Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. A Raid oil Stocks?The Market Lower and Feverish. GOLD 115 5-8 A 115 1-2. Capital Abundant aud Money Ensy?Bond* Genrrnlly Firm. Wall street, 1 Monday, May 10?o P. M. i The stock market is more than usually depressed. Sot lor a long time.ludeea, lias there been such on jxhinltlon of bear strength, such persistant and ijstematic hammering and such general demoral Batlon among the holders of speculative securi ties. For the last two or ihree weeks the "point" oas been generousljr distributed to-buy Erie." [t came so directly and appeared so honest that Hundreds joined the procession of purch-sers and nave since looked forward to the expected rise. To-day, however, dispelled their dreams. What was regarded as the trlfl ng flurry of Saturday shaped itself Into an organizad eilort to boat down the price of this stock, aud to-day It was successlul. The opening aud highest figure was 29%, the lowest 28% and the close 20%. The transactions amounted to 123.000 shares, Utile less than half ol ttie deal ings of the Board. What proportion of these were ??washed sales" it Is, ol course, impossible to fay, but there was not an adverse Influence which could be used that was not brought to bear. Ht'MOR UPON BUMOtt Oiled the street, 'ihey cam? from nownere aud could bo traced nowhere. The pr>ce In London was knocke l down by cable despatches from New York, and the fact was rucabled to every broker s ofTlce here, as if to make It appear that the Hi Irish speculator was alone responsible for the decline. Many holder.-, of long stock were thus induced to part with the same, and, to use the street par lance, the "sccop" was made exceedingly profit. aDle to those who were "short" of the market. As an offset to the damaging reports above referred to a prominent director in tne Erie Railway is said to be authority for the assertion that "there la nothing in the affairs of the company to warrant the attack upon the stock, and this opinion Is in dorsed by President Jewett." While the street is thus mystified or the movement the latter is at tributed, in well informed quarters, to a deslr ? to obtain control of the stock. The next most active security was Laxe Shore, which opened at 72 and without reaction sold down to 70% a 71. The statements regarding this stock are not lavorable to immediately higher prices, racillc Mall receded (rom 44 to 42% and closed at 42%. Western l nlon opened at 79% and was generally well sustained netween this price and 79}?. Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph tell off from 25 to 23% a 24. Union Pacific began at 78* out was forced down to 76%, ?losing at the latter price. St. I'aul common ?bowed greater streugtii and advanced to 57%, but later succumbed to pressure in the entire market ar.d ended at 38%. Wabash was comparatively steady at 12% a 12* a 12%. North west was heavy at 42 a 41%. Ohio and Miss.ssippl opened at 28% aud declined to 25% a 28. Panama was steady at 163. Delaware and L.tckawauna at 110% a 119% a 119. Ilock Island declined from 105% a 104%. New York Central ranged from iu8% to 105%. St. Louis and Kansas City prelerred ended at 41, common stock at 9. Kansas Pacific sold at 22% a 22%. the sales to-day were divided among the most active securities ss follow*:?New York Cumral ana audson, 700; Erie, 123,000; do., preferred, 850; Laxe Shore, ?2 000; Cleveland and Pittsburg. 100; Northwest ern, 4,400; Kook Island, 2,200; Pacific Mall, 19,700; St Paul 4 200; do., prelerrea, 1,000; Ohlos, 4,300; Western'unlon. 22.400: VSabash 2,400; Union Paci fic, 10,000; Kansas Pacific, 1.200. UPENING, HIGHEST AND LOWEST PBICE*. The loliowlng table shows the opehing, highest and lowest prices of the day:? Opening. Highest* Lowest New York Central 100% loe% 108% *?,-'? Lake Shore If if Joi? Wabash "% 12% Northwestern ? ** ? Kock Island 108'* m Pittsbarg v'il'V Milwaukee and 8'. Paul. 37% 87, *?% Mil. and St. P*nl pref... 59 69 68 i,mo and Mississippi.... XX 20.* -?* New Jersey Central 108% 108% 1 ? Del., Lack, and Western 119% 11?X ? 1 ni >n Pac,lie 78% 78% '''* C., C. and 1. C 8% 6% 6% \\ e-tern Union 79% T?% 7? Atlantic aud Pacific Tel. 26 26 I'acific Mail 43% 44 42,. 1'anama 163 163 ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The changes of the marset since Saturday's :losing hour show tlie following resul's:? advance.?Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, 1%; At,antic and Pacific preferred. %; New York ten trai, 1; C.. & and I. C., >4: Delaware and Lacka wanna, .'4: Erie. 2%; Hannibal and St. Joseph, %, Haiiem l; Lake >h<>re. I1*: Northwestern. rtiiio and Mississippi. Pacific Mail, l; Panama, 2. Koc-X Island, %; St. Paul common. S; Wabash. %. I Dion I'a. iuc, lu; Western Union. %: M. Louis iml Kansas preferred, %; Kansas I aciuc, ?, Missouri Paomc, %. . w ; Decline.?trie in London, 2 per cent., gold, %. The only stationary stock was Qnlcisllver. THE MONEY MARKET. Money clos?d easy on call at 2% and 3 per cent. Commercial paper Is unchanged. Foreign ex channels firm. Prime sterling nominally at 4.88 and 4.91, selling at 4.87 a 4.87% and 4.90 a 4.90s. Belcbmarks, 94% a 95 and 96*? a 96%. Cables, 9?;%. Prime Paris, 6.14^ aud 6.11%. THE GOLD MAHKET. Gold opened at 116% and advanced to 116%, but elosed at 115%. Wnlio tnere u no part oular ex citement at present in this market tneloellng gen erally exoreased by operative* Is Indicative of lugner puces hereafter. Toe frequent shipments, the decline of onr lorelgn trade. the absorption of gold by fTance and the gradual loss by England, the more limited demand li.r American securities tnd the necessity of meotlng the balances against tar country In something besides the products of ts soil, theso are the arguments, briefly summar ized, of those who are scanning the present ?nd luture ana making their business calculations ac cordingly, The carrying rates were 1 and J per cem. Loans were also rcade flat. OPEKATIONH OF THE HOLD EXCHANGE BANK. (Sold balances $1,430,337 Currency balances 1,668.126 Grog-, clearances 39,124,000 CLEARING IlOt'SE STATEMENT, Currency exchanges |81,8l8,8?l Uurrency balances 2,825.737 Boid exchanges 8,w*y.?4!> Sold balances 1,136.701 THh CN1TED STATES TREASURY. Th* following are tlie Treasury balances re ported irum WashingtonCurrency, $:;,'.;>0,0()0; coin, |88,333,ooo; less coin certiOcales, 921,333,00'). The Internal revenue receipts to-day were 1914,114, and the customs receipts, |508,725. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day ) 144,000 on account of interest and J261,000 m redemption ol five-twenty bond". GOVERNMENT BOND8 were In fair request and witdout rotable cttange, :lomng steady and firm. THE FOREIGN MARKET. rue market, according to cable advices, opened with a firmer feeling. The Bank of England gained ?271,uoo sterling and the political news was likewise more assuring. Owing to local causes, however, the rate ot discount In open market lor three months' bills Is 3>4 per cent, winch is tue same as the Bank of England rate. Erie opene I at 20'.,, but subsequently, under the influence of American news, declined to 24'4. The following are the latest quotations:?Consols for money, 93?* a 04; do. for account, 93Ji a 04; 18fls bonds, old. 105is<>7 bonds, 109^; 1?02 bonds, 102*4 a lOT'i; Ten-forty bonds, 103H a lot; new ?ves, 10J'?al02',; Krle, 24'*; Illinois Central, 12,'i a 93, THE ELECTION TO-PAT. The election of offlcera of the stock Exchange /or the ensuing year, resnltel in the choice for President of Mr. George W. McLean'. The number of votea cast wm aoouf 800. Tlie resnlt was announced amid much enthusiasm, it'lelucc the second tlnio only in the history of the lioard. as we are Informed, that an lmiei enrlent has achieved success over a regular nomination. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES 100 ihs w est Cn Tel... 390u do. Mm do c Id 0 do SO0 Pae m ^ s 6Q0 KM 300 s 79M Tin, 7u'-? 79 it *V, 44 uv uh \ ' 17 <0 7 tWO ???.(>0 3101 1000 l.Oj SKI 12" 0 800 1300 700 10 :?> 1103 If) 0 Um. 2 J'?U MM i rlo k.: do. do. do. do. ? o. do do. do. do. ?-"J1; ?ml 2'!? i!) a -ik tsx 1 Monday, May 10, \875. II!' UK CAU-10 A. M. 1703sba 1. 8 * M RB.. 72 211!) I mo 930 UM Kill 1SH IU0 It ' I 11 H 14J0 70) 5 0 '"'Ohio A MissltR... 2t?V i! 0 ol 4 Who 12H 8" do 1-H 1 OStr, ,t K C It It.... 9 300 L uioii PaelflO 76V? do. do. 1!7?4 1 7li" 300 ?tni 20 1 1.10 n o 500 10} (til. do. do. 1110 Chicago A K I HK. H 5\ fti'U do 10a i 10 ' ' iV i li i. 27'i 101 Mil A at P Pf 51 27V 76 74 K 75% 75'? 7#4 75? 75% V 0 Chi A N W bJ 4 io do 200 200 'to fi i\V do do. i" i Mil <t <t p hk. !'0 <10. 8 II do. iao 400 100 II. (J 10J 87j 37s; m $21000 U S 6'?, r, '81.. .. 122 ?00 0 no. be 12 _ .. j*. Hi S O 37'. c 37,-4 111:19 AN 11 U:*10 A. M. JlO'fiO l?S5's, 10-40, r.. HIP, loo 0 co be 111)'. I 0)0 I' Sft'K, r. 'HI 116 30000 UHft's.e, '81 1*0 do do. 00' Pae M do. MX 2 0 Krle KK pi" bo 41 ...s3 4SX '37, ...1)3 4.1?* 48K .... 4SjJ 43 S 43'.' 8J0 200 fit) I 1209 2W) 200 5'D .am 100 (I 1." S 8-20, e, 'C2.... 116 lid 0 il .- 5-2", c.'Gl lift " so ?! rs r-jo, c, 'i"s 11?',; Fill ST BfiABI' $2000 N r 6't, ?peclai iOOihs tax, ?ecotul i-lasM.. : 200 600 ' lonn b's, n ? 61 390J 10m II l)la t'ol ;-OS's 73 V -3'0 UOtXO i.o. ...b$J 73 POO jijloo oo... bee 73S 32.0 li on Brooklyn 6'?. w I M-V 4' i o .\ .) eit lit. con., to'j 1000 M A M P 1st, eon i4;a 141.01 I A .N\V g 87 3? 5.00 i hi A N W eon .. 93)4 51'00 C <v N \\ M 98,'a 8000 I'el. L A \V, con. 121 JiKJO JUoi- .V Kkl?t, OOn lu4!j' I0im Krle 4tli in. 99u iOiltl 'li 99 n,ii n Y Cenov, va... lov loo Cn Pao KK. fiin0 Mleli South ? >... 116oi 50 0 li O'i 3 0 5000 do look ? 00 SO" Mleli . nu 2d ra... I' l'? 4IHK) C'lev A Tol Hi.... 107 :5U0 O A I'lltb 4tli .be no lo.o ilur i?t. 7'?. c ... i io >5 0 (\ P A Ash, old.. 104 lmo Ul) I' 111. !M ll'O'j 5000 I ii 1'ilC 1 a 7'*. .. 98 81" I ii Pae .-ku Id.... K 7000 Puc of Mo l?t.... 6000 Mo Pa HB of Mo.. tlS 1000 Tol A W 2d tKS 1000 luo 0 Del A II e 7'?, '9. l"7>i I20J 2000 O ft Minn 2d 111... 70 10.11 ISslis Fourth N?| H'k 98^ too 27 llulinver Hamt.... 97 16)3 ISB'kof Kenubllf. b3 10 l o 100 VjuicK M Co be IS 200 9 Del 4 H Can. ..lie 12 ' yo 300 Atl ft Pae 25 ou 3400 WeKt t ri 'lol.. ,b e 79'i 3 o tfl:SM A. M. rie HR.. 72 V :::::: & 43 "i5J4 75? 7 ft-*? bee do. do. do b3 76*. do 7AX do e 75? oo 7 iii do s3 7.'i1I 7 '0 200 100 JUO 1400 lft C ft RJ BB b c.opft ?'5H 100 do 116 200 104% 0 ft Jl a 71*4 ? b3 30 8'0 MOO 100 1201 400 7 0 do 1%M 2K> Oo. 83 (lo. 79^ 79 > 1J>* 70!, 79 do ?3 60 Am i x 64? JO do be Oi'3 1 0 S V t. a li ii RK.bc llii'* 100 <io I"ii 300 do l"tf 100 do M 1"0 10) i'lev .v 1' ? be M $0KrleBB be 21% do. do. do. do. do. ? u, do. do. 300 10 0 1700 25 H) ?M 8'0 4U> 15)1 1201) 20< O ago 8 0 32011 1700 10*10 400 2 0 27C0 7t0 ItMXl SO > 14)0 3 0 1?0 110O no... *7.'a iw ii a i do 37*2 200 Mil do.. do.. do. do. do. 2 < ? & 5? fr 4 ..oo 1.0 '400 10) 17.K) MOO 1400 10 N J Cen KR be 1 ?? " 100 .10 KWJi 30 do 109 luo Chi* N W e <IK SO I do 41? KO <Ui b> 41V 100 no H) 41?, luO Han A St.Jo Kit.lie 24* St P KK. .be :S'? ?lo. (Ic do ne 21 h do SIK do b3 27S : 00 40) IOJ 100 2 0 I'D ioJ.MftMtt'R.:pr..oeo 200 (10..... 41)0 <m lt'0TolftWaU do do. do. do., do. ..C 27Ji :: ^ 201 20) 8(5 15 |#u oo. do.. do. <to .bS do. do do. do. do. do. ? b3 do do 100 Del. i. ft W. l'?) do 10 do 100 Atl ft Pae pt. 6'JOOIim A M lilt be.^ 10.1 no 26? 430 do S3 20)5 119JS llil'i 119)2 ?be 10', 26V i 27>t ii ? l-t)lt ? I'M.:,?N:.|i) i>. >|. MflO Dlft ColS-M'a.... 1W>0 fUtO I'n Pat' .ink i... 1 usin At * Pac lci.?3 10' do 30 do 25") W>M L' i. lei 600 do 400 lOi do 7W 'io lOJChlAKl Kk tw do loo oo 5.0 P?c ? as .. 73.S ?>* w% a% i.s do do., do. ao 14J) 900 4U) *(0 100 700 20) U 0 li? 700 ?uj 5hJ no.... lixt. hU > W illi 41'. 3lo0 i.rle RB <? * i?ni do 'J*'* do. 79 79* 79*4 .. 79'4 ?? .. mo* . J 4 ?, L3 104% .. 8* c J:': i>3 .. ??; .. ?t .. ??% .. 4i% .. 43', .C 43 i? 43 2 10 aba Kric rtK e 4900 do -0) do c 7M do ioj Cn Pacific Kll .... :-.ut do 30' 0o..w 3 0 .0...". O 3oo do 2 0 do 1W Obio A Mis* UK..#10 lito Uo b3 It) 10' do .. 120' L S A Ms UK. 36% S7 77 % 75'* 7& i ?gZ 26% IU I 100 1110 1G00 IU0 suo do b3 71 do >3 71 do ....b3 dn .1.3 z?? 71 Sj 4 isooou ??r?. c. ??. lutwo u i- i r. 68. n 123 % 13: do. ... UO .0 ' To! A Wall Rit.. .. 20' Mil AMP It It 10.) do blO 37% l? do 37 S. i n .10 b20 37 V 100 Mil A st Paul prcf 51% 10) ao M 3 o lio bio st *00 do .1.1 58 2 P. M. flllKT U 8 5'?. r. '81... 115% 2400) U t? cur 6'? 123* IiOWU S/-20.C'M..bc 122l< 2iW 0 13 h 5000 U ? ilMO. c 117% '**1 Orcnon w 1,'Sl.h y 116'* 100; t ?A'?. r, si. SK' .?N!? !!0.\K1)-I P. M. 34 ;o 51 MS 7JS 73 lift i y. I4! 87 M y^S. 03% $2000 S C 6'n, n, J * J.. ImiO I mil ..%, n.ic .c ISO*) Tenn 6'a, o ? c.bc JO o 1000 1 lot < al S-M 4h.. lmtu do I iuo N Y s 7 *. h I. r.. guuo Brooklyn 7'*. p I. ?I10CA.>W ccju.... 1000 i uo jiM do be smoCbi A X W lit.lie SoUlt'hi A N W con. .. 50 I f UK im m.bc IC#% 7U00 Un Pae 7'? 1 g.... W 7MI0 I n fac ? t *3 ISUOO Moi A Ka 1st . INK 4001' Jinrri* A IUM... 107 lo t*) Mnr A !'?? < on (;*. 101% imn MaSi 1'Im.i at: l>. )V'ij 4.<01 no J*' I'^wc, 1', C A I int.. HJ7 ;ikii) do...... lo< :?j?o do 107*4 4?fi NY On ti'a. >1... 1M? 1100 Alt A T II 1st. .he lt'7 2?i0 I . I ?* ? 1 Ut. bC 4V?i M?)?rkll in . .be M2 41k II I'm: I o! M 7d bC t3 |i?'ll Hud R 2d. ? f 111*4 |>m Harlem tot. 7'a.e. li'".? I'lli Midi i "U l"2S It*aha At .cl.tic.b3 "H\ 100 do bJU 7'.'., 101 **. M ao ... 100 Mar I. A V, a*p.... HOI neat I n .ei be ' ip^Hi *0) M0 30'aba I'a MailrB bo 'D*. do 30i .10 r.?>j do 30 do.. ai) da. l'.? 0 Kric iiR.. be s* ?fA <3?. 42% V 2n'i M 1 too do.. 4") do.. 17U0 ltd 300 do.. l?Hi go.. '0 do 27?i 30) do 2", 2 0 uo J?i?. it?i jar* 6j Panama i<K... br let 100 L a A M d RK.bc.a3 71 3 '? do a* 71 -'0) do bS 1\ loo line ?M do 71 I o t'n l'nc KK..bc.a3 7 ao,,,, ;:,s uo 7.V'n I'HChiA.NW UR...,bf 41 'n ? o 4.2 ;?*< do 4iv 2IW1III r KK .be 37' :i"0Mi;*f!t P KK pf .be ftiw 2'" do W 2 ' I ol A ? |(K |if. .b e 1? ?01 Tol A ?'?li Ult .bc .2'.' 41" no 14 2i', likiOliioa MKK.bc.43 '.v,v. (P, WB uo *14 79', do 7-J .to *3 79 10? 794 100 do -bS 7 i*4 i o rio a3 i9 ? 10 X J t ent KB I'f v SMCtli A K . KB...i?c ?t4% 111) do 1)3 104 \ -M0 do. 1 o do 2Ohio A Vi?? pf. .b e 100 lian A Ht Jo KRbc 4i.O Kan Pac Klt <W0 do lou At; A l ac tii be 100 do l .o yj South ioo do ha ?2fi0lDt?tof Col 346. lOOtO do |4<MI 4o........... 2tK)alta At A Pac Tel. im. weal i nlon Tel.., 2.VS0 4 n dn I 1800 gill) 3* 73S, ??4 7i*4 79% 7?l, bS 7^ 20 Amer i-x h,.t' 50 I I a. lie M do. do. do. do. 2i?> no UK) do !"() Panama KK.. 29)0 Krle hH 2?0J Uo do........ ,lKl 42?i (III <?/% ... 42', ... ??, ,?3 42% ... 421, ,b3 42', ... 2(i ... XI 3nt 2ion 7'tn IN 2'.") M 2110 10 0 l.'iH) ;v>l do. ?io do. do. do .io ...b# do . h3 2ti', 130 Kric UK pre I. 16 I.. L a AM h KK IS It.', ?)? It U ni'i IOO \(y-, 100 2ii': iiki 2?*t i?I 400 I,!'] .4 ?2', 22*4 16 >4 16', 6% 2:30 10 S P. M. ino?ha I. s A M S RK . 71 170) do 71 I ?i tin i so KK *S 75), io >.(>..... nj 60) do 7. s 7?) do . 73Sj 20(J Chi Of 4I>, 21)1 lio 4I>| 40) do 41', 100 do bt 41% )i?) rhl A K 1 KK.. ..bS 104t. iO) do *3 104', 10 ft J rcntral RB... IW?, 3m Mil A ? t r UK M\ li*) do 3% l^l .|i. .1.31 Vl 2t 0 Del. I ark a W Il l', Ion Io A '.Vab KK l-'fj 200 .N J South KK. ..I?S 3J, ano uo 5 -O Ohio A Mis* RK. do 26' UO*. no. do do. do. do. ok. do HI ... 2?t ... 3n ... U% ... ... 26 ,?3 M alO M st 2..'i tli 2l0tl 210J liO tit*) ;?i ao. 10) 1.11 500 AO All A I'ac |>f 16 ioo Kan la.- Hi: 32% 100 at I. A K C KB .11*1 .-It I. A K t' Kit pf., 41 20 ' Alt A T H RK * ICO do *5 8 70% t I.OKINT, PRICES?I 1'. M. at 71% .. 71% <\ 71 ... 71 at 70% '' 71 Par r.e Mai'.... 42% a 42% Went Un Tel... 7!)', ' 7#t* At A Pae tel... 23'? a 24 >. II a-|iTei ||% I? l~'j 3-O.Ys Oi? of t!ol 7.) a 78% /Haia??i.. ?.y. * Amor rt* M% a H , |] ,h rtprea. w% ? -JiJa Well*-Knriro *? '.'J, a i h A Alton....1<3'# i 1"7 i lev A ritt* x d 92*, a 92% Chi A S \\ . 41 % " J'.* t hi A .N W pi... M a ??) , Chi A K I Mh a M6% h,i a ran.... JJ'? a < Mil A HI V Pi.. ** ? c, t: A tnd.. t', .*1 Del, LAW.. Krle Han A at Jo... Han A St Jo pi Jj . ? ? I i re... Micii t>tilrnl.. N Y A nor.. . .v Y f A ii i: N Jer t:?n dIiIom HlfM... I'anama Tol A Wall a <10% .111) a . 26'4 , ? ;V? * . : 1,*, * . 70', * ? 7t% 196 a .1 ??'.% a li.O .1 * .1 .to . 26 . I A3 a IS* 13? 119% % 31% 71 73 137 ill, tuion i m 76% a 7 COMMERCIAL REPORT. SPOT COTTON QUIZT AND UNCHANGED, FT-'TtlBKS DECLINED ONE-TH1BTV-8ECOND CENT A ONE BnCTEENTH CENT?FLOt'B QUIKT?WHFAT DULL AND LOWES?CORN STEADY?OATH Flfl.VER? BABLET INACTIVE?BTE QUIET BUT FIRM? POBK UNSETTLED AND LOWER?LAItD IBREOU LAB AND LOW KB?PETBOLEUM QUIET?NAVAL STORES DULL AND HEAVY ? WHI8EEY FIBMER? OBOCEBIE8 FIBJL Monday, May lo?0 P. M. The market wan very quiet to.,lay, and in some cases there was considerable irregularity, with a marked decline in prices. On 'Cliange there was tint little inclination to purcnasa except at a ma terial decline in prices. Flour was quiet but steauy. wheat was dull anii lurcher dopie-isca by unfavorable cables aud more lavorable adv;cos irom the West with regard to the jfrowins cro^. Corn was steady, a lair demand. Oats strong. Whiskey a^ain advanced materially; tut t!:ere were few buyers. Provisions were unsettle.l and lower. This was particularly the case with regard to pork and lard, which were decidedly off, though quite lreely dealt in. freights were very quiet and nn. change 1. Cotton on the spot was quiet ?nd unchanged, aud (mure, declined 1132c. a I Ite Petroleum was quiet. Naval stores dull and heavy. Groceries were firmer. Cort'K*.?The market for Bio was quiet and Arm with sales of U18 bn<s to K. A J. u l'enier?ast on private terms. We quoteOrdinary cargoes, 16c. a ; lair do., 17e. a 17'ic.; (food do., I7J4C. a 18c.; prime do., 18){c. a lgj^c.: extreme range for lots IBJ+e. ? I9,'ae.; Java, government bags, 2:c. a 20c.; do., grass mats, s:c. a 27c.; Singapore, 21c. a 2.'lc.r Ceylon, 19e. a *Ic.; Maracaibo, lite, a 2 >jo.; Ligua.vrti, 18c. u lil'ac. i Jamaica. 17'^. a l8Vc.: !<-. Domingo, l(ie.; i'orlo Itioo, 17c. a 10c.; Costa l:icu, 17c. a 28c.: Vexlcsn. l-><c a 10< ? Angostura, '7/jic. a iuc.; Mivanilla, 18c. a :1c.fVuraeoa' 17c. a l?c., gold. Oi mid <1.1 (lav olM^f^lH"' m?rk 't ,,or -PO< cotton was quiet at uu "?> 11 ; ! M'uriiT't ma I a low i i s, i>ut tail.d ?in i ? seller, views t xnortTs showed le* ili-qio sitlon to operate than was r.otsccante Saturday, and drawrTor roducc l't" '?> 8t?.Pdl.nif f alurUay w, re wilh orawn or rediued t>-dm. We learned ni nn e.owi,'..r,. drawn or reduced to-day. We learned ol no conilderi b e business after change. I ii'ures sold nil in.v n 11 do \livl A i2.ife 1,1 the following prices: iiV.1.? l5" ,Ki' ? 15 15 Ifl ltic. a !?' ? ? Jnlv, 10 5-.,2e. a lri 3-l6c ? August 1Mi 11-tt. a : Heptemner. U 3-1 tic. a hi 7-3.V ?' October, 16 2 -i'.f.n !/Sn4o ; November. 157-16c a is 19-iv ? Dceeiniicr, ls\,c. a I:..'!-'.?> ? January IBVa 13-i^e' l-ebruurv, IS l.VI6c. a 16c.: March, lt5.-uSc. a l6'"c! Ouota: {'?njl ''"J''1' on standard ol rliis.iflciiiion in lorce .-epTcm bor J, 1^74, and on uphtnil coiton in store running 111 i n il lty not more tnan halt a grade above or below the ura te quoted:-Ordinary. Il'.c; M.o,t ordinary, 1 V ; ai el Bond ordinary. IS\-.: io..v middling, l '' : middling. cla^Cst/nT*rdmmcl.;i;iflVali,n^-taU0,U M "" A,Uir| Ordinary Good ordinary is is iv" ii?". Low middling l.i'r jjt- ij iy ,?,?* Middling.. ..h I. i?jj i.,." L,? {? ? Good middling i<js2 17 a A f1 Middling lair 17% L | L Kair 175' 17?; ,0,9 "fir* ?The sales were* '? Export To-Day. Sal. K'nUg. Total. Consumption. 650 ;>o 'J" Tot?:? cftO 1 v03 2^ z/j'r 'u!u,r,f aeltvcry (basis low middling) the sales have been m follows:-.satardnv after one P M -Miv S o nt 16 Sl-dlc.; June, 600 at 10 3l-:?c.; Julv, 1 0M) at 18 3 it c ? August. 7J0 at 16V-, 200 at I(S 13 f "at ber ^ }fyc-' .?Kehruur-V, ?"? at lfi 1 -10e, ; iiareh 10 at 1 4c.. ,.UJ at ni i-32c. lotsl, J200 bale 1 ol day. up to two P. M Ma v. 3u0 at is s wtl. I June, 1,203 at l(kj., 2,4jO at I"> 31-33c 2 50J at 15 ir, iiw- ? Julr, *j0ut 'rt'4c. m at 16 7-XI . MaclH ii^nt 1.^0.; August, son at 10716c. 300 at 16 13.32 ? " ?)i ill 1,? ac ? ? Wttt irf 1132c., 100 at lfi 6-I0C., 20U at 10 II 'V ? Nentomber, 300 at l?Va, so ,a J r ,, /S, ??> at IS 13-16.:,. I (JO at IS 2S..12C 100' at fsv7" 100 at I81i.l6c? 100 at IS 23-.rc.: January 2(10 lt IV'e lei-ruary, 20U at ?c.: March. .'0) at !?V. total 'h* a) bales. Grand total, H,7uO. Hie receipts at Uie i/oru wcrn fli followsi?UalvrMon, Gl hales; Newiir.oaii? MobUe, 5 2; avauiian.SSl: Charleston. 30b; M iliuinjiUrn* 2.U; Norfolk, 24J; Sew York, H12. Boston ^ I'hii.' delDhia, I.VJ Total. 5,086. IhU day last wp'ell 7 inu* last year, 7.999. Total ?in?e .^epu,i,be?T 3,3,4.743 bales. Cotton irelvrlu- closed as follow*i-l lo Havre, t>v steam, ?.,c. To i amburg, by steam 1'c To Bremen, by steam. };e.; by ,nil. \c . eoinnrel?v. \c' Liverpool. Dy steam, Vi.; bv 'iul. a i'd. I - *? r ki" ii.iits quiet and unchanged. I lie enKaireinom. 'O I iverpool, by steam,lioo t>bls. roSu'Stau.! and 1.600 boxes bacon at 2*.. I o Liverpool, by ?ail iX'i bales cotton at SM2d. per lb lo London, by s ' 1 um bbls. Hour on nrlvate lenns. To Hott. r.lam, bv staam l? o loads if rain on private terms I he charter! were^I An American bnrk, irom Philadelphia to Havre or Dim kirk, with 2.800 bbU. crude oil at 4s.Van Italfan bar?" hence to < ork lor order*, witn l.l?lqu irters izraln at u 9d.; ? British b irk, hence to Moretin I'ill witn *? i.i.u,a at U ftl.; a Knaaian bark h^ iA t iV, , ^ with 8-aibbia refined petroleum st L . inCS brig hence to Malaga, with ?,HH case- refilled petroleum at U^c. per case, sud lo nil up with trmcral earco" . Norwepiaii bark, Umce lo Cork tor ".Fder. wi?nS? ,?*. bbls. refined petroleum on private terms We quofei 1 Iverpool, steam.fid. a - b'fji. 's, a 3 ?*' , <0 tun. Liverpool, sail. ..5,'id. a 6d. 51. 2ns. o /.j ? ? London, steam.. .7>Jd. a 8d. 6e. 3X " ~ London, sail ? a 61. 6<1. 22s 64. _ ? ~ Glasgow, steam. 6lxd. a 7d. 6d. 3is. _ * ~ Klocu ami Okais ?Heceipts?ITour ?3S7 u:.~ wheat. M.?utlt bushels; corn. 81S 4 5 do.; oat* '21 4/ti ,in ' corn meal, 4.1 bans. Du Hour nrirket was quiet to dav out prices were Unchanued. We note salesof i.(?n i mJ Itye was quiet and steely. Corn in.'al \vas l,.,?..' with sale* of 2,.i?bhls. and 7<Xl *acks Brand vwine e?V,' meal, at $1 si a 41 W. Western yellow "a, nu01J ? We UI?'e*" $< 15 a *' 55 or yellow.'bbi. SuperfluV' [? Eaitra Slate i !!? " { Choice State b ki ? s ?! Snperilne Western 4 v| " 1^:' Lxtra Western ? ?? " J ? Minnesota ? J* J 8 Bounlboopohio..hipping brands!.i?; Hound noop Ohio, trade brand. .. J J w ! a t\ ?t. Louis, low ( x ii it.........' 6 5) a S 75 ?t l.ooi*. nfralght exira Ht. konli. choice double extra 5', a 7 ,fj Bt. rjuls choice famlir !!!!' " 7 To t m Bye dour, fine to -uperllne i ," 2 Houthern, Xo. 2 I nl ? * ?** southern, superfine ? ? ? J f.J ."?outtiern, extra f li ? 5'"J ?S.uiliern, tuinlly ' S Com meal Western ?, 9 " J J* Lorn meal. Jersey 2 2,? i i, Corn meal. Mran lywlr? I 7 , J ! t-iirn meal, puncheon. y I 4 fW wIn!'? r*wheetanl Ti'lf lu7er- "'oorts wi h reK t<I u. the l" Vl i, ? "in MorV'a'^'JSoVt^l1^ T r^al No ^ !"r ,n,V l'V,,r'"1 "" 91 la lor witli ! fair ln\o1?M",?f , "r" Mcadv sv ? f 7 ? i 1 fif* a'nics wert* Ki.imi tiusiiPi.* at St ?i2J*' i ?"?? all at ??<c.: ?"ry" ivi. r!i?t" w: ,or- ,or "bile I ail. (1,1. t? ,rri?f Kve to arr'^ a- u "L' 7" V" ' "??? [.'or s a* rtfRst 4V...Martinique 40c. a ?*.; ;*J ,e*,. ?c.! .V-w Ortaos* 1 111. .?r. jtiiil 2m i*. \\ $ tio'i* i* <it 'a 'i .iiin V*' ?????* 'V (oaSlnawiiy^ aates 01 auout .nil iio.s. smuts were 111.nle at .1 e .i. ck ?n.i yu,'11:another lot, !?i ot 1.0 bb ?. at.s'r a.v" wn l itdvict'H irom iVilmingtoti. > ? t wrr<? 5o"dyd.,,:r:;, i^r,^ ^ S ?lock ill v?V.i aii ? 11 1 ir nominal; Slot k in yard. .1. Jl?l bbl*.: no afloat. V.'Kdo Tar SI mi "'"or '!??*.?, CJ"n", !' "V b*^ *1,01 . ,t ?i ? . ev- !' r, n"""h; do In bbls r %i 'K 'z^zz1 ;S ^S^q?Ao,teV*i',,^."ff,JrV 2"ir'eWtor tks ? jstsrsr waV wc renned. f?r l.'.th ot Ma> at 12'?e 1 ;,?**> bnu .i? .?. ? ... "I ?H-'iC.. and JMant.hi, , ,or io h anll.Mli alJiine *t lim 1 aplilc advit rs fr<nti th ? oil rpiiimi w rm as follows(?*l . ux nr,,,. at *1 4S ? I 47V Ko?*r , imet. not openel ret. held at aIhihi *1 in- ru -i? quiet: selesrT. 110 t.l.K '.rJeh?1 F^kerTum'ted llVf*. >1 42^ bid. entirely nominal Lnitc,J- ?' Csovisioss.-Krceipu?fork. .?i pacRsirea b?<.f u do.: cot meats, M. 1I0.. and lard, 1,5ft ?jo. 8 rbe marken tor the bog product w,.rr u.i.Ver-a ly heavv and ,a most ca*c* price* were .leeidedlv lower I'orV waVun ??. V I f. a 4 ,oP $21 ;?? h $21 90 for JulT $il toni.sior^mftt^ $21 *m $.i 75c"to. s.nill lofi Wffttem I a 111 1 ly ?ofd At I lWan,l#iiPi ft? ml!f !'!)? J'' blila AURUSI, sold late . atnrdaevening at ? 2 .0 Hacon was quid, with sale, ot Iffll boxes cltv loigclearut i2\,v Western lon.r clear wa. qooteda* I2'?c. 4 fit Meat, were le*? a< tive ; ? e note sa e* of I vl ?>o*e? clear twines. 12 to 18 ll- aver*?e a* and lO.OiW Pickled bellies. ? lbs. averare at'12c ijCi were firmer, cit.v dres-e i bringing ;i',c. ' Lar l wa*Ti .^^r^ativ^irr Ju'ne '!lnd u> ?""? ""'es of 25 bbii; M .isa,-.the market t r raw rnled strona with a faip ?i: rr,r "hSb- ,r,r,rr^ on 1 "e i ?V u sci >vad o" "c o u !m o nb ' " adol^ c^.m?,, ^ Jning, -\e. ? sc.; da. fair to ?o?,l r.flnm DWr ? 3? ; ?" . I'rinie. ?\p.; ?,,, molasses Swan fjtc a s',c.: Pnrto Rico, rcilnme grade*. 7',c. a d>1 7w2:V;"i:^',^ *V ?;'4" lfc??rara/redmnafri<iea' 7-c a 3'4, ' mpiadn ' ^ p?-^ -c ? ? Martinique, 71!? a Wi* ? Ji ilk? Si4ii lV >?Ui. 7 lo !'), ? 5t'e ? d4^''li t\ is of "r ?"???'-??<? , 13 to IS. *\e ii 9-Gs, no., jo to in, JJ'ic. m !Htc.; do 1S> to n uj ? ; Khho, a li^c.:, JHo* * j f? in ; (lo., II to li, !#StC. il P *0.. ilo.. 14 f.j IK ot c ? 9'rv.; do.,17 to fl lck*. t l?>^r. Manila. l\c. n A? ? p#?f. immlmco, M. a mi4c. rrflurd, utanJar I A, i'M.c a io*. c ? gfooti vel.ow ?>?. a ?v ; crtwfied, ll^c.; powdered lit' A jNfranalni?-l. lie. ^ " ^c* Kh!?.?-Tho roHrkcf wm steady nt fnjrincr nricr* H> noto Ml^s of ,% cjri. ot C*r<4in? n ?c7 and 35 baa* Rangoon nt ?V- a fi.1/. p r lb. We quote _ Carolina. kooiI 7-,e. a 8'4 , prune do., 7*?c L 7? . ? choice do., 8c. a SV-; l?ui*iana, 7' .e. a 7\>. ;?r fair to P,rinl''v.*"1' common qua.i.Ics own to tr- ; Us k^^Wie^ 7 V- e",r' choic:";v, ?? I ai.i.o*' was neglecte t and iioimtial ai llrmer Drlce* Wmiskkt receipts, ltMntu*. mar.let was iiruier with sales of 3,0 bbls. al i 21}* a SI 2-4 Per gallon! DOMESTIC MARKETS. . O Ky TO!S. M it V 10 )H?1 ( otton nominal , mi Idlln?. 10 ?<.; low mtddllna u?' r , KO,Hi ordinary, U>,c. Met receipts, oi balea it* porw coastwise, M. Sales, 197. i*tock, M.9M. ^ a. . . ,.. N"* OatsAaa, Mav 10. I87S Cotton <iuiet; iniUd ling, 15,'jQ. ; low iniUdUug, i^o., good ordinary, 14J<e Net receipts. t.nai bale*; gro*?. 2,106. Export* coastwise. 3ti:>. bales, 1.IMU. -took. 1-0.-07. M obi i.e. Mav 10, 1 *7 \ Cotton qui -t: middling. I5V- a )5'tr.; low middling, I4f?c. a 14'4o.; good ordinary 1 ?'?<?. a H',e. N t re ceipts, 522 li?lc?. Exports coastwise, !7. ral< . 23J. stuck. 31,186. S .1 r A n N ah, May 'ft HM. Cotton dull; middling 1 ? ,<?.; i< ni'iliitug, ? ??'>?'.! gnod ordinary, U^e. Net receipt* Hi bales. Exports coastv.i-e 21/. .">al.'s, j9 .-toes,;' . 'J. Oswkco, Mav in. IV\ Flour In good demand; sale ? oi '2.090 blil*. at $'i5ifor No. 1 spring; #7 ur amber wint r; $7 wfor white w, *1 WJ 'or double extra. lower; miIis 5,0*1, bu-nela of .No. 1 Milwaukee club, al $1 20. t.'<>rn quiet; sales two I ads, 11 ^8o. B?rle\ si aree and d'.i.e . Cor.i meal? 17 for i oltei., r'ti tor utibol ftl. I" r ton. Millieeit unchanged; shoris. ? i-hlpstufls, f2ft nilildliti ?? ?:7 pi r too. Lake receipts?i-\2? uustu-ls wheat, 3t),l'iOdo. corn, l"i,60Jleet lumber. BtrrxLO. May 10, 1875. Receipts?flour. 8,7 0 hbls. ?, wheat, 20,"" bushels; oorn. 41,000 do. : rati. m.oOO ro.; larky. M.UllO do. ship ments?Flour, tvl Ai bbls. wheat, 2 n .0 bushels; Corn, .'5,000 do.; ottis, . s.iOO do. ; bur.ey. 3.0i0 do. in store ? Wheat. 318,5)3 bu-nes'. coin, tf.ilfi do.; nat?, 4,0* > flo.; barlev, 13.61'. do.; i> .is a,liliio; malt, 4i,<" i do.; r* e, none here. Hour i|Ulct utw uncliniucd. W'peat inac ttve, heavy an i entn oly no.ninul. Corn dull and lowi r; offered at 'He. on the track, outs scarce retail trade only. Kye and barley, none here. . eods quiet and uiK-l.anKOd. Pork quiet and *:ea<ty at?.". Lard quiet and steady atlO'^c. liighwines, n ?uilnaily $1 18 HAVANA MARKET. Havana, May 10, 1875. s-'patiish aoid 2io,1?a2ll; Americsn. 216a217. Exchange quiet; on tha I"lilted States, slxtv days, currency, 8-' a Si premium ; short sight, 85 a Hi do.; sixty d?y*, mild, lio a lii do.: short slant. U4 a 116 ao., on London, 138 a 140 do.; on Pari-. 112 lo 114 do. FIWWCIAl,. % 11 C0U 6663 tea 55555 SfSIS a 00 0J <>ti 22 22 5". $ | U 00 00 l'6 22 655',5 fftm 11 ID ai 66666 12 55 S $ 11 0i Oi 06 t'6 '"I 68 S>Sf$? 11 o) IK> lid 08 22 55 55 ? 11 l/tn 6606 :22222 55.i w 111 buy a Put or rail on 100 shares of any stock, and control the same 30days. straddles $351 c.ich.'o.ditrol -00 shares of stock for 30 days without further risk. uivlce anil information fur. nished. Pump h e s showing how Wall sfreetOPCr.uions are conducted sent tree to nn.v :tddre-s. or ters nollciteu by mail or wire an I promptly eseoated. Ad ires# I 1 i It : I .(?,?. .v i n.. Hankers and lingers, No. 2 Willi street, New York. IX SPHI.'I I.aTIVc. STOCK-* tl.WK FLUCTUATED A largely during 60 days; persons fortunate enough lo hold privileges ha\ ? re ciz >d oxr.raor lin i y protlts It is probable that the present excitement will last for 30 days lon-ter; ther.'rore th 'S" who avail themselves ot the present opportunity wlli secure the iluctuattons. All I'riyiiei'r s sola bv u* are RUiiraiitai,d. VLEX. KHOTii INUIl.tM ., t U., liauk','s. 12 Wall s i. I August bklmcSt & CO.', Hankers. 1 ? and '21 Nassau street, issue travellers' credits, available in all parts of the world, tbr >tluh the Messrs. De Rothschild and their correspondtutc. Also counncrolal credits and telegraphic transfers of money on California, burope and Havana. A ?DKKAULTEI) RAll.ROAD BONDS A Vpi CIALTY *1 ? und bought by the old i si null shed liou-e of ALU M 11. NI O. A\ CO., stock Brokers and Auctioneers, No, 43 1'ine street. New Vork. T RKAKON'ABLiTrATI: ?MuNi-.'v UN' 1,11'K AND i'.ndo tilRUt Insurance Policies, Mortgages and other securities. Insurance of all Kinds elTeet*.! with best coin pan ies. J.J. ilABRlCtl A Co., 117 Broadway. A ? LAPSL.I-.Y 4k BAZLI'.Y. 74 BROAliWAY?STOCK A, PHIVUiKUlvS ON M i- MB Hits CM THK -TOi'K 1-XCB AN(i I (,AMKS OtVhN Al' 11MB UK PLU CM A E ; NO PttlVII.EOK FOR LESS THAN 100 I BtlARi'S: olIK PIUNOll'AliS HO NOT ADVBKTI K: I No OoNlKACT in <>? I', NAME; PA M f II l.K I' "MOW | MONEY IS l.osl AN M\l?e. IN WAI.I. S'fRKIil," j MAILED FRI-.K lo ,\NV ADDRI-.S.s. ! A -STRADDLES (PUT AND CALL AT SAMK PRICK /V. on same paper) $262 so to $*7>. M to 60 davsper lOOsharea i.Ar.M.M A It,\ZLhY. 74 Broadway. i\. J. & W. MILIQM \X i. CO , Ba'i ? ors, 26 Bun i ?treat New Vork. issue Loiter* ot i redit for travellers, payable In any part ot Kurope. Ai-I.i, Atrica, Australia ari 1 America; draw Bills of I'xehanire and make trlenraphle transfers ot mouey on l.urope an i California. LARiK AMOl'NT OF MONEY 10 LOAN ON real estate; no extra charge*, end full descrip tion and sign application. 1IIOS. i'. ALLhN, .appraiser. Pine (treat. 4 LAROK TRU^r Fl'.ND?JUST PAID IN, TO LOAN A and buy .Mortgages on eitr real estate, in sums to suit, without lionot. Address LXKCUI OR, box 2.6M l'ost otlloe. New lork. B"roOKLYn'^ LOAN OFFlll ?PARI IKS RI.QUIRINO monev mi mortgage will Und it greatly to their ad vantage to < ail ii|n n ? > i: \ li. A t o., Herald olllce, cor ner Fulton and line rum stroets. tlAKK OK ESTATES, COL .I ?TlilN OK RENTS AND J Dram, In v. m <? ti t o Incomes am prompt remit tances by J<> UN h. mi lKAi? ?*>' Broadway. Check.*on Utnou 11a ik, L iutlon,lot sa o. TjlyUlTABLfc SAYINU- IN NTUI'lON, ??? Jli corner sixth avenue nud Tweiith street, New York. INiEit > I commence* tlie tst ol the muiitii following the deposit. INTKk*. r computed ami compounded Junuur an I Julv. IN i KKr.Ki" paid January ! at the rate ol .-KVhs l?i K Ch.1 ! i'KK aNnUM. Bank open Monday, Wednesday anil Saturrtuv evenings. UsOMiil C. Wai.ho. .-c. JOtlS h. I'E Wil l, fret. HL i lit AN I' HAS REMOVED To' 145 BROADWAY, . corner Liberty nine .?Money alwavs r a v to loan, wlibout bonus, on ,rood New Vork city Mortgages. Address box 2,j.& Po*t onlpj. 1OHN H, PIERCE, NO. 5 PINE STREET, LOAMS ?J in .nev wit lion bonus i n approved Real Estate in New Vork, Broitlyn am! Wes.ches'er: als > pur. hates Xoriguges at lowest rates: injur mce effecte I. MONEY TO LOAN? Oil Ki It ST MOR1UAOK8, WITH oui bonus; on Sec ind and ttfasehoM MoiWiun .it easiest terms. ?iEO. W. ;-T\KE, 14J Broadway, room 8 N" W JERSEY MIDLAND U AI WAY Kllt-T MORT ir.igr ? I lie flr<( mori.: ice bondholder! ol the New Jers y ilidlanl Hallway arc requested to wnii thi-lr names and ad Ires es to t ie i. il rsigned wit.i a uc? to iuti. ii an.I the protection ol th"ir Interests If prompt action i? tuK' n par can be re:died tor these bon li No i xpense wiurcvor will be Incurred by ui ?worm? this Mvertleemi lit. JullN a. BaL Slli II. 3.'> I'ine strict, New V. rk. PikriTrT'vr -now" mo y is r.o-r and mad?; in Wall street;" dully explains privilege*). Mailed free to any address, by 1 A IML ^ & BAZL..V, 71 l*r- ad wav. (jpTEADiiLES (PUT AND CAI.L AT SAME I'KIC L) i>N l5 I'nion Paettlr, lake shore. W ? *!ern ,1'nion. North west and Pacific Mail for sate on "Hoard Membors," by I.Ai'SI.I.V A BAZLEY, 74 roadway. mBl'sT KI NDS TO LOAN ON KI. ST CLASS REAL I Estate in New York or Brooklyn. Apply to II. Ilh l.lZr., IS I'ine it reel. WANTED?A KKW LAROli Sf.UOND OR LEAHK ?T hoi'I Mortgage* on city bnsm*'* |ir-pert> -a to Snii"i an in Brooklyn. Apply I" 0. A. A ? A ltD. M Wall street. 7 s vM) ID PER CENT CHOICE CITY BONI S AND I. other a I Investment Her unties our specialty -t veers, having 10 to U per rent, interest rrotiiptlv paid, tor sale below par, AI.IIEKI it. NICoLAI .t 1 11.. Stockbroker* and Wic: oncers. No. I'm. street, New York. 0-f| 8F.COND MMRTOAOR Poll >M,k-"NK V'Ji'JoU year to rim o:i improved property in West ene*ter county; worth double the t?? inortgane*. E. M. mason, SI Par* row. linn Ti!t*si*ri nds to loan on bond V?' and Mortjtaae on New tors ?Ity iia proved Property, In sums to suit r A l.i,i.N Dl li ,t L.M KENCR, S5 Pine street ?on/i nnn tt? loan (ttucSt kcndi?in hums Y'lt'OiUllU to stut on New \orU, Mrisiklvn or Westchester K ?;?, r.?-:ite; no honns required. i Wl. I S. Laura-Hire insurance Company, 1.17 Hmadway. ? ' I | ? | III ill TUC r KINUS HI LIMN 'IN BOND fOUlMFOU nil I Morta.i^e I i ? tuns to -ill' I ?r liinc trims. Notleliiy t. r tnolier. -lllI'MAN M Mtti^S^KEAl', &J William street, t'nlon buildings. d; ? i in nnn "? loin- .v bond and mort Jli''"?UvU Race; Mnrtgazcs cashed, v k Sl KVENSON. Jr.. II Pine street ?- tt e.ast -eyenteenth i-treet. .v B. ? i lie'e Iwiuj estate lunds, uoiio but prun,'. U|ip,ic ltlons const lere l. lOPAHTM'lRMIiPK. V"tW YORK. MAY 10, 1*75. iN The coparmcrshl, e\i- ing nn.ler the name of Berry * Underbill Is thi?day olesnlred nv mutual ron?eiit. Jai'OH II BUY. E. P I N li EL II1LL. Bt'!ilNK?s DI'PtMtTI \l i IE*. A BPLE\DID BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.-THE undersigned, bavlnn a new and elettant stoek of Oentlein.-n's r iirnMunx i.oo<ls, tnclii.iuia a very hand some lot of black walnut Fixtures hiki piate gla?s h,,w t'ases. is obliged te (in up luidiiess. ike * ? k is all new an I weii nelet'leu. and olTcis a fine opportunity to start a profitable business Keal estate or other vaiuea si I i.e taken in ei hanite. ii cash is not ronventenL .\ddre<? II. i . l>ox I uB New V nrk PostoBce. A fuil st ol i.aiinary f utures inelnded. ? PARTNRIt WANTKD?WITH FROM fmn TO fl.^On JV in a good i irinK legitimate cash I u=ine?s. well established, will bear tlioroiu i inyesiijtation. Aiidreae WAI.ii.K J UKk. ileril.i office. i NY PERSON H AVISO A NEW SPECIALTY IN UK J\ uni'v ?ro rrv line and bein* in need of fnnds to n> troluee it can liid he p. providmu arlii ie h flr?t rla-^ b* ll.,|if IfldsnS -ireet. ? KARTNEIt WANTED-WITII *I._'-M? C ASM, TO ^'\ r.-tirnnt pnuner In flue Grocery More. In splendid place, nine miles trom New York lo in* .oil bu nifss: expenses sinull; no bonus as!;?4. Tallmsn's stnh e 47 Oreal Jones street. 4 N INTELLIGENT, MiR l.iMtl.E. ' T I0TLY liON jY oralde partner wanted?Hi h no-lernte onpllal, to help establish and conduct a splendid new business, |H. S as?ii? eycrj required elo:ii"tit ... insure lltilioiinded MC'essanil imui'-iise rettirns i artit ulars ?t JI.KKi-.Ri4 A It'.. CH I;'.- Bin id street. A TTRNTION, MAN IKACTUIUR ?!?A MAI HIRE J\ w nit - Mn < verv kitchen ; will pa? $'si'*?! tlrvear it pushed: Will sell halt r the whole. MOHKILL, B Thoimis street, up stairs, after 111 A. M. t El LIABLE MAN VMrd R l.?E M ANS AND i'.kkI re nt. to help introduce : est an t cheapest va? it, if hiti hi the wo. In ; ti < en. prmed and alirenuy; X, nt'er nrettrred; must true at Ic ist one telerence In reply. Address fc. MAuTii ?, Herald oUce. ? YOl -d M V.N. W.IO MAS SOUK. KNllWLEoiTh tir tv the l.usinesa, wants to buy an interest in a rest iu rant, price r. >.t to exceed $1.2*1; no wan tea. Ada res.* box mi station A. 4 dditional capital wanted in the dredo . V nig ton nes ; s < tirttv uiven Address tl. II KLH KiS. Is.i Washlnifton -tree;. N> w Ynfk AYaLUAiLR patrrt on sawhille-jcrt issued: win sell p.*rt ot" lite United States and the ?nitre lan.-ida right P. & TUWN, 131 flrondwuy, N. v. BUSIWKSS OPPORTrsriTIE*. A ? EXPERIENCED N EncHANT, QOINO TO :\ Europe 10 continue business, ?ould like -peeialtlea td net a* agen' on commission ; security ii reyuired. Ad dress, for ten days. i.L'Boi'K, box 171 lleruI>1 office. 4 UKNl'l ! M \N OK INDOl iTKD Oil AR V<'I K It i\ and husincsa qualifications, wllUug to invest about Sl.On, want* ? itlier situation or go ?i- partner in any legitimate buslneas. Aillrcss A., box 4*06.1 Post ofMce, &ew York. T 5an wantitiTror~braTTesta'trcTusiNbss. ? i\ Mittablo effort would clear $!,&?) yeariv; will be n?- viimI immediately; otflce ouly flu monthly. Cull at 717 BroAdw.iv, room 17. ADVANCES MAOK IN NUU OB LAKUK i\ amount- on Merchandise that l?salable. Address ?'OMMISnKi.V MERCHANT, Herald office. \ ny party having $1000 mat jo in ~e y i' a l l y JX 111 a 11 i> ue v making business which bus already made ? tortiiiH- mr others: HOUBU may be cleared ilils h ihim?-r. ?> ddre.-s He YDV CAMI, Herald I'ptown lira 11 ;li o(T:e ?. /1API A LIST 8 WaNTED-TO MANIVAC I U HE AN v. enliri lv uew Paint, of all color*, with every reoui cite quality ami cbe-imess, etanding sale water. Ad drcv. 1\\ IN r, Her ilit officii. vr<w ice id Mbij'cii\nts? merchants about - ' i|uittlnn business 11 ml Having a stock of Leather KiMliu ij- Mil Km iil-hiii.' flood* which lliey wish to dispose dt win tliiii n to Hitlr H'lriniice to iddrex !i J. L., bu\ ?.'-'7. Pout office, ilairisburg. Pa. PARTI Ed OoINiJ 10 EC ROPE, OR THOSE HAVING influential eoanectlons there, who would take an mier? -t. in, and introduce abroad, one ot tne greatest in veutlonsol tbc age. Add re?* W.J. B., box 17.' Herald office. PAUTVER \V >. NTED ?1 F IAKBN IMM EOUTELV $i 0 will secure a Unit'interest In an elogant, ea?y business (out ot town) paying $ .,<W0 yearly. Call lor It 11I a BOS'. >N, 1!) Great Jones -:ri -t. YJAUTNKB WAN PhD?TOR A 'LITHOGRAPHIC .1 establishment in ,i large Western city; must boa practical man. > illier a lithographer or' printer, who can pu: a low thou and do'iai - In tne business. MAYl.t; MKUK". I. & OTTMAN, 24 fhurcli streut. QTBAM AND <? AS) KITTING AND WHOLES ALB Business in wal"r pipe, emiiues an I t lumbers' sup plie-i lor .<W|e nil old established house, very emnp'ete. and at thi- low price oi S.'.'OJ. Apply to GHIUQ6 A CARLBiOM. 98 Bioadway. CtOMETlilNO" LI til IT M A IK.?CANADIAN PA k) tent idr a stai le arficl > whichhas already been ex lenslvelv itianiitaeture t and s>?l<i ? >it the market and has pivved a marked ? ii"ces- practically ami flnam ially, Kale < increasing .'wn month even in these dilli times, whieh I am fully prepared to demonstrate to a par t l:,iM-rt am par:', v. i.->!? uirf to em ?m in a legitimate att'l liermam n mstiiifactiirii'g en'erpriSH " ill do well in .;i \estimate ilil <; wivo re n name on i adnrew to leeare Interview. ildresi -1'i't^.ss, box H7 Herald office. W'ANrKU-A VOr.Ntl man AS CONFIDENTIAL ?? clerk, with from tot 1,000, for which aeeuritr and a iair ial ; ry will be given. Add re hi i'I.E lilt. Herald offi je. AN'T-.D?A PARTY WITH 8'<MK CAPITAL AND ?V willing tovork in an ctlabluhed manutacturliif and merennlile bu.Mnean; one ^peaking German and ac (jnainiC'l with -till and H|>arkling nines preferred. Ad dre -. stating where an interview can be had, WINE8, lleraid office. \Y aNTI- D?A PAKTMi R WITH FROM ts,000 TO ?? M.iiiii to lom the advertiser in lurnUhinn and oponitig a new hotel a rare bttitneu opportunity in open to the right man il. & H., Herald Up town Branch oince. \l' A>TED -A GOOD BUSINESS MAN, IN A LAKGK. '' mniintacturlii -' busine?s, to take the one-half inter eat, with the control ot tne book* and flnancei of a ?en ttr man ennpeHi d to retiri oA account of broken h> alth ; (looas stup e ; Slire market and the bus lies* luecoaafully csiabllibed : capital required, about $15,000; irn' tulleet investigation ailorde I. Addreia M. S it.. Herald office TL'ANTiiD?A PAUTNE kI Wi l li 110,003 TO tTaiu >. IN *? tli- m inu'icture of a staple nrtiele. afford in?: large prollls: one n ho ould t Ike chnrire ol 111" nooks an I the ilnanm.u n trt oi the tMtilliesa pr ierred. Addre?? J. B., box 177 Herald office. aeiwi to si.ou cask partner wanted V'''"*' In an est ib't hed and respectable buatnes* to assist and keep iie ouuts: lie can realize a good m cotne. IHus. UAH-'NiiY. 17 Centre street. 4l'l fC/W\ WILL SECURE AN INTEREST AS I?I,')WU cashier In u levitlrrate travelling business that will pay $'.(iw profit weekly. Apply, .Ve inesdav, at SO Mroad s treet, room 7. ?l AAM ?THE WHOLE OR PART OP A LIGHT ipliUU". Manufacturing Businen will bs duposod ol immediately, inclti ling tho Patents fools and Stock complete ; Immense sales; I irge profits; no competition. <?. It., .TW Broadway, room 115. \|\ -VARNISH.-ENTIRE OR CONTROL V')oi"1M In j? interest in one of the oldest a 1 best houses In an nnsnrtmased opportunity for a mail oI ability, who desires a saft. normauem and remunerative business; sales lart-o and conslanfly in crcasiug. AdUi -s* M. A. s., Herald office. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Anuruss?Sprnckr.?April 7. Edoab andrcVs to Miss J en MB SfbncBb, botn of New York city. No Cards. Banta?Brown.?in Brooklyn, on April 26, by the I lev. Alexander Heed. 1>. !).. Ge>>kge W. Banta to Ei.iza l>. <i?Qgiiter oi Henry F. llrown. 0ATI8?Heldino.?^nad*jr evening. May 9, 1875. at the resbleuco ol Mr*. C. A. VVltBeratlne. No. 1 ii Fast Fiiteeiito street, by the Rev. A. K. Scliauffler, Mr. J. A. D.vvi>, of Aiucula, to Miss Ipa 1). UBLDINO, oi Dover 1'luiQS, S, Y. I wAitr ?I ai. ioi\?April 29, 1S75, at theresldence O' I he bn 's i?t Her. br He v. Mr. Seward, Kichaisd H. Kwart, ol New York, urnl Faxnt M., danutiter of ('. i' l, ,.f Lowell. Mum. N?caria. Mar.ston?Marcus.? On Sunday. May9,1S7S. by the l'< v. J. w. snacKcliord, John D. marstox, of Alliens, n. y? to Mary Elizabeth Namcs, oi New York ?. iiv. Moi.\sp? \virTOENSTEii*.? Id this city, on tne loiii mat., by the Rev. Dr. Ilepworth, Mr. J. B. Mm and, coil ol Hon. D. u. Mnl?nd, or Montreal, Cabutla. to mim AimiE WinoENiTEiN, of Water to?ii v Y. ficitiFP?Lore.?On fhnred if, May 6, 1875. at the ievidence of the brnle's parents, uy tiie Hev. Dr. s. Adier, JACon ii. s< urn to Tiieekse, daugh ter oi fsoiomou l.oe'j, Eiq., mi of tnia city. IAYLOR? HtnvMAN.?on Wedocadaf. April 31, 1ST"., at :he Clitirch n' the Mranaer*, br the Rev. ( narlea I". Deem". I). I>.. IJi'Oii >i. r \ vlor, of Near >or;;. to anna M. Bowman, oi itrookiyn. Wi Htcrn papers iileaco copy. DIED Adams.? Suddenly. at Railway. Jf. J., on Satur day. >iav s. of rheumatism of the heart, AL??f/o < Paiok, ?on ui tiic late Henri Adams, of fort flam. V Y. Fuuei ni from his late residence, Uamilton street, !: nwav. ??u luesd it, Mar 11, athalf-p >st two P. .4. menu* of i he lamiiv are invited to attend. Aiikk.v.?on Mondav. Ma> lu, at hia residence. ,151 avenue \. .1 <??*s MiKRv. the beloved husband of Louisa a horn. vow ? ii funeral hereafter. Hutfit;.H.?(?ii Sunday evening, Oth ln?f.. imiebk, wile o' tin- 1re lietij unin Uriahs, aned :a year.-*. 11:e relatives and incnd* of the family are re ?nc'-i ii Ir uivir mi id aneti i tt?.> funecut sirriee?. atheiute re-iueace, 1J6 last Twenty seventh s leet. on Tit sdiv, at lour r. M. r le remains wi.l it ta en t<? ? '.d Spring, oa Wednesday mora inu. at eleven o'oliKk. iikown.?At Jer t-y Otr Heights. New Jerser. on Sunday. .\ia? lt>75, AhCBOALD UROW.H, Jr., aged l.i years and 5 m<>ntns. Relatives and ii lends are invited to attend the funeral, trom the residence of his parents, .No. i.'? t Congress street. Jersey city Ilelirhis, at one o'clui k I'. .M. on l"uf-day, Mat H. ftvRVKS.? in Brooklyn, on Saturday, the *th inst., . i disease m me heart, William Byrnes, in the '.1111 vear oi Ins ige. Ills relatives and M-nds of the fsmtlr :ire in vit u t,. iiten i the funeral, Irora tne F sti et MetnoiistKpix -opilflinrci, oa Tuesday, the 11ta lii>:.. at tu ii u'eiock P. i. toe sth Iffst.. Mrs. Mart E. Olaiut ii i.r, in ihe Htri year n I er aie. I noerai mmi tier tats residence, So. 10 Milton stree- .Newark. N. J., at half-past iwo P. M. ? nlcago and We?tern papers moss* copy. C'i i wkll.?At the rcti luu. e oi James ?\. McCul loh. Esq. Eneiewood, X. J., on Saturday. Mar l, ARTiira Colwki.u ? I'Ativi) of Belfa-t, Ireland, in the ?,1id r ar of Ins aire. B ia?t pi|>ers please copy. conwav.~ .n Brooklyn, on Monday morning, of consumption. Mrs. aoki.aipr Conway. daughter oi Olive ,h. Dezeudori. hi tne 4:i i year of h-r see. Fin.en irom n r mother's, Part avenue, corner ot ( linton. on Wednesday altern ?>n. at t >o o'clock. < on Monday morning, of paralysis, NioH oi.a i ort, in tne Ts.h ?oar of his a#e. Mineral servic s win be h'-ld at the Central Methoulst Episcopal church. South Puts street, ne <r Fiftn, Uico.un. E. l?.. on Tnarsday, the 13tn Inst., ? two P. M. Friends of tne family are re spect mil* Invited io attend. i i'mm!n<..?.?on Monday, May io, is:.-,. Thomas I>i k-iin, orn\ s n of Taotnaa ami Marv i.ra'-e t igediyears and ? months. I no relatives and lriends ol tae a.nily are re pc tisliy invlied to attend ihe funeral, irom tne resideaceo ma parents, No. 4tU Orand sircei, Brooklyn, I, I)., on Wednesday, Uth Inst., at tsro 0? t? i ? t r K i'. M. It a l.i. v. -on Monnaf the 10th Inst., at Mm resi denre of his son-m- aw, John ttow in, io: i.exinir ton a.onue, JAMr.s c. Oally, in the 5?t.n year of hi- a.e. Relatives and frien^l* are raspectfnilv invited to attend the funeral services, at St. Paul's Merh<>?|. i?t Krdsci.pHl churen. comer ol Twenty-socond street and Fonrtn avenue, on Thursday, trie lath lust., at twelve M. J? rusalem chapter No. 8, It. A. M.: Holland Lodge. No. 8. P. aad A. M.; < mr lie l.ion Conimaum ry. No. i.;, K. r? ana the kn sonic fraternity generally arc rao-t respeerfu;iy inVitetl to attend. A i e ml tram wii: leave tr.e tirand Central depot a* l::to 1'. M. lor Woodlawn, where tne remains win lie interred. Haw? on tne 0th ms(? *?. n Park avenue, Hoi oken, N. J.. I annv I.oi isa. aire 1 Is years and s months, eldest daugnter of Christopher and Ellen Oaves, and grandduuifhter of oi>- late Christopher liar'is, Esq., Jnstico <n the IV ace, MarttnstowB, coiiiiu Kosco'iimon, Ireland. In iiitivv'S hnn iriends oi tne family are requested to intend tne fnoera1, this (Iuesday) moining, at t n o'clock, irom St. Man's Roman Cauiouc Ciiuri-ii. HobokeB, ? aere a soiemu mass of requiem will be offered lor tse repose o ner soul. Ill i r km us.?Ed te red im? rest, Chaklotts Srr pah Oorkmi's. dauftttarof Thomas C. and Sirah i*. Dure inns. Re alive a id friends are respectfully invited to attend her lunerai, Wednesday afternoon, iitii inn., at live o'clock, irora the .s iu:i Reformed rnnrch, corner Finn avsnn? and Twenty first street. now?anddenly, on Monday. Mav 3, in Piains tow, n. Ii., Mr. Okoaaa bow, of hew York, aged ?"> |f?ra, FITAWS?At Mfirineri' Harbor, 8. I., on Sandaf, 15ay9, Mercy Evan-, iu cbe 80tn year of her in. Relatives and 'ri nd* are ri.,?j>?<*TfullT invited fa attend the iunerai, tile (Tuesday) afternoon, at i wo o'clock, rrom t'10 First Baptist churcb, t; anlteviile, s. I. Ghujons.?on Monday, May 10, Jossra M. Gib bo-. i unerai mil take place on Wednesday, at half past ten gr'ciock A. M., fr >m 218 East Futy-flrsi street; tnen to calvary Ce meter v. GPKKKKii.?On suiidar, May 9, is:s, WilltajiC.. only son oi Willi >m and Anna M. Guerker, aged I year-i and ti in in I ne re ntivex and friend - of me family are respect tally invited to at tend the funeral irom tbe rest, deuce "i lus parents, nurd avenue and M4tl strrrt, Mott Haven, ou l uesday, May 11, l<j7S, at II o'clock A. M. Monday, 10th tnst., Mrs. ZiliX III l.i m o , in tlio Tim year of ner age. ihe relatives add iriends of the family are re apectitilly l?ivire.t toattend ine funeral, on Wednes day. ljtu mst., at ten .v. M., from the lestdence of her o:i-in-law, Jesse SeUgman, No. 2 East Forty six ill street, i! m ii i hi; liTON'.?At Elizabeth. N. J., on Sunday, M . > J. Jan, , relict of Arthur nettieriugton, in tha 7; ii ^ar oi tier aae. i'unoral fro* the residence of ner daughter, Mrs. .1. K. Reed, corner or ctniton and Stiles streets, on Wednesday, May 12, at three P. M> Relatives and iricii.ts are invite i to attend. Take two P. M. tram from loot a' Liberty street. HltrOBD.?On suudttv, May f>, after a lingering Illness, f uomas Jai t kiiio.n Hilfokd, In tbo 76ti year of ins atre. Relative- itii i friends of the famtly are respect folly invited to attend tne iunerai. (Tout his late residence, lfi? East Ttnriy-iourth ? street, on Wedno-dtir, .May 13, at half-paat one o'clock, wita oui i uri her no ice. Hi nt.?.-u lUeuly, on Monday. Vay 10, Howard W., son of Klcbsru si. and Josephine 0. num. Kneads oi the la niiy are respeotlolly invited ro attend the funeral, irom the residence of hta grandmother. at ju.r> i:ast Soyonteentl street, on 'lu -day, lirh in .it two o'clock. Johnston.?<?u .Sunday, May ?. William 8, Joiin -ion, iii tne ~oui rear of Ins age. Relatives and irlends are re-tiectfullr invited t.a attend his itinera!, n in ins late residence, 1,6<JC second av uue, corner ot Kighty-sixtn street, on 'Ilie,-day, May ii, .,i ten o'clock A. M. Remains wiii oe tasen to tbe < tiureh of itir. Vinceut Ferrer, Slxty-sixi li si reel and Lexington av-nue; theuo# to calvaff c Mir i'M'i. Trov papers iileal* copy. KKMi'.?In Brooklyn, on Saturday, Stb insu. Johkpi A. Kl hp, ftfcedflg years. His relatives and frienus, and of his son, Jamea A. Kemp, are respectfully invited to attend the iunerai, iiotu tne residence of his sou, No. DO Cam bridge pinoe, this (Tuesday) aiternoon, at threg o'clock. Inter men i afS;: niiwouO. Lacour.?on Mono ly, u. io Emma E. G. La coen, ouly daughter of Cornelias v. a. and Emuia J. Labour, aired l year, 0 moneys and IS nays. Relative and inenda of the family are respect, lully inviied t > at! end Hie funeral at me resioenro of ner parents, jo:: Franklin avenue, Brooklyn, om Wednesday, May l~. at 11 o'clock A. M. Lai onus.?O i Monday. 10th Inst., CATHERINE Lai tJiiHN, vviUoiv oi Patrick Latigniin, a native ol Fe.ithani. in the 75t'i year ol her n?e. I'U ? relatives am. friends of barfamlly and those of ner son, Joun Laughlm, are mvlted to attend ihe funeral, on Wednesday morning, at ten o'clock, iroui her late residence, 219 sulitvaa street, to tne Ubu.'c i of St. Anthony oi radua. in Sullivan street, between IMnci and Houston stn cts wnore a mass of requiem will be said lor tne repose of bcr soul; tbeuco to Calvary tor in terment. Lawkk^cb.?At Riverside, Conn., on Sunday, May u, annik, wiie oi William H. C. Lawrence, bl Boston, and daughter ol C. L. Cooke, M. D.. of Ne* York. Funeral Thursday, 13th In t., at twelve o'clocfc at St. Andrew's church, Stamford, Conn. Carl leave 'Jrand Central de ot. Forty.second street, at 10:10 A. M. The interment win be at Mount Auburn *'emc err, near tiost>>n. Low.-At rlac..eti?ack. S. J., on Saturday. May 8,11 a.nn ah U.. w.dow of the laie FianclaS. Low, la ii# .iutli vear of ner age. Reiaov i s and frien js are Invited to attend tbe tuna Hi. from > nrist cburch, tiackensack, on Tuea dav, >;av 11, a' hall-past oue o'clocit. Tram lerfves via New Jersey .Midland Railroad, Irona Oortiandt s.reet. a< 12. llerrcmains will be taitea to Aloaur for interment. Mkyur.?ofay io, 1S7,?, Lko, son of Leopold and Mary Meyer, aged jyears and 2 months. Funeral to taite place next Wednesday, at one o'clock r. M.. irom ine residenoe oi hia" parents, 142 Ea<it i iiirty-aeoond street. Mora.?On Monday, May 10, of acanet fever, CiiAULOTiK J? youiui st cntld or Mrs. F. J. Mora. i ii'r.'rai aervices at the Greene street MetnOi dist Episcopal oliurcii, at one o'clock, on Tuesday. Moniu-uN.?Af Youkers, N. Y'., on Thursday, Mav n, Barkk, (Miy son of <; -or?e A. and Fanmg N. Moiriaon, a ed umeteen motitn^ Mt 'iI'l l;.? At Souiu Uotnleliem, Fa., Tth Inst., A. L. Mcmpkk. The iunerai will take place Tuesday, lltb Inst., at three o'clork. McLouuuus.?on Saturday, May 8, Maroarbt, beloved Mie oi I'a'rlca J. McLouuhlin and dangn ter ot Patrick Farlv, native or c'urygrane. panst oi Cloiubroney, county Longford, Ireland, In tbg 40th \ ear oi ner aie. The relatives and lnends of the family are ro? spect iul-y invited to attend uie luneiai, irom bor late re-ideuce, 469 \M'st Fortj-second street, on 'luesi ay. May 11, at huli-paat nine A. M., to tao Church oi the Ho v < rose. West Forty-second street, between Eighth au i N?n h avenues, wh?re a requiem ma.-e will ue udered lor tnereaoaeol her soui; thence to Calvary.Cemetery lor latei* luent. 0\:v:.icr At Rve, N. Y.. May #, Edith Mat. daughter of Ilenry and Januetta Oakley, aged! years. Okl-ok.v At Pari*, Prince, May 9, Virginia Sri U1.1-, only daughter ol William U. and Virginia K. u.i'joru. or mis city. owkss.?On ~atuiday morning, alter a llnge* In/ Illness. Axklia W., Wile oi W illiam C. owcns. riic funeral *ill take place on Wednesday, Msy V2, at tao o'clocn, from tne residence of net mother, Sir . Wildain Pollard, 47 do nth Niutl hire t, Williamsburg. Pollock.?on Saturday morning, May 8, Jan^ wlU o tae late Samuel Pollock, a?ed 39 year*. Tne remain* will arrive at ibe Qrand Central dept-t a twenty-live initiates paat nine A M. to day (Tiii-sda*). Ttio relatives an t frieada are to sp>cifullr invit d io meat the remains, at tb? above '.<111-; a id place, wnerc carriages wilt be la waitsng lor i aeir accommodation. i' ini. ?On m>ii lay, May u, Luza, wife of Barle K. I'orta. ine relatives and lrien<ls of tne family are ra sneitiuiiy invi ed toatiuuu tlie lanerai services a: hot- ,at>- re?ltlenco. No. 243 West Forty-flftB street, oil iue.-div evening, at half-Bast seven o'clocc. Ttie remains will no taken to Cypre*i Hills on Wei uc lay morning. rmviLi. -suuday. May ?. n7'>. at the residence oi i. no al Samuel H. Jo aes, luckaboe, N. Y., Joits 1'im kll aged . I ? ears. in a a ate luvit iito meet tils remains at tne t ? eutisl oepot. New York. W'e tncaday, Maj 12, at 1 :!?>P. VI. luterme tim.ieenwood. Scaenecta iv and M >oiie papers mease copy. K* it piM.?nn M ndav, May to. at lftj court street, llrook vn. Fhanci* Rampiin, in tiie 84t* year oi his a^e. N it Ice of funeral hereafter. Hamiond.?At Oakland, < al., Api*ll 17, An**9 Raymond. fourtn oau inter of wn satn F. ana H. E. luvmoaa. in tne i?.iii year of her ago. Kooseiv?on Mou.i <y morning, May io, Owaa Hoonkt, asfd 64 years. I he relative and Tienda of the family, and of Ms brother John P.o mey, .ire invited to attend tne Minora!. irom bis lite residence, 140 Kail l.iiiatv nurd etieet, oi Wednesday, at haif-pasl nine o'clock A. M.. to St. Lawrence'* cnurch. ra?*? Kighty-ionttn street, thence t > taivar? Cemetery, Sknn>KK.-ln New York, og Monday. May 10l 1876, s t amin m fihw, agei 43 year* and 4 in mt i . :<orn in Germany. Funeral service, on Wednesday, May 12. fro? hi- late residence, fourth avenue, one noor b-iow 117 h street, a i<ai paat one o'clock. Hla relativei unu tncuds are respecting invited. PK' tx?Stidrteoiy, on Monday, May 10.1875. Alicb, yoaugost dauiiiter ot Aiuusiu* sna Atheuau b >lt*, ,tijp t U * ears, one motitti and 15 dat s. Relative* atid friends are resp' cuully invited to attend the lutierai. irom the German i.uttieraa etlurca, cornsr of Ihlrd and Washington s'reeta. Moooken, n. J., on Wednesday, May 12, 1976, at two o'clock r. M. miav.?At nis residence. 144 Henry street, Bro k >n. a tcr a aaort limess, Jirnmox B. shat, oi cnicigo. Notice of funersl hereafter. i nlrat# paper* p>< i-e copy. Utswohtii.? Al riaiuileld, 5. J., May 9, 117*. Litinda, wife of Dr. It TitswortO, in ttie 42<t year of iier ita,. r'unera at First CounregAti >nal church. Tues day. May II. fit hst'-psst two o'clock. 1 rams leave loot of l.incr ? -ireei. at 12:44. Tout a - ?on M? .1ST. May 10, Gkokoi B. Tobiab, la tne .'-th > ear of hie sire. 11.0 V u nds O the family are respectfully invited to attend the innerat. irom hia late residence, 111 Kssi Fortieth -trcet, on Wednesday aiternoon, al tWi> o'C.OCK. i i*.A".oiHknsiktta TKAiutD, iu.'e 3"bmidt, wile oi .vdam lrabold, aged 31 years. 7 montus an4 13 d;iy*. Kelativee and friends oi the tamilv are raapeoW miiy tnvued io attend the lunerai. on Wednesdar, 12, at one o'clock, irom late rest tenca, l.ySs r.roadway, between Fortieth and Forty-firti street*. I'ittsonrg (Pa.) papers pieaso capy, TRF.*I.ICTT.?Dancr LoDO*. No. 1ST.?RMTH***-? You are neretiv re"pecifuily lequentei to attend the funeral oftii" ?lie of Brother George Tremietk irom a< r late rest ern e, 2,on> Tmrd avenue, to* day, May 11. one 1'. M. Hy order, M. A. VDgER. Master. Van Rami.?on suBilay. May ?. at nls resident (at Benjamin Decker'a), Marneia' Harbor, s. L, Wiixia* H. Van SIM*. I'ue rc ativ ea and Inenda are respactfnilv invited to attend tne funeral at Manners' Harbor Hap'ist eiiiitcti, Itiursrtay, May 13. at three P. M. Wblckkk.?Ou Saturday, Mays. Mast Lot; is a, only and oeiovad daughter oi Louisa and the lata ll mi i t Welder, aged i? years, 4 mourns and 24 daj*. me friends of tne fanith aro re*pectfnilv invited to attend ttie funeral, at ono o'clock P. M., oa In sday, May 11. at the residence ol August Fans, No. I'M Bait Blffhty-ionrttt s reet. W n.r.v. on May ?, isT.>, Mrs. K. WtLIT, widow of William Wllet. Relatives and ft lends are respectfully invited M attend uer funeral, from tne residence ol he sob. i in-law, Jame* Doherty, Mo. ;>02 Fast Twentieth | s'.rett, OB iue?d?/, May 11, ?t twelve o'deok.