Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIBKUOEV FOR ADVERTISEBS. /MCSEVF.VTP?rtcnrn Pace?Fifth and sixth columns .ASTROLOGY?Ninth Page?Sixth column. Wl 1.J.1AItLiS?1'wKLrTii Page?Sixth lOlumn. BOABDKBS WANTED?Twai-mi PAoa-tourth and fifth BOAI?d"aND I.ODGIXG WANTED-Tweuto Paob Flfth column. BROOKLYN Boa RD?Tttm-ptii PAOB-Flfth column. LKOOKLYN real ESTATE FOR SALE-nlntu Pagb First column. _ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Fifth Pick. Ml'SIN BBS NOTICK-i-SmKimi Page?sixth colnmn. CIGARS akU TOBACCO?Eighth Pack? Fourth CI TT*Rl?.vlt" ESTATE FOB SALE?N'uith Paob?Plrat OLEBKS'aND SALESMEN?TwBi.rrn Pxo?-Fir?t and second columns. t _ Ct.OTHlNO-l'wKLrru Page?Sixth column. COACHMEN AND G A Itl'EN EEs?IWELura Pacb? Second ana third columns. COASTWISE steamships-Kichth Pag*?Third and fourth column*. COPaBTNERSHIPS-Fwth Pag*. COUNTRY BOARD?Twelfth Page? Fifth column. Da.SCI No ACADEMIES?Eighth 1'AGE-FourtU column. DENTISTRY?Eighth PacTb?Second coluniu. DRY GOOD ?Fiust Paub?Second coluuiu. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?Ninth Pack?second aud third KUBo"1"AN*'STEAMSHIPS?Eighth PAOt-Third col umn RU ROl'i.?BinnTH Pare?Second column. EXCURSIONS?Eighth Pagic?Fourth column. FINANCIAL?Fifth Page. FINE ART^?Eighth Page?Second column. FOB SALE?Ninth Pag*-Fourth and tilth colnmns. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARlME.NTS TO LET? ninth Page?Third ami fourth columni. F0BNIT1TRK?Fibst Pauk?sixth column. JHeLP WANTED? FEMALES?Elbvmth Pack?Fifth and sixth columns. nELP WANTED?MALES?TwELrm Pacb?Third col HOBmes! CARRIAGES, AC.-Fiust PACB-Tnlrd, fourth, fifth and sixth columns. HOTELS?Tweli-tu PA?K-Flfth column. HOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WANTED?'Twatrra Pagb sixth column. ? _ INSTRUCTION-Eighth Pack?Second column. JERSEY CITY, HOBOKKN. HUDSON CITY AND BBBGEN Bl AL ESTATE FOB SALB-NmrU Page?First column. ? LECTURE SEASON?KlonTH Page?Fonrth columq, LOST AND FOUND?Fimt Page?First column. Pt MACHINERY-?Ninth P.ujK-Fitth column. MARBLE MANTELS?Twelfth Pagk?Sixth column. M EDICAL?Ninth f age?sixth column. MILK AND CREAM?Eighth Pagb?Second column. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?Fiiust FAUB-Sec MISCE?(.LCANU"<"uS ADVERTISEMENTS-Tb-vth Paob Hlxth column. ? MISCELLANEOUS?EionTH Page?Honrtb column. MUSICAL? Kigbtii Page?Fouith column. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Sbvbnth Page?Sixth column. PERSONAL-Fikst pAGie-Flrst column. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?Eighth Pace-* if tb POa/oFFIOB NOTICE?Fibst Paob?second column. r^sAi^ p it 0pEkrty""uV?op*t hkCc 1 Fy"' for sale or to RENT?Nihth Pace?First anit sccond columns. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?Ninth PAca-Second HEAL?'kSTATE WANTED-NlNTH PAGB-SOCOUd OOl amo. ... _ rrwaku.s?Fir^t Pigk?First, column. 8ALIiS AT AUCTION-Ninth PAUE-Fifth and sixth SITUATIONS' WANTED? FEMALEB-SeooNo Paob, and Eleventh PAGX-Plrst, second, third, fourth, situations ' ?W A NTED-MALEB-Elbvkntb Paub Slxih column, and Twelitii Pace?Mrst column. SPECIAL NOTICES?Fibst P auk?First and aecoud col BPORTI NO-DOGS, B1BDS, AC?Fimt P agb?Third column. _ ? .. , STORAGE?Bigiith Paox?Foorth column. SUMMER RBSORTS?Twelfth Page? fifth and sixth THE Trad'es?Twelfth Pacb?Third and fourth coi TUE TUrV?Firbt PAOB-Thlrd column. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PUBFOSEb?NWTH Pasb? Second column. travellers' UIMDF-Eighth PACB-F^urihleoloron. unfurnished booms and APAHTMENTS TO LET-Nintu Page?Foui th columu. WANTED TO PURCHASE?Fitsr Page?Sixth column. WATCHE-t, JEWELRY, *0.?TwBLrLH Pagb?Sixth ool WE8TCHE8TKR COUNTY PROPBRTT FOB SALE OB TO LE1? Ninth Page?First column. TACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?Fibst Page?Second col umn. PRKSONAL. Frank phillips, of Philadelphia, hear of something to hu advantage by ctlllng at the Post onlce for a letter. _______ Frank-was vert much disappointed bun day afternoon. Call Tuesday evening. MAOQ,g GEOROIE COOLIE SF.ND HER ADDRESS TO FOX, an old friend, to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. "INFORMATION IB WAITED CONCERNING JAMES I TIBBY. ot the Sailor'# Snug Harbor, who lett the in nitutlon in Scptcmher li# ^enMbly W ff1' "?onNth? lakes Addrcii Hcv. CBARLLii JOWJiB, r??W Brighton, Ktcbmood county, N. T. M RS. MARY ATEA?CALL FOR LETTERS AT Herald ofBce. The oentleman who dbove tubouoh Twenty first ?treet, on Sunday, abont 1 o cloc*. aua met a lady Mend near Fourth avennc, is anxious to see ner; he walks on Broadway dally street to Twenty-third street, between half part 4 tad ? o'clock hopinu to meet ncr. Atlitress. tppoinung inter view, JAMES, Herald Uptown Branca office. ?- AVf, poi nd. I' "os^F^AT NIOHT. BUFF AND WHITE SCOTCtI J Terrier, cut cars and tall short, letther cpilar, brass ?alls. Whoever will return the same to 57 Clinton pltce shall have >9 reward. T OST?LAST EVEN1NO, BETWEEN * AND 8 A li black and tan dog, answering to ihe nsmc ot Dan. A suitable reward will be paid by returnuig h in to!LB Waverly placa. MBB. M. K. WALKKB. -1 nflT?SATURDAY NIGHT. OOIXO FROM ? O'CLOCK L boat from statcn Island, >onth street cars to Fulton icrry to Brooklyn and Dekalb tvenue cars, an old fushToned Gold Bracelot. with ?Kljf?1 r/Jck'ma'n *'2 will be paid on leaving It atTKTENS, BOC KM AN.' A CO '8. No. ? South W'tuiam strcst. FoST-IN AN EIGHTH AVSNUP. CAB. MOM DAT 1 J mornintf. s puir of Hpocucifi. $1 reward tvlll bl paid on their return to 137 Wcat 1 wentleth gtreet IOST?MONDVT AFTERNOON, A BUNDLE OF LRT j ters In the vicinity of iwentr-thlrd strcat and FourtVavenue Finder will bo rewarded by leaving at M Pine tireet, basemeni T~OST?ON TUB 13'H, ON GREENWICH AVENUE, \j between Tenth md Thirteenth rtreeta, t Tocket t,..o? containing a small sum of money and papers. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the him tt 225 West Thirteenth street. T OST.?MAT 17. BETWEEN THIRTY-FIFTH AND I j Twenty third sireeta, on Eighth trenue. t ladv s told hunting case Watch, Geneva makr; caee jUtpUy flack en?m?J<-d; No ?l,?#t. A reward will bo ?lven on returning the same to J. MUBPH Y W* Ninth avenue._ T "l?ST?SUNDAY, IflTH IN.'T., GOINO FROM CITf J i Hall on Eli?ht>? avenue car to Central Ptrk^a ltd)' ? Hunting Case Gold Watch. A liberal reward will b? given tor ita rotnrn to 536 Hkkt stropt, Bfoofclya. | \ OST?A BSD POCKF.TBOOK, MASKED TOWNS. J j end. containing papers. The itV15r>wii I ^2 *3^ rewarded on loavlog it at EAaTMAN A CO. S, No. tit Broadway. T OST?ON MONDAY AFrBBNOON A THREAD I j Lace Cape in Thlrty-?econa street, FKtb aveiiue. TwentT third street car or Ninth tven?ie. 4 reward win given it returned to 358 We.t Twentieth streot REWARDS. REWARD-LOUT. ON HATCRDA Y, AN OLD Pocketboox, containing papers of no valae hut 10 th? owner Whoever will return the papers to 213 Wert Thlrtv third -(reel, will receive the above reward and no question* aiked. <feOH IEWARD.?UWT, ON SUNDAY. FROM 27 ?P^U Ksst Thirty-eighth street, a Parrot 1he a hove reward Will Im paid to an; person returning the Kama. A LIB" RAT, REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR RK turn of hlack and tan 1 >og to 228 WmhlMton ?tr.-?t or I0S drove street, red leather collar; answers to the name of "Dixie little lame m hllid leg , lo?t uear Hud ?on and drove stre ts. HPKCIAL IfOTICKS. A CARD.?WE R-ftPECTFCLLY AHK T1IR~ATTFN J\ lion of the ladiet of New York to our Vienna Ball Cologne. Ita delicate pertain* wUi. we 'lire prophesy, please ?n<i surprise th> mow' fastidious. For tale by all druggists. K. F. IlRI-.XBL A CO., Baltimore. A- DVKRI I.HR in rUK M.WARK mornixT REinsl ter. the only English morning paper published in Newark, n J. A-nAVAMA LOTTERY.?NEXT DRAWING MAY . 26. Oetman gorernmnt drawings. l'rtaescached and Information given. WACH8MARN, A Co., bankers, 75 and 77 Nassau street Poit office bo* 3,316. A"~~?ROYAL~HAV?NA LOTTERY OF CUBA, May M: . *42 prize*, amounting to MKI.UM, and Kentucky Ptate single niimher, $ ?*>.?*?, <ll(tribution ol May 29. Cir> cularaol mformatiou Nnt free. BaTHI A CO., 196 Broadway. A -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY; kentvcrt 7\. Mat* I/Otter/1 Herman t internment Lotteries. C. tHKODOK SC.HCHOt'lI I18_N? sau St. P. 0. box ft 9L A -OFFICIAL DKAWINO^ OF TIIR XRNTl'CKY ? state and Shelby College Lotteries. ? ciitvcst static, ana* class 171? Wit 17, l*7f. ?, 61. S7, 74, *7. 61, 1. 41. II. 41, 47, M. ???IST. 1ITK A CLASS .T87?*AT 17, 1W*. 17, 14, (*, 22. S8 2. 10 17, 71. it,n, 4ft. *?*tre?r. Ci ass 572?hat 17, 1*75. 40, 78, t, ll. io, 30, 17. 26, SS, 74, 93, M> ? rtAse JM?air 17, 1875. 7. 64, 43. 69, 13, 1, 6S, 6L 4ft. 8, SI. 41. J. P. an ITH * CO. Managers, Covington, < y.; Poet office hex 3 741. New York A-PARK ', EMSR80N A CO.. AtiRNTS FOR , Kcntncty state Lottertot, drawn dmly. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn cverv 17 deyt. Rentnckv -ingle Number Lottery, drawn May 29. 1875. rrl/i s eastied. Intoi matlon furnished i\ud circulars sent bjrsd ire*sin2 PARK* A CO." l?n Broadway, room 4, Poet office bo* Private office attached. Office hours 7 A. M. till 7 P. M. A -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. . lirawingi every 15 days. Next drawing Mar 28 4ine frixe ot fEi n.OOO tine I'rlae of fto.ii ? tine I'rize of 2 ft,<*? Two Prizes ol $10,010 ?ach 2U.0MU One CriM of ft.lWO Ten prise* of $l,OBOeach lO.' iiO lit. other prites, amounting to 27.000 Prise* cashed. Circulars, with lull particuiara, sent free. 1'. C. VmLtH, etalloni r and (lene-al Agent, 30 LUwrij stmt, N?w Kwtk. SPECIAL NOTICES. ?AU1HORIZED agent, ? Kentucky State lotteries. J. CLUTE, 200 Broadway. Books and accounts invbstigatbd, bal anced and closed by an sfllcient accountant: terms fixed by job or day. Add rem R.. box 3,432 Post office. C1IIAKLE9 DIKFENBACH, GARDENER AND FLOR / 1st.?Gardens laid out and Kept in order. Orders received at No. 105 West Tenth stroet, and corner Sixth avenue and Fifty-Sixth street, New York. Diseases of mf.n and important medical and Surgical ( uses a specialty. 1IKNHV A. DAN IELS. M. D? 144 Lexington ay., near Twenty-ninth it ^EORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-TIIK ATLANTIO and Uulf Railroad Company hereby give notice that in pursuance of a resolution by its Board of Direct ors of April 17th, 1879, and under the terms of the tenth section of the mortgage, dated July 1, 18<Vi and executed bv the said, the Atlantic arid (lull Railroad Company, to John R. Oardner, of New York city, as sole trustee to secure the payment of five hundred thousand dollars ol its first section first mortgage bonds, it will on THURS DAY, 10th of Jnne, 187ft, in open Court, at savannah, apply to the Judgo of the Superior Court of Chatham county to appoint Daniel G. Purse, Esq., of Savannah, Georgia. Trustee under said mortgage in the place and stead of said John R. Gardner, sole Trustee, de ceased. JOHN SCREVEN. President Atlantic and Gull Railroad Company. Havana lottery.-jwoooo in prizes every fifteen days. One prize of. $100,000 one prize of. 9AI.000 oneprizeof *.">.000 Two, $lo,ouo each.... iflj.uoo One prize of ft 000 Ten. $1,000 cach lO.tMV) 111 prizes, $500 each, 6ft !00 715. $300 each 2l4,fi00 Prizes cashed. Circulars of information tree. Highest price paid tor Spanish gold and Governments. T. B. MARTINEZ A Co., Bankers, 10 Wall st (rear basement), M. V. Post oftlec box 4.66a. Havana lottery. $48j,U0J distributed In prizes May 20. 1 Prize of $100.C00 1 Prize of 1 Prize of Jft,0(J0 2 Prizes, each of $10,000 lO.nnu 1 Prise of 5,ttt? 10 Prizes, e.icn of $1,000. 10 00,) 62B other Prizes, amounting to. 270,0>i0 Circulars of information furnished free. Orders filled. Prizes cashed. ? raulsh Bank Notes, Doubloons aud governments purchased. TAYLOR A CO. Bankers, 11 Wall street. New York. KKNTPCKY 8TATK LOTTERY, HAVANA PLAN, Simmons, Dickinson 4 Co., Managers?Next draw ing, May 29. For circulars and information address OKOROK H. BOOTH. Manager1* Agent, 73 Nassau street; Poet office box 3,037, New York. K -$300,000 CASH GTFTS. Whole Tickets, $10. Kentucky State Single Number Lottery, on Havana plan, drawn May 29, 1875. Circulars sent. ree. PARKS. EMERSON & CO., Agents, 130 Broadway, room 4. Post office box 5,272. K? OFFICIAL DKAWINU Of TUB KENTUCKY . statu Lotteries, Simmons, Dickinson A Maua gsrs. ? sitwTTrcar kxtka class no 331?mat 17. 1S7.V 76, 20. 7ft, 32, M, 60, 72. 46, ft, 15, 10, 1$, 70. amTVCBT. rims ko. 3(2?MAT 17, 1875. 48. 52. 1, 44. 76, 65, 71, 47. 49. 60. 54, li. ? BIfKT. BXTHA rLASS MO. 417?HAT 17. 1876. S?, 67. 44. 17, 53. 6", 77, 10; 47, 41, 50, 63, 5& HKNKT. CLASS XO. 418?MAT 17, 187*. 27, 6. 9, a 39, 36. 14, 60, 22. IB. 38, 64 Full information by applying to or addressing J. CI,('TE. 200 Broadway, nrsl floor, rear otbee. or Post office box 4,969. K?SIMMONS, DICKINSON A 00.'S GRAND ? monthly distribution of the Kentucky State Lot tery, qii Havana plan, to t>e drawn May 29; aiso Koval Havana or Cuba, drawn May 20. Full Information by ap plying to or addressing J. CLUTE, Authorised Agent ZOO Broadway, or_Post office box _ T OKD i TAYLOR, GRAND AND CHRYSTIK 8TREKTB. J.J English body Brtn.*el? SI SO and $1 75 English and American Tapestry $l 00 and 1 12K ONTHLY LOTTKBY.-MjMWO roll fl. SIX tick&T3 for(A. For tull particulars address J. M. PATTEK, M w ? Laramie City, Wyoming; or, ALLEN A CO.. 79 Nassau street, New Turk. ^ Office of tiie new yobk mutual gaslight Company, northeast corner Fourth avenue and six teenth iircet. Union square. New York, May 8, 1H75.? The annual meeting of the stockholders or the New York Mutnal Gaiilirht Company lor tbS election oi It di rector* and three inspector* of election for the ensuing rear will bo held at the office of the company. In the oltv ot New York, on Tuesday, May 18, IH75. the pells lor which election will lie opened between the hours of 12 M. and 1 o'clock P. M. of that day. The transfer booki of the company will be clo*?d for ten days (10 days) prior to said election. By order of the Uuard of I lrec lori. CHARLES PLACE, Secretary. rpQE TEOPLB OF TOE UNITED STATK8 ABR IN A terested in the eatabllahment of an industrial palace In the city of New York which shall he larger and more magnificent than any of its prodecessora The Legislature of New York has grunte I a charter incorporating tho Industrial Exhibition Company. This corporal on proposes *o orect a suitable building te be used as a palace of indnttrr. U U intended to hero the building ready In time to re ceive the good* wnieh will be exhibited In the centen nial at Philadelphia. By ao doing this project becomes an aid to the Ccatenntal ? tho?e who proper to isx nlblt (rood< iu the: World's Fair at Philadelphia will be Justified in incurring a greater expense.knowing that on the cloee ot that enterprise they can remove their wares from Philadelphia to New York an1 again place them on exhibition, and also Mil by sample. The Indus trial palace of New York is destined to become the homo of manufacturers and inventor*. The people oi thl* city are especially Interested in this enterprise, tor the rea son th it it will cause thousands of strangers from all portions of the world to visit New York, not once, hut annu.tily, tor business and for pleasure, that, hat for tho palace of industry, wonld remain at home or visit other cities. This Influx of strangers wonld leave annually millions of dollars which would be distributed itmotig the citizens of New York. One of the great necessities ot New York is RAPID TRANSIT. Nothing will ciye capital more confidence that a rapid transit railway will pay than the building of a crystal palace The strangers desiring to visit such an institution would alone make sufficient business to Jus tify the btiildlnf of a railway frort the Battery to the Harlem River Ktval cities to New York #re making an 1 vfcorous attempts to carry away the trade of New York, and such attempts are partially successful. The paoplaof New York, if they would retain their po sition a* the commercial metropolis of the United States, must aid sticb enterprises as are destined, when completed, to attract uranger* and business 10 New York. e No one enterprise will tend more to accomplish thia than the building of such a Palace of Industry aa la pro P<Tbe industrial Exhibition Company, for the purpooo of raising the necessary means to carry out Its plan, have made a bonded debt, and to enable personsof small means to aid in this gr. at enterprise bas made itabonds at $30each, and halt bonds at l'Oesch Circular* saut tree. All communications should be addressed INDUS TMIAL exhibition COMPANY. Office 67 University place, . New York city. Travelling agent* wanted. A local agent named la each town In the United btates and Canada. T OS EVENING TKLKORAM HAM ALL TUE LATEST NEWS KVKEY NIQIIT. aid (inn CAPITAL PKI3K.?KENTUCKY STATU ?Uu Lottery, ftngle Number, lavana plan, drawing May 39; $100,000 cash girta Circulars, witlt lull particular*, free. P. 0. DEVLIN, Stationer and Agent, So Liberty street nnn -erntock* single number JpOVU.yUU. Lottery draws May 29 For circu lar* or Information In an legalized lotterle* address KIBK 4 CO., IBroadway, room D. UK Y HOODS. 2ARPHTS, of Carpet*. Oilcloths. Window adea?*L**?bre<j u in?^aU, MattUg Ac at very low pirfciV v?lT?L *1 ?1.7.5.?*--TArA Tapestry Brwsels, at f i per yard. Three ply. at |l 38 | per yard. ingrain, at S.V.. We. and 80c per yard. All other g.?tds at equillv low price*. A large stock oi Furniture, W per cent cheaper than any other bouse in the city. All goods shipped free, D. KELLY, ftncceaaor to U. o't arrell), J13 and 614 Eighth avenue. between Tlilrty fifth and Ttoirty-glsth street*. Lord a taylor-geavd and chry^hb sbs.? English Boiy Bru???l*, Jl Id and fl 7& hng ish and Ainericsn fapestry, fl and SI It It* ET GOODS?FINE CASSIMKRES, CLOTHS, SATT If nets, Eepellar.ts. Flannels, Rob Nov*. Ac. (Joi4 tisrgains this week to close. WI LLl All MAT11EWH, M Catherine street. A F M1LUSRKY AHD ItHK^MAKIVG. Card-RRMOVF.I), gaynors spechltiks^ < > rsets tnd fournours, fr>.m Broadway, corner of Twelfth *treeu to 649 ixth avenue, between Thirty seventh and Thirty eighth streets. N. R - A perfect At enaranterd ta every stvle of figure. Children's Corset*. Waists. Shoulder Braces, Abdominal Suppoiters, terms reasonable. TlC'Wm WTRAJIBOATS. AC. B^oe sale ?sloop yacht, ss feet long, cabin first class order, sail* one year obi; repaired and painted In April; > h> ap for caah customer. LOUIS cell A KKER, *9 Grand street, Brooklyn, E. D. ,lOR SALE, J Schooner Yacht L*atha, c c Y.C.. Moon Yacht Kate, H.Y.O., Mxl3\S, Sloop Yacht Adrj adne, N.Y. Y.t"., 67xIJx6 6; Sloop Yacht Flying t'loua, U. Y.C., 4oxi3 te&S; Sloop Yacht Nina J4iHx7.E Apply at International Yacht Aceney, 398 Broadway. tfOB SALE?SCHOONER YACHT BELONOING TO r the New York Yacht Club; 75 tons (old mi asure ment), 73 feet length over all. 'U feet beam shoot ? leet depth of hold, 5 feet draught, centre board i ha* two snits* oi sails; Is In complete order, with entire outfit and In veDtory : is m>w in comml**ion, with sailine ina<ter sad crew on board. Apply to J- M. DRAPKE A CO., llii Pearl street. New York. F^OE SALE OR BARTEE?SI.''OP YACHT, 48 FEET long, light drsnght and well found. Addrese W., box 138 Herald office. LiTEAMTUO D. S. STETSON, t YUNDER 18 INCHES. O holler one year old, in good order, for sale low. Ap ply to WILLIAM BURNS, owner. 3o? Bond street, Kliaa beihport, N. J., er to B. R. KELLOGG, No. 3 Broadway, New York. CHIP'S LAUNCH, ABOUT 8 TONS, SUITABLE FOR O water boat, steam launch or sloop j price ?7.V Ai ply wnere the launch is 8M South street, BlEi'lihN ltOB EltTS' bo* building shop. won orncs nofMii POST OFFH'F NOTICE.-THE MAILS FOR EUROPE for the week ending Safuritar. slay tl, l^S, will close at this office as follows:?On Tuesday at 13 M.: on Wedne<ii ?y at 12 M.; on Ihur-oay at 11 31 a. M .and on baiwoam M il M A. M. MUl u M. J.L. JAUMsLX'. M. SPOIITINU?DOGS, BIRDS, AC. T"_FOR BALE-ALL, KIND* OK fancy nous A. Birds, Ac.; Mcdicines fur all diseases; Prepared Food 8or mocking birds, at B. U. DOVEY S, No. S Greene street, nour Canal. _ OPITZ DOO OF UNUSUAL BEAUTY 'OR SALB.?19 k> n nidy'a property; young traint'd, etched mgjyin.. telligeiit and afluctiouate. To purchase apply by letter to K. B., bo* 171 Herald office. TDK TVKK. UCTION AMD FRENCH POOLS SOLD EVERY morning at 10 and evening at 7 at the NKW YORK IL'RF EXCHANGE, 15 West Twenty eiuhth street, on the running races at Louisville, Ky.; also on the trots al Fleetwood Park. FRENCH POOLS OPEN at7 A. M. and close at 8:15 P. M. (SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID to commissions by mail ?V*TRiVs'aND RESULTS received from special cor respondent by telegraph. KfciLLY, BLISS A Cu. -POOLS SOLD THIS AFTERNOON AT 1 O'CLOCK . and continued between heat* on the trols at Fleet wood Park, at The New York Turf Exchange, 15 West Twenty-eighth street, renultg A 00 UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOT.D AT NOR ) H west comer of Broome street and Bowery, on tue Louisville, Ky.. and Fleetwood Park '{?g^QE SHAN ? TTEMP9TEAD DRIVING PARK SPRING MEETING? II Purses lor Tuesday. Wednesilav and Thursday, 18th, I'Jth and 20th. have all tilled : trotting to commence each dav at l o'clock P. M. Trains leave James slip and Thirty-fourth street ferries, New York, at 9. 10:30 and 11 o'clock a. M. Return after race. n A. H. SAM MIS, Superintendent. Admission 50 cent*. ______ n?FRENCH AND AUCTION POOLS SOLD THIS . evening anil every morning and evening during the meeting at Johnson's Pool Rooms, corner of Broad way ana Twentv-elgiith streets, on the Running Races at Louisville, Ky. (fhrce races each dsvi; pa;ticular attention paid to all orders hy mail or messenger; lull returns each day bv Western Union Telegraph office at rooms; Pool Hoom open at 7 o'clock A. M ^rench Pools close at 3 >15 P. M. W. IL A r. It. JOHNSON. OOINT BREF.ZE PARK. PHILADELPHIA, OFFER 1 a special Purse o' (1,000, to re trotted tor on May 37. Entries close this (Tuesday) evening, at !? o'clock, and mutt l>e addressed to CHARLES M. lOR N, Secretary, 123 South tourth street, Philadelphia. gPBING MI ETINU. FLEETWOOD PARK. MAY 18 ^ Trotting commence* S o'clock sharp, each dav. FIRS I' DA Y?Tl' I.SUAY, MAY lS-Pursc, SI.OOiT; 2:50 clam??iobn Trout, ?? g. T. B. FreuchsF. J. Mciiinnls. u. s. Ben Bruce; Joseph Sterrett. b. m. Lucca; 1. B John son b. m. Chrlstenia; John L. Doty, b in. I earl; Tho*. O'Connor, blk. g. Vulcan; John Splan, b. g. llawk; John T. Rucers, r. g. St. George; Peter Manee, b g. 1 ?nter rello; George Stengel, o. g. Carter; W. S. Brooks, b]S. g. Pat MoCann; C. II. McDonald.g. m. Privateer Maid; Daniel Mace, k m. Mand ; R. 8. Bout. b. m. Nettie Ber. lew; Robert Thornton, b. ni. Vesta; T. H. Shepherd, b m. kosle; Charles S. Green, br. in. lornado Maid; J Goldsmith, b. in. Effle Dean. . No "_Furse ??,IH?; 2:20 class.-John iront, g m Sea foam; W'iu. Sargent, b. in. Lady Banker; John Murphv, b g Cfiurlie Green; H. Kolljr, gg. Tanner Boy ; Daniel Mace. blk. in. Blanche. J. Aaiker, blk. ro. May Bird; John L. Doty. b. m Lvdia Ihompson; Robert Thornton, g g Royal George; Chares S. Green, b. g. Major Root; John S. Baker, b. g. Tom Keeler. _ >i,COSD HAY?WEDNESDAY. May 19.-Purse $1,500; 2:11 class.?John Trout, b. g. llaviland; Wright A Nor cro?s, blk. ?. Lothair; John i . Doty, br. g. W Indemire; M. K, den, br. g James h. Coleman; Isaac Bernstein, r. g. Walter; John Murphy, br. m. l ady Dahlinsn; Ibomas O'Connor, blk. g. Blue* Prince; Moses Whipple, b. m. ladv White. Daniel Mace. hlk. g. Arthur: Thomas B. Inrne, br, g. Joe Clark; C. W. Mitchell, b. g. George 11. MNo 'Ji-Purse fi.ouo: nonble teams.?H. A. Ham. Carrie N and Lady Woods; W. H. Thorns. Phil O'Nell, Jr.. and Frod Tyler; Peter Manee, Canterrello and Gideon; Alex. Paterso'n. Ladr Burnham and Fourth of July; James GoUling, Harry spanker and Ned Forrest; Daniel Mace, 1 tTh'rd'day!1 Va's-Purse $1,500 ; 2^ class-John Trout, s. m Ladv Whitman: B. 8. Wright, blk. g. Ne I Forrest: Benjamin Mace, b. m. Lennlet ase: w. 8. Thotn?, '. g- Fred Tyler: M. Rodun, s. g. l>an Bryant (for merly Reserve); John Murphy, b. g. Mat Tanner; Isaao Woodruff, h. g. Catsklll; George Y. Whltson. b. m. Pau line ; R- J- Anderson, r. m. Kosa SonbOrg; U Irani Howe, b tt. Prince; a. M. He Hart. br. m. nanuah D; W. C. Trimble, br m. Itepbyr; J. Goldsmith, b. m. EfBe Dean. No. 6?$2,500 ; 2i2? class.-Benjamin Mace, W g Crown Prince; Thomas O'Connor, b g. George; William H. Har rison, s. m. busle: II. Kelly, br. g. fanner Boy; Daniel g. Vanity Fair: J. C. /ckerson. b g. Everett Ray; Norihorp A Martin, b. g. Mvstle; VV. U Trimble, s. m. Music; Cnarles S. Green. g. G'orge B. l>nnlel?. FOURTJJ DAY ?No. 7?Purse $1,<*W; 2:8Jclass.?Jaines Doosruy, u Hiecpy M*ry; A. \ anderbili* b. Kutio Hughes; J. P. Gilbert, bik. m. Little Dorrlt; Alex Patter son b g. William Walsh; Robert Tlurnton, b. in. Vesta; T H Hbepberd, b m. Rosle- Robert Demnter, ch. g. fliiuun; John 8. Baker, h. m. Geneva; J. Goldjmlth, a. B'.vaS8-Pur?e $3,000; 2:20 class.-BenI Mace. g. g. Hope ful M. Rod en, b. g. Henry; John Splaii b. g Kansas Chief; Daniel Mace, b g. ^ensation. Stc war 's oT the meeting?Mr. sheppard F. Kn.ipp, Juseriii Klliott h. A. Milla,F. T Barker. Ed ward Kear ney, ^ohn 11, iJarbriTt, Jr., Samuel Trues.1ell, H, Ferrt gsii, James Wallace and Arthur Gillendcr. No gentleman allowed in tho ladies' scctlon of the grand stand unless In company with a lady. All mein ^fiPtSS'lillw'Saa central Depot at I o'clock; al^t??n.,ll:i0A.Van^i|P.M. JOHNSON BROS., Proprietora Dimes Tali*as, Superintendent In case of postponement flags will be raised on Sturt? vant and Brower Houses. IIORSKS. I AKItl AUKS. A~*~UCTI >N SALE of PRIVaTK STABLI 8 By H. B. HERTS A SOSS, Anotloncera, 17 Park pUce aud 1? Murray street. IMPORTANT AND ATTRACTIVK SALE OF HoisRB CAKBUOKi. UAKNEA SI.EIGU. AG TUB ENTIRE KKT ABLJnIIMENT OF PHILIP ST1NER, ESQ., AT AUCTION, POSITIVELY WITHOUT RBSFRVE, ON TUEB6aT, MAY \\ Al W. O'CLOCK, AT 1118 PRIVATE STABLE!". NO. 131 WEST FIFTIETH sTRhKT, PBIOB TO Hia DBPABTCRB FOR EUKOPE. HORSES. Light nar team Carriage Horses. 1? hands high. 8 T'sre old, sound, sind and free from lr,c,V v"Uv",hrlTl y a lady, bAoUjomMi cArriAffs teiin in New York. Bsy leans Carriage Horaaa. 16X hands high, 7 end I years old. Dark bay Road Horse, 7 years old, sound and kind And can trot innidc throe minuter. Hsv Trotting ll..rse, 14H hand* high, 9 years old, name Orion, dam itevenue, by ^tdn.^ One elegant satin lined Lsndanlst,made Wofder in Janaary laat, by Bradley, Pray A ??., cost $3,500. one fcqr-whee'ed double l og Cart, naarlj new, made to order by W? id Broa. One fonr-wbeeled double Dog Cart, shaft* and Pola. One very handsome Park Phaeton, nearly new, made ta order by Wood liroa One rerjr handsome large Family Sleigh, made by Qonlil, of Albany. One Conpe, made by Adams^A Oona, In good order. Two sets fine Kngllsh gold mounted doable Harnem Onc it't Hue Knsiuh xol I niounttil ilniilc Hiriicn. 8ne set One English gold Wanted double Harness. Sli icb Bells, Whipa drees and stable Biankete. Ac., all Imported or msde by Stilling*. _,,h ail Also a complete Coachman's Outfit, together wltn ail other appurtcnanoes of a first cla<a private stable, aU of whlcV can be seen any time before uie sale at tne ? tables, as above. A GRfcAT AND ABSOLUTE SAl.F, BY PUBLIC AUCTION THIS PAY (TUK8IIAY), MaV 18, AT 11 O'CLOCK KIIARP, AT THE PRIVATE STABLE MO. 2 EAST TMIRTY->EVENTd STREET, OF UA N'DSOMR ni.OOO El> AND FAST liORSKS, ELEGANT CaRKIAOES. HNE HARNESS, BLANK MS ROBES. AO.. TI1K PROPER!Y UF J A MRS R. HALSEY, ESy , WHO H VS BEEN LABORING UNDER A SEVKBK Ii,LnESS FOR past year and is now advised by uis physi cian TO TRAVEL FOR HIS HEALTH. CHARLES C. DUFF, AUCTIONEER. IncloliDK the handsome b?v Oeldlna. IM vears old slreu hv Messenger Hamhletoiilan, Htm bv Harry Clay; "trip In face; he can trot in 2:10; trotteif wnen'S years old In 2 5ft. anil with any training will trot In ihe Hurtle*: hai never been trained to lull* develop hit speed, as owner has used him exclusively for road pur poses; lie is warranted found and kind. A Ho the fine and fast black Gelding, Part. 15?? high. 6 Tear* old, mred bv Howe's Royal fJeorge ilain black Vermont mare Betate; he la com black aad the finest di?po*itloned gentleman's roadster to be found; be e*n trot In 2. t. is sensible and well behaved ; la lulljr war ranted sound and kind. Also the feat Troiting Gelding. Westchester Boy, IJI< high, 7 vear? old, waa aired by R??lick'a Hunihlelonian, dam by General Knox; can trot In 1 40 on dar of *al?; la In color a dark bay, with full mane and tall; trotted on Fleetwoid track Ir. 2;TK: he la a inferior pole home . it sale for any one to drive; be la warranted sound and kind. Alao the handsome*! Bay Trotter In the city, IBI? hand* high, ? veara old. raia d In Orange county and aired by Edward fcverett. dam bv Consternation; can beat 1M aor dar, an I to free gal(ed and reliable; drives wtthont chert, fear* nothing and a* a gentleman'* road nor.-e i* un<urpa?ed; took premium at county fair when four year* old. when lie pulled a wagon In 2t4fl. and Waa then R' nrchsscd bv owner, who baa aince used him on road ( ?? la warranted Bound and kind. Alao fine brown Geld Inf. ISjk hand* hl?h, 8 yenr* old, ?red bv Eureka; la a genteel? fine driver, with pleaty of bone and mti?c|e, can beat 2 JO to wagon and ii war ranted aonnd and kind. N IS.-THB ABOVE HORSES HAVE BEEN DRIVFN ?INGLE AHD DOUBLE, AMD AKR FULLY WAR R4NTKD AS KEPRBS NTED. Carriage* consist ot top and open Road Wagon*, made by Brewater and other well known city maker*: one top Pony rhaeton, ona Basket I'onv Chacon, single and double llarneaa. Blanket*. Robes. Whips. Ac. RALE POMTIVB.RAIN OR BHINIS, To TUB HIGH. EST BIDDER, WITHOUT LIMiT OR It ENERVATION. A MPLR VINE ALLOWED FOR TRIAL AN I) EXA.M1 NATION STOCK NOW ON EXHIBITION. AM ?LAST chanck-ridb TODAY. . R1DR TODAY. LAST CRAXCt IHO.ok WHO hav not already embraced the oppor tnnltunlty of RIDING BEHIND and testing the speed of t;ol. P. J. Connelly's splendid stock of the ia*te*t green Kentucky trotter* ever bred should not lose a moment, but coine at once, a* to-day will be the last chance to ride before the sale. . r? . , . THE SALE will take place to morrow Wednesday). May 19 at II o'clock, at Harker A son s City Auction Mart and New York Tatfersalls. coiner of Broadway and 1 hirty ninth street I ha stock comprises seventeen head, that can trot In from * minutei down to 2 ?). and includes the fet of Lloyd's Winchester, Hughes' Edwin Forrest, Mambrino, Pilot .Ir., *<\, *0., all splendid driver*, ami warranted aonnd and kind. STOCK NOW on exhibition at the mart BALE POSITIVE and no postponement CATALOGUER, win! foil pedigree*, description*. Ac., can be had at (he offices of tne Spirit ot the Tunes and Turf. Field and Farm or at BARKER A SON'S, corner of Broadway an-1 TnirVy ninth street AhTcLARBNCK FROM BfflO UP.-LANDAU, $2*1, I'Mi and flOO; Pony Phseton, ?!?); top isuorgtes, Irotn $1D up; new extension top Park Phaeion $4.11, world $700, at the larce.t sod be*t repair shop in city. J. W PITNKV, ifSand 41 Third avennc. Ah ?I Al fiioFfzk, ON ACCOUNT OF XT HUB . han l'a drain, the sale ot three Horses, flt tor aay bu*ia?Mi ??ia at ?ujf urtuU strett, rtax. HORSE*, CAKjUAPKg, AC. _ Auction house op van tamell a kkakney, 111) AND 1U EAST THIRTEENTH STItiiBT, NEAR FUURIH AVENUE. REGULAR HALE OP HOUSES AVD CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND 1KIDAY. Twenty-four to forty eight hours given to purchaser* to test warrantees. Horses, Carriages, Harness, ilsnkets, liobes, Ac., always ou hand at private tale. CATALOGUE OF THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY) 8ALE AT 11 O'CLOCK. TEAM BAY HORSES, 15'* HANDS niOH, 8 AND 9 years old. kind and trun In all harness; tree from vice. good uader saddle; have been used lor fam ily driving; trot in 3)4 minute*; are in every way sine and reliable and warranted sound. ALSO SET HARNESS AND FOUR WHEEI ED l?OU CART, IN GOOD ORDER, built by Wood Bros. ELEGANT GRAY COUPE HOR3E, 1? HAND* HIOH, 9 years old, kind uml true lu all harness, true from vice, very stylish aud huudBomc, (ear* nothing; can be driven bv anyone and wairanted sound; also si*t ol Harness, aud COUPE, WITH POLS XND SHAFTS, LIVERY SUIT, ?fcc DAPPLE GRAY HORSE,MM HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS old, kind and trim iu all harness, free from vice, last traveller; perfectly gentle lor any one to drive, and warranted sound; also set of Harness, aud TOP PONY PHAETON, NEARLY NEW. TEAM BAY HORSl S. 16 HANDS HIGH, 7 AND 8 years old, kind and true in ail harness, tree from vice; have been used in a truck the past threo years: are ono of ttis finest work teams in the city, and are warranted sound. kind and true. ELEGANT l-.IGHT spring landau. UOOD as new, built by Million A Uuiet, I'aris DAPPLE GRAY PONY, 14% HANDS 111011, 6 YEARS old ; kin.t ami true In all harness; tree from vice ; extra flue under saddle; perfectly safe tor a lady to ride or drive and warranted sound. Also set Harness and Tor I'ONY PHAETON. HAY HOBSB. 16 HANDS lirOH, 7 YP.ARS OLD; kind and true in all harness, free from vice ; u free and gamy driver; superior to tne pole and war ranted sound. Also set Harness and top wagon, bcilt by brewster a co., of Broome street. BKOWJ? TROTTING IIOBSK, 15 HANDS HIGH, 7 years old ; kind and true In all harness; tree from vice; trotted at Prospect Park Track last fall in 2:11 lias great endurance; a tree aud pleasant driver and sold only tor want oMise. TOP ROAD WAGON, BUILT BY YOUNG. IRON GRAY MARK, la HANDS HIGH, 6 YEARS OLD; kind and true in all harness; free from vice; very stvlish; trots better than s minutes; a tlrst class road mare and warranted sound. NO TOP BOAD WaGON. Bl'.OWS HortSK, 15^ IIA^DS HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD; kind and true in all hari>e.tis; tree troiu vice; very stylidi; trots lu 3 minutes; a superior horse lor gentleman's road use. Set single Harness, nude bv Woodcock. 6ct double Harness, made bv Woodcock. TwO-WllEKLKD DOG OART, IN PERFECT ORDER, liuilt bv Wood Bros. BLACK IIOBSK, 16 HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD; kind and true In all harness; lice from vice ; a su perior horse tor general use. Also set Harness ami PLA'fFORM SPRING WAGON. DAPP..E BROWN MARC, 1 W HANDS HrGn, fl yeirs old: kind and true in all harness; free Iroin vice; perfectly safe for a lady to drlvo and a tlrst class taiuilv animal. TOP WAGON, BUILT BY GODWIN. TWENTY FAMILY, ROAD AND WORK HORSES. Full description time of sale. FRENCH 1 CART, Wil'H POlvE AND SHAFTS, IN good ordor. Four-seat Park Phaeton, in good order Clarence, built bv John U. Lawrence. Coupelet, In good order. Six-seat Kockaway. in good order. Six-pai>sengcr I haeton, Landaus, Rockaway* Top And no ton Wagons, Harness Ac. SALE COMMENCES AT 11 O'CLOCK. Auction housk op aucii. johnston (late Johnston jt Van iassi-lk offloo 57 Llburty street (Evening Poit Building). THE hor^f. AUCTION BHAXCn or OUR HOUSE, 19 to 2s THIRTEENTH STRRKT, nlcail i'nivbbsuty PLACE. 8ALB? OP hok8k8 ;oio CARRIAGES Alti-: HELD EVERY tlkhday ANl> kkiday, AT 10 O'clock. 24 to 48 hour*' trial on homes w arranted sound. PARTIAL c'ataloflu.! OK THIS DAY'S (tceb DAY'S) 8ALU, AT 10 O'ui.Ov K. DARK BAY TEAM HOUSES, 15ij hands, 7 and 8 years; kind In all harness; free irora vice; have luen until In city and country lor every kind ol family ami lariu u4: arc tine, tree, stylish driv ars; uot atraul of anything: are excellent road ster*; In every respect a flrjt class luinlly team; warranted sound. . . ? WESTCHESTER ROCKaWAY, little used, by Phil Or 039. BRIGHT BAY IlAMBLETONIAN HORSE, 15* hand*, 4 yearn; kind In #11 barnes* and under saddle , tree trotn vice; this colt ha* a tine, free. open, level ?alt, an i clean llmhs; has never been trained tor speed ; can show a 3 minute gait to-day; promises to be very fast and with out fault; warranted Kiund. ELEOant 81 RRY WAGON, new. by Peek A Co. DARK BROWN .iADDLK hormk "Knrr Itvington," 15 hand*. ? yars; kind In all harness: tree from vice; a ?tll*b. Ore driver; has erery gait known tor saddle horse; haa been usod as tvao, -n mle ami general lamUy horse; war ranie.l sound. _ , ^ . ... BASKKT PONT PHAETON, platform spring*, with RUMBLE. English. , , DARK HAY HORsfc, Hamhletonlan stock, 15)4 hands. 6 year*; kin l In all harness; tree irotu vice; an extra tine saddle horse; ha* been used bv a lad.v tor pa-t year; l* in every way a reliable family or road horte; war ranted sound. TOP SIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, Polo and Shafts, by tfott 4 Maguire. . BAY TROTTING uuuse, 15tf hand*. 7ye ars; kind in all harness: Iree trum vice; an excellent roadster, good s jnare gait; can trot In 5 min utes ; ha* no trick* or vices; any one can drive hi in does not shy or pull; warranted m>und. TWO OOOD sulkki.s, nearly new; city built BAT PONY UORSB, one of the handsomest, most stvll*h i.onles in tho country; M hands.8 year*, kind In all harness; free (rom vice; very stylish and ?plrit?d; an excellent saddle pony ; ? good rosd?ter; warranted s?-und. TOP PON i PHAf.TO.N, new. city built; Tlarnei*. Ac, Dark BAY boris i5\' hand a, 8 years; kind In all harness and under *a<t<he; free from vice; doe* ? pot shy or pull; a thoroughly reliable horse for Any purpose. sold only 'or wsnt of u*?. DOO Cart, turnoui neat, in good order, by J. b impose!)*jersey BULL MANFRED, No. bio. American Jersey C. c. Herd Book; dropped April 15. 1870. on ship Mogul, from island ot Jersey, sire on Islanl of Jersey; dam Mildred, No. 1,TO, Herd Book , pedigree guaranteed. TOP R0AL> WAOON.In fo*d ordor, by liertney. FIVE fsis DoCBI.h HARNESS, second baud, city skklli TO^WAOON. m good order, by Stevana TWK.ntv kocrothlr houses. Description time a larijrt'^snjrtwrntol every kind of Carriage. Wagon. Phaeton, Ilarnoas. Sheets. Rot es. Whips, ac at ARCU joBNBTON' - Mart, It to 21 Thirteenth street. near University place. Weather never intar teres with our sale*. hales COMMKNCg AT JO O'CLOCK. BARGAIN ror CASH-BE autikul BRIOHT bay E'hsn Allen Horse. Wotkler. 18v 8 year* old, ?ound anJ kind, trot 2 40 sure; light side bar top Wagon, Harness Klanket*. best city maker*, good as new; Brewster 2 seated Phaeton. sblftliM top. equal to new; flue Kentucky Hortr, i.rears. 15 hand*, sonnd and kiod, trot s minutes. Private stable. No. 6 West Nineteenth strest near Fifth avenua. ~A oksct FOR SALE OF brewsrer a co m ,of \ BROOME STREET) SECOND HAND carriage"*. j Landaus. 11 six tss*.? extension top 1 i andsn'ets, i Phaeton. 1 t at r.oiet, S dot Carta, i S lour pass s top Pnaetons, 1 Barouche. 1 Coupe, ? | 2 < oupe RocEawaya. I ? nspetulon spring Vie- i I Rumble top Phaeton, tori. 1 Rumble no top phaeton. 2r Road and Top Wagons. i 2 six pas*. Pliaetona ?n-oeerswesof wftandjuot S7J and S74 Broome afreet, old stand of Brewster a co. . _?, ? -Tale an enui ish thoroughbked A . saddle snd road Mare. 7 years old, iv* to 15'i i'lan''* dark brown, sound ana kind; a perfect model ol heauty snd *vmmetry . a aio*t gamy an t stvllah driver; reoulre*no whip; a mint rapid walker, and trot* from J h. hv, nt>itu"i: coat in England in gol.l; as the owner leave* the city soon, will sell at a sacrifice, ran be wen fbr a tew days at stable No. 4 East Twenty eighth street * _r0R SALE CHEAP?1 WO NEW eiiwt claws J\ , sltle bar top Wagona, one <10. Road Wagon; one iwo-se il Depot Wsgon. on'1 r'k-kaway and several sec ond hsnd Wagons at ol'ILrUUDb'tf uarrlage Kactory, lis we?t Fiftieth street 4 ?iakdaclet. CLARENCE, COl" PE, TWO A. wheel 1>0j Cart, Depot Wagon, secon i hand;ltn m. i?e variety of Pony Phaetons, my own makn. at re Saced prices/ HAM.'lu east i mrtn Straat A" (UNTI.EMAN WILL SELL his ROAD HORSE. |5>4 hands rich bay, 7 years old; can trot In 2 JO; warranted s?und and unro gaited ; also lis pound R.mij Wag "u and Harness. No. 149 West Thirty ninth street, ne ir Seventh avenna * llkdy'-s TURNOUT FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN: A beautiful KentocKy Mare; stylish and nlea.ant driver 7 year? old ; warranted *ouuJ and kind, hand tome pony Phaeton. Private sUble 3s Vandaiu street t^vor salk-A CAR-LOAD OF HORSES; ARE A. young and at for anv business; are warranted In eve'rv respect, and a good trial allowed. U2 otan ton street ? -rOR SAL*!?thrrk PONT BUILT HORSES, A. from ? to 8 year* old . Ot for farming, expre-a or grocery or road purposes; to be soul at a *acrin<e. l no ii* re at il Llsp^nard itreet, between Churcn street and West Broad a ay. v-FOR SALE. A CAR LOAD OF HORSES. FRO* A. Pittshure; ponv built; fit for farming or any uae; from $.5 to 150 trial allowed. Inquire at 5y South Fifth avenue FINE PAIR OF gentlemen'S HORSES,15:3 hands high, young, sound, kind prompt drivers and coo-1 roadsters; suitable lor brougham or Tc-.rt; one is an excellent sitdulo norae. 131 West oatenttenth street, private stable. _ A rkiveo-THI t MORNING, FROM ILLINOIS 28 A aood wor? Horses, from 5 lo 8 years old. ?BitaWj for all purposes; to be sold cheat- Apply ht 176 Mercer atreet ne*r w?e?*ajr. a _si-LLING OCT STOCf.?DOCTOR'S PBABTON, A. extension ton Park Phaetons side '??' too and iio tup Kxpresa. Orocery. Baker and light Knsi nose Wagons, three quarter Truck. 313 Hudson street. a "Very finb team of brown horsks, i..^ A hands lugh;? years old, alio ***r7 "jf1J1*? Horse; warranted sound and kind. So, 5 West , hlrtee nth street ? A bhi TL\ND pony TL'RNOl'T KOR SAL*.-' ony A lei black, flowing mane and tail, 8 years old, ^'ar ranted sound, free from all vice and tricks; has been ()V clilldren of all ages; will give lair trial; also wa'gnn and harness, almost new will sell cheap. Apply ?t fit ilk. M HORSKH, CAHHIAflEK. ?C, A gentleman. going to burope will sell hit luriiout at a bargain beautiful bay Horse, 7 years oldj warranted sound and kind; tron fast too Buggy and Haru- ?; also a beauniul Pony Phaeton -told separately. Private stable, SH Kast Twelfth ttreuL be tween Broadway and University place. A BROOD MARE-SIRED BY LEXINGTON hand*, dark bay, 7 years aid , cost trotted in i W1"' u" Hold lor breeding , uu handsomer mare can be seen. ?*? j *st Twenty foorth street. A ?f,.I\KU^* SIX 3KAT I'lUETOH, LIGHT AND Lexitt'aVe^ue*'01* 1 Fi"Jr"i?v,nth s'"et J\T STABLE, IS EAST FIFTY-EIGHTH rate cheap. prlvll? L*"daulct. in food order, tor A ThlrTv !n^Hr.ABl'h T0 LKT-LOW KENT, ON a^'SLMra"8Vl>^""WrWifi A Tonira for ?!iTOV RhT^I.ISIIM?NT WaSTKD ASSff Mi *52? ,El1 A -TWO PONY BUILT HORSES; ALSO A TRUCK Jl. Howi, young and sound ; fit lor grocer, butcher <?* ialoon ' coun,r*'< ??'0- No. C Bayard street, A SOUND, HEAVY, YOUNG HORSE, SUITABLE for expre-M, grocer or heavy trucking business. lor Street n*ni W1 Wei* Thirty-eighth A 2?\UTITtJr.' ?0?RKL MARR HAMBLETONIAJf i?i - i r*i8C(l ,n 0r*nB0 county. New York State, inv il ?n!!"..'. ?.'?*!* yea,rs,o|d. very stylish driver, flow "v""1 "nd handsome: afraid of nothing! mr?n te. by. W \d?y,0T Cl,il-1 i ,fr?? from v;ce and warranted sound, kind and true. Por further Inlorma. tion apply at 38 Bleocker street, private stables. A?FOR SALE.?A PAIR 0? B.vY TROTTING ? llorses, American Slnr stock, raised in watertown ?'an/f^Mi N?V' '? ,U" b,'0,her?. bands high,' ? anaryeurs old j flowing manes and tails, all back fh. v^;(ia,Htr0t 14 ,nllu 10roa<1 wnK"n in 2?o or io ?i * lew than h Jiliw.V, ?W,''er fi'5"" aud wl" D0*<"J 'of true inVi k.Mrt. /L value; they are sound, kind and ti^ue in Ail kinds of harness?do not shy or r ull and can h?'i by,*nr timid porson. Kor liirther particulars Inquire at private stable, S'J Bleecker street, iu the rear. A ~PSS 0P?K BEST PHAETONS EVER MADE t&sszX; .rRoV!0'?^.""^ wiu b?soij ,or JAMBS VETTBKTCH. 980 Sixth avotme. JJ-JUST ^Vip FROM FACTORY, LATEST DESIGNS AND VlNE^QuItlTY. IMPORTED MOROCCO AND TOP UJATnER. 872 and 37? Broome st, old stand ot Brewsfer' a'c'o, a|rriiAOiK.,LOR.S,E8' "IX-^EAT park puae f r .iiP' *innd>'Ulet, double and single Harness, Livery for sale. In,mire lor Richard at liRiSNNKN'3 stable Thirty seventh street, corner Seventh avenne. "ROARD FOR ROAD HORSES AND PRIVATE Stablaa"m*?Pw,^( "rirJW0?J P,Rrk ( (Jllrh ?"<1 Mvery atables, 30>< Wost Hfty-second street, near Eighth avenno; Ifor.'es on first floor: perfect securitv against fire; coaches and light stock to let emial to tTlvatc ttirn outs; mspeclioii soflclted. BLATiiR A lJIOuINS. /?1ABRIAOBS.-A LARGE STOCK OE PIIAETONS. \ui-kaways, top and no top Buuries. depot anJ other Wagons of uiy own mate at manufacturers prices. CHARLES GRUftK, 141 West liroadway. (-lHKAF CHEAP, CHEAP.-FOR SALE, A SIX I. rlc Pb4et0^ or would exchange for Horses or light Wagons uorses, Hirbt Wagon* bought, sold or exchanged. P. H. MASTERSGN. Central Park Livery Mab'e. Fifty-ninth street and Seventh avenuq. foi.Toir.^.ss0111""'' J b?/~S osn'ii SKELETON WAGON, bv Stivers TOP HIDK HAK RO.VD WAGON, pole and shafts, by JHott A Magulre. TWO PARK PHAETONS, Wood Bros JMWBV BULL, MAN ERkD, Imported, No. 410 Ucrj WOOK. Iii" ^"OTTERS HamMetonlans. 3 minutes. TWOTEAMS AND TWENTY FIVE ofllElt HORSES At ARUH. JOHNSTON'S Mart, 19 tow Thirteenth afreet, near University place. Weather never interferes with our sales. SALE COMMENCES AT III O'CLOCK F JgLBCJANT HORSES AND CAKRIAGRS AT AUCTION. TIIIRTYPIVR HE AD~OF ROAD, FAMrLY AND WORK HORSEM. ELEGANT FRENCH LANDAU, BUILT IN PaRIs and as good as new. FORTY CARRIAGES Or DIFFERBNT KTND& ror full description see catalogues; Sale commences at II o'clock. VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY, Anctian Mart 110 and 1H East Thirteenth street. FINE CARRIAGES at great bargains. Six seat Rockawnys, Landaaa, Coupe Rociaways, landauleta. \ ilorus, Broughams, Phaeton a Cahrtolets, T Carts, Bugsies. high and low-wheel Pony and Park Phaeton* In a treat ? variety of styles. .k?ar/to<'Vof.c"rri",ri'?w tho 'argert ever offered in thl? city, all of nor own manufacture, and ever? car riage guaranteed for oue year. A. T. DEM A REST A OO., 62* and WO Broadway. F^INE BAY COUPE HORSE. II HANDS; ABSOLUTE ly safe and invaluable for a fsmtly; also a hand some Park Phaeton and stiver's top Wagon and Coupe Harness, all at vour price, at hoarcflng sublet 1* and JSH East Forty-flrst street Must be sold. For sale-horsf, black roan, trots in s minutes; firewater Wagon and Wood Gibaon Har ness Apply at Thirtieth street, between Filth aad Mad ison avenues, llaflett's livery stable. FV)R SALE-NEARLY NEW. a SIX.SEAT PHAEfON price $?d0. suitable for private or hack n?e also five good working Horses, and also three furniture Trucks. Call at 2*s DuffleW street, near Fulton street Brooklyn. F^OR SALE-MAIL PUaKTON, ALMOST NEW Kngtlob pattern: can be ua-d lor two or four horses' alao I<oal flars. fnnr-ln hand Whip, all complete,owner having no further use lor It Addresa A., box i&l Puat tfBce. li'OR SALE-A SORREL MARR. 15 HANDS HIGH 9 I years old. kind and true . is u?ad for a milk wagon: so'd for waotot use; price 945 037 First avenue (milk depot). TT?OR 8 A LB?SBVRRAL VERY SUPERIOR YOUNG r Road Horaei- sirtctly fir? claast high bred stock fine sue, color, style and action; speed S minutes to S fj' _ G. H LEAvITT, Flushing. L. I. F^OR SALE.?TFAM DAPPLE GRAY nORgES; US; can trot faat, sonnd; kind Iu all harness; one Is first class ?ad.lis horse; will tell at a sacrifice. 143 East Thirtv second street. F'OR SALE AT A BARGAIN?A VERY STYLISH Turnout, consisting of yoona team. lSklauds, 5 and 6 vears old. Morgan Horsea, with Stivers' Itcad Wagon pole and sh ifta, Rlanketa. Robea, Ac ; tail horses are perfectly matehed, free and stylish drtvera. and war ranted perfect, without fault or blemish; any family or gentleman wishing a fine team or turnout will pleaae examine; no jockeys or dealers need arplyt Can be teen at the stable ot N. B COTTRBLL, Kuurtaenth ttreat. and Tenth avenue. L"<OR SALE?ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, ST^'L F i.-h and naturally graceful Hornet to be found In the country; be it pronounced br horsemen and connois seur* a p rfert model: a deep-colored dapple bay, 16 haida and I Inch in height, 5 years old; weight I 900 poundsi la round smooth and sleek: very fine, arched neck : full, floaing mane and tall, high knee action, and a hold, proud stepper; entlrelv sound and perfectly kind; tor family uae is positively safe in any emergency or aa an ad vertlsing hnsinesa medium would be very attractive and conspicuous. For further information address R. A. MrKINNfCY. American Express office, No <m Broadway, or boi 9' l'o?t offlee. Schenectady. N. Y. lilOR SALE? FOR WANT OK USE, TEN HORSKS r amiable for all purposes; alto ^hree d?nh>e and three slmrle Tracks and Harness, inquire at 181 Cbris tonher street Fpoit BAf.E?FAST YOt'NO STALLION. A TEARS old, !.'>* bands high. him never been trained; U found and Kind in every respect; a sore foul uc?t?r; dred by Bunon Hoy: I* half brother to George Miller. AMre-s BRhEDBR, bo* 3,u(M Mew York Poll office. fjlOR SALB-THE HANDSOMEST PONT AND PHAE 1 ton In the city at harg.iin: naed by la.1v past vear; best makers, go *1 as new. Iniinire atH Wert Nineteenth street, near nut avenwx. private stakle. ?LtOR RALE-A VEHV UANDSOME NO TOP DOUBLE, r Mated Wagon, nearly new: will be cold ver* low; no be ?e?n at Vo 39 "?<>uth William street FWR sAUt?A BLACK PONY; KIND AND OBNTLE In narnesa. may N- driven by a ladv or ehiict. In <]Qlri> at private stable, No. 3 Kaai fifty -second street. T.K>R SALE-TWO LOW-PRICED HoRSRS; MCRT BB r noli 1. M s< M M *Y 4M Kill ll?u?t( n street. I MIR SALE?RNOLIHII TWO W fl RRLKD l>OU. ART, 1 very dealralile. and heavv Harness to match; prica very low. Call at 121 West Forty-fltth street. |7H)K fALE-t IIBAP. OKNTLKMIN8 Tt'RNOUT, I Carriage and Harness, neiv; home trota clo?' to 3 minutes must be sold Immediately. Inquire at VAN TrtlJh'R atable. No 413 Kaat Tenth rtreet tnol MUM FINK CITT Bl'ILT, PILL HIZR. II ?ld<> bar Top Wagon, in tine order; price $280. Ap p'y at private stable W Waei Fifteenth Street. FVor ralb-a handsome,citt built, sidk bar ' Road Wagon. with Pide and Shafts gold monnted, and all in good order; price $110. Apply St private atable 21.1 Weat Kitteenth street. T/OR BALB-A HANDSOME TEAM OF BROWN r Horses, very stviiah, with superior anee action, li*< han Is high, warranted sound, the property of a iM-nile man going to K.nrope. Can be seen at Wilson'* livery atable. 17 real Tenth itreet FI?OK SAl.E CHEAP?'TIIRKK HOR"?EH, ST!I TABI.B 1 (or country BW. Apply at coal yard, 483 Washing ton street LtOR SALE CHRAP-ONLY FOR WANT OP WORK. T team of pi ny built Horses, 16 htndsbith, 8 an.I 1 yeari; tit for an> u?* ; all sonn I. IS'. Perry street, store. LtijR SALE CHEAP-A PINE. BTYI.IMI PAIR OP T carnage Horse*. ? vnn old. I?)? hands high; war ranted perfectly sound an I fclud. Address s. J. t ., Ueraid llnutwu Uruudi oQice. HORSES, CAHK1ADEB, CT, IpOR balk?FINEST COACH HORSE IN TUIJ city; dupple gray. 16>i hands ;?lso ten other ilori^; sold fur want "! u-c. Atiply at LONGSTAFF'd livury stable, corner Forty-second street nnd Vlnt.i av-';ue 171011 SALE OR EXCHANGE?AN ENGLISH DO<J 1 Carriage; gold mounted iiarne&s, pole anil shalls. JOHN' GRAY. 224 Ba t Broadway. fpRENCH BaROUCHK. MAliK B-T B AID liR F It F KK3, Paris, ver* imsv and stylish. will lie - M i?>w iur want of use at private stable ISO West Twenty tlist. ill. PETERS A CALHOUN' CO.. 33 Mercer ?trc?t, near Grand factory 9uO ,?nd 808 HroaO ttreet, Se r t\. are otTeri.g lor Bdiri their stock o: Harness, Saddlery and llurno Clothing at retail. 500 -eta of Harden* from >7 30 to $200. 3.0<>J Sad'iles irom $.'i to $25. au endless variety of Bridles. Martlnga! ' Wli pi. Bits, sheets. Lap Dusters, -tal.le Fixture* All of which will t?- sold ti. c.i-h at their wholesale price Uau C.'tll, examine and gave money. HARNESS.?THE CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IX New VorK ; good Buggy Harness hand ma le. $17; Kood Grocers' Ifarnesi, $-i: gooJ Bllk'nun'* harness, fin; Koud Double Truck Harness $30: good stable UUn ket.tlM). Please call and examine lur yourselves. KlrfPKR A OHBORNK, 71 Barclay street, New Turk. HARNESS.?FOB SALE, AT A GREAT BARGAIN', two sets tine new light single Harness uiM a iiand s< me set ol double Harness; all first class Harness. At 1<3 East Fifty-ninth street, two tights up. Horses fok salr-twenty fink young Horses, just from Indiana, li to 17 hand* !iigh; five to seven years old ; all souud and kind. Inquire at 123 Norfolk street Heavy team, dochlr truck and harness. $380. Can be seen at work at pier 39 E?it River. v P I). AC'KERMAB. VfORTOAOE 8ALE.-P DAJI.ET, AUCTIONEER ill will sell this day, at HiU o'clock A. M . two top Bugglos aud a bay Horse, warranted sound, at 2W Third avenue. A. LOKKV, Attorney. r\ftR SIX-SEAT COUPE ROCKAWAY. ONE BAR V7 ouche, one Landau, one Clarence, one six seat Park Phaeton, two bxtension top Phaetons, KoeSaways of all ityles, top and open Pony Phaetons, new and second hand: 20 top and open Road Wagons, by t>est city makers; Sulkies, bv CaiTerv ; one skeleton Wagon, top and open Express Wagons, one second hand Coupe, Depot Wagons, one Side Sent, single and doable Harness, Ac. ffM. II. GRAY. 20 to 29 Wooster street. SPEED AND STYLE,?FOR 8ALE, A HANDSOME coal black Horse, 7 years, 15V hands high; trot* in three minutes; suitable for lady or gentleman; war ranted perfect Apply at stable 56 First sti SECOND HAND, AT LOW PRICES, half top Psrk Phaeton, Coupe Ro;kaw*y. Jump seat Buggy, ton side bar Buggv, top Pony Phaeton, open two-seat Wagon, Brett In nno order, top Ba?ket l'n^eton. Coupe, Wood Bros.' make, splendid order, at a bargain. A. T. DEMARlg* .t CO , Manufacturers <>t fine ('arrive*. 62S aud 6.S0 Brua lway. STORAGE. CAKRIAGF.S RECEIVED OV 3TORAOE OR CAT.E. TERMS LIBERAL. ROOMS LIOIIT. CLEAN AND DRV, A. S. VLANMIAU. S7i an 1 374 Broome it. (old stanl of Brewster A Co.) T HB WINDSOR WAGON. by Brewster, of Twenty-fltth street Attention Is Invited to our new and improve I method of han?lug side bar Wagons, pronounced by the owners Ina yet produced. The on' man leather Top Wagon of this description, weighing 14) itn . combines. in an uo emiftiled degree, tbe easentlal elements ot 'trength mi l stillness. Another varletv of tin* ?.?_ n tor pleasure drlvln*. combine* all the ease of the elliptic spring, with swaying motion, while it U hung a* lo* as the ordinary half spring wa^on. J. b BRKWsTER .t CO., (old house oi Brewster). 14S K*?t Twsntv tilth st vertical stec-1 plates Inserted iu axle beds; our shaft couplings are perfec'. Trotter for sale-black horse, i*h hands bigli. 8 years eld; very stylish ; ante lor anyone to drive; isan extra ruaJ(U>r *n.| cin trot in 2:45; he is sound and kin 1 in every particular- Can be Men at 103 We?t Fifteenth street. TO OWNERS OP HORSES \.VD CATTLE -USE TO bius' Derby condition How lers, warrants I superior to any other or no pav. Tnev expel wornn an<i bota, nllav tevor, give a fine. loose coat, oleatwe tli? urinary organs, Increase the appetite am a id to th- mil* ot cowi ?'lhey are warranted harm lea*. Soli by the Druggists. saddlera and at the Depot. 10 Park p are. TWO CLARENCBR. TWO TOP WAGON*. sIX-PAH scnger Phaeton, Haronche. all in (rood order at bar gain. H. M. MOTT, 156 We?t Twenty *even;ii street. TOP POST PHAETON. IN OOOD ORDKB. POR sale very cheap; If *'>'d today will take anv fatr offer. Apply at ?table, 161 East Twenty -eighth street. WANTED-LIGHT EOCKAWaY AND PllAF.TON OR Poetor*' Buggy. t>v a prt\at* i.aver go-*) ur4?-r, good make and very cheap for null down, 'ilve 'l#. ?crlption and price to W A F , l>ox 5:7 Post offl -e. TVASTTHD?A PONT RIG; PONT Ml'ST BE VERY \V bsndsomo and not ottr 44 inches nigh. Addre* kl\RSH, til New Church street, near Kector. "\1TANTED-A HOR8E, 8 CITABLE POR A LADY TO YV drive; must t>e sound and gentle ; would also pnr chaae a Park Phaeton or light. ?tylish itocka* av ; term* roust be reasonable. Address, slating pri~e, W., box 1,706 Post office. New York. "tlrANTED?FOR CASH. y> one tint class Portland Sleigh. Address J W. HPMTOX. ?7* Br>vlwar. TI/AHTED TO PCBf'H ABE?4 ?, SIZE SI DEBAR ??' u>p Wagon. Brewster's or .Stiver s m ?ke in ttuud order. Address, ?ith lowc?t cash price, 101' WaUON, box 146 Herald Iptown Braneh office Kt'HHITTHSL. \ -WEEKLY AND MOXTHLY P A W KMT> FOB A, Furniture. Carps'ts and Belting at H M cow. PERTH wait A co ??., i&j and 167 Chataam street An immense stock and low price*. 4 LARGE aS>OBTMF.N"T OP CAE PETS, Ft'RN I i\ tore an J Redding. at lotvest casli nrioes, at O'FAR. RKLI.'S extensive salesrooms. 410 Kigtith avenue, he preen Thirtieth and Thirty first street* i aynisuts taken weekly or monthly. ______ ACOCPLK OF SUITE OF BEDBOOM FI RM ture consisting of Beds, sprinv Matires s. Pillows, W u.?h?Land? and Uureaus, for sale, at 106 Last 1 wenty fourth street A- PRI\ ATE FAMILY WILt. ?ET.L, F iR mMEnT. ate oaah. rlchtv ca'ved Par! ?r Ir. lamask satin and brocatel, e?M?t torf-'Ju. io.f'W oetare Steinway Piano. Mvi. Parlor Taldes BooXvsse*. Writing Desks, Library Tables, Turklsti Suit. #110: elaborate anil plalo Seta, coBststme Inlaid sad Kilt Bed. su-ada, Pressing Cases Oorainoua, Wainstiu is Ac. ?<iand Sir.*.. sincUi Helstesds Bures-is .'.air md spring attresses. rep ami haircloth Suits, $16 t*0 Fxtensl. n Tahle. Buffet, Chair*, in leai'ier; silverware i-asr Chairs. I-onnge*, Oil I'ainung'. imported l ron/es. Car pet* Ac. H. B.?A positive ehanee. Call, tlve s??>ry brown stone private residence No 47 West 16th st, between Mh and 6th ars A N?> 1.-PARLOB BEDS. AT SMITH'd PABt.t-R ?e,l deu >t 41 Kan Thirteenth stre't Sofa. Bureau and Bookcase Bods tor cash or on instalments; also Parlor Suits ______ ATI*) WE?T 3D BtREKT, BETWEEN *TH AND 7th avenuea?A private family, declining bonse keeping. win iied all their city made Kurnitnre. *r ? namely. Orand Kochess and Poropa-lonr Drawinc Ho m fnli, covered in erlmsou, blue and sliver ?.ittn. cost $6 0 lor fjwt one do. $IM;Marte Antoinette suits, colored rrp*. cost ?*?. for ?7? plain Suit. f*?; Bedroom Suit with Dressing Ca?es, cost $4?) t..r #.'m one do.. $100; walnut ^ait $*'. Pianoforte. . .st t*M fcr $??*>, Sttiei, cover, Ac , Bronzes, oil Palnvng< B'iffef, Fxten s|.>nlai>les. Cnalrs. s-IK-er Ware China Ware Ac . Ac. WHl be fold in large or small lot*, to suit pnrct'jsers. for cash. N B ?Call before purrhaslni l?i West XV) street^ RARK OPPORTCN1TY for HOCrfBKEEPBBB? Private fs-m y will aeli at a a ntiee t'l.-ir eieirant Household rumitura. Ac. ? Ms/n *1 ent latest style Par lor Suit, in ?attn. cost 1MB, for $.'00. .? le. $<5. brocau I and rep scu. $^ ('arxeta. Paintings. Bronsea, rosewood Pianoforte, Ac. ah- Chamber 'et?. Bed stead" BargMt, Washstands. Mattresses iihrarv. dining Furniture Ae, Call, before per. hasirg elsewhere, at private K'liilenee 21 EsstWtb st _____ _ /tARIETS, Vj Fnrnltnre. B.-ds, Bedilins Ac. I i vno nis ti*en by ibe week or month. Terms ^ y % ^ corner of Twenty fifth streetjan.l -Ixt i svsuii'. IptBMlTVRR, C tBPET* AND BXDDING?CHK AP F for cash, and by weekly *nd ra .nthlj payment?. at Bendalls oil stand, III Undsna s: rett c. rtier ? anal; also st.-r?ge I r ilowla. _ * f ' /2BOBGB A. CLARKE. TI7 BROaI>WAT-P(?PI LAB It system Ot pivmenta for pnrch>?ins : ti ? furniture, ( arpets Vurors, l*p'.oi?terv Parlor Be|*,A at re doc - J prices, Monies and apartments tcrnlstieA to or ler. HAKT7. A CO. OFFFE MUST LIBKBALCA->H price* for seeon I h in.l Ferniture. Bel tins ami Cat pet*. Call on or add resell A BT1 M CO.,m ev-ntUav enoe. Sew York _ T ORD A TAVI.OR-GRAMI A\P CHRTSTIR STK J J English Holy Hrtusels, ?l 5. * >i $l 7> English and American lapestrv $ and *l II TJARTTES W4NTINO RE4f.IT OOOp FPHN'ITCRK J attend the sn'e this lav at I2t West ["wenty <ixth street, see auctloti c lutan In consequence of on>*M? sales Furnimre will t.e retailed tlii< we at nuctlon prices. M B. favor. II East Fourteenth street. X17 ANTE O -TO BI'Y FUENITCRK TO ANY AMOUNT YT f.r cash , Furniture for sale, on ii?ta,tnents and for cash. At Kil l,' EN'S, 1GI East ffctttMtUl str?et Par lor Miit a great bargain WANTED TO PI BCHAMb^ VlfANrED?A BECK POPTLAB MTCBOSC0P* M .hlnocnlar) eomp.t'e ; most be in g >oJ rder stat ing price, Ac , address bos M7S, Post >Bc<? UfAETWf?SMALL BILLI VBDTaBI.K. SX6 OB SKX7. t" Address, with partlcalars. .1 J T. A. Herald office. \ITANTED-A OOOD KAFK. ME mi* TIF WITH yy comWnstion lock. Apply at office -.i W.- t more land Hotel, Fourth avenue and seventeenth ?t c.'t W'ANTEII TO PI'R<;IIASE?A VERT OLD CARTED YY or mahogany .-ecretarr Desk, foreign mannOictnre ; must be iu good order and cheap lores*!. Address ?i?ln? description and coreect price, W. A. * . box ?f 'oat office^ . W ANTED Tit PCBCHASB?T?RBR OR ,f'"r".TrVi"' key Eug? or tine i ari.eta In good rder. *r"'J I wishing to reallae ma> nnd it srlvate ,i-h bn sr. f ' colors an I price putt, by address)ug W. A. ? t ??? I feet ..(Bee, A