Newspaper Page Text
?OARDKR* WUTRO. 1 PlBLOB FL<H>B?TH RRK LABOR ROOWS HAWTV ? tMrniahad; private bathroom. cloeeta. Ae . b .i J _v*'* ? *???, Kooni* for Keutlemeu, w lthout '' *r 1 reference. <w fca.i Twentieth itmt 1 1*1? STItABLB EXTRA LAB" IK FRONT BOO*. ?. *kU1****??*???**?{; ? !*? a back Unoui. with i!l?*oU ?? ?*ti. Board. m Fiiteaath wr^ei. I NORTH washivotom hoitabp.?blkoant r r K>nn to mt. facing tin- Park; One location lor sum ?left dotal iafc?ie. 1 "WBLB N( IT OF THIRD HTOHT ROOM*? fr Yiti 2* JUttnwr price*; will bo vacated ei>?o?11 srr* rt iU**" **a4isoii avenue, corner Thirty- second l?)fH STKEBT. 315 EAST.-JUDIFN AMD GENTLTC ? r'iU Hoard itc reasonable prices; also iur? Piiueu Itooim to let; Wrmi moderate. 1 9? ST. Ill EAST OUR BLOCK FROM BROAD . . i ,f.H. **fJre *oom, second story, front; aU,? Ihi?<> and "mall ihira ?torr: Sou.-.- and table first cU?v t< rui> rcaonab.t retcreuce* exchanged. 1?> Fl.ace. trrtTtVf.sANT SQUvRT _ T* A '"f?i*h< ?: front Bourn tt, h*r. to gentlemen change?/1 U*n wittl J,?"r(1! roicrjiics -x 1IV "? r1 'V': 1 *',vr u: -writ's fob FAXTIli * '"*rrt*d ?^*r 1 4 r,^r, N7* th ?ri:rt. ? WRNisuitD or. Tx. -1 x tarnished front Rooms with Board. 14 ?AS,T K'RTYSi rOND STREET -TO LI T r .iTt ,Ti!!'i r lnri' f"*rt "oom? with BoarAs rt?! njodernii H v*u u"or' ,r<" AftJi avena,; term. MTII Sl'RL. T ** WKST.-A fZeaTaTTF A*77DeT "J " ?*' *?"> tv r nt trti.'i if t i"a>i Boai'.l ? lyvs'iuo >'otivoui-i ?; iri~renee? exrhvi d. 14 'frn'^T'i ^ l4*~T0 f'^T. HANDSOMELY 1 | I'M STIti 227 HK-T-UB'. Flit: V rfv fo^^u^V/enan' T*;|i*iV ?mali3r *"?'">*? with Board, 1 4 ! rl.^VV r ?s'.' " ea<t._?>melv kir. ?f iTT1em, r .W. .'I. ll iA Jlth Hn%rii- 'O familir, ,,r *ur, v bowdrw meeo modateii rrCrr 1 tT2,8I!l? ?* Sl!> WE*.T ?H'fXiSHKo B(H)Mf TO 4 _ a i '. , ,4 ? f t* 11 ; . 1'?* s? ;i*I f* f i VITA tfT' term m,?lrr?;. mt u,f >uai*?r: raifcri rice 1" '?<"(> I KORIV oTREFrr. .NEAR t'lfl U .,r"r;;:r Mrrwo"r",ree ?1lt R.'ir,t .n ,? c"**/ Willi or with out H,.?r,i i.i pruate tajriiy- refltren<-ei retiulrrj. 1.")"'r' ' r ' v' 's''. rtVrWAXt BARK, Ko 1 *?*? ??rp hmi.t??m?ly t?rni?ii.<l luilI ? , ?1 L:'^- ? ??!?<? tw,. ?riV. ?!? iVf ? ourrt h tue liri*: cU-?: 1 ?") furn^.h! !'1TV?. '"Nr). P1*5KT, ~KLEG AKTI.T uuti.r *'. *' ~uit* 1)1 with or with !- V A * *** * ?* or \ iir. K) ' ' 'r ixTv^bTmtt atorv' ' i V ?' " *'?on .. r h-hi'TsU^ Wl* B?**4i f"b;? Hi ^vifLr, VKJ. ?iv"l ^TBI-.hT \KD an<1 r.? H. .]"$u ^ ?M 40.1 . k,K.. i.t?. !ir,r??,r"a -J ' C<nU"' ,V ba*f 1& tV^ii v-di?,iT*Z???.lV Kmr ' I Br 'lit, nJ rt t Fr.?m"u,B .7K?"m y ?. -"I'll tahl<?. tube TLZ3~_ II. LKrLBK. 18 L.^KlV.1r-r PV?' E -rrBTl>hed ROOMS TO j,4ll? | ,?-r '? , o"*fj lur???hf.| anj |S JiilJtnZ.' ' VU "T8r;'r "RTWKE.V (?n1 - ?. r" i . . '*0. h*u Jaaiii^ izur"Ho ai* I jl'. J* *tKX.-Lihdl ABO ? i -srvBEit PRjcas, good Li?nrtAr. board a.nd i" cui t loenrioti tinjiirpiused. 131 ?*' doocal utreft. oear ^ni^hiugrtou ?^u.ir6. 1 BLOCK FKoB BKUAOHAV ?. A , . . il< p*?t Xlnrti'enth ?tre?t Bauaaotnely tnrntahad Room*, with tir?t cia-w Hoard. ' () BOOMS TO LBT-WITH HOAKU. I!? ]TTrIVATK i-t Ainericaii lunilv: a *<? two Room*, without lio*r>l tall at or addreon m Wmt H*iftT-ftrst t 4 J AIIOK non ROOMS TO LKT?wtth (IOOD ? 8o*f,<v4Bd ,,nc one : terma reasonable; ralar M7 Second aveuuA, near SlghUenth wtrevt. O LA BOB BOOMS. TOOBTHEB; ALSO A BOOM FOB a. aiugle con thine a; ?<>rim rfi?ori i lv low: uhle tinl r.rml.v good; location flr?t class. 101 and liu W'avurlev rlaoet corner of Washiiiytou s.( iarp O SHITS OF BOOMS. WTTH fbitatb B\THSAT '?ched : brivate ub'a it dasired; alto uli.^lc Rooms, with or without Boar l at 15 Saat Slxteeuih ?irot, eb? tweon Broadwa.v an 1 Wttli annua. I ?J BUK'IH FROM BROADWAY?XICBLT FTlT- I ?> ni?h?d Roomj. with (lilt das* Boa ;1, to (tenUetuen i an.l gntitlemen and wives : teruin inmlerule ; houaa and location desirable; Ain<< *1.'Kast Nineteenth *t. /^Tfl AVKNLK. 2?1?A VfcBV DEMRABLK sl'ITB ! ?'* .f'f.?"QMa, with the eom/orta of a reilnad Home, aud ; lni?r?i table; Boom /or gwtlemaai wimmer priced | /tTii a\ tin r. cobxii of roifi-rtMT btbbbt - ' ?n.hI:?<',n'"?ly an(1 *n 8Ult* furnished mid utiliir iilsh^d, w ithout nuard, to weiitleuieii nn 1V ; tamilv prl. \,u> - ' ? I" 1 ""???. ' Ka?t Forty :u st street. fi -rW?ST rrt,XThENTH? T"KBT, Tin;K DIM.i;s ^lftU ?*cnne -First ofa-* neiithhorhood : fnr wuhed Rooms with or wit bout Board ; terms mod. rata. 1 Sfcfi 2 ?,10 P,B? WEEB.?FINE ROOM?; BXOBL . i Board $'? tablf lw>?rd. and orti.'O atilfabli* *. r "eentn'.irec' clas*. 231 Ka?t I hir WFEK BACH?COMFORTABLE ROOM. FlfiST S.f.L.'" * H"rxi tor tw,, voona Kentlpmeii. toiretber: reference r<-?iulre<i. ffll \ ariek atreet cornet' bench. j C) COhWKRDK STREET. VP\R MLH EC K ER -HR* I ?' nlshe.l Farlor and Kitchan forlUht housekeeninu ? I Mtnall Ito. nia tor gentlemen, with or without Hoard pri- I v?te ?Wk fcA t W 4-1!! ?. iT' ? ? PX AC -IO I.hT OKIE _'' i ii| f , , brie i-u.- i.cjelv fun:iatic-J. wtth or wiibn?f Board; mtttw lw?; Iwilodtr- , ate. _____ 1 t;.| oTi'i.' ri ^i f \i'\it hi rr ?f.? ?tikh _ ** "v i t < ?r ??? , iiif ? i( l!u '? in1 R?-irooru* it. ?t ?tilt Boa ?ti. tmTu-eii fami.j t all all ibu week. i \M> *- I'll: WF.Hi?F?R CRM TLf.VAN ?r_"" nil '? ?? ? *tf ?? uil-- ; ?i loca U"i and labia: e?eey ? uav rute aea. 241 We?t riflr-flr^t atraM Ail* ' > ?.T. HO. t fE?T.?OAlMWtlY ft R _ a ? I oo atcuad dmt aa -uit.- or tapa ra'?'. ??>io:ti?r i.m*. with Hoard placed prltaa iw .?muier. l;?-eri. raas 'lanffad. xmi rr. ~r ?ri fkost Room to r> it ai'h IMfi ?>.? KA-T FOnTV-MNTH *TRF.F.T.-H?BOA*T Houmr aupertor board after June 11, at Mt.ittaer ' prkv: ?int.? ^raterraid: atalir-tUaa ca? be mall ' nn"t ltri> h? , Miuiiaf nljr Ar>t claaa; raleraaee* aaauingvd. ________________________ CftfU *TRf.l!T WMT *11?WRM, RCRKfflHRD R?? u- n ? > unrt ar.'i ,,d ' >? r? ?i?b ?o'*1 Butr-l at rr, r*M (<r:-e. alav L<il Roo n $?; ? ?iple o'oaala Uu r<? ?? 4c ?>QI? ?? WK?T-ROO* ?-t TTARLff __ loraan'.c >? i an< tbair wiva? an l .*ie a-nUr *Kt. to >i. wrR feoard bra: ri ii*" k.vaa aud re 4<j. -I ?>?> r*-i rrRTTiirrw rtrket (Wthd^or a*t J Hotel Hot* Karaiatied R< m? t. I< ? with or *i lioat Hoard to famine* <,< uimU f utlrmca. r <onii vacant June I reference* t ??![) HTRKfT UP Wp. "-tZtWO HANT'J'OVt I V ?'f fnrn ?i?,i contHMMMilac ?noma, ?!*>? rtnt.e K".n?. ?? la?. wilii KoaM nou*e table and Ijcan.n Hfi c'aea _ | t>?jr??TRIEr WF.ST. ZU-LaROP. HA*rw>*< / T ^#1 faraUhed Room? !? ward, on parior and iec r.nd floor*. ?niut ie for reatlaaten an I their WtTM alnfta ieni^iara. t'-' fcr two; knate, location, table em "lata OOD HTK > f.7 to r,KT. with FIR-T e.O elaan Hoard relereacaa eiv.liai*fe?l ? ?l WE?T JM1TII OTKFrT-Ft. F>i ill 1. I M ii'x to lat. * itk Board. <) - WK?T WAPH'VOT')* Pl.AC*?4 M.BAf A*T , neat I j luraietied R ?>>.m U lat wlU> ?:: (I n? ahb >rh >u4 modar* c?qv?bi> n-a* ballu tc , Wrm* mudnrmia . raiareacea no wi.T TWrnn rfiini mTni?TRRrwiR* 4.') RrwadHav aad Haiti a?>-nue- ? i wo dnc>* Hed r on,i to lat. aiUi Board. ' <>7TH, Ul RAST. BEAR LRXIRUTOB ?? I av?nu<> ????rifleman an ' Win a^d ?in*le *en'le ir i: eati ohtaui *uparlor l'.i.?ia? wita rtrnt naaa lt<>ard ; tarm* modaiaia. ref?r?acaa 07 wsst ruBiT-RroMTn Mitfcii.-rcB>bUKu I ftnow. atn Hoard t-^ rent. 4?f\ WF.-T rirTKKKlTh FTBRRT.?HA RQROHKbT <?>' furntalieJ Rp-,th? wit* Baar.l. h.iiae flrat claaa, laul'y prtaata . ralaiaaraa, ??A RAtr th.'rtt RTFTft JTRIERT ? RP.CRPTIOR ? >'F ftoom and l?"r*m, wtth hot and coil watar : alt* twn >i*ll Boa ma. ?.th or wiU>oat Hoard, at Oiudarata r??( rtfi'r.c-i un BA*T TWR.XT ' fit ' JTRFPT ROOM^, with ? ?'? R..ard fer featirmar, aB<l wife or two tantltaicn ; Mao dortar'a ufflra. ??ii r,?T MHRTRr>rH rtbrb^.-to i.p.t, with ? ?'/ f.oard, i, ?ijr irn ahel Pa'loi not end ?,d waier. l?r*? van;r? ? - rw< "t' tle k?c.i5 "i aen ?'into or (<tiitiea<ai) auu w.ia. faui; boariera tak' ? al ?? per w?a* ? ?a WFeT ? ?trrrt? RBF1TTRD AMD ?t 1 fur.,.ah- I, iff r? fine area and I nall ft# rr.? With ???ri/ciiy i,a'ivi prof'*al'>na: rua* cook, naat aw I* wiAii\* rl*ti m rft*iK)Sk*t>to prim* ?Jill' IHII-.T, ISO WRHt. HP. A It ?RO*T>WaT ? : r M.-?ly far ni?.,fij a... xi tm lat w.ih Crit -,* + H. ?*-d re.arancei e ?ehanaa' ?> < rn BiBKRr. .?? pa?i ?#ckti>kmrh ahd ? >*f wifi>? san oMaln iw* ai?a<art a ? y fumi?ned Room* w't'i R >ard ; li uh aaa to- atiou Urit.i,. mm rnitr prtoaa; raferaHaoa ??/? HH.'I lAfcVTV .KU.MII -lllim N AI! ? >') Bro*ilwa? ? steely furorliai Rftnm* ta >1 w,t Hoar 1, h"-i>e. im'aHon ?rd taole l)i?t laaa. 'abia I,oar?? ?rata ? ? <* riaiei ?*( hanaad. a?7 W?I?T twkhtt PIRRT RTRKRT HKAR FIFTH ? ? i limiir ?Handa.i'naijr 'wnialied ttoo na 10 lat. ? :>? r alil , ut i; ard I'-rnu uioOerata, taak Uoafdari *? ..11'no la<a4 refarm. 1a WAVTIO. 38Tni?i!rr.IlpE^' 2)7 *naT-B\Nn.WRi,T fi K lor j?.?0?*" w'Jh ?r,t clan* Hoard; hnll Room etile o on r?nJ..7?e u: ho.,"M" *"(i lf'C;U,"u 'mHXception nue <'?r "ln?? *'? aUUl 8eveBta AT? 38 *K8TITW,RLETI1 STRBET, NEAR KIM II kfH. IJm, <?r lw? gentlemen, tmeVemS.??t.u i e fimu,v- wt,l> ,tvv '"Murder*; table ""lurencti U1* 0wU,r<?rUi terms reaaouable; Si) HSJ.imfi STRkKT._HAM?SnMr:V Kl i:. uentlem;?!!'.!. wlth H"ard. a< moderate price*. for cbaiitfed OT*eul[t!t"enl reteretice. rx 4-0 S*8t i'^BTKENTII 8TRK T ?TO LET. WITH rinii?>,Th.<V"irmotitfU or ua(urni?li?<l loe ition 1,1 verv <*?*"rr? 1: choice ?nltnble tor B< linemen ; term* rrnyon^hlc; duy hoarder* taken. 4-1 V?1 TWENTY-NINTH WflW.-tO RK\i IT. i. '.hJ'r Hoard. * handeome Milt of Room* oineronl floor, front; u!m>> (rout Room. lourlti floor: lo cation verv coiiTenieiit lor cars; reference. 4'L?"|,|ir m:.VIY KOI HTH STKEKI NKltt nrliit .VeQlie,';"t*'1?Nol"> lurnl?hed Kooni., wit I, STi.h i? 1 ttVrd' and wile or *ll*le iteulleihen Uerm *ii ?uoke?rU ira"royciuunU' KngilaE, trench and A A west thirty .surovn stri et. having nTwi v ?????"?. .M i> n"w lor guest* liaa been iitec rTorr ha A . i"T M \ RK'S PLACE.?LARli E. PLEAS VN r f'l'R. j' ."1? Room*, on ftrtt and seen 1 floor* to lct.wtl? '"nien an(1 ?l*o .single Roouuto r. ? speouble partlwa; choice U'cailon. 46 wJi?Tf^A.KnrN,"ON.PLxrK y'w Koom? to li'f ?Jf(k V',na1,TUr" 1111(1 !"n,,u fomiahed =??& ^ ^U' ",U ^ CuM 47 ,Wo8t twfel^TII STREET?KEW PARTIES ?Jm^UhVoSn&r^U 0bU1Ul *' 3Ummur prtc"' 4 7 *!",* M LRVKN r? STRE'-T.-A I.AUOI- KROXT .5 ? . a"rt Hoom on **cond floor; verv coo] ami d?. Board to rent, together or separately, with 48 EAsTTWRsry-Nivrn street.-a iai.y ii v i i a handsomely furni*ii?d Iioorn to let, tu a Kentlt? firian and wife: Board for wife. 40 wnn J^^nmirun.Mabbroad! ?^h .??? . '"'I*'1"*1/ torntabei Room*, with or ri!Vl??u, I?",rd: on llr-t Boor, miialile lor a aiicui.0 "4"U4 ,u^oderate lo perai ineut purrie*; r<ier 4 7 ITESI TW EN Ht-SEVENTH STREET. METWEr7 1, ?. '.'2?,w'*v Sl*"> avenue ? Newlr farnuhed hr 'Ik?; . i? it." Jsrolerre '; tor nit >1 to Bur h ce K ; Sroakt.utt If tlexlrea private family. ' ro WE..-T WAStriN(,TOV 1*1,ACK. W'K-T ok SIXTH h'r'n.*m"!S"7'% '"".V prl^#tc Tn n"v rhr'-' poraon?. mor? room tlian they require, will i,,*,. flrrt cin.Ni imrtie* to Hoard; hoaae newly ftirnUlied. rXI) -,,,i ST M,X1<K'S PLACE.? KURVIHHED lurcc and ntnall. to lot, with Board: mm. nv r prices: locttiMi fliio: iti.m 'able txiard. $1 tier week. r J EA?T 125D STREET. ? A KKW Oh. NT I. E M E V OR ""J1"""" ?1"1 wifee^n flu I a pleaaanf home in ?Mhawed *'oppo#ite Morrl? ?'?rk; reierencli ,55 *'K"iT TWENTY SI CO.NI> STREKT.?PLEASANT Wire o^aingVe t0r ^n,1"lun HUJ l4'J < LINTON PEACE, ONE DOOR FROM KlfTH Rrliri ?ISiLU?' ~'",utle call i' rocure guud uble Board; reiercnce* required. iB 87 *AI",^ AVK\CE -PARTIE8 DISIrTno : <?,. JuitJoL .iifAw ?i'21nm" ,:,sv ""btaln Rooma I 1 ^ . or^tnjjr wittl 01 without private rat>l?* Kouma I ? ^^'ttejuen. wiiii or withoat Board; rei retire*. ? Q1 sev-ntii avenck. betweT."v meteenth Bi.irl L^l..^irT0Vf *tr,et<.?KurnUne I Room*, with encak togeuUemoB ur geuUi iuaa and *n? ; reier Of) S.\r? T-NIH f7SFRT?NI KLv n-RM-nKD .'t' ?? , 7' : Sl>od B"ar l' s" an Atn^'icaii latnlly; : te^yn'^^?t3rBn^e^'tt,r,!en T"irj uuj 1{)9 TWE.NTT-aiXTH SI'ltEKT. NKUt i lerm *v*"9,*:7h',? I-^'neiy nirmahed Poom< bilrd;^i-ri'rafl! termf Wlth bo-rJ ? ais0 10ft 7K<,.T FIFTH STREET.?A PETVaTE ?? ?'f! v ,*1" an "letfan?. lar^e ir.jnt Roo it ?en; reliremf.i' Be"tl,*,a?n * '? or t>vo tentlt ' lift tgWf.TaWO WTKEET?A Wfittoir 1 1 V ll-*4 neaUT ?arni<ti#4 Room* to 1st wlih or with. ooMoajrd. by the day or Wt. i,?",* ,,,d?; III f, T,r :iK,'V fv'" F*' BT NEAR roiTRTH J 1 ? ?, '?r?n * ?'?"?' 1 -fi familr. two nieclv fnr. nUlied>bi? for * Bule ur-uti-men; all con veal, nre" 111 7' RTT KOL' RTII STUEF.T.-TO LET*! A.h.naed rd %Uty ,roa Rt"m< "? ' II o MADISO.V ATEVl'E.-ROOMS TO LKr W rril _' ? orwltliot.: Bu.iri; reference* exchaBieJ. 11"*2*y?rnrr?p?TH b'rekt-two kloorT J l?> la'ue h ?? Kom? r?oru? fmni<he<j ,.r VHu.r0r "P*r*',,y' Wllu Board*; 11.") E > sT_ KOrkTEESrH KTRKKf -ELFO ANT I thir,i rti*"".! fc> F"h Roard fin -i-cotid ah I tblnl floorD. ?t reduced uriret; Sonth>TD?rj uk^n. | 119 ? *sT_J*,"'TY-THiED STREET. ONE BLOCK Ail ; r. ,!h" -? tie iaSf|.i;..a ?t. '?) eitt'l'li hoirq'.' ' 8lt* ,,ltr' y|u> **<*? l';8 rwzmrmn btrkrt.?tiTree f , , "''"m? oB ? . rlor Boor to let ..lui : ?uitaL?? fwr a laraiO ^atoo koeuMoa the aeeoud floor. ?'uiubi* 1 MO f" % ' r ,mR ?TRR?tTh aiTlEM -KTHKianun I MO V - - r FORnr SECOND STREi r-Vvro haehI l?, siaeMr*""1' IS J IrtsT l"'"H STREET. WE;t SIETB wit M *?j'a ? UiVl"1*! Rt>0""'0 ?'*. with or m. 1111. ,J , *rl lfi? niudem i(Bpruv<- lM-BU; boaje u^e ne * !?o ily ?m?II. prir?v and AmerKau ' 1 :{.*> ga?2a.'g.'!tta>?' ??>i | FKANKUN J. Ef.ET.?A KEW MFCHaViV^ Board , ?i?o a 1M8 ! teext;i strkkt.?bioelt rvZ %?};? Trip 1 run f? n|. viar tt. ** U*-n Ikj?: I 1 '10. EA^T rWKNfT VIVTM -TJ'EET LT?,-7t~ 1 ? h l-fjf with ????t anil vm ? f# fiiie I.e.. ,? rood tabi pdc, " ow. ""Wr *c iu i;>q KiST MXTT EIH8T BTEBET, COEEEiTlrz' r. t- -'o.?ZATl,'V ~A ^ tortured 1 w" ',"Ar', '- cer.deman and * ?e ?f fUmly 4 ay-??Fabsr,: ^ks*?? 111 tweett-eiimtth STREET -La **7 0. !h. j,a;r?;im,lrr h^;??A oif ..,n, ^ ^ ? S5.TJ;0 ',0U' D, D So*rtl"' V'< "terma 1 ? 7 w'<r tLKTRMH *rn*PT.-prRM.?ni ? 1(1 i*-H> tlth of wiinoat Bo?rl, or -or i ght bouaak*a?>n?. 1 (7 K?sT TWHTT HK'.lp nTREfT T'. LET 1 I I with " '>*r 1 to a raap*rtabia man ?;><1 w ?? ?r party of f ur, two tanrv nratljr Lrnnnnl ir- m Kooina; alao a h* tab'? b,ard*ra icy vuf tws?!t-*boo*b stbbet-an k*. ur* rkw?r ?.i iat. ?anal* or tn miii? ?, n ! r?m Hoar I R?f?r> B"?< ?i i??iiod '.Mk'-l rA 1 ?I*T*KSTH -TKf'^T. IRTWKkV *-"?? bacon d and 1 bird n ?rnnm.? FaraWte i Boom .. wiUi H?j?r ! ?o ?l Oil EASI HE V K XTR K N I f! STREET. !*EAR IHTT ? I I "urn Pir? R?v,m mealy fnrtti?hrd . ?>*i '? >fdr.>onn wttb f.r wrttlo it B. ar.. trrrni m.*! rm'a reirraaee* <ii < r(sr rot ;<TKEWTir-TRKF.r >kap. third ~l't ?rtnu? -K.i i i,? nlec'y f'tr >*h?d luf * i ?mail. ainzlr or <.ihrrwuM>. . ki| and com'?rt.ib ? -?,tb ?Bc?u*nt loaM . rrcnch Mi Italian all <>??? ^ ameneaa. 4>i i wf <r forty ?-:fth.-tre* r-* pi. ? ???st mI T Boon Of. tlir fo?rtB ("? ?<* I- !??. ?it!. B>a-<1 , I a Piano for naia. ooj bast riTiiTrH- iftBBBr-ffiSf FLi^S mm I bro*n ?ton? aoatbarn a?p ? ,r? arsr troot Ro'xn. a aacond ?t?r* ?cl Xoam m...? ci.?u wm? rrar.nabli- wit?..r wilBouI Board , r?far n?*a 99^ WKat THIRiTTHlKb stbe B f.?I-ASOE i-n-T1 and ?roaU K<?.-n. ?i'h Boi~d. ba'fi. cat tut gantlcnm or nati, an>l witr f * and ?? -ar ????* 99f{ tUT riKTT-roPHTH ptrbrt.-to rbrt w_'? tr>|?nU?maa. in tha bonaa with a rrirata lam Uy lw??cUiraa pl'aaant l; ... tofatbar or aaparata lirM-.l,'! or unfurBiabad; partial it on. d i! rag air id; term* m.jdoral* 2"l|Q WElf YbIBTT-RIRUT" STBHET-TO^ LET* with fir* riia Board by ? oarman fa ntiv ? I*r*a ala*an-.? 'u-- iaba-1 *?e-in l *r,rr front Ko?m w.:H ai mod?ra eunT?.n?iiC>?. at a?r>Vrat< prf* referanm ! i)()Q WB)rr EL.BTRnth ?trrkt -a~wTa"i"l ' <um* ' fannly f ao omrandata a faif Itoardan ?*r? [ f.? '?ant K iu? luitaoiK tar r?3U*m?ti aat wi?a or *r. gbt _ l?a EI.E?R!?rll ?T*KEt --A l!A?r-POMRl.T farnubad Parlor, wtib l>r>>?a n< F;-.?itri Iront ? o?m?, with lare? cloattt, fat. e aceon BadactoS i<>r tabl? Uo?r .?ra ((?)J rifTII STREET, JERSEY city.-10 Rl.5 r, ?it>T by* innir toailr. ImUM E.>.in? ?o*!-w f-aii'mrn or a **n lrn...n anil wl'r. wltfi or without oar I a ? raum boma In a rcipacual* n?i?hb'.*b . f?n n.inule?' "ui> rroinf?rri?? and ft. r'? <j*r? e*i>-.n| tha door (m, batn, but and uold waiar, rirmimo-utmf. ItfrB srPKKT. UAH.EM. ?*ERT KF ^OU r. ?om Rr??mi to i?k *ifft B ard rut. bath, h--t ?iwl fl^fd ?<'?r, fan?enl"iit legation 'rrrr.t mwlmit. 9 t (? west TWEyrr s?co*D street, pi- r*pi; v ? I ? hcraoUi and BigbUt aranuaa.-lU,omj>. with li..n r I 9 if. ast urn;kth btbret ?elp.#ai*t boo*s, ?i.h in. Board, lor ??sti?m?n <r grnHtarn an l *it#? . Wi?? [>ro?"i ?t.,na lo?a i..n flr?4Ci?.? Ap ll, ?U ?..? IhuJf ? l ?m. itlfi WV:V. *WEJi TT-POlTBTIf strbr <.?PLEAS ** * ' R<' ?? 'o lat. witb Bo?rd t*rm? raodarata '>41) ?m*TB r* B^TY-FIPTH ?trbet.~TO LET, *T, T lTh b*n4*ow?if r?mtihH it ?on a. with ilii ?!?" ?V"ti"u*'?l*1" t?r fen?lam*o an<| *<?< or ?inala t?ntlrm?n , alar a <iln(la Room Brat rlaaa ubia f "i Vi?nCr **????<' '>*?r an ?nn> with pr rata f'U ' >Dtjr ' niW b*a*l?r?? rain at>< ?a BO\Kl?KHa WiNTHO. 250 wit:hHH,"VK.V Kr0IITM "KRKT.-TO LET. & :u ^"?1 ^"r>M,'',,or *",,tl*mei'?"<1 wivm; oil* ior *14 old M()5 ?AsT Kl<JI?TKK!fTh 8TEKKT, COR N Kit IK viii Board u.n'ivl8 -A 'nrnlahed Floor. wiih ?r with noarit. Apply uumeuiaiuly to K, K llOLt. 815 hNTfI nVKT-VCWLY ru*. private ha tllr .,,!m ? ? ?rlor in I Kiltiition Riwin wttU ?ud wfle tibi. ^r-^I"*1 ? ftv.t'o'n.n or .-euttemm ?1 ' 'lr-? pI?-h; n?Mrhl?.?rli.w.d vorv Ill ? VI w n KORI'V KII TII SToKKT -to I.KT ?hlTior a?\X m0"r<1- "i l'"vo Ro"m' on ""'d Moor, Miit hall Kooni tlHU i. . i W ?r g|,'*:e ceutUitnen: also n nan Koom. day boarder* accommodated at $r. pur week. 513Q yy'gT THIRTY-rmff 8TNRK1 -COMFORT. or without ^ 1*t' 10 gentlemen, with ui hrealfaat. .it v, rv reaaonablo term*. 357 ,WK;'T jWRNTY-THIBD 8TIlkKT?A LAKUK~ wife n, . ,ur,lV*u ' lor gentleman and b"?uU,ul ?**? ?" 411 ?u?Tn. "owr-W'HD htrkbr?ro list, furnishedFuSX*. .? ?t ll?"' houaykeeping. baiidiomelV mrnunert Room*. alngty or en suite; hot iiud cold wat?r. 43'> ATKNUK -MRS. 1'ITKIN ????' " "MPo^e CoK^'c^^ i 1 ft w KST.,' " KNTTKTII STREET, N K A It K L E? with or \\Ithoui lVi'-irU" V'''?L?~T'' let' ,uw ""'p R<X>m?, wiw or V laoul IM.ird , tyma $4 and $1 per week. Aflft PKVENTH ATlCNUf,.? ROoMtf TO LBT TO I o #?nH?meu. wuli or Without Hoard al?S !? *ton gdj^^gjnog Slchlh^il""0 "hrdc'?n 846 fl"or,e!rhh"illr(.irr.nlr'i?d "u -?0"0'l ?"<l third B or , with I \i *11?t Ho ird : term* very moderate A KKW GfiNTLEM FN ('AN OBTAIN BO A fJD IN A ~y firtvate luuiilv 40 minute* from cltv: larjte alrv A I. AU1 i K ROOM, FtlRNISIiRD OR U.VFtRNTSHEn *Y o let, with first cIam Board, to QftifUUMuoit or (ccntjfin/ifi nitil vriili h iaiaiiy (it* American ftdtilta m"tUC?* CXCU*1U0d Apt,1-V at 148 Wost ' wenti-Urji \ ?AV",r'Y CAN . " KV,i P'-R ASAN I' IIOMR AND VPr" re?-""ahly with ainal! private it* T?nl Rm'n"^ fur.iiHtie 1; brown nlon.- ro.l 1! ^.1 1 *"t Seventy-oifhth ? r.-et; elegant nomhbor Iio?m], lieai 4 entral Tnrk and MatiUon mv,mio ear*. ' \ PIIIVaTK PAMILV, RRsiniN'Q NKAR WVSFf. rv,? ^ r.?, ttr ' w!'', I,,t# ''""d-oineiy ftiruUhed Koolu to two ftriitlrmen. with or wilhoiit Boinl. vcrv mod ??rule iBrwiI , II.-i-ul l itiiioKlyi. Branch offloe. A PRlVATfc FAMILY, REMAINING IN1 TUB CITY ?ould let one or two Ouoina, With Board, to ?reilt!eaien or ?(?iitlfm in and wife; hon?? 1 lorat?d moitdesirable, Addre? Home, bo\ 3,771 I*o?t A WIDOW LAUT. THOROUGH HOI SKKEKl'ER I ?aJsru/zHfrScS!!." z:vA,n:?, A l'RT vatk FA Hit \ BAYIW A VKBY DRSiRaRI k theMiaicB thLl<^t,0n lwnl"<1 * ft>w boarder* tor ti.e K'.i-ou. ti'rms lood^rat'': Rood atnl> I i ti a tine ilrives: near tine batliin,'; on line New Haven Rtflroad 1'. lion, from city. a ShKt.Y. I'arieu" ' A GFNTLKMAN WILLING TO PAY A RRABOV. XV able PrtM ran otifnln Room witn or without Board in a itrlctlyprOaieUnMiy . reieroneos exchanged. Ad' ure<a J, 11. .J., 11 era II I ptown Branch otllce. A ^VV " A,VIN',' ^V Rr.PGANT BROWN STONE JA I oti<e, and vi-,U ng a little more monev than she can c inmiand at pre<i nt, would like to inn t with V^ fi 1 Ionian i^r I a ni l I v who Wutild art v .1 nee her $ Jiiu or t?Vi and Uketheir choice at Room with tint rlais table or W.uld "i^{i^;tt;r""e"Ce- AJUrt'u C. L . Herald j A OFN'TLUfAN" AVI) WIK5 OR TWO LADIK8 CAV be nrcommodnted with Board at H J 12 ^Wr^'ITHSijKrenc" cxc,iau?"j . A WIDOW LADY LIVING AI.(;NK Has TT'f oTTb ?eri-tion pl hanawtiioly turnli>h?d rnomj tor aer^ t man aun wite. Hotrd tor lady onlv. in iht v?olnltr of I I Z"><y ">'r,1 n'real: oniv thow to par f "r ?rcommotfatioD* need aoiwer. Audrt * M B box 16A MeraM I monn Branch office. ' \ rRIy.AT,l: FAMILY RitniDiNii \ Ki w ?. ? ld i*?tl^m.WiJ". l4f'r.i,rt,el" nt";lr f^th avenue 1 0,1"? one? (?r two fo Board- flaunt laree room* and 1 attention. Reference.. ex'eh.naSd Addreti WAl.LACK. JHeraJ,1 l'pioW? Hrancli eiti.e. ^ I "O1 UU> IN IIOBOKKN ? A KAMI f.Y OR FPW i;I-N I ? leme. can be neeommi,dated witn niee|r iiirnt?hn1 Huuw'olt'reet* "?"rU " " ?"*??* PrZ. ?ft I /'iTV AMI ' i't'NTBY.?UFACIftCTrt, FLFOtVTLY ! Vm^or'^v^";:^;, n''Jo":j*aV.!'tr Ws5TcrSS ^'iar^nv^'reuu^'^ " ^^tr-lth (rElr':KJlKl5 AV 7UK* OR -"tvotK 'cTpJtTf n ''e lritu hand *,iii-it liirmalied Room with Board '-nn Ik> lulte i m ph. at* boBDC IJ1HW , ... flrhatrert; appointment* flr?t elava. ' ?rt^" ^ TIOBOK N.*, riv,h TF.RRArP.?FtERT CLAM ?n aa^medcin* f.mll'y!'*" H and omk hoomx with b >ard Fnyprt n v ?a?t ?m e ?sa Brtrate leue"' prlew m Jerile' ?i?? Board at Ri?er laie. on bank? ot the lltx<M>n 'lurtr minute* from New Vor*. Aj-i.ijr?Vl MadUuTa^nX . HAXI>S01IEJ.Y H'ilNI^IIKD R iOM>t, WITH *1" Pfrlor aceommo tati.iiM pnr,i, hath 4e *t ? FI An!;W w,.;,NP?;.Kwn7F?^*^' 'I"' Board in , rrlr?f family^ ?"J fyp.'Ti.T.vfiiv; r r~" i |" A I BENCH PiMILt-lO I.KT TlANrisnat^ 1 Ro, m?. With or wltl...nt Hoard< HI 1 i? ,th ell- during ?uinrni-r ? parw or T pi'bn'i-'Hpd Rfiov coifsrrrTTirn I J hall Rooat, third fl.?.r fronf aeri'iratalv , rVT-.7? L'V "r,'"!??.,7^* water and ample , |o?5 hf 32#. fr^a Br:nchdo;a5^*W* A<MM- *? A ' ??S j h? ona dealrauie yult and ?m*ie Kootna al?o 7 *i.?t TuirriEni wmr-rrixiaitan Apartment, to rent, to ?ini!!r a. ntVme. i?.K ? !. aril iplendtd iucation l, .iwe Hr.t elaJe w"k?Mlt ONF OR TWO LITTLK GIRL WOPLD MR TltM to Ho .rd br an Amenean lady 'n,rn,curu 1 Diaao If GaMrim. healthy l<^at;? tw"nt* from ciu Ad,Ire* w t c ii. TVi i i^ . winnfe, otBce IJU Broadway ' 1 utoWB cSTE-fxr isiisar? B4>AKI> AMI I.OUVIVU \\ WIKD. k obx rr-i: v? ^ o? oriFT habit* waMTH a J\ comtortanM I'oom n\e rvai?n. and m> .firing* errtt wr'K -n miner and mntfr; $4 i w?k, \lir--*. witb parti mart <.h Y I Lh \f t?> x l'/7 ncraM ? A CKK !LEMAX W18HK? Roa^D ?RD A CUL4X ! A K' ?n? M ? t<rt?a"- family. In ?<t Or*n?e or Jane- , Hon. M J,; wliere there la hn a> I > old wn'er preit rrt.d ; I Itrm' ?? lo$9|i?:r "rak Addreaa P. .. Ilcr?l<l .(flee t roiso OKI MAS <JKS1f.f MAX DMIRK ROOM J\ s>r Board in ? aoriaM* Of-rman < r fri-ncb prlraM fimlly no hoanlini h?n^ AdJraaa I. K , hrr i i . oi- a, \8HAII. CSPK^TR.XTIors KAMlUT or RKF1M m'n' ?an' Board In Ihe rnqmry, In * pl?i?nt honr.f. not mw-lt ..*er ?ne hour trunk < lty ilail, "111 pay life*r t y for -hree months on * ni< ? c ur* A'l r?m with parjcuJara. II HAKl'l *. M'din \?? Yo*k. j A.iIITI><l *>D RKtlllMOM l OXXRl.TBD, ?< altera MKiunn- with all r.,nvrrilcnr?n and ex ? Mlant >: -r I ? ith' r lor ? married i oanlr or ;? o genie- . men to l??. a Oermar family reaidtmr In the enoleeet in ati'.n .n Mnrra v If If L Aldren < * || , Herald Up- , Iowa Rranrn ofllra. J ? OBXTI.kBA* AND WIKK WANT A NICBI.T ,'\ furnrafced Room. witB Board for a ly only ifUiyU' i'i rn.*? dtapeoaable; ('rimnnl to fit) or $11 A4<lraai MJIN I as lleraid I Mown Branch office. A OKRTLKMAM WABT.4 A NBX(?HBD ROOM <1 Wi'h ?r witlJ-mi Hoard name prl ?? an ! locafln*, which mu*t be central Atdr*iw Herald offlee. I t LADT. Tf a HEB or *V-W, WOULD MM TO j J\ ?iJ# tuition In part Myneat far Hoard; flrrtelaM rrlere* ??. Afl'in-w U < noper I nioa. Xew fort 1J0AKD I* AS rKD- BY A tuL'XO I.A YOUTH* J) ??:?, 1*1 a r??;*r?ab> I.obwi wh<-r? <he will ?e p^r (-<?"? ,n<l"t^nd?nt ? -it'tn? room and bedroom (with pi?f?o i";' *n r^ntn aal Ihlrn tli ?tr?* ? Ihird ana I Suith 4?. nu*? A ' r*f. locsti :i ol roonu Olid 1 pn.-? 01 tmarrt A I? o h.,i l? R?rald oBlcn HOARD WAXfKD BT OF.M ri>RM A H, FfRST CL iH9, h? * r>! r\i l.?ur:h hot ?nj < old * atfr In Oiir-fr *f|<! and i-ool r.. .in f ' t?i? -ilium r makaMriua f>a<>n^hl<" a li1r-?? DKnilAILE il?rald office. hOA I) WAHTRD-OfTT A > f> COl'M RY ?BMD particaUri: t oard^m i0iir>1 immmliately; bertop PO*l?nitii;?. K?t*III;#!??.1 I*S7 Dlrertion* free. AJtliRKWrt Huarder* OlreciorT, fJ7 Rri>a4M*fl BOARD W*XTKI)-FOK SRVKRAL BOXTHH, Bf A X fid?rly la?1r, d'i-in? ibe abwnco lie- himtxinrt; Urm miKlerat*: bedroom on tb? um? fluor ?? Jin In* room pret?rr'd re ohi'rjlpn to <abur(N AUdrraa. wiU? term*. ii. I' II.. 215 sacon iHvanii.!. T1<MKI> WANTKf?-r.X A BTBICTH PRIRaTB tF.W I) Ink famlir. an the ?a>t min, hxwpm ihirtiatk and a ri?ot? iir a Murrled > ouple. A ldrasa * . care of H - f arm. tnalatraei. TW'I oe*TLIMFX DRflIRR RO'.vt AND OOOD B-arJ in % *trtci)y prl?aie Jewish family: loeaUo? betw^fi fwenfietb and Twenty-fl'th rtreeta and Smtli an 1 Ktirhlb ayenae*. beal refer n- ?? *l?en Addreia. with full parti'11 a 1 Mriot. Be., K. I. j'., Ifarald lp town Brenct oittce. TW'? TORKO LADfRfl ?'\I? B? AOr oMMODATBO with Br? ola?? Beard an l d?lrabl? Iront I' .oiui l)f ? ?id'??? 11 tin A. WaJ<LauB, HaraM Uptown Branch olRce. I*r AHTKD?A rURBIAHRD ROOM, WITH BOARD, ?> for 'wo young ladi?* in a hl*hl? rMMClaMc 'aialif; Mt??a l?!)ih and Klfb'eenth ftreeta MBK aide. Ai" ?raaa dating varota to A. I_ ataUun U BOARD AND LODflllVU WAJfTKD. IITANTED?BY TIIREK YOUNO OROWN PERSONS Tf of respectability, Bottrd in ? small private tsuiily. with uo other boardurs highest reierouce.iH ven and required Address, stating term*, PERMANENT. box 204 Pint nfflca. Ur antkr>?by a young grntlf.m an, a nice ly furnished Room. Willi or without Hour J, In ? pri vate family Harlem, accessible n> boat, preferred; ref erence given. Address, w.Ui letms. A. M., twx li?i Herald office. AITANTED? BY THRKB YOl'MG UROWN I'lilWONH ?? of respectrthility, three Rooms and Hoard In ? strictly private laiuily, ? itli no other hoarders; highest relerauceit given and required. Address, stating lurius, PliilMANIiNT, box IVi Post office. BROOKLYN BOARD. J?/? TO 111) A W.' KK F<?R ROOM WITH HOARD; ?Jm) (iront reduction tn persou* rooming together; ref erence*. Uf Henry street, fit e minutes' walU iTotu Ful ton or Wall street ferries. cU\ Hit KH VTRHlvr, BROOKLYN.?NIOBLY FUR O-J ittdlie'f Boom* to let, with or witnoul Hoard: ten minutes' walk irom EulUiti and Wall street terries; IWW BOdtfllt M OOC 8TUYVKSANT AVENUE. BRuOKLYX. >iw<' Hoard tor children.?An American ladv of ability and experience would lake two or llireo children to Board; tin- heat of care and home comforts will bo given ; near parks and school* vouug children will re ceive In-truotioii al home il desired ; situated on an ami lit-nee overlooking the city; tortus reasonable. fall or address. 1VTD0WH-.COSKT HOUSE, FIGTIT ROOMS AND " ccllar; a great bargain; must be sold. Add ret* NECESSITY, Herald office. HUTKLS. A FROM S! NO li1-'. UOOM-AT SMITH'S HO TIL. 88 ctiatham street, near t'ttv Hall and new Pout t >tllee, 40c. 01 Wc. p?i day. }>2 4t> or per week. Always open. ASTOIt PLACE HOTBL, 24 AND V THIRD AVE nne. opposite Cooper Institute. ?Ho rooms; best Ventilate t and best location in the city; good single ltooius M per week. 1JRLM0NT HOTEL, FULTON BTREBT, NF. Ut J ? Broadway business centre?Europeau plan; Rooms, si .i ''J?? JJl'w Rooms: tine dining rooms; Meals at low prlri*s; hotel open at nil hours. f y.TY Hi) I EL. CORNER BHo.W'WAY INO KfiHITH street.?Rooms, with or witiiont Hoard. $1 to VJ per weak; VI Mporday, with Beard, open all night Ref erences exchanged. /"JROVB HOUSE, 17*, 178 AND I7S BLEECKER . "e*r Broad way.?fine Rooms, with excellent table fuiniliei or single, pi to $1-' per week ; #1 60 to $1 perdav, Iroqnetground! M'PYKE'H HOTEL, ?4 CLINTON Pl.Teh (ElOHTH street).-Handsomely furnished Rooms, tor (ami. iii'* or gentlemen, at reasonable rates; table boarders taken aifu per week. COIITRI BOARD. A PLEASANT HOME IN PRIVATE llK>Il)ENtH J\ on the HiiiInob ; large stone house; broad veran da ; ample siiadu; handsome view and cusv access A. 8. 11 Al W AKL),, N. T. A T ORANC.K, C, J.-VOUB LARGE BMW iO Ut, . 1 for the season with first class Board. Mrs. nlRiiHALL. I'ark an uu* and IIi*lt street. A SMALL PitlVATK FAMILY. Rl.clDINO AT Orange Junction. N. J.. oU'- hour from city, will furnish I' iard on rnwuiiubli lersx; no chtlureu taken; rc'erencej. AddreMtO. M. V., Ucraid office. A VERY Dh.slRAHLK PLACE FOR COCVTRY Board?At alarge farm house, near Poekskill; also accoinino lations lor horses, l or reteren- e Imjulre of Mrs. Tabing, University piace, or ol Mr. liun inn son, 44 Maiden lane, or address box 780 Po-t office, Peeksklil. Hesichesier county, S. Y. A I TARRYTOWN, ON THE 11 lTl>SON.--KLH:<? \NI L\ J. V furnished Rooms, en suite or ringly, Willi first cU>.s HoarJ; ten minutes'walk from cars or luiats: uiodcrn improvements croquet ground*, lawn, friilf; sha e. irt den. stabiing, Ac. Applv to !i f.MdEHSoN, No. t>41? Sixth avenue, or addresa L. ,?OBLK, lairvtown. A Mo><; rllE CATSKILLH. ? KL'R VIoll hD COTTAGE J\ to rent, six rooms: per montli lor season; J) m te- ml trnin Catskill; one minute from churi h. lion slid Post office. Address W. il. L., box Hi Sew York Post otttoe. A PRIVATE FAMILY, LIVING IN MUM MIT, N. J., JX live minutes' walk from depot, will nccomino Istc a ?diali iatiiily will pay literally lor home vomioru and first ( lass board, no fever* or musnuitoes Addruas J K 1. . box 4 ~?S Post office. t ? KI It-T CLASK BOARDING HOUSB NOW OPEN A ? at Mamaroucck, on N< w Haven Railroad. 30 uim uu's trum liraiu Central depot: I-' trains each way; two MMiH irom depot; tbree minutes to the water; lari'e. airy lioonis: first class table; stabling, shade, Iswih. Be.. Ac. for psrticulars apply on the premises, or to P. A. ?KI IT(?N, at Curran, Fay A to.'*. 447 Broad tar. \ PARTY OK FIVE OR MIX CAN BE ACCOM Mo ds ted wiih tine Room* and good Hoard tn a private family; M minutes ti ll! city, boating, bathing aud stabling. Addie?? kaYMO.M>. Iierald office. 4 PRIVATE FAMILY on NEW HATKN* ROAD, .\ nea. tlx ><iiind..wiiiil l taae an agreeable eoupie or tainilv fur ?u niner; relereuces exchanged. Address Y., box 1st tieraid offica. \UEN ILEMAN?IIAVINO AN BLEGANT C'OLNTRT R?*.ldenee o.i the llud-ton. nhere iic hai resid?.l lor ?1 years, will fake a lew ret|iectaole boarders: stable, Ac , 30 minutes to city. Address box ."MS Post office \ DELIGHTFUL SUMMBB RESORT. HALF A MILS s.?u;h of the city ot Yonkers. overlooking the Hud son ; lawn, shrubbery, carrlsgo bouse; can accommo date married or single parlies with fine Kuoins aud e x < el i.-nl o.iard AM'. - 1 i )V "i 'in k. . i ?< ) At bayoxxr. ?BRAVTIFt*L VIEWS, boating, bathing, ftshinr. nl e Colt ?g.-s, #.n montlily;i4 nunui's 7 rents farai tr nu i.iiiern sireat. Apply to UOfc A SiEVl.N-. 1Krudway. \? CORNWALL, ON HUDSON.-BOARDERS CAN ? be directed to choice location and goo I tabic bv 1 applying lo the general headiiuarttrs. OA KHY A LsCU \ KAt II. UriMsdway, corner thirty 0ratNtreel A FEW PLEASANT BOOMft, WITH GOOD BOARD, ! .'\ 2" inlnult s irmu Liberty street: bnttlng, flstiiii^, bathing; terms (6 to 99. Alilress box U Pott office, 1 tin cni itle, >. J. I A PRIVAIF FAMILY. HAVING AN ELEGANT ! A pta'-e at We?ti be?ter. will accommodate a tew j boarders with large Rooms; aim aiabliug if d'sired; lie r depot of New llaven Itraaeh It ilIriMd. and one ! halt intlc troui Pelhani Bridge. Address W., box iul i llci al i Uptown Hraiu h office ! \T CR t N FORD. ORNTBAb RAILROAD, FIFTY minn es, four minutes walk iroin depot.?Uood Bo'inl. fresh milk, vegetable* an l iraita; ho ne coinlorts; haili fine I ous<i. well liir msliesl; sha le, bost.llg, tlshliig; liasitby; terms reaaouable. Mii> M Dl II tn Cranford, N f. VKI.W T.MILIES C\\ OBTAIN IIOtRI) AND ! o aasint Rooms among the inonntain<; terms mol erate. Adircss E. TITU.i, Central \ alley, Oraiisa ' n?ui?ty, Si V. 1>'?ARIi I AN IIF. IIAD ? MILES i itOM NEW YORK. I) Erie l.os | 5 minute* from depot; fine lawii Ac ; referen el exchanged. Address H, H. f., Kuiherlurd. o..' v I Hoard in ssrat<kia ?wpacious room.-*, with i ? uperlor Hoard, can tie obtained In a deli?hllnlljr In. ! catad ni'Hl< rn hou-e. aiiaeen' toCoogreas Park, bj par ties ot hicti re.p. tutnlity; references Apnlv at No. 8 W?M Twenty flith atrnet. PKCK 1 CO. I Brattlv.boro. rr.rtMO.NT, ?i* hours rRO? j New York.?In a private family; good table, pleas ant house and grounds, home comforts; scenery most I plrturesoue: cool and Invigorating mountain ahr; i iburehe* and ?'nres near: drives uu-urpa**e1. Appljr , to Mrs K. KICK I. Nu. Brstilatioro V?. : reference. Mend?ls--n, *? spruce street or i4 Las; Thirty fourth st IIOARD IN PLAIN riELf1, N. J.?FOR ADULTS I) only; the inoet deslrab e location In the finest part of , the t"Wn. five minutes walk from station. table unex- [ ceptlonahie. references given and required. Addresa box 472 I'usi offi C. 1'laiuUeUl, N. J. IJO.W.D IN A PRIVATE REHIHRNCR, ON BEROKM I) MilL Jo minutes from the city , convenient to borsa nndst -am ears fine views, plenty, shade, fruit, vege tables. Ac. Addraes ALBI.N, box 171 Herald office. BOARD WANTKD-IB THE COTBTRY, Ff)R GF.N tleinan an I wife, ou the hrte Railway, within one hour of < Its Hall. Address, stating full particulars, A. M. W.. box 111 Herald office l>i>\RD WANTh.D-IN A PRIYaTK FAMILY. FOR If three adnlu and two children one three and the otner two ye ?rs md ; near salt water bsthing . gentb tnan on -aturda> nigbt. Address, itauog tarins. Ac , G. K., Herald office. Board w tNTRD-roR a ladt, in a private lamtly, on staten Island, convenient to landing. Addr*ee. Mating lull particulars. TEACHER, Herald IMS. T?0ARI't*0-NVA< K. OX TIIK HI DBON.cafeU. J> A ?**? ha? returned to the I lar^n.loii and l? pre t.areil to rcrei*? b.iard?r?. Itiuao Coming early *111 g?t it ?rd at rdo<ed rata*. BRKPZKD U.B r*RM~W|THI!? TWO HOURri* drl?<v on oniral Ralir a.l of New Jeraev. Una touma I?kkI Board. mountain air; rerr li? nth . and no .?* >rm? $*. Adoraaa HI XI on, North Branch, ? mrwl tounty. ff. J. / <oBnWaI.I,o* Bli D-OM ? BTBDHALt. MOUSE; fin# new ; < acellent accunnaodatkin*: *rout*l?ex V D'l lug <" water BMED'AI.L. /lOld'Rl BO VKD WANTKIt-BT TWO VOIB* V> man ii .1 over one hour'* rid# from ' ity Hall, mate i?rm? Ail irea. u H , l.oi * US Pint oftlca. / lOCNTBT BOARD AT A FARM Rol'SI TWO "v bonri frvta city byOtntral Rai!roa<l of New.ler^ev; piraa-i: ii In al> riy location; g ml uole. plenty of in i * and Iruit; Uo?uii<t an) flatting; term* M prr we?k. Rilefm.e-*'? 8, tao .?yke, JS t'oiniueri'e ?tr?ft an l r B T?n Dyke, 2M Oreenwlen xtreft Addreia J V. HTI1.LWU<U North Branch Mutton K. J. /'Ol VfRV BOARD A'I A-tTOKlA. I,ON? I HI,AN D ?A * l taw l>oard?>r? are de?tred for the summer pr perm i n^ntlv hoaae farm* the river; vary enirtenMnt to all rommunir-atlona with the elty ?. board Wry ritiMlM Ail'lreaa Mr* A. 0., ho* li? f'o?f oflUa / lOCNTBTl board. RTABKOrtD, COK*., 1.1 A V7 larg? ahadv farmhouse on long I "land oun': bathlne, lioatbltig. eri.guet. haniinocka, good ta'ile pri ?ate family ratereneea, Ac 18 v\nt I wentieth .'treel /lor NTRT BOARt.-M A FRlVtTK FAMII/V, *) ! V fBlnutaa from toot of l iberty atreei lOimnute*' walk irom ii> i> >? l aming; i?rm< it >ierate ..r ji| d reaa oox 66 P<>at office, oreertv. le. N .J. /lOl ffTRV BOARD AT WB-t BHIOHTOV. S I " J H-?iai?t Room*; fir-' claw table , freahmilk: vt?e Ubl?? fhe (tarden; ??lt water bathing, boating, *?. at plr at the Kounttin llrnne, or addrc-ta l.ox lit font omie RrArtMMfiakMWM. f lOOBTBV board WANTKD-BT A (jr.lTM MAS V7 and wne Mcintty of oranfe or Montrlwir |ir?rerri>ii Addre??, with term* nui partu ularn, liAiirkK, Herald oflte.e. / ">r? THt HOARD 0* A r ARM?W11II IN OB 8 HOI rt \J ofN?w Vork, where no ><th?r koardri* will t>i> taken, float ahotit the miiMla of June lor ?entloman. Wifo and ?"tn" yeara o d lady and nervanu where there art and re*?r. Arfdreaa, w,tu terrtn and full par OUBfKf BofclUi. he* COVNTUT BO A RI?; pOPNTKY BOARD-YONKIiU*. MlVrUt Itoonia, enaulte or aiugly J?'U' Aadro** table liuw river viiw . bouse lately r*uni?"?" t>. a.. Warburton avenue, Yonfcrra. "? ?? poUSTBT BOARD MAY B* HA#''01} tf^lurle.n V ' Itar wrium Id i* ^ u Railroad. m miles Irom the city. Addre* 3,?.' Post i'Wee. . ? f lOl'NTRi HOARD-UARRISON*. Vwuu'eu V I'uinO?llandaoine h#u?e ,l,,d ,*'? ," ,'?r* ? terms eiilte or siutfly ; .tabling. "lbox 6 ivit office, reasonable. Audi'cm J. U. Uarribuiui. _ _ /1O0NTRY BOA KO-FIRtiT ?^8*. AT K^JJwdl Luke, Utile* Iroui Mount Kiaio, llarle ; Iruit ?hade. buaiing. flriilu*. Ac.; ?? ? ? A1U> At. utablimr I or l.utsrs. Add.uw *"? v monk Poet office. Waatenaater county. " J; / VH'VTP.Y BOABD-AT AN WU*OAST resMenco, at flreenport, on fe?flwith iln? t.te*' walk it oiu .depot and ?team.number tx-atmg Hud lUftlug, one or two ftii???? ^ ?umnier: single gentlemen con be accommodated'or1 aJJreja l()4 stnbliiw lor borsca convenient. Appl} at ^outh Kourlb street, Williamsburg. /tOIM'llt BOABD-AT A sssjs Ij I1,, miles from the elty, *'? '' j?. treah fruit*. hour* from Katonan depot; shad. d grouu Ac ac. ; vegetables in tbeir season; egg",poultry, uiuk, -?c . "? row^USTKR'3HA^'UV/t^ab? We^h??ter county. . /TOl NTRY BOiRD-O* V I U:M oL/.h.-sBoard t ?;il?n lid drives, stabling lor h,?,r11^' ^idre-u W. 11. and BooaMi price* to suit the times. Addres* ?? MAOILiON, CttUklU, N. - / n iT'NfTHY IsO VRl)?AT NTAOK-ON-HUDHON C hoaT?Inow??.S2L Manor; iiot* tine river view ; exienal\e grounds, P * > Apply a! 31 Weal ?orty-?Ult> street. i Ua!u'oVrb<mt every mwnin? and evenUm- yUl" iotf terms and location, C. A., box wiw a respectable ladv; private mil par tic u* /1O0NTKY BOARD?IN O It fc. K N VI I' j; ^ L minutes trout Liberty gtroet, ?ew Yore by i^emrii Railroad) lor three Kent"lion. Alow Bor*?n avenue. Iiantorth avenue, ^bird house below Good bathmis aiui flahing. ? /loimritv tin Aim CAN BK OIITAINKD AT BO ( J wile. N. J., "ii Central Railroad, ?S lnlnulcs irom Ne\y Yort. Adircw box <5 Poat oiBca, Boiaila. t ? J. /lOUNTRY BOARD ON TUK 11UUSON.-TWO FAMX \j Hon cuti ho accommodated jvl-h fowl Bj-Mrt In a ortvate family; no other boarders, jo mlniuea rroiu &i and ('enUral <iopot. Addles. M. A.. Herald om-c. drusaC. J., Herald oltioe^ TTrTT'VTRY BOARD?AT STILLWATER, HT AM FORD, i ?SStSH bbr^or'iatt j a. T. mil.nkr, ataunord. Conn. ? Ciiay'-" wu hlr cfe^?veV^er:"n ibumlmu tabz\ I ?? -= i K R, UOLt>VY0?tTH, 136 Broom* atreet. | /,Mi'vTi!v7fUlir-C 1T.-K1LL MOUNTAIN*. FAKM /^Ot>TRY HOARD. A'|.KIt,lJ) UrHlens' Uorti-.T*. iMla wato' couuiy. ? ^ ? B..-renca-ThomM Mxln avenu, , co?uer of Tvntv econd .iraet. C?S5an-1 citiw'at 7^n7^ aa&u&***: llcrald Uptown Braucb oinco. box I'Ki I Vat O?eo. Wow * Or It. /IfHINTBT BOARD WANTKD?I'OK A I AMU.Y 0> j tanM; drew wiTh lull particulars and te.m?. M. u., "u?w I ptown Branch ntflce. ________ /Kil NTKY BOARD.?TWO HANDSoMKl.T Ft. R ror Jau.y!'boatln?. V'V:'Ha^d'and^e ! ml'uih^ai^rom depoi; rcurcacca rtguircd. AdUreai ? HKX, Herald ofllca, - /??of!KTRY BOAKD AT MANHA^^KT BAY?LARGE , Tteierenw??I P Travel 48 Beefc.nan Mraeu . I #M>nmT BOARD AT ri N'fl-r-li Mii.ES "ROM 1 t i < lt . bv Northern Railroad of Sew Jersey : hou*e in ? miftird u hiub ground,*cven lnluutes' wait from da Pflfo cWlutr mosouii..' ?: pleaaant tjome tui uiole suirantced; reference. Addrtas W., reuaay, C?V^"rirravf rR,<^"ho.TrHl" tKi;7^.rI ; o?saf?5;??is?u"' ?'?V'' "??( ^CP ; -K U Doramti*. *? ?" | { ?"?' " -Ne" Tora. JVrTDK* MANSION, WUITBBTOHKj LoN.i IKl.AND. (/ 40 minutes from >ew York ?.? boat -r rail, m now fci^Td.^ BoKrA jtlt'u? hau, HanteraPoWU | -rvitinUTPl'l. Sl'MMKR HOARD AT MILTO.V. ON 1) Die Hal?"n. at reaaonab e raiaa AdJre?? box ?1 ?it office. Mil too. ot> the HudaoR. D_r\nuv ON CIMTRAf- RAILROAD Of WKW \er-*t ?^e. airy Kooaia with tlrst elasa Board, V nf.w be en^a^ed lor the ni?on or parman. iitiy: "'?) *lt ner week exre lent water, croquet iVoTidfah^dit lawn an,1 plenty of trull; ImnMui three minuW walk from depot LaU on or aJdr.aa Mr. uOBDoN, DunallaR. N. ntsiBULii board amd iiomk comports oam hi had l*a flrrt claw tarm houae w minute, irom ritv? ?'able aeeottimolaitom II deMrea. Ad lreas bo* Ur Whiti Vlain. P.-t ,?Bee. WMtch?.ler county. It. Y. nvBl IOIITFTL ROOMS, WITH FIRST CLASS BOARD, I) may be hud on raaaonable lernu by applying at Klini DALK uorsB, Madtaoa, N. J. li\OI EVTOOll N. J.?HMALL PltlVATB FAMILY Va will arroitmioiale fonr a Init* with drat cla* Board . S imiiS m>m depot, v, minute* from ellAddreaa bo* l\i rwx iiBce Knglewuud. - TOMT CLASH BOARD IN A FARM H0t'9K-I A*C;R. K airv K.ftn?, in a pleasant locality, near Bpringfleld. Maaa. Audreas w. II. BPiiT, Loiigmeadow,^Maaa. r^IRsT GLAiS HI MMRR B0A*ti?AT SHBBWSlCBT F Hirer near Branch' alao lurnlsbel Cottages. ?ith M .ard servants Ai at private table at the cot ta?.-s ail trotillng the salt "'^''.Xb'^UKoS' Ac : terms 11 1 to $14 per wee*. AdJre* fc. DARnUw, Oceanic, N. J. 1JIIBST CLASS BOARD i'AV RB OBTAIN BO AT A r handaowe country manalon within half * mit? of New Wlndaor atatlon, ,>n I rle Kallrnx.l, tlir.*e nul?* from Newborn aitiiatl >n itiaverv respect h-^itliv and eon mandiuir flria via w of Ihe Hul-.n River and aurrou tid ing country, tie tbli:* <.r lever; no niowiultoea. fine PhaM tre?a and lawn; jilentv of milk ami all kipda of trirt In aeaaou and the lieit of country far?, carrlaga lrae to and from railroad itatlmi orboat at Bawburg. A'lilreM bo* 571 hnt office, Nawbarg, B. 1. ClOOD COOTRT IioaRI) ON A LAROK FARM III T We> che.ter coonty ?RtinniPg wator. forceta iota, fcoota-, French mid iwi mi oooklng, go'id acromniodo ttoaj moOcratr prloea. Addraaa, tor full particutara, J , U 0. if.) William atreot ^ I /*f?no cocbtet board at danbirt. coxb.- 1 IT I-.^-atlon health) and i> eaaant: atoMe- attached. Addt-?< 'I B H look bol 49 Pmt offlre, Danburv. ' onn. pool) COUNTRT board ' AN BK OBTAINED roR IT a party of alx. at numbing, L. I. a lew minute*' walk from depot, tatnlly pr>vat? , good arcnoiT?o<ialiona: , term* moderate Reference II I- a?t fweniy elgbili il pool) BOARD ' AN BE OBTAINED AT A FARM J IT honv. near I-ong Uland Hound; ladie* wi-thing Boar I through confinement ran flu.l a quiet lionia At droaa B. TKKRY, sucrev Port office. Suffolk county. Hudson rivfr raii.road-board at a finb mansion. 2i minutaa nut. 10 ir .in depot; Inch ground, line v|aw?. drive* ahaile. lawna. trard< n. etahlt, ? hit m water au 1 ;> Add re** W . box ?.i>96 Koat offico. I 1"~ABO?, AIBT~AffiT HAM)*o)IKLT FCRNIKHKD J Room*. with Board 1ee minute* from ferry; ele- 1 fant vtfw of the bav fool and he*lthv location No i ieiii#r'? park, TompA'i*vii e, -ta i n Island. for par- i toulars addraa* bos 5,#" < Post office. I ON TIIK 111 DSON - A rF.W FAMII.IRH, DKS1RIN0 ' good Boar.I ran l,e x-rnmnio lated on a fruit larm, ! thrae ml lea north ol .New burgs location liealiliy. ('all , on or addrooa II W MiMK,.l,UT. Newburg (B. i'.) Poat office, bo* Is?, for or. - ?r.>k. OBABOE mountain, n. j-first clabs con.v try Board may be aMained at the largo farm hou?e ?t M?p|eno,,.| H'a'io.i, 7J mlnuu>? iroui city an.1 I tninuto*' wa.k from .lepv rta Morrl* an I R^tei Rail road A Idraat M U ?? I. .* 133 -outli orange Poat of fice. N. J, ORAVfiK (N ,f i BOARD -OAlWOOD HOORR. ?<) minotaa from S?.w Turk; Iftrgo hotiae; fine nigh ground* lawn na'i? and hrmi't'iil arenery; l? now open fi>r a few ?eiert boarderv atoblt tot fcorae* rater enceeegchangrd. ''nrner Oakwocl and Ooutrtl ave nues. Brick Churck ttatiou orongu. B. J. ORAVOK lint NTA1N N i.-FlBBT Cr?ABH COUB try Jl.iarrl may t?- ot.tained at tne large farm hoi,<? at Maplf.w.,01 at* lion. 7 t minmo* fr> m rity and 5 min ?tea' walk from depot ^ la Born* and &MPI KlIirotML A.|,lre?, M. L S? ho* I.U I'oet office, Roil til Oranga, N J. I >1. A IN FT K I,D, N. l-PI!iyA1P FA Mil. T VOOtfO J a .mmodati >hre? single /; good room* ? and *ooo table , (lire* minnt?? from dopot terroa io.l- i eraia. Addrow M J P,,ii o'tiaa Piamflald, B J. nOOMS TO I.ET?WITH BOARO; fLKVATUD I,OCA- I tion Tiaw o'erreaching l> tv : ton mlnotoa walk 1 I ram ferry HI DKNDORi" 1 ompklnarllla. Maian 1 ?hind, oi postte Ht Paul achurrli QtBMKR BOARDTNn.?FINB ROOMS. MEAM'tlT O location lortly Ida, horae aeoonr.nodation. at : Hr.iok* Home, two mile* ir^m Cornwall station, ..n ihort ctit *7 to $K), farm attacbad, Adlireno Dr. U A. OOKtiK, Vau'a Oate. Orange < ouniy h V. I qCBMKR BOARD IN FI.USIIIBO.-PRIVATB RRHI ' ' aonoo. <t?ndlng an bea mi i ul ground a ptauty frntt, i Ar ncir d?|.on . .ernn mo-lera'o AdUraai M., Huah- i ing^To-itotiie, or apply on promiPea, "anforl pyanuo, . ao?M aliln. Uoi?oen Uu?*?ca a v -*?>>i uaipa aAUMA i COCITBT BOAW**' j oaraTOOA ^?Jitoll'eodRhes1ttj O mil?If of faramta ...a location t ?r*? mt.d?ra !,7^f.MV 'rm luxuries sulpnul grounds: aood. plentiful *arntnea wnter tur? spring near tb* bowe; aUe tw >h *?rain? eaWtom nished (Ullr. Addreaa bo* 1JMJ 1 0,1 (ml Spring*. N. *? " mHR CNPHIIBIONKD 18 PllEr*BW? TO A? having**"KK.'".g _ street mwo HUXDBBD BOAKDKRSntv WANTEU-Al SK 'S'?t JlicasS: SUilSSS iMaw? *? ??""? *?"* and :?J Broadway. Naw ior* ? VVasti:o-( o"'stkt ?^A^,%^0R?aMT?i{. tie. VV month*, on 'l0T *n tor gentleman, wife, cblUt tween urmm ,'^V,. mint not be more than Ar? w.'lk "iron"depot. Adaress, with particular* a. W., station 0. ? TITAN TR1)?"Y AN KDvU'n?J'ior Kren' h'. Oerniaii SWa&SSIsMSSS W*gS#Kjg oesd $18 per week. Address o>-?? office. __ . ?rANTET)-TN M<>N^L^','ln^'aJ beaulUnl^ountrT 1)0X62 Post office. Moinclalr. ? Wast"kim.?)0 <"? *?J XA"oD.?nBODbS5?lX teraw^ ??u w ilO East 'lenth street * Sl'.IIMKB UKSiOBTS. k IX KlUff CtA'S ISHU'noxgSo^tVAL Aarte ?nffl??ng ?< 0')le ?' f'"hlUn * a lino; 10line*, throe month* $26. Bend cbecls withMorirn.s'lMIIM.IP3 *00., No. tl Park plaoe. B.T. , AT ^???-l^r'iue-rec^iioa BRKBLIN * CO.. Proprietors. V -PREMIUM POINT ?VKdU* Jv. the Sound, wmiiiutes fron ch|ll(l ttUa (ever; no beich ba bnis; tUbin*: bosti R, N ^ Kart Forty ?rartss. ts& ?.5^ ? r _??.rr opelr. Uber'aTarrangement i RCHEB PLACE, SORBS' nin*R\l7ile^"Renins by L? - ??" ?? - East Korty-ninth street ? fishing: refcrencegiven and "^:lUu!f i2 nu, street. call oil or ?4dre?? C. B. sahi"'^ ? room IS. _ X1I1FKWOOD HOUSE, ON THE 'J"91 w(|| t,, tlous tor 3Jt?miert* Partle* wb "yjjj. term>, Ac., address for the s,a?on must apply m Y A. J. (IRAN i. Proprietor. Caukiti. ?? ?? ClONUUEaS IIALL, flARVTOOA. SPRINGS, ^ WILL OPEN JUNK i Spcoial tertnefor June. ^ gQUT|10ATg. proprietor* ^Tde iiotkl ^gy^LlgSSS; op?nert" ? Iuno 1. For particulars Inquire atoraddrert \VESTMORKLAVD HOTEU_.New_}^>fj^_ . / Ml A M H '? dJv -Kan.Mlei'lH.d \J hour from New Y?k , ZB trams a u sintfle jeutlemea Slid huh rouiu ?' ino^?rstfl prices **Aildr*w W^ J CBAMBErtLI.?! box ?t P? office. Railway. N J. CW.W'Sff'MMV? ZKNIi, Went folnt, N. Y. m^biJS "urm's*ro,nn$lilto $li; special rate WM. 11!,.* Address as *bov?. mo# for W. f all fariicular?. -erms. ol Y ?. A> K. o. M iLLKB. ?> Mail?n Un?, New York. ,, [H vt^W II111 s E S P RI NO Y \T.LE ' N. Y F Now Jp*n Cr the srVommo latton of a timit.-d num ber B#"*1 ,or""""'j^'puiiuaN, pri. rletor. ^V.snri vvmimohk otwi:oo lakk, c .PKR II 7 ? v v will be opened June L?? uco U.s i? It tkU s?aoi"ii? mwI> fomlafced. b*a< iiiiI and opening ?fIMjJ* ? ,, ju lUP iiunmer ol i**. *e? ebarminfly locaieii "o"s? iu ^ on tha eril idJinWBl " f ? t?,? ????! and iusl aero s cast, eroqnet yrejs^j "D,,"''e cotrie"eowoinad, lo. t'liesiout street, a b >?**, or three rouUi ?, the luriher aernminwi ,n& ?t ^ t|ir,? sewurate Ov - thlrtv nine room^aw ca* De Tiiare ts i IKK", -r 'he rooms cat be rem wiji / "u' '*,wfn r I'hif Iran and flmL *P*'^e "r cr"uet pLu~ KiTli.r?^e"?? .iVSlKi BIN VAN, Propn- -r. _ i \ wawa&ag town and waur wide pl??? rUa, *??" ? Sob '"diaV.^m'^?idd?:. J. K. il-mpUnb. >?i ?91 f .ii office !"t miurd. Conn .M ?OOMI MOM TOLA IB. N. J., I? NOW HS;fe^te?*A53K bill ard room _ . TnnftKTTR HOUSE. BEBHEN POINT, N. J_. ? L oiinuus .torn ?^"W?rj? U>rm? made with tamiues aja ? proprietor, ?tar the ?*a* ?. *? _! ' ?? -? iif VIF.W IIOTBU WaYKINH OLkM. JW* L y Y will be opened Jnne 1. for particular* ad Srtmi. * BBTTBAN. Mauag r. ?OFII, OR THE terracb. new M Brui.toti I ?Thirtr ralnire* from clir bt boats. i?.r? bonr froin loot of Whltahall aod Day *iraru; a de liVib^e fiiuilT Reside nee tor partiae <tolni( buauM i" nAiiinR. ? ???-? ? .^^te'VRiaas ??-. 'A&. Ail'lrtM a* >bf*r#s > ? * rRP AUH OP HFN'WItR CASTS?K? TaBBT M town, h'an leased Uia Cliff House. rount*. lor the comln* season. Tbi* laeoriu? ?V?mnoSaa?nT m.V bathliif. boatm?' an4 Un.nTjune I Parties wislimg i.\ioice ol rooiss oanip pf* at No! 34 Wert Fourteenth uraat, rater.nee a*. changed. ?? \ IKTROPOUITAK HOfUL, I.ONO BRAWfTJs?WILL j?I o?ea for the seaaoa on the IMh Jane by Vf. W. PALMKK. of the Manoolta (Intel, i<l Aaguaune. Pla Mr. I'almar can ba consulted, peraonallr or by i?twr, it ths Metropolitan, on and titer tha ?t* >n*t PnTuiioii MoUIVTAIN SNOLBWOOD. ft. J., will open Jnae I. Apply at tha Imuaa or to f. A. HAMMOND. Hotel Hoy a Btvb avenue an<l Fortieth itroet. New York. P. 8. HAMMOND. PAVILION HOTEL, OLEN UOV'K. U I.?TERM* liberal for Ui? prawnt aeasoa, open Mar ?>: flue boating, baihlug 4c WLtK.S BiUM. PAVILION HOTEL. *?W BKIOHTOM, R. L. IE KOW open; early boarder* taken at reduced rata* Call on or address H. F. Col.K. 1'ropriator, lorrnerly ad a* Mark1* Hotai. t>almer house. ivTAt ir on tub hvdeo*. will i open June II. for particulars atidraaa Mrs. B. 1* AI M r, K, Nyack, S. Y. irovk rooT or catskill muck. tain* ?New notma on tbe romantic Cauterskiil 4'raek ; ample accomui'dntioni. oenr the I'oit ofllrd; two miles rr in .Mountain House , newly furnlsh-d, terms flA per weak. Addreas U uluulr I'aieoviile, uretne coanty, R T. 1)AI>K H004B^ PLAIN M FLO. fc. /.?CE IT PEAL X Railroad o? New J?r??y Irom foot a( Llbertv s'reet; a niw obolea Rooms ar- im? disengaged, migie tounii for gentiemea, suuea (or farotllea MB CCRTIS^ Proprietor. "PAVILIOIf HOTKL. imrORT, N. J., WILL OPE* X lor Maimer hoarders June 1: terms rtaeonable. _ UKO..UE J. EiBBKK, Proprietor Uouno MILL HOTEL, MOBTIUMPTON. B*?*~? 'Paradise of America"?Jenov Uod. opes Mar 1; terms reasonable. treat inducement" (or spring (Mil or winter. 8end stamp for "Tonrlata' Uut?ta.'r OT. MARK'S HOTKT*. O New Brighton, B'aten Island, only IS nilnut*) from v?w \for?. l>fc CAMP AJ0H*9oX, Proprietor* CEVEN flrWNfl-. MOUNTAIN n'<U3K Ol EfiJ JUNE O I, affording nanal plea^ure.a and eotim rfa, ??t>y earir for pnrtl' ilarr Jf O BATIEuN, au Hi jadway, room 17, or Monroe, K. T. rrtHK IRVIW HOUSB-A PINE yiE*r OLAB* J house, located in tbe village of f!????*j? * f,( takes summer boarders on the iuu.: re-!w?n*: ready u> receive cueata em anil ?r*cr Jutfc efJ!t?ar. tit ulars address the proprietor, IRA .->TBOCiA tAln bridge, Washington county, N. T UNITKIl hTA Tc.8 HoThL, RM.sli.fM ^PRfNO*! will open lor recaption or gue.?v<.'ure 1, 1W.V Jah. M MARVIN. Proprietor. Diagram ui r?jm will ba ?eat on applicABOE. U;OOI?BIMK HOTEL, IHUH 0Mlimt.-KOOBfl FOB tingle gentiainan t'l 30 per wee*: ftst ttmiiy Roomaletti Oral . la?* Eeitaurauion har resn plan _ A BKocuwrux. Vl'OOCSEI Ru PaVIMo*. ?roor>SRURO U I.? ' * J his magnificent hotel will be opened early la May; lamlllei desirous to leave ih^ cttv In M?y srlfl fca liuerally dealt win . tins hotel is deltgktliilly * tuatad, overlooks ttia ocean and receives its cooling breexes: Is perfectly healthr, fres from all malarloiis Sisesseg. elr Urei'WIfwk*V '* Mpi tt"1 cl4,,k F#r **"?? ?d' \l*HOLK OR CART or A BEWLT fU Rff 18II KD HOT ? V? tags to rent wllb mea.s aarvad la main hou?a ur private tilde in eot*ag?. a. P sMlnl, Nyack Wor Other Hsarrllng Aitrerlliimen'l #*a Oiragtaryv