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CINCINNATI Ml'SICAL FESTIVAL. WU>GRAMME OF 1HE BKCOND CONCERT- SEI F.C XIOVB FUOM BKETXIOVEN, BRAHMS, WAO.VEK AND VOCAL FERFOHMEEJ vN1) FRBFOUM AJICES?THE OBATOlUO OF "tXlJAU' IN THE EVENING. cini'Ijisati, Ohio, May 12. i?- >? The second eoncert or the gre U MuUcal *.>U vul. w;.l ?' fas - r. tnt. c.ty in a*;?* ?' ? men?. tPU, - m.- a.teino ^ ? r ? ^ltl? ,1 Ui,- mo-i uu-ceM ????< - bar... 'V; ,il0st genial und inarming or the ?tidelto, th a ,l0 ,bhellCe ol narly l?ur" ,'raiuv iu the illy-constructed ?rr >?< ? nf ,"!mpara!ir?U orchestra accompusuod wir ,U ua- a -legation, a gU:.n-e tniotPat bidden treasure chamber which - a ll1^ UHi'iai composer guarded bU Jealously dun us admitting none but interpreter, of the li?u?? r.?g aud oi whictt Thomas seems lope^es* l y The lanciful dances. Illustrating Hangar an music, by Brun us, and which are more ice.nto muartistic, lorme l anoticr feature >n tUe biB. The grandesv o. ,U overtures, William Tel, was , ,ic ciid oi thu programme, unjustlt I'lated a' 't o cu t o( U(JlJ?r. whereas 1 should have o^ ui ufHt place, ami Ol cur e Wegu r ' ^ c tiuu ' ou.o U.ive "rtainiy no i""re fcratem ^ u t M8lu neeu ma ic tha in... c_ t>ereadilv uu ? w"f pia?'ed by'tlie oren?-?ra. *1^ n in supernatural beaui>,tiia*triu,ri- Mr emotional oXi.iesMou and t e oo..gaiu ksssss ?"f :sr THK VOCAL SOL* \iiua \nnig were &r^. li. ?? "? t :''i'ucn.'' 'contraltos; Louse C.irr -?d 1 tenow: M' Mes.-rs. Hii-clioH 1 ' wini;icy, bat*. Kemuiertz. barliooe anJ M- t!il.;U.a lier Mrs. mii.'.i. eJ,; ,'^aVed ine Bravura air power* >vnen ???- ? _ m tne Nortn Star, with oblurato tor>*o flu ' ltlK.r IS nor of Mejcroecr. Her tmc.-H n.^ ^ ,vlle. i.rillianL en< u.U lor sue . stau'e at Mursiia is prooaUl) o io sucit a se.ccu arcr.n*"-?"?ng.?-;r"rcx^^:eki ' uaraHc'r'>f 1?er voice nuililying tre 'correctness oi her iatonati n. fnou tr.c Land," Irom i ur, "^..'^'TmiouuU wen an air ahouia ^^ri'ive oeeu pfic.a on Hie pr. gramme of a iouu-i -in N vuve WorrtJf o? t?. ..Crea:i n" k a voca. sod at.. anJwa?'0f tUe tioii, as tbe iv" jjavo full ei vauitnu klniit. *'? W0n aud ?ir.?matic oas : oi, lutcnMtN of expreswou auu^|iia u lellt 1U iiauser. 'l'ue uniiitere^tina trio tremau oi ''ST/nuu'wii^'wora'by an American com rberc is not a n miaccountaoie oinis ^,nr ?uri'y we nave u.eut euougb in tuie coun l?au.w au\'niurma":i have been at teutive [i' rou;* of tue lestivai aud manifes. a deal ?Vhe dty'is"'':. in gala attire, and as lor oanners aud^-s.^^S:S;.NvEsr. v J The mos drauut.e "f ?>? oratorlos. Mendels sonn's -ri. ah.' was pre-e:itea lo-uielit. o?. lore uu nudleut'e of 6,'joj people, by a cnorue or ^oo tei'igcMce1 oi? |lifcouc'-ptiontloi ^ coinp?scr_s meiK and tue d^uity . nd cxpre.Mve manner in whicli ne luipersonatea the favored cnild of Heaven made Sn"-nect In the part second only-.o . that act leved uy bauiley in tms < ou't"* ?Al Vt? Borcetitem?phMi* tu^'u.'nbl" curse of drou?ht "arUcnasmnof lue"prophet 'calane ^n^rlesw of ^ 1 rowerf lhe|l?ie1 U?olemn*' prJyer8'*o? tije Dioubet oi Jeuovah so miracuiousiy answerea, ?hf fierce ?-oicuce pronounced a^aiimi ttie ioolatrous prif st* :in<i the pscsionaie supplica iinii ior ram with *he exultant cry oi tuauk.?uiv in its found in Mr. Whitney a noole interpreter. Th# voice at times, however, was ^rainci to such an extent that it detracted ir. in would | oii.eiwi-e i-e a perfect musical portraiture. I no opeuina chorus, tne earnest appeal oi the people tor mercr irave a verv uvorabie au;nry of IM txcelMnt in*.ierlai aud artistic /ntenmnce o1 taa cnorus. 'I ne douole quartet, Ue ?>h4li give ?I'1* enieia," "as rendered witn "frc!} iioti and tht Tenement appeal of the Pf'esta or B?ai was another gsin ror the cnorus. Bat ?tntfers achieved a special TRirurn . ? in fie Kioriou-i Dviuu or joy. **Tnsnits be to Goa. Kver* part soprano, alio, ienor aod bass, came gJt urGmptiy and diat.nctly, aud the rusn of the w.ktpr^. riie txultant Tuice o ttie multitude and .... Leartiei; err or gratitude for trie weicome rain VerS moitraUd a* vlviuiy as the human voice, that noulast or all instrumsnta .s cspaole of ex Dressin" 1 have heard tais chorus man* urne^ in furope and Ametirs?olten wnen uul?je"htt?!1 di=i'ii?line had orouuiit the lingers to a hiwii ? ?^u '/ird of uerfeciiou?but the ertect of those ^ki tvestei n lingers tl'-uutht surpas^d all previous ? toerleuoe*. c'lacmnatl ma* aeil t-We pride in I'lcn i ch .rus, and stiould ci.'*r;sn suca precious * ^ajen*s and euconraije them to continue ^ "e iXe cau ? tney nave underiaren. i iii> voices are fresh, resonant an.i teii.njr, mi ? in ev ry selection th^y nave s j .ar esaayad IL resmt nS" beau smilen i? ?ucces-/ui. Tno te'.uuiai cuorua. -He Watchetn ove: Israel " was ureat;.-d lorih with that !euderue?s ? ai i >i?*i ca' r tha'. would ieao one to suppose every f f ?V? ?uio artist, ant al. w?v<- animated in* same spirit. The orchestra la.tniuiiy as sut d ." cnorus^ and. a though . He atsen e of all a' V :Li qnai.t.<? - iu me buudlni seriou.ljr de tra'i ed iroai ;ae vo.ume of'one that mi ant be ex- j i, cni r?u. suca a latye D-?iy ot instruments, e !..?pr. cislon aud ica .jrespouee o everv mea ?ur-' of exprofs.on gave a s ro ig a'traciion to tt.^, ?rciiwtra and added cns.aoraolT to '??f success uk Hid oratorio. "li.e doub.e quariet for He sl'a ' i"*? hiM Auscei-i " waai ii?trujiV6<l to capatii? ainos an<i lo?t n ue o: its lustre in the ?ettinu' m wnich nr. . < mas lac.ed 4i me quartet. M.ome hvery Ons 'na. Tiuratetb," wum unoincr ?ucce?i. Mr?. u. >? ina n sang-Hear )?, Israel." .nttflerenUf her vutca iaiuna oc< asi> naliy Oaiow the p.tcn. Ml?a car* an i wiss Crancn divided the contralto "O'"' Between them, and H.schoff and winon toe tenor. 'i lie weakness ol TH? rRISCIPAI. VOCAL. ftRFOHMIII la the main urawa.a a to tue su. re,? o. tne festl v,i': but oratorio singer- are very rare ^"aoavs. i nut Psreua has ie!t no -uccess r in tne Held in wuicn site was pre^mi..eutl> gr.'St. H wt'ver. more ludicWJS selections imgut intve been made " tne directors of tu, festival n?u some of me iii tie-. an i iieutie.neo wno have s.r>:ady appeared, inare sre many otner Amer.can srt.-u who lou d b" more capable t.. c?: th<m? Mfiecte i br ur. I nomas, lhecuoiusauu orcSes rt howevrr. go far toward making amend, lor other deUciences. BROOKLYN YACHT CLUB. lit", reff.iar monthly ue- log or tbe Brooklyn Ya-rtt Ciub was be id IMt n.^Bt at tneir rooms, corucr 01 Uontiifoo and Court streets, President j'. vv. oetranaer in tne c-air. Tbe Kegatta Committee reported taat arrange ments :or tbe regatta were a . wade. A be >< for meriioersbip men takes and trie following gentlemen e.ccted a. B. caiaen, J. s# Beecber. M-.-< ?. Peck, Tomer and Tynan. Tbrre D< * vacn'? ?er? a-o added 10 tbe fleet. Tne entries for ;uf rega'M rre *<> rar twenty; tne usual roor-e to o? ?a, ad over, lb# aab;ect of n oi-wauo nouse ?rai :beu donated ano i?id over li . fl.o next :ucp ok. ill" 1 rea.urer> report itiowed * c??h iia aae* on uanu, c uu. de oi tno tin unit mad. of } 1*7. hx-mayor 'iuntber *j* tben introduced, and l'at<-d ma: b? **; to pas': I s bote. at C, avescud. at d oflere i a new dock and at ow tit* club tne privilege uf buii iu?r a uew c.ub b'>nae <>n n teoi nee i \ne* woumj aceep' tae >ner. Ii was put ? t .? vote, and me ei-Ma/or's ind -ifT'.'r h< tepif"l. Tfce touowin* Kcutieocn were iban sppo.n'cd ? cwMtnitt'e io exaaiiiie the prerniiea vnd rep%?rt j ou intra :~Mes?re j. .*>. Dick^rsou, M. f. Davi.i ?oo. Hubert Uinoii, b. *, Ko<.n and ?. a. Blood. Ine in* tl>en aOjOuraeu, auoject to tue eait of tbu li.air. YACHTING NOLE. Steam yaebt i leal mo c.ub), Mr. Uavem'.yer, frcm New York, paasetl tt&Itestoaa y<;?ferday, ?rnlllDg essr. Ya< Qt Idier, rrotn Sew Torn f-rtb* Cbf^a^aaice, arrived at Lewes. Dec, mat.; a.i wp l WKttTON 'ti WALK. Weiton still conttaaea bis Ion* walk, determined to surpass an ol tola previous efforts, r?e splendid feat ol walking loo miiea wttnoui making a sinzle stop ror re?t or r?fre?bmont?. a fiicn ii > accoin int.ed on 1 uesdav, baa ca used u large mureu## in ioe unu.ber of ruitori. My bat I post ten 1 evtnlnz li? hail finished h!s two hun dred nad thirtieth mile, and intended remaining 011 the track uutil no had made 200 miles ouiore retiring. SJ ill'I'LV r NEWS CCLAN SilvVMERS. lutes ok dkpamtkk v*om nkv.- touk fok tu; MONTH* ?>*?* M A \ AN II Jt'NK. Eorerdi ? inn i'..i Atgi-i ia... fcnjlan ! . ' i ,i. Inter. Ill I .-.i, . I . . Mil* Muv ! M I v ?ti ? V la > {/'< O/H.e. d Ut'i'liu i iin mine I ioin:t i >ii W Mcoc. iiu Ill*IIII ;,lic . ... ?V* III lit c.uisiuuit V eflpnali* \V t ,oh> u > i! ui K.i timou i Baltic Heaven* Mia >na i ?le, 1;.. i.i 1 ' .aii. 1 Itoi urii m< ..... }? ?' uiiiiiio * .1 ? .,?? I'nris.... Neckftr d iivin v<nning s' ale oi Indiana 1 lauruttra I'.crm.w.i ? . v oi Cheater... The gueen M i wc t ft retre I l:. it. i lam .ki liro.nlwav J lianumrg. h i i.r.iiK'.wnv r>. i.ivcrnoul ? Kuwtiii.' i.reen In.; 1.;veruoot i0y Huai" tv i '. Liverpool.. n> Hromwa* Ift | iter pool lift i r.M.iwrnv, I '' Havre nroadv. iv l,.'.lGlaa?w... |. bwugg (treM -Bowline Given -!i itriiiiifway lyiiroi.nvuv. iBwtvun Grceu M i v I ?|-.l V I Mu v M iv .. . I Mat SI. Mit ... I Muv Muv a,. Muv .i. M iy -.J. ?lav JJ. I Mi v S>), M.iv \inv ID. iMnv -1. June '. in ?? 2. June 8. ' U'ie ft line ft. ui:u ft. June ' . )Utle 1 . .|li.itm urv.. ''i Ur?iuiivai . ''oil't lam .?L Hroa iwav ? |i.ivcrr>"?. ,11 ii .in iv, ,tv. ? il.ivt moot.. I i Kro.Ki'.vav l.lvorimui., |?i i Kr ,a t wiiv || aslTOW . 7 Ui Will'.! Gr I ill r.'iin-n. . - Hiuviin ; lirem i urnoou. I liu'.vliii' Grceu liiiiunur/. 1 i I'riia.l-.vav Llvi rnonl. I' Broanway l ivcrcooi. | ;< i'i otuiwuv I i\ ernooi.. lit Hmituwav. Hiiv.i . Uroa.iwav Bremen i'i Kmv inu Green 7 Bowiute i ire J U bronil wav. 7'-' I!riiin1'.vu v. ?i Broailwav. i vf>n>o-ii I i ,?K'OM ... It impure.. l.lVfl l Hill Live moo I. Itt Mr 1' Broaowrv. iv i-m il., ifiu Broadway. Pre men. ? ? Bowntnf Green Havre ."5 Broadway JEJ- NOTICK IO I UTMXS 0.' VK ?Rt,.S ESTER ING THE I'OKTOK .N'hW VO :K AT NIQHT.?The Sdf York II at da tu has adopleJ a )istin^ui?hin?' ?'o<ion n Islit signal lor uni' on board the IIkualii ? cam yacht, show ing while buriiia^' ihe colors roa. tireen. red. changing Irom on ? to the other in succession. anJ can be seen sev eral miles distant. c*i>taln*ol veaMlanpon seelnc this sitnal will obliec us by preparing any marine news thty may have lor ihe -hip Mews bepartment oi the IlKUAtO. a^r Persons desirous of corainunicailns with vesaels *rriving at New York can do i>o by address 112 to ? ueh ves.-fia. care of IIecjlu nous yacht, i>ler So 1 l ast Illver, New Yot'K. Leitert recalved 1'romall parts of the worll and promptly delivered. arc rc QUireJ. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. SUV AND MOON. Su:i rises 4 4.'i Sr.Q seis 7 08 Moou sets....mora 1 5i n 1(111 WATKlt. Gov. 1 Mimd..morn 3 o:i s.;ndv Ikiok.iiioru 2 18 lluli Gate....morn 4 48 PORT OF SEW YORK, MAY 12,1S75. CLEARED. Steamer Rotterdam (Dutch), Jansen, Rotterdam? Func'ii. Edve .? Co. si.timer Cleopatra, Bullcley, Savannah?.Murray, Ferris & t o. steamer south Carolina, Nlckcrson, Charleston?J \Y Quintard X >.'o. .-teanier (lull Mream. Jones, Wi:min/ton, .\C?Wm P ? i?tie A Co. Steamer F.ichmono, telly, Baltimore?Old Dominion Steauishin Cik m< a me i' h-veriv. Pierce. PhUadeioti.a? James Haul hieamer Bristol. t\ ufiaoc. Pnnadeioma?m* Haua. Vitamer Annie. .<9teen, Wiiniington. Del?A Abbott bteamcr Cbeaapeake. Manaum. Portland?J r Amos. > lil|> Uohert tnxou. Smith wick, nan Francincu?Simon ton i Howes. Har.s Kong >verra (Nor), Nielsen, Cork or Falmouth? Funch. Kdve * Cn. Bark (tauss iGeri, Steengrate. Bremen ?H Koap & Co. Barn das f riiurose Br, Mouoaald, I'ietou, NS?Gor h a I'll A Brewer. Brig Louisa (Br:. I.'obbs, Uumacoa, PR?Uatton. Wat son A Co. Brig Leona (Br), Taylor, Sagua la Uraude-P I Neviuj & 'on Brig Oolconda, Lord, Cicnluegos?Jatues Borland & Co. llrig Centaur, stanlev, Norfolk, Va?Mareas Hunter & Co. ?-chr Wm Hunter (Nor). Nelson, Bremen?C Tobias 4 Co. >ehr Altoona. Fitzgerald, St Tierre. Hart?Dwi,-ht ? Piatt. . chr Folhen. Bradtberg, Aux Caves?A Nones A Co. *chr Carleton (Br), Aibury, Nassau. NP? F 1 Moiitall t Eon. M-iir J J Harris, !'uds"n. Nassau?B J Wcn'jerg. n iir Mary P Leacli, Paine, llaroor Island?B J W en bt rg ???i hr J H Chaffee. Bueii. Harbor Islaoa?B J tVcnoerg. sehr Anthony Kelly, Greenwood, i-leuthera? Is lac R Staples. Sehr John. Gabriel, Galveston?C H Mallorv 4 Co, .Sehr u-?n llarker, Garwood, Chariest jii?Bentlcy, GliJersiteve & Co. s lir Gers.h Banker, Price, Richmond, Va?Brett. Son i. Co. Sctir Alex Wiley, Ceauchamp, Baltimore?W Chal mers >chr N shaier, Brooks. New London? II W Jackson k Sou. Sloop Agent, Van Tassell, Norwich?Raskett k Era ARRIVALS. REPORTED BY THK HERALD STEAM YACltrj AND HERALD WHITEST OSS TSlStt&Afa LI HI Steal e * Scythia Br), llaina, !4verpool May 1 cad Qu-c-mown 2d. *uu ludse and i_a?aeiigera to t J Iruncklvn. Colon. Tanner. Aspinwali May S and Savantlla fttn. witU indse anil 71 ta? to Pacific Mail Steam ahin i <> suaiuercity ot New Yora. T.tnin. rmau. Havana Z days ati i Ij hours.with nidae aud piuaeuscra to F A.eianlro & Son* steamer N>w Orleans. Dearborn, Sevr Orleans May 2 an.. Paai-u-routre titn, witli md?? and passengera to Clarit Jt twtiraati. May #. lai Hi, i>m 7)1 ?0 (.assert a bark bound iiurtfc, sho?in,- ;i m rtiu- tfjg. wits two black bo In In it. name .lay. lut on", io:' 79 43. oaru I'uiuu. frum -Ma t., n/.as tor I'lmad 'pnta Steamer Albemari.. Ulnbs I,?w-s. !>e . Willi mdlt aniluasacoiterstolhcCId Dominion dteatwaHn ? o. In,> luuiu hinerica Mall on. nan I'raneinc > 9i day*, withind* In Sutton A Co; vt ?, ?! to GOj llow. s. i rw*d tin- i.unaior in trie Pacific 1 . t> ia, m Ion 1.1 X) >v; I aw 11 tm March M. uul croivd tnc K luator hi the Allan 1.' Aprl :n Ion 39 3D v? : Murcu 24. latin* H. lou II VV. anoke ship nv i miip Hr . ir< in Portland, (J, lor I>iv rn "i; April 8 Iat 27 S, loti 2U 40 VV. bar* Naval Itr. gade nr from Queeiattown l?r Brts.aiK 3tn. tat 12 M> s. ion ..ii W. tU.p t r Meig'-r (Nor), bound aotlili; 1Mb, iat ID 2.< .?. Ion :t2 VV . bark Bt fieri" to. uo; Hit. Iat .'> i. Inn Si *0 VV, bark Ka me IT . ir.iiu Uiii no. Ayre? lor Havre. Para K via >or . Laraen. London 61 day*. with empty barrcla t< ? fo. la- <k < o. Hal ?tr ?m N V and ?VV gal?:? the cn'ire pa?sa?'e. ha k M.ina Ki se Get*. Schult* Auuterduin S3 d?ya, wiih in Is ij order: veiwel t. lunch i dvn ,t ? o. Bark Leib)e:.l (Nor , nvernen. ikein (Norway* 37dayi, In oallaat to leteui & Buckiuaun. 1* anchored at H'jj* lor order.!. K > * < m irina It*l>. Uar?allo, Caitellamire ?-3 darf with trua to I a Rooio?ou, veaj?! t?> A f A^rw?ta. faiaed Gibraltar March S' Kar?. It..-alia (lull . l'e*ce < anellamare 5> Any*, with n: l-e to del veto Lauro, store}1 A Co. JKaoed Oiwra tar it ircn ."7 i.arn i 4 ( .juena. Ryley. Messina bee 1-. Karat Feb 10 and lieriT uda Mav 4. mm irmi Ui I.awrence. <?lle? 4 Co. i so rieticed a ?ucce??uju of 8W" and N >V gaiet alter lea vina li< rinuaa. Mara l nlon.> ital . < .tllero, Medina t?-l day*, with fruit to Law ran e, i.i.e* k < m vessel to m.mer f'as>? 1 <iib ralt. r M >r> b X1. had flfi.- wi a n r lo lat 4i; troio iheaco 24 la*-, with ?truii? \v and ?> fale?. Hark l.veiiing Star ut 1 urku inland,. I'hicn. vt J?ko 17 days, with (incur m?d 11 iiasMnaera to VNatdei. i Co. May ?. I it 27 i:. loo 7> 3<. ?p>>*e bark Norton ?tover, ;r.jui I'l.rtl aiksl lor Miitua. Brl* JoUn Welab, it (of l'Mi?d?lphl?i, Vantelow, Itio Janeiro t< day*, wttu cotlae to order : ve?t l to I.vans, Bai> A <"o ?'rn< ed ihc i. ,uator Apri! l.i iu ion 39 Vay lat :<6 V Ion ti lu. exchanged liguaM with bark Cal iler.jra Hrj. , eerit .. K . w?i 14 uayt west of Bermuda, wish <U'.ns vV an I N\v (taie-. Kri: I'rincetai Beatrice (<>l' Pydlicy, f'B). Rinimoni. Point a I': re, l>ua.l, IV day*, with tu?|arand mola ?<-? to II A v,| table A Si u s. hr J L Merrill, Kcurnler, Prmce, PR. viaQanyanllla, PH, 14'laya with suear end mola*?ei to VIaydell A Cos \flflt" A Abbott - hr Jetit.le t Wiiliy 'of Thomattoni, Trefetbelrcn, nruniwten, iia, 9daya, witii lumuer to order; vesta* to Par? ns k Lend. .?enr v *?twiB, Pierce. Iinrlen. Oa. S day*, with lum ber i J Sou iiurd 4 : o. vew??i to miivr. ?? chr Jo?epbiue Kront Wo dland, Virginia. ^tllr John Kei?o. ivelso Virginia. i chr Ameili Murre'v, Virginia. scUr Belie, somen Uvorsretown, DC, for Maw Ha ven. I'ASSKD THKOCfitl liltsL. GATi BOUND SOCrE. L'S revenue tteamer urant, McRitcnle. Newport for New Itork. ?tcamer ( ranronia. Kragx. Portland for New fork, Willi hi . r an l oassenseri o.l fc Amti. lean ' r ?.itv ot ,-ew boulorJ. Kut. Jiew Belfnrd lor New V?rk with indae an 1 casaetu *ra C;eau.i rlimu:J-<taM?, naria^an Kiver for >ew \ork, with indse and p.i-?engeri. -teaiii. r r.iei tra, (oung, Proridenca lor sew Tork, with md*c and nasnengera. M'-ainar Bouvar, (leer. Sew London fir New York, with rndw and nai?enirer?. ciir -a?a" snra^ n. st Oeoree, N B, fjr New Yerk, 6 days, witli ?pllltia to a Kic bardaoii -Vhr ?' L i/sb ot, Sacaeu Nantucket tor Naw York, wi'li flah to order. >ehr u p Haliock, UalSiCk, Uartforil for New York, schr Wiibiw Harp, Uogan, Providence i ,r New *nrn. sibr it II Haley, i.too**r. New uonduii f ?r New Vora. - iir i. II Widiainf. KuaselL Connecticut River for Naw T-ra. ecur Whiatlar. Keefc, Taunton (or New York. BOL'ND KAST. steamer Cljenapcake, Manjuui, New York for Port land ling Mary J <Hn, Wllbnr. New *ork for ft John, N'B. r,ru H ftuca well.en well, tloboken fur Bang >r. .-chr ornciau Bend 'Br,. Oodtrey, N:w >org tor Wind ier. *. ,-clir 11 l> PHu, Walter. Hoboken for rrov.dence. rcrir Kaalnon Carberrv, iluboaeii lur Prov.denoa. .-chr Bratnly^lne, i enuar, Hoboken tor Providcace. Stlir Wm it Bor inn. < IioooHoii lor Pr iri.leu-e. ? r - uali Maiia atkina, Newiiurg f<r t rane Neck via -V nlte.ione, echr Weat Wind. Co)?. flobokcn lor Burton. scurJ II ilari.cit, arrett, UoiiUout lor t'rovidene.e. si hr W VV i'har . Collins, noudout lor Providence, v.lirttff Lumiuinga, Bolton. Wvebawaen lor I'aw tu .?et. - nr * N Sqntre. Squire, New Vork f ir Bonton. M-br U r iiraliuru. i .,*ers, Hoboa' n !or UrdgeporL s? iir Richard Htii, lioboaen tor I'r jviaenco. t imogene Dkvurty, (land, Hoboaan for Provt deuce _ . ecbr Deratur Oaka. Bak.-r, New York for Provldenoa. .-<hr >liid:?cy, Nicaemn, %aw York lor I'rovidtace. renr (iisorga liotciiklta vv caver. >?w fork lor Provl tfene imiir Kmtiia Bell, Kfl'.r, Ve? York lor tiennig ,-crje -usan Ros?. Ball, waahaw/an ior Provi :enc?. Fchr Gulden City, llowea, Neiv Vora for Lynn. ?cnr Liaaia i,uw?fds Lurd Holdout for No?* fledford. htut M c ' arr ,:i, t.arroU, ilobotoi; lor r an R.vur smrvfro H warforJ. Uprafuc, llot/okeii lor Paw. tackrt war Plow Ooy. Bowaiao, Hew Yort for Naw Bedford, SAILED. Steamers Snotia (Br . for l.ivi-rpool; Cleopatra, Savan nah : Month Carolina. Charleston; liicliuionil. Baltimore; harks ?utiiuri Br*. Cardenas mini anchored at South weft .-int ; Sirnii B (Br), i-criiamlina; l?ri?? hi lie I Itol tou (Bri. ? urdeniat Cha* a tinirtl iBri. st Johns. 1'H; Jeremiah < tir do; MmI* (Dutch), i?t Martins ami i-oui ?'" i Mini anchored at southwest Spit>; sclir* Carrie Jones. Nu*?au, M'; Marv Slusman, Alicante. OUIi MAlilNE C'OllBESrONDENCE. Niarpom, III, May 12, 1S7?. Br.g < l as Mill.-r. Docienilorff from Bus ou for Oalvcs ton, will) a car in of ice, before resorted in distress at this. i orl, h?s rcpaired damage*. an 1 will proceed to sea to-day. The I ?> revenue cutler Samuel Dcxt'r, stationed at tli.- i .a t, u ;? ?oi ivit h< r annual overhauling. Owing in tiii\K>yerity of the winter she win iu ureal need it ie pair* i i <t i. cut i? seriously ill ai hi* resiib m mi >. t-omlon, mi ,-v-coud iaein II M ( lark, recentlv " I" i on waiting order,, lias liceu ordered to the Samuel Dexier. ilAIUTIiiE MISCELLANY VSr See cable n^wt Purser lumlimon, of steamer Colon. from Aipln wall, hasi our thanks lor favors. The pur er ol Hie stjamer City of New York, Irom Havana, has our thanks tor lavora. stkamkr .-ranst-Ba.vxkr, which urrived at XewBod-, lor 11th from Kdg.irtown. lias been purchased by the M. mi I.uuil Co, of I.ast b'alinouth, anJ will run irom Faluiotiiii to Oai Uiults. 4c. She Is to bo refitted ai New Bed.ord. >uii- Hsr i tsTjwx?In the matter of the awar l allowed It th" board of arbitrator* ol the cotton fire on board the ship Hiigurs'own at >e.v Orleans a oeeision was ur r ? dat?ii the nth inst, and over $10,OOJ Distributed. Of the- amount $i.V'HM was awardod to the 1'lre Depart no ui si. i wto I'hiot Thomas O'Connor and $300toCap tain (. i I. Norton. Harbor Master, lor services ri ..?crtd. An amount will bo awarded I thos ? iiitioits which per'oriueil actual service on the ? i I he amount awanle 1 to tne Kire Department, wi o i<i,| vo.niiii service, will average about S7 ?? to each co:n|'.iMs he llagirstown was ready lor her Iresh c.irvo: the freight rates lisvinw navanceii since ah.' was first taken up.'Will probably more than cover j tli ? b - sustained by the ship bv tho lire. Most of tile lot n wa-m<are i iu 1'ian- e. lh? ireigut nionev was insured lo.- lu New York. B.iiik Macoi - M 'Br Chalmers. Iroin rhiladelphia for Q .?enstown, j ut luto llamax May u leaky and witu cm wo sliinej. I an; Ki.uiBi ru. Stubbs. Iroiu Zaza for New York. ! winch put into Havana leaking, repaired and resumed her voyage ilih lust Si.ui: P.ulu I iiovmov, from New Yor.i for St Aubiis t:? ? . winch put into -:u innali ?-I'd ult indistress. cleared Utli inst to rcsum* herroyagc. * nit Daw. hakeuian, Irom Boston lor llansor, before j i i, rteil hmioiv it i ape Elizabeth. has gone to pieces. ; ! !io ;t ; I i? toin. w is 4J yeare old aud owned iu Bo- i ii by .1 Hone anJ oin< rs.! a sur.ken schr. In 13 lathoins, with masthead*above water, was ?.??.? n 1 >th itist, riiincnfcngue, beurim! ,\Kff, b;. - '-.iincr Touawan la, at fhlladeittltla. Doubtless sellr > i Mine*, which sun* after colliding with selir Ellen Tobin. ii oTiiBAT, M iv H? .-clir John Tyler (not as before), ! Pendleton, irom I'.oston lor Haustor. while making port on the (1th not iisiior near the entrance fo tuis harbor, an i bait to discharge pari of cargj. She came of 8ih M'lttiout lUD.'ll damage. (Jr: Inn' o.N liEcoitD? steamer Cltv of New York, ('apt Tnnmerman. of.i- Alexandre bori'* Havana ami line, arrived irom Havana this AM in3 days and 11 Hours. 1 .atv c.iki?The new ship of 1,311 tons just completed ( by Messrs Su.uli <v Townsend, of East iioston. will be laiiin'licu next fhursday uioriiing. mm is owned by tho Luildcr*. 1 he new suhr at the yard of Messrs Colby A Eunt, NVwUtryport, vvas to be launched yesterday at about high water. .>tu- is owned in Gloucester and is to be en gu^'!'.l as a fisherman, l hey.will put up another schr on their owu account soou. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Washington. DC. May 12. 1875. The lollowlng Notice to Mariners relative to the ills covcry ol additional poaks on Nuoudnv Kock. at the en tr:Hifc to :;an t raufitx o Bay tias been issued from tlie 1'iiiie 1 'tat. s ("oast Survey office Lieut Wceden, of the ? orps of Kneineera. I'?A, in iiiuKinw a preliminary examin ition of Nooivitiv Rock by mean* ot a diver. for the purpose <>: ultimately removing tlie rock, discovered iu i. - niiiiiutliatu proximity two pinnacles. over one of Mlii li th< r- i but 14 n et at mean low water, and with derp wat . tfeiweei) thetn. 1 lie He danger*, forming one v. i ii Nuoiidav Kock the nosition of wnieh lias :ilreauy lieiii determined hv the Coast surveyi, will continue to be marM- t bv a huov. As it is ijuite possible that an irri'ju nr ri<Ue may connect tliese pea*s oi rock Willi the X irih Furulloii. large vessels are warned not to at tempt to van between until a more thorough survey has been executed. i Ii ? snar Duov ol Smith's i^ud^e lias been missing since about ihe 1st of February. 'flic reel lies about nuduav between Stam.'ord and KcrwaiK hartors, well oiT irom the more, and being all under at luuli tide is very dan gerous. several vessels have been wrecked there within ? few years. WHALEMEN. bar* *?'""? Tripp Sl'OKEN. Ship San Car^oi (Haw), Johnson. from lqulque for (,u ? ii-town, March 18. lat ?'J tj S, l'.D US 41) \V. Map Aulicw Johnson O'Brien, irom i-obui for Ku rape. Ai>ri2 7. lat 41 Id . Ion 31 co \V. : lap Himalaya iHr). iioiu Sati Francisco for Queens town. Apri. 7 lat 4. IDS, ion 31 00 W. liark. chiller iiiari, i.loutem, irom Liverpool tor Saiidv Hook. .May 5. no lat. 4c. H:irk o*uedaleti (Nor), Falcb, from New York tor Havre. V 1 v 2 lat ^325, ion C6 21. fecbr Kale Newiuaa, May 11, off Sbinnecock. NOTICE TO MERCHAN TS AND CAP TAIS3. | Merchants, shioping agents an 1 shipmaster! are In formed that by telegraphing to the Hir?ld Lonl ia Bureau. No 4C Fiaet street, or to tin Paris office. Ru? Scribe, the arrivals at anl departures frem to ropean and Eastern pons of American anl all forel/n 1 ve-s?is trading with the United States, the same will be cabled to this country tree of charge and publi.liel. Captains arriving at and sailing Irom French anl Mediterranean ports will tlnd the i'aris office the more economical and expeditious for telegraphing news. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Aytwkrf. May Id?Arrived, ship Slrius Oer), Holler, Baltimore bark Ha;<py Home Br, < oalllect, da iicirasT. May 12?Arrived, bar'* o eaa (Br), White si le. i hiladel: hia. Ratxs.-r, May !0?Arrived, ship AstrAomer (Oer), K:oppcr. New Orleans; birk Ejoge (Nor). Migal, Balti more. Hakciloxa?Arrlred. ship Pedro Plandoilt (3p\ rona. New < rieans. Cltbk. Mar 11? Arrive 1, brig (-we), Ahman. Vt'iiminirton NC. via V'ieen?'"wn. Dt Nornass. May li?Off, ship Trafalgar Bri, Kraft, fr .to Pin ?:elplua lor Bremen, heal. May 12?Arrived, ship Mikado (Br), Ilberry. New ; York for London. Sailed 1 bark Annie E Elliott, Elliott (from Loa- ! d' n I'atsvia. Ac. Drat:*. May 12?Arrived, brig Oromocto (Br), Pratt. St John, ^ B. K. iNOi.r. Mav 1|?Arrived, ships Llzsle Moses. Cox. ? nvannah lor Reral: Royal Char-er (Bri, Robina, New Orleans for do; bark St UouJ, Bagley, Mobile lor Cron stadt. A i -o arrived lith, s hr Philip Weyergang (Oar), Ton der lb- vdea. New York lor Riga (see below). FALMoct*. May 12?Arrive % ?-.eamer Stephenson* (Br). Mellon. New York Arrived off the I.Uartl 12th snip Wyoming, Bakar, trorn >ew Orleans for Ilarre. Arrive I in the Channel lutb, ijark Nloba (Nor), Olaen, i New leans lor Reval. Risicni, Mar in? Ar- v.-J, ahip Britannia (Nor., Oron wold. New York: tara- fttanla (Nor, llauff. I'ensacola; Jouchim Christian iGcr), iU imer, .'-ew York. Sailed 11 b, Lar? -lanbo N'or), Oundereen, New York. riavBB, May 10?-ailed, bam Agnes Campbell (Br), l.andry, l'nl-e4 states. Ltvr: roou M..y 12?s.uied. ship* Eric the Rad, 0:ivar. Pan Francisco (not pravioasly^; Advice (Br), Wallace, QuafcM. Arrive 1 12 h, ba. k Ooetlie Qer). Stecnken. Charlaston. faiieJ iltla, ship St John, Scribncr United statasi I barks National l-.afla, aaara, Philadelphia; Oazel.e (Oer), Laaer. I na?d *... e<. > io '?::??.! I2:h. etoamer Ohio, Morrison, Phiiadelpbia. Ais-i sailed Uth, steamer >Vyomiu< (Br>, Iracn au, Naw York. l.o -r.o*. May II?Arrived, bark Laa rAu?i, Smircb mi U, New Yo'k. ISA. ?bip S<> Pius Cltra, Borland, New York. Movuta May 11?ArriveJ, steamers Calif >rnta iBn. (Wonstone, New York tor Olasgow; PeruvUn (Br), Watts. Portland for Liverpool. Noaaaoriiro?Arrived, bark Syra, C-irning, flavannab. ? m.ssa? Airived, bark Maria (Oer), Sc mbart, Naw York. Qc?*x*TOWIT. Mar 12?Arrived, shlu Wm Mctlllvery, Rlancbard, San Fraacisco: barks Moaart (Oer), Albert sen, Port Royal, ?S( ; Wai erer (Nor,. Tuarv a, Baltl m re; Msrla tRu? Marlin, PniladelpbM. Also arrive 1 12'.l|, sc. p Legion of lienor Or), JoneA Kan i-'ranciaeo. RonanOAX, May ll-liBlt bark i mm a ,o^rA Oar oer, Boston. tv*Ti*rr,?n, May 12?Below, '..ark Alpba (Nor), Maroni, from Baltimore see below,. I o'.io*. May I2-B*ik liesperns (lir;, Adams, from ft Marys, Oa, Feb JO for Montevideo, bat bef?n abandoned at net. Craw save 1 and landed at Uavro. [ I be H regis tered 412 t rn, and ?as at Bt A: draws, NH, in li&i. wbenoa slta ballod. i snip Profrcss. ?te;,liens, from MobUa for Raral, at fcl sinore. bad inst Malntopvailan.mast and mlanenmasb )',.!k Alpha N .r . Haronl. from Buitlinora, atrlrsd below Water ford to-day ?eriou?iy damaged, sue is acround, with 10 feet of water in her hold, and bar cargo Is being discharged. Hie uexpocud to be afloat to-mor row. chr Pinl f Wavergan* (Oer), Von daf fleydsn, from New York tor Riga, ^rounded an ABboit Islaud bst gat off with assistance. af ter 93 bbli of cargo bad t*en jattl soued. idi has arrived at Elsinore. whale ii ex. Nailed from Pt Helena. barks Oucltmona, Davit; George A Hasan. Hcyer; Louisa. Millard; Ocean. Pcaae, and Palmetto, Uohiuson (all of Nov Bediord), to orulao FOREIGN" I'OBTd Aipinwall, Aoril 1: ? Arrive I, sehrs Romance, Barker. Ha a !? 1 mro anil sailed am day for t-uu Andrea*); Lue;eiia, l'ar.*on?. m KitU'und will'd "iitli fur fan Hiasi; * Ntphi i. barker. an Anore.n (and sailed -Itli to return ; brig niihir, l;a!i.r. Jamaica -iii.e I l-Mli, s ' irx 1' ari, Kr ... . lie rictnwn; 2l?t, Ju ni.ii i Ayar. i, t'or.'ii iifl . Jj i Mam Klu, San Ulan; -till, bark <i>;4jo -llr), AIoDouai I. I'ori Liimtn. t't!ri'rri. Mar III .saile I, lho> Lord. Uunctu, N*-v\ 1 ork. *'aii. to. April II?In port ship* Martha 0 >hb. Grcen bauii. ill*;, loads UUMU.I for I in pe: Uoltvsburtf. Alcx aii lor. t o- i'.uunn isoiiid,*, to ioa'l l <r Kurope (clearing); bhik ;-i Mary, Hallowed, .i.-k'an i -<? 'king. lrr?ve?t Vpill 1>oi|i- ivanh ., liet i iiiian, San Froii ri*ei>; I7tli, Joseph Clara. Turk. Melbourne: I'eru, Hlanehard, An be res: InIi, hark Snow Oueun ilri, Buy, Mullen lo-I'.'lli ship Bertha. Pole Klo Janeiro. S all-1 Mm, ship Alt'\ McNeil, Sproul, Guunape to load f?r Kurope. Charm rod?Bark Wetioua (llr), to loaii at Pliugua lor New Vof*. ( .uni-.vis, May 6? Arrived, hark* J ,s Wltnlow. Davis, Matau/.a*, t.? load for Falmouth ; nth. Orinm, Shncklord. Flulu !? Ip iia: brigs Ivttn M tucker, derrimait. Portland; Cheviot (Hrl. Nosers, St ,ToUii. Nil; llei Gratia, More Lmii-c. ao t anbr Mom* Patten, Hard lag, PortUmd, .-inled luili, schrs Frank W hinery. Kalker, north of Daturas; llth, Clara U l.oud, Fountain, New Urleans; Lucy llanniioiid, Kohlnson, north ut Matter**. In port 0:h, barks John J Maixh. Matthew Haird, and Marv MeKe?; bilast I'.mina L Hall. Alberto, liiriuo. Arc tic tlii ;. and Ktiza Morton; sclirs Ariadne, F K ilaird, .Sadie llcott. Mary J Cook, Curtis l'ilt,n. 1'riscilla >crlb ner. Fraiicotiia, Ceorg. s> limit, A it Weeks, Uebecca Shepherd, and Ilai'be?>n lllckiuau. all for uorth ol bat teras, Ulg; and others unc. CAiiiAKikN, Mav I?In port sclir Annie Vlrden. Bernard, tor north of Matierag, to sail in about a week. ''tENKCK.a.s, Mav 5?Arrived, barks Southern Belie (l>r\ Bobbins, St Jago; llth. Vibllia (Br), OotBu, Liver pool. Sailed S,I, brig Altco (Ur), Miller, Trinidad; 5th, schr Olive Crosby (not n< before*. Hutchinson. Boston. Dkukitaaa, \pril 11? I ii port brltf Chesapeake (Br), Wilson, 11 oin Baltimore. l-'ATiii ii i'oi.m. May 12?Arrived, steamer Vlcksburg (Un. Thearle, l.iveroonl lor Montreal. Havana, .May (i? vrrlved, sclir Marou* Hunter, Hen lei. I'ort and; lltli, steamer* Jnniata, Catharino. New Urifuna; Cha* W L.iro, Collou, do. vrrived l-'tli, steamer Cre-cetu Citv, Curtia New York. >?i> I flth. birii Asuyrian (Br), McDonald, i ilbarien; si l r W II Jonrdau. ivlc!iard*on, Matan/a*: llili, brti,' rlbsabeth. siulibs (from Z.iza . ^ew VorKtuehr C>ra I.ita. I'endlctoii.) do*. Sarah Wallace, roiitf. north ot Hatteriis, llth. briir Ja? Miller, i'arki'r, Baltliuore. Ill P-rf sin, bari:- \ l d-el-IC oi?r. Harding, for Ifoston, 111--; Nellie Mav, Hlair. for Kaluioillh, do; Nuestra -e nora tlx los Amrelod (Sp", Bemirez, for New Vork, do; bri*? Havana. Movor. do. do: Miiinio llunier Wood man, do, do. I W Beard ili ? , Leasoti. lor New Orl aim, (lo; .null Wallace i>r\ Armstrontr; John Sli?r?ood (Ur>, Ma ilk nr. Gambia Tupuer. and John Brulitmin, Hanson, lor north ot Hattoraa, do; sclir* Kli/a i> buio rv, Wiokcs. and Mary A Hleh, Magune. lor north ot Hat teras. co: (iuorxe s' Marsh Mar-n. lor Mew York, do; an 1 others une. IIauiax. May U?Arriv-1, bark Magirie M (Br1. Chal mers, i'hiiiiiienihi.i :? >r i,';ir u* own iseo -Mls el); nchr Olivia A O'Mullen <Hrl, triuidrt l, ? lie* 1 llth. Meain Film hi h Colby, Porilani; Car roll. Wrinht. Cha: 1 tit o va, I'El. Cleared llth. I re.; Bertha (III ., Brlli-h W. st Indies. Lai:!>?, March 23?('learo.l, ships 1'risellla, Merriman, Europe; I ndauuicl. inn.-.hiore, llavrc;l9th, bark Dasls, Kandalt. supposed lor Europe; 30th. ships Col Adams (Ur . Williams, turop;; southern Uccan (Br), Hucksta ble, do. In port April J. ships St Nicholas, Williams, tor Liver pool, !i1k; J ii Kimball, Humphreys, lor do, tfo. Mai abi, April lu port bark s it Bcarce, Marston, for llavaua, Mg. May AufEz. April 2.3?Sailed, brigs Erie, Scars, st Johns J'lt, ?o finish Utir; May I. brig idsie dir . l-ove-'rove, Halifax: solus Jus W Brown, Kane, Delaware Break water for orders; Vineyard, llosebrook, i'onoe, to fin sh disij, lu port May 2, l<rli:s J 11 Dillingham. Treat trotn mid tor Baliimo e. (IIsk; Ueortio, Browu. to load for New Ha ven; cirloll (Br), mid Victoria Amelia (Br>, to load tor VnitcJ tatcs; schr James A Brown, Collins, trom Balti m >re. uls'-'. to for Bos on. Matansias. May II?Sailed, britf Helen O Fhtnnev, Boyd. New YorK;kchis E A Satieties Benson, Baltimore; Ilaristciie, McNair. taltnouth. Maiii.axd. N Mav g?Arrived, schr Geo V Richards (llr). Peek. N'ew York Arrived 11 th. bur* Alex Roy (Br), Liverpool; brie Har riet I'pliam (Br . do I'ad. i.low iit I'll >. Marsh 15?Cleared. brU Ned Wnite, 'Ihouibs. Havana ha* been reported i.ii cd Feb2Cj; 22a, thip C Si f.'avis (Br . for In port April 2, bark Eats liardina. Klvert, lag. Panama. April 25?Arrived, steamer Honduras, Dow, Central America. ,~ail-d si.h. steam>r Salvador. I'entral Amcrica. 1'oint-a 1'iTitE, May ft?Arrived, sc.'ir Ellu M Tennell, Thompson. New Vork, 1'o.mck, I'll. April 17?Arrived, brig Mary B Gardner (111 i, >haw. New York. 1'laikti r Cova. Mav 12?Arrived In Strait ot Canso, steamer Severn tof l ondotn, lrom St John. NB, for Que bec. Ttio Strait was fu.l of ico yesterday and this morn ing. - r Thomas, April '.'6?Siii cd, ; ilp Fawn, Cove, Glasgow (with earro ex ship rreelom. from >c a Yuriet. .-aoca. May i - A r :i v 1, barK II mm a ? Kr), i ard, st Tlio ma* . sehr John C Sween v, ftonier?. Havana. Milled iKt, sidirt C B>-arse. MltioJcli, north of llatte ras; 3,1, brig Glial A Spark.*, Bradley, do; schr S I' V/y inau, Uraiin. do. th. bark Windsor (Ur), do; schr C II Laivrtnoe. Kemp. New York. SrJou.v, NB, May 13?Cleared, st earner Nyaoza. for Pictou; bark Jennie Armstrong iUr), Kaivey, Cork Quay, schr hmtua, Boston ; M l*. do american roars. Al.KXANT'RIA. May 11?Arrived, schr* ffm F Garri son, Clara W Smith, ana J M Richards, ? lor George tow n -ailed?Sehrs Geo B Yreelan 1. ffm t> Marvel, X !I Rklnner, Harriet Thomas, and Ann F Lock.wood ilrom Georgetown1. , uusiuN. M.iv 12?Arrived, steamer Glaucns, Bern, New York: bark* Maria (ital;, rrauania. Palermo; W'U li?' 1 inimi Fust tier). Seyer. Newcastle, Kng: scliri Al.tdo i'ituntil. Lu:hrop, Manaantllo; Minnehaha. Douglass, Jlosouito Inlet; Carrie AIicu Ca.l, Pasca-ou a ; John 11', llnlt-y, Alexandria; Alfred Keen, I'illsbury. Balti more; Lmilv a Jennie, Canover. Philadelphia: D H hv erett, Haumiers: '<hvv'. Key no Id*: Jotepli W Fig i, I'row ley; Mo?t an, Nlckcrsott; Lu:-y A lllovv;tn Nicaersoii; Georslc Staple*. Maloney. an 1 Rsipn Holmes, lira./, Weehawkun; Saratoga, heliv. Iiobokeni Amelia, Rog er*. do; Chase. incr.iham, Now York; i:ichm <nd, Jor dan do: America, Wilier, Kouduut; Mary Brewer. Man, acrs. do. Also urrtved. barks George Noble. Me'.rllle, Otago NZ Warren Halett, Doano, .-it Vincent. Capo le Verdes; Western -ea, Ilanon. Surinam: UT Mocker. Tvirr, Cardenas; brigs Mav Ur>, Hauler, Barbados; Von Macon. Adams, Cardenas: H I' Nash, Spauldlmr. su/ua, Lochiel i r . llain. t'ientuego?. <'|ir? mat M fciotie. Pi chef, Cardenas Bill iiixier <ilr). Uaviison, Baracoa. index. Garrison, Caibarien; W'.ij eila.l'euny, ssk'ua: Marv h vancleal. Ihurr.llke, Matamas: Uenrv Wa dington. selover. Sa.rua; ll G McFarlanJ. Mcl-ar land. lurks Island; Alio.- Bell, Hathaway Mosquito Inlet: (i M Andrew*. Watt*. W'eehawaen; JLllda, Urn bert. Uoudotu: A M t<ee. Taylor, Norlolk. Below? chr Aiiby L Dow. it \ L ll MOKK?May 11?Arrived, schr Ada Barker, Doljbi'i, Barbados. UUj?ArrlV'. l. steamers 0 l.Cannon, il inter. Roanoke River: McUellan, March, Provhiance: F W itrune, Fos ter. New York : schrs Goo IS Bowdown Howe, lter m u I a Ad lie BlaisJull, Crowell, Boston ; Anna, Looner, Philadelphia. Clearer ? -teamcr* Caspian (Itr), Truck*. Liverpool via llalitax; BU/abeth, Ciar?. New Vork; bans* fhor (N..r . Carisen. Konigsberg; Continental, i'illsbury, West Indies; sclir* llios Klu.n It; keits, San Andreas; Fannie K Wilhamt, Twiford, West Indie*; ti CarriiKlon. Parker, New Haven; A P, I/zsr.i, Bridgeport; Joseph W Bsrilett, Bartlett, Bo-toi, Four Sisters, Bickmore. Newburypori; Josepn Hay. But ler, Boston; l.a.iv Kmma, Ha sr -a Har.t ard; M It Hall. Han. Newbiiryport; b D Ra ill bun, Crowol), Nor wich; G 1' Pomeroy, Bryant. Boston: Bill Stowe, Man son, do; AM h.1 wards. Layman. Camden. Cleared?Steamer i.ebecoa Clyde, Donald, W liming ion, NO. .-rilled?Bar* Mime, Dublin. BL'LL P.; VKK. 8< . Mav 1 (-Arrived, ship Mary Staw. art (Hr>. Fullertoa, Charleston. Salie'l 7th, bara George (iir . Grant, Ipswich. BANOOK, May iU?Cleared, schr boai. Coombs, Fir* Island, NY. BKLF v-> r. Mav 4?Salle 1, seiirs Malabar, Welih. Fhll a<lelphia; GH l iving<ton, McDonald Jacksonville. 5tli? \ rrlved. scbrs G B Kurvuson, Ketvuion, Kllsworth for lion lout >andsailed Ctb); ramucl McMauemy, Walls, C.' Cili- Arrived. Wir Freseott Hazlellno. McDonald, Ban ff >r for Jacksonville and sailed 7lhi. BATH. May Hi?sailed. ?unr Hon Condon, Condon, Bow loluham. to loa i tor ( harleston. litii -Sailed, schr 2 L Adams, Nirkvrson. Albanv. BaKKK'S LANDING, May8?Sailed, schr J fiurlev. Nortbup, Philadelphia; Win Collier, Taylor, George town, DC. BRISTOL, Mav K>?Arrived.sebn K!l Toa-nsend, Mch ois Warren ior New York, to go on the railway. lltli called, schrs L 11 Cowperlhwaite, Jonus, Georgo lown, DC; Treasorc, Wilson, New \or*. s ij:c I Irom below, schr It II Godtrey, Eatohelder, AL exandrla. cHArtLEslON, May U?Arrived, steamer Eqnator, Dlncsley. Pbiladelplila. Cleared?Schr Stephen Morris, Wilmington, Del. Arrived *tl), sci.r James O'l'ononuo (not at before), Warrm. Portland, Me. ailed l?tb, ship Mary Stewart (Br , Fnllerton, Ball Biver. j.LL-Wnreril, Me. May ll-3aiiea, brl* Zavaila Wil. Hams, lor New Vor*. MillillKS M .NitOK, May 12-Pa?eJ In for Balti more. Lark Paramount, irom Bris.ol; brigs L .u se (ilr), tUhty-ttve Br), au i ?cnr M K Gra?', i?r Demerara. Patted out?iii,p Imperial, lor Liverpool. FALL HIVku. Mav 11?Arrived, *chr i? U Anthony, McLean. Georgetown. DC; sally Ponder. Sailed?schr J II Huri.etl, Gardner, New York. GALVKaTuN, May 11?Arrived, schr Vtraai. Psnsa cola Cleared?Schr ^a log, Pensacoia. LL'BKC. K*y 7?Silled, schrs c P Gerrieii. Armstront, I.aldinore: vuoddv, fanning, Philadelphia: Mary r Pme. 'io->d. and sau.rny Korit, Alien New vor*. v. v i? i IC, t. May ll?Arrived, echr Mary Ann, Adam*. I'hila lelp'iis. M'.w uKuBA.Ng. May 8?Arrived, steamers Arbitrator (ltr . Jackson. Liverpool; Knickerbocker. Kerni.e. New Yof*; liar* I r I'm an.jello lial', iodaro, Messina; schr Austria, Darton, Bal'iuiore. Uili?Arrived, ti.nki l!a ewood ("Br). Williams. Bio Janeiro. Piairie Mlrd. saivliord, Liverpool. Cleared?-leanur Wlotiaigion, Ho mes, Havana; eciir Austria. Progreso via ituatan. Pi? a L'urrna, Mar H? -ailod, brig Anrora (lull, Ad <rno. Cette. l'*-?cs >Uf IJ?\rriv?-1 s'eam'T st r.otiH, Liverpool. I Sonel?stcaiuer >.?nover; snip Vigilante: Para John L liimiuoek. Nhw SMYRNA, Fla. May ??Arrived, steamer RelL ance. smitli, New (irtoans. N ?R> May id?Arrived, bark Kl!a Moore (Bn, M.t-ie.s. Boston; schr J D Wellington Bocr.poru Me Nr.W BKIlFOKD Hay lo?Arrived, sehrs H U May, Mnv, Philadelphia Ana I Mpple, Bacon, itondout. llih?Arrived, schrs 11 II W ilson, Kondout; i agie, Uo bokeu: Xebec, Newbnrg: F.atire Wrehiwkeu ealled?-chn I.una inoi Lima), Welle, New Yorkj Katis M Call. do. lath?Arrived, echrs II !i Miller. Philadelphia : Laura Roliiiiton, Ada Herbert aud Julia Ann, Wueliaw >en; Hen am.n hn'Hish. IJiinlol L sturgls and !<sraU BLaa beih, Ne w York, ao I Aloert Ihomas. Calais, S> WPoUl. Mav II P?l ?Arrived, scli.s Rion*. Cob le;g:i, ProviiKiiiue lor New York; War stoed, Uoukln. do i lul do. iltii?sailed, schrs sharp Shooter. Clark, J'omersotfor f oldsprlrig. Hyena. Oariner, Vineyard llaveu lor New Tork; . usau. i.aion, Newburg lor Uottou. Alio s'.iirs Fm.iion, tarberry. Fall Bfvcr for F.Ugiceth fiort, Florence N lower. Adaois. da for New Y'ork ; Ade aide, RayIIor I'lovldun e lor do: Kichmon 1. J 0 liug ers Ann i aipple, Lasu. Frank Herbert, and J 0 Cuil lalled from Dutch Islan l Harbor ldth. tchri Frank Uiaioiog t mien, tut i.eorgotown, DOt Fan. me W Johnson, i all it variaruo NdHWlull, May il-Arriv?d. brl* Mend Potter (Or), Wo i. Porto itian, _ . nf,w i.UND'iN, Maf 11?Arrived ?-!hs rjujsoo, Ml** ! be:ni<ertj Or^goa. Hoboaen; Gmef, Kiimb^thport for Norwich ; J B Cunningham. Newborn lor Providence; PeacedaM, New YorK tor Narruxansatt. MiileJ?.-ehr* Forest Oak, lor Baltimore; Flv, New York. NEW 1IAV.EN. May II?Arrived, sebrs Bapmhannock, Suck. Kcwburs: Jns Huchauai, Monro', South Ainboy; Signal. -atlerly. l'avoti u; bterllnu, Mall, South Aiiiboy. i i. nri'U?-eiir?H J Fooks, Craumcr, Now Jfork; Julia A Baker link r. do. PAS. UIUULA, May 3?Sailed, kdir Stamoedo, I>ow, Martinique. nth?suiic.l, schrs Wenonah. Basjley, Key West: ,ln dianola, Bloom, Corpus CtirUii; J M Mclunl*, Smith, Tu vt> in. I':. \COLA, April 8?Arrived, schr Mary Emily, Kru ger. New Orleans. i Inir.-d?li t-k .Magnolia (Br), Warden, Sunderland; schr-; John II ir'iuh, liarkncs*. InJlAUoia; Hubert Hull. H iii't-ii. Calvrsl in I'lllI.AHKi I'lllA, May 12?Arrived. sleamer Mny tlowrr, Fttlta, Ww York: lirirk Krrugon (Nor), Weber, Mi ?Miia.burk Metsola (IUism, W\ hauler. London; *ehr c I" stic?uey, Math Is, Newport;'Ltidy Franklin, Olaen. Bermuda. \Nil arrived, barks Ciprt-ra, Keudrll, N mv York: Fred Obrlit un i n (Nor). Christiansen, ehrintiaiisund, Nor ; br!?' \lartiulqitil>e (Fr). Maiuere. Martinique; schrs U Pr coit. Mcirisouiaii, Porilaud.G > Vaiislyck, l.yoii. North Carolina, Irviu I; Kicliard-oti. Norfolk: i. ii Kmersou, sear-;. lurk* Isian I : L W Wheeler. Bowman.; Mary Cobb. hinallv. Boston: I'earl, William*, lir at Wl' oink'o Kiver; lluvilan i reithton. i appahan liock River; John N Kiy, uiroii, James River; Mattio Hind* smith, Klizabeth f'itj-. NO. ai i.beiter?Schr Kaliie B Uatetnan, troin Clenl'ueio*. ? 'Icaivd, s'.e.uner Florida, Crocxcr. Providence; hx poriiiient. Alien Si vr York; "axon -now, Boston tauii sailed); sclir Franc i* I. Godfrey, Weeks, lor do; C P Stickuev, Matlils, NewDort. U?o cleared, steamer Pennsylvania, Harris, Liver pool; sour Lena tiuuler, Somers, Georgetown, DC, and Boston Nit'iV Castlk, Del, May 12 AM?Brijf Ida Fulloa (Br), from I'urks Island, parsed up this mormnj. Selir II .1 vMllard, for Matanziis, passed down last evening in tow. Schr L zzie B Uregg. for I.aguayra passed down. Noon?luv.ed down, schr Sunbeam, tor Port Antonio. I'M ?Barn Nuevo Mutteo (Itai) lor <'ork or Falmouth for or icrs. anchored oil here this atternoon and re ni lins. Sehr L A i?o iiart. for Barncoa. na-sed down this alternoou. Sieumer baton, lor Boitou. passed down at 2:15 I'M. Dti.AU'AUK Ukkakwateu, May 12. A M?Arrived last nlirlit, sohr James W Bruivn, lu dayi trout Mayaruez, lor ordcta. Sctir Grace Davis, irom Eastern porta, la bere In bal la.xi. snips and tiriu'H a? before. P M-barii I'roe man lie null, from Yarmouth, N8, ar rived last night in ballast. IKltlLA.Nn, .May 1/!?Arrived, steamer Klcanora, Johnson. New York; fihrs Isaac Bleb. StuHey, rialem. to load i. r Ualtiuiore- Hope on. troni New York. cleared? Burn* .ntrah is Frazler. Kni.'ht, Cardenas; Ispeeiiwi l!, Calais, to load lor Liverpool. I'liOVlDi.NCE, Slav 10? sailed, steamer McCIoILih, Mari li. i ii.tlinoro via Norfolk. litli?Arrived, sehr* I! Lbla'ht. Willetta. Alexandria; Mary A Hood. Meelinan. and Hello llurdy Ilaker, Baltl inore; Wlllaul I" 1'liilliDS, llnwMns; Peerless. Smith, an l Kdward Uotten, Vounir. i: .ndout: Allen (lurney, tiurnev. do inr Pawtuoket; fiBor, Oorwo, rreaton: '<eo s Uepplb-r. Messier. Milleville. NJ; Lucy Church. Pierce, Weehuwken; h li Braz??. Kaynor. and a Burton, John son. lloboXen for Pawtucket: John Crockrord, Hart; J il Cunuiinjbam, Sc.ivill: Silas Wright, ilart;.! Worth iiiL'ton, r'itch: 1'ann,- t ern. Eaton, and Belle It Hull, Bru-li. flobokun: Julia A lute, lai", Verplftnck's Point. Below?Sctirs I'ru lenee. Julia Ann, u.'iJ 1 s others. .:le l- clirs Uurlie Pierce. Iluwei. 'irccn Turtle City; Edith II hveruian, Corson, Philadelphia; urah Clari;, Giiflln; Kobe it loster, P.obmson, and VYmF Burden, Ai'uiti- New York. Pa W l Iji K i-;l, Slav 11?Arrived, schr Helen Mar. Ward, ban lout :ii od?-'chr Mary. Itlchardson, New York. It ten MoM), Ma v 1U? vrr.ved. steamer Old Dominion, Walker. New Yor.t; w:hrs H II Flsk, W ixou, Kennebec; L A Snow. Haskell. Windsor. Sailed? ehr Koanv Boat. ICelly, Boston. -AN Fit \NCISCO, May 10?Sailed, bars Geo llcore. Brail I. Manila. lltli-Cleared, bark Unicel Baasig (Ger), Schiebner, Melbourne via Humboldt. Sailed? biii cf ardent, Swett Callao; bark Caiidace (Uer), Stehr, llumburg. SaVA.xN'AII, May 12?Arrive 1, steamers Herman Liv ingston, Mallory, New York; Wyoming. Tell, Philadel phia. Also arrive 1. schr Lucy Wright, EUey, Rappahannook. Cleared?Bark Yuba i ?>r>, iirahatu. I'ictou. NS. Also cleared, s hr Paul A Thompson, Taylor (from New York); St Atwusiine. Sailed?Rt aoier v sill a tut, Whitchurst, New York; achr Kate s Cool:. Jacssonville. sALEM, May 10?Sailed, schr Cayenne, Sautidars, Cay enne. 11th?Arrived, schr Geo A Pierce, Kolly, New York. sTONlNUTON, Ma> 11?Arrived lotu. schr* Drcad naught, t autidors. ilobokeu; Caroline, from Flanders. LI, for Newport: John -Metier. Irom .sew York tor Provi dence; W Ward, do for do (and all salted). VlNKYAKI) uAVIsN. May 11?Arrived. s:hr* Beta, hackvilie. Nil. tor New York: Alex m Irla. Sauiee. N , lor do; Evelyn, Maeluas lor do,' Act ve, Win Item -nt. Uenrv Croakey, Jaco'i Kienzloan lJ Paine. Boston tor do; L s 1 arnes. Cotuit ior do; liannali Little. Bi.stoti tor Norlolk; Sophia WiUon, Oardiner tor Washington, l i': m Friends, no-ton tor Oeoi^utown, DC; WuiTiee m ! Iiattii- M Crowell. do tor Baitiiuoro: West Dennis, do (or Philadelphia ; Clarissa Allen, do tor Woodbridgo. i NJ: Ann Hale, Bath tor Cnrteuas: hinily A Bartlo. j Ric'imond. Mc. lor Fortress Monroet Jesse W Knizht, ; l.y^nn tor Alexandria; Watcnman, Lincolnviile lor Fall j Kiver. sailed, brig Aupelia, for Portland., sclirs Nancy W Smith, Sa-'tia. for Bos ton I \v Allen, Weehawkon, for do; (icorglana and I Je ldie, Hnboketi. for Portsinouih: Ulalume, and Anna Carrier, tiJohn, NH, tor .se? York: MMm JPaiiowv, Windsi.r. NS. for do; J B Knowbs, Two River*, Ns. tor j do: Adriana, Oa.-nner. Me, lor do; John s Moulton, I Machias tor do; Jo. -uh <1 St ircr. Uucksport, tor do; ) i|Ual, Rockland, fordo; Cornet, Rock port. Mass. fordo; j Melvhie, Hatlgor. for Baltimore; Henrietta, Weetiawkeii. lor talent. ? ailed all lelore repor.'ed, exceptln? schri W Tice, Je-s ? U Knlglit, Clarissa Allen and Melville. WILMINo r? iN, NC, May Id-Arrived, bark Germania , (O'er). Yelmore. Boston ( Icared not arrived)?Bark Amalla liedwlg (Ger), Gchm, Rotterdem. l th?Arrived, steamer Zodiac, Salvear, Baltimore Cleared? Barl: Elizabeth laylor (ftrt, Humphrey, Liv. \ erpool. W1SCA- SET. May 1?Sailed, schr Mary Sands, Horsey, | New York. 3d?Arrived, schr Sedona. lbompson, Cambndce, Md, Ml iCK UliA '? Kitu-i. A. -KUVAL UAVANA iiOTTKBT. OFFICIAL DR4WINO or may g, vsrx CLASH 941 A'o. Priw y<>. Priz'. v., I'rU' \'n. _ Priz' So. PrJz' 21.. rxn SI.... II 52... .MO ?4... SOl ?J JUi ar .. ..viu nr....siti 12.'....mi in 211. 2'VI . v:?7 . 2ii.. 1 ,.3>K .30) .' 1 ,:v> 7.... <?> 2 9.... ?>' *90 n "v s i :t?a,...juo 469... 474... m. 8 ....M' IK,., ,wii '.41.'...$ i mi ..s*ii >-827.. $m 045I....M) I ;.7....??| I1 12375 ...;??i|i".f.T... i:ui.i88S4 .. M. i.472....mi|ih9-/ l.'Vi ? oo iv&ju mh l-r.: . ...Mi I:I8>". Ik) . au. ii,*.i.... m :: ly .. 'i < ?> ?....m 66.<5 ...8oi' f-i-1 M. 631 ..JU> 1.6.1 K .. ? ?594?...n?o .5 U ,41 8 2J1....MI 2.131/ : 352 i t li.l ...Stlj I!. ml 251 lau,7....fil 2.H1 '....3") lo r'-ft -.v. 4.... (w .'i ..suoi w#>....a . IOl24....Ml 2.m9 ...'"J iai"j....:i*ii 5i2?....suu 1.711....Ml I'.'KK ? S9 11.....V i 2.?74-t....Mi ?'.-04... II) i.- s. >1' >,?<"8 ...Ml 689i... .9 " ?tf.\...300 . , #.'5 ....Mi 1-777....3U) 19171.2. .4 mo ri....3Jo i>.'??. ....soi 19213 257S?....3tm : ?;.! .. .. u . ;i....3uo i?:7 '>*> ? ?l 3 ?'il-*77....Mili'i3.*.?....S?I M ?....!tji? .is?....sw 711,3 ...:d> 7141. ...5.1u 7i< JI7V. .. 4JJ an ...311 72&I....MI 4.?'!.... UK) 5.8 867 6 4.. .3 ii 766 MM. b 7-. .300 8 i ..son ..Ml V17? 91.'....o H .. .5II 9H Mi I'i'T.... ?) Sim... .Mil i:c4. I'M I... 8 ' |. 0.... 'i |S4?....S0U {.1731. ...MOO i.v".. 'is jiff 3m. 7327....1M' 7*61....M ; 3*2... .MO 7)2* :v? . 8i. 74*i....800,i:,;Vi3 i -:s....3n laws. ..Mij 12023....3 i l.'Ml' i." Mi ,:v i-'. . a ii . >46 ' m IS' ?? ..l<w . .*? : 5291....Ml ISI'-Hf ?4>u M 1945.* . lu???' i'<7 > ...:; ?| ly.vt I ...300 i5JSt?.....Ml I.A42... Ml ?li?....SW is.. .....:wc!ri'i(t.....n?) io . -i r?nr w 190HJ mi AVJCI ' "I l:>74i....M) 2 l'4....:*u ,'.i;au ...mi 26 8." :vm i .... w 2 2i< ...:a? id 72....ft.r|2K.'?i....MJ :li . ,3'.i?il-i ? '?'? I**.".' .-IJO >il2l.... <UO .> 2i>42?.... : i m i. , io mu... <i i;>i... tin . o I 92J *wl2Cl <y ...3UU I .lilli.lii #1 26M1 . M? I . >"... 'M?\ oy7r .*!? a v.' .. .'ill ... ... ,IA>M....3Uul*i ?2 ...300 >88/4.. 7-?j aw;i.i-? ....Mt,20MI... soci2<.;-.. 1 ... J <:?! 17 '.... I1*.. 8 1*7 0 M fJUI2 3a#|J8?18. r .(,? ym - *I....M 7671.... Ifti .i 91.... 77"I 3 K22.... 00 7*i4i ' i.*'j-2....3 i : .121 ii4 ) '>....?* . 4443. 'ml . '?"J iJU .rw? - ;,r SW Ml ."?292....:>w!2m l? .".ml 132. Sl'.rj. .Ml <?8 "i i:'.;4.v...M'pri:?? ...Mi:2i?il....r4),J ? Ml. 7?* 3 4>|At'64 . ..Ml) 0 IH4....SUI) I" 1 -HI ...M .DISS ii ! -< . >i jti I . l i i I Mrs ? M I '.-..I... 3 0|2 ? 7if*... P3iC.....'i i3- S.X> i* 2.1 ....*0il ?. fi ...MJ |7 '....300' **..... 00 ; .... 'ti i ?>.. *?!? 4... iu ?M ...Mi 11. CI...10I ? n.oi' ihi;i. ?i;i....<n 1.177. 8?M3 i " n - ?dmh 1 197....3 u lifiyr. . ,M)I i4i J5... :ixi 1 H 4) .. i j*/. ...31' I'll'.... ttM I'/J" su. 2194. ..' /2 m t ??*)'>! ]441... 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" ,i,j.o I.2H3") H UOj t,H7..5.".fn ..'*'? |i*fi.?, HI 29411 SOU IH'.'HI 00 .. ,M> 1? 110.... Ol 2?8'4I.....lJO *Xil7....30U 1 III....Ml 17019 ...Ml ..15'.9.... 44 -41348....'?'? I 1M1....M1; .13%....!' iOKi.....H?!J?H'....?M I 4T....M 17317 , S.?! MW.., .5?-,t .'00 | 923... JM I< 18.... ?? ! '.1 ().... Mi; . ii/97J ...1 17379 ... -HO 2*147 4 ..>? '*0191.. ?W 4 I'll,...M- IUI4....M 1.51(5. .J04'.?''l'l I,...!* I, ? 614... !4? 45 1....5 l|4J .1 ...2 0,17197....*Jl)'23- 4I....109!W?I....,3? 11.'.: ...A.- ??! ??-*5 li.l.., 4*Ki 11 SO 00 2.5 >4 :?M.i >6 "4 Ill.4l.?.'i06 W 8....M a-4i,l....|M ? HJ .. JW U'?l7,.,.M 1788-.I .?? !??4....|?4lt4'B5....*J H!l9 ...4" 17 15 2 517... ?i*4 5U76J....MI *H7. tilt..,. :m. 18'|..,.M 4-71 4 02 841 MATRIMONIAL.. Jf .j l'rter. I A"u. 4703. ...300fir272. ?8.19. ...3.*. 11.4 l. 4-~s .. .TO I l,32l . 4U2I.. .10.1 '!lv.19 fOI?....vlX)iiUU. ii HI .. '? wire.. i'i hi 111?> fio/7....3iiolU527 fii*....300|ii 4i fl-l.....'o.i 11500. 5217 Wl'illlVij 63?l. in > W: 111tiiii) m i' ilfcii. ; i9i.,..30i>l|i<**. mii....!molu;s?. ."Oil 11743 .:u o 111,9. .ft ?i| IIXo'l. i' iii7j. .SO; > 11187 "> .:?>>! U9 .a ii Mli (....MIlllOH I, '7 .'<H| I!2"I3 n?"v.. ,.i.i ? t> i- :ioo i'2I7....3Uo (ill. H279.,. ,3il0 ir.v aoo i.'i'.wi. ?.ii I :ii?i ' tUS.loOikW 1.316 fcu7 -?'?I.. AFPUOX1.UATION hltlZK.3. $00,000. I 820.000. iVo. /v, /? ,V., PH 3U80...$.-,00|1383l...$30U 0:83....W0; 13853....300 St 0,000. Xu. t'tr 19442. ..$30!) i9l 4,...'00 5340,...30 5342....300 #5,00!X' A" I'-i-*. -'8117... 31*1 S1*),000. A'o y'l. r 6361. ,,$jo i KxW... ,50 ? 6361....500 bits....500 C till, ...500! ?;?i7....suo 6M 8....500 l> i 9....500, CS70....500| 1'rixus cashed. Circulars of iulormatlon free. J. H. MARTINEZ A CO. 10 Wall street, reuf, basement. Box 4,385 Post ofllce. ^ ?BOVAL HAVANA LOTTERY. OFFICIAL. DKAWINO OF MAY 8, 1KT4 CLASS 948. :o. Prtir. I ?Vo. 2l...?sooi i.i4 11 Ol)| (145 62....500 1,5: tfiS.1. I 1.631 Ii6aI. H758. I.S.,.. ... HI 1.873. . MS' i;s9j. 6.J52. t;'J5.. .<'19. 7lfJ9. 70at>. 7083. rii'3. 7141. 71 75. 7 n?. 7l8ti. 7231. <273. ..?'? . 12500.. t.'iUl.. 1218)0., u'08'i., 12.16.. 12700.. ...3 ml 12711.. ...*K? U730.. ...300 12777.. ...3JO I2S63 . .. SM) , ?,I.. ,...3 0 1287?.. " . 878.. 12.183. 2901.. 199-3.. 1-911 . 12990.. I.UjI2. . i ihi;.. 13107.. 3 I' i399....:iiifl ]5l9....uO 15*2....: w 1597....300 l6f>2....?00 it>i?....::ou j7n3... Wit . ._ i7'^....300' 838> jll)... S" )8 6....3?< 1819.....?*? 1?97....30; VJ93. ...V>. J4<il... 3k ^47*? I I 252(1 5." ??.'.4".... 00 2bl.' :?<'! 1;'?16....5 "? "<>24.... WIT ?>651... .300 2741... i>00 2752.. ,;oo ?76i....soi "H 'J ...Mm ??'*?... :h!il....300 9131... ??K 0....3 *1 "140 .. fr? I 91 la... i?i2...jool tie ... <8J'23... ?| 91.-7,,. 9217... S3 7... ?1<>3 (001 '4 1 .. si!6..,.:?<>| '.Mtis... ,h2?. . .:-?m '4-7... #ijl....30i| ??567... 8242....300 !.Si,1 . 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DO 267-?. . .501 -1 02.... 3lO 2ca.i....i? -1 OH. ...300 Ii0.0....300 r.i" ??l 27027....300 .:'00!'?; -46... .31* 300 27j71... :'00 .?? .'7 11 5 0 27151...1 e 300 27IIM....:u? 3011 .71 '3i ...:M 13 271,1... .3" 27195.... :i? 27.17.. (WO .7 21....: 00 27 71. . . .301) 271.17 27181 ...300 2750"... ;n?J 27S37....300 27541' :??) ? :4J;... mm r. off27613 .. 300 . .5 ?)l2<6-8....S00 ,.i' ;17743....30? ..300 27901....WO ., 3011279 S....J0 . .3181 27909 MO ..30.127 1 9....:uxi r. r^.1 '12-4)21... 30" ...3"' 2MI36.....??? .-jOV)....:?*? ...:?""i 280.?? :?o? ... '.'81 28i46...5ai?l ...300,21117....30# . ..30H'28l57....:i0O .. 300|i-i7l....:M? ...3.MI2-I 8... .90 ..3 2831 1 lO ,...31'I 2etis iotf ....'00 i? 69 ...M9 ...? if) '432,.. .VlO ....9Wu-4 8 -'tod .. a?i -set., tot ...,00 2-(9i4....3"<l .. ,MJ0 j^2?8l... .300 ... aii -.'?3....300 .. .300 2?#I0... 3i)0 ... DO wAte... .3iO .. .3 > 2-8 .4 WO ...:#> 8189 ,.M# .. Ml J8*i9....30l? .. .300 2^9*23....50) I...300 2l-l"8....')00 ...300 29I91 ..SO ...3.0 29217... 31* I...30U :!i221....3o8 ....'O 292)9....300 3?0 .?9.5I....:?W ...? 29-67....30ll ...300 -291? ...300 ...50. 29)21....300 .. 30" .<60'....3?O ... .Oil 2. .804 .. 00 ...300 296.14 ...30# ...301' ."^5'?....30< ...SO 29t<7....5i?l ...soo .116,2 m . N O i*673.... OU ...3 <i .'9?4.....'OU 29 us ...sol ...^>1 .N 5I....3U# ...a00 29i?....?Jt ...300 HI54. . ?? .llMil I l<i7..50i<? ...300 w.'8i. ...3J0 U3I7....JOH ... ."'I4ii:l48.... 00 ..SO)!30429... 30* . ..5H'|.?432... 50II ...30O| ^>484,...5^ . >4)| 8)491.. 30! ...:vmi V 5I4....30I ,..10.ll3.i\12....:?!l L.yooi fi-we .. 301 ...?o| V 575....3I* ,..3iH 3t?88 .. :hM 1..30H fci?B....S>M . .ii Ki75>....3>e ,.,M*.' ?I75>*... .308 ...??'i?77e....?w ..100 jii-i5....:fll ,. ..'?oil l 884 4. 301 ... ? ??VI...-MI 1..:*) .91....3.4 ,..300 31 12... 3M . .30 ?130 58 ...301 ...3001 i:i?-6....S'e ,...?. 31106 304 HHI....30I . .301 3.1I8....5W ..301' ill 9. ...W# L.:tOO|Sl| ?... 30C 31200 ...301 . .300 31234... .''01 ..300|.11*60... 5 I;**) >Ol3l*l....30l ,.3<?i .|4"4 ..:)O"i3l4?5....30l ..30) 115 <4.. ..:<!* . .m 11.36 ...3 4 50 (I 87....#g L'm.lll 22.. . 301 . .500111743....-'X J.I 3I 46....** . .311 ,3171#....506 ..30"j ,1909....300 ..3m Ji8-i7....30l ..30013.-62 ...301 ..900 3ive....30# . .300 SltM. ?>oe AI'PR 'XIMAIION PMlfc.1. $iao.swa | $so,oao. | i ? ; ? 5,00a ?*? ''? *!A'-? > r.'\\ r <?? l.vo. /?,?.? yr 221 J-'"2?...?3O0|iaasi.^f?o i#4K...$w siu..|n< t3s.' .. SO 04J....WJ -JSW....30U #? 4....0J hUT. . jS b*4... .400 | MO....30* ?fc6jT...Mn . 534;?..S00 ?'H1....90U 1 ?se7....wo e Pri*e? caj ? I. Information ftiriiuke 1. Spanish bi'la, tuvsmu* uu. Ac.. Nut tlrawlnf Mav2& TATI.OR ft CO.. Rankera, ho. II Walt ?trvei. New York. \ BSOLIJTK nrVORnCH Oil TA I N Kl? KKOM /v ent state*; ifo publicity; ait'ice froe: Mutofi I'ub he. C(.mmi<>lnn?r of U^cifa for <-verr*iate. 1.awI'oc? mont* pr iperlv or>*i>ar''l FltfcDKKICK 1. KINt>, Attorney. >ii.. :itM Br.mJ war. \ BSOl.C I K DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM OIFFKIt J*\ eni State-; Isyil cv?ry?here; desertion. .*? , ? wit clem can** no puimcltr required; no v. rce Krant"Ut advice irso. >1. HOUHK, Aiiornoy, 191 HroriJwav. A KAMOIU TONIC AND IN VIUOH OOK, AffU A JX. ana ra.lical cure lor gem-rn tldbllity, ilft ? h' h ^ ?**'?" ? ? ?nd V - - ?i*? POI'MM PHITU (if LI Mr; AND ODA. the ureal ?n4 IRT If. Prices pearls. loss of s r??<Hi and app?tite, wa?tlrnr nilknrx of svnrv iicssrlption?W I Ml II lv-1 H P'U'lil) PHITU of LlMK AND ODA. the Kr?at only ' ?re ior consumption- ' Prices $1 ?u : $J per bonie. Preparol onir bv WiJitMEsiKU A Chemist*. 36 John atrset. New York. N jKRVou.s DKBir.i;;. ?r aknks*, ft a WIXCHKKTA?'3 hPKCiriC PILf., a certain And m>of.iy cute for Nsrvoa* Deputy. Wat* uses. Ac.: tssted for : t) /ear* With perfect nu.xean. fc'oi lurtner tufurmartoo send lor a circular. Prist $1 pet box. ?ix bin: ? 9V br mail, aoourely tculi ii w|tu ma .U ? odious lor 1141). l'repnre.i onlr liy WlNi nfciTHit J CO., rheinULi. MJohu sireot. New York. T>ATBMTJ.-INV. MORS DI>t[HKO PAT**? I writs to 0. YCI.K, 211 Cooiuia strsct, Bsltlajors, fc'lUua application, 910. rriiF. skcrkt is our - 9 vkhkv~htRbktTj'tihI 1 piaco 11> not pure itat. Coifecit and Jrooerist; low cut eaeU pries: i?.o : isod*; no liumtiuj. THOUAo k,, a# 7ef?7 street _ ri-IIR O R K AT BAT DIlCOVBRY OK IHK AUE IS HA I IOB1AH' V I. .< 1.11 a N UINIXICXT for ms our# ?f arh"? an I pain*. ft!*o Ohni'Tik. Dvat>nisrr, Colic an# YomltiiiK: warraiueii for over 27 r*ar? anil nersr falieC Ko mrit .r or trnv?,t,.r ?|inu> I lie without It ItUwwrui in ?tl*ht 1.1 |ol4. .ulj U/ IU? drUKW'U,