?ter street. 4 T Al l TION, TI'KSDAV, M W II. J\ AT II HTUx'K, BY' VAX T A SHELL A KEABNEV. \T IHF.IB MART, 110 AND 112 I V - I TIIIKTKK.VTII STREET, Rt'NXI.MJ IIObSR. THE f EI.EBRATED BACK IIOKSK MIDXIOHT, thoroughbred brawn ?eldinf, l.v, hands high, 7 vears old. bv Doneralt. he by l.e\lnrton, ilmn Amanda More bead, bv imported lileino, great dam by John Blcbariii (for turtlicr pedkTee ?ee Fruoe'a Stad Boom; won a b<?k| two tnlle rai'c OT?r 8 bardie* at Charleston Uat wluler. time 4.IC1,. ? ?FOR PALS?V CAP- LOAD OK HORSES; KIT l\? for any kind of business; are youtu. and tbrec kcntuckr horaes :ind an excellent fine middle f'or.?e; the% are all warranted in every re-tort aud a sood trial allowed, .'4J .-union atreet, % ?THIS LARGEST ASSORTMENT OK LMMES' _ \ . Ponv Phaetons in the city at n-du ?1 pric?<; -e* eral second hnml Carriages, l.andaus, Lanuau.eta. De pot Wagona, Ac. HAM. 10 Ea?t fourth street. t ?FOR SALE, TltP.EE FIXE FAMILY OR El'Sl J\ . r.ea? Hor?e?; al?o a lieavv woru Hor-e. all young ami found; fully warranted. Applv at 1U Cedar ?tr>et, _ *r' **?". a VERY HANDSOME FAS f BAY HORSE. IS. 2. i\ oerfectlv gentle and !?oitnd. with the exerption of being i little tender In front, lor ?!?lo cheap, and <i food trlla given to anv re-ponaible party. Aak lor OLIVER, ?i 10 lliiriecnth jtreeu \ -P.iK I f.| R MOCSI - I'll (Hi: ruiM! P. A, or sny buaineM purpoae; the pronerty of a wl low; price irnm' t-'"> to $I.Vi. 5i South Filth ari nue, near rtieeeker utreet a ?ClYhJf AWAY; ?W AND fTf?TWO BI'MXPSS J\? Horses, fit for any light wor*. Call until sold at 2117 Weat Mneiecnth street. t ?FOR SALE. THREE CHEAP WORE HOIl-KR; J\ ?ht for groeer. baker or milk waaon; to ne auM at a sacrifice) warranted found In<|ulre In the arixarr store, 1.171 firat avenue, between M*ty-flfTh mid sixty sixth a'.reeta. \?RXfENMOV TOP PIIW-. ro>?. NEW rol'PE. . |u?t flnlshRd; scond hand I'iarencea, l.anda<M, Coaches, hall t.rIce; Pony Phaeton. Bugule-and M nitona at ail prices. J. W. PI rjiEY, ??> Third aveniH>. \ ft E NT LE MAN (i<?INO ABROAD WILf, HELL iV very ctieap hi< 'Ido Bar, lop road Wagon. n?ed onlr five ('iiien; late<t style; i|<bt llarncs. lahman'a liHlkt 9 owrt iw<i <rwt i oem'i.kman' sEi.i.m.: opt a nnrnn i, -V side i^ar top VI agon, lliiriiesa, e.; al<o a fine lamiiy Black llorre. M l amH, I!years; wvund and kind: neen iimi*11 by n l.i v the p??v year. .No. t> Weat Nimteenin | street, near Filth avenue. I ? FOR SALE A T A BAR'S \IX. TWO CHEAP ! .1. Ilorses. 7 year* old. fltforgroetr, linker or e vpre^s; to be -old. ?< ti'ie owner has no wo.-i, for ihem (.,.?I| ai ! Ifti Snlfoiv street, near Sianfon. Call lor two -ine-, i ?FOR Ml,'1, LOT OF (J f>D Wi'RK HORflEH. J\ , Inst arrived from Hie conntr,'., trim ttve n eicbr years old. ituitnble lor nil |; sold cheap. Apply at 171 Mereer street ^ \ -FOR HALE, THREE HOHSI s. I IT FOR ANV ji\. biis|nc--s, farmer, botcher, baker or expr. ss, and the trot'lng llorpe torn Wonder, warranted to trot in t 40 or uo tale. tiA> Orand (treat, rear. HOKNKS, CAIilllAOJSa. AC. A ?TWO PONY-BUILT MAUES; ALSO A TRUCK 1\. Horso, youtu arid sound : lit tor truek. irroccr. farmer, *<:. : $70, 8n5, *125: must bo sold. So. 6 Bavaid struct saloon. A ?AT HAL!'" VALUE, A BIO BAT HOUSE, BOUND j:1. and kind; uocl worker; suitable lor coal cart, I triii-it or farming. Call for two days at 145 Madison : street, rear. A-JS250.-BiiAUTIFUL f'lTV MADK SHIFTING . leather top Road ajon and a tine set of single Harness; both $550; all as irood as new. Inquire ot GKoEQ . .it Club. So. 6 Eighteenth street, one door east ot Fit'ih avenue. C1ARKIAOBS.?A I.A RGB STOCK OF I'llAETONS, J Rockawavs, top and no top Buggies, depot and other Wagons ot my owu make at manufacturers price*. CllAKLK- OOL'UK, 111 West Broad way. For sale?a pair of houses a bay and a brown, 0 ami 7 vear* old, t&2 hands hli{h ; can trot in3 minutes; warranted In every respect; very stylish; hNo Wagon, Harness, Blankets, .to. Address W. , box 1,1(J2 New York 1'ost office. For BALK?a beautiful team of BLACK ROAI) Mares, 14 hands huh; sound and kind; sold to close un estate. Can be seen at LAMP'S Stables, IS East Fitty eighth street. ? ? ? Fsok half?a pair or bay hambletonian Mares; eight years old; sound; vor.v gentle. and can ahow a 2 ;.VJ sfii t.itfulbert nlso, a single Hainbletoulaii Mure; sound and kind, and can slmw 2:10. Address H. H., box 110 Herald office. T^OR BALK?HORSES, TRUCKS AND HARNESS, " Ale Casi;-;, Barrels, Ball barrels. Apply ut Grand Central Brewery, 145 Bast Forty-second street. GIOB SALE-EXTRA FINE, LA^OK, SMOOTH BAY J? IIorte: vountr and sound: all life; gooddrlver. line very reliable work Horse, :>ult farmer or expressman, 875. Call tor two days at teed store 370 Had von street, T^OU WATtf?k OBNTL<AK'a TURNOUT, CoN I sistln.'? of a fine breed iorrel Mare, about lft.3 liuud.-; warranted .sound, gentle and kind; very suitable for coupe; not too large lor buvtpy; also a City Rock rw?v and shilling Top Hupgy. Brewster make: a s-t of lurlit Harness ana Saddle will be sold separate or to gether, olio up. Can be seen at V. A. Kidabock's Stnhles, 315 Wes; Fifteenth street. Ij'OIt SALE?HORSES. HARNESS AND WAGON. TO r lie seen alter 1 o'clock at 42 and 43 Vesey street pier, West Washinuton .Market. O'CONNOR .t J IJ HUE. FIOB BALK?TlIK HANDBOXKST TURNOUT IN THE city ; I'ony. riiaeton mid Harness; ponv 141* hands hizti, 7 ?sars oid; warranted sound, kind and While. In. <|it re, lor two days, oi JAMliS AtL'LLlGAN. Jr., 32* llud run street. T^OR MALE?A BAY HORSE 15? HANDS HIGH; 1 warranted sound and kind: price 965; also a curt horse. 17 hands high; must lie sol;; price $45. Inquire at 611 lirst avenue, corn* r Thlny-seventu street.) TCOVR HOR-KS, TWO CLARENCES, HARNESS AND r Blankets all in Rood order for s?,e at your own price, inquire at 212 West 1 street. I70R SAL! ?A BLACK PONY, II,VJ HANDS, 7 YEARS r olo ; kind and gen tie lor ladies; warranted to trot n mile incite of 3 minutes or no sale, and sound. 51 Car mine street TjIOR SALK-THB HANDSOME BLACK O.'.LDING, X 'Midland 1" long tall, 1SK hands high; wlienSyears old troiteil in tfi) a', liamlltoii, 1 anada West; now 10 years old.; colt "Summit," trotted ont 1I10 Uvery stable, record 2:44; sound. Mmi and gentle; a child can drive htm. Inquire a: summit Hotel. & Bowery, corner canal, Now York. TjiOR SALE-TWO GOOD. SOUND HORSES AND I new top Wnsron a ud Harness. 431 hast N intli street, baker r. I IjlOK SALE-BAY MARK, Id HANDS. SCITABLE FOR I? truck, I'rocer. hirruer; also Canadian I'ony, 14 1 hands. (I years: warranted 111 every respect; very nicos 1 must sell. -''4S iIudMm street. L'OR ; VL1--.V BAY MARK. SEV>:N YEARS OLI) ! warranted sound ami kind, and very gentle; sold only lor want ot u-e. l'rico $SQX sppiv at 362 sixih av., between 'i weiitv-*ccoud and I wenty-tairds ureets, in the store. ! 1J10R SALE CHEAP?\ IJllOl) WORK BORSK. CAN P br M-en anv tinifl by applying to 1' CONNELLY, 1 lioneshoer, oSJ wushiuotsn <ireeu or at swble, tW vau dam street. Fxilt SALE LOW-A VERY FINK, LIGHT, SHIFT liiu top -,de tnir tVaMn. nearly new. Apply to | Mr., p:u!>i!> 111 West 1 wonry-thtrd street. /I BEEN MO I N'TAIN TROTTERS FOR S \LE?ALL OF I T ivtliati Allen an I liambit-toman blood; ihey are trotn i-> 10 lit hands hush; none ot them have been ! trained tat. can trot last in tneir natural state; mu?: i e ! teen to li ? at.i'reciated, they si e?k far themselves. , (?iir parii.Mitars address c. fl KNOK, Middleburs , \ t. 1 riKEAT l< A ItfiAlN.?N ICE, . T Y LIS11 SOKKEL I r Horse. IS lianoc.,-.; ;H tor road orb(isln?;s; good traveller; no work. 37GrcenwicU av., grocery. Horses r?>i: alk.?.-o fine young horses, tu t trr.-.n Indiana. .> to 7 vear? old, 14 to 17 hands | hitfh: all sound an.i kind. Imjuire at IS) Norfolk street. nOliSt:, H VB.NF.SS AND EXPRESS WAGON FOR sale rhtvip < ail, lor two days at .81 Bowery, corn 'i ot llousUdi stri e:. HAI.M'. "S. ItlDlNti SADDLES. LINEN AND woollen Horse Clothing. I.sp l>nstfrs. A ?.; la rife Mock, uren; variety and ihe lowest posstole oriees. K. f> \:: 1 LIT. 62 Wnrren corner C.olleae place. OEcnsf) HAND CARkIAOES. O Lun iaiit. t.a,s and leather front Landaolt is, liirlit and heavy. C l ::..le|s and lour seat I'haetona Ponv and Do tor*' t'haetotis. T and 1 'Off 1 urt ? Brew ter lull kprine atul side bar Wagons. A rLANDRAt, 372snd3r? Broome ?treet iold stand ot Brew?tar A ?>.? CTABI.Kf- TO RENT.?NICE BRICK STaBLES. WITH kj 1 <> 11 -; stalls lor two lot iirhf horses; moderate rent. JAMrs PRK'r.. 2JJ Hudtoi street rTIWO GREEN DORSES WILL 14K 801.0 CHEAP. IS J. Goerck street fVAXTED?A OENTLE. SOUND AND HANDSOME ?? llorse. about 1ft hands, tor a ladv ti> drive and ? rids; price not oTer i. ". Au-?er. w iiU par'.cuiars, UaNKY HESaIX, box 773 New York Corn office. _____ C; 1 n ANf) ?65-?'TWO GOOD HOR-FS. 15 HAND->; tI>T."? siiit farmer, grocer or any basiness. Tw.i hx press WsKons, three Hurries, top in ) ?o ton, and Uar ness. all at a sacrifice. 171 West Tnir'.y second street fclRit FOR \ NEW iOI? I XPKKSS WAGON: WAS ? built to order for fits onlv risen one dav; ?h0 one wiiii no tup. wry Hunt, never used, tor ?tXl. 124 West NiDSieenih street. i AI7- W'l.L BI T A FIRST CLASS SlIirriNGTOP 01 t'f rem' loin's roil Ws on. bnilt to order last He bar-eos' $14il m!M Harness $y>. . <?t 91 it I ri , vate stable, 33 East 1 welc.n ?:reet. CQnil WILL BUY THE FAST TROITTNG B\T " " Horse Prince record 2^1: 7 v^ars old I hands; WA.rraii'fd sonnd ami Sind. lias 1* en driven I v a lady. Vi*o a le autiiul lop non* Ptia"t?n fold motmt ! ina?; li t" innti h Sold *?tmrAtc una low. Pri vate stablt ,T! East twei'th tre 'i, between I roalway and University place. IIOI Man, KOOMM, <V( M WA\TKI). In thin City anU llrooklyn. ? _A.-\ tlENTLEMAX WANTS A LARGE ROOM J\, nil flr?! or !?*(??,n I floor, lie'ween Fourth ?vcnne an) Brnati"ivmiI l n 'lit* tlnr.l unit Fortjr-flUb ?treeia. A.idreaa I'h i.ManCRT, box !?" Herald I pioWn Branch office. ___________________ ___________ 11'ANTED?BY A OKNTLBRAX, A IKMlD sIZEM, \V c<tni.?rtablv fkarnMicd Room. in a?mal fami'.v v ncre there it re no other l.tlqarv I etween I weitth aM l.i ht>" n ti ?trpcl* Mar I ittu avenue. will be piep-rred. A4RfMI M* IM l*Mk ifln> "tlr ANTt.O?BY A SMALL FaMILV, A V I Mi ? 8IXKD V? brown "tone trout H?u?e. in a tz -.<1 B?l*hbcrnoi>d, at>ovr> ihirn th* reet. Anyone w tntin/ a nood lenant will |?lea?* mldrea* VI". V. bo* ICS HeraJd oillee, ?i\ i%f particular*. i>rlce. Ac. \\rAM ;:i? -h>i p. room*. FrKXisiiKD. roK liqii r U hou'ekeepinK on the we-t ?i<ie not to exceed fs.) a month PKlUrE, tin 1(U Herald t'ptow* Branch office. \BTAjrn:i?-A store, mmtable k??t: a saloon, > t on an jTi'Mf ; r it! low . lu'l p.trticBiar* Addr??a r ff. R in raid t'ptown Branch ..ffloe. 11'ANTED-BY AN AMERICAN MAN AND WIFK. without i hildren .1 iiniit. to taie ear. oftortns Hammer or longer: Peat eit* reference. Vildre m W. II., b )\ 121 lloral i I ptown Branch ortic? tl-A TMt nv A RESPONPIBLB SMALL. AMKHI wf can nmiiy, I'pper or Lower Portion of genteel h ,n?*. ?uit*ble lor home .repine ? neighborhood tiiit?t tw ?ood, vteiMtv *m!i nv -me and a hove Fortieth at.-, t; w:H pay irorii $7<*) to Aduro'* 0., 733 -ixtn atenue. VlTASTED?"V A SMALL. HIOHT.T RESPECTABLE \} (jmlU. P.irt oi lloii*.-: moderate rent: Mate lull particular* or if? n'tlee taken Ail ikp 8. M. !>., not ITS llei ltd i'ptnwn Branch cfllee. WASTED TO hire OR LRaBR-IWO or more \t vican: Lota or old Bntidin*-. below itrand ?tre t Adtreta, autlnj lull particulars D., box IM Itera .I office ___ WASTED ro RENT?BY \ PRIVATE FAMILY, A V? wide brown ttone iron' Nnh; mw be sltna'rt tn1 twerp Fourteenth an I Iw. ntv --econd tireeta, l iit'i and six'li avi nnot Aiidreia, with tail particular*, f. l box 1.733 Pi?at office. _ n.iiinHiT 17TII ?T.-A RESPECTABLE MARRIED i ,?U i*ro?e*tant woman, with no family, wowld like the ire Ot a (CUI|CIRM'? ho?-? or tenement ho?o? ; b?j*l re te re oca. .XAKItl.K ,?U>iTKI.S. t liHEAT RKIHT IIO.V !N PRICES OF M \KBt.K j\ an I ii ir:?lei'--i ill kind- ot Floor Ttliwr, Monnm<'nt?, I1 an ti? -, -l.ili" tor plnmber-i ami calu n ; in 11 < T*. ti. A fifl. imI ate, IK .t i o < tt|e m ,v r' l ? t. urU. No*. Jl7 to ^3 West -<trcci. near Broa.lnaj . IT tlRKATLV REDUCED TRIOES. .\ i"* ato> < oi iai ?.id M-irM- Mantvla, Waah ? 1'iU < HP.I Map' Work .?l even .|: iplunl. rl.N 'tilV.N |.\fl. CO MP INV, t'nion ?'ui r o, I'otirth ?vemt?< nnit fev> ntoemii ?<!.. I*. V. ? I t.ltl'.An.i UEDUCKD PRICKS?A S KX T ,v<UC j \ ft.ick oi 1 i/ble nut M i. Pi. i / ? | M intau and all oilier inrbio \Vot.v> M 'rtilo .iirnlnic tor t.'ic trade. Ki ABEH.I.M i. i-i tlluli tfriiiii .trivet, near I bird arantn ?\f APH'.K t XI? Vt A !ni,KIZl;r> M \.NTELS-HRro: ,rl , i i.Ht verv lowprici'": Monuineiita, llcmlntooo, Flo r lilmi. c'ltiitlert, Ac. ABIfttilloN STi- M\Uii.i-. sl..\TK WtOsKS, #<l lltii'aon aircet, eorner ?r tftjttk sMK"\;r- SI. ME MA.ITEL-t, M A KBLE VNH wooiI Mahte'iv, ricli and cleiant ilctiant, at th? |owr?t i v.cet. no and -a: West i w.'nty thir i jtrc-t, b? urcai cvuntii and EightU arenu?s. fifUOPKAN :: TEAJISJKIPa. qnlt aimeor ui< to wmamom. 4'HB OHNE <JAL TRANSATLAN7IC COMPANY'S MAIL BThAMrfJi 1 J':i BElWf.fcN T1l. , ..JEW VOKK AND HAVRE ?<>?.??rosaelaon this luvoriie rout* for the r0n. fluent (be In if more southerly than any ottierJ wiU sill lr,0"' P?r No. CO North River, ??lollowss- ; "" VI r.'f K riiv? Pa d1/01!?0^ Saturday, May l? pPitVri?i. ,K. 1 (Lttl;,?esuo2) Saturday, May I'll l'l tV^mU VT) .......-aturday. Juno 13 1 lu( L Ol- 1 A.'-SAOt, IN GOLD (including wine). Hrstluhln, 1(0; Second. $i?; Tlilrd, $10. TicKeta at rciiuccd rates. e'uriim. nfi .T , / s"P,orior accommodation* and In Ctualnu wnw'aiiM with.-ut extra charge. gBORi. M At kf.nzi , Agent, ia Broadway. jPACKEI" COMPANY'S LINE riM'i?di 1II.icht kh'>rk0 an;1 hamburg wm AuVi Mav l'i I ERIsIa May 27 Rates ,-J I IIIORINUIA June 3 Hamburg n t. l,'lyn,0,tl.,h' ,L'>"don, Cherbourg. Wuies:- 11 po",t, m Enjjlnua, Scotland ami Kfr't' LJ1b'u' ?**P?r saloon, gold ?ino Fir?t cabin, lower saloon, gold ,5) Stecragu, currencv ^ kUiN ti A ltii'1 <4 CD., 0, J J, j?j i u a 'J rj * k* Yi! \ V J /"1UNARD LINE.? B. AND N. A. K. M. 8. f. CO. V.. .. NOIIUE. With a view to dimlniihmg tlio chances ol collision se ason *ol^ffeyea^* ""e Uk? * ?pcoifl- cour?e ,or a" ???u. ttle..OU'wlir,J PaMa<fe Irom Queenstown to New York ZS to the north'S. ,UCrtaiUU 5" at " latlttUe' ?r lor LlVEKPOOLand QUEENSTOWN. 11/lJuh ifHy 131 ??<CVTUIA....W?I.. May 19 ALGERIA .-in., Mav IS | ?RUSSIA Wed.. May 26 steamers marKeu * do not carry steeraue pas^en^ers. Cabin passage. #80, $l >o, #130, gold, according 10 ac commodation. Return tickets ou favorable terms. bt.'erago tickets to and from all parts ot Kuropo at lowest rates. freight and cabin office, No. 4 Bowling Green. Steerage ollico, 111 Broad wav (Trinity Kuilnlnsi: P H nrr '*? ^BaNORLYN. Agent, and streets, Chicago!. C?rner 01 Clark Ka'""?Ph "VTATIONAL LINE. XI From piers No*. 44 and 17 North r.iver. 'OR I,(J,\LiO.N l>IR/.C-r. nENMAKK. Weduesday, Mav itf, S P. M. ENOL^NO,QLrSVhilS!K | (1'^^, P m <,abiti paasaflre. ?7) ana ?sn currency. Btcerajro at greatly red ucM prices. He turn tickets at red nc^d rates ticlfcots iroui Liverpool at (be lowest rauj?. Apply at tbe company's otflce, o. G9 Hr??adwa/. **? j. HURST, Manager. pREAT WESTERN ? steamship LINE. ?NEW YOKE TO HKHIOL (KNOLAWD) DIRECT aRFATmrWfu 1 ,Kahl Rivtr as follows akToAk ? Wlntl?iam Tuoaday, May 25 Iv ? J moils Tut?sdiv r.i..,, j CaMn paa>a :o, <7u; inierincdiate, $U; steerage #30 curieucy; excursion ticitolsi. ?120. . M'niy tn W. I). M11 la; aN, A^ent TO South street. A KCHOB LIB . XI CAURV ING THE UNITED KTATKS MAIL ITTnrii NEW YORK AND GLA.SUOW. KTMiiipfV ffttur tav, May 15, at 2 P. M. Bo 1 r vi 1 baiiirduy, M iv 2j, atS a. M. SuYsii M,l-r *9' at 12 no<,n ...? -,?? '^Is ?Saturday, Jusie at 10 A M. IO GLASiiOW, LIVEKPnOu, LONDONDKBKY r- it ^Ot'Kl'NSi'OW.S' OR BEI.I'aST. tlon* l? currenc-'* "ccording to aecommoda INTKRMEDIATE AND STEERAGE as low as any other tlrst class Una. lor >1"v at losvest rates. MWfcl(X) \ i A?anis. No. 7 Bowling Ureen. i rNrred ,-tati n mail line?>team t.? mim U TOWN and LIVERPOOL yuEllNS .-ailiiu erery fnesday wTRffiw?iM ???\rr 4,i J>orth Kiv?r wvifuS ?? ?ors>tfl May Ifl. at3 P. M. vt YOMING. freeman j .Su M Si!!b,i",il!e!nu.e1la^ aud Mourage at lowest rates, i repaid liCKPts at low ratea Passengers booked t? and from Paris. Hiimbnre Norway and Sweden. Ao. Drafts ou Ireland. England' Prance and Germany at lowest rates. Atinlv to WILLIAMS A flBIim, *9 Broadway. VrOBTn liKBM * S liLOYD. 1> STEAMSHIP LIN,<; BETWEEN NEW YORK SUlT 111 AMP TON AND HRKMKN. footot Second street. Iloboken. * M*y 151 NKl'KAit Anr 29 ???? May | jJiTe s llavre or Bwm^f?-,f0m 'Viw Vor:? to "??^?nton. 1 s'oon" ?*hin wu Prepaid steerage certtflcates, #32, curreucv Return tickets at reduced rittes. Ki r freight or passive apply <o - OBLBU IIS, No. 1 Bowling Green. lt'ILSOVS MMII'ii,: MU'TII VMPI'UX AND UruT tortnlghtly Pier 43 Kast River. Mav 151 V I it \4*0 r,,,,. * KM)ORAl>o.... lo follow I OTll!;LuKr.!!.V.lQ toUow l-irst ('abin. #,0, currency: Second ?:*biiL #4. eu^ ren' .v. Ilir.iiigh licaets l??ue.| to(Vnitincntal and Baltic ports. Apply tor lull particulars to <11 \i;Li s 1,. v? uiuii r a ro., 58 South Street. UrHITB STAR LINE r()K OI: KKN'.VIOWW f)B LIVfcRroOI, CARRVINU I HE UNITED STATES M u'u ?v, tiJ. Mar at 1 an p. m. b1 /anv;n;MlyJ;T*L3np- *? ADRi'unr f"t" f' at 3 A 1' K I ?\ a l(,| nrin | ?> n f 1 1 > vf White tar docks, pier 52 North itlve'r ti-f^ "i? I1.""1' #i? and #luuin gold ; return tn keta. #1<5 gold, steerage at !i>w rates. ? saloon, stater,,..ins. smoking and bath rooms are Dlaccjt amidships, where the nol*e and motion sre least aoorjing ? degree of comtort nnhcrt<i onatuinabte at ? or inspection of plans and other information apply at the company's office, 19 Broadway, New York. R. J. CQRT18. Agant TATK LINE MtW YOBK TO OL-iSOOW LIVERPOOL t. ui . ' BELFAST AND LONiioNDERRY balllOB <">? Pier N& 36 North Kiver. as tmiowj^. !,E H.,f * * I'tain Johnson.. Wed. .Mav 19 ?Tatk of ?Aob?.Ai- CapUl" sMler . Wed. j una 1 wiAir: Oh UhPmilA Wed fen* Irt and every ITedneaiav ther. alter. Kirit'eabin. $7rt #s?) and #90. rjtnrn tickets #lio. -e. ood cabin, #.'0 return ticket., #00. M?era?? at lowest ra'eib 1 u Apply 10 At'.-tin, Baldwin a co.. Agents No. 72 llrnadwav. New York. Bferau-a om e. No. 45 Broadway. JN'MAX LINE ?MXI'.Ii BoCTiiERLY rot'RSE. Roval Mail Rtearaers are appointed to aail as follows ?? POB Ol EENsToWN AND LIVhRPoOL rfTT ttr km! v7.fc saturdav. Hay 15. at 2 P. *. SI* 5>i,? * '4 IJMO&Ji<?*e,s^(kiitrdav. Mav ij at s I* \! ^ OP Bui sseLn auirday, M 1V ,g, ?t NoVn clrr ::r l S ?, June a. at S P. M." CITY or I'aRIS saturdnv. June 12. at XiMks t ABIJf I'As.'Aii, -tji ami tint gold. "* STl ER '.UK? ?,?1. nd fro in all jwinis. at reduced rates Cabin and general ofli. i-. No 15 ltr..a,twar. Stct rage oflict s, :i3 Broad war and pier 15 North River JoIIN li. DALE, AvenL M?- T ?D,*?_cT_ ax? economical ROLTE TO llo.iand. Belgiu^i.^ the Kbinr, ->witi Tian.t. Ac., via steamer BOTTERDaM .' ..... M._ Steamer SOMOLTRx J"* 1* carrying Oto Cniie,! ' states man to the Netherlands, are well kn .wn for the n-gu Sates of passage low. PI NC1I, fci?\E A CO., L. W. MORRM, General A ents. vi Broad wav. s COASTWi-v; KTKANMHIPK. ?PACIFIC MAll. STEAMSHIP LINK?for ? ALIFOIU X ill*, Japan an I chin*, irotn |.i?-r U .North River, hh: A-ri.\WALU . OLON ' May 15 Connci-tln? tor ail ? '?alral American mid PaciOc porta. FROM >AN FRANCIS' O Fll.i JAPAN ANU CHINA. ?ITV OF PKKIMJ May 1* For traiglu or pa**a,:? appi* m tlrrfl North Ki*t-r. II. .1 Hi i.i.aY, superintendent. "pACJriC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM PANT*H JL Extra Steamer for Havana, Havanltla and A*piii<* * I Tlii* aldevrheel M-nrner UKXKT CUAUXrET Mils from pier '?' North uiver, Wednesdav. May 19, at I.' noon, for i.-eitfht p Mi(i apply on piiT. II. J. Ill'I.LaY. Snt?f1?W nilent N'r.W YORK AND HAVANA IHRKCT M *11. LINE.? riicw flr?t i l??? -'eamfhips will **il at 3PM trom pier 13 s.-r'ti rtt*. r, loot oi i eilar * tor Havana rtiri-rt ?? lolloi* s : ? crksi 'KN I CITY Thur-dav. Mar ? COLl'MIU - meaday, Va* M For tr' ich- or naMMr, tiavin? UMrpaiaert an omuio datioii*. apply to <v M P. I LY DE * CO.. No. ? Bowling Ortaa. MeKoller,,' * Co., A*ent.?in llavam. \1* EEKI.Y FLORIDA LINK. tf i-or Port Royal, . t-Vriiandln*. Fla : Braot wick, On.?ii,f favorite and well kno'vn mumer MOKTUOMr.Rl. I-nireloth Master. having antieri- r acrommol ition* t<?r passenaer*, will ?ail Unr-la* May 1". irom hit No. S Norm Klver, ** l P. M , lor a->. ve port*, makir* connection* r.i ,i!i points h.niih .in.l .<?.utlii> em via I'orl Knval, the tliirfcta and Branawica rallroadt. ?ir.-t >,!???. pa**a?e?To Fernandina, $30; to ta< kaon* ?llle. St.' HO m Aiwnsla. B2il. ihron h it- *f Ts ipaued to all point* Smth anil f^nth WMt Ihc Hi N i ? V i i.i K, i' lir-i ? r. master. will lull w MavM. For i a-mre anil ireluht apply to HERM. OKL Pt-KK, We. $ * uitaw rtmt rfEXA* LINK OF (lAWBHTOX SIKaMERS, lOI CH J Ins a: Key West, carrvin'j tne Cnit" I state* H?iI. ? UMiwr si v E <>P T..XAS i aotaln Roller will leave pier an ' a?t Riv.'r, <>n ; a urilav, Mav I.Y at t I" M I hroofh Mils ot l i una given to *11 point* on lite i|. anil T i .. L ami O. N . O. it I II *n I O. H and S R. ri. S.i char fie i<.r (orwerdln; In New Yor*. For trel-.nt ov paa?axe hn\nw *iiocrior iti-a*, apply to < . 'I kALLiMy > C< >., I t Maloen latt.>. ?. P. c. V ni A CO., Im Wnil n.r.-eu FV)R NEW ORLEANS DIRfcCT. T'n- Crntawell -tcanxhlp Line. The ?U,tm*tpp N VV imS!.!- ?. n i a tit aid I>earborn, w I leave pier No '' No th Uupr 011 -aturdav. Mar lj. at tnre- I' M Fr. rj.rht rorelrcit ilallr- Ihroaili utr* e;vcii to 0.ilrr*l'iti, Imltanol*. Rock port or Ariiii-** Whan. Fr.izo* -^anttae-i. -i. l.oni<aml Mobile. Caliin Bas-iiiffc, ?; >steers ? $- ?. For in inllt or pa?*g?> apply UiCi.aha .< 1-. \ M * UK Wist ftrr<'i. 01 l> D iMl.NIOM ?TKAMS'MP COM PA NT. Haiimu from ? .1 i- .*7 Nurth River. Kur Norfolk, Citv Point and ni haionl. Tii"?iar<. Tliiiiailiiv- ami >iuirilu. . it P. M.. eunnsrlliiu .*itti Hi V'irilnli mil ienne?? ? v>r l.m?. Atlantii- Coiat Line, Pleilm oit \ir l ine, Che*ipe*ke and Ohio road, iiml vvitn tliu coopmv - - im Inn * to Interior poiiii* i? i north Carolina an.I Virginia Mewhern and WaUHMijfon N. r. via Nor?hlk), er^ry Tin'- lav, . !rir-<lav no l -atnrlav l<.ii|litnir ? Wenneadwva an I J"ntnr lay*, nt 4 r. M. Con nr im : *vi i Hftltlinori- and ? 'In i llailroail. I owe?, ei, Mondnra mi | i Rir? ta ya, al IP. M. C in n-? im; ?i ii I'-i.m-are dm Maryiinl Rallroa'la. I'a<-" niter a e.immoil lUona un?ari>a<*?> I I hronrn p-namri I i-i*m ? an I liHiaof 11 Hn<? to all point* at lowost rales. In?ni ai|.-e to Norlolk, 't per rent, Prenjir- r.-i-eived dailv at pier M North River. Ocntral office*, I >; ore-nirfch street, ,v- v York. t?. U Ms*. Hli.VUY, PfMidcat. COAST Wist gTEAWIIlieil. VT V.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL V*. USE. i.1 ? bteumers leave pier 3 North Ulvcr. at3 r. M. FOB iii.VA.NA DlBhCf. Cuba Tue?aav, May li cm Of VERA Cltl'Z Thursday, Mav 1' CITY OF NEW YOKK . ..Thun.lav, May 2i FOR VKBA CKl'J! AND NEW calling at liiiviiin, Pro*re 1*0. Campeachr. Tuxpan and I'Amplco. CUBA ! u?*d?y, May 11 CITY ok MEKIDa lue-day, June J For ireight or passage apply to I-'. i SONS, 31 and S3 Broad wt v. steamer* will leave New one,in* May 15 ant June 3. for Vera Cruz ana all the abov porn. r\ m. sunaav :? ami ":n r. m. llilainsportan 1 i. >c* Havun (via Philadelphia an I Uaiiroud Oivi. i.n. connecting ill Philadelphia), A. M. For Wililannpori, Loe* Haven. Corryanl TRAVE LLEHS' GtlDE. ? A. A. A. * NORTH SHORE ST AT EX ISLAND FERRY. For New Brighton, Snug Harbor. West Brighton aal Fort Richmond, boats leave Whitehall street, a< loonf Broadway, dally, at 6:4'), 8tlS, 9:3), lJ:ll A. M. 12-J4 2:13.3:30, *130, 333 and 6 :?1T>L Sundays, at half-past everv hour, fromSiW A. M. Fare 10 cents. Astor House ears leave Vesay street (or ferry Fare Sccnis CITIZENS' LINE OF STEAMBOATS FOR TROY. CON J ncctlng with all rallwav Hues North and West; fare 80 cents, deck; cabin passage, Including berth. $1. Ele gant steamboat* loave dally, nuturdav excepted, at ?> P M., from inor 49 .North Uiver, toot or Lcroy street Throuijii tickets soli ov?r all ' onnoctluK lines. F^ALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON via Newport and l ull liver.?The world-renowned steamer* BRISTOL anil providence leavo pier 2t North uiv.-r. loot Murray street, ita'lv, Sundays. June 27 to Aocnst 2U inclusive. lit.') v. vt. 'rtuoazh tickets sold ut all principal hotels in tli city. 11.ill's Baud engaged lor the season. OPPOSITION.?ALBANY AUD TROY. FP.OM FRANK, im stroft,pler 35. Deck, 85c.: cabin. #1, ulihierta Steamer M'lllflLKK, Mondays, Wednesday* ana Fri days, ti P. M. J- HA.NCOX. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 'Jhe goat trunk Line aud United states Mail Trains leave New York, from loot of Desbroases auJ Cortiauut stre rt*. ns follow*:? ... Express lor ll.irri-.iiurg. Pittsburg. thn We<t and South, with Pullman Palucfl < ars atta -Had 9:1i A. M,, $ an.l 8;.t.i M. bundav jaml ?'Mi P. M. For Willi) r:rie Erie 8:30 P. M.. conuoilng at Oorry tor Tituirilla, Petroleum Centre and the oil rtcinaa*. For Baltimore. Washington and th> Couth, ??Limited Washington Bxprc**" of Pullman Parlor car.* daily, except Mtmlav, ?:!' A. M.; arrive at Washiu* ou 4sll P. M. RjguUr at - ^U A. M, 3 and1) P. M. .-uuday.i P. M. Expr< s* lor Philadelphia. 7, 7 -.V), S :t). 9 :10 A. M., 12-3? 3, t, 1:1H, 4:61), 5. 7. 6:10,9 P. M. ail I li night StUWay. 4:50, ft, 7, o-JOand 9 P. M. J mi.rant and second ciaas, 7 P. M. For Newark at?, 6::?. 7. 7:40, 8. 9. 10. II A. M . V2 M.,t 1 ?>: II, :i: 10. 3:?, 4:11). 4:30, 5, .VJ) n:l), ?, 6:10, <5:40, 7, 7US), *:IU. 10, 11 ?;!') P. M. and 12 nljh'. Suilday, .<:2d. and 'S:1J P. M. For ISU/.-ibeth. ?, ?:fl,T,7:?, H, 9.1) A.M. IJ M.. I. X ?J;30. 3:111. 3*40, 4:10, 4#). 1:50. J:M, 5:4>, 6, 6:10, ri:lA 7, 7:S.', If. IlJO, P. M. aud 12 nijht. .-xun lav, 5:2a, rand 8:10 P. M For Kithway, i', 0:1 >, 7. f, 10 A. M., 1- M. I. 2, 2vV>, 3-.IIL 3:40. 4:10, ?aii. 1:30, 5:i). 5:1'. ... <1:10, ?:?, 7, 8:11, li P. M. and U ulaht. -uoday. 5:20 and 7 p. M. For \\cMHlt-riiluc. t'ertlt vmioy ant south A oboy.6 an4 10 A. M., 2:41. 4:40 ail I li P M. For Now UruunWlck i and 8 A. M , li M., 2, iUO, 4:lii 3:20, 6:10, 7 r. M an 1 12 niiiii Muu lav. 7 P. .W. For Kaat Millstone. 12 Boon, .1 and 5-.2U r. M. l'or ICuiL'ston and Ro ky Hill, 8:43 A M. and 4:10 P. M. For Princeton, 7, s.40 A. M., !J:1 . t:l I aud 7 f. * For Lambertville and Fleniimtton. 9. n A. ?!. and 2 P. Jt For Phillip*l)urg and .'eiviil :? ?, 9:10 A. M. a'ai2 P M. For i'riiiton, bordentown, kii1mui.ii ant CtuJen,; anil !!:?:? A. M., 12:11, 3. 4, 5 mi 1 7 P. M For Freeh ad, 7 a. M.. 2 and 4:10 P. M. For Farinmsdale an l souun. 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. For iiiuiii-towii. Pombcrtou an i Camdeu. >da Perth Aoa. bov, .'-.HI P. M. For Hightstown and Pemberton. ? A. M. Tram* arrive a< lollowa ? troui PIttsoarff, 0:55 and IltJJ A-M. anil lO:'*)* P. M. daily; 10:15 A. M. and 7:40 P. M. dailv, except Monday. Froin Wailunitaa ana ria:ti more, ii:2l A. M., 4:l.i, 5:1ft mi l 10: / P. d. Sunday (i:il A. M. and 10:27 P. M. Prom Phlludelnhia, 5:1.). ti:2), ?!:5i. 10 :l.'\ 11:20, 11 :H A. M.. 2:15, I:,., . i.?, 7sS-. 7-4* N:o, lil:17, r. m. Hnnaay 5:io, ii:)), iiAl. 11: i A. it. 7:40 and 10:27 P. M. Ticket oCRe.'s, ?2:i and 914 Broad war, .No. 1 Astor House ami loot "i Di!>?bro*se* ami t orn in li sireot*- ao 4 t'ourt street, irookiyn: >o?. 114. ill aud 1H lliidfon street, liolKiKcn. Kinicraiit ticket odt ?. >o 8 DatUiry pUco. FltANK THOMPSON, ii. M. U^fO, Jr. (ifneral Xanager. Pa^.- i- 'r AsMit. JJROVIDKNCK AND STUNINGI'ON STEAMSUIP Ott NEW YORK AM) 11 >ro.N. S'lON l.NiiTON LINE. From pier 33 N. It, loot ot .lay *rreet, the e'ecant reamer* Rhode Island an I Narrasiansett daily icxeejl Sondayn), at 5 P. M PBOVIDFNCE LINK. From pier 27 N. K., loot of Ro insonsL, the steamships Electra and tiaiatcu daiiy lexcept .iun tay*>. at 3 p. M. 1>BOPLF.'S LIN K FOR ALBANY.-DODWOtrit rroinenadc concert band on board; llrst clan pa* aatreonlyti; deck, Me.: steamer* leavj datly, Suttaayt excepted, irom pi?>r 41 North itiTcr. a: 6 1*. M. EXCURSIONS. ? ? _KOK KXCl'RKIO.NS, SALOON STCAMBR VFT J\, ominf (with new holler) and <>nhant ; barirei Republic Cnictfo. Ksrth Smi b. t aledonla and Anna, ti'lenta!. Kagleswood, i xcel*:or, < old sprlua aad Ions I*l*tid OmW to leu Office :8l W.?t sti'isst, opposltt Christopher Mreet lorry, open evenings 11 B. CROSSETT. A LB4NY ANDTKOY BY DAY Lt N'K.?THE >T AMEB AB.V1.NIA will, i.n an 1 a'tf.r Monday. May 17. leave New \o'k un Mondays. Wednewlavs and Frldayt trotu Vestry street tner. at 8-15 A. M.. aid Twenty tourth mrretat'J M.. laBdinaat \Ve--t Pom:. .s? aimrg, Poachkeepsie, Rhlneheck, t'at*?M aid Hud*on. Oaily pussaire* will b? re-uined on an l at'.er dune when the utMOlers i VIBBABD and HANILL U..LW will bs placed upon tlie-rmite. TriOR I.XOUR-IOV <-rHK LAitOB, FIRST HLkSi, l1 lavoriie *ta?boats SLEEPV HouL??W nowonial the Ltl.Nii BHANtul) and M&TAMOKV: Onllsy'v Al derncv. ? ni; llilU Mv.>rs' \lpine and l,>na Islasl Urovea, wnu Hari?e. and Moat* ot all Kin l* d. a K. '.n ;. corner Morton and ,v?t >: ? ?? v F~V).t EXCl RSiONS rilK FAVtlRIT ' S1EAMKR W5C CO. iK. with steaHboaui and I'arge.ot >11 kind* t? let; Bannv nle, .VVil'ow llavnn. Pleasant Valiey. ' Kopi bv a. la* nr." ttaritan Beich in 1 lona laian.i croeet Apply to <aptoia i ilAx AOAM.-i, 1 2 We at itrert. cornel ofl.iiory, OTKAMBOAT8 AND BARORS FOR KXCURfION8 TO i? Karitan Be*en, -??i Vi w. lona Island a id billow Havea tirove. M till IN A KASIiHLU 111 .-ouili *treew DHV (i(M)UH. A ? HI CM l UMITII nA? DAILT A ORAN& A. DISPLAY i>I the LATEST IMTO.vlED FAHIIlONA ? t his n>II.O.S 1IA/AAK II HHOAOWaY. h.-iwe-'O lwent:r:h ami Twcnty-flrM street*. All the LaiE.-?? PATTERN- ronaunth on hand. CLoTH MODEL! with everv pattern. ( I'THNd an I FITTING by ?*? peritneetl ?rllit< /1ABPKTH. CARPETS. \ ( ?prin? uoentnc of Carpets. Oilcloth*. Window Shade*, Lambrequin*. Matt, Matung, Ac., at rery lev l>ri ???. Ktitflish Yelret, at $1 Ttp?rfirt T*ii?-?trr Bru.?se ?, at SI per yard. Tiir-r pur, at Si * ?r 1. Ingrain. .i- t.u- and .">>?. per vard. All ntlier si*id? ,tt ? qn iliv low price* v In r je stock ol Kurnltura, in per cent cheaper thaa an* .'.iter lion* in th ? city. All Rood* shipped tree. I'. KELLY. (snccesaor to H. O i?rrc.l), 512 arid 511 Eluhth avenue between llnrty tilth rind Thtrty-slxtli streets. C'KKAT BARGAINS I.N I < Mr.PKTS r vki" rs. i AKPKIS, OILCLOTH-. i v K n riTUXg, AO. KM I IT V i:I> KNAPP. hiikpfakh knapp, Wit EPPA KD KNAPP, IV ,ind K% SiXMI ilflllM, I- Mill III KKiMH THE I.AKUE T ?. sO.vTMl T? AT R .TAII. IV THE 0111 ut the LOW! r-T PRICK?, LOWEST PiifcKS, LOw I*. ? I PRI' -S emulating of WfiQIT.T CARPfclS. AX M INSTEK, TF.LYKiE BOOY BWUMKIA TAPESTRY BRCSsEL*. TIIREt Pl.Y ,V \''li \YIDE>. TAPESTRY INORAlNS. M'PER ISOKAINS. ALL WOOL. INoUAt*. . _ OILCLOTHS (ALL WIDTHS!. WHITE. HkD, i HKt K ANU K\\< Y MATTINGS. REAL LAI'P. CITRTAIN-. rROM ?S TO i?0 I'EI P A I H MOTTINOHAM AMD OIIPCRE, PRO* tl TO BU pi. p PA1!? CURTAIN NETS AM' V STlHT t.E LaOB?. COTTAOE mIaPKRT AM' WINDOW Ol I.VKKV HRSCrtiP I IiiN. ?"RETn\ v; h >M> H IMUHK CHINTBEB. EMBROIDERED PIANO AND i \ i I.K COYKBA, IB E*?Lf.!?? VARIETY. CHtTRCtlE*. OFFICII ilOTEM \ND STEAK BOATS FLRNISHEU vrTHK JSIIOKi hST NOTICE. PARTIES WISHING To FCRNISH WILL FINO IT Ml THEIR ADVANTAGE TO I ALU -Ixth amine. one door iclow Ihlriciruh rtrert. T ORD A TAYLOFt-ORAND AND CHRYSTfR 1j Enulish Body Brm^K $1 VI and ii 75. 1.D8 ish and American Tapestry. #. .in 1 $1 IX WET OOODS.-THK BALANCE or FINS CASST t? inerc?, Flannels Blanaet*. Repetlants, Ac., to r>? ?old low. Btscount tailor*. " M AI HEWS. M Catturtna street. MI I.I.I W. It V AM) IIIIKKiNAKI'OU. A. ?A.?MRS. MYERS, 22 hast Kxnrteenh street. BpattlaltiMol nnstea nod ciilhlrnn't Milllnerv. Caps and Mntirhliw Millinery. HUM' OI- KH K. NOTICE. povr OFFICE NOI ICE.?TII K MAII.H FOIt EtTROpR J frr fhr wrcK eii.tma: Haturdnv, M?t 15 l?7A will rlii-*e at ttiltofflre ??< lollows ?on Ae lnr-sla. at s A M . mi ThWSday at Ii ..M A. \l., mil ah -,itm iav at II iw a M. r. u .1 a M Es, rwnBaaiir. V\ UTED I'U PUHl'tl.Vlft gWALL JOB PRINTISO OrriCK. WITH AN EXPEBf Cj to worx it stating nrfe and lollfartleaiari IkirisC AAdrtM DcK us Uurald I ptoWB Hraucti uHc*.