Newspaper Page Text
? TO I.KT FOK BPHIMBMM PI HPOM?3. fmNJJll) LOFM, WINDOWS ALL J\ , n,uu(|. with nn abundance ot ?tcam ami elevator: vrnw moderate. Inquire on premises, lirst avenue, fweaty ninth and Thirtieth xin. IIKKMaKN koEHl.RK. \ NICli STORK, ON ELEVENTH A V B VV lrut? mid Fllty-secoud street, to let at a low lent; SLitablo tor diuugist; iiou? in the neighborhood. * A. J LIPPfc A BRO., at Eighth avenue. A ? I'.I.EOANT STORB AND DWELLING-nice /V tussement; cheapest store on >ixth uvenue for ? lie Si*.*, three years' loase. IiKiulre ou premises, 199 sixth kveoue. near Fourteenth street a KAKE CHAM'K FOR A BUSINESS HAN.?TO /\ let or lease. 97 and ?9 (Ireenwieli uveuue. splendid Bar, Billiard ami Hull Koom; also theatre attached ; ratable lor any bltMness; urms moderate. Apply at 217 >v??t 1 luileenth street. A baxk.MKNT AND KI.'B-CELLAR TO I.ET-25X73 jV ie<*t. suitable for a wlue cellar or storage. limuiie N > 6 Park place, near Broadway. ir ; ?*) BROADWAY, CORNER LIBERTY STREET A ro>m 3. most deslrahlit location for insurance, real ?state broksrur lawyer, Desk Room, or l'art of OBice jeutfld ii preferred. A LARUE, rUI.LT FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, ON the upper terrace. New Brighton: al>o. one uiifur lushed, uear terry; iari;e grouuda fine view. A. PIlEN'Ilt Ii, 2uj Broadway. A ? I'O LF.T OK Lt-'ASK Foil BUSINESS l'CR. /\ . [io?h the lour story high stoop Building No. 4 St. m irk i piisee. J. C. BAIlEY, 50 East Fourth street, nenr Bowery. A ?TO IiET. 33 UNION . Ql'ARE, BROADWAY SIDE, J\ . between l lftoentli uihi Sixteenth streets, third and I >'.rt(i Floors, for business purposes, studios. cosLUiner, iiiTlcim jr otherwise; the most pleasant rooms. being uo hoitite 'iio Park; rent low. Rinj{ the bell lor Janitor. A PART OK U N FU It NIS H ED OFHICE TO LI T ./V -heap?$12 per month; goorl Unlit and every eon Venienoe: location, Broadway, near l hambers street. Address H. M., dox 137 Herald ottlce. A LAROB STORI AND B \KE\l NT TO LET.? /V Apply on premises, to JOHN PARSONS, 28 Broad >?>. AN UNDISPUTED FACT. Til F. EVENING TELECItAM HAS LATER NKWS HVhKV NIOIIT AND MORE READERS THAN ANY OTHER KVfcNINO NEWSPAPER IX THE UNITED STATES. A SIXTH AVENUE STORK TO LET?ON THE WEST J\ jftlie avenue. hctwoen Fourteenth snd Twenty third Pt' WU: handsome plate glass Windows, with Fixtures, (tillable lor nnv kind ol business. for tale, with or with iut8i)4k. Address R., Herald office. A < iUNCE.-FOR SALE CHEAP. AN OI.D E-TAB JY lished private Hoarding House. near Hroadway. Vvith t unit lure and lease: ov r IB yeora established. Iu U'llrc ?t K*i West 1 hirty-third street. A -TO LET, ATIIltEB STORY HIQH STOOP NOVA J\> Sootla stone Dwelling, wltn Store, on o le ol th? I'*5 ft oortiers ot Fourth avenue: flrat class location lor a li'iuor store ; will rout utijiariitely or together. tiili^R WOOD, WALDRON A .>0N 1,011 Third avenue. IjM.FOANT BASEMENT STORE, LAROB KITCHEN. 'J Ac., in house (<3 Ninth street. Just west of Broadway; doalritlilu for restaurant or laundry. IiM.KOANT FRENCH FLAT, l>VER F.yl'lTABLE !i savings Institution, Sixth avenue, corner of'fwelftll Streot, ^1 "coi deep; six front roouis; rent $30 monthly, nqniro ia the bank. FACTORY TO LET?NRW, WITH OR WITROl'T X- atoam power, 5 x91 tect, 6 atones, or in Floors, to suit 6nv ousiness; rent very low. Cull at the factory, West Iftilrly-Uurd street, near 'lentil avenue. Front basement to let-for lioht bcsi nnss purposes. turnl?hed nr uumruished. No. 14 West Eleventh street, near Broadway. "TTOTBL?75 ROOMS, Fl' RNI^U ED, TO 1 EASE; ,.3 1 full of paying boarders; rent $7*0 per month; also mii elegant House oil Twenty-third street; reduced rcut, ?Apply City Hotel, corner Broadway and Eighth St. Tarok parlor, in business hopse, with J ilrst clasa dre-smnker. lor millinery, op making, luce work, patterns, faucy i coda or any uicu ladies' bu i J10S8. Apply at 891 Broad wity. NO. 31ft BROADWAY, CORNER OF PEAKL STREET.? To let. Offices, together or (epnrat< It, witti neat, Kis and water. Apply to S. B. llL'TC'lilNUa, No. 33 i >hn street PART OF SIORh TO LET?WITH OR WITHOU1' Str>ck of.btationery; rent, aocordinu to space, low. Apply In store, 179 Eighth avenue, one door above Nine ?*"iith street "T>00M8, WITH STEAM POWER, AT MARBLE MILL. JV Twenty.second nut Iwenty-tnirij streets, near Third avenue, New York; also corner Front and Pearl fctreeta, Brooklyn. _ WILLIAM BUKDON. STEAM POWER TO I.ET?BASEMENT AND FIRST Moor, H# by 41; aUo two Lolts low. with extra light (?levator; heated by steam. 160 West twenty seventh st. OTKAM POWER.?ROOMS AND FLOORS TO LET, O with or without Power, rent low, to woodworker* ?r>4 othera H Pell street. OTEAM POWER TO LET-LAROK AND OH ALL O Rooms, with or without power (woolworkers a' lowed) at ihe Eureka Machine Carving Works, 6j, 02, t>4 an 1 6li Gannon street. CTRAM POWER, WITH WELL LIOH.ED ROOMS ? J and a ground Fluor, 60x1110, to let. Apply to It. II. I'LA'B, on pretnisri, Nos. Sri and 204 Fast Twenty ninih utr-Mt nl, lining lbird nv-nue. STORE THREE BOOMS AND CELLAR, TO LBT 4i3 West 1 wenty ninth street, next to corner Ninth >avenu<i; good nelgtiborhooJ : ?35 u month ^aiiWUND H. Makhni., 109_ est 1 hirty-sixth street. T) LET-A STORE IN A DK-IRABLE LOCATION iu Ll/hm arcuue; Fixtures for sale. F. W. SEYBEL, liTl Eighth arena*. To lkt?>T(?re, basement and l?>fts in no. 41 ihotnaj street; will divide to suit. NATHANIEL. ROE 201 Vuriek "treet TO LET?THE FACTORY NO. 38 ItENWICK STREETj has engine and elevator; or will tell the Lot, building and Machinery cheat*. N A IT 11 .M h L KOE, 200 Varlek street. TO LET?THE STORE aM> LOFTS NO. 17fl CHAM bers street, near Washington street, together or ?eparato. rant re ry low. NATHANIEL ROE, 200 Varlek street. fl'O LET?STORE AND BASEMENT, NO. 61 hPUIN'O i. street, near Marlon; rent lew. JOHN 1>. WENDEL. 79 Maiden lane. rpo iiRT?THE SPACIOUS STORE, ,1H# THIRD AV^. 1 nue; 25x115 feet in depth, with two I,otts above; a ilt.ttii" tor lurntture, pianos, dry goods, or lam-y busl inrss, with larre show windows fitted up, and ga* flx fircs complete. Appty to JOHN FhTTKf.'lt'lf, 1,2 0 Broadway. rpo LET-LOFTS, No. 2f t SOL" 1H STREET; EACH J 31x90, having steum Hoist. rl.ET-A TART OF STORK. SUITABLE FOR A real estate. Insurance or sowing machine atrency. Apply i<> KSmII'iI Kxpreaa, 745 Sixth aveuue, between Forty second and Forty-third streets. qiO LET?FIRST FLOOR IN NO. 2 WI ST THIR 1 tej nth street, tor private r?-l lenee or light bu inesa purnoses; good location, one door from Mtth avenue; formerly occupied by dressmaker. Inquire on ine p rem !>?<. rnt) LKV-8ECOMD AND THIRD FLOORS. FOR ANY 1 (g!it business. Apply at 31 ?e?l bird street rpO LIT?A SHOWROOM WITH; A A ?oud opportunity for a flrut i-laxi milliner; locatlou ?-riti il, in vicinity ot Fifth iiveuue and t'uluii Miliar*. Aildrean MODKS, 11 era 1 < 1 offlce. rilO LET?NO. 8 west fourteenth street, 1 near Fittb aveuiie, a nicely furnished Set of Room* on fi*rlor floor. suitable lor a physician or dentist; also true Bedroom on third floor; term* moderate. TO IjRT OR LBAHK-T1IK five STORY BUILDTNO 2*? ai'd 31 New Howery, corner ol Madison street, with Ktnre and B*?*mcnt. witli extension vault*. Apply to P A. MuRRIdON, 1H Nassau sweet. rno RKrcT?in brick blmldino hiUthwfst 1 comer f ourth avenue and I Ighly-etghth street. Store, with Room back. $25; Second Moor. Ave footns. til. I lurd Floor, five luonn. $ 6 per month; water .aid 4 ??, in first rate order. Apply on premises TO RP.NT-A SM.M.L STORK. SUITABLE K' >R (NY business; rent $700; also a corner store, Basement and Dwelling on dixili avenue; rent very low. III nK A ORAY, 507 sixth arenne. TO LBr?Til RH E LOFTS. 33X61. WITH UOHT FRONT And rear suitable lor a cigar manufactory or anv llgbt manufaeturll.g business; ano ? S;ore, the same miAe Inquire at Sot) Water street TO LET OR LEASE?A FIVE 8TORV BRICK BU1LD ing, rear 8ft Varlok street, near t'anal street, suualde t r inanntactory; altered to suit A teuaut; s>m?tely or tnether; with 6 fool entrance. rro l.EASF?FOR DRUO BUSINESS, HOUTHEABT 1. corner of .Seventh avenue and Thirty fourtb afreet; ?will be altered to suit tenant. Apply to WK. fc. M'Al.KS, ii* We>t Twenty-ninth street V[N furnish BD.?TO LKT, A LARGE PARLOR i Floor lor business purposes; cheap rent. 11 s>t M*ri's place. UPPER PART OF HOUSE NO. 17i SIXTH AVENUE, tor bnsineis, whole or part; aplend'd show room} mar Maev's; rani cheap. Apply to li. J. Si.AMON, Mo. l'W West Fourteenth su-eet. n HORSE POWKR, FACTORY 3U0, THREE t) stories. let cheap; yard room; lltrht all around; nlao Factory adiolnlng. without power, .38*45, two sto -rlea, RkYNodus, lit Ninth street. Williamsburg. |)WF.LI.nU HOIHKN 1(1 LET. Kumlahed. furnished thrfb story brown wane, ? l?r 6" w.-st side npar the Park: pier and inaatel mirrors; everythiiik Urst clasa- rent $i.2U0 a .v -sr Address WKil.KV. !?"* I?0 Herald otll. e. A -I "KNISI1KD Mor.-l.-?. AT IMNIC I'lUrK-i, J\ . Iroin $M\) to $!M0 per inon h; aa< rlflee; cill eariy and secure a baruain GABBY A fenCHBACU, 1.2,(8 Broadway, under (.rand lloteL \ COMPLETELY ANI> THORi.UOHLY FURBISHED lloose, on Fifth nvenne, near Ihirlleth street, to llll In perfect order; immediate possession; to a good t mant rent reasonnble. _ W' * y- A- CRUIKHIIANK, M Broadway A -MAT 1,1 5r?Ft "nisiikD HolsEB; REDUCED J\ . rents; on and ndiolmng Fifth Madison and I'aik e mrimi, offlces, li Pine street and 33 '-asf Seventeenth ?'reet. Mailed itee V K s I fc VE NBO.N, lr. AVRRY DEMKAF.LE FOUR STORY I1IOU STOOP brown stone Houses, fully furnished, to let; po^ses atjQ immediately; rent very low. D, B. PECK A CO., No. s West Twenty-fifth street. A furnish ED HOUSE TO LET-VKRY LOW n> A desirable tenant; three atorv hlah stoop brown ?gon?. fully and comp e ely furnished; to u private ??mlly only; a great hargaln to the rUlit person. Apply ?>. 1 ii West Porty-sevemh street A ?34TH STREET, central FOUR STORV BROWN JX, stone, handsomely furnished, |2 Itsr, SAth street, **t Bsdlson. lour story high ?toop. f.^ooti; others. _ _ a ? sIMoNSoE A KCCLEsTON, ? Weit Slit it., between Broad wat and Ktha?, OWKLLItO HOTSE1 TO LET. VaraUhtil. A FINE I <?m HTOBY HOI'S E, POLLY FUBXISHED, to li t at u bargain; situated on Thirty ?. cuuii street, between Eighth and Ninth ivunuej J. W. COLE, 388 Mixtli avenue. Fob hunt?a handsomely furbished house chi Madison avenue, near Thirtieth street; no v>? si.r. mi % t u immediately. Addresn P., box 1,290 Post office. MiR THE si MM KB Oil YEAR?THE THREE STORY furnished 11 ouse *22 West Fifty tliirJ st eet, near Broadway, t? a desirable tamiiv. toe rent will be about half rale. Apply to owner. U1 Weal Fortv-tourtn street. HOUSE TO T.ET?ALL NKfflY FURNISHKD, I* Suits or single Boon*; one lurge tront 1'arlor, suit ablo lor a dentist ?r physician: location flrat class. >o. 484 Fourth uvouuo, between I'weut} -jiiuth aud Thirtieth btreetn. OrsKfl TO LEI?FURNISIIEO AND UNFUK. inched; lists can bo had at either office. K. U. LUDLOW A CO , No. S Pine street, or S3 East Seventeenth street. F II rpu LET?FUBNIBHBD OR L'NEUBNISHBD, A x three alory hlah stoop brick llouso, 22 feet wide, with all modern improvements; No. 13S Harrow street, Jer?cv City i neighborhood very best hi the city; only IS minute ' walk troui terry; will be rented very low Ironi June 1. Apply to STEPHEN FANKLLY, 123 Nassau at 110 LET (A ORKAT BARGAIN) At $85 EBB MONTH? A lovelv little three story brown stone House, niculv furnished; all Improvements; One order. Apply on premlies 20(1 East Thirty ninth street. rru LEV?A NEWLY AND U AND&OMELY FURNISH 1 ed I(on*e. tn Hie neighborhood of ? hirty-fourth street, one block from Filth avenue ; rent $*k) ner month. Ad rtrosi S. K., box i 14 Herald Uptown Branch oltice. rilO RENT, Hi A SMALL PKIVAI'E FAMILY, A l? partly furnished HotnM; llie owner would board for the rent if desired. Apply at 230 West t ilty -ftrst street. (fcQC I'KR MONTH FOR THE Sl'MMER-FOR A ijp1 U four story English basement House, fully fur nished. Address J. 1). J., box 130 Herald Uptown Branca of Moo. Q(|Q EAST THIRTEENTH STREET?A DBSIRA <iwi; Me fnur ?lory basement (tone Dwelling, thor oughly tUvnlshed. to lease low to a private family. Of ficer 11 Fine street and 33 East Seventeenth street. V. K. STEViiNoON, Jr. Unturnlalriertt A NKW BROWN 8TONB IIOf'SB, ? NEA't FTFTH JX avenue, No. t> East Seventy-lourth street, will be routed to a trood tenant at a very low rent Apply at 17tf Broad wav, room 30. A FOL K HTOBY BROWN STONE, CENTRAL PARK, $1,400) Murray Hill, new. hardwood, $2.2U); lur nished. $1,600- three s'orv. $l,(Mi. $1,200, $1,300 to $.%MW. A 0. LOOIfIS, 8M Sixth aveuue, conur ot Thirty eighth street AlilTTLK ORM.?PERFECT ORDKR, CITY, RAPID transit, $1,0 0, Murray Hill, $1,200; o hers, S720 to $3,000; tine locations; possession now; tarnished, $13J up. A. C. 1.00MIS, 054 Sixth avenue, corner oi i hirty tiglith street. A?FEN TS ONLY $800 TO $fM> FOR UEsIRAHLE ? Houses, excellent neighborhood, near Broadway; all modern improvements; in thorough order; pos session immediately. Apply at No. 4 Warren street, room 2. A NICK 1IRICK HOI E, TOR ONE PAMII Y, 164 Fourth sire't. near Sixth nvenue., With improve ments; good neighborhood; rent $ioo a year, tiroccr at the coruer will show It. A?TWO FINE rora STORY BROWN STONE ? Houses. Twenty sixth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenue*; unlurmehed, $1,300; p rleot order throughout. OAR BY A ESC H BACH, 1,236 Broadway, under Grand Hotel. ATTENTION.?MAKE*AN OFFER. ?FOUR STORY high stoop brown ston<> Clous*. West Twenty-eighth street; elegaut order; less than $1,600; possession. MORRIS B. B AER, 71 Wet Thirty-fourth street and WC Sixth a\enue._ AN r.Nl'-CAL OPPORTUNITY?THREE 8TORY high stoop brown stone Houie, Fl(ty?third street, near ; ixtli nvruue; ^ent $1,000; fin-order. MORRIS B. B Vr.R, lJi)6 ,>lxtli avenue and Ti West 'ihlrty-fourth st. A FOUR STORY 1IIOH STOOP BROWN 8TONK J\ llou-e, No. 157 West 1 weniv-third street; also 135 tdme block, to let; possession at once. C. S. PECK A co., No. 8 West Twenty-fifth atreet AN EXi'KLliHNT TU Ri'.E BTORY AND BASEMENT frame Dwelling, all modern improvements, lreahly painted, repaired and decorated throughout, on Thirty sixth staeoi, near Madison avenue; immediate posses noil rent low. NBAKIt. A I.O., Third avenue and Eighty-sixth street ______ A LABOR FOUR MOBY IIItlTI STOOP BROWN stone House. 2-'x!WtIOU, painted and frescoed, near Broadway aud near Park. Kent $l.j0.? 11Mr. ON A PERT, l.tst Broadway, near Forty-fonrtti street. ATIIRKE STORY HIGH -STOOP NOVA SCOTIA stjue House in East I'ltty sixth street; all improve ments; w II rent Uoper and Lower Parts separately; also a Prench Flat of six rooms, in same street, WOOD, WaldKoN A SOSb, 1,014 Third avenue^ A?11TH STREET, NEAR 3TH AVENUE. THBEE ? storv liign sloop. Mnfurniahed, $l,40>; 28th street, near Lexington avenue, uniurnislied, 1 SCO; 34th street, central. $1.5 0: MUl street elegant freestone, $1,450; *0 others; panic prices. MMONSON Jt h0OL.fc.sTuN. !>'> Weet 31si st, between Broadway and titti av. A TWO STilBY ATTIC AND BAS MENT COTTAGE, nine room- gas, water, Ac. ; within three minutes ot boats and ears; rent $t? per mouth. Apply on the treiuises. S3S East I5I3J sire>t, near avenue A. A?WE HAVB TWO THREE HTOBY HIGH SIOOP . brown stone Homes on East seventieth street; spit ndtil location; m.irbie tih-d halls; mirrors tn parlors; uas fixtures, Ac.; will rent cheap. SUbltMOOD, WAL. URON A sO ?.", I,$l* Third areiiBe. A THKRR STORY BRICK llOl'SE ON TWENTY 2\ seventh street, near Fourth avenue, at a very low rental to a small private family J. B. MOn'AGUAN, 401 Fourth avenue, corner iweuty-eighth street F~ob be"nt-thk mtTf clash four story brown st in* House 0?0 I^xington aveuue. nenr Fitty-rlttn s n ot. Applv on the premises or to CilAKLtd l>. .11 D I >N . 74 Worth sir. et ? OOK.?IO REM, TO IlKNt fIT BEATH /BENCH IJ Plats) tw.i three .fury high *toop brown stone Houses, wuh all the inprovi ments, gas tixtui e? included ; lb\4.ixi0u each, on Ll3d ?ue? t. uear Fourth avenue, Har lem. ai the Ion rental ot *7JO|i r annum, about the price ? >l ono Hour iu an ordinary flat; iuu<i oe rented. A. WABBaM PLATT. m Broadway. ]OOI AT .HIS I LEG ANT FOlR 8TOBY BROWN J s.oiie front, SMI Ea t Fourteenth street, reduced ft um $.'..??? to $1,70U; lieautir'ni tnreo - orv, reuueed from ti ."i to $1.3m>. 2:0 West Eleventh street mo LET?THREE STORY AM) BASEMENT B'Mi K' 1 llou?e. 223 East Fortieth street, Appl,\ lo O. B. SMITH, 163 West sireet rilO LET?NO. IhO PRINCE STB KB T, A THREE STOBT J and basement brick flou ie; high Stoop; has 12 r. ins sii i i? In excellent order. Apply at Esl'ENoCUElD S, 113 Na-sau street. rpo LEI ?A PIN B Font HfOBY BROWN STONE I lionse, in complete order, irontlng on Muyve*ant square ; rent verv low -Inquire or CHaULE.S (J, >\ AK E i. E Y", lot Bast Tenth -tn ?!??, New York. rpo LET?THREE STORY HIGH STOOP HOCSE NO. i. 3f> Greenwich a venae, in nne oruer. has all tlio CowrtalMiMs; rest low to a good tenant, possession Juun I. Anply on premises. rro LKT LOW HI A OOOD TENANT- THE HA WO. 1 some three (tor) hull stoop Iluinte 30 (irote ?tr?ott flue oritur; all modern Improvement*. Addris.>? or call A. It. Cttl IIV >11 AN K. Il l Itr .mi way, room 4-'. rpo LKT?AT A VKKY LOW KrNTV THKEB STORY 1 brown stone House 447 Eaat Kilty-sevnth street; three a ory hnc* House 2#J East seventT-eijrhth street, rem ( ??; Kirat Floors SM Basements. 10room*, 2S1 West Twentieth (treat, rent BM>; Ural floor and Baacmenta, lOroouis, 14? East tUty lotirth street. rent $4?i>cr montli. W. C. PLAKAOAN. IMMowery. fro Lt-.T-PCLLY Kt'RNlSHKD AMD IN PERFP.CT 1 order. at a v,<rv lo? rem, lor 5 month* from June 1, three atorv- hrown atone Hon*e, torty-ninth street be tween i-exin^ton and Third sTenaei. W. V. KLANAOAV, 183 Bowery. fp<TLET-0> THR~HORTII *II>E OK SIXTY-SECOND 1 atieet, IS f?-et *eH of Boulevard, a tnree i-tory lit^u ?loop Hnu?e. brown atone iront. with modern improve ments; renl ?l.i'X. Apply next door. rro LET-THI TWO STO'tY AND RA3BMKNT I House <57 Downing street; Improvement* and in ex cellent onlor; moderate rant to a good party. Inquire on the premises. rpo LET?THK TilKKE Sin .F bkicK Huf.-K 47.' 1 Weat 'I wenty second atract, Mx3t)x9?. near Elevated Railroad station, now betng painted and aut in order. Apply to.'. APPK1.L A CtT. 277 Weit Twenty third st. rro LET?A THREE BTORT 1ROWN BTONR HOt SK 1 in Kilty second utreet, near l.lglrh avenne, With all Improvement* and in line order; the owner reservie two room* for himself an.I ion, and wishes to take hoard or brrama?t; will be rental to a desirable famllv at a in duced rant. M. S. K it IK N11. l 5?Broadway. fjpo LET?TIIRK? STORY IflOU STOOP BRICK, JL Houses. all Improvements, 109th ,-itreet. Ave minutea' walk from boat*. $M. J<)11 n BHIRLBx, hi Cedar st. TO I.ET-A K1R9T CLASS RKOWN SIONR TtOIXSKt tliree st. ry high stoop and basement; In the best order; freacoedIn oil. painted tlironirhout. with large mantel mirror and new chaOdeliers; rent ?IU Apply at 525 West Korty-elghth atreet. TO LKT-THK WHOLF. OK SECOND AND THIRD Hoore ami Part of Fourth Kioor if deatred. of the brown atone honae IJIIJ Part avcnn? between Eighty fltih and i iglity-sllUI streets; rent low. Inquire id' the ownor ua the premises. RERT-AT A OREAT REDUCTION, A KOIR atorv brown stone hiith stoop House on Kortysecond rpo atreet. In splendid condition; Immediate poasc??"ion. HIM B A uMaY, 667 Blxih avert?. rro RENT?A FINK TllRBK BTORY HIGH STOOP I brown stone Hoaae, deairuhly situated. With a.1 the modern improvement*: rent $7<w and MHO. _ HiSR A tiilA Y, &3i Sixth avenne. rpo KKNr-THE OFSIKARLR TI1U E STORY HIGH 1 stoop llouaeSo. 14,1 W-at l.leventh street. ABph tu K. II. I L'.iLoW A CO., Kok 3 1'iue atreet, or 3d Ea->t Seventeenth atreet. rro hen r-vr A very low rent, a three 1 atorr llonae nn Irving place Mar Sixteenth street, with mirrors, corntBes, git* flxturea. Ac., in ci iiii let nroer; Immediate poasesslon. Apply to K. II. i.i i>L??W a t u.. No. 3 Cine atreet. or M Eaat seventeenth stru t. YirEHT THIRlT'SRi'ORD KTRERT?THREE HTuRY VI English baaement, brie*; all Improve ment*; nemlilK.rhood llrst rla*?; rent guSQ par hiiiiii.ii. Inijinre at SiO West rblrty aacond street, jo wahhTSotor PLAOR. NE\It |T OADWAY - J.O To let, uniurnt-hed, all the llotito except parlor r.our and bacx l aaement. toKether or aepiuuiely, just been painted and kalaomlned. t'J r PEft MONT.4.-TO LET OR KIR .HALR. BKVK ?>?) rai new Houses, finished with nil nimlern I in Droveinents, In Eighty-aecond str. et. between avenne A ami a Look at tnem. Owner, E, KILl'ATRK *, 3?J East Heventy ninth street. ^ AlOC A MONTH foi OS 8 OP TIIP. ' KIKIMT Jj> I JJO Houses in We?t 1 hirty-fourlh street, con venient, to four lines of cars; In evety reaped a perlect hotieet very larxe, with two bath rooms, aervanta' atiilr eaaa. and all improvement!, first olaas for a boarding hi.uae. Aildrasa LLKOfft, b?a M Ueiald Iptovin ttraaoh I>wklimn? hwsmsjw w8*! . inluraithrd. 1 ftr FAST sixteenth STREET. NHAR 127 place.?to l?t. a hwi'Uome three story ? ment triitn. H..u?e, ? room* daep; hi v. HARNETT, 111 broadway. itwt. ??*?"t. .T i ir> sjjf on premlsaa.______________ street % i 200; 226 f.*?t Thirty second {.? ?? '? '?-?>? * pithhhmhbi)rooms and afartmk\ is TO LET. _.j... "r^itjtnsmiki^fukmill(elj FRONT iu> im TO A lot iii u private house, aultaHle ' w'i''v/ sons; terms very reasonable. 07 Went lbirteetiui str ov, neur sixih uvenuo. ? "a mdllt rounllt flout room?Also A A hall Room, in private houao. for omi'>r mon. rent moderate; iclortnoefc mwauriey pia T~,-at it A ST EIGHTEENTH STI'-EET, PARLOR A. Floor an 1 other Rooms, luriitmipitaud uuiurnulu , lor gentlemen; would n't the , ? a _()nk oil TWO qkntlkmi-rr c VN uk A< ( om? L-satcasttir-" Fulton Ferry^ ?? 4 pi k is ANT WELL FURNISHED FRONT bo?>m A td w to a gentleman, with ga.*. uudu>eot oallir'^.m, in a private femlly. without Hoard. Apply at SIj a c?t Filly-tlrth street. , annv AND NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HALL A Koorn; also back Parlor to let. to gentlemen, at SO t'larkson street, near uudson. ? a LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. W tu OAS AND A clothes closat; convenient to iho B lee eke r, hixtu and Eighth avenue car a. 3d Barrow street. , A number of furnishkd ROOMS xulei A With gn and bath; term* reasonable. 100 kujl Thirtieth street, near Fourth avenue. A FINK THIRD STORY TO LET, IN PRIVATE bouse furnished or unlurnlslied; four rooms; mod erate rent to wood parlies: !lr*t class laiuilv and neigh borliood. 230 wc? Twenty-second gtrcot t r iriY 1 iv/ntl ALONE, HAS NICELY FUR A nlslied' Rooms to let, to u''nUiMueu uiid wivos; Board for lady uiiiy. hi Ludlow street Ring thira oeu. i LAKOB HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT A Room, with private bathroom; whh'jut uoard. West teutb jtrwcwhumwm im mxlh u\enues. "a handsomely furnished room TO lex?at A. 84ft East Fifteenth street, to gentleman only. A ^ldn?a?ueleom^nloS?and h" ne,^rr^l|'l^ wiiiiamsbunr. i _no! 60 NINTH, BETWEEN BROADWAY /\ >111 ti University pluco.?l' letfaut ttooms v t .? ?into or .singly: lino i'arlor, Willi bath attaoUed; liouiw convenient to restaurants* ~L T 2ia KAST TKNTB htbrkt, nt.vr Slil-onu A. avenue ?Krout hall hoom, $.*.weViat $5 1 auitable lor ono oi two gentlemen; al^o anodier at is. ^ T fcun1shed ROOM TO LET-AT 289 i1lnrv JK. street, opposite All saints' chtircli. "7~i vu,.l \m l.l fl' r N IS ii ED koi'm ON second A floor, to a uenlleroan, without Board ; running hot ? u ..-..lor? modern lioiiijo? line locution, coil* puce tcharlcs street, i t r un LSI i ED fl.OOR, Willi LVF.rv A ence for light housekeeping lo let, to a respectablu small ianuly_ *1 maodougal ?ueot. ?_ ~t lTiaOE fcemishe0 ROOM, sc1table F(>R A two persons; home private ; let low lor uie sum mer. 17 {vesj 1 weu'y-uluth ..reel; ?lde eutraiice, ^o. f'ueiflo place. T PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET A NICELY FUR A nish-d Floor, consisting of two room. to*eth'r <.r separately, private baih, plenty closet room, iu urowu at'jue house -l1 West 1 wenty-sccond street A LARQK WELL FURNISHED BOOM TO LET A siiituhie for ? music teacher or ilrciiiuaker, also 1 orty-thlrd gtrcets. it 130 SECOND AVENUE AND ST. MARKS A \.'wlv furnisbe i Rooms; bath, hot auJ i}M w*ter~ga* ue?ira^lu location; with break,ait if desired. i ROOM AND TWO square ROOMS to A let furnished, to geatlmncn at summer prices, at lftt Wei tnlrtienih stfeet. near Sixth avenue; con venient to resUuruuts and place, of amusement. ? iTesth lady, with no family, has \ i . i?.li oins to let. oy thc*floor or sepa A woulilm''e ?,a^-^5 two gentleuien. Addrcn A. w. Y.. Heram omca. _ ? -handsomely FURNISHED ROOMS on sec A . ona floor to rent at suuiuior prices. Call Immedi ate^ at curving place. "I nnu's,itii'tam r furnished room to let to A oneMor " g"niumen, a. private house 149 East Utty fltth ?treal_ A 7oToTbt\DL^m i?0tlrAlfloor; ???* ?ntlenun ZTA\'\WnyV?X.^ Uptown Brancn oftlee. . "T hawdsomklv fu rhished ROOMS, ON A wrodfl floop. ftinflv or together, bath attaclied, rrrbslSufm? tssrsMr^^ avenue. 1 kf WLY AND HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SUIT A or Rooms; kitchen, private, oath wm0^to^orn"Jurmshea;prt?ue?e ot housekeep ing. w??t iblrtv ftah street. . flceiy FURNISHED SECOND .'-TORT FltoN f Hired. 11 West Thirty ninth .treet. "I mbt* ri m PRIVATE HOUSE: EVERY AC t illy-second street- ? ~I rinnc HANDSOMELY FrRNlSI'ED room TO A ht-To one or two g. ntiemetl; nrnin and everv other cooveulence, prlvat, laraiiy. 13s East sixteenth 'treat. . T HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO \ k. To one or two gentlemen: Twenty-second ?treei iiear siath avenue, jjpjy atljw Broadway. _ winnw LlDY will LET A handsomely A& mul non herald l pfwn Branch obl^ "I ..nitw FAMILY IIAYINO MORE ROOMS \ ih.r need, will rent. toge'bt or separately, ihtfSUArtt twenty^ndVi. ^er"hoice ro'ms. in ilrst class privaw residence. ^ 1 ast Twenty-third street ^ 4 VERY EXCKLLKNT 8EC0ND FLOOR, FOCR JY or flv? rooms, furnished or tinfnrnlsh?*d, private h"iw. 1* AMflfrion *>iuare; hot an t cold water, g*s mid bath ; also furnished Boom ; delightful air DRSIRaBLK NEWLY FritMSHEP ROOMS TO I.PT At .M7 tFonrth avenne. near Twenty fifth meet, convenient to several excellent res.aurjnts; terms rea sonable; references exchanged. I JOB RI" NT?TO OENTLEMEN, WITHOUT BOARI>, 1 one second story front Room and two third story Booms, all handsomely tnrnUhed. on Madison avenne. near Thirtieth street. Address M . box I.Mi font office. fburnished FRONT ROOM TO LRT?MCOND floor ; private dwelling, luti Went Twentieth street PURMSHKD ROOM ?A PRIVATK FAMILT WILL let, to one or two gentlemen, u large second ?tory front Nooiii : corner honse, all Improvements; tlrsi class local Ion; lew minute* from Wall or South terries. Ad dress F. M.. Herald Hrooklt n Branch office. fr?t-RNt-i|lKI> PARI,OK AMI B1HR >OM OS THIRD 1 floor of No. I 'J Filth atime, connected with the Brevoort House by p* <?.*??* j v. i^URN I8HF D. -T WO MCF.LV FIKMSIIED PROMT Rfn ins. with gas, bath and eyary convenience for light housekeeping. >0 per wee*; clean house; good neighborhood 114 .-evcntli ave ue, near >eventeentn st. I/OR RKNT-FU <SI*HKD OR DAFUKN1SIIKD, A JF front Reception and Middle Room of an English basement house; trst class location,on west side; would let for an ofllce. Address F. L. M., Herald l!pto\vu Branch office. HANDSOMELY PURNI8HP.D ROOMS, FOR LAHY or gentleman at rovth Street Hotel: transie nt | parties accommodated. J? West Fourth street HOBOKF.N.-A FKW Fl'HMMlKD FRONT ROOMS to let. Irontliif the lindson Hlver, Ave minutes' | walk from the terry. Apply at 173 Hudson street, cor ner Filth street. T nAVE FIVE ROOMS, CLOSETS, BATH. WATRR, 1 gits and use ol laundry, first floor, newly anil ele gantly furnished complete for liou?ekecping; a desira ble, ('ifliet and pleasant locution: being alone, except servant. I desire to find a good party or man and wife to I occupy part or all, with or without Hoard, so as to make a pl'visant homo. Call to-da( , left side of hall, at 119 West Eleventh street. MRS. CAMP. 70 I'M ION FLACK, HAS VERY DK slruble Room* to offer for the summer, en suite or singly. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR ONE AND TWO gentlemen, at moderate rates, In a quiet neighbor* hood: no children lu house. Apply on toe premises, 19 Charlton street, near V?ricls. VTICELY. furnished ROOMS?EM 8U1T8 OR il aiiifcly 766 sixth avenue, flr*t floor. Neatly furnished fi.oor, witii convkni ences for housekeeping; together or separately, t'n.l nt T71 Greenwich street. n? ar Banlt. PARLOR TLOOR and WORK ROOM-I. VERY co]? yenlenc: sintablo for dentist or physician; been occupied by nrst cia?s dentist for years; rent reasoti Ulilc to narmanent tenant. 4."> We.t Twenty sixth street. T>LRAflAST, COMFORTABLY FURN18HBD ROOMS JL lo rent, to gentlemen, without board, on reasonable terms, in first clsss house. XI East I wen ty-flllh street, between Broaduav and I ourtli a> eium ^ Rooms, nicely furslshrd. for oentlemkn. In the vicinity ol Filth Avenue Hotel. Inquire of OWK.N Ml'RPHV. 25 WHIIhui ?irsel from ij|?l Suit of furnished rooms, to one ok party of gentlemen; se<*>n<1 floor, front, north side of street. H*t references reuttireJ. Ill Weet Stxieonii treot. near Itth avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS Afll APIHTMKNT8 TO LET, TO LKT-A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE or two ireiitletneu; board conveniently near; location very pleasant and accessible , lanilly private. 3U8 West thirty second .trwl, __ TO LET?PUBNIRHBD, A I. A H 0 K PBONT PARLOR, on hrst tl>ur, to una or two gentleman, at .At Sixth avenuo. _ ;pO LET?FURNISHED, TIIRKK OR FOUR HAND i some Uoi idc (as and water; modern improvement*; live nilnuea' walk from the Twenty-third and Tenth street ferries. fan bo o> en on Suuday ut No. 18 Uuion place, ijroenpoiiir. TO LET?A HACK PARLOR, FURNISHED; ALSO A hall Room on the third floor; both with aas; terms moderate. Apply at 2t>5 Division street, neur Grand street; relereQce* exchanged. ri'O LET?FURNISHED ROOMS, IN A PRIVATE 1 faintly, at 3fi West I hirty-tltth street, between Fifth anil sixth avennea; references. rro LBT-NKWLY FURNISHED, EN 8UITE OR sIN I gly, at No. 13 East Twentr-elghth street, between Fifth itmt Madison avenues, at summer prices. Apply to llrs. RALPH, on premises rp?.? LET?TWO I.AKOE ATTIC BEDROOMS, FUR 1 nislied. In a ploasnnt location and eonvouieut to Kl e vated K ulroiid fn<iuire at 1,236 Broadway. rpo LET PruNI'HKD?A FLOOR OK FOUR ROOMS, L slttinv room, two bedrooms and Kitchen, suitable lor housekeeping, in a genteel cottage ; nice garden. healthy ai;d rcaneetatilo neighborhoo d Including piano; term* moderate. 131 Went lilty-thiril street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. _____ __ mo LET?ELEGANT BOoMS, FOR LIOHU HOUSE. I kc' run? Apply at No. 21 East sixteenth street, near Union square. mo LET?AT FORT WASHIN'tlTOSI, PHTBRAL 1 finely furnished Rooms. to tingle gentlemen; at c'. M' 11 h I ? L K l.' H lll?<h Brill?<? Hotel. mo LET?WITH Cstl* OP PARLOR AND PIANO. A i large newly furnished ltooin and Bedroom, Miita blc lor a party of gentlemen or lady and gentleman. Apply at 100 Wont Forty-tilth streot. rpo LET?TO ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, A FINE I large Boom, elegantly funnelled; hot and cold water, g is. hatli, closets, Ac. West Tenth street, bo tweeu Fifth and sixth avenues. rpo LET?AT 204 EAST THIRTY-NINTH STREET, A L Parlor Floor. furnished or unfttrnlahed. as a whole or oueli room separately ; the iroiit room is especially desirable for a physician, having been used as a dootor's office lor tlve yeurs; rent low to responsible partus rpo LET-FURNISHED KOR HOINKKFRPINII. a A Moor ol tlve rooms, consisting of oarlor, kitchen and three bedrooms: ronl HO per month. Apniy to r address UEOltUi-: WII.L1A M4, Winchester Hi use, Broad way and Thirty first street. TO RKNT-V LAR( 1E. PLEASANT. NICELY KITI: nlshed trout Roma and ball Room, lit 12.' Lexington miU, between Twenty-eighth anl Twenty ninth st.s. rp< > RF N I - TO CIS rLEMA N A NO WlFp ?> 1{ A PAR FY 1 of four (no children!, a beautifully furnished French Flat, first tloor. nine (9) room*: SIS' per mouth. Ad dress JAMEs STOW, Metropolitan Hotel. rpWO LABOR I'ONNECT1NG ROOMS TO RENT?TO J two or three gentlemen- also asinvrle Boom, in a private la iiillv; terms in* lorate. Www Ihirt, cn:h st. VVr I' LL FURNISHED ROOMS, WITHOUT BOARD, tt in a first class location, close to Washington snuare and four car routes. Apply ut 18 Wo 1 Wnsliington place. IOR TWO HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, on the first ot" :t'l Stnyvesant street, he tween Second and Tlitrd avenues and Ninth ami Tenth streets; accommodations first class; terms moderate. Ol) FLOOR?IIAN ItSOM ELY FURNISHED, TO LET. ? to geutlemcn only, together or separately. 22 Irving place. 2 GENTLEMEN* CAN HAVE A OOOO I.AIOE Room, nicely titraiahed, at $< per week. OJ Nortii Moore street. 0 NICELY FI'liNISHKl> BOOMS to LET-FRDNT. m tng on Sixth avenue. Apply at 101 West Fourteenth street. d> J PER WEEK?KOR A NEATLY Ft RNIKHEH <P*X Ko mi, fronting on Broadway. Can be seen to day fyoai S to 12 o'clock. ?32 Uroadway, between Twelfth aniTThlrtecuth slrseta, A rr ri\ ?UEDROOM, SITTINO ROOM AND ?lp t *)U. Kitchen, lieu|y furnished, for ligiit house keeping; hall Bedroom. -t1 Hot f evcniecnth -t. 9 IIAsT I 1111; I 11, i 11 STIJEHr.-V SMALL PRIV^TK tamlly, having more room than required, would let one or two Roi'ins to gentlemen or Kentlcinau ind wd'e. OXAST TWENTY-SECOND SI'RRKT.?Kl.IiiiANTLY Itirnlsbed large and small Rooms, on third mid fourth floors, in hi wttfcMM board: fine roanrant s4>c ond door , pe rmanent parties prelerred; references ex changed. QTHSTBEKT.NO. ?, A FEW DOORS WEST OF *7 Broadway.?Double ami single Rooms to let, nice!y turnisliel. to ifentlemeo. without l?'jrd; every lioniu couilort, a tplandid I'arlur Floor to let , UTIt STREET. 77 WE-T. N'Ktit Fit III AVENl'K. Neallr luinisheJ Rooms, without b ar.l; also a handsomely furnisUed Parlor Floor lor business pur poses; reiercnces. I.J WBST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET. OPPOSITE ST. 1 ?I James Hot I.?Suit rt furnished Rooms, i r neti fletnen. ou second tlnor, and one larco ironi Room on third lloor to let, without board ; best refer,*uce. "I { EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH STBKET, BETWEEN X'x Fifth anil Madison avennee.?Handaotnelv lur lushed Booms, on Ilrst and second lloors; closets, Lot and cold water, and every convenience; summer prices. 18 WEST TWENTY-FIB8T STRiET.? Newlv furnished Booms to let, lor lodgers. () 1 WEST TWI N l Y FOURTH STREET, S' AH _ J Fifth avenue (first class house'.?Furnished Roi'Uis, singly or en suite, at low rates to permanent paitiesa also an t idles Room. <)Q OBOVE STBF.KT.-TO LET. WITH BO Mil). \ nicely lurnisbed Koon. suitable for a singl-?en tletnan ; house and accommodations first class; pkasaut l.oma. ? 41QTH t-TBEET, LIB WEST, NEAR SIXTH AVKNCK ? ? O Nicely fnriii?hed Booms, in a private French laui lly; moilerate terms. s?1 OOTTAOR PL AO R, MF.AK HLEECKI R STREET? Ol Pleasant furnished front Room, with ?nlo Boom c.,nnee"-d a,i t bus. at |6 t er week, witlmut board. ?>?! EAST TWENTIETH STREET NEAR BROAD ? ?L WIT.-UMMM7 furnished Rooms, sol:.,ble lor two or three gentleincn, on the second and third door*; modern improvements. ?)?> I.AFAYE TE PLACE.?PtTBNlHHKD BOOKI ? )') to let. large and small. In first i la?s pi 1 v?:? hcu? ?; terms moilarate ; neuhborUood very good. Q I WEST TWELFTH HIBKET. NEAR FIFTH AV* >) i nue. ?Rooms Vi let on the second floor, singly or en sulle, to gentlem -n. without board. ( ?? EAST TWENTIETH STREET.-TO LET. PLEAS 1 ^ ant Parlor, with Extnnsion: also other Rooms, furnished, to gentlemen, with breakfast if deilied; ref erences. ? >(\ CHARLTON STREET. BETWEEN TABU K AND ? )(/ MacdoUial.? A large front It<i >m, on the second floor, w It'i biift and gas. *?lll I o let low. r.O EAST THIRTY-FIRST STBEBT. ONE DOOR ? tjj from Fifth avenue.? Desirable |:im>his t.> let, uufur. nlsheil. at low prices for the summer; reiorenee*. 10i WAV, KLEY PLACE, NEAR WASH I V QTOK JV/t ?,|n?re.?Furnished ?<insre Room lo let, on second flo ir; suitable for light housekeeping, or lor two mWACDnnUL STREET, NEAR RLERCKKR.? Furnbktd Room* with every eonrenience lor housekeeping. to let to rtspeetalde small taiiilUe*. 11 Q K AST ~T#P.NTT:SECO N D ~ HTRR ET. ?M A SIV HO notnely hrnlilwd Room* to In. t<> gentlemen, without board : ooniMl l<>ratl,>ti. ret<rcace? return d. I ()0 CHARLES STRIET. MMR HUDSON.?TO Jw>> let. elegantly fnmi?hed fr.rn' Par.'.r, to men. or with hn<-K. for housekeeping; also wjcond Boor ball Room*; terms SJ ant up ward. QAQ EAST TENTH '-TREET.?K0RN1SIIED ROOMS i I u : , ric*?. ?T|7ll3llt STREET. BAST harlem.-THREE OR ^ I | totir fnrntatiad Room* for hoaaekreptng. to % StnaM re<n?ctabio ixunlv , teruu raiderate, niereuce* exchanged. l)(1i FIHTH AVI- Nl"E, NEARLY OPPOSITE MAM _ ? ' I ton Park. having changed hand*and b?i-n r n repalri-I Hiul newly iurui?lied. will uo I*. ?itli r UPKly or in ?nlta. ()'I7 FIFTH AVER I K. THREE OOORS ABOVE m/?)< Hotel RroMwtek ?Two hand- >mel? furm?h' .1 Room*. without i'u ir i, to gentlemen oinjr, rummer prion; reference*. 1101 WEST SIX rKE.STH sTRK'.i.-a rciNlilHRD _")L hall Room; also a large unfurnished Room to let# n(m WRST TWC.miTriVril STREET.-TO LET. Ov" handsomely ftirnl<h?l Rooms, raltahle torliuht houa- k< -enlng, furuituie all new , alau niiitel* Kouiilt lor gentlemen. Q/tO EAST THIRTY-THIRD *1RKKr.?A WIImiw ?1I/O lad* haa two olea-a-it rarntahe I Kooens tu let, lo marine li jtno , price {?to9* per we"*. ISKIRM'SIII.H KOO>IR AID APART MKVT< TO LIT. A FIRST FLOOR, FIVE ROOMS TO LET?'?0 WEST J\. f^veuteentii street; w ater an l ias An- t*r: Ha ns- i " I ?salon. rent low. Inquire in basement. Tt$I# TO MO -THREE. SIX OR TRM strictly J\ private Room a, extra < nav<<iiieii<-e?; a:-o 8io> e aud three a i >>iih.ik ? M Ap,dy uu pre ra ise*, 4Ai iludaon street V french FLAT TO RENT-SO. R? WEST Thirty ninth street: rent, >1 / U; flrnt rlai*. Ai ptv to C*SWELL, HAS vkD A m>., corner itkirty-uiaia street and .-Utli avenue. APLEasaWt second floor, in* iiiwii stoop hrirk house, to r--itt lor *>t; with xa?, good neighborhood. 3ai West Twentieth a reet, batween K><7htii and Ninth aTetuica. VPARTNKNTS TO LE T?OK a, \ I, ? OR H ROOMS, ?t greatly red?""d rent* rem* trom $7 to Sin, xil tinproretaeata. Inquire at KOLSoX'n Ke^l Estate office, So. I? Kirtt avenne, or No. l?i Lu llow atrnet, uoar . jr ner lloua'on atreet a Kl.vr IN AN ELRliANT new ? ROWS STONE j\ honae. No. kU We<f Fifiy-iecoad ?'reet tour door-, weat of Hrf id?a v, the upper part ronal^titu ot ox iar>?o room<, all light; front and hack ctaim, dutno waiter, Ac. ?pplr on premisei. APHYSK lAN'S OKKft-K ANIJ RKDKoOM or workroom If deaired. In ReW brown utone howa No. 1 9 Saat Mxty-seeond atreet liiniiire on premlaei. A PLEASANT FLOOR TO LET-CONSISTINO OF JY *ix Room*, with nath, water t Met. reparate nieteri owner occupjin* nreintae.i. 11 Monroe atreet. A .ThIRD FLOOR, SIX ROOMS, ON SSTF.NTR JY. areiuie, one door from Twenty thIM rtrt-et salt, tor a dreMinaker, aluo one Parlor, "n rtrat floor, on l wer.iy-thlrti "treet, 11*11. \pply Ati.jal oflve, Tw?oty toartli street, near SUtU arsuue. raFvuimsD sooni atd APtttr. nasHTa to i.K/r, ATI KM flOX If VO0 WaNT A Fkf VHM Kf.AT cull aud *et! those in Thirty- fourth tercet- nil* of a^BAKK' 7" VVn? Jft'1Pr,0V5,Ui^U: ?'?" t. $0 MOIiKM d^uai-.K, Wegt Thirty-fourth otrfet ami W6 Sixth av. A LADY WUI f,|l I.PT PIKST FLOOR AND MtHF. j\ merit to n pnrf* who would boanj self anrfdaiieh. n^1#^ room, with privilege otlif r hoifflrri' woiill pa. 11 v furnish. No. 3*1 West fhirly tlMi.Tr^L A If". Miti FAMILY WILL RENT TdTO OB ii ? heat-beautiful Rootiu, low rem, for the summer finest Imitation in the city, a few dosra from Fourth ave *?? ll? '-""t Mneteeufh street. uurtu *T" A SECOND FIAT TO LET-IN THOSK NHiv J\ houses, Fiftieth street, near i^xiiiifton ?venue* AimU'U, I hird avenue, corner HiUeth street. T)KHIRABLK rr.rURNI*HKD ROOMS Pott PENT Mo* F.V!!;<!^N?' ?.IR5T AN0 SECOND FU>OR8, kivb induced! street, just west of Broadway; prices T?LK(UNT NKW FL \TS?EIOHT ROOmT: HATII.!!!!,-'.; a'oo J water throughout ? Walloon rv i.v, ? *.' ^^ply to unmor, o:? premise# No IT* wvJt avenue'. "rou*? or to ^RKNi'H !T,A1 ' TO LKf- IN -1*1 p < <)?' KFvr\ a Mr* r,,V1 ;;;*? and i'ourtli avenue*. Price* Iron, ?:u t"^i) ' TUud 1 ifta n,.n.. TIMPSON * PRK.T. LwBroadway, ne,ir Party fourth -1 r.f t. IjWE ?C|| FLAT 'fo LET?U N PL' KM.-II ii. v ,* I0"'1''? "nd. ''Stlirooni, range, Ae.; vor> des'iruble* Ii 11 loo.ati(.).H: J.0Ny rent; near xta*es, i ur<< and Kl?vateti Kallr.m l, 386 Went Twenty-second sreet. u a FL?,',!,!!.1 T?, LKT-,lS PI.ACB, PERRY a ve011.1' renI cheapWavyrle* ?"a^ "d Uroe??leh tTXJOR??THIRD, SIX HfHIMS, MODERN, IN IIIOH I stoop house, m East Seventeenth street, lietir.en I 110 MlMu" lU''rC UiUl TWrU *venue: 110 '??Uildri.'u and j pLAT. T.V FIRST CLASS BROWN STONE IIOISE I 1...11 r?." m' im,m.b, jyaltor, separuto lamulrv, marble I 1 ; ,\^ ifullv painted: near the Park; owner I 1111118 houM.*; only ftu. No. t ';> West Fifty-fifth street, IP1*?**, ? AVKNL'K, corner twknty.h1xt? vvi-h hmH I"r we all lor the mtmmer; ili<lr(.oin, wi.ti l*.irliir, liavinu flue win-low*. h><ikin? on Mndlson ?qnare. Apply ;.' room A. I?..? I?. ..rth s Huil lm*. 'SKKKEI-INtS-TO a smalt, family I 1 lor 4 handsomely luriiMird Room., wlih use 01 par' lors if desired ; neat, airv kite lien; bath i rent mod. '. - U , -1 h 01 iv ninth struct. nANDSOMF. SECOND FLOOR, UNKCRMSl7l~l) IV Private brown House, to let to irontlemou or ilm.T-aV lM"lllv ? ,a" '"'provi1 mi nts and refilled nirround ItlKs; terms iiio.lerAte. 51 West -ixic ntli street. n ANDSOMK AND CHEAP?SI.n>M>~N^ TH'RD Floors, or Parlors and Bas-iuents, In quiet houae wuh Am rl. "?u lamliv ct adults; ilrst elass b.ocfc tei "Ml r?. on until (treat (Lamarauo pteca). ^"BWLT PAPKBKD IND P0RHISTTBD run LIilIlT lion .<'keepin,T, Whole or Part f.f .ind Floor; p*n tries and tmproyoinents private house: near Klev .ie'l lwo!lV*y' 1 Utv UttO street. Good neighbor i."or Oilier To I^et Advertisement* See Directory. 1:1 KOi'K.W r TKAJHemiPfk /2J.RK AT WESTERN v,? . STEAMS?!IP LINE .NEW VOItK TO KRISIOL (KNOLAND) DIRECT n B !?' *T!vi'' ri'u'^'u1 H??t Biver as follows:- ' OKI.A I \\ lj>Tl\KS, Wintihain Tu *ii<iav Mav 2? AKAGO.V, hymau* . .......VrVi^ a^v lutm H Cal in paasatfo, $70-, intermediate, $15; etecraL'e 43d currency ; excuiwou tioketa, ?tSU. Jat" *-w' Apply to \\. 1). Ml iKUAN, Airent, 7U Rontli street. 1 'NITED hTATKM MAIL LINE?STBAW T 1 QUEEV>J L TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Sailing ev -ry Tunsdav wr ,<..k-zix. Srnm r,er 46 |si,r?| Kiv"' ?I;rili vo*\v <irgy,h X'lT IS. att P M. VmOMJM., i'li'oijiau |niie 1 ?. H p \i J'.ihin, interme hate ami steerage at lowest rales. Prepaid tickets at low rate* Pmsenwrj boeked to and from Paris Hainbirs Norway Ulid Sweden. Ac. Oralis on iiulainl. Knirland *r?uoe aud Oerm.uir at lowest rate.-. Apply p> WILLIAMS A Ul i N, Broadway. W^SON ^ LINE FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND 11 CiTtT *? sailing lortiiiglitly Iroin l'inr Eait River ' 1 p'LOMrtO May 1.11 VIRAGO IUIlc 1 ' V.> I*il''n"?-V?0'011 " ' U?KU''> lo follow Ursi tabin, #.0. curreucy; .s<'co:id Cabin, ?4:V cur ren. y. I hrough tieaet, ijsue.i to Ooutiueutal aud ttaitic , ports. Apitly tor lull particular* to ' I,AitL s l w ki .it,' \ cii., frjSouth street. nAMHI'lJi; AMERD'A N PACKET CDViPa.NV SLINK lor PDMOLTB. CIIMlHOCHil aud UAMJLBti WES1PIIAUA Ma, 2.11 1III KlNOI A..... . .Juue ^ M ?v? I PoM M K H A M a.. .... June 10 l.ate* ot pissnce 10 Plvmouih. London, Cherbourg. WiV s'i?" a " P0'1"* "1 England, Scotland aud I irat cabin, ituper saloon, gold (inn First cabin, lower saloon, gul 1 " flu j Mcerage, curreuev I KUNlURi.r A CO.. 0. 11. RICHARD A BOAS** si n Oeneral \gen s, v.,eI'.M'iiI Paasenger \uentA. J 61 Br?>a<I Itreet, New ^ ,.rk. el Hroudway. New\ork. AND BOOKOMIOAt ROl'fR TO Holland, Belgium, the Khine. .s>\iu? rlaud Ac. via UOl I nRuAtt. [ Steamsr SCUOLTEN v,? an htcuJnftr CALl>. Miiv T T'V carryluf tne UniVe'j' stale* wail to Uie Nethcriauds, are well known tor Uie regu lautv of their iripa i.atei of pa?*aite low. 1 FCNCII, El>TI A CO.. '* L W. MORRIS. oeuerai Agentj. fat Mroadwar. . U'lIITK STAR LINE, MtR yi KEN row* OR LIVERPOOL cai!Rv7nu riir. iniild maiks m w1t? -a ?x*r.M ^FRAlANir - Mar :??. noon inku nc J.u"? at? P. M rtlTln ,:t ?* "???? <. I**&st 1 10 at $ P M Fr,"" ttj.- White stcr ,l..*k?, piei- ':i2 North River a ?alijofl, fso and $li<oin gold; return ticket*. $175 gold, eteerase at low rales. haloou. ilau-r.Kiius smoking and bath rooina are nlaeed amMahlp*. where the noi< mid motion ?r? lea.t aiioraiiig a degree of comfort hitherto uti&t diaablc at for inspeeiton of plans and other information apply at the louo any'? oUire, Broadwav, New York. i K. J. COUTH A Kent. ( )N|I'llt'.t r I IN!. T'? FRANCE. I HE OtNF AL TRANS VTI.ANTIC COMPi\ir-d MAIL STEAMSHIPS brtwkbk TORE AND HAVRE The splendid Tewelsim tht* lavente r nte for the Con tineiil .being more southerly than ant ot'ier) will Mil fri.ui pi. r No. W North River, as lollowa: VmJ'wimw ^ -atiirdav Mav 19 r?A\i. rLf!"iu; ,..>aturda?, June 12 kifANi (1 rude!le> Safnrilav .lunr PRICE OF PA^SAOE IN OHI.D (inclu.linc wmei. >ir?t < ahln, H'J. Seeoad. ??!*>; T'llrd.txi. ?K'",nro TieK'''* *' redu.-ed rate*. eieera^e ? - with superior aicmiiiii datlone and in c.nulng all ?< saaries h stii..ut extra charge. OLOROi M\i KKNXI, . Agent. Si Broadway. mfrican Link, ?? | Weekly M vl Steamship Serviee between PHILADELPHIA ANl? LIVERPOOL ealllng at V?*?'?*t"wn, tailing everv Tbarxlay from Philadelphia, atvt saillnf everv We lnes,| tv from Liverpool PhnadeiDhla1-'- ite*mar* ar' *BPola?eJ to aail from | INDIAXA May an . II LINllis fune in ?A B HOTS FOR II.... May VI ?K KNILWORTH JuSe 17 OHIO lune 3 I PENNSYLVANIA !ju e It PRICE OF PASSW. IN CUBBBBCt CalaBeW sferrage and intermediate ticket 1 to ami from all point* at lowest rate* Si*'**"1"" ,n*^k?*1 wllh * ?Ur d? not carry Interme Paa-engee aecommixlationa lor all elateea nnonrpansed lor passage, rale* oi irelght aud othor Inforuatiou au- ' Plv to j cro. W. COLTON. Agent. Br.,ad atreet. New York. JOHN McDONAI. 1, Paaeearer Agent. ?, , __r No. ? Battery place. New Vort. PETER WBIOHT A sONs, Oeneral Agents, 1 ?. . . 3HT Walnut atreet, Philadelphia. Riehardson, Spence Ac?.. K. A J. Cummins A Bros . Lo-erpool. Queen?town. 1 AJ STATE M \ B. >fW YORK TO GLAFOOW, LlYKKPooL. DUBLIN. BKLPAPT AMI LON Hon l>h UKf, fraiilng tr-'m p:er No. 3? North Kiv?r. .11 ?f v IB or LOUISIANA, Captain Jf'hn*?u.Thur?.. 20 BTaTK OF INDIANA, captain Sadler. .. Wed .June J STATS of OKORiHA Wed..Jane II I am! fvorT Wertnea lay thereaiter. Plr?t cabin. 17'). ?*? ami $WI: return n? kcr* (MB. second cabin, $SO, return ! It. kei?. $?. *1 Apply to |t'?nn. BA1 r??riti A on., Agent*, >11 72 Hri>adwuv. New York. ! Pteeraire of 1 e, No Broadway. jNMAK LINK?FLXU SOI TliKBLY COL'BKB. RovaI Mull Steamer* ar? appointed tn aatl ai follow* FOR Ql BRItilTOWN AMI L1VARPOOI,. cm OK KlrilMOND Satnr lav. Mat ? at 3 P. *. I I I Y OF HKI SHKUM -aturday, Mar rt. at Noon ? irv OF GHKsrBR Saturdav. .(una S, at 3 P. M. CITY Or PA KM Saturday. June 12, *1 Noon. UT\ or RKRLIN Haiti r.lay, J una l?, at 3 P. M. < AttlN PAHsAUK?M> and $li?i gold. HTFKRAOR?To and from all pmnt*. at reduced rate*. Cat>i? and ganaral ott.-o. No Ulru?l*ui. Mat-rage often, .13 Broad way and ider Jforth River. JuHN II. DALB, Agent. NORTH flRBM IN I.I.i >TD. ?TKAMSIIIP I,INK BRTWLrv MSW YORK, >?'1 nlAMPTOIt AN 11 MRKMRN. r mpan- 'g pier, loot of Hcrond itreet Hohoken. ODl It May 11 i MosKI 'line % NB< KAR Mav 29 I IK)NAI Mine IJ Kate* i 1 pa**?f* from *>eir fork to bouthamuton, Havre or Bremen First Cabin., .fit**, trold I Seo?4 Cabin ?w, gold Hfertge. $ 11. cnrrencv. Prepaid ntcerage reriillcpttea, $32, currency. Return ticket* at reduced r.iua Per freight or paaaage apply ti> OKLRICil*. No. 1 Bowling Oreen. N ational link. f rom pleia No* 4t and 47 v,,rth River. FOR Ml.sOO.N OIltKCr. PRNMAKK. W-,ine?i?v. M*v 1*. * P. It. CANADA Wednetdai, JuneJLS P. M TO UCKRNST. >H N A-ll H VBKPOOL. nRLYBTIAJIayiS.7!>iAM ll.IK.4t BHN .lime r>,.1 P. M. MiYPr...*nv ?. II A. V IUPAlS M. 1 abln pa*?*?e. *7d ami ?*) currency. steerage at er'atlv reduced nri.-e*. Return llckei* at reduced rata a. Prepaid steerage ticket* from Liverpool at the loweat rales Appir ai the company'* office, vn. et Rroadwav ' r. W. J IIUR8T, Manager 1 ' NITKD 8rATKS P\>sP>iRT Bl' tKAL'.-OFFICIAl Ij Paaeport* <>? the I'e pari man! of state ianued by v. c vvil.i.M AltTll, L'n t. d .states Co?rt House. tl < hkra borg (treat. 0'OONoTAN Ri'MA-CMKAPRRT PASSAOK i'PFH'R In New YorK. tiortlandt ttreet and ?*2 Chatham ' iquar.'. ^p1endld tteamer WI-<0oKStN <aa? } j\i..?k L TaemRv for Cark and Liv*nw>?i El'ROPt vn STKVflSinW' y R'" appointed to carry the Belgian ?n1 I'nlto* fitntef TM lollowlng ?t*?mer? are^goiutod to Mil From Philadelphia. ! From New York. VADBBLAND n.f ft BirrrZKKl.AND "I"'* kkdeSlan" June n i stateor mbvadajum t& FROM ANTWERP m ? Ffir Philadelphia. 1 For "C * or It. NFDKKIiAND. ...... Mav 511 ' RTATR Of JfBVAfM ,?une t VADJ KLA.Ni> lune H I *WI !ZKRLANI>?JiiUC Vi Pne?? ul>a#n*|f?in eurrenoT. First Cabin tw jrtecond i ?bin.......... Mtusraico ticket* to and from all points at ttto loweafi isengar accommodation* for nil elM?M unsurpasacrf. For passage, rates of iru>tiUt and other lulormation, *P(l'hTOBUK W. COLTON, Agunt, 4-' Broad ?tr?et, Now YJiHIN MrDONALD, Passenger Agent, No. 4 Battery B' ?'IC'i' IS 5*W k' 1 (?il T A bONS, Uencral Agenta, Mi Waluat *'li.eY(iN'DKll'lltCKI, General fcuropean Acent, Ant werp. ? ^ /HJNARD 1JNE.-B. AND K. A. R. M. S. P. CO. lj NOTICE. , With a view to diminishing the chances of collision the steamers ot ibis line tako a ipeolflc course tor an '''on the outward |>m*MC from Queeiwtown to New York or Boaton, crossing in the meridian 50 at ts latltu te. or nothing to the north o|'43. ., _ ... ou Ui?' homeward pftbftRC crossing the meridian of 51 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the norm ot From S K.W i'OK!\ lor LlVKRPOOLanJ QCKBN*TpW!t ?'t'\ 1'HIA .Wed.. Mav w I ?BOTH NI A.... V* o.t, June 4 ?ftl VsiA..Wed. MaViS# I ABYi48lMA...Wed.. June U Steamers marke t ? do not carry steerane passengers. Cabin parage $*l $1'I. ?t30. gold, according to no oommodatlon. Return ti ket* on favorable term*. SfiM-mco tickets to and trom all part, of hutopc at lowest rafe?. Freight ni. t cabin orfce No 4 ?owl,ti< Oreen Steerage ntflco. Ill Broadway iTriulty KiUiuIng . iTHAPLE* a. FRaNCKLYN. Agent, and p. II. OU VbRNBT, cornor Ot Clark and KaudolpU stree s, Chicago. ^ GOAITWIHB BTlfiABftBHlFlk xtew vouk a.\h brazil steamaHiP company. IS Full 81'. THOMAS A 1) BRAZIL. f_ The elegant side wheel Htcani<nip SOU I II asi.mi a. 8,lli)0 tons burden, Captain K. L. liiiilepaugd, will sail tor St. Thomas. Para, PernainbtKo. B.wila and IU<? de .laneiro, on Monday. Hay -4, at 9 o'olooi A. m. from I'ier 4:1 North Uiv*r. For freight or p?-?ag? appir to WM. R. GARRISON. AgaUU No 5 Itow iut Hn-n. XTEV? YORK ANU HAVANA Dtit-ICT M All. LINK. 1> These llrsl clua steamships will .?*U at 3 F. M. ironi pier 13 North kin t, toot of L?dar direct, tor Havana direct on follows /%if iruurs Tuesday, May li CHKsCKNl (ilif Tliursday. May -'T For ireigllt or paniago, having uuiurpasi il acconiuio dations, f f,YDE A CO., No. ti Bowling UreeiL McKeller, l.ultng A Co., Agenuia Havana XT Y 11 W MM ANU M X11'AN MVIL M. UNK. jN . Steamers leave Pi?r :1 North Wrer at;; P. M. rOK HAVANA DlBfatJl. CITY Ob N'KW YORK Thai"*)!?. May M nrrv ok mkrida fucsday, Ju i Cirv OK ViSKA ( Rt*Z V?r' ? JU"e FOR V lilt A CRl'Z AND NhW () K 1.1. AN."?, calling at Havana, Prot}rn?>, Campeacuy, luxpauaad fampico. . CITY OF MKRIDA . iV-srtay, Iline l t 11Y OF M xr? O TueaUay, June B For freight or passage apply t? F. aLKXAKHBK i sons, SI and S3 Broadway. Steamer* will leave New Orlean. May 15 au.l June 4, tor Vera i ru/. and all the aliovo port*. DVtlFir MAIL 8TBAM8HIP UK*-fO* rvl.lFOR i. nia. Japau and t'lilna, from pier li Nu*th River, H FOR AsPlNWA1.L. ACiPl'LOO,, May W, 12 M. Connecting lor nil Central A'nPrican and l^cirtr porta. FROM HAN FRANCIS! O FOK JAPAN ASU CHINA. Al'ASjKiV .. niio I >S? P^ir* ?pp?V f pAClKio VauTbTEAMSHIP COMPANY^ tor Havana. Kavanllla and A?pinwall. The ne? iron |ir?|ioiler COLON ??!!. tivm pier 44 North Itiver, Wednesday, May If, at U noon. ' For freight or pa^^e aj.i.bjjuj.ter. Kuperi?tf nd<nt 0 1,0 DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. r sailing froUl pier 37 North Itiver. For Norfolk, Citv I'oint and Ut-hnioud. rtMsday^ Tlinrwlays Samrdav, at 3 P. M? conntcllfU with the VirKlnta and icnneMea Air i.lno, Atlautic t f>*st Line, Piedmont Air Line. < lt?t?pea!Co ami Ohit Rall road, and with the co npany's steam ime* to Interior points In North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn Mid ^aa!iifij?ton, X. C. (.via Norfolk)* CT^rjr Tu^Uv, Tliur-wUv *ii? >uturJav. Unltluior ? WeUneidiiys *nd jftturilays. at 4 p. M. ( ?a* noctinK wiiri Baltimore ?nd ohlo Rjuiroi 1. L?vres ? ?e?. Monilnrs andJ^ur?.uji.f*t 4 r.,m. t ?u nertincr with Delnwarcaui MaryUul uiiiro*u* PasfKMiifer accommoditlon > ini^ur ?a -svJ . . ?I ti rough pawnee tu-kets an I bltU.dii llnf to all T?oinlt nt lowest rates. Inmirauee to ?? Fri tghl" rwetved ilailvat pier? North Rijer. Ueneial oillees, I.T ''r''y'j'' ??relent t;,7|t NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. r The Cromwell stenntshlp Uoe. The ?team?hiu HI l?s??N, Captain ,is?r. wil le?v? pter No. 9 North Kl\er on Saturday, Mav ti, at three I .M. Freight received daily. Through ate. gly?n veaton, lndiano a. Roekport or Aran*is ? harf, Bra/a^a Santiago, St. IxiuU and Mobile. Cah.n P-sjage ??'; Rtoernge, For freight or pa^s*ge appl} to C i.ARK A ShAMAN. Sri West street. ? Tl'liXAb LINE Or QALVESTOM -TKAMKR>. TOUCH 1 ing at Key West.carrying the I idled states steamer O. w CLYhK.. Captain Pennluaton. will leavn ni"r ^0 Kast Kiver on Saturday. >l?> ? at s i . *. Through billa oi lading ?i*eu to all polnU. n U.e H and T c L. and O. N.. (1. H. and H. an'. t? II. "tut B. A. It R." No chargu for forwarding in New ^"rk. Por i. r [...dice baviinz superior aecoimnodntiou^ aooC to Pc "r'MAI.U?KY A CO.. 1M Maiden lane, appo V0 j, cCydK A CP., 11? wall .treei. 11TKKKLY FLORIDA LINK- ... _ >V For I'ort Royal. S. c.: Fernaudlna. Pla.; Bruua wi'le Oa.?the favorite and well known steamer HI NTsVILLK, < hetier, n?a?ter. having inperior aeroinmoUtlon. f'>r pa-'-eiwerA wilt ?all rhiirs.lay. May ?, from pier No. 3 North IH?'|% ?'* P M lor above p.irle, mature connections to all poinia South aud >outliwe?t >l? Port Royal, the Honda ?u4 KnrrtWcU?*P?>?"<we-To 1'ernandina, ?*), to Incksou T Thfolfgh"tieKe^V^ie'dJ^all points South and Bout h west The MONTUOM KR?, Feircloth. Master, will.toll'W X?v f7 Ft>r p? ?a>ee and treight apply to MIHH OKLPi KK. No 5 ? BM " . THWEM.V.H*' ppipk. Ar ^ ? 4 K NORTH snORE ST^^N ISLAND PRRRl For New Brighton, Snug Harbor. West Briihua ?nl Port Richmond h.*U ie >ve WluUhall street. ?? '<?>' >< BroAlway, daily, ?l;U A. ?. i ai. 3 ;10, 13 ill anl i :ii PJt sundavi at half pa? erervliour, fr"m a;>l *? *? Far* W cent*. ____ ^jtor llouso aari' eare Vesey *tr*et ?r t?rrf !?? Sceata ?" ? I.BANY ANOIR' V MAY I.IM -. "' \ ikiii' SiA will on std AtitrMw4ir M.i> ??? . ?}WVA ? *oiSn? *Veiine?lay. ??* s Vesur? street pier 39 >. rth fayer't Twrutv-lourth witSUil A. J: J2 rl??uil and Hud H when th- "leamere ViBUakIi and DANiKLOBKW will be placed upon ?li? route. ? *. iiaXV ANU TKOY ?l M?*Y EYKSIM) BO IT A 'eoonectiiia with ayrntug train* tor the MytU a?j ks .""?/??.Wiaa waa fsgtt POWKtfl.' leaves p er 4# Nor h Klver f-ot l eror jreot ,t ti P. M i hrongh UoketOoUt and t>uggage i becked to (l.siinailon. ? / 'ArsKH.i?iKMTrt t r the cri kk. Ri.w cm a* \j |ion and Water ?rett, dall%- ( unlay* cxcepudi, fiom < anal atreai. # P. R. Fare S? ceoti. L'AM. RIVKR UNK To HOHroV r via Newport and Kali i trer.?rhe world-renownM Meaner* BKl.iTtM, Hint PROVillEM'K leave pier H North Hirer, loot of Murray ?treet <1* Jr. fund.?r?. Jane 27 to AagltM 29 5 P. M. Tin ntigti Uriel* >olJ at .it' pitnel. p*l Botelmn Uia city. flail'* Hand rn;!^ I tor I tic truwi. OPPoSlTIOR-Al.BANV AMI TR< >Y?FltANKtJJf atrral, pi?>r 55: deca, J9r cabin 91 with Berth ?leanirr MIHI VLKIt. Monday*. W<dne?day? ?nd *'?* day*. 6 P. M fare Buffalo. %6 J W. llARCOI __ 1>ER V* VITAS f % RAILROAD. I Tb? (treat trunk l.ine anil rnif*d Stataa Mall Rootr. Train* leave Ken fork, from loot of DMbraaag* aal tii.rtlan it ittraei*. a* toltow*:? F.*prr?* lor llarrtaburg. Pitiabnr.:. th? Wait awl with PolIvtan Fnlaee ? nr? attached. U.i A. M.,1 Jnd H..HI P. M. Hitllda v 5an<l "*:3J I*. R for Wllltaiuwort and i. ?H Haren (rla Phila lelphta an I Krla Railroad l>iri-ion. connecting ai Philaitelpliia). In A M. fw WUIIawMjm. Uol Haven. forrrani Erie H:JO P. M.. cornier ting at tVrry i?r ntWflk PrlMleum Centre and the iHI tWioft*. _ For Baltimore, Washington nod lite -i"?tli, UmilM W.iahington Exeren" at PaltaMa Parlor ? ar* dally, except snndnr. 9:51 A. R.; arrir>? at W Wellington 4:ll P. M. Rag alar MS.IOA. M , S tod* P. R. >aud?y.? litre** for Phlltd. Iphia. 7. 7 JO, * :?1. 9:10 A. 11 M, 3 t. 4:M. ? *>, V 7. MB,? P. M an I 12 night. Sttndar. ?:*> .V 7, ft JO and 9 P. M. Emigrant ari l second olaia, For Newark at*. <:*>. 7. 7:41 % 9, 10. II A. 1? U,t ? 2flM 1:40. 4 I I. 43* \ ?:?. ?s4J. ?. 6:|J. ?:H|. ? 7 *? *:lU JO P. M. and 12 iiUhi. Buiultr. i 20. / F,?rnlu*?l>eth. ?. ?:11. 7. 7:*\ 5, ?. 10 A. M U 1.1 lJiililt. 3-W. 4tin. < :?i. ? :W ?;*?. S, ?:!& *:?. f, 7 :n *:f j. I ^ II fl* * and 12 nuht. tun I ay. S J?. For* Kjiii'W, *.'?#>, 7. ?. Id A M.. U I ! i n, 3 D 4:10. 4:30. *4:21, i:|i, it. 7, SiU II P. M an I 11 iiigltl. iui *rd 7 M. For tToixttind-'e. IVrili A mo >v and >onth Anlxif. < ant 10 A. *.. 2:10. 4:40 Hid ? P .<<. _ For New Briiti?wick. 7 mi I II A. M , II . 2, .1:1), |;1^ fi:J0. ?:!??. 7 p. M. an I 12 nuht. ?mi lar. 7 P. A I'm Kmi R;l!?tonc. 12 noon, 3 and ft:AI I". M. _ I or Kingston an.1 K< ky Hill. A:M A R and 4 '# f. H. 1'of Princeton 7, S:W A. M., I2:3i. 2, ?:I j ? n l / I*. Nl tor I.Jintiertville an.I Plemmifton. A. M. aiwt f P. *. Kof PMIItpihorf and H?lrlditre. 9:10 A. M. and P * tor I reiiton. Morilantown, Barllngion uu t t'umden,/ and 9:m A. I2:JJ, 2. 4, Sand 7 P. X. For Kreeh 'id. 7 A. M , 2 and 4 :H? P )t For Farint'rfdale an I Souan. 7 A. M. and 2 P. H For HlgliNtown, Pemljerton ant lamdon. vl* I'arth An. bOT, 2:30 I-. *. For lligliutown and Pcmberton. 5 K. M. Tr.nn? arrire a* lollowa-?Prom Pltiaiinrf. t:K anil 11:11 A. R and lO^lo P. R. datlr; m:ii a. M. and 7:4) P. R. dally, exci pt Monday. From tfa^hlngton and Ham more. K 2? A. M. ?.ia. ft-.i;, an.iH: 7 r. M. Hun lav * * A. M. and 10:27 P. R. Fr>? Philadelphia, 511, ?:>?. ? 30. 10:1% 11:11 II S4 A. R.. ?|1V 4:1V, ftji. 7<lk 7-?, Tlck?r ofllce*. S2fi and 914 Rroa l ??r. R*. 1 Astof flonia ?M loot ot lieehroiiei au I I'orumi It mreaia: .*o ?i!ourl street. Krookijrn; So- 114. It4 and IU llu I* >n *tra?lt lloboken Emigrant tickot oflloe. ^o. It Baticrj ikUda. KRaNIC THOMPsOM, U. * B IV'lk J*U Ueneral Manaaer. Otneral Panen:?r vaat |)RU?1 1DEKCK AND mTiiSI.NO TOR KTEAN^UIP COL ?H K8V TORE AND ? .STOR. ? IQR1ROTUR LINK. Front Bier U N. R. loot or Jar ati^t, the e'agan* aieatnert Rhode I?lant) and Narranantait dai > except Putidaya), at 4 r. W. PROTTDRRf* LIRR. From pter 27 R it., foot of Ro lmoi ?t. the '(earn ihlpg aad i?a ric"pt ^andarai at ? I'. ?L