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THE RIFLE MATCH. Preparations in Ireland for the Coming Contest. THE TOPIC AMONG THE PEOPLE. Description of the Ground Se lected for the Match. DlTRl.lN, Mar 1, 1870. As the time approaches (or the international Blfle Contest? to do ioui?nt out at the end oi June between tlie Ainorloan victors of Oreednioor and the vanquished Inati eight?puolK attention is becoming daily more aroused to the interest and importance ot tne event. It is a recognized topi' oi conversation among all classes, with ladles us well as gentlemen. Animated disci ssions may be constantly heard in ranwuy ana train cars. In ball rooms and theatres?In (act, wherever half a dozen people meet, is to how the time will be filled up. Kvery moment oi a whole fortnight cannot t>* de voted to shooting, and there is a universal wish that arrangements shall be made winch will en able the American gentlemen who are about to visit the country to see it under the most favor able circumstances. MKI.BOTtNG A. PLACE. Rut, after all, the shooting is the cause and oli vet, the motive and the end of the visit ; and everything connected with it must. for the time at least, be paramount, foremost among the mat ti-rs connected with the contest was the selection of a proper place, and it is not surprising thin engaged for a considerable time the serious atten tion Of the persons on whom the choice devolved. Various localities in Ireland solicited the honor ol being the scene or what Is sure to be a memor able event; but the choice became soon narrowed to three plaoM. There was the Phoenix Park, almost in Dublin Itself, where the Lord Lieuten ant resides during the summer, and where all military reviews are held, liut It would not be easy to find within this noble park a level space l.'jooor i,:iou yards long and sufficiently free from obstacles. At least such a space could not be ieuoed off for the purposes oi a ritle ran ire without much Inconvenience. Tue next place was the Murroc of Wicklow. a long, moderately wide belt or sand running nortuward Irom the town of w irklow al ng the seashore. Tins is the ride range of tue Wicklow siiootinsr c.ub. But it has many drawbacks. It is twenty-eight miles dis tant from Dublin and the railway service is not the most excellent, while it would not be possible to provide suitable accommodation in the neigh borhood for a tithe oi the persons likely to be per sonally interested in the siioo:iug matches. It is cut up by a stream which irregularly crosses the grouno and spreads itseir out acre and theie into a marsh. It la to* near the r.illw.ty to make th' Bring perfectly sale. 8o the chances of the Mur roe of Wicklow speedily vanished, and all voices agreed in selecting the North Hull, near uublln. THE li ROUND SKI.ECTKIt FOR THE INTERNATIONAL KIKLK CONTEST. The "North Bull" is a low, sandy down, elevated above the aurroundlug slob, on the northern side of Dublin Bay. Tne re is a corresponding prom inence at the south side of the entrance to tne channel, but it is notably smaller thau us northern feilow. This North Bull is about one mile and three quarters in length, by about 750 yards across in Its widest part, and it runs in a northeasterly direction, inmost para.'H i to tne northern shore of the bay, rum wlucn n is divided by a ch . nuel ol about 800 to woo yards across, which at low water is almost uare. The "Hair' lies a little beyond Clontarf, opposite Doliymoant, st tt distance of two and a half miles trorn the Dunlin t. neral I'ost Office. Trsm cars run uut there from Dublin, and the whole neighbor hood la very picturesque. The whole line of roast, and 'he Hull itself is a memorable place in Irish history, being the scene oi tlie great battle fought t y Brian Boroimne the monarcu of Ireland, on (toud Friday, 1014. which put an end to tne Danish i ower in the island. Ibis battle has * ir. rested tne mioject oi tiray's well kuown ode. "') e Fatal S.Htetf." 'he Hull is connected with the ibore by a causeway and bridge; t lie causewav, tbuwn as th - "Mull Wall." la continued in a south u utheast direction toward the mouth of the river, and was erected maiuiy with the view or oe*-pi>n lug the r?vei cnaitsel, "J preventing u.e extension of the slou, which at low water, is oi immense t\ MSI. TUP BIT I,I. is divided aloeg It* ta ire length Into two strips ' ur nearly ?quai dimension. I tie nortnern suit is ; k i?? vi i kit-n, ri-in?' gradually from tue w;'ter"s eftge. or rattier out o. toe ?i ib. to an elevation at 1 H? inxhea' point oi ui. ut i weuty 0*e leet above I iiiKU watei mark. Tue in..n- 111*1 k lilt i>or- i tiou aa li ible to be covered by extra r dinary bitiU tides, but no mien casualty 1 has happened with in tne last quarter or a century, it ?, Imvrvtr, worm observing here 1 that Hi- lull nas cot alwa>* boaa *- we see it ; now. 00 'mm actually acq iir*J present size, ; snape at o cob-ii'i iicj during tue lives of the 1 younger >f imp i resent (feneration. If anv i nne will look at t ie Ordnance survey in>*;? of ion? I.r Ove tiui'ibir y yearn ago, prepared by Mr Ttonna* i.ur om. or t e Koyai Kngineer-. he will nee inai wnat *?a* then tne Nona iiuii occupied less Ui .n na.f tbe area whlcn 11 now now- its own. and even tnia Mturacted spnci conlU on . oy ci urt> > i>e styled '???-/n tin a at all, belobtriug rattier to i?e category of marshy ? w hit me .irthei or northeastern portion 01 too 1 .1 wts men adnoer entirely eovercd. even at low *at?-r. and on tne sue three eminence* up 1 car. woicii are marked on the map an "islands." ??i*ia?.i?" have disappeared. or rather I ye been annexed by tbe Hoi., wnicn, if it eon- I I.nue- to i>roer>-?t* at the same pace <1 ur 1 r.n ti:e 1 next h.ui centurv, Will. I>? the end of tliat , eriod, II.,ve joined tbe ui un.and at Milton. It is kh'i*u toe const about Dublin Bay is j elowir rismr; but Ike rate of this secular e;eva tiou 1" morn 100 ?low to acoant tor the remark aim- increase of the Bull. This win* m un y at *.rit)uraMe 10 'be iart of me growth ol the si< t> itu-1 c. nsequent receding of me tide. It 11 not ?<> 1 much 1 resn territory won by me land fr >m me k .1 as useleae area surrendered by these* be ? ause it c< u.d no longer cover it with Ita tides. I he southern aide of the Bull is mainly > ora iwed 01 a series 01 roulng sand hills, me nlghe?t oi Wblcb l* raised scarcely more than fifteen or tweufy feet ah ve the le' of tue nor'hern patean. A narrow frtntre of white at rand runs all ? < ug tins -oi.thern aide. The normern tdaieii ts covered with a abort coarae grass. .nixed w.m uioss and In some places patches of lichen* ap pear. Koii/h as the nerb ige |a it appears to oq I relished 1 y tbe "tnail h?rd* or cattle liiat uauaiiy tenant uie Hull. Among the ?and hills theie is scarcely *n> vegetation, even <ae sieuder ree ls which are usually round in aiicn situations aeei.nng to find a ditfn mty In ohtatnuig "root aoio" amidst tM a i',*uii. Per ail that, those sand Uli.s are, in one war at least, a boon, f rom the poaittou or tne Bull it will tie seen iht: eeu- ' ward .1 la quite unprotected aad is exposed to me ta+tand f*>uthe.?~t win ts which trevai. u Dutiim Bav an.I its ne'x'ii orhond. Tho?e w nd* Woiiid ouite raK- 'he plateau Mil for tu?? tnierpoaitiou of tne i>ami bills, waich alie ter it all along its-ouiii easr euire and b-<-ak at least the vtoisnc- of 'lie blast, utiiough they art not .ugh enough to 'u:.i - waru it off. a >u ri R 4! HIFT f OHOCXO. From the ,orr, o - ? r.pti n u ?, I le ??'tt thai fie Bull is a natural rifle groand. i' ts a piece >1 natural waste land, ana . aiialdn for tnlaue or .?ny ordinary purposca 01 Mabaulry, lying quite ( (>*?? *o vhe luetropo is and tci su/"1 lentiy removed r > tbe mam laud to n nuer me w|i?ie?t shooting 01 the un s: In*xnerienced uieaiber o '. 0 "awtward i>una.J ' p< eciiy inuoctious. Amo:ig the lapi 01 ti.e ^and mils (w:'h one exception, to k" presennf re rrej mj no apac*a auffic entiy o;>.)n lor ?;n shori rami's can be lOnnd. >o the plateau is point' 0 ? ut by tne onforraalinn of tlie o ali y as me ex.M-lse grunnd??nd a -a li.?. p a e it ia for the purpose. I ne snort award give* excellent foot bold tor ii>-me ivno s:ariu. an , is a ? arpei kpread b> ini'Uie for those who prefer to lie win e firin/. 11 ere i? scarce an nndniation to ins'rai ? th<? csieniatc u of ar r marksinan. wai the isolated position guarantees almost aosoiuto un 11111 nitv rroin accident. It is not aurpriaing that tne liubiin Hi lie < inr ?bouid have selected it as their prac,tee ground. There are iwop.aees on the gull which s. i ve as points of r'-'erence for dis tance or rertd< 7.v?.is?the Cast tiu ird station and ti.e IHrl'a Ttro. lhe (oritu r pHP e la sitniisd in - mediately at, the entrance upon tse Hull trom rue Cnusewav, and is 'ne uoini nearest tbe abore, ? rom whieR it ts distant about a quarter of ? Iniie. Itnmerfi.iteiy teh.*d the toss; Guard nation ti.e r>.a enu riainv up st that .-pot quickly to its average level, a walk ,,r ,ib. ut tnr s quarters of a mile brings n? to an oblong yard, ienced a l round wi'ii a sione wad. 111 ?im n tb?r*j is a , resident ?? for 11 beru?man 1 rubm, ? neril" . to enfn 1 for ne cattle win n may happen to i e grazing on the Run This yard may p,- a ud to r- st nfon the a: nd htda, st 1 Is well <?'"r"?e:i,"1 ,v th"!ii rrom tne -a-serlf winda, the mvuriab.' oinpani. ns of II e .One -priii: of n 1 Jin mil ,ts netghborbo I. rhls -t ot ina? t>.' considered to 1 ? t ie mair ponit in connection wita trie range*. 1 little a iro t I d! it is tue n?Jo yards ranae; tio-igside is men. 0 1 ?aaO# isufa wane ^atdn suu mvia [ ne a uttie in the rear. We ma; now look about I mi ami get A (JKNK1U1 nUMTHB OP Till f.KOt'Nn. We are standing near itie 'Herd's Yuru." with ou: back to Dublin ani our facet turned nearly northeast. Away to tne lett. beyond the broad j channel, ate the wooded ground* oi Cloniarr and ' Dolly mount, rising rapidly from tb?- water's e<Ue. ] the hillsides dotted with pretty villa residences 1 A little i ur tli ?* J" on tithe broad white Btraud of fUbeney and Sutton; tnen the coast line sweeps lound in a bout tunc, which would be really iieauttful and majestic out lor the miles oi -lot. whicu lie uncovered ai low water and which reek offensively under the summer sun or July aud August. Following this curve, awuv ou its extreme right, we see liowtli [ looming: up in huge proportions, rUing j pre<ipttously iroiu the sea lo a height. of neariy , Mix hundred feet, and stretching along tor about iwo miles. Fr 'in ith northern position, with Its top covered with heather, reflecting banc the -un lit'ht iro> i early morning till evening, the Hill of , llowtn is always a striking and picturesque outset. ! Continuing our survey toward the right, the open ! sen stretches awav lor nines to tne horizon, then our view uatclics the land at Kingstown, and no round by the southern shore of the bav 10 Dublin. Gazing inland, the -ight is very lair and diversified; patches of woodland, grasslands, cultivated fields ? alternating and lading uway towaru the hills which close iu tnt aoutliern horizon?lie "Dunlin Mountalus" they ait called here; and rising to heights varying from 70t) to 1,800 leet, thev are a moat mutable setting to wliut in. un luo wli< le. a pleasing >au<tscape I! we add that a* we stand with <>ur back to Dublin, over beyond the Mutton strand and tne narrow, half-mile lstuinu- which joins flowth 'o the mainland, we catch a glimpse of "Irelaud's Kye,' we gfeail have completed our survey. T11K TARGETO. Coming back to our position, a little in Iron) and to the left of th? "Herd's Yard," 80(? yards awav, directly in front or us, we see tue targets. There are Tour ol tbetn, numbered 1, I. a, 4, frmu tbe northern snore toward the s.tnd hills. tiacn is composed o: six string upright slabs of iron bolted on j t.o a strong wooden frame. Each target , is twelve feet long by six feet high. They . have a round bull's eye, aud, according to the Wimbledon arrangement of 1874, a surrounding | space caned the ? centre," which is again sur j rounded by an "inuer," all the rest being out. j Tue targetB are alternately for long and short range*, the bull's eye for tne long range being j three teet lo diameter, that for the short range oemg oulv two feet. Between each pair of tar gets stands a mantlet or scoring hut ol wood, covered with Bheet iron, properly equipped with i thick windows, slots, Ac. Aoout ten yards In irout of target No. 4 there is also a mant let or sentry box or iron, in which the score marker can sit and note the tiring. I nere is also a large target twelve feet square, > built oi horizontal .sinbs or Iron, bolted on to a strong backing of wood, all fastened securely to great wooden props. Kach siai> is about eight inches wide. I his target is intended cnietl.v tor experimental purposes, such a.s testing aud com paring rifles, Ac. TilK HANUKS?I.ONO AND SH0KT. Let us now return to the "Herd's Yard," near the tlnug station lor Hie 800 yards ran ire. ruin yard, it will ne remembered, rests upon the sanu I hills, aud the "long ranges" are a little to its ie:t nearer the northern shore. Get us now go lit the other direction and cross the nearest sand dills. We And ourselves atonee in a long, narrow, open bp ice. almost level, lying iu the bosom oi the saDd lulls. Just, as the outer plateau is by the law of natural selection the obvious site for loug ranges, so this inner amphitheatre is a natural short range, starting from a spot auii<>at iu a line with the front of tne 'Herd's ^ard,;' aud then measuring forward 300 yards ueany parallel with tue liue oi the long range, we come upon a short-range target, built up like those already described, except mat there are out three slabs, and the size ot the whole is about six leet square. It has its iron mantiet in rront. If we measure back again from tue target a further dis tance of 300 additional yards, we lino ourselves mounting a ?anu lull. Thus we find that this amphitheatre gives us a range of about noo yards as the utmost extent of its accommodation. THE NATIONAL GAME. The Atlantic and Philadelphia clubs played their third game of the series on the Union Grounds yesterday afternoon. The attendance of apecta tors was very small. Game was called at lour o'clock, the Phiiadelpblaa winning the toss and sending tne Atlaulics to the bat. During the game Nichols, tbe thin ba-eman ol the Atlanta's, made several good plays, winning rounds of applause. I hn>mer, tacMuinn aud .suyder, ol the Philadelphia J nine, distinguished themselves both in the field and at the bat. The f'hi adelpbias would Quo it a uard matter to obtain Fulmer's peer at snort I stop. The All ?ntn s, as a general thing show some ' mi us ol improvement. Glimon, as pitcuer, ap pears to caute a iltl>e "uneasineHs''to those who are compelled to bat 'tis delivery. The game throughout was well contested. The following is the score:? Pit 11.A 0SLFH ' A ATLANTIC r'uprr- li.ltl r A K. rtayrrs. HMi.P.A.K MeMulhn. I. f l u .1 u o Koyu. 2o b? o u 3 3 i McUeary, 3d b 12 0 3 1 K.?l. r, s. *. . .u l : 7 I i \ii,!v. r. 1 0 1 o o ? Nichols Sdl>... 1 i 3 il | Mcvrrle. Ut D. 0 His <> I I'linUjil. P ...U 0 0 0 4 . Kfiier i 0 1 1 0 0 emu! 1st U . U I 14 0 U I ijliaer. s. ?... I 1 0 ? 1 I'MU; r.f.... u 1 (i 0 0 Wiirusn, M h 1 (il4 I Kilowael c.. U 0 4 ? Crawley, c. I.. i? I o e u ruck, r.f t< u 0 1 fl M.iiii r,C II II 4 0 0 Psbor, U 1 0 0 J 0 0 Totals. 4 t 27 ill i Total* 1 sr Ulu mamas. <?<*>. I* U 111 II HI 7th. SIK 9tk \tianue o u o o o o u i o?i fnllndele'iia.. 0 0 1 0 0 2 10 o?4 Kikia ?'Arin-il ?Atlantle, 0; Pinlart< lphta. 0 Kirsi base by errors of opponents?aUaut c. S; U<-'i'hi?. ?>. lime "f t a me? ' me hour snd fortv niinulea. I inpire?*r Mamiews, oi the MmnaU. BARE FAI L H( TES. Tht Philadelphia and Mutual clubs pi.iy this afternoon on the Unicn Uiounds. i tie Mateo Island Cricket and Base RaU ciub ?lli play their first ?;arue this season at Camp Washington to-morrow afternoon with the Ar. ltugton Club, 01 Kaat orange, N. J. DEEKFOOT FAiiK. TUIKP DA* OF THE RTBINO TROTTING MEETLNC,? lA/TttB THE WlNHEIi OF THE 2: iilt llA( X?TUK Til BEE MIM Tit PUltHE POHTTOHED AK1EJ. EI VI, HEATH. The third day of the spring iu?ettup :?t Deerioot Pars proved eminently satisfactory. The w-ather was pleaaant, n.a track in excellent tlx and the apart of the moat in tercsting and exciting nature. Two events were on the card -the flrst being a purse of (200, lor horses that never beat three j minutes mil* heats, best three in live. In harness, or thirteen entries < i|tht responded to the ju Ifc' ail? John II. PHillpa' bay Htallioa Compeer (Wtuuvr 0! the U:io race, flrst day oi tae meeting), Wi.ilam O'Connor's nay mar<) Kdiih, William S. Thorn'* gray geld ing Iienry Miller. Peter Manee'a bay telding Canteveim, nr. Hurd's black mare Eiiia betb, Thomas Conner's black gelding Vulcan, j John splan't chestnut gelding Brilliant and J. 1 Walker's ulack gelding First or May. Compeer was I the favorite over the Held, fluo to fto. The flrst ; proved a dead heat between Miller and Compeer, tu 2:40 ,. Tie latter won the second In 3:41, when Vulcan raptured the third and fourth in 2:42 and 2:?1H. Vulcan wan now the lavorlte, and it wax tnought impossible by his friends for hlut to lose it. but Miner and compeer landed under tue ' smug head and uead, and anotner dead heat, in i .. w . was recorded. Darkness approach ng. the , r*< <? wu? postponed until to-day at two o'clock. iuer<- *r<- "111 taree to flnl li the contest, as Bull- l taut and K lzaoetn remain in the stable under the ; rule. i he second contest wa? a purse of faon. for ; horse* that never oeat '2:83, mile boat*. i>e*t threo ! in Ove, In harness, tvhicn wrought to the .r.ire a j ? hot neid"?<1. H. rmiiips' bay aedin* Daceiver, j W. s. Thorn's brevn getdtng Piui O'Mell, jr., J. H. Ooidsmith s buy mare Lottie. T. R. iiHtieyl white tft . itnn Wtitte < loud, and i. Wa. Iter's brown marc Latlv Its tna pools boior* the start Whirs ? i .?ii brottiltit t4o, Lady An le $10, Phil O'Nall ?.4. i.ottie t-o and liecdjVer $12. Lottie sou tue n 1 -?t lien 111 ?:3>. When White Clond went In so I captnred the sc^juj and third 111 2..::^ ani -.31 1 In 'he eeond n?:it I.sdy Annie Was listsnred for i"Ui iim nig. White Cloud and I.ottie cow sold on e\en terms, 2 i" 1 over the Held. O0U1 .mill's m\re won the roiirfi beat ;ti magnificent ?i> e after a severe struggle wun White tJloud, beating bim out oa f a m ad In 2:and -u* ai-o ,u- .redi-ed with 'ne flit a and the rare, after in, ? ei prettiest -assies with White Cloud th:it w.i? evet ?''en '>n &ii? track. coming under the st Ing iti advance by naif a length in 2:3a*?. wn.t? Cioad takes second and rntl o'Nuii tlurd money. al'MM UtT. PKrafOOT Park., U I.. Mar 13. i?76? 1 iniBo i'at Ok the SrKlNO IBMtTiio Miner in 1,? , Firsi Hack.?Pnrse 01 *2uo, lor horses th at never beatttttee mnuites : mli? nesM, best, turee iti flvs, | 111 aarness; $114 to the erst ttu. to ttic second and tvo t<> :tie third iit.rse. Judgea-Mestirs. turiey, 1 ?rr and McMation. rhomas Oonuera' ulfc. f. Vnlcaa 4 3 1 1 4 j. n. rnil'ips' b. s. Compeer 0 1 7 0 0* w. Tttom's gr. g. Henry Miller.... 0 4 2 2 o* I J Bu ^plan's eh. ff. Brilliant 3 3 3 8 3 j i?r. HmuH Mk, a. Eilxabeth ? r fl 5 6 vv u'Coanors b. m. Etli'h 5147 dr. John Walker's w?. g. First ?f May.. 7 ? 5 4 ur. ret r Mauers 0. g. Caatevello 8 h dr. TIMIt. Vtutritr. rtaHI*. First. h< ?? <0 1 19 2:40>l -ecoiid lo-?t 41 1.^0 2:41 Tmrd neat 4u I:t?!% 2:42 Fourth n>*at 40 1 ;?/? 2:4I 1 lltli Itfat 41^ I :2a 2;4l,, ? Poti on* ! until to-day at two o'clrv k. ?um* 1 >av Sitoovn Haob?Pnrse or $300, for AUM W itvat i*U'C. ? In Ore, In harness; tno to tDe first, fioo to lie second and |do to the third. i' t!- U?ld?mub?B b. m. Lottie 1 3 2 I 1 r. B. Bailey'* w. g. White Cloud 2 113 2 j h P V" 4f;.rhI' ?'Ne"' ?"??? * 2 3 a J f " Tl J ,* Deceiver s 4 dis. J. waiver sbr. in. Lady au rue 30i?. rmjs. . Quarter. Half. Mile. Knst heat 40^ 1:17)4 2 35 Second heat 41 12:u:? J bird heat 31 ij 1 ikiy u **i 1 w Fourth neat 40 11* 2 t4^ *l:thheat *? rlo &3s2 THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF MUSIC. When the announcement was first made In the world mat an unknown gentleman a mniionnalre of this city, was auout to enuow dmmg his life time a college or mumc In tne city of New York for the jres education of the American ueopie in the art of mimic, ihe world shrimped its snouldcr? aud said "Can such things ne?" From time to time scraps of news have floated out to the public 1'll l)i. William leaner, tne one medium 01 communication between the generous unknown and the world. The extent of what has been done Is only known to a tew and b is teen kept a secret ?>? them until tne proper time !or divulging it should come. The passage of tue charter of this in stitution by the Legislature has already been made known to the readers of the Hkkali>. The immen sity of the design of this school or mosic has only to be known to be appreciated, in the first place ttie ire? gut of a sum suttiuient to fouud an mst.tu- I Hon for the public good is of itself enough to attract the attention of the world when left ny win. Hut when a wealthy gentleman gives that sum during bis lifetime, so that he may see for himseli its good results?not only give?< but gives freely aud in such a manner that the institution be bas founded will never be trammelled by hall measures or restrictions that make some gifts a burden 10 their recipient*? then the people may well rise up and call him blessed, rnqucstloua bly this coWcge win give a new impetus to j the progress of music in America, and may be the means of placing us at the heaa of musical nation*. A country whose popu lation is made up from that of every other c^uu try in the world may reasonably be expected to reproduce the best charactemfics of each. The voices of American gins are celebrated lor their peculiar, rich and birdlike quality. Although we have not yet produced a tenor of great distinc tion, we have given the world one oi It* greatest prime donne in tne person of Miss Clara Louise Kellogg. We have numerous good orchestras and siuging societies, aud it only need* a littio en couragement to show what we- an do when put upon our mettle. The gentleman who has devoted his mean* to this end will nnn, as soon as his name is given publicity, that republics are not always ungrateful. Ihe names of tue gentlemen who compose the board 01 trustees are sufficient guarantee that there is nothing mythical or speculative in the plans of the American College of Music. They are nine in number and it is safe to say that a stronger board has seldom a at at tne head of any institution in this country, and the generous donor may congratulate himself upon having procured names that will carry so much weight and dignity with idem. Taey are as follows:?Mr. Henry i>. Steobins, than whom no man is better known as a patron ol music in this city or as one who ?ympa uiizes with every generous enterprise lor the aesthetic education of the people; Mr Marshall <1 Roberts, whose close c nueotion with art is too wen known to need repeating; William Blmer M who IB really the projector of tin,greatschool" Mr. wunam H., a wealthy "nd orom ' nent citizen; Mr. Alfred Mmr.nson, well known in financial circles as an honorable ?nd successful man of business: Mr. Charles L. Tiffany ai-o a well-known man of business; ex-tjovenior Mor Kan. J udge Jowett and Attorney General I'd warns Plerrepont. ihese last three names have bJ? beiore the public so loug and in soon dietinguwiied connection tsat tnev ne u no introduction no only to New York, but to lue country at large It wi.l be seen a. a glance that this hoard u?- t(e(.n seieced not only for its prominence bat lor Yt ttuanciai ability and culture. Two , r three mor," names may be added, rait that is a matter for ?he future, its strength is oonceutratej now Biuce the plan* oi tne American College of Manic wer" Orst made known l?r. Kiiaer nas nad ?"er v lews wth and received letters irorn wealthy gen tlemen offennj U) em ow scholarship* or to do anything they can to Inrther the go ?; worn One gentleman cilled upon tue Uo tor 1 ?e othe'r day and begged that be wou d get the old gentleman to withdraw ins endowment let liiiu fflve t&e $6,000. ||j ymd mat He nad long just sue': a pro.ter- ,n his mind and wts only waiting the proper time to make it known He seemed greatly .iisai pointed wnen Ur. himtr told him mat he was too late. Hnamg thai he < ouid not do as he desired, he becged tha*. tne eoi lege would accept a gdt oi $aoo,oJo from his Veh Uiled treasury, which offer was not refused A Uk?*u> representative suggested that this ..IhT ml lionnaire. whose name by the <va?. w ? Bouae hoid word in this citv, wonid do as much with iii* wealth f?r art as t6e former bad done iw iw?? but he would Dot litteo to trit* idea. Mo- ? temple W aD<1 l? U a'0IM! *oa'd l,e fuse's ar* P0""10* *>! "hi. h the Grand Lpe,r*.ilou"tLwl" M for ? ??''? oi veas. ?o that the school may be commenced by the 1st of ?September or even sooner, a iiCH.u.ii renraven tative visited the Grand Opera Uouse lor the pur pose of seeing for himseli how well i. ?? to the purposes of tne school, snd he was thor. ougbly surprised atwsat tie -air "rheVJ." mar J?'Dg E''':hu, *?????? ana Twenty-mird ^\hn?l ConUlu fbf op,sr* Proper: \ 2ti. . rnnnin* neany through to Nintu avenue. The iiaiu oundiug contain* tns omces lately occupied by the Krle Railwa* 0 in pany. Tin re are four stoiles of rooms, earn story coinmuuicaUug by broad stairways of i lack Wai nut. mere are two ro >m? that wo??d do itr < oacerts, whi>*n bold 2,0oo peisons each In me days of tiosi "we rooms i*?,?' > ceiling thirty-two ieet bigb and .? gsllery running ail around, and this was toe bsiiroom. ^.w it is divided Into two room*, with citings of sixteen and a hall ieet m height. 1 ne rootbs that were occupiod by th omcers 01 tue oott pany ate aooat twenty in 01 m m,L?,#'Kanl'jr and fresco. ,| and dnisned in black nainut, anu are excellently adapted [or el as rooms. Kverytbiug aoout tio building is of the most elaborate and substanti i cuaracter. and no taius were spared -o mako th a indeed a grsnd opera boose. Tuere are s*tendl<l arrangements in esse 01 Ore -the mo-t periect n be city, we are told. Kv. a the cellar .a' " mode* in its way, and Is high, dry and well ventilated on every floor of the building mere are doors cons muuic.umg with the uuditortum. Altogeiber it sc?fiii H* ihoitcn Homo power wcri* n work to bring a noble institution like tse College of Mosic to wipe off the cloud from the innocent!brow 01 the Grand Opera Hons*. An iniormai ircetmg of tbe trustees was held Wednesday m^nt. TRIALS OF POLICEMEN. (otBralsitoncr Voorhis held court at Police dead quarters yesterday to try policemen on complaints by citizen*, The Erst ca-e of Interact sailed w ia that of patrolman Jeremiah Mahoner. of the Poima precinct, wh ?stood charged with having received from Thomas Wild, of No. 10? Cherry atreet, the sum of I'AJ. paid lor me purp le of having the officer use hi* influence to procure the release of a boy named William Clifford, arretted on a charge of larceny. An indictment w:is louuu against the boy above named on toe 17th or August. 1072, but he managed to evade the until May at, 1874, wnen ne was arreaed by Manouey. Wild ciaimn that he received $uo from Cllffori'a mother arid paid the same to Uahouev, but tl>e latter denies that he ever received the money. He admitted having been appriacueu on the sub ject by Wild, but ?ays ihu lie rero?ed tne jircttvr?d briDc. I he case wan re.eired to tne loll It iai .1. Patrolman Jotm Purvis of toe Mixteeotb pre cinct. was arraigned en tne charge 'if saving in suited. moused and iliega Ijr arrested Mrs. Kliz* Wetli i/anflcld, te*idiug at No. 4.'i7 West Seven teenth -treet. Fr ra Mi* evidence it appears that shortly before twe>ve o'cioca on the nigbt oi May 1 Mrs. Can a aid went to a i'quor saloon in Tentti nvonue, near Sixteenth street. for the purpose of rinding her husband an i bringing him nome. While thus eo^-airea she waa approached oy Officer PuiTls, wso atrested her on a chargo of disorderly conduct, which charge. bowser. wa> not entert.alDed by the sergeant in command at tne Miauou home, who ordered tua release of inn prisoner. Mrs. Cantieid appeared iii court yester day and told a pitiful srory. she was frequently compelled to leave her house la'e at night te mi her husband, who, she says, drinks freely snd ren ders but little assistance' to her lamily of seven .-mall children. On the n.ght In question, she claims, the officer, seeing her alone. nade Indecent proposals to her, and on being Indignantly re fused, sn? also telling htm that she would bring the matter before his superior officers, the police man literally dragged to Mie station, tearing her doming ajid tureateuing to cloh her at aimxsi e\ery step. The policeman denied the alleged brutality, and asearia that mm woman whs disorderly. 1 tie case was referred to tne full boa.d. THE LIVINGSTONE Ml'RDEtt. It has been ascer alned ny the police of jersey City that Pan Heiliy the alleged murderer or Liv ingstone, la secreted in New York, he has been recently seen several times in a aaioon ?t the corner or Uoostoti street and Broadway. Two rie to. uves weut m uursuit >esterda>, Put failed ta TILE SOCIETY OF THE CIM( 'INNATL ! ?LKTIO* OF OFTIC?IW- HIWrincTAET FIJH AP A j KKVEN-TEUVUEll A RJELiC OF WAHHINOTl'N THK BANC^TKT LAHT EVKNINO. The triennial convention of tbe Society <-f the ; Cincinnati was resumed \esterday uiorumg at l>el- ' iiiomco's. There was a fuii attendance ol dele gates and the proceedings were opened by prayer. ! Hon. Hamilton Fish, tne President, wore yester day tbe insignia or ins office, a costly eag'e studded with precious stones, about two hundred j in numoer. Tin- leaves of tne olive tranches and I wreaths are romposed of emerald*, toe bemes of ; rifry and tlie beak of the eagle amethyst. Aoove me eagle is a group or military emblems? flairs, drums and cannon?all or diamonds surrounding a ribbon upon winch are inscribed the word*. "Presented j In the name of the French sailors to His Excel lency me (iencral Washington. ' which Is also nlti'ided with precious stone*. Above is a bow ol nuiiri aninjue ribbon ol light blue color, witu I white eo^'Cfc. The general effect ot this diamond oaxte, which ccwrt $;i,000. is dazzling. Tbe following is tne l.l-T OF OKKU'KBS elccted yesterdiy for the uext three years:?rre? moot Genera:. Hon. Hamilton Fiati, of Now York; Vice President Geueral, Mr James Simmons, of South Carolina; Secretary Geueral, Mr. George W. Harris, of Pennsylvania; Treasurer General. Alex ander Hamilton, Jr., ol New > ork; As iMtaat Secre tary (.euerai, Richard I. Mauning. of Maryland; 1 i Assistant Treasurer General, William H. Dayton j I ol New Jersey; Chapia.u, Rev. M. h. llutton, of ! New York. Mr. Fish, upon accepting the offl-.e to which he ; | lias now been re-e:e ted .'even times?tuus sliow inu that he .? even worse than a third termer? I I a> kiiowk dged in a few relicitious words the com pllment paid to Uim. He had now been President Honeiai of the Society of tne Cincinnati !or twen D une years, he said. At the time of his first election he wis already In public life, and l.c I had been In office dur tig the greater portion of I tnese twenty-one lear^; bat among all th<- posi 1 tlonx he had ever held this was tne om- do rest to j htm. liifc ieuiurh.8 were received wnn hearty aj>- , plause. it wis stated in correction of a statement that appeared yesterday that the late treasurer, Gen eral i'eucb 1'iighman, was not in deiauir in his ?<? counts with the society of the Cin'iuiiatl, but , simply had not made a staioment oi his account ! be.ore hi* deata, which was sudden. The ? eso u- I tion a<iopiec on Wednesday by tbe soiaety was, i therefore, only to authorize the Assistant Treas- ' uier to take sti ps in order to seenre ucn accouut I I from Geueral iuuhiuan's executors. AN ANCIKNT KKIJC. j Mr. Alexander Hamilton, Jr., pr?Hento<l to the , society a dozen lorka, once belonging to General Washington and formerly in possession of the so ! eiery. Tltev an' piam. turee-proaged steel lorss. witn horn bandies ana silver tipti. This curiosity will prooabiy be sent to me Centennial Kxtilbi tlon. along with m'inv of tne other relies of the i household of tlie "Father oi lu^ Country." 7UK 11 ANyt'liT LAST KVkMNU. Aiier rr,iusa.'!,iu!r miscellaneous business of no ?pedal interest, me society adjourned, and aiter luncaeon tuc (leiearates were driven to the Park in me ele*ant carriages belonging to the members i of the New York State society, in tne evening 1 the grand banquet, took place in the preat hail at , Delmotilco's. AU the delegates anu most of the ! members of tho State society were present I to join in tbis renewal ol old irieuii I ships formed in memory of their lore lathers' fellowship in arms. The dinner was a great su -cesa and reflected much credit | upon Mr. Delmonloo, its well as upon General i Cochrane, of the state society, who wan intrusted I with the arrangements. The speeches were all of a convivial utii! humorous cuaract -r. Mr. Fish pr? sided In virtue ot Ills offlce as President Gen eral, and alluded in fitting words to the gior>ou-> memories wblcn cluateied around ihc loumlers of i this association and for the perpetuation ot which ! the latter wm formed. All me apeccnes, m foci, : i>reatne<l this deieriit in renewing oin ties and | honoring the memory of the lir-i members ol the ' society. Thediuiie. lasred until a late lour, and tbe members ilnallv separated with Hearty haiid ! snaking.-, and coidial wishes oi "an t-rvoir."' Wi.ere tl.e next triennial convention will be held has not vet oecn oe ided. t'Ut > lie prooaoili'y is . mat the hoice will IH upon Baltimore or Churles ton. Tne present reuuiou was tu every respect * complete buvce s. HAliliOR IMPBOVEMBNT& WOKR TO BE FPOFPMl IN TUX CHVNNK1. A BOARD OF KM- UN OHM TO TAEJS TBI MATT I .. IN HANH. Tbe Board ol Engineers a, poiate I by ( onjrref" to inveatig*;e ;?euera. Newton's plan lor tmprov inn the channel oetween Maten island and Ne v Jersey H ire aa jet taken no definite action Ic jond crjuluai Mutit;. Th<> ivca.dent o: tae Hoard is Celouel l. M. Tower and tae Recorder captain William H. lienor, or t!io ? orpi of Kn giuaers; too other members being Ueneral New tjn, Lieutenant Colonel 11. G. Wright una Lieu tenant Colonel J. 1>. Kur:,/.. It i. expected that tbis Board will either uMM QNtril Newtou n pla* or deviae a new one wh';? wM not l>e open to any objection. Dnring tue present session of the Legislature residents on Mateo Island petitioned mat tue work of improvement according to Ceneral New tou'a plan abonla be stopped, on tbe ground that it was of serious embarrassment ant.1 injury to a number of person* engaged In the oyster trade to the vicinity. A joint resom'ion wx-> passed rooom mending that congrra* make no uriner appro priation for the present toward tbe improvement of the channel, Congress, however, made no ap propriation lact year for the purpose. and awaits the repo t of the Board of ti own appoiutuit-i>t before disbursing y more ruontf. it a said t y the irit-uii* of tne Impr <cien\ as carried out nrcoming to neutral Newna'i Ideas, taat iho petitioners ? id not seriously conaldot what Hiey were doing and hat tbep.ea of interference wrh the orater trade ??? mure imaginary real, aa tn re arc no oyster ncis iu in neighborhood, and the o-i.v tr*de trri ? ? oa is wtttttis known as "ires icti if.' wnicn ic cot of conseqnenoe compared wita tnejjiear advan tages < r au improvement in <bc chancl. , ne plan ori?iM tied tiy (ieueral Now ton, and which nas t>eea In great part carried oat. was to relieve vaseis froin inconvenience- b\ ia? 'n* of dike* ao <oostrucie i a? to k< ep tne coannet ele ?r or sediment aa I affoid boats a clear course mro'ifh viip Kill von KuH. und mi mo i.niKi lest of ihe dike, running irom iiowianu Hook wtll he completed tin- week, and on com pletion of this part tbe work *ui beutsconunue I, not tone resumed uuHi alter the report of ;ne lloard of hngiueers. im* dike was to runout to a i.Hint near Ml.outer's Island, where it woull meet another dike connecting hi right am;, s with a trlrd, wh.cti would start roro the s-'ore near the railroad at Eiigatietbport. and mn par aiiei with the one tront Howiand Moo*. Theaike iroin Howiand would tie aix'ee i inn a tta.f feet in <ie|.tr.--the lowest deptn of lUe chBBiitl 1 aroiimi Kill tron Knil?an l wooid iorm tlie raatu (laaoaire. tbe two otier dikea beiorf acceasort a to the object in view?vi'., to pro.ect the v?#sen from tne tiro r>ars at this point, one o' whim I* to ihr west ol the l^jwet Wake and tne other a little neiow shooter's laland. surron ultn.' the Corner Make Ik a flat, and at timei Aa m.iiuf tin i w> \ar boats have been seen hereag^ound. loget around 10 Kill von Ktill it la necessary to hen I aoove t .e t>ar At the Corner Stake, and then to come don n aud (o around tbe t?ar below fcho<>ter'? Island, the width l?e'ween tne two bars beli e over 'wo un dred yards. The dike irom HowiABd'a Uoo* would rnn in a straight line not ween tne Corner stake and Shooter's laUnd in a iiepih of sixteen and a ha'.r rcet of water, right out into the han ael and on to Ki i von Ku l. At ti:e present time the flat is constantly the re ceptacle of Ndiment lodged t. ore. on the enb tide by tie waiera from VcwArk Kay. ont of the I'AAsaic And llacken^ack rivets. Alougni le tbe <luc<. aucn a* (lenerai Sewttm uropose I to lorm tttem. there were sure to tie currents Which would sweep ,i way tbeae aett'tngs on the chan ne ofd ana so arrange rne aenarati >n or the tiaeg at HhOOter'A l-i-tnd tnar no obstacles t.j niemovj mcrits of the oi^lts conid arise. The opiHisition ol some ol t ^e ~r,?ten lalander', however. Das tnccuetfgd in sioppmg tne work lor tbe present, but it is said that tu?aj ol the peti tioners aueatlr rgfrct tne p.r; t? ? io<i* in I n peding the imt n.veuient or the cbannel. *t ail events, aeverai mom us must now eia se belorn tne i:,,ard "i Kniftneers ran maice a report. an<< ?Beu further delay wi ! ensue t> ? ? onere-s grant an appropriation. Home idea may t?e formed oiihe importance au improvement in the chatMei At me pmnta above named wnen it Hi remembered that Ikmj All larti of tbo soutaero coisr. ana. boats Ann ste mi propeller :, p??s thr.ugn this troublesome wnhia which these bsrs and flats are circumscribed. Prom up tne lUritAii Hiver, :roin Southern norts, over tons of produce nave t>e? n boated through this pottM n a rear, and over 5,iksi.ouo more have passed from oilier pons. The ?TA>e Importance, tbereiore. of an improvement in ih* f.nannei a< -i iooter's Isian.i an I its vicinitr won d seem to claim acknowledgment. I is sain that tie men engaged in ti.? "ireAnenlng" ol . yaters at the place uo not number uianv morj than naif a hundred. SUICIDE BY SHOOTING. R. H oimstead died at the Long Island C'oiiege Hoapiui. Henry sireet, yesterday lorenoon, fro i ths effects of a p: m"is lot wound in the head. Deceased was found aeeted on a hench near tt.e sixih avenue entrance to Prospect I'ark a lew days ago. M* eding from ? wouud in tiie he..d, wiik n ne inflicted tilmseii. lie gave as an eSctise Mr tne rash d;ed fliianciai dlrilculiles. lie was a nali te oi tue nlted Mates w is nventy-flve >eai s 01 age anil leaves A- He who reside* a; No. 104 hiiiOi avouuc. AN INTER-INDIAN WAP, Break ug Out of Hostilities Between the Snakes and Sioux. SKITOI OK AN ANC1KNT NATION. A Great Chief a*nd His Friend ship for the Whites. On Tut Pi.ains, May 7, 1S75. Some days arothe telegraph informed the read er ol tne Hkkai.u mat tbe ston* and Arrapahoe Indians bad gone to fight the Khoshones. We , now have the first tut ol ludlan news In this cam pal en, which comes to in irom the wind River j Valley, and is iu favor of the Sioux, they having | stolen some pomes from the Shoshones. Tlie I Shoshone-, or Snake Indians-?as tbey are beat j knowu by the latisr name? possess an uncommon history and nave been at w*tr with tbe Sioux for I over hall a century a residence of over three years among them will enable me to tell you something about tbem Their earliest recollec tion, tbey uay, of while men is ol Lewis and Clarke, who, in lhtie, cam* up tbe klissouti River in the middle of tbe hot moon (August) and ascending the Jefferson Pork, tied their boat and came to tbe village. Tbe tribe then numbered ia.000 nouIh and wan under a great chief named Cameafcwait, wno really seems to have been a great man and a sort of King Philip in the West. The Indians were greatly excited at tbe approach of the white men, and some wanted to kill tbem, but Camealiwait bade tbem be quiet and sent out sixty warriors to receive and welcome the stran gers. Tae great chief met tbem at tbe edge of the village and escorted them to a lodge made el new skins, where he washed their feetj gave them food and ordered tbe whole tribe to show tbem every respect. he went young men to wait on Lewis and Clarke and offered them young women for wives while they Btayed in his village. Tnis royal host seems to have entertained the white men as became a king, and when they departed he accom panied them with an immense retinue to their boats. The snakes, or, in their language, tbe Sho sbones, in those days (lfcoci were scattered over I a large territory and claimed a'l the lands between j tbe Columbia River and Missouri Valley. They ; roamed pr.nclpaily on Green River, near River, Sweetwater, tbe Colorado and Plat;* rivers, and bad vast herds, numbering tens of thousands. Their neighbors were tne Sioux. Blackfeet, Oo j munches, Minnetarees and Pawkeen, and tbey j were constantly at war Tbe Snakes were a TKKKOK TO AI.L NATIONS, ' and tbey fought with a de#per<itiou and bravery equal to the Greeks and Romans. < arrying im mense shleKts of buffalo hlda on their left arms and spears in their right hands tney advanced to battle on foot, and nothing could exceed the ferocity or persistency of their attack. It was not until 1810 that tbey obtained guns anil learned to use them. They bought their arms from the Yellowstone Indians, who said they got them from fur dealers (probably the Northwest Kur Company). Schoolcralt thinks the Shoabone Ic | dians were one of the primary storks of Rocky 1 Mountain Ind.ans, tut in this he was mistaken. The Snakes say they cume from the south, and they are undoubtedly a ?> anch of the Oamanebes. i Una view is sustained by General Alvord, now l aym iHtcr General ol the army, who served thirty years in the Wi st, and by ( olonel Cady, wi o knew the su.ues lor forty yeura. and in 1863, at Port Laramie. recorded them as an otfahnot of tbe Comanche family. What caused them to soparaie from the Comanche*, or when the sep aration took place is notparticniarlyknown.bat the uuke traditions put the independence of r.he 1 tribe at itho to 1787. aud that ts probably about the time tbey separated from tbe patent stem of tue rrt! e. j Il.v Uec.iT of tne Snake tru?e has been very marked. In 1M!> th?y were divided into two di? | unci tribes, Eastern and Western Sboshonef, and hi l.sfiO they broke up Into four bauds, Root Bar or*, Buffalo Katers, Sheep F.sters and Honer [ Hater-. Ttie tribe in ltt?) numbered 4,900 aonls. lu IMP the; had declared war agalust I the white*, and lor a time necessitated the abandonment of tbe route to Califor nia. Kiev were among the (ew Indians who understood the efficiency of a charge in battle. From behind a bin toe* would daah oat oa their ?wllt ponies, swoop down on a tram and shoot or tomahawk the driven almost before any one could draw a revolver. From Sweetwater to iiivea uver tne road is marked with sraves of emigrants s.aiigSiereu by the Snakes, and almost cv ri mil aul oafion baa a history of blood an.! murii- r. in it<?u the Snakes were divided Into l.ake I 'la gers Salruou b*ter?, Slieep l atere and KuUaio Katers. in t winter ofis?3 iko bauds, alter a ioii.' truce, having become again hostile ro thk v, nrras, Genera'. 0?.ti ior with a regiment of California volunteers, surf rlwil them ou Bear River and ,u most annihilated them. Ihev now uumtier ;ess man 2,000 -ouis. (be Ag*-dlk-ara. >r Sainton Caters, live on -nake Itivcr au<l, aa their name 1 null at.:-, subsist ou salmoii. me Took arlk-aru. or ?lie [i Ra'ers live on salmon River and eat the mosaaion, or Rockv Monr.ta.n sheep. liieau are tn wiidesr looking Indians I ever ss-t. The K ?oisa-uk*ara. or Buffalo Ka ers. live on Wind Kiverand .re known at Wnsuakie's buod. U ia tnw baud the mob* an<i ArrapaUoes have <ro e to flRht. They live on tbe of I,it ie w,nd River, wtier- they nave an ageucv, and two years ag < Wash ?kie atm i>i- baud uumuercd J, 4j | -ii..- an* could must* r 30 ?.irri> a lor battle. I ne wnter waa tn th? wind R ver country in l <k?, t>,o. it-71 .ml of i?:j. When tne sweetwaier ?jo.,l mines were opened in i ?<* an.l ps?pie began to Hoi k in Red Cioad claimed tbe country as tsioux ianU and warned the wuitea to leave. Washakie at once ?ent w< rd tbe ? tat d belonged to the >nak. a, aud the whitea were bin friend* an l should remain and mine if the/ wished. Matties were lought in th. summer of l?o? between the Saakes ana whites ou one aide and ihe Sioux on the ot;,er, ubtll IB the sprint of I860, when the government seni i4 its troaps, oe. spied tbe country and built a fork to protect tne mines Tbi* lort waa known a- old Fort l.rowu. and was di?mantl?<] lu 1871 and removed to tbe head oi Little Wil d River, where it la now kno?*n a* Vew rort Browa, auti at tlie present time is garrisoned bv t ompaby H. Second l itled Stat?s cava ry. la 1870 the govern ment built a I Wo company P"St near Setitn Fas. on the side of tie Wind uiver Mo intaiua, an-t it ta now known a> Camp stanibeugli, and Is garri soned by Company i?, .second I ntt-d .iui^s cav alry Major D. ?. cordon (ommanding. Thejort is named alter l ieutenant Stambaugli, Who fell lu i87o. whim gaii.ii.ur flgatina the Sioux Indians in the Wind l.'T?r v .ii ?. in tue *uuimer ol i?w He.! t Ion i sent down -w warriors uuder on,; or nta be-t rtsihting chiefs, Utile attack sa l harass tu.) troops in tbe Wind Kiver coantry. Ttie. came into tue f'opoagle Valley, killed cpht wmte men and anMMfded iti klUing or.e soldier, wuen Lieutenants i>mw adie and Ht.imi>AUkn. wi.n ttiirty men ol Coiu;auy D, deoond cavan^, au i llvu otizsii*. artAritrn thb nrou.vs ki'led Six and five Ol ira warrtnra. The light la ;ed r m iv? o'clock in the afternoon until sositand enoed in Ine retreat of the in diaua. Tne rro..|>? tost sevauieea ooraa* killed ati.i wounded, one aoldl r killed. Rve w uih I anu one dtiien wonnued. ??sh*kie and ti * I i.ans wera at tie time seventy mil's up tae Wtti.i River, he was sent word to romc lown and attack tbe moux in :r.?nt, while tae troo ^ wcu.d loliow tbeui np bat Wat-hikie ioo? t:ie wrong side of tbe mountain and missed tbe -Ions. At oue lime tne two bodies if Indian were within tore* miles of e ich other, tbe one coming down aud tbe other going, tin, only a low mcitiiiialn 8?t>, rating iHem. but neither i ar'y ?*?? t^e oilier. Had Washakie taken the other -id of moantaiD not a Sioux .vould have escaped. Washnkte bit'erlv felt bl?>ne attached to him b) me United Htatesoflkrers ior allowing tn.' sioux to escape, and early in the spring sent twetrj '*ven picked war.iora t? steal their eoun rr, aurpri-e t lie >:on* villare and run off ponies, i h.-y succeeded. t?nt as they returned with tbeir l>ot>iy tuev were our off in tbe mountains, surrounded aad mi killed but oue. turn warrior had tour severe wonniH on his body, and tke last ronr mt:es tie craw > d on his hands and knees, nelng uki wean to walk. He was p,liked ui> bv Major Hal l win an I it'll > n tradei. taken to ins house and careiul y aurac I un a ne recovered. in thesprlnf^i 1871 tnesionx, Araptr>oei and Northern Oheyenoes lormcd a cossoined expedi tion agaiteu the ^uakes. ins Chiei. Waabacie. bearing of ttietr ootaing visited ?'amp ^lam augh, and asked tuo Iniied States officers for help. in* Commaadtng tiffl ? r ?aid the govornmeut was not at w*r wiiu the Cbsyenoas or Aimpaboes bat he sym a thl/.eil with Wa hakie and wonid do what aeconi.l to neip htm. It was then arranged a eompan* of ra\ ury Hluiuld t?e sent to support the Snanes. Iftio were to do all tne ttuhitng. Washakie advasced, ?autflit Hie tiostlle Indians, routed them ami took sevaniesa icaips and a lot of'ponies. He l.>s; tive li.iit.iua, l)a >uia uCCUktou Was..akl? disputed tue | greatest bravery, dashing into a cave where s?m? > Cheyennes had uk<>n rciuge ado wut bis own band Killing and dragging out by the uair a wurrior whom ne scalped. At another time Washakie charged atone som- Sioux who wer? crossing a ford, and, with a sabre, cu* down an 1 killed a warrior. SKETCH OP A URKAT CHSEP. Wnshakie is about sixty years of age an>! one et the flui'dt loosing Indians 1 ever saw. Me la over six leet tall, perfectly proportioned and bit; laco closely resembles that of Washington. aa seen .n I'oale's paintings. lie dreaaes la citizen's cloth ing. and flgnts wim a sabre and revolver, if 8>oux and ArapaOoea, aa reported, bave goue dowu In force to the Wind River Valioy, to make war on hirn [bey will bud the old warrior ready to receive them. *od, unless I am uiucli uustakoQ, tiiey w.ii iu ibe end iret the worst or it. Colonel Raker, or Pegau lame. ia in command of the Wind Klver district, and of course will do ait be can to aid Washakie in repelling tna enemies. Last summer when General Sheridan sent out Captain Hate* to attack the Sioux on tbe l ead i t Powder itlver for the murder of white men Wa shakie seut 10") warriors aloog to help the troop*. Lieutenant Young was shot down in the battle l>y a bull through the knee, and the Snake Indiana dreaded his bodv until he could oe got ofl il>o Ueld. and tnus saved his life. APPRENTICES FOR THE NAVY. THE FRIGATE MINNESOTA DX01ONATBD A8 A Hl CJUTINO THti TKKM.1 UPON WHICH THtf HOTS ARB EVLISTED. The steam frigate Minnesota, now stationed in this harbor, has t>een designated aa recelvtnor ship for boys between tha ages of sixteen and eighteen, to be trained for tbe uaval service nuder certain snecititd regulations. Already a nnmuor of lads, with the consent of their parents, have joined th? vessel, where they are to remain under instruc tion until they reach tbe age of twenty-one, when they will be enlisted lb the sirvice of the Halted States. This experiment, for it ca,n be called hardly anything eise, judging by past experience. It li thought will be productive of considerable good, both in respect to opening an honorable and useful career to the boys and also in respect to :m. proving tbe character of seamen employed on American ships-ef-war. On former occasions youths were raken as naval apprentices with the prospect, if exhibiting proficiency In studies and correct deportment, of being sent to t he Academy at Annapolis for further instruction, so as to qualify taeui to become midshipmen and thus commence on the road inat lesds to the highest rank in the naval -ervice. itut the plan Uitl not work well and it had to lie abaudoned. The Secretary of the Navy now proposes to fake boys between the Hges aoove mentioned, of ro bust frame, intelligent, healtnv constitutions aud live feet one inch without shoes, on board na tional vessels. The education will ouiv comprise plalu Knglish branches, alternating with practical seamanship and other professional occupation-) designed to prepare th<*m to be sailors iu the navy. I he boys are enlisted at the rate of $10 60 per month and oue ratios. While set vlng on the Min nesota in tills harbor they msy, if deserving, in promoted to the rating of lirst class boys, and on sea-going vessels will be entitled to higher ratings at me discretion ot their commanding o dicer a. ad a reward for proiicieucy and good eenduoi. Hoy* on being enlisted aro lurnlsiied an out tit of dom ing, for which tney are to pay themselves. They cannot allot any portion of their pay to their parents, but are allowed to dr.?w monthly $1 lor pocket money, and aro also allowed to go on saoro at the diocrettou of the commanding ptlieer. Boys who may be recommended tor honorable discharge utou the expiration oi their enlistment are to receive continuous scrvies lionets them to three months' ex'ra pay and tbe addition of $1 per mouth to tueir pay, prov.ded tliev re-> n llst lor tnree vears within three months. Boys injured in the service, or liavinir contracted disease in the line of duty, are entitled to and will receive pensions. Iu s-nie cues aa unperiect knowledge of and writing will not t?e re garded as a barrier, and preference will be given to the sons of old sailors and soldier*. 'liieoe terms appear to be quite liberal, an<1 so far'here m a good prospect oi obtaining a tarjre unrulier of youths. The Minnesota >s a line vessel, and toe oftlrera in charge uave been selected in view oi their lines* lor taking charge ei buy a who aro destined to till valuable an i use mi positions in the service oi weir country, The Sa me is stationed at I'orisjjioutn, N. d., ;or a similar pur pose. NEW YORK CITY. Matilda Schwab, living at No. 68 a.enue A, wuiie playing wu aom- Leans yej-ierday aiteruoon, accidentally fell, sua atning a fracture oi the lei', sue wus taten ia Beiievue Hospital. Samuel F'rank, a/ed thirteen year?, or Ne. SI j f.idridte street, wan aecldeu'aily run over by a truck at the corner of canal an i Mdrldge street< last night, s .staining a lractnre or the leg. Kiiza Hoimes, forty yean of age, living at No. ! ~is Kas! I wenty-dftb stroct, died suddenly at tier reMdenot last night without m??rtic*l attendance, rue Coroner vt? notified to nold an lnijuost. Charles Hennl, aged two years, died yesterday at the residence of hla parents. No. 024 East Elev enth atreet. trom iniunea received on the 8in lost., by Doing ran over by a butcher's wagon. John Pebter, a child nix years ol age, was severely injnred by falling down an embankment I at Mxty-nlnth atret and Ninth avenue yester day afternoon. He was taken to his residence. Francis Mann, residing at No. 242 East Forty second -treet, accidentally fell off the platform ?l a Third avenue car. at the corner of Broome street ana toe uowery, last night, breaking u.a arm. Jeremiah Sheaban, of No. 147 Leonard street, whiie at work on the buildm? So. M Mercer street, accidentally fell from tae second to the tlrst floor, sustaining severe lateruiil injuries. Us was -eni to Bei evue Hospital. Theodore H*ed, tne young man who stabbed hit stepfather, the particulars of which cr.tne were tully given In the Ukraid or yestcrdav. wae committed to ttio roniha yesterday by oroner Croker to await the result of tuo inquest, wluca will ee heid lu a lew days. A K ing of thieves ooarued the schooner Ann Clover, OBp'aln Terry, Ivtug at pier 1 N'ortn l iver, on Monday evening', and s:ole the ship's ciirononit-t.-r. me captain g*v? chase, and the thieves Kuding themse ves si closely pursued dropped their o <oiv and eacaped. Toe Roman Cathonc Church of'st. Bernard, to West Fourteentu street, of whlcn Rev. Qabnel Healer is pastor, will be dedicated on Snnday, the .oth In*'.. ' y Cardinal Mc('l> skev. assisted h? Bishop MoQnide, of Hocuetrer. \ large nnmrter of priests wtr he present atoJ the ceremonies woi he very Hie members o: the Senior Debating Society el *t. John's College, Pordhatu, pave a lite. ?ry en. tertatnmeut in the college hall yesterdav c nsist* ing of debates ai.d recitations. Trie relatives and triends of te collegians were present to large numbers, at.d tesnded their hear r appreowtlon of the order of extorises and the mtedei-voai nwnner la which the debate* and recitatu us were rendered. While Mri. A. H. Baldwin snd child, snd Mr?. r>. A. Baldwin, residing at the Cramer, y Perk Hotel, were riling in a carriage yesterday noon the horses took friglr and ran away tbrowinir the driver irotn tils s^at. Holding the cniui in i-ei arms Mrs. k. II. Ba dwin endeavored >o Jum,j irom tne ve'de'e. o*i' IB doing to the infant re ceived r* ne\e.ecutiu the oretisad. No one els? w is Injured. The commencement ex?rn?es of the Law school of the lo l varsity ot thecityof New York wiii he held this eveam;; at stein way Hall, st eight o'clock. CnaMellor Crosby. i>. 1>., LL. D., win preside and cotier the degrees on th? graduating ctaea ol f-irty-one memo rs. snort sddrasses will he mads t>. p.i,. Jennings, A. f.yoolt, J, A. Cantor. J. I. stein. J. 1>- Aureus and M. J. Keogn. ot the ' lass, n,o an add rose to 'he class by Mr. \V K. Martin. aii e--*:ij prize of fiVi * 11 prize* of *150 for it ? bast written and $1 -<i for tha utst oral e x am ma iion wi.i i.c awarded. BROOKLYN. Henry Aliern. aged six years, fell off the doc* a|r th- foot of Held ?treet. south Brooklyn, yesterdaf atetnoon aad w is drowned. The body was taken to itic re id ticc of nis parents. No il4 Conover -t. ct. corouer Mmma wan aotifled to Bold an in quest. i?wen In'lev w:vs arraigned before Judge Rey. Boiua, in the City coart. yesterday, on a charge of mayhem. He w as sccu-ed of tdfing the tbum? nearly otfot Waiter Westiske, witn weom he qtiar relie.i ou a Myrtle avenue ear. Tr e accusta was admitted to nail tu the sum of |2,000. Mary wtihams. ef No. isj Eldridge street; Mary Wiison. of No. 1S6 cherry street, and James t. Kaymond, of No. 5^8 Third street, New York, wero iirrosted by two of the central Office police isster <uv on suspicion oi shoplifting, ihree coats, a olen from Messrs. Won A Levy, of No. 131 Fulton street, were lound in the posseaaioa of Mrs Wil liam-.. The prisoners were locked up to answer. 1 he Board of Estimates met yesterday and re ceived estimates oi expeuaes from several of the departments of the city government for the .vac 1S76. The amount raised fcr city purposes during t>e current fls. ai year was f i.aoi.ih. aed io( ti e county govornaent $1.491,70? m. The Depart, went oi Assessments can# tor (M.iuO; the Jttayor'i ofthe, fla.soo; Board or Audit.. Hoard e* Aldermen, $40.000; pe; ot city i.aii ind as-'.s^ auU, ?o,4uo; F turtii Uiatriut comt. IT.lifc